#hood badwolf family
dragoneyes618 · 3 months
Red faces everything with her constant sweet, if often tired, smile on her face and the sparkle of optimism in her eye.
Bad is short-tempered and gruff to most who know him, only letting his guard down around his wife and daughters, not even making allowances for the pack; talking only of superficialities with his coworkers, he can't risk forming closer bonds with anyone.
Cerise is quiet, withdrawn, shrinking deeper into herself with each passing day. She doesn't trust herself to befriend anyone without risking the secret being revealed, and so she befriends no one, sinking deeper into her hood and the shadows, much to her parents' regret.
Ramona is angry, always angry. Outspoken and loud, with her father's temper, she pushes any potential friends away, and rubs many people the wrong way with her bad attitude towards everything, no matter how many times her parents try to talk with her about it, until during one of the rare times all four of them are together in the house Cerise hears Ramona shouting at their parents "You chose this life! We didn't!" before running out of the house sobbing.
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inamindfarfaraway · 19 days
Headcanon that the incident that got Ramona sent to the Dark Forest Reform School involved Cerise throwing Ramona to the wolves and playing the victim to protect their secret. Maybe she lost control of her wolf side, accidentally wrecked her dorm room and blamed Ramona. Maybe someone came across the sisters playfighting in the woods and Cerise cried wolf attack to save face. This could explain why Ramona was removed from Ever After High while Faybelle wasn’t after allying with the Evil Queen. Firstly, Ramona seemed to pose an immediate threat to Cerise. Secondly, her alleged crime was not only malicious and dangerous, it indicated that she wasn't learning to follow her destiny. The Hood and Badwolf lines may be enemies, but no actual conflict is meant to occur outside their story, and in the story, the Big Bad Wolf is patient and controlled. He plays nice with Little Red Riding Hood. He waits for her to reach her grandmother's house and get close to him. Ramona recklessly jumping the gun showed disregard for her fairytale and was out-of-character for her role, unlike Faybelle's selfishness and spite. Milton had reason to fear that she'd go off-script again in the future.
Imagine Cerise's guilt. Imagine Ramona's heartbreak and betrayal. Imagine Cerise hating herself and the world every time she misses her sister. Imagine Ramona shutting Cerise out when Cerise visits her and tries to apologize. Imagine their dad understanding what happened, but barely being able to comfort his daughters due to Ramona's distance and his and Cerise's personas. The drama! The irony!
It's also the best setup I can think of for "A Big Bad Secret", where the girls both appear to genuinely resent each other, on top of pretending to hide their true relationship. Supporting quotes from the episode:
Raven, who knows the family secret, is against judging people by their legacies and therefore probably wouldn't express negativity about Ramona returning unless she thinks Ramona herself deserves it: Poor Cerise.
Blondie: Miss Hood, are the rumours true that it was your fault that Ramona Badwolf was sent away to the Dark Forest Reform School?
Cerise: What? I - no comment.
Cerise, about the excitement around the fight: This is ridiculous. I think we can settle our own problems.
Both sisters: Dad! She started it.
Ramona: I did not. Dad, Cerise is taking this ‘under the hood’ thing too far. "Ooh, mysterious secret. Look at me, I'm a Hood!" (exposes Cerise's ears)
Cerise: (pushes her away) I'm not doing it for me. You are so mean!
Badwolf: Muzzle it! You both know how it is.
Ramona: Yeah, yeah. If anyone knew the Big Bad Wolf was married to Little Red...
Cerise: They'd flip their crowns.
Badwolf: That's right.
Cerise tries to avoid attention, while Ramona publicly challenges her to a fight and lashes out at her precious reputation. She softens when reminded of the importance of the lie.
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samskaterguy · 11 months
(October 31st!)
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
Cerise Hood Headcanons:
Her full name is Cerise Lovelle Hood.
She was a very playful, rambunctious child. She’d chew on the furniture as she was teething and bark at people if she didn’t like them. This was a problem for her mother, especially if they went outside.
She and her mom live on a property isolated from the Hood/Badwolf settlements. It was for Cerise’s safety. But neither of them is happy to be away from their “pack”.
She had been best friends with Rosabella since they were little. They were able to be themselves around each other and understood how hard it was to hide parts of themselves. She didn’t approve of Rosa’s relationship with Ramona because she didn’t think Ramona was a good fit for her friend. Ramona hates keeping secrets, and all three have secrets to keep.
The three little pigs used to pick on her as a kid. They’d follow behind her, pull on her cloak, and mockingly sing about being afraid of the Big Bad Wolf. Cerise put up with this for years until it all suddenly stopped one day. Something happened between her and the pigs, but all anyone knows is that the pigs were found with apples in their mouths and are now terrified of her.
She tried peanut butter once. It took her mother, three cows, and a winch to unclench her jaw.
Her mother calls her “Cherry.”
Cerise has a complicated relationship with her grandmother. While they love each other and have a close bond, her grandmother does not know who Cerise’s father is and is extremely prejudiced against Wolves.
She’s allergic to chocolate.
She’s better at hunting than Ramona. She tries not to rub it in her face.
She and Cedar have a very close bond, and she considers her one of her best friends. She does not know that Cedar knows her secret.
Cerise’s mother never let Cerise be ashamed of her wolf side, but she made her aware that people would not be as happy with it as she was. She told Cerise to keep her hood up “over the river, through the woods, and all the way home.”
She doesn’t have very many memories of Ramona growing up. Their parents thought it would be too suspicious if the girls grew up with each other and only arranged meetings a few times a year when they knew they would be safe. 
Cerise and Ramona would leave little presents for each other when they were kids, usually food. Cerise stopped doing this after coming to terms with their destinies, but Ramona still finds a peach on her dorm room’s doorstep sometimes.
Her hood is a family heirloom that has been passed down since the first Little Red Riding Hood. It’s been refurbished over the centuries, but Cerise has to take good care of it. 
The so-called “family secret” isn’t as much of a secret as Cerise likes to believe. Most of the student body knows, but they don’t say anything. They’re either too scared of Cerise, care about her too much, or don’t care at all. As she’s made more friends, she’s gained a lot more supporters who would jump to her defense. 
Her parents were very worried about her trying out for sports. She evaded suspicion by using the excuse that it’ll help her “outrun the Wolf”.
She doesn’t like to show or talk about it because it’s not her main priority, but Cerise really wants a “mate and a pack” of her own someday. She wants the family experience she never had as a kid.
Cerise was only partially responsible for Ramona being sent to reform school. She had always been skeptical of Ramona’s relationship with Rosabella, knowing her sister wasn’t one for secrets. She was proven right when Rosa called things off, because Mona wanted her to reveal her beast side. Cerise confronted her sister about this and, with the breakup still fresh, Mona tried to maul her. She still blames herself for Ramona being sent away, but she will always defend Rosa for her decision.
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mp-buezo · 1 year
when you think abt it, whoever was little red riding hood had two destinies.
being little red riding hood and then the grandma when their grandchild has to fulfill their destiny (you could argue that it’s the other grandma but not many ppl care that much abt their in laws). so they had to get eaten by the wolf twice
that must be such a traumatic experience
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beezonia · 4 months
Also I promise I will talk about other characters but I’m sort of fixated on the Hood-Badwolf family atm
Like how do you think Cerise and Ramona feel about their destinies forcing them to be pit against each other?
Ramona is the older one? Or is it Cerise? Idk don’t @ me because of this pls
But Ramona is probably very very protective of Cerise either way, she watches Cerise shrink into herself because of how their destinies force them too live a life they never wanted
But I feel she’d be insanely proud when Cerise makes it on the track team and helps the bookball team (that was in thronecoming right?)
Because Ramona is getting to see her sister come out of her shell, she’s getting to see Cerise be happy doing what she loves and excels at
But then she can’t show it because she’s the next big bad wolf and it would be going against her story and how people perceive her if she shows the tiniest bit of kindness to the one she has to be enemies with
God I feel like they have a really complicated relationship because of their whole merged story family thing
But one thing ik for sure is that Romona and Cerise truly have a good sibling bond
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champion-of-love · 4 months
bridgerton!au with the charming family would be amazing honestly. the charmings (daring, dexter, and darling) are already known for wearing blue and for being popular with the people of ever after. them being given the chance to marry for love would be amazing instead of marrying whoever based on destiny.
other families could be like the hood and badwolf family being two rival families joining together and this causing drama for the ton. cerise using her mother's maiden name since ramona's seasons were considered a failure by society and would decrease her 'chances' of finding a match.
apple coming from a family filled with diamonds of the first water and the pressure on her to be selected as well.
ashlynn being the last true member of her family (her awful step family doesnt count) and her falling in love with someone not of nobility and the scandal that it causes
raven still being nobility but everyone knows that her mother's title was stripped away due to the acts that she had committed and this haunting raven through her season
the wonderlandians not being locals but they do have titles of their own and are treated as such. drama with adjusting to custom and practices of foreign courts
idk what else but yeah
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blanketorghost · 3 months
Okay hi hello I have seen a sudden new influx in EAH fans (hiiiii welcome <3) and while I am very happy to see this little fandom still be more than three pieces of lint and a paperclip, I am here to give y'all a list of already DEBUNKED EAH myths that somehow always show up whenever this happens every 1/2 years:
"Apple White and Raven Queen are related."
They are not. In Chapter 2 Episode 11 "Blondie Branches Out" there's a throaway line explaining how the 'Prince Charming' role is distributed between multiple unrelated Charming families. There is also no mention in any of EAH media of Apple and Raven being related. The only related characters are:
Poppy and Holly O'Hair (Twins)
Giles & Milton Grimm (Siblings, Milton is the oldest)
Cerise Hood and Ramona Badwolf (Siblings, order not specified)
Daring, Dexter and Darling charming (Siblings, Daring is the oldest and Dexter and Darling are fraternal twins)
Briar Beauty and Rosabella Beauty (1st Cousins)
Gus and Helga Crumb (1st Cousins)
The Hood/Badwolf sisters, Sparrow Hood (Distant cousins)
In Apple White's 'Royally Ever After' diary, the retelling of the Snow White fairytale has Apple be Raven's personal assistant that later overthrows her rule, meaning familial relation and them sharing a royal bloodline is not a necessary part of the narrative.
"XYZ Background character is the descendant of ABC fairytale character."
Unless directly confirmed by a GURU media employee or mentioned in the show, none of the background characters have a direct counterpart.
Most of the most famous background characters are actually cameos/based off of animators (pictured below):
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The fandom wiki is not a reliable source given the fact it has no edit protection and the moderators are no longer active.
Be carefulnot to confuse popular hedacanons or fan designs (more often than not fanart by red_red_heels, boots.caitlin and/or theprincessswan on instagram)
"XYZ's fairytale parent is dead."
Unless specifically stated, this is also not true. Certain stories have a loophole or workaround that prevent major character death. So far we have been given confirmation of:
Cinderella (Unknown loophole): shown to still be alive in 'Ashlynn Ella's Story'
The Swan Queen (Turned into a swan forever): It is not known wether or not Duchess' mom gave birth to her while she was still a human or if she was born from an egg. Raised by her grandmother. It is implied her curse is generational.
The Little Mermaid (Happy Ending): The first time this loophole is mentioned explicitly (Meeshell's diary). She was given a happy ending and lives under the sea, unlike the original HCA story. Story variation further explained in 'Fairy Tail Ending'.
The Big Bad Wolf (Unknown loophole): Self explanatory.
Baba Yaga (Possible Immortality?): Self explanatory.
The Candy Witch (Version recorded in the Storybook of Legends confirmed to be inaccurate): Explained in 'Kiss and Spell'.
"Descendants killed EAH."
Look, I am as much of a Descendants hater as the next guy, but the unfortunate truth is that EAH was never as successful as Mattel expected it to be. Their style was too 'childish and girly' for kids who were already into Monster High, and their themes were far too complex for younger kids to fully grasp. So their target audience was unfortunately not very interested. This is coming from someone who was around 11-12 when EAH came out. As an existing MH fan, I was turned off by it as at that time kids were entering their more 'edgy' phase and wasn't willing to give it a chance.
What dealt the killing blow was Mattel and Disney severing their contract over the Disney Princess doll line due to decreasing quality, and then after the release of descendants with Hasbro, one of Mattel's biggest competitors.
There's probably some other myths I missed, but these are the most common/widely believed ones. I'll maybe reblog/update later with more myths as I come across them.
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thewastedpotential · 4 months
Sometimes I think about what the possibilities could've been if Maddie Hatter was besties with Cerise
Imagine the Mad Hatter already being close to Red and Big, making him an honorable uncle figure to Cerise and Ramona
Mad Hatter would be extremely accepting of Cerise showing off her Badwolf side and having her hang out with his daughter
Mad Hatter and Maddie would, also, be wonderful to have during picnics when the Hood-Badwolf family invites them over
We could've had that, but tbh I'm not mad about Maddie being Raven's bestie as their relationship is cute as well
Like can you imagine the friendship betwen wolf and Mad Hatter in high school?
My headcanon goes something like this:
Mad hatter was the silliest , swetest , ray of sunshine and Wolf often went after school to his teashop to do homework and hangout with him. Like, you know when someone is just so innocent and nice that you just enjoy spending time with them?
Hatter: There is a man locked up in a school basement.
I like to think that unlike the rest of them, Wolf acually takes Hatter more seriusly. You know how Raven acually takes Maddie seriusly even when she's speaking in Riddlish, yeah , well them but its Hatter and Wolf.
Everyone: ha ha ha , yes, for sure (probably speaking riddlish again)
Wolf: . . .
Wolf: *seriously concern* what?
Cerise: Dad, can we have a sleepover with Maddie???
Ramona and Cerise would adore Maddies wonder
Wolf: But you had sleepover three days ago?
Maddie would adore going to picnic with them or playing with the girls in the woods and Ramona and Cerise would love going over to Maddie becouse of the wonder LIKE THAT TEAPOT IS FLAYING AND YOU HAVE 2673 DIFFRENT TYPES OF TEA???
Ramona: Your point?
This is too long. Okey, you know what? You convinced me. Im gonna star a blog about parents and go into more details there.
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smileyfacemojisworld · 7 months
Eah Fanfic Ideas
For Mind-Blocks
Dexter and Darling asking Raven to help them switch bodies and their experiences
Dexter and Raven going to a Tailor Quick concert together (/with Apple and Darling as a double date?)
Royals and Rebels switch sides and each character’s experience in the other side
The Hood-Badwolf family having a secret picnic(Hunter and Ashlynn unexpectedly came across them? Or Cedar)
Melody and Justine perform together for the talent show
Adventures of the Trios: Briar, Cupid and Hopper; Daring, Dexter and Darling; Maddie, Kitty and Lizzie; Apple, Briar and Blondie?
A day in the life of:*insert character name*
Duchess’s Journey of finding a Happily Ever After
“Family Moments”
Blondie’s and Cupid’s podcasts collab
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
The thing is, all four members of the Hood-Badwolf family must have no friends, or nearly none. They can't risk letting anyone too close, for risk of their secret being revealed.
Red lives in a cottage far away from the rest of the village.
Bad lives and works at the school, despite the rest of the Wolves living in the forest around Hood Hollow.
Ramona's only friend seems to be her roommate, Justine.
Like Ramona, Cerise only seemed to make friends this year, and only with Maddie, Raven, and Cedar; the first two know the family's secret, the last is her roommate.
They push people away. They don't talk about things. They don't invite anyone over. They can't risk having normal healthy relationships with other people, lest it come at the expense of the family.
They've sacrificed friendships for family, and they have each other...but, shrouded in secrecy, is it enough?
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zvmz · 7 months
A few more Cerise Hood HCs <3
despite having a fairly well-known story, many people forget she even exists. Most couldn’t even tell you her name or what she looks like, especially since she’s always hiding under her cloak
Her biggest pet peeve ever is people smelling bad
She has blueberry pie and pine scented candles in her dorm because they make her feel at home
Never not manspreading
She always has her AirPods in- even if they aren’t playing anything
Her favorite memories as a kid were swimming in the lake with her family during the summer
One time during a lake trip Ramona literally threw a snake at her
“NEAR her not AT her”- Ramona
Vegetables make her nauseous
Has a great singing voice- she, Ramona, and her dad used play rock band together often. Cerise on the mic, ramona on the drums, badwolf on the guitar
They all have very similar taste in music, basically just dad rock
Now she plays with Raven and cedar whenever they can
Plays fortnite with daring (and carries the game every time)
She ALWAYS showers cedars art with compliments, it’s the most cedar hears her talk
She knew about Hunter and Ashlynn- she had accidentally come across one of their dates while in the woods. She never mentioned it to them.
She tries to keep her grades pretty average. Not too good not too bad so she doesn’t draw attention to herself.
She has to use a burner phone to contact Badwolf or Ramona
She has very few personal possessions in her dorm, only what she considers essentials.
Every time she arm wrestles Hunter it comes out as a tie
Dr Pepper addict
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 2 months
Now that you're writeing family fluff as well,may i request Hood-Badwolf family fluff with little Ramona and Cerise please?
love you <3
Wrote while I was half asleep so I’m sorry for any spelling errors
Anyway words can’t describe how much I love this little family and how happy they make me like definitely one of my favorites idk they are just so easy to write about
(For any new readers, Red= little red riding hood and Wolf= big bad wolf)
Hope you enjoy and have a good dayyy!!
Little red riding hood held her small daughter’s hand as they walked along the dark forest. Despite it having a bad reputation, it was the same path that the two would make as frequently as possible.
It was really the only way that Reds daughter little Cerise could ever be with her father. She could only imagine the out shock and rage if people ever found out that little red riding hood hand not one but two daughters with the big bad wolf.
Red snapped out of her thoughts as an excited squeal from the 4 year old Cerise rang around the forest.
Red gazed to what her daughter was so eager to see. As she realized what- or who it was Reds face broke out in a smile as she looked upon her true love.
“There are my two favorite girls!” Cerise to her father, tackling him in a hug as she laughed. Red couldn’t hold back the joy she felt watching the two.
But just as she was about to start heading towards them, she was suddenly pounced upon by small claws and growls.
Red laughed as she picked her eldest daughter- Ramona off the ground before smothering her with kisses, to which the next big bad wolf pretend to gag away.
“Oh my darling! How you’ve grown.” Red admired her daughter as she set her down, noting that now she came up to her waist despite being only 5 and bit.
“Better to eat you with mother!” Ramona playfully growled as she ‘chased’ her mother towards her father. To whom Red hid behind as she pretended to be scared.
“Leave mummy alone!” Cerise stood in front her mum and dad as she crossed her arms and growled back at her sister.
“Oh yeah? Come on then!” Ramona playfully shoved Cerise as they pounced at one another. Red was about to break them up when Wolfs voice broke through.
“Let them be. Besides that will occupy them for long enough.” He picked Red up and twirled her in the air before bringing her back down.
Red was giggling the whole time as she wrapped her arms around her husband. “So what’s this going on?” She ran her nail down his now bearded face.
Wolf smirked and grazed his lips against her neck, watching her shiver from the feeling of his beard. “Thought I should grow it out. You don’t like it?”
Red shrugged while continuing to run her fingers through the coarse hair. “Never said that…”
Before Wold could respond they heard a crashing sound before Cerises cries rang in the forest.
They both quickly headed over, seeing Ramona laughing as Cerise lay stuck in some liquid that seemed to be mud with something Red didn’t want to think about.
Wolf quickly pulled his daughter out, wiping her tears as he kissed her cheek, “now darling it’s fine. Nothing a bath can’t fix.” Cerise sniveled but nodded.
When she went out of sight to get cleaned up by Red, Wolf turned to Ramona. He gave her a stern look and she immediately stopped laughing as she crossed her arms.
“What? It’s not my fault she’s sensitive. I always fall in uhh… muddy puddles.” Wolf pinched the bridge of his nose as he slightly growled.
“It doesn’t matter Ramona. You two are sisters, you have to get along.” When his daughter didn’t respond, he gave a small growl as he stood before her.
“… fine I’ll apologize.” Wolf smiled as she patted her on the shoulder just as his wife and youngest came back.
Red set Cerise down, pushing her towards her father while she sat down against a tree and watched Wolf play with the two.
She truly couldn’t be happier and she knew for certain that she would never trade what she had now for anything.
Wolf thought the same and so the happy family sat in the privacy of the forest, enjoying what they could have together for as long as possible.
Guys if your going to send me a request please don’t do it via messages I just found three requests in my messages from MARCH soooo yeah
Anyway new Dexven fic coming out most likely Wednesday (let’s pray you guys I’m swarming here)
Hope you enjoyed and have a good dayyy!!
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
Ramona Badwolf Headcanons
Her full name is Ramona Garnette Badwolf. 
She is one year older than Cerise and went to Ever After High before her. She was expected to play up the role of Cerise’s rival, but Cerise had to goad her into it. The two had a decent, if distant, relationship before Ramona went to reform school, and Ramona didn’t want to hurt her baby sister.
Strangely, she was a very calm, easygoing child. She was more content to watch the other Wolf children play tug-of-war in the mud than to join in. Her dad describes her as an old soul.
She has fewer anger issues than Cerise. Because she was raised as a Badwolf, she was free to be more wild and wolf-like and let out her emotions. On the other hand, she has trouble realizing that not everyone has this privilege.
Her family and closest friends call her “Mona”.
Mona always felt out of place with the rest of her father’s family. She wasn’t as wild as them, and they saw that as a weakness. She’s built up a reputation as a “rogue” and a “lone wolf”, even though she is very much a social animal. 
Whenever she’s able to see her mom, she calls her “Momo”. She hates the name, but she loves her mom too much to tell her to stop.
She sometimes wonders what might have been if her mother had picked her as Little Red Riding Hood. 
She has a tail. It’s small and deformed, but it’s there.
She has an underbite.
Ramona shared a very loving relationship with Rosabella before she was sent to reform school. She especially loved Rosa’s beast form. After a while, Mona was tired of keeping their relationship secret and thought that if Rosa showed the world she was a beast, they could be together. Rosa wasn’t ready to do that and broke things off with her. 
She hates secrets, especially the ones in her family. It makes things harder for everyone. She would rather have everything out in the open, regardless of the consequences, because she believes it would be easier.
Ramona doesn’t show it, but reform school was a traumatizing experience for her. She hasn’t disclosed what happened there, but she’s highly triggered by whistles and bell sounds and refuses to let anyone touch her neck, mouth, or hair. 
She cannot fully transform into a wolf like her dad. She claims it’s because she doesn’t need to, but it would be a dead giveaway of her heritage if anyone knew she physically couldn’t do it.
She can retract her claws at will.
She’s terrible at technology. She doesn’t trust it and is sure that every MirrorPhone’s camera is watching her. She’s also convinced anything with electricity will zap her. 
She often jokes about eating Hunter.
She’s a carnivore by nature, but her favorite food is peaches. 
Ramona has a thing for princesses, especially ones who aren’t afraid to stand out. She loved Rosabella for this reason, and it’s why she became attracted to Justine. 
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eremorte · 5 months
Badwolf could’ve been Gomez addams. (Red being Mortica light) I cannot keep my posts short so open with caution.
I’ve been mulling over the statues of the Little red riding hood story and have come to the conclusion, Badwolf and Red could have very easily done a hiding in plain sight sitch.
My defense:
Badwolf knowing hoodian culture shouldn’t be out of place as he has to pretend to be an old lady that is good enough to fool red for a few seconds. (hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew a few more traditions than Red because of his obligation to study) also they are functionally neighbors. There is going to be crossover.
The man also gave me thespian vibes in class of classics so, like he also has the license to be dramatic (huff and puffing is also a pretty extreme response to having a door in your face)
And as for Red, having the Evil Queen as a roommate must’ve done something, namely she speaks very posh when annoyed, (my what *insert phrase here* you have) and has a good grasp on scheming (not that hoodians aren’t naturally crafty) this would would compliment badwolf’s dramatics.
But now the fun bit, how this would translate into his familial relationships.
unlike most villian/hero relationships Badwolf and Red narratively remain neighbors as opposed to red being able to completely move house like it’s implied for other fairytales which get screen time in eah. So they have to remain cordial with each other and it’s sappy as hell.
example scene that I’ve been mulling over:
Badwolf has decided to teach a class with Red as a guest speaker (in conjunction with some hero class) to demonstrate how to get along with your story book nemesis post story. (An excuse to see red and condition people to not question when he speaks highly of her) Hunter remains suspicious and threatens badwolf with a hachet (he’s not actually going to do anything and badwolf and red know this).
Badwolf (unamused) “Red could you please call off your guard dog?”
Red: “and why should I do that?”
Badwolf: “Because you’re a good person who cannot deal with another’s blood on your conscious?”
Red: (keeping a straight face)
Badwolf “oh glorious woman, doth thou not see with your beautiful silver eyes that I beg forgiveness? To call off the huntsman with your melodious voice? One who walks with the grace of a swan, one’s who’s kindness which could comfort that of a thousand crying children? Oh how…”
Red: (trying really hard not to cry from both flattery and embarrassment) “Release him”
if anyone points out that him and Cerise look similar, he loudly gloats that “Ha in your face Red I did look like grandma”
that Ramona looks like Red: “excellent work on your makeup, dear.”
Cerise doing a weak growl? “No, no that’s not how it’s done at all, here, let me demonstrate.”
For those that get suspicious that Badwolf and Red actually have a deeper relationship then they put on they don’t say anything because they won’t admit that somehow these two have a better functioning relationship than they ones who are destined for happily ever after.
(also for badwolfs dramtic speech, I have not studied Shakespeare so I’m aware it sucks)
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beezonia · 5 months
You ever think about Red and Badwolf and the hood-badwolf family in general
I do
thinking about how they would have acted like they hated each other around the school in case anyone found out
How Red would have begged the evil Queen to keep their relationship a secret so either of them didn’t get punished
How short their time together might have been during their high school years , but they always made the most of it by sharing hopes and dreams
We’re Cerise and Ramona born far away from where people could find out about the hood-badwolf family
How would Red’s family react if they found out about their relationship
Thinking about how Ramona and Cerise were forced into a heated rivalry because of their destinies
God they have so much angst potential and these are jumbled thoughts but I hope you get me!
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