#homophobia in the tags for today
mushroompoisoning · 2 years
more information on the nature and cause of the books :0 what was the stance on books? books are dangerous. literally a boomer comic. ANOTHER WARNING !!!! wheres the music. oh the sports store? i missed what they said. oh theres a helicopter pad sdkfjkdf. CHAD AYYYEEEE what happened to CHAD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. cant have shit in night vale. oh god what happened to chad. well that fuckin sucks L. cecil i dont think you actually trust the police LARRYYYY bestie that sounds like an anxiety attack. bro has a contagious anxiety attack. ayyeee my girl josie is still good! angelic protection? i forgot this guy was normal hes just a reporter. LYME DISEASE????? BESTIE YOU CAN'T MOVE ON FROM THAT???
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hells-plaid-angel · 3 months
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Destiel Pride: Day 15- Healing Touch
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lunarharp · 10 months
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Very important conferences.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#some real serious discussions goin on in this atelier today. dont u doubt it.#agott is the only one who has ever thought about this because she is a 12 year old lesbian and UMM..FRIEND? LIKE FRIEND? IS THAT..LEGAL???#this is all i drew today because silly things like this take hours lol. at least it's practice for poses -_-#i got the pattern of the girls' dresses wrong but i couldn't be bothered to change halfway through.#don't worry if you're like what is the naakiwan downs. is that name even mentioned in the main manga#ANYWAY i KEEP thinking about what if it's actually banned for professors and watchful eyes to date like that would make a lot of sense.#like maybe it should be banned. SO??? are they just low-key Aware of what the deal is and they're just Putting their feelings aside#until graduation??? take my tassel as an unspoken reminder of how i feel?? living together trial period?? this feels like it's truly it#When we're free to be together........ Sensei loves homophobia parallels without there actually being homophobia#Let's invent reasons why men cant be together. Ummm well whatever. i'm screaming in my head but it's fine.#this will probably form the theme of my orufrey for a while. i've thought of this before but for some reason today it's big for me.#i guess the tassels might not specifically be a part of that since they exchanged them before tower of books#and qifrey made his mysterious decision to be a teacher after that and..well whatever. I need more of backstory and just..everything?#But i also don't mind when vinanna interrupts my wishes with just a chapter of just being really dreamy? I love witch hat?
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insanelyadd · 1 year
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Neighbor of my aunt’s had slurs spray painted on their fence because of their pride flag, so the neighborhood came together to sand it off and paint new things onto the fence, both rainbow themed. One they did as a neighborhood a few nights ago, and yesterday I came by to finish it up because I have steady hands, which would be good for outlining the words in black. Designed up the second picture on the fence and started working on it yesterday. I finished it today (pictured above).
The entire time I had a lot of people honking in support and three people pulled up the curb to tell me what a good job I did (I told them the majority of the other one was a group effort) and also how mad they were hearing about the vandalism in the first place.
Anyways today I heard one person potentially yell out their window at me "fuck off" though it could have been the other f word because about 45 minutes before I finished it up a work truck (no logo) drove by and one of the dipshits in the truck yelled "f*ggot" out their window at me and about 5-10 or so minutes later the clown patrol drove by again and all three of them yelled it out their window at me with one loser full on sitting out the window. Unfortunately, I didn't get their license plate. Equally unfortunate, they didn't get hit by a car as they almost ran a red light through the intersection by the house.
Imagine being that big of a loser, couldn't be me.
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astriiformes · 2 years
u (asexual) were not always included in the lgbt community 😭 y’all started existing in 2008 after the hard work was all done don’t lie
Usually I wouldn't reply to a message like this -- it was sent in response to a post that included plenty of examples of historical ace and aro involvement in what we now think of as the queer community, and was obviously sent just to be inflammatory and get an upset reply. I'm secure enough in my ace and aro identity -- and have more then enough allo, queer friends who consider me a part of their community -- that mean asks on tumblr aren't about deter me from my activism, both in the aro/ace sphere and the broader queer one.
But this particular anonymous ask just so happens to be one of the most astonishingly self-centered, short-sighted examples of ace hate I've ever gotten, so let's have a little talk about what's going on here.
Anon, it takes a special kind of person to claim the hard work is done and over on Trans Day of Remembrance, when we are mourning at minimum 32 people who were killed in the United States for being transgender in this last year -- and at least 327 people globally; on the heels of 2021 being the single worst year the Human Rights Campaign has recorded for trans murders on the United States, and when just yesterday night, 5 people were murdered and another 25 injured in a shooting at a queer club. When 2022 has seen the highest number of pieces of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation filed in the United States on record -- many but not all targeted at not just trans people, but trans youth. When states like Texas and Florida are sending social workers after parents who support their children's gender transition and scaring queer and trans teachers out of schools. When there is an increasing movement to ban books featuring queer stories from schools and libraries across the United States -- including ones like Maia Kobabe's Gender Queer, which talks extensively about the author's aromantic and asexual identity as well as their gender journey. When TERF rhetoric dominates the news and political spheres in the United Kingdom, and British trans folks face horrific waits of three, four, five, and more years to access lifesaving care as the number of providers in the country who can offer it to them dwindles. When queer Ukranians are speaking out about the danger the invasion of their homeland by a country with a number of trans- and queerphobic laws in place puts them in (and when queer Russians have been living under those laws for some time now). When queer and trans people all over the world are watching all of this with worry for ourselves and the people we love.
What part of that is easy? What part of the hard work is done? Trans and queerphobic sentiments are on the rise and you seem to think you have some kind of laurels to sit on -- and worse, some kind of moral superiority. Tell me you aren't involved in the fight without telling me you aren't involved in the fight.
I (asexual) happen to have marched in a protest for trans rights in below-freezing weather this week. I had a conversation with the vice-president of my university's queer student organization about how I'd like to get involved in leadership next year. I helped talk a peer down from feeling suicidal when she came into the queer student center crying. I have also been talking a lot lately with my queerplatonic partner about how much happier she is having learned to embrace her ace identity and how much more comfortable she is in an ace relationship. I have been fighting for this community out on the streets while you decided the best use of your time was to hide behind anonymity and try to tear someone fighting for you down.
Because guess what, anon? Even if you want to pretend this fight -- that, yes, ace and aro people have been in all along -- is over, I don't think you deserve to have your right to marry taken away just because you grew complacent any more than I deserve to have a doctor make belittling comments towards me while I hold my queerplatonic partner's hand in the ER just because we're not married. (And yes, the latter actually happened to me this year, in this oh-so-easy world where all the fighting's done and where ace people were apparently never victims in the first place.) You're a bully, but you're human, and my queer advocacy doesn't exclude anyone -- even jerks.
I've been identifying as aromantic and asexual since I was 16 years old. In the last decade, I've received dozens of messages like this, and had hundreds of other horrible judgements slung at me in the reblogs of my posts. I've had people I marched with in Pride parades say insensitive things about my identities the very same day. I've watched other ace and aro friends bear similar trauma at the hands of our own community and We're. Still. Here.
My friends from the university's ace and aro club marched side-by-side with me in the snow, with handwarmers stuffed in our gloves, to protest earlier this week. Another of my aro/ace friends founded a queer affinity group in a major international charity club that has hundreds of members worldwide now, supporting each other and forging life-long friendships. Another ace friend is on a committee at my university fighting for more gender-neutral restrooms on campus. I've helped queer friends move from unsupportive homes and spoken at others' weddings when most of the rest of their family refused to show up. The queer community is my home, and it's an honor and a privilege to fight for it, even if it's a tragedy to still have to. I don't have to prove I belong here.
But you -- who seem to to think that tearing down someone different from you, in a community that's been about being different from the start, is the pinnacle of activism? You might.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 10 months
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vigilskeep · 11 months
I've never taken the varric/sebastian banter as homophobia. he says "you like boys? you slept with your sister?" in the same breath, implying his two accusations are on the same level. I've always assumed he meant it literally. boys, as in prepubescent males. that is certainly on a similar level of taboo/wrongness as sleeping with a sibling.
even if i agreed, which i don’t (in what world has a casual “you like boys” ever been normal to read as an accusation of paedophilia, in what world would that ever be an unremarked on comment to make and quickly move on from to joking examples, in what world would anyone fucking say that) he literally also says crossdressing??? if you finished reading it??? would you like to come off anon and argue for the class that that’s on the same level as incest
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
scrolling through my dash and seeing a post reminding people to tag their ship posts bc there’s ppl who dont want to see them and it’s like. true yeah true thats true i agree yeah yeah thats true thats true yeah thats t
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liebelesbe · 5 months
I need to stop looking at twitter. Twitter is the mind killer etc
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 months
WHY, why all the times we're going to "work with" queer issues its always, "hompohobia" and a sugarcoated oversimplified explan. of the AIDS crisis??????
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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Happy pride, the serial killer in the rabbit suit is queer. In all seriousness, I said I was going to write this headcanon awhile ago but I'm just getting around to it. Also: reminder that pansexual is an older term than people often think. Still, William usually defaults to "queer" on the occasion he's openly talking about his orientation.
William realized he was queer/pansexual when he was 15. It's the usual story: he developed an undeniable crush on a boy at school, but didn't pursue it. Obviously, he had grown up in a very unaccepting time and this wasn't something he was open about. His own feelings about it were initially mixed (a result of being raised in such a homophobic society), but by the time he left for university in America, he was neutral on his own queerness. It was simply a fact about himself. In university he explored his sexuality thoroughly regardless of gender, both casually and in very brief relationships. While he still obviously kept his orientation private from most people, he did find some other members of the community he could talk to openly. Finding out that William was queer in university wouldn't have been that hard, but afterward he starts being much, much more careful. Without getting into it, I think we all know that he couldn't afford to be outed with the type of business he was wanting to open. He (happily) marries and feels content that there's no way his orientation comes out. He does not and will not tell his wife about his queerness by default. Then the divorce happens, he's left with custody of three young kids, and dating just isn't his priority, regardless of gender. Still, William absolutely would take the risk of dating a man and even disclosing this to his kids (if they're old enough to keep quiet about it) if he really, really liked someone and intended the relationship to be lifelong. William generally doesn't care if his kids are queer, but his borderline obsession with keeping them safe (especially post-CC's death) can rear its head if they are openly queer. This is absolutely the part where he drops the bombshell of also being queer (if they don't already know) as a way to prove he has a "fair argument" about safety/homophobia. You might expect his reservation to be about the "optics" of him having a queer kid, but by this point (assuming his kid is coming out as a teen), he is actively caring less and less about that. NOTE: In verses where William is lowkey obsessed with head over heels for Henry (which, lbr, can be pretty much from university onwards lmao), he is seemingly much more likely to hint at his orientation, although this is only around Henry. Of course, he's more likely to open up about it/flirt if he thinks the feelings are mutual OR if Henry's queer as well (and Will knows). He also just generally talks about Henry in a way that is. . . potentially telling. Still, he'll claim this is just admiration, which is half true.
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morsmoon · 2 years
I love hanging out with fellow queer people I don't know how to explain it, it's just so comforting to know that I'm not alone and there are other people with similar experiences as me and they understand my pain and they make me feel like I can truly be myself and I don't have to hide anymore. it's just so important to me because I live my life surrounded by people who do not support me and they will never understand me and I feel trapped most of the time but when I interact with other queer people it's like.. I'm here and I see you and the whole world might suck but at least we've got each other. I understand your pain and your anger but we're here, we're still here and we're gonna get through this together.
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lavender-femme · 9 months
#I’m so fucking sick of feeling everything to my core#cried for reasons I didn’t think I was going to today…#i thought we would be adults and move on with our lives but nah#got told I have internalised homophobia because ‘snitched’ on two staff in fucking 2021 for having sex in a bathroom while CHILDREN were on#property literally in the same building DOWN THE HALL! and the windows were open!#as if I wasn’t admin staff and obligated to report that to the director#if kids hadn’t been there then I wouldn’t have said shit but they were!#all this coming from the person who told me my femme identity is reductive#so now I’m apparently homophobic and not good at being a lesbian but apparently I’m also heteronormative and cis#according to this person#dumb dumb idiot ass#the mango diaries#i know I ranted a ton in these tags but I actually fucking had my whole birthday week just fucked over because she can’t fucking let things#lie#i just dropped one of my favorite people in the whole world off at the airport as these messages were coming through#and then driving in the snow with one of my other favorite people when I just couldn’t keep it together anymkre and started crying#she makes me feel so fucking small and I hate it#i was already having a hard time mentally today and last night but FUCK#this just was too much#and to know I was betrayed by another friend I trusted who told her I was the one that reported her… fucking hell#I’m just… ugh it just fucking hurts and I want to curl up and cry some more
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permian-tropos · 1 year
calling queer people homophobic and “perverted” for suggesting that there’s queer-coding with a character’s outfit that is constantly remarked upon as foppish and dandyish. lol. lmao even. the unbelievable irony. get the fuck out of here immediately 
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torchickentacos · 2 years
UGHHHHHH take a shot every time a makeup youtuber uploads a video on their diet or on how sugar ruined their life. paragraph of complaining and criticism of diet culture under cut, ed tw but in a very anti-ed way.
like please just tell me about mascara and stuff, I do not want to be sold a program on how to have an eating disorder. I have SO many rants about this but I'll leave it at this for now: unless done in a very specific and mentally healthy way, restricting categories of food is almost always going to be your first step down a slippery slope, allergies excluded. Restricting one category leads to labeling it as bad, so you assign moral worth to food, so you start trying to 'deserve' your food, et cetera, down you go on that slope.
#tw ed mention#tw ed#ed mention#cw ed#lowkey don't want to tag this because people with it blocked are the ones who may need to see it but i will tag#just in case it would have the opposite intended effect and just out of courtesy#apparently i have big societal advocacy opinions today#ableism. homophobia and sociology behind it. diet culture. having some Big Feelings about things today#I mean I always have big societal opinons i'm usually just too conflict avoidant to share them#because tumblr really likes to do this thing where they see a vaguely ambiguous statement and they take it the WAY wrong worst way#like ok. in the other post. i mention how southern poverty can lead to people being stuck in their homophobic church town.#and i'm waiting for the anon to be like 'oh so you're saying to give all homophobes money'#like no i didn't say that#i said poverty can lead to being stuck somewhere that nurtures bigotry#sigh. we'll see how this goes over but no angry people yet#I think because it's still in my lovely little circle#usually i only get weird stuff once a post breaches containment#but nobody here ever causes me issues#i mean it's anon but still#UGH the time i got t*rfs in my inbox after that one addition circled around#censoring so they cannot find this hopefully#ANYWAYS ok i'm done#ily guys#if you ever DO have issue with something i said then do let me know#i do not bite and chances are it was accidental#and if it wasn't accidental then i do enough college discussion boards to be able to NICELY AND CALMLY talk stuff out#though maybe not timely.... gonna go answer dms on that note actually#left them marinating like a steak
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cherrygarden · 2 years
#today i was forced to deal with the gp's perception of louis and it made me sad#we were playing music on youtube at work and bigger than me came on#and my manager was looking at the computer and saw it was louis and said#''ugh the one i least liked from one direction''#like kinda joking kinda not#i've been very open about my love for 1d and louis and harry in particular since i met him#like not throwaway comments. i've brought it up multiple times in different conversations so it's likely he remembered#(OH MY GOD I JUST FOUND OUT YOU CAN EDIT TAGS WITHOUT DELETING THEM??????????? AMAZING THIS IS A GAME CHANGER)#i didn't know what to say so i just said hahah i'm only tolerating this bc i like you!!!#again kinda joking kinda not#and he hugged me so it was a lighthearted convo yk but i was still tense bc. louis!! so i asked him to elaborate#and he said ''i don't know he's just misogynistic and a homophobe and i don't vibe with that''#and he then went on to say he remembered louis screaming at fans??? which extremely unlikely#maybe he was remembering the time he got arrested or the get a fucking job you fucking losers#(he then said maybe it was niall bc it was and i quote ''el ojitos de lucero'')#so i rushed to explain as normally as i could the difference between twitter and public louis tomlinson and louis#and told him abt how you can tell management used to handle their twitter accs and how he's very likely in a forced closet#(i didn't want to scare him off so i said it as if we didn't know lmao)#and he was like hm yeah i guess#and then went on to say how he didn't like liam either bc of the logan paul podcast and how he thought he canalized his homophobia#through bashing harry which???? is such a weird way to perceive this whole situation#but the sad thing is that i can't really blame him at all#i explained as best as i could but like. we've talked about this before here but louis' public image#for people who haven't followed him closely is so so bad#and this guy is queer too which makes it sadder#i didn't go into the whole louis defense mode because a customer came in and then we had things to do but#i hope the issue comes up again in the future because i hate this#and bc he knows i like him i'm just thinking how he mustve been thinking me a hypocrite for being gay and his fan#i really hate how soo many people have such a wrong idea of him#i hope louis can be free and set the record straight soon
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