#hope that made sense it’s kinda a rambly mess
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ok, so here’s the Avatar addendum @arcadia-trash
So, I can understand why on a very surface level some people think Avatar falls into the “humans are bad” camp: after all, the main antagonists, the RDA, are a human faction. But I disagree. Avatar is absolutely saying that greed and apathetic overconsumption are harmful, and yes the group that representing those ideas happens to be a group of humans, but I don’t think it’s saying that all humans are inherently Like That, and it certainly isn’t advocating for human extinction. Yes, they force the RDA to leave, but emphasis on RDA, not humanity as a whole. The humans who were willing to respect Pandora were allowed to stay.
Speaking of which, if you actually look at all the named human characters, at least half of them…are actually part of the good guys. Jake, Grace, Norm, Max, Trudy, Spider…all humans who disagree with the RDA’s actions (sometimes right off the bat, sometimes after a character arc) and fight back against it. Frontiers of Pandora even gives us a semi-organized human Resistance of RDA defectors who have become disillusioned with the corporate propaganda and are fighting back.
Even among the actual bad guys there’s some variation. Selfridge, for example, certainly doesn’t respect the Na'vi, but also doesn’t seem to want to actively harm them…buuuuut ultimately prioritizes profit above all else. Quaritch, on the other hand…he’s actively itching for a fight, he sees the Na'vi not merely as an obstacle to the operation like Selfridge does, but as The Enemy. Both are bad, don’t get me wrong, but Quaritch’s villainy is more actively malicious, whereas Selfridge’s is more just…apathetic.
Then there’s kinda gray characters like Ian Garvin, the marine biologist. He does go along with the tulkun hunts (because doing so is the only way the RDA allows him to conduct his research), but he absolutely abhors the practice and turns to alcohol to cope with the guilt.
Avatar isn’t saying “humans are bad”, it’s saying “greed/overconsumption is bad” and use a corrupt faceless megacorporation as the vessel to represent those ideas. Not every human is aligned with the RDA, several of them actively hate the RDA and what it stands for.
I think the reason it sometimes feels like “humans bad, Na'vi good” is that while the human characters are a pretty mixed bag of good guys vs. bad guys, so far we’ve only really met good Na'vi (in the films at least), so there’s an imbalance there.
I do think this is something that will change in the future: we know that movie 3 is supposed to introduce us to a darker side of the Na'vi, and some of the non-film canon has shown us more questionable characters already: the comics give us Ateyo and Artsut, who attempt to assassinate Jake and frame their innocent son for it, and FoP gives us Mokasa, who sold out the Sarentu to the RDA, enabling their genocide.
There’s also the factor of that deleted scene from the first movie where Grace talks about how the Na'vi don’t have a word for “lie” and that they had to learn about the concept from us. Personally I’m very glad this scene was deleted because yeah that would definitely push into the boundaries of “humans bad, Na'vi good”…but, again, deleted scene, so it looks like they changed their minds there. plus while it’s true that the Na'vi language has no single noun or verb that directly translates to “lie” the concept is still extremely easy to express, plus they DO have words for steal, kill, betray, etc
and also the idea that the Na'vi would be incapable of even understanding the concept of deceit until the humans came in is lowkey insulting to their intelligence so um yeah deleted scene is deleted moving on
BUT yeah. Just because we haven’t seen much of the Na'vi being bad (in the movies) yet does not necessarily imply that they’re incapable of it or that they’re Just Better Than Humans the way Sweet Tooth treats the hybrids; in the case of Avatar it’s less a difference between species and more a difference between culture. Na'vi culture (at least, the ones we’ve seen thus far) values balance and honor, whereas RDA culture (which, again, not every human agrees with) values only power and money. There’s no special genetic factor that makes the Na'vi especially virtuous, they simply live in that sort of culture with those sort of beliefs—beliefs that any sapient species is capable of adopting.
Lastly, speaking of Na'vi vs humans, you might say, “but several of the Na'vi hate the ‘sky people’ and want them to go away!! Doesn’t that fall under ‘humans bad’?”
Well, not really. Yes, several of the Na'vi do detest the sky people, but can you really blame them given all the crap the RDA has done?
Like, let’s imagine the situation in reverse. Say a hyperadvanced alien civilization, let’s call them the Glorks, came down to Earth one day because they discovered we had a rare resource that they wanted. The main Glork Hypership shows absolutely no respect for this primitive species—I mean, they haven’t even discovered quantum string hyperflux amirite!—and when they discover a particularly rich deposit of their coveted resource under New York City, they bomb the whole place to the ground.
……yeah, I don’t think anyone would blame humans for hating the Glorks and wanting them to get the crap off our planet and go back to their own!!
Does that mean Glorks as a species are inherently evil? No. Maybe there are good Glorks who were horrified by the Hypership’s actions. But it’s still understandable that most humans want the Glorks to buzz the heck off.
…yeah that’s how the Na'vi generally view the “sky people”, and understandably so.
buuuuuut that doesn’t make this a “humans bad” story because just because many of the Na'vi dislike humans doesn’t mean the narrative presents them as universally uniquely evil. We the audience still see both the good and bad side of the humans and root for the good guys, just like in any other story.
of course, there’s still three more movies on the horizon, so it is certainly possible that Avatar might end up pulling a Sweet Tooth and get more nihilistic with the fate of humanity by the end of the saga. And if it does that, I will again be very disappointed.
But so far at least, I don’t think that’s been the message. A human faction happens to be the villains, but the story is not claiming that greed etc. is unique to nor inherent to humans as a species.
I just finished the last season of Sweet Tooth on Netflix, I gotta vent a little, warning that this post probably won't be everyone's cup of tea but I gotta say it somewhere. [there be spoilers for anyone who may care about that]
so I've been pretty invested in this show since the first season; yeah, some of the acting is pretty corny and some of the effects look a tad clunky (hello awkward Bobby puppet), but I still enjoyed the characters well enough and wanted them to succeed and also, hey, I'm a simple woman, show me cute animal-people and I'm hooked.
But....I've gotta admit that I really didn't care for the ending. Within the last three episodes of the show they pivot from "we've gotta find a cure for this virus to save humanity" to "actually on second thought humans are the REAL disease and their extinction is the cure" which........ewwwwwwww, no dude, keep your cringe nihilism to yourself k thx
And yeah, in the end they do stop the virus so the remaining humans can survive for a while longer, but all babies are still born as hybrids meaning "humanity" is going to die off within the next 80 years or so anyways.
and they try to dress this up as a great mercy, and they say oh, yeah humans have some good in them but it always comes with Bad, unlike the hybrids who got all the Good in humanity but also they're Better because they're part animal so all the Bad will die off with the humans and hybrids will live in peace forever and I'm sorry but I call bullcrap
Animals are not these great bastions of altruism and morality. Animals rape. Animals steal. Animals kill. Animals cannibalize. Animals eat prey alive.
Even the "oh but humans are greedy and want to take everything and upset the balance of nature" spiel. Buddy, contrary to what some environmentalist stories want to tell you, animals do not actually have a concept of "the balance of nature". That's why invasive species are such a big problem. Introduce an invasive predator into a region and several native prey species go extinct. Those predators don't have a concept of "conserving resources", they'll just keep hunting as long as they're hungry.
And it's not a problem unique to predators either. Remember when wolves were hunted to extinction is parts of the US and then the deer populations exploded and ate all the grass and the whole ecosystem kinda fell apart until wolves were re-introduced to the region? The deer didn't give a crap that they were eating all the grass. They weren't even consciously aware of it. They're not capable of conceptualizing abstract ideas like that.
Natural ecosystems have a balance to them because they're intricately designed systems, not because the animals that live in them are actively making Morally Right Choices to preserve them.
One major thing that separates humans from animals is that we have the capacity for morality. We have the ability to comprehend abstract concepts like freedom and conservation and honor and sacrifice etc., and with it the ability to make moral choices. We are capable of great good, and great evil. You cannot have the capacity for one without having the capacity for the other, because good and evil rest on your choices. Even if you go through your whole life doing only "nice" things, if you did those things because you had no other option, no say in the matter, are you really "good"? Good people choose to be so. I love animals and they're super cool and all, and yes some of them are very smart, but they are not really capable of making that choice (no, I don't care how much of an "angel" your dog is). They are amoral, neither morally good nor bad.
And the hybrids? It's clearly shown that they have the same capacity for choice as humans....which in turn means that yes, whether the narrative wants to admit it or not, the hybrids still have the capacity for evil just like the humans did. Giving them some animal ears or special powers doesn't change that.
Not to mention that all but one of the hybrids we've met are children. They haven't even hit puberty yet!! Of course a bunch of innocent kids are gonna look like sweet little angels compared to hardened desperate adults trying to survive an apocalypse holy flip! And just because Gus happens to be a particularly good person who strives to see the best in others does not mean that all other hybrids for the rest of time are gonna be the same! He's not good because he's part deer, he's good because he's Gus! Because he believes in good things and acts on it!
The one adult hybrid we briefly meet isn't a sweet little kid who sees the best in others, he's a grouchy old man who wants human genocide. And while I can totally understand why he as a character feels that way....that's not good dude!!!! That's not any better than the humans who want to kill the hybrids!
You didn't "remove worst of humanity and preserve the best of it" by replacing humans with hybrids. You just gave them a makeover.
Human/animal hybrids as a character concept are totally up my ally, I think they're very cool, but pretending that being part animal makes them inherently morally better than regular humans is just ridiculous imo.
tl;dr I just really hate the nihilistic "humans are uniquely evil, deserve to go extinct as a Punishment, and literally any other sapient species would be better" trope and I'm very disappointed that this show pivoted to that at the last minute.
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Does Jiro has ghost like abilities (possession, ability to levitate things, etc etc) or does she just live in Shiro's head?
when i created this au, i thought the best option would be for her to be unable to interact with the physical world in any way(including possesion), beacuse i really wanted to lean into her isolation and how it affects her....... and while thats something i still want to emphasise here, lately ive been toying with the idea of jiro being able to impact the physical world somehow(though it still being fairly limited). i think letting her have some control could have a lot of potential! buuuut i also have no idea what abilities i want her to have lol
For now i think im not gonna give her any telekinetic abilities, bc i feel like it would be giving her too much power......... if she could throw shit, shed go APESHIT with it. it would made things too easy for her. i'm sorry babygirl but i'm NOT giving you the possibilty to throw knives and other sharp objects, i dont trust you to not kill someone:/
i really like the idea of her being able to temporarily posses her old body in certain circumstances tho- maybe when shiros uncouncious?? or like when hes is very tired or heavily injured she can kind of 'squeeze through' and take control back for a few minutes???? idk. i think this could be a very cool ability to give her- it cant be frequently used but can also be very helpful, and also theres so much potential for ✨shenanigans✨here>:) oh god i could put these fuckers in so many Situations with this..........
uhhh. so basically i think all of her influence on the physical world are through shiro. shes here bc of her connection to her old body, and thus its the only way for her to interact with anyone besides him- and shes NOT HAPPY about this(neither is shiro).
#ask#thank you for this ask!! it made me think more in depth about jiros abilities and come up with this so thanks<33333#if you have any ideas pls share them with me cause im still not really 100% set on everything lol#also im making a new tag for this au ->#two disasters au#bc. theres two of them.. and theyre both Mentally Unwell#also im gonna use this ask as an excuse to ramble about jiros motivation and character a bit-#okay. so i feel like the most importrant things about jiro are her tunnel vision and self-rightiousness#she gets really focused on one thing at a time and then fixates on it so much that she doesnt see how her behavior affects others#so when she gets evicted from her own body her first reaction isnt 'oh god this is such a messed up and dehumanizing thing to do to your#friend. what the FUCK guys'#its instead 'oh COME ON how am i supposed to be the black paladin without a physical body??? what the FUCK guys'#and bc deep down she KNOWS that if she ever stopped and thought about her situation for like 5 seconds shed just fuckin BREAK. so. she#doesnt do that.#and bc her self worth hinges on being the black paladin#she is really protective of tha title and tries her hardest to make sure shiro knows just how much better at paladin-ing she is than him#and that he wouldnt be able to keep the role without her help#she doesnt have any sense of personhood besides her job and so she clings to it desperately#the same applies to her gender#when jiro gets a new body(did i mention that???? i feel like i forgot to mention that. whoopsie???) he#(sometimes im gonna use he/him for jiro for when im showing things from a certain characters perspective cause thats what pronouns#she was using at the time)(if thats not okay i can stop tho) was trying very hard to pretend that hes just Shiro No. 2 and nothing more#to kinda 'make things easier for everyone' and bc he could FEEL the gender crisis approaching and was just. dead set on ignoring it and#hoping those feelings would go away(spoiler- they very much didnt. it just made things so so much Worse)#so anyway. basically jiro is a person obsesed with being Good Enough and respected but also lacks the experience patience and foresight#wnich results in her ignoring everyone and everything else to focus on doing her job Correctly#does this makes sense?? im still figuring shit out with her but thats what ive got rn
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god every time i read a post about an american who says or does something just... really fucking stupid when in a foreign country i feel the need to apologize on behalf of the rest of my country like i promise we're not all this stupid😭😭😭
#also whenever i see someone generalizing all americans as like this i just bite my tongue. but if you catch yourself doing this consider#you probably only notice the ones who say stupid stuff or are generally inconsiderate in other ways#while those who dont go out of their way to say stupid shit and are considerate of the fact that other people/places exist and our differen#probably fly under your radar. oh and also consider therere 335 million of us and obviously you can't generalize for a population that larg#doing so is as ridiculous as trying to generalize all europeans. there's just way too many people to draw accurate meaningful conclusions#but also having said that yes there are some valid criticisms you can make that do apply to a lot of us#uh if you read these tags then thanks i guess? i put this little rant in the tags cause truthfully its just a pet peeve of mine#it only bothers me a little bit not too much though#no what bothers me more is people being blatantly wrong about various aspects of the us#but i never have the energy to correct them and so i don't#i should make a series of posts debunking common misconceptions i see tho#kinda like that one post i made a bit ago clarifying some things about how kinder surprise eggs are illegal here#wow these tags are i mess i wrote them around midnight so i hope they make sense and don't ramble too much#also i kept them intentionally quite vague. sorry if that bothers anyone
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I’ll combust if we don’t get a part 2 for that Percy fic 💔💔
“ i don’t like a gold rush ” (the sequel)



percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite!reader 🌊 | pt.1
a/n a lot of rambling idk what i was even saying
tw makeout insinuation, travis stoll x reader, hurt/mild comfort, not proofread
𓆝 𓆟 ౨ৎ 𓆝 𓆟
Getting over the youngest son of Poseidon was a task easier said than done. Especially seeing him with the spirit that was Annabeth Chase. The two had been attached at the hip since they were twelve.
Alas, y/n decided to turn her attention to another pretty boy. The elder of the Stoll brothers. You could say she had a type. He was in a strange sense, similar to Percy.
The dark wavy hair, light eyes. He was cute enough.
Unfortunately when your mother is the goddess of love, you don’t really get to be normal about your crushes. Especially when you have your sister breathing down your neck about “Aphrodite’s Rite of Passage.” No matter what Y/N knew that was something she could never complete. She was a hopeless romantic not a maneater like many believed Aphrodite’s children to be.
When she gathered herself and decided it was time to talk to the son of Hermes, she found herself strolling to cabin 3. She knocked on the door. She heard swearing and things falling before the door opened.
“Hey, y/n,” he sighed. The boy’s hair was messed and he was without a shirt.
“Is this a bad time?”
She peered over his shoulder seeing the blonde on his bed, awkwardly playing with the hem of the oversized shirt she was wearing, “I get it.”
“Sorry,” he breathed, “did you need something?”
“I was just gonna ask you something,” she shrugged, “talk to you later though.”
“Bye,” he sheepishly spoke as he closed the door.
She embarrassedly made her way back to her cabin. All while ignoring the pit in her stomach as she told herself she didn't care. She didn't care. She had bigger fish to fry.
Bad analogy.
As slow hours passed she laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. Sure, she had things to do. Training, cleaning, chores. But for now, the ceiling was where her mind wanted to stay. The ceiling was the blank canvas she had spent so much of her painting with visions of Percy Jackson. She imagined if they’d dated what they would do together. The romantic dates, the sneaking into his cabin the way Annabeth does. Her head ached when she tried to picture the new acrylic, when she was so used to watercolor.
She imagined kissing the boy. Test one. She wasn't cringing the way she would have expected to, but as the image of muscular arms that belonged to the wrong came into her mind, she sat up. She finally stretched her legs, trying to clear her mind of all things Poseidon. When she heard the cabin door creak open, she failed her challenge as the boy walked in.
“Y/N,” he grinned as he caught her eyes.
“Hi, hey, hi,” she smiled in return, “what’s up?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” he retorted, tilting his head, which reminded her of a puppy in a way. Which trailed her thoughts into picturing him as a husky with bright blue-green eyes. And then she realized that was kinda a weird thought?
She looked down, picking at her cuticles, “sorry, yeah, right, uhm,” she looked back up at him. She tried to focus as she looked into his eyes that were framed by his thick eyelashes that made him almost look like he was wearing mascara. “Remember how I helped you with Annabeth?”
“Yeah,” he lovesickenly smiled as his brain thought of the girl. If Y/N weren't a daughter of love itself, she would be hurling.
She shook her head, “anyway, I was kinda hoping you could repay the favor?”
He raised an eyebrow as he sat on one of her sister’s beds, being the only two people in the cabin. “Me? why?”
“You owe me,” she said, “remember?”
He leaned back, “yeah,” he recollected the memory, not expecting it to be held up, “just, what do I know about love?”
“I see you with,” she took a deep breath, “her. You're a romantic, whether you know it or not.” She sat across from him on another bed, “plus, you know boys.”
“I know boys?”
“You are one, aren't you?”
He laughed, “I think so.” He shifted closer to her, he lowered his voice, “what boy are we talking about?”
“Travis Stoll.”
He cringed, “Travis? Really?”
“What?” she softly mentioned, “he’s cute.”
Before he could speak, the door opened, the pair turned to look at it. A girl with an orange shirt and pink shorts stood with her arms crossed, “what is the fish boy doing on my bed?”
“He’s not the smartest guy, y/n,” Percy said as he stood beside y/n, borderline stalking Travis alongside his brother from afar. The sons of Hermes built something possibly illegal in 48 states as they sat together.
She looked at him for a second, “and you are?”
“I’m no Stoll,” he smiled, turning to the girl, “you're gonna have to be straight forward. He wont pick up on any hints.”
She held up her hand, sticking up her thumb and pinky to imitate a phone, “hey, kettle, you're black.”
She smirked, “you just proved my point, thank you very much.”
He rolled his eyes, “you wanted someone who knows guys, who got one.”
She nudged his shoulder, “thanks, Perce.”
“I owe you.”
“You do.”
Silence fell over the two until a loud “hey!” was called from the direction of the brothers.
“We’ve blown our cover,” she muttered before grabbing Percy’s arm tightly. They ran away with laughter overhead as the other two chased after them. They both came to a stop, clutching their stomachs to catch their breaths.
“What were you guys doing?” Travis stood tall.
She bit her lip, “sorry, we were just,” she looked at Percy for a quick glance, “we weren't doing anything.”
“Yeah, we were just on a walk, you guys are the suspicious ones,” Percy added.
The daughter of Aphrodite moved some hair that had gotten stuck on her lip gloss, “Travis, actually, I kinda wanted to talk to you.”
He raised an eyebrow, “why?”
“Come on,” she grinned, beckoning him to follow her to a secluded area. When they stopped, she finally just took a deep breath and spilled her guts to the boy. As she realized just how easy it was, she wondered why she couldn't have just done all this before? It sure would have saved her the pain she had put herself through, time and time again.
“You like me?” He repeated back to her.
She looked a away, “thats pretty much the gist of things, yep.”
“Oh,” he responded.
“I needed to tell you, that’s all.”
“Hey, wait, I,” he sighed, “I like you, too.”
She smiled, “really?”
So, that night, as she sat by the campfire hand in hand with Travis Stoll, she watched Percy and Annabeth connected at the hip nearby. She looked back at the boy next to her, letting a smile come across her face. But she wondered why she still felt that stabbing pain in her heart.
#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson fluff#percy jackson x you#percy jackson imagine#percy jackson oneshot#percy jackson headcanon#percy jackson fanfiction#percy jackson x fem!reader#percy jackson x y/n#percy jackson angst#Percy jackson x daughter of Aphrodite
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Hello! Hope not to bother with this ask but I read most of your analysis and I really love them. While I don't always feel the same about some things, I really like how you take the situation and look into aspects that may not be easy for everyone to see.
I also wholly agree with the "it's the writing and execution, not the concept or the characters' fault" point. I hope it doesn't come off as rude, but I really enjoy comparing views and points and while reading your post about the ladynoir conflict in season 4, I had some thoughts sparkling so I wanted to see your view on them. I also hope it makes sense how I present these points, since English is not my motherlanguage. You mention how Ladybug doesn't know that she's doing wrong and that there are various instances of her caring about Chat Noir and trying to make him feel more important. I see the point you were making and I honestly also see that Chat Noir's writing played a huge part in Ladybug acting like she did on certain situations, however I also often think about Season 4 ending. Ladybug is having a break down and she says that she distanced Chat Noir on purpose. I honestly think this is one more proof the writers didn't know what they were doing with the plotline, especially since Ladybug herself in Kuro Neko says she never realized. But as she is saying she was aware, instead, wouldn't it go against her not being aware? I guess probably my ask is more like a reinforcement of the writers having no idea about how to handle the plotline, and not a real comparison of views since we really see the series saying opposite things at the same time. But I kinda wanted to see what you thought about the idea of Ladybug/Marinette being written instead as aware of the distance she put and the lack of guilt in this circumstance. (At least, I didn't see any if this was what the writers were going for)
Like, taking Hack-san. She did a very long list for Alya on how to do stuff and collaborate to Chat Noir, even laugh at his jokes, and maybe it was shown to prove she does care, but at the same time she... never warned him she was leaving? I get she was in a rush but going to the bathroom for a 1 second call would show her consideration over the topic. At the end of the episode, she apologizes for revealing her identity but not for never warning him, not showing up to patrols without telling him... and when he opens up about his fear of losing her without having the chance to know something happened, there isn't some sort of solution offered? I know that the show's writing never really wanted to portray Chat Noir on an equal basis, but maybe it would be the right chance for her to show him she does trust and considers him an equal. Maybe telling him he can say the truth to someone so they both have someone to warn the other if something happens, or so that they're not surprised by new holders if one didn't tell about needing to step away from action. Sorry the rambling! I just think that the writers really made a mess in trying to show she cares but never in the actual things she could really show it, like by simply including him in crucial info like Rena Furtive. Like, we get confirmation she doesn't sees him as equal anymore in the first part of the season 4 finale, but he was once his supposed equal? Or was meant to? So does she effectively put a willing distance between them? I also think often about Ephemeral, because I get that they want to write quirky Ladybug that exaggerates in her plans but making Chat Noir reveal his identity to someone else without his knowledge by aknowledging also his crush as a way to get him to reveal... feels like a huge manipulation that I think wouldn't be necessary if they wanted to show she cares genuinely? Like, she could just ask him and explain the situation? Like, for the purpose of creating the drama, the writers forgot that at that point their bond should be solid enough for something at least as basic as communication? I guess my point after all this, is that while I get where you come from when saying she wasn't aware of how Chat was feeling and some stuff she has done, I feel like she definitely should have in certain situations? Especially because in many instances it feels that the writers were indeed holding true to her putting willingly distance and excluding him, and never really feeling guilty. I don't know, maybe I'm casually rambling nonsense, but I really would like to hear your view about this!
I completely understand where you're coming from. My seasons four rant was about the way canon chose to portray Marinette's awareness of the situation, not about how valid her obliviousness was for her character. I think some of it makes sense, but there are also a lot of moments that feel like poor characterization. Hack-San is a perfect example. The season literally opens with Chat Noir leaving Ladybug messages on her bug phone, establishing that this is a thing that they can do:
Scene: Ladybug yoyos to Montparnasse Tower. She sees Mr. Pigeon and checks her voicemail. Cat Noir: (on voicemail) Hey you, Bugaboo! Well, here I am, your faithful companion at our rendezvous point just like always. It's time for our daily patrol, I hope you haven't forgotten!
I don't think we'd ever seen this before. It feels like an element they're adding to set up for something later. And yet, when the time comes to use it, we get nothing. Marinette just leaves town without even thinking about warning Chat Noir. Which makes no sense when you remember that this is all happening after the New York special where Marinette took time to tell Chat Noir that she was going out of town:
Cat Noir: You're going away?! Ladybug: Only for a few days. It's nothing important, kitty-cat! But I can't tell you anymore, in- Cat Noir: In order to protect our secret identities. I know the drill, M'Lady. Ladybug: But in case, anything happens in Paris, an akumatized villain, a Sentimonster, anything... All you have to do is click here and I'll come back as fast as I can. For emergencies only, of course! (Cat Noir presses the remote button several times in excitement, making the toy in Ladybug's hand squeak)
The New York special also saw Chat Noir fail to tell Ladybug that he was leaving town, leading to Paris being defenseless during a sentimonster attack!
Everything about the New York special should logically lead to the heroes having a hard rule about informing each other when they're leaving town. And yet, that rule apparently doesn't exist. Why not?
The only logical reason is that the writers wanted to have Chat Noir attack Scarabella when he sees her for the first time, so Marinette had to keep him in the dark otherwise that scene wouldn't work. Her bad behavior was done for the gag, not because it made sense for her character.
This is why I can get so defensive of the characters. It is, as always, not a matter of defending their specific actions. It's more about looking at the broad story and getting upset at how inconsistently they've been portrayed. The writers don't seem to care about honoring personality traits they've established, honoring past events, or even just logically setting up their supposed plots! The characters will do or say whatever is needed to make a given episode work regardless of how out of character those actions are or how little sense it all makes.
The season four ending rant is another great example:
Ladybug: Why don't you just give up on me? I've lost ALL the Miraculous! I'm the worst Guardian EVER! I wanted to control everything, I didn't listen to you, I lied to you, I kept you at a distance! Every time you offered me a helping hand, I never took it! I really made a mess of EVERYTHING! (continues sobbing)
This rant backs up a lot of people's feelings about the season four conflict, but it doesn't back up the way the season four conflict was actually written. Let's ignore the stuff that focuses on Ladybug's actions for a moment and instead focus on this line about Chat Noir's actions
Every time you offered me a helping hand, I never took it!
When exactly did he do this? Might I remind you, season four opened with this:
Ladybug: Will you cut it out with the practical jokes? I could have really hurt you! Cat Noir:(answering while hanging by the yo-yo) M'lady, the only thing that really hurts me is when you make me go on patrol by myself. (sighs, relaxing his posture) I even missed your little angry pout. Ladybug: Sorry, Kitty Cat, I'm a bit over my head at the moment. (pulling him up) Cat Noir: I bet! "Guardian of the Miraculous", big name, big responsibility! Ladybug:(helping him up) I promise, I won't ever forget our patrols again. (Cat Noir winks at her, both head to defeat the villain) Cat Noir: Woohoo!
And this:
Truth: Cat Noir, tell me what- (interrupted by Ladybug throwing a present at Truth) Ladybug: (covering her parasol with foil) ...do you think about my new role as guardian! Cat Noir: If it doesn't change things between us, then I'm good with it!
Ah, yes, he's really stepping up here and offering to help her! What a wonderful partner! If only Ladybug had taken the help he offered here, then things would have been so much better!
To be clear, I'm not actually mad at Chat Noir for these moments, they just really highlight how bad the writing is. The opening episodes of a season should be the setup for the season conflict. In this example, Chat Noir should have been constantly asking to take on more responsibility. Instead, the season opens with him telling Ladybug to maintain their status quo, which she then does, and yet that's somehow a problem?
Since season two, the status quo has been that Ladybug knows everything while Chat Noir is kept in the dark and just shows up for fights. I think that was a terrible choice, but it's still what canon went with! The Chat-Noir-feels-left-out conflict isn't even new. It was already addressed back in Syren:
Cat Noir: This is so dumb! (stands up) Claws in. (detransforms) Plagg: (groans) What's taking her so long? (Adrien holds up his hands to Plagg, and starts to pull off his ring a little bit) Whoa, easy! W-What are you doing?! Adrien: (grimly) If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done! Plagg: You can't do that! Adrien: (bitterly) Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care! Plagg: I will! Adrien: Why? (cynically) Because you won't have anyone to give you Camembert? Plagg: Oh, I'm sure there'll be another Cat Noir to give me cheese... (pauses, and turns to Adrien) ...but he won't be you. (Adrien's expression softens) Master Fu: (suddenly appears next to Adrien) Hello, Cat Noir. (Adrien turns and gasps in shock) Adrien: You! You're the man who— Master Fu: (holds up a vial of bright green potion) I'll explain everything, I promise. But right now, you must go and help Ladybug! (He gives the vial to Adrien and he takes it)
This episode ends with Master Fu visiting Adrien and, after that, this conflict seems to go away in favor of Chat Noir wanting a romantic relationship. Bringing the Chat-Noir-feels-left-out conflict back in season four is extra annoying to me because what even was the point of Syren then? What did Adrien and Master Fu even talk about? Why wasn't it enough? And if Chat Noir has always wanted more responsibility, then why didn't he take Ladybug's guardian promotion as an opportunity to ask for more responsibility? Why wasn't season four filled with instances of Chat Noir trying to step up only to have Ladybug reject him? Why are the writers completely failing to write the conflict they claim to be writing?
You can find lots of little moments to back up the idea that Ladybug should have done better in season four. The issue isn't that they're not there. The issue is that the writing completely fails to make them feel like informed choices. Things Marinette did knowing that this was a bad call or even just a good call that would also hurt Chat Noir. Instead, she's always portrayed as oblivious to the problems her actions might cause which makes it real hard for me to get mad at her.
For example, I personally think it was asinine that Marinette told Alya everything. Not because I don't like Alya, but because Alya's identity had just been revealed to the supervillain! In my book, that's an instant disqualification for being given privileged information. Logically speaking, that is the identity reveal that should have lead to bad things. Instead, for some reason, Alya telling Nino was the problem.
To add an extra layer of annoyance, when Chat Noir learns that Ladybug has told someone her identity, he isn't even mad about it! He doesn't ask for a similar free pass or ask why not him. We get nothing to paint this as Marinette making a wrong move or as her "pushing him away" like she'll claim she did in the final. Instead, we just get Chat Noir saying that he's sad that Ladybug could quit and he'd never see her again:
Ladybug: I'm really sorry, Cat Noir. I should've told you. I mean, if I found out that you told someone about your secret identity, I'd... probably be upset, too. I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. Cat Noir: You didn't hurt my feelings. You did everything right. Paris will always need a Ladybug superhero to watch over her. It's just... I realized that if one day that hero wasn't you, m'lady, since we don't know each other's identities, that means... I'd never see you again. Ever. And now, I just don't know if I can bear it. Ladybug: I'll never abandon you, kitty cat. (smiles)
The writers of Miraculous ask you to please forget about this exchange while watching the Kwamis Choice two-part episode in which both Chat Noir and Ladybug quit without saying goodbye to each other and where they also never feel guilty about or apologize for that choice. Heck, don't even think about this during Kuro Neko which comes a mere seven episodes later and features Chat Noir quitting without saying goodbye or finding a replacement. Rules for thee and not for me, my Lady?
Once again, I'm not actually mad at Adrien for that, it's just a wild choice to have him make when he claims that never seeing Ladybug again would be something he couldn't bear. That's not a good setup for him quitting and the seven episodes between these two don't tell a story that makes his change in attitude work. Kuro Neko is episode 23 and episode 21 - Dearest Family - has this as its ending, showing Ladynoir having no problems:
Cat Noir: (grabs a golden paper crown on the coffee table) Since I'm the king, would you be my queen, Ladybug? Ladybug: With pleasure, kitty cat! Tradition is tradition! (Cat Noir puts on the paper crown lucky charm on Ladybug.) Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!
And episode 22 - Ephemeral - has Adrien thinking that missing a battle is a big deal:
Adrien: I hope Ladybug didn't need me. Plagg, claws out! (transforms into Cat Noir) (He opens his cat phone.) Cat Noir: Fourteen messages? She must be furious. (calls Ladybug) Ladybug: (on the phone) Finally! Cat Noir: I know what you're about to say, Ladybug, but— Ladybug: (on the phone) Nevermind! We got through it. That's all that matters. But we do need to talk. Meet me at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Making it really weird when he goes on to purposely skip battles in Kuro Neko. That might have worked if he was hurt when Ladybug wasn't upset in Ephemeral, but he's not. If anything, he's relieved making it really weird when he's upset about the team in the next freaking episodes!
Cat Noir: (upon landing on top of the Eiffel Tower) I'm sorry, but I really couldn't make it earlier. Ladybug: (waves) Hey, no big deal! That's the good thing about a team. It's not the two of us anymore! Cat Noir: Oh, yeah! So then, why did you need me exactly?
There's also the fact that neither of these two episodes see Chat Noir try to take on a bigger role in the team. He seems fine with his lot so it's once again really weird when Kuro Neko has him quitting after Ladybug doesn't immediately give him more responsibility. In fact, I think Kuro Neko might actually be the only episode in the season where he asks for more responsibility, meaning that he quits after being turned down once. (If there are other times, let me know in the comments or a reblog! Everything I could think of was him complaining to Plagg, but telling Ladybug nothing which is not how you write a good conflict. It's how you write Marinette being held to a totally unreasonable standard.)
I could go on for days listing examples like this. Nino, Adrien, Marinette, Alya, Gabriel, Sabine, and many others have moments I can do this with. Moments where I pull up an episode that establishes A only to follow it with a later episode that completely ignores A without any real logic to back the change. It's infuriating and is, once again, why I defend the characters so much. Your annoyance is totally valid, I just ask you to look at the big picture and see that this is a systemic issue that effects everyone, making it really hard for me to hold any character accountable for their worst actions because then if have to do it for all of them and that's just not fun. I often hate the same things that the character-specific salters hate and understand the resulting salt, I just can't get in on the salt because it's so obviously a writing issue and not an carefully crafted character beat.
As an example, I recently saw someone get mad at Marinette for not planning around someone getting her yo-yo even though she took the time to plan around the Kwamis getting lost and it's just like, my dear, that is what we call a plot hole or poor characterization. She is a fictional character. This was not an actual planning failure. This was the writers needing her to lose so they warped the rules and her character to make her fail. She is not allowed to make logical plans if the writers need her to lose just like Alya can only be observant when the writers want the plot to progress. Get a little perspective.
(Note I'm using "you" as a general term and not speaking directly to anyone)
#anon ask#ml writing critical#ml writing salt#marinette deserves better#adrien deserves better#If this doesn't address your question feel free to clarify! There was a lot there so I may have missed the point
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my post broke containment (my silly blog here.)
uhh. i wrote this while 1. high and 2. with the inly intention if sharing my thoughts on the dead returning before it spiraled haha. my rambles under the cut. (i told myself i wouldn't edit it so it might not make sense? also bc high me makes shit up sometimes si misinformation might exist here.) (these are warnings. im sorry.)
ppl who asked for the post/to be tagged: @voiidist @literallydavidblib @dawnexistsapparently
I think that the only reason I would agree with YTTD’s dead characters returning in the next chapter is if they came back wrong. Inherently wrong. I want a ‘our friends are back, they might be dolls, but they’re back with the proper memories’. I want the next moment to be a.. internal uncanny valley moment on the player’s end, where someone’s dialogue doesn’t fit how the character spoke previously. Remove what made Mishima “creepy”, remove how Kanna seems to be overtly anxious. But then have Sara and the other survivors be at least glad for this moment of peace with the dead. Have a moment where Joe and Sara speak, and have her just be glad for this moment again, especially Logic Route Sara. But then have his dialogue not even match how Joe speaks at all, neither HalluciJoe or Normal Joe. I want the PLAYER to be put off by the dead returning, before the survivors realize anything is up. I want a ‘tampered with’ Mishima AI moment again, but this time I want it to WORK.
And honestly.. If anyone were to notice they’re acting different, it should be Gin. He’s proven himself to be Observant as hell (How he calmed Sara down when she got the sacrifice, how he seems like he searches thoroughly everywhere, etc.) I want him to realize that his friends are acting differently. And I want him to be brushed off if he brings it up, but not in a way that’s rude, but in a.. “They’re dolls, of course they’re not going to act entirely perfectly. Remember the fake Reko?” way. Even if no one realized she was fake until the the absolute end of that mess. (Gin would remember that. His life was.. kinda on the line there.)
I really, really want a Gin centric bit of story where he’s.. Not almost dying and it doesn’t glaze over that? Like, please. I want a plot where Gin is very obviously investigating on his own, he doesn’t get trapped.. He wanted to prove himself before, and I want him to act on that. I want him to be ‘no, i proved myself. let me do this.’ I want Gin to be more confident.
Because I want an arc (im just gonna call them that ig.) where Sara actually.. Breaks. She’s stressed, and scared, and is just under the pressure of being the group’s leader. (Realistically, I know this won’t happen. But I can dream.) I want her to break, and if she has an argument w/ Keiji, like that one leak shows? I want it to happen after that, because she’s clearly relied on him. And I want her to fight him and break down. I want this chapter to be a total drag on her. Going from the idea of hope of being outside, because of the area looking to be outside, to being done with the entire Death Game because she’s lost her only support in Keiji by arguing with him. (I want her to drop Keiji so badly because I want to know how their character’s would work after being separated. I want to see how it changes the remainder of the game.)
And I want an arc where, given how long the dead are ‘back’, Keiji and Megumi have a confrontation. I want her to ask him why he watched her die and didn’t help her. I want him to confront his past again, only the far more recent one. (I want him to think on himself. Did he truly regret the idea of killing/shooting someone or did he only regret that it was him he shot? I want him to have a moment where he thinks on his actions. I want him to think about how him taking revenge doesn’t make him any different than, say, the floormasters.)
AND on the idea of Keiji being collarless in that argument w/ Sara scene, I like the idea that Shin took Keiji’s off. I don’t want a traitor Keiji arc, even if that’d be really fucking tasty as an angst fanfiction author, but I’d want him to have his collar taken off, after he comes to the conclusion he isn’t any better than the floormasters. (I want him to be wrong in this. That he does regret Megumi’s death, but he can’t bring himself to be anything but apathetic towards it after the death game goes on.) I want him to turn away from the group, and perhaps have that be what the argument was about.
And thinking about the hourglasses in that one scene, we can safely assume they’re very similar to the one’s in the background of the Main Game. The fact that they’re filled with red sand is also very important, because half the translations had that fact in them. (red - blood idk.) Anyways I want the dead to be used to recreate a version of the death games from those simulations. I want them to recreate scenes of the survivors being voted out. I want angst.
I know a lot of these are frankly impossible but im also a silly guy and i like angst. so yeah. and also i have opinions. (and want just.. gin content. please let him be more of an mc. you build him into one and then don't?? utilize him?? ever??)
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:0 very cool art!!!
I really enjoy the colors you pick in your outlines/line art. Any particular considerations made when you pick out colors? You have a great eye for saturation in general tho
Colors is always really hard to answer; I'm going off vibes!
Besides high brightness/saturation, I focus on a few hues that look nice together in abstract, and every chosen color falls into those categories. Everything about Miku must fall into Pink or Blue. The black in her outfit leans blue; with white being the only truly neutral color I'm using (and you'll never find me using grays).
In that sense I don't necessarily hand pick the colors; rather I limit my options to force me to adjust saturation or the placement of colors to define the subject. That's what creates those pink strands in Miku's hair; an attempt to add more depth without making the hair a busy sea of blue. And when the colors are placed together like that they usually stay close in saturation (the difference in hue alone is enough, a big jump in value or saturation will be too much).
Otherwise saturation is a tier system. Base color has lowest sat, then shaded, and a big jump in sat/darkness for lineart (since it creates contrast, adding a new element to mess with).
Lineart color changes according to lighting and foreground/background. Against light it becomes brighter or even vanishes altogether, or becomes a cooler hue in shadow. Accessories are often lineless since the extra contrast makes the smaller objects too busy. Skin lineart also becomes brighter when skin overlaps skin (that's just a sorta trick I enjoy tho).
I pretty much can only ramble but I hope this gives some some kinda insight.
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The Sunday Ramble
Hello. I'm pen, and today im going to ramble about Sunday. If you dislike him, please get off my page. I cannot stress this enough.
So, why do I like Sunday?
short answer: he tickles my brain.
Long Answer:
As a character, he's super compelling to me because of 3 things: his design, his backstory, and his personality.
I enjoy both of his designs for a lot of reasons.

Old Design rant:
I think the eyes hidden throughout his design is such a neat detail because you don't see it a lot, and because I like to think that he had like a bunch of them that could kinda see (eventually ill do a redesign with the eyes). I also just think it looks really nice to wear. Like. I'd be cozy asf. Also, i do think he looks dashing.

New design rant:
Along his waist and legs there are these like thorns, yk? i think its kinda two things - jesus parallel, but also to kinda like. maybe symbolize the fact that he tried to trap everyone in ena's dream, and now hes the one trapped, kinda? also, maybe its because its like. a new cage, so to speak, cuz like wherever hes going is still not going to be enough - the night is still to short, after all- he is decked out in blues and whites and yellows and purples - white is typically associated with purity and priests, which make sense, but something about white also tends to symbolize youthfulness and naive/naivety and if i was designing a character like sunday, i would put him in so much white too so...yellow is like. most associated with like. happiness and hope, but also caution and im not going to say too much but i do hope if they are doing color symbolizism its the like. hope angle b/c i dont want to go thru another wanderer patch monent - blues can be either like. calm and reassurances but it can also be depression so. yk. - purples r like. spirituality which makes sense- also their the color of the nonbinary pride flag so im gonna die happy- also, note the like. chord (the lil like bars i think) design around his neck, which is kinda a call back to robin and yes i am going to be crying of this for DAYS.- also his pose 1 .) HPLY FUCK HIS WAIST??? 😋 DUCKING YUMMY sorry 2.) hes like reaching up to the fether but hes still unsure and hes still hesitant about like a lot of it and i wonder if he isnt like. super hesitant about like. what his path will take him on b/c like. his "path" was severed by the trailblazer, his ideals and hopes where kinda like a convo like "yes we uunderstand you want to protect the weak, but your equality isnt fair and jt isnt good to force onto others" and now he needs to walk a new path and idk what other people feel when they have to go thru big life changes but thats scary!! and ur unsure of urself the whole tome!! b/c like!! its TERRIFYING and yes maybe i need to get disgnosed but ive known that for a while and maybe its me wanting toproject but i think that he can be scared too
(i would also like to mention that i am no like. analyst, so if these are wrong they wrong. i just like him)
His backstory:
Holy. Lord. I could not stop CRYING. Maybe it's because he was just a kid when stuff started happening that never should have happened, maybe it's because every star rail update has made me cry, but holy. I was a mess, yall. Just a mess.
Secondly, I think his philosophy is Interesting too: It's kind of like a mix between order and harmony and idk man i just fuck with it. Do i think he went a little extreme? Yes. FUCK YES. Do i completely understand his character? no. But do i find his entire philosophy (which side note, halfway remind me of the beatitudes (the meek shall inherit the earth, yadda yadda) conpelling? YEAH.
Also, fuck gopher wood. All my homies hate him.
First, because i thibk ill forget to mention it: i am a "Sunday has OCD" truther. I forget if its canon...
Do i think he goes a lil too hard with everything? yes. However, i think you can tell through his conversation with Aventurine that he needs this or else his life will fall apart.
(Secondly, i do want to make clear that i dont support his actions. I think i may come off that way. Also, i hope that if they do ever meet again, Sunday will apologize for that stuff(/gen) he did and then they can kiss about it(/j)
I also just like his personality, i donr have the words to explain it.
Eyes: I think he has a fuck ton of them, and they can kinda partially see but its all like shadowy. I think he also literally had eyes in the back of his head.
Wings: I studided birds for him. I think that he does also gave waist wings.
i am so convinced that this man should be a stellaron hunter. I need him to meet blade. lord bless sunren (or avenday... or argenday..... or sunheng.... im insane ik)
This is my art. i am not an artist.
yes i did trace the base.
okay love yalls
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Very Quick Springtrap & Y/N One-Shot: “A Dumbfounding Comparison”
Is it still considered a Y/N thing if it’s not written in second person? ..Regardless..
I got inspired by a post by @alexthesillybilly talking about Springtrap being compared to a childhood teddy bear, so here this is. The prompt sort of changed mid-writing, but I hope this is still good.
Springtrap hid behind the open door. If it weren’t for the fact that the newest guard was chattering on the phone, he would’ve given ‘em a proper scare.
…Not because he was scared of being seen or anything. Such a feeling couldn’t register even if it wanted to.
Rather, it was this looming sense of being ignored that was the issue. On and on this guard rambled, even as he peeked his head into the office. Topics like “You’ve got to see this place!” or “The computers are so slow here..” was all the newbie could talk about. Nothing about him nor the fact that he was right next to the office. Just… standard conversations one could have on a first night at some new job. Like it was a mere nine-to-five desk affair.
Honestly, all this chatter left him feeling hollow. Bereft, even.. Though what exactly prompted the feeling was unknown.
Yet, not being one to leave a “job” unfinished, he continued to linger. All he could do was silently beg for the sweet sound of those three rapid beeps. At least the guard was quieter now. That seemed promising.
“Hey, before I go,” the newbie piped up, “I gotta tell you about something I found tonight.”
Springtrap’s ear raised. Oh?
“it was the prettiest! So velvety and soft, it made my heart race.”
His ear lowered right back down. Ah. Never mind. It must have been some fluffy pillow at some nearby store. Thirty years had not been kind to his animatronic body�� Let alone being considerate enough to not mess with the quality of the fabric.
“…Well, I mean, it was pretty to me,” the newbie corrected sheepishly, snapping him out of self-introspection. “Kinda like how your old teddy bear gets all grody with age. The memories are still there if you look past the muck and stuff.”
A staticky counterpoint pierced through the air. Springtrap finally peered into the room again. There was the guard, all bundled up in Autumn attire. That modern phone still buzzed with some unseen voice explained how “something that tall” couldn’t be compared to a teddy bear. Whatever that something was didn’t matter. This was his chance.
He trudged up to the desk. His posture slowly readied itself for an attack. The countdown in his head staggered just in case the mere pain in moving spiked.
Three… Two… One—
“Oh, there you are!” the guard cried out, finally making eye contact with him. “We were just talking about you!”
Springtrap faltered mid-pounce.
All that “soft and velvety” nonsense was about him?
“I forgot to tell him that you were able to move too,” the newbie added, cupping the one side of their scarf-covered cheek. “Thanks for reminding me!”
The voice on the phone bounded back to life. Many questions were raised, but Springtrap was too stunned to pay attention. It took him even longer to realize that the phone had now morphed into a miniature camera of some sort. His own gruesome features were, thankfully, jarring enough to bring him back to reality.
Except now that long-lost fear came along with him.
All he could do was just go through the motions of a typical introduction: Wave “Hello”, attempt to look hospitable, then don’t panic if you catch yourself being filmed. Easy said, a-little-less easily done.
Fortunately for him, this only lasted a minute or two.. Merely because the person on the other side was desperate to not hurl on “camera”. The guard, strangely enough, was not in the least bit repulsed by this towering mess of a rabbit. “Thanks for stopping by, Springs,” the newbie said cheerfully, returning to work as if nothing happened. “I really appreciate the company.”
Springtrap loomed beside the poor soul. He watched for a look of dread, but nothing came. Battling the pain, he turned the chair to face him.
“What’s the matter, Springs?” the newbie asked, finally sounding concerned. “Am I doing this job all wrong?”
Springtrap leaned towards the guard. He stared them down to the best of his ability. Why… did this one think… he was “pretty”?? He was supposed to terrifying! Absolutely nauseating, given the “friend’s” reaction! Oh, yes, he heard the excuse all right. Loud and clear. But was it a lie to tell oneself or was it a genuine delusion? Even if it was the honest truth, then what could possibly—?
“I know this is a bad time to ask,” the guard said, interrupting the furious tension, “but where’d you get such haunting eyes? I don’t think any of the old Freddy’s animatronics had that kind of glow to them.”
Springtrap blinked. Well… That.. was better. An absolute shame he had no idea how to answer that.
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Rewriting this sucks, but we ball. Welcome to Episode 13 of Waku Puyo Extras.

(...If you saw the post before I deleted it, no you didn't. I hate my internet.)
Heya everyone, Gren here, rewriting this for a second time because I accidently clicked post and lost everything because my internet decided to be a dickhead. Welcome to Episode 13 of this wonderful show I've made, where I discuss random Puyo things and hope they make sense to an audience. They usually do.
Today we'll be focusing on our favorite idiot out there, Ms. Draco Centauros. It's wild how she's been with us since day one and we haven't made anything for and about her. This one might seem more summarized and less "Gren's rambling again," because man. Retyping sucks.
Uploads have been scarce due to school, we're hitting the toughest parts by far, I plan to change it sometime.
Let's begin, shall we? I hope you enjoy.
Oh, and please play Persona 3 Reload. Amazing game.
So Who IS Draco in Puyo?

I have to specify Puyo so we can mention Madou stuff later, since it's how I wanna roll this time around.
She's been with us with a personality since what, 1992? And she's had two wonderful traits.
She loves beauty contests.
And she may be stupid.
We'll come to love and hate those traits later on down the line. Believe me on that. That's how she began in Tsu, after all.
However, everything changed when it came to Puyo SUN, where something very unique happened. She's now a protagonist, and I believe the first one to do so, a massive accomplishment. She's the protagonist of the Easy Mode Course, the shortest one, but that's fine.
She finds Skeleton-T heating up tea while she basically dying of heat, and she burns the tea, making the man (skeleton?) PISSED, and a fight happens, classic Puyo. After that, Draco encounters Harpy, who collapsed on the ground due to dehydration, so Draco saves her life via a water bottle. Sadly, it results in Harpy singing, and Draco to slowly die inside because...it's Harpy's singing for God's sake.

And finally, she runs into Choppun (remember that guy?) He's land surfing on a rock... before he gets properly swept away by the water, thankfully. With that, Draco tries to relax, and uh, that doesn't end well. The sun's too hot, and she goes flying, not by her free will, of course, but because sunburn does that to someone...leading to her being the first fight of Arle's story, basically in severe pain due to that.
The fact that she got a protagonist role is something to behold, and it's very interesting to know that a common Mook like her was able to secure such a spot. Later on, other side characters like Witch and Lagnus would get the role in other games (Comet Summoner, Madou Saturn, etc,) but no, Draco is the first one to do that, a very big accomplishment in of itself. Nice one Draco.
And hey, she returns in Puyo~N too, being one of the first fights in the game.

(Just want an excuse to show the artstyle. MAN, it's so good.)
Here, Arle asks if she knows who stole Carbuncle, as that's basically the plot of the entire game, but Draco has reverted back into her good old "Is she stupid?" personality, assumes she's there for a beauty contest and fights her, and loses, go figure. After that, she actually joins Arle for the search for her missing Carbuncle, alongside Witch, Serilly, and Chico.
She even says Gao. It's perfect.
But after that, it kinda went all over the place. It was her last real major/semi-prevelent role for a good bit. She's there in Minna, but she doesn't exactly do a ton. She's part of a long fetch quest where mail has been messed up, and her mail got lost 3 years ago because Witch accidently got it instead, but that's really about it. And then, like everyone in Compile besides Arle, she vanishes for The Fever Era. She doesn't even appear in 15th, when Nasu Grave and Zoh Daimoh made it. But hey, jokes on them, they haven't appeared since.
But after so long, Draco makes her grand return in Puyo 7.

(Wonder who you saw first in this image. For me it was Raffine.)
Here, she's in the Bermuda Triangle because Dark Arle told her that there's a beauty contest there, and she just believes it. Ringo and Amitie go there for plot reasons, and Draco assumes they're there for the same reasons as her. Sadly, they're not, and Draco has been HOODWINKED. And as we know, if you play as Amitie, Witch and Harpy make their cameo appearance, new designs as all... just to not use them ever again. Makes me sad every time.
Draco reappears in 20th Anniversary, where Witch also makes her real debut back. Harpy died sadly. She got smacked to the Land of Chronicles instead. Back to Draco, she wants to find a really cool swimsuit Arle mentioned, but it's Draco, life hates her. After a slew of mishaps and ruining people's day, she finally finds it... and finds out it's from Suketoudara. Rip.
And hey, she reappears in Chronicle, where she's just minding her own business until she gets yoinked by the book that took everyone else to Ally's world. And in Draco Fashion... she assumes Ally and crew are there for a beauty pageant and won't be usurped. Wonder how many times I've mentioned her and beauty pageants, gotta keep count sometime.
She's in Tetris 1 and uh. She tries to eat O.
And uh...she does a talent show with Witch in the DLC. That's it.
She's one of the many people who got corrupted by Marle, but had Ringo fooled for a good bit on accident, and apologized for her odd behavior. Not her fault Marle is uh... quite the character.
And in side story stuff, she's just playing around with Mini Puyos since she finds them interesting. Unfortunately, Witch also finds them interesting and makes Draco her test subject for studying Mini Puyos, saying it'd at least be a good workout for her. And since we're playing as Draco, she does just that...for science, we swear. After that, Witch notes that due to their smaller size, much higher chains and such, before Draco says she's just there for a good time, much to Witch's annoyance.
So That's Puyo. How About Madou?
(One guy out there just decided to make the coolest Draco art out there. Thanks man.)
Draco began in the series like many other characters, a Mook, a random encounter, a person Arle ran into during dungeon crawling adventures, the sort. It's simple enough, it's her beginnings.
However, I won't exactly be going in chronological order for this, rather, I want to mention some things here and there as I go.
Draco began to get fairly popular due to her design and appearances in Puyo, ala Witch, so she began to make a lot of appearances in side stuff, such as Disc Station games. She appears in a few off memory:
Tower of the Magician, where she's a random encounter Schezo can fight. Here though, she has a little more personality since it's been more established.
PuyoLympics, where she makes a cameo appearance in the swimming section of the game. She's not playable, like Rulue and Schezo, but she makes an appearance.
Rulue's Spring Break of Fists, where like many other characters, she talks a lot... because it's a visual novel. She only appears in one story route, like almost every other character in the game.
Arle Man'Yuki, where she's uh. There.
Madou Saturn, where she's a playable ally, but a temporary one.
Waku Puyo Dungeon and it's manga, where in the manga, she fights against and alongside Rulue.
So let's talk about her role in Saturn first. She's been chained up alongside Witch due to Incubus being Incubus, and you're given a choice to save her or Witch first. Today, it's Draco.
Arle and Rulue save Draco, and Draco's first thing to do is go to a beauty pageant...to find out that she's late and it's already over.

And it leads to this. She's gone, bros. To the point where she doesn't help fight Schezo 3 minutes later. However, after said fight, she regains her senses and enters a whole other contest since the reward is a key that opens literally anything. You know, so they can save Witch.
Unfortunately, Yog Smoke is appearing, and it's not looking so good for our heroes, but we skim some smaller details, some fights later, it's honestly quite similar to Witch's route, down to the Schezo Refight and Jaan appearance, I guess to give players similar experiences. It's honestly a very nice role Draco has at least, where she's able to kinda bounce off Arle and Rulue decently well, and she's no slouch in combat either.
After saving Witch, she does leave you, but reappears at the end of the game at the very least. And that's mostly her role, she has her own quirks and her personality, while a little one dimensional as always, still leaves room up for some unique conversations with Arle and Rulue.
And even then, her role in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon and its manga are at least more than that, to an extent. It depends on the Route.
In Arle's Route (yeah, sorry for not translating in a hot minute. School work over that, sorry.) she relies more on her stupid self and assumes Arle is there for a beauty- basically the usual. However, at the very least, she does canonically say she can make 5 chains, before realizing they her and Arle are gonna PROPERLY fight rather than Puyo battle, which is neat. And even after defeat, she just trains to become even better, which is honestly a nice change of pace.
And in Schezo's route, it relies on Schezo also being partially a Grade A dunce, since the boss dialog is him misunderstanding Draco completely about "Something," before she says it's a Battle, leaving him to feel stupid for not thinking that. And after defeat and near the end of the game, Schezo runs into her again, and he says that he's not really interested in appealing to women or anyone, leading to Draco assuming he's gay, much to his annoyance. And on another talk, Draco mentions if he was more in touch with how people feel and watched his wording, Schezo would be even more popular with the ladies, before he's shocked that he's popular in general.
Notice how I haven't spoken about Rulue yet, and it's because...I dunno how she acts there. But I do somewhat know how she acts in the manga.

(This requires context. Believe me.)
Like in the game, Draco is the boss of Fire Mountain, and since Rulue and Minotauros are there...to put it bluntly, the three fight. Draco's no slouch though, as she's able to actually fight Rulue competently and WIN round one, so to speak, which is the top image of the entire post.
When knocked out, Rulue begins to dream about Arle...and Satan. The rest is history. Round two happens, and it's a real back and forth, honestly. Draco lands good hits, Rulue gets good hits, before out of nowhere, steals the Naruto Handbook and Shadow Clone Justu's, shocking Draco and ending the fight there.
It's worth noting that it appears Draco might (or definitely does,) like or even crush on Rulue herself. Since this stupid 10 image limit it kicking my ass, you can probably find many pages online of those moments. Draco even tags along in fighting... these guys, who are basically traumatized from fighting Rulue.

(They're in Saturn, that's for sure.)
And as such, ends our talk about Draco. She's a very fascinating character, since she hasn't changed a whole lot throughout the decades.
She's been fairly two-note for years now, but it doesn't really stop her from being a good and fun character, especially when Compile/SEGA decide to give her a little more than "Is she stupid?" and beauty pageants.
That'd be all from me. Adios.
#puyo puyo#madou monogatari#sega#waku waku puyo puyo dungeon#rulue puyo puyo#arle nadja#arle puyo puyo#puyoposting#draco puyo puyo#draco centauros
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Characters Retrospective & a whole lotta ramblings vol. 2
A continuation of my previous rant. Again, if you're interested I invite you under the cut.

In my previous post, I left out Frederick, and unfortunately, it wasn't intentional. I just blatantly forgot about the poor guy. It is a perfect representation, though, of where I stand with him. Don't get me wrong, I love that bastard, but ultimately, I think I lost purpose with him a long time ago. He's kinda similar to Lottie, that I had an idea of what I wanted him to be, but he just didn't want that for himself. A lot of his first intended character traits were given to Laurent. I am not mad about it though, this changes allowed me to explore a completely different side of him and led to my favourite mess of a web love triangle. I'm very grateful for that.
I think that he still has the potential in him, again, not sure if this particular universe is still the right one for him. His case is similar to Josie, though. If I never come back for him, he'll be at peace with that.

Ah, yes, the Hogwarts Mystery adjacent crew. It took me a while, but ultimately, I found a perfect place for them, in some ways close to their current environment in others, completely different. That is a universe of my original novel. No clue when or if it will happen for sure, but I had a rough idea for a certain story in mind for a long time, my biggest trouble was to pick the right cast of characters for it. Well, why not use something you already know, right?
They all will get major makeovers for sure. That might include name changes, face changes, maybe even scrapping or merging some of them, but that's natural. I'm obviously still figuring this out, and I will be for quite some time. There's still some magic happening, Julian's seer abilities and Ira's healing magic are something I will very much like to keep. So is Marceline, even though she's, of course, not part of the original crew, and I'd probably still keep her as a daughter of one of them. Can't say much more, I will probably keep all the previous content for them on this blog, so not to worry, but there is an exciting journey ahead of us.

Lily Anne is still here, kicking , and she is here to stay. I never fully explored her or her lore here, but she's been with me for so long, and I know I'm not quite ready to let her go without getting her a chance to speak. She changed so much over the years, behind the scenes, from a typical self-insert (down to her name even) made just to ship with Fred Weasley, to a full fledged character with her own motivations, ambitions and family drama. Oh, the family drama, you have no idea.
Sadly, she's too deep rooted in the HP universe to take her out of it and her story to still make sense, but maybe in some ways, it's a good thing. I hope one day I will have all the time and motivation to finally get her story out there and hopefully make you fall in love with her just like I did. Both her and Dancing with the Demons in general have been such a huge part of my life now that I can't imagine what it's like without them. They are still evolving and reaching their final form, and even if they never fully see the light of day, they are still important to me.
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Oof, how to train your pet human part 2 hurt. Your writing is really great, and the way you are portraying such an incomprehensible thing as a more advanced alien life and the differences in the emotional capabilities between them and their pet human is stunning. Be it from their cultural background or just the way their species has always viewed love (kinda like how some birds are Whores and others mate for life /lh) the contrast in gestures that would seem to mean a deep love to humans meaning potentially less to them is just. Chefs kiss. This is a rambly mess but yeah.

Thank you so much! I was really worried that people be too bummed out by part two, but it made sense in my mind, especially if darling can start to fall in love with Kirtch and have a happy life. The differences in how their species expresses love is something I felt needed to be understood by darling. There will be a part three that will be (possibly) the conclusion to their story, and while I can't promise no feelings, I hope it's at least a complete and satisfying story ❤️❤️❤️
#yandere alien x reader#just finished part two of pet human and i'm working on part three#coming soon#romance#next one will be smut#and also#dead dove do not eat#thank you so much for this ask#it really feels great to read these
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Vore fic, under readmore. Wiling but flustered prey, implied safe vore.
Dinner party and public vore
Oc gets vored by octavio
Today was the day, the 8th of October, a special day in both the valley and canyon, world octopus day, and the birthday of their leader, dj octavio.
For most, the day was fun, and for once, Rhine agreed. It was his birthday as well, and he was glad someone bigger took the spotlight. He never liked his birthday, too.. disorderly. Too much attention, and later not enough.
Not that any of that mattered, because today is a day of celebration no matter his feelings.
As everyone got ready and dressed, Rhine washed his face, before heading out the door. Tonight was going to be a wild party, but he could get used to that. The dinner buffet was always lovely, no expenses were spared. And in the last few years, salmonids have been invited. He assumed for political reasons, with the ongoing trade deals and all. They were a little strange, and the few of them that noticed him always looked at him oddly. They probably weren't expecting an inkling there. But no matter, the food they brought was always delicious, even if a tad strange at times.
Rhine arrived at the mess hall and took a seat, something felt different but he paid it no mind. A familiar face took the seat next to him. It was Tempo, his old drinking buddy, and his current.. Erm, well.. Rhine actually wasn't quite sure what they were to him now.. His squidnapper? His friend? His partner? No matter, they were Someone he cared deeply about. Someone he liked even more nowadays.
“Hey, dude, happy birthday! I've heard that a certain someone got a surprise for you!” they said with a mischievous smile. Rhine's ears perked up at the mention of a surprise. “Oh? Well, what is it? Or are you not going to tell me what you got for me yet?” Rhine asked, but Tempo just laughed.
“Nah, I got you something, but someone else is gonna give you something more well.. Unconventional, but I know you have been thinking about it. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but really, I have no idea how he even figured out you wanted it, you've been pretty good at hiding those feelings” Tempo rambled, peaking Rhine's curiosity. Something he wanted but has been hiding? He couldn't think of anything like that at all, especially not from some mystery person..
Well, he could think of a few things, but there was no way in hell his commander was going to kiss him. It would just make things awkward and complicated.. And weird, weird too.
Really, Rhine had no idea what Tempo had arranged for him, or, he assumed they had arranged something. Little would he know what would await him. Little would he know who found out about his little secret.
A few hours passed, and Rhine and Tempo were busy chatting with the rest of their table as dishes were shared around. Rhine's platter had some octarian dishes and a side of some sort of strange salmonid stew. There was definitely salmonid in there, but over his years there he has grown more.. Accustomed to their habits of wanting to be eaten, it kinda made sense now. Waste not, want not you know?
He briefly wondered if he would get eaten once he passed.. He kinda hoped so.
Rhine pushed those thoughts aside and grabbed a mouthful of some sweet and savory rice dish, he still couldn't properly pronounce it's name, but the rest of the table seemed to not mind, maybe it was just one of those words?
Tempo placed some crab cakes on their and Rhine's plate. "Hey, buddy. What are you thinking about?” they asked. “you're staring off into the distance again, something bothering you?”
“ Oh. Uh, nah. Was just thinking about the food. It's, uh. Good.” Rhine replied, rubbing his eyes.” Getting a little full, this stew is really good, you should try some, the spices are great, them fishy fellas know how to cook!”
Tempo chuckled and shook their head, “Them fishy fellas? Then what would they be calling you?” Rhine laughed, “I guess you got a point there.” He grabbed and tried the crab cakes, they were soft and flaky, warm and comforting.
“Hmmm” Rhine purred softly as all the flavors mixed on his tongue, ahh- today had been heavenly, nothing but good food and drink. Even if he had to skip some of the drinks, the others were amazing, from hot to cold and smooth and even a slightly spicy drink he'd never heard of before, apparently a traditional octarian drink that had been regaining popularity.
Rhine would spend the next few hours eating and drinking until an announcement was made.
An announcement telling him to come forward to the king's stage. Rhine swallowed his drink nervously and glanced over to Tempo, who was smirking at him, giving him a thumbs up.
He put down his cup and walked forwards, towards Dj octavio. Hearts pounding out of his chest. The announcer continued by joking about their shared birthdays, but Rhine didn't realize what was to happen until the announcer mentioned gifts.
He was a gift.
Octavio pulled him closer and dragged his tentacles around Rhine, who was confused and panicking. What was happening? Did he do something wrong? What was happening, wait…
The king was tasting him.. Rhine froze. He was being tasted, right in front of everyone.. His mind was racing as he got dragged closer to octavio's maw. A tongue dragging across his face as the giant octoling took in his taste, savoring him.
Rhine swallowed nervously, sure. He wanted this, but why, and how did Octavio of all people agree to this!? How did he find out, why was he ok with this?
The inklings worrying got cut short as he realized he was getting closer to his king's open maw. His face flushed a deep purple, and he quickly covered his face, terrified of being seen. Lucky for him, he was soon hidden from view, as a long tongue coiled around him, and dragged him inside its owner’s hungry maw. Rhine could barely process what happened before he was dragged down Octavio's gullet.
Landing in his stomach mere moments later. Rhine heard cheering. He has got to be dreaming, there is no way this was happening.
The walls of Octavio's stomach clung to him, kneading him with surprising gentleness. He smelled drinks, but no food. Did.. Did the king take his comfort into mind? Rhines' hearts were racing, and he fell backwards, feeling weak and lightheaded. But amazing and full and.. Happy.
So happy.
Rhine couldn't help it, he felt so content. So Comfortable..
He heard Octavio let out a sigh of satisfaction, and then he felt him place a hand on his stomach, patting his nicely filled stomach, and by extension patting him. Rhine blushed.. How wonderful.
Rhine purred as the pressure around him increased, and he felt something warm trickle down his back, it smelled like.. Tea? Ah, the dinner must be ending.. He was a little sad, he'd be missing part of the festivities, but.. Oh my, by the gods… was this a treat. He was steeped in bliss, uncaring to the fact that everyone just.. Saw that. He sighed contentedly as he heard the octarian king give a speech. It Sounded so different from down here, as his voice echoed around him. Deep and warm, just like Rhine was right now.
Rhine laid down for a while, getting more and more lightheaded. Was he running out of air or?
He decided he didn't care, and flopped on his side, and closed his eyes. Ah– He felt so content. Everything around him was so soft and warm, the walls churned him so gently. Rhine never would have expected Octavio to be such a gentle pred, but he surely didn't mind it one bit. Soon he fell asleep, comfortable and safe
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So I'm sure you've noticed I've been stalking ur blog lol
When I saw this post it actually kinda resonated with me.
I'm Asexual aromatic but Flirting, touching, and other things that can be taken as romantic are purely natural to me. For me it's never serious just another way for me to show interest and have fun with friends. This has actually lead to issues with a few friends in the past. Unknowingly my blind ass would have people genuinely romantically and sexually interested in me and I wouldn't know. It honestly does feel confusing, and in the strangest way violating when you find out. (Can't think of a better word than violating but I don't think that quite gets the feeling across.)
With the way you phrased it actually made me more understanding of how Alastor can just push Vox away, and resonated with me lol.
Put in the same situation I would likely do the same. I'm not just going to change how I talk or act around this person because they have feelings for me, but I can't ignore/forget that they do.
Unlike Alastor though I am a people pleaser so I did try to enter into those relationships and I safely say it would've ended up so much worse for both Vox and Alastor.
Acting flirtatious/romantic is so very different than actually being interested.
At first you follow the classical steps of romance, dates, flowers, I love yous, you do that with friends too, but physically touch suddenly becomes more uncomfortable. Which could explain why Alastor has a "I touch you, you don't touch me" policy, unless your Nifty/Rosie of course!
Everything that person who 'loves' you does however begins to feel annoying, suffocating.
Alastor feeling claustrophobic, uncomfortable, and confused suddenly because this person who was a good friend suddenly wants to get together would instantly push him away. FORCE Alastor either looks at his own actions or views Vox as some perverse person. Therefore any ideas he might have like new technology come from a perverted place.
Obviously I'm not saying that Vox being interested in Alastor from a romantic angle is automatically perverse or wrong but with how much he values his autonomy it definitely feels weird for someone to WANT to be tied down.
I have a lot of thoughts but it is late so I'm just rambling and have way too many thoughts! I do hope you could more or less make sense of this mess! Thank you!
I'm sorry it took me ages to reply but unfortunately I'm mentally ill and for the las few weeks, putting together a coherent response was too demanding :c But I don't like leaving asks unanswered.
I could make sense of this rambling! Actually it's more or less what I had in mind while writing the original post. I'm autistic so I often miss the fact that people are attracted to me + sometimes things have different meanings for me than for most of people (e.g. lately I said something that made someone think that I want to be romantically involved with them, they rejected me, things got extremely weird and I did my best to explain to them my true feelings but I'm still anxious that they might think that I lied to save face) and I'm aromantic. So I get what you mean with that unreasonable feeling of being violated. It is completely unjustified and I hate feeling that way because I recognize it as utterly unfair toward the other person, who is not hurting me in any way but I can't help it.
So, I can imagine that Alastor - who hasn't been though years of therapy and may not be the most self aware and emotionally open person - could feel very bad with Vox's feelings. Especially when Vox is not above manipulation and gaslightning, and probably doesn't take rejection well so thing could get nasty pretty quickly.
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The concept behind the false son goes hard. A mortal made idol to a dead god given life and mind by two others respectively. A broken divinity without purpose. Designed to be a simulacrum of a dead holy warriors and instead coming out a misshapen angerufen mess.
ABSOLUTELY !!! like, SOTS maybe isnt perfect, but its concepts are so amazing, and i think the false son was a really great way to expand on the lore in a plausible way and... like the more i look into him, its like. okay yes, the logbooks are a bit disappointing that they didnt explain a bit more, but also? his dialogue and stuff... ive really done a lot of looking into it, and i've pieced together some quite interesting stuff about him i really think FS is a very interesting character. great use of aurelionite. aureli was always one of the coolest "sidenote" lore pieces of ROR2, and like
god it makes so much SENSE that after their Saviour dies, the denizens of petrichor ... desperately crave the feeling of safety and security, of having a saviour again. but then... mithrix' followers still very much exist, and the fuckin imagine, imagine. imagine that you're created in the image of a saviour, given life by a being that believes itself to have been sealed for being too perfect. and yet... despite being built to be a beacon of hope, you immediately lose the compassion you were built to hold. i honestly kinda think that false son is up on the colossus statue just to try and like, isolate himself away from hurting anyone. because he WANTS to hurt things, but he also... prob has a very big internal conflict on the whole thing! he knows he was to be a protector, a bulwarks successor! oh also, shoutouts to vultures being depicted as mithrix' followers a lot. i only recently really pieced together but like, it makes a lot of sense that the 2 creatures most represented as having some of their species be on mithrix' side... are the crafty ones. the smart ones. scavengers and alloy vultures. alloy vultures have innate senses that let them operate machinery EXTREMELY well. and mithrix' whole deal is DESIGN and like.... it makes a lotta sense that the crafty and clever vultures would be perhaps the one Vermin that mithrix can appreciate a bit, or see value in them anyways and yeah im kinda just rambling at this point. but anyways, he has some interesting death lines, and to me they definitely imply that he was trying to purify himself. "a gift out of reach" to me says that like. what he wanted was a life of freedom from dark influence. or perhaps just to give freedom to aureli and when he dies in a run of purification via aureli? he says... he can hear... Himself. hes finally able to have the voice inside be Him, instead of... a fucked up version of himself maybe the gift is aurelionites freedom. maybe its his own free will. maybe it is simply purity. maybe the gift was just kicking mithrix' butt! maybe it was something greater that we cant know but considering his survivor vanish message? i think the gift hes referring to is ... his mere life!
also fun lil fact hopoo games referred internally to aureli as "goldboy" so congrats on aureli for her transition
i may make a followup post talking about more specific like. false son or mithrix follower related stuff but. yea i just wanted to get this out there, some ramblings.
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xdinary heroes?? I can do that!
kind of chaotic tho cause my braincells are dead.
like a music major! reader x idol! jooyeon ig???
like reader starts rambling about some work thing they have to do and jooyeon offers to help and it turns into like this mess where they compose a song with jooyeon's bass and readers music stuff and it's really chaotic or something. idk.
butterflies (or stomach ache?)
author's note. if u followed me for a while u may know that uhhh i’m no musical genius aha! so sorry if it’s just messy and not making sense at all when it comes to music aspect even tho i tried to google stuff n all! thank u for requesting, i hope you enjoy and sorry you had to wait for so long
warnings. swearing, kinda cringe LMAOOO

jooyeon is playing a game on his phone while you scribble something in your notebook, the quiet hum of your laptop working in the background. he really enjoyed moments like these, at peace and calm from all the chaos he encounters everyday with his members.
he was kind of anxious that your friendship will fall apart when he becomes an idol but you’re still going strong and there aren’t any signs of letting the each one go. “you’re stuck with me forever” as you said one day… which was kind of creepy, now that he thought about it.
“damn it!” you huff and throw the notebook aggressively, causing it to land with a loud slam on the desk. jooyeon, startled, shrieked and looked up at you.
“what is it?” he asked, fixing his posture.
“for the love of–!” you whined when some notes fell out from the notebook. you sighed, collecting them “it’s just… nothing. i have a homework to do, i need to literally write a song and put it all together. i don’t need to sing, someone else can do it but it can’t be a cover. pure new melody, text… ugh, never getting this done!”
“y/n, i’m literally in a band. i can help you” jooyeon blurted up, 100% serious. your gaze shifted towards him and he could swear he heard the gears turning in your head.
“okay, fine. but it’s serious” you sent him a threatening look. he nodded, standing up.
“yes ma’am! let me grab my bass!” he announced and off he went. excitement was rushing through your veins; you never really worked with jooyeon on music projects. he was an excellent singer so even if he just sang some lines, your teacher would be delighted.
jooyeon came back and sat down, grinning.
“let me show you how the professionals do it” he said, resulting in you scoffing.
“sure, whatever you say mr idol” you hummed and scooted closer to him.
“do you have any lyrics? or nothing at all, nada?” your friend asked. weeeell, you had one song written but it was… about a crush. lovey dovey stuff, he would laugh in your face “hello?”
“uh, nope!” you shook your head. besides, you wrote it like year ago. you’d die if you showed it to him. on top of that, you’d die of cringe. which is even worse.
“i’ve known you for a while now and i can literally feel in my bones that you’re lying right now. but okay, let’s work with something new” jooyeon cleared his throat dramatically and opened his notes app.
you sat in silence, looking at him. jooyeon looked at you, blinking slowly.
“this is awkward” he said, laughing. you soon joined him.
“i know, right? like, when put on spot i cannot think of anything!” you whined, wiping your face with your handsome
“hey, don’t whine. well then… we both can’t think of lyrics but maybe let’s create the beat then? do you have anything we can work with?” he asked, tilting his head. you nodded, grabbing your laptop. you had a couple of songs you made while bored so…
“okay, i have this and that but let’s pick the best one. i mean, you pick. which one do you think has the most potential?” you asked and put the laptop in front of him.
you played five songs you’ve made with apps like garage band and other music creating platforms.
“y/n… this… this is really good!” jooyeon said, completely serious “like, for real!”
you smiled shyly, blood rushing to your cheeks. jooyeon picked the one he liked the most and plugged in his bass.
“can it be a cover? i only have weird rhymes in my head right now” he scoffed, scanning your face “i woke up today and ate a banana–“
“what?” you scoffed but he went on with it, patting his foot on the floor
“then i bought a new pyjama~” he hummed, giggling. you scoffed at the ridiculousness of those lyrics
“i thought you’re a professional singer!” smacking his arm, you massaged your temples “oh i’m never getting it done…”
“then i booked a flight to bahamas…” jooyeon ignored you. shaking your head you decided to grab the microphone.
“you know what? just improvise and i’ll add some chorus, the lyrics don’t matter anyway” you mumbled to yourself. jooyeon was playing the bass, the song suddenly getting more and more listenable (minus the sense of lyrics)
after some time passed, the masterpiece was done. gunil came back to the dorm, sitting down next to you.
“oh, oh! judge the song! do you think it has potential?” you asked, scooting closer to jooyeon. your arms brushed against each other as you two stared at gunil in anticipation. he nodded.
“hit me”
you looked at jooyeon, chuckling at hit ‘play’. the song started, chorus similar to some kind of justin bieber’s ‘baby’ ones. you couldn’t stop giggling, resting your forehead against his arm.
the longer the song went, the less serious you were. jooyeon leaned in, bumping his head slightly against yours. his body was shaking because of the laughter.
“yeah yeah, keep the change! i only have two cents…!” (the chorus went ‘two cents, ouuu, he only has two cents’)
it wasn’t even funny. it’s the effect jooyeon had on you. your stomach started to hurt from laughing, gunil looking at you two like you were insane.
suddenly you felt jooyeon’s hand wrapping around your waist, his head hiding in your neck as he tried to calm down his giggles.
and now you weren’t sure if it was truly stomach ache caused by too much laughter or butterflies taking over.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang ,, @nfrgirl ,, @crxzs
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