#honestly just silly things but like. Those be some specific ass situations you’re calling out
landfilloftrash · 1 year
my partner predicting shit in the dresden files, even though it has Never read it
now for context, before they read the series I had joked about how they were “Dresden irl” minus the height, and since reading it have gained an inner voice we call Harry. And from this inner voice, they have gotten some SCARILY accurate and specific things right (and they swear up and down they don’t read the wiki whatsoever, and considering their reactions, I believe them)
Has actually turned to their side to ask Bob a question before realizing. They are not Harry.
Lives in a basement
once asked me if he can ballroom dance and when I said “yes” (because I remember somewhere it’s mentioned he can) they shook their fist and went “DAMN BEANPOLE” because they desperately want to learn how to do so
Actually had their phone autocorrect a word to Nicodemus before I started talking about him a lot and inner Harry basically started hissing like a feral tom cat a la Mister
has actually called that Odin and Santa are the same person and girl I honestly don’t know how they know this one they haven’t even REACHED that point
started humming Flight of Valkyries once while reading one of Marcone’s parts in Fool Moon. This was extraordinarily funny to me
This one was more of a silly comment that foreshadowed what was gonna happened but made the comment “Oh Aurora is so nice and pretty— please don’t betray me ma’am. She’s going to. But please don’t.”
Marcone getting magic through something that isn’t innate power (this was before they read about the Denarians/Death Mask)
Called Harry getting a castle !
Murphy’s death. “Why did Harry just say ‘I miss Murphy.’?” “…uh” “R E A.” || "I keep getting vibes from the beanpole that she's dead. He keeps being so so mournful about her I swear to god Rea"
Molly becoming WInter Lady; called
They have now called Marcone with a denarian. Literally based on vibes. girl.
That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but I'm sure there will be more as we go along lmao
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Headcanons for Laszlo plz,
Doctor!Reader was going a Institute to see Laszlo, prepare tea. Talks about how Laszlo adore these children’s in Institute. But then you felt your heartbeat that Laszlo was the sweetest and he was trying to kiss you on his office. We chuckles and hopefully get to know each other more
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A Study on Feelings [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Doctor!Reader]
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: mention of murder and abused children
Author’s note: I hope I made a good job for your request 💕 thank you for allowing me to write it.
The case they refer to is made up and not related to the series.
You stepped out of the carriage thanking the driver, he bowed his head to you touching the tip of his hat respectfully.
The day was slowly dying, the sun was disappearing among the grey clouds of New York sky, the city trembling of life was going toward a well earned rest, but the joyful sounds coming from beyond the gates of the Kreizler’s institute were the real blessing of the day.
“Doctor Y/L/N” the familiar voice of Doctor Kreizler welcomed you as he walked outside the heavy gates “I am glad you made it to visit us” he said referring to himself and the whole Institute altogether. 
You couldn’t help but smile back admitting how it was unmissable for you to do such a visit.
Words aside he caught your attention as he was without his jacket, a more easy look that, in such a time where people took hours to dress and undress, it was a proper sight.
As you got inside the sound became more clear, the children rushing one after the other while getting in their beds, the smiling faces, the happy chats.
It felt such a blessing to be able to witness such a pure joy.
“Please, pardon my attire, the kids and I were playing, right?” He asked to a child that nodded he looked down shyly, not able to cross eyes with you but clearly trusting the doctor. Laszlo noticed that reaction, but he opened his left arm in front of you to invite you to go further.
Tenderness and attention gravitated around this place, it was a calming space, but also rooted into the process of healing the kids were going through.
Something hard to explain, something that could only be felt in a place like the Kreizler Institute.
You followed Laszlo inside as he gallantly showed you the way around, room after room, hall after hall to his office.
“This place is magnificent” you murmured to him 
“It is, indeed, but not just architectonically, the kids make it special” he assured as he thanked the lady at service for bringing hot water to him.
“You like brewing your own tea?” You asked him once alone.
“What does that say about me?” He joked and you shrugged lightly observing him in such a mundane situation, in his little ritual.
“That you’re very fond of control, you probably spend a lot of sleepless nights here, and you take pride of your tea selection”
He chuckled at your words replying quickly
“Sounds like somebody that I know, do you have a favourite tea?” 
“I will try your favourite, if you allow me” you said pacing around the study during the whole conversation, your eyes going quietly from the chalkboard to the books open on the big table, the intense scente of wood covering the room joined with the gentle notes of the vanilla coming from the books.
The place felt relaxing and professional, serious but cozy.
“I admire your work, Doctor Kreizler” you confessed honestly as he let the tea brewing “now, I believe you called me for a very specific matter” you added as he pulled out those papers and books you were meant to see together.
You stared at him as he explained the case, word after word, his hand moving along every detail, apologising for every gruesome one, showing proofs, the ideas he had, the intuitions and troubles.
“May you go back to that last victim?” You asked as you proceeded to collect the tea and to pour it yourself as he was now more challenged to go through the topics, you saw something he didn’t and that intrigued him. He wasn’t completely blind to your presence there and, probably, he also tried this hard to impress you. He felt a bit silly, showing off like a peacock all his feathers about solving murder cases.
You smiled as the time flew by, your teas followed one after the other marking the edges of the pages and turning cold as you spoke and shared ideas. At some point you took off your jacket to be more comfortable while writing on the board adding those possible explanations to the motifs of the new killer he was investigating on.
“Doctor! Doctor!” A tiny voice called and you both turned around as a little girl rushed in, blonde hair blowing in the air already wearing her night dress as she handed the big black jacket of the doctor back to him “You forgot it”.
“Oh, thank you so much Margaret, you have been most precious, now go to bed or Mrs Morenko will get worried” he smiled at her lovingly and she nodded valiantly before rushing away.
You kept quiet as you observed her and smiled how she skipped around happily.
“She is the girl you told me about?” You asked him and he nodded closing the door after her and moving back to the table, standing beside it as he gently tapped on the wood with his fingers.
“You can’t prevent polarisation, it is harder with kids” you assured him moving by his side to interject his stare still settled on the wood under him.
“I should have seen it coming, she is getting into a place I never meant her to be. I wanted her to be freed by the need to please her family and now she substituted it with the need to please me”
“You substituted her parents in her mind, an evil man and an evil woman, you’re the sweetest of the mothers and the most protective of the fathers. You can’t blame yourself on this.” 
He listened to you  and you could almost see the little gears in his brain elaborate your words, his right hand abandoned on his side, hair slightly falling on his temple as he pressed his lips tightly together.
“I did her wrong being so soft on her”
He concluded closing his eyes for a moment before looking up at you realising how close you actually are.
“Do you expect me to punish you now?”
You asked back at him and that surely took him by surprise as he tried to babble what he meant and he wasn’t self pitying himself and how you probably didn’t want to listen to his children’s problems too, you were already helping too much.
“Doctor Kreizler” you interrupted that river of words “as professionals we need to understand how to treat our patients in the best way to bring them further in life and not backward. You know just as I do how if you utilised a strong and threatening attitude you would have just taught her that the way to deal with life is to submit to the more aggressive ones, which is way worse than a young ten year old having a crush on the man that taught her she can be strong, isn’t it?”
He looked at you and smiled moving his head on side with a small tilt letting your words sink in and probably glad you defined him in such a way.
“I just love these kids” he breathed out as his eyes drifted somewhere in the space “they are picked up so soon in life and set for failures and successes they never meant to have, somebody else reading through them seeing fault in desire and poverty in tenderness”
You felt you chest tighten as he spoke, his eyes now shining, his voice narrating slowly those lives and achievements. His passion and hard work showing as he guided some papers closer to play out that moment the embarrassment of having opened up to you like that.
“The truth is, Doctor Y/L/N, that we can do so little, and the best thing we can do is to teach them not to accept little from life”
You smiled at him softly “You’re right”.
He smiled back as his dark gaze dropped down on your lips and he leaned in carefully, his eyes up at you again searching for consent, you imperceptibly wet your lips as you realised he was closing the space between the two of you.
Then a familiar voice coming from outside the window calling his name.
He paused midway and you could see a soft pink take over on his cheeks and behind his ears, he murmured something moving away from you as he opened up the window letting in the cold breeze.
“Laszlo! There’s another victim! Come down! Now! She is still alive you have to speak to her!” John shouted from his carriage “Move your ass!” He added shouting again as Dr Kreizler clearly was upset by the interruption and rolled his eyes to that vulgar talk.
You chuckled slowly picking his jacket and moving behind him. He noticed you and gulped down letting you help him with it.
“I apologise, I have to go, but Dr Y/L/N, I pledge for your forgiveness”
You nodded slowly as you were thinking about it as you picked up your own jacket.
“That could be earned by giving me the permission to call you Laszlo myself”
He smiled with a light nod just admiring the way you didn’t let any embarrassment run through the two of you.
“I couldn’t in any way refuse a requests coming from you, Y/N”
You nodded to him placing your hat back on your head with a smirk
“Good, now don’t stand there, we have to go” you said as he froze halfway through the door.
“You don’t expect to introduce me to this case and make me forget about it, or about you” you said and he let out a breathy chuckle holding the door for you open before following you outside.
This was the beginning of something new.
Tags: @cazzyimagines @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing
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lallyloo · 3 years
The Frozen Corn Incident
(I have stuff going on and haven’t written in a bit, but Rhett’s cold taint wouldn’t leave me alone.. so here’s some awkward silliness and a small amount of smut. Thank you @imincognitohere for listening to me ramble on about this today.. and yesterday) They’d been back in the office for awhile, and Link had been so focused on his own work, typing away, he’d barely registered the grunts and sighs from behind him. Complaints after filming were something they were used to – belly aches from hot peppers, headaches from too much sugar, chafed balls from wedgie hangman. They were both equal complainers, and they’d both grown accustomed to tuning the other one out. And Rhett was trying to be quiet, but he couldn’t help himself. He was freezing in places he never imagined he could be so cold, and nothing he did seemed to help. When a frustrated whine cut into Link’s concentration, he spun his chair around to see why Rhett was still complaining about frozen corn on his taint. Rhett looked miserable with one hand stuffed down his jeans, and the sight didn’t surprise Link – after so many years side by side, they’d been in all kinds of crazy situations. They’d seen the good, the bad, and a whole lot of awkward. A hand down the pants seemed par for the course and Link couldn’t help but smirk. “You still sufferin’, brother?”
Rhett’s eyes flicked to him, as if he hadn’t even noticed his presence, and he gave Link a pained look.
“My taint is still freezing, man.”
“You still sittin’ on the corn or what?”
“No, I’m not sittin’ on the corn,” Rhett huffed, and his arm tensed up as he cupped himself harder. “It’s been an hour and I’m still cold. Think I got frost bite or somethin’.”
Link’s eyes went wide, “Frost bite on your taint?”
“Man, I dunno. It’s still freezin’ and nothing I’m doing is helping.”
“Not even your hand? You’ve got the hottest hands out of everyone– ”
“Yeah, but– ”
“Always so dang sweaty– ”
“Link, I know, but it’s not makin’ a difference. It’s like the cold dries up the sweat, or turns it into ice or something.”
“I don’t think that’s– ”
“I gotta figure out somethin’. What happens if you get frost bite on your taint? Can they amputate a chode?”
“Ugh, don’t call it that.”
“But can they?”
“Rhett, they’re not gonna –
“I don’t wanna lose my taint.” Rhett stared at him in horror, “Or my balls?? What if –
“Rhett, you’re not gonna lose your taint or your balls. You’re crazy, dude.”
“Well, it feels like it. Feels like I’m losin’ feeling..”
“In your balls?”
“Your butthole?”
“I dunno, maybe!”
“What about your..” Link raised his eyebrows and made a pointing motion towards Rhett’s dick. “Your tallywhacker?”
“Dude, shut up!” Rhett leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes, bringing his free hand up to cover them. “Don’t make me think about it. I can’t lose my dick to a frozen corn incident.”
Link laughed, “You’re being dramatic. You’re not gonna lose your dick.”
Rhett lifted his hand to glare at him, his eyes narrow. “You don’t know.”
“You want me to get a heating pad or somethin’?”
Rhett was hopeful for a moment. “Do we have one?”
“I don’t know,” Link shrugged. “I could text Jenna and ask her to get one.”
“No,” Rhett waved his hand and covered his eyes again. “I’m not askin’ her to get a heating pad for my nads.”
“What? Why not?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“Dude, I don’t have to say it’s for your nutsack– ”
“And my taint.”
“Your nutsack and your taint. And your butthole if you’re gonna get specific.”
“Link, I’m sufferin’ here.”
“Can I text her?”
Link stared at him for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. “Stand up.”
“What?” Rhett sat up a little straighter in the chair.
“Just stand up.”
“I’m gonna help you, now stand up.”
Rhett stood up slowly, his hand still stuck down his jeans.
“Gimme this.” Link grabbed Rhett’s wrist and eased his hand out of his pants, running his fingertips over Rhett’s. “Dude, your fingers are like ice!”
“I know, I told you!”
Link forced Rhett’s hand into his pocket, shoving it down deep and giving it a couple forceful pats for emphasis. “Leave it in there, let it warm up.”
“What’re you gonna– ”
“I’m gonna help you.”
Link took him by the shoulders and angled him so Link was up against his right side and Rhett went willingly, glancing down between them where Link’s hand was hovering over his zipper.
“Like, help help?”
“Yeah,” Link cupped the air and made a rubbing motion with his hand, “Help help. That okay?”
Rhett nodded, his eyebrows raised, “Well, yeah.”
Link popped the button on his jeans and eased the zipper down, and Rhett held his breath as Link’s hand slipped inside his boxer briefs.
Link was to-the-point about it, seemingly unfazed by the proximity of his hand to Rhett’s dick.
“You want me to– ” Rhett offered, “Move it outta the way?”
Link shook his head. “S’fine.”
Link brushed past Rhett’s cock, barely registered it touching his forearm, slipping under his balls the same way he would with his own if he was going to rub his own taint. He was focused, but he jerked his hand away for a second when he made contact with damp, cold skin.
“Dang, Rhett, you are cold.”
“I told ya.”
“What’ve you been doin’ sittin’ here with your hand down your britches?”
“Tryin’ to warm up”
“Tryin’ and failin’ more like,” Link muttered.
They tended to get a little more Southern in those moments, murmuring softly to each other. But they’d never done that, never been that close, with Link’s hand there, and Link settled his fingertips on the skin between Rhett’s balls and butt.
Rhett let out a breathy sigh of relief. “Your hands are warm.”
“Well yeah, dummy,” Link said quietly. “You should’a asked me to do this earlier”
They were quiet as Link rubbed him a bit, like a test at first, trying to bring warmth to the cold skin
“Does it burn?”
Rhett was distracted and it took him a moment to reply. “Burn?”
“Yeah, as it’s warmin’ up?”
“Oh, nah, not yet.”
Link was careful with his fingers, but with every few swipes he slipped a little too far back and Rhett jumped.
“Watch my–” he laughed nervously. “Watch my butthole.”
Link huffed out a laugh. “Your butthole?”
“I ain’t gonna finger your butthole if that’s what you’re worryin’ about.”
“I’m not worryin’,” Rhett said, because he wasn’t. That wasn’t what he meant.
They stayed quiet for another moment, as if they were both thinking.
“Is it cold though?” Link murmured.
“You want me to.. like,” Link slipped his hand back a little further and ghosted over Rhett’s ass. His cheeks were ice cold and Link chuckled softly. “Freezin’ here too, bo.”
“That’s what I told ya,” Rhett mumbled. “But you don’t have to..”
“You want me to though?”
Rhett paused before answering with a soft, “Yeah.”
Link rubbed gently, slow enough that he wouldn’t irritate Rhett’s frozen and overly-sensitive skin, but fast enough to bring warmth to the area. The base of his palm bumped against Rhett’s balls, his forearm sliding against Rhett’s cock, and Link didn’t say a word as Rhett grew hard against him. They both knew it was natural. Friction could do that.
“Dick’s warm,” Rhett muttered, trying to bring humor to the situation.
Link nodded, “I know.”
Rhett glanced down between them. “Is it buggin’ you? I can hold it up.”
“S’fine,” Link reiterated. “Ain’t botherin’ me none.”
And it wasn’t bothering him. It was just another thing. Cool butt, cold taint, warming balls, hot hard dick. It was fine.
Link slowed the rubbing, trying to change it up a bit as he pressed his fingers against Rhett’s taint.
“Pressin’ your button,” he murmured.
“What?” Rhett huffed out.
Link pushed in again and then started massaging in slow circles. “The evac button.”
“Oh,” Rhett breathed, “right..”
And then Link felt it.
Rhett’s dick was leaking slick and wet on his arm.
And in theory it should’ve bothered him, but it didn’t. At all.
“Feel good?” Link found himself asking.
And Rhett surprised himself by admitting, “real good..”
Link nodded and continued his kneading, his palm tapping against Rhett’s balls until Link just went for it and cupped them. They were soft, almost velvety, not much different than his own, and he held them the way he held himself, knowing what he liked and figuring Rhett might like it too.
“You’re warmin’ up,” Link breathed, as if the cold was even still a concern at that point, when he was actively playing with his best friend’s ballsack and massaging his taint.
Rhett just panted, actually panted, in reply and slid in the slick that now coated Link’s arm.
“You want me to stop?” Link asked, knowing it was probably a stupid question, and honestly hoping Rhett wouldn’t want him to.
“No,” Rhett huffed out a laugh, because that was the last thing he wanted, “god, don’t.”
So they were doing this, and it was fine. Just another thing.
Except it wasn’t just another thing. It was a big thing. Rhett was rubbing his dick on Link’s arm, and Link was pretty sure he was going to help him cum, and it somehow made sense, and then Rhett was tensing, and Link found he needed to watch him.
He wanted to see Rhett cum.
He’d heard it before – their college dorm room was small, and Link was good at feigning sleep. But he’d never seen Rhett’s face in those moments.
And here they were, and Link was helping to make it happen, wanting to make it happen, wanting to see it happen. He rubbed the now-warm skin, slipping his fingers back to ghost over Rhett’s ass again and he recognized the sharp inhale of breath as Rhett came and spurted wet heat over Link’s forearm.
Rhett was cumming in his boxers, all over Link’s arm and hand, and it was only then that Link really registered that he was hard too, and okay, this was something new. Something they’d probably need to explore further.
But currently, Rhett was looking down, his hair falling into his eyes as he chuckled softly, embarrassed.
Link knew further exploration would have to wait. But he was determined that it would happen. He eased his arm out of Rhett’s jeans, and turned it over, examining the mess Rhett had made on it.
“I’m gonna go wash my hands,” he said, grinning, “and arm.”
Rhett watched him go, speaking up just as Link reached the door. “We gotta tell the writers they can never go colder than frozen corn.”
Link stopped and looked back at him. “Nah, we can go colder.”
“Link,” Rhett gave him a crazed look, “I’ll lose everything next time, dick and all.”
“You’ll be alright.”
“Your hand ain’t that warm, man.”
“That’s true,” Link replied, shooting Rhett another grin as he slipped out the door, and Rhett could hear his voice echoing down the hallway, “but I got a hot mouth!”
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coffeewithheroes · 4 years
Hiya, nice to meet you V! Do you know the Tiktok trend that goes like, “why can’t friends just kiss each other?” If you do, would you mind doing some headcanons about how Iwaizumi and other characters of your choosing would react? tysm!!💕
a/n: nice to meet you anon! i’ve seen that trend before and omg i love it so much! i just love the friends to lovers troupe in general :) never be able to get over it i swear🤧
really went all out on my first answered request, hehe!
“why can’t friends just kiss each other?” ⪼ haikyuu hcs
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💌 Iwaizumi would probably already know about the trend, seeing as he’s got tiktok obsessed oikawa as a best friend.
💌 oikawa would probs tease Iwa about how you might use it on him one day, which earns him a good wack.
💌 luv you tooru get well soon
💌 might secretly hope that you make a move on him, but doesn’t get his hopes too high. there’s a chance that you’re not even interested in Tiktok impossible, or you’d rather confess to him the traditional way, OR, you might not even like him. again, impossible
💌 lucky for him, you LIVE for trends like these :)
💌 you’ll probably be at his house or something, thanking the stars above that Iwaizumi has finally granted you a break from studying, as well as the opportunity to make your move!
💌 you pull out your phone, and search for the sound, heart beat so loud you hope he can’t hear.
💌 remember to breathe, baby. because it’s go time.
💌 you press play.
💌 at this point, Iwa looks up from his own device, and has that “wait, what?” look on his face.
💌 you’re laughing at him to hide the sudden waves of embarrassment.
💌 not to worry dear, your efforts were not in vain.
💌 Iwaizumi is honestly so frigging happy that you did this. he can’t help but think about how cute you are.
💌 “you’re so stupid, you know that?” and yet, the opposite comes out of his mouth.
💌 but again, must i remind you not to worry?
💌 the next few moments are absolute heaven - Iwaizumi pulls your face towards his, and kisses you hard.
💌 damn, he’s been waiting for this.
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💌 this would be something neither of you are expecting-
💌 it’s actually atsumu who set up the entire thing lmaooo
💌 the three of you usually walk home together after volleyball practice, but atsumu had faked being sick and went home early, leaving just osamu and yourself.
💌 whilst walking, you get a message from atsumu, a video.
💌 and you play it out loud of course, not expecting it to be something like this:
💌 “why can’t friends just kiss each other?”
💌 cue the awkward stares and silent curses of atsumu‘s name.
💌 you want to think of something, anything to say that will get osamu’s mind away from the words he just heard.
💌 but unlucky for us, our brains always run out on us when we need ‘em most, right?
💌 in the end, it’s osamu who breaks the silence.
💌 “well, why can’t we?”
💌 “there’s no rule against it...”
💌 “should we...”
💌 “I’m okay with it if you are?”
💌 the kiss is one of those which start off as simple pecks, but get all crazy after that 😳
💌 you know you can’t get too carried away though, being in the middle of the street and all.
💌 osamu takes you to his house instead of dropping you home, and atsumu can’t help but smirk victoriously at the sight of your bruised lips.
💌 looks like you got a lil’ bit carried away after all
💌 instead of thanking his matchmaker brother, you opt for giving him the finger.
💌 osamu’s pretty content with that solution too, so it’s all good!
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💌 your mind immediately wanders to Tsukishima the moment you discover this Tiktok sound.
💌 things will either go really well, or really bad. and of course, you’re hoping for the latter.
💌 tsukishima’s a smart dude, and will immediately notice something is up the moment you pull out your phone and start grinning ear to ear.
💌 “what are you doing?” he really doesn’t waste time.
💌 “hey, do a tiktok with me.”
💌 “absolutely not.”
💌 but he doesn’t stop you when you set up your camera and press the three second countdown.
💌 when the question pops up, tsukishima is lowkey shocked
💌 like, what did i just hear? 👁👄👁
💌 you’re laughing your ass off at his reaction, but tsukishima wouldn’t be tsukishima if he allowed others to openly laugh at him in his presence or at all for that matter
💌 he gives you one of those “shut up” kisses :)
💌 and suddenly, the tables have turned, and he’s the one who’s making fun of your reaction!
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💌 bokuto’s actually the one who introduces you to the trend
💌 the hilarious thing is, he didn’t even mean it as a confession, he just wanted to show you one video which he found particularly cute!
💌 he’s super excited about it, so while he’s taking a break during practice, he whips out his phone from his bag, and shows you the video.
💌 it gets your heart pumping QUICKLY fr-
💌 you’re not actually sure how to react tbh. you know that there’s a chance bokuto was just showing it to you because he thought it was cute, not because he was indirecting the fact that the two of you should actually kiss.
💌 but my guy akaashi has got your back :D
💌 “bokuto-san, does that mean you would like to kiss y/n as well, seeing as she’s your friend?”
💌 “...hey, hey, hey! dude, you’re right!”
💌 bokuto does not hesitate-
💌 pulls you towards him, then tilts his head just right so that he can kiss you.
💌 it’s over in an instant, there’s literally no time to react.
💌 he isn’t trying even a little bit to hide the smile on his face.
💌 “i’ll give you more later, i have to go back to practice now, yeah?”
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💌 another one who knows his way around Tiktok - chances are, he found the trend before you did.
💌 hoping that you’ll understand why he’s calling it his new favourite trend, and get the hint that likes you and wants you to confess that way!!
💌 spoiler alert: you’re going to do it.
💌 the whole thing goes down during one of your weekend sleepovers.
💌 it’s three am, both of you are dead tired, and you’ve decided that you want a kiss before you head to sleep.
💌 loud enough for him to hear, not loud enough for his parents to wake up, you play the sound.
💌 “what? you— y/n!!”
💌 this cutie can’t even form words, he’s that happy!
💌 does not waste any more time trying to speak - he’s sure that you’d rather be kissing him.
💌 and you would :)
💌 hoshiumi starts off by placing kisses all over your face and neck, purposely avoiding your lips.
💌 because that’s his final prize, of course!
💌 it feels like forever has passed, before your lips finally touch his.
💌 it’s amazing, it’s sweet, it’s heartwarming, it’s all the synonyms which you can possibly come up with for those three words.
💌 the two of you fall asleep, legs tangled and all.
💌 his parents most likely have at least heard of tiktok. don’t know the trend specifically, but know that their son has finally managed to get himself a beautiful girlfriend! ❤️
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💌 here we go,,
💌 this whole situation is like a total accident.
💌 you were just scrolling through your for you page like we all do, when you came across the original video.
💌 “why can’t friends just kiss?”
💌 kuroo’s head turns so fast when he hears it.
💌 hasn’t seen the trend himself, but thank you to the man who made it, you’ve given kuroo an opportunity to kiss his crush 🙏
💌 “you know, that man is talking sense.”
💌 he’s smirking, he’s wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, and you’re trying to keep it together.
💌 don’t freak out, don’t freak out, don’t freak out
💌 “maybe we should kiss. like right now, and prove that friends are indeed allowed to kiss?”
💌 you’d like that, wouldn’t you? :))
💌 and so, when he leans in, you do absolutely nothing to stop him!
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💌 flipping heck, he’s so pretty
💌 soo...
💌 do 👏 this 👏 trend 👏 with 👏 him 👏 please 👏 and 👏 thank you............👏
💌 oikawa absolutely adores Tiktok, so you can bet your ass he knows about it.
💌 of course, doing something like this takes GUTS. confessing to anyone is a pretty difficult thing to do, especially with a good friend!
💌 you decide to confide in Iwaizumi in the matter, you know you can trust him not to say anything until after the big day.
💌 someone you can’t trust with a secret as big as this, is Matsukawa.
💌 accidentally overheard the convo between you and Iwaizumi, and thought it would be hilarious to accidentally spill the tea to his majesty.
💌 who is absolutely excited, by the way.
💌 when the big day arrives, you’re nervous as hell, and so is he.
💌 things go wrong, oh so wrong.
💌 oikawa’s sitting beside you on the couch. as soon as you take your eyes away from the tv and start paying attention to your phone, he starts watching.
💌 you don’t actually notice, too busy trying to calm yourself down.
💌 and then...
💌 before you even get to press play on the sound, oikawa is turning your head and pressing his lips against yours.
💌 it’s one of those simple, yet expertly executed kisses, the kind which makes you unable to open your eyes for a few seconds.
💌 “you uh...didn’t play the sound.”
💌 “you didn’t give me a chance to, idiot.”
💌 he’s just silly like that but i think i speak for everything when i say we wuv him sm 🥺
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💌 Ushijima takes volleyball seriously, and he takes his studies seriously too.
💌 he’s been tutoring you for about one and a half hours now, and what the hell you’re so tired.
💌 but according to waka-baby, you haven’t done enough to deserve a break!
💌 (it’s true, you’ve only done about 3 questions since the topic is so boring lol)
💌 begging and grovelling doesn’t work on Ushijima. and that’s when you think - what about Tiktoks?
💌 specifically the trend which has friends becoming lovers through a kiss after a single question.
💌 when Ushijima goes up to the counter to ask for more coffee, you take out your phone and quickly search for the sound.
💌 he’s not impressed by your choice to do this, but he forgets about that once he hears those sweet, sweet words.
💌 stays silent at first, as if in deep thought.
💌 “if i agree to this, will you get some work done?”
💌 “how about you agree to this, because you like me?”
💌 you used confidence! it was super effective!
💌 ushijima allows you to kiss him, and to him, your smile is brighter than the freaking sun.
💌 “lets get back to work.”
💌 but you and him both know that neither of you will be able to concentrate now :)
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💌 osamu’s the one who shows you the Tiktok. passed it on through kita, who’s just knowledgeable about everything??
💌 but are you sure you want to do this?
💌 h e c k y e s ☐ f r i c k n o ☒
💌 just kidding!!
💌 after showing you the video, osamu, the better twin, enlightened you about the fact that atsumu was planning to do the trend on you!
💌 cute, awh 🥺
💌 unlucky for him, you beat him to it! sorry not sorry
💌 you make your move the day before he wanted to make his.
💌 you play the sound, lowkey excited to see atsumu’s look of surprise.
💌 but...there isn’t one?
💌 what’s? going?? on???
💌 “‘you got played baby girl. ‘samu showed you the trend on purpose, and lied about me wanting to do the trend. all so that you’d be the first to admit that you like me.”
💌 he’s a little kid stuck in a teenager’s body, please forgive him.
💌 gives you one kiss for the sake of the video, and about twenty for messing around with you :))
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mihorapendeja · 3 years
happier than ever | tsukishima x you
the one shot in which tsukishima basically falls for a female version of everyone's favorite sunny tangerine.
genre: fluff/soft core smut lmao i haven't done this in years i feel silly but here you go
pairing(s): kei tsukishima x you (referred to as "ria kihira" in part 1 bc this was originally going to be an OC thing but nvm a/n's: show this some love and interaction pls.
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❝Again?❞ Even though Tsukishima complained again, this time he made it easier for her as he even stood completely still. Such a good boy.
❝Let her beat your face!❞ Shoyo exclaimed as she smiled in delight, then moving on to pat the powder puff on his stupid face. Of course she only took a few seconds for him, but all the time in the world for Hinata.
While the two chirped about the new reboot trailer for Dexter, Kuroo's sleazy self slid beside his lanky child with an extra smug look on his face. That man was a menace.
❝Say, don't you think they look related?❞
Tsukishima was a difficult man to catch off guard, but right then and there, a mini existential crisis kicked in. His eyes darted back and forth between Shoyo and Ria Kihira, the makeup artist on set for the commercial filming day.
Kei knew Kuroo was a slut for all the pretty things in life — he constantly had a trope of hot women surrounding him.
But this time, he'd really outdone himself.
Not a stupid man entirely, a huge shit-eating grin formed on Tetsuro's face. He followed Kei's eyes who desperately wandered back and forth their matching hair, skin tone, lack of height... "please let it be a mere coincidence because it's bad enough that—" Kei shut his own intrusive mind from further thinking as he slapped his hand over Kuroo's mouth shut. Tight.
That hyena laugh was not being unleashed today.
ca. 2019, on set of a commercial for one of Kuroo's production companies. After Tetsuro had defeated Kei in a game of beer pong, he had to comply with the loser's bet -- be part of the damn commercial along with Shoyo, for a viewership boost. So he said. Ria was the makeup artist on set that day, and it pretty much went from Tsuki acting like a feral cat who didn't want to be touched by any makeup tools, to blissfully passing out in a chair while she gently stroked his face with a soft powder brush.
Near the end of the day when he'd no longer back away from her with animosity, it was Kuroo's stupidly astute observation that left him rattled. The boy was put into a choke hold because he refused to like someone with the same orange hair and milky skin tone as Hinata. Someone equally bright, bubbly, and stupid ... yeah that refusal didn't last long. Ria spoke her mind so freely, being direct but never pleading because she respected herself in that regard. He liked that and before Kei knew it, he found himself admitting to her that he was, "actually quite fond of you." She understood it was his way of saying those pesky 3 words, 8 letters.
THE ALARM CLOCK rang it’s deathly siren like tone, nearly sending you into cardiac arrest. Although he defensively stretched an arm out over your chest as if ready to protect, Kei did not get up.
Of course he wouldn't.
Like every morning at 4am, it was you who suffered the most when getting out of bed to grab the phone to silence that torture down. As you had deeply sighed and turned to face the bed, Tssuki was now face up with the covers all the way up to his nose.
Even in your groggy state, you could tell he was smirking. That smug bastard stared at you intently, dead still. While Kei typically minded his own business and was at times thought of as quiet, the boy was definitely not shy. You wouldn't call him a total flirt, but he could so hold onto a gaze without so little as batting a long eyelash.
Kei was, extremely competitive. Lightning would have to strike his literal eyes to keep them from staring at you, specifically at your curvy thighs.
The way your soft cotton shorts rode up them was always a very pleasant sight, so he just kept staring, happily.
He loved that little penguin walk you busted into every morning when shutting the alarm off.
It’s like you couldn’t balance properly, and he swore that you were always shorter looking in the early hours of the day. He didn’t know how you could lack more height than you already did at barely 5 feet 2, but it always seemed that way.
It was especially cute, like he could just grab you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Tired, you sat back down on the bed. You scooted until meeting the headboard, and then just let her head dip back.
It was so incredibly peaceful until you could no longer ignore his obvious glaring. “If you’re awake already, why don’t you get up?”
“It’s barely 4:05,
we don’t go in till 5am.”
He said so factually that you just deeply exhaled. Tssuki was definitely not a morning person, and neither were you.
Even though you were much more energetic, it was a Friday and you could not wait for the end of the workday already.
While Tssuki could be late to practice because let's be honest, few would even confront him, you could not pull off the same irresponsibility.
You cared way too much, and in general, hated the feeling of being late to anything. "Come on." You murmured, nudging Kei as he completely ignored you and kept on sleeping.
You waited for another minute before climbing out of bed, grabbing his attention once again. This time, your black shorts were scrunched further up. So far up that your ample ass cheeks were out in all their glory.
“Arigato, thank you god.”
Nishinoya would say.
“Well I’m not as naturally good looking as you so I’m gonna go shower and start getting ready.”
You huffed, truly riling Kei up inside. Hearing you say that genuinely made something inside of his stomach stir, so he instinctively reached out towards your wrist.
Even in the dark room, he could see your face clearly and tell you weren’t joking. "The fuck is wrong with her?" He thought, not angry, but extremely concerned because you weren't fishing for a compliment.
The two of you had been together for over 3 years now, and so he more than knew that you were not that kind of girl.
Yes, you lacked height at 5’2, but you were physically strong. Literally, you could carry all the grocery bags in one go with no issues. Lifting abilities? Check.
Even though Tssuki cruelly chose the apartment with extra high kitchen shelves, you would never ask for help to reach for stuff. "Help I can't reach" was not a phrase that existed in your world.
Literally, he’d sometimes walk in for some juice and find you on top of a chair reaching for something, if not on the literal counter tops to store items.
Independent? Check.
Resourceful? Check.
On top of all that, you had a voluptuous body he thought was fucking scrumptious. He understood that the norms for women in Japan could be vicious, especially if you weren’t a slender door like he was, but despite your insecurities, you still wore it all so well. You didn’t let it stop you from wearing whatever you wanted (as you should).
At times he did think you were a little bit stupid for fretting over such body image issues, but Tssuki was okay with that.
He didn’t want a know it all like himself, that be beyond insufferable.
Before he knew it, you were teaching him a thing or two as well. So Tssuki then knew you were not a vapid pick me girl, and that was honestly a pretty big turn on for him.
SPEAKING OF TURN ons, Kei found it incredibly hot to have you pinned beneath him, like you currently were.
It wasn’t an ingenue kink, to have you below him so submissively and weak, no. It was the way you fought to assert yourself, and the way you writhed. The way you tried to break free was no half assed attempt either.
Sometimes you'd even throw in a few knees into it, and Tssuki didn't mind it one bit. Two dominate personalities, things were always bound to be feisty in bed.
This time however, he sensed some a defeat in your soul.
Convinced to rekindle your spirits, his brows furrowed as he lowered himself closer to your pretty face.
“Take that back.” Tssuki growled in a low, oh so sexy deepened morning voice.
“I can’t, It’s true.” You protested, sighing as he pulled himself away only to then wrap his arms around your waist and throw you over his shoulders.
Misreading the situation, you first protested before breaking into full on laughter as he stormed into the shower with you still dangling, kicking your short legs in the air.
You had thought this was playful Tssuki, the version no one was too familiar with.
Except you … and Yamaguchi. You and Yams lived to exchange Tssuki-isms.
You were mistaken when trying to approach him as he had stripped entirely. God, you so badly wanted to touch his defined chest and close the space between —and that’s when your favorite salt mine smirked as he instinctively reached back to swivel the shower handle on.
Grabbing the detachable shower heard, Tssuki sprayed you down.
"That son of a bitch." You thought, having jumped back in shock, literally. The water was so fucking cold.
Tssuki raised a brow, testing you. On one hand, he thought you looked like a helpless kitten that was abandoned on some random parking lot on a rainy day.
He was an asshole, but if he ever came across a lonely stray cat, he'd so scoop it up and take home for some warm milk.
On the other hand, he thought you looked even more hot with the way your baggy shirt now clung onto every part of your curvaceous body.
Tssuki had to exhale as he saw your nipples peaking through your smaller but perfect chest. He just wanted to cup your perky tits, squeeze them and hear you moan in delight—your hot breath on his ear as you rested a side of your face on his.
“Can’t touch me till you take that back.”
He warned as you tried to take a step forward.
“Tssu— you whined, sighing as you crossed your arms, cold.
“Admit it, you’re beautiful. Say it.” He insisted as you tossed your head back. "I’m beautiful … kinda, I mean” you trailed off, too distracted by your own cruel thoughts to notice when he raised the shower head again to spray you down.
“Ouch!” You gasped this time, burned by the super hot water. Tssuki turned, realizing that instead of increasing the water’s pressure, he had turned it to the hot side.
Steaming hot.
He rubbed them back of his neck, sheepishly trying to play off. That stupidly cool bathroom is literally what had sold him into choosing that apartment.
After a long day of training, having a large bathtub to soak in, or large walk in shower that doubled as a sauna to rest in was a treat. Not only that, but curative. You swore that this man's epsom salt baths were the reason his long limbs were always good to go, pain free.
Tssuki rushed to place the shower head back on, pushing a few buttons on the digital control panel to get some therapeutic steam going.
On a good morning, he'd already have you pinned to the wall. Your face buried into his neck as Tssuki spread your ass apart, drilling his every inch into you.
But sadly, this wasn't a good morning ... yet. When you waved a hand out in defeat, eyes swelling with tears, Kei grabbed you right before you could step away.
You slammed into his chest with a light thump as he then grabbed your shoulders to keep you balanced. "My clumsy pumpkin." He thought as you raised your head to meet his warm eyes.
Tssuki lowered his face, gently planting a kiss on your forehead. Pulling away, he grabbed your arm & extended it out as he begin to plant a trail of kisses over the burned-pink area. His kisses deepened the closer he got to your neck, stopping only when at your jawline.
Now, the two of you were staring directly at each other, his eyes radiating all the comfort you wanted to see: love, adoration, lust. It was so quiet, but your heartbeat was so damn loud.
His actions were doing all the talking. Now completely soaked, you looked down at the hem of your shirt as Tssuki grabbed both ends and begin to lift the blouse up and away from you.
Left in nothing but shorts, he kept his eyes locked on you as you nodded while he lowered himself to help you out of them.
Now, completely naked, he just stared at you in awe.
You were his goddess, and he was going to happily worship, service, respect, love.
“I don’t know why you hesitate” he softly whispered as you took in a deep breath, suddenly feeling overly emotional. Near tears kind of overwhelmed.
To keep yourself from actually sobbing, you cleared your throat to speak up, “I love my job, but I guess sometimes working with so many beautiful models, I can’t help but to compare my—
Tssuki had heard enough about your delusions. His hands flew the sides of your face, pulling you in for a deep kiss. You felt such a thrill surging through your body as he so easily hoisted you up.
It was your favorite thing in the world, to wrap your legs around his long torso, and it was Tssuki’s favorite thing to dig his hands into your firm ass, your soft thighs.
Pulling away, he takes slow steps forward so your back gently meets the wall. With one hand, he caressed your face , thumb gliding over your cheek before connecting his forehead with yours.
“As I was saying, - I don’t know why you hesitate to say it, but I think you’re the most beautiful person in this whole goddamn world.”
A pesky tear escaped onto your cheek, and Tssuki blotted it away with a kiss, burying his face closer to yours. So close your noses are now touching.
When he wanted to, Tssuki could be so completely soft.
“You don’t know every single person in this world.”
You laughed, still touched by his bold declaration.
“I mean it. Waking up to you every morning I think wow, I’m so lucky.”
He admits as you then break into another chuckle. “You’re so full of shit, that’s not the first thing you think of.”
Tssuki pulls on your lower lip down with his thumb, chuckling back. “You idiot sandwich I didn’t say it was the first thing, but it’s a close second.”
You find yourself laughing out loud, his frisky smile fully plastered on his face as your nose scrunches in that way he finds so fucking adorable.
“Begone negativity.” He both teases and shudders at the thought of how Suga burned that in the back of his mind.
“Do I have to sing that stupid One Direction song to you?” Tssuki then jokingly added as your eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t!”
“You’re right that’s disgusting.” He scoffed, hoisting you further up as he took your breath away with another kiss, this time, his hands running through your hair.
It was always a mystery with him, never knowing if he was going to pull on your hair, or caress it.
This time however, as his tongue slipped into your mouth, eager, you couldn’t help but to squeal. You had to give it to him, the man was great at multitasking. While he deepened the kiss, Tssuki tapped the melody of that dumb song on your thighs as if drumming.
"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door / don't need makeup to cover up, being the way that you are is enough --
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh, oh, you don't know you're beautiful."
Tssuki had really taken SMACK MY ASS LIKE A DRUM to a whole other level, and you couldn't even be mad about it.
"Having fun, ya happy doing that?" You teased as he now gave himself a quick rub, fully erect. Your man was so well endowed and that was both exciting and terrifying at times. While you loved dominant Tssuki, today he was a bit more mellow and less gimp man.
"Fuck, Kei-" You moaned as he slowly entered you, rubbing your clit with his thumb, the pressure just right. "I'm definitely having fun, in fact" he smirked as you moved down to slam yourself further into him, begging for more, "I'm happier than ever."
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jackambrosemodeling · 3 years
Boy Talk || Jack & Brandon
When: May 2, 2021
Where: Jack’s apartment, Santa Monica, California
Featuring: Brandon Kelly (dialogue provided by Katie @itsbrandonkelly)
Triggers: Allusion to alcoholism
After firing off a You’d better be home. text to Jack, he realised that he really should have checked first to save him from waiting outside their apartment but that’s why there were so many saying about hindsight. Still, he knocked to let his presence be known instead of texting again, hoping he’d timed his visit well.
Jack was coincidentally home when they received Brandon's text. They got out of the shower when they saw the message. After texting him back with a 'bitch I might be', Jack unlocked their door as well as the entrance door to the apartment building. They followed up with a 'door's open' text and went to go find clothes to put on before Brandon came inside.
He huffed out in amusement at the first response he got and then knocked again at the second before letting himself in. “Who leaves their door open? This is the start to every horror film ever, then again just letting yourself into someone’s home is also how they start.” He called out, heading to the kitchen instead of looking for Jack. He figured they would have answered the door if they weren’t occupied with something else and so they’d join him when they were done. When he found glasses, he settled himself on the couch and shrugged off his jacket.
"I do when I know someone's coming over!" they yelled from behind their closed bedroom door. If someone had actually broken into their apartment for nefarious purposes, Jack was more than prepared to deal with the situation. Once they were presentable, they looked around until they found Brandon in the living room. "Comfy there?" they teased. "You know I love seeing you, but a little more of a heads up would've been nice. I could've still been in the shower. I could've been actively having sex!"
“Who’s supposed to be coming over? I can’t believe you were inviting people to chill and I wasn’t one of them?” Brandon had taken out his phone to sit on the couch with him and had even gotten as far as pouring them both a drink before Jack had come to meet him. “Yep. I made myself at home.” He gave Jack his best smile, even fluttering his eyelashes for good measure. “If you loved seeing me that much you would invite me over to do those things with you. Besides, it’s not much of a surprise visit if I tell you about it, is it?”
“You! I opened the door for you, silly!” Jack looked at the two glasses, then back to Brandon. “Oh shit, the wine that Nyle sent as a moving present! I forgot I had that.” They didn’t want to be rude and throw it out, and figured it would be good to have in case of guests, so they hid it. The fact that they managed to not drink any of it themself was a miracle. “Yeah, I’m not sure how Viv would feel about that... speaking of which. Fun update in my life. I’m kind of seeing someone? Still figuring out labels and whatnot.” Though there were rumors floating around the gossip sphere, Brandon was the first person they confirmed the rumor to.
“Then the door wouldn’t be open so it wouldn’t matter if you were showering or fucking, would it?” Jack’s comment had Brandon looking at the bottle again and picking up the glass closest to it. “Mine is alcoholic. I brought you some appley juice recommended by the best palate I know.” He patted the space beside him before his eyebrows raised in surprise. “You settled before you boned me? Disgusting. Unacceptable.” Despite his words, he started grinning. “I’m so happy for you, babe. That’s cute.”
“Brandon, stop making good points,” they huffed, sitting down on the couch next to Brandon. “Oh, thanks.” While Jack had never explicitly told Brandon why they quit drinking, it appeared that he had gotten the hint. “I’m sorry. It turns out I have a SIMP gene that was activated by me moving to Santa Monica. Who would’ve thunk it?” they joked, knowing damn well that they’ve simped over every person they’ve ever dated.
“I can’t help that I’m brilliant. Sorry buddy; you just gotta live with that I’m afraid.” He hummed quietly in amusement. Brandon simply offered them a smile at their thanks. They never joined in whenever B was drinking and he was nothing if not attentive. Sometimes, at least. “Literally no one because the simp gene has always been in you and always been active but I’ll keep that to myself if it really makes you feel better.”
"All my friends are hot and smart, but I'm just hot. Story of my life." Jack sighed, taking a sip of the juice that was so graciously provided to them. "Excuse me?!" Jack exclaimed overdramatically. "Are you calling me a simp? In the comfort of my own apartment?! I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment. I don't know how I'll go on!" They busted into  laughter, unable to keep the act up.
“You’re hot and smart. What the fuck are you talking about? Be nice to my friend or I’ll kick your ass.” He reached his foot out to nudge Jack with, an amused smile on his face. “Plus, you’re also super hot, own it. And yes. I’m calling you a simp. You’re the themperor of simpington. Population... Uh, I don’t know how many people are in Santa Monica but that’s the population.”
“Brandon, I was a straight-C student in high school and have the common sense of a bag of potato chips. I know my strengths and weaknesses.” Jack knew they weren’t book smart and it didn’t bother them. “Excuse me, I am not Themperor Simpington. That title belongs to Sunwoo Seong. Have you met them? But they did skip town a while back... shit. I didn’t ask for this title. I need to find a new non-binary friend to bestow this title on. I just need more enby friends in general.”
“You don’t have the common sense of a bag of potato chips, Jesus Christ Jack.” Brandon laughed as he slapped Jack’s arm. “You’ve survived this long in this industry, babe. That’s not down to potato chip brain, even I nearly crashed out a couple of years in.” He raised an eyebrow, head tilted as he fixed them a look of disapproval. “You are Themperor Simpington. The queen has spoken. I met Sunwoo once and obviously offered to climb that tree but they left and Joonie was sad so I’m no longer a fan of tall, hot and dimpled. If it makes you feel any better, I’m a huge simp for my sweet boy.”
“Hey, I’m funny. Fuck you,” they retorted, chuckling. “I’ve been told that I’m charismatic, and that’s helped me out in the industry. I’m still not that famous though.” While Jack was relatively well-known in queer circles, heterosexual circles were a whole other ballpark. Being friends with Brandon and recently befriending Vanessa did help their social standing though. “Themperor Simpington my butt,” they grumbled. “Wait, when you say ‘my sweet boy,’ do you mean Minjoon or do you have another boo I should know about?”
“Bitch, I been trying to get you to for so long now. I was starting to think you needed glasses.” Bee broke into a laugh before he even finished his sentence, nudging Jack’s arm in his giggling. “Yeah, you have to have a look and you have to be charming to start work in this industry but to survive in it? You have to be smart. About that though, I know I keep promising you a space on my next project and it’s had a few.. speed bumps I guess? Not really speed bumps but personal delays? Either way, I know enough now to be able to tell you that Queen B’s.. that I’m releasing a trial perfume.. fragrance line. Five scents to start, each will have its own colour have theme shots with, each will have its own model to associate with and I want you, if you’re interested?” Their mumbling made Brandon grin, coughing as a terrible fake attempt at covering up the ‘Simp.’ he titled them with again. “Minjoon is my sweet boy. I don’t have another boo, not even a little bit but if you hear simp alarms going off whenever I like the instas of a very beautiful friend of mine then mind ya business.”
"Oh my god. Brandooooon!" Though Jack had quite a few friends with benefits in their days, whenever the thought of doing anything with Brandon crossed their mind, they thought about the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed seventeen-year-old they met all those years ago. Jack's eyes lit up when he started talking about his fragrance line project. "Oh hell yeah I'm interested. Just remember, my favorite colors are purple and pink." They winked at Brandon. Aside from one photoshoot in L.A. that they did after fashion weeks, their work schedule was dryer than a desert. Of course they wouldn't tell him that though. They didn't want to sound desperate. Jack would've taken this job even if they weren't in need of work. "B, you're gonna have to be a little more specific than that. I know you. You don't befriend ugly people."
The laugh that left him this time was more of a giggle and he scrunched his nose up, shaking his head. “I tease but honestly, you’re practically family. Did you know that my parents ask after you? They know as much about you as I do but.. Well, they’re embarrassing. Eh, mom’s okay. Dad’s embarrassing so you’ll probably never meet them but yeah.. They get told about the important people in my life and you’ve been in it longer than Joonie.” Brandon groaned, setting his glass down. “Can’t believe I’m being gross and emotional already. Moving on..” He said, a little louder. “Purple would be fantastic for you. It’s a very royal colour and I’m going to do the obvious and lean into that a little but silk, not velvet. Pink was going to have a sweet-candy-lace vibe to it but if you want pink I can give you pink.” Brandon rolled his eyes, despite the heat he could feel spreading up his neck. “I have a... friend called Kian and he’s... There hasn’t been a word invented yet for how beautiful he is and it’s ridiculous and gross because I don’t lose my mind over pretty boys but he’s.. He makes me blush, Jack. I don’t blush.”
"Brandooooooooon! Stop, you're gonna make me blush. I'd love to meet your parents. Parents love me. Well, actually, I just love milfs and dilfs," Jack cackled at their own dumb joke. "But in all seriousness, let me know when they come to town!" As much as they wanted to meet Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, they didn't want to go to the Kelly home to do so. Jack knew that they shared a home state with Brandon, and didn't want to reenter North Carolina at the risk of running into their family. "Ooh, purple and silk? Now you're speaking my language!" Jack wiggled their eyebrows when Brandon mentioned Kian by name. "A yes, the cute delivery boy. You've mentioned him before. We're Instagram mutuals!"
“Do it! Blush, you coward!” Brandon laughed, leaning against Jack’s arm to nudge them. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I have to say this but if you’re gonna fuck my parents, please don’t date them and wait until I’m out of the room if you’re going to flirt, I don’t need to see that. They really would love to meet you though, they’ve been waiting for permission to come to town.” Brandon grinned at Jack at their approval, giving a small nod. “I’ll get some things drawn up for you. I do have a few already as rough drafts but now I know you’re taking it, I can design something a little more tailored to you.” The warmth spreading across his cheeks and colouring his face a darker shade of pink only grew worse as Jack wiggled their brows at him. “Yeah.. Well.. He’s almost perfect. The only thing I’d change about him is his last name.” His reaction to himself was instant, throwing himself against the cushions to yell out a laugh. “And I keep saying dumb cheesy shit like that! I’m a bumbling mess around him. Like.. Like I start off all smooth and collected and then he smiles and I’m just.. fucking applying to be hired by hallmark. It’s.. It’s so cringe and gross and... I’m happy.”
"Brandon, I'll become your new step-parent and ground you, don't tempt me," Jack joked, cackling. "Well give it to them! Don't deprive me of your loving parents!" Jack didn't have loving parents of their own, so if Brandon's parents were anything like Brandon, Jack was going to latch to them like nobody's business. "Oh my goooooooooooood, that was so coooooorrrrnnnnnyyyyy! Damn, and you call me a simp! I'm not out here reciting poetry on main about my crush. And if you bring up the fact that we have keys to each others' apartments, mind your business." Jack knew they were simping hard over Vivian, but now it was Brandon's turn to be in the hot seat. "So have you considered, you know, talking to him?"
“Their ex girlfriend actually tried that once. Oh my god, it was kind of funny though. You’ll have to treat me better when our guests arrive and do as you’re told or I’ll have you cut off until you learn some damn respect.” He mimicked in a too high voice, rolling his eyes afterwards. “Like.. Honey, I’ve only just noticed you’re not the last guy they were dating and that’s only because you started pterodactyl screeching.” Despite his playful tone, Brandon could feel warmth spreading across his face. “Yeah, okay. I’ll.. I’ll invite them up to meet you.” Having made peace with the fact that he‘d made himself into a product, his parents were off limits when it came to the people in his life, knowing how fickle and superficial a lot of his relationships with people were. It was different with Jack though, Jack really was his friend. “Honestly, I’ve been an absolute mess. I pulled the whole ‘My friends call me B, you can call me any time.’ Thing on him when we met and now I just blush all the time and feel nauseous over butterflies.” He waved his hand quickly at Jack’s news, shaking his head. “NUH uh.. We are not going to just gloss over that? Oh my god? Keys? You’re entering domesticity. Like.. Me and Joonie levels of domesticity and my parents are the founders of the BranJoon wedding fan club. Like.. You’re getting into that territory..” There was a small pause before a smile spread across his face. “I’m happy for you, babe. Honestly. You deserve this.” He couldn’t help but sigh at the question, sinking into his seat a little with a pout on his features and a small shrug. “I’ve been so obvious about it. Short of getting a neon sign to carry around, I don’t know how much more obvious I could be and sometimes it feels like he’s being obvious back? Like.. It feels like it’s not just one sided? And then I start having a gay panic and do something dumb because he’s way out of my league which is a new thing for me. I do want to though. Should I?”
"Hold up, hold up. I said that as a joke. You're telling me that your parents are actually non-monogamous?! And you didn't tell me until now?! I came out as polyam like, 2-3 years ago! And now I'm in a monogamous set-up again. I missed my shot. I'm hurt." Jack put their hands over their chest and sniffled, but almost immediately returned to their usual cheerful demeanor. "I'm kidding, I'm not gonna become your step-daddy, or... I don't know what a gender-neutral equivalent would be besides 'parent,' and that doesn't roll of the tongue as well." This wasn't something they had to think about right away. It wasn't like they were going to wake up tomorrow with a child. "Ah yes, your infamous pick-up line." Jack's face turned pink when Brandon acknowledged the keys. "Okay, I actually do have an explanation! I initially gave her my spare key because I asked her to water my plants when I was away for Fashion Week. Granted, she didn't do a good job and managed to kill both plants, but that's an aside. But yeah, I just never asked for the spare key back." Jack gave Brandon a shoulder pat. They really didn't know Kian, so couldn't tell what the full situation was. "What I've learned from my many years of dating men is that men are dumb and sometimes you literally need to spell things out for them."
“As momma dearest says, monogamy is for the weak. Anyway, they were already in a relationship when you came out. Also? I don’t want to be hooking my parents up with my hotties?” Brandon pulled a face at Jack, nose scrunched up in disapproval. “To be fair though, you and Viv wouldn’t even be the first couple they’ve dated. You’d be the first I’d... somewhat approve of but..” He shrugged before laughing. “Oh my god. There are a couple.. Zaza or zeze instead of dada and mama but given the chance I’d mash up dad and mom and just refer to you as my dom to make everyone in the room uncomfortable.” He shook his head, laughing quietly. “I hate this so much, Jack please.” “I think it’s funny, definitely in my top 3 introductions.” He found himself sitting up straighter when he noticed the blush on Jack’s cheeks, a grin forming on his own features. “Oh my god. She killed your plants and you let her keep your key? Say it with me, babe. Simp. You’re cute though. I’m totally 100% on board with the two of you. She was one of my heroes.” When the conversation turned back to him, Brandon tilted his head as he weighed his options. “Not Kiki but... You’re right, I guess. He’s probably so used to everyone being in love with him that my flirting is just baseline niceties. Okay, yeah. I’ll.. I’ll tell him that I’m crazy about him. Or I’ll just text him that aggressive meme about wanting to hold hands.”
"Aaaaah, your parents are so cool! I wish my parents were cool like that. Mine are just homophobic." There was a lot more to Sofia and Tony Corleone than just that, but very few people knew about them. This was very much intentional. They made a face at 'zaza' and 'zeze.' "Yeah, not really digging those ones... Wait. Dom?!" Jack paused to laugh. "Fucking hell. Yes. That's definitely what my future kids are gonna call me." Jack never brought up the topic of kids to Vivian. They were still very early in their relationship and Jack was afraid they were too old to be a parent. It was still a nice thought though. "Yeah. I got back from Paris and she was having a bad day, so I ordered a pizza and we just... talked. Had a real heart-to-heart. I ended up staying the night, and we've basically had an open-door policy with each other ever since. And then the next day I went back into my apartment and found out about the plants."  Jack grabbed a pillow from the couch and lightly smacked Brandon's arm with it. "I know, I know! I'm a big sappy simpy mush. I'm a Cancer, I don't know what you expect from me." It took Jack a long time to accept their emotional side, but now they openly embraced it. "Or he might not know how to recognize flirting. I've met many people like that. Like the cute DJ at that bar where Minjoon used to work. Or Minjoon himself!”
“My parents have a big bank balance and even bigger hearts. That’s why I don’t approve of a lot of their partners but yeah.. As much as I give them shit for being lame, they’re the coolest. I mean, they’re the only reason I’m even.. y’know... Around.” Brandon let out an unattractive snort and sat forward to retrieve his glass, pouting when he realised it was empty but simply sat back instead of refilling it. “Please, I am begging you, think carefully as to why I’d find calling you my dom funny before you commit to that decision.” He pressed his lips together to fight his laugh before he let out a soft hum. “Do you think that’s where you’re headed with her? Is she someone you can see yourself having kids with?” He asked softly, his whole demeanour changing from playful now that they had ventured into serious topics. “You don’t have to say yes and you don’t have to have an answer right now. Things are still new with you both and y’know... Take it from the adopted, some people don’t want kids and some do.” He shrugged a little.
“Ew. You talked to each other over pizza because one of you had a bad day? That’s disgusting.” When hit with the pillow, Brandon grabbed it to tug it away from Jack so they couldn’t attack him again and he hugged it to his chest, propping his chin on it. “I live for that kind of domesticity.” He sighed wistfully. “You are a big simpy mush and I love that about you. It’s gross and honest and just very sweet. I’m really glad you have someone who makes you feel that way, babe.” Brandon  rolled his eyes and gave the pillow a small squeeze. “Vito really doesn’t recognise flirting? The dude wants to be an actor! With a face like that a lot of his roles are probably going to have it. I wanted to ask if he wanted any help getting into it because he was good to Joonie when they worked together and I always appreciate people taking care of the babie but I also feel like I don’t know him well enough to just give him a shout about a job. Eh. Maybe I’ll get Joonie to text him about this perfume thing and actually see what skills he has. Joonbug doesn’t count for the whole flirting thing though, attraction isn’t really his thing.”
"I gotcha," Jack stated, nodding. They had a similar problem when they first started modeling. They loved to spoil their loved ones-- and still do-- and people often took advantage of their generosity. As Jack grew older, they learned how to weed out the moochers. Of course Brandon was never a moocher; he wasn't the type to take without giving, plus he had plenty of his own money. Jack watched for Brandon's reaction, then chuckled in response to his face. "Babe, I know. I was joking. Could you imagine?!" They shrugged at Brandon's question. "Honestly, I have no idea. I think it's too soon to talk about that kinda stuff. I thought I was never gonna become a parent because Sage didn't want kids, but, you know, they're not my fiancé anymore." Sage not wanting kids wasn't the main reason the engagement was broken off, but it was a bone of contention in the relationship.
"Oh hush. One day you'll have a heart-to-heart over pizza too. Well, maybe not because of the whole gluten thing, but some food that you enjoy." They stuck their tongue out at Brandon. "Ohh, that's his name! At least he didn't recognize me flirting with him. Could just be that he wasn't into me because he's straight, but I'm hot so that's dumb." Jack didn't want to have sex with straight dudes anyways, so they didn't consider it a major loss. "Attraction isn't his thing? Is he asexual or something?" they asked curiously. "Wait a minute, you're deflecting!"
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sunsetsover · 5 years
Talk about yesterdays episode.. tell me everything you enjoyed in detail lol.
first of all lemme just say i’m SO SORRY this took me so long to get to i know i said i’d answer this like last sunday but sometimes shit happens!!! but you asked for me to go into detail so i very much went into detail so!!! buckle in!!!
i’m doing this in bulletpoints for clarity otherwise it will just be an incoherent mess lmao
(also for reference this is abt the 8th nov ep aka the ‘you’re my boyfriend’ ep!)
ok so let me preface by saying i fuckin adored this ep it’s like god tier for me rn i love ben and pam’s relationship so mf much i hope she comes back soon
like the fact that she just knew!! she knew smth was going on w callum and ben more or less straight away and ok granted those two were not exactly being subtle what with the domestic they were having in the middle of the albert but u know... for all she knew callum was straight and had just broken up w whitney so the fact that she knows ben well enough to just be able to Know smth was goin on despite all of that?? i love that it says so much abt their relationship!!
and then her being the nan that she is and taking it upon herself to fish for information with jay like ‘callum seems nice.... shame abt whitney 👀’ and then jay covering for their asses by not saying anything but pam is Not Stupid and jay was also tellingly vague so she was instantly like i see 👀👀
and then ben entering the parlour shouting about ‘bring out your dead’ or w/e it is he says like the little shit he is and pam rolling her eyes and just the easy affection of that whole interaction like her gently slapping his face and calling him a little devil like ur damn right he is!! almost literally!! but there’s sm overt affection and love there and it’s so nice to see bc ben doesn’t really get that from anyone else (he does from callum now, and jay in certain situations, but it’s just different u know?? like u dont even see that energy from his own mum v often so it’s just... nice to see idk)
like i just love her she has such nan energy and it’s so comforting and warm and she needs to be around forever not just for ben but for jay and lola and also callum like ? pls come back forever pam
ben innocently trying to help callum out by getting him promoted to manager when he hears jay is gonna take a step back like!! he was really just tryna help bc he knew callum was struggling w money... and alright, he probably shouldn’t have meddled and i get why callum wasn’t happy abt it (i’ll get to that) but i also truly believe that that wasn’t him tryna control the situation or interfere or whatever but him genuinely trying to help out his bf and jay was gonna take a step back anyway so it wasn’t even like he was the one to suggest it or anything idk i just thought as misguided as it might have been it was very sweet and thoughtful
also the fact that ben’s reaction to jay being like ‘i suppose callum could be ready to be a manager’ was basically ‘yeah man have you seen him in that suit!!! he makes my dick hard!!!’ like !!!!!!! he was so sincere and enthusiastic as well like he’s fucking diabolical i love him sm ..... pair that with jay’s reaction basically just being like ‘........................ anyways’ sdkfjsdkfsl iconic scene
and then later!!!! you’ve got ben practically chasing callum into the parlour when he sees him go in there!! he’s so excited to see callum and tell him the good news abt the promotion!! bc he’s done good!!! he’s helping!!! bc he knows damn well he’s in the doghouse bc of what had happened with pam and like the energy he radiated when he walked into that parlour was very much ‘i am coming to u w my tail between my legs bc i know i fucked up but instead of saying sorry i’m going to give u the sad eyes and hope u relent’ and like u can see he was practically buzzing out of his skin as he waited for jay to tell him abt the promotion and he’s looking at callum like ‘look! look at what i did!! i’m fixing it! i’m making up for my mistake!’ bc this is obviously how he thinks he can fix things instead of idk having a conversation and talking abt things but!!! i love it ben’s so cute
but ofc it backfires bc callum doesn’t want ben to fix things!! he doesn’t need ben fixing things!! he can look after himself! and we the audience know it wasn’t like ben went to jay and was like ‘you need to promote callum bc he’s struggling with money’, it was more of a two birds one stone situation. but ofc callum doesn’t know that, and it comes across very much as ben meddling and also - as callum says - very hot and cold. like ben can’t tell pam abt their relationship and will ignore him for hours but will (seemingly) wade in like some kind of knight in shining armour bc callum said he’s having money troubles? nah. i said it at the time but i completely agree w callum’s reaction, i would have reacted the same way if i were him. and maybe on any other day callum wouldn’t have reacted so strongly, but after what had happened that morning w pam it’s completely understandable why he goes off on one.
and like poor ben is so confused like he obviously really thought this would be good news and put him back in callum’s good graces but ofc it doesn’t bc what callum needed was an explanation and apology. and you can see how confused and crestfallen he is bc he doesn’t want to fight w callum and he really didn’t want to make things worse but he evidently has and not only that but jay is there witnessing his massive fuck up in action. and u can just tell from the body language that he straight up doesn’t know what to do or say so he’s just kinda floundering bc he really thought he could fix what had happened with pam bc what? he half talked jay into giving callum a promotion? bless him lmao
then he goes full grovel mode - even if he is still very ben about it - and is leaving him voicemails (meaning he’s tried to call him multiple times, he probably tried texting too lmao) and moping abt in the cafe looking all sad and stressed and it’s just so good bc he knows he fucked up and he’s trying not to let it fester which is a v good and v adult thing to do. plus the juxtaposition of ben being like ‘u know ur gonna forgive me so stop being a diva and call me back’ and then that soft little ‘please 🥺’ tacked on the end??? delicious
and then pam walking up to him and standing there and just sighing. like not a word, she just stands there and sighs like dkjfkjsdkfjlsdkf mood !!
no but ok that whole scene of ben and pam in the cafe really had me welling up like just. everything about it. the layers to it all. and i won’t sit here and dissect every little thing even tho i probably could bc we’d be here all day but like just. all of it.
like pam’s exasperation at ben not telling her about him and callum (bc obviously she’s found out from someone - probably honey, who wouldn’t think to lie abt it if pam asked outright), ben not even being marginally surprised that she knows bc even he must know how obvious he’s been, and she was bound to find out from someone. the fact that he jumped when she raised her voice and pointed at him - i could make a whole separate post about that honestly that just. says so much about ben. but yh.... the fact that she knew without him even having to open his mouth that ben was gonna say it was to spare her feelings (like that’s essentially what he says to callum later in the ep). the fact that he didn’t really have a good excuse to offer her and he knew that. his sad little face and the fact that he made himself smaller and ducked his head like just his body language in general (max bowden is SO good at playing on that shit, he has a way of making ben seem physically smaller in certain situations and i love it sm). ben being like ‘idk i thought it’d be easier’ and pam immediately being like ‘yeah for u not callum!!!’ like the ‘u silly boy!!’ was so heavily implied throughout this whole scene u can practically taste it.
and pam! pam manages to effectively have a go at ben and call him out on his shit without belittling him or being cruel or nasty (and no naming names but like. certain mothers could learn a thing or two 👀) and actually have ben listen to her. because she listens to him and hears him and respects and loves him and he respects and loves her so she can have a go at him and his back won’t go up and he won’t lash out because he knows she’s not going to try and hurt him or be unnecessarily harsh. and that’s why their relationship is so special. also i’m still v bitter abt the way kathy handled calling out ben’s shit as opposed to how pam handled it but 🤷🏻‍♀️
like it’s such a little thing but it’s the way she waited for ben to speak. ben said ‘i didn’t-’ and then cut himself off, obviously either struggling to find the right words or struggling to say them out loud, and she just waited for him. waited for him to find the words, to figure out how to say it. she didn’t rush him or try and put words in his mouth or anything, she just sat there quietly, patiently waiting for ben to explain himself in his own time. that is the difference between her and everyone else, and that’s why ben listens to her. because she listens to him - and i mean really, actually listens rather than just hearing the sound of his voice ygm
and then they get too the root of it all: paul. he says he didn’t want pam thinking he’d forgotten paul - which is only half true, imo. i think he was (and maybe still is) just as scared that he’s going to forget paul. i think he has a lot of unaddressed issues when it comes to paul and what happened in general. and i think he definitely needed permission specifically from les and/or pam that it was ok for him to move on now - bc other ppl have tried to tell him that but u can tell from how he’s reacted in the past that he doesn’t like ppl who didn’t really know paul talking abt what he would or wouldn’t want. but pam did know paul, probably better than anyone. and she’s telling him that it’s ok. that she wants him to be happy, and that’s exactly what paul would want too. and she would know - she’s his nan. so ben can allow himself to listen to her. he trusts her, trusts that she would know what paul would want, how he would feel. and now he has permission to let go of the past a little bit and finally start moving on.
and that’s hard!! like as much as he might like callum, that’s still a hard thing to do for him!! you can see on his face that it’s hard for him to digest and accept what pam’s telling him - that maybe it’s finally time to let go. it’s just as hard for him to confess that yeah, he does care about callum - he gives her the tiniest nod of the head because he can hardly even bring himself to say it, but he can’t deny it either. and it’s hard for pam too, is the thing. you can from the way her voice shakes as she tells him it’s time to start showing callum that he cares how hard she’s trying not to cry. not because she’s not being sincere, not bc she doesn’t mean it or she doesn’t want ben to move on and be happy, but it’s still a hard thing. the world has moved on without paul, and now ben - the last link to him in a lot of ways - is too, and as necessary and as good as that is for him, it doesn’t make it any easier for them. grief is a weird and difficult thing and i think they both did a good job of portraying the struggle of it in this scene.
and then them having this moment right at the end at the end where they’re just smiling at each other w their heads rested together and it’s not an easy thing and they’re both obviously a bit upset and broken but it’s so sincere and warm and she just pulls him in and kisses his head and he just lets himself be comforted by her and by this point i had a big lump in my chest bc it was a very real and important and sweet moment and i was a lil overwhelmed
the tiny mick and callum scene!! i want more of them!!! we haven’t had a proper mick and callum scene since before the wedding i think and i know realistically it’s bc danny dyer has been doin other stuff and hasn’t been filming much and then when he has been filming obv the focus has been on the ollie/linda stuff but!! i miss them and it was so good to see them acknowledge that they haven’t seen each other much and for mick to acknowledge callum’s relationship w ben (calling it ‘matters of the heart’ 🥺️) it was just Good i love their relationship sm and i miss them and i need more!!
mick being so happy to see pam was just !!!!!!!!!! like everyone loves pam!!!!!!! please can she come back and stay forever pls
ben’s face when he tried to approach callum only for callum to turn his back on him like that boy was CRUSHED and he didn’t know what to do like he just stood there for a moment unsure what to do w himself and it was Gud
the shot of callum drinking his beer looking all mopey and dejected with ben staring at the back of his head obviously pining even if he wasn’t in focus and then pam telling ben to basically get his shit together and fix this and practically shoving him towards callum while ben’s lookin like he’s trying to psych himself up and mick’s just there looking between all of them trying to figure the whole thing out??? high art
ben approaching callum looking visibly nervous and out of his depth... and then callum seeming genuinely surprised that ben had come over... bye
the fact that the first thing ben said was ‘i’m sorry’!!! ben saying he understands why callum flipped out the way he did!!! callum saying he understands that ben was just trying to help!!!! ben acknowledging that callum is hurt and upset and then explaining why he did what he did and how he felt but still acknowledging that he hurt callum!!! the fucking communication!!!!!!!! like honestly it hasn’t been smooth sailing for these two so far but they always seem to be surprisingly good at communicating and talking when smth is going wrong, at least after the fact (esp ben) and i LOVE that it’s so healthy!!
callum doing the very callum thing and being like ‘it’s fine, i get it’ even tho he’s clearly still upset bc he doesn’t wanna rock the boat but then ben being like ‘no, it’s not fine! what i did is not fine! you don’t have the pretend that it is!’ and callum seeming lowkey taken aback by that :-(
(pam and mick just watching on in the background of all of this like the pseudo parents they are like honestly??? maybe the best part of the scene LMAO)
that little bit of nervousness before ben says ‘you’re my boyfriend’ like he said it in a very sure way but you could tell he was nervous bless him... and then the way callum’s face lit up but he tried to hide it and not smile and play it cool with his ‘you’ve never called me that before’ but then it cuts back to ben who has the biggest smile on his face but u can tell he’s tryna suppress it a lil too but failing miserably AND THEN shy ben makes an appearance w his little ‘well you are, aren’t ya?’ like he just wants to be sure!! he wants to ask so callum has the opportunity to say no (though judging by both of their faces he knew callum wasn’t gonna say no lmao) but he’s still ben so he’s gotta ask in this roundabout way... man it’s so cute
combine that with callum’s little pout and squint like he was pretending he really had to think abt it and the tone of his little ‘yeah’ like he was like ‘i suppose so’.... the subtle banter of it all i love it.... but he can’t keep it up for long bc then he’s the one with a massive smile on his face like bro... the sun doesn’t even shine that bright
and then ben’s little disbelieving ‘yeah?’ like he had to make sure :-(
ben asking callum if he’s happy and callum tapping ben’s chin and telling him he is...................... the two of them looking at each other Like That....... talented brilliant incredible amazing etc
pam being like ‘my work here is done’ i love HER
ben making a point of being like ‘pam i want you to meet my boyfriend’ he’s so fuckin cute i love him
the whole pam and callum exchange from the hug to her holding his hand and telling him how lucky he is to have ben and then telling callum that ben has the biggest heart of anyone she knows but saying it to ben bc she knows he needs to hear that too bc like... when has anyone EVER said that about ben?? when has anyone ever thought that about ben?? but she sees through all the bullshit and sees him for the kind, soft-hearted, loving but equally damaged boy he really is and she wants callum to know and understand that but also for ben to know that too and i’m crying just thinking about it bc you can see ben’s face change and how emotional he starts to get not only bc it’s pam and everything that must be going through his head abt paul, but also just?? someone being kind to him?? saying smth nice?? god i’m broken
like pam really almost had me in tears in this scene genuinely esp when she was clearly getting emotional (as was ben) and she took both of their hands and told them to look after each other, given everything that happened with paul, and them both saying ‘we will’.... like that really fucked me up.... it felt like a Moment.... and then follow that up w pam and ben resting their heads against each other and whispering ‘i love you’ and it was so warm and full of love and adoration .... the ‘i hate goodbyes’.... the palm kiss.... the fact that ben looked like he was abt to cry as pam left... i was a broken woman truly
and then they just went on as if nothing happened and they didn’t just have a very significant relationship moment with the ‘i am lucky’ ‘i’m glad you realize it’ banter lmao
ben being like ‘u have the support of ur boyfriend 🥰️’ when callum was explaining he wanted to leave the parlour like he really couldn’t keep that word out of his mouth huh 🥺️
and the way he grabbed callum’s hand but only managed to get 3 fingers and then callum putting his hand on top of ben’s like for some reason that really fucked me up......... like gays and hands am i right
the journey ben’s face went on when callum told him he wanted to join the police.... the way it went from ‘haha good joke’ to ‘..................... wait he’s being serious’ to ‘oh god what the fuck’ was amazing lmao
and then him interrupting jay and lola w his massive dramatic freak out was so fucking funny like the way jay just shoved lola off his lap when ben come in KILLED me honestly and like ben’s on the verge of a breakdown and his brother and the mother of his child are just taking the piss and laughing at his expense.......... i love family
yeah so perhaps i went a bit overboard w this one but i did make you wait like a week and a half so perhaps this will make up for it lmao ??? but rlly tho i loved this ep sm there was so much good abt it and i want to keep pam forever thank u for ur time 💖💖
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jellyfishdooter · 5 years
Okay so, back when I asked for asks for my Ego DnD AU, @lace-maze sent a really good ask a while back asking about why each of the egos chose the characters they did and their playing styles- and I can’t for the LIFE of me find the original anywhere on my blog. ;3;
But! I finished it and I bet it reads horribly but whatever who cares I’m tired- enjoy!
So to FINALLY answer your question, the way I went about choosing what each of the egos would play more or less boiled down to a combo of trying to pick what I think THEY would want to play, and what I figured they would be in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. (wink wonk)
Marvin- Dragonborn Sorcerer
One of the top veterans of the game, he likes to play something with more of a challenge and a lot more mechanics. And since he’s a magician it’s definitely has to deal with magic of some kind (I mean c’mon, he’s already got the aesthetic wardrobe irl for it so why not?). So he’s currently playing a Sorcerer- a magic caster who has the power naturally within him (which ties in his Race for it’s from his draconic bloodline:)
He could have easily chosen his race to be a Tabaxi (a human-cat like hybrid), but he already got enough shit of being the “furry” of the group as it was so instead he decided to go for a Dragonborn. In the game there are different types of Dragonborn, so specifically he’s Brass- which both deals fire damage breath, and is also resistant to fire.
Being one of the older players, his play style depends on the day. For the most part he is the cool, collected member of the party who doesn’t rush in and thinks things through... Until it’s later in the evening with a few drink in ‘em and then they just say, “Yeah, this might as well happen.” Before taking another shot and round-housing someone poor guy’s ass for mocking his scaly features.
Jackie- Half-Orc Fighter
Always wanting to be the hero, Jackie wants to fight and protect his fellow party members. He only has a few sessions under his belt, but he’s confident in saying that he's comfortable with playing more tanky characters and dealing heavy damage.
Jackie doesn’t have a lot of reasoning for his Race other than Orcs Are Cool so he just rolls with that.
As for his Class he likes having a bunch of different fighting styles to choose from while in combat so he can pick and choose which would work best for the situation (they also get more of a range in picking which Armor Class they want-).
His play style is Protect the Party, but also Rush In Head First Into Danger. He’s always in the front lines of a fight to tank the most damage and provide cover for the more squishy characters. It can get quite frustrating for the healer at times when he runs battleaxe-first into battle, leaving his head behind.
Speaking of healers-
Henrik- High Elf Alchemist
A lot like Anti, Henrik found the idea of playing to be quite silly. But once he got into it, the doctor found it quite enjoyable to get into a fantasy character and forget about the real world for a couple of hours. But wanting to retain some kind of dignity, he decided to play as a High Elf. He was drawn to their grace, wonderlust for adventure, and near perfectionism. To say the least, it's easy for him to slip into character.
Strictly speaking, Alchemist is not the the 5E DnD Handbook, but Jack allowed it and made some homebrew additions to the character so their party would actually have a fucking healer. So in addition to the damage-dealing bombs Henrik’s character uses, he also has a special healing bomb he can yeet at the other players when needed.
Henrik’s play style is serious, but curious. He’s always wanting to explore the world Jack created for them and peacefully interact with the NPCs, enjoying events that unfold naturally. However when it’s time for a proper fight he does not beat around the bush, staying in the back for more long-ranged attacks rather than right on the front lines.
Chase- Human Ranger
The recently-single father needed an outlet other than drinking to try and cope with the loss of his family. So like any good friend, Jack offered Chase a spot in his campaign that he was putting together! He wasn’t too sure at first, Chase said that the game seemed really complex and hard to get into. But Jack waves it off and told his friend, “You honestly have to fully jump into it if you’re gonna get anywhere. There’s not really a small way to start. It’s pretty much all or nothing. But trust me, it’s gonna be great!” And ever since his first session, Chase always looked forward to next week’s game.
Being one of the newer players, Chase doesn’t really play anything too crazy, so he sticks to his guns and runs a Human pc. And he may or may not have based the character on his old life to some degree. Giving himself a stable home, a fulfilling job, and a big loving family and at least 3 dogs. Ya’know, real heavy fantasy stuff.
Jack offered him the newer class/ homebrew of a Gunslinger, but he politely declined ‘cause he didn’t want to have to deal with new rules. So he decided to go with a Ranger for his class, figuring it would make for a cool character to play.
Chase’s play style is pretty average (no pun intended), and not all that spectacular. He gets a few good one-liners in here and there, but for the most part he plays passively. Fights when there’s a fight, and interacts almost only when others interact with him directly. (He’s been trying to get better at being more engaging, but he tends to zone out.)
Jameson- Halfling Bard
This session being JJ’s (and Robbie’s) first ever game, JJ pleasantly surprised Jack when he decided to be a Bard. When asked why, the silent man replied simply, “There’s nothing in the rules saying bards HAVE to sing. At the core of them, they are performers.” Jack beams and asks what’s their instrument of choice then? Jameson smiles and shows him this video, saying he thinks it would be interesting to have this as his musical item. (Also gotta love that good The Bard Seduces Everything trope. He’s keeping that in his back pocket for the right moment.)
As for being a Halfling, Jameson figured it would be fun to play a smaller character. And nobody ever suspects the small man to pack such a whaloop. But really, his love for the hobbits in the Tolkin books had captured his heart and really wanted to try and emulate that in the game! Maybe leaning more towards being a little prankster, but still at the core- in short- Soft Cottage Aesthetic™
Jameson’s play style is bouncy and go-gettem. He’s eager to explore the world and have fun with the NPCs. In battles he’s more comedic relief in the back inspiring the other players (and intimidating enemies by aggressively cranking his music box rapidly). And AT LEAST ONCE he has had Jackie’s character YEET his at the enemy to get the final blow to slay the beast. That was a fun session.
Anti- Changeling Rouge 
Do I really gotta explain this one? 
Naturally Anti always tries to play the edgiest characters he can. Giving them dark, moody personalities but with a slight crazed tick. (Chase naturally calls hypocrisy when Anti says his character is a self-insert to the game.)
I’m almost out of steam here so in short-
Anti loves the idea of having puppets to mess around with irl- so in the game he can somewhat do the same- by changing his figure/ features to mimic those of somebody to manipulate another. He doesn’t care much for the society around him and does his own thing, but can easily blend in and slip into other’s traditions if he needs to. His character has a tendency to pick fights pretending to be someone else before ducking out and watch the fight take place with a smirk on his hidden features. None of the party has ever seen his real face/ form, always changing it subtly so every time someone tries to take a second look something seems different or off.
Rouge: Quick and Stabby. Like the bitch himself.
Robbie- Undead Druid
Jack had to make a special homebrew character for Robbie ‘cause he was set on being an Undead. Apparently Robbie and Marvin talked about character ideas before hand and Robbie got a little overwhelmed with all the options that they had, so Marv suggested something Rob could relate to easier. So after an afternoon of crafting a special stat sheet, Jack allowed their favorite zombie ego to play.. Well, a zombie. (I’m sure someone else has made something similar out there but I might try and make a sheet later.. That could be fun lmao)
As for Druid, I like to see Robbie as being a little more connected to nature than the rest of the egos. Since he.. Yaknow, crawled out of the dirt at one point. (Side story- before the others found him in an old cemetery, he liked to just hang out around the area that was slowly being reclaimed by nature and liked watched the birds and animals). So he was pretty drawn to choosing this class. It’s a little complicated at points, but that’s why Marvin sits between him and JJ, so he can help them out through the whole process. Robbie gets really excited when one of his spells works in combat or just having fun interacting with the NPCs by growing them some flowers to be nice. 
As a whole Robbie’s play style is pretty passive. He gets distracted pretty easily and unless Jack is waving his arms around or using miniatures/ figurines to keep a visual, the zombie will sometimes lose focus and stare off into space for a minute before coming back to the game and raising his hand for something to be repeated.
It’s one big mixing pot of different people and play styles, but at the end of the day, Jack has a lot of fun trying to bounce around and keep up with everyone’s antics and storylines. It’s hard as hell at times and it gets a little frustrating when things get out of hand, but they all try to check each other and keep things rolling. And at the end of the day, all the boys enjoy the game and what Jack has to offer and really fucking enjoy themselves. DnD is a good destresser for most of them and all around a grand fun time!
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baenxietydad · 4 years
What’s The Matter Here? || The Baes
April 30th, 2020
tl;dr: Nemo confronts his father about his knowledge of Ashlee’s situation
tw: discussion of abuse
As soon as dance practice had finished and he’d said goodbye to Ashlee, Nemo snatched up his phone as fast as he could, dialing Appa furiously. He still couldn’t believe it. How could his appa know that Ashlee was being abused and do nothing about it? Well, not nothing but-- nothing to stop it. Tears of frustration and fury beaded in his eyes, though Nemo didn’t know if they were leftover from the adrenaline rush of his panic or the fact he wasn’t sleeping well these days or...who knows.
 He ignored the tears. He grit his teeth. He got Appa’s messages. 
 Nemo snorted at once at the irritating beep. “Appa, we have to talk right now!” he snapped and snatched his bag from the ground, ignoring the raised eyebrow Chase was giving him. “I can’t believe you’d keep that stuff about Ashlee from me! She’s my friend, you know! I can’t believe--” his anger got too big and snatched the rest of the words from his mouth. He sucked his teeth the way Appa always did to him when he was too frustrated for language-- any language, Korean or English. 
 “You better pick up next time!” he yelled into his phone. 
 And dialed again. Got the same beep. Left another miniature rant, this one featuring a couple of Korean phrases just to prove how serious he was! Meanwhile, he clambered out of the dance studio and started speed walking all the way to the forest with Chase zipping along beside him. 
 They wing-sprinted all the way back to the Hollow, and Nemo didn’t even bother to get changed out of his dance clothes. He marched straight to the clinic.
 Like always, the waiting-talent at the front sighed when she saw him. “Nemo,” she said. “Your father is--” 
 “I know, I know!” Nemo shouted, brushing past the curtains. 
 “I didn’t say you could--!” 
 “Appa!” Nemo exclaimed. His eyes darted around once, but the clinic really wasn’t busy-- it rarely was, it wasn’t like people got life-threatening injuries that often. There were just a couple of sniffly fairies (allergies, spring colds) and then one who looked like he had a stomachache. Good! No emergencies! So Appa could take a five minute break. 
 “Appa, we need to talk right now,” Nemo said. 
 “There Bae’s kid goes again, making a fuss.” Jeered one of the healing-talents in the corner of the room. Mu-yeol glared at them over his shoulder and reached out a hand for Nemo to take it.
 He led him to a room down a hall mainly used to store things and pushed some clutter aside so they’d have room to talk. Whatever this was, Nemo seemed serious. Was this an appeal to get Chase off Nemo duty? Yeah, right. Not happening.
 “What is it, baby?” He asked, reaching to play with Nemo’s hair. “Are you okay?”
Nemo swatted at his hair. He wasn’t in the mood to get babied right now.
 Actually, he hadn’t been in the mood for days, but that’s what happens when an appa makes his son break up with his boyfriend. Nemo hadn’t been sleeping. His whole chest was still sore. And now all that pain had doubled with Ashlee. He was definitely yelling at Appa 75 percent for Ashlee… and maybe 25 percent for himself too. 
 “I’m fine, but y’know whose not? Ashlee T.” Nemo said. The fury deepened in every line of his face now that he was looking at Appa’s clueless expression. He had known. He had known for how long? “Her dad’s hitting her, but you knew that-- you knew and you didn’t stop him! You didn’t even tell me!” 
 Mu-yeol’s hand fell to his side as he stepped away from his son’s burning hot anger. No, not burning hot - so cold it burnt. He swallowed and licked his lips as he backed up against the nearest wall as if to distance himself from his son’s hatred.
 “Nam-min...how did- where did you hear that?” He wouldn’t confirm or deny anything unless Ashlee herself fessed up to Nemo. He promised he wouldn’t tell, didn’t he?
“From Ashlee, obviously!” Nemo hissed. His fists were clenched. He was trying not to shout, if only because he knew what people thought of them-- especially after this past week. Pixies hadn’t stopped whispering about him. He’d heard pitying remarks, he’d heard sneers, he’d heard scoffs of disgust. 
 Nemo didn’t want to give them more ammunition. But he was also so mad. 
 “She told me you’ve been healing her. You realize what that means, don’t you?” His eyes burned with tears. “It meant her dad could just hurt her all over again. Over and over. For months. You knew all that, and you just let him.” 
 ...what? No, no it wasn’t like that at all. Ashlee wasn’t willing to reveal her father to the authorities, she wasn’t-- someone tried to force her into telling her story and her father punished her with violence over it. What else could he do?
 He couldn’t force her to reveal her father; he could only take away her pain. 
 He could also, and did, take detailed notes of every occasion she came to him for healing. The notes included the date , time estimate, and injuries with a description of how old they seemed, for when Ashlee was finally ready to tell the truth about her father. 
 “No, Nam-min— baby, listen to me. It isn’t - it isn’t as black and white as that, as much as you and I want it to be.” Mu-yeol stepped forward and held his son’s hand. “Nemo. I found out by chance and Ashlee wouldn’t even admit what he was doing to her. I healed her to take her pain away, not to protect him. She made me promise not to tell and I- I should have told the police, probably, but I don’t. I don’t trust them. The police don’t protect and serve anybody but the interests of the State. Anyway-” enough with the Marxism, Marlin, not the point. “The police don’t actually protect those in trouble. They didn’t investigate your mother’s murder, and they didn’t help Ashlee. Because after I healed her, someone else who suspected something was wrong called the police.”
 Marlin scoffed. “And you see how well that turned out. Child safety services did a half-assed investigation, Ashlee denied everything to avoid the embarrassment, and despite that being a common thing for abuse victims to do, it wasn’t looked further into. And then she came to Pixie’s when the rumors circulated, to accuse me of being the one to report him and...Nemo. The state of her made my blood run cold. So what would you have had me do Nemo, hm?”
 He sighed and stepped back from Nemo to lean against a table. “Someone already tried to force Ashlee into telling her story. And her father punished her for it, terribly. I tried. I told her over and over that a father - a good father - doesn’t hurt their children. I told her it wasn’t her fault, that she deserved to be safe, and that I would help her be safe. But had I gone to the police, Nemo? They failed her once. If Ashlee wasn’t ready to tell her story for herself, then I couldn’t force it. He’d only hurt her as terribly as he did that time if the police started prodding him again and she wasn’t ready to be honest.”
Nemo glared. The longer Appa talked, the harder the glare got, his anger unyielding when he wanted it to be. And he wanted it to be. Sure, Appa had all his excuses. But they weren’t good enough. He wondered what Appa might have done if Ashlee had been a pixie like them--
 --no, that thought was too mean, Nemo knew it was-- but right now he was hurting everywhere, hurting for Ashlee, for himself, and blaming Appa was a strange, comforting salve. None of Appa’s excuses even made sense. Because he was Appa. He was a grown-up. Wasn’t that supposed to mean something? If it didn’t, why did Nemo bother listening to adults at all? 
 “Too bad!” he said angrily. “Too bad, you’re-- you’re an adult. You’re supposed to do something. Even if the cops suck, there was something else you coulda done, not just let her get hurt over and ov--”
 His breath suddenly hitched, words swallowed up by his own horror. The tears brimmed, nearly falling. Nemo sucked a breath, shaking his head.
 “You should’ve at least told me. I don’t care if she said not to tell anyone-- this is something you tell people! We have to help her before something worse happens!” 
 “Did you not hear what I just said?” Mu-yeol hissed. “Someone had called the police. And Ashlee was hurt for it. If I called them next what would have happened, hm? So you honestly think they would have actually looked into it?”
 He raised an eyebrow at Nemo. “He would have gotten away with it again, until she was ready to expose him herself.”
 You should have told me. Maybe. But what would Nemo do, huh?
 “She didn’t want you, specifically, to know. If I told you and you asked her about it, she would have stopped coming to me to heal her. If she wasn’t constantly getting her strength restored, she would be in worse pain. Ashlee has yet to indicate she’s willing to bring her father down once and for all. At least I can heal her, Nemo. At least this way her injuries can’t pile on each other. And if she’s ready to expose him, I’ll back her up.”
 He gestured vaguely in the general direction of their home. “I’ve kept a detailed record of every incident. Dated, descriptions. I can corroborate her story in writing. Has she told you she’s ready to end him?”
Nemo wouldn’t ever believe what Appa said. And that was because of one thing-- he believed in Appa. Even now, after his heart was crushed, after Appa let him down for Placement, he still had his abeoji’s roots grown deep through him, planted firmly. He was the only person Nemo had to rely on for Big Life Things. Not silly problems at school, not petty complaints at dance. The real stuff. When disaster struck, Nemo went to his appa, that’s just-- the way life was. 
 Disaster struck. Appa was saying he couldn’t do anything. It didn’t make sense. The only thing that would make it make sense was that Appa didn’t want to try-- because maybe he was too much of a coward, because maybe he let his own feelings about humans get in the way. 
 “We’re-- I’m-- making sure she’s safe first,” he said, flashing another glare Appa’s way. “We’re figuring it out. She’s gotta talk to her other friends and make sure she can stay with them so foster care won’t take her away but then-- yeah.” He sniffed a little, and crossed his arms, all that anger still bright and hot in him. Anger and-- disappointment. Appa had let Ashlee down. And Nemo too. 
Foster care. 
 Those words made his heart race and his palms sweat more than his son’s borderline hatred did. Mu-yeol purposely didn’t try to involve himself with humans much until recently but he had still interacted with humans enough to hear about the horrors that ran rampant in the foster system. There were some truly loving, safe, and well-intentioned foster homes. There were some who were a warm bed to sleep in and little else. And there were others, still, where the horrific foster care tales were reality. 
 “She can’t go into foster care.” Mu-yeol gasped, like he was short for oxygen. “I’ve read what happens to kids, especially girls.”
 That was another reason he couldn’t try to force her to tell the truth. If Ashlee was whisked away to a foster home in London or Liverpool who turned out to treat her like her father did, was that really better? At least in Swynlake she had a healing fairy at her disposal. 
 “Nam-min.” Marlin sighed, dragging his palm down his face. “I was afraid that if I said something before Ashlee was ready to say something and tried to force her to expose him, she might deny everything out of fear again. And when she did, I thought he might be so angry he might — might really hurt her. I mean...Nemo, I mean kill her. I’ve read enough stories, that’s what humans do when they’re about to get caught.”
“I don’t care!” Nemo blurted-- too loud. He blinked furiously at his own voice, and his eyes darted back toward the clinic. He didn’t want anyone to hear. Even though most of the fairies in the clinic never went to town, Ashlee wasn’t any of their business and neither was fight between Appa and Nemo.
 Though, was it a fight? Nemo didn’t know if it was a fight. He couldn’t win anything. He just wanted Appa to say he was sorry or something. 
 “If that’s what you’d really thought, you should’ve done something else. Anything else. N-not just-- just let her be hurt over and over, and right under my nose--” And suddenly he was crying, tears dribbling out of his eyes. He ducked his head to wipe them away as quickly as he could. 
 “Why didn’t she tell me?” he heard himself crying now. “Why didn’t she--?” 
 “Oh, my love.” Mu-yeol cooed, wiping Nemo’s eyes with his thumbs.
  He frowned as he helplessly watched his son grapple with the reality of what evil humans are capable of. He lost all of his drive to argue, and to explain to Nemo that the government systems in place meant to protect Ashlee failed and were inefficient and would have failed again. 
 “Nam-min there is a complicated psychology behind victims of abuse. On the outside it is very easy and tempting to feel hurt that you weren’t told, but you have to realize, baby.” He held Nemo’s face in his hands. “It has nothing to do with you. People— people in those positions feel shame, and they blame themselves even though only their abuser is to blame. I know you’re not used to seeing things like this, you’ve been insulted by a Hollow your whole life. I raised you here so you wouldn’t have to understand the casual evils of the human side like that. But you’re learning them anyway.”
 “It’s okay to be confused. And sad because it is sad. Ashlee deserves to have an Appa— er, dad— that loves her like you got.” Mu-yeol pulled Nemo into his arms and carded his fingers through his hair. 
Appa drew Nemo into his arms and Nemo wished he could fight him off. He was still so mad at Appa-- mad at him for everything. For Robbie, for Nemo’s placement, and now for Ashlee too. Seasons, he still couldn’t believe that for months, Ashlee had been getting beaten. For months, and Nemo didn’t know.
 It wasn’t his fault, but like everything else, it felt like it. And so like everything else, he wanted to give the blame to Appa to hold instead. Appa was so much stronger than Nemo-- he could take it.
 But he didn’t fight Appa. He didn’t yell or blame him. He just hugged Appa back, his wet face pressed against his tunic as he shuddered with his tears.
 “We have-- have to help her.” His voice was muffled by Appa’s tunic. “Please, promise. You’ll do--do something.” 
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internetremix · 6 years
I was wondering... Do you any of you have tips for a rookie GM? I'm setting up a game night here soon and I'm stressing the heck out over it.
Alex: No matter what game system you play it's usually quite intimidating because there are like 600 pages of information to digest. At any given time you need to have memorized only, like, thirty. At the end of the day most tabletop games are just two things - math and improv. Admittedly things that, outside of tabletop games, people go out of their way to avoid, but still.
Stress can lead people to get things done fast but also get things done sloppy. You don't need to plan out every single detail of what the characters might encounter eventually in a session. You can flesh out a couple of interesting people, places, or things you want them to see and just keep a scratch card of notes and traits for if/when they go off the beaten path. Remember, no matter what you plan, there is no accounting for the actions of players, and rolling with them provides a far better experience than slamming your fist down and saying "NO" to every deviation.
And above all else, remember that tabletop games are a collaborative effort. People come together to play games, tell stories, and shoot the shit. If shooting the shit overtakes the game you can rein that in a little but at the end of the day everyone's there voluntarily to have fun, and no one is there to see anyone fail.So to recap -
1. You are the arbiter of rules no matter what the book says. You can double-check later and take notes for future games if it becomes an issue but generally you only need to have in mind rules that are actively going to be used in game. If you don't know the exact way to handle something just make up what the closest action would be and if the player rolls what you think is well enough to do it, they did it.
2. If you don't have time to take notes on every single thing the players might encounter, congratulations, you're an average person. You only need a few based on the following factors - what do you want the players to do, how do you think they're going to do it, and do you have something prepared for when they go off the beaten path.
3. Have fun! Seriously, it's called a tabletop GAME, not a tabletop dictatorship.
Kristen: All of my games are Tabletop Dictatorships, all of them. Unfortunately I'm a terrible, weak-willed dictator so this helps nothing.
Alex: Discord Murder Party is different. Mafia/Werewolf operates way differently than D&D and needs a GM SPECIFICALLY so that players don't go off the rails.
Kristen: You are 100% correct.
God my first tabletop I ever DMed for I made my own thing and wrote like... twenty pages for my first session. And then as soon as I started, my players were like HEY I WANNA EXPLORE THE SHOPS
"O-oh.... y-yeah, here's uh... heeeere's a list of shops..."
So then I had to improv like... five shops and make multiple NPCs on the fly and then I found out "it turns out writing an entire paragraph for every NPC is an awful idea because you can't fucking read those notes mid-session"
So my point is don't do that.
Juno: Oh yeah. Last night I had to make up a guy named Lucas on the spot because JoJo's character wanted to convince a guy not to kill them
Kristen: YEP I ran the generic 5e DnD starter for a group of friends and somehow it went from a generic "you all hunt down and kill a bunch of goblins and a bugbear in a cave, way to go" to "You spared a Goblin who has a ridiculous Brooklyn accent who hates his job and now you're starting a ridiculous worker's revolution and this has ended with you all enlisting every other goblin you were supposed to fight into swarming the bugbear boss. Okay."
Juno: I mean. That's a pretty bomb plot twist if you ask me.
Kristen: Oh yes, I enjoyed it immensely. Also really in the context of a DnD game I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be doable cause I don't think any of them were supposed to be able to speak common. If your players are setting themselves up for a more interesting story and you have to bend the rules a bit to make it happen, go for it. One of the most important things for GMing is making your players feel like they have agency- as Alex said, it's collaborative, it's not just you telling your players a story.
Another thing to keep in mind is what sort of players you have. I usually prefer to play with people who are more into the RP/story aspect, but some people are gonna be more into them fighty fights and mechanics and such. Which is fine and can work, it's just a matter of striking a balance in your game.  I usually try to tailor things in such a way that everyone's getting a chance to get what they want out of a game and their shot at the spotlight, in whatever manner that takes. For me it's helped to ask my players directly "hey, what do you want out of this game? Do you have any ideas or anything you're really into?"
Mostly what I'm saying is just try to keep in mind what your players are in this for, since that contributes a lot to how much fun you all have.
Atwas: Something that's helped me a lot is to not stress out or stop the game entirely to double check rules. It sort of kills momentum. In my experience, ruling a situation and then looking something up later is a lot less stressful than the pressure of putting something completely on pause while you flip through a book/google something.
If you're doing stuff in real life, I would recommend making a little cheat sheet of your PC's information. My DM screen has sticky notes with each party characters HP, AC, Passive Perception, and Spell Save DC to keep things streamlined.
Kristen: Oooo smurt
Alex: Hell yeah dude. Also there are custom DM screens you can get tailor-made to give you quick rules references. Fairly cheap on Amazon.
Atwas: Also your players don't know if you're winging stuff unless you tell them. ;^)
Also also don't be scared of bumping monster hp up or down depending on a fight or having monsters run away or call in reinforcements. If you go off script in an encounter--surprise! Nobody knows but you. I did that quite a bit when I was starting out because balancing encounters is a bit of an art and CR is a loose guideline at best.
Also also also the point of the game isn't to win. Don't fall into the trap of "beating your players" or stuff like that. Imo that kind of messes with the table dynamics unless 100% of everyone is on board with that type of game.
Kristen: Yeah, don't fall into that and also be careful not to go into the mindset of "punishing" your players if they do something dumb. Like if it's a silly "you did this thing and consequences have gone WILDLY outside of what you expect wheee", awesome, but I've had DMs who basically would act like if you didn't somehow read their minds and find their exact solution, welp you made a dumb choice and now everyone is penalized for it. Made for a pretty toxic atmosphere, do not recommend. Kind goes hand in hand with "don't be a tabletop dictator".
Atwas: oh gods i could go on and on about how punishing someone in game never works for out of game behaviour but i digress. also please don't feel afraid to talk to your players, even if having adult conversations is difficult.
Juno: Cause and effect is the biggest thing to think about I think, especially in a DMing situation.
Alex: For instance, siccing a Revenant on the party? Thavagath made a bad decision in character, that's the natural consequence, he gets a chance to save his ass. Someone makes a dick joke about your carefully crafted NPC? Don't be a dick right back.
Atwas: sweats, trying to think back to the last time a dick joke was made in Fallen Empires
Alex: Like I think the last major one was Phill pulling a muscle stretching so hard to make a joke for five minutes about the "Male Room" rather than the "Mail Room"
But then we - wait for it - ACTUALLY DISCUSSED THE ISSUE OUT OF GAME and stuff like that doesn't pop up any more.
Atwas: WHAT? SPEAKING LIKE REASONABLE ADULTS?!?! IN MY TABLETOP?!?!?! it's really useful. please have those conversations, even if they're uncomfortable. and if something is becoming an issue, bring it up sooner rather than later--turns out that people can't change stuff if they don't know about it! Most people want to stay friends after a campaign after all.
Jojo: Have your story planned, npcs, and what you want an end goal to be. Make sure it's all planned out BEFORE asking people to join it. And if you need a second DM to help you with Dice or story, then that's ok too! I'm still a beginner DM myself, so that's the best advice I can give
These guys are pros, so listen to them
Phill: Heheh... male room
Alex: Phill no you'll pull your hamstring again
Atwas: what do you think is Phill's average Henderson rating?
Alex: Phill has at least One Henderson in him, he destroyed Underdark to the point of we can't go back to it ever now.
Phill: I mean. Yeah. Honestly, I could've very easily seen phresh reach a 1.75 hendersons eventually.
Atwas: I'd say 1.75 works. 2 is still out of reach, but one day...
Xander: Underdark is cursed content and deserved better
Atwas: How many of he players had that as their first campaign? 3/5?
Xander: I believe so
Alex: Uprising and I had played before, I don't think Jojo, Dawn, or Phill had.
Xander: I'm probably gonna reboot Underdark one day. Wipe the slate clean. Probably not gonna be done on IR
Alex: We did it! We reached two Hendersons!
Xander: Two full Hendersons.
Phill: time unveil my new original character. Blesh
Alex: Blerish
Xander: More like Blemish
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raguna-blade · 6 years
Getting Closer to actually daily rambling
So, I am, slowly, quite slowly, achingly slowly, working my way to doing a big ole analysis of Persona 5 Because that’s the exact kind of nerd I am but one thing has kind of stuck out to me in Persona 5 as a weird problem.
Like, in a game that starts out with a PRETTY FUCKING DIRE stance on sexualization of young women, what the fuck is going on with Ann?
LIke, it’s weird that the game starts off so strong on that front, and then from that point forward in regards to Ann drops the ball like a lead weight into a blackhole.
Seriously, the statement is made rather objectively and clearly, Don’t Sexualize the young lady and then...proceeds to kind of do that the entire game right? Unless I’m misremembering things rather badly which is quite possible.
And I got a little mini essay thing of notes hidden away elsewhere right now looking at it, but this one thought came to mind semi recently and well...
Ok, let’s talk about themes in the persona games, at least in the last three mainline ones alright? And specifically, we’re gonna talk about said themes in relation to Shadows which are of varying levels of importance throughout the series. Honestly, I should one day do the first couple of games to get a full picture of it but...
Still before we go further, Quick definition. Fans will know, unfan’s won’t, but either way I want to be clear of the definition I’m rolling with here. What the flip fuck is a Shadow? In series, a Shadow is basically an embodiment of well...You. It’s all the stuff you repress about yourself, and in series that’s pretty universally negative.
Thing is though, the thing about that, Shadows in Jungian Psych aren’t. As I understand it anyway, they’re not inherently negative. Shadows are basically just whatever you repress about yourself, good or bad. It’s whatever you refuse to acknowledge, either because of trauma, danger, ignorance, actual refusal, whatever. Anything and everything about yourself that you don’t ever want to deal with and you shove off into the negative space of your mind halls so you don’t have to deal with it ever again becomes a part of the Shadow.
Got it? Cool.
Now themes though. Persona 3 has a pretty cut and dry theme (more or less, and drawing from rather old memories at this point) involving Death, Mortality, and the fact that you are absolutely positively going to kick the fucking bucket one day so you better live up and be the best you you possibly can be of yourself. You see it in all of the Persona’s and how they evolve going through the game’s story line. Inevitably, as they have to deal with things that they’ve struggled with in a unvarnished and straightforward way, they have to integrate these new truths into themselves and basically become better people, more whole. And in doing so, their persona’s grow up and become stronger.
Now as far as shadows go, they never really make an appearance in the game formally (in the sense of specific shadows relevant to the characters themselves. You spend the entire game putting foot to shadowy ass, much to your detriment) EXCEPT FOR, Strega and those who use the drugs to control their personas. Which is weird, because they’re still personas right? Except that a Persona is EXPLICITLY a tamed shadow, yourself put under your control more or less, so for Strega and the other drug users, They haven’t actually done the proper actualization that the rest of SEES and them do to get their persona’s under their control. They haven’t exactly confronted themselves and overcome it, thus why, occasionally, their Persona Flip out and try to kill them because YOU STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN THIS SHIT UNDER CONTROL YOU NINNIES.
Make sense? Cool, we move forward to 4.
Four has a rather explicit and subtle theme about reaching out to the truth and cutting through ignorance to find the heart of things, and as regards shadows and self, acknowledging your true self. The more you do it, the stronger your persona becomes etc etc, but unique here is that everyone (and I include MC here because I am DAMN certain that Teddie is his castoff shadow but that’s a whole other story) literally confronts their shadows before making them into their personas, and what we see universally is that their shadows are...Kind of raging assholes yes, but also none of them are exactly you know...EVIL. Kind of dickish, and playing up fears and such, but that’s kind of what happens when you don’t deal with your shadow. Let it fester and you start getting weird neuroses about things and start tearing yourself up about such minor things as you know, hating the town you live in, the distinct possibility that you’re nowhere near as straight as you thought you were, the disquieting thought that you’re basically whoring yourself out to make a living, or that you’ve got a distinct and actual problem with Gender In Regards to your desired profession and/or yourself.
You know. Minor Teen things.
But Inevitably, you confront yourself, you confront the situation, you integrate, and your shadow becomes your persona. Cool Story.
Now I’m going to pause here and mention something that only explicitly becomes a thing here in four and that is that Shadows are shown universally to have bright yellow GLEAMING eyes, and that’s going to become SILLY important in about 20 seconds.
SO WE MOVE ON TO PERSONA 5, with it’s themes of rebellion and freedom, and being your own authentic self all times everytime, anytime. Symbolized, rather explicitly, by the outfits each and every one of the Phantom Thieves wear when they enter a Palace.
Which is cool, but I hear you asking, but what of the shadows? WHAT OF THE SHADOWS MAN.
Where the fuck are they? I mean, yeah their persona but...
Hey buddy.
You remember every single time the characters transform for the first time their eyes turn into that gleaming yellow color in their eye spaces?
Why it’s almost like they’re...Almost like they’re becoming their shadows?
Why yes, that is exactly what I think is happening here, because TO A MAN, every shadow summon we see has them saying some frankly OMINOUS SHIT. Like...One second let me just rip from the SMT Wiki right quick.
Listen to this shit Arsene Says when he’s summoned.
"What's the matter...? Are you simply going to watch? Are you forsaking him to save yourself? Death awaits him if you do nothing. Was your previous decision a mistake then? Very well...I have heeded your resolve. Vow to me. I am thou, thou art I...Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice! Call upon my name, and release thy rage! Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to Hell itself!" 
Now if Persona Are Shadows, an established fact in canon, the fact Arsene is saying this to Akira is KIND OF FUCKING CONCERNING, and as I realized like yesterday pretty explicitly foreshadows the bad end. Because well...Do what I want for my own justice? yeah no way that can go wrong it’s not like anyone else in the game is doing that no sirree.
But this is about Ann right? And her frankly kind of weird sexualization that’s going on throughout the game?
What’s Carmen Got to say?
"My... It's taken far too long. Tell me... Who is going to avenge her if you don't? Forgiving him was never the option... Such is the scream of the other you that dwells within... I am thou, thou art I... We can finally forge a contract... There you go... Nothing can be solved by restraining yourself. Understand? Then I'll gladly lend you my strength."
That’s...Actually relatively tame. Stop restraining yourself. Uh...ok. Guess that has nothing to-
Hey now, short story, Carmen is the heroine of the titular play, and she is a woman who is rather handily in control of her sexuality even when it ends up destroying her (admittedly, because two idiots couldn’t stop being you know...dumb. But anyway). Critical thing though, Carmen is basically a femme fatale, and as Ann says in her Social Link, those were always the kinds of characters that she wanted to be like. Those sexy, kind of devilish lady villains from kids cartoons and you know what, that’s pretty cool. That’s a level of absolute self confidence and such that cannot be denied I think so fair’s fair.
But uh...Have...have any of you seen Ann seduce anyone in the game? She’s....She’s really fucking bad at it guys. She’s actually, consistently awful at it. And yet, Ann is also consistently, continually, stated and shown to be the hot one of the group, such as it goes.
Which, fine, but still...Why the ball dro-
Have you seen her social link? The one where she more or less throughout finds that things she’s been doing on automatic require real genuine effort more than what she was doing? Like say, consistent diet and exercise, skin care, etc etc etc if she wants to be a model? Things she was absolutely not doing? Things she was, in fact, kind of really stunningly, amazingly ignorant of?
I...I almost feel...I almost feel like there’s a parallel here, something something...
Well, Their Shadowverse costumes are explicitly their idea of rebellion, and transforming into it, at least for the first time, has them apparently transforming however briefly into their shadows.
Which says to me, that functionally she, and the rest of the Phantom Thieves, are TRYING ON their shadows. That is to say, they are actively, knowingly, willingly embracing their Shadow Selves, in opposition to the previous groups who more or less suborn the shit out of their less repressed halves. And why wouldn’t they?
I didn’t bring up themes for no reason you know, ramble though this is. The Story is obssessed with being free, breaking the chains that bind you, and outright rebellion. How could they POSSIBLY keep on theme with that, if the first thing that happens upon awakening your persona you shove your shadow in a box and never talk about it again because Hey Y’all, it’s under control, no need to deal with that den of horrors and things I don’t want to think about.
Ann is, effectively, just as everyone else is, trying to directly integrate her shadow self into her. And for her, that involves sexuality rather explicitly. Which is probably even more of a problem for her (for all that it’s not explicitly brought up again ever by anyone else in the game because you know...Rape/Sexual Assault, whether threatened or actual is kind of stressing? Especially if it’s by someone who’s an authority figure and you were supposed to respect and was supposed to protect you? Just...Yeah.)
I mean I’m not an expert by any means, but holy fuck would I think repressing thoughts of myself being sexual in any way shape or form especially when I really wasn’t trying to be and up until that point wasn’t consciously aware of how I was would be absolutely understandable if not justified especially given proximity to the event.
But with that said, She, and the rest of the cast for all of their less than stellar attributes as expressed by their outfits and persona, are actively trying on those parts of themselves, rather explicitly being the version of themselves that they don’t feel they are, or don’t exactly want to be, and have hidden away for one reason or another.
And for Ann, that’s well...being a sexual person. Which notably, no one else at all seems to struggle with save perhaps Makoto but that is arguably a different story (her blanket lack of understanding of love does lean towards inexperience in relationships, which I absolutely get, but on the other hand, her first action upon awakening is to put on a full leather outfit, call herself queen, and immediately mount and ride her [female who pretended to be male] persona out of the mind bank ufo of a dude who kind of threatened making her with prostitution(not strictly in that order), not to mention that her Arcana Card has a lady checking out a questionably clothed model but uh...It’s a different sexual issue shall we say? Although, now that I think about it, does raise some curious questions if my Makoto is the other actual protag thing ever bears fruit.)
Now mind, this doesn’t exactly excuse the camera antics involved, that’s something else entirely, but otherwise, it’s actually pretty consistent from what I recall of it all, So you know...There’s that.
Still mostly a ramble, as there’s a lot missing here but still.
Gotta get into the habit if I’m gonna make a right and proper daily ramble yah?
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staytheb · 5 years
Previous Chapter: #SUNSHINEYOUNGJAEDAY Word Count: 2,403 Summary: It’s Jinyoung’s birthday and Melanie suggests a sleepover as he receives a book from Serena for his birthday.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
and the last september birthday one is here! now off to the other parts of the story as we’re 2/3 done and have another third of the story left. so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Even after twelve freaking years I still can't beat this stupid ass boss even with the damn walk-through." Serena gritted her teeth as she witnessed her characters dying again from the boss battle with Angra Mainyu of the Final Fantasy X-2 game. "I hate this fucken boss." Serena growled as she used the PlayStation 2 remote controller to turn off the game while using another remote control to turn off the TV. "I need a break." She muttered while stretching her limbs and standing up. "Maybe a snack might help me." She chuckled just as she turned around to be met by her sister and GOT7.  "Is this what you do all day?" Melanie teased. "Basically." Serena answered as she looked at the GOT7. "Aren't you guys supposed to be practicing for your comeback next week or something?"
"Do you know what today is?" Jinyoung asked instead. "It's a Thursday." Serena answered before cracking a smile upon the realization. "And it's still your birthday. Happy birthday, Jinyoung. I'll be right back." Serena dashed off towards her bedroom with everyone's eyes following after her. "You think by now I would have gotten used to this." Jackson commented as Melanie laughed while looking over at the idol. "Yeah, you would think so." She looked at the rest. "She's probably looking for Jinyoung's birthday gift right now in that messy room of hers." Melanie stated. "I'm gonna change. ust make yourself comfortable like you guys usually do."
She cast them a teasing smile. "Try not to break anything, okay?" "It was an accident." BamBam stressed with a pout as Yugyeom whined. "How many times do we have to keep on hearing that every time we come over?" "Until you guys actually stop breaking things." Serena countered as she emerged from her bedroom with her hands behind her back. "We said we were sorry about the table, the bowl, and the cat figurine." Youngae pouted looking forlorn. "We're sorry." The sisters laughed as they cast one another a knowing look. "Okay." They both answered as Melanie hurried off to her room and Serena held out a black book towards Jinyoung. "Here's your present." "Ahh, thank you, Jyongri noona." Jinyoung thanked her as he took the object from her grasp.
Jinyoung stared at the spine for a few seconds as he read the English printing aloud. "Moonlight. Time Dragon? It's kind of a weird name for an author." He glanced at the front cover and did a double take as he brought it even closer to his face. "Is that me on the cover?" Jinyoung asked as he looked at Serena unsure before turning the book over to look at the back cover. "These words seemed kind of familiar." He said as he re-read the back cover again. "Those are your lines translated in English." Serena informed him. "It's from your guys' song, Moonlight." Jinyoung flipped through the book and looked at the covers again with the members joining him this time around. "I don't get it, noona." Jinyoung admitted with a sheepish laugh. "Is this book supposed to be about me?"
Serena chuckled with a nod. "Yes, Jinyoung, as this is a one of a kind book just for you. From one avid reader to another, I had put this book together specifically and especially just for you." She laughed shyly. "It's a bunch of my stories featuring you as the main guy." "So what you're saying, Serena, is that this is basically a fanfiction book for Jinyoung about Jinyoung written all by you?" Mark clarified while speaking in English with an amused expression. "Basically." Serena admitted as she opened the book and spoke in Korean. "You can see it right here in the dedication part. Sorta." "Still can't believe you call yourself that nickname as an alias." Melanie stated as she returned shortly afterwards as Serena nodded. "I know, me too, but it's popped into my head first and I went with it."
Jackson yanked the book out of Jinyoung's grip. "Why didn't I get something like this?" "Honestly, I hardly knew you at the time." Serena admitted before continuing in a sarcast manner. "Oh yeah, Jackson, just let me present to you a book of fanfiction stories I've written about you just a few weeks after we met for your birthday gift. Warning sign, she's a crazy fan. She might stalk us. Sure. Okay, let's not." Serena ended her silly little rant while the idols chuckled at her explanation. "You're so dumb." Melanie commented while shaking her head with as a laugh. "Shut up, you." Serena hushed her sister while shoulder bumping her. "You're the main reason I write fanfiction in the first place." "I know." Melanie replied with a smug look as Serena rolled her eyes. "Jerk."
"What kind of stories did you write about Jinyoung, Jyongri noona?" Jaebeom asked returning the conversation back to Korean as he was interested in the book as he took it from Jackson. "Whoa. It's in Korean and English." He said in surprised as he flipped through more of the pages. "Ah yeah." Serena sheepishly laughed. "I originally wrote all of this in English first before translating it all into Korean and realizing that not all of my English slang terms had a Korean equivalent and so had to revise it to make sure it worked out in both langauges." She explained. "It's why I also left the English in it just in case Jinyoung wanted to practice or whatever."
"Thank you for your hard work, noona." Jinyoung thanked her as he took back the book from Jaebeom. "Welcome." Serena smiled. "How about reading some to us, noona?" Yugyeom suggested as he grabbed the book from Jinyoung's hands and opened it to the table of contents. "I wanna know the stories." "Like can we not?" Serena said as she tried to get out of reading any of the fanfiction aloud as she snatched the book from Yugyeom and shoved it towards Jinyoung. "Maybe Jinyoung can read it instead, like you know, back at your dorm or something." Serena suggested with a smile. "How about you guys go do that for his birthday?"
Before the boys could disagree Melanie thought of something as a sly smile appear on her face and Serena did not like how it was directed in her direction. "What are you thinking of doing?" "You'll find out soon enough!" Melanie stated as she ran off and Serena noticed that she entered the room that Jeannie used to use when she and Jasmine used to stay here. ]"I can't live." Youngjae cast her a curious look. "What's wrong, Jyongri noona?" "You'll find out soon enough." Serena told him as she used the same words that her sister just used a few seconds ago.
"Let's have a sleepover!" Melanie sang happily while returning to the living room and carrying several blankets, pillows, stuffed animals before dropping them onto the floor. "Melanie looked at the idols with a grin and Serena face-palmed at her sister's suggestion. GOT7 instantly agreed and went about claiming spots in the living room and moving the coffee table off to the side. "I want to be near this wall!" BamBam exclaimed while standing at his spot as Yugyeom was across from him with a happy expression. "Then I claimed this wall." Serena shook her head as they all began setting up their blankets and what not before spotting a few of her plush dolls in the mix. "Hey, what's Deffy, Susu, Kipper, Min, and Maki doing out here again?"
Serena began collecting her alpaca, panda, dog, penguin, and rabbit plushies. "I was gonna sleep with that." Mark said as he pulled on one of Kipper's legs while Serena held onto the dog plush tightly. "He's mine." The duo began some sort of a tug-of-war with the stuffed animal until Melanie intervened. "Just share." Melanie told Serena as she pulled on the other plushies and tossing them towards the others to sleep with. "Don't be such a baby." Serena made a face, but let go of the dog plushie. "Fine." She sulked while marching her way to the couch and sat cross-legged on it as she muttered under her breath. "I know they have their own since fans always give them stuff."
"They spend too much time here." Serena mumbled as she was still sulking about the whole plush doll ordeal. "Did you say something?" Jackson asked a second later as he was the closes one to her. "It's nothing." Serena dismissed the thought as she shot him a weak smile. "Okay." He regarded her a bit and returned to setting up his makeshift bed. Serena let out a silent sigh as she re-positioned herself onto her back on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling before Jinyoung's book came into view. "How about reading us a bedtime story?" Jinyoung suggested once Serena's eyes turned to focus on him. "That's awkward, Jinyoung." "It's still my birthday, noona." "Fine."
She sat back up and watched Jinyoung make his way to his spot in the living room with her penguin plush doll. "I guess this sleepover is really gonna happen whether I like it or not." She muttered as she opened the book after seeing that everyone was situated except her sister who joined her on the couch a moment later. "How Are You?" Serena read the first title of the book while everyone instantly became quiet and leaned forward just a tad bit, except for Melanie who just sat where she did and just cast her sister an amused look. Serena narrowed her eyes at her little sister before glancing at GOT7 with an unsure gaze and returned to reading the rest of the story with a deep breath.
"'Hey' was all I could really think of to say at that moment. I really wanted to say more, but nothing wanted to come out. It was like the words were caught in the back of my throat and unable to pass through for you to hear. It's been like this for the past few months. Just only a simple, but useless 'hey' and nothing further. When I wanted to talk with him, the words wouldn't form. When they finally did, he was already gone. I missed my chance. I missed a lot of those chances with him. I'm not sure what was wrong with me at the time though. It's like, it's like it wasn't worth it anymore. Like, we used to be so close and I couldn't remember the exact moment when we started to become distant. Maybe, maybe it wasn't him. Maybe, maybe it was me. Maybe, it was me after all of this time. Maybe I couldn't say anything else because I made it personal. Too personal, but one day out of the blue, I heard him ask me 'how are you' like there was never a distant between us to began with. At that moment another simple 'hey' left my lips, but it sounded different than before."
"And Jinyoung's holiday spirit was restored once again simply from the simple magic that Arilany had opened his eyes to believe in again. To believe in himself and to love without regrets one more time." Serena read the last line of the fifth story, Where's Your Holiday Spirit?, and BamBam spoke soon afterwards. "Why was hyung so mean to noona?" BamBam wiped away his tears. "She didn't do anything to him. He even ruined her snowman. She just wanted to build a snowman. You're so mean, hyung." Jinyoung gave him an incredulous look. "I didn't do anything. That's a story, BamBam-ah." "Bam. It's not real." Melanie stated. "It's just a story, remember?" "Oh yeah." "Shall I continue?" Serena asked hoping they'll say no this time around. "Yes!" They answered once again and Serena turned the page and began to read the sixth story of Moonlight, Love Letter.
Some time later Serena was on the eleventh story, Chasing You. "Piece by piece, it all comes together, or eventually falls apart. It can't all be undone at once, unless the inner rage within you takes over and does what you will surely regret. Once broken it cannot be mended so easily, even if you put it back all together. Because it's been through an incident that changes it and leaves invisible or sometimes visible scars of its experiences behind. It made more than a mark and the battle scars are there as proof. You can pick out the pieces you don't like. You can pick out the pieces that you want instead. But deep down inside, it really doesn't change who you really are. It doesn't make you what you are. It's the being that makes you who you are. It's simply just knowing and being aware of yourself. It's you, that makes everything be."
Serena paused in her reading when she heard heavy breathing and slight snoring.  She glanced at the idols who eventually fell asleep before glancing at her sister who already knocked out after the seventh story. She chuckled as she closed the book, set it aside, and stood up to stretch while making sure she didn't step on anyone in the process. Later Serena bent over to shake her sister awake. "Hmm?" Melanie groaned as she stretched in her sleepy state. "Go sleep in your room. They all fell asleep." Serena whispered to her while speaking in English. Melanie gingerly stood up, stretched her limbs once again, and stared at the sleeping idols before her. "Just now?" She asked facing her sister as she shrugged.
"I was still reading and didn't pay attention." She gesture at the stuffed alpaca that Jaebeom was cuddling with. "You do know I usually sleep with Deffy, right?" "You'll get over it." Melanie smiled as both sisters made their way towards their rooms. "Make sure to put out the night light for them." Serena told Melanie as the younger woman shook her head. "Nah, I'm gonna sleep." "You were the one that let them in." "True, but this is your apartment." Melanie countered as she stepped into her room closing the door. "Brat." Serena muttered as she got the night light and placed it in the living room and turning off the main light. "Good night, GOT7, and sweet dreams." She bid them a good night with a soft smile before heading to her room.
0 notes
imaimaimagineop · 8 years
Do you have any relationship headcanons for Franky and Iceburg? (To clarify, I mean separately, since I realize that could be read as together.) Welcome to the community! -opsinglepanellove
Hey, thank you for the welcome! I really hope you like these. ^ v ^ 
It’s always a fun time with this guy by yourside, honestly. AND he’s also one of the more mature strawhats (when he wantsto be) so when you’re having a rough time he can be either one attitudewhenever the situation calls for it. It’s pretty…….SUPER (dohohohoho)
Leading from that, I think Franky would be oneof the ones who are very generous with their compliments because why not?He gives them to himself all the time and he wouldn’t be afraid of giving themto his s/o. He usually gives them in an obnoxious way, but if you’re his s/oyou love it anyways. It leaves them feeling adored and admired.  
He’s got a lot of love to give and he’s one ofthe few that shows it in both words and actions.
Franky is actually very refreshing in thisregard because we often see a lot of these guys being “tough” and “tsundere”and too “manly” to simply show affection to their special someone. The onlything Franky is worried about is crushing them in his arms. Metal isn’t thebest for hugs and cuddles.
SPEAKING OF HUGS AND CUDDLES!!! This guy is talland huge (even more so after the timeskip)!! He wraps you in his arms and you’vegot a defensive wall against anything! Sure, metal isn’t the softest or themost comfortable, but you feel safe. And safe is good.
He likes to break out the guitar often toserenade you. Sometimes they’re romantic. Sometimes they’re silly. Really, heplays those tunes depending on what he feels like his s/o wants to hear. He’sthere to put a smile on their face. Seeing them just get’s his heart pumpin’and his soul burnin’.
Is also always there to protect his s/o duringany fight or skirmish. He even goes as far as carrying them on his shoulders orsomething if they really don’t want to walk or get dirty (or he just wants tocarry them). I could imagine it being a normal thing for his s/o to just behanging out on his shoulders whenever, and the rest of the crew is just used toit after a while.
He sometimes asks them for ideas on what tobuild/add features to. He probably names some things after them too, withvariations for every item.
Opposite to Franky, Iceburg has a harder timewith giving out compliments and words of endearment so frivolously… AT FIRST.
The start of a relationship with him is probablya little bumpy, as he has to fix his routine to put in more time for his s/oand his s/o has to try and tune theirs too. He could totally just cancel stuff(like he’s done before) but he can’t do it every day and he doesn’t want tomake everyone plus his new assistant mad. He does have real work to do. Before,it would’ve been easy to become his friend because he knows the people of Water7 and he probably likes to walk around often and chat with people to relieveany stress he may have, but now there’s dates and times that he needs and wantsto specifically dedicate to his s/o. He gets childish and selfish, and withthis he doesn’t want to do it half-ass.
However, it’s also bumpy in the emotionsdepartment. Going back to the first bullet point, Iceburg can’t really controlhis embarrassment at first. I could see him having a couple short relationshipsin the past, but he would’ve only gained little experience from them. He doesn’treally know what to do sometimes and so it takes a minute to build up anyconfidence.
But once he has, the s/o is suddenly the one who’sembarrassed.
It’d probably feel like the tables had turned injust milliseconds because before he’d be worried about calling them dear andnow he’s calling them every nickname under the sun. He’d also not be afraid toshow (respectable) PDA, but he wouldn’t get too crazy. A kiss on the cheekhere, a hug there. Little displays.
Would LOOOVE it if his s/o worked their way intothe topic conversations when they’re not around and he’s chatting with someone.He just likes it when people acknowledge their relationship.
“Hey Iceburg! How’s you and (Y/N) doing?”
“We’re doing fantastic, thank you.”
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