#holy hell this took me two hours of writing and figuring out the time lines
fumbo-jart · 4 years
Zi Loveday
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Birth Name : Zi Loveday
Also known as : ZiZi
Born : 2/14/1976 Rome, Italy
Age : 44
Occupations : Former Band Founder/Leader * Singer * Songwritter * Lead Guitarist
Instruments : Guitar
Years Active : 1996 - 2004
Additional Information
Gender : Female
Pronouns : She/Her
Eye Color : Yellow
Hair Color : Pink
Height : 5'2
Religion : Wiccan (Former Christian)
Nationality : Italian
Voiced by : Kaye Mata (the voice she uses when voicing Kagami Tsurugi in Miraculous Ladybug)
"Motita pa fumar, Motita pa curar"
- Zi, speaking spanish
Ah yes, a gorillaz oc, always knew this day would come. Im not kidding when I say that I drew this a few weeks ago on paper but I started it digitally today and finished it today. Yes she looks a little bit mean, its either that or im tripping. !!BEFORE PROCEDING PLEASE  BE AWARE THAT I AM NOT THE BEST AT STORY TELLING. YES I JUST REALIZED THAT MURDOC MAY SEEM BIT OOC IN THIS STORY PLOT!!
Born on February 14, 1976 to a Italian Father and Hispanic/Japanese Mother. Zi lived most of her life on a schedule made by her parents, which consisted mostly of ..
ex. waking up at 7:15am for school, brushing teeth, coming hair neatly, eating small breakfast, attenting school, getting home from school at 3:45 sharp, doing the dishes, sweeping the floors, helping with dinner, eating small dinner, bathing, and sleeping all at 7 years old.
Sometime between 1979 Zi's father started having an affair with a richer woman eventually leaving Zi and her mother in 1980. Zi's father never bothered to check up on her or her mother again, Zi's mother however was delited at the fact that be had left. She had been also having an affair for a while and now that her now exHusband was gone she could bring the new man in her and Zi's life.
Middle School
Zi's middle school experience was a misery. Her mother nor Step-Father made no interest into taking care of her Physical or Mental needs. They instead dedicated themselves towards Zi's half-sister, Nina. Nina was they're pride, much more "prettier and calmer" than Zi. The only thing that they made sure to keep track of Zi was her school grades, cleaning chores and cooking chores.
High school was no better, now 16 and taking care of the house by herself. Needless to say she was having stressful days. There would be days where she was forced to clean the floors and walls untile they shined, cook for the family, wash the dishes like if her life depended on it and studied until her brain was fried. Of course as soon as she was able to get out of school and had enough money she made a run for it. The ran, she ran and never looked back.
Forming the Band
After her flee from her home life, she took shelter with a close friend of her's apartment. There she would have to decide what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She wanted to do big things, meet famous people, travel the world. Her friend , Jenny Spinfield , had proposed the idea of starting a band. They made fliers listing for band members, a few weeks after that they meet two twins, Jack and Julie. Jack had come looking for the bassist possition, Julie came for the Drummer position. After having spending enough time gettting to know eachother they were ready. They were ready to start their band, "RockyGhouls"
Meeting Murdoc
Some time between 1998 and 1999 Zi was introduced to Murdoc through Julie. Not lomg after Zi and Murdoc started growing close. They would practice together, play tricks on random people on the street together and much more. Around the end on 1999 Murdoc had surprisingly gained some form of interest for Zi, a couple of weeks later he asked her out, she was a bit hesitant at first knowing his reputation with woman but she accepted nonetheless and soon after they had officially become a couple in 2000.
They had just reached their three year anniversary when things started going south, Murdoc would start forgetting their dates, hangouts and favorite stuff of theirs. Zi was starting to get suspicious but she didn't want to investigate, what if her worst fears were finally coming through, he was going back to his old ways. She didn't want to push it so she never asked him face to face, it wasn't until late July on a morning day when she found him in bed with another woman were she finally broke. She was livid, mad, enraged, she wanted to throw all of this stuff out and burn it to ash. She wanted to hurt that woman, she wanted to hurt him. Those few minutes that she stood there with wide eyes just staring at them were the worst minutes of her life, after those minutes passed she slamed the door to his room shut and left. That afternoon Murdoc had tried visiting her apartment only to hear from the front lady that she had left in a hurry a few hours ago with her stuff, he didn't want to believe it, he wanted to see it for himself. He wanted to apologize to Zi, he wanted to say how she meant nothing to him, he reached her apartment door and quickly unlocked her door opened and rushed into the now vacant apartment. She was gone, the one woman who he would have wanted to spend the rest of his life with was gone all he because he couldn't help sleeping with a different woman.
Zi ended up finding her way back to Jenny, who gladly let her stay in her home. Zi was mad, she was livid, she wanted to yell and scream at him but she had decided leaving was the beter option. Some weeks after Zi moved in she had started throwing up a lot, eating weird combinations of food and gaining stomach weight. She knew what was going on but she didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to believe she was pregnant with Murdoc's child. Jenny had also started growning suspicious too. Jenny confronted her about the pregnancy, Zi was a mess she was sobbing she was hysterical, she wasn't ready to be a mother, she didn't want to worry about the bills and money she'd have to earn to keep the child in good health and shape. Eventually Jenny calmed her down and found a solution to this, she proposed that Zi make up half on the bill and her make up the other half that Zi wouldn't have to spend hours upon hours working just to pay off bills. She also proposed the idea of making an appointment to the doctors to check on the baby. Zi was a bit hesitant but she accepted the deal, and she's glad she did because after all that hassle she was able to give birth to get beautiful baby girl, Bo Loveday in April of 2004.
Authors Note
I hope at least some people enjoyed reading Zi's life. I know i have only 2 followers but yk what im happy I was able to post this even though my brain is now fried to a crisp. Later on i'll do Bo's life.
tags - @kk-gorillaz​
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choco-exe · 4 years
the one where tsukishima and sakusa go too far with teasing their crush
anonymous asks:  Hiiiiii I LOVE ur writing, and I was wondering if I could request the haikyuu boys (whoever u think fits best) who constantly tease (borderline insult) their crush, who one day just breaks down from their harsh words and say to them something along the lines of “why do you hate me?”, and how the the haikyuu boys react to that. If possible, end with something fluffy 🥺? (Like a confession) TYSMMM ❤️❤️
a/n: hello! aww im glad you do :D wait i just realized you said to have the boys react to their crush saying why do you hate me- fuuuuu- ahem please forgive me for not reading the ask correctly ;w; i hope you still enjoy, nevertheless! and why did i write these long-
tw: mentions of self hate, kind of toxic behavior from sakusa
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𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 . . .  🖉
  �� he’s gonna be meaner the more he likes you   ☾ like if he’s only realized he developed a crush on you, he’d treat you the same, but if it’s been weeks and you haven’t picked up the hint, he’s gonna be treating you like trash   ☾ you find him staring down at you with a dead eye stare   ☾ “what’s up, kei?” “you’re so short you look like a toddler” “..i’m the average height for a high schooler though-”   ☾ his comments about your height never got to you, but then he started to target other regions of yourself   ☾ like he’d give a rude remark about a low score you got on the quiz, or how you always look dead inside well he isn’t wrong   ☾ whenever he said something negative about you, you just shot back a counter and brushed it off   ☾ after a month of this going on, though, his words started to sting a bit   ☾ “hey kei-” “can’t you stay quiet for one second? it’s like you blab out words every chance you get”   ☾ imagine your surprise, since it was unusual of him to comment about you talking   ☾ and one of your biggest insecurities is being annoying to others; you knew you tend to ramble about things, and a nagging voice in the back of your mind was always telling you about how people around you would get fed up with it   ☾ did tsukki mean to say it like that? of course not; he was meaning to have a bit of humor in his statement   ☾ he just said it in such an annoyed tone and way that it made it seem like he was bothered by you talking   ☾ “..sorry, kei. my mind wandered for a bit..”   ☾ you figured that he just had a bad day, and you were over it after a full night of sleep i could really use that   ☾ the voice inside your head grew louder, however, and tsukishima’s comments didn’t help at all   ☾ “stop bothering me about the homework; cant you see i’m busy? ugh, fine, take my notes if you’re that stupid-”   ☾ “if you want attention, listen to this playlist. it should satisfy your longing for voices; i need to study for a test now”   ☾ it got to the point where your mind was yelling at you about being a nuisance, and the final piece you needed to break just so happened to be during a practice match..
“You did great, blocking them all, Tsukki!” You exclaimed, flashing him a grin as you pass him his water bottle and towel. In all honesty, you were forcing your smile so hard, it began to hurt your jaw. “I could’ve blocked better if someone wasn’t screaming the whole time,” the middle blocker said, wiping sweat off his forehead. You had been passing out water bottles to the other players, but you stopped dead in your tracks when his words hit your ears. “Y/N-chan..?” Shimizu asked worriedly, eyeing your expression that Tsukishima couldn’t see. The said blonde took off his goggled to switch them out with his regular glasses. “It was just a practice match; getting hyped up wasn’t exactly the brightest idea your mind conjured up.” Putting his glasses on after wiping the lenses, he looked down at you to see your tear ducts brimming with your sadness. “..huh..?” You touched your face as a tear slid down your cheek. The other club members looked at you in concern. “Ah- don’t worry, everyone..” You wave your hands frantically as Daichi and Sugawara stare disapprovingly at Tsukishima. “It’s nothing to worry about. I’m just gonna.. step outside for a bit.” You forced another smile out onto your face, then quickly scampered out of the gym. The silence was so thick, you could slice it with a sword. Four-Eyes clearly didn’t expect you to be that emotional over his statement, as his face was filled with a small mixture of concern and confusion. He ran after you, shoving his things in his hands to Yamaguchi and leaving the rest of the team shocked into standing still. You had fled to a nearby bench, where you collapsed onto and shoved your face into your hands, desperately trying to stop your tears from shedding. How stupid, you thought. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Look what you did; you made the team worry about you, and they’re all going to resent you the moment they find out the reason behind your crying. “Y/N.” Jolted out of your thoughts, you looked up to find Tsukishima staring down at you with an unreadable expression. Almost immediately, your face became flooded with streams of tears. You quickly looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your hands. “I-I’m sorry for talking so much, Tsukki, I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself-” “Shut up, Y/N.” He interrupted. You sighed and calmed your breathing. “This is what I’m talking about, Tsukishima.” You muttered, putting your face in your hands once again. “I’m just a pest to everyone; anyone I encounter will automatically hate me-” “Stop insulting yourself, dammit.” The middle blocker clenched his fists in anger. “You aren’t a nuisance, and you most definitely aren’t one to be hated on- I know I can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but did it really affect you that much-” You slowly took your face out of your hands to see the blonde crouching, staring up at you. “'Did it really affect you that much?’ What do you think?! God, it really seems like you don’t consider my feelings at all, Tsukishima! I’ve been suspecting that you hate me, but why-?!” Said boy quickly clasped your hands in his, surprising you greatly. His usual expressionless face was morphed into one in a slight panic. “It’s because I like you, idiot!” Taking a moment to process his words, your whole face flushed a scarlet-red. “What?” The tips of Tsukishima’s ears were dusted with a soft coral-pink hue. “You heard me. I won’t repeat myself.” He averted his eyes from yours, squeezing your hands in nervousness. “I-” You were internally melting inside; who would’ve thought the salty beanpole would like someone like you? “But you would always push me to the side! Telling me you were busy and such!” Tsukishima stared at you like you were the biggest dumbass in the world. “I gave you my notes because I knew you didn’t have the energy to take them in class, and the playlist was a collection of songs I thought would suit you. Are you that dense?” “Who are you calling dense?!” You replied hastily. “And for your information, I haven’t given you my answer yet! Let go of my hands, and I’ll tell you, okay?” The middle blocker leaned in close to your face with his dead eye gaze. “It’s an agreement or disagreement, Y/N. What is your response?” You leaned back into the bench, but Tsukishima followed with your movements. “Um- I-” Your words crossed with each other, the lack of personal space making your head spin. “Yes?” Satisfied, the lamppost removed his hands from yours and flicked your forehead. “Simple as that, shortcake. If you want to freeze to death outside, that’s fine by me.” He began to walk back to the gym. “Wha- I’m not short!” You exclaimed, running after the four-eyes. “Also, I’m not the one who’s been sweating profusely for the past hour, so speak for yourself!” Tsukishima gently smiled as he heard you rapidly firing back at his comment. Looks like she’s back to her usual self. 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚜𝚊 . . .  🖉
  ✤ obviously he’s gonna be commenting about your hygiene 24/7   ✤ the fact that he’s developed a crush on you doesn’t help, either; it means that you should be extra clean if he were to date you   ✤ and of course he has to remind you almost every hour of the day; whether it be by text or in person   ✤ now, you didn’t mind him checking up on you every couple of days, but every hour??   ✤ you’re convinced that sakusa has had some sort of trauma in the past, fighting with germs ever since he was a child okay not really.. unless?   ✤ he doesn’t even do this to the other people he’s acquainted with; you’ve asked koromi about it, and he says sakusa just sprays him with holy water a disinfecting solution    ✤ now you’re confused as to why you’re getting special treatment from him, when you two aren’t as close as him and his cousin   ✤ so you personally went to his class to ask him about it   ✤ “hey kiyoomi, why do you remind me to be clean every hour that you’re awake?” “because you shouldn’t have a single germ on you.” “but it’s literally the same message every time; at least make it seem more interesting” “cleaning yourself should be simple, not complicated”   ✤ you got fed up with it as another week went by, which is understandable, since this clean freak was spamming your phone hour after hour without missing a single text   ✤ the fact that sakusa was willing to put effort into reminding you about your hygiene was kind of sweet, but the same message every. single. damn. time. was annoying you like hell   ✤ and when you tell him to stop and that you already know how to get rid of germs, he gave you a disgusted look   ✤ this had to be one of the most nasty expressions he had ever made, because you stood paralyzed to the floor   ✤ “i have been reminding you for your own good, y/n. why don’t you just appreciate what i do for you, instead of complain about it?”   ✤ your mouth stayed shut, your tongue feeling as though it was glued to the top of your mouth   ✤ “don’t mention anything like this again”   ✤ you meekly nodded, and he strolled out the classroom   ✤ the moment he was gone, you collapsed onto the floor out of fear, shivering as you replayed the scene again and again in your head   ✤ the main question that circled your head was: why was he acting so controlling?   ✤ the night after, you texted sakusa, and asked him to meet up with you at your favorite spot   ✤ surprisingly, he complied. and you were waiting for awhile by the time he got there..
“Sakusa, hi!” You greeted your friend with a small but warm smile. The ace frowned; it was unlike you to call him by his last name. In fact, it had been months since you’ve said his name with such coldness in your voice. “..why did you call me out here?” He questioned in a low tone. Your eyes grew dark as you thought about what to say to him. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday. I feel as though we need to.” Sakusa’s own eyes narrowed as you spoke each word. “Are you still going to complain about my reminders to you?” Shaking your head, you stared at your feet while hugging your arms to your chest. “Of course not, I heard what you told me to do. I just.. wanted to know why you got so angry, is all.” The jet-black haired boy stared down at you, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to remember what specifically happened the day before. “I don’t know what you’re remembering, Y/N, but I wasn’t angry in the slightest. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of another memory of yours?” Your head snaps up when he said that he wasn’t angry. “Yes, I’m very sure.” You firmly say. “Maybe you don’t think you seemed angry, but you were downright furious. It was.. kind of terrifying.” “Are you saying I was out of control yesterday?” “No, just..” You subconsciously hugged your arms tighter to your body, trying to make yourself as small as possible. “..intimidating.” Sakusa tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. You found him intimidating? Just from a little conversation that happened because of you’re questioning ways? “I’m tired, and I’m sure you are, too,” you continued, not catching on that your friend was becoming annoyed with your talking. “Which is why I want to end this quickly. Sakusa, I have a life, too. As much as I appreciate what you do for me, I can take care of myself without your help-” “You’re repeating the same words you stated yesterday, just in different phrasing.” The germaphobe harshly cut in. “I said this once, but I will say it again, for your sake. I am doing this for your own good-” “-and I know what’s good for me and what isn’t, Sakusa!” You exclaimed, your arms no longer crossed. “I can make my own decisions! I’m not some dumb little kid you have to look after-” “Y/N-” “-so just drop this already! It doesn’t help anyone; it doesn’t help me, it doesn’t help you-” “Y/N.” Sakusa lost all patience. He towered over you, his hands clenched tightly into fists. You slightly shrink at his actions, your arms up in defense. The ace didn’t seem to notice your fear as he took a step forward. “You are crawling with so many germs, I can practically see them all over you. You are in no condition to be deciding on your hygiene, when you can’t even rid of the many dirt particles covering your skin.” He took another step forward, and you step back, unsure of what to do. Sakusa broke out of his anger when he heard a slight sob leave your lips. “Why do you hate me so much, Sakusa?!” You asked, pain laced into your voice. “I’m perfectly capable of not being dirty, can’t you see?! Why can’t you just leave me alone-” You used your sleeves to start wiping the tears away, although they doubled to replace the ones you removed. The ace hesitantly enveloped you in a hug, making you break down even more. “Sakusa- no- you’re gonna get germs on you-” You stammered, resisting the temptation to bury your face into his chest. “..I made you cry. I need to pay the consequences.” Said boy murmured, rubbing shapes onto your back. You continued to cry for a good 5 minutes, before slowly pushing him away. “..thank you.” You sniffled. “I know consequences has nothing to do with that. Why did you-?” “I like you, Y/N.” He cut you off, making your eyes widen. “The reason why I’d been constantly reminding you to wash up is because I thought I should date someone who was clean to the touch. That was wrong of me, so very wrong. I apologize, and it’s fine if you reject-” You shut him up with a kiss to his mask. “Are you traumatized yet?” You asked, trying to crack a smile. “That’s my revenge from yesterday.” Sakusa blinked multiple times before realizing what you did. “..I guess I deserved that. So is that a yes..?” You broke out into a beautiful, radiant smile this time, the moonlight making you glow even more than you already were. “Of course, Kiyoomi!”
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
hi! i’m like 80% sure requests are open but if they aren’t feel free to ignore this! i was wondering if i could get some fundy confessions? like a similar piece of writing to what you did with ranboo? which by the way was very good and your writing is super neat :]
I’m so glad you enjoyed the lil Ranboo confession hcs, I hope you enjoy these just as much! :)
Fundy Confession HCs 
Realising he likes you 
Fundy knows he’s crushing on you immediately. But he doesn’t understand how deeply he cares for you.
Fundy finds himself surprised when he doesn’t have to chase you, you actively pursue him as much as he pursues you.
Fundy usually doubts himself when he finds himself crushing on someone, unsure whether he should pursue them. But with you it’s different, your support makes him feel confident in his feelings.
Sometimes he feels as if he could never confess, scared he could ruin your friendship in case you don’t feel the same way. (Even though you very much do, he just thinks you deserve someone better too)
Fundy spends a lot of time contemplating his feelings for you, mostly in his head whilst the two of you are hanging out. He finds himself zoning out while you’re speaking, his eyes wandering between your vibrant eyes and your gesturing hands, landing somewhere in between, usually on your soft lips. However, if your back is turned to him, he will simply fixate on your hair, his hands desperately wishing to feel it. He knows that it's soft from the few times he’s fixed a stray lock of hair to a spot behind your ear. Basking in the pride he feels when your cheeks tint a soft pink, wondering whether it was real or just a cruel trick played by his imagination.
Fundy often finds himself thinking of you whilst streaming, he’s mentioned you a few times. Not enough to raise any questions about what your relationship with him is, just enough so his chat can try and appreciate you as much as he does when he allows his mind to wander mid-game.
Fundy finds himself slamming into an epiphany late one night when he realises that dating you isn’t about whether he thinks he deserves you but whether you do. And he hasn’t even given you the chance to answer, all this time he’s made the decision for you because he’s too scared of what your answer would be. He makes a promise to himself that night. That you deserve to make that decision yourself.
The Confession
Fundy knows that if he’s going to confess, he needs to make it extravagant and perfectly tailored to you.
This man plans out his confession to you for MONTHS, meticulously crafting props, making bookings, and trying his best to coordinate far away friends. Meanwhile, your friendship continues to strengthen with each night chatting until the both of you fall asleep in lone discord calls.
You know that Fundy has been busy with a project he refuses to tell you anything about, changing the subject with nervous stuttering whenever you bring it up.
You have let it keep you awake for a few nights before concluding that perhaps he finally managed to snag a partner and he was unsure how to tell you. So, the next time you meet up you make a note to drop some hints about knowing what his little project is. This freaks Fundy out instantly. How the hell did you figure it out? And you seem super okay with it? Was he wrong, do you actually feel the same way? Fundy’s head is spinning as you continue your casual conversation alone, “But don’t worry, I can wait. I only want you to tell me when you feel comfortable.” Your words snap Fundy out of his spiraling thoughts as your warm hand squeezes his knee and he forgets how to breathe.
Fundy spirals yet again that night after he gets home. You seemed okay with him liking you? But you didn’t confess either!? What does that even mean!? Fundy groans loudly before stuffing his pillow over his face, wishing that his love life could be easy.
He sets to work the next morning, finalizing all of his plans. When once again, he is struck by another epiphany. You wouldn’t want this. Some big extravagant show with the pressure of your mutual friends watching from the sidelines. You’d want something sweet and personal. That only you and he would understand, or even care about. He doesn’t bother cancelling the plans and bookings, instead of texting you to meet him at his place for dinner. If tonight works out the two of you can still experience the more extravagant side of his confession, but if this whole encounter goes sour it can go sour in private rather than public.
You arrive promptly, as you always do. Happy to spend time with him and perhaps seduce him you dress a little cuter than usual. Hoping he takes notice. He definitely does, and you can tell. The second he opens the door to reveal your frame he’s grinning, a light pink rests at the tips of his ears almost immediately. He is quick to greet you and lead you inside.
Fundy spent all afternoon regretting that he had sent that text to you. As he had to frantically run around the kitchen trying to come up with a meal to cook because there was absolutely no way, he was going to feed you takeout! Normally of course he wouldn’t have minded doing that, but not the day he plans to confess! That’d just be embarrassing. He spent a good thirty minutes deciding on the menu, thinking he’d do something Dutch to show off a little. And then he promptly realised that over half of the Dutch dishes he knew required no cooking but days of prep-work. Which took out a lot of what he knew how to cook.
So, by the time you arrived, he actually hadn’t finished cooking anything yet. And he was internally screaming as he heard your knock upon his door. So, to distract you he invited you into his room for some Minecraft. He repeatedly thanked his past self for furiously cleaning his room even though he originally had no plans for you to come in here.
As you play your eyes wander around Fundy’s room, allowing yourself to be distracted by his nerdy décor. “Creeper!” You scream as you’re brought back into reality as Fundy’s character jumps in between yours and the exploding mob. You gasp dramatically, “Fundy, my hero!” You pretend to swoon, grinning as he chuckles at your antics. “My shield is now practically broken.” He whines, “Take mine.” You drop it in front of him before moving your character back over to the iron ore you’d spotted in the cave earlier. He readjusts himself beside you, shimmying his shoulders as he mutters out a quick thanks. You lean against him softly, “No worries.”
It is at that inopportune moment that he remembers he had been cooking before you showed up. Thank god his oven had a safety feature to turn off after a certain amount of time. He ducks out for a few moments to quickly check on the mess of ingredients he’d chucked into a casserole to find it charred black. He repeatedly slams his head against his countertop as he began to enter both yours and his usual order of Chinese takeout into his phone. “You good with Chinese takeout?” He calls towards his room, wishing a hole in the ground would open and swallow him up pulling him straight down to the ninth circle of hell for his crimes against love. “Hell yeah, I am!” You respond with an enthusiasm that allows him to unclench his jaw and unfurrow his brows. God, you were definitely too good for him. Even as a friend.
Hours soar by with ease as the two of you play, trying your best to speedrun Minecraft and absolutely failing. Fundy does manage to make a nether portal pretty quickly using the lava pool strat. He allows himself to puff out his chest, pride swelling as you cheer him on with a grin. You don’t stop playing even when the takeout arrives continuing to communicate through mouthfuls of rice and complaints about trying to not get grease on your keyboards. Fundy cant remember that last time the two of you spent time like this just hanging out with no pressure from his stupid feelings and you absolutely glowing with joy beside him. He knows you need to do this more often.
“YES! FUNDY HIT HIM! AHH!” With one final blow, the dragon is slain and you finally beat Minecraft. You throw your arms around Fundy laughter bubbling from your lips, his arms grip you tightly pulling you close. His own laughter reverberates against his chest causing you to realise just how close he was holding you. You gulp down your rapidly growing nerves before looking up to meet his gaze, finding his face a lot closer to yours than you had expected. Fundy looks down at you as his cheeks burn a bright crimson and he tries to stutter out the words he’s been dying to tell you for the past six months.
And that’s when it hits you like a tonne of bricks. The bullshit he had been hiding this whole time wasn’t a partner, he wanted you to be his partner! Your mouth falls open in surprise for a few moments as Fundy continues to gape at you. “Holy shit Fundy.” That causes his gaze to snap to yours, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a firm line. “I thought you were hiding the fact you were with someone from me!” You laugh at your own absolute stupidity, hand coming to press high on Fundy’s chest. “Wait, what!?” The exasperated expression on his face only causes you to laugh harder, “Yeah, I thought that’s what you were being super cagey about. Sorry my bad, misjudged that one.”
Fundy finds himself chuckling too, his shoulders relaxing as he does so. “Yeah, a real good read love.” He laughs, your gaze rises at the pet name. “Real presumptuous of you Fundy, I haven’t even said if I feel the same yet.” Your teasing tone doesn’t even stop him as he pulls you even closer to him, pressing your body flush against his. “I think I can read you pretty well now. Not to mention you’ve been blushing this whole time.” He grins into your hair, squeezing you with an unbridled joy you find so contagious. Or perhaps you’re feeling that way because it turns out your crush isn’t actually dating someone else but instead likes you back? 
“B-but like, just checking you actually do really like me-“ Fundy begins, feeling his nerves inevitably creep up his spine. Before he can even finish you cup the back of his neck with your free hand, the other clenching his shirt as you kiss him with all the intensity you can muster. “That answer your q-.” You begin to respond against his lips only from him to silence you, which maybe you deserved. Fundy can’t help but smile into the kiss. Somehow things actually turned out alright. Squeezing your warm soft hips, he ponders who the hell is looking out for him upstairs. But as your hands tangle in his hair, he makes a silent promise to himself he’ll consider praying to them tomorrow.
~Requests are always open!~
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aquamoonchaii · 3 years
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⍣ genre: fluff; slice of life; comfort!au
⍣ warnings: none
⍣ pairing: juyeon x reader
⍣ word count: 2.7k
⍣ collab: This is for the collab Summer Love - The Boyz from lovie @bangchan-fairy
⍣ charlie’s notes: juyeon is here! i did a comfort au so you guys can read it to feel better always uwu, this lovely banner was made by the precious @halliney
⍣ summary: juyeon needs to talk to someone, you appear with a glass of wine ready to make his life a little better.
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This was his second night in this bar, he would never have expected himself to be alone in a small town drinking beer with snacks on a friday night. But he was desperate and he had to do something, his mind needed to relax.
He has a beer in his hand as he smiles back at the pretty ladies that pass by his table and look at him with desire and interest. JuYeon likes the attention but turns down any invitation to go to another table or even to hotel rooms, he already has a target and is not interested in anyone else.
At least tonight.
Because his target is special, he wouldn't be able to talk about this to the other girls.
Usually summer vacations are all about relaxing after the hard work of a whole year, thinking about all the goals he has reached and the new goals he wants to set for himself. But not this time, he gulps down all the beer and sighs.
JuYeon feels trapped in some kind of existential crisis thinking about if what he is doing is correct and if his life is turning out the way he wanted. Usual stuff that makes young people think a lot.
He is just here waiting for the girl that said would be here around the same time as yesterday, where she literally just came to take care of a drunk friend who was heartbroken. He wasn’t heartbroken but her words certainly had some healing effect on him and he seemed really anxious to talk to her or...
...to anyone really. He is used to being the one who is reliable and the man all his friends go to have some type of advice or comforting words. And being him the friend in need? Hell no.
The irony on him not being able to ask for help or even having the strenght to let out all his weak thoughts is stupid and makes him smile bitterly against his beer. He wonders what the hell he is actually doing here, maybe he is desperate for some comforting words coming from a wise stranger.
“Are you really drowning in alcohol for a woman that cheated on you, idiot?” It was late and the only thing he could hear was the voice of the girl that just entered the bar, she waved at the bartender and he finally noticed the loud sobbing of the wasted man that was two tables apart from him, his whining was part of the whole mood of the bar so JuYeon didn’t even pay attention to the scandal, his own problems were loud enough in his head. He turned his attention to them when the crazy wasted man hiccups and finally shuts up, not even the bartender or the other drunken friends of his could do it. The scene was pretty unforgettable: a tall strong drunk man that was pretty aggressive when someone asked him to lower his voice while sitting down holding a glass of vodka is now hugging the waist of the woman that just called him an idiot. But your next words made his mind explode, he wonders if he is as drunk as the crying guy there.
“If you want to scream, do it to let go, cheer yourself up and move on, don’t just drink and act like an asshole with people.”
Random but effective words. He expects her to mock the man there, instead she hugs him back and pets his hair and talks with a gentle voice but it also sounded strong. JuYeon found her words weird and comforting even if they weren't directed to him or even to anyone to hear he was just close to them and it was pretty late so there was little noise and he could eavesdrop. “Let’s go, you can cry at my house. I won’t look, I promise~ Then we will be sober, you are going to write down all your happy feelings, smile at them and that’s it. The other paper with all the bad feelings is going to be burnt and we are going to kick ass, ok?”
She didn’t make a fuss of it, the woman just petted his friend’s hair until he calmed down and probably passed out when the bartender came to her. “Y/N! You are the drunk whisperer, that was awesome! Why don’t we put him to bed, he can stay the night up in my room and you have some snacks here? I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
“I would love to have a snack from my favorite bartender but the taxi is waiting for me to let my drunk one at home, I promise I will come tomorrow at this exact time. I’ll eat like crazy I promise!”
JuYeon came here at the exact same hour.
He isn’t sure why he came because he didn’t know anyone or had planned anything really, he just hopes you read his mind and approach him to talk about your weird speech that made him feel good for no reason. Or something like that at least.
So when you appear, he notices something.
He is completely sober tonight and doesn’t know what to do to approach you. You are a pretty woman indeed but you intimidate him for some awkward reason. He feels like an idiot but it feels like you are going to read him like a book after looking him in the eyes. So JuYeon stands up and goes to the restroom to gain courage, he will do what he knows best: being a charming perfect boy.
A bit of flirting, maybe a date. That’s all he needs to have a little conversation with you.
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"Jacob, can you please stop staring at the random guy? Is he that good looking? Your eyes are glued to him." You laugh as you eat the snacks your friend put on the bar for you to eat as you chat about a whole month of not seeing each other.
"Dude, this guy comes and kills all the ladies. But he is looking at your way too much, I own this place~ He wants something and I will not offer you as a tribute." Jacob follows the tall man's steps with his gaze, he stops when he sees his figure disappear in the restroom. His face is recognizable because well, he is quite handsome for the girls that asked a lot for him that came only yesterday and Jacob just said he is a regular to gain a few more female clients. Actually, he never saw him before and it's a big no for you to even look at his direction.
"Ok but stop staring and what makes you think I'll agree to something? I just want to have this awesome glass of wine as I talk to you about our Sunwoo and his broken heart." He laughs as he wipes the glasses that were recently washed. "I want to slap some sense back to him."
"He needs some time. Let's just be patient with his wailing at least this week, he needs to let it all out." There is this untold secret that only Jacob knows too: your feelings for the guy you took home drunk last night were strong and you decided to let Sunwoo go so your heart was also healing, it was a slow and silent process that was shut by a glass of bitter wine. You would always drink a glass of wine when your feelings were out of control as Sunwoo falls hard and easily and suffers too because of girls.
"Is this your last glass of wine?"
"Of the bitter one, yes. My heart and my liver are all good now, I'll take sweeter things this time." Jacob smiles and nods, he understands and pats your head. A client comes in and he excuses himself to go attend them.
"Is this seat taken?" JuYeon asks and when you look at him, he shows his biggest smile. You pat the seat next to him. "My ego usually needs an extra seat but I guess you can take it." He seems taken aback for the quick answer but he quickly smirks triumphantly and sits next to you. You've met him before but apparently he doesn't remember you.
"May I offer you a drink?"
"No, because this is my last glass of alcohol but we can share snacks as you seem lonely." JuYeon must feel like a champ because he sticks his tongue out sexily and nods, grabbing a toothpick that holds a little cube of cheese on your plate and eats it. "You don't remember me?"
"Is that a pick up line? Because I'm trying to think of one that will make you swoon."
"So you don't." You see JuYeon’s mind wandering at your smirk and trying to read something in your eyes.
It was indeed unexpected a target to flirt back or to be this mysterious because- Wait.
Holy crap.
You caress SunWoo's hair as he blacks out completely on his bed. Of course you feel bad for him, you treasure him a lot but your heart is finally at peace, you’ll be there to pick up the pieces of his oftenly broken heart but yours who used to suffer in silence is okay now. You let him go just as you kept your crush on him. In a blissful secret.
"I'll be right here for you. And I'm voicing out this because it's over and you are half-dead. I liked you so much it's crazy how I could keep it to myself. My crush on you is over and it was beautiful for me and our friendship stays strong as always." You smile at his passed out figure and make him company until his cousin appears to take care of him and calls a taxi for you. The taxi will wait for you in the convenience store as you wanted to buy some things, it’s pretty late but this small town is safe, or at least this neighborhood is.
"I'll have these cereal boxes and these snacks please."
"Is SunWoo still sad for that bad ex- girlfriend? He used to come here and buy her favorite snacks all happily until yesterday when he just bought beers with swollen eyes. We talked for a bit as his first question was why women were so unfaithful."
"Oh really? He came crying? Oh dear, this guy… Yeah, he is a sad single person now. Hopefully, he will cheer up quickly as always. He is now half-dead so he won’t feel any pain." The old lady who attends there knows you because you hang out a lot with Sunwoo and Jacob who lives nearby too. She nods and laughs until he stares over your shoulder.
"Me! Me! I want snacks too! I'm lonely, we can share them!" A man behind you makes you startle with his loud voice as you are paying your stuff, you turn around and find the cute man you saw at Jacob's bar. He is more than tipsy, his cheeks are red and he has droopy eyelids. "I heard you talk to the crybaby~ Talk to me too!"
"Young man, you are drunk. Go to your house!" The lady explains she saw him coming with luggage and he is staying at the house in front of your sad friend. He is pretty quiet and always arrives at the store early with hangovers asking for ramen, she points out he is indeed a gentleman and he must be here for summer vacations so party nights must be his thing or something.
"I'm not a young man, I'm JuYeon sweet lady. I wonder where my money went, my whole wallet disappeared just like my motivation to do stuff." He huffs and you laugh sharing one of your snacks. “Is this for me? You are so sweet, can you be my life mentor? I’ll treat you well I swear!” The store lady laughs at the cute behavior the drunk handsome man has and hushes you as she sees your taxi at the entry. “Wait! Don’t go, I’m trying to propose, drunk whisperer!”
JuYeon’s seductive mood dissipates with the beer foam in his glass. He wonders how the blackout and don’t remembering a single thing after getting drunk should have its negative side. Like this moment, he feels so embarrassed but of course, his stoic face remains the same.
“Oh God, this is so embarrassing. I can’t even pretend I don’t remember stealing your snack, can I?” You shake your head and clink your glass of wine with his glass of beer. “Well, I guess I should use my drunk self to start a conversation.”
And he did, JuYeon initially tried to start a casual little conversation to ask about you and stuff but he ended up spilling about why he is in a small town searching for some peace but apparently it’s his mind the chaotic one instead of the city and its loudness. When he started speaking about it, there’s this feeling of a really heavy load slowly leaving his shoulders and maybe he understands now the american movies that use this plot about talking about your problems with a stranger. He felt relieved, JuYeon is the kind of guy that seems impassive at everything around him and he is praised a lot because of his drive and his determination of not give a single fuck.
But he cares. He notices everything around him. And feeling like he could appear vulnerable sounds awful, just thinking about it makes him regret even approaching you. JuYeon suddenly falls silent, half studying your reactions and half awkwardly shutting up because this was too much information.
"Sometimes a lot of thoughts just turn in a big skein. It's okay to feel weird about it too." You said emphatically (or at least that's his conclusion as you don't mock or roll your eyes), he can't help but stare at you. He was right all these hours thinking about you and your words, his drunk self was right too. You can be a life mentor. The conversation ends when Jacob introduces himself and says he is going to close the bar and that if JuYeon is even trying to talk more with you, he needs to promise he will let Jacob chop his head off if he does something inappropriate.
"Date me."
“No, why would I?” This is the fourth night of a long conversation about life and deep topics he thought no one would want to talk about, JuYeon forgot about seduction tips after the second night of just one beer and lots of good talking. He feels comfortable and his mind thinks less of his apparent poor self worth and he now feels encouraged. “If you feel happy singing and being a performer, why are you doubting?”
Good question.
He wants to date you.
It’s kind of impulsive coming from him and basically you two are already hanging out meeting in Jacob’s bar every night. He wasn’t expecting you to say no that easily, it’s shocking and honestly sexy, his ego feels slapped too.
“Yeah, we clearly have a mental connection and yes, you are pretty attractive” You say like it's pretty obvious. "But why would I date you?"
"Because… I don't want to eat alone?"
"And I am kind of attracted to you and your amazing brain?"
"Because I feel like you are pretty as fuck and also a friend I will treasure a lot and I will probably scream because I don't know if Jacob is your friend or your boyfriend?"
"What?" You laugh at his sudden confession and at his reaction that seems pretty surprised at his own words. "Well, that kind of convinced me."
"You always make me talk, it's embarrassing and really interesting. How am I supposed to meet another person like you- Wait, I convinced you?" You nod and feel your cheeks heating up as he stares at you and laughs happily.
You can be a life mentor and he will protect you from everything. Maybe you could be a couple.
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© aquamoonchaii. all rights reserved
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@halliney @bangchan-fairy @kpopsnowball @melonmochimoon @prettyjaems @soleilsuhh @haifengg @purplepsycho03
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Self conscious
Aaaahhhh this was so so SO much fun to write, Fuyuhiko Is my second favorite character from Goodbye Despair. I love this smol Yakuza boi so much. I wanted to do something sort of body positive, I'm not sure how well I did In that regard, But I love how this turned out either way. It's just so much fun to me. <3
Holy shit, It just occurred to me that this Is now my longest fic. and I wrote It In eight hours with breaks-- Dayum.
Also bonus fun points because Kuzuhina Is one of my favorite ships from the game-
Characters: Lee!Fuyuhiko, Ler!Hajime
Words: 4196 (It's a long boi)
Pairing: Kuzuhina
also mentions of MahiruXHiyoko
The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the sand, the warm sunlight enveloping his skin, the gentle cooling breeze dancing from tree to tree… It was almost relaxing enough to put Hajime to sleep.
However, being pelted with a water balloon ruined that relaxing atmosphere.
He let out a shriek, jolting upright from his lying position on the newly soaked beach towel in the sand. His eyes darted around, offended, until they landed on the doubled over laughing perpetrator. Of course It was Ibuki.
“Bahahahaha! You should have seen your face! Ibuki thought you were going to have a heart attack!” She cackled, holding her ribs with one arm and pointing with the other.
Hajime should have known better than to relax, especially with Ibuki around. He sighed and stood up. “Yeah yeah, Very funny Ibuki…”
He felt something hard and plastic press Into his back, he quickly shot a questioning glance over his shoulder, meeting Chiaki’s gaze.
“It’s dangerous to go alone, Take this.” She whispered, He reached around and took the water gun from her. He winked and whispered his thanks, keeping the toy concealed from Ibuki’s line of sight.
“You think you’re sooooo funny, Don’t you Ibuki?” He smiled, shuffling closer to the laughing rockstar.
“Ibuki doesn’t think she’s funny, She thinks she’s hilarious!” She laughed, tears formed In the corner of her eyes. She was completely oblivious to her impending doom.
“Yeah,” He sighed, an evil grin on his face. “Well I think that this Is funny!”
The ‘this’ he was referring to, was blasting Ibuki in the face with a cold stream of water from the Water gun. She shrieked in surprise, still giggling as she brought her hands up to protect herself.
“Mayday mayday! Target has obtained a weapon! ABORT MISSION!” She went running off, With Hajime chasing after her laughing.
The other students laughed as they watched the two, joining In on the game by grabbing their own water guns.
Soon almost all of the students were enveloped In a water gun battle.
Well, Almost all.
Fuyuhiko remained in his spot In the shade under the tree, his arms crossed as he watched the others playing and having fun. Even Peko had joined In on the fight, throwing water balloons left and right like a friggin ninja.
He rolled his eyes with a fond smile watching their antics.
He quickly stopped smiling as he looked away from the beach, looking up at a now dripping with water Hajime. “Y-Yeah?”
“Do you wanna join In? I’ll get you a water gun an--”
“No.” was his curt response. “I don’t.”
“Are you sure? You look kind of lonely over here all by yourself…” Hajime sat down In the grass next to him, pulling off his shirt and wringing it out.
Fuyuhiko glanced at him for a moment then quickly darted his eyes away, flustered. “I-I already said I don’t want to.”
“Will you at least change Into something beachy? That suit has to be uncomfortable.”
“No way!”
Hajime raised an eyebrow, questioning the urgency of his tone and the quickness of his response.
Fuyuhiko blushed, quickly thinking up a reason. “You’ll just shoot me with water if I do!”
He has a reason, but there’s no way In hell he’s going to talk about It. He’s insecure about his body.
“I promise I won’t?” the taller boy tried, thrown off by his odd behavior.
The young Yakuza shook his head. “No way.” he stood up and hurried inside the beach house, abruptly ending the conversation.
Hajime blinked in confusion. What was that about?
He wasn’t sure, But he knew someone who would be.
“Peko?” He approached the swordswoman, who was in the middle of cleaning off her glasses with a towel. “Can I ask you something?”
She looked up curiously, pausing her actions. “Sure. What Is It Hajime?”
“It’s about Fuyu.”
Her red eyes darted over to where Fuyuhiko had previously been sitting. “What’s wrong with Young master? Where did he go?”
“He went inside, He’s fine I think…” Hajime responded, putting the swordswoman at ease. “Does he have a fear of water or something?”
“Hm? Not that I am aware of. Why do you ask?”
“Because I asked him if he wanted to join us and he said no. Then he got kind of agitated when I suggested he change into some beach attire.”
She sighed softly, continuing to clean off her glasses. “Ah. I see now… Young Master Is, how should I put this… Self-conscious.”
“Self-Conscious? Of what?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“His body. He Is smaller than most boys his age.” She replied, putting her glasses back on and wrapping the towel around her shoulders. “He hates showing off his body.”
Hajime frowned as he looked back at the beach house, He wouldn’t have pushed him so much if he had known that.
“Don’t feel guilty. You had no way of knowing.” Peko said as she put a hand on his shoulder.
“I still feel bad though. I knew he felt self conscious about his height but I didn’t even think about his body.”
“Perhaps I should go check on him, If you are that concerned.”
“No! No It’s okay, I’ll go check on him. You go back to playing with the others.” Hajime interjected. This was the first time he’d really seen her let loose and have fun, He didn’t want to be the reason she stopped.
She gave a small tilt of her head. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I can handle him. Go have fun.” He smiled reassuringly at the woman, She gave one last skeptical glance before getting hit with two water balloons in the back by a wildly cackling Kazuichi and Ibuki.
She narrowed her eyes, Holding out her hand. “Hajime, I am going to need your weapon.”
Hajime chuckled at her dead serious demeanor and handed her the toy gun. “Don’t murder them.”
“I make no promises.” She replied, whipping around and pumping the water pressure slide on the gun. “Which one of you wants to die first?!”
Kazuichi and Ibuki screamed and went running with Peko chasing after them.
Hajime laughed and shook his head at them before making his way up the beach house stairs and into the building.
“Ugh,” Fuyu had lowered his book to see who came inside, but upon seeing it was Hajime he quickly brought it back up covering his face. “What the hell do you want? I already said I’m not joining you guys.”
“I know, I’m not here to ask that.” He replied softly.
He pulled out the chair across from Fuyuhiko and dragged It over to the spot at the table next to him before sitting down.
The Yakuza glanced up from his book again for a moment, a skeptical look on his face. “Then why are you…?”
“I’m here to apologize.” Hajime answered.
“Apologize?” He parroted, more confused than before.
“I didn’t mean to pressure you earlier, I just wanted to include you In on the fun.” He said. “I didn’t realize that you were self conscious about your body.”
Fuyuhiko’s face turned bright pink with embarrassment, His hazel eyes widening with surprise. “W-What?! I’m not fucking self conscious! Where the fuck would you get that idea!?”
Hajime blinked. “It’s okay to be self conscious, There’s nothing wrong with feel--”
“I am NOT self conscious! I just don’t like getting blasted with water!” Fuyuhiko shot back, crossing his arms stubbornly.
“Take off your shirt.”
“Excuse me??”
“If you aren’t self conscious… Take off your shirt.”
Fuyuhiko kicked out his chair from the table, aggressively shrugging off his jacket and tossing it on the floor. Next he undid his tie and dropped it on top of his jacket. He did all this without breaking eye contact with Hajime.
Hajime folded his arms as he watched with a skeptical look, It was as if he was challenging him with his gaze.
The Yakuza started to unbutton his dress shirt but stopped halfway. Without his jacket to obscure his frame even a little, He already felt shy.
He crossed his arms and looked away from the brunette. “I can’t.” He mumbled under his breath.
“I SAID I CAN’T!” He snapped, clearly flustered. “Are you fucking happy now!? Yes! CONGRATULATIONS YOU FIGURED IT OUT! I’m fucking self conscious!”
Hajime frowned and hooked his leg around Fuyu’s chair leg, Pulling him closer without any protests. “Hey, It’s okay. Everyone has something they’re self conscious about.” He reassured the embarrassed boy In front of him.
“Yeah right.” He muttered, still refusing to meet Hajime’s eyes.
“It’s true. Even I’m self conscious.”
Fuyu rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to lie.”
“I’m not.” He insisted.
“What do you have to be self conscious about? Look at you…” The tips of his ears turned pink as he blushed more.
Hajime smiled a little and reached forward, starting to button Fuyuhiko’s shirt back up for him. “I can’t make people laugh. I can’t tell a joke to save my life… I’m not funny.”
“It’s because you’re trying too hard. You’re someone who is unintentionally--” Fuyuhiko immediately clamped his mouth shut, flinching rather violently as he felt Hajime’s fingers graze his ribs accidentally.
Hajime paused what he was doing, his hands hovering over the buttons of the white dress shirt still. “What was…”
“N-Nothing!” Fuyu stuttered, pushing his hands back. “Listen… I appreciate the attempt to make me feel better but-- HEY!”
The blond yelped as he felt a few fingers poke experimentally Into his side, He reached down and grabbed his hands, holding them away from his body. “Will you fucking stop that!?”
The Yakuza didn’t appreciate the grin on Hajime’s face. “Oh, Fuyu… I might be able to make you laugh after all~” He said teasingly, trying to pull his hands free.
Fuyuhiko narrowed his eyes at the other boy, keeping his hands in a vice grip. “Don’t you fucking dare!” He hissed.
“Don’t I dare what?” Hajime asked innocently, batting his eyelashes at the smaller boy.
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“I won’t.”
“Will you relax? I’m not gonna touch you. Can I have my hands back now? I’m kind of losing feeling in them.”
Fuyu watched him closely as he slowly released his hands. Hajime made a show of shaking them to regain feeling. “See? Have I touched you?”
“N-No… I guess n-nahahaha! You fucking lihihihied!” Fuyuhiko giggled boyishly, doubling over in his seat to block as many spots as possible.
Hajime grinned as he dusted his fingertips along his exposed neck, when he brought his shoulders up to try to protect the sensitive spot he darted his hands into his partially open shirt and began tickling his ribs. “I didn’t lie, I’m not touching you… I’m tickling you. There’s a big difference.” He winked at the laughing boy.
“Ihihihif you don’t stahahahap right nohohohow, I’m going to kihihihill you!” The blond laughed, writhing under his torturously gentle touch.
“Ooh I’m so scared~ Is the big bad Yakuza gonna kill me dead In my sleep?” Hajime laughed, paying special attention to a sensitive spot near the bottom of his ribs. “C’mon, How am I supposed to be scared? You’re so adorable when you’re being tickled!” he cooed.
The young Kuzuryu’s neck and ears turned red from that, He brought his leg up to try to kick Hajime away. “Stahahap! Dohohon’t fahahahacking tehehease me you jeheherk!”
Not only did he not succeed In kicking him, Hajime caught his leg and held it firmly in his lap as he administered tickles to the top and underside of his knee. “I’m afraid that’s gonna be impossible, You’re just too cute not to tease~” He hummed In reply.
Fuyuhiko squealed and desperately tried to pull his leg back, laughing much harder than before. “N-NOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAHA!”
Hajime glanced down at his hand, noticing every time his laughter spiked It was because he was scribbling against the spot above his knee. “You have ticklish thighs, Fuyu?” He asked amusedly, now honing In on that spot.
Fuyuhiko spazzed out, His body flailing at the electric sensations coursing through him. Unfortunately that meant he also threw himself out of his chair.
As soon as Hajime realized what had happened he was quick to follow, Kneeling beside the still lightly giggling boy. “F-Fuyu?! Are you okay?? I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you would fall…”
He gently pulled the blond up into a sitting position and was checking his head for any injuries when Fuyu waved him off. “I-I’m fine…” He reassured, still recovering.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like that, It’s nice. You should laugh more often.” Hajime smiled.
“Y-Yeah yeah… whatever.”
He thought about It. Maybe that wasn’t the worst thing he’s ever been through… It was actually kind of fun to let loose. He was still super self conscious about his body but for a minute he forgot about that, only focusing on the sensations and laughing.
Then again, Maybe It's the possible concussion talking.
He blushed as he shook his head. “I’m just glad you didn’t hear my real laugh.” He mumbled. “It’s really obnoxious.”
“Your real laugh?” Hajime tilted his head, his curiosity piqued.
“Yeah, when I laugh hard enough I snort.” He calmly replied.
“Okay, I have to hear that.” He laughed, slowly raising his hands.
“Keep your fucking hands to yourself.” Fuyuhiko narrowed his eyes half-heartedly. What he wanted to say was; ‘Go for it.’ but Yakuza pride and all that.
Hajime Isn’t an idiot, he can tell Fuyuhiko likes the attention but won’t admit it. And he isn’t going to make him uncomfortable by making him admit it.
“Who’s gonna stop me? You? I’m so scared.” Hajime smirked, quickly he pulled the Yakuza into his lap and pinned him against his body. “Now, Wanna make It easier on us both and tell me your ticklish spot~?” He asked teasingly.
Fuyuhiko squirmed, seeing If escape was even physically possible. It wasn’t. “Go to hell.” He growled, blushing.
“Suit yourself.” He shrugged, undoing the rest of his shirt buttons. Using both hands he ghosted his fingertips across the exposed sides.
Fuyu immediately began giggling again, his body actually relaxing under the soft touches. It wasn’t unbearable or torturous, but gentle and pleasant instead.
Hajime smiled at the string of bright laughter moving to his ribs brought about. He massaged his fingers in small careful circles against the ticklish bones. “Come on Fuyu~ There’s only a few spots I haven’t tried… If I have to find your tickle spot myself I’m really not gonna be nice~”
“Fuhuhahahahack you!” Fuyuhiko retorted, squirming aimlessly.
“That’s not very nice.” Hajime pouted, shoving his hands under the Yakuza’s arms. His fingers drilled and wiggled unrelentingly, which drew hysterical laughter from the smaller of the two.
“I would, But you sort of have my hands trapped and… Well, since they are, I might as well tickle you~” He teased, obviously pleased with himself for turning the tough Yakuza into a laughing heap in his arms.
“No you won’t.” Hajime smirked.
He continued to torture the blond student for a bit longer before ‘freeing’ his hands and brushing his fingers across his quivering stomach teasingly. “How about here? Is this a bad spot, Giggles~?”
The boy let out a shriek as he quickly brought his hands down over top of Hajime’s, trying to pry them away out of instinct. “Dohohon’t!” He tittered, blushing.
“Ooh, Looks like It is!” He declared, unfazed by Fuyuhiko’s attempts to stop him. His fingers gracefully descended on his soft belly.
Fuyu shrieked again, throwing his head back with loud bright laughter. His body jolted, and was sent flying out of his lap by the intensity of his flailing.
Hajime froze, did that seriously just happen a second time? He didn’t stay frozen for long, He sat on his legs to pin him down. “There, Since you’re on the floor you shouldn’t be able to fall for a third time.” He laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.
Fuyuhiko’s face couldn’t get any brighter pink. He wrapped his arms around his midsection to hide his body and protect his stomach. “Okay, You found one of my worst spots… congratu-fucking-lations… Now let me up.”
“Oh no, I’m not letting you out of this. I warned you what would happen If you didn’t tell me, Didn’t I?” He hummed. “Although, I think Instead of being mean, I’m going to be nice instead…”
Although the tickles that he unleashed on his poor belly weren’t very nice. His fingers scribbled mercilessly against the sensitive skin.
“Look at this cute ticklish belly, It’s just begging for affection. And what better affection than tickles?” He grinned at the whine that slipped past his lips.
“THIS IHIHIHIHISN’T BEING NIHIHIHICE!” He whined between laughs.
“Yes It Is. I’m going to compliment every spot I tickle so that you feel a little bit better about your body by the time I’m done.” He replied. “I think that sounds pretty nice to me~”
Fuyuhiko covered his face with his hands, hiding his embarrassment.
“I like all the freckles across your skin, It makes you unique and It looks adorable~”
He switched to skittering his nails across his trembling stomach, drawing some higher pitched laughs from the boy. “I also like how your skin turns pink after a little bit of tickling.”
“Nope!” Hajime leaned down and blew a raspberry against his belly button.
Just as he said, He began to snort between laughs. It was absolutely precious to the younger of the two.
“So what If your frame Is smaller? At least you have all your organs and bones, like your ribs for example.” He winked, fluttering his fingers across his ribcage. “There’s definitely twenty four of em. Unless you want me to count~?”
“Nohohohoho! *snort* Don’t you fucking dahahahare *snort* You bahahahastahahahard!”
“Well, Maybe I better count. Just In case.” He winked, Starting from the bottom set of ribs he worked his way up teasingly, Counting as he did.
So this was how Fuyu was going to die? Not the most dignified death in the world but… There’s worse ways to go, he supposed.
“Yep! All twenty four ribs!” Once he finished he skittered his fingers across Fuyu’s neck. “Your skin is really soft and tender, Perfect for tickling~”
“I wihihihill ehehehehend you!” He giggled.
“Shush! Let me hype you up.” Hajime laughed, going back and forth between neck, chest, ribs and underarms. Keeping Fuyuhiko In stitches. (and snorting, much to his chagrin.) “So what If you're not as tall? I think your height suits you. Plus, It makes it easier to pick you up and smother you with tickles.”
“Okahahahahay! Okahahay! *snort* Ehehehenough! Plehehehehease!”
Hajime relented, sensing he’d had enough. He sat down on the floor next to him and watched his chest rise and fall as he gasped for air.
Fuyuhiko brought his hands up and wiped the tears away from his face with his sleeves. “Oh my… God…” he panted.
“So, Are you feeling any better?” He asked with a grin.
“Y-Yeah… Th-Thanks…” Fuyu blushed as he sat up. “But… If you tell anybody what just happened--”
“Don’t worry, It’ll be our little secret.” Hajime winked, smiling at the flustered Yakuza.
“I can’t believe you think I’m cute. I am not fucking cute.” he huffed, crossing his arms.
Hajime blushed. Huh, He didn’t realize how that might sound without the proper context… Of course he didn’t mean romantically initially but.
He also didn’t feel any need to clarify this.
Is this inner conflict between platonic feelings and romantic feelings what being bi Is like? (Yes. Yes It Is. at least In my experience--)
“I can’t believe you think you aren’t cute.” Hajime retorted. “If I find out you’re feeling self conscious or dissing on yourself again, I will find you, and I will wreck you with compliments and tickles.”
Fuyuhiko gave a cheeky grin. “Is that supposed to deter me? You think I’m afraid of you?”
Hajime smirked and stood up, offering his hand to pull him to his feet. “You should be. Because you said I found one of your worst spots, Not the worst one… which means I still need to find it. And when I do, there will be no mercy.”
Fuyuhiko shuddered internally as he took Hajime’s hand and got to his feet.
“I’m not going to pressure you but… I might have a temporary solution If you wanted to join us.” Hajime said, going over to where he left his swim bag. From it he produced a tee shirt. “You could wear this with your swim trunks so that you don’t have to walk around shirtless.”
The Yakuza’s expression softened. “I didn’t bring my swim bag.”
“Peko did. She thought you might change your mind.” Hajime looked up at Fuyu and smiled, standing back up. He set the clean shirt on the table and ruffled Fuyu’s hair as he walked past. “If you change your mind…” He lingered in the doorway, looking back at him. “I’d love It if you joined us-- Uh, I mean, WE would love it-- Oh, You know what I mean.”
Flustered, The usually tsundere boy hurried back to the beach, Leaving behind the smiling Ultimate Yakuza.
“There you are! You sure were gone a while.” Mahiru sighed. “What were you off doing anyway?”
“Was Young master okay?” Peko asked, suddenly at his side.
“Fiend, Why Is your face so red? Are you possessed by a demon!?” Gundham asked.
“Did someone say Demon possession?” Sonia practically bounced over, Her eyes sparkling excitedly at the prospect.
Hajime stammered, Trying to process his words. “I-I was at the beach house with Fuyuhiko, He’s okay Peko.” He answered both Mahiru and Peko at the same time before turning to Gundham and Sonia. “No, I’m not possessed by a demon.”
“Aww...” Sonia pouted momentarily.
“Then why is your face so red? Did you forget the Human uv protection barrier?” Gundham asked, crossing his arms.
Hajime blinked. “The what?”
“Sunscreen?” Sonia asked, Turning back to Hajime after Gundham nodded in response to her question. “His face does not look sunburnt. Actually his face looks like it is going back to it’s normal color.”
“So that means Hajime was totally blushing!” Ibuki giggled. “What went on In that beach house, I wonder.”
Hajime’s face went red again as he was swiftly reminded of the reason he was blushing in the first place. “Sh-Shut up Ibuki!”
“Did something happen with Young master?” Peko asked curiously.
“N-No, Of course not! I-- GAH!” Hajime yelled In surprise as he was pelted with a water balloon, He whipped around In the direction it came from, Expecting Soda or Chiaki to have thrown It but instead finding Fuyuhiko.
He stood there barefoot In the sand, wearing swim trunks and Hajime’s shirt, which looked baggy on him and obscured his frame.
Peko’s face lit up, As did Hajime’s. The others were shocked.
“Hey Dumbass! Don’t lie to them. The truth Is I was going to stay inside but he cheered me up and convinced me to join you all.” He smirked, winking at Hajime who smiled lightheartedly.
“Well, There goes my fun! Who said he could join us??” Hiyoko pouted.
Chiaki sidled up to Fuyuhiko, handing him a rather large water gun with a bright smile. “Upgrade unlocked.”
Fuyuhiko grinned and took it from her. “Target acquired.” He responded, Locking eyes with Hiyoko as he pumped the water pressure slide.
The dancer screamed and took off running with Fuyuhiko on her tail. “NOOOO! MAHIRU HELP!”
“GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” Fuyu called after her.
Mahiru and Hajime exchanged looks, cracking up laughing at their friends. “I’ll get my girlfriend to be nice if you go call off your boyfriend.” She said jokingly.
Hajime blushed, laughing along with her. “Deal.”
“Hiyoko! Over here!” Mahiru called, taking off running after her girlfriend.
“Fuyuhiko! Stop it, she’s already deeeaaad!” Hajime called after his friend, Laughing. He took off running after him too.
Chiaki leaned against Peko, sighing dramatically. “I think we pushed them In the right direction today.”
Peko nodded, patting the Gamer’s head. “It was smart of you to bring Fuyuhiko’s bag. How did you know he would change his mind?”
“I had a feeling. Thanks for carrying it for me, It would have looked suspicious If I’d been spotted with it.” Chiaki smiled sweetly up at the swordswoman. “Good work getting Hajime to go check on him. I don’t think either of them saw us In the doorway.”
Peko faintly smiled, watching Fuyuhiko get thrown over Hajime’s shoulder and carried away from Hiyoko. “I don’t think so either. Not that they could have heard us over Young Master’s laughter.”
Chiaki giggled as she watched Hajime getting sprayed down with the water gun now. “Mischief managed~”
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marimo-o · 3 years
ok so im making a long ass post about Abzu (the game) within the context of mesopotamian mythology because I'm insane. It's gonna be a doozy and likely incomprehensible so <3 below the cut it goes! There's gonna be TONS of spoilers for the game, and, like, I guess for the mesopotamian creation epic, so. Play Abzu if you haven't and if you wanna read the Enuma Elish that's also cool. Good for u
(a note from afterwards: it's long. like, REALLY fucking long, holy shit. if you actually want to read the whole thing, be. prepared or something idk take breaks! the last two paragraphs (i know they're walls of text pls bear with me) contain most of the important information. like, the final hurrah of my brain after working on this for multiple hours! So if u wanna save time and avoid some of the redundancy, just skip to those last two <3)
So "Abzu" referred to two things; the fresh water people got from underground aquifers (also as the void-sea which was underneath the Sumerian underworld, Kur), and the deity; he only appeared in the creation story, Enuma Elish, because a big part of that whole thing was that oh no! He dies! And that's also a thing I'm gonna touch on (sorry about the lack of accent marks in advance, it's not available on my current keyboard^ ^;)
I'm gonna start off with a brief tale of what happened with Abzu the deity, and then move onto how both the deity and the concept relate to the game!
So like I mentioned, Abzu the deity only really appears in the creation myth. The story goes that the Primordial Soup divided into two beings, with Abzu representing the freshwater and Tiamat being the saltwater. They were married, and together birthed some of the first formative gods! Some of these gods, jealous of Abzu's power convinced Tiamat to kill him (or, I thought it was started by Tiamat growing resentful of the younger gods, one of those). Either way, Abzu was killed, and Tiamat ended up lashing out, creating the first "dragons", or perhaps becoming one herself; with "poison instead of blood". She is killed by Marduk, the god of storms and the child of Enki (one of the first gods created by Abzu and Tiamat), and from her body the heavens and the earth are formed. Imagine getting killed by ur grandson lol cringe /j
Now! The waters itself! This also brings Enki into the equation, who kinda took over as god of the waters in place of his dead father. He's also the god of creation, intelligence, crafts, mischief, and more! Very important guy.
Abzu refers to both the groundwater reservoirs that people depended on for both accessible clean water and for some agricultural work, and also to the void-sea beneath the underworld, where it is said that Enki rests. He had a temple at Eridu, a now-ruined city, and I remember hearing somewhere that he lived in a temple in an underground aquifer? But I can't find wherever I read that anymore so don't take my word for it. Anyway, the basics of Enki as a deity is: child of Tiamat and Abzu, widely worshipped in his time, god of the waters, generally a cool and important dude.
And now. Finally. We move onto the game. My head hurts.
So, for a quick (post-writing: lol it's not quick) overview of the game; you play as a funny little diver, who woke up in the middle of the ocean and, as the player, are given no clues as to who or what you are. You explore through the ocean levels peacefully at first, and with the guidance of a scarred shark (painted as a bit of an antagonist at first with the audio cues) you make your way to wells at the bottom-center of each level that revitalize the space around them; as they progress, many levels start out as barren, empty landscapes that give you a foreboding, nervous feeling going in, before using an energy from yourself to rekindle the life. Huge coral growths, seaweed, and a myriad of ocean animals spring to life. The player character can also ride on the sides of the bigger ones! The game also puts a big stress on unity between yourself and the environment; there's not a whole lot you can physically interact with, but you can play with the animals there and, like I said before, ride on some of the larger animals. There are also "meditation spots", statues where you can sit and explore the wildlife from more of their point of view, able to follow them seamlessly and see what the different kinds of fish and such are called. It's a calming experience, and really the most interaction you get with some of the more timid animals, letting you still see them up close even if you can't get there as the player character.
The story of the game is told via writings on the walls, which you can light up and access by solving small puzzles regarding connecting reservoirs of glowing waters, similar to that of the almost cosmic area you go to between levels; one thing I read described it as a kind of "rebirth area", which I can definitely see hehe!
At the end of the game, you've held the shark in its dying moments, you've discovered a strange factory that builds the weird triangular prisms that deliver anything that touches them a shock, the little flashlight dudes that you've found over the levels, and little divers that uncannily resemble yourself, and you've seen yourself disassembled to your funny little mechanical skeleton, weak and slow as you try to walk on land, before you are rebirthed from the void-cosmic-water area once again, fully yourself. There's a wonderful ending sequence where you swim through all these rivers, bringing life with you as you go, with the shark once again by your side. The whole game, you saw no land when you poked your head above water, just miles and miles of water, but you've travelled far enough to reach a reservoir. You cut the chains to a central triangular prism, and it grows over with moss. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it, really, it feels like such a... grand gesture as you play through it. It feels personal.
Okay. Theory time. Finally, we're getting into the meat of it. Fucking hell.
So, imagine that you are this being. You're wandering an oceanic wonderland, observing and caring for what you need to, doing as any good little diver should. After a bit of poking around, you discover the start of the engravings on the walls; they tell the story of the people that were here before you, who built these temples and halls and used, or at least stored, the strange blue glowing "water" that you connect and move. It's a water of life, of sorts, one that they truly valued. You come to an impasse between areas, and this massive, scarred-up shark cuts in front of you. You're gonna stay hidden, that thing is terrifying! You try not to move. It doesn't spot you, or at least doesn't move to attack you. However, once it's safely out of view, you do follow it, and it leads you to a dark, desolate, empty chamber. This is wrong, you think to yourself. This isn't how it should be. There's a well, towards the bottom, and you approach it, taking... a fragment of light, from your chest, and imbuing that spark of life into the well. And, lo and behold, that intuition proved helpful, because the world around you springs back to life. Congratulations! You did it! And you continue to, as you work past puzzles and challenges and the appearance of these strange triangular mechanisms, that shock you when you get too close. These people worshipped a shark, as well, likely the same as the one you saw; the guide, now old and scarred, that brings you to where that spark is needed. Even later in the game, you see depictions of the triangular mechanisms, at first heralded as a positive, before these things are found to be the reason for this society's collapse. As if that wasn't perplexing enough, you see a depiction of a being that appears suspiciously similar to yourself, once again treated with reverence from the past civilization. In their hand is a ball of light, similar to the one shown when you revitalize the oceanic chambers. Well, that's certainly odd, you think to yourself. Perhaps this was a being that postponed the death of the civilization, or first allowed for those small chambers of life to exist in captivity instead of the open, natural landscapes you explored at the start. Regardless, it's now a relic of something long gone; but it still gives you something to think about. Later on, that strange coincidence of your similarities to that person are explained; you find a manufacturing plant, full of the vicious triangular mechanisms in each tight hallway, and right at the center of it all... multiple iterations of yourself, running down an assembly line, a spark not unlike what you saw before imbued into each of them. My, look at that; you've been responsible for part of this destruction all along, haven't you? Borne from that same ill that has been forcibly removing that spark from each of the places you've gone to. A bit inconsiderate of you, no? And yet... look at all the good you've done. You've rebirthed, revitalized, purified these ocean fragments, is that not enough? You are the keeper of these waters, regardless of the evil you had come from, despite the terrifying empty things may have reverted to. You, who trusted and followed the shark that seemed so scary at first. You, who followed it as it tried to attack a source of the evil, of the thing that was draining the oceans of their life. You, who held and comforted that shark as it lay dying, despite any fear you may have had. You, who attempted to traverse a minefield of those triangular machines, shocked over and over again and at the final moment, unable to make it to the finish line. You, who was rebirthed in full regardless by the oceans you'd cared for, by the void-sea you always returned to, to rest. You, who traversed a now-ruined citadel, temple, all of which had been flooded and had been dedicated to you. You, who brought life with you.
I hope you see what I'm getting at here. You're serving as a figure not unlike Enki, god and guardian of the waters. In the wake of Abzu, the avatar of the fresh waters, now confined to irrigation canals so as not to kill the younger gods, Tiamat lashes out. Her husband is dead, as far as she is concerned, and she goes to those younger gods to seek her revenge. The dragon, that which sucked the life from the seas and poisoned the waters. That which Marduk killed, to carve new life from. I would say that the shark is Marduk, even; given how the shark is the only one who is openly on the offense to those mechanisms, and who comes in at the endgame to finish them off, bringing new life with it. Even in how it all shapes up with the civilization before, in connection to the constructs; Tiamat was the mother of all in existence at that time. She was surely loved; but she turned hostile and violent. She could no longer be safely loved. And Abzu, both the glowing water we use to open doors and the light that we hold and the deep void-sea we enter between levels and father to all in existence, he was confined to small canals and reservoirs and put in a deep sleep so that he would not kill his own children. And by you, no less. Enki put him there. That is why you can use that water from the start; you lived in the Abzu, you came from it, and each time, that is where you return. That temple, now submerged and decrepit, is Eridu; the place where Enki was most worshipped. The other diver clones are the other gods, or perhaps the "dragons", now, that Tiamat had mothered. The smaller prisms definitely count in that "dragon" category; purely harmful beings that seek to destroy life. And in the end, indeed, you restore life; you and your son, upon killing Tiamat, return life to the world from her body. Perhaps you could not save those who once worshipped you, perhaps those structures will forever be in ruin. But there is no more danger, now; there is space to build and replenish. There is space to grow.
Fuck ok that was long as hell. Hi if u made it this far i love u. god fucking damn im never writing anything again after this. it took about as long as a full playthrough of the game, coincidentally!!
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I love your last fic so much it got me thinking could you write something about like the gallaghers( +Kev and v and sandy etc) observing Ian and Mickey’s relationship? Like their perspectives of seeing them be soft with each other and just their dynamic? I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol <3
hiiiii anon!<3 okay i want to start off by saying that this got WAY too long, bc i loved this prompt a lot- so much that i think i might make this a multi-part thing on ao3! i started with sandy (since i am in love with her) but i’ll also go through the gallaghers/kev & v soon- lmk if u guys want me to continue, and who u would want me to write next if i do (or if u want me to continue with sandy lol i have lots of thoughts and feelings)
this ended up taking place in s10 when we first meet sandy, fyi:) also tw for brief mentions of abuse (as always, bc of terry 🙄) -- and there is a reference to the line in 10x07 that jokes about mickey and sandy for a brief moment
When Sandy heard her phone buzz on that Tuesday afternoon, sitting on the stained and lumpy couch in her shithead uncle’s living room while drinking a beer and arguing with Alek about what type of insurance fraud could make the biggest payout, she had no idea what to expect on the other end of the line. The phone kept ringing, the contact info lighting up the screen: MICKEY.
Mickey? Shit. It had been a long fucking time. Between her own various juvie stints as a kid and Mickey’s time behind bars overlapping just as she got released, Sandy hadn’t seen Mickey since… high school, maybe? Whenever it was, it was back when Mickey was a grimy kid with spikey hair and dirty fingernails, a kid with an obsession with guns and way too much time on his hands, back when they would hang out by the train tracks and drink beer and get way too high and do stupid shit; all in all, back when everything was a hell of a lot simpler. Sandy assumed Mickey had met Royal and been clued in about her shitshow of a life at some point while she’d been gone, and they’d possibly overlapped at a family party or two a few years ago when they both were in town— but other than hearing about the aftershocks of Mickey coming out and driving Terry up a goddamn wall, so much so that Terry broke his parole and was headed straight back to prison hours after his release, Sandy hadn’t seen Mickey in forever.
Which is why this call intrigued her so much— Mickey was supposed to be in prison for at least a couple more years, or at least that’s what his brothers had said, so why the fuck was he using a cell phone right now?
Sandy nodded her head towards the cellphone, cutting Alek off mid-sentence and sliding her thumb across the screen to pick up the call. Before saying anything, she rose off the creaky springs of the couch and speedwalked out to the front porch before answering— whatever the fuck Mickey wanted, she assumed he was calling her because this conversation wasn’t for the ears of any other Milkoviches. She lit a cigarette and leaned against the post of the front stoop, listening to the silence hanging heavy on her phone’s speaker.
“Mickey? You there?”
A low chuckle came from the other end of the line.
“Fuck. Been a long time.” Mickey’s voice sounded the same; punchy and snarky, maybe a little gruffer and raspier after years of cigarette smoke. Sandy waited a moment for Mickey to give more of a reply, or an explanation for his call, but it was clear that Mickey wasn’t going to give one right away— it was like he was testing the waters, like he was deciding if making this call was the right move. Soft static echoed on the phone line.
Sandy totally got it— reemerging from a life of cinderblock cell walls and barbed wire fences fucking sucked, especially when you were a Milkovich and the moment you got out you were faced with a choice, an opportunity: did you want to go back home, or did you want to start fresh, erase your own name, and forget this dysfunctional family ever existed? Sandy knew she felt the same way when she got out. Mickey deciding to call Sandy was a big fucking move, and she realized that— reclaiming your life as a Milkovich on the brink of a new beginning took guts.
“So, I take it you’re out of prison?” Sandy asked after a moment, inhaling another slow puff of her cigarette.
There was that laugh again— Sandy had weirdly missed it. Honestly, Mickey hadn’t ever been too bad to be around— they’d both felt like outsiders in the family, had both always had a strong head on their shoulders and a fucking moral compass, unlike the rest of Terry’s sheep who did his bidding and got swastikas tattooed on their chest. When he was younger Mickey used to follow Terry and his older brothers around like a lost puppy, and he even got those fucking knuckle tats—but later in high school, Sandy remembered seeing something deep snap inside him, bleeding out in “STAY THE FUCK OUT” and “FUCK LOVE” signs taped onto his bedroom walls. At the time she thought it was the fucked-up shit with Terry and Mandy driving him up a wall— but now she realized the constant bombardment of homophobia, coupled with the cuts and bruises blooming on his cheeks and the cigarette burn scars on his arms, must have been signs of Mickey realizing the rude awakening that was inevitably going to come if he wanted to be who he was. Sandy couldn’t even imagine— no one really gave a shit who she fucked, and her cousins didn’t know anything about her sex life—but she couldn’t fathom being Terry’s son, the pride and joy of the Milkovich clan, and needing to outwardly admit those deeper parts of herself.
“Yup, I’m free to join civilization as of this morning. Overcrowding or some shit.” Sandy could hear Mickey also taking a drag of a cigarette on the other end of the line. She smirked to herself. Guess we both didn’t break the Milkovich nicotine addiction.
“So, uh, listen,” Mickey continued, and Sandy immediately knew he was in deep shit if she was the one he was calling to ask for a favor. “I’m in a bit of a… situation. Don’t wanna go into too many specifics, but there might be a massive fucking Mexican cartel after me right now.”
Sandy barked out a laugh before she could help herself. Fucking Mickey. “Oh yeah? Sounds like you’re feeling thrilled to be a free man again.”
Mickey chuckled again. “Fuck you. But hey, d’you think you can bring my shit by to me, so I don’t have to stop by the house and get fucking killed? You don’t gotta rush or whatever, just didn’t wanna show my face quite yet.”
Sandy could feel all the unsaid things wrapped in the way Mickey’s sentence ended. Didn’t want to show his face quite yet because of this cartel bullshit, or because of Terry? She decided it didn’t really matter— Mickey was a good guy, she could spend an hour or so rounding up his shit and bringing it to him if that’s what he needed.
“Got it.” She blew out more smoke, watching it curl and drift over the wasteland of the front yard on a gust of summer air.
Mickey cleared his throat, like he was gearing up to say more. When he spoke, his voice was softer around the edges, more genuine than before.
“I’m, uh. I’m sure you heard everything about me while I was gone. About Terry flipping his shit. Probably not the best idea for me to come around the house quite yet—my brothers n’ I haven’t really talked much since then either.” He paused, inhaling another drag of his cigarette. “I figured you’d get it. And hey, if you can bring the stuff by, I’d love to hear all the badass shit you’ve been up to the past few years.”
Sandy nearly winced—yeah, if by “badass shit” you mean getting forcibly married to a douchebag and then couch surfing for months— but she tried to keep her shit together for Mickey’s sake. She stubbed out her cigarette on the railing of the porch, straightening from where she was leaning.
“I’ve got it Mickey, don’t worry about it. Where are you right now, anyways?”
She could hear the hint of relief bleeding into Mickey’s voice when he replied. “I’m at the Gallagher house? The grey one by the tracks.”
Sandy rolled her eyes. “I was in jail for a couple of years Mickey, not braindead. I know where the Gallagher house is.”
Mickey huffed out a breath, but there wasn’t any sharpness in it. “Excuse me for tryin’ to be helpful, smartass.”
“Why the fuck are you there, anyways?”
“I’m, uh, crashing with my partner for now. Ian?”
Holy shit, Mickey was still fucking Ian Gallagher? Sandy had pieced together that Ian was the reason Mickey came out months after getting married to some Russian bitch, and according to Iggy the whole reason Mickey went to jail in the first place was some love-crazed revenge plot on Ian’s behalf— but since getting locked up Mickey hadn’t kept in touch with anyone, other than a shady-as-fuck message to his brothers after he’d busted out of prison letting everyone know that he was in Mexico, despite getting thrown back into jail in Chicago a couple months later. Sandy didn’t really know the details, and she especially didn’t know anything about Mickey’s love life— but it was wild as fuck that someone as unsettled and ruthless and batshit crazy as Mickey could’ve been with the same person all this time, especially someone as seemingly bland as Ian Gallagher. Huh. Wonder if I’ll get to see Ian.
“Got it. I’ll round up your shit and bring it by the Gallagher house later today. And don’t worry, I won’t let anyone know you called til you’re ready.”
Mickey exhaled on the other end of the line. “There shouldn’t be much, just check the drawers or whatever. “
Sandy knew for a fact that most of Mickey’s lingering possessions had probably been taken, sold, or thrown out by a zealously homophobic Terry by now, but she wasn’t going to say as much to Mickey over the phone.
“I’m on it. See you in a couple hours.”
“Hey, Sandy?” Mickey blew out a long breath, and this time Sandy couldn’t tell if it was because he was still smoking or because he was riding a wave of relief, releasing the floodgates of anxiousness he’d been holding in the whole conversation. “Thanks. I fuckin’ owe you one.”
Sandy smirked. Maybe Mickey being let out of jail early was a good thing, despite how fucked his whole situation seemed— maybe, for once, someone in her family would be fun to be around, wouldn’t set her teeth on edge every two seconds by making a racist comment or forcing her to be something she wasn’t.
“I’ll text you when I’m almost at your love nest.”
She imagined Mickey’s grin as he replied. “Fuck you. See ya soon.”
After scraping through every rickety dresser drawer in Terry’s house for nearly an hour, Sandy could barely come up with anything that was reportedly Mickey’s: a couple of tattered shirts, an impressively overused-looking bong, and a single sneaker she’d left behind because she couldn’t find the other one. She threw it all in some shitty burlap rucksack she’d found on one of the bedroom floors, assuming no one would miss it— it dawned on her that maybe her cousins were lying, and some of the other stuff in the house was still Mickey’s, but she’d collected what she could based on the whispered directions Alek and Iggy had given her when Terry was out of the room.
Sandy unlocked her phone, and typed a quick message to Mickey. “Out front.”
Mickey’s reply came quickly, and Sandy noticed the front curtains rustling on the top floor of the Gallagher house.
“Coming down”
The front door creaked open, and Mickey walked out onto the front porch. He looked good; he looked cleaner, sure, but also like a fucking adult—like he’d grown into himself, like he actually carried himself with confidence instead of just pretending to. He nodded his chin up at Sandy in acknowledgement.
“Long time no see.” He smirked, leaning on the banister. “You make a good delivery service. All those hauls we did with Terry must’ve been good training.”
Sandy lazily walked up the front steps, reaching the bag out in front of her for Mickey to take. “Here’s all the shit I could find. It’s not much.”
Mickey jerked his head to the open door behind him. “You wanna come in for a sec?”
Sandy grinned. Why the fuck not. “Sure."
So that was how she found herself perched on what was presumably Ian Gallagher’s bed, watching Mickey ruffle through the burlap bag, his brows furrowed as he realized just how much of his shit was actually gone.
“This everything?”
“As much as I could find.”
They comfortably chatted back and forth about how everyone was— Sandy decided to divulge the fact that Mickey’s brothers were idiots who tried to crawl in bed with her every night, which is something that she had to joke about so she didn’t go fucking insane sleeping under the same roof as them.
“Fuck ‘em, chop their nuts off next time they try it.”
Sandy smirked. Finally, a decent fucking relative. She made some hollow joke about staying with Mickey, alluding to the extra-shitty night decades ago when their cousins had forced them to make out when they were way too high on something.
“Or I could stay here with you. Have fun like we did when we were kids.”
“You know that’s fucked up, right? We’re fucking cousins!”
“Plus he’s taken.” A voice came from around the corner.
Ian Gallagher looked bigger, taller, and more solid than Sandy remembered; he was definitely miles away from the scrawny kid with the bangs who worked at the Kash N Grab that Sandy and her cousins endlessly used to fuck with in middle school. Ian’s shoulders were wide, his body imposing in the tiny room; immediately, Mickey’s aggravated stance softened when Ian walked in, wrapped in a towel from the waist down.
“Oh right, you.” Sandy grinned as Ian hunched over the bed and grabbed his deodorant from the nightstand.
Mickey had turned back to the bag of clothes. “Hey, I had shampoo and shit, is there soap anywhere?”
Sandy rolled her eyes. “You’ve been gone for years, you think your brothers would save that shit for you?” she bit out— and okay, maybe she was a little pissed at Mickey’s brothers for the constant-sexual-assault thing.
Ian just applied his deodorant and leaned in close to Mickey as he passed by the bed towards the doorframe. “You can use mine. We’ll hit Costco later, I’m getting paid.”
It was stupid, but Sandy felt something soft pang in her chest at Ian’s words; it was just now that she was realizing it, but she didn’t think she’d ever seen someone take care of Mickey before, or so… automatically factor Mickey’s needs into a situation. Being a Milkovich was all about scrounging and scraping, and guarding what little you had; a Milkovich would never let someone use their fucking soap just because they cared about them, or not as an immediate reaction anyways.
“Nah, I can’t, man. PO texted me when you were in the shower, he’s got a job for me.”
Ian kept looking at Mickey from where he was leaning in the doorway. “Then give me a list of shit you need, and I’ll pick it up for you,” Ian said in an overly simple tone, like he was mocking the fact that Mickey didn’t realize Ian would run an errand for him.
Sandy smirked. Jesus, Gallagher is whipped.
“Isn’t that cute, little domestic bitches,” Sandy crooned before she could help herself.
Ian stepped into the room again and leaned in towards Mickey, pressing a kiss to Mickey’s cheek while Mickey aggressively tried to uncrumple one of the pile of shirts from the bag.
“Mm, thank you,” Ian said in reply, his voice muffling as he smushed his face closer to Mickey’s.
Mickey instantly smiled smugly as Ian’s lips pressed against his cheek—then he noticed Sandy was staring, so he flipped her off and smiled even wider. What the fuck? Sure, Mickey had flipped Sandy off, but he was practically fucking beaming in a way that Sandy had never seen. God, wonder if I’ll find this shit someday.
Ian detached himself from Mickey and walked out of the room, Mickey’s eyes lingering on his torso. Once Ian had turned the corner Mickey snapped back to attention, fixing his eyes back onto the small mountain of clothes spread on the bed in front of him. Mickey lifted the bong off the bedsheets, and met Sandy’s gaze. 
“You have to go, or d’you wanna hang for a bit? I don’t have to be at work for a couple hours, and it’s gonna suck enough that I should probably be high before I get there.”
Sandy grinned. “Hell yeah, I’m down.”
They sat on the rickety back steps of the Gallagher house, silently taking hits and passing the bong back and forth. It had been years since they’d been in the same space, but Sandy and Mickey easily sank into a comfortable silence, passively surrounded by the shrieks of kids playing across the alleyway and the bubbling of water as they inhaled. Mickey blew smoke out of his nose, then sat back so he was leaning against the banister and passed the glass pipe to Sandy.
“So,” Sandy started as she held the lighter to the bong and inhaled deeply. “Ian Gallagher.”
Mickey huffed out a laugh. “Yup. That’s some Romeo and Juliet shit for ya.”
Sandy smirked as she exhaled. “You really fucking love him, huh?”
Mickey eyebrows raised almost imperceptibly as he looked towards her. “Yeah. Guess I do.” He took the bong from Sandy’s outstretched hand. “Took me forever to get shit straight with him, though.”
Ah. So their road to domestic bliss wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed. Sandy’s curiosity was growing.
“Because of shit with Terry?”
Mickey stiffened, coughing a bit as he exhaled smoke, like Sandy’s question caught him off guard. “Shit. Yeah. That too. Let’s just say there were lots of fucking ups and downs, and we both had a lot of shit to unpack.”
Sandy snickered. “You sound like a fucking couples therapist.”
Mickey rolled his eyes. “If you wanna see couples therapy, I should tell you about the months me and Ian were sharing a fucking cell. We nearly ripped each other’s heads off. We literally stabbed someone so one of us might get sent to fucking solitary.”
Sandy’s laughter grew. “Are you fucking serious?”
Mickey grinned, and passed the bong back to Sandy again. “Fuck. Yeah. I fucking love him, though. He’s fucking crazy, and I still can’t let him go.” Mickey looked off into the distance across the alleyway, and either the weed was really hitting him right now, or he was being a very sappy motherfucker.
Sandy nudged Mickey’s knee. “You guys are cute together.” Mickey’s eyebrows raised when he heard the word “cute,” and Sandy quickly tried to rephrase. “Not cute, but y’know. Good for each other. You seem happy. Happy is... good.”
Mickey nodded pensively. “How’re you doing, anyways?”
Sandy shrugged noncommittally. “Eh. We can talk about me another time. How the fuck did you and Ian end up sharing a jail cell, anyways?”
Mickey let out a throaty laugh. “I heard Gallagher was getting locked up when I was down south, so I essentially pulled some strings and fucking snitched on the cartel I was working for. Hauled my ass back up here so we could be together.”
Holy fuck. Sandy’s jaw nearly dropped. “Mickey, you’re batshit crazy.” She shoved him squarely in the chest this time. “Are you fucking serious?! You evaded the feds, were living in Mexico, and you came back for Ian Gallagher?”
Mickey rolled his eyes again, placing the bong on the steps. “I can’t explain it, man. I just didn’t wanna be anywhere else, I guess.”
Sandy leaned back onto the banister. “Shit.” She paused for a moment, wondering if she should ask the next question. “Do you… want me to tell anyone you’re back?”
Mickey glanced over at her, his eyes alert. “Nah. Not yet. That okay with you?”
Sandy nodded. “Of course.” Mickey pulled out his phone, checking the time and presumably looking for a distraction from tiptoeing around talking about Terry— but Sandy had to tell him, had to let him know one more thing.
“Hey, Mickey?”
Mickey looked up. “Yeah?”
“I don’t really know the details of what went down with Terry, or whatever— but I just wanted to let you know that… if you ever wanna come home, I’m on your side. No questions asked. And I think a lot of the others are, too.”
The corner of Mickey’s mouth ticked upward. “Thanks.”
Sandy stood, checking her phone and zipping her leather jacket. “Well, I’d probably let you sober up a bit before your big parolee first day of work.”
Mickey raised a middle finger up to her from where he was seated, but then rose to stand.
“Thanks for comin’ by. And hey—you’re free to crash here anytime. There’s a million fucking kids running around all the time, but there’s always a couch or something open if everyone at home’s giving you too much shit.”
Sandy felt something warm growing in her chest. It had been a long fucking time since someone offered to take care of her, just because they could, just because they wanted to— maybe being a Milkovich wasn’t half bad. Maybe there were some good ones.
Sandy nodded in acknowledgement, and turned to walk down the creaky back steps. Wow. If Sandy was sure of one thing right now, it was that Mickey really, really fucking loved Ian Gallagher.
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inkedtae · 4 years
golden gills ⇾ jjk. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ goldfish!hybrid jungkook x bratty!reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 ⇾ e2l, smut with a sprinkle of fluff and a waterfall of filth 
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ Reader taunts Jungkook for being the new Teacher’s Assistant for her history class. She simply can’t stand a teacher’s pet. Jungkook can’t help but make her one. 
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 7k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ a shit ton of flith, hate-love sex, office sex, super bratty reader, thigh riding, hair pulling, spit play, pube play, panty sniffing, a tad bit of edging, oral (f. receiving), dom!jk, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), lots of spanking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, pet names, a dash of puns here and there, lowkey crack, probs gonna need some (un)holy water.
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ extremely unedited. please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission. currently on a kookie kick so get ready for some filthy (and occasionally fluffy) kookie content. if you have any request, please send them my way (i might consider another member). enjoy!
><> le playlist 
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He strut into class, a little notebook clutched in his large hands. You couldn’t help but notice how his veins popped out. Was he flexing or was that just simply always the state of his hands. His sharp nails, tips tinged orange, dug into the leather binding of the notebook while he spoke with your professor. You glared at him from your seat at the front. He must’ve felt the heat of your gaze as he rubbed the nape of his, looking over at you. 
There, right there was the reason why you hate that man so much. That shit-eating smirk tugged on his pink lips, brownish-yellow eyes flickering between you and the professor. An annoyed sigh escaped you. He was too cocky for his own good. He may have radiated golden rays wherever he went. The yellowish-orange tint of his hair layered with strands of pink was undeniably eye-catching. You figured that if he was full fish and not just a hybrid, then that might be the colour of his scales. But, when that golden image was paired with his arrogant personality, you reminded yourself as your eyes bounced up and down his frame, he was insufferable.
Despite the golden hues of his species, Jungkook felt most comfortable in black. It was a trend you noticed immediately on him. His flowy, golden fin would stick out his shirt, lined along his spine, and tiny golden gills would rest in the hollows of his cheeks but he would only wear black. You hated how you knew that he only liked to wear loose fitted clothing because it looked great on him. It was all he wore so how could you not notice it, you tried to reason. That fact didn’t soothe your rage one bit, however, since it meant that you indirectly admitted to yourself that he always looked good. 
That man is dangerous, you thought to yourself before turning back to your notes. You didn’t have much to write just yet, but you weren’t going to waste your last moments before class staring at Jeon Jungkook. You opted for doodling, gently scratching your orange pen within the margins.
“How come whenever I walk in I always catch you staring?” He asked, sitting a couple of seats to your right. 
“Glaring,” you correct, not bothering to look up. 
He chuckles to himself, the breathy sound confusing your heart and stunting your rage for a minute. “You’re giving me your attention either way, hun,” he replied. “And I barely had to do a thing.”
You stopped mid-stroke, looking up at him with that same glare before your eyes scanned across the classroom. You noticed empty seats peppered between others who were lucky enough to enjoy some peace before the lesson began.  “There are other seats,” you muttered, turning back to your notebook. 
Jungkook leaned back in his chair, tossing his notebook down on the table with a light thud. “I like this one,” he sighed as he pulled out a black pen from his pants. “I can see everything from here, and everyone can see me.”
You furrowed your brows at his words. What a cocky little shit; always needing to be the center of attention. “You’re an idiot,” you hissed, making the mistake of looking up at him again. 
He met your annoyed gaze with a playful glint in his eyes. He had his tongue poking at his cheek, and a single brow raised as if asking if you truly meant that, as if warning you to try again. “Am I?” he challenged. “Or are you too busy concerned with me to realize how wrong that statement was?”
Your face scrunched with confusion as you tried your best to decipher his words.Why did he have to be so cryptic? Why couldn’t he just tell you what the hell he meant? Giving up, you were about to tell him how stupid he sounded when the professor began his lecture. 
He welcomed the class, introduced himself and went over the course syllabus before turning to look at Jungkook. “And, if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me or my TA this semester, Jungkook.” He then gestured for Jungkook to stand. 
Fuck no. 
Your face fell as he rose from his seat. Before he could even catch a glimpse of your pure shock and devastation, you schooled your features and looked back towards your professor. It all began to click now, why he spoke with the professor before class and why he sat at the front. He even tried to warn you, in his own stupid, idiotic, cryptic way. Did you really insult your TA? He was going to be grading your work for the next four months. You wanted to believe Jungkook wasn’t a total asshole but with the way he taunted you with that look in his eyes before the lecture started gave you pause. 
Your face must’ve been revealing bits and pieces of your panic, despite your efforts, because you soon heard little breathy chuckles to your right. “Relax, hun. I won’t let it affect your final grade,” he whispered as the professor dived into his lecture. “This time.”
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That little shit. 
You had written your essay two weeks prior to the due date, which is a lot coming from you since you’re more of a pull an all-nighter the night before kind of girl. You had researched thoroughly about the topic provided, giving your own analysis on the wars and political practises of the West. You even quoted Karl Marx a few times, and this little shit only just passed you? You had an average to maintain and you knew your paper was not merely worth a passing grade. You even had your best friend, Namjoon, read it over and approve of the analysis, citations and writing style. 
So the moment his office hours were available you made your way over. They were running during another one of your classes but fuck him if he thought you were going to let this slide. You weren’t sure what he was thinking but if this was all some power play, you were about to show him who the fuck was in charge. 
“Jeon, you motherfucker,” you huffed in a way of greeting as you walked into his office. 
Jungkook peeked up at you from his bowl, noodles hanging out of mouth. His eyes were a bit wider, cheeks puffed all too cutely as they were filled with food. He finished slurping his noodles as you shut the door. Though still completely furious, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop staring at his mouth. Something about those pouty, spice stained lips lit up your core and caused arousal to pool into your panties. 
You let out a shaky breath, seating yourself across his desk as he pushed his meal away, directing his full attention on you. He sat back in his seat, that stupid smirk over taking his features. 
“Yes?” He practically purred his response causing you to shift uncomfortably in your seat. 
You tossed your graded paper on his desk, eyes unforgivingly boring into his. “What the fuck is this?” You asked in a calmer voice, but the anger was still ponet in your tone. 
“You’re crappy paper I had the misfortune of reading,” he answered casually, like you just asked him about his day. 
The original fire in your eyes, you somehow were able to maintain since entering this office, dimmed into disappointment. Was it really that bad? But, you worked on it relentlessly. You had at least hoped it would pique his interest. Even Namjoon told you the approach you took was unique and well-thought out. For Jungkook to say it was a misfortune to read wasn’t just a shot at your grade but a blow to your intelligence, your pride. 
He must’ve noticed your change in demeanor as he sat up and sighed. He picked it up to look over it once again, but you ripped it out of his hand, crumpling it with, what you hated to recognize as, shame. “Don’t do me any favours, Jeon,” you all but warned through gritted teeth. “The grade speaks for itself. I can’t believe I thought someone as stupid as you would be able to understand something as layered and complex as this paper. The only thing crappy about any of this is the fact that I have a useless TA.”
Jungkook watched you with an unwavering gaze. “Watch your tone,” he grumbled, voice carrying more edge than those words ever did. 
You’ll admit, it stunted you for a moment, but the pain still lingered. You released the creased assignment on his desk lazily, treating it like the afterthought he believed it was. “Or what?” You taunted, tilting your head slightly. “You’ll fail me?” Your voice dipped in and out of feigned sadness, sarcasm dripping with every word. “You’ll go tell your precious professor? Hmm, little pet?”
Jungkook shifted in his seat, inhaling sharply from his nose before standing up. Even from across the desk, he towered over you. “Behave, (Y/N),” he warned, poking at his cheek with his tongue. 
His words meant nothing. You ignored the inner voice that reminded you that your behaviour was only getting this bad because his words actually meant more than you even wanted to acknowledge. 
“You’re just a useless pet, a stupid little goldfish trying so desperately to look tough in those all black clothes,” you pressed on, gesturing to his shirt that sat atop his chest and biceps all too well. He circled around the desk as you continued, “you can’t even get me to treat you with respect. Better yet, I bet you can’t even get me off. You’re that fucking useless.” 
How or why that sexual sentence slipped in was beyond you. You didn’t really have much time to think about anything, your mouth running on its own and leaving your mind to catch up. All you could see is him, him and those orange hues that lit around his muscular frame like a halo. You noticed him avoiding your gaze and you couldn’t help the teasing giggle that left your lips. 
A brow quirked up as he looked at you through his lashes. You only just realized that they were tipped with bits of gold. “There’s nothing you can do,” you said, standing up for the sole purpose of leaning in and whispering, “little pet.”
Those two words triggered something dark inside him. He groaned out, in frustration or excitement - you weren’t sure, and crashed his lips into yours. You wished you could say you resisted at first, but you were melting into his touch immediately. All logic left you and the only thing you can recall from that moment was another rush of lust and desire soaking your panties. You knew you lost your better judgement when you shamelessly moaned into the kiss at the fact that his lips tasted like freshwater and whatever flavour of spicy noodles he was previously eating.  
A rough hand tangled in your hair, tugging on it to pull you off his lips. You whined at the lost contact, surprising even yourself. You only caught a glimpse of his hooded eyes before he latched his lips onto your neck, setting fire to every inch of skin his mouth graced. Those eyes of his held a degree of rage and lusty fury all while little flicks of orange and gold swam within them. Had they always been like that? You never really got time to think about it before Jungkook bit at your flesh, unforgivingly nibbling and tugging only to slobber sweet kisses to soothe the sting. 
Your hands clutched onto his shirt, desperate to recompose even an ounce of your dignity. As if he knew what you were up to, his chuckled, warm breath fanning your skin, prickling you all over with goosebumps. Your thighs pressed together tightly at the sensation, and you were thankful you opted for a skirt rather than jeans this morning, knowing very well that there would’ve been a wet stain near your crotch. 
Jungkook inhaled deeply, parting from your neck to lick the shell of your ear. “You always smell so fucking sexy when you’re horny for me,” he raved. 
“I’m never horny for you,” your pride answered all too quickly. You wanted to add that he was mediocre at best right now, no matter how big of a lie that was too, but couldn’t find the courage after he bit harshly on your collar bone then lapped his tongue over the sting. 
“Don’t lie, pet,” he warned, smugly throwing your word back at you. 
“I’m not your pe- shit!” You gasped when his lips landed on the shallow hollow of your collar bone. You tugged on his shirt once more, tilting your head back as he began to attack it. His kisses were absolutely sinful and you found yourself wanting them all over you as you rolled your hips into his.
Once he was satisfied with the dark mark he left, he slightly pulled back. He opted for moving you around by the grip he had on your hair. It earned him little blissful whines from you that he couldn’t help but laugh at. He yanked your body closer to his chest, your hands now resting on his shoulders as you somehow positioned your crotch over one of his thighs and quickly, shamelessly moved against it. Your actions surprised you as well; you didn’t realize you were this hot for him.
“What were you saying before, my precious pet?” He teased, hovering his pouty lips over yours. His free hand rested upon your ass, gripping and kneading the flesh like he was coaxing the answer out of you. 
You bit your lip in denial of making a single sound. The notion wasn’t lost on him and he used his grip on your ass to halt your movements on his thigh. While you struggled to defy his silent orders, he held your body flush against his, keeping your clothed pussy trapped over his thigh with a single hand. You could feel his semi-hard against your lower belly as he smirked down at you. Had you not been in his grasp or too stubborn, you would’ve smacked that smirk off… with your lips. 
Jungkook yanked at your hair so that you were looking up at him with lips slightly parted and eyes undoubtedly desperate. That was the thing with your eyes; you could never hide your true feelings from them. 
His hot breath fanned over your chin as he muttered, “What happened to those cute little sounds, pet?” It took the last ounce of self control left in you to not to moan at his words. He continued to stare at you for a moment, admiring how, though you’re trying so hard not to show it, needy you were. 
“Open your mouth, baby,” he cooed. 
His voice was gentle enough for you to immediately comply. You parted your lips, looking up at him innocently. Though you knew what was coming next, your pussy clenching around nothing out of mere excitement, you did not pull away. In fact, you stuck your tongue out as he hovered his lips over yours and spat a stringy dollop of saliva into your mouth. It didn’t taste fishy at all, but simply, what you recognized as, him. You gazed into his eyes with lust-charged hate as you swallowed it without a second though. 
He smiled, satisfied, and released your hair to let his hand slide down to your other asscheeks, moving both hands under your skirt now. A little hiss left him as he felt your wetness reach the back of your panties too. “You really are this horny for me, aren’t you, baby?” He questioned as he guided your clothed pusssy against his thigh once more. 
“N-none of this is for you,” you stuttered. You tried to sound annoyed but the little moan in your tone hinted otherwise. 
He nudged his nose on yours, mannerisms shockingly softer than his grips on your ass. “Want another?” He raised a brow. 
When you remained silent, not wanting to admit that you most definitely wanted another wad of his spit in your mouth, he laughed. The corner of his wondrous eyes crinkled and he threw his head back, laughing at your silence. When his gaze met yours again, he bit his lip to subside the rest of his laughter, taking note of your furrowed brows and pouty lips. 
Jungkook seemed to like the challenges you were offering. He slightly tilted his head, eyes suddenly seeming unreadable. It wasn’t like you were paying much attention to his logic anyway, yours long gone by now. No, you were focused on the pleasure, the built up arousal twisting in your lower belly just desperate to be released. You knew your pussy wasn’t usually that sensitive, sometimes finding that you needed to tug on your skin to really get yourself off. But, holy fuck- 
“Jungkook!” You whined all too loudly as he flexed his thigh beneath you. 
“Hmm,” he hummed, tone reaching dangerously cocky levels. You loved it. 
Meek moans and whines poured out of your lips, like his name was the damn that held them back. Your grip on his shirt was sure to leave creases now, as you looked up at him, holding his gaze while you got yourself. You were passed pride now, ready to admit to yourself that you wanted to stare into those golden-brown eyes because, fuck, the simple sight was enough to make you cum.
Jungkook knew it. He knew you were close and squeezed your ass to let you know that. “Does my pretty pet wanna cum?” He lazily asked. The indifference in his tone was strangely enough to make you a slut for him; as if you weren’t already. 
You couldn’t give him the satisfaction, however. You were far too stubborn for that. Breaking your gaze, you threw your head back and shut your eyes. The pleasure was all you wanted to focus on as you got so fucking clo-
“No!” The cry tore from your throat, breaking as it fell from your lips. He took advantage of the grip he had on your ass once more, trapping your pussy on his flexed, muscular thigh. 
“Open,” he ordered.
You glared at him, sticking your tongue out with a huff. He spat another wad in your mouth, smacking your ass as you swallowed. The force jolted your body closer against his, now completely flush against his chest. Fuck, that chest. So strong and firm. You ran your hands up and down his pecs as he spoke. 
“You close your eyes again, and I’ll have you on your knees,” he threatened. You moaned at his words, earned a quirk of his brow. “Fuck, baby, you’re such a slut for me.” 
“When are you going to tell off that shirt?” You asked, the helplessness in your voice surprising you.
“When you ask nicely,” he teased, bringing his hand back down on your ass.
You leaned back just enough to tug on the hem of the loose shirt. He looked at you expectedly, actually believing you’d ask. A smirk found its way on your lips as your hands snuck beneath the cotton to rub up and down his skin. His breath hitched a bit at the contact, making you silently giggle to yourself. It was nice to know you weren’t the only one coming undone to soft touches. 
He kept your hips locked in place, but began to move his thigh under you. You gasped feeling the pleasure build itself back up in your lower belly. Digging your nails gently into his skin, you scratched at his nipples. It seemed you were both rewarding the other for a tease well done as he returned the blissful gesture by quickening the pace of his thigh. 
“J-Jungkook,” you whined, slowly bringing his shirt up higher and higher. His hands left your ass long enough for you to pull his shirt off and you took it as a sign to also be allowed to move again.
Giddy giggles left you as you got what you wanted and more, and you barely had to play nice at all. He was too consumed with getting you off to care, or so you thought. His hands came down on your ass with a force your pussy couldn’t ignore and you were sent into your first orgasm of the hour. 
Jungkook chuckled to himself, watching your jaw clench as high-pitched squeals escaped you and your pussy released all over his pants. The wet mess emitted filthy, slouchy sounds, further imprinting the fabric and filling the space between you two wonderfully. You held his gaze all the same, riding out your high as your nails dug into his pecs. He hissed at the sensation but did nothing to stop it. 
Your rapid rolls over his thigh stuttered against the friction, the pleasure starting to become too much for you. You halted your movement and quivered the last bits of our orgasm out. He peppered your face with little kisses all throughout, and you let him, whimpering for more. 
Jungkook pulled back at your sounds just to flash you a smug smile. He helped you off him, standing you up again. You bit your lip to keep from whining at the loss of contact. Though you did get your release, you were hoping for more. Your eyes, too obviously, flickered between his abs and the bulge in his pants. 
“If you want more, little pet, you’re going to have to strip for me,” he informed you. Jungkook held your fucked out gaze as he swiped a finger over the drenched spot of his pants to scoop up some of your release. You swallowed thickly at the action, watching as he sucked your cum off his finger. 
“You’re going to have to ask nicely,” you all but whine as his adam’s apple bobbed. 
His once playful teasing eyes seemed to be getting annoyed. The softness within them switched into something a bit darker. He was done with playing, and it only made you want to play with him even more. 
“I’m waitin- ah,” you gasped as he ripped the buttons off your thin, tight sweater off, exposing that yellow bra of yours that cupped your tits all too well. 
Jungkook towered his slender frame over you. “I don’t have to do anything,” he whispered, hovering his lips over yours. “Strip, little pet.”
You pulled your sweater off. A part of you wanted to reach up and just kiss him again. He was so close you could feel his breath against your parted lips. But, you knew better than to fully challenge that dangerous look in his eye. Your skirt was pushed down next, but you kept your panties on, slightly too embarrassed by the fact that they were sticking to your pussy. Reaching back behind you, you fumbled to unclasp your bra. Jungkook remained silent as he reached a single hand back there and undid it easily. 
You thought it must have regained his composure, the thought slightly pissing you off since you were becoming more and more of a mess by the second. But, the moment your bra fell, he attacked your breasts, burying his face between them. His lips latched onto one of your nipples, tonguing, biting, sucking away at it. One of his hands rested on your hip to keep you steady, while his other gripped at your other tit, massaging the fuck out of it. 
Your hands were lost somewhere in his orange-yellow hair, tugging at the long strands. You moaned his name repeatedly. Shameless and horny, you were loving his attention. “Oh, god, just fuck me,” you sighed. 
He hummed against your nipple. “In a minute, babe,” he muttered between alternating tits, now latching his lips onto your other nipple. 
From his slightly bent over position, you could see his fin lined along his spine. You wondered how it looked in the water, if it flowed within the waves like it did out of them. A hand reached over, gently grazing the ripped, but soft fin with the tips of your fingers. He shuddered against your touch, rolling his shoulders back but didn’t stop his tongue’s attack on your tits. 
You whimpered against him, lightly scratching his scalp with one hand and rubbed up his fin with the other. “Jungkook,” you breathed. You were desperate, needy and in total need of another orgasm. And that was what you kept telling yourself as you stuttered, “p-please, kookie.”
Jungkook froze, mid-suck and looked up at you slowly. “My, my,” he smirked, abandoning your tits and straightening up to his full height once again. Your hand on his fin slid up to his shoulder once more, an action that disappointed him too, his eyes flashing something too needy to be masked by his cocky demeanor. “Begging already, baby?”
You pressed your thighs together, granting yourself the smidgen of friction he was hell-bent on denying you. “That was barely a beg,” you scoffed. 
He shook his head at your words. “Shall we change that?” He lifted your hips before you could even respond and placed you on his desk. You were surprised he could lift you being that you were a grown ass woman and all. 
He spread your legs, groaning quietly to himself at the sight of your cum slick thighs and sticky panties clinging to your folds. Placing a hand to his forehead, he lowered his head and took a deep breath. 
You hated the sudden fear and panic of insecurity that shot through you. However, you couldn’t help but weakly ask, “s-something the matter?”
He nodded, meeting your gaze once more. “Yeah,” he sighed. You felt your heart drop, ready to close your legs when he continued, “those ruined panties haven’t come off yet.” A sigh of relief left you, your momentary panic bringing down all your walls with it as a blush tinted your cheeks. 
Jungkook must’ve liked that sight too because he was proudly smiling to himself. “Let me help you with that, little pet.” He dipped his head between your legs, lapping up the cum that stained your inner thighs too, not too bothered by the slight discolouration of them. 
Your legs were already trembling at the warmth of his mouth. He hooked his arms under both your legs, pulling your pussy closer to his face. Nudging his nose against your clothed clit, he inhaled your sinful scent. “God, this must be a fucking dream,” he muttered more to himself than to you in particular. “You smell even sexier when you fucking cum, babygirl.”
A whimper trickled out of your lips at his words as you gripped onto the edge of the desk. Little did you know that was merely the start of his filth. His mouth engulfed your clothed pussy in a single motion, licking and sucking the cum out of your panties. The hungry groans he made against your heat were boarderline pronographic. You were living for them, rolling your hips into his face relentlessly chasing after your next high. 
Jungkook tsked against your panties as if warning you to behave again, then sunk his teeth into them, catching a bit of your folds too. You cried out his name, your nails scratching at the dark wood beneath you. He watched you intently as he pulled those ruined panties off. You lifted your ass for him a bit and brought your legs together as he leaned back. 
He stood over you once they were off, the piece of clothing still locked in his jaw. Taking them out, he sniffed at them again. You pressed your thighs together once more, mesmerized by the sight before you. “Beautiful,” he rasped. Then he stuffed the wet, balled up panties in his pocket. “Mine now,” he explained, noticing the shock in your eyes. “Just like this pussy.” 
Grabbing your ankles, he pulled you closer to the edge of the desk and spread your legs apart once more. A little blush crept up his neck as the mess before him. He moaned to himself, getting on his knees. You never knew you needed to see a shirtless Jungkook on his knees before. He looked heavenly but his tongue was hellish, licking a clean strip up your folds. You threw your head back as he sucked on your clit. 
“Kookie,” you whimpered, having a lazy hand get lost in his hair again. You weren’t sure how or why you fell into that nickname, but you did and you weren’t planning on stopping. 
He hummed up at you, also accepting the nickname like you’ve been calling him that forever. His tongue swirled around your entrance, teasing - always fucking teasing you. He’d poke the tip of his tongue in only to watch you shudder and immediately clench your walls. His mouth traveled a bit higher halfway through another assault on your clit. 
“Can’t help it,” he muttered before licking at the short hairs a top your pussy. You blushed deeply at his actions. You had hoped he didn’t notice, but now seeing him practically lose himself over it, you felt a bit of pride swell in your chest. 
Jungkook bit at the flesh, tugging the hair with him as he pulled back. He spat on your pubes just to lick it up against the hair again. You gasped, looking down at his filthy actions with pure lust in your eyes. He repeated this action a couple of times, noting how excited it made you then returned to the wetness between your folds. 
“That really turned you on, huh baby?” He questioned watching as more of your wetness pooled out of your entrance. Diving right back in, he lapped up all the new arousal repeating the same flicks of his tongue over and over again. You couldn’t really grasp what the pattern was at first, but then it hit you all at once, forcing you to cry out in approval. He was licking his name against your entrance in Korean and English, poking his tongue into you with the dots of his js. 
“M-marking your territory?” you questioned, trying to sound as confident and composed as he did but your moans kept getting in the way. 
“I’d be drowning in it too if I wasn’t part fish,” he chuckled, fanning his warm breath against you. “Why don’t you prove me wrong, little pet?” His tone hinted that it was more of a suggestion rather than a challenge. “Cum for me.”
You were up for it either way, rolling your hips into his face. Nothing felt as sexy as when the little gills in the hollows of his cheeks brushed up against your inner thighs, slightly quivering at the contact. That unexpected sensation and the way Jungkook began to devour your pussy was enough to shock you into your second orgasm. 
“Oh, fuck yes,” you cried out, moans tumbling out of you endlessly. Your eyes rolled back, head falling back with them as you quivered against his face. “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” you squealed as you rode your release to the end. 
Jungkook flattened his tongue, letting you get yourself off on him. Once he was sure you finished spasming on his tongue, noting how your thighs started to squeeze his face as they came together, he flicked his tongue back into action. He lapped up your cum, swallowing every ounce of what you’d given him. 
Sensitive and gasping for air, you attempted to weakly push his face off of you. It was an impossible task. He was too strong and too consumed with the task at hand, slurping your juices, unfazed and unbothered. 
“Kookie… I… fuck,” you squealed, closing your legs around his face. He was practically suffocating against your pussy as he drank you up.
He suddenly, and very easily, pushed your legs apart as if you hadn’t just been using all your strength to close them. He got up, face glistening with a mixture of his saliva and your cum. He looked like a fucking goldfish god with his hair all tossel from your grip and face all smeared of your cunt. You wanted to clean it all up for him, but he wouldn’t give you a chance yet. 
His thumbs slid into his waistband about to push his pants down when he caught a glimpse of you. You were looking all fucked out, trembling from the remnants of your last orgasm, legs curled up into your chest. “You’re gonna make me lose my mind,” he whispered, all hints of playfulness and teasing threats gone from his tone. He almost sounded sincere, almost sounded like he actually meant all those things he said, like it wasn’t all just words thrown in the heat of the moment. 
You were panting quietly, not exactly sure what to say to that. You felt like you were saved by the exposure of his cock (on many levels) and pushed all thoughts away until you were back to your normal, rational state of mind. 
His cock was huge, veiny, and leaking precum, desperate for some contact. You shakily slid off the desk, fully prepared to get on your knees for him and give his heavenly cock the attention it deserved. But Jungkook tsked at you, nodding his head back to the desk. 
“Back on the desk, babygirl,” he grunted as he began to pump himself using the precum collected on his pink tip. 
You leaned against the edge of the desk for some stability, swallowing thickly at the sight of his veiny hand around his veiny cock. Licking your lips, you met his gaze shyly as if silently asking him to reconsider. 
Jungkook smirked, slightly buckling his hips into his hand. He gave himself a couple more pumps then set his hands on your hips to lift you back up on the desk again. “Be a good girl and I might consider letting you wrap that pretty mouth of yours around my cock next time,” he promised with a smile all too sweet for you to challenge. 
“Next time?” You meekly questioned. 
He positioned himself between your legs, that giddy smile still etched on his lips. He slapped his cock against your wet pussy a couple of times, making you whimper his name, before replying, “just behave, little pet, and you can have my cock down your throat anytime you want.” He then, without much further warning, sunk his cock into your entrance, hissing at the tightness. 
“J-Jungkook,” you sighed, only now just realizing how fucking badly you really needed him to fill you up. Tears pricked your eyes at the pure blissful sensation of his cock stretching you out so fucking good. 
Noticing your tears, he halted all movement. “Am I hurting you?” He asked, concern laced in his tone.
You shook your head immediately, all but begging, “keep going, please. Fuck, please kookie.” 
He let out a sigh of relief and continued to sink into you until he bottomed out. You gasped, holding his gaze while your nails dug into his shoulders. He flashed you a golden smile before pulling out and ramming back into you at a sinful pace. 
 “S-so b-ig,” you choked out between harsh thrusts. 
His face was contoured with pleasure, nose scrunched and brows furrowed in too cute of a way that you would’ve never even guessed he liked it this rough. “Ah-yah,” he gasped, overtaken by the clench of your cunt’s walls. “Tightest cunt I’ve had.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He complied with little complaints and you leaned your forehead against his. Noses brushing, breath exchanging, Jungkook fucked you into the desk with such force, he jolted it back a bit with each thrust. You tilted your head enough to kiss his gills and whine against them. A smile graced his lips at the contact and he tightened his grip on your hips, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. You peppered each gill with kitten licks, then soft kisses despite how rough he was fucking you. 
Your arms moved around his back, practically hugging him. Shaky hands found his fin again and tightly gripped onto it. He buried his face in your hair, evading his senses with the floral scent of your hair, and groaned out little praises in your ear. You bit at his shoulder, subsiding your moans into his skin. You knew you weren’t exactly behaving, leaving little marks on his shoulder, but you also knew Jungkook was too engrossed with how your cunt gripped on his cock to care too much. 
All rough kisses and bites  on his shoulder came to a crashing halt, however, when he hit that spot deep within you. “Jungkook!” You shreeched, throwing your head back. He hit it again and again. Each time he hit it harder and rougher, coaxing you closer and closer to your release. 
You rested your forehead against his again, wanting to stare into his eyes when you came all over his cock this time. “There, there,” you encouraged, moving your hips up to meet his. The entire room returned the quick slaps of skin on skin in faint echoes, reminding you just how filthy this was. 
“Your close, aren’t you, little pet?” Jungkook asked as your cunt tightened around him. “Wanna cum, babygirl?”
You nodded your head eagerly, toes curling as that knot in your lower abdomen twisted in ways you weren’t completely familiar with. 
He chuckled and smacked your ass. You gasped, gawking at him in disbelief. “Beg.” he ordered. “I won’t repeat myself again.”
You squealed in frustration. “P-please Jungkook,” you started. “Your cock is so big… just wanna cum all over it. I- ah, I need to cum. Please, just please let me cum, kookie. Please!” 
“Cream on this cock, babygirl,” he growled in approval. 
You unraveled all you had to give him, cumming on his cock as he continued to ram into you in an unforgiving pace. You held his gaze all the while, shrieking moans and trembling whines escaping you. Your eyes slightly rolled back, mouth hung open as you tried your best to maintain eye contact. 
“Ah, fuck! You- you’re so fucking sexy when you cum, baby.” He gasped, thrusts getting sloppier. 
Though you were being overstimulated once again and felt the blissful burning of your after-high start to creep up on you, you still talked Jungkook into his orgasm. “Please fill me up, kookie,” you started, but never really got to finish as that was all it took for him to release ropes of white within you. 
You ground your hips into his as he buried himself deep in you. His brows knitted together, eyes just as needy as yours, cumming deep inside you. You knew he was cumming a lot just from how full you felt, but his cock was so huge, fitting your cunt just right, that it plugged all his cum in you, no remove for leaks. 
You circled your hips into his as he gasped for air, panting his hot breath over your face. “You’re so handsome when you cum,” you whispered, filter completely gone by now. 
Jungkook huffed a little smirk. He nudged his nose against yours before placing a gentle kiss against your lips. It was all over, the heat of the moment, the need for a release. Still, you kissed him back like it was a normal pastime. His tongue played with yours and you let him. It was like you two already had a routine of rough sex and intimate aftercare. And, shockingly enough, you didn’t find that off-putting at all. In fact, you realized you could actually get used to this, used to him like this. 
He pulled away, gasping once again. You joined him this time, slowly untangling yourself from him. You hadn’t even felt him soften inside you, practically just as big as when he was hard. You both gazed down at his cock, watching as he pulled it out to find it coated in a mixture of your cum, completely creamed. The cum plugged within your cunt came pouring out in thick glopes all over your graded paper. 
“Shit,” you whispered, watching your paper being ruined. “Now, that’s never going to the professor,” you huffed, looking up at him again. 
He bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck. “About that,” he began. “That’s actually not your real grade.”
A mixture of confusion and rage clouded your once sex-blown gaze. “What?”
“I may have given you another copy of your paper with a crappy grade just to get under your skin,” he confessed. He rested his hands on your thighs, rubbing them gently as if trying to calm you down. 
It worked. 
You raised a brow up at him. “Were you trying to get me naked?” 
Jungkook blushed, softly chuckling. “That was just as wonderful a surprise to me as it was to you.”
You held his gaze for a moment, finding comfort in the silence and his cute smile. “It was wonderful,” you muttered. 
“No one has touched my fin or gills like that,” he suddenly said, a blush tinting the tips of his ears. 
“Like this?” You asked as you leaned in to stroke his fin and kiss his gills once more. 
His hands found their place on your bruised hips and he hummed, “mhm,” before peppering your neck with sloppy kisses again. “Now get that pretty ass of yours off my desk.” He lifted you up only for you to wrap your legs around his waist. He laughed at your childish antics, holding you up by a newfound grip on your ass. “Come on, (Y/N),” he chuckled. 
You pulled back only a bit with a pouty smile playing on your lips. “Make me,” you whined. 
Jungkook smirked. “As you wish, little pet.”
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yourlocalauthor · 3 years
What Comes Around Goes Around
Chapter Three: Suprise!
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Pairing: Topper x OC (eventually?)
Warnings for this chapter: Just some good old fashion cussing, and a slightly scary scene with an older male so take that with a grain of salt.
Word count: 2k
A/N: so excited to be back to writing! get ready for the next chapter it’s going to be exciting <3
Jo drove back home, pissed she didn’t have her lemonade, pissed that her feet and sandals were all sticky, pissed Topper was such a fucking idiot, just pissed at the entire world. Worst of all Jess and Elle went for a day trip on the mainland, and Jo had no one to complain to. She pulled into her driveway, aggressively, just wanting to go lie on her bed and scream. Her mind came to halt as she slammed on her breaks, her face looking like she had just seen a ghost. She had barely put her car into park, before rushing out of it with the engine still running.
“JJ?” She yelled running to the blonde boy who had stood from his position on her front steps. She engulfed him in a hug, tears swelling in her eyes. JJ winced a bit at the hug, but soon his arms wrapped around her, returning the hug, a little tighter than he meant to. The two stood there for a minute just silent. Soon enough the hug came to an end, once Jo realized she was also angry at him. She quickly let go, shoving him.
“Where the fuck have you been? And what the hell happened to your face.” She said now noticing some fresh cuts and bruising. She took his face in her hands examining it, as he started to speak.
“I went out of town for a few weeks, couch surfed with some people on the mainland, and-” He hissed in pain when Jo touched his cheekbone pulling his face away from her. “Jesus Jo!”
“Sorry! Get inside I’ll clean you up and then you’re telling me everything.”
“Yes ma’am” He said, giving her a salute before opening her door. Jo flipped him, before walking back to her car and turning it off.
“So, I was staying at this shady dudes place, and I think he was watching me sleep so I came back here and slept on some boats, until I accidentally overslept this morning and the cops came and took me to my dad. He was wasted when I got home, so wasted I guess he thought I was a intruder or something cause uh…” He made some punching motions, laughing awkwardly. Jo frowned as she closed up the medical box, and tossed the bloody cotton balls.
“That’s not funny,”
“It is a little,”
She shook her head, starting to bandage him up.
“Where are you staying now?”
“Not sure, probably couch surf some more and then figure it out from there.”
Jo frowned looking at him, she carefully held his face, examining his bruises.
“Absolutely not, you’re staying here. At least until we figure a more permanent solution. My mom wont mind, you just can’t fuck anyone on the couch.”
JJ looked at her trying to keep a straight face, but barely lasting a few seconds before smirking.
“You are a pain in my ass Jackson”
“Oh you love me” She said, rolling her eyes and shoving him again. He winced, reaching for his side. “Shit, I’m so sorry, I’ll get ya some ice.”
She walked over to her kitchen grabbing some ice and filling it in a baggie. “So, is there anything you need? Besides this.” She tossed it at him, before sitting down next to him.
“Actually, there is one thing. I left my backpack at my dads.”
“Oh that's fine let's go grab it right now,” Already popping up, and giving him a hand.
“Just one problem… I left it inside by the front door…”
“No it’s fine, I’ll grab it fast in and out”
“I cannot believe you are doing this for me, I owe you big”
The two sat in Jo’s truck, parked right outside the Maybank house watching. With a deep sigh placing a hand on JJ shoulder.
“If I die, make sure my mom doesn’t find my weed.” And with that she let go and exited the car.
The Maybank house wasn’t much different from when she last saw it. Maybe a few more dead plants but that was it. She didn’t come here often, this only being her seventh or eighth time visiting. Jo took a deep breath, as she stood in front of the screen door. Carefully placing a hand on the handle she pulled it as quietly as possible before stepping onto the porch. She stepped forward, being as quiet as possible when she went to open the front door. Creak The door made a loud creaking noise, as it opened causing the brunette to flinch. ‘Shit.’ She paused, holding her breath as she waited for something to happen. Thankfully nothing did.
She opened the door further peering inside. Her eyes instantly landed on her target, as she stepped inside the old home. She snagged the bag, and almost made it out of the house when. ChackChack.
“Don’t move.”
‘Fuck fuck fuck fuck, titty fucking shit mother fucker why the fuck did she even volunteer to do this.’
“I want you to turn around carefully, no sudden movements or I’ll shoot you dead. Ya hear me?”
Jo stayed silent not moving a muscle, fear polluting her body.
“I said did ya hear me?” He cocked his gun again, this time taking a step forward.
“Yes sir.” She said, turning around, now facing him.
“Ain't you that pretty girl JJ hangs with, what business do you have in this house?”
“Sir, your son just asked me to grab his bag, that's all.”
Luke let out a hearty chuckle, the sound filling the house with a haunting echo. “Is that so? Where is the fucker anyway? He too pussy to come in, he had to send in his bitch?”
Jo stood there, not sure what to do or say. This had to be the worst outcome possible from this situation, and it was just her luck she had to actually deal with it.
“Hey! Didn’t your mother teach you any fucking manners? When an adult asks you a question you answer, now where is he?”
“Sir I”
“I’d choose your next words very carefully missy.”
Before she even fully understood what she was doing, Jo spat right at his face and sprinted out the door. She heard him yelling after her, and gunshots firing at her feet, but she just kept running. She swung the car door open, throwing the bag at JJ who huffed in pain. She reversed out of the driveway as possible, and sped down the street. It was only when they were a few miles away did she pull off to the side to take a breather.
“Holy fucking shit.” JJ said, excitement filling his voice. “I have never seen you run that fast before, you came outta there like a cheetah or some shit. Woosh!” He said laughing, before opening his bag.
“Yeah, I know I was there.” She said, rolling her eyes, before relaxing in her seat. “I think my heart is about to explode.”
“The fuck you even do to piss him off?”
“Oh you mean besides breaking and entering into his house? I spat at him?”
“No fucking way,”
“Yes fucking way,”
“You are officially my new hero, we have to throw you a party.”
“What? JJ babes I really don’t need that.”
“Nope! Party in your honor, tonight!” He said nodding, with a determined smile.
“No way you can throw a part in under three hours.”
“Watch me Josephine,”
“Don’t call me that,”
“Josephine, Josephine, Josephi-”
“Do you want to walk home?”
“No ma’am,”
“The shut the fuck up,”
Jo, turned around starting her car up again, heading back home.
“I still don’t believe you’ll be able to do it.”
“Fuck you,”
“Love you,”
Soon the car went quiet, until JJ spoke up.
“So, uh have you heard anything from the Camerons?”
Jo shook her head, tapping her steering wheel.
“I heard they threw a funeral for Sarah, and I did see Rafe at a party a few days ago.”
“Wait what?”
“Jess and Elle managed to drag me to some Kook party and we ran into him, he was def tweaked out. But Topper managed to get us out in one piece.”
“Wait hold up, Topper?”
“Yeah he even offered to drive us home-”
“Well did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Drive you home!” The blonde said in an obvious tone.
“Yeah we were all too wasted-”
“I don’t bye it,”
“Ask Jess,”
“I plan on it.”
Okay genuinely Jo thought JJ was joking around about the party. There hadn’t been one at the boneyard in weeks, everyone on the cut mourning the loss of John B. But now it was 7:23 and Jess was helping her pick something out.
“I swear to god Jo, you are not leaving this house in a bikini top”
“Jess it’s just a boneyard party-”
“That you’ll be the guest of honor at!”
“Jess babes it’s really not that big of a deal, I just won’t have to pay for my booze.”
Jess rolled her eyes, muttering something incoherently, as she sifted through the closet.
“Aha! Found it, here wear this.”
She tossed the brunette, some white really frilly shirt, causing Jo to frown.
“Absolutely not, here I’ll wear this.”
She pulled out a neon pink bikini, with a pair of black shorts. Jess shook her head, starting to put away the stuff on the bed.
“You are impossible Jo,”
“I know,” She said, smiling before walking over to the bathroom to go change.
“Are we meeting Elle there?” Jess yelled, changing into a pair of denim shorts and a white button up.
“Yeah, she has to wait until her mom gets home though.” Jo said walking back into the room.
“I’ll have to admit, you do look good.”
“Course I do.”
The drive to the boneyard was weird, for some reason it just seemed like time was going as slow as possible. Not that Jo really cared, her expectations for the part were low. She wasn’t expecting many people to show up, let alone be in a cheery mood. She was actually shocked today, by how lively JJ was. She remembered how devastated he was before disappearing, barely able to crack a smile, and never laughed. But as she pulled up to the boneyard, all her expectations were blown away.
The beach was jam packed, she hadn’t seen this many people here in what felt forever. There was a huge bonfire going, and multiple lines by the kegs, and at the heart of it all, was JJ.
“Holy shit! Did JJ do all of this by himself?” Jess asked, clearly blown away.
“I guess so,” Jo replied, almost at a loss for words.
JJ spotted her truck, and came running. The two exited the car, just as he made his way over a huge grin on his face.
“Jo you made it!”
Before she could respond, Jess butt in, still mesmerized by the situation. “JJ babes, did you really organize this all by yourself?”
“Well mostly, I did have a little help.”
Out of nowhere, Kiara and Pope appeared with two smiles on their faces.
“Surprise,” They both said in unison, still smiling.
Jo ran over to them, engulfing them in a hug. “You guys this is amazing,”
“Well, y’know this party is for you Jo, but we’re also sending a message. We’re letting those figure eight assholes know we're back, and never leaving. Again,” Pope said with a surprising amount of anger in his voice. Jo was a little confused, but didn’t want to question it.
“Well, I guess we’re back bitches!”
The group cheered, before walking over to the beach all catching up, and for the first time in weeks, Jo had forgotten everything that happened. At that moment, she was just there with her friends like it was any regular summer party. Little did she know, that night was about to unravel a series of events she never would’ve seen coming.
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Golden Nights: Part 8
Warnings: swearing, masturbation mentioned, sexual thoughts by both Bakugo and Y/N, Me writing embarrassing Y/N, Kirishima being an ass
⚠️THIS FIC IS 18+⚠️
Word count: 2098
You woke up the next morning with a throbbing pain in your knee. Nibblet was staring at you from the coffee table as he slowly blinked his eyes.
You reach for you phone but can't find it. "Shit" you say silently as you shift off the couch throwing the blanket to the floor. You hobble to the kitchen hoping you have some pain reliever somewhere. You found some, take two and down a glass of water. You look at the time.
"Holy shit it's 2pm!"
You gasp as you turn quickly feeling a sharp pain in your knee. "Why didn't you I wake me up asshole" you stare at Nibblet. He never let you sleep. Not this late! You look on the counter to find your phone and keys.
Wait how did you door lock if your keys were still inside? You begin to panic checking the bedroom making sure nobody was there. You saunter over to your phone and unlock it.
Taya: Babes text me when you get up! I bought your phone back last night and gave it to Dynamight. He asked me to lock your door before I left
Thank god you think to yourself. You slowly move to the bathroom grabbing onto whatever you can to help you maneuver through your apartment. You take off the wrap and notice your knee. It's swollen, black and blue. It hurts like a bitch but at least it's not broken. You noticed a few scrapes on your hand from the floor but nothing major.
You quickly took a shower, doing your best to not put pressure on your knee. You decided to wear your light grey shorts with your "Property of Dynamight" t shirt. It was limited edition and you stood in line 4 hours to secure one. It was your favorite shirt and showed. You brushed your hair and threw it into French braids. You figured you could wash it another day when you were properly able to stand. You make your way to your couch and turn on the TV. You don't watch much TV normally, just checking local news and watching am occasional travel show. Soon you hear your phone ring.
"Hello" you answer.
"Babes! How are you? Are you feeling OK? How is your knee?" Tony ran through the questions faster than a lightening around of jeopardy.
"Hi Tony. I'm ok. A little sore but nothing a couple days of rest can't fix" you sigh as you await his response.
"A couple days? Try a week babes. That's how long I'm banning you from the club" Tony said pleasantly.
"Tony really Im fine, please! I need to work!" You sob as Tony signs.
"I'm sorry Y/N but you were hurt here. I need you to take sometime off. I need my top doll in top form" Tony says encouragingly through the phone.
You sign knowing you wouldn't win. You disconnect the phone without even a goodbye and begin the sulk.
"Well what the fuck do I do with an entire week off?" You sign.
Bakugo rolled over checking his phone.
Shit, had he really slept that long. He looked next to his phone as he saw your note. He smiled to himself wondering how you were doing. He didn't want to bother you but at the same time, he was concerned. He spent his drive home replaying the events that happened at the club.
Why had he acted like that?
He acted like you were his to protect. Not that he shouldn't have protected you but he was furious. He let his emotions get the best of him. He felt vulnerable with you and it scared him. He had never felt this way about another person. Sure he cared and loved others, his friend and family, but you, you were different. He signed looking at the note.
Maybe it's best if I let her reach out to me he thought. Hell he didn't even know if you had a boyfriend! Surely if you did you would have said something? What if you were just being kind? "Fuck" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. Im just going to wait. Yep I'll wait.
Waiting was such a bad idea. Bakugo couldn't think straight. His days off had been wasted worrying about you. Sure he could have texted you but you could have texted him too right? Fuck this is why he doesn't do relationships. Too many uncertainties. Well at least they wouldn't have to go back to that nightclub. His night patrols were done for another month thankfully and he could work the day shift for a few weeks.
He drove his car to his agency and got out. He walked in greeting his secretary with a nod.
"Oh sir, you have an appointment waiting in your office" she said "they called this morning early and requested to meet with you".
An appointment? Who the fuck could it be? It couldn't be the commission, nope his reviews were just finished. It wasn't an officer. The officers usually made the heros come to them. He reached for his door, opening it slowly. His eyes widened.
You spent Sunday and Monday resting. By Tuesday, you were over it. The swelling had gone down thankfully and just a bruise remained. Your knee still hurt but not as bad as the previous days. You did light stretching, practicing basic moves to stretch your legs out. You wanted to text Katsuki but what would you say?
Hi it's me Y/N, the dumbass you saved from despair at the club the other night you thought rolling your eyes.
"Ugh this is why I don't bother with relationships Nibblet" you shout as you throw your phone on the couch. Then, it hit you.
Oh my God how dumb am I? You feel asleep while a man was in your apartment and then you don't even say thank you? Fucking hell Y/N! You beat your head with your fist.
I guess I could text him you think. Nah too impersonal. You decided you needed to thank him in person. Tuesday morning came as you got ready for your appointment with Katsuki. You hoped you weren't intruding in any way but you felt the overwhelming urge thank him in person. You put on a light blue cropped sweater with a black miniskirt and black flats. Your hair is half down, half up in a top knot.
Cute you think as your stare into the mirror looking at your banged up knee. You call for a cab and get in. You arrive downtown at Katsuki's agency. You walk in taking the elevator to the 11th floor. You are greeted with a smile by a beautiful receptionist. She already knows your name and proceeds to direct you to Katsuki's office. "He'll be her soon sweetheart can I get you anything while you wait?" She smiles.
"Oh no thank you very much" you smile as she walks outside. You look around Katsuki's office, noticing all his awards and achievements. The man was amazing you had no doubts about that. Soon you hear the receptionists voice talking to a man. You turn as you hear the door open.
Bakugo doesn't know what to do. He just stares.
"Umm hi, I'm so sorry I'm late, I hope I didn't keep you" he smiles scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh no not at all! I'm sorry for dropping in so suddenly" you smile.
God you look amazing. Your outfit is perfection on your body and smile lights up his office.
"It looks like your knee is better?" Katsuki says as he points to your knee.
"Oh gosh yes! Tony gave me the week off to relax but I'm not very good at 'relaxing' so here I am" you laughed.
"Actually I wanted to thank you for the other night. You saved me" you trail off looking at the floor "I'm usually not a scared person but in that moment I felt true fear. I dont know what I would have done if you hadn't st-"
Bakugo cuts you off "Y/N listen to me, please don't thank me for doing something that I should be doing. You were in danger and needed help. I'm not going to let some scum bag disrespect my-" he freezes "I mean you". He catches his breath.
He almost said "my girl" oh shit shit shit!
You smile looking at the floor. "Listen I'd like to say thank you properly. Could I treat you to lunch perhaps?" You look up from the floor directly into his eyes.
His cock twitches. Fuck baby you look so innocent he says in his mind. He can't help but stutter.
"Y/N I'd love to however I insist on paying" he looks to you with a smirk.
"No! Please let m-" you start to speak as Bakugou walks in front of you.
" I insist Y/N" you freeze.
Your heart is in your throat.
Oh my god hes right in your face! Stay calm, cool and collected. Remember your Y/N you need to stay calm. Fuck that you can't stay calm!
"Oh sure, if you insist..." you say meekly.
"Good girl" he says turning away.
Your pussy is clenching around nothing but you can still feel it.
Break my back please sir I beg you think to yourself as you struggle to speak.
He goes to sit in his chair "but instead of lunch, let's make it dinner. Tonight" Bakugo says.
Where is this courage coming from? Wherever it came from he's running with it.
"Dinner? Tonight?" You gasp.
Wait is this a date? Do the number 2 pro hero Dynamight just ask you in a fucking date?
Bakugou laughs "yes dinner. Tonight. Unless your busy?" He looks questioningly at you.
"Nope no plans" you practically scream at him.
Fuck smooth it over Y/N, chill out.
He smiles, you melt. "Ok well how about I pick you up at 7? I know a nice restaurant we can go to" he's staring straight into your eyes at this point.
There is no avoiding this. "Sounds amazing! I'll see you tonight" you say as you turn walking straight into his office door.
Smooth Y/N, real smooth
"Sorry who put that there?" You chuckle awkwardly as you rush out of the room. You bid the receptionist fair well as you run to the elevator.
God you are so embarrassing!
Bakugou can't stop smiling. He sits down after you left and signs.
"Fuck yeah" he screams a little too loud as he hears a knock on his door.
His receptionist walks in "you did good boss, she's gorgeous" she winks as she sets a case file on his desk. He smiles and begins to work through the case file for the drug bust.
He can't figure it out. Someone is moving the quirk enhancers underground, he knows that much but where are they being distributed? There has to be a centralized location. He continues to search the files over and over. He can't find any clues. He looks at the clock. 4pm already? Damn today was flying. He hoped the flying wouldn't extend to your date tonight. He wondered what you would wear. You looked amazing in anything so it wasn't really an issue. But he sure as fuck hoped you'd wear a dress. He began to imagine your gorgeous body pressed up against his as he stroked your thigh. God the thought was making him hard.
Every night since he first met you, he went home an masturbated. He couldn't help himself. Your body, your face, that smile, that fucking laugh. God it turned him on so much. His thoughts drifted as he startles from his chair.
Clearing his throat, he says "yeah come in". In walks Kirishima with a shit eating grin.
"You know I just heard the most INTERESTING gossip" he says placing his hands on Bakugo's desk and tiltling his head to the side. Bakugo scuffs. "Ok and? You know I don't care for that Ei" Bakugo states matter of factly.
"I heard a certain grumpy gills had a date tonight" Kirishima sings.
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU" he screams as laughter erupts from his receptionist and Kirishimia.
"Oh knock it off man. We are fucking happy for you. And you should know by now I can't just not say anything" Kirishima laughs as he walks out from Bakugo's office.
Bakugo groans "what in the fuck am I doing?"
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so... I tried salvia
Yup, I finally did it. I smoked something for the first time. After a lifetime of not being a smoker, I inhaled that shit. It wasn’t easy, I coughed, a lot. I still don’t like smoke. But what I do like is salvia. Damn. People aren’t fucking around when they say that salvia is strong... and weird as hell.
My first experience with salvia was actually chewing it, the taste sucked hardcore and I really didn’t find the effects to be strong enough (granted, I only used a small amount to test how my mind and body would react to the new substance), it went well enough but I wanted to move to the next level: smoking.
It was a few days to a week later that I was finally able to try smoking it, and I had to look up videos on how to even use a bong. I had this tiny cheap thing that I bought off of Amazon because I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for in a bong. I started by putting some plain leaf in the bowl and smoked it, it was truly awful from a physical perspective. Mentally, I definitely felt... different. I tried a few more bowls and closed my eyes and in my head I got some interesting faint 3D tunnels formed out of static. They were spinning. But I also got an image of some evil face grinning maniacally (tbh it looked kind of like the jerma sus meme but it wasn’t super funny because I’ve gotten an evil grinning figure before, off morning glory seeds)
I wanted to smoke more but there was another person in the house, she was going to leave for a few hours soon though so I waited until after she left to continue my experiment. I put on a long YouTube compilation of music from one of my favorite artists. I smoked a little bit more plain leaf but I quickly decided I wanted something more intense. I have a gram of both 10x and 20x, so I got the 10x out and put a pinch of it it into the bowl, lit it, and decided to put my mind into the hands of this new substance. I wasn’t expecting much... but then it hit me. Yeah, it hit me and I was pretty amazed by how quickly I went from mostly sober, to diving into deep hallucinogenic water. It was like DXM and nitrous all at the same time but way stronger than either one.
I kept pulling my hood over my eyes to block the light out, and I took my glasses off, which felt amazing and natural, like scratching an itch and that it was exactly what I needed to do at that moment. I pulled my hood over my entire face but I kept thinking I didn’t want to somehow make it hard to breathe. My entire vision morphed into this three-lobed formation of the little bit I could actually see, repeated on continuous lines in a clover shape. I felt a little overwhelmed, like I had done something that I wasn’t really supposed to do, since I told the other person I wouldn’t try 10x by myself. But at that point I could feel myself sink back, and I felt like I was on a boat in the ocean being rocked gently by waves. I moved my hands back and forth in front of me, mimicking the feeling.
At the end there were these faint 2D panels with these cartoon ape characters looking back at me, like I was supposed to follow them. It started to fade and I opened my eyes, sat up, and the first thing that came into my mind was some nonsense about “hairy gorilla soda bottles”. After it faded a bit more, I looked at the bong just thinking “holy shit!” I felt really good but it was way more than anything I’d experienced before that point. I knew immediately that I wanted to do more.
The second time around, when I started to enter I got a faint vision of a purple cartoon hippo looking over a book that was also a farm with a sunrise, I was a part of a class but I kept disturbing the class by moving around too much. The vision changed and became a lot more vivid, there were these purple and white teddy bears made of hollow rolling tubes, and I was one of the tubes. The tubes were rolling but also moving like on a conveyor belt or something. I was going to get pulled into the “inside” of the teddy bear and I was annoyed by this because I knew it was going to be too dark to see anything in there, and I wanted my “outside” time to be longer.
After I was sucked in there was this version of a house made of those rolling tubes, it was flat, and two of my family members were in front of it, they were also made of tubes and their arms, legs, and bodies were super thin and featureless, I don’t think they had distinct faces either, and they were both reaching into the middle of the front of the house with their “hands” touching. I just wanted to go inside the house. Then I was on this pinched oval type thing, I could see the whole thing and one part looked closer than the other, where there were repetitions of the room I was in, linked to this bicycle chain structure, with gaps between them, on a black background. This was all I could see, but I was also on/in it and it was my what I felt my face was. It kept looping over and over and there was this word/sound/concept that kept repeating and it was really frustrating for some reason because I had to keep repeating this loop. I felt stuck during this part and didn't know when it was gonna stop.
The final scene was this neighborhood of cartoony 2D houses made of thick, round, rubber looking tubes. They were soft and squishy looking. There were families in the houses and grey metal doors underneath each one. I called this place Book Land because it reminded me of a children's book, where everything is gentle and pure and bright. I talked to the dad of the first house and he told his wife about how I wasn’t able to get through because I had to pee too much, but my door was open a little bit. I asked him if he could see me and he said no, he had never seen me even though he knew about me before because the door is open sometimes. There was a close-up of a cartoon purple kid, who looked like from a child’s drawing, but made of the round tubes. She was smiling and looked happy. I was able to open the door enough to get my hand through, it was all purple and blobby and made of tubes like everything else. It stretched across all the houses and I felt like I was doing some kind of educational lesson about sharing “my kind” with the people of this world.
After I came out of it I had to piss really, really bad, so I rushed to the bathroom as quickly as I could, I’m not sure if I just drank too much water while trying to smoke or what, but it was way more intense than usual for me. In the bathroom I was still pretty in it because I kept thinking about Book Land like it was a real place, and I wasn’t sure if me using the bathroom was real or just a particularly normal/realistic part of the trip.
I went back to my smoking spot to go in one last time. I knew I was reaching my limit, though, so I didn’t want to go overboard. Very shortly after smoking it, I got up to pee, I don’t even think I had to at this point, I think I was just unconsciously repeating something I’d done several times before. I kept thinking about Book Land and I also felt like I was in a weird cycle and that everyday life was just a weird cycle and getting up to pee was a part of it. I could see repeating rainbow fractals on the carpet as I walked to the bathroom and I was super happy about it and thought it was totally normal. I remember when I was in the bathroom I kept trying to talk to myself, but it was pretty much only mumbling and partial words that came out.
When I was done I sat down but got up again right after to look at the carpet, because I could see this 3D simple three-lobed snowflake like pattern repeated on the carpet wherever I looked. I kept moving around to see it at different angles and it looked totally, convincingly 3D no matter where I looked. I loved this to no end and just kept looking at the patterns for several minutes. I thought that I should put my glasses on to see the fractals better, but when I did they simply disappeared. At one point an advertisement came on since the video with the music I was listening to had ended, and I became really angry and paused it, saying “NO!” really loudly. I thought to myself that “the children in Book Land cannot be exposed to corporate propaganda  like advertisements. The children in Book Land can only be exposed to pure information.”
After that, I admired the carpet patterns a bit more, then I wanted to go outside. As I went to go outside, I kept looking at the floor the whole time, searching for more patterns, and when the flooring switched from carpet to a flat, wood patterned floor the fractals disappeared. So I was a little annoyed at this and continued making my way outside. I saw one of the cats and thought she was cute, but she didn’t have any fractals on her so I wasn’t super interested in that moment. Then I saw a clover leaf and said “Yes!! There it is!! That’s it right there!!” and sat down on the step to admire this leaf, which really did resemble the three-lobed vision from the start of my adventure, and it looked like the patterns I saw on the carpet as well. I sat there looking at the leaf and looking around, thinking to myself as the salvia wore off more and more.
Over the next couple hours I sat down, thinking about my trip and how intense everything was. I felt really good and at that point I knew exactly why people said that salvia was weird as hell. I kept thinking about the visuals, the feelings, and about Book Land. I hastily wrote some notes down on my computer, which I referred to when writing this, as despite the typos and weird wording, it had the most raw translation of my experience that I could get. In all honesty, I felt pretty accomplished for trying something new and not shrimping out over smoking for the first time, or shying away from how daunting salvia can seem. I knew what I was getting into before I started and I wasn’t taken by surprise at any point.
I know I’m going to try it again at some point, but I’m definitely not going to rush my way into it and push myself too far too fast. I have a huge amount of respect for this drug and the last thing I want to do is screw myself over by getting cocky.
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tiny-smallest · 3 years
day one - pride
Rating: G Characters: Henry and Bendy Warnings: none Description: Henry reflects on the definition of labels and belonging in certain spaces.
Also on AO3!
Doing writing prompts again because this year has been A Lifetime and I just don't possess the ability to draw this time so let's go let's get stupid get weird enjoy the misadventures of a specific au of of Bendy and the Ink Machine where the toons are their own people in a world they still don't entirely understand and the people who love them who try to help them navigate it.
Henry was used to a surprising amount of things to interrupt his day first thing in the morning. Easily numbered in the hundreds. His children were toons; there was no end to the amount of crazy nonsense that they could get into when he was asleep, and that was disregarding the fact that Bendy usually slept until noon.
Sure, he was the Troublemaker In Chief. That did not mean the other two were paragons of holiness, no matter how much Alice tried glowing her halo at him while she and her brother gave him the saddest, biggest, shiniest puppy eyes. And that didn't even take into account how much trouble they could find, no mischief intended.
He'd seen smoldering breakfasts, pancakes on the ceiling, saran wrap around the kitchen archway, demonic rubber chicken noises from a saxophone that had a part replaced with the noisemaker from the novelty prank toy...
(He still didn't regret letting Boris chase Bendy for that one without intervening.)
With all that, being immediately accosted by three toons hanging off his legs the second he came down the stairs and all trying to talk to him at the same time did not magically get any easier to withstand.
"Whatever it is, it's a no until I get my coffee," he drawled as he attempted to walk with them hanging off him, the three of them dragged along with him. It was with quite some difficulty that he got to the kitchen counter.
"But Henry!" Bendy whined, "we only got a few hours to get ready if ya say yes! We need every second!"
"For what?" he yawned, pouring a cup from the machine.
"You don't know what day it is?" Alice was surprised enough to actually let go, and she dusted herself off like the lady she was before standing up.
Instantly something cold grabbed Henry's heart and squeezed. "Uh- no I...?"
Had he forgotten someone's birthday? No, it was summertime; Bendy was a winter 'birth' and Boris and Alice were spring and fall. An anniversary of some kind? Quick think what are you forgetting you useless-
"How!?" Bendy gaped at him from down below. "It's been all over the news fer weeks!"
Well okay now he was just thoroughly confused. "I um-"
"The parade, Henry!" Boris's tail was thumping gently against the floor; he was not trying one tiny ounce to hide his eagerness. "The parade that's today!"
"Parade-?" It took just one more nanosecond of thought before it clicked.
"Oh you mean the-!" And they wanted to go to it.
Well, he shouldn't be surprised. This would be the first parade they'd get to see, wouldn't it? And it was nice weather out. And it would be bursting with color, which the toons were darn near obsessed with.
He took a contemplative sip. They weren't human; god even knew if they had any sort of sexuality at all. Could they even feel that stuff? The urge to- do anything like that? Wouldn't that technically make them asexual? That was the word, right?
Well, human or not, that would solidly mean they belonged there. Queer was queer, regardless of species, right? Hell, even if they'd just started asking themselves those questions, or wanted to support the fans of theirs who fell under that giant umbrella, they were valid for being there.
"Sure, I can take you."
Both boys cheered, lifting their arms to do so and releasing his legs. He quickly took a step away from them, but their joy had them leaping to their feet anyway and he watched as they bounced around the kitchen, slowly draining his coffee and trying to curb his smile when he was actively drinking.
It was a hard task.
Their excited chatter melted pleasantly into the background as he took the time to drink and try to shake his brain awake the rest of the way awake like shaking out an old blanket to coax out the wrinkles. Their enthusiasm always made for the perfect background noise.
"What colors do you want?"
"I dunno! There's so many! I don' even know what label I fit in-"
"I saw you checkin' out that guy the other day don't think I didn't!" The wink and nudge from Bendy sent Boris blushing so hard the poor wolf's face turned nearly as black as his fur.
"I was hopin' you hadn't-"
They were all quick to consume breakfast, and Henry retreated upstairs after telling the toons to come get him when they wanted to leave.
He settled comfortably in the limitless, timeless space of art before reality came knocking with Bendy's distinctive tapping at the door, pulling Henry from the space inbetween something and nothing as he set his pen aside. "Come in, kiddo."
When Bendy stepped in with what was unmistakably a rainbow flag on his cheek and extra face paint he knew he was in for a time.
"Oh uh- what's that for-"
"For you!" Bendy said with a giant grin. "Who'd ya think?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah well- I uh-"
Bendy didn't slow down. "Anyway the others are about ready to go but they sent me up here to get your flag on while they finish up- now why they trusted me with the paint I got about as much an idea as you but hey I'm not gonna complain-"
"Aw that's- that's sweet kiddo but I sorta figured I'd just be-" How to say this. "Dropping you off...?"
Immediate confusion. "What? Why?"
"Uh well- I mean-" He fiddled with the pen- when had that ended up back in his hands? "You guys- you have a space there, you know? I'm not sure if I-"
There was now a puckered frown on the little devil's face. "Not sure if you what?"
"Well I mean- I don't exactly- belong, now do I?"
The frown multiplied its intensity by about five. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Aw jeez. He really did not want to discuss this with his kid, as much of an adult as Bendy was. For many reasons. "Uh well- you know-" He gestured, as if hoping that would somehow pluck the answer from the air and implant it in Bendy's brain without having to give voice to it, setting the pen down in the process so he’d stop playing with it. "I'm not exactly- I mean-"
"You like guys." Bendy's voice was so sure that Henry knew making any sort of denial was futile. And also kind of stupid. Why would he deny that to his own son? No of course he wouldn't.
"Well I mean- I married a woman, didn't I?" he finally blurted out.
Unimpressed blinking as he drew closer to stand beside the desk. "Yeah they got a word for that. Several actually. Most popular ones are bi and pan, so which colors is it gonna be?"
"No no I mean-" God he was probably blushing. His face definitely felt way too hot. "I uh- I mean I- I like guys, yes-" great brain thanks a ton totally needed that heart rate spiking why are you acting like that's scary this is our kid- "but I- I married a woman- I like women- more often?"
The blinking was now confused.
"Uh-" How to phrase this. "If- if we split it into a pie chart- it's probably like... thirty-seventy in favor of women?" He ran his fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck again. "I'm- not that I'm any great catch but like, if I was in any way qualified to be in the dating pool again, I'd be way more likely to end up with a lady."
The unimpressed look was back. "And?"
It was Henry's look to be surprised. "And- and that means that, you know- I'm not really-"
"You like guys."
"I- yeah?"
"And you're a guy."
"Kind of a given at this point."
"So you're a guy, and you like guys, and just also happen to like girls too. We got names for that." He gave Henry's shirt an appraising look. "Gotta say the bi colors would complement your clothes best. If you want pan colors I'm gonna have to ask you to change. As your official fashion consultant."
Henry snorted. "My what?"
"Listen Dad I love you but I ain't about to let you walk into that parade wearing like, a pineapple hawaiian shirt or nothin'."
Henry banged a fist lightly on the table and pointed at him. "Liar! You wore the exact same thing just the other day!"
"Yeah but that was to the beach, not a parade."
"Literally when have you ever cared about not being a fashion disaster."
"This time, when Alice'll actually kill me otherwise."
"... Okay you got me there."
Bendy grinned. "So, bi colors or pan colors! Or somethin' else? I think there's other ones too."
He opened his mouth, closed it again and then opened it. What the hell. "... Bi colors, I guess."
"Yesssssss I was hopin' you'd say that." He hopped over onto the table like he'd suddenly become a bunny.
"Oh you were, huh?"
"Listen, the pan folks got pretty colors, but I'm always a sucker for a sunset," he said as he pulled out the pallet he needed. Henry sighed and shook his head, the smile ruining his effort to look exasperated.
"Well. Sunset me then, I guess."
"You got it boss!" Bendy said in maybe the worst mafia minion accent known to mankind.
It was barely five minutes of Bendy painting lines carefully on his cheek before he whipped out a mirror.
Henry blinked at himself in the mirror. He tilted his head, something shifting inside his heart that he had no name for, no way to voice.
The once proud look on Bendy's face was swiftly dropping. "... I didn't mess it up, did I...?"
"No- no, no." Henry tilted his head. "I uh..."
Bendy's worried browlines screamed anxiety to him.
"... I guess I just look good in a sunset," he said quietly, seeing the little corner of his reflection's mouth turn up as if in some sort of hazy dream.
Better than I thought.
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markosmate · 4 years
gorgeous (baby blues ll)
Tumblr media
pairings; paul x reader
summary; after waking up in a hotel room alone and beginning to find out what you really are, you go looking for the boys to get some answers. spoiler alert: you get more than you bargained for. 
warnings; strong language, use of weed
an:// i’m writing this note before writing this sequel to let y’all know that i for some reason had such a hard time trying to figure out what would happen in this but i finally got this idea so here it is y’all - the long awaited part two!! <33 (also i use babe way too much in this please forgive me,, other pet names make me highkey cringe)
Waking up the next morning was absolute hell. There was no other way to describe it. There was an overwhelming urge to drink something and it filled every vein in your body no matter how many waters you downed, nothing was making it subside. Besides that, there was a god forsaken pain in your chest that felt like it was dragging you towards something else. You couldn’t pin point where exactly it was trying to take you, you just knew you needed to go.
Trying to ignore how shitty you felt, you stood from the cheap motel bed and stumbled your way into the small bathroom. You were hoping a hot shower and some scented shampoo could get your mind off of the pain coursing through your body.
As you stood under the steaming water, you tried hard to think about what happened last night that could’ve caused this pain. The more you dug into your memory, the more came back to you in short flashes. You hadn't actually fallen asleep after David had told you to now that you think about it. It kind of feels like a conscious blackout, where you were still there when it was happening - yet it all happened in what only felt like the blink of an eye.
Flashes of memory came speeding back, almost making you topple over from the pounding headache that came with them. You vaguely remember sitting on the couch, leaning against Paul and drinking from a bedazzled bottle. The boys were all laid back - Marko smoking a joint, Dwayne reading a book, and David scanning through the stations on a radio. The next memory only consisted of you and Paul looking at each other and laughing as a snoring David with a sharpie mustache laid next to you both.
The last memory was short, but sweet. Paul and Dwayne standing with you as you checked into this very motel. "You could just stay with us babe." You remember Paul telling you as he held you close to him, rubbing the tip of his nose against your cheek cutely.
As far as you could tell from your memories, nothing too bad had happened. You’d gotten shit-faced with the boys, drew a mustache on David, and checked into this hotel after Paul and Dwayne drove you here. Nothing too shabby.
Until you stepped out of the shower and screamed at the top of your lungs. Why in the fuck could you see through yourself?
You just sort of stood there for a moment staring at the see-through reflection of yourself in the mirror. You could still see the general outline of your body, but it just kind of looked a cloud of mist.
You looked over towards the bathroom sink and spotted a pretty scented candle sitting next to the faucet. Just to make sure you weren’t going insane, you picked it up and held it behind your back, only to find out you could still see it.
"What in the holy hell happened last night?" You whispered to yourself, trying to pull your clothes on as quick as possible. You didn’t bother properly checking out of the hotel, you just wrapped your old clothes in a towel and hurried out to your motorcycle with the keys in hand.
You stuffed the clothes in your backpack strapped under the seat and you were off in an instant. "Are you kidding?" You growled looking at the sky. The sun was almost completely hidden under the skyline. "How is it already this late?"
You didn’t realize that you didn't really know what you were supposed to do until you were already speeding down the road. You didn’t know how to find the boys, you didn’t know who to ask about where to find them, and as far as you could remember you didn’t exactly know how to get to the cave from here.
After minutes of just aimlessly driving up and down roads, you decided that heading to the boardwalk was the smartest course of action. Hopefully you’d be able to spot them there, and if you didn’t then you’d just have to try and remember all the paths through the woods they had taken to get to the bluff.
The boardwalk was just as crowded as the night before, as you expected. The parking lot was almost completely packed and you didn’t really feel up to driving up and down the lines trying to look for a spot, so you took it upon yourself to follow the boys' lead and drive up onto the boardwalk - something with which you were almost sure was completely illegal. You swerved around multiple crowds of people, constantly looking around and over your shoulder to try and spot the boys. There was no sign of them or their bikes anywhere on the entire beach.
"This is fucking ridiculous, this makes no sense." You muttered, throwing your head back in pure frustration. To the woods you go then. You were absolutely livid that you were being forced to try and find this place once again on your own.
Now that you really thought about it, you couldn’t even really figure out why you felt the need to go to the boys about this predicament. Maybe it’s because you trusted them? Nah, it’s because you blame them for everything that has happened to you since you woke up. You sped down the beach, your bike tires kicking sand up in multiple directions as you angrily ranted in your head.
An indescribable thirst that wasn’t calming down, a pounding headache that had lasted a good two and a half hours at this point, a sharp pain in your chest that throbbed everytime you ignored the urges to follow it to where it was trying to take you, and your body was see through. There’s absolutely no way that they didn’t have something to do with it.
After at least an hour and a couple of wrong turns, you finally made it to the bluffs. You huffed out a breath of air that was nothing short of annoyance as you realized the boys bikes weren’t here either.
"Whatever, I’ll just wait here for them then." You spoke aloud to yourself once more as you killed the engine and walked the bike over to a section of sea-plants to hide it from view. You jogged down the stairs that led to the bridge, stopping halfway over to look out into the ocean.
You really wouldn’t mind staying here for good, after all the traveling you've done for so long it really wouldn’t hurt to finally call somewhere home.
However, you wouldn’t even think about making that decision until you found out what the hell had happened the night before. Once you were safely down inside the cave, you tried to cozy yourself up on the couch to ignore the horrible chill going through the place. They lived here, it shouldn’t take long before they arrive right?
Not even a half hour later, you heard the roars of the engines and the voices of the boys echoing down the side of the bluff. "I don’t understand, you guys dropped her off didn’t you? Where could she have gone?" You could vaguely pick up Marko's voice carried on the wind.
"Stop!" Paul's voiced suddenly came in a shout. He laughed giddily before you heard the pounding of footsteps down the stairs. "I can smell her!"
Smell you? How could he smell you from up there? Suddenly he emerged from the webs and drapes hanging around the opening with a large smile on his face. "Babe!" He grinned as he hopped down from the last step, the other three following quickly after him. "We were just out looking for you for like two hours!"
"Wow, wish I knew that before I went out looking for you guys." You rolled your eyes, pulling the blanket on your shoulders tighter around your body.
"How'd you find your way here so easy?" Marko questioned, leaning over to the radio to turn it up a little for some background noise.
"It wasn’t easy, I got lost six times." You replied bluntly as you kept an eye on Paul who was slowly scooting closer to you on the couch.
David snorted at you, moving to sit down in his wheel chair. You looked at him for the first time since they had come in and snorted right back at him once you noticed the fading mustache clumsily drawn on his face.
He immediately realized what you were looking at and shot you a sharp glare. "Don’t even think you’re off the hook for that."
"What?" You whined playfully. "It was Paul's idea." That was a lie, you truly had no idea who’s idea it was to draw it but you weren’t exactly interested in being at the receiving end of David's wrath just a day after meeting him.
"What?" Paul echoed, locking eyes with you with a small pout playing at his lips. "Don’t sell me out like that, babe."
You giggled at him, for a moment completely forgetting that you were supposed to be mad at them as soon as your eyes locked with his. You caught yourself quickly, cutting your laughter short and turning to look at each of them sharply. "I didn’t come here to laugh." Your resolve broke halfway through and you couldn’t stop the smile from coming to your face once you spotted Dwayne hiding his quiet laughs behind the sleeve of his jacket. "I came here for answers." Your whisper came soon after.
"What kind of answers?" David mumbled, inhaling from his cigarette and slowly letting a cloud of smoke out after.
"What happened last night?" This caused the smirk to slowly come back to his face. You continued, not letting yourself become deterred from his standoffish attitude. "I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I mean, some weird thirst that I couldn’t crave, a horrible headache, I can see through myself! What the hell did you guys do?"
"Nothing you didn’t agree to." Came the leader's genius reply.
"I didn’t agree to anything." You snapped. "What did you do?"
"Listen babe, you drank some blood, joked around for a while, we played some pranks, and I drove you to that motel while Dwayne got your motorcycle from the boardwalk. That’s all that happened. Honest." Paul held out his pinky towards you. You looked at him skeptically before raising your pinky to wrap around his.
"Promise?" You mumbled, not shying away from him as he leaned towards you a little more.
"Promise." The smile he sent you was almost enough to have you falling for him instantly, until his previous words clicked in your head. You roughly shoved him away from you, standing and frantically backing away from all four of them.
"What?" You almost screamed looking at them with a building fury hidden in your eyes. "What the fuck do you mean I drank blood?"
"Calm down sweetheart, you’re being kind of over-dramatic." Marko mocked with a lazy smirk on his face. Dwayne shot him a sharp look before turning to try and console you.
"Calm down? Is this some sort of sick joke?" You began hyperventilating. Whose blood did you drink? Why did you willingly let them give you blood? How does that explain anything that’s been happening to you?
"Okay, I know this looks bad. Trust me, baby, I know. Please come sit and we'll explain everything to you alright?" Paul grabbed onto your wrist gently and led you back over to the couch as Dwayne crouched in front of you and began trying to help direct your breathing back to normal.
"Good?" The brunette checked after a few minutes.
You nodded, leaning back against the couch and wrapping your arms around yourself. "Yeah... thanks." He nodded in acknowledgment before pushing himself into a sitting position, waiting for the other two to sit themselves in a circle so they could all explain it to you as much as possible.
"Yeah, you drank blood. My blood." David explained shortly, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray on one of the side tables.
You tried to stop yourself from jumping up and attempting to strangle him, feeling budding frustration build at his lack of explanation.
"Why?" You forced out through gritted teeth, keeping your eyes locked directly onto the platinum blond's.
"To put this shortly, and hopefully get this over with soon, we’re vampires. I'm the head. You drank my blood, now you’re a half vampire. You won’t be a full until you make your first kill. Do with that what you will." And with that, he stood, turned, and made his way into another hallway that stemmed off of the main room.
"I- I just- what... what does that even mean?" You cried out looking in between the three remaining vampires. “Vampires? Y’all are vampires?” Dwayne just shot you a small sympathetic smile before ruffling your hair and making his way into the same hallway David had gone.
"Don’t worry, kitkat. You said you were wandering didn’t you? Have been for a long time? This could be your home, if you want. With us." Marko grinned at you and you slowly felt your resolve fading away.
Okay, yeah, they did turn you without your permission. But, you’d been looking for a place to call home for so long. Yeah, they were vampires. You think? And you were almost a full one like them, so would it be that bad to call these boys, this place your home? You didn’t think so.
"Maybe." You smiled a little, lifting your eyes from your hands to look around the cave for the second time in complete awe. "I do like it here. A lot."
"Yeah, and like Dwayne said last night. You felt a pull to stay here, Santa Carla is where you were meant to be." The curly blond spoke once again, leaning back on the couch with his arms crossed against his chest.
"Why though? Surely you must have an answer for that. If you knew about it, then you must know what it is." You tilted your head the tiniest bit, looking between the two boys sitting next to you.
"The mating bond." David's voice echoed in the main room as he came in from the hallway. He held a small box of records in his hands, setting them down next to his wheelchair as he began sorting through them to find the right one.
"The mating what now?" You snorted, moving to lean your head against Paul's shoulder. He tensed for a moment out of surprise but leaned right back onto you once he realized what you were doing.
"That pull you feel. It’s a mating bond, common in vampires - but not all have them. You feel it now, you’ll feel it a hundred times stronger once you become a full." David explained, finally finding the track he was looking for as he grinned in triumph.
"So what you’re saying... is I’m attached to this place? In a mating bond? And I’ll feel it stronger once I turn?" You were completely and utterly confused about the entire thing and it only became more confusing when all the boys began to chuckle.
"Not the place cutie." Paul teased, moving to massage your shoulder a little bit.
"So... one of you?" The question came rolling off your tongue before you could even think about the possibility.
"Bingo." Dwayne came strolling in, shooting a finger gun in Paul's direction. You immediately caught on to the action, turning in your spot to lock eyes with Paul.
"You?" You whispered, gaping at him as he nodded with a happy grin adorning his face, teased hair bouncing with every movement of his head.
"Right on, Y/n." It was the first time that he called you by your actual name, and it dawned on you how important a mating bond must be to a vampire.
"So you can feel it stronger than I can?"
“God, you bet he can. Felt it as soon as we drove onto the boardwalk last night." Marko chuckled, biting at his thumbnail.
"Only reason we went into max's video store." David explained, twirling his bracelet around as he talked.
"Wow, okay. That’s a lot to take in." You mumbled, moving to lean into Paul more as he fully wrapped his arm around your waist - much more comfortable in being physical with you now that you knew the truth.
"But... you’ll stay?" Paul asked.
"And change?" Marko threw in.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think I will." You grinned at them all as they all cheered, Paul laughing into your ear as he pulled you into him tightly.
As the other three began celebrating the newest addition to their little family, you turned to look at Paul only to realize he was already looking at you. You mirrored his smile as you looked into his pretty blue eyes, trying to dig deeper and catch a glimpse of what he was feeling. In the end, you just ended up whispering to him.
"Can I kiss you?" His face lit up and his free hand came up to cup the side of your neck, his thumb grazing softly over your jaw.
"Hell yeah, you can." And his lips met yours in the middle. This is where you were meant to be, you finally knew where you were being pulled to all along.
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themanip · 4 years
alternate routes
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SYNOPSIS — how do you go throughout life? well, you find someone you like. get to know them. start dating. break up a few times, get back together. get married. have some kids. die old. typical. fucking in a back room of an awards show, not once, but twice as complete strangers, was definitely not how most relationships start out.
PAIRING — taehyung x metzi (oc) WARNINGS — descriptions of cheating, fliphones, mentions of getting laid, really bad intros tbh, the introvert line being introverts, and girls who are rlly bad at timing, an asshole named ryan, cursing WORD COUNT — just over 3.1k AUTHOR’S NOTE — hi! i am so fucking bad at writing the first chapter or two, i promise if you can bear the beginning of this story, it gets better. i have two and a half chapters written so far but i am writing super often! once a few more chapters get published i will create a masterlist. please enjoy and if you have any comments or recs don’t hesitate to let me know!! :)))
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𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 ⇥ The universe known to man is a labyrinth—an irregular maze, a passage that cannot be routed—and to understand that took more than an average mind. The matter was far too complicated than any obsolete man to comprehend on a whim. Millenia passed before galaxies were formed, planets were created, all unbeknownst to the stars bursting just miles apart.
From early amphibians, to the ice age, to cavemen, evolution has made great strides in every species. Humans in the past were variants called homosapiens, and most likely came from chimpanzees. Great strides like this were something to be proud of, you'd think.
When Metzi Ludovic realized that birds can fly with natural evolution, while humans had to industrialize it (thanks to the Wright brothers) she was pretty distraught. As an imaginative and critical eight-year old, fifteen years later, not much had changed. Currently, she was pondering over the fact that humans are one of the few species with opposable thumbs.
Majority of animals had not yet evolutionized to create opposable thumbs. While frantic over this, she also imagined her beautiful Pomeranian, with thumbs popping out of his paws. Her thoughts were quickly subdued, thanks to her coherent thoughts making an appearance. As cool as it would be, all other animals would devour humans if they gained that ability.
Is that the only reason humans are all mighty? They can industrialize and aim properly due to their adaptations, so that they somehow became top of the food chain?
Thankfully, she was redacted from her thoughts as her manager, Emmy, let out a distressed sigh. "Wren, we cannot change your outfit again. You look beautiful," At this point, looking at Wren, she knew that she would look good. Somehow, she couldn't convince herself.
"Wren, we can switch. I don't hate green, so you can take blue if you want it. I really don't mind," Metzi smiled softly, and she knew it was the right thing to offer as Wren's face lit up, a few tears being wiped away. "Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, just do me a favor and loosen the ties on that, please. I have had way too many tacos yesterday to fit into it with the strings that tight," a small laugh left her mouth, and as she laid on the comfortable sofa. It was plush, but somehow offered no lumbar support. Who the hell makes a couch so soft, yet so unbearable for convenience of naps?
Selfish, she thought.
This dressing room was beautiful, so you'd think they'd have enough funds to make a decent couch. She could enjoy the aesthetics of the room, anyways. A luxurious baby pink covered the walls, and was bordered by pristine white. Plush gray carpet was under her feet, and was stain free. With Malorie in here, that probably wouldn't last long.
She was over by the double mirrors, applying powder over her face. She was so beautiful, Metzi couldn't fathom why she insisted on so much makeup. The same could be said about herself, so she kept her somewhat inner misogynistic comments at bay. She was pretty quiet, but something was off. She wasn't usually this quiet, so Metzi shot her a text.
She was very personal, and barely talked about what bothered her. Occasionally, Metzi would get her to open up, which she could physically see the relief on her face as she broke down. A brief, but to the point was written out on Metzi's phone.
you don't seem okay. wanna talk about it? Read 2:33 PM
The three dots popped up, and Metzi's attention was quickly brought to Vida, who sat down next to her, letting out a sigh. "How much longer until Olive gets here? I'm so close to taking a nap," Vida quickly put her hair into a makeshift ponytail, and leaned back, closing her eyes.
"It's only two, so I imagine not for a good hour or so, a nap sounds kind of nice," Wren commented, stood in the other corner of the room, with Emmy helped her undo the straps of her outfit. Her green silk top complimented her skin perfectly, but Metzi knew it was too late to convince her.
"Well, I'm out, wake me up when she gets here," Vida quickly blurts, and her head is now comfortably laying on the arm of the sofa. "I'll get up, I have to go to the bathroom anyways," Metzi commented, sighing before getting up.
Silence followed, and the blonde decided to take a look at her phone. A text was sent back on Malorie's behalf, and she widened her eyes momentarily. Standing still, she turned back to look at her. A face of guilt was evident, and she tried her best to hold her breath.
i have something to tell you, i'm not supposed to. i just feel so bad knowing while you don't i really shouldn't have said anything forget it
meet me in the bathroom
Read 2:37PM
Metzi's mind was in a whirlwind, and she couldn't think of anything she'd be referring to. Of course, it was useless, because clearly she wasn't meant to know about it. She hurried out of the room, the last thing she heard was Wren complaining once more about her outfit.
The hallways were empty, mostly because they'd came so early, and Metzi took her time reaching the bathroom. It was communal, so she really hoped that nobody else was here yet. The awards were meant to start in a few hours, and considering they had three faces to paint with makeup, early was a necessity.
"I hope you won't be mad at me," A small, timid voice aired behind her. The blonde turned around, and clutched her phone in fear. "I'm not, please tell me what's going on,"
As Malorie opened her phone, Metzi tapped her foot anxiously.
God, she really had to piss.
The brunette looked up at her, and showed her a photo.
"What is that?"
"That, was Ryan. On Saturday."
Ryan was her boyfriend of six years. An anxious cramping formed in her stomach at the mixture of his name and the tone of Malorie's voice. The photo she was now staring at made her want to vomit. Her stomach was now doing somersaults.
In the photo, it was indeed Ryan, in Metzi's own bed, with a mop of curly red hair under him. Most was covered by the sheets, but it was enough to come to the correct conclusion. He was clearly enjoying it too, judging by his face. Upon further inspection, she noticed something odd.
Grabbing the phone out of Malorie's hand, she zoomed in. On her nightstand, where a picture of the two usually sat, was now face down. While he fucked another woman in her bed, he turned her face down.
Tears pricked at her eyes, and she took a deep breath in.
What happened Saturday? She was home mostly all day, so when did he have time to do this?
"What—how did you get this?"
"I came to give you your present, and I heard something. Y'know since you gave me keys? I figured it was okay to come in, and your bedroom door was open. I knew Ryan would try to make me the liar, so I took a picture. He told me that if I told you," Malorie pursed her lips, "well he threatened to do something pretty fucked up."
"Holy fuck," Metzi whispered, "I just—I had no fucking clue. This entire time, and who knows how long he's been fucking her?"
One lonesome tear fell down her cheek. In anger or sadness, Malorie didn't know.
Opening her phone, she opened Ryan's contact. "Hey," Malorie whispered, her voice now soft. "If he tells you anything about me, promise you won't believe him?"
"Of course, you come first. Always."
She debated on whether or not to call him, but instead opted on a text.
I hope you enjoyed fucking merida, we're done. get your things out of my house by tomorrow. delete my number.
She wiped the tears from her eyes, and a smile adorned her face. Her bladder problems now the least of her concerns, she started back for the dressing room. Emmy now sat at the vanity, on her phone, and Vida and Wren were basically cuddling.
Surprised at the sudden intrustion, all eyes landed on the pair standing in the doorway.
"Ryan cheated on me, so now we're all single." Metzi gave nobody the chance to respond, as if anyone could think of what to say, and took a deep breath in.
"I haven't been fucked in months, and now I know why. So, I'm gonna get laid tonight, feel free to join me."
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All seven of them had their faces beat to perfection, their outfits tailored and steamed of any wrinkles. They looked absolutely impeccable, as if the world around them kissed their feet. Hell, some reporters actually acted like that.
The members of BTS were now known worldwide, and it seemed that they were sought after by nearly everyone. Each member was so unique—so captivating in every aspect. Personalities somehow intertwine perfectly, yet polar opposites sometimes.
Proud but humble men, they basked in the warmth of positive attention. All eyes were on them for now, and they proudly understood it. As they walked on the red carpet of the music event, Yoongi and Jungkook both hated what they would be forced to do in mere minutes. As self-declared introverts, social interactions were about to start, and they honestly would rather sit in the corner and get this over with.
They would meet a few smaller artists, an occasional household name, (which they would fawn over for the rest of the night) and then be on their way. It would probably be in a few news articles, and some artists would insist on pictures, and they would be spread around within minutes. It was the same routine, and almost every time they would speak as little as possible, save for Namjoon, and would discuss it later. Hollywood was English dominated, and they despised it.
"Right now we only have to meet one group, and then we're okay for a few hours," Namjoon spoke quietly and quickly, and they piled off of the red carpet into a building. The hallways were scary, dark and empty, but a light above them quickly lit up.
To their surprise, the hallway was beautiful. The walls were an navy blue, white accents on top and bottom. Numerous gold paintings and records lined the walls, and it seemed to go on forever.
"Who is it we're supposed to be meeting? This hallway is a bit sketchy," Jimin perked up, and Namjoon chuckled. "WB,"
"Who is that?"
"I can't remember what their name stands for, but they sing that one song," Namjoon goes on to hum the tune to a familiar song that got pretty big, and all of the members start singing along. Of course, the lyrics are completely off and the tune is absolutely horrid, but they all recognize it vaguely.  
All numbly following Namjoon, he was taking rough instructions from their manager to get there. This was not how it usually happened, but he had said something urgent came up. He had told Namjoon how to get there, and he knew that they were smart enough to make it without breaking a couple ligaments.
"Group? I thought it was one singer," Jin commented, and Taehyung nodded in agreement. "I would have never thought it was more than one. Are they American?"
"I guess we're going to find out," he snickered, and they all stopped at the corner. The door was slightly creaked open, and soft laughter could be heard. It was feminine, soft. It sounded like pure happiness was inside that door.
To double check, Namjoon eyed the sign on the door.
A large, black WB was written so even the partially blind could read. It was odd, the only dressing room out of probably at least a hundred, was all the way back, alone. They had no time to question it before Jin took a few strides forward, and boasted his English abilites.
"Come on-uh, guys."
The rest of them burst into laughter, and Namjoon quickly followed suit, knowing Jin would not be the prime candidate for introductions. He would simply utter a few English words, turn to Namjoon for help, and in panic, make a really bad play on words in Korean.
Timidly, Namjoon's knuckles rapped on the already-open door, accidentally pushing it further open a bit. "Come in!"
They were met with three girls stuffing their faces with chocolate cake, and another laying on the floor, fiddling with a.. flip-phone?
Jin grimaced at the reminder, glad it wasn't pink.
All eyes awkwardly met at the realization, and two of the three muffling down cake choked a bit. "Emmy, I thought you said 5:30?" Malorie was the one to ask, but none of the boys knew that.
"It is 5:30,"
The cake was swallowed within seconds, the flip-phone was now laying on the table, untouched. Four girls scrambled up simultaneously, and watched as the rest of the men piled in. An awkward stout of silence followed, and this so called Emmy, rose and met the boys first.
She had a firm grip, and introduced herself as their manager. The situation was humorous to say the least, these girls who could pass off as teenagers, were standing in single file in shame. The first was a beautiful girl with a large afro, and she kept a tight smile. She did not know who they were, nor did she really care. She introduced herself as Wren.
Next, was a taller woman, who seemed a hint older, with large winged eyeliner. She was Vida. Jin's first instinct was that she reminded him of him, she was definitely the oldest. Then, a smaller girl with a thick smile and soft curls was next. Soft hands, gentle grip. Her name was Malorie.
The last, was a young woman with blonde hair. Realistically, she didn't have any defining features besides her hair, she was the average American-looking girl. She introduced herself as Metzi, and to their surprise, bowed.
"It's really nice to meet you guys," Emmy let out a soft chuckle, and Namjoon nodded tightly. "Are you performing tonight?" It was Malorie who had asked, a soft question. "Yes, actually,"
"I heard you are as well," Namjoon replied, hoping to end the small talk quickly. "Yes we are! I'm surprised you've heard of us, I mean we're not huge."
She wasn't lying, but they definitely weren't small, either. Sixth biggest girlgroup of all time by album sales just behind TLC. Thirtieth on the most followed Spotify artist. Their debut album was certified Gold in six countries. Humble was the key to success, though.
"I'm not sure how big they are in the States, but aren't they pretty well known in Korea?" Yoongi spoke, but of course he wasn't talking to the girls, he was talking to his bandmates. He also spoke in Korean, which is why he nearly had a heart attack when a very feminine voice responded in Korean as well.
"We're big in Korea? I knew we were pretty well known in Japan, but I never really knew about that," It was the blonde one, Metzi. All seven members were in shock, the way she spoke it so effortlessly. If she didn't look the way she did, she could pass off as Native Korean by language alone.
"I know South Korea is very conservative and insistent upon how they operate things, and we're probably the farthest thing from it. I just was under the impression that we didn't fit the mold to do well there," Metzi continued talking, and Wren, Vida and Malorie had absolutely no clue what was going on or being discussed.
Had this been in Spanish, all the girls could have participated. Metzi just insisted on learning Korean, though.
They didn't seem too bothered, though, instead more humored.
"She's been waiting to use that one, huh?" Vida whispered, laughing lightly. "You're not wrong, Korea is known to be very conservative, however, that doesn't mean you have to fit stereotypes to break Korea or any other Asian country for that matter," Namjoon spoke in English this time, and finally the other three girls got a whiff of the conversation.
"We are the farthest thing from ideal boy-groups in America, and we broke it for the most part. Obviously a lot of it is due to our fan base, but point still stands." Seokjin broke in, the conversation now half Korean, half English.
"Good to know," Metzi said softly, a grin on her face.
"How did you learn Korean?" Taehyung spoke up in curiousity, and crinkled his eyes. "I started learning a few years ago before we kind of blew up, and when we visited Korea a few times, I just picked it up a bit. Still a lot I don't know, but I can speak pretty fluently now."
Taehyung nodded in understanding, silently applauding her ability to simply pick up on a language. He doesn't think he will ever gain fluency in English, no matter how hard he'd try. It was a lot harder than he imagined it to be.
"I'm gonna be honest, from media portrayals you guys are made out to be asshats, but you seem pretty down to Earth. Nice to know the fame doesn't get to your head, you know?"
Now it was Wren speaking, and a few snickers sounded from Jungkook and Jimin's mouth. "Asshat," Jimin repeated softly, and they broke into more laughter.
"We appreciate that, thank you. Ignore them," Hoseok spoke this time, a large smile adorning his face. "We will watch your performance tonight, and cheer you on."
"Ditto," Metzi responded in English this time, and Hobi's eyes crinkled in confusion. "Same to you," she clarified in Korean, and he nodded.
They said their goodbyes, and Metzi told all the girls to bow. Namjoon and Vida had a brief talk, and it was no time before BTS and WB were now separate, discussing the events that had just taken place.
The talk of the night was the mysterious blonde girl who spoke fluent Korean. 
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taglist: @princessoftheroad​ <3
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avocadogirl216 · 4 years
It Wasn’t You
AN:  Please let me know what you think and let me know of any mistakes that I have made.  This helps me improve my writing.  Thanks!
Summary: You finally get to go on a hunt with your brothers but things don’t go as planned.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x sister!reader, Sam Winchester x sister!reader, Bobby x reader, Possessed!Dean x sister!reader
Warnings: Violence, Possession, Language and Fluff
Word Count:  3,477 Words
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(I do not own this gif)
The day has finally come.  The day where you get to go on a actual hunt with your brothers.  Usually you had to stay behind with Bobby and do research but today you get to actually get to go on the road with them and hunt whatever monster was causing trouble.
You were giddy with excitement considering that you were only 14 and you get to put your training to the test. Everyday after school you trained with either Sam or Dean, whether it was self defense or weapon training, you took whatever you could get.  You were a pretty damn good hunter for your age.  You can take down two people three times the size of you at the same time, you can handle almost every kind of gun known to man, you know how to hack into security cameras, you can get your way out of any restraints and you can track almost anyone or anything.  
Your brothers wanted to keep you out of the life as much as they could.  They didn’t mind training you because you never know when it can come into handy.  Especially in this line of work.  Every time they mentioned a possible case you immediately jumped in, trying to help in anyway that you could.  You always begged them if you could go with them, for backup, but they always said no.  Up until last week they decided that you were ready to go with them.  They made rules to keep you safe, which were: always listen to them, never go off on your own and follow orders down to the T.  If you broke any of those rules, you can say goodbye to hunting.
You got out of bed and got dressed in a red and black flannel with a white tank top underneath, a pair of dark blue jeans with rips in them and of course black and white high top converse because you were too clumsy to wear a different kind of shoe.  You coaxed your hair into a high ponytail since it was extra frizzy today and brushed your teeth.
You grabbed your prepacked duffel bag with all of your necessities from under your bed and ran down the stairs into Bobby’s living room.  You lived with Bobby since A) He was like a father to both you and your brothers and B) It was the safest way to keep you close but away from the road life that came with hunting.  Once you made it into the living room you found Bobby with his nose in a lore book, figures.  You see Sam and Dean talking among themselves on the couch.  They didn’t notice your presence until you announced:  “What are you guys doing sitting around?  Let’s get this show on the road!”
Bobby, Sam and Dean look up at you with small smiles on their faces.
“Man I was hoping that you would forget.”  Dean said as he was getting up from the couch.
“When have I ever forgotten anything?” You asked.
“Hmm lemme see.  Homework, dishes, laundry...”  Bobby started to list off.
“Okay, okay.  I get it.  But there was no way in the history of well, ever that I would forget about this.” You said with a smile growing on your face.
“Yeah, yeah.  We know.” Sam said as he grabbed his own duffel bag and slung it over his broad shoulder.
“Got everything Sammy?”  Dean asked his younger brother.
“It’s Sam and yes.”  Sam answered.
“Okay, well I guess that we should get going.”  Dean said as he got his car keys out of his jacket pocket.
“You guys be careful you hear.  (YN) listen to your brothers.”  Bobby said as he stood up from his cluttered desk.
“Will do”  Dean said as he started towards the front door.
“Bye Bobby.” You said as you have him a hug.
“Please be careful.”  Bobby said again.
“When am I not?” You asked as you pulled away from his bone crushing hug.  You walked over to the front door and waved goodbye.  Bobby returned the wave with a hint of worry in his eyes.  You walked out of the house and closed the door behind you.  Sam and Dean were already getting into the car so you jogged over to the back door and slid into the backseat.  Dean put the key into the ignition and brought the beautiful car to life.  He pulled out of the scrap yard and onto the road.
You pulled out your phone, opened your favorite playlist on Spotify and put in your headphones.  You sat back into the leather seat and watched as the scenery around you zoom by.  The case was in Sidney, Nebraska which was about 8 hours from Sioux Falls.  In about 2 hours into the trip you pass out from a sudden, unexpected wave of exhaustion.  You wake up to Sam nudging your knee.  You look around to see that it is dark outside and you are parked outside of a motel.  Dean wasn’t in the car so he was more than likely already in the motel room.
“Hey (YN).”  Sam said in a soothing voice.  “We’re at Sidney, in case if you were wondering.  You passed out on the way here.  Why don’t we get you inside.  Okay?”
You took a deep breath through your nose and nodded your head while rubbing your eyes.  You grabbed your bag and started to walk towards the hotel room.  You walk in to see that Dean was already in his sleepwear and in bed.  He opened one eye to see who just walked in.
“Mmm.  Look who decided to wake up.”  He said with a tired voice.
“I’m not planning on staying up any longer than I need to.”  You said while walking over to the empty bed next to Dean’s and placing your duffel at the foot of the bed.  You grabbed your pajamas and toothbrush and walked into the bathroom.  You closed the door behind you and quickly changed clothes and brushed your teeth.  You opened the door to the bathroom and turned off the light.  Sam was already changed and in bed.  You walked over to the bed and climbed under the covers.  Sam scooted over to give you more room and you moved around until you got comfortable.  After a minute of listening to Dean snore you lulled yourself to sleep once again.
You wake up to the smell of bacon and coffee.  You sit up and rub your eyes as you look around the motel room.  Dean was sitting at the table situated in the small kitchen eating bacon and cheese biscuits while scrolling a local news sight on Sam’s laptop.  You walk over to the table and peer inside the paper bag to see three biscuits with no indication on what was in what biscuit. 
“They’re all the same.” Dean said as if he read your mind.
You nodded and picked the biggest one as you sat down in the chair next to Dean, seeing that he went from the news website to the local police radar.
“Anything new?” You asked as you took a bite from the biscuit.
“Nothing’s changed from yesterday.”  Dean stated as he took a sip of his coffee.
You nodded.  After a minute of silence, Sam exited the bathroom while drying his hair with the cheap motel towel.
“Morning Stilts.”  You said.
“Morning short stack.” Sam said back as he walked across the motel room and took a sip of his coffee.  
“So what’s the plan for today?” You asked.
“Well, I was thinking that Sam and I would talk to the families of the deceased.” Dean said as he looked up from the laptop.
“Sounds good.” Sam said as he started to unwrap his first biscuit.
“What will I do?” You asked with hope in your voice.
“You are going to stay here.” Dean said as he got up from the table and walked over to his duffel bag at the end of his bed.
You quickly followed.  “What?  I thought that I was going to work the case with you guys.” You said with disappointment.
“You are going to work the case with us.  You’re just gonna stay here.”
“That’s not working the case.  That’s just me being here and doing nothing.”  You said as you crossed your arms.
“You’re not going to do nothing.  You just can’t come with us to pose as FBI.  You’re too young and no one would buy it.”  Sam explained.
You understood.  Of course you did, the last thing that your brothers needed was to have their cover blown.  You sighed.  “I guess that makes sense.”
“Glad you understand.”  Dean said as he walked over to the bathroom and closed the door.
“We promise not to go after the thing without you.”  Sam said as he looked into your eyes.
A little while later, Sam and Dean were dressed and ready to talk to the families.
“You know the rules.  Door is locked until we get back, no opening it for anyone and keep your phone on you at all times.  Got it?”  Dean asked in a strict tone.
“Got it.”  You said while looking at the floor.
“We won’t be gone long.”  Dean promised as he and Sam walked out the door.
You were pacing the room trying Dean’s cell again.  
They should have been back by now.
It has been 4 hours since Sam and Dean have left and they haven’t called or texted.  Saying that you were worried was an understatement.  You’ve called them a million times and texted them a million more.  You wanted to go find them yourself, but there was two problems with that plan.  One was that you didn’t know what you were hunting and two was that you didn’t know where in the world your brothers have gone or where they might be.  Your heart was racing as were your thoughts. 
“Screw it.” You announced to no one in particular as you walked over to your duffel to get every weapon that you packed.  As you were about to put some holy water into your jacket pocket, the door to the motel opened and Dean walked in.
You gave a sigh of relief and walked over to him.
“Dean where the hell have you been?  You and Sam didn’t answer your phones and I was just about to go out and look for you myself.” You said in a pissed tone.
“We were jumped and our phones were damaged in the process.  Sorry to worry.”  Dean explained but the way that he said his words were different.  They sounded colder and on edge.  
“You couldn’t call from a pay phone?”  You asked, taking a step back.
“Didn’t have any change.”  He said with coldness and anger in his eyes.
“Umm okay.”  You said uneasily.  “Where’s Sam?”  You said as you looked over Deans shoulder.
“Out.”  Dean said as he locked the door and started to step closer to you.  You took steps back, hoping that he would get the message that you were starting to get uncomfortable.  He didn’t.  He continued to step forward as you stepped backwards.  
“Dean stop.”  You said with your most confident voice that you could muster up at the moment.  You eventually hit the wall and Dean stopped in front of you, his toes touching yours.  He placed his hands on either side of your head.  You tried to slow your breathing down, trying not to show Dean how scared you were getting.
Dean noticed this.  “Am I making you uncomfortable?”  He asked as he tilted his head.
You slowly nodded, pressing yourself against the wall more trying to create more space between the two of you.
“Oh I’m sorry.”  Dean said with fake sincerity.  He leaned in close enough to where his mouth was next to your ear.  “I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
When Dean leaned in you caught the smell of sizzled flesh.  You looked over at Deans left side of his chest to see a burn mark where his anti possession tattoo should be.
“You’re not Dean.” You stated.
“What gave me away?”  The demon said as it backed away from your face.  It flashed its eyes black and gave you a smile.
You looked over at your duffel to see your holy water.  The demon followed your gaze. “I don’t think so.”  It said as it dug its nails into both of your shoulders.  You grimaced and inhaled sharply.  You struggled for a bit then used some of the training that Sam and Dean taught you.  You kneed the demon in the groin as hard as you could.  It yelled out in pain and released its grip on you.  You punched the demon in the face and ran for the holy water.  The demon quickly regained itself and tackled you to the ground.  You landed on your face as one arm was underneath your body while the other was being held in a painful position behind your back by the demon.  
“Nice try.”  It said as it flipped you over.  The demon pinned your arms above your head with one hand and sat on your thighs, disabling your legs.  You moved as much as you could but after a minute of struggling you realized that you were trapped.
“Dean fight it!”  You said as you looked up at the demons eyes, hoping that Dean would take control.
“Oh believe me he is.  He’s giving me one hell of a headache but he’s too weak.”  The demon said as it trailed a finger along your jaw.  “I expected more.”
You moved your head as much as you could to keep it from touching you.  The demons eyes started to roam your body with no shame.  It finally looked at you in your eyes and gave you a smirk.  “You sure are a pretty one.”  The demon said as finger started to move down to your collarbone.
“Screw you.”  You said viciously.
“Ooh.  You’ve got a mouth on you.”  It chuckled was it ran its thumb over your bottom lip.  You bit its thumb as hard as you could, tasting blood.
The demon hissed as it retracted its hand.  It then clenched its hand into a fist and punched you in the face.  You vision blurred for a second before focusing back on your possessed brother.
“Dean fig-”  Before you could finish was your were saying the demon punched you in the face again.  And again.  And again.  Pretty soon you were a bloody mess.  Your left eye was swollen shut, your lip was busted and you had multiple cuts on your cheeks not to mention the bruises that were starting to blossom your face .  You coughed up blood and spit in the demons face.  It gave you a disgusted look and wiped it off.  The demon then let go of your arms and used both hands to strangle you.  You tried to hit the demon anywhere you could reach but the demon didn’t loosen its hold on you.  You tried to suck in air but all that came out was a wheeze.  Black spots danced across your vision and you started to feel light headed.  The demon then lifted your head from the ground and slammed it into the dirty motel floor.  You grabbed onto its wrists, hoping that it would stop but the demon kept slamming your head into the floor.  The motel door banged open and Sam ran in.  Before you saw Sam do anything else, you blacked out.
You woke up to a pounding headache and the smell of sulfur.  You slowly opened your eyes but immediately shut them from the light.  You groaned as you opened them once again, letting them adjust to the light..
“Hey champ.”  Sam said in a quiet and soothing voice.  You looked up at him, seeing that he was in a chair that was pulled up next to the bed.  He gave you a sad, small smile while rubbing circles into the back of your hand with his thumb.
You looked around the room to see Dean leaning against the dresser giving you a guilty look.
“Wh-what happened?”  You asked looking back at Sam.
“What do you remember?”  Sam asked with a curious look in his eyes.
“I remember you busting through the door and then nothing.”
“Well, we were jumped at one of the families houses and we were taken to a warehouse outside of town.  The demon burned Deans tattoo off and possessed him.  I eventually got out of the bindings and I hot wired a car to the motel.  I walked in to see the demon strangling you.  I fought the demon off of you and eventually exorcised it out of Dean.”  Sam said.  You noticed some cuts and bruises on his face that you were too disoriented before to see.
“How long have I been out?”  You asked with a tired tone.
 “3 hours.”  Dean said from across the room.  You looked back over to him, seeing that he hasn’t moved a muscle.
You closed your eyes and sighed.  After a minute, you tried to sit up.
“Whoa, whoa.  Easy there tiger.”  Sam said as he put a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to lay back down.
“I’m fine.” You said as you continued to sit up.  Eventually Sam helped you and leaned you against the head board.  You looked over at Dean to see some bruises marking his face along with a cut on his right cheekbone.  “Are you okay?” 
“Don’t worry about me.”  Dean said as he started to make his way over to the bed.
“I’m sorry have you met me?”  You asked.
“I’m known for it.” 
“Sure you are.”
Sam chuckled and patted your hand before letting it go.  “I’m gonna go get us some dinner.”  He said as he looked between you and Dean.  He grabbed his jacket and the keys to the impala and walked out of the motel room.
There was a minute of silence before Dean spoke.
“(YN) I am so sor-”  Before he had a chance to finish his apology you interrupted him.
“Stop, just stop.”  You said as you looked into his guilt ridden eyes.  “You have nothing to apologize for.  It wasn’t you.”
“Yeah but I could have stopped it.”  He said while avoiding your gaze.
“Come here.”  You said while patting the empty space next to you.
Dean hesitated before finally moving next to you, still avoiding your eyes.
“Look at me.”  You said.  He didn’t.  “Dean Winchester I said look at me.”  You commanded in the tone of voice he used when you were in serious trouble.  Dean looked up at you with eyes starting to fill with tears.  “I forgive you.”
“You shouldn’t.  I failed you as an older brother.”  He said as a tear made its way down his face.
You moved your hand to his face and wiped the tear from his cheek with your thumb.  “No you didn’t.  Don’t you ever think that.  Ever.  You are the best big brother I could ask for.  You’ve done so much for Sam and me.  You’ve taken care of us when no one else would, you made sure that we had a happy childhood despite our situation, you’ve protected us and you’ve always been there for us, no matter what.  I couldn’t ask for anyone better.” 
Dean gave you a small smile.  “And I couldn’t ask for a better sister.”
“Come here.”  You said as you held your arms open for him.  Dean leaned in and gave you a hug that wasn’t as tight as it usually was.  “You’re not gonna break me Dean.”  You said as you hugged him tighter in which he returned.  After a minute of holding each other, you two let go.  You yawned while rubbing your non hurt eye.
“You tired?”  Dean asked.  You nodded.  Dean helped you lay down and get under the covers. “Night sis.”  He said as he smoothed your hair.  When he started to walk away you caught his hand.  Dean looked down at you with curiosity.
“Stay with me?”  You asked with your puppy eyes that matched Sam’s.
“Sure sweetie.”  He said as he started to lay down next to you.  You scooted over to give him more room on the bed.  When he got comfortable, you layed your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around your body.
“Love you De.”  You said tiredly.
“Love you too kiddo.”  He replied back. 
You yawned once again and closed your eyes.  You were quickly lulled to sleep to the sound of Dean’s heartbeat and to the soothing fact that Dean would always protect you from the monsters of the night, no matter what.
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sailtoafarawayland · 4 years
The Things We Don’t Say (modern AU - Actors)
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Summary:  No one is perfect, and sometimes, two people are just so perfectly flawed that those pieces fit together and make something beautiful. When sparks fly between two leads of a new hit show, is there a happy ending in sight, or will their own mistakes overshadow any chance they had at something worth fighting for.
Rated: Explicit    
Warnings:   This is a joyfully Captain Swan story, but there are a few warnings. It does start with Emma/Neal and Killian/Milah. I don't write non-CS, so there won't be any sexual anything happening 'on screen', so to speak, between those couples, but I won't guarantee there may not be a mention. This story contains numerous episodes of cheating. If any of these things make you squick or are not your bag, carry on.
AO3 - FF 
- or read below the cut - 
As always, let me know if you’d like to be tagged for further updates. 
Tag list: @xarandomdreamx @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @teamhook @tiganasummertree @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @kmomof4 
Chapter One
Emma scrolled through the email her manager had sent detailing the new role she was being offered. It was something fresh, something different from what she normally focused on—no hint of a police procedural in sight—and based on the tone, it sounded like they were very interested in getting her signed for one of the leads. She stretched her legs out along the couch, digging her cold toes underneath the pillows in search of some warmth, only to yank them back when she encountered something both crinkly and wet.
“Dammit, Neal! What the hell is this?” she growled, glaring at the brown sludge coating her foot.
She leaned forward, careful to angle her toes away from any other surface, and peeled the throw pillow from the couch. Smeared across the white fabric and the expensive leather was what looked like the remainder of a milky way bar, the wrapper still clinging to the puddle of caramel and chocolate.
“You have got to be kidding me. Neal!”
The only response she got was the sound of something hitting a pan full of oil in the kitchen, the apartment filled with the sizzling hiss of something frying. Dropping her phone and forgetting all about the email she’d just been reading, she hobbled down the hall into the bathroom to clean up, wondering how in the hell to get out a chocolate and caramel stain. Why he couldn’t just learn to clean up after himself was beyond understanding. Sometimes it felt like she was living with a teenager who never wanted to grow up, and she couldn’t help but long for the days when her apartment was clean and didn’t smell like whatever weird odor it was that Neal always brought home—grease and cigarette smoke, maybe.
Her foot finally clean enough to be walked on, she headed into the kitchen to get some paper towels only to be greeted by what looked like every dish she owned spread out on the counters and island. Every surface was dusted in flour and drips of batter, measuring spoons leaving trails of oil and sugar across the floor and counters alike.
“Oh my god,” she cringed, knowing the mess would be left for her. “What are you doing?”
“I was wondering when you’d get off the phone,” Neal poked, giving her a quick glance over his shoulder before motioning proudly over the mess that just seemed to get worse each time she looked at it. “I’m cooking.”
The casual way he always stabbed at her phone use was exactly what she didn’t want to hear right now. Maybe she wouldn’t have to spend so much time working if he bothered looking for something himself. He’d had a recurring role on a family comedy when they met, but he’d been fired not long after, and for the last six months, Emma was pretty sure he hadn’t even gone to any of the auditions she’d mentioned. In fact, she wasn’t even sure if he had an agent anymore. 
“When was the last time you had a Milky Way?” she asked, choosing to ignore his snide comment. She just wasn’t in the mood.
“That’s a weird question. I don’t know, maybe last week? You didn’t pick any up the last time you ran to the store.”
Emma nodded, her lips drawn tight as she tore paper towels from the rack and returned to the living room, pulling what she could of the melted mass from the couch and thinking she’d need to resort to Google to get the rest out. Her anger bubbled with every sticky string of caramel that wrapped around her fingers. Why couldn’t he go to the store on his day off? He only had seven of them. She stomped back into the kitchen, hitting the garbage can a little harder than necessary and tossing the mess of chocolate and paper inside.
There was just enough room in the overload sink—what had he used the colander for—that she could wash her hands.
“There’s leftovers in the fridge. What was so important that you had to turn the entire kitchen into a complete disaster?” she questioned, already adding up how much time it would take her to wash and wipe everything down.
She’d be lucky if she was able to get back to her manager before tomorrow as requested.
“You remember that travel show we watched the other night?” he prodded, his eyes glued to the pan as it hissed on the stovetop, a spatula held ready in his hand. “You mentioned you hadn’t had good churros since that trip to Mexico, so I thought maybe I’d make you some.”
The anger that had been just about to boil over slipped away to that place far enough below everything else that she could just go back to ignoring it.  
“Neal,” she sighed, suddenly more exhausted than anything else. “Thanks.”
“Of course, Ems—anything for you.”
In the living room her phone blared to life, the dark tones of The Imperial March echoing as it vibrated across the coffee table.
“Work calls,” Neal sniped, a trace of resentment running beneath the pleasant smile he fixed in her direction. “Wouldn’t want to keep Regina waiting.”
It was amazing how quickly that anger came right back to the top of everything, and she found her feet pushing her as far away from Neal as possible, snatching her phone from the table and forgetting entirely about the couch as she stormed into the bedroom.
“What?” she hissed, slamming the door behind her and clenching the cell like it was something she wanted to crush. “What is so important that you couldn’t give me a few more hours, Regina?”
The other end of the line was silent, as if Regina had either hung up, or was waiting for an apology. Well, she wasn’t getting one—not today.
“Is there something you needed, Regina?”
“Are you okay?” Regina asked, not as a friend, but as an employee that was curious to know how soon she would have to contact Emma’s PR team and inform them a mental breakdown was imminent.
“I’m fine. It’s just a bad time. I got the details you sent. I just haven’t read through everything yet.”
“Well, that explains why I haven’t heard from you. Honestly, I thought you cared more about your career than that. I was quite clear this was urgent. Don’t take your time with this one, Miss Swan—they want you, but they can’t wait much longer.”
The line went dead after Regina had delivered her scolding and Emma sighed, dropping to the bed and rolling onto her back as she flicked back into her email and started again from the top. It was an interesting premise with even more depth than she’d originally thought—a new series that centered on the mental health of a man who had developed delusions after a car accident that took his brother, leading him to believe everyone in the hospital was a character from a fairy tale world—but then she got the part that Regina really focused on, the money.
“Holy shit!” Emma gasped, double checking the figures and thinking how she’d never seen such a good offer—not for someone in her bracket. It was unheard of. “I guess they really do want me.”
It wasn’t until she read through the rest of the itinerary and details that she wondered if the big paycheck wasn’t recompense for the filming location and duration—the middle of Nowhere, Maine, as if Maine wasn’t already considered the middle of nowhere.
She read everything twice before she shot Regina a quick text.  
E: I’ll take it
The message had only just sent and there were already three ellipses following. Emma could practically hear her manager’s smug response.
R: I knew you would. I’ll be in touch.
There should have been nerves fluttering in her stomach, or at least a solid pit of dread at the prospect of having to walk into the kitchen and tell Neal, but there was nothing. It was a big decision to move across the country for what could be a long-term role, but it was still her decision to make.
Hopefully, he would be happy for her, he would understand that this had the potential of lifting her out of her rut and providing great income for the foreseeable future. There were some great names attached, veterans of the industry that were looking to branch out into a new genre.
She was excited for the first time in a long time.  
She didn’t need to feel guilty, at least that was what she told herself as a niggling pang of guilt worked its way into her chest.
It would be good to break it to him gently though, to put a good spin on it.
The minutes ticked by and she finally realizing she couldn’t put it off any longer, she wandered into the kitchen, her arms crossed in front of her as she looked for him, but the apartment was empty. The stove was turned off and a plate, probably the last clean one, was waiting on the counter with a pile of golden churros perched on top of a greasy paper towel.
Next to it was another torn paper towel with a note scratched onto it in sharpie.
The boys called and I’m heading out for a few beers. Don’t wait up. Enjoy the churros.
She waited for the anger to bubble back to the top, but there was nothing—no anger, no guilt, just a deep, hollow nothingness that grew and yawned as she fingered the scrap of a note transparent with oily fingerprints. Feeling like maybe this job had come at the best possible time, she picked up the plate of churros and walked over to the trash, watching them slide in with the rest of the garbage.
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