#hope it wasn’t me that fucked it up i genuinely don’t know wtf went wrong 😭
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saeiken · 9 months ago
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inkstainedhandswithrings · 11 months ago
TBB s3 ep 14
Only one more to go after this, we ready!? (no, pls help)
Yes Hunter, how IS Echo gonna get off the ship?
Oh I see we’re just gonna let him wing it and do it on his own?
Like don’t get me wrong I have full faith in Echo I just don’t like how Hunter is so focused on Omega he doesn’t even try to find a way to help out Echo
He also doesn’t listen to Crosshair’s remark about the Jungle being dangerous
Love how Omega is like “oh base on high security alert? Multiple explosions? it’s my brothers!!”
I swear Rampart and is constant bitching is so tiring
Gaaaahh Cross talking about his first time on Tantiss
His hand tremor acting up
Poor baby I love him give him a hug
“…but Omega didn’t leave me behind when she could have. I owe her.”
Bro just say you love your baby sisters like it’s not that big a deal we already knew
The utter fucking relief I felt when Echo made it off that ship unharmed
Jesus, I am so scared that we might,,,
Okay I don’t wanna jinx it so I’m just gonna say “scared that the writers pull another Tech”
Aaaaaaand Rampart’s bitchiness got them a) attacked by a giant beast and b) discovered by imperial troops
I hate him so much
Emerie not only recognising Echo but immediately volunteering to help?
She’s growing on me tbh
Is Omega gonna free the Zillo? To get out? Like as a distraction?
Idk that seems kinda dangerous girly
wait wtf that’s it???
That was already 20mins?
I wasn’t ready for the end there I though we were gonna get more😪
Tbh, I think it felt so short because they had to fit three storylines into twenty minutes. I really wish they were allowed 40 minute episodes, then they could’ve really done a deep dive into all three moving parts of this episode. Like at this point it’s not the writers or show runners fault, it’s just that they probably didn’t get the budget to make their episodes that long, which rlly sucks but like,,, ya can’t be mad.
But! I honestly still don’t understand how ALL OF THIS is gonna get wrapped up in 1 more episode. Like how? Genuinely, how?
On the one hand, that makes me worry that the last episode is gonna be super rushed and feel unfinished or whatever but on the other hand it gives me hope that we’re gonna get another show. Because we still don’t know how Gregor, Rex and Wolffe ended up on Silos (?) alone, what happened to their rebellion, where the entirety of the batch went, what the hell Echo Base on Hoth is all about, who tf CX-2 is and Hemlock and Rampart are still alive also?? Which seems like an oversight.
AND all the clones still need to be busted out of Tantiss and relocated and why am I getting the feeling that Tantiss is just gonna blow up with everyone still there and that’s the reason why Rex gives up SHIT FUCK DAMNNIT
Anyway, point being!! This can’t end well any way you slice it. Lovely.
I will say that all in all I did like this episode!! Rampart getting panic attack after panic attack was rlly fun, we got a heart to heart between Wrecker and Crosshair (brief as it was), Echo again proofed why he is an ARC Trooper and why, after the apocalypse and the explosion of the galaxy he will still be standing, and Omega showed us once again that she is a far cry from that scared kid in season 1 and has instead turned into a sharp, competent, mini soldier (lets not talk about the fact that she’s essentially been turned into a child soldier out of pure necessity)
Anyway!! Good stuff, I am terrified of the finale!! Hope y’all enjoyed!! Thanks for reading!! See you next week when I try not to have a breakdown!!
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nct-lian · 4 years ago
relationships outside of sm
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so iconic omg like how they do it, i have no idea
they hang out all the time and lian is literally ALWAYS on jennie’s instagram
the two of them once had an instagram story conversation over pigtails
like,, jennie posted a picture of lian’s pigtails for that one bicycle performance on her story and captioned it “pigtail baby” and then lian reposted it on her own story with a picture of jennie’s pigtails, captioning it “pigtail eomma”
speaking of eomma, jennie is genuinely her mother
jennie takes her shopping all the time
and in return, lian buys her food
the interactions these two used to have at award shows were SO CUTE
everyone remembers when jennie pretty much yelled out lian’s name and she just came running over to the members of blackpink after taeyong let her leave :(
i’m crying just thinking about it help
jennie also posted a full on instagram post for lian on her birthday and had such a sweet caption with it
it was something like “my daughter is finally 21 today! i hope she has an amazing day and i can’t wait to see her later tonight to give her a gift :) haneullie, lots of love from jennie eomma”
SPEAKING OF THE GIFT,, jennie bought her a whole ass $9000 necklace from chanel because she knew that lian was looking for more
jenli kpop bestest duo
dispatch once thought jennie was on a date with a girl but it turned out to just be her walking lian home after going shopping with her so they never posted anything about it
they were embarrassed they got something wrong so i get it
omfg when news came out that lian and jinwoo broke up mama jennie was threatening to punch the shit out of him
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what i’ve been waiting to write for so long okay here we go
so mf chaotic like there are compilations made of these two that scream “go crazy go stupid”
their time as guest mc’s for inkigayo was probably some of the best kpop content we’d gotten in a long ass time
cause she’s such a good friend to him and wtf why would he wanna share
“mine mine mine mine” constant dory vibes 24/7
lian thrives off of calling him by his korean name because she knows it annoys him
he’s constantly teasing her for having bagged milk in toronto so he deserves it
the one time lian and jacob talked to each other they seemed to be getting along too much for kevin’s liking so he really went:
“okay lian isn’t it time for you to go” because he WAS GETTING JEALOUSJCLSJX
their styles are pretty much complete opposites and everytime they take pictures together kevin never forgets to mention how off it all looks
“tf is that why are your clothes so boring”
“okay sNaKe pAnTs” because of that one eric moment on kpop daebak show where he said kevin had pants with snakes on them
i’m getting heated let me calm down.
they normally speak in english to each other but since lian seems to be stuttering over her words when she isn’t speaking korean, he mixes in a few korean phrases every now and then to help her out
kevin is arguably the most hype every single time lian performs, like he really thinks there isn’t anything better
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more lian x the canadian line WOOHOO
lia spent her trainee days really looking up to lian and she’s even mentioned before that she’d love for itzy to get the chance to collab with her for a song
she really has her fingers crossed for that btw
they actually met during an award show when ryujin, chaeryeong and yuna all had to leave because it was past curfew
lian decided to sit next to them and during all the intermissions between performances she, lia and yeji conversed to pass time
they ended up growing a friendship together but lian has a stronger bond with lia
she loves all the girls either way but yk
lia and lian love going to cafes together and taking adorable pictures :(
like whenever lia posts on itzy’s instagram midzeys don’t exactly know whether or not lian would be on it too :0
like lian normally posts all the scenery pictures she gets to keep her instagram pleasing whereas lia posts the pictures the two of them take together
my heart </3
lian treats lia like a whole daughter because it isn’t often she finds girls that are younger than her
*screams in the fact that majority of sm’s female artists are all from 2015 and under*
like when i say lian SPOILS her i’m not joking
she will randomly call lia up like:
“hey i’m gonna get you out of that dungeon, come get some chicken with me”
and then they’ll just hang out together
but only if lian is out of the dungeon herself because wbk she ain’t treated very well </3
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their chemistry is fucking insane holy shit
like their acting for past to present was seriously so praised, netizens found it hard to believe it was all just for the show
dating rumours follow these two everywhere,, like everywhere
it’s one of the most popular ships inside ncity when it comes to lian and other idols
i kid you not one tweet said “chanhyeok treated jihye so well in past to present, i’m only wondering how well eunwoo would treat lian 👀”
but yeah they do look really good together
and they’re an amazing pair for acting
when eunwoo started working with inyeop for true beauty, he said:
“hyung’s dating my girlfriend” because of the fact that both of them have acted with lian and BOTH of them dated her in the dramas
what a coincidence though
we all cried when we saw chanhyeok and jihye kiss for the first time DONT LIE
and they wished each other happy birthday on their instagram stories
there’s actually people who like to think that they dated while filming for past to present andddd they radiate big delulu vibes
like you know liskook shippers? wooli shipped are kinda the same, but not as intense (thank god)
they took a lot of cute pictures together behind the scenes (ノ﹏ヽ)
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this ship isn’t actually as popular as we would like it to be, but nonetheless people love limo
a lot of interactions during award shows !!
like for example momo’s fancams always captured her dancing perfectly to lian’s choreo
and lian smiling in momo’s direction
i love them
when lian found out about heechul and momo’s relationship, she asked momo if she was her mom now because of how much of a father figure she considers heechul to be JDFJK
“i mean sure”
they’ve actually done a vlive together before (ᗒᗨᗕ)
it was when lian visited her at the twice dorms and they ended up getting bored so they decided to do a vlive in the living room
her throat was dry for the rest of the night
after seeing momo’s hair for the i can’t stop me era, lian actually wanted to cut it like that
but she decided against it because she loves her long hair too much
the two of them met on hit the stage where they competed against each other in a freestyle dance battle
after that they just started casually talking over the phone and became great friends
with the way momo talks about lian, you’d think they’re dating-
“oh, lian- she’s so pretty! i love her a lot!”
and the same goes for lian, she loves talking about momo’s dancing skills
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her dad :/
adopted her with amber liu like a year ago so now she’s just his daughter
supports each other like crazy not even joking
jackson promotes her on instagram and twitter 24/7
lian was once given a ridiculously short dress while attending an award show and jackson gave her his jacket to wear over her legs because she wasn’t provided a blanket :(
(keep in mind, she went there without the members!)
lian added all his music to her playlist :)
once got drunk together and spent like three hours doing karaoke but it’s okay cause it was fun
speaking of getting drunk, jackson’s the cool dad that lets her do whatever she wants
he has his protective moments where he’s like “ma’am where are you going on that short of a dress” but he’s also like “hey wanna go get chicken and soju”
they both appeared on a radio show together as guests and they ruined the whole broadcast because they were too loud
like they kept getting out of their seats to go wave at all the fans outside the window and they were just fighting back and forth about whether or not lian’s extensions look real
according to jackson, they’re “NOT AUTHENTIC ENOUGH- LOVE YOUR HAIR FOR WHAT IT IS, LIANNA HANEUL BAE.” lian’s hair lives matter :/
jackson was so proud that his good friend was smooching his other good friend but the protective dad instincts really kicked in
“break her heart and you die no cap”
was surprisingly chill when they broke up though, he was just glad lian didn’t cry
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so many interactions
honestly took lian under wing once she debuted as a soloist
female kpop soloists gotta have each other’s backs in this industry man :(
sunmi calls lian her princess SOBS
lian always hugs sunmi at award shows, like if they’re sitting close together
or if they’re standing next to each other on stage
you bet your ass lian is gripping onto sunmi for dear life
did a photoshoot together for marie claire korea
they’re so hot bro
they were kinda awkward ngl uh
but by the end of it they were besties :DD
and they’ve been besties ever since
lian is the ceo of doing dance covers for sunmi’s songs
cmon lian we’re waiting for tail 👀
sunmi has actually met lian’s grandma </3
like her and lian were hanging out at the dorms while the boys were out on a schedule and her grandma just randomly showed up with homemade food so that was definitely a win
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they’ve been friends for a LOOONGGG time
and chain’s known her since dating back to like, smrookies era when lian was still a red velvet member
like at that time she had no idea he existed, but he was keeping up with her daily :(
chan plays her music on vlives all the time and he always knows the dance moves
like he just dances along in his chair and mumbles the lyrics
we love to see it
a lot of fans ship them together
only because chan gives off big pining energy
lian only looks at him like “:D” whereas he looks at her like “♡•♡”
kinda sad but
lian promotes him on live so often HVKSVU
“my friend chan is coming back with his group soon, you should check it out! :)”
and the way she just says “my friend chan” LIKE ITS SO OBVIOUSLY A FRIENDZONE BUT HE THINKS ITS ADORABLE
he once got a comment on a vlive to react to lian moments, obviously complying because who wouldn’t
there was this one clip of her saying “my friend chan from stay kids!” and whoever edited the compilation added in squishy noises right after while zooming in on her face
“oh- hahaha, uhh, she’s so cute aw hahahah”
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oh god not another lian x mom ship
like she’s submitted lian’s resume to bm so many times so they could be part of the big tiddie committee together
ashley is constantly, and i mean constantly, reposting all of lian’s posts on her story with captions like “LOOK AT HER GO”
and lian has even discovered all the cool instagram filters because of ashley, and now we get the quality content from her that WE DESERVEEEEE
back when lian’s album came out, all ashley’s story really was was just screenshots of her streaming all the songs and calling them bops
when they first met in person after texting back in forth, ashley spammed her instagram story with pictures of lian that she took without her looking
these two radiate a lot of “YES GIRL WORKKK ITTT TURN THIS WAY OKAYYY POSE POSE POSE” energy
lian’s been featured in one of ashley’s youtube videos and it was when they met for the first time :)
they exchange a lot of gifts through the mail
like lian once found a mug when shopping with doyoung and she thought that it would fit ashley’s taste so she sent it to her apartment
and ever since then they just send random little gifts to each other’s houses
it’s so cute
ashley talks about lian all the time
she always says that for someone so young, she’s accomplished a lot and she’s really proud of her
they wanna do tiktoks with each other but they never have the time </3
lian spam comments on ashley’s instagram like “WOAH” “OKAYYYY” “YESYESYES”
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zer0-is-me · 4 years ago
Chapter 2 - Izuku and Katsuki
Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Hi there! This is chapter two of... I need a name for this. Uhm, nevermind, if this gets more attention we'll figure it out then. That's a job for future me. Anywho, this is literally for those few people who liked my work and that one person who commented (tysm that made my day <3). Um, here goes writing the next chapter :D hope you enjoy!
Eraserhead took a step towards him, and Izuku started to accept that maybe he just wasn't made for vigilantism, when a small something fell between them, clanging loudly in the quiet night.
After a beat, Izuku cocked his head and began, " What the hell-"
And it exploded.
Let it never be said that Katsuki knew what he was doing.
He never claimed that.
Sure, it had been a conscious decision when he started his... nighttime activities, but that didn't mean he had anything actually planned or thought out. At first, the nights were just him wandering around, saving a few people, and going back home at, what, 12AM? 1AM? At first he thought it was late; he should have gone to bed at 8:30PM. But then he thought that maybe it was worth it. Honestly, he wasn't so sure about the whole being-a-hero idea anymore, after... the incident, so why should it matter so much?
But then heroes started to actually pay attention to him. People started to pay attention to him. And his name began to be the one people called out at night when they needed help. This also meant that heroes went after him, too (he found that extremely annoying).
Katsuki wasn't sure why he was doing it.
(Maybe it was for a bit of personal atonement.
For the harm he had done in the past.)
Either way, when he had wandered into another neighbourhood for the night, searching for a lead on a case he had caught wind about, he hadn't been expecting to find another vigilante.
Vigilantes like him were rare; vigilantes who did proper good and did well in the job too, not killing, bitter ones (*cough* Stain, *cough cough*).
He wasn't completely sure why he did it. Sure, he was softer and kinder at night, for some reason, but he still wouldn't help someone who was being targeted by heroes. Let alone a hero he, himself, had been targeted by before as well.
He had been scaling a building with one of his support items, when he realised that someone was already up there - correction; two were. He was about to scale back down, unnoticed, when he overheard a familiar voice.
Huh. He didn't think the hobo's patrolling routes crossed over to this neighbourhood.
" Look, just come peacefully, and you might have a shorter sentence in jail," he heard Eraserhead say. " I honestly think you're doing good, but it's still against the law."
Oh, so there's another vigilante here. Well, if they were gonna get captured by a hero, they probably weren't good enough to be a vigilante anyway. Although, if Eraserhead himself had said they were doing good...
A robotical, glitchy voice answered. Either a quirk or a voice changer, like him.
" Awww, I'm so happy the one and only Eraserhead appreciates my efforts!" Katsuki heard them coo.
They seem nice enough, for a vigilante, so far, he had thought. No killing yet, anyway. Though, he also knew that looks could deceive. He decided not to intervene until he deemed it necessary.
Eraserhead's voice came again, " Yeah, well, I've been on your case for a while now, so I know firsthand how helpful you can be."
The smile was evident in the vigilante's warped voice. The tone was softer, too. " Then don't turn me in. You and I both know crime rates have dropped since I've appeared."
It was silent for a moment, and Katsuki wondered if something had happened. He was about to climb up and check when Eraserhead finally spoke.
" I'm sorry, I can't do that and you know it. It's my job," Eraserhead genuinely sounded sorry. Katsuki heard a quiet slap on concrete, and his mind provided that the hero had taken a step forward.
Internally, Katsuki was having an argument with himself.
He should help them escape. They're doing good, it would be wrong to take a real hero off of these streets.
But, on the other hand, he didn't know this vigilante. He wouldn't save a random lawbreaker! What if he'd misinterpreted the situation? What if this was a villain, and not a vigilante?
Another quiet noise of a foot hitting floor made him groan quietly at how weak-willed he was against himself.
Fuck it.
He grabbed one of his home made smoke bombs from his belt and lobbed it over the top of the roof. It made a loud clang in the quiet night.
After a moment, he vaguely heard the glitching voice of the presumed vigilante say, " What the hell-"
But he was already scaling the last meter of the wall quickly and didn't pay it much attention. With the trigger for the smoke bomb in hand, he pressed the button and heard the bang of it going off.
He leaped onto the roof top and grabbed the vigilante's arm, pulling him away from the smoke and where Eraserhead was trying to wave it away.
When at first the vigilante resisted, he growled quietly, " Do you want to get away, or not?!"
" ... Fine," the vigilante muttered, letting Katsuki lead them away and towards the edge of the roof, behind the hero.
Not waiting for the other to catch up, he let go of their arm and leaped onto the next building, blunting the force with a roll. He began running to the side quickly.
If the other vigilante couldn't catch up, that was their problem.
And yet not a second later, he heard a soft thud and the shuffle of clothes behind him, then the thump of feet joining his.
He jumped onto another building roof and looked behind him, still running. The other vigilante jumped down behind him, their head down, hood covering their hair and eyes.
Behind them, Eraserhead was only just recovering from the smoke and had realised they were gone. He only looked out after them and didn't make a move to follow, however. He must've known they were already too far away. Katsuki looked forwards again and leaped onto the next building.
When he deemed them far enough, he slowed down on one of the taller roofs and dangled his feet off of the edge. When the other vigilante saw this, they slowed down, almost confused. Katsuki felt their calculating gaze on him.
When it had been a few seconds, Katsuki thought that they'd just leave him there in peace. But then-
They sat next to him, feet also dangling off of the edge.
Well, not close to him, fortunately for Katsuki. They sat a few meters away, out of reach if either decided to try something.
A few minutes of silence passed, save for their quiet breathing and the occasional car driving past. Katsuki knew he should get up and carry on the reason he was here; to find clues on the case, but he couldn't bring himself to.
It- it was peaceful, for once. No villains trying to kill him. No suffocating adults or peers praising him not for he, himself, but his quirk. No yells or punches from someone he should trust and be loved by. No chaotic thoughts ripping through his mind, making him doubt and panic.
It was peaceful.
Well, for a while, at least.
" Why did you do that?"
The vigilante had finally spoken up, and Katsuki nearly missed it.
" Hah?" He sideglanced the other vigilante, looking at him properly for the first time.
His eyes were hidden by a dark visor and the shadows of his hood, the rest of his face covered by a black surgical mask. His hood was black with toxic green accents on the rim, and it attached to a black, obviously oversized hoodie. He had a belt which held small pouches and items, and what looked like a bow staff attached to his back. He wore black sweatpants and black trainers. He also wore tight-fitting combat gloves, like Katsuki himself.
" Why did you do it?" the vigilante repeated. " You don't know me, I don't know you. I could be a villain, for all you know. Wait, are you a villain?!"
" I'm not a fucking villain, dumb fuck," Katsuki grumbled, eyes sliding back to the floor all the way down. " And I don't know why I did it. I just fuckin' did."
The other hummed. " ... Well, thanks. I owe you one."
" Damn right you do," he replied.
" Are you always this rude?"
Katsuki turned his head and raised his eyebrows. " Are you always this annoying?"
They huffed a chuckle and crossed their arms. " ... So... What are you?"
Katsuki's expression pinched, as if saying, ' Wtf?'.
" What the hell is that question? What, am I supposed to say a motherfucking fairy?"
The other waved his hands about. " No, no! That's not what I meant! I mean, are you a vigilante? A villain? A hero?"
Katsuki gave him another unimpressed stare, then sighed. " You're fucking hopeless." ("Hey!")
" Let's see, I threw a smoke bomb at a hero and made sure the idiot who was about to get caught by him wasn't caught. I'm pretty sure I'm not a hero," he deadpanned. " And I literally just said I'm not a villain."
" Well, I mean, you could be lying," the other shrugged.
" If I was a fucking villain," Katsuki said, his patience wearing thin, " Then I definitely wouldn't have saved your hopeless ass. I'd say killing you would be a better course of action if I were a villain. I'm considering it now, actually."
The hooded figure ignored the last comment.
" A bit mean, but I get the point, I guess," they said. " So you're a vigilante. Cool, I haven't seen a decent one like me in ages. But, I haven't seen you around here before? Are you new?"
Katsuki scoffed. " Fuck, no. I've been in this for, what, two, three years? I'm from the neighbourhood nearby. Don't ask. What about you? Never heard of you before."
" You don't know my name, how can you be sure you've never heard of me before?" they deadpanned.
" Because I don't care."
The vigilante snorted. " I'm really feeling the love and kindness coming off of you in waves."
" Shut the fuck up," the blonde rolled his eyes. " Fine, what's your name, then, dumbass?"
" It's definitely not 'dumbass'," the other muttered (" Again, I couldn't give less shits."), before offering his hand and saying, " Kibo, the vigilante of hope! Pleased to meet you!"
Katsuki stared at the newly named, 'Kibo's, hand, before ignoring it completely. He stood up, stretching, and turned to leave.
He paused right before he was about to jump to the floor, and sighed.
" Name's Valour. If we're doing your cringe-y ass shit, the vigilante of courage and bravery."
As an afterthought, he added, " And, no, I'm not using your name, dumb fuck."
And then, he was gone.
I have decided.
I'm keeping the second A/Ns, and you cant stop me. u dont fuckin control me.
anywayyyyy, this went on longer than I was expecting. Sorry bout that lol. Betcha didn't see Kacchan coming in all his explosive glory, tho.
Ugh i couldn't find a nickname for izu from baku without using his appearance (which, obviously, I couldn't do, even if i wanted to call him 'broccoli reject') so i just stuck with 'dumb fuck' :D It might change, it might not, who knows?
Remember to comment or do that heart thing-y-ma-jigy! Like it? Hate it? Tell me about it! I want to hear your opinions.
Alright bye byeee, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember that you deserve the world! Tell yourself that everyday, otherwise here's me saying it and hoping you'll remember it everyday. Because it's true :) Have a great day!! <3
Oh, and @mymanbakugou :D (if anyone wants to be tagged for future chapters, just say so! <3)
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 4 years ago
hello!! hope you've been doing well!! was re(re re) watching ipkknd and going thru ur podcasts and the one about the problematic tropes reminded me of the first time i watched the suhaagraat attempt 2.0 ep and. i found the whole thing so funny bc i genuinely thought arnav was just fucking with her (mean joke tho) but at the end of the day he'd just sit her down and talk but no he actually meant it and i was like wtf. that was not my arnav who was that?? (1/2)
i love how his confession was delivered after bc one i die a little everytime i watch khushi say 'hum bhi aap se ily damnit' and two its somehow befitting that that asshole confessed too in anger but i hate the built up to it so much that was not arnav it was some sexually frustrated clone of his mentally i've deleted arnav from that track completely i dont get what how the writers could butcher their own chars like that but khushi was so damn adorable thru out it i want her
Hello Anon!
Thank you so much for loving the podcast and yes - we're always rewatching IPK, aren't we? :D
OMG same - I literally thought that he's pulling her leg and even then at one point I'm like buddy wait, your beloved is terrified at the idea of having sex. This is not embarrassment, anticipation, curiosity or shyness (things we saw during Diwali and Mehendi).
And when he pulled out the whole SR decoration - and wasn't paying attention to her silence, questions, reluctance - that's violation of consent.
And even Khushi had to put the whole thing about pheres and all instead of being clear about the fact that she doesn't know where she is in his life and this thing, if it did happen, would mean everything to her and solidify a commitment that she doesn't know even if it exists in the first place.
I love Arnav's angry confession (tho it sounded like sexual frustration and his whole anger literally seemed like "you don't wanna have sex, here - let's get married and say what's necessary). And while I love sexual frustration cause its often so well captured in the show - this is where I needed a more solid argument.
Cause Khushi has no idea when Arnav went from "we're a married couple for others but in private nothing exists between us, and this is a marriage of six months" to "you're my wife and I want you, forever"
Cause all of this happened in Arnav's head. Much like his redemption.
And Khushi's whole dialogue of husband, wife, vows, wedding sounded so contrived and back in the 50s and not the emotional commitment she needed so... it was really hollow. Also... I still don't know how comparing themselves to Radha Krishna could 'affect' Khushi given that's a divine couple known for love beyond society and she went oh I must conform to society and not "we still don't know where we stand cause we literally pushed our problems under a rug for your fam and I don't have the choice nor freedom to make my own decisions in the 'relationship'"
Yeah no this whole scene could have wonderfully closed the loop of the wedding because:
1) It happened on the terrace (so poignant!)
2) It involves Arnav's confession
3) Khushi is dressed as a bride
4) They're nearly remarrying
5) They looked hot AF
Like what frustrates me is that they were nearly there with the perfect scene and missed it BIG time due to a shitty buildup and terrible dialogues.
For me, till date, their first wedding is one that has the perfect buildup, execution, dialogues and impact (which is why you can see it inspired a SERIES of fanfics - because that was almost the most perfect scene executed in the show)
Eeks, I think Tumblr ate your third message! Try sending that again and thank you so so SO much for sending this ask. As you can see I'm truly passionate about the things that went wrong in the show *lol*
Much love,
- AJ
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singingforthepromises · 4 years ago
fruits basket manga lb (chs 131 - 133)
CH 131
We’re learning about the origins of the curse now. Oh boy. 
The cat went to God first ;A; 
omg the cat died first.... 
God saved it!
Oh, the cat didn’t want to have eternal life... and the others and God took that as rejection.... seriously? So petty, honestly. I love learning about how it happened but I’m just like... wtf. It’s like all of this generational trauma could’ve all been avoided if God and the animals hadn’t misinterpreted shit LOl
I totally understand Yuki’s feelings here. It must be hard. You’re free, but you’re also letting go of something that was a part of you for so long, something that helped shaped who you are, no matter how negative a situation. 
She’s calling him by his first name KSFJSJFJSF
“When did that promise turn into a curse?” What I’ve been asking since since the very beginning rofl
Haru and Rin!! <3
omg look at Tohru pulling on Kyo’s shirt how cute
is Tohru gonna see Akito? <3
SHE’S HUGGING HER! I LOVE THIS! I love that Akito can see that even after the curse has been lifted, Tohru wasn’t lying about being there for her, about being her friend. Akito needed this, honestly. I’m very happy with the resolution of their rivalry. I’m happy with how the curse broke. 
“The Cat’s wish... wasn’t granted... until much, much later.” IM CRYINGGG
CH 132
Starting the last volume... this is so depressing, I don’t want this story to be over. 
Akigure time, lol. 
Oh is this the final banquet? 
“Things might be a bit tense.” Oh, I’m sure. I don’t think it’s all going to be sunshine and daisies. Akito may be behaving a hell of a lot better and changed her ways, but there’s still a lot of pain here, pain that she directly caused. I’m interested to see how this is going to go. 
LOL @ momiji calling Kyo a cheater we love to see familial teasing!
I love that they’re not all awkward around each other. It just goes to show that a lot of their genuine personalities poked through even among the curse. They all do have a bond, curse or no curse. And it’s very nice to see Kyo being actually included in that bond. 
lool fucking Ayame, man. I love him. 
Aww is Yuki kinda sorta looking out for Kyo around Ayame? I love this. 
“Akito���s ready to see you.” sfjsjfsj
Look at her? She looks so pretty? 
Oh, Shigure got her that kimono. 
Yeaaah, this is what I’m worried about with Akigure as a ship. Akito’s better, but she still has a tendency to fly off the handle if she thinks she’s being slighted, and it makes me worried about how they would handle dispites and arguments without getting physical like that, you know? I’d hope that she’d do it less and less as time goes on. 
“All of you are free. And this may come too late, but for everything... I’m...” Oh my god. Is she trying to apologize? 
She can’t, though. It won’t come out. I bet she probably feels like sorry isn’t enough, in some ways. How do you apologize for a lifetime of suffering that you’ve caused, the trauma inflicted on other people? 
I guess Akigure are official, lol. I mean, I’m glad that Akito’s getting a somewhat happy ending. Shigure, I still don’t like him but he’s a fantastic character. 
Akito’s gonna stay at the estate and be the head without keeping anyone shackled to her. That’s as good of an ending as I could’ve anticipated for her. I’ll be honest: I still feel like she got off a little easy. She should’ve faced some legal consequences, at least. But I don’t dislike her like I used to. She’s definitely come around and I’ve partially forgiven her. 
I’ll talk more about my feelings about Akito and everything once I’ve finished, but that’s where I am right now. 
CH 133
loool who is Mayu talking about? 
OH Yuki and the others know about Akito being a female now? Nice!
“I can’t believe I was so violent... to a girl.” KYO. MY BOY. Omg what a sweetheart? Honey, she was violent to you, too. 
“The last thing I wanted was another guy interested in you.” LMFAOOOO 
“The mood between the two of them has become somewhat gentler than before.” Somewhat? Girl, they’re friends now, and I’m loving it. It’s so cute. 
“He beat the crap outta me.” YES LOL
“Kyo-kun smiles more than he used to. I’ve come to realize that this is his true self.” ;A;
oh my gosh THEY’RE SO CUTE.
How are they even cuter now that they’re dating?!
“Walking together, hand in hand, isn’t something that I’ll ever take for granted.” I’m cryinggggg. ;a; My babies. 
What’s wrong with my bby girl Isuzu? :(
“Not everyone... is in the same situation.” Ah, yeah... 
“How can you act like nothing ever happened? She did all kinds of nasty stuff to Kyo. And she hurt you a lot too. Those wounds will never disappear, will they?” I 1000% understand Rin here. I was waiting for this to be brought up!
Oh, Isuzu, my poor girl. 
This might change later on, but as of right now, I don’t fully forgive Akito, either. There’s just too much that she did to too many people. Like Rin, like Yuki, like Kyo. Even Hatori. I’m generally a forgiving person, but I have a hard time with abusive characters. Maybe it’s from my own past, being a survivor of abuse. Being around it and knowing how they are just impacts you differently, I guess. I don’t know if it’s right to say that maybe people who haven’t experienced abuse are able to forgive easier. 
I haven’t forgiven my abuser, and I never will. Do I still understand why they did it, why they are who they are, and do I still empathize? YES. I feel a lot for people. I feel a lot for Akito on a positive note, and I’m so proud of her progression. She’s a hurt woman who deserved better and who hurt people because she was in so much pain herself. She hasn’t been able to break free of her abuser or heal yet. She needs a safe space to do that, and she’s beginning to learn to be better and be a sweeter person. Tohru showed her that. 
But like Rin, I can’t fully forgive her. If Tohru hadn’t done what she did, hadn’t reached out to Akito, Akito never would’ve changed. She would’ve continued to be horrible and not feel regret for the things she’s done. I appreciate that she was trying to apologize, though. And there are things that I’ve forgiven her for. It’s the worst indiscretions that I can’t. How she treated Rin and Yuki, specifically. I know that she was projecting with Rin. But Rin was a child and an abuse victim herself. Out of all of them, Akito could’ve related to her. Akito knew. She used that instead to hurt Rin, and that is the one thing that I’ll never be okay with. 
“They’ll need time. A whole lot.” Yes. And even then, it may not be enough. Some scars run so fucking deep that even time doesn’t help. I’ve healed from my trauma. It doesn’t impact me anymore. I’ve learned how to cope and move on and now utilize those skills to help others. I think time will help, though, and it may allow others to forgive Akito later. 
Distance is the key here, I think. If they’re not around her, maybe forgiveness will come easier. 
Wow, Akito taking what she learned from Tohru and reaching out to the maid? We love to see it. 
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babyboibucky · 4 years ago
IM SO GREEDY I KNOW 😭😭😭😭😭 but i just thought of 🖋 with ""you deserve to be loved, without having to hide the parts of yourself that you think are unloveable" SKSKSKSKD THIS IS WHY YOU MIGHT WANNA CONSIDER UNFOLLOWING AND BLOCKING ME KKHFFJJGFKFKKFFD
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Okay here it is lmao technically this is a roommates AU with Chubby!Bucky BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LOVE HIM 🥰
It was past midnight when Bucky found you sitting in the shared kitchen, alone and in the dark. He carefully approached you, not wanting to scare you with his presence.
“I thought you were out.” He said, pulling a stool and sitting across from you.
You looked up and forced a smile, “Should ask you the same thing. I thought you went out with Sam and Sharon.” You responded.
Bucky shrugged, fiddling with the pack of gummy bears on top of the table. “You know clubs aren’t my thing. Besides, it’s a chance to get some peace and quiet in here. You know how they are when they’re here.” Bucky said, hoping to get a genuine chuckle from you.
Unfortunately, his quip didn’t seem to work seeing that you only responded with a small smile. He’d never seen you like this, so down and quiet. You were always bubbly and loud, spitting jokes and just...happy. He knew you were supposed to be out with a guy you’ve been exclusively dating, so in a way, he assumed that something must have happened.
“Gummy bear for your thoughts?” Bucky asked, taking one red gummy bear— your favorite— from the pack.
This time, you managed to let out a genuine laugh. You looked at Bucky and smiled at him, taking the gummy bear from his palm and then popping it into your mouth. It took you a few seconds to speak up and Bucky patiently waited, he didn’t even force you to say anything.
“Is there something wrong with me?” You blurted out.
Bucky frowned, “Why would you even ask that?”
You shrugged, “John dumped me...for his ex. It’s just that none of my relationships seem to last because of me.”
“Woah now, I don’t think none of it is your fault. John is a douche, it’s his loss not yours. Good riddance, in fact. Never liked him.”
Bucky froze when he realized how much he had to say about John. Truth was, Bucky admired you...he liked you so it was beyond him why the guys you dated would even dump you.
Letting out a sigh, you shrugged again. “I feel like I’m not enough, you know? I mean...ugh, I’m sorry I’m being dramatic here. But you bribed me with a gummy bear so now you have to sit through this shit I’m about to say.” You laughed.
Bucky slid over the entire pack of gummy bears over to you, “If that’s the case then this is all yours. I’ve got all night to listen.”
You blushed at Bucky’s statement and had to compose yourself before letting it all out. You’ve always been confident but ever since you noticed a certain pattern in your dating history, you couldn’t help but question yourself. It’s either the guys you dated would dump you for a new girl or go back to their exes.
Bucky listened to you intently and never even interrupted you. He just sat there, acknowledging you and your emotional outburst.
“John said he wasn’t ready for a commitment, that’s why we decided to casually date for the mean time. And then this afternoon he just said that he wanted to end shit because his ex came back, trying to fix their fucking relationship. I mean, am I not worth committing to? Am I just not...worth lov—“
“Don’t even say it.” Bucky warned, leaning forward on the table.
“You’re beautiful and smart. On top of that, you’re hella funny! Those guys are just blind not to appreciate what they have in front of them. You’re absolutely perfect just the way you are, I know it sounds cheesy as fuck but I’m telling the truth.”
You pursed your lips because it was the first time that someone told you something that you truly felt was sincere. Genuine. You could feel the tears coming and as much as you hated crying, you weren’t able to hold back the tear that slipped.
“Don’t even dare compare yourself to anyone. You’re just...you. And that’s what makes you so easy to love. Fuck John and those other guys who didn’t see that. I know I do.” Bucky said, reaching out to wipe away your tears with his thumb.
You sniffed, “What do you mean...you do?” You asked.
It was Bucky’s turn to blush at his sudden confession. “I uh...might have been...in love with you...?”
You made a face, “Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked.
Bucky rolled his eyes before standing up, “I mean...look at this.” He said, motioning over to his body, his shirt clinging tightly over his pudgy stomach.
“I’m not that attractive. I felt like someone like you deserves someone better.” He admitted and sat back down.
“I can’t believe you’re saying that after the speech you just gave me, Bucky.” You explained.
“You’re a good guy, Buck. The kindest I know. And you’re cute and you know me better than myself. We’ve been living under the same roof for what, almost five years now? And you always took care of me. Don’t think I never noticed, I always did.” You confessed.
And then it hit you like a big yellow school bus. You’ve been trying to better yourself for the other guys you’ve dated. And by better, it meant changing yourself. Not entirely, but still. Some of your habits or mannerisms, sometimes they made others uncomfortable. The way you’d laugh out loud, you often try hard not to do so, afraid that it might turn off your date.
All this time, you’ve been the realest with Bucky. And he accepted you, all of you without exceptions. In fact, Bucky felt the same way with you. He never felt embarrassed about himself whenever the both of you hung out together. You lifted him up, always gave him compliments and even helped him out pick his clothes.
“I might have realized something.” You said
“And that is?” Bucky asked curiously.
“Maybe we deserve each other.” You softly said and the smile that Bucky gave you felt like the beginning of something.
Bucky nodded, “Maybe we do. Should we...you know...try this thing?” He asked, taking your hand in his to play with your fingers.
You laced your fingers with him, “I’d love to.” You said.
“But I think we should buy a new pack of gummy bears for Sam first, he’s gonna kick our asses if he sees we finished everything up.”
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perriwinklesblog · 4 years ago
I really want Sally to be a character on this and not just a fish. I have made many posts about reasons she should be in it. Here’s another;
I’d want her to be a God. For my headcanon of Sally, her, Dream, and Philza are Gods. Technoblade is a demigod. 
This is a extremely long post because I got really carried away. 
Sally and Dream used to be friends, he banished her which is why she abandoned her family. She then returns because she’s received letters about what's been happening, having heard enough about Dream’s tyranny and what he’s done to her family. 
Keep reading if you wanna see the long version. 
Sally and Dream go way back, they’ve known each other in other worlds, other generations. They’ve fought and started wars together but then things started to change when she came across Wilbur and found another God, not living above the humans/and various other species but among them. 
She fell in love with Wilbur and started to grow distant from the Godly games that her and Dream often played on the ‘mortals.’
Philza, the Angel of Death, the God who walks amongst the humans, knows the pain, the sorrow but the love and laughter. He shows her the worth of humanity.
Sally and Dream fight. To Dream they are above the mortals, they are the makers and destroyers of the world underneath them. They’re things to play with. He see’s the world as his dollhouse and the people in it, his toys. 
They come to an uneasy agreement, with Dream parting and going another way and Sally staying with Wilbur, never to contact each other again. 
Years pass and eventually Wilbur and co. settle in a new land, a new place and Sally sets eyes on a familiar face. The Green Eyed God’s smile falters as he looks at her and their family. Neither say anything as they make their way to the house Wilbur had constructed for them. 
The avoid each other. Sally acts a bit on edge but many think it’s just due to being nervous for the baby’s arrival. She always has an eye on Dream. He’s different from the last time she saw him. She can’t help but think he’s learnt what she has as she spars with mortals, laughing with them, building with them. The smile seems genuine but there’s a glint in his eyes, there’s a darkness the falls across them when his friends turn around. 
She has her baby and she’s ecstatic, happy and busy. She doesn’t have time to keep an eye on the God as she fusses over the new child. Soon the house is even fuller as Wilbur, Philza and Technoblade return home with a new child. And then months later, they all come home with a box that has another child in it. She frowns at Philza who smiles happily as the three young children run around them. 
Then one day she’s out hunting by herself because sometimes she wants the thrill of the chase, sometimes she misses it. This is when the God finally approaches her. 
Since Wilbur appearance on what he considers his territory, Dream had grown weary of the man. He wasn’t like the others in his doll house, he questioned things, changed things and changed others minds. Then the children came and soon he found that with more and more people around, it was becoming hard to control it all. The main source of his problem was Wilbur. So he approaches Sally. 
They dance around the subject at first, but eventually end up in a heated argument. Sally realises that he hasn’t changed, just the game. He still believed he was above them, above the mortals. Dream sees her as weak. And in one way she was. Unlike Dream she didn’t flex her powers as much anymore, shifting only really to entertain the kids. Rarely using the cheats to life she was created with. This meant that when their argument grew into a fight, Dream dominated. 
Dream: I want you and your family gone.
Sally: This is our home. I will not force them to leave because of you.
Dream: Then I’ll kill them.
And he’s so nonchalant about it. So dismissive about something so important, so precious. 
Sally: Don’t you dare lay a hand on them. 
Dream: They don’t work here, and if you won’t move on then I’ll just... get rid of them. 
Sally: You can’t just do that-
Dream: Except I can. We can. We used to do it all the time. 
Sally: We were wrong. 
Dream: No. We were right. There was a lot more control when we held the reins. When we made the decisions. 
Sally: Fuck you. I will make sure you-
Dream: Are you forgetting who has the upper hand here? You aren’t even a fraction of what you used to be. So pathetic, weak. And don’t even think your family could do any better against me. I’d crush them like a bug. 
And he’s right. Sally could see the flames in his eyes. Where her and her family stood right now, even with two gods and a demigod, they didn’t stand a chance against someone who had spent years honing his craft. 
Sally: Please. Please don’t hurt them.
Dream: I can’t hear you. 
Sally: Please, Dream. Let them stay, let them live. Don’t hurt them. I will do anything to let them stay here. They’re so happy. 
Dream: Leave.
Sally: Dream pl-
Dream: They can stay if you leave. If you love your precious humans and family so much, leave. I will make a deal with you. I will leave them alone as much as I possibly can, if you leave. 
Sally: Leave... them? 
Dream: Now. Just don’t go home and leave them. 
Sally: Now?
Dream: I could kill them? 
Sally: Fine. Fine. I won’t return here if you leave them alone. 
Dream: Deal.
They shake hands and Sally finds herself forced from the land, screaming through the air, through time, through dimensions. Eventually she lands in some water. On the beach, theres some people staring gobsmacked at the person who just fell from the sky. This is a new world and rudimentary. She makes her way onto the beach and cries as people crowd her. 
Years pass. Wilbur slowly stopped hoping for Sally to return, never understanding why she went out one day and never returned. Stopped, mentioning her to the children. Eventually they stopped asking. They all moved on. 
Then one day, Dream is surveying the crater where L’Manburg used to be, smiling. Next to him is George and Sapnap. They’re talking about something when he’s suddenly forced out the world. George and Sapnap are confused and go looking for him. At the very same time, someone pops into existence next to a prison, on a beach. Sally looks up, eyes wide before looking for someone to talk to. She’s different, holds herself different. She comes across Sam. There Sam agree’s to take her to L’Manburg confused why this stranger would want to see that. When they get there she breaks a little, a tear rolling down her face but her face soon hardens when she hears who did it. She turns to Sam and asks him to take her to them. He doesn’t know where they live so she settles for the next person she can think of: 
Ranboo came from her world. They’d found a way for him to travel from Sally’s world into Dreams and a way for him to send her notes and letters on the things that are happening. But then the letters stopped. Sally knew of Ranboo’s memory issues so assumed he lost the book and therefore, forgot he needed to send letters back. The last letters she received were of Tommy’s exile and she knew then that Dream had broken his end of the agreement which meant she could break hers. He hadn’t left her family alone. But she wanted to give herself time before Dream confronted her so she managed to pull him out of his world and replace herself, if only for a few hours. 
Eventually she finds Ranboo, and seeing Sally triggers his memory and they catch up. She demands to see Philza and Technoblade. Once she’s there, Philza and her argue about some things but Technoblade is a little bit warmer to her. You see whenever they had to participate in wars, Sally and Technoblade did have a lovely time together. Sally had an appreciation for humans, doesn’t mean she still didn’t love a bit of chaos, Dream just took it too far. 
Eventually Sally during the confrontation is forcefully teleported to Dream who has managed to make his way back onto his world. He’s furious. They both argue. People gather because who is this new person and why is Dream yelling at them with such fury. Ghostbur/Alivebur (whatever he ends up being) see’s Sally and is immediately like wtf which triggers Fundy to be like MUM!?!? 
Dream’s all like nope, I’m going to send you away again and Sally’s like not this time bitch.
Sally: You broke the agreement. 
Dream: I think you’ll find, you did. 
Sally: Don’t try and turn this on me. You didn’t leave them alone. You’ve tortured my family enough!
Dream: What are you, a weak god like yourself, going to do about it? 
Sally: How many lives do you have Dream? 
Dream: What?
Sally: How many lives?
Dream: Three. 
Sally: Wrong. 
Shoots him with an arrow, killing him. 
Sally: You have two. 
And then as chaos erupts she drags her family and any allies away into the wilderness. 
From there they regroup and gather resources, she secretly hires Sam as a builder for them and pays him for secrets to the prison. They all work through issues, though some they struggle to iron out but agree to work together for a common cause. 
And then etc. This post is obscenely long. I’ll end the idea there. You get the gist. 
Sally would be a great addition. 
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skiller0dani · 5 years ago
Abandon Ship | Monty De La Cruz
M A S T E R L I S T Timothy Granaderos Masterlist
smut requests info
important notice:  13 reasons why covers some really heavy stuff and their material can be extremely triggering. seeing as my writing is supposed to be for fun only I won’t be including many of the topics seen in the show. in fact, unless I say otherwise most of all my writings for this show will take place before Hannah Bakers suicide. if you or a loved one ever needs to seek professional help please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. 
why are all the men named timothy hot as hell??? first timothee chalamet and now timothy granaderos?? wtf???
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You doubt Monty knew you were Alex’s twin sister. At least you hoped he didn’t, because if he did and continued to beat Alex to a pulp then that would show how much you actually matter to him. You held a bandage in your hand, carefully dabbing at Alex’s eye which was split open. “Don’t tell Dad.” You nearly laughed at how ludicrous his request was. Alex looked as though he’d gone 4 rounds with a boxer, there was no way Dad wasn’t going to notice. “I can’t cover this with makeup Al, Dad is going to notice.” You tell him and you see the subtle eye roll and the oncoming lecture he knew he would receive. His eye was swollen shut, and there were cuts and bruises all over his face. “So what did you say to piss Monty off?” You ask, you know your boyfriend pretty well. He’d been trying to get a handle on his anger management issues and normally he could keep it together...unless provoked. In no way was what Monty did to Alex justifiable, but you knew Alex could get fired up and he says shit without thinking. “Nothing, it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t change the fact that your boyfriend is a psychopath.” Alex says with a heavy sigh as he shoves past you out of the bathroom. 
“Like how do you know he won’t turn that anger on you someday?” Alex says, both anger and concern deep in his eyes as he watches you. You begin to clean up the bandages and bloody rags, “Monty would never hurt me. He loves me.” You argue gently, you trust Monty with your life. Alex scoffs and you can tell he’s still stood behind you. “So he says. I don’t know how you trust him at all.” With that last grumble Alex retreats back to his bedroom, leaving you to finish cleaning the bathroom. When your Dad gets home, you know he’s going to ask where Alex is. Although it’s not unusual for Alex to hide away in his room these days, he’s getting...angrier than he used to be. You heard the kids at Liberty High whispering about what happened, Alex picked a fight with Monty. Alex approached him first, Alex egged him on. Alex knows about Monty’s explosive temper so why on Earth would he do that? 
“Hey honey, where’s your brother?” Your Dad smiles as he presses a kiss to your head. You return his hug as he wraps his arms around you, “room.” You tell him simply and when he releases you to head for Alex’s room you wait for the yelling to start. After the door opens, it does’t take long for the bomb to go off and soon they’re screaming at each other. Your Dad is obviously very upset that someone nearly beat Alex half to death, but you get upset after Alex opens his mouth and a barrage of words spill out. “It’s only because of Y/N’s freak boyfriend! He’s a fucking lunatic, he’s the one who did this to me! How could you let her date someone like that?” As soon as the words leave his lips he sees the shift in Deputy Standall. Your eyes widen, first of all your Dad didn’t even know you were dating anybody. Second of all, this is his very first impression of Monty. “Alex you are such an asshole!” You yell as you slam your bedroom door before propping your office chair against it to keep it closed. 
The next morning you emerged from your room only when Monty texted that he was out front. This is the first time Monty has picked you up from your house but you figured it was time he knew who your family was. Your Dad was of course waiting for you by the front door with a look of both concern and anger on his face. “Y/N why didn’t you tell me and your Mom you were seeing anybody? I don’t want you to see him again, look what he did to your brother.” Your Dad said sternly but you shook your head forcefully as you pulled your shoes on. “Well I’m pretty sure Alex left out the part where he egged Monty on. Alex started the fight Dad. That fight was both of their faults. I don’t want to be late for school.” You snapped as you shoved past your Dad and out to Monty’s car. Offering a smile, Monty noticed right away that something was off with you. You slid into the passenger seat as Monty leaned over to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “What’s up with you baby?” He asks, genuine concern in his eyes. He looked up and spotted Deputy Standall standing in the doorway and his eyes widened. 
“Woah shit, is that your Dad?” Monty asks as he pulls off down the street. You’re silent in the passenger seat, your arms crossed. Your silent treatment and tense body language is starting to freak Monty out as he fidgets with a seam on his jeans. “Baby did I do something?” He asks, his panicked eyes glancing over at you. You smiled bitterly as you turn your head to look at him, “yeah Monty you did. You beat my twin brother to a pulp yesterday.” You snap and Monty looks confused for a second before a look of understanding dawns on his face. “Alex is your brother? Ah shit baby, I’m sorry I didn’t know.” Monty says with a sigh as he pulls into his usual parking spot at the school. You stay silent, but honestly you feel a bit relieved that he didn’t know. Monty turns to you and takes your hand, “I’m sorry Y/N. Is uh is he okay?” Monty asks but from the tension seeping into his voice you can tell he really doesn’t care if Alex is okay or not. You exit the car, with Monty not too far behind you as he slings your bag over his shoulder. Just like he does every morning. 
“What was the fight about?” You ask, remembering how Alex completely avoided the question when you tried to ask him. Monty looks uncomfortable as his hand slides into yours, your eyebrows pinch together. “Monty.” Your voice is angrier then you intended but you were angry. Why wont either of them tell you what’s going on? You pulled your hand from Monty’s and snatched your bag from his shoulder. “I have to go meet with Jess.” You snap angrily as you stomp down the hallway, leaving a very dejected Monty behind. You spent most of the rest of the day avoiding Monty and Alex, having had enough of both of them. Monty leaned back against the lockers, his eyes on you as you stood and chatted with Clay. “Yeah I saw the fight from yesterday, Monty went kind of crazy.” Clay commented, and you sighed while pinching the bridge of your nose. You had been really good friends with Clay since 6th grade and you can honestly say he’s one of your closest friends. “Neither of them will tell me what happened either. It’s pissing me off.” You grumble, catching Monty’s agitated gaze. Clay shut his locker and turned to face you, “I think I heard one of them say your name but I’m not sure. Anyway I should go, Monty looks like he wants to kill me.” Clay says, his eyes also meeting Monty’s before he turns and heads down the hall. 
You roll your eyes at Monty and you turn to follow the path Clay took when you feel a hand wrap around your arm. You’re not at all surprised to see Monty forcefully, but gently, dragging you to a supply closet. When he shuts the door behind you two, you can practically feel the frustration coming from him. “The fuck Y/N! I said I was sorry about Alex I don’t know what else you want from me.” Monty snapped, crossing his arms as you glare up at him. “And seriously, Jensen? You avoid me all day and I see you hanging out with fucking Clay Jensen.” Monty snaps, and while most people would see anger you can see a flicker of insecurity flash behind his eyes. “Monty what I want is the truth. What happened with Alex? You know Clay is my friend Mon, he doesn’t mean anything to me.” You tell him gently, your anger melting away when you see how big of an issue this is for him. “You wanna know what happened with Alex? Fine! What happened was that he reminded me how bad I am for you, how fucking badly I’m going to fuck up your life.” Monty snapped, nothing but fear and self-hatred pooling in his eyes. 
“He reminded me how I’m just some stupid prick from the wrong part of town with a drunk Dad who beats on me for fun. He reminded me how I have no idea how to love people or how to let them love me. My life has been in a downward spiral from the moment I was born, my life is a sinking ship Y/N and if you knew any better you’d find a fucking lifeboat and abandon ship.” By the time Monty was finished there were unshed tears in his eyes and he refused to look at you. His chest is heaving and you can tell what Alex said really got to him. You take a step forward and reach up to cup his cheeks before you’re forcing him to meet your gaze. “I love you Montgomery. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” You whisper but Monty pulls away, his eyes sad and his body language tense. “No I’m not. I nearly beat your brother half to death yesterday because he had the balls to tell me the truth. We can’t be together, you’re too good for me. You deserve to be with someone like Clay.” Monty says, turning for the door. 
Your heart is broken even though you know he didn’t mean it. Your heart is fucking broken even though you know his is too. You lay back on your bed, the tears still fresh and rolling down your cheeks. Monty broke up with you today. He thinks he’s saving you, but he’s hurting you. Alex knocks on the door before pushing it open, guilt weighing heavily in his chest when he sees the tears. “Well what you said must have resonated with Monty because you got what you wanted. He broke up with me because you’ve convinced him he’s going to ruin my life.” You said, your voice weak from the crying. Alex stayed silent as he pushed his hands into his jean pockets. “I didn’t want this, I just wanted you to be safe.” Alex says sadly but you laugh bitterly as you roll to your right side. “Don’t worry Alex, my body is safe but my heart has been fucking shattered now get the hell out.” You snap as sobs begin to choke through your chest again. Alex leaves and closes the door behind him, leaving you alone with your quiet crying. 
School the next day was awkward. And painful. You’d arrived with Alex, but as soon as you crossed the threshold into the school you bolted to find Clay. You couldn’t be around Monty or Alex right now. You could see Monty out of the corner of your eye in his usual place against the lockers with the football guys. You felt tears thickening in your eyes as you turned towards Clay, who had been gracious enough to endure a 3 hour phone call last night about the breakup. He’d listened to you cry and he comforted you and promised he’d walk everywhere with you today. Monty spotted the bags under your swollen eyes, he felt guilt upon the realization you must have spent most of the night crying. In the long run this is better for you though, you’ll get over Monty and find someone who could treat you better. Or at least that’s what Monty repeatedly told himself to stop from caving and begging for your forgiveness. You had your back to Monty and firmly on Clay- who had been babbling on about some robot comic he reads. You’d asked him to talk about literally anything to keep your mind off Monty. 
Alex sat on the bleachers, his elbows resting on his knees. He didn’t only see how messed up you were, he also saw how messed up Monty was. He was stalking through the halls like a ticking time bomb, as though he’s waiting for someone to give him a reason to hit them. Alex knew he messed up, and he also knew he needed to be the one to fix it. He pushes from the table and after checking the clock he figures Monty will probably be out back, it’s his off hour. When Alex pushes through the schools back doors he sees Monty send his fist into some kids face, “you wanna say that about my girl again?” His voice was tense and his fist was holding the kids shirt tightly. The kid, who apparently said something about Y/N, quickly shook his head while reaching up to pinch his bleeding nose. Monty released the kid, watching him scramble inside and his eyes land on Alex. “Y/N send you?” Monty asks, looking down at his bruised and bloody knuckles. Alex shook his head as he took a few steps towards Monty, “no but I am here because of her.” 
Monty reached into his backpack to pull out a rag, which already had bloodstains on it to wipe his knuckles. “I think breaking up with her was a mistake. She’s like really sad.” Alex says, itching the back of his neck as Monty pauses for a second before continuing to wipe his hand. “That’s funny coming from you. Nice face by the way.” Monty says, a snide smiling crossing onto his face. When he’s in pain he deflects and lashes out. “I know. Look I’m sorry about what I said yesterday, I know you have a crappy home life but I guess I didn’t realize how happy you make Y/N. Even though you’re an asshole to everyone else, you’re really good to her. Don’t punch me for saying this but I think she’s changing you, you’re way less of an asshole then you were 6 months ago.” Alex said and Monty turned to look at him, an unreadable expression on his face. “I might have been right about a few things but definitely not about everything. I was wrong when I said Y/N would be happier without you, because I’ve never seen her so sad. She was up all night crying on the phone with Clay.” Monty’s eyebrows rise at the mention of Clay. 
“I mean you can do what you want but I genuinely think the best thing for Y/N is you. So, yeah.” Alex says, clearing his throat awkwardly before turning back inside the school. “Also she’s been with Clay all day. Last I heard they were getting pretty friendly in the Library.” Alex quips before the door closes. That’s a lie of course, while it is true you’re in the Library with Clay you two are in no way getting ‘friendly’. The comment is enough however to set Monty off, so he yanks open the door and storms for the Library. When Monty nearly barrels into the Library he sees you and Clay looking for a book near the back, but you’re not really near each other. Just talking. “Fuckin’ Alex.” Monty grumbles and as Monty turns to leave he hears his name come from your angelic lips. “I haven’t heard from Monty yet. He hasn’t even glanced in my direction.” You say to Clay sadly. Clay reaches up to grab a book from a higher shelf that you were struggling to reach, “well if he’s not a complete retard he’ll come around. I don’t know Monty very well but I know he cares about you.” Clay reassures and while you smile you’re not sure you believe him. 
As you and Clay keep searching for books, you feel a large, familiar hand wrap around your arm. “Can we talk?” Monty asks, his eyes boring into yours. Clay continues down the isles of books, a small smile on his face. You nod hesitantly as you pull Monty to a back corner of the Library. Monty awkwardly itches the back of his neck as you wait for him to say something. Desperately trying to form the right words in his head Monty rolls his eyes as he cups your cheeks. He’s always been more of an action guy than a word guy. He desperately presses his lips against yours, his hands pulling you impossibly close to his body. You melt into him as your arms wrap around his neck. “I love you.” Monty whispers against your lips, his hands sliding down to rest on your hips. There is nobody in this secluded area of the Library and soon the kisses grow more frantic, as Monty reaches for your ass to haul you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as he rests you on a table, his lips fervently moving against yours. Monty’s hands press flat against the table on either side of your legs. He grinds his hardening cock into you, causing a breathless gasp to escape your lips. 
“Monty we can’t, not here.” You whisper through the kisses as Monty’s fingers begin to dance up your thighs. Your head falls back as Monty’s lips trail down your neck to your shoulder, “sure we can baby. You just gotta be quiet for me.” Monty whispers into your skin as his hands make contact with your core through your jeans. You bite your lip to prevent a moan from slipping out, you grind your hips into his hand in an attempt to get more friction. “Think you can keep those pretty sounds you make nice and quiet so I can fuck you right here?” Monty asks, his hand rubbing tortuously slow. You bite down hard on your lip as your fingers grab tightly onto Monty’s shoulders. “God Monty,” You moan softly into his ear as his knee presses between your legs to part them. His lips work magic on your neck as he sucks and bites all the right places, “please tell me this is makeup sex.” You whisper as your fingers gasp onto the short hairs on his head. 
“Baby this is ‘I never should have let you go’ sex.” Monty whispered, his fingers gently popping the button of your jeans open. Monty quickly glances over his shoulder, and when he sees nobody in sight he pulls your jeans down to your calves. “I love you,” Monty whispers, his eyes looking into yours as his hand dips under the waistband of your panties. Your fingers gently rub along his neck as his fingers dip into your wet opening, “fuck I love you Monty.” You nearly cry out as he begins to slowly pump 2 fingers into you. Monty’s forehead is nearly pressed against yours as his hand comes up to clasp over your mouth. His pupils dilate as he lustfully watches your eyes roll back in your head when he crooks his fingers inside you. Your fingers curl around his wrist to ensure he keeps pumping his fingers into you but much to your dismay Monty pulls his hand away when he notices your thighs beginning to shake. Reattaching his lips to yours Monty lets you reach for the button of his jeans.  
You desperately fumble with the button of his jeans before you finally pop them open and yank the zipper down. “Condom?” You whisper against his lips and Monty nods quickly while digging into the pocket of his jeans. He always has one with him just in case the two of you can’t wait until school is over. Like now. After Monty has rolled the condom down onto his hard cock he presses the head against your entrance. “Now baby I need you to be nice and quiet or we’re going to get in a lot of trouble mkay?” Monty breathes softly against your lips and you nod as your arms pulls his body closer to yours. Monty wraps one arm around your body as the other reaches down to help guide his cock into your tight opening. “Shit Y/N.” Monty hisses quietly as he stretches you open, inch by inch. Your mouth hangs open as a quiet gasp escapes your mouth at the feeling of Monty sliding inside you. Monty begins to slowly but forcefully thrust into you, his hand coming up to cover your mouth when a tiny moan escapes. You’re softly crying out against his palm as he pushes into you over and over again. “Christ baby you feel so good around me.” Monty huskily whispers into your neck as you hold his hand over your lips. You’d cry out in ecstasy if his hand wasn’t there. 
Monty’s other hand reaches down to thumb at your clit, “need you to cum around my cock baby. Fuck I need to feel you cum around me, need to know I’m making you feel good.” Monty breathes, his face still nuzzled into your neck. You feel the heat spreading through your body like liquid fire as you keep your knees spread wide open for him, your chest heaving against his. Your hips begin to buck against his and with one more sharp, forceful thrust into you Monty slams the head of his cock directly into your g-spot and you cum instantaneously. You clench hard around him as you cum on his cock and Monty groans softly as he also cums into the condom as you cum. Monty presses a long kiss to your sweaty forehead before he pulls out and tosses the condom into a large trashcan sitting nearby. Monty tucks his cock back into his jeans as he pulls your jeans back up your legs. After Monty buttons your jeans again he looks up into your eyes, “baby I’m sorry. What Alex said just really got to me because he said literally everything I have ever worried about, out loud, straight to my face. I’m really good at pretending to be confident but I can’t act around you. You always see right through me, and I got scared. So I ran. If Alex didn’t come and tell me to get off my ass and fix this I don’t know if I would have and that scares me more.”  
“Wait Alex came and talk to you today?” You ask and Monty nods, his hands resting on your hips as you stay seated on the table. “He told me to fix this, and well I’m glad he did.” Monty smiled, a loving look crossing onto his face as he studies your eyes. “I’m not about to be a presumptuous asshole and assume you’ll take me back because you let me fuck you so, Y/N baby will you please take me back?” Monty asks and you can see that flicker of fear in his eyes that you’ll say no. You press your lips against his again, nearly taking him by surprise as he stumbles back a step when you completely throw yourself into his arms. “I love you and you’re stuck with me.” You smile and Monty smiles widely, pressing his forehead against yours. “I love you-” “God ew I’m happy you two are back together but seriously ew.” A voice sounds from behind you. You step back onto the floor as you turn to see Alex with a grimace on his face. “Will you two just hurry up? There’s a fight out back and for once Monty isn’t involved.” Alex says with a roll of his eyes as he watches Monty smack your ass. You lace your fingers with Monty’s as you two follow Alex out of the Library. 
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dafukdidiwatch · 4 years ago
FoodFight (2012)
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The origin story of Sausage Party and The Emoji Movie
I honestly don’t really know where to start with this film. Like I’ve heard of it, I’ve seen reviews of it, I was so sure I wouldn’t ever see this trainwreck because it looked and sounded so bad.
But honestly? This was an amazing film to watch. I don’t even know where to begin because I genuinely enjoyed this movie. This was a fun shitty trainwreck of a movie.
Let’s start with the obvious: The animation sucks. Like the designs are bad, the world building is bad, the animation is bad. Body movement? What body movement? The only body movement we need is arm waving and twirling and nothing else. And those are for characters they were trying for. The Humans, if there are any, are the literal worse with either being amusement park mascots at best or mountain troll monsters at worse. Yeesh they were bad to look at. In fact, a lot of characters in this movie are just, very ugly all the way around.
Celebrities: I feel so sorry for these people. Apparently it took 12 years to make this (like, wtf first off), so a lot of the “big names” they got in the day sort of faded away out of the public light. Not that I actually give a shit about it they got paid either way. I just think out of all of them, Wayne Brady was done dirty. He didn’t deserve to be in this movie, he deserves better than having his name listed in FoodFight. Tim Curry is a riot no matter where he goes, still bringing in his Dr. Frank-n-furter Vibes all the way around. And Christopher Lloyd wasn’t in for long, but by god does he leave an impression. A terrifying impression.
Why are actual food brands in this movie? Ms. Butterworth, what are you doing in here? Charlie Tuna, The Pickle Stork, Mr. Clean? I can’t tell if they did them dirty or not because they are barely in the movie anyway. The most screen-time of them went to Mr. Clean just for the bald clean jokes. It’s like playing Where’s Waldo in finding out where the notable brand icons are.
It’s also fun to play “Who the Fuck is that guy?” because there are a lot of brands being parodied here. Captain Crunch turned into Shitty Admiral Chip Peg. Chocola is a disco gay vampire bat. Some weird disturbing french cheese men....no idea who he is for but hey! That’s what the game is for! Trying to see what their ugly abominations were supposed to be in the light of day.
The only “decent” animated characters are the main one: Dex Dog-tective who speaks nothing but puns, every sentence. All the time. You want to start a counter on all the food puns he makes, but you also don’t because I’m sure it’s in the Hundreds. It also doesn’t help that he is like...furry bait? That’s the best way to describe him since he is like the Better animated characters they tried to make him handsome so...furry bait. Then we have Sunshine Goodness who is a terrifying uncanny valley creature which is just an anime catgirl that the animators decide to give up half way and hope her dead eyes give out the allure she has. But uh oh, watch out Sunshine, Lady X of Brand Ex is coming in with her twig-ass Dominatrix Barbie outfit trying to seduce your man...a talking golden retriever. Her dead glass eyes have its sights on seduction and world domination one fetish at a time.
I’m not kidding about the fetishes either, this movie is just throbbing with sexual tension. In the worst way. Like you think the food puns are a lot? Well the sex innuendos are giving them a run for their money. There is so many sex jokes. So many tension of the “oh the bad guy good guy flirt? Hwot” This is supposed to be a kids film and yet you are having jokes of raisins = nipples, chocolate = dicks, "I'll have you roll over and begging for mercy" is too sexually charged for this movie like.....AHHHHH. I fear for the children who learn their kinks through this movie. And that’s just the verbal! The visual is sexy dominatrix. Sexy plaid school girl. Sexy villain nazi-stand-in dominatrix. Sexy Tango. Sexy...sniffing?? God they were trying So so so hard and it pissed me off to no end: 50% in-credulousness because who the hell thought this was a good idea to have kids watching this, 50% anger because I’m somewhat pissed that some unfortunate lines had the gall to be actually good for romantic tension....if it WASN’T TIED TO A BAD FETISH FILM! Like, you can have sexual chemistry, but when sky planes fly out of someone’s vagina you know it’s a fetish film.
But hey, enough stalling, let’s actually talk about the plot of this movie.
It’s Casablanca.
Like dead ass Casablanca.
After losing the love of his life a grizzled detective man ends up running a club where he has to face off against nazis. This is deadass Casablanca where Rick had a dark romantic fling with a nazi at a grocery market. The decisions they went with like the bad rendition of the French National Anthem to be food themed that I could barely hear. Brand X having a nazi-like salute if someone misspelled YMCA with one letter. The...actual weird torture murder scenes? This movie was wild enough, you didn’t need to add in death to the mix. They even had the side characters from Casablanca being in here like the Moose guy being the piano player, and the weasel looking dude being the....weird ass dick weasel in this movie.
And now, some random lines that I liked:
"I just want to be loved"
"Whats the point if having luxurious hair if you can't look yourself in the mirror"
"Oh Yeah, sure, no prob, except I don't have a death wish"
"But you were recalled?! And butt ugly!?"
Overall: I honestly swear to god believe this could and should be the next Rocky Horror Picture Show. This is that level of just...badshit craziness where everything is wrong and beautiful that we can laugh at it all. This needs to have like, it’s own riff track, audience participation, SOMETHING because there is too many golden moments to let it fly by.
If you can get your friends and tell them NOTHING about this movie and see their reactions. Because that is what I’M going to do with mine.
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asterekmess · 4 years ago
S3A - E9
The last episode took me Hours to get through with all my notes, let’s hope this one doesn’t hurt my fingers so bad.
My fingers hurt too much to come up with a clever pun so Read More:
This is a dumb first bullet point, but I love Tara’s hair. It looks like it’s braided or something, then in a bun at the back? I like it.
What exactly was the reasoning for her walking into the school alone like this? Let alone going That far into it? If it’s a 911 call that she’s so nervous about she has her hand on her gun, then shouldn’t there be more than one officer??
ALSO, that seems like Very Bad routine procedure? You got a 911 call (but we get no explanation as to what it was FOR) and the first thing you say when you see someone is “Why are you here?” shouldn’t you be asking “Who made the 911 call?” And then you tell them to leave, and to tell anyone Else they see to leave. When they could easily SEE the person you’re wanting to aim a gun at and TELL them to leave because there’s a cop in the school.
So I’m torn between Julia being just that sick and wanting to terrify each of her sacrifices (which...she talks about them like she’s Genuinely sad she had to kill them, but it was necessary to save the world, so that doesn’t sit right with me?) or fear being a Necessary part of the ritual, like, that the sacrifices Couldn’t be willing?
Honestly, Lyds, that’s so smart and reasonable. “I had to have the weird blackout to get here. YOU get to go find the body.”
What was the point of the staging in the shower room if she was gonna get thrown onto the sign?? Why move her at all?
ALSO if this is supposed to be a threefold death, then didn’t she do it wrong? She killed Tara by strangulating her, but didn’t do the head bash or the throat until after she’d moved her body, for some reason??? Don’t they need to happen like..near the same time?
No to mention that there wouldn’t be much blood bc her throat was slit After death, so the blood wasn’t pumping. Even laying her down wouldn’t render a large amount. But they’re going for horror, so...i guess i’ll let it pass.
Why does it feel like Julia is going after people close to STiles specifically? First Heather, now Tara? And then his Dad? That’s a weird coincidence when she’s got the entire town to choose from.
Also, sheriff, i love you, but ‘they’re not going to get away with killing one of our own.” is a REALLY fucked up line. Police getting pissed ONLY when other Police are the ones killed is SO FUCKED UP. Logistically, police are FAR more likely to get killed than citizens are, aren’t they? They’re the ones that’re supposed to be running into danger? Like, Soldiers don’t Only get pissed when other soldiers are killed, right? It’s literally like...your job to be in potentially fatal situations? that’s not even my point! My point is that your line implies that law enforcement was Half-assing it before a cop got killed. half a dozen people have died, so Beacon Hills should be Swarming with cops, but for some reason the big guns don’t come in until a cop dies? Your phrasing sucks, Noah. Were you gonna let them get away with it if they killed everybody BUT the cops? I’m being sarcastic on that last bit, btw.
I’ll admit, it’s nice to get some actual SUNSHINE in CALIFORNIA
Is Chris letting Allison stay home because she saw a dead body? FOr as long as she wants? I’m so confused, she’s seen Much worse things, shouldn’t it like raise an alarm that she’s choosing NOW to stay home?
Your badassery is tainted by the fact that you’re wearing a dress and fishnets, Allison. If you’re gonna go hunting put on some pants. or shorts AT LEAST. that’s just not Practical.
I love how blatant a lie Stiles is telling Julia in class. “do you play?” “No, my father does” when we Know he plays, and besides if his dad plays then stiles MUSt because that’s a two person thing most of the time? But no, he doesn’t want Julia to know Shit about him.
the loyalty of Lydia not going near Aiden after learning he killed Boyd is SO refreshing. I TOLD you, if she knew Aiden was a murderer she’d never have gotten with him in the first place.
NOt Derek. CORA. MY BABE BONDS FAST. (I mean, she was locked in a bank vault with him for however long)
FIrst off, I love Stiles losing his shit. Second, the acting here is so sub-par, and it looks like a writer’s mistake. okay, so, in acting, interruption is an ART. You have to let someone say enough to get their line across, but INterrupt them before they can finish in a way that looks natural. And you have to make sure not to come in late or you get an awkward pause (this is more common with newbies bc experience actors don’t stop their line, they keep it going until you figure it out.) So like The line is ...And shove it up your freaking--” Now, Scott needs to interrupt without being late, otherwise, unless Stiles Continues the line, he’ll pause after saying ‘freaking’ and it’ll be noticeable. here, the way scott interrupts him feels So Wrong, in part because he let’s Stiles get so far into his threat.
Also, I’m fucking pissed that Scott is downplaying how angry Stiles is. “okay, we get it.” is just...a garbage way to respond to a friend who’s hurting and clearly on edge, thinking Ethan is threatening him.
Exactly How do you “Know” Ethan didn’t want to kill Boyd? You weren’t there, fuckface.
Is this set after school? They’re shouting their heads off and no one’s coming? Even Stiles was shouting about wolfsbane.
Hearing Cora’s little gasp as her head hit the wall hurt my heart.
Normally I’d be pissed about the girl standing back and not doing anything, but Lydia would be ripped apart and I do not blame her for shouting from the sideline.
I don’t understand what the hell is going on with the Chris stuff. Like, I guess he’s supposed to be looking into it on his own, but that still doesn’t explain where he got the information on this very specific ritual.
But I do understand Allison’s hesitance to outright ask her father what the fuck he’s doing, since last time that happened she was taken to a chained up derek in an underground tunnel system. Finding out her family are monsters is kind of her entire life, unfortunately.
Honestly, fuck yes. Cora go off. Though, I’m sad that no one is mentioning Erica, like At All. You realize she ALSO died at the hands of the ALphas, right? why does no one mention her when they talk about getting revenge?
I...am not talking about this scene.
I gotta say that I enjoy the fact that Allison called Stiles. That’s just...that’s p cool. BUT while it’s cute that her contact picture is from her conversation with Stiles in s2, it’s weird bc it’s a screenshot of the show, and we know that Stiles wasn’t taking pictures at that moment. But the effort is sweet!
I will say that it’s interesting that Cora doesn’t fight Stiles about helping him with his dad. She just finished yelling at Scott, Lydia, and presumably Stiles, and she’s clearly unhappy with literally everyone but Derek, but she’s been very humoring of Stiles. In every scene together, even when she’s snarking at him, she’s not an Asshole.
This conversation with Morrell makes...no sense. Scott literally said in the last episode that good liars wouldn’t have jumping heartbeats when they lied. Then he immediately went to ask Morrell if she was the killer and believed her (even though she’s sketchy as fuck) just because her heart didn’t jump. Wtf?
“But if I kill someone, I can’t be a True Alpha, right?” WHO SAID THAT EVER? WHO TOLD YOU THAT? SINCE WHEN? WTF?
I don’t know if it was intentional (maybe they mention it, but i haven’t gotten that far) but technically having this history teacher disappear leaves an empty class for Kira’s dad to fill when she shows up. Which is neat.
I will forever be angry that Aiden is touching Lydia here. He shouldn’t be near her. And that’s not even me being cranky! She IS PISSED AT HIM. She was avoiding him before today and even then the only reason she went near him was to act as a distraction.
Also, again, I am amazed at Cora’s PATIENCE with Stiles here. Seriously, they’ve clearly been there for a while as Stiles tries to find the words, but Cora didn’t just get pissed stand up and say “I’m a werewolf. People are dying. Help.” She continued to wait for him to talk.
When does stiles rearrange his room? I swear in the beginning of this season it was still in the previous formation with the corner bed sticking out and the desk under the window. Now the desk is facing a totally different direction and his bed’s up against the wall. It’s great, but like, when does it happen? Isn’t this literally the second time we’ve seen his room the whole season?
that’s such a weird text. “Mr Westover Missing” like I don’t know if it’s from Lydia or Scott, but you’re allowed to add some detail? Your keystrokes aren’t limited and there are no government agencies watching your texts for information.
Oh, poor Cora. I honestly wasn’t expecting to bond with her so quickly when I first saw her, but there’s something about getting to see characters being calm that really helps me vibe with them? Like, when they’re nothing but Fight Fight Fight it’s hard to actually relate in any way, but when you actually get to see them talk or relax, then you worry about that being taken away from them.
However much I hate Isaac and everyone else Constantly saying “But I want Scott here. We should ask Scott, blah blah blah” I will say that it’s getting REALLY annoying that Allison’s entire personality is “I”m going to run in with almost zero backup bc I want to be powerful and strong, but then I have to be saved bc I refused to ask for help in the first place.”
Wtf do you mean ‘i’m not that good at this yet’ Isaac? You’ve been a werewolf for literally like 5 months, only like two months less than Scott, and you were LIVING with a born werewolf for that ENTIRE time.
Chris you were shooting at nothing for like two-thirds of that time. That was an empty room. ALSO, if you’ve been there the whole time, why did you wait until he was dead to come out shooting?
Chris yells “help Him” and you go run to stand next to his body without bothering to pull him off the cord around his neck? You realize he might not be completely dead right? Or is his throat already cut?
Also, I wanna note, it was daylight when Cora passed out. Now it’s dark! He went to the ER with her and STAYED with her. I get that people say STiles is kind of callous, but he Constantly goes out of his way for near strangers, and I don’t think that should be overlooked.
No youfcking wouldn’t have Chris, you had tons of time while they were using the garrotte and you just stood there. They came in just before the kill was done, and except for Tara Julia has been leaving people’s bodies where they fall so she wouldn’t left right after. You were NOT ‘this’ close.
Yeah, yeah, and you’re both fucking guilty of being incapable of conversation. Chris you are the adult here, fucking act like it. You had a million chances to confront your daughter and you didn’t. Apparently that’s a habit she picked up from you.
What are they talking about, Scott healing himself?? He was thrown back, he wasn’t injured. I literally just went back and rewatched that scene. He falls backward and he’s completely fine. Stiles, there are so many better instances you could point to. For example, things that actually Happened.
That line is never gonna not hurt.
Stop touching Danny. Stop being near Danny. You are a literal serial killer, get your hands off him. GOD. your brother literally said he would murder danny if he saw you with him anymore, why are you putting him in danger? FUck you.
.....okay, lydia’s speech was meaningful until she fucking turned it into scott worship. Why couldn’t you have stopped at letting her say “maybe I’ll find them before it happens” Why couldn’t it be about HER for once? Why did you have to make it about how everyone thinks sunshine comes out Scott’s ass even though he’s literally not done a single thing to warrant it. He hasn’t Saved Anyone. He hasn’t done Anything to warrant all this trust. Lydia wasn’t there when he made Derek kill Gerard. SHE was the one to save Jackson. And Scott was the one who had to be saved BOTH when Allison had to stitch him up and when Stiles had to go after him in the gasoline. Jackson is the one who saved Lydia when Peter went after her. Scott Didn’t save deaton, that was Noah. He wasn’t the one who killed Peter, that was a combination of Stiles and Jackson’s molotovs and Derek’s claws. Scott wasn’t even the one to protect Lydia when Derek and the pack went after her, that was Stiles, Allison, and Jackson. SHe had no idea that Scott was even THERE until she ran out of the house. Scott didn’t stop Matt, that was Allison’s family scaring him off and then Gerard killing him. THe only possible thing that could count was him saving the two little kids while Boyd and Cora were running around in the woods, and Lydia doesn’t even KNOW about that. Scott has canonically done NOTHING worth all this faith and ‘leader’ nonsense.
were...were they hinting at a Scott/Lydia relationship before they brought Kira in? Holding hands isn’t really a friend thing...?
That....is the softest most broken little ‘hey’ that I’ve ever heard and I’m Instantly on the verge of tears, holy shit.
Derek, honey, what do you mean ‘not again’? You’ve never left Cora, unless you count moving to New York with Laura and Cora was in South America! This line would make so much more sense if they’d given us Any idea what happened to Cora after the fire.
Normally, i’d be annoyed that Melissa is just ignoring the laws about paperwork. I’d even be annoyed that she did it for the Sheriff. BUT, Melissa is in the know about the supernatural and she KNOWS that the murders are supernatural. I’m sorry but Supernatural needs trump human laws. Melissa is totally a boss for this.
EYYYY actual druid (specifically magician druids) thing they got right (though i’m not sure it was on purpose). Magician Druids were Very Well Known for their nature magic. For causing storms and droughts and high winds and fog. The building storm around the school is like, Peak magician magic.
God, it really....it really grinds my gears watching Isaac’s progression toward the most abuse he can find. You notice how, in season 2 when Derek was attacking the Betas on the regular and doing awful shit like breaking Isaac’s hands, Isaac was loyal as Fuck to him? (right up until randomly going to Scott to decide whether to leave town) Then, this season, we start off with Derek being pretty fucking gentle, there’s no indication that he’s been continuing the abuse. Isaac questions his command and Derek’s response is ‘do you trust me?’ to which Isaac easily says yes. In fact, Isaac asks Derek to be the one to hurt him for the memory seeking thing, and Derek refuses because he wants to do what’s Safer for Isaac.Then he throws the glass and Isaac bails bc it’s a direct reminder of what his dad did. Only he goes to Scott, who was incredibly violent toward him in the previous season. (And who we know will be violent toward him in the future as well) But the only time he lists away from Scott, is to go after Allison, who Tackled him to the ground and held a knife to his throat, and whose father inherently hates werewolves and is a constant danger to him. Yet he never goes in the direction of people who Haven’t hurt him. He could go to Deaton, who’d taught him the pain-drain thing and was nothing but kind to him in that short time. He could’ve gone to Boyd after Derek’s lashing out, his pack member, who would never hurt him. Hell, he hates Stiles’ guts, but he could still have gone to him. Stiles was the one to help Derek free him from Jail after all, and he’s not wanted anymore so Noah wouldn’t have anything against him. Stiles may have threatened Isaac to keep him from hurting Lydia, but he never personally laid a hand on him. But he went to Scott. Someone who’s beaten him bloody multiple times.
So, really focusing on the details here, but on Julia’s death record, her  ‘jane doe’ occupation is listed as “Child” Oh, and apparently there was Froth present on the body.
Okay, so I think I understand what they’re saying. The reason Julia lived after getting to the hospital was because the birds sacrificed themselves and their life force kept her holding on. Now, either this was a spontaneous thing, and the birds did it For her. Or she Made them, because we know she doesn’t need to Be There to control weird shit. She could’ve set it up before she left the Nemeton or passed out or whatever. My confusion is. If that’s the explanation for the bird suicides, then what the Fuck happened on the first day when all the birds came crashing through the window?? There was no reason for that to happen. She was totally fine! And doing it to frighten people doesn’t make sense because she set off the radars of everything supernatural in town. (And Stiles.)
This kind of mass mind-control is kind of insane and makes the situation with Derek just That much more awful. I am so sickened.
Now, on the subject of the chanting, I assume it’s part of the ritual since it’s present at the deaths so much. The question is, where did Julia Get it? THOUGHTS: This chant isn’t present at any of the virgin kills. It’s not there with Heather, and while we don’t see the boy at the pool’s abduction/death, Emily Also didn’t hear it during her hallucination. What if it’s part of the virgin sacrifice perk? Like, Julia could Only Use it after killing the virgins, because it’s got some kind of mind-control thing about it?
Wh--why didn’t Julia tape her arms down before she woke up? Why make the garrotte before ensuring her victim couldn’t Punch her in the face??
I thought you JUST said she wasn’t going to be a sacrifice?
Still confused. You didn’t sacrifice Lydia, so that doesn’t count as the third philo, but then the teacher who died onstage wasn’t a threefold death, or the hanging thing, they just got their throat cut and they were poisoned. So....what? Was that supposed to count as your sacrifice?
Nobody TOUCHES Noah, who managed to be the only fucking cop on tv i’ve ever seen follow sensible procedure which is to shoot them in the fucking leg when they walk toward you menacingly, rather than threatening to shoot them in the head and doing nothing.
Final Thoughts:
There was a lot in this episode that didn’t make sense. It’s very clearly an amping up for the finale thing, but it’s annoying that after all this time they’ve essentially made the Alpha pack a time waster. The whole thing with getting Derek in the pack is relatively meaningless now that there’s a Darach going after the Alphas. I dunno, feels kinda off.
Anyway, onward.
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join-the-joywrite · 5 years ago
Hamish & Vera soulmate au headcannons
Part three of the first words au suggested by my girl, Sima, as anonymously demanded in an ask politely requested in the notes sjsjjs.
Will I cry? Maybe. Will YOU cry? Hopefully Probably. They'll be happy tears tho. I think. I hope.
(Wtf does Hamish even study, guys) Hamish always feels like there's something missing. The apartment doesn't feel like home. It feels strange and alien. He doesn't know what he's missing. Or maybe it's a who? Late in the night, Hamish will check his wrist and he'll wonder when he'll hear the words. He wonders what sort of situation they're going to be in. The days feel monotonous and like they drag on for years. Something is missing.
Vera doesn't go home for anything other than sleep. The past few years, drifting away from Hamish, wasn't so bad. She still went home, albeit very late, and she still didn't have much of a problem delaying leaving. It felt nice to be at home and remember the days when she had enough free time to lounge around with Hamis. Now, going home brought guilt with it. Everywhere she looked, he was there and she couldn't face knowing she had done it to him. Part of her hoped he'd never get hid memories back. She hoped she could live with Hamish having no idea who she was, but she knew she could never live with Hamish hating her. Vera often sits alone in the reliquary, staring at her wrist. Remembering the day she watched the words write themselves. For weeks, Vera didn't look at her wrist because she knew soulmates changed and she knew that Hamish might find someone else without all his memories. She sits behind the desk and fiddles with a ring handing from a chain around her neck.
The day Hamish gets his memory back, he doesn't know what to feel. Jack is very vocal about how pissed he is at Vera and Alyssa, more than the Order as a whole. Lilith just shrugs it off. She never expected anything different from them.
Randall waits until Jack and Lilith have left the den, probably to hunt down their knives that they'd both had at one point. "Hamish --"
"Don't, Randall."
"We don't know if she really wanted--"
"She's the Grand Magus. She holds the highest authority. Don't make excuses for her."
Randall leaves quietly. He knows how stubborn Hamish can get.
"We're going to make them pay," Jack tells the knights after they've been inducted. "All of them."
Hamish glances back to see Alyssa walk by. Yes, he thinks of Vera, all of them.
They need the necklace. They need to get a copy of it.
"Let me," Jack says, "I'll--" "No, I'll do it."
Randall is rightfully Concerned™. "Dude, are you sure? It could get--" "Ugly? Painful? For her, I certainly hope so."
Lilith, as Hamish leaves: So, um, is now a good time to ask about what happened during the ambush last year or . . .
Randall: you know what, I think you should talk to Hamish about this one......
I am a strong woman, Vera thinks to herself when Hamish walks in with a drink. I will not break, I will not break, I will not break.
Ultimately, she gives in anyway a few days later. Not to say that she's blameless. Hamish, despite all his burning hatred, still loves Vera like before. He's intrigued at how he can love and hate her at the same time. Is this what people mean when they say, "it's complicated"?
"Bring me something in a tall glass," she says, absently clicking the heel of her shoe against the floor twice. I want your attention.
"What happened to you?" "NOTHING. What-- what happened to you?"
Randall's still wary of the demon summoning, but he's noticed the look on Hamish's face. He hasn't seen that look in years. Big gasp from Randall. Big glare from Hamish.
Later, once the excitement is slowly dying down for Hamish and he settles down to watch his young friends thoroughly enjoy entertaining themselves, Randall scoots up to Hamish. "You are so weak for V." "Am not." "You've got her lipstick on your face." "Shit, really? Did Jack and Lilith notice?" "HA!" "Fuck you, Randall ..... don't tell them anything." "My silence costs twenty bucks." ".......fuck u"
"Let me dispel the rumours. We are all going to die." Hamish's amused snort is quickly silenced by the withering glare Vera gives him.
When Vera comes to and notices Hamish taking care of her, she's almost relieved. Then she remembers the threat, Alyssa, Kepler and most importantly, no getting close to Hamish until everyhting is all sorted.
"So . . . what's all this talk about wolves?"
Honestly, at this point, Vera thinks she's going to glare hard enough that her eyeballs pop. "You fucking IDIOTS! You lying fuck, you actually got me thinking you genuinely cared. And you, you little shit . . . . you -- you -- you -- fuck you. Where is my inventory?"
"It was stolen from us." :|
"Oh, so you lost it. No surprise there."
"That's a little harsh, V." "I told you not to call me that, Randall." "Sorry. Look, we'll get the sickles back. We won't--"
"Too late."
Losing Lilith only makes Hamish worse. He wants to blame Vera and the Order, he really does. But he can't. He knows Vera and he knows she's not selfish enough to do this for her own benefit. Fuck feelings, they just make everything so damn complicated.
Vera is pissed at Hamish for being so petty. Hamish is pissed at Vera for the blatant betrayal. Vera is pissed with herself for allowing everything to come to this. Hamish is pissed at himself for being unable to resist Vera. They're both pissed and not talking to each other and frankly, it's starting to weigh on Randall, the only one who really knows what's going on behind closed doors.
"You know, you really should talk to Vera." Gabrielle appears out of nowhere. "About what?" Hamish and Randall: terrified screaming for about half a second until they finally spot the tiny Acolyte.
"Nothing." "You two are up to something. I wanna know what it is." "Are you blackmailing us . . . to spend time with us?" "No. What d'you need to talk to the Grand Magus about?" "Getting you some heels so we can see you when you're approaching." "Very funny, Randall."
When Vera attacks the Prometheans (and Jack) with her emotional amplifier, it's not just the desperate cries of a baby ringing in everyone's ears. Among it all is Vera's own voice, her always doubting that she'd done the right thing in erasing the Knights' memories, her thinking about how much Hamish was going to hate her and that was a price she was willing to pay to keep him safe for as long as possible.
Among it all are nights where a very young Vera would cry alone, wiping at her eyes with a bare wrist. And then a much older Vera, hiding away in a vault, refusing to cry as she looks at the words on her wrist.
"I don't need your pity, Mr Morton," Vera says, hoping and praying that Jack doesn't care enough to put all the pieces together. "I'm sorry about your daughter." Vera doesn't turn back to face him. She's okay. She really is. And then a very quiet, very whispered, "and Hamish." Vera leaves before Jack can see her strength fail.
"Are either of you going to tell me why you're all on first name basis with the Grand Magus?" "It's a Knight secret, Gabby, sorry." "Fuck you."
Hamish is still being Petty and Pissed, so when Vera gives them the contract and Randall gets super upset, Jack's the one to tell him to lay off a bit. "I think you're overreacting." "And I think you're protecting Hamish's girlfriend."
Hamish, low warning tone and Vera, high yell: "Randall!"
"Am I wrong?"
"About which part?" Jack mutters, glad the joke makes Randall laugh. He can deal with one angry werewolf. Two is way too much a burden.
"Have you seen or heard from Hamish this morning?" "Why would you ask me that?" Jack gives her a deadpan look. Big sigh. "No, I haven't."
Hamish being missing shifts Vera's entire outlook. She's wasting all this time being mad and angry when she could have been using it to try and mend her relationship with Hamish.
"Is everyone okay?" Hamish grins because he knows that as pissed as they are with each other, she worries for him just as much as he worries for her. Vera would have to hit a very high bar if she really wanted to break off every tie she had to Hamish and Hamish is sure Vera doesn't want to even touch that bar.
Vera is completely stunned when Hamish literally throws Angus out of the room. In all honesty, she shouldn't have been, but still. She expected a little more restraint, given Hamish was still visibly pissed with her. On the outside, anyway.
"I'm sorry, Vera. I saw Angus and I just reacted. I almost died yesterday and now it seems like I might die anyway. Part of me wishes we never got our memories back. I could just go back to being . . . happy."
Vera doesn't turn back. "Would you really? Be happy, I mean. You have all the answers now. You know all the right questions. Would you really be happy?"
"Ignorance is bliss." "Not always."
And then the tartarus eruptions begin.
Jack runs into Alyssa at a Praxis location and the Knights recover a third of the Order's inventory.
"Tell me about these puppies." Obviously, Vera wants information about what Praxis is up to, but Randall deadass adopted the puppies so now Vera is subject to being lectured about the puppies. Okay, not lectured, she's somewhat invested in her new grandchildren. Hamish has a small smile on his face because Vera's still his Vera. Strangely fond of Randall despite all his annoying flaws -- just like Hamish himself.
Vera makes the three of them Magistratuses on the spot and Hamish looks like he's beaming at the promotion but really he's just so thrilled to see Stubborn and Petty Vera go up against Kepler.
"I'll order some wine." "Champagne, please. We're at war with Praxis, not good taste." And she's apparently retained what he taught her about drinks!
No matter what she does or what she acts like, the very core of who Vera is, her innermost self, will never change. And Hamish is glad for it, because that's who he loves. And the words mark her forever, so she'll never forget it.
"It's all right to let someone care about you." Vera shakes her head, because she's done horrible, horrible things and some would even call her irredeemable. She wants to argue and fight with Hamish because away from her is the only place he'll be safe. "V. . ."
Hamish is better at saying things when he doesn't talk. So he takes hold of her hand and gives it two small squeezes. I love you. He tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and trails his hand down to her chin before lifting her head, guiding her to look at him. His fingers tap on her neck. One, two, three times. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you.
And when everything dies down, Hamish swears to protect Vera. He and the rest of the Knights will protect her secret with their lives. Even if she weren't their Grand Magus, she's Hamish's soulmate and given how important Hamish is to them, it's no surprise Vera automatically is, too.
Besides, Randall kinda likes the Mom Vibes he gets from Vera. Gabrielle is jealous.
Vera finds Hamish taking a nap under the tree. He squints at her. "Don't make me look like an idiot. Get down here."
Vera smiles and joins Hamish on the grass. "I love you," she says softly, finally, finally finding the peace and joy she had before she and Hamish started drifting. She looks at the words on his hand, then the words on her own.
Soulmates. Someone who is always going to be there for her, no matter what. It's nice to have one, even though for most of her life, she thought she would never find one.
But the special thing about Hamish is that they had something really special long before they discovered they were soulmates. Vera smiled in the knowledge that Hamish wouldn't have done a damn thing different even if she still had s blank wrist. He loves her, she loves him, and frankly, nothing else matters.
FINALLY COMPLETE!!!!!! I trust this is satisfactory, my loves??
See other soulmate AUs that make me cry
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catherineflowers29 · 4 years ago
Hi! I'm the anon from before! Oh, thank God. I was worried I upset you because JB shippers get so defensive when someone is critical of their ship or Jaime (btw I'm a Brienne stan before a JB shipper.)
I think your story is so great and feminist... the fact that Brienne was allowed to be angry at Jaime and make the choice to fuck Addam and still be the doting mother and a warrior who inspires women (also thank you for no boring Sansa/Brienne friendship). I loved how she said "fuck that" to any of Jaime's weakass explanations and whenever that bitch was like, "are we good? have you forgiven me? can we fuck?" and she just went like "wtf no you're the worst." like YES. It fucking bothered me the way those S8 apologists defended Jaime's "addiction" and liked the offensive disgusting white book scene. FFS LET WOMEN BE ANGRY. LET WOMEN HAVE A STORYLINE THAT ISN'T TIED TO SOME GARBAGE MAN. LET WOMEN SLEEP WITH MEN INSTEAD OF THEIR ASSIGNED LOVE INTERESTS AND LET THEM ENJOY IT TOO. LET WOMEN BE BITTER AND UNFORGIVING AND COMPASSIONATE AND MOTHERLY AND BRAVE AND AWESOME AT THE SAME TIME. ALL THESE THINGS CAN EXIST IN ONE WOMAN. IT'S ALLOWED. AND BRIENNE IS NO BETTER OR WORSE IF SHE CHOOSES TO BE UNFORGIVING. I HATE DUDEBROS.
I don't think you should be unhappy with your story! Your story has amazing dialogue and internal thoughts, well-rounded characters, and Brienne of Tarth being awesome. If anything, you were too nice to Jaime by having him be happy and giving him a purpose. You should subvert my expectations, lovely author! Don't have Brienne forgive Jaime and get into a relationship with him! Make her kick him to the curb! Break his heart! Piss on his corpse! Probably JB shippers will be mad at you but I've got your back. The REAL Brienne fans know that Jaime did Brienne so dirty, and no bs addiction or duty can justify that!
Ok that's enough... and WTF why would people think your fic is controversial. IMO we should bully the writers who had Brienne easily forgive Jaime and take him back just like that. Fuck them all. I only respect YOU. You got me into shipping Addam/Bri and also validated my anger. Also I was busy, didn't know you updated your fic. Gonna read it now. Not gonna lie, I'll be a little upset if she chooses Jaime because I thought the glass throwing scene was written to show the tragic end of their relationship and how there's no coming back, but I did want to know your thoughts.
Bless you, kind reader. 
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about why my fic is considered controversial. The subject matter in it really isn’t that “dark” in the traditional fic sense. There’s no rape or major character death, it’s not torture porn or anything. And yet, there was rage about it on Reddit, it was banned from being discussed on Discord, and a BNF decided (very hurtfully, I might add) to call me out on Twitter because she had formed a judgement based solely on my tags. I have also been blocked by numerous people in the fandom that I have never so much as had an interaction with. I’ve also had a LOT of shitty comments and anons here and there from people who seem really angry that I had the temerity to write this fic.
That genuinely surprised me. I knew it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea - what fic is? But there have been times when I have felt like a total pariah and not wanted to interact with other members of the fandom in case they feel the same way. Whatever way you slice it, that’s shitty behaviour.
Largely, when we ship something, particularly when it’s an OTP, we think of that relationship as an ideal. It’s escapism, it’s perfect in ways that our real relationships never can be. I think that’s why, for so many of us, 8.04 was really devastating. Jaime and Brienne are also a ship about acceptance and understanding, of a deep connection that transcends surface impressions - they both see each other for who they really are. That means a LOT to us, I think. I think we all long for that kind of relationship and exploring it in our fandom gives all of us so much happiness. We are in love with their love.
In their portrayal of the JB relationship, D&D ABSOLUTELY got that wrong. I absolutely do not dispute that. I think a LOT of people were angry with me because they confused what I was writing as being supportive of D&D’s take in some way, because I treated it as canon. Some writers were able to paper over the end of the show, dismiss it as bad writing and move on, or write fic where Jaime changes his mind, Brienne forgives him, and then they carry on with what we wanted.
I just couldn’t do that. God knows I tried. But if I had been in Brienne’s position, I absolutely would have been as pissed as fuck about what Jaime did. I don’t accept that he went back for Cersei as a brother, or that Brienne wasn’t crying for herself but only for him and his lost honour. Being dumped HURTS, particularly when you loved someone and thought you had a future, and then he walks out in the middle of the night without saying goodbye. Brienne had SO MUCH backstory about being hurt and humiliated by men, having the first man who loved her, the man she gave her virginity to, treat her that way would fuck her up.
I’m not saying that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong, and I never have. I don’t have the definitive knowledge of these characters, none of us do. I only have my take, my experience, my style.
I just couldn’t write about their relationship as being idyllic and perfect any more. Is it a reflection of who I am as a person and as a writer? That’s certainly been the accusation several dozen times. Maybe. It’s certainly a reflection of how I feel women put up with too much shit from men and are expected to be kind and forgiving in return. I HATE that with a passion. 
Angry women are really controversial. They make people of all genders feel very uncomfortable. Sexually confident women do, too, and I think my story was the perfect storm of those two elements, really. People who want escapism from realistic relationships where people don’t live happily-ever-after really took exception to its very existence.
I don’t hold it against anyone for it not being their cup of tea, or if they disagree with my take. God knows there are kajillions of fics out there that aren’t my bag too. Things I’ve rolled my eyes at, things I’ve fundamentally disagreed with, things I’ve been horrified to read. But not once have I ever felt the need to be a public douchebag about it. I’ve never felt the need to make a writer stop writing.
So thank you so much for taking the time to send me this. It does make a really nice change to get an anon be so positive and affirming to me as a writer!
I really hope that you enjoy the end of the story. And that you will enjoy the reboot in a few weeks where we stick with Brienne’s POV and I turn the volume down on some of the elements that I don’t like about the story myself. Not the rage though, or the Addam banging. That’s staying! 
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years ago
immj2 19.10.20 lb
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oh wow, this is one fug outfit. puff sleeve bhi, gota patti bhi, net dupatta bhi, giant gaudy haar bhi, blue winged eyeliner bhi. matlab, pick one or two of these elements, sis. not ALL.
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speaking of outfits that have A Lot going on, the resident queen of that is here.
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literally who doesn't have another tab open at all times to switch to when ppl are in the vicinity? anyone who's used a computer since the invention of tabs knows this.
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ishani does "work"? what work???? also, she's allowed to use vansh's laptop? huh. wouldn't have thought so.
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there. she took it with the memory card and went. godddddddddd riddhimaaaaaa.
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dadi to the rescue. honestly, riddhima's life would be very fucking difficult if this dadi wasn't intentionally and/or unintentionally taang adaofying on her behalf.
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lmao she's telling ishani to do garba with angre. achcha hua dandiya nahi bola; giving ishani a weapon and letting her loose in the general vicinity of human beings is bound to be fucking catastrophic.
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ishani is highly relatable in today's ep.
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ishani truly is vansh's sister. knows that riddhima is shady as fuckkkkkkkk.
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yup. saw the unsafe ejection notification. (a very jankyyyyyyyy looking one.)
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she's honestly such a dumbass. vansh ALREADY KNOWS the truth behind ragini's case and is actively concealing it. what does she hope to accomplish by finding out the truth and telling him??? yeah, i'm sure he'll be thrilllllllled to know that you stilllllllll went behind his back and kept investigating even after he told you 30 million times to leave it the fuck alone. the fact that you're looking into it and didn't take him at his word is his problem, you giant walking donut!!!!!!!
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literally the only good use of a bra is to stash small secret shit into it. why wouldn't you just do that?!?!!?
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random ainvayi ki saazish by chanchal to turn riddhima’s bhog waala kheer to paneer. goddddddd such 9th standard mean-girl in-home-science-class type tactics.
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fwd fwd and i see that dadi knows the truth. fucks chachi up. good. i missed nothing.
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oh i see where vansh gets his tendency to declare everyone's crimes and punishment out in front of everyone.
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ishani tries taking chachi's side and dadi's like zyaada tarafdaari karogi toh you gonna share in her punishment too. you want?
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yeah, that's what we thought.
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ouff some more drama about riddhima being given some khaandaani haar. DUDE IS THERE ANYTHING OF ACTUAL CONSEQUENCE HAPPENING IN THIS EP OR NOT???????
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some more tuchchi saazishein, ugh i really dgaf.
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ofc the memory card fell outta the duppata. and OFC it got stuck to aryan's shoe.
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dadi taking everrrrrrrrrrryone's case today.
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“mere aur riddhima ke beech mein koi issue nahi hai.” yes, very believable from this highly convincing body language.
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dadi giving gyaan on rishte nibhaana and vansh giving her the whole rishta = bharosa lecture too.
interestingly, rrahul is not putting on the usual vansh voice for this scene and it's already 200% more genuine and watchable. please god just let him talk in his normal voiceeeeeee.
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dadi bringing out props and shit to explain rishte mein bharosa concepts and vansh is me, totally exasperated and done with this nonsense.
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of course a grossass bitch like aryan likes a disgustaaang fruit like papaya.
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aaaaaaaaaaaand he's left handed. ugh, hum lefties ka naam kharaab karne ke liye yeh ek kaafi hai.
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my god the accusing way she questioned him about being a lefty, lmao.
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aryan be like jfc i know i do a lotta shit wrong but yeh toh mere bas mein nahi hai.
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great, she now thinks aryan is the murderer. re devaaaaaaaaaa.
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mans so desperate he's actually asking dadi for relationship advice.
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so all it took for him to set aside his ego and decide to tell her all about his deep dark past was one of dadi's dumb lectures??????? DOESN'T SHE GIVE YOU ONE OF THOSE LIKE EVERY 4 HOURS????????/
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ok did we ever hear this man tell us HIMSELF, USING HIS WORDS, that he “hates” his mom????? coz he seems to keep a lot of her around him, from the computer password, to the painting, to her payal which i saw him giving riddhima in an insta scene, and now this lehenga. so......... is this just another theory we have about him that's hearsay????
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“yeh tum mere liye laaye ho?”
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“riddhima jahaan tak mujhe lagta hai, iss kamre mein koi teesra toh hai nahi. and i don't think main inn kapdon mein achcha lagoonga.” the man is 6000% done with her dumb ass.
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preemptive statement ki i did this only for dadi.
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goddddddddd she just HASSSSSS to annoy him by asking dumbass questions.
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“har baat ka apna matlab nikaalne mein tum expert ho hi, riddhima. bina koi matlab jode sawaal kiye isse le nahi sakti kya?” 6000 ratcheting up to 9000% done.
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“mere paas apni maa ki koi nishaani nahi hai; isse main apni maa ki nishaani samajh ke sambhaalke rakhoongi. thank you.” 
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that was enough to floor maa da laadla.
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pushing her luck some more by asking him to come do aarti with her.
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blah blah blah i know you'll come.
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nice-kill-tanaka · 4 years ago
Hi! I read all your x readers and love them! I especially loved the Bakugou x Rough and Tough Crush, I was wondering if you do a part 2 of that one? Where the squad are trying to get the two together.
Of course Nony! Glad you liked my self indulgent work 🥰
🌄Bakugo + Rough And Tough Crush: Part 2🌌
Looking for the whole set? Take Part 1 right here!
Summary: The Bakusquad gets a little sick of watching you and Bakugo pine after each other in your own...special ways. So, it was decided to devise a plan to get you two crazy kids together!!
A/N: Me, internally: First request, don’t mess it up, first request, don’t mess it up, first request, don’t mess it up, first request, don’t mess it up-
💥Katsuki Bakugo💥
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Let’s start by looking at your end of the pining stick
When Bakugo started treating you differently (like an equal/rival rather than a hurdle to trample on) your own perspective started to shift
You now knew what it was like to be on Boom Boom Boy’s good side. And if you were being honest? It was fun as hell 🔥🔥
Nothing got under your skin very easily, so you took Bakugo’s aggressive taunts and jeers as petty opportunities to take him up on his challenges
What’s better than a free chance to get stronger??? (Mentally, emotionally, and physically)
It wasn’t very long before you began to find Bakugo’s unwavering passion and drive attractive rather than amusing. You wanted to see more of it, to draw it out, to match it
That wild and determined smirk he used past bared teeth when you bested him would really make you feel some type of way 😳
But Y/N is currently a single-brain-celled bastard in this household
My dude, you don’t even misinterpret your feelings. You're just incapable of giving them a label 😭
You just know that you have warm and fuzzy sensations in your stomach whenever Bakugo is being uniquely himself, which you mistook for indigestion on multiple occasions
Y’all are so freaking dumb it actually hurts 😭😭😭
((^^The Bakusquad’s general consensus on you and Bakugo’s mutual pining))
Which brings us to how the Bakusquad decided to go about bringing you hotheaded lovers together
Kirishima casually suggested that they let you two get together on your own, but was out-voted in favor of putting an end to the infinite frustration that came with watching two people crushing on each other and not doing anything about it
Mina and Jiro thought of the first plan:
They’d have a movie night for everyone in the friend group and Mina would conveniently choose a ✨romance✨ movie. The rest on the squad would think of lame excuses to leave in the middle of the film, leaving only you and Bakugo alone (hopefully on the same couch). If things went well, you two would be together by the end of the movie
Their reasoning was that if the concept of romance was introduced at the right time, you’d both feel more inclined to confess your own feelings 
It seemed feasible enough, so the plan was set into motion
As expected, the moment Mina pulled out the Blue-Ray box, Bakugo started to grumble about how corny the film was gonna be
But, Jiro caught a glimpse of you leaning over and muttering something to Bakugo, out of earshot of everyone else
Immediately, Bakugo began to loosen his shoulders, still not happy about the genre, but more complacent. He slouched into the couch and endured it like an adult
During the movie, especially the more romantic moments, the squad constantly stole glances towards you and Bakugo. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to look at
Bakugo, in the same position as the beginning, didn’t seem bored, but like he’d rather be doing anything else at the moment. His eyes were glued to the screen in a judgmental stare, but that he dared not say anything to ruin a certain person’s experience
You, however, looked like you were enjoying the movie! However muted your position might have looked. Though you weren’t enjoying it cause it was good. Oh no, you looked like you wanted to ✨a s c e n d✨ into orbit with laughter every ten seconds
For the sake of letting the rest of the Bakusquad enjoy the romance aspect, you limited your actions to biting your fist whenever something hopelessly cringy happened
Any longer than the halfway point, and you would’ve broken down in a fit of hysterical laughter, roasts, and jeers at the screen
Soon enough, the rest of the group made their excuses to leave the room momentarily, disappointed with their results
But, when they came back, something beautiful had occurred 
“Why the hell is she running back to the apartment?? HE CHEATED ON YOU?? KILL ‘IM??”
“SKSKSKS- Okay, but wtf is her FACE?! Is that supposed to be distress?? Freakin’ ahegao faceass.”
Bakugo was deadpan roasting the movie with an amused smirk. While you were coming after it with the gusto of Monoma coming after 1-A, snorting with every comment Bakugo made
Neither of you had even noticed everyone else come into the room
(Apparently, you had told Bakugo earlier that you two can shit on the movie all you wanted once you were alone)
Alright...not exactly the plan. But, possibly a step in the right direction
Sero and Kaminari thought of the next “plan”
I only put quotations, because it’s hardly thought out enough to call it one
It was literally just locking you and Bakugo in a closet 🤡🤡
Don’t worry Sero and Kaminari, I’ll play Taps at your funerals 🎺🎺🎺
You and Bakugo didn’t even have a genuine conversation in the closet...You were too busy yelling various profanities at your friends
“Dude, it’s really FUCKING HOT in here. Let us out while I’m still feeling nice!!”
“I’ll murder you bastards when we get out of here!!! You better start running now.”
Btw, you both ended up making it out of there on your own
You managed to deck the doorknob hard enough to break it off, giving Bakugo enough leeway to blow the door off its hinges
Bakugo took care of Kaminari, while you caught and hogtied Sero with his own tape 
You gave each other congratulatory fist bumps afterwards 😚
Despite the rest of the Bakusquad miserably failing in their schemes, their setups did help develop you and Bakugo’s relationship. Just not as fast as they hoped
You had become a pair that could laugh and fight together. Being each other’s advocate became a source of pride for you both
You were all set to become a romantic couple 
But, what actually brings you together??
Well, it went something like this:
I’m not too sure of the exact details, but I know that you and Bakugo were having an extra intense training session
Things were starting to get a bit sloppy, as your bodies were getting tired, but your morale was just as strong as ever
It could’ve just been a freak accident, or something neither of you saw coming
But, the point is: Either of you could’ve gotten really hurt, had you not been the tough cookies you are
In your perspective, you were oblivious to the danger that you had been in. And if you did know, you didn’t particularly care. You only saw that the person you cared about most in U.A. could’ve gotten hurt
The idea of that happening, and it being your fault (or, not being able to do anything about it) really rubbed you the wrong way. You were mostly angry at yourself
But, you took it out on Bakugo
Because you were the first aggressor, Bakugo responded with what he knew best: Aggression
Yes, he was absolutely mad at himself for putting you in danger. But, what made the feeling worse, was that you refused to acknowledge that you could’ve been injured as well
Your blatant lack of self-preservation pissed him off. Why couldn’t you care about yourself the way he cared about you?!
On the outside looking in, the fighting was far too intense for any peer of yours to try and break it up
Yelling, cursing, but neither of you put your hands on each other (Like you usually did when you play fought)
Strangely enough, I think that’s how you could tell the situation was serious
Finally, your emotions had reached their climax. All caution had gone to the wind at that point
You weren’t even thinking when you yelled the next thing in Bakugo’s face
At that moment, you both turned away to storm off before abruptly stopping in your tracks
“What?!” You said in unison, registering what you both had heard and said
You sighed, frustrated at your own stupidity, unclenching your fists and begrudgingly explaining your true feelings to the seething object of your affections
As you spoke, you were realizing just how whipped you were for Bakugo. And how you didn’t know it until you were given the opportunity to blurt it out with pure emotion
Your words weren’t very poetic (You actually sounded very constipated), but what you said was what you felt in its rawest form
Bakugo could hardly think of what to do next. His crush was reciprocated and they confessed first??? Wtf???
His silence made you uncomfortable, and you didn’t feel like blowing up again. You huffed, shoved your hands in your pockets, and turned to stalk away, unsure of what to do next
Before you could completely turn on your heel though, you felt yourself being roughly shoved against a nearby wall
You weren’t even given time to react, because as soon as your back made contact with the wall, a warm, caramel-scented sensation met your lips
The kiss you had just registered didn’t even last two seconds, but the lingering feeling stuck with you as your brain effectively shorted out
“Yo, wh-what was that??”
Bakugo was impossibly red, one hand still on your shoulder, keeping you in place. Even though he refused to make eye contact with you, it was clear that what he had just done was completely intentional
He scoffed, voice barely above a grumble, “Damn dumbass...you didn’t even give me a chance to respond...”
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one set of headcanons for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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kinkymagnus · 5 years ago
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normally i like block anon hate and i might do a quick generic response but i don’t necessarily show the ask but this is too fucking funny not to. this is genuinely the best anon hate i’ve ever gotten. i’m almost wondering if it’s a joke surely someone isn’t this goddamn stupid???
ok ok ok so.
first of all. i actually was joking, mostly because while magnus’s actor, harry,  is very attractive he’s like late 30s and it would be kind of weird for someone that much older than me to have sex with me. and while magnus is, again, super hot, i also ship him with alec more than i actually want to have real sex with him or something, particularly again given the age thing and my own unrelated issues, so like, if somehow magnus bane became real, i would not want to have sex with him. although that’s irrelevant, as he isn’t real, and fantasies are harmless even if i was fantasizing about that, but whatever.
second. even if i wasn’t. what the fuck. i literally wouldn’t even be doing anything wrong.
anon please tell me what’s disgusting about being attracted to a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. it’s not like i’m out here thirsting over a 12 year old anime girl with huge tits or something, so i honestly don’t see the issue. he’s a fictional adult, and also he’s hot. people have fantasies about fictional characters all the time?? this is normal?????
like 1. on a more serious note some people only feel comfortable with sexual fantasies about a fictional character because it’s more coherent than vague “and then im having sex with...someone” but also its unattainable and like, can’t hurt you, and also, you don’t feel weird being attracted to someone (although you never should anyway unless they’re way younger than you or something??) and also again 2. WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM? DO YOU THINK THIS IS LIKE BESTIALITY AND THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CAN’T CONSENT TO [checks notes] YOU FINDING THEM SEXY??? WHAT THE FUCK they’re not REAL, karen 
and even so no one needs consent to find someone attractive lmao what the fuck it’s attraction not action
i genuinely can’t get over this it’s so fucking funny “ERRRM just learned that you think a fictional character is hot. [vine voice] blocked and reported” i????????
or is this about the specific use of the word “topping” which is referring to the fact that i personally prefer being on the receiving end of things, but would be willing to be the “giver” so to speak for him? it’s a joke, i’m not even necessarily classifying him as A Bottom and me as a A Top in that post (although even if i did mlm joking and/or seriously headcanoning this shit is not the same as like Cishet Women clowning about it)  like..... ok??????? 
also “writing porn of characters is one thing but WANTING TO FUCK THEM YOURSELF? TOO FAR. IF YOU WRITE SELF INSERT YOU’RE GOING TO HELL.” i??????????????????????? I????????????????
I ACTUALLY WANT TO KNOW THE LOGIC BEHIND THIS I WON’T EVEN BLOCK YOU YET. because despite the whole “blocked and unfollowed” someone only sends anon hate like this when they want attention, and i have no doubt you are going to be checking my blog to see me crying or angry about this. of course, now that i’ve said that you might not respond out of spite or some childish willingness to be like “NUH UH” but like, we both know the truth. and i mean, congrats, you got my attention, look at how fuckin long this response is
anyway despite how hilarious i find this....  like i just... “oh...i......its wrong to joke about wanting to top a fictional character who literally couldn’t care less....it’s WRONG TO BE ATTRACTED TO FICTIONAL CHARACTER....WRONG TO GET OFF ON FICTIONAL CHARACTER (why do you think people read my porn, buddy, for the intellectual stimulation?) WRONG TO WANT FICTIONAL SEX WHEREIN YOU COMPLETELY SET THE BOUNDARIES AND WHAT GOES RIGHT AND WRONG AND IT IS SAFE AND THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CANNOT HURT YOU IT’S THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER WE AREN’T EVEN MAKING WEIRD COMMENTS ABOUT THE ACTOR--”
[ahem] despite how funny this is, anon hate isn’t cool, and also, dude. if you really were upset by me.... [im about to start giggling again] being. being attracted. to a fictional character. like................ just......... unfollow. hell, you can block me if you want to, god knows i understand blocking people who make content that doesn’t feel comfortable to you. 
but like, sending a petty anon ask (anon! coward! if you’re gonna send hate show me your face!) being like “WELL I HOPE YOU’RE HURT, BECAUSE I HATE YOU NOW, YOU DIRTY SLUT, HOW DARE YOU DO THIS CONTENT I DON’T LIKE” is wrong! even if i was actually doing something that really was gross! even if i’m following someone and i find out they’re into j*lec incest or something, i don’t go into their inbox and go “DISGUSTING. THAT’S WRONG AND RACIST AND GROSS. BLOCKED AND UNFOLLOWED.” even though it is, and they are, because i have class. i unfollow, block, and move on! 
but like, this is even worse because it’s something so mind blowingly trivial it’d be like if i went into some poor person’s inbox like “YOU MADE A POST SAYING YOU THOUGHT AN ACTOR WAS CUTE. FUCK YOU. THAT’S DISGUSTING. BLOCKED AND UNFOLLOWED.” like??? ok??? bye. good riddance
anyway you’re really hurting yourself more than me. i mean, i’ve got [checks notes] holy shit my follower number has gone up one. 
oh my god this is so fucking funny i’ve got one new follower and as far as i can tell it doesn’t look like anyone’s unfollowed unless there’s another new follower buried in the notifications and/or you unfollowed ages ago. did you even unfollow or are you just trying to shame me for thinking magnus is hot, which he is???
that is so fucking funny oh my god i’m just laughing harder the longer i look into this
anyway i was going to make a joke about 601 going down to 600, a nice round number, and like, i wasn’t going to miss you, i block book stans that follow me all the time and people unfollow me for various anti reasons all the time, i’m used to losing followers, you’re the one who is apparently missing out on my porn--speaking of which, why do you like my porn? you can’t be attracted to the characters, right, because that’s a sin? or is it ok if you’re only watching but not involved. like the “it’s not gay if you’re watching and not touching” kind of rule. 
i just.......
“but then wanting to have sex with a FICTIONAL character???wtf??” LKGJFLGKHJFH I CAN’T GET OVER THIS THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY “i expected better of you” FROM ME? THE PORN BLOG? DID YOU THINK I DIDN’T FIND THEM FUCKABLE IN ANY WAY???????? I?????????????????????? 
also did you send a similarly childish ask to all the other people on that post? not that i’m encouraging you do but tothetrashwhereibelong sadly had their inbox closed and has personally expressed interest in a dumbass rant from you when we were laughing about this, so you can send that to me and i’ll carry the message! they’d be delighted to hear it.
anyway i’m actually not going to block you just yet because i honestly want another response but i’ll give it a few days, maybe longer. i’m so curious and also this is so funny lmaooo 
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