#honor rising
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Little Shadow 2/2
[ 1\2 ]
When I was little I thought my brother was the coolest person in the world. I wanted to be just like him!
Now that I’m older though, I’ve grown into my own person. Now, my brother and I can stand on equal footing, side by side. Whenever he asks for my help or advice, I will always remember how much he helped me when I was young, and I am immensely grateful to be able to do the same for him.
I don’t know if he misses having a little shadow, but I know he’s proud of me :)
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chubs-deuce · 1 year
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I like the idea of them needing like 4 hours to watch a 90min movie bc they keep pausing to discuss something in the movie
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leisi-lilacdreams · 11 months
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i wonder if @somerandomdudelmao will touch upon the unique connection the donnies have with the kraang? hehehe
cass, think of the angst potential 🙏
i didn't mean to continue with the "twin senses active across space and time" bit, but i thought with the leos in the future, this would be a good chance for the donnies to talk and bond, but it gets derailed when they compared their kraang encounters and everyone's screaming and no one's happy
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risestarkiss · 10 months
"This Whole Situation"
Rise Ramblings #1
So as you guys know, one occurring phrase in the show between the boys and April is “This whole situation.” Although vague, and used in many other contexts, sometimes the family uses the phrase to refer to their mutations.  
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However, once finishing the series it’s hard to miss that Donnie never says the phrase. Now, I could be wrong (and If I am, just comment and let me know!) but I have a theory as to why Donnie doesn’t say it… Donnie never says “this whole situation” because in his mind, there IS no situation.
The Evidence:
I started noticing something interesting about Donnie’s state of mind about himself.
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He never really expresses that he’s different from other people, he’s just…him. Obviously, he knows that he’s a mutant, but it’s not something at the front of his mind. I associate it to if someone has a certain attribute, that person is just that, a person first. I believe it’s the same for Donnie. He’s a person, that just so happens to be a mutant turtle, and I live for it.
What made me solidify my theory was the use of disguises in Rise, specifically the use of disguises in April’s school.
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All of the boys have visited April’s school, and all of them decided to wear disguises, except Donnie.
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He just shows up in his regular clothing. One could argue that the hoodie is his disguise, but then why did the rest of the boys wear actual (silly) disguises while our boy Donnie is just like, “Hoodie? Check.” And not only that, but for the whole episode, all eyes are on him, and he just. Doesn’t. Care. It’s glorious!
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Later, in the episode Donnie vs. Witch Town, we see that Donnie showing up all willy-nilly pell-mell at April’s school was not a one-time thing. It’s literally been happening for years!
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Therefore, I believe that canonically Donnie doesn’t care about “this whole situation.” And if someone does, as far as he’s concerned that’s their problem, not his.
Part Two: On His Own Terms
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tapakah0 · 1 year
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mintghostko · 5 months
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Tide pod duo screenshot redraw cause they’re really cute :)
also I'm curious if anyone has other nicknames for this duo (^^ゞ I feel like I mostly only see tide pod duo and portal buddies
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somerandomdudelmao · 2 years
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Part 1!
Of course “turtles are strong” and “can hold Casey like an orange”
Okay yep mhm
Who’s going to hold them?
Funny prequel Next
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grey-viridian · 7 months
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uhhhh-em-draws-stuff · 2 months
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Throughout her life, Chloe’s parents would always start humming and singing a specific song. The song they had their first dance to when they fell in love at castlecoming. She had never gone more than a week without hearing the song or hearing about the events that came with it. As much as it could annoy her, it gave her hope that she, too, would fall in love while dancing to the song at her own castlecoming.
But here she was at her own castlecoming, leaning against the wall with Red in the dimly lit hall. Chloe had Red’s red suit jacket draped over her shoulders in an attempt to warm up after they turned the air conditioning up to cool the room down. Her red headed friend didn’t want to wear a dress, and the only way her mother allowed that was if Chloe picked it out for her, not trusting her daughter to dress herself. She was fairly merciful in picking out her outfit. However, she did throw in a red bow tie for good measure.
Chloe internally groaned. ‘Great!” she thought. She turned to her friend and said “The one song my parents wanted me to dance with someone during, no one in sight.”
She felt Red’s eyes on her. A moment of silenced passed, followed by another.
Before there could be a third, Red was fully turned to her with an extended hand.
“…..may I have this dance?”
Chloe blinked at her in shock. RED asking HER to DANCE? SLOW DANCE? To THIS song? What is happening?
She quickly regained her composure and slipped her hand into Red’s extended one.
“You may.”
Chloe rested her free hand on Red’s shoulder while Red’s slipped around her waist ever so slightly under her own suit jacket.
“So this is love, mmmmmmm~”
This might have not been how she imagined her castlecoming dance partner, it could’ve been someone much worse. She was glad it was Red. Even if it was just platonic. Even if her friend looked so beautiful in her suit. Even if her bow tie was so endearing to her. Even if she felt giddy when Red offered her her jacket. Even if Red’s dark eyes were staring into hers like there was something she had yet to realize. Even if-
‘I’m in love with red’
“So this is love~”
And she thinks she’s okay with that. She decides that’s a problem for later, just enjoy the dance now.
“Thank you so much, Red.”
She let go of Red’s hand and wrapped both arms around her neck and leaning into her, in a hug like position.
“So this is what makes life divine~”
She felt Red stiffen at sudden contact. After a moment she felt arms wrap around her midsection and a head lean into her shoulder.
“I’m all aglow, mmmmm~”
And maybe this was love.
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st-froy · 2 years
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asshatproductions · 10 months
It’s almost time for my favorite time of year…
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complexraspberry · 2 years
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I was inspired by this post and wanted to draw Cassandra showing off her kid
[id: two digital illustrations. The first image shows future Cassandra raising a baby Casey Jr. above her head lion king style. She is kneeling forward on Darxum's shoulders as he gestures up towards the baby. Both look very proud of themselves. There is a text box saying "Wanted a child" pointed towards Cassandra and one saying " Agreed to clone her. No questions asked" pointed towards Draxum.
The second images shows future Donnie, April, Mikey, and Leo reacting in various forms of surprise and awe. Donnie leans forward with a hand pressed on his chest, offended he wasn't asked to help. April looks in shock, dropping her spoon into her food. Mikey slams his hands on the table and looks in awe with stars in his eyes. Leo is behind them and whips his head towards Cassandra in surprise. Above them all is a text box with "First time ever hearing about this" pointing at them. /end id]
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risestarkiss · 10 months
Rise Ramblings #113
When Donnie does something he's proud of, he bows.
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When Leo does something he's proud of, he-uh...
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...was that a curtsy?
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Update: So it turns out, it's a "Showman's Bow." Thanks to @mxalmighty for the info! Here's their comment (posted with permission): "Studied etiquette as a hyperfocus for like three years/ so here's a tiny tidbit of info I learned- what Leo does here is a Showman's Bow- flamboyant but not at all lady-like. In fact, given how deeply he bends and how widely he gestures with his arms, that's a male af bow- it's just showy af too.
The lady's curtsey was meant to replace bowing due to how unforgiving their garments were. You don't simply bend at the waist in ten layers of linen, fellas."
So there you have it. He's just showy af.
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tangledinink · 2 months
Do you have any angst or hurt/comfort content from the clover crown au? No pressure! If you have any scrap sketches of the variety, Id love to see them, but if youre not interested thats totally cool. (i love the rabbit fae sm aadskfhdgjdhdjdvnshdhdgnsvd)
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getting ever-so-slightly meta here, but! the beginning of a beautiful friendship :3c (this is how lapin and leo started fr hanging out)
[ ⚘ clover crown ⚘ ]
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swatchitt · 11 months
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hm. silly.
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lasagnaeatsu · 7 months
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I love them they're the IT duo
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