#honestly i’m just super uncomfortable singing in front of someone else other than in the car lol
waste-0f-spacee · 2 years
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! <3 I'm the roomate hc anon again (lol) and can I request best friends to lovers hc for iwaizumi, kuroo and oikawa? Also this blog is gonna blow up soon so remember me when you're famous bro 😌✊️❤️
OMG HI AGAIN! i’m so sorry this is late :( but oh my the excitement that flooded through me when i saw this request hsvhjsd. i really hope you enjoy this!! also vshdks i luv u bb THANK YOU.
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iwaizumi hajime
im making these as detailed as fuck so i apologize in advance <3
becoming best friends with hajime was a very out of the blue thing 
the two of you shared a lot of classes together, and since you were always seeing each other, you’d choose each other as partners a lot 
you’d sit next to him in all the classes that you could
you’d meet up a lot during school breaks and just hang out 
you two clicked very well honestly, like you found that it was so easy to talk to him, and it was so easy to lose yourself in the conversation 
most of your convos are v mature and sophisticated too like
it’s nice when you can talk to someone on the same brain wavelength as you yk 😼
anyways overtime you’d come to his practice sessions, and even if they were long you’d just stay and watch bc why not
if you had hw to do and he noticed you were a lil stressed about it, he’d tell u to come study while he practiced as a change of scenery and all 
he’d walk you home almost every night at this point
oikawa noticing and being jealous <3 
“they’re stealing you from me!” “they’re not— what is wrong with you oikawa.” 
okay so this best friend stuff has been going on for a long time
long enough for you to realize you wanted more from him
but this is iwaizumi hajime and it’s almost impossible to know what he’s thinking 
so you just keep it to yourself, thinking it’s just a small crush and it’s not worth ruining what the two of you have at this rate 
so all this had happened first year, and when you’re nearing the end of your second year
that’s when you realize that
it’s not just a crush
and when you have feelings for someone, every little thing they do expands a million times in your head
so a hug from him that you’d once never go over twice has you thinking about it as you go to sleep
the hoodies he’d lend you during practice while you stayed in the gym bc it was ungodly cold in there now send tingles down your spine at the lingering scent of him
the way he’d grab your hand to drag you somewhere now leave a heavy effect on your palm, forcing you to trace it once he’s gone 
his texts give you butterflies 
every time his name pops up on your phone screen you have a mini heart attack
and yeah
those are all symptoms of a crush
but is a crush meant to last this long? 
at the start of your third year, you greet him outside of the school gates after not seeing you all summer
he smiles so bright and hugs you so, so tightly 
you already are so hyperaware of how strong iwa is
but the feelings you have for him that won’t go away are so not helping your fixation on the feel of his biceps 
anyways before this becomes v nsfw 
you two catch up like u had met yesterday 
and then at the end of the day, after practice, which you stay for bc u missed ur vbc boys 🥺
he walks you home 
like always
and as he stands by your front door, in a burst of courage, he takes your hand in his and pulls you harshly towards him, pushing his body against yours and capturing your lips in a heated kiss
it’s so messy and harsh and you pretty much collided 
but holy shit
you were pretty sure fireworks erupted when you two kissed
years of pining and what had felt like unrequited love finally being resolved 
it’s the most satisfying feeling ever
you never want to stop kissing him
but alas </3 
when he pulls back, you’re both breathing so heavily 
you’re not sure if it’s the adrenaline or the kiss itself 
and he just looks at you and goes “did u tan while you’re away ur eyes look brighter” 
no sir i am in love with you
when you two officiate things 
he’s actually way shyer than he was as best friends??? 
like as best friends he wouldn’t feel slightly weird about hugging you in public or grabbing at your hand randomly or being seen alone with you
but now like
people know ??? and somehow that scares iwa 
or makes him uncomfortable 
idk he just feels iffy
but ur so understanding bless ur heart <3 
ur so careful with him and take it at his own pace 
zero pda at the start of the relationship 
like he won’t even wanna hug u in front of the seijoh team 
but slowly he warms up 
and he starts getting more comfortable with things like hand holding and occasional pecks on the cheek/lips 
your traditions as best friends don’t die as lovers 
if anything you believe in them even more 
now you watch more diligently during practice 
you proudly attend his games in his jersey, cheering the loudest for him (and for the rest of the boys bc they: best) 
walks home with you are so much more serene 
always gives you a kiss before he parts ways 
idk it’s like some sort of commemoration for your first kiss/confession 
unless you invite him inside 😏
this is so fucking long im so sorry i just love iwa 
anyways anybody want boyfriend!iwa headcanons i got a lot hehe 
to conclude, it was so gradual and inevitable with the two of you, and you’re forever glad it happened when it did and you hadn’t rushed anything <3333
oikawa tōru
unlike hajime, this wasn’t something that took one or two years
this bitch couldn’t admit he was in love with you for like 10 years okay 
you’ve known him for the majority of your life, because you’d always lived in close proximity to each other 
but you were never best friends yk? just acquaintances 
it was around the end of middle school when you two got close
cause you saw he was applying to aoba johsai for high school
and you were like !!! i’m going there too 
at first he was like stop copying me 😾 
you guys had a staring contest bc y’all are idiots and there were legit tears streaming down ur face but u were not about to lose to a pissbaby like him
he blinked 😁👍🏼
and he lost 
and then he decided “you’re my best friend now ” 
anyways aside iwa, he now had someone else he was going into high school with
like it’s a completely new environment but he had two people he very much liked going with him !!! 
when the time came around to like apply for/join clubs, you had been so clueless 
but toru stuck by you !! and he was so adamant on helping you !! 
he would sit with you after school as he practiced tossing with hajime and just brainstorm with you what you liked to do
it’s what brought you two closer together
cause you realized just how many things in common you had with him 
for a full week he tried to help you come up with something
for the sake of this hc let’s say u decide to join the newsletter club 
you’re very wary at first but then he’s like when ur part of it you’ll visit the vbc regularly so u can take pictures/observe to write essays 
the fact that toru would be there kinda set you at ease 
now you’ve never seen toru play properly 
he’s practiced in front of you before
plenty of times
but a proper match? or a practice one? 
so it’s safe to say u were in awe when you got assigned to go watch a practice match against (idk pick a school) 
it’s embarrassing to admit but your eyes were on him the entire time 
thank god he became the captain later on else it’d be so sus 
you really tried to pay attention to anybody else lmfao 
it’s kinda what drew you to him more
you still didn’t really have feelings
you only realized just how passionate he is about everything 
at some point you had an essay to write for your newsletter about the volleyball club
but you were having a hard time like really getting into it
so you immediately just called toru and were like “help 😃” 
he came over and you asked him a bunch of questions, and he would go on deadass 20 min rants for each of them
you were just 
so amazed 
like how could someone have so much passion for something like this?
you realize how but that’s for later
overtime you two got closer bc of how much your work was associated with him
he’s incredible as a best friend 
he’s the first one with the school’s weekly newsletter as soon as it’s out
granted it’s to read the section about him but yk, the sentiment’s there 
also love, love, loves lazy days with you 
he doesnt even care if the boys know that he worships the chick flicks you two watch 
i feel like oikawa would be an avid anime watcher
idk why i just do 
so he’d be blasting anime theme songs on a speaker as you’re in the shower and he’s in your room waiting for you and you’re both just singing w the sound of water rushing down 
actually it’s not just anime songs it’s all songs 
a l l songs 
so you two get really close, and then he has a super important match coming up 
let’s say it’s the spring interhigh one against karasuno
the one they won
idk im just choosing at random 
and the night before he’s like begging you on text to wear his jersey
you’re like bruh u have a cult following ????? 
but eventually u say yes
ur not really sure where it’s coming from but this is oikawa he’s an unpredictable as can be
when you show up in a jersey he so conveniently left at your house once
he’s so genuinely shocked even though he was the one that asked for this???
gives you the biggest hug like spins you around and just 
“you’re my lucky charm” 
when he wins 
after celebrating with his team
he runs over to you
and just
he kisses you
full on the mouth
it’s probably the rush and excitement of winning that gave him the courage to finally spill all his feelings out into this kiss
you’re in his jersey, in the stands and you genuinely feel like it’s only just the two of you
despite how sudden it was the kiss is so gentle, like he’d been planning it since forever 
“i told you you’re my lucky charm” he says as he rests his forehead against yours and kisses you gently again
oikawa had already been affectionate as your best friend
always displaying his love outwardly with like always calling out your name so loud whenever he sees you and giving you bone crushing hugs
deadass his 6’0 self will just jump on you 
but now it’s extra
makki always gags around the two of you but you just stick ur tongue out at him and go “ur just mad ur best friend’s getting some pussy/dick and ur not” 
makki then proceeds to shriek at you like a fucking banshee <3 
oikawa best friends to lovers excellence is so cute eeeekkk
and now u always wear his jersey at games 
(u couldnt make it to the game against karasuno where they lost for whatever reason and he held it against u for the longest time)
(“maybe if a certain someone were there we wouldn’t have lost”)
what a big baby you love him
kuroo tetsurō
kuroo as ur best friend 
im frothing 
i feel like you’d grow close after meeting at an event or something 
like you’re a friend of a friend of a friend 
i see kuroo as someone who’s so suave and cool and flirty with people he doesn’t have feelings for
but put the crush factor in and he’s a mess
like his brain just stops working
so when he first met you
he thought u were so fucking hot 
but that’s it
his lower body was doing all the thinking <3 
so he was so flirty 
and that’s essentially what your friendship is built off of 
and when friends are so flirty with each other, they generally grow close and trust each other really quickly 
ur not a nekoma student but ur in tokyo so you meet up often 
you just
it’s so nice to be around him
you find it so easy to just be yourself around him 
going out with him is super fun 
and a lot of the times you guys have study dates and you literally don’t talk except during the 10 min breaks you two take
it’s just hyper focus for the two of you which is great
he really channels the best student in you what a man ! 
i think during your third year of high school you two got insanely close
because you were highly unsure if you were gonna leave japan or stay 
so you wanted to make the most out of everything 
so you’d go out with him more often
he’d stay during the weekends and you two would like bake christmas goods all night even if it’s literally september lmfao
cuddling is so natural 
like you’re both so touchy with each other but not in a weird way just a super comfortable kind of way
like if you’re shorter than him, he’s always leaning his arm on you like you’re his arm rest 
it’s a win win bc he gets to touch you and tease you
wow the horny really jumped out in that one
you go to every single one of his games !!
cheer him on so!! fucking!! loud!!
you probably make a provocative sign and stand a chair and just wave it around and kuroo’s so heart eyes lmfao
the climb up to becoming lovers is so
i think kuroo first realizes that maybe, yk, he wants those flirtatious comments to mean something and those random touches to hold more romantic value to them, when you two are out together
it’s a completely chill day and it’s not really warm not really chilly. you’re just comfortable 
he takes you to a park after buying the both of you ice cream from the stand across the street and sits down at a bench with you
just people watching 
and then it kinda goes really silent
it’s not awkward??? like at all???
he’s not looking to fill the silence with any random words
he’s just
enjoying simply being with you
and he glances at you momentarily and it hits him like so hard just how pretty you are 
his eyes slightly widen like
holy fuck
what the f u ck
remember when i said he’s all cool until feelings come into play
yeah 😼
he literally freezes up and blurts out, without even meaning to, “i think i have feelings for you.” 
he really didnt even process he said that
you kinda
pause for a second
and then you realize what you said and you just smile and lean over towards him, lifting your thumb up to the corner of his lips and brushing away some ice cream
“you think?” you tease, and then at the spot where the ice cream was misplaced, you placed a gentle kiss
he kinda relaxes and then eyes you as he says, “i know.” 
it is just. heaven after that
i think the two of you would be less flirty around each other once becoming official 
like yeah he definitely comments once or twice every now and then and don’t get me wrong, so do you
but it’s just less frequent 
like a blanket has been lifted to uncover the true, hidden meanings behind the comments and you can now just breathe easier 
you two end up in the same uni on accident hevejsk
like you had a long ass talk about how it’s okay if you didn’t end up in the same uni you’d still make it work
and it would’ve worked tbh
fate just ships you two too much
when you told each other you were literally that spiderman meme of the two spidermen pointing at each other lmao
power couple of the uni
power couple of tokyo
power couple of japan
you’re literally so happy with him you wouldn’t trade him for the world 
and maybe you saw it coming 
but it still remains a shock whenever you wake up and he’s there laying next to you, smiling lazily at you before reaching over to give you a gentle kiss 
anyways happy early birthday king i love you kuroo hehe
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end note; i really had a lotta fun w this one omg!! thank you again for requesting, anon, and i hope everybody else enjoyed!! feel free to request, mwah <3
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Could we please have an insecure!reader x Bokuto! (Also Todoroki x reader but separately if that’s okay?) where she starts to slowly starts to compare herself to all the fangirls and the girls that confess to them? So she slowly starts to distance herself, then meets up with then to break up. But when she says she wants to break up the boys are like “do you not love me anymore, what happened” then she basically goes on a spiel about how much better he would be with one the fangirls and just straight up says she looks like the trash but of course she still loves him. So then the boys reassure her that she’s the only one he wants and that she is perfect and blah blah blah and it’s just a nice happy ending basically :)
It’s Always Been You
Pairing: Bokuto x reader
Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: I’M BACK! I’m starting to get back into the groove of things while juggling my work but hopefully, I’ll be able to start that new series soon! Let me tell yall, when I finished plotting out and detailing everything I want to happen in this series, it was 11 pages long.... like what?
Anyway, I love love loved this prompt. It actually made me feel sad inside. I hope it wasn’t too rushed. Also, I just wanted to do Bokuto since I have a lot on my plate, writing wise so i hope that is okay! Thank you to whoever sent this in and I hope you are satisfied with this! Happy reading! (if you want to know more about my next series, DM me! I really want to talk about it LOL)
“Kotarou-kun!” you bellowed your boyfriend’s name from the stands. You would always go to Bokuto’s volleyball practice whenever you could. You had your own club activities so you couldn’t always be there to cheer him on. But when you would, Bokuto would be jumping with joy, trying new moves just to impress you. You were already impressed with the achievements he made this past year, one being the top 5 spikers in all of Japan. But he somehow still thinks that there’s more wow factor in him for you. When Bokuto hears his name fall from your lips, he automatically whips his head and gives you the widest smile.
“(y/n)!” he sings your name, waving both hands in the air. Bokuto was so distracted by you that he didn’t see that ball coming straight for him. Luckily, it missed him but just a hair. But now his team was upset that they just lost a point thanks to him. Thank god this was just practice and not an actual game. You’d never live that one down. You could see Bokuto rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed, as his team continued to scold him to pay attention.
Spike after spike after spike after spike, you were amazing at how many times Bokuto could spike the ball down without getting tired. If that was you, you would surely break both your ankles. You leaned on the railing, admiring how hardworking and how much effort he put in his sport. You’ve never met anyone more dedicated than the man who was dominating the court by just standing there.
“This one’s for…” Bokuto starts as he jumps in the air with exceptional form. You smile fondly because you know what’s about to happen. “(Y/N)!!!” he dedicates his spike to you, yelling with his whole chest and smacks the ball on the other side of the court. With the widest smile and a big thumbs up, Bokuto faces you after his great feat. His teammates clearly embarrassed with his antics. It’s practice, for crying out loud. But Bokuto didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was going to shower you with love and affection to show everyone just who captured his heart.
You giggle to yourself. You loved this side of Bokuto. In the beginning of your relationship, you admit that it was embarrassing. He was just so extra with his affection that you didn’t know how to take it. But day by day, you learned to accept and love all the things he does for you. His smile, his laugh, his iconic ‘hey, hey, hey’ line, and even when he dedicates certain moves to you. But you weren’t the only one to admired him. No, his fangirls were also in love with that. Speaking of fangirls…
When practice was over, you made your way down the bleachers and over to your boyfriend, but when the team came into sight, Bokuto was already surrounded by a herd of fangirls.
“Bokuto-san, you were super cool today!”
“Can you show me how to play?”
“Are you thirsty? Here, I bought you some water!”
“Do you need a towel?”
“Can we feel your muscles?”
Bokuto looked uncomfortable, to say the least. You stayed behind the crowd of girls, giving him some space with his fans. He sees you immediately and gives you an apologetic look. You shake your head, insinuating that it was okay. Because it honestly was. You can’t be mad at him for having adoring fans. It was natural if he was going to play professionally. And this is nothing if he was to really play on a pro volleyball team. So you could take it. Bokuto continues to interact with the girls while to watch them, waiting until he’s ready to leave.
You could see him trying to make his way through the crowd to get to you, but surprisingly, his fans were pretty strong. They refused to let him leave, no matter how many times he said he had to go. But again, you were willing to be patient.
“Look, ladies. I’d love to stay and talk, but I have someone waiting on me,” Bokuto tried one more time and pointed in your direction. All their heads whipped around to you, not looking too happy. Their stares burned at you, scaring you a bit at how vicious they could look. With them distracted, Bokuto was able to slip out of their circle and by your side.
“Shall we go?” he looked down at you, love back in his eyes. You nod and Bokuto automatically wraps his hand around your shoulders, leading you out of the court.
As you pass by the group of girls who were still staring daggers at you, you heard their whispers. You weren’t sure if they were saying it on purpose or if it was because it was the truth, but they were speaking loud enough for you to overhear.
“What does he see in her?”
“Do you see her bare face? Does she not care that she looks homeless?”
“It’s because her face is bumpy, so if she wore makeup it would look cakey.”
“No, even if she did wear makeup, it would look so bad because she doesn’t know how to put it on.”
“God, she’s so boring!”
“Her hair isn’t even done.”
“It’s like she purposely trying be a loser.”
“And do you see how her rolls are spilling out of her shirt? Embarrassing!”
You tightened your grip on your skirt. Were they really talking about you? The entire time Bokuto was walking you home, you were looking down and thought about all those comments that they made. Mean as they were, maybe they were right? You didn’t wear any jewelry. It would only get in the way. You don’t do your hair, but you didn’t think it was that messy. You liked it the way it was. No, you don’t wear makeup. Not only do you not have time in the morning, but you only use it for special occasions. Fat? Maybe you were putting on a few pounds, but you and Bokuto like to eat. It’s his fault that you look bigger than normal. Is this what people think about you? Is this was people say behind your back? You looked down at your stomach and held it shyly. Thinking about those comments just made you upset. But did Bokuto think that way? You look up at him and he’s all happy like normal. He hasn’t said that you should change anything, but maybe that’s just him being polite. But that was going to change.
After dropping you off, you went straight to your room and dug up everything you could find: makeup, clothes, jewelry, accessories, curling iron, straightener. You put everything on your counter and got to work. You were going to look pretty for once.
First, you applied your makeup. Dramatic or subtle? What do most of the girls wear at school? After a quick search, subtle it is. You admit, you weren’t the best at makeup, but it’s not like you’ve never put it on before. You just needed a little practice and this was a good opportunity. After maybe 30 minutes of applying what you thought looked like good makeup skills, you moved onto the hair. You tried something that you normally never do. Up or down? Curly or straight? Extensions or nah? God, so many options. So again, you looked at what the other girls were doing. Looking back in the mirror, you smiled at yourself. Not too bad, if you do say so yourself! You were going to wake up early tomorrow and do exactly this. Bokuto was in for a big surprise.
A big surprise, he was. Bokuto waited outside your house like he did every day. You were running a little late but he didn’t mind waiting.
“Sorry I’m late. I was doing something real quick!” you announced and presented yourself in front of your boyfriend. As soon as Bokuto laid eyes on you, he felt his heart fly out of his chest and then back again because he had to be alive to see how stunning you looked. His mouth flew open but he couldn’t form any words. His eyes grew as wide as saucers and looked up and down. He didn’t want this picture of you out of his mind.
As shocked as Bokuto was, you didn’t take his reaction the right way. Did he not like it? Why wasn’t he saying anything? You know that your look might be different than normal, but he acts like you’re a totally different person. The longer that he stared at you, the more ridiculous you looked. But what were you going to do now? It was too late to change and you were going to be late to school.
“Let’s go!” you urged, hooking your arms together and pulled him along to walk with you. You acted like his reaction didn’t affect you, but inside you were disappointed.
As the day went on, you couldn’t help but feel subconscious about your new look. Your friends said that they loved the new you, but Bokuto’s opinion mattered the most to you. Because you knew that he would tell you the truth no matter what.
In between classes, you look either go to the bathroom or look at your phone, wherever there was a mirror so that you could look at yourself. Your make up started melting and fading away, your hair wasn’t as kept like this morning. Slowly, your new look made you look like a clown. And the more you looked, the more you started to see your flaws. Now you could understand what those girls were saying. Fuck.
Tears welled in your eyes that you rubbed away the tears. But in the process of doing that, you wiped off the makeup that you forgot you had on, the makeup that took you so long to do. It all smeared across your eyes and that made you cry even more. Now you were forced to take your makeup off. You turned on the tap and rubbed all the foundation, the eye shadow, the blush, and the lipstick away. There, your ugly bare face was back.
Since you were doing that, might as well fix your hair. Pulling your hair all the way back, you put it into a bun. You stared at yourself in the mirror again. Homeless. Ugly. Bare faced. Fat. You could see it all. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks and you began to cry uncontrollably. God, you felt so embarrassed with yourself.
Bokuto immediately saw the difference in appearance when he saw you at the end of the day. Your shoulders were slouched over, your head was hung low, not to mention that your new look disappeared.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Bokuto said softly. “What happened to your new look?”
“Oh,” you jolted up. His concerned gaze made you feel uncomfortable and even more insecure about your looks. “It was bothering me, so I took it off.” You lied. And it was a good lie because he believed it without a second thought.
“If it bothers you, maybe you shouldn’t wear it to school,” Bokuto suggested. Oh, so he’s basically saying that you shouldn’t dress like that because he’s embarrassed by you. Your confidence levels just reached a new low.
“Yeah, I probably won’t,” you say discouraged and quickly walk away from him. Bokuto didn’t know what to say. Why did you look so sad?
The next day, you transitioned back into your normal outfit. You felt more comfortable but your body and the way you looked to other people was always in the back of your mind. You became so distracted by the idea that you began to distance yourself from the volleyball player.
You went to his practices but didn’t make yourself known anymore. Little by little each day, you let the fangirls take over. So he’ll spend most of his time with them instead of you. It was probably better like that anyway. The more you looked at them from afar, the more you could see the difference between you guys. You were just an ordinary student with an ordinary life with ordinary looks. There really wasn’t anything special about you. There wasn’t anything about you that stood out. Compared to these girls that were flocking all around your boyfriend? Beautiful girls. Their looks were out of this world. You could never compare to them. So why was Bokuto with you when he could have anyone he wanted? He was popular, athletic, goofy, strong. Every girl’s dream guy. It doesn’t make sense that you, a plain girl, was his girlfriend. A match that probably wasn’t meant to be.
Bokuto noticed that you were being distant. Eventually, you stopped going to his practices. Every day, he would look for you in the stands but you were never there. Whenever he has free time and wanted to spend it with you, you were also too busy or had some place to be. He never saw you anymore. You didn’t even want to walk to and from school together. He couldn’t fathom what he did wrong. He thought he treated you well. He thought that he did his best to show you that you mean so much to him. So what was going on?
Bokuto stopped by your house one day after practice because does not like how you were avoiding him. He was going to figure out what was wrong whether you continue to avoid him or not.
“Oh, is (y/n) home?” Bokuto asked your mother who opened the door instead of you. Strange, were you not home yet?
“Oh, Kotarou. No, she isn’t home yet. Would you like to wait inside? She should be home any minute now,” your mother informed, opening the door a little wider to let him in. He gladly accepted and stepped into your welcoming home. Your mother let Bokuto make himself at home and that is just what he did. He went to your room and waited for you there.
When you arrived home, you greeted your mother with a kiss on her cheek and headed for your room when your mom stopped you in your tracks.
“Oh, your boyfriend is waiting for you upstairs, dear,” your mother said. You completely froze. Your heart started to race and cold sweat ran down your back. Shit. What was he doing here? After all this time, you thought you were doing well by keeping your distance but now he shows up out of nowhere, catching you off guard. Reluctantly, you opened the door to your bedroom and sure enough, Bokuto was standing there not looking too happy.
“Kotarou,” you say but didn’t have a clue what to say after. What could you say?
“(y/n),” Bokuto sighs and walks to you. But you backup, making Bokuto frustrated. “What is going on with you? First, you don’t come to my practices. Then, you stop talking to me. You don’t even want to walk with me to school anymore. Did I do something wrong? Because if I did, just tell me so I can fix it.”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you admit, but now Bokuto was confused.
“If I didn’t do anything, then why are you acting like towards me? Are you mad at me?”
“Did I say something that hurt your feelings?”
“No.” Question after question, you kept saying no. Everything that he thought he did, you answered no. You weren’t giving him any information to help him understand what was going on. All you did was stand by the door, head down and you fiddled with your fingers. Bokuto was beyond frustrated. He put his hands on his waist and let out a deep sigh.
You couldn’t see him but you could definitely hear him and feel the ambiance in the room. He was upset at you. He had every right to. But now his reaction made you feel even worse about yourself that you just wanted to cuddle up in bed and literally just forget about everything. Maybe today was the today.
“If you’re so frustrated, why don’t you just break up with me?” you opened your mouth to say. Silence.
All of Bokuto’s anger and frustration dissipated and was replaced with hurt and betrayal. The moment those words left your mouth, his stomach dropped and the pain in his heart hit him so deep that he had to take a step back.
“Baby, why are you saying that?” his voice softens in the most pained toned you’ve ever heard. Guilt starts to eat at you for saying that, but cat’s out of the bag now. You don’t answer him and continue to stare down at your feet. He gets closer and you allow him to take your hands in his.
“I’m just trying to understand. Why are avoiding me? Why are you saying that we should break up?” he asks, trying to look you in the eyes. You shrug your shoulders but don’t say anything. But that’s okay because Bokuto was going to give you all the time in the world that you need to answer back. And it took you a long while before you should say anything.
“It’s because… I think you can find someone better,” you mumble in a whisper.
“Why do you think that?” Bokuto matches your tone. You shrug again.
“I don’t know. I see all those girls around you. And they’re all so pretty and thin. I’m nothing compared to them. And then I started thinking, and… you’re way out of my league. You could do so much better if you were with someone like-”
“Do you love me?” Bokuto cuts you off.
“Yeah,” you answer anyway. “But I don’t think we look good as a couple.”
“I don’t care what other people think. I love you and only you. I picked you. Every practice, every game, I’m looking for you. Whenever I see you, my day brightens up. When I see you, I feel like I can play my best. You are my strength and my motivation. You are the only one that sticks out in a crowd full of people. You’re perfect and don’t let those other people tell you otherwise.” Bokuto lifts your chin up so that you could tell that he meant every word. Your lower lip forms a pout and silent tears streaked your cheeks. His face softens at you. Gosh, even when you’re crying and snot is coming out of your nose, you’re still so cute to him.
“You really mean it?” you cry.
“Yes, you cry baby. Now come here,” he scoops you up and lays you on the bed to cuddle. “So don’t you ever say that to me again, or I’ll quit volleyball.” He threatens. Upon hearing that, you freak out and convince that he shouldn’t. He’s laughing out loud and kisses you all over.
“Ah, I love you too much,” he says content and you cuddle for the rest of the evening.
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ming-yu-hao · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder | Chapter 3
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Pairing: fratboy!mingyu x female reader
Word Count: 6k
Synopsis: When you transferred to a different university, you and Wonwoo promised that you would make long distance work. But distance proves to be more difficult than you both originally thought.
This Chapter’s Tags: angst, protected sex, finger sucking, grinding, light choking/spanking/dirty talk, mingyu just being an ass man, riding, cheating obviously
A/N: Y’ALLLLL I’m sorry this took me forever to upload... I just got super busy but there won’t be as long as a wait for the next chapter! As always feedback is appreciated and I hope you guys like this :)
Chapters: Previous | Next | Masterlist
Your knees quivered beneath you as you pulled the soft fabric of your leggings up your thighs and over your hips. You bent down to pick up your shirt that was still balled up on the floor, and when you stood again you could hear the bed rustle behind you as Mingyu shifted his weight.
Guilt didn't hit you until you slipped your shirt back over your head, fully dressing yourself once again.
What had you done?
Without looking at him, you spoke: "I think I should go now."
He was silent.
You stepped over to the door, your hand about to twist the knob when he finally called out to you.
You looked at him. He was sitting up on his bed; his dark hair was a mess, hanging over his forehead. His lips were parted like he didn't know what to say.
"Um, don't forget your jacket. It's cold outside." He pointed to your jacket that was still discarded on the floor.
"Oh, thanks," you said with your voice wavering. You quickly picked up the jacket and headed for the door again.
"Text me when you get home, okay?" Mingyu rushed to say. The corners of his mouth quirked up into a thin, awkward smile and you nodded your head in response.
Why did he suddenly care? He used to just be some guy you sat next to in class. When did he want to become your friend? When did he start to become protective over you? Was this all really just because of his half-drunken encounter with you at that party? Did the moment you two shared that night cause him to feel some kind of attachment to you? Thinking about it all made your head spin. Nothing made sense to you anymore.
You turned the knob and cracked open the door when Mingyu spoke again.
"Um, also... you know, if you ever need anything... I'm here for you." His voice shook a bit.
You exhaled. "Thank you."
You slipped out of his room before he could say anything else and stepped down the stairs quietly, attempting to dart out the front door before anyone could see you. There was a small group of people hanging out in the living room like Mingyu had said, their laughter and conversations loud and echoing through the house.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you kept your gaze down at your feet while you scanned the floor for your shoes.
"Y/N?" You heard a voice call from behind you.
You huffed out a quiet breath in frustration before turning around with an overly sweet smile on your face. Your eyes landed on Seungcheol.
"Oh, hey! It's weird not seeing Jisoo following you around." You joked.
Seungcheol smiled sheepishly. "Yeah..." He trailed off, looking down at the ground.
"Are you guys dating?" You probed with a raised eyebrow.
"I wanted to talk to you about that, actually." He admitted, making eye contact with you. Curiosity plagued you, and you stared at him expectantly as you waited for him to speak. "I wanna do something special for her when I ask her out... just cause, I don't know, I really like her." He stammered nervously, lowering his voice so no one could eavesdrop.
You gave him a genuine smile. You were happy that Jisoo had found someone that truly liked her. Ever since the beginning of the semester, she had been cycling through an array of terrible guys that used and ghosted her. Seungcheol seemed like a genuinely good person; you trusted him to take care of her.
You brought your hand to your chin as you pondered for a moment. "Well, if I'm being honest, she's, like, a huge hopeless romantic. Loves cheesy romance movies and stuff." You started, "If you took her out to a nice dinner and walked around some really pretty, romantic place after, that'd be her dream come true."
Seungcheol nodded, his eyes glazed over in deep thought as he acknowledged your advice. "Yeah, that sounds like her." He smiled. "Thanks."
You nodded. "So... how did the raffle go?"
"It went really good, actually." He responded, shoving his hands in his pockets. "The money's going to a child psychology organization. I've been doing research with them for a few months now."
Your eyes lit up in interest at his story. "That's really cool. Have you discovered any groundbreaking research yet?" You half-joked.
He chuckled, "I guess a little bit."
A lightbulb suddenly went off in your brain. "Hey, do you think I could interview you about all this research stuff you've done? I need to write an article for class."
Seungcheol shrugged. "Sure."
You spent the next few minutes probing him about how he got involved in the program, what he had been researching, his motivation to study child psychology—all while taking down notes on your phone. He explained to you how he had struggled with anxiety his whole life and wanted to find a way to help others. In the back of your mind, this was all affirming why he was such a good match for Jisoo. He was caring, passionate, charitable. Your heart warmed at the thought of Jisoo finally settling down with someone who was actually a good person.
Your interview came to an end and you thanked Seungcheol for helping you out. He nodded before glancing down at the jacket you were carrying in your arms.
"Were you planning on leaving?" He asked.
"Yeah, I need to go work on homework and stuff." You answered.
He attempted to suppress his smirk by biting his lip. "You and Mingyu didn't get much work done together?" He raised his eyebrows at you.
You felt your heart drop into your stomach. "What?"
"Relax, I'm just kidding." Seungcheol laughed. "He just seemed comfortable with you earlier, you know?"
The tension in your stomach loosened a little as you realized that he didn't actually know what happened between you two. This is exactly what Mingyu was worried about earlier. So it was true that Seungcheol liked to play matchmaker and get involved in everyone else's relationships.
"There's nothing going on between you guys?" Seungcheol questioned after you didn't respond.
You felt your cheeks grow hot with irritation. "No. I have a boyfriend." You said curtly.
Seungcheol's mouth formed an O-shape at the sudden coldness in your tone. "I-I'm sorry, I was just kidding." He quickly apologized.
"It's okay." You sighed. You glanced around for your shoes, avoiding his regretful gaze.
"Well, I really have to get going. Thanks for helping me out." You said as you slipped on your shoes.
He smiled apologetically and walked you over to the door. "See you, Y/N!" He called behind you as you stepped out into the cold.
You buried yourself in work for the next two days. You figured it was easier to just get lost in the flow of doing assignment after assignment rather than to think about what happened.
But no matter what you did, your mind still wandered back to that moment—when your lips finally met Mingyu's, and his body pressed against yours.
The worst part was that you didn't even try to stop him: you had agreed to it, and God, you even thanked him for it! You weren't even sure if you could regret what happened. You hated yourself for betraying Wonwoo's trust, but at the same time you craved attention and affection. Mingyu just happened to be the one that fulfilled your wishes after all this time.
You would never tell Mingyu that, of course. Honestly, you were unsure if you could even face him about it. He could tell that you felt guilty afterwards. If you just finished this stupid project and avoided him for the rest of the semester, he would probably get the hint and leave you alone.
It was Saturday evening when you typed the last words of your article on Seungcheol and his research. You hadn't talked to Mingyu since you left his room on Thursday night, but you needed him to complete his share of the work. Sighing, you picked up your phone and pulled up your messages with him. You quickly explained what kind of pictures he needed to take and told him to send them to you (so you could avoid seeing him anymore than you needed to).
You clicked out of your conversation, and that's when your eyes landed on the messages that were still unread by Wonwoo. You wanted to ask him what he was doing, but after three days with no response, it felt pathetic to even attempt to strike up a conversation now.
The sound of the door knob jiggling startled you before Jisoo busted into the room a moment later.
"Y/N!" She cheered in a sing-song voice. "We have another party to go to tonight!"
You already knew exactly where this party was going to be, and you felt your stomach drop at the thought of running into Mingyu.
You shook your head. "No way, Jisoo. I'm way too busy." You lied.
She pouted her lips at you. "Really? You've been working nonstop. How're you still not done?"
You shrugged and let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Well, you can take a break for a few hours. I promise I won't leave you this time. You can hangout with me and Cheol." She begged, looking at you with wide, saddened eyes.
Your phone vibrated between your hands, and when you glanced down you saw Mingyu's name on the screen.
Mingyu: I'm actually gonna be out studying and working on some stuff with a friend tonight. I promise I'll get the pics for you tomorrow :) Sent at 7:37 PM
You thought it was a little weird for a guy like Mingyu to be studying on a Saturday night, but when you realized that he wouldn't be at the party, relief flooded over you.
You looked up at Jisoo and saw her still expectantly staring at you, waiting for your response.
"I- I guess I could go for a bit."
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"YES!" Seungkwan shrieked as he successfully landed another ball in one of Jisoo's cups. He turned to you and wildly smacked your palm in a high five, nearly hitting you in the face. Your stomach was starting to hurt from laughing for the past ten minutes over the intense match of beer pong in front of you.
The crowd around the table reacted loudly, some cheering and some booing as Jisoo downed another cup of alcohol. She shivered at the taste and Seungcheol came up from behind to pat her on the back. His lips moved as he said something to her, but with music blasting through the house so loud, you couldn't make out a single word.
Your phone vibrated in your back pocket. Without much thought, you pulled it out and quickly glanced at the screen.
Your heart sank into your stomach as you realized: Wonwoo was calling.
"Fuck," you muttered under your breath. You had completely forgotten that Saturday's were now reserved for your FaceTime dates.
You looked up at everyone with wide eyes, but they were too immersed in the game to notice your reaction. You pushed your way through the crowd and slipped into the bathroom before Jisoo or anyone else could come looking for you.
By the time you reached the bathroom and locked the door, the FaceTime call had already stopped ringing. Leaning against the door, you scrolled through your contacts and called back, but only as a phone call.
Wonwoo answered after two rings.
"Hey, everything alright?" He asked.
You swallowed. "Uh... yeah."
"Why didn't you FaceTime?" He continued. You hesitated, but then he spoke before you could say anything. "Why is it so loud? Where are you?"
You cursed yourself for not running away to a room that was farther away from all the music and noise outside the door. Fidgeting with your fingers, you answered: "A party."
"Oookay," he scoffed. "You could've at least let me know if you were gonna go out. But it's fine. Have fun, I guess." He responded coldly.
Your brows furrowed together instinctively. Now it was your turn to scoff at him. "You're not serious, are you?" The skin of your face grew warmer. Wonwoo was quiet. "I forgot. Sorry." You admitted through grit teeth.
"Why're you so mad?" He questioned in a defensive tone.
You rolled your eyes. "This is the first time I've ever cancelled on you and it was an accident. Do I need to remind you of all the times you ditched me?"
Wonwoo didn't respond.
"And what the fuck have you been doing the past three days that you couldn't respond to me?" You spat. Blood was rushing through your veins quickly now as anger took over.
He sighed through the receiver. "I was busy."
"Does it really take that much time to send a text to your fucking girlfriend?" Your voice began to rise. "How do you expect this to work if you don't even talk to me?"
"I'm sor-" He began to speak, but you interrupted him.
"You know, sometimes it feels like I'm dating nobody!" You cried. "Do you even realize how lonely I feel?" Your voice shook with each word as your throat grew tighter; tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't want to cry, but all the frustration you had bottled up the past couple months was finally spilling over.
In a calm voice, all Wonwoo said was: "I'm trying."
"Not hard enough." You scoffed.
"What the fuck, Y/N? Where is this coming from?" He cried. The sudden rise in his voice startled you a bit.
The phone shook in your grasp. "You act like I don't even exist! How can you call that trying?"
"Fuck, I'm not dealing with this right now. Go back to your stupid fucking party." He snapped.
"Yeah, just go and ignore me again!" You laughed sardonically.
The three tones of the call ending sounded abruptly. You looked down at your phone in shock. He had hung up on you.
Your hands balled into fists as you threw your head back against the door. Your jaw was tense, but your bottom lip still quivered.
He had done it again. It seemed it was becoming easy for him at this point—abandoning you when you needed him.
This wasn't going to last much longer if the two of you couldn't figure this out.
When you pressed your lips into a thin line, tears slipped down, staining the bags under your eyes with makeup.
Was he giving up on you?
Your head began to pound. You couldn't stand being in this hot bathroom any longer, much less this party in general. You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand and turned to unlock the door.
As you took a step out of the bathroom, you kept your gaze locked on your feet; you didn't want anyone to notice the state you were currently in.
Not even a moment after opening the door, you collided with a tall, warm body.
"Sorry," you mumbled, pushing past.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice called. Strong hands grasped your forearm, and you glanced up at the figure.
What force was bringing you back to him once again?
His lips parted in a small gasp as he noticed the redness in your tearful eyes. "Hey, what's wrong? Come here."
Before you could protest, he guided you back into the bathroom, closing and locking the door so no one could bother you two.
You kept your eyes down at the ground, unable to look at him. As he approached you, the heat of his skin radiated against you.
"I thought you were out studying." You spoke, breaking the silence.
Mingyu's hands found your jaw. He ran the smooth skin of his thumbs over your cheeks, wiping the tears that remained. "I finished early," he explained.
"Look at me," Mingyu whispered. You swallowed and blinked before meeting his eyes.
You didn't notice the thin, black-rimmed glasses that were resting on his nose before. His dark hair was pushed back, and his tan skin glowed under the bathroom light. You hated how instinctively drawn you felt to his presence.
You started to think that Kim Mingyu might be the Devil, disguised in the form of a beautiful boy that always knew the right words to say. He was here to tempt you, to swindle you at your most vulnerable moments, to test your fidelity. And you were weak enough to cave in.
"Is it your boyfriend?" He asked.
The gaze he held on you was so intense that you found yourself staring at the frames of his glasses instead of his eyes. You nodded silently in response to his question.
"Talk to me. What happened?" Mingyu cooed as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs.
"I-" You started, but let out a sigh instead. "We just fought. I don't know. I don't wanna talk about it." You rambled.
"Okay," he nodded. "Sorry if I pushed it." He removed his hands from your face. The skin suddenly felt cold without his touch.
He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "We can talk about something else."
You stood still, nodding, but couldn't think of anything to say.
"You know," Mingyu started, "You look really pretty. Even when you're crying." Your skin flushed at the compliment.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you wiped the last remnants of makeup off your cheeks. "Is that your go-to line for every girl?" You joked.
"No," he replied. "Just cause I'm in a frat doesn't mean I'm a douche."
You snickered under your breath. "Yeah, but there's gotta be so many girls that hit on you."
"There's some," he shrugged. "Doesn't mean I flirt back."
Your legs were beginning to grow tired from standing, so you walked over to the counter and sat on the edge. You gripped the ledge to keep your balance, swinging your legs back and forth.
Mingyu stood in his same spot, but turned in your direction. He quirked his eyebrows at you. "Are you suggesting that I'm attractive enough to have hundreds of girls swooning over me?" He shot you a teasing grin.
You chuckled and shook your head. "You wish."
Mingyu's jaw dropped in a fake expression of shock as he came closer to you, but he stood to the side to stare at himself in the mirror. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Since when do you wear glasses?" You inquired.
"Since forever." He replied.
Mingyu placed his hands on the edge of the counter, pushing his weight onto them. The muscles in his arms were prominent through his black shirt. Your eyes dragged across his figure, eventually landing on his face again.
"I like them. They look good." You said.
He glanced at you, his eyes laced with hints of suspicion. "Thanks," he said with his voice a little uneven. He cleared his throat and stood up straight. "Did I help get your mind off him a bit?"
You winced at the mention of Wonwoo, but nodded. "Yeah, you did. Thank you." You exhaled.
Mingyu smiled to himself and his eyes met yours once again. "Good. I feel like it's the least I can do to help."
As you stared at him, you admired his features—his soft, clear complexion and plump lips. You suddenly became aware of how close he was to you; his hand was resting only a few inches away from your thigh. Your mind thought back to how it felt when those hands caressed the bare skin of your body. Impulsively, your thighs pressed together at the revisitation of the memory.
The room felt like it had instantly shot up ten degrees, and the heat left your judgement clouded like a foggy mirror. If Mingyu really was the Devil, his plan was working.
You leaned towards him until your face was only a few inches from his. Your breath caught in your throat as you went to speak.
"I really wanna kiss you right now." You admitted quickly, your eyes focused on his lips.
Mingyu backed away. "Are you drunk?" He asked. His eyes were wide with concern as he scanned you.
You remained where you were, embarrassment creeping up on you as you rapidly shook your head. "I haven't drank anything."
Mingyu chewed on his bottom lip. "I- I don't think it's a good idea. After last time..." he trailed off, glancing up to peek at your reaction. "I don't want you to do something you'll regret again."
"I don't regret it." You blurted before you could stop yourself.
You weren't sure what you were doing or where you wanted to go with this, but you couldn't stop. A feeling of lust had possessed you at this point, controlling your every word and action.
Mingyu looked taken aback at your confession, standing up straighter. His lips were parted in uncertainty, but you watched as his eyes flicked down to look at your lips.
"You don't?" He asked, inching closer to you.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest now. You quickly shook your head. "No."
His right hand found a place to rest under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him as his face neared yours. He swiped his thumb over your bottom lip.
"Are you sure?" He whispered.
Desire had overcome you so strongly at this point that you couldn't bring yourself to answer him through words. Instead, you crashed your lips onto his.
Mingyu responded eagerly, his kisses fueled with the same amount of force. Your hands quickly found purchase on the nape of his neck, pulling his body closer to yours. Right as you spread your legs to allow him to stand in between them, Mingyu's tongue darted against your lips, slipping into your mouth when you parted your lips for him.
He placed his left hand on your inner thigh, roughly squeezing the flesh between his fingers as he deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth, and he dragged his other hand down to the small of your back to pull you closer to him.
Now your core was pressed against his. Mingyu removed his lips from yours, only to place open-mouthed kisses on the area below your ear. You jerked your hips up as he nibbled lightly on the skin, the friction between your thighs growing.
Your jaw hung open as your arousal increased with each moment; your breathing became heavy while you panted into his ear. He sucked on your collarbone, and a chill shot it's way up your spine. You whimpered loudly and you could feel Mingyu smirk against your skin.
"You sound so pretty," he mumbled, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke. He lifted his head, his tongue poking out of his cheek while he observed you. Your head was thrown back, eyes half shut, and you were ever so slightly grinding your hips against his for the smallest bit of relief.
Mingyu brought his fingers up to your lips, tapping on the soft skin to catch your attention. "Suck," he said, watching as you obediently parted your lips for him. He shoved two of his fingers into your mouth and pressed them down against your tongue. You could feel wetness building up between your legs. Even though it wasn't anything extreme, Wonwoo never did stuff like this with you in bed. You had to admit, all the new things that Mingyu was introducing to you excited you.
You hummed against him as he stuffed your mouth, almost gagging when his fingers neared the back of your throat. You swirled your tongue around his digits before he quickly pulled them away. You opened your eyes, staring at him in confusion, but his hungry gaze was already locked in on your core. He fumbled with the button of your jeans, and you felt your arousal suddenly spike at the thought of his fingers inside you.
You helped him shuffle your jeans over your ass and down to your knees. He bit his lip as he stared at your clothed heat, his cock stiffening beneath his own jeans, and pressed his dampened fingers to your clit through the fabric of your underwear.
You gasped quietly at the contact, but it wasn't enough. "Mmh, Mingyu," you whined. "Please."
"So needy," he teased with a smirk on his lips. He slipped his fingers beneath the fabric, pressing into your slick folds. His breathing grew heavier. "How're you so wet? I barely even touched you." He breathed against your cheek before he pressed a soft kiss to it. You blushed at his teasing words.
Mingyu rubbed your clit in slow circles, spreading your arousal around your folds. He pressed his lips to yours again, swallowing the moans you were letting out. He dragged his fingers down your heat, teasing your entrance by avoiding it. You clenched around nothing.
"Mingyu, I need you," you muttered against his lips.
"My fingers?" He questioned teasingly, pushing the tips of his digits into your core.
Desire was eating away at you, clouding your thoughts and replacing them with lust-filled ones. You bucked your hips up into his hand, whimpering beneath him.
"No, I want... you." You panted, looking up at him. Embarrassment picked away at you due to your vague request. His eyes appeared even darker than usual as he stared down at you with lust, registering what you were asking for.
Just as he was about to speak, the door knob shook, followed by loud pounding on the door. You jumped, and Mingyu quickly pulled his fingers away from your heat, leaving you with nothing.
"Open up!" A voice called from outside the door. "I have to piss!"
Oh, how wonderful.
You looked to Mingyu with wide eyes, and he motioned for you to stand up. "Pull your pants up!" He shouted at you in a whisper as he wiped his hands on his jeans. He stepped away from the counter, pressing his lips together in frustration as he realized the tent in his pants was painfully obvious.
You pushed yourself off the counter, standing up with shaky legs as you quickly pulled your pants over your hips and re-buttoned them.
The door knob jiggled again. "I'm literally gonna piss myself if you don't open this door in five seconds!" The same voice cried.
"What do we do?" You whispered to Mingyu.
He sighed. "Get out of here as fast as possible and go to my room." Your stomach flipped at the mention of his bedroom; you were really about to go through with this. He reached his hand out for you to grab, and you took hold of it as he led you both to the door.
Mingyu fumbled with the lock, and the door busted open a moment later, revealing a very drunken boy on the other side. He looked both of you up and down. You ducked down slightly, attempting to hide your face behind Mingyu's broad shoulders.
"Fuck, Mingyu? Really? The bathroom?" The boy said with disgust.
Mingyu rolled his eyes, his hand squeezing yours tighter. "Fuck off, Soonyoung." He replied before rushing out of the bathroom with you following close behind.
You couldn't help giggling at Mingyu's comment. He glanced over his shoulder when he noticed you laughing, a smile finding its way to his own lips as he chuckled at you. "Was I too harsh?" He joked.
Mingyu dragged you through the house quickly, and when you reached the bottom of the stairs, he pushed you in front of him to lead the way. You rushed up the steps, and when you neared the top, a sudden smack was delivered to your butt.
You let out a cry, followed by laughter of disbelief. "Mingyu!" You exclaimed with your jaw dropped once you reached the top of the stairs.
Mingyu stood behind you, his hands gripping your waist. He giggled into your ear. "I'm sorry, your ass is so cute." He placed a soft peck to your cheek.
"Let's go," he whispered, his voice suddenly an octave lower. Your stomach twisted, and Mingyu began leading you towards his room with his hands still on your hips.
He let go of you to twist the knob and push the door open, but as soon as you stepped foot into his room, his hands found your waist again and hurriedly pushed you further past the door. He kicked the door closed behind him, pushing you up against the wood. His lips quickly found yours, kissing you with even more intensity than before.
You could barely catch your breath as Mingyu gave you more rough kisses. He was being taken over by lust; he pressed himself against you, allowing you to feel the hardness in his pants. You ran one hand from his shoulder down his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt tensing at your touch. Finally you palmed him through his jeans and he groaned against your mouth.
"Fuck, you're driving me crazy." He whispered before placing one more messy kiss to your lips. He pulled away to slip his fingers under the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head quickly and tossing it to the floor. His lips found your neck again, and you moaned as his tongue darted out to lick your sensitive spot. His hands were on your ass, pulling you closer to him and squeezing the soft skin.
Your head rolled back. "Shit, Mingyu," you moaned. "I need you now."
Mingyu pulled away to look down at you with a grin on his face. "Yeah?" He raised his eyebrow. He spanked your ass lightly, causing you to whimper and lean into him. "Go to the bed." He demanded, stepping away from you.
You walked to the bed, trying to swing your hips to hide the nervous wobble in your knees. You felt Mingyu come up behind you, his body pressing against yours. His stiff cock was brushing against your thigh. You turned around, sitting on the edge of the bed as you looked up at him.
"When are you gonna take this off?" You questioned while toying with the fabric of his shirt.
He chewed on his lip as he smirked at you. Without a word, he pulled it over his head, exposing his muscular arms and toned chest. Your eyes dragged hungrily over his torso, drinking in the sight of the outline of his abs.
"Better?" He teased, interrupting your admiring of his body. You looked up at his face. His glasses still rested on his nose, but his hair was slightly disheveled and his lips were now pink and swollen from kissing yours. You were breathless. He was beautiful, and you wanted him so badly.
You perked up from the position you were sitting in, a surge of confidence driven by desire guiding you. "Lie down," you commanded. Mingyu looked taken aback for a moment as he processed your sudden dominance, but he just chuckled and laid down without protest.
Once his back was against the mattress and he was splayed out beneath you, you crawled up towards him, straddling his hips. You dragged your hands down his chest, admiring the softness and warmth of his skin while you began to grind against him.
Mingyu threw his head back as he moaned softly, and you felt yourself clench at the sound. You leaned down, pressing your chest to his as you left kisses on his neck. His hips bucked up into your center. The friction between your bodies was so intense it was driving you insane.
You felt his fingers drag across your spine, causing goosebumps to from across your skin. He fumbled with the clasp of your bra and pulled the straps down your arms. You sat up to fully pull it off and throw it somewhere in the room, and Mingyu quickly brought his hands to your breasts. He squeezed the sensitive buds, twisting your nipples between his fingers. You moaned and pressed your hips into his even harder.
"Ride me," Mingyu mumbled into your ear. Unable to form any words, you nodded, reaching for the button of his jeans.
You lifted yourself off him to help him unzip his pants, and once he started pulling them off you kneeled to the side to discard your own jeans. Just as you began pulling your underwear down your thighs, Mingyu reached for the nightstand next to his bed, shuffling around in the drawer and eventually pulling out a condom.
He pulled his cock out of his boxers, and it stood stiffly against his stomach. He quickly ripped open the package, sliding the latex over his shaft. You straddled his thighs again, about to sink yourself onto him when he quickly grabbed your hips.
"No, no." He said. "Turn around."
You looked at him in confusion. "But-"
"Just trust me," he added, pressing a soft kiss to your chest.
You turned around so your back was facing him, still straddling his thighs. He kept one hand on your waist as the other reached for his cock. He guided the stiff head through your folds, wetting his cock with your arousal. When the tip brushed against your clit you whimpered as you clenched around nothing again.
"Please, Mingyu," you whined.
He dragged the head down to your entrance, finally pushing into you. Both of his hands rested on your hips now as he slowly sunk you down onto him.
You moaned at the slight burning sensation the stretch left behind. It had already been months since a dick was last inside you, and with Mingyu's size it was even more intense.
You aided by lowering yourself onto his cock, and once he bottomed out inside you he stayed still to let you adjust. His dick twitched inside you, and you clenched around him in response.
"You're so fucking tight," he moaned into your ear. He began nibbling and sucking at the skin between your neck and shoulder from behind you, and you whined in response.
You lifted yourself off him slowly, basking in the feeling of his cock rubbing against your walls. You sunk down fully onto him before raising your hips again, finally beginning to ride him.
Mingyu allowed you to work yourself against his length while he brought one hand to your breast again. You moaned loudly as he squeezed the flesh between his fingers and bucked his hips up into you.
"Mmmh, shit, you feel so good," you babbled before crying loudly again. Mingyu quickly brought his other hand up to your throat, lightly choking you.
"Shhh, baby." He whispered against your skin. "You can't be so loud." His words were followed by another soft slap to your ass, making you whine quietly.
He let go of your throat, bringing both of his hands to your waist once again to speed up your pace. He angled his hips so he could thrust up into you at the same time, and the angle caused him to hit your sensitive spot every time. You panted loudly as the pressure in your lower stomach grew, and you ground yourself against his cock, clenching around him.
"Shit." Mingyu choked out breathlessly. "Tight little pussy's taking me so well."
Maybe it was the filthy words that left his mouth, or the way Mingyu took hold of your hips to slow your pace and thrust into you especially hard, but you felt yourself tip over the edge, your mind cloudy as pleasure overtook you. You couldn't even tell if you were crying out loudly, but you assumed so by the way Mingyu suddenly pulled himself out of you and pushed you forward until your face was pressed into the mattress and he was kneeled behind you.
He thrusted into you roughly now, trying to reach his own high. Your eyes were rolling back into your head as your core tingled with oversensitivity, and you could feel yourself drooling onto the sheets.
He came with a particularly rough grunt, pausing his movements as his cum emptied into the condom inside you. He moaned breathlessly and he slowly pumped himself in and out of you to milk his orgasm. Finally, he pulled himself completely out, and his hand ran across your spine.
"You okay?" He asked, and you lifted yourself onto your hands and knees, nodding. Mingyu looked down at your legs, his lips dropping in a slight gasp. "Your thighs are shaking." He noted out loud.
Your face burnt with embarrassment as you kneeled back onto your knees. When you finally turned to look at Mingyu, he was tossing the condom into the trash. His hair was now pressed to his forehead with sweat and his cheeks were tinted a shade of pink. When his eyes met yours, his lips quirked up into a smile.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get rough with you." He apologized. He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.
You shook your head. "N-no, it's okay," you croaked out, finally able to formulate words now that all the post-orgasm bliss was fading away.
You didn't know why, but you felt like you had to be near him. You crawled up towards him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. It felt natural. Comfortable. It reminded you of how you felt with Wonwoo. And despite how much you enjoyed feeling Mingyu's soft lips against yours, that thought terrified you.
"Do you regret this?" He mumbled against your lips.
It scared you—the way you were able to betray Wonwoo so easily. Here you were, in bed with another boy: one that you shared inside jokes with and stole kisses from and ran to for comfort. All that you had built with Wonwoo over the past two years—were some miles apart really enough to tear everything down?
You answered honestly.
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novantinuum · 3 years
Hi, I was just wondering if you had ever thought about what would have happened in your story "Hollowed Moon" if you had continued it. I always thought it was such an interesting setup that could have gone in so many different directions. And there really aren't other stories focusing on Stevonnie and Spinel, so it was unique!
So, I do have some half-written, half-plotted out material to share. I gave this story some consideration the other day, and came to the decision that I don't have the desire to finish it out, alas- I have far too many other active WIPs to add it to the list. There's a few good reasons why I discontinued it, anyways... intimidation over the huge surge of attention it was getting back in 2019, some rude comments from overzealous Spinel fans, (I know everyone isn't like this, but a certain segment of the Spinel side of the SU fandom kinda burned me over time, hhh), and a future chapter containing a sensitive topic that I wasn't in a good headspace to write about at the time.
But! Anyways! Below the cut is all the existing material I have for Hollowed Moon past chapter 14, consisting of a mixture of descriptions, sketchy dialogue, and prose. It honestly feels nice to finally be able to put this story to an official rest.
Chapter 15
“I... I saw her.”
“I saw Pink Diamond. I saw you, in this exact garden, in a dream. I- it was like I was experiencing everything through her. She explained your game, tapped your nose and told you to smile, then warped away—“
“That’s it, that’s what happened, almost exactly! But how could you even know that, I never—“
“I don’t know,” they blurt out. “I have empathic abilities, and sometimes that makes dreaming a little weird, but I have no idea how or why I saw any of this.”
[Pause for Stevonnie to think]
“Spinel, I’m so, so sorry,” they whisper brokenly. “But I think... she left you here.”
“She said she’d return, but before she warped away she whispered goodbye, like she didn’t actually intend to make good on that promise. She was lying to you,” they choke out, voice thick.
“No. No,” she says in clear denial, “no she’s not. She can’t be! She told me she’d come back! I can wait! I just have to wait—“
“But she’s not! She... she can’t, because Pink Diamond is gone. She- she was shattered, Spinel. Five thousand years ago, on the Earth. I- I should’ve told you this from the beginning, and I didn’t, and I- I’m so, so sorry—! But she left you behind, and now she’s never coming back.”
[Silence. Tears brim in Spinel’s eyes. Her eyes grow dark, pained, and then she glares at Stevonnie with such venom it almost knocks them backwards in alarm. ]
“NO!” she screams, tears streaming down her faded pink cheeks.
[She tears her feet up from the roots and runs away, using her arms like an orangutan to vault herself forward super fast so Stevonnie can’t catch her.]
Chapter 16
AN: Content warning for self-shattering attempt. Part of the reason why I had to stop writing this story at the time. I considered pushing the plot another way, but it didn't feel authentic to how I believed this scenario would play out for Spinel when she didn't have a direct target for her anger. Without someone to actively be jealous and upset AT, I could only imagine her breaking inwards instead of outwards, feeling that she's utterly failed in her life's purpose. Nothing more than a description for this chapter... and it'd be a short one.
[When Stevonnie finds her, she’s smashing her fists against her gem in her sheer anguish. She’s already cracked it. She’s glitching. It looks terribly painful. She’s about to strike her gem again when Stevonnie intervenes.]
Chapter 17
[Post timely intervention. Spinel is still cracked at this moment, though... her form glitching as she cries.]
“I was... her best friend,” she cries, fat, glistening tears streaming down her cheeks. “I was supposed to make her happy! Why wasn’t she happy? Why didn’t she come back?“
[Spinel reasoning that maybe if Pink came back for her, she wouldn’t have been shattered in the first place]
“What did I do wrong?” she whispers hoarsely, gazing pleadingly into Stevonnie’s eyes. “Wha- what am I doing? Why do I wanna hurt myself so badly?”
“Shh, now,” they reply, tears of their own brimming at the crease of their eyes, and pull Spinel’s head to their chest. “I’ve got you...”
Chapter 18
They know their throat is tight, and their voice scratchy. They know they’ve never sung this song in front of another living being, since it’s something personal they composed alone on one of their late nights back on Earth, thinking about all the difficult days Steven and Connie have had to face over the months. Pair this with their active crying, and there’s no way their singing will be anything pretty.
But pretty doesn’t matter right now.
Stevonnie opens their lips, and— clutching the broken hearted Gem close, rhythmically rocking with her back and forth— lets the wandering melody emerge from within.
“I guess I have to face That in this awful place I shouldn’t show a trace Of doubt...”
“But pulled against the grain I feel a little pain That I would rather do Without...”
“I’d rather be Free, free Free...”
[Hoarse, Spinel starts singing with them.]
“I’d rather be Free, free Free...”
“Free, free Free...”
“From here...”
[Stevonnie holds her tight while crying, their tears healing it back up.]
Chapter 19
AN: Don't have anything but a single bit of dialogue in this chapter note- I'm assuming I intended it as being a good few hours after the events of chapters 16-18... when Spinel has calmed down a little and has a moment to reflect on the upsetting news she's just received.
“I think... I always knew,” she says, voice hoarse. “In a way. It was so obvious how she felt about me.
Chapter ?
AN: From here on out, the plot hasn't been split into individual chapters.
[At some point shortly after chapter 19, Lars and his crew locate Stevonnie in the garden, and pick them and Spinel up. The next few bits of dialogue and description takes place on the ship.]
Rutile twins: “I haven’t heard of Spinels being produced in over five millennia.” “Me neither!”
Rhodonite: “Yeah, I heard they stopped making them entirely after the rebellion on Pink’s colony.”
[A bit of overwhelming conversation later, no one really noticing Spinel's conflicted emotional response to so many Gems hovering around her at once.]
Padparadscha: “I predict that you’re both going to make Spinel feel very uncomfortable aboard this ship.”
Rhodonite: “I’m sorry, we don’t exactly meet new Gems every century.”
Rutile twins: “Yes!” “It’s just been us until we met our captain!”
Fluorite: “Our new huuuuman friend helped us escape the tunnels on Homeworld. Now... we’re slooowly making our way back... to Earth.”
Spinel: “Earth?? You’re going to Pink’s world? But why? I heard she... was shattered.”
[Spinel feeling a sense of kinship with the idea that there’s other Gems who didn’t serve their rightful purpose and are now escaping their life on Homeworld to be free of that. Because now, without her Diamond, since she was unable to keep her happy, she’s an Off Color too. She failed her given purpose same as them.]
[Discussion of Earth, and the rebellion, and how there’s Gems living free there. And how Pink’s colony was siphoning life away, and that’s what these Gems were fighting to protect. Stevonnie points out all the plants and wildlife that used to live in the garden, and asks her if she felt happier when it was around. Spinel says yes. Stevonnie says that this is what the Diamonds are destroying, with each lifeless colony they forge. Everywhere they go, dead wildlife lies in their wake.]
Spinel: “I... guess I never thought of it that way.”
[(Stevonnie adds...) And while they’re very sorry for the personal connection there, and can’t imagine how painful that must be, that’s why Pink Diamond was shattered.]
[Spinel is given an open choice... Lars gives the invitation to stay with him and the Off Colors, and Stevonnie offers for her to come with them back to Earth. It's not a hard decision for her in the end, though. She's always dreamed of seeing what was once Pink’s planet, ever since she heard the Diamonds bequeath it to her.]
Stevonnie: “Okay, so… before we go, I need to be honest with you about something." [deep breath] "I’m actually a fusion of two separate people who are close friends. You... know what fusion is, right?”
Spinel: “Duh, o’course! What, d’ya think I was made yesterday?”
Stevonnie: “But even with that, I can’t be together as me all the time. Steven and Connie, the two who come together to form me... they love hanging out with each other so much, but they also have their own lives! Other friends, other hobbies, their own families. They still talk when they’re apart, but they know it’s okay to do things alone, too. Do you know why I’m telling you this?”
Spinel: [shakes head no] “No...?”
Stevonnie: [sighs] “I understand you’ve been left behind. Believe me, I know how bad that feels. So the last thing I wanna do is make you think I’m doing that too.”
Spinel: “Y-you— you’re going away?” Stevonnie: “Unfusing, yes.” Spinel: “But Stevonnie, you—“ Stevonnie: “Spinel. No matter what, you are my friend. Steven and Connie consider you a friend, too. And my hope is that you’ll keep making a whole bunch more on Earth, so you’ll always have people around who know and love you. But that can’t always be me, okay?“
[At home... on Earth. There's a bit of a close call for Pearl when Spinel arrives, and recognizes her as Pink's second pearl. This is news for Garnet and Amethyst and Steven, the first of which had somewhat suspected that Pearl used to be in the diamonds' service, but never knew for sure. Pearl, of course... can't say much on this due to her gag order... not that anyone else knows about that yet... but does manage a very concise and PD=RQ free explanation about her past in Pink's court, and her transition towards being a Crystal Gem:]
Pearl: “Rose Quartz set me free, and I’ve been a part of the rebellion ever since.”
[At some point between the last scene and the next, mention how Spinel had a bit of a relapse... she ended up poofing herself, and reformed differently. A little bit closer to the smudged mascara and frayed pigtails look of canon, but no rotated heart. Unlike in canon, she has a solid support system amongst the Crystal Gems, and she's working hard to recover from the heartbreak of Pink's abandonment.]
[Final scene is set post A Single Pale Rose. Steven and Connie fuse, and Stevonnie goes to find Spinel to check in on how she's taking the news. The final line of the fic is as follows:]
Spinel: “I know you’re not her, not really. And I know you’ll always be a better person than she ever was. But in some silly cyclical way... back in that garden... it���s almost like Pink came back for me after all.”
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batfam-rewrites · 3 years
Batfam During Quarantine: Retirement
Dick pulls up in front of the apartment that Barbara and her family lives in. He takes out his boom box and sets in a cassette tape. He sets the volume to the maximum setting. He holds the boom box over his head as Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” starts playing.
Dick: BABS!!!!
He waits out there for a few minutes until she opens up the window and leans out of it.
Barbara: You Dick!
The song ends and starts playing “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” from Aerosmith.
Neighbor 1: GO HOME!
Dick: FINE!
The next night
Dick walks up to the door to the Gordon family’s apartment. He knocks on the door and Jim opens the door.
Dick: Hey Jim, I was sorta expecting Babs to open the door.
Jim: *looks at the cards in Dick’s hands* Just take a hint kid. You’re making this harder than it needs to be.
Dick: I’m persistent, it’s part of my charm.
Jim: Whatever. *shuts the door*
A minute late Barbara opens the door.
Dick: *holding the cards*
Barbara: They’re facing you.
Dick: *looks down and flips the cards around* “Babs, I know I messed things up by *flips the card* not telling you Helena was staying at the *flips the card* mansion. I want you to know that you are *flips the card*
Barbara: *shuts the door on Dick*
Dick: I still have twenty-something cards left. At least finish reading them.
Two days later at the grocery store
Barbara is walking down the aisle looking for food. The music playing over the speakers as a voice replaces the music.
Dick: You’re just to good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you. You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. 
Barbara starts looking around the store for Dick and sees him leaning against a wall with one of the phones.
Dick: *notices Barbara and points to hear and then makes a heart with his hands* At long last, love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you. *plays the instrumental part on his phone*
A store employee now spots Dick and heads towards him.
Dick: I love you, baby. And if it's quite alright. *struggles to keep possession of the phone* Get away, you’ll sing next. I need you baby *still fighting for the phone* To warm the lonely night. *starts climbing between the wall and the refrigerated section* I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say.
Barbara starts walking away embarrassed.
Dick: Oh, pretty baby, wait Babs, where you going? Babs? Babs? BAAABBS! LET ME ME LOVE YOUUUUU!
Daily Briefing
Dick: Okay, while things are a bit peaceful now, they’re not going to stay that way forever. Let’s try to plan ahead now and see if we can recruit any former members of Batman Inc. Tim, Steph, and Duke, you guys need to try and convince Luke to come out of retirement. Kate and Babs you go try and convince Bette to join us in Gotham.
Jason: What are the rest of us doing?
Dick: Selina, Jason, Harper, Cass, and Damian will patrol and hand out mask later today....
Harper: Cool, glad I can finally do something!
Jason: Got it!
Dick: And I will be sulking in my room!
Damian: Try again, Grayson.
Dick: I will be on patrol and handing out mask as Nightwing! Julia will be on monitor duty and Helena, tonight you’ll be on sanitation duty.
Helena: *sexually* Whatever you say.
Selina: Oh god!
Duke: Please stop!
Tim: There is a child present!
Jason: *Laughs hysterically* Am I the only one who still thinks this is funny?
Stephanie: Apparently so!
Dick: Alright, let’s get moving.
Tim, Duke, Stephanie, and Luke
Tim: Damn, it’s nice to finally be out of the mansion!
Duke: We were on patrol almost every night.
Tim: Yeah, but as Red Robin, not Tim Drake.
Stephanie: I mean, I guess that’s true.
Tim: *knocks on the door* 
Luke: *opens the door* Hey guys, it’s been a while!
Tim: Hey Luke, how have you been!
Luke: Not bad, Tim! What about you guys?
Tim: Could be better!
Stephanie: Not bad!
Duke: Send help!
Luke: Their dysfunction has gotten to you I’m assuming?
Duke: Maybe.
Tim and Stephanie: We’re not dysfunctional!!!
Luke: Relax! I’m talking about the others.
Tim: Kay, coolcoolcool.
Stephanie: Yeah, the others are pretty dysfunctional.
Luke: Anyways, come on in guys. Take a seat in the living room.
All three walk in and sit in the living room.
Tim: Okay I’m going to cut straight to the point, things aren’t going to be so peaceful for so long. It’s only a matter of time until the Joker pops up with a futuristic Batsuit or some dude comes in with a plan to destroy Batman in multiple ways.
Luke: I’m not coming out of retirement, Tim.
Stephanie: Why not?
Luke: Because I can’t stand to go back being some vigilante trying to save the city. I mean don’t you guys get tired of feeling like the weight of this city is pressing down on you every time you put on that mask.
Tim: Yeah, but I mean it’s not that bad.
Luke: When was the last time you slept.
Tim: Like 6 hours. Plus 2 days.
Luke: That’s my point! This is a thankless job that you guys work your ass off for.
Duke: Yeah coming here may have been a mistake. Let’s go guys, Luke’s not coming back.
Stephanie: Why not stay here Duke. I mean, Luke is right. We risk our lives to save some fucks who don’t give two shits whether we live or die. Sure they’d be sad if we did, but they would only be sad because that would mean they’d have to actually defend themselves!
Tim: Yeah, that is a great point!
Stephanie: Woooo let’s get hammered, this is my retirement party fuckers!
Luke: You’re not drinking alcohol! You’re under age!
Stephanie: Whatever! *stands up and walks out the door*
Duke: Tim, let’s go!
Tim: Yeah, I mean it’s probably about time I retired too!
Duke: Damn it!
Damian and Jon
Damian sets up a zoom call with Jon
Damian: Hey, Kent.
Jon: Hey, Wayne.
Damian: Why must you mock me?
Jon: Why must you mock me?
Damian: Goodbye!
Jon: No, wait, I want attention!!!!
Damian: Works like a charm. How’s it going over there?
Jon: Not bad, it’s super boring. I wish I had 50 people staying at my place.
Damian: No you don’t! It is awful. I want to punch Drake constantly, Grayson is always trying to hand out hugs, Todd tried to kill me!
Jon: The hugs don’t sound....
Damian: Row turned my knife into an electric razor...
Jon: How...
Damian: Kyle keeps trying to bond with me, Cain tried to stab me because I stole a waffle from her, Bertinelli and her lust for Grayson is annoying! Honestly, Pennyworth and Thomas are the only ones who haven’t managed to piss me off.
Jon: You know what, I take back what I said earlier.
Damian: Wise choice.
Jon: Hey, remember the time your dad almost adopted me?
Jason: *talking in the hallway*
Damian: That was funny. Hey I got to go, I’m about to go on patrol.
Jon: During the day, I thought you guys were nocturnal.
Damian: No, we are not. We’ll talk later.
Jon: See ya!
Damian: Bye. *rushes to the door to see if he could hear Jason*
Jason: I’ll see you there. *walks off*
Damian: *walks out of his room and sees Selina* 
Selina: Hey Dami, you ready to go on patrol?
Damian: Actually, we have a change in plans.
Nightwing: *sees a kid walking by without a mask, he squats down and waves* Hey what’s up little dude!
Little kid: *runs away from parents and hugs Nightwing*
Parent: Hey! Sorry, we’re still trying to get him to understand what social distancing is.
Nightwing: It’s okay, he’s young, he’ll eventually get the idea. I see that someone lost their mask though! Do you like super heroes kiddo!
Little kid: *nods excitedly* Batgirl is my favorite!
Nightwing: Really! Batgirl is my favorite, too! Hey, let’s get you another mask buddy! *reaches into the box of mask he has and hands a Batgirl mask to the parent to put on the kid’s face*
Parent: Thank you so much! *puts the mask on the little kids face*
Nightwing: No problem! Stay safe! *waits a bit longer and puts in an earbud*
Nightwing: *sees another guy not wearing a mask* Hey, how about we wear a mask buddy!
Guy: Piss off!
Nightwing: Come on. Let’s try to think about everyone else.
Guy: Who cares! If I get the virus I won’t die! It’s only the old people who are dying! 
Nightwing: Okay, please tell me your joking.
Guy: I mean, you don’t really see much other people dying.
Nightwing: If you pay attention to the statistics you would see that there are other people who are 20, 30, 40 years old and dying from this virus! Can you just put the mask on?
Guy: Hell no, it’s uncomfortable for me!
Guy: Damn. *starts walking away*
Nightwing: *grabs cologne* Sir, don’t make me do this.
Guy: Do what? Bit......
Nightwing: *sprays cologne all over the guys face*
Guy: pffft. pfffffftt. 
Nightwing: I bet you’d like a mask now!
Nightwing: *spays the cologne at his face again* Hey! *throws a mask at the guy* No profanity! There’s kids around. Put on the mask, too. 
Guy: *puts the mask on reluctantly and walks away* Stupid vigilante in this stupid damn city. Hate this damn place.
Nightwing: *watches him walk away for a bit* Never thought I’d take a page out of Jay’s book.
Julia: Nightwing, need you over in Gotham Heights. There’s a.... *clears throat*..... situation over there. I’m sending you the coordinates now.
Nightwing: On my way! *takes off firing the grappling hook into the side of a building as he takes off*
Jason walks towards the house, checking his surroundings to see if any of his “family” members followed him. Fortunate for him, Dick is preoccupied with his thoughts and Damian and Selina left after he did.
He opens the door and walks inside of his safe house. He then sits down, takes off his helmet, sets it down on the table, and turns on the tv to watch Supernatural. Not long after Roy walks downstairs.
Roy: What’s up Jaybird?
Jason: Not much Roy.
Roy then sits down on the couch next to him to watch with him.
Roy: Is it just me or would Jensen Ackles be the perfect person to play you if there was to ever be a movie about you?
Jason: I KNOW, RIGHT!!!! Hey do you want to order some pizza?
Roy: Sure!
Roy begins to pull out his phone when they hear a knock at the door.
Jason: Hide! 
Roy: Hey it’s my safe house, too!
Jason: It’s my city! Hide!
Roy begins to hide as Jason looks outside the door to see Damian and Selina outside the door. 
Jason: *opens the door* Hey Catwoman, Robin! What are you guys doing here?
Damian: More importantly, what are you doing here?
Jason: Following up on a lead. I saw a very shady guy leave here so I’m looking for some evidence.
Selina: Are those your guns on the counter? And your helmet and phone on the table?
Jason: No.
Damian: Then where’s your guns?
Jason: Okay, I hate to admit it, but I came across a dog and decided to pet it, then it bit the barrel of both guns and ran off.
Selina: Mmmmhhhmmmm and why don’t I believe you?
Jason: Because everyone but Duke has trust issues.
Damian: Give it up, Todd.
Jason: Give what up?
Damian: *walks over to the closet and opens the door*
Roy: Woah, how the hell did I get here!
Jason: *shakes his head*
Tim, Duke, Stephanie, and Luke
Duke: Dude, you broke Tim and Steph.
Luke: No I didn’t!
Duke: Really because we came here to try and convince you to be Batwing again and yet you somehow got them both to decide to retire!
Luke: So, they should! They deserve it. No kid should have to deal with that kind of stress!
Duke: Dude, we live in Gotham freaking City. Stress is literally stuff we learn in 6th grade because our parents need us to get jobs!
Luke: You had to get a job in 6th grade?
Duke: Oh right, sorry I forgot you all are rich! Hey, where’s Steph and Tim?
Luke: Outside somewhere.
Luke: They’ll be fine!
Duke: Whatever. *walks towards the door* If you change your mind, you know where to call. *he walks out the door*
Tim: *grabs a helium tank* Hey Steph!
Stephanie: *turns around*
Tim: *pulls down the mask and inhales the helium* I am vengeance, I am the night, I am BATMAN!
Stephanie: O-M-G!!! That is amazing!
Jason, Roy, Damian, and Selina
Selina: So again, Jason, what are you doing here?
Jason: Trying to get away from you people! Do you know how often I want to shoot Dick alone from all of the stupid stuff he does! 
Damian: Yes!
Jason: You’re no better. You can not adopt stray animals every week!
Damian: They can catch the virus, too! They need a home!
Jason: They have one! In the wild somewhere!
Selina: What’s your point?
Jason: I needed a place to escape you idiots at the mansion. There’s only so much I can take before I break B’s no killing rule.
Damian: Then why is Harper here?
Roy: Jaybird has been my emotional support person since Kori left Earth for Tamaran.
Selina: I can see that.
Damian: Is this where you’ve been every single patrol?
Jason: Not every one. Only when I get sick of you all. 
Selina: Everyday!!!!
Roy: *laughs uncontrollably*
Jason: Not everyday!!! Look, this is why I need this place, because I can’t stand you fuckers!!! Get out of my house!
Damian: How did you even pay for this place?
Selina: Jason, your not supposed to even be here. We need to leave now.
Jason: Yes you fucking should!
Selina: I meant all of us!
Jason: Good luck with that! You’ll have to drag me out.
Damian: Just watch us do it!
Roy: This is getting a bit personal, I’m gunna grab my bow and leave.
Jason: Stay Roy!
Roy: Okay, I’ll stay!
Selina: How are we so awful? What is it that we do that bothers you so much?
Jason: I don’t want to talk about it!
Selina: What is it?
Jason: You guys make me want to actually be a part of the family! You guys care for me, and make fun of me *starts crying* and make me laugh, and it’s not fucking fair!
Selina: Jason..... I’m.... I’m sorry. Why are you crying?
Jason: Because this shit has always been unfamiliar to me! Family has always been fucked up for me before Bruce. When he took me in I didn’t know how to feel because at that point my life was filled with rage, sadness, and confusion. *sits down on the couch* Then came in Dick, who at first made me feel at home with how much he hated the fact that I replaced him, until a few months go by for him to accept me as a brother he never had. Then I fuckin’ died!
Selina: *sits down next to Jason* It’s okay if you want some time away from us, I understand now that this is new. We won’t ever stop loving you Jason. If you ever need a break from us then I’ll cover for you, just don’t be out for too long.
Jason: Thanks Selina.
Roy: *starts humming Love Is A Battlefield*
Selina: Are you humming Love Is A Battlefield?
Jason: He is so humming Pat Benatar right now.
Roy: No, you’re all just hearing things.
Damian: Who’s Pat Benatar?
Jason: Okay, GET OUT!!!!
Selina: *rushes themselves out the door* Let’s go Dami, we’ve overstayed our welcome!
Damian: But my phone!
Roy and Jason: GET OUT!
Tim and Stephanie
Stephanie: *dancing in a strangers house* Woooo!!!
Tim: *break dancing to “Dirrty” in the middle of a dance circle*
Stephanie: *nudges the person next to her* I’m friends with that guy!
Stranger: Nice!
Stephanie: I know right!
Tim: *steps out of the dance circle* Hey!
Stephanie: How many Red Bulls did you have?
Tim: How many legs does a wolf-tigark have.
Stephanie: What!
Tim: I’m super fucked up!
Stephanie: Same! Wanna have sex?
Tim: Sure!
Duke, Cassandra, and Harper
Duke: Hey, Harper! Do you remember that time you were totally surrounded by the Riddler’s henchmen and I swooped in and saved you, and you were like “Thanks dude! You’re the best! I totally owe you one!”
Harper: Yes, I remember part of that being true!
Duke: Well, I need you to return that favor and you can not tell any of the others. I lost Tim and Stephanie and need help finding them.
Harper: What the hell Duke! How did this happen?
Duke: Well, Luke broke Tim and Steph, causing them to decide to retire, then they disappeared.
Harper: Okay, Orphan and I will be right there after we take down these two drug dealing pimps!
Duke: Thank you!
Harper: *hangs up the phone* Okay, let’s take care of this Orphan!
They both jump down landing a kick to their chest. Harper then grabbed her dudes arm and broke his wrist, finally stomping on his face, knocking the dude out. Cass walked towards her guy reaching down and throwing him against a wall, then kicking his back.
Nightwing: *arrives at the apartment door*
Girlfriend: *through tears* I’m sorry!
Boyfriend: *slaps the girlfriend* SHUT UP BITCH!
Nightwing: *knocks on the door*
Boyfriend: *opens door* Can I help you?
Nightwing: Yes hi. I was walking around the neighborhood and wanted to know if you wanted to donate to the charity of whoop-ass?
Boyfriend: Not interested. *tries to close the door*
Nightwing: *pushes the door open* Hold on, you need to hear the rest of my pitch! *kicks the boyfriend in the chest* 
Girlfriend: *still crying* NO! PLEASE STOP!
Nightwing: Wha-
Boyfriend: *tries to throws a few punch at Nightwing’s face*
Nightwing: *drops to the floor and goes for a flare, sweeping the boyfriend off his feet*
The sound of sirens is heard out side.
Nightwing: *temporarily distracted by the sirens*
Boyfriend: *gets up* YOU CALLED THE COPS! YOU UNGRATEFUL GOOD FOR NOTHING BITCH! *tries to punch his girlfriend*
Nightwing: *catches his fist* Not gunna happen. *tosses the boyfriend against the wall and has him put his hands over his head*
Police Officer: G-C-P-D! GET YOUR..... Oh, Nightwing? How random seeing one of you guys here. Like always. *goes in to arrest the boyfriend*
Nightwing: *kneels down to where the girlfriend is sitting and takes note of the cuts and marks on her arms* Are you okay?
Girlfriend: I-*sob* I don’t *sob* know what *sob* I did *sob* wrong?
Nightwing: You did nothing wrong. Everything will be okay. Did he hit you?
Girlfriend: *nods her head yes*
Nightwing: Where did he hit you?
Girlfriend: *looks up to reveal a black eye and cuts on her face* My *sob* face, arms *sob*, stomach. *buries her head in her arms and starts to cry even harder*
Nightwing: Hey, it’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay. 
Nightwing tries the best he can to comfort the girl before the EMT arrived. After that he stuck around for a bit to give a statement of what happened when he arrived and to make sure everything was fine before he left.
Duke, Stephanie, Tim, Harper, and Cassandra
Stephanie: *wakes up* Ugh. My head! *she looks over at Tim and smiles as she gets out of the bed*
Tim: *starts to wake* Ow! *sees Stephanie* Hey!
Stephanie: Hey! 
Tim: *sits up on the bed*
Stephanie: Look about what happened, can we agree it was a drunk mistake.
Tim: Yeah! *rubs the back of his head and stands up close to Stephanie* I’m sorry, I can’t pretend! *he pulls her in and kisses her* I really like you!
Stephanie: I like you, too.
Tim: Wanna crawl back under the covers again for a bit?
Stephanie: Absolutely!
Desk Clerk: Thank you, hope you enjoyed your stay!
Tim: We certainly did, thank you! *both Stephanie and Tim walk out the door and see Duke, Cassandra, and Harper* 
Stephanie: Hey, you found us!
Duke: Get in the car!
Harper: Spent most of the night looking for you suckers until we saw that Tim used his credit card to purchase a hotel room there! 
Tim: We’re sorry you had to go searching for us!
Duke: Also, if you are even still thinking about retiring, you’re going to have to tell Bruce yourself.
Stephanie: We’re not retiring. We probably just thought it was a good idea because we were both sleep deprived.
Duke: Good, because I didn’t want to see Bruce lose his shit!
Dick and Julia/Dick and Jason
Back at the Batcave
Julia: How did it go?
Dick: Rough. That building was well into Harper’s sector though, why did you have me take care of it?
Julia: I think you know why.
Dick: *thinks for a moment* Because of the way I’ve been reacting to my breakup with Bab’s.
Julia: If you stopped thinking of how to win her back for one second, you would see that she is most likely suffering as much as you are. 
Dick: I understand. I’m going to head upstairs. Don’t stay down here much longer, that’s an order.
Julia: Are you still entitled to give orders?
Dick: I still get to wear the cowl, don’t I?
Julia: Fair enough.
Dick quickly showers and heads upstairs.
Jason: Hey, Dickwad. Over here.
Dick: Sup, Jay?
Jason: Follow me.
Jason leads Dick to the parking garage and into one of Bruce’s cars and drives to the safe house.
Jason: Welcome, to the safe house. I heard you had a rough day so I thought it would be worth it to take you here. Wayne house free zone so feel free to cry, let out your feeling, whatever you need to do to process this. I’ll wait in the car.
Dick: *crying* Jay.
Jason: Yeah.
Dick: *hugs Jason* Thank you!
Jason: No problem. If you tell Bruce, I will end you though.
Dick: Got it!
While I try to make these stories for the most part humorous and entertaining, domestic violence is a very serious topic. Since quarantine, domestic violence rates have gone up. If you or some one you know is in an abusive relationship or has found themselves in one since quarantine began, don’t hesitate to call the Domestic Violence Support hotline at 1 (800) 799 7233. You can also go to thehotline.org to contact them.
If someone you know has just left an abusive relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, parent/child) remember to be there for them. Allow them to talk but don’t force them too if they don’t want to. Make sure not to bash the guilty party and respond about them neutrally. Most of all, make sure to let them know that they are still loved, and that they are still the same person, even if they feel that they are not.
I will be reblogging this message on my blog. I ask you to please share and reblog as much as you can.
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
Ok so the LOV with super soft s/o, like she sings for them when they're having trouble sleeping, makes them good meals, cuddles+kisses, BUT one day, someone else tries to steal her attention and they don't realize how touch-starved they were until now, because they can't spend 1 hour without her kisses 😂💞
This is cute! I struggled with these a little, so I hope this is what you wanted! I tried doing a scenario but couldn’t get it to work 😔
LoV and someone trying to steal their super soft s/o!
I can see Tomura jumping back and forth between “I’m a grown ass man and a dangerous ass villain” and “take care of me and spoil me because you’re the first person who’s ever loved me.” So honestly? He’s not going to respond well!
He’d stumble upon you and the offender accidentally, and it wouldn’t take him long to figure out what was going on.
If it’s another member of the League, it will really set him off. He’s the leader, damn it, and you’re his. They know that! So what the hell are they doing?! It won’t be a bloodbath, obviously, but he’s not behind threatening.
But if it’s some random out on the streets, his inner tantrum becomes less inner and more outer. He’ll tell off and threaten the stranger, and then he’ll latch onto you like “hey, what the hell was that?” If he’s in a particularly bad mood, things will get bloody.
Believe or not, he was worried there for a second! He can’t let anyone take you away! What would he do without your lovely lullabies to help him sleep and your cooking to keep him fed and nourished?
It makes him appreciate you more, to know that at any moment you could saunter off with someone else a non-villain but all your love and affection is directed at him anyway.
But anyway, when all is said and done and your focus is back on him, he’s going to be clingy. But quiet. And brooding. His saltiness knows no bounds!
The best way to relieve his broodiness and stop his pout is to assure him that you have no intentions of leaving him and how special he is to you!
Mr. Compress:
He’s not going to be as childish and possessive as Tomura, but he’s not going to be thrilled that someone is trying to get your attention in a way he doesn’t like.
He’s a mature adult, he’s going to handle it like one. Mr. will watch whoever it is try to woo you over, waiting to step in if the person makes you overly uncomfortable, and mentally give you a pat on the forehead as you show your disinterest in the person and try to get them to back off, politely.
Then he just has to take a breath. People are vying for the amazing, kind-hearted you - of course they are! - but to no avail, because you’re with him and you care for him. Hah! In their faces!
Maybe he’s a little immature about it, but how could he not be happy? You make him happy.
His adoration for you spills over in that moment, because by the skies above he can’t live without you. Now he’s the one showering you in cuddles and kisses!
And he’s not above asking for you to return the favor.
After this, Mr. will be pretty outright with how he feels, he’s not going to pull punches in letting you know how much he appreciates what you do.
And he’ll return the favor much more often, too. He’ll cook whatever it is you ask him for - he’s a perfectionist so it’s always going to be good - or coddle you if you’re having a bad day.
He’ll be a little off-put by the situation, pouting from afar and wondering how you will respond to the other person.
Like Mr., he’s not going to step in unless he thinks you’re in danger. In which case, he’s charging in screaming like a madman hoping that alone will send the offender running.
Oh my god you told them off and turned them away holy-
His lungs forcefully toss out the quantity of air he’d been holding in as he watches you turn around and beam at him before making your way over.
And then he’ll just latch onto you and feel like never letting go because that was pure torture to watch. You’re the sole thing that brings him normalcy and reminds him that hey, life isn’t so bad, so he doesn’t want you to leave! He couldn’t bear it!
He’ll be right by your side for the rest of the day, no matter what your plans are. He’ll follow you around like a starved pup, with a little less pep in his step than usual. He’s still afraid of losing you, after all.
Twice hates to go without your cuddles or kisses. Then, he remembers you turned the other person down, and realizes maybe it’s the same way for you.
Needless to say the next time some tries to steal your attention, he’s not going to sit idly by!
It’s going to royally piss her off. She won’t confront the person or you directly; instead, she’ll linger behind you and leer at the other party like she’s plotting their murder - and she is.
Himiko loves having someone around to spoil her, someone who’s not going to look at her with repulsivity and glare because of her quirk or personality.
So she’s not going to take someone else trying to steal you away lightly. If her glare doesn’t make them wet their pants in fear and she has to resort to slitting their throat in front of you, she will.
If she thinks you’d prefer it that way, she’ll just send them off with a menacing threat to get them to back off, instead of slaughtering them where they stand like she’d want to.
And she’ll be ridiculously clingy afterward.
She’ll smother you in kisses and rub her cheek all over you like a cat claiming you, cooing at you and giving you all sorts of compliments.
She’ll be even more selfish when it comes to you. She’ll thank you more vehemently for cooking, she’ll huddle up to you a little closer, and she’ll relish in your smooches more.
Himiko is a little afraid of losing you, all of what she does makes it more apparent than before. She can’t outright tell you how much you mean to her, so she’ll show you.
Dabi isn’t the greatest at receiving or giving affection, but eventually he gets used to it. Not good at it, used to it.
And Dabi, being the possessive ass he is, won’t just sit and watch as someone tries to woo you, unless he conjures up a plan that involves sitting back and watching before he strolls up and does something... obscene.
He has no filter whatsoever - it’s common knowledge by now. So he’s going to stroll right up to the dimwit trying to steal you away and tell them off like his tongue is the sharpest in all of Japan and he’s damn good at it - which he is.
And if they sass back or try to fight him on it? May All Might himself help them! He’s not going to pull punches, even if you’re there to see.
Needless to say, he’ll come out on top and get you away from whatever happened. And to say he’s a jealous creature is an understatement.
He’s going to be all over you, hugging you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder, or leaving hickeys in obvious places so that the next asshole who comes along knows not to even try.
Maybe he’ll willingly, verbally express how much that incident dug into his skin, or how glad he is that you’re around. But it’ll be hardest to pry out of him how much it scared him.
Because for a second it did scare him. For a second, he thought he’d lost the sole person who loved him for who he was, despite who he was and what he was capable of.
He’s not going to be happy or docile. He’s not going to be pissed and violent. But he will be upset at least.
Spinner won’t confront you or the other party, because he doesn’t want to come off as jealous and uneasy and scare you away.
He’s upset for obvious reasons, but also upset because he’s just now realizing how important you are to him, and he feels like a dolt. Maybe he even feels like he’s not given you proper appreciation, taking it all and not giving you anything in return.
Obviously, he’s relieved when you walk away and latch onto him because you just know he saw it, and you can see what he’s thinking on his face.
He’ll pout for a while, and he just can’t hide it very well.
All you have to do is ask him if he’s alright and suddenly the tables have turned for the day - he’s coddling you and trying to cook for you. He’s not the best cook, but he tries, as a way of showing you that he appreciates you and holy hell he can’t go an hour without your spoiling him.
From then on, he’s going to tell you more often how much he appreciates what you do for him and try in his own way to make up for it.
Spinner won’t be clingy per se, but he’ll put more effort into helping you out, whether it’s helping you cook or doing something like a snack run for you.
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It Takes Two to Tango
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, guns, knives, violence, self destructive behavior, mentions of mania and depression, mentions of bipolar disorder, descriptions of tattoo guns, slight slut shaming maybe, a bong, allusion to corrupt government, mentions of prostitution, mentions of parental neglect, and mentions of piercings.
Word Count: 6.5k
Songs: Drew Barrymore- SZA, No Role Modelz- J.Cole, Baby Blue- Action Bronson, Little Dark Age- MGMT, Gansta- Kehlani, Shutter Island- Jessie Reyez, Good Days-SZA, King’s Dead, Kendrick Lamar, and Saint Bernard- Lincoln.
“Which was odd because usually he talks the most on these rides. After we got over the initial awkwardness of the whole fire and Vulture thing we fell back into the way of things. Well if he was going to play this game I would too because what’s that saying? It takes two to tango.”
A/N: Hold on tight a lot goes down and it’s not looking up anytime soon. 
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I was running faster than I’d ever had before the heels I had been trying on? Not helping my case. Since this is apparently my brand now I backed myself up onto the edge of the building. 
I had a gun trained on me.
“Come with us Y/N please,” 
“No! Who the fuck is Y/N?”
“Don’t play dumb ma’am we’ve done extensive research on you and we see you’ve done the same with us,” 
I rolled my eyes.
“Fuck you! I have no idea what you’re talking about and this is harassment,”
“You’re cornered there’s no way out,” 
The man wasn’t going to shoot me. No one would’ve come all the way out here and have chased me for this long when they had a gun if they were really planning on killing me. They would’ve done it already. And if this was who I thought it was I was not going with them. 
“Just come with us, we’re on your side, we’re not trying to hurt you,” That sounds exactly like someone who was going to hurt me would say.  
“Yeah says the man who has a gun aimed at me,” I rolled my eyes. 
“This is simply a safety precaution, just make this easier for everyone,” 
I looked back at him before making my decision. I was getting the hell out of here now. 
I bent backwards towards the street underneath me. Instead of free falling I put my hands behind me going into a backbend kickover grabbing onto the ledge. 
Using my legs as a propeller I launched myself closer to the wall. I’d gotten lucky and the walls had protruding bricks that I could scale. 
The man who I think was from SHIELD was hot on my tail. So I had to move fast. I scaled my way to the nearest balcony jumping into the pool in a leap of faith. 
I’d made it in thankfully. Guess my story wasn’t over.
Then I had to run. I was running down the streets. Thankfully this was New York and no one would bat an eye at someone who was drenched head to toe running down the street. They’d just pass me off as another nut job and go about their day. 
So much has happened I feel like this is an episode of shameless. You really were too busy to tune in last week you skank ass bitch? I almost died twice and I still managed to check in, whatever, just pay attention to the next clip. 
“So that building exploded and that loud siren noise I think I told you about was going off in my ears and when I left the plane with Vulture and Spidey were fighting by a crashed plane and Vulture put too much power onto his wings and they were gonna blow up. And I got mad like fucking top of the anger iceberg mad. So when I was like on the verge of blacking out like fucking fire came out of my hands and disintegrated those wings. Like they turned to ash before my very eyes. Then I had a panic attack of course and that’s pretty much it,” 
“Uh… I just called you here to tell you I found something about that SHIELD guy who came after but, I’m glad you’re okay,” Felicia told me.
“Sorry… I guess I got too excited,” 
“What'd you find?” I moved over to her in her spinning chair. 
“Look and see for yourself,” She moved out the way.
I sighed plopping down onto the small twin bed.
“I know what you’re doing,” I said, picking up a piece of popcorn. 
“What are you talking about?” Carmen asked as if she was genuinely confused. 
“You’re trying to trick me into eating and sleeping, which is totally not fair because if I want to wallow in self pity I should be able to,” 
“I know what happens when it gets bad and I’m not letting you get there again,”
I sighed again. She is always claiming that she sees herself in me and she wants me to be the best version of myself. 
She acts like since she’s one year older than me that she’s my mentor or something.
 Plus she also thinks I have an undiagnosed and untreated bipolar disorder so who’s to say everything else she says isn’t a lie also. 
We were watching a Wrinkle in Time and I knew I was going to cry when the girl’s dad came back. I always did and I didn’t want to cry today. 
“Wanna go do something?”
“Sure... Where are we going?” 
I tried on a lot of Carmens clothes and ended up wearing the most extravagant outfit I’d ever worn. I felt extremely giddy for no reason in particular. I was wearing a puffy skirt and corset. We were walking about the streets of Brooklyn with no clear destination in mind just talking.
“I just find it funny that all you have to do to be famous on Tiktok is be white and skinny like smoke a cigarette in a subway station or some shit,”
“Why don’t we get famous?” 
“Now how would we get famous,” I poked. 
“I’m offended that you don’t think we could,” She stopped on the side of the street. 
“Gimme your phone,” She demanded in a kind way.
I plopped it into her palm. 
I’d honestly forgotten where I was for a second because I’d zoned out yet again. She put the phone back in my hand and she had made a Tiktok account for the both of us. 
She was only checking to see if I liked the account name because she took the phone right back afterwards.
I didn’t mind. 
“I should get a tattoo right?” I asked, putting another one of the chamoy gummy worms in my mouth. 
“How many do you have now?” 
“I think like twelve?”
“And that’s not enough for you?”
“Noo! I like the ones I have. I just want a bigger one.” 
“Then do it?” 
We were actually in walking distance of a tattoo parlour I just didn’t trust them. Never cheat on your nail tech or hairstylist and it goes the same for tattoo artists. 
Two subway rides later we were in Queens. I walked up to the front desk and was about to ask for my go to artist but she walked out the back room before I had the chance.
“Y/N, ‘s that you?” She asked. 
“The one and only,” I twirled around in my dress. 
“This dress is very different than your usual style but I can’t say I don’t love it,” She pulled at the fabric then glanced up her eyes, lighting up in recognition. She gasped “Is this Carmen?” 
I nodded “My bad lemme introduce you to each other. Carmen this is Enchantress and you already know Carmen apparently,” 
I’d played a Russian roulette sort of thing with my tattoo Pinterest board just clicking one with my eyes closed. Then there was the buzzing of the gun moving along my skin. Puncturing it in a way that felt extremely bittersweet. 
I never understood people who said tattoos hurt. I could always barely feel them. They felt like a simple scrape over your skin. Also at this shop they still give you the wrapping for your tattoo but it’s filled with ink still so you can move it around in the bubble. I like messing with the ink sack. I think that’s why I come here so often.
I was admiring the tattoo on my lower abdomen in the mirror when I was startled.  
“Wait!” Enchantress exclaimed, starling me “I just realized you got a piercing. Come here,” She beckoned. 
She turned towards me 
“It’s actually super straight, did you do this?” 
I opened my mouth to respond when Carmen answered for me.
“No, some girl did it for her in her school bathroom,” I really gotta stop telling her everything. She’s always snitching on me.
“I want to be mad but I can’t because it actually looks super healthy,” She titled my chin up to get a better view “However if it gets infected I’m beating your ass,” 
We exited the shop after I paid well, Carmen paid but I’ll pay her back. There was a pretty hefty discount too, because Enchantress loved me apparently, I loved her too. She’s an older sister figure like my role model. I mean she was when I was a few years younger. I think I’ve grown out of role models.
I felt a sharp uncomfortable sensation in my body which sort of felt like those anxiety brain zaps but located in my abdomen. 
I looked behind me and there was something off about this man who was standing a few feet behind me. I accidently made eye contact with him and he bolted off. 
“Y/N are you even listening to me?” 
“Huh,” I turned in Carmen’s directions “Sorry what'd you say?” 
“I was saying that since you got a tattoo, I’m gonna cut and dye my hair,” 
“Cool what color?” 
“I don’t know yet let’s go just to CVS ‘nd decide there,” 
I was sitting on the kitchen counter behind the chair Carmen was in as I applied the bleach to her hair singing along to the song playing. 
Why is it so hard to accept the party is over?
You came with your new friend
And her mom jeans and her new Vans
I set the bowl of hair bleach onto the counter hopping down to get ready for my favorite part of the song. 
And she's perfect and I hate it 
I sang it loudly moving my hands around like I always do releasing my energy. It was almost like therapy. Who am I kidding SZA is therapy. 
I used the bathroom and I couldn’t find soap. I looked under the cabinet and found the soap. I also found something else I wasn’t expecting to see. I brought it back into the kitchen with me.
“You have a hello kitty bong?”
She grabbed it from my hands examining it. 
“Well actually I stole it from my sister,” 
“No way, this is Dinah’s? Because she just got ten times cooler,” 
“All I know was she got back in college, then she just stopped using it,” 
I finished Carmen’s hair which for some reason she trusted me enough to cut curtain bangs for her honestly they didn’t look too bad. It was just very time consuming. 
“Okay but are you sure, how’d you know he’s gay?” Harry questioned leaning back to look at the kid again. 
“Just watch,” I raised my voice just enough for him to be able to hear me “Charlie!” 
He turned around as if he were stunned that I was talking to him. 
“Who me?” He asked.
“Yes you,”
“So can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure I guess…”
“What’s your favorite Percy Jackson book?”
“The answer Lightning Thief is pretty basic but it’s my favorite or maybe the Titan’s Curse, I’m not sure,” 
“Okay cool, thank you,” I turned back to face Harry “See,” 
“That doesn’t prove anything but okay,”
“He knew more than one book in the Percy Jackson series that tells me all I need to know,” 
“I know more than one Percy Jackson book,” He eyed me.
“Yeah and you’re gay,”
He just huffed. Got him there. 
“He still wouldn’t fuck you though,” I sat tucked my legs underneath me.
“Whatever shouldn’t you be in your class? Which is it again?”
“Oh what? Don’t oh me,” 
“You’re avoiding Peter,” 
“I’m not avoiding Peter,” I totally was. Just Harry thinks I’m doing it because I like him. I didn’t tell him that but I might've let him believe it, because how do you even go about telling someone Hey I’m avoiding the person because fire came out of my body and they saw it.  I’d sound insane. 
As I was walking to the gym and by to, I mean away from, but that’s not the point, I could’ve sworn I saw the same man from Saturday in the window near the crowd of students. 
Accompanied by the same gut feeling. 
I pushed my way into the gym. To avoid him. I bumped into someone. Off instinct I got defensive but then I heard an 
“Oh, sorry. Sorry!” Once they’d turned around I realized it had been Peter. Just my luck. 
“You’re fine that was basically my fault anyway,” 
I was going to just walk over to one of my friends but they weren’t here and Liz literally just left the school. So I had no escape. 
Well there was one escape. There’s always a way out.
“Y/N!” The female gym coach called. 
“Yes?” I rolled my eyes.
“Where are your gym clothes?” 
“Probably in the locker room...” 
“Why aren’t you wearing them?”
“I didn’t feel like it,”
“You need to change for your grade, participation is important,” 
I picked up my backpack off the floor before pushing open the doors to the girls locker room. Instead of going towards my locker I headed straight for the metal doors leading into the hallway. I went to the space I always seemed to drift to when I had nowhere else to go. 
The teachers bathroom. 
I know that sounds weird but it’s the only one I can lock. I stole a key a while back when I went to get my phone back from one of the teachers. 
I guess Carmen was a psychic or something because one of the videos she’d posted on our group account of us eating in the dresses, me getting that tattoo, and dying Carmen’s hair had blown up. 
I did not see her take any of the clips but the proof was right in front of me. 
The video had half a million views and I assumed that was because of all the comments helping pushing the algorithm.
Some of them were nice like
hey lol 
you’re both gorgeous omg 
That tattoo is cool af 
I want to be you 
I should pay you to do my hair lmao
I can't tell if i want to be you
The other half were like 
No child should be getting a tattoo you look so young
That is the devils sign I’m praying for you. 
Why please Go To God✝️✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️
Im praying for you 
At first I was confused as to why half of the comments were people praying. Then I realized it was because Carmen had on her pentagram necklace. 
I’m definitely not complaining about the comments though because they got me that many views, likes, and follows, but the ignorance upsets me. A pentagram only represents Earth, Air, Water, and Fire it’s about balance. 
 I think it’s cool, kinda like the Avatar. It has nothing to do with Satan. I didn’t really want to think about Fire. I was still freaking out about Friday. It hadn’t happened again so maybe I dreamt it or something. 
Somehow I spent the rest of gym and half of what should’ve been me heading to detention responding to every Christian’s comment with something dumb or witty. 
I was walking towards the detention room and was startled by Peter. Again.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Um… this is gonna sound insane but,” he paused looking down fiddling with his hands. 
My face twisted up in confusion as to why he still hadn’t spoken. 
“Are you gonna to speak…”
“Oh. Oh!” He looked back up “Yeah you remember my internship right?”
“Yeah…” I guess he was going to act like I didn’t know about him being Spiderman again.
“So now Mr. Stark is interested in you and wants you to come with me upstate,”
“Why me?” 
“I’m not sure, but if you’re coming someone is outside waiting for us,” 
I’m sure this was just another attempt to lure me into some SHIELD mess. However Peter had no idea about Thorn or any of the other fucked up shit I’d done. So it would look suspicious if I didn’t go. Because what kid or any other person wouldn’t want to meet Tony Stark. 
“Okay then, what are we waiting for?” 
The ride there was completely silent. I spent the whole time texting Carmen as she complained about her boyfriend. I really hated him oh my God. Peter had gone into the building about 15 minutes ago. 
“Okay, if he’s always getting on your nerves and trying to control you why are you still with him?” I asked in the snap meant for Carmen. 
“You know why, I’m not going to say it because then you’d get mad at me,” She sent a video back.
“Thank you I do not want to hear about your boyfriends dick-,” I was interrupted by a knock on the window “Okay I can’t talk got to go,” I sent the video before sliding across the seat pushing the door open. 
“What happened?” I asked as Peter sat back in the car. 
“It was a test,” He said, providing no further elaboration. 
The back window was rolled down and the guy who drove us here. Happy, I think. There is no way that was his real name. He stuck his face in the window. 
“Hey, the boss wants to see you now,” 
I turned back to Peter and whispered.
“The boss? Am I about to walk into some mafia meeting,” 
He just laughed at that. 
“We don’t have much time,” Happy urged. 
As we began walking the halls of the giant building as I pocketed random trinkets that I could sell for a quick buck. 
“So what’s your real name?” I asked Happy since this whole time he was leading me it was a silent ride. 
He continued to ignore me.
So I asked again. I could tell from his body language that I was getting on his nerves. 
I asked twice more and by the time the last sentence came out of my mouth we’d already reached our destination. He walked away not before mumbling a quick I hate kids. 
“Y/N it’s nice to meet you,” Tony greeted as he reached out to shake my hand. I allowed it.
“You’re a lot shorter in person,” I pointed out after releasing his hand. 
“Not the first time I’ve heard that,” He reached for a bowl putting something in his mouth. “Grape?” He offered.
“No thank you,” Not like they’d be poisoned  or anything, no one had even gotten the chance to question me yet. Also there was the fact that he was eating them but this could be a Princess Bride situation. Not taking any chances. 
“Okay,” He clapped, dusting his hands. “Let’s get to the point now,” 
“So I’ve been informed that you had an instance with pyrokinesis,” He continued after I nodded. “I was hoping to research this to get to the bottom of this,”
“So you want to use me as a lab rat?”
“No of course not, the research would be used purely for your personal benefit,” 
For my benefit my ass. They were going to turn me into a lab rat or a soldier.
“Okay I’ll think about it,” Thought about it. A hard hell no.
“If you do choose to do so since you are a minor I’ll need parental consent,” 
“Of course,” I nodded.
There was a pamphlet that I wasn’t going to read. I wasn’t really going to ask for permission. Was I? If I wasn’t then why was I back at ”my” house. 
I just missed my bed, it was messy but it was mine. 
I started sobbing for no reason at all. Maybe it was the old sketchbooks on my bed, or my mom's broken jewelry box. It could’ve been the smell of incense that never left from the lack of ventilation. It was probably the pile of crystals on my dresser. Then again it could’ve been the nazar eye amulet from the broken bracelet on the ground or the hole in the wall where I used to keep my favorite knife. Maybe it was all of those things. Maybe it was so much more. Maybe it was something different entirely. Maybe it was the colors of the wind. Who knows. 
My eyes stung as my eyeliner dripped down and into them. I blinked the tears away as I went through all my clothes and I mean ALL my clothes. 
I found another bodycon dress. I slipped it on after stuffing a few other articles in my bag. I continued searching to the very back of my closet and I found an old purse. There were at least $50 in the back pocket and in the front pocket there were- Oh. 
There was a small plastic bag with at least 500gs of Xanax. I must’ve left them there after Washington.
 I wasn’t going to take them. I really wasn't; I just put them in the bra. You know for safe keeping. I heard the front door open and made a break for the balcony. 
Although I’d regularly seen my sisters. I still hadn’t seen my dad since I’d left. They’d seen him a couple times though he was fine with the idea of them staying at our grandma’s for who knows how long. He doesn’t care as long as he’s still got that girlfriend of his. I can only imagine what he told her about us not staying with him.
 I jumped down the stairs of the fire escape and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. As something hit my calf. 
I looked down to see it was just Salem climbing up my leg. I lifted her up to my chest nuzzling the top of her head. 
“Hiii baby!” I cooed in a baby voice. 
I now more carefully made my way down the steps so as to not disrupt her. Now I was going to go straight to my grandma’s house to drop off the clothes, but I wanted to go shopping before it got too late.
 I already had no money so I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea but there I was with a $300 charge on my credit card. 
I probably looked insane walking around the mall with a cat in my backpack and black streaks underneath my eyes. 
If you’ve never done this I highly recommend it. Every subway train comes with carts and the last cart is a door with railing and no other restrictions. You can just sneak into the very back. 
The wind hitting your face is the most freeing thing in the world and you can scream as loud as you want and no one will hear you. That fact can be unsettling to some but to me it’s beautiful. 
Releasing your true emotions to no one but you and yourself. I closed my eyes holding onto the railing with one hand and Salem in the other. I put her back into my backpack before sitting down. 
Since the app is addicting, and you can’t tell me it’s not, I opened Tiktok and the first thing I saw is a guy pouring what I hoped wasn’t I thought it was into a bowl. 
So naturally my first reaction was to make a video about it because who doesn’t overshare on the internet. 
“Tell me why,” The track rumbled underneath me, making Salem whine, I picked her up letting her cuddle into my chest. 
“Okay, I have a cat now but-” The track rumbled again “It’s so fucking loud but tell me why I opened this hellfire app and see some dude pouring cum into a bowl, I hate everyone,” 
Within like six minutes of me posting it I had multiple likes and comments. 
The only reason being is that Harry dueted.
 I gotta say being the kid of a mayor and a multimillionaire gives you some form of clout. So he had a pretty heft following.
Harry’s similar to me in the way that we’re mean to our friends. So naturally  we’re ”mean” to each other. 
“You look stupid,” Harry claimed in his video “Also who’s fucking cat did you steal put it back and get in the trains properly and go wash your face,”
I hadn’t even realized I was on my new account at first. 
Of course I made a response video. 
“First of all this is my cat, her name is Salem and she’s adorable” I mean not really but she belongs to no one else, and I feed her. “Second, ignore my eyeliner. I actually think it looks kinda cute,” Lie, It just made me look crazy. “Also how'd you even find this account so fast? Stalker. I’d advise you shut up before I post your phone number then you’d have to ward off groupies. I’m sure you’d like that though.” 
I’m pretty sure the majority of the people in our comments thought we were being serious. So in turn they commented things like I have no idea who you are but I’m on your side, is this gonna be another scandal, or here before the news is talking about it. 
I’m not complaining. His history of scandals got me to 5k followers for the pure assumption that I was involved in some other secret. 
My mind was moving at 100 miles per hour. It felt like I was on a whole bottle of adderall.  I was going somewhere. At least I remember I was supposed to be somewhere. I’m pretty sure my grandma’s house was where I was going. Right?
“No weapon against you shall prosper mija,” My grandma squeezed my hand “You are stronger than you know,”
“I know. Thank you,” 
I’d got here and we had a 30 minute conversation about my mental health without outright saying anything about mental health. It was just mostly her taking shots at my dad. With the exception of her telling me I was dressed like una furcia. 
“Okay well,” I pushed up off the couch “I just came to bring some clothes and I need to get back anyway,” 
“Get back to where, where are staying?” She asked. 
“Oh you remember MJ right?” I lied. 
“Oh yes, I like that lil’ girl,” 
I went into the guest room to where my sisters were staying. I could hear rustling as I got closer to the room. I flicked on the lights. To see both of my sisters asleep. It was only 10:30 so that was highly unlikely.
“I know you’re not sleep it’s just me,” 
They peeled open their eyes, sitting up. 
“I come bearing gifts,” I announced kneeling down next to the bag. 
I placed the bag on the floor carefully so I wouldn’t hurt Salem.
Sapphire squealed when she saw her. 
“You got Salem? I missed her!” 
“Well actually, I just brought clothes,” I dumped them on the bed “Aaliyah come here?” I asked. 
She hopped down from the bed. 
“All of Sapphire’s clothes are over there but I know we’re like the same size so pick what you want,” I told her. 
She took at least half of what I had but I wasn’t complaining because at least she wasn’t going behind my back and taking them. 
“Okay but like am I really allowed to hate my father like cause,” I tried to move only to immediately lose balance “Shit- but like can I even hate my dad if I do the same shit he does, like maybe, maybe it’s like some contractual blood magic shit and I’m just destined to be a shitty person,” I was sending videos to some group chat I didn’t know who was in it because I couldn’t really read the name I just know Harry was the only one responding. 
“I get it being like your parents is scary but you’re not and I won’t let you be like that, now get some sleep please,” Harry reassured. 
“NO! It’s like,” I struggled to get the sentence out “It’s like crazy because before I existed it like someone fucking planted this, like it- it’s a-,” I hit my forehead on each word as if I could physically knock them out. “It’s a seed in my brain and it’s only going to grow as I get older and I’m just gonna be an asshole, it’s fucking happening already and I-“ Carmen came into the living room I flipped the camera onto her “Say hi!” I slurred. 
“Y/N you okay?” She said making her way over to me. I stopped the video and sent it. 
“I’m fine how are you?” 
“I thought you went to bed,” she ignored my question. 
“I did. Then I couldn’t sleep,” I leaned back onto the couch. She crouched down next to me feeling my forehead.
“You have a fever,” She claimed.
“No I don’t! Why does everyone keep saying that?” I whined. 
“Are you high?” She moved closer to my face. 
“No I’m not fucking high,” 
“You’re slurring your words,” She pointed out moving into the kitchen “What’d you take?” 
“I said what’d you take,” She going into one of the cabinets “I know you’re not drunk because you don’t smell like alcohol and you don't smell like weed, so I’ll ask you again,” 
“I didn’t take anything, I'm not high!” I explained. 
“It was Benadryl wasn’t it?” She came back into the living room and handed me a glass of water. “You know that stuff kills people,” 
“Yeah I think I of all people would know that,” Truth is I wasn’t lying. I didn’t take anything. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, maybe sleep deprivation.
“True,” She sat down on the floor next to me “You know how I said I can tell when it’s getting bad,” I nodded. “Well like I was saying before it’s getting bad for you-”
“No it’s not,” I interrupted “I’m literally the happiest I’ve ever been today,” 
“I was getting there,” She held her hands up in an attempt to placate me “That’s just the calm before the storm it’s mania,”
“I’m not manic! Stop trying to psychoanalyze me I’m perfectly fine,” 
I must've woken Salem up because I could hear her footsteps as she paddled over to me and sat in my lap. It’s like she knew when I was getting angry. 
“That’s the thing you’re not fine, just let me know when you’re ready to admit that,” She pushed off the ground using her hands “Try to get some sleep please and thank you,” 
I think it was the weight and warmth of Salem on my chest that finally lulled me to sleep like a weighted blanket. 
“Sapphire!” I yelled to catch her attention “Stop running you’re gonna hurt yourself,” 
She slowed down before making her way back to Aaliyah and the other kids at this birthday party. 
I sat back down on the table’s bench before getting back on my phone. I saw this post one time about how people use technology to distract themselves so they can't have the chance to have a depressive thought. Then I decided to prove that theory wrong so I put my phone up and I thought. 
And boy did I have a lot to think about. The biggest thing on my mind was why. Why did Tony Stark come after me? Why did the guy with the gun come after me? Why did my mom feel the need to make an “Incase I die” video? Why did she have connections to people like Kingpin? Why did she even know Wade? Wasn’t he some science experiment gone wrong? 
Then that got me thinking what if I was a science experiment gone. What if that’s why Tony Stark wanted to experiment on me. What if that was under the orders of someone from SHIELD, because how would he have known about me otherwise. 
Welp, there was only one way to find out. 
“Okay I’m in,” I settled. “What do I have to do?”
“Uh are you sure?” Tony asked.
“Positive,” I affirmed. 
“Well first we would probably do some blood tests and an MRI. Then see where that takes us.” He looked back over at me “Can you do this tomorrow?” 
“Yeah tomorrow works for me,” 
“Great,” He clapped his hands together “I’ll send Happy to pick you up from school,” 
“No it’s fine I can get here myself.” 
“It’s a different location,” He revealed. 
“Okay tell me where it is and I’ll make it there myself,”
“I can’t not even I know where it is,” 
“Fine, I’ll do this, but only if I can bring a friend,” I requested “You know for safety reasons?”
“Safety reasons? Do you not trust me?”
“Not really…” 
“Wow okay, you can bring this friend,” 
“Who doesn’t trust Iron man?'' I heard him mutter to himself as I made my way out of the building. 
I always thought the apocalypse would come in colors. The sky flashing from red to pink to purple to orange. Then there would be a loud sound almost like the Big Bang. Then nothing. I had a vivid imagination when I was younger. 
I guess I was wrong though because it was already here and the sky was as blue as ever.  And the air was as humid as ever in this crusty ass building. 
“I told you already I’m not a soldier you’re gonna have to pay me for this,” I spoke into the comms.
“Shh,” Tony hushed “Just wait for your target.”
Life hadn’t been all that bad. Just for the past two weeks I’d been training with Peter since at the end of the week that I agreed to testing, Spiderman joined in the Avengers officially. Which, good for him I guess. 
Trying to get my brain back on track now. I’d been training with Peter and now we’re going on our first mission. I was not loyal to Tony at all. Nor would I ever be. I’m not calling him Mr. Stark like Peter does either, he doesn’t deserve it. I was trying to look up my mom with the information Felicia gave me and I saw she was listed as level orange in a shield file. Whatever that means.
One thing it meant was I couldn’t back out just yet now.
This would be one deep inside job.
“Peter?” I whispered into the comms
“Hello?” He asked.
“Where are you?” 
“I’m guarding the entrance like I was told too?” He asked more than stated. 
“Well, come here,” 
“But Mr. Stark said-“ 
“I don’t care what Mr. Stark said come here,” I interjected without even thinking about the fact he could’ve been listening in somehow. 
“Yes?” He questioned once he was standing in front of me.
“Take my role for a second,” I pulled my gun out the holster “You know how to use a gun right?”
I thought back to the last time we’d actually fought as our alter egos. Except then he didn’t know it was me and he still doesn’t. He definitely didn’t know how to use a gun then let’s just hope he did now. 
“You know what, I don’t have time just take it,” I placed the gun in his palm before speeding off.
“Wait!” He called out “Aren’t you defenseless now?” 
“I’ll be fine baby boy,” I called back.
I made my way into the farthest depths of the warehouse. I’d been here once before. That was before I knew Felicia and we’d gotten into a scuffle about a diamond. Let’s just say I was young and I went home bruised that day. 
Apparently I was under the impression she had it and she was under the impression I had it this whole time. So maybe. Just maybe it was still there. It was somewhere in the back last time I checked.
 There it was. I grabbed it and recoiled when I heard a voice accompanied by the sharp zap in my body. 
“Looking for something?” They asked. I turned around only to be faced with a large burly almost Frankenstein looking man. 
“Oh yeah I was looking for you actually, you just made my job a lot easier,” 
As if my words were a signal for him. They probably were. He lunged forward towards me with his left side fully open. I evaded and left a sharp kick to his side. 
He wailed out in pain before slinging me backward as I tried to reach for the diamond off the floor. 
I skidded across the floor before hopping back to my feet. 
“I found the guy,” I spoke into the comms.
“Who are you talking to?” The target teased. 
“Your mom,” I taunted. 
“Hey!” He cried. 
“Where are you?” I heard Peter ask I didn’t get a chance to answer because the man swung at me again. 
That hit made contact with my shoulder. He continued to swing and I continued to walk backwards. I realized almost too late that I was backing myself into a corner.
I’m not sure where or who I heard this from maybe Wade but sometimes the only point your opponent has his guard down is mid punch.
 I scrambled for my knife, fingers dancing around the holster on my waist as my feet continued to slide along the pavement underneath me. Just as the man swung at me again I sent my knife towards his torso. Except it didn’t make contact. And I had never missed before, especially not from this close. 
I was confused until I realized it was because I heard that all familiar wet sticky sound of Spider-Man’s web shooters except this time I was glad to hear it. 
Peter webbed the man's arms and mouth all while my fingers went lax in shock for only a moment but one moment too long. 
The knife clattered to the ground making a noise that drew Peter’s attention. I tried to swipe it away with my foot but Peter had already grabbed it. 
“This is Thorns knife,” He spoke calmly and I wasn’t sure if it was directed at me or if it was for himself.
“And how would you have Thorns knife unless you were,” I saw his eyes light up as he made the connection. “Wait, you’re Thorn, holy shit, I’m so stupid how’d I not notice before,”
“Peter seriously you can’t tell anyone,” 
He looked up as if he were just noticing I was still there. 
“Don’t worry I won’t be saying anything at all,” 
Yeah, this was definitely the apocalypse because I don’t know if it was just me but life was ending.
Another silent ride and I realized exactly what he’d meant when he said he wouldn’t say anything. He was giving me the silent treatment. 
Which was odd because usually he talks the most on these rides. After we got over the initial awkwardness of the whole fire and Vulture thing we fell back into the way of things. Well if he was going to play this game I would too because what’s that saying? It takes two to tango. 
23 notes · View notes
shananigans402 · 3 years
1-65 will do, please. Thanks fuck face :)
I knew exactly who this was and I was so tempted to not reply, but your punishment is having to read through all my answers and remember them forever or you fail the friend test. To everyone else, please do not click unless you want to be very bored, my answers are not interesting lol
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1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Nope
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Assuming 5 is the most, 1. Maybe 2. 
3. The person you would never want to meet? The person who sent me this (jk I’m excited for our eventual meet up where we hit up a strip club first thing 🙏)
4. What is your favorite word? I answered with ‘conniption’ the other day and still have not found a word I like more.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Already answered this, fruit tree! I also like palm trees, maple trees, and willow trees. I know that’s not the question, I’m just saying random shit now.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? It took me a long while to remember where I was this morning. I honestly don’t remember, I was rushing to get ready for an early morning meeting.
7. What shirt are you wearing? My Orlando Strong shirt 
8. What do you label yourself as? Lesbian
9. Bright room or dark room? Bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping? Possibly checking on a feverish little beeb who was going through it with her second dose of the vaccine.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? No idea. I like various ages for different reasons, but this age so far is not bad. 
12. Who told you they loved you last? Probably my sister 🤷‍♀️
13. Your worst enemy? The person who sent this ask.
14. What is your current desktop picture? The apple pic of Catalina island that changes based on time of day (yes it’s the default, don’t judge me)
15. Do you like someone? Lol yeah I hope so 😂
16. The last song you listened to? Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? Definitely @raginage
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I feel like I can only attack Raginage so many times. Can I pick a fictional character? This week I was real mad at Dave in The Darkness. BaBe!​
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? Lol no one, you’re talking to a person who feels very uncomfortable with anyone doing anything nice for them.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) Not this again. Last time I said eyes? Still no pics, sorry
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? What would I look like? Do I get to design myself like a sim? I honestly don’t know what I’d do because I doubt the world needs another clueless white man walking around, so maybe just stay at home. 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Nope. And my last answer to this was awful. I do think I have a fantastic ability to annoy my friends but in a way that’s just amusing/endearing enough to make them still want to talk to me 😌
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Unique? Uhm well my two big fears are confined spaces and deep water so a submarine is like my worst nightmare.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Oh this is going to sound so odd. To be clear, I’ve had better sandwiches, but my go-to is provolone, turkey, roast beef, and spicy brown mustard or whole grain mustard. Please don’t judge me.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? Travel budget for future trips to visit my buds and get into trouble and eat food. I know $100 won’t go far, but it’s something.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Well, after my last answer I want to visit my friends! But there are too many people to visit and I only have one ticket. So change of plans. I’m going on a solo trip to Greece. Or Argentina. Or Iceland. Or Bali. Damn, I’m indecisive. 
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? Rabble red blend. Just a solid red wine. Also because @viola-lloyds stole my answer the other day (Juneshine; to be fair I asked her this question but whatever) and I don’t want to copy her.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Oh I answered this one, something about respecting others. Yeah, a nice rule like that. Want to establish some healthy communication on this island.
29. What is your favorite expletive? It’s still fuck
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? But what about my PLANTS. Can they count as loved ones? Probably my laptop, I know that’s lame but like...I have a lot of stuff on here. Or the collection of cards I have that my granddad drew little drawings in, I want to get them all framed.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? To be honest, I don’t know if I’d change big life events in case it altered the trajectory of where I ended up. So idk maybe the ending of Bly, let’s give those lesbians have a happy ending!
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Italy! But wait, let’s get back to this sleeping with celebrities and super-powers bit...
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? Oh that’s a really tough question. I always wanted to meet my great-grandma Olga because she seemed like a really awesome lady. 
34. What was your last dream about? I can’t remember, this is bothering me because I wish I could! I’m sorry. My gf recently had a dream where I kissed a dude right in front of her. It made us both very uncomfy lol
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? I hate this question because I can only think of one thing.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? For surgery, yeah
37. Have you ever built a snowman? But of course!
38. What is the color of your socks? Not wearing any? I was wearing blue ones earlier. Jfc my answers are so boring.
39. What type of music do you like? Lots! I tend to listen to indie, classic rock, and some pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate or a variant (chocolate peanut butter, chocolate caramel)
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) LA Rams or Seattle Seahawks. I know they’re in the same division. It’s tough. (Please don’t ask me why these teams)
43. Do you have any scars? Yep, mostly from burning myself on ovens. I simply get too excited for my food.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I...have graduated? 
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Well bestie recently said I have “lesbian hands” and I think that’s code for man hands so maybe that hahaha
46. Are you reliable? I try to be!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? How many more times will I watch The Darkness before I learn my lesson? (Related: When does other bestie finally admit to her fetish?)
48. Do you hold grudges? Not typically, no
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? A dog and an otter? Can we domesticate otters? No, a horse and a large bird, create a pegasus and then free travel.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Oh god. I don’t even know where to start today tbh. Damie and pokemon and cosycon and looming and feet and [redacted] and developing apps for VP. So many fantastic conversations. 
In real life, probably the time I was at a laundromat in Italy and this guy wandered in with a beer, sat next to me and my male roommate, assumed we were a couple, and proceeded to give us bizarre life advice. I wish I could remember more of it, but it was so odd.
51. Are you a good liar? Hmm I’m okay at it I think, that is, I can convince people I’m serious when I’m actually joking. But I don’t like actually lying if it’s not just teasing someone. 
52. How long could you go without talking? Probably a few days if I had to.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? The haircut I got before studying abroad! It was too short and I was so sad.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? For a birthday? No. For fun? Absolutely.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? Not well, no
56. What do you like on your toast? Butter and/or honey and/or jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? My beautiful depiction of a scene of chapter one of Private Dancer. 
58. What would be you dream car? An electric car of some sort. I don’t know enough about cars tbh
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. Nope but sometimes I’ll play music and dance and maybe softly sing.
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yep! Definitely 
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Almost never unless someone sends it to me.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Already answered, A
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dinosaurs! 🦕
64. What do you think about babies? What do I think about them? They’re pretty cool. Just tiny little humans. 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. I was very nice and let you correct your mistake and submit one after the fact:
In your opinion what is the best thing you can cook, like your speciality? My favorite thing to make is pasta, I started making my own sauce and I’d love to make pasta from scratch sometime.
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mistymark · 4 years
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part two // 2.0k words // superpowered!au // (sort of) gang!au // series masterlist
summary; in which you consider yourself somewhat of a vigilante.
warnings; mentions of blood, gangs, swearing
notes; i had to redo the whole of part 2 fkjhbjhg so I hope u like it 
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You could feel yourself becoming conscious again, yet you felt like you were drowning. Voices and other sounds sounded distant – like you were hearing them from inside a glass cage. “Wake her up,” an unfamiliar voice cut through the thick cloud in your mind, the glass cage shattering.
Your vision cleared, and you became vaguely aware that you were seated on a leather seat in some type of office. The room felt cold – mostly because of its appearance – with stone walls and amount of space that surrounded you. In a room that was easily larger than your whole apartment, there were only four pieces of furniture. You try to move your hands, but you find them bound behind your back with rope. Kinky.
Standing before you was a man with jet black hair, dressed in a pair of black jeans and flannel top. There was something about his appearance that made you feel more comfortable, though his face was serious. He didn’t say anything else. You could feel the power in him, but you weren’t surprised he was a Super. You could feel six others nearby – one much stronger than the rest and five that were slightly dulled, perhaps due to the stone walls. Still, the sheer amount of power in such a close proximity made your body feel like it was on fire.
The reason you’d never liked going to The Den was not due to the criminals but the overwhelming feeling of so much power in one room. Normally, seven wouldn’t bother you. But these people were strong.
There was silence for a moment as the man in front of you waited. Something about his patience made you uncomfortable – and your gut told you he was dangerous. You got the feeling he wouldn’t be someone to mess with even if he weren’t a Super.
“Are you-?” You began to ask, but your question quickly turned into a shriek of pain as you clutched your head. An absurd amount of pressure felt like it was building up inside your skull, pressing against the inside of your head.
The pain vanished to a dull throb and you looked at him through your lashes, recovering.
He looked you over for a moment, before his eyes narrowed again and the pressure returned. It felt like the pain had doubled since the last time, and you scrunched your face up in pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing you scream.
It seemed like the wrong thing to do, as the pain only worsened. When it was gone again, you looked up, feeling a trickle of blood run from your nose.
He scrutinised you again for a moment, and it was all the time you needed to reach out for his power, feeling it run through you. You imagined protecting yourself, mentally envisioning not being in pain anymore, and the dull throb vanished.
You sagged against the back of the chair in relief, looking up to try and stop the blood flow from your nose. Sniffing in a rather undignified fashion, you spat at the floor, feeling somewhat satisfied that there was going to be a blood stain in the middle of the room.
His gaze wandered from you to the floor, but he didn’t react. Instead, his eyes met yours once again, and you felt him trying to push into your head again. You tried to focus on blocking him – but you’d always found using abilities that weren’t related to matter more difficult.
You felt him give in, stepping back slightly from the effort of using his abilities. He wiped at his nose, and you swore you could see a small dot of blood. Good.
“Who are you?” You ask, sceptically.
It was becoming evident that he was not going to hurt you, but you knew that this wasn’t his decision. He had to be working for someone. A Denner, perhaps. He doesn’t answer, which you’d mostly expected. What you weren’t expecting was for him to pull out his phone and start texting. What kind of bad guy is he?
“Um, excuse me? Hello?”
It was as if he couldn’t hear you. No part of him reacted to you; he kept a straight face.
“You could at least put your phone away when I’m talking to you,” you mumbled.
No response.
You tried a different tactic, pulling at his power slightly, you tried to penetrate his mind subtly, only digging for surface level information. “Doyoung.”
He doesn’t say anything, but you notice the way he stiffened slightly.
Smiling, you continue, “What? Are you bothered that I know your name but you don’t know mine?” When he doesn’t respond once again, you add a teasing lilt to your voice, “It’s okay. I’m Y/n.”
He almost looks annoyed by you, even though his facial expression doesn’t change. He clicks his phone off and slides into his pocket, crossing his arms and leaning against the desk. A moment later, a door behind you opens, and the feeling of power you receive is stronger. The other Supers are behind you.
Only one steps into the room, though. No one talks.
“You know, it’s rude not to introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met before,” you say, not attempting to turn around. “Johnny, is it? Or do you prefer John?”
He ignores you, crossing the room and standing in front of Doyoung, “What do you know?”
“She doesn’t work for a Denner,” Doyoung responds. This surprises you. For two reasons: one; you’d thought they worked for a Denner, and two; his voice does not match the voice that had cut through his mental block.
“Then who does she work for?”
“No one.”
Johnny turns to you, a frown on his face. You realise he’s trying to get information, too, as if he had the same ability as Doyoung. You know he doesn’t. You shrug casually.
Doyoung doesn’t say anything else, and you immediately know he doesn’t speak unless spoken to. Johnny is the one in charge here.
“If she doesn’t work for anyone, why-?”
“You don’t work for the Denners.”
He turns to you, one eyebrow raised. “No.”
“Neither do I.”
No longer interested in what you have to say, he turns back around to Doyoung.
“I’ve been watching them, you know.” You can tell this piques his interest, even though he doesn’t face you. “I know they want Supers to be sold, used as weapons. They’re trying to sway the Senate.”
You swear it’s like talking to a bloody brick wall.
Doyoung’s abilities allow you to hear their thoughts. “You want to kill me? That’s your big plan?”
Johnny smiles. It’s the first time you’ve seen either of them express any kind of emotion, and it’s honestly more creepy than the blank and serious looks you’d been getting early. “You’re a mind reader, then?”
“Sometimes,” you smirk. The faintest bit of confusion crosses his face but it’s gone as quickly as it appeared.
They talk in hushed voices, and you try and reach out with your mind to find the other Supers. You can sense their power from behind you, but neither of them are close enough. That is, until one walks too close to the wall, and you try and reach out for the power. You can feel the way your mind grasps it, feeling the familiar heat run through you. Pyrokinesis. Perfect.
“Not just a mind reader,” you say. They pause mid-conversation to look at you. You feel the heat rise around your wrists, singing the ropes. The ropes land softly on the ground, and you pull your arms forward from where they were previously bound behind the chair, your fists now glowing bright red, small flames dancing along your skin. You’d always been one for dramatics.
Doyoung and Johnny look genuinely shocked. Neither of them speak.
“A mimic.”
The voice is coming from the far corner, and you’re surprised you didn’t notice anyone standing there. It’s the original voice, the one that ordered you to be woken from your psychokinetic haze.
The man pushes off the wall with his shoulder and steps into the light, and you realise you were wrong about Johnny; he is not in charge. The man who stands before you most definitely is.
The man stands tall and is dressed in what has to be the most expensive suit you’ve ever seen. It’s a dark grey – almost black – colour with gold thread detailing throughout it, swirling in intricate patterns. He isn’t any taller than Doyoung or Johnny, but he certainly seems more powerful.
He lazily steps down towards you, and you know he’s dangerous. He’s a Super, but his power – clairvoyance, you can feel – don’t make him all that threatening.
“Yes,” you breathe, and you immediately feel like you should be bowing. He can sense your fear, judging by the amused smirk on his face.
“Now,” he steps closer, and his finger tilts your chin up to his face, “that could prove useful.”
Defiantly, you pull your head away from him, but you don’t say anything.
“Oh,” he laughs humourlessly, “you’re spunky.”
Normally, you would laugh at anyone who used the word ‘spunky’, kick them in the shins and roast them to hell and back. To this man – Jaehyun – you don’t do any of those things.
“What do you know about the senator?” He asks. You’re surprised by the way he speaks now, almost like he’s already bored by the conversation.
“That’s a big question,” you say, trying to force some confidence into your voice.
“You have ten seconds.”
“Ten-? Okay, um- ” You suddenly can’t remember anything you’ve observed in the last few months. “A gang of Denners have been trying to convince the Senate to make the trading of Supers legal, but they’ve hit a roadblock per say with Senator Kim. He has holdings with Broadback-“
Jaehyun looks up at you, “You stopped.”
“It’s been ten seconds,” you remind him, slyly.
You expect him to ask to hear more, to show that he’s interested in what you know. If anything, he does the opposite. He grabs something off the desk, a baseball of sorts, and tosses it up in the air before catching it quickly. “You don’t know anything.”
The words make you feel like you’ve just been stabbed. You try not to let your jaw drop.
“The senator has been working with the Silver Panthers for quite some time now, and yet he double crossed them.” He shoots you a look, “Why?”
This information surprises you and you wonder if he’s quizzing you. “Bribery?” You offer.
The sound he lets out is more like a snort than a laugh, but it doesn’t last. “Like I said; you don’t know anything.”
You feel your cheeks flush in embarrassment. You’d almost forgotten Doyoung and Johnny were in the room. Doyoung.
Jaehyun walks past you towards the exit, not even sparing you a second glance. “Kill her.”
You try and reach out to Jaehyun’s mind, sifting through his memories and knowledge.
Johnny steps forward, but you put a haze over his mind like Doyoung had done to you, effectively rendering him useless.
“The Silver Panthers proposed the idea of Supers being used in war. They used that to sway the senator, and he persuaded the Senate for them – Once he realised, he went to the Red Crown-” You blabber, reciting everything you can from Jaehyun’s mind.
“Very good.” He doesn’t mean it.
“I can help.”
“We don’t need your help.”
You sigh, rolling up your sleeve to reveal your wrist, holding up your arm to show him your tattoo, “I think you could use it, though.”
“You’re a Crown?” He looks to Doyoung in exasperation.
“I used to be a Crown.”
He casts you another long look, before walking for the door again. “Training starts tomorrow. Doyoung, show her to one of the empty rooms.” Before the door closes, you can hear him mutter to Doyoung, “And fucking fix Johnny.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
1. What would you do if your pet suddenly started to talk to you, but nobody else could hear it? Would you assume you'd gone mad or simply be happy for the company? Would you try to convince your friends and family or would you be satisfied keeping it to yourself? Omggg, that would be so trippy. I’d definitely be freaked out at first and think someone slipped me something haha. I think I’d keep trying to talk to her and get her to respond before it really set it in that it was really happening. I’d have so many questions and things I’d want to say. That would be so cool. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have anything bad to say... ha. What if she just started going in on me about everything I’ve said and what she has observed. She’d be like, “girl, you need to get your shit together.” haha. What if she wasn’t as sweet and loving as I think she is? :O lol. Nah, we’d have an even closer bond. (: Anyway, I honestly don’t know if I would tell anyone. I’d certainly want to. I’m positive I would try and record her talking for proof. If not, then maybe I’d try to prove it another way. Like, have my family say or ask her something without me hearing and then ask her about it and tell them what she said. I’d find some way!
2. When you answer the phone, what do you typically say? Is it different depending on whom the caller ID says it is (if you have caller ID)? Generally, just a typical “hello.” Sometimes I’ll say something else when my mom calls. Like, jokingly I might act annoyed and say, “What do you want?” or “Hey, boobala/boob” lol. My family and I call each other those nicknames. 
3. Is there a food that you only recently started to like? If so, what is it and when did you start liking it? How often do you try again foods you don't like to see if your tastes have changed? Prior to a couple months ago I didn’t eat breakfast sandwiches very often and the addition of cream cheese was something new for me. It’s not that I didn’t like breakfast sandwiches before, it just wasn’t something I had too often. My brother got me hooked on this local place that makes ‘em and then we started making our own. I also started eating guacamole with my scrambled eggs. I don’t retry foods I don’t like. If I don’t like something then I just don’t eat it again. 
4. Who would you NOT want to read the surveys you've posted on here? What would most likely happen if they did read it? Is there anyone you actually wish would read your survey answers but whom doesn't? I’m really open on here and share stuff that I don’t express or open up about in person. I can get deep and dark sometimes. I wouldn’t want my family to see some of my responses because I wouldn’t want them to worry or know certain things. There isn’t anyone I know that I want to see my surveys. These are like my personal journal entries. ...that people I don’t know can read... ha.
5. What three things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years, and why? Hmm. I don’t know. That requires more thinking than I can be bothered to do.
6. Do you watch Glee? If so, which song do you want to hear on there that they have not yet done? If not, which TV show do you think has the best soundtrack? No, I never got into Glee. I’m not sure about which show I’d say has the best soundtrack. I don’t really pay that much attention to that.
7. What do you find to be the most irritating piece of clothing to wear wet? Are you the type of person to go to great lengths to avoid getting your clothing wet? What about your hair? Jeans for sure, but I don’t like wearing wet clothes of any kind. It’s just uncomfortable and makes me cold. I don’t feel I have to go great lengths to avoid getting wet, though. I don’t encounter situations where that could happen all that often. I don’t mind if it’s raining and I get a little wet, but I don’t want to get drenched. I don’t really care about my hair getting wet anymore, but I used to hate it when I actually attempted styling my hair because my hair gets very frizzy and flat when it gets wet. 
8. How often do you witness discrimination? Do you ever speak up about it when you do see it? Or would you only speak up if the discrimination was directed toward you or someone close to you? >> I don't often witness anything, to be honest, since I'm home so often. I don't really have significant experience with blatant discrimination, despite my myriad marginalities. <<< 
9. Do you think you would be able to pull off a crime perfectly, without being caught? What about other lies? For example, cheating on your partner without getting caught? Would you be able to get away with it? No. Not that I have any desire to try, but I know I would be too scared and anxious and make mistakes. Not to mention the guilt. Something would give myself away for sure. 
10. Are you the type to get embarrassed if your parent/parents acts/act your age? Do they do this often? Or do you think it's stupid to put an age on the way one can act? Pfft, my parents are awesome. My mom especially is a lot cooler than me. People love her.
11. Do you know anyone who has divorced and remarried the same person? What do you/would you think of someone who does that? No, not personally.  12. Do you say goodnight to anybody before you go to bed? If so, does it feel weird if you go to bed without saying it to them? My family and I say it to each other and yeah it does feel weird if for some reason one of us doesn’t. 
13. How do you react when you're scared? Do you scream, jump, cover your eyes, etc.? I’m really jumpy and skittish. If it involves a bug, I really freak out and it’s super embarrassing. 
14. Who is the best storyteller you know? What do you find best about their storytelling? Is there an interesting story of theirs you'd like to share? My grandpa was. He always told the best stories and he had a lot of ‘em. They could be quite long and go off on tangents at times, but they always came full circle. And he was really funny, too. 
15. When you check your e-mail account, how much of it do you delete without even looking at it? Do you have a separate account for junk like this? A lot of it, honestly. Some I can tell by the subject line if it’s something of interest to me like a particular sale. 
16. Do you strongly dislike (or even hate) any bands or musical artists? If so, what caused such a strong negative emotion towards them? No, I don’t have any strong negative emotions towards a band or artist. If there’s one I don’t like then I just don’t listen to them, that’s really it. 
17. What are you listening to? Is it something you would normally be found listening to, or just something you've started listening to recently? Yeah, I listen to a lot of ASMR.
18. Does/did your school bus stop directly in front of your house? If not, where does/did it stop? I never had to take the school bus, but no there isn’t one that stops in my neighborhood that I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure where to be honest. I did take the public bus in college sometimes, though. The bus stop isn’t right by my house, but it only took me a few minutes to get to it. 
19. Do you parents have any collections? If so, what do you think of those collections? My dad has his various sports memorabilia and shoes, my mom has a lot of stuff for her favorite football team, shoes, books, Baby Yoda stuff, Disney Loungefly backpacks, and some other knickknacks. 
20. Are there any movies you watch when you're feeling anxious or depressed? If so, what are they, and what about them calms you down and/or lifts your spirits? No, I don’t tend to turn to movies for that. I turn to ASMR and/or another one of my distractions. If I do decide to turn to TV, I just put on something mindless that I’ve already seen that doesn’t require much thinking or paying attention. 
21. Would you rather see a band/artist perform in a small club, an arena, or at an outdoor venue? Why? Which one have you been to most recently? I enjoy arenas, personally. From my experience, I’ve never had to be hugged up on people or feel claustrophobic in an arena. Since I’m in a wheelchair, I’ve always just sat up in the nosebleeds and there’s plenty of space and not a lot of people. I can also see better. At a small club or outdoor venue, people would be standing and I wouldn’t be able to see at all.
22. Do you have a favourite role of Johnny Depp's? If you don't like him, what is your favourite role of an actor you like? I’ve always thought he was a very talented actor. My favorite role of his is Sweeney Todd.
23. If you were in a competition to win your dream prize, and you were allowed to decide what the competition would be (trivia about your favourite band, a foot race, singing, etc.) , what would you choose and why? Uhhh. I feel like I’d still end up losing somehow even if I got to choose the competition, ha. I don’t feel like I’m super knowledgeable or especially great at anything.
24. What is your least favourite thing about the English language? Are there any other languages you prefer besides English? Just how we have words like “read” that can be pronounced differently depending on how its used and silent letters. Like why are silent letters a thing? 
25. Would you be upset if a long-term partner confessed that they had committed a serious crime before you met? How do you think it would affect your relationship? What type of crime are we talking about and did they already serve their time or whatever was required? That would be a very difficult situation to be in to say the least. If we were in a long-term relationship I couldn’t just drop them and end things like that unless they told me they committed a murder. That would cause a whirlwind of emotions and confusion and shock and gah it would be horrible. It’d be difficult because I would know a different side of them and still have feelings for them, but I wouldn’t able to get past something that serious. 
26. Who, out of the people you know, do you think has the most messed-up relationship? Have you ever spoken up about it or do you stay out of it? Have you ever been in a relationship that was really messed-up? No one I know currently. 
27. What emotion have you been feeling most commonly lately? Do you like feeling this way? If not, have you done anything to try to change it? Depressed, moody, irritable, frustrated... that’s been ongoing for years now, though. I hate feeling that way, yet I haven’t done anything to try and change it. :/
28. Why did you/your parents choose to live where you do now? Would you move right now if you were able to? Why/why not? If so, where would you like to go? My mom was born here and majority of her family lived and still live here. I’m not quite sure when my dad and his parents came here. My paternal grandparents lived here for awhile until they moved out of state about 20 years ago. My mom was very close to her parents, but they’ve both passed away 10 and 15 years ago now. But yeah, being near family and already living here was the main reason. There was other stuff, too, like not wanting me or my brother to have to change schools and then we both went to the local UC, which is a really great college. And stuff like my parents’ jobs being here and not being financially able to move. So yeah, it’s a lot of different factors, but we’ve honestly been wanting to move for a very long time. We don’t care much for the city itself. I don’t feel tied here despite living all my 31 years here so far. The last year we’ve gotten a little more serious about it and have taken some necessary steps. My brother is graduating soon and I think after that we’re going to finally do it.
29. Is there a song that you think, lyrically, describes your childhood? Have you ever had a song describe your life perfectly, each and every word? How does it make you feel when you come across songs like this? Not my childhood, but yeah there’s several songs that I just really relate to where the lyrics seem to speak right to me. I like using relatable quotes and lyrics to try and express myself or describe how I’m feeling because they do it much better than I can.
30. Do you tend to befriend people who are of a similar, smaller or larger weight than yourself? (Even if it doesn't matter to you, you can admit it.) Has it always been this way? That has honestly never been a factor when befriending someone... like, that doesn’t matter at all. I don’t know why it would. I’m concerned about a person’s personality, who they are as a person, or whether or not we connect.
31. List a random fact (each) you know about 5 of your favourite survey takers: Lane (@inchoate-surveys) has a dog that looks so much like mine named Finn. Elisabeth @bionic-beth) is a teacher in New York. Robyn (@ssurveys) likes Paramore. Lina ( @iaintgotcontrol) is from Sweden, which I think is really cool. I’d love to visit someday. Lauren (@brilliant-bloss0ms) is into interior design. 
32. Whenever you have a question about something random, are you more likely to ask Google or someone you know? Does it depend on what exactly you want to know? Do you do both? I just Google it real quick.
33. How old were you when you went on your first date? Was there anything you would change about the experience? How do you think it shaped your expectations? If you've never been on a date, what did you like best about the last meal you ate? I was in my early 20s. We went to dinner and a movie, which was how I thought a first date should go. It was nice.
34. If you had to serve a meal to an ambassador from another country that symbolized your country's culture, what would you choose? Do you think s/he would love it as much as you do? Hamburgers, fries, and apple pie. ha. That’s not my favorite meal, though. If I served my favorite food it would be boneless garic parm and lemon pepper wings, ha.
35. If someone broke into your house and robbed you, what could they take that would piss you off or upset you the most? To what lengths would you go to get it back? Has something like this already happened to you before? My laptop, definitely. There wouldn’t be a whole lot I could do to get it back. I mean yeah, I could file a report but I wouldn’t expect to ever get it back. No, thankfully nothing like that has happened before.
36. Do you enjoy watching the special features found on most DVDs? What do you usually enjoy more: the deleted scenes, the bloopers, the audio commentary, or the behind-the-scenes footage? I very rarely ever watched those, but if I did I checked out the bloopers and maybe the behind-the-scenes footage.
37. Do you care at all about the Stanley Cup playoffs? If so, which team are you rooting for, and is it different than the team you're sure will make it to the cup? If you don't care, is your family the type to get right into a sport, or is the topic of sports rarely spoken about in your house? My dad loves sports and my mom has her favorite football that she gets really into, but I have no interest in sports at all.
38. Have you ever had your own flower garden? If so, what are/were your favourite flowers to plant? No.
39. Would you ever date someone who is exactly like your youngest (or oldest, if you're the youngest) sibling? Why/why not? Some of the same qualities, yeah, such as intelligent, hardworking, ambitious, responsible, funny. 
40. Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now? I was terrified of Ghost Face as a kid and now Scream is one of my favorite scary movies.
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Physical Affection with - Marko Stunt
i really wish i’d thought to make this for his birthday. oh well, here we are.
As requested by @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch, here’s Physical Affection with Marko Stunt! Enjoy!
He’s always affectionate with you, let’s get real
You see the way that he treats his friends? How affectionate he is with them? Now imagine how he’d treat you if you were dating.
You’re gonna have a bit of a hard time keeping him under control, if we’re being entirely honest
He’s only a year older than Jungle Boy, but he doesn’t care about being cringey in the same way that his teammate does; he’s absolutely in love with you, and damn if the entire world isn’t gonna know
He tries his best to respect your boundaries, though; he might slip up, but he’s gonna try really hard to not make you uncomfortable
There will probably never be a day where he doesn’t hug or kiss you tbh
Holding Hands
I feel like he’s not too big a fan of holding hands, honestly?
Like, he has no problem whatsoever with it, but he’d much rather just hug you or something
He mainly holds your hand during moments where he has to be professional, or in situations where he doesn’t really know anyone around him (and thus, wants to make a good impression)
It’s not uncommon for him to lace his fingers with yours when he’s nervous in these situations, though; you often end up tracing patterns on his palm with your thumb to calm him down
He’ll also grab your hand after he takes hard bumps; he’s a human crash test dummy sometimes, so he knows that you get really worried about him
You’ll lean down to check on him, and he’ll reach for your hand and squeeze it to show you that he’s okay
Overall, this is mostly just a reassurance thing; he would much rather have an arm (or two) around you in any situation
Bonus: He once jokingly bought one of those mittens that you can put two hands into (the ones meant for couples to hold hands when it’s cold). After using it during a winter show in the northern US, though, he’s absolutely come to love using it when it’s cold outside.
This is his SHIT, buddy
He’s almost always gonna be hugging you
If you’re in a conversation, he’ll come up behind you and grab your waist, burying his head in your neck or back while he listens to you
He loves throwing an arm over your shoulder when you’re walking next to him, pulling you into his side and kissing your temple (oh, we’ll get there, don’t worry)
He’ll totally ask you to give him piggyback rides around the arena; he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to hold you; what’s not to love?
He clings to you after matches; especially if he got a little beaten up or if he lost, he’ll stand in front of you, letting you rake your fingers across the bare skin of his back as you tell him how well he did
If he wins? He’s gonna jump into your arms (and probably knock you to the floor tbh) because he’s so excited to share his victory with you
He just loves having you in his grasp; the closer you are to him, the more of you that he can hold, the happier he’ll be
Bonus: The Dark Order once tried to interfere in a match between Private Party and Jurassic Express (well, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy), but they got scared off by you, wielding a kendo stick and chasing them on Marko’s back. Fans made gifs of that shit for months on end, and it ended up as his Twitter profile picture because he loved it so much.
Anyway! He loves temple kisses SO much, and he can’t really explain why if you want the truth
It’s not at all uncommon for him to be so surprised or proud of you (for literally ANYTHING) that he’ll just lean in and press his lips to your forehead
He loves when you pepper his face with kisses
If you initiate a kiss, he’ll just kinda...go still, and he’ll touch wherever your lips touched when you pull away, breaking out in a huge grin
You can just barely kiss his cheek or the tip of his nose and he’s gonna Lose His Shit
When you’re alone, he’ll put his fingers under your chin and tilt your head until he can kiss your lips
He ADORES the feeling of kissing you until he’s almost literally breathless
He loves the feeling of pulling away after a long kiss, his face red and his breath a little heavy as he presses his forehead to yours
I haven’t really brought it up for anyone else, but he also definitely loves making out with you
The heat that settles in the air, the way that you can’t keep your lips off of each other...it’s damn near heaven to him
(lowkey loves it when you bite his bottom lip between kisses, he’ll let out the hottest groans...okay we’re done this is already off the damn rails but we’re about to steer into some possibly very nsfw territory if i don’t STOP)
Bonus: Your first kiss was after some drunk guy tried to heckle you at a show; you were super upset, but he spent well over an hour sitting and comforting you, and you gave him the tiniest (cutest) little kiss after you calmed down and was feeling better
He loves holding you 
His philosophy is that no matter what you’re working on, you can probably do it from on his lap
Working on a report? Well, you can sit together in front of your computer
Listening to music? Your phone is portable, you know
Speaking of music!! He loves when you lay in his arms while he works on writing new lyrics, or when you hold him from behind while he thinks out new melodies on his guitar
He lets you lay across his legs while he plays, making a point to strum a little softer so he doesn’t disturb you
You once fell asleep on his shoulder, listening to a new melody he was working on, and he nearly had a heart attack from how cute you were
I feel like even if you fall asleep on opposite sides of the bed, you end up curled into each other by morning
He’s the little spoon, don’t @ me on this one
He’s so often the one initiating contact, between you and others that he’s close with, that having someone holding him for once is super meaningful to him in a way that you don’t really understand
You’ve woken up with his hair in your face so many times that it’s an inside joke that he’s gonna start sleeping in a beanie for you
Bonus: he loves to wake you up by singing to you. He’ll turn towards you and play with your hair while he serenades you out of your sleep
Miscellaneous things
He once wrote you a love song for your anniversary; he sent it to you while he was away on a tour and you called him, crying in your car because it was so sweet
He calls you his muse, no this is not negotiable
He’s your number one hype man; you can call him at any time and he’ll have a speech on hand about awesome you are and how you can do anything in the world
Even if he doesn’t actually know what he’s hyping you up for
He’ll beat the ass of anyone that dares to talk shit about you, no matter how much bigger they are
You’re an unofficial member of Jurassic Express; JB and Luchasaurus see you as part of the family, so you’re also gonna have them ready to haul ass for you at all times
He’s also surprisingly good to talk to; his mental filter can get a little clogged, and he’s suggested fighting your boss on multiple occasions because of it, but he’s such a good listener and you can tell that he really cares about you and what you’re saying
He’s always gonna have your back (metaphorically and literally)...he’s such an affectionate dude, he’ll always care about you and make sure you feel loved in every capacity
He’s a secret romantic underneath all the physical sensations, although those play right into it, and he’s gonna always have his mind on how much he loves you 
i’m honestly considering writing making out with marko hcs now, so...yeah. let me know if y’all want that.
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sweetingly · 5 years
My Darlin’
A Billy Hargrove Imagine (a short series)
Third Person POV:
“Come on Y/N, we have to go! Every single senior is going and we can’t seem like total losers.” Steve, her best friend, whined while tugging on her arm.
Y/N laughed at her friend’s childish behavior, slamming her locker shut. “I wish I could go Steve, but I already told you my family and I have plans for the tonight.”
His brown eyes stare at her pleadingly, and she lets out a low groan. Every time he gave her the same look he was giving now, she couldn’t turn him down. “Alright, alright! You better give me the best damn lie to tell my family though.”
“Oh trust me, I won’t let you down, buddy.” He teases before leaving her alone at locker and heading towards his class.
Taking that as her cue to get to her fifth period, she begins walking the opposite direction. Checking if she had everything she needed for Calculus, her eyes were searching over the book and supplies in her arms. Without a warning, her body collides into another person, their arms wrapping around her waist to keep her from falling.
“Woah there, darlin’.” A deep, husky voice catches Y/N’s attention and she’s met with a new face. A new hot face.
His low chuckle brings her back to reality, and she clings onto her belongings tighter. “For future preferences, you should probably keep your eyes up.” The newbie tells her before letting her go and walking in the other direction.
Y/N can’t help, but watch as he stops to speak to a group of other students. All of them laughing at something real quick then he continued walking down the hallway. Her daydreaming was interrupted once the late bell rang loudly, causing her to race to her class on the second floor.
The bell rang signaling the students that the school day was finally over and their Friday festivities could begin. Stuffing her belongings in her backpack, Y/N stalks out of the classroom following the rest of her classmates. She had got everything she needed out of her locker so all she needed to do was meet Steve at his car.
“Hop in dipshit!” Steve pulls up in front Y/N before she could go look for his car in the lot. She rolls her eyes at the new nickname, climbing in the vehicle and throwing her bag into the backseat. “I was thinking we could hang at the mall until the party starts.”
Y/N nods, “Sounds fun, just take me home first. I hope you came up with the best lie ever that you’ll be telling my parents.”
“Oh trust me, it’ll probably be the best one I’ve made up.” Steve smiles happily, and with that they begin to make their way to Y/N’s house.
The radio in Steve’s car plays music on a low volume so the two could hear one another if they were to speak. However, while Y/N sat in the front seat her mind still wondered about the newbie who she had ran into earlier.
“Hey, did you know we had a new kid?” She questions breaking the silence. “I bumped into him before fifth.”
Steve shakes his head while keeping his eyes on the road. “No. You know how it is at our school when we get new people, no one really cares. If they do then that means they must be someone like you.”
“Like me? What’s that suppose to mean?” She lightly chuckles, feeling confused.
“Oh come on, don’t play dumb. As soon as people heard that the mayors daughter would be moving here- literally the whole town wanted to get to know you. Open your eyes, Y/N, we all see you as the most perfect person ever.” He explains and Y/N thought about it for a second, realizing he was actually correct.
Even though the newbie was unexplainably hot, Y/N noticed how no one- not even the troublesomes spoke about him in her classes.
With no more words exchanged on the topic, Steve parked the car once they arrived at her house. They both climb out of the car and Steve locks it behind them as they begin to walk towards the huge house.
“I’m home, Daddy!” Y/N happily announces when they get inside. Before her and Steve got a chance to go speak to her parents, two little children came running towards them.
“Stevie!!” The kids singsonged as they wrapped their arms below his waist. “Are you joining us for family night?” Tony questioned.
Steve sends them a sad frown, “I won’t be tonight, I actually wanted to know if I could steal your sister for the night. What do you guys think?”
Kate happily claps her hands once she lets go of Steve, clinging on to the hem of Y/N’s shirt. “Are you finally going on a date? This is great!”
Steve and Y/N look at each other before laughing, Y/N bending down to her sister‘s level. “Oh no, we’ll just be hanging out with each other as friends- nothing more.”
As Y/N explained that to Kate, Steve wanted to jump and finally admit that he didn’t Y/N see as a friend anymore. He’s liked her every since he first laid eyes on her, but she’d never see him in that type of way. So he kept his mouth shut, her Dad and Stepmom making their way to the front entrance.
“Oh what a surprise!” Winnie’s smiles when she sees the two teens at the door with the youngins. “Steve, will you be joining us tonight?” Larry questions, his hand sinking down into his pockets.
Steve shakes his head, “Not tonight, sir. I was wondering if I could steal Y/N for night? We’ll just be going to the mall and then back to my house, since a few us are getting together for study session.”
Her eyes widen when she hears study session. This really was NOT his best one yet, she thought. But of course, with her parent being airheads half of the time, they believed him and his charming personality.
“I don’t see why we’d say no to that.” Winnie proudly stated, “Y/N, why don’t you go freshen up before you guys head out.”
Y/N nodded in agreement, telling Steve she’d meet him at the car before she ran upstairs to change. Throwing her bag on her bed, she races over to her closet choosing a outfit for a party, but also making sure it was something she’d “study” in. Once she found a simple white tee and a denim skirt she threw it on along with her slightly dirty white converse. Grabbing her purse and shoving her wallet and other personal items into it, she ran back downstairs.
“Love you guys, have a goodnight!” She shouts, and runs out the door before more words could be shared.
Getting into the car, Steve noticed that Y/N was actually dressed in something different aside from her normal jeans and graphic tees. Not that he had a problem with her normal style- it was just nice seeing the girly side of his best friend every now and then.
“You going to drive or just stare at me the whole time, creep?” She teases, breaking him away from his daze.
He shrugs it off by playful rolling his eyes, “Let the fun begin.”
Some teens would be super excited to go to parties considering it involved drinking, drugs, sex, and dancing. However, Y/N wasn’t enjoying it one bit. The girl had been left alone about twenty minutes ago when Steve had been invited to play a game in another part of the house. Y/N being her usual self, she decided to stay on the couch alone while drunken laughter and horrible singing surrounded her.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N?” Someone questioned from beside her, and she made eye contact with someone, whom she didn’t exactly recognize.
Her brow raises as she turns to the unfamiliar face. “I’m sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong one, dude.”
The person chuckles, “How could you forget your ole’ buddy from the eighth grade?”
“Oh my god! Logan, what are you doing here?” She happily gives him a friendly hug, pulling away after a second.
“I’m just visiting a friend for the weekend. He told me about this party and I didn’t wanna come at first, but I’m glad I did now.” He winks, causing her to blush a little.
“You must be exhausted from your drive from Chicago. How long did it take you?” Y/N asks, sipping on her drink from the red plastic cup.
Logan shakes his head, “Not long, besides I’d rather drive hours than stay in that hellhole back in Chicago.” He tells her and she sends him a slightly sympathetic expression.
“Damn, I’m sorry to hear you still have to deal with your shitty parents. Just know that you have this school year to get through and then you can finally move out.” She assures him and he agrees.
“Yeah, I can’t wait- hoping to move someplace on the west coast. I need something new.” He explains. “Enough about my sob story though, how does it feel to be known as the Mayor’s daughter? I heard you became popular quick once you moved down here.”
Y/N lets out a light laugh, “I guess you could say that, but it honestly feels pretty normal to me. I really just want everyone to treat me like they treat others so that’s what they do. I do appreciate being here more than Chicago- I feel more welcomed by my Dad and his family.”
Logan knew what she meant by the last part and he felt sympathy for her too. Scooting closer to her he places a hand on her thigh which Y/N doesn’t take too well, causing her to pull away instantly. She sends him an awkward smile before losing eye contact with him.
“Who’s your friend that you’re visiting? I might know them since it’s such a small town.” She changes the subject.
“His name’s Tommy- I’ve heard he’s known as the biggest dick in this town.” He says.
“Oh I’ve heard that too...I’ve never really spoken to him, but I hear lots of rumors and they’re not good ones.” She admits, instantly knowing who his friend was.
Once that was said, silence floats between the both of them. Without saying anything else, Logan felt the need to place his hand on her thigh again. Y/N’s breath hitching, and it wasn’t because she liked it- she actually felt uncomfortable.
“Logan...” Her sentence stops once she turns to him only to realize how close his face was to hers. “Could you-“
“Relax, Y/N.” He whispers and that’s when she smells the beer in his breath.
He was drunk this whole time and she hadn’t even noticed.
Before she got a chance to speak, his lips press to hers. The kiss he wanted to last forever only lasted for less than second, especially since she pushed him away. Her fist instantly colliding with his left eye as soon as she got the chance.
“What the absolute fuck?! You’re such a dickhead!” She shouts, getting up and running upstairs, making sure he didn’t follow.
Running to the first bedroom, she swings the door open making sure to close it and lock it behind her. She had no clue where Steve was, but she was staying in here until it was time to go.
“What’s got you in such a hurry?” A voice says from behind her, almost giving her a heart attack. Spinning around she’s met with the newbie from school, a lit cancerous stick was placed in between his lips.
“Damn,” He chuckled as he took the cig out. “Cat got your tongue again?”
Y/N breaks away from her thoughts, completely forgetting they were the only two in the room and he was obviously talking to her.
“I’m sorry,” She manages to speak up, heavy breaths still escaping from her as she tried to recover from the sprinting she had just did. “Umm, I was just playing around with a friend- a little game of hide and seek.”
“Well it doesn’t seem like a game, considering that your arm is bleeding.” He points the cig to her right arm.
“Huh?” Her eyes then glance down to where he was looking and she finally saw it. Logan must’ve scratched her in the process, but she was too busy worrying about getting him off her to where she didn’t even notice it until now. “It’s fine...I’m fine.”
Newbie chuckles once more, “No you’re not, let me clean it up for you, darlin’.” Without giving her chance to respond, he grabs a hold of her hand, taking her into the bedroom’s bathroom.
Y/N hops on the counter as he opens the top drawer for the first aid kit. She can’t help but feel somewhat shy as she sat there.
“You really don’t talk much, do you?” He breaks the silence, getting out the alcohol and the wrapping bandage.
She shrugs, not really knowing what to say. “I do talk, I just don’t know you...that’s all.”
Not giving a warning he rubs alcohol on the the three scratches and she jumps, hissing at the same time.
“My bad, I meant to give you a heads up.” He apologizes, fanning the area so it’d dry quicker. “Billy.” He simply says after a few minutes, causing her to raise her eyebrow in confusion. “My name’s Billy. See, now you know me so you can talk more.”
Y/N chuckles, “You’re still a complete stranger to me. For all I know, you could be the town’s serial killer.”
“Well I’m not,” He states as he finishes up wrapping up the cuts. “Plus a serial killer wouldn’t help their victims clean up their wounds. If I were then you’d be dead be now.”
“Mm, I guess you’ve got a point.” Y/N begins, swinging her legs back and forth. “Y/N, my name’s Y/N by the way.”
Billy eyes her for a second as he still stood in between her legs, his arms then set themselves on both sides of her. The smell of smoke and cologne filled Y/N’s nostrils, but for some reason she didn’t mind it.
“I remember bumping into you during school, but I didn’t know you were the famous Y/N.” He says after a few seconds of silence, his body still close to hers. “You’re nothing like who I imagined.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow, as she crosses her arms over her chest. “What did you imagine me as?”
He shrugs, fixing the position his legs were in. “Bitchy.” He simple says, a small smirk making its way onto his lips.
“Wow I don’t know if I should be offended or not.” She tells him, a teasingly.
Billy lowly laughs, backing off of her. He then digs into his back pocket pulling out another cig and lighting it.
“You know smoking’s bad for you.” Y/N sasses as she watches him blow out a puff of smoke. “Oh yeah? Who would’ve thought that.” He sarcastically answered, walking out of the bathroom.
Following behind him, she watches as he grabs his jacket and car keys off the bed.
“Are you leaving?” She questions, pausing him in his tracks. “Or going back down to the party?”
“There’s no way I’m going back down to that lame ass party.” He tells her, putting the cig into his mouth.
“Take me with you.” She blurts without thinking, Billy raising an eyebrow in her direction. “Please?”
“You thought I was a serial killer earlier and now you want to join me on ditching some party?“ He asks and she happily nods.
“I’d rather not be here anyway and I can’t find my friend- I just wanna get out of here too, especially after what happened.” She explains, referring to the small incident that happened with Logan earlier.
Billy scans over her face, and he notices that she seemed somewhat afraid. He figured that whatever traumatic event occurred then it be on her mind for awhile. Having some sympathy for her, he sighs, letting out a puff of smoke once again.
“Alright.” Billy simple says, “You can join me.”
“Oh thank god.” She smiles, following him out of the room. “Where are we going?”
Billy stares down at her, “Just trust me- it’ll be someplace better than here, darlin’.”
My apologies this is just my first imagine so it’s not the best, but I promise the next part will be better! Anyway, I’m a new blog and I’ll be writing imagines for Dacre Montgomery/Billy Hargrove, Joe Keery/Steve Harrington, Tom Holland/Peter Parker, any of the Why Dont We boy, and Dylan O’Brien. So if you have any requests then send them to me and I’ll try my best to get to them soon. Much love!! <3 <3
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 3
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Author’s Note: Thanks for all the lovely messages and comments so far! Sorry for the kinda slow start to this story there’s a lot of background information I need to set up for this haha! Enjoy! As always feel free to shoot me a message with feedback! 
Date Posted: 11/05/2019
Summary: Klaus, Y/N, and Damon set off on a road trip to Mystic Falls. Damon has questions about Klaus’s and Y/N’s past. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,500+
Parts: Part 1 - Part 2 
“So how did you guys meet?” Damon asks not taking his eyes off the road. Klaus shifts uncomfortably in the front seat. I sigh a bit not in the mood to take a trip down memory lane. I look out the window watching the trees pass by. Silence. “Alright forget I asked,” Damon responds. I feel Klaus’s eyes on me but I continue to look out the window refusing to make eye contact. It was so hard to see him again after all these years. After what I did to him.
“Y/N needed my help one day and I saved her,” Klaus begins. “I didn’t even know her at the time.”
“You and I both know that’s not the full story Klaus,” I say with my arms crossed. I hear him laugh a little.
“Well that’s how I know this is going to be a good story do tell Y/N,” Damon says.
“Klaus’s hybrids kidnapped me because they thought I was someone else,” I sigh.
“Alright Y/N,” my friend Sami states holding up two dresses. “Pink or blue?” She holds up both to herself looking in the mirror.
“You’d look good in either Sami,” I tell her. “Do I really have to go to this dance?”
“Come on Y/N,” Sami replies tossing the blue dress to the side. “Do it for me and the super cute guy who invited me to this. Plus it’s a masquerade ball you’re a sucker for those.”
“Knock knock!” I hear at the bedroom door. I open door to see Leo in a mask and a fitted purple suit. He removed his intricate mask. “Almost didn’t recognize me huh.”
“Sure Leo,” I say laughing.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet Y/N?” Leo asks. Sami throws on her pink dress which fit her like a glove. She looked like a real life princess with her blonde curls.
“Don’t you guys find it suspicious that this random family we don’t know invited the whole city to a party?” I ask rifling through the dresses that Sami laid out on the bed for me to choose from.
“Come on Y/N,” Leo says. “Don’t try to make an excuse not to party at one of the largest homes in New Orleans.”
“You never know Y/N you could meet the one,” Sami chimes in.
“Fine fine I’ll get ready,” I laugh feeling defeated. I knew there was no way to talk my way out of this. I grabbed a light cream dress off the bed and ran to the restroom to change. I walk back into the room, doing a little twirl. Leo and Sami start clapping and I roll my eyes at them. “You guys are ridiculous.”
“Come on let’s drink to this joyous occasion! Y/N going out at night for the first time in months,” Leo hands me a drink and we all do a quick cheers before heading out for the night. I gulp the champagne. Boy was it strong.
After a short walk, we make our way to the huge house that I always walked past. I’ve always been curious what it looked like inside and now I was finally going to see. As we walk in we are met by a huge crowd of people talking and enjoying their time.
“Cute guy 5 o’clock,” Leo says in a sing-song voice. He quickly runs off towards that direction, but not before grabbing a drink off a table nearby.
“Typical Leo,” Sami and I say in unison. Before Sami can say anything else, a mysterious guy appears seemingly out of thin air.
“Sami you made it,” he exclaims.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world Kol,” Sami flirts. “This is my friend Y/N.” Kol extends his hand to me to shake it.
“Nice to meet you Y/N,” he says.
“You as well,” I reply with a smile. “Go have fun you two,” I shoo them away as they disappear into the crowd.
I sigh being left alone. I wander through the crowds of people attempting to find some sort of food. I look at the table of appetizers and I grab a small piece of what looked to be quiche. I take a bite and it was one of the best things I have ever tasted.
“There you are,” I hear a voice behind me. “Klaus will be so pleased.” I turn around to see a man whose eyes start to turn a bright yellow.
“Who are you?” I ask. He grabs me and covers my mouth before everything goes black.
Klaus’s POV
“I met this girl the other day, she’s absolutely stunning,” Kol continues to go on and on about some girl he met at the bar.
“Drink, brother?” I ask pouring myself a drink into my glass.
“No thank you,” Kol responded. I roll my eyes at him. He never did know how to let loose. “I invited her to the ball.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I ask turning around to face him. “You know what I’m planning tonight.”
“Don’t you worry older brother I won’t interfere with your plans,” Kol says. “I believe we should tend to our guests downstairs.” Kol gets up and walks downstairs. I set my drink down only to hear a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I respond.
“We’ve found her Klaus she just came in,” one of my hybrids tell me.
“Well you know what you have to do,” I tell him.
“Yes Klaus,” he says walking out the door. I follow suite shortly making my way to the festivities that were about to unfold.
I slowly wake up to a room with a fire place and tons of antiques adorning the walls. I look down to my hands and noticed they were tied. Where was I? One second I was downstairs enjoying the appetizers, the next I was kidnapped. The man I recognized as the one who grabbed me came into the room.
“Klaus will be here soon,” he tells me.
“I’m sorry who?” I ask irritated.
“Don’t play dumb,” he continues. “There’s no way out of this.”
“Look I don’t know who you think you are, but I think you have the wrong girl,” I say angrily. He speeds over to me unnaturally grabbing my neck.
“I would shut my mouth if I were you little girl,” he growls.
“What the heck dude what are you? Besides crazy,” I ask.
“That’s quite enough Kyle,” I hear another voice at the door. “I told you I needed her alive didn’t I?” The guy quickly rushes out of the door only to be stopped by the man at the door. “Where do you think you’re going?” The man pushes Kyle back into the room and he lands on the ground roughly.
“You said you’d let me go Klaus once I found her,” Kyle says. “I found her now let me go.” Kyle attempts to get up again but Klaus pushed him against the wall.
“I’ll let you know when you can leave,” Klaus growls. Kyle sits down feeling defeated. I looked up at Klaus. Something about him made me feel nervous. More nervous than I have ever felt in my whole life. He slowly approaches me placing his hand under my chin to take a closer look at me. He lets go and slowly walks over to Kyle. “You’re free to go Kyle.” Kyle tries to rush out the door, but Klaus stops him pushing his hand into his chest and pulling his heart out. Kyle collapses to the ground.
“You’re dreaming Y/N,” I say. “You’re dreaming.” Klaus approaches me again with his bloodied hands. I flinch when he reaches out for me before untying the ropes around my wrists.
“Sorry…” Klaus trails off not sure what my name is.
“Y/N,” I finish.
“Yes, Sorry Y/N, I’m Klaus,” Klaus says. “There appears to have been a mix up love. Go downstairs and forget what you saw.” He stares deeply into my eyes.
“What are you doing?” I ask. “Are you crazy I just saw you murder a guy in front of me with no problem and you’re asking me to forget what I saw? You psychopath I’m gonna call the police.”
Klaus’s face is flooded with confusion, “You can’t be compelled?”
“What are you talking about?” I ask trying to leave the room. He rushes in front of me.
“I’m sorry I can’t let you back out there if you don’t promise me you won’t tell anyone,” Klaus pleads.
“How did you do that?” I ask referring to how fast he ran towards the door. Was everyone in this house just super athletic or something?
“Look that doesn’t matter,” Klaus says. “Please.” I feel his breath on my face which causes me to blush.
“Fine whatever,” I say. “Just let me go.”
“Promise Y/N,” he says. I sigh.
“I promise,” I say rushing down the stairs. I quickly scan the room for any sign of Leo or Sami. I needed to get out of this place as soon as possible. I see Sami slow dancing with Kol and I didn’t want to interrupt. I decided to just leave without them. They would understand. I made my way out into the dark of the night.  I take a few steps.
“It’s not safe to be out in these parts alone at night,” I hear a voice behind me. Great first witnessing a murder and getting kidnapped. Now some creepy guy was following me.
“Just kill me and get it over with,” I groan. I turn around to see Klaus with a smirk on his face. “Don’t you have a party to host?”
“I’m not going to kill you love,” Klaus says with a smile. He takes a few steps to catch up with me. “I’m going to walk you home.”
“Why do I feel like I don’t have a choice?” I ask annoyed.
“You really don’t,” Klaus replies. “I’m glad you understand.” We both continue walking down the streets.
“Who did Kyle think I was?” I ask breaking the silence.
“That doesn’t matter Y/N,” Klaus says.
“It kind of does I was kidnapped,” I reply. Klaus stops in his tracks.
“Do you want to tell me why you can’t be compelled? You must know something surely?” Klaus asks. What was he talking about?
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say honestly. He searches my body for something. “My eyes are up here.” Klaus sheepishly grins at the comment.
“Sorry I’m just looking for any sign of vervain on you,” Klaus says.
“Ver-what?” I ask. This guy was getting on my nerves now.
“Look, just thank you for not telling anyone,” Klaus replies.
“Again, you didn’t give me much choice,” I say. “And based on how you killed that guy I’m not taking any risks with you.”
“I’d never hurt you,” Klaus tells me. I scoff.
“You barely know me,” I respond. The rest of the walk Klaus and I walked in silence looking over at one another for no more than a second. Once I reached my doorstep I sighed, “Thank you for walking me.” I say kindly. He smiles widely.
“Anytime,” Klaus states. “And remember it isn’t safe around these parts at night.”
“Okay,” I respond searching my bag for my keys.
“Again sorry for the mixup,” Klaus says.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say. “Just don’t kill my family.”
Klaus laughs, “Goodnight Y/N.” Before I could respond he vanishes into the night. Once I made it back into my apartment I grabbed my laptop. I opened Google and typed in “Vervain” in the search bar. The next word that popped up next to it sent chills down my spine “Vampire.”
“Dang that’s one romantic story,” Damon says with a smirk.
“Shut up Damon,” Klaus and I say in unison. He catches my eye in the rearview mirror, but quickly look away.
“Well have no fear lovebirds we made it to Mystic Falls,” Damon says pulling up to a nice house. “Our first destination: The Gilbert House.” We all exit the car making our way to the front door. Damon gives a little knock. I see Elena open the door with a wide smile on her face giving Damon a hug.
“Oh my gosh you’re back,” Elena gushes. “I thought Klaus killed you or something for sure.”
“Right here Elena dear,” Klaus says. I laugh a little.
“Wait Y/N?” Elena asks. “It can’t be…”
“Elena what’s with all the commotion?” I see Bonnie appear behind Elena followed by Caroline. They both stop in their tracks when they recognize me. Before I knew it I was attacked in hugs.
“How are you here?” Caroline asks. “I thought you disappeared for good…” Caroline trails off before she gives a knowing look between me and Klaus. “Oh I see what helped you come out of the shadows.”
“It’s not like that Car—” I start.
“While this reunion is all fun and games,” Damon says. “There won’t be much celebrating when half the vampires in town are dead because of this hunter.”
We all file into Elena’s house.
“So this hunter is a girl,” Stefan explains. “She’s super strong, but she isn’t supernatural, not that we know of.”
“Do you guys have a name or anything to go off of?” I ask.
“No name, but we know she’s staying at a bed and breakfast in town,” Stefan responds.
“Well let’s go there then,” I say.
“We can’t just march up there, Y/N,” Klaus responds.
“Well do you have a better plan?” I ask.
“Actually I do,” Klaus states.
Three Hours Later
“I can’t believe you all convinced me to do this,” I say looking down at my costume posing as a mail carrier. Klaus attempts to stifle a laugh.
“Something funny Niklaus?” I ask earning a few “Oos” from the crowd.
“Look Y/N you are new to town,” Bonnie says. “She won’t recognize you or even suspect anything. This way you could get more information about her like a name or anything.”
“You all owe me big time,” I say. “I come back from hiding after centuries and this is how you guys repay me?”
I make my way up to the bed and breakfast and compel the front desk attendant to let me in. I look down at the piece of paper with the room number #342 scrawled on it. I quickly knock on the door holding my breath. I hope this hunter couldn’t smell the fact that I was a vampire. I hear the locks clicking behind the door. The girl opens the door slightly only to open it all the way.
“Sami?” I ask in shock seeing my old friend after years.
“Y/N?” she responds. “What are you doing here? What are you wearing?”  
“I thought you died Sami,” I say. “You refused to complete the transition and you died.”
“You should come inside Y/N,” Sami says slowly opening the door for me. I hesitantly step inside the room nervous for my life.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup Duo 💎
HOWDY, not sure if matchups for ikeseng are open but here i go anyway?¿ ´・ᴗ・`
-I’m a Leo, and a combination of ENFP/ENTP (if that helps with characterization), but I’m becoming more ambivert as the days go by. But I still act like a crackhead (making up new words, making random sound effects out of boredom and roasting people playfully, having airhead moments, for examples) and a lot of people irl do get put off at how “obnoxious” I can get, but I do know when to “flip the switch” and become serious/quiet.
-I have really low standards for humor idk I laugh at my own jokes it’s honestly astounding, but cursed memes/images are somethin else💀 Dark jokes are always open in my ally👀
-Ironically, I canNOT stand horror, I will legit be so paranoid or freaked out and start overthinking and just cry and DIE—
I’m very open, almost TOO open, but ask me literally anything and I’ll usually tell everyone my honest opinions/thoughts, but I know how to deliver words tactfully and articulately. Debating, (public) speaking, writing, and understanding concepts are my strong suits; likewise I suck ass at math (I have no idea how I ended up in Calc BC ap, I just— 😭)
-Speaking of writing, I write poems whenever I feel like it, I have a whole collection HAH. My love of expressing comes from my tendency to play the devil’s advocate in interpreting and arguing for almost all perspectives in topics. So you can probably guess how I don’t get offended really easily and welcome both playful and serious banter (despite the crackhead persona, I’m very observant of people and their values expressed and how they tick, so I know when to back off especially when they get uncomfortable with my aggressive debating/personality). Need advice? I can use what I’ve gathered from different people and help anyone in their particular situations.
-And speaking of expression, I love fashion and makeup! I love being able to express myself through use of presentation and have fun while doing it! hehe (k-fashion, asian beauty 👀) HECK YEAH I’M DOWN FOR SHOPPING—
-I like to dance yeehaw, and I was on a competitive dance team (well that was before when the corona hit the milly rock a little TOO hard and put all the dancers out of commission😔🤝😭) I’ve also been in my own highschool’s dance club for 4 years!!
-I’m a console gamer :0 Big fan of winding down with video games, but books are the best if games aren’t an option.
-Music is a huge part of my life; I played the flute and the viola for years before and been surrounded by music through dancing as well; while I’ve been in a choir before, my vocals aren’t stellar oof, but at least I’m not tone-deaf.
-Can’t cook to save a life ooooof, that’s where my airheadness REALLY kicks in. I literally burn myself making instant :>
-I’m not phased by sexual innuendos/conversations/kinks because I see them objectively as unique characteristics of every person, but I’ll crack up at a sex joke or a cringe flirt line with friends. And like I’ve said, I’ll share them myself without objection if ANYONE asks. But the moment someone actually TRIES to make a move on me (like what!!¡¿), I’ll first play it casual but then bolt for the door because it’s hard for me to actually imagine that ANY guy would see me in a romantic light LOL but i’d get used to the advances quick and if it’s someone i liked back, i’d tease them the same or raise up the antics ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Hi, there, dear! <3 Can I just say u sound like a super cool person! Anyway here is your matchup dear, I hope you enjoy it! And thanks for waiting soooooooooo long! ^_^
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So I match you with………… Masamune
Selfie Match up
The first time this boi meets you he is ecstatic, finally someone fun to liven up this boring place.
You scream fun and outgoing
Masamune is already imagining all the fun adventures the two of you can go on and he hasn’t even talked to you yet!
He is absolutely captivated by those big dark brown eyes. 
Those big bright intelligent eyes are all telling of the playful mischief the two of you could get up to together.
He absolutely loses himself in your deep warm, captivating eyes, they remind him of home, they are deep and rich like the soil of his home town, soft and comforting, while busting with endless life and energy
HE is absolutely dazzled by the way your soft strands of earthy hair moved so freely in the wind. It low key reminds him of his own wild free personality
If he ever had to imagine his perfect woman you would be it.
You have the same vibe as playful kitten having endless hours of fun, and boy oh boy all Masa wants to do is join in.
He wishes nothing more than to boop your cute nose
His brain goes haywire, all he wants to do is kiss those soft lips of yours
Masamune continues to eye you from the corner of the council room. Gosh if love at first sight did exist than this would describe his exact feelings towards you.
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Match up part
You were named as the new princess of the Oda forces and was forced to sit through the rest of the boring war council. It had been 30 minutes in, and you were already losing your mind from boredom, that is when the one-eyed dragon passed you note from across the table. You giggled a little at the joke and wrote back on of your own. The two of you passed notes back and forth, every joke or remark you read made you want to break out in laughter. As the council progressed, the two of you got rowdier and rowdier and the both of you were now making strange noises. You were making all sorts of weird sound effects, and Masamune was howling in laughter. TBH they were so funny even Nobunaga couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone was having a good time except Hideyoshi “Okay that’s the third time the two of you have disturbed the council”. Hideyoshi started lecturing you and Masamune about not disturbing the council any further when Nobunaga announced that the council was over. The two of you couldn’t help but laugh in victory. The two of you continued your conversation in which you were playfully roasting each other. Masamune was right; you really were going to be a lot of fun.
Masa love chatting and spending time with you and honestly, he loved the fact that you understood and laughed at all his jokes. What he loves the most is times just before your about to deliver the punch line to a joke, but you burst out laughing for 20 minutes before you can even get it out. And once you finally coke out the punchline between laughs, you continue to giggle at your hilarious sense of humour for another solid 30 minutes. Masamune can’t help but laugh at you laughing at yourself. When the two of you goofballs are around its always a fun time, but beware of some occasional dark humour i.e. the two of you got scolded one day for joking about some dark topics in front of the kids *cough* Mitsunari *cough*
The first night you arrived, and Masamune barged into your room, and Masamune being Masamune, ignored any boundaries of personal space and started to page through one of your books that were laying on your writing desk. It was your fashion portfolio that caught his eye. He loves all the different looks and the way the colours and patterns seemed to complement each other. You had explained to him that you were heavily into fashion and makeup and considered it as part of your self-expression. Masamune smiled his big cat-like smile at you asking if you wanted to meet up with him tomorrow. You honestly didn’t have anything better to do, so you agreed.
You and Masamune spent hours in the market looking at different fabrics, clothes and makeup products. Everything was so different in the past. After spending the whole day shopping your grab both of Masamune’s hands in your, you beam up at his with the brightest smile stating that you had a fun idea. Masa is pretty much keen for anything, so he goes along with your strange idea. The two of you make your way back to his manor. And that is when the two of you hold a fashion show, to show off your new clothes and accessories the two of you bought. It was a lighthearted fun game, filled with banter and giggles. It had actually become somewhat of a tradition now for the two of you to do this little fashion shows in his room after a long day of shopping. You would always bust out laughing at the strange poses Masamune would do. 
Another fun activity the two of you have adopted is poetry slams. Both of you would spend the week writing your best poems and then present them to each other. Just like the fashion shows, these evenings are also always filled to the brim with laugher and banter. The two of you had gotten to know each other fairly well like this, as sometimes the theme of the poems would be dark and depressing, and after the two of you would discuss the emotions behind it. U guys would in those cases always be there for each other lending a friendly ear to listen to the others problems.
Needless to say at this point, Masamune was head over heels for you and somewhere in between the fun poetry slams and fashion shows, his flirty jokes stopped being jokes. He was serious about you. One night he actually kissed you, you were honestly so shook, you ran, you legit sprinted away. Little did you know the tiger was on your heel running after you. He caught you and tacked you to the ground. The 30 second run actually gave you time to sort your feelings, as you too had realized that you had also fallen for the one-eyed dragon. He stared into your eyes questioningly, and that’s when you snaked your hands behind his neck and pulled him down to return the kiss.
The two of you made such a sweet couple. After work, Masamune would always be on the hunt for his kitten to spend time with you. He was super shocked when he heard singing coming from the kitchen. He snuck up to the kitchen and peeked inside. He had to chuckle when he saw you singing your heart out and dancing like nobody was watching. He never knew you could sing and dance like that, he watched you for a while utterly awestruck by you. He was pulled out of his reverie when he smelt something burning and saw a cloud of smoke coming from the oven. You panicked at seeing the smoke and swiftly opened the oven. You didn’t even think when you took the baked, well-burnt goods out the oven without mitts or a cloth. You had legit burnt your hands to a crisp. 
Masamune rushed to your side to evaluate the damage. He got a bag and filled it with ice, putting it on your burnt hands. He then proceeded to rub some medicine on the burns and wrap your hands “Best leave the cooking to me from now on Kitten”. He then took over from where you left off, making you the best meal you had ever tasted. You sat on the kitchen counter to keep him company. The burnt buns and your burnt hands were long forgotten, as the two of you were laughing and chatting away. 
Now, whenever Masamune cooked, you would sit in the kitchen with him and keep him company. The two of you would laugh and dance together in the kitchen. It was always so much fun spending time with him, you especially love it when he sings in his most false off-key voice it is honestly hilarious. You couldn’t help but think he complimented you perfectly. He could cook when you couldn’t even make toast successfully, and you could sing beautifully, while he sounded like some cat in pain.
Another thing Masa absolutely loves, is to sit and listen to you play the flute or viola. The soothing music and the amount of love and emotion you pack into the songs as you play, washes away all the stress and tiredness from his day. He could sit four hours and hours just enchanted by the sound of your music. Even more so if you sing along to the song, you are playing. He loves hearing your beautiful voice. This boy will legit drag you to sit in his lap and nuzzle and kiss you until you agree to play or sing him a song.
Masamune is always by your side supporting you and showering you with love. Whenever you get sad or insecure, Masamune is always there to lighten the mood. Like one time, some maids pissed you off. “ why is my kitten so angry today” Masamune literally came up to you and pinched your cheeks, he then squished your face “Common lemi see that beautiful smile.” When you still had a grumpy expression, he pulled you up and started spontaneously dancing. You couldn’t help but smile at the goofball and join in. Soon your big wide fast movements slowed down, and Masamune pulled you into his arms by your waist. He then dropped his head down and rested it in the crook of your neck. You honestly love quite moments like this just slow dancing in your lover’s arms. He would ask you about your day and would tighten his hold on you, enveloping you in a warm embrace, while you talk out all your frustrations of the day. After he would nibble on your ear whispering how much he loves and adores you.
Masa is like your fun knight in shining armour whether it is comforting you and helping you get to sleep after hearing some crazy scary ghost stories or spending hours upon hours bantering with you while you playfully insult each other, He is always there for you, loving you from the moment the sun rises till the moment it sets. He has truly met his match with you and never has in his life been happier, or laughed so much. The two of you can always be found snuggled together with Masa’s lil tiger cub in the futon after a long day of laughs, fun and adventures
Perhaps it truly was love at first sight after all 
Other potential matches…………….Mitsuhide 
 Hope you enjoyed it, love! and I hope you are staying safe and well🍭 @smol-vy
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asgardlover75 · 4 years
Steal Away
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So I decided to venture outside of my comfort zone and write a short.  And, if you’re gonna go big then why not start with Mimi’s One Hit Wonder challenge.  I chose Robbie Dupree’s Steal Away because it’s one of my favorite songs from the 80′s, which honestly isn’t saying much.  I’m a sucker for good and bad 80′s music.  
Pairing - Bucky X OFC
Warnings - None
Word Count - 1911
Synopsis - Bucky is at a wedding.  
@captain-rogers-beard​ congrats on reaching the milestone!
Weddings in this century never ceased to confound him. People were much crazier, mostly in a good way, and there definitely wasn’t as much stuffiness as there was back in the day. He’d been to quite a few in the last handful of years and the one he was currently attending was no exception.  Jacket slung over the back of his seat, the knot of his tie resting in the center of his chest, he probably looked disheveled but didn’t care.  His hair that had once been tied back completely in a bun, was now bent on escaping one piece at a time.  
Bucky stretched his legs out in front of him, slouching down in his chair and crossing his aching legs at the ankle. The chair was extremely uncomfortable but his guess is that they weren’t meant to sit in for long.  The atmosphere of the room was one of happiness and while he did share in the feeling he was not about to join in the craziness he had been viewing all night.  
All around him tables were empty but littered with various purses and jackets and the remnants of dinner being cleaning up by the event staff.  He tipped the beer he was nursing up to his lips and chuckled at those dancing on the floor.  Cheesy music has been playing over the speakers all night, multi-colored lights dancing around to the beat of whatever song was playing.  
He was genuinely enjoying himself right now surrounded mostly by his ‘family’.
A chuckle escaped him as he watched the mass of bodies on the floor react to the current song that was playing.    
A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit softer now A little bit louder now A little bit louder now A little bit louder now
A slow song eventually came on and the bodies on the floor dispersed, drifting back to their seats or to refresh themselves with another drink.  A few people headed his direction and he felt a warm sensation envelop him.  Wanda, MJ and Maria were giggling as they neared, arms linked together and faces flushed from their antics on the floor.  The three women sat heavily in their seats, reaching for their drinks as they continued talking.  
Wanda met his gaze and smiled.  
“She went to get some water.  Said she’d be right back.”  She was yelling over the noise of the room but he had no issues hearing her.   Bucky simply gave her a nod and returned to his people watching as he waited.  Now that there had been a mass exodus of the dance floor he could see across the room.  Steve stood with Nat, Bruce and Rhodey, his best friend’s right arm waving as he had told a story, the group laughing at his words.  His left arm was wrapped around Nat, who wore a radiant smile, her affectionate gaze not on the man talking, but the one standing next to her.  Bruce held a drink in his hand, probably some sort of juice if Bucky had to guess, and was listening intently to the big blonde man.  
Bucky smiled when Bruce reached over slowly to grab Nat’s hand.  He made no move to pull his now wife from one of their closest friends. It always amazed him how casual the group was in their affection.  Though it had taken him a while to be comfortable with touches other than Steve’s, the group had finally broken through his shell.  Now Nat and Wanda were free to ruffle his hair or skim a hand over his back as they walked past him and he didn’t jump in surprise.
The ceremony had been short and thankfully not stuffy, the perfect thing for a former spy and a man with breathtaking anger management issues.  Tony had ordained himself so they could limit the amount of people at the actual ceremony, and because Tony loved being the center of attention.  He had been brief with his words, a surprise, but definitely managed to get a few jabs in here and there.  Bruce and Nat had only wanted their closest friends to be with them and even though the reception had a few more people it definitely wasn’t a huge affair.
Movement to the left of the dance floor caught his eye and he couldn’t help the grin that split his face at the person walking his direction.  Long blonde hair fell over tanned shoulders, left bare by her dress.  Her normally average height was adjusted by the hot as hell red heels she wore on her feet.  Those heels had almost made them late to the damn ceremony after she had pulled them out of the closet earlier.  Only the promise of leaving them on when they got home allowed them to get out the door.  
The colorful flowers that adorned the white dress came into sharper view the closer she moved to the table.  A modest V-neck only hinted at what he knew was underneath and the skirt fell to mid-calf as he watched it swish around her.  Bucky’s eyes rose to meet her gaze and his grin deepened at the happy look on her face.  Walking up to his left side, she leaned into him, bending down to kiss his lips gently and run her right hand against the side of his head.  
“Hey handsome.  You keeping yourself entertained over here without me?”  She asked, her affectionate gaze warming him.  Bucky wrapped his metal arm around the top of her legs and squeezed gently, pulling her body into his.  
“I’m better now that you’re back.”  He murmured, her chuckle warming him from the inside.  
Jordan had quickly become a figure in their little group after she started at Stark Industries.  While she might be beautiful on the outside, inside she was a fucking genius with numbers and schedules.  She had quickly earned her place working with Pepper and had eventually started working on Avengers accounts after proving herself invaluable.
She was always outgoing and kind to the others and hadn’t even fan-girled over any of the team when she finally met them. Cool, calm and collected was her mantra at work but Jordan was definitely a girl that liked to have fun. Wanda had invited her to game night about six months after she started and the rest was history.  
It had taken her a bit of time to get Bucky to relax when she was around but eventually she won him over.  She arranged a tour, behind the scenes, at the Hayden planetarium in the city or his birthday after Nat had let it slip that Bucky was a huge space nerd.  Jordan hadn’t hesitated to use the resources at her disposal to give the man who had been through so much a day he would remember for a long time.  If anyone deserved the experience, it was Bucky she had told Pepper.
Now, two years later, she was as much a part of the group as anyone else and sometimes helped them prepare for missions.  It helped that she was as big a nerd as the rest of them, though her drug of choice was music.  There had been many times Bucky had found her in Tony’s lab arguing with him about some band or type of music at insane hours of the day. The talks with Sam were more civilized and she had definitely broadened the horizons of two super soldiers in the area of music.  
Bucky drained his beer and placed the bottle on the table.  Standing, he pulled Jordan closer, his lips covering hers in a gentle kiss as pulled her towards the floor.  A slow song had just started and he hadn’t danced with her yet tonight.  She followed without complaint, despite how tired she was from the dancing she had been doing so far.  
Pulling her flush with his body, Bucky settled his hands on her hips, burying his nose in her neck.  He felt a calm settle over him, her arms coming up to wrap around him, hands linking together under his bun.  His eyes slid closed as he felt her humming the current song that was playing, and he just existed for a bit.  
They danced through two songs like this before he lifted his head and smiled down at her.  The noise around him came back into focus and he felt weariness seep into him. As much as Bucky was enjoying holding Jordan on the dance floor he really was reaching his quota for being around other people for the night.  Sighing deeply, he turned his head to place a kiss on her temple then spoke quietly in her ear.  
“You wanna get out of here?”
“You mean steal away?”  Bucky gave her a confused look, especially considering Jordan seemed to be holding back a smile.  Hesitantly, he decided to play along.
“So you wanna steal away, into the night?”  Her mouth tilted up into a slight grin causing his left eyebrow to raise.
“Yeah doll.  That's what I said.”
“Hmm. Well that doesn’t seem right.” Jordan murmured, a look of concentration on her face.  It took two seconds for him to realize what was happening.
“What the....it’s another damn song isn't it?” She finally did laugh, out loud, a chagrined look on her face.  Jordan had the insane ability to make mundane or simple comments from others into a song.  If someone said turn around, she was singing Bonnie Tyler without missing a beat.  
“Yes.  One of my favorites.   I'm sorry.  I can’t help myself.”
“I know babe I just wish I got the damn references more. So who is this song by?”
“Robbie Dupree.” 
“What else does he sing?  Anything I would know? That you’ve forced me to listen to.”  Jordan smacked his arm at the cheeky comment but answered his question anyway.  
“Nope.  He was a one hit wonder.”
“A what?”
“That is the only song that was a hit.  The rest of his stuff sucked.  Or at least someone thought so. “
“That's harsh.”
“I don’t make the rules.  I just enjoy the songs.”
Bucky chuckled softly, his head shaking at her words and pulled her close to finish dancing to the current song.  When it came to an end, he moved back to leave the floor, the notes of the next song starting softly.  Before he moved two steps Jordan laughed loudly, causing him to turn and look at her in confusion.  
Leaning close to him, she told him to listen and watched his face as the words register to him.  He laughed, changing direction and pulled her back against him as they listened.    
“Well that’s ironic.”   Bucky joked, pulling Jordan closer.
“Not really.”  Her words confuse him until he looks over in the direction she is. Steve is standing there, talking to a group of people with a smile on his face.  He takes a drink of his beer and nods his head slightly as if to acknowledge it was his doing.  
“Sneaky super soldier.”  
“Are you complaining?”
Bucky gazes down into her face, his lips turning up in a half grin.  
“Hell no doll.  I owe the punk now.  Let’s go home so I can get a closer look at those damn heels.”
Steal Away
Robbie Dupree
C'mon and hold me Just like you told me Then show me What I want to know
Why don't we steal away Why don't we steal away Into the night I know it ain't right Tease me, why don't you please me Then show me What you came here for
Why don't we steal away Why don't we steal away Into the night I know it ain't right Into the night babe Make it tonight ooohh
I caught you glancing my way And I know what you're after (no second chances tonight)
Why don't we steal away Why don't we steal away Why don't we steal away Why don't we steal away Into the night
I know it ain't right Into the night I know it ain't right Why don't we steal away I know it ain't right Into the night, babe Why don't we steal away Make it tonight Why don't we steal away
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