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merotwst · 2 years ago
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‹ . octavinelle ›
⇝they're proposing to you! here's how they wanted to propose vs. how it actually went down.
¬ established relationship; adult characters; mention of sex on floyd's part but only in passing loool; fluff; no pronouns used
[ n: i love domestic fluff so much!!! also exactly 1.2k follows today. thank you all so much! ]
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azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
—- how he wanted to propose: azul wanted to propose somewhere intimate where it could be just the two of you. a quiet garden dinner with the smell of roses wafting around or the evening sea breeze, yellow lights hanging overhead, bathing you in a warm glow. soft music, candles and wine. then he'd get down on one knee and you'd say yes. he plays it in his mind over and over again until he finally has the ring in a box inside his pocket and he has it all planned out.
—- how it went down: he was going to ask you on that dinner date that evening after several weeks of planning it out. down to the very last detail, azul has made sure everything would go according to plan. a big smile on your face as he took your hand to the candlelit dinner under the stars, looking lovely in your evening attire just for him. his palms were getting a bit sweaty and his head spinning lightly with the wine. he felt like backing down. but the sight of your gorgeous face and the thought of having this ring on your finger for life gave him the courage to get down on one knee. you can only imagine how his eyes twinkled with love, heart soaring to the moon and back when he heard your answer.
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jade leech ‹ octavinelle ›
—- how he wanted to propose: he didn't really find himself the type of person to plan something overly-extravagant for a marriage proposal. so he was thinking he'd just ask you a simple question after taking you out on a simple date out. in fact, he hadn't even considered proposing until a year ago when you casually brought it up. now he couldn't get the thought out of his head. jade had a plan, of course. he was jade after all.
—- how it went down: remember when i said he had a plan? a plan to have you in just the right setting? the perfect atmosphere, the perfect moment to say yes? yeah that all went out the window. because one evening when he came home to you preparing dinner, smiling so sweetly as he entered the kitchen, he was mesmerised. it wasn't the first time he'd seen you cook for both of you. you were in your casual house clothes as you chopped the ingredients on the chopping board, but you were so beautiful. so perfect and worthy of all his love and loyalty. and then the weight of the ring in his pocket suddenly felt heavy as he walked towards you. he was rarely ever nervous but he stood there, his hand in his pocket fumbling with the small box hidden from your view. you looked up onto his heterochromic orbs, setting down the spatula and giving him your full attention. he planned to start off by asking you what you were cooking but the four words that came out of his mouth were different. and the weight on his shoulders seemed to lighten as he took in your expression. maybe that's the thing jade loved most about you. you always find a way to wreck all his plans in the best way possible.
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floyd leech ‹ octavinelle ›
—- how he wanted to propse: he didn't. bitch he did not plan on proposing at all. he was living his best life with you! going on adventures, being in love and bomb ass sex. he couldn't ask for anything better. after all, what else is there to need? he thinks your relationship is already perfect as it is.
—- how it went down: he wasn't planning on proposing. never even crossed his mind until one day, when out on a trip with you, he spots some guy getting down on one knee for his partner. and as the crowds clapped and cheered while he spun his new fiance around, he glanced at you, clapping along with the people around the happy couple and he realized he didn't have everything yet. it took exactly five seconds before he grabbed your arm and said he wanted to get married too. and as before his words registered on your mind, you found yourself nodding yes. and that very same day you both got married somewhere. i'll let you imagine how floyd managed to pull that off, but he did. and now floyd was sure he had everything he wanted. well, at least not until he realizes he would want something more the next time something catches his eye, but you wouldn't change a thing about him.
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© merotwst 2023 × do not copy, steal or reproduce without permission
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creativejoint-blog · 8 years ago
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ENTRY # 1 | 5 12 15
I missed writing and photography. These were the things I enjoyed doing. My passion. I’ve stopped for a year now and I’ve always felt empty. Like there was a space in me that needed to be filled. As if I were a puzzle with missing pieces. I used writing as an instrument to express what I feel and Photography to capture golden moments worth remembering. These served as an outlet for me to express what’s going on in my head, what I want to share to the world, and to express how I feel be it joy or anger, excitement or boredom.
Last night, I decided to start blogging. I know I’m far behind now but that’s totally okay. I’m still learning and I’m open to correction. I’ll once again fuel my passion for photography and writing. I missed this. You should really make time for your passion because even if you neglect it, the fire inside you will never die and you will always come back to it. I’m a person overflowing with ideas. I love to express myself and share my thoughts to the world. So here I am, Tumblr! Ready to be the young creative that I am. To once again, create art, quality content, aesthetic, and merely sharing my ideas, thoughts, and experiences freely to everyone. Who knows who I might inspire?
x Mero
0 notes
merotwst · 2 years ago
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‹ . savanaclaw ›
. ficlets
⇝awkward first meetings with beautiful strangers.
[ n: thank you for reading! this is sort of a modern au setting, please enjoy. not proofread. tw. mentions of thunder and lightning in ruggie's part ]
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leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
the cold of january seeped into the thickness of your jacket and you shivered as you found yourself sitting by one of the park benches. keeping an eye on your dog as it ran around the park, you watched as he went on about greeting strangers and playing with other dogs despite the chilliness that hung in the air. the puff of warm breath escaped your lips. it became visible as quickly as it dissipated into the air and it made you long for the warmth of home. the cozy couch you loved so much, sipping on hot cocoa with little marshmallows dancing at the top. when you stir they temporarily sink into the warm chocolate drink, but eventually come up to surface letting you know they're ready to be eaten.
you sigh dreamily at the thought. the remnants of your breath vanishing, you looked around to observe your surroundings. nothing was out of the ordinary, as per usual. your dog didn't seem to be showing any signs of stopping as he played with a child catching frisbees and rolling over in the frozen grass. you let out a soft chuckle, mentally thanking the random kid for doing your work for you. reaching out for the coffee cup beside you, you gingerly take a sip.
your eyes were closed, savoring the... bitterness? what was this? this was not your usual order.
you looked at the cup, trying to see what was amiss. and sure enough, you did. last you checked, your name was not ‘leona’. and as you lowered the cup from your lips you felt a shiver run down your spine. slowly you turned your head and directly beside you, a stranger you didn't even realize was there was staring directly at you. you flinched before setting the cup down slowly. you felt like a small animal with the way it felt like he was observing you.
“sorry.” you apologized, embarrassed. but just as you held your own coffee in your hands, the stranger had stood up. you ceased all movements. the man took a couple of steps until he was standing directly in front of you. he reached our his hand and gingerly pulled your coffee away from your hands. you look up to meet piercing emerald green orbs and you didn't even fight him. so mesmerised you were with his sharp gaze that your fingers went limp. was it out of fear or was it awe of how pretty this man actually was, you had no clue. but you had an inking it was a little bit of both. he had a sense of wildness to him that you couldn't quite put your finger on. although he did look menacing towering over you like that, he didn't seem like he had any ill intentions.
the man held the coffee in his hands before wordlessly bringing it to his lips and taking a long sip. your jaw dropped.
you could see his face contort into a look of awkward disgust. the way his eyes wrinkled and his lips turned up showed how he was most likely judging your taste for your own coffee.
“what?” you ask in an almost offended tone. the man shrugged, “it tastes like shit.” he answered nonchalantly and your eyes rolled at him with mild annoyance.
“i'm sorry for actually wanting flavors in my coffee other than pure, raw bitterness.”
“it does it's job of keeping me awake.”
“it tastes like shit.” you sassed, hurling his own words back at him without realizing it.
his lips twitched into a smirk as he shoved one of his hands into his coat pocket, “do you always say that to strangers after you just randomly take a sip of their coffee? that's not normal.” he remarked and you scoffed.
“well, not all strangers are petty enough to take my own coffee, take a sip from it as well then make checklist remarks on it. that's not normal.”
his laughter rang across the area of the park. he had such a pretty laugh you forgot for a moment that you were actually having a little argument with him. the man gave you a toothy, lazy grin before lifting your coffee up in the air in a gesture that says, 'well i'm taking your tastes-like-shit coffee with me and you can't do anything about it' before turning on his heel and walking away.
you didn't make an attempt to stop him. just watched him waltz away with your coffee in his hands. how do you even respond to an encounter like this? maybe when you figure it out, you'll call the card he left on the park bench with a number and a name that matched the one written on the bitter coffee cup beside you.
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ruggie bucchi ‹ savanaclaw ›
you didn't think it was of much consequence when you left home without an umbrella. after all, there wasn't a cloud in the sky that morning. maybe next time you'd make it a point to watch the weather forcast while eating breakfast instead of some other weird thing that pops out your feed.
holding your hand out and feeling the heavy drops of rain hit your palm, you groan inwardly. there go your plans of bolting it over to the next store 50 feet away but significantly closer to a bus stop.
'stupid weather,' you thought, 'how could you just change your mind like that?'
kind of like how your date changed their mind on you last minute. texting you a hasty 'sorry, can't make it' on the dating app. you would have been more positively receptive to it if they hadn't canceled on you after you waited for them at the cafe for almost two hours. the rain didn't help, either.
just as you were about to give up and accept your fate of having to wait for the rain to finish pouring all cold and damped and cramped with strangers beside you in the same predicament, you felt a buzz in your pocket. twenty minutes ago, you texted some friends about your situation and you couldn't help a wide grin break from your expression.
'i'm on my way home' the text from one of your friends glowed from the phone screen speckled with a bit of rain but it was like a beacon in the dark to you, 'i'll drive by to pick you up. expect me around 7 mins'.
the minutes ticked by but it felt like hours and the rain only poured harder. your friend hasn't responded yet, so you assume they must be driving. you couldn't wait to tell them all about your shitty date and your predicament.
and as if on cue, a car pulled up by the cafe. the haze that the pouring rain brought made it harder to tell, but it had the same color and size and you reckon the model as well, of the car your friend drove. the rush of adrenaline mixed with the frustrations the day brought, you bolted from the safety of the cafe's cover towards the car. in one quick motion, you opened the door and threw yourself in the driver's seat. and without missing a beat, you started to talk.
“fucking hell! you know that person from three days ago i was talking to? they didn't even have the decency to tell me they wouldn't make it before we left our houses. they made me wait for two whole hours. two! i've practically gone through the entire drink menu they had in that damn cafe! i'm so pissed!” you exclaim while wiping your wet clothes and skin with a handkerchief, showing no signs of stopping until the person in the driver's seat responded.
“yeah? then what happened?” a voice unfamiliar to you asked. you whipped your head to the direction of the question. your jaw dropped. you had no idea who the guy on the wheel was. his big hyena ears flicked as he gave you a toothy grin.
“aw, you done talkinʼ? but we were only gettin' to the good part!” he said, teasing with a snicker and you felt the heat rising to your cheeks. thakfully, the cold the rainy weather brought could make a good cover for the sudden flush of your face.
you whipped your head around, the reality of barging into a stranger's car and suddenly bursting out all your frustration in the ugliest form of word vomit started to sink in. you sputtered out, “s-sorry. i got in the wrong car. i was expecting someone else. i'll go—”
but just as you reached for the door handle, a streak of bright light, followed by the booming sound of thunder flashed up on the sky and you quickly drew back.
this was not your day.
“a bit dangerous to get out of the car,” the brunette in the driver seat said, his hand reaching to shift gears, “usually i'd ask ya to pay, but...” he turned around to the backseat and you followed his gaze which led to the form of a child in the backseat. his deep emerald eyes fixed directly at you. the sound of his tail hitting the leather seats mixed with the heavy patter of rain on the car roof. and then he broke out to a grin.
“who are you?!” the child exclaimed excitedly, shooting up from his seat and throwing himself between the driver's and passenger's seat.
“easy, cheka,” the driver said to the child, “don't go on screaming at them now.”
the hyena boy looked over to you this time, “if you can keep him entertained throughout the whole ride, i'll drive you home, free of charge.”
you weren't able to decline after your friend messaged you that they were too scared to keep driving while there was thunder and lightning so you agreed and kept the little boy named cheka entertained. he showed you his I.D. which you took a picture of and sent to your friends and family for safety reasons and you learned the driver's name is ruggie bucchi. it turns out they stopped by this cafe everytime he came to pick cheka up from school. ruggie does it for cheka's uncle, which the little lion talked about in abundance. but because of the heavy rain, they weren't able to leave the car.
“i knew i wouldn't be able to get out of the car in all this rain,” said ruggie, “but sure wasn't expectin' anyone to get in. shishi.” he said with a cheeky laugh and you could all but blush in embarrassment.
throughout the car ride, you learned more about him. he would always answer cheka with patience, ask you if you were cold and want the heating on higher and sometimes tease you whenever you flinched at the thunderclaps. despite his sly demeanor, ruggie was pretty nice and his company was pleasant. he was funny, too which added to his charm.
cheka talked the whole ride through which madethe atmosphere in the car much more delightful in contrast to the gloomy weather outside and before you realized it, ruggie had pulled the car over to where you lived.
“here,” the hyena boy said pulling a folded umbrella from under his seat, “use this.” he handed you the umbrella and you gave him a smile.
“i'm not giving that to you, though.” he added hastily. “i'll be collecting that tomorrow at the cafe. i expect to see you there.” he gave a toothy grin before unlocking the door on your side of the car.
“and i promise i won't stand you up like the person from your dating app.”
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jack howl ‹ savanaclaw ›
the time on your watch read 1:15 am but you find yourself, eyes wide open and staring blankly at the shelves lined with rows of toilet paper inside your local supermarket like some lost puppy who wandered into a random building.
the isles were almost completely empty save for one or two nigh shift workers here and there and the occasional customer who had the same balls of steel as you to be out at 1 am.
for a while it was just you, the music from your headphones and the wall of toilet paper as you went through your list of other items to buy. then felt the metallic clanking of shopping cart wheels on the floor and felt the presence of someone behind you. they seemed to be picking out something from the shelves you had your back to. you didn't really give it any further thought. just another customer who preferred the dead quiet 1 am brought into the supermarket, you supposed.
you gave a small glance at the piece of paper on your hand and with one swift motion, crossed out the words 'ass wipers' from your list before you took a pack of three toilet paper rolls and tossed it over to your cart. grocery shopping in the unholy hours of the night—or morning, really—had plenty of perks. less people, less copetition on the soap detergents, less chances of having run-ins with karens, you get in and get out quickly. there's the risk of getting murdered on your way to your car in the parking lot, but really, when is there not? that can happen even during the day. and unfortunately for them, you haven't been murdered just yet and so you keep coming back at the midnight hours to buy your everyday needs.
besides, what were you going to do at home, anyway? stare endlessly at the ceiling for hours because sleep just wouldn't take you? yeah, might as well do something productive.
placing your hand on your cart, you started pushing it forward with you.
for a while you pushed your cart around, not really in a hurry to get the things you needed. you liked strolling along the isle with your music blasting in your ears. you softly hummed as you reached the chips section. you broke into a grin as you reached for the bag of corn chips. but before you could grab it, you felt a large hand on your shoulder and you let out a loud yelp.
you quickly whipped your body around and bumped into the shelves behind you, causing a couple of bags of chips to rain down on you.
before you was a towering man with wolf ears, occasionally flicking and his tail wagging behind him. you didn't move from your spot—like a cornered animal. dying in the parking lot is one thing, but dying in the junk food isle is a whole different story! maybe you could negotiate to at least move to the vegetable area before this massive hunk of a man pummeled you to death.
he mouthed something but you couldn't hear. for a second you were confused before he pointed at his ear and you realized you still had your headphones on.
you scrambled to remove them from your ears and the sound of his deep voice echoed through the area.
“sorry for startling you,” he said, sounding genuinely apologetic, “i called out to you earlier but you had headphones on.”
“oh, sorry. did you need anything?” you asked and he nodded in response.
he pointed to the shopping cart beside you, “you have my cart.”
surprised, you looked at the card beside you and sure enough, a lot of the contents were not things you put in your cart earlier. the man pulled a cart beside him and looked over at you.
“i have yours here. we must have swapped earlier when we were in the same isle.”
your face flushes in embarrassment, realizing how much you didn't pay attention to your surroundings. apologies rolled out your tongue but he didn't seem to mind as much. in fact, he was nice enough to even help you pick up the fallen bags of chips from your little mini heart attack earlier.
you and the stranger parted ways and you didn't run into him for the rest of your shopping. not until you'd paid for your groceries and making your way out the door did you hear someone call out to you.
you turned around to see the same man walking toward you right from another counter. you waited for him by the door as he carried his groceries and jogged toward you.
“sorry for calling out to you again.” he said before scrambling through one of his grocery bags. you couldn't help another wave of embarassment wash over you when he pulled out a set of toilet paper rolls. you internally murdered yourself.
“sorry,” you stammered out, reaching for the pack, “i'll pay you back for this.”
he shook his head, “it's alright. it's not a big deal.” he let out a small smile as he adjusted his bags in his arms.
“thank you, sir.”
“jack.” you repeated with a smile, “thank you, jack.”
you introduced yourself as well out of courtesy and he gave a small 'nice to meet you' before offering, “i can walk you back to your car if you want. it's not really safe out there around these hours.” he said, ears perked up and alert as he looked out at the parking lot and you couldn't help a small chuckle.
“sure. i don't mind some company.”
the walk to your across the parking lit consisted of delightful conversation with jack. you found out he recently started grocery shopping at night because of the same reasons as you.
“so does this mean we'll see each other often?” you teased as he helped you place your grocery bags in the trunk.
“if we choose to shop at the same hour, maybe we'll run into each other.” he said, taking the question seriously causing you to smile.
“well, i always go around these hours,” you tell him, “and i don't mind having someone to chat with while i pick out my toilet papers.” you joke, waving the pack around and eliciting a laugh from him.
jack let out a sharp, toothy grin and closed your trunk for you, “that's a plan, then.”
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note: please do not drink strangers' coffees, get in random strangers' cars or talk to strangers in the grocery at night. this is purely a work of fiction and it's much more dangerous irl. always be mindful of your surroundings and protect yourself. be careful and stay safe, everyone!
© merotwst 2023 | do not translate, plagiarize or reproduce without permission.
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merotwst · 1 year ago
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‹. scarabia & pomefiore ›
. bulleted hcs
⇝you're very sick. how do they deal with it?
¬ tw: established relationship ; reader implied to be hosptally ridden type of ill ; hospitals, medicine etc. ; mentions of death but reader doesn't actually die in the fic ; lots of sadness ; dont read if ure uncomfy this is sad and i understand it's not for everyone ; open ended
۵ not proofread. we die like the dumb little bitches we are.
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kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
. when he first found out you were ill, his whole world stopped.
. how? why? what happened?
. were you two just not planning your future together on his bed one night just a few weeks ago? why are you here now on a hospital bed hooked up to things he didn't know what the names of were?
. all the questions swirled around his head but he would never ask them out loud.
. instead he would ask you different questions.
. “what do you feel like eating today? i'll order something!”, “what do you wanna watch together?”, “can i cuddle you tonight before i leave?”
. kalim never faltered in front of you. he was so excited to hear all about it when you come back from treatment, enthusiastically saying things like, “you look better already!” even if you know damn well you aren't but it's so sweet.
. he's always there on your bedside whenever he can be. always brings you something he thinks you'll love.
. hell, this man would bring in the best doctors just for you so please, please get better soon, kalim would do anything.
. every opportunity you have to get some time out of the hospital, he'll be there ready and planning a trip for the both of you (with doctor's approval, of course).
. he'll buy you anything you ask (or dont ask) for. because he believes you deserve everything. he wants you happy despite the cards you're dealt with and he will do everything in his power to do that.
. he's happiest whe he gets to take you out of the hospital for a while. if you can't find the opportunity to leave and he can't visit, you can expect lots of gifts and flowers sent to you and of course—jamil's cooking.
. he's so positive and hopeful and that just gives you strength. you'll never see him cry out of sadness. you'll never hear him say any negative thing even if it seems hopeless in your mind. he's your light at the end of the tunnel. he'll shine as bright as he can to light your path.
. you'll get better. you'll live a long, happy life with him. and even if he sometimes clutches his pillows at night and sobs silently onto his pillows after his latest visits to you, he knows you'll fight with him.
. and that's all he needs to know to wake up the next day with a new resolve to see you and cheer you on. he'll cheer you on till the sky falls and oceans dry and all he asks for you in return is to get better soon.
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jamil viper ‹ scarabia ›
. the first thing this man says when he hears your diagnosis is “alright, let's get to work, ya hayati.”
. such a solid resolve. when you're breaking down, he's there. when you need anything, he'll do it for you. he doesn't leave your side and he understands that it's difficult and scary but the way he reassures you with such certainty makes you believe that it's only a matter of time before you're out.
. unlike kalim, he doesn't coddle you, but he's not harsh. he doesn't want to treat you differently because you're sick. he knows you're strong so he treats you just like he always has.
. of course, as stated earlier, if you ever needed comfort he's right there.
. you're one of the few things he'd leave kalim's side for. sure his schedule is busy, but everything else be damned he'll always, always make it a point to see you at least once a day.
. bringing food to you, singing to you—all the things he never did for others he did it on your bedside within the confines of these four walls in their sickening shade of white.
. he appears resilient, but jamil is only human.
. he wasn't given much growing up that he didn't need to share. one thing he had found that he felt he could truly call his... was you.
. and he would be lying of he said he wasn't scared. jamil was terrified deep down.
. but he hides it well with the lunchboxes he makes you and the way he squeezes your hands when you're asleep and the way he sneakily kisses you goodnight before he leaves you.
. you. the one thing the didn't think he would lose was at risk of disappearing from his life.
. he would come home with an ache in his heart. he's scared one day all he'd have left of you are some of your things in his drawers, photographs and memories of the happiest days of his life.
. and he'd sit down and stare at empty space, his mind cursing at the world for making him go through all this. for letting him have a taste of his own little freedom in your arms only to try and yank it back from him.
. but he wasn't going to let go. and he knows neither would you.
. and after those silent moments of anger, frustration and fear... he'd relax. and he'd smile because he remembers you're still here.
. then he'd get up and think of the next thing you'd want to eat again tomorrow, knowing and deep down, silently praying you'd still be on your bed with a warm smile and welcoming him back into your arms.
. his very own form of freedom.
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vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
. just like jamil, he's not one to change the way he treats you whenever he hears the news.
. i feel like he may be more strict than jamil, though.
. after all, vil has a routine he's been following for years now. and as someone who's battling and recovering from an illness, he expects you to give it your 100% whenever possible.
. he knows it's difficult, but he also doesn't want to lose you.
. if ever sometimes you get frustrated or want to give up, you can rely on vil to get your sights straight again.
. although sometimes he'll come off as a bit harsh, please understand that he's just scared of losing you.
. he knows you can overcome this and he'll be there every step of the way to make sure you do.
. and of course, he rewards your hard work :3
. every milestone on your journey gets a prize. whether it be you enduring mildly tiring physical exercises or getting an operation for something—vil always makes sure to get you something nice.
. new clothes you'd like, things that you enjoy, food, sometimes even signed vynils from your favorite artists.
. sometimes, if you're lucky, something vil made himself. a meal, clothes he made for you personally etc.
. he'll tell you how proud he is and how beautiful you look despite everything.
. and then he gets soft and holds you close.
. and in the rare occason he gets to stay overnight beside you, you'll wake up in dead of night when he thinks you're asleep.
. there's soft sobs and his arms wrap around you a little tighter.
. and it's your turn to reassure him. because he's just as terrified as you are.
. and eventually for a few moments, it gets better knowing that you'll get better.
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rook hunt ‹ pomefiore ›
. he's crushed. he's absolutely heartbroken.
. his beloved? his darling? the most beautiful person he's known to exist in his eyes... is suffering.
. he's going to talk to you. and explain that it hurts him to see you like this but he will never abandon you.
. every moment of every second, rook is there to hold your hand and kiss you and remind you of the many reasons to keep fighting.
. the gifts, the constant presence in your life, the words of affirmation—bros never leaving your side and that's a fact.
. and sure, he's a little dramatic at times, but that's just how he is. he never makes you feel bad, never makes you sad despite everything.
. even though it's hard for both of you, he never complained. sometimes he gets dramatic and curses the fates or something, but he never makes you feel bad about it.
. he never misses any moment with you. rook hunt is the definition of dedication and perseverance when it comes to your healing.
. he does so much and sometimes, you wake up after a long, comfortable sleep and you just see him beside your bed.
. he will never say it out lout and will never let it show but... you know he's tired, too.
. so for a few moments, you just let him rest. you squeeze his hand gently as he sleeps and you see just the faintest of smiles appear on his face.
. he's awake and you know it. but you humor him and let him have an excuse to let you hold his hand as he 'sleeps'.
. maybe when he wakes up again, you might be better, who knows?
. too good to be true? not for rook who genuinely believes that at any time, the doctors will come in to announce you're fully healed.
. but until that happens, he'll enjoy the feeling of your still warm hand in his and try to go back to sleep.
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epel felmier ‹ pomefiore ›
. 'don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...'
. he mentally chanted to himself as tears streaked down his face when he heard the news.
. for all the tough guy act he likes to put out most of the time, he can't help but be soft when it comes to you.
. you didn't view him as anything but as the guy you fell in love with.
. not a pretty face, not a guy trying hard to come out as more manly (as much as he hated to admit it, so many other students saw him as exactly this), not some country kid with a weird accent whenever he gets mad or excited.
. you saw him as epel. your epel.
. and now your epel was a sobbing mess in front of you. he hates that he's crying, but this only shows how much he cares about you.
. you spend the first night exchanging reassurances and little promises with each other while hugging each other tight.
. while you were gettng your treatment, you've pretty much just about tried every single type of food and beverage that can be produced with the use of apples.
. boxes would come to your hospital room from his family and it's become a running joke between you whenever another box arrived.
. “an apple a day...”
. followed by little giggles you'd both share as he peeled one of them for you.
. epel didn't bring you over the top extravagant gifts, but he would visit you everyday and tell you all the fun things that happened and how he can't wait to experience them with you again.
. epel would cry. he'd cry at times when it feels low. and he'd cry when things started to look up.
. epel would tell you how scared he is of losing you. but he'd also tell you that he knows how hard you're fighting and how much he hopes to see you again outside the suffocating white walls of your hospital room.
. to see you under the summer sun, sitting on one of the branches of the apple trees in his hometown, laughing with your bare feet swinging while calling out his name.
. he'd have dreams like this sometimes and he'd wake up with tears in his eyes.
. he tries his best not to take it as a grim reminder—but a beacon of hope. a vision of what could be in the future.
. and with that in mind, he sleeps a little better. hanging onto dreams like this and praying they become something that would manifest in reality sooner rather than later.
© merotwst 2023 | do not reproduce, steal or translate
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merotwst · 2 years ago
‹. ace trappola, deuce spade, jack howl, jamil viper ›
. bulleted hcs
⇝that fleeting summer love that comes once in a lifetime.
[ n: uhh idk if i can consider this angsty??? it's kindaaaaa angsty lmao??? sort of modern au. this has been rotting in my drafts for centuries. ty for 900 ! this fic can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. not proofread. jamil when he when w ]
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---→ tw. violence associated with delinquency in deuce's part.
ace trappola ‹ heartslabyul ›
. you met ace around your neighborhood one summer when you were 14.
. he was the temporary boy nextdoor staying with a relative.
. he seemed to get close to the other neighborhood kids pretty quickly and you were impressed.
. you would see him around as you passed by the basketball court or by the curb sitting on his skateboard with a popsicle in hand.
. you never made a move to approach him, but everytime you passed you would always catch each other's gaze.
. he never broke eye contact first and you always found yourself turning away from the awkward staring contests he traps you in.
. this went on for a few weeks.
. til one afternoon you were out with your friends at your usual spot.
. ace and his group of neighborhood kids arrived no later and you all collectively decided to mingle together.
. and as everyone was talking amongst themselves under the 4 pm suburban atmosphere of the neighborhood, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
. his spiky red hair and boyish grin greeted you when you turned around.
. you don't remember how it happened but you found yourself trying to balance yourself on his skateboard.
. he held your hand trying to help you balance yourself as you gently kicked on the pavement.
. ace's teasing laughs and your yelps as you tried your best to learn the skateboard went on for hours until eventually the light of the street lamp was the only illumination you both had.
. and as you sat under it, popsicles in hands exchanging friendly banter amongst yourselves, you realize how charming he actually was.
. he was still a dick at times. the way he teasingly lets you go when you're out of balance or when you fall onto the pavement and he has his good share of laughs before going over to help you.
. it pissed you off a LOT whenever he did those.
. but along with this, ace was also the boy that treated you to popsicles. he was the one who patched your little cuts and bruises from times you fell off the skateboard.
. ace was the boy who would walk you back to your front porch and wave at you with that signature cocky grin before skating back to the house he stayed at.
. and every afternoon, at the same time and same place, you and him would rendezvous because you were determined to learn to skate (mostly out of spite because he kept being an asshole).
. it had become a sort of routine. this went on for the whole summer. and you always found yourself looking forward to your little skating lessons.
. one particular evening though, as you were both walking home—well, ace walked. you skated on the board having much improved since the first time you tried it out.
. something felt a little off. you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but ace seemed to be acting a bit strange.
. he treated you to a nearby cafe without attempting to have you pay, he was a lot more talkative than usual asking about you (without saying much about himself, but you figured you could ask him some other day), and saying you could bring his skateboard home with you.
. you wanted to ask him about it, but you didn't want to ruin the moment. ace was being genuine and this was a rare occasion. if anything, you should capture this moment and hang it up a wall gilded in gold.
. he smiled. an honest smile yet somehow it felt a bit melancholic before waving you off with a goodbye, his signature grin creeping its way to his features.
. you twisted the knob to your front door but turn around one last time to see his figure move past the streetlight.
. but all you caught was a last glimpse of his shadow before he was gone.
. the following day, ace didn't show up to your usual spot.
. you still had his skateboard, so you figured you should just visit his place to see if he's alright.
. “oh my, he didn't tell you? his family picked him up early this morning.” the lady who answered the door said with an apologetic smile.
. “but i'm sure he left the skateboard with you as a gift. because otherwise he would have taken it with him.”
. you've never seen of heard from him again since. and throughout the years, you'd grown up. you gained new interests, worked part time jobs and you'd grown out of the mostly silly things you liked when you were younger.
. but occasionally, you glance at one specific corner of your room and see an old skateboard that once belonged to a boy you'd met who will always have a piece of you with him wherever he was today.
deuce spade ‹ heartslabyul ›
. at 14, you were a wild child.
. the rebellious kind. the kid that ran around at night vandalizing the buildings around the city.
. though you were a delinquent, you didn't pick fights and bully the helpless.
. you fought those who you thought deserved to get beat up, taking your anger out on the world through violence.
. you were a kid who was sick and tired of being forced to do things you didn't like.
. the typical rebellious teenager on the streets.
. during one of your escapades, you run into a boy.
. hair dyed blonde, a tacky looking jacket and a demeanor that looked as if he was ready to fight someone all the time.
. and fight he did because this boy was STRONG.
. that was clear to you the day you found yourself facing against a group of assholes who were too afraid to fight by themselves.
. they had advantage in numbers and it was frustrating for you being the only one against them.
. you turned your head to brace yourself from the impact of one of their fists when instead of the familiar pang of a fist hitting your cheek, it never came.
. instead there was a grunt and a thud. the arms holding your weak body loosened their grip on you and you took the opportunity to break free.
. that's when you first met deuce spade.
. he wasn't like most of the jerks you've met. this guy was a lot more... well, he was like you.
. he understood why you did what you did. he was essentially the same. he was frustrated so he used his fists to help ease the anger he feels towards himself.
. soon, you found yourselves spending time with each other. you fought alongside each other, you treat each other's wounds—you were partners.
. and every time you met up to hang out you would wait for deuce to show up at your meeting spot.
. then you would ride around the city in his blastcycle till you both decided you were tired and called it a day.
. you both didn't engage in violence towards anyone that wasn't another delinquent.
. and although you would get beat up sometimes, it was always better if it was with deuce.
. afterwards you would get up, ride to the nearest convenience stores and with your knuckles littered with matching bruises, eat some ice cream and laugh about whatever it was you guys thought was funny about that day.
. somehow, you found yourself feeling all the anger towards the world start to dissipate.
. you felt like the world wasn't as cruel when you were with deuce. the friendship you had gave you comfort.
. it was nice to have someone to lean on. someone who understood you.
. they were the best months if your life.
. then one day he stopped coming.
. days turned to weeks and weeks to months.
. you finally decided he wasn't coming to see you anymore.
. you found yourself wandering the city in your own. you were on your alone again.
. but instead of getting angry or going out to look for deuce, you felt like it was best if you didn't.
. deuce was a good guy deep down. if he was in any sort of trouble, you would have definitely heard about it by now.
. maybe he finally decided there's more to throwing fists at other people. maybe he finally realized life of a delinquent doesn't get you anywhere. maybe he's decided there's better things—more important things.
. because you did as well.
. so you stopped wandering the city. you stopped being angry.
. because you already knew what peace felt like around your old friend. if you can find that with him, you can find it with yourself.
. you both learned from each other and although you don't know if you'll ever see those familiar bright blue eyes again, you know he's taught you something special.
. you hope he's doing better out there.
jack howl ‹ savanaclaw ›
. during one summer when you were 10, your family took you camping.
. and as a curious child, you ran around every day since you got to camp grounds to play.
. everyday was a new adventure. and though you would play by yourself near the creek splashing on the shallow water as you listened to the cicadas chirping in the summer air from the trees above you, you didn't seem to mind.
. until one afternoon, while you were building yourself a fort made of sticks, you caught a glimpse of a pair of eyes and a fluffy tail from the tall grasses nearby.
. you were a bit scared because you thought it would be a big animal, but as you observed it some more, you could see the tail was a lot smaller.
. probably a baby wolf?
. wolves were still scary though. but your parents told you everywhere in the camp grounds was safe. it's why they let you wander around freely to play.
. maybe it was a friendly baby wolf.
. while you were contemplating whether to run away and tell your parents or stay and pet it, you felt the creature leap from the grass and land in front of you.
. it wasn't a wolf. well, not completely. it was a boy with wolf ears and a tail..!
. and he howled. well, he attempted to. it didn't come out as a roar, though. it sounded like a cute dog trying to bark really long and loud but still ended up sounding squeaky.
. it made you giggle. and by the expression he had, that didn't seem to be his goal.
. his name was jack and his family were also staying in the camp for a while.
. it didn't take long for you and jack to meet up at the same spot everyday. sometimes you would even run over to his family's camp just to call him over to play.
. and everyday, jack would attempt to howl.
. and everyday you would cheer him on, even if it didn't come out how he wanted.
. jack was serious when it came to playtime. he would give you instructions on how to build your fort. he would always gather the food (acorns and rocks) for your home (your stick fort) and would fight off any monsters (scare away wandering small animals that pass by) that try to threaten your home.
. it was sweet and you both had a lot of fun.
. you both found a seed on the ground on the day jack said his family was packing to leave.
. you planted it and pinky promised that you would both come back when the tree is fully grown.
. now you stand underneath a tall, sturdy tree and you smile at the carvings left by someone at some point in time.
. there was a mark with your initial and the letter J.
. you don't know where he is now. but you were sure he was here.
. you don't know him by anything else other than just 'jack from the other camp'.
. but you hope someday your stars will align and you'll meet again.
. and you can both stand underneath the small seed you both planted and watch its beautiful blossoms shimmer under the sun together once more.
jamil viper ‹ scarabia ›
. you were going through a messy time in your life.
. you were 24 when your friends said you should do solo travelling. they said it would help you get your mind off of your recent 3-year relationship breakup.
. with nothing really much to lose, you take their advice and book a flight off to somewhere.
. the only problem now was if you could actually fly off to that somewhere.
. they couldn't let you board because your baggage exceeded the weight limit. and now you sit down in the airport bench, aggressively taking out your clothes and considering just throwing them at a garbage bin.
. you sigh deeply and frustratedly and just considered going home.
. until a man came up to you. he was beautiful with gorgeous long black hair and dark skin.
. he said he'd overheard your situation with the flight baggage earlier and offered to keep some of your clothes in his bags.
. he felt bad since you seemed like you really needed to get on this flight.
. although you grew up being told not to trust strangers but you were too enamored with his effortless charm (he wasn't trying to charm you, he was just very hot) to decline. ted bundy would have loved you, you thought.
. besides he seemed very genuine. he told you he had a sister and he said she would get upset if he didn't help someone in need.
. and as he zipped up his luggage that now had a mixture of your clothes. that was what got you onto your plane.
. when you landed to your destination, the man came up to you again to return your clothes.
. you asked where he was headed. he said he was headed anywhere. you said you were headed anywhere, too.
. this man could be a killer on the loose. there is a high possibility you could get murdered and go missing.
. but when he started thinking and eventually said he didn't mind a travel buddy for a time, your heart skipped a beat.
. you found out his name was jamil. and this wasn't his first time travelling. he goes out to visit places every year ever since he graduated from college.
. he doesn't talk much about himself, but he didn't seem to mind listening to you talk.
. he had one rule, though. whenever he travels, he never uses his phone to go online unless it was for communicating with his family. he says that going off the internet and trying to experience life and the beauty of the places you go to completely was the only way he'd let you travel with him.
. so you turned off the internet. tuned everything out and focused on the world.
. and somehow, you found yourself thinking of all the burdens of your life lesser. whenever you felt the breeze of the ocean hit your face or you wandered around the local shops, you felt yourself feeling more freer.
. jamil was a dream, too. you don't know his last name, you don't know where he's from, but he always treated you kindly.
. and you got to learn subtle things about him the more you spent time together.
. like how he loved taking pictures of the sunset and the feeling of the ocean waves hitting his feet. he would kick his feet up to splash some water on you and you would do the same until you were both almost soaked.
. he would dissect the food you guys ate. not in a bad way.
. he would try to figure out how it was cooked and write it on a little leather notebook he carried around with him.
. he liked to ask the locals more about the place you were both at and learn everything there was to know about the place.
. he also loved to listen to music whenever you were riding public transport.
. you both grew accustomed to each others' presence. and on the last night of your stay, he took you to the beach and taught you how to dance.
. you donated your extra clothes to a local charity (his suggestion) before you went home.
. he took you to the airport. he wouldn't be flying back yet.
. but he said the week you spent together was something he wouldn't forget.
. you left him with a tight embrace and a thank you. he let you leave with the promise that if your paths ever cross again, he'll tell you his full name.
. you arrived home with less baggage (literally and figuratively), but plenty of photos on your phone of the man who gave you the most magical week of your life.
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© merotwst 2023 · do not steal, translate, copy or reproduce.
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merotwst · 2 years ago
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remember | solomon
» angsty-ish; gender-neutral reader ; mentions of reader dying someday in the future and solomon having past lovers ; me being delusional and sleep-deprived and losing grip on reality (a cry for help)
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you shifted your position so that your face was hovering on top of him, "someday, when I'm gone..." you said, gazing lovingly into his eyes, "i want you to remember me as your love that kept your lonely heart full in nights where the feeling of emptiness was too much. the love whose insuperable melancholy, no matter how heavy, would lift all of it off themselves to wrap their arms around you. you over everything else." your voice grew more stadily as you spoke.
"when I'm gone someday, i want you to think of me when you're wrapped up in a sweater and remember how i loved to knit them for us. think of me when the coffee is just a bit too milky because i like mine that way. think of me when you're alone and remember that my heart will always be with you, no matter where you would end up in." you leaned in to kiss him softly but with so much love, closing your eyes to savor the moment with him.
“remember i'll always choose you in any lifetime.”
solomon listened to every word. every whisper like a secret melody only both of you could hear. his hands on your hips as bare skin brushed over bare skin in sending intimately beautiful sparks over both of you.
his loves past, loves to be discovered throughout the course of his immortal timeline—he didn't want to think of them. he wanted you. he wanted the now to last forever more than anything. 'there couldn't possibly be anyone after you when you're long gone,' he thinks to himself, 'no one could ever compare.'
that's what he tells himself, but he knows it's inevitable.
he's still only human, after all. humans need love to survive.
you'll die someday and he'll live past you. another stone on the ground of someone he once loved, memories to be placed in a corner of his mind thay would be too painful to go back to for a good hundred years.
then it'll get better. and he'll meet someone who he treasures just as much as you and everyone that he'd given his heart to in the past. but you will always have a special place. you will always be a love he would never get over no matter how long and whoever would be in his arms because he knows he'll see you everywhere, hear you everywhere, feel you everywhere when you're gone. And somehow, the thought comforts him.
with your hand to his lips brushing over your knuckles so tenderly, eyes shut and savoring the moment, he whispers back earnestly and honestly.
“how could i ever forget?”
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merotwst · 2 years ago
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-— written entries for jamil's summer contest 2023
↳ ༉‧₊ running through the ocean--angst [ @spadecentral ]
↳ ༉‧₊ sweet romance in the desert--fluff [ @sharkarella ]
↳ ༉‧₊ summer--fluff [ @siren-serenity ]
↳ ༉‧₊ a whole new world with you--fluff [ @savanaclaw1996 ]
↳ ༉‧₊ and at last i see the light--fluff [ @bluesylveon2 ]
↳ ༉‧₊ falling star--fluff [ @moonlight-phobia ]
↳ ༉‧₊ fragments of your warmth--angst with comfort (?) [ @hisui-dreamer ]
↳ ༉‧₊ only the best for you--fluff [ @mellytheteddy ]
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thank you to everyone who participated! most of you really made jamil happy with us in your fics. all of you are so brilliant and i enjoyed reading every single one of these! i'm going to compile these here to come back to from time to time <33. beautiful works of literature preserved in eternal, loving summers to feel the warmth and love of the sun and jamil.
make sure to give these writers a follow, everyone!
sending love, happy summer to all!
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merotwst jamil summer contest 2023
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merotwst · 2 years ago
‹ . housewardens ›
· scenario drabbles
⇝moments that happened in your married life.
[ n: a little something to get myself out of a writers block. not proofread and not very confident of my writing bcs ahaha i havent written in a hot minute + no motivation. this took me almost a week to finish but i still hope u guys enjoy ! ilyyyy ]
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- - - ��� tw. children (does that count as a tw?????? idk man kids jumpscare in kalim's part)
riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
it wasn't rare for riddle to be working so late. he was a busy man and lived up to his parents' legacy of being the best of the best. you were aware of this when you said yes to his proposal to spend a life with him forever but as his spouse, it pains you to see him overwork himself sometimes. it wasn't the first time you woke from your quiet slumber at 2 in the morning to an empty space beside you. your feet padded across the cold marble floor through the hallway adorned with photographs gilded in gold of you and him that have been taken over the years. a soft knock at the mahogany doors to his study and a quiet response from the other side permitting you to come in. the tea on the tray you carried made riddle sigh with relief, the tension in his body seemingly fading away. he had a soft smile on his face as he brought the teacup to his lips.
“come to bed, riddle. it's so late.” you urge him gently as you made yourself comfortable on one of the chair on the other side of his desk.
he gave you weary look, “i'm not sure i can yet, my love. there's still so much work to do.”
you let out a soft sigh, “i figured as much.” you whispered, standing up and walking around the desk to give him a soft kiss on the lips, “i'll be heading back to sleep then.” you inform him and quietly made your way back to the room.
it wasn't rare for riddle to be working so late. he was a busy man who lived up to his parents' legacy of being the best of the best. it was rare, however, for him to softly close the bedroom door behind him leaving his study and his paperwork unfinished to slip under the covers and wrap his arms around your form.
“what made you change your mind?” you asked, a loving hand on his cheek.
“you did,” he said with a sheepish smile on his face, “you always do.”
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
when you choose to accept a prince's request for your hand hand marriage, you're not only accepting him as a person, you're also accepting the responsibility that comes with becoming royalty. since the day you and leona exchanged your vows, for better or for worse and till death do you part, the title of royal has been embedded onto your name and cemented into sunset savannah's history for all eternity. what you do and say will be seen, heard and talked about by the public. it's your duty to be present, not just for your husband the royal family, but for yourself as well.
so you do your part. you attend the balls, you speak out on important issues that need attention. you smile, you wave, conversing with other country's political leaders and powerful people. you learn to adapt and navigate through the life of a royalty one step at a time. you were doing your best but sometimes it felt like it wasn't enough. and that's when he comes in to yank an ipad out of your hands and snap you out of your trance. he says dwelling on ridiculous articles and getting yourself all affected negatively by it doesn't do anyone any good. that's when he wipes the frustrated hot tears from your cheeks as he sits beside you on the bed, a softer tone now etched in his tone when he spoke, “i know it isn't easy.”
you sniffle in response, your voice shaky as you spoke in uneven breaths, “i'm trying so hard,” a sob, “why does it always feel like i'm always running short? why am i sometimes being treated like i don't know what's happening?”
leona's tail flicks, “did the articles tell you that? or was it the servants whispering in the halls? the people in the ballrooms?” he places a hand on your chin and gently makes you look at him, “listen, i don't know what you overheard or read—but the fact that you undermine your own achievements for the validation of other people is annoying the shit out of me.”
his eyes bore into you as his hands squeezed yours, “you're not royalty from birth, but the amount of things you were willing to change—willing to do just so you can be with me still constantly leaves me in awe. the politics, the royal etiquette and other pointless bullshit takes years to master. you're almost halfway through the progress bar despite being so new to it all.” leona places his forehead against yours, “even if the whole world is against you, i'll be by your side. i've never been more proud to have you as my partner. fuck everyone else.”
when you choose to accept a prince's request for your hand hand marriage, you're not only accepting him as a person, you're also accepting the responsibility that comes with becoming royalty. since the day you and leona exchanged your vows, for better or for worse. you've done all of this just for him. you would keep doing it just for him because know he'd kidnap every star in he sky if you asked him to. you can cry, you can scream, you can be angry—but he's always there and always will be and till death do you part.
you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding in the entire time. and with a raspy voice and a genuine smile, you whisper back.
“fuck everyone else.”
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
homesickness is something you've dealt with the first time you were practically punted over to this twisted world you now reside in. but over time, you realize that this world was always more comfortable for you. it became home whenever you were in the arms of your lover. you found comfort in azul's arms so gentle and tender around you—as if you were the rarest and most fragile seashell he picked up from the depths of his home in the sea. eventually, you stopped thinking of the life you've left behind. you were happy here and that's what mattered.
likewise, he found his home in your arms around his neck in a warm embrace like the first rays of the sun just as the winter season was coming to an end. but unlike you, azul had access to his home. he just never had much opportunity to come back to visit. his life with you on land was what you both collectively decided on. a house near the beach, but nowhere near where his home is at. just enough to breathe in the salt air and the cool embrace of the ocean breeze on his skin. and on more than one occasion, you've seen him let the waves wash over his feet after he'd come back from work. his shoes in his hands as he mindlessly watched the sun set over the horizon.
“a penny for your thoughts?” your hand subconsciously finding its way to his, fingers interlocking together and fitting together perfectly.
“just thinking of the coral sea.”
“i've told you last time we should go to visit again.”
azul let out a sigh and you knew why he didn't like going back to the coral sea—to several memories of his past littered across every corner of the place. he looked at you wearily, the dimming orange beams of the sun coated his face with a lovely hue that made him look almost ethereal and melancholic.
“it's hard going back there sometimes,” he admitted, his head hung, “it took a lot for me to take you back there... to show you everything i've been running away from.”
“and i love every part of it. every part of you, azul.”
you squeeze his hand gently, “it's never always sunshine and calm seas. and i'm always here to embrace you when storms come.”
homesickness is something azul's never really dealt with in the years he's been away from sea. he was happy to be out of there and start anew—but he didn't have a home. no, he was always relying on himself. but over time, he realized that this world was always more comfortable with you. it became home whenever he was your arms, his lover. you were his new home. and no matter where he would end up, he always finds himself running home to you.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
“baba's here!” was exclaimed by an energetic boy popping out from the blanket fort you all built together. giggles bounced around the walls as little pairs of feet padded along the floor. the children both ran to their father, the younger one trying her best not to trip and fall on her way there. kalim, who was still in conversation with jamil as he entered the room, had been cut off by the squeals and giggles of the children running to his embrace.
“ya malayiki! 'abi saeid jidana liruyatik maratan 'ukhraa!” (oh, my angels! dad's so happy to see you again!) your husband exclaimed excitedly, wasting no time kneeling to catch their warm embraces in full, “have you two been good?” he asked, lifting your daughter up in his arms earning an excited giggle from her and taking your son's hand in his free one before standing back up, “naeam ya 'baba!” (yes daddy!), your little girl giggled excitedly, “we built a house!” she squealed, pointing at the blanket fort. it was quite a big fort filled with small fairy lights and plenty of pillows and maybe a few snacks littered here and there from their 'construction break'. you three had spent hours making ‘the biggest house for baba’ for when he would get back and the kids are evidently very proud of the outcome of their hard work.
“(maman/baba etc.) said we could sleep here tonight!” the little boy chimed in, shaking his dad's hand to catch his attention. kalim could only grin widely at this, “well,” he started, “since you both worked so hard building the house, i say we all sleep here tonight!” the gasps from the kids and the happy cheers that followed indicated the joy they felt. he's always been a natural with them and you always adored him with children. it's just that he can get quite busy sometimes, which even he has told you about how saddened he is whenever he's apart from his family. and so whenever he has time, you can be sure every second is devoted to you and the kids. his whole heart is with you, after all. always has been since the moment he laid eyes on you all those years ago.
“alright kids,” he said, placing a kiss on your daughter's cheek and squeezing your son's hand gently, “jamil will take you to get you cleaned and ready for bed, okay?” they both grinned in response, “okay!” the kids said simultaneously.
“kalim.” jamil gave a disapproving look, “how many times must i tell you that this is the nanny's job and not mine.” he said in an annoyed tone while simultaneously taking the little girl in his arms and holding onto the boy's hand. this is when you come in from behind, wrapping your arms around your husband's waist, “aw, but they like you, jamil. don't you, kids?”
“i love uncle jamil!” the younger one giggled, “he's one of the funny grown ups.”
jamil let out a defeated sigh, “come on, children. let's get you both cleaned up.” he said, softly shaking his head and if you looked close enough you could see the soft smile on his lips as they walked away.
as soon as the silly questions of, ‘when will you get married’ and ‘can i pet your parrot, uncle?’ faded off into the distance, kalim wasted no time peppering every inch of your face in kisses and tackling you to the blanket fort as both of you giggled and laughed like middle schoolers rolling over the soft silky fabric under your skin. safe to say no matter how old you get, the love you and your husband share will forever remain the same as when it first blossomed from years ago.
vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
vil liked to keep things organized. he liked to keep a schedule he strictly follows like the skincare routine every night or the color patterns of what fashions he'd decide to wear that day. it's the same as when you were both courting. he had a routine to follow whenever you would see each other on a date. flowers, then he'd check if you dressed right, take you out and give you the best night of your life.
and you know how people say ‘change is good’? well, there are also some things that stay the same over the years. and that was good for you, too. like how he'd book the best restaurant in the city or take you out for a romantic cruise on your wedding anniversary. those nights were always perfect. and at the end of those nights is the same as well. paparazzi flashing their cameras at your face asking the most ridiculous questions. people getting in your business. that was the down side of your relationship with vil, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. you knew what you were getting into the day you married him.
but oh sevens. when will they give you a break? it's your wedding anniversary with vil again tonight and he had a whole evening planned out for you. but there was a swarm of paparazzi outside the penthouse you were staying in. your husband had an upcoming movie and that had everyone abuzz and trying to get some statements out of him. there were so many to the point where you both had to go back inside because you could see the camera flashes with your eyes closed. well, you could. vil was used to it. but he wasn't about to force you to run out there with him again. your perfect night hasn't started yet and you already looked exhausted from that temporary encounter. vil silently cursed them for that.
after maybe 30 minutes of waiting for them to leave and with no luck of it ever happening, the blonde stood up from his spot on the couch, “that's it,” he spoke with a tone of finality in his voice, “get changed, darling. we're leaving.”
the confusion was evident in your face and it only made sense when vil came out wearing a hoodie, jeans and mask over his face. he hated wearing such common looking clothes, but sometimes situations call for it. and for you, frankly, he would do almost anything.
vil liked to keep things organized. he liked to keep a schedule he strictly follows like the skincare routine every night or the color patterns of what fashions he'd decide to wear that day. he absolutely hated when his plans wouldn't pull through but sometimes he finds serendipity in even the most dreary situations with you. you could spend your anniversary on a special yacht with the best waiters serving you first class meals and a candlelit dinner or just in a parking lot inside your car with cheap wine that you both agreed tasted awful but kept drinking anyway and at the end of the day, everything still works out. as long as you're by his side, he can learn to be contented even with all the disorganization of ruined plans as long as he's laughing to trashy radio podcasts and temporarily (today's a special exception, he says) ruining his diet for you.
idia shroud ‹ ignihyde ›
your husband, your favorite person, best friend, the only one you love enough to spend the rest of your life with... can sometimes be a little irritating. you know idia better than most people around you. he wasn't exactly the easiest person to get to know because of his very reserved personality but he is one of the smartest and funniest people you know. and you'd hoped that since he is one of the smartest people you know and you're actually married to him, he'd lend a hand when you're trying to do a little bit of spring cleaning to at least make the house look like it's a habitable place and not just a reserve for an endless supply of red bull and monster energy drinks. though the house wasn't necessarily ‘messy’, but it always seemed pretty empty and lacking a bit of life to it. so you thought of doing a bit of rearranging, putting up new decorations and replacing a couple furnitures which you both had bought and majority picked out by him.
this has been the third time you'd checked in his office and your patience was growing thin. you watched him from the doorway as he typed away some sort of code in his computer which was the only light source in the room. you crossed your arms as you called out his name, “idia shroud.” before flicking the light switch on making him hiss at the sudden brightness. he flinched upon seeing you. uh-oh. you used his full name, this can't be good.
“i've been calling you down to help me assemble the table. i'm not good at building things!”
“and i told you i'd be there in a bit. i'm just finishing things up around here.”
“okay! fine. jeez you don't have to threaten me.” he threw his hands up in the air in defeat as he stood up from his chair, “you're lucky i love you.”
you cocked a brow at this comment, arms still crossed across your chest and he rolled his eyes, “fine. other way around, i know. i'm lucky you love me.” he sighed but this time with a smile on his face as he leaned in to plant a kiss on your forehead, “now where is that table you need me to build?”
your husband, your favorite person, best friend, the only one you love enough to spend the rest of your life with... can sometimes be a little irritating. but you know idia better than most people around you. and he sometimes would seem detached and spends most of his time in his own company in front of his computer, he truly cares about you and your happiness. the amount of love he shows through the things he does, even the most menial of tasks like bearing the new, less darker curtain colors that you wanted to put up on the windows or stopping whatever new project he was trying to develop to help you move the new couches around the house. he would never do this for anyone else. and as you both sit under the kitchen counter, a bag of open chips on the floor and soda in your hands looking over at the new house makeover you both spent all day working on, you smiled.
“i'm lucky you love me.” you said, taking a sip of your soda and putting your head on his shoulder. he let out a short, breathy laugh before placing a soft kiss on your temple, “wanna go play mario kart and ruin our newly bought couch with chip crumbs?”
“sure.” you said, slowly standing up. you took a few seconds to stare at each other before you started sprinting to the couch, “last one to get there is in charge of cleaning it up!”
“hey, no fair!”
“nothing's fair in mario kart, babe!”
malleus draconia ‹ diasomnia ›
you once told your husband that one of your most favorite things about him is his smile and the way it so gently breaks out around you. his booming laughter that follows as you eat dinner at the big, lonely castle that was once the place he walked around alone that now feels more alive after he'd married you. you make the most emptiest of places feel alive with love and laughter. you painted his life with colors that he could never see with anyone else.
and speaking of painting, he'd snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of the metal part of he paintbrush clinked on the glass of the jar as the painter dipped the brush into the water. he gave you a glance where you were sat, looking straight at the back of the canvas as if trying to bore a hole onto the painting focusing on keeping your face straight and expressionless as instructed. it was traditional for briar valley's royalty to have their portraits painted whenever there was an addition to the family. and this case, the new addition was you when you both married. and now as he sat beside you, stealing glances he was sure you noticed by the way your lips twitched, he couldnt help but think of how the morning sun's rays seeping into the room that bathed your skin with the soft golden glow of the 10:00 am sun. it made you look absolutely beautiful. well, you always looked beautiful in his eyes. it's why—
someone cleared their throat.
“your highness,” the painter called out to him, “eyes front, if you please.”
he quickly straightened himself, “my apologies.” he hastily responded. he could hear you suck in a breath beside him, probably trying to contain the giggle that was trying to escape your throat.
another 20 minutes of silence passes. just the soft brushing of the paintbrush against the canvas and the occasional clink of the glass could be heard. he couldn't help but steal a glance at you again but to his surprise, you had your eyes on him as well. upon seeing his gaze shift to your figure, you immediately played it cool pretending you weren't looking but the way the smile threatened to break your facade betrayed you. malleus couldn't help the corner of mouth from twitching.
you did your little inhale again to try to compose yourself but uncharacteristically for him, he found that quite humorous abd had to clear his throat to keep him from letting out a laugh.
now that made you break out a smile and clear your own throat to try and stop yourself from bursting into full blown laughter.
you heard the irritation of the painter in the way he placed his paintbrush down. he stood up and gave you and malleus a sharp look before speaking in a very annoyed voice, “i shall go and have a drink delivered to both highnesses as to aid you both in the supposed strains on your throats.”
he made his way to the door, grumbling to himself about how ‘undignified’ or how ‘not taken seriously’ the situation was.
there was a moment of silence before you and malleus burst into a fit of bubbly laughter. his laughs were in his chest escaping in low vibrations while yours were loud and sharp simply to show how hilarious you found the situation to be. with how glorious both your attires were for the portraits looking like the epitome of royalty, the way you were both giggling like teenagers simply threw all the gloriousness out the window.
you once told your husband that one of your most favorite things about him is his smile and the way it so gently breaks out around you. his booming laughter that follows as you eat dinner at the big, lonely castle that was once the place he walked around alone that now feels more alive after he'd married you. even the most boring events in his life that once he would have been forced to accept in all its blandness would be splashed with the most vibrant colors whenever you were in the picture. his life, his love, his pride and joy—you. now that he's seen colors he never would've imagined to be possible to exist in all its dazzling beauty, he can never go back to the dreary shade of gray that hazed over his life. you were his freedom, and he would be ready fight the world to hear your laughter by his side till death do you part.
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© merotwst 2023 · do not copy, translate or reproduce.
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merotwst · 2 years ago
· drabbles
⇝the moment they knew it was you and had always been you.
[ n: ellie stop writing things whenever she listens to taylor swift challenge ; not proofread very wonky ]
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riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
riddle knew you were the one on the night he came back to his dorm, extremely exhausted. it was around the weeks leading up to the VDC festivities and riddle was in charge of the event. it frustrated him that things weren't going as smooth as he wished. there was just too many things to do at the same time and he was only one person. he was grateful for the help trey and other students would give him, but in the end, most of the responsibility still fell on him and he was tired. the housewarden opened the door to his room, the feeling of fatigue creeping into every last muscle of his body. he stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing by his bed and fluffing up his pillows. you turn to look at him, acknowledging his presence with a lovely smile, "welcome back. i let myself in, i hope you don't mind," you said as you turned to a table that had a tray of prepared tea, biscuits and his favorite strawberry tart, "take a break, riddle." and that was when he absolutely knew it was you.
ruggie bucchi ‹ savanaclaw ›
"what are you doing?" ruggie asked one night, emerging from your bathroom at ramshackle with a towel lazily draped on his shoulders to keep his hair from dripping onto the shirt he just changed into. you were sat on the floor of your room counting pennies and thaumarks sprawled in front of you. the hyena padded across the wooden floorboards, hearing the old wood creak under his weight before reaching the area you were seated in. you leaned against the bed as he squatted down to further observe you and whatever it was you were up to. "352 thaumarks in total." you said and it made him perk up. his expression contorted into a smirk and ruggie cheekily grinned, "is that all for me? i won't say no." he wasn't expecting the excited grin plastered on your face when you looked up at him, expression bright and eyes twinkling with excitement, "it's for both of us." no words could express how his breath caught in his throat when you pulled out a savings jar with the words 'ruggie + y/n's after graduation funds'. that was the very moment ruggie knew he didn't want to spend his life with anyone else but you by his side.
jade leech ‹ octavinelle ›
the vice-housewarden was no stranger to working overtime. mostro lounge was a busy place and jade always seems to have everything under control whether it be a sudden unprecedented influx of customers, or floyd's random bouts of mood swings—you could count on jade to smooth everything out so effortlessly. well, not like jade minds as much. he likes his job, even if sometimes he ends up all alone at the kitchen and finishing up cleaning the last of the plates at 10:05 in the evening after another busy day of serving, not only students, but visitors from outside NRC. after all, it was the annual inter-dorm spelldrive competition again so this was to be expected. what he didn't expect however, was to see you on one of the seats at the lounge. your eyes were droopy and your head was bobbing up and down, desperately trying to stay awake. jade gently placed a hand on your shoulder, making you jump a little in surprise and eliciting an amused chuckle from the moray, "may i ask what you're still doing here? i was under the impression you'd already made your way back to your dorm." jade stated and you let out a yawn, "i wanted to wait for you." you stated drowsily. it was such a straightforward answer, but one jade didn't get as often. he was used to people going on ahead like floyd or azul. he didn't mind letting then go first on almost anything. jade leech was like a shadow who preferred to sit and observe rather than to do. and so when you gave him the response that you did, he didn't know what to say. he always stayed back alone, on his own accord. and now, knowing that you didn't want to go on ahead—that you wanted to stay and wait with him cemented you a special place right in the middle of his heart for all of his life.
floyd leech ‹ octavinelle ›
we all know floyd leech didn't like anything boring. anything mundane would just annoy the living fuck out of him which inevitably results to him acting out and getting himself into trouble because in his little screwed up moray mind, trouble is equivalent to fun. the day he saw you emerge from the cafeteria with a piece of bread in your mouth and grim by the collar while you ran for your life being followed after by half a dozen savanaclaw jocks who did not look pleased, everything went slow motion for him. you looked absolutely majestic running for your life. what did you even do? steal their bread? did someone put you up to this? whatever, it doesn't matter. whatever it is you're doing looks fun. and when you were about to rush past him and you grabbed his wrist, inevitably getting him involved in the whole situation, floyd was dead set head over heels for you and at that moment, he wouldn't trade you for anything else in the world.
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
the day azul realized you were the one for him was on the day he got sick. he cursed his stupid frail human form for making him miss out on more potential profits that day. and normally, jade was left in charge in his absence but not today as these were one of the days jade took time for himself. he would be nowhere to be found on flat ground as he would be on some mountain doing god know what with gathering whatever mushroom he finds. the housewarden wasn't a fool. he knew when to take a break, but he couldn't very well leave floyd in charge. that's just asking for trouble. when you walked in just in time, the relief that washed over his whole body was so obvious that it offended floyd. the rest of the day was him staying in bed, trying to get his mind off the lounge, completely entrusting it to you. he didn't appreciate floyd banging on his door going, "you gotta see what they're doing!". the panic that overcame him suddenly morphed into butterflies as he watched you take charge. your voice, strong and you knew exactly what to do and what to say and it looked so flawless that he was mesmerized. shut up floyd. he wasn't staring. but he was definitely thinking up ways to propose to you in his mind someday, that was for sure.
jamil viper �� scarabia ›
jamil didn't have a lot of free time. but if he did, he would either be found spending it for himself, or with you. one of these nights in particular was a bit tamer than most because kalim had a packed day of doing whatever is is kalim liked to do. the heir seemed quite tired upon returning back to scarabia dorm and jamil, being the sly, scheming motherfucker he is, took this opportunity to get his master to bed early so he could have more time for himself. fortunately, kalim didn't really have much qualms on the matter and was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow much to jamil's pleasure. the vice housewarden returned to his dorm room where he last left you and the sight of you holding one of the maps he kept greeted him upon his arrival, "what are you looking at?" he asked as he closed the door. you looked up from the map with a grin, "let's make a travel road map!" you exclaim, grabbing his arm and pulling him to sit on the floor, "for when you're going to travel someday. i'm surprised you don't have one made yet." you said and he was dumbfounded. sure he'd thought of making on himself, but that could always wait another day. he didn't want what rare time spent together you had to be spent on his own silly dreams. you didn't budge. and as you uncapped the marker in your hand and opened up one of his many travel guides, his heart was overflowing with every positive emotion he could think of. whenever you put him first, it just always feels like he's some sort of champion. you were one of the best things that happened in his life and he will never let you go.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
kalim falls more and more for you everyday and that's no secret. but the day that really sold it for him was when he came back to his room after a rough day. kalim had a hard time admitting it, but he had his insecurities as a housewarden and sometimes he felt those negative emotions just creep in and he falls into a bit of a gloomier-than-usual mood. he's still a bright ray of sunshine, but of course, there's a significant change to his tone of voice when you talked. the way the boy's eyes lit up when he saw the whole blanket fort you built the second he entered his room. his smile reached all the way to his eyes as he dove right into the pile of pillows, giggling and smothering you with kisses, hearts practically bouncing off both of you. you were an angel. and unlike the others, he'd be the one to verbalize what he's thinking and say, "i'm gonna marry you someday."
silver ‹ diasomnia ›
the day silver realized you were the one for him was the day he fell off his horse during equestrian practice. dozing off on situations like that can tend to send someone to the infirmary. and as if the earful sebek had given him wasn't enough on the field, sebek wouldn't stop talking even after silver is already laying on one of the beds in the infirmary away from the horses. he didn't want to be rude and tried his best to stay awake as the other diasomnia student kept talking about something along the lines of honor and waka-sama, he didn't know. everything was starting to get jumbled. when you walked into the infirmary, rushing to his side and gently asking simple inquiries about his situation and what events led up to them, sebek still tried to butt in the conversation. silver didn't really mind it as much since he was used to his dormmate acting this way, but you weren't having it. all the drowsiness left his body when he watched you practically drag the first year by the ear and kick him in the hind out the infirmary door, "had enough of your bullshit, sebek!" and normally, he'd say that wasn't a very nice thing to do, but when you made your way back to him, switching onto a more gentler tone and kissing his forehead and telling him to get some rest, he couldn't deny the fact that it felt good to be one of the only few people you were this soft to. the way you were so gentle with him made him feel like he could lower his guard around you. he felt safe around you. you weren't afraid to stand your ground either or stand up for others and he respected that. silver was in love with you and would never want to lose you. his only other wish is you to be more nicer to sebek as well...
©merotwst 2022
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merotwst · 2 years ago
‹ ruggie, leona, jade, jamil ›
· drabbles + afab reader
⇝things start getting hot between you and your lover but something interrupts you...
[ n: a little treat for 135 followers! i'll make an sfw fic as well so u guys dont come at me with pitchforks. lmaoo this is kinda cracked i jus thought it would be a funny thing to write about. not proofread ]
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- - - → tw. explicit mentions of sex, public sex, mentions of ‘slut’ and the likes, cunnilingus, characters are all 18+
ruggie bucchi ‹ savanaclaw ›
his hands made their way to the underside of your thighs, lifting them up and pressing them against your chest. the hyena licked his lips, "shishishi, who knew you were capable of looking this slutty, babe." you shivered at his touch and it elicited a smug chuckle from your boyfriend, "ruggie!" you scolded, the frustration bubbling up at the pit of your stomach. you almost barked at him but that only made him want to tease you more, "keep groaning my name like that, it's sexy as hell." he whispered in your ear before pulling himself down, mouth open and hungry breathing right where you needed him most. you let out a carnal moan when ruggie's tongue stuck out, dancing over your bundle of nerves so skillfully. his mouth lapped at your juices like a starving animal having the first meal its had in a long time. his name left your lips like a mantra, your fingers balling into fists onto the bedsheets for dear life. you were both so caught up in the moment that you hadn't noticed the pattering of the rain on the windows. you were so close. just a bit more... the temperature gradually started getting cooler and once ruggie sensed that, all movements from his end stopped—much to your frustration. you were so close—SO CLOSE. you let out an angry groan, "ruggie bucchi if y—" but before you could even process what was happening, the boy was already out the door in nothing but sweatpants he put on in a panicked frenzy and you had doubts as to if he'd even put them on properly. a minute later, you could hear screeching from right outside his window. the heavy raindrops pattered against the closed glass in unfettered aggression and outside was the silhouette of a small hyena frantically pulling at the laundry line for rescuing the snow-white laundry he'd washed just this morning as if they were damsels in distress. don't worry though, he'll make sure to make it up to you once he secures that the clothes are safe and sound.
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
"leona..." you panted, breathing hitched as his fingers moved to pull and tug at your nipples. your blouse was lazily unbuttoned just enough to have one of your breasts exposed to the soft breeze constantly present at the botanical gardens. you were gingerly nestled in between his legs and your back was pressed against his chest as he continued to fondle and grope with his hands and suck on the skin around your nape with his mouth, mercilessly leaving marks around the areas he'd landed his lips onto, "you like that, bunny?" he whispered in your hear and it sent shivers down your spine, "do you want more? do you want to be touched?" he continued and you let out a pathetic nod of agreement. leona bit down at your shoulder and you let out a loud yelp as his fangs sunk into your skin. your reaction made him smirk against the now red and slightly bruising patch of skin. satisfied with the trail of hickeys and bites on your neck, leona extended his hands down to yours picking them up from the grass you'd been gripping onto since he started his ministrations on you almost ten minutes ago, "i want you to show me, herbivore," his raspy voice shot right through your body, down to your core and you couldn't help but rub your legs together to which leona took it upon himself to grab at your thighs, ripping them apart, "show me how you touch yourself." he said, guiding your fingers underneath your skirt. biting your lower lip, you soon succumb to the feeling of pleasure coming from your own fingers. you threw your head back onto the lion's back as you let out a loud moan, getting into the sinful act. you expected leona to give you some sort of dirty remark, but to your surprise, he pulled your fingers back (much to your disappointment) and started to button your clothes. you turn to him with a look of confusion and mild annoyance in your face, your boyfriend couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, "someone's disappointed," he said, letting out a toothy smirk, "we've got company." leona cocked his head to the side and you looked over to see trey and rook from the science club entering the botanical gardens, "well, unless you wouldn't mind some onlookers," he whispered, licking at your ear and it sent chills down your spine, "i know i wouldn't."
jade leech ‹ octavinelle ›
this wasn't the first time you and jade did a little lovemaking. it is, however, the first time you're doing it in mostro lounge. if azul ever found out about this, he would throw a fit and go off about etiquette and professionalism to jade. but what the boss won't know, he wouldn't mind. and that's how you ended up bent over on one of the counters at the back at the dead hour of night. after all, the vice housewarden stayed back for overtime and he needed to let off a bit of steam. fortunately for him, you had also stayed behind to keep him company, much to his delight. it all started when leech twin sent the last of the octavinelle workers back to call it a night, opting to finish cleaning up on his own. normally he would check to see if the tables were wiped, the floor and trash were taken out, the utensils in the kitchen all accounted for on a regular night. but the way you were seated at one of the countertops—the way your skirt pulled up to reveal a dangerous amount of thighs to a man who had been working to the late evenings or how the tie on your uniform was loosened to reveal your collarbone to the octavinelle student... well... he couldn't resist. who could blame him? it was a long day and you seemed quite eager when he ran his lengthy hands down the sides of your thighs as your tongues danced sensually around each other's mouths. you tasted divine. like a well earned treat after all his hard work for the day. and so now, you were bent over, chest heaving against the countertop as jade mercilessly took you from behind, "i apologise," a gasp, "for the roughness, my d-dear—" he didn't sound sorry at all, "but the way your—haah—hips move to meet mine tells me," his hands take a fistful of your hair, roughly pulling your head back so his lips are right against your ear and you couldn't help a moan of pleasure at the roughness of his actions. his pace never slowing down, he groaned, hissing at your ear, "you wanted this all along, didn't you, lover?" and just as you were about to reach your climax, the familiar chimes of the mostro lounge's door resounded across the empty building. all movement ceased. both you and jade stayed there for a good few moments before he gently came in to give your nape a kiss, "apologies, but i must attend to this sudden midnight guest. i'll be quick." turns out it was another octavinelle student who'd accidentally left something in the lounge. jade could've chosen to be polite, but when you suddenly have your orgasm interrupted, your mood tends to sour a bit. rest assured, that student would know to wait until the following day if any belongings were left behind. moreover, jade had come to the conclusion that fucking you dumb against the kitchen counter at the lounge was so exhilarating that he might consider overtime more often.
jamil viper ‹ scarabia ›
after all the dishes have been done and everyone was winding down for the night at the viper household, jamil led you to his room by the hand. this wasn't your first time coming back to the scalding sands with him. in other words, his family loved you so much they kept nagging him to bring you back for a little vacation—especially najma. you and his sister hit it off almost immediately the first time around. talking all evening, going on shopping dates, cooking and doing the chores around the asim household together. now when she'd finally persuaded the older boy to bring his significant other back to hang out some more, najma was beyond thrilled. which also meant, youngest viper would steal you away from him any opportunity she got and it started getting to jamil. don't get him wrong, he loves that you get along perfectly with her, but what about him? you couldn't possibly think that he brought you all the way from sage's island to the scalding sands just so you could ignore him like this, right? after all, you're so much smarter than you let on. and so the rough kisses that left you breathless against the sheets of his bed or the way his hands trailed all across your form all grabbing, groping, tracing, would surely be enough for you to take the hint, yes? pay attention to him, dummy. though he'd never been good at opening up about himself, he knew damn well he was good at getting you to open up your legs. the soft mewls escaping your throat as he ground onto you spilled out in hopeless, breathless staccatos and jamil couldn't help but admire how easily he can get you to succumb to his wishes without even needing to say it, "don't turn your head away, dear," he spoke, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look into his charcoal orbs that had a malicious glint under the moonlight seeping through the windows, "i want you to see me and only me tonight." jamil tugged at the bands of your shorts, slipping them down until your panties were exposed to its sole audience. skilled hands made their way down under your thigh, throwing one over his shoulder, "like the view?" he teased as he left featherlight touches from behind your knee to right at your inner thigh, "we're just getting start—"
"jamil!" najma practically banged on the door, "are they in there? i need to—" but before she could continue, jamil cut her off by answering, "we're kind of in the middle of something, najma." he said without missing a beat. you could sense the confusion of the girl from the other side of the door when she asked, "huh? are you guys going to bed this early? they can sleep in my room, too you..." najma trailed off as the realization dawned on her and she made a loud gagging noise from outside, "you're gross, jamil!" she yelled before the sound of shuffling footsteps started receding from the area she used to be at. you and your boyfriend were silent, eyes at the door before bursting out into uncontrolled giggles and laughter, jamil's head resting on your chest as he tried to catch his breath, "i hope she doesn't tell on me," he says when he'd finally calmed down and regained hus composure, "now, where were we?"
© merotwst 2022 · all rights reserved
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merotwst · 2 years ago
CAN I GO WHERE YOU GO? ‹ . first years›
· bulleted hcs
⇝what happens to you five years after graduation?
[ n: another 135 followers celebratory post. as promised, i have now made an sfw fic in contrast to that other uh,, more sinful one i posted last night. thank u again for all ur support everyone ! ]
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ace trappola ‹ heartslabyul ›
. wow, you've come this far with ace?
. you're planning your future with him? seems like only yesterday you both were bickering in front of the seven statues.
. you started dating on your second year at nrc and boy was it a wild ride.
. year one after graduation was the year you told crowley you were going to stay at twisted wonderland for good.
. it was also the year you, ace and deuce started looking for a job.
. it was a pretty rough start littered with failed interviews and long nights—but you and ace always had each other's arms to fall back into at the end of the day
. year two was the year you and ace took a very memorable trip to the scalding sands
. where he underestimated the spiciness of the curry you ordered and regretted every singe decision he's made in his life as he sat at the toilet for hours on end that night, much to your amusement
. you did warn him
. but the scenery, the people, the beautiful cultural colors embodied by the silks being sold at the market while you wafted through the busy crowd holding hands as to not lose each other
. that trip was a core memory and you both considered moving to the scalding sands at some point when life was more stable for both of you
. year three when you asked him to move in with you. why'd it take you this long to move in with each other? well, because ace was the one asking you to move in to his crappy apartment and you always refused
. he spends most of his nights at your place anyway. he was just too lazy to be the one packing boxes and cleaning up
. when he finally caved, you didn't even try to hide your fist bump and squeal of excitement earning eyerolls from your boyfriend in the process
. deuce helped you guys pack and move and you three spent the night in the living room drinking and reminiscing and just chatting away
. it felt like the sleepovers you had at ramshackle back in your nrc days
. year four was the year you passed by a newly built animal shelter on your way to visit his family one summer
. it was really just supposed to be you guys checking the place out and maybe giving donations
. but this one australian shepherd was sat in one of the cages and he was giving ace a look that he couldn't ignore
. ughhh he hated being soft. but he couldn't help but reach into the cage and give the pup a little pet on the head
. when i tell you his heart skipped a beat when it did a little happy dance as he approached, i mean it full on stopped for a full minute because of the cuteness
. so you arrive at the trappola family home with a new addition to your own little trappola family, happily seated at the backseat of your car
. year five when you and ace were laying in bed, talking about all the years you spent together
. you've never felt luckier to have him by your side through thick and thin
. you couldn't imagine wanting to be in anybody else's arms than the ones holding you right now
. a scratch at the door and you both gave each other knowing looks of amusement. ace got off the bed to open the door
. the hyperactive, large fluffy boy, no longer a puppy. no he's gone way past that he was so big now and you both adored him.
. he zoomed into the bedroom and made himself comfortable by your side—shamelessly stealing ace's spot on the bed causing his dad to get all pouty and whining about wanting his spot back next to you but the dog wasn't budging
. you laughed
. this was your life now and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world
deuce spade ‹ heartslabyul ›
. deuce and you have only started dating after you graduated
. and everyone's huffs of ‘it's about time’ could be heard once the news reached them
. deuce desperately wanted to give you the life you deserved and you constantly reassured him that no matter what life you both would live, you would stick by his side
. especially on the first year after graduating. out of the three of you (you, ace and deuce), deuce had the hardest time finding a job that he liked and felt comfortable being in
. it was a huge adjustment and he had a hard time, but you were always there to remind him that no matter what happened, you weren't leaving. that was all he needed to keep going.
. a lot of this year was also spent getting to know his mom. at her insistence, you and deuce stayed at her home for the first year
. she was a lovely woman who treated you just like her very own child. she loved you and deuce dearly and likewise you've grown to love her as though she were your own mother
. the second year, you and deuce got an apartment and moved out.
. it took a lot of convincing for mrs. spade to finally let you two leave (she couldn't help but tear up a bit seeing as how her two lovelies were all grown up), but she finally caved
. it was a medium sized apartment in the middle of the city and not far from where ace worked so he would often come by to visit you guys or sometimes he'd crash at your place since it was closer
. you guys ended up just giving him a spare key at this point as he was so often visiting anyway
. year three was when a reunion was held at nrc. everyone you knew and were close to had come by and no words can express how much you all missed each other
. everyone gathered around chatting and catching up, deuce grabbed you hand and squeezed it three times
. you looked up at him and he gave you the most loving smile you'd ever seen. it almost even seemed like he was about to tear up. a soft whisper of ‘i love you’ escaped his lips, just for you to hear
. he's never been more grateful for anything in his life. amazing friends, a loving mom and the love of his life by his side
. year four when you got your promotion and you had to move for your job. that was another big step in your relationship.
. a long distance relationship? could you guys handle it?
. you guys had a long talk and decided that deuce would move with you. where you went, he would go.
. he left his job, you left your apartment.
. ace acted as if you both were breaking up with him. where was he supposed to crash now?
. well, that was for him to figure out.
. you and your boyfriend moved to a new place six hours away from the main city and got a new apartment, it was smaller than the last one but it was comfortable for you both.
. and this time around, deuce got a job faster than you both expected and you celebrated with the bottle of wine his mom had given you as a little congratulatory gift when you got promoted.
. everything was perfect between the two of you.
. year five was when one of deuce's cousins went on vacation and asked if his family could stay around your apartment for a day.
. you didn't mind a little company so you agreed.
. the next week, his cousin came with his wife and his two kids.
. the way you handled the children, cradling the baby in your arms and playing with the older one made him think of a future where it's more than just the two of you.
. could you be able to pull it off? would he be a good father?
. but when you turned to look at him after gently cooing at the small infant in your arms and smiled, all doubts faded in his mind.
. you both could pull anything off together and someday, hopefully, maybe even a family.
jack howl ‹ savanaclaw ›
. you and jack graduated without ever telling each other how you felt.
. so your first year after graduating was spent separately. you were with ace and deuce in queendom and he was all the way over in the northern shaftlands.
. you both looked for jobs and occasionally you both would think about each other and wonder how each of you were doing and what you were up to.
. he often thought of reaching out, but decided against it. there were too many ‘what ifs’ for his liking. plus, what was he supposed to talk to you about? no, it was too risky for him so he just opted not to do anything rash.
. the second year, he got an email notifying that he and five other alumni would be in charge of the reunion next year.
. when jack went to check who the other four he was supposed to be working with were, he wasn't expecting to see your name and his heart started racing.
. this was his chance—your email was right underneath your name. of course, it would just be for planning the next reunion and nothing more but it also wouldn't hurt to catch up...
. as he was typing out his email to you—deleting, replacing, drafting—hey, should he attach a picture of himself? would that be too much? oh boy, his thoughts were going way too fast his hands couldn't keep up.
. a notification. and email. your name. jack having a mental stroke.
. you said you were emailing because you were both in the planning committee, but asked how he was and attached a photo of yourself.
. and wow you got so much more gorgeous.
. he responded and before you both knew it, you exchanged numbers and started texting instead.
. the late night texting turned into calls and you were talking each night.
. and when the reunion finally happened on the third year, you were both so nervous to see each other again. after a year of talking on the phone, you were both physically able to touch each other and talk face to face. way too many things could happen but you knew one thing was for sure—you would tell jack how you felt.
. even though you were a working adult, it felt like you were about to confess to a middle school crush. and you couldn't even see each other as often.
. but when you both finally saw each other, you couldn't help but run into his arms in a tight embrace. you fit there perfectly, as if you were always meant to be there.
. and to your surprise, jack confessed first and butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
. the rest if that reunion was spent chatting and catching up with your old classmates and being held by jack in his arms.
. now that he has you, he's never letting go.
. year four was spent the same way as the second year. you lived apart from each other so late night video calls that lasted hours were your bonding time for a while.
. until one day, you came home and jack was in your apartment.
. the way you dropped your groceries on the floor was all caught in video by ace.
. your friends decided to surprise you by flying jack all the way from shaftlands to queendom to celebrate your birthday.
. so you blew your candles, drank a bit and talked with everyone in the room.
. when ace and deuce went home, jack and you were the only ones left.
. he pulled out a little box from one of his bags. it was a snow globe. at first you thought it was an ordinary snow globe, but upon further inspection you noticed that the two characters inside were—
. “that's you and me. i had it custom made,” jack said with a blush on his cheeks, “i know it isn't much, but that's supposed to be how you and me are gonna look like if ever you visit my hometown.”
. year five was the year you got off a plane at an airport in shaftlands. jack was there with a girl who looked similar to him.
. it was hid sister. and though you'd only seen her and talked through video calls, she hugged you as if you were a long lost friend.
. you got in jack's truck, driving north away from the city. his sister talking and asking about you. she shared many silly things about jack when they were growing up, much to jack's embarassment.
. the paved roads soon became covered in white and the temperature grew colder. suddenly, everything around you was covered in snow. it felt like a winter wonderland.
. when you arrived at the howls', you were greeted by the warmth of the fireplace in the cabin, away from the city and near the mountains.
. the embrace of his family also welcomed you. mrs. howl was delighted to finally meet the person that made her jackie so happy.
. you now call him that just to see him blush.
. one night, he took you up the mountains nearby. he didn't explain why, it was supposed to be a surprise.
. you trusted your lover. so you took his hand and he helped you navigate the roads around the woods.
. it wasn't a long walk and jack kept offering to carry you on his back if ever you got tired—which you honestly didn't. in fact, it was quite delightful talking with jack while having a little midnight climb.
. once you reached the peak, you saw the view. the stars were littered in almost every inch of the sky. it was the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
. “get ready for the main event,” the wolf grinned, grabbing your hand, “look up.”
. and right as you did, you saw the first aurora borealis streaks form in the sky. you caught them right above you and you couldn't help but gasp, mesmerized by the sight.
. he squeezed you hand and you squeezed back.
. the week passed you by in a flash. it was a great trip. jack didn't want to let go at the airport, but you had a flight to catch.
. you went back to your daily routine of video calls, but this time, everytime you see the picture frame beside the snow globe he gave you—the picture resembled the two characters in the snow globe the exact same way.
. you couldn't help but think how you wanted to come back there and, just maybe, even stay for good.
epel felmier ‹ pomefiore ›
. similar to deuce, you and epel started dating shortly after you graduated.
. your relationship was quiet and only a few other people knew about it at first, but it didn't come as a shock to them when they found out.
. you two have always seemed close anyway. it was only a matter of time.
. the first year after graduation, he took you back to his hometown in harveston for a little visit.
. it was such a small town and most of the population were elderly, but it was quite a lovely place.
. everyone was welcoming and happy to finally see epel's significant other.
. his grandma was the most excited out of all of them. she couldn't stop going off about how beautiful you looked and how epel was lucky to have someone as intelligent as you.
. she told stories about epel when he was younger—pulled out the photo albums and all and epel was desperately trying to save himself from embarassment.
. his grandmother was having none of it and sent him to go prepare you some apple pie while she continued to talk to you.
. it was also the year you decided to extend your stay at harveston to help out at the orchards. you learned how to make apple delicacies, juice and others.
. you hadn't even realized it's been a year since you decided to stay.
. and year two was the year you decided to stay permanently in the small town.
. you quite enjoyed the quietness and simplicity of everything around you.
. epel's family adored you. from the little kids to the grandparents. it was as if you've always been part of it.
. you started working at the little flower shop in town and helped out at the apple farm as often as you could.
. it was a quiet life with epel so far and you liked it that way.
. year three, was when one of the elderly residents passed away peacefully. she had owned a cat who now needed a new home.
. so, you and your boyfriend volunteered to take her home.
. the cat didn't like epel at first, hissing at him when he got close. but you were a natural and the animal loved you and purred whenever you scratched and pet it.
. epel, however, only got growls and scratched on his arms from the fluffball.
. so you made it your mission to have your new daughter and boyfriend to get along.
. so while epel was fast asleep and your cat was also drowsily napping in your arms, you gently placed her on his stomach while he slept.
. she didn't object. in fact, she started purring against him.
. after that, she didn't seem to mind epel as much anymore. of course, she was still much closer to you, but she didn't scratch or hiss at him anymore. and occasionally, she'd even sleep beside him.
. year four was the year you and epel got yourselves magical brooms.
. you had the idea of using the brooms to pick the apples much easier and more fun.
. epel loved the idea seeing as how he was excellent at flight.
. he would zoom around the orchard and you would carry the basket on your own broom following after him as he tossed the apples into the basket.
. you were both a team, even after he got tangled in one of the tree branches and fell—injuring his arm in the process, you were there for him.
. you took over his duties and helped around the house doing his own chores for him. and he thought that was pretty sweet.
. often you'd see him in a bench with your cat as he watched you sweep at the leaves in the backyard, a content smile on his face and a ball of fur purring contentedly beside him.
. year five was when ace, deuce and jack came to visit harveston.
. it was time for one of the festivals and it had gotten quite busy. all the hustling and bustling of the small town filled you with excitement, as it did every year.
. but with your friends coming over this year, it seemed twice as exciting.
. you and epel gave them all a warm embrace after the got out of a taxi and welcomed them to the town.
. the residents greeted the men with happy smiles and warm embraces.
. you had so much fun, it felt like you were back at your nrc days again.
. and at the peak of the festivities, epel had managed to get you alone in your bedroom—well, except for your cat who was sprawled out on the bed in a starfish position.
. but you expected that. what you didn't expect was epel pulling out a ring from behind him.
. there were no fancy candles or roses. no fireworks, no orchestra. just you, him and the constant purring of your cat.
. but you didn't hesitate to say yes.
. because this was just how you wanted it to be. simple, happy, content and in love. you couldn't ask for anything better.
. when you told everyone, they all cheered adding one more occasion to the festival. the congratulations, the best wishes and the embraces from your friends.
. everything was perfect and you couldn't be happier.
sebek zigvolt ‹ diasomnia ›
. bitchless
. still holds out hope malleus would date him instead
. sorry sebek stans, but yall keep losing with this man
. only benefits u get from him are free dental checkups from his dad
. bye 👋
© merotwst 2022 · do not copy, translate or reproduce.
902 notes · View notes
merotwst · 2 years ago
‹ . housewardens ›
. ficlets
⇝stuck in a failing and/or loveless marriage with them.
[ n: thank u for 600 followers, everyone! special thanks to @v-anrouge and @/love-thanatopsis for helping me so much with this fic i love u sm this is for u i hope u like it ! not proofread. ]
{ - - - → tw. angst. cheating, alcohol, arguments, aggression, mention of children on kalim's part, gaslighting, mentions of divorce, unhappiness and basically anything u would associate with marriages that just aren't working out exdee. just sad vibes here so stick around if ure in the mood to cry </3 }
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riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
he sat behind his desk, rubbing his temples in exhaustion. but despite the lingering tiredness of the day, you would think riddle would be ready to head himself to bed and get some proper rest, right? wrong. he feels like a man being sent off to war.
he'd have much rather spent the night in his office with a blanket and a pillow on the couch. the neck pain would be an easier form of misery to endure than having to spend an hour in a room with tension he often compares to a sinking ship with no lifeboats.
it almost seemed like you lived in separate worlds. he worked, you did whatever it is a dutiful partner does. only you did it far, far away. to your parties you went and talked to your friends, to his meetings he went and shared some good brandy with his own company. you both come home and head to your own separate chambers.
when you're out together you put on a good display of affections for everyone to see. holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek, smiling as if it were all just you against the world. how suffocating.
but behind the facade is an empty world. an empty house. empty hearts. just the clinking of sliver ware on the quiet dinner table sitting eight feet away from each other on both ends. silence was the only way to keep yourselves afloat. distance was your own form of a makeshift lifeboat because your vows at the altar were your own ways of saying it was ‘every man for himself’.
you were two strangers forced to live under the same roof.
and if it were not for his mother trying to salvage your miserable marriage—the marriage of her own engineering—by getting you both to sleep in the same room together, he would have been perfectly content with that dull, dreary, miserable lifestyle. the lifestyle once again, enforced onto him by his beloved mother.
the redhead leaned forward from his leather chair. a breath through his nose, exhaling through his mouth. his hand reached for the whiskey on the table and took one last sip before standing up, mentally hoping you were out to a party with your insufferable company of people. because if not, it's going to be another long night of sad, silent agony in a king sized bed—a sinking ship with no lifeboats.
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
“open this door right now, [name]! stop acting like a damn brat!”
as the prince yells out that last word he pounds on the door more aggressively than he initially did. it echoed across the halls. the sounds reverberate and bounce back to reach his ears reminding him of the torment of his existence. all his efforts, efforts he never wanted to exert, all come in for naught. this always happens to him. this was the bane of his existence. falena gets the light shone in his face and the cheers and acknowledgement of everyone around him, he gets to pound on a door trying to get his partner to come out of their bathroom because they are late to the party where it was essential they should attend.
‘it takes two to tango’, they say. how does one dance when the other party can't even sit down for one second and look you in the eye without making you feel like you're the biggest burden to have ever arrived in his life? how does one cope with the resentment that's so evidently there? the contempt held for you when you enter a room together and he immediately drops your hand the second everyone starts looking away? you aren't his partner. you are nothing but a prop to him. to get his family off his back. he couldn't even do as much as acknowledge you whenever you entered your chambers alone.
people surround you day after day but you've never felt more alone in your life.
and as leona banged and screamed and twisted the knob the way he twisted your heart up and squeezed it dry, you pulled your knees close to your chest. biting your quivering lower lip till the metallic taste of blood filled your senses.
the light from the open door illuminates the room. your comfortable corner in the bathroom invaded by the lion's dominating presence. and as he watched you, gripping the fabric of your attire like it was your only other anchor to sanity, you felt him soften. ever so slightly, his shoulders eased up. his eyebrows raised a little from their initial cross direction and his eyes showed a hint of melancholy—no... pity. his shadow loomed over your curled up form, cast from the light outside that only reached you and him.
he did not do anything else. he just slightly clutched the key he held in his hands that he used to open the door a little tighter. he watched you for a moment, as if he were observing a small animal being cornered by a predator. silence enveloped the room only broken by your occasional pathetic sniffle and sob. he then turned on his heels.
“change your clothes, they're all wrinkly now. we leave in ten minutes.”
he closed the door to the room and the darkness enveloped you once more.
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
the vase shattered as it hit the wall barely missing your husband's head. all the jewelry on your dresser tossed and strewn all across the floor. the clothes, the shoes and all the other vain things he'd given you as a consolation for never being home, never being available, never being a husband.
the thing about azul was that he could be a good actor whenever he wanted to be. it's essential for a businessman to know when to play a poker face, when to seem interested or whatnot. he'd mentioned that in passing back then when he would actually talk to you before you were married but now you forget the details. now that you think about it, back then he must have been acting, too. to gain your affections. to make you fall in love with him. so he can achieve his own greedy little goals. you look over at him and can't help a bitter laugh escape your throat.
he gave you a sharp look, “what is it that you find so humorous in this situation, darling?” the businessman asked in a mocking voice, “finally gone mad, have we?”
you turn to him, a small, resentful grin on your face, “oh honey you know i'm always mad for you!” you scream the last part as you hurled one of your favorite shoes at him. your husband was quick to evade this causing it to fly directly to one of your bedroom lamps. the two items fell to the floor with a clatter and smash. the sound of breaking glass mirrored your breaking heart.
azul opened his mouth, a string of insults flowing from his tongue so freely and you mirrored this by shooting your own painful words at his direction. the mingling angry voices bounced across the four walls of the room.
this was not the life you envisioned with him. where was the sweet, suave man that held your hand so gently and softly as he brought you to dinner? where was the kind, generous soul and took a short portion of his day to see you and personally deliver his flowers to you? where was the funny, charismatic person that charmed your family so much they were practically begging you to marry him? where was the husband that vowed to love and to cherish you at the altar?
that man was replaced by the empty space on your bed, the flowers delivered to you by random people you didn't know, the shoes and clothes and other ridiculous things he probably doesn't even pick out himself. and you would sit alone at your home, in front of a full sized mirror that reflected your pathetic state by showing you the tears that streamed down your face night after night that azul spent on his stupid company. the company which you made possible for him by marrying him. what a fool you are.
objects flew, tears shed, hearts broken.
but the saddest of all is that each and every one these things only seem to come from your side of the room and not his.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
you sat in your bedroom, watching the seconds tick by. the clock's hands showed it was two in the morning. normally you would expect a married couple to be in bed together asleep at this hour, but not for you. these days, it seemed to be a somewhat better though. as of late, he was usually out because of the hectic pressures of being head of the family and jamil would attest to this fact.
he'd promised you he wouldn't see her anymore. you wanted to make it work. you begged him to try to make it work with you—even if only for the children. and he agreed. and somehow, this sparked some home in your bitter situation. and that made it bearable for you.
you sat, then stood, then paced, then sat again. restless energy built up in your body thinking of what to say to him when he comes through the door. things were looking up and you wanted to help him relax after another very stretched out day. it's the least you can do for him. after all, no matter what the situation, kalim was always kind to you. he always made you feel like you mattered and listened and made you feel valid. you are essentially the parent to his children and so he made sure he was treating you well to an extent.
but that... that just isn't enough. you're his partner. you needed to feel like his partner. someone he could turn to, someone he could talk to, someone he could run to whenever things got bad. but kalim always kept you at arm's length. he was your husband but he could never completely be a husband.
because he did not love you.
he loved—loves her.
it shows on his disheveled hair. it shows on the perfume that you smell on his clothes. it shows on the lipstick stains on his neck. it shows on the look of shock on his face when he sees you awake. waiting. disappointed.
your twiddling fingers drop to your sides the same way your heart dropped and shattered on the floor. the exhaustion evident on your features when you sit down heavily on the soft cushions of the sofa.
“[name]... i... i thought you were asleep...” kalim sputtered out. he sounded like a child who was just caught snooping around the kitchen late at night.
if only it were as simple as stealing cookies from the kitchen cupboard at two-thirty.
“and i thought we were trying, kalim,” you replied flatly.
he didn't respond. you didn't want to stay. you couldn't. so you stood up and looked him straight in the eye—they looked guilty. and... they feel sorry for you. you hated it.
you turned around, not giving him time to finish whatever ‘explanation’ he had come up with again. you couldn't bear it. you refuse to cry for him—not anymore. you're exhausted and you couldn't bear to be inside that suffocating room with him any longer.
“i'll sleep with the children tonight.” you say before heading to the door leaving your husband and your broken heart along with him.
vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
‘there's no business like show business!’
this is true for the most part. it has its ups and downs but vil personally never had much of a say in the matter of whether he would be in the public eye or not. all his life he'd been under the spotlight. the blinding flashes of the cameras, the bright lights of the stage, the softboxes and umbrellas that would make any normal person squint and and turn away don't even make him flinch. but that's not to say it wasn't exhausting.
of course that was the small price to pay for a profession such as vil's. he has made the many greater sacrifices to get where he is in life. and although people who don't live the lifestyle he had would feel the intimidation of the showbiz world, he was surprised you didn't seem like it bothered you much at all.
the people of twisted wonderland adored you when you both started dating. it all seemed like a perfect fairy tale whenever they saw you and vil liked that. of course they weren't really far off. at the beginning it did seem like a fairy tale. you were perfect and even to himself it felt too good to be true.
and sure enough, it was.
majority of your dating life with vil was private but later down the line, after you got married, you both became more public about it. posting more pictures, going out together, attending events.
headlines of ‘the perfect couple’ turn into ‘the luckiest man alive’(referring to vil), to ‘[name]! the real star of the show’.
wherever vil went, people would ask for you. even in movie interviews meant for him—starring him. they were looking for you. they wanted you. they, “only really came because we thought [name] would be here!” in events where he was supposed to be the main attraction.
it's always you, you, you.
and at first he didn't mind. he was proud to have you as his partner. he even did feel like he was the happiest man alive for a while. but the more people asked for you, the more he felt the disappointment and sadness morph into something more bitter. his years and years of endless hard work and silent suffering against neige all came crashing back down in a repeating dance of fighting for acknowledgement. to be recognized as himself. and he thought he was finally over all that. working twice as hard and feeling—being overlooked. but you... he knows you don't do it on purpose. it's not your fault you're so easy to love. vil knows you would never purposefully overshadow him but whenever he sees you in the red carpet waving and smiling at the crowds all cheering and chanting your name like you were some sort of otherworldly being, he couldn't compete.
the way they all run to you without even so much as acknowledging his presence beside you felt the same as getting thrown tomatoes at and booed to him. and he remembers he was even booed at some point for not bringing you along on a public trip!
he didn't know when the sadness fully morphed into bitter resentment but whenever you were alone he found himself criticizing your every move. his subtle, snide remarks of your (perfectly well) clothes turned into full on insults. sometimes he would even guilt you into not attending events you were exclusively invited to.
and he knows you would never betray him. so you take it all quietly. you knew leaving vil would only villanize him more in the public eye. no matter what, he was still your husband and you made a sacred promise on the altar.
you both smile for the cameras in public, the mirage of the most perfect couple to be advertised to the whole of twisted wonderland. but behind closed doors are the heated arguments, the endless screaming, the nights you spent alone in your once lovely home curled up in bed.
your husband might have loved you once, and this hurts him just as much to admit—but vil can never love you again in circumstances like this. but you're both given no choice but to bear it.
there really is no business like show business.
idia shroud ‹ ignihyde ›
there is no doubt idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to stand out in his own. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor and this isn’t just because of his years and years of experience in strategy games or looking for ways to try and escape social situations he hates so much, but also because he’s just a master at running away from situations.
the only situation people thought he could never escape from was standing with you at the altar. the “most horrifying” day of his life.
to think a hermit shut-in nobody like him would find himself in a lifelong commitment with someone is just absurd. but here you are in your miserable state of trying to get him to get out of his room. constantly bugging him to spend time with you—he’s already married you! is that not enough?
idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor. and he’s spent enough time with you to know exactly how to break you without getting his hands dirty.
he finds himself buying a different house, far from where you are. under the guise of working better with no distractions. lies of saying he would call but never did.
endless nights of you pacing your room, phone to your ear hearing the ringing over and over and over again.
it just kept ringing and ringing and you wanted it to stop. you needed it to stop. you needed an answer.
and when the other line of your connection was the sound of company—of a companion—who was willing to give you the attention you deserved from such a cruel life, idia finally shows himself.
idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor. and he’s always known how to win a game. you've fallen into his trap. he has the receipts of your conversations with the other person you were seeing, the photographs, the evidence. and as he slid the piece of paper and pen towards you on the other side of the table, a cocky grin on his face feeling like he'd finally got exactly what he wanted, he caught a glimpse of your sadness.
your melancholy in the way you picked up the pen and read through the divorce papers of his orchestrating. idia felt a tsunami of guilt wash him away as the sight of all the pain he caused you was so vividly clear to him now. but instead of signing, you drew a line across the piece of paper that was his path to ‘freedom’. and what idia saw that replaced the sadness in you was anger. resentment. betrayal of the worst kind.
there is no doubt india shroud s a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one.
but he is also a fool to think you were going to take all these hits lying down.
malleus draconia ‹ diasomnia ›
people had given you a heads up before you got married that malleus draconia was a serious man.
he married you, sure, but you didn't know what you expected out of this marriage. after all, a marriage arranged by two families didn't really promise much on the love department and your made peace with that.
but you didn't expect the lack of affection to be in this extent.
he wouldn't touch you, let alone even look you in the eye. malleus was constantly busy in his study or going out to attending other formal gatherings. The only times he would come around to spending a portion of his day with you was during dinner. and they were long, painfully quiet dinners.
he had a duty as the prince of briar valley, after all. but you understood that. but sometimes you lie around your empty bedroom thinking about how your life could have been so much more better. the agonizing silence, the awkward touches, the forced smiles. it all felt so terribly depressing.
surely your husband could at least pretend to be comfortable when he's spending the day around you. but somehow it's always just some form of... indifference. whenever you would show small forms of affection like touching his hand or giving him a kiss, he would just stand there, not returning. not reflecting the same amount of affections as you did with him.
and of course you tried your best to make it better. consulting those closest to him to you try to understand him whenever he talked about things he was interested in. you tried to show support on his projects and his interests. you even tried to get invested into the gargoyles and architecture he so dearly loved and finally you thought it worked.
the occasional invite to tea, the small acknowledgements, the small talks about the things he liked. you felt like all your hard work started to pay off.
but when you made your way through the long corridors of the castle with a box of something special in your hands picked especially for the prince one afternoon, your feet came to a halt in front of the mahogany double doors of his study.
two voices—muffled by the barrier between you and the people in the room but it was enough to hear the all important parts of the conversation.
“it all is such a pain, lilia,” he said, “they're constantly trying to catch ny attention. to show me affection. but it all just feels so... miserable.
“i have tried to take your advice. to be more open and responsive to their advances but it just doesn't work. i cannot love them the way they want me to.”
the conversation goes on but you could no longer listen. the ringing in your ears were far louder drowning out any other sound around you.
you made your way back to your chambers silently slipping away.
that night malleus asked about the present left in front of his study and you only sighed softly in response
“it's simply my misery, sir.”.
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© merotwst 2023 • do not steal, translate, copy or reproduce
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merotwst · 2 years ago
· bulleted hcs
⇝ . they see you alone at a house party
[ n: i didn't think i'd be able to write at a party, much less tipsy, but i am and im just as shocked as u ]
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- - - → tw. mentions of alcohol, intoxication, teenagers making out
ace trappola ‹ heartslabyul ›
. you can't tell me ace trappola doesn't party
. he's running around drinking and enjoying the flashing lights and the loud music
. he's in a tipsy state, but he swears that was you by the corner with your full attention on your phone
. weren't you here with someone?
. he skillfully navigates his way through the crowd of bodies pressed together swaying to the beat of the song playing on full volume at the speakers
. once his suspicions have been confirmed that indeed, it was you looking all mopey in the quieter corner of the party, he walks up to you
. and as always in a typical ace fashion, he clowns you for going with a guy that didn't even pay attention to you
. would definitely jokingly say that he thinks you look pathetic all alone
. you'd tell him to fuck off and the friendly banter starts
. now the party wasn't half as bad when you were in conversation with ace
. at some point, you both decided it was a good idea to pull a prank on someone
. and it ended with you tightly grabbing onto each others hands and cackling loudly as you ran around the party, squeezing through the sea of people in their sparkly fashions trying to get away from an angry savanaclaw jock that did not appreciate you putting squeezed jalapeno you pulled out from the kitchen cupboards on his red cup while he wasn't looking
. you watched as he stacked cards on the kitchen counter and did tricks as people around you gathered to see what was happening
. deuce caught you both rummaging through the couch for any lost coins. you both accumulated a total of 9 pennies that night
. the evening ends with ace leading you to the dance floor as you both sway to the beat of the music and then you realize that you would choose ace over anyone who would asked you to another party the next time around
floyd leech ‹ octavinelle ›
. party person #2
. probably was the loudest in the room at some point
. took a beer and made a hole at the tip and attempted to drink it all the way without stopping
. and in the midst of all this chaos, he sees you, shrimpy, over by the stairs and your stare was directed at your phone
. floyd unceremoniously tosses the beer can in a corner to be forgotten somewhere and walks over to where you were at
. greets you by taking your phone, holding it over his head with that ridiculous toothy grin on his face
. "go on. try and get it, shrimpy!"
. doesn't give you your phone back unless you come with him outside to the pool just for some 'fresh air'
. you ended up in the water with floyd leech and a red cup in your hands
. he carried you on his shoulders as you participated in the game that makes players above push to see who falls first
. and floyd wasn't one to lose
. took charge of the barbecue cooking so you both would get more portions
. eventually he realizes the party was pretty boring
. so he steals some clothes from the master's bedroom. how'd he get through the locked door is anyone's guess.
. how much is that tux he's got on right now cost? he wants you to wear this expensive looking outfit? relax he's gonna give them back whenever he feels like it.
. floyd drags you out with him through the back porch and onto the empty night roads
. it's where you both sing the songs you both thought of at the moment at the top of your lungs
. you both could be found running around the deserted evening streets in your "borrowed" luxury brands as the night was nearing its end
jamil viper ‹ scarabia ›
. the non-party person
. jamil is the more introverted one of the three, but he isn't seen in the corners of the room moping
. in fact, he's engaged in conversation with a freshman congratulating him for the win on their last basketball match close to the dance floor
. not that he enjoyed the party. he simply was just there out of courtesy for being invited. after all, this was a party made to celebrate the basketball team's win
. he saw you pass by in the corner of his eye carrying a cup in one of your hands and your phone on the other
. he observed as you made your way to the couch where you were sat inbetween a group of ignihyde students geeking about something along the lines of 'tech upgrade' and couple who barely had their clothes on as they shamelessly made out for everyone to see
. jamil cringed
. weren't you with that guy earlier? oh wait, he seems busy. he left you alone? that's... a dick move.
. and so he made his way across the room to where you were sat and greeted you with a pleasant smile
. he sat and engaged in conversation with you for a while but as soon as a shirt was thrown right at him, seemingly from the couple beside you, he offered to go and talk somewhere less crowded and noisy
. which is how you ended up in the roof through a bedroom window from one of the rooms that was unlocked
. you both snickered as you watched the people down at the pool yard, judging the way they were dressed or how they were acting
. you invented a little game where you both assume things about the person based on how they look like
. "is he actually in octavinelle? look at the way he's carrying the barbecues on the plates they're gonna fall."
. and when they did fall and the perfectly good barbecues were all now scattered and inedible on the wet grass, you both couldn't help but cackle at the sight of his misfortune and floyd's coincidentally extended foot that was directly at the path the boy was walking on
. you ended up enjoying each other's company more than the party
. on the roof, talking about the simplest of things. jamil was simply trying to be a decent person by saving you from that awful spot on the couch
. who would've guessed he'd enjoy your presence this much?
. maybe he should also invite you to his next basketball game sometime
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merotwst · 2 years ago
can I request for the event
⇝star ; “put it at the very top of the tree.” WITH MALLEUS AAAAAA
can it be romantic please thank you mwah mwah mwah
just imaging Malleus lifting up Ellis to put the star on the tree aaa
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‹ merotwst's christmas and 250 followers event ! ›
[ prompt : star ; “ put it at the very top of the tree. ” ft. malleus draconia ]
{ n: not proofread, expect mistakes }
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baubles and gingerbread cookies on trays were scattered around the floor. the lights were hung, the fire was lit and the temperature outside grew colder and colder by the minute. you were sat on the carpet, the melodies of your laughter bouncing off your lips felt like the sun on his skin after the coldness of winter and it never failed to send his heart swelling with delight. everything was always so at peace around you. it almost felt like everything outside your bubble just stops altogether creating moments in time where it's just his presence basking in the stars in your eyes when you smile.
it happens so often, too.
in the hallways, on the now snow-covered pavements of the pathways around the college, in his room back in his own dorm. you could be in a sea of people spectating on a spelldrive match or just alone together, interlocking fingers as you gaze at each other with the love that he felt could make roses bloom in the winter cold—everything else just seemed to fade away back, back into the background. truth be told, if it were up to him, he could just sit and stare at your figure glowing in the fireplace beside you all night. but alas, you simply had to snap him out of his trance.
“malleus,” you called, a sheepish smile playing on your features. “you're staring. again.” shyly, you bring a gingerbread to your lips, biting on the christmas delight and malleus couldn't help a soft laugh leave his throat. the hot cocoa on the floor beside him had finally been given some attention once more.
“apologies,” he said before taking a small sip on his mug, “but you already know how that tends to happen sometimes.”
you playfully roll your eyes at this popping the rest of the gingerbread onto your mouth. you sit in your comfortable silence again. you were busying yourself with returning the extra baubles onto their boxes and picking out the smaller mess around you for a while until you noticed smile breaking out of his features, his eyes anchored onto an object somewhere behind you. curious, your gaze follows and meets with the decorative star laying peacefully on the couch. you turn back to malleus with a brow cocked and your query came out in the form of a single word, “what?” and malleus let out a chuckle in response.
“is there something funny about it?” you started to slowly stand up and pad your way across the floor towards the couch.
he let out a toothy grin, “i do not find the star to be humorous. it is you that i found to be. hmm... was it rude of me to laugh at you?”
“no,” you reply, the star now in your hands, “you don't have to worry about those things around me, love,” you reassure him with a gentle smile, “i know you mean well. but pray tell what you found to be so funny.”
“well,” he started, “you were so intent on decorating your dorm for christmas and i've accompanied you for the whole day with putting up the ribbons and lights, however...” malleus trailed off and you stare at him in anticipation.
“you have not put the star on the tree yet. it's the last thing left for you to do. had you forgotten?”
you softly ran your fingers around the designs of the christmas tree star, a sheepish smile on your features. you didn't meet his gaze but you responded, “no... i just didn't want you to leave yet.” you admit shyly. malleus' expression turned into that of surprise which only reddened the blush on your cheeks even more.
“i will not leave if you do not wish for me to go.”
“i know. but i can't exactly just ask that from you. you're a housewarden and i'm sure the students of diasomnia are out looking for you right now. they need you more than i do,” you remarked, “i had to be clever.” a pout was on your lips and you earned a small laugh from him. the prince stood up, a warm smile dancing upon his lips as he gazed at you lovingly.
“put it at the very top of the tree.” he said, “i will not leave even after all the decorations have been done. not unless you would like me to.”
you smiled softly, placing a hand on his cheek which he leaned into gently, his hand finding its way onto yours interlocking your fingers together. his arm wrapping around your waist as he pulls you in closer. you leaned in, fully expecting a kiss from the dragon, only to let out a yelp as you felt him suddenly lift you up into the air. his laughter was like woodland thunder when he took in your reaction to his sudden actions. you were in a position where he was supporting you with his arms in a way where you were sitting on them as if you were a little child being carried. your arms were on his shoulders for support and your eyes were as wide as the baubles on display.
“mal?!” you exclaim in confusion and surprise. he only gave you a knowing look and your eyes fall back onto the decorative star in your hand. the peak of the christmas tree behind you seemed almost like it was begging to be crowned. you extended one of your arms over to the top of the tree.
baubles and empty trays were scattered around the floor. the lights were hung, one of the brightest glowing beautifully on top of the christmas tree. the fire was lit and the temperature outside grew colder and colder by the minute. you were sat on the carpet, the melodies of your rich laughter like a chime of bells and his like woodland thunder, intertwined together as they echoed throughout the room. he held you against him, your back to his chest. th blanket wrapped around his shoulders and around you along with the heat radiating from the mug you held in your hands was the warmth of the sun on your body amidst the cold that made your breath visible in the air. it sent your heart swelling with delight. everything was at peace. the gentle cackle of the flames in the fireplace made you close your eyes and lean back against your lover. you could feel his smile against the kiss he placed on the crown of your head.
malleus couldn't help but stare at you once again, his face at the side of your head. your eyes closed, features illuminated by the fireplace—he couldn't help it. you looked mesmerizing. and you knew he was staring. he tends to do that a lot. but you didn't mind. a small smile crept up on your lips as you gently whispered.
“merry christmas, malleus.”
“merry christmas, my love.”
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[ n: oh my fuck idk how to dialogue AHGH i hope u liked this, ellis!!! thank u so much for requesting and participating in the event ! sending love. ]
© merotwst 2022
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merotwst · 2 years ago
Can I request scarf with "Here, have my scarf instead" with Kalim x reader? For the christmas event <3
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‹ merotwst's christmas and 250 followers event ›
[ ⇝scarf ; “here, have my scarf instead.” ft. kalim al-asim ]
{ n: not proofread, wonky. im having a lil writer's block so apologies if it's short but i hope u like it, anon! ty for requesting!!!! }
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the snowfall was heavy and it seemed like a snowstorm was approaching. you didn't like snowstorms. you were sure your boots were going to be buried under a thick layer of white by the end of the class eliciting a heavy sigh from you. if only ramshackle was in one of the mirror dorms, you wouldn't need to worry too much about the cold and getting snowed on. grim hated the wet cold as much as you did and it sucks that you have to walk all the way back with him grumbling about every single irritation you so desperately wanted to voice out but didn't in hopes that your situation wouldn't sound sadder than it already was.
it was just one foot after another, grim tucked cozily between your arms as you walked. you were right about calves deep in the snow and as the flecks of white continue to fall on you, a tiny fraction of them found their way tangled on your hair. grim kept whining.
“hurry up! can't you walk a little faster? i'm freezing here.” he said and you roll your eyes with irritation, resisting the urge to hurl him across the street to that tree with icicles sharp enough to pierce through monster cat fur.
“you think i'm not?” you retort, “plus, i'm the one doing all the walking here. it's not exactly easy to navigate through this thick snow, i'm not the flash.”
a small, cool breeze passes by and you shivered. that's when you realize your neck was cold.
“fuck,” you cursed under your breath a gloved hand instinctively finding its way to your neck, “left my scarf in the classroom.” you turn to look back at the school building standing over at the distance almost looking like a castle. you were already so far from it that it would be a pain to walk all the way back. you groaned. just your luck. could this day get any worse? well, at least the day was ending.
as you stood, looking over at the nrc school building, you heard the crunching of boots against the thick snow coming up from behind you. you turn to be greeted by the loveliest ball of sunshine amidst the gloomy weather. his smile almost seemed to melt the surrounding snow as he approached you. a definite contrast to you and your slightly grouchy mood.
“prefect!” he called out, jogging up to you. he donned a thick layer of winter clothes. he always did say he got cold easily during the winter season. but that was to be expected since they didn't exactly have cold seasons at the scalding sands.
“hey, kalim.” you greet him with a soft smile of your own. he looked like a happy maroon marshmallow in his winter clothes. his scarf reached just above his lips but you can still see his smile through it all.
adjusting himself in his position, grim spoke up, “where are you headed to?” he then proceeded to point at the paper bags on his arms seeming to be filled with cans and other groceries you can only assume will be used for another scarabia feast of sorts. “and what's with all that?”
kalim looked over to where your monster companion's outstretched paw was pointed at and he beamed, “we're going to have a dinner party! i volunteered to go buy some extra ingredients from the store and i'm on my way back.” the housewarden beamed, “you guys should come!”
“say no m—mmph!”
“thank you for the offer, kalim,” you spoke with a gentle voice and a not-so-gentle hand over grim's fuzzy mouth, “but we'd rather not impose. besides i'm making dinner tonight. it might not be as fancy as a scarabian feast, but it'll be enough to get us full.”
at this point, grim had managed to pry your hands off his mouth and he let out an angry noise, “it's a feast! what are you talking about?! there's more food there!”
“shut up, grim or i'll hurl your greedy ass over to those icicles.”
“can i come?”
your bickering temporarily came to a halt as you and grim both simultaneously whipped your heads to look at the boy who, at this point, had a thin layer of snow on his head and shoulders. kalim realized that you didn't seem to understand what he meant so he backtracked, “i mean, can i come to have dinner with you guys? the snowfall is getting kind of thick and it looks like it's about to storm and i'm sure jamil wouldn't want me walking around in one and...”
a pause, his cheeks getting redder and not just from the cold.
“well, i want to have a christmas dinner with the prefect. hehe,” he smiled shyly but then immediately his eyes shot open again, “ah! but only if you want to, of course! i wouldn't want to intrude. i just want to try your cooking! i promise i'll help out! you see with christmas break nearing, everyone's going home and i j—”
“of course, kalim. you're welcome to have dinner with us. what about scarabia's party, though?”
“i'll just call jamil to have it without me! i wanna spend this night with you.”
you silently pray for jamil's sanity.
“if you say so. and you're right,” you look up at the sky, that was darkening by the minute, “a storm seems to be coming. we'd better take shelter so let's head back to my dorm.” you said as you started to walk. kalim's smile was bright, “thank you! i promise i'll help out with the cooking. jamil never lets me help him out.”
“i wonder why.”
“ahaha! he's just worried i might accidentally cut myself or something. he's always such a worrywart,” he looked over at you, “but i promise i'll be really careful with you.” he said with a small wink which made you blush a little. lilia or cater probably taught him that and you let out a small laugh in response, “oh kalim, what are you trying to do.”
“i'm trying to impress you! i won't be seeing you in a while when the holiday break starts.” he explains and you roll your eyes playfully. kalim had been getting bolder and bolder with his moves lately and it was honestly quite cute. it felt nice to always be in the center of his attention whenever you were together.
“oh!” he exclaimed suddenly and you turned. you were caught by surprise when he wrapped a maroon scarf around your neck—the one wrapped around his own just a few seconds ago, “i've been noticing you occasionally trying to warm your neck so here, have my scarf, instead.” he grinned with a happy glint in his crimson eyes, “ah, but now i'm cold! let's head back to your dorm now!” he said and started trekking to the direction of your dorm.
you stood there, a little ways behind him not realizing the giddy smile you had on your face. his scarf smelled like him and it definitely warmed you up, much like his sunshine of a personality. him wanting to make and eat dinner with you sent butterflies fluttering around your stomach. maybe snowstorms weren't so bad after all.
“i can't believe he wants to have dinner with just you and not me OR that you passed up an opportunity for a feast.”
“shut up, grim.”
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merotwst · 2 years ago
Lol that concept is the best
let's just say jamil and reader are the same age in this one alr?
i have not considered this until now and it will make for a very good fic idea ughh i cant wait to get back to writing. but imagine, being childhood friends with najma, right? you're always at her house, you're always hanging out with her when she has free time. you see her brother a lot, but never really seemed to mind him. he always seemed more busy than najma for some reason.
throughout middle school, you still saw him around but he had his own group of friends and so you never really got close but whenever you came over he'd serve you something to eat. you're a good family friend after all and eventually you also saw him as a brother figure but only from a distance.
then he had to go to night raven college and you haven't seen him at all. najma would occasionally bring him up, but you never really thought about him too much until... al'ab nariya. you go over to come pick najma up from their place. you open the door and lounge about the couch or somewhere while waiting for her and a familiar voice just sneaks up from behind you. OH NO. WHEN DID HE GET HOT. SINCE WHEN WAS HE HOT??????????????
oh god oh god.... crushing on your best friend's brother that's so weird and uncomfortable just shove ur feelings down into a box and bury it deep somewhere and NO NOT unearth it.
but everytime he and you would talk while you waited for his sister, or you and him find yourselves walking around the festival together, catching up. or when he invites you to dance with him. the feelings just start resurfacing by themselves and you're slowly losing your mind as the box erupts into a thousand flashing lights in your heart. like the fireworks that reflect on his eyes as you watch them dazzle underneath the bright, shimmering sky.
it was just such a magical feeling. but just hold out until he has to go back to school. you won't see him again. you won't talk to him in a while. out of sight, out of mind, you tell yourself.
now, how will you cope when you see a notification pop up on your phone from a viper—the older viper?
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