#hong ji ah
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ohitslen · 1 year ago
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I have it bad for a woman that kicks ass and is an exorcist
(Hong Ji Ah from “Sell Your Haunted House” (대박부동산))
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delicatebluebirdruins · 2 months ago
favourite crack relationship is Hong Ji-ah going to america and bonding with Julie and the boys (also Carrie) and got her powers back that way
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issela-santina · 2 years ago
홍지아: [outright demolishes the asses of half the thugs around her and frightens away the rest with her straight face]
오인범: [struggling to see half the action thanks to a black eye] oh I like her
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issela-santina · 9 months ago
he's definitely proud of the style choice
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What do you think? I matched your black to my white. 🔥
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10underoot2 · 10 months ago
I finally rewatched Queen of Tears Episode 16.
Its given me a lot of clarity on why I didn't like it all that much. The episode feels very filler like, reiterating what I already know, no development nothing to draw me in. So here's a list of thing I really like vs things I had beef with: 
The Good:
- Hyunwoo's understanding of what marriage is is very profound and beautiful. Really appreciate that bit.
- The employees in this corporate sector have been 10/10 throughout. I cannot with how much I love them to bits. Still not over 'I just want to see the rich argue' 😭😂
- Yangi's bond with Hyunwoo is absolutely 10/10 
- I like Haein trying to find the reason of their divorce. It's important for her cause why did two people who love each other want to divorce each other. But again I hate how this wasn't a main cause of comcern around epsidoe 7. Like don't brush over it fam. Don't you wanna know why the man you love and who loved you to bits wanted to divorce you?
- Those last 7-8 mins. Though I wish I had more of them. I needed a linear passing of time. Something like the Germany Montage at the start would've been perfect. But at the very end just 'Way home' playing, Hyunwoo seeing Haein as an angel to pick him up, the familiar happiness and love just spreading around them was beautiful to witness. Really got me teary eyed both times I watched it. 
The Bad: 
- I'm not even getting into the uselessness and bad execution of the whole Yoon Eun Sung plot line since episode 14. 
- Still have no idea why Mol Soo Hee she wanted Suwan dead? Like there's no rationale? Why not kill Hae-in or SeoCheol in all those 20 years as well? It makes no sense to me.
- the episode felt so unnecessarily dramatic. I get it he got shot and was in a car accident but I was so sure he'd be okay? Did not understand or appreciate the over dramaticness also those Yangi shots in that sequence were a little tooo dramatic for me
- I don't like Haein getting back her memories cause they said the hippocampus would be destroyed. It's my fault for looking for logic in the first place but can we please stick to what we established writernim. Also wasn't this the whole problem that she's not getting back ANY memories EVER?!
- The scene between the mothers at this point was also unnecessary. We could've gotten to this realization back in the episode this was brought up the first time. She knew the location and date I don't see how reviewing her album was the light bulb moment.
- I feel super bad for this one but for me even Hae-in's bedside speech, once Hyunwoo woke up, lacked sincerity. As much as she might realize she loves him. He's still a stranger. Who does she miss? Her husband who's love she has no recollection of? The man she loved but she has no idea how she loved him? Take out the loss of memories and it would've hit me like a truck. Like she's not even holding his hand as she waits cause she recently met him. What am supposed to cry over here? What could've been? The pre ep 15 Baekhong I dearly misssed at this point?
- More on the Hyunwoo hospital scene. When he says 'I had forgotten' As sweet as it is I already knew all of it. It was so ill placed I didn't have to see it here.  Also like what does she care? She doesn't remember if you forgot or not in the first place 💀
- The Yangi x Haeina acene in the hospital - what notebook are we talking about? Did I miss something? Did I fall asleep somewhere like what?! Also I feally do like Yangi but I thought all of the scenes with him were kinda forced this episode.
- The conversations where Haein tells Hyunwoo he's perfect. Is it just me or is Haein extremely expressive after the surgery? I can never imagine Haein telling Hyunwoo that he's perfect even if she think so. It was a little off putting for me being introduced to this new character in the last episode. I miss my inexpressible power girl.
- Just the voice over off what happened with Mol Soo Hee would've sufficed but I guess we had to see that SNU degree in action. 
- The turn in Da hye's emotion - as sweet as it was also felt forced. They just showed me earlier she didn't care for him and bullied him. Now you want me to belive she mistook her feeling okay sureeee 🙃
- This is what meant by killing the temperment. They start Hyunwoo's monolougue 'We forgave those who we used to resent and then we cut to this long scene of Aunt Beom ja. Then we have Hyunwoo, then we have his brother's scene. The editing was off here. I wish we had a monologue of just them. It all threw me off so much.
And here's why a sequence of Baekhong was so necessary cause remember the first episode we instantly fall in love and get curious because of that lovely montage of BaekHong Germany scenes. 
All in all good ending, horrible last two epsiode. Kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. It makes me long so much for the show I saw and fell in love with before. I have never felt this way about a last episode, I think I just expected better from this show. 
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stuff-diary · 11 days ago
Study Group
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2025
Study Group (2025, South Korea)
Directors: Lee Jang Hun & Yoo Beom Sang
Writers: Um Sun Ho & Oh Bo Hyun (based on the webtoon by Shin Hyung Wook)
I've been watching this as it aired and it's been the breather I needed every week. Some people might be thrown off by the over the top, cartoonish style of the show, but that's exactly what makes it so unabashedly fun. It's basically like watching a shonen manga come to life (or in this case, an action webtoon). The fight scenes, especially those in the first and last episodes, showcase stunning choreography and effects, the likes you don't usually see in K-dramas. And the cast more than lives up to the demands of the show, in terms of both acting and physicality. It feels like Study Group leaves the door pretty open for more seasons, so if that ends up happening, they can count me right in.
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clairebelgato · 2 years ago
Sell Your haunted house : Hong Ji Ah est courtière en immobilier et exorciste. Elle nettoie les bâtiments dans lesquels les fantômes sont présents et où des gens sont morts. Elle a hérité de cette capacité de sa mère. Oh In Beom est un escroc qui utilise les fantômes pour gagner de l'argent. Tout deux vont devoir collaborer pour résoudre des inquiétantes affaires de fantômes...
Très bonne découverte coréenne ! De l'action, du rythme, une touche d'humour, juste ce qu'il faut. L'intrigue est super intéressante et la bande-son bien bad ass !
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our daebak realty can perform a quick and effective exorcism and even sell your house at a satisfying price.
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afza147 · 2 months ago
Ep12(finale) when the phone rings(12)
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😅 every married people avoid answering
I want hee joo and Yu Yeon to do love shot too🥲
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lostrosiee · 7 months ago
Multicouples | Somebody to die for
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helianthus21 · 9 months ago
fav kdrama ladies compilation
credit scene packs: acj _ edits sxtown wqtermlons Purple Scarlet
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dilebe06 · 8 months ago
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My Favorite Male Characters
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delicatebluebirdruins · 3 months ago
Sell your haunted house is my fave ghost kdrama followed by Master's Sun and very distantly Hotel del Luna
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rosenlily-aka-choconut · 2 years ago
Okay, I just finished Sell your haunted house and… I’m kinda feeling empty now?
@dapperwerewolf I mean, I knew I’d like it but never thought I’d be this OBSESSED with it.
Hong Ji-ah and Oh In-Beom, I can’t get enough of you. I’ll miss you 😭😭
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How can I not ship them when they’re like this?
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leedongwook · 2 years ago
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“Thank you for surviving.”
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise  판도라: 조작된 낙원 // Episode 7
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everyfilmisaw · 2 years ago
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여자는 남자의 미래다 (Woman is the Future of Man) by Hong Sang-soo, 2004
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helenreads28 · 2 years ago
Hello everyone, I am writing a fic if you are interested. It is a crossover: Vincenzo x Tail Of The Nine Tailed. Hope you like it!
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