#honey wines australia
aimzicr · 3 months
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I realised my Kevin had been delivered when I heard a THUMP at my front door, and saw the courier truck peeling off outside. The parcel had been THROWN with full force against my front door, great job delivery team!!!! And then, to add to the indignity, Kevin had been shoved HEADFIRST into a bag which was sealed against his full power!!!!
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I have provided Kevin with some nourishing potions and everything's going to be fine now :3 This won't possibly backfire :3
The Great And Mighty Kevin comes care of Ogre Poppenang, mead potions come from Honey Wines Australia
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thatsdemko · 1 year
the return of the honey badger - d.ricciardo
pairings: Daniel ricciardo x reader
warnings: fluff(ish) + made myself cry so idk what to tell you about that
a/n: feedback is always appreciated xx
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you’re happy he gets to spend more time with you. he gets more time working out, wine tasting, messing with merchandise, and all other things to occupy himself from the thrill of the car, but they just aren’t enough.
you can tell he’s longing to get in the drivers seat and whip around those corners once more. you can tell his fingers twitch to hold that steering wheel once more. he’s aching for a task that’s not mundane.
Australia Grand Prix is first time back on the paddock, it’s when he realizes how many of the fans truly miss him. signs, fat heads, shirts, hats, etc. all for him. he’s overwhelmed by the love.
you’re a few feet behind walking with Red Bull security, you catch him smiling with fans, allowing people to embrace him in hugs wishing him well. you know he tells you he doesn’t mind being away, but you know that’s not the truth. he loves the smell of burnt rubber and the sounds of the engine.
you’ve missed that smile on his face, Christian Horner tells him he’s never seen him happier, and truth be told, he’s right. this is where he belongs, not doing silly chores around the house to kill time.
“ah I see you’ve brought the missus.” Christian leans in for a hug which you gladly accept, “and you’ve had lots of free time on your hand!” he points to your growing belly allowing him to press his hands against your stomach.
“he’s going to be a Red Bull driver he’s got the reflexes.” Daniel jokes, three of you moving along to the garage where max and checo were getting situated.
the two drivers are beyond ecstatic to see Daniel. in fact, max is grinning ear to ear you swear it’s like he slept with a wire in his mouth it won’t go away. it’s cute, Daniel has a similar smile that hasn’t stopped growing since stepping foot out of the car.
“Daniel,” Christian pats him on the shoulders, one of the interns is guiding you around the garage behind the two. camera on them both as Christian chats with him, “would you like to test out your car?”
you watch his eyes widen and glimmer with hope.he’s nodding like a little boy, his excitement can’t be contained as the engineers roll the car in until it stops at his feet.
you move closer to get a better look at those famous blue and red colors. you allow your finger tips to run over painted red three on the front of the car. looking up, you see he’s taking it all in. trying to memorize every little beautiful detail, he so badly wants hear her engine but he knows it’ll give his heart too much of hope that one day he’ll get in that car this year.
“soon, Danny.” you move over to him, allowing your nails to gently rake across his back feeling his arm wrap around you now, he nods.
“the honey badger will be back soon.”
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (only if you want to, no pressure!!)
Hi Nina-Ya! I see we're mutuals now, I've been following you for a little while and I love your stuff! I am currently quite unwell, and talking a little about my life has had me very reflective on my past. Here's a little about me 🖤
I have studied and worked in a variety of different occupations. My favourite things to do is jazz people up with support and encouragement, talk and get to know people with a happy face, and drink wine. There are a few fields that allowed me to do this, and I have loved them all: working a cellar door in tourism and trade for a variety of Australia's major wine brands, working in disability support for over 18s, working in the education sector while studying a teaching degree, and doing landscaping and gardening for the elderly.
I am a married mother of two children under 4. This means I don't work a regular job currently, and I am very much missing adult conversation and interaction. The jobs I do take from time to time is: landscaping, gardening and arborist work when my husband is home with the children. I also get to do some work as a violinist and entertainer every now and again. A more recent event for this was my brother's wedding, and before that was a Bridgerton Ball. I have a country jazz event coming up in August that I'm readily preparing for while I'm sick.
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I got into fic writing because I wanted something to do while I was up at all hours with my youngest child. I don't really go out or do anything other than work or care for my children, and this was an outlet for creativity that was bursting at the seams. I am very happy I did get into this, because my heart fills so full it's incredible. Everyone here has been gorgeous and so, so kind.
Thank you so much for your ask, honey. I'd love to get to know you more too! 🖤
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undercover-ballerina · 4 months
Trailblazing & Stargazing - Chapter 19
The following morning she went back to her office to get caught up with everything that had passed while she had been gone. She payed a quick visit to the muggle liaison office to arrange for her parents’ new passports and then went to see Cho about the reform.
“Hermione! Welcome back! Is everything alright? You’ve been gone a few days.”
“Hi, Cho. I had to rush to Australia, my parents weren’t well. But now everything is fine and they’ll be moving back here soon.” Hermione said with a broad smile. “How is the second draft coming along? When will you take it to the Wizengamot again?”
“The second draft is ready, we had most of it ready even before the first hearing, we just tweaked it with some help from the Slytherins and Neville. Tomorrow we’ll go in for the second time, I’m aware it will be another farce so I won’t get my hopes up.” Cho sighed, resigned to move on with the game of snakes and ladders that was having anything approved by the Wizengamot.
“Let me know how it goes. It will take time but I’m sure you can have it passed. It’s a good reform, it will change things for the better.” Hermione said encouragingly.
“Let’s just hope we can get the concept to sink into those bearded skulls!” Chuckled Cho.
After a full day at work, Hermione flooed back to her house. She changed into dark blue muggle skinny-jeans, white trainers and a soft, merino wool jumper in emerald green,  all courtesy of Pansy Parkinson, minus the sneakers. She pulled her hair up in a messy bun, grabbed two bottles of wine and flooed to Grimmauld Place.
“Honey! I’m home!” She shouted as she exited from the fireplace at her friends’ kitchen. She heard steps coming down the stairs and Harry popped his head through the door, his hair sticking up in every direction, even more so than it usually was.
“Hey ‘Mione! Welcome back! Ginny’s still getting dressed, we were… er… delayed.” He blushed.
“You know, I could have survived without knowing you just finished shagging. I’m sort of going through a dry spell.” She huffed. Harry shrugged and wrapped her shoulders in a hug before taking her to the living room. A few minutes later, Ginny came down the stairs.
“Did you bring me a baby kangaroo?!” Ginny joked as she hugged her friend.
“I’m afraid that would have been illegal, and impractical too. But I brought wine.”
“That’s even better than a kangaroo! Sit down, to celebrate your return from down under, we’re having your favorite food. Paella!” Ginny shouted enthusiastically.
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bratzforchris · 1 year
Can you do little!Luke request where he accidentally drinks alcohol while regressed? Please 🥺? I just love little!Luke 💕
Not for Babies
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Summary: Above
Pairing: Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 943
A/N: Thanks for the request! Also, I imagined this request as 2014 Luke, who is of legal drinking age in Australia and Europe, but not in America. I do not condone underage drinking.
Luke had always been the best little you could ever ask for. He always listened when Mommy told him to do something, and he always stuck to the set of rules you two had set for him for when he was regressed. 
It had started out like a regular Friday evening. You had made you and Luke pasta and a salad for dinner, as well as a glass of wine for yourself. Luke didn't seem to question you having a different drink than him; he just happily sat at the kitchen table, making a (quite adorable) mess with his spaghetti sauce. You’d cleaned the dishes before setting Luke in front of the TV with cartoons playing, his stuffie and paci, and a sippy of juice. 
“Mommy’s going to go take a shower, okay angel? Stay right here, bubba. I’ll be back soon.”
Luke nodded, already entranced by the Mickey Mouse cartoon on TV, suckling on his sippy and clutching the stuffed toy to his chest. You slipped out of the room before the words could really register in his brain and headed towards the bathroom to start the shower. 
There hadn’t been an instance before where Luke had misbehaved while you were in the shower, so you took your time, making sure to do a face mask and shave your legs. Once you had gotten out and wrapped a towel around yourself, you still didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. All you could hear were cartoons playing on the TV and Luke’s high-pitched happy giggles, and so, you took the extra time to blow dry your hair while he was occupied. 
Once you had finally finished your self-care, you glanced at your phone and cursed. You had been in the bathroom for forty-five minutes, leaving little Luke with plenty of time to get into shenanigans. He most likely hadn’t, but you still didn’t feel comfortable leaving him alone for that amount of time. 
Walking into the living room, you noticed Luke was sprawled out on the carpet, sippy in his mouth and giggling beyond belief at what was now Paw Patrol. Even though your blond boy was normally a very happy little, this was unusual behavior, even for him. 
“Lu, baby?” You asked, sitting down beside him. 
“Hiiiiiii Mommy!!!!” he giggled, turning red in the face and kicking his legs with a squeal. 
“Did you get into sugar, pumpkin? You know we don’t get treats without asking Mommy.” You said, lightly tickling his tummy to lighten the blow of being interrogated. 
“Nuh uh!” he laughed. “Had yummy juices!” 
You raised an eyebrow, wondering if he had gotten into soda. “Did you get into a soda, buddy?”
Luke shook his head quickly, blond curls bouncing atop his head. “Nuh uh! Hads hads Mommy yummy juice!”
“Fuck.” You whispered softly. 
You were almost sure Luke had gotten into alcohol at this point. The blond was acting way too tipsy to just be sugar high, and Luke turned tomato red whenever he consumed alcohol. You quickly got Luke’s sippy from him and opened the lid, sniffing the inside of the cup. Sure enough, it smelled just like the red wine you’d have for dinner. 
“Stay here, bubba. I’ll be right back.”
Luke didn’t seem to notice you quickly getting up and almost sprinting to the kitchen, seeing as how he was currently building blocks and laughing extremely hard when he would knock them down. When you got to the kitchen, you noticed that almost three-quarters of the bottle was gone, and you’d only had one glass. 
“Lu, come here, honey!” You called out, slightly panicked. 
You knew he was technically an adult, but you were unsure if his tolerance level remained the same in littlespace. 
“Did you drink this, baby?” You asked, holding the bottle out to him when Luke stumbled into the kitchen. 
“Mhm! It yummy Mommy!” he smiled. 
You mentally cursed yourself for being so careless. You knew Luke was a very curious little and wanted to have everything his mommy had. “You can’t have this, sweetie. I know it looks like juice, but this is for grown-ups only, okay?”
Luke pouted, his bottom lip wobbling. “Bu…bu Mommy! It haves gwapes! I dwink gwape juice!”
“I know, lovely, but this isn’t juice, my love, and it’s not for littles.” You said gently, afraid of upsetting him while he was already so emotional from being tipsy. 
The blond let out a loud sob, clinging to you. “Mommy mad me?” he cried, looking at you with his big blue eyes full of tears. 
“Mommy isn’t mad at you, angel, but I have to keep you safe, okay?” You kissed his nose gently. 
Luke nodded against your shoulder, his tears soaking through your shirt. “Sowwy I bad, Mommy.” he sniffled apologetically. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, my love.” You shushed him quietly, wiping his tears. “Next time just ask, okay?”
“Mommy?” Luke asked, his tipsiness seeming to be starting to wear off. 
“Yes, bug?” You asked as you put the wine bottle away in a very high cabinet. 
“Head hurty and and tummy feel icky?” he asked, almost like a question. 
You sighed, knowing a sick little Luke was an emotional little Luke and a hangover was about to be a thousand times worse. “I know, buddy. Let’s get ready for bed and I’ll get you some medicine, deal?” 
Luke nodded, holding your hand and following you to the bedroom and bathroom you two shared. As he leaned into your side when you got him ready for bed, you couldn’t help but to admire what a perfect little Luke was, even when he got into shenanigans. 
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White Clover
White clover is a symbol of luck, some consider it a weed but it has many positive uses. It can be used as a cover crop, decorative ground cover, grass replacement, or green manure. It’s attractive to honey bees and has plenty of medicinal, magickal, and edible uses.
“Clovers occur in most temperate and subtropical regions of the world, except Southeast Asia and Australia; cultivated species have become naturalized in temperate regions worldwide.”
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Can be used for manifesting, often a symbol of luck. Draws in whatever is needed or wanted.
Also used for:
Kindness (increase)
Release (what no longer serves)
White clover is full of vitamins and minerals which support the liver, heart, and other body functions. You can use the blossoms in salads and stir-fries, steep the fresh or dried flowers to make an herbal tea, etc.
“In Hoodoo practices the red buds are used to bring good fortune in Love, Friendship, and Marriage.
White Clovers have the same properties of their sibling but are more suited for workings which require purification, and Protection. It brings peace, and Clarity, and protection from Psychic attack.”
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* allergy test before medical use
* If under medication for blood clots or hypertension should also avoid because it possesses blood thinning substances.
* Those having surgery next two weeks should also avoid white clover.
* One should consult the physician to use clover tea after surgery.
Traditional uses
* The tincture of leaves is an ointment for gout.
* In Turkish folk medicine, it is used as an expectorant, antiseptic and analgesic properties and treatment for rheumatic aches.
* Flowers are useful for arthritis, rheumatism as well as antidiarrheal and analgesic activity.
* The flower head is used as blood cleanser, to clean wounds sores, boils and heal eye ailments.
* The Algonkian and Delaware Indians used tea infusion made from dried leaves to treat colds and coughs.
Eating and Cooking
* The leaves are added to soups, salads, sauces etc.
* The flowers can also be added to salads.
* Herbal tea can be made from the dried or fresh flowers.
* Wine is prepared by fermenting sugar, flower heads and wine yeast.
* Clover honey !
“While Red Clover is especially attuned to the lower half of the body, especially the womb, White Clover has a greater affinity for the upper half of the body. It is great for clearing out old coughs and head colds”
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because-she-goes · 1 year
summer girl
warnings: tooth achingly sweet fluff, domestic!matty, them being heckin adorable. Enjoy!
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“Matty, put down the camera for two seconds and look around you! We are in the most beautiful city in the world with some of the best art in the world. The land of Pablo Picasso, Antoni Tapies, Manolo Valdes and Joan Miro!” Nora, clearly, was elated to be on their honeymoon. Matty and her had thrown around ideas for the trip for a full 3 months before making a decision: Rome, Paris, Greece, Australia, Japan, Amalfi Coast, Ireland, Miami… until they landed on Spain. It then took another two weeks to narrow that down to Barcelona and come up with an itinerary and to-do list. La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, The Picasso Museum, La Boqueria all being Nora’s picks. Matty decided on a sunset walk on La Rambla, the aforementioned Fundacio Joan Miro, Parc de la Ciutadella, and going to see a FC Barcelona game at Camp Nou. At every art museum, Matty would make the comment that Nora’s art was leagues better while she wandered around in awe - it never failed to make her giggle and blush.
The pair had been running around for a week or so now, Matty taking every opportunity to photograph Nora at their various stops and compliment her outfits and hype her up a bit. His favorite of these photos was taken at a secluded quiet beach they had found one afternoon, and it was like something out of Baywatch. Nora, in all her bikini-clad glory coming out of the crystal blue water. He thought his heart stopped at that moment and almost dialed for an ambulance. How was he this lucky? Not even in his dreams did he imagine this perfect of a wife, of a vacation, of a life. He was brought back to reality by her waving a hand in front of his face and giggling at him. “Like the bathing suit, Handsome?”
“O-oh god yes, Honey. You look positively drool-worthy in it.” He stuttered.
They took another dip in the water, dried off and changed into their walking clothes. She had gotten the most beautiful white sundress for the trip, lacey and delicate. Matty was in his summer uniform of a tee shirt, some sort of dress pants or jeans and sneakers. He currently was wearing Nora’s favorite of his to steal: it was a white shirt that had “I’m a little devil from Niagara Falls, Canada” written across the chest with a little cartoon. It had been put through the wash so many times now that the collar was starting to get loose and holes dotted the hems. The comforting shirt also allowed for his arm tattoos to be out on display, Nora was going a bit insane ogling them as they walked holding hands. Deciding they both needed to cool down a bit after being in the blazing spanish sun all day, they stopped for some shaved ice and coconut water.
That night for dinner, they went to a tapas bar and drank red wine like it was water. They sat in a quiet corner of the restaurant and giggled away as they recalled the early days of the relationship and their trips to London and New York to visit each other - always greeting the other with a ridiculous sign and flowers at the arrivals gate. The band in the bar was playing some Pete Rodriguez and basa nova as the two spent what felt like an eternity talking.
“You know, I have that Mets hat framed somewhere in storage from your first trip to London… kept it all these years later.” He confesses bashfully, half drunk.
“Well, good thing I still buy that candle from the time you came to New York for my birthday.” She reciprocates. The idea of the other keeping mementos of each other and their early love is enough to make them cry.
“Okay, before we get too emotional here, wanna go back to the hotel, Handsome?”
“I’d love nothing more, Honey.”
When they stumble back into their room, Nora runs for the closet where she was keeping his surprise wedding present. Matty was fixing them both glasses of kalimochos - red wine and coke from when they met, still being their drink of choice.
She grabs the guitar case and walks back to the small suite’s living room. “My love, come here for a minute… got something for you!” Nora’s voice rings as she calls him over.
“One second, Darling… just gotta grab something as well.” A devious giggle follows. He walks to their bedroom and grabs a neatly folded printed receipt from the side table.
“Alright, buttercup… let’s see what you’ve got.” She unsuccessfully hides the guitar case behind her back and giggles when she pulls it from him as he makes a reach for it. “C’mon don’t tease, baby. Lemme see what you’ve got in that… I wonder what it could be.” His eyes glimmer in the light and a smirk falls on his stupidly perfect lips.
“Here you go, baby… Had the hotel people drop it off while we were at the beach earlier.” She holds out the case and he gives her a wink as he grabs it. Opening it quickly, his face drops. Within it is a beautiful black Spanish guitar with cowboys sitting around a fire carved into it and “Singin’ Cowboys” engraved and covered with red paint. Matty’s heart stops and his eyes mist over. It is the most stunning, well-crafted instrument he’s ever held in his own hands. He takes it out and begins to play the start of “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls and his stomach sinks - it sounds even prettier than he could’ve imagined.
“My love… this is the greatest gift anyones ever gotten me. I love it so much, gonna treasure it for the rest of my life. I love you, baby… so so much.” He tells her as he looks up at the angel before him. How could she possibly be real? He wipes some tears from his eyes and kisses her with such tenderness and warmth that it takes her back a bit and knocks the wind out of her. When they disconnect for air, she holds his face for a moment before kissing his forehead. “My sweet boy.” She whispers.
“My sweet girl.” He kisses her nose and taps it quickly. “Now, beloved, here is yours. I couldn’t physically get it here because it’s being shipped to New York currently, but I made sure to print out the order and a copy of it to give to you while we were here.” He nervously twists his rings around his finger… a habit he’s picked up since their New York wedding months ago.
“Oh, please Matty you didn’t have - oh holy shit… is- is this real?” She quickly asks, reading the paper over and over again to verify its real. An authentic Antoni Tàpies, one she’s always dreamt of since she learned about Spanish art in high school. She must’ve told Matty a hundred times about the art in Barcelona and all her favorite artists in Spain.
“Very real, baby… Hopefully you like that specific piece. I thought it had a cool energy to it and matched some of your work. What with the the hands and semi-heart above them.. Plus it’s from the 60s which I remember you always saying was one of your favorite decades in art!” He scratches the back of his neck as he rambles and tries to remember what she’s told him over the years and the information the seller gave him.
“Matty… Les Mains is one of my favorite pieces of art like ever… You’re insane oh my god! I love you and thank you thank you thank you, Handsome!!” She runs into his arms, still clutching the piece of paper in her hand. She knocks him back at first from the force of the hug, but quickly his arms wrap around her waist and he kisses her head.
“Love you too, baby. Can’t believe I am lucky enough to spoil you for the rest of my life and have you forever.”
“Me neither, Handsome.. and for the record, having you as my husband is the greatest gift I will ever receive.”
“Couldn’t agree more, Wife.” He kisses her again and in that moment it feels like time and the world ceases to exist. Just him and Nora in Barcelona… husband and wife.
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 18/41
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Chapter 18: Just Be Us
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, fingering, cunnilingus, fellatio, mastrubation (male), ejaculate on body, Vibrator/dildo
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 18: Just Be Us
“That’s it baby, just breathe.” your head is nestled against his chest. His arms are wrapped around you, legs and all. Your tears have stopped and you take a big breath and blow it out. You feel wrung out.
“Thank you hun,” you lift a hand to his face. “did I freak you out? I’m sorry.”
“No, not really,” he moves a strand of your hair away from your face," I read that it can happen, a kind of catharsis. I just want to make sure you are ok.” He hands you a bottle of water.
“I’m ok. Worn out a bit, but I feel good, really good,” you realize, ”yay endorphins.” You lean back and gulp water down, cringing at the soreness of your ass. “What about you, you good?”
“Oh, I’m more than good, that was fucking amazing, babe. I am in awe of you.” He is gazing into your eyes.
“Me? Oh honey, you were magnificent. Pushing me just a little further with every new element you introduced. The way you kept getting close and stopping. The way you kept slipping into Elvis, my god, it just sent me down the rabbit hole into ultimate fantasy land,” you gush.
“Oh, I almost lost my hold on reality when you started calling me Elvis, it just ….. Well, it just felt like he was just talking through me or something, it was surreal,“ he muses.
It’s your phone, specifically the timer on your phone.
“FUCK,” you both say in unison… and laugh.
“One of us should get that and my dress is soaking,” you say, just now remembering that you even had a dress on.
“I don't want to…. ever,” he looks into your eyes and pulls you in for a sweet kiss.
“Okay, okay,” he says, pulling away, “and if we ruined that dress, I will buy you a new one!”
You move your legs off his lap. He stands up and snags your phone from wherever you left it, you honestly can’t remember. He taps the screen and the alarm mercifully abates.
“We technically still have an hour left, you know…” you recall.
“Yeah, can we just pause that for a while?” he asks seriously, walking back to you.
“Sure,” you reach up and hold his hand, a little nervous with his change in tone.
“I just… yeah… we should…. “ he seems at a loss for words, running his hand through his hair.
“Talk?” you offer.
He nods, “Yeah… how about we clean up, cuz wow…mess. And we eat something cuz I need a snack. Then we can talk.” you say, seriously. After he helps you stand up, he throws a towel at the ottoman, as though it could clean itself off.
You shower together. He insists on washing every inch of you, paying special attention to your sore backside. You clean up the ottoman, and the floor while Austin finds something to eat in the kitchen.
You are snuggled up on the couch in nothing but his silk pajama top when he comes in with a plate and two glasses of wine wearing only his matching pajama bottoms.
“I am not sure life gets any better than this,” you comment as he walks toward you, “a gorgeous, half naked man, bringing me food and wine, “ he hands you a glass and sits down, ”right after he fucked me so hard that I shattered. Then he put my pieces back together with cuddles and sweet words,” you shake your head. “Fuck. Me.”
“Well, let me refuel and I will,” he smirks then sips from his glass.
“Promises, promises,” you smile slyly, eating a cracker and cheese.
“Oh, it’s going to happen,” he says matter-of-factly, putting a grape in his mouth.
You spend several minutes eating, suddenly hungry. Sex that good is hard work!
“So, are you ready to talk?” he asks, wiping his hands on a towel and turning his body sideways on the couch. One hand is on his leg, the other draped over the back of the couch. He is amazing at giving you every ounce of his attention.
“Yes, and no,” you say honestly.
His eye brows knit together, he nods and motions for you to go on.
“I’m nervous. What we say next may change nothing, or it may change everything. I’m scared of that gamble. I both need to talk about us and also don't want to, in case what I’m thinking I want isn’t what you want. But then what if it IS what you want then we would lose out if one of us doesn't say it.. But if it’s not what you want then what do I do with what I wa-.”
He puts his finger to your lips. Arresting the hamster wheel of your brain. “Maybe you should just tell me what you want and we go from there.”
You exhale and look to the ceiling, asking the divine to fortify you.
“I know this is insecure of me, but I don’t want to, like, push you away," you say timidly.
“Why do you think what you want will push me away?” he asks.
“Because it’s… you might think it's too…unconventional,” you say looking down and playing nervously with your fingers.
He looks down, laughing and shaking his head, “Baby, have you met you? YOU are unconventional,” he lifts your chin with a finger, “and I love that about you. Plus, do you think I’m NOT nervous? Not terrified that this isn't just some oxytocin-induced dream and I’ll wake up alone and you will just be ‘poof’, gone.”
“No!” bursts out of your mouth before you can stop it. “I would never….”
“So let’s do what we’ve been doing all along, and just be real with one another,” Austin takes a big breath. “ I meant it earlier, I am falling in love with you and I promise that unless what you have to say is that this has all been a lie, I will not go anywhere.”
You nod, that promise helps. You take a big breath and turn your body to face him, one leg bent up on the couch.
“None of it is a lie, you should know that I am shit at lying. I am falling for you too. So what if it’s an oxytocin high we are riding, I would rather experience it in all its glory than miss out by discounting it.”
He smiles, redness highlighting his cheeks.
“Okay, so, real talk,” you continue on, “you asked what we were going to do about the feelings that we are having for one another, and I really think my answer is still- nothing. Sort of. What I mean is can we just keep doing what we’ve been doing? I mean, obviously we won’t be able to spend 24/7 having sex like the last three days….We will both have work and I know time will be limited.”
Austin’s fingertips begin sliding along the fabric of the couch. You reach out and hold his other hand.
“But I want my door to always be open to you, for dinner, for PBJ’s, for just being here for each other, and yes, please for sex. I just don’t want to be beholden to one another, to have that possessive boyfriend/girlfriend relationship thing. I do not want to fall into some ‘I need you to be a whole and happy person’ scenario. I want to keep being honest and in the moment and finding joy with you when we can manage it. I just want to be someone you love that loves you back, your long term lover and your friend …..and god that sounds so corny now that I hear it.” You cover your face with your hands. “Damnit. Am I making any sense here? Are you disappointed? Am I just a babbling idiot?”
“Hey,” he pulls your hand away from your face, ducking his head to look you in the eyes. ”You couldn't disappoint me if you tried. You are making perfect sense. It sounds like you really do want to pause that last hour.”
“Yeah,” maybe he does understand what you are getting at.
“Well,” he says thoughtfully, “honestly, I do really want to be with you and see where this could go. Yet I know that filming is going to consume me. I could not possibly give a traditional relationship enough time or energy. That is what I was worried you would want, and I would be a dismal boyfriend and lose you forever.”
You shake your head, like you would fault him for that. “Your dedication is one of the things I love about you.”
He smiles at you and continues on. ”And it’s not corny at all. We already are friends, so that’s easy. Getting to be your long term lover, well…let me say it like this:“ he locks eyes with you, “Right now, I don’t want to imagine a world in which I don’t get to have sex with you. I mean, after the last 72 hours, it would be simply wrong to deny that this,” he gestures back and forth between you with his fingers, ”is something special.”
“I agree, this,” you mimic his gesture, “is extraordinary and I never want it to end, even though…” You press your lips together, not wanting to put voice to what you both already know, as if it would somehow break the magic spell surrounding you.
“Me neither, I just want what we have here to be factored into our equations. So, ” Austin takes both your hands in his, “until life presents further notice, let’s just be us.”
“A thousand times yes,” you nod, a big smile and a few happy tears welling up from within you. “A Casual/not casual situationship??” you jokingly ponder.
“Serious-adjacent?” he smiles back and wraps his arms around you, “because there is nothing casual about what happened earlier this evening.”
Leaning into his embrace, head on his chest, you admit sheepishly, “that took a while for us to realize we were already on the same page and now I feel silly for being all worked up over it.”
“Oh no, it was totally valid. I was on edge too, I just hide it better because I’m just in a constant state of terror that I will completely fuck up this role and my entire career,” he plasters a fake smile on his face.
“Having had first hand experience, pun intended, of how you embody Elvis, there is no way you are going to fuck up this role," you assure him.
“Thank you for that,” he replies, “but I can’t rest on my laurels, the terror pushes me to be better.”
“Well, I am officially available any time you need a break from terrorizing yourself,” you pull him in for a kiss that lasts a while and reminds you of just how serious your attraction to him is.
Your fingertips trace lines from the back of his neck, over his shoulders across his pecs and down his abs. He shivers under your thumbs as they brush his nipples.
His hands, naturally falling at your waist, slide down your hips and along your outer thighs to your knees.
The pinky-edges of your hands barely brush the bulge at his crotch as you play at the edge of his waistband. He inhales at your touch and his thumbs drive straight up your inner thighs. You squeak involuntarily.
“You know,” he says against your lips,” this whole time you have been sitting with your leg up on the couch, you have been on display.” He lightly brushes your labia with his thumbs. “It was very distracting.”
Your hips roll forward, yearning for his thumbs.
“Oh, well then, my distraction plan is finally working.” You find the end of the drawstring on his pants and slowly pull out the bow. Then a thought occurs to you. “Crap, what time do you have to be on set tomorrow?” you ask.
Um…I don't, babe today is Saturday," he replies, amused.
“It is? Oh… I think you’ve fucked the concept of time right out of my head,” you laugh, “in that case I believe you made me a promise.”
“Well, I am nothing if not honorable,” he stands up, offering you a hand. He pulls you up into his arms, your lips to his lips. You hardly notice that you are moving backwards toward the bedroom as your tongues intertwine. Your lips meet and part then meet again to trap one another. Teeth come out to gently hold full lips to suck.
He pulls away and turns you around, you are standing in the doorway of his bedroom, He has several jarred candles lit and covering the bed are hundreds, maybe thousands of rose petals.
Your mouth gapes open in surprise and you look back at him, “Austin, what…. when?”
“While you were tied up," the smile on his face is infectious. He guides you in and towards the bed, “I wanted us to end our 72 hours on a sweet note.. But since we aren’t ending… it seems a shame to waste.”
“All endings are beginnings, after all,” you muse, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your body into his.
“Only you could make philosophy a turn on,” he leans down and kisses you deeply, walking you backwards again, unbuttoning the pajama top and pulling it off your shoulders.
You feel the edge of the bed bump your legs. He lays you back onto the bed, the scent of roses filling your nostrils. You close your eyes, breathing deep. You feel the soft petals kissing your skin as he sprinkles a handful over your breasts teasing your nipples oh so slightly. They continue to cascade from his hand onto your stomach, a few brushing your sides as they slide down. Another handful waterfalls onto your lap. You shudder at the sensation.
He climbs onto the bed with you, pajama bottoms puddled on the floor. He takes a petal and caresses it down the curve of your neck and shoulder, then again along your jawline and onto your lips just before he presses his soft full lips to yours. You could kiss him for hours (and you have). You love the way he starts soft then presses harder, opening his mouth to yours, tongues curling against one another. It’s like you have been kissing each other your whole lives and your mouths know exactly how the other moves.
His fingertips outline your breast, slip down to your waist and around the curve of your hip to the soft pile that covers you. He lifts his lips away from yours. You open your eyes to his soft gaze. He watches your face as his palm cups you and starts to rub back and forth, pressing the softness of the petals along your bare lips, crushing them, releasing their fragrance. It’s tantalizing. It’s erotic. It’s full-on sensory.
Your chest expands. Your mouth barely open in a sigh, reaching up to try to kiss him again. He leans back not letting you, wanting to watch your reaction as his fingers open and press harder on the outside of your outer lips, just how he knows you like it. You exhale a moan as your hips shiver into his hand.
“God I love how your body responds, you never hold anything back,” he says, keeping your eyes captured with his own. His finger nudges petals out of the way side to side, rubbing against your lips as he does so.
“You make it easy, love,” you respond just before his finger nestles into the wetness of your slit.
His finger slides up and traces a wet circle around your clit and your eyes widen, you gasp, tipping your hips up as you clench.
He dips his head down and captures your nipple in his mouth. His mouth wide, applying a bit of suction while his tongue flicks lightly. At the same time he is repeating his dipping and tracing with his hand. Your body is undulating just slightly under him. The rising sparks from your pussy reaching up to meet the tendrils of sensation snaking their way down from his mouth.
His teeth lightly grasp your nipple, the threat of a bite freezes your movements and your breath. He increases pressure with his teeth. It would almost hurt, except that he is rubbing fast and light just under your clit. The distraction makes you moan in pleasure and stokes the fire in your low belly.
He tilts his head up, to look at you. His tongue licking up, the corners of his mouth curling up deviously..
“God, I love that smile,” you run your hands through his hair.
“Really? Which smile is that?” he asks.
“It’s the one you give me when you are all proud of yourself for making me moan, and you plan on continuing to do so.”
“MmmHmmm,” he licks a trail over your belly maneuvering his body down between your open legs, “well, you are not wrong.”
He repeats his devious smile as he lowers his face down and blows off the remaining petals, the cool air making you gasp lightly.
You shove a pillow under your head, you want to watch as he gives you the best kind of lip service.
He starts with long licks up each side with a soft wet tongue. Then one up the center, dipping just barely into your long pink crevice. He pulls your lips apart with his fingers, stretching the skin just below your clit. You inhale sharply as the nerve endings there fire. He repeats his soft licks over your little lips and up to your clit, giving it a little flick at the end.
“Mmm Hmmm,” you moan. His eyes look up to see if you are watching, then he dives back down. He licks like that a few more times. Then with a big breath burrows deep into your pussy, nose pressed against your clit as he laps at your threshold.
Your hands go to his head, lightly grabbing his hair. You “OOhhhhh” as your eyes roll back and your eyelids flutter. He keeps it up for a minute, dipping his tongue in a little further each time.
He stops. You open your eyes and tilt your head down. You are panting and wondering why he would stop your sweet torture. He is looking for your eyes, lips and chin wet with you. “I want you to cum on my face baby. Will you do that for me?”
The ‘training’ from earlier kicks in, “Yes Austin.” You bite your lip as one side of his curls and he chuckles.
“Good girl,” he can’t help but answer.
He dives back down, pulling your lips far apart and sliding his tongue as deep into your pussy as he can, fluttering up and down. He is intent on this tongue lashing for a couple of minutes before his fingers are sliding into you. His tongue gliding up, his mouth covers your clit. His top teeth gently trapping the hood of your clit while his tongue ripples along the underside. His lips create a seal around it, gently sucking, then releasing. Licking, sucking, releasing, repositioning. Starting again.
“Oh fuck, Austin, Yes!” one hand remains in his hair while the other migrates to your tits, rolling a nipple between thumb and forefinger.
Zings from your nipples, heat from your clit and now lightning from his fingers curling inside of you in time with the rolling of his tongue. All these meet at your core and start expanding. God it feels so amazing. You don't even realize when your hips start thrusting into his face, your hand holding his head steady.
You hear him moan into your pussy. He must love it when you fuck his face like this. He switches from sucking your clit to flicking it with his tongue.
“Yes, yes, yes” you moan, “ just like that.” Your hips stop thrusting and practically vibrate against his face.
He keeps a steady pace of licking and flicking and curling, face and fingers buried in your wet snatch.
Your heart is beating in your ears. The scent of rose rises strongly from the handfuls of petals and bedspread you find yourself clutching. The climb to orgasm matches his steady pace, the build up excruciatingly good. You stay at ‘almost there’ for a good minute, your muscles straining to push you over the brink.
In a burst you are screaming, “Oh gawww,” followed by a chain of penetrating Oh’s and ahh’s. You buck into his face. His hands wrap around your legs, refusing to be unseated. He continues to tongue you, growling in pleasure and greedily lapping at your juicy pussy.
Your hands, still full of petals as they shoot to his head, pushing. He is intent, lost in the moment of making you cum.
“Stah, stah. stah,” you are begging for him to let up.
Finally, he relents and lifts up, eyes closed, licking his lips vampire-like. The petals tumble from your hands over your stomach and legs. You are panting to catch your breath but can’t take your eyes off him. “My god you are so sexy," you say under your breath.
He opens his wild eyes to lock on yours. You notice he is rutting his hips against the bedspread, into the soft petals.
You crook your finger, beckoning him up towards you. He unravels from your legs and stalks cat-like up your body. He stops and slips his hard dick into your still wet pussy. His wet mouth on yours, he slides in and out a few times, You are still sensitive from, well, the entire damn evening. He inhales your whimper and turns it into a chuckle in his own chest.
“Bring that up here.” You tap your chest, then reach down, grabbing his ass to guide him where you want him. You succeed in only pulling him deeper into you. Which is magnificent but not your end goal right now.
He cocks his head, wondering what you have in mind.
“Straddle me,” you tap your chest again. He pulls out and you grasp his thighs as he climbs further up your body, Knees on either side of your waist, his wet cock is front and center.
You lick spit into your hand. You reach up and start spreading it over his cock. He is watching your hand slide over him. “Oh my,” he gasps as you grasp his shaft in your soft fist and start with a few long pulling strokes. Then switch to pushing his tip into your tighter fist. His hips are pushing forward as his eyes close and his head tilts back above you.
“Oh that feels good baby,” he says.
You add a little wrist twist at the end of your strokes around this tip. His stomach flexes and he sounds off with a guttural ‘unnngh’ as he curls over you slightly.
A smile spreads across your face. You enjoy making him squirm in pleasure.
“Come fuck my mouth for a minute,” god, just saying it makes your hips shake. You curl up pulling his cock towards you.
“My god, you are so fucking hot,” he says. He falls forward onto his hands pushing his cock into your open, wanting mouth. He immediately starts nudging his hips in short sharp bursts as you swallow his cock, gagging a little in between moans. After about a minute, he pulls out, his cock thick with spit, and sits back over your torso.
“Show me how you touch yourself,” You demand, licking your lips as you grab his hand.
He cocks an eyebrow, but holds his hand out in front of your mouth, you gather the spit on your tongue and lick it onto his outstretched palm. You taste the mix of salt and yourself on his skin.
His fist closes lightly over his cock. His half lidded eyes staring down as he slowly moves his hand up and down his shaft. Soon little droplets emerge from his tip, mingling with the slickness already lubing his cock.
“Oh yeah, stroke that big cock on top of me," you spur him on.
His hips start pushing forward into his hand. He starts moving faster, still just on his shaft, his hand grips a little tighter. Incoherent vowels spill from his mouth. His dick looks redder and harder than before.
“Show me how you make yourself cum. I want it all over my tits,” you are pushing your breasts together, pinching your nipples. You didn’t know this was going to make you so fucking hot.
His hand moves further up on his shaft, rubbing his head. The veins in his arm popping out as his hand pumps back and forth. His glutes are solid rock as they push his hips forward, leg muscles straining. His chest heaving as he puffs out breath while biting his lower lip. His eyes watching his cock and your body shaking under him.
Holy. Fuck. He is a god again, towering above you, candlelight flickering on the curves of his taut muscles. His chest heaving. His eyes cast down upon you in carnal desire. He is Absolutely Glorious.
“Oh yeah, give it to me, please, fucking cum all over me. I want it dripping down my sides,” you moan.
His hand pumps fast, you reach down and play with his tight balls.
A low gravely “Fu--uu-uu-ck ye-e-e-essss’’ rumbles from him. Hot creamy cum shoots onto your tits in one, two, three, huge spurts. You push your boobs together and he slides himself between them, wet and sloppy. He jerks and moans in overstimulation but is still thrusting between your squished tits.
You are biting your bottom lip. Jerky little ‘ungh ughn ughn’s’ escaping your throat. Your hips twitch involuntarily as his cum runs down your sides.
“Fuck. me,” you murmur to yourself, it's so damn hot.
He swings one knee over you, dismounting your chest. Sitting back on his knees beside you.
Before he can say anything, you reach your hand demandingly toward the bedside table, “Vibrator?” you ask, unable to stop thrusting your hips into nothing. You feel like a wild fae creature who just can’t get enough.
“Yeah,” he pants, handing you your magic wand.
Switching it on, you press it to your shuddering pussy. He catches his breath and watches you ride the vibrator. He moves closer to drag his fingertips over your tits in his cum, pinching your nipples. Then he traces a line up your neck and pushes his long cum soaked fingers into your mouth. You lick and suck hard, loving how naughty this feels, loving having something in your mouth again. After a minute of hip thrusts, you realize that you need to be filled. It’s good, but you need more to get this done properly.
“I need something in me baby, please” you plead with him after you licked his finger clean. “Please please fuck me, god I need you inside me”, you can’t seem to stop begging.
“You want something in that pussy?” he is next to your ear.
“Yes, please, please please,” is all you can say.
You feel something a little cooler push at your entrance. You don’t even care what it is, as long as Austin fucks you with it.
“Fuck that pussy, yeah, yeah yeah,” you are chanting as he immediately starts pumping it into you, exactly like you need it.
“Cum on baby, cum on baby,” is his mantra.
Both your hands gripping the vibrator, pressing the head hard into your vulva. It only takes about 45 seconds before your hips lift off the bed, breath held in an open mouth silent scream. You are fracturing apart. Light bursts from your pussy up and out your mouth as the silent scream rips into audible reality as the heavens open up and the storm bursts forth. Your whole body just vibrates.
Thankfully, Austin doesn’t force you to keep cumming. He holds the dildo inside you until your orgasm abates. Then he slowly pulls it out. He lays down next to you, head propped up on his elbow in the rose petals. His hand intertwined with yours as your breathing regulates.
“My god woman. I have never met anyone as multi-orgasmic as you are!” he sounds astonished.
You giggle, endorphins running rampant in your system, “Wanna know a secret?”
He nods.
You lean up to his ear and whisper, “I feel like I could go again.”
“Lady, I need a rest,” he says, flopping back.
You just giggle like a school girl, “No no, it’s ok, I think I’m finally getting sore.”
“About damn time,” he says laughing, “otherwise you are gonna kill me. I mean I would die fucking happy, but still.”
“I’m glad this,” you gestures back and forth between you, “ makes you happy, cuz it makes me happy too.” Then you think back to the earlier conversation. “Um, but not in a needy way… like I can’t be happy otherwise… I mean-” he cuts you off with a kiss.
“I think the whole point is that we are allowed to be happy with one another, it’s ok.” he kisses your nose.
You just start laughing at yourself. Then you can’t stop laughing at how absurd you sounded. Austin starts laughing because you are laughing.
“Christ, I do love you,” he says, smiling into your eyes. Your laughter slides into a sigh.
“Oh Austin-”
“It’s ok, you don't have to say it back,” he quickly says, still looking in your eyes.
“Austin,” you stare into his blue eyes, “ I am not afraid to tell you that I love you or that I have been falling for you for weeks. My god, how could I not love you. You are such a wonderful person. I am the luckiest girl in the world right now, to be in love with you.”
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.20
Air Force Day (Romania)
Asarnha Bucha Day (Thailand)
The Binding of the Wreaths (Lithuania)
Cleat Dancing Day
Common Mullein Day (French Republic)
Deepfake Awareness Day
Dia del Amigo (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay)
Engineer’s Day (Costa Rica)
Falun Gong Persecution Anniversary Day (China)
Frantz Fanon Day
Friend's Day (a.k.a. Dia del Amigo; Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay)
International Ambigram Day
International Chess Day
International Ride MTB Day
July Plot Anniversary Day
Lao Women Union’s Day (Laos)
Liam Payne Appreciation Day
Lempira Day (Honduras)
Mammal Day
Man on the Moon Day (a.k.a. Moon Day)
Nap Day
National Biplane Day
National Dental BIller’s Day
National Guard Day (Kyrgyzstan)
National Heroes Day
National Megan Day
National Moon Day
National Natalie Day
National Pennsylvania Day
National POW-MIA Recognition Day
National Secretary Day (Mexico)
National Tell A Girl She's Beautiful Day
Peace and Freedom Day (North Cyprus)
Space Exploration Day
Special Olympics Day
Sumarauki (Iceland)
Sun’s Rest Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Tree Planting Day (Central African Republic)
Ugly Truck Day
Vigil for Peace, Justice and Respect for Human Rights (Colombia)
Women’s Union Day (Laos)
World Jump Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Fortune Cookie Day
International Cake Day
National Ice Cream Soda Day
National Lasagne Day
National Lollipop Day
National Milkshake Day (Australia)
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
National Wine & Cheese Day (France)
Independence & Related Days
British Columbia Province Day (Canada; 1871)
Colombia (from Spain, 1810)
Libernesia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Republic of Plymouth (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Samana Cay (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
3rd Saturday in July
Alberton Railroad Day (Montana) [3rd Saturday]
Celebration of the Horse Day (Texas) [3rd Saturday]
Festa del Redentore begins (Venice, Italy) [3rd Saturday; thru Sunday]
National Bridal Sale Day [3rd Saturday]
National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day [3rd Saturday]
PADI Women’s Dive Day [3rd Saturday]
Parks Day (Canada) [3rd Saturday]
Plural Pride Day [3rd Saturday]
Railroad Day [3rd Saturday]
Toss Away the "Could Haves" and "Should Haves" Day [3rd Saturday]
Woman’s Dive Day [3rd Saturday]
Woodie Wagon Day [3rd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 20 (3rd Week of July)
National Moth Week (thru 7.28) [Last Full Week]
National Scrabble Week (thru 7.24)
RAGBRAI (thru 7.27)
Festivals Beginning July 20, 2024
Art Walk & Wine Gala (Prosser, Washington)
Beachside Wine Festival (Santa Barbara, California)
The Big BBQ & Jerk Festival (West Friendship, Maryland)
Blueberry Festival (Middlefield, Connecticut)
Burger Bash (Eagle River, Wisconsin)
Camp Verde CornFest (Camp Verde, Arizona)
Celebration of Light (Vancouver, Canada) [thru 7.27]
Food Truck Frenzy (Lenexa, Kansas)
Hamburg's Annual Burgerfest (Hamburg, New York)
Interceltic Festival of Avilés (Avilés, Spain) [thru 7.28]
Key West Festival (Purcellville, Virginia)
Manchester Chicken Broil (Manchester, Michigan)
Michigan Honey Festival (Corunna, Michigan) [thru 7.21]
Ozark Berry Festival (Springfield, Missouri)
Selinsgrove Brewfest Hops, Vines & Wines (Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania)
Strawberry Festival (Leonard, Michigan)
Summer Reggae Wine & Music Festival (Mt. Airy, Maryland) [thru 7.21]
Sunrise Side Wine & Food Festival (Harrisville, Michigan)
Teton County Fair (Jackson, Wyoming) [thru 7.28]
Valparaiso Wine Festival (Valparaiso, Indiana)
Watermelon Day (Stanhope, Iowa)
Westport Wine Festival (Westport, Washington)
Yellowstone Beer Festival (Cody, Wyoming)
Zucchini Races (Cole Camp, Missouri)
Feast Days
Alistair MacLeod (Writerism)
Ansegisus (Christian; Saint)
Apollinaris of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Aurelius, Bishop of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Barsabas (Christian; Saint)
Binding of the Wreaths (Lithuanian Lover’s Festival; Everyday Wicca)
Ceslas (Christian; Saint)
Cormac McCarthy (Writerism)
Diktynna, Lady of the Nets (Minoan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Ealhswith (a.k.a. Elswith; Christian; Saint)
Editha (Christian; Saint)
Elias (Christian; Prophet)
Elijah (Christian; Saint)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Ross Tubman (Episcopal Church (USA))
Erik Axel Karlfeldt (Writerism)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Flavian and Elias (Christian; Saints)
Giorgio Morandi (Artology)
Greater Bajram (Feast of Sacrifice; Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Interstellar Lasagne Day Day (Pastafarian)
Jerome Emiliani (Christian; Saint)
John Baptist Yi (Christian; One of The Korean Martyrs)
Joseph Barsabas (Christian; Saint)
Judy Chicago (Artology)
Justa and Rufina (Christian; Martyrs)
La Fontain (Positivist; Saint)
Larry the Fish (Muppetism)
László Moholy-Nagy (Artology)
Margaret the Virgin (a.k.a. Margaret of Antioch; Christian; Saint)
Max Liebermann (Artology)
Nam June Paik (Artology)
Perun’s Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan God of Thunder)
Pope John XII Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Synoika (Ancient Greece)
Thgir-yaw-Dnuor Day (Shamanism)
Thorlac (Christian; Relic Translation)
Turkish Invasion Day (Cyprus)
Uncumber (Christian; Saint)
Ulmer (a.k.a. Wulmar; Christian; Saint)
Wilgefortis (cult suppressed)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Arthur Murray Party (TV Variety Series; 1950)
Batman: Hush (WB Animated Film; 2019)
The Bookworm Turns (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
Breaking Away (Film; 1979)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey, by Thornton Wilder (Novel; 1927)
Buddy Steps Out (WB LT Cartoon; 1935)
Christmas in Connecticut (Film; 1945)
The Dark Knight Rises (Film; 2012)
Dicky Moe (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1962)
Do You Believe in Magic?, by The Lovin’ Spoonful (Song; 1965)
Ghost World (Film; 2001)
Hairspray (Film; 2007)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Film; 2001)
Like a Rolling Stone, by Bob Dylan (Song; 1965)
Lucky Number (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Mama Mia!: Here We Go Again (Film; 2018)
Mighty Mouse and the Wolf (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1945)
The NeverEnding Story (Film; 1984)
Pop. 1280, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1964)
Revenge of the Nerds (Film; 1984)
Serenade, Op. 24, by Arnold Schoenberg (Serenade in 7 Movements; 1924)
Sid and Nancy (Film; 1986)
Spirited Away (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2001)
Stop the World — I Want To Get Off (Musical Play; 1961)
Tabasco Road (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Train to Busan (Film; 2016)
The Wind Rises (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2013)
Wrestling Wrecks (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1953)
Today’s Name Days
Apollinaris, Bernhard, Margareta (Austria)
Ilina, Iliya, Iliyana, Ilko (Bulgaria)
Apolinar, Bernard, Ilija, Margareta, Marina (Croatia)
Ilja (Czech Republic)
Elias (Denmark)
Elias, Erland, Liias (Estonia)
Maaret, Maarit, Margareeta, Marketta, Reeta, Reetta (Finland)
Élie, Marina (France)
Elias, Greta, Margarete (Germany)
Elias, Ilias (Greece)
Illés (Hungary)
Elia, Simmaco (Italy)
Namejs, Ramona, Ritma (Latvia)
Alvydas, Česlovas, Jeronimas, Vismantė (Lithuania)
Margareta, Margit, Marit (Norway)
Czech, Czechasz, Czechoń, Czesław, Eliasz, Heliasz, Hieronim, Leon, Małgorzata, Paweł, Sewera (Poland)
Ilie (Romania)
Eliáš, Iľja (Slovakia)
Apolinar, Aurelio, Elías (Spain)
Greta, Margareta (Sweden)
Elio, Eliot, Eliott, Elliot, Elliott, Marine (Universal)
Edna, Edwin, Edwina, Elias, Elijah, Ellice, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Neal, Neala, Neil, Neila, Nelson, Niall, Nigel, Niles (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 202 of 2024; 164 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 29 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 15 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 14 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 13 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 22 Red; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 7 July 2024
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 5 Dante (8th Month) [La Fontain]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 1 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 30 of 31)
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eandamj · 5 months
ADELAIDE 26 & 27 April 2024
We took a day’s trip to the Barossa wine region on the 26th. We chose a trip that would include visiting some other places apart from vineyards for wine tasting!
We visited a village called Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills which had been established by German immigrants in 1839. It was quaint with many old buildings. The village has retained many businesses with a German theme, although apparently the businesses are no longer owned by the descendants of the original immigrants. Here is the brewing company:
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We drove from the Adelaide Hills into the Barossa Wine region. There were vineyards as far as we could see at times. We also saw huge areas of fruit trees growing as apparently there are huge fruit farms in this area.
We saw kangaroos in the Barossa region and some were close to the road:
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During the day we visited three vineyards for wine tasting. In each of the first two vineyards we tried several wines. We learnt that fizzy red wine is very popular in Australia. At the second vineyard we had lunch as well. At this vineyard there was a display of old machinery near some of the vines:
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The third vineyard gave us a different experience to the other two in that we tasted “meads” which are made from honey. They were delicious and a bit like a dessert wine. These were the bottles we tried:
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After visiting a small chocolate making factory we finished our day trip with a visit to a cafe owned by Maggie Beer - Australia’s Mary Berry. The cafe has kitchen areas where Maggie Beer has been filmed for TV. There is a cookery school on the same site. We were able to have a cup of tea there and the grounds were stunning and very tranquil. The large pond had turtles swimming in it:
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On the 27th we spent time in Adelaide. We walked through the pedestrianised shopping area. Although the city has skyscrapers it also has many older buildings directly next to the modern high rise towers. In the shopping district we found an old fashioned arcade:
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We then visited the large fresh food market. It was very busy and we were really impressed with the range of produce. There were plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as meats and fish but also coffee beans and specialty sauces and vinegars. We enjoyed seeing all the stalls. People were arriving with large trolleys to buy fresh food. There were also many there enjoying a morning cup of coffee. There was even a stall specialising in produce from Kangaroo Island.
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We then took a tram out to the coast to Glenelg to see the beach. The journey took about 40 minutes. This is the beach that those living in Adelaide must use in the summer:
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After we had returned to the city centre we walked to see the River Torrens which runs through the city. This shows the area where there is a huge convention centre and entertainment district:
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We then walked around the river area to see the Parliament building for South Australia, Government House and the University of Adelaide. Walking along the river we saw many rowing clubhouses as we had in Melbourne. We then finished our city exploration by visiting the city’s botanical gardens which were lovely:
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We have enjoyed our visit to Adelaide as well as the surrounding areas.
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eurovisionwines · 1 year
Bordeaux Wine in Australia: A Taste of French Elegance Down Under
Bordeaux, the esteemed wine region in southwestern France, is renowned worldwide for producing exceptional wines that exemplify elegance, complexity, and a rich history. While Bordeaux may be thousands of kilometers away from Australia, wine enthusiasts in the Land Down Under can experience the allure of Bordeaux right at their doorstep. In this article, we will explore Bordeaux wines in Australia, highlighting their distinctive characteristics, notable appellations, and the pleasure they bring to wine lovers.
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Bordeaux: A Legacy of Winemaking Excellence: Bordeaux has a long-standing reputation as one of the most prestigious wine regions globally, with a viticulture heritage dating back centuries. Known for its unique combination of climate, terroir, and grape varieties, Bordeaux produces a wide range of red, white, and dessert wines. Bordeaux wines are typically blends, showcasing the artistry and expertise of winemakers in crafting harmonious and balanced expressions.
Bordeaux Red Wines: Power, Complexity, and Age-Worthiness: Bordeaux red wines, dominated by Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, are highly sought-after for their structure, complexity, and aging potential. In Australia, wine enthusiasts can explore a variety of Bordeaux reds, ranging from affordable entry-level options to prestigious classified growths. The Left Bank of Bordeaux, including the appellations of Médoc, and Saint produces powerful and tannic wines with black fruit flavors and hints of graphite. Meanwhile, the Right Bank, home to Saint-Émilion and Pomerol, offers Merlot-driven wines known for their opulence, velvety texture, and enticing plum and cherry notes.
Bordeaux White Wines: Elegance and Freshness: Bordeaux is not only celebrated for its red wines but also for its elegant white wines. White Bordeaux wines are predominantly blends of Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon, and Muscadelle. These wines showcase vibrant acidity, enticing aromatics, and a beautiful balance between freshness and complexity. In Australia, wine lovers can discover Bordeaux Blanc wines that exhibit notes of citrus, tropical fruits, and a distinctive mineral character. Bordeaux's white wine appellations, such as Pessac-Léognan and Graves, offer a delightful range of expressions to be savored.
Bordeaux Sweet Wines: Liquid Gold: Bordeaux is also famous for its luscious sweet wines, often referred to as "liquid gold." Produced in the Sauternes region, these wines are made from grapes affected by the noble rot. The result is a captivating symphony of honeyed sweetness, vibrant acidity, and complex flavors of apricot, marmalade, and exotic spices. Bordeaux sweet wines, such as Château are highly regarded for their exceptional quality and are perfect for indulging in moments of decadence.
Conclusion: For wine enthusiasts in Australia, exploring Bordeaux wines offers a fascinating journey into the world of French winemaking excellence. The availability of Bordeaux reds, whites, and sweet wines allows Australian wine lovers to experience the diversity and elegance that Bordeaux has to offer. From the powerful and age-worthy reds to the vibrant and refreshing whites, Bordeaux wines have the ability to captivate and enchant with their unique characteristics. So, indulge in a bottle of Bordeaux from La Cave d'Augustin Florent and other reputable sources, and allow yourself to be transported to the rolling vineyards and historic châteaux of this iconic French wine region, all within the comforts of Australia.
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brookston · 1 month
Holidays 8.24
Bartholomew Fair (UK)
Day of Action for Tolerance & Respect Among Peoples (Argentina)
Flag Day (Liberia)
Flitting Appreciation Day
Gaura Parba (Nepal)
Go Topless Day [also Sunday nearest 8.26]
International Day Against Intolerance, Discrimination and Violence Based on Musical Preferences, Lifestyle and Dress Code (UN)
International Strange Music Day
Knife Day
Kobe Bryant Day (Los Angeles)
Love a Geek Day
Minerva Asteroid Day
National #IAM911 Day
National Danny Day
National Emory Day
National Hydropower Day
National Knife Day
National Maryland Day
National Parks Day (Costa Rica)
National SKAM Artist Day
National Waffle Iron Day
Nostalgia Night (Uruguay)
Osiris Nativity (Ancient Egypt)
Pluto Demotion Day
Sam Spade Day
Schaferlauf (Germany)
Shooting Star Day
Single-Parent Family Day
Television Day Indonesia)
Vesuvius Day
Waffle Iron Day
Waratambar (Thanksgiving; Papua New Guinea)
Wayzgoose (End-of-Summer Party)
Weather Complaint Day
We Love Memoirs Day
William Wilberforce Day
Winter Barley Day (French Republic)
World Catholic, Artificial Intelligence, & Robot Day
World Gujarati Language Day
World Nuclear Disaster Day
World Trainer’s Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Can-Opener Day
Indian Single Malt Day
National Peach Pie Day
National Waffle Day
Independence & Related Days
Russia (from USSR, 1991)
Ukraine (from USSR, 1991)
4th Saturday in August
Bartletide (a.k.a. Burning Bartle; UK) [Saturday closest to 24th]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Speak Kind Words Saturday [Saturday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 24 (3rd Full Week of August)
Giants of Ath Festival (De Ducasse; Belgium) [4th Saturday thru SUnday]
International Bat Nights (thru 8.25) [Last Full Weekend]
Festivals Beginning August 24, 2024
Around The World Cultural Food Festival (Alexandria, Virginia)
Balingup Medieval Carnivale (Balingup, Australia) [thru 8.25]
Banana Split Celebration (Latrobe, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.25]
Beertopia(Palmetto, Florida)
Bloemencorso Vollenhove (Vollenhove, Netherlands)
Boones Mill Apple Festival (Boones Mill, Virginia)
Boston’s Trinidad Style Carnival (Boston, Massachusetts)
Brew at the Zoo (Providence, Rhode Island)
Cleveland Garlic Festival (Cleveland, Ohio) [thru 8.25]
Coastal Craft Beer Festival (Virginia Beach, Virginia)
Delaware Beer, Wine and Spirits Festival (Dover, Delaware)
Farm Fresh Uncorked (Hillsboro, Oregon)
Heirloom Tomato Festival (Sherman, Connecticut)
Independence BrewBQ (Independence, Iowa)
Lake Tahoe Brewfest (Lake Tahoe, California)
Long Night of Museums (Berlin, Germany)
Music City Brewer's Fest (Nashville, Tennessee)
National Championship Chuckwagon Race (Clinton, Arkansas) [thru 9.1]
Olathe Sweet Corn Festival (Olathe, Colorado)
Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival (West Newton, Pennsylvania) [thru 9.28]
Potwin Watermelon Festival (Potwin, Kansas)
Prickly Pear Festival (Superior, Arizona)
Prosser Beer & Whiskey Festival (Prosser, Washington)
Sawtooth Salmon Festival (Stanley, Idaho)
Schubertiade Vorarlberg (Schwarzenberg, Austria) [thru 9.1]
ShakesBeer Fest (Stratford, Connecticut)
Smuttynose Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival (Hampton, New Hampshire)
Swine in the Pines (Macclenny, Florida)
Threshing Bee (Donnelly, Minnesota) [thru 8.25]
Washington County Fair (Pembroke, Maine) [thru 8.25]
Wells Chili-Fest (Wells, Maine)
West Virginia State Honey Festival (Parkersburg, West Virginia) [thru 8.25]
Windsor Fair (Windsor, Maine) [thru 9.2]
Wine Down Summer (West Deptford, New Jersey)
Feast Days
Abbán of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Milne Calder (Artology)
Alex Colville (Artology)
Arkwright (Positivist; Saint)
A.S. Byatt (Writerism)
Aubrey Beardsley Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Aurea of Ostia (Christian; Saint)
Bartholomew the Apostle (Roman Catholic, Anglican) [mead drinkers, cheese merchants] *
Day of Our Lady of Sanity (Pagan)
Festival of Mania (Ancient Rome)
Gartan (Celtic Book of Days)
The Great In-Betweeny (Muppetism)
Gunnlöð Festival (Norse)
Hannah Frank (Artology)
Irchard (a.k.a. Erthad) of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Jeanne-Antide Thouret (Christian; Saint)
Jorge Luis Borges (Writerism)
Lavinia Fontana (Artology)
Luna Festival (Ancient Rome)
Maria Micaela Desmaisieres (Christian; Saint)
The Martyrs of Utica (Christian; Martyrs)
Massa Candida (Martyrs of Utica, a.k.a. The White Mass; Christian; Martyrs)
Magal de Touba (Pilgrimmage; Senegal)
Mundus Patet (Roman Harvest Feast)
Mundus Ritual of Ceres (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Nancy Spero (Artology)
Ouen (Audoin or Audoenus) of Rouen (Christian; Saint) [Innkeepers]
Paul Coelho (Writerism)
Pluto Demotion Grieving Day (Pastafarian)
Stephen Fry (Humanism; Writerism)
Willka Raymi (Ancient Incan; Peru)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Alice’s Restaurant (Film; 1969)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Film; 1930)
Buddy the Gee Man (WB LT Cartoon; 1935)
Chop Suey (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Chronic Town, by R.E.M. (EP; 1982)
The Facts of Life (TV Series; 1979)
Fantastic Voyage (Film; 1966)
The Fox and the Duck (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
Frank, by Squeeze (Album; 1989)
Get Together, recorded by The Youngbloods (Song; 1966)
Grace, by Jeff Buckley (Album; 1994)
Gravity and Grace, by Simone Weil (Philosophical Thoughts; 1947)
They Happytime Murders (Film; 2018)
The Harp in the South, by Ruth Park (Novel; 1948)
Hi-Rise Wise Guys (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Jay and Silent Bob Stroke Back (Film; 2001)
Look What You Made Me Do, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2017)
Love Me Tender, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1956)
Mess Production (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1945)
Mice in Council (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins (Novel; 2010) [#3]
Oh! The Grandeur, by Andrew Bird with Bowl of Fire (Album; 1999)
Pump Up the Volume (Film; 1990)
Rock ’N’ Roll High School (Film; 1979)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, by Tom Stoppard (Play; 1966)
Saludos Amigos (Disney Animated Film; 1942)
Taran Wanderer, by Lloyd Alexander [Chronicles of Prydain #4]
Tattoo You, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1981)
Teenage Dream, by Katy Perry (Album; 2010)
3 Ring Wing-Ding (WB LT Cartoon; 1968)
Tortilla Soup (Film; 2001)
Violin and Piano Sonata (K526), by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Sonata; 1787)
The Witches (Film; 1990)
Today’s Name Days
Bartholomäus, Isolde, Michaela (Austria)
Aurea, Bariša, Bartol, Bartolomej, Bartul, Zlata (Croatia)
Bartoloměj (Czech Republic)
Bartholomæus (Denmark)
Albert, Berta, Pärt, Pärtel (Estonia)
Bertta, Perttu (Finland)
Barthélémy (France)
Bartholomäus, Isolde, Michaela (Germany)
Aitolia, Eftihis (Greece)
Bertalan (Hungary)
Bartolomeo, Genesio, Giuliano (Italy)
Bertolds, Bertrams, Berts, Bertulis, Boleslavs (Latvia)
Alicija, Baltramiejus, Baltrus, Rasuolė, Viešvilas (Lithuania)
Belinda, Bertil (Norway)
Bartłomiej, Cieszymir, Jerzy, Joanna, Malina, Michalina (Poland)
Bartolomej (Slovakia)
Bartolomé, Emilia (Spain)
Bartolomeus (Sweden)
Baird, Bard, Bart, Barth, Bartholomew, Bowen, Evan, Ewan, Keon, Owen (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 237 of 2024; 129 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 21 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 20 Av 5784
Islamic: 18 Safar 1446
J Cal: 27 Purple; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 11 August 2024
Moon: 68%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Arkwright]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 66 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 3 of 32)
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theic-manic · 2 months
When I started reading your last post I was planning to ask if you think altars are required but then you answered that 😅. Do you think offerings are required though?
I don't really understand offerings... especially physical offerings that they don't physically take. But I also do understand that any relationship, including a relationship between a mortal life and a god, is and needs to be a two way street, and at the same time of not understanding offerings, I don't know what I could be thought to offer by simply being a worshipper, but I don't want to take from the gods without ever giving anything in return...
We are very very new to Helpol, and to established religion as a whole so I really don't know what I'm doing yet but I don't want to mess this up. You certainly seem to know quite a lot and I honestly might be asking you many more questions as they come up if that's okay with you?
– @hermes-helpol
Hey there!
Certainly ask questions!
Just know that I work full-time & reside in Australia so response times may vary.
As for offerings, this depends on your path:
If you're a reconstructionist pagan, then you're trying to reconstruct traditional practices.
If that's the case, I'm not the right person to ask as I'm not as well-versed in Hellenic traditions as I'd like.
If you're a neopagan like myself, then your practice is your own however I will insist that you still do your best to research the traditions of the pantheon you follow so that you're aware of their context & even able to identify them and not accidentally offer something that they might not vibe with.
E.g. Cthonic gods were worshipped & given offerings quite differently to Ouranic gods- instead of wine they'd be offered honey & libations were poured downward to the ground, to my understanding.
Assuming that you're not a reconstructionist and still wanting the deity to consent (& vice versa) while making your practice your own then some of the aforementioned research will help avoid some potential hot water:
E.g. in some cultures, jewellery was worn as a way to transform the practitioner into the deity they worshipped.
So, after researching how the deity you're approaching was traditionally honoured & why those offerings were used, what does one give a god without accidentally imposing on them?
Taking the time to research them, create pieces of artwork or share the art of others (please try to credit artists whenever possible)
Taking some time to even just quickly say hello.
Taking a few moments to talk to them (if you're comfortable)
Time listening to music or consuming other media that devotees have shared in their honour.
Invite them to chill with you while you're consuming media that makes you think of them.
Start there.
Note: the biggest cause of online debate I've noticed is that not everyone really states whether or not they're a reconstructionist or neopagan so while neopagans (or whichever other term you prefer) have a very individual practice, this can quite often not vibe with certain traditional reconstructionist practices and people will read advice by one cohort thinking that it applies to the other,causing confusion.
The recent uptick in "priestesses" & other clergy is a great example of this.
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kakivino · 3 years
Pewsey Vale 2012 Dry Riesling
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Youthful pale straw. Fresh as daisies at 9 years young! Intense, piquant aromas of citrus fruit, honeysuckle and kerosene permeate the air. Peach takes a little while to emerge. Lime sorbet, green apple and quinine inform a tangy palate thrusted by lightning bolt acidity, and linger. Waxy, naturally leaner, less ripe than '12 The Contours. Longevity is implied when it comes to Pewsey Vale and riesling, even at this price point. Grossly underrated. — ★★★½
Appellation: Eden Valley Region: Eden Valley, South Australia, Australia Subzone: Cépage: 100% Riesling Abv: 12.5% (6.7 g/L TA, 1.9 g/L RS) Production: Élevage: Wild yeast ferment. A few months in stainless steel tanks Distributor: Monopole
Critic Reviews:
Pale yellow. High-pitched lemon and green apple aromas are deepened by a subtle note of chamomile. Dry and sharply focused but in no way hard, with excellent lift to its tangy, concentrated citrus fruit and mineral flavors. A touch of honeysuckle comes up on the dusty, tactile finish, which lingers with outstanding tenacity. This wine has an excellent track record for aging so cellar it with confidence. Stephen Tanzer (International Wine Cellar, 07/2013) 92
Fresh and inviting, tangy and appealing, with green apple and peppermint flavors, lingering on the refreshing finish. Harvey Steiman (Wine Spectator, 02/2013) 91
The 2012 Pewsey Vale Riesling opens with fragrant aromas of peach blossoms, orange peel and kumquat with hints of chalk dust and fennel seeds. This light-bodied, dry and refreshingly crisp Riesling has great intensity of expressive flavors through the long finish. Drink it now to 2020+ Lisa Perrotti-Brown (Wine Advocate, 02/2013) 90
A cool, ultraclean expression of Eden Valley Riesling, showing vivacious lime-zest aromas but not a lot of expressive fruit on the palate. This light- to medium-bodied wine is tart and bone dry on the finish—definitely worth cellaring 3–4 years to develop some honeyed notes and midpalate richness. Joe Czerwinski (Wine Enthusiast, 02/2014) 90
Cool, herbal nose. Lots of spritz and just a little hard on the end but fun and dependable. A bit chewy at the moment. Drink: 2014-2018. Jancis Robinson (Jancis Robinson, 02/2013) 16+
2012 has given birth to a generous and powerful Pewsey, a wine in which outstanding fruit intensity and warm ripeness collide with pristine structure of poised acidity and fine-boned, chalky minerality. The ripeness is held in consummate check, with sensational definition of kaffir lime zest, white pepper, lime blossom and crunchy granny smith apples flowing seamlessly from start to finish. Tyson Stelzer (Wine Taste, 09/2012) 94
Tasted very quickly, while standing up at the end of a session using an ISO glass, no less. Tapped a few words into my iPhone because I liked it straight away. Bath salts and florals, fresh juicy limes, subtle stony elements. It’s fresh and tasty, almost silky to feel, with fine acidity, balance, length and a high yum factor. As a young wine it’s deliciously approachable. Over summer, I’d be all over this like a fat kid on a box of Icy Poles. Drink: 2012-2022+ Campbell Mattinson (The Wine Front, 11/2012) 94
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reviewspecialist · 5 months
Unveiling the World of White Wines in Singapore: A Paradise for Wine Enthusiasts
Singapore, a vibrant metropolis known for its dazzling skyline and culinary scene, also boasts a thriving wine culture. While red wines often take center stage, white wines offer a refreshing and versatile alternative, perfectly suited to the tropical climate. This article delves into the exciting world of white wines in Singapore, exploring popular varieties, local favorites, and tips for navigating the vast selection available.
A Global Journey in Your Glass: Popular White Wine Varieties
Singapore's wine scene reflects its cosmopolitan nature, offering an extensive selection of white wines from across the globe. Here's a glimpse into some of the most popular varieties:
Sauvignon Blanc: A perennial favorite, Sauvignon Blanc is known for its crisp acidity, vibrant citrus flavors (think grapefruit, lime), and refreshing herbal notes. Wines from New Zealand's Marlborough region are particularly celebrated for their distinctive grassy and gooseberry characteristics. Explore options from France's Loire Valley, South Africa's Stellenbosch region, or Chile's Casablanca Valley for a wider range of flavor profiles.
Chardonnay: This versatile grape variety can produce a spectrum of wines, from light and unoaked with hints of apple and pear to rich and buttery styles aged in oak barrels, developing notes of vanilla and toast. California, Burgundy in France, and Australia are renowned for their Chardonnay offerings.
Pinot Gris (Pinot Grigio): Often enjoyed for its light-bodied character, dry finish, and subtle flavors of pear, honeydew melon, and citrus. Italian Pinot Grigio tends to be lighter and crisper, while French Pinot Gris may offer richer body and texture.
Riesling: A fascinating grape known for its ability to produce wines ranging from bone-dry to lusciously sweet. German Rieslings showcase a beautiful interplay of sweetness and acidity, often with notes of minerality, honey, and stone fruit. Explore options from the Rheingau, Mosel, and Pfalz regions for diverse styles.
Other White Wine Varieties: The world of wine white extends far beyond these popular choices. Consider venturing into the floral and aromatic world of Gewurztraminer, the refreshing minerality of Gruner Veltliner from Austria, or the tropical fruit notes of Viognier.
Local Gems: Exploring Singaporean Favorites
While Singapore may not have its own vineyards, its strategic location and free trade policies have made it a hub for wine distribution and appreciation. Local wine retailers and restaurants curate exciting selections, featuring established and emerging regions alongside well-known classics. Here are some Singaporean favorites to keep an eye out for:
New World Sauvignon Blancs: New Zealand Sauvignons Blancs are particularly popular in Singapore, with brands like Cloudy Bay, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, and Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc consistently gracing wine lists.
Australian Chardonnay: Australian Chardonnays offer a good balance between fruitiness and oak influence, making them crowd-pleasers. Look for labels like Penfolds, Yalumba, and Wolf Blass.
Unoaked Chardonnays: A growing trend in Singapore is the appreciation for unoaked Chardonnays, which highlight the pure fruit character of the grape. Explore offerings from Argentina or Chile for vibrant expressions.
Beyond the Classics: Pairing White Wines with Singaporean Cuisine
The beauty of white wines lies in their versatility when paired with food. Here are some suggestions for enjoying white wines with Singapore's diverse cuisine:
Spicy Dishes: The high acidity of Sauvignon Blanc cuts through the heat of spicy dishes like Sichuan Kung Pao Chicken or Thai curries.
Seafood: Light-bodied white wines like Pinot Grigio or unoaked Chardonnay complement the delicate flavors of steamed fish or shellfish dishes.
Dim Sum: Aromatic white wines like Gewurztraminer or Riesling can stand up to the rich flavors and textures of dim sum.
Nyonya Cuisine: The sweet and sour notes of Nyonya dishes find harmony with the off-dry styles of Riesling or Gewurztraminer.
Navigating the Wine List: Tips for Choosing a White Wine in Singapore
With such a vast array of options, choosing a white wine can feel daunting. Here are some helpful tips:
Consider the Occasion: Is it a casual gathering or a special celebration? Lighter styles like Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio might suit a casual setting, while a richer Chardonnay or Riesling could elevate a special occasion.
Food Pairing: Think about the food you'll be enjoying and choose a wine that will complement the flavors.
Grape Variety Preference: Do you have a favorite grape variety? Explore different regions and styles within that variety to discover new favorites.
Budget: Wine prices can vary
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thefinewinecompany · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to White Wine: From Refreshing Rieslings to Luxurious Viogniers
White wine has long been celebrated for its refreshing flavors and versatility, making it a favorite among wine enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a novice enthusiast, understanding the diverse range of white wine varieties is essential for appreciating and enjoying this timeless libation. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of white wine, from the crisp and zesty Rieslings to the luscious and aromatic Viogniers.
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White wine, crafted from fermented grapes with the skin removed, offers a spectrum of flavors and styles to suit every palate. While red wine often steals the spotlight, white wine boasts its unique charm and complexity, making it a delightful choice for any occasion. Whether you're savoring a chilled glass on a balmy summer evening or pairing it with a gourmet meal, the versatility of white wine knows no bounds.
Types of White Wine
Riesling hailed as one of the noblest white grape varieties, is revered for its vibrant acidity and diverse range of flavors. Originating from Germany's Rhine region, Riesling wines showcase a spectrum of sweetness levels, from bone-dry to lusciously sweet. With notes of citrus, stone fruit, and honey, Riesling pairs beautifully with spicy cuisine, seafood, and light salads. Notable Riesling-producing regions include Germany, Alsace, and the Finger Lakes region of New York.
Chardonnay, arguably the most famous white grape variety, offers a wide array of flavor profiles depending on its winemaking techniques and terroir. From crisp and unoaked to rich and buttery, Chardonnay wines exhibit notes of green apple, tropical fruits, and vanilla. Ideal pairings include creamy pasta dishes, roasted chicken, and buttery seafood. Notable Chardonnay regions include Burgundy, California's Napa Valley, and Australia's Margaret River.
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc, renowned for its crisp acidity and vibrant flavors, is cherished for its herbaceous aromas and zesty citrus notes. Originating from France's Loire Valley and Bordeaux regions, Sauvignon Blanc wines pair impeccably with fresh salads, seafood, and goat cheese. Notable Sauvignon Blanc-producing regions include Marlborough in New Zealand, the Loire Valley in France, and California's Napa Valley.
Viognier, known for its luxurious texture and aromatic bouquet, offers a sensory experience like no other. With captivating notes of apricot, peach, and honeysuckle, Viognier wines are best enjoyed alongside flavorful dishes such as Thai curry, roasted pork, and creamy risotto. Notable Viognier-producing regions include the Rhône Valley in France, California's Central Coast, and Australia's Barossa Valley.
Choosing the Right White Wine
When selecting white wine, it's essential to consider factors such as personal taste preferences, food pairings, and occasion. Whether you prefer the crisp acidity of Sauvignon Blanc or the lush richness of Chardonnay, understanding your palate will guide you toward the perfect bottle.
Purchasing White Wine
When purchasing white wine, look for reputable retailers like The Fine Wine Company Ltd, offering a curated selection of premium white wines from around the world. With expert guidance and personalized recommendations, you can explore a diverse range of white wine offerings tailored to your preferences and budget.
Storing and Serving White Wine
Proper storage and serving are crucial for preserving the integrity and flavor of white wine. Store bottles horizontally in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and fluctuations in temperature. When serving white wine, chill it to the recommended temperature and use appropriate glassware to enhance the tasting experience.
In conclusion, the world of white wine is as diverse and captivating as it is delicious. From the crisp acidity of Rieslings to the opulent aromas of Viogniers, each varietal offers a unique expression of terroir and craftsmanship. Whether you're embarking on a culinary adventure or simply indulging in a moment of relaxation, white wine invites you to savor the beauty of life's simple pleasures. Explore the exquisite selection of white wines available at The Fine Wine Company Ltd and elevate your wine experience today!
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