#holy f u c k that is him.
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peppermint-whiskers · 1 year ago
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WHY BE THE [[Little Sponge]] WHO HATES ITS [[$4.99]] LIFE
[[BIG SHOT!!!]]
[[BIG SHOT!!!!]]
[[BIG SHOT!!!!!]]
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cherry-bomb-ships · 10 months ago
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bubaboos · 1 year ago
gonna watch men fs now, pray for my sanity🫡
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still-a-morosexual-help · 2 years ago
Okay okay but consider this
Mammon has just met MC their """"demon"""" attendant who is confident and competent and dangerous and protective and funny and who is kind and caring and there for him, who listens to him when he's upset and comes when he calls, no questions asked and who holds his hand when he's scared
So of course, he falls hopelessly in love with them almost instantly. How could he resist? Could you resist?
And he's never been in love before or had any sort of relationship before, what with the celestial realm and most of its angels being as strict as they are. And he says he previously had no interest in humans
So this is the first time he can explore what he likes and they're confident and competent and dangerous and protective and remember how flustered he gets when MC says they'll protect him in the first dame event, or how he asks them to tell him what to do next when they have sex for the first time in S2????
And you know how Mammon loves with his entire goddamned being
Anyway Mammon's gonna develop a very specific type and some very specific kinks
And then MC's gonna return to the present and Mammon's gonna forget them but remember their presence and keep the impact of their existence in the past - meaning whatever they did will remain that way (eg: encouraging Lucifer to hide Goldie in the fridge) like what happened in s3
Anyway cut to like 5000 years later and Lucifer's dumped some random human on his lap and he really doesn't wanna do this shit and HOLY FUCK WHY IS THIS HUMAN EXACTLY HIS TYPE AND MEETING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS KINKS WHAT THE F U C K
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year ago
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A - Aftercare (how is he after sex)
San is super sweet and gentle to his lover after sex, he'll ask a thousand times if they need anything and hold them in his big, strong arms.
B- Bodypart (his favourite bodypart on you)
I think we all know it can only be one thing and that is the 🍑. San loves your ass, and will touch it the entire day long, sexually or just out of love (or if he wants to be annoying).
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
Sannie loves to cum inside you and breed you like the good pet that you are-
D - Dirty secret (his dirty secret)
He loves your ass and wants to fuck it (even if he knows you won't let him, he'll still think about it cuz he be obsessed)
E - Experience (how experienced is he?)
I think San has some experience. I don't know if his bodycount is necissarily high but with the ones he did have sex with he's done a lot with soooo
F - Favourite position
Doggy style/reverse cowgirl🍑
G - Goofy (how he acts in the moment?)
This depends on the mood cuz he can be a little silly sometimes but more often than not he's serious about sexytime.
H - Hair (how groomed is he?)
He's either completely bare or he trims it for you. I cannot decide.
I - Intimacy (how passionate is he?)
San is super intimate, even if it's not about sex. He's very loving and will initiate gentle touches, naked cuddling, bathing together etc.
J - Jack off (how often does he masturbate?)
Bit more than average? 4/5 times a week? 6? 7? I don't know, it might depend on how his mood is but I think he's fairly horny most of the time lmao and he might go twice in a row-
K - Kink
San loves spanking, he wants his hands on you all the time but he won't mind a spanking if he's subby himself either👀
L - Location (what's his favourite place to have sex?)
The bedroom allows him to be most comfortable so probably that but he enjoys fooling around in the shower a lot.
M - Motivation (what keeps him going?)
Nothing's as good as the feeling of you getting more aroused.
N - NO (what is a no-go for him/turn-offs?)
He will NOT have sex with his family in the house. His family is holy and he will not stand the chance he'd get caught.
O - Oral (giving or receiving, skill etc.)
He's fairly skilled in oral and loves to give but I would say it's 50/50 because he wants his mouth on himself everyday.
P - Pace (fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
He's usually more on the fast and rough side, he'll grope you everywhere to hold you in place and ruin you.
Q - Quickie (their opinion on quickies)
He's more a fan of long sessions but once in a while he doesn't mind it.
R - Risk (experiments, taking risks etc.)
Is a bit shy about trying new things so you might have to lead a little in that, but he's open minded.
S - Stamina (how long does he last?)
Lasts quite long, at least 3 rounds I'd say. Even if he gets tired he'll still wanna prove his strength to you.
T - Toys (do they own toys? does he use them with his partner or himself?)
I think he's the type to use toys on himself rather than on his partner (but he would occasionally! He just prefers to do the work himself). He might own a fleshlight or a dildo/vibrator if he is into that
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He's a tease but he cannot last long. He gives in too easily.
V - Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?)
Okay no cuz San can get pretty loud. Be it dirty talk or moans, groans, grunts and all the other animalistic noises escaping his mouth.
W - Wild Card (random headcanon)
San has you naked over his lap as he orders you to count the slaps he's giving your ass. It's slowly turning red and it's starting to hurt but the vibrator inside you and the willpower to make Sanie proud of you gets you going. "That's it baby? Number 10 already, aren't you such a good pet for me?"
X - X-Ray (what's going on in them pants?)
He's average to a bit bigger than average (I can't decide but this is based on a set of pics I've seen of him not wearing underwear under his sweats lol) but he's definitely thick and girthy.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sexdrive?)
Honestly, he probably has the highest sexdrive out of all the members. Even in regular videos or videos from tour theres a hint of sexual tension or arousal.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
If he's done multiple rounds he'll fall asleep quite fast but he'll make sure that you're okay first, even if he's already half asleep.
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630
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glowstickblood · 2 months ago
Sure I'll bite, what are your thoughts on Nightwing?
You do not know what you have just done <3
So first of all, I was a teen titans kid: specifically StarFire. She was my home girl, she was an alien existence with strange customs and unique way of speaking and she was sweet and had trouble understanding others and I was obsessed. And…. She likes Robin, aka Dick Grayson, the OG.
Back then, Robin was cool but he wasn’t my favourite, but it was the first time I can really recall him catching my attention,, mostly because he had Kori’s attention and I loved Kori.
Honestly I didn’t really get into DC much. I was a Marvel prefereer for a while (<- lies, I just liked spider-man like literally everyone else) and though I had heard of the batfamily before in passing (an animation YouTuber I liked did some stuff for them once or twice) they didn’t mean much to me.
For me it was Batman and Robin,,,, and Robin was Dick Grayson.
I don’t really remember how it happened, but I do recall somewhere 2ish years ago that something prompted me to go searching for Nightwing’s Wikipedia page.
Now those of you NDs know what happens when something catches your attention in that oh-so-very-peak way and you enter what I like to call Stage 7.
I, no joke, read every single wiki article and post I could find anout Dick Grayson for 24 hours straight. I didn’t sleep, I barely ate, and I don’t remember anything other than the endless hunger for knowledge until I inevitably collapsed.
So,,, why?
Well honestly it’s rather complex!
I don’t talk too much about myself online, mostly because I don’t feel much of a need to, but I’m sure you can glean a few things: mostly that I’m a 1st gen immigrant with autism, asexuality and a enby identity (just like half the population on tumblr lmao) and that gave/gives me a whole cocktail of fun issues and perspectives of the world.
I’m not sure how much you know about Dick’s story or personality, but simplifying it down to a single sentence it would probably be this: An endlessly angry child has forged himself into a kind and charismatic hero for the sake of other people.
He is angry, and bitter and fighting so goddamn hard to be kind. He is overtly sexualised by people in-universe and in-fandom. He gives away all of himself even if he doesn’t realise he does. He is on a never ending journey to meet, match, and exceed the expectations placed upon him even to the detriment of himself and others. The bar grows ever higher.
People have an unconsciously bad habit of comparing ourselves to others and it is generally agreed upon that to live a healthy life you will have to spend the entire time fighting against that habit. The fight never ends as we never stop interacting with each other, but it does get easier with time. This pinprick point of tension is a core element of a lot of the stories told when it comes to Nightwing interacting with other characters, and a running theme throughout my own life.
For a very long time I competed against the world, against my family, against my friends, against the characters in stories I was told, basically everyone. I was the underdog, I was always fighting, and soon enough I was winning just as much as I was loosing. It was fun and it made me miserable because no matter how well I did the was always another person was better. I was never the best, I couldn’t be, and I hated myself for it… Until I realised the standards I held myself too so loudly and proudly started making my friends miserable too.
(To be honest I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop trying to raise the bar for myself higher, but I sure as hell know better than to make that other people’s problems. It’s an ongoing WIP against a very human flaw in myself, just as it is for Dick.)
Another element of his character that appeals to me is the anger; specifically that he is not seen as angry much anymore.
As a character his anger is justified. It is righteous even. The world took from him, hurt him, and continues to challenge him even now. He has every single reason to be bitter and full of rage,,, and he is! Except also no he isn’t.
The general current interpretation of Dick is as a playful and kind older brother figure.
He is flawed sure, but in a way that makes him more ‘approachable’. He is the comforting Robin; He’s the one you’d go to after a breakup to cry and eat ice cream or to go gush about your favourite hobbies to. He is the mediator of the batfamily, managing the emotions of both himself and others (especially Batman). The endless bright burning rage has been buried beneath a soft exterior, he has sanded down his own edges. He controls and seems to give away just enough to make him feel grounded, but never enough to feel like he’s truly known.
One of the worst part about growing older for me is how terribly easy it is to understand other people now. Rarely do the people who hurt us the worst want to do so, the villains of this world are seldom (if ever) people you meet in real life. It’s so fucking easy to hurt each other. It’s so fucking easy to blame people when they hurt you. To make monsters out of molehills.
And yet!
And yet…
I understand. I wish I didn’t, but I do. I am so very very angry, but my kindness is a thing with teeth I tamed with love, and it eats my anger for breakfast.
The way I love and he loves, in my mind, is the same. I understand and he understands in a way I want too, and it’s so easy to let people hurt us because of that. Depending on the version you’re reading of him, maybe that person who hurts him is a super villain, or a friend, or an obliviously obtuse civilian or even the batfamily and Batman himself (Spyral, WFA Joker arc, Grant Wilson, Tarantula, being Batman during the Bruce lost time-stream arc, all of Jason’s existence, etc.). Either way, same outcome: you love and care for people who hurt you and are flawed.
Nevertheless, Dick Grayson, aka Robin, aka Nightwing, has been around for more than 80 years now. His story has been told hundreds, thousands, millions of times. It’s been twisted and shifted and re-told all over again. And while his tenants core stays the same (save for a bad writer of course) he gets different lighting for every occasion. Playing and talking about him is more flexible in a way a lot of characters with a single cannon source (I.e. books and movies) are not. His existence gives me a lot of room to play and project.
He can be the good big brother, the proud leader, the angry teenager, the betrayed son, the beautiful idol, the grand hero, or any mask the story requires him to play. That flexibility is within the core of his very character. He loves, he is angry, he is so terribly inhuman in all the best ways he is not, and I love him because of that.
TLDR: He is relatable to me and I fuck with that <3
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whimsical-roasting · 2 years ago
Any hc on Jamie in bed? 😅 x
fuck yes, thank you for asking
i have so many and i have problems keeping it short but oh god jamie in bed (its too long, i've cut some and it doesn't make logical sense)
he's clearly experienced - babes he's a famous footballer who used to be hella prick-ish.. he was f u c k i n g
i like to think since yall have intimacy and some emotional connection that the kisses aren't all fast and sloppy... they start off deep and slow. you on your back and him on top of you, between your legs. it gets more passionate and heated - he's the type to bite your bottom lip and suck on your tongue (same, its a goat makeout move)
he'll pull away and you're lifting your head, tryna follow his lips. he just chuckles kinda smug about how bad you want him
i'm someone who's super sensual so i like thinking about holding his face and peppering open mouth kissing all over - cheek, temple, chin, adam's apple... he loves it, it's soft lovin but it gets him going
he's so fucking hot man...he works out and trains so hard and you can SEE the fruits of his labour. and you're appreciating those fruits by giving open mouth kisses and letting your tongue lick up his body.. it makes him shiver a bit, and you grin against his stomach
I LIKE TO BELIEVE HE'S INTO BODY WORSHIP. he would fucking LOVE kissing down your body, your arms, your thighs with this kinda devotion holy fuck
obviously you're worshipping his body...look at him..
the kind to slide down to have his face between your legs, essentially making out with your inner thighs and your head just falls back
he'd love to press and dig his fingers into your thighs, they're SO soft and malleable and he loves the way its his fingers digging into your thighs because you're his
the man is def possessive, i can imagine hickeys all over your chest
spreads you open and cocky chuckle "you're soakin love, for me?" "all mine huh?"
he gives good fucking head oh my god, and his fingers would twist inside of you. he'd pull them out and use those same slicked up fingers to massage your inner thigh as he suctions onto your clit
i most definitely think he'd give praise and i bet he eats up getting praised
he's good at dirty talk too... the kind to be doing strokes in missionary and your face gives away how good it feels so he plays dumb "right there, baby? just like that? you like that?" and you just whine, nodding desperately...he eats it up
he likes being close to you and seeing your face.. you straddling him and his face in your titties while you kiss his forehead??? perfect. he can die happy now.
i think the cocky lil shit would love doing backshots in front of a mirror, his hand around your throat..."look at us, sweetheart"
he enjoys it slow and deep with his face in your neck and he's groaning, whining and cussing
alternatively, he loves it rough and fast too, when you're like all like "holy fuck fuck fuck, please jamie PLEASE" - MAN he goes harder.. the walls need to SHAKE with the sound of you cheering for him
i could go on forever but LASTLY (for now), can we imagine pls sitting him in front of a mirror and sliding between his legs to give him head? him looking down at you, your pretty eyes looking up at him with his dick in your mouth!! and he just closes his eyes and groans, and you whisper, voice hoarse from taking him in your throat "look at yourself, handsome, so good for me" and his eyes flutter open to catch his reflection
his cheeks red, and your head bobbing and "so good for me" just repeats in his head and he'd get all whiney, his hands tangled into your head. i like to believe he's cute and needy and thrusts into your mouth when he hears all the slurpy sounds you make around him
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missashketchum · 1 month ago
Dude I just woke up crying cause I imagined Malleus being entrusted with Eternal Flower Floette. Unlike Malleus who'll just live a ridiculously long time, this particular Floette is honest to god immortal unless directly killed. Knowing how friendly pokemon are, imagine how much Floette suffered: all the friends and guardians they were forced to outlive, so many people and pokemon to mourn.
Now picture Ash (or any pokemon yuusona) being Floette's current trainer and asking Malleus to care for them when she's gone. Just Malleus finally having a friend that will never leave him, or rather that he will be leaving first.
you, my friend, although I may be incredibly late to replying, ARE SO VERY BIG BRAINED
like, now I can’t stop thinking of ash leaving twst, and giving all of her friends gifts, and out of all of them, she gives Malleus EF Floette as a reminder of her, even though she may be gon from twst
and I kinda feel like this is a great analogy for dying, which is something I said WAY out of left field but hear me out
we all know ash can’t die, mainly in terms of being killed, but I feel like her leaving twst and leaving Malleus with a creature so important, she might as well be dead to this world
and the idea that they both bond with each other, but now dance around the fact that one or the other could die first and leave the other alone after possibly hundreds of years of being together
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cardis-tricycle · 1 year ago
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This is my Roman empire
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soukokumychildren · 1 year ago
Short stories part two in comin' guys! Idk how much I've made since the last one, so here goes-
Chuuya: I can't fuckin' hear ya! Kunikida: Well, fine, I'll come clos- Chuuya: IM TOO BUSY NOT LISTENIN' TO YA
Tachihara: My disguise is flawless! Chuuya: Oh yeah? does not know who this guy is What does it look like? Tachihara: brandishes his signature band-aid Chuuya: Raises brow Tachihara: puts it on Chuuya: jumps like a cat HOLY SHI--TACHIHARA?! WHERE IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID YOU COME FRO-
(Chuuya doesn't like people touching him)
Chuuya: choking on carrots Someone random: I know the heimlich, I know how to help! Chuuya: frantically yelps NO! dies
Fukuzawa: All I ask is for you to hug them. Chuuya: looks frantically at Shin (I will not give them the high and mighty title of Soukoku) Y-you're kidding. Awkward chuckle. Fukuzawa: Fatherly raise-eyebrow look. Chuuya: Eheheh…eheh…oh come on… Also Chuuya: Slowly looks to Shin and specifically looks at Akutagawa Atsushi: Awkwardly raises arms Chuuya: Stumbles over, tries to raise his arms to hug them both and pulls away last second Nope. Nope. Can't do this. I'd rather vomit. I actually can't look at his face. Jogs over to where Dazai was while watching from the side-lines Dazai: Chicken. Chuuya: Oh shut up, dumbass. You would have killed them had they touched me. Hiss.
Dazai: Wanna see a magic trick? Chuuya: takes a moment before he understands Oh shit- Atsushi: OOh, sure! Dazai: grabs Chuuya before the avian can escape Guys, c'mere!~ Chuuya: DAZAI NO-DON'T YOU DARE YOU SWORE TO ME- Kunikida, Ranpo, Kenji and Yosano: Wander over grudgingly except for Kenji Chuuya: Fuck fuck fuck fuck let me go- writhing and flapping his wings but iTS NO USE Dazai: Watch, guys. Scratches the back of Chuuya's ear Chuuya: Takes a few seconds of silence but then bursts into a ball of aggressive purring Yosano: Oh my god. Kenji: ✨ 0 ✨ Kunikida: O_O Ranpo: Trying so hard not to laugh Atsushi: QMQ W-w-wh-wha- Dazai: Tehdahh!! Chuuya: Fuck--purrr---you shitty--purrrrr--DAZAI--PURRR somehow gets away with wings flapping in his wake as he runs to the bathroom Also Chuuya: Oh my---purrr---fucking god. That shitass promis-purrr..purrr.. F u c k. I'ma revoke the keeping him alive policy, I--purr--swear to GOD-
Chuuya: "Fuuuuuck you." Dazai: "Fuck you!" Chuuya: "Fuck me, then, coward!" Dazai: "Sure thing you needy little shit!"
Bram: There used to be a plethora of werewolves during my time. Such things were most common.
Chuuya: …Hmmmm. I can kinda like…get you something as close to a werewolf as I can.
Bram: Please do, I'd be most grateful. It has felt like a millenia since I've last encountered such a common kind that seems so terribly uncommon in these parts.
Chuuya: Disappears, and from the distance: Yo, Atsushi!
Also Chuuya: drags Atsushi by the scruff back to Bram and throws him on the ground like a sack of potatoes Here he is. He's more of a cat though, really. But he's still got the moon shit goin' on.
Bram: This pathetic mongrel? Looks mildly disappointed
Chuuya: Yeahhh, I know. This guy sucks, but he still got the semi-werewolf going on.
Bram: Do you perhaps have anything more than this…creature?
Chuuya: Er..unfortunately….no.
Atsushi: …I have ears, you know. Still on the ground
Chuuya: Pretend you don't and let the adults keep talking.
Atsushi & Bram: …
Atsushi: Screw this. Sits up and walks away
Chuuya: grabs him by the scruff again He's just a tad stubborn. If he turns into a full tiger under the full moon, do you think that'll help?
Bram: Sigh I suppose…there's certainly only one way to find out.
Dazai: Addressing Chuuya’s parents your son calls me daddy too ^^ Chuuya: DAZAI WHAT THE FUCK—
C: Don't make this worse. D: Define worse-
Chuuya: You’re bullshitting me so hard right now. Dazai: …. Chuuya: claps hands great, when do we start?
Chuuya: a cowboy? Eh…I’m not big on riding horses. Dazai: but you’re big on riding me? Chuuya: huh? Dazai: Stupid shit eating mischievous look Chuuya: gets it oh—OH FUCK YOU—
(Opinon: This one is shit)
Chuuya: tries making a nest Dazai: not helping Chuuya: Dazai, ya ass, come here and help! Dazai: but I’m disabledddd Chuuya: oh fuck off. We’ll see how disabled ya are when I make you carry all the shit we’re gonna get from the store. Dazai: blinks since when are we going to a store? Chuuya: since now. Get the fuck moving. 20 minutes later at a department store (I think)
Dazai: Y’know, you remind me of the stereotype I heard on the internet. Chuuya: mmmm? Dazai: where women have a knack for comfort in bed, so they have an exorbanatly large amount of pillows and blankets? Chuuya: comes close and hisses Ain’t my fault that I’m half dragon and in need of a nest! Fuck off about the subject or so help me, damnit!
….so the nest was built afterward, and Dazai served timeout in the corner for 20 minutes instead of snuggling with Chuuya in his new nest
Chuuya: twittering Dazai: listens to him and knows he's saying something but doesn't know what Atsushi: joins on the conversation, growling and snarling to Chuuya Chuuya: twitters and whistles back Dazai, feeling jealous: You guys have a secret language now!? No fair!!
(Part 2 kinda)
C: Starts twittering to Atsushi A: Growls back to him to start the conversation A few minutes later…. C: Gasps and comes out of animal speak "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" A: "Nuh uh!" D: Quickly comes in and grabs Chuuya before he could whack the shit out of Atsushi C: "LEMME GO!" D: "Chuuya calm down-" C: "That mother fucker is going to FEEL MY WRATH-"
----------------- (This could be either counted as au or canon, but here's a funny short anyway)
D: I'm gonna fuck you, Chuuya. C: You mean fuckin' kill me, right? D: …. :) C: You…mean fuckin' kill me….right?
Chuuya to Dazai: Here, hold this gives him his gloves and ring Chuuya: Goes over to Clthulu HEY SQUIDDY! Clthulu: Turns around by jamming its tentacles into the earth and spinning its massive body towards Chuuya Chuuya: I hope you glued those tentacles on tight. Oh grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again. Corruption insues
Chuuya: I identify as an asshole. Grins and puts hands on hips Dazai: And I identify as the dick. Chuuya: … Dazai: … Chuuya: Gets it OH YOU DICK- Dazai: Case in point ;D
-- That's caught up to the most recent ones! Enjoy :))
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erinptah · 1 year ago
cptdanversbiggestfan reblogged spudly0 1m ago
sowl Follow 14h ago
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#superhero tag #Moon Knights #screaming crying throwing things
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gnu-tony-stark Follow 13h ago
Someone from Jewish tumblr please translate for the rest of us??
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mishegascleo Follow 11h ago
So it's a TikTok (from the official Moon Girl account, don't think she and the Moon Knights are actually affiliated, but I guess they team up sometimes?) of a Moon Knight saying a long paragraph that basically boils down to "don't be a jerk on the internet."
The reason Jewish Tumblr is flipping out about it is, this 1-minute video is packed with bits of Yiddish and Hebrew. Some highlights:
mishegas = insanity, craziness, wackiness
geneivat da'at = lying or misrepresenting something, literally "stealing knowledge"
kvetching = complaining
mitzvah = a commandment, specifically a good deed that Jewish people are commanded to do
schmuck = a dick, in both the literal and figurative senses
lashon hara = callout culture (no seriously, it's when you spread bad news about people that's factually accurate, but you're not doing it to help anyone or improve a situation, you're just reveling in the drama)
mishpocheh = family, including chosen family
And he uses them all right! And he's talking so fast, but the pronunciation is spot-on. There's no acCENT on the wrong sylLABle. Even if someone else wrote it for him, he wouldn't be that casually fluid if this wasn't a mode he was already used to talking in.
ORTHODOX MOON KNIGHT IS JEWISH, Y'ALL. And not a new convert (this is not a dig at converts, you are loved and valid!), but someone who grew up in a community that talked like this. My heart.
#superhero stuff tag #Moon Knights #the others aren't in the video but he implies they're Jewish too #this is the least important thing about all this but-- #it is officially kosher to call them Orthodox and Reform now #see what I did there
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mishegascleo Follow 6h ago
Seeing a whole lot of schmucks in the replies going "no ACTUALLY he pronounced such-and-such wrong."
Well, I am here to tell you that Jewish people are found in all different regions and cultures! What you are hearing is a specific accent, not "pronouncing things wrong." Hope that helps!
#not gonna try to pin down the exact accent #that feels uncomfortably close to doxxing #let's just say I know a few people who pronounce stuff EXACTLY the same way #and leave it at that
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allthegoodthorfanblogsweretaken Follow 2h ago
Ok but if they ARE confirmed Jewish, doesn't that make it INCREDIBLY problematic for them to be working for an Egyptian god? Like is this really the representation we should be excited about??
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spudly0 Follow 46m ago
real people cannot be bad representation of their own identities you walnut
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fandomfluffandfuck · 8 hours ago
Thoughts on dumb puppy Steve.. thoughts on... Thoughts on dumb puppy Steve who can't even fathom what he's doing, he just WANTS, he just NEEDS, and he can't help but push too much into the kiss or buck his hips or be just sooo eager for more more more... Bucky has to hold his ass down more often than not, has to threaten to tie him down if he wont stop moving and more often then not... He has to. Because poor stevie... He just can't help it he can't help but squirm and whine and beg for more, try and take more.
Before when he was little, it was just cute, he was easy to hold down and control. But now with all his big new muscles he can't help it, he can't help but accidentally use them sometimes. Unless he's retrained which really just serves as just a good reminder rather than actually holding him down since he can probably break through most ropes and cuffs.
But when he IS restrained the whining and begging gets just.... Sooo much worse. The verbal spew of 'please-' and 'bucky!' and 'more' just gets out of hand.. and when he's really dumb, if they've been at it for so long forming words is even too much, just whining and moaning and whimpering. Always so vocal. Poor guy really can't help it though, after all he is just a dumb puppy.
I like to think the SECOND that collar is tightened into place around his neck he's gone, he's trapped and swallowed by the melty, whiney, NEEDY headspace. And as much as Bucky might scold and try to train his poor mutt, he can never keep still unless retrained and never keep quiet unless gagged. That's okay though, Bucky will help his sweet boy be good, always. And Steve appreciates the help because lord knows all he wants in life is to be good, ESPECIALLY good for Bucky.
Puppy Steve my beloved 💫
Thoughts on puppy Steve always f-u-c-k.
I fucking love puppy Steve.
An uncontrollable, almost unrefined in the sheer primal, pathetic way he reacts to pleasure, and desperate Steve 🤌🏻🤌🏻
"...he can't help but push too much into the kiss or buck his hips or be just sooo eager for more more more... Bucky has to hold his ass down more often than not, has to threaten to tie him down if he wont stop moving and more often then not... He has to. Because poor stevie... He just can't help it he can't help but squirm and whine and beg for more, try and take more."
My jaw is on the floor.
Steve just helplessly leaning into every kiss, tilting his face and whole body into it. Clinging. Swooning. Moaning. Just a little bit of moaning. He can't help it. Everything and anything just lights his fire. What? He's a puppy! That's what he does.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Imagining Steve immediately post-serum, finding Bucky, and locking lips the moment they're alone only to lean his entire brick-wall-weight onto him is too good. He probably fucking bowls Bucky over like a saint bernard onto a house cat.
Dumb 👏🏻 puppy 👏🏻
Squirming and blabbering and drooling, acting like he's never been touched before even though Bucky knows damn well he's been thoroughly touched. He's just a dump puppy with nerves like live wires.
Holy shit, yes! The collar 🤌🏻
A collar just does him in. There's something about the tightness, the weight, and the ownership of it. It makes his eyes all but cross--glazed. Really, Steve's so affected by it that Bucky could be just hanging out--reading on the couch, or leaning against the kitchen counter, snacking, doing anything--and reach out casually with one hand to wrap losely around Steve's throat, reeling him in for a kiss and *bam* he's a goner. He's down, swallowing shallowly and whimpering for his collar.
Thank you for this, sweetheart. I love it 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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cressthebest · 1 year ago
just finished my first read through of just lovers and i am sobbing at two am, desperately trying not to wake my roommate.
a few things:
1. i read the second half of the fic with “Northern Attitude” by Noah Kahan and Hozier playing on repeat at an alarmingly high volume. 10/10 highly recommend. very wolfstar coded tho.
2. i read all marauders fics not centered around wolfstar with the intent that i get to read background wolfstar and boy did this DELIVER.
3. peter is treated like a real fucking HUMAN BEING in this and for that, i am in love with the author. peter has such PERSONALITY! dare i say that peters characterization in this fic outshined ATYD. (don’t hate me for this). i could go on and on about everything peter and did and how it made him a real character i loved, but we don’t have time for that.
-when peter and sirius joke about shagging, and mime/pretend about to do it. because that’s fucking hilarious. and the way sirius and peter have these inside jokes between them and obvious interactions in the fic where sirius clearly gets along with peter and has spent one on one time with him and ENJOYED IT. and peter is funny and makes jokes too!
-peter telling regulus about seeing james potter naked during the breakup. he’s just a mischievous little shit like the rest of his freinds and i love him for that.
4. THE FUCKING END PARAGRAPHS HOLY SHIT. i could murder the author for this. (despite my previous statement of saying i was in love).
when i say i started sobbing as i read that he heard a knock and set down his wand, i mean it. i had to set down my phone and breathe. when i realized they were fine, i sobbed harder because i was SO SCARED for them. all of them.
and the reference to it being like a ghost of another life. that KILLS me.
5. regulus almost drowning in the lake as a nod to his canon death was ABSOLUTELY gut wrenching. it was like torture of the sweetest kind for the reader.
6. the author made multiple references to “other lives, ghosts of another life, other universes, etc” and each one absolutely stole my lungs and heart and broke it into a million pieces before giving it back.
7. heather by conan gray (reg as conan, james as you, and lily as heather.) that’s all i have to say.
fucking masterpiece, lots of love. everyone should read this.
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punkisnthere · 11 months ago
Intox Posting🍃
I'm stoned as shit rn :)
Holy F U C K
I'm stoned out of my goddamned mind right now and I'm in vc with him and he said in a sort of breathy voice "I Love you baby~" except he didn't say baby, he said my name and the mic kind of glitched and I felt like I exploded cause i heard baby and I got so fucking red and I had my camera on and he didn't understand so I had to tell him and he's called me baby a few times after and I feel like im dying and now he's just rambling at me and I can't stop thinking about how much I love this man so much he's so stupid and sweet I need him so bad fuck fuck fuck fuck
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8unknowndoee · 3 months ago
So, I just started a Netflix show called ‘Evil’ and I just gotta say one thing.
I f u c k i n g love it.
What the hell? Where has this been my whole life?? Why am I just learning of this now????? Why is there only two of the four seasons on Netflix???? It’s cancelled?!?!?! I’m barely on season one and I’m mourning the end already because I’m in love with the story writing but especially the characters.
Story wise it’s great, a main trio working for the Catholic Church in small cases where it has the characters and the watchers wonder if any of the religious beliefs are real or not, each character having their own take on the case. If there is an explanation behind it or if there really is something else at play. A plays amazingly on the edge of both that has you wonder as well as calling out some real situations and modern/or decade old problems and hypocrisies. They also really tie in cases together well, it makes you wonder if this small case is really only a small case or a small gear for the bigger plan. I really enjoy the story but again, the characters?
In love.
The main trio is built with a black man with past troubles that haunts him as he devotes himself to becoming a catholic priest, a south Asian man (Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm going based off what it says when I searched it up) that’s an atheist but raised on Muslim beliefs and a woman psychologist who was raised on catholic beliefs but also is an atheist herself. And they all are on a team who work for the Catholic Church.
It’s an amazing dynamic from description alone but how they show it on screen? It's shown rather than said. They debate and have conversations about the cases they go to because of their various views now and growing up. They tease each other about it sometimes in a way that's not cruel or demeaning.
I love the little moments where Ben and Kristen look at each other as the only atheists on the cases, the interactions with Kristen and David bonding by arguing and listening about their different beliefs and it not being the end of the world as it would be in other religious shows. Even better is that they don’t just focus on the relationships between the men with Kristen, they build off a relationship between Ben and David by having them have multiple scenes together without Kristen and letting them have their own dynamic.
I was very surprised when they showed David and Ben doing things without Kristen having needed to be there, usually it'll be said rather then showed but it makes the dynamic and the interactions they have together seem more natural. It isn't a trust or a support that's told to us, they show it.
And the tension? Jesus, I get wanting to fuck a priest but Kristen takes it to a whole new level.
Other characters I’m loving is the girls, I've seen a few call them the L's. I’m not usually one for so many children in shows unless it's the point of the plot to have them but they really made me care for these girls really quickly, with how they behave.
They really do act like siblings of various ages who all grew up together in a small home. It's also in the way where the girls are affected by the cases their mother goes into; It is being brought back to them but they have yet to include themselves to the cases unless helping by giving insight to Kristen for her to bring to the others.
It's also their antagonist, Leland, the only white man we know by name in the show, for one. I have no clue if he's an actual demon or a psychopath working with others under the structure of religion. It plays well into the middle ground of whether or not the cases are of an other world problem, or this world's problems. He makes my skin crawl and I applaud the writers, the directors, producers, team and the actor for that.
I'm probably going to posting more things as I keep watching but holy fuck I'm in love already.
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waywardsou2 · 11 months ago
I just finished The Bad Batch. Season 3 Episode 15. The finale. Man that was a wild ride. And it was amazing, seeing Wreaker work though all of that pain he was in, seeing Hunter get yeeted by scrap metal, seeing Crosshair's FUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. All of them working so hard, Echo working with all the clones to fight for his brothers and sister. Emery deciding that she was going to try and do better and work with her brothers and sister. AAA.
WE SAW A SNIP IT OF TECH. Im sad we didn't get to see him for real but it was good enough, I knew as soon as Hemlock takes about project necromancer I suddenly knew where Tech was!
Older Omega and Hunter at the very end
Seeing Wrecker break out of the confinement was some of the coolest shit I've ever seen. I was hocked watching the progression oml.
OMEGA BREAKING THE ZILO BEAST OUT. O H M Y F U C K I N G G O D S some badassery right there. I love her so much.
I'm so glad the kids got out too, I was so attached to them. holy heck I'm so glad they are ok.
I cannot believe when it first came out I watched about 4 episodes and got bored. I come back to it a year or so later and BINGE THE WHOLE THING AND IM SO GLAD I DID.
I love The Bad Batch so much. I'm so happy for them that they got to have a family in the end, even if Echo was still out there and Tech wasn't with them. They got to be a family. I would do anything to be a part of that squad.
I would sell my organs just to get a hug from each of them. You have no idea. How much they mean to me.
I've never been that big on Star Wars, the premise was amazing to me but I just could get into it. BUT DAVE FILONI HAS RESTORED MY FAITH. His work has got to be my favourite out of the entire franchise.
I need to draw so much art of these guys soon and probably some one shots or head canons. I'll definitely be hoping for requests on my writing blog so if you wanna request something go for it.
Oh my god, this was a huge ramble but it needed to happen. I am so happy right now. The amount of stimming and how much I bit myself while watching that was insane and the dopamine is rushing through my veins right now.
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