#honestly. honestly this is the wip i have the most written for. which is. yeah.
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newttxt · 1 day ago
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @strawhattery for @ing me, even though i do feel like it's a not-so-subtle urge to finish my current wips... (i need the kick)
for reference/those who only see my art, i used to be a fic writer who occasionally drew. that's obviously changed, but i am trying to write more, so you can find me at pseudoanalytics on ao3.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
44, but only 35 are linked to me (9 are anonymous...)
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
347,773 😰
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/
the inherent romance of classical conditioning (or, the fine art of emotional recognition) [haikyuu, sakuatsu]
you're really pushing it (but you're going much too slowly) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/ (sequel to the first redacted...)
4) what fandoms do you write for?
most of my fics are so old i can't bear to look at them, but i'm trying to write more for one piece. then i've written a decent amount of haikyuu, pacific rim, and star wars.
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
initially? i absolutely do! but as any of my friends will tell you, i struggle to even reply to dms or texts. so alas. i drop off pretty quickly
i LOVE comments though, and i eagerly read and reread them frequently ;__;
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh sheesh. you may only ask once (so be prepared for the reply) which is a bad end for pacific rim 2. or i guess... a worse end. it's also a bit of a role swap au, if i remember correctly.
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i... honestly don't know. i typically write happy endings. i like to write "missing scenes" and post-canon, so things tend to be rather open-ended or to just lead into the next part of canon. my memory is also not my prize-winning quality, so i can't really remember how my fics ended pre-2018ish.
8) do you get hate on fics?
i know i've gotten some ruder bookmarks, but not typically, no. i get more hate on art or in my ask box, but i honestly just delete it all, so it never sticks.
9) do you write smut?
yes, though its debatable if it's "smut" so much as "sex in such an irreverent context that it becomes humor." i cannot take sex seriously, so alas, i rarely write it seriously. i use it more as comedy and a tool for character studies. i do enjoy a stoic character's facade getting cracked open.
10) do you write crossovers?
i don't write legitimate crossovers, with characters from different medias intermingling, and frankly, i rarely do au's either.
but if i have one weakness, it's that i am ALWAYS a sucker for a pacific rim au. yes, i am rotating a one piece version in my head.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i had a sakuatsu one reuploaded to wattpad under someone else's username. they deleted my author's notes and added their own, as if they'd written the fic, too. hilariously they even used my art for the cover.
it got taken down, but idk why. i never reached out about it.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! i've had 5 translated, and i've had 2 turned into podfics, which is cool.
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope. i'd be terrible to work with, tbh. my writing process is a holdover from my journalism days, and the steps are a mystery even to me. i think i'll stick to drawing art for other ppl and their fics.
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
i will hold to the fact that it's asanoya from ao3. they were the first ship i got really invested in, and i see their impact on everything i ship to this day. they were my "blueprint," if you will. i still get smiley when i see art for them!
on the flip side... terezi/vriska was also a formative ship for me. but i won't discuss that.
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rip go ahead and start talking (i'll pick up the slack). it's my 1-of-2-chapters ushiten fic that i should just mark as complete, since the first chapter can stand alone.
16) what are your writing strengths?
hard to determine your own strengths, but i think my dialogue/characterization are pretty strong, especially since i still regularly flex those muscles when writing comics. i also think i'm funny.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
but seriously, i am so bad at sitting down and just hammering out a fic. don't get me started on outlines or longform works. i'd rather grab my pencil and start drawing, i'm afraid.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think there are ways to interweave words or terms in other languages, but overall, i'm a fan of just standardizing everything into one language. if your character understands it, i think all readers should be able to understand it. and i'm not a fan of when you're expected to scroll to the end for a translation; i think it interrupts the reading flow.
this is a generalized opinion though. i think there are ALWAYS storytelling exceptions, so if the other language usage is really important to your theme/intent, i can see why you would do this!
19) first fandom you wrote for?
please don't do this to me. it was maximum ride. yes, the james patterson books about the kids with bird wings. i wrote 4-5 fics, i was in middle school, and — as far as i know — they are still up on ff dot net. no, i won't elaborate.
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
hands down, it's the sakuatsu domesticity simulator. it's not necessarily my best work in terms of writing skill, but i also drew over 50 images for it and html coded it into an interactive story. i'm just proud that i started a big project by myself and i actually finished it!
it's my dream to someday make a whole visual fan novel. i feel like the domesticity sim was the first step.
oh boy i'm bad at tagging but if @syrupfog, @lawsbbygirl, @macabrekawaii , @bmouse, or @cooknumber3 want to go for it... :))
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noblecorgi · 2 months ago
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2024: A Re-Entry to Fandom
I guess this is a thing? (Oh shit this brackets bit was written at the end and I appear to have emotionally vomited an essay. Sorry ‘bout that.)
In late 2023 I experienced a personal tragedy and retreated to where I had always found comfort: books.
I read a series that had been recommended to me before, but I hadn’t had time to read it - The Simon Snow Trilogy by @rainbowrowell and it awoke a dormant-but-never-forgotten love of fanfiction in me.
In my teens and early 20s I wrote a lot of fan fiction on the ol’ FF net, all of it of atrocious quality I’m certain, which is why I haven’t tried to rediscover that account.
Instead I found AO3, and restarted regularly writing for fun instead of for work or study/research.
I didn’t do any summation for 2023 because I think my first fic was posted on like 10 December 2023, but AO3 tells me I wrote 4 works, all SnowBaz, at a total of 55,154 words.
In 2024, I’ve published 5 works, at a total of 94,323 words.
What truly blows me away (and honestly makes me a bit teary) is the 1013 kudos, 100 subscribers (inc 15 subscribers to just me rather than a fic!), and 222 comment threads on my works. 🥹
So: my 2024 works.
Use your words, SnowBaz, Rated: E, 3,930 words
A smutty lil gift fic wherein Baz teaches Simon how to sext.
Splendid Morons, SnowBaz, Rated: E, 12,886 words
Published for Erotic Grope Fest, aka Baz’s birthday. A collaboration with @alexalexinii and a story written to enable their amazing art of Baz in lingerie.
Precious to me for not only getting to work with Alex, but also for being the beginning of my relationship with Becky @rbkzz, my incomparable beta who has become one of the dearest people in my life.
On The Rocks, SnowBaz, Rated: E, 74,592 words (WIP)
My opus, as it were. It originated from a fluffy cute prompt of “what if Baz and Lady Ruth were work besties?!” And I came along like “YEAH! But with trauma, exploration of love in mental illness, and alcoholism!”
I began posting it in March and it’s about 2/3 done now. But for Becky it would be both an absolute pile of horse poop, and an abandoned WIP. Instead it has a clear direction and she found motifs that I’d repeatedly used by accident in my drafts and built imagery, greater meaning, and also debated me ad nauseam on my preference for spelt over spelled.
Immune Response, @lumosinlove’s Cubs, Rated: G, 1,421 words
I was a big consumer of WolfStar in my teens and was recommended Lumosinlove’s Sweater Weather and, like many before me, fell in love with the story, the original characters, and ice hockey itself (much to the surprised glee of my Canadian spouse, who for a decade has tried in vain to get me on board. Little did he know the key was obviously gays.)
This is a lil’ slice of life sick fic examining how each of the Cubs responds to getting sick.
I have a lot more unpublished drabbles about these characters and some fics that are being cocreated so stay tuned for 2025?
Preliminary, my dear Basil, SnowBaz, Rated: T, 1,494 words
A gift fic for @martsonmars as part of the Carry On Discord’s Secret Snowflake Exchange.
Among their suggestions was “Sherlock AU, but not BBC Sherlock, 19th century Sherlock” and it hooked me with the idea that Baz would absolutely fancy himself as Sherlock. I actually sketched out a plot to SnowBazify 4 of the Holmes stories, so maybe 2025 will see them unearthed.
There is one other published fic I worked on this year, but as a beta rather than a writer for @swoopswrites @rsbigbang piece Class A which was super fun to do (and got me to watch a great series - The Gentlemen on Netflix) and Swoops has a fantastic mind so I’d encourage you to to check it out.
Finally, I have always been a writer rather than an artist, but I do enjoy drawing, and the need to upgrade my iPad for work arose and so I also tried my hand at drawing again for the first time since I was 17 or so.
In order from the first one to the most recent one, the lil scribbles I did this year:
Penelope Bunce, Wolfstar on a train, Baz with coffee, cuddly Cubs, FinnLo being adorable, iconic Moony with a cane, emo Sirius Black.
And THAT was 2024 (and 2023).
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@artsyunderstudy @asocialpessimist @angelsfalling16 @whatevertheweather @edenalix @emjaydellyone @erzbethluna @emeryhall @run-for-chamo-miles @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @roomwithanopenfire @thehoneyedhufflepuff @theearlgreymage @thewholelemon @lonleyhumanbeing @letraspal @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @ichooseyousnowbaz @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @onepintobean @palimpsessed @prettygoododds @philaet0s @pacey-bunce-loves-joey @sorenphelps @skee3000 @stitchy-queerista @fiend-for-culture @facewithoutheart @fruitcoops @girlwithcurls96 @hushed-chorus @hihimissamericanbi @cutestkilla @cosmicalart @confused-bi-queer @noopienoopiernoopiest @messofthejess @monbons
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lqtraintracks · 1 month ago
Writing Interview
Thanks so much for the tag @starquestingfordrarry! <333
how many works do you have on ao3? 337
what's your total ao3 word count? 1,454,047
your top 5 stories by kudos
Right Hand Red (with freakin’ 40,662; sorry, I just noticed that it had ticked over the 40k mark and I’m flabbergasted and so grateful as well <3 )
Hung Like a Horntail
Slip Into My Lover’s Hands
Weeds or Wildflowers written with sdk / @unmistakablyoatmeal
check this hand ‘cause I’m marvelous
do you respond to comments? Er… yes?? Like, very. verrrrry. slowly. But I’ll admit that some will never get answered because I lose steam and then when I start trying again, I start with the newest ones. This might sound horn-tooty, which is not how I intend it, but with the number of stories I’ve written, I get a lot of comments. I’ve found it impossible to keep up, but I do my best, even if my best is sometimes a bit crappy. I do read and appreciate every comment I get though!
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? I don’t really do angsty endings often. When I do, it’s usually a Prongsfoot or something. Of the Drarry fics I’ve written, I have one open ending but it’s still pretty hopeful, and that’s Burning the Ground. 
what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? All of them. :D My goal in life is to get readers (and myself) to cry with joy at the end of my stories. Some standouts just from memory are Heart Like Neon, Bolts, Take You Home, Jasmine in Bloom, Right Hand Red, Blood and Fire, and The Most Splendid Thing. 
do you write crossovers? Maybe one or two over the last 25 years. So, statistically, not so much. 
have you ever received hate on a fic? LOL of course. :D But I don’t linger on those comments. They’re quite few honestly. 
do you write smut? No, never. 
have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. 
have you ever had a fic translated? Yes. Quite a few have been. Not even sure how many languages, but I know there are several in Russian, Chinese, and I think both Spanish and Portuguese. 
have you ever co-written a fic? Yes! With the incredibly talented sdk, @the-starryknight, and @nv-md! (And one round robin with like 552 people lol.)
what's your all-time favorite ship? Drarry, my beloved. <3
what's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? I don’t really have wips. I’m a chronic finisher. I did start something last year for a friend’s birthday and then pooped out. I ended up writing her a completely different pairing months later. And then I took some of the vibes and ideas from that unfinished fic and wrote them into other fics that I *did* finish, so… Cannibalism. Yeah. 
what are your writing strengths? LOL finishing things! :D Also: smut, for sure. Humor. Sort of achy, hot romances? My trademark is writing tenderness and filth simultaneously. I’ve gotten good at pacing things well, so that beats and arcs feel well-rounded and satisfying, I think. 
what are your writing weaknesses? Ugh, plot!!! Specifically non-romance-or-pairing-based plotlines are difficult for me. Heavy angst. Also stakes. I struggle to up the stakes for my characters enough to give a big payoff. I struggle to make my characters change enough or to effectively write that change in a satisfying way. (This applies more to my original writing than to fic, I think.)
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’m not sure what the hot take here is and if there is one I’m missing it. My original novel has a Spanish speaker and he will sometimes slip into Spanish during conversation. I wanted to get that right, so I had a native Spanish speaker (hi @capipuff!) read it to correct my bad Google-translated Spanish. So I guess my thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic is, do your best to get it right?
what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?  If I want to write something, I write it. :D 
what's your favorite thing you've ever written? Oof. Wow. I want to say my original novel, even though it’s also more flawed than my fic tends to be. It’s certainly one of the things I’m most proud to have written. <3 Usually my favorite fic is the last thing I’ve written and that’s true right now as well. I love The Most Splendid Thing. But before that, my favorite was probably Jasmine in Bloom, and before that it was Take You Home. Bolts is for sure in the running. Heart Like Neon is way up there as well. As is My Name in Your Mouth, because I love that Teddy Lupin with all my horny heart. 
Okay I'm going to tag some of you fine folks now: Ali, you're it! Also, @writcraft @shiftylinguini @phoebe-delia @wholahoop @saintgarbanzo @academicdisasterfic @citrusses @corvuscrowned @lettersbyelise and @magpiefngrl
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suzukiblu · 5 months ago
this is a question that is not meant to come off as judgemental, and if it does i apologise and you don’t have to answer
for you, or anyone out there in the world if they see this,
What is the appeal of (the?) Omegaverse?
Ive never quite gotten it? And it might be the big bold orange, blue and white letters spelling out aroace, or being european, younger than most people who are knowledgeable about that particular genre of content (still 18+) and while I did get on the internet at 11, I didn’t start reading fanfic until 14-15
this is a long and rambly ask so I just want to clarify, this is a genuine question I would like an answer to, no matter how short and sweet, or long and convoluted it may be
It's all good, I don't mind getting questions! And, like, I've written a LOT of omegaverse, so it's a thoroughly relevant question to this blog, haha.
. . . and this definitely wound up long and convoluted. So like, yeah, we are SO gonna need a read-more here, friend. 😅
Obviously everyone's gonna have their own reasons for liking the genre, but as another (much older, I'm assuming) aroace, for me the appeal is the opportunity to use the tag "Fantasy Gender Roles". Like, there's other stuff there, def, but "Fantasy Gender Roles" is my favorite part. Omegaverse is a game where the rules are made-up and the points don't matter, and you can interpret and re-interpret the involved sexes and genders however the heck you wanna, and in fact are ENCOURAGED to. I also really like certain tropes that are common to the genre, like pack dynamics and breeding kink and having babies and feral behavior and courting/courting rituals, I just really enjoy playing with and reading about all of those.
Also, the worldbuilding. I get to do ✨GENDER-BASED WORLDBUILDING✨.
And obvi, like, some people are just into omegaverse for the kink/porn factor, which is totally fair, but personally I am here for ✨GENDER-BASED WORLDBUILDING✨. And then also the kink/porn. Generally speaking a recurring comment I've gotten from a lot of readers is "I literally hate omegaverse but I love yours", so a lot of my stuff is allegedly a decent jumping-on point for the genre if you're looking for that. Like, I'm not the only person who writes omegaverse the way I do, obviously, just I'm a pretty accessible one who's written a LOT of it.
( and in the event you DO want any jumping-on omegaverse recs from my stuff, I'mma just pop a few of them from various fandoms here. no DC-related ones 'cuz I don't have any of those currently on AO3, only scattered in my WIP tags, but hopefully something helpful will be in here. )
original fic
to the victor go the spoils - human omega OMC/dragon [ GENDER NOT FOUND ] OMC; 16.7k; explicit Fantasy AU. This one includes porn but honestly the heart of it is just one of those fairy tales where the protagonist is somehow both incredibly genre-savvy in their story and yet still a total fucking idiot about other people's feelings, and especially considering it's original fic, it is honestly one of the most popular things I've ever posted, hah.
The dragon arrived early in the morning, and by noon the entire village was in a panic in the town hall. No one in the village knew anything about dragons, aside from what they’d heard in fairy tales and stories, and the plans for dealing with it were about that level of sophisticated.
“We’re not sacrificing a virgin to the dragon,” Viktor said in exasperation.
“Well what would YOU do?!” the mayor demanded.
“I’m going to go talk to it,” Viktor said reasonably, and got up from his seat and went to do just that.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
does the pain feel better when I'm around? - beta!Sokka/omega!Zuko, beta!Sokka/beta!Suki, past alpha!Mai/omega!Zuko, polyamory; 3k; teen Societal dynamics-focused fic. Zuko goes into heat at the Western Air Temple immediately after the Boiling Rock happens and goes off to den down alone and stay out of everyone's way without realizing that the local betas are gonna lose their ever-lovin' MINDS about that.
“Cool,” he says. “You realize we’ve been looking for you for, like, two HOURS, right?”
“Why?” Zuko asks, sounding confused, which is kind of sad.
“Because the world is full of people who wanna kill you and you didn’t bother telling anyone where you were going?” Sokka says. “Obviously?”
“Oh.” Zuko falls silent. Sokka glances moonwards in supplication. Yue save him from dumb, dumb firebenders.
every act of communication is a miracle of translation - alpha!Mai/omega!Zuko; 5.7k; teen Post-series fic where Mai and Zuko are about to spend their first cycle together and they're both really awkward about working out how it should go. Not actually a sequel to "does the pain feel better when I'm around?", but you could definitely draw a relationship between 'em.
They leave the office, Mai pretending that all her senses aren’t full of Zuko’s warm, spicy scent, and he keeps looking worried. She wonders if it’s THIS he’s worried about, now that she’s thinking about it. They agreed they’d share their next cycles together, but again, they haven’t really talked about it.
They can talk about it now, Mai thinks.
Unfortunately, that means now they actually have to talk about it.
even if I do I don't, even if I could I won't - omega!Genji/beta!the-character-who-was-at-the-time-I-wrote-this-fic-known-as-McCree; 5.1k; explicit Blackwatch-era fic where Genji did not fill out his heat partner designation forms and "Fuck or Suffer Unspecified Health Consequences" is gonna make that a problem. Worldbuilding, assisted negotiation, a touch of workplace-influenced pack dynamics, and porn.
“Yeah, you’re hilarious, kid,” Gabe says. “Get back to work. And Shimada, call your heat partner and we’ll see you next week.”
Shimada’s shoulders tense. Gabe . . . pauses.
“Shimada,” he says slowly. “PLEASE tell me you have a heat partner on base.”
“I have a heat partner on base,” Shimada lies. Gabe and Jesse both stare at him, then Gabe calls up his file, takes one look at it, and starts cursing.
don't, don't, don't let's start (I've got a weak heart) - alpha!Genji/omega!the-character-who-was-at-the-time-I-wrote-this-fic-known-as-McCree; 17.3k; explicit Blackwatch-era fic about Genji and the character formerly known as McCree dealing with their complicated feelings about each other and also the cybernetics and trauma and physical disabilities that are fucking up their sex life, including ED.
“You busy?” he asks. Genji stares at him in bemusement, which is fair. Genji’s only ever busy when they’re on a mission or he’s in the middle of an upgrade. “Dumb question. My heat’s coming on, wanna do me a favor?”
“What favor?” Genji asks, still looking mystified. Jesse tries not to laugh at him.
“The obvious one,” he says meaningfully, tipping his hat back and raising his eyebrows at him. Genji looks no less mystified for a moment, then startles. “THERE we go."
Marvel Cinematic Universe
come hang (let's go out with a bang) - omega!Darcy Lewis/omega!Johnny Storm; 5k; teen Darcy almost dies again, tries to figure out which omega buys the courting gifts in an omega/omega relationship, and has her first date with a super-hot superhero.
“Was there traffic?” Jane asks.
“I have a date with Johnny Storm,” Darcy says.
“What?” Jane says.
“Oh, and I almost died again,” Darcy says, pulling out Jane’s papers for her. “But that’s kind of secondary.”
pack up, don't stray (oh say say say) - alpha!Natasha + polyamory; 3.4k; teen Natasha collects a harem pack and Captain America is fucking difficult about it.
Natasha is an alpha on a mission, and that mission is simple and clear.
I said you're holding back, she said shut up and dance with me - alpha!Peggy/omega!Steve/omega!Bucky; 10.3k; mature Alternate timeline where Steve and Bucky don't "die" and they all run away from the States to get married and start a family. Illegal adoption and biokids and lowkey pack dynamics involving figuring out how to fold pups into their lives, oh my!! And also, they all get to dance.
“One alpha mating two omegas? Really, Steve?” Peggy asks, mouth quirking wryly. “What WOULD the newsreels say?”
“We’ll go to France,” Steve says. “No one will care in France.”
“I do love France,” she muses.
oh don't you dare hold back, just keep your eyes on me - alpha!Darcy/omega!Bucky, polyamory; 187.4k; explicit MY MAGNUM OPUS, MY WHITE WHALE, THE LITERAL REASON OMEGAVERSE TOOK OVER HALF MY BLOG FOR HALF MY STINT IN MCU FANDOM. I wanted a goddamn female alpha and I wanted that female alpha to be Darcy Lewis, and Bucky was my fave blorbo at the time so the inevitable happened. The inevitable happened for three and a half years and 187,430 words, to be more precise.
Darcy is thirty feet out of Stark-cum-Avengers Tower when she starts craving cinnamon rolls--the sticky-sweet iced-up old-fashioned kind, yummy and messy and dripping gooshy icing all over your mouth and hands and down your yuuuup, yup, that is a super, super fertile omega that she is smelling, holy SHIT is it ever.
“Jesus Christ,” she groans in frustration, then follows her alpha instincts (and, more easily and importantly, her NOSE) to go track them down. They’re in the middle of New York City; middle of the day or not, not checking on somebody who smells like THAT is, like, the ultimate dick move.
I will also say, if you're interested in, like, gender-exploratory AU concepts, apiary genders might be more your thing and more easily accessible for you? It's a MUCH newer thing than omegaverse and really only has a few fics around, some of which are linked in the "inspired by" of that AO3 primer linked above, but the concept is a bit more strongly "hive"-based than a lot of omegaverse is "pack"-based, and also there's no physical differences from baseline. I've got a WIP or two going about apiary myself, actually, but I haven't gotten too far into them yet, alas. The only one I've posted anything from is this one Superbat one.
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emmg · 28 days ago
wip yeah yeah whatever it's never wednesday
I've been tagged by a few folks and I'm having trouble remembering because I've had a shitty ass day but I love you. And I miss you. And I need you.
So I'm tagging all my usual boos back. K thanksss. @aldisobey @heylittleriotact @thepalehorsevictoria @caffeinatedmunchkin @xxnashiraxx @jainydoe
I honestly don't really have anything in particular cooking, so this is just something from the next chapter of Aftertaste, the stupid sugar daddy AU I can't stop having fun with. It's one of the most cursed things I've written lmao
She tousles her hair. Bites her lips raw, like some tragic heroine wasting away in a garret. Paces the apartment for the most flattering light—nature’s filter, since she has standards—and extends one arm to the heavens, the other tugging at the neckline of her shirt. Nothing too obscene; wouldn’t want to inconvenience some tragically repressed colleague of his with a crisis of conscience. Then again—why not? 
Let them suffer. Let them swallow around the dryness in their throat, let them grip their pens a little tighter. A whisper of lace, just enough to suggest that yes, she owns lingerie, and no, it is not because she enjoys spending $80 on machine-washable disappointments. 
Let him imagine her breasts—imagine that they exist, that they could, theoretically, be his to touch, that perhaps, if he’s really exceptionally well-behaved, he might even get to slide his cock between them. Not that there’s much to work with—more symbolism than substance, more spiritual journey than actual grip—but hey, she suspects he’s the kind of man who would whimper at the mere suggestion of friction. The type to shudder through it, clutch at her shoulders afterward like she’s just guided him through some kind of sacred, transcendent experience—one that leaves him dazed, vulnerable, and in dire need of a therapist with very strong professional boundaries.
Maybe, just maybe, if fate is kind and the gods of dignity finally decide to smile upon him, next time he spills onto her face or neck, it will be on purpose. A deliberate choice rather than an unfortunate trajectory issue. Perhaps even with a plan this time, some semblance of aim, a fraction of control. And afterward, he’ll do the gentlemanly thing: wipe the tear tracks from his face, mumble something about how he’s never felt this way before (bless his heart), and take out his wallet to buy her a pearl necklace—the kind that actually comes in a box, not the kind she has to scrub off in the shower.
It wouldn’t be a hardship. She finds, to her mild surprise, that she actually likes the man. At least as a human being, which is more than she can say for most. 
Click. Send. 
She knows he sees it because he is the kind of technologically inept buffoon who never figured out how to disable his read receipts. A man living in blissful ignorance of his own transparency. How cute. 
A pause. 
Dot. Dot. Dot. 
Dot. Dot. Dot. 
A great, yawning chasm of nothing. 
She sighs and plops her ass on the bed. 
Dot. Dot. Dot. 
Perhaps he has died.
Perhaps the mere implication of cleavage has sent him into full cardiac arrest, right there at his desk. Emmrich Volkarin, well into his fifth-or-whatever decade, struck down—not by time, not by fate, but by the revolutionary concept of boobs. Maybe he hit his head on a stack of his own pretentious books—some dusty, 800-page discourse on moral decay—and perished instantly, a martyr to propriety. Mr. Professor, defeated by décolletage. Tragic. 
Ah. Something. 
A ha-ha reaction, skittish and accidental, yanked back almost immediately, and replaced with the trembling penitence of a heart.
And still. No. Words. 
She rolls her eyes, sends him a photo of the most aesthetically offensive thing in her apartment. 
That’s my monstera
This time, a response. Still criminally slow, but at least they've moved past Morse code levels of hesitation. 
Emmrich, miracle of miracles, finally sends a photo back. 
It’s a dog. Poorly cropped. Enthusiastically blurry. A dog in spirit, certainly, but in form? A vague collection of fur and misplaced limbs. The man takes photos like a cryptid spotter. But hey, at least the pup looks happy. 
This is my Manfred.
What an absolute catastrophe of a name for a dog. 
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diazsdimples · 4 months ago
Fic Writers Meme
Tagged by @inell
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 but I did write a bunch of British Actor RPF back in high school lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Buck's Baby (By Accident) (Buddie) How can this be wrong? (Bucktommy) For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) (Buddie) Sweet child of mine (Bucktommy) The heat of the moment (Buddie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do, even though it takes me a second sometimes. I always appreciate people putting in the time to tell me what they thought of my stuff!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of them? All my fics have happy endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) just for the hopeful Buckley-Diaz family feels but honestly any of them could work
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The occasional "this wouldn't happen in canon!!" and I'm like yeah! That's cause it's fiction!! But other than that, not really no.
9. Do you write smut?
9 of my 19 fics are smut and my smut fics are usually my longest. So, yep!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope but I do write AUs based off premises from other things? Sort of?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Kind of? I deleted a fic once bc it wasn't a vibe for me (it was a request that I didn't love and didn't know how to say no) and the original requester of the fic, with whom I'd fallen out, messaged being like hey!! saw you deleted it!!! good news is I copied it into google docs before you could!!! Which I did not love
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I am currently co-writing 2 fics with @hippolotamus and one with @theotherbuckley, when I remember they exist 🫣
14. What is your all time favorite ship?
Buddie will always be my go to for writing. I'm compelled a lot by Bucktommy and Buddietommy (and Eddietommy lbr) but for the most part if I come up with an AU, it'll be a Buddie one.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Single Dads AU or Frostpunk AU. They've just been around for so long that I feel like people have either forgotten or are sick of them and I just have No Beans for them
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof I don't know, I think maybe coming up with plots/ compelling storylines
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I struggle most with describing things and emotions and if there's a scene that very emotion heavy it'll take me a long time to write it because I agonise over the correct words to use.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language during a fic?
I wouldn't unless I had someone who spoke the language who was able to help guide me, mostly because I don't want to make mistakes
19. First fandom you wrote for?
British Actor RPF (specifically Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Play me like a fiddle is my baby, will always be my baby, and it is my most beloved. 34k of Music Nerd James with a whole load of Buddie feels and closet sex. Idk, I peaked there tbh
NP tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @buckera @watchyourbuck
@spotsandsocks @bidisasterevankinard @bigfootsmom @wikiangela @jesuisici33
@rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings and anyone else who wants to share their stuff! (And if I forgot anyone, I apologise)
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 days ago
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  TEDewitt! @tedewitt has 43 works posted to AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and 42 of them are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @tedewitt:
Let's Search The Skies (For A While)
Orange Cat Wanted
I'd Miss You Even If I'd Never Met You
Ready Or Knot
Wet Ret Rock God
"They are a f**king amazing writer and I need them to know that or else" -- anonymous
They also had this to say about TEDewitt:
"Choosing only five fics was a special kind of torture. TEDewitt is a fantastic writer, perfectly executes incredible ideas, and they deserve the spotlight so much."
Below the cut, TEDewitt answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Honestly it was kind of by accident. I am an old fanfiction reader who started with Nsync fanfiction back in the early 2000s (told you I was old). I haven’t written anything in like 20 years and Steddie was so captivating that I was bitten by the bug and can’t stop.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love Modern AUs. Take the Upside Down out of it, take the powers, hell take the 80s out and I’m there. Beyond that, I love fake dating, especially when they make so much sense that everyone’s like, “Oh yeah, this totally works.”
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Omegaverse. I’d never heard of it before this fandom and I’m a little obsessed. I love how you can do whatever you want and it still makes sense. Other than Omegaverse, I’d say Famous AUs. The least we as a fandom can do is let Eddie live his rockstar dream in fandom.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Tuesday’s Gone With The Wind by thisapplepielife I will never forget how I felt the moment I read the last chapter. I have never sobbed like that over a fic. The Gareth themed sequel series got me through the grief of losing my son’s father in a car accident the day after Tuesday’s last chapter was posted. I could never repay thisapplepielife for what their writing has done for me.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Hanahaki is such an intriguing trope, I have an idea for it and just haven’t gotten it written down yet. That and I have a cult themed outsider POV DD fic coming eventually. My problem with writing is that I try to write as many different tropes as I can because I just love them all.
What is your writing process like?
My writing process is a hot mess. I’m so sorry friends, I do not have any tips, tricks or secrets. I’ve had 15k fics that just appear because of a single scene. The closest thing I have to a process is when I’m writing a Movie Or Book AU. With those I will write out the entire plot in bullet points so I can make sure to keep track of the things I want to keep. Then, I start moving things around, deleting, and even flip the plot around entirely. Once I have “the plot” I start building the world and actually write it all out. God help Jordan who has to decipher my notes.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I sneak in pop culture references in every single fic. It could be a line, a street name, a lyric, something. I used to make and sell indie nail polish in my spare time and they were all pop culture themed so now I sneak it in everywhere I can. I honestly need to make a list of all of the references just to see if anyone’s found them all.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of fics with deadlines which is honestly so helpful. Having a schedule or a plan that someone else is making me stick to is perfection. If I have to make the plan? Well, I get lost in world building so it’ll be late. Don’t look at my WIPs, I know they aren’t finished and I’m sorry in advance.
Which fic are you most proud of?
This is such a hard question, it’s like picking one of my children. If I have to pick then it’ll have to be Orange Cat Wanted. It started off as a goofy little thing and ended up being a fic all about loss and grief. I have 5.5 chapters written so far and Steve has yet to show up and likely won’t for another chapter or so. Oops.
How did you get the idea for Let's Search The Skies (For A While)?
I heard Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine were making a movie for The Idea of You. I love both of them so I checked out the book and hated the ending. The same day I made a list of things I wanted to change about the book and thus the fic was brought to life. Jordan was an incredible help during this writing process. If you ever need a cheerleader they are the only choice.
When writing Let's Search The Skies (For A While), what was something you didn’t expect?
I never expected this fic to take over my life. I spent 7 months writing it and now I have art and a physical copy of it in my home. It’s my baby.
What inspired Orange Cat Wanted?
Literally a Facebook post about a woman who wanted to hire an orange cat for her daughter’s birthday party. I still have the link to the article saved which you can read here. It’s wild that one little thing turned into the unfinished fic that it is now.
What was your favorite part to write from I'd Miss You Even If I'd Never Met You?
This fic is an AU of The Wedding Date and I was able to play around in that movie’s world while also writing a Fake Dating trope. The whole thing was so much fun to write. While the movie itself is not very popular, people seem to really resonate with this fic which took me completely by surprise. Honestly, the reaction to the fic was the best part for me. I never saw it coming.
How do/did you feel writing Wet Rat Rock God?
My siblings are notoriously hilarious and because of it, I’ve always been labeled as the not funny one. This fic was my chance to stretch my comedic skills and really try to make people laugh. I had so much fun trying to figure out names and backstories for everyone. It was so hard to keep it to myself as I was writing, because I wanted everyone to enjoy it as much as I did.
What was the most difficult part of writing Ready Or Knot?
You mean besides trying to figure out how to spin the TV show Love is Blind into omegaverse? Honestly keeping everything straight. There were so many moving parts to that fic with the couples swapping back and forth, the multiple dates, and even their scents. I had a little cheat sheet that I used like my bible to keep it all together.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Hands down it’s a scene in He Drives Me Crazy & I Can’t Help Myself Claudia agrees with him while Wayne comes in with the voice of reason. “Why does the owner of a business need a doctor’s note for a sprained ankle?” “Thank you! I told him that he was being ridiculous. I promise guys I’m fine.” Steve goes to get up and Claudia and Eddie protest. “Guys I’ve gotta pee. Unless you wanna help with that, I think I’ve got it.” “Eddie please don’t.” Dustin calls out as if he’s wounded. “I didn’t do anything!” “You were thinking about it. I know you.” “You’re in luck Dustybun, I’m not a fan of watersports.” “I thought you loved surfing when you were in California.” Claudia chimes in helpfully as Dustin screams and Eddie laughs.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
My Eddie Munson Big Bang fic is coming out in a month and a half called I Wanna Grow Old With You. I’m super pumped for that one. I have the Steve Harrington Big Bang coming up soon too, but mums the words on that one. I’ve got about a million ideas set for this year so keep your eyes out for all the fun stuff. Honestly I’m an open book so if you ask me what’s on the horizon I’ll tell you unless I can’t for BB secrecy reasons.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Finding the Steddie fandom has completely changed my life. When I first got back into Stranger Things I was fresh out of an abusive relationship and horrifically depressed. Eventually I made my way to the Steddie fandom (after a quick detour in Hellcheer) and met my favorite people in the entire world. I’m lucky enough to have met Jordan in real life and can call them my IRL bestie and not just my online bestie. I talk to Jordan and Erin every single day and I don’t even talk to my own family that much. If you’re someone who’s lurking around in the fandom, take the plunge, get to know your fellow fanatics. It’s the best decision I’ve made.
Thank you to our author,  TEDewitt, and our nominator! See more of TEDewitt's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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chericheribaby · 2 months ago
Fanfiction Author Interview Game
thank you for the tag @moonheavens i loved snooping on your answers hehe <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
seven at the moment! that will change pretty soon...
What's your total AO3 word count?
105,014 but that's because it's counting my hidden works! (about time and my jegbb)
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes:
archenemies (or so he thought) | if you care for me pls don't read this lmao, this was my first born and it's... yeah, please don't. (somehow this is my work with the most hits which is terrible)
Don't threaten me with a good time | the sequel of archenemies, same warning lol
When it rains | I liked how this one turned out, it's silly and lovely and it has pastries which is nice so, yeah!
Some sunny day | oh this one, this one is so soft and so sweet, the fluffiest of fluffs. it has mexican james, chilean remus, little harry and little luna <3 a day at the beach <3
light as a feather, soft as a kiss | my first drarry <3 love a good pinning and pathetic draco just as the next guy
(shout out to as warm as the calabrian sun that was one kudos away from making it to this list)
Do you respond to comments?
I do but not as often as I should, I have a lot of unanswered comments in my inbox but one of my goals for this year is to answer all of them, I love comments and I have this idea that maybe people don't comment because they see I don't answer comments that often :/
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I wouldn't say the angstiest ending because i like happy endings but slow dancing in the dark is the angstiest fic I have, though i want to believe it's more of a hopeful ending :•) (the people who read it might disagree)
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
like i said, i like happy endings but if I have to choose, maybe some sunny day, it's has a pretty sweet ending I think!
Do you write crossovers?
not really, no!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Do you write smut?
I have but it's not posted yet! you can get back to me a month from now tho...
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but I’m waiting for my friends to shoot the shot with me…….
What's your all-time favorite ship?
drarry my beloveds <3
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
The Empire of the Sun, it was a big project of mine, one i really liked! it was a jegulus dystopian au, I had the whole idea drafted but I've seen how people treat fics and authors in this fandom, specifically with this pairing and that kinda made me. not want to continue writing it, honestly. Also it's a big ass fic so, I don't think I'll ever finish it anyway.
What are your writing strengths?
I think maybe inner dialogue, I like to ramble a lot inside my little puppet's head so, probably that. I'm kind of an oblivious self-deprecating author so I'm very Unaware of these things.
What are your writing weaknesses?
A year ago I would've said my inability to finish anything but that's not true anymore so, probably the lack of flexibility, sometimes i want something to make sense and i research and I spiral that something is not quite right when in reality this is fucking fiction and i need to calm down and remember is not that serious!! (also long ass sentences like this one... not even a comma im Insane)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
All in, I even have dialogue in french and spanish in my fics so. I particularly appreciate it when the author leaves the translation in the notes so i know what they're talking about hehe
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Good Omens, I have a azicrow/ineffable husband's fic in my drafts so, maybe that will see the light of day someday! also, Agatha All Along, agathario, those two tempt me to write something for them....
What's your favorite fic you've written?
About Time, Scars and the Brightest Stars, that fic is like, my baby and I'm so proud of how is coming along! can't wait for you to read it!!!
no pressure tags: @static-radio-ao3 @residentrookie @ecstarry @kaaaaaaarf @aeoneskova @rae-lune @inevitablestars @velanavis @emlovessid @itsjaywalkers and OPEN TAG!!
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 2 months ago
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Well. This is better late than never, because time is a construct, right? Thank you for the tags @clockwrkpendrxgon, @bitbybitwrites, @0npurpose, @porcelainmortal, @onthewaytosomewhere,
@run-for-chamo-miles, @firenati0n, @kiwiana-writes, @cha-melodius, and @stereopticons.
I've actually never done one of these for any fandom before. But I am so grateful for each and every one of you that has read, commented, left kudos, tagged me in tag games, and reblogged/lost your minds over snippets. 💙
My details:
My ao3: blueeyedgrlwrites
My fandom: Red, White & Royal Blue
Total no. of fics in 2024: 5
Total word count: 47,796
Oneshots (4):
🖋️ love is all around, look and see: (8,915 words, E)
A 5 + 1 full of birthday fluff (and smut, of course) that @violetbaudelaire-quagmire and I co-wrote last year for @getmehighonmagic's birthday, because Angel goes feral for loves reading about Henry getting all the love he deserves.
🖋️ just the way you are: (2,061 words, E)
My one and only foray into TayNick RPF, which I know is not for everyone, and that's fine. Curate your fandom experience and all that.
HOWEVER, as all the BTS for Mary & George was coming out and that bit of Nick saying he couldn't eat pizza because he had to spend all his time naked came around and .... well this is what my brain did after that. 😅
🖋️ summer sun, something's begun: (5,966 words, E)
I'm trying to remember how this one even came around. Probably a convo in the discord or something, but this might have been the most fun I've ever had writing a fic. And honestly, that feels about right for hot dad Henry and his new neighbor Alex.
🖋️ A New Memory: (1,304 words, T)
I was so ambitious for that week's ficlet Friday. I got a few prompts that week, and this was, sadly, the only one my brain was actually able to crank out.
Multi-Chapters (1):
🖋️ (the only truth) everything comes back to you: (29,550 posted words, WIP, E)
Yeah, so I totally failed the whole finishing the fic for the big bang thing, but it is 70% posted and 95% written (I think), but there will be an update soon-ish. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, this has owned me since I first heard "You're Losing Me" and that song became my hyper fixation for an entire month, because my mind was like, "huh? what would it look like if Henry and Alex had started to grow apart? would they be able to grow back together again?" and well, you should probably read to find out.
Upcoming fics:
🖋️ Love on the Fly: my hockey fic (i can't believe it's been almost a year since i posted a snippet from it. damn).
🖋️ lay me down, give me something to feel: or, the Pretty Woman AU that no one asked for
🖋️ when you didn't have to: my single dad Alex fic that wants to take over my entire existence and I won't let it until the RBB is finished.
Hopefully there will be more than just these three that are upcoming. My hope for 2025 is to be able to break away from my current, soul-sucking corporate job and give myself more freedom and time to take on things I actually enjoy. Who knows, maybe I'll finally write an original novel also.
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jaminster · 2 months ago
Hello, I come from the notes on the "reblog to let people know it's ok to bother you with questions and statements" post, so I'm not a regular follower, I apologize. I see you write fanfics, is there any fanfic you've written that you want to talk about? If not, is there a fanfic you've reading recently you want to share? Hope you have a nice day!
Hello! I'm so excited to answer this Ask because they're not common, and just want to thank you for showing interest!
I would love to talk about my latest fanfic that's still a WIP, called "Yearning Melody". It's in the Left4Dead2 fandom and a slow-burn romance between two of the canon characters: Nicholas and Ellis! The fic is set in Chicago in the fabulous 1950's and Nicholas is a miserable crooner (singer like Frank Sinatra) who's trying to escape his taunting past, while Ellis is a simple mechanic who's moved to Chicago recently with his buddies (Keith and Dave) to run a autoshop, and happens to be a big fan Nicholas (especially the covers he sings)!
The fic is slow-burn and I mean slow-burn so unfortunately it's a little slow pace, basically torturing myself at this point, but I've got a whole plot planned for it and it'll help with both of their development! It's a little serious in a way because of the issues these characters have/will endure in the future fics, but it's fun to write!
I know this type of fic isn't too popular or interesting, but I read this really great fic called New York New York written by @bigbadsnakedad, which inspired me to write something set in a similar period but with a different plot (NYNY is about mobboss Nick and mechanic Ellis). Really good fic and I've reread it a million times, so I recommend it if you're interested in things like that.
I also plan on writing another fic sometime in the future about Ellis getting the Jockey strain and just exploring one of my fav characters going through the scary stages of becoming a Jockey. I don't know if this will be a ship fic, I haven't properly sat down and planned it, but maybe it'll be a ship fic. Who knows! Just wanna write a scary fic like that tbh.
Also there's this amazing writer named @daddyellis (Rowan) and he's written a million Nellis fics. He's got this massive series called Synchronicity (The Choices We Made That Day) with 3 works so far and it's bloody delicious, but his most recent writing is The Sweetest Façade. Overall just check 'em out if you're interested in the L4D2 Nellis fandom!
Another amazing writer is @grimmywrites, who's also somewhat inspired me to write something like Yearning Melody. She's got a load of fanfics under Nellis and she's written for other fandoms too! Currently, the fic that's one of my favourites is Pollice Verso (I've doodled some things for that fic too) and it's a historical story set in Anicent Rome, about gladiator Nick and son of senator, Ellis. Overall, she's an amazing writer!
Now remembering another amazing long-term fic that’s being written by @ladyred-ms, called Blind Man’s Bluff! It’s one of those rare fics that have been going on for many years, and the plot thickens with every new chapter. It’s taught me a lot of stuff and helped me get out of a tricky situation by first making me realise said-situation. This fic does have some heavy scenes but it’s perfectly and accurately written in my opinion, so please do check it out if you’d be interested in something like that.
Anyways, thank you so much for letting me yap about my silly fic and all other amazing writers, I really appreciate this ask and it's made my year honestly (LMAO) because I've been having a rough time. There's a hundred other authors who've written amazing fics under Nellis and L4D2 overall so yeah! Thanks again for the Ask, I hope you have an amazing day too! <3<3<3
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shadowdancing-writes · 2 months ago
Hi! I was re-reading your fics and realized I haven't seen you on here in a while
So I thought I'd pop in and see how you doing and if everything is alright - feel free to ignore this ask, or answer in dms, or whatever makes you more comfortable. I always worry when one of my moots - even if we don't really talk - disappears so I just thought i'd check
I hope you're doing good and having a wonderful time off the internet (or somewhere else on the internet)
hi friend :)
thank you so much for this ask and for checking in. honestly it’s so fucking kind and made me so happy to see in my notifs.
i’ll try to keep this brief but i love to ramble so sorry if this gets away from me lol.
i’ve never been frequent on tumblr idk why the format of the app is interesting to me. anyway yeah so first i really struggle to finish fics because i hate endings and i want them to be perfect. my body swap au final chapter is like half done but im procrastinating on finishing it and every time i log into tumblr i am reminded that i need to finish this wip lol.
second is im debating taking down and rewriting tell me your secret bc tbh i feel like it’s a MESS and all over the place but also i write to my hearts content and not like to be serious so im deliberating on it.
third i got gifted a hand me down pc like a month ago (im a religious mac user and still am) but my favorite game i’ve been playing for YEARS is a Microsoft only game so i haven’t played it in like five years and it’s my all time fav online game so i’ve highkey been hyper fixating on it so hard which has slowed my writing a lot.
fourth, wow there’s more and yeah this did get away from me. i have a super secret wip that is actually my best written work and i genuinely think it’s a very well written, in depth, emotional fic and i want to write more of it and close other fics before i publish this hangster slow slow slow burn.
fifth and finally i have been on the hunt for a job so that’s taken up so much of my mental energy and i have some mental health issues im working on which impede me from being on socials and writing.
i’d love to get back in to writing this year and produce some really good works so hopefully I’ll be getting more active on the socials again. I’m a lil more active on Twitter (@shadowdancing_3) because that’s where most of my mutuals are but I’m trying to be active on here again.
Thank you so much for checking in. It means the world to me and I’m lucky to have people looking out for me !
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marlowethelibrarian · 8 months ago
Writerly Questionaire tag!
@saturnine-saturneight, @the-golden-comet and @fortunatetragedy all tagged me for this questionaire! Also thanks to @davycoquette for the original meme!
About You
When did you start writing?
I remember writing a story for a first grade assignment when I was 4-5 and really enjoying it. They gave us little booklets that were just like construction paper cut into shapes with lined paper inside to write on. I didn't really start writing as a hobby until I was about 10, writing naruto fanfic.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I tend to write what I like to read! I like nonfiction on occasion which I definitely can write, I just don't do it very often.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
No one has ever compared me to an author ever, lmfao, but there are some writers here on writeblr that I've got an eye on, with prose that fucking slaps. I haven't actually sat down and read their stuff yet for the most part, because my life has been crazy but from the excerpts I see on tumblr I'm like. Yes. That. That's great. How do they do that. shout out to @cowboybrunch, @fortunatetragedy and @davycoquette!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
90% of the time I write in my messy ass bed my fitted sheet refuses to stay on. The other 10% I'm wandering to other places in the house.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Write or die sometimes brute forces it out of me. Otherwise, brainstorming with a sounding board, answering some asks or tag games, or rereading my old stuff can all help me out here.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I mean. Probably! I definitely do that thing where I'll picture the layout of a building as a building I'm familiar with. I've written a lot of apartments that look suspiciously like my grandparent's old house.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yeah almost definitely lmfao. I keep noticing patterns after the fact. I have been circling the idea of dead worlds for one, and what it takes to survive there a couple times now. It's less obvious in project Cannibalism, but it's honestly still there.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
My current obsession is definitely Ravi, who is a dnd character, a larp character, and the main character of my Summer League OCT rounds. They started off as a gnome alchemist who is like just a back alley drug dealer when they got stuck in Barovia in a Curse of Strahd campaign. (Currently the only member of the original party still alive and aiming to keep it that way) I changed them to be a halfling when writing them for the OCT on a whim because it feels like a more grounded fantasy race to draw from without having to explain too much thanks to Lord of the Rings and its enduring cultural legacy. I've been greatly enjoying the process of writing, essentially, an incredibly traumatized character embark on a life or death venture among people who have no idea what the stakes are for them, exploring how badly adapted some of those defense mechanisms are for a regular ass place and how other people would view them, and how they would get there in the first place. I'd put them in my mouth and chew on them
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I can be a pretty sensitive person who prefers straightforward communication and positivity, so every single one of my horrible little prickly assholes is out. And that's a category I really enjoy writing so that's almost all of them lmfaoooo. I'd probably be friends with Wakma though. Wakma's cool.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I wouldn't be able to stand Mala. She's consistently unpleasant and horrible to the people around her and I would not be able to let it roll off or just hit back like Rakani does.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
I like to develop characters in response to aspects I find interesting about the worldbuilding, or around a concept I want to explore. Sometimes they come about because there's a role in a story I need to fill. Wakma, for example, mostly came about because I knew Rakani absolutely needed a friend who didn't come from the Suyan hierarchy, and I already had this really cool idea about nomadic airship traders so I made him a diplomat from that culture, and then developed more of his character as I wrote him and decided what was important to the story.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Traumatized little goblins, people who aren't acceptable victims, who lash out and behave in unacceptable ways.
How do you picture your characters?
I do draw, so I do have pictures of what characters look like sometimes, but sometimes they're just blobs and I decide along the way what they look like. I do try to be deliberate about it though, because diversity in race and body types rarely just happens to me. It's something I work towards and am purposefully deliberate about.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I wanna and no one's stopped me yet.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i love it when someone points at something I did specifically about what about it they vibed with or excited them.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
Just don't look at me and expect my characters please.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Well I think people have cried about my writing a lot, so it's quite emotional. I'm always very pleased when someone says I've hit on a level of some emotional realism.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I have great, creative ideas, but the execution could use a little work. I think my writing is pretty plain and worksmanlike, and that's like fine.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
This does absolutely open up a whole ass can of worms. jamie's right, how am i surviving here, if im subsidence farming I don't think I'd have the time and energy for writing. But like, I don't think I would if I knew I'd never have an audience. Even a small audience of one would be reason enough to write but if it's just me I might not.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I don't care what other people want when I'm writing. I only care when I'm editing lmfao.
i have not kept track of who has answered this or not so I'm just going to leave this open to anyone who wants this!!
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months ago
Fanfic Writer Interview
Tagged by: @a-most-beloved-fool - thank you!! <3 <3 <3
What fandoms do you write in? At the moment, pretty much just DS9, though I've written one TOS ficlet this year.
How many words have you published in 2024? 139, 411 😅😅 Absolutely bananas, I cannot even comprehend how I did that!
It's been an absolaute delight to properly fall in love with writing this year though ❤️Before 2024, I'd written very little fanfic ever, and this has been JUST so much fun! (ftr, 3.5k in 2021, ~3k in 2015, and - huh! Almost 30k in 2011/12 🧐 Well, that's a surprise - apparently my "baby's first fanfic" back in 2012 was a whole 20k, which is far longer than I remember!)
What is your greatest achievement this year? I mean, Vision Awry for sure! Seeing it grow and grow and slowly realising just how long it was becoming (although even right up to the end, I was never able to guess accurately!) My crazy summer marathon to get it all written before I resumed posting (which I did mostly manage!) and then the last few weeks in December pouring my heart and soul into actually finishing it before the end of the year. It's completely mad that I did that!
(Although weirdly, now it's finished it's just kind of like 'yeah I suppose I did that, feels ages ago now though' and I feel like I have to really push myself to feel the pride and excitement I think I should be feeling? Idk, it's weird 😅)
What are your top three fics you've written this year? Oh gosh, I have to choose? Okay...
Vision Awry - obviously :P
Sleep Paralysis - that mad, 3-day blitz of inspiration was so worth hiding away in my room for 😅
Um, unpublished, but the Miles&Julian-talk-about-suicide ficlet I posted on Tumblr? It was far better than I expected when I read it back, and was a higlight amongst the rest of the December writing-is-hard feels.
What was your biggest pit of despair moment? There were definitely many times during Vision Awry... the biggest were probably either:
Re-starting Day 5 in August, after writing nothing during June and July, and reailsing I had no idea what was going to happen in Day 5 apart from the deaths at the end;
Writing Epilogue 3 in the last few weeks, only eking out 1-300 words at a time unless I overdosed on meds (😅 it worked tho...), getting increasingly convinced that I was not going to be finishing by the end of the year, which sucked; or
Any time I realised the scene wasn't working because of X thing which meant I would need to totally rewrite it. I don't do drafts, really, so that was always devastating 😭 (but DID work out for the best, at least)
What have you learned? SO, so much. I'll limit myself to three things. (I'm sorry, I'm no good at choices or being concise!)
That if I have an idea, ideally I need to write all of it, straight away, and finish it while it’s fresh. I honestly don’t know how many WIPs I’m actually going to finish, because even while I love many of the ideas, I’m not in love with them the same way I was when I started.
That I love writing Garak and Julian interactions, even though I keep forgetting that I do, because Garak is an absolute pain to write sometimes (affectionate), and I've never been the biggest fan of stories that are solely Garashir.
That I need to be super careful about opening up prompts, because while they’re great for short-term motivation, if I don't complete them in a timely manner they end up hanging over me in a less-than-fun way.
What three fics have you read this year that you love? I do not know where to start with this one, omg, there are too many <3 <3 <3 Trying to think of ones I haven't mentioned before... (and while I'm trying to be better, I'm so bad at bookmarks 😅)
After The Siege by @youngpettyqueen - I didn't know I needed Worf&Julian but this has stayed in my mind since April and I love it to pieces. This dynamic is soooo gooddd 💕💕
The Recitation of Names by @jennelikejennay - Incredible, haunting, pre-TOS Spirk fic about the events mentioned in Obsession.
By Design by @akingnotaprincess - I haven't finished it yet (I am SO hype though, I just haven't had time over Christmas!) but it's SUCH a lovely Data/Julian fic, it's so sweet and sincere and wonderful.
What ideas are percolating for next year? Ughhhh, oh man. Idek. I've got about a dozen WIPs but the way my brian is rn, I'm just hoping that I'll be able to edit and publish some of the things I've written on Tumblr to finally put on AO3.
Hopefully I'll get going a bit more at some point - and whatever it is, you can bet on a traumatised Juian, I'm pretty sure ;)
Who do you want to thank? Again, where do I even start, there are so many people who have made this year wonderful 💕 I've never really felt like I've been *in* a Tumblr community before, and this year has really changed that, so a huge thank you to everyone who's made me feel so welcome! 🥰
@ectogeo-rebubbles, @the-last-dillpickle, @hellostuffedtiger for welcoming me into the Sloanshir side of DS9 with aplomb. Waking up to your reviews and recs of Imprisoned was actually unforgettable, it made my day many, many times over, and definitely gave me confidence to continue putting Julian into fucked-up situations!
@jackleg-penwright for messaging me and becoming my first Tumblr friend ❤️❤️❤️
@flippetyfloppity, @dreamerdrop, @phoenixfeathersinfall - your comments are life and love itself, your support for my writing this year has been incredible and made me feel so warm, thank you just so much! 🫂🫂🫂
I'm kind of High Key Anxious about missing anyone out if I tried to tag everyone else who has been supportive and wonderful and lovely, which sucks because I really want to, but if you've ever left a comment on anything I've done, PLEASE know that you are held in my heart most fondly with great love and affection 💖💖💖
tagging: @jackleg-penwright, @dreamerdrop, @ectogeo-rebubbles and anyone else who would like to!
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char-lie-spirals · 1 year ago
I would like to learn about the rest of the aus you mentioned here:3
Okay okay so!! I talked about some of them, so I'll just put the entire list under the cut and either link to my previous responses or cook something up! And what I cook up can possibly include a snippet of my writing too :]
Also since this is a lot of AUs/WIPs I'll try to be brief, but feel free to ask about more details on them!
Terminus' Ritual
This is an AU I've had for like a year now, and it answers a very simple question - What if the End HAD a ritual? That its avatars complete between mag 159 and mag 160? Simple answer - Zombies. And also some deaths getting reversed because getting a quick taste of it should make people more scared, and it's hard to keep a zombie apocalypse going with too few people. (This doesn't match the End's values, I Know.)
I have some notes on different characters' situations, who comes back etc etc but honestly the storyline I focused on the most is Oliver seeking shelter in Graham's old flat only for Graham to also be there, Pretty Confused about the passage of time between his death and now. :]
Graham gets spat out AU
Sasha gets replaced, NotSasha picks up the tape recorder and goes to dispose of the tape. The Artifact Storage is silent, but not empty, as a man who doesn't recall his own name wakes up on the floor. Okay this already sounds a bit like a snippet so I guess you can have a proper one too:
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It was all pointless, you only suffered longer -- but is that truly pointless?
This one is a WIP in which I just wanted to explore the idea that the only reason Graham lived for so long was because he was scared that entire time, to the point the NotThem wasn't in much of a rush. It's pretty angsty, but can be bittersweet too if you look at it at the right angle and I am a simple man with a lot of hope in my heart. I've not been making much progress with it, and I'm not sure if I'll end it on the title-question and leave it up for the reader to decide, or if I'll provide my own answer, but let me say here: I don't think it was pointless. Not to me.
Michael(s) experience confusion
Already talked about this one here!
Graham Lives WITHOUT Becoming
Graham survives the events of MAG 003 because Oliver gets there in time to help him, and the two of them try to navigate the aftermath together. They go through many ups and downs, Oliver ends up becoming an Avatar himself, but Graham just kinda,, doesn't?? It just never happens. No fear claims him. At this point a lot of people are convinced he's an Avatar because of how his life is intertwined with the Fears but nope. Just some guy who can bluff pretty decently, gets lucky a lot, and loves his End-Avatar fiance a whole bunch :] (yes they're engaged now)
Graham Folger Lives because The Eye Is A Backseat Gamer
One of my Eye Graham AUs :] The main one, you could say! In this one, The Eye backseat-games his MAG 003 experience, and he Knows where to hide, what to do, and how to survive. After that, he goes on to start working at the institute, becomes an Archival Assistant after Jon's promotion, and goes through the horrors! I also talked about it Ages ago, right here- hold on that was in MAY???? 2023????? 10 months ago???? This is messed up.
Anyway! here's a little something I have written about it so far :]
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DeathNote intro
Just me trying to explore how Graham and Oliver might've met, grown closer, gotten together and stayed together for 6 years :] No clue if I'll ever publish this and if so, if I'll use it as a backstory/background for one of my AUs or as its own stand-alone thing? But yeah it's just the two of them growing closer and falling in love :] You can have this snippet of it, too! It's their literal first meeting!
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Antique seller Graham
Talked about this one here! I will probably do so again soon! But you can also have a snippet, since I guess writing all this really put me in a snippet mood! This is from this AU's version of Amy's statement :D
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Cockroach Graham AU
I don't think I need to elaborate.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months ago
3 4 7 14 15 21 >:3
- hero-of-the-wolf
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
ough.... I honestly don't know??? there have been so many scenes that I've really loved writing, but one of the first scenes that came to mind was one from Misunderstandings (and that fic will always be really special to me because it was BECAUSE of all the wonderful feedback on that fic I got that I REALLY locked in and started writing for this fandom) where Warriors has just woken up from a nightmare and he's panicking and Time tries to get his attention by calling him ("War", his group given nickname) but that doesn't work so eventually he just goes "Hey" because at that point in the fic they're still pretending they don't know each other from the war (and they're both really hurting because they think the other hates them) and that's like the last time Time calls Warriors to his face 'War' or 'Warriors' as a name. He refers to him by that name when he talks about him to the others or in front of the group, but when its just the two of them he calls him 'Link' or 'Captain', because that's what he called him during the war and it just feels more personal to call him that. That's his older brother, he's used to calling him 'Captain'. Similarly, Wars calls him 'Sprite' a lot or 'Mask' on occasion, and RARELY ever 'Time'
4. total number of words you wrote this year
im lazy and it'd be too much work to count up all the words in my 50+ wips as well, so total number of words posted on ao3 so far this year is: 448,365
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
ao3 says it's Misunderstandings but I don't count that because the reason it's two chapters is because the second chapter is the original fic from February and the first chapter is the rewrite, so the longest completed fic posted to ao3 that I think actually counts would be Secrets (Un)know akjskdk (which was a shock to me to realize?? I knew that fic got a little long (almost 10k words) but I didn't think a SKY centric fic would end up being my longest completed fic of 2024)
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
like. half of them alkdhkjdh 😭 a good portion of these just WERE not planned, I kinda woke up day of and was like yeah sure lets do this ig, but I guess a real answer would be Fragments. It centers around trauma and topics I was a bit nervous to go into because I was worried I wouldn't be able to write them well, and i have my own trauma and issues and that fic SPECIFICALLY was something I knew that if i was going to write it, it needed to be written well and with care. And now it's turned into one of my FAVORITE projects of the year. (Thanks mandarin wars anon for giving me the push i needed akjhdkjh)
15. something you learned this year
i learned quite a lot this year actually, and probably most importantly that i need to be nicer to myself about older works. being an artist or a writer is literally all about growth, you get better each time you practice. I'm probably never going to be happy with some of my older stuff but as long as i keep writing and don't get upset about it, i can literally only get better
21. most memorable comment/review
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absolutelybifurious · 6 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
ahhh thank you so much for this!!!! also thanks @inell for the same ask!!
i've been terrible with these tag things this week! but! i love them and i really wanted to do this one because yeah. i have 2 series that make up most of my 911 fics, so if i did it by series i would literally only have five so i'll pick the fics i like from those i guess.
man i really need to write fewer series.
can't tell where you end (and i begin) - this is prob my favorite thing ive written. it's a fic where buck watches eddie dance and gets heart-eyes about it and things developpp. it's just fluff/smut and i love it!
better than revenge - this was my first 9-1-1 fic and its essentially just buck laying eddie out on a pool table in a public bar under the very weak guise of making tommy jealous
take me home (to my heart) - this one's my most popular fic by a lot lol. inspired by lesbianrobin's tumblr post. maddie/eddie are in a bad car wreck and have to work together to not die, while buck and chimney collectively lose their marbles. my favorite thing about this fic is how many people are like this feels like an actual episode of the show when the entire time i was like god this is so factually bad, this is so unrealistic. which. honestly. that tracks.
cancelling the apocalypse - this is the pacrim au, which i'll steal cly's words here - is kinda more like a kaiju-inspired sci fi au that focuses a lot more around drifting and what it does to a mind pacrim did. but anyway, its still a wip and long but i have 70k written on it at this point so hopefully it'll be finished in a couple weeks. also honestly this is my fave thing i've written for this fandom but it's a lot more self-indulgent and less like... palatable? maybe?
a rose by any other name is a scandal - this is the last fic in my infideleddie/buckfidelity series. it's canon post s7 and mostly a lot of angst and buck trying to undo his screw-ups while eddie falls apart completely.
anyway, this fandom has made me deranged about writing. so. hopefully i'll come up with some more ideas once s8 starts and i have more of a pool to rank. anyways thanks again for the ask!
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