#honestly Laszlo too
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fandomsoups · 1 year ago
Nandor is the original catboy and you cannot convince me otherwise
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manicpixieyandere · 3 months ago
WWDITS Managed The Impossible:
Queerbait with QUEER characters!?
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What a finale last night huh? While parts of it were enjoyable and funny, it's also hard to miss how incredibly shallow the whole thing feels. Let us explain!
First off, this show refuses to have a single emotional moments. People call it the "shit and fart" show for a reason. The earlier seasons left some room for emotional moments and development but the later seasons completely shit on any nice moment they have with a joke.
We get that the show's gimmick is that just like a sitcom, the vampires never change. And that really is an interesting concept! But in the finale they completely ignore a theme THEIR OWN SHOW SET UP! That the vampire did in fact change this time, just a little bit. And why did they change? Guillermo! Over six seasons we get to see how the vampires grow emotionally or explore new endeavors all because of Guillermo. But the finale completely writes that part away and decides that the vampires never changed, completely undoing six seasons of development.
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Now let's get to the thing that ticked us off the most. A show shouldn't be judged purely on whether its popular ship got together or not, but for this show that is a major valid criticism. It's not like the internet was being the internet and made up a random ship that made no sense, this ship had been hinted for YEARS! Despite its characters (both Nador and Guillermo) being canonically queer, their relationship follows that of classic queerbait beats. Theres just enough hints and breadcrumbs to keep the queer audience interested without ever having to even deliver on the queer aspects of the characters. This goes beyond Nandor and Guillermo as well! Ever seen Nadja or Laszlo have SERIOUS relationships with characters of the same sex? No! Anything remotely gay is played for laughs and not real representation. Some moments in the show showed care to its queerness. Guillermo's episode about coming out is great! But the show refuses to deliver on any of the queer plot lines it set up (honestly refuses to even wrap up any plot lines).
Now let's talk about those alternate endings. Honestly IMO the Nadja hypnosis with three alternate scenes in the reruns was genius! Very creative, but dear god did this fumble the bag. If they spent the rest of the season tying up loose threads then this would have been a fine concept. But what ends up happening is it's a non canon time waster in a finale that has too much to wrap up. It is quite literally, a waste of time. They needed to spend this time wrapping up arcs instead.
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Theres also the case of the Nandermo scene. During the final alternate scene of the night we get to see human Nandor and Guillermo in one of the audience's "perfect endings". This is such a god damn slap in the face to anyone who cared about these characters. It is quite literally making fun of the audience (very Sherlock of you WWDITS). It's once again for the final time playing Nandermo (and queerness in general) for laughs. They're baiting the ship right in your face and telling you they think your idea is dumb. That it's a ridiculous joke. Ignoring the fact THEY ARE THE ONES WHO SET IT UP!!!
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Then we also have the weird homophobic rhetoric from the cast and crew. In many interviews there have been statements where people say something like "it's important in this day and age to show that men can still be friends and not everything has to be sexual". Now one question; who the fuck said otherwise? Don't know if you've noticed but queer people are a MINORITY. Most men who know each other, are friends! There's gay men sure, but they're a minority. And this extends to fiction as well. Sure the internet will ship everyone, but an internet ship does not dictate canon. Theres not a lot of queer representation out there compared to all the cishet characters out there.
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Frankly we have no idea where this rhetoric of men needing to prove they can just be friends came from. The exact same rhetoric is being used for Jayce and Viktor in Arcane as well. It just screams toxic masculinity not being able to handle being in queer spaces (fandom spaces (especially WWDITS and Arcane) tend to be quite queer leaning). Queer people want representation. That's why queerbait hurts so bad. You think you're finally seen only to be lied to and used for a profit. It's so incredibly disrespectful to the fans.
WWDITS really fumbled its last season and frankly has been going down hill for years. A great lesson on predatory ship baiting so bad it made its canonically queer characters into queerbait. That's genuinely fucking impressive in the worst way possible. Not to mention that random ass MAGA Guide thing (like wtf???).
Not even including the queer stuff this show just failed to wrap up any of its plot lines or give any emotional satisfaction to the viewer.
Anyway this finale really pissed us off, bye.
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paperboo · 4 months ago
me full of joy and whimsy because nandor, guillermo, and nadja end the episode hanging out and having a good time, checking #wwdits on tumblr dot com and discovering people are actually upset by the throwaway bit about nandor and the guide
the thing i took away from that scene is that he writes 'every time i call you...' and then guillermo walks in, looking for his phone. so like. the implication is that nandor took guillermo's phone. dissect THAT instead of freaking out about the guide/nandor maybe???
two things:
1. characters in this show take how they feel about one character and project it onto another. we saw it with how nandor treated marwa, and in this episode with colin robinson and laszlo's dad. laszlo uses the excuse of talking about his father to talk about how he ACTUALLY feels about raising baby colin. the emotional truth gets expressed but it gets expressed in a distorted way or to the wrong person. the things that you see expressed directly onscreen are often not to be trusted. i don't think the writers want anyone to genuinely start rooting for nandor and the guide's love just because it got explicitly brought up as a concept
2. i can't actually fault anyone for being scared that nandor/guide could randomly be endgame because honestly that does seem like some shit they would pull and that's why i'm kind of thrilled for this show to be over soon so they can never disappoint me again. BUT. at the same time, personally, i think y'all panic too quickly
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just-a-little-cellist · 2 years ago
WWDITS Preference: When You're Sad/Depressed
(A/N: I've felt my depression flaring up lately (doesn't help that I can't watch the new WWDITS season yet lmao) so this is, as usual, totally self-indulgent. hope you enjoy, and feel free to request more stuff like this :D)
(Includes Nadja, Laszlo and Nandor x gender neutral reader)
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When she notices that you're feeling out of sorts, Nadja is surprisingly compassionate. While not particularly good at talking things through with you, she does try - at the very least she'll let you rant if you need to - and will loudly assure you that to think lowly of yourself at all is ridiculous, I mean, look at you! You're wonderful! Once you're done talking she takes it upon herself to organize a movie night in an effort to cheer you up. Hearing her enthusiastically sing along to the Mamma Mia soundtrack is at worst a good distraction, and at best it'll get you smiling and singing along too.
(It also goes without saying that if a person has caused your sadness, she'll hunt them down without a second thought.)
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Not that he'd do it for anyone else, but Laszlo will immediately sit down to have a conversation with you if he notices you feeling depressed. It hurts him to see you so deflated and he won't stand for it. He will offer advice and affirmations as you talk, and reassures you that you can always confide in him in future if it'll prevent you feeling this way (and, like Nadja, will kill for you if a person caused this).
The same day, he'll compose a song for you on the piano and requests that you sit beside him while he plays it to you for the first time. He'll play that song to you in future whenever you feel down as a reminder of how much he cares for you.
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When Nandor sees that you're feeling depressed, he's very empathetic. He's been through his fair share of it, after all. His methods of helping aim more towards taking your mind off of things and making you smile. He'll take you out somewhere if you feel up to it, dance with you at home if you want to stay in (honestly I'd kill to slow dance with Nandor), and gives you plenty of physical affection.
Everything that he does, he watches your face carefully until he sees you smile and then beams at you like you're his entire world. He will not stop until he's sure that you feel loved and wanted, and on particularly bad days he will go to the lengths of making a glitter portrait for you.
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nanawritesit · 2 years ago
WWDITS Headcanons: You Having the Opposite Aesthetic of Everyone Else at the Vampire Residence (fem!reader)
tw: vampires, blood, corpses, mentions of killing, mentions of virgins, immortality
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you were brought into the house to work as nadja and laszlo’s familiar
after having so many familiars die on the job, they had pretty much lost hope that they would ever find one that was right for them
so when you of all people, with your brightly colored hair, glittery makeup, long nails, and hot pink platform boots, were still around after a few weeks, they knew you were special 💞
of course they had their doubts at first, thinking you were much too soft for the job based on your cute aesthetic, but you surprised them with how tough you were
you had no problem finding them victims, cleaning up blood stains, and disposing of corpses. the promise of eternal life was much too great for you to give up because of some gore
nadja is overjoyed to have another woman in the house, and quickly becomes more of a bestie than a boss (as long as you do all of your duties as a familiar too)
she requires you to attend weekly “girls nights” with her, the guide, and mini nadja, but even if they weren’t mandatory, you’d happily go along
sometimes you’ll get all dressed up and go clubbing, taking everyone’s drinks for them since they can’t ingest human food
you stick out like a sore thumb in your pink sequin mini dress and heels, the rest of them shrouded in black lace, but you have an amazing time regardless. they really know how to party!
but sometimes you just have sleepovers where you watch mamma mia and talk shit about all the men in the house
laszlo didn’t take you seriously at first. he never really saw the appeal of having a familiar, thinking he got along just fine without one, but wanted to please his good lady wife
he could never understand how nandor was so attached to guillermo. he was just some human who followed him around and did his bidding
that was, until you came along
he found it was really nice to have someone to practice his music with, to organize his library for him, to help him into his coffin every night… and after a while he really grew quite fond of you
which scared him, because he knew how fragile human life was
but that only made him want to keep you under his wing more, to protect you until the day him and nadja decided to turn you
they love having you accompany them on their nightly walks, carrying their parasol behind them as they bask in the moonlight
they’re super protective of you, especially from people who assume you’re an easy target because of your looks
like, if anyone tries to mess with you around them, lazslo will yell at them to go fuck off, and nadja will practically go feral and rip their heart out
you’ll have to BEG her not to hurt them for her to even CONSIDER letting them go 💀
nandor pretty much falls in love with you upon first sight
he absolutely adores your style, loving how unique it is compared to anyone else he knows
he tries and fails to flirt with you all the time while you’re working, until nadja eventually yells at him to leave you to your chores, and he’ll scuttle away bc he’s scared of her 😀
he sometimes asks you to do his makeup like yours, saying he wants to “glitter like twilight”
his undead heart stops when you lean close to his face to do his eyeliner 🥺
he desperately wants to ask you out but is terrified of what nadja would do to him should you agree
she thinks you’re MUCH too good for him
he eventually goes to laszlo for help, since he’s such an “expert” on modern women 💀
he agrees to help him, but tells him that if you guys start dating and he hurts you, he’ll kill him 😗
guillermo is honestly just so thrilled to have another human in the house to sympathize with him 😭
the two of you quickly become partners in crime, dragging bodies down the stairs together and recruiting virgins for your vampires to feast on
he also wouldn’t hesitate to slay any vampire who tried to feed on you
you always stick up for him when the vampires aren’t taking him seriously, which helps since they all value your opinion tremendously
nandor gets a bit jealous when he finds out that you and guillermo get lunch together everyday 😭
guillermo admittedly gets a bit jealous when you’re turned into a vampire before he is, but is obviously very happy for you
but since nandor has such a soft spot for you, you’re able to convince him to turn guillermo sooner :) that way you can be a big happy vampire family forever
collin robinson thinks you’re quite entertaining, although he gets frustrated at the fact that you somehow always dodge all of his attempts to drain your energy
when you go out on the town with everyone, you have major scary dog privilege
when you walk by, people see a pretty pink princess 💞
and then they see the three huge, dramatically dressed vampires, one emotionless suited man, and one monster slayer walking behind you and they’re like oh shit nvm 💀
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wretchedwitchpussy · 3 months ago
Final thoughts on WWDITS:
They tried doing way too much with the little time that they had left and they didn't put enough time into wrapping things up properly. That's it. You could have cut all of the new characters that they introduced in season 6 and just focused on wrapping the things you already introduced, but that didn't happen. It was pretty sloppy in my opinion.
I fully thought that Colin punching Guillermo was a sign that he was an EV right? I was like what else could they possibly do with that? But without that pay off...what was the point of him doing that actually? Just beating the shit out of Guillermo? That's fucked up and there wasn't a point to it. There wasn't a point to a lot of the stuff that I saw on screen this season. Speaking as someone who was really into Nandermo, there was no ultimate payoff to the Guide and Nandor, not even them ending up together, which would have been unsatisfying to me as a viewer but at least they would have done something with a storyline that they already had going instead of just letting it fizzle out for no reason. At least there would have been a point.
There were so many good storylines that they just let die after season 5. And for what. Like. What was the point of Laszlo having his emotional catharsis with Sean? What was the point of Nandor desperately wanting a romantic life partner (which, btw, I don't think it's fair to say that Nandor's found what he wanted via crime fighting with Guillermo, because his want throughout all of the seasons was specifically FOR a romantic partner. It just seems like another way to badly resolve something that they didn't know how to resolve)? What was the point of [insert any dead unresolved plot point here]?
To me most, if not all, of the plot points this season as well as the way that the ending(s) occurred felt shoehorned in and kind of didn't make sense. A pretty good political message about immigrants making up the lifeblood of America? Awesome! Oh it was done shabbily and played off as a joke? Also the guide is MAGA? Oh okay. Also congrats on fucking up a character THAT badly with some of her last words on the show. Why not. Inasfar as shoehorned in to cover up bad writing, Nadja just hypnotizes the audience so that we get a satisfying ending, instead of the writers putting in the work to set up a good ending? Okay I guess. As a result, at least to me, it felt so rushed. I just wish they had finished up the very good storylines they had already set up instead of trying to do more when they knew this was the last season.
It was also pretty sloppy to me that they decided to do multiple endings, poorly, instead of just picking one and committing to it and doing it right. It just seems like they couldn't make up their minds at all both throughout the show's run and regarding the ending. I honestly don't really care that Nandermo, in my opinion, isn't even canon. To me, you have to show that sort of thing and not just coyly allude to it? I'm not going to call it queerbaiting or shipbaiting because honestly I don't want to get into a discussion about that, I mainly think it was just poor writing. I wish that they had done anything definitive with them instead of copping out with three endings (one of which is it was all a dream? bsffr), since, love them or hate them, they DID set them up as the "main couple" of the sitcom.
I also find the alternate endings thing kind of insulting to the fans? I guess? Like the fans didn't need you to do that. The fans can write fanfic and make alternate endings to the show themselves. I guess I just wanted something definitive instead of something simpering and pandering, which is kind of what it felt like to me.
I understand that people felt like it embraced the fans and told the fans that they loved them, but to me, that messaging feels like feel-good pandering to cover up the fact that they didn't know what they were doing with the show, and that they didn't know how to end it.
(@brewhay u wanted my thoughts on the finale lol)
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I can’t get this out of my headddd help
Okay I am a diehard Laszlermo fan and I had a Lot Of Thoughts about like… Laszlo realizing Guillermo’s an actual fully formed person and not just some dumb donkey who does the household shit soooooo here goes my grammar and writing is usually shit tier but this won’t leave me alone: (mentions of culturally Catholic Guillermo- old habits die hard bruh I know)
Laszlo hadn’t ever really paid that much mind to Nandor’s familiar, a stout, nervous little chap who scurried around here and there constantly, sweating and mumbling and fumbling… Nandor had informed both he and Nadja that they were not to feed on the young man as “even mediocre help is hard to find these days, and he is as mediocre as they come.” However, Nandor had continued, they could make use of him as their unofficial familiar, because Nandor felt the lad needed to earn his keep.
Thus, Laszlo hadn’t paid much attention to the boy over the past few years (Gizmo, or something like that) other than to casually glance in his direction when he’d tossed his laundry out into the hall for the familiar to collect or occasionally snatching parcels or letters from his hands when he brought the post around to be distributed. In fact, he barely knew what the boy looked like beyond his huge glasses and horrifyingly ugly sweaters. Nadja, too, often commented on how unremarkable the familiar was. “He is a stupid and boring little donkey, but at least he works hard.”
Honestly, Laszlo wasn’t sure why he found himself studying Gizmo so intently of late. Maybe it was the fact that even though he’d been classified as mediocre he actually ran the household with the efficiency of a Swiss watch… or maybe it was the fact that he seemed to be quite bright and intelligent despite Nandor’s assertions that he was rather slow witted (rather rich coming from Nandor) or maybe it was the fact that despite being quite a young man, he never went out and seemed to have few to no friends… or perhaps it was just because he existed in the same space as Laszlo and yet Laszlo knew so little about him.
There were a few occasions that he’d noticed something unusual in the corner of Gizmo’s small cubicle under the stairs too. A few times when the boy was leaving his space, he’d held the curtain open just long enough for Laszlo to catch a glimpse of what was inside- the standard bed and desk and a few framed photos along with that ridiculous glitter *thing* Nandor had made to appease the boy when he’d fussed about becoming a vampire… but there were other things like small potted plants, a few stacks of books whose titles he couldn’t make out and one other thing in the corner he’d noticed that looked like a small table draped in oilcloth… what was it? As much as Laszlo hated to admit he was oddly fascinated with Gizmo of late. The little chap seemed to be, as the old chestnut went, a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
One night, Laszlo’s curiosity got the better of him when he happened to pass by the familiar’s room and noticed an odd glow coming from behind the curtain. Giving in to his inexplicable desire to know who the bloody hell this odd young man was, he pulled back the edge of the curtain slowly and glanced in.
He was surprised to find that the seemingly drab little space was actually quite warm, inviting and full of color and personality. On one side of his desk, the young lad had cultivated a small garden of potted cacti in different unusual shapes and colors… on the other side, a marionette wearing a comically large straw hat leaned against the side of his computer screen in a nonchalant pose. The books were obviously well loved and often read and Laszlo noticed some of the titles: The Thirty Nine Steps, The Count of Monte Cristo (ah, so the boy had a bit of adventure in his spirit)… it suddenly struck Laszlo that Nandor’s familiar was no dimwitted little beast of burden, that the young man had a surprisingly rich and colorful inner life. After a moment’s contemplation, he turned his attention to the other corner of the room and Gizmo himself.
The young man hadn’t noticed him there because he was kneeling in front of a small, intricately wrought iron table. Ah, this must be the… thing he’d always kept covered, and Laszlo now knew why. Three lit candles in tall glass jars with painted figures on them sat in a row on the table, flanked by a portrait of the Jeebus man himself (the one with the glowing heart) and one of the Blessed Mother. Over his clasped hands was looped an old, fragile looking rosary and as his lips moved, his thumb rubbed the well worn beads slowly, as it appeared had been done many, many times.
It was an oddly beautiful sight, the young man’s face and hands bathed in the soft glow of the candlelight, the painted visages of the saints gazing almost lovingly on him as he silently uttered words meant to be heard by the Divine, his entire being radiating peace… or it would have been, if Laszlo’s skin wasn’t on fire and his insides hadn’t been ferociously curdling… he let out a pained gasp and was just about to recoil when Gizmo looked up, startled, and immediately jumped up to his feet.
“Shit, shit, shit, sorry,” the boy sputtered as he quickly extinguished the candles and tossed the oilcloth back over the table. “I didn’t realize you were there….” his voice trailed off and Laszlo sighed heavily.
“Boy… I would suggest you be quite careful with your little… artifacts there and don’t let Nandor see them.” He tried to make his tone hard and scolding, and it seemed to work on the familiar- no, Gizmo- even though to Laszlo’s ears it didn’t sound very convincing.
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” Gizmo replied meekly, head bowed slightly and hands folded in front of him. “I guess I really shouldn’t have that stuff here but… the way my ama raised me… old habits die hard,” he finished a bit lamely and then cautiously glanced up at Laszlo with his big, dark, doe eyes. “Y-you won’t tell Nandor, will you?”
Damn those eyes. The boy had some odd sorcery with them, because Laszlo couldn’t help but soften when that gaze was turned on him. “No, lad, I won’t. I’ve much better things to do than run tattling to Nandor about the doings of his familiar-“ at that Gizmo smiled a brilliant smile that made something flutter oddly in Laszlo’s chest. He paused and coughed a little before adding in a conspiratorial tone, “Besides, dealing with Nandor day in and day out, you may need… ah… divine intervention to keep your sanity.”
At that, Gizmo laughed, a sweet, musical sound that Laszlo couldn’t help but smile ever so slightly at. “Yeah, he can be a bit much at times, can’t he?”
Laszlo rolled his eyes and replied ruefully, “That is an understatement if I have ever heard one. Right then, as you were, my boy,” with that he turned to leave-
“Laszlo?” He turned to face Gizmo again and met those eyes once more, trying to push aside that fluttery feeling once again as the boy looked at him with an expression of earnest gratitude. “Thank you….”
Laszlo waved his hand, “I just don’t want Nandor firing or killing you. This house would go to shit without you,” and with that he turned on his heel and strode off, trying to ignore the burning in his cheeks and ears that still hadn’t quite dissipated… was he fucked? Yes, quite fucked.
(the ending is bad because I can’t write for shit lol
The portrait of the Jeebus man is the Sagrado Corazón or Sacred Heart of Jesus
I like the idea of Memo like… not being super devout but having been raised in a Latin American catholic culture old habits die super hard trust me I know lol
a little artistic license on the potted cactus garden and books
the marionette is a Cantinflas marionette, Harvey has mentioned watching Cantinflas before so yeah
okay this is shit but k got it out of my system so yeah #sorrynotsorry
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mothguillotine · 1 year ago
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I Definitely Just Got Attacked By A Werewolf
CW: the reader gets attacked in this (given the title) but other than that it's just whats in the show already. hope you guys enjoy!
On a late walk in October is where you first meet. The fall crispness had let up one night when you decided to go out. The stars, which were usually quite dim due to the city lights, lit up the night sky with the full moon. The park you were in was secluded enough that it was nearly impossible to hear the cars driving by and the other various noises of the city, it was peaceful.
Until it wasn't. All you heard before you were attacked was a bush rustling and then you were on the ground. You push yourself up and realize that you are bleeding profusely from your stomach.
"HELP!" you yell, "HELP ME PLEASE!"
but you know no one is coming. As you try your hardest to run towards the roads outside the park another sound comes from behind you. When you turn you see a beast, hair covering the entirety of it's body and at least two feet taller than yourself. For a second all you could do was stare at the creature until you finally scream.
It lunges at you and you are able to nearly escape it's claws. You fall to the ground yet again and you know that your life is over. The scratches on your stomach are bleeding more than before and your shirt is turning extremely red. The beast is standing over you at this point, you assume to finish what it's started.
You quickly close your eyes, not wanting to see your doom. But before it can attack, you hear it get thrown. While you want to open your eyes to see what is happening they are just much too heavy, actually everything is heavy.
"Is this how it feels to die?" you wonder.
"Oh you poor precious stupid baby," you hear someone say, "did you get attacked by this beast?"
You try to respond to their question but all that comes out is an unintelligible noise. They move to get closer to you and lift your shirt up to peer at your wounds.
"My love, she is bound to die." another voice says.
"What if we turn her?" the first voice asks, "look at how beautiful she is, I am sure Nandor wouldn't complain."
"uhhhh, yeah that's how I got vampired if you will." you say towards the camera, "mostly everyone has been welcoming. Nadja wants to hang out, like a lot. She likes dressing me up in outfits and honestly, I can't complain. It's fun. Laszlo wants to constantly play me his music so I listen. He's honestly not half bad, but my favorite is when he and Nadja sing together. Well, singing isn't exactly the right word but performing is." You smile to yourself thinking about the song that they had performed last night, which had been suspiciously similar to one of Elvis's songs.
"Colin has tried his hardest to feed off me but after dealing with stupid men for my human life he honestly can't really annoy me much. After many unsuccessful attempts he gave up and sort of just… I don't know. Doesn't anymore. Maybe my confusion over this is feeding him?" you say mostly towards yourself, but what you can't see is the cameras zooming in on Colin standing in the doorway with bright blue eyes. "Anyways moving on, Guillermo was a much tougher nut to crack. He definitely didn't like me when I first got here, that was obvious. But after living here for a few days I understood why he was hurt so badly. After 12 years of service and multiple promises that you would become a vampire you would be pretty upset if they kept turning other people instead of you. I decided to sort of extend an olive branch to Guillermo and I promised him I would turn him myself if it got to that point." You think for a second about what to say next. The only other person you haven't talked about is Nandor.
"Guillermo's master on the other hand is impossible to crack. I honestly don't know if Nandor just doesn't like me much or what but he hasn't ever really talked to me." you continue to tell the camera and crew that are intently listening to you.
The first time you had met Nandor was a few days after Nadja and Laszlo found you in the park. You had just completed your incredibly painful change into a vampire and you all decided to go out to eat. The process left you feeling less than amazing and when you definitely felt like that reflected to your exterior. So when you finally leave your newly appointed room you run directly into Nandor.
"I'm sorry." you tell him looking up realizing just how massive he is.
"It's fine." he says and brushes past you quickly, you wonder why he is speeding away so fast but chose not to think about it anymore.
Later that night, after feeding on your first human, you and Nadja sit on the couch while she braids your hair up into a complex bun while Laszlo sits at the piano playing a soft melody. You feel much better after eating for the first time in nearly a week and you look much better too. You look less sickly and back to normal.
Previously Nadja had come in during your transition to give you company and told you all about the new vampires you would be living with. She told you stories set in the past, hundreds of years before you were born. She asks you about yourself as well, where you come from, what do you enjoy doing, if you are interested in having a threesome with her and her husband, and to be honest the last one throws you for a loop.
Nadja laughs as if she made a joke but honestly you don't think she is really joking. She tells you all about how she will make you the most pretty vampire.
When Nadja is finished with your braid you both walk over to the piano.
"Laszlo?" she asks, capturing the attention of her husband, "What do you think?"
"My darling, it is beautiful. A work of art." he says when Nandor walks in.
"Nandor, what do you think?" she asks him, you both turn to look at him.
"Pretty." he says simply and leaves the room just as quickly as he entered it.
You are honestly confused about Nandor, it feels like he wants to avoid you at all costs but you literally have barely spoken to him. You go to sit back on the sofa and miss the knowing looks that the couple gives each other. ___________________________________________________
Getting used to sleeping in a coffin was difficult. The first few nights were rough being trapped inside until it was nighttime, the feeling like you were going to run out of air (which makes no sense because you can't even breathe anymore), and of course the silence. Before you would sleep with a fan on and now that it's so quiet it's impossible to sleep.
You end up listening to music which turns out to be a horrible idea because your best friend sees that you are online right away, Oscar.
Oscar: um wtf where have you been? Oscar: are u okay? no one has heard from you for like a week? Oscar: is this about kelsey? Oscar: hello?!
You choose to forego any texting and call him instead.
"Oh my god!" he exclaims as soon as he picks up, which of course is not a pleasant thing to hear, "You are alive?!"
"I'm sorry,” you tell him, “I have been busy and shit the last week.”
“You missed all of your classes. What is wrong?” he asks you, “You just disappeared after the party on Friday and Ness said you haven't been back to the dorm?”
“Listen Oscar it's not a big deal,” you tell him, “I just needed to get away from Kelsey and shit.”
“I know that she hurt you but you can’t keep avoiding everyone because of her,” he tells you, “Jesus, we have all been worried about you.”
The burning of the words makes you cry out in pain when he says them and it alerts him right away that something is very wrong with you.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” he asks you, “You sound like you are in pain. Are you okay?”
“Listen Oscar, it's fine, I'm fine.” you tell him thinking for a second, “I just stubbed my toe.”
“I am having a very hard time believing you.” he tells you matter of factly, “Where are you? I am coming over.”
“NO!” you yell, as much as you miss Oscar it's definitely not a good idea to bring a human around a bunch of vampires when you haven't had a chance to introduce them yet, “Oscar, I will come and see you tonight. How about that?”
“Listen, I am really worried about you right now.” he tells you and you know he is being serious.
“Oscar I promise that I will tell you everything tonight, I just… it's a lot to say on the phone.” you say.
“You promise?” he asks.
“Yeah. I promise.” ___________________________________________________
A few hours later you are getting ready to leave to meet up with Oscar when you are approached by Guillermo.
“Where are you going?” he asks you.
“I am just going to meet one of my friends,” you tell him, “He has been freaking out since last week and I am kinda worried he will call the police if I don’t go see him.”
“Are you sure that's a good idea?” Guillermo asks, “Newly turned vampires don't always have the best control.”
“I wouldn’t hurt Oscar.” you tell him, a little offended that he would think you capable of something like that.
“I just want to make sure you don't accidentally do something that you regret,” he tells you, “If you hurt Oscar would you be able to forgive yourself?”
“No, you are right,” you tell him, “But, I do know someone who could protect someone from a potential vampire attack.”
Guillremo huffs but says “I’ll come with you to make sure you don't kill him.”
“Thank you!” you tell him, hugging him tightly, “I’ll get the rest of my things and we can go! Can you call a taxi? I would feel bad about you going by yourself if I flew.”
When you go back upstairs to grab your jacket and phone you miss Nandor and Guillermo’s conversation.
“Where are you going, Guillermo?” he asks, standing right behind his familiar/bodyguard.
“Master! You startled me.” Guillermo says to the vampire, “We are going out to meet her friend, Oscar. She wanted to tell him that she was okay.”
“Who is this Oscar?” he asks Guillermo.
“I don’t know, Master. I can tell you when I get back.” he promises and Nandor saunters off as soon as you re-enter the room. You of course notice that he has yet again left when you get there. It's kind of frustrating, you have no idea what you did to make Nandor want to avoid you so much. In the last week you have said a total of like five words to him. Most of which have been greets he hasn't returned.
When you and Guillermo leave the house a taxi is waiting on you both. The drive over to Oscar's apartment is about ten minutes away and when you get there you text him. By the time Oscar gets down to let you in you and Guillermo are both waiting at the door, as well as the entire camera crew that follows you all everywhere.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asks you, “Disappearing for a week and not responding to anyone? Are you having a manic episode?”
“No, Oscar I promise I am fine,” you tell him, remaining on the porch until he invites you in, “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course you can,” he says, “Who is this and why are you filming?”
“Oh this is Guillermo and you can just ignore the cameras,” you tell him, “We really need to talk.” ___________________________________________________
“Telling Oscar that I am a vampire was, well, difficult. Guillermo was super supportive and well I definitely needed it.” you say toward the camera. “He didn't take it very well,”
At first Oscar had not believed you, which you had assumed he wouldn't. After explaining how you were attacked by a werewolf and that Nadja had saved you from death he still didn't believe you, even after seeing the large claw marks, which would definitely not heal in a week, he still didn't. So you decided that your only course of action would be to turn into a bat and that definitely freaked him out.
“He’s gonna be staying with us until we know he's not gonna tell anyone.” you explain “That's why Oscar is passed out on the sofa.” The camera moves to zoom in on him.
“He’s my best friend,” you tell the crew, “He was super amazing during my last breakup.” The crew motions for you to continue to talk.
“Me and Kelsey dated for five months until she broke up with me a few weeks ago. Oscar would come over and we would watch movies and eat food.” you say, “Last weekend Oscar finally convinced me to go out to a party and who do I see making out with one of my friends from high school, Kelsey. Anyways after that I left and that was the fateful night in the park.”
“If something happened to Oscar I honestly have no idea what I would do. So that includes accidentally getting himself thrown into a psych-ward for claiming vampires are real.” you lament, “I love him so much, he’s my best friend.” ___________________________________________________
Nandor had been avoiding you, but not for the reason you think he is. As soon as he saw you he knew he would definitely fall for you. Given his track record with relationships the best idea he had was to just avoid you much as possible. He also saw how much you meant to Nadja and Lazla, he didn't want to scare you off then ruin your relationships with the couple. When he had first learned that a new vampire had been brought home he wasn't super excited, but when you ran into each other after you left your room he knew he was screwed.
Never had he seen such beauty as yours. Staying away from you was the best option possible and well that didn't work out very well. Nandor had also overheard your conversation with Guillermo, assuming that Oscar was worried about you because he was your lover. What he didn’t know though was that Oscar definitely was not interested in you, his type leaning much more towards Nandor himself. Nandor is sat in the camera's view and the team gives him the signal to start speaking.
“The new vampire has taken my familiar from me. She has taken him to meet up with someone named Os-car." he says, "Could Os-car be dangerous? I do not know, but what I do know is that I can not let someone with the peasant name, Os-car, hurt her. Nadja and Laszlo would be very… disappointed."
A few minutes later Nandor is peering through the window of Oscar's apartment watching you, to ensure that you are safe. He can also hear your conversation inside with Oscar. He listens as you explain what happened to you and Nandor sees when Oscar doesn't believe you. He also watches as you hike your shirt up to show Oscar the scars from your attack.
When you do lift your shirt Nandor sees how messed up by the werewolf you truly were. Last week, when Nadja and Laszlo had brought you back to the house, Nandor had been told what exactly transpired in the park and he hadn't believed them when they explained how brutally attacked you were, until now. Seeing the scars on your torso had made him upset, so upset in fact that he swears right then he will exact revenge for you. And of course he tells this to the cameras.
"I have now seen her scars and I swear on the 35 wives I used to love that I will get revenge for her. Unfortunately I have no idea where to start." he says to the camera, "I shall search all of Staten Island until I find the beast that inflicted such pain on her." What Nandor doesn't see as he talks to the camera is you carrying Oscar to a taxi. ___________________________________________________
Later that night when you are getting ready for bed Oscar wakes up. Of course he is understandably upset when he comes to.
"You fucking kidnapped me?! What the fuck?!" he asks you, yelling quite loudly.
"Shut the fuck up," you whisper to him and take a seat on the sofa, "I brought you back here because I was worried that you wouldn't exactly be chill about this and honestly you are proving me right."
"Oh yes because kidnapping someone is such a good idea." he says sarcastically, "Why the fuck did you take me here?!"
"Listen, Oscar, I just wanted a little bit more time to explain everything." you tell him and he sits down on the chair across from you, "I know that kidnapping-"
You stop when you hear your name called by the door by none other than a Nandor.
"Are you okay?" he asks you, "I heard some yelling and wanted to check in."
He turns his head to look down the hallway and quickly looks back at you. What you are unable to see is Nadja and Laszlo giving him thumbs up from the doorway of the neighboring room.
"Yeah, Nandor, I'm fine." you tell him sincerely, "Thank you."
"Yes, of course." he says and leaves the doorway to come further into the room and joins you on the sofa, "You have yet to introduce us."
"um… Oscar, this is Nandor the Relentless. Nandor, this is Oscar Garcia." you introduce.
"Os-car it's very nice to meet you," he says, "How did you meet?"
"Oscar has been my best friend since high school, we had a class together our freshman year." you explain.
"What is a 'freshman year'?" he asks, "Why are the men fresh?"
"Master, it's a term for the first year of school when you are in high school or college." Guillermo explains to him.
"Did I ask you Guillermo? No." he says to his familiar, "I asked her."
"It's just what the first year of school is called for high school and college." you repeat essentially what Guillermo just said but Nandor seems much more interested in what you are saying for some reason.
"Yeah, I just said that," Guillermo says under his breath.
"What was that Guillermo?" Nandor asks.
"Nothing, Master." he says.
"Anyways me and Oscar have been friends for about nine years now." you tell him, "Almost a decade."
"That's crazy," Oscar says thinking about the past decade, "She really helped support me when I came out to my family and was kicked out."
"You came out? What is that?" he asks.
"Well Master, it's when-" Guillermo is cut short by Nandor yelling at him.
"I did not ask Guillermo!" he yells furiously.
"It's when you tell people you are part of the LGBT community." you tell him.
"When I came out, my family disowned me." he tells Nandor.
"The LGBT?" he asks, "What is that?"
The next half hour is Nandor asking questions to Oscar. It honestly kind of surprises you how well they get along. This is also the first time that you have heard Nandor speak for this long and honestly he is hilarious. Most of the time he doesn't even realize he says something and it makes him confused on what you are laughing at.
"So why did you bring Os-car here?" Nandor asks you.
"He was worried about me and well when I went to meet him he kinda freaked out about the whole vampire thing." you tell him, "So I took him back here after Guillermo knocked him out."
"Wait, you knocked me out?" Oscar asks.
"That's not important right now," Nandor says, "Why didn't you just hypnotize him?"
"Well I- I didn't think about it," you say, "but anyways I don't want to hypnotize him. I just wanted to make sure he understood."
"Well thanks, that means a lot," Oscar says sarcastically, "I'm so happy you decided to knock me out instead of hypnotizing me."
"Oscar it's not like that," you tell him but he stands up and makes his way out of the room, "Oscar!" He continues to ignore you and leaves the house.
<Previous Part/Next Part>
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fandomsoups · 1 year ago
The genuine love I feel for Nadja and Laszlo’s relationship is unreal
Ultimate couple icl
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cookinguptales · 10 months ago
Out of curiosity, do you have any theories for why the bizarre narrative shift wwdits had circa late s4 happened?
I've gotten some uh. Pretty intense anons for saying what I'm about to say, for some reason, but sure, yeah. I'll talk about it. This will be pretty long because I haven't written wwdits meta in a long time, but. Oh well.
For s4 specifically... There's something that Anoop Desai, the actor who plays the Djinn, said in an interview once that I thought was really interesting. He said that they initially only wanted him to be in a few episodes of s4 and told him they'd go from there. As we all know, he ended up doing a great job with the part, the Djinn ended up becoming wildly popular, and the role was expanded.
But when you think about it... a lot of things in the back half of s4 only happened because the Djinn was around, right? The wish for Marwa to like whatever Nandor liked (and its subsequent issues), the wish for Marwa to become a Freddie clone... Those can only happen the way they did because the Djinn's wishes were available as a plot device. It's entirely possible that they were going to happen anyway, just another way, but... I don't think it's really going too far to say that there had to be rewrites of late season s4 in order to incorporate the Djinn, and we just have no way of knowing how extensive those rewrites turned out to be.
I think certain aspects of the end of s4 still had to have been there (a boyfriend for Guillermo, the wedding going poorly) but the exact way that things played out? Well, it did kind of smack of last-minute rewrites to me. We know there was also a lot of confusion about episode order, too, with the wedding seeming to have been originally placed closer to the end of the season... (Based on slates seen on IG.)
So... it really does make you wonder if things might have gone very differently if not for the Djinn's presence. I always kind of felt like I got monkey pawed because I love the Djinn, I really wanted him to be around longer, but then... oof.
s4 was kind of bewildering because it had some truly wonderful episodes, but there was a sense that they were building up to something that just never happened. A lot of themes, like Guillermo learning he can't lie to his loved ones and still keep a strong relationship with them, were really emphasized only to be dropped when they should have been very important with Freddie and all of s5.
Even what I'd argue was the most successful part of s4, the relationship between Laszlo and Colin, was really kind of unceremoniously dumped in s5.
I feel like s4 was where we really started to see a lack of payoff in long-running arcs. s2 was really the last time a season finale cliffhanger had much of any impact on the long-term events of the show (and s3 was when there was a showrunner change, so that could partially be why) and I think that fans were hoping that we'd still see those long-term arcs for characters, especially when s3 on seemed to focus more on characterization and relationship-building.
But what's actually ended up happening is that we constantly get these build-ups that either fizzle out, go nowhere, or worse, get retconned altogether. There's been a real lack of canon consistency the last few seasons, and what felt like small momentary lapses in consistency (like Nandor suddenly being better at hypnotism than Laszlo when the opposite was true in s2) suddenly felt much more dire when fundamental character changes seemed to happen with characters like Guillermo.
I've noticed a real divide between s1-s2 Guillermo and s3, s4, and s5 Guillermo, with him starting to get... almost Flanderized, honestly, with his whole uwu I could never hurt anyone thing. It seems to get worse every season, and this last season making it canon that he feels no guilt towards killing vampires but could ~never~ kill a human (despite being totally blase about it in early seasons) really seems to turn the whole conceit that he loves supernatural creatures (and can't meaningfully connect with humans due to his social otheredness) on its head. Personally, I'd consider that a core aspect of not only Guillermo's characterization but the overarching themes of the show, so it really kind of shocked me.
(In other words, I'm not actually disappointed that he didn't become a vampire. I always kind of thought that was how things were going to happen. But to make it be because he's too gentle?? Because he values human life over vampire lives??? Oof! That lack of character consistency is rough!)
I guess... the reason why I thought the end of s4 was rough was the rewrites. It really did feel rushed, and often themes/characters/relationships seemed to be chucked out in favor of jokes that weren't even all that funny. But I think the overall quality dip (imo) of the last season and a half are due to larger problems. There's a lack of commitment to things established in early seasons that I find troubling, and a total inability to commit to the arcs they're writing now, too.
It's odd. I feel like the first two seasons were more episodic and were less concerned with big arcs, but they still pulled off slowly growing character changes well -- Guillermo finding out he's a slayer especially. Since the showrunner change, they've been much more ambitious about characters, relationships, and long-running arcs -- but they never seem to stick the damn landing! They're aiming higher (building expectations) and landing lower. Which is a bad combination.
So then you have s5, which kind of feels like a culmination of all this. Characterization choices that don't always make sense, season-long arcs that don't go fucking anywhere and ignore previous canon (Laszlo was particularly egregious here), important characterization moments being thrown out in favor of jokes that no one fucking liked. (God, those fucking hybrid creatures.) And in the end, they again refuse to commit and instead send things back to a status quo, now made even shittier because they've closed off a narrative path.
I would hope that this season finale would mean something and we'd see the characters dealing with everything it brings up for the next season, but that didn't fucking happen the last two times, so... I have low hopes. I'd love to be proven wrong, but. I do feel very tired.
Finally... In retrospect, I actually think the death knell came very early on in s4. It was the time jump. Instead of really dealing with the way that any of these characters would have to function with the set-up they created in s3, they skipped all that. I'm not sure Guillermo ever really made that much sense after that, especially, and I think it's because they simply didn't think about what that year would mean to him very much. In interviews, we've seen that Harvey had to make up a lot of backstory himself, we've seen that Harvey and Al independently came up with two very different backstories for how Guillermo and Freddie met and how long they knew each other, we know that the writers often didn't really seem to know what Guillermo was doing in London...
Like. I hate to say it, but that's lazy writing. A time skip doesn't have to be lazy writing, but it often is. It's often used to skip the hard work of getting from characters from A to B, and the only way to do one well is to still know what happened during it. But once they did that, we started to increasingly get these [scene (and characterization) missing here] periods that really brought down the momentum every single time.
So... I guess I think that's been the overarching problem. Rewrites, a lack of loyalty to early canon and worse, a lack of loyalty to the stories they're writing now. If they're not invested in the story arcs they're making, why should we get invested? The way that the whole Laszlo and Colin thing was barely ever mentioned again in s5 was egregious. It was treated as lasting trauma in s4 and then Laszlo seemed totally fine in s5, even going so far as to have sex with the man he'd seen as his son like... two weeks before. For a while, we kept thinking that his weird behavior towards Guillermo was a form of transference, but that never really amounted to anything, either. I think we were just putting too much faith in the writers, maybe.
I guess, in the end, that's probably the biggest problem of all. The writers did some really amazing stuff in the first three seasons. They had a lot of long cons, so to speak, and it was hugely fun to see those pay off. We came to trust the writers, and now we keep thinking that these confusing plot arcs are just one more long con.
But they're not.
So we just get annoyed and let down every single time because we keep expecting payoffs that never come anymore, and in the end we just get kinda bitter.
That's just my two cents, anyway. And it really is still possible to turn things around! But uh. There's not much more time to do it. lmao
Fingers crossed, I guess. (But not around the vampires.)
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unnecessarilygrandiose · 2 years ago
not to be too in my feelings about this but it's kind of heartwarming that during the pre parade party after the initial shock and horror wore off the humans simply accepted dolly robinson and nadja who at the time was a talking doll and aggressively sunburned laszlo and the fact that nandor literally crashed into their party butt naked and honestly that's the kind of radical acceptance we need to have in the queer community
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inmyhorrorsera · 2 years ago
"Pride Parade" thoughts:
The episode had no real plot, but sometimes chaotic and stupid fun is better!
Again: Laszlo calling Guillermo "The Boy".
SO relieved that Sean running for comptroller was a small part of the episode and it was more focused on the parade itself (also lmao when the trailer dropped some people honestly believed this episode was about him coming out???)
Sometimes i want Nandor To Realize It but the devil in my shoulder wants him to suffer more.
His sweat!! At this point Guillermo not being a Dhampir would be a bigger twist.
I always say this show waste Natasia's comedy chops, so it was great seeing her doing all that physical and slapstick comedy instead of just yelling.
Sean talking about the lgbtetcetera, immigrant gays is the embodiment of "He a little confused, but he got the spirit".
Colin Robinson malignant'ing out of Nadja's body possessed by Nadjadoll was my biggest laugh of the night.
I wonder if Nandor appearing naked in front of kids in the parade is a commentary about the discourse surrounding Pride events or again i'm reading too much on the dick and balls jokes show.
Guillermo on the float first looking unamused but slowly starting to smile? Crying shaking trowing up
Quote of the episode: "Am I doing this to impress Guillermo? Yes."
Question for the masses: Did Nandor join the four-some?
EDIT: Fuck! i forgot about Nadjadoll mentioning dying a virgin: didn't like it, smelled like retcon even if it wasnt.
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endless-oc-creations · 5 months ago
Choosing to spread some love in the community since that anon wants to be a little bitch again, so: please share ten facts about Damien!! Whatever you wanna share about him, I wanna hear it!! <3
Awww!!! Thank you so much!! I REALLY need to flesh him out more, I just wasn't sure with What We Do In The Shadows being ongoing what I could do with him because honestly the writers could totally twist things up! But I think once the final season comes out I'll be able to fully have him figured out on what I want him to do and become throughout the seasons!
Damien isn’t a familiar to anyone in the vampiric household, he just “acts” like it so he can spend time with Guillermo and help him out with his duties. The others think that he’s everyone's so they order him around a lot, but he’s basically a little shit to them as he “follows” their orders. He's basically a little shit to them all.
Damien is an occult specialist, he finds the supernatural incredibly fascinating and has his own journals that he writes in about them. He keeps separate journals for Nandor, Nadja, Laszlo and Colin Robinson. (You can imagine how well it went when the others ended up finding it.)
In later seasons, when Damien is overwhelmed by his feelings for both Guillermo and Nandor, he ends up opening up to Baron Afanas about it.
When Derek first found the hellhound Aspen, Damien was helping Derek out, taking care of Aspen and bonding with him. He honestly didn’t want to give him up to The Baron and the Sire but he saw how lonely they were and decided to let them have him, seeing that they probably needed Aspen more than him.
Damien and Derek were having a secret relationship,around season 2 and ended around season 3 since Damien decided to call it off because he was still too much in love with Guillermo and Nandor. He decided it wasn’t fair to Derek to keep the relationship going. 
Guillermo and Damien were forced to share a coffin at the end of season 3 after being forced into it by Laszlo and shipped to London. Then forced to share a crate together by Nadja when she shipped them back to Staten Island. Each time only having packages of oreos and Pedialyte to survive.
After being forced to just survive on Oreos while being shipped in a coffin and crate, Damien has a personal vendetta and loathes oreos all together, purposely destroying them if it’s presented or he sees them. 
The Guide and Damien are 100% best friends. They talk shit about the others ALL the time and just vent to each other about their frustrations. They genuinely care about one another. 
Laszlo often refers to him as Dame, since he thinks and constantly tells Damien that his figure reminds him of a woman, Basically a lot of his comments towards him are about him being woman-like. 
Nadja and Damien, after season 2, actually get along quite well together. She respects Damien’s attitude and personality. She doesn’t think he acts like the other “idiots” in their household. 
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ineffably-human · 2 years ago
idk i think that the relationship both between nandor and guillermo and guillermo and the rest of the household have evolved too much to just revert back to him as a servant beneath them. we saw everyone fight to protect him/save him/help him this season. i think now more than ever he is a fully-fledged member of the family vampire or not. and there's nothing stopping nandor from turning him whenever guillermo is ready if he ever is. i also liked the fact that this finale finally gave nandor a reason as to why he refused to turn guillermo for over a decade and that the reason turned out to be a selfless one, borne of love and understanding. because to me the whole "nandor won't turn him because he doesn't want guillermo to leave" was always just really bothersome to me because it painted nandor as a real selfish dick. because at the end of the day his baggage is his baggage and guillermo is a person and not a pet and i'm glad this season proved that nandor knows that and values him for more than what he does for him.
I did love how much the other vampires rallied around him this season, but the finale seemed to undo most of that. After the ceremony with Derek, Nandor immediately tells him to clean the body up. The implication is 'doing the shit work is still your job, even though the whole reason you were agreeing to it is literally over and done with.'
(Laszlo staying behind to help implies that he and only he has come around a bit. But I'm cynical enough right now that I wonder if that was just so we could have him in the scene with Wallace.)
I'd honestly rather Nandor had selfish reasons for keeping Guillermo as he was than 'all along I've known you weren't cut out for this, and stringing you along with no intention of ever following through - or flat-out rejecting you, or even talking about it with you to explain myself - was for your own good.'
Nandor could have had any number of reasons but they all seemed based in his own growing character development and the evolution of their relationship. It actually set their relationship apart. This is a selfish person, inherently. He literally changed one person into another person to avoid confronting his feelings. To watch him move past that might have actually been compelling.
But there's no implication that Guillermo's not ready yet and one day he's going to get past this, or he'll put affairs in order and one day they'll do it right with the sire he wanted. Or even that he can't be a vampire because there's something else he's meant for. Guillermo can't kill humans (even though he can kill vampires, threaten to kill loved ones, watch people get torn apart three feet from him, lure people to their deaths, and dismember bodies without flinching) and I don't think we're supposed to hope he turns into someone who can kill humans so he and Nandor can bang it out forever.
Which leaves us with... basically nothing emotionally, but hey, we saw Haley Joel Osment again so that was definitely a great use of everyone's time.
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megaawkwardhuman · 2 years ago
whoops I ended up rambling for too long soooo my thoughts below
after the whole "oh shit guillermo fucked up" shit the last two episodes I think this is a nice breather
everything that happens this episode slaps
the pride parade? SLAPS
body swap? SLAPS
testing guillermo's powers? SLAPS
jealous nandor? SLAPS
nandor going to space? SLAPS
laszlo going out in the sun? SLAPS
nadja's ghost being a cringefail trying to get laid? SLAPS
weird ass colin nadja head thing? SLAPS BUT MY EYES WILL NEVER RECOVER
hotel? TRIVAGO
to give my thoughts in a bit more detail (going in order top down)
LOOOOOVE how one of the first people sean and charmaine thought of going to is the vamps
I know it's a political thing but like honestly? props to sean for the whole parade! now you need to realize how fucking queer you are for laz-
ok glad they revealed the wings beforehand cuz now they only look slightly disgusting
also seeing what guillermo can and can't do will always excite me
So my theory about them basically pulling a giving your younger sibling an unplugged controller and telling them that they're helping with nandor was correct
laszlo walked around in guillermo's sweat
laszlo walked around in guillermo's sweat and we're not talking about it as much as we should
there's something just really wholesome seeing him play at the beach :)
it took nandor's bare ass for us to learn guillermo CAN say god (for now) but it will make him cough small things small things
I was expecting the nadja seducing colin scene to be more unconfinable then it ended up being
I will remember this episode when this season enviably stabs me in the heart
this is the most episode of all time
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months ago
Opinion diffs, some fictive answers;
Dean (spn)- I was very, very against the idea of witchcraft. Didn't like it. Even less when Sammy started to show an interest in it. Our ex host does witchcraft though, and our Laszlo's taken too it as well. I don't hate it as much as I used to. (I also don't hate Hozier but don't ever fucking tell Sam I said that)
Tom (Eddsworld)- I know I used to drink a shit ton of vodka but honestly? I kinda hate that stuff, not sure how I was ever able to down it like water. By now I probably drink more coke than Edd ever did. Another thing that's different, I used to hate coke. Sugary evil. Edd'd probably kick my ass for drinkin only cherry coke but it's coke he can't argue with me /j
Mark (Craig of the Creek)- Used to be very sure that my behavior towards my friends was okay. I'm not anymore. I rewatched the show so many times and watching myself act like that had an effect. To me it's an opinion thing. Like... my opinion on behavior towards loved ones, what's okay and what isn't. Hope that counts.
We'll probably come back with more, depending on fronters, #🎞️
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