#homing knew what happens at god valley and says it's not right for us to treat humans this way when we're only humans ourselves
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sassypantsjaxon · 13 days ago
Sooooo.... did the god valley incident play a part in the don quixote family giving up being celestial dragons?
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yoonyeon0 · 2 months ago
⭑.ᐟ WASTED! | kengan hcs pt. 2
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── .✦ WITH: julius, kaneda, kanoh, kaolong, kiozan, kiryu, raian x you
── .✦ SUMMARY: the kengan men had a bit too much to drink - how do they act?
suggestive, cursing, mentions of alcohol, drunk idiotic men, raian, kiryu, female body parts and pronouns used, throwing up mentions, might be some spelling errors: sorry in advance, ooc 😪
── .✦ AUTHOR’S NOTES: second part!! the last part will be posted tmmrw 😝
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nothing changes??
bro has a great alcohol tolerance and can drink as much as he needs and won’t get drunk to the point where he is acting a fool
couldn’t be hayami lol
you were regretting your decision of challenging your big mass of a boyfriend to a drinking match. you were already 3 drinks down and you felt like throwing up while the man beside you was just calmly ordering his fourth.
“are you okay? you’re going to lose if you don’t hurry up and order your fourth.”
you slowly cranked your neck to make eye contact with julius while he spoke. it seemed like he could tell you were out for the count based on your eyes widening in disbelief. the sight made him chuckle and unfortunately, you weren’t gonna let that slide. he’s not only gonna hurt your pride but also laugh in your face? now you gotta get your get back.
“please get me three more drinks!”
your abrupt declaration of war made the man next to you stare in confusion - an emotion that you don’t usually see on his monotone face. you stared back at him with a smug grin on your face, somewhat provoking him.
“i don’t get it, why are you so put up with beating me in this? you know as well as I do that you can’t win.”
“well if i get too drunk you’ll take care of me so either way it’s a win-win situation for me whether i win or lose!”
“you’re more of a idiot than i thought.”
“hey what’s that supposed to mean!”
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
tries his best to stay composed but don’t blame him if he starts acting up
either way I don’t think he’s the type to do something so outrageous without Lihito or Okubo convincing him to
slurs his words but tries to cover it up
you were walking into the surprisingly busy bar with the intent to drink a bit and go home but that was ruined when you saw a certainly familiar face. kaneda suekichi, your crush for God knows how long. not noticing the mayhem happening in front of him, you decided to talk to him.
“oh hey kaneda! i didn’t expect you to be here!”
he turned away while giving you one of his usual small smiles.
“well i didn’t expect yu to be her as well [reader]!”
anyone with some type of hearing could notice the prevalent slur in his words.
“kaneda are you drunk?”
“n-no! i had a drink or two but im not drunk!”
the man waved his hands in front of him as if to deny the claim but once you decided to take a closer look at what was happening behind you knew that you couldn’t be so wrong.
it didn’t take you long to identify the three men that lurked around kaneda that were now singing a terribly off tune flyday chinatown. it seemed that it wasn’t only them, there was definitely more drunk men joking them while jumping and holding bottles of all types alcohol up in the air.
you deadpanned.
“those guys convinced you to get drunk right?”
you raised an eyebrow.
you decided to sit down on one of the bar table stools, dragging kaneda with you.
“uhh, i hob your not planning to get drunk too!!”
“well, a little bit of fun never hurt anybody right?”
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
i wouldn’t say he is sensitive to alcohol but i wouldn’t say he isn’t so he’s in the middle
anyway, when he’s drunk he is much more smiley (uncanny valley smile btw) and i mean even in the worst moments
will smile when you mention ANYTHING. your dog dying, you getting promoted, etc.
doesn’t speak at all because he holding back the urge to puke so don’t tell to him to talk plz
you had gone to the bar because your husband was texting you about how much he had drunken and that he “definitely needed assistance” or in other words: he wanted to see you.
when you walked in, you hadn’t been so scared before. i mean, a man that is perceived to be mostly nonchalant was here smiling more than a baby.
“kanoh…how much did you drink?”
his soft smile got wider but he didn’t give you an answer.
“are you okay?”
no answer, just a soft smile.
you had decided to take the initiative and get him home as soon as possible because he most likely was already on the verge of throwing up everywhere. i guess he really needed that assistance.
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
realistically speaking he DOESNT get drunk - he’s way too responsible for that
but if hypothetically speaking, i don’t think much would change - maybe a slight slur in his words that only you can catch because you have heard his voice a million times
maybe his cheeks would be redder/heat up
but i don’t think it would ever happen
a strange sight indeed,
your husband and his best friend doing karaoke with bottles everywhere so you obviously assumed that at least one of them had to be wasted.
now standing in the karaoke booth's doorway, you had noticed that your husband was now looking at you with a soft smile that he always gave you. since you were his significant other you could obviously see the slight redness on his cheeks. you slowly puffed out your chest to make yourself look more intimidating before starting to scold to two grown men.
“you guys completely left me out! going to karaoke while im at home and lonely!”
you sharply turned around to point a finger at the man who was shouting greetings to you before sending him a directed insult.
"and you! how do you think your girlfriend would feel seeing you out here completely gone because of your absurd ways of drinking!"
as if on command, the boy immediately quit shouting and instead sat down next to your husband with a frown on his face, as if preparing for more insults.
your husband was now looking at you with regret and guilt in his eyes, as if begging you to forgive him.
"im sorry dear, this whole thing was unexpected. if saw paing here had notified me beforehand I would absolutely ask you if you would like to come along."
you sighed loudly before taking one of the empty microphones one the table filled with bottles before beckoning with of the boys to come sing, in which you got confused faces.
"well cmon! i dont want you two to have all the fun without me!"
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
dead silent when he drinks as well
I know that there a lot of the 'silent types' but this one is the best imo
he drinks like he is on a MISSION.
don't talk to him whiles he's downing all of these glasses of alcohol because he won't hesitate to death stare you untill you leave him alone
and if you dont, well
he won't do anything because he most likely is already too drunk to do anything
"hey, don't you feel sick?"
you had asked the man in front of you about his current condition because everything was giving you red flags. the man wouldnt say a peep to anyone and his face continually got redder and redder. he kept drinking like he was being forced to or something. you were just a sole bartender and it was probably not the best idea to even talk to him but it seemed like he was about to explode!
after meeting nothing but silence, you decided to speak up once more.
"uhm sir? im pretty sure this amount of alcohol is really bad for you and you should stop!"
this time you seemed to provoke a reaction out of him. he slowly looked up before giving you one of the nastiest glares you have ever received. you swore that you had killed his family or something by the way he was looking at you. eventually after maybe 3 or 4 minutes of death staring you, he continued to drink up his beer.
you stood there in shock while dead panning to yourself. you didn't get paid enough for this shit, why should you even bother?
but on the other hand, helping a cute boy might work in your favor.
so there you stood and spoke. persisting that said man should put the drinks down and go home. obviously he wasn't listening to you so you had no other choice but to keep going back and forth with him.
this had to be worth it in the end, right?
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
imma be SOO HONEST
reason this part came out so late was because this dude was the hardest to decipher
I literally don't think he would drink
and not because he's responsible or anything
literally just because he doesn't?
if he were to get drunk not much would change bcs it's....kiryu
im gonna have to come back to this one so ill keep thinking abt it
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
raian is my spirit animal
shouts curses EVERYWHERE
i mean he does that without being drunk but he slurs his words HORRIBLY
literally you will need a translator for this bcs HUH?
honestly mean, wrong, and loud
you could see it in the eyes of your co-worker; she was absolutely terrified. you could tell the man was calling her shook her to her core and you could tell he was so close to running in the back. you sighed while rolling your eyes before finishing the customer you were on before going to your co-worker's trembling to attempt at comforting her. you stood in front of the man's red but terrifying face before pointing behind you; right into the man's face.
"hey, if you dont wanna take this scumbags order you can go out into the back for a break. we're almost done anyway and i dont want to stay here a minute longer."
your co-worker's eyes lighted up as her chest slowly deflating: as if holding some type of weight.
"th-thank you [name]! i promise ill repay you for this!"
you smiled a small smile while waving her off before returning to the man of the hour. he seemed to be chuckling instead of his usually yelling and insulting.
"hey, so yu hab the damn nerve to fuckin call meh a scumbag righ?"
you pout the side of lip up before giving him a disgusted face.
"listen. right now i could give less of damn of whatever is bothering you. tell me what you want to drink so that the both of us can be on our ways."
as if in a flash, the man suddenly disappeared and when you finally saw him again he was super close to your face, practically breathing on you. you pushed him back but he wouldn't budge, he would just continue to laugh sadistically and edge you on even more.
"ugh, leave me alone you fucker! i dont want you fucking nasty hands on me you dick!"
"hey now, don't be suh a stranga! you've got hella balls talking to me like that so i took a likin to ya! yu shoul be honored ya know?"
you swiftly furrowed your eye brows before taking a deep breath. you were gonna lose your temper because that's what his crazy ass wanted so you were stay like this untill he deemed you unfun-
"wouh! hey! where the fuck are you dragging me you hoe!"
"oh cmon! I won't do anythin to ya sweetheart! just wanna let gramps kno that I found my typa woman!"
"your type of WHAT?"
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2025 will be sm different, my new years resolution is to not be gone for more then two day at a time. im gonna grind. also made this a 2:35 am so I'm TIREDDD gn or gm if you see this
banner from @yuppijin
𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙤𝙣! 𝘿𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙡, 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠.
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fishcowwrites · 5 months ago
Four Corners - Chapter Two
Newsies x The Maze Runner x The Outsiders x The Book of Mormon
911 words cross posted on ao3 under cut
It was like nothing they had ever seen. And judging from the noise earlier that morning, it was like nothing that any of the other groups had seen either. The lodging house, the homestead, the district 9 headquarters, and the Curtis family home had all fused together, creating a square abomination of architecture. The huge building was placed on a huge square of grass that seemed to spread infinitely outwards. A large lake sat at the southern corner, while grove of trees adorned the northern tip. The eastern point was crowned with mountains and the western point dipped down into a valley, all of this with no end in sight.
Introductions happened quickly, with each group designating a leader. Jack was used to leading the newsies and stepped up quickly, though not without exchanging a few glances with Davey and a taking punch from Spot.
Thomas was new to the whole “leader” thing, but Minho practically shoved him forward as Newt nodded in assurance, pursing his lips. He tried to claim that Newt would be better, or maybe Minho, but the rest of the Gladers wouldn’t hear any of it.
There wasn’t really any discussion amongst the greasers as Dally moved forward. He didn’t even say much, just muttered his name as he looked around the room at all the unfamiliar faces.
Conner had been the district leader back in Uganda, but now he wasn’t so sure of his position. Kevin had really taken charge after the whole “Book of Arnold” disaster, but with Poptarts beaming at him, he couldn’t really say no.
The four of them moved to a side room to discuss their current situation, where it became quickly apparent that none of them knew what to do. It wasn’t like this was something that happened on a daily basis. Running out of snacks in the mission kitchen or getting a D on a math quiz was nothing compared to teleportation, and apparently, time travel.
Connor could tell something was off in the way everyone spoke. It wasn’t just accents or something regional, no, this was a difference not from distance. Tentatively, he spoke up.
“I know this might sound really stupid, or really weird, but what year do you think it?” Instantly, three pairs of eyes locked onto him. Hesitantly, Jack scoffed.
“What kinda question is that? 1899.” Oh God. The whole situation had thrown Connor so off balance that he barely noticed his own use of the Lord’s name.
“That’s-no, that’s not right. It’s 2011.” Connor shook his head, starting to panic. He wished Kevin were here. Kevin always knew how to calm him down. He took deep breaths, trying to remember what Kevin had taught him.
“Are you both insane? It’s 1967. Thomas, back me up here.” Dally was looking at Connor and Jack like they had turned into bananas with three eyes. Thomas stayed silent, his brow furrowed as he looked back and forth between them all. Finally, he spoke.
“I don’t know, I guess. We barely have a concept of time in the maze. Any of you could be right.” Jack tilted his head, not quite following.
“But what about before you was in this-this maze thing? You wasn’t born there, right?” Dally and Connor both murmured their assent, looking at Thomas expectantly. He had fallen silent again, biting his lip as he frowned.
“No. There was a group of them, and they all woke up in the maze one day, no memories. The rest came up one by one. None of us know why, or how, or anything really. Just that we had to survive and escape.” He seemed so lost in thought that Connor felt he needed to say something just to break the tension. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he spoke up.
“Speaking of survival, how are we supposed to do that? What do we do about food?” Connor was no stranger to the creeping fear of hunger. When they were still in the church, there were times when pests got into the food, or a crisis came up long before their monthly shipments. And after they got excommunicated, their little amount of money got stretched tighter than they ever thought it could while they worked towards getting back to America. But they always had the villagers helping them. Here, wherever they were, they had nothing.
Connor must have zoned out, because the others were all staring at him as if expecting him to say something. “What? Sorry, I just-” His words died in his throat as he crumpled under the weight of Dally’s gaze.
“He-” Dally cocked his head at Thomas “Just asked how we should tell them our plan. Separate to our own guys, or all together. We wanted your input, but it seems you’ve been lost in that pretty little head of yours.”
“NO!” Connor spluttered. “I mean, no, I was listening, I just, that sounds good! Maybe all together, to, y’know, show unity, or, uh, like show we’re working together! And the plan? Oh, the plan is great. Great plan. Love it. I think it’s-” Jack held up his hand to stop Connor’s rambling.
“Ok. Ok. We should get back to the group before Spot starts a fight with someone. Ready?” Thomas nodded, and after a moment, Dally did too. All eyes were on Connor again, who was trying not to hyperventilate. He took a deep breath, his nails digging into the old scars on his hands.
once again brought to you by Way Down We Go by KALEO and also Austin McKenzie and Sean Grandillo's cover of Thinkin Bout You cus its really good
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kedamo-nogetoffthetable · 3 months ago
A collection of poems I've posted on Sky: CoTL through shared messages over the months
I beg y'all, if you recognize any of these PLEASE tell me that you've seen them
"Somedays it feels like you ripped my heart out instead. -S." Placed in the Wasteland Battlefield, near the Lookout spirit
"You put your greed above the safety of your people. You let it fester and rot you from within. Why must my siblings and I - mere children - fix your mistakes?" Can't remember. Very old poem, I think it was in Home or Forest.
"How much longer must I have to wait to feel your warmth again? -S." I believe was in the first Wasteland area, right after the social space.
"There was a day I looked up to you with wonder, and in return you inspired me. That day is far in the past. Now I fear you for the monsters you truly are." ....forest???
"When I looked into your eyes, so dark and full of hatred, I knew I had lost you. -S." Hey Shin. I love you, i love writing about OC x CC but why did I have to post so many grief poems that I don't remember where i placed them, wtf.
"I've loved you since the night we fell. How could I go on without you now, when I need you most? -S." DAMMIT SHIN.
"You used to hold me so softly. I knew i was safe when your arms were around me. Now as you tear me open, piece by piece, I wonder where those gentle hands went. -s." I swear to god you better have been in the wasteland temple you painful poem
"I've been finding it hard to sleep at night. My work has been used against me and those it was meant to help. I feel as though I'm to blame. Can anything I do really make up for what I let happen? -A." Placed directly infront of the Prairie Temple
As of late, I've felt rather useless. A soldier who cannot fight? What is there when I cannot even carry out my duty? I have a family bacm home, waiting for me. But I can feel my strength ebb away each day that passes in this tent. I hope I'm remembered." Wasteland Battlefield
"I am barely old enough to tie my own sandals, yet they seek my counsel. Every day, it's endless questions. How could I know better? I am but a child! They have ruled their realms far longer than I've been alive. Why can't the adults fix their own problems. -A." Isle of Dawn, just behind the spawn point
"I wish you would put yourself first. I have always admired your bravery, but it scares me to know I might lose my only family because you think you have to shoulder the blame. -t." Orbit, a few steps behind the valley twins
"A cavern that reeks of suffering and regret, home to a deadbeat who can't break the cycle of pain and relapse... I think I'd fit in just fine here." Slouching Soldier's funky ass giant bottle
"Let's suffer together, Soldier. We can sit in the inescapable dread of silence, recounting how everything went wrong. We'll wallow in our thoughts, convincing our withering bodies that we can't fix anything. Lets be alone together." Placed in the comments of the poem above.
"My memories sing of warm, golden sands. They do not recall this cold, green desert. What has become of our home?" Golden Wasteland, right before the temple w/ first krill
"Eden was the heart of our civilization, and the Vault was our mind. They are both broken beyond repair. What does that say about us? We built this kingdom, and in the same breath we destroyed it." Vault box area. Really wish I said 'with the same hands' not breath
"The touch of your hands is seared into my flesh. Every scar on my body is testament to the pain I was subjected to in your rage. I trace each mark and weep, mourning the person you once were. -s" SHIINNNNN.... I think all of their grief was in wasteland.
"I miss when we could dance in the rain without a care in the world. -s." Forest Brook, Underneath the bridge
"The stars are especially bright tonight. Are you watching me, Mother? -....." Valley of Triumph Hot Spring
^ there was another poem similar to this, in the same spot.
"I remember playing in the rain as a child. Now these memories bringg me pain, with the knowledge that my children will never experience that."
"I wish the skies were still full of light creatures. Every day I am forced to bear hearing the mantas, crying from their cages... The Elders must be cruel and heartless to do this without guilt." Valley of Triumph Hot Spring
"Sweet child of the lilac dawn. I can't help but wonder of your pain. How had you felt, when your mother held you for the last time? When you could no longer recognize the child in the mirror? As your kingdom lay dying, did you blame yourself, too?" Home, right infront of Eden.
Most if not all of these are intended to be letters from OCs, canon Elders (including Resh/Alef), or ambiguous/unnamed ancestors and sky kids.
Close to nothing on here was a vent or my personal feelings. I feel like I have to put this note because a LOT of people would comment on my poems hoping for me to get better.
On my letter from Ayin, I got a comment telling me to praise god and he'll save me, and a multitude of "i hope you feel better :("
Thank you, but seriously??? 😭
And some poems may be paraphrased. A lot of these were written in a notebook, and had to be shortened when I posted them in Sky.
Will have poems added in the future, I think.
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 2 years ago
Battle of the Larynx III
Miguel O’Hara x afab!reader
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
Synopsis: Having Spider-Man as a boyfriend was becoming increasingly more difficult, and his reoccurring absence is tearing you apart
Warnings: ANGST, drinking, smoking oui’d, self destructive Miguel, self destructive Y/N, stalking.
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Gwen: “Guys this is super weird, he went from nearly ripping peoples heads off for even breathing near him incorrectly to having the personality of a wet napkin.” Gwen spoke to the rest of the group as they all sat in the cafeteria
Pav: “I know right?! I took the last empanada and he didn’t freak out like he did last time. I didn’t even want it I don’t even know what empanadas are I just wanted to see if he’d fight for it, but no. Nothing!”
Miles: “I don’t know I’m kind of liking him not yelling every twenty seconds. The valley is at peace now”, he laughed and grabbed the empanada from Pav, but his laughter stopped after seeing all the irritated and disapproving looks he was surrounded by, “Or maybe I’m just still salty about the train thing. Yeah, yeah I’ll shut up now.”
Gwen: “He looks really sad.”
Hobie: “Definitely bummed about something. He hasn’t even joined Jess on most of the missions. Every time she turns around he’s disappeared to god knows where.”, he leans back in his chair and turns his attention to Peter who’s been eerily quiet the whole time, “Oi what’s got you so quiet?”
Peter had been mentally checked out the entire conversation. After all of the events that took place with Miles ended, Peter had found a newfound friend in Miguel. Someone he trusted to come to with problems so it worried him deeply that his friend was so aloof nowadays, and Peter knew exactly why. He knew all about what happened at Alchemex, Miguel came home from work that day and he knew something wasn’t right. He’d never seen Miguel look so hopeless when he broke down and told him everything that was said and since then he’s watched Miguel deteriorate more and more.
Peter: “Sorry, just trying to decide what to feed this little gremlin when we get home!” He lied and picked Mayday up onto his shoulders, “I’ll catch you guys later! Try to stay out of trouble!
Peter opened the portal to his dimension and left without another word
Pav: “Now he’s being weird too!”
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Mj: “Peter! Are you home?” She shouted from the upstairs bedroom
Peter: “Yeah I’m in the kitchen babe! I’m making Mayday some dinner!” He shouted and placed a sleeping Mayday on the couch and prepared some chicken and mixed veggies for her to have when she wakes up
Mj: “Peter, what did I say about taking our toddler to work with you? Did you take her out of school again?” She smiled and nipped at his ear. Obviously not completely upset but still irritated with him
Peter: “She wasn’t missing anything, I can teach her 2+4 later tonight.” He chuckled
The three of them sat down and ate an unusually quiet dinner
Mj: “No Miguel tonight, he’s not out doing it again is he?” Peter raised his brow at Mj giving her all the answers she needed, “You should talk to him again, he isn’t himself. I can’t believe I’m saying it but I actually kind of miss pissy Miguel.” She laughed
Peter: “I know I do too.” He sighed and pushed around his vegetables. He missed his friends happiness, he got used to the way Miguel’s demeanor changed when you both first started dating. Miguel was happy, there were times he caught the man smiling to himself and laughing at his phone when you texted him. For the first time in a long time Miguel seemed to enjoy life, Peter wanted that Miguel back.
He pushed his plate to the side and began to gather his suit and the rest of his belongings.
Mj: “Are you going back to headquarters?” She asked
Peter: “No. I think I need to go talk to somebody, I’ll be back soon babe. Tuck Mayday in for me tonight.” He placed a kiss on Maydays forehead and one on Mj’s cheek before slipping through the portal into your dimension…
Mayday: “Pissy!”
Mj: “No, no sweetie that’s a bad word. Only mommy can say that.”
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Miguel sat atop a ledge of some random apartment complex. He’d been hopping from building to building all night following a yellow cab that was driving through the downtown area. When it finally stopped he nested on the nearest building and watched you and your friends exit the vehicle and entire into the bar out front.
He wasn’t trying to be weird but it had been 2 weeks since you both last spoke, this whole ordeal felt like it was going on forever. Of course he respected your need for space but he couldn’t help but worry about you so everyday since he’s made a habit of tracking your whereabouts: the grocery store, the pharmacy, fast food places, everywhere. Miguel watched over you like a hawk until he was confident you made it home safely, and tonight wasn’t any different. Patiently he sat outside the bar watching from afar until you left.
You sat at the table twiddling with your half empty glass
Macie: “Girl get up an have fun! You’re being soooooo boring.” She was clearly drunk, she’d been dancing with your other friends for a while now before coming back over to you
Y/N: “I just don’t think I’m up for tonight Mace, I’m not in a partying mood.” The last thing you wanted to do was go out tonight honestly. Being jobless and entering an ‘it’s complicated’ status of your relationship wasn’t exactly a cause for celebration.
Macie: “I knew I wouldn’t like him the moment you started talking to him. He went after his receptionist for fucks sake and you probably weren’t the first one he picked up and threw away”. She continued, gaining the agreement of your other friends, but you heard nothing as you threw back another vodka tonic. Your silence is finally acknowledged and your friends leave to give you some space.
In your peripheral vision you could see the space next to you become occupied
Y/N: “Macie I know you’re only trying to help but i really REALLY just need to be alone right now, okay?”
“Macie’s not really good with problem solving when she’s drunk is she?” you eventually looked over to see Anthony taking the seat next to you. He was dressed nice. It was different to see him out of his security uniform and in something a little more formal.
Anthony: “You can add her drinks to my tab.” He offers, “I hope you don’t mind the company, I saw you drinking alone and it looked like you needed some sober companionship.”
He wasn’t wrong, you really didn’t need Macie drunk babbling about how Miguel probably used other girls before you came along. Regardless of everything you still loved him, you thought so highly of him but god you wished for a second you could get him out of your head.
Y/N: “I guess I look pretty pathetic don’t I?” You laughed and used your sleeve to wipe a tear that managed to escape
Anthony: “No, not to me. It’s getting kind of hard to hear in here.” He stands up and picks up his jacket off the back of his chair, “Wanna join me outside?” He suggested
You nodded and did the same and gathered your purse and keys, following him outside onto the empty patio. The wind starting to blow heavier than usual making you shiver a little bit, the thin cardigan you wore tonight wasn’t enough to to fight of the Nueva York weather.
Anthony: “Here.” He wraps his denim jacket around your shoulders and pulling you in slightly, “Better?” He asks
Y/N: “Y-Yeah. Thank you.”
You smile at his gesture. Unbeknownst to you Miguel was not only watching the entire interaction, but hearing it too. He noticed Anthony’s sultry tone and a glimmer in his eye when he looked at you.
Anthony leaned against the building wall with you and proceeded to light a pre roll he had in his jacket pocket. He took a long puff and handed it over to you, to which you gladly accepted. Not realizing how long it had been since you smoked weed you of course started coughing almost immediately, but quickly got the hang of it.
Anthony: “I really wasn’t trying to eavesdrop earlier but I couldn’t help but hear what your friends were saying to you at the counter. Bad breakup?” he questioned while taking another draw from his blunt and blowing it out the side of his mouth.
Y/N: “Something like that, it’s been a rough couple of months but I don’t really wanna ruin your night with my sad shit.”
Anthony: “If it’ll help you feel better I don’t mind. Go ahead.” He encouraged.
Miguel listened carefully, almost scared of what you were about to say next
Y/N: “I have this person in my life and things aren’t going great. He’s not really there for me y’know? And I get he has problems that he’s working through but sometimes it feels like he doesn’t even like me anymore. It’s starting to feel like that more often now…”
The air was silent for a few seconds, not uncomfortable just a few brief moments that Anthony took to absorb everything you said.
He shifted from the wall to stand directly in front of you. When the two of you stood eye to eye Miguel could hear his own heart race like a gatling gun, he couldn’t tell whether it was fear or anger
Anthony: “He sounds like a dick. It’s a hard decision, I get it. Deciding whether or not to stay with someone like that must suck.”
Y/N: “He’s not so bad, he has his moments.” You laugh and look down at your feet. You cant help but think back to the times you and Miguel spent cuddling in your apartment watching old cartoons, “…But yeah, it kind of sucks right now.”
Anthony: “I wouldn’t worry, a girl like you could find a new guy any time she wanted.” He smiled at you and stepped a foot closer. You feel his hand hold your chin and he softly brings your head up to make eye contact with him again. Anthony holds your face in his hands, caressing each cheek with his thumbs and then feeling down to your bottom lip.
Anthony: “You look really pretty tonight Y/N…”
Miguel felt his body burn red hot watching you and another man. He boiled with rage and jealousy and just like that it fizzled away. His body stopped tensing, his heart stopped racing, his fear went away. Everything felt numb as he saw Anthony lean in to kiss you.
Miguel couldn’t bring himself to look and turned away immediately. An unfamiliar wetness ran down his face and he realized that for the first time in a long time he was breaking down. He sobbed on the roof of the building until his lungs couldn’t pump anymore oxygen for him.
He left in a blur of red and blue back to the only place he could think of to go right now. The spider society headquarters was empty and his office was cold. Everything in Miguel’s sight was an obstacle to him right now, and soon he found himself destroying everything in his path. His chair, his monitors, his machines; he ripped every bit of structure in his office apart until he was the only thing left standing.
Miguel’s world was once again crumbling around him. He found a new life, a new chance at happiness with someone else and he let his own selfishness tear it all apart
This was his doing. He pushed you and pushed you, until you fell right into the arms of someone else
You didn’t love him anymore.
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Your heart beat so loud you swore someone could hear it down the street in passing. Anthony pulled you in by your waist close enough to breathe in his cologne
Anthony: “You look really pretty tonight Y/N…” he tilted his head and brought his face in closer to yours, his touch was warm and gentle, something you hadn’t had in so long
But that didn’t change anything.
You interrupted Anthony’s attempt and brought your finger ups to his lips, pushing him back softly
Y/N: “Im…I’m sorry Anthony. I think you’re really sweet but I’m still—
Anthony: “In love with him?” You smiled and nodded. Anthony nodded back and released his hold on your waist, “I get it, the heart wants what it wants. He’s a really lucky guy. I guess I’ll see you at work then?”
You nodded and handed his jacket to him, thanking him for his kindness before he stepped his blunt out on the ground and headed back inside the bar.
Fuck. The hold this man had on you. Even after everything all your thoughts and actions circled back to him and only him. Soon you decided that this intended night of unwinding was a complete bust and decided to head home. Looking back, walking home alone at 11 at night probably wasn’t the best idea but you figured you’ve made worse decisions. So you texted Macie and told her you were heading out.
The walk home through Nueva York was peaceful, maybe it was the alcohol in your system giving you a bravery boost but you didn’t walk with panic like you usually did late at night. That was the case until you turned down the corner that led to your apartment and felt the chill of an unfamiliar presence watching. You had a light buzz but not enough to imagine danger when there wasn’t any, you sped up your pace and prepped your keys in hand to get inside as quickly as possible.
You heaved a breathe of relief once you finally got inside the building and made a note to yourself not to test your luck again by walking home alone. Once you made it to your place you took a quick hot shower and threw on a pair of pajama pants and one of Miguel’s old t shirts. You let the window open to get a few minutes of fresh air while you worked on some unfinished art projects. The night went by slow and calm, until you felt that weird feeling again and in the corner of your eye you saw a figure creeping up by your window. You shrieked and instinctively threw the closest object towards them.
Peter: “OW FUCK!” He shouted and tumbled backwards a bit and fell down the the fire scape on the floor below you
Y/N: “I’m calling the police!” You turned to shut the window before he raised his hands in protests
Peter: “Wait wait Y/N I’m a good guy!”
You looked back at the man, this time noticing he was covered in a tight red and blue suit, one that resembled Miguel’s in theme but not in design.
Y/N: “You don’t look like a good guy, you’re in sweats…and snorlax slippers.” You looked over the window ledge
Peter: “Yeah well looks can be deceiving.” he laughed and took off his mask to reveale his scruffy face.
Y/N: “How do you know my name?”
Peter: “I work pretty closely with Miguel, he’s said a lot about you… I’m Peter. I know it’s kind of weird for me to walk up on you like this, in hindsight I definitely could’ve planned this better.” he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck
Y/N: “Oh…yeah he talks about you from time to time.” You said, “What are you doing here? You scared the shit out of me.”
Peter: “Sorry about that I really wasn’t trying to startle you. I just, um, I kind of think…I think you two should get back together.” He blurted out. You looked at him confused but still motioned for him to come upstairs into the apartment. He shimmied in through the window managing to accidentally rip the curtains off in the process
Y/N: “Did Miguel send you here to talk on his behalf?”
Peter: “No no I promise he didn’t, he doesn’t even know I’m here. Honestly he’d probably go ballistic if he found out.”
Y/N: “Peter, I appreciate you coming here. It’s very sweet and Im sure you just want what’s best for your friend but our relationship isn’t anyone else’s concern.”
Peter: “I know I know but just hear me out and if you don’t like what I have to say then I’ll go and leave you two be…” You looked at him in confusion but decided to sit down and hear what he had to say
Peter: “Y/N I’ve been pretty close with Miguel for a while now and I think I know all there is to know about the guy. And if there’s one thing I know about him it’s that he’s a fucking idiot”, He took a seat next to you on the bed, “one of the biggest idiots i’ve ever seen and that’s coming from the second biggest idiot…I know about the night you locked him out. He said things that hurt you didn’t he?” He asked looking over at you. You nodded, his question triggered all the emotions of that night. The feeling of betrayal, worthlessness, and isolation all came rushing back and made the tears swell up
Peter: “Yeah, he does that sometimes. It makes you feel like he doesn’t even care about you but I promise you he does. Y/N he’s absolutely crazy about you.”
Y/N: “Really?” You sniffled
Miguel: “Yes! You should see the way his face lights up when you call him, he tries to hide it but we all notice he’s giddy about something . And oh my god when we’re on missions and he sees something he thinks you’ll like, he writes it down in this little notepad he has! Here.” he hands you a small brown notebook, “Don’t tell him, I snagged this from his desk today, he’d kill me if he found out.” he chuckled
He was right, the book was filled with notes and scribbles, some crossed out probably indicating he’d bought them already. He even put little reminders on sticky notes for himself so he could remember what colors you liked and didn’t like. It brought a smile out of you
Peter: “He’s hasn’t been doing well since that night. And im sorry if this sounds like I’m trying to guilt you into being with him, I really am not trying to do that. Im just asking, can you go talk to him please?” He asked
He looked at you awaiting your decision, but it wasn’t like you needed thinking. You missed Miguel so much, for fucks sake you wore his shirts every night since he left, and if Peter said he missed you too then that’s all the answer you needed…
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professorsaber · 2 years ago
Since AO3 has been down for several hours, here is a copy of my McFly July fic for the 10th!
Daylight Savings Time
Warning for pathetic attempts at Lovecraftian horrors.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Tuesday, September 22, 1992
1:41 PM
The DeLorean materialized on Highway 147 in pitch darkness.
Doc slammed on the brakes. Fortunately, he had had the headlights on—they’d left 1962 late at night. Marty flew forward in the seat.
As the car came to a stop on the empty road, they both looked out the window.
“What happened, Doc?” Marty asked. “Are we back?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, looking at the time circuits. “Something must be wrong with the display.”
A car blared its horn at them, causing them both to jump.
“Jesus!” Marty said. He looked over his shoulder as best as he could in the DeLorean. “That guy didn’t have his headlights on!”
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Doc said, shifting the DeLorean back into gear and driving towards Hill Valley.
They moved slowly. At several points, other cars passed them—their headlights also off.
“This is weird, Doc,” Marty said.
Doc turned right onto Eastwood Ravine Road, towards Lone Pine Mall.
“Something is very wrong here,” he agreed, as they came up to a stoplight. The stoplights worked, but the cars drove through the darkness with their lights off.
As they moved closer towards the mall, Marty said, “Doc, all these people are staring at us.”
He did a double-take at Doc. “Doc? Shouldn’t you say that it’s just my imagination?”
As they stopped at the light in front of the mall, the DeLorean’s headlights illuminated the sign:
1:5̴3 P̃M
“Smudges on the sign?” Marty asked.
“Uh-huh.” Doc looked over the parking lot. “I see your truck. Jennifer’s still waiting for us.”
They pulled up to the truck, bathing it in the glow of the headlights.
Jennifer was leaning against the truck, arms folded, looking away from them. She didn’t react to the sudden light.
“She wasn’t wearing those clothes when we left, Doc,” Marty said.
He desperately wanted Doc to tell him he was wrong, to chide him for having a poor memory of such a thing. Doc just frowned.
Marty looked at his wife. He knew, though. He knew. She was wearing a red top and jeans. But Marty knew that pair of jeans—she’d always roll her eyes when he complimented her when she wore them, but something about that particular shade of blue and the way they’d shape her legs oh so right… He’d know if she’d been wearing them when they left.
It had been a half hour for her, tops. Not enough time to go home and change.
Doc shifted the DeLorean into park and opened his door, leaving the engine running. Marty did the same.
“Jesus!” he shouted. It was cold—he’d be surprised if it was above freezing. He saw his breath in the air.
Jennifer was dressed for summer.
Doc shivered, looked towards Marty, and nodded towards Jennifer.
“Hey, Jen,” Marty said. “Listen—.”
The rest of his sentence died in his mouth as she turned towards them. His eyes went to her legs first—those damn jeans—but he saw her face just in time to see her eyes shift from annoyed to concern.
Her eyes.
There was no color in her eyes.
Jennifer looked at him with black eyes, eyes blacker than night, eyes without light in them and oh god he couldn’t breathe and—
“M̷a̶r̸t̴y̸,̸ ̴w̴h̴a̸t̴'̵s̵ ̷w̴r̸o̵n̶g̵?̷” she asked. There were echoes of her voice in her question, but something else was also behind it. Screeching, screaming, scraping.
“Shit,” Marty heard Doc say, but he was rooted in place as Jennifer (Jennifer?) walked over to him, and as she walked he heard the scraping of metal against metal.
She took his hand, with the same tenderness she always took his hand, and he bit down a scream at the coldness of her hands. It was like that time when he was three, and tried to make a snowball with his bare hands, and he didn’t know snow could be that cold.
“Y��o̷u̵'̶r̷e̴ ̴s̸c̷a̵r̵i̴n̵g̶ ̷m̵e̶,̷” she said. Then she looked at the DeLorean, as if she had never seen it before, and said, “T̸̩̋h̷͈̽a̵͈͗t̴͜͠'̸̳̾s̵͎̆ ̷̈́͜ḁ̸̍ ̸̹̈n̸͇̓i̸̢̓ĉ̷̯ẽ̷̘ ̸̙̕c̴̤̀ḁ̸̉r̷̼̕ ̸̧̋y̶͚͠o̷͓̓u̶͐͜ ̴̨̈́h̴̬͒ă̷̰v̴̹̄e̸͈͂ ̷̟̚t̶̩̋h̸̳̅e̶͓̒r̵̨̒e̷̺̒.̶̻̆” Less of her own voice was there now.
Marty was dimly aware of Doc circling the two of them.
“̴͕͌Ỳ̴͉o̴̹̿u̸̟̇'̷̳̈́v̶̡̛e̵̠͛ ̶̰̔t̶̹̿a̵̲̒k̵̥̅ȅ̴̝n̸̛͍ ̵͚͋m̵͉̅e̴͙̋ ̸̺̾o̴͇͐n̷̲̊ ̸̧̾à̸̝ ̶̯̃ř̸̞ḭ̸̒d̴̞̋e̴̗̓ ̸̦̚w̸̘̓i̶̙̿t̷͌ͅh̸̩͊ ̴̹̒i̴̹͘t̴̙̆ ̸̨̊b̸̡͐e̶̞̊f̸͍̈́õ̵̲ȓ̶̬ẻ̴ͅ,̷̜̚ ̵̱͝ḧ̶̻́ȧ̴̰ṿ̴̇e̶͔͋n̶̦̓'̴͕͝t̶͙́ ̶̠͂ý̸̜ö̶͖́ü̷̢?̴̻̍”̴͈̀ she said. She looked back at him with those eyes, those eyes with absolute nothingness in them.
Doc tapped her on the shoulder.
She jumped, dropping Marty’s hand, and he saw the color return to her eyes.
“Marty!” she cried, in her own voice. “You have to go back!”
As she fell to the ground, Marty helped her back up and held her face in his hands.
“Jennifer,” he said. “Jennifer McFly, look at me. Jennifer, what’s wrong? What happened?!”
She shuddered and closed her eyes, and when she opened them again they were pools of infinite darkness.
Marty screamed as his her frozen skin burned his hands, and as she spoke her voice was nothing but screams and wails and gnashing of teeth.
“̷̹̃̚Ï̷̜͚͘ ̵̠̯͗s̵̨̛͇a̵͈̐̈w̷̧̍̑ ̴̨̤̚y̴̘͈̕ọ̶͇́u̸̖̬̕,̸̺̏̚”̷̨̟̎̂ she said. “Ĭ̸͍͛ͅ ̴̩̱̀ś̶̪̫a̵͓͋͘w̷̨̚ ̸͇̈̄ȳ̵̧͐ͅo̴̢̺͌u̴̱͑ ̷̦͒͠s̸͈͘k̸̖̤͋i̸̞͍̔p̷̩̭̎ ̵̜͖̂̉à̶̟̀c̴̙̿͊r̵͚̔ͅō̴̯̼s̸̩͐͜s̵͕͘ ̵̧̲͊t̶͕̤͂̏ï̶͚ͅm̴̮͇͌e̶̤̅,̸̪̈ ̶̟͈̚a̵̱̟͛c̷̡̹̾̀r̶̛̦̓ȏ̴̺̍s̸̔͝ͅs̷̻͍̐͑ ̴͇̑̐t̸͖̾̔h̵̰̞̓͘ę̶̔̄ ̷͓̓̉r̶̼͓̊i̶͓̯͋v̷̡̆ë̸̬ṙ̵̬̰ ̴͇̒̕o̸̭͘ḟ̴̗͘ ̴͎͂͝š̴͔̬́p̸̨̗̾̌ä̸͉́̏č̶̩̈ë̷͖̅,̷̢͚̾̏ ̴̣̇a̷͇̭͗g̷͇͊ȧ̵̞̕i̵͍̯͛͂n̶̢̑ṣ̴͒ẗ̸͖͓́̀ ̶͙͆̑ì̵̛͓t̵͐́ͅ,̶͎̊̈́ ̴͓̬̌̑a̶̢̦͑g̸̲̒̍ạ̶́i̷̡̲̇́n̵̠̜͑s̷͕̒ṯ̵͚̇̇ ̵̨͑t̵̟͍̓͆h̴̟̩̿é̷͚̼͒ ̴̟̂̚c̷̯̃͜͝ü̵͎̪ṛ̸̾̇r̷̟̣̽͛è̶̢͝n̸̒̂��ț̷̉͌,̶͙̮̽́ ̷̹̹̿͒ă̷̞̙͘n̷̗̲͗̎d̶͍͎́̉ ̸̬͆Ḭ̶̟͗ ̴̈́͜f̴̯̔o̴̖͓͗l̵̙̅̋l̸͓͙͂o̶̟̎͒ẅ̵͙́ê̴̹̰d̶̺͐ ̷̜̙̓y̵̭̫̋̌o̷̲̪̚ũ̷̺ ̷̘̈̌h̷̗͇̅e̷̡̯̾̽r̶͓̂ĕ̸̟̲̈.̶̳͊̀”
“Marty!” he heard Doc scream.
“Ȋ̷̲̖̝͔͉͗̽̽͜ ̴̧̦͚̤͘ḏ̵̆i̴̮͍̹̯̔d̷͍͎͋̃̈́͝ͅn̶͍̭̱̒̓͘'̵̧̫̙͙̫̱́̉̒̌t̵̗͌͊͗̂̈̕ ̷̯̜̟̣̥̾k̸̘̺̎̑͜n̸͚̰̬̘̿ơ̶̢̭̖͉̐̎̐ŵ̶̝̄,̶̹͚̲̮̾̄̔̎̎̚” she said. She let go of him and pushed him against the car. “I̵̩̝̾̅́ ̶͈͓͖̑d̴̦̱̅̑̒i̴̳̜̋͝ḋ̴̼̳͈n̵̡̟̮͂̊͝'̸͕̞̗̿̂̎͝ṫ̸̝͎̖ ̷̘̺̈́̾ǩ̶̡̯͎n̷͕͘ò̸͕̼̟̹ŵ̵͙̘͓̀͜͝ ̴̹͚̹̍͋̕t̴͉͓̘͔̿̆̅h̸̟̦̞̝̏̿͑a̸̡̮̿͌͛͝t̵̬̯̽̀̓ ̶͍̬̿ͅt̵̙͌̈h̶͈̲͂̿e̸̜̲̔̒̀̕ŗ̶͇̹̿͗̏e̴̟̥̺͐̉̅̚ ̶͙̜͉̇͛̐͘w̷̩̞͛è̷̝̭͙r̵̨̰̠̓͜è̵̡͉̳͉̍͋ ̴͍͍̏̈͛͐b̶͙̫̺̰̏̈o̷̧͇͊́d̵̩̒̐̓ȋ̶̢͔̰̰͆̍͆ḛ̶̛͎͂̊̆s̶̲̆̽́̚,̵̪̂̚ ̷̻͈̥̦͌͌͝s̴̱̻͉͒̈́͌o̴͉̓̀ ̴̛̣̮̙h̶̲͙̀̚ó̸̼̰t̸̰͊̏͌̇,̶̨̿͠ ̸̗̓͗͝͝s̷̱͎͛̓͘ó̴̮̣͌͒ ̶̛̠̮̈͗͌f̸̹̺̹͛ṷ̶͒̍l̴̖̱̆̂̎̕l̸͕͂̉̄̊ ̴̲͋̈̏͝ȍ̸̫̞̲̲̅̾f̸͔̘̠͍̀͂̑ ̷̪͎͂̾̄̓b̵̺̑͝l̷̨͎̮̑́͑̚o̸̧̪͇͑͝ö̵͚́́͋d̸̛̩̋̂ ̶̞̔ä̵̦͎̗̠́͠n̷̼̲̏̐͆̐d̵̨̦̖͊̾̎͘ ̵̛̖̬͇̑͑p̷͍̙͑̚͝ä̶͚͓̤̙͋i̷͙̗̐n̴̢̼̰̝͂.̵̧͉͖͓̂ I̶̟͎̟̫͇̭͎̙̎̚ ̸̘̼͎́̃́͒̚̕S̷̨̖̩̺͓̘̩̍̓͊̑̔́͝Ạ̵̢̤̮͔̰̱̒́͊̅̐̕͝͝W̶͙̝̖̳͇̣̗̋̀͑̽͐͊̆͜ ̴̭̯̺̯̻̤̹͠Y̷͙̟̱͖̮͂Õ̸̡̢̪̯̼̲̞̻͂́́̉U̷̢̗̥͂̿͌̈̅̌͆.̶̡̡̻̼̰̊͛̽͒̈́̐̿͜ ̶̩͆̋̇͜ ̵̹͕̻͓͚̇̐Į̵̫͔͈̦̮̻̐̀̈̏̾̊̉ ̷̹͈̹̄́S̷̡̙͈̳̭͚̓͜Ą̵͚̹͕̱̌̈́͑̃̏W̶̢̤̫̗͕̘̓̅̉̂ ̵̨͚̆́́̌Y̴̺͙̞̹̟͙̹̮͒͘Ơ̴͈̟͋̂͗͂́͆Ú̶̦͈͍͠͝ ̴͎̃̈͜À̷̱͈̜͈̆̑͌͗͌̃̉G̸̛̠̺͖̝͒͆̌̈́A̸̠̘̖̓̿͐Į̵̳͔͊̆͑̑̐N̷̡̫͉̄̍̕̕͠͠S̷̛̼͚̈́̉̎̆̾͘Ṭ̶̘̉̅ ̷̟̩̉͠Ť̶̞̲̭̞̺͉͈̜̄̿͑̾̍̌͝H̸̺̯̪̬̤͉̐̄E̶͔̠̟͔̠̐̆̀͝ ̷̗̪̄̏̐͊̆͛͝S̵͚̬̼̖͓̤̓̓́͌̚͝͠T̶̙͈̈̍̌͐̊͗͘͘ͅǍ̷̡̻̋̋Ř̶̥̙̝̋͒͗̓S̸̼̥͉̐͋̌̕͠,̴̫̬͙̬̱̺̇̾͆̍ ̷̨͍̠͉̫̥̩̤̀̍̉̚Ą̶̢̜̤̗̐̾͌͊͘̚G̴͙̜̞͙͎̲̥̾̆̍̈A̷̢̜̠̤̺̻͆́͑͋̀Ǐ̴̤͇͎̣̳̔͐͊̉͛N̷̛̫̐̿̑̅̋S̵̝͉̃͒͒̽̐̚T̶̡̪̩̞͓̒͗̿͋͘ͅͅ ̵͔͖̙̹̐̒̓̽̀͝͝͠ͅT̴̡̞̠͎̹͐̌ͅḦ̶̨́͆͆͗̆̒͘͝E̷̢̠͈̗͇͔̬̎̂̇̕ ̴̡̮͕̖̙̎̍M̵̫̬̻̫͕̘̝̜͛I̵̗̞̐̆͑̏̀̎̕͝D̸̨̘͇̝̗̉̌̒̅̍͐Ñ̸̡̨̛͎͙͚̙̣̋͊̚̕͝Í̶̙̺̝̮̦̽̀G̴͚͈̻̀̚H̸̢̫̖̫̑̋̓̿͛͐T̴͚͒̓ ̶̧̧̛̺̞͎̔̏̈͗̕͝͝S̴̛̖̯Ķ̸̨̧̻͔̤̬̜͑͒͌̽́Y̶̥̥͔̑͐̆̚̚͝ ̸̙̳͙̰͊̕̚À̶͕̳̰̙͓̤͓͖͗̚N̵̙̭̞̽͑́̏̅̅Ḑ̷̻̒̈́̈́́ ̵͚̈́̾́̔̒̕͜͠͝I̷̲̝͒̐̒̅̏̎̀ ̷̭͇̻̺̹̀̂͗͐̍̈́̕͝Ẅ̵̪̺͙̮́̎̽̊̀I̶̗̮͗Ḷ̵̡̰͌̈́͆̈́̑̎̈͝L̷͕͎̝̠̳̏̈̾ ̸̬͓͉̈́̕F̷̨͇̣̂Ę̸͉̬̩͒̃̈́̔̑͛̽̃ͅA̸̢͓̖͊́S̸̢̢̯̝͚̰͐̓͘͜T̴̨̟̖̠̱̩̪̘̂.̴̱̠̟̝̫̫͉̏̈̈̉̕͜͝”
Marty did the only thing he could do, the only thing more unthinkable than a day without daylight and a beautiful woman with a voice made of screams:
He punched his wife in the face.
As she fell to the ground, he jumped back into the DeLorean. He saw Doc do the same, and neither of them had even closed the doors before the DeLorean took to the sky.
As they flew away to the sounds of enraged screams filling the night, Marty said, “DOC, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”
Doc was programming the time circuits. “I don’t know what we unleashed in 1962, Marty, but we’re going to put it back. Time to save the daylight!”
Yeah, I don't know. I'm sorry? This feels so stupid to me. But it was either that or riffing on this XKCD.
I got the "Zalgo text" from this website: zalgo.org
And since you probably had difficulty reading what the Jennifer Entity said, a transcript:
“Marty, what’s wrong?”
“You’re scaring me” … “That's a nice car you have there.”
“You've taken me on a ride with it before, haven't you?”
“I saw you. I saw you skip across time, across the river of space, against it, against the current, and I followed you here.”
“I didn't know. I didn't know that there were bodies, so hot, so full of blood and pain. I SAW YOU. I SAW YOU AGAINST THE STARS, AGAINST THE MIDNIGHT SKY AND I WILL FEAST.”
At the end there, I was kinda ripping off homaging "Midnight," a Doctor Who episode I've only read about on TV Tropes.
Let me know if this was worth reading!
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raven-quote · 1 year ago
Writing dialog 2:
Two friends were drinking ice tea on top of a bridge, overlooking a dead road.
-"So... how was your week?" Asked Suzzane, mixing some sugar in the cold infusion.
-"Nothing out of the ordinary; I went to a cemetery," said John, sitting on the bridge's guardrail.
-"Thank god you didn't do anything weird! what happened? was someone you knew?"
-"No, the professor recommends that I see some scultures for my anatomy assignment," answered John nonchalantly, serving himself another glass of tea.
-"Let me get this right," said Suzzane, with a contagious smile. "When someone says sculture, do you think of cemeteries?"
She had a quirk when talking about something funny; she would move her hands as if they were a tennis fan, moving his head from one opposite side of the field to the other in mere seconds.
-"No, it wasn't my first pick; museums aren't cheap, you know." John almost choked on his tea. He was about to ask Suzzane about her week when suddenly heaven became real and in technicolor, a great roar could be heard from miles, John almost lost his balance from the guardrail, the silvery light became lighting shooting upwards, breaking that afternoon's peace in the valley, shaking bones, breaking glasses, and damaging eardrums. The rocket, the last wonderful thing humanity created, was now in high orbit, leaving a white, fluffy cloud where it once flew.
They were rigid, looking upwards, not in glee as Suzzane's little brother, but with disdain. The first rockets were a great talking point among the people of the valley, some sort of privilege and pride they share and show like a medal to the region, "They are close to the stars!!" Would said journalists but now it's more like a nuisance. The Mac's and Roudy's were the first families to leave, followed by the Carlson's and the Evans. Soon the grand majority of the town was a collection of empty spaces, lost in time while the future was roaring and flying no more than 6 miles from them.
Suzzane broke the silence.
-"The old tongues said that winter and fall were below 68 degrees, and that the rockets brought longer days and shorter nights." Said Suzzane contemplating the amber liquid flowing from the broken glass.
-"I went to the cemetery because it's quiet, no packs of people, no flashes, no laughs. I mean, what kind of museum puts on display bright colors and chalkboards? Cemeteries have that hidden effect on us; it's no place to be joking; it's solemn. A radiography of time, where different art styles and movements solidified for eternity, did you know that the real Gioconda was burned for her smile? Cemeteries have this aura of the past, the unbearable past, where all the bad, decadent, and violent were normalized, a place where museums go to die, where memories are set in stone, crimes and regrets are visible for you to be horrified or wonder, not only did I finish my sketches, I came with horrible conclusions."
But before John could elaborate, another wonder of humanity rose free from gravity. A deafening chorus made by millon dammed souls.
In order for something to prosper, other things or someone must be wretched.
-"I'm sorry about your father. I know things seem bleak, but he will get a job really soon." Said Suzzane, enveloping the broken glass in newspaper.
-"Thanks, it was a long week." John sighted, jumped from the guardrail to Suzzane, helped her put the glasses in the basket, and they started to descend the bridge.
-"My little brother is obsessed with space; he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up."
-"Good for him, I guess; at least he doesn't need to commute that much from here."
And they walked together, alone, in the middle of the dead road to their homes.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
There's a huge number of people that are worried about Ben and they tried to figure out what's going on now and they find out where it was and they don't think it's happening yet cuz it's not and Ben is hungry when he smelled the honey and so they gave him somebody he loves honey so I can addicts and because sometimes it ferments. Is a little depressed sometimes. And it's true too it's a little depressed and sad so he likes his friends and stuff but he needs to go home not there it's more dangerous he's sitting there with a guy that he hurt and he doesn't like it and they eventually move them out and back to the woods and with his family and it's happy and we're trying to help him out and it doesn't go very well and our son is going out there and he says this dangerous people out here and have to come out here since no you don't and that sense of I really have to and you don't want me to I want you to know that I'm here to help you cuz we want you around he looks like a zoo I said no like a planet and it's big enough for you. He smiles and says where you going to be is it going to be in a different planet and we're not sending prisoners here and he goes good works off falls asleep and tells his wife over and over this is going to hand it over the planet I'll be king it says no you won't it'll be a nice boy says what will our enemies do and since we have to monitor to make sure that they don't hurt you and you don't hurt them she's got an attitude problem and it's a bobcat and other Lions out there and he says yeah I know Mars so he is happy about it.
We have a lot of stuff going but we're going to start moving pretty soon and we are prepping apartments and it's Hera's idea. It's an awesome idea and it's working boy that's smart oh my God it took forever and mac daddy and his boys and other they have a places to the West they have stuff and they're building things in their own and they don't need our help with gadgets and things that they are going to get their own casinos in there and it's from building so there's that are somewhat defunct.
My son wants to build a complex to the South for necessities they're needed badly out there and China can't do it and he wants to get factories going this spotted throughout the whole place and no there are huge pile of them in LA but no we know where to put them and we know where we can get them and we're going to start it up in our local as well as us and it is in the middle of California sort of it's not the valley it's to the West a little bit and it's South of San Luis Obispo but north of LA and our son knows there there's not much there in some places it's kind of Sacramento feel but like south of it and it is something Sacramento but just like nothing there and he got a little nauseous out there some sort of weird hills and it's true too but he was going up to a different area no he's he's pretty sure that's it and it was weird like people didn't want him there and it's too rural so it's getting flack I think I can slip away so the guy felt better and he just told him it's too rural I guess and it said yeah I guess this is why I do it and they're saying because I wanted him to have a job they kept saying it and saying it just wanted him to have a job doesn't know the math I'm not worried about getting kidnapped he's worried about yourself he shut up after that he said they don't follow me up here the guy that you talk to people study new I'd be weirded out because he's talking to people who run the Earth you kind of freaky. He knew about it it's going to try stuff but he didn't know that they would follow him so they come right up with me and like across the street and one of those probably a low level guy making noises the others are having to do it that's okay and you got plenty of work 23 so he's holding on and he sees it and it's Trump and they're going to start making factories for necessities and we're going to bring some in too and he's bringing them in and toilet paper is a big one but the type that degrades stuffers who are treatment stuff for water treatment boilers pressure boilers we're going to make a bunch of bja we can send some up there to The vineyards it's a valuable place and it's a valuable Hallmark we're going to go ahead and do that we've got those things and we have those tanks and see if he wants to buy them for real we have them and it's also Trump and he says he needs them too it's a few others up there including Mac wants to see the tank and they'll probably talk about it but here we go we're going to send it now
Excellent work and we're getting on the necessities now and the South we're working down there too.
He says he needs help here in pronto these guys aren't going to be here they're getting pushed out by Mac proper and the McDonald's will be pushed out after but he's saying that the situation is crappy I mean this s*** everywhere and this crap in the canals and there's a broken things all over the place and nobody's tending to it the science missing the sidewalks that are broken trees are broken down there's a rundown houses that are abandoned and all over Charlotte county and there are utilities that don't work and his house needs a roof and really it's run down this place needs assistance he wants us to somehow do an assessment and we have those already he wants to present it have someone present the meeting from volunteers when you come off your volunteer duty your Co you tell him so they can bring someone else in and it's going to be that way and you hopefully would find someone for him or her he's asking for help here this place needs it and he wants people to come in and try and get these going to do something I'll be at the back so these guys or McDonald's or anyone it seems like everyone wants to drop the ball here and you can't the picture of the ball out there those are trying to hold territory and then the more like a losing territory here and the people grabbing it are really McDonald's and some minority morlock us and foreigners and we have to get them to work they need to have jobs are they just not going to stay so we need to necessity facilities we need them to take over factory jobs and we need ASAP and the areas that we have cordoned off and they cleared did not have factories but adjacent to it are and she said he says to go on those and get them going to work and send out flyers or have you and have people talk and get them in there cuz these guys don't want to go back there we also noted that and there's a plan east west coast so we're going to start doing that there's 80% of their housing is surrounded 10% is by other landlords 10% is miscellaneous campers trailer parks hotels 5% of the 10% is going to court tomorrow but that 80% is a 50% cleared and then the 30% will be probably tonight and there's factories all over their place that are near them there are other factories that we could live up to and he wants us to get on it and to get team captains going on those specific businesses and he wants me to find someone to assign it and we're going to get together Frank Castle Hardcastle wants to get going on it and he is telling Duke Nukem Blockbuster what it is and he's saying I know who to hire it's one of his sons and he loves the stuff and he loves making things and he wants to work on those tuk tuks. And he says he can work in the get stuff from Thor Freya and ideas on things and I'm asking for free yet to talk to him and the way I was saying and he says he'll fix a verbage and yes it's saying what way he says which son are you and daughter-in-law and there's probably another one there they said we are the ones after him and I look like Savage opress because I am I thought you were the first guy and you got to find out who that is really going to be surprised and it's not the Hulk, and yeah it is me that was the first to talk to you and you remember it and the tuk tuk is kind of my style too and Thor Freya are saying so I get that and you're waiting for it yes so my dad do it. That's a nice way of saying things Thor Freya were helping and really that's a good idea and for some reason he is fascinated by it so we have to make one for him and with one seat and the center controls are fine they just have to be modified of course and you might have seating for two in the back. I'm going to go ahead and do that now I'll get it going on this and right here and I'm assigning people and appreciate it
That was Savage opress and we're getting going on all sorts of stuff and it's going to finally work
Another news the bases of the caverns they're 20 big ones and they're now 15 and they're under severe attack all of them they're pinned down there are 30 medium large and 15 are out still and the other 15 are pinned down you're like 300 small to medium in there all pin down well no half of them are the other half for leaving and there are probably a million or millions of small ones and their caverns and they're all being emptied and people are missing it I mean they're not going to war they're going to the ship up north or All ships of North and then moving it and it's not that many but it's what they're bringing this the problem powerful weapons and big ones and people are starting to move
Thor Freya
0 notes
ssplague · 3 years ago
Alpha Bakugou & his late blooming Omega girlfriend 🌬🥀
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Honorable mentions: @jazzylove @bakugoismisunderstood @koreylive
Okay since so many of you seemed to really enjoy this “Just thinking about”, I’m turning it into a short story. I’m thinking it will have four parts all together (including the original post). So I know I’d said that I’d give you a nice big dose of Scumbag Suki this update, buuuut that was before I knew this was going to take off like it did 🙈 The next one is entirely his POV so you’ll get your fill then!
Part 3
“Suki, did you really have to be that harsh towards Izuku when we left the playground earlier? I know you dislike him now but….”
You trail off as you get settled on the plush, blanket lined floor of the small tent you and Bakugou had set up in your backyard. Supposedly there was going to be “A shit load of shooting stars tonight!” acording to one of your classmates. You were excited and insisted on staying up to watch, and as usual, Katsuki inserts himself into any and everything you do. Therefore; The two of you had rushed home after school, asked both your mothers and pleaded to spend the night together out in the yard. Deciding that you two were still at the age where anything other than star gazing was unlikely to happen, they allowed it.
Battery operated fairy lights were strung along the roof of the tent and a small lantern illuminated the center, giving the inside a pink and orange glow.
“Hah?! No way was I about to let stupid Deku come and ruin OUR sleep over! This is for me and you ________, no one else….just…us” a light breeze blew in through the open tent flap and treated Katsuki to be briefly overcome by your scent.
The two of you had your scent glands come in around the same time and still weren’t entirely used to it just yet. All both of you knew is that you favored each other’s scents over anyone else’s. It was kind of getting embarrassing how much you were beginning to enjoy your temperamental best friend’s spiced caramel aroma. So much so you had to make a conscious effort not to lean into him and sniff at his neck from time to time. He was subtle about it, but certainly didn’t mind bumping into or brushing up against you more often than ever to get a whiff of your intoxicating fragrance. Even getting hit with a face full just now had his brain feeling sluggish as beads of sweat began forming along his hairline.
A voice inside his head started incessantly growling “touch her, touch her TOUCH HER”. Under the guise of getting comfortable he shifted his leg to rest up against yours and his mind quieted instantly.
“I….I know that Kat…I wouldn’t have invited him anyway!” Your face began to redden as you brazenly blurted out; “I like when it’s just you and I, we always have the most fun”.
He instantly perked up at hearing that, but he couldn’t help but ask; “So you like me better than him? You think I’m BETTER than him?”. Leaning into you as he waited for you to answer his question, eyes narrowed.
“You know I do! Besides….” You couldn’t help yourself as you leaned towards him and inhaled deeply “You smell so much better than him too!”.
Oh hell now you’d done it ________, you unknowingly opened the metaphoric Pandora’s box.
He didn’t speak right away, just smirked back at you and enjoyed the devious expression on your face. After another minute spent invading one another’s personal space you were first to snap out of it quickly muttering; “M’sorry Suki I..I dunno what happened I shouldn’t have got in your face like that!”. You sat back up and moved your leg so it was no longer touching his. Unable to comprehend the sudden feeling of sadness at the loss of contact, or attribute it to the fact that you were no longer touching him. Katsuki frowned immediately and scooted back against you, “S’okay princess…s’not like it’s a big deal”. His use of the familiar nickname only succeeding to fluster you further.
The next few moments were spent in silence.
Surprisingly, It was you that eventually broke it asking; “Suki do you know…d’you know what mates are?”. You immediately began to play with the cheap desk telescope you’d brought out to avoid looking at him, your heart was beating a lot faster now. The startled look on his face would have informed you that your question caught him off gaurd; Surely you hadn’t just had the same thought he did?! Well either that or you could read minds….that wasn’t very likely, thank god.
“Ah well my mom told me it’s when two people decide that they want to always be together and get sad if they are ever apart…so they live together….and then other stuff happens that damn brats don’t need to know just yet” he finished lamely, confused as to why he felt so strange reciting his mother’s words exactly as she’d originally said them.
“I get sad when we have to go inside our houses at night and stop playing together” you said, the depressed tone of voice sounded like it was happening right then. “Me too…I wish we lived together cause then you’d always be with me” he confessed shooting you a nervous glance. Your eyes lit up and you beamed at him when the idea suddenly struck; “We have to become mates now Katsuki, we have to!”. You got up on your knees and began frantically shuffling things around the tiny tent. “If we’re mates then our parents can’t tell us we have to stop playing and separate at night! We’ll always be able to stay together!” Your sporadic movement and sudden outburst immediately infected your companion with the same frantic energy, albeit nervous, but excited all the same as he stared at you with wide eyes.
“You’re right _________! That’s a great idea”
“I know!”
“So uh..umm how uh…how do we do that?”
You stop smoothing the blankets out to stare at Katsuki, “You don’t know how?”.
“No” he admits glumly.
You can’t hold back the distressed whimper that escapes you and Katsuki is immediately at your side trying to console you “Hey princess it’s alright-“. “NO!” you exclaim “We need to do this to stay together forever!”.
Then you remembered something; “I see my mom and dad do this every morning”. You roll up the sleeve of your jacket and bring your wrist up, simulating the motion of rubbing it across the scent gland on your neck. Katsuki nods his head in understanding; “Oh yeah, mine do the same thing! Let’s do that!”. He lays back and stretches his neck out, “You do me first and then I’ll do you kay?”.
You nod and smile down at him, shuffling towards his head and bringing your wrist up to his neck. You hold your breath as your skin makes contact with his and start lightly rubbing over his scent gland a few times.
“S-Shit” he says softly, squirming slightly.
“What?! Did I hurt you??!” You ask.
Fear immediately replacing excitement and distracting you from reprimanding him for uttering a curse word as you usually would.
“N-No it didn’t hurt…please d-do it again”
You do, continuing thoughtlessly as you become enthralled by his peaceful expression and relaxed as he starts purring.
“Your turn”
You take his spot laying down on the fluffy blanket strewn floor, shivering with anticipation and the slight chill in the night air. His touch warms you from the inside out and you gasp at the sudden sensation. Relaxing once more, you look up at him through heavily lidded eyes and return the smile he’s giving you.
Neither one of you has any idea that this situation is going to come with serious consequences.
Eventually you remember the whole reason you two had decided to camp out in the first place; “The shooting stars!” You cry sitting up and narrowly avoiding head butting the blonde boy above you. “Hey!” He snarls. You stand and open the window flap in the tents ceiling, just as you do you see the first “star” shoot across the sky. “Woah! Quick make a wish make a wish kat!”.
He won’t admit it…but he does, and so do you.
As more stars shoot across the sky the two of you lay together; Happily curled up in the blankets, snuggling up together. Occasionally one of you brings your wrist up and begins to rub the others neck lazily, while continuing to watch the dazzling light show taking place above you. Both of you end up falling asleep long before it’s over. The sound of Katsuki’s continuous purring, lulling you into the most comfortable sleep possible.
Well that, and how his natural warmth just seemed to consume you….
Warmth…so warm at times it could get uncomfortable.
Like right now…too close…too hot
Your eyes snap open and you take in your surroundings; This is your dorm room, you’re at school right now, safe. Your clothes and sheets are soaked through with sweat. Not just sweat apparently; After waking up more you realize your lower body feels disgustingly sticky. Then a tingling sensation begins at the tip of your toes, rapidly spreading up your legs until it reaches the special place between them. Then it’s like a literal fucking furnace has exploded down there! Not to mention the heavyweight that has now come to rest in your lower stomach as it begins to cramp.
“Ow! ow! Ow!”
You try to feel around the bed for your phone, you could call one of your friends to come help you.Friends….that’s right they all left for the weekend! Wait not all of them left, Katsuki! He’s still here! That’s right, you were supposed to go over to his room, last night? Is it already morning? Fuck who knows.
You start to cry when you can’t feel your phone nearby on the bed, you don’t wanna look for it.
You don’t wanna be alone either though….Your scared. His room is just down the hall it’s not too far away, maybe if you just take it slow you’ll make it. You force yourself to get up, not even caring that all you have on is a tiny pair of sleep shorts and a sports bra.
You bend down to grab your slides out from beneath the bed and slip them on your feet before moving forward.
One foot in front of the other.
Your hunched over, one arm wrapped around your stomach and sweat freely dribbling down your face, coating your chest, sliding down the valley between your breasts.
Jesus, I must look like fucking shit right now.
As you make it into the hallway and start your journey all you can think about is how badly you want to see Katsuki. He always makes everything better somehow; That smile he wears just for you makes your heart sing normally. Right now you just let out a pained keen at the thought. Your inner omega has always been quiet enough to ignore in the past, but now she’s practically screeching like a fucking banshee inside of your head.
Just one word, over & over & over again:
With each screech your primal urges and instincts had began overwhelming you. Eventually reaching a point where the lines between the two began to blur. Making you feel more like a wounded beast that’s gone absolutely feral, while slowly dragging yourself down the hallway.
Once you get about halfway down you start to smell the familiar scent that you’ve become so fond of. Only it’s so much stronger and….muskier? It’s intoxicating, and so potent, you need more! Somehow your legs are moving quicker thanks to this new desperation manIfesting. Once you finally reach his door you have to stop yourself from breaking it down; Frantically pounding on it instead, and now you’ve started crying, salivating, and you’re just a goddamn walking train wreck… Somehow you don’t care, your appearance doesn’t matter, you just need HIM right now.
When the door opens you stumble inside.
The sound of his voice quieting your shrieking omega as soon as it reaches your ears;
“Finally decided to show up? Was waiting all fuckin’ night for you and…hey what’s wrong? Oh shit…fuck”.
Fuck is very right.
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oreoambitions · 3 years ago
Previous Draft // Ao3
The courthouse doors open with a bang, and the sound of conversation tumbles out of the atrium and onto the courthouse steps. Security flanks Lena on either side, two uniformed bodies ahead to break the crowd, two behind to keep it from closing in around her. Lena keeps her head up, confident in the knowledge that she will appear to take this all in stride. In truth, she crosses the atrium in a sort of daze.
There are moments in a person’s life when time sticks and stutters, moments that linger beyond their natural boundaries, that creep and haunt and niggle at the mind. As she steps out through the courthouse doors, she understands that this is one of them. Time hesitates for her even as she passes into the chaos of lights and cameras outside, towards the waiting crowd of journalists shouting over one another in a fashion not conducive to anyone’s questions ever actually getting answered.
For an instant she’s back on the witness stand: the defense is demanding Supergirl’s name, and the judge is not intervening; the words I plead the fifth are heavy on her lips. That moment has passed, and it hasn’t. There will be ripples. All Lena can do about it now is try to keep those ripples to a minimum, for Kara’s sake; she must say nothing to anyone until they’ve had a chance to talk alone.
“Ms. Luthor.” 
The officer at her side encourages her forward, not quite touching her back with one hovering hand. Lena realizes with a start that she’s paused halfway down the courthouse steps. At the bottom, Supergirl drops out of the sky in a dramatic, press pleasing fashion. That soft warm smile is another echo of the courtroom, and Lena is reminded that Kara intentionally slipped out of the courthouse another way and circled back for the cameras. Lena has, rather uncharacteristically, committed a critical error in a critical moment, and now Kara is covering for her with theatrics.
It’s working. The cameras turn on Kara as Lena makes it down the last few steps and into her waiting embrace.
“I’m sorry,” she begins, half stumbling as Kara pulls her close, closer than usual, one hand hot at the back of her neck.
Kara turns her shoulder to shield Lena from the bulk of the cameras. “Not here,” she murmurs, so low that Lena is almost not certain she’s heard it. And then Kara pulls back, not quite far enough, and Lena is acutely and self-consciously aware of the sound of camera shutters snapping all around them, the closeness of Kara’s body, the gut wrenching feeling that the eyes of the nation are on them and the stage lights are all lit up and she doesn’t know her lines.
The judge should have intervened. Her mind keeps catching on that point, on the heavy pause in the courtroom, Kara’s expressionless face, the pounding of her own heart, the irrelevance of the question. It feels as though if she stays in that moment long enough, pictures it clearly enough, the judge will step in and this story will play out another way.
Time, of course, does not work like that. It stutters and sticks only in her mind, while in the real world the press clamors and Kara’s cape flutters in the quickening wind. 
“I’m so proud of you,” Kara is saying, her voice pitched so that the waiting journalists might catch words that, God willing, sound hollow to Lena’s ears only. “You were amazing in there.”
Lena is thinking about what the headlines are going to say tomorrow. Luthor and Super: Partners in More Than Crimefighting. Or perhaps, Luthor Makes False Marriage Claim on Witness Stand, Investigation to Follow.
Kara cups Lena’s face with one hand, and she snaps back to reality. She has about half a breath to catch up with what’s happening before Kara is closing the distance between them, and she hates to be a walking cliche, but oh. This is not how she has imagined their first kiss might go - not that she’s ready to admit to anyone except maybe Sam that she’s imagined their first kiss at all - and for a sickening second she feels nothing but regret. But then Kara’s lips are on hers, softer than her imagination has ever accounted for, and Lena is melting into her, kissing her back just at the edge of what might be considered chaste.
It’s an act, of course. If Lena’s heart flutters where she knows perfectly well Kara can hear it, can feel it, that’s just the nerves of the whole situation. Kara is, after all, kissing her on the mouth right there in front of God and everybody, shutters clicking all around them, reporters laughing and cheering in the background. It’s not unreasonable to feel a little something; her secret is still safe.
When Kara breaks the kiss, Lena chases after her mouth, and not for show. There’s that soft smile again, lipstick a little smudged, and perhaps she’s imagining things but Kara’s eyes seem warmer than they did before. 
Kara drops a second kiss onto Lena’s forehead. “Can I take you home?” she asks, her voice still pitched for the journalists on the steps.
“Please,” Lena replies. 
She tucks herself back into Kara’s chest as strong arms close around her. If anyone asks, it’s for the cameras. There’s a car waiting for her, and a driver who will have to be well compensated for the waste of his time, but it’s better if the press sees that she and Supergirl are leaving together, isn’t it? And nothing could be more memorable, more pressworthy, than flight.
And, Lena thinks, it’s better because, selfishly, she wants to prolong this moment of closeness. She wants to soak it all in: Kara’s smell, the brush of her hair across Lena’s cheek, the preparatory breath before takeoff. This is the moment Lena wishes would slow down for her, just this last moment when she can imagine to herself that what happened in the courtroom was a bad dream of little consequence, and that nothing between her and Kara will ever have to change.
Kara does not take Lena home. They fly instead over the wide arc of National City’s suburbs and into the foothills, and from there a little further still until they’ve reached the mountains above the city. Kara deposits them in a valley on the leeward side of a low peak dotted half with shrubbery and half with scraggled conifers, the names of which Lena has to admit she does not know. She rubs feeling and warmth back into her arms and resists the urge to ask where they are while Kara paces, the agitation and anxiety in the lines of her body a clear departure from the soft warmth on display outside the courthouse. When she rounds on Lena, it feels like the inevitable fruition of Lena’s mistakes.
“You told them we were married? Lena!”
“Technically I didn’t use those words.”
“Oh okay, so between my wife and my priest, which role did you think the court was going to assume you were alluding to?”
“What was I supposed to say? They had me backed into a corner.”
“It wasn’t relevant to the case! This was about Lilian. It had nothing to do-”
“It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t relevant, because the judge wasn’t intervening. I just- I panicked. I had to say something. I wasn’t going to lie under oath, and even if I were willing, what could I have said? Should I have thrown out some other name, thrown someone else under the bus? And what then, when it became obvious to the nation that I’d lied-”
“Oh, and you thought this was better? What are you going to say when they want proof? There’s no documentation. There was no wedding to document. Supergirl doesn’t exist as a legal entity, you can’t just-”
“Kara, I-”
“It’s just not like you not to think things through.”
They stand there staring at one another, Kara’s jaw clenched, Lena’s arms crossed tight across her chest. The sun is going to go down soon; Lena is already shivering a little in the shadow of the mountain. This is a mess, and it’s a mess of her own making, and she doesn’t know how to unmake it out here in the gathering dark.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I could have - I should have refused to answer. But then they’d have held me in contempt and thrown me in prison. And I’m willing to go to prison for you, Kara, believe me, but then you’d have broken me out because you’re a beautiful idiot, and where would that leave us?”
Kara’s mouth twitches up a little at the corners, and then she laughs outright. “I would have,” she admits. “What a mess that would be.”
“I know I messed up,” Lena offers.
“You were trying to protect me.” Kara scuffs one boot in the dirt. “They’ll try to hit you with perjury charges; you know they will. You might wind up in prison at the end of this anyway.”
Lena nods. She does know this. Some part of her knew it the moment the words I plead the fifth left her mouth, and yet, everything she’s protested to Kara is true. Those words were the only road open to her so long as that judge remained silent.
“Well,” Lena says, “You don’t grow up in the Luthor household without learning a thing or two about the loopholes of the legal system. Burden of proof lies with the prosecution; it would be very difficult to prove that a wedding didn’t happen.”
Kara tsks and turns on her heel to stare out over the valley. “Supergirl isn’t a legal entity. They could challenge you on the grounds that you can’t be legally married to someone who doesn’t legally exist. And if they found a judge more sympathetic to Lex than to you….”
“Not a difficult thing to find,” Lena admits. She stands in the fear and the evening chill for a long moment “I meant what I said, Kara. If I go to prison over this, so be it. Anything to protect you.” Anything for the woman I love, she wants to say, but Kara isn’t ready for that. Might never be ready for that. And neither, truthfully, is Lena.
Kara’s fingers have found the edge of her cape, and now she’s worrying at it in the fading light. She doesn’t look back at Lena for what feels like a long time, and when she does her expression is guarded. “I want you to promise me you’re going to hear me out before you say anything.”
“Okay….” Lena says. She tries to wrestle down her questions, her curiosities, her reservations. Anything for Kara, after all.
Kara takes a deep breath, looking for all the world like she’s readying herself to make a national address. “I have a terrible idea.”
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221bshrlocked · 4 years ago
taste you on my tongue
Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Reader
Words: 9441 (I can’t fucking write anything shorter I’m sorry)
Warnings: Angst and Smut. Helmet is on and then it’s off. Oral (male receiving). Soft then rough sex. Breeding kink. Touch kink. Hand kink? Dirty/Sweet Talk. Mando feels primal when he sees you wearing his shirt and flirting with someone that isn’t him.
Summary: The Revenant was a fairly spacious gunship compared to others and you prided yourself in keeping it running for this long, especially after you were told it would soon lose its “life force.” But when a certain Mandalorian and his foundling join your ship following a disastrous mission, you find that the Revenant isn’t as big as you initially thought. In fact, it is much less private than you wish to admit and you find yourself escaping to a cantina one night to avoid the bounty hunter who isn’t aware of the effect he has on you. The problem is, the Mandalorian doesn’t like to share anything with anyone, and that rule applies to you. Unfortunately (or perhaps luckily) for you, you learn about this rule the hard way.
A/N: I hope yall like these because I’m currently spiraling down a Din Djarin hole and I’m not remotely apologetic. Let me know how it is in the comments and how I can make the smut better or the characterization better. Please, I can’t improve unless yall tell me what I’m doing wrong. Also, I promise to write more smut than angst next time. Enjoy :) And @purple-mango​ sorry it wasn’t as rough as you probably hoped, I was feeling soft Din but mark my words, the next one will be rough.
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The obnoxious laughter coming from one of the corners of the cantina made you shake your head as the tavern-keeper approached you and motioned towards your glass. He smiled when you enthusiastically nodded and held out the finished drink, silently asking him to pour some more of the Tevraki whiskey because there was nothing you wanted more than to forget the past few months.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true. There was something, or rather someone, that you wanted more than your need to set aside what’s been going on since that shitshow of a showdown on Tatooine. Coincidentally, or perhaps ironically, that someone had to do with what happened on the desert planet. You smiled at the man in front of you who knew better than to argue about how many drinks you’ve downed thus far. 
As the thoughts slithered back to the source of your frustration, you couldn’t help but let your eyes take in your surroundings, shamelessly hoping to find someone who could fill that deep-seated need seeping through your chest and into your heart. No one would compare to him of course, and you knew that very well. But you couldn’t stand another hour on that ship without scratching that itch that’s been bothering you ever since he joined your ship with that annoyingly cute green goblin. You took a sip and returned your attention to the man wiping down the counter in front of you, already thinking of just skipping all the pleasantries and going back to his place.
“If you point him out to me, I can pay him a visit later and roughen him up a bit.” He leaned over and pointed behind you, pouring himself a shot of some weird blue drink before moving in closer to you again.
“Sorry?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what he was referring to or if you had even begun a conversation with him.
“The sleemo that rejected you sweetheart. Why else would you be drowning in my best stuff?” He winked at you and you barely managed to not visibly gag at the ways his eyes raked over your form. Did he think this was the way to flirt?
“Maybe I just love drinking liquid fire, sweetheart. Have you thought of that?” You hoped you weren’t being too sarcastic with him because if there was the slightest chance of getting laid tonight, then you were going to do everything in your power to take it and run considering how there was no chance of you asking your now-permanent “roommate” for those kinds of services. 
“Maybe. Either way, I’d love to help you forget about that sucker.” You took a deep breath and willed yourself to not punch him in the eye because the thought of being able to forget about the beskar-clad bounty hunter, even for a few hours only, sounded incredibly pleasant.
“Oh aren’t you sweet? So selfless and confident too.” You forced a smile before downing the rest of the whiskey and tapping on the glass again. If you were going to get fucked by someone like him, you needed at least three more drinks or else you wouldn’t be able to imagine the Mandalorian in his place. You chuckled at the depressing thought because here you were trying to forget about the man himself and yet went out of your way to make sure you were sort of able to pretend he was the one showing you the stars. 
“Believe me darling, my intentions are strictly...honorable.” He poured you another drink and took a shot with you, his eyes widening in shock when you didn’t bother to wait another second before downing the whole glass in one go. 
“Damn baby, he hurt you that bad?” You raised an eyebrow at his inquiry and didn’t know why the question bothered you so much. As much as you hated to admit it, the answer was a hard yes. 
“Hah, hurt doesn’t even begin to cover it. And you know what the worst part is? He doesn’t even know he’s doing it.” You didn’t bother to ask him for another drink, jumping on top of the counter before leaning down and grabbing the whiskey bottle from the shelf right in front of his knees. 
“You mean he’s still here?” He didn’t question your behavior, letting you take a long sip from the bottle before smiling down at your dazed expression. 
“Here. There. Everywhere. He’s fucking everywhere all the damn time. I...he’s- maker...I can’t get him out of my kriffing mind. And the funny thing is, he probably doesn’t waste a second of thought on me. I’m just...someone with a fucking ride that can get him from one planet to the next.” You traced random patterns on the cold tile of the counter and didn’t realize that someone had occupied the seat just opposite of you and trying his hardest to ignore the way the patrons across the room continued to stare at you like you were a piece of meat. 
“Darling, he isn’t worth your time. You need someone that...appreciates you. Tells you how good you’ve been.” You knew the man in front of you was just saying those lovely things to get in your pants but you couldn’t help the next few words from stopping even if you tried.
“Yes...gods, yes. Yes I do. But I wanted him to appreciate me. I wanted him to tell me how good I’ve been. I can’t blame him for not bothering to thank me though because it’s hard for him to hold a conversation longer than five minutes. I get that, he’s not used to it, he hasn’t needed to for so long. But it wouldn't hurt to acknowledge me every once in a while you know. I mean, do you know anyone else who’d willingly put their entire life on hold just to help some random introvert and his child find their way through this kriffing shithole of a system?” You knew you shouldn’t be saying any of those things out loud, let alone to a complete stranger. But he struck a nerve and you couldn’t take not another minute of not telling anyone how you truly felt. You needed to get some things off your chest and you sure as hell weren’t about to complain to the man waiting for you back on the ship.  
“And- and do you know anyone that would readily give up their most valuable position in this world to a stranger they just met? I don’t.” You violently shook your head at him and felt your eyes fill with tears when you saw the way the man was looking at you. His eyes shot down to the bottle in your hand and you unceremoniously raised it to your lips before taking a long swig of the burning liquid, hoping by some miracle that this was enough to make you forget all about his stupid strut and his annoyingly low and gruff voice and the way he was so effortlessly kind to the kid.
“That ship. It’s- oh gah, it’s been with me through the worst fucking jobs. I fought for it, almost sold my kriffing bo-...almost sold something priceless to ensure it isn’t taken from me again. And it only takes some damn beskar-wearing, quiet, fucking who-knows-what-species nerfherder to save me once for me to voluntarily hand it over to him. Like it wasn’t a piece of me...like it wasn’t my home.” You were over sharing at this point and you noticed the way the man was beginning to lose interest in you  so you made sure to grab his shirt and pull him closer to you before grabbing his forearm and digging your nails into it to keep his attention.
“Have you heard of the Revenant? You must have heard of the Revenant. There is no way you haven’t-”
“Yes, yes. I’ve heard of it.” He was exasperated but continued to attend to you, shamelessly letting his eyes follow a drop of whiskey roll down your shirt in between the valley of your breasts. You fixed your posture, pushing your tits together and giving him an eyeful of skin before ranting to him again.
“That’s my baby. My pride and joy. I always made sure everyone at the dock knew who it belonged to. Know why?” You grabbed his hand and pulled on it to make sure he was listening to you, laughing when he tiredly leaned down and forced himself to look away from your sweaty chest to your eyes. 
“Enlighten me sweetheart.”
“Because it’s one of the biggest gunships out there. So much space that I don’t actually use. It’s a fucking beauty...but you know what? It’s all a lie. A sad, unfortunate lie. Because it took me spending the better half of the year with that kid and his tincan of a guardian to realize just how small it is. It’s like he put his mark on every corner of my home on purpose...just to drive me insane. Every time I sit somewhere where I’m sure he wouldn’t bother to come to, I’d still smell that- that...that fucking scent of his that I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what it is.” You had thankfully placed the whiskey bottle away from you and didn’t try to fight the tavern-keeper when he took it and put it back on the shelf, instantly returning to you to make sure you weren’t about to break anything.
“I even gave him my room. My room! Because ‘no one can see my face’ so he needs some privacy away from me but then there’s the whole ‘the child stays with me all the time’ and that womp rat can sleep in the little cot in my room with him while also giving him some privacy. Which leaves me, you guessed it, in the shitty lower deck where there is no door, not even a curtain, to give me some semblance of solitude.” You didn’t realize how harshly you were breathing until you stopped speaking and noticed the way the stranger continued to look at you. 
“It has been a literal hell not being able to get myself off because he can walk in on me at any given moment. Picture that, not getting off for almost a year while being forced to remain in the same vicinity as him.” You didn’t care when you saw the man almost choke on his drink at your bold admission and looked around to make sure no one heard you. “Ughh, you’ve been such a good boy listening to me whining all night long and I think you deserve a treat.” You knew you had him as soon as he shivered at the way your fingers moved beneath his shirt and scratched his neck. “You look like the kind of guy that could fuck me within an inch of my life. Right?”
“Ah huh. Y-yeah.” He licked his lips before setting down the towel in his hands and inching closer towards you. And you silently swore at how absolutely pathetic he was because not a minute ago, he was trying to find a way out of this conversation and here he was thinking with his probably-disappointing dick. 
“Good. And I promise to make it worth your while if you manage to make me forget his name.” You leaned across the counter and were about to kiss him when you saw something move across your peripheral vision, something that looked oddly familiar to your completely hazed mind. 
“And what’s his name, baby? So I make sure you can’t rememb-” Before he could finish whatever he was about to say, you felt a large hand wrap around your upper arm and pull you back from the bartender and off of the stool. You almost tripped as you struggled to stand and huffed in anger before raising your voice to the distinguished individual who thought this was the time to fuck with you. 
“Hey what are y-” You were about to take a swing at whoever it was currently bruising your arm when you followed the glint of the familiar metal and were met with your reflection staring right back at you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you blinked in confusion a few times at the visor currently tilted in an almost judgemental manner at you before attempting to wipe your hair with your other hand.
The Mandalorian slowly changed his focus to the man behind the bar and threw a few credits at him, hands immediately lowering to the blaster in his side holster when he saw where the tavern-keeper’s eyes moved towards. The stranger could only hold up his hand in defeat before walking towards the other side of the bar to lick his invisible wounds. The Mandalorian’s helmet turned to the rest of the cantina, daring anyone to approach the two of you before you left. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to follow the two of you as you returned to the Revenant. He could feel his patience withering away with every passing moment you decided to share what’s on your mind with the rest of the universe but him. 
“Let me go.” You whispered to him, eyes maintained to the ground and cringing when you felt his hold on your arm tighten at the request. Before you could ask him again, Mando was turning around and walking out of the busy cantina, pulling you along with him aggressively and not leaving any room for negotiation. You winced as he pulled you like a child through the streets, avoiding the concerned and intrigued looks you were receiving. He was much taller than you and you laughed when you realized it must have been a sight to see some random woman getting dragged along by an angry bounty hunter. Mando couldn’t help but turn towards you when he heard your giggles break the silence, his annoyance spiking because there was absolutely nothing humorous about this situation. 
You noticed the way he was staring at you and decided to quiet down, swallowing the lump in your throat as the cold air hit your sweaty skin and made you shiver. 
As you moved closer to the ship, you realized there was a chance he heard what you had to say about him and your ship. Hurt and anxiety rose up your throat and before you could attempt and control the all too familiar feeling, you were tripping over your feet and falling to the ground, instantly vomiting everything you’d managed to eat and drink in the last couple of hours. 
The Mandalorian hoped his obviously misplaced outrage wasn’t what led you to such a violent reaction, and he kneeled down immediately to hold your hair away from your face. When he saw tears falling down your cheeks and how hard you were breathing beneath him, something snapped in his chest and he knew he was definitely the reason behind this severe response. 
“Don’t- oh gah….kriffing look at me.” You spat in between words and turned away from him, holding onto your stomach and to the grass beneath you as you continued to empty your stomach in the middle of the forest. At least you weren’t in the city anymore. 
“We’re close to the ship,” he didn’t know what else to say and chose to state the obvious instead, afraid of using a harsher tone with you. Actually, he did know what to say, he just didn’t trust himself to speak the words out loud yet.
“Wopty fucking doo for-” once again, you opened your mouth and dry heaved until you were sure there wasn’t a single drop of whiskey in your system, “you and your stupid kriffing-” 
“Please Ad'ika, let me-” You visibly shook at the familiar endearment you’ve heard him whisper to the child so often when he thought you weren’t around. It hurt to know he was throwing it around as if he wasn’t twisting the knife inside your heart with every breath he took near you. 
“Let m-me go, p-please.” Mando’s sudden intake of breath was as loud as the silence engulfing the two of you and you swallowed your pride before looking into his visor, well aware of how awful you must have looked without the reflection staring back at you. He, on the other hand, grasped in that moment just how deep your words in the cantina were and instead of listening to you and allowing you a moment alone, he took a deep breath before softly pushing back your hair and wrapping one arm around your waist. You didn’t have any time to question him as the other went beneath your thighs and before you knew it, you were holding onto his cowl for dear life as he quietly walked up the ramp of the Revenant with you in his arms. 
Mando pushed in the code to shut the hatch before making his way through the quiet halls of the ship, reaching hi- your room and going straight to the bed he has occupied in the last few months. As he put you down, he took notice of your body language and knew instantly how self-conscious you must have felt laying on the bed he’s been using since he joined you. The same bed which you sort of commented about not an hour ago. He watched as you forced a smile as soon as you saw the familiar green little womp rat peeking its head right before descending from the safety of his crib and wobbling towards you. 
You tried to leave the bed but Mando was ahead of you, gently pushing your shoulder until you realized there was no room for arguing with him. Leaning down, he took the kid and put him back in the crib before telling him he couldn’t cuddle with you tonight. 
You kept your hands clasped together and refused to look at him, eyes taking in the room no longer familiar to you. He’d moved things around, even put things away that he didn’t need. Your gaze shifted towards him unintentionally as you saw him approach you with a cup of water and wet towel. Pushing the covers towards you, he sat near your thighs as he handed you the water and began to softly wipe at your cheeks and forehead. 
You shut your eyes out of fear of giving more away just by staring at his visor and Mando thanked the stars you had because he wasn’t sure he could truly look at you if they were still open. It was a ridiculous thought because he was wearing a mask and you’d never know how much he loved committing all those little muscle twitches to memory. But it felt strangely intimate to return your gaze and he didn’t want to make you any more uncomfortable tonight. 
You sighed heavily at his touch and felt pathetic at how starved you were for anything that had to do with him. The man was wearing gloves and wasn’t technically trailing his fingers over your skin but it still felt difficult to contain yourself.
When he was done, he stood up and moved to the refresher, giving you a few moments alone before he imposed on you again. You gulped down the water and placed the cup on the floor near you, looking out of the large window to your right and noticing the dark blue skies moving slowly above you. It took you a few minutes to recognize that what you were feeling was no longer hurt but confusion. He’s acted so differently tonight and you hated to think it was because he was pitying you. It didn’t matter anymore whether he’d heard what you said about him or not. He would have found out sooner or later, and if you were being honest, you felt like he probably had some inclination for a while before but chose to not bring any attention to the topic to save you from embarrassment and rejection.
“Get some rest.” You turned towards him again, not realizing he’d come back into the room and was standing right beside you. Mando tried his hardest not to give away any of his thoughts but you knew what he was thinking as soon as you saw his helmet tilt down just below your neck. 
When you followed his line of sight, you felt ill again but for a completely different reason. Of course this would get worse. You weren’t planning on seeing him tonight and you told yourself you’d have plenty of time to change out of his shirt but it seemed that the universe was not making this any easier on you. Mando couldn’t stop staring at the shirt wrapped so loosely around your smooth skin and how large it looked on you. If he was a decent man, he would have turned away when he saw you shifting uncomfortably under his gaze but he couldn’t help taking in the way your body seemed to react to his presence and before he could think about it, he was stepping closer to the bed and reaching out to touch the material of his shirt falling down your shoulder.
“I- I’m sorry about your s-” The words died in your throat when you felt his gloved fingers trailing down your exposed clavicle and you were torn between asking him what he was doing and letting him carry on without interrupting his curiosity. Mando barely held himself back from pushing you down into the covers and taking what he now knew was his but he noticed the sudden goosebumps erupt on your skin and finally managed to meet your eyes through the visor. The way you were returning his gaze was perhaps too much for him and he flinched away from you, clearing his throat and willing himself to think of anything else but the way you were practically begging him to take you. You parted your lips to say something but couldn’t find your voice, afraid you’d push him more than he could take and drive him away all together. 
“It’s fine. It’s...I don’t mi- forget about it. You need to rest.” He spoke softly before walking towards the cot nearby and pushing the crib out of the door. 
“Wh-where will you sleep?” You sat up and knew he noticed how much you were holding onto every single interaction with him.
“Good night,” he didn’t bother to respond to the question, turning off the lights and shutting the door behind him before making his way to the cockpit. You sat in silence for a few moments before slithering under the covers, sighing in annoyance when you noticed just how much this entire room smelled like him. Pushing your face into the pillow, you took a deep breath and felt shaken to the core when you were hit with Mando’s distinctive scent: sweat, beskar, and that damn featherfern wash he somehow found every time you flew by Nevarro. 
As you looked out the metal blinds, you tried to brace yourself for the conversation you were most definitely going to have with the Mandalorian the next day. You knew for a fact that whatever decision he’d take will ultimately hurt you because there were really only two options available, one of which involved him and the child leaving and the other would lead to them staying but making things awkward since there was not a single chance he would reciprocate your feelings. 
And the worst part was, you weren’t sure which was more painful.
The Mandalorian sat quietly in the cockpit for a while, making sure you were asleep so as to not wake you up as he moved through the Revenant. Seeing that the kid was fast asleep, he found himself leaving the small space and navigating to the lower deck. He passed by your room and noticed the lights were off, sighing in relief at knowing that you were finally resting comfortably. Arriving at the lower deck, he stood at the entrance of the large room and felt his chest tighten once he took in the state of the space. Turning on the lights, he immediately noticed your makeshift cot in the far right corner, unable to stop himself from moving towards it to inspect it. He shook his head in anger but this time it was aimed at himself and not you or the random tavern keeper who couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. 
How did he not know of this arrangement? And why did he not ask about your sleeping situation the day he joined your ship? Was he truly that unconcerned with anyone else but the kid or was it because he was reluctant to listen to Peli when she recommended you?
He’d only been in the lower deck for a few moments yet he felt his skin crawl with goosebumps. It was awfully cool down here and it took him another ten seconds to acknowledge that you’ve been living and sleeping here for this long without complaining once to him. 
Everything you said about him earlier tonight crashed into him like a wave of guilt and he couldn’t stay in the room any longer, making his way back to the upper deck to try and figure out what he would say to you come tomorrow. As he slowly moved through the dark hallways of the Revenant, he heard a faint voice coming from the upper deck, muscles tensing instantly when he walked past your room and noticed you weren’t on the bed.
Not wanting to disturb you, he waited right outside the cockpit and listened to you humming to the child. He must have woken up and found his way back to you. As he crossed his arms and stood behind the door, he couldn’t help but notice how soft your voice was as you continued to sing a lullaby to the little womp rat. 
How could he have not noticed…
“There you go, you little green goblin. If only I could sleep as quickly as you.” You whispered to him before tucking him into the crib while continuing to rub his abnormally large ears. “Your dad is really funny...thinking I’d be able to sleep in that room with his scent all over it.” 
Maker, how were you so forthright with everyone but him? It hurt to know that he wasn’t someone you could whisper your little secrets to. Then again, it made sense since all of your secrets seemed to involve him.
“I pray he doesn’t tell me he has to leave now that he knows I...ughh, for both of our sakes little one.” Mando noticed the way you seemed incapable of finishing your sentences whenever you spoke about him and a deep part of him wished you would, if only to hear the adoration in your words. Rarely anyone spoke of him so softly and he had a feeling he’d only ever accept such words from you. It was quiet for a few minutes before he heard you whisper to the kid again. 
“It just hurts to know that he’ll never see me as...as a-” He wasn’t sure if it was the heartbreaking tone of your voice or if it was the way you were reluctant to say your heart’s desire out loud but Mando couldn’t stand another second of you thinking you weren’t important to him.
“As a what?” His voice came out harsher through the vocoder and he winced at himself when he vaguely heard you jumping from the chair. A soft hiss came from the cockpit and he took a deep breath when he realized you’d just shut the crib and moved to leave the room. As you stepped out, Mando forced his eyes to remain on your face, refusing to look at your exposed legs or the way his shirt seemed to end right beneath your upper thighs.
Softly shutting the door, you walked to the opposite side of the room and knew the Mandalorian must have noticed your need to put as much space between the two of you as possible. 
“We need to stop running into each other like this,” you laughed awkwardly and anxiously ringed your fingers, glancing at his visor before turning away and looking everywhere else but him. Okay, so humor wasn’t going to get you out of this situation. 
“How’s your head?” You could feel how on edge he was and decided to answer with short and straightforward responses just to avoid any more awkwardness. 
“M-much clearer.” You stood in silence until you heard the Mandalorian pushing off of the opposite wall and heading towards you. You didn’t have anywhere to go, eyes snapping to the door right behind him and knowing there was no way you could try to walk around him.
He stopped a couple of feet away from you and you ceased to breathe when you noticed how awfully close he was to you. 
“Answer my question.” His voice was dangerously low and you found it difficult to try and think of anything to say when he was giving you no room to breathe. 
“I- I did?” Your voice was far from confident and you watched as he gently took off both of his gloves before shoving them into his pockets. Even though he willingly removed them in front of you, you didn’t allow yourself to look at his skin, afraid you’d somehow offend him and his Creed. But then you saw his hand move towards your face, and gasped when you felt his fingers tilting your chin so you were looking into his visor. There was not an inclination of an emotion available to you but you forced yourself to keep your eyes open nonetheless. 
“How do you want me to see you Mesh'la?” Mando whispered down to you and you swore his voice was hoarse as he spoke to you but you didn’t allow this moment to get to your head. It would hurt more than anything if…
“It d-doesn’t matter.” You blinked away the tears, wanting to wipe your face before anymore were shed but not finding it in yourself to move away from him. But then you felt his thumb softly rubbing at your wet skin, making you almost lose your composure as soon as he stepped closer in your space until your back hit the wall. 
“I’m sorry Cyar'ika,” his chest was inches from your face, cornering you beneath his other arm before leaning down and resting his forehead against yours. You couldn’t breath, not when he was suddenly filling all of your senses as if it was the most natural thing to do. He felt your tears roll around his thumb and couldn’t bear the thought of you crying because of him.
“I’m sorry for making you think you don’t matter...you do, not just to the kid but- but to me as well.” Your knees gave out on you as soon as you heard Mando’s confession, barely managing to grab onto his forearms right before buckling against him. The Mandalorian wasn’t sure if that was the kind of reaction he was looking for but he immediately wrapped his arms around your back and legs before pulling you against his chest. You nuzzled into his chest and kept a tight hold on him as he walked through the dimly lit hallways back to your room. He could feel goosebumps take over the skin of your thighs where he was touching you and tried to distract himself from pushing you down into the middle of the Revenant and taking you right then and there. You deserved more than that. 
As he reached the room and laid you on the bed, he felt your fingers clasp onto him harder and when his eyes trailed over your face, he knew you were silently begging him not to leave. 
“I’m not going anywhere Ad'ika.” His reassuring tone tugged at your heart and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you watched him walk to the door and shut it behind him before moving to the refresher. You heard him shuffle around and allowed your mind to calm down, knowing very well that Mando wasn’t unkind and wouldn’t lead you on just to leave you. But then he walked out without his beskar armor and you swore you died and joined the stars. His helmet looked odd without his normal clothing and you knew he could probably see you shamelessly ogling him from across the room. 
He walked to you and stood to the side, and you realized he was probably nervous. You pushed yourself against the wall and threw back the covers, hoping he’d understand what you wanted of him.
“Can I-”
“Please.” You cut him off before he could finish his question and he took a deep breath before laying on the bed and moving as close to you as possible. Before he could throw the covers over the two of you, you were already laying your head on his chest and wrapping an arm around him, fingers fisting into the soft material of his shirt unintentionally as you felt him relax beneath you.
You weren’t sure how long it’s been but you felt his heart rate finally come back to normal. Hoping you weren’t being too forward with him, you took his hand into yours and brought it to your lips, softly kissing his knuckles before turning his palm over to lay a kiss on his wrist. Mando was losing every ounce of control left in his body and his arm tightened around your back as soon as he felt the tip of your tongue against his hand. 
“Pfassk,” you flinched at the rough expletive and raised your head to look at him, finding his visor already tilted down towards you. “I- I’m sorry I’ll stop if-”
“No..n-no, don’t stop. It just- you took me by surprise.” His chest was rising and falling more rapidly and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was as affected by this new level of ‘intimacy’ as you were, if not more.
You felt bold at his request, kicking the covers away before sitting up and moving to straddle his thighs. Mando was breathing harshly and mirrored your actions, sitting up against the cool metal of the wall before laying his hands on top of your exposed thighs. He let himself take in the way your skin flushed under his touch and smiled to himself when he continued to inch his smooth hands over your upper thighs until his shirt rid up your legs and revealed the pastel color of your undergarment. 
“Cyar'ika…” He sighed when he finally forced himself to meet your eyes and found them dilated until there was barely any color left in them. You wanted to ask him what that word meant but chose to file it for later. Placing your hands on top of his, you smiled down at him before pulling them towards your lips and kissing his palms. Almost instantly, you felt him twitch against you, unable to control himself from bucking his hips against your heated core. You let go of his hands and laid your own on his chest, throwing your head back when you felt his tight grip on your thighs. You could tell he wanted to apologize but gave him no chance to do so, sliding against him until you were sure he was painfully hard beneath you.
“Maker...I- I could almost taste you on my tongue Mando. When you- you left me in here all by myself. I couldn’t sleep, n-not when I could smell you on these covers, not when I could feel you on my skin. I..gods, wanted to kiss you then, and- and I wanted to taste your- you...Please, c-can I? P-please-” You dug your nails into his chest and heard him throw his head back against the wall with every confession you moaned to him. He was never this unhinged and you wished to see him come absolutely undone at your touch.
“A-are you sure?” It pained him to ask but he needed to be sure that you wouldn’t regret this. Regret him. 
“Mando, have you not listened to anything I’ve said tonight?” As much as you hated to remind him of the earlier and rather embarrassing events, you wanted him to know just how much he meant to you. You knew he was reluctant to let this relationship move forward and you couldn’t really blame him. This was all new to him. But you also didn’t want to stall, not when the two of you have become so aware of the other’s feelings.
You continued to rub yourself on him, shaking with anticipation when you heard him moan through the vocoder as you pressed yourself more confidently down on him. 
“Mesh'la I-” Without warning, you took one of his hands and pushed it to your lips, slowly taking two of his fingers into your mouth and swirling your tongue around them until his moans grew louder. And when he pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, you gripped his wrist tightly and groaned, making sure he could feel how much you wanted him. 
“Y-you’re killing me sweet girl.” He wanted to loosen his hold on you, to take things slow, to not let himself get carried away with you, but he didn’t find it in himself to be gentle because he could feel how wet and needy you were above him and there was no way he was going to waste another second not being close to you.
“Please Mando, I want you, n-need to have you. I can make you feel so good. Please, can I?” You reached down and cupped him through his pants, finding him as hard as the beskar of his armor. He thrust up into your hand and swore violently before taking his hand away from your mouth and fisting it into your hair. You smiled when you felt him push you off of him, whispering something in Mando’a when he saw you pulling his pants down his thighs and throwing them behind you. 
You bit your lower lip before moving off of the bed and pushing his legs along with you as well. Mando sat up and forced his hands to remain by his side, afraid his enthusiasm would make him get too rough with you and scare you away. When you laid your hands on his knees and pushed them wide open so you could get comfortable between his legs, Mando’s hands tightened around the covers and he hissed when he saw the way you were eyeing his cock. You were staring at him like he was a piece of meat and he wasn’t sure if he loved it or was embarrassed by it. 
“Maker,” you whispered before dragging your nails up and down his thighs, watching as his cock twitched against his stomach every time you got a little aggressive with your touches. Looking up into his visor, you slowly leaned down and took the tip of his cock in your mouth, humming around him as you tasted precum leaking into your taste buds. That seemed to do it for him because one of his hands shot to the back of your head and fisted into your hair while the other moved down until it landed on your hand. He intertwined his fingers with yours and watched as you pulled back and licked the underside of his dick before spitting into your hand and wrapping it around him.
“M-mando, the taste of you,” you took as much of him in your mouth as possible while maintaining eye contact with his helmet, squeezing the base of his cock before reaching down and cupping his balls. Mando swore, involuntarily thrusting into your mouth and watching in awe as he saw a dangerous glint in your eyes right before you clasped his hand harder and somehow managed to take him in deeper. It was such a sight, holding affectionately onto your hand as you brought him to pleasure. Letting go of him with a pop, you laid wet kisses down the length of his cock, licking the protruding veins and smiling when you felt his hold tighten on your hair. “Is absolutely addicting.” 
You could tell the exact second he lost all semblance of control because one minute you were kneeling at his feet, and the next thing you knew, Mando was pulling you up by your hair and throwing you beneath him on the bed. You wiped your lips with the back of your hand, watching his muscles flex as he removed his shirt expertly over his helmet. The soft starlight coming through the metal blinds of the window shone onto his skin and you trailed your gaze down his chest, finding the golden brown tone of his scarred body absolutely breathtaking. 
“Mando, you’re beautiful.” You saw his hands begin to shake at your compliment, and you knew you’d take every chance you get from now on to tell him how much you adored him. You could hear him breathing through the mask and licked your lips when he looked down and saw the way you were playing with the hem of his shirt. Slowly, you began to pull on the soft material, about to take it off when he held onto your wrists. Your smile faltered for a second and hoped you didn’t somehow misunderstand his intentions.
The last thing Mando wished to see was your body giving away to shyness before him. Pushing your thighs open, he didn’t give you a chance to say anything else as he slid his fingers below the thin undergarment, violently ripping it off of you and discarding it onto the floor. You gasped when you felt him hard and heavy against your slit, taking both of his hands and pulling him towards you until he was only a hairbreadth away. He watched closely as you placed one hand around your throat while the other descended to your breast. You could tell Mando was reluctant to move so much an inch and when you pushed yourself against him, eyes daring him to do as he wishes, he found himself completely overtaken with the thought of you belonging to him and him only. You smiled when you felt the grip on your throat tighten, shutting your eyes and arching your back against him as the other cupped and pinched at your nipples through his shirt. 
“If you want me to fuck you tonight, Mesh'la, then you’re going to keep my shirt on.” He could feel you shaking in his arms and smiled to himself at the knowledge of how much he affected you. 
“Mando, please…” You would have continued begging him if he asked you to, but then he was moving away from you and leaning towards the window. Keeping your hands clasped to your chest, you watched as he shut the blinds until there wasn’t a single light shining into the room. You could barely see your own hands in the dark and wondered why he was shuffling above you. A soft hissing sound had you tensing in an instant and you ceased to breathe when you heard the faint sound of beskar hitting the ground. 
“M-mando?” The question was more reluctant than inquisitive and you didn’t have time to react as you felt him lean against you until you were touching every inch of his skin. You blinked a few times in vain, knowing there was no way you would be able to see anything. But then you felt something soft brush against your cheek and as you turned your head towards him, Mando was molding his lips with yours, swallowing your gasps and sucking on your tongue as soon as you melted into him. He pulled away against his own will, but not before pushing your jaw with his nose until your neck was available to him.
“And my name is Din sweet girl, Din Djarin. It better be the only word you scream tonight as I fuck this pretty little cunt. Understood?” You weren’t sure if it was his deep voice that made you speechless or the fact that he not only took off his helmet for you but willingly told you his name as well. You committed it to memory, hoping this wouldn’t be the only time he took off his helmet around you. You’d always wondered what he sounded like without it, not comprehending that it could be so much sweeter than what you’ve dreamed of. And by the gods, his lips. How were they so soft and gentle? Maker, he had a stubble too, not a rough one but just long enough to tickle your neck as he kissed and nipped at your clavicle.
“Answer me Ad'ika.” He bit your shoulder to grab your attention once more, chuckling above you when you nodded frantically against him. 
“You’re so soft Cyar'ika, I- I want to kiss every inch of your skin.” As much as you loved making him lose his mind at your touch, you had to admit you enjoyed him much more when he was in control. You smiled when he kissed along your shoulder before pushing down his shirt far enough to expose your breasts. Din bit down on his lower lip to contain himself, but then you were arching your back and pushing yourself into him and he couldn’t hold back. He kissed down your sternum, waiting until you relaxed in his arms before assaulting your nipples. You screamed his name as you felt his teeth tug on your nipple, hands shooting to his hair when you felt him grope and pull on the other. 
“Din, oh ma-maker- your mouth is...f-fuck.” You could tell he was smiling as he aggressively licked the hardened bud before sucking on it again. Din pushed his cock against your wet slit, growling when you pulled on his hair and cried his name like a sweet prayer. 
“I could smell your cunt sweet girl, so fucking wet and hot and ready for me.” Din pulled back and cornered you between his arms, bucking his hips into you until you were a needy and moaning mess beneath him. “Woke up countless times in this bed...hard and aching at the mere thought of you...d-dreaming of having you in my arms, wanting to sink into you, f-fuck you on every inch of this ship.” 
“Din, please...I need you.” 
The way you clawed at his back broke him and before he knew what he was doing, he was flipping you on your stomach and raising your hips against him.
“I need to have you Mesh'la.” Din leaned down and swiped your hair to the side, whispering the filthiest things in your ears as he took hold of his cock and rubbed it against your heat. 
“I’m yours Din, do what you want. Fuck me, ruin me...cum in me if you wish. Just p-please-”
You made it sound so simple, trusting him. It was an odd feeling to know how easily you were giving yourself to him. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, not after what you said tonight. But something about the way you offered yourself to him, especially with that last request, had him seeing stars.
Leaning down until his chest was sliding against your back, the Mandalorian held you against him with one arm across your front while he slowly slipped into your wet cunt. You sighed in unison, and Din felt a sense of pride fill his chest when you dug your nails into his arm while your legs began to shake beneath him.
“You’re a dream Cyar'ika, the best f-fucking dream I could ever have. And you’re all mine.”
“Y-yes, yours. I’ve always been yours, oh gods Din please, move. M-move.” You were babbling at this point but couldn’t find it in yourself to care, turning your head to the side just to feel him breathe against your cheek. His stubble rubbed deliciously at your heated and sensitive skin, and you would tell him later that you hoped he’d mirror those actions but elsewhere.
“So tight darling, I- you’re everything. The things I- uhhh, the thing I want to do to you.” Din achingly pulled out before snapping into you again, biting down on your shoulder when you clenched violently around him. 
“Din, oh Din-” You wished you could tell him how good he felt, how much he filled you, how often you craved having him inside you and how much you were losing it now that he was. But you couldn’t find a single word, not when he was fucking you like you were it for him.
The normally quiet man was groaning and hissing above you, pulling you along with him as he sat up and continued to fuck you relentlessly. You reached back and held his head against your neck, crying in pain and pleasure when he picked up the pace and his hold on your hip tightened. You were sure there would be bruise marks the next day but you couldn’t tell him to slow down or be a little less aggressive, not when you finally had him where you’ve wanted for so long. 
“Fuck, fuck….sweet girl, did- did you mean it?” He was asking you something and you didn’t really pay attention to him, focusing on the way he deliciously dragged against your tight walls over and over again. Din knew it wasn’t fair to ask you anything right now but he had to know. Needed to.
He stopped his movement all together, sinking as deep into you as possible and tightening his grip on your throat. 
“Pfassk...answer me darling.” Din whispered into your ears and reached down to where you were joined, softly slapping your clit until you twitched and begged him to repeat his words again.
“I said, did you fucking mean it when- kriffing hell, when you said I could...c-cum in you?” He was reluctant to ask but there was no point in denying either of you. 
“Yes, gods yes. I told you Din, d-do what you want with me.” You forcibly loosened the fingers around your throat and brought them to your lips, biting the palm of his hand as he resumed thrusting into you. 
“Mesh'la...you’re such a sweet girl, letting me b-breed you...taking my cock so well, letting me fill you up. You were made for me darling. This cunt, this sweetest and tightest kriffing pussy was made for my cock.” He pronounced each word with a harsh push of his hips and you smiled when you heard how low his voice suddenly became. The sounds of skin slapping on skin filled the room and you hoped the child wouldn’t wake up from how loud the two of you were being. 
“You’re mine darling. Won’t let anyone else touch you...fucking look at you even. Maker I- I almost lost it tonight in the cantina.” There was a hint of self-consciousness in his words and you hoped he didn’t think you could ever replace him.
“D-din..” You wanted to tell him no one else would compare but he didn’t give you a chance. 
“Talking about me like I- fuck, like I didn’t care about you, like I don’t picture you coming on my cock every waking moment of my day. And flirting with him in my shirt...my kriffing shirt. I almost lost it when he put his hands on you sweet girl.” You weren’t sure if he had somehow become harder inside you or if it was his words that made you attuned to the feeling of him pushing into your cunt but you turned your head and kissed his cheeks, hoping he’d understand what you were trying to tell him with your touches. 
“You’re the only one f-for me.” Din let go of your neck and held onto your hips, no longer caring about how rough he was being with you. Your heavy sighs were the only warning he had right before your tight walls convulsed around his dick and he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, falling on top of you and bucking his hips slowly into your cunt until you begged him to slow down.
“Cyare, ah pfassk, that’s it. Keep squeezing me darling. I’m so close, so close. Ah fuck, you’re mine. Mine, not letting you go. N-never letting you go. Oh maker...ner runi...ner. Ner. Riduur. My sweet girl...riduur.” Din didn’t realize what he’d said until the words were left hanging in the air and he felt a rush of relief wash over him as he finally admitted how he felt about you. 
“Din, I lo- ahh gods please.” He silenced your screams with his hand, losing his rhythm as he came in hot spurts of cum inside you. Din bit down onto your shoulder just as you bit on the palm of his hand, continuing to push his seed deep inside you until he felt you a mixture of your juices seeping out of you. Neither of you moved for a few moments, relishing the way you fit so perfectly with each other. You could feel him breathing heavily against your back and smiled with pride when you realized you were the only one that got to see him like this. 
Din didn’t want to stop touching you, falling to the side and grabbing your flush to him only to hiss when you unintentionally clenched around his softening cock. You kissed his wrist as he pulled the covers over the two of you, not bothering to move a muscle mostly because you knew he didn’t wish for you to leave him.
He kissed along the bruised ridges of your shoulders, drawing circles on your navel and smiling when you giggled beneath him.
“I wasn’t too rough with you was I?” He asked embarrassingly, not knowing what he’d do if you said yes. 
“You were perfect Din...you- you are perfect.” You turned your head far enough in hopes of catching his attention, letting out a deep breath when he leaned over and captured your lips in a chaste kiss. He was so soft and you didn’t know which side of him you enjoyed more but you were sure you wanted to get to know him, all of him. His likes and dislikes.
“Far from it Mesh'la. I...I went to the lower deck and saw where you’ve been sleeping.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Din rose on his elbow, seeking your hands in the dark and holding onto your fingers as he raised your hand to his mouth and kissed along your hand. 
“I- I didn’t want to make you think you weren’t welcome. Peli told me about the Creed and well, there isn’t any sort of privacy down there really. And the kid would’ve been cold. I know how much he likes to cuddle next to you when he sleeps.” 
“But you’ve been-”
“I’ve slept in worse conditions, believe me.” He didn’t say anything else in response but you knew he was very much thinking about it. 
“Din, I wouldn’t change a single moment. Not one. Because each one led me here, to this bed, in your arms. I would relive every mission and every cold night and every awkward conversation again if I knew I’d end up here with you. You’re the closest thing I have to a..a-”
“Family.” He broke the silence before lying back down and pulling you as close to him as possible.
“Promise me you won’t get drunk by yourself in a cantina again.” You wished you didn’t laugh out loud at the random request because Din swore behind you before his grip loosened a bit.
“I’m sorry I...I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just, here I am pouring my heart out and the only thing you could follow up with was that.” When he didn’t say anything in return, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back to you. “And yes, I promise not to get drunk in a cantina by myself ever again.”
“But I can’t really make any promises about not flirting with anyone because if it means I get to have you all hot and bothered then-”
“Sweet girl, you’re going to regret ever thinking of that…” 
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Sleemo - This Huttese insult was pronounced slay-mo and translated as "slimeball," a rude insult.
Ad'ika - Little one
Mesh'la - Beautiful
Cyar'ika - Darling/Sweetheart
Pfassk - An adaptable expletive
Cyare - Beloved
Ner - Mine.
Runi - soul; only used poetically
Riduur - partner, spouse, husband/wife
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years ago
Just Peachy.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood, overall very fluffy and cute
Requested: nope
Summary: in which Y/N gets hurt and Ransom is the perfect fiancé.
Author's Note: hiya peeps! ok im gonna say it,,, im a hoe for soft!ransom idc idc. enjoy!
"If anything happens while I'm at work, if you get hurt, don't hesitate to call me, alright? I'll be home in 15 minutes. Just call." Wise words by Ransom Drysdale, her fiancé.
Was she going to do that? Nope! Y/N grumbled from her position on the ground; she was walking down the stairs when she had tripped and fallen, ending up in a heap on the floor with one ankle definitely broken and a cut on her temple. Slowly, as the pain got too much to bear, she started crawling to the best of her abilities towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
As she neared the bathroom her hopes went up, until she saw the cupboard above the sink on top of which the first aid kit was kept. "Who fucking keeps it so high up?" she cursed under her breath as she grabbed the sink, slowly standing up, praying the sink wouldn't break under her as she applied her full body weight on the poor thing. She was successful.
Now putting her entire weight on her good foot, she reached up and, severely underestimating the weight of the kit, yanked it up, causing the heavy box to come crashing down on her. "Damn it, fucking son of a—" she cursed loudly as the box knocked her off her already weak feet. She fell on her back with a grunt and the heavy box landed on her chest, forcing her to exhale a breath. "Fuck."
Y/N forgot to hear a painful crunch.
She started lifting her hands to push the kit away when a sharp pain shot through her left wrist, causing her to wince. "Oh, great, another broken limb? Just what I needed. Great. Fucking peachy," she muttered and shoved the box away with her right hand, moving to sit up. She tried to crawl out of the bathroom but this time, with only one hand to support her, the task was perilous.
Ransom tapped his fingers on his desk at work in the tune of his favorite song, frowning at the blank open document in front of him. He was working on his second book, but today, inspiration was nowhere to be found. No ideas were coming to his head on how to proceed with the next chapter. I wonder what Y/N is doing, he thought and smiled softly at the thought of his fiancée.
Ransom and Y/N met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. He was being his usual, bitter self in the gardens outside the lavish mansion (yes, a mansion) when Y/N had approached him first. "Hi there, I'm Y/N. I noticed you were being too quiet and you slipped out, and wondered if you wanted to talk to someone?"
He wanted to push her away for talking to him like that, especially since he left the house for a reason, but instead he just smiled at her. A genuine smile. "I'd like that a lot." And so, they talked. Ransom was proud to announce that he had first fallen for her nature, her personality and her demeanor instead of her looks, which was what made their relationship special.
At least for Ransom, given the type of man he used to be.
Y/N was extremely gorgeous in his eyes. That was simply an added bonus. By the end of the party, both of them had walked into the house again and Ransom had put on quite a show about asking her out to dinner, which she readily agreed to. She knew what kind of a man he was; spoiled, full of himself and had a big attitude problem but that one talk with him changed her perception of Ransom Drysdale.
He was truly nice to the people he cared about, one of them being her. They talked for a short while and he was nothing short of polite, sweet and funny at times. He flirted endlessly since that was part of his personality but she didn't mind, she liked it, even. Ever since that day, they were inseparable and now, 4 years later, engaged.
"Fuck shit, fuck shit, fuck shit…" Y/N chanted as she slowly crawled to the living room, the pain in her body increasing by the minute. Finally putting her pride aside, she grabbed her phone off the couch and called Ransom, falling to the floor with deep breaths. Ransom's eyes snapped away from his laptop and landed on his phone when it started ringing.
Grinning, he picked up the call when Y/N's smiling face came into view. The moment she spoke, though, his grin dropped. "Hugh…" Y/N choked out, eyes filling with tears when the pain finally caught up to her. "Y/N? Bubba, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, immediately leaping to his feet. He shut the laptop, grabbed his coat and stormed out of his office, towards his car. Work be damned.
"It's— it's nothing. I'm sorry for calling, I know you're busy—" He nearly scoffed. "Babe, listen to me. You're more important. I'm coming home, I just left the office. Speak to me, bub, tell me," he insisted as he drove like a madman towards his house. "Just got hurt a little bit," Y/N mumbled and Ransom's heart broke. "Darling, I'll take care of it when I get home."
Thankfully, 15 minutes later, he reached home. Ransom hurriedly parked his car and threw open the front door, freezing when he saw his fiancée lying near the couch on the floor, the phone still in her hand as her eyes snapped away from the ceiling towards him. "Ransom," she stuttered and he walked towards her, kneeling next to her. His thumb swiped the blood on her temple.
God, did he want to punch her on her stupid, beautiful face for telling him she was just a little hurt. "Bub, what's this?" He picked her up and placed her on the couch, moving to take her hand but it fell limp… in a weird angle. His eyes widened. "Is your wrist broken?" he whispered and Y/N nodded, turning away from him. "And you had the fucking audacity to tell me it was nothing?!" he screamed.
She kept silent as he checked the rest of her body, finding out that her ankle was broken as well, the skin around it swollen black and blue. "You're a fucking dumbass, you know that?" he muttered as he called a doctor, sitting on the floor next to the couch. "I didn't want to disturb you." She was wheezing and he turned to her, only to see her clutching at her chest with a pained expression on her face.
"Hurts." He sat up and ripped the t-shirt off her, eyes darkening when they landed on the bruise forming on her chest and between the valley of her breasts. "What the fuck happened when I was gone?" he hissed as he covered her up again. "I… I fell down the stairs first and broke my ankle," she began, fidgeting. "Well you should've called me then!" he insisted, exasperated.
"I didn't want to be a burden," she admitted in a small voice and Ransom's resolve broke. He teared up a bit and pressed his lips to hers, shaking his head. "You're not a burden, Y/N. I told you, if you're hurt at home, call me. I meant it. Even if it's a paper cut, call. Even if it's a skinned knee, call. I'm always here for you, and I always will be here." Y/N sniffled under him.
"Ransom…" He gently sat her up and sat next to her, only to pull her on his lap as he held her close. "Don't you dare think you're a burden ever again. I signed up for this. A burden is something you're not willing to carry. This? I'm willing to carry this to the end of the world," he whispered, squeezing her body as tightly as he could without crushing her. "I love you, Ran."
I love you, too.
"I know, sweetcheeks." And he grinned when her head shot up and she promptly slapped him on the cheek. "You're so full of yourself, Drysdale," she huffed. "You still love me," he hummed as she snuggled into his arms. "Fortunately for you, unfortunately for me, yeah, yes I do," she sighed.
Soon, the doctor arrived, patched her up and said the worst thing she had ever heard in her life.
"Bedrest for 2 weeks till the ankle heals."
And seeing Ransom's shit-eating grin had caused her to glare so viciously at him that even he had cowered. "Babe, doctor's orders, can't help it." After the doctor left, they were now laying side by side on their bed, staring at each other. "I can't just sit here with nothing to do!" she whined, snuggling closer to him. He put an arm around her, sighing.
"Well, face the reality, kitten. You're staying here and that's an order."
"Funny you think you can boss me around, sweetheart."
"I know I can't but this time, I will. I'll strap you down to the bed, mark my words," Ransom said with a roll of his eyes. "Kinky," Y/N snickered and Ransom kissed her nose with a smirk. "You are not getting up, Mrs Drysdale," he whispered and she pouted, jutting her lower lip out as far as she could along with giving him puppy eyes. "Please, Ran?" Ransom laughed.
"No." She groaned loudly. "Ugh, fine! I'll just get up when you go to work," she spoke smugly and Ransom turned to her, eyes wide. "Oh no you don't." He leaped up from the bed, making her whine. "Where are you going?! I need cuddles, Ran, I'm hurt!" she insisted and he got back into bed, taking out his phone. "I'm making calls to work. I'm gonna work from home now."
"You don't have to do that!" she insisted vehemently but Ransom refused to hear it. "I have to! To make sure your cute, dumb little ass stays in bed like the doctor said," he huffed. After one phone call, he sighed in relief and relaxed against the bed. "Pays to be a Thrombey, ya know," he chuckled, ruffling Y/N's hair as she snuggled into his side.
She was a mess. Her left hand was in cast, and so was her right ankle. After the doctor left she had taken off her t-shirt, leaving her in her sports bra, the wound on her chest a deep purple with flecks of red. There was also a bandaid on her temple for the small cut. "I figured." It was quiet for some time. "You never finished the story, babe. How did you get so hurt?"
"Well, first the stairs incident, I told you. After that, I was going to the bathroom to get the first aid kit but it was too heavy. I didn't know that so when I lifted it, it fell on me. I broke my wrist from hitting it on the floor too hard and the first aid kit fell on my chest," she huffed, "The pain was too much so I called you." Ransom frowned. "You should've called earlier."
"I know. Sorry."
"It's okay, baby, I'm here now," Ransom smiled, giving her a loving kiss on the top of her head. "I'm getting tired," she yawned as the adrenaline started wearing off. "Sleep." Ransom adjusted himself so he was now half-lying on the bed, back resting against the headrest as he gathered Y/N in his arms. She fell asleep a few minutes later.
Y/N touched his side of the bed, only to be met with cold sheets instead of his warm body. She blinked the sleep away and sat up, rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. Running a hand through her messy hair, she stood up and limped towards the stairs. 2 weeks had passed and as the doctor said, her bedrest was over.
Her ankle had healed but not fully, while the wrist was still in a cast. The wound on her chest was also feeling loads better. She walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen area only to see Ransom cooking breakfast. "Ran," she whined and he turned around. "Y/N! Get your ass in bed, why are you here?"
"It got lonely." She wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing a soft kiss to his bare back. "Alright, fine." He spun around and grabbed her waist, lifting her and placing her on the kitchen counter. "Sit here." Y/N smiled lazily as she placed her head on his shoulder, watching him cook. He was making eggs. Omelettes.
"How did you sleep?" he questioned when the silence stretched on. "I slept well. The ankle doesn't hurt as much, nor the wound on my chest. But the wrist…" She sighed and Ransom looked at her with a sad smile, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "It'll get better, I promise. I'm not going to stop taking care of you."
"I'd like that very much," she replied shyly and he grinned. It was true, Ransom had truly taken care of her well. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed everyday for 2 weeks, he worked in their room and they had cuddled more in the two weeks than they had in their entire relationship. Y/N was super happy with their arrangement.
Of course, sometimes Ransom would be too busy, leaving her alone in the room while he worked downstairs or had a meeting with someone. But then he'd make it up to her by offering more snuggles and kisses. "My best girl," he murmured, placing the omelette he was making on a plate. He then carried the plate to the dining room, leaving her on the kitchen counter.
He returned just as fast, gathering her in his arms and pressing a kiss to her temple as he carried her to the dining table as well. "You're strong," she teased and he huffed. "I better be, or all that working out will be for nothing." She laughed and he placed her down on a chair. "Eat well, I'll be back." With another kiss dropped to her head, he went back to the kitchen area.
Y/N wondered how she became so lucky to have him as her fiancé. Yeah, sure, Ransom wasn't a very nice person in general but to her, he was the best. The man who once called his aunt unsavory things punched someone in the face when they had the audacity to call her the same things. "You better watch your fucking mouth or I'm gonna break all your teeth."
It hadn't affected her much anyway but seeing Ransom's reaction had sent a pleasant tingle down her spine. He was ready to do anything for her. And she had to admit, lately, he was being very soft. She had noticed the changes in him around a year ago; he'd become… domestic, almost. It was fun to see him like that.
His family, well, they were less than pleased when Ransom had first introduced her to them. They thought she wasn't good enough for him and had even tried to break them down. But that had only made them stronger. Ransom was in love with her and nothing his family said was going to change that. "Y/N?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and blinked at Ransom. "Yeah?" He laughed and sat in front of her with his own plate of food. "You were lost in thoughts; the food's getting cold, honey." She cursed softly and laughed along, finally finishing her food.
How had she gotten so lucky?
A/N: Thanks for reading! Show some love, likes and reblogs will be appreciated <3
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agendratum · 4 years ago
i have some dishes i need to wash, so in order to procrastinate on it i’m going to make another post for my mini-series called “zhou zishu’s incredible insight and wen kexing’s lack of it” (part 1, 2 and 3). this time i’m going to be looking into the case i call “grandpa’s coming home” from episode 26
at this point our heroes have already been living peacefully in four seasons manor for some time. zhou zishu at this point is one hundred percent certain that wen kexing is ghost valley master, but he doesn’t bring it up, because he’s a nice person (to a very limited number of people), instead gently hinting at any given opportunity that this is a judgement-free household and wen kexing can share any burden bothering him with zhou zishu. unfortunately, wen kexing thinks that no one, not even zhou zishu, could possible still stay by his side if they knew the truth, so he continues to not reveal it and think that he’s the most subtle person in the world.
early in the episode they get a letter, from a certain rude old man that i love with my entire heart
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well, it also says that he’s coming at the winter solstice and that he wants dumplings. both zhou zishu and wen kexing knew that would happen, he kinda got invited here. both of them also think that ye baiyi doesn’t know that wen kexing is ghost valley master, cause why would he? no reason for him to know. unless he checks out the new bestseller called brochure of ghosts. but, fortunately or not, four seasons manor is located near some small town with, apparently, not many news reaching it, so no one here knows about the brochure yet. that would be awkward if they knew.
they go out to have a nice family dinner and zhou zishu notices her.
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you know, the girl from wen kexing’s highly appraised (by wkx himself) boat. cities and cities away from that place where zhou zishu saw her the first time. to be honest, i’m not sure he could actually recognize her, considering how far away the boat was
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on the other hand, this is the distance from which they were watching heroes conference unfold, while being able to hear everything and see who’s talking
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so who am i to doubt their superhuman abilities
anyway, whether zhou zishu actually recognizes her or not, he notices her. i’m assuming that to a trained eye it’s easy to spot a very nervous person who’s clearly looking for someone. especially when this someone is sitting right next to you.
(side note, cause i’m rewatching the scene as i’m writing this, oh my god:
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talk about foreshadowing)
anywaaay, zhou zishu notices the girl who’s clearly looking for ghost valley master, and ghost valley master who’s sitting next to zhou zishu right now says that he needs to go look for a painter. what a coincidence. very smooth. the only person you’re fooling right now, wen kexing, is chengling and to be honest, no offense to chengling, but this is not an accomplishment.
zhou zishu is ok with it, and actually subtly and in a seemingly joking way reminds wen kexing that they will be waiting for him back home and that he has a home that’s not ghost valley. yes, i’m choosing to read it as this deep.
zhou zishu at this point is, actually, pretty much used to wen kexing randomly disappearing for his ghost business. the only different and concerning detail about this time is that before wen kexing would leave because of his own initiative. this is the first time he’s actively seeked out by his people, which may hint at the fact that something bad probably happened.
and so, wen kexing meets the surviving ghosts from aunt luo’s manor (and remembers that he didn’t save her, good job, dude). and while ghoul is yelling at him about all the terrible things that happened and how hungry he is, wen kexing, holding the brochure of ghost in his hand, probably realises one very very bad thing. ye baiyi, unlike them, doesn’t live god-knows-where that no news ever reach, he’s currently traveling through many different cities. he probably stops at every tavern. what are the chances that he still doesn’t know that wen kexing fooled him (at least someone other than chengling) and is actually ghost valley master himself? close to none.
wen kexing comes home where somebody else tells him how hungry he is (first ye baiyi, then ghoul, now chengling. i’m starting to see a pattern). he’s then approached by seemingly only slightly concerned zhou zishu who does what he does best - gently prompt wen kexing to reveal the truth zhou zishu wants to find.
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i don’t think the screenshot displays it well enough, but he forgot. again. wen kexing, i know you don’t want to lie to zhou zishu, but at least remember what you say when you bullshit your way through this situation. well, to be fair to him, right now he’s preoccupied with a rather concerning reality in which he might never get to bring the painting for a repair at all. and that doesn’t go unnoticed for zhou zishu.
he did go to see his people from ghost valley. he got bad news. the question is - what bad news.
it gets even more concerning for zzs when wen kexing offers to teach zhou zishu how to cook, cause he “won’t be able to come back in time for the meal that day”. and so zhou zishu walks away with a very big frown on his face, trying to puzzle together what exactly happened. meanwhile wen kexing looks longingly at the sun, reciting rather sad poetry, probably thinking that he won’t get to see the sun again.
as i said, life in four seasons manor is pretty peaceful
and finally, the evening falls, the dinner is ready and it’s time to exchange some euphemisms, but not the kind you would like to hear in this story. those euphemisms are about dying by the hand of one very powerful grandpa.
chengling, bless his soul, is a good kid, so he remembers that the winter solstice is tomorrow and that they should prepare for ye baiyi’s arrival. and that is when it clicks
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wen kexing reacts by staring blankly into the void as he does sometimes, a look, at this point, very familiar to zhou zishu.
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while a familiar look to me is the look zhou zishu has when he realises something
then wen kexing does probably the weirdest and most concerning thing that day, he agrees to buy whatever ye baiyi wants to eat. he continues to stare into the void as he speaks, while zhou zishu already got it. so they have this fucking exchange:
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may i offer you a humble translation?
wkx: “he’s coming through all this way to kill me. why don’t i meet him and give him a good fight, while you two sleep soundly here and never find out the truth?” 
zzs: “cool plan. but how about instead i meet him first and fight him myself to try preventing him from getting to you, because i actually don’t want you to die, you idiot?”
wen kexing then asks zhou zishu to sit and chat with him a bit longer, cause he, probably, you know, thinks that he’s going to die that night and wants to spend his last living moments with his a-xu.
zhou zishu refuses, and says this:
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he’s not even hinting anymore. come on
wen kexing doesn’t get it. zhou zishu gets it all.
the best part about it for me is that zhou zishu doesn’t have a solid source of information here. he bases his conclusions on subtle changes in wen kexing’s facial expressions in reaction to something else happening around them and gets it right. he knows something is wrong, but he doesn’t know what. then he sees the way wen kexing reacts to a reminder that ye baiyi is coming, and it clicks for him, that for whatever reason, ye baiyi probably found out that wen kexing is ghost valley master. ye baiyi is not a subtle person and he’s not chill with ghost valley. and if up to this point wen kexing continued to hide the fact that he is a valley master, he wouldn’t want it to be revealed by ye baiyi. so he’s going to go meet him, and they’re going to fight and realistically wen kexing is not going to win.
but even now, zhou zishu stays true to his “you’ll tell me when you want to. if you don’t want to, then why would i ask?” philosophy. he still doesn’t push wen kexing to confess, instead picking a different route to meet ye baiyi first. if wen kexing would rather die than let ye baiyi reveal his identity to zzs and chengling, then zhou zishu would rather die than let wen kexing go through it.
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I Wish I Could Leave This Alone (I Know How Much You Want Me To)
Babe Heffron x Reader (plus guest) One Shot
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Summary: Babe’s birthday gift to you has an unexpected party crasher
Warnings: smut, angst, infidelity (?), reader overthinking while getting dicked down, I wrote this and immediately posted it so it will be edited at some point
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Babe’s kiss was soft, but his touch was not.
 You couldn’t help the groan that escaped from the back of your throat as one of his hands gripped tightly at your hip, and when he smiled against your lips you couldn’t help but feel like you’d had done something to amuse him.
 “What?” you pant, leaning back at the waist to break the kiss and frowning at his smirk. 
 He chuckled warmly as he walked you backward towards your bed, the hand at your hip finding its way under your shirt and up against your sternum.
 “Where’d you go, Gorgeous?” he asked playfully, and you immediately felt guilty. 
He was right, you’d gone somewhere else for a while. That wasn’t fair to him, and you knew that. And while he was quick to call you out on it, he never seemed to truly take offense to it. You weren't sure what that said about him. Or you, for that matter.
You shake your head and bring your hands to the hem of his t-shirt, lightly tracing your nails across the sensitive skin of his lower stomach. “Started getting a bit ahead of myself, that’s all.” 
 Pressing a kiss to the hinge of his jaw, you use your position to slide your hand down the front of his trousers and cup him through his boxers.
“You forgot to breathe,” he mumbles, his voice slow and distracted. “Can’t have you blacking out and embarrassing yourself like that—Woah.” 
 A smile of your own breaking across your face, you nose at him until he brings his mouth to yours again, making a show of inhaling sharply as the backs of your knees hit the bed.
 “Good note,” you say breathily as you pull his shirt up his back, giggling idiotically as he intentionally gives you a hard time of it. Your shirt doesn’t last long either, and with a practiced ease, you have each other stripped and bare in the blueish darkness of your barrack.
 He isn’t gentle when his hands grip your bare skin, his movements excited and rough as he settles against the headboard and pulls you up to straddle his lap.
 “I remembered, by the way.”
 Taking his face in your hands, you hold him away to study him, confusion marring your constantly furrowed brow. “Remembered…?”
 His eyes are aglow in the dark, so amber and warm that they reminded you of the spiced ciders your family would make during the holidays back home. A wicked smile crosses his face, and he chuckles quietly.
 “I told you what knowing my middle name would cost you when you asked me last month, and the information I wanted in return. And I told you I wouldn’t forget…”
The cogs clicked in your head, and you made a sound of upset when you figured out what he was talking about. 
 Detail for detail, that’s the deal, Sweetcheeks.
 “Happy Birthday, Sargent Y/N.” He waggled his eyebrows, and you booed him quietly.
 “What are the odds a blowjob will make you forget about it?” you ask with a wince, gasping when he playfully rolled his hips up to meet yours. Feeling how hard he was made your blood begin to run hotter.
 “Hmm,” he hummed, leaning forward to suck a kiss on the delicate skin beneath your collarbone. “Somewhere between none and slim.”
 With an annoyed hum, you lean your head forward to rest atop his head and let him mouth at you, your hand coming up to pull at his hair only when you knew he was intentionally trying to leave a mark. 
 “And do you remember what I said I wanted to give you for your birthday?”
 Feeling the blood rush to your cheeks, you realized that you could only sit in hot embarrassment as he laughed at you again.
 “Such a prim and proper lady, scandalized by the idea of riding my face—”
 “Edward!” you hissed, hands that once held his face now pushing it away. “Don’t say it like that, come on—”
 The auburn-haired man laughed, catching your wrists and pulling you into his chest. you grunted with frustration, your face now pressed against the hollow of his throat.
 “It’s not like my mouth hasn’t been down there before, you know.”
 Sighing, you let yourself sag into him slightly, trying not to lose yourself in his lighthearted tone.
 “Yeah, but not like that, when I’m just…you know.”
 “Oh I see, you like it better when I do all the work and you get to take the princess position, huh?”
 “Jesus Christ, Babe” you sit up again with a huff, attempting to pull your wrists back from his unyielding grip. “I try to be serious for one fucking second….”
 Rolling his eyes, he surges up and kisses you sweetly, and for a minute you feel yourself begin to slip out of your body again.
But he brings you back. He always brings you back to him and here and now.
 “C’mon, Sweet Thing…” he croons shamelessly against your lips, rough hands releasing your wrists and sliding teasingly up and down your thighs. The touch has you trembling in his lap, and he’s kissing you before you can be too embarrassed. “If you hate it, I’ll stop and you can fucking edge me until I blackout, I swear to god. You gotta let me see you like this, Y/N. Please, Gorgeous…?”
Good GOD he was shameless, literally begging you to allow him the chance to make you feel good, to show you how good he can make you feel- how much he wanted to be the one to do it to you first.
 Anticipation was knotted in your throat as you smashed your lips to his, a flutter of heady resolve resting in your belly. As if he could taste what you were thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and hummed against your mouth.
 “God, you’re so perfect...” he pulled you into him, rolling his hips in a way that seemed to remind you of the urgency you both had felt before. 
When he pulls back this time he’s grinning at you like a complete idiot, happier than any man should be at the prospect of cunnilingus, in your opinion.
 But Edward Heffron was nothing if not enthusiastic in his pursuits.
 “Hands on the windowsill,” he said breathlessly, his cheeks turning pink and making you want to kiss him again. When you didn’t follow his request quickly enough he guided your hands there himself and folded your fingers around the frame of the open window. 
 You quirked an eyebrow at him. “Do I want to know how long you’ve been thinking about this, or will I be insulted?”
 He smacks your thigh lightly, drawing a surprised yelp from your lungs that melts into a hum of amusement as he kneads the reddening flesh.
 “How about we err on the side of caution and say….. just within the past few months?”
 “And you held me in the highest regard before that- right, Private?”
 He says nothing for a moment, and when he does agree to your proposed question he mumbles it into the valley between your breasts.
 “Hmph. You’re a terrible liar. This had better be worth it.”
 Seemingly satisfied with your ability to keep your hands where he set them, Babe encourages you to rise up to your knees so you’re no longer flush in his lap. Immediately, his eyes flick down to your sex, and you cannot help the way your thighs start to shake
 He says something under his breath that you can’t quite catch before he looks back at your face and his expression softens for a second.
 “Remember what I said earlier? I mean it, you know I mean it—”
 You’re nodding before he can finish the sentiment, letting a soft smile play at the corners of your kiss-swollen lips. “You’ll be the first to know if I want to stop. Promise.”
 With one more biting kiss to the middle of your chest he brings his assault downwards with hands, lips, and teeth- his touch just the right amount of hard and teasing to send your head swimming long before you finally feel his breath on the overly-sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
 “Oh fuck,” he sounds far away, but maybe that’s just because you’re feeling too big for your own body at the moment. “Could die happy here…”
God, he’s such a whore.
 The first touch of his tongue has you pitching yourself forward, eyes squeezed shut as you let your face poke out the window enough to feel the breeze on your clammy face. 
 Shit, he was good at that- it felt so good. If you didn't have your own goddamn skeletons in your proverbial closet you may have even been jealous to think of all the other women who had been privy to this most spectacular consideration. Babe was kissing you down there just as sweetly as he had ever kissed your lips, and it made you briefly wonder if anyone else from your past could have made you feel as high as he was making you feel right now.
 Bowing your head to look down at him, your breath catching at the sight of him looking up at you from between your thighs, his arms folded around your hips to control the small jumps you couldn’t seem to get a handle on.
 “Fuck, Babe!” you bite out, the idea of him looking up your body and watching you squirm threatening to overwhelm you. “Can’t fucking do that, ‘s gross angle for me…”
 “Oh?” he said, the sound and feeling of his voice running up your body in the most sinful way. “I beg to differ...”
 Knowing that watching him watch you would ultimately be too much, you shake your head to clear your thoughts and lift your head to look back out the window into the night air.
 Only to come face to face with Ronald Speirs.
 A sound of surprise, shock, embarrassment, and panic got caught in your throat alongside your cresting moan and resulted in the most depraved cry that seemed to surprise all three of you.
 Your blood boiled as it froze in your veins as you made eye contact with Speirs, mortification and utter shock leaving your mouth hanging open in a silent shriek of horror.
 You had no idea how long the other man had been standing there, but if the look in his eyes was any indication it had been long enough to know exactly what was happening on the other side of the wall, just below the window frame. A cigarette hung forgotten between his lips as he openly stared at you, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed silently.
 When Babe’s hand came up to squeeze your breast enticingly, you nearly jumped out the window. 
 Oh my God This can’t be happening right now I have to stop him Oh fucking hell….
 Your head whipped down and he looked up at you with heavy-lidded eyes, mouth red and damp as he panted wickedly up at you. “You okay, Gorgeous?”
 A crushing realization fell onto you in that very moment: there was no way you could tell him what was happening- who was there watching your shared private moment outside. Because that would mean that you’d have to explain that Ron always did this, that every night he would smoke near wherever you were sleeping that night and keep watch like a possessive and protective shadow. 
 And the only way you could explain that was by telling Babe about what you and Ron had once had- no, almost had. He rejected you, you reminded yourself harshly. He made his stance on you abundantly clear when he’d had you transferred into Easy Company. The fact that Speirs still behaved as if he was somehow responsible for you was not your problem.
 Besides, you had Babe. You wanted Babe. Even if the ache in your heart tried to tell you differently.
 You made your peace with Ron Speirs’ rejection a long time ago.
 Not trusting your voice, you nod vehemently and hope what is happening outside isn’t clearly written on your face. 
 A smug grin stretches across his face. “Good, ‘cause you taste better than I imagined…..”
 You curse as he pulls you back down to his mouth, your head flashing back up to see that Ron has gotten rid of his cigarette and shucked off his heavy coat and gun. His dark eyes look downright predatory, and if you had any sense in your sex-dumb head you would stop this debauchery and transfer somewhere far away from the both of them.
 You open your mouth to do something, anything to save yourself some dignity in this fucking exhibitionist nightmare, but Speirs’s finger flies up to his lips, the command clear even through the darkness.
 You knew this would happen eventually something in his gaze seemed to accuse. Did you really believe you could forget who you’re wishing was beneath you?
 But as you watch him tilt his head, something else is conveyed: he’s asking for permission. 
 He didn’t intend to leave. He wanted to watch.
But he would, if you wanted him to.
 It was cruel of him, and something in the way he worked his jaw told you that he knew it too, but like you he was too far gone to stop it. 
 You both know better, each of you having your own reasons for not wanting to inevitably hurt the other and cross that line. Your own sick, backwards ways of self-protection and showing affection for the other seemed to be twisting and becoming more complex as time went on. 
The more involved you became with Babe….Ron suddenly wanted to be your friend again just after you had first slept with Babe.
 You immediately understood that you and Ron were nearing your final days of dancing around each other, that you would have to be the one to stop it. Because Edward Heffron was too good and too kind to be fucked with like this. Eventually, you would have to stop being so selfish.
 In a final show of weakness, you nod silently to Ron, your breath coming in quick bursts as your lover has patiently worked you up and up to the crest of your crescendo, none the wiser to the wicked thoughts and realizations spinning around in your head. 
 I really am a monster.
 But you couldn’t focus on that right now, not as Ron stalked right up to the window with such confidence that you thought you had gravely misread the situation and he was going to announce himself to Babe. 
 You had just begun to make a hush of protest when his cold hands gripped yours and he knelt down so he was nose to nose with you, his hot glare turning it into another embarrassing sound of pleasure.
 “Shit!” You whimpered, your body trembling more violently as the coil in your belly began to constrict. Ron’s thumbs rubbed the back of your knuckles in a soothing motion as he made a sound of pity low in his throat, the clucking of his tongue quiet enough that it disappeared in the sounds of the forest surrounding them. 
When you get a better look at his face you can see his look of empathy is almost mocking, and you briefly wonder if you would ever have sex with someone who didn’t like to antagonize you the whole time.
 As you try to pull your hands out from under his, he shakes his head sternly before wrestling them into his grip, the action pulling you slightly further out the window and making you gasp.
Babe chuckles and grips your ass to control the speed in which your hips rocked, a nibble on your clit nearly making you scream.
 You’re a terrible person. You’re the worst kind of woman. you hate yourself for this.
 Ron’s brows furrow and his face goes soft, eyes a warm burn rather than a vengeful inferno. You don’t realize you have begun crying until he brushes the tears from your cheeks with quick fingers.
You press your forehead against his as your body bows in warning, your orgasm approaching with unforgiving intensity. 
 Ron doesn’t kiss you and you don’t kiss him. You never had and after this long, you don't think you ever will. You hate how much you wished you could though.
Especially with another man’s tongue working you into a frenzy at the same fucking time.
 “Please, I want you...” you said pathetically, and Ron had the grace to look down in shame. Guilty fingers intertwined with yours and with a sad grimace he kissed the backs of your hands.
 “I know you do, I’m so sorry,” he breathes across your knuckles, tongue darting out to wet the chilling skin where he kissed, kissing your hand as he had wished to kiss your mouth each and every day since he had met you. 
 But you couldn’t, he couldn’t. And he wouldn’t let you ever try.
 You came with a silent cry, only the whispered reminder from both of the men you loved to breathe saved you from falling apart in the most critical moment.
 Because you are cruel you take one hand from Ron, the one he wasn’t kissing, and pull it back. 
 Babe’s overgrown hair is soft and damp as you reach down to rake your fingers through it, quickly finding his hand on your hip and clinging to his fingers with painful desperation as you quake above him.
Pulling you impossibly close to his mouth, Babe holds you as you tremble through the last of your pleasure, suckling once, twice more before noisily pulling away from you. 
 The sound was so lewd even Ron had to close his eyes and grit his teeth in order to stay quiet.
your hair clung to your face, and after sliding his fingers from yours Ron brushes the sweaty strands around your hairline.
 As you begin to catch your breath, you remember who you are, who all you’re with, and all that’s brought each of you to this point. You remember that Ron Speirs has to go, will always have to go. 
 He didn’t want you to be his,  wasn’t interested in sharing his barracks or you asking him about his past or remembering your birthday. You didn’t matter, none of this did. 
 All that mattered to him was the fight. The big picture. “We’re all already dead. Why bother acting like this is anything other than a distraction?”
 “Y/N,” Babe’s gentle kisses land on your hips and you realize that the time for your decision is coming sooner than she had anticipated. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
 You take a few more shuddering breaths with Ron, and from the way he tightened his jaw you knew he knew that you were going to have to let one of them go. And, because he’s just as selfish as you are, he doesn’t want you to choose Babe. 
 He’d rather keep you like a lark he can turn to for reassurance and comfort. Like a bird in a cage.
 With a final sniffle, you look down, away from Ron, and give all of your attention to the beautiful, sex-mussed man who was looking up at you so sweetly and with such a clear desire for approval that you almost started crying all over again.
 Ron lets you slip your fingers from his and takes a silent step back as you return your attention to your lover. You let him disappear into the night.
 “Nothing at all, Babe,” you reassure him with a sigh, moving shakily down his body so you can kiss him as deeply as you can, sealing your body to his as you hold his face between your hands. “I just forgot where I was for a second there.”
 Nipping at your bottom lip, he waits until you pull back before smiling stupidly at you.
“That good, huh?”
 Shaking your head, you scoff and flick his chest. As he starts to chuckle, you roll yourself off of him enough to scratch your nails lightly across his stomach.
 “I’ll give you a full review after round two, how about that?” You smirk as his eyebrows shoot up, sitting up and swinging your leg over his hips to straddle him. “But right now, how about I reward the idiot I love for remembering my birthday?”
 If he’s surprised by your sudden proclamation of affection, he makes no show of it. And somehow that makes the moment all the sweeter.
~ ~
taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando @ricksmorty @now-im-a-belieber​ @tvserie-s-world​
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dreamii-yume · 4 years ago
@shikigamiuwu said :
"So y/n is a sex slave that Lilia brought for his son for Silvers birthday ( let’s just say that this is a medieval ages idea setup), Since Lilia know that Y/N is Silver totally type of girl, decided to brought it and gift it to her. So Lilia dress Y/N in a sexy and expensive lingerie and give him to Silver became just like the First one infatuated to Y/N and was really possessive to Y/N, Silver will go to lengths of beheading the person who touch her or help her escape from his grasp. (Lilia just supporting his son and helping him clean the mess and train her darling). You can put spicy stuff more into it if you want."
AGAIN. This plot too has so much potential to be a Sinfic _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): im crying—
Warnings : Dub-Con | Slavery | Master-Slave Relationship
Since the Valley of Thorns is essentially a place where magic is everything, I would presume that a human who do not possess a knack of magic is treated as the lowest of the low.
The man that bought you was strange, a unique multi-colored hairstyle and his fangs were sharp underneath that mischievous smile. He says he has a lonely son who had been eyeing you for a while now, but you have no knowledge of this “son” he speaks of. But this youthful-looking adult seemed like a big deal, considering how your employer immediately sold you off without further explanations. Before you knew it, you were placed in a carriage with the strange young man, giggling about how happy you would make his son to be.
This “son” of his was named Silver.
One look at him and it was immediate to you that they were unrelated by blood. For one thing, Silver seems to be a human whilst that strange man who bought you was not, he was a fairy of all things. They sure do seem like they share the same fatherly bond as strong as any other family though, it almost made you envious. “Lilia”, the name of the man who bought you, had only issued one order for you to follow, the only request that he asked of you.
“Try and get along with Silver if you will, (Y/N). Keep him happy at all times.”
You were a slave, but you were brought as a gift to keep Silver company during his birthday. When you first met him, he was quiet and polite, a true gentleman that made you feel like you were the princess and he was your knight. Perhaps it was the fact that this was the first time that you have been given this level of respect in your life that it made you feel lost on what to do. But Silver never minded your awkwardness, he sticks to you like a lost puppy when it should be you who needed to act like that. He was as strange as his adoptive father, in the most opposite of ways.
Lilia told you that Silver had been “eyeing” you for a while now, that’s the whole reason why he specifically bought you in the first place, because you were already a familiar face to him. You were confused at first, but now that you’re actually here, serving Silver in actuality, you began to understand what he means. He acts way too familiar with you, often interacting with you that you don’t think is befitting for a master to do with his slave. He follows you around like a lost puppy, asking how your day was, and even shows you quite the affection sometimes. He doesn’t show too much emotions himself, but there’s instances of assertiveness whenever he’s with you that you just can’t help but notice.
Silver...doesn’t really let you leave out of his sight, majority of all the times, not that you’re allowed to anyways. Everything that you needed to do in private must be relayed to him or else he’ll come rushing in panic the moment he finds you not by his side anymore. It’s gotten worse to the point that you were not allowed to sleep on your own bed anymore or even take a bath by yourself. You don’t get lucky when he’s asleep either, you’d think he’s a deep sleeper but as one of the personal guards of the young master of the Valley of Thorns, his strength doesn’t falter even when he had closed his eyes for the night. One little movement you make away from him always ends up with him growling in his sleep and in instant, his arms tightly wrapped around you in a suffocating manner.
“Listen to me...” He told you one night, his head laying on your lap as he reached out his hand to caress your cheek. His touch was gentle and warm yet, his expression was stern and serious, the entire opposite to show you how much you needed to pay attention to the next words that will come out of his mouth. “You’re not allowed to treat others like this, do you get it? I should be the only one occupying your mind.”
“...Like you are to mine.” He started saying possessive things like that in just a span of a few weeks, you don’t quite understand what he means the first time but you nod anyways. He always smiles when you agree with him before, satisfied with your answer but you did not expect him to sit up from his position and leaned closer to your face this time. It was by then that you realized that he had initiated the first ever shared kiss between the two of you. He was gentle, yet impatient like he had been waiting for this moment for so long that he wanted to savor this moment for just as long.
His feelings for you became stronger ever since that day, but came with it was an even stronger possessive feeling for you. Both men and women are no longer allowed to come near you, god forbid what happens to those who even dare to look at you funny. He wasn’t a violent person, just passive-aggressive most of the time, but he has the power that can intimidate people away...Hell, he can even scare you in some degree. Long story-short, the only person that you were allowed to think of was him and him alone, there are no exceptions, but that goes the same for him too.
Then, came the day of his birth once again this year, it was such a busy yet joyous day for everyone. You provided him with a simple gift that you made yourself, in which Silver had rewarded you with a gentle, grateful smile like he always doees. “Thank you, I’ll treasure it dearly.” His words alone made you warm on the inside, something that you didn’t think was possible for a slave to feel. You were lucky to be able to serve a master like him, for you to be loved and treated like how a human being should be. Silver made you feel all those things, and for that you were just as grateful.
It almost feels like you belong just right in this family.
But as night came on the very same day, you wondered why Silver began leading you away from the crowd and into his room. He said he had a request, a wish that only you could fulfill, so you were more than happy to comply. But as he sat you down to the bed and began to kiss you like he had been doing quite often now; it began to feel as if something else was at play here. “I want you...” He whispered in a ragged, impatient breath, cheeks flushing as his hazy eyes stared intently back at you.
You didn’t say anything in return and just let him do what he wants, pinning you down by the bed as his kisses became even more erratic, messy, and passionate. You didn’t know what to feel, you were so used to the feeling of being treated normally, like a friend, like a family that you nearly forget what your status really is in the first place...You are a slave through and through, you are destined to perform these acts and please your master however they desire. But perhaps it was because you’ve become too spoiled due to how they treated you that you could feel your stomach churning from the feeling of being treated differently now.
You were...nervous.
As evident with how you began to breathe heavily from just with his touch alone and his hands exploring your body had you sweating bullets. You gulped as a response when he reached down where your clothed flower was, you were trembling. You are a slave, you should know by now that you are going to be treated like this at some point in your life, and yet you were scared. The realization and the true meaning of his words when your master said that he wanted you is coming down upon you at the same time. You were scared, terrified especially as he began to mark your neck and started pulling down on your clothes.
...But it was way too late to say quits at this point for you have already fallen, you’ve lost the moment you felt yourself at home in the comfort of this family. You have no choice but accept such fate, especially when Silver looked so ecstatic about it, mistaking your trembling body as an act of excitement. In the end, you should’ve known better than to get attached to your master like this, to empathize with him and allow your mind to create a soft spot for him. You can’t bear to see him enraged, disappointed, or even sad due to your rejection...It’s all too painful for you to witness.
...But maybe that was the point after all? The unexpected fate of the slave that belonged to Silver. A proof of how emotions can too be a lethal weapon to corrupt one’s mind.
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princess-of-riviaa · 4 years ago
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Erin Quincy (1st person POV)
Summary: You experience your first heat as a brand new shifter. Walter, being the good alpha he is, helps out his struggling omega.
Warning(s): depictions of animal attack, age gap (Erin is 25, Walter is 38), alcohol use, a bit of angsty Walter, dirty talk, possessiveness
Author’s note: This is my first piece of work I made for the ABO Universe. I hope you guys like it!
Word count: 3,931
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Two weeks ago, I’d been on a camping trip with my two step-brothers, Scott and Chris, when my life had forever changed. One second, the hiking trail had been clear and safe; the next, some kind of animal was jumping out of the brush and fighting my breakfast sausage out of my hands. I later learned that the animal had been a wolf, but that realization only came when I had my first Shift three days later.
Though the night had escaped my memories, when I woke up in an unfamiliar mansion to an unfamiliar group of faces the next day, they filled me in on the details. The man in front—tall, with deep brown curls that were almost as distracting as his thick, muscular shape—had told me that I had Shifted the night before and ended up on their doorstep. And yes, Shifters—not werewolves, as most fantasy books called them—were real, Walter informed me during my surprised silence.
Walter Marshall—that was the stunning stranger’s name. He was an Alpha of one of the two packs that lived in this mansion, and I was more than welcome to join them. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around what had become of myself—and I knew better than to hope that my family would understand—so I accepted the generous offer.
I had been with the pack for three weeks now. Winnie Marshall, Walter’s twin sister, was the Alpha for the mansion’s other pack. Walter had found me first—he had actually been the one to stop me from giving into my animalistic instincts on the night he found me, and had been the one to bring me in from the pouring rain—and technically had claim to me. But, because I hadn’t officially been claimed by him, Winnie argued that she had as much right to me as her brother did. So she took me under her wing. She’d explained everything to me, been there in my moments of panic and embarrassment to assure me that everyone goes through this, and it’s not going to last forever.
The only other two people in the house that were my age were two betas. One of them, a young man named Mike (though everyone called him Mikey), was the center of attention at the mansion, though he surprisingly had his eyes set on the quiet girl who loved books. Her name—I met her last, simply because she’d locked herself in the library for a week-long reading challenge—was Amber Connelly. As the only other beta under the age of thirty, she had an… interesting relationship with Mikey. And by that I mean they were both head over heels for each other, though they only ever bickered, and neither of them seemed aware of the others’ feelings. But they never acted on their feelings, and no one ever expected them to, simply because Mikey was Walter’s Beta, and Amber was Winnie’s, and packs didn’t mix, especially if their was a chance of a Claiming.
Claiming—that was the part of all of this that had intrigued me the most. It started with a bite. One person had to bite their partner directly over the heart, hard enough to leave a scar that would be there forever. In another sense, one wolf had to mark their partner as their territory. It was possessive in every sense of the word, and I couldn’t deny that deep down inside of me, I wanted to share that intimate, lifelong promise with Walter.
It was insane for a number of reasons. Not only had I met the Alpha just a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t even officially in his pack, and a Claiming with an Alpha would make me second-in-command. There were a few steps I would be skipping if that happened. Not to mention that Walter Marshall was the only unclaimed Alpha over the age of thirty-five in the entire city, and there was a reason for that. I didn’t know the details, but I knew it had something to do with his past. Our age was another factor. He was almost 40, while I had just turned 25.
And yet, here I was, wanting his mark anyways. He was quiet and reserved enough to make him mysterious, and that only pulled me in more. In the first week I was there, I found any way I could to talk to him, mainly to thank him for giving me a safe place for this new season of life. But he had disappeared with Andy and Charles Barber—two Beta brothers—for an entire week. Winnie had only said that they were taking care of business on the other side of the city, but when the three men came back, there was a darkness to all of them that told me whatever they had been doing… It hadn’t been fun.
Walter was harder to reach in the days that followed. When I would knock on his office door and ask him if he was able to train me today—something both he and Winnie insisted on their packs doing in their daily routine—he would snap and order me to leave, the sound of his growl following me out the door. He apologized for his behavior three days later, and bought takeout from my favorite restaurant to make it up to me, but I still couldn’t forget that side of him. The side of him that turned his soft blue eyes completely black. The part of him that was all animal, only selfishness and cold edges.
And yet, even after all of that, I still wanted him. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d woken up panting in the middle of the night, rising out of a dream of those blue eyes looking down at me as he fucked my throat, making me gag and cry around his cock. The sound of my own moans had forced me awake before dawn this morning. The memory of Walter’s intense gaze holding my reflection’s as he fucked me in the bathroom had followed me all day.
I was still wound up as I made my way to the game room. The smell of alcohol was strong throughout the house. The packs were celebrating Walter and Winnie’s thirty-eighth birthday tonight, and everyone, it seemed, was intent on getting blackout drunk. There were three kegs in the living room. It took Shifters a lot longer to get drunk, so I wasn’t surprised to find that the kegs were already halfway empty by the time I filled a cup for myself.
But I was surprised to find Walter perched on the roof when I made my way up to my regular hiding spot. He didn’t look over at me when I climbed onto the roof, but he didn’t seem startled when I took a seat beside him, and I knew his Shifter senses had probably heard me before I’d even climbed up the stairs that led up here.
“I see you stole my hiding spot,” I remarked as I took a sip of my beer.
“This way my hiding spot first, actually.” There’s amusement in his eyes as he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, but the amusement is only a cover. I note the darker emotion hiding beneath, and I recognize it instantly. It’s the same thing I’ve been feeling since my first Shift.
“So technically you stole it from me,” Walter continued, giving me a ghost of a smile.
Though the air was light between us for once, I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Why are you hiding on your birthday?”
He sighed and looked out at the valley below us. The city lights reflected in his eyes, making the blue in them sparkle. He chugged back the rest of his beer before answering, “I’m thirty-eight tonight.”
“So I’ve heard.” The light tone was clearly forced, but I continued anyways. “Congratulations.”
His long fingers parted thick curls before he clutched the roots of his hair and squeezed, looking frustrated and… defeated. “I’m thirty-eight—and I still don’t have a goddamn mate.”
I didn’t know what to do. Part of me was more than ready to say, Take me. Claim me. I’ll be your mate. But I knew that was overstepping. I didn’t know how to comfort him.
“Walter—” I began.
He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t burden you with this. I think I’ve had a few too many drinks.”
We both knew that was a lie. He was too collected to be drunk. Everything—save for his brutal honesty—screamed completely sober.
“I just…” He went on, then stopped himself.
I put a hand on his arm and had to physically force myself not to lean into the warmth of his body heat. When his blue eyes met mine, I nearly lost control. God, I wanted him. I wanted to ran my hands through his hair; wanted to know the way his moans sounded as he filled me up; wanted to feel his mouth on me—
I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind. “It’s okay,” I told him. “You can tell me.”
He hesitated.
“You’ve been there for me since I got here,” I pointed out. “It’s only fair that I do the same for you.”
His eyes scanned my face, and I got the feeling that he could see into my soul. It unnerved me as much as it made me want to bear myself to him. He finally said, “You don’t owe me anything, Erin. I was being a good Alpha.”
“You let a stranger into your home,” I argued. “That qualifies as more than simply being a good Alpha. There’s other packs in the city, yet you were the only one who opened your door to me. And you’ve let me stay here when you could have just as easily sent me away. You’re not just a good Alpha, Walter, you’re…” I almost said, you’re everything, but I caught myself.
But the way he looked at me… I had a feeling that he heard what I didn’t say.
“And maybe you think I don’t owe you,” I went on, “but I want to be there for you. I want to give you whatever you need.”
His eyes left my face to stare at the hand I placed on his arm. He reached for it, and at first I thought he was going to push me away, but he simply held my hand between his own. He opened my fingers and stared at my palm as if he was going to tell me my future. A thick, calloused finger traced across the lines on my palm. The touch was simple and gentle, but it made me shiver nonetheless.
“I’m the only Alpha in the city without a mate,” he finally admitted. “That fact has never bothered me before. I always liked being on my old. I thought I was better that way. It was enough always having to keep an eye on Winnie; I never had a want for someone else to look out for.”
“But now…?” I guessed there was a “but” in that sentence.
His focus was locked on his fingers as he traced the outline of my hand. Something about the way his rough skin felt against mine… It made heat stir in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t realize I had started to lean into him until there was just a few inches of space left between us.
“But now,” he finally said, and sighed. “Now I find myself wanting something I don’t know if I can have.”
“A mate?” Why couldn’t he have that?
“You.” He finally met my gaze, just as the words clicked in my mind.
Heat made my cheeks burn bright red as I repeated his words. “M-me? What do you mean?”
“I mean I want you.” His gaze was unapologetic, yet the twist of his mouth… I could tell he was fighting some internal battle. “When I first saw you in that back alley, hiding under that shed from the rain…”
I was silent as he spoke, simply because I’d never heard all the details of what had happened that night, and Walter was the only one with that memory.
“I had Shifted too,” he admitted. “The pack Shifts together on full moons. The Omegas and some of the Betas are less overwhelmed by it if we’re all together. But something had drawn me away from the pack, like some string had pulled me out onto the streets…”
Only once he said something did I realize that I did remember a part of that night. It wasn’t a memory of what had happened, but rather… a feeling I had gotten. Like someone had been calling my name and I had gone in search of them.
“I’d never experienced anything like that before,” Walter continued. “And when I found you, shaking from fear and the cold… I knew I had to do something. The urge to protect you was overbearing. So I brought you home. I told myself it just from the intensity of the Shift that I felt like that, but when you Shifted back the next morning… I knew I couldn’t just let you walk away. So I told you to stay, and I knew that if you had said no, I would have done anything to change your mind.”
“Walter…” My voice was a quiet whisper as my thoughts began to race. “Do you think… That feeling… I felt it too. Is that what…”
“What having a mate feels like?” he guessed.
All I could do was nod. Somehow I already knew the answer, but I needed to hear him say it.
“Maybe.” When his gaze met mine, I realized he looked as lost as I felt. “I couldn’t say one way or another; I’ve never had a mate. But if it is…” He finally dropped my hand, only to cup my face and pull me towards him. “Listen to me, Erin. Even if…” He paused, as if he was struggling to say it out loud, too. “Even if we’re mates, that doesn’t mean you have to choose me. You can walk away. Hell, you can even…” He practically flinched at these words, as if saying them was a physical blow—“You can even choose someone else. Another man. I’m not going to force you into anything.”
I didn’t know what to say. “I think I want another drink.”
Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it was gone in a blink. He rose to his feet, insisting that he get it for me. I watched him walk away. He took four steps—and froze. His entire back went rigid, too stiff for a human. His Shifter instincts had picked up on something.
I froze, wondering what was happening, what he had picked up on.
But he merely turned to face me again. Slowly. “Erin.”
I tried to sense his source of distress, but I couldn’t pick up on anything. The only thing I picked up on was how that look in his eyes sent heat straight to my core. “What is it, Walter?” I was on my feet and closing the distance between us in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t move!” he practically yelled.
I paused, almost jumping at his volume.
His eyes were wild, frantic, looking like an animal caught in a trap.
“What’s wrong?” I asked again, resisting the urge to reach out to him.
“Do you know what’s happening to you?” Every muscle in his body was taut as he asked the question.
I frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He simply said, “You’re going through heat.”
Winnie had explained that to me on one of my first days here. She’d said it happens to every female Shifter. Her hormones—particularly the horny ones—exploded, and every male Shifter around her could sense it. Apparently, it drove the males as crazy as the females, though it was dangerous to be an Omega—specifically an unclaimedOmega—around any Alphas while in heat.
That’s why Walter wasn’t moving, wasn’t even breathing: he was trying not to pounce on me and take what he wanted. What we both needed.
All those dreams about him… They finally made sense. I was preparing for my first heat.
Only once he brought it to my attention did I realize just how hot I was. My heart was hammering in my chest, flames boiling beneath my skin, and—god, when had I gotten so wet?
“Walter…” My voice was a high-pitched whine.
“You’ll be okay.” He didn’t sound convincing in the slightest. The look in his eyes matched the relentless ferocity rising in my core.
God, I needed him. “Please…”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “I can’t, Erin. We’re both unclaimed. I won’t be able to control myself—”
I took a step towards him—and practically cried out. The burning in my core—between my legs—it was unbearable. I needed to ease the ache inside of me. My hand moved of its own accord towards my legs, and before I knew it I was touching myself over my jeans.
Walter’s eyes were locked on my hand. “Erin… you’re killing me.”
“Please, Walter,” I begged, my body no longer under my control. “I need you. I can’t breathe—”
That was when he kissed me. He wasn’t the first person I had kissed, but he felt like the first person who mattered. Our mouths molded together and I moved against him in a way that said, I’m choosing this. I’m choosing you.
“God, I can smell you,” he breathed into my neck, his low voice nothing more than a moan. “You’re already wet for me, baby.”
All I could do was moan as he pressed me against his erection. His mouth trailed down my neck, over my clavicle, and stopped over my heart.
“I want you,” I cried out as I ran my hands through his hair. “Mark me, Walter. Please.”
He brought his mouth to my chest, but he didn’t bite me like I expected him to. Instead, he brushed a soft kiss against my skin. I whined as he pulled away and moved me from his lap.
“Did I do something wrong?” I panicked, feeling like an idiot—
“No,” he assured me. “You’re… god, you’re perfect. But I’m not about to fuck you on the roof. I doubt you’ll want the entire neighborhood to hear you moaning for me.”
My face flushed instantly, but I didn’t say anything as he rose to his feet and pulled me inside, not stopping until we were in his room. An Alpha’s room was a place very few people ever saw. It was more intimate than a regular bedroom; it was stepping into his territory, walking onto his turf, and I knew that something had permanently changed between us as I crossed the threshold into the room.
The room was rather simple. A king-sized bed was pressed against the left wall. The crimson sheets were the only color in the room. The right side of the wall had a desk covered in files and papers. Newspaper clippings hung above it, stamped into the wall with thumb tacks. I didn’t have a moment to read what all the papers were about before Walter distracted me.
He arms wrapped around me as he lifted me up in the air. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. I clung to his shoulders, but he held me easily, as if I weighed no more than a few pounds. The show of pure strength did nothing to help the wet mess between my legs.
Walter walked us to the bed and lied me down on my back. He hovered over me but didn’t move to touch me. The longing and lust in his eyes was so vibrant, so undeniable, that I writher beneath him.
But his tone was calm as he said, “I need to ask you again. Is this what you want, Erin?”
“So much,” I breathed before pulling him against me.
His thigh moved between my legs, and he deepened the kiss as his leg pressed tightly against my core, applying pressure where I needed it most. Though our hands ran along each other’s bodies in a hungry frenzy, he kissed me differently than he had on the roof. It wasn’t rushed or desperate this time, but rather deep and slow and just as sensual. My toes curled.
I cried out as his mouth moved to my ear. He nipped at my earlobe—an action that sent shivers through my body—before whispering, “What is it, baby girl? What do you want? My fingers?”
I writhed against him.
“My mouth?”
Oh, fuck.
A wanton moan escaped me before I could stop it.
“Or are you already too desperate? That’s what it smells like to me. My little omega’s falling apart and I haven’t even touched you yet. You’re already desperate for me to fill your aching cunt, aren’t you, baby girl?”
His tone was different than I’d ever heard it. He spoke in a low, husky voice, and his tone was teasing but demanding at the same time. It made me dizzy.
“Already forgotten your words, omega? Has the heat gotten to your brain?” He buried his face in the crook of my neck and rubbed his nose along the skin below my ear. He was scenting me. “Or is it your Alpha who’s gotten to you?”
Instead of answering, I clawed at his clothes desperately, trying to undress him in my lustful haze. He allowed me to take his shirt off, though he undid his pants himself. His body… how was he even more impressive naked? I took one look at those sculpted muscles, at the dark swirls of hair that covered his chest and stomach, and knew that that was the kind of body that put the gods to shame. His cock bounced against his stomach as he stepped out of his underwear. It was thick and long, and as I watched the red, aching tip release pre-cum, I wondered how I could possibly fit his girth inside of me.
“My turn,” he breathed before moving to hover over me again.
One minute I was clad in my shorts and t-shirt, and the neck my clothes were in shreds on the floor. Walter’s hungry gaze made note of every inch of skin I beared for him, and I was too fucked out to feel self-conscious.
“Fuck me, Alpha,” I begged. “I need you inside of me!”
He growled before spreading my legs and pressing his length against my core. Our lips met just as he pushed inside me, and my nails dug into his shoulder at the burst of pleasure that ripped from me. His mouth was on my chest a second later, and as he kneaded my breasts in his hands, his teeth cut into the skin over my heart.
Claiming me.
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