#honestly i adored peace since it was so funny
strixton · 2 years
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rebornofstars · 1 month
I honestly can't believe this is actually happening. This event was a shower thought a few months ago.
Here's a recap of the event: to participate, make at least one fanwork of any variety during September that features a woman or women from the Zelda franchise as the main character/s. All Linksmeets are welcome in this challenge, as well as general LoZ fans!
Before I drop the prompts list for those who are looking for a little direction, I'd like to mention that I have made an AO3 COLLECTION FOR THIS EVENT. It's open and unmoderated so you can add your works to it freely. And if you post on tumblr, please tag #sepfember !! I'll be scrolling through the tag every day looking for things to reblog and gush about 👀
If you have any questions at all about this event, or you want to chat about it, my askbox is open! I will also respond to comments and reblogs of this post.
Now, onto the prompts. Disclaimer: you DON'T have to use all/any of these prompts, or only create things for certain characters on their featured day. This list is just a GUIDE for those who want it. If you have other plans, go with your heart!
At the end of the day, this is a celebration, and all that matters is that you have fun. I hope some of you will join me next month in giving our girls some time in the spotlight, but if you can't, that's okay! There's no pressure! This is just a passion project of mine, really, and I am overjoyed that people are interested 💛💛💛
(apologies in advance for the terrible quality of these pics and the equally terrible commentary. i thought it would be funny. also, i've never had to come up with a prompts list before and it shows.)
(we start at the beginning of course 💛)
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(it was SO hard to find a screenshot of her that didn't have link in it. they're both cute but this ain't about him.)
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(i didn't know she played the harp until i saw this screenshot! i obviously have a lot to learn.)
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(how creepy does she look here?! so awesome)
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(SUCH a good character for real. she has depth!!!! she has a thematic purpose!!!)
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(two words: LIGHTNING POWERS ⚡⚡⚡)
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(babygirl you are 2 entire pixels.)
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(oh she is everything to me)
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(she looks so soulful right now)
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(what a FIRE camera angle??? her armour is so impractically attached but SHE HAS A SWORD‼️)
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(hylia, din, nayru, farore, the list goes on...)
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(mipha, ruto... poor suckers... it can't be fun, falling for link...)
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(note: I personally hc this character as a trans man, but since this isn't explicitly confirmed in-game and might not be shared with everyone, I've given them a celebration day anyway. you are free to do what you wish.)
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(she is adorable. look at her)
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(i loved her in the fsa manga. she's barely in it but STILL. go read it.)
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(the great fairies, navi, ciela, tatl, proxi...)
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(isn't she KICKASS?!)
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(our lovely loyal girl 🥰)
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(a classic character! isn't this picture so peaceful)
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(technically, she's one person. between the two of them they certainly only wear enough clothes for one person... )
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(sister to the hero! but what's her story?)
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(hehheehehehe. i bet you weren't expecting her. neither was i tbh)
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(listen. i know erune is a very niche character - she literally only exists in the four swords manga - but consider. i love her)
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(she has no canon personality. you know what that means. get the building equipment out fellas)
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(and here we are - LAST DAY!)
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starrystella85 · 5 months
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Home Sweet Home Au (image and Au by: @MissMio)
Since the day you left that hell scape of a toy factory known as Playtime Co. you may have brought some stowaways with you, specifically Dogday, Catnap, Kissy, Huggy, Poppy, you get the idea. The human toy experiments that Playtime Co. created from their insane and sadistic imagination, honestly what were they thinking when they did this, anyways you took them home with you to your giant mansion in the woods, that your family owned thanks to not only the money you had made at Playtime Co. while it was still in operation, but because your family owned a huge marketing company that made millions. What was it named? Safe Heaven Toys LLC, funny really that your life revolved around toys.
On the drive home cause you had to make multiple trips during the night so no one would see the monstrosities that were once human in the back of your truck, you pulled into the driveway with the last of the toys, and as soon as you step inside Dogday and Catnap are the first to greet you.
"Welcome home Angel!" The orange stuffed dog said as his tail wagged violently through the air, his tone upbeat and energetic.
"Savior. . .welcome." The purple cat said in a more sleepy tone, but nonetheless excited to see you as his tail snaked it's way around your hips.
"hey guys. . .ugh. . ." You said to them before almost collapsing from the amount of sleep and sustenance you were deprived of, you were lucky that Carnap still had his tail wrapped around your hips to make sure you wouldn't fall face first.
"You need. . .rest now. . .Savior." Catnap stated and honestly you couldn't have agreed more. And so you were brought upstairs to the master bedroom, your room and placed on your king sized bed. As soon as you hit the mattress you pass out immediately, out like a damn light. It would take at least a week before you can recover from all the bullshit that you when through or so the toys thought. Apparently you only need like three days of sleep and a large portion of food, but other than that you were good.
Everyday for the next three days the toys would check on you, making sure that you were alright and well provided for, then just like that you were back on your feet ready to start the day. You've never felt *this* peaceful before, actually you've never felt *this* peaceful a day in your life since you were always moving and on the go, but it felt nice and finally having some company thanks to the living toys you didn't feel as lonely as you originally did before they came into your life.
"Angel how are you feeling now?" Dogday asks you know he's just doing it out of concern for you, he was always a sweet one, possessive? Maybe, but definitely sweet.
"I'm alright Dogday, I've just been doing one to many things that I crashed." You replied back to him, easing his worries, still there's a small glint in his eyes that say otherwise. "I'm being honest Dogday I'm fine." You told him as you began to scratch behind his ears making his foot do the weird moving thing. It was adorable to see and you couldn't help but scratch harder and harder which caused his tail to start thumping against the floor, causing a giggle to come out of your lips. Hearing your soft voice and fits of laughter caused a deep crimson blush to spread across Dogday's face. If he was given the chance he could listen to you all day, cause something about your voice just makes his heart flutter. Unfortunately the moment was short lived cause Catnap having a long ass tail like he does managed to snatch you up and drag you away from the loving pup that was Dogday.
"CATNAP!!! 💢" Yup Dogday was pissed as soon as you were stolen away from him. He tried searching all of the mansion but the mansion was to big and had one too many rooms that Catnap could use to hide, so the poor angry orange puppy gave up, but he swore if he saw that cat again he was going to teach him a lesson about stealing *HIS* angel away from him. Meanwhile Catnap and taken you to the more quiet areas of the house, mainly the ones you didn't have any use for and was just kinda sitting there gathering dust, except for a room that Catnap made to be his nesting spot. The room had a bunch of mattresses, blankets, pillows, and other soft plush-like materials he could find, half of them belonging to you, and the other half you don't know where in gods name he got it from. Probably stole it or something.
"hi Catnap." You said to the large purple cat as he looked at you while holding you within his arms. A faint purr came from his throat as his ears flicked, indicating that he acknowledges you.
"Savior. . ." He says. Ever since you saved him from, what would have been an unfortunate accident if you didn't intervene, was his near death encounter with 1006, and while he knows that he'll always be somewhat loyal to the prototype, he'll mostly be loyal to you just like, if more, the prototype.
Later you were wondering around aimlessly tell someone hugged you from behind. When you looked up you saw the blue huggable monster himself, Huggy Waggy. He'd changed since he and the other toys left the factory with you, and like Dogday, he was extremely clingy. It also didn't help that fact that whenever he looked at you he gave you this innocent little face as if saying "love me."
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
Alright, I'm gonna babble a bit on my thoughts and observations with the magnificent CG's we got for the Choi boys' birthday this year 'round! And, boy, what beautiful CG's they are. I acknowledge that some had problems with them, but I honestly couldn't be happier. Both of them made me feel giddy for two days in a row! The artist did a fantastic job, and it's a treat to still get some new content from Cheritz. Now, let's start with Saeyoung!
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God, do I adore the soft, domestic feel of this one. It's peaceful, intimate, and tender in a way that sharing a special moment with the one you love is. I am a sucker for simple domestic moments of romance, so even I admittedly swooned at this one!
Since it's dark outside, we have two options. It's either a small private celebration between you two after he spent the day with his brother and RFA, or you're congratulating him as soon as the clock strikes midnight. I find both options equally sweet and fitting! Either way, you are sharing a small private moment with him, with just you two for a small while. I believe he would be deeply grateful for that.
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It looks like he's gotten himself a place out in the city! Isn't that a lovely thing to see? I do think he'll keep his bunker, whether it's for potential emergencies or just for safekeeping, but I always loved the idea of Saeyoung creating a new home for himself, however that may look like. It is logical for his new apartment to have large windows that are high enough to see the night sky. It's very much Saeyoung. And it's very much Saeran, too! During the day, Saeran enjoys the warm sunlight and vast clouds, while Saeyoung enjoys looking at the stars and teaching you about space at night.
He made sure his new home had windows because his bunker didn't have any. A reminder of his new freedom to live out a peaceful life with his family without needing to look over his shoulder at every step.
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We have some gifts laid out in the background! The interpretation of whether this is from you, Saeran, or RFA is up to you. I like the latter option. It does make you think what kind of gifts would everyone prepare for him! Lots of funny and/or sweet ideas to think about.
There are also lots of frames hung up on the wall and laid out on the shelves. It made me giggle. Because of course, Saeyoung would litter his home with photos of you once he gets the freedom to do so. It's even a bit excessive, but how can you complain? This man was terrified of having evidence of his own existence out in the world for years. Not to mention that he was not allowed to have any reminders of the people he loved, as he was afraid of their safety.
Of course, he will make sure to surround himself with reminders of a brighter future now that he can. Selfies with you, photos of Saeran reading a book or cooking, and outings with the RFA. All such precious moments he doesn't want to take for granted.
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As many have already pointed out, the cake is from Saeran! Ain't that sweet? The first time I noticed it, I glowed with joy because I adore the idea of Saeran making something by hand for his older brother. Saeyoung was always the giver and protector in their relationship, back when they were kids... Now, they can start over with more balance. And Saeran can also take care of his brother. I can't help but think of him spending hours in the kitchen, making sure everything is perfect, and that's just... so damn heartwarming. I love these two and their love for each other. They deserve to be together without fear.
@marshmallowprotection went over the details of the cake very thoroughly in her post, so I won't go over it personally, but, oh my God, of course Saeran would put in small meaningful details into his cake. It's so much like him. From the flowers to cherries and whatever that is written in that envelope. I am certain that Saeyoung will likely shed tears upon reading it. Heck, Saeran can just scribble out a big 'Happy birthday Hyung :)' on there, and it'll make him cry just as much.
Saeyoung is unfamiliar with being taken care of or appreciated. It will take him some time to stop getting emotional over the smallest things when it comes to his family.
Speaking about the CG as a whole, I love how relaxed and tender he looks. It's nothing fancy, just a black shirt and jeans. That's what makes it so soft and domestic for me. It's just you and Saeyoung. In your home. Being together and cherishing each other. And that's better than any grand display.
We get to see more of Saeyoung's arms!!! I always love when they splice up some things that are very much true to canon. While it doesn't make any sense at all to make Yoosung or Saeran muscular jocks, it's very much in line with Saeyoung. It's easy for those arms to lift you up and hold you tight! I also actually like that he's visibly broad in here. I know it's not everyone's interpretation, but it makes him actually look, y'know, older. Even though he'll be 21 forever, it's pleasant to imagine him in his late twenties or early thirties. I know most of my guy friends got very broad in the shoulders once they hit their middle twenties lmao
I also very like MC's dress. It's super cute and comfortable. And that watch on Saeyoung's wrist? Another nice touch. I don't know why, but I always pictured him into watches lol. Mostly because he seems to have a soft spot for anything technical. It's easy to see him being fascinated by the inner workings of different watch models. He's such a nerd (affectionate)
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Look at that giddy smile! He's such a cutie. Love to see him be all happy like that. Also his hair is once again super red. I'm telling you, it changes color depending on his mood. It's my biggest theory in whole MM storyline/j
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Yes. We got an actual official Unknown/MC CG. The fandom exploded. I know I saw it, I know you saw it, we all saw it. Unknown took the fandom by storm, and he knows it. Look at that smirk. I even saw quite a few old MM artists thinking of coming back just because of him lmao
That's the power this man holds.
Alright, my incessant ramblings aside, this CG looks absolutely ethereal. And it's pretty much intentional. Goes in line with Unknown's aesthetic, too. I know we all love to lovingly call him the king of edge that he is, but from what we see of him? He'll probably put you in something similar. He is your guardian angel, after all. The one who will lead you to a true paradise you couldn't even hope to reach by yourself. He is your loving shepherd, and you are his precious lamb.
The placement of Unknown in such a graceful environment makes sense.
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So, Unknown's cake has strawberries AND blueberries on it. No wonder many people instantly remembered the birthday CG from two years ago! It's a nice and interesting comeback. Once again, redirecting you to @marshmallowprotection analysis post for the in-depth on it, because she lays it out beautifully! I'll just say that it's intriguing to note that besides strawberries, blueberries appear to be another confirmed favorite of Saeran's. I know I love my blueberries.
Here's to hoping that this is a fake cake, because if I see food drowning like that, I would riot, no matter how beautiful and enticing Unknown may look 😔 You're eating that cake, mister! You are not wasting it for a pretty aesthetic!! It also begs the question who made the cake in the first place, and Kait puts out a very interesting thought that this is, in fact, a photoshoot. It's also comforting to think that MC was behind it. Just because I'm a sucker for the idea of Unknown getting spoiled for once in his lifetime. He also seemed to be rather yearning in his birthday chats that you can purchase, so it's a sweet thought for me.
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MC is absolutely gorgeous here. I have zero complaints. Unknown is one lucky man, and he knows it. Her skin is perfectly complimented by that shade of pink, and she looks like a nymph or something. I also love how flowy the dress is. You can just tell how soft that fabric is to the touch, and I am on my knees both for this MC and the artist for all their hard work. Also!!! MC has an actual eye visible for once! Always a nice and rare surprise.
The dress is pretty revealing, too, and I couldn't stop giggling once I actually noticed that. What can I say? Unknown knows his tastes, and I sure respect him for that. As I said in another post, her lap is definitely not the only thing he lays his head on, and I am, frankly, jealous of him.
All that to say.... guys. MC is just a stand-in. She doesn't look like 90% of the player base. Heck, I look nothing like this MC! Please don't be discouraged just by how she appears in certain CG's! There are plenty of guys, queer folks and women who look nothing like her, who love and adore Saeran as a character. And you know what? All of you would be loved and appreciated by Saeran. Whatever weight, whatever gender, whatever skin color you are. Your own unique appearance will make you just as ethereal next to him. Because it's you.
Saeran has the same love for you as you have for him. Unknown included!
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Now onto the man himself..... God.... how gorgeous he is...... I know I felt like I was falling in love with him all over again when I saw him, pfft-
Who is Unknown without his belts and chokers? Once again, Unknown knows what he likes, and I respect the hell out of it. You go king!
Need I say that they gave him freaking EARRINGS???? I know I wouldn't be freaking out about that as much, if it wasn't a fan thing for years. And now he gets the earrings we all knew he deserves in canon. Life could be a dream.
He also has a cross. Which is a rather... interesting choice. Once again, @marshmallowprotection goes over it in detail in her post. Another fun personal interpretation I had (bc I love giving a darker vibe to things) is that perhaps this image is taken after Saeyoung got captured by Mint Eye. Unknown takes and wears his brother's cross as a mockery of his brother's faith and as a declaration of his triumph. I must say, though, that's, like.... 99% not what is intended here, and just my personal fun musings.
I also find it both hot and hilarious that Unknown has his shirt open like that. He saw his brother's CG and went: 'oh hell no, I can do better'. He's so extra, and I adore him. I also don't think he's muscular here???? He's not depicted as broad or buff. I think people just misinterpret the art style a bit. He doesn't really have any prominent muscle here, and it looks significantly different to Saeyoung's CG. I think the artist just either didn't have much time to flesh it out (an issue Kait goes in detail over), or they had trouble with depicting what they wanted to depict. Or I'm just talking out of my ass here, and they really did make him jacked, but my eyes will continue to willfully choose to not see that 😔
All that to say, I definitely went feral over this guy showing so much skin, and the desire to BITE is strong with this one.
He'll be on my mind first the rest of the year. What an absolute treat.
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It's so much like Unknown to be all snazzy and cordial with you. I love how they showcased his mannerisms here. It's irrelevant whether you interpret it as cunning or genuinely affectionate here. That smirk is very much Unknown, and we all know it. I wanna smooch his cheeks so bad. Kait also went over the flower analysis in her post, so I highly advice you to check it out!!
In summary, I couldn't be happier with what we got this year. This is everything I ever wanted and more. Will be definitely writing individual pieces for these, because how can I not?
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heartsoji · 1 year
omg hello! since requests are open and all, I want to request kenma, Suna and atsumu and Oikawa with a reader who gets happy over the most childish thinsg
I got a shadow the hedgehog plush backpack from one of my brothers and I was so happy for like a week straight
a/n: THIS IS LITERALLY ME. i still watch disney movies and kids shows bcs they're just so nostalgic and wonderlicious
warnings: suna's is a little ooc but wtv im in a fluffy duffy mood
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suna, atsumu, and oikawa x reader (separate)
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he finds it so cute
he loves how he can give you something like a plushie or a lollipop and you get all happy and smiley
he just loves it. he loves you!
he's addicted to the way your eyes light up and brighten the room when a funny scene comes on in the kids show you're watching
literally anyone could see the way his eyes soften whenever you get all happy over something childish
he just finds it so stinking adorable
but ofc, he also has to tease you about it
its all in good fun, he loves it so much
you giggled happily and twirled around with the cute little plushie that rin had just given you. it was soft and fluffy and warm and had the cutest ears and just made you so happy.
unbeknownst to you, rin was staring at you lovingly with a tender gaze, wondering to himself how he got someone so cute.
you were the light rin needed. when he got down and dark, you were the light that pulled him back up. and he found the fact that you loved stuff like this SO CUTE
contrary to what he was thinking, he smirked and began to tease you about it. "it makes you that happy? what are you, a baby?"
you beamed. "your baby!"
he cringed slightly, but then let out a loving sigh as he curled an arm around you.
"i guess so."
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he loves everything about you, and that includes your love for childish things
whenever you have a cute reaction to something childish, he has to fight the urge to spin you around in a tight hug and pepper your face with kisses and tell you how cute that was
he fails most of the time
he doesn't really think its weird or tease you about it or anything
i firmly believe that atsumu still sleeps with his childhood stuffie, so he thinks its cute that you guys are kinda similar in that aspect
also, hes just a ginormous child, so uh
it was a peaceful sunday afternoon, and you guys were watching bluey together. then, during the magic xylophone episode in the scene where bluey's dad played bluey like a piano and tickled her silly, he paused the show and quickly pounced on you and dug his fingers into your ribs.
"you're MY magic xylophone! ping ping ping! ping ping! pururururuing!" he shouted, kneading and knocking at your ribs
"tsuhuhumu, stahahap!" you giggled trying weakly to fight his hands off
"hmm.. i think that i should get some more practice in, don'tcha think?" he teased, continually prodding at the sensitive area.
you both paused at the little hiccup you gave. it was silent for a moment before atsumu grabbed you and spun you around, laughing as you giggled and "wheee!"'d.
"yer so freakin' cute im gonna die!" he laughed as he peppered your face with kisses.
you giggled as you two settled back down on the couch together, cuddling up with each other and your favorite stuffies.
he sighed contentedly as he leaned his head on you, melting into your warmth as you did the same.
he honestly loved moments where he could be childish without being judged like this with the person he loved most in the world. (he internally apologized to his ma)
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little brat but its ok
he really likes bubbles, as do you
sometimes when its nice out, the two of you will just blow bubbles and just watch in mesmerization
(sometimes in the shower too!)
hes also really into disney
he hid it before, but once he started dating you, one of his favorite at-home date activities is watching disney movies together!
frozen is his fav
he knows all the lyrics to all the frozen songs and sings along everytime
hes your little princess
"LET IT GOOOO" you screeched in his ear. "LET IT GO-O-O, TURN AWAY AND SLAM THE DOOOOR"
"LET THE STORM RAGE OOOOOOOOON" tooru held the high note, his voice cracking a couple times.
"the cold never bothered me anyway" *hairflip*
you two plopped your butts back down on the couch heavily, tired and out of breath from the karaoke session.
"you did really well, princess" he complimented, voice breathy.
"you... you, too." you replied, "princess."
"HEY" he cried, clinging onto you. "i'm your PRINCE, remember?"
you grinned. "i think princess suits you better."
"y/n-chaaaaaaan!" he whined, shaking you, "you're so mean!"
you couldn't help but laugh at his childish antics, hiding your face slightly with your olaf plushie
"i love you."
you stopped short, giving him a curious look.
"you're the one for me."
you simply smiled in return. "as are you for me."
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Korea
I started with Japan because this year it gave me everything I could possibly want. Korea gave me some very nice surprises. Let's go.
The one that had me question if watching it was good for my mental health.
The Eighth Sense
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Much like what I said about Tokyo in April is... it was not a good decision on my part to watch this one live. I related way too much to Jae Won and I wasn't in a specially good place at the time. However, I love it so much. I have rewatched it since then and it's such an incredible journey.
I think they used the time very efficiently and they didn't try to skip too many steps to make it a happy ending. I would be okay without any redemption for those two but on the plus side the other friends were brilliant.
Favourite Moment
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The one that came out of nowhere
Sing My Crush
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This show came out all at once and I had no idea it was coming. But I'm so glad it did. There were I think 4 kbls that came out all at once this year. And with the exception of this one, they were all worse because of it. First of all I fell in love with the song instantly and Han Tae immediately after. He's so cute and in love and it takes him way too long to realise it, but his devotion to Ba Ram is unquestionable from the beginning.
Favourite Moment:
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The one that was a sequel but not really
Love Class 2
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The first couple of episodes I wasn't sure about this one. The first couple of episodes were kinda of confusing, starting with such a dark scene on the roof, and so many different types of relationships to keep track of.
Joo Hyuk was my instant favourite from the beginning. The way he was instantly smitten and committed from the first moment he saw the TA was delightful.
It took me longer to warm up to Min Woo and Maru. But I love their arc. Even the jealousy experiment didn't bother me, Maru needed a push. Much like Lee Hyun said, it was so obvious.
Lee Hyun and Kim An were the last ones to reach me. I think the whole backstory around Kim An muddied the waters a bit and I'm not sure it was necessary to have so much of it, but I did love that when Kim An gave in, he did so with no reservations.
Favourite Moments:
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The one that had me considering moving to a farm
Love Tractor
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Ok. Not really, But look how pretty. Funny story, I actually rewatched part of this show in an orchard not that much different from the one here. I was on holiday in the countryside and just thought it would be incredibly amusing.
Anyway. I love Ye Chan an unreasonable amount. He's so dramatic and so earnest. And honestly if I ever had to move to a place like this I think I would pretty much have the same reaction as Seon Yul. I just want my peace and quiet.
But I really like their dynamic all throughout and considering the time restraints I thought that the development of Yul's feelings was done quite well.
Favourite Moment:
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The other one with Love in the title
Love Mate
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There was absolutely no reason for me to like this show has much as I did. Ha Ram should've bothered me. This whole concept should've annoyed me. The whole separation bit should've made me angry. Why didn't it? I have no clue. But I loved it. I've watched it more than once and love it every time.
Favourite Moment
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The one with coffee and pottery
Unintentional Love Story
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I adore this show. Pick an episode, any episode, I love it. Was it perfect? No. Was the kissing the thing that made it not perfect? Perhaps. I love it nonetheless.
[Confession time. Is there one thing about this show that bothers me no matter how many times I rewatch it? Yes. Is it the kissing? No. Is it something absolutely and stupidly tiny that only I could possibly be that bothered by it? Yes. What is it? " Let me at least do this." It's such a great moment. But why did whoever was in charge of the editing felt the need to show us the scene that we saw 17 minutes before? (it's really 17 minutes and 40 seconds, I checked because I'm nowhere near sane). Did they thing we forgot about it in that time? It lessens the moment and it insults the audience. I hate it an unreasonable amount. ]
There are so many moments in this show that I love. The four mains are amazing, the confession scene by HoTae in the coffee shop floored me, the writing in the sand moment was delightful and the soundtrack is my favourite of the year.
Favourite Moment:
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The one that was perfect
Our Dating Sim
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What's there to say. There's nothing wrong here. They are delightful, I had a great time with the video game format at the end of the episodes, their chemistry was amazing, and Ki Tae is my favourite boy. Also, my second favourite soundtrack this year.
Favourite Moment
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See you next time with Thailand I think.
Thanks for reading💜
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tubbypeddle · 3 months
Hi! I really like your writing, I was wondering how would part 5 characters react to a y/n with an uberman sleep schedule. personally, I only do it during summer.
hii!! thank you so much for the compliment, what!!!! you're so sweet 🫂
also, an uberman sleep schedule!! I had no idea what that was, I had to search it up! how interesting!!
For those who don't know, from what I found, an "uberman sleep schedule" is a form of polyphasic sleep where someone takes multiple 20 minute naps throughout the day, spaced approximately 4 hours apart. (Polyphasic sleep refers to a sleep schedule where you sleep more than twice in a single day)
for now, i'm only going to do the bucci gang, but if you want la Squadra too, just send in another ask! i'll be happy to 🫂 also, I apologize for the wait 😭 I got a little caught up with personal things, I didn't mean to put this off (I actually feel so bad it's not even funny)
(author's note: no smut in this one <33, also for underage characters it isn't exactly an "x reader" like what will be suggested for the canon adult characters, since I don't feel comfortable with that, but I hope you enjoy it anyway)
Giorno Giovanna
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He's a little shocked by how easy you find sleep, and a little envious honestly
Ever since he was a child, he found it hard to fall asleep.
So the fact that you can just lie down for a nap and actually take a nap
He's a little jealous, not that you'll ever know. he's a master at hiding his feelings behind a straight face. Not jealous enough to do anything,
It's amusing to him, to find you in many places around Passione headquarters taking your little naps
sometimes, if he feels comfortable enough with you, he'll leave you little presents while you nap
just small things, like a little frog companion, or a cool rock he found with a note wishing you well
Bruno Bucciarati
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He finds it endearing how strict you are with your schedule, if you're strict with it. You have a timer that you set before you sleep, and you wake up to it, always.
It's a little impressive, honestly
Bruno isn't one to have a very strict sleep schedule like yours is, he can't afford to.
So when you can just do that, it's adorable honestly.
plenty of little catnaps throughout the day
when he has time, you might be able to convince him to join you in a quick nap, though it might be a little difficult. it's hard enough for him to get to sleep at night without a nap in the middle of the day ruining his sleep schedule.
but when he does cave into your request, it's some of the most peaceful sleep he's ever had in his life.
Leone Abbacchio
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he understands the appeal of taking cat naps throughout the day, and if his schedule allows for it, he'd do it too
it's not hard to convince him to take a nap with you, he loves any excuse to shirk work, especially if it's with you (much to Bucciarati's annoyance)
though, taking these naps with you fucks up his actual sleep schedule, so he ends up staying up really late into the night
usually, this would irritate him to no end, but since it's you he's staying up for, he doesn't mind
(especially if it means he gets more naps with you the next day)
Narancia Ghirga
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he might be a little confused about why you sleep so often, though this isn't ill-intentioned
he means well!
he's just...a little confused (when is he not, honestly)
there's so much to do in the day! so much fun to have! why do you sleep so often?
be prepared for when you're sleeping out in the open, though, because he has a bad habit of fiddling with you while you sleep
his language of affection is touch, so he likes fiddling with your hands, or your hair, or even just poking you while you sleep
if you're a light sleeper, it's best to watch out for sleeping around him
he might even draw on your face
Guido Mista
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he's actually pretty chill, pretty laid back, even if he does poke fun at you a little bit for sleeping so often even if he does the same thing
you'll probably find him sleeping around his apartment before he finds you sleeping
and he openly encourages you to slip in beside him if you find him (he's a little stinky though /affectionate)
If he finds you sleeping first, though, he'll probably just slip in next to you (if you've given him the okay ahead of time)
or he'll sit beside you and read a magazine if he isn't sleepy
(he loves and appreciates nap dates and I will die on this hill)
Pannacotta Fugo
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he probably wouldn't have much of an opinion or reaction, so sorry if you were looking for one from him
it's just something that you do, it's none of his business what your sleep schedule is like
the only thing you'd probably get out of him is worry
"why are you sleeping out here? This sofa is awful for your back. Sleep in your room."
Aggressive worrier, definitely
Trish Una
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she probably thinks it's cute
naps are fun, she loves naps, but she won't indulge in them too often
she definitely worries that sleeping too often could ruin her skin (I don't know how it would, but it probably would) so she won't indulge you in a besties nap too often
she will offer to sit with you though, as you nap
she'd probably take it as an excuse to do skin care with you, or a chance to touch up her nails, or even just relax alongside you
I HOPE YOU LIKE WHAT I GOT!! can u tell I didn't know what to write
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
I'm thinking of sweetheart being the mother of task force 141 when laswell isn't there like in the middle of the night when sweetheart is sleeping and just wakes up when she hears the door creaking and looks at the door and sees one of the boys looking like they were crying and they ask if they could cuddle with then because they had a nightmare and sweetheart just coos at them pats the empty spot so they can lay on and sweetheart spoons them making on of the boys feel safe and falls asleep immediately while sweetheart is slowly scratching their head
And then sweetheart falls asleep and when she wakes up of the cod boys are in her room, asleep and she just laughs and gets out of bed and go make some breakfast and coffee or tea for them
Like AHHODHDHEBR like if ghost was the one he would have slight tears in his eyes or konig I know damn well he would be holding a tiger teddy-
Fucking sobbing on the floor for this shit
I AM TOOOOO WTF THIS IS SO ADORABLE 😭😭😭 König holding a tiger teddy that he's had ever since he was a kid is making me ferallLLLLLLAAHHHH
And I'm sorry- all I saw was König and tiger stuffy and now this whole thing is just about him AHAHANA
Brown Palace and Grey Oceans
(Help this got so long-- it always starts off funny and then i try to be an actual writer smh YOU'LL SEE WHAT I MEAN)
(I honestly don't know what König looks like... even the wiki lore isn't saying anything so I kinda just made him up myself 😅 like how everyone does LOL)
Süße Torte = Sweet Pie
Word count: long. (IDK HOW TO DO A WORD COUNT)
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Yk damn WELL König would open her door as quietly as possible and tip toe to her. He would second guess waking her up cause she looks so damn peaceful sleeping. Her eyelashes laying gently on her soft cheeks, the moonlight shining on her brown skin, making her look ethereal. But he needs comfort right now. The nightmare he had, he can't deal with that by himself.
So he would gently shake Sweetheart's shoulder. And she would SO wake up like a parent would: gasping for air, wide eyed and jerking back. He would step back and apologize. He thinks this was a bad idea but Sweetheart stops him.
Sweetheart, wiping her eyes and sleep in her voice: What's wrong hun?
König, holding his tiger to his side: Uhm... I had a bad... very bad dream.
He breathes in deep, tears welling in his eyes.
König, voice shaking: Can I please sleep with you...?
Sweetheart could hear her heart break. Seeing such a unit of a man be dwindled down to this... (I WANNA HUG HIM)
Her eyebrows knit together, sad that he feels this way. She scoots over and pats her bed. König sniffs, hand rubbing his nose under his home hood. (The brown embroidered hood Sweetheart made him for the base)
He squeezes in there, both of them getting situated in her already small bed. Sweetheart has most of the blanket, but König doesn't care. As long as he's with someone. (Sweetheart specifically)
He turns to her body, face now in her bosom. His eyes go wide, and he looks up at her. She smiles warmly at him. Her eyes go to the little tiger teddy he's holding in his hands. She coos at him.
Sweetheart: How long have you had that?
König feels embarrassed. He kinda forgot he even brought it with him, as it's his comfort companion. (His grandma found it in the attic and sent it to him)
He curses as he hides it behind his back, but Sweetheart grabs his arm. She holds the stuffed tiger, a cute tiny smile and round ears with stripes loosely sewn on the fading base. A big black button for the eye, but the other one is missing, it's just an opening. It's missing a tail, and some tears are on the body. A very old stuffed animal, but Sweetheart can tell it's loved.
Sweetheart: it's so cute... what's the name?
She's not judging him. A grown man, standing at a whopping 6'10, owns an old tiger stuffed animal that he has had ever since he was a child. And she's not judging him. Not laughing in his face and kicking him out. She's asking what his name is, with curiosity in her eyes. How is she real?
König, whispering: ....Hobbes.
Sweetheart: Pardon?
König, speaking a bit louder: His name is-- is Hobbes.
Sweetheart, gasps: Like from Calvin and Hobbes?
König, perks up: You know of those comics?
Sweetheart, giggling: Hell yeah! I used to read them constantly when I was younger. I still have them actually at my home! You could read some if you want when I go back.
König, getting excited and feeling better: I would love that, Süße Torte. Thank you.
Sweetheart, smiling and giving Hobbes back to him: No problem. Are you feeling tired?
He nods his head, about to take off his hood but stops himself. He looks at Sweetheart, eyes asking 'Should I take this off? Will you be uncomfortable?' She looks back him. 'The real question is, will You be uncomfortable if you take it off?'
König thinks on this. He looks back at her brown eyes. Her soft, dark eyes. Eyes that suck him every time he looks at them, entering the smoky quartz palace he would stay in forever. Eyes that always make him feel safe, wrapping him in the darkest color of silk. Eyes that hold many stories and love. Sensual, trustworthy eyes. He can trust her.
König: I trust you.
He takes it off and places it on the floor, face bare and open to the world. He could have sworn Sweetheart's eyes sparkled with actual stars when they got wide. His messy, auburn brown hair is swept back. Thick, soft angeled eyebrows nervously twitch under the hard stare from the woman.
And his eyes, oh, his round, gentle eyes. The ones that light up and shine when she looks at them. The grayish green tint reminded her of clear ocean water, wanting to swim in them forever. Eyes that hold many stories and many secrets. Beautiful eyes. He's beautiful to her.
With his crooked and scarred nose, he has broken many times over the years. Pink downturned lips, curtained over with a thin brown beard on a sharp jaw.
König gulps, eyes still focused on hers. They're staring into each other's color, too far gone to come back to reality. Sweetheart breaks it after what it felt like hours. She starts to laugh quietly, making König confused and a bit self-conscious. She looks back up at him.
Sweetheart, scoffing in disbelief: Who would've thought you were so pretty under those hoods...
He can't breathe.
Sweetheart, still shocked: I mean I never would've guessed. You're... wow.
She places her hand on his sharp cheek. Skin on skin. Warmth. He can feel it. Finally.
Sweetheart: You're really beautiful, Y'know that König?
He can't-- this- it's too much. Overwhelming. Her warm hand, the soft awe look in her eye, her scent, her words, her eyes-- it's too much.
He dips into her neck, hiding his face as his hands wrap around her.
König, beet red: Can we please just- go to sleep? My heart... my heart can't take much more of this.
Sweetheart giggles, wrapping her hands on his head.
Sweetheart: of course.
Her long nails scratch the nape of his neck, almost making König purr. He relaxes into her, molding his body against hers, as they finally give themselves to the night.
König woke up on an empty bed. The sunlight poked at his eyes, telling him to start his day. His hand feels the cozy sheets, where Sweetheart's supposed to be. Sweetheart. Where is she?
He rolls over but falls on the floor with a huge thud and a yelp, and her items shudder from his clumsiness. He grabs his hood as he gets up, stretching his sleepy body. How long was he asleep? It felt like a coma. But nonetheless, he feels extremely well rested, with Sweetheart in his arms and Hobbes-- wait a minute...
Where's Hobbes?
His heart rate picks up as he speeds walk out of her room. Are the others awake? Is she showing them? Making fun of him? No, no please no.
He gets out of his head when he Sweetheart in the living area alone, repairing Hobbes. She hums as she works with a smile, bonnet still on her head, wearing a big sweater and leggings with her legs crossed. She ticks up and sees König.
Sweetheart, waving at him: Good morning, baby! How'd ya sleep?
Baby. She called him baby.
König stumbles back a bit. He shakes his head and clears his throat, an overwhelming feeling replacing the over-thinking.
König: yeah. I mean- fine! Good. Wonderful. I slept wonderfully. It was... I needed that. Thank you.
Sweetheart, chuckling: Of course! By the way, there's coffee and some eggs I made you in the kitchen. If you want it.
König, feeling his heart melt: Oh, thank you Süße Torte. I appreciate it.
She nods her head, continuing back to repairing Hobbes with her needle and thread. König relishes this feeling. The feeling of them being the only ones awake, the feeling of having breakfast made, the feeling of enjoying one's presence. It felt right. It felt domesticated. It felt...
Like they were together. In a relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Husband and wife.
He shakes his head, almost spilling the sugar he was pouring for his coffee. He looks back at Sweetheart, still in her own world, being her. Being perfect.
Boyfriend and girlfriend. He scoffs, mixing his coffee. Please, that will never happen.
You're really beautiful, y'know that König?
He stops.
You're... wow.
His heart beating fast yet sinking at the same time. A small sick feeling in his stomach but butterflies in his chest. He collects his eggs and coffee and places it on the table before heading to Sweetheart on the couch. He sits across from her, watching her working hands, nimble and caring to Hobbes' tears. She sees him and smiles, showing her work.
Sweetheart: Look! I'm almost done sewing up his little scars. I also fixed his eye and tightened his ears and limbs! I need to wash and refill him, though.
She went on and on, rambling on what to do for Hobbes. König smiles. He hasn't done that in so long. He takes off his hood and places his hand on her knee. Their eyes meet, hers sparkling again from seeing his face.
König, sincerely smiling: I thank you for all that you have done for me. In just a short time... I feel like I found myself again.
Sweetheart beams. She's so glad she could help him out. Seeing König in that state last night makes her heart feel heavy, but none of that. He's happy. He's relaxed. He's grateful.
Her hand rests on top of his, and he moves his into hers, Sweetheart's now perched atop of his. The sun smiles on their eyes, their different colored crystals gleam bright.
Sweetheart: You're welcome.
They stayed like that, enjoying each other's company until they were sucked in.
Her Brown Palace and His Grey Oceans.
Lil Bonus.!
Sweetheart: Have you noticed that Hobbes doesn't have a tail?
König, snickering: Yes, I know. When I was little, Krueger would fight me over Hobbes. And one day, he pulled on it so hard that he ripped off the tail. I cried for days.
Sweetheart, getting up: Imma choke him out.
König: Sweetheart no that was years ago!
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Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Thank ya for reading ♡🙏
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hey-kae · 2 years
Hi! I absolutely love your works✨✨ and I would like to ask you for an OS angst 😢 where Charles and reader end the relationship because of hate and comments on social media. I don't know whether to end with a happy or sad ending, that's your choice 🥰.
Hate and Love
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: the chaos that was japan, slight implication about Charles thinking of Jules’ accident, panic attack, talk of weight and body image, needs more proofreading.
a/n: i don’t think i’m that good with the whole hate trope as i struggle to write it without feeling like it’s turning out cringey, what explains how long this took me to write and i’m still not satisfied with it. But it’s yours to judge now ig…
When you've been swinging a hammer repeatedly over a frail sheet of glass, it's it going to shatter it. There is no way around that fact.
When you keep throwing insults at a human being, you're going to break them.
Whether these things are your intentions or not doesn't change the outcome.
Rarely do we ever see any exceptions for clear and particular reasons. Everything has a reaction or consequence that is to some degree, inescapable.
The crack in the glass made itself loud and clear on the weekend of the Japanese Grand Prix.
Excited about having some time off that would allow you to support Charles on the double header of Singapore and Japan and getting to see such beautiful and unique places, you had decided to accompany him on his two week trip, not wanting to waste any opportunity to spend highly valuable time with him.
The Singapore Grand Prix went okay and by the end of the weekend, the bags were packed and you headed to the airport with Charles.
On the lengthy flight, Charles fell asleep with his head resting on your shoulder, and it honestly didn't matter how long the two of you had been dating, long enough that you had a sparkling ring sitting on your finger, the sight of that and the feel of his soft brown hair tickling your neck and cheek quickly caused your heart to race. If anything, that was just another proof of how much this man meant to you, how much you devotedly loved him.
Wanting to secure the memory in your head and into existence, you fished your phone out of your bag without moving much so you wouldn't disturb him, and you quickly snapped a selfie that showed half your face, mainly focusing at the much cherished sight of your asleep fiance.
The picture was adorable. Charles looked so cozy and at peace.
You were smiling at your phone screen, debating whether or not you should share such a harmless picture with the world.
There lies the conflict.
If any of your social media accounts had been somewhat "normal", you would've posted it without any second thoughts like you'd done with previous boyfriends you had. Sharing occasional pictures of your relationship for your friends and family to see was something that should've felt natural, and it did feel like that in the past.
Then, Charles came along.
He was somewhat of a celebrity.
You knew that since the very first time you hung out with him. If anything, that was the only thing about him that made you reluctant about getting into a relationship with him. People's huge interest in him would inevitably transfer to his partner.
As you had expected, dating Charles reformed your understanding of social media. It was no longer a source of entertainment but a business place, a space for profit and advertising and never in your life have you wanted that to be the way you used social platforms.
Suddenly, everyone was so interested in your everyday life to the point where there was accounts literally dedicated to finding out where you bought each outfit from and while it was funny for a while, you were quick to realize that the whole influencer lifestyle was in no way your cup of tea.
It didn't help that anytime you shared anything that had merely any connection to Charles, your DMs flooded with message requests and your notifications got crowded with replies and comments. One night, out of sheer boredom while Charles snored beside you in bed, you went through some messages. From that point on, there was no return route, and it sure didn't help that the engagement shone a brighter light on your relationship and how serious it was, causing the hate to double.
While some of the messages were overwhelmingly sweet, some were also overwhelmingly cruel and inconsiderate.
You promised yourself that you wouldn't let these things affect you nor the beautiful and genuine connection you had with Charles, that you wouldn't even check the messages and comments again in the first place.
But as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.
It turned into a repeated pattern, a compulsion you couldn't get rid of.
Therefore, you continued staring at the picture, you thumb hovering over the share button until Charles startled you.
"Tout va bien, bébé?" Everything's okay, baby?
You locked your phone and let it fall onto your lap before assuring him that everything was okay.
"Oui, cheri. Tout est bien." Yes, darling. Everything is okay. You smiled, wrapping one arm around him and allowing your head to rest on his, your eyes closing as you attempted to push out all the negative things and remarks, redirecting your focus onto the man by your side.
That position didn't hit the minute mark since Charles moved so he was sat a bit more upright and pulled you close to him so your head rested on his chest, his arm around your back while he looked down at you through half opened eyes.
"Tu sais bien que tu peux me dire n'importe quoi, n'est ce pas?" You know that you can tell me anything, right? He reassured, sensing that something about the way you were behaving was not quite right.
"Oui, je sais cela. I promise you, there's nothing worth mentioning." Yeah, i know that... You replied and tilted your head up to press a quick kiss onto his cheek.
With that, he let the subject go, ignoring the instinctive feeling in his chest telling him to make sure that everything was alright but he had no concrete proof that anything was going wrong so he forced himself to push the suspicions to the back of him mind.
That was supposed to be the end of that issue. You promised yourself to actually act normally and not allow stupid comments and remarks to taint your relationship with Charles.
It said a lot that you were engaged to Charles. You literally wanted to marry him, you saw your future with him and at this point, you couldn't really imagine a life without him by your side so you found it unreasonable and just plain idiotic to allow strangers who lived cities and countries away to interfere between him and you.
However, as the weekend processed and pictures of you with Charles popped up on the internet, that last thought seemed to be morphing. All you wanted was an escape, a break from the judgmental critics and the suspicious fans overanalyzing every move and post you made. With every passing hour, you were reminded why you rarely ever showed your relationship with Charles publicly and openly.
People knew you existed and they knew that you and Charles were engaged but when they aren't reminded of that, they tend to ease up a little bit on you. Therefore, it goes without saying that the opposite had been happening during those two weeks.
After qualifying, having watched the session from the pit box since Charles asked you to, you posted a quick shot of him as he was being photographed with Max and Carlos. You hadn't thought the post through, just supporting for your fiancé and wanting to share that openly. But as you laid sleepless in bed, the jet lag getting to you after Charles passed out of exhaustion, you realized that was a mistake.
Your DMs were flooded with messages, some positive and some negative but it seemed like you couldn't bring yourself to focus on the love you were getting, not when the opposing words were so cruel, hitting quite close to home.
People were going on and on about how you were like Charles' shadow. To them, it looked like you wouldn't let him breathe, that you followed him everywhere and limited his freedom.
Apparently, you were insecure about the relationship and you were essentially following him across the planet not to support him, but to supervise his actions, as if you would've agreed to marry a man you didn't trust.
Not only were they speculating about the relationship, the comments about your body were downright disturbing under some of the photos captured when you were spotted around the paddock. There were pictures of you eating and the comments under them were disgusting. Even the compliments were worded so crudely that it made your skin crawl as you read through them.
But what hurt the most is people saying you weren't enough, that you weren't worthy of dating someone like Charles, that you were forcing him to commit, that you were using him for fame when in reality, you hated every bit of unnecessary attention you got through dating him.
Everyone was preaching about the way he could do so much better, posting pictures of his exes and comparing your looks to theirs.
Looking through these messages and comments was overwhelming, even suffocating to a certain extent but for some reason, you couldn't put the phone down.
Does she have to always be there?!
Is it just me or is she gaining weight?
I wish Charles would wake up and see why she's really dating him
It's giving... attention seeker
ngl his ex was prettier and they were a cuter couple
The remarks went on and on and you lost yourself in the masses of words that night, forgetting where you were, forgetting that Charles was asleep right beside you, forgetting how much he loves you and how he always went out of his way to remind you of that. Your thoughts were hypnotized by strangers online and you couldn't think of anything else other than what you were reading, not even the words that made you cry when Charles had said them to you the night he went from being your boyfriend to being your fiancé.
You didn't even realize you were crying but the hot tears dropped onto your pajama pants when you sat up in a hurry, gasping for air.
You couldn't breathe properly, your lungs felt like they were collapsing, your hands were freezing and shaking out of control until the words on the screen of your phone and the pictures of Charles hugging you after qualifying turned into a streaky blur of colors that you couldn't even comprehend.
You needed a quick escape, some fresh air but you felt stranded, in a unfamiliar country where you had no idea about where you could go.
Suddenly, you were too aware of the sheets covering your body and even that felt too heavy to be bearable.
With wobbling legs, you pushed off the covers and stumbled onto your feet, even in this state making sure that Charles was still covered.
Nothing felt alright.
You felt like you were loosing it and instead of considering waking Charles up, you thanked god he was in deep slumber.
Tunnel vision took over, making the room darker and smaller than it already was. Your heart felt heavy in your chest. You could hear the rush of blood in your ears. Your body was tingling like if was going numb. Your throat felt dry and tight. Your tears were streaming out of control. You were was having chills all over as you broke out in a cold sweat. The loud noise from the street by the hotel felt so distant but somehow, the sound of Charles breathing was deafeningly loud.
You felt like you were loosing control.
With absolutely no clue of how you made it out of the bedroom, you burst through the balcony door, longing for a fresh breeze, the chilly night air feeling like it was waking up every nerve in your body.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." you kept mumbling as you allowed yourself to fall into the floor, hugging your knees to your chest as you finally broke into sobs instead of the panicked, silent cries.
You were never confident growing up, always the calm sister, the shy cousin but really, you were insecure. For years, you worked on yourself until you finally got yourself to participate in social settings, to meet new people. Hell, it took years until you stopped reaching for a pillow to put in your lap every time you sat down, until you could walk in public without crossing your arms in front of you, until you found it in yourself to wear anything you wanted, until you could laugh without covering your mouth.
Therefore, it was undeniable that when you were met with such remarks, every past wound was reopened, and to be fair, the energy it took for you to build yourself into a confident woman was one you didn't have at the moment. You couldn't afford to go down that rabbit hole again. Once in your life was already too much.
You looked out onto the bright city lights, one striking thought now torturing your mind.
Charles in your life meant curious eyes and endless criticism. There is no way around that unless he hid you from the world for evermore, and you weren't naïve enough to believe that would be possible, not if you wanted to marry him proudly and have your own little family with him.
That's when your heart broke and the sobs got ten times worse while your opposite hand wrapped around the diamond ring on your finger.
The man asleep a few feet away from you was everything you'd ever wished for.
He was the prince charming that you dreamt of finding back when you were a toddler watching princess movies, beaming over happy endings and escaping on a white horse. Charles was the one who satisfied that little girl's dreams during adult days that felt endless and hopeless and so painfully dull.
Middle school you who described the man she'd marry years down the road in excessive details in her diary would be in disbelief to see Charles exceeding all the impossibly high expectations she set, even after she ditched them when she was forced to face the real world.
He was perfect and you loved him beyond words, more than you ever thought was possible and you were just so ready to have it that way until forever and a day, until you grew old with his hand in yours.
Countless times, you imagined your wedding, the days after it, the look on Charles' face. You imagined having kids with him, watching him become a father and being the amazing dad you knew for sure he would be, holding the children you'd have and teaching them how to do anything and everything, maybe even how to race. Every detail that you were so sure would become true at some point had passed through your mind so many times, sending your kids to school, watching them grow up with the love of your life right by your side for it all, sharing every moment, milestone and event with Charles, happy or sad.
You wanted everything with him, the good and the bad.
But then, the image of the teenager you once were, stood timidly in front of the mirror, hating what she saw took over. You remembered when you didn't have the confidence to even present a project in school, when every little critic tore you apart and broke you to pieces.
The future was pushed right out of your mind as you let the past take over, dread washing over you like frozen water as you realized just how easily this situation you were in could drive you back to your old ways.
As the memory of crying your nights away and fearing the days came resurfaced, the face of younger you, so hopeful and full of life flashed in your mind and that was when you realized you couldn't fail her, no matter how flawless your relationship with Charles was, it was still breaking you.
As you came to the realization, the cries became too loud and even from your spot on the balcony, you were afraid to wake Charles up. You clasped your hand over your mouth, muffling the sobs and gasps, your eyes screwing shut as you struggled to catch your breath, the tears falling out of your eyes heavy and uncontrollable.
You couldn't afford waking him up right now, facing his gentle looks and caring words but No matter how quiet you attempted to be, it didn't work.
"Cherie," Charles' worried toned startled you, making you fumble to wipe away the tears, "what is happening?" He asked, crouching down in front of you immediately.
His hair was ruffled and messy. He was barefoot and was messily but warmly dressed for bed. His eyes were hazy with sleep and barely opened while his hands grabbed yours to pull them away from your face.
He was a bit too caring and it made everything hurt so much more.
Through your burning eyes and clouded vision, you glanced up at him adoringly while your heart shattered into a million tiny shards.
"I love you so much, Charlie." You sobbed, reaching over and hugging him as tight as you could.
Instantly, his hands were rubbing up and down your back, trying so desperately to comfort you, but he had no clue what was going on and he was too sleepy not to be confused.
"I love you so much as well." He kissed the top of your head, "mais tu veux me dire qu'est-ce qui se passe, mon amour?" but you wanna tell me what’s happening? He asked with the softest voice, taking advantage of the way your arms were wrapped around his neck to slip his hands under you and carry you back inside to the comfortable bed where he could hold you properly.
Once he had you wrapped in a cozy hug on the mattress, he got you to look at him and his heart plummeted at the sight of your swollen eyes.
"Oh, baby." He cooed, wiping the last of your tears off your cheeks with his thumbs, "What happened?"
You felt like you could crumble under his worried looks, immensely dreading tomorrow as your eyes looked with his.
"I don't know." You attempted to push out a chuckle but Charles knew you too much.
He got you to lay your head on his chest and began brushing his fingers through your hair, thinking about what could be the reason you were crying that hard.
"Honnêtement? Je n'te crois pas. You were crying so hard, bébé..." Honestly? I don’t believe you. You were crying so hard, baby…
The heavy concern lacing his still hoarse voice was too much and you could've lied to him, came up with an excuse for the breakdown you had but you couldn't do that, not to someone you loved so much.
"I just - i don't know, cheri. Je n'veux pas en parler maintenant." I don’t want to talk about it right now. You felt Charles nod. He knew he couldn't force you to talk about something you didn't want to discuss but he wasn't gonna be at ease, not knowing why you were so upset, not able to help you through it.
"D'accord..." Okay. he said, closing his tired eyes, "Demain après la course donc?" Tomorrow after the race then?
"Ouais. Demain." Your heart ached at that. Yeah, tomorrow.
With that last promise to discuss the issue tomorrow, Charles allowed himself to relax for now, hugging you close but making sure he wouldn't be falling asleep before you.
Meanwhile your mind raced with thoughts of your plans. You couldn't help but fear that Charles would think you don't love him anymore after he would find out what you did.
"Charles..." you waited for him to look at you, "Tu sais bien que je ne mens jamais quand je te dis que je t'aimerais jusqu'à mon dernier souffle, n'est-ce pas? Promets-moi de ne jamais oublier cela” You know that i will love you until my last breath, right? Promise me to never forget that.
"Alright, baby... I don't like the sound of that. Why are you saying it like this?" He lifted his head off the pillow to look at you, his hand stilling in your hair as he tried understanding what you meant by that, especially when you were crying minutes ago, when your body was still shaking against his.
"Please tell me what's going on." He asked again, the worry and dread in his chest increasing with every word you said.
"There's really nothing going on. I just want to remind you of how much i love you." You said with a sniffle, your eyes clouding again with tears that were threatening to spill again.
"I really don't believe you, not when i'm not understanding anything at all." He sat up a bit, unable to shake the uneasy feeling he had now.
"Charles, please. On a dit qu'on en  parlera plus tard et tu dois vraiment dormir car il est deja très tard et tu dois te réveiller tôt demain matin. S'il te plait, laisse ça tomber au moment." We said we’ll talk about it later and you really need to sleep because it’s already so late and you have to wake up early tomorrow. Please, let it go right now.
Sighing, he reached for the bedside lamp and turned it off, clearly not happy about this situation and making that clear to you by turning the other way and pulling the sheets right up to his neck.
You couldn't help but bite the inside of your cheek at that, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes.
"Charlie, please don't be upset. Je t'aime." I love you. You rolled onto your side, facing his back, hiding your face against it and hugging his waist as the tears started falling again.
“Bonne nuit.” Good night. He mumbled as a reply but you never let go of him, no matter how many minutes had passed.
You listened to the sound you were most grateful for, the soft thud of his heartbeat, letting it cut you deeper and harder because you were so hell bent on the fact that you deserved this pain, and once you thought he had went back to sleep, you allowed the quiet sobs and sniffles out, holding on tighter to the man you loved so deeply.
But Charles was everything but asleep. He felt your arms tighten around his waist, felt your hands clutching onto him for dear life. He heard you crying and laid there for a while, going over the past day in his head a hundred different times, desperately trying to understand what had unworldly upset you and crushed you this bad until his heart started feeling heavy with every sob that met his ears and at that point, he no longer felt like insisting on finding out what had happened. He just wanted to comfort you.
He sighed heavily and turned to face you, immediately bringing you to hide in his chest and between his sheltering arms, his hand on the back of your head securing you into this position that he knew you found so comforting.
The gesture only made you cry harder, this time the sounds muffled by having Charles so close.
"Shh, bébé." He kissed the top of your head while his heart felt like it was being torn apart, "I've got you, mon amour. Calm down."
That night you fell asleep for one singular reason and that way your eyes burning beyond comprehension, forcing you into slumber. Once your tensed body relaxed in Charles hold, he realized that you just exhausted yourself into sleep and that fact alone brought him so close to crying himself. However, he wasn't an idiot. He was well aware he shouldn't be staying up any longer, that he couldn't risk not being able to drive at a 100% in the conditions expected for the race, so he allowed his eyes to fall shut while making sure he had you held as close as possible.
When you woke up next morning, you were alone in bed and as soon as you checked your phone for the Japanese time, you realized why. The race was starting in less than two hours and you were still asleep.
With a worrying scowl on your face, you got up and headed for the bathroom, still trying to make sense of why Charles hadn't woken you up earlier. In the mirror over the sink, there was an unpleasant reminder of yesterday night: swollen under-eyes as your reflection's most prominent feature and even you couldn't help but to stare as you brushed your teeth.
Once done with that, you went back into the bedroom and found a note taped onto the closet door.
I didn't have the heart to wake you up cause you looked so tired but there is a key to a rental by your purse if you still want to go to the race. (I texted you a picture of which car it is.)
Je t'aime fort.
Without a second thought, you pulled on a pair of loose jeans, a cozy sweatshirt that belonged to charles and some shoes, grabbed an additional jacket, your purse and pass along with the keys Charles left you, applied some makeup to hide your swollen eyes and headed for the track, knowing that you weren't selfish enough to not even show your face at such an emotionally charged race for Charles.
It was pouring as you drove to the circuit so you put on your jacket, pulled the hood on and made a run for Charles' garage, hoping you'll catch him before he has to line up on the grid and you did but just barely.
As soon as he saw you coming up to him, his face brightened and he smiled. However, his eyes scanned over you as if to make sure you were alright.
"Good luck!" You attempted an enthusiastic tone after he had greeted you with a quick peck.
"Thank you. Tout vas mieux aujourd'hui?" Is everything going better today?
You nodded and dodged any further questions until he was luckily called over to the car and just like that, he was out of the garage, waving at you as he slipped into the cockpit and moved out into the pit lane.
You slacked in a chair then, feeling so guilty for even having the thought of leaving him, so guilty for putting yourself first. All you could think of was how you never in your life bothered prioritizing yourself and why did you have to start doing that now? When it came down to Charles and your relationship with him? But then another voice that seemed to come from a totally different side of your brain would remind you that it was either losing Charles or losing yourself again and forcing yourself into endless years of repairs and reconstruction.
Needless to say, by the start of the formation lap, your felt like you were loosing your mind as one thought contradicted the other, the scary conditions of the track adding another element to go crazy over with worry and before you knew it, chaos ensued and the race was red flagged when Carlos crashed and the recovery vehicle was employed while the cars were still on track and if you knew anything, it was that it would be disturbing for Charles to see that, especially when it was one of his friends, Pierre who was in the most danger.
You stayed in your chair as the cars made their way back in and watched Charles talking to the pit wall crew across from the garage where you were. He looked so visibly shaken up and you couldn't look at him and his tense posture for longer than that without backing out on your plan.
You turned away, grabbed your phone and booked a plane ticket home so there was no way out of this. However, that only increased the guilt you were feeling as Charles finished talking to Laurent and made his way to you, instantly giving you a kiss before reaching for his red Ferrari coat and shrugging it on to warm himself up.
If he didn't look visibly upset and worried and if you didn't feel like you were betraying him, you would've been obsessing over how adorable he looked with his hands tucked deep into his pockets as he took a seat by your side.
Suddenly, for the first time in years, you were fumbling for words around Charles but you saw him in staring into the distance before he heavily sighed and dropped his head back.
Everything was so close to collapsing, both on your side and his. Maybe you could rethink your decision.
"Bébé..." you turned sideways in your chair and faced him, "are you okay?" You asked and grabbed his hand in both yours.
"Yes, don't worry. Are you feeling better today?"
Only Charles would be more concerned about you when just minutes ago, his life and the life of multiple of his friends were literally on the line.
"Please, they're already going to make me talk about everything in the media pen and i really don't want to do it twice." He rubbed his eyes angrily as he spoke, moving his hand between yours to intertwine your fingers.
Maybe you shouldn't leave. Not today at least.
You nodded and sat by his side in silence, watching your hands in your lap, his fingers toying with the ring on yours in a way you would've presumed absentminded but Charles found it incredibly comforting.
Eventually, after texting with the other drivers for a long time, all of them furious about the truck incident, he moved his chair closer and rested his head on your shoulder, allowing the two of you to chat quietly about almost anything that didn't involve racing: the food from the restaurant you went to in Tokyo, the old couple you saw yesterday when you went for a walk in the early morning, the wallpaper on your phone, paddock gossip... Anything to distract him for the current situation and the catastrophe that was this Grand Prix since you had a relatively clear idea of what he would be thinking at the moment.
"Cute hoodie, by the way." He smiled half-heartedly.
"It's cold and i don't have anything warm enough with me." You were quick to defend.
"I didn't say i mind it. Au contraire, je l'adore quand tu t'habille de mes vêtements." On the contrary, i adore it when you wear my clothes.
You couldn't even believe you were still considering leaving just a few minutes ago. How could you ever let go of this?
"Okay, okay. Don't get all cheesy now." You blushed, holding onto his hand tighter while you attempted to get a clear view of him.
He let out a small chuckle and brought your hand up to his mouth to press a kiss onto your knuckles.
"Merci." He smiled, "I know what you're doing and I'm so grateful."
You struggled to reply because of course he'd figure this out, so you settled for something simple, "Je t'aime, Charlie." You said and kissed his forehead mindlessly.
And it was like the universe hated you because right that instant, a big camera was directed right at you and Charles, capturing the moment at the perfect time and probably showing it on live TV.
It would be an understatement to say you immediately feared the outcome because you knew that a lot of people would find some ulterior motive other than comforting your stressed fiancé behind the gesture.
You still tried hard to act unfazed like Charles was but you remained highly uncomfortable until the lens moved in the other direction, filming the pit wall.
Somehow, through the seemingly endless red flag, you managed to forget that ever happened until Charles fixed up his suit and retrieved his helmet ages later, returning to his car as they announced the resumption of the session in ten minutes.
"Good luck once again." You smiled at him and watched him head out, back into the car and onto the track.
When Charles disappeared out of sight, you grabbed your phone and found endless notifications on the screen, reminding you of being filmed.
You couldn't help the heavy dread in your chest as you unlocked the device and clicked on the twitter icon.
You knew you couldn't allow yourself to have a breakdown in the middle of the garage with so many people who were well aware who you were surrounding you but you couldn't resist clicking on the notifications tab, gulping as you started reading through them.
It was the usual: the comments like "oh my god, they're adorable" and "at least she's there to comfort him" versus the opposing ones like "she's doing anything to appear on the stream", as if a kiss on the forehead was such an eccentric things to go.
Line after line, you read them and allowed them to build up in your mind until your breathing became irregular like yesterday.
You made a run for it.
You grabbed your things in a hurry, still trying not to attract unnecessary attention and hurried to the car.
You couldn't do this. You wouldn't survive staying in the spotlight that came with dating one of the most famous f1 drivers currently. You wouldn't make it out alive if you stayed with Charles and even though you felt so selfish as you turned the car on, you kept telling yourself that if there was any reasonable time to be selfish, it was now.
The drive back to the hotel passed in a teary, breathless haze as your mind carried your body on autopilot.
Before you could even register that you arrived to the room, you were packing up your bag and frantically searching the room for any pen and paper until you found one with the name of the hotel plastered all over it.
You only realized you were crying when the tear splattered onto the paper, distorting the ink as you shakily wrote.
Charlie, je suis infiniment désolée mais je ne peux plus faire ça. Ce mode de vie est quelque chose dont je ne pourrai jamais supporter.
Prends toujours soin de toi-même. I am so sorry.
Charlie, I'm very sorry but I can't do that anymore. This way of life is something I will never be able to bear.
Always take care of yourself. I am so sorry.
It felt like you were ripping away a part of you when your fingers wrapped around the engagement ring and you began sliding it off. It was physically painful to let go of everything so quickly but it felt like there was no escaping this.
Your eyes forcefully shut and sobs shook your body once the ring was in the palm of your hand instead of on your finger. You looked down at it, the diamond glistening brighter through your blurry, teary gaze. With your breath caught in your throat, you let it fall onto the paper on the nightstand then you were struggling to inhale at all, but you managed to call a taxi and rush down to the lobby with your suitcase and a heavy heart that was burdening you, avoiding at all costs allowing your mind to imagine how Charles would react to your unexplained and unexpected absence, let alone the break up in form of a paper with tear-streaked ink scarring it.
You just flew to your home country, not even to the apartment you shared with Charles in Monaco, leaving everything behind.
Such a short race shouldn't have felt so long but it seemed never ending as the gap to P1 grew with every lap, the tyres working completely against all the effort Charles was putting in.
Before he even knew it, the Redbull behind him was threateningly close and he was cussing out the whole world. He defended his position with everything he got, the only thing on his mind is finishing the race and falling into the comfort of his fiancée's arms but with all the stress that weighed down on his shoulders, the pressure of such defense caused him to exit the track and he knew he'd have to face complications because of that.
Getting dropped from P2 to P3 by a 5 seconds penalty felt like being dropped from P1 to P20, especially after all the effort he put in on track to keep the position but he took it without complaints and walked into the cool down room, already feeling like he was ready to collapse in bed.
He felt heavy and exhausted. He just wished he could skip the podium celebration and the interviews and just go find you but he knew that was impossible so he straightened up and put the brave, undefeated face back on.
On podium, his eyes scanned the crowd many times, trying so desperately to find the face that brought him comfort but to no avail. His shoulders slacked a bit lower as he realized you weren't watching the celebration and he was already making excuses for you as the national anthems played.
Eventually, he was handed a trophy and even though it was rather small, lifting it above his head took so much effort. He was so done with everything and just wanted to escape to you and hug you so tight. No one was ever able to cheer him up like you did and he was so grateful for that, for you and for the fact that he would be calling you his wife someday.
Forcing himself to stay aware of where he was for a few more minutes, he popped the bottle of champagne open and sprayed Max, congratulated him on the championship and eagerly got the hell out.
He rejoined his team, immediately asking about you but no where had a single idea where you were. Then, he was dragged out into the media pen where he rushed through all the questions, eventually resuming the search for you as soon as he was free to go. He checked both Ferrari garages, the team hospitality and finally his motorhome but you were nowhere to be found.
He started worrying, the state you were in yesterday adding to the situation.
He changed out of the suit, put on a jacket, grabbed his things and got going, his phone ringing against his ear as he attempted calling you while he was searching for Pierre to quickly check up on him before leaving. The phone kept ringing until he was met with beeping followed by your voicemail.
"Where are you, chérie? You're worrying me." He said and stuffed his phone in his pocket as he caught sight of his french friend.
Half an hour later, Charles was in the elevator in the hotel, going up to the floor the two of you were staying at, his heart beating fast with pure worry since he already called you many times on his way back and not once did you pick up.
He dragged himself through the hallway and unlocked the door in a hurry, immediately calling your name once he stepped into the suite.
Once, twice, three times... Nothing. Not a single sound in the room.
He walked further inside, expecting to see you overtaken by sleep on the bed but it was neatly made and the room looked clean and spotless.
That's when he panicked.
The room looked too clean.
The vanity facing the bed had absolutely nothing on it. Just this morning, it had your bag, your makeup remover, your jewelry box and a bottle of your perfume. It was completely clear now, and it could've been that you just put these things away but your suitcase had also been sitting on the floor next to it along with the spare pair of shoes you brought with you and those were gone too. Even your phone's charger was gone from the outlet above your nightstand.
The words you had said to him yesterday resurfaced in his mind, the fact that you were asking him to promise you he'd never forget you love him now seemingly bone-chilling.
What was going on? He kept asking himself because there was no way what he was assuming would be true.
He turned on his heels and began searching the other part of the suite, from the kitchenette to the small balcony to the bathroom, even checking behind the frosted glass of the shower.
Nothing. You weren't there and nor were your things.
"Non. Non, ça peut pas être." No. No, it can't be. He started mumbling to himself as he rushed around the rooms, retrieving his phone and calling you in a hurry now, as if that would make you pick up.
"Tu peux pas me faire ça. Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Où est tu? S'il te plais, répond au téléphone." You can't do that to me. What’s going on? Where are you? Please answer the phone. He said into your voicemail and tossed his phone onto the couch, heading back to the bedroom.
Maybe he was misinterpreting this. Maybe you just put your suitcase in the closet provided. Maybe you put your things in drawers. Maybe you left the race because you were tired.
So many maybes and what ifs clouded his thoughts as he pulled the closet opened, only to be deceived but the dull and blank wooden shelves.
"Putain." Fuck. He cursed and moved onto the drawers, not even closing the closet doors.
One after one, he yanked them open and every single drawer was empty, even the ones of the nightstand on the side where you'd been sleeping, leaving him with only the one on his side of the bed.
He rolled on the mattress in a hurry but froze in his sitting position as his eyes met a sight he never wanted to see, a sight he never thought he'd see.
It felt like he forgot how to breathe, like his heart was irregularly beating, skipping beats left and right as his eyes widened so much, they started burning.
"Non..." he shocked, gulping as he tried to make sense and of everything, "Why? What the fuck? Why?" He bolted to his feet, pacing by the bed with his hand against his mouth in pure shock. His mind was a mess of thoughts and feelings and words but most importantly questions.
He thought things between the two of you were as perfect as they could get so why was he staring at your ring sitting abandoned on the nightstand? He couldn't make sense of it. He kept asking himself why.
His heart shattered because it finally made sense how you were speaking to him yesterday night. You had planned this and still went to the race, sat by his side and comforted him when all he could think of was the potential tragedy that was the first few laps.
Nothing made sense. If you love him as much as you said yesterday, why did you leave him? Why did you bother with the grand prix? Why did you wear his sweatshirt?
Charles eventually froze in his spot but he could see a paper under the shiny band and he wanted to grab it. However, it felt like his arms had went limp and he suddenly couldn't move, his eyes still scarily widened, still trying so hard to wrap his head around what has happened today.
He was just so eager to come back to you after such a stressful race, after it became official that he lost the championship. He needed you right now that if felt like the world was closing in on him, but he came back to this, to a breakup through a paper, not even face to face.
Cursing again, he grabbed the paper and the ring and read the streaked ink scribbled clearly in a hurry.
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A hundred times, he read and reread the words, until his tears joined the marks of yours on the paper, and not once did they sink in.
You gave up on the relationship that easily? He couldn't bear the mere thought of you leaving him and now he had to face that as his reality? Without any clear explanation or a proper end and all because of the lifestyle that came with dating him? How were you planning to marry him if that was the case?
He fell back onto the mattress, his hands over his face as he tried so hard not to break after such a bad day but the tears defied him and streamed down the sides of his face in a rush.
It felt like a mockery that when he received the penalty, he thought the weekend had no way of getting worse. He had the comfort of knowing he had you by his side and with the endless support you always provided, he knew he could overcome anything but now he feels powerless, broken and defeated and he wasn't sure what to do about it.
He just needed one of your hugs right now. He just needed for this to be a nightmare.
Just a few hours ago, he was twisting the ring around your finger and now it sat painfully cold in its loneliness in the palm of his hand.
He felt like tossing it out if the window but his heart couldn't take anymore hits today so he clutched it tighter and gave up on trying to push his emotions aside. He let them rule over him.
He loved you too much to be able to pull himself through this and come out unscathed.
This felt like the end of everything. He lost everything in a day and he didn't have to energy to face that just yet.
He laid alone on that bed, staring at the ceiling blankly, waiting for the shock to subside and for heartbreak to set in and when it did, every last breath was knocked right out of his body and he was left curled around a pillow, holding it so tight and crying into it, occasionally trying to call you again and again but not once did you answer and it enraged him.
He tossed the phone off the bed onto the floor with a frustrated scream that felt like it was cutting through his lungs.
Following that, he allowed himself to completely fall apart as it sank in that you really left him.
Charles felt utterly defeated and hopeless.
To say you were no longer used to waking up in your childhood home would be a major understatement, especially since you could barely open your swollen, burning eyes in the morning to see the room clearly, leaving you panicked because you weren't at the place you call home and very far from the person that felt like it.
However, the familiarity of the place was as welcoming as ever, definitely something you needed at the moment.
When you showed up home yesterday, everyone was worried but as they watched you drag the suitcase in with bare hands, the object tying you to Charles missing from your finger, they caught up quick enough not to ask any questions.
They let you sleep it off in your old bedroom but really, you were crying most of the time, questioning if you made the right decision.
Charles called you so many times and left so many voicemails but you were determined to stay off your phone, so you let it's battery drain until it powered off at night and you decided not to charge it as not to risk it.
Your heart ached all night long since the only thing you could think of was Charles returning to the vacant hotel room and discovering that you left without him, and as your woke up this morning and found yourself reaching for him in your half conscious state, what had remained whole from you completely shattered because he obviously wasn't there and you had made that choice for the both of you and he probably was clueless why you did it.
The smell of him was still engulfing you though, making you realize hours too late that you had taken off dressed in his sweatshirt still and you couldn't really tell if the fact that you were still wearing it was good or bad. You really couldn't bring yourself to care.
Once the morning light became too strong, you forced yourself to get out of the bed. However, on the first attempt, you only managed to sit up enough to scan the room. Your head was throbbing and your throat was sore and dry and you could barely see anything through your blurry vision.
You rubbed your eyes furiously and got up. Outside your door, you could hear your family moving about in the house and talking, the clatter of plates and utensils implying that they were probably having breakfast.
You felt guilty that you barely great them yesterday but you still couldn't bring yourself to go out and talk to anyone so grabbed some of your old towels from a drawer, your shower products from your suitcase and headed for the bathroom.
You avoided your reflection at all costs. You didn't want to face any of yesterday's various aftermaths. Instead, you stepped under the hot stream, immediately felt your shoulders drop as your head fall back, the hot water relaxing your tense muscles.
Then, the tears made a comeback and you welcome them with open arms, letting them stay as you washed your hair and body until you turned the shower off and padded back to your room.
Pulling open your closet, you were met with the memories of the last time you had stocked it. You and Charles and his family spent last Christmas with your parents. The two of you had been newly engaged and everyone was still gushing over that.
As the memories of that trip resurfaced, your eyes met the sight of a certain pile of clothes that didn't belong to you. That's when you remembered that Charles had felt a few items of clothing here, a change for hot weather and one for cold days, because he was so damn sure he'd come back to your childhood home at some point and so were you.
With your lips pursed, you betrayed your heart and grabbed his sweater instead of your own clothes and put it on along with some shorts.
Tensely, you fell back onto the messy bed, staring up at the ceiling, feeling lost and withdrawn. You had nothing to do, nowhere to be , nothing to distract you and the only thing you could think off was Charles.
You just wanted to know if he was alright, if he finished the race safely at least, but you didn't want to face the fact that you hurt him without giving him any explanation, that you walked out on him during one of the heaviest races of the season. You didn't want to consider the possibility that he now understood why you kept reminding him that you love him and that he might find it confusing now since common logic was that you don't leave someone you love.
As the thoughts ate away at your heart, you impulsively jumped up and grabbed your phone to charge it. You had to make sure he crossed the finish line safely at least and you wouldn't have to give in and contact him for you to know that.
The few minutes that it takes for the phone to power on felt like ages and when it finally did, over 50 missed calls from Charles flooded in along with so many texts and voicemails.
That meant that he was well, health wise at least. However, the last missed call was hours ago.
Your finger hovered over the voicemail icon and you were so tempted to just click it, desperate to hear his voice since you weren't used to starting your day without talking to him.
You gave in.
The first one started by him just asking where you were and judging by the noise around him, it was clear that he was still at the paddock.
But as one recording ended and another played, his tone progressively changed and several of his words broke your heart.
"Tu peux pas me faire ça..." You can’t do this to me… is what you heard in the second voicemail and the last one in which he didn't sound like he was crying. After that, it was just heartache.
"Tu peux me dire pourquoi, au moins? Je ne comprends rien." Can you tell me why, at least? I don’t understand anything.
"Where did you go? Tu m'inquiète au point de la folie." I’m going crazy from the worry.
"Fuck. Fuck, just..." you heard a sniffle, "... please, je te supplie, come back. Please."
These sentences amidst rambling and incoherent french stuck with you, making you wish you never charged your phone again or that you never left, but even after hearing that, nothing could've prepared you for the last recording.
"I'm kind of loosing hope now that you will answer," he sighed, "i just needed you here today, and always, but today more than usual. The race was shit but somehow i don't give a fuck. Why?" There was a laugh of irony and a pause before he continued, "Because the person i wanted to marry just left me. Really, bébé? Quand même une petite explication à ce qui s'est passé! Un adieu! Même ça, je ne le mérite plus?" At least a little explanation for what happened! A goodbye! Even that, I don't deserve it anymore? He was crying and now, so were you.
"It doesn't feel nice, being dumped with a letter and not even knowing why et maintenant, je sais plus how to live without you à mes côtés. Pourquoi t'as fais ça? How am i supposed to continue believing que tu m'aime? Tu m'as détruit complètement, chérie. J'ai tout perdu today."
It doesn't feel nice, being dumped with a letter and not even knowing why and now, I don't know how to live without you by my side. Why did you do that? How am I supposed to continue believing that you love me? You destroyed me completely, darling. I lost everything today.
Heavy breathing took over for a few seconds and you could tell he had been trying not to make it too obvious that he was crying.
Your hand clasped over your mouth to muffle the sobs as you waited for Charles to continue, "Je voulais t’épouser. I was gonna tell you that we should start preparing for the wedding so we can get married in winter break mais il me semble que tu n'veux plus rien a faire avec moi et je n'ai aucune idée pourquoi. The lifestyle isn't something new et si tu était autant gêné depuis le début, you shouldn't have said yes when i proposed. Fuck, you really shouldn't have given me de l'espoir that i will get to call you my wife un jour, que je pourras passer le reste de ma vie avec toi, have our own children et notre propre famille à nous. Putain, tu n'aura jamais dû me laisser tomber si amoureux de toi if you knew you would leave at some point."
I wanted to marry you. I was gonna tell you that we should start preparing for the wedding so we can get married in winter break but it seems to me that you don't want anything to do with me anymore and I have no idea why. The lifestyle isn't something new and if you were so annoyed from it from the beginning, you shouldn't have said yes when I proposed. Fuck, you really shouldn't have given me hope that I will get to call you my wife one day, that I would get to spend the rest of my life with you, have our own children and our own family. Fuck, you should never have let me fall so in love with you if you knew you would leave at some point.
There was a long break after that and you could hear the sniffles and the rustling of sheets. You couldn't even imagine what he was thinking in these silent seconds.
"Je dois me taire, non? By the way, Max was announced champion, si t'en soucies même plus. I have to shut up, right? By the way, Max was announced champion, if you even care anymore. And... I love you still, a lot." He gasped the words out between sharp inhales and it made you want to go back to him just to hug him tight.
"Je sais plus si te veux que je t'aime ou non but that will never change the fact that i would die for you, même si tu pense that i don't even deserve a face to face break up. Je t'aime, even if i don't understand shit."
I don't know if you want me to love you or not but that will never change the fact that I would die for you, even if you think that I don't even deserve a face to face break up. I love you, even if I don't understand shit.
You locked your phone and tossed it aside, grabbing a pillow and holding it against your face, trying to muffle the crying.
You could've told him the reason this was happening but, knowing Charles, he would blame himself for everything. This, this was bad but he didn't have to feel guilty in this scenario. You were withholding all the guilt and you'd be happy bearing it forever if that meant Charles wouldn't be tinged by it.
No matter how bad this was, he would manage to get over it, even if after a while but you knew him and you knew he wouldn't cope well with knowing that he was the reason you fell back into the depths of your past insecurities.
A knock on your door interrupted your crying. You tossed the pillow away and wiped your eyes rapidly with the sweater's sleeves before saying "Come in."
You knew you couldn't avoid your family anymore. They were probably really concerned.
Your older brother peeked his head through the door with a cautious smile on his face.
"Hi." He started, taking just one step into the room and closing the door after him.
"Hey." You tried smiling back but teared up again at the attempt.
"Look, i'm not gonna be nosey." He said before he took a seat on the edge of the bed, "I just need to know if i need to kick some ass or anything. I don't really care that he's Leclerc in this case." He tried to joke.
"Please, if there’s any need to kick his ass i would've done it myself. I don't need any men to do it for me."
Your brother smiled at that, having expected that response.
"However, the only guilty person here is me." You continued and quickly wiped away the tear that escaped.
"Why?" He frowned.
"I left while he was mid-race." You clarified, your teeth abusing your inner cheek between words, "I just don't know how to live the lifestyle he has, you know?"
Your brother looked confused, "Yeah, i'm not buying that, the thing about life with him. You've been together for years, only now you realized his lifestyle? You live together, you're practically married so even when you do actually get legally married, there will barely be any difference." He started analyzing. "Something is off. What's the real reason you left?"
You caved in so fast but you didn't really have any energy in you to resist it.
"I've been getting so much hate, especially when I'm with him at races. I couldn't deal with it anymore."
Your brother, like everyone who knew you and Charles, wasn't a stranger to that. He nodded and appeared to be in deep thought about this.
"Did you try talking to him about it? Charles loves you so much, we can all see it, and i know he would be very understanding and helpful in this situation."
In your mind, the thought of opening up to Charles about this wasn't even present. After all, he also gets a lot of hate too. However, the criticism he received was mostly about his skills as a driver, in other words, nothing he couldn't control and improve. On the other hand, people hated you for you, for simply existing as Charles' partner.
"It's not that simple."
"Oh, but it is. Look, i understand it's difficult to read that shit but it's not right that you left him out of the blue, like you have no respect for what you have, or had, with him."
That angered you so fast, you quickly got off the bed to face your brother.
"Of course i have respect for him and our relationship!I'm- I was engaged to him, for fuck's sake!" The little correction you had to make pained you as it made this situation much realer.
"I'm sorry, but if my partner walked out on me like that, i wouldn't be okay with it. If you want to break up with him for such a vague reason, at least do it to his face. That guy loves you more than i've seen anybody love anyone before and i know you're my sister, but if you treat him like that, after such a difficult race as well, you don't deserve him."
Ever since you heard that last voicemail, there's been a part you've avoided thinking of.
Getting married in winter break, literally in a few months. Instead of that, you left him the ring and took off.
You knew he wanted to marry you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed but the fact that he wanted to do it so soon was unexpected to you. It should've been the happiest surprise, instead it was tugging on your heartstrings.
"He wanted to get married after the season ended, in his winter break." You spoke in a whisper.
Before you could receive a reply, your mother's voice could be heard as she called for your brother.
"Look," he started as he got up, "just call him." He shot an accusatory finger at you, "He had a shit race yesterday and i think you'd be able to find some solutions to this together. " He kept talking until he was out the door.
"Wait!" You called for him, "What position did he end up in?"
"Defended P2 with inters turned into basically slicks but ended up P3 after a five second penalty for cutting a chicane in the last lap. I gotta go."
Needless to say, you couldn't bring yourself to actually call him but you did spend hours staring at his contact name, the little ring emoji you added to it a while back torturing you now. Eventually, you joined your mother in the living room, allowing her to distract you until your brother reappear, asking if you talked to Charles, to which you shook your head then watched him leave the house.
Hours later, you retreated back to your room, laying on your bed and scrolling through twitter again. The notifications had lessened compared to yesterday but there were still there, the hate still being a constant and an arguably increasing reoccurrence. Surprisingly though, it wasn't what you focused on nor what you cried about.
You had been letting the clip of you kissing Charles' forehead during the red flag replay for so long, you'd lost count of how many times it had repeated. All you could focus on was how comforting Charles seemed to find your presence.
Over the years, everyone kept telling you how you were the only person who was able to comfort Charles as more than just some temporary fix. When you were to one to receive him with open arms after an angering or disappointing moment, Charles would calm down within minutes. Even his mother had said that and even Mattia had noticed it, but you never saw it.
However, now that you were stood on the outside, looking into the relationship, you saw it clear as day. In such a stressful and traumatic place and moment, he looked content in a way and it caused you to break down crying, especially as you thought of him bearing the disappointment alone yesterday, only to face something worse when he found out you left.
Eventually, you fell asleep with the video playing.
The next morning, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house and woke you up. You expected your mother to get it but it rang again and again until you groaned and headed to check who it was while rubbing your eyes with the sleeves of Charles' shirt that you were still wearing.
You checked your reflection on the hallway mirror. Sure, the swollen eyes were still prominent but you hadn't been expecting them to subside any time soon so you sucked it up and padded to the door, swinging it open while tugging the shirt down to cover some skin as you just realized how short the shorts were.
Then, you froze.
All sorts of emotions ran through your body. First, shock because, how and why? Second was some weird sort of relief. Third, and most dominantly, guilt.
Guilt was eating you alive as you stared at the man whose heart you broke. You couldn't bring yourself to move nor to look away but you couldn't really look for any longer.
"Um..." you started fumbling for something to say, rubbing at the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Can i come in?" He asked and even though the sentence was short, it was still enough to show how hoarse his voice sounded.
You nodded and moved aside. Charles immediately made his way inside.
"How- um, why did- You know what i mean." You struggled while closing the door shut.
"You were getting hate and instead of telling me, you left?" He sounded angry and you wanted to strangle your brother for obviously contacting Charles.
"Charles, please... I can't-"
"You can't? Let's say you desperately want go break up with me, why didn't you do it properly? And really? Suzuka out of all places?" He asked, his hands gestures emphasizing his point.
He was right and there was no way to escape that so you fell back into the couch behind you, tugging on your sleeves and picking at the cotton.
Before you knew it, Charles was sat by your side.
"I wasn't really thinking. Everything i read was hitting so close to home and it was giving me some sort of panic attack and i - i'm sorry for leaving like that." Your eyes prickled with tears again.
"The night before, i asked you so many times what was wrong. You had me worried sick when i found you crying. You could've told me - fuck, you should've told me." He sprung back to his feet, rubbing at his face in frustration.
"I didn't want you to know." You spoke quietly.
"Why? I thought we trusted each other with everything! And it's literally something that i caused so deserved to know..." His voice rose.
"See? This is exactly why. You will blame yourself for it. You can't control what some asshole type out on their phones, even if they're your fans. There's nothing you can do to stop it and i can't handle it and revert to being an insecure person so i did us both a favor and left!" You shouted back.
Charles was gaping at you.
"You're giving up that easily on years of us and all the fucking future we've planned? Tout à cause de quelques connards qui se cachent à l'abri de leurs petits écrans?" All because of some assholes hiding in the shelter of their small screens? He was huffing in irony, "If some assholes you don't even know are able to make you insecure, then, je suis désolé bébé, but you've never been confident enough then." Knowing it was a touchy subject, Charles regained his composure and regulated his tone.
"Oh, really? You're telling me how i feel, Charles? You know me better than i know myself? Oh, wow! What a fucking catch i let go of!"
"That's not-" he attempted a reply.
"Shut up."
"Chérie, please."
"Shut up!"
He took his seat back next to you and tried to grab your hand but you snatched it away so fast, making him nod in defeat.
"Okay." He murmured and slacked against the back of the couch, his leg bouncing and shaking the whole sofa with it.
A deafening silence took over for long, painful minutes during which you reverted back to crying while Charles stared blank up at the ceiling.
"What about all the things you say to me after bad races?" He sniffled beside you, making you realize he was crying as well, "All that shit about how we can get through everything together? How we can always be each other's comfort and safety? That there's nothing on this world we can't overcome as long as we keep in mind that's it's us against the problem, not against each other? Why doesn't it apply when it's you that needs me? Why's it only me that shares the issues and problems i'm facing so we can solve them together?" He ranted, not stopping for a breath while he lost control over the tears, "I want to help you through this."
"Arrête, s'il te plaît." Stop, please. You cried harder, got up and started pacing around the room, sobbing into the sleeves, hearing Charles crying too.
You've always been used to solving your problems on your own and while over the years, you learned to share the burden of some issues with Charles, you still couldn't bring yourself to openly talk about things like this, not because you didn't trust him enough to help you, but because you've never been comfortable sharing so much.
You kept walking back and forth, hands covering your bloodshot eyes until you collided against who you knew was Charles.
His arms wrapped around you, even when you tried resisting his touch, pushing against his chest, wanting to get away before you caved in and he knew you enough to know that. Eventually, you broke down in his hold and he let you cry it all out.
"Talk to me, please." He cooed in your ear, dragging you to sit with him on the couch.
You tried not to but it got suffocating and so, the questions rushed out.
"You would tell me if i was annoying you during race weekends, right? If i was limiting your freedom."
With every word, and as he realized the cruel remarks you'd been reading, Charles' heart broke more and more.
"What? I want you by side everyday of my life, chérie!" Subconsciously, and maybe even somewhat protectively, his arms tightened around you.
"They're right, in a way... You could get sick of me faster if i went with you everywhere, and if i kept gaining weight-"
"Baby..." he interrupted, "I don't see a single reason for me to get sick of you. You have a fun and amazing personality, you are so beautiful and you understand me like no one ever has. Every day i'm away from you, i can't wait to go back home because life feels - i don't know the word for it - but it feels full and complete with you. And the weight thing, fuck whoever said that. I wish you would love yourself and your body like i do. You're beautiful in every state."
You cried even harder into his shirt, the words he was saying making you realize it was a huge mistake, allowing anyone to mess with your relationship with him, but him easing your worries wouldn't stop the hate and the both of you knew it.
"I love you, Charlie."
"I love you too."
You sat still in that position for a while and that left you thinking of the way things online would never change, dreading that in fact.
"I know what you're thinking. Oui, on pourra jamais les stopper, j'en sais cela très bien." Yes, we can never stop them, I know that very well. Charles spoke up and you gulped at that, "But you could use it for your entertainment. Listen here, all those things they say, it's out of jealousy. You're at a grand prix and they're saying you never leave me alone? They're jealous you get to go for free and that you're dating a driver. Fuck with their minds, post confusing locations, or rub it in their faces that you're there and they're not. I guess what I'm trying to say is have the upper hand because someone who hates on other people online will always be below them. Let them be the insecure ones and keep in mind, everything that is point out negatively is something that they envy so much that they noticed it." He was speaking and moving his hands up and down your back comfortingly.
"And if a certain comment gets to you, come to me and tell me about it and i will prove it wrong in hundreds of different ways. I don't know of you've seen it bébé, mais tu as tes propre fans même and they are way more than the haters. If anything, that just proves my point that you're just so lovable." …but you even have your own fans…
Charles smiled and tilted your head up so he caught a glimpse of your face.
"Just, please, give us another shot and be completely honest with me. Even if you hide those kinds of things from me again - if you decide you want to stay with me - i will now know to look online when things feel off, so i just want your honesty."
You smiled and nodded, agreeing to everything but slightly confusing Charles.
"Yes to what part exactly?"
"Tout. Je veux tout avec toi. Et je vais toujours être honnête avec toi. Everything. I want everything with you. And I will always be honest with you. But first, i owe you a big apology. What i did was cowardly, the way i ran away. I'm sorry i hurt you, Charles." You kissed his neck, "I'm sorry i confused you and left without even saying goodbye." The kissed moved further up his jaw, "And i'm so sorry that i wasn't there after that shitshow, especially since i knew how stressed the first two laps made you. I feel like an asshole." You sealed the words with a kiss to his lips.
"It's okay, bébé. I understand it now." He pressed your lips together again.
"Doesn't excuse how insensitive i was. Is everyone alright?"
"Yeah, the race finished safely."
You nodded, "That's good." Then, you sat up a bit to see him better, "And as for the championship, your are still my champion and you will be the world's one day. You've got it in you and everyone sees it." Assuringly, you traced your hand softly along his cheek while he stared at you lovingly.
"I'm so lucky that i found you, tu sais?" you know? He pulled you back onto his chest, "Je t'adore." I adore you.
"Je t'adore également, crois moi." I adore you just as much, believe me.
You heard him sigh and relax in relief but he wasn't still for long. Within seconds, you felt him reach for his pant's pocket, digging through it weirdly in this position.
"Give me your hand." Charles instructed and you complied.
"Me donnerais-tu l'honneur de t'épouser, mon amour?" Would you give me the honour to marry you, my love? He asked, holding out the ring.
"Bien sûr." Of course. You chuckled, "L'honneur est vraiment complètement le mien." The honour is completely mine.
The both of you watched your hand as Charles slipped the ring back on your finger where it belongs with a big grin on his face.
Now, everything felt right again and you realized that you'd be able to conquer the world and its critics with this man by your side.
a/n: idk how to feel about the note as a picture so be sure to let me know if it’s s cringey as i find it. Thank you for reading!💕
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violet-moonstone · 7 months
highlights from "searching for oswald...and chicken"
wow I loved this episode...I feel like I say that every time but I REALLY REALLY enjoyed this one
first of all its a Dagur episode, which automatically makes it great...most of the screenshots I took are of him. Honestly all of his dialogue is very quotable, especially since so many of the jokes they give him are thinly veiled adult humour
also the B plot with chicken was certainly something (and makes me think the writers were thinking about the end of the hidden world while writing it?)
ok so the beginning of the episode was already tugging at my heartstrings. I love seeing Dagur and Heather's sibling relationship, whether hey're arguing or getting along.
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Well that's deeply upsetting! and the fact that he said "most of his life" makes me wonder how much of the confidence Dagur displayed as a teenager was a cover for whatever he was dealing with internally.
The part where Dagur hugs Heather and she looks happy but almost surprised was very bittersweet. It seems like she's still getting used to having a family, and affection catches her off guard.
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Excuse me while I go cry
Call me deranged but I think Dagur slamming Snotlout against a cage was hot
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As always, Hiccup is adorable. Literally looks like a cat
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This is funny but also very upsetting! Snotlout and Dagur really make a habit of using humourous line delivery to cope with being deeply unwell:
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*clears throat* uh yeah Dagur, I'm sure you do love a good "fruit bath," from time to time if you know what I mean...
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Come on, the writers, animators and voice actor HAVE to have known that line came across as suggestive. Like the way he sounds? His facial expression? They may not have intended it to specifically imply he was talking about getting in a sauna with some twinks, but it certainly sounded like something sensual was going on.
Also I didn't get a shot of this but when Dagur starts listing adjectives to describe Heather's reckless behaviour, Hiccup says "Sentinel" while looking at Oswald's journal. Dagur says something like "that's not quite the word I'd use," which makes me think Dagur was going to call her a not so PG word...
Snotlout staring directly at the camera while narrating Tuffnut's emotional breakdown in the style of a pun-loving mystery novelist:
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What an asshole (I love him). there's something really funny about Tuff leaning against the tree with a hand on his hip. Poor guy. Astrid and Stormfly were clearly less amused than I was.
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Ok let's talk about Hiccup motivating Dagur to open the door to Oswald's shelter. My little Dagcup heart was really soaring here. And look at the lighting!
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Oooohh man, Dagur expressing guilt about his past and Hiccup trying to help him through it also really got to me.
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Dagur: I was a villain!
Hiccup: No, you were a kid
Me: *crying*
Because yeah, Dagur in Riders of Berk/Defenders of Berk did horrible things, but he was also enabled by all the adults in his life who could have stepped up after Oswald left. I've already written (both in posts and in one of my Dagcup fics) about how being thrown into a dungeon as a kid only made Dagur a worse person (no one in the show talks about the scars on his face that weren't there before...). And There is clearly an opportunity for restorative justice when it comes to characters like Alvin and Eret that wasn't extended to Dagur despite the fact that they had already overpowered him and could have at least given him a choice between punishment and trying to make up for his actions. Anyway...let me not rant about that anymore.
Ok what's next...oh yeah! Astrid doing this:
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Um...ok so...I needed to screenshot this for uh...reasons. It's the um...the composition and the...the lighting and...yeah. All that stuff.
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oooooohhh my heart!
Look. At. My. Boy. He looks so happy and at peace after reading his father's letter.
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Ok so again...the writers making very interesting decisions for Dagur's lines.
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Dagur being funny and a little concerning again
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I liked the colour scheme for this Gronckle
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More Dagur appreciation.
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Before the episode where Fishlegs helps Dagur fly Shattermaster, I would have assumed Dagur would make fun of Fishlegs for being a nerd -- but instead he appreciates it. I think their friendship is super adorable, and I wish we got to see more of it.
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Fishie! He calls him Fishie! (I ship them a little sometimes tbh) I can see Dagur having a thing for nerds.
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and uh, let's close off with hiccup being hot and windswept
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: you and soobin had been best friends for as long as you could remember and during the course of your friendship you developed a crush on him. Could confessing be the right way to go?
pairing: choi soobin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers au
word count: 1.3k
warnings: not proofread so there may be a few typos I didn't notice.
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Not failing to recognise the voice, your door was busted open as Soobin excitedly ran into your room and leaped on top of you disrupting your once peaceful relaxation in bed.
"Geez Soob, you're so heavy dude." you groan in pain feeling his weight on you as he laughed.
Choi Soobin had been your best friend for the past eight years and over the time you managed to developed a small, tiny, itsy bitsy HUMONGOUS crush on him.
I mean who could possibly blame you, Soobin was adorable, funny, had the cutest chubby cheeks, pretty eyes, tall, handsome and had such a caring heart.
Just perfect.
"I just missed my best friend." he said giving you a tight hug not moving in the slightest no matter how much you tried pushing him off of you.
"Okay, now get off before I tickle you." you tell him still attempting to use all your strength to get him to let go.
"Say it back now or I'm not moving," he interjected as he lifts his head sticking his tongue out at you teasingly.
Feeling your cheeks heaten up at the close proximity you were both in, you mentally debate whether or not to say it back but decide to rather stay quiet having secretly enjoyed this affectionate side of his.
"So we're just gonna stay and cuddle like this?" you ask shyly as he nods with his head laid between the crook of your neck.
"Not unless you say it back, unless you didn't miss me," he tells you.
"Well ofcourse I missed you... now get off," you admit to which Soobin chuckles holding onto you even closer.
"No I'm good, it's more comfortable this way," he teases you as you only sigh in response.
It was the things like this Soobin did that made your heart want to beat right out of your chest.
He wasn't even actively flirting with you and yet he had you wrapped right around his finger.
You then slowly reached out your one hand to gently massage his head since you knew how much he enjoyed those and you both stayed laying in bed that way enjoying the comfortable silence.
Using your other free hand to busy yourself on social media, you soon found yourself scrolling through Tiktok and came across one challenge in particular which caught your attention.
'Kiss your best friend challenge'
You had seen a few people doing this challenge all over your feed, some being successful whilst others... weren't.
What was crazy was the fact that you were actually considering trying this with Soobin.
I mean there's absolutely no possible way he would even kiss back, all you were to Soobin was his best friend of many years and despite being happy with that title, you knew you wanted more out of it too.
Seemingly lost in thought, you're brought back to reality feeling Soobin poke your cheek.
"You okay? You zoned out for a good minute there," he asks poking your cheek again playfully as he showed his infamous dimpled smile.
"Huh? Oh uh, yeah, I'm okay Binnie. Just thinking." you tell him smiling softly to not worry him.
Could you ever really confess to him?
This challenge could either make or break your relationship with Soobin and you weren't sure you were ready to take that grand leap of faith that could change everything between you both.
Be it for the good or bad.
Honestly the logical side of you was saying no but your heart and intuition was saying you had to take the risk to see results.
And that's what you were going to do.
"Hey Soobin?" you called out to him as he hummed in response.
"Could I try this Tiktok with you?"
"What's the challenge?" he asks curiously sitting up as you did the same.
Setting up your ring light to use as a tripod, you then set the phone in front of where he was seated.
"Don't worry. You just need to sit next to me and look pretty like always."
You proceeded to set the timer and countdown and waited for the music.
Making your way back to him, you sit down next to Soobin and he awkwardly smiled looking at you signalling to ask what is going on.
The music started playing and you held Soobin's hands placing them around your waist as he looked at you completely confused.
"Here we go," you mumbled under your breath.
When the timing was right, you gently placed your hands on his face and leaned in to kiss him.
Just as you were prepared to pull away and deal with the rejection you were left baffled when he kissed back!
Smiling into the kiss, you felt his grip tighten around your waist as he laid you down on the bed hovering over you to deepen the kiss.
You then realise what just happened and pull away and jolt up from your position in the bed as your eyes widen in pure shock.
"W-what in the world just happened..." you mumbled to yourself as your fingers gently touched your lips.
Looking over at Soobin who was turning as red as a tomato, you excitedly hug him as he hugged you back.
Pulling away, you let out a deep breath before confessing, "I like you Soobin... a lot."
"I like you too (Y/n)... a lot." he tells you shyly as you both laugh at the turn of events.
Maybe making the Tiktok wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"How about I take you out on a real first date soon? But before that, I have a suprise for you in the kitchen." He says sheepishly smiling as he looks down.
How can someone this big be so adorable, he's such a baby.
"Well what are we waiting for then, let's go."
He then crouched in front of you and usually someone would be suprised at this but Soobin sometimes enjoyed carrying you on his back.
You then hopped on his back holding on tightly and went on your way to the kitchen.
Soobin then sat you down on the counter as he proceeded to then open the oven and showed you the tray of bread rolls.
"You made those?" you ask as the whiff of the freshly made bread hit your nose
"Yep, and obviously it wouldn't be fun to eat them alone so I thought we could enjoy them together." he says looking proud of how his baked goods turned out.
He looked through one of the cabinets searching for plates and he got two out so you could both evenly share the rolls.
You both casually conversed enjoying the bread Soobin had made and before you knew it, your plate had been cleared.
In all fairness Soobin did an amazing job, it all tasted amazing.
Although it did seem like Soobin had one left...
Slowly maneuvering your hand onto the plate whilst he wasnt paying any attention, you stole his bread roll and ran into your bedroom as he chased closely behind you managing to catch up.
"Yah! I know you stole my last bread roll!" he yelled as he tackled you trying to tickle you in an effort to get his bread.
Finally giving in, you gave Soobin his bread as you laid in bed trying to calm yourself down from all the intense laughing.
He broke the bread in half giving you a piece and he playfully rolled his eyes as you thanked him.
Placing a quick kiss to his cheek you watched him redden in suprise and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
"I'm glad you did that Tiktok challenge." he says pulling you closer.
"Because now I can actually kiss you whenever I want."
Nodding in agreement you finally closed the gap between each other feeling his soft lips on yours once again.
This was a feeling you would definitely never get used to.
And it was all thanks to a Tiktok challenge.
All you had to do was kiss and tell
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myyoungroyalsblog · 1 year
Red, White and Royal Blue fic rec part 2 (part 1)
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*Note: I have a lot of unfinished fics in my subscriptions but since there are over 120+ fics there from other fandoms too I won’t be able to add those, when they are finished I’ll do another post in the future!
*Also couldn't find some of these writers here on tumblr, if you know tell me and I’ll add their @ beside it!
Things I Cannot Accept
18 chapters, 69.703 words
By @sprigsofviolets AU where Ellen lost the election in 2016 and Henry and Alex reconnect in 2019. Super cute and interesting story, with a lot of fluff and angst, amazingly written!
Captious (calculated to confuse, entrap or entangle in argument)
3 chapters, 14.256 words
Blind date AU... Well... Sort of... You'll know when you read it hehe but honestly so so sweet with a bit of angst but so much fluff!
My Only Wish (This Year)
7 chapters, 26.374 words
By @dracowillhearaboutthis AU where Henry marries a woman and has two daughters, set 10 years later and Alex and Henry reconnect, and maybe a romance blooms... Of course it does lol very cute kid fic (with a bit of angst too) but still lots of fluff!
Comfort Crowd
8 chapters, 12.098 words
To all the boys I've loved before AU, I don't like the film but since I'm such a sucker for these two of course I read it and got obsessed with it afajsgshsvsg
And they call it—
2 chapters, 10.148 words
By @clottedcreamfudge AU where Alex can talk to animals, so when Henry needs a dog sitter he goes to Alex, and he and David obviously talk about Henry. So funny and fluffy, guaranteed to make you smile!
(do i really have to tell you) how he brought me back to life?
7 chapters, 38.498 words
By @coffeecatsme High school AU where Henry gets kicked out by Mary and lives with Alex's family. A whole lot of angst and a whole lot of fluff, just a superb story!
I'm Taking A Ride With My Best Friend
23 chapters, 79.302 words
By @cultofsappho The Last of Us AU where Henry is immune and Alex helps him get to the fireflies in hopes to create a vaccine. If you've watched the tv show or played the game, you know how this goes lol could not recommend it enough, so much angsty but has fluffy moments too! And the writing is impeccable
i'd lie
6 chapters, 18.058 words
AU where Alex and June move to England with thier mum and have the Fox family as their neighbours, we see the super six throughout the years and how Henry lies might not work anymore... If you want angst, this is the fic for you
talk too much
3.307 words
By @lazybug16 Alex has his wisdom teeth removed and Henry takes care of him, just fluff fluff fluff, super adorable (yes self promo because I'm very proud of this fic, I love it)
I trace your constellations
13.498 words
Soulmates, coffee shops and demi Henry AU, just pure flirting and fluff, suuuuuuper cute read!
Never Truly Leave
2.443 words
By @clottedcreamfudge Catherine finds a letter that Arthur wrote... To Alex. We cry alongside Alex as he reads it; very emotional, it will make you cry, and fall in love with these characters all over again, could not recommend enough
you knew the entire time (you knew that i'm a mastermind)
8.239 words
By @coffeecatsme Uni and autistic Henry AU, we see Alex and Henry fall in love. Fluffy but also a bit of angst, you just want to protect Henry and tell him everything is going to be okay
starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights
16.367 words
By @coffeecatsme Hugh school AU where Arthur is also alive and becomes like a second father to Alex. Very very sweet with a bit if angst as well, you'll love it and might have a few happy tears towards the end
learning to love (without it having to hurt)
4.861 words
AU where they aren't famous and they are roommates. We see Henry figure out his asexuality and Alex be there for him, and them getting together of course :) very very sweet read!
The last letter
2.173 words
By @floatingaway4 They are in the afterlife, at peace. This weiter managed to combine angst and fluff at the exact same time and I don't know how they did it, it will make you ugly happy cry!
Fourty-Four Days
8.675 words
They are living in the Brownstone when Henry needs to go to europe for the shelters and Alex to California for a campaign, and they end up not seeing each other for 44 days, and it's too much. Angsty but then fluffy, it just hurts seeing them miss each other so so much
take me out, and take me home
11.837 words
Roommates AU and we see Alex get some feelings, only friendly feelings of course... Really cute story and ending!
i’d take the bomb in your head and disarm it
22.392 words
By @evanbuvkley roommates AU and friends to angsty friends to lovers afahsgsjshdj so much angst that you might cry but a bit of fluff too (happy ending don't worry) such an engaging story, very well executed
and I wrote down our song
6.072 words
AU where Alex is a musician and Henry isn't a prince and they meet at a bar where Alex is performing. Super cute and we see how they fall in love and grow and it's just full of joy!
Group therapy
3.243 words
By @stutteringpeach AU where Ellen is Henrys therapist and he is dating Alex and talks to Ellen about their relationship, without knowing that it's actually his boyfriends mum... They "meet" at a family cook out and its honestly hilarious lmao you will not stop laughing
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tazaryoot · 3 months
Star Trek Novel Review #5
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Spock’s World by Diane Duane (1988)
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to buy a copy of this book so I read the first half at a library (excuse the state of the book cover), and listened to the second half over audiobook on youtube. There’s a pretty large selection of Star Trek audiobooks available on youtube that are voice acted by the cast and have full sound effects and music. I’d very much recommend checking them out! Thanks for reading, peace and long life!
Summary :
While preparing the Enterprise to embark on a new mission, word gets out that Vulcan is in favour of seceding from the Federation— a decision that would force all Vulcans to return home and all non-Vulcans off the planet. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are invited to give speeches on Vulcan before the final vote is held and set out to find out what caused this sentiment there.
After extensive research, the origin of the anti-human propaganda and pro-secession rhetoric is tracked down to none other than T’Pring, Spock’s ex-fiance. Spock confronts her, and she reveals her plan was to drive a rift between humans and Vulcans as a means of revenge on Spock after the passing of her bondmate Stonn. She blames Spock for her misfortune and plans to destroy his life and career. Damn girl!
At the meeting, Bones gives a showstopping speech and Sarek gives a seething counter which ends in him stepping down as ambassador. Bones exposes that members of the anti-Federation movement were in favour of seccession because they had unfair dibs on the Federation land, convincing Sarek to change his stance. In the middle of Kirk’s speech, Sarek calls him away to visit T’Pau on her deathbed. T’Pau explains her attempts to counter the pro-secessionists before giving her katra to Spock’s mother and passing away. Spock gives his speech, and the vote is held.
Their efforts were successful and Vulcan remains in the federation.
Review :
[I will not be posting excerpts this time as I do not have a physical copy of the book]
I loved this novel! This is no doubt the best Star Trek novel I’ve read so far. I’d been very excited to read a Diane Duane novel for a while now, and it very much lives up to its reputation. Spock’s World was everything I want in a Star Trek story; good world building, good characterisation, and an excellent premise. There seemed like a real, palpable threat here with the secession of Vulcan, and good points were given on both sides of the argument to make it a believable conflict. Spock’s World tackles the xenophobia between humans and Vulcans while also highlighting the camaraderie between our races— it was a lot of fun to hear the speeches from Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
The book also has many funny moments. Good humour is sort of rare in these novels so far, but there were about 5 moments that really made me smile. A Horta is introduced as being in Starfleet and the whole scene with it was so silly and adorable!
Also little interesting factoid : I believe this book has been semi-acknowledged within DISCO and SNW canon since they canonised the novel’s spelling of T’Khut, the sister planet to Vulcan. Cool!
Conclusion :
I would fully recommend this book, and as soon as I can I will be getting my own physical copy of it to reread. It’s honestly going to be hard to top this one since I enjoyed it so much!
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Can I request reader treating boyfriend XH like a puppy almost ik that sounds weird but I mean Like always making sure they drink water, feeding them, patting there head, booping their nose ykwim :p? Cuz honestly they all have golden retriever boyfriend energy to me I wanna take care of them HDJFHHFHFJ
Not gonna lie I read the first sentence and was a little off-put, but then I finished reading and understood what you meant. I hope you enjoy!
All members ß • 3 • ß
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you treating them in a puppy-like way.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil likes to act like he has this macho man image, so when you pat his head telling him how cute he is he pushes your hand away in defense. 
“I’m not cute. Look at all these muscles.” He flexes one of his arms and pats his bicep. “I’m a man,” he states proudly. Only to have you boop his nose in return. 
“A very cute man,” you smiled. Gunil sighs. He wants to be the one to take care of you, but you seem to be adamant about taking care of him. Always making sure that he eats and drinks plenty of water. Don’t get Gunil wrong, he appreciates it, but he has this bit of pride that makes it hard for him to let you look after him. He secretly loves it when you boop his nose though.
Jungsu got so flustered the first time you booped his nose. He didn’t know what to do. Chuckling awkwardly as he turned a shade of pink. 
“What was that for?” he asked. 
“You looked too adorable not too,” you told him. He has since gotten used to you doing this action. His nose crinkles up each time you do so. Jungsu is always grateful whenever you hand him a water bottle after practice or text him during the day asking about if he has eaten. He doesn’t mind you treating him in a puppy-like way unless you do in front of the members then he becomes very embarrassed. He asks you to keep it more behind closed doors. At the end of a long day he loves cuddling up next to you as you stroke his hair.
“Stop patting my head like I’m a dog.” Jiseok swats your hand away from his head. 
“I’m sorry I can’t help it, you give off golden retriever energy,” you say. 
“What does that even mean?” he laughs.
“It means I want to take care of you,” you explained. Encasing him in an overly affectionate hug. Jiseok hugs you back, but also rolls his eyes as if you’re being a bit ridiculous. He finds that he quite likes you taking care of him. Sometimes he thinks you’re being a bit much, although he still likes the feeling of you looking out for him. When you boop his nose or pat his head he gives you a judgemental look, however he secretly likes it. If you haven’t done it in a while he tries to think of a subtle way to get you to do it.
He doesn’t really notice that you treat him in a puppy-like way at first. He just thought that head pats and nose booping were your preferred ways of showing affection. He didn’t even connect those actions to the way you cared about him drinking enough water and having good meals either. It wasn’t until his members brought it up that he realized it. 
“Y’know it’s kinda funny how y/n treats you a bit like you're a puppy,” Jooyeon said. 
“What do you mean?” Seungmin questions.
“Dude, you seriously haven’t noticed? The head pats, the nose boops, cooing at how cute you are,” Hyeongjun listed. That’s when Seungmin noticed that you did take care of him as if he was a puppy. He doesn’t mind it though. It’s not like you do it in a weird way. You do it in a caring way, so he’s ok with it.
“You’re so cute Hyeongjunie,” you said after giving him a water bottle. One of your hands makes its way to ruffle his hair. A blush paints its way onto his cheeks. Compliments always made him a bit shy. 
“Thanks,” he says bashfully, looking down at the guitar in his lap. You couldn’t help but boop his nose before leaving him to practice in peace. Your nose booping added to the blush on his cheeks, making it become a deeper shade. He’s aware of the puppy-like nature you treat him in and it does make him a little shy, but at the same time, although he won’t admit it out loud, he likes it. He feels well cared for and loved. Some days it bothers him a little bit and he’ll ask you to turn it down. 
Jooyeon is currently napping with his head in your lap after horsing around. Your hand carded through his hair as he slept and he nuzzled closer to your touch.
“You really are like a puppy,” you stated. That’s why you couldn’t help, but take care of him. Making sure that he eats well and drinks enough water. Always feeding him a bit of your food whenever you two eat together. When he comes to you excited about something you can’t fight off the urge to pat his head. Often booping his nose just because you find him cute. Jooyeon loves the affections you give him. His heart warms whenever your hand finds its way to his head and flutters when your finger lands on his nose. He’s so happy to have you care about him. Will say comments like, “I’m not a dog.” Then get upset when you don’t give him head pats.
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I cannot explain how much I love them but I can put them in goofy situations
Smiling Friends Headcanons:
Things the Main 4 Would Do Together And How Often (Part 2)
8. Eating a meal together - They would do this twice a week for sure. Ordering in, going to a restaurant, cooking for each other, snack break, you name it, they would do it. I think Pim would enjoy cooking and also be the best at it the most out of everyone. All the other three would ADORE his food. Charlie would be the expert on ordering in and cheaper restaurants while Alan would know about the fancier places. Glep would find all the most delicious and interesting snacks all over the place. (Imagining them sitting at a table together brings me insurmountable joy)
9. Walking - This is probably close to a daily occurrence because it’s so easy and nice, even if it’s just leading each other out as they say goodbye for the day. Alan and Glep would both be the speed walkers, while Charlie and Pim would be more leisurely, humming or singing as they walk. This could change based on the situation though like if they’re tired or excited. If it’s a longer walk where they’re talking, I think they’d keep pace with each other.
10. Reading - This is something they would do if they were bored on a Sunday or something, so not too often nor on a regular basis. I’ve had this funny scenario in my head where they do “Book Club”, except they’re all reading a shitty book by like Colleen Hover or something at the same time. They’d be all over whoever’s room and every so often someone would laugh and shout out the number of a funny or shocking page. And then the slower readers would quickly flip forward and the faster ones would flip back if they missed it. I think Charlie would skim the book and read it closer if he’s amused while Alan would just naturally read fast, making them the faster readers, while Pim and Glep would be slower just because they’re taking their time and enjoying it to the best of their abilities.
11. Going to church - Considering Charlie is canonically(?) catholic, I just had to add this one. This is something they would do once and never again or they’d just go for Christmas and Easter. Charlie would be chill about it and try to show the others what to do the first time, but (as an ex-catholic myself) participating in mass is a skill you can only really learn over time, so the first time would be a little rough. Pim would enjoy it because of the singing and the “Peace be with you’s” while Alan would be nervous since he doesn’t really know what to do (he doesn’t seem to be/have been part of any sort of faith, so it’s pretty new to him). Glep would be bored out of his mind and just take a nap on the pews. Thankfully, Charlie doesn’t give a shit what the other people at his church think (although at a busy time like Christmas or Easter, less people would be paying the four of them any mind anyway) so he just tries to get everyone through it. It would be somewhat exhausting for everyone involved, but they’re doing it for Charlie so they guess it’s worth it? I highly doubt they would keep this up over the years lmao.
12. Going to an Arcade - They’d go at least a couple times a year! Maybe team on a couple claw machines, Battle it out on Dance Dance Revolution and Air Hockey, honestly they would love all the PVP stuff and if there are tickets involved, I think they’d get a bunch of candy and just stash it in the office somewhere for a rainy day.
13. Going to Brunch - I separated this from “Eating a meal together” because I feel like Brunch is a totally different ballpark for them. I imagine they would cosplay as posh Victorian ladies just for shits and giggles wearing the most fancy, beautiful dresses they can find. They would then spread the most ATROCIOUS MADE UP GOSSIP known to man using the names of people they’ve met just to fuck with everyone at the brunch place. And not just any brunch place, it’s THE brunch place. They make reservations at the same one every time. This would be a seasonal event done twice in Spring for the funniest impact. Charlie brought it up as a joke once and Alan and Pim absolutely ran with it (Alan suggested the gossip and Pim suggested dressing up). However, Glep is the RUMOR MACHINE and the others are always so impressed and amused with what he comes up with. They get really into it, even doing stuff like drinking tea with their pinkie out and eating fancy food. Though they do go eat somewhere after because the food they eat in character isn’t filling nor their favorite to eat. Nonetheless, they always laugh so hard afterward and it usually makes their year.
14. Karaoke - I feel like they would start doing this once around Christmas time and then just keep doing it as a tradition every year. They would also do it on boring rainy days sometimes too. Regardless of when they do it, they can pick any song they want. Want to sing a Christmas song in January? Sure, why not. However, after a few years of this, they would eventually ban playing more than two Wheezer songs in a row because they all like singing Wheezer and some days it’s all they will have in the queue. Other than Weezer, I think Alan would be into any Lemon Demon and Weird Al songs, Pim would be into older Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande songs, Charlie would be into Jackson Dean and Jimmy Buffett, and Glep would be into The Vanished People and 100 Gecs.
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pinkrose05 · 6 months
chcharacter opinion bingo on my favorite hsr ice boys
yanqing & misha
I think we should put these two on a team and call it "ice ice baby".
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Look at my little dudes!!!
1) Misha is a recent favorite of mine, even though I had my eye on him since he first showed up in leaks. He's just a sweet little nerd doing his best and chilling around.... well, and also having a crapton of foreboding story implications, but shhhhhhhh don't worry about it!
His character stories and animations are insanely adorable also. I love this little guy and I wish him much happiness and peace (and also maybe a visit to the Express at one point)!
2) Yanqing!! My beloved idiot who I've been missing since he stopped showing up every patch!!
I'll admit I didn't care much for Yanqing before the game's release.... but then I got him as my first 5 star on day 1, and he immediately stapled himself to the fave list! This dork and his funny flying swords carried me for a solid 2 patches, and are still chipping in every now and then when refrigeration is required!
Gameplay aside... I'm honestly really sad about how his character is handled most of the time. There are highlights like the end of his companion mission and his segment in Foxian Tale of The Haunted, but otherwise, Yanqing is there for the sake of being there, or he's there and acting unusually out of character to prop up someone else. It's really annoying, honestly. Messes up what would otherwise be very great scenes for Yanqing and everyone else involved. I'm glad they're starting to depart from that (see once again: Foxian Tale. God, I loved his part in it so much).
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