#honestly i got interrupted so much i need to see this again anyway
restinslices · 10 months
Lin Kuei Bros: Play Fighting
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Smoke so dramatic-. Anyway, don’t ask why I thought of this. The voices were loud
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Play fighting with any of them is bold as fuck but HIM? You don't like your life 
I'm not saying he's gonna straight up assault you but out of all the brothers, he has the highest chance of hitting you hard as shit on accident 
He probably wouldn't even like play fighting that much. He'd prefer sparring cause at least you're working on your skills. Why you just fucking around?
You gotta catch him on the right day. Some days he's busy and some days he's just legit not in the mood. 
“Imma start it off slow. Imma scope the scenery out-”
If you somehow get this man to cooperate, first of all good job. Second of all, y'all do not stop until you give up. 
The type to pin you down and not let go until you admit he won. If you refuse, you're legit not moving. 
This is a big guy so you're not moving him. You give up, he lets go and you manage to crack a smile out of him
We never see him smile in the game but listen bitch, I'm here for the fantasy-
If he's not in the mood, I can see him just saying “no” like you're a puppy or smth. 
You'd go to swing on him again and he'd either grab your hand or give you a look that tells you he's being serious 
Going back to him accidentally hitting you hard as shit, he's used to sparring with two other buff ass men. Imma guess you're not as buff as them, and some of y'all reading this ain't men. Accidents are bound to happen 
You'd think the Grandmaster would have more control but I just think it slips sometimes. He's stupidly prideful and he's used to sparring so sometimes that's where his mind goes. Also once again, he probably sometimes forgets a hit Kuai Liang could handle is a hit that'll take years off your life. 
I would love to say he gets on his knees and apologizes but this is the same man who betrayed his brothers and was like “why y'all tweaking?” so um… 
You're gasping for air and he's “see why I always say no?”
I feel like I'm making him sound abusive but as someone who's play fought with my older siblings, they hit you hard as shit then tell you you're a bitch when a tear slips out. Why the fuck are you hitting me this hard in my chest? You got 5+ years on me-
He's an older brother. He's gonna hit hard. I swear it's in their DNA 
And if he does apologize it's not really verbal. He checks to make sure your limbs are alright then offers to do something else. 
“Are you gonna say you're sorry?” “For?” “For almost breaking my damn lung” “You started this”
You'd expect that the next time you wanna play fight he'd decline cause he doesn't wanna hurt you again. Wrong. 
Remember he's an older brother. THE older brother. Y'all squaring up again. You don't care about your health so fuck it. 
Honestly would be super fun besides the limb you're gonna lose 
Kuai Liang
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Would be more cooperative than Bi-Han but still isn't overly excited to play fight 
Bi-Han is the “tell mom. I don't care” older brother. Kuai Liang is the “wait wait wait, I'm sorry. You can hit me back. Calm down. You want some candy?” older brother 
Fully aware he could cause terrible injuries but as time passes on, he relaxes more 
Definitely play fought as a kid but after Tomas started jumping everytime he heard his voice, he thought “maybe I need new hobbies”.
You’ve interrupted his recovery
He actively focuses on holding back and being soft even if you tell him not to
“Hit me harder” “No❤”
Honestly a fun time though. He holds back when it comes to strength but still tussles with you. Also let's you get hits in even when he could easily dodge them. 
If he accidentally injured you frfr, he's checking up on you immediately and says y'all stopping for today. 
“No, I'm ok” “Can you even breathe right now?” “Uhhh… yes😀” “We're done”
For sure feels like an asshole depending on how bad you're hurt. He's not sliding down the wall in pain but he's like “damn, that was a little too hard”. 
“You can hit me back” “No. I've seen Twilight” “What?” “It's gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you. I'm not doing that”. (Now I wanna write you making them watch Twilight. I'm never gonna be rid of this addiction-)
You gotta hit him back so y'all can be even. It's the only way to move on
Y'all are not doing that shit again for at least another week or so. 
“We gotta scrap right here right now” “No”
Does the thing older siblings do when they put their hand on your head so when you swing at them, you're just hitting air. 
It's so infuriating so you gotta stop. 
The next time though, you swear you're gonna win. You will not. 
Tomas Vrbada
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The most willing and having the most fun 
Tomas has two older brothers that probably jumped him on several occasions growing up and you're gonna try and convince me he doesn't have aggression to get out?
People would probably expect he's the softest but no. He's the youngest. As the youngest myself I can assure you, we are used to putting our all in these fights cause we gotta use all our strength to defeat these evil mfs we live with. Sometimes it's not enough-
You're not his older sibling so he's not scrapping like his life depends on it but I do think he's hitting somewhat hard 
Not as hard as Bi-Han, not as soft as Kuai Liang 
You feel his hits but it's not knocking the wind outta you 
Super fun cause he's also using the environment. Definitely is grabbing a pillow and starts swinging it at you. Definitely is running around the couch to chase you. Definitely has thrown you but made sure to aim at something soft. He's probably even turned off the lights then threw a folded blanket at you 
“Cheater” “Don't be upset you didn't think of it first”
You're fighting but laughing at the same time. There's no real tension. Just fucking around. 
Probably starts initiating it too
If he does injure you fr, for a split second he'd actually see it as a victory then he'd remember you're not his older brothers and is like “oh shit-”. 
Injuring those two would mean freedom (or a worse jumping. really depends), injuring you is not good. 
He knows how bad those hits can hurt so he makes sure you're alright. He's not watching you as much as Kuai Liang would but he'd still make sure you're not overly sore. 
He doesn't feel as bad as Kuai Liang would cause he kinda knows this shit happens. Kuai Liang kinda got a little bit of guilt cause Tomas gets into a fighting stance when he raises his hand up. Tomas hasn't victimized anyone so he's more chill about these situations 😭
Tells you random ass stories about when he used to play fight with his brothers. 
“One time Bi-Han threw me in the air and Kuai Liang jumped to catch me only to throw me against the wall”
“This reminds me of when Bi-Han swept my feet from under me and Kuai Liang jumped on me”
“What is it called when someone jumps on you elbow first?”
“This one time I woke up to them standing over me. I knew it was a wrap”
“One time Bi-Han slapped the back of my neck so hard, it was red for at least a week”
“One time Kuai Liang-” “Tomas… you need a therapist” “I don't think that's what it is”
Unlike Kuai Liang who makes you wait, he's cool with scrapping days later. 
Actually says “time out” when he wants a break. Also says “time in” fast as fuck though to catch you off guard 
Legit the most fun brother. I don't make the rules (except I do). 
I did not mean to write the least for Kuai Liang but I was really brain empty for him. Y’all should give me ideas, thanks bookie
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
hi, can you be part two of yandere concubine harem
Yandere! Concubine Harem pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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God fucking damnit it happened again. Currently, you were standing in front of your father as he was lecturing you. The reason for this scolding? Well, it was due to the fact that yet another one of your concubines had passed away. You wanted nothing more than to just go to bed and take a fat nap right now. Like how was this even remotely your fault? Everyone knows that once someone joins your harem there’s like a seventy percent chance of them dying. Yet they still do it! Why were you being blamed for their stupidity?
“I can’t fucking believe you!!! How could you let another one of your concubines die!?!? How on Earth are we supposed to explain this to the family!?!?”
“I honestly don’t understand why you're putting so much of the blame on me. Everyone literally knows the dangers of entering this place. This is the twelfth concubine to die. Can anyone really be surprised? Most people already know the fatalities, yet they still send their children here in hopes of being married to me. If they're shocked, that's on them.”
“What– I honestly can’t deal with you right now. Just go away. I can already feel my blood pressure rise…”
Man what a drag. You’re gonna have to start planning another funeral again. What did she even die from anyways? Probably just by some poison, that seems to be what’s popular nowadays. You started to make your way towards your bedroom so that you could finally relax. When you were by your window outside you noticed that a figure was already in your room. Any normal person would see this and start freaking out but you had a suspicion that you knew who this was. Taking a closer look, your suspicions were deemed correct when you got a clear view of one of your male concubines there. Not only that but they were digging through your dirty laundry. Man this is seriously gross and did they just smell your underwear!!! Man he really needed to touch some grass. Yeah… maybe it wasn’t the best idea to bedroom anyways. Whatever, to the hot springs it is!
With that you started to call a maid over and order her to bring all your bath supplies. The hot springs were in a secluded part of the palace so hopefully no one was around there. With a quick walk you finally reached the area and you patiently waited for the maid to come over and hand you your things.
“Sorry for making you wait, your highness here are all your things. I’ll make sure to tell everyone not to come here so as to not bother you. Enjoy yourself and let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, I will.”
Stepping into the waters, you start to feel your body relax as that hot water begins to hit your body. You began to just sink yourself into it. You love how calming and peaceful this place was. This was soon interrupted when you saw the waters begin to ripple with movement. Rolling your eyes a bit you then look up at a figure. Low and behold it was another concubine. This time however, you remembered his name. You think his name was Atlas… probably but you were certain that he was the prince of a southern boarding nation.
“Your highness, what a coincidence running into you like this. Mind if I have the honors of joining you?” he said with a large smile.
Coincidence my ass but nevertheless you gave him a small nod. His face immediately began to light up as he made his way towards your side. He had the eagerness of a puppy and the speed of a cheetah.
“Your highness, let me rub your back for you!”
He began to rub his hands all over your body eager to not leave one spot untouched. You were honestly so dumbfounded by him but just let him do his thing. Something else that you noticed while he was doing all of this was the fact that he was packing! It took you all your willpower to not look down and just stare at it. You couldn’t help but think and ask yourself in your mind, “was it heavy?” Man you really need to get out of here before your mind turns into the gutter. You were seriously turning into one of your perverted concubines. Before you could say anything and make an excuse to leave he beat you to it.
“When we’re finished, let's go to my side of the palace where we can relax with each other.”
Feeling that you could use a change in scenery you agreed and began to get dressed. As the two of you made your way towards his courtyard you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful it was. The place was filled with flowers and many butterflies roamed the area. The both of you sat near a nearby bench and started to make conversation.
“I’m sorry for the lack of entertainment. If I had known that I would be meeting you I would have set something up. I do have some tea that I made this morning and it would be lovely if you could try it!”
With your hum of his approval he quickly made his way inside to go and fetch it. Something that you’ll never understand about your concubines is their constant need for approval from you. You could not imagine why one would be so desperate for praise from someone else. The thought of yourself being like that almost made you laugh. Your thoughts were quickly broken when you heard the sound of someone's footsteps.
“I’m back I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long! Let me pour the tea for you!”
He swiftly grabbed the teapot and poured it into a teacup for you. Then presented you with some biscuits.
“I made this all for you! They probably don’t taste as good as they did this morning but they're still delicious!”
Taking the sip of the tea you noticed that it had a pleasant sugary taste to it. The cookies were also quite delicious. When you finished your snack the two of you continued to make small talk until you started to feel your vision begin to get blurry. You noticed that your body became hard to move and sluggish. God dammit you knew better than to accept food from anybody. Now look at where it got you!
“My love, it seems like the tea is starting to kick in but don’t worry I’ll make sure to take care of you.” he said with a lovesick expression.
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
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Summary: You've been having a hard time getting yourself off, so your roommate Harry offers a hand.
Warnings: masturbation, clit stimulation - 18+ ONLY!
Word Count: 3886
A/N: Finally, it's here! Based on this request. Soooo sorry for the delay! My writing mojo was not working this week. Also, I know it's a lame title, but I couldn't come up with anything else, and it's after 2AM lol. Hope you enjoy anyway :)
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Slamming the freezer door shut, you collapsed at the kitchen table with a sigh.
“What’s with you?” you heard Harry ask from the living room.
“Nothing,” you muttered. “Just thought I had some popsicles left, but I guess I ate ‘em all.”
“You’ve been devouring those like crazy,” Harry commented. “Something stressing you out?”
You sighed, groaning into your palms as you rubbed your eyes. “You could say that.”
“Anything I could help you with?”
You laughed to yourself as you laid your head on the table. Oh God, if he only knew. If he only could.
“No,” you said with a muffled moan.
“Hmm, alright then,” you heard him say as he rose from the sofa and turned off the television. “I’m going to meet Seth at the track field like I promised I would. Want me to stop and get you some popsicles on the way back?”
Lifting your head, you gave a weak smile. “That would be great. Thank you.”
“No problem. See you later.” When he reached the door, he stopped and looked back at you. “Oh, and Y/N? Whatever it is…if it’s still bothering you when I get back, we can talk about it, yeah?”
“Stop, you!” you waved him off. “Go be a frat boy for the afternoon.”
Harry gave you a smirk before shutting the door behind him.
Harry Styles was sweet. Not your typical college guy. Since meeting your freshman year, you’d become close friends, and eventually roommates. While you were very much attracted to him (honestly, who wasn’t?), you’d never given him much hints that you were interested in more than his friendship. And he was such a great friend, and you’d hate to lose that by stepping out of line. So other than a couple of drunken nights on the sofa when you’d both innocently flirted, you kept your feelings to yourself.
But when you were alone…well, that was a different issue altogether.
Harry was your fantasy man, if you wanted to put it that way. He knew you were a virgin; you’d discussed it many times. But what he didn’t know was that when you were alone in your room, sometimes with him in his own room and sometimes not, you fantasized about him. And many of those fantasies led to you touching yourself and getting worked up, only to end with you sexually frustrated.
The biggest issue was that you couldn’t make yourself come. You weren’t sure what you were doing wrong. You were horny as hell all the time. And thinking about Harry when you touched yourself only heightened the desire. But you just couldn’t seem to get over the edge. You could feel yourself getting so close, time after time, until your wrist got tired and your pussy seemed to dry up. You’d groan, angry at yourself, sometimes to the point of tears. If it was late enough, you’d manage to fall asleep eventually, but if it wasn’t even close to bed time, you’d huff and stomp out of your bedroom to grab a popsicle out of the freezer, your item of choice for cooling you down.
Today had been just like any other Saturday. You’d awakened horny, thinking of Harry. You tried to take a shower, hoping it would help, only to be interrupted by the man himself, knocking on the bathroom door to tell you breakfast was ready. You’d sat at the table with him as you tried not to stare, thinking about how fucking sweet he was to make breakfast. Then when he’d announced he was going to watch some game on TV before meeting his friend Seth, you’d gone to your room, hoping to relieve the pulsing ache between your legs. You’d even gone so far as to sit naked in the closet, the door shut as you touched yourself. But once again, you were unable to climax, thus the need to go running into the kitchen.
Now that Harry was gone, however, you knew you couldn’t waste an opportunity. Grabbing a bottle of water, you brought it with you to your room in case the activity made you dehydrated. Then you lit your favorite candle and turned off the overhead light, leaving only the glow of the fairy lights that trimmed your walls. After removing your shorts, you slipped underneath the covers in just your panties and t-shirt. Closing your eyes, you sighed, imagining Harry was in bed with you. Sliding your hands down the front of your shirt, you let your fingers linger at the edge of your cotton underwear.
“Please,” you whispered into the air.
You pretended your hand was your roommate’s as you let it glide over your clothed mound. You sighed again, willing him in your mind to add a little pressure as your own hand resumed the task. Soon you could feel the moisture soaking through your panties, so you removed them completely. With your head back on the pillow, you gathered a bit of your wetness, bringing it to your clit as your fingertip began to play more aggressively.
It didn’t take long for you to feel the pressure building in your belly, your toes curling as you imagined it was Harry touching you, making you feel incredible. Your cunt tightened as your finger moved around in circles on your now swollen clit. You gasped a breath and licked your lips, praying the release would come soon. But just like all the other times, nothing would happen. It was as though your body was deliberately denying the pleasure you so needed, like a punishment. For what, you were unsure.
Dropping your tired hand next to you, you immediately felt the tears coming, unable to stop the frustration and disappointment. Rolling over onto your side, you pulled the covers up to your chest and cried.
Why was this not happening for you? This was so unfair!
Shaking with sobs, you gave up, resolving that it just wasn’t meant to be. Gulping back the rest of your tears, you drifted off to sleep.
You awakened disoriented as you heard the front door slam shut. Harry must be home, you thought. Suddenly, just the thought of him brought the tears back to your eyes. Shortly afterwards, you heard Harry calling your name. Ashamed, you rolled over to face the wall.
“Y/N!” you heard again just before a knock sounded on your bedroom door.
When you didn’t answer, he turned the knob, opening the door just a crack. “Y/N? You in here? I got those popsicles. They’re in the free-”
Harry’s words stopped abruptly, and you knew he had entered the room.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
Not wanting to let him see you crying, you cleared your throat. “Oh, hey Harry. I was…tired. So I decided to take a nap.”
“Um…but…you’re crying, love.”
“No, I’m not,” you snapped.
“Yeah, you are. I see your shoulders trembling.”
“Jeez, nothing gets past you, does it?” you hiccuped. “Do you want a medal or something?”
“Hey…” Harry sounded. Then you felt the bed shift, and you could tell he’d sat down behind you. When his hand touched your shoulder, you tensed up. “Y/N. I told you you could talk to me. About anything. Please, I’m here to help.”
“I can’t, Harry,” you grumbled. “Not about this.”
“Why not?”
“Because…it’s too embarrassing.” Sniffling, you silently hoped he would leave. But he was your friend. And up until then you’d talked to him about all of your problems, big or small.
“C’mon, it can’t be that bad,” he urged. “Was it some jerk you fancied? Want me to beat him up for you?”
“No,” you shook your head.
“Was it one of the girls in that snooty sorority?”
“No, Harry. Nobody did anything. Please, just go. Let me be.”
You heard him sigh as he rose from the bed. You thought he was leaving until he spoke again. “No, Y/N. I can’t. You’re clearly upset about something, and I can’t just leave you crying like this. Let me help. Please.”
With a huff, you finally rolled over to face him. His face displayed the look of concern and worry, and you suddenly felt bad for snapping at him.
“Why is it so important to you?” you asked with a shaky breath.
“Because, Y/N…” he conveyed, returning to the edge of your bed. “You’re important to me. You’re my best friend. I don’t like to see you hurting.”
Biting your bottom lip, you shifted your eyes. Could you tell him? Should you tell him?
“If I tell you…will you promise you won’t laugh?”
Harry tilted his head and ran his hand down your arm. “Y/N, how could I laugh at you?”
“It’s just…it’s very TMI,” you admitted.
“Yeah?” Harry raised a brow.
You gnawed at the inside of your cheek as you sat up. “I…” you began with a pause. Finally, exhaling through your nose, you looked up at the ceiling as you said the next words. “I’ve been extremely horny lately.”
You heard Harry snicker before you lowered your head and frowned.
“No,” he shook his head. “Trust me love, I’m not laughing at you. It’s just…that’s not really a secret, is it? I mean…we’re all pretty horny. I wouldn’t really call that TMI.”
“That’s not all of it,” you whispered.
“Oh. Okay. Go on then.” Harry scooted closer to you. Your insides flipped, even more than when you would sit with him on the couch or the kitchen table. You stared at him for a moment before shifting your gaze down to the comforter. You grabbed it in your hands, twisting the edge between your fingers.
“I can’t seem to make myself…you know.”
Harry’s eyes widened instantly at your confession. It surprised you because you figured you would have to spell it out for him. Part of you was embarrassed, but the other part was relieved that he understood what you meant.
“Have you ever?” he inquired.
Sucking in your lips, you shook your head.
“Shit,” he whispered, his eyes on you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“One time…it felt a little different, you know? Like I thought maybe I was but then…I wasn’t so sure. But all other times I’d get so close,” you whined, “but then…it goes away.”
“Well…” Harry mused, shifting himself on the bed, “maybe you just need some help.”
Blinking hard, you glared at him. “What do you mean? I…don’t have a vibrator. I was thinking of getting one, but I don’t know…”
“No, I mean…like a person. To touch you. The way you need to be touched.”
His final phrase hung in the air as you stared at his handsome face. His voice and tone had been low, just above a whisper, and it tickled your ears and made your skin blush. He licked his full lips as his eyes drifted down from your face to your lap. The sudden urge to squeeze your legs together was hard to ignore.
“Well…yeah,” you scoffed, making light of his words. “Not like I’ve had the opportunity.”
Harry’s eyes lifted back up to meet yours before he said, “You do now.”
Your mouth opened slightly, though you were unable to utter a sound. Was he suggesting what you thought he was suggesting?
It wasn’t until Harry took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb across your fingers and looked sincerely into your eyes again that you managed to squeak out his name.
“I’d like to help you, Y/N,�� he said softly. “I want to. If you’ll let me.”
“Really?” You asked the word incredulously, almost with a light chuckle as surely he was joking.
“Yes. Really.”
Biting your lip, you hesitantly lowered your comforter. Harry eyed your bare legs before looking back at you.
“May I?” he asked, reaching his hand toward your thigh.
You nodded, giving him the go ahead. With a slight smirk, Harry caressed your leg, gliding his hand up and down your thigh. You sighed, your flesh erupting in goosebumps.
“Your skin is so soft,” he cooed. Then licking his lips, he leaned forward, his mouth so close to yours that you could feel his breath. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
With another nod, you felt the nerves magnify just before his lips met yours. When his hand met your cheek, however, you eased into the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth. Though you had imagined his kiss many times, it was nothing like actually experiencing the real thing. You felt the bubble of a moan rise from your throat before Harry released your lips and chuckled low.
“I was afraid that would be awkward for you, but I’m gonna assume by that sound you just made that it wasn’t.”
“No,” you breathed. “It was pretty great, actually.”
Harry’s smile grew which only made you smile back. This was already going better than you thought it would.
“So, you’re okay with moving forward?” he asked. “With me touching you, I mean.”
“Yes.” You said it so quietly, you would have wondered if you’d only thought it in your head if Harry hadn’t adjusted his position on the bed. Leaning on his elbow, he rested his head in his hand as he reached his other hand to touch your thigh again.
“We can go as slow as you need to, okay?”
“Lie back, love,” he instructed. “I want you to be as comfortable as possible. The more comfortable and relaxed you are, the better it’s gonna feel.”
You nodded, breathing through your nose as you laid back on the pillow. Relaxing, however, was going to take a little more effort. Just his gaze alone was enough to accelerate your heartbeat.
“So, tell me how you like to be touched.”
Once again, his words hung in the air like a thick cloud. Were you supposed to have an answer to that question?
“I dunno,” you shrugged.
“Well…what do you do to yourself? What feels good to you?” His eyes remained locked on yours while his hand moved up to play with the hem of your t-shirt.
“I um…” you paused, swallowing hard. “I usually just rub my clit.”
Harry nodded. “How? Show me.”
Color rising in your cheeks again, you sucked in your lips as you brought your hand down between your legs. Then you gently slid your finger down the outside of your panties along the center, finding the spot you usually went for first. Adding just a bit of pressure, you showed Harry how you touched yourself.
“Okay,” he said. “And does that feel good?”
“A little.”
“Just a little?” he raised a brow.
You hitched a breath when you saw him reach for your hand, covering it with his own. Guiding you, he pressed a little harder on your finger, moving it in gentle circular motions. You swallowed hard before letting out a tiny gasp.
“What about now?” Harry inquired.
“Better,” you breathed.
“Yeah? Is this how you usually do it?”
“For a little while,” you admitted. “When it starts to feel really good, I um…go underneath or take my panties off completely.”
“Mmm,” Harry nodded. “I’d like to do that. Can we?”
Harry’s mouth turned up in a slight grin as you lifted your hips to remove your underwear. Once they were off, you pushed them down the bed with your feet, your eyes still on Harry.
“Good,” he said. “Can I touch you now, Y/N?”
Running his palm across your belly, his green eyes conveyed a sense of calmness, one you recognized well. Harry was always good at putting you at ease, whether it was at a party where you knew next to nobody but him, or just sitting on the couch talking about things that were bothering you. He was never judgemental or tried to press his opinion onto you. He made you feel good about everything, and while this was no exception, you couldn’t deny the somersaults your tummy was performing and the way your heart was thumping in your chest.
He was actually going to touch you now.
And he did. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he lightly sucked the tips of his middle and forefinger before reaching between your legs. You simply stared as his hand slid across your mound, unable to move. But before he could even touch your clit, he tapped the inside of your thigh with the back of his hand.
“Open your legs, love,” he instructed with a low chuckle. “I promise it feels so much better if I can actually reach you.”
Letting out a deep breath, you spread your legs open a little. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize,” said Harry. “I just want you to relax, okay? I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.”
“I know you won’t,” you muttered. “I’m just…it’s hard to relax right now.”
“Because…I guess I’m a little nervous.”
With a gentle expression on his face, Harry looked at you. “I wanna make you feel good, Y/N. Please don’t be nervous with me. It’s just me.”
You let out a half breath, half laugh as you glared at him. “That’s why I’m nervous.”
Tilting his head, Harry blinked. “Have you thought about this before…with me?”
Biting your lip, you nodded.
“Why…why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice so low you barely heard it.
“Because…I didn’t think anything would happen,” you explained. “Like this.”
Blinking again, Harry leaned over, capturing your mouth. You sighed as you felt him shift even closer, his hand gliding up the side of your shirt to cup your breast. He gave it a squeeze when you sucked delicately on his tongue. Then lifting his head, his eyelids heavy, he shook his head.
“Fuck, Y/N. I wish I’d known. I would have done this a long time ago.”
Before you could argue or retort, Harry wettened his fingers once more and brought them to your pussy. Ever so gently, just like he had moments before with your own hand, he added slight pressure to your clit, creating shapes with his movements. You gasped at the contact, immediately feeling the building sensation in your core.
“How’s that feel?” Harry whispered.
“So good,” you replied in a breathy tone, shutting your eyes.
“Open just a little wider, baby.”
You did as you were told, trying not to let the fact he’d just called you baby spin you into a sense of complete disarray. You focused on the feeling instead, the mere idea that Harry’s fingers were touching your pussy.
You could feel your legs begin to tremble, however, when his circles began to speed up. Your toes curled, and your breaths quickened.
“Oh…” you panted.
“Mmm, you like that?”
“Ohh, god yes.”
“Good girl. You’re doing great,” Harry cooed. “You’re getting so wet.”
Even with your eyes shut tight, you knew he was right. Not only could you feel the wetness dripping down your thigh, you could hear it like a sloshing mess as Harry pressed harder and moved his hand faster.
“Oh my god!” you cried.
“Do you want my fingers inside, or do you want me to keep going like this?”
“Like this!” you shouted a little too quickly.
Harry chuckled. “You got it, baby. I can do this as long as you need me to. Your pussy’s so pretty.”
You groaned at his words, the fire below igniting a whole knew sensation as you felt yourself grind against his hand. You dared a peek at him, opening your eyes to see him smirking at you. This was not his usual smirk like when he was kidding around with you, or letting you in on a secret. This was a smirk just for you, like he knew how he was making you feel, and he was enjoying it. Like he owned you. You always thought he was sexy, but fuck, when did he get so fucking sexy?!?
Harry’s hand slowed for just a moment, giving you both a bit of relief. Surely his wrist had to be aching by now, you thought. And the heavy stimulation was almost overwhelming for you. You noticed that’s when you would sometimes dry up and lose the orgasm entirely.
Shutting your eyes, you relaxed your hips, letting your legs fall open as they may, instead of tensed up like they were a moment before. You sighed again as Harry began to glide his fingertips up your slit and back down, gathering the wetness that had no doubt pooled at your entrance. You moaned at how delicately he was touching you now, with very little pressure at all.
“Fuck,” you cursed out loud, partly because it felt amazing and partly because you missed the friction. “Harry…”
“Yeah, babe. That feel good?”
“Yes, but…”
“But what, baby? You have to tell me.”
“Mmm, harder please.”
“Is that too soft?”
“Mhm,” you nodded.
“Alright,” you heard him say, and you knew he was grinning. But before he resumed the pressure, he lightly patted your pussy with his hand.
You knew he was just being cocky now, but you didn’t care. You’d never felt so turned on in your life, even from your own hand. And while your end goal was to come, you also didn’t want this to end.
“H-h-harry…” you moaned, the incredible friction returning, the sensation creating an overwhelming urge in your belly. “Fuck!”
“That’s it, baby. Are you gonna come for me?”
That made you open your eyes. While his question was one you’d imagined him asking you every time you tried to get yourself off - and the sound of it coming from his lips was so fucking hot, it was a wonder you didn’t squirt right then and there - in the back of your mind you were still worried you couldn’t make it over the edge.
You reached out and grabbed his shirt in your fist, the other hand grasping at the sheet beneath you. Your eyes wide, you stared at him as you felt the pressure build and build, your legs trembling as you silently begged him to let you come.
“Oh my god!” you cried, tugging on his shirt.
And just at that moment, when you thought everything was about go black, Harry crashed his mouth into yours. Your tongue dancing with his, a low, aching moan rose from deep inside your gut. Your entire body shook as you held onto him, his fingers still caressing your wet clit as you came.
When you finally stopped shaking, but your chest was still heaving, Harry lifted both his head and his hand. Staring at you, he slid his hand up your waist, and his other cradled your neck. Then he pressed a kiss between your brows before resting his forehead against yours.
“Is that what you wanted, love?”
“Yes,” you breathed out. “Holy shit, Harry.”
With a deep chuckle, he shifted back to his side, pulling you with him. “I’m so glad I could do that for you,” he said, pushing a strand of hair from your face.
You looked at him in wonder. You’d always been in awe of him, since the first day you’d met. But now he was no longer just your friend Harry, your roommate Harry…he was…Harry! Jesus, what were you gonna do now?
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padfootagain · 8 months
Hi everyone! Here comes another fic for Hozier! Hope you like it! It isn’t an enemies to lovers, honestly, more like an… annoyed to lovers.
Hope you like this! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x reader
Warnings: none, it’s cute! Adorable even. Lots of interrupted kisses. Annoyed to lovers instead of a real enemies to lovers
Summary: Your new neighbour is insufferable with his music-making and his pretty face and his unbearably tall frame. Or is he? Maybe a blackout through your neighbourhood will make you change your mind about him.
Word Count: 5568
Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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It wasn’t that you hated him, really. You reckoned that you didn’t know the guy enough to hate him.
It was just that… he simply… got on your nerves.
Why? Well, the fact that your new neighbour was blasting electric guitar and wailing at 2am was a good start. And then there was just… something… something off. You couldn’t explain it. You just saw him and you went nope.
And that was probably mean, and uncalled for, to be fair. He seemed nice enough, during the day, when he was not waking you up at an ungodly hour. He was good-looking too, and he had a nice soothing voice, quiet and surprisingly gentle considering that he was a fucking giant…
Still, you couldn’t forgive him for ruining your nights and never even apologising. Or actually, he did apologise. Every time. And then, he went ahead and did it all over again the next day. The fact that he was a famous musician (that you had obviously recognised, you did not live under a rock, after all) was no excuse to bother your neighbours when they had jobs to go to in the morning.
What a jerk…
Still, you did need some flour to bake these cookies due for your friend tomorrow, now that your little demon of a black cat had dropped the whole thing on the floor… and then decided to roll in it so he could paint your entire kitchen with powder.
What a day…
So, that was the reason why you were now knocking on your neighbour’s door. It was a small building you lived in, with only three flats, and you knew that the couple upstairs were away, gone on vacation somewhere hot and sunny to drink fancy colourful cocktails, the lucky bastards. Meanwhile, you remained in your small town, while it was freezing cold outside, sky as grey as your mood, forced to see this unbearably annoying neighbour of yours…
You knocked a second time, perhaps he had not heard you. You knew he was in, there was light coming out from underneath his door. The shop in your village was closed today. He was your only hope to get these cookies of yours, sadly…
Finally, the door opened. Or well, it was flung open, actually. A grumpy look on handsome features appeared, towering you with his full height, long brown curls messily tied in a bun.
“Hi!” you forced a smile. “Sorry to bother you, but I… have a small flour issue. Could I borrow you some?”
Andrew raised a surprised eyebrow, but nodded anyway.
“Need anything else?” he asked, and his voice was softer than the look on his face would have suggested.
“No, thanks. Just flour.”
He seemed unsure of what to do with his long limbs for a moment, staring at you before he turned in a jolt, hurried back inside. You noticed that he hadn’t bothered with a hello.
What a je…
“I don’t have much left, I hope you’ll have enough.”
He handed you his half-empty bag of flour with a smile. It was pretty, even if it was unmistakeably polite more than anything else.
Why on earth were you thinking that, by the way?
“Thanks! I’ll bring this back quickly, promise.”
He merely gave you another smile, clearly uncomfortable.
“Okay, bye!”
You spun around before he could do anything but mumble a ‘goodbye’, and disappeared in your flat, just across the hall.
Leaning against your front door after closing it, you tried to remember how much of a jerk that man was. How annoying he was. And most of all, you tried not to think of how gorgeous his hazel eyes were…
There was a noise before you, and when you lifted your eyes, Salem was staring at you, paws and fur still partially covered in white flour.
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It wasn’t that he hated you, really. Andrew reckoned that he didn’t know you enough to hate you.
It was just… simply that you… made him nervous.
There was something about you that just made him struggle to breathe all of a sudden. The fact that the first conversation you had was you not-so-politely telling him to shut up already might have something to do with that. The fact that your cat had been peeing right before his front door on several occasions also played in your disfavour. And perhaps there was also the fact that he found you breathtaking, that he loved the sound of your voice, and that every time he saw you he was torn between an urge to snap at you and another to kiss you to finally make you shut up already. He also sometimes wanted to throw your cat out of the building, but he was too kind-hearted for this to ever fall into the ‘feasible’ category.
The other ones of his urges though…
He shook himself, focused on his guitar again, reached for the cup of tea by his side, sliding the two teabags to the side to take a sip. He needed to focus. He had a song to finish, damn it…
But then again, writing in this small flat he was renting wasn’t ideal. The roof of his home needed to be fixed, he couldn’t stay there for several weeks in a row while people were working on it. And as he was in desperate need for a place to stay while his roof was being repaired, and unwilling to simply stay at a friend’s house for weeks, he wasn’t picky when it came to the choice of flat for this short rental. He would be staying only for a few weeks anyway. He saw the flat on Air BnB, figured it would do, and moved in for six weeks.
The paper-thin walls were a challenge though. And being the night-owl he was, it was tough working only throughout the day.
He took a look at the clock on the wall. 9pm… surely he could make a little bit of noise still. No adult was going to sleep so early these days, lives were too busy for that, workdays too long.
He started recording, trying to get a few back-up vocals in. He could record some guitar quietly later, but he did need some strong vocals to get a feeling of the song. Perhaps it would help him finish this bunch of lyrics he was stuck with.
He had been working for around twenty minutes when he heard someone knocking on his door.
He stopped mid-note, cursing at the interruption. Your interruption, without a doubt…
He needed to work, it was still early, and you were getting on his nerves so fucking much…
He opened his door a little too hard, a dark expression adorning his features. And he was even angrier at you when he found you wearing casual clothes, a warm oversized hoodie and some sweatpants. He was infuriated by your messy hair and the way he wanted to run his fingers through it. He was so frustrated by the white traces of flour splattered across your cheek and sleeves and fingers, and how adorable they made you look. Cosy and comfortable and making him feel lonely like this, on his own, recording alone and singing to no one, making him want to hold you through the night…
“Hi!” you spoke first, but he noticed at once how forced your smile was. “Sorry to bother you, but I… have a small flour issue. Could I borrow you some?”
He was so surprised, he had to raise an eyebrow at that. No complaints about his singing? No… complaints in general? Were you alright?
He wondered why he was so surprised by that, anyway. You seemed to be lovely. He simply had never had the occasion to properly talk to you, that was all…
He nodded.
“Need anything else?” he asked, making his voice softer, knowing he had been a little rough as he had opened the door.
And for God’s sake, he had not even said hello! You would think he was an absolute knob… Was it too late to say hello? Yeah, of course, it was too late, he was pathetic, and there it was again, you were making him so damn nervous, staring at him with these beautiful eyes of yours…
“No, thanks. Just flour.”
He wasn’t sure what to do. For some reason, he was reluctant to walk in again. He didn’t dare question why.
Eventually, though, he did hurry to his kitchen, foraging for his flour. He had barely half a bag left…
“I don’t have much left, I hope you’ll have enough.”
He handed you his half-empty bag of flour and forced a smile. He hoped you wouldn’t notice that his hands had turned clammy, that he was struggling for breath a little… or a lot, actually. He didn’t know what to make of his long limbs, of his tall frame, he didn’t know what to tell you…
“Thanks! I’ll bring this back quickly, promise,” you told him, smiling too, although yours was more relaxed and he found it a little too bright, it made it dangerous.
He wondered if he should tell you about the white streak on your cheek, but decided against it. He didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, he was awkward enough for the two of you. God, it had been years since he had been that shy in front of someone.
Before he could find something to say (and he was trying hard to find something interesting to say), you were pressing your lips tightly together.
“Okay, bye!”
It was over already? Andrew was a little stunned by it, he mumbled a ‘goodbye’, brain functioning at full speed to find an excuse to make you stay, but found nothing, reaching to grasp only at air. A second later, you were spinning around, hurrying across the corridor and back to the safety of your door. He watched you disappear, and walked back inside with a sigh.
He sat back in his chair, picked up his guitar again. Damn, he needed to get a grip. He was supposed to hate you, for God’s sake…
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“Oh, this got to be a joke…”
Andrew mumbled under his breath, heaving a deep sigh. As if things weren’t complicated enough already in this tiny flat…
The light had just gone out. In this wintery season, even though it was still fairly early, the sky was already wearing its nightly colours, although any traces of moon or stars were hidden behind heavy clouds. Without electricity, the whole room was drenched in darkness…
Andrew checked the battery level of his laptop, resting before him on the small desk where he had been working on a new song. Luckily, none of his music equipment was plugged in, so no damage from a power surge could have happened. He had about 35% battery left…
He saved his files, and used the light of the screen to look for his phone. He checked the battery there too, at the corner of the screen.
He turned the torchlight on anyway, having no other source of light in the room but for his electronical devices. He headed for the cupboard by the door, feet making the wooden floor creak quietly in the dark. He checked the fuses on the hidden electrical panel there, but everything was normal.
It wasn’t coming from his flat. In fact, it wasn’t coming from his building. As he peered into the street, all the streetlights had gone out. It was complete darkness, except for the distant lights of a car, that disappeared after a few seconds.
Andrew heaved another sigh, wondering what to do. It was 6pm, he had not eaten dinner, he had not showered – both vital needs that could not be fulfilled without electricity, unless he wanted to opt for a freezingly cold shower, and he was clearly not in the mood for that – and his phone, aka only source of light, was about to die.
Great… fucking great…
He reckoned that he had a few biscuits tugged somewhere, that would make dinner. He could still quickly wash up with cold water and take a proper shower tomorrow. He only needed a proper torchlight, or at least a candle to see something.
He foraged through the cupboards, drawers and every corner of the flat. No candle, no light, nothing…
His phone was down to 7% battery.
There was, however, a solution to his problem. He could go and ask you if you could lend him any source of light…
God, he hated his bloody romantic brain for the line that immediately popped into his head.
She’s a source of light…
“Oh, just shut up, already…” he cursed at himself out loud.
He still opened the door, and walked over to your flat. He only hesitated once he was facing the wooden surface, hand raised in a fist and about to knock. He could feel his throat tightening, and some excited butterflies mingle in his stomach with something anxious and not quite nice. He could feel his palms becoming clammy. He bit down on his cheek.
Did he really want to do that? Knock on your door? See you? You could tell him to fuck off. You could be mean. Or worse, you could give him an earnest smile, what would he do with himself if you did?
But Andrew shook himself and finally knocked. He wasn’t a bloody teenager to be this intimidated by someone. He was an accomplished musician, in his thirties, who owned a home, bees and an awful lot of guitars. He had talked to many people who were way more intimidating than you, including the fucking president! He had sung in front of thousands of people! Tens of thousands! He could totally ask you for a torchlight and be cool about it.
His breath staggered when your face appeared, opening the door and looking up at him with these gorgeous eyes of yours, and his heart skipped several beats, and his brain simply ceased to function altogether…
Bloody hell…
“Oh, hi!” you spoke in an annoyed voice, but he somehow knew the feeling wasn’t aimed at him. “I was about to go over to your place, Andrew. There’s no power in my flat.”
“None in mine either. And nothing in the street. It seems the whole area is in the dark.”
You heaved a frustrated sigh, a long exhale through your nose, and Andrew couldn’t help but find you adorable like this, all frustration and annoyance. He wanted to kiss that frown of yours away…
But he shook himself instead.
She’s annoying as fuck. And you’ve interviewed your fucking president, you can ask your neighbour for a candle…
“I’m sorry to bother you,” he said, his voice more hesitant than usual, but steady all the same. “But there’s nothing we can do to get the lights back on, and there’s no candle or torchlight in the flat. And my phone is about to die. Do you have anything you could lend me for the night?”
But you shook your head.
“Sorry, got only one candle, and I’m using it. My phone is about to die too.”
“Oh… okay, nevermind then. Thanks anyway.”
“Oh wait! Your flour!”
You rushed inside, reappeared seconds later with the bag you had borrowed that morning.
“Thanks,” Andrew gave you a smile, one that he tried to make brighter than the ones he usually offered you. “Hope the cooking went well.”
“Yep! I now have lots of cookies! Luckily, they were finished before the power went out. The oven runs on electricity.”
“Yeah, mine too. Everything in the flat does, actually,” he answered with a wince.
“You’ve got some food for tonight?”
“Some snacks, yeah. It will simply not be a night for my infamous pastas.”
Andrew didn’t know how to react when you actually chuckled at his joke, a genuine smile now adorning your lips. It was all butterflies and leaping heart and air leaving his lungs.
Fuck… this was so much more intimidating than talking to the president…
“I’ve got some stuff ready, if you want. Nothing fancy, just a salad.”
You opened your door wider, a silent invitation, one he was too surprised by to seize right away, too busy raising an eyebrow.
“Oh… erhmmm… thanks… you don’t have to bother, though…”
“I’m not! I prepare most of my meals in advance, during the weekend. I have enough for you, if you want.”
“Erhmmm… it won’t bother you?”
“No, I…”
But you were interrupted by sudden darkness as Andrew’s phone decided to give up on life…
“Fuck! Bloody hell…” he cursed under his breath, tapping on the screen, but to no avail.
“Wait, the candle…”
You walked back into your flat, a dim light coming from the other end of the hall. He could only guess your form in the dark, but he noticed that you were stumbling as you cursed.
“Bloody… Salem! No! Andrew, close the door! The cat!”
Andrew didn’t think. He didn’t fully realize what he was doing as he stepped inside your flat and closed the door in a hurry. A soft brush against his ankle told him that your cat had not managed to escape.
“Did he run off?” you asked, reappearing with the candle in your hand, your features bathed in the warm light; something so ethereal, Andrew thought he was dreaming all of this.
But then he felt claws digging into his jeans in an attempt to climb up his leg, and he was reminded that he was not dreaming, indeed.
“No, he’s decided to use me as his personal tree instead,” he joked, bending to gently push the animal away, who mewed in discontent.
You laughed at that, sound clear and blinding, making him a little dizzy.
“For his defence, that’s an easy mistake to make.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Very funny…”
Still, he couldn’t refrain an amused smile, and yours brightened too.
“So, now that you’re in… want some of my brilliant chicken salad?”
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You had no idea what had gone through your brain when you invited Andrew to come in and share a meal with you.
You were supposed to hate the guy. He was supposed to be the annoying musician next door who kept on yelling into some microphone when you tried to sleep.
It was difficult to remind yourself of that though, when the annoying musician turned out to be so soft-spoken and sweet. Sweet. Yeah, that was the most fitting word to describe how your evening was going with him so far. He seemed nervous as well, an unexpected reaction to your modest flat and perfectly ordinary self. The guy had sung in front of audiences of thousands and probably met an awful lot of people who were everything but ordinary… and yet he was shifting his weight now from one foot to the other, as if he didn’t know what to make of his long limbs. You found that adorable…
The fact that he looked stunning in the warm light of the candle, with his hazel eyes looking almost black in the dimly lit room, his hair held in a messy bun, the photons caught in his beard and long eyelashes… yeah, that was not helping at all, either.
You cleared your throat while handing him a glass of water, which he quietly thanked you for. There was nothing special about your meal, but he complimented you anyway. He stole a couple extra cookies for dessert, and you smiled at the sight.
“Sweet tooth?” you asked, nodding towards the crumbs in his plate, the last remnants of the fourth cookie he had been devouring.
He looked sheepishly at you.
“Kind of… sorry…”
“Don’t apologise! I’m glad you like them.”
“Well, you did make them with my flour, so I guess I’ve partly paid for them,” he joked, successfully making you laugh.
He was funny, which didn’t help you reminding yourself that you ought to despise him either.
If you had both struggled a little to start a proper conversation at the beginning, you were more relaxed now, and Andrew seemed to be feeling the same. You had barely talked to each other before, your interactions limited to polite chit-chat typical of neighbourhood, and you being annoyed at him, and him being annoyed at you.
It turned out that he was nice, that he was kind, that he was funny and smart and that he had an awful lot of anecdotes to tell. Time flew by, the night deepening faster than expected, and you remained sitting around your dinner table even after your plates were empty, talking about your lives and discovering that you had quite a lot in common, after all.
Alright, he wasn’t as insufferable as you had first thought, and for sure your heart leapt every time he smiled, and you couldn’t deny that he was gorgeous…
… still, you were supposed to hate him.
He helped you wash the dishes, joking and making you laugh, and hell, it was hard to stop your heart from beating too fast.
Out of annoyance, of course! You were annoyed… that was why your stomach made some crazy flip-flops when he bent closer to you to secure a plate in the cupboard above your head. It wasn’t at all because his shoulder was touching yours, because he stood so close you could smell his earthy perfume and it made you dizzy…
Nope! None of that… of course…
And when he looked down at you, remaining just as close, and you caught him staring, caught the bopping of his Adam’s apple and the tensing of the muscle in his jaw, the sudden urge you felt to reach up for his collar and pull him down until you could kiss his lips was a reflection of your frustration against him, nothing more.
Nothing more…
His eyes left yours, blinked a couple of times and landed on your lips, and you were certain that the sound of his breathing had disappeared. And you both remained there, standing still, staring at the other and you wondered if he was thinking the same thought as you did, having the same surprising longing to close the space between your bodies. You weren’t sure why you had invited him when you thought you disliked him. But then did you really dislike him? Or did you simply smell danger in his bright smile, saw risks in his pretty eyes, and the fear of falling in his deep voice? Yeah… yeah, perhaps there was a little bit of that, too… You tilted your head up, and he lowered his head, just a little bit, the ghost of a movement, you could almost have dreamt it…
But then he moved away, in a jolt, blinking and clearing his throat as if catching himself doing something mad and wrong and stopping before he actually performed the sin. You disliked him once again, then, hating that he elicited disappointment…
You finished washing the dishes in silence, and you hated the feeling of discomfort that suddenly replaced the warmth he had brought before. He was back at shuffling around, clearly uncomfortable. And yet, when he looked at you again and caught your gaze with his, his expression softened.
“Can I confess something?” he asked out of the blue, but you nodded in encouragement despite your surprise.
He sounded serious all of a sudden, and he took a moment to look for the right words. His eyes seemed to search for something in yours, and you couldn’t look away while he looked so intensely at you.
“I… I’m sorry we kind of… hit it off in a bad way. Cause I… you’re not as bad as I thought you were,” he added with a tinge of humour and lopsided smile, which made you smile too.
“Yeah… you’re not as insufferable as I thought you were either,” you admitted despite yourself. And yet, as soon as the confession passed your lips, you couldn’t deny that you truly meant it.
He grinned, the sight making your heart skip a few beats.
“Is there a way that I can repay you for your amazing chicken salad?” he asked, his tone more playful again, eliciting warmth across your frame.
You couldn’t refrain a laugh.
“I mean, it was an amazing salad,” you leaned into his joking tone.
“Spectacular. It deserves some kind of retribution, somehow…”
“Well, you’re a musician aren’t you? I’m sure you can find something.”
He laughed at that, clearly taken aback by your answer, but if he blushed and rubbed his neck in a mark of sudden shyness, he didn’t back down.
“You’re aiming straight for the serious topics,” he teased.
“For the free concert tickets, if we’re being fully honest…” you joked, making both of you laugh.
“Oh, I see! That’s where the sudden kindness comes from! You want to exchange a chicken salad for a show!”
“Absolutely! Do you have any idea how much time and energy I’ve put in that salad?!”
“A tremendous amount, no doubt! Well… sorry to disappoint, but I’m not on tour at the moment.”
“Good, cause I was aiming for that other artist you might know.”
He broke into a loud laughter, one that filled your apartment and your frame alike with joy.
“What a well-thought plan! I’m afraid you might make me more important than I truly am, though.”
“If I give you an extra-cookie, I’m sure you’ll find a way to get me the show I want.”
“And here you go, using my weaknesses already, you clever lass!”
“A genius, that’s what I am!”
You laughed again, before you would grow more serious again.
“Seriously though, don’t mention it. It was nice to have dinner with you.”
His smile grew more tender, his gaze softened.
“Yeah… it was nice for me too. And perhaps you… perhaps we could do that again? Next time I could be doing the cooking.”
“And with actual lights on, that could be good too,” you joked, making him chuckle as he nodded.
“And well… I’ll have my guitar with me, perhaps I can repay you with some music then.”
“Wow… are you offering a free concert, or a form of serenading?”
You were joking, but you noticed the way his cheeks reddened, and he averted his eyes for a few seconds, before capturing your stare with his once more.
“Rather the second option, I reckon.”
You tried very hard to hide your reaction: the way your heart skipped a few beats and then became absolutely erratic, so much so that you wondered if it could beat hard enough to break your ribs and escape your chest altogether; the butterflies that flew across your stomach; the breath that got caught in your throat…
Damn, you hadn’t felt like that in years…
He averted his eyes once more to speak again.
“Ermmm… unless you wouldn’t like that, of course.”
“I… Actually, I think I would like that. Quite a lot.”
He looked at you then, his smile turning into a grin. And he blinked, eyes falling to your lips a second time this evening…
You reached for your kitchen counter, hesitating in taking the first step and leaning into your urge to pull him down to kiss him. How crazy was that thought? That you could be kissing Hozier, of all people; that you wanted to kiss the neighbour you had categorized as annoying for weeks; that you felt exhilarated like a teenager at the mere thought of touching his cheek…
He seemed to be hesitating too, and you heard him take a sharp intake of breath, blink again, and then he slowly leant down…
… and then it was complete darkness in the room, as the candle died out.
You jumped in surprise, taking a step back involuntarily and letting out a squeal as you felt your heel brushing your cat’s tail. Salem hissed, although you stopped your step before you could hurt him. You started to lose your balance though, when a pair of hands reached blindly in the dark for you, grabbing both of your upper arms and pulling you forward. You collided with something warm, hard and steady, and the earthy scent that enveloped your senses and made your head spin told you that you were pressed against Andrew’s chest.
“You’re alright?” he asked, worry audible in his tone.
“Yeah, just… almost stepped on my cat.”
“Is he alright?”
“Yeah, I almost stepped on him.”
He let out a low hum, almost a rumble, the vibrations echoing through your cheek and you had to close your eyes at the reassuring feeling. You reached up to hold him without thinking; there was something so safe and soft about his embrace…
His left hand moved from your arm to your back, a soothing caress as he pressed you closer. Meanwhile, his other hand was slowly moving up your arm, torturingly slow, making its way from your arm to your shoulder, and then it was time for a brush of long fingers across your neck that made your whole body tremble, and he kept on going until you moved your face so he could cup your cheek in his palm, his thumb brushing delicate circles into your cheekbone. You didn’t dare to move, afraid he would leave your arms, afraid you wouldn’t feel the warmth of his body sipping into your clothes anymore. But then, you felt his warm breath fan over your forehead, near your hairline, and you looked up to see nothing but shadows, your hair brushed against the tip of his nose.
But then you were blinded, as the power was back on, the lights now turned on again.
You both jolted backwards, blinking hard against the outburst of light, and you heard him cursing under his breath.
And just like that he was gone, and you could have cried from the cold that replaced his body in your arms.
It took both of you a moment to regain your composure, to realize what was happening, where you were, what had almost happened.
When you caught his gaze again, you couldn’t make out what his hazel eyes were saying, pupils still dilated after spending so long in a dimly lit room and then in complete darkness.
You struggled to swallow, unsure what to do next. Were you supposed to act like you had not been close to kissing a second ago? Were you supposed to joke around again? Were you supposed to talk about it? Were you supposed to ask him on a date?
You read the same hesitations in Andrew’s eyes, although something soon shifted in his gaze. Something determined appeared, and a little scared, but lovely all the same. And before you could react, he had taken a step forward to close back the space between your bodies, had reached up to hold your face in both his hands, and was crushing his lips to yours.
Your brain ceased to function altogether, you were too stunned to realize fully what was happening. But then your braincells caught on, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to bring his even closer as you kissed him, sighing in his mouth as he parted his lips to taste you.
For how long did you remain like this, standing in your kitchen, untangled and kissing? Hard to tell, impossible even. But when you broke apart, both of you out of breath, you rested your forehead against his shoulder, and he held you close, as if he were afraid you could leave.
“What the fuck was that?” you asked, your voice full of shock.
He chuckled at your reaction.
“You know, when a man and a woman really like each other, sometimes…”
“Don’t,” you warned him, but couldn’t refrain a smile all the same.
“Sorry, bad timing.”
You looked up at him, and by the look he gave you, you guessed that you weren’t very good at hiding your sudden nervousness.
“I’m not the ‘one-night stand’ type,” you warned him.
Andrew slowly nodded, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Besides, I’m supposed to hate you so…”
“Hate me?”
“You’re supposed to be the hot but very annoying neighbour who I blame for all of my life’s problems.”
He laughed at that, a smirk forming on his lips.
“You think I’m hot?”
It was your time to laugh.
“You’re not too bad,” you answered, but the look you gave him made him blush.
“Well, you’re not too bad either. Quite the opposite, actually.”
“I’m sure you can do better than that.”
A spark of mischief appeared in his eyes.
“If you want, I can get going with the serenading.”
You laughed again, shaking your head, but playing along all the same.
“Tempting. I won’t give myself away for less than that.”
“Dully noted. I’ll make efforts to woo you properly, I promise.”
You shied away a little, but he held you a little more tightly against him.
“What about a proper date though?” he asked, all traces of humour now gone from his voice. “Tomorrow night?”
You smiled up at him, nodding your head, before burying your face in his shoulder again, and he held you tightly against him in response.
Yeah, he truly was insufferable, without a doubt…
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aureatchi · 11 months
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˚୨୧ 。 ˚ IT WAS A NIGHT TO REMEMBER . — osamu dazai
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⟢ SYNOPSIS. after a long week of work, you and your best friend retreat to a bar to distract yourself from your responsibilities. however, you find it unfulfilling and decide you need to just go home. as you head out the door, you bump into someone more than familiar.
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a/n. it’s the way i immediately thought of him when i first heard this song. <3
info. fem!reader. exes to lovers!au. we have the full recipe…fluff; light angst; gets really sugg. mentions of drinking; scars. your best friend hates dazai. hc dazai doesn’t bandage his tummy. (ᗒᗜᗕ) ノ wc. 3.6k
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“It’s just a lot.”
You just finished the final shift of your job for the week, and you were more than exhausted and burnt out. You had called your best friend immediately after to get some comfort, and despite how busy she was, she agreed to meet you for some drinks and listen to you rant.
“My coworker’s getting on my last nerve,” you continued venting. You had already told her about select crappy people you had to interact with during the day and then your boss, who regarded you with no empathy whatsoever. “Today’s already been bad enough, and then she decides to just pile more stress on me.”
You swished the ice around your emptied glass, creating clanking sounds while coating the cup in water.
“Maybe you should just quit,” your friend replied, taking a sip out of her glass. “I would’ve been long gone if I had to deal with annoying people all around, nine to five.”
She looked up at you. “Besides, you’re well off anyway. I don’t see why you’re working. Are you…trying to distract yourself?”
You sighed. She knew you too well.
“Love, don’t tell me you’re still hung up over—“
“It’s not what you think,” you cut her off, yet you avoided eye contact. It was easier to lie that way. ���I just feel I’d have too much free time on my hands. I’m not sure what I’d do with it.”
You let out a dry chuckle. That wasn’t wholly false in itself, either. At your age, everyone had their own things going on—your best friend being an example. Therefore, you couldn’t find much time to go out with any of your friends, and you weren’t interested in meeting new people either.
You could blame your job. Perhaps the ones you meet every day put a sour taste on your tongue, making you lose any desire to interact with strangers. You could blame your exhaustion. Or…
“Honestly, I think that calls for someone new in your life,” your friend replied. “That’ll surely cure your boredom.”
“No thanks. I don’t feel like dating anyone right now.”
“I’m just kidding,” she laughed. “But it’d help you feel less lonely, no?”
“…you didn’t believe my answer to your earlier question, huh?”
“No. Of course not.”
It had been over five months since you broke up with your boyfriend. You tried seeing people after that, but in truth, you were only using them to try to move on.
Once you realized that it wasn’t working and it wasn’t fair for others to play with feelings, you decided to take on a new job on the other side of the city so you’d still get out of your house and have a change of scene.
“…But you know what? Screw him. I will keep saying again and again, I hate that man. Suicidal maniac. I know it’s hard, but you’re too hot to keep dwelling on this. You need to learn to move o—”
Your friend’s phone suddenly buzzed, interrupting her little lecture.
She picked it up, and you waited for her to finish speaking.
“I’m sorry, I think I got to go. I left my boyfriend with my cat, and he just told me he lost her already…” she shook her head. “Have you gotten out everything you wanted to say?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you replied. “I think I’ll go home soon, too. Not really feeling it.”
She stood up, handing you a bill with a smile. “Drinks on me tonight. Don’t complain—I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer. And we didn’t order much anyway.”
“That’s okay; I appreciate you coming to listen to me anyway,” you replied.
“The offer is still open, by the way! If you want to find someone, I’ll schedule a date by this weekend.”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever. Thanks.”
You only had one more drink before you decided to leave, still mostly sober—you figured it’d just be best if you’d take care of yourself at home.
Another thing your job was also distracting you from was witnessing all the relationships around you. Your friend had to go home for her boyfriend. You noticed a few couples at the bar you were at. You’d probably see more when you walked outside.
Not that you minded, is what you tried to tell yourself every single time. You didn’t have to be with someone. It’s okay to have a break.
But was it okay to still have a particular person at the back of your head all the time?
You stood up, leaving the bill and tip for your bartender before you walked toward the door. Opening it caused the bell attached to it to jingle. You were greeted by a cool, night breeze—and someone’s torso.
“O-Oh, sorry,” you replied, too tired to even catch the face of the person you bumped into.
But you had no choice when the man didn’t move out of the doorframe to walk in or allow you to pass.
So, when you met the almost-surprised, caramel-kissed eyes on a face framed with dark brown bangs and wavy hair, you felt your heart plunge into your stomach.
You whispered his name—almost scared to say it, the syllables feeling foreign from not having spoken it aloud for months.
He was halfway through saying your name when you dashed for the exit, shoving him aside and speed-walking out.
“Wait! Bel—“ he caught himself and shouted your name once more.
You started walking down the parking lot, unsure of where you were trying to go, except away—away from Dazai. You had forgotten this bar was in the heart of the city. You didn’t know Dazai came to this one, but you knew his work was somewhere close.
“Hey!” you felt a breeze behind your back, and then a hand gently land on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
“What…why are you following me?”
You turned around, getting your second full view of your ex for the night.
His hair was a bit longer. He still had those bandages on his neck—did he bother to change them out recently? His scent was as still as you remembered—grassy and toasty, a resemblance to green tea.
“I’m not sure why I’d leave a girl I know to walk alone at night,” he shrugged. “It’s dangerous!”
You continued walking, not responding to his reply.
“Where are we going?”
“Who’s we?”
“Aw, that was really rude.”
You ignored Dazai, making sure your stroll stayed a few feet in front of him.
You then entered a park, him trailing behind you.
“Why were you at the bar alone?”
“That’s none of your business.” You walked down the path, trees casting dark shadows onto the grass under the moon’s light.
“…And I wasn’t alone the entire time. I was with a friend, but she left to attend something.”
Dazai nodded, trying to catch up to your face. You immediately gave him more than enough space when he reached you, not wanting any invasion of your personal space.
“But you usually don’t drink unless you’re either celebrating or stressed,” he said. “And from what I’ve seen, it looks like the latter.”
You stopped again. “Again, it’s none of your business. Maybe you should focus on yours. You go and drink tons when you’re stressed, too.”
“Hey, I’ve actually gotten better at that…”
“You still ended up at a bar midweek.”
“But I didn’t even go in, no? I’m with you at a park right now.”
You were silent once again. But now you couldn’t complain that he was following you.
Why do I care if he drinks or not?
No. It’s normal. You’d care for the well-being of anyone you know.
You approached a set of swings in the center of the park. It had been ages since you’d been on one, swinging back and forth in carefree.
“Want me to push you?” you heard Dazai over your shoulder when you examined the equipment.
“Heck no,” you responded.
“Why not? It’d be fun!” He moved closer.
“No! I’m not sure if it’d even carry me,” you laughed. “It’s for kids.”
“You can try it. Just sit. And I’ll catch you if it breaks—“
“Shut up. I can catch myself.” You lowered yourself onto the seat, seeing that the metal poles did hold. You swung yourself a bit to test if it’d keep up your weight.
“It works.”
“Great! Can I push you now?”
“I don’t trust you.”
“I won’t kill you, bel—I won’t! I promise.” Dazai childishly held out a pinkie toward you.
You sighed. “Fine. Just please don’t push me too high.” You clasped your pinkie around his.
“I got you!” You felt palms on your back, and then a light push that moved you forward, and then gravity pulled you back toward him.
Everything pulls me back to him—my mind and the universe both.
You were suddenly pushed higher, catching you off guard. You felt yourself fly multiple feet off of the ground, and you clutched the metal in panic.
“You’re fine. You won’t fall,” Dazai chuckled. He pushed you again, sending you even higher than the previous time. You wanted to scream, but it came out more as a laugh.
“Is the thrill fun?” he asked while you were in the air, noticing your smile.
“Yeah, it is—HEY!”
Dazai had pushed you hard, sending you swinging all around the equipment, in a complete three-sixty.
“Osamu!” you cried, the momentum spinning you around once more. You couldn’t stop it—it was too fast.
You were clutched from behind, arms tightly wrapped around your torso to stop the swing. You could hear the sound of Dazai being dragged through the rocks below, but he was able to ground the both of you before you went flying again.
And you felt warm. Despite the evening’s cool air, you felt like you were encompassed in a fireplace’s heat on a winter day.
“Got you.”
You let out a giant exhale of relief. And then, you turned around in anger.
“I told you not to push me that high!”
“But I didn’t kill you, did I? You stayed on the swing the entire time! You were safe! Plus, I think you enjoyed it.”
You stood up, causing Dazai to let go of his arms. “I’m dizzy now.”
“Do you need water? We can buy some. And did you drive here?”
“No, I took a taxi.”
“Let me drive you home then,” he said.
“I think I’m fin—“
“Please,” he cut you off almost urgently, but then he caught his tone and reverted.
“I mean, many kidnappers disguise themselves as taxi drivers. Especially at night.”
“You’re still so cynical,” you replied. “Stop being so protective. It’s not like we’re…nevermind, sorry.”
You didn’t dare look at Dazai’s expression.
You each got a yogurt drink, and it helped soothe your dizziness immediately.
You walked by Dazai silently, but compared to earlier in the night, you were no longer repulsed to standing by him.
He opened his car door for you before getting in his seat on the other side.
“What have you been up to these past months?”
You asked as he found his keys, turning them into gear.
“A case. It’s something huge going on.”
Dazai’s work accounted for part of your breaking up with him. He was too secretive—despite you knew that he trusted you so much that he explained to you exactly what his job consisted of, and he only left details out to protect you from getting involved, you couldn’t handle it.
Maybe you were selfish for that. But you needed to know what your boyfriend was up to—if he was safe. Perhaps that was another reason why. You would never let him go if you knew of the exact danger he was volunteering himself in.
“I see. Sleeping okay?”
“If I do, sure.” He was suddenly reaching over your body, grabbing your seatbelt.
Your heartbeat fastened as Dazai hovered over you, pausing to look at anticipating eyes and a risky glance at slightly parted lips.
He sighed before fastening the buckle and moving away, acting like nothing happened.
You two drove in silence, you gazing out of the car window to admire how the city looked in the absence of the sun.
A song was suddenly put on. You looked at Dazai.
“Do you still like this song?”
“Yeah,” you replied. He had put on your favorite song, indeed.
You silently thanked him for it. The awkward tension to speak to one another had vanished; you could indulge yourself in music.
Until it ended, of course, but by then, you could see you were almost home.
“This was a really bad idea. I hope I never see you again after this.”
“Probably, but maybe I wanted it to happen. Maybe I thought about you so much that I had to seize this opportunity.”
“What if I hope to see you again after this?”
“You can go flirt with any other girl for entertainment.” He did a lot of that, too. Even if it was Dazai’s most efficient tactic for getting information, he had also said he simply couldn’t help it sometimes.
“I don’t find that interesting anymore.”
You looked at his distant, faint reflection through your window.
“…you think about me?”
You were answered with a nod.
Dazai turned, pulling you into your driveway.
“I’ll continue to even more after tonight,” he said. “Whether we see each other again or not. It plagues my mind every day. What I could’ve done better—how much you deserve that I failed to reach.”
He parked. “Of course, I’ve tried to move on. It’s the most fair thing to do for you. But if someone were to ask me, bella, saying that I don’t still love you would be a lie.”
“You’re selfish,” you commented.
“I know. I’m very.”
You opened the door, stepping out of the car.
“Thank you for driving me,” you said.
You walked towards your front door and then looked back at Dazai, who was standing by his side of the car.
You contemplated for a second.
“D-do you have something to do for the rest of the night?” you carefully asked.
“Can you stay? Just for a bit. We can talk about things. And hopefully, you get some answers that will help you stop occupying your mind of me.”
You said that as if you were trying to convince yourself, rather Dazai.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” You pushed open the door.
Dazai followed you as you walked through the house—through the hallway and to the kitchen.
“Do you want something to eat? Or drink?”
“I’m okay, thanks,” he replied.
“Alright. Uh…feel free to make yourself at home. I’m going to change, I’ll be right back.”
You walked into your room, first washing your face in the bathroom. You stared at your face through the window, noticing how pigmented your cheeks were.
Why did I do this?
You were in the middle of changing your pajamas when Dazai knocked on your door.
“Can I come in?”
“Uh—“ you hastily buttoned two thirds of your shirt before, “Yeah.”
A smell of your favorite scent immediately flowed into the room as Dazai came in. It was of the candles you had around your house.
“You lit my candles?”
“Yeah. I got curious because the flavors looked nice. I like them. The scent matches you perfectly.”
“Oh…thanks,” you mumbled. You didn’t know how else to respond.
Dazai glanced around your room. Some things changed—you had moved some things around, redone the decor on your nightstands, changed your bed sheets…what he didn’t know was that you actually donated them after the break-up so you would never see them again.
“Did you need something?”
“Yeah. Do you still happen to have bandages?”
“Yes.” You had Dazai sit on the bed while you searched your closet for the box of bandages you would keep for whenever he came over. Unlike your sheets, you had kept them for your emergency first aid.
Or in case he happened to be in an emergency.
“What do you think you could’ve done better?”
There was a silence right after. You had hit Dazai with a hard question first.
“I’d stop disappearing so much without warning. I only realized how much I took that for granted when we stopped seeing each other. I would try to communicate better…” He looked down. “I’m terrible at it, I know, but I would try harder.”
“Why me? You could move on and find some other girl to treat right the first time.” You found the box, pulling it out.
“Because I would feel like a loser,” he added your name to the end of the sentence. “I was a total jerk to someone who loved me, and then I decide to switch it up for someone new and pretend to start on a clean slate? No, bella—I’m cursed with not forgetting and forgiving myself of the past. It feels cowardly.”
“Osamu, stop. You hurt me, yes, but you weren’t the only one in the wrong.
“I-I’m sorry.” You hadn’t apologized to him yet, through months.
You noticed his eyes almost widen, surprised.
“And I also forgive you. It took awhile, but I’m forgiving you of the mistakes that hurt me,” you continued. “And I’m apologizing to you too. So please forgive yourself. You don’t need to feel guilt.
“It’s only fair to you as well to move on.”
“Why, bella? How is it fair? How is it fair when the only person I want to see is you?”
You were right in front of him, the closest you’d been to him that night, discarding how he had tightly hugged you on the swing earlier. You were drowned in emotion that surrounded his desperate pleas.
“Can you please bandage me?”
“I miss your touches.”
You regret asking. He had no shame in expressing his thoughts, no matter what you two were going through. You regret asking, yet…
“Your coat.”
You climbed behind and rid Dazai of the top portion of his clothes—his vest and dress shirt. Then, you started unwinding the bandages on his arms, chest, and neck.
Gently, your fingers grazed the scars that hid underneath his attire, and his mind. Months ago, you had learned what every single mark came from after knowing where each one was—it was one detail Dazai fully opened to you about.
You were thankful you couldn’t see scars of the heart.
He would have thrice as many. Perhaps one of them would include you.
You rewrapped Dazai, leaving only his stomach unbandaged. You moved to do his neck when he paused you with his eyes, mere inches away from his face.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
You wish he weren’t so pretty. You would’ve been able to rationalize yourself quickly—you would’ve been able to give him a final answer without hesitating. But he ended up being the face of your dreams and the depth of your heart.
“I tell myself it’s fair,” you whispered. His nose was almost touching yours. “I tell myself it’s better that we’re done. But my heart isn’t so sure. It asks the same—how is it fair? To keep myself longing?”
Your arms were around Dazai’s neck with the bandage, yet you did not move to finish.
His gaze moved to your lips. A hand moved to your hair.
“Is it fair? If it truly is, push me away, bella.”
He didn’t force himself any closer, leaving you with the choice despite his yearning appearance. You could feel the warmth of his body on yours and the soft air of his breaths on your cheeks.
“Yes. It’s fair, Osamu.” You came to your conclusion.
Yet, you dropped the bandages, cupped his face towards you, and pressed your lips on his.
“But I’m selfish too.”
You moved your hands to waft through brunette locks as Dazai pulled you onto his lap. He held you tightly—desperate at the acceptance of your invitation.
Closer, along with the fresh scent of green tea, there was a note of sweetness as intoxicating as chocolate. You came to know this pleasant surprise every time you were pressed up against him, tucked well into his embrace.
A hand moved down your waist, tracing your curves. Meanwhile, his kisses became sloppier, changing course to your jaw.
“Bella,” he whispered.
“Too much? Just let me know.”
“Don’t stop.”
He planted his lips on your neck, leaving a mark when he moved to the next area.
“I don’t want to lose you again. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” you replied, pulling him down over you.
“Everything about you,” Dazai continued. “It’s enchanting. How you smile when you’re flustered—like right now, and how you react when I touch you here…”
His hand found its way under your shirt, and you started laughing. He knew how and where to draw every specific reaction out of you, including where you were most ticklish.
“Osamu! Stop, hah-!”
You let him stay hovered over you and left his curious hands to wander your skin. Dazai looked free of emotional distress for once—being able to calm just by admiring you. It was like medicine.
“Do you still keep a spare pajama set?” he asked.
“Yes. However, the guest room is being renovated.”
“It’s fine. A couch was a luxury for me at one point.”
“Or you…could stay here. And you can have your favorite side, the side closer to the window.”
“Because I always see how the sun’s rays lay on your skin when I wake up,” he smiled. “And how spellbound your eyes make me when you open them and the light hits it.”
“You remember so much.”
“I told you how much I think about you, belladonna. I remember every night that I’m with you.”
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dazai listens to music w/ u if u rb. reblogs are cherished; they support me as a creator. <3
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© AUREATCHI 2023. no reposts or translations. do not steal.
567 notes · View notes
cowboybarzy · 8 months
As a story request Since we see barzal at charity events when if he meets y/n there but she was a waiter serving she takes those gig sometimes to make extra cash but she serves some sleezy men who whistle at her and while she was surviving drinks barzal stands up with out see her above her by accident she spills the drinks on her self all the guys at the table yelling and her even her boss barzal helps her and apologizes but at the same times he’s like so mesmerizing by her but her boss ends up yelling at her telling her to go to the back while and mat just say it was his fault don’t blame her but the boss being a bitch says no it’s her fault bla bla but barzal trying to find her he thought it was over when he doesn’t see her anymore and he can’t just leave the charity he’s gotta stay Intill the end he lost all hope and felt bad for getting her in trouble but faith came true because since the players were the last to leave he sees her just waiting for her Uber he immediately goes to her and then… ending anyway you want :)
hii thank you for the request 🫶🏼 I hope you like this one!!
wc: 1.2k
once upon a time — mat barzal
It was a late summer evening and you strolled around the pier, enjoying the breeze and last moments of peace before you'd have to clock into work. You already had a long day of work behind you, but New York was expensive, so you took waitressing gigs at all kinds of fancy events to get some extra cash. While the money was great, those few hours were extremely stressful and sometimes the clientele you were serving could get on your nerves.
You were right to take those extra few moments looking at ocean, the horizon, to just daydream, as when you walked into event you could immediately tell it was going to be a bad night. But you sucked it up and went to work. Despite the new manager already yelling at everyone making you want to turn right back around when you walked in.
You were running around all night, serving food, taking plates away, and dodging older creepy men trying to hit on you. But it was part of your job to keep that polite smile on your face while also remaining invisible, so that's what you did.
It was later that night though, when things really escalated that had you evaluating whether the money you'd make that night was truly worth it. You were serving more drinks to probably the loudest table at the event, but honestly they were having the most fun and were the only table that hadn't pissed you off yet, when one of the guests stood up, pushing his chair right into you and spilling the tray of drink all over your- and himself.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry." The guy immediately apologized, scrambling to pick up the broken glass off the floor. A few seconds filled with shock and extreme awareness that the entire ballroom's attention was on you had you standing still, but you quickly bent down to help manage the mess.
"I'm so sorry." He apologized again.
"No, totally my bad. And please stop, that's my job," you cut in, still not looking up to meet his gaze.
"No, I didn't look before I got up. I'm so sorry." You finally looked up at the intriguing voice to look into beautiful green eyes. He stared back just as intensely as you did, both of you stopped shoving pieces of glass on to the serving tray. The rest of his face was just as beautiful, but you didn't have much more time to stare at him further as the angry voice of your manager cut through that little bubble.
"What the hell happened?"
You were the first one up, barely meeting the intense gaze of your manager. "I tripped. I'm sorry–"
"No," the green eyed beauty quickly interrupted. "It was totally my fault. I got in her way, I didn't look where I was going."
Your manager gave him an apologetic look, but he could hide the anger behind it. "No, it's her fault. She's to be invisible, meeting your needs. She should watch where she's going."
"No, really–” But his attempt was cut off again, you manager now apologizing to the table, to him, and waving over more staff to come clean up the mess. Then he turned to you with a furious look on his face that he kept hidden behind a fake smile.
“You. In the back. Now.” You flinched at his words, knowing it couldn’t lead to good ending. Tears welled up in your eyes. You were exhausted and overwhelmed and someone yelling at you for something that wasn’t your fault just added to your breaking point. But you wouldn’t break just yet. Not in front of this group. Not in front of the handsome stranger, who was still advocating for you to your manager – though useless – and shooting you apologetic looks. “Now!”
That’s when you finally moved, around the people cleaning the mess, walking as fast as possible away from the prying eyes of everyone in the room. In the kitchen, the other servers who definitely witnessed what happened came to your aid with some water and encouraging words, but they quickly went back to work when that beast of a manger came storming in after you.
To say that you were let go would be an understatement. He did not listen to a word of defense you tried to offer and instead turned your termination into a lecture for all of the staff on how not to do the job. No one spoke or rebelled his words, everyone including you just silently staring at him as he yelled. You stopped listening a while ago, fully knowing none of this was your fault and that there had to be something terribly wrong with him to fire you for one mistake.
When the manager’s speech was finally over and you were ordered to leave, you did so without hesitation. So you left, ran from this horrible day. Ran from this horrible job. The only thing haunting you as you ran were those beautiful green eyes.
“Then what happened?” The small girl curled up into your right asked, fighting a yawn.
“Yeah! What about the prince? Did he run after her?” You turned away from her to look into the eyes of your firstborn, her green eyes lighting up in excitement.
“He did,” you answered, not hiding your smile. “In fact, he was so anxious to catch up to her that he left the ball early, asking everyone in sight if they had seen her. All he wanted to do was apologize to her. It took him a while, but he did eventually find her outside, just as she was about to get into a car- a carriage. He leaped into traffic, stopping the girl just in time, but not without causing a bunch of passengers to angrily honk and yell in protest.” The two girls giggled at your dramatics.
“Well, it was worth it. She was so beautiful he couldn’t not go after her and do anything to talk to her.” The deep voice wrapped around your heart, warming it.
“Was?,” you playfully asked your husband, looking your eyes with his beautiful green ones that your daughter had inherited.
“Is. She still is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” You smiled at each other, both remembering when Mat caught up to you, out of breath and messed up hair from the wind. He rambled on for a while, apologizing for getting you in trouble and his adventure of finding out more about you and were you had gone, only stopping when you laughed at him calling your manager a brainless shithead. It was the prettiest laugh he’d ever heard and told you so. Your blushing only grew his own smile and you had no idea what came over you when you returned the compliment. He convinced you to stay and walk with him for a bit along the pier and you talked and talked and talked as if you had known each other for ages.
“Did they get married?,” your seven year old daughter asked.
“They did,” you answered, still smiling. “And they had three of the most beautiful children.”
You looked over the king sized bed with your family in it, Mat on his side with your five year old son fast asleep on top of him, your three year old daughter next to you and your oldest squished between you and Mat. And you thanked the lucky stars for that horrible job and Mat’s horrible lack of awareness of his surroundings.
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stop-talking · 7 months
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (pt. 4)
Mike Schmidt x fem reader
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2.4k words + 300 word epilogue
Tags: 18+, mike x fem reader, no use of y/n, exes, enemies to lovers, slowburn? sassy mike, sassy reader, pet names, banter, angst, fluff, comfort, happy ending.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Mike sits at his kitchen table, trying not to nod off into his cereal. Today is a quiet day. A lazy day. His one day off.
Except, not really. There's always work to be done. He just has to figure out what today's work would be. He's caught up on laundry and dishes, the house isn't too much of a mess... Hm. Maybe he should finally fix the dripping pipe in the bathroom. Or the living room window that's been stuck for years. Or one of the million other things wrong with his house.
He sighs and goes to take a bite of his cereal, only to realize he forgot the milk. Damn it. When he opens the fridge, he stands face to face with a little blue dolphin stuffed animal. Right... Abby's still testing him. He leaves it alone, she'll see it when she gets home from school and assume her "spell" still works. Pfft.
Mike nearly drops the milk mid-pour when he hears the phone ring.
"Hello?" He mumbles groggily, a little annoyed to have his morning brooding interrupted.
"Hey, Mike? You free at all today?"
He immediately perks up at the sound of your voice. It's been two days since he last saw you, and he honestly wasn't sure if you'd ever speak to him again.
"Yeah, uh... It's my day off, actually."
"Good. I'm using that 2nd favor."
Mike's heart races. If this favor is going to be anything like the last one, he was definitely up for it.
"Oh? Missing me already, sweetheart?"
"As if. I need you to build me a shelf."
A shelf? Well, that was unexpected. Hm. Better than nothing.
"What, like build it from scratch? Are you expecting me to buy the boards, or-"
"No. I have all the pieces. It just needs to be assembled."
"You can't assemble a shelf?" Mike scoffs, but secretly he's pleased. Sounds like you just want an excuse to have him over.
"Mike. You know I'm no good with tools."
No, he didn't know that actually. Liar. You definitely just wanted to see him again. God, he felt giddy.
"Mhm. Sure."
"Just get your ass over here, Schmidt."
"Woah, what's with the attitude, Princess? I'm here to help." He can't help but let some smugness seep into his tone. Okay, more than some. He's a cocky bastard and he knows it.
"I've been working on the damn thing all morning. Almost three hours now. Not in the mood, jackass."
Shit. You sounded sincere. And really pissed off. Then again, what kind of a shelf took three hours to assemble? The fuck was it? A jigsaw puzzle?
"Alright, alright. I'll be over soon. See ya."
Mike slumps against the counter as you grumble something incoherent and slam the phone down. Damn, what is he getting himself into this time?
Only one way to find out.
When Mike finally arrives at your apartment half an hour later, he feels a bit silly. He put on a nice shirt and trousers to come see you, and here you are in sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Figures.
"Call for a handyman?" He greets you with a teasing smile, holding up his old rusted toolbox as he makes his way inside.
"Pfft. Someone's happy to see me."
Mike can't really say anything to that, so he doesn't try. He is happy to see you, even if you have attitude problems and dress like a bum.
"So, I bought the damn thing from a friend-of-a-friend, who got it at a garage sale. I swear, it has to be missing some parts or something, because-"
He nods as you rattle on and lead him to your bedroom, but he's only half-listening. He looks around your apartment, taking it all in. It's been at least six months since he last came over, probably longer. It doesn't look to have changed much. He likes your apartment. It's cozy.
"Anyways... can you fix it?"
Mike pauses in the doorway of your bedroom as you give him a sheepish smile and gesture to something in the corner.
Holy hell. Is that supposed to be a shelf? Mike can't help but think that the hideous agglomeration of boards and screws would only be good as a fire-starter. It looks more like a pile than a shelf.
"Uhh..." He bites his cheek, desperately trying not to burst into a fit of laughter. Maybe you really weren't lying about the whole "no good with tools" thing.
He finally loses it when you groan and flop down on the bed, hiding your face in a pillow.
"Ughh... Laugh at me, whatever. Just fix it."
"Jesus Christ. This has to be the sorriest excuse for a shelf I've ever seen. Sure you don't want me to haul it to the junkyard instead?" He snorts, sitting down on the edge of your bed and looking with disdain at the half-assedly assembled shelf.
Mike immediately shuts his mouth when you glare at him. Oops, right, you're in a bad mood.
"I mean, uh... you tried?" He laughs, shaking his head in amusement. He still can't believe you're actually this inept when it comes to assembly.
"Get to work, Schmidt."
Mike yelps as you kick him off the bed, but doesn't bother retaliating. He just grabs his toolbox and sits on the floor, examining the so-called "shelf".
"Well, the first step is going to be un-doing everything you did."
You lie on your stomach in bed, chin propped up on your hands as you kick your feet in the air and ponder the sight before you. Mike's back is turned to you as he quietly works away taking apart the monstrosity you assembled.
"How long is this gonna take?"
"Well, If it wasn't so..." He trails off, glancing at you and choosing his words more carefully.
"...sturdy, it'd be a lot easier to take apart."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
He gives you an incredulous look and gestures to a series of nails in a corner where two boards meet. It does look pretty ridiculous, the sharp ends pointing out the other side. Not your best work.
"You put nails in it, sweetheart." He scoffs.
"How else was I supposed to keep it together?" You give him your best pout, and gloat internally when he has to turn away. He's absolutely infatuated with you. Even the back of his neck is pink.
"It comes with screws for a reason, ya know."
"There's a difference?"
He turns and gives you a flat look, and you laugh. Damn. You can play dumb with him, but maybe not that dumb. Noted.
Still, it's a little boring just laying there and watching him grumble and pull nails from wood. You can't really mess with him too much either, because you really do what him to fix the stupid shelf.
"You want something to drink?" You finally break the silence, under the guise of trying to be a good hostess.
"Pfft. Need some whiskey to deal with this bullshit." He snorts, pulling yet another nail free. He'd almost gotten one board off. One. This was gonna take a while.
"I was thinking more along the lines of soda or tea."
"Jack and Coke, then?"
"Mike. It's hardly past noon."
"So?" He scoffs. "For me, this is like... evening, or something. I dunno. Sleep schedule's fucked with this new job."
That answer makes you pause.
"What is it you do now, anyway?"
He groans, finally prying one of the boards free of the clusterfuck.
"Night guard. Told you already, remember?" He tries to shrug the question off, but you're nosy.
"Uhh... Freddy Fazbear's Pizza..."
"Speak up."
"Ugh. It's this stupid rundown hellhole pizzeria. Honestly dunno why anyone would wanna break in there anyways. It's a dump."
"What kind of a pizzeria needs a night guard? Or any guard?"
"The haunted kind."
You decide not to ask about that, simply shaking your head as you walk to the door. He's truly a loon. A loveable loon, unfortunately.
"Just tell me what you want to drink, Mikey, or I'm getting you water."
Mike sits on the floor of your bedroom sipping his glass of water and wondering how he got here. If you'd told him a week ago he'd be building his witch of an ex-girlfriend a shelf, he would've gagged. Now...? Well, he just wants to go join you on that bed.
"So are you really just gonna sit there and look pretty while I do all the work?"
"Aww, you think I'm pretty, Mikey? You smile, lying on the bed with your feet kicking in the air, giving him a look of pure adoration. It wasn't hard to do.
"Pretty annoying, yeah." He turns away with a scoff, returning to his work. If only he could get this stupid nail untangled from the other two... why would anyone use this many nails?
"You know, I think I liked you better gagged."
"Oh I know, sweetheart. I could see it in those evil eyes of yours." He can't help but smirk a bit at the comment, though. Sometimes he liked himself better gagged, too. He shakes the thought away and keeps working.
"Why can't you just get on hands and knees and beg me to take you back already?" You huff dramatically and roll over onto your back, letting your head fall over the edge of the bed. He looks silly from this angle. Upside-down.
That question nearly makes Mike drop his tools. Were you serious?
"Why? So you can laugh me off again?"
Ouch. It was true you'd turned him down the last time he'd tried it, but that was six months ago.
"Maybe if you used those big brown puppy eyes of yours on me."
That only earns you a grunt, so you verbally prod him again.
"Besides, why can't I do both? Laugh at you, then take you back? Sounds fun."
"Pfft. Fun? To toy with me? You'd probably break up with me all over again just for shits and giggles." He responds bitterly, still refusing to turn around.
"Mikey. Look at me." You roll back over onto your stomach and rest your chin in your hands as he slowly meets your gaze.
"I didn't break up with you just for shits and giggles. You know that. I'm not letting you sit there and wallow in self-pity."
Mike goes stiff from your words, but your tone is soft, and your eyes even softer. You're still giving him that adoring look. Damn it.
"Well maybe I'd rather wallow in self pity than admit you were right all along."
"You've had six months to wallow. Grow a pair and come kiss me."
He can't say no to that. Not when you look at him that way. He shuffles over, kneeling by the side of your bed. On his knees for you again, damnit.
You kiss him. It's different from the lustful, sloppy kiss you shared last time. This one makes you feel warm. You kiss him again. And again.
Mike really doesn't want this to end, but the knot in his stomach forces him to pull away. He has to ask.
"Why? Why are you doing this, I mean? Do you really want... to take me back?" He sputters, looking down at the floor.
"I'm not completely sure yet." You answer honestly, shifting and lying back on the bed.
Damn. That's not the answer he wanted to hear.
"Are you-"
"Come here."
When you pat the spot next to you in bed, Mike melts. He's a wreck right now, but still wants nothing more than to be with you, in every sense of the word. He silently complies.
"It's not about right and wrong, you know. As much as I love being told I'm right." You give him a soft smile, breaking the silence and placing your hand on top of his as you both lie on your sides.
Damn it. He'd done this with you before, this and so much more. Why was such a small touch turning him to goo?
"What isn't?"
"The breakup. It's about growing as a person. As people. Both of us." You lace your fingers with his, and can't help but laugh as his face reaches a level of pink you've never seen before.
"And what exactly am I supposed to be growing out of?"
"Pfft. I don't know, the emotional unavailability? The way you never made time for me? Constant irritability?" You start to dramatically list off his flaws, using your free hand to count on your fingers.
"Okay, okay. I get it." He huffs, and grabs your hand before you can make fun of him more. Instead, he guides it to his side, pulling you in a little closer.
"And you're miss perfect?"
"No. 'Course not. I have flaws too." You give him a sly smile, and start listing your own "faults".
"Too hot and sexy, too intelligent, too kind, amazing, sweet and caring..."
That's as far as you get before Mike scoots closer, burying his face in your neck and giving you a playful nip.
"Too arrogant." He adds with a laugh, wrapping his arm around you and letting himself melt further into you.
"My arrogance is one of my best qualities, thank you." You reply haughtily, sliding your hand up his back and into his hair.
Mike couldn't speak, even if he could somehow find the right words to say. Everything in this moment felt so right. His arm around you. Your fingers in his hair. He lets out a soft groan instead.
You aren't exactly eager to let go of this moment either, and just hold him for a few minutes. It feels nice to play with his soft brown curls.
"I'll do better. Please." He finally mumbles something to you, not bothering to move his face from where it's buried in the crook of your neck.
"Please what, Mikey?"
"Take me back."
He finally pulls back, just enough to give you a glimpse of those puppy eyes of his. Damn it. How could you even think of saying no?
"Yeah. Okay."
You both lean in for another round of soft passionate kisses, and Mike feels himself relax completely. His stomach unknots and his mind goes numb. For the first time in months, he feels completely safe.
"So does this mean you'll babysit for me again?"
"Go finish the shelf, Schmidt."
"Yes, Princess."
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♡ Epilogue ♡
Over the past few weeks, you and Mike had fallen into a sort of rhythm.
He never did end up finding a new babysitter, and besides, you're the only one who could ever get Abby to finish her dinner. You had to graduate her from daily witching lessons to weekly ones, though, convincing her she needed to study for the more advanced spells. Secretly, Mike was just losing track of which objects in his house were supposedly invisible. It was quite amusing to watch.
Mike's favorite part of the day was coming home to you already asleep in his bed, and waking you up with a kiss. He'd then either lie down in bed while you shower, or hop in there with you, depending on how you felt. Either way, he loved the view.
The conflicting schedules made things complicated, but you were able to work around it. Mike slept better with you holding him, and consequentially, was a lot more agreeable. He did his best to make more time for both you and Abby.
He even started to open up to you for once, letting you take on some of his burdens. This man sure had a lot of guilt. You were certain he hadn't yet told you everything, but he told you enough. At least you finally knew what the fucking NEBRASKA poster on the ceiling was for. Now you kind of felt bad for all the times you teased him about it the first time you dated.
As for the damn shelf... well, he finished it. It was still hideous, but it was functional. There were holes in it from the nails, and the wood had even started to splinter in a few spots. You couldn't bring yourself to get rid of it, though. Not after how much work you both put into it. Even if most of Mike's work revolved around un-doing yours.
It definitely wasn't a perfect relationship, not by far. But Mike never promised to be the perfect boyfriend. He just promised to be better.
And he was, bit by bit, every day. Better. ♡
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Author's note:
Thank you all for the love!! This was my first time writing a fanfic of any kind so I'm really happy so many of you enjoyed it. Feels good to bring the story to an end.
Feel free to send me a request, I'd love to write more fics about Mike. Or any other J-hutch character for that matter, Mikey is just my favorite <3
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semisgroupie · 5 months
finding a middle ground
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jotaro kujo x fem. reader x noriaki kakyoin
wc: 3.7k
warnings: college au!, modern au!, dubcon (kakyoin plans this out and both are hesitant before agreeing), threesome, oral sex (f! and m!receiving), facial, cum eating, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, rough sex, jotaro is mean to reader but softens at the end, kakyoin is a mastermind
synopsis: sometimes you need a third party to help you solve unnecessary tension
a/n: this is a commission piece that I wrote for @jctaro!! cherry my love thank you for trusting me with this idea and being my first ever commission!!!
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Jotaro Kujo is the biggest asshole on campus—well, to you he is. You don’t know what sparked it between you two but there was no possible chance for you two to get along whenever you were near each other. Which was quite often since you had to fulfill the same requirements he did for his major.
It was honestly quite childish but neither of you could just put whatever aside to get along. Whenever he saw you, he would mutter something under his breath or send a nasty glare your way. You would do the same back to him, pointing out whenever he messed up in class (which was a rare occasion). Sometimes the glares would turn into longing glances on both ends but nothing to really dwell on. It was always a back and forth, a tit for tat, just nonstop. It was even worse when you both got paired for a project, the name calling and the taunting in private escalated to new levels. But it was never anything to take to heart.
Today, you were sitting in your biostatistics class listening to your professor describe what was needed for your upcoming midterm, focusing as they went over what topics you should study and what the grading procedure was. The class was passing by pretty quickly and once you were dismissed you gathered your things and started making your way to the door. You walked out of the classroom and stopped on the side to find your phone to see if any of your friends were free to hang out while you had a break between classes. You were interrupted when you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and saw green eyes glaring down at you. “Sorry Kujo, I don’t have the time to set up a private study session for you, not like you’d benefit from it anyway.” You fixed your bag over your shoulder and crossed your arms over your chest as he scoffed.
“What makes you think that I’d ever want help from you? And is there a change of plans for the test this time? Didn’t have enough room in your schedule to blow the dean?” You rolled your eyes at his words and sighed, he would often insult things like your intelligence or bring things up like this to try to get under your skin. “Or did he find someone younger and prettier to focus his time on? Is that what it is? He must have found a pretty little freshman and got tired of your loose holes. Too much cock will do that to you.” Your eyes widened at his words and you were taken aback. He never stooped this low before.
“You’re being a dick, Kujo.” You adjusted your bag again and he just raised an eyebrow, “It’s not my fault that you’re just not interesting to anyone anymore, tell you what. I’ll get you a paper bag and you can decorate it all pretty so when someone is desperate enough for some pussy, they can just cover your face and use you.” Tears brimmed your eyes as he spoke and you quickly blinked them away, “fuck you, Jotaro.” You pushed past him and made your way out of the building your class was in, the tears you were trying to hold back finally spilled out.
Jotaro, on the other hand, stood there and watched you leave. He walked out of the building and the only thing that filled his mind was how hurt you looked. He didn’t want to go that far but you were there and you were just at the right place, at the wrong time. He combed his fingers through his hair and cursed himself as he made his way to his next class. He knew he should have apologized because that’s not how his mother raised him but distance would probably be the best thing for you.
After the encounter with Jotaro, you made your way to one of the dorm halls and went straight to one of the rooms, knocking on the decorated door. “It’s me, please tell me you’re here.” The door quickly opened and you buried your face into the chest of the man who lived in the dorm room. “Noriaki, I hate him. I hate him so much, he’s such an asshole. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.” Your words were muffled by his chest and Kakyoin wrapped his arms around you tighter. He kept you close to him as he walked with you inside of his dorm and shut the door behind you both. “Hey, what happened?” He led you to the couch in his room and helped you sit down, you moved back to lift your head from his chest and sniffled. “That bastard called me a slut and just kept digging more and more. He said I blew the dean for my grades and so many other things. I hate him.” You felt the tears brim your eyes again and he lifted his hand to wipe at your eyes. “Don’t cry anymore, I just want you to forget about him and today. How about we order some food and then you can stay here while we watch some of your favorite movies? It’ll help you get your mind off the day and I hope it’ll make you forget about what happened with him.” You nodded and leaned in to rest your head against him, while mumbling, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Kakyoin had known you and Jotaro for years which meant that he also knew that you two couldn’t stand each other. He heard of all of the name calling, bickering, just all of it. He was the middle ground, always calming either one of you down after a heated encounter. He was honestly starting to get tired of hearing everything going on between you two, he knew that you two wouldn’t mend things on your own and he had to get involved in his own way. He could see right through everything and he knew that there was something lingering whenever you two went at each other’s throats. Neither one of you would admit it but he just had to get the ball rolling. That way he could also get his payment for being a therapist for the both of you.
As the days passed, Kakyoin was getting his plan ready for action. In a week everyone on his floor would be gone for an art gallery exhibit for some extra credit. He didn’t need to go because the professor he was an assistant for already excused him. Kakyoin had reached out to you and Jotaro, inviting you both over to hangout and spend the day together. It was something you both quickly agreed to because 1) finals were beyond stressful and 2) neither of you knew that the other would be coming. Ever since that day you and Jotaro avoided each other like the plague and deep down you both missed each other.
Finally the day came and Kakyoin was finishing with setting his dorm room up when you came and knocked on his door. He opened the door and let you in. “So, what do you have planned for today?” He wrapped an arm around you and led you to the couch, “I was thinking that we could just do something a little different today. We always order some food and watch movies until you fall asleep but I think we need a little change of pace.” You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, you opened your mouth to question him but you were interrupted by Kakyoin’s door opening. There stood Jotaro and his cerulean eyes instantly found you.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jotaro’s deep voice boomed through the room as he stepped in and shut the door behind him. “I could ask you the same thing, Kujo. But for the record, Noriaki invited me over.” You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him, “he invited me over too.” He raised an eyebrow and both of your eyes went to the redhead with a wide smile on his face. Both of your expressions were the same, waiting for him to answer the questions that haven’t been asked. Kakyoin looked at you both and sighed, “I just think that this was the best way to get you two to talk things out like normal people. Just hear me out. You both have been avoiding each other and ever since you two met you’ve had this animosity towards each other for no reason. Jotaro crossed a line and he’s more than aware of that. You were hurt and I think that with some talking and action then you two could be civil.”
You looked at Kakyoin and then looked at Jotaro before sighing. He wasn’t wrong, you two haven’t even thought about talking things through or trying to figure out what caused a rift between you both. “Fine, but if he says something out of line then I’m leaving.” Kakyoin nodded before looking over at Jotaro who just nodded. The silent agreement was enough for Kakyoin to continue. The redhead moved behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing them as he looked at the raven haired male. “Jotaro, I think you should apologize to her. What you said to her was beyond offensive, humiliating and just rude. Even you admitted to me that you crossed the line.”
Jotaro looked at his friend then looked at you, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled the words and you rolled your eyes, scoffing. Just as you opened your mouth to say something, Kakyoin beat you to the punch. “You call that an apology, Jotaro? You could be more heartfelt and honestly, I don’t think words are enough. Words are what got us into this mess in the first place, maybe some actions could help mend the wounds you caused her.” His hands moved along your shoulders and toyed with the thin straps of your dress before sliding his hands along your body, touching and caressing all of your curves. You were in shock to say the least, but Kakyoin’s hands felt so good. You couldn’t deny that Kakyoin was attractive and you have had unsavory thoughts about him, along with the dark haired male who watched his friends hands along your body. “Don’t you think she’s beautiful? But her body just feels so tense, I think the best way to apologize is to help her destress.” Jotaro licked his dry lips and watched how rough Kakyoin’s hands moved along your body, he heard the mewls and whimpers that escape your lips and he couldn’t help but groan.
Kakyoin leaned in close to your ear and you could hear the smirk grow along his lips, “tell Jotaro how he should apologize to you, tell him that he should make you cum over and over until you forget about all the harsh things he has said to you.” You couldn’t say something like that, especially to Jotaro, you hated his guts, right? But as you opened your mouth to say something, one of Kakyoin’s hands moved to your chest and started to grope your breasts and the other hand moved to lift the skirt of your dress to your hips. He moved one of his legs to kick your legs open to spread them for the man in front of you both. “Don’t you see how wet she is? She’s practically soaking through her panties and you’re just standing there. You could be touching her, indulging in her. But don’t you want more? You just need to let him know.” He continued to grope and caress your body and you looked at Jotaro with half lidded eyes. “Jotaro…please.”
Just with that, Jotaro moved from his position and took a few long strides to get closer to you. He moved one hand up and hesitated for a moment before placing it on your hip, he looked down at the wet spot on your panties then looked into your eyes before looking at Kakyoin. “What do you gain from all of this? This was a disagreement between two people, not the three of us. And why are you still touching her?” He raised an eyebrow and his grip on your hip tightened a little as Kakyoin’s hands slowed down. “I’ve been the middle man this whole time, making sure you two just stick with throwing verbal jabs at each other. I mean if I leave you two alone, who knows what could happen? Plus, it's not up to you. My dear, do you mind if I join in?” You turned your head to look at Kakyoin and nodded, “I want you with us, please Noriaki.” Kakyoin pulled you closer to him and started leading you to his bed, Jotaro following close behind.
Just as you three reached the foot of the bed, clothes were taken off and strewn all over the floor. Kakyoin got on the bed and leaned back against the headboard and ushered you to lean back against him, he put his arms around you and reached down to spread your legs. Jotaro got on the bed and leaned in between your legs. His cerulean eyes trailed along your pussy, seeing how wet you were for both of the men in the room. Jotaro licked his lips and leaned in close to lick up your slit. He groaned at the taste and placed his hands on your inner thighs as he started to lick and suck your cunt like it was his last meal. Your back arched and you brought one hand down to Jotaro’s hair, threading your fingers through the soft, dark strands as he dipped his tongue inside you.
Kakyoin moved one hand to your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. Moans and whines left your lips as you looked into his eyes. “You just look so pretty when he’s eating your pussy. The way your body moves and writhes is a sin that we are blessed enough to indulge in.” He leaned in close and pressed his lips against yours. Kissing you passionately as Jotaro loudly slurped and sucked on your pussy. Your legs started to quiver and shake around his head as he kept your thighs spread for him. Jotaro moved one hand up to rub your clit with his thumb and dipped his tongue in and out of your messy cunt. You had never felt this good before, none of your toys could bring you the pleasure that he’s bringing you now. You broke the kiss with Kakyoin and your chest started to rise and fall quickly.
“Gonna cum!” Kakyoin moved his hands to your breasts and started pulling on your nipples while he started to trail kisses along your neck and shoulder. “Cum, make a mess all over his face, pretty girl. Soak him in your juices until you can’t anymore. It’s what you deserve.” You arched your back and threw your head back against Kakyoin’s chest and cried out as your orgasm hit you. Your body trembled and Jotaro held your legs open as he drank all your juices, slurping even louder. He continued to drink you all in until Kakyoin moved one of his hands down to Jotaro’s forehead and started pushing him back. Jotaro looked at you both and your juices covered his lips and chin. “What happened?” Kakyoin chuckled and shook his head, “I want a taste too, stop being so greedy, Jotaro.”
Jotaro licked his lips and pulled back from you. Kakyoin gently moved you up from his chest and helped position you on all fours before moving behind you. Jotaro moved in front of your face and your eyes widened when you saw his cock. It was massive just like him, thick in all the right places and it looked so heavy. You were practically drooling at the sight and Jotaro wrapped his hand around it, stroking it a few times. “Let’s see if you can do more than just bitch and whine with this pretty mouth of yours.” You looked up at him and narrowed your eyes as Kakyoin’s hands moved along your ass, spreading you for him as he spit on your sensitive pussy. “Fuck you, Kujo.” He laughed and gripped the base of his cock, tapping it against your lips, “you will soon. Now open up.”
Kakyoin leaned in and started licking along your slit then wrapped his lips around your sensitive clit. Your mouth fell open and Jotaro took advantage of your open mouth and pushed his cock inside. Jotaro threw his head back and placed his hands on either side of your head as he started thrusting. He set a rough and hard pace, each time he thrusted his cock hit the back of your throat causing you to gag each time. He didn’t relent, no matter how many times you gagged it was just more pleasurable for him. Kakyoin held you open and ate you out with the same fervor as Jotaro. Your body trembled and you moaned around Jotaro’s cock, giving the raven haired male even more pleasure. “You taste so fucking sweet, I can’t get enough of your taste.” Kakyoin rasped out and continued to eat you out like a man starved. You were already sensitive from your first orgasm and you already started to feel the knot tighten in your stomach. Kakyoin moved his hand to your entrance and pushed two fingers inside you, curling them to press right against your g spot as he suckled on your clit.
You brought your hands up to Jotaro’s thick thighs and dug your nails into them as you reached your second orgasm of the day. Your body trembled violently and you cried out around Jotaro’s cock as you drenched Kakyoin’s face in your juices. Jotaro pulled out of your mouth and pumped his cock a few more times and thick ropes of his cum landed on your face. He grunted and his hand continued to move up and down his thick length. A few more ropes landed on your face and you opened your eyes to look at him, a smirk grew on your lips. “Wow, didn’t think you would cum quickly like a virgin, Kujo. Was that your first blowjob?” He grabbed a napkin and cleaned off some of his cum from your face and tossed it in the trash bin.
“Shut up, I’m not done yet.” He wasn’t wrong, his cock was still rock hard and bobbed as he moved off the bed. Kakyoin gave your pussy one last kiss then moved in front of your face. His cock was big but not as thick as Jotaro’s so it would give your jaw some relief for a moment. Jotaro gripped your hip with one hand and gripped his cock with the other then he slammed into you. You cried out his name out loudly and looked back to glare at him, “shut up, this was what you wanted.” He held your hips tightly and started drilling into you, if felt like his cock was splitting you in half in the best way possible. Moans and whines left your lips and you looked up at Kakyoin before sticking your tongue out for him.
“So pretty begging for cock like that. Fuck.” Kakyoin bit his lip and slowly pushed his cock into your mouth. You started sucking and you started bobbing your head up and down his length. He was much gentler than Jotaro, giving you time to get adjusted to his length. “Look at that, you’re such a good girl. Sucking so good like that, think you’re ready for more? For me to be a little rougher?” You nodded as best as you could and Kakyoin placed one hand on your head and started thrusting. He moved in sync with Jotaro, every time Jotaro slammed into you Kakyoin pulled his cock out only to the tip then when Jotaro only had the tip inside of you, Kakyoin buried himself down your throat.
You were beyond sensitive from all the orgasms and the way Jotaro hit all your sensitive spots was just driving you closer and closer to the edge. Jotaro’s hips continued to snap into yours as he fucked you relentlessly. Your eyes rolled back and you cried out around Kakyoin’s cock as your orgasm ripped through you. Jotaro held your hips tighter as he continued to snap his hips into yours almost animalistically. Kakyoin continued to thrust into your mouth and held your head in place as he started to cum, “don’t waste a drop. Swallow it all, pretty girl. Just swallow it all.” You greedily swallowed around his cock as he continued to pump his cum into you. Soon Jotaro followed, he pressed his hips against yours and started to fill you with hot, sticky ropes of cum. Kakyoin pulled out of your mouth and you dropped your head against the bed as Jotaro continued to fill you up.
Kakyoin got off the bed to grab water and grab a rag to clean you off with and Jotaro slowly pulled out of you and helped you rest against the bed completely. He laid beside you and pulled you closer to him. “, I just wanted to apologize for how I’ve been treating you. I crossed the line that day and that wasn’t called for, none of it was called for. I did a lot of fucked up things and said a lot of fucked up things, you didn’t deserve that.” Kakyoin walked over to you two with a wide grin on his face and handed the water bottle in his hand to you then started to wipe you down with the wet rag in his other hand.
“You’re welcome.” He spoke as he continued to wipe you down and both you and Jotaro looked at Kakyoin with furrowed eyebrows. “My plan, if I didn’t think this through then you two would still be on no speaking terms and I would be the one to try to convince you two separately to try to work it out or just get over it.” He shrugged and Jotaro shook his head, “I’m not too sure about that. I think we’ll need a few more sessions of this to really make sure everything is mended.” You smiled and nodded, “that I can agree with.”
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taglist: @enchantedforest-network
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vidavalor · 10 months
Hi! I loooove your blog. What's an underrated GO moment that you like?
Hi! Thank you. :) Nice to meet you. I have green tea and raspberry scones for snacks today as I just got back from the bakery. *sets up plates*
You know what little scene I love? I love the bit where Shax comes to the bookshop when Aziraphale is in Edinburgh and, in the middle of threatening Crowley, asks him how to fix the hot water boiler in the apartment. It's a little moment and funny in your first pass watching it but it plays even better on rewatch and once you think about it a little beyond just the initial laugh.
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In the attack on the bookshop, we see that Shax is one of those demons that is like the angels in that she thinks of food as human and beneath her. She makes fun of Aziraphale for his human hungers-- for food, for Crowley (who isn't in the bookshop when she's saying this stuff.) So, she's not exactly teaching herself to become a gourmet chef in that apartment now that she's on Earth. She doesn't cook and she doesn't do dishes, really, but... she needs the hot water working badly enough that she's willing to swallow her pride and ask Crowley for help in fixing it, which means her human indulgences are hot showers and honestly? If I'd spent millennia in Hell and got to escape to Crowley's place in Mayfair, you couldn't drag me for a hundred years from whatever tropical rainforest paradise shower Crowley had in that place lol so I can't really blame her. Not to mention that there's not exactly a lot of privacy in Hell, if ya feel me? A lady demon who has finally escaped topside of the fiery pits of Hell might be reluctant to admit it but she might have found one or two things about having a human corporation are not completely horrible... maybe so not completely horrible enough that she's desperate enough to go to the being who has not taught her what Google is for his own amusement for assistance with getting that hot water boiler operational again as soon as is demonically possible lol. (Crowley's canonically excellent taste in showerheads is absolutely the most top of mind meta you're going to find today, I know lol.)
Anyway, this means that Shax interrupted Crowley's afternoon of Operation Lovebirds: Shop Lesbian Vavoom to ask him to make it rain for her in the apartment.
He really hasn't done this much weather in ages.
It's also funny to me that the hot water boiler has rebelled against Shax by giving her two yellow lights (Crowley's eyes) and the solution for it, according to black-clad, silver necklace Crowley, is to turn a black tab on a silver loop. Whether Crowley's apartment is just in revolt against Shax or whether we're poking fun at the fact that Shax appears to have a little thing for Crowley or both, it's amusing.
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Not to mention that Crowley's little lesson in locating the "hot water boiler tab" involves finger movements the likes of which have never been used to fix a hot water boiler in all our days lol. Crowley's a free-thinking Cupid. You gotta vavoom with your own damn self sometimes-- he gets it, girl. He's all the flavors of Baskin Robbins, Shax, and he's been on Earth for ages. He knows what he's doing. Take notes lol. If you find the black tab on the silver loop, it'll turn the hot water back on and then if you follow his non-verbal instructions here...
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Besides the humor, though, this little moment is also happening in the segment of the story in which Crowley and Gabriel have been puzzling out the origins of gravity together. The heaviness of watching Crowley unable to remember building the universe is balanced a bit here, when they remind us through this scene in which he appears to be explaining something he built to fix his problematic hot water boiler that his curiosity and his need to take things apart to see how they work are not things that can be taken from him and that he rebuilds by literally rebuilding things.
(Aziraphale, we all know you've been breaking things around the bookshop for the last two hundred years and then calling Crowley and telling him that you couldn't possibly use another frivolous miracle to fix it or Gabriel will send you another strongly-worded note and would he please come over... and yes, it is a pipe under the sink again, how did he know? lol)
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Manager into crafts
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Team Japan x Gender Neutral Manager (they/them)
Warnings: Like all fluff, maybe swearing???
AN: I’m back on my bs again and here to feed everyone 😅 sorry it’s so sporadic but I hope this holds everyone over for a bit!
When I say you should be nominated for sainthood Yn, I mean it!
These guys are a lot to deal with
Honestly, you have no clue how they even functioned before you came along
I mean, the coach practically begged you to be their manager
Man’s is tired 😴
Anyways, it’s safe to say that practices are eventful
Despite’s Bokuto saying he’s “matured”, he hasn’t
“How come Hinata got more sets than I did?” Bokuto asks Atsumu
You 👉🏻😃 crap he noticed-
“It’s simple, Hinata was just on today and you weren’t,” Atsumu responses, walking away
Bokuto 👇🏻
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Meanwhile, Yaku and Hakuba are arguing about something 🙄
“That’s block sucked man, stop moving your hands all over!” Yaku shouts
“I wasn’t moving my hands all over, I was setting up for a receive when I knew I couldn’t block!” Hakuba yells back
On top of that Iwaizumi is yelling at Kageyama for practicing too much
Sakusa is complaining about how everyone needs to schedule their flu shot
And Aran has just all but abandoned the gym because he’s just over it
Thankfully, when practice was over, you were able to go home and spend some time enjoying one of your favorite hobbies
Crafting ✂️ 🎨 🧶
You had tried a lot of different crafts and found that you were pretty good at them
Everything from painting to knitting, from sculpting to resin
You enjoyed the creativity that crafts provided
It could be stressful but definitely not as stressful as your day job
Nothing can ever beat that stress 🙄
Anyways, you’d managed to keep your hobby on the down low
It wasn’t that you weren’t proud, it was more like you just hadn’t found the opportunity to bring it up
I mean, it’s not like you’re busy or something 😐
It wasn’t until one fateful night when your happy little secret was finally discovered
You see, you were home, watching/listening to some show while trying to knit
It was a newer hobby you’d picked up, on top of jewelry making, crocheting, etc
A jack of all trades our sweet YN 💅
You are knee deep in ‘knit one purl two’ rhythm when the door bell rings
Now since you had very little life outside the team, you were wondering who it could possibly be
You didn’t want to lose your stitch so you stood up and made your way to the door
On the other side was none other then Hinata and Kageyama
Panicked you quickly opened the door and stared at them
🎶 when he looks at me, and I look at him and he looks at me and I LOOK AT HIMMM 🎶
Obviously, you are draped in yarn while dawning other comfy attire 💅
Arguably two of the most “chaotic” members of the team just stare at you
Literally 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
You look at them like “What? Can’t I have a life outside of being your caretaker?”
Of course Hinata probably thinks you just escaped some maniac who attempted to tie you up with yarn of all things…
“OMG YN WHERE YOU KIDNAPPED??” Hinata yells, grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you rather violently
“I’m in my own house Shoyo…” you respond, brain trying to reconnect to reality
Leave it to Kageyama to help the situation
“HINATA BOKE YN ISNT KIDNAPPED, THEY ARE PRACTICING THEIR KNOT TYING SKILLS!” Kageyama screams, smacking Hinata in the back of the head
See… helping 😌
Sighing as the two dunces fight in front of you, you try to calmly correct their mistake
“I’m not kidnapped, nor am I practicing any nautical knot tying, I’m learning to knit,” you explain as the two cock an eyebrow in your direction.
Both of them look at each other and then back to you, confused 🫤
You 👉🏻😐🙄
“You know what, it’s really not important! What do you two need?” You question, wondering why you were interrupted in the first place
“Well now I can’t remember why we came here!” Hinata exclaims, “can you Kageyama?”
“Yeah not really,” Kageyama answers
You definitely deserve a pay raise Yn
“Ok well if you two could kindly go home and rest that would be much appreciated. You know how angry Hajime gets when you guys don’t get enough sleep,” you scold as the two men’s eyes widen
They quickly take off, racing each other to who knows where
As you close and lock your door, you think about how the next days practice with go
Will Hinata and Kageyama tell the other guys about your hobby?
Will Hinata and Kageyama even remember?
Honestly you figure brain cells are on your side since the two that just exited your apartment have a combined one on a good day
There’s no way they’d ever tell the guys about your knitting…
Sure… yeah… absolutely… it’s DEFINITELY fine : D
*12 hours later*
“YN I didn’t know you tied nautical knots on your days off? What a unique hobby!” Yaku says, first the next morning at practice
“I didn’t even know you fished Yn,” Hakuba adds
“Maybe YN just likes the art of knot making?” Aran suggests
You 👉🏻 🧍🙄
“I don’t tie knots guys, I knit… KNIT!” You shout as their eyes all pop open
“Knit? As in like what grandmas do?” Atsumu inputs
Please someone 👊🏻
“Atsumu shut up! Knitting is something alot of people do to relieve stress. And with a team filled with dummies like you, I’m sure YN needs all the stress relieve they can get!” Iwaizumi shouts
“Oh my god,” you whisper as the gym fills with chatter
“Why didn’t you tell us about your hobby Yn?” Ushijima asks as you just stare at him and gesture to the chaos that is currently unfolding
Ushijima just nods and quietly walks away to resume his practice
“So YN do you knit? Like scarves or port holders or something?” Suna questions as he walks with you to your office
“Well I’m just learning the art right now but I do a few other crafts in my spare time,” you say, still ignoring whatever is happening on the floor
“That’s cool, you should post some of your crafts online. I’m sure you could sell them or something? Maybe make a little extra money?”
You shrug, not really interested in extra funds and more excited to just do something you enjoy
Or should I say, the TEAM enjoys 😅
Because if you think you’re going to get away with not teaching one craft Yn, you are very mistaken
Hinata is sending you 5 minute craft videos every day
Bokuto wants to know if you can knit special pads for him for practice
Atsumu is asking for a custom “Atsumu” phone case 🙄
It literally doesn’t stop
So what do we do about this? Well there’s only one thing we CAN do 👀
That’s right, you gather all your craft supplies and haul them into the gym one Friday during practice
The guys all stare at you like you’ve walked into the wrong gym
“Uhh Yn you do know this is a volleyball gym right?” Yaku jokes as you set up your table on the side lines and nod
“Yep! But after practice it’s going to be a craft party!”
“Craft… PARTY???” The guys all shout in tones varying from excitement to pure confusion
“Yes since you all want me to make you crafts, I’m just going to show you how to do it instead!” You exclaim
“You made sure to get non-toxic glue right Yn? I don’t trust some of the idiots not to eat it,” Sakusa remarks, staring at a few members in particular
You roll you eyes and smile, “yes Sakusa, it’s all safe! And I have crafts for everyone.”
Surprisingly, the guys are rather good at crafts
Sakusa’s flexibility makes crocheting and knitting a piece of cake
Atsumu’s flamboyant nature makes him great at painting
Hinata and Kageyama have somehow turned bracelet making into a competition
Komori and Yaku are great with stencils!
And you? You are just happy to be able to share your hobby with your favorite people 🥰
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rewh0re · 1 year
2:55 AM
Ft. Itoshi Sae
Got this idea and i just had to write it because why not. Anyways. Reblogs + feedbacks are highly appreciated!!
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It's late. It's way past midnight and you both should be sleeping instead of sitting on the sofa with your heads in your hands trying to figure out how to get out of the problem at hand. You tried your best to sleep but the persistent buzzing of your phone due to the incoming notifications left you sleepless.
"I thought we were careful enough," you took your phone in your hand, opening Instagram only to be spammed by notifications that said you were tagged in several photos and comments by random accounts. There were also thousands of follow requests from said accounts.
"We were careful. They just get their way every single time," Sae had talked to his manager a few hours ago about how a picture of the both of you had taken the internet by storm.
You were out for a date with Sae after his recent victory. The picture was taken after the date when Sae had kissed you under the street light beside an empty park or at least what you thought was an empty park. When you first saw the picture trending, the fans did not yet know who you were, you were still an unknown person who seemed to be Sae's significant other. Within a few hours however, they had found out your name and your account and since then you were on the receiving side of several hate comments and a few supportive ones.
'Sae can do better.'
'They aren't all that.'
'ugh Sae, leave them and date me.'
And other such comments were plaguing the picture. You got several such DMs too that honestly made you feel a bit down and you weren't feeling your best after seeing these.
But along with these there were also a few supportive comments that asked the people to leave you both alone and show you some respect and that it was Sae's choice who he dated and if he was happy it was enough. These comments made you smile. People could be bitter as well as sweet, you concluded.
"What's wrong with the people commenting all of this bullshit? Don't they have anything better to do in life?" Sae's eyes narrowed as he scanned through the various comments and captions.
"This was bound to be the result once our relationship was made public. I'm not complaining, some people can be weird about their idols getting into a relationship," you sighed as you silenced your phone and kept it on the coffee table. This was definitely not good for your mental health as you already thought about Sae finding someone better, probably some pretty fan of his. These thoughts plagued you at night.
"Don't you dare think about me leaving you or something. Don't you let these petty jobless people make you think that you're anything less than perfect for me," Sae held your hand as he seemed to catch on your troubling thoughts. He somehow always knew what was going on with you. Somehow he could read you like an open book. His eyes told you how much he loved you and how important your presence was in his life.
"I'll try Sae. That's the only thing I can do right now. Anyways, these will die down with time. We should sleep now. It's late," you kissed his cheek as you got up from the sofa and headed towards your bedroom.
You stopped midway through, as you noticed your boyfriend was not following you. Instead, he was still on the sofa and it looked like he was deep in his thoughts.
"Aren't you coming? Let them be, as I said it'll die down--"
"I'm gonna make it public first thing in the morning," he turned around to look at you, a serious look in his eyes.
"Sae..people already know, there's no need to--"
"No no, I'm gonna confirm it in the morning. It's been long enough. I'm not doing this for the media either, I'm doing this because I cannot keep loving you in private any longer. I'm tired of always being so on guard with you when we go out," he interrupted you yet again as he closed the distance between you both, now standing in front of you with your face in his hands.
"Sae.." you started but you honestly did not know what to say.
"Are you okay with that?" He looked deep into your eyes as if he was searching for your answer in them.
"Okay," you let out a little laughter as you pecked his lips and broke away from him. "But for now, please, please come to bed."
And true to his words, the next morning you were tagged on Sae's official Instagram post which was a picture of you kissing his cheek as a small, barely there smile was plastered on Sae's face. You smiled a little at the post, not caring about the incessant buzzing of your phone.
'I love you a bit too much' read the caption.
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forensicheart · 1 month
Brother's Teammate
Fernando Alonso x Stroll!Reader
Summary: Lance's sister decides to watch him at his home race, but she finds herself not being able to take her eyes off his teammate instead
Warning/s: Age gap (Reader- 24, Fernando- 42)
A/N: after very close poll results here is the winning fic! I'm considering doing a part two for this one so let me know what you think! <3 (also someone teach me how to use the scheduled posts cause I swear I did it for this but apparently not 😭 many more docs coming very soon!!!)
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You had been to quite a few of your brother's races before but once college got busy you couldn't support him as much as you use to. But now you had graduated and eager to get back to watching the track action from your brother's team garage and not your couch.
The first race you were able to attend was also coincidentally Lance's home race. The Canadian Grand Prix. Of course you were beyond excited to watch him race, the days feeling like they dragged on as you counted down wishing for the weekend to come along quicker. Once it did you were getting up extra early to make sure you were ready in time to spend as much time with your brother as possible.
Walking into the paddock you felt a sense of nervousness wash over you. You hadn't been to a race in forever and navigating your way around the place had been easily forgotten now that you were so use to just turning on the tv. Sporting your Aston Martin cap you searched for the matching garage but couldn't seem to spot the green anywhere.
"Excuse me, do you need some help?" You jumped slightly by the sudden voice, stopping to turn around to face the culprit.
"You look quite lost is all" They continued and this time you took note of the accent, Spanish. He was an older looking man, but certainly good for his age. Fernando Alonso, it clicked in your head, your brothers teammate. You blinked as you tried to gather your scrambled thoughts and shot the man a shy smile.
"I wouldn't want to be too much trouble, it seems to be much different from when I was last here" You chuckled awkwardly feeling a tad embarrassed under the now identified man's gaze. But he simply shot you a charming smile and waved his hand, discarding your worries.
"Nonsense, no trouble at all, by the attire it seems we're headed in the same direction anyway" He smirked giving you a once over. Along with the cap a forest green dress adorned your body with full intent to show your pride for Lance's team.
"It seems so" You let out another small, almost awkward, laugh which just made Fernando's smirk widen before he gestured for you to follow.
"Come along then, I'll lead the way" The two of you walked casual pace, as if Fernando didn't need to be preparing for the quickly approaching race. You took in the surroundings as you walked, taking note of particular marks you passed on the way in hopes you would remember for next time. You were lost in your thoughts until you heard Fernando clear his throat making your head snap towards him to see that you were now standing in front of the Aston Martin garage.
"Here we are" He spoke with a gesture towards the garage in which you responded with a smile.
"Thank you, I honestly don't think I ever would've gotten here otherwise" Fernando laughed at your words, sounding like music to your ears as you noticed the way his eyes lit up as he smiled.
"It was my pleasure" He paused for a moment before speaking again. "I don't believe I ever introduced myself, Fernando Alonso, and you are?" He raised a brow sticking out a hand politely to which you took gently in your own.
"Y/N!" A loud voice interrupted the you, your hand torn out of Fernando's as a body crashed into yours, arms wrapping tightly around you. The breath felt like it had been sucked out of you as the body went you stumbling back a few steps but the familiar hold made you beam with joy as you returned the hug. Pulling away from the hug you find your brother smiling down at you.
"I was starting to think you weren't going to show up" You scoffed at his words playfully rolling your eyes.
"Your home race? I would never miss this opportunity" You smiled brightly at him.
"Well let's give you the grand tour then shall we?" Lance smirked throwing an arm around your shoulder and you nodded with a laugh.
Fernando was forgotten about as the two siblings wondered into the garage with excitement leaving him to get more of a look at what seemed to be his teammates friend? Maybe girlfriend. As Fernando looked her up and down as she walked away though he prayed she wasn't Lance's girlfriend because god she was gorgeous. And her voice, he could listen to her speak til the end of time.
Inside the garage Lance has given you a tour of everything possible, explaining each wonder of yours to the best of his ability. You watched the buzzing garage in awe, listening to your brother's words as you took in everything as if you had never seen it before. It all seemed so different from the last time you had been at any of the races though and you were more than happy to relearn all that your brother loved about his job. You couldn't help but let your eyes drift to the opposite side of the garage though were a certain Spaniard moved purposely in order to ready himself for the upcoming race. Your cheeks flushed a light red as you eyed the way his fireproofs clung to his body. How his dark locks looked so tempting to run your hands through. You were snapped out of your thoughts as Fernando's eyes met yours from across the garage and the smirk that lit his face made your face turn many shades darker. He rose an eyebrow at you in question and you looked away shyly knowing you'd been caught staring at the man. As soon as you turned your attention back to Lance though you felt a presence behind you, one that made you turn around to face as your brother greeted them.
"Ah Fernando! I don't think I introduced you to Y/n before" Lance spoke causing Fernando to shake his head as he confirmed that he had not been introduced.
"This is Y/n, my younger sister" The same smirk you had seen moments before made its way onto Fernando's face once more as he took in the new information of your relationship with his teammate. The smirk quickly transformed into a polite smile though as he avoided raising questions from said teammate.
"A pleasure to meet you" Fernando hummed locking eyes with you, the look he gave made you shiver slightly as you saw the curiosity and desire within his eyes.
"Likewise" You were aware that the feelings hidden in his eyes were also mirrored in yours. This revelation caused Fernando's smirk to form once again. Before Fernando is able to open his mouth again though his name is called from further in the garage.
"Duty calls it seems but I hope to see you around" Fernando finishes with a wink your way as he wonders off. You can't fight the blush that rises as your eyes trail after his body before a gasp sounds from next to you.
"Absolutely not" Lance exclaims sternly as he steps into your eyeline.
"Oh come on, you're no fun" You huff crossing your arms as you roll your eyes at your brother.
"He's my teammate and practically double your age!" Lance makes a point but you simply shrug.
"Sometimes you gotta live a little"
"You're ridiculous" Lance snorts before swinging an arm over your shoulder.
"Come on, let me show you where you'll be watching the race from"
Your brother may have expected you to watch him during the race, and you did for parts of it, but you couldn't stop your gaze from drifting to his teammates car too. The way he drove appeared effortless, overtaking without struggle and quickly placing himself near the front of the pact.
While neither Aston Martin had landed on the podium they found themselves with the front runners causing the garage to erupt in cheers. A 4-5 finish was pretty damn impressive and for a moment you didn't think your smile could get any wider. The cameras panned to Fernando taking off his helmet, his fingers running through his hair as he removed his balaclava and you found yourself staring in awe at the image. He flashed a charming smile as he spotted the camera and it felt as if it was directed to only you. If this is what the races were like then maybe you wouldn't mind coming a bit more often.
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lemon-russ · 4 days
Uhm so my understanding with that 'Burned out on Cato × Diplomat' post is that requests are open? May I request some post-nails Angron x Reader? Doesn't have to be smut, but I'd welcome it!
yes!! It isn't super long and no smut, but I liked this so much I might do more of it, I'm actually a big fan of 30k Angron :)
Eta: I keep forgetting tags woops: @undeaddream @scriberye @sleepyfan-blog
And thank you for divider as always @squishyowl
Angron x Gn!Reader
Word count: ~800
CW: It's Angron. There's blood.
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Blood dripped down the walls, splattered across from the spray from the neck of the unfortunate serf that happened to have passed by The Red Angel at the wrong moment. He gnashed his teeth, grinding and cracking them before they healed themselves immediately anyways. The pain of the nails cracked through his skull again, but dulled slightly now that he'd turned a serf into paste in the halls of the Conqueror.
He whirled 180° at the sound of soft footsteps tapping against the metal plates, nostrils flaring and hand raising to use whoever dared approach the Lord of the Red Sands.
But upon seeing your soft, patient expression looking up at him with gentle eyes, he faltered. The only thing that seemed to even slightly interrupt the pain if his nails besides bloodshed and slaughter, was you. You and that gentle, unfaltering look you always gave him.
He lowered his arm, grinding his teeth again against the pain, and you gave him a small smile before approaching. You could read him well enough to know when it was safer to approach and when he needed space.
“Angron.” You say in that soothing tone. You never called him “my lord” or “primarch” or any of those ridiculous titles. He tried not to flinch, his muscles tensing in control as you stepped to his side. You pull out a cloth from your robes and pat at the blood splattering his arms with a featherlight touch, knowing too much contact would irritate his nails.
“You.” He gruffs. That's all he ever called you. Just, you. Never anything so pompous or fake as a pet name. And he honestly would forget your name in the middle of a wrack of pain or a blood fury. So it more often than not was simply, “You.”
“You are wandering alone again.” He growled, fists straining as he attempted to control his anger at your lack of self preservation. “You forget where you are.”
Like always, you didn't react in anyway but with gentle, unwavering patience. “I heard screaming. I wanted to check on you. Would you like to walk with me?” You say with that soft tone that seemed to balm his psyche.
He simply grunts, the nails lashing against the numbing of his mind with another shock of pain. But you made it easier. More bearable. He lets you take his hand in both of yours, and mindlessly follows you as you lead him away from the pile of gore he made of the serf.
He blinks away some pained brain fog. “You… know better than… to walk alone around the ship.” He forced through grit teeth.
You make a gentle hum. “I wasn't very far from you.” You return simply.
He groaned, annoyance tinging the pain in his mind. “If one of my sons got a hold of you…” he growled, teeth creaking in his head as he ground them.
You softly pat his hand. “I know, but they did not. Shall we loop around?” You say, tugging his hand gently toward a new corridor. “Or shall we bathe for the night and head to bed?”
He shuddered, pain mingling with the other feelings you always stir. “Bed. Now.” He grunts, hand tightening around your tiny ones.
You giggle, the sound only rousing his blood more. “Not while you're covered in blood. Bath time it is. I got some nice herbs for soaking when we were on that last planet…” you say, and your babbling about scented leaves turns into a soft background noise as he watches your face while you talk. Soft. Gentle. Patient. Voice hypnotizingly calming, or as much as is possible for him. His.
He growled a soft noise, gripping your tiny hand with as much gentleness as he could muster. With you, blood was not the only thing that could sate his pain and rage. At least for a moment. With you, there were other things that helped.
You looked up at him curiously, and his mind dredged back to the moment. “What?” He grunted.
You giggled and blushed. “I asked, so you think it might be fun to combine a bath and our other activites?”
He processed slowly, mind trudging through the ever constant pain, but then he let out a deep, needy growl from his chest. “Yes.” He snarled. He scooped you up into his arm, no longer patient enough to wait for your tiny legs. You squeak and giggle, far too comfortable in the arms of 11 feet of muscle and rage.
He looks down at you as he hurried toward the quarters he had made for you. You. His.
Yes, there were other things that could soothe his nails, for a moment. And he thinks he might be able to rut himself into a somewhat restful sleep tonight.
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nonotnolan · 1 year
Rookie Mistake
“Yeah, I realized the other day that, like... I’ve spent the last five Sunday afternoons, like, completely blacked out,” he said, rubbing his hands as he spoke.  Dave, our next door neighbor, was telling my mother why he didn’t host his normal Saturday night party yesterday.  I had to admit I was not expecting that answer.  “I didn’t even think I had been drinking that much, but like... why else would that happen, y’know?"
Well, I knew exactly why he had been blacked out the past five Sundays-- I’d been using the spellbook I found in the attic to slip into his smoking hot body.  Look at his chest, can you blame me?  Dude has shoulders for days.  I’d hop into his body when my mom and her husband went out on their date night, and then I would download Grindr to score a few casual hookups with some eager twinks.  Being home from college over the summer sucked, and Dave’s body helped make it suck less.  It was a victimless crime-- or so I had thought.  
Honestly, I hadn’t even thought about what Dave would remember whenever I hopped into his body.  Total rookie mistake, but it could have been a lot worse.  As long as I stayed out of his body, his blackouts would stop, and no one would be any the wiser.  Dave excused himself and went back inside his house, while Mom and I finished up bringing the groceries inside.  Hopefully I didn’t look too guilty.
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I took the spellbook down off my shelf, and pulled up Google translate again-- the damn thing was written in Latin.  The good news is that all of the spells were illustrated, so it was usually pretty clear what each spell would do.  The bad news is that a lot of the rules were written in small, cursive handwriting that the computer couldn’t read when photographed.  I was making decent headway translating word by word, but it was... tedious, to say the least.  Can you blame me for getting impatient?
The astral form spell I’d been using to possess Dave hadn’t said anything about memory loss, but I had also stopped translating after three paragraphs.  I’d already learned the important pieces, or so I had thought.  You can’t travel more than a quarter mile away from your body without risking permanent separation, your astral form could be blocked by wards or captured by soul snares, whatever the hell those were... and then the spell started talking about how it was really good for spying on your enemies.  Wouldn’t something like target memory loss be important enough to mention earlier?  I was livid, but it was ultimately my mistake for using a spell that I hadn’t fully translated.
I’d only made it through another half-paragraph before I got interrupted by a knock on my door.  “Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that it’s just me going out tonight,” Mom said.  “Henry isn’t feeling well, so he’s going to stay behind and rest up, okay?  I know I don’t have to worry about you staying quiet for him while he sleeps.  See you tonight!”
I could scarcely maintain my excitement as I waited for the sound of my mother locking the front door.  Henry, my step-father, was a delicious otter of a man.  I hadn’t even considered the thought of taking over his body, but how could I resist an opportunity handed to me on such a silver platter?  And if he was planning on sleeping anyway, the memory loss issue didn’t matter!  Translating the rest of the spell could wait, I needed to seize this opportunity before it slipped away.  I made sure to clear off my bed, and position myself in a neutral posture before casting the spell-- the first time I used the spell and returned to my body, the crick in my neck took three days to fully heal.  Once my astral form had separated itself from my body, I flew as fast as I could to Henry’s sleeping form.
After all... just look at this man.  Henry is... he’s like gay candy.  Any time the three of us go out together, I don’t think he realizes how many skinny dudes can’t look away from him.  And for the next few hours, that would be me.  God, it was such a rush to think about that.  Can you blame me for getting excited?  Aside from the occasional dress pant, Henry never really wore anything that would display his bulge, so I wasn’t sure what sort of equipment I would be working with, but... now that it was in my hands, I was not disappointed.  So that was a ten minute detour.  I’m only human, after all.
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My next order of business was to take some raunchy selfies and send them to my phone for some, uhh... future me time.  The problem was that the only rooms in the house with good lighting were also the rooms where Mom had already redecorated Henry’s house with floral wallpaper.  Seeing that in the background was just a total boner kill.  I’d have to use my room for photos.  I try to avoid seeing my lifeless body whenever I can-- it’s kind of unsettling-- but in this case, it was worth the discomfort.
I figured Henry’s strength would be more than enough to carry my body down to the living room couch, only... when I opened my door, the bed was empty.  The pit of my stomach sank to the floor as I stared at the impression in my bed sheets, the only remaining sign that my body had previously been resting there.  I started taking deep breaths, running my hands across my new chest fur as I tried to calm down.  If the astral form spell was going to cause my body to disappear, it would have happened before today.  The first step was probably to search the rest of the house, just in case anything else had been displaced.
I found my body outside, shirtless, smoking a cigarette on the patio.  He had to have heard me-- I certainly wasn’t quiet as I flung upon the back door-- but he didn’t even bother to look up at me.
“Who are you, and what are you doing in my body?” I said, trying to puff out Henry’s chest for maximum intimidation.
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My body responded by blowing a cloud of smoke into my face.  “Get over yourself,” he said, taking another long drag.  “You grabbed my spellbook out of my attic, turned the next door neighbor into a meat suit, and now you have the gall to pretend that you’re the victim here?”
I tried to think of some sort of witty comeback, but my brain had completely frozen up.  “I... Henry?  Is that you in there?  What are you doing?”
“Watching you fall for the world’s most obvious trap,” he said, lording over me with a smug grin on his face.  He had me dead to rights, and we both knew it.  “Your mother hadn’t even finished pulling out of the driveway, and your horny ass was already trying to take over my body.  Good thing I had already started my own astral form before she left.  Mind you, I have ways of keeping unwanted spirits out of my body... but then we wouldn’t be having this delightful conversation, would we?
“Consider yourself busted,” he said, snuffing out the cigarette on the patio table.  “You’re going to spend the night here, pretending to be me while keeping to yourself under the guise of feeling sick.  I’m going to take your body out for a joyride tonight, same as you did to Dave.  We’ll switch back in the morning.  No funny business, or you’ll learn first hand why I no longer need to use a spellbook to cast magic.”
“Y-yes, sir,” I said, nodding my head.  Seeing Henry inside of my lanky body with his arms crossed, it looked catty rather than intimidating.  All the same, I was not about to try and mess with him any further.  Better to take the L here.  “Hey, uhh... after tonight’s punishment... do you... do you think you could teach me how to use that spellbook?”
Henry paused, sizing me up and down with his eyes before speaking.  “Me, teaching you?  After a rookie mistake like this?  Not on your life.”
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livfastdieyoung69 · 4 months
Guys im in my mjf era!
Mjf x reader
Mjf being his usual douchebag self but reader being his soft spot yk? And someone using reader against him to get under his skin any of his old feuds would work for this so i dont mind 👀 just LOVE a protective feral man with very little regard for himself when it comes to the people he loves 🤭
Sting had been your idol for as long as you could remember. For decades, all you ever wanted was to be like Sting. Now here you are- on the same damn roster as him. You worked with him, by his side, every damn week. Your few years in AEW had already given you so much more experience and advice than you could’ve hoped for, especially from Steve. The only downfall of working side by side with Sting was having to work with Darby who hated, much like many others, your partner.
Speaking of Darby, he bursted into catering with a scowl on his half-painted face. Sighing into your styrofoam cup of a crisp Dr.Pepper as he plopped down into the seat between you and the beloved man himself, Sting, you turned to face him.
”Yes, Darbs?” Of course, even with his bitching over your choice of a lover, he was still a friend. Sometimes. Darby scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms and practically pouting in his seat.
”How in the hell are you with Maxwell? What do you see in him? Or is it, like, what you don’t see? Are you legally blind, Birdy?” It was your turn to scoff- at his remarks and the nickname. It’d caught on after you showed up to AEW and started doing crazy high-flying shit no one even knew was possible on day one.
“We’re not having this conversation again, Darby.”
“Yes we are. Is this a Stockholm syndrome thing? Blink twice if you need help.” Before you’re able to do anything besides point a finger in his face, you’re interrupted.
“Alright guys, let's just calm down here, please.” Steve- Sting- tries to calm the situation. Darby gives you a smug look from getting away with his remarks while you glare at him wholeheartedly.
”Talkin’ about me again, huh?” MJF leans over you, his usual asshole smirk on as his hands slide up your shoulders and lightly grasp at your sore neck, barely massaging it. Sore from saving Darby in your last tag team match with a dive through a table, actually. (And no. He didn’t say thank you. Steve did though.)
”Hey, baby.” You look up at him, glowering face replaced with a gentle smile that makes Darby cringe and grumble under his breath.
“Got somethin’ to say, dead boy?” Max asks from behind you, hands still working your neck as the atmosphere tenses even further. Steve tries to calm everyone again, but it doesn’t seem to be working as Darby stands from his chair, coming basically toe to toe with Max.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. You’re the worst damn decision they’ve ever made in the almost decade I’ve known them. I don’t even want to know how you’re manipulating them into this, but I’m sick and tired of it.” Darby’s voice keeps growing, filling the silence of the now quiet catering room, everyone watching their argument. Steve stands up, placing a hand on Darbs shoulder to try and pry him back. You might’ve gotten up to stop Max, but honestly, you just didn’t feel like dealing with this anymore. “All you’re going to do is leave them behind when you get whatever you want from them, and we’ll have to pick the pieces back up.”
Once again, Steve's attempt doesn’t work, and Max steps back into Darbys space, now quite literally toe to toe, chest to chest.
“I swear to God, the next time you suggest I would ever even imagine hurting them in anyway whatsoever, I will rip your fucking head off and let Wardlow play with it.” With a sigh, you get up from your chair and try to put a little distance from the two by pushing at Max’s chest but he won’t budge, he won’t even look at you. “Only reason I haven’t done it already is ‘cause of how much they like your little daddy over there. See how that works? If I hurt you, it’d hurt my Bird and I’d rather die than dream that into existence so I try my hardest not to think about hurting you. Let's keep it that way, capisce?”
Before Darby is able to reply, Max finally gives into your pushing and turns to leave catering, you in tow.
“Max,” You softly call for him, trying to keep up. “Max, baby,” You stumble to grab his hand and he finally comes to a stop. “Do you really have to keep threatening my friends? It’s really no wonder they don’t like you.” You teased him with a small smile, grabbing his hands in yours.
“Uh, Kris likes me, thank you very much, toots.”
”That doesn’t count, Kris just gets everything. Everyone else is dumb.” You lean back and forth on the ball of your heels, his hands keeping you stable before he gets sick of it and pulls you forward into his chest. “It’d be really nice if you could just be good for a little bit, please. Just a couple days is all I’m asking for here.”
He rolls his eyes, and gives a huge, fake groan up to the ceiling. He knew it’d make you laugh, he always knew what would. You pull your hands from his grasp and bring them up to his face, bringing him to look back at you.
“Be a good boy for me, hm?” You whispered, thumbs rubbing gently across his face. Judging from the blush covering his cheeks, it seems like you’d finally found a way to tame him.
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Mwah ha ha ha this isn’t really what you asked for but kinda sorta they were rivals at one point so ???
The one funky word is the word that basically means do you understand (usually pronounced like capeesh) but I’m Italian and couldn’t bare to spell it wrong anyways he def says that and he also would def call you toots idc it’s canon in my heart
Also have no clue where the whole bird thing came from but it came and the title is the Jefferson Airplane song
Anyways kinda really like this one its cute
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
“Age doesn’t matter” 10
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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Days have passed and you're finally discharged from the hospital. You were happy of course, especially when you remembered what Katsuki offered you.
"What I'm trying to say. No one will take care of Kazui. I can't always rely on my parents. My friends are heroes as well. Since you mentioned you used to be a babysitter. I would like to hire you."
You looked at him surprised once again. Are you in heaven? Are sure you're still alive?
“M-me?” Y/n stutters placing a shaking hand on her chest.
“The fuck am I talking to.” Katsuki rolled his eyes. Are you really even a teacher? “I don't need to repeat myself. If you fucking reject it, it's fine.”
“N-no! I was just surprised!” Y/n immediately shut Katsuki. “I-i was just surprised, honestly.” Finally, Y/n smiled. “I didn't expect you to say that. It makes my heart melt. I’m happy.”
After that day, Katsuki dropped you off at your apartment. He’s been stopping by to visit you at the hospital after his shift which you don't mind. But you often think you were bothering him which he says you're not.
Now here you are getting ready to leave your apartment to babysit Kazui.
Y/n grabbed her keys from the counter and left, securing the door behind her. Better safe than sorry is what they say.
It's a good day for her. Of course, you were trying to ignore the new insecurities. You kept reminding yourself that the scars you got were a sign of your boldness.
Yes yes.
A soft smile appeared on your lips. Bravery isn't something you should be insecure about. You were even glad you protected Kazui. Not an ounce of regret you were feeling. So you took a step towards your destination only to realize Katsuki didn't give you their address.
Y/n mentally smack herself. How could she forget to ask for the address? So much for being confident.
Y/n grabs her phone from her bag deciding to call Katsuki. Boy, she was glad she had his number due to school purposes. While standing a few meters away from her apartment, she clicked the call button and placed her phone in her ear waiting.
It just so happens that it's Katsuki's day off.
Due to exhaustion, Katsuki overslept which we all know is pretty rare. So, when he realized this, he panicked and rapidly stumbled out of his bed reaching for his phone. But as soon as he saw what day it was. He relaxed while on the carpeted floor.
Katsuki still decided to get up though. Slowly, he got off the floor and stretched, snapping a few bones, and stepped out of his bedroom, not even bothering to pick up his thick shroud nor fix his bed.
“Kazui? Are you awake?” Katsuki shouted as he made his way to his son’s bedroom.
He quietly flares the door open only to see a sleeping Kazui, snuggling comfortably on his bed. The sight made Katsuki smile. He was glad Kazui was okay. His treasure. Even though sometimes Kazui can be a brat, he loves him more than he even loves himself. More than he loves his job. His barefoot quietly made contact with the floor as he walked closer to Kazui. Carefully, he bent down kissing Kazui's forehead making him squirm but went back to sleep.
After this, Katsuki left Kazui’s bedroom and made his way to his kitchen. Now that he’s fully awake, he needs breakfast. He was scratching his head as he strides down the stairs, yawning a bit. Once he reached the kitchen, he placed his phone on the countertop and reached for the refrigerator handle only to get interrupted by his phone ringing.
It’s too fucking early for a phone call, unless it’s his company finally realizing they needed his guidance on some work issue. Probably? Who would even call this early anyway. Groaning, he reached for his phone and took a closer look to check who was the caller. Almost instantly, he picked it up.
“Good morning, Bakugo-san.”
God. Hearing your voice early in the morning sends a shiver down his spines. Not that kind of shiver you perverts.
“The hell I said about formalities, hah?” Katsuki said ignoring that his voice is still raspy.
“O-oh! I’m sorry. I forgot, haha.”
Fuck, was he in heaven right now? Unconsciously, Katsuki lips turned into a small smile. “The hell do you want this early.”
“W-well.” Why the hell are you even stuttering? Hell you can even defeat Izuku stuttering, “I kinda forgot to ask for your address..”
Oh yeah, now that you mentioned it, you’ll babysit Kazui today. “I’ll message it to you.” Katsuki simply said.
“Thank you, Bakugo!”
He can hear the happiness in your voice. Weird.
“Can’t pick you up. No one will watch over Kazui.” Katsuki mumbled finally reaching for the refrigerator handle and pulling it open to check the contents inside.
“You don’t have to! I can get there on my own!”
“I’ll be waiting then.”
“See you!”
When the call ended, Katsuki was staring blanky in the fridge. Why the fuck he said he’ll be waiting? He groaned out loud this time. Why the hell is he sounding desperate? Is he desperate? Oh, hell nah.
Eijiro was glad he was off duty as well. That means he can visit Kazui and spend time with him. But his main priority right now is to find the location an intel told him.
Location where Katsuki’s ex-wife is.
Just thinking about this made his blood boil. Of course, he’ll never hurt a woman. It wouldn’t be very manly of him. But this one made him want to be unmanly.
Fists inside his pocket, he reached the said location. Eijiro was standing in front of a huge house, face staring blankly at it.
It’s now or never.
Eijiro gradually made his way to the front door. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Few seconds only passed when the door opened. His eyes hardened when he laid his eyes on her.
“I’ll join you in a minute babe!” She was giggling. But stopped when she saw who it was.
Eijiro didn’t say anything. He was staring at her intently.
“H-how did you-
“I came here to give you this.” His voice was low, so very not like his usual tone handing her a bunch of documents.
“What’s this?” she asked curiously as she raised a shaking hand and reached for the documents from his grasp.
“Discover it yourself.” Eijiro glared.
Gulping. She shakingly flipped the folder open in her hands and read its content.
A divorce paper with Katsuki’s name in it but without his signature, whilst the next paper was a warrant of arrest for abandoning Katsuki and Kazui.
“Ms. *, you are under arrest for abandoning your child.”
A sudden sound of a police automobile was heard making her panic.
“N-no.” She plead. “No! Please!!”
“The court will deal with you.” Eijiro left the scene as soon as the police arrived and dealt with her.
It was wrong that Katsuki didn’t know about this, but he’ll do anything for his buddy and his nephew.
“You’re free, Katsuki.” Eijiro mumled as he disappeared from the scene.
Meanwhile, while cooking breakfast, Katsuki suddenly felt a huge weight disappear from his chest.
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