#hope it doesnt suck lmao
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spectersgirl · 1 year ago
Harvey Specter forgets your anniversary 🙉
I considered taking this in a slightly angsty route but decided I felt like keeping it light so you get this hehe
also I have no idea what to title this so the title is now...
Harvey Specter x Reader
The sun hung low over the New York skyline as Harvey paced the floor in his office, the weight of the day's workload pressing down on him. The day, however, was an important one that he couldn't afford to forget. It was the two-year anniversary of the day he started dating you, the love of his life, and he'd forgotten. In the whirlwind of cases and negotiations, the date had completely slipped his mind. He glanced at the clock, a sinking feeling knotting in his stomach as he realized his mistake.
"Fuck." He muttered, debating what he could possibly pull off at such a late hour.
He considered every possibility on his own before admitting his own defeat and calling in his last resort, his best secret weapon.
"Donna? Can you come in here for a minute?"
Donna appeared quickly in his doorway.
"What's up?" She asked, noting the look of stress on his features.
Harvey sighed, his frustration with himself evident. "Today is my anniversary with Y/N and I completely spaced. I need to do something special, and I need it to be perfect."
Donna smirked softly, having already had the inkling that he'd forgotten. She loved being right.
"Well then it's a good thing that I already made reservations at the restaurant you took her to on your first date and called Ray to have you picked up in about-" She checked the time. "Forty-five minutes to go sweep your girl off her feet. Don't worry, I already called her and told her you weren't out of your meeting in time to call yourself but you wanted to warn her to be ready when you arrived. Oh, and the necklace you told me to order her for Christmas arrived a week ago, so you can give her that too. Top desk drawer."
Relief flooded Harvey's system, never having been so thankful for his secretary in his life.
"Oh my god, you're a lifesaver. I don't know how to thank you"
"Just leave the credit card on my desk in the morning and I'll thank myself on your behalf." Donna said with a bright smile.
"Done. I owe you the whole damn store for pulling this off. Seriously, thank you."
"Of course, Harvey. Anything I can do to see my friends happy, I'm glad to do it."
An hour later, Harvey was knocking on the door to your apartment, a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers you'd ever seen in his hands.
You were dressed in a floor-length, emerald-colored silk gown that Harvey couldn't take his eyes off of when you'd first tried it on, and again now as he stood in front of you in the doorway.
"You look so beautiful, Y/N. Happy anniversary, my love." Harvey said after a brief moment of collecting himself from the sight of you.
You smiled shyly and thanked him, the heat rushing to your cheeks. You were never the greatest at accepting a compliment, something you had learned to work on since meeting Harvey.
He stepped inside, closing the door behind himself before placing a gentle hand on your hip and one on the side of your cheek, kissing you with a passion and care that you'd never experienced with any other man until Harvey.
He pulled away after a few moments, asking if you were ready to head out, and you nodded, grabbing your clutch and taking his hand as he led you out the door.
Soft music filled the air as he led you to a beautifully set table, adorned with more flowers and candlelight. Your eyes widened in surprise, a smile on your lips as Harvey pulled out your chair, his charm and charisma in full force.
The dinner was phenomenal, and you enjoyed your time talking and laughing with Harvey about any and everything. You hadn't seen much of him over the last few weeks, as he had a huge trial going on and from what you understood, it was one of the harder cases he'd ever had. You could tell he was enjoying the night off just as much as you enjoyed him being off.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" You exclaimed, pulling a small black box from your handbag with a bow on top and handing it to Harvey. Inside was a pair of cufflinks, his initials engraved in the gold. He smiled the biggest smile you'd seen from him as he thanked you. He pulled a box of his own from his jacket pocket, presenting it to you. Tears sprang from your eyes immediately when you saw the necklace, knowing full well how much Cartier cost.
"Harvey, I can't accept this! This was way too much."
"Y/N, every penny I spend on you is well worth it. You deserve to have every beautiful thing you can dream of because you're the most important person in my life."
Your heart swelled, and you couldn't help but reach across the table to kiss him.
"Thank you." You whispered, gratitude for him shining in your eyes.
Later that night, he took you back to his condo where you continued the night together, ending up sleepily snuggled by the fireplace, a glass of whiskey in Harvey's hand and red wine in yours.
"Remind me to text Donna tomorrow morning and thank her." You said drowsily.
"For what?" Harvey asked, looking down at you.
"For planning our dinner."
Harvey's mouth sat open, shocked.
"Wh- how did you know?"
"I didn't for sure until just now," You said "But I got to thinking, any other time you've planned something you tease me for a week beforehand about how good of a boyfriend you are, you didn't this time and I know you've been working hard so really, it only made sense."
Harvey's heart dropped, knowing he was caught.
"Baby, I'm so sorry." He said, anxiety rising in his throat.
"I'm not upset, don't worry." You said, sitting up now. "I'm just happy you took the time to be with me tonight." You said, reaching out to caress his cheek.
"I'm really trying to work on prioritizing us over work, but this case really took over everything. I promise I won't forget next year and let Donna do all my planning. I'm sorry if I disappointed you."
"You didn't disappoint me Harvey. We could've spent the whole night here doing nothing and I still would've been happy, I just love spending time with you."
Harvey smirked before replying.
"I'll keep that in mind for next year"
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indigo-greer-collins · 4 months ago
wanderer's soul✧.*
author's note: i wish i knew how to make this little intro thing all aesthetic and shit, i do not though, this is my first time with this thing. i was inspired by @samfucker to write something kinda angsty about teen darlin, so thank u matt!!! this is my first time posting like an actual fic here so i am so sorry if it sucks but uhhhh i'll improve i promise! lemme stop yapping now
content includes: gender neutral pronouns for darlin, teen darlin, autistic darlin, underaged drinking, mentions of parental conflict(?), teen shaw pack, depictions of meltdown/spiralling, angst-ish(idk if its that bad)
word count: 1.6k! (woah thats kinda long)
They just needed to leave.
The circumstances weren’t ideal. To get away from a house that hated them, they had to hang out with a bunch of wolves who didn’t like them. But the lesser of the two hells was obvious.  They grabbed some old, worn-out sneakers they were unhealthily attached to; the first pair of sweatpants they could find and a hoodie that had (barely) stood the tests of time. Hanging out at a park was hardly a special occasion, so they defaulted to their usual look: homeless. But the look wasn’t complete yet. They took a flask from the kitchen and mixed some of their parents’ alcohol with some soda. Now it was perfect. Their parents had less to drink as punishment for all the insults they'd thrown at them, and as a bonus, the Shaw pack would make a way more tolerable bunch if they were slightly drunk.
The journey to the park was a blur - their feet took them in the right direction but their mind was in a different place, repeating the harsh words thrown at them by the people that allegedly loved them so much. Were they eternally destined to be surrounded by people who were supposed to care, but didn’t? That’s stupid. They cut off the line of questions they saw their brain preparing. You don’t need people anyway. People don’t want you, and you don’t want them either. Or at least that’s what they told themselves. Before they knew it, they were sat cross-legged on a park bench watching the other shifters their age play and laugh together. How did people their age even make so many friends? Big groups are so exhausting, and every conversation seemed to be some kind of stupid secret code or guessing game that only a select few knew the rules of. Everyone got a little bigger and a little older and suddenly just going up to people and bonding over legos or sandpits or hand painting wasn’t enough. You had to look right. You had to talk right. You had to act right. You even had to think right or somehow they’d know you aren’t one of them. 
No one was going to tell you what “right” was either, they just point and laugh if you happen to be wrong.
Their less-than-sober spiral was broken by a familiar face deciding to take a seat beside them without even asking. They didn’t care that he didn’t ask, but whenever it was them, people usually looked at them strangely.  “Chrissy.” They finally said, wanting to know what the hell he was up to. “Yeah?” He sounded snarky, but they were used to that. Sometimes his snark was a little better than being alone with their thoughts. “Why?” Silence fell for a short while, so they elaborated on their question. “Here, why are you sitting here?”  “Well you’re not waiting for someone are you?” The sip they took from their flask said enough. Of course they weren’t keeping the spot for anybody, they hardly had anyone to sit with. “What’s that?” “None of your business.” “Boring. Can I have some?” “No.” They turned to glare at him, to which he pouted back. They needed the alcohol to hit faster, Christian was already finding their last nerves and tap dancing on them. “Answer my question.”  “The others were annoying me, and you don’t have any friends, so I’m here now.” He put it bluntly. The bluntness was actually sort of refreshing. They looked less tense now. “Is it alcohol?” “Fuck off.” Never mind then.  “I’m snitching-“ “-No the hell you are not.” They insisted before being presented with Christian’s open palm. It looked like their options were a) share the wine that they took the time to steal with their own 2 hands or b) get chewed out by even more adults that pretended to care out of obligation. 
And with a grumble, they let him have a sip. 
Christian’s face twisted in disgust at the bitter taste, which at least amused the angsty teen wolf before they snatched the drink back. They would’ve been reprimanded for a face like that too, but that was also stupid - why did they constantly have to restrain every facial muscle so that people liked them? Is everyone constantly trying to keep up a more pleasant expression? It felt unnecessary. 
“That’s nasty.” “You did that to yourself.” They rolled their eyes before chugging more of their drink, mostly to prove a point. They then wiped at their chin with their sleeve “You gonna go back to your friends now?” “They’re not really my friends.” Chrissy scoffed, though they weren’t quite convinced that was true. He might not be best friends with everyone in the pack, but he was definitely accepted in a way that they weren’t. “And I am?” They stifled a laugh, to which he answered with a shrug. The ambiguity of that answer was frustrating, but now they were too tipsy to be bothered by it. Nobody liked being clear anymore. It was always shrugs, “whatever”s and “I don’t know”s. But everyone did know, and just didn’t want to tell them.  “Why are you drinking anyway? I thought being an alcoholic this young was a European thing.”  “I’m not an alcoholic.” They defended, narrowing their eyes at him. “You and your friends are just impossible to deal with sober, actually.” They snapped back. “So you’re drunk at every pack meeting then?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head. If they weren’t restrained by the drink in their hand, he would’ve earned a whack to the head. And everyone calls their questions dumb.  “Obviously not, jackass.” They glared again before looking back at the others. They were kicking a ball around now and yelling at each other from opposite ends of the grass. It was loud enough to drown out whatever Chrissy was rambling about now. They almost felt hypnotised, fantasising about how things could be if they could just fit in. Sure it felt impossible, but everyone made it look so easy. 
If they could just learn the rules. 
If they could just force a bigger smile.
If they could be smaller, just take up less space. 
If they just weren’t so much of them self they could be running around, playing the sports they love, yelling to friends who actually cared.
But in the end that’s all it was. A fantasy. No amount of watering down or pretending was going to make it feel right. Once these social circles form and bonds are created, there’s no magically changing them.  
“—Are you even listening?” They finally heard Chrissy say before the ball came flying in their direction. They’d barely moved their head out the way in time, but managed to catch it in their hands. In this one minor instance, luck was actually on their side. “No, I did tell you we aren’t friends.” They answered, staring at the ball in their hands. 
Everything and everyone seemed to stop. Did they have to fucking stare like that? They thought, looking up to several expectant pairs of eyes. It honestly infuriated them more that they still cared. People were always staring and squinting and waiting for them to do something. Why can’t they just let it go? Why did they have to be so self-conscious?  “…How did you even manage to kick the ball over here?” They finally asked, trying to be lighthearted. 
No one caught on though. Instead, David awkwardly walked over, blankly staring at them. Was he mad at them for the question?
“Are you okay-?” “What-? Yeah I’m fine, it didn’t even hit me—“ “Okay, you don’t have to be so aggressive, I was just asking.” He rolled his eyes before taking the ball from them. “You don’t have to be here with us y’know,” “Well they aren’t spoilt for choice, who else do they hang around?” Christian asked, making a smile tug on David’s lips before he threw the ball back to the others.  
Are you fucking kidding me? They chugged the rest of their drink and tossed the flask aside, glaring at the ground. Apparently these people were fine with Christian’s shitty jabs when it was them, but not when it was Asher, or Milo, or David or literally anybody else. This was stupid. All of it was so damn, stupid. “Wait, are you crying?” “What the fuck— no!” Their head snapped up, but inconveniently their voice was starting to break. “I was only joking jeez, I thought the drink was supposed to make you less— whatever this is—?”   This?? They furiously repeated in their head, glaring into Christian’s soul before looking down at the grass again. The drink wasn’t going to make them less of anything. In fact, all it did was make those buttons easier to push. Why was everybody so against them? Who did they wrong in a past life to be born this way? Is there nothing and no one that can fix them being such a failure? Is this really completely out of their control �� had they somehow become a helpless puppet to their useless, clueless mind? 
“Christian, go away.” “Someone’s a sad drunk,” "I said get the fuck, away!” They shoved him, and he stared, taken aback by the yelling. Everyone had stopped again to figure out what was going on, but no one dared interfere with the newer freak and that snarky Aussie. Their shoulders tensed, they were heaving, every thought in their brain came crashing down on them and there was a burning sensation in their throat to match their glistening eyes. Home, some desperate part of their soul begged, home I want to go home, it insists while they pick off the empty flask and storm away. 
But for them, there was no home. For their soul there was no rest. No one could hear their hearts cries behind the bars of their mental prison. The young wolf was doomed to be an eternally wandering soul. They will never truly feel at home. 
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itshirohi · 3 months ago
Ryuu-chan’s day off ✧₊⁺
Inspired by @rottencarr0t ‘s idea. I hope you enjoy. Warnings: not much, I think, except for the fact I am not used to writing anything so this might be terrible, not really proof-read enough either. Well, maybe a bit of implied violence too (this man istg…)
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How does Ryuuken start his day?
♡ In Ryuuken’s opinion, you can’t really have a good day without starting it with a single smoke on a balcony (the only exception being particularly bad days he can already sense from the moment he wakes up). From the height of the 8th floor, where his apartment is located, he has just the perfect view to observe the usually busy streets below, now enveloped in the quiet peace of early morning hours. That’s right, the old man’s an early riser. He usually wakes up at around 4:30 AM, without needing an alarm. Even after a particularly rough or sleepless night, his eyes seem to open, wide awake at this “magical” hour. At this point he is used to it though. ♡ He spends a good while just staring and observing the few individuals who happen to be already (or still) awake at this hour, going about their business down below. They always look so small, like ants or other insects… which is precisely what most people are to Ryuuken in his eyes. He takes his sweet time smoking. No matter if the weather is bad or the air is cold, he will stand there, dressed in nothing but his sleepwear (which varies in different states of undress), allowing himself to get lost in his thoughts. ♡ This whole process usually lasts until his cigarette is fully burnt out, or his beloved kitty - Princess PomPom lets her hunger be known by meowing loudly from inside the apartment. Anything to do with his cat is always top priority, after all.
Breakfast time!
♡ What does the man eat to get a good start of the day? Most often, nothing but a small cup of very strong and bitter coffee. He doesn’t even really like the taste of it, nor does it help him wake up any better, it’s just a habit he picked up from his father… but that is a story for another day.
Morning routine.
♡ After he is done with his morning brooding and had his fair share of spoiling his fluffy princess, Ryuuken is ready to properly start his day. He does so by dressing up in his sportswear and going for a quick, thirty minute run around the area. He likes to do it in absolute silence, keeping track of his surroundings and the people he passes. ♡ Ryuuken is actually eerily quiet in the mornings and may not even utter a single word until he has “properly woken up”. He just blankly stares ahead, ignoring any attention he may be getting from being the tall and somewhat scary man that he is (especially when he’s so disheveled in the morning). He does not make any stops at convenience stores or anything of the sort, just keeps up with his run until he is finished. ♡ What happens when someone bumps into him on accident? Surprisingly… nothing. No matter the person, they’d simply be ignored. Probably not even the man himself could explain why that is. ♡ After Ryuuken is done with his run, he gets back home, takes a quick shower and changes into one of his usual outfits. It’s at this point that his usual personality starts to slowly manifest itself. While styling his hair (which usually takes him a good while as well) he likes to look at himself in the mirror, admiring the sights and talking to himself. He *loves* talking to himself.
What happens after?
♡ Now it’s time for him to actually go out and eat something. What, you thought he’d actually fully skip his breakfast? Oh, you silly goose. He is a big man and he needs his calories to maintain it all! He isn’t, however, skilled or patient enough to cook it all himself, so he usually chooses one of the nearby restaurants to order a good, big meal that will satisfy his appetite. ♡ Since this is his *off-day* Ryuuken will probably find himself bored. If he can’t go do work for the Yakuza, or whatever shady business that caught his attention, it also means he can’t go and annoy any of his dear friends! Although he prefers the term “brightening up their day with his lovely presence”. Still, it’s an utter tragedy in his eyes. He needs constant attention, lest he feels that the world has forgotten about him. We can’t have that now, can we? ♡ He starts off with a quick trip to the convenience store, cigarettes run out quickly after all. While he’s at it, he tries his best to chat up whatever poor worker has their shift at the moment. What do you mean there’s a small queue forming already and people are slowly getting annoyed? They just don’t get it, do they? This is *his* day off and *his* time for groceries. They should feel blessed with his presence, if anything. Or so the delusional old man thinks to himself. ♡ In search of next potential victims to give him that sweet, needed attention, Ryuuken would usually go to a shopping mall, or a park. Let us go with the former this time. ♡ While at the mall, Ryuuken doesn’t even know if he intends to buy anything yet or not. He might get a new coat, try to use the most charming aspects of his persona to flirt with a couple ladies (or men if they catch his attention), hells, maybe even cause a little scene or two for the fun of it. As long as it keeps him entertained, anything goes. 
Late noon and evening hours.
♡ Once he’s grown bored of bothering others, Ryuuken enters his more unstable hours. There is a chance he will remain playful and relatively harmless for the rest of the day, but due to his nature, that is rarely the case, unfortunately. ♡ Before settling on any plans for the evening, he calls every friend on his contact list (which is relatively short, for reasons “unknown”), asking to hang out. Shall anyone agree to entertain the old man’s whims, he plans something more fun, like going out for drinks or karaoke, maybe even clubbing. ♡ If, by some unfortunate and cruel play from fate’s side, he has to spend the evening by himself, Ryuuken sticks to renting a movie and lounging in his apartment with his cat. All while feeling incredibly miserable, of course. In this scenario, he usually ends up falling asleep halfway through the movie (peak old man behavior right here), cuddled up to PomPom on his bed. Yes, this has happened so many times he bought a second TV for his bedroom just because of that, why do you ask? ♡ Now… if Ryuuken is denied hanging out too many times, he can become *snappy*. He will roam the streets aimlessly, looking around for anyone who would look at him wrong or give any other good reason to beat them up. He won’t get back home until he satisfies his blood thirst, even if he has to make up reasons for roughing up (or worse) a poor, unsuspecting civilian. This is easily the worst case scenario for everyone, which is precisely why Ryuuken’s closest friend and sworn brother (OC in progress?) makes sure to hang out with him at least once a week. Being Ryuuken’s friend is no easy feat, but that is probably an idea for a potential future post.
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Anyway, I think that would be about it. I hope you enjoyed the ride and sorry for any possible mistakes (I don’t trust my brain when I’m sick). Feel free to drop any asks about my OCs (mainly Kengan, but can be other if you feel like it… *wink wink*) and I’ll get back to ya later. I should probably start a new tag for this…
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lieutenant-sarcastic · 6 months ago
Had an interview on Monday after turning down a different position Last monday, and i thought the interview went really well.
Apparently i was right bc I GOT THE JOB I GOT THE JOB I START IN TWO WEEKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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adastrabbit · 3 months ago
"we need more complex mentally ill characters in fiction" you bitches cant even say the name of Jimmy from Mouthwashing!!!!
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scottiequeen · 3 months ago
rewatching S1 of squid game before S2 and tbh the hype at the time was worth it, this show is a masterpiece
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smuclge · 7 months ago
Everybody send good vibes for my job interview tomorrow pleeeeease
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pseudophan · 1 year ago
hey another (unemployed lol) '99 pisces enby here and i literally did nothing on my birthday so you are cool (i plan on just ? celebrating when its not dark and cold af outside time isn't real anyway)
either way i hope you have a day (if you throw party or not) that doesn't suck <3
maybe it's time for another phannie sims marathon
i just like don't have any friends lol so it's just me and my mum having dinner and then idk doing nothing i guess. there's nothing to do here anyway
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bosspigeon · 6 months ago
sorry i haven't rly been very present around here i've had a shitty couple months to put it lightly
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mollys-garden · 1 year ago
Starter for @chazingrainbows
Molly held tightly onto her little basket. She was feeling a little nervous.
She was standing in front of a big house.
The other day, she had seen a little girl in the yard. And the girl was playing with the loveliest, friendliest looking ragdolls she had ever seen! Molly felt like she just HAD to go meet them someday.
And today the girl and her family seemed to be somewhere else, so it was the perfect chance for Molly.
She took a deep breath, climbed up on the windowsill and knocked into the window.
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tytopls · 2 years ago
Yall 👀 I got a second interview for a job that pays $23/hour and has paid vacation days/sick days/holidays/community volunteer days?? and has really good working hours pls wish me luck
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slugbeaker · 2 years ago
i'm not changing my major again, i need to stick with SOMETHING 💀, but i've been really feeling the pull towards mortuary science again. i couldn't stick with medical because its too much about business and not enough about providing care and i'm worried i'd wind up feeling the same way in the funeral industry and get burned out again 😪
BUT it is still something that will always fascinate me. i don't know. i'd still very much like to go to school for it and am heavily considering doing it one day, def not anytime soon tho. like who cares. i knew a guy that told me once that getting degrees in a bunch of different things isn't useful for getting good at one thing but uhhhhh i guess i don't really give a fuck about that. i just want to be happy. and getting a degree in mortuary science even if i never get fully licensed as a mortician is definitely something that would make me happy 😂
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 10 months ago
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kat-ryn · 1 year ago
Let's play a spooky game The Horror of Salazar House!
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months ago
ive been writing my thoughts in the notes app but due to popular demand (one person asked for it) i'm posting my liveblogging DO NOT SAY/TAG/COMMENT SPOILERS PLEASE i read tags
warning im a yapper, im 10 hours in and theres a lot already (separated into sessions):
whos this clown i thought i would be playing as revan
ive been too spoiled by dragon age origins this character creator sucks ass
only human???? ): fr?? ill just imagine her different in my brain or some shit
my life is being mansplained to me. is this bad writing or do i have amnesiacs
hes meta now??? hes talking abt the screen controls?????
omg a jedi and an evil jediii
omg their asses suckedddd they both died immediately
i <3 bringing a sword to a gun fight
i clicked a workbench and it said lightsaber so either i get a lightsaber or i get a jedi friend whose lightsaber i can steal if im careful
I assume u play as revan in kotor2 so im gonna buy that now so i can play it when im done playing w this clown
i got light side points im getting a good grade in game morality which is something both normal to want and possible to achieve
everyone keeps saying revan is dead but thats my friend revan from tumblr hes clearly alive. or they???
my characters ass is distractingly present onscreen
huge fan of the way everyone collapsed drunk what the FUCK was in that wine
ok these sith ppl might be the bad guys but their armour is DRIPPY AS FUCK
ideologically i dont agree w the sith but they kinda went off w the fits
googling how to become a sith without being evil cause they have Drip
i paid £1.19 to see revan he better show up in this game at some point
all these sith n i still cant find one revan….. stop faking ur death rn come out n talk to me babygirl this isnt like u….
why can i be light/dark side if im not a jedi. give me a laser sword
maybe this jedi gyal will know where revan is faking his death. or give me a fuckin lightsaber PLEASEEE
was just thinking 'does this game have romance' and then carth called me beautiful. i dont think im gonna romance anyone until i get this amnesia sorted
why is carth questioning me so much abt the crash im pretty sure i have amnesia
why tf did the jedi lady have me transferred to this ship are we in lesbians with each other???
carth's not wrong it is suspicious but i lowkey have amnesia so i coulda done that i coulda not
a lot of clone wars voice actors in this. was lucasfilm so broke in the 2000s that they could only afford the same 3 VAs for every project
mission is 14??????? we need to get my girl back in school
tale as old as time i fucking suck at racing games
ok i didnt realise you had to mash click i won
REVAN!!! REVAN!!!!!!!!!
why am i dreaming abt revan tho. real as hell but ?????
lmao cringe revan getting blown up. i thought the jedi beat rev-meister in a fight but no. accident
"such visions are often a sign of force sensitivity" COOL YAY GIVE ME A LIGHTSABER
CARTH IS RIGHT THATS LIKE DAY ONE JEDI SHIT. ok i still love her even tho shes a bit of a bitch and also doesnt have a saber
if we find a lightsaber im taking it first tho
whys carth getting weird abt me being weird that he doesnt trust me. i just wanna be friends mate
'i mean no disrespect, but perhaps one of the male slaves could serve you better' i went in here to start a slave revolution and instead got called a lesbo
thats insaneee they blew up BILLIONS of people to get to one jedi?????? these sith arent fucking around theyre scary
someone just called me padawan i kinda assumed i was in my late 20s do i just have baby vibes
all the jedi in the movies are so chill but every kotor jedi i've met so far has been a bit of a bitch
YO THEY HAVE A YODA!!! its not THE yoda but
cool so these guys are just the regional managers at best. your asses are not the council
why can everyone smell my force juju so strong
why does fake yoda not blink both eyes at the same time. im calling him master tortimer he reminds me of the animal crossing mayor
bastila there was no need for such a fancy bow
malak is like evil aang
revan is so much shorter than malak omg
are me and bastila sharing dreams. are we both obsessed w revan
poor mission ):
im intrigued i like this whole hidden jedi shtick its very compelling. so is whatever theyre hiding from me
kinda surprising no jedi found me before tho given my force juju is so strong
does revan rlly not have pronouns i thought that was a tumblr thing but they straight up are a nonbinary icon ive never heard a single pronoun used. revan's pronouns are revan/revan's
damn revan seems so cool in these stories (charismatic war hero that convinced their troops to join them as conqueror?? julius caesar) and yet all we've seen them do onscreen is get blown up and die by accident
A YEAR AGO? the way they were talking i assumed revan died like. a week before the game started
master uh i forgot his name he has martin scorcese vibes said revan was a paragon of the jedi so what im getting is that all jedi gifted kids turn evil
even if i didnt know revan as a tumblr darling id KNOW revan has to be alive somewhere they way everyone talks abt them is too cool for a character who exploded and died. i think. i hope. I PAID £1.19 TO MEET REVAN
'only you and bastila can stop malak' seriously????? just us two?? ive been a jedi for like, 6 minutes and you guys keep calling bastila young???? do you guys not wanna help??
omg im getting carth to traumadump! <3
i totally knew the jedi code and did not have to google it whatsoever
they rlly said fuck going to illum heres a crystal from the bin
he told me id be a great sentinel and i was like i know but i want blue cause i dont wanna be matchies with bastila
omg i made my lightsaber perfectlyyy which is rare <3 getting a good grade in jedi
maybe i was a travelling lightsaber salesman before my amnesia
seriously though WHO was i everyone's kinda stopped acting like i have amnesia since the first mission BUT IVE PLAYED DRAGON AGE THAT GIVES YOU OPPORTUNITIES TO RP UR PAST. THIS DOESNT. EITHER THIS GAME IS BAD (but i love it so its not) OR I HAVE RETROGRADE AMNESIA
also everyone keeps being like "Oh ur force juju is so strong" AND NOBODY FOUND ME TIL NOW??? suspicious. did getting a really bad concussion activate the force in me
im too confused and amnesiac'd to think abt anything except the fact i have a glowing stick now
big fan of using aliens to avoid having to get VAs to read every line
oh so carth's boyfriend saul betrayed him and became leader of the sith fleet so he has trust issues
well he needs to calm down. i can't betray him cause i dont know what the fuck is happening
yooo i love the design differences on the mandalorians
oh my god this lady wanted to fuck her droid cause it was her husband's. and then it killed itself. wtf. game of the year tho
wtf they jebaited this juhani person into going dark side but then i talked her out of it. that seems a bit mean of them
i hope she can join my party she looks too unique to be a random npc
ive been thinking and I might be going crazy but there was a loading screen tip ages ago that said jedis could wipe ppl's mind and all i thought at the time was 'fuck the shitshow acolyte didnt make that up'. but what if one of them wiped MY memory and i used to be a jedi or smthn ????????
cause they keep being like ur weirdly good at this??? did bastila steal my memories??????????
if i dont have amnesia and im just deeping the fact the opening had my life being mansplained then im gonna look real stupid
anyway time 2 go to the fuckshit ruins cave where r-dog and malak went to
"it must be referring to revan. the dark lord and malak--" revan's pronouns are revan/thedarklord
bastila said theres no mention of the Builders in the archives. does she just know every text off by heart
omg i can equip 2 lightsabers at once. game of the year
ok i didnt get choices and i didnt really uh… say anything that i didnt already get told im still not ruling out amnesia
also booo i didnt get to find out how old i was
master tortimer rlly looks like the ultimate ketamine yoda
omg kashyyk from jedi fallen order!!!
omg this ship is fun i wish everyone had personalised bunk spaces like hfw… a game which came out 19 years after this i should probably just take what we have
im gonna start w manaan cause im p sure thats what B-dog said n its the same language the droid was speakin
omg hyperspace from star wars
am i having dreams abt revan bc bastila killed revan and im connected to her this is so roundabout
maybe i'd sleep better if my ponytail wasnt clipping into the pillow
[kiwi accent] six
carth needs a xanax every time i think we're friends he stops trusting me
also lmao he actually pointed out how wild it was that a day one padawan is being sent on this uber important mission and HES RIGHT IT IS WEIRD!! i thought it was main character logic but he's calling it out
i really really like the sense of unease that's setting in like at first i thought it was just cause im not used to 2003 games but no this is on purpose bc carth my friend carth keeps calling it out
THERE IS A CHILD ON MY SHIP ??????????????????
lmao the representative for menaan is roland wann. its like poetry it rhymes
there are no cameras in the sith hangar <3 rookie error i can commit crimes now
bastila's favourite hobby is getting shot and walking into my grenades
this isnt a combat system this is a missing system
nvm i had a datapad that said the sith were evil so theyve let me go free and we're besties
why do i feel like ive just walked into an underwater horror mission
this suit waddles at the speed of a penguin on fentanyl
i tamed the beastie this is like how to train your dragon
but maybe revan escaped when bastila wasnt looking THEYRE FINE THEYRE OUT THERE SOMEWHERE. I BELIEVE
so hopefully when we run into revan they'll be like agh i changed my ways cause of the being shot thing and they'll be my bestie
great news i successfully communicated w the ship child and gave her back to dantooine. my girl has shockingly good linguisitics skills
bastila is so dour "oh watch out for the dark side" GIRL I AM. I NEED TO GET THE BEST GRADE IN GAME MORALITY
ok OFF TO KASHYYK i hope cal kestis is there… thru the force i guess… bc he wont be born for another 4000 years but its whatever
omg you'll never guess what. another vision. wow its one of the thangs. cool this is a tomorrow me problem
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