#hongkong protest
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1997 Hong Kong Handover
On July 1, 1997, the world watched as Hong Kong was handed over from British rule to Chinese sovereignty. This significant moment was filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. As time has passed, many, including myself, reflect on this event with a sense of regret. Here's why I wish the Hong Kong handover never happened.
1. Loss of Freedoms
Before the handover, Hong Kong enjoyed a unique status as a global financial hub with a high degree of autonomy. The "one country, two systems" principle was supposed to preserve this. However, over the years, we've seen a steady erosion of freedoms. Freedom of speech, press, and assembly have been significantly restricted.
2. Political Instability
The political landscape in Hong Kong has become increasingly unstable. Pro-democracy protests, often met with harsh responses from authorities, have become a common sight. The 2019 protests, sparked by an extradition bill, were a clear indication of the growing discontent among Hongkongers. The resulting clashes have left scars on the city's social fabric.
3. Economic Uncertainty
Hong Kong's reputation as a financial powerhouse is under threat. Political unrest has driven away investors and created economic instability. The National Security Law imposed in 2020 further exacerbated these issues, leading to concerns over Hong Kong's future as a free-market economy.
4. Cultural Assimilation
Hong Kong's unique cultural identity is at risk. The blending of Eastern and Western influences created a vibrant and distinct culture. However, there are fears that this unique identity is being overshadowed by a push towards cultural assimilation with mainland China. This loss of cultural diversity is a significant blow to the spirit of Hong Kong.
5. Impact on the Younger Generation
The younger generation of Hongkongers faces an uncertain future. With limited freedoms and opportunities, many are contemplating leaving their homeland in search of a better life. This brain drain could have long-term negative impacts on Hong Kong's development and innovation.
While the handover was meant to be a peaceful transition, the reality has been far from ideal. The hopes of maintaining Hong Kong's unique status have been overshadowed by increasing control and restrictions. As someone who cherishes freedom, democracy, and cultural diversity, I can't help but wish that the handover never happened.
Maybe then, Hong Kong would still be the vibrant, autonomous city it once was. After 2047, mainland China is no longer obliged to grant Hong Kong the autonomy agreed on with Britain before the 1997 handover, leaving the city's fate unclear.
#HongKong#1997Handover#HongKongHandover#OneCountryTwoSystems#Freedom#Democracy#PoliticalInstability#Protests#EconomicUncertainty#CulturalIdentity#YouthFuture#HongKongPolitics#HumanRights#FreeSpeech#FinancialHub#China#BritishRule#NationalSecurityLaw#GlobalCity#Autonomy#new blog#today on tumblr
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Further reading:
HKFP: Exclusive: HSBC closed accounts of jailed 2019 democracy protesters without providing a reason, June 10, 2024
#Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation#Hang Seng Bank#Bank of China#China CITIC Bank International#Brandon Yau#Waiting Bird#League of Social Democrats#Hong Kong#politics#police#Chan Po ying#Hong Kong Monetary Authority#反送中#antiELAB#2019 Hong Kong protests#Hong Kong Free Press#news
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Western leaders, the UN and rights groups have joined a chorus of criticism of Hong Kong's new security law, saying it further erodes freedoms.
Article 23, as it's known locally, was unanimously passed by the city's pro-Beijing parliament, targeting a range of offences deemed treasonous.
Officials say the law is essential for stability but opponents called it a "nail in the city's coffin".
China has long pushed for the law and said "smears" by critics would fail.
The new law allows for closed-door trials, gives the police rights to detain suspects for up to 16 days without charge and penalties including life sentences, among other things.
"The new national security legislation is going to double down the repression on freedoms in Hong Kong with extended egregious sentences and a broadened definition of national security," said Frances Hui, an activist now based in the US, who described the legislation as a "final nail in a closed coffin".
A group of 81 lawmakers and public figures from across the world, including in the UK, US, Canada and South Korea, issued a joint statement on Tuesday expressing "grave concerns" over the legislation, which expands on the National Security Law imposed by Beijing in 2020, and criminalises secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces.
"The legislation undermines due process and fair trial rights and violates Hong Kong's obligations under international human rights law, jeopardising Hong Kong's role as an open international city," the statement said, calling it yet another "devastating blow" for freedom.
What is Hong Kong's tough new security law?
Hong Kong's year under China's controversial law
The US said it was "alarmed" by the "sweeping and... vaguely-defined" provisions in the legislation, a concern echoed by the EU, which said the law could affect the city's status as a business centre.
Meanwhile, the UK's Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the law would "further damage rights and freedoms" and "entrench a culture of self-censorship" in the former British colony. Hongkongers have told the BBC how they are already being careful with what they say to friends and colleagues, fearing an "informant culture" has developed in the city.
Lord Cameron's comments sparked a strong response from the Chinese Embassy in the UK, which rubbished his remarks as "a serious distortion of the facts".
China's government also hit back at the criticisms of Article 23, saying it is "unswervingly determined to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, implement the 'one country, two systems' policy, and oppose any external interference in Hong Kong affairs".
"All attacks and smears will never succeed and are doomed to fail," foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian told a regular press conference in Beijing.
Hong Kong's leader John Lee had earlier also defended the law - which was fast-tracked through its final phase on Tuesday - saying the legislation would help the city "effectively prevent, suppress and punish espionage activities, conspiracies and traps from foreign intelligence agencies, and infiltration and sabotage by hostile forces".
"From now on, the people of Hong Kong will no longer experience these harms and sorrows," he added.
But those who led the pro-democracy protests against China's increasing influence on the city see the new law as yet another lost battle.
It brings Hong Kong "one step closer to the system of mainland China", former Hong Kong lawmaker Nathan Law, who is now in exile in the UK, told the BBC's Newsday programme.
"The chilling effect... and the result of a collapse of civil society is impacting most Hong Kong people."
Ms Hui said she is also concerned the law could also be used to target HongKongers overseas, or their families and friends back home. The city has previously offered bounties for information on activists who fled overseas, and arrested four people in Hong Kong for supporting people abroad who "endanger national security".
Ms Hui left Hong Kong in 2020 after Beijing imposed the NSL that has since seen more than 260 people arrested. It was introduced in response to massive pro-democracy protests which engulfed the city in 2019.
She said civil liberties in Hong Kong are "long gone" four years after the NSL took effect.
Chris Patten, Hong Kong's last British governor, described the legislation as "another large nail in the coffin of human rights and the rule of law in Hong Kong and a further disgraceful breach of the Joint Declaration".
Hong Kong was handed back by the UK to China in 1997 under the principle of "one country, two systems", which guaranteed the city a certain degree of autonomy. While Beijing and Hong Kong both insist this is still the case, critics and international rights groups say China's grip on the city has only tightened with time.
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Im dredging my brain for song ideas but it either brings up the muscial one: Do you hear the people sing (which WAS adopted by HongKong during their protests) Or Sabaton with like.. "Warsaw City of War" for the Warsaw uprising. But im like 99% sure neither actually fits the theme....hnnng. xD
Well. Les Miserables is set in Paris, which despite what every French person outside of Paris says, is in fact in France, so that fits well enough. (and I like continuing the pattern of submitting stuff for France that doesn't have any French people involved) Sabaton though... they are *painfully* 'we only sing about history let's not talk about politics' when probed about how some of their lyrics seem to celebrate war and soldiers fighting for shitty causes at the *best* of times. I'm not finding them saying anything about the massacring going on in Gaza (unsurprisingly), but I feel a bit iffy about including them regardless. What do y'all think?
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== carrd! == 27/01/2023 uyghur muslims, yemen, afghanistan, palestine, kashmir, POLICE BRUTALITY IN INDIA, philippines, serbia, antisemitism, black lives matter, educate racism, protest tips, lgbt rights, do the right thing, hongkong, more help carrds, escapes.
#carrd links#send me anything else that ive missed pls <3#i’ll add links for congo and sudan later when i get them together#also i think that people should know that activism doesn’t stop with one country and that talking about what’s happening in sudan and congo#is not taking away from what is happening in palestinian
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REFRESH - “Hong Kong” 2019.
This is about Hong Kong. 2019 protests. An injustice somewhere is an injustice anywhere! ✌🏽 🇭🇰
#black lives matter#hong kong#black history month#kendall wa#hip hop#art#music#artists on tumblr#punk#poetry#black excellence#protest#fashion#toronto#black hair
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Die Roten und die Gelben
Rote Halstücher gegen Gelbwesten in Frankreich oder White Supremacists gegen Liberals in den Vereinigten Staaten. Dies sind zwei aktuelle Beispiele für ein Muster, das sich in der Geschichte wiederholt.
Wenn sich die autoritären Machthaber so sehr in Gefahr sehen, dass sie glauben, dass ihre Polizei nicht mehr ausreicht, mobilisieren sie einen Teil ihrer Bevölkerung in reaktionären Gruppen, um die Rebellen zu terrorisieren. Die Geschichte lehrt uns auch, dass der Erfolg der Rebellen nicht häufig ist, aber durch die folgenden Aktionen stark begünstigt wird:
Die Bedeutung des Auftretens reaktionärer Gruppen nicht herunterspielen.
Tolerieren Sie niemals ihre antidemokratischen Sprachelemente.
Eine kurze, einige Monate dauernde Aktion anstreben, die auf die wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Finanziers der Machthaber abzielt.
Die Fehler des Regimes und seiner Milizen systematisch anprangern. Dies wird die Reaktionäre spalten und es ihnen erschweren, sich selbst davon zu überzeugen, dass sie eine gerechte Sache vertreten.
Ein demokratisches und korruptionsfreies Ziel anstreben. Die Aussicht auf einen nicht abgeschotteten nationalen Markt kann andere Länder dazu veranlassen, die autoritäre Regierung nicht mehr zu unterstützen oder sogar Propaganda für die Rebellen zu machen.
August 1921: Polizei, Armee und Streikbrecher (gelb) stürmen 10.000 rote Halstücher (redneck), die ihre schrecklichen Arbeitsbedingungen in den Kohleminen anprangern:
Bataille de Blair Mountain – Wikipedia: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataille_de_Blair_Mountain
We are proud to be ‘rednecks’. It’s time to reclaim that term – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/14/redneck-pride-west-virginia-protests-strikes?CMP=share_btn_tw
Dezember 2018 startet Emmanuel Macron bzw. seine Unterstützer die Bewegung der roten Tücher, um den Gelbwesten entgegenzuwirken:
Une marche de soutien à Macron prévue à Paris le 27 janvier – Huff Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2018/12/29/une-marche-de-soutien-a-macron-prevue-a-paris-le-27-janvier_a_23629212/
Im Jahr 2014 massakrierten Rote, die die thailändische Regierung unterstützten, auch gelbe Bürger: https://www.rtl.fr/actu/international/thailande-bilan-des-violences-a-bangkok-porte-a-deux-morts-et-45-blesses-7767489886
Zu den Farbrevolutionen gehört auch die Verwendung von Symbolen (Regenschirme in Hongkong, Weintrauben in Moldawien, Tulpen in Kirgisistan usw.). Die Geschichte zeigt, dass dies fast immer im Blut der Rebellen oder durch den Verrat ihrer Vertreter endete, die sich einer Koalition der „nationalen Rettung“ anschlossen:
Farbrevolutionen – Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farbrevolutionen
Die Bürgerkriege in der Ukraine und in Jugoslawien wurden nach der Intervention der NATO mit Deals beendet:
Der Konflikt ist in den USA bereits weit fortgeschritten (Rebellen der sogenannten „Liberals“ und Pro-Trump-Rebellen der „White Supremacists“). Die Liberalen werden statistisch gesehen härter für ihre Proteste bestraft und haben weniger Leichtigkeit im Umgang mit Waffen.
Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/opinion-charlottesville-arrests-white-supremacy_us_5bbcaf13e4b028e1fe41b345
Der aktuelle Ansatz tendiert dazu, den Kampf gegen die „White Supremacists“ zu intensivieren: Three Lessons I Learned From Charlottesville – Sapiens: https://www.sapiens.org/culture/charlottesville-violence-lessons/
Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen prodemokratische Aktivisten die Lernfähigkeit autoritärer Staaten berücksichtigen und in ihren strategischen Entscheidungen ständig innovativ sein.
Die Forscher präsentieren eine lange Liste von Faktoren, die zum Sturz der autoritären Regime in Serbien, Georgien, Kirgisistan und der Ukraine geführt haben. Der Erfolg der Farbrevolution wird durch das Vorhandensein von Faktoren wie:
Die Spaltungen zwischen den Zwangskräften des Regimes ausnutzen.
Unzufriedene Geschäftsleute zusammenbringen, die bereit und in der Lage waren, der Opposition finanzielle, logistische und mediale Unterstützung zukommen zu lassen.
Eine pro-demokratische Hauptstadt haben
Die herrschenden Eliten unbeliebt machen
Junge Menschen mobilisieren
Université de Fribourg (CH): http://commonweb.unifr.ch/artsdean/pub/gestens/f/as/files/4760/42821_182433.pdf
Noch eine Studie, um zu zeigen, dass erfolgreiche Farbrevolutionen aktiv von ausländischen Ländern oder NATO-ähnlichen Bündnissen unterstützt wurden, weil sie von der Demokratisierung des Landes wirtschaftlich profitieren können, um ihre Wirtschafts-Champions zu platzieren. Beispiel: Japan finanziert die ILO, weil sie dazu beiträgt, die Arbeitsbedingungen in China zu verbessern und damit die Preise ihres direkten Konkurrenten zu erhöhen: https://www.opendemocracy.net/globalization-institutions_government/colour_revolutions_3196.jsp
Sehr umfassende Studie der Universität Denver auf globaler Ebene. „Die Ausnutzung ihrer Spaltungen mithilfe von Shame ist die effektivste Methode, um bewaffnete regierungsfreundliche Gruppen zu stoppen“ :
Oliver Kaplan – How Communities Use Nonviolent Strategies to Avoid Civil War Violence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nka8OZnPWOU
Ihre eigene Website für die Nutzung durch Rebellen auf der ganzen Welt: https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/
Die UNO verbietet Frankreich den Einsatz von Granaten und Kugelwerfern, weil diese staatliche Gewalt die Menschen davon abhält, friedlich zu demonstrieren.
Rights of ‘gilets jaunes’ protesters in France, ‘disproportionately curtailed’, say UN independent experts | UN News: https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/02/1032741
„Das beste Können besteht nicht darin, in hundert Schlachten hundert Siege zu erringen, sondern vielmehr darin, den Feind ohne Kampf zu besiegen“ Die Kunst des Krieges von Sun Tzu
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Rojos y amarillos: https://www.aurianneor.org/rojos-y-amarillos/
Les rouges et les jaunes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-rouges-et-les-jaunes-foulards-rouges-contre/
Het rood en het geel: https://www.aurianneor.org/het-rood-en-het-geel-gebruik-deepl-om-te-vertalen/
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Die reichsten 1% führen Krieg gegen den Rest der Welt: https://www.aurianneor.org/die-reichsten-1-fuhren-krieg-gegen-den-rest-der-welt/
Individuellen Reichtum begrenzen: https://www.aurianneor.org/individuellen-reichtum-begrenzen/
Klassenrassismus: https://www.aurianneor.org/klassenrassismus/
Ökoterrorismus: https://www.aurianneor.org/okoterrorismus/
“For to win one hundred victory”…: https://www.aurianneor.org/for-to-win-one-hundred-victories-in-one-hundred/
When you have a hammer in your hand everything looks like a nail.: https://www.aurianneor.org/when-you-have-a-hammer-in-your-hand-everything/
Successful Protesters: https://www.aurianneor.org/successful-protesters-lets-have-a-quick-look-back/
Simon Sinek – Start with why: https://www.aurianneor.org/simon-sinek-start-with-why-bonuses/
The Modern “chiffon rouge”: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-modern-chiffon-rouge/
Police, Army: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-army/
Conditional military assistance: https://www.aurianneor.org/conditional-support/
The chicks waiting for the beaked will take flight: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-chicks-waiting-for-the-beaked-will-take-flight/
Nos ancêtres les marrons: https://www.aurianneor.org/nos-ancetres-les-marrons-il-nexiste-quune-seule/
The Message Behind “Colors of The Wind”: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-message-behind-colors-of-the-wind/
Travail, Famille, Consommation vs Liberté Egalité, Fraternité: https://www.aurianneor.org/travail-famille-consommation-vs-liberte-egalite/
2 France: https://www.aurianneor.org/2-france-jusqua-quand-travail-famille/
Only two candidates to choose from: https://www.aurianneor.org/only-two-candidates-to-choose-from/
2024 UK general election: choosing the Right or the Left: https://www.aurianneor.org/2024-uk-general-election-choosing-the-right-or-the-left/
Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite: https://www.aurianneor.org/legislatives-2024-choisir-la-gauche-ou-la-droite/
Fed up with strikes? Ask for referendums!: https://www.aurianneor.org/fed-up-with-strikes-ask-for-referendums/
Go, Go, Go!: https://www.aurianneor.org/go-go-go-thank-you-for-opening-the-town-halls/
#Arbeiter#Armee#aurianneor#Autoritarismus#Bergleute#Bürger#demokratie#donald trump#emmanuel macron#gelb#Gelbwesten#Georgien#Jugoslawien#Kirgisistan#Liberale#Miliz#NATO#Polizei#Reaktionär#Rebellen#rednecks#Regierung#revolution#Rot#rote Schals#Serbien#Streikbrecher#Streiks#Ukraine#vendetta
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Silenced and erased, Hong Kong's decade of protest is now a defiant memory
The BBC speaks to Hongkongers whose hopes for a freer city have withered. from BBC News https://ift.tt/nlHwdpj via IFTTT
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https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/20241002_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 The spectacular failure of self-checkout technology, unreasonable risk and stormy weather + this day in history w/”you’re all going to die tonight” and our song of the day by Doyley & the Rejects on your #MorningMonarchy for October 2, 2024. Notes/Links: Winamp Releases Source Code, But Is It Really Open? https://hackaday.com/2024/09/24/winamp-releases-source-code-but-is-it-really-open/ ‘It hasn’t delivered’: The spectacular failure of self-checkout technology https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240111-it-hasnt-delivered-the-spectacular-failure-of-self-checkout-technology Video: The spectacular failure of self-checkout technology (Audio) https://youtu.be/zDILuTQ_GKI Tiffany Williams & Dalton Mills – “Gold Watch And Chain” (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR_3Z0yB1CY Kamala Harris October surprise psyop! This dock strike is all staged. Kamala will come in and negotiate a deal that saves the day. The main stream media will make her out a hero! Bookmark this tweet! https://x.com/Sweetcaligurl07/status/1840789188133974296/video/1 https://x.com/RyanMattaMedia/status/1840903059049742763 Revealed: The US Government-Funded ‘Private Social Network’ Attacking Pesticide Critics https://sustainablepulse.com/2024/09/29/revealed-the-us-government-funded-private-social-network-attacking-pesticide-critics/ Cancer Risk from Pesticides Equivalent to Smoking – New US Study https://sustainablepulse.com/2024/08/06/cancer-risk-from-pesticides-equivalent-to-smoking-new-us-study/ Judge Orders EPA to Address Potential Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water; ‘The risk to health at exposure levels in United States drinking water is sufficiently high to trigger regulatory response by the EPA,’ Judge Edward Chen said. https://archive.is/hPBpi After 7 years of pursuing legal action, FluorideAction (FAN) has reportedly won their lawsuit against the EPA. https://x.com/decensorednews/status/1838945423794352544 EPA Must Reduce Fluoride’s IQ Risks to Children, Court Says https://news.bloomberglaw.com/environment-and-energy/epa-must-reduce-fluorides-risks-to-childrens-iq-court-says Video: Fluoride in Water Poses “Unreasonable Risk” to Children, Federal Judge Rules (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM72aS88388 Town Meeting – “Moonlight On The Tracks” (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZohLB1wq7I Trading one war for another, Israeli Jews stream to Ukraine’s Uman for Rosh Hashanah; Ignoring warnings from authorities about ongoing Russian invasion, over 14,000 pilgrims arrive for annual new year festival at grave of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov https://www.timesofisrael.com/trading-one-war-for-another-israeli-jews-stream-to-ukraines-uman-for-rosh-hashanah/ Helene kills at least 90, homes and memories washed away https://www.reuters.com/world/us/hurricane-helene-wreaks-havoc-us-southeast-death-toll-rises-2024-09-29/ Hurricane Helene live updates: Death toll rises to 166 ahead of Biden, Harris visits https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/hurricane-helene/?id=113931821 Video: Hurricane Helene brought ‘historic devastation,’ Asheville, North Carolina mayor says (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3F5Id1cZZU Jesse Welles – “Autumn” (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p2Yo6iZzvk October 2014 – Page 3 – Media Monarchy https://mediamonarchy.com/2014/10/page/3/ Flashback: How #HongKong Protesters Get Around Official #Censorship (Oct. 2, 2014) https://mediamonarchy.com/how-hongkong-protesters-get-around/ #ThisDayInHistory/#MorningMonarchy: October 2, 2017 – Las Vegas concert goer says a woman told her and group of friends, “you’re all going to die tonight,” 45 minutes before shooting. (Audio) https://mediamonarchy.com/20171002morningmonarchy/ #PumpUpThaVolume: October 2, 2017 ♬ Prince & Tom Petty’s death day https://mediamonarchy.com/20171002pumpupthavolume/ #GoodNewsNextWeek: Cord-Cutting Winter Is Coming + Website Farms & Animals Return https://mediamonarc...
#alternative news#Doyley & the Rejects#food world order#media monarchy#Morning Monarchy#mp3#podcast#Songs Of The Day#This Day In History
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When Zhou Fengsuo was looking for a space in New York to display his art collection, he couldn’t believe his luck when he stumbled across 894 6th Avenue in the heart of midtown Manhattan. The numbers of the address – 8946 – were the same as the date he wanted to commemorate: 4 June 1989. It was “unbelievable”, the former student leader marvelled.
That Zhou’s collection, which opened to the public on Friday as part of the June 4th Memorial Museum, ended up in such an uncanny location is the result of a concerted, decades-long campaign by the Chinese Communist party (CCP) to eradicate any remembrance of the 1989 massacre around Tiananmen Square anywhere in the world.
Having virtually eliminated 4 June gatherings in mainland China and Hong Kong, the CCP’s efforts to suppress the memories of that event have increasingly been felt overseas.
In the early hours of 4 June 1989, troops from the People’s Liberation Army rolled into Tiananmen Square, in the heart of Beijing, to disperse thousands of peaceful protesters who had gathered for weeks to demand political reforms. Hundreds of civilians were killed. The Chinese government has never fully acknowledged the massacre.
The opening of the June 4th Memorial Museum in New York was prompted by the closure of one in Hong Kong in 2021 after the imposition of the national security law effectively criminalised 4 June commemorations. But now people who try to light a candle much further from Beijing also encounter difficulties. When plans for the New York museum were announced last year, local Chinese community groups objected to them, accusing the organisers of being divisive.
The first venue the museum’s organisers approached turned them down without giving a specific reason. “We have to be very careful at negotiating [with venues] and be very explicit about our purpose,” Zhou said. That means “making sure that the other party is fully aware of the commitment needed”.
The museum plans to operate a visitor booking system. “We cannot open the door for anyone who wants to come in because we’re really worried they [the Chinese embassy] will send somebody,” said Wang Dan, another former student leader.
Shao Jiang, an exiled 1989 protester, has been helping to organise 4 June vigils in London since 2007. When the Observer tried to reach him by telephone in the days before this month’s event – a protest outside the Chinese embassy – the call was blocked.
Shao said this often happened in the run-up to 4 June. “If I order deliveries, they can’t contact me,” he said. “It’s quite normal, living in exile. Every year I face different difficulties.”
Activists have had to balance the desire to raise awareness of a fading memory with keeping out spies. In the past two years, Hongkongers have swelled the numbers at the London vigil. But attendees are often cautious, reluctant to remove their face masks or trust other people there.
��There are people who take photos at events that are critical of the CCP, including 4 June vigils,” said Yaqiu Wang, a senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch. “It’s never clear who those people are, but likely they are associated with the CCP, and taking photos is a way of intimidating participants. That is also a big reason why overseas students refrain from going to those events.”
In many places, vigils are shrinking. Peng Xiaoming, a Berlin organiser, said: “The number of attendees is reducing because of the Chinese government’s powerful propaganda.”
This includes threats to students that they or their families will face repercussions in China. “Most of the people who attend are old friends and classmates from the past,” Peng said.
Taiwan is alone in the Sinosphere in still holding a significant 4 June event. Hundreds gather to light candles at the Chiang Kai-shek memorial.
In recent years, new Hongkongers arriving in Taiwan have boosted the size of the vigil, and drawn attention to the links between the CCP’s behaviour in 1989 and in Hong Kong in 2019 and 2020.
Beijing sees Taiwan as being part of its territory – and any mention of 4 June is therefore highly undesirable to the CCP. “Every year, there is something to limit our activities,” said Wonka, one of the vigil’s organisers, who uses a pseudonym to protect her identity.
The challenges include vandalism of the event’s signage and, increasingly, fear from potential collaborators. This year, Wonka invited a troupe of 20 musicians to perform at the vigil but several refused because of fear of retaliation from the CCP. In the end, only four or five of the musicians agreed to perform.
“It’s very normal,” said Wonka. “They are afraid of the China issue.”
The Chinese embassies in the UK and Germany did not respond to a request for comment.
Liu Pengyu, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington, said: “The Chinese government has already drawn a clear conclusion on the political disturbance in the late 1980s. The great achievements we made in the past 70 years since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China speak volumes about the right development path we have chosen with the endorsement by our people.
“The Chinese people will continue to advance along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
Additional reporting by Emma Graham-Harrison
The Observer, via The Guardian, June 3, 2023
#the observer#The Guardian#tiananmen square massacre#tiananmen vigil#Zhou Fengsuo#New York#USA#June 4th Memorial Museum#Tiananmen Square#Tiananmen Square massacre#history#conservation#politics#Shao Jiang#Wang Dan#Hong Kong#hong kong national security law#Human Rights Watch#activism#Taiwan#China#六四事件#天安門#八九六四#八九民運#天安門事件#1989 Tiananmen Square protests#8964
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JF-Reportage: JF-Reportage Hongkongs Kampf gegen Peking: Protest im Keim erstickt
Die JF schreibt: »Noch vor fünf Jahren war Hongkongs Revolution in aller Munde. Nun glauben nur noch wenige an deren Erfolg. Öffentlich Peking zu kritisieren, traut man sich kaum in diesen Tagen. Eine Reportage von Hinrich Rohbohm. Dieser Beitrag JF-Reportage Hongkongs Kampf gegen Peking: Protest im Keim erstickt wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. http://dlvr.it/T5nzRD «
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See Through the CCP's Ideology
I recently listened to a statement given by a CCP secret-agent alike person. His posts during and ever since the 2019 Hong Kong Protests on a social media made him look like a Hongkonger in Hong Kong, strongly against the CCP and supports the independence of Hong Kong, however, his accent revealed that he was actually from the mainland of China and served for Jiang Zemin, a former leader of the CCP, also the leader of a faction of the CCP. When he talked about Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents", he said "the 'Three Represents' means we (the CCP) call ourselves socialism, but economically we follow the path of capitalism. However, we can't say it (openly)."
What makes him look like a CCP's secret agent is that when most of the active Hong Kong Protest advocates on Twitter got arrested, disappeared, his account remains active and he goes along with a bunch of pro-CCP people, playing a doubled face.
Due to the CCP's pathological liar nature and the concentrated ruling methods taken in the Communist China, people can hardly understand the CCP's ideology, however, like the blatant move of publishing the book "超限战/Unrestricted Warfare" in many languages, we can always find ways to see through the CCP's true thoughts that they never admit it officially.
Today, I saw an article on Wen XueCheng/文学城,a website targeting Chinese expatriates abroad. The title of the article says "The more chaotic the Middle East is, the better it is: ISIS’ strategy in the Middle East". The author "沉思的托克维尔" write a column for Zhihu/知乎. Zhihu is "an online content community where people come to find solutions, make decisions and seek inspiration" (*1) in China, representing China's mainstream media. Although the author's name looks like a western name, every writing and thinking of the article are made in China. So, the article is not about any original ideology of the ISIS, but a strategy from China.
The article started with an inspiration from "Game of Thrones" and talked about the attacks happened in Kerman, Iran on Jan. 3, 2024. The inspiration is a character's motto: "Chaos is a ladder", saying "the pure motive of killing is to create chaos and benefit from it". It even pointed out that this reflects perfectly the survive rules of a character of the "Game of Thrones",
but if we connect the dots in a series of worldwide wars/coup since 2019 and look into the hands behind them, the CCP may have adopted this as its survive rules:
Is the CCP Warmonger? Timeline after 2019 Hong Kong Protests
I will put the translation(based on Google Translation) of some parts of "沉思的托克维尔"'s article here:
"伊斯兰国的出现,沉重打击了伊朗,并标志着中东可能进入下一个“乱世”,从1960年代到现在,中东的问题从没有得到解决,反而愈演愈烈,这种混乱的局面给了伊斯兰国生存的土壤。" The emergence of the Islamic State has dealt a heavy blow to Iran and marked the possibility that the Middle East may enter the next "chaotic era." From the 1960s to the present, the problems in the Middle East have never been resolved, but have intensified. This chaotic situation has given the Islamic State a chance to survive.
"当时,代表逊尼派的萨达姆政府被推翻,接任的什叶派政府重用什叶派、打压逊尼派,大量逊尼派���英失去了地位和财富,他们成为伊斯兰国重要的支持者。"At that time(2006), Saddam Hussein's government, which represented the Sunnis, was overthrown, and the Shia government that took over re-emphasized Shias and suppressed Sunnis. A large number of Sunni elites lost their status and wealth, and they became important supporters of the Islamic State.
"在美国的支持下,伊拉克政府不断打击“伊拉克伊斯兰国”,一度使后者濒临灭绝。 然而,“阿拉伯之春”爆发后,中东多国陷入混乱。 “伊斯兰国”趁势崛起,占领叙利亚、伊拉克部分领土。"With the support of the United States, the Iraqi government continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq, which once brought the latter to the brink of extinction. However, after the outbreak of the Arab Spring, many Middle Eastern countries fell into chaos. The Islamic State took advantage of the situation to rise and occupied some territories in Syria and Iraq.
"在此期间,伊斯兰国对什叶派控制的地区进行了大量恐袭,手段之残忍连基地组织都为之汗颜,这正是伊斯兰国的策略。他们想要激怒什叶派对手,这样什叶派对手就会残害其他逊尼派穆斯林,遭遇迫害的逊尼派穆斯林为了报仇,就会加入伊斯兰国。"During this period, the Islamic State carried out a large number of terrorist attacks on Shiite-controlled areas, with such cruel methods that even Al Qaeda would be ashamed of. This is exactly the strategy of the Islamic State. They want to anger their Shia rivals so that they will kill other Sunni Muslims, and Sunni Muslims who suffer persecution will join the Islamic State in revenge.
"另外,中东局势越乱,难民就越多,社会就越需要秩序,这样民众就会无条件地接受伊斯兰国的统治。" In addition, the more chaotic the situation in the Middle East is, the more refugees there will be, and the more society needs order, so that people will unconditionally accept the rule of the Islamic State.
"伊斯兰国要想生存,需要的正是无休止的仇恨,局势越乱,越是民不聊生,就越是有利于伊斯兰国的发展。"If the Islamic State wants to survive, it needs endless hatred. The more chaotic the situation is and the more deprived the people are, the more conducive it is to the development of the Islamic State.
I don't know if it's a strategy of the ISIS, but it is literally from a CCP propagandist's writing and thinking.
Back to the 2019 Hong Kong Protests, we all know that during the Protests, in addition to Hongkongers who reasonably asserted their rights and peacefully demanded the CCP to honor the duly signed Sino-British Joined Declaration on Hong Kong, different factions of the CCP also played a huge role in the Protests, but their goal is to replace the CCP leader and maintain the CCP's power.
The CCP's Double-Standard
The more the pro-CCP propagandists talk in Twitter Spaces, the more contradictory and double-standards are exposed, so does the CCP.
For example, today RFA reported that "China's Ministry of State Security(MSS) Detained The Head of a Foreign Consulting Institution For Being British MI6 Spy".
The articled quoted an official statement from China's Ministry of State Security that "MI6 instructed Huang (the accused person) to enter China several times and use (his/her) public identity as a cover to collect intelligence about China."
The ironic thing is, in 2018, the Global Times/环球时报, a "daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the CCP's flagship newspaper" *2, defended for Xu Yanjun, who has been charged and later on convicted by the US for "conspiring to and attempting to commit economic espionage and theft of trade secrets" *3.
The defense from the CCP's mouthpiece is "as long as Xu's contacts with American experts are public and the activities he engaged to invite them to China are public, he shouldn't have been charged as espionage."
The article also acknowledged Xu's multiple names and his real position of "Deputy Division Director of the Sixth Bureau of the Jiangsu Province Ministry of State Security", so the CCP's double standard is that they can defend their intelligence agent's fake public cover as non-espionage and accuse a foreign person's public activities as "faked cover" for espionage.
It is worth to note that many people who engaged in the CCP's United Front have no official title, so that when they are being caught, the CCP can easily deny its responsibility and throw them under the bus, let them end their lives just Larry Wu-Tai Chin/金无怠 did.
On Jan. 12, one day before Taiwan's Election, New York Times Chinese published an article: "Taiwan election preview: Why it's important and what does it mean for China and the US".
In this article, the mainstream media literally helped the CCP to threaten both Taiwan and the US by saying (the result of the Election) may "increase the military threat and ultimately drag the United States into a war" which is exact the KMT candidate's political view, as well as the CCP's threat.
What I found interesting is that the authors not only acknowledged their opinion is in favor of Beijing: "China's leaders have denounced the DPP as separatists and said voting for the party to stay in power for another four years equals a choice of war over peace", but also testified for Beijing's interference in Taiwan's election.
The article clearly favored KMT and is optimistic for Hou Yu-ih, KMT's candidate, flattering his "victory is not out of reach", despite Taiwan public distaste for Ma Ying-jeou’s recent remarks that "(we) have to trust Xi".
The American mainstream media who is advocating the CCP's opinion also expected Ko Wen-je(TPP's candidate), and the TPP to play an important opposition role in the legislature, if Lai Ching-te, DPP's candidate, wins the Election. For those who are not familiar with Taiwan's election, Ko and Hou tried to form a joint opposition ticket to overturn DPP government that the CCP hates, however, things didn't go Beijing's way.
One thing that New York Times Chinese said true is that "no matter who wins the election, Beijing is likely to continue to pressure Taiwan through various means and increase military aggression/invasion." If so, why shall Taiwan people vote for a kowtow-leader?
(To be continued)
*1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhihu
*2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Times
*3: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/jury-convicts-chinese-intelligence-officer-espionage-crimes-attempting-steal-trade-secrets
Read more:
CCP’s Public Opinion Warfare
The CCP’s Psychological Warfare
Who’s Behind the Hamas Attack?
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Mr Lai was born in Guangzhou in southern China in 1947 to a wealthy family, which lost everything when the communists took power. He fled China when he was just 12 and entered Hong Kong as a stowaway on a boat. He started working in a garment sweatshop. He taught himself English and eventually founded the international clothing brand Giordano. After tanks crushed pro-democracy protests in Beijing in 1989, Mr Lai's career veered towards political activism and media. In 2021, he was handed his first jail sentence in Hong Kong - 13 months - for participating in a banned vigil for the Tiananmen Square massacre. Some of the most serious charges Mr Lai is facing now centre on Apple Daily, which he founded in 1995. The Chinese-language tabloid had been staunchly critical of Beijing and at one point called for international sanctions against Chinese and Hong Kong officials. The newspaper shut in June 2021, after police froze $2.3m (£1.8m) of its assets, raided its offices and arrested some of its top editors. HongKongers mourned the closure of what was seen as the city's last independent newspaper. Six former Apple Daily executives were arrested along with Mr Lai. They were accused of "colluding with foreign forces" to endanger national security, and have since pleaded guilty. Human Rights Watch has condemned Mr Lai's trial as a "travesty".
Jimmy Lai: Hong Kong pro-democracy media tycoon's trial begins
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