#hooooo big post
ask-serafinas-harem · 8 months
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"..is that it? for some magical wish-giving pokemon that everyone was so exited for, they don't look like that much. i've seen flashier from a geodude."
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"shUT the hell up you bonehead! i'm not gonna miss my chance to get legendary-level presents, just because you can't keep your damn mouth shut for five minutes!"
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"alright boys, that's enough. now, did everyone write their notes like i asked?"
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"well, it'd be kinda stupid if we didn't. that's why we brought the berries, right?"
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"well, anyway, i hope this will suffice. we've got quite a large group here, so we went with a large basket.
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(it's a variety basket. there's some notes in it.)
"i want to make sure i'm a more proper leader this year. you're all so big and important, i want to be someone worth celebrating to my subjects too." -serafina
"i've been so busy training every day to be able to protect miss serafina, i've never had time to explore any hobbies of my own. i want to learn something new, and make myself better for it." -arsine
"i need to learn more about people. i'm not good at people in general, i just wanna open up someone's brain and find out what makes them tick." -azidoa
"this island looks so interesting, there's so much life here! i would love something that could teach me all about the fascinating history and stories of this world!" -dichloro
"i've never been one for super extravagant wishes, but i wanna try just one thing. one small pleasure of the world that might go overlooked. something to smile at when i wake up." -kindle
"i guess if i had to pick one thing, it would be security. i like to know what's coming, and be ready for it. something that would keep me safe." -phosphine
"i can never tell what people are really thinking.. i'm always wondering if i can really trust someone, or if they're just putting up a front. i need to make sure we don't get caught in a trap again." -sialia
"i don't understand it. i've done all i can, and been training since i hatched, but i still feel like i could be MORE! do you have some super-santa power that'll make me unstoppable? maybe i'm being too hard on myself.." -sirius
"if i'm going to be a super-contest star, i'll need something extreme. give me anything i can use to dazzle the crowd and be the most elegant pokemon on the stage!" -tellurium
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
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please god let’s not make this person relevant again
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leoxxii · 1 year
being an artist and Legal Adult is just like. oh i can just draw my blorbos doing and wearing whatever
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helluvapurf · 4 months
*deep breathes* Sooo, those last couple mins from the latest "Full Moon" ep... lets talk about that🍵🍵
Welp, here it is folks... the ep that finally gave us that hyped up "Asmodeon crystal" exchange teased at in the S2 Pt. 2 trailer. And... hooooo boi, I have formed so. many. thoughts. upon rewatching that scene a few times. Some that are... kiiiinda on the rant-y spectrum the more I lingered on 'em, so how bout I share them here lmao
Fair warning in advance, this maaaaay not be particularly "nice" to Stolas in these rambling thoughts, so if anyone out there's a big Stolas(+itz) fan... yall might wanna skip reading ahead- lol .w.;;
Okay, so to start things off on a (semi?) positive note, the animation & lighting here is quite beautiful to look at. The glittery curtains, the shine in Blitz's eyes throughout his shifting emotions, even the shots of that one broken chandelier (which I thiiink might've been the same one him & Stolas played under as kids?) was a neat bit of symbolism ngl.
Props to Brandon Rogers as well for his voice-performance on Blitz here cause... gawd did it hit me in the heart how much hurt you feel from his yelling ;-;💔
Curious to see more of the use of Blitz's new Asmodeon crystal in future adventures (esp from that one shot in the trailer w/ him using the portal effects against the DHORK crew), it looks cool~ ✨👍
....ummmm, ok I think that about covers my positives atm. Onto the problems I have with this exchange:
Stolas... okay, you were this close to actually doing a good job ending the Full Moon deal. Admitting to how "wrong" the transaction part of their dynamic was, allowing Blitz more "freedom" via-the crystal (that could also help avoid any legal issues that the Grimoire gave), even wishing him good luck with his I.M.P. business as the night drew to a close... ...buuuuut then Stolas just had to muddle everything up by his whole "even tho you don't have to be with me, I want you with me if you want it~🥺" ...which honestly came off selfish to me than anything else?? Like, dude... if you really ARE regretful of how long you let this deal go for, and truly DO want to let Blitz go... you CAN'T throw in such sappy, lovey-dovey words on top of that?? Otherwise, how can one blame Blitz for getting as confused & flustered as he was throughout that convo... you've basically just sent even more mixed-messages in the grand scheme of things, my dude-🤦‍♀️
"I have wanted you for SO long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex..." ...Ummmmm Stolas... did you seriously forget HOW this whole deal of yall's started?? 🤨 Waaaay back in the initial-series pilot, to the first official ep, and pretty much the majority of Season 1:
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As far as I checked, Blitz wasn't the one who kept making everything about sex... that. was all. YOU. 😒Heck, literally one of the first things you told Blitz upon reuniting as adults in "The Circus", was that you expected he wanted to "ravish" you-
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-so like, get outta here with the whole pushing-the-perv-responsibility-bs onto Blitz... you ain't helping your case >>
Finally... like, it was already getting bad enough by the point of Blitz begging & pleading out of fear he'd lose his livelihood without the book, AND not being allowed space to breathe after getting further pushed away (and thus, more pissed off-)... but THEN on top of all this, Stolas just haaaaad to throw in this lil gem: "Blitz... I think so very highly of you. I didn't realize you think so low of me..." ...Stolas, with all due respect... stfu with that lousy, last-minute uwu-ing self-pity party crap😑Just because you TRIED to show more attentive care & concern post-"Ozzie's", outside of the typical bedroom stuff... that ain't gonna prove shit if you're not gonna be consistent with it. Where was that "high opinion" of Blitz during the two of you getting stuck in the sitcom set during "Seeing Stars", when Blitz was having that panic attack performing live, where all you ended up doing was... just hitting on him/praising his bedroom skills again?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Like... couldn't you have just, I dunno... TRY to actually cheer him up/comfort him like an actual friend, would? Encourage him on his jokes, "just be yourself", promising another way out of there on his own merit... literally, anything could've worked fine and it wouldn't have come off so skeezy imho >>;;
...*sighs* so, yeah... thats basically what I had to get off my chest regarding the ending of "Full Moon". Honestly, had the writers actually committed to Stolas cutting off Blitz (even if harsh), giving the crystal with no strings, then going about their separate ways afterwards, I would've been totally fine with the scene tbh. But all this... odd lowkey-blaming of Blitz thrown in, the sappy words, and Stolas not once actually-apologizing during all this (Like, literally I checked and the only utterance of "sorry" seemed to come from Blitz's end before he got kicked out... for what, I dunno- 🤷‍♀️). Sorry for the length btw, but hopefully that about covers my thoughts on the matter-
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flower-boi16 · 6 months
Im wholeheartedly agree that Zhan tiri is the most boring villain in cartoons. Not to mention Cassandra's questionable betrayal like gurl you got better life and better family than living with Gothel.
TTS kinda fell flat when it came to its antagonists. Like, Varian was the one good antagonist the show really had and even he has a few issues (though none are too big to hamper my enjoyment of him as a character). The other two....they kinda suck. Zhan Tiri is a disappointment of a final villain with a really one-note motivation of just wanting power and being incredibly boring and uninteresting of a character that's not even that fun to watch.
Cass's villain arc meanwhile is such a complete mess that I'm currently writing a post tearing it apart. Because hooooo boy, Cass's villain arc is the show's writing at its absolute worst.
TTS is a mostly good show but man did make some questionable writing decisions at points, especially in season 3.
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hey lary!! since you run so many askblogs for paw patrol, what are your opinons of humanized AU’s of the pups? in your opinion, are they cool or too out of character for you?
and if you do think they’re cool, do you have any headcanons on what the pups would look like?
Hooooo man ahsuahshahsha okay let me see
PERSONALLY I am not a big fan of this kind of AU, but that's probably because I prefer animals to people (I'm not a people hater). Besides I always liked more the way how animals can be so expressive, use a lot of body language and you don't need to guess if they're in a good mood or if they'll try to bite or kick you - they make it evident. I'm absolutely AWFUL to understand human body language or social cues, it got me in so much deep trouble several times I literally avoid staying around a bunch of my relatives because of that - and that's because I love them, imagine how it would go if I disliked or hated them???
Also I tend to gravitate towards animals the most because they're sincere and won't lie to you on how they feel. And about cartoons/movies/etc, animals usually represent fantasy, a fantastic different world, another point of view I live for and love to explore. They're an escape for my mind to take a break from our chaotic real world and just... Go back to our roots, y'know? All those jokes like "When I was a child my only worries were my school grades, what we would have for dessert and to finish homework in time for watching my favorite cartoons on TV, I was happy and I didn't know it", like now I have too many "adult worries" such as monthly bills expiring, being unemployed, spending hours at the supermarket doing maths to buy the most I can with little money... Being a freelancer artist is hard as hell, I can barely make a living for my parents and little brother and my pets (I've gone hungry to bed several times before bc I spent my last savings on cat food instead of dinner for myself, also my cat and dog share the cat food bc dog food is more expensive and thank God they eat the cheapest kibble just fine). Right now it's been three weeks I'm staying at my friend Pablo's home to recover from a crisis of malnutrition. I am literally here to be properly fed and regain weight and strength. I think I can go back home next week.
So, sometimes I just... Don't want to worry. And then I go for animals. Their only worries are when I'll feed them, if we can play together now or in five minutes, and if I'll sleep next to them in the living room that night or not (they can't sleep in the bedroom XD). Their life is so much more simple and I like that kind of simplicity.
Also I draw animals better than humans too LOL (even if my mom will disagree with me on that, she says my humans are just as good nowadays)
With all that being said, I also find humanized AUs interesting in their own way when they're well written. Sometimes it's hard to adapt things, a lot of stuff that works with animals won't work with humans just as well or will be viewed as weird. I like to come up with furry AUs sometimes, they're sort of humanized, but still retaining their animal traits. But when people do their research, pour their love and soul in it, work on the little things to make it all click together, a nice carefully written human AU will appeal to me almost as much as the original source any day.
As for appearance headcanons? Oh well XD I'm not sure I can answer that so quickly - I like to take my time and do a lot of research, try sketching stuff to see if it works well or not... I'll owe you the answer for now, alright? I'll show up someday with another post listing my headcanons for a human AU on the pups.
After I do the same for a furry AU, as a warm up XD
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Marika for the bingo plz plz plz
Hooooo boy
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I was writing rambles about her before the DLC, and I sure was writing them afterwards XD She was still a very interesting character for me even before her backstory got solidfied, and not for the "noble rebel against Greater Will" reasoning..! She was bad-bad in my eyes, not manipulated-bad. I just always saw the potential and how far motives went in the grand scheme of things! Granted, Ymir kind of confirm that a lot about her evil IS the fault of the Two Fingers that gave her a HAND (haha.... ha-). Unless unreliable narrator effect? guys?
I jokingly call her 'MILF Gwyn' but in reality, analysing where she shares the type of a character with him and where she is meaner different legit DID help with an insight too! Honestly one of the best villains Fromsoft ever had! Like not villain or antagonist to us the main character; a villain to the setting's WORLD xD
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^ Also I never meant to post this but the checkbox of "literally would kiss them" is not even a joke as I doodled this once dsjhdfhs It was after one hell of a DS-ish dream that made me think about her much more than before (if not what STARTED the big interest)
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downforthegas · 2 months
3, 17, 19 fart kink ask please 🙂
3. What’s your favorite type of fart?
Oh god there's so many types. But man low, bassy, rumbly farts that drone on are really good, especially in jeans or against a bed or a couch. Wet farts are super hot too. I really like seeing those in white pants (cause it makes me think something else is gonna happen🥴🥴🥴). Ooh and I also really like squeaky farts and farts that sound kinda cartoony. And little quick, loud braps and small airy toots. Speaking of airy I also like those farts that sound like a mix of airy and wet uugh. OOH but I'm also a BIG fan of silent farts. There's just something about a hot hiss from a hole that stinks to high heaven that really turns me on hehehehe
17. Would you ever consider recording your farts?
I've actually recorded some of my farts here on tumblr. But I haven't done it in a while. I might record again soon but I don't have many good natural farts.
19. Are you good at farting?
Uhhhh well I guess I'm pretty decent with my natural farts but when it comes to my on command farts, hooooo boy, they are something else. I'm really good at controlling my hole and making them come out as wet or as loud as I want. I can make them silent if I want, and the more I do it on command, the wetter they get on their own hehe and sometimes if I take in too much air, I'll accidently fart if I press on my stomach (I start having a gas leak uuugh)
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pinkeoni · 1 year
thoughts on asexual will?
Hooooo boy okay let's get into it.
I know this wasn’t your intention, sweet anon, but you just opened a whole can of worms that I’ve been sitting on for awhile.
I wanna start by saying that I'm not against any asexuality hcs, nor do I think that Will being asexual in the show would be a bad thing, but I do think that people who read Will as canonically asexual may be ignoring what is actually happening in the text and is erasing his sexuality.
I was on twitter when season 3 dropped, and I remember it being popular opinion that Will was asexual despite all the of the incredibly clear queer coding that was going on with him. “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls” like come ON! My 70 year old dad knew what that meant! But he’s not a repressed gay! He's asexual! He doesn't like anyone!
Could Will be asexual and still in love with Mike? Absolutely! But that isn't what's happening in the show! Will isn't portrayed as sexless because he's asexual, Will is portrayed as sexless because he's a gay guy at a time when gay sex was especially vilified and demonized. No one says “AIDS” outright in the show, but there are still clear indicators that this is what’s happening in the text. It was assumed that Will was kidnapped and killed (and possibly raped, based on Troy’s line about “another queer”) because he was gay when he was just twelve years old, and this is reiterated a couple times in season one. At the top of season four Eddie is reading a magazine article that links sodomy with Satanism and violence.
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I’ll just say it— there are certain people that would rather Will be asexual than gay because they view homosexual desire as a bad thing. There seems to be this rise of conservatism online in regards to queer sex, including amongst young queer people. “No kink at pride” and “No sex in movies” are all popular opinions that I’ve seen in queer spaces on twitter.
I remember when Heartstopper came out there was this tweet that went around, where the op essentially said he was glad that there was gay rep that was “wholesome” and “nonsexual.” Does there need to be sex in Heartstopper, no! There never needs to be sex in queer media, especially ones where the actors are young! But it’s these opinions, the ones that put sexless queer rep as superior to queer rep with sex that snowballs and begins to vilify queerness as a whole. Queer rep shouldn’t have to purify itself and become palatable to conservatives in order to be valid.
I understand why queer people hold this opinion of themselves because I was also a gay teenager, and the reason is internalized homophobia. With right wing media ramping up their homophobia, it’s hard not to let their messaging crawl into your brain. especially when your peers start to say something similar. Queer teenagers are constantly being told that their natural sexual desires are harmful and they start to believe it themselves. I know, I’ve been there.
To reiterate, I don’t think that all people who hc Will as asexual hold the opinions of all the stuff I talked about above, I also don’t want to make it seem like I’m putting down ace rep either! I wanted to bring all of that up because it is still a problem and very much happening. Like I said before, Will being asexual wouldn’t be a bad thing if it was the case, but that isn’t what’s happening in the show. Will is TEXTUALLY a HOMOSEXUAL!! HE LIKES MEN!!
I always need to clarify with these types of post, but no I don’t want to see an explicit sex scene with Will. HOWEVER, I do think that the sexuality part of his sexuality is something that can and should be explored in a mature and tasteful way. We know that season 5 is going to be his “coming of age” story, and I believe that his sexuality is going to be a big part of that, and it’s already part of the text.
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jessiescock · 9 months
(keep in mind dass ich die Folge vor mittlerweile einer Woche gesehen hab und leider keine Zeit für nen rewatch hab. So if there's anything i misrembered: idk was dann actually)
Where to begin. Die Folge war zur Abwechslung mal wieder durchaus akzeptabel. Ich hab sogar mehrmals gelacht weil's lustig war :)
Die Title card und die Font für die credits waren eine. Bold stylistic Choice to say the least. Ich persönlich finde dieser stil passt irgendwie wie nicht in einen Tatort aber für die Folge geb ich nen pass, hat doch ganz gut in das Gesamtkonzept gepasst
Visuell war die Folge jetzt nicht überragend aber auch nicht schlecht. Kann man durchaus so machen. Ich fand gut dass die Handlung sich wieder auf eine überschaubare Anzahl von Drehorten konzentriert hat, nich so wie in Magic Mom oder so wo die irgendwie ziellos durch ganz Münster rennen und alle 3 minuten woanders sind. Plus die guten alten Münsteraner Originalschauplätze waren besser in die Handlung integriert. Like endlich hatten sie mal wieder nen gescheiten Grund warum sie ständig über den Prinzipalmarkt rennen
KF is back!!! Ich mochte die characterisation von Boerne sehr in dieser Folge!! Diese Figur die JJL in den vorherigen paar Folgen gespielt hat hatte für mich so gut wie nix mit dem original KF zu tun. Who even was he. Sehr refreshing wieder good old fashioned bratty gay KF shenanigans zu sehen!
Ein Aspekt der mich persönlich sehr gestört hat in so "Folgen" wie Magic Mom, Rhythm & Love, Lakritz, etc. war die Art wie Boerne mit Frauen interagiert. Lack of queercoding mal kurz außer Acht gelassen jz, in den frühen Folgen war Boerne eher jemand der gern und oft bisschen flirty unterwegs ist, entweder einfach weil es ihm Spaß macht oder weil er tatsächliches Interesse an seinem Gegenüber zu haben scheint. Im Vergleich dazu war er in letzter Zeit the cringiest clumsiest MFer jedes mal wenn er mit einer Frau im Gespräch war, und kam einfach nur komplett sozial inkompetent rüber. Imo it makes for a much more compelling characterisation dass Boerne eigentlich durchaus charmant sein kann wenn er möchte, und sein weirdes Verhalten was er sonst an den Tag legt ganz einfach aus seinem massively overinflated Ego resultiert. Also imean dass er sich durchaus bewusst ist dass er oft incredibly rude und weird ist, aber es juckt ihn halt einfach nicht dass andere das komisch finden. Anyway. Im glad flirty chad KF got to make a return, i hope he's here to stay.
Boerne und Thiel jeweils sehr gut geschrieben dieses mal, sowohl einzeln als auch deren Beziehung zueinander. Like everyone else on here fand ich den Bruch mit der permanenten Gegenwart schön, auch in der Hinsicht dass in den Interactions von KF und Thiel deutlich wird dass sie sich mittlerweile sehr lange und gut kennen. Big married couple Energy 10/10
Die anderen Figuren leider größtenteils wieder eher schwach, once again hatte ich hier das Gefühl dass Herbert und Klemm einfach iwie am Rande der Handlung existieren und nur vorkommen weil das halt zu ner typischen Folge dazugehört. Ich würde mir wünschen dass die beiden mal wieder mehr in die Handlung integriert werden und n bisschen Personality bekommen, nicht nur einfach jede Folge nen gag einbauen dass Herbert Gras verkauft und n paar Szenen wo die Klemm streng guckt und raucht. It's like they don't know what to do with them anymore.
Über Mirko muss ich nen extra Post noch machen hooooo boy
Frau Haller in der Folge fandich hingegen nice. Die war auch wieder mehr die Alte, loved that. Plus das silberne Kleid am Anfang? Slay
Detlev Buck hat seine Rolle phänomenal gespielt, insgesamt fand ich seinen Character auch cool, aber man hätte noch mehr Potenzial aus der Figur rausholen können. Für mich war das viel zu früh klar dass er sich seine ganzen Geschichten einfach nur ausdenkt. Imean das gründlich und frühzeitig andeuten ist gut aber ein BISSCHEN mehr Spannung hätte deerHandlung doch gut getan.
Stichwort mehr Potenzial: Die anderen Nebenfiguren hätten ruhig noch etwas mehr Raum in der Handlung einnehmen können, vor allem diese Gisela und die Tochter. Damit hätte man gut noch ne falsche Fährte legen können die das ganze ein bisschen spannender gemacht hätte. Im Vergleich zu vorherigen Folgen waren die Nebenfiguren aber hier deutlich besser geschrieben und hatten endlich wieder ein wenig Tiefe. Va die bisschen melancholischen atmospherically lit scenes haben mich da positiv überrascht.
Was mir NICHT gefallen hat war die Auflösung am Ende wo das Tatmotiv basically Feminismus war? Also hier mit der komischen blauhaarigen Bayerin und dieser dubiosen App und allem. Was sollte das. Ich glaub ich muss hier nicht lang und breit ausführen warum das scheisse ist wenn Feministinnen als rachsüchtige Männermörderinnen dargestellt werden, die nebenbei zum Spaß noch Hunde erschießen. Like. Vor allem diese Bayerin, die kommt einfach von sonstwoher, man weiß nix über sie oder ihr konkretes Motiv warum sie ihren Mann und dessen Hund erschießen will, sie sagt einfach ja hier i did it because Feminism! Das sind erstens lame misogyne Klischees und zweitens lazy writing. Do better. Ich fand das erst recht bedenklich vor dem Hintergrund of the fucking disaster that was Magic Mom, also ich kann daraus jetzt nix direkt zitieren als Beispiel weil ich mich weigere noch mehr meiner Lebenszeit an dieses dumpster fire von Folge zu verschwenden. Aber da hat das auch schon angefangen dass sich beim Münsteraner Tatort neuerdings gerne über Feminismus und Frauen im allgemeinen lustig gemacht wird. Needless to say find ich das kacke
Dreist auch dass sie dabei noch den callback an Summ Summ Summ gemacht haben, eine Folge in der es ja um ne sehr ähnliche Thematik ging, in der diese aber sehr viel besser und sensibler gehandlet wurde. Überhaupt gab's früher so viele gute Weibliche Charaktere beim Münster Tatort, darunter auch viele Mörderinnen und Verbrecherinnen, deshalb find ichs ganz besonders schade dass es jetzt auf einmal in sone eklige sexistische Richtung geht. I guess man braucht halt die Quoten von den ganzen sexist Almans die sowas lustig finden
Junge der Witz "san sie überhaupt a Frau" war so hart daneben? Ich versteh auch nicht dass so viele hier in der community den so funny fanden. It's literally just transmisogyny there's nothing clever or funny about that
Look im sorry dass ich ständig immer nur sag waaaa Tatort Münster used to be so much better. But im right. Aber es ist apparently noch nicht alles verloren, die neue Folge war in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Schritt (zurück) in die richtige Richtung! Lets hope dass sie diesen Ansatz weiterverfolgen. Or else 🗡
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morningstarlucemon · 2 months
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Pooh's Big Bad Bellyache
Rabbit had summoned everyone to try and solve Pooh's predicament. They gathered 'round Pooh's massive, quivering tummy, staring on in fear and worry. Roo bounced up to Pooh's tummy, and placed a gentle paw against it. "Maybe... we could give him belly rubs?" Pooh's tummy suddenly roared, and a lump shifted under Roo's hand. He pulled back with a wince, ears pinning back. "Ooo... Poor Pooh...." He patted the lump that had now come to rest lower in Pooh's belly. "I'm not sure that would help much, dear," said Kanga. "His tummy's so big... We can't even reach all of it!" "What if we bounce on his belly?! It looks rather springy..." Tigger suggested, leaning in and wiggling his brows. "Tigger, are you CRAZY?!" cried Rabbit, "You can't bounce on his belly when he's this stuffed! You'll POP him!" "Oh... Heh, didn't think'a that..." Tigger said with a paw to his lip. "What about some tea?" Eeyore suggested. "Or a warm water bottle?" Owl chimed in after. A low rumble started to grow in Pooh's belly, accompanied by violent trembling of his guts. "OoooOOOOOOOHHH! MY TUMMYYYYYY!!!" Pooh cried out, pawing at what little of his aching belly he could reach. "OoooooOOOOooooOOO! I-I can feel all the honey m-moving around! I-it feels angry... Oooooo!" Piglet frowned as he looked up at his best friend's towering tummy. He wiped a tear from his eye, and stepped forward to offer Pooh's gurgling, glutted gut a comforting hug. "Oh, poor Pooh... You really ate too much! I've never seen such a bad bellyache before..." Rabbit sighed, walking up to Pooh's belly and placing a hand against it. "I'm sorry, Pooh... I don't think there's anything that will really help your tummy... You just-- have to wait for your bellyache to go away! And you CAN'T EAT anything else until your bellyache is ALL GONE! Do you understand?" Pooh sniffled, attempting to blink away his tears. He wriggled behind his tummy, trying to see past the aching mass to see rabbit. "Ooooh... W-what? N-not eat? E-even honey...?" "YES, Pooh! Even honey!" Pooh's ears lowered, and he sniffed. He looked down at his belly as it quivered, gurgling sickly. "Ooooo... F-for how long?" Rabbit sighed heavily, putting a hand to his forehead. "Well-- I don't know, Pooh! With how much you ate... Oh, goodness... You might have a tummyache all year!" "ALL YEAR?!" Pooh cried out. As he did, his belly shook with a thunderous grumble. He sobbed, grabbing his sides as his semes creaked and groaned. "I-I can't go without honey for a whole year! Oooo-hoo-hooooo!" "Well, you're going to have to, Pooh! Or else, your bellyache will never go away! You'll end up with a permanent tummyache!" Pooh stared down nervously at his belly, watching it ripple with his overindulgence. "P-p-permanent? I-I'd have a bellyache forever...?" he whimpered to Rabbit, lower lip quivering. "Yes, Pooh. Forever..." Pooh gulped. He looked at his sick tummy with watery eyes. Could he really go a whole year without eating anything, even honey...? ________________________________ Part two of this: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51905137/ which was based on this image: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50744498/ . And of COURSE he's going to end up with a permanent tummyache! But i want YOUR feedback on what all i should show on his journey there~ What moments from the next year should i mention before finally ending the story with him accepting his fate?
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rosieblogstuff · 2 months
This might be too many but, for the MacGyver ask game:
4, 7, 15, 16, & 18?
There's no such thing as too many. 😂 It's just a matter of how long it'll take me to write something for all of them. But here goes:
Do you have any favorite fandom media you’d like to recommend? (Fic, edits, art, etc.)
Hooooo boy, am I ever bad at picking a favorite of anything and sticking with my opinion the next time I come across something shiny. Has anybody not read Turkey Day yet? Everybody's surely read it. If anyone hasn't they should immediately run over to AO3 right now.
How did you discover the show?
It was October 2021 and I was suffering Peak Pandemic Loneliness. Friday night I watched a couple episodes of The Americans because one of my writing forums was having a big plotting discussion about it. I love spy shows generally and I really enjoyed The Americans the first time through but it was just NOT the mood I was in right then, it was too dark and too bleak. So at the end of episode 2 Amazon popped up a list of “also recommends” stuff and there was the MacGyver reboot, first thing on the list. I loved OG MacGyver, watched it after school and in the summers as a kid, there are episodes I managed to see enough at a time when you were stuck watching whatever the TV wanted to show you that I could easily recall major plot points and characters like 30ish years later BUT. I hadn’t seen the reboot because I’d seen friends panning it on Facebook when it came out. (I’m sure I’ve posted Rosie’s Theory of Why Middle Aged White Guys Hated MacGyver 2016 before. But I didn’t realize it at the time.) So I thought to myself, well I’m already in a bad mood and bored, why not watch something crappy that I’ll probably hate? and started up 1x01.
Obviously that did NOT go as anticipated because 1x01 is really a pretty awesome pilot episode and I enjoyed it enough to immediately start up episode 2, and by the end of episode 2 I was in love with the whole thing. Like, obsessively in love with it in a way I rarely get. I stayed up until 2am watching the first 5 eps in a row.
Have you learned any Mac Hacks?
Oh definitely, although I’ll admit my favorite (and most useful) Mac Hack of all time is from MacGyver 1985: the time OG Mac magnetized an iron pole by hitting it in the same way over and over, a trick that can also be used to magnetize a screwdriver. A few months ago I accidentally locked a door at the youth group where I volunteer. No one had a key and we really needed to get back into the room, and I got it open by user-testing an idea I’d come up with for a fanfic. 
What’s your favorite cold open?
Definitely 1x12, the truth serum cold open. The 1x02 North Korea escape is also pretty high on my list of favorites. 
If you could wish an episode tag/missing scene fic into existence, which episode would you choose?
Jack taking Mac to Texas to meet his family. We got a family/backstory episode for Riley, Bozer, even Desi, but we have to headcanon basically everything about Jack’s family.
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madhattersez · 2 years
Model Kit Build: "Gundam The End" by Bandai
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Hooooo boy, this one was super-weird. In the best way. I LOVE this crazy-ass design. Every time you build a gimmick for this, there's always a crazier one coming up in just a few more steps.
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First things first, I have to mention that this is a pretty rare kit, but I only paid $6 for it! I saw it in a Japanese auction and it showed the above parts being already put together or loose - the seller couldn't guarantee that all the parts were included.
Thankfully, all of them were indeed there, so I really got a steal on this one!
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Let's just talk about the visuals of this model first. While it's a majority black and gray unit, it has so many splashes of bright colors, too. Just look at this sticker sheet!
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And here's the main unit, all done. What a radical weirdo! Aside from the unique design (including double horned boots, pyramid-shaped helmet, psychedelic shoulder eyes, and chest that opens up like a fang-filled mouth), he's also packing two Dirty Harry-style revolvers.
How can it get any more interesting?
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Well, this is some of his shielding, which looks like a giant, silly choir robe. They convert to bat-style wings, too. Because, of course they do.
"But, wait," you might say, "What about those big yellow hands? What's up with those? Can you, like, make them flip someone off or something?"
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Lawl, yup.
And I had considered keeping the middle finger pose on them both for display thinking that would be hilarious, but this guy's hands have additional Gundam heads inside the palms... which can open up and shoot lasers.
Sorry, "fuck you" fingers, but that's way cooler.
What the hell else can we add now? Well, how about a fetus?
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So, yeah, this Gundam has another little Gundam living inside of it, connected by an umbilical-looking cord. Sure, that's totally normal. Oh, his name is "Narwhal," by the way.
Even though having him pop out of the chest covers up the top of the main unit, I just had to pull out every single gimmick for the final pose... Behold:
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Holy shiiiiiiit, right? This dude fuckin' rules.
This Gundam looks more like a Darkstalkers character than a giant robot.
And that's sweet. Definitely one of my top three favorites now.
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For more of my model kit builds on Tumblr, click here:
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
You seem cool to talk to! :D
Just got into transformers less than a week ago and Bumblebee is already my favorite yellow boy! Since you seem to like Bumblebee a lot too, what are your favorite Bumblebee moments? Also, WHAT'S THIS ABOUT HIM DYING TWICE?
(Also, I know you posted this like 3 days ago, but if you still want to talk about your ninja turtle angst, I'm also a turtle fan and I will listen!)
you think i'm cool omg giving you forehead kisses
favorite Bee moments!!!!
*shows up late to the big battle to save my planet* lol sorry there was traffic HE'S SO SILLY FOR THAT
also i really really loved Dylan O'Brian as Bee's voice at the start of the Bumblebee movie! Seeing as it's one of our only times hearing him within that universe, he did a fantastic job immediately adding the usual Bee mannerisms with his own twist!
all the Bee and Charlie hugs, they're soulmates your honor
the "oh captain my captain" line in the RotB movie 😭
Optimus confirming that Bee likes going to drive-in movies while he supposed to be on patrol
the Bee and Noah team up in the final battle of RotB
In Transformers Prime (one of my FAVORITE tv shows ever, and highly recommend if you're getting into Transformers!) Bumblebee's relationship with his human, Raf! They are THE big brother little brother duo
and yeah.... spoilers for the newer movies but he dies in the Bumblebee movie, gets revived by Charlie, THEN he dies in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, and he gets revived then as well! my poor boy is getting put through the wringer!!! let him rest!!!
the Mutant Mayhem universe becomes sort of like the "home base" for whenever the four groups get together, because they've got the biggest lair and it's very fun to hang out with all the other mutants as well without having to worry about getting hurt!
omg i have THE idea of the 2012 boys staying over in the MM universe, and ending up going to school with the MM boys, and being pleasantly surprised when they're greeted with smiles and handshakes and high fives, it's another reason they favor the MM universe
the Big Confrontation between 2012 Splinter and everyone else takes place on the 2012 boys' birthday 😌 that's all i'm saying
i want to write out a conversation between 2012 Leo and Bayverse!Splinter, because i love the idea that they click super well, so I can see Leo really opening up to him about everything that happened, especially considering the fact that Bayverse!Splinter, like MM!Splinter, was a rat before he was mutated
Because RotTMNT!Splinter was human before he was mutated, and therefore had a human history, i do think the 2012 boys take the longest to connect with him, just because they're worried history is going to repeat itself. they do have an emotional conversation with him that leads to Mikey calling him Papa Lou for the first time, and that's when that name catches on!
added angst is that Kirby died in this AU, so April gets some angst to since she's kind of always felt like a replacement for Karai, so dw my girl is gonna go through it as well!
the Bayverse boys + Bayverse!April and Casey are so so protective over everyone else, they are the most older siblings to ever older sibling, they love having little brothers and sisters, but hooooo boy during the Big Confrontation there is some cursing out and Bayverse!Casey may or may not have to be carried away by Mikey and Donnie
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hikari--sakura · 6 months
...i can trust you all with one (1) untagged k///lon////oa artwork right?
had a big brain idea. if i don't feel brave enough to post it here it'll be in the neocities art gallery as per usual, will put the details under the cut
I was today years old when I found out the person who illustrated the webcomic also designed Ogerpon. HOOOOO MY HEART. THEY'D BE PALS IMO
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lucyghoul · 1 year
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i was tagged by @nicollekidman to post 8 shows to get to know me better! these are mostly ones that have had a big impact on me and esp my relationship with television in general
i tag @lottienat @awildwickedslip and anyone else who wants to pls i love to see people's shows
true blood: this was my quarantine show and i watched 7 seasons in a month and it changed my life. sookie stackhouse you are everything to me. i will forever be furious about the full ericsookie love story that exists in my brain but was taken from me
supernatural: i mean. well. dean winchester is. i’ve said too much
you’re the worst: literally i think the best show i’ve seen and the best show on this list. every single person in the world should watch ytw. jimmy and gretchen are true soulmates and their relationship feels like home to me. every single episode is hilarious and they balance it with such beautiful heartbreak. perfect 5 season arc. i could talk about this show forever
the americans: there has never been a better drama on television and there never will be. philip and elizabeth are for the insane girls only!!!
breaking bad: my first ever Prestige Drama and oh boy did it break my brain. jesse pinkman was the original pathetic man to me and i have not been the same since
how i met your mother: my terrible little perfect sitcom, it was the one i binged at 14 and therefore imprinted on but also i truly believe barney and robin are one of the greatest love stories of all time. kill the mother whatever but DIVORCE?
hacks: it doesn’t matter that there’s only been two seasons because they’ve changed me as a human being. ava and deb.... hooooo boy
mr. robot: watching this show in real time over the course of four years did insane things to me but they were marvelous and i wouldn’t trade them for anything. i adore a show that does Strange Things in service of heart and characters and mr robot was definitely the original
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