#home wrecking ass bitch
merotwst · 1 year
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‹ . octavinelle ›
⇝they're proposing to you! here's how they wanted to propose vs. how it actually went down.
¬ established relationship; adult characters; mention of sex on floyd's part but only in passing loool; fluff; no pronouns used
[ n: i love domestic fluff so much!!! also exactly 1.2k follows today. thank you all so much! ]
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azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
—- how he wanted to propose: azul wanted to propose somewhere intimate where it could be just the two of you. a quiet garden dinner with the smell of roses wafting around or the evening sea breeze, yellow lights hanging overhead, bathing you in a warm glow. soft music, candles and wine. then he'd get down on one knee and you'd say yes. he plays it in his mind over and over again until he finally has the ring in a box inside his pocket and he has it all planned out.
—- how it went down: he was going to ask you on that dinner date that evening after several weeks of planning it out. down to the very last detail, azul has made sure everything would go according to plan. a big smile on your face as he took your hand to the candlelit dinner under the stars, looking lovely in your evening attire just for him. his palms were getting a bit sweaty and his head spinning lightly with the wine. he felt like backing down. but the sight of your gorgeous face and the thought of having this ring on your finger for life gave him the courage to get down on one knee. you can only imagine how his eyes twinkled with love, heart soaring to the moon and back when he heard your answer.
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jade leech ‹ octavinelle ›
—- how he wanted to propose: he didn't really find himself the type of person to plan something overly-extravagant for a marriage proposal. so he was thinking he'd just ask you a simple question after taking you out on a simple date out. in fact, he hadn't even considered proposing until a year ago when you casually brought it up. now he couldn't get the thought out of his head. jade had a plan, of course. he was jade after all.
—- how it went down: remember when i said he had a plan? a plan to have you in just the right setting? the perfect atmosphere, the perfect moment to say yes? yeah that all went out the window. because one evening when he came home to you preparing dinner, smiling so sweetly as he entered the kitchen, he was mesmerised. it wasn't the first time he'd seen you cook for both of you. you were in your casual house clothes as you chopped the ingredients on the chopping board, but you were so beautiful. so perfect and worthy of all his love and loyalty. and then the weight of the ring in his pocket suddenly felt heavy as he walked towards you. he was rarely ever nervous but he stood there, his hand in his pocket fumbling with the small box hidden from your view. you looked up onto his heterochromic orbs, setting down the spatula and giving him your full attention. he planned to start off by asking you what you were cooking but the four words that came out of his mouth were different. and the weight on his shoulders seemed to lighten as he took in your expression. maybe that's the thing jade loved most about you. you always find a way to wreck all his plans in the best way possible.
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floyd leech ‹ octavinelle ›
—- how he wanted to propse: he didn't. bitch he did not plan on proposing at all. he was living his best life with you! going on adventures, being in love and bomb ass sex. he couldn't ask for anything better. after all, what else is there to need? he thinks your relationship is already perfect as it is.
—- how it went down: he wasn't planning on proposing. never even crossed his mind until one day, when out on a trip with you, he spots some guy getting down on one knee for his partner. and as the crowds clapped and cheered while he spun his new fiance around, he glanced at you, clapping along with the people around the happy couple and he realized he didn't have everything yet. it took exactly five seconds before he grabbed your arm and said he wanted to get married too. and as before his words registered on your mind, you found yourself nodding yes. and that very same day you both got married somewhere. i'll let you imagine how floyd managed to pull that off, but he did. and now floyd was sure he had everything he wanted. well, at least not until he realizes he would want something more the next time something catches his eye, but you wouldn't change a thing about him.
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© merotwst 2023 × do not copy, steal or reproduce without permission
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brooooswriting · 7 months
hi, can I request a fluffy leighton x reader where the reader is having just a really bad day (late to class, someone spilled coffee on her, etc) and she’s just super stressed and anxious and leighton notices and tries to make her feel better and helps her through it? and ofc leighton’s roommates are totally unused to seeing her being soft with someone so they’re all shocked and stuff
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Sometimes life just seemed to fuck you over and today was just one of those days. It started early in the morning, or well it didn’t which was the problem. Your alarm didn’t ring as your phone charger didn’t work. You woke up a lot later than you normally did resulting in you getting late to class and after class was finally done and the prof was done lecturing you about being late, you walked out of the room just for someone to bump into you and spill their hot coffee over your shirt. As you were already late you didn’t have time to change for your next course, instead just closing the jacket which was at least a bit better.
When it was finally time to eat, at least in theory, you went back to your dorm room to change and since your phone was still off you couldn’t even text your friends about not coming. Happy to finally arrive at your dorm you opened the door just to hear weird noise coming from your room. It took you a second to figure out what those noises were before sighing, your roommates sex life really always was your enemy. Since you couldn’t go into your room you just grabbed a new jacket to pull over your shirt, hoping that it’d fix the problem at least a bit.
During lunch, your friends sat at the same table as always. Leighton was constantly checking her phone, a worried look on her face. “It’s weird that she’s not answering right?” She asked her friends making them freeze for a moment, it wasn’t often that the blonde was asking for advice.
“Wait, is the leighton Murray worried about someone else?” Whitney asked, fake surprise in her voice as she widens her eyes earning an annoyed look from her friend.
“Did you maybe do something to upset her?” Kimberly asked innocently.
“Oh my god, did you say somebody else’s name during sex?” Bella intervened, making the rest of the group cringe. Especially Leighton who shuddered before shaking her head.
“What kind of question is that? Of course not and I don’t think I did anything to upset her. Yesterday everything was fine, we were out and then she brought me home, kissed me good night and went to her dorm. Later we texted shortly before saying good night and going to sleep. Since then I haven’t heard from her” she explained, wrecking her brain trying to think of anything she could have done. The rest was still kinda perplex, the blonde never talked about her private life like this. It already took them hours to get out of her who she was dating.
“Well, do you know if she had a course with anyone you could ask?” Whitney suggested.
“Oh, Lila. Didn’t you have Econ or whatever with y/n this morning?” She suddenly called out to the girl who was walking by their table.
“Yeah I did, dude was late as shit and left me alone in that boring ass course” Lila complained on and on until the blonde finally interrupted her.
“What do you mean she was late?” You were normally very punctual so this was already kinda weird.
“What do you mean ‘what I mean?’ Class started at 7:30, your hot stuff girlfriend arrived at like 8:15, leaving me alone for 45 minutes. But she did seem like she had a rough night or morning. If she did, that bitch is excused. But only this once” with that the sips manager disappeared.
After a moment Leighton stood up and grabbed her food confusing the rest of them as she didn’t say anything. “Where are you going?” Bela asked.
“I wish I could be looking for my girlfriend but instead I have to go and write a shitty math test that is way to easy anyway” she aggressively packed away her stuff before storming off to her lecture.
You never thought you’d say that you’d rather be in Leightons weird ass math class than at sips. But Thursdays were always extremely full and a lot of the people there were frat boys who treated workers like shit. Normally you were at least two people on Thursdays but Zoe had to call in sick last minute leaving you alone with a whole lot of work. Throughout your whole shift the frat boys tried to humiliate you and made you work twice as hard as they spilled everything on purpose and didn’t throw away anything. Your shift went an hour and a half longer than normal exhausting you even more.
Once you could finally leave you felt like breaking down, your eyes were wet, your bottom lip trembling and you were barely moving your feet. As soon as you entered the building your body moved on its own finding the way to your girlfriend’s dorm who was still panicking. She only knew that you were alive was due to other people telling her that they saw you. “If I don’t hear from her in the next hour I’ll get the police or some shit” she told the others while aggressively typing on her phone. “I have been everywhere. Her sips shift was over over an hour ago. I was at her dorm, the library, the cafeteria and the gym but she’s nowhere to be found” she added.
“Have you looked at sips?” Whitney asked making the blonde scoff.
“It’s Thursday” she answered leaving everybody confused, “She hates it there on Thursdays, so why would she stay longer?” While Kimberly found it unbelievably cute that Leighton knew which days you liked and which not she realized that the blonde didn’t have a clue how shifts might work.
Just as she was about to explain that to her there was a knock on the door. The youngest Murray sibling quickly jumped up to see who was behind the door, a relief sigh leaving her when she saw you. But her relief quickly disappeared when she saw how your shoulders were hanging, your eyes wet and barely sparkling anymore and your lips trembling when you tried to greet her. Everybody looked at you, making it even worse. Leighton quickly pulled you in to the room, her hands caressing your cheek softly. “What happened y/n?” She asked carefully while studying your face.
You tried to speak but every time you wanted to open your mouth, you could feel yourself starting to cry. The blonde didn’t want to force you to speak so she just wrapped you in a hug which made you sob out. “Shh, it’s okay. Everything is gonna be okay” she mumbled over and over, feeling all her roommates watch her. They couldn’t believe it, Leighton was hugging someone and in addition to that, someone who was crying. While they stared at her, she tightened her arms around you as she felt your legs giving out. “Bela, Kimberly couch” she asked. They quickly stood up and set on the seats across the couch so you two could sit there. When your cries slowly died down, the blonde pointed at the fridge, making Kimberly get up to get you a bottle of water. “Thank you”
Once your girlfriend had forced you to drink some water with the words “you don’t want to look puffy later do you?”, she repeated her question from before. “It’s stupid, really” you answered but the look she gave you made you continue. “I just had a bad day” you then explained, looking down at your hands.
“That isn’t stupid, love” she comforted, her hands still rubbing circles across your back.
“Can we ask what happened?” Whitney said carefully. One, she didn’t wanna upset you further, and two, she was scared of Leighton is she did upset you further.
“It’s just, my charger broke so my phone didn’t load which meant that my alarm didn’t ring. Then I was too late to Econ and the prof lectured me like half an hour after the lecture that I was too late and as soon as I left the room somebody spilled their hot coffee onto me, but I was already too late to change. So I had to sit in my next lecture drenched in hot coffee and when I wanted to change during lunch I walked into my dorm just for my roommate to have another one night stand over, so I couldn’t change. And when I arrived at sips I was told that Zoe called in sick so I was alone and it was so full and these stupid frat boys were there so I had to work longer than my shift went and they made me spill oat milk on myself” by the end you were nearly crying again. If it wasn’t for Leighton giving you comfort you definitely would.
“See, I told you Zoe is evil” Whitney pointed out, receiving a glare from Leighton which made you chuckle a bit. The moment the sound left your mouth the blonde stopped glaring and instead smiled at you. “I’m sorry the day was so shitty” she then added.
“Oh, I know these frat boys they’re so rude. They always knock their coffee down on purpose” Kimberly said, hoping that that would help you.
“Did you take on of those anxiety pills?” Leighton asked.
“No, they’ve been empty for like three weeks but the pharmacy isn’t delivering them. I called like 60 times and I even went there but nothing. They’re ignoring me” you explained while playing with the blondes fingers to calm yourself down.
“Wait, are you still wearing the shirt with the oat milk on it?” Bela asked as her eyes wandered down to your shirt. You gave her a nod with your lips pressed into a thin line.
“Alright, get up. You’re going to change and then we are going to deal with the rest” you only whined, moving seemed really hard right now and you’d rather not do anything. But the blonde grabbed your hand and pulled you up and into her room. The others tried to give you privacy but couldn’t help the glance through the open door where they witnessed Leighton pulling the shirt over your head and helping you put on another one. You didn’t even need to be told to get on the bed, instead just immediately falling into it, burying your face in the pillow that smelled like your girlfriend.
“Are you gonna come cuddle?” Your voice was muffled due to the pillow which somehow made the whole thing even cuter to Leighton. She nodded and placed herself next to you so you could cuddle. The fact that you were now going to sleep while it wasn’t even 5 pm wasn’t something she liked as you’d definitely have problems sleeping later but she ultimately decided that an hour won’t hurt after the day you had. She’d just wake you up when it was time for dinner.
“No! I mean today, latest in 2 hours. I don’t care, we’ve been waiting for these meds for weeks now!” Leighton nearly screamed into the phone as she exited her room, “Look if you don’t want a lawsuit you’ll bring them in the next two hours. Oh trust me, I have the money to run you down until you do not have a penny anymore. Thank you very much” when she hung up the phone she saw three pair of eyes starring at her.
“What?” She asked her roommates.
“What was that?” Whitney asked, her brows furrowed while the rest also starred at her.
“That damn pharmacy that’s been blowing y/n off” she shrugged as she sat down next to Bela on the couch. “Oh, Kimberly. Do you still have that calming green tea?”
“Uhm, yeah I do. I think it’s in the drawer over there, take as many as you need” the girl pointed to a drawer close to the fridge making Leighton stand up to find the package.
“Great, thank you. I’m gonna get some of y/ns favorite snacks. Does anybody else want something?” After each of them added at least on snack she quickly walked to the small store on campus to get everything. Once she was back the medication was already in front of the door and she still had enough time to brew your tea before she wanted to wake you. “Alright everybody, here are your snacks” she announced as she placed their bag on the table, keeping yours safely stowed in her hand while she heated up a cup of water.
“Love, come on. Wake up, it’s dinner time soon” she carefully shook you awake before placing a soft kiss in your cheek.
“How long did I sleep?” You grumbled as you hid your face in her stomach, still way too sleepy to think clear. The way the blonde brushed her fingers through your hair nearly made fall back asleep.
“Like an hour, but it’s dinner time and you gotta eat something so up you go” she encouraged noticing your hesitation and the way your eyes were darting around endlessly. It was a typical thing you did when you got anxious. “Hey, it’s alright. I even got you your meds so your mind and body can relax a bit” She presented the meds and the tea to you after helping you sit up.
“Thank you” she only gave you a soft smile and wrapped an arm around you.
Not long after you sat in the cafeteria, just observing the discussion the table had while eating your food. Due to the medication you were a lot calmer, giving you time to rest. Your whole body leaned against Leightons something she actually encouraged. Except for Bela, who once saw Leighton and the first girl she knew of make out, no one of them had ever seen her this touchy with anybody.
“Hey what are you guys thinking about watching a movie before we go to sleep? There’s a new Netflix movie that I think we’d all enjoy” Kimberly suggested, earning a yes from everybody except Leighton who instead looked at you who said yes.
“Are you sure you’re up for this?” She whispered to you who was laying on her shoulder. You really liked Kimberly and she was scared that you were only too nice to say no. The nod you gave her didn’t convince her at all so you grabbed her chin to title her head down making it easier for you to press a kiss to her lips.
“I promise I’m up for this” you reassured again, she nodded at you and then at Kimberly who happily clapped her hands.
After all of you finished eating you redecorated the dorms common room so all of you could sit comfortably while watching the movie on the small projector Leighton bought during on of her shopping trips. You sat in front of your girlfriend, your back against her front with a blanket over your legs. To everybodies surprise the movie was actually good and all of you enjoyed it. At least until your eyelids became heavier and you drifted to sleep in her arms. When she noticed that you were asleep she pulled the blanket higher and pressed a kiss to your forehead mumbling a quiet ‘sleep well’.
“Who knew Leighton Murray could be such a softie?” Whitney grinned as she looked at you two earning an agreeing nod from the other two.
“What?!” The blonde asked visibly confused.
“Dude you’re a simp for your girl” Bela laughed enjoying the look on her roommates face.
“I am not” she argued back. “You’re so lucky she’s asleep otherwise I’d beat you up”
“Well, she’d kinda right. But like in a good way, you really care for her and it’s very sweet” Kimberly explained knowing that Leighton wouldn’t do anything to her as you liked her too much. Something that actually proved what she just said.
“Whatever! You guys are crazy” she complained feeling you stir slightly in her arms, “and now be quiet before you wake her”
“Simp” Bela whispered while turning her focus back on the movie only to miss the pillow that was chucked her way.
She knew that she was soft for you and she loved it, she loved you. But that wasn’t her roommates business.
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eruhamster · 1 month
love imagining how those first few years probably were for "ming yi". he gets up there and thinks he's gonna immediately start wrecking the lives of shi wudu and sqx even if he has to be a spy. he immediately wants to know where this fucking wind master is and someone points him over and sqx is a hot woman and he's just like FUCK SHE'S HOT?
and he gets over it and starts begrudgingly hanging around him because what else is he gonna do and sqx just thinks he's making friends with the shy new guy. and he thinks to himself maybe he can get this hot woman to hate him and ruin her day if he just starts insulting her. but every fucking time he does it sqx just thinks it's fucking funny and like he's just joking
and so he's like. ok. maybe i can insult her brother. so he tries bitching about how evil and selfrighteous shi wudu and his friends are and sqx just goes "OH MY GODDDD FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT omg listen ive been calling them the three tumors in my head please lets make that catch on pleaaaase" and now he's even more pissed off because not only has he not fucked up sqx's day or made him hate him yet, he actually likes sqx a little now bc he thinks his brother is an asshole too
and then just day by day he starts realizing he's liking this hot chick more and more. she throws money around to anyone in need, she hangs out in the mortal realm more than in heaven, she does work everyone else ignores and even visits the rain master sometimes to be friendly and she's always so loud about justice and her feelings and no matter how many times he tries to allude to the he xuan thing sqx seems totally clueless and sometimes he laments that he doesnt even want to be a god and doesnt understand why he ascended and doesnt feel like he fits in and honestly she kinda looks like his fiancee
and then just 1 day someone is an ass or something to sqx and in the back of his head he was already festering on a thought he wished he didnt have about how sqx is so generous but no one sticks around and so he just goes off on this person and NOW sqx is calling him his best friend and the poor man just goes home to his palace and just
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dollwrites · 2 months
Good morning to you too!!! Omg yes I couldn’t decide but I would love to see #1 with Mammon. It’d be so weird to not request him as I named -mammon anon 🤣
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, rough backshots, spit as lube, anal play ( a finger ), spanking, suggested breeding kink, suggested anal sex, light praise, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗿𝗯𝘀 ∣ prompt # one // mirror sex
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you were watching him through the mirror, not yourself. you couldn’t help it, when the devil king mounted you from behind. you had to see him— to watch how his massive pectorals rose and fell with heavy snorting through his nose, how his dark brows furrowed from behind slick tendrils that hangs in his face.
though, it definitely wasn’t easy to keep your concentration on the man fucking you. the mirror quakes, along with most everything else within the room, causing the visage of your lover to blur when his herculean hips buck home, and it takes all of your power to stay firmly planted on the bed, lest you be thrown into the floor ( it wouldn’t have been the first time, but Mammon was also not above following you down there, and sticking his foot in the back of your head to hold you in place while he finished ).
“Harder,” you pant, the sound barely audible over his bestial snarling, “harder!” with anyone else, it would’ve been a demand barked to startle them into submission— but with King Mammon, it was a plea. a whimper. a desperate yip for him to truly wreck you.
his honeyed gaze was focused downward instead of into the glass to meet your own. you knew that he couldn’t help it; entranced by the ripples your ass makes when he slaps it. he does so again for good measure, and your back arches tight, pushing his favorite section of your body back into him. hunkering closer to the bed, your breasts rubbing against the mattress, you wince from the sting. “Your Majesty…”
“Begging for me to beat your pussy up again?” there’s a thick layer of arrogance in his voice as he uses both hands to grope your ass cheeks, massaging the sting away, and spreading them. his parted lips quirk into a smirk when you clench hard, and your tight ring puckers for him, just like you know he likes. “Hmph. Spoiled little breeding bitch.” but he doesn’t complain. instead, he obliges— using the grip on your ass to anchor you, his rutting turning brutal enough for you to claw at the black satin sheets under your sweaty body. your eyes, as much as you try to keep them on the heaving, rocking figure, flutter closed under the rush of pleasure.
“Yes, yes, yes!!” you yelp in tandem with every thrust; your insides churning as he spears into them. your elastic walls thrummed in a frenzy, milking his thick cock.
“Hell, you’re tight…” Mammon grunts in appreciation, and you can feel a dribble of fluid sliding between your spread cheeks. you knew it must be spit— without looking, you can imagine the familiar sight. Mammon’s long, thick tongue hanging out, saliva dripping from it in translucent globs down on to the hole he’s dying to get inside of. “Look at me, breeder.” you open your eyes, feeling the rough pad of his calloused thumb sweeping over your asshole, smearing the spit around it, and you realize he’s also raised his gaze from your perfect ass, and his golden eyes are glaring at you from the reflection. locked in such a disjointed stare, your lips part to speak, but he beats you to it. “Is this pussy mine?” he asks, and you almost wonder if he’s joking. balls deep in your hole, stretching it out, his pounding making you see double, and he’s asking if it’s his?
“Mhm!” you answer, one hand pushing itself down the length of your belly. your svelte fingertips find your swollen clit and rub it furiously. “‘S yours!”
“And this tight ass?” he asks again. this time, his thumb pushes on your pucker, worming its way inside the spasming canal. luckily, it was slick and gave way for the large digit. you mewl in response to another hole being violated, smiling breathlessly as he uses it as a hook. the rest of his powerful hand spread against your lower back. “Do I own it?”
“Yes, yes, Your Majesty! You own my ass!” as you cry this out, you attempt to look over your left shoulder to look into his eyes and show him how earnest you are, but he doesn’t allow that.
Mammon grins, his fangs dragging across his lower lip as he does so, and his free hand palms the back of your head, and forces it straight again, a growl rumbling deep in his throat. “That’s a good girl. Are you ready to watch me fuck it?”
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osamucide · 9 months
Hi! I love your writing sm!!🥰 can I request a jealous Nikolai or Fyodor (nsfw pls) it doesn’t matter either one 🙏
jealous – nikolai gogol + fyodor dostoevsky . . . .ᐟ
wc: 1.5k
cw: explicit sexual content, gn!reader, language, dirty talk, brief mentions of ownership/belonging, toxic ass men. nikolai: mentions of injury/threats/murder, edging mention, oral (m!receiving), rough facefucking, wrist restraints, cum eating, nicknames (dovey, angel, sweetheart; kolya for him); fyodor: teasing, mild degradation, mild spanking, one religious reference, fingering, penetration, i love yous, nicknames (pretty, my love, whore, милашка/milashka=cutie; fedya, my only/everything for him)
reid: hey anon, thank you so much for the kind words uwu why not both?? inspo for this struck me as hcs/scenario format, hope that's okay <3 this is my first time ever writing for nikolai! he's so insane and he was actually a lot of fun to take a shot at. enjoy!
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i can see NIKOLAI being easily made jealous.
even if you don't mean to provoke it, he's got a screw or two loose enough that his paranoia will get the better of him
and in true nikolai nature, he'll do some unhinged shit in the name of protecting his relationship with you.
he definitely maimed, shot, and mutilated a couple innocent flirters before you could really sit down with him and express how much you...disliked that methodology.
he does not play about you.
he gets better about it further into your relationship - no more murder on your behalf, you tell him, and he can manage that much! with this man, however, the unfortunate soul who fucketh around shall still findeth out.
oh, how he enjoys the look on the handsy stranger's face when he slinks up behind you to curl around your waist and portal-hold the tip of a blade to their chin
likes your reaction even more!
the way you squeeze his arm when you realize it's just your beloved jester behind you -
the blush on your face as you explain to the scum that this is your dear boyfriend (and apologize for the knife pointed at their face) -
the smooch you whip around to press to nikolai's cheek while he withdraws the weapon but never breaks eye contact with the stranger as they back away -
it all works like a charm!
what he loves most, though, comes later...
He's been edging himself with your mouth for god knows how long.
"If other bitches get to hear you talk, it's gonna be with that pretty voice wrecked," Nikolai groans, out of breath. "Feels- ngh, s'fuckin' good."
You can barely take it anymore. The blood's rushing to your head, first of all - it's been hanging off the edge of the bed practically since the minute you got home. Your jaw aches as Nikolai continues to use your throat. Most frustrating, though, is the pulsing heat between your legs that you can't even sate because your lover has bound your wrists up near your chest - all you can do is arch when, off and on, Nikolai reaches down to play with you while he fucks your mouth.
But he's getting needy, you can tell, because he loses himself a bit - he hasn't touched you in a good few minutes and his thrusts are getting greedier. He's long quit letting you come up for air. You think you've run out of tears - all you can do is breathe furiosly through your nose as he holds each side of your head and grunts from his chest as he ruins you.
You claw at him. "So good, dovey," he tells you, "almost done. Keep bein' good f'me- yeah."
You move your tongue how you can, hum around him when you can - eventually your dedication is rewarded when he pulls all the way out and strokes himself frantically over your tongue - and you cough a little, curling up into yourself.
You can hardly help your open-mouthed smile, however, when Nikolai releases the rough grip on your jaw to caress your cheek as he cums in thick spurts across your face. Your lashes flutter, he's moaning - "fuck, angel- angh!" - and you let out the garbled beginnings of a giggle as you lap up what makes it in your mouth.
You feel him scoop his load off your skin before his finger's in your mouth. Immediatley after you suck the rest of him down, he's bending down to kiss you sloppily and uncuff your wrists.
"That's my dovey," he affirms (more to himself than you). He peppers your face with kisses, his messy, snowy bangs brushing your face. "C'mere."
He works you upright just to lay you back down, more comfortably this time, finally and with fervor circling his fingers around your clenching hole.
"Kolya-" you rasp, sore.
"Took me so good, sweetheart," Nikolai shushes you, eyes alight with mania as he starts trailing kisses from your neck to your stomach. "Now that you remember who owns you, 'm gonna show you none of those motherfuckers could make you feel as good as I can."
. . . .ᐟ
oh, demon FYODOR.
i think he's less jealous than he is simply possessive.
he's not super concerned about people flirting with you, doing things for you, checking you out...in fact, he kind of likes watching those things happen! not that he doesn't expect it, you're perfect after all <3
because he knows, as you settle in his arms to whisper about the compliment you received or giggle at the person who offered to pay for your coffee, none of it will ever compare to the sweet words and pure love he showers you with, and he relishes in that fact. they can try anything they want, but you will never belong to anyone but him.
doesn't go needlessly far with expressing his jealousy when it does crop up - he's a tactful man, and he's not going to act out in a way that might put you off like nikolai will
he's patient, too. he's so composed around others. no one expects it - anyone who doesn't know better would assume the idiot who makes a pass at the demon king's beloved would get the whole room aired out in a matter of seconds
on the contrary, fyodor will sit with the closest he can get to a humorous grin on his face while he waits for you to make your way over and kiss him or sit on his lap or hook your arms around his waist
he'll tease you a little about it. "getting some attention?"
if you smile at him reassuringly, lean in, and tell him, "none that truly concerns me," all will be peaceful.
if you tease him back, however - maybe cross your legs away from him and shoot him a smirk and a quick "maybe so" - oh yeah, you're in for it.
He works you up, makes you a mess - then he throws it in your face.
"My gosh, милашка-" He doesn't take the Lord's name in vain even while he's drawing downright sinful noises from your body. "-listen to yourself. Shameless."
Fyodor's a patient man, as mentioned before; he uses it to his advantage in situations like this. He's stretching you out on his lithe fingers, slowly, almost painfully - his other hand traverses your thigh, landing a hard spank to the side of your ass each time you roll your hips unwillingly. You really can't help it either way - you have to watch and feel his pretty, pale fingers disappear into your hole, so it's either squirm and get smacked or whine and get mocked.
You're in a lose-lose situation, it seems. It felt amazing at first, the slow curl of his knuckles inside you, the gentle circling of his wrist, the concentrated sighs that left his rosy lips as he watched you relax into his touch, but now it's just torture. Now, you can only clench furiously and cry out please, please, just a little faster, Fedya, please!
Your eyes water when he finally gives in a little, moving fractionally faster.
"Do you deserve it, my love?" He cocks his head, looking at you as if he really values your opinion on the matter. "Or, my whore - since you're comfortable entertaining the advances of strangers."
You weren't, you must've sworn up and down ten times by now. You were being polite, you promise, but he shakes his head, his soft black locks waving as if mocking you too.
"Polite? You're lucky I haven't forced that filthy mouth shut. That's what got you here, after all," Fyodor explains excruciatingly. Sure, you got a little sassy with him after he accused you of being just that, a whore, after you'd flashed a humble smile toward the fellow restaurant patron who'd sent you a drink. And sure, that was tone deaf of them, considering Fyodor was very clearly holding your hand across the table and sporting your love bites on his neck, but you just couldn't be rude.
His eyes soften when a fat tear rolls down your cheek.
"Oh, pretty, don't cry." He shifts his legs beneath himself; his pace stays the same, but he reaches deeper inside you. "You remember who you're talking to, yes? You learn your lesson?"
You nod frantically. You whimper. "Of course, of course, Fedya, my only, ‘m sorry..."
You yelp like you've been burnt when he pulls his fingers out of you, but soon enough his hand is gripping your waist, his tip is teasing your entrance, and he's cooing into your ear, "Your only. You only love me, right? Say it."
You cup his face, grab at his shoulders, grind into him as you tearily reply, "Only love you, Fedya. I love you. You're my everything, please. My everything. I love you."
He knows you do. He just has to make you say it - make sure you know you do.
Fyodor's tongue finds yours as he thrusts into you - you're his everything, too, and he won't admit that, but he'll fuck you so good you know it's true.
"Relax, my love. Let me make you cum."
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majimemegoro · 10 months
Kamurocho dashboard simulator
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🏵 tojoc0re Follow
nishiki was 27 years old???
🏵 tojoc0re Follow
he shouldnt have been made a patriarch the dragon of dojima would of been better at it :/
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📸 daily-mac-photos Follow
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#kamurocho #tokyo #tenkaichi street #japan landscapes #photographers of japan #travel #cyberpunk #not as zesty as my usual subject matter but #lmao pls reblog this i almost got beat up by color gang members taking this photo
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🦢 chinpiraposting Follow
my hungry ass can't be left alone with staminam x i suck those bad boys down like juice
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🚲 wackycyclist Follow
#the entitlement i see on this site sometimes is disgusting #y'all will just post about having easy access to bicycles??? #some of us had our bicycles wrecked in fights??? #vent #do not rb
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🗡 koinodiscoqueen Follow
I've talked a lot about this already on this blog, but I want to have everything collected in one post so next time some dipshit with a hannya hand icon slides into my inbox to call me a liar I can just link to this post. tl;dr shimano futoshi made my cousin feel realy unsafe while she was shaving his head, and here are the receipts:
Keep reading
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🚡 matsushigeboss-deactivated30190547
fr we need to stop letting twunks be in charge of anything
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🍜 i<3kazama Follow
i stg if one more of you tells me the old yakuza way is dying I KNOW ALREADY shut UP
#feel like pure shit just want cold noodles
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📖 kamuroscamwatch Follow
today's scam: Aha water (again)
Was walking down pink street when I got stopped by a barker who promised that all my problems could be solved..., long story short, anyone remember Aha water from the 80s? Well, they rebranded as AHA water (subtle, I know) and they''re back at it. I stalked the people who make it and they literally collected puddle water from the champion district to put in the concoction. I didn't really feel well after drinking it, but the overall experience was good because they totally tapped into that nostalgia. Overall a really solid scam. Stay safe out there kamurocho.
4/5 stars
#scamblr #aha water #1980s #scams #scam rating #safety #scam review
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👺 hannya69 Follow
batting center is a normal place to get nastay in reblog if u agree
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🚗 thepocketcricuitfighter Follow
Does anyone here still play pocket circuit? :)
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📈 reglarsalaryman Follow
wtf this guy just ripped off his shirt in the street and started whaling on some guys?? everyone else started clapping and cheering and I just went along with it lmao 😅 am I missing something????
#this is right after he sang a song and saved a couple from jumping off a building #he was glowing too.... #average night in kamurocho
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🐛 majimaunderlingbaddiebracket Follow
🔘 shinji-deactivated30190303
here y'all go again pitting two bad bitches against each other
🌀 jingusforehead Follow
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🌊 thugbaby Follow
everyone who voted minami is an arson apologist #nishidasweep
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🔥 businessboi Follow
fuck my job so much. everyone manifest an attack on millennium tower so I can go home.
🔥 businessboi Follow
by talos this can't be happening
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642 notes · View notes
skz317cb97 · 1 year
Beach Bum
Felix x Thick female reader
Word count: 7.6K
Synopsis: You tag along on spring break to visit your best friend's brother in Australia. A wardrobe issue forces you out of your comfort zone and into your worst nightmare
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! This one is a little tamer than my last fee but I hope you all enjoy it! If you do give it a reblog, like, comment, hit my ask box I'm always up for some feedback! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, mild violence (a punch), fat shaming (not Felix), oral (m&f receiving), cum shot, cum eating (only a little), protected piv sex, praise, body worship, pet names (angel, beautiful etc), guided masterbation (kinda), marking. I think that's everything. This one is tamer than the last few. If I missed something please let me know and I'll add it asap!
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When your best friend Rosa found out you had made no plans for spring break, she insisted on you tagging along on her trip to Australia instead of you barricading yourself in your room for seven days. She was going to visit her brother Felix who you had met loads of times. Whenever he was in town he’d mention getting a room and Rosa would argue, telling him that he just needed to crash with you all instead of wasting money on a hotel, understandably so. Naturally when you both were going for a visit back home he insisted upon the same thing. 
“Don’t you dare get a hotel when you get here. There’s plenty of room in my apartment.”  
“Are you sure? y/n is with me, it’s not too much?” Felix laughed sweetly  
“Of course not! I love y/n! She’s more than welcome to stay at mine as well.” Rosa was on the phone with Felix as you drove to the airport. You started blushing when you happened to hear him over the phone. You were possibly the biggest cliche walking on earth, a crush on your best friend’s brother.  
One of the times he was crashing with you and Rosa you’d ran into him coming from the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, wet hair, skin flushed, beads of water rolling down his thin but muscular frame. You quickly apologized and fled, putting your shoes on and leaving the apartment entirely to get a hold of yourself. Felix thought it was so cute how you dashed away. It just wasn’t fair. He was sweet and funny and looked like that. Freckled face, perfect smile, big brown eyes and then his voice! Felix was the whole package and entirely out of your league. What you didn’t know was that Felix was just as big of a cliché as you. He was entirely smitten by you. You were funny and smart and pretty, you checked all the boxes for Felix but he didn’t want to be that guy, hitting on his sister’s best friend. You heard Rosa groan at her brother. 
“Gahhokay okay Lix we’re crashing with you no need threaten me with mom. We’re at the airport now I’ll call you when wheels are down. Love you too. Bye.” Your friend hung up with her brother as you pulled into the long term parking lot. You took a big nervous sigh. You weren’t good with planes, you weren’t good with trips, and you had a flock of butterflies in your stomach thinking about spending the whole week at Felix’s place. Your friend could easily pick up on your nerves. 
“You’re more likely to get in a car wreck than a plane crash.” She tried to reassure you. You scoffed. 
“Lot of good that helps, I’ve never been in a wreck.” Rosa opened her door getting out and bending down looking into the car at you. 
“Excuse but I remember your last ex... if that wasn’t a wreck...” 
“YAH! Bitch! That’s it I’m not going! Have fun byyyye...” She laughed. 
“Get out of the car and get your ass in that airport.” Rosa shut her door as you got out laughing and grabbed your bag. 
“Ooo love it when you go all dom on me like that.” You blew her a kiss and winked and you both laughed harder, heading towards the airport with your bags in tow, ready for your break from school. Checking your bags and getting through security were as easy as expected, which was not at all, but you managed to make your flight still. To say that you were a nervous flyer would be an understatement. Typically you would drug yourself fall asleep and wake up at your destination but your flight to Australia wouldn’t take long so there was no knocking yourself out.  
As promised as soon as the wheels hit the ground in Sydney, Rosa texted Felix telling him you had arrived. He replied back saying that he was already at the airport waiting to pick you both up. You had done an amazing job pretending like you weren’t having the worst panic attack of your life on the plane. Once you were on the ground and got done unboarding it all started to catch up with you. You and Rosa got your bags and she started scanning the crowd for her big brother. You were starting to feel clammy and then Rosa spotted Felix. 
“Ooo there he is!” She started waving at him as you both walked towards him. Just as you got up to him you could feel the blood leaving your face. 
“Whoa, y/n are you okay you look a litt-” Before Felix could finish his sentence your vision went blurry and then you were out. 
“y/n!” Rosa called out worried. 
“Oh shit!” Felix lunged and helped you to the ground softly instead of falling like a sack of potatoes. Felix told Rosa to run and get you some water while he tried to get you to come back around. 
“y/n-ie? Come on... can you hear me? Wake up sweetie.” You let out a soft groan as the lights came back on one by one. 
“There you go. There you go.” You opened your eyes and found Felix’s beautiful face staring down at you. You jumped and scrambled to sit up out of his lap and he shushed you and eased you back. 
“Whoa whoa whoa slow down, just lay back. You fainted, Rosa’s grabbing some water just... take it easy. I’ve got you.” Your face started to burn, he smiled, and you relaxed. Rosa was back with a bottle of water quickly. 
“Here babe drink this.” She handed you the bottle. Felix helped you sit up, you opened the water and took a sip. 
“Are you okay?” You nodded taking another sip of the water. 
“Yea yea I’m fine.” She looked at you unconvinced. You shook your head as you went to stand up, Felix holding your hand and arm helping. 
“Really Rosie I’m okay, I promise.” She accepted your promise with the use of the nickname and you both grabbed your luggage. Felix quickly reached to grab yours. 
“I’ve got this.” You shook your head. 
“Oh Lix you don’t have to I can carry it.” He gave you that warm sunny smile. 
“It’s no trouble really.” You allowed him to take the bag and he then led you both to his car. Your friend Rosa was very type A so the whole trip was planned and had an itinerary. Museums, shows, spa, and of course the beach. The day you arrived you just relaxed after the flight, too tired to do anything other than vegging out on the couch with Felix. As soon as the sun was high in the sky the next day, Rosa started whining to Felix about taking you all to the beach. 
“PPppleeeaaaasssseee. It’s so pretty today its perfect for the beach!” He was trying to talk her out of it. It was mid-day, on a Saturday, during spring break, the beach would be crazy. When you heard her pleading you ran into the kitchen to assist. 
“It really is Lixie come on pleaaaase?!” You leaned over the counter across from him begging and Felix could see down your shirt. He tried not to but your breasts were so big and looked so soft and you weren’t wearing a bra-. 
“Lix?” He snapped out of it and looked at you hoping you couldn’t tell he was blushing. 
“Will you?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“Take us to the beach?” That’s right his brain was catching up again. 
“OH! Uh... yea sure of course.” You and Rosa both squealed with excitement. You gave Felix a hug and he tried to think pure thoughts when your soft body hugged his, your breasts covered only by a shirt pressed against his chest. 
“We’ll go get ready!” Rosa said dashing off quickly. You ran off quickly behind her. You drug out your suitcase and started going through it. You had packed two bathing suits for the trip, a modest one piece with a ruffled skirt attached for the beach and a bikini that you only planned on wearing under a robe at the spa you and Rosa had booked. You shuffled through your luggage looking for the one piece, not finding it anywhere. 
“No. No. Nonononono FUCK! It has to be in here!” You dumped the whole suitcase and tossed articles of clothing everywhere. Felix was walking by and heard cussing, he ducked his head into your room and clothes flew by. 
“Uhh... y/n? Everything okay?” You jumped and squeaked as you turned and saw Felix standing in your doorway.  
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you. Everything alright? I heard swearing and...” You nodded quickly. 
“Oh yea Felix everything’s good I was just looking for my bathing suit.” He took a step in. 
“Oh! Do you need help?” You stopped him stammering. 
“Uh no! No I found it! All good!” He smiled and back out again. 
“Okay good! We’ll leave for the beach in ten, okay?” You smiled, nodding. When Felix closed the door you started rifling through the clothes again. There was the bikini now where was that god damn one piece. Then you remembered. You switched bags. You had made sure to pack the one-piece in the first suitcase but then you switched the night before to a slightly bigger one in case you bought souvenirs in Australia. You had set the one piece aside and you told yourself not to forget it, but you needed to get to bed and you were in a hurry and clearly you had forgotten it. What the hell were you going to do you thought to yourself. You couldn’t bail, you and Rosa had just begged Felix to take you, you both had just been going on about how excited you were to go.  You sighed heavily looking at the bikini. 
“Fuck!” You threw the two pieces of lycra on and looked in the mirror. You couldn’t be more screwed. This was meant to be worn under a robe for no one’s eyes to see. Not at a beach full of people, not in front of Felix. Two thin straps tied at the neck and around the back of the top, the small triangular pieces of fabric attempted to cover your large breasts and did so poorly. While the top was skimpy it was the bottoms you were really concerned about. You turned looking at your ass. Two more little strings tied each side of the bottoms around your wide hips and led back to a thong, the tiniest piece of fabric that your juicy ass cheeks ate entirely. Definitely screwed. You grabbed a big hoodie and some shorts and put them on over what little bathing suit you had on, grabbed your towel then headed out with Rosa and Felix to the beach. You were just pulling up when Felix hit a bump and the slushy Rosa had to get at the convenient store got spilled on your lap. 
“Shit!” Rosa apologized. 
“Oh babe I’m so sorry! Leave your shorts in the car and I’ll wash them as soon as we get back to Lix’s.” You started to flush. 
“You mean take them off?” Rosa giggled a little as she and Felix started getting out of the car. 
“Well you’re not staying in the car with them so that would be the best option.” You got out of the car, stood behind your door then quickly dropped your shorts and wrapped your big beach towel around you. 
“Race you to the sand!” Rosa took off and Felix started to but then noticed you were just walking behind. He slowed down to let you catch up.  
“It’s so warm today, aren’t you burning up in that hoodie?” You absolutely were but there was no way you were taking it off. 
“No I’m fine.” Felix nodded and didn’t push the subject; he knew you were a little self-conscious about your body even though he thought it was perfect. You all got to the sand and tossed your stuff down.  Felix spread out the beach blanket and set up the umbrellas. You sat down under one and pulled out a book. Rosa looked at you incredulously. 
“Really?” You scrunched your face at her. 
“You know very well I'm a ‘read at the beach’ person not a ‘frolic in the water’ beach person. Go on you and Lix go be water babies and frolic. I’ll be fine here.” Your friend leaned down and kissed your forehead. 
“Love you mooooom!” She shouted as she ran off towards the water. You shook your head as you and Felix laughed. 
“You sure you don’t want to come?” His cheeks were already turning pink from the sun and his freckles became more prominent. You shook your head. 
“Maybe later Lix, thanks.” He smiled and it was brighter than the sun, then he ran off to attack his sister in the water. You laid back and relaxed reading your book. After a while even in the shade of the umbrella you started to get hot. The umbrellas gave you a good deal of coverage. You took the hoodie off and wrapped your towel around your chest and relaxed back again. You closed your eyes, not to sleep just to rest them you told yourself as you dozed off. Cool drops of water were what woke you. They felt soothing on your warm skin. 
“Are the kids having fun?” You asked assuming it was Rosa standing close enough to drip on you. 
“Yes angel” You jumped and Felix giggled a little. You opened your eyes to see that he was standing over you drinking some water.  
“Sorry I didn’t mean to disturb your beach nap.” You shook your head sitting up and when you did your towel came undone from around the top of you and suddenly everything from the waist up was on display. Felix choked on his water and almost spit it out. You were some type of goddess he was convinced. Suddenly you heard a wolf whistle and saw Rosa walking up to get a drink as well. 
“Hot momma!” She called out. 
“Can you stop calling me mom, I’m starting to think you have a kink.” Felix laughed and Rosa feigned laughing along. 
“Oh hahaha, give me a bottle of water while you’re sitting there giving away Victoria’s secret.” You rolled your eyes and tossed her a bottle while you half assed covered back up. At that point what did the top matter. As long as you didn’t have to ditch the towel on the bottom you were fine you could handle it. 
“Come on mo-othman...”  
“Good save Rosa...” Felix nudged his sister. 
“Shut up! Let's get in the water again, you too biatch!” She grabbed your hand playfully pulling as you shook your head no. 
“No Rosa I... I can’t it’s okay go without me.” Her eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips. 
“You know you’re stubborn as hell right?” You smiled nodding. 
“You always say it’s a good thing and that you love me.” Rosa shook her head.  
“No sweetie I always tell you that you’re stubborn as hell and it’s a good thing that I love you.” She kissed your forehead again and ran off to the water. Felix was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. 
“Oh sush.” You told him. His laughter died down and he knelt down sitting on his knees by you. 
“Why won’t you come in the water, are you scared of sharks? Cause they have spotters and it’s been years sin-”  
“It’s not sharks that I’m scared of Lixie.” He looked at you sweetly and waited for you to elaborate. You took a deep breath you could hardly stand the way his soft eyes were fixated on you. 
“I... this isn’t my usual bathing suit and the bottoms well... there’s not much bottoms...” Felix attempted to keep his brain from short circuiting with that information. 
“I’m scared someone will stare or say something... because... you know... I’m... big.” Felix’s voice came out softly. 
“Ohhh, y/n... no. You... I mean... well... I think you look amazing in your swimsuit. It looks really good on you.” You started blushing.  
“If you want we can walk out to the water together, once you’re in the water no one will see anything. It feels really good and you can’t go to the beach and not get in the water.” Felix made it sound so easy and saying that he thought you looked good in your bikini made you feel a little more confident. If Felix thought you looked good it couldn’t be that bad. You stood up and let the towel fall down. You were still pretty much blocked from the strangers on the beach but Felix could see everything and loved it. Every roll and curve of your full body made his heart race. He prayed to god he didn’t get a boner because there would be no hiding it in his trunks. You stood there a little unsure still. 
“Are you sure this looks okay Lix?” He stammered and caught himself. 
“Y-y-yeah! Absolutely you look great!” A shy smile crept onto your face. Felix thread his fingers through yours and you both started towards the water. As soon as Rosa saw you both walking out she started walking up on the sand towards you to meet you halfway. 
“Hey! What the fuck! How did you get her to act like a real hum-” 
“Moooooooo!” You heard it. Felix heard it. Rosa heard it. Everyone in a mile radius heard it. You all turned and standing not too far from you was a frat bro, obviously drunk, and a few of his buddies. When you looked at him he repeated. 
“Moooooo!” The one thing you had hoped wouldn’t happen, the reason you never dressed that way, your worst nightmare was coming true on a beach in front of Felix. The frat jerk laughed and continued on. 
“Oink oink!” You choked out a sob and ran for the beach blanket grabbing your things quickly. The drunk asshole taunting you as you ran away. 
“Oink oink oi-” The drunk dick head was silenced when Rosa stormed up and punched his lights out. He hit the deck and of course, with it being spring break, beach patrol was right there to see it. They started to escort Rosa away for detainment while the frat bros friends tried to help him walk up right but ended up dragging him away more or less. As Rosa was walking off with beach patrol she hollered back to Felix.  
“Lix! Go find y/n! Make sure she’s okay!” He threw his hands up. 
“What about you?!” She waved him off. 
“I’ll be fine get y/n!” Beach patrol cuffed Rosa and braced her head as they put her in the back of a cruiser and took off. Felix quickly grabbed the blanket and umbrellas then ran off to find you. He was relieved to find you sitting by the car, having nowhere else to really go.  Your hoodie was back on, towel around you. You had your knees pulled up and your face was buried in your arms as you cried absolutely humiliated. 
“y/n...” You sniffled and looked up at Felix then started crying again. Felix crouched down and hugged you. After a minute you calmed down and Felix unlocked the car tossing the stuff inside quickly then helping you up and into the car, still sniffing and wiping your face with your towel. Felix started the car and took off quietly giving you some time. He could only imagine how hurt you were, the hurt he felt for you was unbearable and he felt so guilty. He had reassured you that you looked amazing, you did. That asshole didn’t deserve to lick the sand off your toes, you were an absolute angel, a goddess of beauty. After a moment of silence in the car you realized there were two instead of three people in the vehicle. 
“Where’s Rosa?” You asked in a small voice. Felix glanced between you and the road quickly. 
“Oh... uh... well... she got arrested.” Suddenly your problem seemed trivial. 
“W-WHAT?! HOW!?”  
“Well she sort of decked that asshole, knocked him out cold actually, then beach patrol drug her off. It’s spring break, they’re used to fights. They’ll keep her overnight in the drunk tank and let her go in the morning with a ticket. It’s not the first time she’s visited that drunk tank for fighting on the beach so don’t worry about her okay?” You nodded, a little half smile on your face at the idea of Rosa punching that dick head. Felix made a turn in the opposite direction of his place and you were confused. 
“Isn’t your apartment back that way?” He smiled nodding, eyes on the road. 
“It is. We’re not going to my apartment though.”  
“Uh... w-where are we going?” He made another turn. 
“I told you that you can’t go to the beach and not get into the water...” You started shaking your head no. You could not have a repeat of what just happened. 
“No Lix let’s jus-” 
“It’s okay, it’s my secret spot. My own personal beach. I’ve gone there for years and never seen someone else there. Trust me okay?” Your heart was racing with anxiety but you nodded agreeing. Felix pulled off onto the shoulder into some gravel, parked and turned off the car. 
“We’re here.” It didn’t look like a beach was anywhere near there. Felix got out and opened your door helping you out then grabbing the beach blanket and heading for the tree line. 
“Uh Lixie... where’s the beach?” He laughed deeply. 
“Follow me.” He started to make his way through some brush and you quickly followed before you were left behind. When you made your way through the brush line you found Felix waiting on a path. 
“Come on it’s just a little further this way.” You could hear the ocean now, you were surprised how much the tree line blocked it out. You followed Felix up the path and then you came out on a beautiful little beach. White sand, clear water, and not another singles soul in sight. 
“Oh my god Felix! This place is beautiful!” He smiled ear to ear then ran onto the beach and spread out the blanket falling back and landing on his ass. You walked over and knelt down on the blanket too still in your hoodie, wrapped in your towel. 
“It’s okay y/n. You can relax.” You sat down, stretching your legs out and resting back on your hands. Felix shook his head. 
“I mean it’s okay for you to ditch the hoodie and towel.” You sat up again.  
“Oh! Well... I...” Felix’s hand came up and rubbed your back. 
“I think you look amazing in your bathing suit and it’s only me and you. Trust me?” You looked at him and nodded. You took the hoodie off first tossing it away on the blanket then removing the towel that you had wrapped around your waist. Felix’s eyes ran up and down your body. 
“Lixie?” His lustful gaze turned soft when he realized he’d been staring. 
“Uh... yea... okay! Now let’s get in that water!” Felix jumped up and ran for the ocean. You stood, laughing and made your way down to the shoreline stopping before actually getting in. Felix was already out to his waist in the water, he slapped a big splash of water at you and you were sprayed with cool drops. 
“Get in already!” He called after you. You rolled your eyes but you were laughing. He was happy to see you smiling. 
“I’m convinced every time you get into the ocean you regress to a twelve-year-old.” He laughed and splashed you again. 
“Get! In!” Slash, splash, splash. 
“Okay okay I’m coming stop drowning me!” Felix relented and you waded out into the ocean until you were also waist deep. He was standing in front of you with his smile brighter than the sun reflecting off the water. 
“See? Nice isn’t it?” You hummed nodding running your hands gently through the water. Looking down and seeing all the little fish swimming around the two of you. Felix was staring again this time at your beautiful face while you watched in amazement. The two of you waded out a little further and it seemed like the deeper you got the closer Felix was to you. You jumped when his hand found your waist thinking a fish brushed against you, then you realized it was Felix’s hand, then his arm was around you, then both, your soft wet body squishing against his firm bare chest. Both of you warm and sun kissed. You let out a shudder of a breath. 
“You cold?” He asked in that deep voice, pressing your bodies together closer. You shook your head no. 
“N-no...” He was looking deep into your eyes shaking his head no along with you. His face was leaning in closer and closer. Suddenly a big wave came and crashed into the two of you knocking you under water, sending you spinning. When you resurfaced you spotted Felix frantically looking around for you. When he spun and saw you his hand went to his heart and he let out a sigh of relief. You both made your way out of the water and to the blanket to catch your breath and lay out to dry. Whatever moment had been happening before, the wave ruined and was forgotten. After laying there for a minute you opened your eyes and looked over at Felix. He was laying on his back, eyes closed, little content smile on his face. The apples of his cheeks were starting to turn a little red from the sun and you could count each individual freckle on his face. His blonde hair getting fluffier as it dried. 
“Thanks Felix.” He scrunched his eyes and turned his head to look over at you. His eyes met with yours and he sat up on his elbow so he could look down at you better. 
“For what?” You looked up at him and he didn’t think you could be more beautiful. Sunkissed, sea salt soaked hair starting to dry, just beautiful. 
“For bringing me here... for telling me you think I’m pretty...” Felix shook his head and leaned over you, propped up by his arms, one on each side of your head caging you in under him. You were caught off guard, you looked at the two arms boxing you in then back into Felix’s eyes. 
“I don’t think your pretty y/n.... I know you are.” He leaned down and pressed his lips softly against yours then pulled back, looking down at you, gauging your reaction. You touched your lips smiling. 
“Lixi-” He leaned down again and captured your lips between his, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Your hands slid up Felix’s shoulders and neck, your fingers threading through the long hair at his nape. Your lips parted and Felix took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. You made out like that for a while Felix getting bold and squeezing your breasts over your bikini top, making you moan into his kiss. His lips peppered down your neck and chest. 
“Lix...” He hummed acknowledging you. 
“Hmm...” More kisses, teeth gently scraping. 
“Lix...” He nodded. 
“MMhm...” You giggled pushing at his chest a little in vain. He was nibbling your neck his ear right by your lips. 
“Lixie... w-we... we can’t do this h-here.” You whispered your voice breathy. Felix stopped and pulled away quickly. 
“W-we... we can’t do what?” You looked at him sheepishly biting your kiss swollen lips worried you’d assumed too much. 
“Well... you know. We can’t... I can’t...” You looked down at the painfully obvious erection Felix was sporting in his trunks.  
“I can’t... take care of you.” You said sweetly. 
“Y-you want to?” He asked surprised. You pulled him down on you again and kissed him, then pulled away nodding, your teeth gently tugging at your bottom lip. 
“Yes.” You said quietly. Felix brushed a little sand off your face and nodded. He got off you and stood up then helped you and rolled up the blanket again. He led you down the trail and through the brush again. When the two of you got into the car the sexual tension was thick. The whole way back to Felix’s apartment his hand was on your leg, fingers gently tracing, sliding higher then squeezing and tracing back down. You had been completely dried off from the ocean but your bathing suit bottoms were most definitely wet. When you got to Felix’s place, he unlocked the door and let you in first. You tried to just... act natural. 
“So did yo-” When you turned to speak to Felix cupped your face and kissed you. You felt like you were still standing on the beach you were so warm all over. He pulled back smiling.  
“We should probably shower the beach off.” You nodded, speechless. Felix thread his fingers through yours again like he had at the beach and started to lead you towards the bathroom. 
“Will you shower with me?” He asked, giving your hand a gentle squeeze when you didn’t respond. You couldn’t help it. You were half in shock. You never thought you would have found yourself in a senario where Felix and you even kissed let alone have sex. 
“y/n? You okay?” You snapped out of it.  
“Yea! Yes I’m fine.” He stopped just outside the bathroom and leaned in to kiss you again. 
“Will you?” You chewed at your bottom lip again and nodded. 
“Yes.” Felix walked into the bathroom and held the door open. You walked in and stood there nervously as he shut the door and turned back to you. You were never good at hiding your nerves and Felix could tell. 
“y/n?” You looked at him a little wide eyed. 
“I-if you don’t wan-” 
“I DO! I do Felix I'm just... nervous. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you. 
“What are you nervous about angel? Maybe I can help.” You hesitated, unsure of how to put into words what you were feeling. 
“You... seeing me.” Felix was looking at you with that soft expression again. 
“Angel... I’ve always seen you. I’m crazy about you y/n. Always have been.” Your jaw dropped.  
“What?!” He nodded and pecked your lips. 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?!”  
“Because you’re GORGEOUS and I didn’t know for sure if you had any feelings for me and I didn’t want to make things weird, you’re my sister’s best friend.” He was looking down and not in your eyes now. 
“I do.” You said quietly. He looked at you again. 
“You do what?” He knew he just needed to hear you say it. 
“I... I’m in love with you Felix.” You said with a shaky voice. Felix kissed you breathless, holding your soft body against him. He pulled away panting. 
“I love you y/n I love you so much.” You pulled him into another passionate kiss. Felix’s hands traveled up your back and pulled at the first string of your top, untying, and loosening it. He kissed down your neck as he tugged at the other string, pulling it slowly until your top fell to the ground. Instinctively you went to cover up but Felix stopped you. 
“Please, don’t.” You put your arms back down around Felix and he started to pull at both strings of your bottoms. He kissed you and completely untied them at the same time. His tongue softly intruding into your mouth and the fabric hit the floor. Felix’s hands never stayed in one place very long, he wanted to feel everything. When he finally pulled his lips away so that you could both shower and breathe he raised his brow a little, a mischievous smile you usually only saw when he was up to something.  
“Do you want to take mine off me?” You flushed but knelt down grabbing the waist band of his swim trunks and pulling down until his cock was free right in front of your face. It was hard a bead of precum on the tip. You resisted the urge to grab it and stood back up as Felix stepped out of his shorts and turned on the shower. He opened the shower curtain. 
“After you.” You laughed and got in, Felix right behind you. He lathered up some bodywash in his hands. 
“Can I wash you?” You nodded. 
“Yes Lixie.” He bit his lip. 
“I really love it when you call me that.” You smiled. Felix spun his finger around for you to turn your back to him. You turned and Felix started to run his hands along your shoulders and back not only washing you but squeezing and rubbing your shoulders and neck. Between the hot water and Felix’s hands you were so relaxed so you jumped when his arms wrapped around you and he started to rub soap on your breasts. When you jumped you pressed into Felix more and you could feel his erection poking you. He acted as if nothing was happening between your bodies and continued to rub his soapy hands all over you.  
He turned you and pulled your hips close his hard cock still prodding you and Felix gripping your ass then rubbing it. He looked you right in the eyes and Felix’s had something in them you’d never seen. Pure lust. His hands ran down your thighs and he started to kneel in front of you, face to face with your cunt. He continued rubbing the soap over your thighs and down your legs, saving the best part for last. He finally ran his hand over your pussy washing you and you throbbed when his hands moved away. Felix pulled your hips forward and water ran down your body washing the suds away. Suddenly Felix’s face was between your legs and he was finally tasting your sweet cunt. You jumped and he put his arms around your legs and held you close as he continued to savor you, slow long licks of his tongue through your slit. 
“F-Felix...” He spread your pussy open and started sucking on your clit, he hummed.” 
“Hmhm” Was all you heard but what you felt when he hummed against your throbbing clit like that it was divine. 
“F-F-Felix!” He sucked and hummed is disapproval again sending more vibrations rumbling through your cunt and then you realized. 
“Lixie!” He was an absolute starved man. He loved when you called him that. He ate your pussy like it was his job. As far as he was concerned it was. You soared into your orgasm, coming on Felix’s tongue, holding yourself up as your knees went weak. He stood up wiping your juices with the back of his hand then kissed you. His hands roaming your full figure again. You pulled away and stopped him with one finger up. 
“It’s time to clean Lixie too.” Felix’s cock twitched. 
“Okay angel...” He ran his fingers down your cheek. 
“Will you wash me?” You nodded eagerly and grabbed the body wash. You gave Felix the same treatment he’d just given you, massaging his shoulders, soaping his chest and kneeling down to do his legs, his hard leaking cock right in front of you. You took both your soapy hands and grabbed it slowly jerking him off. Felix whimpered, he’d been hard for so long and the feeling of your soapy hands sliding up and down his cock was almost more than he could take. One hand traveled down and fondled his balls as you continued to stroke his cock with the other. He thought he was about to cum but then you removed your hands giving him a little taste of his own medicine. He looked down pouting. You put your hands on his hips and moved him under the stream of water, washing the suds of soap from his body. When Felix was clean you grabbed his dick and started sucking on the tip. 
“F-fuck oh y/n god.” He wasn’t expecting it but he wasn’t complaining either. Your mouth felt amazing wrapped around his aching cock. You took more of him and hummed. 
“Hmhm.” You started sliding up and down his shaft. 
“Y/N! Fuck!” You took a bit more of him and hummed again and then he realized what you wanted. 
“Angel! Your mouth feels so good!” You started deep throating him gagging, Felix gently held your head as you suck the life from him. 
“I’m gonna cum angel fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” You pulled off and stroked his cock. 
“Where Lixie? Hmm?” A hundred ways and places to cum on you ran through his mind he didn’t know what to pick. He looked down as you stroked his cock fast and saw your huge breasts bouncing with every stroke and he moaned. 
“Tits wanna cum on your tits please!” You stroked him and kitten licked the tip of his cock pressing the base of his tip against your puckered lips and rubbed it against them as you continued jacking him off. He let out a soft moan and you aimed his dick at your tits just as the first streak of cum shot across them. You stroked him as his cum covered your tits and started to drip down your body. 
“F-fuck...” Felix was panting. 
“F-feels so g-good angel... keep stroking get it all.” You did as he asked and wiped the last drop of cum off on your chest. Felix looked down at you, he was red and out of breath. You had big doe eyes and wore his cum all over your breasts. He helped you up, cupped your face and kissed you, then washed your chest off one more time before you both got out of the shower. You dried off and you went to go into the room that you were using for the trip. Felix grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards his room. 
“Absolutely not.” You giggled as you followed the towel clad man to his room. He led you in and towards his bed. 
“There. That’s where you belong angel. In my bed.” You laughed and finished drying your hair tossing the towel in a near by hamper. Felix closed the space between you. He ran his hands down your arms and grabbed your hands. He squeezed them and leaned in kissing you. He let go to hold you by your wide hips and your arms wrapped around his shoulders your fingers threading through his hair. You pulled away to get air, your foreheads pressed together, both of you blushing, breathing heavy. One of Felix’s hands came up and two fingers slid into the tie of your towel loosening it and allowing it to fall to the floor, leaving you soft and naked in front of him. He squeezed his cock over his towel already so hard again then pulled his towel off tossing it aside. He cupped your face with both hands and pressed his lips softly against yours and then whispered. 
“Can I have you?” Your heart was racing a million miles a minute. You looked into his eyes, bit your lip and nodded. 
“Tell me angel. Tell me you want me.” You kissed him gently, once, twice, three times. 
“Felix, take me, I’m yours.” He kissed you and leaned you back onto the bed, climbing between your legs. He leaned over to his nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. He ripped it open and rolled it down his length. You spread your thick thighs wider for him. 
“Lixie...” You said in a sweet voice. He lined up his cock with your wet hole. 
“I’ve got you angel don’t worry.” He slowly pushed in and you both relished every inch of him sliding into you. Felix had the sexiest moans and when he bottomed out he let out a grunt and a big breath. 
“God! You’re so tight, so soft. Feel so good, I always knew you would you’re a fucking goddess, this body... fuck do you know what you do to me?!” Feeling you squeeze him was unreal. He started to set a rhythm pumping into you, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. Felix leaned down and started sucking on one of your nipples still rolling his hips into your plump cunt. 
“Oh my god Lixie MMMmm tell me! Tell me what I do to you!” You ran your fingers through his hair and held on as he sucked a mark on the side of your breast and pulled off.  
“Angel I’ll tell you, goddess, fucking beautiful being, every inch of your body is worth tasting and sipping on your sweet pussy is like tasting nectar from the gods. I can not believe I get to have you, fuck you.” Hips started thrusting into yours harder. 
“Yes Lix right there oh my god!” Felix gave it to you right there, over and over pushing you towards your second orgasm. 
“Is it right there angel hmmm? Is that where you want it?” You nodded. 
“Y-y-yes Lixie mmm harder.” He held your hips and fucked you harder until your cunt turned into a vice grip squeezing him, quivering and twitching as you came on his cock. 
“FUCK! HOLY Sh- that... mmmm.” He started to fuck you faster chasing his high and prolonging yours. He held your tits with both hands as he rolled his hips and thrusted into you fast and hard. 
“Can I cum on your tummy angel, god I wanna blow all over your cute belly. Please?” Words were not easy as Felix fucked you into oblivion. 
“Y-yes Lixie c-cum... cum...” You were softly rubbing your clit still riding the buzz of your climax. When Felix looked down and saw you pleasuring yourself he loved it he thought you made the prettiest face when you came. 
“That’s it baby work yourself up, cum with me. Play with it.” You started fingering yourself faster pressing two fingers firmly against your clit. 
“Yes rub it faster... FUCK I’m gonna cum so hard... you gonna cum with me angel right?” You bit your lip and rubbed your clit faster nodding. 
“Gonna... gonna cum Lix...mmmm yes!” He hummed his satisfaction. 
“Hmmm fast and hard baby I’m gonna cum!” You rubbed your clit as fast as you could and started to cum moaning out Felix’s name. 
“FELIX FUCK!” He pulled out took off the condom and started stroking his cock and moaning. 
“Uhhhfuck!” Cum shot across your tummy streaking again and again Felix stroking fast as he unloaded all over your belly. He moved your hand and rubbed the tip of his cock against your sensitive clit causing you both to twitch and jump from overstimulation. You laid there a little fucked out, Felix crawled up next to you and ran his finger through his cum on your belly. 
“Wanna taste?” You sighed content and nodded. Felix stuck his finger in your mouth and you sucked the cum from it. 
“Mmmmm... Lixie...” Felix’s cock twitched. 
“Hmm we’ll take five, get my cum off you, and then I’m gonna bend you over and really fuck you angel again and again baby I’m fucking you all night.” Your pussy clenched and you pressed your legs together for a little friction. 
“Promise?”  Felix crawled between your legs, head hovering over your swollen cunt. He licked a fat stripe through your slit collecting your cum on his tongue and smiling when you jumped. 
“Oh I promise. To hell with five minutes. Lick that cum off while I eat you good angel. You’re gonna get this cock again.” And he did. Felix fucked you all night long. You lost count of the number of orgasms the man gave you. It made him so hard seeing you clench and ooze for him, he went wild making you cum. Finally when your bodies gave out on you, the both of you fell asleep tangled up in Felix’s bed. 
“WELL I’LL BE GOD DAMNED! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” You and Felix both jolted awake and upright gripping for blankets, sheets, anything to cover up with. There in Felix’s bedroom doorway, a tad more than shocked, was Rosa. You were so worried that she was pissed at you for sleeping with her brother, you felt so guilty. Felix started to explain. 
“Rosa look w-” 
“To think! I was rotting away in prison and you’re here boning my bestie?” When you heard the lilt to her voice you knew she wasn’t mad. You and Felix may have never told her but the girl is not dumb, she knows when she see two idiots in love. Felix rubbed the sleep out of his eyes more. You groaned and slumped back in bed still exhausted from the marathon of love making you and Felix had the night before. 
“One it was the drunk tank, two I called they wouldn’t let me bail you out. Also no one told you to go Mike Tyson on the guy.” Rosa scoffed as if she’d heard the most ridiculous thing. 
“You think I wasn’t knocking teeth for my bestie?! Do you even know me? Also keep it in mind cause it’s what I’ll do to you if you hurt her.” He threw up his hands. 
“What the fuck, I'm your brother!” She shook her head. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @jisuperboard @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @svintsandghosts @the-sweetest-rose @alice05280 @3rachasninja @m0ri-apeuda @eastleighsblog @linoification
“Don’t remind me. Now both of you get some god damned pants on we have an itinerary to keep!” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
everywhere ʚɞ miles morales x reader
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pairing: 42!miles morales x reader
synopsis: you were a wreck. it’s your mom’s one year anniversary since she passed. miles helps you feel better
wc: 3.0k
warnings!: swearing, death, death jokes, violence, kissing, n word used
prev, next
you begrudgingly pulled your blanket off you and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. you were fighting so hard to not crawl back in your bed and sob into your pillow. it was the anniversary of your mom's death and all you wanted to do was cry.
you got in your uniform and put sunscreen and lotion on your face, not bothering to do anything else. you grabbed your bag and your phone and went out your door. your dad was standing there making coffee when he turned around to walk over to you and embrace you in a hug. "good morning baby" he pulled you back to see your quivering lip.
"i know, i miss her too. say what how about i make her special pasta that she always made. or at least attempt to." he joked. "yeah sure whatever" you fanned your tears and went out the door. safiya was standing outside your building waiting to walk with you. "hey bebe how you doing?" she rubbed your back. " i'm fine" you faked a smile. she knew you were lying but she didn't say anything and you two just walked to school.
your classes went by quickly, probably because you spent 90% of them staring out the window. currently you were in physics class doing the exact same thing, it's been a month since your schedule switched and you and miles grew a little closer, as close as he'd let you. you'd exchanged numbers and followed each other on social media. and he would join you and safiya on the walk home, silently walking at your side while you chat with your best friend.
miles looked through the side of his eye and noticed you hadn't even picked up your pencil since class started and were just staring into space, dejected expression on your face. he nudged your shoulder and whispered "what's up with you today, chiquita?"
"mm? oh, nothing." you mumbled looking back down on your desk. "you ain't even write your name, ms bennett's gonna get on your ass" he snickered. you just snorted a bit before going back to stare out the window. it was a rainy day out, how ironic.
he could tell something was off with you so he decided to help you out. "here, i'm done" he moved his paper to your desk. "just copy it" he told you.
you smiled at him before writing down everything he had on his paper, on yours. "you look different today" referring to your bare face "in a good way" he added when he saw your eyebrows furrow. "um thanks" you finished your paper just in time for the bell to ring.
you were in the bathroom washing your hands when the melanie came in. "oh..hi y/n, we miss you in math" she said with a condescending smile on her face. you rolled your eyes and dried your hands before getting ready to leave. "oh by the way since your fine daddy's single, do you think you could give him my number." you face twisted in disgust and you turned around and shoved her up against the wall. "fucking say shit bout my parents again and i'll fucking kill you." you snapped, pushing her head back against the wall.
"bitch is that a fucking threat?!" she pushed you off her. "yes bitch! i'll fucking gut-" "girls, where are we supposed to be??" a hall monitor interrupted coming into the bathroom. you grumbled an insult before pushing pass her and heading to the roof.
miles looked over from his conversation and saw you storming off from the bathroom, melanie following shorty after with the monitor trailing behind her. "yo i'll see you later aight" he dapped his friend up and followed behind you.
his eyebrows furrowed when he saw you sneak through the rooftop door. he followed through the door and snuck up the stairs. he saw you hunched over on the ground and he could hear your sniffles from here. he didn't mean to slam the door but he did and it startled you. you darted your head over your shoulders, quickly wiping your tears when you saw him. "what are you doing here?" you put your head back on your knees. "saw you when you stormed outta the bathroom, you looked upset. then i saw you come up here and i wanted to make sure you ain't kill yourself" he joked, making you giggle.
"why you up here anyway? and why you crying?" he asked, sitting down next to you. "i told mr brown i'd water the garden." your voice was breaking. "doesn't explain why you're crying ma" he looked at you. you didn't say anything for a moment, taking a deep breath before you opened your mouth. "today was the day my mom died, like a year ago today" you told explained. "i promised myself i wasn't gonna cry today but that fucking cunt melanie loves to piss me off"
"that why you said you fought her?" he asked. "mhm" you mumbled. "well she's a fucking bitch. don't take that shit from her." he told you, you nodding your head. "but...i get it. my dad's dead and when he died, niggas thought something was funny? so that's why i had beat lincoln's ass" he said. "god the people here suck so bad. m'sorry about your dad." you told him. "it's aight, i'm sorry about your mom" you smiled and nodded your head, holding back the tears that dared to slip down your face. "it's alright to cry ma. don't hold back i'm not gonna judge you"
you blinked and your tears came flowing down your face, you leaned your head on his shoulder and he didn't move it he just let you cry. "i just wanna go see her grave, but it's all the way in westchester" you wiped your tears. he stayed silent for a moment "then let's go see it. i have my license and i know where my dad's old car is" he told you, rising to his feet. "what? we can't do that. we have school and you can't just take your dad's car." you rose to yours too.
"what, is he gonna stop me?" he said making you giggle. "that's crazy. you don't have to do this really it's fine" "it's alright, if it'll make you feel better i don't mind. come on let's go through the door in the green hallway" he said going through the roof door, you following behind. you opened your phone to tell safiya you were skipping with miles.
'miles is taking me to my mom's grave??😭
we're ditching come with us' you sent the text.
'girl WHAT 💀' she sent.
'that emoji feels familiar 🤔' you sent back.
'stop. anyways i cant come, bout to start a test. just be safe baby. i love you' she sent back.
miles scoped out the hallway making sure no teachers or monitors were around. he pushed through the door and you two made a break for it down the street. "wait, i wanna get something" you pointed to the grocery store down the street.
you both went in and you picked up a bouquet of pink roses, her favorite flowers, from the front. you went to another aisle and picked up a pack of ferrero rocher chocolates "these were her favorite. one time my dad stood her up with work on valentine's day so she and i watched her favorite movie and ate a whole big pack of these. we were so sick afterwards. after i threw up she gave me medicine and sang me to sleep" you lightly laughed, biting your lips to hold back your tears. "she sounds great" he said giving you a comforting smile. "she really was"
you checked out and miles took you to an old garage, tugging open the door, a black buick sat on the other side. "does this even still work?" you asked opening the door. "should. if not i'll just make it" he turned the key in the ignition, engine sputtering in response. he groaned, opening the electrical system. he pulled out two wires, hitting them together until a spark emerged and the engine started. he looked at you with a cocky smile "there, all we need is some gas" "how do you know how to do that?" you asked putting on your seatbelt. "don't worry bout it" he drove off.
after stopping at a gas station and filling up the tank, you two drove the hour and a half drive to westchester graveyard. he let you control the music and would occasionally glance over at you while you just stared out the window. he watched you put your legs up in criss cross apple sauce and doze off, smiling at the way your mouth fell open and he could hear your soft snoring.
he pulled into a nearby parking lot and tapped your thigh "we're here" he told you. you stretched and rubbed your eyes, looking around to make sure it was the right place. "you were snoring mad hard" he teased you. "i was not!" you gasped. "yes you were" "nuh uh, i do not snore" you retorted. "yes you do, could barely hear the music" he lied. you rolled your eyes fondly and opened the car door, grabbing the chocolates and the flowers.
he followed your lead to her headstone and you let yourself plop down next to it, resting the flowers down gently. "hey mom" you leaned your head back. "miss you, god even after a year it still doesn't feel real" your voice was breaking and miles figured he'd back off a little, sitting back on a bench nearby.
"i'm a junior now, me and safiya are still as close as ever but i've been making new friends. dad and i have been weird but if feels like it's getting back to normal now?? his cooking still sucks ass tho" you giggled "oh i got a job now, i'm a barista at mel's. i've been letting my hair grow longer and i redecorated my room. i started reading those poetry books that you had always wanted me to and brandy's been in my playlists on repeat, maybe it's silly to do this because i like to think that you know all this already cause you're watching over me."
"i miss you so much mommy. god i wish you would just come back, how is this not some stupid joke" you wiped your tears, but they wouldn't stop streaming down your face. you turned around and kneeled, knees sinking into the soil beneath you, hands resting on top. you couldn't control it anymore you let out a broken cry and shoved your face in your hands.
you felt miles tap your shoulder and pulled you to your feet. you looked at him, face scrunched up with bloodshot teary eyes. he moved a hand up to your cheek wiping away the tears that rolled down your face. "ugh this is embarrassing" you grumbled, shoving your face in his chest, and he put his arms around your shoulders. "it really isn't. i get it y/n, trust me it'll be okay. i'm not saying it's gon stop hurting but it'll hurt a little less with time." he told you.
he reached in his book bag and took out a small pack of tissues. he handed them to you so you could wipe your tears off. "put your leg up" he told you putting his hand on the underneath of your knee. you put your hands on his shoulders to support yourself and he used the tissues to clean your knees. you let out a small laugh "thanks. really thank you so much for this, you genuinely did not have to do this at all." "it's alright ma"
you checked your phone seeing a missed call and  texts rom your dad. 'where you at? school call me tell me you not there??' 'answer me before i call the police' they read. you giggled a little before telling him you were in westchester, which he did not take lightly and told you you were in trouble but right now you didn't care.
you went to the bench miles was sitting on and grabbed the chocolates. "you wanna eat some with me?" you asked him, holding out one to his hand. "you not gonna eat till you throw up right. i don't fuck with vomit." he put out his hand. "no!" you laughed which made him smile.
the two of you sat there on the bench for about another half an hour talking about whatever. your parents, your lives outside of school and knowing each other, etc. while eating the chocolates. you stopped yourself before you got too into them. "ah we should probably start driving back" you told him. "you sure?" he looked at you. "yeah, dad said i'm in trouble when i get home anyways" you got up and closed the container.
"well. since you're already out can i take you somewhere?" he asked. you twisted your mouth in thought "but my dad-" "well if you're already in trouble when you get back why not stay out a little longer" you let him convince you and got in the car for the drive back to brooklyn.
when you got to brooklyn he drove straight past your buildings and to a nearby unused subway station. you went down and he walked you all the way to the end of the platform going onto the side of the tracks. "alright are you trying to fucking kill me" you hesitated in following him. he chuckled "relax ma, no trains run here anymore it's an old track" he put his hand out to you and you took it and you both walked down the tracks. "alright we gotta hop the fence" he told you.
"are you crazy" you furrowed your eyebrows at him. "it's not even that high up, i'll go first" he climbed the fence and jumped down, swiftly landing on his feet. you followed behind and lost your balance when you were on top causing you to fall over but not before he caught you and put you down. "will you chill out" he laughed at your annoyed expression.
you kept walking for about a minute until you saw a wall full of graffiti. "my uncle takes me down here sometimes and we just paint" he told you, tossing a can at you. "you wanna do a mural for her?" he asked you. you smiled and nod your head "what does she look like?" he asked you. you pulled out your phone and opened the photo album you had dedicated to her, picked a photo and gave him the phone.
"wow she's beautiful. you guys look like twins" he said holding up the phone to a blank part of the wall. "she should fit right in there." "you think i know how to spray paint?" you said shaking the can. "i can help you."
and so he did, he found a color to match her skin tone and her facial features. he did most of the artwork, putting you on his shoulders to do the hair and the top of the rose. you stepped back and admired the finished product. it was your mom with a big smile on her face with her signature red lip, you added details such as your matching necklace, the beauty mark on her cheek, her smile lines and a hand that held a single pink rose.
you smiled and tears stung your eyes, mix of happy and sad but mostly happy. you looked at the time and saw it was almost 9 o'clock. "ohh my dad is gonna kill me" you groaned. "do you think you could take me home now?" you asked him. "yeah it's mad late" he picked up his bookbag and you guys walked back out of the track.
he drove the car back to the garage and you grabbed your book bag before you guys  got out, walking to your block getting to the front of your building. "thank you for today, like seriously. i don't know anybody who would've drove me out for two hours just to sit at a grave." you giggled. "you were sad and i didn't like that, wanted to make you feel better." he nudged your shoulder. "you did make me feel better, thank you" you threw your arm around him, pulling him into a tight hug wrapping around his waist.
you threw your arms up to his face, pinching his cheeks "who knew you were such a big softy morales" you said in a playful baby voice. he rolled his eyes before looking into yours, face softening. your hands were still on his face and his were still around your torso.
your eyes flickered down to his lips before going back to his eyes, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. you quickly pulled back "oh sorry! don't know what came over me" you frantically apologized. "don't apologize" he whispered before pulling you back in. you threw your arms around his neck, hand rubbing against his fade. his hands were on your waist pulling you closer to him.
you were interrupted by your dad poking through the window five stories up. "y/n! you had me going crazy wondering what the hell you were doing and you out here kissing boys?!" he shouted, baffled expression on his face. "girl get inside" he told you through gritted teeth. "goodnight miles" you giggled pulling away from him. "g'night" he said back to you. "and boy who your parents is? cause i will be giving them a call! got my damn daughter out at night kissing all up on her" he pointed at miles, grumbling the last part. "dad relax!" you shouted up at him. "get inside!" "what does it look like i'm doing?!" you shouted back, opening the building door.
taglist ౨ৎ
@prettypink-princesss @itsnotino @r3d0n33 @iluvprowlermiles @jmsanchoo
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gamergirl929 · 8 months
Hate Me, Hate Me (Chase Me, Chase Me) (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: For the alex morgan fic can i request for the gp!reader where hate sex!!! like on pitch alex are pushing reader n they became fucking mad n just wreck alex of the pitch...
I changed the plot a tad, because I think hooking up on the pitch MAY be noticed.
So, this is a something new for me, so I decided to give it a try, consent is 100% in this fic, I'm not into writing anything like that. Reader is G!P, and needless to say, multiple warnings for smut, and cheating, this is basically porn with a bit of plot, if you squint, so PLEASE let me know what you think, this is something new for me and I'm a bit nervous, so please be gentle.
Your nostrils flared as you shot the San Diego Captain, Alex Morgan a vicious glare, the woman glaring back.  
Ever since you were drafted from the North Carolina Courage to the San Diego Wave, you’d done nothing but, butt heads with the forward, the woman seemingly on your ass more than she was any of your teammates.  
“Listen, I don’t know how they do it over at NCC, but here, I’m your captain, and I dictate play.” She bites, turning her back on you and moving to the practice field’s sidelines.  
Unfortunately for you, you were the only ones on the field, the rest of your teammates at home by now, whereas you were forced to stay back by Casey Stoney at the request of Alex Morgan.  
“Obviously, NCC dictated play better, maybe it was because they didn’t have you as captain.” You snarl, her blue orbs icy as she turns towards you.  
“I’m a better captain than ANYONE in the NWSL, especially O’Sullivan.”  
You scoff as she marches over to the bench and hastily grabs her things.  
“What’s wrong Morgan? Can’t take the heat?” You growl as you follow quickly after her, Alex marching towards the parking lot.  
“No, I just can’t stand seeing your face any longer.” She snarls as she makes her way towards her car, slamming the door loudly the second she’s inside.  
You shake your head angrily, your arms crossed across your chest.  
The following weeks are much of the same, Alex Morgan demanding you stay behind after practice, to practice solely with you, and getting on your nerves each and every single time.  
“Why is it that you think I need to stay behind every practice?” You bite, Alex’s eyes narrowing.  
“Because you need more practice, NCC is small fry compared to The Wave.”  
You roll your eyes.  
“You’ve been here what? Three years?” You snort. “NCC has been here for seven.”  
Alex drops the black and white ball she was holding in her hands to the turf before marching towards you.  
“NCC drafted you, remember?” She bites and you roll your eyes.  
If there was one thing you hadn’t expected when you joined the San Diego Wave, it was for Alex Morgan to loathe you as she did.  
You’d heard nothing but good things about the forward, but seemingly, none of those things were true.  
She’d been nothing but cold, and hateful towards you, since the moment you met, as if she hated you more than anything in the world.  
“Yeah, I just don’t know why they drafted me HERE of all place.” You growl, the forward snorting.  
“Maybe they just didn’t want you around anymore?” She snarls and you laugh.  
“It’s funny, I heard SOOOOOO many good things about you before I got here, looks like it was all nothing but bullshit.”  
Alex smirks, taking a step closer to you.  
“No, it isn’t, if you weren’t so infuriating, maybe we’d get along.”  
Your eyes narrowed as you stomped towards the bench, sending Alex Morgan one final glare over your shoulder before snorting.  
“As if.” 
Alex Morgan was getting on your every nerve, the sight of the woman making your snarl.  
You wouldn’t lie, the woman was INCREDIBLY attractive, just because you hated her guts didn’t mean you were blind.  
It was soon after, that you found yourself lusting for her, despite the way she treated you, you couldn’t help to think what it would be like to have her pinned beneath you, to have that power over her, with her consent of course.  
But you knew that would never happen, she was with Servando Carrasco, still though you couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have that power, to have her at your mercy.  
“Hey!” You jump, your eyes locking with Alex Morgan’s cold blues.  
“What?” You growl, the woman rolling her eyes.  
“We’re running drills.” She nods her head towards the remainder of the team who are lining up, a sigh leaving you as you make your way passed her, your shoulder bumping hers.  
“Watch it.” She says, her teeth bared and you smirk.  
“What are you going to do about it Morgan?” You ask, the woman’s blue orbs raking down your front, pausing on the apex of your thighs before her eyes meet yours.  
She huffs, pushing her way passed you, joining your teammates, your brows furrowing as your eyes drop to the bulge in your shorts.  
It was no secret to literally anyone that you were intersex, almost everyone in the NWSL accepting you for who you were, but it looked like, there was one person who didn’t and that was Alex Morgan.
No matter how much you infuriated her, the feelings she had for you never dissipated, the thought of shoving you into a back room at the practice center and riding you senselessly creeping into the back of her mind.  
She was married, she shouldn’t be feeling the way she was, but every time you smirked, or challenged her, she got embarrassingly aroused, and she couldn’t do anything about it.  
Sex with Servando in no way lessened her want for you, something she, OF COURSE, didn’t reveal to her husband.  
She rolls her eyes, her blue orbs meeting your Y/E/C’s.  
“Problem Morgan?” You ask, your eyes running down her front as you make your way towards the bench and grab your things.  
“Yeah, there is.” She says, your brows furrowing as she nods to the practice field.  
You scoff, dropping your bag back onto the bench.  
“Listen, I’ve had enough of these, after practice, practices.” You bite, watching as your teammates leave the field until you’re the only two left.  
“Well, it isn’t my fault you’re falling so far behind.”  
Your nostrils flair, your eyes falling to the curve of her ass as she walks by.  
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you liked spending time with me.”  
Alex snorts loudly.  
“Yeah, you wish.”  
You hum, making your way towards her.  
“I think you do. There’s something about me you just can’t stop thinking about, isn’t there?” You ask, her throat bobbing.  
“What is it, Alex? Do you just hate me?” You ask, the woman turning on her heels with a scowl.  
“You’re so infuriating.” She says, her hands balling into fists.  
“And what are you going to do about it?” You say, your lips curling in a snarl.  
Alex glances around momentarily before grabbing the front of your shirt, tugging you towards one of the many buildings nearby.  
“What the fuck, let me go!” You growl, trying halfheartedly to loosen her grasp, but your curiosity leads you to allow her to pull you along until you’re in a random room inside the facility.  
“What the hell are you doing?” You ask, watching as she locks the door behind her before making her way towards you.  
Your eyes widen when her lips slam into yours, the kiss hungry, and lustful.  
You kiss back with no sense of hesitation, roughly pushing her back against the wall, your tongue pushing its way into her mouth.  
The kiss is nothing but tongues and teeth, a groan crawling up your throat when Alex palms you through your shorts.  
Your lips leave hers in favor of settling on her neck, placing wet and sloppy kisses to her pulse point.  
“Don’t even think about it.” She pants, as if reading your mind, the thought of sucking a purple bruise into her neck creeping into your mind.  
You smirk, your tongue running along her neck.  
“Wouldn’t want your husband to find out.” 
She growls loudly, roughly shoving you back against the opposite wall, and against a nearby table, its contents falling to the floor. 
“Shut up.” She says, her hand roughly making its way into your shorts and boxers before settling on your somewhat hard member, your breath shuddering as she gives it a rub.  
You lean your head backwards as she roughly rubs you, the woman’s hand moving rapidly beneath your shorts until you’re fully erect.  
She’s about to shuck your shorts off when you turn the tables, the small of her back meeting the table as your lips meet hers.  
“Oh.” She sighs when your hand slips into her shorts, bypassing her panties, your fingers drawing small, merciless circles against her clit.  
“You’re so wet.” You whisper, nibbling on her earlobe, reveling in the sounds leaving her open mouth.  
It isn’t long before your fingers slip inside her, the woman sighing against your neck as you pound into her.  
She throws her head back with a moan.  
“You like that?” You ask and she nods, bouncing on your fingers.  
You smirk, your fingers slipping out of her, Alex whimpering when you bring your fingers to your lips and suck them clean.  
“We both know it isn’t my fingers you want.” You say as you tug at the waistband of her shorts.  
She nods, and in a split second her shorts and underwear are on the carpeted floor, the woman kicking them off across the room.  
Soon, your own shorts are on the floor, your boxers following soon after.
The forward’s hand settles on the hard appendage between your legs.  
“Make yourself useful and fuck me.” She snarls, shoving you backwards again, this time, your back meeting the floor considering your boxers and shorts are around your ankles.  
She’s immediately on top of you, her core grinding against your bare cock.  
“Fuck.” You groan, your hips arching as she grinds feverishly into you.  
Before you realize, she’s got your hardness in her hand, lining it up with her entrance.  
You quickly roll the two of you over, the woman groaning in annoyance.  
“You’re always in charge Morgan, it’s MY turn.” You say, and with one swift motion you line yourself up and thrust slowly into her. 
She cries out, her walls thrumming around you as you thrust into her, the woman’s breath hitching with each rapid thrust.  
“You’re so tight.” You groan, your cock thrumming in pleasure as you pound into her, your thighs slapping loudly together.  
“Oh god.” She moans, wrapping her legs around your middle as she cries out, the feeling in her stomach that had been building and building nearly teaming over.
She'd wanted you for so long, and now that she had you, she couldn't help but moan shamelessy, your cock slipping in and out of her rapidly.
Her nails scratch your back painfully, but you don’t care, the pain heightening your pleasure.  
“You want to come on my cock?” You ask, the woman rapidly nodding as your thrusts increase in speed, your thighs slapping together even louder.  
It isn’t long before she stiffens, the woman crying out, so loud that you hope the building is empty, because anyone nearby would’ve heard her cries.
She convulses wildly, her walls clamping down around you, her nails digging deep ridges into your back.  
“I’m gonna come.” You moan, preparing to pull out of the woman whose legs tighten around you.  
“Come inside me.” She begs, her chest rising and falling heavily.
Your eyes widen, a whimper leaving you when she purposely clenches around you.  
You growl, thrusting into her wildly the woman crying out again, still sensitive from her first orgasm and chasing her second.  
A beat passes before you groan loudly into her neck, jets of your seed shooting into her, the woman moaning loudly as she climaxes yet again, her walls clamping down around you as you feel her with your come.
You tremble, a few more jets of come spewing from your tip and into the woman before stopping.  
You pant heavily, your full weight on the woman beneath you as you come down from your high.  
Alex breathes heavily, remaining still beneath you for a beat before shoving you off, your flaccid cock slipping out of her, the mess between her legs coating her thighs.  
You smirk, rolling over and pushing yourself upwards before making your way towards your own clothes.  
Alex swallows hard, the realization that she’d just cheated on her husband hitting her like a ton of bricks. 
Suddenly, you’re turned around, your back roughly meeting the wall, Alex’s face inches from your own.  
“Don’t tell ANYONE about this.” She growls and you chuckle, your lips splitting in a grin.  
“Oh, I won’t.” You say, wiggling your eyebrows and she groans before bypassing you and moving out of the room.  
You sigh, leaning back against the wall with a smirk, your eyes fluttering shut.  
You knew you should feel guilty, Alex Morgan was married, but you didn't, as bad as that sounded.
Though Alex was married, you knew she’d want to do this again, call it intuition, but you knew you’d be seeing much more of Alex Morgan naked in the coming months, you just wondered what the world had in store for the two, and when Alex would be dragging you into that same room again.  
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
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Getting a job:
How to Write a Resume so You Actually Have a Prayer of Getting Hired
How to Write a Cover Letter like You Actually Want the Job
Ask the Bitches: What the Hell Else Can I Do to Get a Job?
How to Frame Volunteering on Your Resume When You’ve Never Had a Job
How To Get Ready For a Job Interview: Prep Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them with the Confidence of a Mediocre White Dude
10 Questions You Should Never Be Asked in a Job Interview
What to Wear (and What Not to Wear) to a Job Interview
What to Do When You’re Asked About Your Salary Requirements in a Job Interview
How NOT to Determine Your Salary
How to Find Remote Work: On Getting the Elusive Work-From-Home Job
High School Students Have No Way of Knowing What Career to Choose. Why Do We Make Them Do It Anyway?
The Actually Helpful, Nuanced, Non-Bullshit Way to Choose a Future Career
Myers-Briggs Personalities and Income: What Your Type Says About Your Salary
I Just Applied for a Job. How (And When) Should I Follow Up?
Our Best Secrets for a Successful, Strategic, and SHORT Job Search
Season 2, Episode 11: “I Tripped and Fell into a Career I Don’t like. How Do I Reinvent Myself?”
Freelancing and side jobs:
Should Artists Ever Work for Free?
Stop Undervaluing Your Freelance Work, You Darling Fool
Romanticizing the Side Hustle: When 1 Job Isn’t Enough
The Ugly Truth About Unpaid Internships
Freelancer, Protect Thyself… With a Fair Contract
Ask the Bitches: My Boss Won’t Give Me a Contract and I’m Freaking Out
I Lost My Job and It Might Be the Best Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Me
Becoming a Millennial Entrepreneur (in the Midst of a Pandemic) with Katelyn Magnuson
11 Awful Mistakes I Made as a Self-Employed Freelancer, and How YOU Can Avoid Them
Workplace benefits:
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Season 2, Episode 6: “Someone Offered to Mentor Me! How Do I Be a Non-Sucky Mentee?”
Navigating the workplace:
My Secret Weapon for Preparing for Awkward Boss Confrontations
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace
Woke at Work: How to Inject Your Values into Your Boring, Lame-Ass Job
Can Looking Weird at Work Be Good for Your Career?
Why Is Short Hair Controversial? An Examination of Expensive, Annoying Beauty Standards
Season 1, Episode 1: “Should I Tell My Boss I’m Looking for Another Job?”
You WILL Regret Accepting Your Coworker’s Social Media Friend Request
Season 1, Episode 5: “I Don’t Love My Job, but It Pays Well. Should I Quit—or Tough It Out?”
Season 2, Episode 7: “How Do I Throw My Incompetent Coworkers under the Bus?”
Sexual Harassment: How to Identify and Fight It in the Workplace
Getting a raise:
Salary Range: Are You Asking for Enough?
A Millennial’s Guide to Growing Your Salary
The First Time I Asked for a Raise
You Need to Ask for a Fucking Raise
Should You Increase Your Salary or Decrease Your Spending?
Getting a promotion:
Santa Isn’t Coming and Neither Is Your Promotion: How To Get Promoted
How I Chessmastered Myself Into a Promotion at Work
Job Hopping vs. Career Loyalty by the Numbers
The Fascinating Results of Our Job Hopping vs. Career Loyalty Poll
I Hate My Job and I Don’t Know How To Leave It: A Confession
A New Job, a New Day, a New Life, and I’m Feeling Good
Season 1, Episode 9: “I’ve Given up on My Dream Career. Where Do I Go From Here?”
Working remotely
How to Successfully Work from Home Without Losing Your Goddamn Mind (Or Your Job)
How to Find Remote Work: On Getting the Elusive Work-From-Home Job
8 Genres of Productivity Music (Plus Our Secret Stash of Personal Favorites)
My 25 Secrets to Successfully Working from Home with ADHD
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omg if you write smut you NEED to write judd birch smut
I literally cannot stop writing smut for the guy— he’s just so 🥰😋😳🥵
Tags: fem! Reader, porn, literally and without plot, Judd doesn’t know what ‘soft sex’ means fr, he also curses and calls you a variety of fun swear words, very unprotected sex, use protection pls! author wrote this at 1 am and was sleep deprived
Summary: you and Judd fuck.
Author’s note: I was laying on the couch and just,, got this idea. It’s super short, but sometimes all we need is a short lil Judd smut to get us through the day, right? God I love him so much,,
Judd smut drabble
Word count; 1,3K
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You couldn’t hear Connie anymore, barely had the brainpower to register that she indeed still was somewhere in the room— you couldn’t think because all you could feel was Judd.
He had been fucking you for hours. You were so sore and puffy and sensitive, so worn out that you couldn’t even hold yourself up anymore.
His hand was in your hair, large fingers roughly gripping the back of your head and pressing your face so far down into the mattress you could barely breathe. He made sure you couldn’t look at him, couldn’t touch him as he covered you entirely with his own body, holding you up with an arm under your hips and thrusting into you with a speed most would deem inhuman.
Drooling, whimpering and crying, you clawed at the pillows, they were close to ripping under your tight grip. You could feel him so deep— his mushroom-like tip pressing against and bruising your g-spot each time he moved.
You had taken his cock plenty before, in this particular position too, but you never seemed to get used to his size. The stretch burned so pleasurably in your lower belly, you could feel him there too, slightly bulging and turning your brain to absolute mush.
“You’re crying, bitch?” He drawled, feeling your body wreck with sobs. You were so wet, and it felt so good, what else could you do than cry?
In response, you wiggled your hips, trying (and failing) to match his rapid thrusts. His grip on your hair tightened, and his speed picked up. It hurt, but you liked it. Loved it even. It only served to make you more wet, slick running from your puffy hole and coating everything underneath and besides you— including Judd. His thighs were wet with your slick, you could feel it as he leaned further over you and smeared some of it on your ass.
He pressed your face further into the mattress, mushing your cheeks together. “You got what you asked for— take it.” He grunted. It was true, you were completely at fault for getting yourself into this predicament. Earlier, while he was trying to concentrate on his training, you had been all over him— you begged and pleaded and told him he could fuck you as a form of exercise, and he generously took you up on that offer.
But that also meant he wouldn’t stop until he grew tired— it didn’t matter if you could handle it or not.
Only a few times, when you first got together had he fucked you so roughly. He could go, and go, and go, till you passed out still on his cock. So no. He wouldn’t stop till he was tired.
“Jwudd— jwuud, I can’t—“ You sniffled, makeup and drool bleeding out into Judd’s pillows.
He cackled sinisterly, lifting your head slightly. “You can and you will. Just one more time and you can pass out, alright, baby?”
Then he was moving his arm down from your waist— long fingers coming to rub harsh circles into your neglected clit. You gaped, pussy clenching wildly around Judd as he finally played with your puffy, aching bud. You moaned loudly, so loudly that it bordered on a shriek that the whole house would be able to hear.
“So now you want everyone to hear? What happened to being quiet?” He teased you, the corners of his mouth perking up just the slightest. Both his brows were furrowed— sweat dripping between them, he was also getting close to yet another release himself and he had to concentrate to not blow his load.
You knew his family was home, anyone could walk up to the second floor of the house and hear the two of you clear as day.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, in time with Judd’s harsh pull on your hair. “Y-yes! I don’t care— please, J-Judd..” You babbled, too drunk on dick to come up with anything coherent.
His thrusts increased again, your already loud squelching gaining sound. “If you wanna sound like a fucking whore, let everyone know who’s making you cum. Who owns you, huh? You and your wet fucking pussy,” Judd spat.
You mewled. “You— Judd..!”
“Not good enough.” He growled. “Again, slut.”
Fat, wet tears rolled slowly down your cheeks and you wailed; “Judd! I’m yours— you own me and my wet pussy!”
Suddenly, he was harshly shoving your head back into the mattress— then letting go of your hair. He flipped you around, cock leaving you for barley a second before he shoved it inside again, all the way in one thrust.
You gasped as he held both your thighs to your chest, bending your knees over his shoulders and supporting himself with an arm on each side of your head. He looked directly into your face and your cunt clenched at just the sight of him— his tightly set jaw, rosy cheeks and furrowed brows. If you didn’t know better, you’d have mistaken his concentration for a scowl.
“So big. S’big,” You babbled— his cue to spread a large hand over your stomach.
His cock bulged through you, he pressed down, right when he thrusted into you and that’s when you had enough.
You came with a sob of his name, mouth hanging open in a silent scream as you creamed on his cock. He groaned, loudly and hid his face in your shoulder to conceal the way he bit his lip. Judd was only a few, very rough thrusts behind you. His balls slapped against you with each thrust, he pressed down a bit harder, feeling himself through you and then he came.
Your hole clenched pathetically around him as he filled you with thick, warm spend— he bit down on your neck and jaw. He peppered you with small bites, your neck was already so completely covered that he had to bite in already sore and tender marks. You moaned and found his hair with your hands, holding him tightly to you.
You felt your belly expand slightly— so full with both his dick and cum. It was hard to stay awake, with his warm body covering you, your eyes crossed slightly as you concentrated on staying awake.
Judd nosed your collarbone. “You can sleep, pretty girl. I’ll clean you up,” he muttered, softly pulling your legs down and slipping out of you.
You whined, at both the feeling of loss when he slipped out and when he started to move away. You reached for him and he clicked his tongue. “You wanna fuck again already? You’re such a little slut,”
“Mhm..” His words didn’t register in your brain, all you felt was his warm cum in your pussy and something that felt suspiciously like an old t-shirt being rubbed against you to clean you up.
Then you were out, softly breathing and hiccuping in your sleep. Judd looked down at you with a crooked grin. “Pretty little bitch.” He muttered, eyes raking your sleeping form.
Even though he literally fucked you to sleep, you looked completely innocent to him. He gently covered you with his blanket— fingers softly digging into your skin to feel you as he did so. You were so warm and soft, his chest swelled with pride as he looked at the work he did on your neck, shoulders and thighs. Bloody teeth indents and bruises covered your smooth skin, his teeth indents and bruises.
‘Fuck her while she’s sleeping.’ Maury clapped him on the shoulder. He shook the monster off, fixing him a dark glare.
“Fuck off, I’m going to sleep.” He was getting tired himself, going for so long did use up quite a bit of his stamina.
The monster laughed hoarsely. ‘I was kidding! You did a great job, kid. She’s knocked the fuck out,’
Judd barely bothered acknowledging his praise, grunting but otherwise keeping quiet as he rose from the bed to search for a pair of boxers. His muscles were sore and he groaned as he stood up, stretching before pulling a pair of boxers from the drawers.
Maury bid him goodbye, spraying nonsense about visiting a nearby restaurant before disappearing. Judd fell back into bed, narrowly avoiding falling onto you. He pulled your sleeping form to him, nuzzling his face into your hair as he drifted off to the land of dreams.
Omg I need to go to bed 🫣 I genuinely hope you enjoyed this, though
Also, three fics in one week?!?!? Can we talk about that??? Y’all are eating so well lol. And look at me somewhat consistently uploading 😎 wowie
Tags: @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn (lemme know if you want to be tagged!)
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kingofbodyrolls · 9 months
Sprout | knj | four (fin)
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |
Summary: You love your plants, you love your garden, you do not love your new neighbor. You hate him with all your might— he wrecks everything you hold dear so you do the only reasonable thing: retaliate. 
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader 
AUs: neighbors au, gardening au, non!idol au → strangers to enemies (mostly one sided) to friends to lovers 
Genres: slice of life, smut, humor
Rating: explicit
Word count: 8.2K
Warnings: (somewhat) rough smut; degrading name calling (bitch), hair pulling, spanking, very brief anal fingering, some cockwarming, throat fucking, breast and nipple play, sexual tension, stupid innuendos, oral (both receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (please don’t be stupid), praise kink, begging, exhibitionism, slight dom/sub themes 👀 big dick Joonie, creampie, aftercare — I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
Author’s note(1): time for smut!!!! 😝
Taglist: @svnbangtansworld
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there 🙂
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You jolt awake to the insistent rhythm of a knock on your door, your senses instantly heightened as you wonder about the unexpected visitor. With a sense of urgency, you practically sprint down the stairs, only to be greeted by a wide-awake and smiling Namjoon at your doorstep.
“Good morning,” he greets with a voice that's too cheery for the early hours, making you grunt in response while you run one hand through your tousled hair, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes. Your gaze lingers on him, clad in a loose-fitted black shirt that hints at the impressive contours of his chest, paired with beige shorts and sandals. In stark contrast, you become acutely aware of your own appearance, standing there in your revealing sleepwear—a slutty top with your breasts on the verge of spilling out and extremely short shorts that do nothing to hide your ass.
As you glance down at your attire, the realization of what you're wearing hits you. A subtle chuckle escapes Namjoon, and his eyes briefly trace the curve of your breasts before meeting your gaze once more.
“What are you doing here?” you inquire in a gruff tone, adding, “And this early?” You rub your tired eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.
“I was thinking we could hit up the plant store, just like we discussed? It opens at 8,” he suggests, flashing you a wide smile that showcases his dimples – the kind of smile that should be declared illegal.
“‘Joon, it's 7:30, and I'm not even awake yet,” you sigh, fully aware of what your answer is going to be, “but sure, let's go. I just need to get dressed and maybe caffeinate myself first.”
His eyes sparkle, eliciting a soft smile from you. “Come in and make yourself comfortable,” you invite warmly.
You guide him into your home, shutting the door gently as he slips off his sandals. Leading the way to the kitchen, you sense your shorts riding up higher on your ass. In your tired state, you don't care much, pressing forward into the kitchen.
You motion for him to take a seat, the worn chair creaking slightly beneath his weight as you get ready to brew some coffee. “Care for a cup?” you inquire, your voice warm and inviting.
He offers a gentle shake of his head, a smile playing on his lips. “Not today, but I appreciate the offer,” he responds, his eyes reflecting a grateful glint.
“Mind finishing up the coffee? I'll go change real quick,” you request, a smile gracing your lips as you set the water and kettle in motion. “Absolutely,” he responds with a nod and a warm smile, prompting you to dash upstairs to your room.
As you hurry into your room, grabbing clothes in a rush, you dive into the bathroom for a quick shower, slipping into a simple yet chic mini dress. Emerging from the bathroom, you almost collide with Jungkook.
“Woaw, you’re up early,” he chuckles, deftly avoiding a collision with you amidst your swift movements. “Yeah, Namjoon’s waiting in the kitchen,” you explain in a hurried tone as you dart past Jungkook and descend the stairs, but not before catching the suggestive dance his eyebrows perform, a mischievous tease lingering in the air.
You descend the stairs and enter the kitchen, announcing, “I’m ready now,” accompanied by a warm smile as you assess Namjoon. He gestures toward a pot, indicating the ready coffee. Swiftly, you grab a to-go cup and fill it with the aromatic brew, expressing your gratitude, “Thank you.”
As you head towards the entryway together, the anticipation lingers in the air. With synchronized movements, you slip into your shoes and jackets, and you grab your purse, the door creaking open under your anticipation.
“My car is more spacious; we can take that,” he suggests, gesturing towards his sizable SUV. Despite the practicality of his choice, you can't resist a playful eye roll and a theatrical sigh. Nevertheless, you follow him towards his car.
You settle into the car as the engine roars to life, and he skillfully maneuvers out of the driveway and onto the road. It becomes evident rather quickly that driving might not be his forte. He chuckles, breaking the silence, “Apologies for the driving skills; I’m not behind the wheel often,” he confesses, taking a turn down a road. You can't help but chuckle to yourself. “I usually opt for my bike, better for the environment, you know. The only downside is the limited space.”
Your laughter grows louder, imagining Namjoon on his bike, attempting to navigate with an armful of plants. The mental image paints a comical scene, and you find yourself amused by the thought of him juggling between green companions and handlebars.
Your laughter continues, and you playfully suggest, “I can take the wheel on the way back, unless you trust your driving skills with the precious cargo.” Namjoon grins, “Maybe that's a good idea; I wouldn't want to risk any harm to my leafy companions.”
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The plant store is a vibrant kaleidoscope of nature's wonders, with a plethora of beautiful specimens beckoning you both. From delicate baby plants to towering giants, the colors span the spectrum – a mesmerizing dance of greens, reds, purples, yellows, and blues. Armed with a cart, your excitement and giddiness know no bounds as you traverse the aisles, eagerly exploring the rich tapestry of botanical treasures the store has to offer.
With swift determination, Namjoon seizes bundles of essential soil packages, and inspired by his decisiveness, you follow suit, eager to replenish your own gardening arsenal.
As your gaze flits over the indoor greenery, nothing quite captures your interest. However, Namjoon's discovery of a tempting citrus tree triggers thoughts of the fruit trees lingering in your mind. Eagerly, you venture outside to explore the vast array of possibilities. Amid the selection of fruit trees—apples, pears, cherries, and beyond—you hone in on the apple varieties. With purpose, you seek out two distinct types, envisioning a harmonious pollination dance between them.
Namjoon eagerly adds to his haul with a selection of berry bushes, opting for the exquisite allure of blueberries and the tantalizing vibrancy of raspberries.
After a rewarding three-hour exploration through the vibrant aisles of the store, your shopping adventure concludes with a car filled to the brim. Grateful for Namjoon's spacious vehicle, you navigate the challenge of fitting an assortment of soil packages, fruit trees, and bushes. Some of the taller trees find refuge in the backseat, a testament to the abundance of greenery that now accompanies you on the journey home.
Namjoon casually passes you the keys, muttering, “It's better for the plants that way.” Amused, you respond with a chuckle, taking control of the wheel. Upon reaching home, a collaborative effort unfolds as both of you unload the treasures acquired during your plant-filled escapade.
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Namjoon's housewarming party looms ahead, and you find yourself both excited and slightly jittery at the thought of mingling with his rowdy and boisterous friends—individuals you've been quietly cursing under your breath since he first moved in all those months ago.
You've spent hours contemplating what to wear for Namjoon's housewarming party, seeking Jungkook's fashion expertise. He meticulously evaluates every dress in your closet, categorizing them from boring to sexy. Jungkook insists on opting for something enticing to captivate Namjoon's attention, and thus, here you stand, navigating the fine line between alluring and elegant.
Maintaining a deadpan expression, Jungkook casually throws you a bold question amidst his dress scrutiny. “Do you know if Namjoon’s an ass or tits man?” His gaze remains fixated on the dresses, and you're momentarily taken aback by his crude inquiry. However, given the unfiltered nature of your friendship, you offer a nonchalant response, “I don’t know. I’ve seen him staring at both before,” accompanied by a shrug, unsure if that tidbit helps him in any way.
Jungkook continues his quest through your closet, finally emerging triumphant with a suggestion, “Then I suggest a bodycon; tight fit that shows everything.” After thorough searching, he presents a black dress that strikes the right balance, revealing just the perfect amount of cleavage and boasting a midi length that adds a touch of elegance.
You let out a groan of frustration as you eye the bodycon dress on the bed. “You know I hate bodycon dresses,” you sigh. Jungkook chuckles, “I guess that’s why you only have one of them,” he teases as he throws the dress onto your bed. Undeterred, he continues rummaging through your closet, emerging with a pair of purple glitter boots. “Since your dress is black, pair it with these purple glitter heels,” he suggests with a mischievous grin.
You share a laugh with Jungkook, realizing that the vibrant purple glitter heels add a playful touch to the overall look. The dress, initially exuding a somewhat somber vibe, now seems to embrace a more lively and celebratory feel, thanks to Jungkook's unconventional styling suggestion.
Jungkook playfully teases, his eyes dancing with mischief and a mischievous grin revealing his adorable teeth. “I think you’re gonna get laid tonight,” he adds, punctuating the statement with a suggestive wink of his eyebrows.
“It's a party, Guk,” you reprimand him, a playful glint in your eyes as you try to hide the hopeful anticipation that bubbles beneath the surface. You don't entirely dismiss Jungkook's playful prediction, secretly hoping that amidst the lively atmosphere and Namjoon's friends, a spark might ignite between you and Namjoon.
“You never know what's gonna happen,” he shrugs, leaving you to prepare at your own pace. While he swiftly readies himself – donning a simple white tee that accentuates his sculpted physique, showcasing biceps and muscles chiseled in hours at the gym, paired with leather skinny jeans that emphasize his powerful thighs – you can't help but admire the effortless appeal he exudes.
“Planning to seduce someone?” you chuckle, your gaze roaming over him. “That outfit is killer, you know.”
“Nah, maybe. You never know,” he laughs, reveling in his undeniable charm. Jungkook has been the same ever since you met him when he moved in. Always drawing attention, and over the years, he's become your trusted fashion advisor, helping you enhance your outfits to capture the spotlight. You cherish him like the brother you never had.
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You knock on Namjoon's door, but the pulsating beat of the music suggests he won't hear it. Rolling your eyes, you glance at Jungkook, who chuckles and casually swings the door open, ushering you inside the lively atmosphere.
The crowd is surprisingly small, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and warmth among friends. As you navigate through the living room, you exchange greetings with familiar faces, some of whom you remember from that memorable BBQ where Namjoon inadvertently wreaked havoc on your fence and garden bed.
Several of his friends cast you a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the shared memory when Namjoon accidentally wreaked havoc on your fence, and you didn't hesitate to give him a stern scolding.
You stride into the kitchen, boldly interrupting the banter between Namjoon and his friend who's manning the stove. “Hey,” you greet, causing both Namjoon and his friend to pivot and direct their attention toward you and Jungkook.
“Oh, hi,” his friend, Yoongi, greets you, offering his hand. As you shake it and share your name, you detect a subtle recognition flicker in his eyes. It clicks. “Ah, you're the one Joon has been telling us about,” he observes, scrutinizing you from head to toe. In that moment, you feel strangely exposed, wishing you had chosen a more modest outfit. The realization that Namjoon has been discussing you raises a mix of curiosity and uncertainty within you.
Namjoon pivots fully to meet you, and as his eyes roam your entire figure, his steps stutter to a halt. From your face down to those ridiculously purple glitter heels, he takes in every detail. The noticeable gaze sends a tingling warmth across your skin, and you're acutely aware of his thorough inspection. In a breathless, warm tone, Namjoon greets you, “Hi, I'm so glad you came,” his words hanging in the air. Yoongi chuckles, Jungkook joins in, and the atmosphere seems to shift with Namjoon's lingering gaze.
“Dinner’s almost ready, you can take a drink if you want,” Namjoon gestures toward the assortment of beverages as Yoongi orchestrates the final touches to the meal.
You and Jungkook make your way to the kitchen table, where he expertly pours the two of you drinks. As you head back to the living room, the hubbub of the gathering surrounds you, and you notice the diverse crowd filling Namjoon's space with laughter and conversation.
He teases you with a sly grin, “He was totally checking out your ass,” as you both approach a group of people you greeted upon arriving. You respond with a playful chuckle, dismissing the comment but secretly reveling in the idea that Namjoon's attention might be focused on you.
An audacious man points his finger at you with a big boxy smile and declares, “Hey, you're that bitchy neighbor, right?” The desire to react with anger simmers within you, but instead, you offer a forced smile and reply, “Yeah, that's me.” The guy's friend beside him shoots him a disapproving look, muttering something about politeness.
“Don't mind him, I'm Jimin,” the guy who intervened extends his hand for a shake. You grasp it firmly, exchanging names not only with him but also with Jungkook, who lingers at your side.
“I'm Taehyung,” the guy who boldly labeled you the ‘bitchy neighbor’ introduces himself, still wearing a wide grin. Unfazed by his straightforwardness, you flash a warm smile in return, appreciating the honesty.
“I'm Hoseok,” the guy beside them chimes in, a radiant smile lighting up his face.
Before you know it, Yoongi, the guy crafting the delicious dinner, sets the final masterpiece on the dining table. As you all converge around the table, you find yourself seated next to Jungkook and Taehyung. Conversations flow effortlessly, everyone sharing stories about how they know Namjoon – college buddies, coworkers, childhood friends. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, making you feel surprisingly at home in this new circle of acquaintances. Despite the brief encounter, these individuals excel at weaving a sense of inclusion and hospitality, effortlessly transforming strangers into companions.
Despite the lively chatter and delicious food, you can't help but catch Namjoon stealing occasional glances in your direction. Determined to maintain your composure, you divert your attention to savoring the flavors on your plate, pretending not to notice the warmth of his gaze lingering on you.
As lively conversations intertwine with the clinking of cutlery and empty plates, you gradually become aware of the music's subdued presence. Jimin initiates the plate-clearing ritual, and you join in to assist. Meanwhile, Hoseok, with a mischievous gleam in his eye, strides into the living room and cranks up the volume, signaling an imminent eruption of rhythmic movements, suggesting he's ready to unleash some dance-floor magic.
With a playful smile, you turn to Jimin and inquire, “Is it always like this?” Your gaze follows the fluid motions of Hoseok, who has seamlessly transitioned into a mesmerizing dance routine, eliciting a spontaneous chuckle from you.
“Pretty much,” he replies with a chuckle, arranging plates in the dishwasher.
“It's a pity that Taehyung's girlfriend and Hoseok's couldn't make it today. Hoseok's girlfriend loves to dance, and watching her and Hoseok dance is always a blast!” he shares with a smile. Jungkook has now joined Hoseok in dancing, while Namjoon and Yoongi unwind on the couch. Taehyung is pitching in, helping you and Jimin clean up.
“Your friend Jungkook, what's his story?” Jimin inquires, his eyes tracing Jungkook's muscular frame as he effortlessly matches Hoseok's dance moves.
You chuckle, and then Taehyung interjects, “He's wondering if Jungkook is single.” He clarifies for Jimin, who blushes as he shuts the dishwasher.
You turn to Jimin, “Well, he is single. I've never seen him with a man before, but you should give it a shot,” you say, smiling at him. His face brightens, a wide smile forming until his eyes disappear into small slits. Both you and Taehyung chuckle as Jimin heads into the living room to join the dance.
You both follow him, seamlessly joining the dancing crowd. You instantly locate Jungkook, who winks suggestively with his eyebrows as he grips your hips, swaying you to the beat of the music. You understand his intentions – to help you grab Namjoon's attention. It seems to be working, as you feel a pair of hazel brown eyes igniting your skin with warmth.
Jimin effortlessly joins the dancing, grinding up against your body. With the attention of the two men, you can't help but laugh as they're on a mission to make Namjoon jealous.
You catch sight of Namjoon on the couch, his fists clenching intermittently as he struggles to maintain eye contact with you, alternating his gaze whenever he senses yours on him.
Worn out from the lively dance and the touch of both Jungkook and Jimin, you retreat to the kitchen for a much-needed break. Amidst the array of alcoholic beverages, you choose a refreshing sip of water to rejuvenate your senses.
A soft “Hi” catches your attention from behind, and as you turn, there stands Namjoon. It seems like Jungkook's strategic plan to capture his interest might just be unfolding before you.
“Hi,” you reply to Namjoon, turning gracefully to face him, a soft smile playing on your lips as your eyes meet his.
He envelops your personal space in an instant, but the proximity feels electrifying rather than intrusive. His gaze sweeps down, the height difference smaller because of your heels. “You look incredibly sexy,” he murmurs, his words sending a subtle shiver down your spine.
“Thank you, so do you,” you reply, your eyes tracing the contours of his fitted gray shirt, the black dress pants accentuating his silhouette, and his hair styled in a soft undercut. A subtle gulp betrays the sudden rush of arousal that courses through you. Damn, he looks more than nice; he looks irresistible.
His lips brush against your ear as he leans in, his husky whisper sending a shiver down your spine, “I bet you look even sexier without those clothes on.”
A barely audible, breathy moan escapes your lips, your agreement conveyed through a subtle nod. His intoxicating scent envelops your senses, electrifying every inch of your body. Yet, the hunger for more lingers, an insatiable desire pulsating within you.
With a teasing and audacious tone, you declare, “There's only one way to find out.” 
As a provocative invitation, you lower the neckline of your dress ever so slightly, offering him a tantalizing glimpse of your cleavage. His gaze quickly descends, and he licks his lips in response, muttering a husky “Damn.”
He leans in again, gently nibbling on your ear, his breath hot as he pants, “Fuck. I want you so much.” A mischievous glint in his eyes, he adds, “Do you want to take a look at my seedling collection in my room?”
A playful chuckle escapes your lips, yet your body responds with a cascade of tingles, every inch of your skin on high alert. “Yes,” you moan, pressing your body against his, acutely aware of the undeniable evidence of his erection.
He seizes your hand, a magnetic pull guiding you out of the bustling kitchen and into the mysterious path leading, you presume, to his bedroom.
Surprised, you stammer, “What about the others?” as he whisks you away from the lively gathering.
Confidently, he declares, “They have their music, and they won't mind us disappearing for an hour,” pulling you through the hallway with a mischievous grin, “or two.”
You can't help but chuckle, but as his words finally penetrate your foggy mind, a new surge of arousal courses through your core. You gulp, groaning at the anticipation of what his words imply.
In no time, you reach his room. He swiftly opens the door, pulling you inside, and without hesitation, he pushes you against the nearest wall, hovering over you. His eyes search yours for any sign of hesitation, but finding none, he dives into a kiss. It's a blend of softness and intensity, his lips feeling inviting as you instinctively open your mouth, welcoming the dance of his tongue with yours.
The kiss lingers until you both reluctantly break apart for a much-needed breath, chests heaving in sync with the rapid beat of your hearts. His gaze, now hooded, remains fixed on your lips, and his hands firmly grasp your hips, the intensity between you growing with each passing moment.
He breathlessly murmurs your name, his desperation palpable, “You have no idea how much I want you.”
It sends shivers down your spine as you bite your lower lip, anticipation building. “Show me,” you pant in a ragged voice, yearning for the intensity that awaits.
He pulls you towards his bed, the air thick with anticipation as he slowly eases you down onto the soft sheets. Your gaze locks with his, desire burning in your eyes; an unspoken plea for him to ravish you, to consume the hunger that has been building between you for so long.
His fingers trail over your body, igniting a symphony of shivers that course through you, causing a hitch in your breath as he explores the landscape of your body.
His voice, laced with a hunger that mirrors the intensity in his gaze, whispers a question that sets your skin ablaze. 
“Can I taste you?” 
The air thickens with anticipation, and you're certain that if he doesn't touch you soon, you might just combust.
“Please,” your plea, drawn out in a breathless moan, echoes in the room, and you feel your toes curl with anticipation, a symphony of desire playing between every gasp and heartbeat.
He wastes no time, swiftly dragging your dress up your hips to your stomach. A pause lingers as he appreciates the sight of your black lacy underwear, before he skillfully tugs them down your thighs and lets them pool at your feet and drags them to the floor.
“What about my shoes?” you playfully remark as you attempt to kick them off, but he swiftly captures your legs before you can make much progress.
“Keep them on. They're cute.” 
He murmurs, a low, seductive tone that sends shivers down your spine. Your breath catches, and a wave of need tightens your core, leaving you aching for more.
He pulls you to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs with a hungry gaze, absorbing the sight of your glistening pussy, ready to explore every inch of it.
“Fuck, you're already so wet,” he groans, his hands kneading your thighs, eliciting moans of delight as his skilled fingers inch closer to where you need him the most.
He inches closer and closer with his hands, teasingly tracing the contours of your thighs, but then, with a seductive glint in his eyes, he redirects his attention to your core. Your gaze locks with his as he licks his lips in anticipation before finally sealing the deal, his mouth enveloping your slick, pulsating pussy.
His tongue skillfully explores your folds, sending a shiver down your spine as you involuntarily arch your back off the bed, caught in the electrifying sensation. As he moves to your clit, a wave of tightness starts to coil in your stomach.
His expert mouth engulfs your clit, creating a tantalizing suction that has you gripping the sheets, your mind teetering on the edge of bliss. He hasn’t even done much yet  an overwhelming sense of ecstasy washes over you, pushing you to the brink of sweet surrender.
Simultaneously, his skilled fingers continue their rhythmic massage on your thighs. “Fuck, don't stop,” you moan, lost in the intoxicating blend of sensations that envelops you.
He devours your clit with an insatiable hunger, his tongue moving with an expertise that leaves you breathless. Every flick and swirl sends shockwaves of pleasure through you.
Then he pulls off, “You like that?”
“Fuck, yeah.”
He returns to his task with newfound determination, his tongue expertly dancing over your throbbing clit. Your fingers entwine in his hair, tugging at the strands as he skillfully sucks and laps, each deliberate move coaxing euphoric sounds from your lips, punctuated by the desperate call of his name.
Embarrassment is a distant thought as pleasure courses through you, driven by the divine dance of his tongue on your sensitive bud. Wetness coats your core, and in the throes of ecstasy, you abandon all reservations. “I'm so close, Joon,” escapes your lips, a raw admission of the impending climax.
As his tongue continues its tantalizing assault on your clit, a single finger joins the sensual ballet, probing the entrance to your pussy. Your walls eagerly envelop the intruding digit, the dual stimulation propelling you perilously close to the edge of climax.
Your moans cascade into the air like a melody as he rhythmically thrusts his finger in and out of you, a symphony of pleasure coursing through your body. The withdrawal of his digit leaves you yearning, but the anticipation peaks as his slickened finger teases your untouched hole. Shivers dance along your spine as you feel the subtle pressure against the resistance of your muscles, inviting an exhilarating mix of pleasure and anticipation.
You whimper, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight below. His eyes are darkened pools of desire, mirroring the intensity of the sensations he orchestrates with his skillful tongue. The explicit symphony of wet, rhythmic sounds reverberates in the room, a sinful melody that only adds to the fire between you both.
His insistent finger nudges at your hole, and you instinctively clench, a mix of anticipation and slight discomfort coursing through you. Yet, his agile tongue at your clit becomes a captivating distraction, a skillful dance that forces your focus away from the pressure building elsewhere. As you struggle to ease the tension in your body, your breath quickens, and you transform into a panting, quivering mess beneath his intoxicating touch.
In a haze of pleasure, you're suddenly aware of the delicate pressure of his teeth on your clit. The sensation is subtle yet electrifying, sending shockwaves through your body. Your voice echoes in a cry of his name, the walls of your core clenching around the emptiness, while your senses blur in a whirlwind of ecstasy. As you struggle to regain control of your breathing, the world around you fades into a euphoric abyss.
As your climax courses through you, he withdraws his finger from your tight hole, but his fervent attention on your folds persists. His tongue dances with expertise, devouring the sweet juice that envelops his taste buds.
“You taste so sweet.” 
Savoring the lingering taste of your sweetness, he licks his lips lasciviously as he withdraws from your core. Gazing upon your breathless and flushed figure sprawled on his bed, he can't help but chuckle, a low and satisfied sound, at the intoxicating impact he's already had on you.
“Dammit, Namjoon.”
Frustration and desire intertwine as you sit up, urgently pulling Namjoon between your legs to seize his lips in a passionate kiss. In the heat of the moment, you inadvertently taste yourself on his lips, but you don’t mind.
With a sultry gaze, you break away from his lips, locking eyes with him as you confess, “I want to suck your dick.”
As your seductive words hang in the air, you notice his pupils dilate even further, and he inhales sharply, taking a deliberate step back, visibly affected by the promise in your desire-laden confession.
“I don't know,” he begins, and you raise an intrigued eyebrow at him. 
“You haven't exactly been a good girl,” he adds, his tone taking on a tantalizing edge. You gape at his unexpected words, your mind racing to comprehend the sudden shift in his demeanor. 
“Why should I let you suck my dick when you’ve been so bad?”
Your jaw actually drops, and you're left perplexed by the sudden change in his demeanor. “I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to make you feel as good as you made me feel,” you respond, your voice a mixture of confusion and desire, trying to navigate the unexpected turn in the conversation.
A mischievous smirk graces his lips, and he offers a soft smile. “If I remember correctly, you glued my mailbox together,” he utters, and as the words escape his mouth, a realization hits you like a ton of bricks — is he still holding onto your past antics from when he first moved in?
A sly grin plays on his lips. “And threw eggs on my windows,” he teases, and you're left dumbfounded. His arousal is evident with a prominent bulge in his pants, leaving you puzzled as to why he's resurrecting this conversation now.
“Wanted to blow my tire,” he chuckles, his hand casually finding its way to his erect cock, inviting your gaze. “If you want this,” he gestures to his throbbing dick, “you'll need to apologize and beg like a proper bitch.”
You inhale sharply at his audacious demand, a shiver coursing down your spine. The challenge is clear. Two can play this game, and you're more than ready to meet his provocative request head-on.
You bat your eyes at him, rising to meet him at the foot of the bed, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. “So it's going to be like that, huh? What if I don't want to apologize, because I already have?” Your voice drops to a sultry whisper as you tease him, fingers boldly grabbing the outline of his cock outside his pants, eliciting a sharp hiss from his lips.
His tone oozes mock disappointment. “Fine, I suppose I'll just go join the others,” he declares, a smug smile playing on his lips, leaving you to wonder if he's bluffing or genuinely preparing to walk away.
“With this tent in your pants?”
With a teasing smirk, you glance down at the noticeable bulge in his pants and then meet his eyes again. Chuckling nervously, the realization dawns on you that he might just be speaking the truth.
“I don’t mind,” nonchalantly, he shrugs his shoulders as he backs away from you, and a sense of panic creeps in because, damn, he wasn't kidding about walking away!
But an overwhelming desire surges through you, an urgent need for him, for his intimacy. You crave to taste him, to feel him deep inside. Damn it, you'll have to surrender to the yearning and beg for the pleasure you so desperately crave.
Your voice is a breathy plea, eyes locked onto his, a mixture of desire and vulnerability. 
“Please,” you implore, the longing in your eyes laying bare your desperate craving to taste him.
“Please let me suck your dick.”
He saunters over, a playful glint in his eyes. “And?” he drawls, his gaze lingering on you, leaving you biting your lower lip in a mix of anticipation and frustration.
You take a deep breath, your admission hanging in the air, “I'm sorry, I was a bitch to you.”
His satisfaction evident, he swiftly lowers both his pants and underwear in a single motion, unveiling his impressive cock—long, thick, with a captivating crimson hue at the tip. Your breath catches at the sight, a gasp escaping your lips as it comes into full view.
“Good girl. Then suck it.”
He commands, and you gracefully descend to your knees. Your tongue darts out, tracing your lips as you fixate on the glistening bead of precum adorning the crown of his cock.
With purposeful intent, your hands envelop his pulsating cock, eliciting a guttural groan of longing from him as your fingers methodically traverse its rigid length.
“Don't toy with me,” he cautions, his voice imbued with a mixture of desire and command as he utters your name.
You playfully scoff at his attitude, but your boldness shines through as you extend your tongue, sliding it beneath the swollen tip of his dick. Locking eyes with him, you tease away the glistening droplets of precum. His sharp intake of breath transforms into a low moan when you engulf the head of his throbbing cock with your warm, wet mouth.
You skillfully trace your tongue around his frenulum, causing a visceral reaction. His head arches backward, and his fingers instinctively weave into your hair, applying a gentle, insistent tug as if he’s unable to contain the escalating pleasure.
You release his cock from your mouth, allowing saliva to pool and gather as you sensually prepare for another round. With deliberate intent, you envelop him once more, eliciting breathy pants from him as your wet, warm mouth expertly glides up and down, leaving his dick coated in a glistening sheen of your saliva.
With a firm grip on his hips, you delve into the art of pleasuring him, expertly creating a vacuum with your lips that draws out moans of pleasure. As you suck him, the wetness between your thighs intensifies, a tangible manifestation of your arousal responding to the symphony of his reactions.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
As his moans echo in the room, his praise serves as a potent catalyst, igniting a fiercer desire within you. Eager for more, you boldly take more of his cock, skillfully deep-throating him until the meeting point of your nose and his coarse pubic hair.
“Ah, fuck.”
As you skillfully relax your mouth, the enticing vibrations of your hum reverberate around his throbbing dick, eliciting a deeper response. His hands, entwined in the makeshift ponytail of your hair, tug with a mixture of urgency and pleasure, amplifying the intensity.
Breathless and with desire darkening his gaze, he implores, “Fuck. WIll you let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours?”
His eyes linger on your face, adorned with the evidence of your oral prowess, your lips glistening with your saliva by being filled to the brim with his thick cock.
You echo your consent with a sultry hum around his dick, your subtle nod accentuating the deliberate relaxing of your throat and jaw, inviting him to explore the depths of your mouth.
“God. You’re such a good girl for me.” 
He forcefully tugs at your hair, eliciting a hiss around his cock. With a firm hand, he guides your face deeper into his pubic hair. You concentrate on relaxing, taking slow breaths to stave off the impending gag reflex. Just as you feel the sensation building, he withdraws, leaving you to glance up with anticipation, wondering what's wrong.
“You’re doing so good.”
His tender reassurance, accompanies a gentle brush of his fingers, wiping away a lone tear cascading down your cheek. A genuine smile graces your lips in response. The warmth of his praise sends a delightful flutter through your stomach, your core responding with an involuntary clench.
“I’ll fuck you real good after this,” his promise hangs in the air like an electrifying vow, resonating with a potent mixture of desire and anticipation. The command in his pull at your hair is met with your compliance, as he deftly aligns his dick with your waiting mouth. A mutual understanding passes between you, and you intentionally relax, allowing him to dictate the rhythm and intensity.
The tempo of his movements becomes an immediate onslaught, a relentless pace that leaves you breathless. His thrusts into your mouth are a whirlwind of intensity, each one demanding your full attention and challenging your ability to keep up.
The room resonates with a symphony of wet, slurping sounds, a visceral accompaniment to the mingling of your tears and saliva that forms a slick, glistening sheen on his cock. The dance of his relentless thrusts is now an unhindered glide, running smoothly over your lips.
Amidst the ecstasy, he moans appreciatively, “You've been a real bitch,” yet his words carry a tone of undeniable pleasure. “But, fuck, you look divine like this.” 
He continues to thrust into your mouth, a sly smirk playing on his lips. “Can't talk back with your mouth full, huh?”
Damn, his menacing words send a shiver down your spine, igniting a wild fire of arousal pooling within your core. Attempting to respond, only a muffled hum escapes your lips against his pulsating cock, prompting him to moan your name in ecstasy.
“Fuck. I’m so close.”
His thrusts intensify, desire burning in his eyes as he seeks permission, “I really want to come inside your pussy, can I?”
Your muffled hum around him ignites a primal response, “Fuck. You’re so good for me, baby girl. I want to fuck you so bad, you won’t be able to walk out of here.”
Your pussy tightens in response to his words. Fuck, the thought alone sends a shiver through your body. You can already sense the wetness trickling down your thighs, aching for more of his intoxicating touch.
As he withdraws from your mouth, you gasp for air, inhaling in rapid breaths. His gentle touch caresses your cheek, accompanied by a soft smile. Transitioning from the kneeling position, he releases his hold on your hair, bringing you to a standing position before him. A hiss escapes your lips at the pull, yet it ignites a torrent of arousal, leaving you groaning in pleasure.
His command slices through the air, “On all fours,” he orders, a subtle gesture guiding your movements toward the bed. Swiftly, you comply, positioning yourself on hands and knees, anticipation coursing through every nerve.
His breath catches as he admires the breathtaking sight, “Fuck, your ass is incredible.” 
A pause lingers as he indulges in the moment, his hands gently caressing the curves before a sharp slap echoes through the room, eliciting a moan from you—a sound that draws a light, satisfied chuckle from him.
As he sheds the last of his clothes, standing there in raw vulnerability, he motions for you to rise and shed the remnants of your dress. With a swift motion, he pulls the fabric away, revealing a matching lace bra that barely conceals the anticipation underneath. Skillfully unhooking it from behind, he lets it join the growing pile on the floor, laying bare the desires that crackle between you.
His hands envelop your breasts from behind, skillfully rolling and tugging at your sensitive nipples, coaxing a hiss that transforms into a sultry moan. 
“Get down,” he commands, releasing your breasts, and you obediently return to your hands and knees, anticipation coursing through your veins like an electric charge.
As you arch your back, pressing your ass into him, the electric jolt of sensation courses through your body, the meeting of your ass with his throbbing cock igniting a fervent desire within. The yearning for him to fill you overwhelms your senses, aching for the ecstasy that awaits.
With a firm grip, he parts your cheeks, molding them as though shaping the most exquisite sculpture, and a prolonged moan escapes your lips, echoing the building tension between you. His touch, both commanding and sensual, sends shivers down your spine.
“You like it when I grope your ass?” 
His teasing tone resonates with the intimate caresses on your backside, creating a delicious interplay of sensations. As he playfully gropes your ass once more, a moan, laden with desire, spills from your lips.
“Yes, Joon.” 
As his hand connects with the curve of your ass, a jolt of both pain and pleasure surges through you, a visceral reminder that each spank is a tantalizing dance between ecstasy and a hint of sting. You can't help but release a breathy exclamation, caught in the intoxicating paradox of pleasure and the fiery imprint of his touch.
His fingers trace the tender spot left by the impact, a gentle contrast to the impending intensity. The warmth of his touch lingers just long enough before the other cheek receives the caress of his firm hand. With a husky promise, he murmurs, “Such a good girl. I’m gonna fuck you so good.”
In response to his tantalizing vow, a needy moan escapes your lips, fueling the building desire within. Eager for his touch, you press your ass further toward him. He complies, his hand skimming over his throbbing cock before parting your slickened folds. With an electrifying precision, he guides his dick to the brink of your quivering entrance.
Sensations surge through you as the velvety tip of his cock teases your folds. Surrendering to the impending ecstasy, you bury your breasts and head into the bed, anticipating the irresistible intrusion. With a deliberate and tantalizing pace, he eases himself into the welcoming warmth of your eager pussy, setting off a cascade of pleasure that envelops you both.
“Fuck! You’re so big, ugh!”
Ecstatic moans escape your lips as the sheer magnitude of his size overwhelms your senses. You're acutely aware of the delicious stretch coursing through your core, a blend of pleasure and challenge. Summoning every ounce of willpower, you command your body to yield, coaxing it to embrace the monumental intrusion and paving the way for him to delve deeper into you, transforming lingering discomfort into a symphony of desire.
“Damn. You’re so tight,” his grip tightens on your ass, fingers sinking into the flesh as he thrusts himself deeper into the velvety warmth of your pussy. A guttural moan escapes his lips, resonating through the room as he relishes the tightness that envelops him. With each inch, a shared ecstasy unfurls, culminating in a breathless admission, “Your little pussy is taking me so well.”
An electrifying fullness courses through you as he seamlessly integrates into the heated embrace of your slick folds. The initial stretch fades into a delicious satisfaction, a testament to the perfect fit between your bodies. His whispered inquiry, “Are you good?” hangs in the air, a prelude to the rhythmic dance about to unfold.
“Fuck, yeah. Please fuck me Joon.”
Your impassioned plea reverberates through the room, a desperate cry into the sheets. Almost in response, he retreats, teasingly withdrawing before plunging back in with a force that elicits an unrestrained cry, the fusion of pleasure and intensity echoing in the air.
He propels into a relentless and rapid rhythm from the outset, causing your fingers to curl tightly around the sheets. As the pace intensifies, a thin sheen of saliva from your parted lips marks the bedding.
His voice, rough and primal, reverberates in the room as he plunges into you with unbridled intensity. “Fuck. You feel so nice around me, babe,” he rasps, each forceful thrust hitting that exquisite spot, setting off a symphony of moans that escape your lips in a relentless, intoxicating cadence.
Your uninhibited moans echo in the room, a symphony of pleasure that drowns in the pulsating beats of the music. In the haze of passion, you're blissfully unaware of how loud you are, and with each intense thrust, you find solace in the hope that the music's thunderous rhythm conceals your shared symphony from the prying ears of his friends—although, in this heated moment, who gives a fuck?
“Namjoon, shit!” you pant, surrendering to the primal rhythm, arching your back and meeting his dick with fervor. Every thrust becomes a shared dance, an intimate symphony where your movements mirror his, creating a crescendo of pleasure that resonates through the room.
“Fuck. You’re such a good girl for me. Fucking yourself on me like this, fuck.”
His hands, explorers on a sensual journey, traverse every curve of your body with a possessive grace. With a firm grip on your hair, he elevates you onto your knees, commanding your body like a masterpiece. His skilled hands then trace a tantalizing path, cupping your breasts, and his fingers dance over your nipples, coaxing forth a symphony of pleasure.
“Oh, fuck.” Your moan harmonizes with the relentless rhythm of his hips, each thrust orchestrating a crescendo of pleasure that leaves your core drenched in a fresh cascade of arousal.
His fingers dance on your sensitive nipples, an exquisite melody that resonates with the building intensity of your pleasure. You're on the precipice, teetering on the edge of ecstasy, breath hitching. 
“Shit— I'm close!” 
As he releases one of your tender breasts, that liberated hand embarks on a journey south, landing at your aching core. His skilled fingers find your swollen clit instantly, tracing circles that send electric shocks of pleasure through your body. A raw, uninhibited moan escapes your lips, a testament to the sweet agony he effortlessly orchestrates.
His voice, a low and husky melody, reverberates in your ear, electrifying your senses. “Just like that, babe,” he moans, each word a caress, sending shivers cascading down your spine. “Cream my cock,” he implores, his desire echoing in the air like a sultry command.
Overwhelming sensations surge through your body, a symphony of pleasure orchestrated by his skillful touch. The relentless rhythm of his thrusts, the expert manipulation of your nipples, and the teasing strokes on your clit become a sensory overload. It's an intoxicating concoction, pushing you past the edge. The coil within you finally unravels, your walls contracting around his cock, squeezing him tight. In the symphony of ecstasy, he releases a strangled moan, a harmonious blend of desire and fulfillment.
Your body becomes a vessel of pleasure, every gasp for air feels like an accomplishment. Namjoon relentlessly maintains the pace, a symphony of passion playing between you. “Namjoon,” you whimper in a strangled voice, the intensity leaving you sounding distant even to your own ears. Your vision blurs with white spots, a kaleidoscope of sensations overwhelming your senses. The weight of ecstasy takes hold, your body feeling both heavy and weightless. 
Unable to sustain yourself on your knees, you surrender to the intoxicating euphoria, slumping your head onto the bed, finding solace in the soft embrace of the sheets.
Namjoon holds your ass up, his thrusts becoming a frenzied dance, each movement a passionate punctuation in and out of your convulsing pussy.
“Almost there, babe. Fuck. You just clenched around me even tighter.” he seizes your hips with a firmer grip, plunging into you with more depth, and you muffle your moans into the sheets, desperately clinging to the sensations coursing through you.
He trails his fingers along your spine for a fleeting moment, and then, with a sudden slap to one of your ass cheeks, he accentuates the contrast by tenderly stroking the very spot he just struck. “You're incredible,” he breathes, his touch a symphony of pleasure and pain.
With a final series of deep, powerful thrusts, he slams into you, releasing a torrent of warm, white fluid that coats the walls of your pussy. His subsequent thrusts, though slowing down, maintain a sensual rhythm, drawing out the euphoric connection between your bodies.
“Fucking hell. That was mind-blowing,” he pants, his hands finding a temporary refuge on the curve of your ass as he endeavors to catch his breath. A few beads of his sweat cascade from his forehead, tracing a path down onto your skin. You tilt your head, still recovering your own breath, and respond, “Yeah it was.”
He tenderly strokes your ass cheeks, his softened dick still nestled within you. The gentle caresses feel exquisite, though you become aware of his essence gradually seeping out, tracing a languid path down your thighs.
He remains embedded within your warm pussy until you murmur, “Joon, I'm too exhausted to stay like this.”
He chuckles, his fingers tracing patterns along your ass and spine before withdrawing his cock, leaving you to groan in the void it creates. A cascade of your combined releases trails down your thighs, and as Namjoon spreads your ass cheeks, he admires the aftermath. 
“Damn, you look incredible,” he murmurs, his lips descending to kiss the intimate blend of his essence and your arousal on your pussy.
You moan, your body still tingling with sensitivity, and you slump onto the bed, utterly spent. Namjoon chuckles, joining you in a languid sprawl beside you.
Lying side by side, you both catch your breaths while Namjoon spoons you. The intimacy is soothing, his rapid heartbeat against your back almost lulling you to sleep. Suddenly, you feel his hand trace a path from your hips down your thigh, sending a shiver through you. 
“I'll clean you up,” he murmurs, breaking the post-passion silence with a promise.
He ascends from the bed, retrieving towels from a drawer to delicately cleanse the intimate aftermath between your legs. Each touch elicits a moan, and you're grateful for the tender care he showers on you. 
“Thank you” you sigh, the words carrying a weight of appreciation and a lingering sense of intimacy.
“No problem,” his response comes effortlessly, and he settles onto the edge of the bed, a casual ease in his demeanor.
He breaks the silence, a hint of nervousness in his voice as his hand grazes the back of his head, then he pops the question, “I was actually thinking... if you want to go out on a date with me?”
You shift your body to face him, a tender smile playing on your lips as you reply, “I'd absolutely love that, Namjoon.”
As your fingers intertwine with his, a genuine smile lights up his face, revealing those adorable dimples. “Great. You can call me Joonie by the way,” he says, and seals the moment with a soft kiss on your temple, leaving you breathless once again.
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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zorobraun · 1 year
sexual tension with ghost that leads to sex (but he’s kinda toxic) part two
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“bro, did you hear something last night?” soap asks to konig, but the whole breakfast table look at him with curious eyes. “something?” konig raises an eyebrow, and you think you’re starting to sweat. “yeah, like… sex. i swear to god i heard moans all night, and i’m pretty sure i wasn’t dreaming.” holy shit, you almost choke on your pineapple juice. you stay silent, though, not wanting to say a word because you’re a bad liar and it would look suspicious.
“it must’ve been ghost and a girl, he’s a whore, we all know that.” konig chuckles, making soap agree with a laugh. my god, this is so nice; waking up to people saying that the man you casually had sex with, fucked half of the world. “did you hear it too, y/n?” soap looks at you innocently. he probably just wants to make sure you’re not being left out. “uh, not really. i think i was too tired to hear anything.” you smile half heartedly, soap raises an eyebrow.
“you literally share a fucking wall with him, your room is glued to his. shit, you really was tired, huh?” he laughs and you agree, chuckling. you stop smiling when you notice that everybody’s posture has changed. and then, you feel his presence behind you. “good morning, idiots.” ghost suddenly breaks the silence. “i need to talk to you for a second. about something. in my room.” he continues and you pray to god that he’s talking to someone else, so you stay still, staring at the window in front of you. however, no one says a word, and they’re all looking at you, waiting for some kind of reaction.
“w-what?” you chuckle anxiously, turning your body to face him. “i mean, of course.” you swallow hard, forcing a smile. at this point, they probably know that you were the bitch moaning all night. “after you.” he gestures with his hand and you nod, now walking to his room. truth is, he’s not a gentleman, he just loves your ass so much that he can’t help but admire the sight of it in these tight pants of yours. “go ahead.” he encourages you when you stop in front of his door. you nod again, entering his room.
ghost locks the door and suddenly you’re even more anxious. “please, don’t ever say that again in public.” you sigh, sitting on his comfortable chair. “i’ll say whatever i want whenever i want.” he lights up a cigarette and you roll your eyes. ghost sits on the edge of his bed, manspreading like the insufferable man he is, while he smokes his cigarette peacefully. you stare at him and you’ve just realized that he has his mask and balaclava off. fuck you, you’ll never get used to his pretty face.
“what do you want?” you ask, crossing your legs for some reason. he’s undressing you with his eyes and it makes you cheeks flush. “isn’t it obvious?” he has a very serious tone in his voice, but you know him, he’s just fucking around with you. he loves to make you feel dumb. “my body?” you joke, chuckling. “that’s funny.” he answers with no emotion at all, although he’s smirking.
“i need you…” ghost starts, but he looks very unsure about it. you frown, waiting for him to continue his sentence, but he never does. “you need me…?” you encourage him. “i need you to be in charge for a while.” he finally says, but at this point you don’t even know if he’s talking about sex or other stuff. “what do you mean?” you’re very confused as he puts the cigarette away. he’s chuckling because he knows that you’re so fucking dirty minded.
“i need you to be in charge of things here while i’m away. i’ll be gone for five days or something.” ghost explains and your heart drops for a moment. maybe because he’s the only one here that feels like home to you. a wrecked one, but still. “why me, though?” you swallow hard, not liking the idea. “because i said so.” he simply says.
“so… when you’re leaving?” you stand up, he does the same. you stare at each other for a moment. “in a few minutes.” oh. okay. you try to hide your disappointment as you smile half heartedly. “good. okay, then. i’ll try to take care of everything.” you’re terrified but he nods. “thanks.” he says, nonchalant. you know ghost hates to be vulnerable, but this time, you actually feel some kind of sincerity behind his words.
he’s looking at you as if he’s meaning to tell you something that he doesn’t feel comfortable enough to. so you wait for him, you wait for his time. as if the universe is against you, ghost comes closer to you. you hold your breath as he takes a deep one. he places a kiss on your shoulder, making you already lose your senses. “my bed will miss us.” he says in a low tone, almost a soft one, but you know better. he could miss the sex, but not you as a person. his smirk makes you want to punch him and kiss him at the same time.
“the team sure won’t.” you both chuckle. ghost starts kissing your neck and you’re not you anymore. “why’d you say it like that?” you can feel his smile against your skin. “because they heard us.” you answer as if it was obvious, making him stop kissing your neck to look at you. “us?” he raises an eyebrow, holding back a laugh. fucking asshole. “i told you to stop being so fucking loud, you just didn’t care. now face the consequences.” before you could answer, ghost grabs your neck and you immediately give up.
it feels like a breath of fresh air when he kisses you. it’s like you waited your whole life to feel his lips crash against yours again. the way he does it so impatiently but so slowly will always catch you off guard. his eager tongue exploring your mouth makes your heart miss a beat. your bottom lip between his teeth is something that you could get used to, just like the sounds that escape his mouth every now and then when he’s on the verge to fuck you.
“y/n…” he’s out of breath against your lips, forehead pressed against yours. “bend over.” you widen your eyes. his voice is pure lust, his hands wandering all over your body. you’re in front of the desk already, his torso pressing against your back. you can’t deny him, even under the risk of being heard again. so you nod as he unbuckles his belt while kissing your spine.
seven days later, ghost came back. at first, you were curious about his delay, but then you remembered that you were nothing but a casual fuck to him. therefore, you didn’t really have the right to ask him about his personal life, such as his job. you’re pulled out of your thoughts when you finally hear his voice echoing through the corridor, making you frown in your bed, since it’s four in the morning and you were trying to get some sleep.
“for fuck’s sake, johnny. i’ll take the bullet off myself, go to sleep.” you hear him complaining and you’re preoccupied. well, you hate the fact that you’re your lieutenant’s neighbor. when soap walks away, you open the door, catching ghost off guard. he’s shirtless but his arm is bleeding, so you try to ignore his big and toned torso. you swallow hard when you see the blood dripping down on the ground.
“what the hell, ghost.” you mumble in a certain despair, opening his door as a way to try to help him. he’s looking at you like he missed your face, but he rather die than do vulnerable stuff that implies commitment, so he physically can’t handle your company right now. “i’ll take it from here.” ghost says, pushing you away from his door gently. “let me help you.” you say, touching his shoulder.
“i’ll talk to you later, okay? please.” he sounds in a rush, almost as if he’s afraid of you, as if he has to run away from you as soon as possible, making you nod defeatedly. ghost was going to kiss your forehead but then he remembered that you’re nothing but his casual fuck, so he settled for a kiss on your cheek before closing the door at your face.
he didn’t talk to you later that day, nor the next one. but he would obviously knock at your door at three in the morning when he can’t cum with his hand and need you to do the job. you almost throw up when you realize that this is so lieutenant ghost. “fuck off!” your scream echoes through the door, making him shush you immediately. you roll your eyes as you stop getting ready to sleep to open the goddamn door. unfortunately for you, ghost is wearing those stupid grey sweatpants and a white tight tee.
“are you trying to wake the whole base up?” he’s visibly mad but you don’t give a fuck. “yeah, got any problems with that?” you mock, holding the fuck out of the door, just in case he decides to come in without your permission. “my only problem right now is your behavior. what’s up with that?” ghost sighs impatiently as he grabs your arm and pushes the both of you inside. slick son of a bitch.
“and why the fuck are you half naked? it’s freezing cold.” he notices that you’re wearing nothing but your pink lingerie. it makes him hard, really. “because i just got out of the shower. i was getting ready to bed when you decided to piss me off.” you sigh, staring at him with crossed arms. ghost stares back at you, placing a hand on his heart for a few seconds just because. “uh huh, so…” oh my god, he literally couldn’t care less. he starts walking slowly towards you, hands on his waist.
ghost licks his lips, taking a deep breath. “i’m sorry about that night, i should’ve been more grateful. you took care of everything while i was gone, thank you.” his breathing is erratic, he must really hate apologizing. you like it, though — the way he’s struggling. his ego is huge, even for a big man like him. “it’s fine, ghost.” you answer in a tired tone. “thanks for being intentional this time.” you smile half heartedly as he nods. ghost swallows hard. being so close to you while you look this good should be a crime, specially when you’re not willing to give in.
“how’s your arm, by the way?” you break the silence, placing your hand on his massive arm gently. “feels like a brand new one.” he lies, grabbing your hand away from it, but he doesn’t let go of your touch. “it seems that it still hurts and it’s not healed yet.” you point out, raising an eyebrow at him. he literally has a bandage around his biceps. “does it matter?” ghost chuckles, just enjoying the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his. “it matters to me.” you simply say, looking into his lost eyes. “it shouldn’t.” before you could answer, he kisses you unexpectedly. it’s not desperate, it’s slow and sensual.
you know this is your lieutenant’s way of running away from feelings. because to him, feelings are temporary. “i’ve missed your body so much.” he mumbles against your lips as you try to ignore the word body. “i’d fuck my fist every night, thinking it was your mouth instead.” ghost announces and for some reason you don’t get mad, you get wet. “did you touch yourself in this pink set while i was gone?” he breathes next to your ear and you shiver when you feel his tongue on your neck, alongside with the cold wall hitting your back.
“careful with that answer, say yes and i’ll break you off.” he emphasizes, you can feel his smirk against your skin. he licks and sucks and you don’t have any choice but to close your eyes in pleasure. “no, never.” you lie in a low whimper. embarassing. “fucking liar.” ghost chuckles dryly, making you wetter than before. “i bet your fingers can’t even hit your spot, not after i’ve been inside you.” he leaves your neck to look into your eyes. “y-you’re right.” you say, already breathless.
“yeah?” he sounds so mean as he pulls you impossibly closer to his body so he can kiss you painfully slow again. “the thought of us fucking so good for the first time must’ve been useful for you.” ghost takes your bra off and you take his shirt off very carefully to not hurt his arm. “what was that about?” he laughs, mocking at your concern. “i’m worried, okay? leave me alone.” you roll your eyes as he holds back another laugh.
“should i fuck you against the wall to show how strong my arms are?” he jokes in a very serious way. “you can fuck me wherever, as long as you make me feel good.” you joke back, placing your hands on his chest. “so self centered.” he starts kissing your collarbone until his lips meet your nipples. you moan lowly with his ministrations. “let me suck you off to show how much i care for you as well.” you whisper as you push him away.
“you better not cum while doing it.” he looks at you, grabbing your neck as a reminder. the fact that you came just by sucking him the last time the two of you had sex is insane, you’re still ashamed by that. “it’s just that… you look so good in my mouth.” you admit it out loud and ghost loses it. “you’re so honest when you’re horny, baby. i’ll get you a sore throat as a reward, how’s that sound?” you hate that you don’t hate his sense of humour at all.
you kneel. he spreads his pre cum on your soft lips. you open your mouth. he grabs your jaw and you stick your tongue out. he spits in it and tell you to fucking swallow because your throat must be so dry due to how excited you are to suck him off. after that, you just do things automatically. you’re so in your head, picturing him and the challenge of making him feel good, that you don’t really care about anything else. it’s like your mind goes blank of how much you’re his to use. and you’re okay with that.
you’re so okay that you choke on his cock just because, you let his hand guide your head just because, you let him hit the back of your throat multiple times again just because. you keep going because he said so and you know he’s so fucking close due to how rough he’s being with you. how out of breath he sounds. how his groans break into low moans. how he’s throbbing so deliciously. “i’m gonna cum and you’re not gonna swallow.” you almost cry at his announcement, since you swallowed it before and it’s surprisingly sweet. his healthy diet and his addiction to fruits is no joke.
so you swallow it anyway. ghost smirks then slaps your face. at this point, you’re so turned on that you liked the sting. “greedy fucking slut.” you stand up, finally. he kisses you passionately. his taste on your tongue isn’t bad, but he prefers yours. it’s a shame he can’t eat you out this time or else he’ll cum just by doing it. “take your panties off, ‘gonna fuck you now.” you nod, lost in his demanding panting voice. “here, though? your arm…” you protest, now fully naked.
“my arm is fine.” he sounds done with you. “you’re giving yourself too much credit, have you ever looked in the mirror? you’re tiny.” he mocks your body proportions while holding back a smile. well, he’s right. you’re very small compared to him, but aren’t everyone? he’s big. in all ways.
“that’s on you, you’re huge.” you smirk as you look down on him. you finally give in, too needy to wait any longer, it feels like you’ve been edged in this room for hours. “and you take it everytime.” ghost breathes with a proud smile, more proud of himself than of you. his tip teases your entrance and you swallow hard, excitement consuming you. “breathe, angel. does my cock make you this eager? i knew you wouldn’t want anyone else after you had me.” he slides in just a little and you hold back a moan.
“why are you still talking?” you breathe, inches away from his lips. his eyes never leave yours and you’re fighting the urge to cry from how much you want him. “i like to see you on the edge.” ghost finally grabs your thighs so you can wrap them around his waist. “maybe if you beg a little more, i can give it to you.” he kisses your temple, enjoying the way you’re struggling to stay still. “jesus fucking christ, just f…” his unexpected hard thrust cuts you off, making you moan out loud. ghost laughs, kissing your neck.
he gives your nipples attention and it only drives you closer to your orgasm. “mmm, i don’t even have to try, i can just slide in.” you hate his mocking tone, so you tell him to go harder because you’re not even feeling it. “that’s crazy, i can literally feel your cervix.” he chuckles and it makes you mad that his out of breath laugh is such a turn on for you. truth is, you can feel him in your cervix too. “you can’t make me mad with your bullshit, baby. not when i can feel you dripping down on me like this. you never fail to amaze me, fuck.” he groans as he goes faster.
you’re so lost in the feeling of his cock hitting all of your right spots that you can’t even say a word to him. you’re just a sweaty moaning mess at this point. ghost feels your warm walls clench around him as you grab his biceps in a tight grip, not even realizing that your fingers are hurting his unhealead wound. he whimpers lowly, more in pain than in pleasure. but you’re so close that you don’t even realize it, so your orgasm hits you like a giant wave.
“i-i’m sorry.” you don’t really know what you’re apologizing for, but it doesn’t matter, because he keeps fucking you to chase his own high and your mind goes blank. “w-wait! fuck, slow down.” you cry out, too overstimulated to keep going. “you can do it, make me proud.” he mumbles out of breath, talking you through it, but his grip on the back of your thighs isn’t firm anymore and you’re starting to suspect that ghost’s sore arm is aching due to the effort he wasn’t supposed to be doing yet.
“do you want another one? i’ll give it to you.” ghost kisses you messily, not quite thinking straight. “i-i can’t, i can’t.” you say almost in a desperate tone. “but you will.” he whispers against your lips, now leaving you empty to walk to your bed. he lays you down and you widen your eyes when you see his previously white bandage covered in blood. “you’re bleeding.” you sound concerned as you touch him carefully, but ghost is almost exploding due to how bad he wants to fucking cum, so he couldn’t care less about his arm.
“no shit.” he mocks, tilting his head. ghost sighs, you look so beautiful like this, under him, cheeks flushed, too fucked out. he kisses you gently. “get on all fours before i lose my fucking mind.” you do as you’re told until you’re cumming again for the third time this night. your legs are giving up, but the hands that pull your hair in a ponytail and rub your clit while taking you from behind would never let you fall. “c’mon, sweetheart, fuck me back.” he sounds defeated, but you know he’s close. ghost is being so rough now that your eyes are filled with tears. his groans keep you going, though.
you moan a little too loud when he hits your secret spot for the thousandth time. he grabs your neck, lips ghosting around your ear. “shhh…” ghost places a kiss on your shoulder and you mumble a strangled “sorry.” he throbs inside you and for a moment of consciousness you’re afraid of getting pregnant. you both know that you got an IUD, but still. the two of you have been fucking around too much to not be scared of accidentally having a baby.
as if he’s reading your mind… he pulls out. you feel his warm ropes running down your back as you feel another orgasm consuming your whole body. as you both settle down, you lay back in your bed, too tired to care about his cum on your skin. he does the same, laying beside you. “goddamn, you fucked me up.” he breaks the silence, his breathing becoming more normal now, even though his arm’s still aching.
“oh, shouldn’t i be the one saying that?” you both chuckle, staring at the roof. “you fucked me so good that i almost said i love you, though.” you add, joking, but not really. ghost immediately looks at you, as if you said a prohibited word. he holds back a smirk. “you think you’re funny, huh?” you look at him with a smile that makes him weak, and he hates it.
ghost’s hand is on your waist as he sighs tiredly. “i should go, my arm’s about to fall out. thanks, y/n.” he mocks, slapping your ass. he gives you a quick kiss that lasts long enough to make you head over heels for him before getting out of your bed. “i thought you were my big and strong lieutenant, what happened?” you mock back, making him shake his head with a smile.
“you happened.” ghost answers as if it was obvious. he’s putting his clothes back on and you just admire the heavenly sight. he takes a deep breath, opening the door. the man is clearly falling apart and you almost feel bad for him. he looks at you. “night, dumbass.” ghost winks playfully, leaving you alone.
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cakerybakery · 3 months
There was silence in the wake of Lucifer’s threat to fuck him. Adam, who is famous for being the first man and a rockstar in heaven and is aware that people write or draw fan works about him, could hear the clacking of keyboards already. He needed to do damage control.
It was obviously a slip of the tongue but Adam didn’t need more fanworks of him getting wrecked. The drummer in his band was well liked and good looking! The last thing he needed was people thinking he took the devil’s dick too!
Did you know the number of drawings he’s seen of himself taking fucking dick from his drummer?? His nickname was not helping!
He needed to nip this in the fucking bud.
“It’s fuck-“
“MAYBE I’LL FUCK YOU!” Wait, what was girl Lucifer about to say? Screw it. Too late now.
Adam launched himself at Lucifer and smashed him into the ledge. On top, and through the dust Adam could just make out Lucifer’s confused face.
He whispered desperately, “you gotta let me win this one man. If I see anymore drawings of some guy’s dick in my ass I’m going to break.”
Lucifer kicked him back and took to the air. They grappled after Adam gave chase.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Lucifer easily slipped from his grasp.
“You know how many articles I’ve seen in heaven talking about if I’m a fucking secret relationship with this loser drummer in my band up?” The kick to his stomach hurt and Adam gasped for a second, “fuck. Cut that out, bitch!” He huffed and made another grab for Lucifer, “I stole some chick that was into him and now everyone thinks I have to hots for him and didn’t want to see him get laid.”
Lucifer had him from behind and Adam could see the artwork already. “Fuck NO! Don’t do that!”
They crashed into the building and Adam stopped fighting.
“Look, when heaven finds out, if I lose, I’m going to get pegged as the bottom. I can’t stop the drawings or stories, but I, at the very least, want to be the top.”
“Uhh, aren’t you trying to carry out an extermination? You tried to kill my kid. I think you got off track somewhere.”
“Your stupid comment is going to get me sent a thousand pictures of your dick in my ass. I’m going to get pictures either way, but if I can convince people that I’m railing you, then at least my girls won’t be wallpapering my locker with drawings of my ass full of cum. It’ll be your ass.”
“Not seeing how that’s my problem.”
Adam choked, he hadn’t thought of that. “I’ll do whatever you want if you let people think I topped you.”
Lucifer’s face was blank for a minute before a wicked grin spread.
‘Oh shit. Oh no. Oh fuck. This isn’t good.’
“Call off the exterminations, permanently.”
Oh that wasn’t so bad. Easy. “Fucking done.” He held out his hand to shake.
Lucifer didn’t take it, his grin just widened, “and I’m going to fuck you.”
“Wha-what?” Oh fuck a bitch. Which, right now, seemed like was going to be him.
There was noise of people above them and Lucifer snapped a distortion bubble around them so no one would be able to see or hear them.
“You heard me. I want to see exactly how desperate you are. Are you willing to let me sink my dick in that plump ass of yours so people think you don’t take it up the ass?”
What was he going to do?
“Clock’s ticking Adam. I don’t care if people think we fucked, but you do. And the longer you take to more likely I’m going to get bored and let folks think you enjoyed taking the devil’s dick. My denying it won’t matter.”
Adam’s knees felt weak. People would talk no matter what. He’d already tried denying rumours about him and the fucking drummer, he didn’t even know the guy’s name, and it just got worse. Lucifer held all the cards here. “Okay.”
Lucifer laughed, “wow. That was fast.”
“You’re right. Just, tell me how you want me and I’ll do it.”
“How I want you is next year, one year from now, you come to my home. Dress nicely, we’ll have dinner. Maybe some wine. Go for a nice walk around the garden. Then, I’m going to pound you into the mattress until you cum screaming my name. From dusk until dawn, I’m going to have you every way I can think of over the next year.” Lucifer held out his hand, “still willing to make a deal?”
“…” Adam had to think a moment, maybe he’d get lucky and someone would stab him to death before then? “Deal.” They shook on it.
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cybertron-after-dark · 4 months
TFA shockwave is so fucking hot and cringe and I need him so bad. Everything we know about him is completely insane and I'm obsessed with him. He's sophisticated and articulate and yet he is stupid and so so bad at lying. He lived in the catacombs under Iacon for like a solid few weeks at least and it's kind of implied the only thing he did down there was get drunk as fuck given how much oil was just. There. He gets chucked into a wall and he does not retaliate until he gets chucked a second time. He killed like three people. He would've killed a fourth if the beachcomber scene didn't get deleted. He has silly stretchy arms. He is a constant wreck drenched in anxiety. He wanted Bumblebee of all bots to be his bestie and help keep his name clear while he made his way up to the elite guard. He pulled Bumblebee out of a locker he got shoved into and tenderly reassembled him after his legs got taken off. He pulled a Starscream style "hey heyyy don't hit me, I'm just a little guy, and its my birthdayyy" when Bulkhead beat his ass. He got genuinely sad about Arcee having been a teacher before she got fucking drafted. He switches out of longarm mode every time he steps into his office like he's taking off his heels and bra when he gets home. He smiles like he's stoned for his high level military id photo. He keeps a secret bulletin board full of Decepticon contraband and up there with risky info and reviews of battles from the great war is the cybertronian equivalent to a dilbert comic. He worked an office job with the autobots for well over 50 years. He thinks Starscream's a fucking pussy. He calls Megatron shit like "your Excellency" and probably dreams about kissing him under the moonlight about as often as Lugnut does. He calls bumblebee and bulkhead his "buddies" on multiple occasions. He wanted to kill Perceptor for being a war criminal. He thought standing up on his treads a little and putting a crane hook on his cannon was a good enough disguise for his altmode. Somehow it worked. He has an absurd amount of ass. He is so so fucking lonely. He keeps calling Ratchet a crusty old ass bitch. He's a neurosurgeon. He does neurosurgery barehanded with his fucked up claws. He trips people with his stupid long ass rubberhose limbs. He has a silly little laptop that is comically too small for him.
There is so much wrong with him and I want to kiss him so so badly.
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yaemikomine · 1 year
summary: your best friend slept with your man and you decide to take revenge by sleeping with her ex Featuring : Ken Ryuguji part 1. masterlist
“ You should’ve said no, you should’ve gone home you should’ve thought twice before you let it all go”
“Bitch fuck you” you screamed out into the air, cross faded on a mixture of weed and whiskey. After you found out by your now -EX- boyfriend that he had cheated on you with your best friend of two years last weekend at a party, you trusted him in going by himself - turns out you shouldn’t have trusted him because after he slept with her they started hooking up on the low.
You guess he felt really bad because he was the only one who came forward and told you what they had been doing. In a fit of rage you spammed your also now -EX- best friend with messages of you just calling her many things while your ex was also blowing up your phone apologizing -telling you- begging you for forgiveness and telling you that it meant nothing to him, that he only loved you n he loved you more than anything
Once you were done texting her everything, you went to message him - you said how you could never forgive him nor her, how you want nothing to do with them anymore, how she can keep his tiny dick - just going off on him and than blocking him before he could say anything else to you about how he only wants you.
“You shouldn’t be begging for forgiveness at my feet, you should’ve said no, baby, and you might still have me”
It’s only been a week - and it’s been hell for you. Your ex hasn’t gotten the hint that you really don’t care n keeps texting you on random text free sites how he missed you, but he’s literally dating your ex best friend n telling you this. You contemplate getting a restraining order, “it’s probably easier than having him blow up my phone” you think before you get a ding from your phone. You pull it out of your pocket to check. “It’s this bitch.” You sign and open the text message. “I don’t know why I need to tell you this but MY MAN don’t want you nm so fuck outta his phone” you had a look of disgust and confusion on your face that just said, “what the fuck…”
you reply back quickly with, “don’t nobody want your man besides you hun, keep him” griping your phone tightly, almost thinking it will crack under the grip of your hand. “Mhm sure, but you still on his phone texting for him back”
“This bitch has to be delusional” you almost guarantee you would laugh if this whole situation doesn’t involve a home wrecking whore ex best friend. “I don’t know what you’re on about - but I’m not in his phone… so how about you get the fuck outta MY phone before I fuck your ex” you’re in the middle of a cafe, sitting down - knowing you hit a nerve by the way it seems like she’s writing you a paragraph because she’s taking too long - almost like she truly doesn’t know what to say. “Nah you wouldn’t… that’s too far even for you”
“Bitch…be fr” you whisper quietly at your phone, “how are you gonna say it’s too far but I guess you didn’t think it was too far when you started fucking my bf” you sent it and then send another text, “ngl I would tho he bad asf” you already know she’s fuming - you smile to yourself, proud you even thought of that.
“You’re not his type so try again bitch” you already know what to say, thinking of everything. “Sure let’s see hoe” before blocking her and getting to work with your plan. You get to texting her fine ass ex, Ken Ryuguji.
“You say that the past is in the past, you need one more chance - it was a moment of weakness and you said yes”
You planned to accidentally bump into him at a college party and make small talk, flirt - get him upstairs, and get hot and heavy with him. You’re ecstatic, just thinking about him gets you turned on quickly - shaking off the nerves, you began to get ready to pull up to the party. Getting ready at your friends house, Emma - you both take your time in looking good, making sure not one thing looks bad with you two.
“Bitch are you scared or nervous for doing this?” Emma says, putting her hair up into a cute claw clip. “Uhh sorta… I guess i don’t know” setting your face and putting on blush. “Well I mean anyone would be but jus fuck it cause you’re getting revenge. Don’t nobody deserve what they told you so now you gon say fuck it, right?” She was especially mad because she told you he wasn’t good for you and you didn’t listen. “Yea fuck it” you both pregamed and took cute photos to post later on - then going on to the party.
On the way to the party, your nerves are now in the roof - shoving them back inside, “girl you gotta do this” on your phone, scrolling through insta. “Bitch we almost here so, you know what you gotta do” you smile at yourself from the camera on your phone, “i know, I know” looking at her, you blow a kiss to her face before kissing her cheek. She smiled at you from the corner of her eyes - pulling up to the party, parking the car - you and her immediately get out of the car n walk through the door.
You and her both go looking for the drinks, excited to get drunk and chill the nerves - Emma makes her way to the mountain of bottles on the kitchen counter, you follow close behind her. You grab a cup and pour whatever entices you - perking up as you hear the familiar voice of Draken, you look around slowly as to not seem like you’re looking for him or anything like that. You catch him in the corner of your eye - perched on the couch, smoking a fat blunt - more rolled blunts and weed on the coffee table in front of him. you smile to calm the nerves coursing through your body. And then the games began - you make your way over to him.
“Ken~” you flirtatiously walk over to him, attracting and bewitching the looks of other people surrounding him. He looks over to you - taking a hit of the blunt that was in his hands, “hey” he replies back to you, his glassy baked eyes looking you up and down. “this boy so fine…” you think as you sat down right besides him on the comfy love seat, squishing you both together. You look up at him, “I didn’t know you were gonna be here - you didn’t tell me..” grabbing the blunt from his hand, softly, you take a hit from it - blowing the smoke in his face as he looks you in the eyes.
It didn’t take long for it to hit, “you sure you should be doing that” he eyed you for a while before taking it from your hands. “Yea, I do actually”
“You can see that I’ve been crying, and baby, you know all the right things to say. But do you honestly expect me to believe we could ever be the same?”
It didn’t take long for you both to find your way upstairs, heatedly making out - you feel his dick on your inner thigh, “goddamn he’s big as fuck…” a thought in your mind, grabbing the back of his hair - griping it as he opens the door into a room. You feel bad for whoever’s room this is, knowing you’re both going to leave a mess.
You push him on the king sized bed - kissing down his body, you’re on you’re knees, unzipping his pants. His cock springs up at you, “he really is big” you think as you pull it out of his boxers. You immediately stroke it, hearing the soft moans coming out from above you - you look up at him, and he looks so majestic. “Ken~ you look so pretty, making you into this… can I take a phone?” You question, he’s tight lipped but nods a sign yes. Flipping out your phone - still stroking him - you snap a quick photo before flinging your phone across the floor.
Putting your lips on the tip, stroking the rest of his length, “ugh my hair is in my face…” and it’s almost like he read your mind because he immediately puts his hands into your hair, making a ponytail with them. Going even further down him, you gag, looking up at his and you don’t seem to care because the faces he makes is enough for you to be satisfied right now.
You go back up to the tip of it, kitten licking the pre-cum. And than once again going further down him, inch by inch. Both your hands going up and down the rest of him you couldn’t go down, going the same tempo your mouth is. One hand goes down to play with his balls - his moans getting louder - and it seems like that was the last thing he needed before he cums into your mouth. You keep going tho, swallowing most of it but some dribbling down your chin
You pull off of him, mouth full of his seed, and smile at him as he catches his breath. You get up off your knees, pushing him down onto the bed. You slide up and down his dick, your panties the only border between both him slipping inside of you. Pulling off your panties - you get back on top of him. Sliding him between your folds. Moaning at the sensation as he looks up at you with slanted eyes, hands on your ass. Your hands on his chest.
Putting a hand down, gripping his manhood, slowly you push him inside of you - moaning at how good he feels, “look at you ma… you look bad as fuck like this” he says, looking up at you as if you were the only thing that mattered to him right now. Smiling at his words - you get to work on making both him and you feel good.
You go up and down his big dick - if anybody heard you outside of the room they would definitely think you guys were filming a porno with how much moaning you’re doing. Throwing your head back in pleasure, you continue in jumping on him, wanting so badly to reach your climax.
“Fuck…ken, you’re so big” you manage to moan out, your hands on his chest and his still on your ass, slightly pushing you up and down his dick.
“It’s strange to think the songs we used to sing. The smiles, the flowers, everything is gone. Yesterday I found out about you. Even now just looking at you feels wrong”
You’re both laying down on the bed - the smell of sex, weed, and sweat surrounds the room. You’re on his chest laying down, softly. “So…” you’re speechless and so is he because he says it as well. “Uhm so I think I should go before Emma notices I’m gone…” you slowly get up off his chest, feeling bad for leaving him there - you grab all of your clothes, putting them on as he watches you in silence. You pause for a minute, before waving bye to him and walking out the door. “That was the best dick I’ve gotten…” you think, stunned as you walk down the stairs. “Bitch there the fuck you were - I’ve been looking for you everywhere” Emma grabs you by the shoulders - sniffing you - “Girl… did you actually do it…”
you nervously smile at her as a sign of “yea I did girl…” she’s not mad but drags you out the door and into the car. It’s about 3 AM by the time you both are on the way home. You suddenly remember about the whole reason you fucked him, pulling out your phone and going into the chats between you and her. Sending her the beautiful photo of Ken, flushed and moaning heavily - “turns out I was just his type. Try the next bitch hun” you put your phone down on your lap again
By the time you and her get home, you check your phone again and there’s only one msg. You smile giddily because this time draken messaged you.
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