#honestly if they just put less sugar in it that would probably also be better
voidimp · 4 months
i feel like coke spiced would be better without the raspberry tbh
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kcrossvine-art · 1 year
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Hey folks n blokes! A few days ago ya might've been one of the people who helpfully responded to my question asking which LotR recipe we should cook next, and you all had great ideas. Including a golum salmonella sushi platter. There were a few that twinkled directly into my eyes, but only one fish gets fried at a time! Thanks @vensre for the suggestion!
Today from Lord of the Rings, we will be making Bilbo Baggin's Seed Cakes
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Seed Cake?” YOU MIGHT ASKIf you're an amer*can like me, you might have never heard of a seed cake outside of the context of bird feeders.
Salted butter
Fine sugar
Whole milk
Almond flour
Vanilla extract
Brown sugar
Caraway/fennel seeds
Ground anise seed
Ground nutmeg
The real key ingredient here is the caraway seeds. The factor that ties all recipes together. Important note, anise seeds and anise stars are 2 separate things!
AND, “what does a Seed Cake taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKTastes like what an old bookstore smells like.
Smells like warm licorice
But without the chemical-y aftertaste
Take a shortbread and make it denser and with less airpockets. Thats your texture.
A little bit like gingerbread but nuttier, earthier
Very rich
Beautiful crumbly brown outside, soft teddybear-brown inside
Pairs well with a glass of milk hahaha
"A wonderful blend of sweet and savoury, seed cakes make a perfect after-supper morsel."-LotR Online. Mentioned both in the books and the MMO, being served after dinner ties into their real-life origins! Before caraway seeds in cakes became popular in the victorian era, they were often candied and served as dessert because caraway seeds help with after-meal indigestion.
. used an herb grinder for the anise seeds . used light brown sugar where brown sugar called for . used blanched almond flour . if i made this again, would probably use higher quantity of nutmeg or add cinammon
From entering the kitchen, to having this in my stomach, it took roughly 2 hours? Ish? Definitely make sure to let your 2 sticks of butter and 3 eggs sit out a bit beforehand so they reach room temp, it helps them whip together the warmer they are.
The most difficult part of this recipe was finding the seeds. Everything except the caraway/fennel and anise seed i already had, and maybe its a recent thing but since when did grocery stores start charging such an obscene amount for a regular bottle of spices? Is it not enough to have everything else infected by price-gouging, now we'll be scraping pennies for our little flavor heavens? Bleh. 
The seed cake is a new experience for me also, and many pardons if some sacred seed cake rule has been broken today. It tasted fantastic! The licorice was a strong flavor I've never experienced in this form before, it suits itself well. If you're baking for children or have a sweeter palette, the bitterness may be a bit much, but just have them dunk it in milk honestly. It did feel like there was some 'empty space' on my palette while eating- if that makes any sense? It couldve been layered with another flavor but i still can't put my finger on what that missing flavor could be.
Definitely be careful to put the eggs into the butter/sugar a little bit at a time. I got impatient the first-go, and the eggs incorporated less, and it led to a greasier cake. People seem to say that storing these and eating them the next day makes them taste better, i cannot attest as i ate both within the same day of making them. 
This recipe has earned itself a glimmering 7/10, for making my kitchen smell nice but also making me use a standmixer if i want my arms to stay attached (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) 
220g salted butter
225g fine sugar
16g of milk
3 eggs
175g almond flour
2 drops vanilla extract
Pinch of brown sugar
1tbsp caraway seeds
1 1/2tbsp  ground anise seed
1/2tsp ground nutmeg
Pre-heat the oven to 320F. Soften the butter and let eggs come to room temperature. 
Cream the butter by itself for around 5 minutes with a standmixer on med., until light in color. Add sugar and continue until the mixture is pale and fluffy.
In a seperate bowl beat the eggs until 'frothy'. 
Stir a small amount at a time of the eggs iinto the butter and sugar mixture, making sure each portion incorporates as you go.
Add the caraway, ground anise seed, ground nutmeg, and vanilla extract.
Gently fold in the almond flour. Careful not to overmix.
Add a tablespoon of milk, or until the batter keeps its form but drips off an upside down spoon.
Pour into a greased 9-inch round cake pan, if not available muffin/cupcake pans should also work.
Sprinkle a bit of brown sugar on top.
Bake for 40-50 minutes. Cool for 10 before serving.
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ratfuzz · 1 year
✫stan, eric and kenny with kitchen witch reader headcanons✫
a/n: kyle one!! finally got to other boys. there's a liiittle bit of suggestive theme and drug joke in kenny one. characters are aged up, reader is gender neutral
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stan marsh
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doesn't really care about you being a kitchen witch, be who you want to be, believe in what you want to believe
making him special coffee/tea every morning
he started to hate waking up early a bit less (or maybe it's just you being by his side)
he's a kisser, he's a hugger, so expect at least one kiss on a cheek while you cook (will not hug you when you do this without consent tho)
s o u p
make him soup
or make soup with him together, that's nice too
with something silly like veggies in shape of something or just chicken and star soup
you two sometimes fight about who's making breakfast today, but you know, this is not serious of course (either way you win even if he's the one cooking it for the most part)
helps you carve or burn sigils in spoons and things
i'd say he needs the same thing as kyle, something with anti-anxiety spell, but also something that generally will help him with sleep
eric cartman
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you probably picked him up by making something with a love spell (it would be funnier if it was blood love spell with espresso, but it would work better with a cake)
lmao, you didn't even have to put a spell on it, he's probably hooked just by your cooking
if you tell him about the fact that you're a witch he'd act like this all is total bullshit, but then ask if you can make something poisonous (of course you can, but it doesn't have to do anything with you been a kitchen witch) or with a curse ((don't fucking do it, though he loves you, it doesn't mean he will not turn you in to cops if something goes wrong i didn't tell you this))
prefers your pastry, but basically loves everything you make
likes looking at you while you cook (will not help you)
even more curious about sigils than kyle
but in the way that he doesn't really trust you (don't blame him, there's a lot of reasons for him to not trust people)
making sigils with eric, so he knows for sure meaning of them
tbh he's really impatient when it comes to you cooking, he doesn't understand why you prefer to take your time with cooking even if you can make it faster and doesn't listen when you explain
at least it looks like it
can bring up something you said later and it kind of surprises you
tries to be less bitchy with you later on
definitely asks you to make something for him with specific sigil for it
kenny mccormick
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if you will not make him kfc wings recreation, i will haunt you in your dreams
doesn't really have a preference in your cooking
kenny is most likely the only one of main 4 to remember everything you say about witchery (he's just generally a good listener i think)
would make some type of sigil for shits and giggles (maybe literally)
love spells with emphasis on better sex life aren't needed, lol, but he would totally ask you for this as part of roleplay
ate all your donuts with sugar powder and tried to get away with it by saying that powder on his clothes is cocaine
if you cook together, he will always be distracted by your beauty, sometimes it's better to just let him sit in the kitchen with you
really likes how aprons look on you
so yeah another reason to wear them
any kind spell will do, boy needs more nice things in his life
making forever weed brownies together <3
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a/n: honestly, i thought i will never write anything for kenny. wow. cool. we'll see, maybe i will make one with girls or butters/marjorine idkidk
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luverbov · 5 months
What do you think about Nikozai? >_< I'm a multishipper but idk if it's solid enough of a ship.. (Nikolai x Dazai)
₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ Nikozai 𓄹
Clown-to-clown communication is real and its Nikozai 's dynamic
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“ Nothings better than 2 gay clowns who want Fyodor dead, right? “
ᐢ..ᐢ I've actually never thought of this ship until now cos honestly I see them more as silly goober best-friends than lovers and also like they've never communicated at all except Mersault and passing Fyodors amputated arm around like hot-potato. ( overused joke? IDC ITS FUNNY )
I see them plotting murders against Fyodor and doing everything- and I mean everything, in their power to annoy the poor Russian, like putting salt instead of sugar in his coffee, putting pepper in his medicine, stealing his ushakna and jump-scaring him (in which, Fyodor predicts but goes along with a sarcastic scream)
Poor Sigma probably has to deal with their bullshit a lot, he has to keep them in line, basically babysitting the two, and they never listen because they're just silly like that Σ (°o°;)
Average conversation between Nikozai either would contain the most jaw-dropping, eye-melting, brain-clenching, eyelash-flying, knee-shaking, dick-hardening, nose-shrinking, toe-curling, ankle-beatboxing, address-doxxing, finger-licking shit ever or it's just stupid conversations about...cats and birds. (i have no idea what i just wrote )
Definitely both touch starved so they're often kissing, hugging, giving piggy-back rides, cuddling, holding hands and both like PDA ( they could not give less of a fuck about the people watching )
If you want me to do Nikozai head-canons comment/request it and I'll make a seperate post for Nikozai headcanons because even as someone who doesn't ship Nikozai, I have a bunch of ideas...
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“ I envy you. A bird born in a cage doesn't notice it's a prisoner “
⊹  ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶  ⊹
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
New prompt for a pervy Black Widow/Sugar Daddy AU - it's long sorry!:
THE SETUP -- Dream's family is broke and each sibling is tasked with (bullied into) trying to entice the new rich bastards on the block to marry them, without a prenup. Now, maybe the professed plan is a black widow end - 'cause the Endless family is sooooo less than honorable (and let's be honest, great, great, great Grandma Endless's 2nd husband only had his money and his short life to recommend him), but the plan is fluid. First, one of the children needs to snare the right mark.
They don't talk about why Destruction won't return his parents calls - like he's so much better than the rest of the family.
Sufficed to say Desire and Dream are seen as the ones with the best shot. So every rich dick (figurative & literal) party they can go to, every society invite they can wrangle, they dress Desire and Dream up in the newest sexy couture they can borrow based on the Endless name and the fashion worthiness of Dream and Desire; and as they get more desperate, the outfits get more sheer -- tits outs and hints of trimmed pubic hair on show. See, the recent Mugler RTW Spring 2024 (soooo many sheer outfits!).
THE SITUATION ON THE GROUND -- Dream has been on the block too f'ing long. Desire seems to be enjoying it, or at least the part where they are competing against Dream for the "win," but all of these men (/very rarely women) are absolutely gross. Handsy and odious and just evil, why, even for just as long as it might take to separate any of these people from their money, Dream would want them to touch him - he can't fathom. And unfortunately, the biggest interested mark so far is Burgess - and Dream thinks he literally, openly, traffics people and starts wars for "fun."
THE [NEW] MARK -- Enter Hob Gadling. Now, no one is really clear where Hob's reported billions have come from. They just know it's "clean" money now, and Mr. Gadling appears to be a respectable tech/finance guy, now. There are rumors that, 'Please, call me Hob', Gadling, is not a nice man and that people who go against him wind up suspiciously broken (many times in bloody pieces, not just broke), but well he's mostly charming.
Dream doesn't want to like Hob, again Dream knows all these people are just the worst (and let's be honest, the "plan" still involves a convenient honeymoon accident), but they keep running into each other, and Hob is hilariously vicious in his quiet comments to Dream, and Dream can feel the heat in Hob's stare as Dream's "dresses" get shorter, and sheerer, and really, at this point, Dream is walking around these parties mostly naked (with nipples that Hob's stares make so hard). Dream doesn't even want to discuss what happened when Hob put his hand on Dream's lower back to guide him through the party. *shivers*
Dream allows Hob a kiss after a particularly cutting remark about Burgess that has the whole party laughing; Hob takes the next few kisses that night; smudging all of Dream's make up and walking away visibly, shamelessly, hard. Dream's own full body flush can be seen under his sheer dress.
I'm gonna add the second part to this post!
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I love the concept of vaguely gangsterish mystery millionaire Hob!!! Honestly if Dream is being honest with himself Hob probably also made his money from human trafficking but the difference is that he's sexy, and funny. And he doesn't look at Dream like he's a piece of meat.
So yeah of course he's gonna let Hob buy him pretty things! At first it's all trashy but expensive stuff that Dream squirrels away to sell later. But Hob slowly persuades him to accept more tasteful (still very expensive) things. Floor length gowns and huge opals that glimmer in the light, and even a car (and a chauffeur to drive it, Hob doesn't want his darling having to do that). Dream’s parents are pushing him to get a ring on his finger, get married, get in the will... but honestly Dream is very happy as he is at the moment.
And the sex is obviously insane. Dream’s previous lovers have all been selfish and boring but Hob is just... he wants Dream ALL the time. He's always coming up behind him, gently groping him and whispering that he wants to go again, please, will Dream let him? And Dream has no inclination towards saying no. He'll let Hob do whatever insane sexual thing to him because he knows it's always going to be amazing. And of course Hob has the biggest, most perfect cock. Dream would be devastated if he didn't get it inside him every day. He doesn't care how many people see or hear him whimpering while Hob fucks him slow and deep over the bonnet of his fancy car.
He's getting fucked and the money is rolling in. What's no to love?
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cyaneyedcl · 1 month
fandom culture rant
tldr; dont go shitting on people's works just bcs u didnt like it, thats some disgusting asshole behavior, fuck u if u do so.
and pls show your fanfic writers lots of appreciation, they are the biggest backbone in most fandoms, they deserve nothing but love.
there's something so insane and illogical when it comes to the people that read fanfics (which have clear explicit and alternative universe tags) and proceed to complain about how these had — surprise, suprise! sexual content and scenarios/personalities that weren't an exact copy of the ones in the source media.
and usually one would want to believe people will keep their opinions to themselves or rant about it in a private space with close friend(s), because that's the bare minimum one can do to show some respect towards a writer that shared their fanwork for free.
but recently, that's not been the case.
bcs now there's this new trend going around (specifically in tiktok, to the surprise of nobody) where people publish videos talking about how a certain fanfic was — and i quote — "incredibily ooc", "genuinely weird", "overrated", "poorly written", "a freak fest".
and this type of behavior wouldn't be so shocking (even tho is not ok) if it was coming from one random person in the internet, but because this is happening in tiktok (which is a well-known platform for having the biggest audience reach when it comes to social media apps) the hate is extremely amplified.
when i tell u the amount of hate these tiktoks gather is insane, i mean i've seen them surpass the 3,000+ comments (which is more than half of the comments the fanfic has). and most of these consist of people sharing their even more aggressive opinions about the fanfic, or even saying how "this other fanfic is better".
it honestly mind blows me every time i see this happening, because — or at least in my experience — there's always been this unsaid rule (even though i'd dare to say it's more of a sense of logic) in fandom spaces where everybody knows that if you didn't like the work of a fan, you close the tab and move on with your day. because, what do you gain for belittling the efforts/hard-work someone put in something that won't change the source media, or ur life?
and if you are one of those bystanders that applies the whole "people need to learn to take criticism" to this situation then u are wrong. no debates. because,
in this case, this so-called criticism it's just a sugar-coat for hateful comments.
that is NOT how criticism works, not when the author didn't ask for any feedback what-so-ever and even less when we are talking about a story that nobody pays for to consume it.
it's baffling to see readers develop this liberty that makes them think it's ok to say whatever they feel like saying about fandom works, without taking in consideration that behind every fanfic, fanart, music, skit, etc. there's a person that probably felt proud of their work and is happy about creating something.
also, i feel in the need to clear out that even though i'm talking about a specific fanfic in this post (which is in the tags in case u haven't figured it out yet), it's definitely not the only one that's received this treatment. i've seen it happen in the kpop, danmei, and harry potter side too, specially in marauders.
i believe this behavior is due to a shift in fandom culture that started because of covid, but that's like, a whole other rant post for another day.
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obae-me · 2 years
I randomly thought of this but now I can't get rid of it and I NEED TO TELL SOMEONE (and who better than youuuu who actually takes the time to read the long ass stuff I send <3) . The sassiest Mc who is sweet as sugar but also cold as ice spitting straight facts if her buttons are pushed. Like it would be soooo satisfying to shut the brothers up and put em in their place >.<
Mammon: Oi stupid huma-
Mc: Me? Stupid? Oh really now- That's rich coming from someone who would still be hanging from the ceiling if I hadn't come and saved their ass.
Diavolo: We can't thank you enough mc for making the exchange program such a success an-
Mc: Honestly I couldn't care less, I didn't even consent to any to this? You just plopped me here with 7 demons who have issues even therapy can't solve... if it wasn't for the free rent I would have ran away long ago.
Lucifer: You have to obey the rules I have set-
Mc: Why?
Lucifer: Because this is my house and what I say is fina-
Mc: No but literally why :/ You are not my dad also if I want to, I can easily ask diavolo to let me stay somewhere else.
Mc: Sure go ahead , not like you haven't tried that before. Also, for someone who wants diavolo's plan to succeed you sure are doing a bad job at it.
Like plsss PLSSSS I just want the mc to DESTROY them ;like not in the roasting them kinda way but just like saying the plain truth so bluntly that you can't really argue against that logic.
I just want them to set the record straight like- I was brought here without my choice and any warning. Threatened and STRAIGHT UP KILLED and then forced to play therapist for these same ppl who gave a shit about me only when they knew I was a descendent of their dead sister :] (Ik that's not exactly it but you get the point)
Ooo this kind of MC is great, I love thinking about them! They'd manage to probably snap most of the brothers into better behavior after pushing MC one too many times.
The only one that would constantly struggle would probably be Lucifer, who appreciates their boldness and honesty but if it doesn't drive him absolutely mad sometimes.
And oo yeah I think about that nice tasty bit of angst often. In my own head I have it mapped out differently but the thought of MC always wondering if they'd still be dead if it weren't for luckily being connected by blood to someone who lived centuries ago. I've been meaning to write about that eventually, the aftermath of lesson 16 and my personal opinion of why everyone seemed to ignore what happened.
But yes, thanks for sharing! I love just talking things like this out with people!
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Ranking my fallout characters by how well they can cook because I want to make more fallout posts but don’t want to draw:
21: she cooks OK. More of a casual cook than a gourmet chef. Her food isn’t great, but it’s pretty good and won’t make you throw up. She hates raw meat even if it’s sanitary. Flavors are nicely balanced and crunchy to soft ratio is also balanced. Very into collecting cook books, and has one she constantly references even if she’s cooked the same thing 500 times before. She absolutely loves pickling. Struggles with making larger portion foods. Prefers cooking fish since it looks less gross to her. Makes really good chicken noodle soup for her sick partners.
22: when he tries he can do well, but he’s more used to survivalist cooking rather than cooking proper meals. Mainly capable of making soups and stews. Not particularly good unless it’s for a special occasion. Used to cooking for multiple people/ small families so he always makes more than he alone eats. Being ex legion probably also harms his cooking skills more than anything, I don’t imagine them loving delicious food. Loves wild onions (don’t know if they have them in the Mojave, but we have them up here so who cares)
Cal: he’s. So. Bland. The only thing he can cook good is meat, but it’s not like he uses that many spices or garnishes. Makes decent jerky, but needs to eat more carbohydrates and needs to learn how to forage. For a hunter he is very out of tune with environmental foods other than meat.
Sandra Hill: She cant. Exclusively eats prepackaged foods and heats up premade things, if she’s not buying food. Can stick meat into a fire, but not much else. Didn’t have to learn to cook in the vault and just never tried to learn how to cook after. Just throws shit together and hopes it tastes good. If she was in college she would live off ramen and pbnjs
Killian Hill: same as Sandra, but with a higher fail rate on thrown together meals. He will cook things begrudgingly. Somehow fails to completely cook meats on the regular. Likes preparing meat, but, again, sucks at cooking it.
Kieran Woods (I don’t know her last name it changes 24/7): loving pre war home cooked meals? No. Her cooking is very very prewar though. Which means it’s weird. She’ll throw in the most random over preserved thing into food and it’ll turn out okay, good even. Doesn’t put love into food, rather cold thought out calculations. Deliberately tries to make it taste good, but overthinks. Her foods are very good for what they are, but they also have the after taste of strong sugars and that vomit flavor cheese burgers have.
Nathan Woods: Normal suburban cook. How good he cooks purely relies on the supplies he’s given. Will also throw random pre war foods into his cooking. His cooking has the same strangely sweet taste that Kieran’s does. Recognizes what flavors go together well. Doesn’t think about how or what he’s cooking, which is both a blessing and a negative. 50/50 chance it’s delicious or really bad.
Azurite: don’t ask her to cook. It’s disgusting, absolutely foul. They cook everything like he’s in the Sierra Madre. He won’t even eat their own food. Has only been spotted eating dry crackers once in her life. You’d be better off drinking spoiled milk than eating whatever he hands to you.
Ash: pretty great vault cook. Not as great outside of the vault though and that’s most of their life. They understand vault ingredients well, but over time have improved their understanding of wasteland foods. By the time they have kids they’re likely the best cook on this list. Wrote down their own cook book to use as they likely didn’t come across some wasteland cook books on their water chip quest.
Elliot & Ian: I don’t know honestly. They’re the silly legionnaire and NCR soldier paring. They exist to be gay and put bomb collars on each other. They can make grilled cheese without starting a fire.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
From day 16 of the event, I used number 56 from prompt 5 for the Sanzo-Ikkou from Saiyuki! These were such fun things to think about, something I would honestly never have thought about otherwise, and it was interesting to think about such mundane little things for the characters, to flesh them out just a bit more. I hope you’ll enjoy, my loves!
What do you like on your toast?
Sanzo, if toast was part of the cuisine of his everyday life, would definitely actually be rather partial to it both for breakfast and as a late-night or bedtime snack. Toast is nice and simple while being filling and it can be topped in a variety of ways so that you don’t grow sick of it.
With Sanzo, he’s definitely someone who is finicky about how toasted the bread has to be though. He doesn’t like ‘lightly toasted’, where it’s basically just warm and soft bread. He also will plain out refuse to eat toast that is burnt or too hard. It needs to be that perfect in between where the toast is golden brown with no black or super dark spots, just crispy enough to feel right but not rock hard.
Sanzo does switch up what he eats on his toast. He thinks there’s no way you can go wrong with just plain buttered toast, of course, but that gets boring after a while. He’ll also sometimes eat toast with just mayo on it like the weirdo he is. He’s not a fan of sweet jams and such, but he does like molasses on buttered toast when he’s in the mood for something sweeter.
Goku loves food. He’s not really a picky eater, with there being very few things he won’t eat. He loves toast, though it’s not normally what he chooses for breakfast. If someone makes him some though, he’s going to be really happy and will gladly eat it. It’s just that he doesn’t find that it fills him up enough to have as an actual meal.
He likes it at a middle stage in between warm bread but a little less than perfectly golden brown. He really gets into trying different toppings on top of his toast. He doesn’t prefer just plain butter since there’s a whole world out there full of things to put on toast. He likes toast topped with mayo and tomatoes. Bacon sandwiches made out of a couple slices of buttered toast and some bacon? Much better than just plain buttered toast. He’s a bit of a child and would definitely love cinnamon sugar toast and fairy toast both.
Hakkai doesn’t mind toast, but it’s not something he goes out of his way to make. It’s very, very rare for him to resort to toast as a meal or a snack. It’s actually because he tends to prefer just plain bread, without it being toasted. He loves fresh baked bread, topped with creamy butter and some sort of sweet fruit jam, probably made by Hakkai himself.
Gojyo doesn’t actually like toast all that much at all. It’s not something he thinks to make for himself, but if someone else makes it for him and it’s all that’s possibly available, he’ll eat it. He’s just not a huge fan of the plainness of the meal.
When he does eat toast, he actually prefers it just a little bit burnt. Not like, smoking and completely charred, but some burnt bits here and there makes it taste better to him, because there’s a stronger flavour.
Because he does find toast plain, Gojyo tends to rely heavily on toppings to give it flavour. I do think he’s a peanut butter man all the way and prefers crunchy peanut butter.
If he wants something sweet, he’s a honey on buttered toast kind of guy and actually might enjoy trying out the different varieties of honey to see if there’s actually a flavour difference between them.
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luxsombra · 2 years
all these little things
Relationship: TodoBaku
Tags: Established relationship, Character Study, Fluff, Characters are Pro Heroes
“Ugh. Bakugou is such an ass.” Tokage said, collapsing down on the couch in the agency common area. She didn’t work at Endeavor Agency, but she was currently part of a joint mission, leading her to spending a fair deal of time in the office anyway. “Honestly, Todoroki-kun. I don’t know how you like him.”
Todoroki thought about that for a moment. It’s true, Bakugou was harsh, abrasive. Loud. Rude. Aggressive. All seemingly negative traits. But somehow the blonde made them strengths. Todoroki himself wasn’t the sweetest or friendliest out there, people just tended to overlook it because he was quiet about it. Bakugou’s brand of jackassery was harder to ignore.
But even the supposed jackassery was a result of improper observation. Bakugou was ten times the man Todoroki could ever be. Bakugou was a million times nicer, and more observant. More sacrificial and more caring. He just went about it in ways that were hard to understand.
Bakugou was the type to hear you mention your favorite flavor of Boba tea once and order it for you every time without you needing to ask. In the same situation, Todoroki would have been oblivious to the knowledge and forgotten all about your preferences. There were a few exceptions to this, Bakugou being one of them. Shouto knew exactly what the blonde wanted from the Ramen shop next door, how he preferred his coffee (double shot, one cream, no sugar), and what flavor of ice cream he wanted if he was allowing himself to indulge (strawberry). Midoriya and Momo were probably the only other people Todoroki could remember the preferences of if asked.
Bakugou was a unique brand of self-sacrificial, where he’d put his neck out for anyone, hero-related or not, because he knew he was stronger than the opponent and could take anything thrown at him. Most heroes were self-sacrificing in a martyr way. A “better me than them” way. Bakugou was self-sacrificial in a “you won’t be getting either of us” way. It was something that inspired Todoroki to act in multiple scenarios, aiming to be the same despite continuing falling short on the self confidence front.
Todoroki also knew Bakugou’s harsh words were hard to understand unless you damn near had a doctorate in Bakugou-nese. The blonde might say “get out of my way, extras.” But what he usually meant was “you can count on me. I’ve got this.” People always misunderstood his harsh words. This one Todoroki could understand though, because for a while he didn’t get it either. In fact, the only reason he ever figured it out was thanks to Midoriya, who had long since become fluent in the language and seemed to get some sort of entertainment out of poking the bear to further provoke him in his own native tongue. Todoroki had spent hours of his life watching the two of them egg each other on and it never got less entertaining. He may have even picked up a few tricks from Midoriya to poke the bear himself.
Bakugou appeared to be rash and impatient, running head first into fights without thinking first. But that wasn’t true at all. Honestly, that was more a testament to just how fast the blonde was. While most people were a few steps behind still formulating plans, Bakugou already had several strategies in mind and a back up plan or two to boot. He rushes in confident in his ability to win and his opponents don’t stand a chance without time to plan a counterattack.
But these were all things anyone could see if they looked a little closer. What they didn’t see was the nights Bakugou would stay up for hours, crying or panicked about a less ideal outcome or being outmatched in a fight. They didn’t see the way his confidence did a complete 180 outside of battle, as the blonde compared himself to anyone and everyone else. Especially Todoroki. Todoroki knew he was pretty damn good, but as mentioned before, he also acknowledged his own shortcomings. Todoroki was selfish and rash, rude and often underestimated opponents and teammates alike. He was working on all that, of course, but if anyone were to ask him, right now he’d say Bakugou was a far better hero and definitely en route to reach number one before him. Bakugou didn’t agree. Bakugou would see only Todoroki’s successes and deem himself a failure. Well, in a way. He also saw Todoroki’s failures and offered assistance to improve on future attempts, but for some reason the blonde forgot about those instances when feeling particularly inferior to his partner. Todoroki sure as hell wasn’t giving up, nor was he content to simply accept losing to the blonde, but he couldn’t delude himself into thinking they were on the same level. Todoroki had some serious improving to do if he wanted to win.
Bakugou was kind. Caring. Affectionate. Not so much in the physical sense, naturally. But Todoroki saw it in the way he’d walk slower if guiding the young or elderly somewhere. He saw it in the way he intently listened to the discussions of their peers while pretending not to be involved in the conversation. He saw it in the way Bakugou would chuck a water bottle at his friends’ faces after an intense fight. He witnessed it when their schedules conflicted, and Bakugou would be as quiet as possible to avoid waking Todoroki, oblivious to the fact that Todoroki’s own trauma made it impossible to sleep if he so much as felt the sheets shift. (That, at least, had gotten a little better since he’d started seeing the explosive blonde. He got a comfort out of knowing anyone who dared to fuck with them in their bed would be dying in a very painful manner). Bakugou could be in the midst of an intense battle, focused on his opponent and protecting civilians at the same time and still manage to shoot off an explosion to stop larger debris from hitting Todoroki off guard. And the blonde’s sixth sense for diet seemed to always just know if Todoroki had opted for junk food instead of a proper meal.
So, yeah. Maybe Bakugou was an ass if you only looked from 15 feet away. But one of the shortcomings Todoroki failed to address earlier was his unwillingness to share. Quite frankly, he didn’t care how misconstrued the others’ perception of Bakugou was. It meant Todoroki got to keep all the more intimate knowledge to himself.
“I don’t like him,” he finally responded, not looking up from the book he was reading. “I love him.”
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0dotexe · 2 years
I've had four root canals done in a period of two weeks - this is not an exaggeration
How did I get here? Well… The starting point of this story is a bit hazy. I only have a handful of tooth related incidents that happened in the US that have been remedied or are going to be remedied in Mexico. I wanted to reflect on this this week.
Come join me as I talk about the fractured system of dental healthcare in the US and how Mexico is saving my mouth from disaster.
My dental health has always been between sub-par to terrible.
No matter what I did - or didn't do - my teeth would literally fall apart at the seams no matter what. I lost a lot of my baby teeth very early on (all of them having some cavity of varying intensity) and a lot of my adult teeth didn't really properly develop (there are some where the roots do not show up in x-rays) I also have had a ridiculous sugar addiction from the age of 6 to now (which I am desperately trying to break with varying success)
Unfortunately for me, I also grew up poor. I had to rely on a system that was severely underfunded (LaCHIP for those interested, it was terrible.) There's a really great video that I highly recommend watching to understand how these programs work, because I do not have the time or language to explain it better than how she does. I will admit, this video made me cry from how similar my experiences were in relation to the Medicare portion of this video.
Think of a procedure, and I've probably had it done. I've had numerous root canals (even before now), extractions, I have a bridge, I have metal fillings, I have these weird metal teeth protectors, some veneers somehow. Needless to say, my mouth is a mess, and it continues to be a mess. My dentist is trying everything in her power to not resort to dentures because of my age and also because of my autoimmune disorders (which, funnily enough, are becoming less and less disabling since I've been getting work done)
However, for perspective, a lot of dental work that was done on me was done with really low quality materials and undertrained staff. Especially during a time where things like depression and autism weren't as understood in their ability to severely impact how ones dental health can become without the proper precautions and alternatives.
You see, for 20 years, I didn't brush my teeth. This is also not an exaggeration. This happened partially because every time I tried to it hurt like hell because of sensory issues, but also because no one really taught me how to without being condescending about it in the first place. Don't worry, I'm brushing them almost daily now!
Now, I want to share with you a handful of stories.
For a good portion of my dentist appointments in the US, I was rebuked for my poor dental health. One time I told them I didn't know how to brush my teeth, and they just laughed in my face about it. From that point on I lied about brushing my teeth. At one point I was even asked if I was doing crack cocaine because of how bad my teeth were, and one of my teeth got so bad it turned completely black and stayed that way for 5-6 years. One of my front teeth got "fixed" four times before it completely broke and had to get a bridge over it. A metal filling I have has caused one of my molars to start to dissolve, probably because they used mercury. But out of all of these, the most offensive of my tooth stories has to be my broken molar.
During the middle of 2021, I had a molar that broke. It exposed the nerve and everything, and the tooth was disappearing at an alarming rate. I looked for a local place in town that could do emergency dental work without insurance, but was put on a two week waiting list because COVID restrictions were only just slowly being lifted. "Fine," I thought, "Not the worst."
It got worse. About a week in, the tooth basically lost 90% of its mass, leaving the exposed nerve even more exposed. I ate something, and bam, the nerve had gotten pinched. It was honestly one of the worst pains I've ever been in. It radiated from my jaw to my ear, making me lose hearing for a bit. Any time ANYTHING touched that area, I would go into an uncontrolable shaking fit and had to alternate between ice packs, heating pads, and waaaaay too much pain meds. I would never wish this pain on anyone.
Finally, the appointment day arrives. I'm excited to finally get this taken care of before I'm set to fly out and get married. People file in and out of the place, as expected. When my turn arrives, I'm given the standard x-rays, then looked at by some nice dental assistants who look at my gums and plaque (and cavities too)
Then, the dentist arrives. I've shown everyone else my vaccination card to ensure that I am safe to work on. The dentist says, "I'm not afraid of some virus," while looking at my chart. 'Okay…' I think to myself, already realizing what kind of dentist this is, as I've seen types like him many times before.
As I tell him that I have a severe issue that literally needs to be taken care of right now, he gives it a glance, says, "That's pretty bad, but it looks infected so we'll have to put you on antibiotics before we can do anything about it." And then leaves before I have a chance to protest.
At this point, I am fuming. I came here for an EMERGANCY, my root is EXPOSED, my ear fucking HURTS. And this joke of a dentist says "We'll get to it when we get to it." No.. No fucking way. As I wait to be called to another room so they can set up another appointment (one I was hoping was sooner rather than later) I tell my now husband about the ordeal.
Because this was the free appointment, I didn't have to pay anything, but they did show me the amount it WOULD have been. Let me tell you, it made me even more frustrated. It would have been approxamately $200 for that appointment, and the appointment after that would have been anywhere from $1500-2000 just for the root canal of the problematic tooth. And the date they wanted to set it for? The day after I flew out to Mexico.
I, being raised to not make a stink to people just doing their job, declined their invitation to come back. Giving them my valid reasoning of literally being out of the country during that time. They gave me my x-ray and I left, absolutely chuffed.
That very tooth that I'm talking about? Just got a root canal done on it yesterday, in January 2023. For a fraction of the price it would have ever been in the US if I had decided to trust that slimy dentist. I am aware that not all dentists are like this, but almost every single one I ran into in the US mirrored this dentist in some way or another. Prescribing an unnecessary amount of medication, overcharging for basic procedures or even just being looked at, having a condescending tone about them.
It's no wonder I have had shit teeth for so long.
At one point, I was even begging to get dentures because I could barely eat or drink anything without a substantial amount of pain. I have an unusually high pain tolerance too, so if it was bad enough to send my pain receptors into overdrive, who knows how long or how much it would have cost to be able to do half of what my dentist here in Mexico has done.
I am honestly forever grateful for her. She has been taking her time with my teeth to make sure nothing shifts my mouth too much, she has been extremely understanding of my situation, and has even felt shock at the stories I have told her about my teeth and the dentists I had to deal with in the US. She has literally inspired me to try my best to keep whatever bone I have left in this poor excuse of a mouth. I can deal with the pain of a handful (we're up to 6 now) of root canals and future extractions (which is expected to be 2 or 3, depending)
Medical tourism in Mexico is a huge thing, especially for dental work, and it's no wonder. If you are a dentist or wanting to be a dentist in the US, I beg you to be kind to your patients. Especially the poor, disabled, or underprivileged ones. It makes all the difference between if your patient has perfect teeth for decades or has next to nothing left after a quarter of their life.
If you're like me and struggle to keep up with your dental health because of sensory issues or depression, here's a fantastic video about alternatives.
That's my piece. Feel free to respond with your own experiences.
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georgiesfoodblog · 1 year
4 • 23 • 23
Called out of work (for the first time) to focus on getting prepared for my first day of coding bootcamp tomorrow! This gave me time to go to the gym this morning.
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My pre-workout snack! Can’t go wrong with these overnight oats. It’s favorite of mine. The vanilla flavor is better than the chocolate. Next payday, I would love to try the blueberry! I also had a few sips of water.
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After-gym brunch. One bagel with cream cheese, green onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Topped with everything bagel seasoning. It was delicious! Nothing I’ve done before, but I’ll probably do it again. Also drank this iced coffee from concentrate. I put a splash of oat milk and a tiny bit of brown sugar in it. Because I have a newly formed caffeine addiction thanks to my job.
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After a quick shower and honestly a bit too long scrolling on tiktok, I headed to the library to do work and prepare for class. And then immediately left the library for Starbucks because the library apparently opens at 1 on Sundays! Who knew. I got a tall skinny iced London fog. I never had an iced London fog before, and I honestly enjoyed it. Earl grey is always a winner for me. Nonfat milk and sugar-free vanilla makes it “skinny”. As you stick around for this blog, you’ll see that I’m a big fan of sugar free vanilla. It doesn’t give me the ick unlike other sugar-free sweeteners or flavors.
This study beverage led to a lot of guilt. I was challenging myself to not eat out for two weeks but I felt bad for not getting anything, and using up Starbucks’s space. It’s okay! It was less than 5 bucks. I’ll just keep pushing forward. I’m doing this blog so that I can be kinder to myself, anyways.
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After Starbucks, I headed home for a snack! Pepper Jack cheese, 2 dill pickles, and Aldi Lemon Sparkling Water. Time to head to the library!
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
+x+ new album thoughts:
1. devil by the window -- i’m sorry. i heard the bass line and i was halfway sold, and then the song didn’t fuck up anywhere that much and this is how i’m contractually obliged to like it. one thing that bothers me a bit it’s that it’s entirely in english, their pronunciation is distracting sometimes, but what can you do! it’s kpop, of course there’s english
okay, no, actually it would benefit from one last chorus with some additional Bang. i get that the inhale at the end was probably supposed to be pre-intro to the next song but. stop having songs be silky smooth and barely longer than 3 mins :(
2. sugar rush ride -- oh i see we’re not abandoning the pop-punk (?) thing. good for them, i’m always down for some nice guitars. oh, this track is also kind of light and fresh-- ah, an anti-drop. well. i’m not sure about that, i’m already listening with the volume a bit louder than i normally do and the song still lacks that punch. just release the tension! put some back into those drums, would ya?! and the bass too! the previous track had a nice bass line, but this one seems to only have trace amounts of it. hybe’s musical minimalism in title tracks seems to continue and i’m not a fan, i think
3. happy fools -- i’m... not particularly a fan of bossa nova/-adjacent stuff, and i don’t know the featuring artist. neither the verses nor the chorus had a particularly strong impression on me, like. this is a song and i guess it exists. oh, the featuring artist is a western english-speaking female artist, and i could hear “korea” and “txt” in her rap. ok. literally why though. what does she introduce to the song. honestly txt have had a couple of those collabs with female artists and each of them was like... oaky, but why. how are they special or somehow necessary. like why is this happening. i don’t know. the song is less than 3 minutes long, though, so... moving on
4. tinnitus (wanna be a rock) -- the title was intriguing. the sound is plink-plonky moombahton which i’m not immune to, and the juxtaposition of the title and the sound means i’ll probably have to look up the lyrics. oh, okay, they slipped into the chorus a little bit too seamlessly for me, but i guess if you take hybe’s recent minimalism obsession in consideration, it kinda works for a chill bouncy thing to. well. bounce to. but again, the song is roughly as long as the previous one, and at this point it just seems like lazy music making. this song is like, Nice, in a ‘nothing special, but pleasant to me personally, will listen again when i’m bored’ way. you could make it longer and give it a more lasting impression, it’s not like every second of it is perfect because you’ve worked on it so hard. eh
5. farewell, neverland -- ok, the guitar in the intro has a nice vibe, PLEASE keep it throughout the song, PLEASE. oh, the rhythm is similar, and the guitar indeed is There through the whole song, but Other Instruments Join It and the chorus has an actual impact, and the post-chorus is there and does too! what am i hearing! gasp! electric guitar! jokes aside, the melody has this kind of conflicted, slightly nostalgic feeling to it -- judging by the random english words i’m able to make out, that’s exactly the vibe they were going for. but again, it’s short as fuck.
final verdict -- yeah, aside from the initial “oh there’s a bass line!” pleasant surprise, this album is rather... tame... i can see the three tracks out of five total growing on me even to the point of becoming earworms, but *sigh*. maybe it’s just Back In My Times Things Were Better speaking through me, but i think I liked their more... textured? layered? earlier sound. their current stuff feels too polished and empty, and even if it sounds pleasant, i feel it’s... a bit of a shame to bop to it seriously because of how low-effort it sounds lmao. surprise me every once in a while, maybe?
like... idk, maybe it’s bullshit reaching, but i feel like maybe this kind of producing makes the instrumentals so underwhelming layers and things-happening-wise to... make the vocals pop more? perhaps? but it doesn’t work on me, because these vocals are... well, they are! i’m sure the boys are skilled and i have nothing against them, but these are not voices i’d delight in listening to read a phone book, if you get me. like. everyone in kpop is a skilled vocalist, else they wouldn’t be here. give me music.
tl;dr well i liked 3 out of 5 songs so ★★★☆☆
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cinnamonest · 2 years
Could you perhaps share your thoughts on how le yandere genshin boys would handle falling in love with just...an absolute *slob* of a girl? Some tiny skinny ratty little thing with small tits, unbrushed hair, zero sex appeal, and the worst shrimp like posture known to man. She stays holed up in her dark musty room all day if she can afford it, more or less festering like a worm, and probably eats the most trashy snack like foods. Maybe she even drools and maybe even lisps and she's about as strong and athletic and charismatic as a half rotten toothpick. In short just...the absolute bottom of the barrel lmao.
Just find it hilarious to imagine these egotistical self absorbed men falling for the most mangy little pissant out of their proverbial female line up. I'm sure it actually ticks a *lot* them off, knowing they *should* be picking better, though honestly I feel like many would also develop an 'I can fix her' complex or revel in the fact that she's so undesirable and thus, insecure, they can use her as a constant source of ego boosting-juice lol
Reminds me of Tomoko! I loved Watamote when it came out... it’s wild, I just realized it came out literally 9 years ago, it felt like a lot less long ago than that to me 😅
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Anyhow, it's a given that the savior complex duo of Diluc and Zhongli would be all over that. It's like an alarm bell, a bunch of red arrows pointing to you reading "fix this!!" in their heads. Convince themselves that you're going to be so much happier in the environment and lifestyle that he'll set up for you... to be fair, this is one of the rare occasions in which that might not be entirely incorrect, since actually getting some sunlight would be genuinely good for you...
Zhongli in particular is big on fixing bad habits. Infantilizing as he always is, sigh. Absolutely no junk food allowed, would probably restrict your sugar intake, makes sure you drink lots of water. You're going to damage your spine if you sit like that, human bodies are so fragile... here, you can sit on his lap, that way he can sort of keep an arm around your waist so you don't slouch. Makes sure you get proper sleep, sets a bedtime for you even and will enforce it when necessary (and yes, you will be punished in some way if he comes in and finds you're still up doing something while laying in bed when he told you to sleep). That being said, to some extent he also enables your other behaviors that don't actually affect your health, such as seclusion and lack of significant activity. Can't have you actually being productive now, if that happened you might actually start to feel talented or capable, self-sufficient even, and may challenge your (to him) obvious need to be taken care of and inability to do so yourself.
Diluc has less reign over your eating habits (he barely makes food anyway, maids are there for a reason), and doesn't really know enough about health to be particularly concerned about it (not that he doesn't care, just doesn't realize how bad for you a lot of your habits are), but he does have a public image to maintain to all the estate visitors. It reflects badly on him if his wife (yes you're not legally married, it doesn't matter, they don't need to know that, it's not his fault Mondstadt has these stupid "consent" requirements so hush) isn't looking like the perfect image you should. So, whether you like it or not, you'll need to start dressing in the nice flowy clothes he got you, fix your hair (don't worry, the maids can do it for you if you can't, but you have to let them), and fix that thousand-yard stare of sleep deprivation and learn how to put on a nice smile and sweet, energetic voice. You'll do it for his sake, right?
Xingqiu more or less has the same thing going on. It's unsightly for you to not be perfectly presentable to the family and others... he'll have to get servants to fix that. But don't worry, much like with the winery maids, you don't have to lift a finger, the servants will take care of literally everything if you just sit there, they'll even dress you. They also have a private physician who can arrange a meal plan for you, make sure you're being properly fed. But as for speaking, no worries. Unlike with Diluc and needing you to be very polite and sweet (albeit still soft-spoken), Liyue culture is a little different -- you're expected to be completely silent unless spoken to, and even then, he will do most talking for you. So, no need to worry about being introverted or unable to speak in a way that sounds sophisticated, as long as you can sit quietly with your hands in your lap and look at the ground, you'll be set.
Venti would like to correct your eating and posture habits, but, ah... he's not really in a place to talk when his diet prioritizes alcohol over food, and slouches a lot when drunk. Still, he can force you to eat an apple every now and then to ensure you get your fruit intake. He's more concerned about the seclusion. Totally not good for you, you know! You need to come out here in the sunshine and fresh air with him. Honestly, he does think you'll be happier, but part of it is because he himself gets depressed pretty quickly if forced into a dark solitary room, and he wants to spend time with you, so, it's easier to force you to come out with him. Don't worry about any social inability though... he doesn't mind, and you don't need to speak to anyone besides him.
And then there is Xiao. Ideal. Perfect, even. You already sit around in the dark and never leave your room or socialize? Huh. Then, you won't even have to adjust to life with him. Excellent. All it will basically be is a room change. He doesn't really think to correct your posture, he has horrid posture too to be honest, always hunched over when sitting up in high places. You being weak is a plus too. That much easier to hold you down, maneuver you how he wants etc. And hopefully, you'll be content with his... limited diet. Unfortunately, he comes to learn the hard way that you will actually suffer negative health effects if you don't have at least some balance in your diet, so he'll just get Smiley Yanxiao to make whatever they have at the inn and bring it back to you.
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tnystrk-exe · 3 years
Estocolmo 3
Hannibal x Reader
First Chapter
Warnings: 18+ thigh riding, in a public setting, degration, cockwarming
Word count: 6k
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Chapter Three
Maybe you hadn’t thought through about going to Hannibal’s dinner party. In the moment you had just missed the sound of his voice. His touch… Okay, you were motivated by other things than how much fun you would have at this little dinner party of his.
However you had to pull a lot of strings and work extra shifts, just so your bosses would even consider letting you off for a couple days. You were a valuable worker, one that would damage them to lose, but pettiness didn’t know any bounds. The stress was adding up. Still you trudged through it all. Not one to ever want to end up on Hannibal’s bad side.
You didn’t like making the perfect, polite ones angry. Loud anger you could handle. You were used to it. Quiet anger was just upsetting. He’d be upset you let him down, but he wouldn’t say it right. A soft sigh followed by a half meant it’s okay would probably be the most he’d give you. Disappointing him was a no go.
“I can’t wait for you to leave.”
“You’re so good at making me feel loved.”
“You know I do!” She laid back in your bed, arm’s comfortably behind her head, “But since you planned yourself a date. I did too.”
You grabbed clothes and threw them into a small duffel bag. “The chick from work?”
“God I wish. Can't work up the courage.”
“Don’t tell me you called up Reggie,” you laughed.
“Don’t tell me you got called up by Hannibal,” she mocked your voice. “Look! We’re a team! You can get dicked by someone that doesn’t deserve you. And I’ll romance a very pretty woman the entire weekend.”
“When is she getting here?”
“I’m shooting the text the second you’re out that door.”
You sighed, “You replace me so easily.”
“Oh baby,” she cooed, “Remember who’s leaving who.”
“A couple of days. You could be lonely for a few days.”
Alex walked you out. Stressing that you had to text her throughout your drive. It was only a three hour drive, but a lot could happen within that time.
All in all it wasn’t a bad trip. Monotonous without your usual partner in the passenger seat, but not bad. Your nerves bit at you. Hannibal’s social presence really was everything to him. Your head ran though countless ways you could mess up the night. Ultimately you wouldn’t, you knew that, but your brain sure did like to torture you with the idea.
“Everything will be fine,” you told yourself as you parked alongside the manor. Staying in the car for a moment you built yourself up. It was Hannibal. He knew about your home life. How you took your coffee. The things you’ve allowed him to do to you. Probably some understanding of things that he hadn’t done to you yet. A knock on your window pulled you out of your thoughts.
Opening the door you got out of the car.
“You weren’t thinking of running away, I hope,” Hannibal greeted.
“I wasn’t. Nerves,” you admitted. “It’s usually just the two of us, y’know…”
“Darling,” he scoffed, adjusting a piece of your hair, “I have no doubt in my mind that my companions wouldn’t adore you as much as I do.”
You moved to grab your bag, only for Hannibal to immediately take it from you. “You say that now, but that’s only because you’ve become accustomed to that certain charm I have at three in the morning after a night of studying. I’m not sure I can be as adorable to all of your friends.”
“Anyone that thinks otherwise has no place in my home.” Hannibal grabbed your hand in his own, leading you to the manor.
Once the front door closed, he wasted no time pulling you close. The kiss was long and rough. Both attempting to make up for lost time in the limited minutes you had. A soft moan from you made him press you against the door, the bag that had been in his hand long forgotten. His hand pressed lightly against your throat as he pushed a knee in between yours.
It was a long while before he pulled away. He rested his forehead against yours. “I’ve missed my favorite plaything,” He spoke into the shared air, “You’ve been away so long.”
“Your favorite?” You asked, looking at him dazed.
He smiled, mischief in his eyes. “I’d wager they couldn’t kiss you so well you’d look at them like they hung the stars after.”
“I do not!”
“Of course you don’t, darling.” He picked up your bag. “Come, we should start getting dressed.” You followed Hannibal up the stairs to his room. Apparently yours too, at least for the next couple of nights, since he emptied the contents of your bag into an empty dresser drawer. “You’re more than welcome to explore if you do get uncomfortable. I know meeting a sea of people can feel overwhelming.”
“I’m just afraid I’ll be out of place.”
“You’re exactly where I want you to be,” he disappeared into the walk-in closet, “The other’s are decent enough people. However, it makes sense that such divine beauty doesn’t fit in amongst commoners. I’d never dream of you finding yourself their equal.”
You walked over to examine the drawings he had hung on the wall next to his bed. “I’m not sure I’m worthy of such high thought.”
He came back, placing the suit and dress onto the bed. Standing behind you, he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. “I really do mean it, beloved. You’re strong and intelligent. As much as I’d like to, you won’t allow me to pull strings and help you. That’s more than most of the crowd coming over tonight. They haven’t faced hardships like yourself and I. Don’t allow yourself to be treated less than and, please, tell me if anyone makes you feel that way.”
You turned your head, kissing his cheek. “I’m not sure I believe it, but I’m grateful for the thought.”
“I simply must make it my mission to prove it.” He inhaled deeply, “You’ve changed your perfume?”
“I liked the one you bought,” you said simply, getting out of his arms, you looked at the dress he had gotten you. The piece of fabric was easily the most expensive thing you owned now. It didn’t match his suit, but the two certainly complimented each other. “You really didn’t have to.”
“I want to,” he went to open another dresser drawer, pulling out a small box, “Consider it all a graduation present. You worked hard and deserve a reward for it. We didn’t get a chance to see one another before you left.”
“You’ve had these since then?” You asked.
“Of course. How could I resist an opportunity to find you a gift? And with Alex so graciously allowing me to buy you a dress, I figured tonight would be a wonderful time to give you your gift.” He opened the jewelry box.
“Hannibal,” you gasped quietly, the jewelry glimmered brightly, “It’s beautiful.” Usually you weren’t one for objects, but this was also the most thoughtful thing you’ve ever received. Hannibal had taken the small bits he knew of you and picked out the perfect pieces of jewelry for you. It was the feeling of being known so well that made it special.
“The second I saw this set I couldn’t help but think of my darling girl. Would you like me to put the necklace on you now?”
You quickly shook your head, “After I get dressed, please. I wouldn’t want to risk dirtying it while I’m getting ready.”
“In that case, I’ll show you where you can get ready.”
You grabbed the things you needed to make yourself look presentable and followed Hannibal to the bathroom. To your surprise he started to undress after he hung up his suit and your dress. You shrugged it off and set your stuff on the counter, you were more than comfortable with him and you and Alex had taken to doing similar in your cramped bathroom early mornings. The shower turned on while you took out your makeup. His humming filled the otherwise quiet room.
When you were pleased with how your makeup looked, you moved on to fussing with your hair. The shower shut off and your eyes wandered briefly in the mirror. You watched the show as he dried off his chest and followed the towel up as he dried his hair. He caught your eye, brow raised, you shrugged and sent a wink his way.
You got undressed, tossing your clothes in the hamper as you did. Walking over to the dress you felt the fabric between your fingers, studying the intricate pattern that was sown on to it.
“You don’t like it, darling?” Hannibal asked as he buttoned his shirt. “There’s another in the closet, but I was hopeful you’d like this one. You'd look stunning.”
“Admiring,” you stated simply, “Wait there’s another?”
“There’s a show, I’d like to see tomorrow. I figured it could be an outing for us.” He checked himself over before styling his hair. “This is ‘Making it worth my while’ as Alex said.”
“Han, you know better than to listen to Al.” You sighed, “I’m grateful, I honestly am. It’s just embarrassing. I really can’t give you anything in return.”
Hannibal came over to you, holding one of your hands in his. “They’re simple trinkets of my affection. In the end they all mean nothing. YN, you grace me with your presence and time, which is something that can never be repaid in form. I hold you dearly, your time is more than I deserve.”
You stood on the tips of your toes kissing him gently. There was all the time later for a rougher touch. Now you just wanted to feel him pressed close against yourself. A brief flick of thought asked if you really wanted this to just be a fleeting thing between friends. Pulling away, you gave him one final kiss to the side of his mouth.
“You’re allowed to give me one gift a month,” you teased, as you grabbed his tie and set to work on tying it for him. “You’re not my sugar daddy, as much as Alex wishes you were.”
“And you’re welcome to set as many rules as you’d like when it comes to this. However, what’s forcing me to follow them?” His hands grazed along your sides, “We both understand who makes the rules, don’t we little one?”
The part of you that had become accustomed to that particular tone, faltered slightly. “Hannibal, we’re not always in sessions,” you reminded him as you tightened the tie, “You can’t just have your way.”
“Why not?”
You shook your head, annoyed, “Or you can do what you’d like. It’s your wallet after all.”
“I’m sorry,” he apologized immediately, “I don’t want to offend you.”
You let it go, there was no use to fight over this. “It’s okay, you’re only teasing right?”
“May I please see you in the dress?” He asked, lightening the mood.
You turned, returning to the piece of elegant fabric. Carefully you pulled it on. He really was excellent when it came to fashion. The dress hugged the right places and accentuated everything wonderfully. Hannibal stepped behind you once again. Zipping the back for you, his fingers trailing up as he did. Carefully, he moved your hair to the side as he fixed the necklace in place. Dipping his head down, he kissed that spot on your neck he had quickly learned turned you to putty in his hands. You leaned against him, angling your neck to give him better access as a soft moan escaped. His teeth grazed gently against your neck, he seemed to toy with the idea of making a mark before backing away. As much as he’d enjoy to see it blossom, he knew you had many first impressions to make.
You whimpered at the loss of contact. Suddenly realizing just how much you had missed him.
“I know, little one,” he sighed, pressing a kiss on the side of your ear, “but we have a night to get through. After this, I belong to you. We will have all tomorrow for each other.”
The dinner party was beautifully done. Of course it was. Hannibal never spared any expense, let alone when he was trying to impress. He had introduced you to a couple people, they were nice enough, but you just couldn’t find a connection with them. You definitely steered clear of Bedelia. That woman was intimidating to a whole other degree. Definitely someone you could actually see Hannibal going after. You wondered why he didn’t.
An hour into the dinner party, you slipped away. He had said you could explore and honestly, without him you weren’t much for conversation. You had already gotten a snide look for saying you worked at a bar on nights, but they didn’t hold much interest for you either. All the conversations you had heard were meaningless droning. People constantly trying to one up another or bragging about something new they acquired or some business deal.
So it was safe to say no one noticed your absence. Well maybe one extremely observant man.
You found yourself in his library, taking residence in a nook next to a window. Hannibal’s sketch book in your lap as you looked over his drawings. Each drawing looked like he must have spent hours on it. You marveled at his talent, watching the range go from almost romantic to grouesome. Some things could be recognized as his take on art pieces, and landscapes, while others seemed to be originals. The originals were darker in nature, but you supposed it made sense. He saw death as something comforting and could be considered beautiful. Of course it would translate into his pieces.
The door opened, revealing the man that occupied your thoughts at the moment. “Is everything alright, darling? No one bothered you, I hope.”
You smiled up at him. “I’m fine. I just wanted a break, I’m getting a little bit of a headache.”
“Oh?” He touched your forehead with the back of his hand, “Are you feeling well?”
“I’ll go back in a moment,” you promised himas you brought his hand down to press a peck onto it, “Go enjoy your party.”
“They can keep themselves entertained for a while.”  He took a seat next to you, pulling you to rest against him. “I could use a moment too.”
You couldn’t stave off the smile that played on your lips to get to have him to yourself. He made you feel comfortable and honestly you were out of your element at this party. Hannibal rested his head against the wall. That left his neck vulnerable and you couldn’t resist placing a kiss on it.
“Why must you insist on acting up when we are alone, darling girl?” He hummed quietly, his hand entertained itself absentmindedly drawing things on your thigh.
“I missed you,” you insisted. “Not just like that. We used to spend a lot of time together.”
“It has been a long time. I’m sorry about that.”
“I had your number too. I’m not completely out of blame.”
“Well, you’ll find a way to make it up to me.” He tugged you closer, “You’re too far.”
You straddled one of his thighs, placing your hand on his shoulders. “I’m sure you have a couple ideas of how.”
“A couple.”
Leaning in you caught him in a kiss. His hand started to trail lower, you caught him by the wrist before he got to his destination, placing his hand back on your hip. With his original plan voided, he bounced his thigh against you, the hands on your hips helping you grind down. You couldn’t help the moan you let out. Letting him continue until you remembered the party happening not so far away.
“Hannibal,” you whined against his lips, “Not right now.”
“But you sound so sweet, darling, don’t mind them.” He continued his earlier assault on your neck, this time not thinking twice before sucking his mark onto it. “You look so beautiful tonight. I know you can give me one before we’re missed, you’re always so good for me. Don’t you want to be good?”
The growing lust clouded your judgement. Hannibal’s soft words and the gentle but perfect rhythm he was working on made it hard to find any reason to argue.
“Yes, daddy,” you sighed softly, “I want to be good for you.”
The door opened again, followed by a dramatic gasp, “Hannibal, having dessert before the rest of us?” The strange man eyed you, “Plan on sharing?”
Hannibal had been quick to tug down the dress that had rode up, keeping you safe from prying eyes. “Unfortunately, I’m not one for sharing. If you don’t mind waiting in the hall. I’ll meet with you in a second.”
“Oh, I’d much prefer to stay. Hello, what’s your name? Is Hannibal keeping you entertained?”
You hid your face against Hannibal’s shoulder, your face burning to the touch.
“Shy thing isn’t she, daddy?”
“I really must insist you leave now,” Hannibal said, the anger evident in his voice.
“Fine, killjoy.” You heard retreating steps and the door closed again.
“Of course out of everyone to find us it was the gossip,” he sighed to himself, dropping a kiss to the top of your head, “I’m sorry about that, love.”
“I told you not now,” you said, pulling away and going back to your seat beside him.
“I know. I’m sorry,” he kissed the back of your hand, “I thought we’d have a couple more minutes before someone looked for us, let alone find us. Let me handle this and then you’ll never see him again.”
You nodded. “Can I go to the room for the night? He made me feel… strange.”
“Darling,” he cupped your cheek, a sad look in his eyes, “this is your home more than anyone else out there. Don’t let him ruin the night for us. I’ll make sure he’s gone and stay by you the rest of the night. Does that sound okay?”
And true to his word he was, he had escorted the man out quickly once he found him. However the Gossip was apparently a fast worker, because a couple people did give you lingering looks. Though they were quick to save face if they so much as thought Hannibal noticed. Whatever they thought didn’t matter. You were two grown, consenting adults that enjoyed each other’s company, be damned what others thought. Throughout the night you kept telling yourself that, hoping to cut the embarrassment short. A couple times you caught yourself, thoughtlessly intertwining your fingers with Hannibal’s when you were less than sturdy. Each time he squeezed your fingers gently, quiet reassurance that he was there for you.
You woke up the following morning. Hannibal was still asleep beside you, it must have been early. He looked sweet in the mornings. Relaxed, not as stiff as he usually was, his hair sticking up in places he’d immediately flatten out once he woke as he greeted you with that deeper more accented voice that accompanied the mornings. You pressed a kiss to his chest, before carefully removing the arm that was sprawled across your stomach.
Looking at the clock, you considered the time. There was enough if you worked quickly. Standing up, you grabbed one of your shirts and shorts. After freshening up, you made your way down to the kitchen.
It was different. You hadn’t toured much of the home, let alone know where anything was, but you gathered your bearings fast enough. The things you needed had been placed somewhat similarly to his old home and you set everything onto the counter. Protein scramble, fruit, and pancakes seemed like a good option today. The pancakes, he had taught you to make when you asked where the box mix was and obviously he wouldn’t stand for you not knowing how to make something so simple from scratch.
Your phone played music as you set to work, washing the used dishes along the way so there wasn’t too much of a mess.
As you were plating the food, you heard Hannibal call out your name.
“Kitchen!” You called out.
He was quick to meet you, “Darling, I could have made you breakfast. You should have stayed in bed with me.”
“I couldn’t sleep any more and you looked too sweet to wake,” you poured two cups of coffee and prepared them to both of your liking, “Figured why not play domestic for a while.”
“How did you like it?” He asked, walking over to take the cup from you.
“Eh well you know, the domestic life,” you shrugged, feeding him a cut strawberry, “I like to let my partner sleep in on Saturday’s and make them comfort breakfasts. Sometimes they ruin breakfast in bed by coming down too early, but what can you do?”
He chuckled around the bite of strawberry, “I’m sorry, beloved. I’ll stay put next time.”
“Yes, you will.” You stood on the tips of your toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “But I’m not too angry at you. I enjoy your company.”
His fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt. “Aren’t you usually sporting my shirts on these mornings?”
“I didn’t want to ruin one of them.”
“You couldn’t ruin a thing if you tried. I’ve got more than enough for you to steal away when you go back home too.”
“I only took them, because someone made a habit of messing up my shirts.”
“And your reasoning for keeping them, little one?” He grabbed the plates, “Come along, the mornings have been wonderful recently.”
You grabbed the cups. “You should’ve come and picked them up the same way I had. It’s your own fault they aren’t back where they belong.”
The afternoon was spent in each other’s company. Hannibal had insisted he’d wash the remaining dishes and asked you to pick up his sketchbook and pencils from the library since you were going to find yourself something to read. You did as asked, before returning outside. Setting his things on the table, you went to go sit in a sunny spot of grass.
It wasn’t long until Hannibal rejoined you outside and took a seat.
You glanced up curiously after a while, he was sketching away.
“Anything I can do for you, beloved?” He asked, not looking up from his work.
“Just watching.”
He hummed in response.
Some unease settled in your stomach when you remembered why exactly you were over here. What was the harm in voicing it? “Hannibal?” You waited until he looked up at you, “You’re okay that we haven’t slept together yet? I mean… I know that’s why I am here.”
It was true, the lingering looks you had gotten at dinner, paired with the small embarrassment of realizing one of Hannibal’s love bites got to bloom in front of them all threw you off at night. You had tried to let yourself go, let him have control of you for a while, but you couldn’t go past taking off some clothes and letting your hands feel the other. He didn’t mind when you didn’t want to do more. Always the gentleman. Instead he settled you against his chest, an arm keeping you close, quiet conversation and long breathtaking kisses filled the night.
“I’m not one of those little boys you’ve found,” he stated, seeming to be mildly offended, “I enjoy our quiet moments just as much, if not more. Sex is something else we could do together, nothing more. It’s not everything, little one. You’re not here for that purpose. What I enjoy is your company and I’ll take it any way you give it.”
You tilted your head looking at him closely, he mimicked you, narrowing his eyes at you playfully. That made you laugh softly, you decided he was being honest and not covering up his disappointment with sweet words. Patting the grass next to you, “Sit with me.”
“Please?” You asked, sweetening the pot with a pout.
He shook his head but gathered his things, soon joining you. Resting your head on his shoulder you looked at what he was sketching. The scene was you at the present moment. Half faced toward him, book in hand, completely relaxed, and more perfect than you ever dreamed of being.
“That’s an exaggeration, I’m not that beautiful.”
“That’s where we must differ, my love,” he kissed your temple, “Try as I might I’ll never be able to draw you with the dignity you deserve. It’s a poor imitation of the way I perceive you.”
“You’re a ridiculous man,” you said fondly, “Though I suppose I’d like to keep you around a while longer.”
“Suppose” he scoffed, “ You’d be lost without me.”
You stuck your tongue out at him childishly and went back to your book.
“Darling, I do adore when you take care of yourself, but we’ll be late if you don’t hurry,” Hannibal said, leaning on the bathroom’s door frame already dressed for the outing.
“It’s not my fault you always manage to get the bath perfect,” you groaned, getting out of the bathtub.
Hannibal walked over, grabbing a towel on his way. “I’ll run you another later.”
You took the towel, drying yourself off. It was nice to see a rare impatient Hannibal. There was more to that calm and collected demeanor he usually had. “You’re cute when you’re excited about something. Where are we going?”
“I got us tickets to the opera.”
“Really!” You lit up at that. When he talked about the shows he had seen before, he’d get so much more animated. It would be nice to experience one with him. “Which one?”
“Die Entführung aus dem Serail,” he answered, taking you in with a smile, “but darling, your excitement may go to waste, I’m afraid.”
“I’ll be quick!”
With you keeping your promise and Hannibal’s quick driving, it didn’t take anytime to make it to the opera house. There was time to spare and Hannibal socialized a bit, introducing you to other regulars. You exchanged pleasantries and let Hannibal control the conversation as you looked around the place. Some people you recognized from last night. One person you saw nod towards you whispering something to his companion.
“I didn’t think he’d be one for cradle robbing,” you caught the man say, as he eyed you up, “Lucky man. Reckon I could steal that little piece away?”
You subtly moved closer to Hannibal, feeling the heat rise to your face.
Hannibal turned his attention to you when the others started talking amongst themselves. “Are you alright?” He asked quietly, tucking away a strand of your hair that fell out of place.
“Yeah. I’m great,” you lied, knowing he’d probably take offense to any minute comment made about whatever kind of relationship the two of you had.
“Are you certain?” The tone of voice saying he knew you were hiding something. He always seemed to read you so easily. In that he knew you’d continue to deny anything. “Would you like to go to our seats now? The show should start in a couple of minutes.”
“Yes, please.”
Hannibal grabbed your hand in his, leading you away from the crowd. To your surprise he took you to a private balcony above the rest of the audience seating. “Since, it’s your first time, I figured privacy would do us well. No distractions,” he paused for a moment, “No one to get into that pretty little head of yours.”
“I just don’t enjoy all the looks and comments,” you sighed, allowing him to pull you down onto the seat with him. “I love spending time with you. It’s just soured by people that don’t mind their own.”
“It’s not ideal, but we mustn’t let them ruin our nights. With this kind of community, people make assumptions and talk. Darling, I really do insist you tell me when someone makes you upset.”
“I know, I know. Guess I should have braced for it more. I’m just not used to these kinds of things. When we’re alone it’s easy to just exist together. Just us.”
“I understand completely. However, I do enjoy that we finally got to leave the house. You look absolutely breathtaking tonight.”
You smiled at that, “Well, you do seem to have an eye for what suits me.”
“That, I do.”
Leaning your head on his shoulder, you breathed the comforting scent of his cologne, “I’m sorry I let them get to me when we're supposed to be enjoying our time together. It’s not fair to you.”
“They get annoying,” he gave your thigh a gentle squeeze, “Of course you’d take offense for us. There isn’t much we can do besides understand that we’re here for the right reasons. Though, it does get under my skin to see you affected so under my care.”
Soon the crowd made their way to the seats and the lights dimmed to near black. When the music started Hannibal whispered translations into your ear. You got caught up in the story between watching the characters go through their woes and Hannibal’s gentle voice guiding you through every detail. It was easy to see what Hannibal saw at these events. They really were thrilling to watch. Still it wasn’t so much the show, but getting to know another side of the man in question.
You looked at the man beside you, a happy smile plastered on your face. “Thank you for bringing me, Hannibal.”
“Anything for you, my love.”
“Your love?” You challenged teasingly.
A couple times he had thrown around the pet name. You didn’t take it for much. He was a sweet, old fashioned man, you had decided to believe. A sweet nothing that neither of you minded. Still you couldn’t deny the slight softness you felt from the moniker.
“You’ve promised yourself as all mine before,” he reminded you, “and I take no issue in claiming what’s mine.”
“That was said when I was drunk on you.”
“Deny all you’d like, sweet girl, you’re still mine.”
Hannibal tilted your head up slightly to kiss you. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care about why the music crescendoed in that moment. Not when he was kissing you with more passion than you had ever felt. He had a way of making it feel like you were the only beings in existence. Hannibal bit at your lip, asking for more, and you gave it to him without a thought. You’d do whatever he wanted at that moment. Still you couldn’t help grabbing his wrist when his hand found it’s way up your dress. He swallowed the helpless moan that slipped past your lips greedily.
You pulled away from him, your hips grinding onto his hand on their own accord. “Hannibal, I-“
He hushed you, “You’re missing a very important part of the show.” His hand didn’t let up from its ministrations as he continued to translate for you.
You went to cover your mouth with your hand, but Hannibal stopped you short, placing it back at your side. A quick mummer of be good was all he offered, not once stopping the pace he had set. You choked back the moan when he pressed against a spot that had been long neglected since the last time you paid him a visit. The music being so loud was your only safe haven, still, you pressed yourself further into Hannibal, hoping to hide yourself further from any wandering eyes that might look away from the show. Embarrassment and lust built with every thrust of Hannibal’s fingers. The former was getting increasingly easier to ignore as Hannibal pulled you closer and closer to your end. Pressing your face against his neck, you bit at the skin there in a cheap attempt at revenge for what he was putting you through.
Hannibal’s fingers stilled. A quiet chuckle met your ear when he heard your whimper of protest, stopping your hips as you attempted to help yourself. “Such an easy thing to toy with, you're nothing more than my own personal whore.” He didn’t miss the throb around his fingers at those words. “You’d let me use you however I’d like wouldn’t you?”
You gave a lazy nod as he brought his fingers up to your mouth. Eager to please him, hoping he’d let you finish, you opened your mouth and sucked his fingers clean. Behind your back, you felt him working himself out of his pants. Taking his hand away he adjusted your dress higher before pulling you on to his lap. With his other hand the head of his cock teased your clit, you forced yourself not to complain, knowing he’d go on longer if you did. When he finally pushed into you, you couldn’t fight off the moan of contentment as he filled you completely. Turning your head, you caught him in a languid kiss, caught up in only him despite the performance going on.
“What do you need?”
“You.” You shifted your hips slightly, “May I please move?”
“I’m sorry, little one,” you caught the slight upward twitch of his lip when you looked at him in disbelief, “I’d rather use you at my leisure.”
You whined in frustration, leaning against him knowing he’d play a cruel game. This time he offered no translations, keeping you entirely focused on the feeling of him buried deep inside of you doing nothing to help relieve your need for him. When you did manage to distract yourself, he circled your clit and gave a few sharp thrust, just enough to bring you back where he wanted you. His hand continued, changing the rhythm every so often so you’d stay aware of your position.
“I’ll be so good,” you begged helplessly.
“And yesterday you had been so against it despite having our privacy in the library,” he reminded you, pushing in and out of you in a too slow pace, but at least he was moving, “What was it that was missing, hm? The audience that could look up and see me using what’s mine?”
You didn’t know what had changed. Not truely. Maybe it was the couple of glasses of wine you had drunk throughout the day. Perhaps it was just finally getting what you had wanted for so long. Honestly, you couldn’t find yourself to be curious enough to find out.
“I wanna cum,” you told him, swallowing the embarrassment.
“I don’t know, darling, you’ve tried to find comfort with others. I really can’t say I approve of the notion. Suppose, I could just use you for your worth and leave you dry.” He groaned into your ear as you clenched around him, he sped up his thrust, “There’s my good girl, you like the sound of that?”
“Hannibal, please,” you whimpered, “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
“Beg for it.”
“I’ll never look for anyone else again. It was so stupid to think anyone else could make me feel as good as you.” Your breath hitched when he struck deeper, “I've been so desperate for you.”
“That’s all so very sweet, but that’s not exactly what I want to hear.”
You whined quietly as you tried to figure out the right combination of words to get you what you wanted. “I’m just yours… No one else’s… You’re the only one, I’m so sorry…”
“See? Was it so hard to apologize for your misconduct?”
You shook your head.
He pinched your thigh. “Words, darling.”
“No, daddy,” you moaned, as his hands guided your hips to move with him, “But I’ll be good for you now.”
“I still don’t think you deserve to cum, you pathetic thing.”
“You’ll let me?”
Hannibal’s hand grabbed your jaw roughly, making you look at him. “Next time I won’t be so generous. Understood?”
You swallowed down the slight twinge of fear that had worked its way into your system. “Yes, sir.”
He pushed your face away. “Work for it yourself.”
Tag list: @charc0al-grey @songofcosplay
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Can I request for Raymond Smith these please? :)
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! 💗
Beach Balls
Pairing: Raymond Smith x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, sex on the beach, public-ish (brief reference assuming there’s an audience) Word Count: ~1.3k Emoji Prompt: 👩‍🍳🏖🔮 (key words are in bold)
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He’s giving you his bitch, please face.
You’re giving him your beach, please face, because Ray’s aversion to beaches is honestly such a disgrace. His OCD ass really needs to get over his hatred of salt in his slicked hair and fine grains of sand stuck all over the place.
You’ve stepped out of the kitchen with something hot clutched in your hands as you come to join him on the couch. He’s a grump and a grouch. Yet be that as it may, by the end of the day, your goal is to take him to the shore and you’re certain it’s not out of reach.
He repeats himself loud and clear, same shit you always hear. “I am not going to the beach.”
“I knew you would say no. I baked your favorite tart to tempt you though. It’s ginger peach.”
He can tell, by the comforting smell, blend of butter and sugar and spice absolutely divine. “You’re too kind. But do you really think baked goods will change my mind?”
“Baked goods and something else perhaps…” you purr as you settle in place straddling his lap. You know exactly how to get your man to fall into your trap. “Remember when we went to see that fortuneteller just for kicks, her crystal ball declared that I’m the only weakness in your fortress? That I’d always find the holes in your resolve and get your brick walls to collapse?”
He does remember as it had been pretty recent. Just the other weekend. And indeed once Raymond feels the heat of you that always hits him in his crotch and in his heart, hotter than this freshly baked tart… he worries his resistance is already weakened.
And you can sense it too, the way he melts for you, as you proceed to feed your man a big forkful of flaky crust and sweet syrupy peach. You whisper words into his ear sure to paint pictures in his head that fucking stick. You’ve always known what makes him tick. “I want to fuck you on the beach. Wet sand beneath and blazing sun above, as we make hot passionate love, waves crashing all around us while you pound this cunt with that big fucking dick.”
Of course it works—he groans around the peachy mouthful that you fed him and you flash a wicked smirk, as you pull out the sticky fork. Crumbs of the crust and traces of the fruity filling are still clinging to the tines and your tongue cleans them off with a sensuous lick.
You knew that shit would do the trick. Especially now as you level up your game by dealing his alpha male pride a playful little kick. “But I’m not sure you’ve got the balls to do the dirty out in public.”
Ray gulps down his bite of tart and then glares up at you appalled. He will not stand for such an insult, not at all. “You of all people should know better than to doubt my fucking balls.”
You shrug and roll your eyes, grinding down on the bulge between his thighs. “The closest that you’ve ever come to fucking me in public was a private bathroom stall. Or in my office with the door locked but that doesn’t count as public just because we could hear voices in the halls.”
“Bitch are you really testing me?”
At that you get up off his lap and casually head toward the door with tart in hand and grab your beach bag, which you had already packed. Wink back at him suggestively. “I guess we’ll see.”
“Is this public enough for you?”
He says it in a huff—grating and gruff, the brush of his beard ever coarser now that salt and sand have stuck into the scruff. You’re both sharply aware that others may be watching and no doubt loving the view. It’s not as if you’re putting on a show on purpose for the world to watch you two, but there’s just such a thrill in knowing passing strangers could stroll by and see your man’s bare backside thrusting viciously while he’s on top of you.
It’s obvious that Ray still hates this place. Clear from the gritting of his teeth and from the grimace creasing up his sweat-streaked face. He hates the scrape of sand beneath you and the brutal beating of the sun above you. But you love when there’s a little bit of hatred in the way that he makes love to you.
Never towards you, of course—rather towards what you make him feel and make him do, which is a whole lot fucking worse. Your presence in his life is such a blessing yet your power over him is such a curse.
For someone so extremely self-possessed, so serious about control that he is honestly obsessed, it’s quite unsettling how readily he lets you take the reins and make him yours.
He steals back some of that control by owning all your holes with feral fucking force.
You haven’t yet answered his question as to whether this beach is public enough for you. Too breathless from just how epic the sex is but when Raymond cups your jaw your eyes flit open and you read answer me slut in his ferocious gaze of blue. You love the way he has no need for words to tell you what to do.
“Mmm, just enough,” you tell him blissfully as his thick cock plows into you savage and rough. He’s always much more than enough but you still want to act as if you won this game you came to play. “Just fuck me on this beach all day. I always knew you had the balls, Ray.”
He shoves deeper into your soaking wet core with a low grunt. Down to the hilt, making you gasp from being so perfectly filled. “You like the feeling of these big huge fucking balls slapping against your slutty cunt? Just like you want?”
“Fuck yes, sir…” you shout out loud enough for all the world to hear it as you hit the heights of pleasure. Fall to pieces as his shaft rails you to bits, and as his skillful fingers tease against your clit, applying just the perfect pressure.
“Take it all,” he growls as his sack tightens and stiff cock begins to powerfully convulse, racing the rhythm of your pulse, all set to paint your inner walls. His lip curls up against your ear in a demanding fucking snarl. “Take all the cum from these big fucking balls, you dirty little girl.”
Oh yes you fucking will, take everything he has to fill, and you will proudly let this man drill you in front of all the world.
He’s more than just a little proud too. Your shameless and openness and riskiness, when it comes to delicious frisky business, is just one of countless things he loves about you.
Raymond Smith is now a much kinkier bastard than he ever was without you.
By the time he’s thoroughly flooded your tight pussy, you’re both sprawled out on the sand loosely, savoring the sensation of his meat inside your heat all slick and juicy. When he at last slides out of you his cum drips out and paints a pearly path across the sand beneath the space between your legs. You’re both reduced to fucking wrecks.
Then as you cuddle through the sun-kissed afterglow, he glances over at the partly eaten peach dessert you’d brought and asks you something he just has to know. “What was even the point of the tart if your plan was to tempt me with sex?”
You smile and give him the innocent answer he probably expects. “Just to butter you up a bit. Knew you would love it.”
Don’t tell him just yet that this tart filled with peach also serves some less innocent subtext: now that your man has finally fucked your pussy on the beach… you’ll soon ask him if he wants to fuck your peach next.
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