tumblr users are all stupid, me included.
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i resent being expected to disclose any personal information to strangers but to avoid being blocked, I am an adult. pick your favorite pronouns.
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n3vertwice · 1 day ago
It feels so weird that everyone in the U.S. is a different variant of brain rotted now. It feels like every time you talk to someone of any demographic that they’re just suddenly starting up an incoherent and insane rant that’s always going on in their inner monologue and just erupts into speech or text sometimes. Everyone is constantly smashing together the fragments of random shit from their chosen brain rot. For old white people it’s Fox News and Facebook, for young brown people it’s drama pages on Instagram and TikTok along with whatever dating discourse topic they’ve decided to promote that week, and you can find a variant for every other conceivable demographic. And people think you’re crazy for not being tapped in to this nonsense constant stream of random outrage bait slop and not having an opinion immediately ready to hand about it. Even the nonpolitical people are like that, they’ll have a random opinion about a movie or videogame and just start rambling about it to you as if you’re supposed to already know about all this. It really reinforces the feeling that people aren’t individuated anymore even if they’re inward facing
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n3vertwice · 1 day ago
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one of my top contenders for funniest lines in this game
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n3vertwice · 1 day ago
that's obviously a great benefit to the consumer, but if that were the case it would be literally impossible to profit off of a written work published online except through donations, which are not a reliable model especially if the book can be shared by anyone. Also, authors would not be able to profit off of physical media because a copy of that media that *doesn't* pay back royalties to the author will literally always be cheaper than one that does. I'm not, like, a staunch defender of IP law or anything but it's pretty obvious that it's necessary for creative industries that don't rely on commission to function. I would advocate for copyright to expire after, like, 5 years, but it's total abolition is a pretty silly position for reasons that most people interested in thinking critically about it should be able to understand. it kinda just seems like it's mostly half-baked contrarianism tbh. consumer worship isn't leftist.
"copyright is good in theory" did you know that you can digitize books and then have infinite copies so in theory every book, every piece of information ever written and published could be shared across the world basically for free but any attempts to actually do this get shut down by copyright lawyers?
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n3vertwice · 1 day ago
Who's Lila spoilers ahead
I think the reason I connected so deeply and profoundly with the game is that it's an extremely in-depth and intelligent portrayal of the experience of living with a part of yourself that hates you and everything you love, that eventually comes to totally control you. We all have our Lila's, but some people are overpowered by her. We have to justify everything we do to her. Listen to her spit bile at everything we have the gall to care about. And she thrives off of the pain and fear we feel trying to understand her. I think that Detective Yu is not actually "you" as in the player, but "you" as in another part of will. Or maybe "will" is supposed to be another part of you. Yu speaks in a manner reminiscent of a therapist, and seeks empathetic, unafraid understanding of Lila. I think it's possible the whole game is a symbolic representation of a therapeutic exercise, wherein "you" investigate a world built of scattered memories and fearful hypotheticals in an attempt to understand why you destroy things you care about.
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n3vertwice · 1 day ago
me: i dont like gangnam style
you: yeah me nei-
me: PSY-ch!
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n3vertwice · 1 day ago
never thought the day would come when I unfollowed evilscientist3...
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n3vertwice · 2 days ago
me detransitioned 20 years later living as a scum fuck cishet dude about to cat call some sweet street meat from my moving car but flirting with weird transgender boygirls is so ingrained in my soul that as soon as i open my mouth instinct takes hold: you look like my son bitch!!
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n3vertwice · 3 days ago
i have no "aura" i have no "rizz" i have no "sauce" girls hate me and when they see me they throw up and imagine killing me because i'm just that bad. think your life sucks? try being me.
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n3vertwice · 7 days ago
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n3vertwice · 7 days ago
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n3vertwice · 7 days ago
happy friday :3
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n3vertwice · 7 days ago
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saying glados is pretty vanilla in terms of robotfucking is like saying the chest is a pretty vanilla place to get stabbed. in that it is true but also not a thought a well-adjusted person has
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n3vertwice · 8 days ago
i get a lot of anxiety & avoidant speech patterns around the subject of visiting the houses of people i befriend or inviting them to visit my house because i have a really poor sense of how much people correlate houses with personal boundary on average. the ambiguity sets my mind off in a way where if i asked someone if i could visit their house i’’d feel as precarious as if i was like asking them if they wanted to have sex
& i also feel like it exists in an awkward in-between space where, if i am already friendly with a person, then that doesn’t necessarily for me have to mean they’d care to have me visit their house, but simultaneously if we’re already friendly then i feel like it’d be awkward for them to have to simultaneously say “no i wouldn’t like you to visit my house,” & so i just do whatever i can to avoid the topic because i feel like if it comes up they’ll be placed in an instant double bind where i feel invasive. also inviting people to my house makes me feel like im luring them into some kind of sordid trap
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n3vertwice · 9 days ago
can anybody link to what this is referencing?
the chicken tendies poll discourse boils down the typical level of debate on this site to its elemental state, it's kind of beautiful. soon we'll evolve beyond the need for a comically open ended hypothetical and we'll just breathe the accusations of ableism and classism and racism and sexlessness and whorishness and agoraphobia and hipsterism and radioactivity directly into each others open mouths.
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n3vertwice · 9 days ago
fallout vr adds a new unprecedented level of emotion to the fallout 4 story; making you truly connect to your character’s quest to find his son shaun
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n3vertwice · 9 days ago
Sometimes I forget that the most complex question most people care about is personal moral conduct and usually it’s just outrage that anyone could think that their arbitrarily chosen moral foundation (usually a religion) isn’t the most obviously true answer. And of course without a religion you have no solid moral foundation which is supposed to be the biggest problem ever because personal morality somehow matters so much. So you once again get a reason for people to be interpersonal moralists as a substitution for politics, the same way that they do that with dating arguments
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n3vertwice · 10 days ago
well-meaning liberal: the us prides itself on valuing 'freedom' more than china, yet the actions of this american institution resemble the exact kind of behavior we would use to demonstrate the Chinese government's alleged immorality
the political geniuses of tumblr: this person is clearly an evil racist
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