#holy shit couldn't stop laughing hahaha
selineram3421 · 1 year
*screams into the void*
Part 3: Presence of An Angel
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Part 2
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing-again, blood, all caps for screeching, Vash being a bit of a weirdo ⚠
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The paper that smacked your face ended up being Vash's wanted poster.
Oh shit! This is so cool! You thought looking at the paper with sparkling eyes.
Eventually you had to put it away. You didn't want it to get messed up.
The coat you bought worked amazingly well, keeping you cool from the heat and protected from the random hot gusts of wind.
The Tomas you rented was slightly more blue than green. It was honestly fun though, probably the closest thing you got to riding a horse.
"I'm gonna name you Kevin!"
Then after a long while of riding through the desert in silence, you got bored.
I wish I had a music player. You sighed. Well I could just sing.
Singing for you only happened when no one was around. And since it was the desert, there was no one.
Yeah, why the hell not. You decided and started singing.
"I can't see where you're comin' from
But I know just what you're runnin' from
And what matters ain't the who's baddest but the
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder
When you feel like you're feeling now
And doin' things just to please your crowd
But I love you like the way I love you
And I suffer but I ain't gonna cut you 'cause
This ain't no place for no hero"
You sang out, geeking out a bit how this was the perfect song to sing in the desert.
Then the night rolled in and you had to stop, setting up camp after making sure the area was safe enough to do so.
"I hope there's no worms around.", you mumble while trying to figure out how to set up the tent. "How the fuck do I do this?"
Kevin was chilling out by the camp fire you made, sitting like a chicken resting in a nest, feathers all ruffled up to keep warm. Leaving the tent unmade, you make your way over to the Tomas and sit next to them, pulling your coat closed as you leaned back on them.
"Good night Kevin.", you pat the bird. "Peck anyone trying to rob or kill me.", you say with a yawn before knocking out.
Blinking your eyes open, you saw the glass ceiling of a familiar ship.
"Ah fuck.", you grumble and sit up.
Why am I always lying down on the ground? You wonder.
Looking around, you find yourself alone.
Not wanting to sit around, you stand up and start walking. The flowers were swaying slightly, like a breeze just passed by recently. As you continued, you noticed that you were walking to the tree that you first woke up by.
Now standing under it, there was an odd need to close your eyes, so you did.
All of a sudden there was a tug on your clothes from behind. Turning to see who did it, you find a small boy with blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and a beauty mark just under his left eye.
"Wow.", you end up saying.
"Wow?", the boy repeats, tilting his head to the side.
"Oh, sorry!", you let out a small laugh and give him a closed eyed smile. "I just couldn't hold back my awe about how pretty your eyes are!"
What you don't see is the boy smiling at you.
"How pretty.", you mumble, slowly blinking your eyes open.
Only to see blue-green eyes staring into yours.
"AAAAAHHHH!", you screech and kick the person in the face on instinct.
"AAH-OW!", the man yelps and holds his nose as he falls back.
You scramble to stand up, now wide awake and take in who the hell thought it was a good idea to watch you sleep.
"Ow ow ow OW!", the guy says in pain. "That really hurt!" He was curled up into a ball, squirming around like a worm out of the dirt. "Geez, you've got a good kick."
Blonde, red jacket, prosthetic arm- You listed off. Holy shit, I just kicked Vash The Stampede!
"Oh shit! Are you ok!?", you say and rush over, kneeling down next to him. "What the heck man, you shouldn't ever be that close to some sleeping stranger!"
"Now I know. Hahaha..", the blonde laughs and cringes in pain. "Thank goodness I didn't have my shades on."
You didn't notice that his signature yellow shades were off, but that didn't matter at the moment. "Let me see your nose.", you say and try to move his hands away.
"No no! Its bleeding and that's not a pretty sight.", he tries to wave it off.
"Oh please, I've seen worse.", you roll your eyes and move his hands. "Being a medic and all, there's a lot of gross things that I see."
He lets you move his hands a bit reluctantly.
You try your best not to blush when seeing all of his face.
Damn this man is beautiful.
His nose isn't broken from what you can tell, but it does need to stop bleeding.
"Excuse me for a moment.", you say and pinch the bottom of his nose. "Lean forward.", you say and guide him. "Can you hold your nose like this while I get something from my pack?", you ask.
He nods, staying in the position you told him to.
Letting him take over, you rush to your medic backpack and dig through it to find the cold compress that you made.
After getting it, you crack the rectangled compress like a glowstick and shake it. Making your way back to the blonde, you see that he's looking at the item in your hand curiously.
"Its like an ice pack.", you say and kneel down, carefully pacing it on his nose. "Sorry for kicking you in the face."
"Sorry for giving you such a spook.", he smiles.
Did not expect to meet the main character like this. You beat yourself up and cry internally. I kicked him in the face.
"Gotta keep it there for fifteen to twenty minutes.", you say and let him hold the cold compress.
It was early in the morning, the suns weren't even up yet but the sky was slowly turning a lighter blue.
Ah damn, I forgot to look at the starts last night. You frown, looking up at the sky. I've got tonight, so no worries.
Then you remember that the man in front of you was watching you sleep.
"Hey mister.", you look at him with a confused glare.
"Hm?", he looks up at you.
"Why were you watching me sleep?", you ask.
"Oh, hahahaha!", the blonde laughs nervously.
He'd probably be rubbing the back of his neck if his hands weren't busy. You thought.
"Its not every day you see a sleeping beauty!"
Brain functions are at a halt.
You look at him in shock.
Did he just-? The feeling of your face heating up creeps forward, and you even feel your ears turning red.
"I thought you were an angel! Hahaha!", he continues.
This mother fucker-! You feel yourself puff out steam from the top of your head. Wait, I can do that?
"What is this? You trying to sweeten me up so I don't beat the crap out of you?", you grumble.
He just smiles at you like the dork he is.
"Whatever.", you huff and get up.
Putting your camp stuff away, you tie the tent and sleeping cot onto Kevin's saddle. It being easier to have there than on your pack all the time.
Vash had been on the run again, narrowly escaping being shot at from behind.
It didn't take long for the sky to go dark.
After a few hours of walking in the desert, he noticed a camp fire in the distance. Hoping it was someone who could spare food, he made his way over.
"Hey there friend! Sorry to interrupt but could you-", he then paused after seeing that the person was out cold. "Ah shoot."
The Tomas they had turned to look at him, letting out a squawk.
"Hn.", the sleeping person started to shift.
"Ah! Sh! Shhh!", Vash hurriedly went over to keep the bird quiet. "Hey now, you don't wanna wake them up!", he whisper shouted.
The giant bird let out another shreak before pecking him on the head.
"Ow! Hey, I'm not doing anything!", he fought with the bird a bit before it finally stopped trying to hurt him. "Whew.."
Taking another look at the sleeping traveler, he saw that they were now lying on their back, face now visible.
As if in some sort of trance, he made his way over, kneeling down just to the side of them.
The camp fire went out but it wasn't long till the sky started lightening up, signifying that the suns would soon show up. The light seemed to help the sleeping beauty glow, as if they were a fallen star.
"Wow.", Vash mumbled in awe, taking his shades off to get a better look.
"How pretty."
He didn't noticed they woke up until they screamed.
"AAH-!", he screeched but it soon turned into a yelp of pain. "OW!"
They kicked him in the face.
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Poor Vash. But really, he should have been more careful.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 4
@summerdazed @+?
Song: Short Change Hero by The Heavy
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
95 notes · View notes
owlwithanapple · 9 months
Your Hero
He is one of my favorite characters in mha. I want to write a future version of Bakugou Katsuki, I hope you guys will like it. 😘
Part 4.
( Bakugou Katsuki X Y/N )
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Ramen shop--
You two chatted in the ramen shop for a while, and it was almost time to leave. Although you two have just met, once you two talk will inexplicably have common topic to chat for so long.
It has been 2 hours but didn't expect you to talk to him for such a long time. At this time, Bakugou's phone rang, he answered the phone and talked about some work.
Why you think the man in front of you is very handsome. Obviously, he is a grumpy bastard with a handsome face. You bow your head drink tea and wait for him to finish his business.
While talking on the phone, he noticed that you lowered your head. He gently knocked on the table with his fingers, you looked up at him when you heard it. He smiled slightly , and didn't understand why your face suddenly felt so hot.
He speaks in a very serious tone when talking on the phone. It's a tone that he doesn’t usually use. Maybe talking about something very important. You are so bored , you take out your phone to browse the media channel.
After a while, he seemed have finished his business. He hung up the phone and put it aside. You also put your phone aside after locking the screen.
"Don't always bow your head." Bakugou has a sip of tea.
"Why?" You are confused.
"Sometimes I think you will look at me with admiring eyes." Bakugou flirted and said.
"Hedgehog, you think too much." You blushed and looked at the other side.
"Hahaha, take a good look at your expression and talk." He laughed and said.
"Tchh!" You drink tea to hide your shyness.
After drinking tea, he got up and walked to front chat with the owner and check out. He handed you the car keys and asked you to wait him in the car. You took the car key and went outside look at the car and the key. You thinking that this guy is not worried about you hijacking the car or leaving him...?
When you hesitate to wait for him at the door or in the car. Suddenly, Bakugou was in a hurry to run out of the ramen shop, and you noticed that he had wear Dynamight's Hero Mask.
"Work! A nearby bank!" Bakugou released the explosion and rushed away.
"The live news just reported that there was a bank robbery, and I heard that the hostages were locked up in it." The owner of the ramen shop said.
"Holy shit! I didn't notice!" You take off your cover and follow Dynamight.
Dynamight's efficiency really can't be underestimated. He didn't stop working for a moment when you were free. He rushed to the scene so fast that you couldn't catch up.
The bank --
Dynamight arrived at the scene and asked the supporting heroes present about the situation. The situation is that two Villains robbed the bank, involving ordinary citizens and staff.
One uses the creation stone Quirks, and the other is uses the sprint Quirks. So the bank gate is blocked by stones because of Villain's Quirks inside.
When you arrived at the scene, you ran to the rescue hero to ask about the situation. Dynamight presented an action plan to the police. He noticed that you were next to the rescue hero, and he ignored you and continued to talk about the plan.
After understanding the situation present, you walk behind Dynamight. He seemed to have finished talking to the police, he turned to look at you without saying anything. You know that he is usually a little irritable, but he looks very majestic at work.
"Too slow." Dynamight said.
"I'm sorry, it was my mistake." You apologize.
"Take this to use, and can keep in touch." He handed you the earpieces.
"Thank you." You bring earpieces.
"Wind, do you hear me? Is the voice clear? Is there any noise?" Earpieces came out.
"Hear. It's clear. There is no noise." You answer.
"Good, you go up and get ready. I'll break through head-on and pull them out." Dynamight said.
"Are you going to use yourself as bait?" You are surprised.
"Cheer up and seize the right time." Dynamight said.
".... Yes." You rise to mid-air.
Make a head-on breakthrough and pull them out and then take down. The opponent's Quirks have speed type and creativity type. If it is speed, Dynamight can keep up. The problem is the Villain with creation stone Quirks.
If the sprint Quirks Villain draw Dynamight away, you must defeat the Villain who created the stone. But now making a head-on breakthrough, and don't know who will rush out.
You floated in the air and saw Dynamight warming up. Take a deep breath and calm down. You are a professional hero. It's your honor to work with Dynamight. Don't slow him down.
"What are you thinking about?" Dynamight ask.
"Oh! The Quirks type of Villain is speed type and creative type. It's not certain who will come out first. I'm a little worried about..." You are hesitating.
"As a professional hero, put away your unconfident face. Now we are in control. Believe in your own judgment ability, and if there are any mistakes, we will make up for each other. You're not the only one fighting now. Remember me, idiot." Dynamight said calmly.
"Dynamight, you are so terrible. You are a hero, but you don't look like a hero." You say.
"Hahaha! Get ready for me! We can definitely defeat these idiots." Dynamight said confidently.
Although his tone and attitude are not good, but you sure that what he said is what a professional hero should look like. It's just that it's really unpleasant to listen to the encouragement, but you are already excited after listening to it.
"Dynamight! The warm-up is over. I can act at any time!" You said confidently.
"That's right! Begin!" Dynamight ordered.
Dynamight stretched out one hand and used the other hand to form a circle on the palm of his outstretched hand to spread the power posture, concentrating his explosion path on one point.
"Ap Shot!" Dynamight used a heavy attack to blow up a big hole in the stone of the gate.
You release the wind and blow away the smoke to keep Dynamight's eyes clear. A stone pillar suddenly appeared below you to attack in your direction, and you cleverly avoided Villain's attack.
"Wind, liberate! Wind Slash!" You use your moves to chop up the stone pillar that attacks you.
After the stone pillar is chopped up, sprint Villain rushes in your direction to attack you. You release the wind to surround yourself to offset Villain's attack.
"Fuck! I didn't expect Dynamight and Wind Breaker to come. Sprint Villain said.
"If you surrender honestly, you can at least reduce the sentence." You say.
"It's a pity! I refuse!" Sprint Villain rushed head-on.
Dynamight threw his hand back and let his palm explode, pushing forward in front of you as quickly as possible.
"Your opponent is me! Sprint guy! Stun Grenade! Dynamight grabbed Villain's hand and creates a sphere of light with his hands.
"The stone guy below, go and knock him down!" Dynamight said.
"Ok!" You leave.
"Damn it! It's you!" Villain is ready to escape.
"Otherwise, you think is Wind Breaker!" Dynamight said.
"Fuck it!" Villain moved around at a fast speed to escape from the scene.
Dynamight saw through Villain's action, and he exploded faster than Villain and caught up with him. When Villain wanted to speed up again, Dynamight was already in front of him.
Dynamight grabs an Villain with one of his arms, then fires an explosion with his free arm, causing both him and Villain to spin. Then forcefully throws Villain with the aid of a second explosion.
"You underestimate my speed ​​and strength , Villain!" Bakugou shouted.
In the end, Villain was knocked down and fell into a coma, Dynamight handcuffed him. Then fly to the sky, pay attention to the situation around to confirm that there is no abnormality before handing over Villain to the police.
You run into the bank and see the Villain who created the stone. He created the spike and threw it at you, and you released the Wind Slash to offset the attack.
"Useless?!" Stone Villain is nervous.
"My Quirks is not just a breeze. You're too careless, Villain!" You rushed to Villain's foot and kicked him out of balance. You circled behind him and wrapped your hands around his waist, adjusted his posture and threw him back.
Thanks to the guidance of Lemillion and Erase Head, you can play the role of close combat freely. Otherwise, if you don't make a quick decision, your position will be at a disadvantage. As Sun Eater said, even the hostages will be implicated.
"Dynamight, done!" You report to Dynamight.
Villain fainted because of your heavy blow. After confirmation, you quickly handcuffed him. You contact the police to take Villain away, appease the hostages and then evacuate them.
Look outside Dynamight has handcuffed Villain and handed it over to the police. You are relieved. Although you know that he is very strong, you will inexplicably worry about his safety.
You approached him and glanced at him to confirm that he was unharmed, and you calmed down. Wait! Why worry about him! He is much more experienced in Top 1 than you. You don't need to worry about him.
"What are you looking at?" Dynamight asked.
"Nothing! I just want to make sure that you are not injured." You said in a panic.
"I'm fine... Are you hurt?" Dynamight asked.
"No. Thank you for your concern, Lord Dynamight!" You poke him with your arm.
"Tchhh... idiot!" He complained.
"Nonono! It's Wind Breaker!" You point at him.
"Haha. Y/N." He whispered in your ear.
Too close! Your heart is so unstable! Is this guy so seductive?!
"Thank you for your support. We will transport Villain now." The police pay tribute to you two.
"Understood." You and Dynamight said.
In order to avoid many people coming to watch, you two quickly left the scene and returned to the ramen shop just now. Make sure that there is no one around, you take out the car key from your pocket and return it to Dynamight. He unlocks the car and signals you to get on the car.
You two sat in the car and rested for a while. After Dynamight took off the hero's eye mask, he brought back his glasses and masks to hide himself. You do the same thing and cover yourself up.
You wonder why Dynamight rushed to you just now. He should be able to defeat the stone Villain and save the hostage at that time, but he changed positions to attack the Sprint Villain.
"Hedgehog, can I ask you a question?" You ask.
"You are already asking." He said.
"Oh..." You whisper.
"Ask, I will answer it." He looks at you.
"That... Why did you exchange Villain with me just now? " You ask.
"Wind Breaker, I confess that you are inexperienced with professional heroes. Although you are strong, you didn't notice the situation in the city and the scene." Dynamight said in a serious tone.
"You're right..." You clench your hands and lower your head.
"But your on-the-spot reaction is good, you can determine things." He said.
"Wow..." You are surprised.
"First, I was waiting for the sprint Villain at the entrance, but he had noticed that you were waiting in the air because that was his escape route."
"Second, the hostage is within my attack range. Once I attack the Stone Villain, the hostage may be will hurt."
"Third, when you use the Wind Slash skill, you are his fatal point. He knew that you were his weakness and began to panic, so you took the opportunity to knock him down. "
"Fourth, that guy wanted to leave Stone Villain and run away by himself from the beginning, so I exchanged it with you to block his escape route."
"Understand?" Dynamight is watching you.
You looked at him stunned. This guy is really strong enough to have nothing to say. The new generation of Top 1 is really proved by experience and ability.
When you stared at him in a daze, he didn't hear your reply. He pinched your cheeks with his hands unhadly, and you felt that your cheeks were hot.
"Are you listening to me when I talk to you? Idiot!" He pinched your cheek.
"I heard it, beg for mercy, Lord Dynamight!" You say.
"Tchh...so do you know your defects?" He let go.
"It's clear! Thanks your advice. " You say.
"There is another point that I said before starting the action. If there are any mistakes, we will make up for each other." He said.
You still had some doubts about the plan, but because you remembered this sentence. You can trust him without hesitation so that you two can solve the incident more smoothly and effectively.
"Thank you, Hedgehog." You said with a smile.
"Cheh!" Dynamight pouts.
"Thank you for trusting me..." You whispered shyly.
"Shut up! It's embarrassing. Stop talking about it." He looked out shyly.
Your phone rings the screen showing the moving company, and you answer the phone immediately.
"Hello, hello." You say.
"Hello, Miss Y/N. Your furniture and accessories have been delivered to your home. You can check and confirm the order." The person from the moving company said.
"Oh! OK! Thank you! I'm going back now." You hang up the phone.
"What?" Dynamight asked.
"My furniture has been delivered to my home. I have to go back and tidy it up. Thank you very much. Goodbye!" You get out of the car.
"Hey!Let me know when you get home." Dynamight said.
"I know, worried guy!" You leave.
"Tchh... Idiot, I can take you home." Dynamight said.
The apartment you live in in the urban area is recommended by Nejire. Fully equipped and perfect, the modern style is very suitable for a girl like you who lives alone.
The transportation equipment arrived late, and all the furniture could not arrive on time. So when you come back to Japan, you only buy a bed to use first, the most important thing is to get enough sleep.
After arriving at the floor, the elevator door opens automatically. You felt an ominous feeling when you walked to the door, and scanned the access control card to open the door. The scene in front of you shocked you, a pile of unopened furniture and accessories.
"Shit..." You sigh.
You take off your glasses and put your phone aside, put on a new mask to avoid dust infection, and tie up your hair to prevent falling off. When you see a pile of unopened things at home, you tell yourself that you bought all these things! It must be sorted out!
So you began to unpack the furniture in the living room. Although the position is arranged, you are still a little dissatisfied and will still move it a little. However, thanks to the moving company putting in all the furniture that should be put in, just has not been unpacked and decorated the accessories. Otherwise, start from 0 really don't need to sleep today.
It's already 7 p.m. when the time goes by. The furniture in the living room and bedroom has been unpacked and furnished. Now there is only left bathroom, toilet, balcony, study room and kitchen.
"A lot... Everything is too busy. I'm so thirsty." You get up and go to the kitchen.
Seeing that the things in the kitchen have not been unpacked, you have taken two steps back.
"Holy fucking shit…….." You say.
You walked to the balcony looking at the scenery outside realized that it was dark. Looking at the pile of unopened furniture in the back, you feel so tired.
You want to order food delivery before continuing to clean the house. You go to the porch and take your phone to see what's going on, you see 3 Dynamight's unread calls and unread messages.
You panicked and thought about whether you would be scolded! But you still can't escape your fate. You click Dynamight's contact press the dial button and fear that he will answer the phone.
"Hello?" The first sentence Dynamight said.
You dare not talk! Afraid of disturbing his work!
"I know you're there. Talk to me!" He said.
"Good evening. Hedgehog, what can I do for you?" You say it carefully.
"Why didn't you tell me when you got home?" He said.
"Oh, I forgot." You said in a panic.
"Tchh." Hear his tone, he seems to be a little impatient.
"......" You are silent and don't say anything.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He suddenly mentioned it.
"Ah? Why did you suddenly ask like this?" You said shyly.
He suddenly called your name to make you feel embarrassed.
"Have you finished the things?" He asked.
"I really want to cry... I just finished the living room and bedroom! The rest have not been unpacked at all. I'm so hungry!" You complain to him.
"It's so noisy!" He yells at you.
"Let me complain!" You lose your temper and say.
"...Fuck you." He said.
"I won't talk to you anymore. Goodbye, annoying." You are about to hang up the phone.
"Send me the location, now." After talking, he hung up the phone.
"Ha?" You are nervous.
You click on the chat room and choose to share the location with Dynamight. After sending it, it showed that the message had been read, but he did not reply to any word. You sit on the sofa and think, what on earth does he want to do?
Suddenly you feel a little sleepy, and you lie on the sofa and take a nap for a while. Thirty minutes later, the phone suddenly rang and the screen showed that the administrator was contacting you. You quickly got up and answered the phone, saying that someone was coming to you.
You hurry up run out of the house with a hat and a mask. When you arrived downstairs, you saw Dynamight sitting in a chair looking at his phone.
When he saw you, he got up and came with two bags.
"Lead the way." He said.
"Are you coming to my house? " You ask.
"Otherwise, what am I doing here?" He said.
You two walked into the elevator together. When you waited for the elevator to arrive at your house, you smelled a fragrant smell but you didn't care.
When you arrive at your house, open the door and let him go in first. He stood in the hallway and took off his glasses, masks and boots before stepping into your house. He put two bags of things on the table and looked around at your house.
"Stop complaining! Take it and eat!" Dynamight handed you the bento.
"Hedgehog, you..." You say.
"What?" He is puzzled.
"You are my savior! Do you know what I admire you most? That is after knowing you, I will never starve again!" You look at him with admiration.
"Fuck! How dare you worship me for such a small thing..." He looked at you with disgust.
"Don't care ~ hedgehog ~" you said mischievously.
"Tchh... Don't starve yourself." Dynamight walked into the kitchen.
"Wait! I haven't started cleaning up the kitchen yet!" You ran in a panic.
"I'll do it! Get out of here! Go and eat your bento! Don't bother me!" He pushed you out of the kitchen.
"A gentle and a rough Lord Dynamight." You go back to the living room.
"Shut your mouth and eat your bento!!" Dynamight shouted.
"Does Lord Dynamight provide house cleaning services? It's really worthy of Top 1, and the service is complete and thoughtful." You whispered.
Dynamight heard what you just said, he walked behind you and stared at you. You feel a chill behind your back, you turn your head see him staring at you quietly. He took your bento with an angry expression.
"I'm asking you to have a meal. If you talk so much, don't eat it at all." Dynamight said indifferently.
"I know I'm wrong. Lord Dynamight is the best. Don't take away my bento." You looked at him with a pitiful expression.
"One more word, I'll blow you up." He returned the bento to you and walked back to the kitchen.
"Haha, obviously you can't bear it~" you whispered.
"You still don't learn to be good!" His hand is exploding.
"Nothing!" You said in a panic.
"Heh!" Dynamight stared at you.
In order not to disturb Dynamight, you'd eat bento quietly to avoid being blown up by him. You glanced at the kitchen and saw him take off his coat and hang it aside.
Fan welfare! That muscle line! This is the best state of Dynamight's figure. If you pay attention to his heroic outfit, it actually highlights the lines of his figure.
He unpacked the furniture in your kitchen and simply cleaned it by the way. He is so efficient that everything in the kitchen is done all of a sudden. He took out the bag he brought and put all the ingredients in the refrigerator.
You go to the bar and see what's going on. The refrigerator is full of fresh ingredients. You're shocked. This guy can even choose the ingredients by himself. He noticed that you were watching, and he came in front of you.
"Have you finished eating?" He asked.
"Not yet. I appreciate the charm of your work." You say.
"Haha, don't be fascinated by me. Come and help when you're full." He gently flicked your forehead.
"Okay!" You continue to eat bento, suddenly you have the motivation!
When you are full, you pack the bento box and throw it away. You went to the kitchen to see that everything was done, he was packing the garbage in a bag and putting it aside.
You walk into the kitchen, see that the furniture and furnishings are in order. Open the refrigerator and it is full of ingredients, drinks, seasonings and other...
"Are you full?" He asked.
"That's right! I'm full!" You said with a smile.
"Where's left?" He asked.
"Hedgehog! Do you still want to help?!" You asked nervously.
"Nonsense! You do it alone so slow!" He shouted.
"Ermmm... You have finished the kitchen. Then there is only the bathroom, toilet, balcony and study room. You count.
"I'll take care of the bathroom and toilet, and you are responsible for the balcony and study room. If you need any help, come to me." After he finished speaking, he went into the bathroom.
"Hedgehog! You are really my savior! I love you so so! Thank you!" You shout.
"So noisy! If you make any more noise, I'll go back!" He shouted.
You unpack all the furniture in the study room, then put the books in the bookcase. There is also a large box with your computer equipment, you move it out little by little.
Holy shit. All the data cables have been removed. You forgot how to assemble them. You look at a pile of data cables and are distressed. You think that Dynamight said you can ask him for help.
You walk to the bathroom and see he is cleaning the bathroom.
"Hedgehog~Help~" You said.
"What the hell?" He turned to you.
"I can't assemble the computer, help me~." You say.
"Put all the computer equipment on the table. I'll get it later. You do something else." He said.
"Wohooo!" You leave the bathroom and go back to the study room.
You take out the merchandising of All Might and Endeavor. The poster of All Might is pasted behind the door, and Endeavor's figure is on the shelf. Although you are a professional hero, but still an otaku on the other side.
Dynamight knocked the door and walked into your study room with an expression of indifference.
"Fucking hell ! Not only All Might, also Endeavor's merchandise." He complained.
"I like it. My treasure!" You said with a smile.
"Shitty otaku !" He complained.
"Look, look! All Might Young Age Limited Edition Figure! Endeavor No.1 Era Limited Edition Figure! ” You show it to him.
"Damn... Just like Deku!" He complained.
"Hahaha! The hero of worship! Although they have retired, they will always be my hero in my mind!" You say.
"I really want to burn it." He said dissatisfiedly.
"I also have the figures of Deku and Shoto U.A. hero suit!" You show him.
"Where is my figure! There is no Dynamight!" He said angrily.
"Your figure... Ummmm..... I really don't dare to collect it. Your expression is too distorted." You said with a smile.
"Throw it away!" He shouted.
"I refuse! If you do something bad to my figures, I'm angry!" You shout.
"Damn, you got the damn nerd and icy-hot merchandise. But don't get mine." He whispered.
"Hedgehog... Are you jealous? You are curious.
"Shut up!" He shouted.
He went to the desk placed all the computer equipment separately and slowly installed the data cables one by one. After installation, the computer also runs successfully, then the screen shows the picture of you and All Might.
He seems to open the web search when he thinks of something, but you don't care too much. After you set up the things, walk closer to him and see what he is doing. Your computer wallpaper has been replaced by his photo.
"Hedgehog! What are you doing!" You shout.
"I don't like it! Changed it!" He shouted.
"Your photo hurts my eyes..." You complain.
"Bullshit!" He left the study room after complaining.
"Haha, obviously jealous." You say.
"I heard it!" He shouted.
You unpack the box and garbage in the room and move it to the porch wait for the recycling company to recycle it tomorrow. He put the vacuum cleaner and mop at the door of the study room and you start cleaning.
After mopping the floor, you go and tidy up the balcony. You see that the new shelf has not been opened yet. You unpacked it, find that the new shelf has not been assembled yet!
The instruction manual is very simple, but you don't understand it. Dynamight saw you worried on the balcony. He walked closer and looked at you are holding the instruction manual. He squatted next to you and gently pinched your face.
"I'll do it. You mop the floor." He took the instruction manual.
"Really? Thank you!" You leave the balcony.
You clean all the places except the balcony. After cleaning up, you go to the balcony and see that the shelves have been assembled and the plants are placed. It's more neat than before!
"Hedgehog, you are so awesome!" You said excitedly.
"You are very noisy! Such a simple thing!" He said.
"I'm a fool~" you whispered.
"Learn more, and you can deal with this little thing in the future." He stroked your head.
"Okay, I know." You say.
"Is there anything else that hasn't been done?" He asked.
"Thanks to your help, most of them are done." You say.
"That's good. I'll go back first." He put on his coat and walked to the porch.
"Wait, you have helped me a lot. Do you want any gifts in return?" You stand at the entrance and ask.
He looked at you in silence, and his expression seemed to be thinking about something. He stood in front of you, and you looked at him nervously. He reached out and stroked your cheek. You closed your eyes shyly, and he directly pinched your cheek.
"It hurts!" You cover your cheeks and say.
"Hahahaha! You are careless! Stupid!" He laughs at you.
"Hedgehog! You bastard~ "You lose your temper.
"In return, treat me a meal or..." He was silent.
"Or?" You ask.
"Admit that I am the only No.1 Hero in your mind." He said flirtingly.
"Hedgehog, you'd better kill me." You said helplessly.
"Hahaha,fuck you….." He walked to the door.
"Hedgehog, let me know when you get home..." You said shyly.
"I know. Good night... Y/N." He laughed and said.
"Good night, Bakugou." You responded to him with a smile.
You take him downstairs to make sure he gets in the car and leaves before you go home. After closing the door, you go into the kitchen to take a cold drink from and go to the study room. You turn on the computer and see that the wallpaper of the computer is his face.
"This guy..." You said with a smile.
The phone shows a new message. You click on it.
"Y/N, I'm home. Go to bed early💥." He wrote the message.
"I know, worried guy." You reply.
You log in to email on your computer and read the invitation letter of Hero Agency. You mark Fatgum, Hawks and Shoto agency as priority.
You continued to check the email and saw invitation letter from Dynamight Hero Agency. Obviously, you are so bad in his eyes, but he sent you an invitation letter. You marked his email for consideration.
"Hmm, think about it tomorrow." You back to you room.
Part 4 end.
* If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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over-rad-squad · 4 months
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Become a fool and fly away
(Wonderlands X Showtime)
Tsukasa's POV
I woke up since the sunlight was pointing at me god I wish it was cloudy....
So I went ahead and changed to my school uniform so I looked in the Mirror trying smile and....Make some cool poses Like a STAR!
So I went down stairs and noticed Saki who was cooking breakfast
"Morning Onii-chan!,I was making breakfast oh and don't forget your bento!"
"Oh my precious Little sister I would NEVER forget my Lunch!"
Saki stayed quiet as I walked out of the house
"Uh Onii-chan Your lunch..."
I rushed in to grab my lunch
Saki sighed and looked away smiling
So I left my house and Noticed Nene and Rui approaching me
"Morning Tsukasa-kun!"
"Morning Rui and Morning Nene!"
Nene was basically Focusing on her Video Game which was obviously called 'Nameless Cat' which was a pretty Neat Game
"So Tsukasa-Kun we are going to practice after school So you are going to be there right?"
"Yeah Rui!,I'm totally ready for it!-"
I was cut off by a Girl screaming and HOLY SHIT IS SHE RUNNING TOWARDS US!?!
"Oh Hey Emu I'm surprised that you were heading that Girls Only School... By walking with us to school"
"It's because you Three go to the same school Nene-Chan...!"
"And Break into our school to see us..."
Nene's POV
I Giggled to Tsukasa's Comment on Emu and She replied
we all stopped looking Extremely Concerned
"wait Don't tell me you girls Emu-kun..."
"Yes I do Rui-Kun!"
Tsukasa looked happy and hugged both me And Emu
"I'm gladly support you Both of you Hehe!"
He smiled at Me
"Thanks Tsukasa I even told my mother and she accepted me"
Emu looked at me in surprised
"WHA!?,I forgot to tell my Brothers and My older sister my coming out as a Lesbian (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)"
So we continued our walk until reach Kamiyama and Emu had to go to her own school
Rui's POV
I watched As Emu leaves our sight
"I hope she tells her whole class about her coming out as a Lesbian"
I looked at Both Tsukasa and Nene
"Meh at least you couldn't tell your class..."
"Fufu~,Well guess what Nene?"
Nene looked at me concerned
"What is it Rui?...you aren't thinking of telling everyone in your class that your coming out?"
"Well Your correct Nene I'm planning on doing that Today!"
I Looked at Tsukasa and noticed him
"What do you think Tsukasa-Kun?"
Tsukasa just Flinched....?,I never seen him do that before
"O-Oh yeah your going be doing good at coming out!"
"Aw!,Thank you for your support Tsukasa-Kun!"
*Time Skip to Lunch*
Tsukasa's POV
I head to rooftop to have Lunch since Toya is Having Lunch with Akito A.K.A His Crush...
Nene,Rui and Emu were at the Rooftop WAIT EMU?!
oh right...She is Clingy to Nene...
"Hey Guys!"
"Emu...Lower your voice...."
"Sorry Nene-Chan"
We all laughed for a little while
"Well no...He said he was going to have Lunch with his "Crush"..."
"Well guys I have good news!"
I noticed Rui standing up from his chair
"I told everyone in my class that I'm Gay and they respected me!,you should do that Tsukasa-Kun!"
I stayed Silent before I spoke up
"Ah...well no I need to think about it!,you know a STAR like ME doesn't force himself to come out!"
We all laughed after it was time to return to our class and Emu to her own school
No one's POV
Tsukasa decided to walk home by himself but he realized that today he was going to Phoenix Wonderland to practice their Upcoming show
"Damnit I forgot about the practice..."
So he went to the Phoenix Wonderland before Rui and Nene could Notice Him
In Phoenix Wonderland
Tsukasa was already in his unit outfit and Emu arrived
"EH!?, Tsukasa-Kun?! You were here earlier than I expected!"
Tsukasa looked at Emu with a BRIGHT smile and made a Cool pose
"Hahaha!,Of course a star like me is always comes early to practice!"
Emu giggled and went ahead to change to her own unit outfit
Then Both Rui and Nene Arrived
"Oh Tsukasa-Kun?,Emu-kun? You both are already here?"
"Fufu~,Seems like you are already hyped up!"
Tsukasa got up and walks away
Tsukasa's POV
I Decided to leave the Phoenix Wonderland until Nene noticed me
"Hey Tsukasa where are you going?,we are going to practice.."
"Oh I was heading to get some water from the convenience store!"
I had no choice but to lie....Lie to my own friends...
"Oh Alright just be back we aren't going to cancel a show..."
"Don't worry Nene the WORLD'S FUTURE STAR won't be late!"
I walked away as my smile fades away even my sparkle in my eyes...
It feels like that I'm not okay....
Why is this feeling here?...did I lose my identity of who I am?,no... that's not it
"...why did I get to be called the World's Future Star...?,I know I wanted to see my sister Smile but... what's the hopes..."
Why do I get neglected ever since Saki was in hospital at a young age before she got out feeling better?...
I'm tired...wait?,tired?
I have practice today with the others...
I hope they don't mind if I skipped practice
Nene's POV
We waited for 30 minutes for Tsukasa to return still no sign of him
"Is finding a water bottle hard to find in the store?"
"Nene-Chan!,I can go look for-"
Our phone Buzzed and we looked at the message
🌟: Hey Nene...we should cancel the practice for today
uh?,Tsukasa I thought you were:🤖
Getting some water from the store. 
You cannot text this user Anymore
I gasped After Tsukasa Blocked me
"Guys did you got Blocked?"
"Me too Nene-Chan!"
"Not me?"
Rui's POV
Nene and Emu turned to look at me
"I don't know but somethings off..."
Prologue Ended...
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shuchu · 1 year
here are my live reactions compiled into one post because i don't wanna spam y'all (bruh tumblr keeps putting a community label on this post even tho it's barely nsfw lmfao but anyways, just for tumblr: NSFW, MINORS DNI)
the live voice acting tho??? he's so cute
omg i think their outfits are based on how they were before they got isekai-ed, the person on twitter was right !!!!
AYO SHOWING OFF HIS MUSCLES???? OKAY THIS DESCRIPTION...i think i'm gonna lose my mind when i actually see it
awww baby's nervous, he's so cute
okay ngl i love the outfit so far, it's only half body rn
mans really said, "you haven't even seen me take it off yet." WTF LUCA???
FANGIES????? hana has fainted
OMG PIERCINGS???? THE SUNGLASSES. STOP- where can i get myself a luca kaneshiro?
NEW OVERLAY???? it fits the vibes of his new outfit so well and new alerts?? poooooogggg
NEIL *shakes fist*
imma have luca brainrot now- imma die i love his new outfit
his outfit looks so detailed i can't
omg his handmade lore vid THIS MAN HAHAHA
"oh wait i'm supposed to be an adult now" *elongated self* I CANT WITH THIS MANS
"shirtless? will that get me views? will that get my son views on youtube?" THE ZOOM IN ON THE MOM I'M FUCKING DYING I LOVE MY OSHI
"coincidentally there's a random man wearing this" I'M DYING
he has beads in his hand?
YO I LOVE HIS FIT it's so intricate and detailed
feet? for free? 👀 yamitoes ehe
the bone bois!!!
his outfit is probably the most complicated of all luxiem boys, vox might be a close second tho
HE CAN TAKE THE OUTER LAYER OFF??? he's so pretty, pretty boi <33
"the lashes stay tho, slay" HAHAHAH
like vox said: more of this please-
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he's perfect, couldn't possibly stan my oshi any more than i already do
meeeeestaaaaa bb
what is this starting screen 🧍🏻‍♀️
lmao mysta rp asmr? ayo? OMEGALUL
this man...
"i'm all bondaged up" okay mysta
"i found out a fetish that i didn't even know i had" mystaaaaaa HAHAHAH
this goofy ah man
he's got a briefcase, we been knew
"hand. tee es kay ar" LMFAO
not him wanting to swing the briefcase against someone's head 💀💀
"surface level dps" 💀
not the briefcase pickup line, this man...
he has a scarf, pien 🥺
"i still got the sex gloves" lmaoo
his outfit looks so comfy ue
HE HAS A MONOCLE (i think that's what it's called) ???
no hat no glasses, pien 🥺 he's so baby
new earrings too <33
"you guys wanna see me take off my clothes now?" i-
omg without the outer layers??? why does he look like such a good boy 💀
i love the layered necklaces tho!!!
he has such a tiny waist wtf what a slut
i wanna give him a hug 🥺
this is so calming?
sasuga voxy, the production quality. GOD
shu and sonny VA!!! is the other one kotoka? meloco? kotoka for sure after watching more
omg new overlay?
"oh my god. BALLS." sasuga vox
his nails are so long sheesh
"you know i keep that mf-ing thang on me" this guy lmaooo
ayo new eye makeup? pog
YOO he actually looks like a demon now jesus
yoooo black and gold horns!!!!
ponytail vox sheesh
ngl, i think this is my second fav outfit, i'm a sucker for intricate and detailed outfits
such a comfy outfit ueue
the turtleneck eeee
not the steve jobs from vox on twitter lmao
eeee he's comfy boi
ikey wikey ;w; he's so precious help
omg he can write in his book now!!!
his outfit is so lowkey which is not a bad thing !!! i love!!!
new intro and more stuff coming?? AAAA
HE HAS MORE???? king of jebait for real
aaawww his new starting screen with hints to the previous ones aaa i love that 🥺
i love all their new outfits, i love that for ike and mysta it's peak comfy vibes, luca looks really handsome in his and vox and shu it's just so regal and detailed ugh i love, i stan
i can't stop looking at shu
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imagintama · 7 years
gimme some cute prince hata imagines 😩😩
alright, who’s the little shit who asked for prince hata? i couldn’t focus on the other requests until i got this out. couldn’t stop laughing my butt off. fight me like a man bc i will take this request seriously — mod aya
Prince Hata:
Whatever his significant other wants, they’ll get it. Clothes, food, a stuffed animal from a planet 400 lightyears away? It’ll arrive on their doorstep the next morning as if he simply bought it from a nearby department store.
He keeps a memento of his s/o in his pocket for reassurance when he can’t bring them along. (Which is extremely rare, as he throws a big tantrum at Jii for ‘breaking his love into pieces’.)
Be prepared for a lot of zoo dates, and dangerous ones as well. But his s/o doesn’t need to worry for their own safety, rather for his, as he always ends up being another creature’s lunch. 
The Prince only tolerates being called ‘baka-ouji’ by his significant other. After all, they’re the only one who makes it seem endearing. (Except for the times he gets annoying and they say it out of spite.)
He talks in his sleep a lot, so his s/o has to be prepared for that too. 
Is extremely clingy, and needs his s/o by his side all the time. They get to experience the sights of different planets, so there’s no problem at all.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
It was a Sunday morning, nothing out of the usual. Birds were chirping and the gentle breeze was blowing. Chucky had been washing the dishes for obvious reasons, (Cough, cough Bride of Chucky) while the kids were in the living room doing God knows what.
"Who made the first move?"
Everything went silent. He felt three pairs of those infamous blue eyes staring him down. OH SHIT. He thought to himself. He looked behind him. Glen, Glenda, and Lottie were all there. Just staring unblinkingly. He cut off the water.
"Um, well, uh."
He took a deep breath.
"You three better not give me shit about this but, it was your mother."
"When did it happen? Where did it happen"
"We just wanna know"
"IF I TELL YOU! Will you three get off me back?!"
They all nodded in agreement.
"Ok, ok. CHRIST! It was the day I had to move away, and that day just so happens to be the day of a school dance. I REALLY wanted to ask your mom, but I was too much of a wuss. But then, my opportunity came! She was talking about how she wanted to go but didn't have anyone to go with. So, she said her last resort would probably be Eddie. And in my head, I was like HELL NO. And I told her."
"I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU GO WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT! I'll take you! And she actually said yes. Not the more "Romantic" way but hey it worked!"
"Get to the kiss! I WANNA KNOW"
Little did the four of them know that Tiffany was giggling and listening to their whole conversation from the other room.
"LIKE I WAS SAYING BEFORE I WAS RUDELY INTERRUPTED!" All three of them rolled their eyes. "I snuck out of the house when my foster was out. This was after I killed my dad, by the way. I went in my best outfit and straight-up walked there. The school was only 5-10 minutes away, so I was fine. When I got there, they were playing loud ass music that hurt my ears and I just felt straight-up uncomfortable. Until I saw your mom. God, she was beautiful. She wore a stunning red velvet dress, with earrings and a necklace."
Chucky began to get lost in the memory. Smiling and staring out into nothingness. With his eyes twinkling. Tiffany always said you could tell how he was feeling just by looking into his sparkling blue eyes.
"Dad? You, ok?"
"Hm? Yeah. I'm Fine! Um oh right. Anyways she walked over, and I couldn't stop staring at her. And I told her you to look great Tiff. I still remember how she would always grab my cheek and squeeze it. I took her hand, and we danced the night away both of us realizing, it would probably be the last night together for a while. To finish it off we both to a picture together and had it printed. Tiff got to keep it since they took a while to develop, and you had to pick it up at the school a week later. We went to my house since nobody was there, and just looked at each other. We both knew what was gonna happen tomorrow."
Tiffany felt tears start to form in her eyes. She didn't know HER husband would remember all that. He always seemed to never give a damn about anything. A warm smile spread across her face. She ran to the dress to grab her secret box hidden in a corner. It was full of old photos of the two of them. And yes, she did still the photo from oh so long ago. She looked at what was then her best friend. He looked so adorably handsome. His hair was actually short and well maintained. She laughed she knew she was never going to ask Eddie. She knew how jealous he could get. So, all she had to do was mentioned the possibility, and boom! He maned the fuck up and asked her.
"So, we sat on my bed and talked. Tiff gave me her house phone number. AND NO Glenda texting wasn't a thing back then! You actually had to make a call to someone, from a telephone with a cable."
Glenda rolled her eyes and closed her mouth.
"I'm gonna miss you Tiff, I told her and holy shit that pained me to say. I didn't want to leave. I couldn't leave her. Then she just stared at me. Not making a sound. And then scooted closer to me and shut me up by kissing me."
All three of the kids just stared mouths gaping open. Revealing, the twin's razor blades for teeth.
"So, I kissed her back. MIND YOU THIS WAS IN 7TH OR 8TH GRADE SO DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!" He was especially eyeing Glenda and Lottie. Mostly Glenda. " I remember our fingers coming together and one of my hands cupping the side of her face. Then we hugged each other tightly not wanting to let the other go."
He remembered. Then cut himself off.
"SO that's how it happened"
"Are you two like Jack and Rose from the Titanic?"
"WHAA- No! And If a Situation like that did happen. There wouldn't even be any room for me on that damn door. Your mom ass would've been hoggin it."
"Oh my god! Dad XD"
"Wait then how did you get back together? And how did you get the Nickname Chucky?"
"THAT'S A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME! NOW Pull a Michael Jackson and BEAT IT!"
Shortly after, Tiffany came out of the room and kissed Chucky passionately on the lips, and whispered in his ear. "Wanna Play?"
To say his face went red would be a gross understatement. It was the color of his hair but times ten. They both ran into the room giggling and locked the door.
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oasis888 · 3 years
TAGGING ME😦🙁 the honor.. ouagh... i know i already did it but oh my god how did u watch riverdale in its entirety i couldn't even do it ironically after betty dressed up as the griffin queen thing i was just giggling 😟
HAHAHA YEAH I WATCHED IT AND IT WAS SO FUCKING BAD HOLY SHIT I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING it was also really painful bc it was absolutely horrible but hey it was funny so ig its fine
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phoebe-lou · 4 years
A Forgotten Birthday
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Number Five x reader
Summary: After saving the world from the apocalypse, Five struggles with living a simple life causing a strain on his relationship.
Word Count: 2009
5...4...3...2..1! Happy Birthday to me.
Sunlight shone throughout my room, and a gentle breeze drifted through the open windows. Looking over at the clock which now read 6.00am, I allowed a smile to grace over my lips. I had been restless all night and had been sat up worrying about Five like usual. I hoped today would be different, giving both of us one day to take a break from his obsessive apocalyptic nature.
Rolling over on my side, I was shocked to find the other side of the bed empty and Five's early morning 'signature' coffee missing. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I peeled back the duvet and groggily trudged over to the bathroom. After gently splashing some cold water over my face and brushing my teeth, I tossed my crazy-ass hair into a messy bun like a boss, and began the trek to the kitchen.
Expecting to be greeted with breakfast and a fresh cup of coffee, I found non other than a half-naked Klaus passed out on the table, and Five no where in sight. For fucks sake. I rolled my eyes and began making Klaus some breakfast as he'll need some hangover food to soak up all the alcohol. I decided to just throw in some toast and pour a glass of orange juice, as Klaus began waking up and mumbling something about his ass and chocolate pudding?
"Morning sunshine." I said with an amused smile on my face, whilst Klaus began to groan and pulled himself up into a sitting position.
"What rude bitch opened the blinds this morning?" He said after accepting a glass of orange juice I handed him.
"That would have been you, and your amazing Picasso skills last night I'm guessing."
Klaus looked up at the blinds to see that someone had cut them up to make some clothes, since there was underwear shaped holes missing.
"I was wondering what I was wearing, it's definitely not yours or Allison's."
"I think the yellow 'blind' underwear, really complements your eyes." I laughed winking at him, as I took the toast out and began buttering it.
"So what year is it again?" Klaus mumbled as he began munching on the toast I put in front of him.
"You mean the date Klaus?."
"Yeah that."
"It's __________ (insert birthday🥳)."
"Holy shit!" Klaus shot up, knocking his chair over and throwing the toast to the ground. Then sassily marched over to me, where he pulled me into a giant bone crushing hug. Jesus how does he wake up so fast?
*Meanwhile Ben just rolls his eyes*
"There is way too much Klaus and Y/N in here, this early in the morning." Diego huffed as he began filling up the kettle, not even bothering to comment on Klaus's attire.
"Good morning to you too Antonio Banderas." Klaus laughed and high-fived me.
"Besides it's only 7.00am." I smiled.
"Oooo whose got your panties in a twist?."
"Anyway, Happy Birthday Y/N." Diego huffed.
"Awww you remembered, I knew you loved me really." I said forcing Diego into a hug which he eventually gave into. Suddenly another pair of arms wrapped around us. Diego became alarmed and shouted "What is wrong with you?!"
Klaus innocently smiled "I just wanted to be part of the moment."
"What's wrong with who?" Trust monkey boy to enter at this moment.
"I'll take this as my leave." Diego shrugged Klaus's arms off him, then subtly tilted his head at me, towards a card he placed by the microwave. Before marching off, after I gave him a beaming smile and a wave.
"Happy Birthday kid."
"Thanks Luther but you know I'm 28 years older than you."
"And your even more immature than Klaus, and trust me that's saying something."
"Rude. Hey don't agree with him Ben, you're supposed to be on my side." Klaus began to have a one-sided argument with 'Ben.' While I took this as a chance to slip out the kitchen and get ready.
*2 hours later*
Yes I'm high maintenance, and looking this gorgeous takes a while.
I finally finished my outfit my adding my new moon necklace, which was a birthday present from Luther (that was probably picked by Allison).
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I sprayed some perfume and let my h/c  hair fall down. Mission was ago. Find Five. Get drunk. Party. Have an awesome birthday. Go back a few steps and whoop Five's ass for no breakfast in bed. Perfect.
I looked through the entire house, where there was no trace of him so decided to head over to Griddy's Doughnuts. As I opened the front door, I walked into Allison and Vanya who immediately wished me a Happy Birthday and began planning a girls night out. Just what I need after putting up with all this shit, Five keeps throwing at me.
*Flashback* - Warning Mild Smut ⚠️
I was lounging across Five's bed pretending to read this boring romance novel, whilst Five was consistently writing long, complicated equations all over his wall. I wasn't expecting this is what he meant when he invited me over to spend sometime together. My patience was wearing thin, as I tried to tell myself that he was just not used to having a life outside of the apocalypse. But I went through it with him, so if I can learn to adapt, he should to.
Sneakily looking over at him, I came up with a plan to draw his attention away. Gently placing the book on the bed, I slowly walked towards him and placed my arms around his neck. It was no shocker that he immediately tensed up and his brows began to frown deeper.
"What do you want Y/N?"
"Not much." I whispered in his ear, as I ghosted my lips over his neck. "Just a little bit of attention."
Five sighed and tried to focus on the equation he was working on, which had now proven difficult as I began to pepper kisses along his jaw.
"Come on, enough."
I ignored him and began to drag my soft kisses down his neck, sucking a little harder until I found his sweet spot. Got you.
"Y/N...." He drifted off, as the pen dropped from his hands.
"Hmm?" I smirked and began grasping at his dark hair.
He finally turned around and smashed our lips together sloppily, as our tongues began fighting for dominance. He obviously won. His hands began to gently slide up the bottom of my top, just resting above my hips as he began to draw circles on my skin. Suddenly blue sparks surrounded us as I found ourselves teleported onto his desk.
He shoved all of his work out the way and began making out with me again. I gradually lifted my arms up, as he began to pull my top off...
My eyes fluttered dreamily as I looked over at Five who was frowning at me.
"For gods sake, did you fall asleep?! I wanted some help with these equations as you're the only non-idiotic person I know. Ugh forget it, of course it doesn't matter if there's another apocalypse." He whined sarcastically, and turned back around, continuing his work.
Five's writing came to a stop and as I launched my book at the walk near his head.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted, finally exploding with frustration.
"You're an ass." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes and teleported away, probably before he did or said something he'd regret.
I preferred dream Five.
*Flashback over*
Arriving at Griddy's, I locked the car and walked over to the entrance and went inside. Surprise, surprise my 'affectionate' boyfriend was sat with a mug of coffee writing equations on napkins.
"Well, well, well good afternoon handsome." Five looked up irritated and forced a smile.
"What is it?" Was he joking?
"I thought we were going to spend the day together, you said you had something planned last week."
"We'll have to reschedule or something."
"Hahaha very funny grumpy-ass." He didn't look very amused, as he sighed and took a long sip of coffee.
"Can we talk later, I'm kind of in the middle of something?"
Alarms were going off. He had forgotten. Maybe he needed a little more convincing and a few hints.
"Well today is kind of a special day." He looked blankly at me before he gave me a genuine smile.
"Is it national coffee day? Thanks for reminding me gorgeous." He smirked and winked. Was he for fucking real?
"Maybe you should get some cake with that coffee."
"The sweetness ruins the bitter taste I like." You bitter old bugger.
"Isn't there something you're forgetting Five? Some sort of special day, for a special girl."
"Shit. You're right. Meet me at the house in 20 mins." With that he teleported away. Well my work here is done. I'm expecting a decent last minute party though.
After wasting 30 mins shopping, I decided to head back and see what Five had done. As I entered the house it was really quiet, until I reached the living room....
Where Five sat lounging on a sofa drinking margaritas with Dolores.
"Well when you say about a special day for a special lady, I remembered-d that it's been some years years since we found the lovely-y Dolores." He smirked cheekily at me and offered me a glass.
"Are you drunk?"
Just at the wrong time everyone came rushing in with party poppers, and balloons shouting 'SURPRISE.' I looked down to the floor with angry tears burning down my cheeks, I couldn't believe him. Everyone could sense the tension in the room, except for Five who still looked completely clueless.
"What's goin-n on? He slurred.
"Check the calendar..." I whispered.
I couldn't stand everyone looking at me with such pity so I went straight to our room, crying myself to sleep early.
*A few hours later*
I woke up to knocking at the door.
"Go away."
Hearing the familiar sound of Five's special jump I buried my face into my pillow.
"Can we talk...?"
"Please... Y/N."
"Can we just..."
"WHAT?!" I hissed, ripping the duvet off me to glare at him.
He straight away noticed my red, blotchy face, and long tear lines causing my mascara to run down my face.
"I'm sorry..." With that Five burst into tears. I'd only ever seem him cry twice so I wasn't sure what to do.
"I'm sorry-y... I've j-just been trying-g to be ready f-for something bad to happen-n again, as I know the c-commission wants order-r. We've both been-n to hell and b-back, and I can't imagine-e loosing you. I j-just wanted to keep-p you safe, but I've b-been so wrapped up in d-doing all these possible equations-s, that I've p-pushed you away.... Then I've been-n so preoccupied that I forgot-t your b-birthday..."
"Oh Five." I wrapped my arms around him as he began to sob into my chest. I whispered soothing words as I gently rubbed his back.
"You'll never loose me, and I'm not upset about my birthday that much. I honestly just miss spending time with you, and can't believe you prioritised coffee and a manikin over me you ass!" At this Five chuckled and began to calm down.
"You know I don't say it enough... but I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Five."
"Did you want to have that amazing party you've been telling me about?"
"Actually can we just spend the rest of today cuddling and watch a move?"
"Anything you want love."
"You were totally jealous of Dolores."
"Shut up Five."
Hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think 💖☂️
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houseforarmys · 4 years
the softness oml- namjoon loves looking for crabs on the beach and one day he meets this discustingly cute couple aka 2seok and realizes they're his childhood friends so they end up having a looong talk at a flower filled cafe and namjoon remembers smth- when he was young he had a crush on hoseok. now, he still kinda did. but it hurt him that he was with jin so he tried to keep it cool but he couldn't :( so one day he met jin again at the beach and (character limit lmao) 💖
+ 💖 still me! and they meet at the beach and they somehow end up kissing. at first namjoon thinks it was a mistake because it'd hurt hoseok but the moment he finds out he's actually happy as fuck and they end up all 3 :D
super fucking cuteeeeee aaah heart warm and ksksks i'm surprised you're the only one that added the crabs considering it had nams in the ship and there was a beach hahaha
pairing: namjinseok
genre: fluff
going to the beach to look for crabs, take pretty pictures of them and then let them go freely was for sure something namjoon found himself doing quite often. his immense love for those tiny creatures, for plants and nature in general was something that made everyone get a soft spot for him, it wasn’t possible to look at him in a non-endearing way.
but that day, something was different. the beach he usually went to, was pretty quiet, only bothered by random laughter or barks. but that time, the couple laughing by the ocean was pretty loud. a bit too loud for namjoon's liking. the moment he walked by their side, he realized it was none other than his childhood friends, hoseok and seokjin.
he stopped in place, staring dumbly until they looked back at him. and only then, with the same dumb smiled they wore when they were young, they got the courage to hug each other after years apart.
"holy shit, namjoon, it's been ages!" hoseok said and namjoon smiled, awkward and speechless because well, what was he supposed to say after years without meeting them?
they catched up moments later, sitting in a cafe nearby, with the views of the ocean nearby, the only tranquility given to namjoon's heart.
hoseok hadn't changed. the same smile, the same habits of sitting in the worst poses, the same bright vibes and his eyes, sparkling, still had the same innocence than he owned when they were twelve.
"be right back, i gotta pick our orders," seokjin said, kissing his boyfriend's cheek before getting up to get it all.
"i bet you never saw us getting together," hoseok laughed. namjoon faked a smile and shook his head.
just a few days after, as namjoon was back in the beach, looking once again for crabs, he saw a familiar figure with wide shoulders sitting on a towel. he smiled before breathing in, letting the fears out with the oxygen, as he walked closer and gained some courage to speak up.
“jin hyung? what are you doing here so early?” namjoon asked, looking at the man. seokjin carried a smile and his eyes were lost in the yellow tones frok the sun.
“hoseok’s applying for a new job as a dance instructor today so i’m kind of meditating. hoping it goes well,” seokjin laughed and namjoon couldn’t tell if he was serious or just joking. "at least just relaxing. i'm nervous as hell,"
namjoon understood, he smiled reassuringly as he sat by his side. seokjin looked back at him and smiled.
“how about you? what are you doing this early here?” jin asked with a warm smile on his face. he wondered if his smile had always been that comforting and shiny, that lovable and needed to be kiss.
“uh- i was looking for crabs,” he chuckled awkwardly once he got out of the trance. he understood entirely what hoseok saw in that man, he thought with a smile. he was gorgeous, funny, caring, warm and if comfort was a person, that’d be seokjin.
“you haven’t changed much, huh?" namjoon smiled, moving his eyes away from his face. "i love that about you. same pure soul as before,” seokjin said with a smile. before he could stop himself or ever think twice abiut what the hell he was doing, namjoon moved closer so that his lips were on top of seokjin's.
for some reason he didn’t stop or step back, he just let it happen. seokjin didn't move away either, in fact, he even returned it with a smile.
"oh god. sorry, sorry, fuck!" namjoon said ready to get up and leave.
"hoseok will never believe me when i tell him,"
"no, hyung you can't tell him! you guys are happy and together, and, and this meant nothing!"
"nothing? joon, we've been crushing on you for years. and we've been craving this to happen but we always thought it wouldn't and we found love and comfort on each other. but this? this is the best thing that could happen,"
"you... think he'll be happy?"
"happy?" seokjin laughed. "he'll be euphoric!"
before namjoon could think of an answer to say back, he felt the lips he just kissed on his again and he didn't want to force himself to stop, so he didn't. when seokjin smiled through the kiss, so did he.
namjoon walked with his hand taken until they arrived to the shared apartment hoseok and seokjin had, one that fit their gentle vibe.
"hyung, i got the job! oh, hi, joon!" hoseok's smile was already high enough. namjoon felt fear of being the one that broke it down.
"i have good news too," seokjin laughed, and it took one look to be shared between them for hoseok to smile and walk closer before hugging namjoon close and daring to kiss him. "yeah, knew you'd get it,"
once the kiss was done, hoseok was smiling wider and he only hid it by kissing seokjin. namjoon smiled and felt giddy about the scenario for the rest of the day.
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marshieee · 4 years
"I like her please help me"
Kageyama x author.
A/N: So i have decided that i'll be a side character in my stories cause why not? I want to be part of "Y/N's life", you could say i'm a oc HAHAHAHAH. Idk but i just wanted to write kageyama.
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Hmmm, this is strange. Kageyama since when did he started to come here at school so early? More importantly he doesn't sleep at lunch anymore, oh speaking of the devil
"Hey kageyama! You're early again"
"Ah good morning aj"
"What's up with you? You've been arriving at school so early these past few days"
He started to panic his cheeks tinted rosy pink and turned away. Oho? What's this? Kageyama tobio getting flustered? Well this is a sight to see.
"Ah hahaha w-well i thought t-that i should s-start coming to s-school early you know?! Change of hea-- i mean change of routine"
Oyaaaaa~ he's also stuttering oh my what happened kageyama? A smirk started to spread across my face.
"Wow~ that's good kageyama~ i am sooooo proud of you~"
He suddenly turned to me and i could tell he's suspicious of me. I just smiled at him, awww kageyama don't be like that even tho you won't tell me about this phenomenon that is happening to you, i'll make sure that i will know the answer.
I don't simp ranpo-san in bungo stray dogs for nothing.
"What's up with you?"
"What's what with me?"
"You're acting fishy"
You're the one to talk you little shit.
"Me? No way! Anyways did you do your math homework?"
First i'll observe.
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It was already lunch and as usual kageyama isn't sleeping, man is i don't want to assume right away but i'm betting that this dude is inlove like look at him he's literally looking at the hallway it's like---
--WOAH WAIT HOLD ON!! He's not sleeping during lunch hour is because he's waiting for someone who usually pass by our classroom. I whipped my head towards him, oh look at this lover boy so serious.
"Ahem, hey kageyama let's go out"
His eyebrows furrowed as he quickly turned around, his reaction is screaming *i can't believe you*
"I'm sorry aj i'm not inter--"
"Don't misunderstand you dumbass wanna die?"
"O-oh um like go out in the hallway? Sure"
Why this little shit can't you tell i'm helping you with your love life. While we're at the door kageyama looked from left to right as if he doesn't want to be seen.
"What are you doing"
"Hah? Ah um well maybe somebody might be running in the hallway i can't have my wonderful bestfriend to get injured now do we?"
"Please stop that you're creeping me out"
We were just vibing he looking at the window and i couldn't careless i'm waiting for that girl kageyama's into. Drinking my coffee milk i heard him gasp and i turned to him confused, i can clearly see his eyes were gleaming i followed his eyes.
CHOCKED, NO WAY!!! I looked at kageyama again and back to the girl. Holy shit he likes L/N Y/N ?! You're kidding right?! But wait no kageyama's eyes are practically shining right now. So y/n huh oho~ tobio-sama you're really are something.
"Come on let's head inside"
"Eh?! But we just got here!"
"Uh no we've been here for ten minutes"
"Don't tell me you're looking at someone down there right now?"
"H-Hah?! Of course not! Let's go"
Awww don't lie kageyama sir. Kageyama sat down with a frown in his face, this guy's having a tantrum what are you? A kid? I poked his shoulder and with a grumble he turned to me.
"Whoah easy! having a tantrum eh?"
"I'm not!"
"Oh yeah"
"Tsk what do you want?"
"I have a question"
"What is it?"
"Do you like L/N Y/N?"
Kageyama's face was so red when he heard what i said. Ding ding ding ding!!! I KNEW IT HE DOES LIKE Y/N!!!
"Wha-what are you saying"
"Awww such a bad liar tobio-sama, your reaction is enough to answer my question"
He was surprised but instantly sighed slumping into his desk. "Am i that obvious?"
"Yes very much"
"Jeez of course i won't but if you shout people would probably know."
"I can't believe you found out"
"Well it was quite easy actually"
I gave an airy laugh. "You know why don't you just confess to her?"
"Wow easier said than done, coming from someone who has a boyfriend"
"Heh but seriously when kisumi confessed to me i exploded! Like i've been waiting for him to do that you know! So maybe y/n is just waiting for the all glorious king to confess"
"Yeah sure whatever"
Aaaahhh this is hopeless HE'S HOPELESS!!!
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I was playing mario kart with my boyfriend when my phone rang, i picked it up and placed it on my right ear.
"Oh hey kageyama-- HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR!"
"What are you doing? Are you busy?"
"Not really just playing video games with kisumi"
"You're just jealous cause you can't do anything like this with y/n"
"So--oh fuck!-- what do you want?"
"I like her so please help me"
I immediately dropped my console when kageyama said that, what? Wait what?!
"Did-- did i just hear you right? You're asking for my help?"
"Yes and believe me i'm embarrassed right now"
"Wait kageyama likes someone?!"
My boyfriend kisumi asked as he also drops his console mouth open and clearly SHOCKED. I just nodded he immediately went beside me
"Ow! Why do you have to shout idiot!"
I pushed him away as i remove my phone and held it i pressed the loud speaker so that kisumi could respond to kageyama without shouting.
"Ah hello kisumi-san, uh yeah well i'm surprised too"
"So who's this lucky girl?"
"Oh she's a cute girl from our school!!! I can't blame kageyama for liking her"
"Oho~ is that so?"
"Please stop it you two i'm already embarrassed"
"So you want my help?"
"Yes please"
"Ok then i'm gonna help you with your pathetic love life"
"Pathe-- thanks"
"Leave it to me my friend!!!"
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"Hey! Y/N!"
"Hi Aj!! Thanks for helping me out last time"
"Oh you know girls gotta have each other's back"
"So what's up?"
"So like i'm kinda helping the volleyball club but i can't make it today but i promised kageyama to help out so...is it ok if you could substitute me?"
Oh please say yes PLEASE SAY YES!!!, Y/N smiled and nodded which made me explode with euphoria.
"ONYGOSH THANK YOU YOU'RE A LIFESAVER!!! Be at the gym afterclass thanks again y/n"
I jogged away from her and immediately texted kageyama.
Mission complete tobio-sama it's all up to you now
Let me narrow down the plan that yours truly made, it's kinda cliche but thankfully the volleyball club doesn't have any practice right now so we asked suga-san the keys for the gym and it's up to kageyama how he'll plan this romantic set up in the gym.
"Hahahaha i can't wait what will happen"
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 10
Warning: swearing, duh, Ouija-boarding, BJ's trust issues
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- Are we seriously gonna do this like we were in a goddamn Z category horror movie? - asked Ari, while she rubbed the bridge of her nose. The coffin-table in the living room was decorated with at least 10 huge white candles, and in the middle there was a grey Ouija-board with a bright pink planchette. Sof already dimmed the lights and now was sitting on the floor, legs in criss cross applesauce. Beetlejuice was floating above the coffee table, laughing his ass off at the inscription he read on the planchette: Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy.
- And it's coming from the weird sister... - commented Rei as she folded her hands before her chest. Sof let out an annoyed sigh.
- Shut up, it gives an eerie vibe to the whole thing! I've been dreaming about using this shit for years, let me live my dream guys! - Rei and Ari both looked at each other, sighed, then sit down. Beetlejuice stopped laughing, wipped his laughter-tear filled eyes and rolled over to his belly in the air, legs dangling, hands under his chin. He had a devilish smile on his face and bright, neon green hair, mixed with a couple strikes of yellow. Even though he was excited to communicate with all residents of the house, he was kinda worried the Ouija-board won't work. He's been existing for at least a couple hundred years at that point, but nobody ever tried communicating with him through one of those suckers.
As soon as the girls got comfortable, Sofía cleared her throat.
- Okay, I know Ari knows how to handle this bad boy since we bought it together and had quite a good time while we looked into the use of spirit boards, but I'd like to state some instructions and ground rules. - Ari, Rei and Beetlejuice both nodded in agreement. - Once we start the seance, non of us should lift our fingers off the planchette. If any of us do, it might cause some trouble in the ghostworld. Concentration is essential, so please focus on contacting the dead. We have to take this thing seriously and must act respectfully towards the board and the spirit we deal with, so no frivolous questions.
- PFFFFFF kay, partykiller. - said Beetlejuice as he floated closer to the board. The girls put their pointing fingers on the planchette, breathed out, and looked at each other.
Thoughts were running around in Ari's head. Was this really a good idea? I mean if we can contact our homedemon effectively, I could tell my sisters I could hear him and they won't think I'm crazy. That's why I thought of doing this. But why am I so afraid then?
- Okay so let's start the session by asking simple yes and no questions. - said Sofía, closed her eyes for a bit, then started to talk. She sounded really confident for Beetlejuice, but her sisters noticed how her voice cracked a bit. Was she only nervous, excited, or was she genuinely afraid of what she might contact? - Is anyone here with us? - the planchette didn't move. Sofi let out a huge breath and gulped. Beetlejuice put his pointing finger on the planchette and literally screamed when he realized he could actually touch it. - Channeling the dead isn't easy so it might take some minutes to...
As soon she said that, Beetlejuice moved his finger, and literally yeeted the planchette across the room.
- FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT!!! - he screamed in a rather girly manner. Rei jumped up from the coffin-table and shook her head.
- That not normal man, a ghosty ghost couldn't do that in any horror movie! - Ari got up too and went to get the planchette. Beetlejuice floated before her.
- Sorry babes, I swear I'll be more gentle next time. Even though I know you looove wild stuff. - Ari replied with an eyeroll as she bowed down for the tiny pink thing. - Holy shit sugar I could imagine several hot scenarios with you in this position.
Ari headed back to the table and put the planchette down.
- Let's continue. - Rei sit back, fixing her glasses and putting her hair up in a messy ponytail. Ari looked at the planchette as she speak the words. - Could you please confirm that you're here? - Beetlejuice, as lightly as he could, put his finger on the pink thingie and moved it to YES.
- NAH MAN THAT'S CRAZY NA-AH I'M OUT! - shouted Rei and started to stand up.
- SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN PUTA! - shouted Ari back at her sister. - You said amen to this shit, we're gonna go through with it now. - Beetlejuice chuckled as Rei sit back down with the most panicked look on her face that he had ever seen. He tapped the planchette slightly.
- L-E-T-S-A-L-L-G-E-T-N-A-K-E-D. - Ari let out the the biggest laugh Beetlejuice heard yet. She snapped her head back as she squeaked like a degenerated seal while snorting. - OhmygodslashSatan your bursting laugh is so weird, I love it! - said Beetlejuice with a high voice and full on glowing hair.
- You did that. - stated Sofía, looking at Ari seriously.
- No way José! - she still giggled like crazy as she looked back at her oldest sister. - Looks like our presence is just nasty! - Sofía had a very annoyed and slightly angry expression on her face.
- ANYWAY, no, we are not going to do that.
- W-O-R-T-H-A-T-R-Y. - spelled the board. Sofía threw her hands in the air, annoyed out of words to express her feelings. Rei clicked her tongue.
- What happened to the "don't let go of the planchette" rule? - she asked.
- Shut up. - explained Sofía. She put her fingers back on the pink object before she stated the next question. - Are you a spirit guide? - the planchette moved to NO. - Then are you a ghost? - the planchette moved to NO again. Sofía shook her head in a way people do when they don't understood something.
- Did you ever live on Earth as a human? - asked Rei who calmed herself down enough to ask questions.
- B-R-I-E-F-L-Y-V-E-R-Y-B-R-I-E-F-L-Y. - Sof interrupted with her next question. Something really bugged her.
- Okay then WHAT are you?!
- S-E-X-Y - the girls all threw their hands up. They shared a look, all stating "I can't even" with their eyes. Without either of them touching the planchette, it started to move again on its own. - A-L-S-O-D-I-S-L-E-X-I-C. - Rei snorted.
- This bitch is a fuckin comic. - Sof growled in annoyement.
- No I mean what's in your pants? - she asked. Now neither of them was touching the board. And after a couple of seconds, the board answered.
- M-A-G-I-K-A-N-D-M-I-S-C-H-I-F. - Ari facepalmed, Sofía huffed.
- I can't believe that this thing is fuckin with us... - Beetlejuice could literally see the veins on her neck bulging in anger as he spelled HAHAHA out on the board. She slammed her fists on the table. - NO. TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE, SMARTASS!!!
- I-M-Y-O-R-G-U-I-D-E-T-O-T-H-E-O-T-H-E-R-S-I-D-E.
- Kay that's definitely a demon. - she stated with a huge hand gesture.
- Shit we're busted babe. - said Beetlejuice, sounding a tiny bit worried. Ari gulped.
- Why would you think that? - she asked, acting all naive. Sof pointed at the planchette, which was now moving up and down in the air since Beetlejuice was playing catch with it.
- Cause demonic spirits enjoy using deception and being a dick!
- What a keen observation, Sofía! - stated Beetlejuice, talking sarcastically. - That's built into our nature, you know!
- Let's just... - Sofía sighed midsentence. - ...stop.
- No! This is fun! - proclaimed Ari with the biggest puppy eyes. Classic smallest child trick.
- We are unprepared to deal with dark and negative forces that can wreak havoc in our lives!
- Sofía, let's be frank with each other, he already causes a lot of trouble. - Sof huffed. - At least let me ask his name. - said Ari in a sweet voice with a shy smile. - That would be the polite thing to do. - her eldest sister tried to say something but Ari stifled her speech. - Just one question. Then we can stop.
- That was a son of a bitch thing to do, and you know it. Tricking your sister into letting me tell you my name... That's low babes. - said Beetlejuice while folding his hands and shaking his head, floating next to Ari. - I'm so proud.
- UGH FINE! - said Sofía, while throwing her head back. - Little Miss Pushover. - Ari flashed a toothy grin. That was her moment. She already had a plan how'd she persuade her sisters to accept his offer of helping them out a bit and to say the demon's name 3 times. She cleared her throat and breathed out before she stated her question.
- What is your name?
Beetlejuice breathed in in excitement and grabbed the planchette.
- Welp let's hope it's gonna work this way. Here goes nothing. - the planchette started to move. - B-E-E-J-F-Q-J-E-S-U-S-I-C-A-N-T-S-P-E-L-L-S-H-I-T. - Ari sighed and Rei laughed. Come on Bug, don't be an idiot now!, thought Ari. The object started to slide on the board again. - B-E-E-T-L-E-J-U-I-C-E.
- OKAY GOOD NOW WE KNOW IT'S NAME CAN WE STOP PLEASE?!?! - shouted Rei as she reached for the planchette, but Sofía grabbed her hand.
- Wait. - with her other hand, she pointed at Ari. - Ariadné Rodríguez McLoughlin, you are suspicious, girl. Why did you want to know this demon's name so badly? - Fuck., thought Ari. She didn't think this through. She couldn't answer, she opened her mouth but no voice came out. - Demon, have you communicated with anyone from this group before tonight? - Beetlejuice fumbled through his hair.
- I'm sorry babes. But you wouldn't tell them about your superpower any other way. - he said before the planchette moved to YES. Sof looked straight into Ari's eyes. She hated that cold dead stare.
- Tell me who was it!
- A-R-I. - the oldest sister slapped the desk.
- Please I can explain... - said Ari in a shy, almost inaudible voice. Gosh things were not going the way she imagined they'd go.
- BITCH, I WILL SLAP YOU! - shouted Sofía, clapping after every word.
- Excuse me but... - cut in Rei. She mimicked a closing mouth with her hand. - ...tone! Let the girl speak for herself! - she turned to her sister. - So how long have you been talking with the dead, bitch? - Ari sighed, rolled her eyes then started to talk with very heavy hand movements.
- Let me state that I can only hear him, I've never seen him but we've been talking for weeks now and he's so awesome and funny! I mean he's actually a really nice guy to talk to!
- Ohmygod he's that special someone who's been making you feel better!!! - realized Rei who just slapped her forehead. Beetlejuice was floating beside Ari, giggling to himself. The whole situation was so comical.
- Yeah, we're buddies.
- FOR LYFE YO! - screamed Beetlejuice into Ari's ear.
- Why did I teach you how to use yo, seriously, this is getting out of hand... - she asked the thin air, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She was starting to get a headache.
- Wait you can hear him now? - asked Sofía with a jaw dropped.
- I can hear him all the time when he's near me... So yeah during every minute of the day, kinda. - she stopped for a sec. - You don't think I'm crazy, right?
- I mean we all saw what happened during the seance so nah fam, you good. Weird but good. Gee my sister is a comic book character! - proclaimed Rei excitedly. She even clapped.
- And what does he want? - asked Sofía. She calmed down a bit but her eyes were full of anger.
- Right now, and I quote him singing: "🎶I'm on the bench, but coach, just put me in the game! All you gotta do is say my name. Three times in a row it must be spoken, unbroken.🎶" - she mimicked Beetlejuice as good as she could, she even tried to do his voice. She looked at Rei, who almost had questionmarks for eyes. - Yes, he sounds like that all the time. Like he swallowed a cheesegrater, I know. - Rei nodded understandingly. Sof held her head.
- So he wants to be summoned. - she looked deep into Ari's eyes. She looked so serious. - You know we're not gonna do that, right?
- Why?! He promised he'd help us then just go away! - Sof shook her head but Ari continued. She sounded kinda desperate. - Just imagine, he could actually help us get revenge on our father for being such a prick with our moms! Just let me...
- No. - she stated. - In the Council of Sisters I vote no. - she looked at Rei. - Your vote now.
- Look I... - she sighed and looked at Ari whose eyes were now getting teary. She didn't want to tell her sisters how much she wanted to summon Beetlejuice, not because of his promise, but because how much she liked his company. She didn't have a friend like him in, why would I lie, ever, and she secretly craved his presence in her life. There was finally someone who totally accepted her as how she was, and now her sisters were robbing her of the opportunity of meeting him. - There are always a million reasons not to do something. - Ari covered her mouth with her right palm.
- No, not you, I thought you...
- Girl, we've been swimming with piranhas, we don't need a shark!
Beetlejuice was silent... until this point. He knew how arguments worked. How bloodyminded people were once they decided on something. His hair slowly turned from green to a purplish redish tone. His anger was building up and now it busted.
- And I thought you were special... Not like any other breather. - he spit between his teeth. Ari looked at his direction and shushed her sisters.
- Bug, what do you...
- YOU PROMISED YOU'D SUMMON ME! - screamed Beetlejuice. - YOU PROMISED BUT YOU WON'T! AND I TRUSTED YOU! - Ari stood up and stepped in his direction. She tried to sound calm but Beetlejuice's voice was so angry and frightening...
- Beetlejuice, I will, somehow, just...
- NO YOU WON'T! YOU'RE A LYING BITCH LIKE ANY OTHER HUMAN ON THIS GODDAMN PLANET! - he started to run while cussing at Ari. The girl ran after him, followed by her sisters. As soon as he got to the attic door, which the girls were unable to pry open, he floated through the door and laid head back to it. - I HATE YOU!
- You know that you don't and that that was uncalled for. - Ari sighed while trying to get the door to open. Rei asked if she needed an axe but she refused. - Please, this is hard enough as it is!
- Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart. - answered Beetlejuice in an annoyed way. - I just tend to get a little upset WHEN PEOPLE RUIN MY LIFE! - tears started to run down his cheeks. - FUCK YOU, GET LOST! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!
Beetlejuice heard that Ari stopped trying to open up the door. She sighed and put her hand on the hard wood.
- I'll talk to them. And I'll keep my promise. - her steps faded and as they did, Beetlejuice's hair turned fully dark purple as he started crying. He really trusted her... And he did get that she'd want her sisters to know that she'll summon a demon at their home but why would she betray him like that still? He sniffled to himself as he summoned a sockpuppet.
- 🎶You could use a buddy... Don't you want a pal?🎶 Yes I do! - he put his head on his knees, sniffling hard. - ...yes I do...
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irwen-s · 3 years
hhhhh idk if i read it somewhere but yeah..omegas getting needy and just wanting to cuddle and have that skin-on-skin contact with their alpha in the days leading up to their heat...soft
i love discussing the non-sexual and worldbuilding aspects of abo..like obviously i love smutty smut but abo can also be super soft. yes u get it gyuri trying to make herself impossibly smaller so she can feel the safety and security of saerom's arms!!! [screams] theyre so soft
also ya ive thought about making a hc blog before but i feel like i always run out of steam before i can write my ideas out in full. for now im just happy to chat w you and bounce hcs off each other but do let me know if you get tired of me invading your askbox every other day lol!! (you'll be the first to know if i do make a blog one of these days tho :P)
if you're still up for indulging my rambles here's a new thought i had last night while watching ep 2 of fromis' from 2 meals, when jiwon messed up cooking the noodles and was being down on herself but jisun and saerom were quick to reassure her: omega jiwon with her alphas saerom and jisun. jiwon is so bright that she draws everyone around her in with her childlike excitement and seemingly endless supply of energy. her alphas, especially saerom, are guilty of occasionally egging her on and participating in her antics, but more often, saerom and jisun are content to watch from the sidelines, keeping a close eye on their little omega who shines as bright as the sun. but jiwon is human, and she's fallible, so there are moments where her light seems to dim and she doubts herself. she tries to cover up her disappointment by laughing it off but all her jokes fall flat, coming out as self-deprecating admonishments rather than her usual excitable humour. late at night, jiwon is lying with her head on jisun's lap and saerom is sitting next to them, stroking jiwon's hair. everyone is ready to pass out, bellies full with all the food they made for dinner, clothes still smelling of the barbecue smoke. "i really messed up in the kitchen today, huh? jiwonnie is a bit of a klutz, can you forgive her?" jiwon says it with her aegyo voice, looking every bit like a little duck with an exaggerated pout on her lips. saerom and jisun humour her with little chuckles. they don't even need to glance at each other to know what the other is thinking - typical jiwon, trying to play it off again. saerom raps a knuckle gently against their omega's forehead in reproach, but she makes up for it immediately after with the kiss she presses to jiwon's hair. "jiwon-ah, you did great. the noodles were still delicious, as if you couldn't tell with everyone wolfing them down at lunch," she scoffs, though there's no bite to the statement. jisun, who's been silent this whole time, hums in agreement, cupping jiwon's chin in her hand so she has to look up and make eye contact with her alpha, and for a moment, jiwon looks heartbreakingly vulnerable. "just...tell me i'm good?" saerom and jisun's hearts squeeze in their chests. jiwon, with her face free of makeup, wearing a t-shirt so big for her that she's almost drowning in it, is their baby. their omega to love and protect and cherish. "of course, baby. you're so good, and you did such a good job today," jisun says, kissing the palm of jiwon's hand. saerom has so many things she wants to say to jiwon - i love you, you're amazing, you light up every day for me, you make me want to be a better friend, lover and alpha - but she settles on "good girl," and the way that jiwon's eyes crinkle and her cheeks flush let saerom know she made the right choice. later, after jiwon is all tired out from saerom and jisun attacking her face with a relentless flurry of kisses, jisun softly offers to teach their omega a new recipe on their next free day, and even though there's still that self-doubt that lingers in the recesses of her mind, jiwon knows there is no judgment from her lovers.
oop i wrote another essay 💀 you suggested abo fromis and now youve created a monster. hope u enjoy my ramblings lmaooo pls feel free to contribute ur thoughts on this poly pairing, i love them already
- flover anon
wah thats such a cute abo headcanon . . . i think theres a kinda similar prompt in my inbox an anon gave me that relates to this so im gonna end up writing it eventually hahaha
omg you like the non-nsfw kind of worldbuilding stuff of the abo-verse too, thats super cool! im kinda crap at worldbuilding but the behaviorial aspects of abo seriously intrigue me a lot. i like exploring that for sure, especially for more atypical abo relationships
oh man yeah . . . thats just the shitty thing about writing. you have to make the thoughts pay rent in your head . . . gish gish. please let me know the day you try out a headcanon blog! or just even writing out a full out fic, i would lose my mind over that.
ive been rereading your mini fic essay for like the past few hours cause i cant stop Thinking about it now flover anon oh my goddddddd. i admittedly like saerom when shes paired with jiwon and jisun the msot but i didnt consider them as a TRIO until you put this in my inbox??? and jiwon as their omega while theyre both alphas is driving me crazy ive literally never thought of this before holy shit.
(jiwon trying to play it off as a joke even though she actually does feel guilty and insecure about it is making my heart explode especially because saerom and jisun already know exactly what shes doing and theyre immediately there to reassure her sobs)
i LOVE this idea and you just basically wrote a whole prompt out here oh my god . . . i want to write it but you already wrote it . . . im basically huhuing right now. i literally cant. this is so good? this is so *good* omfg
okay i know i took a super long time to respond to this but thats because i literally dropped everything to 1) watch the from 2 meal episode because i havent watched it yet i was gonna save it for later and to 2) write a small continuation BECAUSE I COULDNT RESIST. you wrote something so soft and sweet and i just [screams into a pillow] i wanted to add to it oh my god
flover anon . . . can you please for the love of jesus send in an actual fromis abo prompt with this trio cause i want to write something for them jfc, like sfw or nsfw either way
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