imaimaimagineop · 6 years
knowing that law will be in the most recent chapters is an EXCELLENT motivator to get caught up on one piece again. I don’t know squat about the calamari donut giant or about that beautiful samurai woman, but I will SOON, bet on THAT
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imaimaimagineop · 6 years
Any Hc of what the Straw hats do in their free time?
This was fun to do, just like the drink headcanons one! Also, it’s not that big a deal, but sorry for the weird formatting. 😬 I’m on mobile and I can’t bold/italicize anything to make it all organized like I like to. I’ll fix that later.
Starting with the captain, Luffy is a bit of a free spirit! He’ll do anything and everything and because of that, the ship is actually full of tons of weird stuff. His favorite activities involve goofing off with his friends and eating, but he’s the type that wants to try new stuff all the time. He sometimes likes to get involved with his crews’ hobbies, but his attention span is too short to stay dedicated to one thing.
Zoro likes to sleep and drink and train. We know this.
Nami has some pretty interesting hobbies that we know of already! We already know that she’s dedicated to her cartography and navigation, so she’s studious when it come to that. She likes to take care of the tangerines, so she’s also a bit of a green thumb. And she loves money so she probably ends up counting it just to de-stress (it makes some people feel better). I think the one last thing to mention is that she probably enjoys putting outfits together to see what looks good (mostly on her).
Usopp, as we know, is an artist. So obviously, he spends a lot of his time doing exactly not that and instead just goofs off a lot. Just kidding! He likes to take part in his creative side a lot by either drawing or painting, but he also likes fiddling with new weapons since he can really try and come up with cool new stuff. He does like to mess around with friends too, though. Him and Luffy are usually up to no good.
Sanji enjoys cooking, and sometimes the meals that he serves takes a lot of prep time, so you could often find him in the kitchen. If he isn’t making food, I think he might just walk around the ship and try to take a moment to relax. He isn’t one to just plop down and sleep anywhere, but he will stop to take in the scenery every once in a while. I don’t think he does it very often, but he might have a book that he keeps on his nightstand that he likes to try and read when he has the time. It takes him months to actually finish one, though.
Chopper is a smart reindeer and will often be seen studying medicine! He too is also dedicated to his craft! If he isn’t doing that, he might be with Zoro, since Chopper also wants to train to become stronger. He’s also the third most likely to be roped into Luffy’s antics, right after Usopp.
Robin is often seen either reading or people-watching. When she reads, she’ll be relaxed on a lounge chair drinking tea or coffee and when she’s people-watching, she’ll have a smile on her face as she enjoys the chaos of her favorite people/crewmates.
Franky likes building crazy stuff, and is also fourth on the list for being most likely to join in with Luffy & Co. He’ll often tour the ship to make sure everything is in tip top shape. He’ll also whip out the guitar and play a song every so often.
Lastly, whereas Franky does it once in a while, Brook will play music all the time! He’s good at it, and everyone loves it, so why not? He usually likes to play it right after dinner, since that’s when everyone is around and they’re in the best mood. He also likes to check up on his friends and likes to strike up conversations with them often. He’s a good listener.
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imaimaimagineop · 6 years
How would Ace, Law, Kidd, and Shanks react if they heard their s/o sing for the first time? (I love your blog btw!)
I’m assuming that you mean for thesinging to be good, so that’s how Iwrote it as. In the case that you wanted bad singing or even just okay singing,please feel free to request that too, I’ll totally write it lol. I’m all forwriting about a dorky s/o. These characters can admire your silly little faultstoo. (*・∀-)☆ OH, and thank you.
The moment he hears your voice and realizes thatyou’re not talking, but actually singing,he stops dead in his tracks. It’s not often that you get to hear someone sing,and for Ace he’s just so curious toknow what you sound like.
Whether it’s melodious, slow, angelic, soulful,powerful, or any other adjective used to describe (good) sound, he’s nearlyentranced by it.
He mightactually fall asleep if he stays in the same spot for too long.
If hedoesn’t, he’ll eventually interrupt you unless you finish quickly and go up totell you how awesome you sounded! ‘S/O, if you weren’t a pirate you could be afamous singer! Sing me a lullaby tonight.’ ‘But… you don’t need one.’ He proceeds to smooch you, but that’s just causehe likes to.
If hehappens to have a favorite song or if you’re off on a mission together or evenjust traveling alone, he’ll ask you to sing something to fill the silence. Hemay even request an old pirate song.
He’llalso stop and listen when he hears you because he can’t help but also be alittle bit of a curious soul.
If he’s busy,he’ll eventually move on with his day and might question you on the singinglater, but if not he’ll stand near you and wait for you to finish. Then he’llask when and where you learned to sing so well.
If youtry to continue to the conversation by asking him if he can sing, he’ll just straightup leave. Law can’t handle embarrassment, so he tries to escape as soon as hecan, and he’s real embarrassed aboutsinging. But can he? Yes. How’d he learn? He won’t tell you. Will you ever hearhim? HELL no.
I don’tthink he’d be the type to ever ask you to sing for him, but if you start to whenyou’re in the same room as him, he won’t ask you to stop. Unless you’re singingscreamo or something.
“Hey! Whythe hell are you singing?!”
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In allseriousness, the first time he hears you sing, he’s surprised by it, buttotally cuts you off because that’s just how he deals with the surprise. Hemight ask you when you learned to do that if he’s not about to go do something,but if not, he’ll be like ‘cool’ and carry on.
Like Law,he’ll from then on just let you sing whenever he’s around. You’re good at it,and he’s in a good mood. As a human being, you’d know that singing when peopleare in a bad mood is generally just kinda rude, so I don’t think I would haveto mention he’d tell you to clam it or do it somewhere else if he wasn’t feelinghappy.
Not afraidto tell others that you’re a damn good singer and will tell them if they are a singer themselves.
Will alsoeventually ask if you can do some obscure genres and you both get a kick out ofthe more weird ones that you manage to pull off.  
When hehears you sing, he nods his head appreciatively and will probably be put into agood mood. His lovely s/o can sing! What a charmer~.
He mightactually pull up a chair and just listen to you for a while. If you’re anamazing singer, then what’s a better way to past the time with his s/o than toappreciate something they can do so well? He definitely claps at the end of eachsong.
Out ofall four of these guys, Shanks is the one most likely to sing along with you, especially if it’s an old pirate song thathe knows. When you’re both partying it up with the crew, he’ll ask you to singfor everyone or to lead
For theothers, I couldn’t really think of what one genre preference they’d have, butfor Shanks, I totally can. He’d like a voice that can go from confident to somberin the span of one line; a voice that can really fit the mood of a song well. Iguess that’s what all good singers can do, but I think he would really enjoy an s/o who can add anotherlayer to a song’s story with just their voice.
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imaimaimagineop · 6 years
What would Kidd do if his crush was on a different pirate crew?
fresh headcanons just for u eustass kidd stans
He’d act real pissy about it. Like a littlebitch.
No, butreally. He would not be happy. The first thing he says after he hasn’t seen youin a while isn’t ‘Oh wow, (y/n), it’s been so long! How are you? :)’, it’s ‘Whythe fuck haven’t you quit this crew yet.’
You aren’this s/o yet, but in his head he thinks ‘they will be, so why aren’t they trying to spend more time with me?’ Thewhole situation doesn’t give him enough time to properly woo you, even if hisidea of wooing might not be so traditional.
In theend, he’d probably fall for someone with enough drive and stubbornness as hedoes, so whenever they’re like ‘Kidd, eff off, this is where I belong’, he’d begrudgingly put up with it. From howI’ve seen others portray him and from what I’ve seen of his character, he doesseem to be the type that has, like… no ounce of respect in his body. However, Ido think it’s buried somewhere in there and that if he realized you wereattached to the crew you were a part of, he’d deal with that. He’ll see youother times. One day, you’ll be together.
However,if you don’t care for your crew?? THENWHAT ARE YOU DOING??! GO TO KIDD. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? He might actuallygo and attack the crew itself to ‘rescue’ you.
And here’s a bonus of you when you’re trying to get kidd to stop doing exactly that:
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imaimaimagineop · 6 years
How would Ace react if his s/o freaked out when they saw him use his fire power for the first time? Like omg! You're on fire! Quick! Stop, drop, and roll! I'll go grab a bucket of water!
Wrote a scenario cause it’s one character and also a funny idea! I made his s/o a civilian of a random island, cause I think that if they somehow didn’t know about ‘Fire Fist’ Ace, they would most likely just not be a pirate. Or just… somehow managed to miss all the signs and stories about him.
It was a nice spring afternoonwhen Ace had decided to stop by for a surprise visit. The sun warmed up theday, the light breeze made it more than bearable, and on the island youinhabited, the faint smell of flowers from a meadow close by made you feel atease. All of that combined also seemed to cleanse your soul, but the sight of yourboyfriend put a smile to your face and started a fire in your heart. You ran upto him, catching him in a tight hug which in turn made him clutch you back.
“I missed you so much!”
“You?!” You pulled back from him,your hands still placed on your shoulders showing that you were still unwillingto fully let go. “I missed you more, obviously! Where’ve you been, Ace? Do youhave any stories to tell me? When’d you get here?”
“Oh, I just got here. By myself.”He kissed you, quickly, before he continued. “I have a ton of stories to tellyou and I’ve got about a week to tell them all.”
At that, you gave a sort of wrysmile, kissing Ace back on the cheek. Your grip on his shoulders slackened slightly.
“That’s wonderful to hear.” Hefrowned a bit, giving you one more hug before pulling away.
“It doesn’t look like you think so.”Ace grabbed at your hand, holding it. Tugging you along gently, he beganwalking towards your house and then inside, as if he were the one thatoriginally owned it. “I know it’s not long, but-“
“But I’m trying to be happy withthe fact that I get any time at all. I know you’re busy… doing stuff, I justwish we could be together more.”
You tried to ignore the blush thatrose onto your face when he turned his head to give you a cheeky grin. You werestill only in the main entrance of your house and the door was still open, yethe was about to pull you closer as if no one walking down the street could peerat your abode and wonder when (Y/N) even got a boyfriend to be so handsy with.Embarrassing.
“I don’t blame you for wanting moretime with me. You know I’d fight anyone to spend more time with you.”
“I do know that.” You said,exasperated. Your voice became quieter as Ace stepped closer. He was usuallysweet, but he could also be protective and a little hotheaded. The memories ofhis more rowdier moments left you sighing, only a little amused. In the wake ofAce’s increasing flirtiness, you quirked your head to the side and smiled at him;acting as innocently as you could. “But you don’t have to beat anyone up rightnow. Just spend time with me.”
At that, you noticed a peculiarspark of light ignite at the top of his head, just as soon as his eyes widened atyour honest response. It was normal to blush when someone said something soendearing, but to have a big ball of flame also form on top of you was a tadbit too much and also kind of scary.
“Uh… huh…” Confused for only amoment, you then began pointing at the fire, panic setting in like a rushingflood. “UH, ACE?! Ace!! There’s f-fire! Fire on your head!!”
“What? Wait-“ His sentence was cutoff by you taking off quickly into your kitchen, and still so  when you began practically beating his headwith a damp towel. “Ow! Ow, (Y/N), I’m fine!”
You stopped, backing away from Ace,towel in hand, and breath heavy. Adrenaline still coursing through your veins,you watched as Ace held out his arms and gestured towards his head.
With a worried smiled, he let outa little laugh.
“No fire anymore, see?” You nodded,your breathing beginning to calm down. Fire ignited back onto his head and hisarms.
“OH MY GOD!!” You tugged at your hair,your hands shaking and your voice beginning to crack. “MY BOYFRIEND’S GOING TODIE!! Ace, why are you on fire again?!”
“I’m not-“ Had it not been for youhaving such a fearful reaction, Ace would have been rolling around on the flooralready. Instead, he only breathed out heavily, with just one ‘ha’ coming out. “I’mfine, (Y/N).”
Even though he didn’t need to, heflicked his arms as he snuffed the flames out, trying to show that he was theone in control of them. Silence filled the room as your hands slowly loweredfrom your head and you studied him, noting how his hair wasn’t burnt nor washis skin damaged.
“You… You have… You are- You controlthe f-fire?” He nodded, cautiously, hoping you wouldn’t get worried again. Ormad. Mad that he scared you. You wrung your hands together.  “Then… why did you… turn it on?”
“… So, maybe I don’t completely controlit.” Finally, his face turned red without any fire popping up again. You chuckleda bit, shaking your head. You were a little peeved that he somehow hadn’t mentionedthis little ability, but you were sure he’d make it up to you somehow.
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imaimaimagineop · 6 years
Can you do Basil Hawkins when he finds out that his S/O is an actual witch (the good kind) that can fly on a broom, talk to animals, use tarot, etc. Thank you I love this blog!
I can try!! It’s been more than a year since I’ve last updated this blog, but thank you!!
Isabsolutely delighted to find out that you both have something in common. Nowthere’s just more to talk about and it helps with being able to walk in eachother’s shoes.
There’s alot of conversations about your abilities when he first finds out, as he’strying to understand the scope of them. And like I mentioned previously, there’sa lot in common to share. Personal stories of people freaking out about theseabilities, finding out how to make these powers better, etc.
Being a magicianthat can figure out the chance of something happening with percentages… Did hehave a percentage of the likelihood of you being a witch? Or did that littlefact him like a brick wall? That’ll be left to your imagination.
Checkingthe wiki… he can tell the future, gain effects from his tarot cards (which canbe a double-edged sword) and then controls straw (which is somehow greater thanit sounds). His epithet may be ‘The Magician’, but it really feels like itbelongs more to his s/o. Can he fly a broom? Talk to animals? Use magic withoutcards? Didn’t think so.
Nevertheless,The Witch and The Magician make a fearsome duo and it sounds SO COOL when youput both names together like that. He absolutely takes advantage of thisintimidation factor.
In thefuture, he’ll enjoy hearing the tall tales of you two, told by people who havenever seen your faces, but have heard of the legends. Fearsome magical pirateswho sail the seas… Cool.
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imaimaimagineop · 7 years
Bartolomeo Cavendish and Coby?
Unbeknownst to me, after I’ve had a secret rendezvous with good ol’ Cabbage Patch, Cobester has finally gained the courage to whip out a 300 karat diamond ring as soon as I step out of the bedroom and close the door behind me. He asks me to marry him, I say yes, and after 20 years of fighting side by side Barty Bart-Bart challenges me to a duel. He says I killed Luffy. TWICE. I disagree. I don’t remember these events. While I do have a sword at my side, I instead grab the closest tennis racket and kill him with that instead. I feel like he doesn’t deserve a proper death. I’ve always wanted to try this anyways. Unfortunately, I get a splinter from this, and then an infection from improper treatment. In the distance, with a voice filled with the hurt of betrayal, I hear Trafalgar Law curse me for my stupidity. I die with Cobblestone gripping my hand, tears falling down his face. He says he’ll never forget me. I disagree. Captain Cavity walks in soon after the light fades from my eyes, wanting to say I love you, but is too late. I am eventually resurrected in another world by Elmo, who says I must work for hi-
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imaimaimagineop · 7 years
Vivi Robin and Nami
It’s been, um… months since I got these, but it’s better late than never? ┐(´д`)┌
F: Vivi Pros: She’s cute! Also a genuinely good person. What’s a…. con…..
M: Nami I chose her rather than Vivi because in the end it all depends on the lifestyle I’ll want and I’m all up for adventure and excitement rather than a life in the desert. Also I really really like Nami. _(┐「ε:)_❤
K: Robin. Pros: She’d kill me first, and fast! Won’t have to deal long with the fact that I tried to kill her. Also she’s like a mom, so… Cons: I’m dead.
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imaimaimagineop · 7 years
*shifts nervously* so you know how when luffy uses second gear that it's believed that it takes time off of his life? c-could you do a scenario where luffy's s/o gets a little upset every time he uses second gear? thank you! ( ^∀^)
Yeah, here you go! I took some liberties with it that I thought I shouldmention. Since we don’t know when Luffy’s dear S/O met him, I decided that thefirst time they saw him using it wasn’t necessarily the first time he actuallydid use it. But it could have been! We just don’t know.
Also, this scenario is a little more… introspective?? than i wanted it to be. But I hope the final product was good.
The first time you witnessed it,you were in a tremendous amount of awe. There was Luffy, at it again with hisincredible potential and strength. He was becoming closer and closer everyday tobecoming the pirate king and you couldn’t have been more proud to witness itwith your own eyes. You could practically already see him as a grown man whohad already accomplished his ultimate dream. Even though his skin was pink,even though it looked as if there was steam coming straight off his body, you justshrugged it off.
You’ve seen weirder things.
Besides, you were more interestedin watching Luffy pummel the enemy so you and your crewmates could live tofight another day.
The next time he used it, you weremostly aware of the side effects of the ability. When he had finished before,he had been more hungry than usual as well as more tired, but that was nothinga feast and a few days rest couldn’t fix. You just made sure that when he wasdone, you were there at his side, helping your captain like he helped you.
A couple of days later, he used itfor the third time.
The crew was under the pretensethat the real bad guy at the time had been defeated, but an ambush attack fromthe true captain occurred quickly and with everyone surrounded there was anurgent and obvious need to deal with them fast. Because you knew that Luffydidn’t want any of his friends to get hurt.
The enemy captain had reached hishand out for you, and of course he had a devil fruit ability, they always did. While his wasirrelevant because Luffy had jumped in and knocked him clear out of the waybefore anything could happen, you were faced with the aftermath of Luffyfalling backwards and onto you, clearly exhausted and exempt from any sort offighting spirit.
Zoro and Sanji, being useful, hadquickly dealt with what was left of the guy, but you weren’t really aware atthe time because you were busy looking down at Luffy. His head was in your lap,and his eyes had been closed as if he was sleeping, but his brows furrowed asif he was angry.
“I can’t move.” was all he said. Youhad made the decision then to question him on second gear when he wasofficially well-rested.
You did it quickly too. And beingthe smarter half of the pair, you were able to find out what using second gear wasdoing to him. You weren’t stupid, and it didn’t take a genius to figure outthat what he was doing… wasn’t what you wanted.
No matter how cool it was, nomatter how much it helped in taking care of the enemy, there was a part of youthat wanted to yell at him and say if he could become the pirate king then hecould certainly use an ability that didn’t shorten his lifespan, one that didn’tshorten his time spent being with you.
And you did end up saying this, out loud tohim. You were both on the deck of the ship, with no one else in sight and onlythe stars and the still air out there to witness you. But you didn’t yell thesewords at him, rather you whispered it to him, surprising him when he saw youcrying and failing to keep your voice at a steady rhythm.
There wasn’t much he could say ordo because in his mind protecting you and protecting the friends you bothshared was more important. But he did hug you and lift you off your feet,twirling you around as his arms encircled you two over and over again. While itwas unusually romantic and quiet for him, he kissed you on the cheek as welland said he loved you.
The next time he used second gear,you weren’t there to see it.
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imaimaimagineop · 7 years
Not sure if this is too specific, but just wondering if you have any hcs about how Shanks deals with marines/any other types of people who might come after him, either because they're ordered to (marine) or maybe because they're good-hearted but foolish and consider it their duty to try to take him out. I'm thinking more in his earlier pirating career because I doubt many people would try to take him on now that he's a big, bad Yonko, although it's still possible I think... :)
Hmm… Well, this is sort of an easyanswer. From what we’ve seen so far, Shanks doesn’t really give the impressionof being a terribly bad guy. Even though he is scary when it’s time forbusiness and such.
Even now that he’s a big bad, ifsomeone were to ever come up to him because they personally believe it’s theirduty to, I’m about 100% sure he’ll let them go. Like there’s no way someaverage joe could walk up and beat him just like that lol. If Shanks can tellthey’re just doing their best because of their beliefs, he’ll probably scarethem, but for their own good. Idiots that just go facing powerful people likethat need to be taught a lesson on ‘knowing your limits’.
However, younger Shanks is harderto imagine in this situation. I think he’d be more careful, yes. He needs tosize up enemies. He’d probably end up using words to mitigate the situation.
“Come ooon, we’re all just doing what we gotta do. Let’s go separate waysand call it good, ‘kay? No need for violence right now. We probably both getenough of that every other day.”
He would fight if they wouldn’t letup, though. He can’t afford to die, he’s obviously got stuff to do and placesto see.
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
After losing my internet for three days reading the headcanons you've done made me so happy! (the Franky drink one made me laugh)
Hoohoo~~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I’m so glad. Thank you for telling me!! Being told that I not only made you happy AND made you laugh is what I’m here for tbh
im always trying to be funny in real life lol. I’m always joking but have this consistent flat sarcastic tone that makes it sound like I’m serious 100% of the time.
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
Hey don't worry about taking time off! You are excellent 😇
Aw~ thank you. (*´∇`*) I can’t really stop the guilt or anxiety about doing so, but I’ll keep it low. It only exists cause I think you all deserve something that can make you happy when you read it!! I mean I know I’m not the only author out there but still it always feels like there’s nevER ENOUGH Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) I wish that was the feeling that could go away.
I know I’m going on a tangent now but it’d be great to feel satisfied after reading maybe one or two one-shots for literally any fandom yet…….no…..it’s never enough…….
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
oh dear
Alright, it’s been a minute guys. I find it funny that as soon as I said that I wanted to try and reblog miscellaneous things to keep the blog active I disappear w/o a trace. 3 reasons why I was gone kinda in order:
- Mid-terms - SOS: Trio of Towns (a cute lil farming game I’ve been playing a lot in my free time) - spring break (with every day being scheduled to work because I don’t party and I need money to live)
I’ll still be gone til Monday, but then I’ll get back to asks and stuff. I think there’s even non-rq stuff in my inbox, but I WILL look at that later. Just wanted to give a quick update!
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
Oh oh oh! Roger, Garp and Whitebeard! !!
OOOOOH BOY. OKAY let’s get this done
F: Garp. Pros: lol Cons: lol
M: Roger. Pros: Pirate king. Protective like Ace. Cons: Dead and don’t really know too much personality wise. Willing to bet that he’s not a very evil villain despite the issues Ace had concerning him.
K: Whitebeard. Pros: I can’t. Cons: Um…. I’ll die probably?
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
Law, Luffy and Zoro! XD
F: Zoro. I don’t need to explain ANY pros. There’s hardly any cons too, Law’s just also on the list lmao
M: Law. The one true love. The husband. The favorite. The best.
K: Luffy. That’s the second time in a row. Sorry, buddy. : (
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
For the FMK meme Ace Sabo Luffy
F: Sabo Pros: A good-looking guy. Which is typically useful in these occasions. Cons: Who cares.
M: Ace Pros: A sweetheart. Handsome. Cons: Too hot when sleeping at night. Can get over it. Also dead.
K: Luffy Pros: Can’t actually kill him. Cons: I was gonna say that he and the others would hate me but?? He’s made friends out of enemies before. This is clearly a good choice.
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imaimaimagineop · 8 years
Allow me to present three minor dudes: Cabaji, Koza, and Kuroobi (Good luck.)
DAMN. Alright, eazy-peazy.
F: Cabaji – Pros: A human. Cons: Not the best on the list (sorryCabaji).
M: Kohza Pros: Also a human. I’ll admit, I really liked thisguy when I first started watching One Piece. Cons: Might be an ass sometimes. Bestcandidate for husband material.
K: Kuroobi Pros: ??? Cons: A fish. Also not a nice guy.Hates humans.
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