#honestly would’ve rather someone stole it and eat it than for it to sit there and become unsafe to eat
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jakekazansky · 3 months ago
What’s the point of scheduling a delivery for later if you’re going to make it and deliver it now???????
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delu-jean · 4 years ago
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐍𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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(Jean x fem!/reader) -> Angst -> 3.1k words 
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Ⅰ> Ⅲ
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‘What is this?...it feels so...warm…’ your eyes fluttered as you felt a presence. The comfort of that heat held you while laying limp. It wasn’t a familiar feeling, but even so, it felt like it was. 
Before you could say anything else, the warmth was now gone. Confused, you tried moving your body, but instead, it froze. With no type of heat, your body started to ice. Instead of struggling, you accepted it...something you wish you didn’t end up doing.
Your eyes opened to then see Bertholdt’s head. He was carrying you elsewhere as you watched people surround you. It seemed as if both him, and the other two were in a rush to get somewhere, however, you decided not to question and trusted them instead. 
What felt like two seconds, was apparently two hours. You woke up to see the three in front of you. Confused by what had just happened, Reiner sighed and decided to explain. 
“We stole from some merchants earlier, and since you were sleeping, ‘long legs’ needed to carry you.” 
“I wasn’t much help though. I probably should have just let Reiner grab you.” 
“Yeah, you should have.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m a little heavy so-”
“No, you’re not. I’m just, not as strong. But don’t apologize, you seemed like you needed the rest. So I’m glad you got some.” 
“If you don’t mind me asking, where are we now?” 
“Apparently, this is ‘Wall Rose,’ the second interior. When it comes to this place, I’m not quite sure when it comes to specifics. But what matters is that we have food, we’re together, and we make up a plan.” 
Before Reiner could speak any further, he sat there in silence. It looked like he had something on his mind, along with the other two. You decided to avert your gaze elsewhere, to then see that brunette yet again. 
You decided to smile at the boy which seemed to confuse him. Even though he had such a puzzled look, your attention shifted after hearing Reiner clear his throat. 
“Okay, so I have a plan-”
` “Should we even listen to your plan? Look where all of your plans have gotten us,” Annie barked with an annoyed tone. 
Reiner scoffed and came back with: “Then I’m assuming you have a better one? Or rather, if you even have one.” 
“Let’s not fight…” Bertholdt said while holding back Reiner
“Yeah, let’s not.”
“You’re right. Well anyways, my idea is for us to join the “Scouts.” Apparently, they were the people with that odd gear. I think we’ll have a good opportunity to learn what we’re up against, build thought out strategies, and overall, get a step closer to retrieving the Founding Titan.” 
“It may not sound like much of a step, but at least it’s something. And Y/n, don’t worry. I know you may not have any titan powers, but we’ll do our best to keep you safe. You’re one of our friends after all.” 
Although you weren’t sure about the plan, you decided to have faith in Reiner. It’s better believing you had one chance versus none. You didn’t worry too much though. Even if you weren’t the “best” when it came to fighting, it’s not like you had no capability whatsoever. 
You were a quick learner, and a perfectionist. In Marely, although you had prepared for wars, you were in the military for too little (meaning you never had the chance to go to an actual war). Because of this, you didn’t really have any motivation to build your skills, but knowing that you would need them to help you survive, sparked your utmost concentration. You could go the distance, you knew that for a fact. And the least you could do was protect yourself, to get out of their way at least.
“Okay then it’s settled. The next thing we need to do is join the scouts.” 
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Time Skip
You spent the next couple of years training with Annie and Reiner. Bertholdt tried helping every now and then, but decided it would be best if he focused on his skill (since he thought he was lacking). 
They taught you the most they could with combat, and handling blades. Since they couldn’t get their hands on actual ODM gear, they instead substituted with long sticks. A bit heavier than the blades themself, but beneficial. 
“Y/n, camp starts in a couple days. The guys and girls will be in separate quarters, but if you ever need one of us, be sure to come to our bunker. We’ll show you where we are after getting assigned.” 
“Sounds good.” 
‘Wow...after all this time, I guess the journey begins.’ 
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First Day Of Camp
“Annie, Annie where did you go?” you whispered feeling frustrated. 
It was orientation day and she was nowhere to be found. The boys didn’t seem to know where she was either, and well...you didn’t want her to be alone. So you decided to move your legs and do something. Unfortunately in the process, you bumped into someone, which caused them to collide into someone else. 
“S-sorry,” the black haired freckled fella said.
The person in front seemed very upset. You heard him say something under his breath, but didn’t ask what. He stood in such a way which agitated you. It was just a mistake, what was his problem? You caught a glimpse of his back side. Somewhat lanky, short light brown hair, along with an undercut? Yeah, you had to keep that look in mind while here. 
After pushing that thought away, you tapped on the other person’s shoulder.
“Hey, I’m sorry about that. I was trying to look for someone, but ended up causing trouble for you.” 
“It’s okay...I think he’s just a little roughed up because of the commander. He wasn’t exactly nice to either of us. I’m just glad that segment is over if anything.” 
“Haha speaking of the commander, it looks like potato girl isn’t on his good list.” 
“Yeah..but she’ll be fine. Aww but lucky, wish I got a potato in,” you both giggled at his statement, to then see the commander eye you both, which made the two of you stop immediately. 
‘But speaking of the commander, I remember...ah I don’t remember his name but, that boy mentioned something about joining the interior. Maybe I should bring it up to Reiner, see what he thinks about it,’ you thought to yourself. 
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Later Into The Evening
The two boys and you had discussed things over dinner. Annie decided to sit by herself, saying she needed some time alone. You respected that and sat with the boys eating whatever was served.
Bertholdt seemed a little worn out, but being both concerned for you, and uncomfortable (because of the silence), he decided to ask you questions. Things such as: “How are you guys?,``'' “Did training go well for you Y/n?,” “Learn anything new?”
Your answers were quick and short. It’s not that you didn’t want to talk to Bertholdt, rather, your attention was drawn somewhere else. A fight started to break out, and you couldn’t help but bud in. Playing judge wasn’t one of your specialties, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t incapable of doing so. 
While listening in, you started inferring things. For one, the guy who started the fight was a jerk. Making fun of the other kid and bringing the events of Shiganshina into it, that wasn’t very nice. But then at the sametime, that second boy made it hard for you to feel empathetic. 
He just seemed so brash and hot tempered. It looked like he wanted to start a fight by running his mouth off. Both seemed to be at fault in their own ways. Regardless, at this point, the volume was too grand for you not to look. So you did. 
Although you couldn’t see them both very well, the boy in the back looked like that brunette...but you weren’t sure. You tried getting a better view by standing up and watching the two bicker. Reiner stopped you, thinking you wanted to involve yourself in the conflict. 
“Y/n, it’s none of our business. Plus, remember who the enemy is…” you halted to then see the two “resolve” their differences. 
You were glad that it was over, but then saw another person had arisen. A girl who looked all too familiar walked past the other boy. You then heard him mumble a couple things here and there, which made you giggle a tad. 
“It’s just, I’ve never seen such pretty black hair,” a blush spread on his cheeks. 
“Thanks,” she said bluntly. 
She then walked out following the other person. To your “surprise,” so does the undercut, and that being the case, you decide to walk out and listen in. You finished dinner anyways and what better way to kill time. There was silence for a bit, but then you heard someone exclaim: 
“Nothing...just my trust.” 
You laughed a little at the situation. He was probably upset that a cute girl ended up cruising with some guy he had just quarreled with. You thought about it, and to be honest, you would’ve been pissed as well. You started to realise the resemblance you had with some of the Eldians here, this being an example.
Because of that, you decided to let down your guard for once (thinking of it as a “special occasion”). You opened the door once you heard the other person leave, and then stepped outside. You stood behind him and heard the words: 
“What do you want?-”
“Nothing, just someone to talk to I guess.” 
“I-I’m sorry about that,” he straightened himself. 
“I thought you were one of my buddies. I didn’t realise you were a gi-...someone else.” 
“Well, now you do,” you chuckled and then stared straight at him. 
“Wait a second, you’re that guy from earlier. Who yelled at the freckled boy. Know this, it wasn’t his fault he crashed into you. It was mine. I apologize for that.” 
“Honestly, it’s fine. I’m over it anyways. Plus, mistakes are mistakes.”
“Mhm, they most definitely are. Speaking of which, you definitely made one earlier. You shouldn’t have mentioned Shiganshina in such a brash manner. You know, the girl you like is from there. So try to be more sensitive regarding the matter.” 
“Wait, how do you know?”
“I was...there.” 
“I also interacted with her…” this sparked an idea in your head. 
Since you wanted something to entertain you, know more about Eldians, and maybe even befriend one, what better experiment than this? It helps you kill time, and you could possibly help someone out. 
“She doesn’t mind me. You know, that being the case, and knowing you like her...I could help you out. Get you into her good books and what not.” 
‘Hopefully I can get closer to her in general. She seems like an interesting person.’ 
He seemed a little reluctant, and because of that, you decided to say: 
“That brunette’s already in the lead as of right now. With my help, you could possibly catch up, or even better...surpass him,” you now had a cheeky grin plastered on your face. 
“Ugh, I guess I really don’t have a choice,” his ego just wouldn’t let him. 
You grabbed his hand and shook it. 
“You better not wipe off this trust. You can put your faith in me, so don’t worry too much, okay?” 
He sighed and you beamed. Before you could ask/say anything else, you then felt Bertholdt grasp your other hand, tugging it. You let go of the person’s hand, and walked towards Bertholdt. 
“Let’s get going Y/n,” you nodded in agreement following the other two. 
“Just what are you planning?” Reiner asked playfully. 
“Ohohoho, you shall see!” 
“I’m betting on Eren,” Bertholdt exclaimed. 
“Eren, who’s that?” They both laughed and then looked at you. 
“Just where was your head today? Ahh, Eren in the brunette, and Jean, the boy you shook hands with.” 
“Jean...I like that.” 
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Jean POV 
‘Y/n?...That's a cute name. Her hand was so small compared to mine. Was that her boyfriend? OR were THEY her boyfriends!? No, stop Jean. You’re thinking like a maniac. But thank goodness she’s going to help me.’
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Time Skip (Still In Jean pov)
I walked to the training grounds, and watched as Y/n and Mikasa conversed. Seeing them talk made me nervous (not knowing about what was being said). Regardless, I tried to keep my cool and sat on a rock, trying to flex my better angels to Mikasa. 
I’m really glad Y/n decided to talk with me that night. Although I DO HAVE MANY FRIENDS (I’m not lonely for goodness sake), having her there comforted me. We were able to talk about almost anything. She clarified Bertholdt was like her older brother, along with Reiner (no two timing fiasco). I got to know her interests and vice versa. 
She helped me out with dual wielding, and I, ODM gear (she was surprisingly flimsy with it).  Spending time with her was interesting. Although we talk for what seems like hours, I’m not dumb. I’m smart enough to know that she had built some type of boundary. Of course everyone had their secrets, but she always seemed so reluctant, hesitant, and well...one edge. Maybe it has to do with Shiganshina, she was a survivor afterall?...well I’m assuming. I still have more to learn and hopefully, she’ll give me that chance. 
I continued to watch the two converse. Changing my approach, I decided to move in a little closer. That way, I could hear a bit about what was going on. I sighed to then see Annie block me (surprisingly). 
“I see you’re paying close attention to Y/n. Or is it that black haired wench you’re oozing over?” I jumped a bit to see Y/n approach. 
“This twerp was spying on you. Be careful Y/n-” 
“Spying? OOOOOOoooo,” Sasha teased and skidded towards us (along with Connie). 
“Hehe, your boyfriend was admiring the view,” Connie winked as I glared at him. 
“HE’S NOT MY BOYFRIEND. But maybe Mikasa’s to be~” 
“Wait, really?” I questioned as she winked at me. 
“Hmmm, oh I see. Y/n wants Jean to get with Mikasa, so that she can get with Jaegar. Ehhhh, a strategist in the making! I like it,” Connie snorted as Annie tails in. 
“That would explain why you stare at him so often. I’m not going to lie, I do find that kind of weird.” 
“WHAT!!” I shrieked a little louder than expected. 
“IT’s nOt LikE thAt! I can guarantee you, it’s for different purposes!! I SWEAR!” 
I was honestly hoping that was the case. Y/n and Eren? Like crap. He’s so full of himself, “killing all of the titans?” Yeah right. Y/n deserves someone so much better than that...someone who will put their pride to the side, and get to know her on the same level. She’s a great person. Someone who empathizes easily, a very well spoken lady, understands the feelings of others, and truly cherishes those she loves. 
‘No, stop it. You shouldn’t be thinking about that. I like Mikasa...let’s think about her instead,’ As long as she doesn’t get with someone like him/Eren himself, things should be fine...right?
“*sigh*, okay okay, whatever you say.” I then walked off as the other two raced to my direction. 
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Original POV
You weren’t going to lie but, Jean probably despised the idea of you hanging out with Eren. Even if you weren’t doing it alone (because Armin and Mikasa were there), it still pissed him off. You couldn’t help it though. You wanted, no, needed to understand Eren’s character more. Along with the other two. 
Something about those three made you...nervous. Observing them helped you understand these Eldians from a deeper standpoint. Yes talking with Jean was lovely, but he seemed to be missing a factor that these three (and just about everyone else) had. That was fear. You knew Jean was one of the luckier ones. He had a family, warm bed, and everything anyone could ask for. 
Whereas the rest didn’t grow up with such things, or, had horrendous experiences. Of course you had somewhat of a good child, though it wasn’t exactly rainbows. But that was beside the point. Being with them taught you just how determined they were when trying to fight the titans. Seeing how each had resentment for what they had done, terrified you. Eren’s anger scared you the most though. That burning fire in the brim of his eyes, was one no one could put out. That being the case, you’d rather be on the safe side of that flame,  and not the opposing. For now at least. 
That’s why you tried your best to understand him. Along with Mikasa, and Armin. You three were close enough to converse, but that was about it. You made sure to keep your guard up. Reminding yourself that their hate against their enemy, would one day also be yours. That ultimately, Marely was against them and you being from there...meant you were too…. 
Even though these thoughts held you back, you also had moments where you were able to let through (which gave you a little hope in these people). You and Mikasa were able to interact more. She didn’t seem bothered, nor unbothered by you trying to get to know her better. You brought up Jean a couple of times, hoping things would go well. She seemed somewhat open (yet opposed) to the idea of them being friends. 
Honestly, you weren’t sure if things were going the way you had promised, but progress was progress. Yet at the same time, did you really want things to go the way they were planned?-
‘Stop that,’ you sighed at your childish thinking. Of course you wanted things to go according to plan. 
You decided to run and catch up with the others. Jean patted your head with a discouraged look on his face. You raised an eyebrow wondering as to why, but kept quiet. 
“You better have different intentions...Eren is no good-”
“And you are?” he paused and shot you a look you’ve never seen before. 
“Whaaat? I’m just joking,” you remarked as he awkwardly patted his nape. 
“Haha yeah, of course you are,” you both laugh to then see Bertholdt scurry over. He seemed anxious, so anxious to the point you knew you needed to check on him. You quickly ran the other direction and approached Bertholdt. 
“Y/n...damn, I shouldn’t...no...I really shouldn’t be doing this, but you need to trust me.” 
“Trust you?-” 
“Whatever you do, don’t get killed. Stay alive, and alert. Stick with Jean, Eren, Mikasa. Anyone for the matter...okay?” 
“Bertholdt, what’s going on?-”
“Just promise me, okay?”
“Okay...I will.”  
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Chapter three will be out soon!! 
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cuinnamonbun · 4 years ago
Hi again! I got another HC idea. 😌
How would the brothers + angels react to a laidback Muslim MC whose also really violent? Like their mood switch flips instantly lmao
Aye, wassup friend! Regarding your ask, at this point you’re just describing ME lmao, somedays I really do just wake up and choose violence 😭 aite let’s do this 😎
The Demon Brothers + Angels Reacting to a Laidback Muslim!MC Turning Violent
At first this man loves MC and the amount of calm and composure that they have
Though he finds it irritating when he’s threatening them and they would just look up at him with the most dull expression on their face (like seriously human, you should be SCARED)
But still, with how chaotic his brothers are, he appreciates a collected and peaceful demeanour whenever he finds it and MC is breath of fresh air even if he won’t admit it
Silence with them always felt comforting and never awkward
One day, he noticed that MC was rather tense and rigid and had asked them if they were fine to which they replied yes through gritted teeth
Sensing that perhaps they were not in the best of moods, he let them go only to hear them politely ask Mammon to get out of their room
Of course our resident dumbass (affectionate) refused in an attempt to tease them, only to be YEETED from the room and into the hallway where Lucifer was standing with a bewildered look on his face
MC was standing by the door with a dark look in their eyes and the most sinister looking scowl that could rival Satan’s before they slammed the door shut in their faces
When he finally got over his shock, he would be extremely, extremely enthused
He will now spend his free time trying to rile up MC just so he can see them lose their temper again
He couldn’t help himself. He knew that Islam emphasises heavily on the virtues of patience as a sign of piety and so he just assumes that MC would just,,,,never yield to anything
This is when he realises he has a corruption kink ok sorry not sorry
May or may not pop a boner if/when he succeeds and they blow up (not literally) in his face
He adores this human. Partly because he’s head over heels in love with them he hardly has anyone to drag with him along with his schemes and this human just seems to be down for anything, and mostly because they’re always so coolheaded
It allows him to pull off his plans without a hitch because MC’s composure allows them to be able to think up a quick solution whenever the two of them inevitably face a brick wall during one of Mammon’s schemes
With them around, Mammon would be 15% richer than he would be if he went alone so he’s keeping them around thank u very much
The first time he witnessed them turn violent is when the two of them were hanging out in his room when Levi bursted in, screaming his head off about how Mammon stole his wallet (he didn’t) and that the limited edition Ruri-chan collection was dropping soon in 24 hours and yada yada yada
And when he found out that Mammon didn’t, in fact, steal it, Levi wouldn’t apologise, oh no no no no. Rather, he would proceed to insult and degrade his brother until MC finally have had enough and went. off.
Seriously, the two demons were so shocked that the usually chill human was now on their feet and threatening to ‘deck Levi over the head WWE style if he didn’t quit it with the insults’ that the two brothers just stopped arguing
If Mammon weren’t so astounded, he would’ve found the whole thing hilarious because here is one of the rulers of Hell, turning white as a sheet as he is being cussed out by a small, furious human
After their long-winded (and frankly terrifying) speech that were riddled with not-so-subtle threats, Levi mumbled an apology and quickly shuffled out of the room with his tail between his legs and MC just plopped back down on his couch with their usual dull expression back on their face as if they didn’t just go on a tirade just seconds prior
Mammon’s love for the MC increased tenfold right then and there
Oh, you’re really quiet and laidback? Cool.
He doesn’t really care about it but he does enjoy having them around during his gaming sessions or when he needs a buddy to watch anime with him because they’re the only ones who would listen to him prattle on about theories and endings whilst enjoying the game/anime
He also vents to them A LOT and is the first person he seeks whenever he’s annoyed or frustrated by his brothers
He was heading over to the living room for movie night with his brothers and MC when he found his brothers all bickering with one another (no shocker there) and MC sitting on the couch reading a hard cover book
Of course, once they saw him enter, he was immediately dragged into the argument about which movie they were gonna watch
Now as the otaku of the family, Levi’s pretty very vocal and highly opinionated about the type of film they should watch for movie night and he dislikes it whenever someone would argue with him on his choice of film
So when Satan told him to his face that his movie selection sucked and he should just leave his input out, Levi would be so, so, SO offended and upset which was evident from his expression alone
Before he could defend himself though, a book suddenly went hurtling through the air and hit Satan right in the middle of his forehead like a bullseye
At first Satan was FURIOUS but it quickly died down when all the brothers finally realised where the book had come from: MC’s direction
They all turned to see an irritated look on their usually placid face and dominant arm raised as if they’d just thrown a shot put
“Oops. My hand slipped,” they said monotonously before sauntering away from the now-quiet living room
Levi is now cautious of accidentally angering MC, but he can’t help that moe feeling that MC actually threw that book in his defense
As the Avatar of Wrath, Satan is extremely attuned to people’s rage and MC is no different
He was honestly the only one out of his brothers who wouldn’t be surprised if one day MC woke up and chose violence
I mean, he usually keeps his wrath under wraps, hiding it well with an easy smile and friendly demeanour and he could tell that MC was the same
He knew that no one human could ever have that high amount of patience, especially when dealing with his brothers, doesn’t matter if they’re religious or not
In fact, he was waiting for the day he would finally see them snap and release all the pent up rage he knew they bottle carefully within themselves
Of course it happened when Asmo would not stop pestering MC about going to the club
As MC is a Muslim, it’s not a surprise that they’re against going to places like clubs, casinos or bars
Usually MC was able to tune out Asmo’s pleas like white noise but it was when Asmo turned to physically dragging them that became the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back
The poker-faced MC now looked more like an Avatar of Wrath than Satan himself
Satan only watched in amusement as MC dug their heels in the pavement, cradled a confused Asmo’s face in their hands...and pulled his cheeks with a bright smile and the most ominous look in their eyes before telling him ‘fuck off before I proceed to give all of ur prized makeup and skincare for Mammon to sell and use our pact to make u watch as he earns his cash’ in the sweetest way possible
Asmo no longer pesters them to join him clubbing
Satan: I’d just like to say, I’m your biggest fan
Asmo loves loves LOVES having this human around because they always let him use them as his own personal doll
That means impromptu fashion shows in his room, makeovers, spa days, mani-pedis you name it
So he always assumed they were this paragon of patience and stoicism, never once losing their cool
The first time he saw them turn violent was when the two of them were walking down to the kitchen with Asmo chatting their ear off about some scandal this succubus has found herself in with these two demon best friends while they just listened and occassionally chiming in
When they reached the kitchen however, they found Beel by the kitchen, no shocker there
But MC had stopped dead in their tracks because right there in his hands was the chilled lemon soufflé that they’d been making for Lucifer (upon his request)
It’d taken them hours to perfect the dessert to Lucifer’s standards and they’d left it in the fridge to chill before serving it to him for tea time
So when Beel raised the now-empty glass to show to MC with a happy look on his face, it was enough to send them over the edge and scream bloody murder to the brothers’ surprise
Beel will apologise sheepishly but MC will force him to remake the dessert without letting him eat anything until it is perfect
It was torture for him and Asmo vows to never unintentionally set them off again because...holy shit MC
Beel is a chill dude most of them time when he’s not hungry
All he wants is for his brothers to stay safe, happy and healthy and he’s a happy demon 🥺
He likes having a laidback MC around whether it’s during studying, snacking or even when he’s working out
Their presence is always so calming and comforting for him since their lax nature just reminds him so much of Belphie
The first time he saw them truly angry was when they’d found out that their favourite sweater that they brought back from the human world had been destroyed and discarded in the trash
As it turned out, Belphie had been rumaging through their room for something to snuggle with while MC had been away at Purgatory Hall and found their sweater
In an unfortunate string of events, a loose thread from the sweater had caught on the end of a door latch and the sleepy Belphegor hadn’t enough patience at the time to gently untangle it
Instead, he forcefully yanked it, causing the sweater to tear
Deciding that it’s better to just grab their blanket or something, Belphie discarded the article of clothing in the trash before stealing their blanket and stalking away to the attic for a nap
When MC found out, they. were. furious.
That means a lot of smashing, screaming and shouting until Beelzebub or Lucifer finally managed to calm them down
He’s sad that MC is so angry at his twin but he never wanted to see MC lose their temper like that ever again
Exam season was rapidly approaching at RAD and that means more assignments, quizzes and tests 
For the average student, it also means sleepless nights, mental breakdowns and consuming a concerning amount of caffeine
For Belphegor, he simply couldn’t give a shit
No amount of exams is scary enough to get his ass out of bed and study 
And like his other brothers, he assumed the same for MC
They always had that poker face on them as they studied and they never once argued or talked back to one of his brothers even though they were being so annoying and irritating (to him) and were clearly disturbing their revision time
He sees the hard work that they’re putting in their studies and reputation and even though they hide it behind a blasé mask, he knew they were exhausted
It was up to Belphegor to recognise their cues and force them to take breaks by napping with him
He was peacefully napping in the common room beside a studying MC, patiently waiting for their 25 minute break from their pomodoro session when Lucifer had walked in and begun to bark chores at them that even woke up the younger demon beside them
And to their surprise, rather than wordlessly carrying out his commands like the demons had expected them to, MC slammed their pen down on the coffee table and yelled at him
MC: you know what, Lucifer? Why don’t you take your ***** and ****** then shove it up your ****** and let’s not forget to *****, you little ***** ***** *****!!!
Belphegor had never been more proud and concerned for this little human who was far too brave for their own good
It’s said by everyone who knew him that Simeon is always so calm and composed, always greeting everybody with a kind smile and gentle eyes
He never once loses his cool, but that doesn’t mean that he does not feel anger from time to time
Like Satan, Simeon is understanding of MC’s anger and would never reprimand them for blowing up
Anger is healthy after all
He has expressed concern before for MC’s mental wellbeing as they were far too patient for their own good
Of course, in all his years of living, he has seen remarkable humans with superhuman patience before like the Prophets Muhammad and Jesus (peace be upon them) but even that was because they had divine intervention 
The first time he saw them finally snap was when the two of them were enjoying a pleasant walk towards the House of Lamentation from RAD when Mammon and Levi appeared out of nowhere and began fighting again
It had been non-stop screaming, insulting and fighting with these two for almost three weeks now and MC was so, so, sooo close to yeeting them off the side of a cliff
Their composure finally snapped when Mammon and Levi had been roughhousing so close to them that they accidentally stepped on Simeon’s robe (or is it more of a cape?? idk) and tore a small hole in it
Simeon has never been more surprised to see MC roar at them and begin a stern lecture that reminded him so terribly of Lucifer
He was so amused that he couldn’t help but laugh when they forced the two to apologise to him before dragging them over to the House by their ears, completely ignoring their desperate cries for mercy 
It was a hilarious sight and he would’ve recorded that entire scene on his DDD if he weren’t so hopeless with technology
Luke is reminded of Simeon when he first got to know MC
They were always so collected and level-headed even though they were thrown in Hell out of the blue for an exchange programme that lasts a whole year
He never understood how they could be so chill with living with 7 demons under one roof though like??? hello????? human are u functioning well?
But he likes having them around because they’re always so nice to him and always keen on spending time with him
Which is where he finally saw them snap
The two of them were carrying their cupcakes that they’d made for their picnic date alongside Simeon and Solomon and had left them on the table for a few minutes while they went to gather the rest of the supplies
They came back to see that the cupcakes had been ravaged by Mammon, Levi and Beel who all looked so pleasantly happy munching on their hard work
Luke was extremely distraught and upset over this and protective MC will NOT tolerate this kind of behaviour to their son
So using the power of the pacts, they forced the brothers to grovel at his feet and apologise by doing whatever Luke wants them to do
Luke secretly enjoys it but he still can’t help but feel kinda bad for the brothers and slightly scared of MC now
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holylulusworld · 4 years ago
Catch & Release - Catch
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Summary: When your fiancé dies days before your wedding you find yourself confronted with his lies. When his best friend attends his burial things become even more complicated as you slowly fall for the green-eyed man.
Pairing: AU Dean x Reader; Sam x Reader (mentioned), Sam x Jess (mentioned)
Characters: Benny Lafitte, Jimmy Novak
Warnings: angst, betrayal, cheating, main characters death, grief, sadness, arguments, language, comforting, angry reader, mentions of infidelity
A/N: Loosely inspired by the movie Catch & Release. Dialogs and characters are not the same as in the movie. Sam and Dean are not brothers for my storyline.
Catch & Release Masterlist
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 “How could I not see Sam was not the man I believed he is? Am I dumb? Was I too blinded by my love? Hell, I gave everything to him. Sam was my whole world and now I must realize, I never was his world,” you sniffle, looking helpless at Dean.
He’s still not used to comfort a girl. Dean Winchester never was the kind of guy who soothed a girl; he was rather the one breaking a girl’s heart.
“I can’t tell you, sweetheart,” he mumbles instinctively wrapping his arms around you.
Sobs wreck your body when you must hear Jess’s voice become louder. All you can understand is that Benny seems to want her gone, but Jimmy, well he wants her to stay.
“Figures,” Dean whispers, running his hand over your back to soothe you. “Jimmy always was into other guys girls.”
“Dean, I want to escape this nightmare. I want to just climb out of the window, run away and never remember Sam’s name or that I wasted so many years on him,” you hide your face in Dean’s chest, almost clinging to him whilst he feels his heart flutter anytime you reach out for him.
“I can’t tell you what to do, Y/N. I barely know you, but we can sneak out of the window if you want to,” a smile crosses your face until you hear Jess’s voice raise again. “I’m sorry.”
“This is not your fault, Dean. Sam was the one cheating on me, not you,” he rests his chin on top of your head, closing his eyes for a moment. “I know this must be odd for you. Soothing your dead friends’ fiancé.”
“Nah, I had worse dates. Once a girl brought a parrot to a restaurant. At first, I believed she tried to be funny but that feathered guy was her spirit animal or crap. I had to pay for the bird’s meal too,” you snicker, looking up at Dean. “I swear, it’s true.”
“You had odd dates,” humming Dean wraps one arm around your waist, presses you closer to his chest. “Any other funny dates you want to talk about?”
“There was that girl, she was a belly dancer, smoking hot and all…bendable,” you grin, following Dean when he leads you toward the window. “Long story short – she was a twin and wanted a threesome with me and her brother.”
“Gosh, did you…?” you poke Dean’s chest, giving him a knowing look. “I bet you kissed a guy and liked it!”
“No, but she’s a nice girl, still sends me Christmas cards and calls on my birthday. Even asked me to be her best man at her wedding with the parrot lady.” Dean wiggles his eyebrows before he bursts into laughter. “You believed me, didn’t you?”
“All a lie,” you whine. “The bird lady too?”
“The bird was real, sweetheart. It pooped onto my jacket, called me a jerk, and flew around the restaurant. In the end, we got kicked out,” laughing you look at Dean. He gives you a soft smile, glad he could distract you for a moment or two.
“Can we just run away for tonight?”
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“Phew, that was a close call. They almost caught us sneak out,” Dean smirks, holding out his hand to help you sit on the hood of Benny’s truck you stole to drive to the lake. “Haven’t been here for like twelve years.”
“Sam liked to fish, but I couldn’t watch him kill the fish,” you lean your head against Dean’s shoulder, just watching the water.
“I don’t like it either,” smiling you watch Dean who points toward the lake. “I like to eat fish but don’t want to kill it first.”
“Sam and I, we didn’t share interests or hobbies. I never thought I would say so, but when I look back at my relationship with Sam, I don’t think we were meant to be.”
He doesn’t say a word, nor does he react when you rest your head on his lap. Dean simply watches you close your eyes, smiling when your breathing evens out.
“Just sleep a bit, sweetheart. I will not let that girl hurt you, promised.”
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“Where have you been? We were worried sick,” Jimmy exclaims, glaring at Dean who has one arm slung around your waist.
“You mean you were worried sick,” Benny grunts. “I told you she’s safe with Dean. Now be quiet. I don’t think Y/N needs more stress than you already caused. Letting that chick, the proof of Sam’s infidelity, inside,” you never saw Benny that mad before. His nostrils flare and he balls his hands into fists. “Leave Y/N and Dean alone.”
“I was simply worried, Benny. They could’ve told us…,” Jimmy stammers, watching you look at Jess who still sits on the couch. The blonde runs one hand over her belly, not missing the way you follow the motion.
“We kinda didn’t want to meet up with a certain person. Just drop it, okay,” Dean grumbles, too angry to handle Jimmy’s jealousy. “I suggest you send Jess to Sam’s mother. I bet Mary Winchester would be happy to see the girl who ruined Y/N’s relationship with Sam.” Dean leads you toward the backyard to take a few deep breaths.
“Thank you,” mumbling the words you run one hand over Dean’s back to calm him. “I don’t know if I want to pity Jess for carrying her dead lovers baby or to beat the shit out of her,” you laugh, covering your mouth with the palm of your right hand when the laughter turns into sobs. “How could he do this to me?”
“Oh-sweetheart, Sam was a fool,” you run into the house when Jess walks outside to get fresh air, calling your name. “You shouldn’t have come here, Jess.”
“I had to,” Jess sighs. “I’m alone, pregnant and just lost my job. Sam was as much responsible than I that a baby is on her way,” Dean looks away, not wanting to pity Jess. “I can understand why he came to me, Dean. Sam always seemed to be under pressure. Now I know why – she’s unique, lovely, and beautiful. Smart too, according to Jimmy.”
You flatten against the wall, hiding in the shadows to listen to Jess’s words.
“Sam, he relaxed with me. I was nothing but convenient when the stress of playing the perfect man for Y/N was too much. I never wanted to get pregnant, that wasn’t the plan.”
“What was the plan?” Dean huffs. “Fucking Sammy until he gets married or did the two of you plan to keep on doing it?”
“Honestly…,” Jess hangs her head, shaking it lightly, “I don’t know Dean. When we parted ways after college, I always tried to reach out for Sam. One day, he was at your place, we ran into each other and the spark reignited. Back then he said it was only this once, that he loves Y/N, and believe me, he did but…”
“The need to relax was stronger, I get,” Dean watches you sneak into the house, a sad smile on his lips. “Sam should’ve made a decision, not fool two girls…”
“He wanted to end things or rather did so. Sam didn’t want to come to California before his wedding, but I insisted that he needs to help me with the baby,” Jess rubs her arms, looking at Dean. “It’s my fault he’s dead, Dean. If not for my selfishness Sam could be alive, married to the woman he loved.”
“True, but Sam decided to drive to California instead of telling you no. We saw the pictures, Jess. He came to you, had fun, took nice pictures, and drove back to his fiancé,” Dean’s patience is wearing thin when Jess tries to excuse the pictures.
“One last nice memory, you know. That’s what the pictures are, nothing else.” Dean brushes past Jess. He looks over his shoulder, not hiding his disgust.
“You mean you fucked one last time before he drove off to marry someone else. Whilst you decided to wait in California for him to come back and do it all over again.”
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“You should’ve known better than letting that girl in,” Benny chastises. “Y/N is vulnerable, hurt, and devasted and you just threw that pregnant girl at her.”
“Benny, calm down. We are all tired,” Dean rubs his eyes, hating he can hear sobs come from inside your room. “I’ll check on Y/N. I hate to say it, but we can’t let a pregnant girl sleep on the street. The first thing in the morning we will do is to call Mary Winchester. She can take care of her sons’ concubine,” storming off Dean ignores Jimmy’s angry grunts.
“Who does he think he is? Mr. One-night-stand can’t just act as if he’s Y/N’s best friend,” Jimmy narrows his eyes, not liking Benny silently nods at Dean. “Great, you are on that asshole’s side.”
“Whoever can make Y/N feel better is welcome to try. Dean is a good guy. Believe it or not, he never cheated on a woman. He’s a heartbreaker but never promised a girl to marry her only to fuck his ex. That was Sam’s specialty. If you excuse me now,” Benny grunts. “I lost one of my best friends. His fiancé, my friend is crying in her room and I’m tired enough to fall asleep standing.”
“Still, he shouldn’t be with her…”
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“You didn’t have to come here, Dean. I understand if you are tired of catching me whenever I fall. You barely know me and,” he’s pressing his index finger to your lips, shaking his head.
“If I didn’t want to be here, I would’ve left hours or days ago. How about we try to get some sleep?” giving Dean a sly smile you nod; thankful he doesn’t want to leave you alone tonight. “I need confirmation, ma’am.”
You giggle, mumbling ‘yes Sir’ before you crawl onto the bed, resting your tired body onto the soft mattress. “Dean, thank you.”
“Bake me a pie one day and we are even,” he smirks, shrugging his jacket off his shoulders. You don’t want to be a creep but you can’t take your eyes off Dean when he unbuttons his shirt. “Did you ever think that it was Sam’s fault, not yours? He was the one cheating on you. There is nothing wrong with you.”
Dean lies next to you, carefully running his fingers through your hair. “I’m no one you want to stay with, Dean. Look at her and then…” Dean’s lips press against yours and you gasp before you lose yourself in the kiss.
At first, it’s slow, gentle but you grasp for his hair, tug harshly at the soft strands, causing Dean to growls against your lips. “Catch me one last time, Dean…”
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Catch & Release
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aflyingcontradiction · 4 years ago
The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 117 - Testament
But Tim isn’t going to sit home and wait, and Elias seems pretty insistent I go along. Part of me thinks it’s just so he can see if whatever this “preparation” he’s been trying to do on me works. - Jon
I guess, yeah, that's part of it and the other part is that he wants to make absolutely sure Jon gets touched by as many powers as he possibly can and sending him right into the lion's den is a good way of doing that, I suppose.
I don’t quite get those two. I suppose what they’ve done, seeing what they’ve seen… it’s a hell of a bond. The sort of thing I’ve mostly done alone.
Ouch. That is a painful realisation right there! (The usual disclaimer of "I'm obviously not talking about the scale of cosmic horror here because duh or for that matter even the scale of massive trauma" but I actually think that realisation is on some level relatable because of the realisation I had multiple times in my life of "I don't really know what a close bond feels like because I've never actually been anywhere close to the best friend of the people I've considered my best friends." Fortunately my luck has shifted somewhat in the "close emotional bonds" department, or at least I hope I'm not kidding myself about that, but the realisation that some people have these fire-forged, ride-or-die relationships and you're just kinda doing your own thing, dipping a finger shallowly into human connection every once in a while and then watching it flow away, is a bit of a twinge.)
And… aside from some, uh, uh, office gossip which I, I’m not sure is necessary or, uh, conducive to a workplace that… hey, it, it, it’s natural it’s, it’s normal.
I love how Jon just goes from deep emotional turmoil to being a bit upset that people are gossipping about whatever may be going on in his love life. Talk about emotional roller coasters!
Oh, yeah, I found something on the other body the circus stole, this “George Icarus.” (...) Jurgen Leitner. I just can’t be rid of him.
Ah, okay, this is where we learn who George Icarus was. Also, the pseudonym is very fitting, I mean, Leitner did, in fact, fly too close to the goddamn sun and subsequently crash and burn when he decided to create a library of fear books, didn't he?
He always said, if you don’t like something, you accept it and you adapt, or you fight and you change it. Whining doesn’t help. I always tried to live like that. But I think sometimes you feel like you’re adapting, but it’s just denial. - Basira
This is definitely something I've experienced myself but it's also definitely something I've seen in some people who like to go on like Basira's dad about stiff-upper-lip-don't-whine-adapt-and-overcome to other people and shame others for expressing their emotional pain. When the cracks finally do start showing up (usually under the influence of alcohol), it's not so much a crack as a full-on explosion.
But at least Daisy’s coming. I mean, I know she’s… difficult. Everything they say about her, it’s true, it’s fair. But, she’s solid. She’s a… a fixed point, and if she’s there, I know exactly where I stand, exactly what I’m doing, relative to her.
It's tragic but also on some level a little bit heartwarming that Basira never actually stops doing things relative to Daisy, even when it takes everything out of her, even when Daisy starts destroying herself.
Still stuck, still miserable, still angry. New traumas, but they hurt just like the old ones. Elias thinks he’s got this ingenious way to hurt people, but it’s just the same old and a creepy new package. Arsehole. God, I just want to rip his – When did I start to lose the parts of me that weren’t just anger? - Melanie
I always have a soft spot for the angry ones, the ones who have to forcibly stop themselves from punching people in the teeth, who have to put every last shred of willpower into keeping a lid on the boiling, hissing, steaming pot that is their inner life. The ones whose willpower sometimes fails them and then they do end up hurting people or themselves because of their anger. And not to go all REPRESENTATION here, but I'm actually glad to see that in TMA that character archetype is basically all women, because the people exploding in violent anger or having to try so fucking hard to keep it in and occasionally failing are usually guys.
They did manifest, but they weren’t what I thought they’d be. They were fused, somehow, all mixed together, a huge angry mass of dead flesh and guns.
I'm kind of glad this isn't a fully-fledged statement because I feel like that sentence, that image, is really all I need and anything further would actually weaken rather than strengthen the horror.
Good luck, Jon. I do hope you win. But I also hope it hurts.
Damn, this episode is so good at summarising characters in a line or two, isn't it?
I, I’m scared, I guess. – no, wait. No, no, I mean, ah, I don’t want that to be my last message, the thing that defines me. “Martin Blackwood, he was always scared, then he died. The end.” I don’t want that. - Martin
I'm a very anxious person and this is INSANELY relatable, this fear that all that's going to be left of you is the things you didn't do because you were terrified. ... Martin, stop making me tear up by being too damn relatable!
I need them to be safe, I need him to be okay.
Aw, Martin!
I mean, it’s not like I’m going to be safe, like my plan’s not dangerous, but it’s, it’s mine. This last couple of years, I’ve always been running, always hiding, caught in someone else’s trap, but, but now it’s my trap, and, well, I think it’ll work. I know, I know it’s not exactly intricate, but it felt good leaving my own little web.
a) This thought process makes perfect sense. Sometimes you just need to express your goddamn agency, even if it's dangerous and even if it's bound to hurt and b) I know the podcast immediately lampshades the "web" thing, but WEB!MARTIN THOUGH! I MEAN! THINK ABOUT IT! That would've been such an amazing plot point and they had it all set up. I mean, he's got a lot of good Lonely-related shit going on later, too, but ... why not both? I do enjoy it when the powers squabble over a character!
I used to blame my brother for going off his own and poking around where he wasn’t wanted. I used to blame myself for not helping him. But now… now it doesn’t matter. I’ve read through enough of these things to know that this doesn’t matter. The only thing you need to have your life destroyed by this stuff is just bad luck. Talk to the wrong person, take the wrong train, open the wrong door, and that’s it! - Tim
I think Tim's view of this is actually very close to the way that TMA handles this. The Entities don't eat you because you deserve it. They just happen to happen to someone. And that makes the horror work so much better than if that wasn't the case. (It also feels closer to how LIFE actually works a lot of the time.) So I find it somewhat odd to see when people do read desert into it, I feel like that weakens the storytelling.
Honestly, I hope that Jon learned something from her because, because I don’t expect I’m going to be coming back from this. I don’t know if I want to. And if he needs to pull the trigger, to use me to stop it… well, he’d better have the guts to do it.
Well. Fuck!
Gerard’s page… Gerry. I-I know there’s more he could tell me – he he, wouldn’t of, of course, I, I know that but he, he… he would still be there, th-that, that knowledge, i-it would, it would still exist…(...) …y-you owe me one, Gerry. Rest in … Just rest. - Jon
Damn, seeing Jon struggle against the instinct to keep knowledge available to himself, seeing how much it literally hurts him and seeing him WIN is sure something. Also ... "Rest in ... just rest." ... make me cry, why don't you?
My impression of this episode
This is not so much horror as it is concentrated emotion and I adore it. I nearly teared up a few times on my relisten (I think I wasn't in quite the right headspace during my first time). The gut punch quotes come thick in this one. This may actually be my favourite plot development episode (as opposed to favourite statements that don't relate directly to the overall plot). The writing is just. so. good.
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bubbyleh · 4 years ago
Do I Know You? - Chapter 5
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Chapter 5: We’ve Met Before
A strong silence falls over the two of them. Bubby’s initial electric panic has long since faded into a dull feeling worming around in their chest. Coomer has a hand on their back and leans against them, mostly in an attempt to stop Bubby from pacing around their dorm. They’re anxious, sure, but adding a little bit of movement won’t do anything but annoy their neighbors.
“What are you going to do?” Coomer finally asks, breaking the silence.
Bubby shifts slightly, resting their chin on top of Coomer’s head. “I don’t know,” he admits, clutching onto the back of his partner’s shirt.
Coomer hums lightly. “You know, he’s mentioned you before.”
“Really?” Bubby pulls back. “Like… baby me?”
Coomer nods. “He has a picture of the two of you in his locker. I asked him about it!”
Suddenly, Bubby grabs onto Coomer’s arms, eye slightly twitching. “Are you serious? What did he say?”
“Well,” Coomer thinks back, placing a finger on his chin. “It sounded to me like he loves you, and that he misses you terribly.”
Bubby’s shoulders slump, and they pretty much collapse onto Coomer’s chest. “Okay. I’m going to think about it,” he states, then lets out a long sigh. “I kinda want to keep reading. We could figure out my first surgery?”
“If you want to, darling,” Coomer smiles.
- ○ -
It takes a while, but eventually, Bubby decides how he’s going to break the news to Kleiner. Or rather, he comes up with half a plan that he’s honestly still working out the details for when he makes it to Kleiner’s dorm.
Something propels them forward, something that they don’t quite understand. Bubby wants Kleiner to know, more than they expected they would. It’s all very… foreign, the idea that he was someone. Could be someone.
There’s a moment of hesitation at the door, with their arm raised, where Bubby realizes that retreat is still an option. But they ignore it and proceed to knock as obnoxiously as they can manage.
Kleiner is, at first, confused when he opens his door, brows furrowed. But the second he sees that it’s Bubby who came to visit, though, his demeanor changes.
“Oh, Bubby!” Kleiner beams, clasping his hands together. “What a nice surprise! Would you like to come inside?”
Oh no.
Oh fuck no.
He’s being welcoming.
It hits Bubby, all at once. That’s his brother in front of him, smiling, happy to see him. Somehow, despite all the precautions Black Mesa took, they found their family again. Right here, Bubby can reclaim the life that this damned research facility stole from them! Be real! Be human!
And he panics.
Just in case, Bubby had brought a few of the papers from his file, in the off chance he felt the need to provide some proof to Kleiner. Instead, though, he just ends up shoving the first document—the one at the beginning of the file—into Kleiner’s hands.
“Uh, I-” Bubby struggles. Then, fight or flight kicks in, and he shouts, “Bye!” before running down the hall and back towards the trams.
Total success. It isn’t until he’s halfway back home that Bubby finally facepalms.
- ○ -
The next day is completely about damage control. Chemical Engineering is way closer to the couple’s dorms than Anomalous Materials is, so Bubby has a little less than an hour of a head start before Coomer gets back. Besides, if they’re lucky, they’ll be able to make sure Coomer forgets
Kleiner may have told him.
Bubby hears the keys turn in the lock right on time. “Bubby-” Coomer calls out the second he’s in their dorm, but his partner is already a step ahead of him.
“Harold! Look!” Bubby gestures to the plate on the counter in front of them. “I made cookies!”
Coomer’s head tilts, finally noticing the warm, steaming pile of chocolate chip cookies. “Oh, they smell wonderful!” he exclaims. “Did you make them for a special occasion?”
Bubby shakes his head. “Have a few, if you want.”
Quickly, Coomer reaches out to snag a cookie, but just before he can grab one, he hesitates. He squints up at Bubby, who begins to nervously fidget with their hands.
“Bubby,” Coomer says slowly, “are these distraction cookies?”
“What? I-” Bubby stammers, squirming under the scrutiny of Coomer’s gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. What would I even need to distract you from?” He leans a hand on the counter, tapping his foot.
“Really? There’s nothing you want to tell me?” Coomer asks, and Bubby avoids meeting his eyes. “Because Kleiner seemed awfully distraught today.”
Bubby crosses his arms, pointedly looking away.
“Darling,” Coomer sighs. He cups their cheek with his hand, brushing it with his thumb once again. Instantly, Bubby’s shoulders lose their tension, and their eyes drift back towards Coomer’s, saddened. “What happened?” he asked.
“I gave him one of the papers and ran away.” Bubby mopes. “I got scared.”
“Oh Bubby,” Coomer frowns. “You didn’t have to say anything. It’s your file.”
“But I wanted to!” Bubby insists, taking a step back. “I really want to tell him. I…” Their eyes widen in realization. “I want a brother.”
Coomer’s hand drifts down to hold their own, which Bubby grips onto as though their life depends on it.
They take a deep breath. “I thought I didn’t have any relatives for my whole life,” he explains, running his free hand through his hair. “They told me I was the only one. And finding out that they lied to me, and I have a brother, and I know him. It’s…” they sigh. “A lot.”
“Let’s take a moment,” Coomer says. “We can make use of these wonderful cookies you made-” he gestures to the plate. “-and ruin our appetites for the night!”
And just like that, Bubby smiles. “You’re the perfect man. Has anyone ever told you that?”
- ○ -
The cookies don’t last very long. Coomer’s stomach can be accurately described as a black hole, and in the time it takes Bubby to eat a single cookie, he’s practically eaten the rest. Which is fine, all things considered, they can always make more.
But there’s something that remains, still.
For the second time, Bubby knocks on the door of Kleiner’s dorm room. In the silence that follows, they’re once again tempted by a desire to flee.
Then, Kleiner answers, looking relieved to see Bubby, and their resolve hardens. Whatever thoughts they had left about abandoning the whole reveal and hiding in a vent disappear in an instant.
“Hey, Isaac-” Bubby starts, trying and failing to sound cool, but he’s quickly cut off.
“Bubby!” Kleiner shouts, and surprisingly, he doesn’t sound at all angry. He’s almost… worried? “What happened?! You ran off!”
Bubby winces. “I, uh. Panicked.” They wring their hands together. “The papers I had were… kind of heavy. I didn’t want to mess up, so I…” they drift off.
Kleiner sighs. “Well, I will say, you’re right about the heaviness.” He glances back into his apartment for a second. “I read over the one you gave me, and I have a few questions. Do you want to come inside?”
And, finally severing his last chance at escape, Bubby agrees.
- ○ -
Black Mesa’s singles’ dorms, especially for more recent hires, are only slightly better than Bubby expected. Which doesn’t say a lot, to be perfectly fair, but the couch is at least somewhat tolerable, and with a few touches of home, Kleiner seems to have turned his into a fully habitable space. Except for the disorganized messes, research notes and books left out to be cleaned later. Seriously, the whole place makes Bubby itch to do some tidying up.
When Kleiner sits down at the other end of the couch, facing them, Bubby can hear the springs squeak.
Well. This is it.
“Okay,” Kleiner says, and Bubby notices that he has the paper he gave him in his hands. “First. This document is… real?”
Bubby nods. “I got it straight from the department.”
“Alright, then I suppose my next question is… what happened after?”
In a rush, Bubby feels both warm and cold at the same time. He grits his teeth together as he thinks.
Kleiner swallows. “I just- I need to know what happened to her. We just went into her room one morning, and she was gone,” he starts to ramble. “And the window was open, and-”
Kleiner pauses. “Huh?”
“Sometimes they go by him, too,” Bubby offers. “But mostly them.”
“Oh…” Kleiner tilts his head. “Really?”
“Wow. It’s just-” Kleiner struggles. “Strange. To think they grew up enough to figure that out.” He laughs, but not in a happy way. “I thought all these years that they were dead.”
Bubby glances down at the paper, and then back up at Kleiner. He’s still reeling from the shock of finding out his long-lost sibling is alive after almost four decades, flicking the edges of the paperclipped photos. Shit, Bubby stared at those pictures for hours, it feels like, and they kind of want another look now too.
“Where are they?” Kleiner is very obviously fighting back some tears. “I mean, would I be able to see them? Or-”
“Isaac.” Bubby says simply.
Kleiner grows silent, and their gazes meet.
“I’m B-K55.” Tears start to well up in their eyes. “I didn’t know any of this until last week, I swear, or I would’ve told you sooner. But then they shut down the project, that’s when they gave me the file. I’m sorry if I-”
And just like that, Kleiner’s on them. He wraps them in a hug so tight that Bubby wouldn’t be able to escape if they wanted to. They’re so caught off guard that for a moment, they’re unable to react.
“You’re alive,” Kleiner whispers, but his joy is still evident. “You’re okay!”
Bubby hugs Kleiner back, holding onto him as though he might disappear. For the first time they can recall, they have their brother.
“Yeah,” they smile. “I’m okay.”
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chocoluckchipz · 5 years ago
Will You Help Me, Marinette?
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                                  Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
Halfway into her walk to work, Marinette’s phone chimed. An amused smile tugged at her lips. A new record. Usually, he’d text her first thing upon waking up. Had been for years. She was already starting to suspect something had happened.
Adrien: Help!
She rolled her eyes. If it were anyone else, she’d panic. But it was Adrien, an overgrown man-child to whose overly dramatic, exaggerated ways she was used to by now.
Marinette: I’m bringing you croissants. Don’t worry.
Adrien: U rock!
Adrien: But that’s not it. Can I ask you for a favour?
She stopped at the lights, looking around for cars and quickly ran across the street.
Marinette: Coffee? I’m about to walk by our café.
Adrien: Thanks, but not today. My photoshoot relocated at the last moment, so I won’t be in until much later in the day.  
Adrien: I’ll still meet you at our cafe for lunch. Don’t order without me.
Marinette: :thumbs-up:
One end of her scarf got loose and seeing as Adrien was still typing, Marinette stole a moment to fix it, swaddling her neck away from the crispiness of cool air on the early April morning.
Adrien: Marinette, you’re my best friend and the luckiest girl I know, and you’re super smart and creative, so if anyone, you’d know what to do, and I really can use help now in something super important.
Adrien::puppy eyes: Please?
She didn’t bother suppressing a giggle, attracting a few glances from a morning crowd around her. Turning the corner, Marinette inhaled a warm aroma of fresh baked goods from a nearby café. She grew up and still lived in a bakery. She should've been used to this kind of thing. Yet this one was special. It was close to Gabriel’s office, and Adrien and she loved to frequent it during their lunches.  
One of the servers waved at her, wishing her a good day. Marinette waved back, asking how their new kitten was adjusting. A brief exchange later, she walked on, a buzzing device in her hand reminding her of an unintentionally abandoned friend.
Adrien: T_T
Adrien: Are you ignoring me?
Adrien: Five minutes had passed. No answer. :sobbing:
Adrien: I thought we were friends? Friends help each other.  
Adrien: …
Adrien: You do still like me, right?
She couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Such a drama queen and an incorrigible dork. Though, no one would ever believe her if she’d say that out loud that because in the public eye a supermodel, part-time CEO of a fashion empire Adrien Agreste was perfect in every sense of this word. Only his closest friends knew better.
Marinette: I beg your forgiveness, Your Highness. I was distracted by Pierre. How can I help you?  
Adrien: :D You like me after all!
Marinette: I wouldn’t put up with your insufferable antics otherwise. Now, spill because I’m about to walk into the office and you’ll lose me five minutes after that.
Adrien: Okay.  
Adrien: So…
Adrien: I’ve decided…
Adrien: To confess to the love of my life.
Marinette froze in her path, her heart sinking. Tightening her grip on her cellphone, she stared at the screen in shock. Adrien was in love with someone? Why didn’t she know about that? They’ve been friends for years, so how did she miss that the love of her life was in love with someone else? Her quickening-its-pace heart ached as Adrien continued to type.
Adrien: I tried to confess to her on my own many times but chickened out every single one of them because I’m terrified of ruining what we already have if she doesn’t feel the same for it’s amazing and wonderful and absolutely beautiful, but I’m also at a point where I NEED more. It’s getting too hard to be just a friend.
Adrien: So, I’m risking it and I need you to help me. As my oldest and best-est friend ever you must help me. Please, say you’ll help me?
A knife Adrien didn’t know he’d stuck into her heart twisted, ripping through tender flesh. Marinette bit on her tongue and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. She needed a moment before she could reply, so walking into Gabriel’s building, she proceeded to the elevator and didn’t check her phone until she was safely in her office, settled in her chair.
Adrien: Marinette?
Adrien: I hope I didn’t ask for too much. You’re the only one I can trust with this.
Adrien: If you’d rather not, though, it’s fine. I’ll figure this out somehow.
Adrien: Are you upset with me? I’m sorry. I didn’t think this would be a big deal.  
Adrien: … Please, say something.
Marinette read over the messages a few more times before dropping her head in her hands, propped on the table. This hurt. It ripped and crushed and devastated her, but as much as she’d love to run away and scream her pain out right now, Adrien was her friend first of all, and as his friend, she’d be supportive of him even if it hurt her.
Marinette: Sorry. I got distracted on my way. In my office now, so you have my full attention.
Adrien: T_T Don’t scare me like this. I already thought you hated me.
Marinette: Why would I hate you?  
Adrien: Idk. Just a thought. So, you’re in?
Marinette: Are you sure you want me involved? Love confessions are kind of personal.
Adrien: Mari, please. I’m twenty-three. I don’t want to die an old maiden because I’m too chicken to confess to the most amazing, gorgeous girl around.
Marinette stared at the phone. She was also twenty-three, and ten of those years, she’d spent loving Adrien. All in vain, it seemed now. And yet, she couldn’t find it in herself to regret a single moment because Adrien had been brightening her days ever since their mothers became friends at a random book club meeting all those years back. She couldn’t desert him now, even if she wanted to.
Swearing under her breath, she cursed her inability to say No to him once again and typed.
Marinette: Alright. Let’s start with the name of the lucky lady.
Adrien: Can’t tell you.
Marinette: Seriously?
Adrien: Yes.  
Marinette: How can I help you if I don’t know who she is?
Adrien: Keep me accountable. Bug me until I confess. Remind me every freaking minute that I can do it. Idk, threaten me or something. We’ve been friends for what? Almost fifteen years now? You know how I work and how to make me do things. That’s why I’m begging you and not Nino.
Marinette wished he’d asked Nino instead because helping Adrien confess to some girl was the least of Marinette’s desires.
Marinette: It’s going to be hard to suggest anything specific if I don’t know who she is, but fine. We’ll think of something. I get the front row seat at the wedding, though.
She wanted nothing less but Adrien couldn’t know that.
Adrien: Thank you! I’ll save you the best seat in the house… IF she accepts.
Marinette: Oh, please! You’ve got looks and money. Who would refuse you?
Adrien: See, that’s the issue: she knows me too well. She won’t be swayed by my looks or money. T_T Why do you think I’ve been stalling?  
Marinette: Your dorkiness is finally catching up with you?
Adrien: Meanie.
Marinette: :P I’m sure everything will be fine. Now, is there anything you can tell me about her?
Adrien: She works at Gabriel.
Marinette tried to swallow the knot in her throat. Of course. Adrien must be in love with one of the models. He worked amongst the most beautiful girls in France every day, and who was Marinette? A junior designer in his father’s company? Not ugly or a failure per se but she was nothing to be proud of also. Marinette was just a girl whom he’d known her for most of his life and whose every fault he’d witness more than she’d like to admit. Nothing new and exciting to catch his attention. She was an idiot to ever dare to dream of him.
Yet, gritting her teeth together and pushing the thought aside, Marinette typed a response because he was her friend and he needed her help.
Marinette: You can ask her out to lunch for starters? Take her to our cafe. I’m sure she’d love it there.
Adrien: …  
Adrien: But we always have our lunches together. I can’t betray you like that.  
Marinette: I’ll be fine. I have a few designs I need to finish today, so I’ll eat at the work cafeteria.
Adrien: They don’t have your favourite.  
Marinette: I can survive one lunch without an eclair. Or I can call Alya and meet up with her.
Adrien: Shoot. Gtg. Ttyl.
Marinette: Good luck.
Adrien: <3
Marinette put the phone away. dropping her head onto the table. They’ve been so close for years. How could she have missed that Adrien was in love with someone? Was she that blinded by her own feelings for him? If she wasn’t, maybe then she would’ve noticed and could’ve prepared herself and not feel this excruciating pain in her chest now.
Her phone chimed again. This time it was Alya, reminding her of their Friday night plans. Marinette briefly responded, not paying close attention to what she was saying, adding an invitation for lunch at the end. Not that she was eager to be in anybody’s company today, but it was better than sitting alone and obsessing over who Adrien’s lady-love was. She knew herself and right now she needed a distraction not to fall apart. So, pushing misery aside, Marinette pulled her work files and started on finalizing her sketches due by the end of the day.
Closer to noon, Adrien texted again. As he always did.
Adrien: Guess who’s all done and who’s so nervous about today, it showed in pictures and drove my photographer insane?
She bitterly chuckled. Classic Adrien.
Marinette: Nothing to be bragging about. I thought you were a professional?
Adrien: I am. That’s why I’m done already. All you have to do is to imagine spaghetti. :3
Marinette: Dork.
Adrien: Proudly so.
Adrien: Marinette, thank you. I REALLY appreciate you being with me on this one. Honestly, I just can’t do this alone, and I wanted to do this for so long now, I’m desperate. So, your help means a lot.  
I don’t want to help you, Marinette grumbled to herself.
That’s what friends are for, right? she wrote instead.
Adrien: She’s just so amazing, it terrifies me to lose her, but I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else. We’re perfect for each other. I hope you’ll agree with me once you’ll see who I’m talking about.  
Adrien: Okay, I’m downstairs. I’ll drop by after I see Father.
Marinette: Cool. See you soon.
She put her phone on the desk, pushing her designs away. Tears, successfully withheld by the distraction of work, surfaced at the corners of her eyes, as the reality of what was going on hit again. Adrien was in love with someone and that person wasn’t her despite Marinette’s most daring hopes because otherwise, Adrien wouldn’t be asking her for help.  
Someone opened the door, walking in without an invitation. Marinette quickly wiped away the lingering moisture in her eyes. Adrien couldn’t see her crying or he’d know she was less than happy about this confession of his. She was heartbroken, but for his sake, she'd keep a brave face and smile until the end.
“Didn’t except me?” The woman walked closer and settled in a chair opposite Marinette, a mug of coffee in her hand.
“Not really,” Marinette replied coldly. She hated Lila for lies and manipulations. Why M Agreste hired her as a model was beyond her. “What do you want?”
“I’ve come to warn you,” Lila said, ceremonially checking her nails.
Marinette quirked an eyebrow. “About what?”
Lila smirked, putting her mug down on a table. “Adrien and I are going public today, and we’d like you to stay out of it.”
Marinette inwardly growled. There was no way that could’ve been true! Yes, Lila was not so subtly trying to get Adrien’s attention for a while now, but as far as Marinette knew, Adrien was tolerating her antics only out of innate politeness and kindness of his heart, not affection.
“You’re lying,” she seethed. “Adrien had never mentioned—”
“That’s because he knew you don’t like me, and he wanted to spare your feelings since you’re his friend and all.” Lila shrugged. “But we’ve been secretly dating for a while now. Not anymore, though.” She smirked. “Adrien’s taking me out for lunch on our first official date today. But, to make it easier for everyone, I thought I’d warn you”—Lila’s face became stone-cold, her voice and glare matching—“stay out of my boyfriend’s life or you’ll regret it, Marinette.”
“What if I won’t?” Marinette barked without thinking twice. “He’s my friend. I have a right to—"
“You have absolutely no rights when it comes to my boyfriend.”
“I won’t believe it until I hear it from him personally.”
“You shall see it on the news tonight."
Lila’s sly smile promised nothing good as she stood up, picked up her coffee, and turned around to leave. Her hand swayed. Marinette’s blood ran cold because the mug in Lila’s hands tipped over, all of the coffee inside spilling all over Marinette’s desk, her sketches and her outfit. “Oops! Clumsy me.”
“You!” Marinette rushed to save what she could of her work.
“Stay away from Adrien or this will only be the start,” Lila whispered, leaning closer. “He’s mine.”
“Oh my gosh! What happened here? Marinette, are you alright?” Adrien suddenly appeared by her side.
“Adrien,” Lila cooed. “You’re just in time. We have to help Marinette. She spilled her coffee all over her hard work.” She picked up a few coffee-drenched papers, making a show out of trying to save them. “You’re such a klutz, girl. Let me help you before you do any more damage.”
Marinette glared at Lila, pressing her lips into a thin line.
“Marinette, are you okay?” Adrien took her by the shoulders and turned to face him.  
“Of course, she isn’t,” Lila interfered. “Just look at her: the poor thing’s all soaked. And doesn’t she look pale to you? She might be getting sick. We should ask your father to give her a day off. Or better yet send someone to do that. We don’t want to be late for lunch. I'll go call someone.”
The moment Lila stepped out of the room, Marinette looked at Adrien and asked, “Are you really taking her out for lunch?”
Adrien pressed his lips together, looking away as he nodded.
Lost for words, lost for actions, lost for anything, all Marinette could do was to stare at the ground.
“It’s not—”
“Oh my gosh! Marinette, what happened?” Alya pushed Adrien to the side and took her friend by her shoulders. “You’re all soaked.”
“Found her wandering down the hall,” Lila looped her hand around Adrien’s arm. “She’s here to pick up Marinette for lunch which reminds me that we need to go now or we’ll be late for our reservation. The girls can take care of this mess by themselves, right Marinette?”
Marinette wanted nothing more than to slap Lila and take Adrien away. He deserved so much better! How could he fall for Lila? Didn’t he see what kind of a person Lila was? Didn’t he know how she felt about her? How could he ask her advice on this? Tears pooled in her eyes. Adrien was her best friend. She loved him, but this hurt too much. It felt too much as a betrayal, and if Adrien cared for her so little as to ask her for advice on how to woo her enemy, then Marinette didn’t want him to see how much that pained her.
“I’ll be fine with Alya.” Marinette turned away to gather her papers. “This is my mess; I’ll clean it up. You should go.”
“What’s going on here?” Gabriel Agreste himself appeared behind them.
“Marinette spilled coffee all over herself and her work,” Lila rushed to explain.
“Father, I think—”
“You should clean up and take a day off,” Gabriel interceded. “I’ll give you an extension on those. Now, Adrien. Why are you still here? Don’t you have lunch to go to?”
Adrien glanced at Marinette, then to his father. His lips pressed into a thin line. “Yes, I do.”
"Then off you go. Mlle Dupain-Cheng would be fine without you.”
“Right.” Adrien reached forward to lightly touch Marinette’s elbow. “I’ll call you later,” he mouthed and walked out the room with Lila Rossi on his arm.
Adrien didn’t contact her until the very evening when exhausted from the day, Marinette put the work she took home away and went for a stroll.
Adrien: Hey. Sorry, I had a few things to settle. How are you?
She closed her eyes for a moment, before looking back at the Seine. The gentle lure of waves calmed. It mesmerized and relaxed. Marinette always came here when she was stressed, or tired, or needed a pick me up. She couldn’t explain it, but there was something soothing and healing about gazing at the passing-by waters of the Seine. Her own safe haven, a little oasis in the desert of stress and chaos. Today, Marinette needed it more than ever.
Adrien: Marinette? Is everything okay?
No. Nothing was okay, and she’d rather not talk to him now, but… years of friendship and her treacherous heart demanded otherwise. He hurt her, but it was also him, who she wanted to comfort her right now. Pathetic, she knew that, but better texts than face to face.
Marinette: Everything’s fine. Taking a walk.
Adrien: Where are you off to?
Marinette: [image 1509]
Adrien: Pont des Arts?
Marinette: You know your Paris well.
Adrien took five minutes to reply, but when he did, he did so in person. “I know you well. You always come here when you need to calm down or to think things over.”
Marinette whipped around. Adrien was standing just a few meters away. Trying to catch his breath, he ran his hands through his dishevelled hair to fix it back in somewhat decent shape.
“Adrien? What are you doing here?”
“I need to ask you something.” He walked closer, stopping only when Marinette was pressed flash against the bridge, his hands on either of her sides, his face inches from hers. "Why didn't you expose her?”
Marinette blinked. “What?”
“You didn’t spill that coffee. Lila did. And don’t even try to deny it. You never bring drinks in your office unless it’s in an air-tight container because you think you’re too clumsy.”
Marinette shifted her eyes to the side. “I am clumsy.”
“Just a tiny, adorable amount. Nothing serious.” He cocked his head to the side. “So? Why did you let her get away with it?”
Marinette looked away. She hated Lila and Adrien knew that. What did he expect her to say? Why did he even come here? He should go back to that liar girlfriend of his.
“It’s so unlike you. I want to know what’s going on.”
She didn't know what to answer him, so she remained silent.
“Marinette, please? What’s wrong?”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“Then look me in the eyes and repeat that.”
She tried and failed. Adrien sighed and pulled her into his arms, whispering into her ear. “Marinette, please. Why did you allow her to walk all over you? You never did that before. What’s happened? You know I won’t leave you alone until you tell me.”
She closed her eyes. The gentle tone of his voice, the comforting wrap of his arms around her, his body’s warmth so close to hers… It stirred those damn butterflies at the pit of her belly, ripping through her heart at the same time… because he’d betrayed her. He’d fallen in love with the only girl whose guts Marinette hated more than anything and there was nothing either of them could do because who could control their heart? Adrien couldn’t help loving who he did… which, however, didn’t mean he could be so inconsiderate of her. He knew she hated Lila!
She pushed him away. It hurt to remain in his embrace any longer.
“Leave me alone. Go to your girlfriend.”
His eyes widened as he stared at her in shock. “My girlfriend?”
“Yes, Lila,” Marinette huffed, turning her back to him, her face to the Seine. “Can’t believe you had the audacity to ask me of all people for advice on that. You know how I feel about her!”
Her eyes focused on the rolling waves as Marinette waited for an answer that didn’t come for a few moments and not until Adrien walked to stand beside her, searching her face with his eyes.
“Just to make sure I understood you correctly: you think I’m in love with Lila?”
“Aren’t you? You took her to lunch just as you said you would.”
Adrien laughed, leaning on his arms to rest on the bridge. “Marinette, you know me better than that. I took Lila to lunch only because my father blackmailed me to do so.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “A likely story.”
“No, really. He said Lila dug some dirt on him and her price for silence was me. And Father, knowing you’re my friend, threatened to fire you if I won’t comply.”
Marinette looked at him, her eyebrows knitted into a frown. “What?”
“Don’t worry, your job is safe, and I made it clear to both of them that I’m not taking part in any of their bullshit. If Father wants her silence, he’d better pay for it some other way.” Gently, Adrien cupped her shoulder, turning Marinette to face him. “Seeing what she did to you… it made me angry. I wanted nothing more than to protect you at that moment, and the best way to do that was to deal with the cause once and for all. So, I trusted Alya to take care of you, and I went with Lila only to ensure she won’t be troubling you again. And after that, I visited Father and we had a long talk about the situation. He won’t be bothering either of us again as well.”
Marinette stared at him for a few seconds before muttering without thinking. “What did you do?”
“Nothing significant. I explained to Father how serious I was about quitting Gabriel the moment you’re fired and we both know he can’t afford me walking out. Not with me owning half of the company in my mother's shares. Lila, though, was harder to get through. She kept dismissing me until I pretty much avenged you. Then she got the message loud and clear.”
As in a haze, she echoed, “What did you do?”
Adrien grinned. “I might have placed my plate of spaghetti in a strategic place for it to be accidentally tipped over and end up all over Lila.”
Marinette gasped. “What?!”
His grin widened. “I only placed it in the spot. She did all the job herself, and”—he leaned closer—“there might have been a reporter close by and he might have taken pictures if you are interested.”
“What? How?”
Adrien chuckled. “Lila hired someone to ‘witness’ and report on our ‘first date’. The guy reached out to me later to see if I wanted to buy the embarrassing pictures of ‘my girlfriend’ from him. I wasn’t interested, but I saved his card in case you are.”
Marinette stared at him for a moment, then erupted with laughter. “You’re horrible.”
“She deserved so much more after what she did to you.”
“Still, spaghetti?”
“Just using her own methods against her, and only because she wouldn’t listen to me when I was nice.”
Marinette chuckled. “Dork.”
“And you like me that way, don’t you?”
“I do,” she smiled, relaxing against the railing. She looked up at the stars and breathed in. So many worries for nothing. She should've trusted Adrien more.  
She hummed, turning to him.
He looked hesitant, moving closer. “Were you jealous?”
Marinette squeaked, her face flaring crimson, as she shook her head. “No! Why would I be jealous? I—”
“You looked like you were jealous.”
“No, I wasn’t!” Her face burned hotter with every moment.
Adrien chuckled before turning serious and reaching out to cup her face in his hands. His touch, gentle and warm, sent electrical current down Marinette’s body. He slowly started to lean in. Her eyes widened with realization, fluttering close the moment his lips hesitantly brushed against hers.
“The girl I’m in love with is you, Marinette,” Adrien whispered, searching her face for a reaction. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and I’m the fool who couldn’t find the courage to confess to you for years without asking you to keep me accountable because I’m terrified my feelings will ruin our friendship, but I can’t keep it in anymore. I love you, Marinette.”
Dumbfounded, Marinette stared back at him wide-eyed. “Me? You love me?”
His lips tugged in a hopeful smile as he nodded. "Will you give me a chance? I promise I’ll make you happy if you’ll let me be more than just a friend.”
Marinette forgot how to breathe. “Adrien—I… I don’t understand. You said—I thought—”
She froze, seeing his face saddened, and shook her head. No! What was she doing? She’d dreamed of this moment for years and now that it was finally here, why was she stalling?
He slowly pulled his hands away.
She couldn’t let him misunderstand her even if her reaction was puzzling to her herself, so she grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled him down, crushing her lips against his.
Adrien stilled. Then wrapped his arms around her and angled his head to deepen the kiss. She let him press forward, pushing her against the railing of the bridge as their lips moved heatedly in tandem, years of pinned-up love and desire spilling out. It was only when the air became a necessity, she pulled away breathless and smiled at him.
“I love you too, Adrien. Have been for years.”
His face lit up.
“And just like you, I was too scared to confess. Looks like we’re both hopeless idiots.”
Adrien pulled her closer, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he pressed a lingering kiss to a patch of exposed skin he found there.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” he whispered.
“You could’ve if you’d asked,” Marinette replied, running her fingers through his hair.
He leaned into her touch, almost purring from the pleasure. “Can I now?”
He growled lowly, tightening his hold on her. “Mine.”
She giggled, wrapping her hands around his neck. “Possessive much?”
“Very.” He grinned. “Marinette?” Without letting her go, Adrien pulled a key with a ladybug keychain on it out from his pocket. “Will you also consider moving in with me?”
“What?” Marinette blinked. “Right away?”
He shrugged. “It’s not like we need time to get to know each other better. We grew up together. We know what makes us tick and what we like. Why wait?”
Marinette smiled. Adrien was right. They did know each other well. And it wasn’t like she hadn’t dreamed of sharing her days, her nights, her happy and sad moments, her dreams and fears, her life, her everything with him for years. Why wait indeed? “I’d love to move in with you.”
Adrien grinned harder and pulled her in for another kiss. Slow and sweet, filled with longing, and need, and desire.
“In that case,” he added, his voice raspy as he drew away and, pulling a small box out of his pocket, dropped on one knee. “Will you also consider marrying me?”
Marinette gasped as Adrien revealed a gorgeous ring inside.
“Adrien, you’re insane. What are you doing?”
“I thought I’ll ask everything in one go,” he admitted. “It took me years to confess, and I don’t want to wait that long for the next step. So why not? We can have a long engagement if you want, or you can say No now and I’ll ask again la—”
“No, you really are insane,” Marinette kneeled beside him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him slowly. “How can I say No to you?”
He grinned. “Is that a Yes then?”
“That’s a Yes.”
He held her gaze for a few moments, giving her that goofy, happy smile of his before shaking off his stupor and sliding the ring on her finger. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my life.”
“Me too.”
“I already looked up hamsters in my local pet store. They’re keeping a few for us to choose from until next week,” Adrien murmured. “You did want a hamster, right? Three kids and a hamster. We'll start with the hamster and add kids later—"
Marinette laughed and grabbed him by his coat’s collar again, pulling him closer.
“As much as I’d love to talk kids and hamsters with you,” she whispered. “Right now, I need you to kiss me senseless. Leave the rest for later.”
A lovesick smile tugged at his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Marinette echoed, weaving her arms around his neck, losing herself to the caresses of the man she loved more than anything.
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beyoncesdragon · 5 years ago
The disappointing Gender
Pairing:  Bestfriend!Ashton x Reader   
Warnings: shit ton of cursing, dont worry I love men, but women are just easier at times. Based on a real story, that shit really happened to me. 
Summary: Some men are just straight up trash. And what’s better than to vent about them to your willingly listening best friend Ashton. 
My Masterlist 🦋
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(Gif credits: @ghostofmashton​)
“I don’t know exactly what goes through your mind when deciding to finally peel your limp body out of your comfy sheets, go through the usually long, self-esteem-damaging process of “getting ready”, find an outfit you would feel comfortable but not underdressed in and then leave for a party. Let me be honest, I mostly think: at least let it be worth all this. And then maybe something like; maybe I’ll meet someone. “Someone” carefully and fully on purpose undefined because you don’t want to get your hopes up and then be disappointed. But “someone” secretly being a guy, optionally a boyfriend even, but just maybe.
“However, now you are at that party, ready to meet new people and you take a look around. You see many people; some you think are pretty in your eyes some aren’t. But that’s okay, that’s only natural. So then after a time, when you have met a few girls you get along with, you spot the “someone”. And your friends somehow knew about him and all that bullshit and tell you the teeniest bit of bloody information alright? And he, on top of that, seems to be interested, keep that in mind.”
I stopped for a second, taking a gulp of my water. The few ice cubes clicked softly against the glass when I placed it back down.
“Alright. Now, you chat with him, all friendly funny business, you develop a sort of insider joke. It’s funny and you think wow, it isn’t all that difficult to talk to boys, amazing. Eventually, you also had a few, and I don’t want to say advantageously but it does help.”
A giggle fell from my bestfriends lips, but I decided to just keep going. “I will again be honest, I was a bit…inebriated if I may say so and if you would want to take me as an example. However, maybe you flirt for a while, and it really all goes well, so well that you would’ve started to become suspicious, since it was you after all. Continuing, because you’re bloody sloshed, you don’t suspect anything, even though if you would’ve just listened closely you could’ve totally heard fate snigger.”
I earned an amused hum from Ashton for that, picking up my glass again. “Further on, one of your new friends disappears with a guy and it’s okay for you but not for her friend whom you also are friends with now. That, because the other girl actually does have a guy eventually. But she isn’t sure. So you go get her, and you sit down with the girls outside to have a chat. Because it’s important that she still has a good night and so on. During that amount of time, you selflessly neglect your guy. Not that he is your guy in reality, but you secretly might have planned on making him your guy.” After a big gulp I placed my glass back down again, the ice now almost completely molten.
“Suddenly, that bloke walks out, raising a single hand at you as an obvious goodbye. And you sit here, startled and a bit dumbfounded because what the fuck is he leaving already. Quick note; it was hardly midnight, the clock stroke twelve maybe two minutes ago. So you get up, approach him and ask, why in the love of Jesus effing Christ he’s leaving already. His response; well. He hasn’t been blessed with the best of experience with women.”
And annoyed frown settled on my face. “I mean what kind of excuse is that? I haven’t only met them good guys either, but do you see me acting like an antisocial scaredy-cat? Nope sir, because I am not that superficial, and you shouldn’t be as well because I am not “women”. Also, have I mentioned that my friends told me, that he was total slag, like a fuckboy freshly bred. Best experience with women my fucking ass. However, back to my example; you then are still a bit startled because he slips that he has been cheated on and all that godforsaken crap. And in your woozy, naturally kind-hearted state you are in, you do feel sorry and possibly even apologise for being so bold. Also, because you don’t want him to think bad of you, he is very attractive after all and you have not given up your hopes just yet.”
A grin had now settled on Ash’s lips, as he leaned back with his drink, the attention still fully with me. “Then he says something like; but it was nice to meet you, and asks you to say your name again, and you do so. Naturally you do ask him the same thing…and you may have forgotten the name already.” I added with a frown, desperately trying to remember. “Something with F and it sounded French or such. Don’t know, not important anyways. Just like his existence.”
At that, Ashton laughed out loud, but wisely keeping quiet. “Yeah you just laugh…however, he then throws that horrid line; we’ll see each other again yeah?
At you, and you might think cool. But how for the love of fuck, since you don’t have anything except for a name. So the thing you do then is, you scrap all of your…I don’t know confidence from off the bottom of your rotten self and ask, if he wants to at least give you his snapchat.” Ash let out a whistle but I waved him off.
“I’m not done yet. So you ask. And he just ignores your question somehow, can’t really remember how. The whole time he’s walking away from you backwards, I guess towards the busstation and you have to follow him like damn mongrel…however. You end up leaving it be and sprinting back to your friends telling them what happened. Because they “know” him, they know his Instagram, so you decide to follow him. But he is on private so you got to send a request. Done with a few clicks, in approximately ten seconds. So now he is gone, you feel disappointment bubbling up, because fuck.”
Ash nodded slowly, looking up at me since I got up impatiently from his couch. “Sounds fun?” he said in a more or less questioning manner and I shot him a dark look.
“Buzz off twat, the best part’s only coming.” Ash rose an eyebrow, leaning back expectantly again. “Next morning you go and check your Instagram, somehow curious if he accepted your request and what do you see? He fucking declined it! This bloody wanker skipped my music, stole my attention and wasted my fucking time, four hours of it!” Ashton broke out in a fit of laughter, nearly spilling his drink.
“Comedy at its finest, certificated gold. Platinum even. Oh Jesus Christ. And that all has obviously not happened to you, you just purposely told it like it did right?” I huffed annoyed, dropping down again. “Never, as if stuff like this would ever happen to me. I mean, I totally understand mankind, it’s just that you can’t fucking use any of them.” Ash giggled, a dopey grin on his face.
“Come again?” I rolled my eyes. “I said, that you can’t fucking use any of you gentlemen. Men are so disappointing, like get a grip on yourselves honestly.” Ash grinned, nudging me with his foot. “Haven’t you just said that he should stop being superficial because of one woman?” he teased and I gave him an angry glare.
“Cheating and just generally being international disappointments is something else. I slowly start to believe that you guys are just born with that twat-gene. It’s almost not your fault. It’s probably the Y-chromosome, would explain why women aren’t like you guys.” Ash shot me an amused grin.
“I don’t know if I would surprise you saying that the explanation why men and women aren’t the same accurately is rooted in our genes. To be specific, it’s even a matter of just those two chromosome, the X-chromosome and the Y-chromosome…” I groaned annoyed, aiming a pillow at his head. I missed, but the message was clear.
“Smart-alecky dimwit, get off my back. I need emotional support, because member belonging to your sex has wasted my time and, in addition to that, ruined your all’s reputation.” Ash just hummed amused.
“Is that so.” I nodded, pouting bolshie. “Then I suggest, you listen to Ariana Grande’s Thank u Next and some Beyoncé, maybe also Rihanna. They’ll support your idea of men being trash immediately I am sure.” I flipped him off immediately, even though he had brought up a good point.
“I am kidding sweetheart. I know men can be idiots, but so can you females.” I couldn’t help but throw him a derisive look “Yes, males and females can be difficult at times.” I mocked him and he just shot me a lopsided grin. “Now you get off my back, annoying brat. But you are over him?” I shrugged.
“I mean, I was never actively involved with him, so I guess?” he nodded softly. “Venting felt good?” I nodded quickly. “Always does. Thanks bud.” He smiled warmly at me. “Everything for my best friend. Mind if I quickly call Kaitlin…” as he saw my face he immediately rolled his eyes. “Oh your little girlfriend huh? Young Irwin’s a little whipped?” giving me the finger he got up and grabbed his phone. “Shut up. I’m right back you bitter prick.”
I laughed sitting up again. “I am not bitter, I am happy for you Ash. Furthermore, I don’t have any problems with taken people or relationships. The problems I have, start when selfish and inconsiderate assholes rub in the fact that they have someone, and start gushing about them. When I, as an admittedly slowly bitter, but independent single person, couldn’t give a shit or two.” Ash grinned at me, shaking his head slightly. “I love you, you madwoman. Also, I am sure you’ll find your guy and we can do all those disgustingly cute things best friends do when they both are in relationships.”
I scrunched my nose. “Like what? Double-dates? In this case, I’d rather stay single Irwin, and now get lost you need to call your babygirl or whatever. Our ice cream is melting and our friends-day is not over yet. So you better hurry your red-dyed, slicked back visage up.” I responded harshly but with a loving lilt to it.
“On my way, woman. Love you, don’t eat my ice cream.” I just huffed, waving him off quickly. “Love you too, you ashy bitch.” I then almost choked on my water when I saw his expression at my words. He grinned and shook his head, pressing his phone against his ear.  
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cloudyyoonji · 5 years ago
Knotted White Lies
Han Jisung x Reader. 
Requested by ANON
Summary: Stuck in an arranged marriage with none other than Han Jisung feels both awkward and like a breath of fresh air. Genre: Angsty Fluff!! New love fluff! ___________________________ Long tables are horribly impractical.  
Yet you’re seated in the corner of one, mother and father beside you.   Across the vast space is another family, one your father associated with for work; the chairman, his wife and his son, who is also seated in the middle of his parents.
A green china tea set rests in the middle of the space, sweets overflowing in an emerald china jar, completely untouched.  
Much like the sweets, the glittering ring seated on your left forth finger remains untouched.  
Even after the many months you’d been wearing it, it had never felt as heavy as it did now.
“They’re to be married by noon.” Chairman Han tells your father, a wide smile peeking over the rim of his teacup.
“Of course,” your father says, a chuckle in his voice as he peers over to his wife. “There is no doubt. We have been very excited about this marriage for a long time."
Well, everyone except you; the bride to be, and your fiancé.
You two barely glance at each other, laughing in the appropriate times, and bidding your thanks to the other family when plausible.
But what is said, is done.  
24 hrs later, you are seated behind an even larger table, decorated in white trimmed lace, bouquets of white roses and tulips, and people bidding their promises of love and eternity to the happy bride and groom. The evening air is crisp, almost as crisp as your mother's handwriting on your forged wedding vows, the note cards tucked under your ringed hand. You can see Jisung’s tucked away too, his fathers writing as dark as his black suit.  
As far as conversations went, you and the groom had barely uttered a word to each other since the engagement had started. You knew his name; Han Jisung, his age; 19, and his family; the chairman and his wife. In return, he knew the same about you, your name, age and family.   You never felt so far from reality, seeing someone you barely know wrap their hands around yours and call you family, call you his wife, his lifelong partner.  
But of course, none of the words was his. Then again, neither were yours.  
The house arrest came later, both your parents shoving you inside, a white dress and all. Jisung was right behind you, just as flustered as you.  
The doors in the house seemed to slam one after the other.   Parents gone, Jisung’s door remaining firmly shut. So you took refuge too, the door to your room shut, but the window open, curtains fluttering over the bench seat in the corner.  
This would be your home, and home is what you’d make it.  
A week turned into a month, your body rarely leaving your comforter or the bench seat. By now you’d memorised the way the horizon rose and fell, what day, noon, evening and night all looked like against it.  
It was in the early depths of the afternoon when the sunshine was bright overhead, clear in the middle of the horizon.  
A knock at the door doesn’t pull your gaze away from the jagged line of the trees, the rising of the hills.  
You turn your head at the sound of a soft voice, both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Your eyes fixate on the figure at the door, a sense of both familiarity and unfamiliarity slicing through you, as cold as the wind outside.  
“You should eat.”  
Han Jisung stood by your doorframe, head leaned to the side as his gaze lays on you, eyes filled with concern.  
“I-“ You cut yourself off, sitting up more formally, hands clasping together in your lap. “Mr Han, I am alright. But thank you for your concern.”  
The boy cringes, nose wrinkling.   "Please, call me Jisung. Mr Han is my father's name. I hate formalities he holds.”  
You smile slightly, nodding along to his request. You hated the formalities too.  
Jisung looks up at you again.   “Come eat downstairs. I’ll make you something.”  
You gingerly shake your head again.   “I'm fine. Really."
He rolls his eyes this time, shaking his head.   “No is not an option. You haven’t eaten all day.”  
“And I don’t recall you caring about this before.”  
You don’t quite expect your words to come out so harsh, yet somehow you don’t quite regret them either.  
Any trace of arrogance is knocked away from the boy, his frame dropping a little in the frame of the doorway, hand going limp by his side.  
“I’ve always cared.”  
“Oh, you have?” You ask, standing up now, arms crossed. “Is that why you locked yourself away? Did you think ‘this isn’t fair’? That ‘your life is ruined’ and ‘planned out for you’?! Don’t you think that I felt the same?”
You’re standing now, raging at the situation at hand.   “I, Han Jisung, don’t want your charity.”  
He takes your words with a blank expression, hands still limp beside him.  
His calmness enrages you more.  
“How can you just stand there!” You shout, gesturing widely to his relaxed state.  
“I deserve that.” Jisung sighs, pushing himself into your room, standing only a meter from you now  
“You’re right Y/N. I know how hard this has been for me. It must have been ten times harder for you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that this has to be our future. But right now, we have to make do with what we have. Let’s start from the beginning, turn a new page. Can we at least try to be friends? For sanity’s sake? Because I don’t think that I can keep doing this douchey silence act any longer. It’s not me, and I don’t think it’s you either.”  
You’re silent, looking at him, professing his words.  
He holds out a hand. “I’m Jisung. Will you come to eat with me? I am worried about you.”  
Finally, you crack, holding out your own hand, a small smile on your lips.   “I’m Y/N, and I’d love to eat with you.”  
So you let him lead you to the kitchen, sitting down to watch him rifle through the cupboards, producing a pan and various ingredients.  
“What are you making exactly?” You question, eyebrows raised as you watch him turn the stove on.  
“Pancakes.” He says simply, the mixing process already unfolding in a bowl. “Chocolate chip to be exact.”  
You nod, watching him as he mixes the batter together.  
“So, Y/N. If we’re going to be friends, I guess we should start with the basics. What is your favourite colour?”  
“Blue actually,” you smile. “It’s been my favourite colour since I was young.”  
“Blue? Really.”  
You nod, smiling a little more as a memory pops into the forefront of your mind.  
“When I was really young, I painted my room blue once.” You only pause to laugh at the memory. “I snuck into my fathers shed and stole the blue paint. It was so late. I painted the walls when he got home and had gone into the study.”  
Jisung’s laughing now, the whisk rested on the bench as he props his head up under his chin.  
“Was he mad?”
You shake your head gladly, smile wide.   “He found me at 1am. But he rolled up his sleeves and helped me paint all the places I couldn’t reach, which honestly was like the top half of the walls.”  
“You’re dad sounds awesome.” He notes, pushing himself up. “I wish mine would’ve let me do mine red.”  
You laugh. “Red?”  
He nods, smiling. “Red is awesome! It’s fast. Just like the cheetah!”  
You can’t but help at laugh at his enthusiastic response, keenly watching as the pancakes are whipped together and placed in a neat stack on a plate in front of you.  
“Wow,” you sigh, eyes closing at the first bite of the delicious pancakes. “These are actually amazing.”  
“They’re world-famous.” Jisung holds his fork out at you. “And the only thing I can make well without burning the house down.”  
“Why do I believe that?” You say, laughing at his half offended expression.  
Catching up on everything you’d missed with Han Jisung, is much like catching up with an old friend.  
Empty snack bowls add to the relaxed atmosphere, lazy laughs hanging in the air. A measly 1:08am adds to the light as the TV plays a random movie in the dead of the morning.  
Yawning, you curl further into yourself, eyes lazy set on the movie ahead, the couch next to you dipping as Jisung does the same.  
It's nice, the relaxed atmosphere between you two.   There is no need to walk on eggshells around him now.  
A soft fabric touches your arms, its warm surface making your eyes track from the TV to see the source of its warmth.  
Jisung gives you a tired smile, the blanket dropping from his hands over you.  
“You looked cold.” His voice is barely above a whisper, smile small yet sincere.  
“Thank you.” You whisper in return, heart loud in your ears.  
You let a few awkward moments pass, daring to side-eye the boy when the room dips into darkness.  
His eyes meet yours in a smile, two crescent moons shining in the dark.  
“What?” You say, relieved the dark can hide the heavy blush on your cheeks.  
“Nothing.” He replies, blinking simply.  
You sit up a little, brushing hair behind your ears.   “Is there something in my hair? On my face?”  
His smile turns a little smug now.   “Only beauty.”  
You’re not sure what to do, choosing to hit is shoulder while yelling some form of opposition, and hide your face in your hands.
“No! Don’t hide that pretty face of yours!”  
You splutter at his words again, willing yourself to compose.  
“Its late Jisung, we should probably head off to bed.”  
Nodding in agreement, the television is quickly switched off, the both of you trudging into the direction of your rooms, two bodies in the darkness, black outlines against the horizon.  
“Hey,” you interrupt the silence upon getting to your door, finally looking up to make eye contact with the boy who also pauses with you. “Thank you for today. It’s nice not to feel so alone in this whole thing.”  
“Likewise Y/N,” he smiles. “Its been really nice."
You two just stand there for a moment, the seconds passing so slowly it could be an eternity.  
“I guess we should stay goodnight then." “Ah, yeah.”  
You fidget with the knob of your door, rather nervous.  
“Its been nice getting to know you. I’m looking forward to getting to know you even more now. Goodnight, beautiful.”  
Your heart flutters at the mere sound of the word, hands covering your face almost as a fight or flight reflex.  
“Goodnight Y/N.”   “Goodnight Jisung.” You manage, aware of his laugh at your state, watching as he disappears into his room through your fingers.
The door gives out as you push it, body falling into the warm embraces of your blankets.
You could almost feel your heartbeat bounding off the walls.
No, there was no way. Han Jisung was making you fall in love with him, and you’re just letting him.  
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american--horror--stories · 6 years ago
hate me. (jimmy darling x reader)
Tumblr media
request: Jimmy, 14 pairing: jimmy darling x reader word count: 1,424 notes: i lowkey had fun writing this lmao my inbox has a ton of requests for jimmy, too. i was gonna combine them but i figured that wasn’t fair so keep your eyes out for a lot of jimmy. tags: arguments, language
God, Jimmy was really starting to piss you off. He knew how to wind you up, how to annoy you in all the right ways. And you couldn’t stand it. You were all trying to enjoy a day where you didn’t have to deal with some sort of drama. Or, at least, that’s what you were trying to do. You were sat outside of your caravan, trying to enjoy the warm summer sun. A magazine in your hands, you really thought you were able to enjoy the day to yourself, and even get a little tan in the process.
But you couldn’t be more wrong. Not even fifteen minutes after you laid out your chair and started to sunbathe, something - or someone, rather - blocked your sun. Immediately noticing the sudden shade, you placed your readings down, taking your sunglasses off to glare at the man in front of you. Of course it was Jimmy. He had a smug grin plastered on his pale features, making you narrow your eyes bitterly. “I was doing something,” Your tone was blunt, getting the point across that you wanted to be left alone. Today was supposed to be your day, and you didn’t want anyone to ruin it for you. Especially not him.
“Looks like you’re doin’ nothin’ to me, doll,” He retorted, and you held back a sigh. Couldn’t you enjoy yourself for once? Or was that forbidden here? Obviously it was the latter. He always found a way to get on your nerves, and those stupid little shit eating grins... He knew what he was doing, and that just pissed you off more.
After your last day of relaxation went to waste, you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn’t let another one ruin itself. Today was no different. You were going to enjoy your day if you could help it, dammit. Well, to be fair, it wasn’t exactly a real day off. You just weren’t going to go out of your caravan and not show up on stage to practice your act like Elsa would want you to do. It was extremely petty, but at this point, you didn’t care. You wanted your day of peace that was rightfully yours. Especially without none other than Jimmy Darling.
Sitting at your vanity, a soft sigh escaped your lips. Perhaps today really would be your day. Quite some time from the morning had passed already, and nobody was knocking at your door. Things seemed like they were going to work out. “Thank god,” You muttered under your breath, picking up your brush, only to start brushing through your locks. Even Elsa hadn’t shown up at your door. Granted, she probably would’ve sent someone to go check on you, but maybe everyone forgot about you? The thought didn’t even upset you. Honestly, that was the best case scenario right now.
You quietly hummed to yourself, getting lost in a daze as you started to braid your hair. You weren’t sure what you were going to do after this. Maybe you’d try sunbathing again. That was always nice and relaxing. You weren’t too sure, though. You had a ton of possibilities yet almost none at the same time. You were sure that someone would see you one way or another, so you couldn’t avoid it forever. Oh well. As you tied your hair off, you decided that you would go sunbathe. So, pushing your vanity chair out, you stood up. You went to place your brush and hair ties away, leaving them until the next morning.
“We were lookin’ for ya this morning,” A voice pulled you out of your trance. You jumped but immediately recognized it. Jimmy’s. You spun on your heels, wide eyes staring at him. “What, did I scare ya?” He asked, obviously pretty amused. You, on the other hand, were far from.
“What the hell is your problem?” You had no problem raising your voice, hands clenching into fists. How the hell did he even get into your caravan in the first place? Obviously anyone with a brain would’ve taken a sign that you wanted to be left alone.
The idea of relaxation was foreign to you now. Every time you wanted to enjoy yourself, Jimmy always found a way to ruin it. He found a way to press every single button of yours. You complained about it to Eve, and she just told you to get over yourself. “If I was a couple inches taller, I’d sock him right in his face-” You complained audibly, trying to eat your lunch with the insanely tall woman. In peace.
“Who’re we trying to fight?” Jimmy’s voice cut through your conversation. God. Dammit. Before you could even react, he stole your plate, chowing down as he looked at you, innocent eyes flashing. Deciding you had enough, you stood up, glaring right at him as you walked back to your caravan.
You wasted no time in picking up the pace, just wanting to get away with him. Once inside, you slammed the door shut angrily, flopping down on your bed. Maybe you’d finally relax now and just brood on your bed. Whatever. You dug your head into your pillows, trying to block out the outside world, focused on your miserable and pissed off thoughts. Who the hell did Jimmy think he was, anyways?
All of a sudden, you felt someone touch your shoulder. Pulling yourself out of your pillows, you hissed audibly, mostly out of surprise. “Get the fuck away from me,” You angrily spat, voice laced with venom. Why couldn’t Jimmy just leave you alone? You wanted nothing to do with him and he kept bothering you. It was like a game to him.
“Why’d you run off?” He asked, ignoring your glares.
“What do you want from me now? Piss me off so you can keep enjoying this little game?” You growled, standing up now. You’d walk out of your own van if you had to. Quite frankly, you gave zero shits right now.
“What?” He asked. He was just acting like he was all dumbfounded and surprised. God, you couldn’t stand that.
“Can’t you just leave me alone?” Your voice softened, almost as if you were pleading.
“What do you mean ‘little game’?” His eyes watched your every move carefully. He wasn’t going to leave you alone, that much was really obvious. He remained sat on your bed, not backing down.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about.” There was no way that he didn’t. This whole innocent act was making you even more irked and irritated. However, he just stared at you, tilting his head like a puppy. “Do you enjoy pissing me off? Do you get some kind of pleasure from annoying me to no end?” You weren’t afraid to yell again, daring to get closer to him. “You’re so goddamn annoying and I know you’re doing it on purpose!” Your glared eyes didn’t even notice the surprised look on his face. “Just tell me you hate me and leave it at that.”
“How can I hate someone that I’m in love with?” His voice and tone were a lot softer and kinder than yours.
“W-What?” You stammered on your words, not expecting him to say such a thing. He was definitely just saying that. He was teasing you. He was messing with you.
“I never knew you were that mad,” He admitted, almost ashamed. “I thought you liked it,” His voice was almost a nervous chuckle, and you shook your head. How were you supposed to like this? “I was just teasin’,” He continued to admit, as if he were confessing. Because, in reality, he was. “I wasn’t tryin’ to do any harm.”
Your gaze watched his frame as he stood up now, getting close to you. You were still processing what he said before. Someone that he was in love with? “You love me?” You choked out, wide eyes looking at him.
“Yeah. Ain’t it obvious?” You couldn’t help but look to his lips. 
Jimmy seemed to frown at your answer, pushing your chin up so he could get a better look at you. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, voice still nervous. As much as you wanted to hate him, it was almost cute. But, still remaining silent, you stood up on your tip-toes, closing the distance between both of you with a kiss. 
“I’m still mad at you,” You deadpanned, and he grinned, ignoring your cold tone.
“Maybe I can make it up to ya later.”
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call-me-rei · 5 years ago
Chapter 21
“It’s getting darker and I’m starting to get anxious.”
Life has been weird lately.
I guess that’s what every angsty teenager says when things aren’t going as planned, but I actually mean it. Life’s been weird.
It’s been a couple days since I had dinner at Vic’s. That whole “longing look” thing at the end of the night caught me by surprise, but I managed to convince myself that I was seeing or imagining things. Vic wasn’t gay or bi. Even if he was, why would he be looking at me?
Now, before you start, I’m not the kind of “I’m not pretty/smart/cool enough for the popular kid.“ No, I’m more of the “I’m a really introverted, why the hell would a popular extrovert want to hang out with or even date a kid who’d rather read at home than go anywhere? I’m just being rational” type. Just putting that out there.
Aside from all of that, there were weird things happening at home, as usual. We’d finally heard from Rick, but it wasn’t in the best way.
The night after I had dinner at Vic’s Mom got a threatening text message. She didn’t want me to read it, but me being the sneaky and rebellious bitch I am, I took the liberty to see what made the color drain from her face when she looked at her phone.
God, I wish I hadn’t.
Rick has sent my mom a message saying he’d gotten lawyers and that he was gonna sue her for deformation of character. Apparently, he’d lost his job and he believes it was Mom’s fault. That she said something to his boss and that’s why he fired him. I’m pretty sure it was because of Rick’s drinking. I’m convinced he showed up to work drunk and his boss didn’t like it. Either way, I know my mom didn’t do anything.
Then he said he was going to take legal action against me for the “fight” that happened when he was drunk. The “fight” that was him trying to attack my mom then me stepping in and getting my ass kicked by his drunk ass.
He said that I’d attacked him first then lunged at him when he was defenseless and threatened to kill him. While I secretly wish I’d done that, I know that that is out of character for me. Yes, I did get his attention away from Mom by provoking him, but that’s the extent of it. If anything, I should be suing him.
Unfortunately, we don’t have money so…
I sat at my group’s usual table in the cafeteria and held my head in my hands. It was lunchtime, but somehow I was the first one at our table. Maybe it was because I beelined to the spot immediately after my teacher dismissed the class.
I was so out of it. After reading through those messages I hadn’t been able to process much of anything. The same three thoughts kept running through my mind:
You’re getting sued.
No one can help.
You’re all alone in this.
Sure, I wasn’t frightened by these thoughts, but when obsessive thoughts get into your mind, they become frightening all at once.
What’s even more frightening is that I didn’t have anyone to vent to. Mom didn’t know I knew what Rick said, and I couldn’t talk to my friends at school. Family matters such as this one were way too personal to share with people you’ve only known a few months and only hung out with once after school.
Damn, did I convince myself that I need therapy? Probably. Fuck.
I laid my head down on the table and covered it with my arms. Maybe if I could go unnoticed these problems would go away?
No, I know, but it was a nice thought.
“Kells?” I jumped slightly. I hadn’t heard someone walk up. “Kellin?” I hummed in response. “You good?” A lower hum left my throat.
“Wanna talk about it?”
I sighed. “Sure,” I said from inside my arms.
“C’mon, I know a place we can go.” I listened for footsteps walking away from me before I lifted my head. Still, to my surprise, my friends weren’t at the table. Maybe they were in the lunch line. Oh well.
I looked up at the cafeteria doors to see Vic giving me an expectant look. I sighed and stood. I couldn’t back out of talking to him now that I said I’d go with him. Besides, I needed to vent to someone.
I followed Vic out of the cafeteria then out of the school. “Where are we going?” I asked, slightly worried.
“Chill, I’m not gonna kill you, promise.”
“If you weren’t gonna do it then you wouldn’t have said ‘promise’. That means you’re lying.”
“What are you, a psychologist?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Ask all the questions you want; you didn’t deny it.”
I looked to Vic to see his face fall. “Shut up, nerd.” I couldn’t help the snort that left my nose. Vic looked at me for a second with a smirk before he returned his attention to the secret location he was leading us to.
We went past the parking lot to the wooded area next to the school. Vic moved some fallen branches out of the way and held the clearing open for me to walk through. He followed after me.
“We’re close, c’mon.”
He took the lead again and walked about three yards forward before stopping near a small creek.
“Wow,” I whispered in awe. “I didn’t expect to see this here.”
“Yeah, no one does. You’ve gotta know the right turns to get here. I think I’m one of a handful of people who’ve been able to come back here more than once.”
I nodded to show I was listening then went back to looking around. There was nothing but trees surrounding us. The sun was shining through the many branches. The gentle sound of the water flowing just a few feet away from us put my mind at ease.
Vic walked over to a big rock and sat down. He noticed me looking at him and patted the open spot next to him. I obliged and sat next to him.
“Alright, we’re alone, it’s quiet. Talk.”
I sighed, knowing that when I started I’d continue until everything was out. I had to brace myself.
“I can’t just start like that.”
He nodded, as if he understood. “What’s on your mind?”
I smiled very slightly. He did understand; he prompted me like I needed.
“There’s…a lot of stuff going on at home.”
I chewed on my lip. I couldn’t go into too much detail, but I also didn’t know where to start. How much about the situation should I tell him? Should he know that Rick and I got physical? Should he know that that’s why I came to school looking fucked up? Should he-
I was brought out of my thoughts by a deep, heavy sigh from the person sitting next to me. I refocused and looked at him just as his eyes moved from my lips to my eyes.
I ignored that and spoke. “My stepdad’s a dick.”
That started the conversation with Vic Fuentes that lasted our entire lunch period. I told him about how Rick was a pretty good stepdad up until a few weeks ago. I told him about how his drinking had gotten bad and how Mom kicked him out. I left out the physical altercation but did tell him that he had threatened legal action about getting kicked out of the house. Vic listened and hardly intervened unless it was to ask clarifying questions. He really did just let me vent.
By the time lunch was over I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest, like I could breathe again. I stole a glance at Vic as he brushed off his pants. I had him to thank for this good feeling.
Vic and I didn’t talk as we walked back on campus. It felt as if everything I needed to say was said and he didn’t really know what to say. I was worried that I’d expressed too much but a reassuring smile from him put my mind at ease.
“Vic?” I started before we walked through the doors of the school.
“Just, thanks for listening. It felt good to tell someone that stuff.”
“Don’t mention it Quinn. I’m happy to help.” He gave me a warm smile that made me swoon.
Or maybe that was the fact that I hadn’t eaten all day.
My stomach growled loudly, giving my thoughts away. I chucked nervously.
“I guess I should’ve let you have lunch before I brought you out here, huh?” Vic asked with the same nervous chuckle. I shrugged.
“I shouldn’t have kept us out here the whole time. That’s kinda on me.”
“Well, either way, what’s done is done.” I nodded. I was still hungry though.
“I wish lunch wasn’t done. Actually, I wish I’d had breakfast.”
Vic bit his bottom lip in thought. His eyes were on me but also clouded with…confusion? Uncertainty? Maybe both, but also some anxiety.
I was about to ask what was on his mind when he spoke.
“How about we get some food sometime after school today?”
I thought about it. I did need food and even though there was stuff at home, I didn’t really want to eat alone while Mom was at work.
“Sure,” I answered. “Where are we meeting?”
“Actually…,” he hesitated, “I was thinking I’d pick you up.”
I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. “You wanna pick me up? You don’t want to get food right after school?”
He blew out a breath. “Yeah, I’ll pick you up from your house after school. We’ll get dinner.” I frowned. I wanted to eat sooner than dinnertime.
Vic sighed. “Look, this was all a very failed attempt to…” He paused, squeezed his eyes, and sighed again. “This was an attempt to ask you out,” he mumbled.
I stood frozen with my mouth open in shock.
“Please don’t look at me like that,” Vic said, sounding defeated. “At least let me ask properly before you reject me. Kellin, will you go on a date with me tonight?”
I blinked a few times I regain composure. I debated pinching myself but that would’ve made him feel worse than he already did.
Did Vic Fuentes really just ask me out on a date? Me? Kellin Quinn, the guy he threatened the first day he saw me. The guy who he constantly pesters. Honestly, what did he see in me? Was this a joke? I thought Vic was straight.
Guess that goes to show that you can’t assume people’s sexuality.
I looked at the guy standing in front of me. Since I hadn’t replied he was looking down at his shoes. He did look very nervous. It was cute.
I smiled at the boy before me. He lifted his head; he might’ve felt my eyes on him. “Yes,” I answered, “I’d love to go out with you tonight.”
Vic’s eyes lit up significantly at my response. He smiled that winning smile while he spoke to me. “Great! I’ll pick you up at 7:00?”
“Sounds good,” I said with a nod.
We walked back into the school and went our separate ways to our classes with smiles on our faces.
I was going on a date with Vic.
Wait, that meant…
How did Vic know I was gay?
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picficskpopstyle · 6 years ago
Break (Part 2)
Part 1
A/N: Don’t forget to vote on which BTS member you want to be in this story.
Tumblr media
Group: Got7/ BTS
Pairing: JB x Reader x (???)
Genre: Probably Smut series tbh
With dance practice over, Jb walked over to the corner of the room and took a seat near his things. He watched as you interacted with Jackson, feeling his muscles relax. For whatever reason, Mark was helping you onto Jackson’s back as you squirmed-- terrified of falling over.
“Please, don’t let me fal-- Mark!” you screeched almost toppling over.
Jinyoung took a seat next to him, a smile on his face. He looked over at Jb and noticed how attentive he was to your little show. It amazed him that his friend could be so...present but far away. It was difficult to explain. Whenever he saw the two of you together, it was almost like Jb wasn’t aware that anyone else was there. All he could really see was you.
“You’ve been with ____ since...before I met you. That’s unbelievable” Jinyoung commented, looking between you and Jb from his seat.
Jb bent to tie his shoe, a light glow on his face.
“I know, right? Still going strong” he grinned. Being with someone for over 10 years was pretty insane considering that he was only 25. The two of you were school-level sweethearts.
“I’ll say. You’ve never dated anyone else, have you?” Jinyoung asked.
Jb shook his head, sitting back in the chair. He reached out for his water and untwisted the cap. He took a quick sip and screwed the cap back on.
“Never dated anyone else” he confirmed. Jinyoung looked over at him. Your relationship was the most baffling thing he’d ever seen. He’d never held a girlfriend that long. Never had he come close to being so in love with another person. It completely boggled his mind that the two of you meshed so well together. Getting along for more than a decade...rarely ever fighting.
“I’ve never seen you guys fight either, now that I’m thinking about it. Not a serious one anyway” he said, confused. Jb thought about it for a second. He couldn’t think of any real fights either. There were the occasional arguments but nothing serious.
“You’re right. Never fought either.”
Jinyoung was impressed. A love like yours was hard to come by. He couldn’t imagine Jb being without you in the future. In fact, everyone who knew the two of you were infatuated with your love life.
“Crazy, huh?” Jb said, thinking it over. He looked at you and smiled as he watched you interacting with the other boys. You just fit in so well. All of his friends loved you. His parents basically fell in love the day that they met you. It was basically like having the perfect puzzle piece.
“I’m jealous. It must be nice to have that, you know? Knowing your soulmate so early and everything. You don’t have to go through a bunch of failed relationships” Jinyoung complimented.
“Well, look at it this way: when you do find the right one, you’ll have plenty of experience” Jb laughed. Jinyoung laughed with him before sighing.
Thinking back to his own words, Jb frowned. Did that mean that he didn’t have any experience? Or rather, didn’t that mean that his only experience revolved around you? The only person he’d ever been with was you. Sexually, mentally, and emotionally, you were his first. It was the same way for you. You hadn’t been with anyone else either.
“You’re right, but some-- experiences, I could’ve lived without. Definitely when it comes to sex...trust me” Jinyoung vented.
“Yeah, but-” Jb started.
If Jinyoung met a girl right now, he’d know exactly what he liked and didn’t like. He would have various points of reference. He would have memories of what he went through with different people and exactly what was out there as a single man. That was something that Jb had never felt. He’d never really been single.  You were always there.
“Do you think that ___ and I-” Jb started. His eyes were locked on you as you hit Jackson on the arm.
“-you think we’re used to each other? Or not experienced or something? You think we’re just...comfortable?” he asked seriously. Jinyoung shrugged and looked at his friend.
“You’re basically married and living together. Of course you’re comfortable” he answered.
Jb nodded, that not being the answer he wanted. What if the two of you were so comfortable that you just shoved down anything negative? What if you actually needed that dating experience to know if you were right for each other? What if...
What if he really wasn’t right for you? Maybe you were just so used to how you worked together that you didn’t know yet. If that was the case, how long would it take for you to figure it out? When you were old? When you had two kids running around?
“You okay?” Jinyoung asked suddenly. Jb jumped and smiled uneasily.
“Y-yeah, just thinking” he answered.
You’d been together for almost half of his life. In most ways, he knew you better than he knew himself. He could practically hear you saying things before they even left your mouth. He knew the mannerisms you’d have as you’d say them too.
“I...don’t think you’re okay. What’s on your mind?” Jinyoung asked again. Jb just shook his head, a migraine starting to form. He was overthinking things, of course. He knew that he was thinking too deeply into this. He loved you more than anything and there was no way that he’d give that up for some lackluster dating experience.
“But then...what if ____ grows to hate me or something?” he thought out loud.
“What are you talking about? Why would she hate you?” Jinyoung questioned, clearly missing half of the conversation.
“There are so many other guys-- other people- that she could’ve been interested in. How can she be sure that I’m the one she wants? She’ll get older and realize that she missed out on so much because of me” Jb vocalized.
Before Jinyoung could reason with him, Jb was speaking again.
“I think, maybe, we should take a break” Jb said, uncertainty coating his voice.
“Take a break?”
Jb ignored his questions as he watched you walk over to him. You stole his water bottle and took a sip before passing it back. Noticing the weird look on Jb’s face, you frowned.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I was talking to Jinyoung and I think that we need to take a break from us” he said, motioning between the two of you. You blinked and looked to Jinyoung for answers. His eyes were bulging, mouth ajar,  as he looked at Jb.
“Whoa...no. No, no, no. I didn’t-no” he said, looking back to you. A break? Like break up? He thought that you needed to break up?
You just stared blankly. Did he really just say that? Your eyebrows bunched together and you continued staring at him. Was this a joke? He couldn’t have said that? No, you heard him wrong.
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t freak out, ___. I just think that we should take a break from this relationship” he repeated. He stood up, it seeming inappropriate to have you stare down at him. His eyes looked behind you for a moment and he could see that everyone was tuned in to the conversation.
Where was this coming from?
“Why-” your words stopped short as you tried to figure out what to ask first.
“Wha-what did I do?” you asked. Your eyes were beginning to burn but you tried to push it away. There was no way that you were going to start crying in front of everybody. As if he could hear your thoughts, Jackson cleared his throat loudly to gain everyone’s attention.
“I’m pretty sure we all have to...go eat lunch. In a room. That’s not this one” he said. Everyone took the hint and slowly followed him out, casting a few shocked glances back at the two of you.
“You didn’t do anything. Seriously. Everything is fine” he said once they were out. Your eyes were welling up and Jb mentally kicked himself. He could’ve finessed this way better if he would’ve just allowed himself a few more minutes. He should’ve thought this through more.
“Babe, listen to me. Don’t cry. You’re perfect and I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else. Ever” he started.
“Me either so why are you breaking up with me?” you asked, incredulously.
“I don’t want to break up-- just take a break” he reasoned.
“WHAT is the difference?” you yelled.
Jb put his hands on either side of your head and bent to look you in the eyes. He could see that you were about two seconds from exploding. For now, he needed you to calm down and hear him out.
“We’re going to get married in a few years. We’ll have a few kids and everything will be perfect and amazing. Then in another 10 years, one of us may look back and realize that we’ve never been with anyone else. We were each other’s first--everything” he explained. You swallowed as he used his thumbs to swipe away your tears.
“I don’t want to get older and have you resenting me” he said, his eyes absorbing yours. He had a point. It was very common with couples like yours. Still...
“I don’t like this. You want us to...what? Go on dates with other people?” you asked, calming down. Jb wiped the last of your tears and released your face.
“I think we should experience another person. Go on a couple dates. Do single people...stuff” he said, stumbling over his last words. You touched your eyes, hoping that they wouldn’t look swollen.
“So you’re going to have sex with other girls?” you asked bluntly.
“I’m not planning on it” he answered honestly. He hadn’t thought of that. Your eyebrows shot to the sky.
“I hadn’t thought about it” he said defensively.
“So you would be totally fine if I fucked someone else?” you shot at him. He looked away from your face and scratched his head.
“Honestly, no. I hate the idea. But I still think it’s necessary” he recovered.
You nodded your head and sighed, walking away from him. This conversation was starting to burn your insides. You loved him- really loved him- but this was so stupid. A fraction of your mind could see where he was coming from. The rest of your mind was so annoyed that this was his solution. “I’m scared that we’ll resent each other 20 years in the future so let’s just sleep with other people”? Really?
“___” he called out.
You let out another deep sigh and went to grab your things. You just couldn’t with him right now.
“I’ll talk to you later” you responded. Grabbing your stuff, you walked out of the room.
Vote for which BTS member
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fruitbattery · 7 years ago
I saw the MOST amazing production (open dress rehearsal) of falsettos the other night!
It was in a tiny theatre. TINY, black box style, <50 seats. we were RIGHT IN FRONT. it was amazing.
-the set was literally: 6 chairs, 10 boxes, a hospital bed -4 jews started as a sock puppet show from behind the boxes (except for Trina) and then they all popped up as they said their names -(the cast was all so pretty and i am so gay) -their Jason was a college age woman and I believed her wholly, she was so good -at the end of 4 jews, they posed like they were taking a family photo and then marvin got up and started singing tight knit family -for love is blind, marvin and whizzer were in the background reading, marvin was on a chair and whizzer on the floor leaning into him. it was cute.  -the transitions between songs required additional music a lot but that was ok -thrill of first love was??? so good? -whizzer pulled a silly pose at “i was trained in karate” it was great -they yelled the 9/10 months bit and the won’t/don’t bit -the fight choreo happened as whizzer stealing marvin’s scarf and them fighting over it -they ended up on the floor after whizzer pulled marvin in with the scarf and sat on his lap??? which i think is actually better than on the couch but ya know. sightlines are important i guess -can i just reiterate how good jason was like she was SO GOOD -throughout marvin at the psychiatrist, whizzer and trina had super visible but subtle reactions like eye rolling -for “my father’s a homo,” and for a lot of the show, jason sang right at the audience -he jumped on the table it was so cute! -trina’s indicating to whizzer behind jason’s back was NOT SUBTLE AT ALL there was no way the kid didn’t notice that -when the “late for dinner late again” section started, a strip of unexpected disco lights came on!!! it was great -trina belted “and still the bastard divorced me!!!!” and it made my night -I’M BREAKING DOWN WAS SO GOOD -she used the space a lot it was great; she covered the whole stage -she came onstage with a bunch of bananas and i heard someone behind me say “oh no” -she did eat a piece of banana but earlier in the song, before “you ask me is it fun to cry over nothing” -she made eye contact with my friend at “help me!!!!” and she DIED -she crushed pieces of banana in her hands so she had to wipe them on her apron before picking up the phone to call mendel -mendel answered with “yes this is mendel weisenbachfeld” like in the revival! -the disco lights came on for the final section of “feel alright for the rest of your life” -marriage proposal was simple and cute -”this is how you do a marriage proposal” and then jason went “GO” and shoved them together omg. then he ran off -tkf reprise was simple -at this point i am in love with the actress playing trina because she KILLS trina’s song. wow. -march of the falsettos was very jewish! they were all sitting on boxes, with scarves like tallitot, and prayer books covering their faces. simple box switching choreography -trina is wonderful -in the chess game it was SUPER clear that whizzer was mocking marvin in the 2nd verse. -he got up at “more’s the pity” -marvin got his suitcase immediately, then whizzer walked off sadly. he turned around when he was almost out to sing his part of the argument. “whizzer’s supposed to make the dinner” etc -in making a home they put a mezuzah on the door!!!!! !!!!!! -when they sang “yes we love the bed” mendel slapped her ass and she giggled -at the end they each sat down to read and froze for the games i play -omg whizzer was so good!!! -he started the song smiling like he was trying to make light of his situation but got serious fast -he made eye contact with me and i DIED -during marvin hits trina, trina just looked so DONE and ANNOYED during the beginning of i never wanted to love you, mendel was holding her and touched her face where she’d been slapped, and she told him stop, and he stopped. that was nice. -jason was practically screaming during that song and it was so heartbreaking -father to son has everyone crying. i could hear it. at the end, it was only jason who got up, and it looked like he was gonna leave marvin there alone, but then he went for the hug and we started crying more
act 2!!! -ppl laughed a lot at the weird woodwind/chime wiggle thing that happens in the intro music -mendel only had once flashlight and made it look like he was telling a ghost story when he said “homosexuals” which was really funny -PRETTY BOYS ARE IN DEMAND -charlotte and cordelia!!!!! holy fuck they were perfect!  -for the whee! woo! part they were all sitting on blocks. it was trina on mendel’s lap, whizzer, marvin, jason, cordelia on charlotte’s lap -JASON HAD SUCH FUNKY DANCE MOVES FOR YEAR OF THE CHILD -the whole audience knew what the words were it was glorious. i know because they laughed -mendel gave the spiel about how his own bar mitzvah was bad to marvin and trina rather than to jason, like he was convincing them not to have jason do it -during the beginning of miracle of judaism, jason was pulling on baseball clothes over his clothes and packing a backpack to take to a game -at one point he held the bat between his legs like a giant dick and sang “girls with whom i always wake up” -the baseball game!!!! was so similar to the revival version!! staging wise -marvin was SO touchy with whizzer’s hair and trina was so annoyed lmao -the actor playing whizzer had so much hair but they did the bald spot anyway -jason’s actor played caroline instead of cordelia’s, which i guess makes more sense if it works -she got angrier when she said “you always do this” -trina’s workout gear involved a leotard and leg warmers. when she came on people whistled (I think they were her irl friends) -it looked like they used actual gefilte fish for the nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine??? -whizzer was in tiny jean shorts to play tennis. so impractical honestly, all that chafing -instead of marvin collapsing and whizzer standing over him, they got really close to each other and almost kissed like 3 times. shit was cute. -i didn’t realize that in the original script jason wanders onstage during the last overlapping bit of a day in falsettoland and says “you guys are so white” but it was funny -when “i want the appelbaums” started, people laughed in recognition (i tell you boston is full of jews lmao. love it.) -mendel got up on a chair for his imitation of god, and stole the tablecloth to cover his head with -near the end of the song, mendel cleared a space for himself very dramatically, psyched himself up, and did the worst cartwheel i have ever seen. jason then did the same. -for what more can i say, they didn’t have a bed or anything resembling one, so marvin sat at the end of a row of 4 or 5 chairs and whizzer laid across them with his head in marvin’s lap -for the final “what more can i say” whizzer sat up and they gazed into each others’ eyes for a second -hoo boy here comes the pain train -charlotte and cordelia’s dynamic was a+ honestly. -tbh I know every word to this show and something bad is happening was still worrying and terrifying -in more raquetball, marvin was getting SUPER cocky. and then it all just went away when wizzer fell. heartbreaking. -in between something bad and holding to the ground, marvin helped whizzer over to dr charlotte and you could see him nonverbally insisting he was fine before collapsing onto her shoulder and allowing himself to be led away -trina’s performance in holding to the ground was phenomenal. so much emotion. marvelous and amazing. -i swear i heard sobs as the hospital bed came on -there was real chicken soup in cordelia’s tupperware!!! -jason set up the chess board fully after climbing onto the bed with whizzer, he then just packed it right back up again -mendel and trina in cancelling the bar mitzvah was just. lovely. and fucking sad too -unlikely lovers was SO TENDER i swear -when the lesbians showed up, marvin and whizzer were sitting there with their foreheads touching and marvin was almost in whizzer’s lap which was kind of an inversion??? idk it was great -just pure love -jason was so cute and innocent during another miracle. it was much needed. -then holy fuck -dr charlotte pulled marvin away for something bad reprise and she was crying. full on. she hit all the words and notes but shit. it got to me. -ok so you gotta die sometime is one of my favorite songs of all time. certainly my fave solo song to sing myself. -he nailed it. he was just so callous at the beginning morphing to fucking terrified at the end. it looked like if jason had come one second later he would’ve given up and died. -but there was a gap between it and the beginning of jason’s bar mitzvah still which was completely silent. pin drop silent. it was interesting -jason came in already in a suit -at “mendel get this thing in gear” the bed was rolled off and didn’t come back which must’ve been convenient -at “oh mummy” they actually kissed for a few seconds and trina looked,,, unamused -they all wore white kippot -at the end. oh god. -jason finished his torah and whizzer almost collapsed. mendel caught him. and jason just started sobbing. silently, but think harry-potter-after-sirius-fell-through-the-veil levels of despair. fuck it was sad. trina took him away. -the cast cleared the stage during the beginning of what would i do, but they left the “table” made of blocks that jason read torah on -marvin forgot the words so he substituted “once i was told that all men get what they deserve” for “god only knows too soon i’ll remember your faults” but it was ok -i swear the whole theatre started crying 2x as much when whizzer came out dressed like he had been -they circled each other unable to touch a few times. it killed me. -at the end, marvin put a rose that trina brought him on the table, now clearly a gravestone. then he cried into his family.  -jason was on stage after everyone had left. i knew about the chess piece but he also kissed his hand and touched the grave which is??? so jewish??? and so touching??? idk but it was terrible and horrible and ripped my heart out of its socket -after the final piano faded out you could hear how many people were sniffling.
in conclusion this was a monumental experience. we got to see backstage after because the music director, who invited us, is also the music director for our school’s musicals (fiddler this year!) i met the actress who played cordelia and she said she could tell i knew the show which probably meant i was unconsciously mouthing the words despite my best efforts not to.
ok thanks for reading this word vomit that my adhd detail oriented brain poured out.
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typicalmidnight · 6 years ago
100 Questions
1.) Name Kaleea
2.) Where are you from? Canada
3.) How old are you? 13
4.) Do you have any siblings? yes, a younger brother
5.) Pets? an aquatic frog (i kinda hate it tho)
6.) Describe yourself um smart, funnyish, sarcastic 24/7
7.) What do you do for fun? read, watch youtube and netflix, sing
8.) Do you have a job? What do you do? nope i just go to school
9.) Have you had other jobs? i used to babysit?
10.) What’s your favorite memory? i have no freaking idea
11.) What is one thing you regret? so many things
12.) What is one thing you wish you would’ve done, but didn’t? tried out for my school musical
13.) One thing about yourself you wish you could change my hair cause i cut it and regret it so much
14.) What do you love about yourself? my singing voice
15.) Who inspires you? brooke sanchez, zendaya, emma watson, idk who else
16.) Do you collect anything? no?? i don’t think so lol
17.) Do you have any fears? SPIDERS
18.) Is there anything that annoys you about your job? uh homework?? lol
19.) Can you tell us a secret about yourself? 
20.) How about another secret? :)
21.) Favorite band? One Direction
22.) What music are you currently listening to? well currently as i’m writing this, i’m listening to Eyes Wide Open by Sabrina Carpenter. but in general lots of oldish pop from 2012-2016/17
23.) Do you have a favorite song? i don’t think so
24.) Do you have a favorite movie? ooooooh ummmm spiderman: homecoming at the moment i think
25.)What’s your favorite color? purpleeee
26.) What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been to? cuba!
27.) Ever broken a promise? i mean probably, small ones tho. wait actually tho this girl that i don’t really like told me her crush and made me promise not to tell anyone but i broke that one soooooo that was a mess. regret that a lot.
28.) Do you have a favorite book? harry potter and the deathly hallows
29.) What’s your favorite school subject? language (english)
30.) Least favorite school subject? GYM
31.) What’s your favorite food? sushi
32.) How about least favorite food? so many i have no idea
33.) What’s your favorite Holiday? Christmas!!!!
34.) What makes you mad? ahhhh so much but usually my brother
35.) What makes you happy? peter parker, reading, harry potter, brooke sanchez, music
36.) Do you have a favorite scent? no, but if i had to pick i would say vanilla
38.) Do you have a favorite TV show? uhhhhh full house maybe?
39.) Can you share an extremely embarrassing moment? once i punched my crush in the face by accident...
40.) When is a time you were extremely irritated? a few weeks ago i was under a lot of stress and my friend stole my earbuds but when she said she took them she seemed like she was lying and my anxiety levels were really high (i have diagnosed anxiety okay i’m not just saying that) and she was really stressing out and i was super mad at her. that’s long sorry. also super random.
41.) Is there anybody you hate? millie bobby brown (sorry y’all that like her) and this kid in my class.
42.) What do you look for in a person? a strong personality, funny, outgoing, nice, someone i can relate too
43.) How’s the weather? sucky it’s coldddd and even tho it’s winter there’s no snow even tho i’m in CANADA and like we usually get snow but there isn’t any so that’s making me kinda mad
44.) Are you currently in school? not at the moment, but yes, i do go to school
45.) What is your goal in life? to become a professional singer maybe??
46.) Is there something you should be doing, but keep putting off? homework, cleaning my room
47.) Ever been to a concert? yes, i saw johnny orlando and mackezie ziegler, and hayden summerall, brooke butler, and johnny orlando again
48.) What was the last movie you saw in theater? fantastic beasts: the crimes of grindelwald
49.) What was the last book you read? mockingjay (hunger games trilogy)
50.) What is your favorite season? fall
51.) Do you prefer it to be hot or cold? cold i guess but i hate both
52.) Do you prefer the sun, the rain, or snow? sun, but not too hot
53.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? paris maybe
54.) Any current travel plans? nah but i wanna go to vidcon. i might go to flordia tho possibly to go to playlist live.
55.) Do you prefer day or night? idk
56.) Are you an introvert or extrovert? in👏tro👏vert👏
57.) What is something not many people know about you? i write fics, and i actually really love writing (nobody i know in real life knows this i don’t think)
58.) Where are you right now? my living room
59.) Look in front of you. What do you see? a blanket
60.) If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would it be? does peter parker count?
61.) Would you rather look into your future, or fix something from your past? i honestly have no idea
62.) If you could sit down with anyone in the world, and talk to them for an hour, who would you like to speak with? zendaya
63.) What was the first CD you ever owned? i don’t own any
64.) What was the first CD you ever purchased with your own money? noneee
65.) If you own any Vinyls, which was your first? um none!
66.) How many CDs do you own? 0. nobody uses cds!
67.) What relaxes you? music
68.) Do you have any talents? singing?? idk sometimes i think i’m good at it, and others i think i’m terrible
69.) If you could give yourself the ability to do anything, what would it be? like a superpower?? um be a witch like hermione granger but without a wand. or combat my anxiety and ask out my crush (he would prob say no tho i’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back)
70.) Favorite candy? gummies
71.) Is anything bothering you right now? i’m going to a new school soon i think and i’m hella nervous
72.) Are you happy with where you are in life right now? not really, the reason i’m going to a new school is actually because of my anxiety, so i’m upset with myself for letting it take this much control over me.
73.) Is there anyone you regret ever associating with? none that i can think of
74.) Do you have a favorite memory from your childhood? uh well one time i was eating ice cream in front of my tv when i was really little. that was fun.
75.) What is your least favorite memory from your childhood. when i was 3 i had a dream cookie monster was in my basement and he was trying to eat me. that traumatized me for years.
76.) Favorite memory of your parents? idk i have terrible memory i’m sorry
77.) Do you have a least favorite memory of your parents? again, terrible memory
78.) How is your relationship with your parents? um i’m closer with my mom than my dad, but there’s other stuff i shouldn’t get into on the internet
79.) What’s your family like? good? idk
80.) Are you clean or messy? messyyyy even tho i hate messiness
81.) What is your most recent purchase? books
82.) What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent at once? i have no idea
83.) What are you saving up for? vidcon tickets
84.) How much money do you have to your name currently? a lot? idk
85.) Have you ever done anything last minute? EVERYTHING
86.) What’s the furthest in advance you’ve planned something? nothing i’m terrible at planning
87.) Are you an introvert or Extrovert? you already asked this?? in👏tro👏vert👏
88.) What’s the latest you’ve ever been out of your house? 5 am?? maybe??? i have no idea
89.) Cats or Dogs? D👏O👏G👏S👏 (i’m not against cats, just not a cat person)
90.) How long have you gone without sleep? like the longest? 22 hours i think. currently tho like 5 hours i woke up late cause i’m sick
91.) What were you like as a child? shyyyyy but also very loud if i was comfortable
92.) What do you miss from your childhood? the innocence you have when you’re a child, and not having drama all the time
93.) Do you have a favorite memory from work? i don’t workkkkkkk. but from school, we went on a trip to Washington DC and that was cool.
94.) What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? I almost got hit by a car once? (but like i almost did no joke my friend saved me tho) (happens to be the same friend who stole my earbuds)
95.) What’s a bad habit that you have? biting my nails oof
96.) What are your plans for the summer? uhhhhhhhh
97.) What was the last thing that made you happy? writing these answers
98.) What was the last picture you took on your phone? screenshot of the new spider-man trailer!!!
99.) Who was the last person you texted and why? my friends, because i was super excited about the new trailer
100.) Send me your own questions in the ask box!
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breeeliss · 7 years ago
[Chlonette Week]: If I Could Tell Her
yo if you’ve ever successfully completed all days of a fandom week on time, hit me up i need to pick your brain 
(for @chlonetteweek​ )
[Prev: What Is This Feeling?]
Link to Archive Of Our Own: [AO3]
Title: If I Could Tell Her Prompt: a day dedicated to some pining! What are some things they wish they could say to each other but don’t have the courage to? Summary: A day in the life of a lovesick Chloé Bourgeois
Day 3: If I Could Tell Her 
Chloé was sitting in the living room waiting for her driver to bring the car around when she finally checked all of Marinette’s 4am snapchats.
At a certain point, she had to appreciate the artistic appeal of watching Marinette’s sanity slowly slip away the further Chloé tapped through her story. By three in the morning, Marinette had her history textbook draped over her face while she blasted a Stromae album, rapped along horribly to the lyrics, and added the caption ‘ I’m dropping out of school and becoming an overnight musical sensation.’ It was amazing how something could be tragic, beautiful, and hilarious all at the same time but she supposed if anyone was capable of pulling it off, it was a sleep deprived Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Honestly, Chloé still hadn’t figured out what on Earth kept Marinette so busy that she was consistently staying up until sunrise to finish her assignments. Procrastination and Marinette didn’t go well together which meant she had to have been living some kind of double life as a model. Or an actress. Or something. Whatever. Chloé would look into it. Must be pretty important to be worth showing up to school late so many days in a row.
Speaking of which…
Chloé made a quick phone call while she waved her butler over and quietly asked, “Could you put some coffee in a thermos for me? I don’t want to feel sluggish during class.”
She was sent to voicemail three times before a confused, groggy voice finally answered the phone. “ I didn’t fall asleep! I was just resting…”
Chloé let herself smile now that no one was looking. “You do realize it’s eight o’clock, right?”
“ Chloé?” Marinette mumbled. “ What the fu — how did you get my number…wait, what time is it?”
“Yes it’s me, watch your language, snooped through Adrien’s phone, and it’s half an hour before school starts.”
Chloé heard a scream, a thud, and a burst of running water. “SHIT! How did I sleep through my alarms, I set like seven of them!?”
“Listen, if you’re late to class one more time, you’re going to get sent to the principal’s office. Which means you’re going to miss first period. Which means that I can’t copy your notes and do my nails during class. So hurry up.”
“ Stop nagging me so I can get ready. And what do you mean you copy my notes? Are you serious?”
“Chop chop, Marinette! We have maths first. You better be on time.”
Chloé added a splash of milk to her coffee thermos and stole a leftover croissant from breakfast this morning before meeting her driver downstairs. She thought about stopping by the Dupain-Cheng bakery and waiting downstairs with an obnoxious countdown clock on her phone to really rub it in, but Chloé was pushing it with the latenesses herself and she wasn’t sure if offering to drive Marinette to school after that would be a weird thing to offer. Too soon probably. Something to work up to. Good thing that Marinette could bike to school in under ten minutes when she was motivated by the possibility of being late.
After Chloé and Marinette had an extremely lively argument about the answer to a maths equation the class was tasked with solving, their maths teacher thought it best to seat them next to each other for the rest of the year in order to help them get along. The fight really wasn’t that big of a deal. Rivals had to keep up appearances, and sometimes that meant getting a little overdramatic. Although Chloé admittedly did take it too far when she threw that stapler. But then again, Marinette threw a tape dispenser so it was even blame at the end of the day.
Anyway, the point was the seating arrangements were unnecessary because Chloé and Marinette didn’t need to learn how to get along with each other. They got along pretty okay now that they were older and Adrien no longer needed to blackmail Chloé into being passably courteous to her classmates. However, getting to sit next to Marinette in class now gave her a subtle yet foolproof excuse to talk to her at least once a day which was always a win in Chloé’s book.
She was fixing up her makeup by the time Marinette dove into her seat three minutes before the period bell rang.
“You’re a walking disaster,” Chloé commented, squinting into her mirror as she touched up her brows. “How much sleep did you get?”
Marinette winced. “Uh, three…no two…wait, no. I think I just power napped. And maybe had a lucid dream in between homework assignments at some point. I don’t remember. Wait today’s Thursday, right?”
Chloé leaned away from her. “Good lord…” She pushed the coffee and croissant across the table. “Eat. Caffeinate. Seriously. You’re creeping me out.”
Marinette slowly opened the thermos and sniffed the contents as if she were afraid they were poisoned. “You got me coffee? That’s something you know how to do?”
“It’s fairly easy to obtain coffee, Marinette.”
“Wait, I can just have this? And the croissant?”
Chloé winced. “ Weeeeelllll …”
Marinette’s face fell. “Oh come on, what is it?”
“Let me copy your test corrections. I forgot to do them.”
“No way! Do you know how long I spent on those? I’m not going to let you just copy them.”
“I’m getting marked down in this class enough as it is. Just let me sneak a peek for two minutes. I’m a quick copier.”
Marinette pulled her books away from Chloé. “Coffee and one croissant is not enough for test corrections.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ll buy you two croissants.”
“Nope. Still not good enough.”
“Well damn, woman, what do you want?”
Marinette tapped her chin and let her eyes fall on the tube of lipstick that Chloé had lying next to the brow palette she was using. “Is that Lancôme?”
Chloé’s eyes flew open. “Stop it! It’s new! I haven’t even used it yet.”
“I really love that color.”
“Marinette come on! ”
“Class starts in less than a minute. Better do this before the teacher comes in.”
“Agh, fine!” Chloé slapped the tube of lipstick in Marinette’s hands and quickly took her test corrections before she changed her mind. “You better take care of that! It’s matte. And very expensive.”
“I’m gonna dump it in the sink after class.”
“Marinette please .”
She laughed as she blew over the rim of the thermos and took a deep sip of her coffee. She furrowed her brows and looked at Chloé. “You put milk in this.”
Chloé nodded and straightened the notebooks on her desk so that Marinette wouldn’t catch her smiling. “Yeah, that okay? That’s how I take my coffee,” she lied.
“No it’s perfect. I love when it’s got milk in it. Good guess!”
Chloé winked at her. “What can I say? Good instincts.”
In actual fact, Chloé had bullied Marinette’s favorite coffee order out of Alya a couple of days ago, but Marinette didn’t need to know that. Chloé had also done her test corrections last night while she was FaceTiming with Sabrina and didn’t really need to copy anyone’s answers after all, but Marinette also didn’t need to know that. Instead, Chloé pretended to copy over Marinette’s answers while she subtly glanced at Marinette happily enjoying her breakfast.
She wasn’t aware of how long she was staring until she felt someone kick her chair from behind and shock her back into focus. Chloé looked over her shoulder and glared when she saw Adrien fluttering his eyelashes and making obnoxious kissing faces at her while Alya cackled under her desk next to him. She waited until the teacher was turned to the board before she crumpled up a piece of notebook paper and threw it right in Adrien’s face so that he’d shut up and leave her alone.
Oh. Yeah. She forgot to mention that part. Sitting next to Marinette was great, but sitting behind the Smug Duo over here was a nightmare.
“You know instead of pretending to bring her coffee for the sake of a bribe, you can just invite her out to coffee instead,” Adrien told her after class. “It would definitely be a more straightforward option.”
Chloé started scanning the tags on the lockers and trying to find which one was Marinette’s. “That would involve telling Marinette how I feel and I’d rather shave myself bald.”
Alya rolled her eyes. “God, you’re so overdramatic.”  
“Do you understand that the likelihood of Marinette liking me back is like less than one percent?” Chloé explained. “You don’t date someone you have history with, it just doesn’t work that way.”
“Says who?” Adrien asked.
“Says me.” Chloé found Marinette’s locker and carefully slipped in the textbook that she had accidentally left on her desk before she raced out the classroom to head for her studio arts class. “If I tell her that I like her and she says no, it’s just gonna make things awkward between us. We’re finally getting along after like five years of knowing each other and I’m not messing that up by telling her anything.”
“Why are you so sure confessing is going to mess things up between you two?” Alya asked. “Trust me, I know that girl inside out. She’ll be more likely to feel awful that she can’t return your feelings then try to make you feel bad for having them.”
Chloé let out a fake sob. “Ugh, that’s almost worse…”
“You’re functioning under the assumption that it’s impossible for her to like you back,” Adrien said. “Is it so hard to believe that she could possibly have a crush on you too?”
“Oh, please.”
“I’m serious. That girl wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s hard for her to hide her feelings.”
“That doesn’t mean she likes me. I’m not getting crush vibes from her.”
Alya shrugged. “I mean, they may not be full on crush vibes. But I feel like the old Marinette would’ve been weirded out by you bringing her coffee and being her wake up call in the mornings. She seems to roll with it just fine and actually enjoys it. If she isn’t crushing on you yet, she might be getting there.”
“Which is why this is the perfect time for you to confess!” Adrien grinned. “Let her warm up to the idea.”
Chloé pushed passed them and started to walk to her next class. “I get that you two are bored or romantically unfulfilled or whatever it is that makes people meddle in other people’s love lives, but I’m seriously good on the romantic advice front. I know what I’m doing.”
Alya frowned. “So you’re fine just…being nice to her and not letting things push past that point.”
Chloé groaned as she paused in the doorway. “You guys make it sound like I’m miserable trying to keep this a secret. I’m fine, okay? Totally, one hundred percent fine with how things are.”
Adrien worried his lip. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Look I’ve gotta go to class, so can we do this later? And if either of you dare tell Marinette that I was the one who returned her book, I’ll start a smear campaign on both of you!”
“Isn’t that a little extreme?”
“No. In fact it isn’t extreme enough. So be grateful for my mercy.”
For once, Chloé wasn’t lying. She truly didn’t mind not telling Marinette anything. She was big enough to admit that Marinette was so beautiful, kind, and popular that it was hard to not let that jealousy manifest into outright hatred. But hating her wasn’t nearly as satisfying as becoming friends with her. Just in the past couple of months, Chloé had been able to tease out charming little bits of her personality that she hadn’t known about before. Like the fact that she was wickedly sarcastic, quick to anger, and loved arguing with people just because it got her blood pumping and she found it fun.
She could no longer resent Marinette’s ability to make everyone fall in love with her because Chloé had fallen into the same trap in almost no time at all. It hurt to know that she’d wasted so many years being cruel to her, and all she really wanted to do was act like a friend to her. Chloé often didn’t think about dating and kissing when she thought about Marinette. Not that she would ever be opposed to that happening, but it wasn’t the reason she liked being around Marinette. She liked making her smile. She liked being the reason Marinette could be happy for just a few minutes out of the day. Undoing all of the damage she’d caused this wonderful girl was all Chloé really wanted, and she didn’t need anything in return for it.
Chloé didn’t see Marinette again until the lunch pause. Her study block was over, and she was about to leave the library before she saw Marinette passed out on one of the study tables. Chloé leaned down and jostled her shoulder until Marinette slowly blinked her eyes open and yawned. “Hey Chloé.”
“Coffee wear off?”
She nodded sluggishly and started to fall back asleep. “Yeah I think so.”
“You need to eat something,” Chloé said. “I get you’re tired, but you can’t skip meals.”
“I forgot to grab lunch this morning,” Marinette said. “And I don’t have time to go out and get something. I’d rather sleep.”
Chloé started to collect all of the homework that Marinette didn’t get a chance to complete last period. “How about this? I just ordered some sushi. Delivery guy should be here any minute. I’ll split my lunch with you and then we can go nap in the park or something.”
Marinette rubbed her eyes and gestured for her bag so that she could zip it up herself. “Why the park?”
“Figured it’s more comfortable than crouching over your desk like this. Seriously, you’re too pretty to grow up with horrible posture. How are you going to look as amazing as I do in strapless stuff?”
Marinette snorted and started to roll back her stiff shoulders. “Compelling argument.”
“Come on,” Chloé said. “I was gonna do some online shopping done in the park anyway. Plus, I think I ordered two lunch boxes by accident and I can’t eat it all by myself. So I hope you like chicken.”
“Isn’t ordering takeout to the school against the rules?” Marinette teased.
Chloé flicked her forehead. “Don’t nag me, Class Rep. Be happy I’m sharing my food with you.”
“No, no, I am happy! That’s…really nice of you Chloé. Thank you.”
“You were drooling on your desk. That’s embarrassing. I can’t be seen with people who drool on their desks, so I figured I’d come rescue you from making a fool out of yourself.”
“Oh shut up. I’m up late a lot, I can’t help it.”
“Yeah, about that. What is it with you and staying up so late all the time? What do you do all day?”
“At night, I become a masked superhero who fights evil and runs around in spandex.”
“Hilarious. And unoriginal.”
“Hey, what happened to being nice to me? I liked that earlier.”
“I’m physiologically incapable of being nice for longer than sixty seconds. I’m seeing a doctor about it.”
“Oh, how absolutely awful.”
“It really is. I’m trying to raise awareness about the disease.”
Chloé pulled a blanket from her locker and walked them to the park a couple of blocks away from the school where other students were lounging in the sun, playing games, and catching up on homework. Marinette practically attacked the carton of food the minute Chloé handed it to her and started muttering something about definitely paying Chloé back because she simply couldn’t accept this without making up for it somehow. Chloé gracefully ignored the offer and made it a point to keep an eye for any money she may soon find in her locker of her notebooks so that she could return it to Marinette later on.
They weren’t at that point where they were particularly chatty with one another. Marinette asked Chloé about how studying for exams was going and Chloé remembered to ask whether Marinette was having any luck figuring out what fashion school she might want to start applying to next year. The conversation pretty much fizzled out after that, but Chloé didn’t mind. Chloé was fine turning on some music and catching up on her literature homework while Marinette ate next to her and laughed at the two three year olds playing tag only a few feet in front of them.
Marinette finished eating long before Chloé did, so Chloé grabbed her bag and shoved it underneath Marinette’s head so that she could have a pillow to lean on while she slept. She told Chloé to wake her up in ten minutes because she needed to start her homework early, but Chloé merely pretended to set the alarm and decided to let her sleep for the full two hours. She needed to remember to find a concealer in Marinette’s skin tone and figure out a subtle way of giving that to her. Poor thing was going to need it if she kept showing up to school running on fumes.
Chloé kept doing homework until she got bored and pulled out her tablet to get some shopping done. It didn’t take long for Marinette to knock out and start lightly snoring next to her. Chloé laughed through the short video she took of the sight and texted it to Marinette before indulgently smoothing the hair away from her sleeping face.
“Yup. Definitely a walking disaster,” she whispered as she played with Marinette’s bangs. “You need to sleep more, you idiot.” Marinette shifted in her sleep and hugged Chloé’s bag closer, still trapped in a deep sleep that Chloé felt guilty breaking her out of.
Chloé really wasn’t sure how crushes worked. Or rather, she didn’t know where friendships ended and crushes started, or whether they were really just one and the same thing with only subtle shades of difference separating them. Marinette coming to have lunch and nap in the park with her seemed like a huge step for them. They weren’t close yet, and Chloé wouldn’t have been offended if Marinette had said no to her invitation. But Marinette did say yes, and it was hard to figure out whether the excitement Chloé felt was because of a progressing friendship or because of the lingering shreds of a stupid hope that Marinette secretly felt the same about her.
She hated entertaining that hope because it wasn’t important to her. It really wasn’t. Chloé could die happy just being Marinette’s friend because that all by itself was a beautiful thing. But god, how perfect would it be to have Marinette look her in the eye and tell her that she liked her back? To call things like these dates? To not have to pretend that her gestures had ulterior motives?
Chloé sighed and let her thumb brush over Marinette’s cheek before she turned back to her tablet and tried to let Marinette sleep. It was probably just her touch starved brain talking. Maybe if she went to Adrien’s house after school to study and watch movies, it would help stop her brain from lingering on silly thoughts. Marinette was probably having a hard enough time learning how to be friends with Chloé after everything they’d gone through.
It would be selfish to demand anything more than that, and Adrien had been telling her for a long time that Chloé needed to stop being so darn selfish.
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youngerdrgrey · 8 years ago
if you don’t, it’s cool (untitled 04) // a queen sugar moment
written for day 15 of the 30 x 31 writing challenge; prompt: line from a song as the title ("untitled 04" by Kendrick Lamar)
+ on ao3
When Remy's frustrated, he licks his lips. He'd done it back in the storm, when she'd pushed for the workers to stay and he hadn't been able to convince her otherwise. He'd licked his lips like he was gearing to say something, then just stood there beside her. He does it whenever he holds himself back. So, when they're in his office after a long day of going over plans for the mill, she keeps an eye out for the tick. Just to keep track of his limits.
She checks off another farmer's name from her list. The goal for today is to finish drafting up paperwork for all of the farmers about to take a chance on her. She will hand deliver the paperwork to each of the farmers on Friday, along with a signed notice explaining the suggested next few steps in getting out of their contracts with the Landrys. The first one to get paperwork will be Ralph Angel, more as a courtesy than anything else. And even then, Charley rolls her eyes once she comes to his name on the list.
"I don't understand why he keeps fighting me on this."
She says it like they're mid-conversation, but Remy doesn't miss a beat. He tends to respond to her as if he's an extension of herself at this point. It should be unnerving, to have someone come into her life and so quickly integrate himself into her. And yet, at this point, it's mostly just comforting to have someone who hears not just what she's saying but what she can't quite put into words.
He shakes his head from his place at his desk. "Ralph Angel just wants to be consulted. He might be on pay roll, but he runs the farm."
"I thought the money ran the farm." She saves her template document under his name and starts filling in the blanks. "And it's not like I don't listen to him."
Remy snorts. She glares at him, and he does glance over then. He says, "When's the last time you heard that boy? And I mean, actually heard him. Not just let what he said go in one ear and out the other."
"Just about the farm or anything?" Because if it's anything, then she heard him just yesterday. He'd wanted to order in from the good barbecue place rather than cooking since Vi was taking some personal time. And even though Charley wanted spaghetti more than anything, she'd compromised. And announced that spaghetti would be dinner tonight. Which reminds her -- "We'll have to be going soon."
Remy turns in his chair. "Don't try to get out of answering me." Honestly, it shouldn't be fair for him to sound so sexy when he tells her no. His voice gets gruff around the edges. She pushes her laptop half closed to get a better look at him.
The office has one desk, then a long table that she's taken over for the night. The chair all the students sit in for office hours has been repurposed as her own. She's even got a box of old files acting as a foot rest. But she has to bring her feet back to level so he can know she's serious.
"I'm not trying anything. It's getting late. We haven't eaten--"
"And you haven't listened to your brother in weeks. Not since before we got the cane in the ground."
Even then, she mostly listened to him when delegating suited her interests. Why bother hearing anything when she was still dealing with Davis? But now, she can give her full attention to what's happening, and Ralph Angel has a tendency to hear what he wants. Which, Remy seems to be telling her, is a family trait.
"Fine." She puts her hands up in mock defense. "I don't listen."
"You don't. And I swear, if you didn't look so good, you wouldn't get away with half of what you do."
And there's the Remy she's coming to know. The one who finds a way to slide a compliment into everything he says. She finds herself smirking before she can help it. Notes the way her chest rises and her eyes latch onto his. "I thought we were talking about Ralph Angel."
He shrugs, wheels his seat over to the table so they're across from each other. "We were. But I think we could talk about the bigger problem."
"Which is?"
He closes her laptop the rest of the way. His voice comes out light, like it's a fact rather than an attack. "You don't know how to trust people."
Her husband cheated on her for years. "I'd think it's pretty understandable."
"But there are people who've proven themselves worthy of your trust. At least, I would think so. People who haven't steered you wrong, or taken more from you than you could give."
The people in this category are pretty limited. Vi can be there, Micah, Remy, of course, but Ralph Angel did a lot of asking without backing himself up. And Nova stole money, for which she still hasn't apologized. Though, in his defense, Ralph Angel shouldn't have to explain everything he does. But he has to because he makes such dumb mistakes. He'd pulled a gun on the men who tried to take the tractor. He'd brought Darla to Vi's house after everyone in the world knew how much Vi hated Darla. He'd -- well, he'd gone to prison.
That's what it came down to. All his life, Charley trusted him to make the right choice. He had the whole of the family looking out for him, not to mention how much their dad worshipped the ground Ralph Angel so much as glanced at. And he'd managed to do everything wrong. Got Darla pregnant, got into drugs, got locked up, and Charley had to find out through half a voicemail and a reporter from TMZ who wanted to watch her crumble in person.
She'd been picking up Micah from school when a reporter had rushed up to her and asked how she felt about her baby brother getting locked up. If she and Davis would be going to get him out. If she thought this bad behavior would affect Micah. And she'd laughed off the reporter saying that her family would never. Her brother would never. Then she'd listened to Nova's voicemail in the car. 
"Hey. Sis, listen, Rah's in some trouble, and we're trying to figure it out now. We'll call tonight, okay? Keep your phone up."
Hadn't told her a damn thing. Left her looking stupid and feeling even more lost in the world.
She doesn't want to think about this. She wants to flirty with Remy, finish her paperwork, and eat some spaghetti at Vi's house. Or maybe just the first one and the last one.
She slips her laptop off the table and places it in her bag. Grabs her notepad and papers too.
"Hey, where you going?"
She zips the bag up. "I'm starving, Remy, and--"
"And you're running away. See that's -- that's something right there."
Does she detect some judgment in his voice? "We can keep talking."
"On your terms," he adds. He leans back in his seat, and he turns his head to the side before licking his lips. Her eyes widen, and he comes back to face her. "What?"
Nothing. She swallows that word down. "You can finish your sentence."
He shakes his head. "I just want you to know that you can loosen the reigns a bit. Give him a longer leash. Give us all some room to make mistakes."
Oh she can? Every time she gives people some rope, they trip her with it and leave her with her ass in the air and her face to the pavement. But he's already frustrated, so snapping at him won't help. He's already wanting for something that she's apparently not giving him freely enough.
But she really does want to know what he thinks she'll get out of giving people space. Sure, they might surprise her, but they might also ruin her plans with that. Like, if Ralph Angel had made his plan and gone through with it, her mill wouldn't have the farm's support. Her mill wouldn't have her own family behind it. It wouldn't work. But, his plan did work with what they had for the most cost effective solution. Well researched and actually, honestly doable, which is more than what could've been said for the Ralph Angel of the past.
But Nova's still a mess. She never apologized for the money. But she had been right to say that Charley would've done anything for Micah. And Nova cared for Too Sweet so much in such a short period of time. Every instinct in Nova's body to protect and love and nurture came through ten fold and Too Sweet's all the better for it. Even Micah's a little better for it, since he saw it and got to meet Too Sweet, got to know that his aunt is more than just words and thoughts. Nova's a woman of action. Their whole family acts before thinking most of the time. It's stressful, but it gets results.
So long as no one gets locked up again, and no one steals ten thousand dollars, "I'll work on it. Now, can we go eat?"
Remy nods and slides back over to pack his own stuff up. "You know, when I first invited you to my office, I got this image. Of you, on the desk." He whistles low while rolling up some of his sketches and plans.
She could give in, but she really does need to eat, and if he'd wanted that particular image, he probably should've left the conversation alone.
"Maybe next time."
He glances her way, licks his lips with a different sort of meaning behind it. "I'll hold you to that."
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