#holy shit can you guys imagine the mind fight that occured?
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graunblida · 1 year ago
man sometimes i think about how lexa was almost corrupted by sheidheda. that was a crazy weekend.
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child0feden · 5 months ago
Now I’m imagining how the dads would react if the kids get bullied
an easy answer for how they would react: the bully > meat grinder feet first > ice cream with you and their child after the job is done > rinse and repeat if another incident occurs with their child, they simply do not care <3
okay but let me actually go into this a little for you because ah! i’ve missed your guys’thoughts in my ask box hehehe! i’m gonna say the kids would be pre teens or early teens in this because middle school is always where i see the most bullying!
dad! pelle would be a very mixed bag of emotions because he just knew this would happen, he knew it would happen and he blames himself so much… he is so angry and upset at himself for not being able to protect her from everything… even when your daughter was so small and innocent, he feared that her teenhood would become like his, riddled with such cruel people and loneliness but you always assured him that you, both of you, would not let that happen to her… and now it is, he knows it is no matter how much she tries to hide it with her fake smiles and obvious lies about how school is going great! he is so quick to act on what he sees in her, so quick to jump into action and sit her down one day, trying his absolute best to get her to really open up to him about how she actually is and just what is happening… you likely stay out of this, letting him get the truth out of her due to just how familiar he is with what she’s facing, offering love and support from the sidelines to both of them before and after their chat… when your daughter falls asleep later that night after opening up to him about everything going on, she falls asleep in your bed in between the two of you just like she used to when she was so small all those years ago, wanting nothing more than to be cocooned in her parents love! pelle will lay awake for a bit after she falls asleep, letting you reach a hand over to stroke his and comfort him… making sure he knows he did nothing wrong and there was nothing he could have done to prevent this, that you guys will let her stay home until this is sorted and speak to her school in the morning or even let her move schools if she would prefer it but that slight disappointment and anger in himself will stick with pelle for a little bit, just until he sees your daughter begin giving those beaming, real smiles once more… he just needs to see that she is not sinking into a pit as he once did before he can fully feel better… if he was younger, he would probably go about leaving dead animals on the kids doorstep but he’s older now and as much as thought might slither into his head, he knows it isn’t the right way to go about it and knows it might just make things worse for your daughter…
dad! bård goes fucking insane, sorry not sorry! he is the type of dad who you literally have to physically stop from killing someones child because they fucked with your child… i can really see him having a super shy and insecure yet passionate daughter, he knows exactly what that is like and will not just sit by as she lets people walk all over her out of fear, out of being too much of a people pleaser to ever actually speak her mind! absolutely not, it just will not happen with his baby, his little treasure, his absolute pride and joy! just as any attentive and caring father would, he immediately clocks a sharp change in her usually shy yet bubbly attitude, noticing her grow more reserved and even more quiet around you guys when she would often delve into passionate yet soft rambles about things she was up to! he hears how silent she is at the dinner table and watches as she keeps her head ducked from the two of you… listen, if he cannot fight the kid bullying his daughter, he deadass wants to fight their parents because holy shit they raised a kid who thinks they can just walk all over his babygirl like that? they clearly did a terrible job and need their brain knocked back into place or something… bård is absolutely the type of dad to pull his baby out of school immediately until this shit is sorted out, taking you and your daughter out every day to wherever she wants to go, wether it be to get some ice cream or take a walk in nature or even just go shopping for whatever she wants to buy! but he will let you push him to leave you at home for at least one of these days, letting you tell him that maybe it would be good for the two of them to just have a daddy - daughter day and who is he to say no to that? especially when he knows his little, or not very little anymore, girl adores and looks up to him so much…
dad! øystein also goes insane but in less of a violent way and more of a strategic yet petty way… he just wants to completely ruin the lives of everyone involved with that kid, wants to fuck with them so badly and make their lives hell as revenge for his baby… maybe it’s a cliche but with twins, it’s like one is popular and the other is more of an outcast lone wolf, i can see that being very true for his twin girls! one ends up becoming pretty popular and well liked in school whilst the other becomes kind of lonely and often picked on for no particular reason! øystein absolutely hates this, it is just so… stupid to him! i think he would be kind of, just slightly, disappointed in the other twin for not helping and looking out for her sister when in school! he definitely sits her down and asks her why she never helped or told you guys, quickly getting beyond confused as she explains just how complicated school is now… he cannot remember it being so trivial and split up when he was a young teen… do not be surprised if you wake up one night and find euronymous sitting in the kitchen drinking a coke and flipping through same papers which hold just about all of the dirt he could possibly find on the kids family…
dad! vegard is the most logical and levelheaded one, to be honest! obviously, he is insanely angry and upset to hear that his child is going through something like this but he really knows how to keep his head and just get things dealt with to make life better for his child, to make them have a happy teenhood and make sure they do not have to go through bullshit like this! vegard will very calmly go to see the head of her school in person, speaking slowly and remaining as civil as he can be whilst he very obviously, but slyly, threatens the school with legal action if they do not sort their shit about as soon as possible… i feel like your child would actually open up to him incredibly quickly without him even needing to prod at them much, he just has that warm and comforting dad feel to him, so welcoming and not judgmental at all… after your daughter let’s so much out to him, he lets her just fall asleep in the midst of a tight hug, lets her fall asleep in his arms and does not even attempt to move until you come up from behind him and tell him he cannot sleep on the couch and to at least take her to bed, which he does! carrying her as if she weighs nothing and tucking her into bed just as he used to, planting a soft kiss on her frizzy hair that mirrors his before he leaves…
so, yeah! i really just think they would all be pretty similar in how they want to deal with the situation but different in the ways they actually deal with it! either way, all of them are beyond upset that this is happening and show so much love to their babies after it all comes to light, not that they did not before! they just show extra love now, really making sure they know how adored they are by you guys, how loved they are
thank you so much for the interesting ask anon! i miss getting more of these ones hehe <3
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catcze · 4 years ago
hey it’s kiwi anon! i’ve been melting at the thought of musician kazuha lately so i just knew i had to let it out somehow. ^^;;
*before reading, i’d like to note that this is somewhat of a modern au where the reader and kazuha attend a prestigious music school known for raising successful musicians. only the best of the best are accepted, so it’s certainly a privilege to be there! (though, of course, it has its downsides but we’ll get to that later..)
and i wrote it in second person (gn!) this time!! >:)
(tbh i’m not particularly proud of this one but i really hope you guys like it anyway. ><)
“The stray melody:
its echo reverberates
such sad solitude.”
“Only at the right time shall the day come when I may ride the infallible winds of freedom to the place where creativity bears no bounds.”
“You are bound?” “How so?” You questioned.
After a long awaited interlude, you were finally face to face with the (formerly) faceless musician.
About a month ago, you were assigned a new practice room. Although most students would view this as a blessing from the archons, you found yourself in an unfavorable situation. Suddenly being thrown into playing in a new environment made you uneasy, and though your stance on this was unwavering, there was no disobeying the school.
But the first time the sound of violin seeped through the walls and filled your room with its charming tune, you were bewitched. For some strange reason, it was comforting to know that someone else was on the other side of the wall. Occasionally, you would pause practice abruptly only to listen to the chords, losing yourself in thought with the way they blended together in the most musical way possible; but before you could notice, an hour or two has passed and you’ve barely done much of anything.
Maybe this was a curse, but you surely weren’t one to complain about it.
One day, with no warning, it seemed the violinist began to play along with you. It never occurred to you that they could also listen through the wall, so it came as a complete surprise. It became a chivalric battle of wits; melodies fighting for dominance but only ever resulting in a satisfying draw. You couldn’t help but imagine their fingers dancing along the stringed instrument as your own strutted along the keys of the piano. And the way you two subconsciously created a heavenly harmony was enough to spark your interest and unhinged curiosity. Who are you?
But before you could ask, a faint voice spoke, “My dorm is located on the top floor near the gardens. I… do not expect you to meet me, but this could be considered as a statement or an invitation, however you perceive it.” That is what he said that day. God, even his voice was musical.
You, too, had no intention of meeting him directly. The thought of the school suspending the two of you for doing the bare minimum brought you back into your shell. You had limits, and there was nothing getting between you and your music career.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t willing to give some small effort into discovering the truth. Into the late hours of the evening, you took a casual stroll around the school’s gardens. Fortunately, you were alone. The silence was pleasant, but it didn’t last for long. As the familiar sound reached your perked ears, you searched around for the source of the noise. And there he was, standing on his patio with his long, bright hair tied back as the evening winds stroked each strand in its clutches— a violin held in his hand.
Everything about him was musical— even the way he pressed his delicate yet calloused fingers along the strings of the violin's neck. It didn’t take long for you to catch interest in the ruby-eyed violinist.
There was no explaining the way you two locked eyes for the first time. Though joyous, it seemed you both were lost— since when had you cared so much for someone you’d never met?
As it turned out, your dorms happened to be in close proximity with each other. It became routine for you to lean expectantly against the edge of your patio and for the violinist to leave his doors open so you could listen to his music as the sun would find its slumber, resting upon the horizon.
It didn’t take long for you to grow rather greedy. You longed to learn more about him, but everything about him was shrouded in an empty veil of unanswered questions and an identity you failed to identify.
Luckily, fate has its ways.
Curiosity led you to find yourself exploring into the deeper, abandoned depths of the school’s halls. You entered into a seemingly empty music room before shortly realizing you weren’t alone. The feeling of eyes staring daggers at your back made you prickle with fear until you turned to realize that such eyes belonged to the skilled violinist himself.
“Comedic coincidence always has its ways,” he remarked, the corners of his lips lifting into a gentle grin.
His face was always melded into the shape of endless pondering. He had a relaxed nature that was simply unchanging. And though he often appears to be a simple man at first glance, Kaedehara Kazuha was anything but simple.
It surprised you to see a vulnerable side of him, because you never expected him to have one. First impressions were surely deceiving.
He crouched over, his hand supporting his head in a lazy manner.
“I sense that I am suffering from a lack of passion— the kind that children may experience as they wrap their fingers around a bow for the first time,” a stray shadow came across him as he breathily sighed, “The walls of this school are suffocating, but I, like many others, can endure this drowning feeling.”
Kazuha often spoke in a unique manner— resembling a loud whisper.
“So, I wasn’t the only one who noticed,” you noted, “I’d hate to admit it, but this school is a living nightmare.”
Kazuha’s eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“And neither of us can wake from it.”
Momentarily, he shifted his position so he sat closer to you. His shoulder shrugged as his arm straightened and his hand held onto the edge of the seat to support himself, his handsome head hung idly backwards.
“But, I feel like I have a reason to keep going, but as of now it lingers in my head as an enigma of sorts. Perhaps it is odd to find myself blindly following passion without reason, but I have a feeling that perhaps,” he paused, his fingers traced along the seat and his pinkie linked delicately with yours, “you have a role to play in this.”
Your face burned slightly at the sudden display of physical touch.
His speech was vague. You naively wanted to question his use of words (and actions), but it didn’t seem timely. Until, next time.
You beamed slightly, “Perhaps so.”
Kazuha’s pinkie finger squeezed against yours before letting go. He stood up with his eyes still burning into your own.
“It appears I have surpassed my original practice time,” his eyes shifted towards the door, “We must take our leave before someone discovers that we are here.”
With his back facing you, Kazuha wrapped his hand around the door knob, but before he could turn it, he turned his head to look at you once more, flashing that signature smile of his.
“If you don’t mind me asking, would you like to be my accompanist for the upcoming concert?”
To you, Kazuha was like a hatchling, growing each day and itching to spread his wings and fly to places that are unheard of. He worked constantly, trying to rewrite the textbook definition of music into something more meaningful. He was ambitious, highly so; but you adored that about him.
It is silly, but you began to think that perhaps one day, you could be the one who frees him from the school’s heavy shackles.
- kiwi ! (hopelessly falling for ridiculously complicated plots to write about-)
(and no, i don’t play the violin hahah so sorry for any errors. :/ i play multiple instruments and have taken and still take music education so i hope that suffices.. might go for something more sweet and simple next time with more snarky kazu <3)
Holy shit!! Kiwi, babe, you never fail to impress akjndajks 😭
ajndkjsdPLEASE this is so good oh my goddakjsdas <33333
BABE you just keep outdoing yourself I–– 😭💞
This was literally so good?? Like, all of it? ajksndajks holy shittt <3333
Kiwi I am at a literal loss for words but I really, really hope you see how in love with this I am from my keysmashing akjsndkja <33333
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shotofire · 4 years ago
Number 9
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Kageyama x F!Reader
Overview: You’re a student at Aobajosai high, and during a tournament a setter for the opposite team catches your eye
Warnings: Cursing
Season: 2
I got a request that said “Just give me some Kageyama” 🤣 So here it is anon, hope it meets your standards.
The sound of boys yelling and sneakers squeaking the floor can be heard from every point in the gymnasium. The stands were full of each teams supporters, letting out chants and shouting ‘nice kill’ every so often. Taking the floor now was your school, Aobajosai, and Karasuno. Volleyball wasn’t a sport you ever got into, but it was still entertaining to watch. Mizu, a good friend of yours, basically begged you to come here with her.
The girl has an obsession with Oikawa for whatever reason and feels the need to come to every single one of his games. He didn’t even talk to her all that much, and is kind of a stuck up jerk in your opinion. There’s no denying he’s a powerhouse when it comes to volleyball. “This whole thing decides if they go to nationals!” Mizu’s excited voice breaks you from your thoughts. “That’s a lot of pressure.”
You can only imagine how they feel down there, especially the third years. Some of the players look like they could pass out any second from pure adrenaline. Mizu made you stand at the bottom of the dozens of perfectly suitable chairs instead of sitting. She wanted to be able to make out Oikawa facial features, and hear his voice. Yep, she’s totally whipped.
“Is Karasuno any good?” Sure it was known that your school has a great team, but you’d never kept up with others. She only shrugs her shoulders at your question, eyes fixed on Oikawa as he starts to serve. Of course she didn’t know, all her attention was on one person every single match. “Did you see that serve?! It was amazing!” She jumps up and down with glee, jeez, shes down bad.
As time goes on it becomes apparent that Karasuno is in fact a good team. Better than just good, they’re incredibly talented and continue to surprise you. Every single boy has some sort of secret move that no one sees coming, it’s impressive. Number ten was lightening fast and your eyes have trouble keeping up with him. Then there’s number nine, obviously the setter, who has grabbed your attention as well. He’s kind of... cute.
He has this determined look on his face, and has been making some impressive plays. The boy seems to work pretty well with the small redhead, they even give each other goofy smiles whenever a great play is made. Deep down you wanted Karasuno to win, it seems like no one believes in them.
Number ten slams down and spike and you can’t help but cheer out. “We’re the blue and white team, you know that right?” Shit, you forgot Mizu was here. She was so in-depth looking at her dream boy that you’re surprised she even heard you. “Yeah but that was a killer spike, you gotta admit.” Her face turns into a frown and she huffs, “If you’re gonna cheer for the other team you can go to their side.” Was it really that deep?
Honestly you didn’t care where you stood, either way you’d probably still cheer for Karasuno. The team continues to surprise everyone and it’s crazy to witness. You’d heard someone call them the ‘wingless crows’ once when describing their volleyball team. These boys have definitely put that name six feet under. “Oh shit, they won!” You say and Mizu’s face is on the verge of tears.
“I can’t even imagine how my baby feels.” Yep, he’s totally her baby. “He did good, he’ll be okay.” It’s a bit heartless to say but it’s true. Oikawa gave all he had and scared the shit out of everyone with his spikes, but the crows are just too strong. They were underestimated and it caused your school’s team to loose. They may have lost but they sure didn’t fail, their fight kept up to the very end. It’s crazy to see the passion people can have for a sport.
“We have to go see the team!” Her voice was urgent as she grabs your wrist snd begins dragging you out of the stands and down the stairs. “Are you sure they’d want us in their business right after a loss?” It wouldn’t even change the matter if Mizu was actually dating Oikawa, the guy needs some space. “Well you can go do that, I need to use the restroom.” Really, you didn’t. But you didn’t want to see their annoyed expressions when your friend runs up on them with too much energy.
Number nine creeps his way into your mind. The guy was good, and showed so much passion. It’s enough to catch anyone’s eye. To put that much effort into something is so admirable, you wish you could care for something as much.
Right as you round the corner, you have no idea where you are going, you see him. Number nine. Him and his team are jumping on another with hugs and hard pats to the back. The boy looks happy, and once again.. so cute. Maybe I should talk to him, you shook your head at the thought. There’s no way he doesn’t have a girlfriend with that pretty face. Well if he did have a girlfriend wouldn’t she already be here congratulating him?
The voice in your head keeps telling you to take the chance. The worst he can do is turn you down, and then you’ll never see him again. You’ll never know if you don’t try. But him being surrounded by his teammates would be hard if you were to ask him for his information. It’s one thing to get rejected, but infront of a group of guys, that’s terrifying.
Should you just follow them and pray he separates from them at some point? Then if that doesn’t happen you’re going to have to suck it up and take the chance of being embarrassed. You trail behind the team as they shout and man handle one another, it’s weird how boys celebrate.
At this point you had no idea where you were, and would have to ask them for directions anyway. Then again they were most likely heading towards the exit. A different volleyball team, that you can’t name for your life, passes infront of you blocking your vision of the crow’s. What the hell? These guys nearly bumped into and didn’t say a word. All you got was a few winks, boys will be boys.
As they move from infront of you, he’s right there. beautiful number nine is leaned over drinking from the fountain while his team walks ahead of him. Shit this is your chance! You practically speed walk to him, not even caring if you look a bit crazy. As he stands up you’re right infront of him, and his eyes widen. Your presence scares him, then nerves grow in his stomach. Why is there a really pretty girl standing so close to me?
You didn’t mean to be so close, you were just determined to get to him before he could possibly walk away. “Hi,” is all you manage to say. Holy shit you look crazy right now, no doubt. “Hi?” He didn’t mean for it to come out rudely, but it definitely did. The boy is just confused is all. He watches the way your face falls a bit and immediately wants to slap himself. “S-Sorry, the tone was an accident.”
“You’re fine. I wanted to congratulate you on your win.” The air is a bit awkward and anxiety is radiating off the both of you. “Oh thank you.” It’s silent now, the awkwardness only intensifying. His team watches from afar, eyeballing you.
“I can remember any hot face, that girl was in the Aobajosai section!” Nishinoya says with a scrunched face. “A cute girl is a cute girl,” Tanaka shrugs. Hinata pushes through his friends so he can see better, and almost laughs at how tense his friend is standing. “Yeah but why is a cute girl talking to Kageyama?”
You take a deep breath and lean back on your feet. It really hadn’t occurred to you what you’d say beyond that, but you had to come up with something. “This may be a weird thing to ask, I don’t know cause i’ve never gone up to a guy like this. I also didn’t think about it as much as I should have-“ you abruptly stop, of course you just had to ramble. He didn’t know what to say, your beauty was intimidating but you can say the same about him.
“I’m y/n by the way, I should have said that first.” You hold out your hand for him to shake, and he takes it. His touch sends electricity through you, and makes your legs weak. One touch and you’re already going crazy, cute guys can be a curse sometimes. “Kageyama.”
You blush once you realize you’ve been holding his hand for way too long. “Sorry if this is weird to ask, but would you wanna, uh, maybe,” gosh you sound crazy, “meet up sometime?” Your immediate thought is he thinks you’re weird. Just now learned of his name and already asking to see him again. But this was your only chance, hopefully he understands that.
Kageyama chokes on the air a bit, totally not believing what’s happening. A pretty girl wants to hang out with him? Make time for him? Yep, this is a dream. He’ll be waking up any second now. His eyes are stuck on you, wide, and his mouth is slightly parted.
“Oh, nevermind. I’m sorry.” He’d been in his head too deep instead of answering your question. Pure embarrassment is on your face. “No, No! I’m sorry, I was just, uh,” he takes a deep breath and puts on a smile, “yes, i’d like to do that sometime.” There’s a huge smile on your face as you pull your phone out, “Well here, put your number in my phone.”
The team nearly yells when they see you hand Kageyama your phone. “I bet he’s giving her his number!” Sugawara says with a smirk on his lips. As soon as Kageyama tells you his goodbyes, he sees his friends nearly jumping up and down. “Did you give her your digits?!” Hinata yells, and you can hear it from where you stand.
A blush creeps onto the setters face, but tries to hide it with an annoyed look. “Mind your business,” is all he says. The boys ruffle at his hair and push him around a bit, making kissy noises all the way to the bus. It doesn’t let up until a few minutes into the ride when everyone’s knocked out. Kageyama’s phone vibrates in his pocket, waking him from his half-asleep state.
Hey, it’s y/n
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pitch-pearl-void · 4 years ago
Anyone interested in a WIP Pitch Pearl series rewrite?
A click resounded off the walls of the dark tunnel. Danny's heart--already racing--shot an extra burst of adrenaline through his system. He spun on his heel and booked it toward the exit. A high-pitched hum began, and his eyes widened. He had reacted so fast because he thought his parents' ghost portal had a ghost haunting it already, but the reality of what was happening set in as the electronic hum grew louder.
The portal was turning on--with him inside.
"Danny?" Sam called, her usual drawl replaced by fear.
Tucker, more tech-savy, skipped fear and latched onto desperation, screaming, "Get out of there!"
The warning would have come too late if Danny hadn't already been on the move.
Green light began to fill the tunnel, but Danny didn't linger to see beyond that initial flare. He leapt forward and landed painfully on his chest outside the tunnel, sliding a few inches across the metal floor.. Something burst from the tunnel, surging above him, pulling at his hair, screeching in his ears. Tucker and Sam screamed his name. Danny pressed himself flat on the floor and didn't dare to so much as breathe. He could feel the burn of electricity singing the side of his face, the only part of his body not protected by the jumpsuit.
It lasted only a few seconds, but even after the energy dissipated from the air and the tunnel's humming was replaced by an odd-sounding song, Danny didn't move--couldn't move. He was paralyzed. Tucker and Sam landed on their knees on either side of him and had to bodily lift him up. Still limp, however, his muscles refusing to respond in any way, he couldn't sit up on his own. He slumped against Sam, but she didn't seem to mind. She wrapped her arms tightly around him. Tucker did the same on Danny's other side, pressing his face into Danny's neck.
Finally, Danny's lungs started working again. He gasped in a breath. And then another. Another. Another.
"Holy shit!" Tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. "I--I--"
"You're okay," Sam said, more to herself than to Danny. "You're okay..."
"I almost died!"
Tucker squeezed Danny tighter. "Don't," he said, his voice thick, strangled, "don't you ever scare me like that again."
"Scare you?" Danny laughed. He lifted his hand. It was trembling so violently he couldn't hold it level. "Holy shit..."
Frightened as he was, Danny was sure he could have remained in his friends' arms, safe and loved for at least an hour, but the odd song behind them altered pitch, and a voice called out, "Um, excuse me, but what the fuck?"
The group hug became rigid.
"Danny," Tucker whispered, "did you say something?"
"My voice doesn't sound like that, Tuck," Danny hissed back.
"I mean, it sort of does. And if you didn't say anything..."
Slowly, Sam and Tucker turned their heads to the side. Danny, his back to the portal, held absolutely still. Whatever his friends saw, they didn't exactly hug him tighter, but Tucker leaned closer and Sam whispered a prayer.
Danny swallowed. "What is it?"
"Uh," Tucker said, "the, uh, the good news is the portal is working!"
Danny sucked in a breath. He wouldn't call that good news. Having a portal that led to the ghost dimension inside his house wasn't something he had been looking forward to, but if that was the good news... "What's the bad news?"
"There's a boy in the portal," Sam answered before Tucker could. "He's just kind of floating there. Inside the portal. But I think he's stuck." She waited a moment, watching the portal--watching the boy--and then her arms relaxed around Danny. "Yeah, I think we're safe. I don't think he can get through."
That was a relief, if true, but Danny needed to see it for himself. He shifted on his knees. Sam and Tucker pulled away, but Danny's legs were still shaky, not quite steady enough to stand on his own. "Um...guys, could you...?"
Danny's friends stood and then reached down, grabbed his hands, and helped Danny climb to his feet, neither one taking their eyes off the portal.
"He kind of looks like you," Tucker whispered.
"Would you stop?" Danny whispered back. "That's gotta be, like, bad luck or something, saying someone looks like a ghost."
"I didn't say you look like a ghost, I said he looks like you."
"Same difference!"
"Guys," Sam hissed.  
Slowly, reluctantly, his heart beating wildly, Danny turned around. The boy inside the portal stared back at him, his head tilted slightly to the side. The portal itself appeared as a swirling green vortex, and in between that vortex and Danny floated the boy. He had raised his hands and seemed to be placing them against...some sort of surface on Danny's side of the portal.
If not for the green vortex, his unnaturally white hair, the acidic green of his eyes, or the fact he had no legs, he could almost pass as a human. Danny had always imagined a ghost would look more...monstrous. Like the turkey and ecto-weenies his parents sometimes brought to life.
This boy had normal-looking human eyes, not the solid green pits Danny had seen before. He wasn't baring sharp teeth at them and he wasn't...doing anything threatening, really. He wore a black t-shirt that sort of floated around his chest, and his hair--cut in the same style as Danny's but a pure bright white--swayed slightly as the boy ghost bobbed up and down.
"See?" Tucker whispered. "He totally looks like you."
"In the face, maybe," Sam whispered back. "But I think his shoulders are broader than Danny's. And maybe his arms...."
"Gee, thanks," Danny whispered sarcastically. "Why not point out I actually have legs while you're at it?"
The ghost boy raised an eyebrow, and a horrible suspicion occurred to Danny. There was a tiny popping sound and then the ghost's tail--previously undulating like an eel--split into a pair of legs clothed in a pair of ragged jeans. Despite his new feet, the ghost continued to float above the ground--if he even had ground on his side of the portal.
"I have legs," the ghost said, speaking at a normal volume, confirming Danny's fear, "when I want them, anyway."
His voice had a strange overlay to it, as though it was both hollow and resounding. It raised the hairs on Danny's arms and neck. He backed up a step.
"Who are you?" the ghost continued. "What are you?" He tilted his head farther to the side and narrowed his eyes. "And what did you do to my lair?"
"Oh shit," Tucker whispered, more quietly than before.
Sam stepped forward. "We could ask you the same thing. Who and what are you?"
The ghost's eyes finally moved away from Danny, sliding over to Sam instead. "Phantom. I'm a ghost who just had his home destroyed by an artificial portal. I'm guessing that was your--" his gaze scanned the three of them "--fault. Natural portals don't get ripped open, and they definitely don't open inside a ghost's lair. So what is it you're after? Who and what are you?"
"Dude, we're just human kids," Tucker said, holding up his hands. "It wasn't even supposed to turn on!"
"My parents built it," Danny said, taking another step back. "But it didn't work. It wasn't supposed to work! They gave up on it!"
"Yeah!" Tucker nodded vigorously. "Yeah! We just dared Danny to go in there because he was being a complete chicken about it--"
"I was not!"
"You were!"
"How did it turn on, anyway?" Sam asked.
"Danny must have pressed an on-switch inside the tunnel," Tucker said. "Since we didn't unplug anything it turned on while he was inside. That's not supposed to happen. You're supposed to turn it on and then plug it in. Your dad must have forgotten to press the on-switch before they plugged it in or something."
"Sounds like Dad..." Danny muttered.
"So..." the ghost, Phantom, said slowly, "it was an accident?"
"Total accident."
Slowly, the ghost's rigid posture eased, settling into a more relaxed pose. "Oh," he said softly, warily. "That's...good. It doesn't help me get my lair back--or get out of here--but that's...good."
"You could go back to your world," Danny muttered.
Sam elbowed him in the side and he grunted.
"I can't, actually," Phantom said. "There is a barrier on that side as well. I'm stuck inside...whatever this is."
Sam sucked in a breath. "You’re stuck?"
"Oh no," Danny groaned.
"Like in a cage?"
Tucker sighed and rolled his eyes. "Here we go..."
Sam rounded on her friends. "We have to get him out!"
Danny held up his hands, shaking his head. "Nuh-uh, no way, Sam. We can't just, like, open the door to the ghost world. What if he's dangerous?"
Tucker looked at the ghost trapped inside the portal. "Are you dangerous?"
Phantom cocked his head to the side. "No?"
"Ha!" Sam cheered.
"That doesn't prove anything!" Danny objected. "He could be lying!"
Tucker, smirking, asked the ghost, "Are you lyi--"
"Well, we can't just leave him trapped in there forever." Sam walked toward the portal, ignoring Danny hissing her name. "How would you like to be trapped in a vortex for the rest of your life?"
"It's more like a tunnel than a vortex," Phantom admitted.
"A cage is a cage!" Sam placed her hands over Phantom's, the barrier acting like a glass panel between them. "And we're getting you out of this one."
An au in which Danny has ghost phobia, Phantom doesn’t know anything about the human world, and Sam and Tucker are determined to befriend a ghost come hell or high water lol. Some of the Danny/Sam scenes will be replaced with Phantom/Danny (because that was what started this) but because Danny has an extreme fear of ghosts, brought on by his parents experiments and stories, it’s going to very slow burn. By comparison. 
To keep from rewriting, like, everything, I’m thinking I’ll try condensing the scenes that don’t change (the food fight in Mystery Meat for instance) as either a diary entry or as a rushed description of events? Whichever way feels more natural...I want to get at least one full scene written for each episode.
This may be too ambitious but idk, I would love to hear your guys’ thoughts!
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peggyrose19 · 4 years ago
Day 24: Secret Santa
Happy Christmas Eve everyone!! I can’t believe it’s here already, feels like it was March just yesterday. I am very excited for this. Because the prompt for today is Secret Santa, I thought what better time to post my SW Discord Secret Santa! It was written as a gift for the wonderful @im-oknutzy-trash. I had an amazing time writing this and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Prompt from @remus-john-lupin, characters and AU from the amazing @lumosinlove. This is the last advent fic I’ll be doing, and I’m so so grateful to all of you that have kept up with them all, it really means a lot. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday, ily guys 😘 
Logan had it all planned out.
The tree, the lights, the food. 
The rings.
The only problem was actually executing his plan. And keeping it a secret until Christmas Eve. 
He had been doing well for the first week or so. Of course, the rings hadn’t arrived yet, so maybe that was why. But once he had them, hidden away in his sock drawer in his bedroom, it all suddenly became urgent, a heavy presence he could feel hanging over him anytime he entered the apartment. 
With each day, the urgency grew and grew. He could feel it every waking moment, and even when he was asleep, the pressure and nerves and need to keep it secret. The problem, of course, was that Logan was terrible at keeping secrets. 
He knew Finn and Leo could feel him pulling away. He had hoped it wasn’t too obvious, but the looks on their faces when he forced a laugh or a smile, or cut off their kisses too soon, distancing himself as best he could. Because he knew that if he kissed them for too long, if he allowed himself to fall into that endless pit of love and desire, he would ask them right then and there, consequences be damned, and his planning would all go to waste. 
So he stayed silent, stayed away as best he could, trying not to hurt them. 
A week and a half before Christmas Leo and Finn confronted him. 
“Logan, what’s going on?” Finn asked at dinner.
“Quoi?” Logan asked, looking up from his food. 
“You’ve been acting weird for weeks,” Leo explained. “Is something going on, are you okay?”
“Oh! No, I’m fine.” His heart pounded, hoping they would believe him, mind going to the box in his dresser. He forced the image away.
But Finn pushed. “Is it us? Are we doing something wrong?”
“What? Nonono, you two are perfect. It’s not- I’m fine, I promise.”
“Logan, we know something’s wrong!” Finn exclaimed frustratedly. “I know you, I can tell when you’re not saying something.” Logan just sighed heavily. It wasn’t like he could tell them the truth. He hadn’t thought he would make it this far before blurting it out, honestly. But he had and now Finn was upset with him and Leo looked sad and uncertain and he wasn’t sure what to do now. 
“I’m fine, okay?” he said, harsher than he meant, and Leo flinched back a bit. “Sorry,” he said immediately. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. But truly, nothing is going on.”
“Lo-” Finn whispered and fell silent. Both of them were staring at him. 
“Fuck,” Logan muttered, and got up from the table. 
Leo and Finn watched him go, dumbfounded, unsure what to do now. But Logan was back a moment later, a small box clutched in his hand. He ran his free hand through his hair, sighing. 
“I had a plan, to do this on Christmas Eve with the tree and lights and- whatever, there was a whole plan. But you two are too fucking smart I guess.” He smiled ruefully. “Finn, Leo, I love you both so so much. Like, more than anything. I don’t know what I would do without you. And....” he trailed off. Leo and Finn exchanged a confused glance. “Well, merde, here we go.”
In one smooth movement, he dropped to his knee, opening the box in his hands, two silver rings sitting on the velvet inside. 
Leo’s hands went to his mouth, Finn reaching out blindly to grip his shoulder. Leo grabbed his hand. Both of them were staring at Logan.
“Mon amours, will you marry me?”
It was quiet for a long time, Finn and Leo left staring in complete amazement. This was not what they had expected when they started dinner. 
“Lo,” Finn whispered, staring at him, tears shining in his eyes. “Holy shit. Holy shit.”
And then he rushed at Logan, collapsing into his arms and kissing him senseless, nearly knocking both of them over. In the next moment, Leo was there too, wrapping his arms around both of them, kissing any part of Logan he could reach, heart pounding wildly
“I love you I love you I love you,” Finn murmured over and over, words slurring together as he kissed Logan's cheeks and neck and lips, unable to get enough.
“So is that a yes?” Logan choked out and both boys paused.
“Of course it’s a yes, baby,” Leo sniffed, fighting back tears
“Yes yes, a thousand times yes,” Finn added and Logan could’ve cried with relief and joy, because the loves of his life just agreed to marry him and never in a million years had he ever imagined this happening. An overwhelming sense of love washed over him, and he was so fucking grateful that he had found them, that they found each other, and they can be together and happy and married.
Never in a million years had any of them imagined this would happen. But there they were, together, crying and laughing and kissing, Logan sliding rings on their fingers, falling tangled to the floor in a mess of frantic hands and wet kisses. Logan never wanted to move again. 
Leo fought the urge to pace as he listened to the phone ringing. Logan and Finn were waiting for him in their bedroom, urging him to call before they went to bed. His heart was pounding.  He wasn’t quite sure why. But he was excited and in love and possibly a little bit drunk. There was a click as the line connected.
“Mama?” he asked, fighting to keep his voice steady.
“Hey, baby!” her familiar voice chirped, and he relaxed marginally. “What’s goin’ on with you?”
“Um, well I have some news.”
“Oh! Well, the last time you had some ‘news’ it was to tell us about Finn and Leo.” Leo couldn’t fight a small laugh. He could sense his mom narrowing her eyes at that. “What kind of news do you have exactly?”
“The good kind,” he promised, unable to fight a smile. 
“I’ll go get your father, shall I?”
“Yeah, yeah I think you should.” It was quiet for a few moments, before Leo heard his dad talking faintly, presumably asking who was on the phone.
“Okay, he’s here,” her voice came back louder. 
“Hey bud,” Wyatt said, “What’s this news you have?”
“Um…” he trailed off, unsure how to say it. He scrubbed a hand over his face, unsure why he was so nervous all of a sudden. His parents had been nothing but supportive, so why was he freezing?
“Sorry. Um… well, Logan, uh, he proposed tonight.” 
The phone went dead silent for a long moment, and all Leo heard was the pounding of his heart. Then his mother shrieked and the dam broke. 
“Oh my god, really? Baby, that’s amazing!” 
“Did you say yes? I’m assuming you said yes, considering how happy you are.”
“Yeah Dad, I said yes,” Leo laughed, pressing a hand to his cheek. His face hurt from smiling. He wasn’t sure he was ever going to stop smiling. “Both of us did.”
“Aww my baby’s getting married!” his mom shrieked, and Leo could just imagine the elated look on both of their faces. 
“Le, that’s so exciting!” his dad exclaimed. All Leo could do was laugh. 
“Have you set a date yet?”
“No, Mom, he just asked a few hours ago,” he laughed, shaking his head. “You guys are the first ones I’ve told.”
“Oh, honey, that’s amazing.”
“Yeah. I’m really excited.” 
“Oh, well we should let you get back to your boys, call us in the morning okay? I want to hear everything.”
“Okay, I will,” he promised.
“And honey, I am so proud of you. So proud.” 
“Thanks, Mama. I love you, both of you.”
“We love you too, honey.” 
After Leo hung up, setting his phone down on the coffee table, he sat for a moment, taking it all in. His parents knew, they were excited and happy. He never could have imagined this happening.
He sighed happily, pushing himself off the couch and heading for the bedroom. His boys were in bed, Logan lying on top of Finn with his face buried in the crook of his neck. But he looked up as Leo padded into the room, smiling sweetly up at him.
“Hey Peanut,” he sighed. “How’d it go?”
“They were really excited,” Leo said, grinning. He climbed onto the bed beside them, slotting himself against Finn’s side and running a soft hand through Logan’s hair, leaning into the both of them. “My mom wanted to know if we’d set a date yet.” Logan laughed at that, Finn smiling down at him. 
“Nah, we got time.” 
“So much time.” 
Finn held up his hand, admiring the silver band sitting on his finger. “I can’t believe it’s really happening,” he sighed. Logan grasped his hand, fiddling with the ring. 
“Me neither,” he admitted. 
A thought occurred to Finn just then. “Lo, we both have rings, but did you get one for yourself?”
Logan could only laugh, shaking his head. “I knew you were gonna ask that,” he muttered. “Yes, Fish, I got myself a ring too. It’s in my bedroom. You’re so ridiculous.”
“Hey! Who are you calling ridiculous?” 
“Both of you.” Leo grinned, leaning up to kiss the pout off Finn’s face, feeling Logan’s lips on his jaw as he did. “I love you both,” he murmured. “So fucking much.” 
“We love you too, Nutter Butter.” 
“I can’t believe we’re getting married.”
“I can’t believe you two ruined my proposal.”
“What do you mean?”
“Fucking- I had a plan! It was all romantic and shit, and then you two ruined it by getting all concerned.” 
“Well, what was your plan?” 
Logan grumbled for a moment before reluctantly responding. “I was gonna ask on Christmas Eve, y’know, after we’d read The Night Before Christmas and were on the couch watching cheesy movies with the lights all off except the tree. There was gonna be cookies and hot chocolate and it was gonna be super romantic. I was gonna leave you both speechless for the rest of the night!” he finished, sweeping an arm out dramatically. “And then you went and got worried. I was doing so good too.” Finn could hear the pout in Logan’s voice. 
“Aw, mon rouge,” Leo crooned, kissing his temple. “It’s okay. You can always do it again in a week.” 
“Now come here so I can kiss you properly.” Logan rolled his eyes but pushed himself up, leaning over to Leo and kissing him sweetly, pushing him back against the bed. 
“I love you,” Leo whispered. Finn smiled as he watched them, content to just look at them, feeling the weight of Logan still on top of him, the heat of Leo beside him. He looked at the ring on his finger, the matching one on Leo’s hand, imagining the one that would soon be on Logan’s finger too. It was more than he’d ever dreamed of, more than he’d ever thought he would have. And he knew without asking that his fiancés felt the same. 
They were so incredibly lucky.
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defilerwyrm · 4 years ago
For the ask meme: burning bright, anything about the parts at the table with the Nein. You write their banter so well!
Burning Bright on AO3
The entire dinner scene hit me like a bolt of lightning while I was working on this fic. It started with Beau’s outburst, and then Veth’s willful denial and subsequent fit, and I built the two scenes around that.
Diving into particulars….
“Uhm,” he said, intelligently, but quickly recovered and flashed his friends a smile. “It is most impressive. Certainly a step up from a tiny hut.”
A direct reference to the name of the spell. Originally it was Leomund’s tiny hut. I have no clue why in 5e Wizards decided to 86 the attribution names on so many spells like Otiluke’s resilient sphere and Tasha’s hideous laughter. Things like that always made me curious about the (what I assume were) PCs the spells were named after. I had thought maybe it was because the characters who diegetically invented them were specific to one setting, but in that case I don’t know why Bigby’s hand is still Bigby’s but Evard’s black tentacles are no longer Evard’s. I don’t like it. As an aside, Widowgast’s Nascent Nein-Sided Tower is, mechanically speaking, Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion. Anyway. Moving on!
It was delectable that Caleb wanted to impress him.
This boy hungry and not just for soup
Flustered, Essek tried to fend them off, but it was Caleb that did him in. It was always Caleb. The human took a large roll from his own plate, broke it in half, and offered one of these parts to Essek, who tried his best not to choke.
“You need to keep your strength up, ja?” Caleb implored him quietly.
The steady hand that accepted was a point of pride because it very much wanted to quake. The Kryn weren’t bread people, but...did he have any idea what this gesture would mean in Rosohna? Any inkling at all?
This is another one of those places where I delight in playing to cultural differences. What I’d had in mind for what that gesture—breaking food into two pieces and offering half to someone—WOULD mean in Rosohna was a bit nebulous, as I like to keep the reader guessing a bit and let their imagination fill in the blanks; but my rough idea was that it’s a courting gesture that signifies “I can and will provide for you, even if it means less for me.” An expression of selfless caregiving and an offer of partnership. Not wholly unlike a bird bringing food to a prospective mate.
And actually it’s a little bit funny coming from Caleb, who has fuck-all to his name but his name, when Essek is a rich bitch who answers directly to the Bright Queen.
Not that he was about to say it out loud, but he was a quick convert to this whole bread thing. To say that it won him over would be an understatement. That seemed to be a recurring theme here.
I imagine if I’d grown up never really eating bread and was introduced to it in adulthood I’d be like “Where have you BEEN all my life?!” But also: the bread is friendship, the bread is the Mighty Nein, the bread is communion in the spirit of sharing rather than politics and appearances and power plays—things he thought he was fine without until they were foisted upon him.
Somewhere in the course of the multiple conversations going on at one time, Jester got an Idea, as she was prone to doing. He became increasingly aware of her talking about kissing, of all things, and this culminated in her shouting above the din, cheeks flushed purple though he hadn’t seen her touch any wine: “I have an idea you guys! Why don’t we all go around and say how many people we’ve kissed?”
Jester is the most wonderfully convenient deus ex machina if you ever need to insert an awkward or embarrassing conversation among the Mighty Nein, because this is exactly the sort of shit she would do.
Jester leaped up and slammed her hands onto the table. “Caduceus you’ve never been kissed?! That’s so sad!”
The firbolg was unfazed. He merely shrugged and said, “It hasn’t come up and I haven’t gone looking. Not something I’ve ever thought about, really.”
Jester’s tail lashed back and forth behind her like an overstimulated cat. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
Fjord went a bit wild-eyed at this. Caduceus smiled gently and said, “No thank you.”
Three things about this part:
1) Jester’s tail doesn’t get NEARLY enough mention in fic! If I’m playing (or writing) a character with a tail you can be damn sure you’re gonna know what it’s doing! Makes me wanna play a tabaxi tbqh.
2) Cad’s “No thank you” is the sum total of his sexuality, lol. Jester was raised in a pretty highly sexualized setting, didn’t really get out much before she fled Nicodranas, and can be pretty naïve, so she doesn’t really get the whole aroace thing; but it never crosses Cad’s mind that this would be “abnormal“ or ”sad” in any way—it causes him no distress, as it shouldn’t. This is yet another “Same planet, different worlds” moment.
3) Fjord is physically restraining himself from yelling “JESTER WHAT THE FUCK” lmao
Veth kept picking at it. “So you’re um. You know. Into the fellas?”
Beau snorted. “I could’a told you that months ago.”
“Yeah you could’a!” Veth pouted with a self-conscious curl to her shoulders.
I saw a comment on Tiktok that said Veth was being borderline homophobic, but that wasn’t my intent! It’s just that she inherited a certain blind spot for male queerness from her player, and as hard as she’d been trying to encourage Caleb to hook back up with his female ex, it never occurred to her that he had a male ex, too—and given that they’ve been so close for so long, she’s feeling pretty self-conscious about the fact that she never figured out that Caleb is bisexual in all that time, as well as kind of upset that no one—Caleb especially—told her. She’s having a moment of “Why didn’t I know this? Did you think it was going to change things between us? Did I make you feel unsafe?” And also a little bit of “Okay well, now I have to get him to hook up with TWO people AT ONCE because my boy deserves threesomes 😤”
Jester went goggle-eyed at him. “You’ve only been with one person?” she exclaimed. “But you’re like a hundred years old! And very handsome. I would have thought you’d get like, all the ladies.”
Ladies. Right.
Veth might not be the only one with a certain blind spot.
Beau gave her a funny look, snorting. “I dunno, he seems like the kinda guy who turns down those offers left and right.”
..…But Beau’s got his number, for more than one reason. She’s got super gaydar, for one, and has him pegged as the type who’s very choosy about his partners (also mind you, this was before demi!Essek was canonized by WoG, so I was still rolling with my hc that Essek got around when he felt like it).
The uproar was instantaneous. Everyone—almost everyone—started talking or shouting at once. Beau’s voice rang out among the din with, “HOLY SHIT ESSEK FUCKS.” Strangely pleased with himself, he downed the rest of his wine in one gulp and spent the next few minutes fending off increasingly prying, personal questions until the Nein grew bored with his lack of answers and someone changed the subject.
There it is, the line that spawned two entire scenes!
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He was not a war mage, but he was experienced and wily, and he was damned good at what he did, and as long as there was breath left in his body, the Mighty Nein would not fall here.
Joke’s on me, motherfucker literally has the War Caster feat -_-
But like in my defense, that’s just what it’s called in the book. The feat just means that you have either the training or experience to cast well during a fight, which I see as not necessarily the same thing as a war mage, which was my way of saying an arcane caster who is a soldier.
Veth stared at her blankly as if willing herself not to understand. “Caleb? With who?”
She breathed steadily. “...Essek. Caleb and Essek.”
Beside her, Jester squealed and brought her fists to her face.
Veth was less enthused. “WHAT.”
Beau’s mental commentary here is dead on. Veth still doesn’t really trust Essek at this point and has been pretty vocal about that…despite being the one to declare him part of the Mighty Nein? Eh, she’s allowed to have complicated feelings on the guy, all things considered. But I find it kind of comical and very Veth (and very Sam) for her to be all full of zest for trying to get Caleb back together with the frigging Volstrucker who is actively working for his abuser and worst enemy but balk at him hooking up with Essek.
Jester “explained” in a delighted yell: “Caleb and Essek are gonna fuuuuuuck!”
I don’t know, is this too unsubtle to call foreshadowing? The line flowed naturally in the dialogue, but it’s also letting the reader know exactly what they’re in for next, lol.
“...He’s going to break that little elf twink, you know,” Veth said, sounding distant. Seemed she was having some difficulty processing. Not too surprising, considering how adamant she was about wanting their wizard to hook back up with his old flame, the fucking Volstrucker. “We’ve all seen his dick.”
This was 100% taken from Sam’s little throwaway line “It’s above-average” but it turned out to serve two purposes other than reminding the reader that all of these people have seen Caleb naked:
1) It’s yet another thing Veth thinks she understands about him but doesn’t. Caleb’s a top like Dalmatians are purple and if you disagree then I respect your right to be incorrect ;)
2) That said, it is, in fact, foreshadowing for the sequel, in which Essek experiences a great deal of frustration. (I haven’t touched the damn thing in weeks, feels like; I’ve been too busy with work, being exhausted from work, and being in a tizzy about my upcoming surgery.)
Fjord blurted out, “I’ll join you.”
Poor Fjord has had such an uncomfortable night!
Hoo boy that was a lot. Thanks for the ask, this was really fun!! And sorry it took so long; I work Saturday nights and things got really busy for a bit there.
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sunsetinmyvein · 4 years ago
You Pick a Fight - P2
Eyyyyy it’s prompt time. I have since forgotten what prompt’s @imagine-that-100​ gave me from the prompt list for this part two, but hopefully you enjoy it anyway. :P
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And I was right, because it wasn’t over. The pool incident was just the start of much more bickering and fighting over nothing that was set to come during the months between Matty and I. We hadn’t known each other all that well prior to that day, but it definitely set the bar for future interactions. Being argumentative and stubborn was just a habit neither of us could break, much to all of our mutual friend’s annoyance. It might’ve been on the verge of immature, since we were both pushing thirty, but neither of us cared. And we never really meant it. Grudges about stolen floaties were not held for long. It was a rare occasion that we genuinely made up and said sorry, but typically by the end of the day we had either forgotten about it or played some prank on the other to feel avenged about our wrong doing. Over the course of many months of arguing and pranking, Matty and I inevitably became closer. Realistically, Matty was probably one of my best friends by this point in my life. We saw each other at least a couple of times a week for various reasons and I enjoyed his company (mostly). But that wasn’t going to stop me from trying to constantly one-up him and make sure I destroy him any time he challenges me to anything. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right? You gotta know your opponent’s weaknesses to best exploit them.
 However, tonight was our regularly scheduled movie night. So, more than likely no arguing would be occurring tonight. The movie had already been picked by democratic vote by the group, which meant there would be no debates about that. Everyone was bringing their own snacks, nothing to fight over. And we rotated who hosted, so no arguments there either. This week it was Matty’s turn. Last week when it had been at my flat, we had picked a comedy movie to watch and ended up receiving a noise complaint from my neighbour about us being “too rambunctious”. I was hoping that we wouldn’t have the same issue to deal with this week given Matty’s much thicker walls. I was cutting up a tray of brownies that I was graciously bringing to share - one of which may or may not have been spiked with cayenne pepper just to spite Matty for last week when he mixed my bag of skittles with m+m’s - while I replayed the events of last week. The details of the movie were actually a bit of a blur, because after the few drinks that I had downed after a rough day at work, I recalled falling asleep. When I woke up, I found myself snoring on Matty’s shoulder. God, that was utterly embarrassing. Other than my snoring, to wake up cosying up to Matty? I’d rather be caught dead. But I must have been too distracted by these memories, because as I was cutting, I slipped and managed to slice open my thumb with my new knife.
  I felt the cut the instant it happened, bracing myself for what I might see before I looked down. Sure as shit, all I saw was a lot of red. The first thought to run through my head was that my brownie plan was ruined. I couldn’t serve brownies that had been doused in blood. The second was that I absolutely needed to seal this wound as soon as possible. I raced to the bathroom, grabbing a roll of gauze and wrapping it around my thumb as tightly as I could. Do I call an ambulance? No, this wasn’t an ambulance sort of emergency. Emergency, though. I should go to the emergency room. Now. But I had to let the guys know I wasn’t coming. I could see the gauze starting to turn red as I searched my phone for Matty’s contact. Fuck, I felt so bad for bailing on this movie night given it was our regular thing, but this was really not good. Really, really not good. The phone rang twice before he picked up.
“Look, I need to go to emergency.” I interrupted in a garbled rush.
“What?” He shouted down the line.
“I need to go to hospital, so I’m not gonna make it tonight.” I explained, slightly slower.
“What did you do?” He asked in an incredulous tone.
“I sliced my thumb open cutting brownies.” I just heard him laughing. “It’s not funny, Matty. I need stitches.” I frowned as I started to grab my essentials. What if they wanted to keep me in overnight? Oh my god, I was absolutely not prepared for something like this. I should have a go bag. Is that a thing normal people did? Have a go bag in case they accidentally injure themselves? Maybe smart people did.
“Do you need me to drive you?” He offered as I was contemplating what exactly I would put in a go bag.
“What? Uh, no. I’m okay. I think.” I rattled off.
“I’ll meet you there.” I heard him say. He what? Why would he want to come to the hospital?
“Wait. No, you don’t-” But he’d already hung up.
  Before I left the house, I slapped another few layers of bandage over the gauze on my thumb to try and put some pressure on this cut that was apparently bleeding like a tap by the rate it was turning things red. Driving to the hospital with a thumb as fat as mine was with all the bandages wrapped around it was not easy to say the least, but I managed to get there in one piece. Once I had gotten there, paid for my parking, and then managed to check myself into the ER, I was able to take a seat and decompress slightly. But, the peace and quiet didn’t last long, because not even five minutes after I sat down a familiar face entered through the sliding glass doors.
“Good job.” Matty said as he approached, with a slow clap for emphasis.
“Don’t patronise me.” I scoffed.
“Show me.” He said as he took a seat in the uncomfortable plastic chair next to my own.
“It’s okay-”
“Just show me what you did.” He dismissed.
“I mean, I can’t really take this stuff off-” I gestured to my half blood-soaked bandages, “-or it’ll bleed worse.”
He let out a low whistle as he raked a hand through his curls. “Bloody hell.” He muttered under his breath, before glancing up at me. “Pardon the pun.” He added with a smirk.
“Shut up. It’s really not as bad as it looks.” I lied. I was trying to play it down, to pretend like I hadn’t briefly seen how deep that knife went, but I knew that this was definitely very vital that I see a doctor very fucking soon.
He met my gaze, clearly seeing the stress I was trying to hide. “You’re not very convincing.” He chuckled.
  Despite my protests about him wanting to wait with me, Matty continued to ramble on about what he had done earlier in the day while we sat in the crowded waiting room. He also told me not to worry about cancelling on the movie night, and thanked me for trying to make brownies. If only he had known what his brownie was going to taste like. But at least he was distracting me from the weird sensation in my thumb. After about half an hour, I was called through to be seen by the nurse - which realistically just meant that I sat and waited in another room for a further ten minutes until I was finally seen by someone. When she walked in, she introduced herself and asked for a run down of the situation as she started gathering some supplies. After I had explained what I had done, she started moving towards my giant wad of bloody fabric.
“I’m gonna look away.” I warned the nurse, she just nodded in response. I felt her unravelling the bandages on my thumb, trying really hard to busy myself by studying the vision tester chart on the wall. She let out a quiet hum as she analysed the situation.
“All right. I am going to put some glue on this now to hold it, but we are going to need to anaesthetise you to properly sort this out. Is that okay?” She asked in a calm tone. They were going to knock me out? It was bad enough to need to be knocked out for?? Holy shit.
“Um, yep.” I nodded. “I suppose it’ll have to be.” I added with a nervous laugh. “When will that be?”
“As soon as they can get you in. Likely in the next few hours.” She answered.
  When I came back out of the nurse’s station, I sat back down and told Matty what they had said.
“They need to sedate you?” He asked in shock.
“I’ve apparently done quite a number on myself.” I could feel the stress building up as the realisation set in. Oh my god. I had cut off my thumb. I had cut off my thumb and now they needed to reattach it. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.
“Hey, calm down.” He reassured, placing his hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be all right.”
“But what if it’s too late? What if I cut too far? What if-”
Thankfully, Matty interrupted my downward spiral of anxiety. “They would’ve told you if that were the case. They’re going to operate, so it must be fine.” He moved to take my good hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing mind as I nodded in agreement. At least one of us was the voice of reason right now. “When are you going in?” He questioned, seeming genuinely sympathetic.
“They said as soon as possible. I just have to wait here until a theatre frees up.” I replied. He just nodded thoughtfully. “You should go back to the movie night.” I said, eventually feeling guilty that he’d already been sat waiting here for an hour.
“No.” He shook his head as he rifled through his pocket. “You want some gum?” He asked, holding a packet out in my direction.
I looked down at them apprehensively. “They’re not some ridiculous flavour, are they?”
He laughed loudly. “No, I threw the wasabi ones out.”
  It was another hour before I was finally called through to get ready for theatre. Now I was genuinely feeling pretty awful that Matty had been here this whole time. We had well and truly pushed past dinner time, he’d missed the movie, our friends were all sat at his place without him. He can’t have been having a good time stuck here with me.
“Okay, I gotta go in.” I said as I stood up.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.” He smiled up at me from his seat.
“Just go home, I’ll be fine.” I said as I gestured to the door.
“No.” He grinned.
“No.” His dark brown eyes bore into mine, clearly challenging me to push him further on the subject.
“I hate you, so much.” I grumbled as I heard the nurse call my name again.
“I love you, too.” He said, blowing a kiss for emphasis as I walked off.
  The doctors all reassured me that the operation was going to be quick and easy. Knock me out, stitch me up, wake me up fifteen minutes later. Easy peasy. I had never had any issues with operations, being knocked out was easy. It was the stuff you had to be awake for that was hard. True to their word, when I saw the clock when I started coming to, it had been no more than half an hour than when I last checked the time. But my god I felt groggy. My brain felt like it had been replaced with a bunch of cotton balls and my eyelids might as well have been made of lead. I glanced down at my thumb, seeing a much smaller pile of bandages on there, that were now thankfully not soaked in blood. That was nice. I then caught sight of the man sat next to my bed.
“Hey, you’re up.” Matty said quietly as he stepped over. As soon as he leaned over the bed frame, the fluorescent lights above him just illuminated his dark, curly hair. Holy shit. It looked borderline angelic. “How’re you feeling?”
“Your hair…” I mumbled as I reached out my good hand to touch it.
He seemed surprised by my actions at first, before letting my run a hand through it. “What about it?” He asked with a quiet laugh.
“It’s really soft.” I answered, genuinely quite surprised by how nice it felt. “Has it always been that soft?” I felt like I had been missing out. I could’ve been touching this hair for nearly a year now and instead I had been swapping his shampoo for ranch dressing and perfume.
  Matty seemed keen to indulge my anaesthesia haze, letting me bother him with all of my weird questions about his hair. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy. I did a lot of mean shit to him and here he was, sat with me in emergency all evening instead of hanging out with his friends. After the pranks I’d pulled, I likely didn’t deserve a friend like him. But he’d pulled them on me too. We were a pretty good pair, I suppose. And I had no idea if it was this lighting or what, but dare I say, Matty was looking pretty attractive today. Had I really just been so focused on butting heads with him that I never noticed these things before?
“Are you sure you really look this good? I feel like I must still be dreaming.” I said, pretending to shield my eyes.
He frowned, before the realisation dawned on him and his eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Are you flirting with me?”
“Maybe.” I shrugged.
“Don’t use cheesy pickup lines on me.” He chuckled.
“How else am I meant to pick you up?” I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.
“Are you trying to?” He asked as a smile slowly made its way onto his face.
“Maaaaybe.” I said in an attempt to be non-committal, but then my curiosity got the better of me. “Is it working?”
“I’m gonna remind you of this when you’re properly out of the anaesthetic.” He just looked amused. Not the reaction I had hoped for. But I was too tired to keep trying to come up with clever lines.
“Okay.” I muttered, nodding softly. “Gon’ sleep now, though.” I added.
“Rest up.” He agreed. “You’re gonna need all the energy you can get to deal with me giving you shit for this tomorrow.”  
Part one
Part three
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general-kenobi357 · 4 years ago
Someday Soon-Chapter 3
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!OC
Summary: After finding a new lead the hunt to find the Royal Merchant is on.
Word Count: 4.4k
We all waited anxiously as Kie began to climb out of the mausoleum. I grabbed her flashlight as the boys helped her back onto the ground.
“That's not gold.” JJ stated, as we all examined the FedEx bag Kie had found.
“Holy shit.” John B stuttered, taking the package from Kie’s grasp. “This is from my dad.”
“Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!” JJ alerted us to the car that was pulling up. “It's the guys who robbed your house.”
“Light! Light.” Pope reminded us all, as we ducked down to avoid being caught.
“Turn your light off, man!” John B urged JJ, who sat between me and John B, struggling with his head lamp. Reaching over I turned it off for him before we got caught. We all sat in silence. The only sound you could hear was our panicked breathing as we waited for something to happen.
“Do you think it's them?” Kie asked us all.
“Homie's got a gun.” JJ concluded, as he leaned over me to peer around the corner.
“Screw this.” Kie said standing up and breaking into a sprint towards the van.
I sat stunned for a moment more before I felt someone grab my hand and pull me to my feet. Before I knew it we stopped at the tall gate that stood between us and our escape.
“You have to climb over the fence, Sweetheart.” JJ told me, leaning close to my ear and snapping me out of my trance. The only thing I could hear was his voice. “Can you do that?”
“Yeah.” I muttered, as all of our friends began to scale the fence. “I think so.”
As I jumped onto the ground on the other side I finally felt as if I knew where I was again. JJ grabbed my hand again once he landed beside me.
“Hurry up!” Kie urged us all from her spot next to the van.
“Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm stuck.” Pope called out from the top of the gate where his shorts had gotten caught.
“Pope, come on!” JJ called out, just before he realized Pope couldn’t. “Alright hold still.” He concluded letting go of my hand so he could dig through his backpack. It took me a minute before I realized what he was looking for.
“No JJ.” I scolded him before turning to Pope. “Pope you have to jump.”
“You're gonna rip me.” Pope warned, as Kie and John B started to pull him down. “Wait. You're gonna rip me!”
“You're fine. Come on!” Kie told him as his pants tore and he could finally get down.
“Pope, come on!” John B said once he was on the ground. We all began running to the van before we were caught. Tires screeched against the pavement as we finally fled the scene.
Back at the Château we all began to gather around the table ready to find out what Kie had found back at the graveyard.
“That bread had mold on it three days ago.” Pope said in disgust, from the kitchen to my right.
“I'll just pull off the bad parts.” JJ reasoned, making me cringe in disgust. “Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism.”
“JJ!” Kie urged not willing to wait any longer to see what they had found.
“Yup, yup, yup! Let's do it.” JJ called hurrying into the room with a sandwich in hand. I turned around from where I stood behind John B, watching him take a bite before promptly spitting it into his hand.
“Holy shit.” I heard John B mutter as he opened the bag and dumped its contents onto the table.
“Oh. X marks the spot.” Pope pointed to the X on the map that John B was unfolding.
“Longitude, latitude.” John B pointed out, as we all examined the map of the ocean which surrounded the Outer Banks.
“Wait, there's somethin' else in there.” I said, noticing the map wasn’t the only thing we had found.
“What's that?” JJ asked from his spot beside me.
“It's a tape recorder, dumbass.” Kie answered, sounding frustrated and I couldn’t blame her. We had been through a lot that day and we were all becoming more exhausted as the day dragged out.
John B reached for the tape recorder before hitting the button on the side so it would start playing whatever had been recorded.
“Dear Bird.” A deep voice started speaking. I recognized the voice but without seeing a face I couldn’t place who it was, partially due to the fact I was so tired.
“Who's Bird?” JJ asked.
“That's what my dad called me.” John B answered and suddenly my tired mind put together the pieces and I realized this was all from John B’s father.
“I hate to say, ‘I told you so,’ but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight, but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expect to find the Merchant either…”
As the tape ended we all looked at John B who sat in shock at what his father had just told us all.
“Holy shit, he did it!” JJ exclaimed in shock. “Big John... He found the Merchant…”
“Can you... can you please?” Kie stopped JJ from talking as we watched John B stand up in tears.
“Sorry.” JJ mumbled, realizing his mistake. Kie moved to comfort John B who was barely holding it together.
I turned back to JJ to give John B and Kie a minute, Pope was examining the map again and I saw the guilty look JJ held.
“Come on.” I told JJ, placing a hand on his shoulder to direct him towards the door. “I think there’s some mold free bread at my house.
“Shh.” I reminded JJ, as we entered the dark house, knowing my mom and sister were probably fast asleep inside.
Once in the kitchen I started to grab everything I needed to make us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, as JJ jumped up to sit on the counter. A comfortable silence fell over us as I made us food. I handed him a plate as I took my own out onto the porch so we didn’t have to be as quiet.
“I’m sorry.” I finally spoke up as we began to eat.
“What?” He asked, confused.
“I’m sorry. I flipped out at you before and I shouldn’t have. You were right, you were just trying to be there for John B.” I explained, remembering the events that had occurred earlier that day.
“Well in all fairness you were also right, I definitely went about it the wrong way.” He responded, making me laugh a little.
“So you still want to be my friend?” I asked, watching his face fall slightly which confused me.
“Of course.” He assured me with a small smile. I smiled back as we finished eating.
Once again we were back to being best friends and laughing as we joked around while we headed back over to the rest of the Pogues.
After gathering the rest of the Pogues we had made our way to John B’s dock where we all sat, drinking again. I sat next to JJ leaning against him. The events of the day were starting to catch up to me and I felt as if I might crash soon. I listened to the others discuss the Royal Merchant while I tried to keep myself awake.
“How much was it again?” Pope asked.
“Four hundred mil.” John B reminded, he sounded as if he couldn’t even imagine a number that big.
“All right, let's talk the split.” JJ spoke up, I could feel the vibrations of his voice pass from him to me, keeping me slightly more awake. “Now, before we say ‘evenly,’ may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay?”
“You haven't trained.” Pope told him. “You've done zero training.”
“YouTube, bro! That's at least a five percent bump right there. Any objections? Didn't think so.” He concluded which made me laugh.
“Yeah.” Pope tried to object but JJ had already moved on.
“What are you gonna do with your 80 mil, Pope?” JJ asked curiously.
“Pay for college in advance. And also, textbooks. Those are expensive.” Pope explained confidently. “What about you, Kie?”
“Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?” John B asked.
“I just wanna make a double album.” She told us wishfully. “About OBX, the Pogues. You know, the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing.”
“Peter Tosh is dead.” John B tried to reason.
“Peter Tosh is dead.” Kie agreed. “I know. Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die.”
“What about you Iz?” John B asked, as everyone turned to look at me.
“Well, I’m gonna buy my Mom our old house on Figure Eight. Then I'm moving to Hawaii, I’ll build a little house right on the beach. Surf every morning.” I explained, smiling while I thought about it all.
“How are you going to build a house? You can’t even use a screwdriver.” JJ teased me.
“Hey if Kie gets a dead producer, I get to pretend I know how to build a house.” I reasoned.
“Alright well, I know what I'll do.” JJ told us. “I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook.”
“You're gonna go full Kook?” I asked laughing at the thought.
“Yup.” He nodded. “Gonna get a marble statue of myself, and then I'm gonna get a koi pond. Put a bunch of those fish…”
“I'm never visiting.” Kie warned. “What are you gonna do, JB?”
“To going full Kook.” He decided finally, raising his beer.
“To going full Kook!” We all agreed as we clinked our beers together.
“All right, keep a look out.” JJ warned us all as we pulled up to the nicest hotel on the island. “We're behind enemy lines.”
I’d been here a few times before, once with my dad when I was young and a couple of times I had gone to see JJ on his lunch break. It still amazed me every time, especially now when I knew what it was like on the cut.
“Yo, come on, man. Just put it back.” Pope urged, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked back into the van where JJ sat messing around with his new favorite toy.
“What? You can never be too careful.” JJ reasoned.
“Hey, I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve.”
“I swear to God, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ.” Kie warned him from the backseat of the van.
“Put it back.” I told him, taking the gun from his grasp and placing it back into the glove compartment. It seemed like me having to take away the gun from him was becoming more of a common occurrence.
“You can't grab a gun like that.” JJ explained, before he bent over to shuffle through his backpack. “Can't forget my badge. Professional busboy.” He reminded me, flashing the badge in front of my face.
“So, where are we going now?” Pope asked, as we all followed JJ to the kitchen entrance.
“We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now.” JJ explained, as we walked through the lobby of the hotel, most of the guests stared and I didn’t blame them. A group of Pogues willingly in the middle of Figure Eight was not a common occurrence. “See, they got the backup generators going? Kooks don't miss a beat.”
“Sweet Lord, the internet!” Pope cried out, as we entered the computer room. “I've missed you.”
“Let me get in there.” JJ said, sitting down next to Pope. “Gotta check out my Insta models.”
“We don't have time.” Kie tried to remind him that we were on a mission here.
“Coordinates, please?” Pope asked, getting ready to search them.
“34° 57' 30 " north. 75° 55' 42" west.” John B read off the map. “Boom, continental shelf right there.”
“Well, if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it?” I reminded him trying not to get my hopes up yet.
“Come on, baby.” Pope muttered, as he zoomed in on the map and we all leaned in closer to get a better look. “Come on.”
“Shit, it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet.” John B let out the breath he was holding.
“That's not too deep.” JJ supplied.
“Is that doable or something?” Kie asked confused.
“Yeah, totally doable.” JJ responded.
“Will we be taking your personal submarine?” Pope asked.
“How do you know this, Mr. Dive Master?” I added.
“The salvage yard. They got a drone that can drop 1,000. It has a 360 camera and everything.” JJ explained to us. “It's for, like, deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need.”
“Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?” John B asked, hopefully.
“Well, my dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired.” JJ informed us. “I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out. But the drone's there. It's in the impound yard out back.”
“How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?” I asked trying to weigh the pros and cons in my mind.
“400 million.” John B reminded us.
“400 mil.” JJ confirmed as we all seemed to come to an agreement that whatever we had to do was worth it.
“No. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. No!” Pope realized what was going on. He rushed to the door trying to block our way.
“Pope! Move.” Kie urged.
“Can't we do anything legal for money?” Pope asked me as I walked past him following the rest of the Pogues.
“When you have 400 million dollars everything is legal.” I reasoned with him.
“Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing it.” John B explained, we were all still trying to get him on board with the plan.
"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope told us hopelessly.
“Did you come up with that?”
“Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing. So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?”
“Why are you so weird, Pope?” JJ asked, more focused on the joint he was rolling than the conversation we were all having.
“It's fantasy, but possible reality.” John B concluded, after thinking for a moment.
“Reality.” Kie reassured from beside him.
“Virtual reality.” JJ told us all, as Pope grabbed the joint from between his lips before JJ could light it.
“Keep the signal clear.”
“You know what your problem is?”
“No! It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense!”
“I'm not too tense.”
“Alright you two.” I tried to stop their bickering as I climbed over JJ to get out of the van. Turning back to them I added. “Don’t be stupid, okay?”
“Sweetheart, that’s a big ask.” JJ tried to reason with me.
“Yeah I’m not sure you’ve met JJ.” Pope added.
“Hey I’m not the only one who does stupid stuff.” JJ argued as they started up their bickering again.
“Fine.” I interrupted. “Just… please try to stay out of jail?”
“Yeah alright we can do that I guess.” JJ concluded.
After leaving the boys behind I followed Kie towards her car.
“Alright, I’ll let the air out if you want to go get the guard?” I asked her circling around to the back of the trailer.
As the guard came over to the trailer I pretended to be inspecting the tire I had just flattened.
“It's too easy.” Kie whispered to me, as I stood up to give the guard some space.
“So he just kissed you?” I asked Kie, she had just been recounting what had happened to her and John B when we had left them at the lighthouse. It was nice to talk with her about boy problems. It reminded me of simpler times before we had begun looking for buried treasure and had our lives threatened.
“Yeah and I had no idea what to do.” Kie explained.
I was about to respond when we heard a dog barking from inside the yard.
“Do you hear that?” The guard asked us.
“Hear what?” I asked innocently.
“Oh, Tebow's got somethin'.” He told us.
“It's probably just a raccoon, maybe. You know?” Kie tried to cover for the boys. “Nothin' to worry about. Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He said going back to the tire.
“I’m gonna go give them some more time.” I mumbled to Kie before I went over to the other side of the trailer.
“Are you sure that one’s good?” Kie asked, warning me that the guard was done.
“What are you doing?” He demanded as I stood up from the tire.
“This one looks a little low too.” I tried to cover.
“Wait! Wait!” Kie called. But it was too late he was already running back into the yard.
“Shit.” I muttered as we got into Kie’s car. Hoping that the boys had made it out in time.
“Stealing drones makes you hungry.” Kie joked as John B parked the van in front of The Wreck.
“What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now.” JJ told us as we all piled out of the van.
“It would not be pretty.” Pope teased.
As we walked into the restaurant I saw Kie’s dad frown from behind the counter, he definitely was not our biggest fan. After some convincing Kie walked back to us and told us to sit down as her dad brought out food for us all. I sat down between JJ and Pope as we all dug in.
As we finished up Kie stood and turned up the music that had been playing softly in the background. After some convincing John B joined her as JJ and I laughed at their ridiculous dancing.
Noticing Pope was being especially quiet, I looked back at him concerned, he looked as if someone had taken away his puppy.
“You think Pope’s okay?” I whispered to JJ.
“Yeah.” JJ replied, looking at Pope before turning back to me. “He’s just madly in love with a girl and doesn’t know how to tell her.”
“Hmm.” I hummed, still looking at Pope with concern.
“Come on.” JJ said, pulling me to my feet so we could join John B and Kie. I laughed as he spun me around.
“Pope, what are you waiting for?” I asked with a smile as I held out my hand for him and he reluctantly stood up.
And as we all danced together I forgot about the rest of the world for a couple minutes and enjoyed this moment with all my friends.
The next morning we had gathered on John B’s dock so that Pope could get a handle on the drone controls before we took it out on the open water. I sat in front of Pope and JJ with my feet in the water basking in the sun. I could see storm clouds brewing on the horizon but they hadn’t hit the island yet, for now everything was calm.
“What's this?” I heard JJ ask.
“Don't touch that.” Pope shooed JJ away so he sat down beside me. “I'm trying to work out this thing.”
“God bless geeks, Pope. Truly, man.” JJ added. “What would we do without you to control the drones?”
“It's not a drone. It's an ROV.”
“Shut up. Shut up. It's too early for that right now.”
“Hey, play nice boys.” I reminded them looking between the two.
“Hey, once we get footage of the wreck, we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim.” John B informed us from the water.
“It's bullshit. Why do we have to do that?” JJ sounded like a little kid being told he had to go home from the playground.
“Well, there is maritime salvage law.” Pope told us.
“You can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up.” John B added.
“I know. I know. It's just lawyers aren't cheap, bro.” JJ reasoned.
“As soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp.”
“How do you know all of that?” I asked John B.
“'Cause my dad said it, like, a million times.”
“This tether is, like, really long.” Pope spoke up. “In the wrong weather, it could get pushed around.”
“Then we'll go at dead calm.” Kie reasoned as she climbed out of the water. “Slack tide?”
“So now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather.” Pope told us, as we listened to the far away thunder. “And today is not that day.”
As we walked back towards the Château I heard my Mom calling me from the porch of our house.
“Shoot, I forgot I was working today.” I said to the rest of the Pogues.
“You still want us to pick you up later?” JJ asked, as I checked my bag to make sure I had everything.
“Uh yeah, if you’re gonna be over there.” I responded not wanting to inconvenience them.
“Yeah, JJ and I are dropping off groceries on Figure Eight for my dad.” Pope explained.
“Okay, awesome. I’ll be at the Osborne’s house it’s like two docks down from the Cameron's.” I explained, as I made my way over to my mom’s car. “Bye!”
As I finished vacuuming I glanced at the clock on the wall of the Osborne’s house, this was the last house I had to clean today and JJ and Pope were set to pick me up soon. After I finished cleaning up, I headed downstairs to grab my stuff.
“Hey, you all done?” Mrs. Osborne asked me as I entered the kitchen. She had always been nice to me, well nicer than most Kooks.
“Yep.” I responded, putting the tip she had just handed me into my bag.
“Awesome, thank you.”
“Of course, I’ll see you in two weeks.” I told her.
“I’ll walk you out.” she said motioning in the direction of the front door.
“Oh, actually my friends are picking me up on your dock.”
“Oh okay.” She said, seeming a little confused.
“Bye!” I called out as I shut her back door and made my way toward the long dock. As I stepped out onto the dock I saw Heyward’s boat pull up on the other end.
When I walked onto the boat something seemed off, the two boys were silent which almost never happened. Looking between them I was confused. Without a word Pope pulled out of the dock and we headed back to the cut.
“What’s up with you two?” I asked a few minutes into the boat ride. The pair glanced at each other, Pope opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but after a pointed glare from JJ. He shut his mouth and readjusted his hat, it was sitting at a weird angle.
“Nothin’.” JJ told me with a straight face.
“Seriously?” I asked, frustrated with the two for keeping something to themselves.
“Seriously.” JJ confirmed, so much for Pogues not lying to Pogues.
“So we’re keeping secrets now? Cool.” I said pressing my lips into a tight line. Before they spoke another word I walked onto the back deck. Hoping that the breeze would help me cool off.
From inside the boat I could hear Pope arguing with JJ about telling me something. I couldn’t hear all of it but I knew they were keeping something from me as their words became louder.
“I don’t want her involved!” I finally heard JJ shout, which seemed to stop Pope from saying anything more and the pair became silent again.
After we spent the rest of the day surfing we were all back at the Château. I sat watching the sunset, wondering what had happened to JJ and Pope before they picked me up. I worried that by the time I found out what had really happened it would be too late.
“You really think it's out there? Like, no bullshit?” Pope asked.
“My father thought it was.” John B told us.
“But do you?”
“After hearing his voice on that tape… I think I do.”
“Only one way to find out.”
“Look, we're gonna find it, you know?” JJ spoke up from the hammock. I’d normally be sitting right beside him and even though we were only a few feet apart it felt like there were miles between us.
“Even JJ believes.” Kie joked.
“Oh, my God, JJ, do you really believe?” John B asked in disbelief.
“Totally. Wait. Are we talking about four mil?” JJ asked
“Four hundred mil.” Kie and Pope corrected.
“I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks.” JJ informed us all. “Good night, Bird!”
“Good night, bird shit!” John B teased.
The next day, the weather seemed perfect as we all boarded Heyward’s boat, ready to find some gold. I kept my distance from the others, I knew I should drop it but I couldn’t help but worry about what JJ and Pope refused to tell me.
“All right, JJ. Pin it here.” I heard John B call out.
“Roger that! X marks the spot.” JJ responded from inside. “All right, ladies and gentlemen. To going full Kook.”
As Pope took the drone deeper everyone's nerves rose. We were about to find out if it had been worth it.
As Kie let out more of the tether, I kept track of how far down the drown had gone. At 900 feet the wind was becoming too much and we still hadn’t found anything. But at almost 1000 feet Pope let out a sigh of relief.
“I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom! Okay, steady here, JJ!” Pope yelled out over the wind.
“You should be seeing something, man.” John B told him impatiently, we couldn’t stay out for much longer.
“I know, I know! Wait, wait.” Pope froze. “Oh, good God.”
“See anything?” I asked hopefully.
“It's the Royal Merchant.” Pope told us with certainty.
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sweetingly · 6 years ago
Stuck Like Glue
A Steve Harrington Imagine
Y/N’s POV:
My hands shake along with my bottom lip which was beginning to tremble as I held the white stick with a tight grip. There were two straight bolded lines creating a ‘+’ and I knew right in this moment, my life would most likely be over.
“Y/N?” A soft voice calls from outside the bathroom door. “Can we come in?”
“Um yes,” I say and my two best friends, Nancy and Jonathan, walking in seconds later.
They immediately notice my expression and rush to my side as I sat on the bathroom counter. Shaking my head in disbelief, I hold up the test so they could get a good look at the result.
“Holy shit,” They say in unison when they see the plus sign too. “Y/N, how are you going to tell-“
“That’s the thing, Nance.” I interrupt her, already knowing what she was about to ask. “We graduated less than two months ago and I’m already about to spring this on him? I mean, what if- what if...”
Knowing what I was about to say, they pull me into a group hug. Jonathan trying his best to keep me calm he whispers “it’s okay” along with giving me reassuring pats on my back.
“Whatever happens, just know that we’ll be here for you no matter what.” Nancy tells me and I nod, quiet sniffles coming from me.
After about five minutes, both of them bid their goodbyes since they needed to be over at the Jonathan’s for dinner in thirty minutes. They invited me along, thinking I could use it to get my mind off of things, especially this. However, I declined since Steve told me yesterday he’d be coming over later tonight for our weekly date night.
Hopping down from the counter, I decide to lie down until he arrived and rest for awhile. If there was anything that I needed at the moment, then it would be sleep. Which is exactly what I did when I got comfy on my bed.
“Y/N? Love?”
I feel several taps on my shoulder which causes me to groan and turn the other way in my bed. A low chuckle comes from the person trying to wake me up and then I feel the mattress dip down a bit.
“Love, I brought you some food and new movies to watch tonight.”
I stir around for a couple seconds before my eyes flutter open, my top bedroom light on and my curtains were shut. Finally sitting up and turning to find Steve situated on my bed with to-go bags from a diner and rented films.
“Sleeping beauty awakens from her slumber.” He singsongs, with a charming grin on his face.
A tired laugh escape from me as I run a hand through my hair, trying my best to fix my bedhead. Leaning over to me, Steve places a peck to my lips- completely ignoring the fact that I just woke up.
“I missed you,” He says while scooting closer to me.
I can’t help but blush, “It’s only been two days, doofus.”
“I know but-“ He pauses, his eyes squinting as he continues to look at me closely. “Have you been crying? Your eyes look a little puffy.”
My heart stops when I remember the events that occurred just a few hours ago. I didn’t want to tell him yet and ruin our date before it even got started.
“Yeah, I was watching a chick-flick with my sister earlier. It was super sad- had both of us sobbing horribly.” I lie with an ease, and which to my luck he believes me.
With further ado, we dig into the meal he bought. Instead of watching movies Steve decides we just listen to music from my radio on my dresser and talk. It’s rare where we’d do this and I actually enjoyed it, especially since we kept bringing up hilarious memories.
“You remember on our first day as sophomores when you got into a fight with Lisa Shawls? Shits funny since it all started because you guys had on the same outfits.” Steve throws his head back in laughter as I playfully glare at him for bringing that back up.
“Oh my gosh, I still believed that she eavesdropped on me and Nance when were shopping for it at the store. There’s no way in hell you just show up to school with the exact same shirt, pants and pair of shoes!” I exclaim, breaking into laughter with him.
My giggles die down once I notice Steve’s slowed down too as he sent a small smile in my direction.
“Is there something wrong?” I question.
“Of course not.” He says. “You know, I was just thinking about how much I appreciate having you in my life. Honestly, I’d probably be a miserable douchebag without you.”
Moving the trash out of the away I scoot over towards him, climbing onto his lap. My arms snake around his neck while his hands place themselves on my hips, his touch giving me goosebumps.
“God, you’re the absolute sweetest and best thing that has ever happened to me.” I mutter, but loud enough for him to hear and then press my lips to his.
Suddenly, I pull away and get off of him immediately when I feel my food racing back up. Making it just in time to the bathroom and I throw up whatever I had just ate for dinner.
“Hey, what happened? Where the burgers and fries too much?” Steve questions with a concerned look on his face when he came into the bathroom.
A sigh escapes from me once I was done brushing, and I hop up on the counter. I wasn’t ready to tell him, but I knew I eventually needed to at some point and it had to be now.
“Y/N, say something?” Steve says after I don’t answer his questions.
My bottom lip begins to tremble like earlier and before I know it, the waterworks start. “Steve, I’m so sorry.” Is all I’m able to say, and he rushes to stand in between my legs his arms on both sides of me.
“Sorry for what, love? You haven’t done anything.” He replies, confusedly.
“No, no- you’re going to leave me as soon as I tell you this and I can’t risk losing you.” I tell him, crying even harder.
“Y/N, come on...you’re scaring me.” His voice shakes.
Stucking in a deep breath, I say: “I’m pregnant.”
When the two words slip from my mouth, Steve’s mouth agapes. I can’t tell if he’s shocked or angry, but I sit there and wait patiently. A couple minutes pass and he still hadn’t said a word or two which caused my heart to drop.
“Please say something...” I beg, a small hiccup coming for me as tears fell.
His lips move as if he’s trying to form a sentence, but not a single sound comes out.
“Say something, anything.” I beg once more, my hands now cupping his face.
“We just graduated.” He murmurs as he steps back into the wall across from me. “I can barely find a stable job.”
“Yes, I know.” I begin and hop down from the counter to go stand in front of him. “Also, I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore. I don’t want you going through with something that you’re not ready for.” I tell him even though at same time I hated saying it- I didn’t want to lose him.
His eyebrows furrow as he stares down at me. “Y/N, love, there’s no way in hell I’m leaving you. I committed to this relationship when I asked you out a year ago and staying with you no matter what situations we face. I’m stuck like glue- having a baby can’t get rid of me.”
By now, a wide grin happily covered my face replacing the frown that I once had. His arms wrap around my waist as he brings me in for a warming, reassuring hug. I immediately hug him back as his lips press kisses to the top of my head. After a few moments, I lift my head to make eye contact with him. With one hand on my hip still he takes his other one to cup my right cheek, his thumbs rubbing soothing patterns over it.
“I think we should start coming up with names now. Steve or Stephanie seem like good ones, yeah?” He jokes causing me to lightly laugh.
“We’ll keep them in mind, but for now let’s try to come up with some other ones.” I tease, sending a playfully wink.
“Alright, I like the sound of that.” He admits with a smile before placing his lips onto mine.
<3 <3
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dreams-of-wings · 6 years ago
Impossible (6/8)
Imagine Billy Hargrove with a Mixed Race/Biracial S/O
Warnings: Racism, swearing, homophobia, homophobic slurs, mild violence, you throw hands a lot, angst.
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You stay blocking the window sill for a bit cuz you enjoy seeing him squirm.
Honestly, he is bad at this whole climbing thing and he's struggling to not fall on his ass.
You finally let him in after he almost falls.
You're laughing your ass off while he's climbing through your window and simultaneously having a heart attack.
"It would have been less of a hassle if you used the door."
"I didn't think your parents would be happy if someome like me came knocking on their door asking for you."
You raise a brow at this, someone like him?
After a minute it occurs to you.
"Oh you mean a violent, racist, douchbag, with a reputation that surpasses the devil?"
He frowns.
Contrary to popular belief, Billy Hargrove is very self aware, and very self conscious about himself, his actions, and his self worth.
He doesn't like being an asshole but it's all he knows.
He low-key is afraid of growing up to be like his father.
Even though he has that nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him he's already as bad as his dad, if not worse.
He hides it all under a mask of confidence, booze, and cigarettes.
It still doesn't make his actions okay.
You snap him out of his thoughts.
"I said my parents are out of town."
Now that he's in your room you noticed that Billy looked shaken up.
Billy Fucking Hargove, for once didn't have a scratch on him, but he looked like hell.
You question him.
It takes a while but he finally answers.
His dad got pissed at him because Max wasn't home, and he came hoping she would be here so he could drag her home.
You convince him to let you come along, because he is pissed and you know how he can get.
He caves and lets you tag along.
The next stop was Lucas' House.
Neither Max nore her son were there, but she said the kids all loved to go to Mike's house to play games.
Next stop is the Wheelers residence.
You dont know what's being said between Mrs. Wheeler and Billy, but knowing Billy and being able to read his body language- well. It takes everything in you to refrain from rolling your eyes and honking his horn (though you fail at not rolling your eyes).
I mean come on you guys are looking for Max, this is not the time to be flirting.
Fuck he went in.
You audibly groan and contemplate jacking his car to go look for his sister yourself, unfortunately he has the keys and you dont know how to hotwire a car.
Finally, he's out.
You forgive him because he comes out with a cookie in his mouth and has another one in his hand, which he gives to you.
"Hell, yes!!"
Who the hell turns down food? And cookies at that. Home made cookies. And they're fresh.
Last stop was the the Byers house.
Fuck, Steve is there.
"Stay in the car."
"What? No!" Like hell you were going to let him beat up your friend.
"Stay in the fucking car!"
Steve seems both angry and hurt when he notices that you're in Billy's car.
You can't really hear what's being said, it's all muffled.
You panic a bit when Billy shoved Steve and you worry they'll start fighting.
You burst out the car when you see Billy storming for the door, but stop to help Steve.
"Why the hell are you driving around with him?"
"He came to my place first, looking for Max and I offered to help him. What'd you say to piss him off?"
Steve gets mad, thinking your taking his side, and for the second time that night you find yourself rolling your eyes. "Why did you tell him you didn't know her? I tutor Max and her friends, and you babysit her friends, and you and I hang out, of course you would know her?"
You both stop arguing when you here a loud crash from inside the house.
"Damn it!" "Shit!"
You both walk in just in time to hear Billy threaten Lucas.
Fucking excuse you, Billy???
Steve decks him across the face, Billy taunts him, and this time an actual fight breaks out.
You try your best to get them both to stop fighting, but neither of them will listen to you, the voice of reason.
When Billy has Steve pinned to the floor and keeps punching him over and over again you finally get physical.
You tackle Billy off him while he's oblivious to his surroundings and use your hands and knees to pin his arms to the ground.
"What the fuck is your problem, Billy?!"
You've never seen him look at you so angrily, probably because he feels a bit betrayed.
He somehow manages to roll you both over so now your stuck underneath him.
You flinch when he draws his fist back like he's going to hit you, but the next thing you know- there's a syringe sticking out the side of his neck.
"Holy shit!"
He gets up to go after Max, but promptly falls.
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Your a bit shocked by Max's outburst.
Now her, you have never seen that angry before.
When they leave, you stay behind to look after Billy and move him to couch
He isn't happy when he wakes up.
He's actually really fucking pissed.
But he's still a little groggy from sleep and the drug (mostly the drug) so it's funny.
Help this child, he thought he was getting off the couch normally, but turns out he just rolled off and onto the floor face first.
Your freaking out and laughing all at once.
Slurred, "What the fuck's so funny?!?"
He needs aspirin and water like a hangover.
He falls asleep again after you get him back onto the couch, and you fall asleep on the floor propped up against the couch in a sitting position.
You don't wake up till the kids get back (Max wakes you up).
The both of you manage to get Billy to his car. He still asleep like a log.
You go to your place, and they spend the night - Max was worried their dad would be even more angry if they woke him up, and even more so if he caught you helping Billy and Max into the house.
The next morning was very #Domestic.
With You waking up to find Max already up and looking through your cabinets for food.
Suprise, you end up making breakfast for everyone!
Max wanted chocolate chip pancakes, so chocolate chip pancakes she shall get.
No suprise, Billy wakes up while you both are making the sausages and bacon.
Full plate of eggs, bacon and sausage, and pancakes for everyone! Yay! 😀
Honestly the best morning the two of them have had for a while, but you won't catch either of them saying that outloud.
Max leaves to hang out with the others.
Billy still seems mad about the previous night.
"What, are you going to pout all morning? All day?"
"I dont pout."
"Oh I'm sorry, what would you prefer to call it- sulking? Brooding? Plotting my death?"
He tries to hide a snicker and lightly shoves you.
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Going back to school the following Monday felt weird after everything that happened over the weekend.
You tried asking Steve what was up with all the drawings in Will's house, but he wouldn't budge.
Of course you tried asking Nancy and Jonathan too, but they acted like they didn't know anything.
The next few weeks were full of practice tests and prep assignments for finals.
You saw Billy less and less because you were hitting the books.
Sure he knew you were probably in the library, but after that weekend he wasn't sure how to go about interacting with you, or if he should do so anymore at all.
He kinda feels like you picked Steve over him.
He pops buy on Wednesday and almost gives you a heart attack. He's not surprised that you've been working yourself ragged, and your not surprised he hasn't even touched a text book (let's be honest, Billy doesn't strike me at the type of person to take notes in class, just pull out a pencil and paper to look like he's interested and go about his day).
Your freaking out, because finals but he doesn't flinch because you're like the smartest person he knows.
"Oh c'mon," he's managed to take your precious notes away, "You'll be fine, you're only stressing yourself out."
"Billy, I need those!"
"No you don't," He starts acting like he's reading the notes outloud, but he's getting the facts and formulas all wrong.
You correct him several times, and have actually started to chase him around the library.
Finally he closes the book after your sure you must have chased him around at least twice, "See, I told you. You don't need to study, you know this shit."
You both got kicked out of the library, again.
Billy is banned, but the librarian gives you one last chance...starting tomorrow.
You sigh in defeat, "Alright you proved your point, now give me my notebook back."
You reach for it.
"Nah," He raises it above his head so you can't reach it. Asshole.
Tommy and Carol show up and they think he's picking on you.
Neither of you sees them.
Tommy manages to snag the notebook, gives you an obnoxious laugh when you reach for it, and tosses it to Carol
"Give it back, shit face," Your mood went from playful to pissed in point zero seconds.
"What are you going to do about it, Heinz?"
Lord help you, you're about to throw hands again.
Billy snatches the book back and hands it to you, before looking at Tommy and Carol with a very stern expression.
"You idiots got anything better to do, huh?" He takes a few steps towards Tommy and for every step he takes, Tommy backs away.
Carol is distracted, which allows you to snatch your notebook back. She reaches for it again but you slap her hand away.
The message was very clear for them, so they take their leave and retreat back to wherever they came from.
Billy has lunch with you and manages to get you to skip the rest of school with him.
You don't want to miss during dead week, but the whole fiasco during your study period in the Library got you thinking- you need a break.
You also don't want the absent strike.
"You're such a goodie-two-shoes."
Peer pressure sucks.
You convince him to give you 30 minutes after the late bell rings to show up.
You go to class, set up your desk, the late bell rings, teacher calls role and marks you present. 7 minutes have passed.
You feign being ill.
It really wasn't hard. You just acted more tired than normal, threw in a couple "I have to stop what I'm doing because I have a headache," gestures. You even put your head down for a minute. You sit in the front so your body language is easy to pick up on and the teacher allows you to go to the nurses office when you ask. 12 minutes have passed.
When you get to the nurses office you throw the pass on the desk and storm into the private bathroom - closing the door behind you, before forcing yourself to dry heave. 27 minutes have passed.
You convince the nurse that it must be something you ate that's making you sick.
She gives you a pass and let's your teachers know you're sick and have gone home.
You meet Billy outside the school 30 minutes on the dot, he's surprised you actually came, and even more surprised that you lied well enough to get the teachers to excuse you for the rest of the day.
Of course you're upset when you see Tommy and Carol in the back seat, but you just roll your eyes and brush it off before climbing in shot gun.
Tommy and Carol are mocking you before you even get in.
"We didn't know the, mutt was coming along."
"How nice of you to bring something to entertain us, Billy."
Your looking at Billy through the corner of your eyes as he starts the car.
He waves you off, "Dont mind them."
You have no idea where you're going, or how long it will take so you pull out a book to read.
Before you can even open it, Carol snatches it from you, "What's the Nerd reading?!"
You roll your eyes again.
Tommy snatches it from the red head, "Stephan King. Christine."
"What's it?" Carol pipes up again, "Sappy romance novel?!"
"Wow, you both are actually uncultured, " you snatch the book away from Tommmy, "I'm impressed," and keep it out of his reach by out stretching your arm towards the dash, "Did it take all three of your brain cells to read that?"
Tommy tries to get his hands on you now, but you smack them away.
"Alright, alright!"
The three of you look surprised at Billy, "If you two don't quit your shit," he looks to the rearview mirror, "I'm kicking you out."
The rest of your ride was uneventful.
You arrive at Tommy's house.
His parents are also out of town.
But he lives in a large house with a pool and bar.
They're having an end of the year party and whoops you got dragged along.
You hadn't planned to be doing this with your time so you resort to studying more, much to Billy's behest, and Tommy and Carol's attempts to distract you.
You sit outside on a lawn chair next to the pool while they get everything prepped for the night.
Not much happens till it starts turning dark out, Billy calls you for help with something and when you leave you don't notice Carol and Tommy going for your stuff.
You can imagine your suprise when you find you stuff had been emptied into the pool.
Notebooks, text books, pencils, pens, erasers, even the book you were trying to read on the way.
You look up when you hear Carol laughing as she rounds the pool in your direction, and you see Tommy throw your bag in the pool.
"Are you fucking serious? What are you twelve?!"
Before you can react, Carol shoves you into the pool.
"And that's how you get a book worm to swim!"
You somehow manage to keep your cool, gathering your stuff and putting them on the edge of the pool away from Tommy and Carol. Though you didn't know why you bother, you can tell the ink is smeared and the pencil is faded now, only thing possibly salvageable was your pencils and your reading book, but even that was debatable.
You climb out and sit at the edge.
You feel physically uncomfortable
Your clothing is sticking to you.
And it's basically summer already so the air is hot and a little damp. You look up to see Billy storming out of the house.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Relax, Billy, we were all just having a little fun, right?" Tommy looks at you like you're afraid of him so you're going to agree with him.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck off," you chuck your biggest text book at him.
None of them knew how well a text book could fly till it hits Tommy in the gut.
Go you! Bonus points for nailing him with the corner.
Your trying to wring the bottom of your clothes out when Tommy comes up from behind you and tries to grab you by the back of your head.
"Hey!" Billy is quickly making his way over to the both of you.
Carol tries to stop him, but she is poetically shoved to the side and subsequently falls into the pool.
You manage to elbow Tommy in the balls but the pain only makes him hold on harder.
"You little-"
He doesn't get to finish because he's promptly punched in the side of the face. You quickly back away from the edge incase Carol gets anymore funny ideas.
Billy helps you up and ushers you into the house.
"Sorry..." He sounds awkward, "About them."
You look at him with a deadpan expression, "Billy Hargrove, apologizing," you sigh with attitude, "pinch me. I must be dreaming."
He grits his jaw, "Don't you start being a smart ass with me- it's them who keep giving you crap!" He started raising his voice.
"Yeah, yet you still keep them around," you make your way over to the sink to keep wringing out your shirt and shoulder check him on the way, "Honestly, I don't even know why you keep them around- at least you have your reasons for being an asshole." You take off your shirt -much to Billy's suprise- so you can properly get rid of the water. Let's face it, a soaked shirt sticking to you like a second skin doesn't leave much to the imagination anyways, "Reasons," you turn to look at him for emphasis, "Not excuses," you turn back to the sink, "but understandable reasons nonetheless." You lay your shirt out flat on the kitchen's large counter to air dry (it's too dark and humid outside for it to dry any better outside anyways), "But they're just assholes because....because...." You sputter and shake your head, "I don't know, probably because they know they won't ever amount to anything better in their lives, so they figure they might as well tear down as many people as they can on their way to fucking nowhere."
You turn and look at him with an aggravated huff and cross your arms. Unfortunately Carol and Tommy walk in at that moment.
"You trashy mutt!"
"Stupid whore!"
"You really think, Billy's that desprit?!"
For a second you were confused. Then you remembered you didn't have a shirt on.
You roll your eyes again before throwing your still wet shirt back on.
"And what the hell Billy?! You really gonna' side with this half-breed?!"
Fuck this.
Fuck Carol.
Fuck Tommy.
And you know what? If this doesn't change, fuck Billy too. You dont need or deserve this.
You storm out the back door, gathering your things and shoving them in your dripping bag before walking around the side towards the front. Billy quickly runs out the front door to meet you outside.
"I'll take you home."
Billy calls your name and he almost sounds tired.
His tone is what makes you pause and turn around.
You raise a brow and swallow your pride as well as your snarky comments, "Fine."
The party commences and goes on without the both of you.
Billy isn't quite sure what he enjoys more, being out and partying or enjoying a relaxing evening indoors, heavens knows he can't relax at home.
Max surprises the both of you by stopping by to visit.
The three of you hang out in your living room flipping through channels and eating popcorn.
Billy eats the least pop corn out off the three of you and opted to have some carrots and grapes less than half way through the first movie.
Billy is totally a health buff.
"Are Carol and Tommy really that bad?" Max mistakenly asked about your day.
"They have absolutely no redeeming qualities."
Max doesn't hide how she shoots a glance at her brother, 'And that fool does?' Is basically what her expression asked.
Billy glares at her from the couch opposite to hers and bites a carrot like it's her head.
You're covering your laughter with your hand.
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From now on all my Imagines will be tagged by their titles, series, and parts! Hopefully this will make it easier to find a specific imagine if your looking for it. For example, anything relating to this series is tagged with "impossible", the series itself is tagged as "impossible series" and each individual part is tagged as "impossible pt.[1/2/3/etc.]"
Another example: part one is tagged as "impossible pt.1"
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years ago
where was their first date ?:  alex and adele’s first date was at a fancy ass restaurant with meals that cost like hundreds of dollars. it made alex uncomfortable as fuck because he honestly isn’t that guy and was only really trying to impress adele since she seemed like she deserved that type of date. but he began to notice that adele looked uncomfortable, too, so when he noticed that he brought up the two of them leaving the restaurant to go grab a beer and a burger from a pub. she was quiet at first but then she agreed and they ended up enjoying themselves a lot better.
what my muse would do to cheer your’s up: alex would make her some coffee or tea. he'd then sit beside her and either talk to her about random things, or he'd read to her. the things he'd read to her are probably cheesy girly magazines since you said she liked those. like Alex thinks they're garbage but he'd do anything for her, including read them. same goes for bad romance novels. he wouldn't care for them, but he'd read them to her cause he loves her. the things he be doing for love, i guess lol
who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: both of them for sure. in the beginning, not-so much Alex. his wife wasn't affectionate at all and wasn't really a fan of kissing and holding hands at all, and truly wasn't affectionate in general. so, in the beginning, Alex assumes that maybe adele is like that, too. well, you know, until he wakes up with her kissing up his neck and jaw. and as it continued as a thing when they spent tonight with each other, he ended up waking her up with kisses too - and occasionally (with her permission) would wake her up with oral. 
who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: lmfao God adele. It's probably a joke on between her and Fletcher on April Fools Day, since Alex and Fletcher prank each other on April Fool's Day, and Fletcher would want her on his team since she is mom now. Mom must defeat dad in the prank war. She MUST
how my muse would wake your’s up: usually Alex gently nudges Adele awake after he's been up for around thirty minutes making breakfast and coffee. We haven't talked about whether or not she's easy to wake, but if she isn't he probably tickles her awake cause he's a little shit. But also he's seen that method work with people in the past. 
who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: I'm imagining him and adele baking for a fundraiser at fletcher's school. They start off talking and being serious about it, but after the third dozen of cupcakes and cookies, they're a bit in a daze from tiredness and it being around two am. so one of them ends up throwing flour at the other and it turns into an all out war that ends up with them making out on the counter, fletcher walking in going "we you have a room" and them laughing so hard they cry,
who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: i don't know if adele does pot but Alex would do this lmfao. He's pure chaotic energy for a lawful type
who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: adele said it first. they were playing put put on a date and were having a deep conversation by a statue of the Eiffel Tower and she just blurts it out. Alex is completely shocked and opens and closes his mouth to say something, but he fails to say anything for a bit cause nothing about that moment seemed real. Why? Well, before then he knew Adele would say it, he knew he loved her, and he just wasn't sure if he was rushing things by saying so. So when she said that she loved him, he couldn't believe it. But after a look of disappointment from Adele, he grins at her, hugs her, and tells her while he hugs her that he loves her back, and it's really cute - which is weird from mr srs business
who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: omg even though Alex is a missing person's detective he isn't afraid of breaking the law from time to time. I can see the two of them going for a walk downtown after a date, and some guy grabs her ass an laughs. Adele is offended by it and tells Alex, who stops him and insists he apologize. The guy makes a disgusting comment, and Alex just decks a bitch because just disrespected his woman when he could've just gone and minded his own business. Also like he bets this causes the guy to avoid touching ANYONE without their permission 
who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: adele, maybe? Alex already has a labrador retriever and a parakeet,  so it never occurs to him to get a new pet. But then Adele and Fletcher bring up the idea of buying another animal, and at first he's conflicted, but since he's weak for his wife and son, he says yes lmfao they even get the pet the next day because he doesn't want them to wait
who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: idk kayla you tell me. I don't think Alexander really makes much noise un bed? So maybe Adele? But he does make noise sometimes. Just not always cause he'd rather hear her
who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: Alex. He's a fucking daredevil. 
who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: no one, he thinks that's a boner killer.
what is their shared, favourite kink ?: Listen Kayla, I want to say something saucy but we haven't discussed this so I truly do not know.. Also alex ain’t sayin shit
describe their typical kiss: their kisses  are usually short, yet passionate, depending on how busy they are, what they're doing, and whether or not they're relaxing 
how my muse shows their love for your’s: simple things like telling her he loves her. leaving her breakfast and coffee out when he has to go to work early. Telling her how wonderful she is. Nose kisses. When he wraps his arms around her and kisses the side of her neck.
their favourite ways to give affection: nose kisses and forehead kisses are Alex's go-tos. That and wrapping his arms around her and kissing up her neck 
who is more dominate ?: Alex but this isn't Marty and Aurora lmfao 
who sings in the shower ?: Adele and Alex thinks it's cute. Sometimes he'll stand by the bathroom door while walking by just to hear her sing. He acts like he didn't hear whenever she comes out later on.
who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: Alex washes Adele's hair and he enjoys the sensations he gets when Adele arches back as he moves his fingers. It is extremely sexy to him.
who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: Alex because she looked so please and it looks hot so ofc he has to have sex with her. He'd lose his mind otherwise lmfao. Think of her like that ALL day
who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?:  none of them idk?
who has the weirder taste in music ?: idk Alex listens to anything, so maybe him? idk him too well
who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: Adele does. Their car probably shut down by a field somewhere and it rains. Adele gets this really sweet idea to dance in the rain. Alex thinks she's joking, but when he realizes she's not, he thinks it's a fun and romantic idea. They end up kissing while they dance in the rain 
who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: Alex. Holy shit, he fell fast and hard 
what would they name their children ?:  If they have a girl something soft ! But idk
who would their children take after more ?: Maybe both of them?
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years ago
Temeraire let’s read: Crucible of Gold AHOY!
- lol I’m glad hammond is back, he is phenomenally funny. I do love me a bureaucrat character who won’t let trifling things like dignity, morality, politeness or common sense get in the way of their job 
- it is a CRIME that Tharkay had to leave before he got to see Laurence all sun-bronzed and casually dressed and golden haired and relaxed, I wish to petition the universe itself on his behalf to correct this injustice 
- hahaha shen li is the best; a buddhist dragon would be the greatest party pooper among her own kind 
shen li, serenely: attachment to material things can only bring suffering
literally every other dragon, dripping bling from every available surface: um actually
- . . . without the clinging stink of murder and treachery which seemed to have by slow octopoid measures attached itself to his life. laurence I understand where you’re coming from on this but you have served colonial britain since you were like twelve. this has been an extremely slow process of waking up to smelling dem roses (fatherhood changes your perspective on your life situation I guess)
- awwwwww laurence finally studying some more chinese while temeraire helps him... no no this is just rain on my face yes I know I’m indoors it’s just me and lady allendale sitting here with our arms around each other crying about our boy reading poetry of his own freeish will
- oooh I really like how novik writes the way hammond talks -- it can be hard to write a character who constantly breaks up their own dialogue and interrupts themselves and continually couches their words without it being hard to read and annoying, but she really nails communicating that he’s a) completely graceless and with no dignity but also undeniably intelligent, b) definitely a Diplomat but not a total weasel, if only by a hair, c) hilarious
- pour one out for laurence’s civilian beard with me guys, gone too soon and dearly missed (and again tharkay didn’t even get to see it! this continues to be the greatest tragedy of these books let’s hope he grows it out again later when they’re all settled down.) 
- . . . These were distinguished from the others mainly for their having had less time in their careers to demonstrate a lack of initiative or skill, so he could have some small hope of uncovering some previously hidden talent. OH MY GOD LAURENCE the straight up savagery 
- DAD!LAURENCE!!! DAD!LAURENCE!!!!!!! (aaah it’s so interesting that when he gets a bit more stern you can definitely see sides of his father peeking out, but he deeply remains his mother’s son -- he’s acting from a place of affection, feeling of responsibility and concern for their futures, not the weird controlling shit lord allendale routinely pulls)
roland is such a teenager at this point oh my god. also laurence’s whole speech to demane about respecting her boundaries and agency... *chef kiss emoji* and ALSO demane is so sympathetic in this still because who HASN’T wanted to dangle some asshole over a cliff for being a creep to your friend/crush... they’re all good and perfect and I love them actually
- ...I’ve managed to put it out of my mind in the last few books but with the allegiance going down like that I keep remembering there were so many actual children onboard and now I feel ill
being an adult and realizing the full fuckedupedness of these things sucks haha
- 1) the description of seeing the ship sinking from underwater is hauntingly beautiful and 2) as I have said many a time before, thank god for demane
- see this is the other side of the coin of these books making you care so deeply about the characters; I know that no important characters die in this book but I am still so fucking stressed out by all of this D:D:D:
- well well well if gong su’s ludicrous competency wasn’t suspicious before it certainly is now, I guess china trains its spies well in the culinary arts haha
- I mean uh. what a way to symbolically and literally sever laurence from his former life and former self, I guess. you’d be hard pressed to do so more explosively at least
 - something extremely bad happened to granby, we can tick that off the list
- I feel like the prose and writing in general is super improved in this one? it feels sharp and purposeful in a way the last few haven’t quite been
- He hoped Riley would be mourned; Riley deserved to be mourned ahfksahsdajklhsajkfhaslkjfhsakjdfhdaslkfhakj pain :(:(:( I’m so sorry laurence and I didn’t even like the guy. I can’t believe that the first thing this madman does after trying to secure their survival as best he could is writing letters -- on dragonback!!! hands stiff from cold so he can only work in five minute increments!!! -- to make sure riley’s memory isn’t blackened how can he be like this
- emily roland is so smart and capable and amazing my heart is blooming with pride
- iridescent feathered dragons... holy shit this is awesome
temeraire has a little feather envy tho and also maila casually eavesdropping so he can chat up (literally) hot babes... I know they’re prisoners of war and everything but this is all pure unadulterated gold
- oh temeraire darling no have no fear hammond has no self respect whatsoever, that will not be what stops him
- I can’t believe laurence is actually taking time to tie himself in knots over not following perfect procedure around his officers’ future career options while they’re FUCKING MAROONED with a bunch of asshole sailors fkdfhsjdh
sipho is like eleven and a nerd and ready to run at all these grown men armed just with a branch PAIN
- granby’s unending exasperation at laurence not knowing all the stuff that seems self-evident to him having grown up with dragons fksjdhfskajd
- aw laurence finally having a little dad talk with roland ;____; and demane has proposed to her repeatedly and she would agree in a moment under other circumstances ;________________; and it never even occurred to me that that’s why she was so upset about him taking on his own dragon but of course that would fuck everything up if that’s what she was planning OH NO ;_________________________________________________;
laurence confirmed for boytoy & hideously embarrassed about it flasdfsdkjhfksd 
“But I don’t want someone I want, if I can’t be sure of seeing him one week in the year” crack crack goes the sound of my heart breaking
I hope they find a way to solve this eventually :(
- really interesting what a clear view emily has of roland and laurence’s relationship tho, considering he’s basically her father figure -- like there’s clear affection, physical attraction and camaraderie there but it never feels particularly romantic & they both have other shit to do. (and laurence knows it too on some level, considering his main emotion when she refuses his proposal is relief lol. it really shows off this central conflict he has where like... he has a very clear idea of who he feels he should be and managed to convince himself he was for a long time, and what that man wants and needs (namely very little, emotionally) and is loyal to. aaaand then there’s the person he actually is, who’s been fighting his way to the surface since temeraire showed up in the very first book and sort of woke him up by giving him something he actually loves and values with all of himself and can’t compromise on. proper gentleman/navy!laurence feels like he has to do what society deems decent and marry roland to be a good person, actual!laurence seems to know that what they already have isn’t wrong or immoral in any way as long as they’re both happy with it. ugh I love him and I hope his last remaining character development includes realizing that who he really is is not only acceptable but actually a better man than that imagined perfect self ever could be and how many people love him for who he is already A N Y W A Y onwards)
- the incan dragons continue to be dope as hell
it’s super interesting how they’ve grown to value people -- and not just one special person, like british dragons, but whole groups of people -- over gold and jewels. like the tendency is there in dragons from other cultures; temeraire loves The Bling but would still easily prioritize laurence and his crew over it. presumably some of it is cultural and some of it must stem from the sheer trauma of losing so many people within a few centuries, which is basically living memory for a dragon (which makes it equal parts sympathetic/heartwarming and juuuuust on the edge of being too creepy and possessive haha).
- jeez this book is doing a good job at showing what a haunting fucking sight it must be to enter a land where like. 90% of the people are dead in plague and their cities stand abandoned
- fhasdklhfaskljfhs hammond going full diplomat on the dragons squabbling... he truly is something
and laurence apologizing to demane because he was out of line and he is a fellow captain now T_____T lord allendale could never
- haven’t had a lot to say for a while because I’m just so entranced with the world building and stuff haha, I find the irl history of this area super interesting as well
- ambassador iskierka........ what a time to be alive
poor poor poor granby hahahaha
- if these books were named harry potter style this one would be ‘william laurence and that time he tried to put off wearing his ceremonial robes for as long as humanly possible’
- granby being good at drawing but having atrocious handwriting is such a good little character detail, novik is just so expert at nonchalantly plopping them in 
- temeraire is being haunted by a green-eyed monster the size of a continent huh lol fair play to maila tho, he’s given it his sleazy all right from the start
I can’t believe gong su invented dragon ice cream solely so temeraire could eat it out of a tub over this... the real mvp
- awwww granby <3 I’m glad there’s some actual canonical queer rep in this series as well (as for the technically not stated straight(heh) out in canon... listen my friends if you can come up with any kind of heterosexual explanation for normally extremely sensible tenzing tharkay gazing at his friend and thinking shit like ‘in the fading light he was a statue gilded by sunlight’ and ‘it was a pang not unmixed with pleasure to look on him, as ever’, you are free to try to come at me with it but I won’t believe you lol. also laurence has the most potent disaster bisexual energy of any man in modern media even if he hasn’t quite caught on to it himself) 
tbh I know it’s mostly in desperation but they should come up with some new kind of medal to give granby for having this particular Talk with william laurence, one of the most awkward men to ever walk this earth... braver than any us marine etc.
- temeraire and iskierka in this scene STRONGLY evoke dirtbag teens sneaking off to make out in the backseat of a car or something god bless
- ...I guess you can’t fault the empress for siding with the dude already crashing like a natural catastrophe over his own home continent and who is eyeing the other six like a starving eagle would a pack of mice. all the europeans suck but I guess it’s sort of her best bet to ally herself with the biggest bully on the playground, especially since forces in her own court would be hard pressed to do anything about the situation. respect sister & congratulations granby lol
- hahahahahahaha leave it to hammond to be forcibly adopted by a dragon 
poor churki tho she’s a grownass adult and she only has one weird coke-addled diplomat and three basically adolescent dragons to work with here
- GRANBY SETTING SOME BOUNDARIES FINALLY I’m so proud of him ;__; this book really does have a lot to say about dragon/human relations huh
- LETHABO!!!!!!!!!!! man i’m so happy she’s doing well, she fucking deserves it and she’s doing good work
- laurence has evolved to his ultimate form of give-no-fucks-do-some-good laurence and hammond was not prepared lol 
“You forget yourself, Captain Laurence,” Hammond said . . . 
“I forget nothing,” Laurence answered . . . 
im crying b/c he literally has forgotten before but remembers himself at the end of victory of eagles b/c of tharkay and and aaaaaaaaaaaaaugh here he is refusing to do the dirty work he’s handed once more 
- lily and maximus! this is not a drill it’s the good good kids back at it again. also temeraire’s phenomenally misplaced sense of superiority re: his reaction to kulingile growing bigger than any of them fkshdfksahdfkj
- berkely <3
- poor harcourt :( ah well she’ll survive it tho he wasn’t that important it’s not like she lost her dragon lol (I honestly can’t feel that bad about riley considering y’know how he was not only chill with but actively for the institution of slavery)
- YOOOOOOO GONG SU! and temeraire is so happy they’re going back to china aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I love this (laurence’s stammering outrage at this reveal is also highly entertaining “he STAYED in my father’s HOUSE!!!!!!!”)
- man that entire last battle scene was so cool in the context of the rest of the series; the sheer effort and ingenuity that went into avoiding a bigger battle and slyly aiding the only worthy cause in the situation (the tswana and freeing the slaves) is so satisfying, especially after VoE
- holy shit I really enjoyed this one! It had a good balance of travelling/character moments and giving us time with the culture and characters of the Inca and their dragons, as well as driving the overall plot forward splendidly! I also feel like we got some more meat to the laurence POV (in hindsight it feels like it was mostly temeraire POV in tongues of serpents, which is fine but I do love our golden boy and his slow burn character development too)
on to blood of tyrants! I don’t know anything about this one except a) amnesia and b) some Very Important Lines I’ve already picked up along the way, I’m not sure I’m prepared (as a trope amnesia can be pretty hit or miss for me, so it’ll be interesting at least!)
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kerfufflewatch · 6 years ago
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ah, what’s better than writing siblings being incredibly awkward (and also Lucio’s there)
(with a hint of Gencio)
(which is why Lucio’s there)
52.) Accidentally Witnessed kiss +
67.) When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More
Genji is in the med bay past visiting hours because he likes it to be empty when he needs his care, because no matter how comfortable he is now with his body, he still feels vulnerable when he has to have someone start pulling bits of metal off. It's simply easier to limit the number of people examining his body, and that is easier done after hours. He’s not sure why the figure sneaking through the window is in the med bay, however.
The healthcare-slash-maintenance portion of his visit is over, but Genji had found an excuse to linger in helping Lúcio gather supplies from the back room. Genji had been a little reluctant, at first, to let anyone other than Angela work with him, but Angela’s so busy nowadays with the care needs of an entire team. Besides, Lúcio had proven himself to a quick study--and rather pleasant company, if Genji’s being truthful. Genji squints into the darkened bay, which is unlit except for the light slanting through the closed office blinds nearby, and finally recognizes the darkened silhouette as Hanzo.
Hanzo, who is quietly, carefully, pulling up a chair next to the bed where McCree lay.
“What in the hell,” Genji says aloud, unthinking. Lúcio immediately snaps his head up and follows Genji’s gaze around the corner.
“What the hell,” he agrees mildly. “Isn’t that your brother? Did he come through the window?”
McCree had been asleep when they passed through earlier, but there’s some shifting of the shadowy lump in the bed now. The bedside lamp snaps on, casting bright light on both of their faces, and Genji can’t help grimacing.
McCree looks awful. Par for the course, all things considered, considering he had been thrown out of a second-story balcony earlier that day and tumbled ten feet across London cobblestone after taking a plasma round to the ribs. He would live, and really had not come all that close to death in the first place, but his injuries were severe enough to worry. Despite Angela’s healing, the right side of his face is still a gruesome canvas of red and purple bruises under scabbing abrasions, and squares of gauze peek out from under his hospital shirt.
Genji glances at Lúcio, who gives him a helpless shrug back. They should reveal themselves and put away their supplies, but whatever moment it is that requires Hanzo to sneak into the bay at night--for McCree, of all people--is a moment that feels too delicate to interrupt.
“Not that I’m complainin’, but what are you doin here so late?” McCree asks, asking the question on everyone’s minds.
“I . . . wanted to see that you were well,” Hanzo says slowly, addressing his folded hands in his lap. “The debriefing took too long, and I was unable to get here before the med bay was closed for the night.”
McCree laughs quietly, weak with exhaustion. “You coulda come by tomorrow,” he says. “I’m not goin’ anywhere for a couple days. Doctor’s orders.”
Hanzo smiles, but it is a bit forced. He asks just how McCree was injured--he was far away when the incident occurred, sniping from a rooftop--and as they talk, Genji feels a deep, growing sense of suspicion.
“So, uh,” Lúcio says awkwardly, quietly. He shifts the box in his hands. “Are they a thing? I didn’t think they were.”
Genji shakes his head. “No,” he says. “I would have known.”
He’s joked, of course, that Hanzo clearly had some deep-seated romantic feelings for McCree that he was too stubborn to even notice, let alone act upon, but he never had anything concrete. This could just be the standard Hanzo level of melodrama while he visits a friend, but Genji isn’t so certain.
That’s not even getting started on McCree’s “is he serious or not” flirting for the past eight months.
“Huh.” Lúcio shifts again. It’s clear he’s uncomfortable, not just tired of the weight in his arms. “I mean, I don’t know your brother all that well, but that seems like a thing.”
“I mean, you are not wrong.”
Lúcio laughs a little, prompting Genji to look back at him. “Sorry,” Lúcio says, “it’s just--it’s really hard to imagine Hanzo being into anyone.”
“No, I don’t blame you,” Genji says. “Even when we were young, he was not very interested in others. I only know of a couple people he showed interest in at all.”
“Now that sounds right.” Lúcio leans around Genji to sneak a better peek at the scene, then back again quickly before he can be caught. It’s decidedly unstealthy, but Genji finds it amusing nonetheless.
“Though to be honest,” he adds after a moment, “I did not expect this out of McCree, either.”
“Really? Don’t get me wrong, he’s cool and all, but there also isn’t a person on this team he hasn’t flirted with.”
Genji laughs quietly. “That is true,” he says. “But he’s . . . He has his own demons. Everyone here does. He’s been very careful, compared to when I knew him when Overwatch was still official.” McCree is still far friendlier than Hanzo and one of the more sociable members of the team overall, but Genji knows the difference. The McCree of ten years ago drank a lot less whiskey, faked a lot fewer smiles, spent so many fewer days locked in his dorm claiming a bad night.
The Recall has been good for them both, he thinks.
“Yeah,” Lúcio says after a moment. “I guess that’s true. He hasn’t told me much, but I get some of it. Guess it’s--”
“Because you were being a fool!” Hanzo snaps suddenly, startling them out of their conversation. They both look back simultaneously to find Hanzo glaring at McCree, leaning forward as though trying to threaten the bedridden man.
“C’mon now,” McCree says, unfazed. Somehow, he looks like he’s smiling in the face in the face of Hanzo’s anger. “Wasn’t nothin’ I don’t do on a regular basis.”
“You were hurt because you were not paying attention,” Hanzo growls.
“I was payin’ plenty of attention. I knew the guy was there when he shot me. He just got the upper hand, which happens sometimes.”
Hanzo looks like he wants to yell again, but abruptly, the fight seems to drain out of him. He slouches in his seat with a heavy exhale. “I am sorry,” he says. “I did not come here to yell at you. I am well aware that you are more than capable of taking care of yourself.”
“What’s got you so bothered? This is hardly the first time I’ve gotten hurt. Sure it won’t be the last, either.”
Hanzo doesn’t answer for a long time, unmoving. Genji finds himself holding his breath. Hanzo lifts a hand, hesitates, starts to take it back, and ultimately rests it on the bed. It’s only by McCree’s reaction--suddenly staring down at the space in disbelief--that Genji realizes Hanzo must have taken his hand.
More words are spoken. Genji can’t hear, but he can guess well enough at the nature of them. “Wow I wish we’d gotten out of here like five seconds faster,” Lúcio says.
Hanzo looks down at their joined hands on the bed, then up again. Then he leans in suddenly, and Genji can’t quite contain the strangled noise he makes when he sees his brother kiss McCree.
“Holy shit,” Lúcio breathes beside him. Genji internally echoes the sentiment.
There is a moment where, despite Hanzo initiating a kiss, McCree does not respond, and Genji slowly tenses. This is Hanzo baring his soul, and his brother might be a grown adult and McCree one of his oldest friends, but if he has to witness McCree push Hanzo away when there is no good reason to do so--
But then McCree softens and kisses back, and Genji lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.
Genji tries to tear his eyes away, distinctly aware that he is watching his brother and his close friend in a deeply intimate moment, but he’s drawn back when Hanzo suddenly pulls away. “I am sorry,” he says, barely loud enough to be heard. “You are hurt, and this is . . . sudden. Are you certain you--”
“God, Hanzo, for once in your life just shut the fuck up,” McCree breathes before pulling Hanzo back in with a hand around his neck. Genji chokes on a poorly-suppressed laugh, and beside him, Lúcio snorts with amusement. They both look away, realizing they’ve spent too long watching what is happening, Genji in particular aware that he is watching his older brother engaged in a passionate kiss with their mutual friend and teammate.
But . . . awkward as it is, it’s nice to see Hanzo going for something, for once. Allowing himself to have something.
Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to go on much longer than a few more seconds. He soon hears murmuring between the two of them, nothing that he can understand, followed by a chair scraping on the floor. A moment later, the window gently slides open and shut, and the med bay is entirely silent.
“Well then,” Lúcio says mildly. “We just watched McCree and your brother get together. That’s something.”
“It’s something,” Genji agrees.
Lúcio fidgets a little with the box he still folds, looking at the top. “It’s kinda sweet, though,” he says after a moment. “Awkward, but it’s nice that they got something like that, you know? In the middle of all this stuff that we do for Overwatch, that they managed to find something good.” He smiles up at Genji, and Genji’s heart does an odd little stutter at that.
Before he can decide what that means and what to do about it, they are interrupted by the sound of McCree loudly, intentionally, clearing his throat.
“I wasn’t asleep when you went by the first time,” he says. “And I ain’t seen you come out. So I highly recommend you finish your business and get on out of here before I change my mind and tell Hanzo you were there the whole damn time.”
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holidaywishes · 6 years ago
I want you, all of you
Part three: I want you, all of you.
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  Summary: You and Brendan have been apart for a little less than two weeks. He’s still tried calling and texting you to get you back but you haven’t responded. You finally head back to the apartment to move everything out but get distracted by all the memories.
  Warning: angst, crying, the Notebook lol
  Author’s Note: If you’ve followed my blog the last couple of weeks, you know a) that my masterlist is not being linked probably, so I’ll link that below in the next posts I make for the foreseeable future and b) that I’m writing about three series on three different players, so my mind is all jumbled.
  P.S. (Y/I/H) is for your Instagram handle, even though I’m pretty sure everyone was already aware of that 😃
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  You rolled your eyes as your contact information for Brendan popped up on your screen. You had labelled him The Kid because of how young he looked when you first met him and you hadn’t changed it yet because, honestly, it wasn’t something that even occurred to you. Now, you were forced to think about what to do with his number -- do you delete him completely or just change his name? You had no idea why this was such a big deal but apparently it was. You navigated over to his latest text message, desperately trying not to look, to change his number when a new text came in.
  “Just talk to me” You shook your head and changed his name but that didn’t mean he would stop texting you
  “You haven’t turned off read receipts. I know you’re reading my texts. Call me” Shit, you said squeezing your eyes tight
  “I can’t call. I’m busy…”
  “(Y/N) you know you’re a terrible liar. Don’t even try. Talk to me.”
  “You want me to talk to you. Okay fine. Here you go. I need my stuff from the apartment. Which means I need you to make yourself scarce for a bit. A couple hours.”
  “No. It’s my apartment”
  “Don’t make this difficult, Brendan”
  “What am I supposed to do? I don’t have a game until Saturday… I can’t just roam around for hours waiting for you to be finished”
  “Go hang out with Max or Lehky or go to a bar. I don’t know. Do something. You’re an adult…”
  “I need to see you”
  “No you don’t. You want to. There’s a difference. I’m moving my stuff out and it would be so much better for both of us if it were just me there.”
  “And you say I’m making this difficult”
  “Brendan please.” He didn’t seem to text you after that and your phone was relatively quiet for a few hours. That is until Rebecca posted pictures of the two of you saying goodbye to the apartment
  @theloveofyourlife tagged you in a post: Four years in the centre of pretty much everything and this chick is saying goodbye to her home. You can’t tell by the smile plastered on her face but she’s dying inside. #sostrong #fakingit #whataloser #ilovemybestfriend
  You laughed and sent a quick reply
  (Y/I/H): @theloveofyourlife I’m only smiling because you wouldn’t get the phone out of my face and I have a reputation to maintain.
  Even though the two of you were less than 10 feet from each other, she responded back to you
  @theloveofyourlife commented on her post: Reputation? Yeah right. Baby girl, you’re all smiles. All the time. Which is why I love you 💗💖
  You rolled your eyes and continued going through drawers and cupboards trying to distinguish what was yours and what was Brendan’s; turning off your sound on your phone so you wouldn’t get distracted. A few hours later, you found an old DVD in Brendan’s stuff and decided to play it -- he’d never know. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing when you saw his little baby face light up the screen as he sang Hakuna Matata. Why had he been hiding this from you? It had to be your new most favourite thing in the entire world.
  And the fact that you’d never be able to see it again, see his face now or then, made you break into tears. It was the first time you realized that your relationship was over. Like seriously over.
  “Oh my god, (Y/N), what’s wrong? What happened?” Rebecca said, running to you from down the hall
  “I just ended a four-year relationship…” you whined, noticing Rebecca’s eyebrows scrunch together
  “Yes… that’s why we’re packing up your stuff…” she said slowly
  “Maybe it was a mistake. I love him. I miss him. I can’t live without him.”
  “Snap out of it, Norma Jean…” you gave her a quizzical look
  “Why Norma Jean?”
  “I don’t know, Marilyn was more of a sex-pot and not a drama queen… it doesn’t matter. Stop being dramatic is what I was getting at”
  “I’m not being dramatic, I r--”
  “You can’t live without him?”
  “Okay, fine that was a little much. But I do love him and I do miss him. And four years is a long time. We’ve gotten through fights before so why now? Why can’t we work this out now?”
  “Because you ended it. Stop playing with him. You know I’m on your side, I always will be, but Gally is a good guy. If this relationship is over, then let it be over. Don’t try convincing yourself that the break up was a mistake or that the break up sex was make up sex. It’ll only hurt the two of you in the end.”
  “You’re right”
  “I know. Now, let’s keep going before he gets h- back” she stopped herself from saying home, thinking it might trigger you or something and you let out a scoff-laugh telling her you’d be fine. After about 20 minutes of silence, you went to turn on some music when you noticed Brendan had been trying to get a hold of you.
  Missed Call: Brendan
  Missed Call: Brendan
  Voicemail: Brendan
  Missed Call (3): Brendan
  Missed Call (4): Brendan
  Voicemail (2): Brendan
  “It doesn’t look like you’re upset”
  “Rebecca doesn’t seem to think so either”
  “Not if that’s her caption”
  “What are you doing?”
  “What is going on?”
  Missed Call (5): Brendan
  “Answer your phone!”
  “What if something was really wrong?!”
  Holy shit. He was going insane. He had never really acted like this before, sure a couple fits of jealousy that dissipated almost immediately after they started, nothing like this. It kind of freaked you out. You had to text him back but you didn’t know what to say, so you watched your cursor blink before you typed your thoughts
  “Brendan, I’m sorry. I turned my phone off so I wouldn’t get distracted. I didn’t think you were going to text and call this much. Is anything wrong? Are you okay?” His response was quick and you could tell he had been waiting for your reply
  “Am I okay? No. I’m not okay. I’m trying to give you space to clean out when I see your friend posting stuff about our apartment. With your smiling face, saying that you’re out of a relationship. Or that you’re dying inside. What am I supposed to do with that?”
  “I honestly don’t know how to respond to that. It was one picture. Because that’s how Becks is. It’s what she does. She loves documenting her life on Instagram and I’m part of her life so I’m on there a lot. I’m sorry if it upset you…”
  “Well it did…”
  “Sorry. We haven’t posted anything else. We’ve been busy.”
  “When can I come home?”
  “I don’t know. We’re almost done. Give us like an hour or two. Then everything will be packed and I’ll schedule a U-Haul or something tomorrow.” That was it. That was all he wanted. Just to know when he could come home. It broke your heart even more but at least you know now you were making the right decision. You let out a long, drawn out sigh and called Rebecca back into the room but when she came out, you were speechless at what she was holding
  “What is this?” Rebecca asked holding a copy of the Notebook that Brendan had given to you as a gag gift for the first Valentine’s Day you two had celebrated, “Is this you and Brendan on the cover?”
  “Yeah,” you smiled, remembering when he gave it to you, “he said he wanted us to be part of the movie so he glued our faces onto Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.” You grabbed the movie from Rebecca and looked at the peeling pictures of you and Brendan, revealing the actors behind, and you wandered over to the couch.
  “That’s so sweet!!” she cooed
  “It really was. He loved doing things like that. Always surprised me. He gave me this and we laughed for like 20 minutes. Then we curled up on the couch and watched the movie,” a small tear left your eye and Rebecca came over to rub your shoulder, “I don’t know what changed. Or why it changed. Or how it changed. We loved each other so much and it’s turned into this weird, tense, break up thing…”
  “Well you did break up..” Rebecca said, slowly sitting down beside you
  “I know but he was so mature the first time,” you said wiping away some of the wetness on your face, “like before the break up sex. And now he’s texting me non-stop asking when he’ll be able to come home. Getting mad at me for posting pictures of us packing stuff up. For smiling. I know he’s in pain, so am I, but his reactions just make me think that it was the right thing to do. To end it…”
  “I believe you two will get back together,” she smirked, “you know what they say, ‘if you love something let it go. If it comes back it’s yours, if it doesn’t, it never was.’ You two are the most adorable couple I’ve ever seen and you do love each other, that much I know. So I think this is just a speed bump.” She glanced at her phone quickly and said she had to take off because she didn’t realize how late it had gotten and she had some Tinder date lined up and then there you were, alone in the place you had called home for four years with no plan on what to do next.
  “Well, I guess it’s just the three of us, Gosling, McAdams…” you said to the images on the cover of the movie, “shall we?” You got up to put the movie in the DVD system, knowing full well it was on Netflix, but this had a special message on it that you wanted to see one last time.
  “(Y/N). My baby bird. I love you and I can’t imagine a second of not being with you. You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me and though our relationship may not be as… dramatic as Noah and Allie’s, it’s just as big. Remember, always, if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.”
  His voice was so much softer then. All the fighting between the two of you and the lousy seasons with the team had made his voice grow dark and rough which you hadn’t even realized until watching his message. For weeks after he gave you that DIY’d copy of the Notebook, your conversations all had some kind of quote from the movie in it and sometimes they worked so well into conversations other times they were very very forced; but it was fun to laugh with him like that. So effortlessly. You started the movie, crying and laughing, repeating or mouthing the words to yourself every once in a while. You got up near the end of the movie to get more tissues -- you’d used all of the ones near you from all your crying; you heard Ryan Gosling fight with Rachel McAdams as you came back into the room when you noticed the door was open. You went over to shut it, the movie still playing in the background, and furrowed your brow; nervousness now filling your body. That’s when you saw him. When he saw you he started reciting the lines that were playing as if it would change things.
  “It’s not gonna be easy, it’s gonna be really hard,”
  “Brendan” you tried stopping him but he spoke over you
  “And we’re gonna have to work at this everyday but I wanna do that because I. want. you. I want all of you, forever, you and me everyday.” As the movie continued playing, you stood in front of Brendan, tears falling down your cheeks and you couldn’t tell if it was from the movie or from him
  “Brendan…” you said softly, standing still
  “Don’t leave. Don’t end this. Don’t give up because we couldn’t get past some fighting. Relationships are hard baby, they take work,” he gestured to the screen at the fighting lovebirds, “but if it’s meant to be then it works itself out, right?”
  “Brendan, our relationship isn’t a movie. Nicholas Sparks didn’t write our love story.”
  “No, he didn’t. We did. And we can keep writing it. We can choose to fight for each other again”
  “Stop. Please. Stop,” you begged, tears falling down your face more and more with each word, “don’t do this. To me. To you. Deep down, you know that this is what’s best. It’s going to be hard, when I leave, but after a month or so you won’t even notice. You’ll have your life back, you’ll be m--”
  “I’ll have my life back?” he questioned, stopping you in your tracks, “no. you’re my life. You’ll be gone which means I won’t have my life. I’ll have an empty apartment that I won’t ever want to come back to. I won’t be more focused, which I know is what you’re going to say next, if anything I’ll be the worst thing for the team. I don’t want the life I had before you because I don’t even remember what that looks like. You. You are the only thing I want. I do. I want you, all of you, forever.” With each word, he took a small step toward you, almost like he was approaching a rabbit or a deer; careful not to scare you.
  “Tell me you don’t love me” he said when he finally got to you, his thumbs grazing your lips
  “What?” you looked up at him shyly
  “Tell me you don’t love me and I will let you go.” Your eyes darted between his for a few seconds before your brain could even register what he was saying and you didn’t know what to say. When he started to take your silence as permission to stay, he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, capturing you long enough to forget everything that you’d reasoned in your head was why you were leaving. His hands started to trail down your neck and further still down your body and you finally stopped him. You didn’t want to say it but you had to.
  “Stop, Brendan, we can’t do this…”
  “Of course we can,” he smiled against your neck, “we’ve done it before.” You whined, squeezing your eyes tightly before you finally said the words he never thought you’d say
  “I don’t love you”
  His lips left your skin but his hands hovered a few seconds longer before he stepped away from you. The look on his face was confused, hurt and angry. You loved him, you knew he knew that, but the two of you needed to let each other go and if four words were going to do that then you’d say them.
  No matter how much it broke your heart to do it.
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writingfromkitchenator · 7 years ago
Anything You Can Do
Based on this Imagine from @imaginexmarvel: Imagine being a female super soldier created at the same time as Bucky and Steve but not being discovered until after Steve thawed out.
At the moment, there’s no pairing, I haven’t quite decided who I feel it should go with, if anyone, but please feel free to throw in your opinions!
Words: 2345
There’s a bit of violence but nothing too bad, mostly just the reader kicking butt.
Request in the 700 Followers Challenge here!
As always, feedback is highly appreciated!
You were quickly put into hiding when Steve went under the ice and rumours spread of Buck being alive. You didn’t like it, but your superiors demanded otherwise, saying it could cause more problems if the world knew you existed too, they didn’t want you to have that exposure yet.
It was hard, you were used to being able to travel freely, to explore as you wanted, after all, you had full control of what you could do, despite what your superiors thought, it never crossed your mind to use it in public.
It wasn’t until a few years later that you realised that they wanted to keep experimenting, testing your capabilities until you almost hit breaking point and then seeing what you could do once they broke you.
So you tried to get out.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out too well and you were quickly knocked out and put into a long sleep.
It was different world when you awoke, although, you weren’t quite sure how.  You awoke alone, all the things around you seeming to be long out of use, covered in cobwebs and dust.
It took some time to get yourself working again so you knew it had been a while since you’d been out, then you kept getting lost in wherever they had put you, hours seeming to pass before you finally pushed the door open to head outside.
The sunlight hurt your eyes, staring at the plain around you, the door you’d come out of almost hidden completely by grass.
Not one to be perturbed easily, you started walking.
You quickly worked out that you were a woman out of time, things around you confusing, new, and telling you of the history that you should have experienced.
For the first time in a long time though, you had your freedom.
Blending in and adapting was what you’d been trained to do, so you fit in easily, getting yourself caught up wherever and whenever you could, taking it all in until you could deal with regular life with ease again.
In that time, you also found out about the Avengers.
You were stunned to see Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes as part of the team, although, from what you read, it had all been rough going for a while.  They were all about saving the world and keeping peace, something you thought ironic given that they were soldiers.
Shaking your head, you knew that was what had been drilled into you, that you could do whatever you wanted now and think for yourself.
It crossed your mind about contacting them somehow, that maybe they could help you through this, obviously having been through it themselves, but you always convinced yourself otherwise.  Where you had come from was no pleasant place and your organisation wasn’t exactly on the side of good.
You never saw it originally, having volunteered for their program, not having much else to live for, but the more they showed you, the more they did you, you realised otherwise.
You had a feeling it would be used against you.
So you avoided it and kept well away from wherever rumours of the Avengers spread.
You should have guessed it would catch up to you eventually.
There was an invasion and you, having been a little more reckless than normal, had gotten stuck right in the middle of it.
From what you could tell, armed only with a pistol and a knife you had managed to acquire, a group of humans had managed to get in touch with some seriously pissed off aliens, making some sort of deal to come and invade earth.  So far you’d been focused on dealing with the aliens, but you had an idea that taking out the humans would somehow put a stop to it.
While everyone else had run screaming, you’d stood and stared, taking in the approaching ships and knowing that the city would be desecrated if no one was here to defend it. Police and a small military unit had appeared as well, not leaving you entirely alone, but you knew that they wouldn’t stand much of a chance.
Your pistol ran dry quickly, although every bullet counted, you were quick to eye off one of their weapons and get your hands on it, trying several things before you managed to work it out.
The thrill of battle kept you going, having been a long time since you’d been involved in such a thing, but it didn’t stop you from being surrounded.
Death had never really occurred to you until that moment and even then, you were very ready to accept it should it come.
An explosion into a large group of them however, soon drew your attention away and you realised that the Avengers had arrived.  They were quick to help, dispersing the numbers around you before following after others, Steve approaching you as Bucky covered him.
“We’re here to help ma’am.” Steve said as he got to you, holding out his hand.  “Let’s move so we can get you out of here.”
You stared at him for a moment before scoffing and shouldering the alien gun.  “Right, well, you guys can do that, in the meantime, I’ve got some men to hunt down.”
The shock on Steve’s face was clear, but you didn’t hang around, already moving back into the battle, Bucky running over to him.
“What’s she doing?” He asked.
“She’s a soldier,” Steve said, watching the way you moved and took out several aliens.  “Come on, let’s follow her.”
It surprised the three of you that you feel naturally into step with each other, as if you’d been a functioning team for years, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it, especially when you spotted the human’s you’d been looking for.
Bucky had stopped next to you.  “Who are they?”
“The one’s causing this.” You said and then held out the alien gun to him.  “I’ll swap you.”
You point to a couple of things.  “This charges, this aims and this fires.”  You pass it to him and take his gun off of him as he stares at you stunned and you take aim with his.
“Watch my back.”  You said.  “That thing is only good for short range.”
Bucky watched for a moment, stunned, as you began firing into the men below, making it look easy, before a loud noise grabbed his attention behind him, aliens approaching, and so he started to cover you.
Steve sprints past the two of you.  “Move!”
You didn’t need telling twice, Bucky and you running after Steve, you still firing until you lost sight of the humans again, explosions going on behind you until you all took cover in a building.
“Dammit,” You snarled, checking the clip as you slid to a stop.  “Got any more.”
“Yeah,” Bucky took it off you and hands you back the alien weapon.  “But that one’s mine.  That one’s terrible.”
“Tell me about it,” You fiddle with the control on top, it making a high pitched noise as it chargers. “But when I had no ammo left, I didn’t have much of a choice.”
Steve was staring at you. “Who are you?”
You gave a slightly strained grin.  “Like you, same time and all, just with a lot more complications surrounding it.”
There was no more time for questions as the aliens found you and a fight was on inside, the weapon shot from your hands, so you only had your knife left, but in close quarters, it didn’t matter much.
You knew close combat better than you knew ranged.
The three of you made short work of the ones that had tried to get in, one of them even turning and running.
“Can I borrow this?” You asked, grabbing Steve’s shield without waiting a response, it easily slipping from his arm.
“Hey!” He said but then stared as you threw it with ease, it catching the alien in the back, knocking it hard to the ground and giving you a chance to catch up, easily catching the shield as it bounced back, using it to pin the alien to the ground.
“Hi, do you mind if I borrow this?”  You asked, pulling its weapon quickly away, slightly different to the one you had earlier, proceeding to slam the shield down to finish the alien off.
Your attention was drawn by the sounds of more aliens approaching, a group heading towards you, Steve and Bucky having hurried out after you.  You passed Steve his shield back, who looked a little apprehensive as you fiddled with the new weapon.
The same noise passed through it and you couldn’t help but smirk, having a good idea of what this was about to do.
You aimed and fired.
The blast was powerful, you only just managing to brace yourself as a ball of energy shot forth and practically exploded amongst the approaching aliens, scattering them.
“Holy shit.”  You said, staring at the gun.  “That was-”
You were cut off by the sounds of a helicopter, all three of you looking up as it soared over you and you could make out the remaining humans within.
“Give me a boost.”  You said to Steve.
Steve just stares at you. “What?”
“The only way we are going to stop them is by taking them out.”  You said quickly and toss the weapon to Bucky, who just manages to catch it, just as shocked.  “Now, give me a boost so I can reach the rooftops.”
Bewildered, he went along with what you said, the two of you stepping back and Steve bracing himself with his shield angled for you.  You sprint forward and hit the shield, Steve boosting you up as you jumped, almost making it look too easy as you landed on the roof.
“Why didn’t she just shoot it?”  Bucky asked followed you from the ground as you run hard across the rooftops.
“I guess she has some sort of plan?”  Steve said, both of them checking around as well.
Your plan, as they quickly discovered, was to jump of the closest roof towards the helicopter, catching it underneath and making it swing dangerously.
“Like you haven’t done any worse.”
There were shouts above you, but it made little difference as you quickly pulled yourself in, making short work of the several men left, two of them being thrown from the helicopter, another lying on the floor, holding a badly bleeding wound as you took the pistol and held it to the pilots head.
“I suggest landing.” You said calmly.
“You have no idea-”
You pressed the gun harder into his head.  “I have a decent idea, now land.”
The pilot scowls and starts to land the helicopter.
“There is no way to stop this.”  He snarled.
You ignored him, now rifling through the pockets of the soldier who was now lying in a pool of his own blood.
Sure enough, you found an alien looking device, checking it over as the pilot lands and turns to face you, his expression turning panicked.
The gun fired as you pointed it at him, not interested in what he was about to say, simply looking up as Steve and Bucky make it over to you.
You hold out the device. “That should be what you need to send them away, or at least communicate with them somehow.”
Steve takes it, looking unsure.  “Okay, and what are you intending to do?”
“I think it’s time for me to go.”  You said, hauling the dead pilot out of the seat and throwing him to the ground.  “Technically, I’m not meant to exist.”
“Well, you can’t just go!” Bucky said quickly.  “We can help you if you need it.”
You give a short laugh and shake your head before pointing behind them.  “Watch your back boys, hate to see you lose when you are this close to fixing it.”
Steve and Bucky turned quickly, more aliens approaching, and while they were distracted there, it was long enough for you to climb into the pilot’s seat and take off, Steve and Bucky covering their heads for a moment until they look back at you, where you wave down at them before pulling away.
“Stark, you think you can get a trace on that helicopter?”  Steve said quickly, even as he and Bucky moved back into the fight.
“Don’t you think we have bigger things to worry about?”  Tony’s voice cut through.
“She’s a super soldier Tony,” Steve said.  “I think that alone should be enough to worry about.”
There was silence for a moment, giving them enough time to get the situation back under control.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Tony said as he lands next to them, his helmet coming back.  “Didn’t she give you something?”
Steve hands the device over. “Yeah, think you can figure it out?”
“Won’t know until I try.” He flips it over in his hand.  “You guys think you can hold the ground?”
Bucky nods.  “You don’t need to worry about us, just put a stop to this so we can track her down.”
Tony shares a worried look between them, seeing the concern in their expressions.  “Don’t worry guys, I’ve got this, but one thing as a time, okay?”
He takes back off, Steve and Bucky standing still for a moment, everything almost seeming a little strange.
Steve let’s out a slow breath.  “I don’t like this Buck.”
Bucky shakes his head. “Do you think I do?  What if she’s like me Steve?”
Steve’s brows knits further with concern.  “I don’t know, I think there’s more to her than that, something’s just not sitting right with me in this.”
A crackle through their coms cut them off and they have to hurry to help, but you weren’t far from their thoughts from that moment on.
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