#holy crap guys holy crap this is the end of the series
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naturecalls111 · 2 months ago
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warping-realities · 5 months ago
A Night in the Devil's Den - Part II
So, I gotta confess, I wrote the whole story just to get to this part. Not that I don’t like the other bits, but this is my humble and inferior tribute to two of my all-time favorite stories: "Magic Fingers" by Calamity King, which you can find under that name on GSS, and one part of the amazing series by Aarvark that I think was called "Meat Market" (the transformation of Steven into Ennis is still one of my all-time faves). Unfortunally I haven’t even found it in his Aardchive. Anyway, I hope you all dig it! And if you get the chance to read both stories, do it; they’re way better than what I’m serving up here.
How the hell could someone disappear so fast? Mark thought as he tried to shove his way through the packed dance floor, looking for Fred or at least a way to the restroom. He didn’t seem more lost than the blond guy a bit older than him, and his friends, who just stepped onto the main stage, looking totally confused.
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Not really paying attention to what was going on up there, he kept pushing through that human jungle, hunting for his buddy. He barely noticed the music drop, the chaos around him shoving or blocking his way to the stage. He could hear catcalls, boos, and every now and then, some random words or phrases.
“...ever been to Texas?”
“...how much do you weigh?”
“...how much can you lift?”
“...looks like Clint Eastwood...”
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the music blasted again from the speakers, making him lose his balance and grab onto the muscular arm of an older dude to keep from falling. When the hell did the place get so packed with guys?
“Sorry, man,” he said to the grumpy guy.
“No worries, kid; if you need a hand with anything else…” the dude said, making an obscene gesture with his hand and mouth.
“...no thanks!” Mark replied, backing away as fast as he could from that sketchy figure. Finally spotting a wall close to the stage. Stopping to catch his breath, he noticed a very muscular blond guy dressed as a cowboy flexing his powerful muscles, driving the crowd wild.
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“Crap, Jamie put us in a gay bar!” he exclaimed, totally dazed. But then he saw a sign pointing to the restrooms right behind the stage. Thinking he’d find Fred and then grab Jamie and kick his ass back to the hostel for that screw-up, he headed that way. But instead of the bathroom, he ended up in the empty backstage area. After taking a few disoriented steps, he decided to turn back because that was definitely not the path Fred took. He had barely walked when someone called out to him.
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“Hey, kid! What the hell are you doing here?” Turning quickly to apologize and find the fastest way to the restroom, Mark found himself face to face with the cowboy from the show—holy crap, he looked like a jacked-up Clint Eastwood! He thought, gaping at the tattooed chest of the giant.
“Kid, you good?” the man asked, looking genuinely concerned.
“Y-Yeah… sorry, I need… bathroom.”
“Ohh, I get it… just go this way.” The man replied with a sly grin, which Mark seemed to miss as he followed the direction the guy pointed.
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He found himself in a narrow hallway lit by a few lights, and at the end of it… he was on stage! “What the hell is this?!” he shouted, but no one heard him over the crowd’s cheers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, here’s your favorite host, Mr. Shay! Please welcome our newest participant!” a voice boomed from the other side of the stage.
“Who the hell is a lady?!!!” someone in the crowd roared.
“Alright, you bunch of degenerates! Let’s give it up for Mark Jordan!” the voice continued as the crowd half-cheered, half-booed. As Mark turned toward the voice, he got the shock of his life. The guy from the club entrance was there, without his suit jacket, showing off his muscular torso, but it wasn’t that which caught the young man’s attention; it was the pair of ram horns sprouting from the guy’s head. After the initial shock, the young man rationalized it as just stage props.
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I need to get outta here, Mark thought, turning to leave, only to find the door was locked.
“Calm down, kid; just answer a few questions, and we’ll let you walk outta here unscathed and a grand richer!”
“A grand?” he asked, making the horned man smile.
“He’s in! The dude shouted, sending the audience into a frenzy. “So, Mark, tell us more about yourself!”
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“How do you know my name?”
“Your buddy Jamie spilled the beans!”
“Son of a bitch!” Mark cursed.
“Calm down, kid; we’re a classy joint!” Mr. Shay mocked as the crowd howled. “And you haven’t told us anything about yourself yet, Mark; this can’t keep going on! Got any nicknames?”
“Really? How much do you weigh?”
“Uh, maybe around 170?”
“Seriously? I thought you were heavier; you look like you’ve got some muscle under that preppy outfit,” the guy scoffed.
“Well… I… I work out regularly…”
“No kidding, do you lift weights???"
“Nah, I’m on the track team; I wanna run a marathon someday.”
“Okay, then…”
“More!” someone in the crowd shouted.
“Looks like they’re into you, kid.”
“Yeah… seems that way…” Mark murmured, flustered.
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“You seem pretty tall, Mark; how tall are you?”
“Actually, I’m not that tall. I’m 5’8” and that’s if I’m wearing taller shoes,” the kid tried to joke, only to get booed by the crowd, quickly shrinking back.
“Leave the kid alone, you vultures. So I think we have enough…”
“More!!!” someone shouted again.
“My God, Mark, you really won the crowd over. But our time is short. What do you do for a living, kid?”
“I… I’m in pre-law college.” The kid replied, his voice trembling, fearing the crowd’s reaction, and rightly so, as a new wave of boos erupted from the audience.
“Hmm… I see. But you’re of age, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. How old are you, anyway?”
“I… I… twenty… I’m twenty… three, yeah, twenty-three years old.” He replied, thinking of the first number that came to mind.
“A year behind? Must’ve been all those parties you hit up! Bet you love being the center of attention, huh?”
“Uh-huh, not really…”
“More, more!”
“Alright, one last question then? Have you ever been outta the country, Mark?”
“No, I was born and raised in America, but once I graduate, I plan to check out some place… Italy, maybe?” he replied, thinking about the hot chicks at the hostel.
“Perfect! So music for Mark!” the man shouted, and the speakers on stage exploded in unison. However, Mark didn’t seem to hear the deafening noise, trapped in his own thoughts. He felt his mind expanding and contracting, as if a ton of info was being pulled from him and another load was being added. But to anyone watching from the outside, all they saw was the young guy smiling dreamily to the music, that is, until he started to age and grow. As the years passed him by, his muscle mass increased, and a beard sprouted. In no time, one could see the natural path the young man’s body would have taken if he had put in a little more work, with light brown hair growing longer, a stubbly beard covering the strong chin that the loss of baby fat would reveal. Then he began to pack on pounds and pounds of pure muscle, while his hair darkened and shrank back in size, and his beard grew fuller. His arms became a combination of cannonball biceps with horseshoe triceps and onion shoulders; his pecs widened into two slabs of juicy meat, and his abs turned into a brick wall. The polo he was wearing transformed into an old t-shirt, and the khakis he was in shrank down to extremely short running shorts, showcasing his lean, defined legs. Legs that wouldn’t stay that way for long, starting with his feet, which grew absurdly, leaving his sneakers in tatters and exposing to the world his giant paws with long, wide toes covered in a fine layer of black fur. Next, his calves expanded to the point where it looked like someone had shoved a football into each one, and finally his thighs, as wide as support columns, bulging the shorts to their limit, making it unthinkable that this man could ever run a marathon. As the music started to fade, the man flexed one of his powerful biceps and then turned around, showing his bubble butt to the crowd, before finally lifting his shirt provocatively, revealing his six-pack while flexing both arms and smiling at the audience.
“A round of applause, gentlemen, for our incredible participant.” Mr. Shay's voice announced excitedly. “Now let’s recap our questions.
“So, Mark…”
“Marco,” the man interrupted.
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that…” the demon man replied, with a smile that said he totally understood.
“My name isn’t Mark, it’s Marco.”
“But you said your name was Mark Jordan, a pre-law student, 23 years old, and a member of the track team.”
“That’s the character you asked me to play, Mr. Shay, as if you didn’t know me well enough. College? I had no interest in that, and running? You think a dude my size could run long distances? I wouldn’t dream of losing a single pound of muscle.
“Indeed, so how about you tell us a bit more about yourself? If you didn’t go to college, what do you do for a living?”
“Come on, man, like everyone here hasn’t seen me and fapped for me.” Marco replied with arrogance. “Or are you gonna say you’ve never seen a porn with me? I’m sure I’ve seen at least 30 OF subscribers in the audience.
“Porn? With just 23 years, you probably haven’t done many…”
“23? Try 32! But even back then I was a star in the industry.” He said, drawing boos from the crowd.
“Shut up, you idiots, or you won’t see any more of this!” He said, taking off his shirt and massaging his powerful pecs, grinning provocatively before flexing his arms, raising the ambient temperature several degrees.
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“Calm down, Marco; we’re among friends here. A man your size has to be careful; you must measure what? At least 6’3” and weigh over 250 pounds?”
“Way off, but I’m sure any of these pervs in the audience could tell you I measure 6’8” and weigh 300 pounds of pure muscle.”
“What’s not interesting about me?” Marco shot back provocatively, as if ready to start a fight for any reason, before bursting into laughter at a new wave of cheers from the crowd, relishing the attention directed at him.
“Calm down, Marco; I just find it interesting that an Italian guy uses our measurement system so well.” Mr. Shay replied as Marco went through one last transformation. His hair changed from dark brown to pitch black, and his already tanned skin took on an olive tone very close to Mr. Shay’s, further accentuating his powerful muscles, which expanded a bit more, etched with bulging veins, and his abs became a powerful roid gut, which could justify all the bravado of the man, who at that moment continued to smile as Mr. Shay announced.
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“Marco Giordani, The Italian Stallion, and his incredible portrayal of an American college student! Congratulations, Marco; it’s always a pleasure to have you with us.” He said as the man waved at the audience, soaking up the attention.
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“Now I’ll take my leave and let you enjoy Marco’s special show.” Mr. Shay concluded, throwing a provocative look at the Italian man, inviting him to join him later. Before turning to the audience once more. “But don’t worry, after his show, the night still holds many surprises.”
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
Helloooo! I saw ur request open and writing for saiki k! I see so little context of him 😭
May I request where saiki is dating his favorite author(she is an anonymous writer) and he didn't know (like she Naver though to tell him about it and she Naver really think of her work when w him or when in school) and maybe finding out through his dad that she is ? And how would he react and think after he found out ?
(sorry if my request was long 😭)
Yeah me too !! 😭
ohhh wow! What an interesting and fun request! Thank you :}
(you used ‘she’ so reader implied is fem but I won’t mention you being a girl just in case <3)
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Don’t worry it’s not too long at all~
Everyday you get home after school and write, as a comfort and to make some change to buy things you like :)
You do publish your work, but your an anonymous writer
your sales have been doing really good and everything! Your forever grateful!
it makes you happy seeing as though writing makes you happy and is your comfort!
so the fact that you could be doing that for others makes you joyous 💓
there’s also your boyfriend Kusuo!
he’s a reserved and genuine guy who treats you very well :)
you’ve been an item for a while now and your really happy in your relationship!
man you’ve really got it going for yourself!! 😋💪
this company has been loyally publishing your work for quite some time which makes you satisfied to see they like your writing!
school’s good too! You and Kusuo have a friend group who you go out with pretty often
(alright that was a little bit of some reader POV now here’s the fun part! 😆)
Kusuo finished his coffee jelly and was going down stairs to put the dishes in the sink
until he spotted his dad reading his favorite book/manga!!
”hey dad what book is that?”
his dad’s inner dialogue: “holy crap my son is talking to me!”
“oh uh nothing son just uh (book/manga title name)—I uhh, brought a copy from work home”
”they have that series there?”
”yeah! We do! We have every chapter! Actually, we’re the ones publishing them! Do want me to get you the set?…..if I lick my bosses shoes a couple extra times I’m sure I could pull a few strings..”
his dad’s inner dialogue: “holy crap I just had a conversation with my son! He was wanted to talk to…me! I can’t believe it..!”
saiki’s inner dialogue: “goodness..😒🤦”
”n-no problem son! Heheh..”
He was gonna go back to his room but stopped at the stairs
“hey dad..the author uses a pen name..do you know who they are?”
“Huh-! Oh!- yeah I do! I’ve met them in person actually- do you wanna meet them?”
Kusuo nods and walks off
his dad then proceeds to dance in his living room, as he’s had a successful conversation with his son that Kusuo started 🕺🕺
Later that week, saiki and his dad wait for you to show up at his job with the latest chapter
he was indeed able to pull a few strings…by licking some shoes..
when you walk in Kusuo’s dad came up to you and (re)introduced you to his son
”Kusuo this is (Name), the author you asked me to introduce you to. (Name), meet my son Kusuo”
you looked surprised to see Kusuo and that he wanted to meet you?? I mean you know your anonymous but he likes your work?! You had no idea he was buying!
Kusuo has a slightly amused expression on his face
“Kusuo? You…”
..were at a loss of words at such a funny situation! (LOL)
you two ended up explaining both sides of the situation
you said you love to write, but anonymously and you never got around to telling him
he said this is his favorite series from you and your his favorite author, he’s been buying for a while to be frank!
this may be the way his parents found out you were a couple and let me tell you he was less than pleased..(not that he wanted to hide it but his parents…..:^ yeah 😃)
Saiki got the privilege of getting the first copy of the latest chapter before it was even published! :)
and now he always does <3
he also has the perk of getting it for free!
horray! Now he can save his money for coffee jelly- 😚
LOL not that he doesn’t wanna support you
you simply give it to him and he accepts ♥︎
he also gets the honors of helping you decide things for the story!
He gleefully reads the parts in which his opinion was inserted
however he doesn’t want to influence any major plot points- he doesn’t like spoilers :P
(It is possible he persuades people at school to buy your books so you can have the funding to keep going and make you happy simultaneously—but we’ll never really know 🤷‍♀️ )
your actually my first saiki k request! Thank you! I appreciate it love!
hopefully you had a good meal out of these headcanons cherished anonymous~ ☺️
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atamascolily · 7 months ago
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Thinking about hands again, which brings me back to this shot of the bar where Junko Kaname and Ms. Saotome go for drinks, with Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam looming over everything. It's very hard to see in this shot, so here's the original for comparison:
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This is an obvious reference to Kyubey's speech earlier in the episode about how contact (contracts) with the Incubators is what created modern humans: we have the divinity--albeit with a human form here--bringing life to mankind. There's a close-up a few moments later of the relevant bit, just in case we missed it.
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(just noticed that the lines running vertically through this close-up are not present in the wide shot above, so they must have been added for Symbolism, lol.)
This imagery appears again later, when Madoka wishes to erase all witches "with her own hands" and we are treated to a much more benevolent deity hovering over a fallen human with outstretched hands, taking away the cruel fate that the Incubators have given to them along with the "gift" of being a magical girl.
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This imagery is repeated in Rebellion, too, with Madoka/the Law of Cycles reaching out to Homura in her purple goop witch form, where she is reduced to nothing but a hand.
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(Oh, wow, you can see the self-harm scars on Madoka's human hand in this shot, too, holy crap. Or maybe they're supposed to be wounds from the battle against Walpurgisnacht? Either way, Shaft really wasn't messing around with the symbolism there--from Homura's perspective, it's all the same thing.)
A connection is made and Homura transforms back into herself through the contact, again mediated through hands. Note that although they start out at the same angle as in The Creation of Adam, the camera pivots so they end up on the same level, but Homura's position makes it clear that this is still not exactly a relationship of equals:
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Then we have an image that is incredibly evocative of The Creation of Adam, as Madoka comes to take Homura away to "Heaven":
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... except things veer wildly off-script.
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Instead of Adam accepting the gift of life from God, or an exhausted magical girl accepting her fate, Homura yanks on those outstretched hands, pulling the human Madoka out out the divine shell in a subversion of everything that has come so far and setting herself up as a divinity in her own right.
Given all the emphasis on hands in this series, I have no doubt this will continue to be a running theme and that any resolution between Homura and Madoka will involve holding hands--as equals this time--though we'll see how long it takes them to get there.
Additional Notes:
The original anime doesn't directly come out and say this, preferring to focus on historical figures like Cleopatra and Joan of Arc, but given Kyubey's role as the devil, this segment strongly implies that part of the "secret history" of magical girls at key moments throughout human history, myth, and legend would naturally include Eve gaining the "knowledge of good and evil" after an encounter with a certain serpent… which in turn would naturally lead to death.
"Human woman giving the transformative fruit of knowledge to her male partner at the behest of a telepathic alien entity who is diegetically both the Tree and the Serpent" is the central theme of Kamen Rider Gaim, so I think it's safe to say that Urobuchi was already thinking about it here, even if he didn't develop the idea more fully until later.
The Creation of Adam is also parodied in the forthcoming Rusty Rabbit game, also written by Urobuchi, this time with Peter Rabbit and Mr. MacGregor from Beatrix Potter.
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What can I say, this guy knows what he likes.
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startrekprodigyfan · 8 months ago
Okay yeah… I binged the whole season in one day.
It was actually surprisingly easy to do so. And while that means my planned slower recaps and speculation are basically out the window, I also now just don’t have to worry about spoilers for weeks on end.
I’m still going to keep spoilers under a cut though. Even if you block key hashtags, stuff can get through, and just making the spoilers further down a text post you have to scroll past to continue browsing tumblr doesn’t help either. Hide that content behind a cut, please!
Non-spoiler thoughts:
It was so good. It was honestly more Trek than I could’ve possibly expected. And to all those early naysayers who were confused by the Protostar and where it was supposed to be in the timeline after the first episode of season 1, all of that gets answered and put into context by the end of season 2. Thank GOD! Every single plot point people brought up and thought was a “plot hole” gets filled and explained.
It’s not as emotional as the first season, but the situations and events definitely still have a lot of weight and the stakes are so high for so long too! There’s a surprising number of dark events that happen throughout the series. Way darker than even I’m used to watching the animated shows that I do. Kudos for not skimping on the peril and stakes of the mission for the sake of kids being traumatized lol
And while there is the potential for more, if we never get a season 3 this would still be an extremely satisfying ending all the same. I am very happy there aren’t any loose ends here.
Prodigy is without a doubt the most reliably consistent Star Trek show that’s ever existed. Not a single episode feels like filler. Not a single episode wastes time or characters. Even the goofy episodes have character development and callbacks later, and I genuinely don’t think there’s a single episode that I would skip or not watch again. That’s an amazing feat in and of itself, but as a Trek fan that’s just unheard of! Kudos all around!
Now for my longer spoiler thoughts under the cut:
How the HELL did you guys make Wesley Crusher’s time traveling arc sooo good? As a TNG fan I was always annoyed with the “traveler” storylines and with Wesley’s character in general. Even as a kid I never really liked him. But this storyline makes him interesting and gives a lot of weight to his powers. He’s almost like The Doctor from Doctor Who, someone who has so much going on in his head that he’s sort of lost it.
That honestly was the biggest surprise to me. I was convinced that Hologram Janeway (and the construct) were somehow manipulating time and events because of the wormhole. Janeway would be trying to help them, while the construct was trying to stop them. That was my working theory for the start of the series. Imagine my surprise when it turns out it’s Wesley Crusher! wtf!?
I do like that he gets to reunite with his mom finally. And that he learns he has a brother.
Incidentally that’s something else I was not expecting. How MUCH of this series was going to be timeline connected to the events of Picard and Lower Decks respectively. Like, wow… they connected the Mars Shipyard explosion and the Romulan evacuation plot points that made sense for the story. Like holy crap, then FINALLY getting into Starfleet only for the shipyards to explode and Starfleet is severely crippled. I did not expect that to happen, and it’s sadly realistic too.
I still hate the Romulan evacuation storyline from Picard, but as a matter of keeping things consistent it makes sense for it here. And while I don’t like it being a canon event, it’s overall good for the consistency of “prime” trek.
I do like that Dal became a second in command. I’ve always felt like Dal was never really destined to be the captain and that he’s always been better at helping others be their best selves. So it makes sense for his character arc that he learns he doesn’t need to be in charge to make a difference and that there’s no shame in being second.
Overall I am still reeling from how much Trek happened in this season. There’s never a dull moment. Unfortunately I am not optimistic about a 3rd season. Netflix picking up a mostly completed series to broadcast on their streaming service is far FAR cheaper than paying for an entire season to be created outright. And sadly, as much as I want more Prodigy, I have a feeling it’s just not on people’s radars enough for it to do gangbuster numbers enough to convince Netflix to pick them up for a 3rd season. I hope I am proven wrong, but I will not get my desire for more season unrealistically hyped up.
I do want to rewatch the entire show now, because there were clues left in the first season that only get answered at the end of season 2. And I love closed loop time travel storylines like that! I can’t wait to go back and connect the dots knowing what I know now.
An excellent series. Probably one of Trek’s best in decades. A true love for the material and the characters and the legacy of Trek lore all rolled into an amazingly animated package.
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neptune-lover · 2 years ago
Pregnant? Pt5
Tag list: @hauntedpostpersona @moxkindagirl @babybatlover
Tw: talks of pregnancy, mentions of death and miscarriage, mentions of vomit/throwing up and mentions of sex, use of their real names
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It have been 10 minutes and almost like deja vu here you were sitting with your partners in a circle around the faced down pregnancy test but this time it was Rhea's instead Y/n's. "Ok it should be time to flip it over now" Y/n said "I'm nervous I mean I know ow I haven't had any symptoms but still what if it is positive"Rhea said in a shakey voice. " It's okay Demi I already have a doctors appointment to double check that the test was correct and I am actually pregnant. That's actually why I hadn't told you guys"Y/n had said . "I would like that to come with you and get checked also" Rhea said sheepishly " Of course baby" Y/n said "I'll flip it over for you Dem" Damian said. "Thank you Luis" Rhea sighed in relief "of course" Damian said as he picked the test up and turned it so it was face up but only so he can see it. He kept a straight face almost like Becky had yesterday he passed it to Finn who passed it to you who passed it to Dominik. All of you kept straight faces Dominik handed the test to Rhea and she gaps "holy crap it's positive". You all get smiles on your faces when Y/n start crying but not from happiness but sadness " What's wrong bunny" Rhea asks. "I'm just scared the last time I was pregnant it ended up being a miscarriage. I'm scared it might happen again." Rhea hugs the Y/n and says"Bunny it's gonna be okay we know what happened last time but I promise we will do everything in our power to keep both the baby and you safe we won't let anything happen to the baby or you that could affect the baby." "Ya we won't let anything bad happen to our little beans" Dominik said "Little beans really" Finn said "What that's about what they are the size of right now" Dominik stated "that's true" Damian chimed in. All this bickering between the boys made Y/n chuckle. "There's that smile" Rhea said "Our appointment is in 3 days so we have a few days till then so can we just chill for the rest of today " Y/n said. "Sounds good to me you guys wanna have a movie day then" Damian asked "YES" Rhea and Y/n shouted at the same time. "Can we watch the greatest showman(AN: you can change this to a different movie if wanted) " Y/n asked "Ofc we can Princess" said Finn. And with that you guys snuggled into bed and watch movies for the rest of the day.
I hope you guys enjoyed part 5 I have so many ideas for this series and feel free to keep requesting stuff for me to write
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t0ast-ghost · 1 year ago
Started watching the original series of Star Trek and my thoughts so far:
- I was skeptical at first but then the talk between the doctor and Pike was soooo fucking good, they’re bringing out ALL the issues right away, so pretty strong beginning
- oh lord the sexism (they try to kind of address it?)
- first teleportation is iconic! (Why did aos even TRY and change it?)
- Spock SMILES?!?
- THE VOICE!!! She’s so iconic (talking about the lady who voices the computer in next generation)
- Pike don’t follow her!! Nooo! Pike! Oh well get him I guess
- interesting monsters… hmm.. it’s a fucking zoo isn’t it.
- “the creature will throw himself against the transparency” *bong**bionng* *bonnng*
- nevermind it isn’t a zoo
- neat transition effect when they put him in the mind games
- *roar* “if you attack while it’s not looking” THAT IS A NORMAL MAN
- falling is a bad guys worst enemy and a plot devices best friend
- “zoo specimens like me” OK SO KIND OF A ZOO
- THEY SENT HIM TO HELL HOLY CRAP- oh wait he’s back it’s fine haha
- horsies! Pike is a horse girl
- these episodes are 51 minutes each
- “‘cause you either live life, bruises, skinned knees, and all, or you turn your back on it and start dying” Holy damn that’s a good moment
- So this is how Orions came to be huh. Thank god they made it to Tendi
- Alien: which one of these women do you want?Pike: When I fucking get you-
- Spock was gonna leave, love him for that, live laugh love sweetie <333 (wait is live long and prosper their version of live laugh love?)
- “you think we’re gonna take this? Well what if we blow ourselves up”
- “‘get your fuckin dog bitch’ ‘it don’t bite’ ‘YES IT DO’” when Pike shows up with a bomb
- IS SHE GOOD? What? no take her with?!? What kind of fucking ending? “and I agreed with her reasons” the fuck, fuck off
- Number one is so done with his shit AND SHE’S RIGHT
- So uhhh when does Kirk come in? Or Bones (mostly bones)
- okay the next episode started and I just needed to have some patience cause they’re both here now
If you read all that, thank you? Might do this again or just add onto this post.
Edit: I did do it again! Here’s the second one
Here’s all the others
Another edit: First episode is called “The Cage”
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fast-moon · 5 months ago
DS9 Season 3 Thoughts
On to Season 3! Last time, the crew made contact with members of the Dominion who told them to stay off their lawn in the Gamma Quadrant. Will Sisko comply?
Probably not, so here we go.
1-2. The Search: Sisko gets a new ship to play with that's better than those wimpy runabouts. All simulations show them losing if the Dominion attacks them, so Sisko figures they can't fare any worse if he just takes the entire senior staff with him to go face the Dominion on their own turf. They all promptly get captured, while Odo has some slime time with his own people, only to discover that they're the Dominion's founders.
3. The House of Quark: Quark kills a guy, is sentenced to marriage.
4. Equilibrium: Dax gets a song stuck in her head, but unfortunately the Shazam servers in the future take a week to return a result. Also, when did they get the Defiant back? Two episodes ago it was trashed and adrift in the Gamma Quadrant. Did the Dominion really let them go back to get it?
5. Second Skin: Kira gets gaslit like a pilot light, ends up with a Car-dad-ssian.
6. The Abandoned: Odo adopts a baby Jem'Hadar, who quickly becomes a violent, angsty teenage Jem'Hadar with an enzyme addiction who runs off to join a gang. Also, is the series trying to set up an Odo/Kira relationship? Almost every episode this season has given them a "moment", and now she's bringing him flowers. Like, it's cute, but I'm still all for Ace Odo and the ability for a female and male-identifying character to have a platonic friendship (I don't count Sisko/Dax because Sisko has made clear that Dax being Curzon is all that's keeping him from hitting on her).
7. Civil Defense: O'Brien decides he wants to try out that "killing everyone by accidentally tripping a hidden deadly security protocol" bit from "Armageddon Game" for real. Gul Dukat tries to gloat, but ends up getting stuck there with them. We still cool, guys?
8. Meridian: An extremely creepy guy pursues Kira in order to make the moderately creepy guy pursuing Dax come across as less creepy by comparison.
9. Defiant: Holy crap, it's Riker! But not that Riker, the cheap transporter accident knockoff Riker from TNG. He's still got a complex about that and thinks stealing the Defiant and blowing up some Cardassians will make everything better.
10. Fascination: This season's bout of crazypox breaks out around the station, this time making everyone fall madly in love with each other. Odo is once again immune, but they seem to be setting up a love triangle between Odo, Kira, and Bareil, which is a damn shame because love triangle stories tend to be terrible and make me hate every character involved, which is extra sucky because Odo and Kira are my two favorites (just not together).
11-12. Past Tense: Sisko, Bashir, and Dax accidentally get transported to... (checks calendar) ... three weeks ago, and are forced to participate in a homeless riot in order to maintain the timeline. Unfortunately, someone had already messed up the timeline, which resulted in there being bulky CRT monitor computers, giant bricks of flip-phones, and shotguns being the terrorist weapon of choice in 2024 (though, to be fair, if they can just keep that last change and stop the proliferation of military-grade semi-automatic rifles to civilians, that would be great).
13. Life Support: Winn wanted to be Kai for the perks, not the responsibility, and literally works a mortally wounded Bareil to death in order to get a peace treaty she can take credit for. Otherwise a fairly poignant episode about when to stop treatment and just let someone go.
14. Heart of Stone: After the death of the hypotenuse of their love triangle last episode, Odo and Kira confess their feelings for each other. But, of course, since Odo is never allowed to have nice things, Kira turns out to be a Changeling who's just here to troll him. #JusticeForOdo.
15. Destiny: Goddamn I hate "prophecy" stories that end with, "Well, if you redefine the meaning of literally every word in that word salad, it ends up vaguely resembling what happened, therefore there must be something to it." No, it was not as the prophecy foretold. Shit just happens and you just twist your vague predictions to accommodate it and then give yourself a pat on the back and demand people take you seriously. Go away.
16. Prophet Motive: The wormhole entities turn the Grand Nagus into a communist, so Quark threatens to annoy them for eternity unless they turn him back.
17. Visionary: O'Brien starts jumping through time, and they figure out every component of his time-skips to the point they can trigger them at will and see the future. And then will likely never utilize this knowledge again. Though the episode really should have ended on O'Brien going to bed, yet another O'Brien popping up, and him just lamenting, "Oh god, NOW what?"
18. Distant Voices: Deep Space Nine presents Inside Out, starring Bashir as Sadness, Dax as Joy, O'Brien as Fear, Kira as Anger, Odo as Disgust, and Garak as Bing-Bong.
19. Through the Looking Glass: Mirror!O'Brien shows up and kidnaps Sisko and takes him back to the universe where everyone is horny all the time. Really hope this doesn't become a recurring thing, since "multiverse" stories that are merely "it's the same people, but they're different!" are rarely compelling.
20. Improbable Cause: Bashir's boyfriend is in trouble again, and this time it's Odo to the rescue. They track down Garak's old boss who offers to let them join a war against the Dominion, and Garak... accepts?
21. The Die is Cast: The Cardassians and Romulans launch an attack on the Dominion, but it was all a trap thanks to a Changeling replacing the Romulan commander. Makes me wonder how many other characters have or will become replaced by Changelings, or if they're going to even bother trying to come up with a way to detect it, since even Odo can't tell and has been fooled twice now.
22. Explorers: A pleasantly low-stakes episode in which Sisko can somehow build an entire functioning spaceship by hand in only three weeks, the flies it to Cardassia just to prove that he can.
23. Family Business: Quark goes home to teach us that the only thing a Ferengi values more than profit is oppressing women, even if doing so causes a massive loss of profit. Also, glad they finally gave a shout-out to how many runabouts they've trashed and the need to get new ones.
24: Shakaar: Winn continues to fail upwards by becoming the presumptive next president due to having no viable opponents and the Bajoran populace getting all their information from BOX News and not realizing she's a piece of shit. So Kira nominates a popular upstart last minute to run against her and actually make her work for it, and Winn cries "coup" and "rigged election" and good fucking god this episode is too prescient. They may have gotten the state of affairs of 2024 wrong in the episode that was literally about 2024, but then accurately predicted them in pretty much all of their Winn episodes.
25. Facets: Dax asks the people closest to her to host her previous lives so that she can talk to them. Including... random girl who had two lines a couple episodes ago who's now acting like she's part of the inner circle. And Odo, who has historically been immune to psychic shenanigans. But the episode continues to exemplify that Curzon was a piece of shit, and that Dax-centric episodes still manage to have nothing to do with Dax herself, but rather her previous incarnations or Trill customs, leaving Dax with still no solid personality or motives three seasons in.
26: The Adversary: Sisko gets promoted to Captain and decides to celebrate by almost starting a war and blowing up the entire senior staff due to bad intel from a Changeling imposter.
Three seasons down, four to go! Bashir is doing a lot better this season, since his womanizing and bragging have been toned way down and he can actually focus on being a doctor. Dax is still just a cardboard cutout there to remind people of the opinions and actions of her previous incarnations, but still have no identity of her own.
And then towards the end of the season they just awkwardly brought in a couple of women simply to be love interests to our crew members who are still lacking a heterosexual partner. At least, I'm assuming what's-her-face who had two lines and hit on Bashir at the beginning of one episode and then was suddenly chummy enough with the senior staff to participate in Dax's memory roulette ritual a few episodes later is supposed to be a love interest for Bashir. Go away, random lady, he already has Garak.
The choice of crew of the Defiant also reminds me of a really, really old Star Trek joke I read as a kid about the "Kirk Maneuver", which is "Kirk knows this is the most dangerous planet in the universe so takes his entire senior staff with him when he beams down". Like, shouldn't there be a separate operations crew for the Defiant so that you don't suddenly lose your entire station leadership if something were to go wrong? But, nope, The Main Characters Do Everything.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
I want to hear your pure an unadulterated thoughts on Emperor Belos. Just want to hear your two cents on that guy
**crack my fingers** MY TIME HAS COME
I am going to say that first of all, Belos is a GREAT CLASSIC VILLAIN, he is irredeemable, he does HORRIBLE acts for SELFISH reasons and in general he is a bad person, but they also allow us to know his motives, his history and how he became what he is. now (although we never got to see it in its entirety IN THE SERIES thanks to the clipping--I DAMN YOU DISNEY).
I really like him as a character, his design as an emperor is GREAT (apart from the fact that the symbolism is good that he has pure light tones in his cape but in his underwear they are dark tones, like the character's intentions with the witches who appear to be good but they are much more vile than he lets on), his first appearance as an old cuchi is deceptively pleasant, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I LOVE HIS MONSTER DESIGNS, THEY ALL REPRESENT VERY WELL THE CRAP THAT HE IS INSIDE. ESPECIALLY THE ONE AT THE END OF THE SECOND SEASON.
Although I definitely think that what I liked most about the character would be his historical accuracy and how that ends up being related to his origin story.
the story with his brother is sad- BY CALEB! Obviously, I'm not saying that he didn't screw up by not talking to Philip at the time or taking him with him, but probably Caleb (similar to him) was trapped in the Boiling Isles and didn't abandon him on purpose. We do not know if he had any intention of returning or how much he tried to do so, precisely because Philip did not care and was convinced that his brother (who loved him with all his soul and RAISED him) had abandoned him.
I like the theory that Philip tried to kill Evelyn first, because at that time it was very common to believe that women "tempted men and incited them to sin" and that if he killed her her brother would return to him, BUT OBVIOUSLY CALEB WOULD NOT LET HIM KILL HIS PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND.
AND YET BELOS HAS THE CHANCE TO BLAME HIM FOR HIS DEATH, SAYING THAT "HE WANTED TO SAVE HIS SOUL" (a very puritanical and timely thing to do, since of course the church did not kill bad people, noooooo, they were SINNERS who went against God, if they killed someone innocent they were giving them ✨the gift of eternal paradise✨ and other shit).
He is someone UNABLE to accept the blame for his actions, so he ends up blaming EVERYONE for what happened to him, the witches, the islands, his brother, everyone BUT HIM, the one who killed him and the reason why is in this shithole.....
However, he has a great ability to manipulate the situation to take control and benefit. Philip is a writer, it is much easier for him to see himself as the hero of the story instead of the vermin he is, thanks to this he can invent Belos.
He has such an exceptional capacity for manipulation that he Gaslighted all the Boiling Islands where he could talk to the titan (the equivalent of god in the series), to follow his system of covens by the "will of the titan" causing them to stop doing things. something that was IN HIS NATURE and on top of that they proclaimed him EMPEROR.
This man has the will to do HORRIBLE things in order to stay in power and remains powerful, he feeds on Palismanes, he mutilates his body to make magic, he has irreversibly damaged people with sigils/he has killed them, CLONO A HIS BROTHER AND KILLED HIM THOUSANDS OF TIMES.
and that he was the most similar to Caleb...
Also, the way he manipulated Luz, a 14-year-old girl, into believing that it was HER FAULT what she had done by "helping" him find the Collector? AHHHHHHGGGG I hate him SO MUCH BUT HE IS SO IN CHARACTER AND WELL BUILT HGGAAAAAAA----
In general, Belos is a TERRIBLE PERSON and human being in general, but an EXCELLENT villain who ended up as he deserved, being trampled and begging for salvation in a pathetic way :)
voy a decir que primero que nada, Belos es un GRAN VILLANO CLASICO, es irredimible, hace actos HORRIBLES por motivos EGOISTAS y ek general es una mala persona, pero tambien nos permiten conocer aus motivos, su historia y como se convirtio en lo que es ahora(aunque nunca llegamos a verlo completo EN LA SERIE gracias al recorte--TE MALDIGO DISNEY).
Me gusta mucho como personaje, su diseño como emperador esta GENIAL(aparte de que esta bueno el simbolismo de que tiene puros tonos claros en su capa pero en su rop interior son tonos oscuros, como las intenciones del personaje con las brujas que aparentan ser buenas pero son mucho mas viles de lo que deja ver), su primera aparición como viejo cuchi es engañosamente agradable, y POR EL AMOR A DIOS, ME ENCANTA SUS DISEÑOS DE MONSTRUO, TODOS ELLOS REPRESENTAN MUY BIEN LA PORQUERIA QUE EL ES POR DENTRO. SOBRETODO EL DEL FINAL DE LA SEGUNDA TEMPORADA.
aunque definitivamente creo que lo que mas me gustó del personaje seria la exactitud historica que tiene y como eso se termina relacionando con su historia de origen.
la historia con su hermano es triste- POR CALEB! obvio, no digo que el no metio la pata al no haberlo hablado con Philip en su momento o llevarlo con el, pero probablemente Caleb (de forma similar a el) quedó atrapado en las Islas Hirvientes y no lo abandono a propósito. no sabemos si el tenia intenciones de volver o cuanto intenti hacerlo, justamente porque Philip no le importaba y estaba convencido de que su hermano(que lo amam con toda el alma y lo CRIO) lo habia abandonado.
me gusta la teoria que dice que Philip trato de matar a Evelyn primero, porque en esa epoca era muy comun creer que las mujeres "tentaban a los hombres y los incitaban a pecar" y que si la mataba su hermano volveria con el, PERO OBVIAMENTE CALEB NO DEJARIA QUE MATARA A SU NOVIA EMBARAZA.
Y AUN ASI BELOS TIENE EL DESCARO DE CULPARLO POR SU MUERTE DICIENDO QUE "EL QUERIA SALVAR SU ALMA"(una cosa muy puritana y en epoca de hacer, ya que claaaaro que la iglesia no mataba malas personas noooooo, eran PeCaDoReS que iban en contra de dios, si mataban a alguien inocente le estaban dando ✨el regalo del eterno paraiso✨ y demas mierda).
es alguien INCAPAZ de aceptar la culpa de sus acciones, por lo que termina hechandole la culpa a TODOS por lo que le paso, a las brujas, a las islas, a su hermano, a todos MENOS A EL, a quien lo mato...
sin embargo tiene una gran capacidad de manipular la situación para tomar el control y verse favorecido. Philip es un escritor, le es mucho mas facil verse como el héroe de la historia en vez de como la sabandija que es, gracias a esto se puede inventar a Belos.
tiene una capacidad de manipulación TAN EXCEPCIONAL que Gaslighteo a todas las Islas Hirvientes en que el podia hablar con el titan(el equivalente a dios de la serie), que siguieran su sistema de aquelares por la "voluntad del titan" haciendo que dejaran de hacer algo que estaba EN SU NATURALEZA y que encima lo proclamaran EMPERADOR.
este hombre tiene la voluntad de hacer cosas HORRIBLES en pro de mantenerse en poder y seguie siendo poderoso, se alimenta de Palismanes, Mutilo su cuerpo para hacer magia, ha dañado de forma irreversible a la gente con los sigilos/los ha matado, CLONO A SU HERMANO Y LO MATO MILES DE VECES.
y eso que era el mas parecido a Caleb...
tambien, la forma en la que manipulo a Luz, una niña de 14 años, en creer que era SU CULPA lo que habia hecho al "ayudarlo" a encontrar al Coleccionista? AHHHHHHGGGG lo odie TANTO PERO ESTA TAN EN PERSONAJE Y BIEN CONTRUIDO HGGAAAAAAA----
en general, Belos es una PESIMA PERSONA y ser humano en general, pero un EXCELENTE villano que termino como merecia, siendo pisoteado y rogando por salvacion de forma patetica :)
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quodekash · 1 year ago
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this entire situation is very not good
(I forgot to write down my thoughts lmao)
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oh so he's gonna suffocate him? that makes sense actually, I thought he was gonna shoot him
anyway time for the perfectly timed rescue from kangsailom
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no come on man
why can't we all just be happy
why the hell did kang throw himself between the gun and the guy
(did you just throw your hand BETWEEN the hammer and the phone?)
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oh okay so its just an arm wound
he'll be fine, right?
just a lil graze wound?
also because of the light it looks like theres a guy in the blood lmao
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Tony stark-ass man
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I get that you wanna be all noble and stuff but can we chill a little bit
maybe duck down instead? step to the left? run out the door and grab some authorities so that you're not facing against this deranged guy alone? just some food for thought
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oh wait no
oh no now he's gonna go to jail for gun possession
we've got bathroom boyfriends (soundwin/guynawa), rooftop boyfriends (patpran and arguably guynawa too), pool boyfriends (tinngun) and now we can have jail boyfriends!
the four elements. bathroom, rooftop, jail, pool.
long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. then, everything changed when the jail nation attacked. only the avatar, master of all four boyfriends, could stop them. but when the world needed him most, he vanished.
a hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new avatar, a poolbender named palm. and although his poolbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. but I believe palm can save the world!
(I can't quite remember but I'm pretty sure palmnueng managed all four of those at some point. they definitely got beat up in a bathroom at some point or something like that, there was that pool scene from the very start of the series, they're kind of technically on the run from the police and stuff like the entire time which is close enough to jail, and they end up on the roof of that one building quite a few times. so yeah, I guess palmnueng are the ultimate boyfriends)
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obviously like, empathy, this completely sucks and they're absolutely gonna convict name because it'll be in some record somewhere that he worked for whatshisface, so theyll decide that name was either trying to take down his boss so he could have the power, or that he was still working for his boss but mis-aimed and was actually trying to shoot kang and sailom
but also... jail boyfriends
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thats it? that's freaking it?
okay then bro, jeez
that was truly something
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I so hope they kiss twice there, that would be awesome, then I could put the patpran rooftop kiss soundtrack behind it like I did with soundwin
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larathia · 8 months ago
Series Review: 7th Time Loop
Okay, it's one of those series with a much longer title, but trust me, you just need "7th Time Loop" to find this one should you go looking. The rest of the title is broadly deceptive anyway.
This is another romance story. As before, I will state up front that I am basically aromantic and therefore I am not actually watching or reading this story for the romance part. I can comment on it, but ...yeah. It's not why I'm here.
There's a lot about this series that IS, though, and I wholly recommend it. Fans I have dealt with who aren't aro love this one so much they...kinda lose coherency, so I'm taking it on good faith that if you're one of those who WOULD be in this just for the romance, you won't be disappointed.
Now, on to my take.
Firstly, as even the shortened title suggests, this is a time travel romance. Rishe, Our Heroine, has lived seven lives so far.
Each time she dies, she goes back to the Worst Night Of Her Life - when the crown prince of Hermity, whom she'd spent her entire life up to that point being trained to serve as crown princess, decides to publicly dump her in front of half the nobles of the kingdom, in favor of declaring engagement to someone he likes better, while accusing her of a long laundry list of crimes she never committed. This leads to her being disowned by her family within about half an hour, going from 'duke's daughter' to 'only has the clothes she's wearing at the time' in the space of one night.
(Naturally, the first time this happens, she's shocked and devastated. By the seventh loop, she's much more 'I am SO GLAD I managed to skip being married to this bozo - seeya!' and I do like that very much.)
Once she's cast out, Rishe has to learn a trade to survive. And she does. Each lifetime she learns a different one, applying herself with all the intellect, curiosity, and perseverence she once applied to learning to be Crown Princess.
She learns to be a merchant, an apothecary, an alchemist, a lady's maid, a hunter/spy, and a knight, to be exact.
But before you go "holy crap that's way too OP" - she gets five years in each job. Five. That's it.
Because in each time loop, up to the seventh, when she's 20 she's killed. And in every time loop so far, what's killed her is a massive world war catching up to her. She's died trying to help the wounded, she's died trying to prepare wherever-she-is for the coming attack, and in the sixth time loop (when she's a knight, and arguably in her best position to defend herself) she is personally slaughtered by the guy behind the Great War, the instigator of all the violence.
Emperor Arnold Hein of Galkhein.
And this is where it gets really interesting.
From the sixth loop to the seventh, Rishe is cut down by Arnold and then, per the mechanic of the loop, dropped right back to that night when she's 15 and the prince of Hermity is casting her out. By this time, she's happy he does it and takes that part with grace. Her mind isn't even on the breakup event anymore, she's much more focused on "I have 30 minutes to get stuff out of my house before my parents disown me", and she's JUST looped so she's still mostly thinking like a knight. She books it through the palace, trying to take a shortcut.
Aaand basically slams into Crown Prince Arnold of Galkhein. Which gives her a minor heart attack, but doesn't stop her; she breaks off her high heels and leaps off a second floor balcony in full princess formal wear, forward roll into a run and off she goes to her family's house.
...She's caught his attention. By the end of the night, when the Prince of Hermity's and her family are done disowning her, the 'new career' is now being Crown Princess of Galkhein. Rishe is engaged to Arnold, the man who's responsible for her death six times over now.
Except...it's five years before that happens. He's not emperor yet. And...from what she can tell, he doesn't seem the type to want the sheer paperwork involved in ruling the world. He's buried under the work involved in managing Galkhein as it is.
This is the mystery behind the series, much more than 'why is Rishe looping in the first place'. Rishe wants, for the sake of her future survival, to figure out why this guy keeps instigating a world war so she can STOP it. But along the way, she's also finding out there were pieces she missed in her previous six loops that contributed to the future war and how it was conducted, so the story as a whole is this big tapestry of world events that in each loop she was both part of and partially ignorant of.
And all the while, the day of her wedding to Arnold gets a little closer. Along with the day Arnold murders his father, the Emperor, and takes the whole world to war.
Oh...and she's falling in love with him. It takes her five books to figure out that that's what's happening, so this is definitely a bit of a slow burn, but it's a pretty forgivable one in my view. Rishe is, quite reasonably, focused much more on "how can I prevent the great war and, incidentally, my own probable death" than she is on Arnold's basic hotness. (She's not BLIND to it, hence 'slow burn romance', but because it's not her main focus it takes her a bit to realize her heart's made up its mind.) And Arnold's upbringing has basically given him the emotional IQ of a chunk of slate, so while he's got a good start in "whatever my father would do with a bride, don't do that", he has a long way to go with actually processing the idea a human being would care about him.
The anime of this series is a pretty good introduction and takes you at least through book 1 (and maybe book 2), but I'd truly suggest getting into the light novel if you really want to know how far it's gotten.
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 6 months ago
There's one or two editors on Fanlore bringing the "but the writer's room fought over Katara's endgame and there's a series bible where Katara ended up with Zuko one of the writers said so" behind the scenes bullshit into the pages like they're trying to argue for Zutara in the guise of "stating facts", and accusing Kataang shippers of harassinf and doxxing Gene Yang and creators of Avatar media. It's really sad how these butthurt little babies just. Can't stop. Won't accept that their ship was never canon and there were no intentions to make it so even if people brought it up like, once in the writer's room. Or Dante and Mae liked it. And they have the gall to wonder why everyone hates them and their ship.
...They doxxed Yang? They doxxed the guy that repeatedly said he likes Zutara? Because making Zutara a thing was the ONE self-indulgent crap he didn't pull in his already awful comics?
Them doxxing him, or anyone, would already be bad in any circumstance but holy shit, that's how they act towards someone who is "on their side"?
Also goddamn, they really are going to pretending "Zutara happened in the series Bible" is not a big fat lie? We have acess to the fucking thing, we know it was Aang/Katara/Male!Toph love triangle.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years ago
In Your Room Chapter 12: Happily Ever After
Series: In Your Room
Fandom: TRR                    
Pairings: Leo x Drake
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: None, this is fluff
Song Inspiration for the series: In Your Room by The Bangles
Word Count: 1,331
A/N: Well, here we are at the end. I'm going to miss these two, but they deserve the happily ever after. Tagging @choicespride for marriage and found family. Tagging @choicesjunechallenge for weddings. Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations Pride Bingo for family.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Drake and Leo, with Helena in tow, made their way back outside to where their friends and family were waiting for them.
“I made some adjustments, your mom is sitting with me,” Bianca told her future son-in-law.
“Thanks,” Leo pulled her into a hug as he whispered, “I still want to call you mom too.”
Bianca nodded as she hugged him back, “I’d love that, son.”
Leo felt a sense of wonder in his chest. This morning he’d had no moms, now he had two.
When he released Bianca, he turned to his best man, “Thank you for coming all the way from Cordonia, Your Majesty.”
Liam shook his head with a grin as he embraced his brother, “Shut up, man. Riley and I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Besides, I had to return the favor, didn’t I?”
“Wow, I’m impressed. This is more my style than yours, little bro.” Leo let out a low whistle as he took in the moonlit clearing, bonfire roaring on the beach, and lanterns swaying lazily from carefully placed posts. Riley wore a simple floor-length white dress with spaghetti straps while Liam was dressed in slacks and a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, no suit jacket, no tie. Leo himself had on cargo shorts and a polo shirt, perfect for a casual, and secret, beach wedding.
“Yes, well, after what Dad did to you, I just don’t want to give him the chance to torpedo us the same way.”
“You always were smarter than me. Well, the best man is here, let’s do this thing!”
“I still can’t believe you got married without me!” Drake said with mock indignation.
Liam pulled his best friend into a hug next, “You know I wanted you there, but we had to get married before Leo abdicated and Constantine turned his attention to my love life! It was the only way to ensure he couldn’t interfere in any way. Besides, this guy,” he released Drake and jerked his thumb toward Leo, “was in a hot fucking hurry to get to you, so we were in a time crunch.”
Drake flushed as a sappy grin spread across his face, “Yeah, I know. You’re forgiven.”
Drake Walker was happier than he ever thought he could be. Leo Rys loved him and was about to fucking marry him! The idea that he was about to be someone’s husband was almost surreal, but after everything the two of them had been through together, everything Leo’s father had put them through, it was the happy ending they both deserved. He slapped Liam on the shoulder, “At least you made it to mine, even if your brother did steal you right out from under me to be his best man!”
“Good thing you had a backup best friend I suppose,” Liam teased him good-naturedly.
“Yeah,” Drake laughed, “Where the hell is Beaumont, anyway?”
“I’m here, I’m here!” Max jogged up to the group, a little out of breath.
“What’s got you all out of- oh, no, no, man, you better not have just been making out with my sister!”
Max lifted an eyebrow and threw his hands up in the air, “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies!”
“Come on, man! That’s just-“
“She is my fiancée you know.” Max reminded him.
“Yeah,” Liam took Max’s side, “and I put up with you making out with my brother all the damn time!”
“Holy crap, we’re all brothers now!” Max blurted out.
“Heh,” Drake laughed, “Who saw that coming?”
“No one!” Leo scoffed.
“But it’s pretty awesome!” Max grinned from ear to ear. When he married Savannah, Drake would be his brother for real and as soon as Drake and Leo said I do, Drake and Liam would be brothers…which made Max and Liam brother-in-laws once removed or something.
“The girls are all here, so we can get this show on the road now!” Savannah called out as she approached the group of men. Olivia, Hana, and Riley trailed behind her.
Olivia made a beeline for Leo, “Is it true? Your mom is here?”
“Yeah, it’s true, Liv, she’s really here!”
Olivia cocked her head to one side as she regarded him, “You seem pretty okay with it.”
“I am!” He affirmed, “She never wanted to abandon me, my father kept her away!”
“I’d like to say I’m surprised, but that’s right in character for him. I’m sorry, Leo.”
“It’s fine. She’s here now and I’m about to marry the love of my life. I’m good!”
“There’s that dimpled smile we all love!” Olivia patted him on the cheek.
“If the wedding party is ready…” the officiant interrupted, “it’s time.”
“Time to get hitched!” Leo yelled.
“Hitched?” Olivia stared at him with wide eyes as everyone else laughed. Turning to Drake she shook her head, “I’m blaming you for this.”
Drake laughed, his chest filled with happiness, “I will take all the blame! Now let’s go get hitched!”
Liam stood beside Leo as his best man with Olivia and Hana as the maids of honor, because why not have both? Maxwell stood beside Drake flanked by Riley and Savannah.
Their mothers were in the audience, and their best friends and siblings were standing by their side but as they stood in front of friends and family, the rest of the world faded away and there was just Leo and Drake.
Leo and Drake running through the palace gardens as children, Leo and Drake channeling their burgeoning feelings into competition and aggression on the soccer field, the polo field, and the fencing piste. Leo and Drake each struggling to make their own place in the world, all the while holding the other in the back of their minds, and the back of their hearts. Leo and Drake standing in the game room at the palace, both eager to give in to Liv’s dare and both denying that eagerness. Leo and Drake slowly giving in to their feelings as the physical attraction between them exploded and grew. Leo and Drake pushing each other away in a futile attempt to protect their hearts. Leo and Drake falling completely in love over the course of one magical year. Leo and Drake fighting to be together, Leo and Drake finally finding peace, love, and acceptance in the heart of the Walker family on a cattle ranch in the middle of west Texas.
And finally, Leo and Drake standing at the altar, ready to entwine their lives with each other permanently, completely, and irrevocably.
By the time they said “I do,” both men were in tears.
In almost no time at all, the ceremony was over, and the officiant was announcing, “Allow me to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mr. Drake and Leo Walker!”
Leo had decided to take Drake’s last name. Partly out of practicality. The Rys name was too recognizable. It was also too reminiscent of the years spent in a repressive environment. But mostly because, with the exception of Liam, he already felt more a part of Drake’s family, more loved, more accepted, than he had ever felt at home. Home. Cordonia was no longer that for him. Texas was home. The ranch was home. Drake was home.
Drake had promised not to smear cake on Leo’s face, but he did it anyway amidst cheers from the guests, the camera snaps from the photographer, and Leo’s laughter ringing out across the clearing. Leo returned the favor as Drake tried to dodge him, his own laughter shaking his whole body. He was happy. Happier than he had ever believed he could be.
Both men had overcome their own insecurities to be together. Both men had made sacrifices for love. Both men had allowed their walls to crumble. Both men had reached for happiness and found it, with each other. Nothing would ever come between them again. They had each other, and that was all that mattered. Happily ever after was theirs.
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shadowcatgirl09 · 2 years ago
Alright good people I have seen Fast X! Thoughts will be under the cut for spoilers. It gets pretty long.
First and foremost! I absolutely loved how the stakes managed to top F9; I didn’t think they could outdo going into space but they did it! Holy crap son!
Dante motherloving Reyes! At first I was gonna say that is all but that will not do him justice. Dante is hands down the best freaking villain this franchise ever had. Jason Momoa understood the assignment and cemented himself a fav. My dude was so hammy and absolutely took over every scene he was in. And his villainy, the way he deconstructed the power of family, how he got everyone on his side? *Chef’s kiss*
Aimes, this dude. I will give the writing for this dude props. When you go into the Fast movies you usually expect whatever government person (like Brian, Hobbs, Palindrome in Spy Racers) to side with Dom and his crew. This dude did not, deadass pulled a Riley and I should’ve peeped he was a bad guy the moment he vehemently said he hates barbeques and family. Who hurt you dude? Anyhoo when he shot down the plane with Tej, Ramsey, Han, and Roman had me sit up in the movie theater. I later burst out laughing after finding out the guy who plays Aimes also played Aquaman on Smallville.
Speaking of Roman; that dude finally got some character development! The plane scene with him and Tej almost (mind you almost) made me scream in the movie theater. I honestly did not think that he would, I was to used to homeboy being just mostly comic relief.
We need to talk about Jakob. You do NOT give me fun uncle Jake and then do THAT. Nope, no, that’s just disrespectful. In a series known for bringing back dead people he better had, I don’t care how convoluted, lived.
So ngl I was surfing Google on my phone and got spoiled TWICE OVER about Gisele and Luke. Honestly I shouldn’t be surprised about Gisele because like I just said regarding Jakob, people don’t truly die in this franchise. Also if Owen can somehow survive what happened to him, Gisele can survive being shot and falling out of that hummer on to the tarmac. The Rock coming back? Now that was a surprise. Because of the infamous hostility between him and Vin Diesel, I really didn’t see him coming back. Maybe to do Hobbs and Shaw 2 but that’s it.
I remember back in like 2013/2014 there was mentioning of a female lead Fast movie. With the way this movie was set up I can now see the players for this. You got Letty, Gisele, Cipher (as the obviously token evil teammate), possibly Tess and possibly Isabel for this team. I also say bring in Ms. Nowhere from Spy Racers due to the fact that one of the Agency members who declined to go after Dom was a female. It could’ve been her and it would make a nice connection with Spy Racers.
Anyway I am definitely waiting for Fast 11 because I need to see how this all ends. That cliffhanger they left us with? Had me on the edge of my seat. There’s really no one possibly save for Hobbs who can help them and he’s somewhere else. Ramsey and the crew are severely injured, Letty is in Antarctica while Cipher, Jakob’s possibly dead, and Mia is...somewhere. Deckard is off to help his mother. The stakes have truly been raised for the coming end of this franchise. 
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
Hi,I don't know if you've been asked this before but I'm prettt curious
Where'd your username come from? Is there a story behind it or did you pick it at random?
huehuehue so it's not really anything super crazy but there IS a story behind it
back when I was working on my longform dark fantasy series (Time Gate), I wanted to try and get back into doing gag strips (which is what I had started with when I got into webcomics) and so I made like, this really dinky little shitposting comic that I named after the cereal box that shows up in the first season of Family Guy-
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I think I only updated that comic maybe a handful of times, and then I just sorta left it. It was a very cringe unfunny comic, and I don't even mean cringe "offensive" unfunny, I mean just cringe "where's the joke even" unfunny LOL
Then YEARS later I was making an LO critical blog (this one!) and I was trying to think of a name, when I thought hey, what was the name of that shitposting comic I made years ago ?? and I remembered it was called 'generic puffs'
so I gave myself the name 'genericpuff' and it's not only since stuck, but it's become an ironic meta joke about how rekindled is seen as the 'off-brand LO'
you gotta understand, rekindled wasn't even a glimmer in my eye yet when i made this blog, i literally only set out to create a space for myself where i could dump all of my LO criticisms and panel edits separate from my main account (esp because at the time, there was a lot of sus behavior happening from the main subreddit, with people trying to dox users in the ULO subreddit, nasty shit like that that i didn't wanna press my luck with by doing it all from one account lol) and now it's just like. it's whole own thing and that's really neat but also holy crap i never knew that that old shitposting unfunny comic would end up coming in handy some day
but here's the thing about generic non-name brand cereals
they're often the exact same , if not better, than the original brand
hurhurhurhur i'mgoingtohell ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
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zenertia · 5 months ago
OK, so I guess we're doing this now because of the last post 👏
VOID was originally a gender-swapped NULL (hence the name) but as I fleshed out the idea, I realized that she had some potential as her own character.
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I originally made VOID with a wolfcut bob, trying to come up with a semi-modest haircut to mirror NULL's mini updo.
HOWEVER, roughly around the same time I pulled this idea out of my ass, NULL hit the public domain after mystman's BB+ ARG was solved (THAT WAS WILD, I NEVER EXPECTED THE REWARD TO BE THE PUBLIC DOMAIN RIGHTS TO NULL, HOLY SHIT, THAT MAN IS ON ANOTHER LEVEL), making me think "HMMMM 🤔 NULL&VOID would be a cute ship dynamic", so I went ahead and humored the idea of them being a couple for a little bit, instead of VOID just being a vanilla NULL swap.
Finding myself completely enamored by the idea, they eventually turned into a tragic couple (I'll get to that at a later date), even turning into a social commentary of sorts about something I face myself (I'll also get deeper into this as production goes on, cuz it's a pretty sensitive topic for me and this is already probably gonna be a pretty long post). It became a bit of a comfort ship for me to help me work through this issue via my art.
Now, since NULL was public domain, I was already planning on adding him into a comic I was developing; MOUSE (no doubt you'll be hearing more about that too since these two idiots are a part of it now).
I'd been writing it since 2007 on and off, but lacked the amount story beats I felt necessary to turn it into a fully-fledged series. But with these two being 'glitched' characters, they fit the vibe perfectly, offering the perfect opportunity to 'immortalize' them in the pages of this story while also adding a bit more content to a story that so desperately needed it.
God willing, I can only hope I do them, as well as my message, justice.
I'll no doubt be speaking more about this in the future, along with my other original content (like, non-BBIEAL stuff, if yinz're interested—and even if you're not interested, because my therapist told me to stfu and do it already cuz I have good ideas (??) and I should try it sometime cuz it'll help with my self-esteem or some shit)
Draco Noir will be a fun one, holy crap, hahaha
I made that one upsetting on PURPOSE; I... Am SO SCARED about how people will react to it, cuz it'll either be super edgy and everyone (who reads it) will love it, or everyone will take it the absolute wrong way and cancel me for it, but just know that it's SUPPOSED to be an uncomfortable read in advance, okay? Okay. Cool, please don't curbstomp me if it makes it to print 😭🙏
tldr; it's a gritty, grimdark crime drama about a dragon detective.
So lemme know if you're into that shit, too.
Also, there's a Baldi reference character in one of the volumes I have planned (because of course there is) but it begins and ends with his name being 'Professor B' and the way he's designed. Everything else is completely original, although I'll probably end up sprinkling in a few subtle references to the game and fandom lore with him.
But idk, this has nothing to do with VOID, asdgfkl—
See ya guys later
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