#honestly a gift to watch with a casual fan
luckthebard · 1 year
My girlfriend also watched the Bor'Dor fight live and her comment just now was:
"Oh so they went shopping and had a threesome, and the other group KILLED A GUY WHO WAS PRETENDING TO BE THEIR FRIEND"
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Cave boy Danny. What if he offhandedly mentions his parents being THERE (as in not dead) and being Doctors (not the same kind of doctors Bruce's parents are) and things like that and doesn't realize that the batfam starts thinking that this? This is what's different with this Bruce. He didn't lose his parents and thus does not grow up wanting vengeance, and his parents are similar in personalities but in a different field!
Now Danny is still as casual young Bruce as ever but the others are just freeking out around him.
Things are strange for a while. Danny knows that his actions have caused the Waynes to be....wary around him. Even Jason- who honestly threw a whole ass parade for Gotham in celebration of Joker's death- seemed to be tense around him.
Danny can't really say he blames them. He still doesn't know why Phantom reacted the way it did- a bit alarming. His ghost side marked Joker as a threat from the moment it laid eyes on him- a threat that could not and would not be reasoned with.
His ghost -half attacked, knowing that Joker's existence threatened his core. A core that was created from the desire to keep his friends safe at the moment of his death. (He had known he would die the moment the portal's electricity hit him- and Danny had not been mournful of his end but rather horrified that Tucker or Sam could have followed him to the afterlife. His last thought as a human was Please let me live long enough to keep them safe.)
Never has that happened before- not even when faced with Vlad or Dan. It was strange to watch Phantom attack and not be in equal amounts of control within his body.
Phantom has always felt a part of him but also not. Danny had once tried to explain it to Jaz, only to end up frustrated when she tried to paint Phantom as a different personality that shared the mind-space with Danny.
Danny knows Phantom isn't like that.
He's not another person- Phantom is Danny in the same sense that Danny is alive but dead. For the same reason, Danny is the flipped color scheme of Phantom. They are one, just viewed differently.
Or maybe they saw the world differently?
It's hard to say and even harder to put into words.
The closest Danny could come to explain was an example Tucker gave him. Someone is the same but acts ultimately differently online, even when they aren't trying to catfish someone.
It's the fact they are behind a screen that gives them just the extra amount of courage. Tuck had said.
Ancients, he misses Tuck. His ship is not ready to venture into his Ghost Zone- hell, if Danny is honest, it's barely able to move. He is trying his best to get it working, but it's slow going. Too slow, even with Wayne's generosity.
"Master Brucie," Alfred started, pausing just within the doorframe of Danny's room until invited in. He does that now, keeping to his manners as though Danny was a guest of the Waynes. Not someone who he can be so familiar with.
It stings to know his killing had lost him the right to be treated as a stranger when Alfred had always treated him as young Bruce Wayne the moment he was found.
"Yes?" He asks, trying to smile. It falls flat, but it's worth the effort.
Alfred's face stays impassive, and Danny tries to tell himself that he doesn't care. He's not a young Bruce Wayne. He wants nothing to do with the Wyanes'.
"There are more gifts for you." The bulter says. "Shall I bring them to your room?"
Danny has received a lot of fan mail since his actions were leaked to the public. Everyone knew that Joker was taken out by Danny Kane. And there wasn't a single person in Gotham who hadn't been hurt or known someone injured by the madman.
He is being praised as a hero.
For murder.
Danny can't find it in himself to feel guilty about it. Joker needed to die. He had too many chances to change, and too many people got hurt.
"That's okay. I'll go downstairs and look through them. I feel like watching a movie anyway." He shrugs his shoulders while strolling to the door in his lazy stride.
Alfred steps out of his way, bowing ever so slightly. "Very good sir."
That stings.
Danny doesn't bring it up or mention that Alfred keeps a safe space between them. Not enough that it would be rude, but definitely one of a servant following a master instead of a man who thought him the younger version of his son.
When they arrive at the room, he is surprised to find a white shipping cart filled to the brim with packages and letters waiting for him. Standing beside the cart, flipping through the envelopes, is Tim.
He has yet to see much of Tim. Not since Danny proved his doubts weren't as unfound as Danny actively tried to convince the other teen of.
No time like the present.
"Hey, Tim." He calls just to mentally get the other prepared for his approach. As expected, Tim whips around with a narrow eye-ed glare that does nothing to hide his distaste for Danny. Alfred follows them into the room but stays by the door at an appropriate distance. "Anything good?"
"Good, how?" Tim bites, and Danny fights to not roll his eyes.
"I don't know. Maybe a letter from my mom saying I'm a good boy or another football from dad-"
"I beg your pardon?" Alfred cuts him off- which, okay, that's never happened before. The butler has never overstepped his position- even when they thought him harmless little Brucie- to talk over him.
Danny turns to find the man pasty white, looking both cautiously overjoyed and wishful. "Did you make a joke about your parents, Master Brucie?"
"Ugh, Yeah? Why?"
"Young sir, are- are your parents alive?"
Danny is floored by the choked-up emotion in that one sentence that all he can do is nod. Tim drops the package he was checking over, his jaw slacked, and staring at Danny like having parents was the answer of the universe.
"Thomas and Martha Wayne are alive in your universe.." Tim all but breaths. "They are alive and have more than one kid."
"Why is that a big deal?" Danny asks, unable to himself. "What happened to Bruce's parents here?"
"Master Thomas was a doctor," Alfred says, ignoring Danny's question. But he now hears the answer in the past tense when referring to Bruce's parents. "Is he still in your world?"
"Yes, and so is my mom." PHD doctors, but they don't need to know that.
"That's why you like this." Tim slumps into the chair closest to him. Danny is mightily alarmed that he seems pale now. "That's why you don't know anything about Batman. He was never inspired. You....you really are a civilian."
Danny will deny that he fleed the room when Tim burst into tears till the day he died. He does not look back even when Alfred yells for his return. He has outstayed his welcome.
He slips into his room, grabs anything not nailed down with any form of technology, and then activates his intangibility. He sinks down down, and down, to the caves. He knows where the Bats work, knows where to go from his nights where he tried to work on ship.
He flies in that direction, knowing he will never see the Waynes again. Not after realizing how much pain his lies have unwillingly caused.
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maemelany · 2 months
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Well hello, 
Life happened, and I didn’t write a fanfic in … three years, lol. 
I did write an actual book and will probably publish it sometime next year – but I needed a break from it. So here’s a small something (don’t know if it’s going to be a series, no promises here) 
Anyway, I’m back and enjoy
Summary: y/n is an influencer who is doing very well currently. She has no interest in F1 and only watches races because her little brother is a huge fan. So when a sponsor offers her passes for the Miami weekend with Mercedes, she cannot refuse and decides to surprise her little brother. 
But will he be the only one to be surprised? 
Warnings: none, just fluff 
Word count: 3.2k 
Part II here
Friday Practice Sessions
It was hot. You expected the sun to be out because it was Miami, after all, and you were glad you went with that light summer dress you got gifted by a brand after the Paris fashion week a few months ago. 
The paddock was full of celebrities, some you recognized and had seen before, and others you were simply starstruck to encounter in such a casual environment. Especially since it was still Friday, not even the actual race day. 
Of course, the Miami F1 weekend was big, and getting paddock tickets was a big deal. And even if you suddenly forgot how lucky you were, your little brother was there to remind you.  
Of course, you worked hard to get to where you were now. A few years back, brands couldn’t care less about you. You had to work hard, take your content to the next level, and be consistent—all that while working two jobs to invest in what you knew you were born to do. 
And it paid off. You were still shocked when people you’d only seen on TV knew your name or actors you fangirled on started conversing with you in red carpet lines. 
But really, days like today were what you were most grateful for. The best part of your work was making the people you loved enjoy life, and your brother was ecstatic. With the big age gap between you, you hadn’t had many opportunities to bond. Your brother was eighteen years younger than you and was born after your mother remarried and finally found the happiness she deserved. 
You loved your brother more than anything, but he wasn’t usually the most talkative nine-year-old boy around. 
Maybe he’d talked more since you’d arrived in Miami than he had this entire year. 
But it suddenly stopped when you got to the sponsor’s hospitality suit. Your brother was speechless as soon as he saw the car on display. You found it funny, recording all his reactions to share with your mom later. 
“Y/n, this is crazy. Look how big the tires are!” your brother said, kneeling in front of the car. 
You laughed and nodded. It still wasn’t your scene, but he made it exciting to be there. 
The sponsor’s hospitality suit was something else. Honestly, you weren’t expecting that level of comfort. You had access to free drinks and personalized merch, and they even told you one of the drivers would give you a tour of the circuit later. 
“Do you think we’ll see Lewis today?” Your brother asked 
You chuckled. You may have been a novice in F1, but Lewis Hamilton, that was a name you recognized. 
Not only because he was your little brother’s hero but because you had seen him from afar a few times at events over the years. 
“I don’t think so, but we’ll definitely see him drive.” 
And, of course, you were wrong. 
About an hour after you made that statement, a few gasps, including your brother’s, distracted you from your phone, and you looked up. 
They were pretty far from where you stood, but you could see them. Lewis and George were there, all smiles and already talking to people. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Y/n, do you see what I see?!” your brother cried out. 
You couldn’t help but laugh again. Your brother, who was usually so reserved, was so excited you barely recognized him. 
“Well, let’s go meet them before you pass out,” you said, taking his hand. 
You made your way to the small group around the drivers, waiting patiently for a chance to interact. You could tell your brother was getting more nervous, his gentle and timid nature taking over. 
It was George who noticed and approached you first. He shook your hand and nicely introduced himself to both of you. Your brother tried to keep it cool, only betrayed by how he squeezed your hand. It was only when he asked for a picture with George that things took a turn. 
“What tires do you think you’ll use tomorrow? Please don’t go for the hard again; your car is already lacking pace,” your brother suddenly asked. 
George looked surprised by the question, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Yep, the geek was back with a vengeance. 
Maybe it was George’s face or your loud laugh, but something caught Lewis’ attention, and he stared in your direction before approaching. 
“Y/n?” Lewis said, now, close to your small group 
George raised an eyebrow. “You guys know each other?” 
Lewis did not break eye contact with you and nodded. “You can say that we’ve bumped into each other before.” 
You bit your lip. You wished he had forgotten that. It was the weirdest exchange you’d ever had. You did talk to Lewis once in New York. The event organizer had introduced you, and Lewis was a sweetheart. He was all smiles and shook your hand. He had introduced himself in such a humble way as if half the world did not know who he was. 
But when it was your turn to introduce yourself, things went wrong. You couldn’t pinpoint what destabilized you so much, his angelic face or how he looked at you, but you mumbled something you weren’t sure he understood and then said the most cringy thing ever. ‘I love your dog’
The awkward gene was either running in the family, or there was something about F1 drivers that brought out people's weirdness. 
“I didn’t think you’d remember that,” you finally said, blinking a few times. 
“Oh, I do remember,” Lewis said with a mischievous smile. 
Your brother squeezed your hand, reminding you that people were still around you. 
“Oh, and this is my little brother, y/b/n. He’s a huge fan of yours,” you said 
Lewis kneeled in front of your brother to be at his height. “Nice to meet you, y/b/n. I’m Lewis.”
Your brother frowned and looked at Lewis, then the hand that he was reaching out to him.
Watching your baby brother meet his idol was the funniest thing, and you took out your camera to record it. 
Your brother finally shook Lewis’s hand, telling him how much he loved him. 
“Aww,” you whispered, watching the interaction from your camera lens. 
Lewis looked up at you and smiled before focusing again on your brother. He spent a good ten minutes talking to you both, answering every question your brother had, and even laughing with you at the odd ones your brother shot his way. 
“Lewis, we have to go.” a man approached you and said 
Lewis finally stood up and looked at you with a huge smile. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer and tinkling. Lewis was hot, making it even more destabilizing because he wasn’t even trying. His natural charm and kindness were already enough, but his looks were just a bonus - A bonus you weren’t complaining about. 
“It was really nice chatting with you. And I can’t wait to compete against you in a few years, big guy.” Lewis said 
Your brother frowned. “I’m still karting; you will be gone by the time I’m in F1.” 
Lewis laughed, not at all offended by your brother taking things so literally. 
“I’ll try to wait for you.”   
He smiled one last time at you before saying goodbye. 
None of you said a word for a few minutes. Both of you sinking in what had just happened. 
“Lewis Hamilton is a cool guy,” your brother finally said 
“Yep, he is,” you said, chuckling. 
Your brother had explained what would happen today, but you did not pay attention to his explanation. But now, it suddenly felt more interesting than you thought it would be. 
The cars were fast—faster than on TV, and nothing compared to the many karting races you’ve watched your brother run. 
“And they do that for hours on Sunday?” you asked 
“Yep,” your brother said, a massive smile on his face. 
You could tell he was imagining himself in one of those fast cars one day. And you promised yourself to do whatever you could to help him achieve his dreams. 
Lewis did great during the practice sessions, at least according to your brother's detailed commentary when you asked him if he enjoyed his day.
You were about to leave the paddock with your brother when you heard someone shout your name. 
You turn around to find a man running after you. You frowned, trying to remember if you knew him but couldn’t remember ever meeting that person. 
Still, you stopped, waiting for him to reach you. 
“I’m so sorry for screaming like that. I’m Jamie, I’m on Lewis’s PR team.” 
“Oh, okay…” 
You weren’t sure what to say or why someone from Lewis’ team was looking for you. You patiently waited for the man to catch his breath and tell you what was happening. 
“Sorry… you two walk pretty fast, you know,” he said, chuckling 
He then handed you two yellow passes. You were even more confused. 
“These are VIP tickets for tomorrow and Sunday. Lewis wanted you to have it.”
The confusion was only growing now. Why did Lewis want you to have VIP tickets? Weren’t the paddock tickets already VIP ones? This day, this sport was only getting weirder by the second. 
Jamie must have spotted your confusion because he proceeded to explain what the tickets would allow you to do. Basically, they would allow you access to the garage, the cars, and the Mercedes team during the races. 
“Sick!” your brother said, excited. 
You thanked him and returned to your hotel, wondering why Lewis gave you the tickets. 
Once in your hotel room, you kept thinking about it. You decided not to read too much about it and to accept that it must be a kind gesture to your little brother. Lewis must have seen how passionate he was about F1 and what a gift it would be for someone like him to watch the races up close, next to the people who actually made it happen. 
It had to be why because you refused to believe it could be more. You refused to believe it could be about you. 
You decided to share some content on your social media to change your mind. After all, that was why you were offered the tickets in the first place. 
You went on Instagram, ready to share more about the day on your feed, but you couldn’t help but go on Lewis’s profile. You had a huge smile when you saw his latest post, a picture of him and Roscoe entering the paddock earlier today. 
You were about to leave his page when something odd caught your attention. It said follow back, not just follow. You went blank for a few seconds before realizing what was going on. 
He followed you. It couldn’t have happened a long time ago; it had to be today. So you scrolled through your notifications and found it. He did start following you today, and just like that, your mind started spiralling again. 
You followed him back but did not say anything. Again, you preferred to avoid any assumptions. 
Saturday Qualifications
It was very hot, just like the day before. But there were more people today, as the qualification sessions were more entertaining and significant. 
Your brother was super excited about seeing the actual racing cars and being able to touch them. He even knew some of the engineers’ names and couldn’t wait to meet them. 
When you arrived at the Mercedes motorhome, Jamie met you, the same guy who gave you the tickets the day before. He gave you a small tour of the place, and your brother took pictures of the most basic things. 
You passed George’s room, but he was busy, and you couldn’t say hi. But when you were in front of Lewis’s room, you found yourself hoping you could see him. Just to thank him for the tickets, you told yourself. 
“Look who we’ve got here. Hello guys,” Lewis said when he saw you 
He gave your brother a fist bump before turning to you. Suddenly, you didn’t know what to do, give him a fist bump too, or just wave or… 
You didn’t have time to overthink it as Lewis pulled you into a quick hug. It wasn’t that deep; it could even be classified as a half hug, but still, it was enough for your heart to miss a bit. 
You could feel his toned arm around you and how he smelled so good. Again, your cheeks were starting to betray you, so you looked down. 
“Thank you for the tickets, Lewis. Y/b/n is never going to forget this weekend.” 
“I’m happy he’s having fun. I hope you’re having fun, too.” 
“Oh, I am. Not gonna lie, I’m not the big fan here; he is,” you said, pointing at your brother, who was now talking with an engineer. “But it’s growing on me. I don’t know if it’s the special treatment or the actual driving, but I like it,” you said, laughing. 
Lewis was still looking at you; his smile didn’t move. It only became more mischievous. “We can test that theory right now.” 
Something told you the driver was up to no good. “I’m not sure I like this look, Lewis,” you said 
He laughed this time. His laugh was just contagious. 
A few minutes later, with a few waivers signed and a helmet on your head, you were inside a car with Lewis on the other side. 
“Did I mention that I don’t like speed? I did, right? I barely passed my driving license; I don’t even like cars,” you mumbled as he started the engine. 
The people outside were laughing; even your brother was laughing outside, recording it all. Everybody found it funny, but you didn’t. 
“Please don’t go too far,” you said, turning to face Lewis 
He had that smile again. The one that clearly stated that he was up to no good. “Now, where would be the fun in that?” 
You didn’t have time to argue as he started the car. The sound alone made you scream. He was fast. You could feel your heart beating; it felt like being in the front row of a roller coaster. 
“Oh my god! Lewis!” you screamed again as he took a corner at a speed you couldn’t comprehend. 
“So, do you like the sport more now?” he asked you, smiling 
“Hell no, this is madness,” you said, relieved as you could see the garage getting closer 
“Wrong answer,” Lewis said, accelerating again and missing the stop line. 
“Lewis!” you screamed, but he had found it amusing because he went even faster, something you didn’t think was possible at this stage. “Oh my god, I’m so going to die.” 
He laughed. “No, you’re not. I’m a seven-time champion, remember?”
“Eight. My brother told me eight.” You said, knowing exactly what you were doing. 
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Lewis said, laughing 
In the end, you did three laps. The last one was the worst. You screamed so much Lewis couldn’t stop laughing. It was pure chaos. 
When you got out of the car, you immediately removed your helmet and turned around to Lewis. 
“You do that for a living? Are you okay?” you asked 
He laughed again. “This doesn’t even get close to the feeling you get in the actual racing car, you know.” 
You turned around to look at your brother, who was still recording. Suddenly, you were happy that he was too young to have the same experience. 
“And you want to do that later too? You want to drive like a crazy person for a living?” 
He just nodded as if it was the silliest question ever. 
You spent another hour with Lewis and the crew, talking about the car and watching them prepare for the qualifying session. 
Even when the atmosphere got more serious, Lewis was still pleasant, talking to you and making you feel included. He took the time to explain some basic things. Things that your little brother did not have the patience or time to explain to you. Y/b/n had found a spot close to the pit wall and was too mesmerized to pay attention to you. 
You watched as Lewis and George completed their laps. The team seemed pretty happy with the final results. While they did not get pole position, Lewis ended up P3 and George P5. That was good enough, considering how they started the season. 
Race Day
Your brother was awake before the sun even rose. He sang in the shower, repeating every five seconds that it was race day like you didn’t know. 
He would make you hate the sport at this pace instead of liking it. 
Y/b/n insisted that you both wear some Mercedes merch you were gifted the day before, and of course, no was not an answer he was willing to take. 
So you ended up in the garage, wearing a white Mercedes t-shirt with George’s 63 in the back. 
The atmosphere was different; it felt electric, and you liked it. You couldn’t experience backstage that way in any other sport.  And it didn’t hurt to have Tom Cruise next to you, making jokes and chatting as if you were old friends. 
“Now, that’s offensive.” 
You recognized Lewis’s voice before you even turned around. He was already in his race suit, sunglasses on. That man knew what he was doing for sure. 
It took you a few seconds to remember what he just said. You asked what he meant, and he removed his sunglasses, using them to point at your t-shirt. 
“After the thrills I gave you, you’re rocking George’s number on your back? I’m offended, y/n” 
You laughed and explained yourself. “There was no way I was wearing that purple sweater under this heat, Lewis. It was the only white t-shirt my brother was okay with me wearing.” 
“So you would have worn mine if it weren’t for the heat?” he asked, smirking. 
Again, you could feel your cheeks betraying you. But you didn’t back down. You stared right at him and nodded. “Yes, I’m more of a 44 girl.” 
“I like that,” Lewis said, smiling at you. 
As much as you wanted to ignore it, you couldn’t. It was there. You liked the smiles, those little stares, and the attention Lewis gave you. At this stage, it was pure attraction; you didn’t know him that well, but the little you had seen only made you more attracted to him. The way he was always laughing and how he treated your brother and his team. You wouldn’t say no to getting to know him better.
You watched the race, finding yourself rooting openly for him and celebrating with the team when he finished at the second place. 
You watched him celebrate with his loved ones; the champagne part was definitely your favourite. Nobody told you that you got to see hot, sweaty men - especially Lewis - pouring champagne and getting champagne poured at them. 
A sight for sore eyes indeed. 
Things got hectic after the race. Between the interviews Lewis had to do, the other people he had to meet, and the flight you had to catch as your brother had school the following day – you didn’t have time to say goodbye. 
It felt unfinished. You wished you had time to talk more, but you were still happy you and y/n/b got to experience that. 
You were already in your seat on the plane when you got the notification from Instagram. You couldn’t help but grin as you read it. 
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queer-obsession · 1 year
on my bullshit again and thought abt if MHA characters (pro heroes) would hard launch or soft launch your relationship so here you go:
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Izuku Midoiya: soft launch - he's definitely the type to take a relationship slow in general anyway and with his status as a pro he wouldn't want to just throw you to the wolves. His manager helps him out and after you've been together for honestly almost a year he'll carefully start stepping back from being single. If asked if he's in a relationship in an interview instead of "no" he'll say "no comment", he'll purposefully get caught buying something for you a couple times, he'll tweet a quote abt love, and eventually post a picture of him holding hands with you or hugging you where your face isn't visible, then his next interview when he gets asked if he has a partner he'll say yes and that's it, a few days later he posts a photo kissing you with your face visible and captions it with a simple heart
Katsuki Bakugou: No launch - He is a firm believer of it's nobodies fucking business so he just doesn't talk abt it. Eventually you guys would get caught by fans or paparazzi and he'd probably be like "yeah that's my partner got a fucking problem with it?" and that's it. Honestly people are to afraid to bring you up in interviews
Shoto Todoroki: Soft launch - he doesn't know the fucking difference but his manager would eventually want him to soft launch your relationship when people start to catch on so he does. He does the classics, gets caught buying flowers, posts abt love, takes a photo of a candlelit table for two, and eventually posts you two together. What the world doesn't know is that your actually the one that crafted all the soft launch posts
Kaminari Denki: Hard launch (by accident) - he can't help himself 😭 you guys probably planned on keep your relationship on the low for a bit longer but he accidentally mentions you in an interview or he posts a photo of you talking abt how cute you are and doesn't realize he did it on his main
Kirishima Eijiro: Hard launch - He can't shut up abt you. The second you guys are official EVERYONE knows. One day he just gets asked abt his relationship status and he just praises you for a minute straight and you only became his girlfriend a month ago
Mina Ashido: Soft launch - I think she would love crafting and organizing a soft launch. Taking fun teasing pictures and watching people in the comments freak out. She just finds it cute to soft launch and practical. She eventually posts a photo of you two together probably on a holiday with the cheesiest and sweetest caption. She defiantly planned everything with the idea of announcing your relationship on said holiday to
Keigo Takami (Hawks): Soft launch - He's a very high ranking hero and let's not forget that the hero commission helicopters him like a bunch of stalkers. your relationship would be a secret for a while, over a year 1/2, because of the commission. When they realize your not going anywhere and that the public is catching on they organize for his handler and PR team to soft launch the relationship. I feel like his PR team definitely built up a bachelor reputation for him so they have to soft launch to get people shipping you guys and not being as mad he's no longer single. Shit goes on for months, him getting caught buying gifts, getting caught at a fancy restaurant, his PR manger tweeting cryptic shit, organizing a fake paparazzi shoot where they "catch" him holding hands with an unknown person. Eventually he mentions being in a relationship in an interview, but he doesn't post you for another few weeks at his managers request so that people can "digest"
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic): Hard launch - he doesn't really mention his personal life to much but his students know abt you and he mentions you on his radio show. He just casually mentions you one day and then doesn't talk abt you again for two months when he casually mentions you again
Aizawa Shouta: No launch (lowkey secret) - Another firm believer of it's no one's fucking business. There is no launch because your relationship would most likely be a secret. Never mentions you at work, is an underground hero, and a definite homebody. There was never any hope of any type of launch. Present mic is the only one that knows except maybe Midnight. Nezu knows to but he's a stalker
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko): Hard launch - When i say hard launch i mean it. This women legit just makes out with you in public one day and that's it. The internet almost breaks because it comes out of no where for the general public. Never talks abt you because she likes the focus to be on her hero work but doesn't shy away from PDA and doesn't care if people know.
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i hope someone finds this interesting 😭 reblogs appreciated ❤️ have fun down the MHA rabbit hole
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pro-memoriia · 2 months
Please, Please PLEASE PLEASE CUMULUS HEADCANONS 🙏🙏🙏 MY WIIIFE (also. God, I love your content ily ily ily) (also also sfw or nsfw idm no pressureeee)
Thank you so muchhh 🥹🩷🛐 made my day tbh
Cumulus HC's
This girl is all about soft things. Hard to tell whether or not it's her sensory preferences (similar to Rain) or just her element.
Humongous. Pillow collection. A load of them in a circle on her bed. They make the ring of her nests.
She also has a big collection of beanie babies.
They sit on a shelf in her room. She really only takes them down one at a time if she or someone else wants to cuddle with one.
Her favorites are a collection of three rabbits named Hippity, Hoppity, and Floppity.
She loves bunnies, they're her favorite animal.
Has joined in with Mountain on begging Copia to let them get a rabbit or two.
Loves trampolines.
She bought one with her own money because she loves them.
She often takes the others out there for outdoor sleepovers on her trampoline. Mostly Mountain and Phantom.
Hates wild Berry pop tarts. And the cinnamon ones.
She loves the s'mores, fudge, and strawberry ones tho.
Enthusiastic Just Dance player.
Also knits. She and Mountain have knitting dates.
She likes the paint on the pottery that Mountain makes and gift it to him. He'll put flowers in them.
Top tier baker.
She's kind of a golden child to be honest. Likes she's just one of those people who's good at everything she tries.
She and Aurora are a couple of Pumpkin Spice Latte girlies (jokes). But they are bug Starbucks fans.
Always one of the firsts to be introduced to new summons because she's just more approachable and welcoming.
Sings opera in the shower. Sometimes Swiss will stand outside the bathroom and move his mouth and make gestures to pretend he's singing it while the others just sit and watch.
She loves Monster High.
Almost always has someone in her bed. She likes company while she's sleeping and she's a real cuddler.
She likes doing stuff with the mates' hair. She regularly uses masks and products on all their hair and styles them in fun ways.
NSFW below the cut.
She's super sensitive. All over. Everywhere. Just leave some feather light touches on her hips and thighs or rub her clit or nipples just a little and she'll moan.
She loves using her strap on. Like, a lot. On anyone.
Face sitting! Let her sit on your face! You'll both love it, I promise.
Not really one for degradation but there's always lots of praise.
She's touchy. Like her hands are all over the place. Groping and squeezing and rubbing and stuff. She's just super handsy.
If you have boobs, she'll probably just fondle them enthusiastically while smiling like it's not inappropriate. She honestly would probably do that with someone's balls too.
Will you let you titty fuck her and is actually very excited to do so, even if it's a fake dick.
Same with thigh fucking...
She loves using toys on her partner. Vibrators, dildos, plugs, etc. She just likes seeing the reactions and stuff.
If you praise her, she'll thank you. Like she's so polite. You'll just be fucking her or something and if you tell her she's taking it so well she's just moan or gasp out words of gratitude.
Takes you to Victoria's Secret with her to look for lingerie that would look good on you or her.
Loves domming people when wearing long dresses with a slit/s. It makes her feel like a goddess and she'll happily shove your face in her pussy.
She gives a lot of soft kisses when she's giving head. <3
She kinda does things casually... Like if you're watching a movie together, she might have her hand stroking your sex without even sparing you a single glance.
She likes when you sit under her piano to give her head.
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drvirgus · 6 months
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder;
Chapter: strange feeling (half-written)
With a gentle smile, I extended my hand to the taller one as I opened the door. Minji hesitated visibly, thankfully unnoticed by anyone but me. Her eyes briefly glanced at my hand and then at my face before she finally took my hand and stepped out of the van.
As she stepped out of the van, the screams and shouts began immediately. Minji had a meet and greet with some fans who bought over a thousand albums today. It was a small event, but quite a few people showed up. Some of them weren't even invited and now stood on the sidelines just to catch a glimpse of Minji.
I let go of the taller one's hand and closed the van door. I stood behind Minji, my face stern as I saw the faces of the fans. I glanced around several times. Minji was busy delighting some fans with autographs and photos. Her manager stood at the door of the event, impatiently tapping his watch.
I nodded hesitantly and moved closer to Minji. "I'm sorry, but we don't have time for this," I said loudly enough for Minji to hear me over the screaming fans. The taller woman glanced briefly at me before nodding and then smiling at the fans.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone throw something at Minji. With narrowed eyes, I immediately caught the object and examined it. It was a small stuffed animal. Apparently, it was a gift, but it definitely shouldn't have been thrown.
With a serious look, I immediately looked at the person who threw the object. I briefly looked at Minji. "Please continue," I said casually, handing the object to another bodyguard standing behind me. I put on a small smile again to reassure the idol next to me.
Upon entering the building, I stepped away from Minji, prompting the taller one to look at me questioningly. I simply smirked. "What happened?" she asked, looking at me. Her hands were placed on her hips.
"It was a stuffed animal," I replied, gesturing for the taller one to follow her manager. I immediately followed Minji and watched as she sat down at the long table. I positioned myself against the wall, far enough away not to disturb her but close enough to intervene if necessary.
I watched her interact with some fans, men and women of all ages. Minji's laughter filled the room, and she signed every album she received.
However, my eyes fell on a middle-aged woman. Her long black hair fell into her face, and she looked quite friendly. I observed her nervously playing with the stuffed animal in her hand. She immediately jumped up when it was her turn.
I fixed my eyes on every small movement, even taking a step closer. Now I could overhear the conversation between Minji and the slightly older nervous woman.
Honestly, I had a bad feeling. I didn't know exactly what it was, but something sent shivers down my spine. Even when another bodyguard tapped me and tried to get my attention, I just shook my head slightly, and he understood.
Fortunately, if my senior, who had been working for NewJeans for years, was not present, I was the head bodyguard. I had to make all the decisions and instruct the other bodyguards.
"Um, hi Minji, it's such an honor to meet you. I've been a fan for so long," said the nervous middle-aged woman. With a smile on her face, Minji looked at the fan and politely smiled, "Oh, thank you! It's lovely to meet you too. What's your name?"
"My name is Hee-Jin. I've followed your career since your debut, and I must say, you've truly grown into such a talented artist. I feel like I know you so well. Like we have a connection," the older woman said, her voice carrying a certain undertone.
"Thank you, Unnie! That means a lot to me. Would you like me to sign anything for you?" Minji replied professionally with a broad smile on her face. She didn't seem to find it strange at all.
The stranger nodded as she let out a small nervous laugh. "Oh, yes, please! Could you sign this album for me? It's been with me through so much."
"Of course! Do you want me to make it out to anyone special?"
The stranger only focused on Minji. Her eyes lit up as she shook her head briefly. "No, just your signature is perfect. Thank you so much, Minji."
Minji smiled and promptly signed the album cover. She handed the album back to the fan, who accepted it and bowed slightly. "You're welcome, Unnie. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Minji asked, focusing solely on the fan in front of her.
Hee-Jin smiled nervously as she now presented the small teddy bear. "Actually, there is one more thing. I have something for you."
Minji's eyes lit up. "Oh, how sweet! Thank you, Unnie. That's very thoughtful of you," Minji replied as she took the teddy bear and waved to Hee-Jin with one of its paws.
The woman smiled nervously as she repeatedly bowed. "I hope you like it. It's just a little token of my appreciation for all the joy you've brought into my life. It's been such a pleasure meeting you, Minji. I hope we'll have another chance to chat someday."
Minji smiled as she waved to the fan with both hands. "Definitely, Unnie. Take care, and thank you for your support."
My eyes followed the stranger woman, which Minji also noticed, but she said nothing and simply smiled at the next fan.
The bad feeling was still there... so it wasn't just about this fan?
Questioningly, I bit my lip as I looked around again and then glanced at the new fan. He was an older man who was trying to take Minji's hand. I could see how Minji, without attracting too much attention, skillfully pulled her hands back to her body. She smiled and nodded at the fan.
I cleared my throat as I stood next to the table. "We kindly ask you not to touch our idols," I said politely but firmly. The fan immediately apologized, which I simply nodded at with a smile. However, I didn't move away but remained standing next to the table.
My eyes then fell on Minji's empty water bottle, so I instructed one of the backstage managers to bring a new water bottle, which the woman immediately did. I thanked her with a smile through my eyes and focused fully on my job again.
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Slight musing on rude not mean AU, but I wondered how the re-framed dynamic would influence Chloe's character.
Overall, she's meant to start out much the same, but I think the big notable thing would be in the instances where either Adrien discusses her behavior & she can chime in or, she is expected o apologize.
Rose's Letter:
Adrien's issue is less that she destroyed it, Nathalie & Gabriel destroy gifts from fans all the time & both he & Chloe watch Audrey destroy Chloe's gifts in real time. His contention is that it was not diplomatic and that clearly Rose's letter had merit given Ali liked it.
Which does actually hit a nail on the head for Chloe, and she apologizes to Rose without prompting but in a very... Chloe way.
IE, "Clearly there was factors I didn't consider when judging your letter, and I erred by destroying it, sorry Rose."
Which Adrien thinks is cool & normal, & while Rose accepts, she & anyone who heard it is like, "So wait she was apologizing for not realizing Ali would like it, not for hurting Rose, the hell?"
Juleka & the stall:
As noted, this one would actually get to Adrien as its physical and if there'd been a fire or the like Juleka could have been seriously hurt. But also because it genuinely wasn't a contest, it was a class photo, and Chloe removed a member of the class.
Seeing she's upset Adrien & rationalizing the actions from her own perspective, but then looking at the class context...
Yeah she'd apologize in the sense of, "I shouldn't have removed you from a group photo, that undercuts the whole point of the photo, and its clear now you weren't competing to be near Adrien, so I shouldn't have treated you as a threat."
Juleka: ... Thanks?
Basically, much like how Chloe can turn on customer service smile at the hotel, she does know that there's some lines you don't cross. The big issue is, at least early on, that she kind of doesn't know & doesn't bother to find out where other people's lines are, let alone realize they aren't even using the same rule book as her. Cos again, cruelty is normalized.
This would ideally just be her starting out on the whole redemption process & more pointedly serve to drive home just how warped she & Adrien's perspective is to everyone else.
In this regard, Adrien might have his first real like, gut instinct empathy with the Kim confession. In the sense of, "Ooh if I confessed to Ladybug, got splashed & covered in a chip bag, then she laughed & posted it on social media... That would really hurt."
But like, its just a casual prank bro, the TV everyone in class watches has stuff like this all the time.
So why does he feel bad?
Honestly I doubt the Kim thing would even register either like. Remember when Audrey rejected Chloé's gift on live tv because the wrapping paper was tacky?
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sunnnfish · 2 months
Sunnnfish, my local tashiro expert! This is a question out of left field but you have a deeper understanding of our dear gon-chan so I'd highly value your opinion. What do you think Tashiro likes as far as movie genres? Any in particular he might like? It's for a good cause ☺️
this is a lot of spitballing and its all highly hindered by the fact that i do not know many movies or genres. 👍 there are in fact many Not Movies in here. but im going for vibes/genre mainly.
if you want the tldr, my For Sure Likes list is as follows: •tokusatsu shows/movies (like power rangers/kamen rider) •similarly, magical girl shows/movies (sailor moon/puella magi madoka magica) •kaiju movies (Godzilla) •zombie movies •romcoms (like if lovely complex was a movie) •whatever movies old Japanese folks would recommend to him
explanations and more under the cut!! its mostly kinda stream of thought so just. bear with me
he would sooooo love tokusatsu and also action style shows/movies. this is the most sure thing i know. power rangers and kamen rider etc etc. I think power rangers/equivalent is the thing he has the most merch of because its the thing that everybody knows he likes so he always gets merch as gifts. watched it as a kid, dressed up as them for halloween, etc etc. side note: i dont think he ever asks for/buys things for himself. due to constantly feeling like hes not Into It enough. not a Real Fan like everybody else. love & passion issues.
In a similar vein he soooo likes magical girl anime. secretly though. guilty pleasure and all that. he only watches them with shirahama. his ass was forever changed by puella magi madoka magica. we all know this is because of transgenderism reasons. #gon-chan
importantly! i think he has a taste for older movies because of the old folks at the bathhouse !
just feel like he'd like kaiju movies. Godzilla Mothra etc etc. big monsters go raaahhh
i think horror would be a bit of a guilty pleasure. nobody knows he likes horror movies. maybe advertises liking zombie movies but nobody knows he likes those freaky psychological ones. guy who is morbidly curious about blood and guts and haunting. guy whos probably played until dawn. he doesn't seek them out very often because the impact of just one will stick with him for a While.
think he would like romcoms. if lovely complex (manga/anime) was a movie he'd like it. but i dont think he actually reads/watches shoujo stuff often. I think normal dramatic romance rubs him the wrong way. he doesn't like all the miscommunication shenanigans. sweet fluffy romance is like Fine to him. he'll like it if he watches it but it wont like change his life.
kinda feel like he'd like reality tv ? maybe ? has crazy intuition about what the people are actually thinking. would like the show survivor. yknow who definitely DOES watch reality. hanzawa. dont question me. his ass loves to psychoanalyze people on purpose. Tashiro psychoanalyzes people on accident.
i dont think hes as into anime as shirahama. but shirahama will show him fantasy anime shows/movies and he'll get into it just cause shirahama's into it.
i think the one popular anime hes into is one piece. but like. very casually.
hmmm other genres. think he'd like comedy a normal amount. probably would like dramas but only if he watches them with someone else. don't think he cares for sci-fi…? i honestly dont know enough about sci-fi to have an opinion on this front… would like mystery but not enough to like. seek it out. i think most of it boils down to He likes most genres just fine he just doesn't necessarily seek them out/rewatch them. only thing i think he dislikes is those dramatic ones with tons of miscommunication.
anyways. ive been thinking about this for a couple hours now. hope its somewhat comprehensible. 👍 peace and love on planet tashiro
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[Clink! The man perks up as he hears the door begin to unlock after what felt like hours of deafening silence, at least back at home when things were quiet he could throw on some music and have it defy the loudness of the silence, but here all he could hear was himself. He tried to remain calm as he watched the surprisingly short man enter, his ears and hair just how he saw on stream. His voice filling the silence as he approaches, trying to keep focused on his face but the cigarettes quickly gaining more of his attention he gracious accepts the one placed in his mouth, savouring his first inhale, inhaling more as the smoke emanating from the Fox’s own cigarette blows over his face, clearly someone who has been itching for this relief.]
eh- i wasnt expecting them to bring me here on a silk pillow and a private jet. that shitty old van needs some new suspension by the way, i could feel every single bump on the way in, it was almost worse than when your bigger guy hit me right in the eye! i hope he wasnt two heart broken with the jab i landed on his gut, heard him coughing a little on the ride here.
[He snickers after his rambling and takes another drag from his cigarette, taking a moment in the silence to eye up the Fox, appreciating some of the smaller details even the camera couldn’t pick up, like a faded scar or some of the aging of his skin, textured tastefully from years of existence.]
yknow, i really appreciate this though. i get it and expected it, you cant treat me too well. but i guess my surrender deserved a little something.. hopefully if i can perform as well as some of your regulars maybe this little exchange can repeat.. maybe a burn per cigarette i know your fans just love burns…
[He rolls up one of his sleeves to reveal a small assortment of round burns, some scarred and some fresher than the rest, on the underside of his arm, turning it slightly to be seen by the Fox.]
wouldnt be anything too new to me!
[Another drag of his cigarette leaves his lips, his finally burnt nearly to the butt with a small ember left, he looks down to his arm and swiftly extinguishes what was left of it onto his arm, letting out a soft hiss as it goes out, leaving a raw red divet where it was shoved.]
guess im not feeling too bad, definitely better now after your gift. im pretty eager to get on camera, honestly its going to be different being on the other side of the screen. never thought id actually do it but uh hey were here now arent we? im glad your excited for it! wouldnt be much of a stream without your enthusiasm would it? sounds like youve already began cooking up a little in your head? do i get a heads up on the plans or am i going into the first round blind?
[He looks up at the Fox, watching his tail sway and ears perk as he listens. Trying to keep a relaxed demeanour as the Fox’s aura fills the room.]
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[Fox rose an eyebrow at the comment about the van, he wasn’t very knowledgeable in machinery, especially when it came to vehicles, he usually let Kangaroo deal with that. Nonetheless, he nodded his head at the other man’s comment.]
New suspension, eh? I’ll bring that up with Kangaroo later. I don’t do the machine work around here anyways.
[The beastkin grinned when he heard that the other punched one of his men in the gut, it did explain why one of them was nearly coughing up a lung when they returned with him. He loves when his new stars put up a fight. It’s more fun.]
Ooo!~ I see you like put up a fight, eh? That’ll be exciting.
[Fox was about to talk about how he has multiple different methods of giving people burns, some more brutal then others, but seeing the random man he kidnapped casually roll up his sleeve to reveal his cigarettes burn scars and put another one out on himself like was a human ashtray nearly made the older man’s jaw drop. Oh, he got LUCKY. The man’s words started falling on deaf ears as Fox processed what he just witnessed, his legs shifting around a bit to hide…something.]
Oh? Um. Uh…y-yes. I have SEVERAL ideas in mind for you, little pet.
[Fox then smirked sinisterly as he saw he was at the butt of his own cigarette now, he then, without warning, quickly gripped onto the others still exposed arm with his free hand and used the other to press the somewhat still lit butt into his arm, pushing it nice and deep into his flesh so it’ll hurt worse.]
Feel good, darling?~ This is one of the MANY things I’m going to do to you on stream. <3
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adelha-mathilde · 5 months
Happy Birthday Asmodeus (Obey Me!) fic
summary: Asmodeus gets pampered for his birthday. Casual fluff stuff.
Asmodeus gave a heavy groan upon waking. Since his head was pounding like obon drums as the scent of ocean salt and lavender surrounded him. The sounds of waves sounding out in the distance as well as the sounds of birds singing close by. A chuckle also wafting out from next to the feather soft bed as Asmodeus groaned again. The woman sitting next to the bed soon leaning over him to press a cool cloth over his eyes for Asmodeus to sigh at the relief such brings from the hammering in his skull. The lady chiding him with loving warmth as she keeps dabbing the cloth over his face. "This is why I told you to count your cups, silly boy. Focus on breathing so the pain eases."
A sensation of gentle magic soon flowed over the pain so that Asmodeus might find relief from it. The demon sighing sweetly to ease back into the bed and hum a note of pure gratitude. His eyes soon opening to look to Adelha as she gazed down at him. His words soft and full of charm. "My hero... Saving me from my own foolishness during that wild birthday party. I'd kiss you if I had the strength to get up. But this feels too good to not bask in the moment."
Adelha gave him a smirk as she moved to gently tap him on the nose. Her words full of sugared affections. "Count this as your birthday gift from me, then. Honestly. Even you have limits, Asmodeus. Know your limits and abide by them. Else you'll have worse than a hangover next time." Asmodeus sighed to to towards Adelha and smile at her with that boyish charm that tended to sway many a mortal to his whims. But it only had Adelha tap him on the nose again before she speaks further. "Do not even bother trying to be suave and charismatic with me right now, sweetling. Not after Lucifer had to help me spirit you away to get you to finally rest. He's been texting all day to check in on you. I told him you will be treated to fresh air, sunshine, and a day of simple leisure. Once you woke up to greet the afternoon."
Asmodeus blinked to then roll his eyes and sigh. "The I really did go too far with that partying and fun. How uncouth of me. I'm so sorry, Margaret. I must have worried you and the others." Adelha leaned in to give Asmodeus a tender kiss. One that was sweet, warm, and chaste for Asmodeus to hum into the kiss with pure delight. Soon breaking the kiss for him to finally sit up with her assistance. So it is that Asmodeus gives Adelha a tender hu for her to hug him back. A feeling of abiding love and acceptance having the demon ease out of his charismatic act and into a more personable humility. The mask removed for just the two of them as Asmodeus rested his head on Adelha's shoulder. "Everyone kept telling me they'd been planning my birthday party for weeks. I knew that they expected me to be my jovial party hard self. With all of Devilgram watching the festivities. I knew on some level it wasn't a good idea to put up the act for so long. But I can't say no to one more toast. I can't disappoint them. They expect so much from me. It's so... Terrifying..."
Adelha effortlessly swept Asmodeus into her lap to hold him close and sigh. The bedsheet keeping him covered like a cloak as Adelha showered his face with kisses as his tears burned his eyes. Yet she simply gave him comfort and gentle patience to rub her nose to his. Words of soft love given against his skin. "I know my sweetling. But there is no stage for you to perform on here. There are no spectators or fans to demand anything of you. No cameras or fanfare to have you dance to the tune. There is only us and a vast island sanctuary to rest in." Asmodeus sniffled to let himself cry it out. A righteous purging of all the fears and faults to let them wash away with tears and the sounds of the tides. While Adelha kissed those tears away and rubbed her bare hands over his back and shoulders to coax those freeing tears from the Avatar of Lust.
A long moment is spent with Asmodeus crying and sobbing to let all his anxieties and fears fall away from his heart under the loving care of this dragon maiden. One who simply holds him close and comforts his spirit. Until his tears are spent for Adelha to dab at his eyes with the cloth. Her smile one of unconditional love and acceptance as she hums a warm note at him. "There we go. It's okay for you to take full breaths of air here, Asmodeus. I know all too well your performances for others feels like a too tight corset. So I will cut such off of your heart to let you breathe freely here. Your weakness is a precious and priceless treasure to me, sweetling. Such a sight of vulnerability is one I shall cherish for all my days and nights. Mine alone in this moment to hold as sacred."
Asmodeus sniffled to feel all those fears and that crushing weight float off and away from him. Leaving him feeling raw yet loved in a way he dearly appreciated. So he hugged Adelha to let her move them back into the fathered bed as the breeze gently wafted through the open windows. Carrying the scents of sun baked sands, ocean spray, and wildflowers. Adelha poured him a mug of fruit tea for Asmodeus to rest against the headboard and bask in the moment of serenity with someone he both trusted and treasured. Only for Lucifer to make his presence known by his sigh as he stood at the bedroom door. Yet Asmodeus simply smiled with his eyes red and both hands holding the mug with a slight tremble. The Avatar of Pride soon moving to sit on the bed with them and gently tuck a stray hair out of Asmo's eyes. The eldest brother simply tapping a finger to the mug of tea to place a spell over the tea and gift his brother some energy back. A silent yet obvious sign of love for Lucifer to smirk at them both. "The others will be expecting us to return home by next week. For now, it will be just the three of us and the puppies in Adelha's family sanctuary. This island in the Human World is a haven away from prying eyes. So we have a week to just savor the time together. Lord Diavolo hopes we enjoy the break to return with some fun stories to tell."
Adelha chuckled to sip at her own mug of tea as Asmodeus nodded to give Lucifer a real smile. One that was tired but grateful as he spoke. "This is the most thoughtful gift ever. But I do want for us to try hunting for clams to grill later on for dinner. But for now... This is perfect..."
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ask-missparker · 4 months
—Reality meet fiction… / Marvel x Fairytale AU Fic ✨🍎💜⚔️
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Platonic Pairing: Liane Felton & Amelia Snow
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Summary: What happens when a fan gets hit with knowledge of another universe where her dreams existed…
Setting: Avengers Tower
Note: Who’s to blame for this little accident? Was it Cole or Cassie? 🤔
Characters mentioned: The Young Avengers, King Alexander, Alex Summers and etc
It was a early Tuesday night.
Some people were eating going out for dinner.
Others were lucky enough to have plans with friends.
Today Liane was just glad she could stay home at The Tower, watch Netflix and eat some popcorn.
Rochelle and Michelle were out on a double date with Luna and Rick. Cole was hanging out with Mia. Rei decided to go see a certain guy he had his eye on for a while, and Ethan was still out at the mall with his sister. He promised he would get his girlfriend a pretty necklace as a gift and needed his sister’s advice.
Thank heavens The Mall was opened 24 hours.
So Liane had the place all to herself, for the most part. Some of the gang members were still at the tower, either in their rooms, in the kitchen or outside on the balcony.
In result, Liane looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was coming in to use the TV, and grinned. She pressed play on Netflix’s Once Upon A Time. It was a little guilty pleasure of hers, she wasn’t ever ashamed to reference the series with friends and family, but she would never tell anyone in particular at a party about the shows she watches.
Yes, the show was good but it wasn’t ashamed to be a little silly and intriguing with its characters or plot-lines. Plus she adored the ships very much!She was in the middle of episode 3 of season 4. Aka The Frozen season, when she heard it.
A little crash and stumbling action in the hallway.
She assumed it was probably Melissa being clumsy or maybe Petra who accidentally trying those two high heels.
She shrugged not assuming much.
After a couple of minutes, she paused Netflix after finishing the episode, switched to checking any notifications from her social media feed. She hoped that Rick did not post any embarrassing photos from last Friday’s party.
She looked up hearing her name, seeing the short brunette with long brown locks, a blushing reddish lip, and wearing a dusty rosey pink jacket and pants. Hell, she saw the girl wearing flats too. It wasn’t uncommon for Mia to wear something colorful, but she wasn’t seen in pink very often unless she brought a certain shade of pink with jeans to match. But she was more of a casual red wearer.
Honestly if Liane had to be honest, she looked pretty good. Maybe she had a date or some unexpected event coming up tonight? Oh my god was she supposed to be getting ready for a party?! Oh my—
“Liane?” She repeated.
The blonde looked up, “Huh? Yeah, what? Oh hey Mia!”
“Hi? Um what happened?”
“What do you mean? Oh god don’t tell me I forgot about a party! Don’t worry give me 5 minutes to change and get my purple heels ready!”
“Wha..no? We’re not scheduled to go to Grandpa’s Diner with Roch or the girls until Thursday I think.”
“Grandpa’s Diner? Is that a new fast food restaurant that I remember signing us up for?”
“No? That’s the dinner Bruce owns?”
“Bruce?! As in our Bruce? Rick’s dad Bruce Banner!”
“Uh yes, why do you sound so surprised?”
Mia looked around seeing the view, of the area she was in. She was only ever once in front of Liane’s house, everyone usually goes to her home or somewhere where to hang out. She looked at the photos on the walls and such, not recognizing much, noticing how Liane was acting so surprised. She wondered if she was under a memory spell or something.
Maybe she was drinking?
Then she saw something that seemed more than odd to her.
A photograph selfie of the gang wearing clothes she doesn’t seem to remember seeing them in. She looked out the window noticing the view of town but instead she saw the clear view of the city—New York City?! They don’t live in a city!
“Where am I? Where was i accidentally sent to?” Amelia asked.
Liane raised an eyebrow, “Mia you’re home in New York City. In the living room, aren’t you supposed to be out or something?”
“No, I was in Cassie’s shop as she was using something of Cole’s to update her transformation spells. Using wands, magical items and other things.”
“Wands? Cassie’s shop? Mia have you been drinking? Girl, I told you not to drink too much lately.”
“No I was not drinking! I was eating some fries and drinking a soda.”
“Okay, Mia, I think you’ve been not quite ready to go take a nap yet..”
“No, no naps. I slept well and it’s not like I am taking a forced nap again…remember what happened last time..”
“What happened last time?”
Mia groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, “A year ago, you were in the fire room after falling under a sleeping curse, it was our only way to communicate while you were in the forest..that wasn’t pretty. You didn’t sleep well..neither did I after a while.”
“Sleeping curse..? Fire room post-sleeping curse..?” Liane said, looking at her tv screen and back at her friend, not wanting to get excited or worried about anything just yet.
“Yeah..it was wild. But we’re fine now because they’re all together again, especially you and Ethan! It took everybody a while, weird times…weird times..”
“Me and Ethan? Sleeping curse..? Forest?…oh my gosh! No freaking way! Wait, no it can’t be right? I mean we have seen crazy stuff in our lives..and the alternative universe thing exists..but that’s wildly different..o holy cow! M-Mia, where do you think you are right now?”
Mia raised an eyebrow and pointed at the room, “Not in your house that’s for sure. I am clearly in New York City and you’re not remotely acting like yourself..like I asked before, Liane where am I?”
“You’re in New York City, in Avengers Tower. I know it’s weird but you will be fine.” Liane said, trying to hold back a squeal but failed, “This is so cool! I mean not cool for you, wait wait um..are you from Storybrooke or something?”
“By that question, you’re not my Liane, huh? Okay weird but I can handle it. And no, I am from Fighter Town. Knowing that this is a spell, sometimes will use magic and pop me back to my original home..”
“Original home? Oh my god! You said that I’m not your Liane? Wait what do you mean? And how are not weird about this?”
“Since my whole life was turn upside down years ago, and I’ve been to a few places unexpectedly before. But it’s wild, The Avengers exist here…hehe my nephew is gonna flip knowing that.”
“Nephew? Okay, better that i don’t know. What about me?”
That’s when Mia actually smiled and chuckled, “Now you sound like my Liane. My Liane is smart, a little slow at times, clever about her surroundings and quick to following along or firing up her skills. And she’s always asking questions about things.”
“Huh? Kinda weird but sounds like me.” She repiled lightly chuckling, curious about this particular thing.
“And she gets herself into trouble a lot.”
“Now that definitely sounds like me! Woah, even in another land I am getting myself into trouble..”
“Haha but we forgive you for it. Not everyone in the world forgives you or gives you a chance to prove yourself, but they eventually warm up to you.“
“Aww! That sound sweet, okay I’mma cut to the chance cause I think I know what universe your from..”
Amelia sat down on the couch curious about this hearing Liane point out her outfit, hair, what she heard about her talking about the land and how she might have a good guess onto who she is. Liane even talked about her universe too.
“Fairytales? Like the Disney movies?” Mia asked, grinning.
“Well yeah, I mean, I could be wrong—wait you know about the Disney stuff?” Liane asked, curious about that part.
“I mean yeah, our kids are pretty smart and well educated on things, hell we have them package at the store in our town…wait a minute, in my world you guys are just comic books and movies…I’m movies and children stories..”
“What story are you from?”
Liane was silent, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one came in and looked back at Mia. She looked over her clothing closely, trying to remember her knowledge of her favorite series, what she heard Mia said eariler and what types of fairytales could she be referring to.
“Umm, sleeping beauty?” Liane said taking a wild guess.
She shook her head, “No, but I do know her and so do you, in our land. Try again.”
“You said sleeping curse? Am I sleeping beauty?…wait unless somebody else got hit with a curse too?”
“No..but you did have a hand in creating sleeping beauty.”
“I—what?! Wait wait wait what princess has had a sleeping problem?”
“Hint, lips as red as blood and skin soft as..”
“Snow! Your Snow White!”
“Well it’s Amara Snow..but people like to add the white part.”
“Damn who cursed you?”
“My brother in law.”
“Brother in law?!”
Liane took a moment to reflect on her words and glanced down at Amelia’s hands by accident, as her eyes caught onto a darling ring, as she gasped. She looked at her friend from the other side and squealed.
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“Snow White married Prince Charming! Oh my god that’s so cute! Who’s your prince? Wait wait I know…Nikolai! Aww he saved you. Wait how?” Liane said, rambling trying to comprehend this new information.
Amelia chuckled, “It’s a long story but Nikolai is the brother of a king, so he’s the prince of light. And we both saved each other..well it was months after our first meeting.”
“Aw he hung you by a tree after you stole his jewelry?”
“How did you—? Never mind. Well no, it’s the opposite actually. He stole from me and I hung him by the tree.”
“Oooh a plot twist! How about me? Who am I? You said me and Ethan are a thing, or at least I assume we are.”
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Amelia laughed feeling better about her surroundings at the moment, felt nice not to be chanced by an ice monster or a giant for a while, and no evil people in her presence at the time being.
“Well you’re Maleficent, but you’re actually a really good person! Your a fairy in my land who’s more or less human, you had stuff happened to you and whatnot.” Amelia started to explain, “You were upset and made a deal with King Alexander to help you curse a princess due to her father’s crimes against your forest.”
Liane connected the dots and nodded, “But the sleeping curse didn’t stop true loves kiss from breaking it. I see, I know the whole tale, and it’s smart plot point. What happened next?”
“The bad King Alexander saw how your spell didn’t work out like it was intended to and that deal was flipped on its head, as you were made to live out your days as a purple dragon, guarding a crystal item he stole from Cole years before.”
“Oh geez…how was I so foolish? I mean I get it was upset and heartbroken about something, so I wasn’t thinking straight but still!”
“Hey, you were hurt and people tend to do things differently when they’re not in the right mindset. But you were saved, twice in one month.”
“Really? How? Tell me, I like where this is going.”
“Well Nik—Nikolai was on a quest to look for an special item that belonged to Cole, so he searched until he entered the castle and fought his brother, King Alexander, there he found you as a dragon…and instead of slaying the dragon, he decided to help from the kindest in his heart. Once he unchained you, you turned back into human.”
“Liane grinned, “Awww! I was saved by my future friend! Let me guess we escaped and I got to live in a castle with you guys?”
“Not yet, Lia.” Mia chuckled, “Haha, um, if my memory serves me right, after your escape, the two of you parted ways. Nikolai went to return the item to Cole and return a little jew to help finish his quest. You decide to head home and live your days in your old castle, you were sad..but then a certain Prince or Knight from Wonderland arrived..”
“A knight from Wonderland..? But that doesn’t add up?…ohhh I get it now! I think?”
“The knight was Ethan, he was originally on a journey to find a dragon that lived there and bring it back to his homeland..but when he arrived at the castle he saw his childhood best friend there instead, as you two looked at each other, sparks flew once again..”
“And we lived happily ever after! Hehe he saved me!”
Liane just sat there squealing and gushing over how she imagined that tale to go, mentioned how she hoped they lived together in a beautiful house with a lovely view of the mountains and flowers too, and how she pictured them riding horses then visiting wonderland.
Amelia just sat there giggling and smiling at her reaction, she was willing to tell the blonde more but she rather wait for another time.
Then the brunette took her moment to ask about life here in Liane’s world. She read some Marvel comic books and binged watching the stuff she found on Netflix, with her friends and family. Hell, her red headed nephew adored them. Liane then explained things here and there, how The Avengers saved the day, how their lives are, who’s dating who, the missions they been on and etc.
It was all very interesting to the young brunette as she asked questions about things she wondered.
Soon enough they were both chatting with one another on the couch, not realizing the time went by.
Liane went to use the restroom and once she returned Mia was nowhere to be found. She looked around the living room, glanced at the hallway and kitchen, even called out for her brunette friend.
She sighed and huffed, noticing when she returned to living room, there were sparkling specks of green dust in the air, it was almost magic. One dust of the shimmering dust was left on the couch where Amelia last sat. Her eyes fell onto a small note that was left on the coffee table.
She picked it up.
‘Thank you for the wonderful gift of spending time with a friend. Sorry I had to go I was fading into green sparks, realizing it was Cole and Cassie’s magic bringing me back home. But don’t worry, you’ll see a verison of that tale i told you in your dreams tonight.’ ~ A.S. ♥️
Liane smiled finishing off the small reading, gushing to tell her friends about what happened as squealed hoping to dream about fairytales once again…
Ahhh! I couldn’t resist not doing this short story!
Please let me know what you guys think! 💭
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @gcthvile @gaminggirlsstuff @cherrysft @meiramel @rickb-chaos @unicornempress606 @thecavalrywife
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snailvibes · 10 months
may i please have some head cannons about maya and marina's reletionship
Sorry it took me a bit to get to this one!! Such an interesting pair and honestly I don’t talk about the two of them together nearly as much as I’d like so Ty for the chance to anon lmao
- first some background: their first meeting was a little awkward because Maya was a HUGE off the hook fan when she came to inkopolis (and tbh still is). From the first splatfest she participated in she immediately fell in love with Pearl and Marina’s music so her first time meeting them was mostly her staring at them from behind Marie trying not to explode into fangirl mode, and Marina awkwardly waving at her everytime they made eye contact because she didn’t know what to say + this was hardly a day after octo expansion so girl was TIRED.
- due to Marie’s friendship with OTH though, overtime the more Maya was around them the more she warmed up to them in a more casual way, and eventually they both basically became her cool aunt figures lol. But since this is about Marina and Maya were focusing on the Marina part with that
- Marina’s pretty good at sewing and 80% of the gifts Maya gets from her are different sewed together or crocheted plushies or the occasional blanket. Maya adores them all and bounces around everytime Marina gives one to her
- they’re both autistic with pretty similar sensory needs which they bond over lol. Sometimes when Maya’s over at OTH’s place and is overstimulated they’ll go sit in one of the sound proof recording studios together and bring a bunch of blankets and pillows in with them and just vibe with their own pair of headphones doing their own thing. Pearl will go to check in on them and make sure they’re not bored + are okay and they’ll both just be like “this is the best experience I’ve had all day”
- I am cringe but I am free you gotta embrace that for this one OKAY LISTEN TO ME JUST LISTEN Maya and Marina are both furries Maya’s got a sheep fursona Marina’s is a wolf, and Marina helped Maya make her first ever fursuit and in return Maya made her so many drawings of their fursonas hanging out and Marina has them all pinned onto the wall of their main recording studio.
- Maya infodumped about fnaf to Marina one time and ofc she was already genuinely interested she loves her niece and her interests, but she only like “sat up super invested” when Maya started going into how the animatronic mechanisms worked. Pearl and Lucky had to stop Marina from building a spring lock suit that day because she WOULDVE.
- on a similar note sometimes Marina will go on long infodumps to Maya about machinery and Maya genuinely enjoys listening to them. Sometimes when she gets home from hanging out with her she’ll recreate what Marina was talking about in Minecraft, then bring her laptop the next day to show her and ask how accurate it is (Marina LOVES it everytime)
- last one cus I’ve gone on long enough on accident lol; second best to Marie, Marina’s the best at getting Maya to go back to sleep after waking up from a nightmare. Maya spends a good chunk of time at OTH’s place since they’re the first Marie goes to for watching over Maya when both she and Callie are away for long periods of time for work, so they’ve had experience with dealing with her having nightmares in that time ofc. Maya used to feel reaallyyy bad about it bc it’s one thing to wake her close family up from it, another to wake her kinda family figures up who she’s just a guest at their house to atm from it, but they don’t mind and usually Marina is the one who gets up from it to sit with Maya and talk her through it or sing her songs until she’s able to sleep again. (She has the experience of doing it through Lucky also having a lot of nightmares.)
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Hello!! I would like an outsider ship please
I'm 5'5 with curly brown hair that I dye purple and Greenland it goes to just below my shoulders. My eye color is green and i wear glasses. My style tends to lean goth but on more casual days I look like a metalhead or a nerd. I listens to gothic rock, various metal genres, classical music, punk, ska and 60-80s rock. I love reading; I typically read horror, sci-fi and some classical books(currently read les miserables) but really down to read anything that sound interesting to me. I love horror movies, especially older horror movies, and I am a huge slasher movie fan. I also love star wars! I watch some anime and play DnD. I am a recovering theater kid(jk I'm not recover) and I love musicals. I have a RBF and I am fat. I'm fem presenting but my gender is a mystery and pronouns are whatever. I'm pansexual, so girl and/or boy ships are very welcome. I am learning how to play the guitar and skate board(I'm shit at both tho). I am a very needy/clingy person, not in a "i need affection constantly" way but more in a "im now stuck to your hip until you tell me to leave" and I love giving gifts to those I love. Sorry for this being pretty long.
Ps. Love your writing
(Why thank you pookie and bc of the compliment u got both a girl and a guy also you sound like so cool let’s be friends)
Your Outsiders Ship (s): Angela Shepard and Ponyboy Curtis!
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would be extremely attracted to you from your purple and green hair that just stands out from everyone else in the crowd and alternative style. I’m not sure if you wanted me to mention this or not, but he would not give two shits that you’re fat. Pomyboy is a firm believer in #bigthighssavelives (like me) and if anyone has anything to say about you, he would for sure punch them in the face, even though he’s not a generally violent guy. I just think he really loves the way you look and you really stand out in a crowd and got his attention immediately. He saw you walk by him. His mouth was open for a full minute. It dropped so low They had to dig a hole in the concrete to make room for it. I think he also just really loves your alternative style in general. As for music, he would love listening to any type of music you introduced him to. I think he’s pretty into alternative kind of sad or stuff and would love it if you introduced him and you guys would have the best dates of just listening to music and sitting down with a good book and then afterwards at some point discussing it with each other and coming up with theories and just talking about the characters, the books surrounds and things like that. as for your nerdy hobbies, I think he would love it. I think he would absolutely be into dungeons and dragons would create the most complex, insane characters that aren’t even really that good at fighting but you know they just build the story a lot I feel like that’s the type of character he would create in DND. For movies, I think he would be a bit scared by horror movies so be prepared to have him end up in your lap, clinging onto you or something because I don’t know. I just feel like he would be terrified of them lmaoo He doesn’t mind you’re needing us and clinginess, and I honestly think it kind of goes perfectly with him because he loves that you still respect his boundaries but give him the love and affection that he feels like he lacks sometimes anyway I totally ship 💚💚
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Explanation: OK I really ship you guys like so hard but starting off with appearances, I think that she would absolutely adore you. I think she would be a bit taller than you and find that absolutely adorable. I think that she really loves your hair and even wants to dye hers to sort of match yours a little bit she really loves your style and asks for fashion advice, like 24 seven so you better be prepared for that. She also thinks your glasses are incredibly cute and is constantly commenting on them and just loves the way that they make your eyes look. As for you being fat, she doesn’t really care at all if anything it just makes you guys have more subjects to bond over because she’s also used to being judged for the way that she looks maybe not in the same way as you, but she’s been treated pretty crappy by a lot of guys her entire life because of her both her family and, the fact that she stereotyped as a slut. People think that because she’s part of some big scary, greaser family that she can handle any kind of emotional damage and she’ll easily sleep with you which really isn’t true and she’s way more of a person than that and she really wishes people would see beyond that. She thinks it’s bad ass that you play guitar and I think she would ask if you would give her skating lessons and she absolutely sucks at it but you know it’s the thought that matters and I think that would become a little date for you. You guys that you frequently have like you’d have a scheduled day where you guys go to skate park and just have an absolute blast. I would love to introduce her because she has a generally limited range and generally is popular so whenever you introduced her many different genres, she’s mind blown and finally starts to get a little bit of diversity. as I think she’s used to being clingy and ignoring her like I said I just think guys have treated her really shitty in relationship so you would be just such a breath of fresh air and I think that she would absolutely love you and really appreciate, again, like Ponyboy that she feels wanted, but you’ll still respect her boundaries if she ever doesn’t feel like it.I SHIP THIS SO HARD BRO 💚
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Pet headcanons? I wanna see that! I wanna see the widdle babies!!!
Anyways, I’ve come up with a few scenarios in which hotel pansexuale ™ can have pets, mind you this is au material and may be subject to change and the mercy of updates.
They learn the concept of pet ownership from a book or somethin-???
Au stuff since in the good!ending au I mentioned once they owned chicken and deer- so maybe a few barn kitties Rush scooped up or a kitty Sally + Dupe owns (the fluffy fam are big fans of kibby. So says me.) or even a really soft, fluffy big dog. Soft things..are a gift for them.. the point is that they all share pet
Plus In my main au they raise Racoons that started after a breeding pair moved into the hotel via a hole in the wall, maybe Rush kept a few favorites…
I don’t really see Seek’s family owning that many pets..or atleast they’d try until Screech brings a rat or something home.? I could Seek owning a cat too..Figure? Chickens and ducks and other domestic fowl Definitely. It’d cluck to them to take care of them. Figure is definitely a fowl person.
Hide definitely gets an emotional support/Therapy dog though for comfort.
Maybe Seek owns one of those hairless cats. Like a pretty calico one.
Imagine it softly clucking or mimicking its flock’s noises in order to call them in for dinner.
Greed definitely owned a hamster, it took care of it even though it’s blind…but honestly? That wasn’t its most important possession out of all its hoard.
Depth. Depth was.
Depth probably would’ve wanted an underwater pet like an octopus or a jellyfish. Some critter that occurs naturally in the pool.
Jack? Hm..snakey snake. Reptiles. Mostly Snakes though.
Bushy in some flavor of au got a ferret. Deadass. No explanation.
Halt? Betta. :) Got that sexy sexy big tank for one little pampered Betta with healthy plants and floating algae balls to match.
“Nice Aquascaping!” Ambush says casually. “‘Watcha got in the tank?” “Betta.” Says Halt. “O-only a Betta..?” “Betta.”
Jeff…? Anything soft and snuggly..maybe a rabbit…? Okay, maybe Jeff needs a dog. Give this man a black lab or a golden retriever or..fuck it, even a sweet shelter dog and watch his heart grow. He needs it. He needs it so bad.
Dread owned doves while human which he cared for deeply. He loved the soft coos of mourning doves outside his home.
Gobby? Bug. Fucking pill beetles man. They rock. Let gobby have a little terrarium filled with pill bugs as a treat. Have him give them water via an Eyedropper.
A60 owns one of those little white dogs with brown tear shitstains on their eyes that are always on the very on crying and adores it.
A90 would probably like a turtle. Watching it swim would make it happy and bring its own swimmy instincts into high gear.
Yes, Printer skunk CAN swim btw. Not a literal water monster like Ambush/Sally but ahh..
A-120 would also like a kitten or maybe a lovebird thank you very much. Much to say, it’d probably like any pet.
Curious would probably like a hissing cockroach or maybe a Xoloitzcuintle dog, maybe a canary…Maybe a Pomeranian?? Mmmmmgmgmgmgngh in-decisive it would have a weird mix of pets.
Guiding light would probably like a pond of koi fish or perhaps an owl/falcon..? Something dignified.
Sorry if your sick about hearing about Rafflesia but they used to own a chinchilla when they were human. His name was Petunia. :)
Rue owned goats at some point..but he secretly loved the little quail chicks at the farm when he was young to the point he has occasional dreams about them..Soft..
Scatters this like pellets to my hungry little doors chickens pspssp feed now
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gi-maeve-rose · 2 years
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Olivia felt like the air was vacuumed from her lungs. Every muscle in her body went stiff. “Who is this?” she demanded.
The man on the line laughed. “Oh, shit! Is that Detective Benson?” He spoke like they were old friends, adding to their infuriation. “Wait, no. Lieutenant Benson. That’s right, it’s been a while since we last spoke. You really climbed those ranks, didn’t you?”
Monday, October 31st, 7:15PM
Valeria was fifteen minutes early. She thought the traffic would be worse getting back. Would showing up at his door now make her look too eager? Should she wait at her apartment and be fifteen minutes late, or would that make her seem disregarding? If she was on time, it might make it seem like she was too coordinated for this.
At the end of it, she decided she was overthinking it, as she usually did, and went into her apartment to try to mask the stress of the day before heading to Rafael’s. And if Isabella was back home, give her a piece of her mind. But she wasn’t, and that gave Valeria the chance to put on her best cool demeanor while she changed into cleaner, more casual clothes. This was her first real date in over a decade. Rationality said there would be no date if Rafael didn’t already see something in her, but realism reminded her that he didn’t see it all. He saw what Valeria showed him, what she deemed safe to be seen. And it wasn’t much…
Valeria finished off her refresh with dry shampoo, her leather jacket in place of her blazer and jeans in place of slacks. She wasn’t a fan of the “professional” attire rule Liv had in place, but she also wasn’t in a place to question it or fight it. It really wasn’t a huge deal at the end of the day. What was a huge deal, was this first date. She’d almost forgotten it was her birthday until she walked into Rafael’s apartment and smelled the fresh meal he’d prepared.
Rafael poked his head from the kitchen, his smile the brightest thing in the room when he saw Valeria setting her bag next to the door. “Well, shit. You actually came,” he teased.
“Okay, well, if you’re gonna be an ass right off the bat, I can just go and have dinner with Liv and Noah.” She picked up her bag again.
Rafael laughed, setting the food to warm as he went to greet Val at the door with a glass of wine. “Put the bag down, and leave your attitude with it.” He placed a glass in one hand and took the purse from the other. “Leonetti Merlot, 2015.”
She hummed, taking a quick sniff before a sip. “Sounds expensive.”
He raised a brow. “And if it was?”
“I’d complain. A lot.”
“So, what I’m hearing is, never let you find gift receipts,” he summarized. “Thanks for the heads up.” Rafael chuckled as she rolled her eyes and brushed past him, watching her walk toward the kitchen. She moved more gracefully when she wasn’t drunk. Straighter, stronger. It formed a familiar knot in his lower belly. One that he had to actively remind himself to ignore, to not act upon. At least for now. “Arroz con gandules y lechón,” he explained the smell, following her into the kitchen. “Pasteles are still heating up in the pot.”
Valeria’s eyes widened as she looked back at him, her chest feeling warm as the swarm of butterflies got feistier in her belly. “You actually took the time to make pasteles?” That expectation wasn’t even close to being on her mind. At least not this soon into their… whatever they were doing.
Rafael walked past her with a guilty expression, grabbing the wine to top off her already almost empty glass. “For the sake of keeping you impressed and not tarnishing my reputation as an overachiever, we’ll say yes.” Store bought, but still quality made, in his opinion. He would have made them himself if he had the time, but he truthfully hadn’t expected her to accept his invitation to dinner, let alone agree to a relationship with him. He seemed confident on the outside, but honestly? He was freaking out just as much as she was. All of this was almost brand new, and he didn’t want to ruin it.
Valeria chuckled. “Trust me, your effort at all is impressive enough,” she assured, leaning back against the counter. Her stance changed, shoulders shrugging up as if she was trying to hide. She was timid, glancing down into the glass. “You really want to give this a shot, huh?” God fuck— Why did she ask? Why couldn’t she just let it be? Was it really that unbelievable that she could have something good?
It honestly almost broke Rafael’s heart that she had such a hard time accepting that she was worth the effort, but he understood how that doubt came to be. “I do,” he confirmed. “I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, but I’m willing to figure it out as I go, if you’re willing to be patient with me.”
Her smile grew gently. “I’m raising a teenager,” she reminded jokingly. “My patience isn’t a problem, it’s my sanity.”
“I’m guessing Isa finally got back to you?” He sipped his wine before setting it down to tend to the food being prepared.
“Nope, but we traced her phone. She’s at her crush’s house.” She fully expected the concerned looked Rafael gave her, sharing the same sentiment. “I know, but I also know Isa. She’s not gonna do anything stupid. Er… Well… Not anything stupider than what she’s already done.”
“As long as you’re sure,” Rafael encouraged, pulling open a cabinet for plates.
Valeria watched as he plated and served their dinner. How the fabric of his polo moved with his muscles, fitted to his contours. His grip tightening on the plate as it started to weigh heavier when more food filled it. And when he walked to the table… Lord, save Val from these sinful thoughts. Or don’t. “Fucking wild,” she thought out loud, biting her lip.
He glanced back, setting the plates down. “What is?”
He noticed her eyes cast up to his from his hip region, grinning slowly. “You said ‘fucking wild’. What’s fucking wild?”
She shook her head, sipping her wine. “How when we first met, I wanted nothing more than to beat your ass,” she indulged, grabbing his glass and bringing it to the table. “You were just… so fucking arrogant and snide, walking around like you owned shit just because you’re good in the courtroom.”
“You know, when you talk like that, I get the feeling you still hate me,” he chuckled. Although, it was a very real concern he had, but tried to bury.
“I never hated you,” she admitted. “You just frustrated me. Still do, but for different reasons.”
Curious. “And what are those reasons?”
Valeria finished her second glass, setting it empty on the table before turning toward Rafael. One hand propped against the table while the other rest on her hip. “You’re still arrogant and a pain in my ass,” she said, though voice held a… certain undertone. Her eyes wandered over the features of his face. The hints of silver in his hair and beard, the tired lines from years of fighting in court. Seasoned, but refined. She inhaled a subtly shaky breath in an attempt to settle herself, her hand lifting from the table to straighten the collar of his polo. “But now it adds to your charm. I don’t want to fight you as much as I would rather…” A pause. Valeria bit her lip with a sultry grin. “Something else that starts with an ‘f’.” A quick little tug at his collar undid the loose top button. She left him with that, grabbing her glass as she went back to the kitchen to refill it.
Jesus fucking Christ. Valeria made it harder and harder for him to keep his hands to himself. No matter how much he tried to tell himself to keep it together, his body did the opposite, following her into the kitchen. He stood directly behind her, smirking when her breath hitched at his hands on her hips. “Are you trying to seduce me, Detective?” he asked quietly, lips brushing against her ear.
Valeria tried to keep her composure, but her hair standing on end gave her away. “Depends.” She leaned back against his chest, turning her face slightly toward his. “Is it working?”
She gasped in surprise when he squeezed her hips and turned her, backing her against the counter. The involuntary moan as he pressed his hips against hers deepened a blush on her cheeks. “You tell me,” he breathed, eyes staring hungrily into hers.
Restraint broken, Rafael gave into temptation, claiming Valeria’s lips with his own. Hardly a risk when she so eagerly returned the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck, hands pushing through his hair. It was the same intensity as the first time, but they forced themselves to take their time, savor the feeling of each other under their hands, explore each other’s bodies, taste each other. No touch was a bad one, lighting every nerve on fire.
Dinner was long forgotten. The only thing on their mind was lust as they stumbled out of the kitchen and into the living room. “You know, I have a rule about not putting out of the first date,” Rafael teased through kisses, pushing Valeria’s leather jacket off her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor.
Valeria chuckled, pulling the bottom of his shirt from the waistband of his slacks. “Well , excuse me, Princess,” she teased back, kicking off her shoes. “Should I stop?” The backs of her knees hit the arm of the couch and she let out a soft yelp as she toppled onto her back. She stared up at him, warmth pooling in her lower belly and between her legs in response to how he looked at her.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Rafael pounced, laying himself atop Valeria, his hips settled between her legs. He was desperate for friction, grinding the strain in his pants against her, drawing a vulgar moan from deep in his chest as their kisses grew pornographic. This was not in the plan for tonight, but there was no way either of them would stop.
But perhaps they spoke too soon. Valeria’s phone started to ring in her purse, eliciting an irritated groan from her. “Déjalo,” Rafael begged, his lips trailing down her neck.
“No puedo,” she panted, despite her wanting to. His hands tearing off her clothes and his mouth on her skin begged her not to stop. “¿Y si es Olivia?”
“Puedes llamarla más tarde. Puedes culparme.” As enticement, he slipped his hand down the front of her panties, coating his middle and ring finger in her wet before pushing them inside her. “Por favor.”
His fingers inside her and his breathless pleading were electric, ripping a gasping moan from her chest. She drowned out her phone ringing long before it stopped, mind stolen into the moment. “Fuck, Rafa,” she whined, hands gripping tight on his shirt and in his hair. The lower he kissed down her body, the heavier her breaths came. She couldn’t help but watch.
Rafael wasn’t lying when he said this wasn’t something he would do on the first date, but he couldn’t help himself this time around. Every snippy remark Valeria made, every glare she cast toward him, the way she carried herself. The longer it went on since May, the more he wanted her. And the more he wanted her, the more he thought had to push it down. Until that past Friday, at least. He really couldn’t stop thinking about her body on his, her tongue in his mouth. He felt guilty, perverted when he imagined how that night would’ve gone if he hadn’t told her to stop. Even more so when he pleasures himself more than once at the thought.
But he intended to make a dream come true now, his hand leaving her core despite her protesting whines and removing the fabric that covered her. He tossed them onto the floor with her jeans and her shirt, marveling at her statuesque body laid open beneath him. “You’re so beautiful,” he praised, his hands gliding gently over her silky legs. He pushed her knees closer to her chest as he leaned down, laying soft kisses to her thighs, alternating as he dipped lower and lower, closer and closer.
Valeria’s head fell back, eyes shut as she reveled in the expert way his tongue danced over her clit. Sexual partners were far and few between, and when they did happen, it was admittedly nothing memorable. She never experienced what it was like to be pleased like this. They never really cared, but even if they had, she was positive nothing would compare to Rafael. Her hips rolled, begging for more, to which Rafael happily obliged by wrapping his lips around her clit. Valeria’s back arched, her moans louder, surely heard by neighbors through the walls.
Music to his ears. She was so much sweeter than he imagined, so much better. He shifted on his knees to adjust the hardness in the front of his pants. His cock twitched and throbbed, begging to be freed from its confines, pleading for pleasure. If only he cared about his own as much as he cared about hers. Or perhaps it was his name falling from her lips with breathless moans that did it for him, that could easily get him off. He released one of her thighs, slipping his fingers into her again to work in tandem.
The knotting core in her belly burned white hot. “Just like that, baby,” Valeria panted. “Fuck, don’t stop. I’m right there. I—“ Her orgasm cut her words short. She clawed at the couch for dear life as she toppled over the edge, shouting Rafael’s name in euphoric bliss.
It took pure willpower and a half to keep himself from cumming, but holy fuck, was it difficult. Her lust flooded, dripping down his chin and hand as he kept working his fingers, helping her ride out her orgasm. Her legs relaxed, Rafael carefully laying them down as he pressed kisses to her hips. “Good girl,” her purred against her skin, grinning as she twitched from each kiss, every nerve in her body ultra sensitive. “Should’ve figured you’d be a screamer.”
Valeria chuckled between heavy breaths, eyes glazed over with lust as she looked down at him. “Get your clothes off and I’ll show you just how loud I can be,” she challenged, pressing the top of her foot against his cock, strained in his slacked.
She didn’t have to tell him twice. He groaned sharply, his hips involuntary grinding down to add more friction as he sat back on his knees, pulling his shirt off in one fluid motion. “Yes, ma’am,” he rumbled.
Fin had forgotten his phone at his desk, grumbling to himself in irritation as he was now forced to get dressed again to go back to grab it. Phoebe was sure to tease the almighty shit out of him when he got back. He passed by Olivia’s office, attention grabbed when he noticed the lights on. He peeked in to find her at her desk. “Hey,” he greeted in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
Olivia looked up from her computer with a grateful sigh, taking off her glasses. “Dodds needed me to double check that Joshua Fletcher case,” she explained. “Said something about it felt off.” She gave a tired laugh at Fin’s offense. “I assured him you did everything right, but he insisted, so I’m just trying to give him a piece of mind.” But it could wait for now. She had her boy at home and she didn’t want to keep Lucy any longer than she needed to. “What about you? I figured you would’ve been in for the night.”
“I was until Phoebe pointed out that I left my phone,” he retorted, a little embarrassed.
Olivia laughed, standing from her desk to follow Fin out to his. “Fin, if you need a day, all you have to do is say so,” she assured. “You’ve been working your ass off, you deserve it.”
He waved a hand as he grabbed his phone. “Nah, I’m alright. You know me, I get antsy if I’m not doing something.” The phone buzzed in his hand, dropping his jaw just slightly when he read the caller ID. “Well, well, well.” He showed Olivia, who shared the same expression when she read the name. Isabella. Fin shook his head. “She’s got another thing coming if she thinks I’m not telling Val.” He and Olivia scoffed before he answered on speaker, Fin mentally praising God that he didn’t have any teen girls to deal with. “Girl, do you have any idea how bad your sister freaked out about you? First you skip your classes, then you don’t return anyone’s calls? Val’s gonna be pissed. You got a death wish or something?”
“Funny you should say that, Detective Tutuola.” The voice that responded was too deep to be Isabella’s. Too old. Too masculine. It wasn’t entirely familiar, but something about it pierced hard, making the detective’s and lieutenant’s blood run cold.
Olivia felt like the air was vacuumed from her lungs. Every muscle in her body went stiff. “Who is this?” she demanded.
The man on the line laughed. “Oh, shit! Is that Detective Benson?” He spoke like they were old friends, adding to their infuriation. “Wait, no. Lieutenant Benson. That’s right, it’s been a while since we last spoke. You really climbed those ranks, didn’t you?”
She in no mood for games, grabbing Fin’s hand that held the phone. “Answer me,” she demanded. “Who is this?”
He sighed. “I guess I wouldn’t be very memorable to you, huh? Val doesn’t really talk about me, does she? Not that I blame her. We had a… rocky relationship. I tried calling her so we could talk it out, but no answer.”
Connor Davis. If hell was real… Every horrible thought ran through Olivia and Fin’s minds. Isabella’s behavior started to make sense. It didn’t seem like her because it wasn’t her. Davis had her, and it was sickening to think of what could’ve happened to her in the last eight hours. “Where’s Isabella, Connor? Let me talk to her,” Olivia pleaded.
“No.” Venom laced his voice. He had nothing to hide anymore. Thanks to Valeria, the world knew what monstrous things he was capable of. If it was a monster they saw, a monster they’d get. “I have a message for my ex, and you’re going to make sure she gets it.”
A/N: First and foremost, I want to apologize for this chapter being two days late. I have a day job as a hairstylist, and with Thanksgiving being right around the corner, work has slowly been getting busier. On top of that, my creative writing has been lacking. It took me three days since posting Chapter 6 to even start writing Chapter 7, and even when I started, the creative thoughts just weren’t there. But I managed to finish it, and while I worry it’s not up to par with the first half dozen chapters, I hope you all enjoy it anyway.
All this being said, I will be taking a holiday break from writing. I absolutely intend to continue and finish Marked, but for now, I owe it to you all and myself to give you the best writing I have, which means I need to let my mind rest a bit and rejuvenate. The estimated time of my return can be expected on either January 6th, 2023 or January 13th, 2023. Until then, I actually wanna know your thoughts on what I have so far and what you think will happen! In comments, asks, DMs, however you want to make your predictions! This break would also give me a chance to interact with you all like I have really been wanting to.
Until the new year, my friends!
♥️ Georgie
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
Do you actually like the new show?
Honestly I'm not sure yet?
I'm *enjoying* it and I'm really doing my best to view it as its own independent piece of media, and I'm seeing a few flaws in it that have nothing to do with the books.
Quick examples
I think the score is just, honestly awful lol. imo it ruined the floaty sex scene and Paul's death in particular, both of those moments for me the music was so cheesy that I couldn't tell what tone the show was going for and it was so distracting that it killed the mood for me. The church scene was on thin fuckin ice for me but so much else happened I was like, lol it's fine. (I REALLY love the jazz stuff though.)
They've already created a few plot holes/continuity errors with their own lore, and even divorcing it from book lore because it's its own thing, I don't know how that got through all the writers. The show is clearly being intentional in creating a new universe with new rules, but you have to know the original rules to know what you're changing. RJ keeps claiming that they respect the books so much and that everyone in the writers room read 1-5 but I don't understand how you could familiarize yourself that much with the work and not *notice* lore. (This is about the mind gift error btw like, even me not being MAD about the change went "Oh wow they changed the barrier rule!" when it happened and then 5 minutes later, oh wait what?)
The pacing is so sloppy and confusing and they're doing a lot of telling and not showing. Two episodes in and I'm still not sure *why* they're doing a second interview or why Louis loves Lestat. Like Louis can TELL us he's enthralled all he wants but like in the first episode they turned their courtship into a montage and I would've really liked to see that!!!!!!!! I'm a big fan of reading Loustat as The Worst Ship Ever so like so far for me they're tracking as being extremely toxic and completely anchored in manipulation and I'm enjoying that, but I wanna understand the cute stuff, too. Like this story is really important to me because it shows the complicated grieving process when you lose an abuser/leave an abusive relationship and so far we're not seeing enough of what Louis ENJOYS. So when Lestat inevitably is killed, I don't know what exactly Louis is supposed to be grieving.
On that point, I really really loved how much the first episode shared about Louis's family for that very reason. We got to see how sunny breakfast time was an important part of the family routine, and we got to see how close he was with Paul, so when he loses them we understand what he lost. When he loses Lestat, I'm not sure they're giving us enough to understand why he should miss him. (This might not matter bc the story is so different but, it's what I'm wondering based on the first 2!)
imo the show is really struggling with whether or not it wants the viewer to understand IWTV before they watch, and I think it's kinda fun where they've put in little movie references, I also think they went so far out of their way to say they weren't remaking the movie that it comes off as lazy to me. I get that using these like recognizable icons is going to make it more fun to movie fans who never read the book, but they keep making digs at the movie and saying they're a whole new thing and I'm not exactly sure what they're trying to do here. (This isn't strictly about the quality of the show on its own merits and I'm not sure where to draw the line as whether or not it's a book related complaint LOL, but there's definitely a couple sloppy/unclear world building moments that idk if casuals are gonna be able to follow.)
Other than that, the only things I'm critical about don't have enough context for me to have an opinion yet, but they're on my radar and I'm watching to see how it plays out. IE: Whether or not the incorporation of Covid is tacky, whether or not the marginalized characters are being treated respectfully overall, what is the show's thesis on being ashamed of disability and sexuality and race?
Frankly, the writing on these two episodes (moreso ep2, it feels like they worked extra hard to start ep1 with a bang) has been pretty sloppy at times but I'm happy to stick it out and see how it goes, but idk. And like, there's a lot of awesome enjoyable shows that have sloppy writing moments. I'd still enjoy it if there's enough other cool emotional substance!
Like if this were any other show I might not look this closely but unfortunately I have an extremely neurodivergent relationship with these stupid books and I can't be normal about it. I'm also reviewing it for a podcast so I've been looking very closely to analyze it.
It's a little bit impossible for me not to be disappointed as a book fan, though, and we have to separate here if that's the "show" or if it's the "project" overall. Like, the episodes are fun, it's fine. They've created their own space. At the same time, it's already changed so much of the stuff *I* personally love in VC that like. SHRUG IDK. This is so subjective because everyone has whatever reason they want for liking VC and for some people it's camp & blood & New Orleans and that's fine. But so far a lot of the stuff that I enjoy about the books is simply not here. Honestly it's genuinely unrecognizable to me as an AR piece. And like, I love, honestly--LOVE, the way Sam Reid is playing Lestat, but especially after episode 2 I think he's so HORRIFICALLY out of character I just don't know. It's not Sam's fault bc it's the writing lmfao and he's working with what he's got, but ooof it's rough. It's like he's got all of Lestat's bad qualities and none of his good ones LOL. And I rag on Lestat a LOT but like, I wouldn't like VC if I didn't like Lestat, and this is missing a lot of what I like about Lestat.
And in understanding these new characters I think it's impossible not to use the books as a point of refence to compare & contrast. I think I wouldn't understand Louis on the show nearly as well if I wasn't seeing how intentionally opposite he is from book Louis. That's not a bad thing, in itself, but I find it impossible (for me) not to constantly be looking at the book as a point of comparison to understand the show better.
So it's ALWAYS going to cause a fuss when an adaptation is this radical, you're ALWAYS going to have people who are disappointed if Their Thing gets cut or gets rearranged until it's unrecognizable. That's inevitable. It doesn't make the adaptation bad, it just feels disappointing to losers like myself.
And for me, even letting the show breathe on its own merits, I'm still going to ask if some of these changes help the plot or the characters.
Is it BETTER that Lestat is an edgelord atheist with no respect for humans?
Is it BETTER to closet or straightwash Daniel?
Is it BETTER to change Claudia's story from a grown woman being dependent on others forever because she looks like a child to being about a teenager who can drive and probably be independent if she needed to be?
And if they DON'T help, I'm always going to question why that decision was made. For example, out of the cold if you walk into a vampire show and the interviewer is a random straight guy, no harm no foul. When you know that that was a deliberate creative decision to straightwash a queer character, that's worth criticizing. So I'm not upset as a book purist or anything, in fact I've talked many many many (many, many. Many.) times about how these books wouldn't translate well to TV as a 1:1 faithful adaptation, but when you ask what they ARE changing I think it's fair to make that comparison and ask what it added. A lot of that stuff is subjective, too, so we all might feel differently about it.
so idk.
I'm really trying to be open minded. I'm enjoying it so far but I'm also still super disappointed that they changed so much and it really doesn't feel like IWTV or VC at all to me. I'm, tbh, completely furious about what they're doing to Daniel. I could enjoy it and at the end of the day still be so fucking disappointed that *this* is the version of VC we got after years and years and years of waiting. LIKE YKNOW WHAT I SAW QOTD IN THEATRES AND I WAS JUST ??? DEVASTATED LMFAO. It feels like that all over again. 🤣 And with how long this show might go on and therefore how long AMC retains the rights, it's a very real possibility that this was the only chance in my lifetime to see a faithful adaptation of Armand & Daniel and I can't put into words how upset I am that it's been crushed like this.
It's no secret that my presence in fandom has mostly been as a Devil's Minion nerd so like, idk man. If you were me, how would you feel? I've also never made a secret that Loustat, as a ship, is a little too triggering for me personally to get behind, so like as far as ship content goes and all that fun fandom stuff, this does absolutely nothing for me. RIP :(
So. idk! I'm not sure if I like the new show yet LMAO. I'm enjoying but idk if I "like" it. There's a difference!
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