#hood (nomu)
mishy-mashy · 6 months
Theory: some High-Ends use the corpses of past OFA users
There aren't tons of High-Ends. They can't be mass-produced so easily, and there's only one that's blatantly female, literally named Woman and with a tall, defined figure
Maybe Woman's original identity is already confirmed, but... she's similar to Nana in build, isn't she?
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It's hinted that All For One actually kept Nana's corpse. How, 20+ years later, could he give Tenko his grandmother's pristine hand? Is he just keeping their hands? Or their actual corpses?
Also, when looking at corpses to give multiple Quirks to, One For All users are the best for this. Having inherited One For All, their bodies had maintained multiple Quirks when they were alive, even if they couldn't use more than their natural Quirk and One For All's physical ability. And to their bodies, One For All doesn't count as just one Quirk; the natural one, and Yoichi, are already too much for a human. But Shinomori shows that it counts each previous user's Quirk, on top of Yoichi's and one's own natural one.
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Their bodies adjusted to holding multiple Quirks, and when they were alive, they didn't become deformed or lose brain function. They were perfectly fine, and only had shortened lives—but that doesn't matter as corpses.
Nomus go brain dead when they have multiple Quirks. But the past users didn't, being completely fine, making them perfect for Nomu development.
High-Ends can think. They're all physically powerful, and One For All users make the best basis, even from leftover embers and physique. So why not use that great base to make the best outcome Nomus (High-Ends)?
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I actually find it funny when people will say the heroes need to kill more villains instead of arresting them when, from where I'm looking, every instance of the heroes killing a villain(s) has led to some consequence that would've been avoided had they just been taken in alive. (Which evidence has often shown them quite capable of doing.)
Lady Nagant was made to kill loads of people, driving her crazy and leading her to kill her boss and deprive the hero side of one of it's best. Her case feels like a big reason why killing on the regular would be incompatible with the rest of the hero shtick; 'cause it turns out people with lots of blood on their hands have trouble using them to then shake the hands of children.
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People say All Might should've killed AFO; but you can tell both from All Might's dialogue in Kamino & from how AFO regrew his head that that's exactly how their first fight ~7 years ago ended. AFO's brains met the pavement that day. And I can only assume this allowed his body to be easily recovered & revived, letting him lay low for the next 6 years to mould Tomura into a successor and orchestrate a good portion of the conflicts we've seen in this series. Just saying, that sounds much harder to do from Tartarus. And at least the heroes knew when he broke out of jail way faster then when he broke out of the grip of death. Heck, it could easily be argued he only broke out of jail thanks to that 6 years of set-up.
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Oh and where to start with Hawks killing Twice? Maybe how it enraged Toga & Dabi to make them more crazy & dangerous, maybe how it affected people's trust in heroes? Oh but the big one has to be how leaving Twice as a corpse let his blood be collected for Toga to get a parade off anyway; one the heroes were unprepared for too, which distracted a lot of the pros meant to keep AFO in Gunga. All of which could've been avoided if Hawks had just taken Twice in alive. (Which I must reiterate he easily could have done; I mean his quirk was shown pretty easily countering a Parade.) The heroes wouldn't have had to deal with a Parade in this war at all if Twice was sitting pretty in a jail cell next to Compress & Geten.
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I can't help but think those last two cases could be a surprisingly common occurrence too if heroes killed as much as some readers say they should. Like, could you imagine if every dangerous villain in Japan's history was killed and then just dumped somewhere for a guy like Dr. Garaki to get his hands on them the same way he got Shirakumo?
So anyway, between the mental health issues it causes, combined with how villains keep finding ways to perform necromancy; I'm just not seeing a lot of evidence that things go well for the heroes when they kill villains, or that they'd go much better if the heroes were kill-happy soldiers of the war on villainy all the time.
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gradelstuff · 11 months
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Villain artwork from the Monster Strike game collaboration pt.1
Part 2 here
Chibi ver. (01/02)
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underratedmhapoll · 11 months
It's Halloween, time to get spooky!
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Just thought of a horrifying combo of Meatball and Transforming Arms. What terrifying mix can you make of these two?
New Quirk Name: Meaty Arms
This Transformation type Quirk allows the user to manipulate the flesh, muscle, and bone of their arms. The control over this is both fine and extensive, able to change everything from their fingerprints to altering the flesh into new shapes, such as turning them into a pair of wings or growing on their finger bones out into dangerous claws. The user can choose to remove and control these parts over long ranges while still being able to alter them, like sending out a bunch of armored plates to block incoming attacks. This can include briefly grafting them onto people, like using flesh to cover a wound, but it will eventually return to the user. Anything lost can be slowly healed back by the user. This gives the user a good mix of options, granting them constantly shifting tools to adapt to any kind of situation. They can battle enemies with boney weapons, shape their arms into various tools, tie their foes up with powerful muscle, augment their fighting abilities with various new additions, make pounds of flesh to move things around, graft various additions onto people, or simply horrify their enemies with their monstrous arms. Though this only works on the user's arms, leaving the rest of their body open. The user will need to focus on their arms to control and move them. So any pain felt through the arms can hamper their ability to control them.
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laze-art · 1 year
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bnha sketch dump/pages
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hkartincolor · 1 year
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Chapter 186 color spread
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uniiscorny · 1 year
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Happy birthday Tensei! 💙
Uni and Hoodie celebrating with Tensei~ 💙 I adore them so much 🥰
Set in @hotpotatopotat's Shiggy-Endeavor Agency AU. (Find it in this thread))
If anyone is wondering, Hoodie wrote "てんせい おめでとう" which means "Congratulations, Tensei". He is still learning hiraganas at this point, and he drew his favourite thing, a tomato 💕
Uni is proud of him~ 😊
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hawkssucks · 10 months
I don’t know how to explain this but mha just Isn’t as enjoyable as an anime
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
Just wanna say this: the High-End Hood should've been Shinomori's corpse.
Yes, it's confirmed Hood is some random fighter from the underground, but it just makes more sense if it were Shinomori at the base?? At the least, I think it'd be verrry fascinating
Although it might be a bit cliche, like if Kudo were Bakugo's ancestor, but it'd be a nice piece of trivia. It wouldn't have to be said outright. Like AFO losing Yoichi's hand cuz of All Might.
Endeavor just fights and kills Shinomori, a cute hermit that gave the rest of his life because of OFA, and Bruce's trust in him over said Factor. Even using his turn to build up strength, Shinomori was looking forward to the future too
A parallel of wanting to be the strongest is drawn between Shinomori and Endeavor. Even after death, the duty of OFA haunts even a corpse.
For why it makes sense if Hood were Shinomori;
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Shinomori and Hood wear the same kind of pants (Hood's is ripped, but he's a Nomu and corpse, so it makes sense). It even ends just below the knee. A colored version because I don't want to open the anime;
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Shinomori's desire to avoid the strongest (AFO) could've been tweaked by Garaki to look for the strongest instead
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Hood looking for the strongest person (hero) could even be Shinomori's desire to give OFA to someone strong enough to protect and grow the Factor. As a hero, someone trustworthy
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My [OFA Users are High-Ends theory post] for why Shinomori would be a good base for a High-End
AFO didn't know his face, so the High-End could've been named Hood to keep up themes. That AFO didn't know his face, and even now, he has a "hood"; Hood's face isn't visible beyond glowing features at first
Endeavor burned Hood and said to rest. This could've been Shinomori getting his cremation, and that Shinomori could relax (about OFA)
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Endeavor said Hood is possibly Endeavor from the past or the future. In the past, Shinomori wanted to grow his strength for the Factor, so technically, Shinomori wanted to be the strongest. The strongest he could be, at least
The fact we know Shinomori underwent an autopsy, and that Garaki works in morgues to harvest corpses
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The knowledge that multiple Quirks kills the normal (not-AFO) person is found in Shinomori. Finding this out, this could've been the reason Garaki and AFO specifically use corpses for Nomus. That way, there's no life force to drain, and technically no drawbacks to the wielder
Garaki was alive during Shinomori's time. Considering these panels,
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This happens chronologically. AFO knew Bruce only had leftover embers (he could tell the same with All Might), which is why he looks so dismissive of his corpse. He's just wondering where Yoichi could be now.
AFO met Garaki after he killed Bruce. With all his followers and the way AFO is sitting, he's likely in search of Yoichi in Shinomori. But he never sees or meets the wielder. Thus the way he has his head down, as if upset and ignoring the insignificant crowds
That's why, when he finds Banjo, he's smiling. Yoichi is right in front of him again, after 18+ years of nothing.
Garaki was probably alive for all the OFA users. He's already looking middle-aged when he first meets AFO, and his Ability is just longer life. So he looks younger than he actually is anyway.
Since AFO faced all the previous OFA Users (sans Shinomori), AFO had access to their bodies when they died. Meanwhile, Shinomori ends up in the morgue anyway, likely by Banjo.
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AFO shredded Yoichi's body apart, so there's no corpse left. He killed Kudo, Bruce, Banjo, En, and Nana; but not Shinomori, who died of old age, or All Might or Midoriya, because they're still alive.
He has access to the corpses of the previous holders he killed himself, and left relatively intact. And Banjo may as well have given him Shinomori's corpse to figure out what killed a relatively-young, healthy man.
With access to those corpses, AFO and Garaki could've preserved the corpses of OFA Users to make High-Ends
(Maybe see this post where I elaborate why OFA users make great bases for High-Ends)
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straightforthefl00r · 5 months
sidekick? more like sidechick!!
There were three main outcomes Tomura had prepared for, when he schemed to attack USJ.
One: the ideal result was that he would succeed in killing All Might with his state-of-the-art nomu, and move onto the next stage of his plan to world annihilation. The world would hail chaos in one move. He would be known to everyone that he was the bringer of fear; the one who destroyed their precious peace.
Or two: All Might would, annoyingly, not die, but would be fatally injured by the nomu. This would still be partial success, as the Symbol of Peace would be out of commission, and this would mean that society would be well on its way to falling without its stability. Not only that, his League of Villains (well two villains right now, counting Kurogiri) would gain traction in the media, and publicity is always a plus. Tomura could use this to expand the League and his influence across Japan.
As much as he wanted his plan to go in any of these ways, Tomura knew he had to be prepared for any scenario — even his failure.
His third outcome was that if All Might defeated his nomu (which should not be possible due to its extraordinary power), then he should retreat and build up his forces again for another attack.
Unfortunately for Tomura, his attack on USJ resulted in the final outcome.
He escaped with three-ish, four-ish, five-ish bullet wounds, no USJ underlings and no nomu, not even its bloody body.
At this point, he was just glad he had the foresight to plan his failure. Not only were his underlings arrested, the nomu was apprehended by All Might, and he proved to be stronger than ever, despite Sensei insisting All Might has been drastically harmed in their last battle together.
He needed a fucking drink.
“Kurogiri, I’m heading out.”
The door slammed shut and Tomura disappeared into the night.
You, on the other hand, were having the time of your life.
Exams were finally over and that meant you could finally release your inhibitions, in the form of obnoxiously loud music and sweaty clubs.
You had just finished a lovely evening out with your boyfriend and friends. After a night of raving and dancing and (fairly) responsible drinking, you were just coming out of the club and on your way home.
Your boyfriend went to his apartment earlier before you, a few hours ago due to “something”. You couldn’t hear him clearly above the booming music, you assumed it was because of his chronically weak stomach. He always said that, whether it be nights out or dates. You brushed it off like it was nothing because his health mattered first.
He’ll make up for it.
It was around 4am when it happened.
“What the fuck?” You yelped and found yourself sprawled on the floor, outside a closed bar. The street was empty, save for a few stray cats, occasionally yowling into the night.
The mass you ended up being entangled with was wearing a black hoodie. Dishevelled hair could be seen peeking out from the hood - light coloured, a stark contrast to his hoodie.
You sat up straight on the floor, trying to make sense of what was happening, veins pulsing. You could hear shallow breaths coming from the body turned away beside you.
You tried to shake the person awake, he groaned and the stench of alcohol and iron greeted you. His shoulder felt slightly damp too. You raised your hand up slightly to the yellowing street-light. Your hand had a tinge of orange, leaning more to the red side.
“Oi, get up,” You frantically whispered into the person’s ear, “You’re fucking bleeding!”
He started mumbling incoherently under his breath. You could make out weak swears and a few mentions of “stupid fucking heros”.
You stumbled to your feet, pulling him up with you, surprisingly warm and pliant against your shoulder. You wrapped his arm around yourself to steady the two of you.
“Come on, we’re off to the hospital.”
As if snapped out of a trance, the man tried to tear himself from you and shook his head furiously. The both of you barely managed to stay standing, leaning against the nearest rough wall.
He was already facing you, when you looked at him, his eyes glaring at you, as if you were the scum of the earth.
Your hand gripped onto his wrist to steady your centre of gravity. His fist was clenched, so tightly that each knuckle looked like they would burst from his skin to reveal blood as dark as his eyes.
His brows were furrowed furiously.
You frowned at him back.
You could make out the dry skin on his forehead and, despite this, his face was surprisingly good-looking. A faint scar trailing from his cheek to his mouth caught your attention. You started to wonder where he got it from, an accident? Or was it a self-inflicted wound from scratching?
You were a bit drunk still, but the situation was causing you to sober up.
You sighed and tried to signal to him that you were only here to help.
“No hospitals,” he croaked, words low and slurred, “h-hate them.”
You agreed as to not agitate him further, “Let’s go to my boyfriend’s then. His apartment is only a street away from here.”
The man’s face contorted into a look of scepticism, as a strained “why” was pulled from his lips.
“First aid kit.”
He stared at you for a moment, debating on something, before mumbling, “I can walk by myself.”
Tomura should’ve just drank at the hideout. It was a literal bar after all, however he wanted to get away from all the scheming, nagging and his failure.
And so, into the barrel he went.
“I’m hungry.” He mumbled, eyes glazed over slightly as he stared at the head in front of him.
He was met with a hum in agreement.
“We’re almost there,” You took a breath, “but there’s a convenience store on the corner.”
He doesn’t know why you’re even doing this.
Helping him outside that bar and trying to care for his wounds brought you nothing. You looked so soft.
Stupid sidekicks and their idiot saviour complexes. Tomura was starting to get annoyed. It would be so easy to just turn you into dust.
He concluded that it was pity driving your actions.
You looked non-threatening enough and you were still slightly buzzed. He would go through with this and then you would part ways and never see each other again. It didn’t seem like you recognised him.
A roll of bandages came into his view. The convenience store lights were harsh white and made the bandages seem brighter than they were. His head was starting to throb a bit.
“The big roll or the small roll?”
You raised an eyebrow.
Out on the dark streets, you couldn't see him very clearly, let alone his injuries, but in the store, it looked like his hoodie was drenched with blood from his shoulder to the middle of his chest. Even his black sweats were glowing in red if you looked at him from a certain angle. You were still deciding whether you should just cart him to the hospital after all.
You chucked the big roll of bandages in your basket. It was already full of a variety of sweets.
You giggled at the basket.
“What are you laughing at?” Tomura accused, miffed due to his answer being ignored.
“You don’t seem like a sweets guy.”
“Anyone can have sweets.”
“Just saying.”
“Right.” He answered dryly.
“Why are you all bloody?”
“Why are you buying bandages?” He shot back, “I thought your boyf had a first aid kit?”
“Because I don’t think he’ll have enough,” you gestured to all of him. “for your situation.”
“Stupid sidekick.” He muttered.
You rolled your eyes and leaned towards him, “So! Why are you head to toe in blood?” You said with a slight lilt in your voice.
Tomura wondered if you were still a little drunk. He was one to talk.
“Because I ripped a few stitches while drinking.”
“And how did you rip them?”
“Some guys were yapping about how hard ‘All Our Heroics’ was — even when he downloaded the helpers mod for it.” He answered in disgust, “All I did was engage in a conversation with him and told him how stupid he was. And then, we ended up in … disagreement.”
“Clearly.” You deadpanned. “Still. Where did you get your stitches from?”
“Ah. Sue them?”
“Sue them.”
“Annihilate them?”
“Sure, annihilate.” He gave a faint smile.
By the time you arrived outside at your boyfriend’s place, the sun was starting to rise. A melody of colours took to the skies: swirling clouds painted the perfect picture of peace.
You stopped in your tracks and gazed upwards. Tomura ended up walking into your back. He cursed, as the two of you stumbled.
“This again?” He hissed, “We already knew you couldn’t walk straight at that bar and now you're sending me flying?”
You laughed at him.
“Just look up. Isn’t that pretty.”
“Zip it before I push you.”
“Technically, you did.”
“Even more technically, you pushed me. You walked into me.”
“Yeah, exactly, walked into you, not pushed.”
You grinned at him and rolled your eyes.
You walked into the elevator and Tomura followed you in. The two of you were in a comfortable and easy silence.
You were walking to the door before you just suddenly stopped. Tomura prevented himself from bumping into you.
“Seriously? Again, again? I almost dropped our stuff.”
“Sorry about that, but I just remembered, what’s your name? I’ve just been calling you the bloody-hoodie guy in my head.” You questioned.
“I don’t give my name to strangers.”
You stared at him incredulously and gave him your name.
“There, we’re not strangers anymore.”
He was silent.
“People also don’t follow strangers to their homes.” You pointed out, “What’s your name?”
“S-Shimura Tenko.”
“I feel like you just made that up just now.”
“Aw. Shucks.”
You shook your head at him while you opened the door.
The two of you walked in and what greeted you shocked you both. You dropped your plastic bag full of junk food and bandages on the floor and stormed further into the apartment.
Two bodies were on the couch, near the balcony, heads close together and lips touching. Unneeded sounds of pleasure could be heard from where the two of you were standing. They were kissing. Very passionately.
You yelled out your boyfriend’s name in flaming anger.
Two heads turned so quickly to look at you, you could’ve sworn you heard a crack.
It all became clear as you slotted the puzzle pieces together.
“So, you never had chronic diarrhoea,” you sneered, words dripping with sarcasm, “you had a chronic case of cheating scumbag!”
Your boyfriend’s face was flushed when you came in, but it became even redder as you glared at him.
A resounding smack made its way through the room, making you turn your attention towards the other person on the couch.
“I was with you for two years! You fu-“
“What?” You exploded, “You literally asked me out a few months ago. How dare you do that to your partner!” You followed that with curses.
Out of nowhere, laughter echoed. And three heads turned towards Tomura. His laughter was bright and full of amusement.
When he finally stopped, a stunned silence filled the room and he spoke, “So,” he started in the same tone as you when you spoke to your boyfriend, “you’re no sidekick, you’re a sidechick!” He started to laugh again.
You stared at him in pure shock, anger dissipating into slight amusement.
“That was a shit joke.” You said after you managed to dig some words out.
“Who’s he?” Your ex-boyfriend accused, “Were you cheating on me? With that?”
It was your turn to laugh as you told him that you weren’t cheating on him but you were only helping a poor guy out, while he was being scummy.
“I’ve had enough of this,” you frowned, “We’re leaving Shimura!”
You marched over to him and grabbed his wrist.
“No, don’t use your quirk here!” Your ex pleaded, “The landlord is going to have my head.”
You huffed out a self-satisfied puff of air. “Watch me!”
“I hope you don’t mind too much. We’re off to my place.” You muttered to Tomura.
“Oi! What are you trying to-“
Tomura was cut off before he finished his sentence.
He fell through the floor with the convenience store bags grasped tightly in his hands, with your hand gripping his wrist. His pinky was aching and his head ached even more.
He yelled as he found himself on the floor with you once more, legs tangled and things rolling around on the now-dusty ground.
The two of you were laying on the ground, looking at the white ceiling. Tomura could see the walls in the corner of his eye, the colour of it matched your top.
“Sorry about that.” Your voice coming from his right, “My quirk is Rabbit Hole. I can teleport by creating literal holes in the ground. That’s why we are at mine right now and not at that idiot’s.”
“I couldn’t have guessed. Ha.” Tomura replied, oddly calm, “If I touch things with all of my fingers, I can make things turn to dust. That’s why the ground is all dusty.”
You hummed in reply.
“I’m really fucking tired.”
“What’s the time?”
“Shit, if I know.”
“I hoped I left a massive hole at that asshole’s. I hope that it went through all his plumbing and that his apartment is flooding right now!”
“He’s going to sue you.”
“So? Sue me!”
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gradelstuff · 11 months
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Chibi Villains from the Monster Strike game collaboration pt.1
Chibi part 2 here
Big ver. (01/02)
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thr0wnawayy · 20 days
A few weeks ago someone in my inbox asked me what I thought of AFO and of I ever thought he was a proper villain.
My answer is simple: he was.
At first AFO was a mentor. where All Might struggled to teach, AFO excelled.
Always finding a way to turn every play into a learning opportunity.
He allows for the USJ to heppen so he can Tomura "show" that collaboration is important, he uses Stain's rejection to teach Tomura that he has to use tact. He uses the Training Camp to prove that there is strength in numbers
AFO always thinks ahead, he learns from his mistakes and that makes him deadlier than the HPSC could ever hope to be.
The Nomu are a great example of this, the USJ Nomu was a great start, although I suspect it was designed to fail. It served as an excellent display of what a Nomu could be.
The Hosu Nomu failed because of a lack of armour and variety, so AFO made the Forest Nomu better.
The Forest Camp Nomu is seen wearing a helmet and has multiple quirks to account for it's blindspots.
The Forest Nomu failed due to a lack of awareness and intelligence, so Hood was designed specifically for his intelligence and his strength as to not be caught of guard.
(I suspect AFO left some notes for the doctor)
The Nomu came back stronger each time, the data collected was building up towards an optimized specimen( which we were supposed to see with the Finalized High Ends)
Each and every time AFO let Shigaraki use the Nomu, he was killing two birds with one stone.
Additionally, he supports Tomura while not smothering gum
Letting Tomura learn from his own experience (be it successes or failures) and forcing Tomura to learn restraint.
He prevents him from lashing out at any one individual (like he did w Kurogiri) by forcing him to actually work with his teammates.
AFO makes Tomura reflect on why he failed, he encourages Tomura's ventures constantly and gives him advice.
These are hallmarks of someone who wants to see their student succeed.
If that's not enough then there are two lines that solidify AFO'S original character:
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The line that really settles me however, is this:
"Just When Tomura had begun to think for himself "
If Shigaraki really were just a puppet from the start, why would AFO go to all the trouble of guiding for him, teaching and training him. Letting him build a legacy of his own and support him.
Why would he hire Giran, after all it will all be for naught, so why waste resources?.
The simple answer is to blame Hori and inability to stay consistent in anything. (In the business we call this, having no fucking spine)
His Character
AFO's terror lay in his simplicity. Like AM, AFO is a man with a goal and he has the means to achive it, something he had worked for decades to achieve.
This is best demonstrated in his early mannerisms.
AFO never lies, he uses metaphors and technicalities to his advantage.
In the prison scene, he never lies about his goal, which was simple. Take out All Might with as a symbol and threat, while also getting Tomura to leave the nest.
He is also a show man, holding out on Tomura's history and turning his retirement into a spectacle to land a critical flow on his nemesis.
He's a master strategist, being able to predict the current state of society within his cell. He took everything AM loved, even going as far as to turn Tenko's tragedy into a triumph and spat on hero society in the process.
In short, AFO was the villain and when All Might walked out those doors, AFO was as good as dead.
The Downfall
Later, everything I mentioned was stripped and what we are left with is a gutted out husk, a shambling mockery of the genius we once knew.
After season 3, AFO might as well be dead because the leech that takes his place was probably the final nail in MHA's rapidly flooding coffin.
AFO goes from being a legitimate threat, a true symbol of evil. Someone so fearsome, that his mere presence causes visions of one's own death.
To a LARPer who's got as much depth as a kiddie pool, evil for the sake of evil.
From Symbol of Evil to (ugh) 'Demon Lord'.
This character is so far removed that I've taken to calling it 'The Husk'. As to me, AFO is canonically dead*.
This emptiness is even displayed in his musical themes
Where 'The Power of AFO' only needs a few simple instruments and hooks to instill dread, 'All For One Prime' falls flat.
The Power of AFO is dread inducing and it knows it. The song itself feels alive, like an unfathomable evil making it's presence known.
It reflects it's "master" with ease. It is dark, sophisticated and unlike any other piece heard in the series, it is quiet.
True power doesnt need to say it is powerful, it shows it through it's actions. Real power stays in the shadows
Meanwhile AFO Prime is lacking.
It's grandeous and "lighter" but that's it, beyond that it is hollow. Ironically representing what Hori did to MHA.
The theme is nice but ultimately uninspired, causing it to ring hallow when coupled with a failing plot that is speeding towards it's quiet demise.
Few more thing's before I check out.
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Why the fuck did they change AFO's eyes.
It completely ruined the parallels between AFO, Tomura and Eri, while also the unspoken lore of:
Quirks that deviate from both their parents often share the group traits of (red eyes, white hair).
You know what fuck it, Red Eyed AFO is Canon, Hori can suck it.
Secondly I have a theory for why AFO had such a stark shift in personality (outside of Hori's bullshit)
From My Notes:
When AFO was defeated and saved by the Doctor, he remained in a coma for 2 years, regenerating the missing tissue and brain matter.
This stopped the brain damage and deterioration from getting worse (sort of putting it in stasis), however upon being defeated by AM again at Kamino, the brain damage was aggravated and began to slowly break down his metal state, causing him to become increasingly delirious overtime.
Due to Tartarus' less then ethical treatment and safety protocols, as well as the brainwave scanner not being designed to detect which issues. The issue went untreated, by the time Shigaraki broke into Tartarus, AFO was long lost to mania. So much so he failed to remember his own background and the orgins of those around him.
(Hence the change from Symbol (Pre Kamino, Menacing, Intelligent) of Evil to Demon Lord,)
[explaining why he didn't take Overhaul and why he changed from passing the torch to parasite in "canon" and why he was so out of character (idiotic)] Also explaing the lore inconsistencies throught the later chapters.
Just some food for thought.
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quirkwizard · 6 months
Quirk comparison between tool arms and either duplicate arms or transforming arms. Whatever’s more similar
Look, I know this is asking for "Tool Arms", but there is barely anything for that Quirk as it is. So for this, I'll cover this with "Dupli Arms" and "Transforming Arms", because those two are quite similar.
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Dupli Arms +Can make duplicate organs from arms +All organs are much stronger +Can make sensory organs as well +Arms can heal themselves if damaged +User can glide with the arms -The limbs and nubs can be destroyed -User gets less control the more they make
Transforming Arms +User can shapeshift their arms +Increase their size and length +Capable of shaping them into claws +Can make wings to fly =May apply to the legs as well? -Has only been shown with the arms -Arms can still be damaged
These two are hard to compare. I do think they are on a pretty similar keel in terms of power and versatility. It's just they diverge in what they are good at. "Dupli Arms" is better at utility with all the extra sense and "Transforming Arms" is more combat oriented with the various shapes the daggers can take. "Dupli Arms" has more exploitable weaknesses, but "Transforming Arms" isn't as varied outside of fighting. Of the two, I think that I have to give it to "Dupli Arms". "Dupli Arms" can cover a lot of the same applications as "Transforming Arms", like extending out arms, the greater attack power, and even the flight can be replicated. So all that's left is the unique applications, and I think that the greater senses of "Dupli Arms" is far more useful. It is more then worth dealing with the downsides just to get them. Plus, I think "Transforming Arms" may be tainted a bit because it's being help with half a dozen other powers and augmentations. Without those, it wouldn't be as powerful as it's shown.
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yonkokraven · 2 months
Horikoshi is a terrible writer
God, I wish I was kidding, these last couple of days I've been analyzing the whole damn manga and I finally understood where this guy is going with it and how it fails.
I'm going to make the post with spoilers and talk in random order about different things that he fail at, because honestly it's unthinkable to make an order in this manga chaos.
The League Without Goals:
I really can't understand how people look at this group and say "they have a plan" or "they're good antagonists" when neither of those things are true.
The league was founded by Tomura wanting to show the world that they live in a false peace, at first he wants to kill All Might for being the symbol that brought this false era of peace...
The claim is fair, I'm not going to lie to you, but after the Stain arc, instead of reflecting on how he can show the danger to society, he goes a step further and decides to destroy all the heroes, and the league "adopts" Stain's mentality with its new members.
You think it could improve, I mean, here they should tell us the reasons of the new members of the league about their mentality towards the heroes, but no, nothing, absolutely nothing.
Dabi introduces himself stating that he's there for Stain, Toga too, Spinner obviously too, but they don't reveal why they agree with Stain.
As time goes by we see glimpses of everyone's personality and past, and the first thing that comes to mind when I think back to the entire history of the villains, is that they don't have a group spirit here, in fact, not even a hint of personalities, Dabi and Toga are serial killers, Spinner is a mutant and Compress is a thief. Twice is a disturbed guy who lost his place in society by no longer being able to control his quirk, but he also has no qualms about kidnapping and killing children and god, Magne, Mudstard, Muscular and Moonfish are forgettable
The league's goal changes from "Show society the false peace" to "Let's do whatever we want" after the liberation army arc, here there is no direct reason, but Tenko says that he wants to destroy everything that breathes.
They show us their pasts but there is not really a more appropriate answer to "these people are crazy"
Spinner, who is the one with his head on his shoulders, should question why but he doesn't, He don't tell us what he wants to do other than "follow Shigaraki", and then in the final war they put him almost into a Nomu and leading an army of mutants without any plan of what to do when the world is his, there are no community plans, nothing, just find Kurogiri and destroy Japan.
Toga was deprived her entire life of living the way she wanted and she wants to do that, but when Twice dies she wonders if the heroes don't see her as a person when she can't even wonder why the heroes would see her that way, she kills people and animals without any shame and is plotting to destroy the world.
Dabi wants dad's attention, that's why he's going to destroy everything dad built including his mother and siblings, but he could go one by one, first Natsuo, then Fuyumi, then Rei, then the "Masterpiece" Shoto, or better yet, broadcast the video of Endeavor after the battle against High-End Hood, but instead he waits for the damn climax of the story to try to detonate himself. Not only could he have saved Twice and didn't, but he also has reasons to follow Stain but still sticks to "let's kill whoever gets in our way"... and that's it.
Tomura already came to this story in an extremist way and has reasons to hate society, at the beginning of the story I thought his motivation was going to be to reveal the imperfections of civilians and heroes, but his motivations grow to commit acts of terrorism to ACADEMY STUDENTS. And they are not even varied, it is the same academy and the same damn class
And when I thought that Horikoshi could not make it any emptier, AFO reveals that he always planned to take his body and orchestrated everything that happened to Tenko. AND THE WORST THING IS THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN REFLECT AFTER THAT, IF IT WERE UP TO HIM HE WOULD DESTROY EVERYTHING ANYWAY.
How do Hori expect me to feel bad about their defeats and deaths? They literally grew up in the opposite way to how they should have, and that's when I realized: Hori didn't want to give this group of clowns any redemption at any point.
Before you ask me "then why did Horikoshi make Midoriya, Uraraka and Shoto want to save them?"
No, here Horikoshi is writing 2 things, but he writes them so badly that the fandom interprets something totally different:
1-A hero is a human being, and villains born in their mistakes: The members of the league, if we look at their origins first, arise from the fault of people (not just heroes
Toga must be one of many who has their biology affected by their quirk, at no time do we have reference to the fact that there are specialized centers to help this type of people, because if that were the case, her parents would have accompanied their daughter in that way instead of repressing her.
Spinner is a mutant, so he hasn't grown up in a conventional way (as we're told, he was always alone). But that's the incomplete picture, being a mutant and following Stain's ideology, you add 2+2 and notice that Spinner suffered mistreatment even from heroes, but it's something he doesn't mention, and Horikoshi didn't delve into either his history or the mutant plot.
Dabi is the son of an arranged marriage (know how to differentiate it from a forced marriage) and that's already a lot to say, but his origin resonates with Stain's words about heroes only seeking fame and power. If the top heroes didn't exist or worked differently, things in the Todoroki family would have been different.
Tomura is the mark of an imperfect society, as his problems are not only his own, they come from generations ago. His grandmother left his father for adoption after his grandfather's death, and there is already a big red flag about the safety between heroes.
Then, his father grows up hating heroes because he never knew about the danger that his mother and he were in. And he hits his son every time he says the word "hero" just because he never knew how to properly deal with his father's death or his mother's abandonment.
And after what happened to his family, people look the other way hoping that a hero might appear, when that is not the job of a hero, it is something that everyone can do. Tomura marks the total and combined result of a society that has made heroes into nothing more than a service instead of people, while people simply go on with their lives.
Society in general after the dawn of power remains the same: discrimination, power and ignorance continue to be the daily life of people.
The biggest problem? is that Horikoshi shows us the league at first wanting to point out these injustices, but little by little they get to "let's destroy everything because Tomura is upset."
2- The origin of true heroes
The arcs that resonate the most with the soul of the manga are Uraraka and Hawks' arcs, two of which in my opinion are the best in the work
Uraraka enters the academy with the wrong intentions, but her heart is in the right place, she wants to help people and little by little she realizes something that many people ignore, that heroes and villains are also people.
Hawks is trained directly in the commission as a human weapon, but he does not fight against this because his desire is to be a hero, as he grows up between so much training and work, he realizes that despite being a hero, he is not allowed to be a person, and this is reflected in all the other heroes thanks to his phrase "I just want a world where heroes have free time"
Uraraka is the one who initiates the change to society by asking the civilians to let Midoriya rest in the academy, the civilians are scared but notice for the first time that the heroes are not in good shape either.
And they are not even heroes yet, they are children who still have the spirit to stand in front of the bullets when they should be crying for what happened, they lost teachers and classmates, in addition to being mutilated by people older than them.
In these epilogue chapters, civilians and heroes began to work shoulder to shoulder after this event and the battle in which Midoriya gave his all to prevent everything known from disappearing, and he succeeded by very little.
In chapter 429 we see a child who escaped from hell, and for the first time a civilian helps someone without having to request support from a hero, and it is the same woman who did not help Tenko years ago who still carries the guilt.
But what is the problem with this point?
Two small details, one being that Horikoshi isn't giving dialogue to those who started this change, and if he did, he did it incorrectly.
Uraraka feels bad for not being able to save someone who didn't want to be saved, when she doesn't reflect on how Toga got to that point of no return, or what made the heroes get to where they are now
Midoriya calms her down by telling her that she's his heroine (which isn't bad at all) but it's a very short dialogue for two characters who saw through all the flaws of this system and fight to change that same system for the better.
and Hawks is in a position to restructure the hero system for the better based on the things he knows, taking a correct step in creating a Top that is defined by the actions in the place of power... BUT YOU DIDN'T ELIMINATE THE OLD TOP? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
And now I know why he doesn't do it, because of someone who has taken up more than enough pages in this work, the damn Katsuki Bakugo, another damn symbol of the old society that glorifies power over heroic actions.
Horikoshi himself didn't know what to do with the character beyond the first tests arc and HE SHOWS IT, because it is so contradictory with this character and everything that surrounds him in a disgusting way and the fandom doesn't want to accept it.
He literally doesn't get any attention when he does wrong, when he attacked Kurogiri with Kirishima, when he acts arrogant at the sports festival, when he hits Midoriya at the final exams and verbally abuses him in front of everyone, when at the camp he ignores Mandalay's instructions.
There is only one consequence for him in the manga, ONE, AND THAT IS THAT HE FAILS AN EXAM AND THAT'S IT.
Then he has a nervous breakdown saying "it's my fault that All Might retired" when he doesn't reflect on the danger he put his teammates in or the way he acts.
Here everyone is useless when it comes to Bakugo; Aizawa lets him go with a pat on the arm when he tries to attack Midoriya, 13 should have reported Bakugo and Kirishima to the principal after Kurogiri, Aizawa justifies Bakugo's behavior to heroes who are obviously outraged by his attitude during the festival, All Might ignores that his disciple bled from a punch from Bakugo and also that Bakugo almost killed him in the team tests.
When he is kidnapped, no one points out that he disobeyed a direct instruction in an emergency like the camp, instead Aizawa grabs a microphone and says "He's a great hero."
And in the provisional license exams, the Commission should have intervened and called him to attention, or at least Aizawa, but NOTHING.
Horikoshi makes him absent for a couple of arcs and then Bakugo reappears at the cultural festival where he doesn't change a cent, he just plays the drums, then he passes the provisional exams making the minimum effort possible while Todoroki, Utsushimi and Yoarashi do all the work with the children, and he tells the leader of the children "don't be an idiot" and that's it.
Then the Endeavor arc, he sneaks into Midoriya and Todoroki's internships and disrespects half the world, again without consequences and his appearance in this arc is to justify the disaster of power increase in the next arcs, wasn't it that he had already mastered his quirk? wasn't he a prodigal?
Then there's the war and he only serves as a human shield, receiving a lethal wound and SURVIVING to then wake up in the hospital and ignore that everyone is injured or in mourning and start screaming.
Then in the Dark Deku arc he mocks Izuku who is at his lowest point and makes the emptiest apologies I've read in a manga, with an apology comes a change and HE doesn't change.
His death and resurrection is totally useless to the plot other than to nerf (not kill) Edgeshot, who turns from a paper man into a surgery man to repair his heart and vital organs that are shown to have EXPLODED BY SHIGARAKI'S PUNCH.
He gets up and fights All For One at his weakest point and eliminates him, which has no real value because AFO then possesses Shigaraki anyway. And to make this more regrettable Bakugo KILLS KUROGIRI WHO WAS ON HIS SIDE.
What makes me the most angry is that Izuku is losing OFA and HE IS THE ONE CRYING
At this last point Midoriya has already completely lost the spotlight because Horikoshi never tires of inflating the Gary Stu that is Bakugo. And God forbid Midoriya to do even a little of what Bakugo did.
Midoriya at the end of each arc has no recognition, in fact, the recognition that Horikoshi gives him is reduced as the arcs go by
The story started with Midoriya saying that this would be like him "he became the greatest hero" and in the last arc he changes it to "we all became the greatest heroes" and it doesn't feel like a true victory once they achieve it, because Midoriya is not even the shadow of what he was.
With Horikoshi's decision to preserve the previous Top of Heroes it is obvious that he will give it to Bakugo, it is a worthless title because it is not defined by heroism, but by statistics that come from power and solved cases.
and this last one ruins Endeavor's ending even more
Speaking of Endeavor, he doesn't have his family anymore, he already lost his position, he's disabled and his money won't be his anymore, since he's going to put it at the disposal of his children. I was wondering if Horikoshi would make him face something legally but with everything that's happened I think it would have been the same result, with him paying monthly damages to his family.
and his family, god, what a family.
Rei needed more introspection and perspective on the situation, especially with Shoto and Touya if she was going to be included in the final battle. And yes, she stays with Endeavor, good for some and bad for others, but I want to know what led her to that, Horikoshi didn't justify it.
Fuyumi was fired not because of Endeavor's abuse, but because of the things Touya did. Again, this information is useless without a proper explanation. What information do you want to leave me with, that she got a new job? Will she work at the UA library or what?
Natsuo will be a Kotaro 2.0 because of his attitude, and honestly I never really liked him, especially because he didn't put any energy into getting to know Shoto or trying to reconcile with Touya after the final battle.
Shoto... poor Shoto, it feels like he was orphaned after the last family talk. In fact it feels disconnected from the story since the Dark Deku arc.
Well, I only have to talk about Eraser, because I already pointed out everything, empty villains, Midoriya's lack of introspection, Bakugo Katsuki's superfluous character... and there's this incapable who must be Horikoshi's self-insert.
Shouta Aizawa, aka Eraserhead, underground hero and the worst teacher in the known universe.
This guy never knew what he did, and just like Horikoshi, he tipped the scales towards Bakugo in every situation he could. He forced his students to give their all, but he didn't help at any time in the evolution of their powers... WHILE HE WAS TRAINING SHINSO.
He's not a teacher, he's just a security measure in case a quirk gets out of control, nothing more, and he even does wrong, he ties up students with his capture weapon and attacks them with his quirk threatening expulsion in any situation that bothers him
Present Mic points this out and many other things but is continually silenced by Aizawa and the fandom, even worse
The Fandom ships them.
and since we're mentioning the fandom, this is one of the worst fandoms in the universe.
90% of them seem to have gotten the story wrong and don't have a cent of criticism towards Bakugo or the league, and don't value the moments of the manga in the proper way.
There can't be a second without them believing that this is Shoujo, because they focus on Bakugo and Deku in the same panel and take it completely out of context (a bad habit that Rukasu created by translating the leaks absolutely wrong on purpose).
Now everyone is angry with Horikoshi not because he wrote a story in the most absurd way possible, but because the league of assassins did not have a happy ending and they just discovered that this was never a shojo.
Horikoshi was right to fear that the manga would be cancelled, because he clearly excels at drawing, not writing. Now we're getting a fan-made Attack of Titan Requiem 2.0 of Bakugo and the league making this twenty times worse than it already was.
I've also noticed that there are some creative people who are writing arc by arc either on tumblr or ao3, which gives me some faith that this nightmare is bearable.
Well, I read opinions, but not from fans of Bakugo, BKDK or the League of Villains.
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bibibbon · 1 month
Miriko shift from "this dude" to "this thing" brings so many terrible implications. At best, she thinks Tomura is becoming a Nomu.
Speaking about Nomu, having their intelligence evolve was mistake since making them more human makes the heroes seem more murderous.
Like, the USJ Nomu had no intelligence or desires outside following orders, yet he was allowed live. However, Hood actively showed intelligence and desires, yet he was killed.
There also the fact Endeavor did the All Might pose after performing worse on either accountings of saving or winning.
I disagree having the nomu's overall intelligence evolve isnt a mistake. Instead it actually plays with the heroes heads and mortality. Will they still be able to kill something that doesn't look human but very much acts human? Is there really a difference between nomu's and humans? Heck you can even bring in the arguement of mutant discrimination and nomu's!!
I for one believe that the nomu's were severely underused in many ways. What does the public think of Nomu's? How were the people who had their family members turned into nomu feel? (This is explored a bit in fics but not really in canon) @thr0wnawayy has a post on the wasted potential of nomu's.
How about how Nomu's are made? How they're used? Or is them evolving to have more intelligence makes them more human? In a society where being human doesn't have a specific look is intelligence the thing that makes people human? Or is it another criteria?
With miriko it's interesting to see her physical switch go from "this dude" to "this thing" because it could very much show that maybe this is how hero society teaches and produces heroes. Heroes are supposed to do easy take downs relying on violence instead of ethically and properly working out a situation. The heroes whole win to save issue and their instinct to fight first talk later is exactly why the first war arc was so catastrophic and why there are so many deaths. Also miriko's attitudes show one way heroes may think of their opponents as non human effectively dehumanising them so they don't feel bad for inflicting harm on them and subconsciously convincing themselves that this is all for the greater good. "I mean killing a puppet who can't think for themselves or express pain is easier than killing a human someone who is the same as you right?" That's probably the thought process of many heroes and we see it with both miriko and hawks explicitly.
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However, the whole dehumanisation of villains and enemies can also apply to other characters like Enji and maybe even ochako in the first war arc when it comes to her conversation with toga.
Enji cannonically has tried to kill koichi (a vigilante) in the manga and has expressed quite the aggressive behaviour towards villains and even objects so he really isn't a good person or hero either.
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Nomu's and their increasing intelligence for example kurogiri says a lot and brings a lot of moral dilemmas which would be interesting to see how the series could of dealt with them and how it may even reveal some innate corruptness within hero society.
The hitting of the all might pose is something that three characters have all done aka enji, Izuku and shigaraki have all hit the all might pose yet in all of those scenarios it's had different meanings. Even with that the one meaning that they all share with that pose is one of victory (they all struck the pose after their supposed victories) but it all has a different meaning for example with enji his pose was supposed to show that he can live up to the title and that he can try and keep peace within society. The pose also showed the classic upholding of the status quo and hero societies original corrupted ideologies and ideals that enji will go ahead and uphold.
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