#hollywood saul
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dawormgawd · 1 year ago
skylar gisondo jimmy olson??? my boy 😭
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spyboy2000 · 2 months ago
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𝚂𝚊𝚞𝚕 𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚜: 𝟷𝟶 ɪᴄᴏɴɪᴄ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛᴇʀs.
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alpineshepherdbadboy · 1 year ago
it’s been lovely to be on instagram today to see all of the heartwarming stories about mark margolis shared by brba and bcs actors, but my favorite has got to be from vincent fuentes (arturo), who shared some texts that mark sent him:
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daltony · 3 years ago
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Posted by Alyson Camus on Facebook.
The stars of #BetterCallSaul on Hollywood blvd #bobodenkirk #HollywoodWalkofFame Are you watching?
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imagionary · 1 year ago
OH BOY Dave sure can! Do THAT! Was that presentation a one time thing or does he do that for kicks Translation: SHOULD I BE SCARED OF HIM
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Itsa one time thang, babe, dontchu worry 'bout it, aight? ~
Unless you's plannin on crossin' me- hahaha! Just playin', or am I?
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gnome-adjacent-vagabond · 3 months ago
Sometimes I wonder if I'm over-queering these old movies but then I see Arthur Lorencz with his head on Nathaniel Billings's leg and Nathaniel is unmarried but knows what a powder puff is. And THEN I see Cornelius Leyden doing whatever the fuck it is he does with Peters that CERTAINLY has no heterosexual explanation. And then the entirety of the fucking Femm family comes crashing in headlong with not one, not two, but three, count 'em, THREE queer-coded siblings plus an alcoholic gay butler. And don't get me started on Arsenic and Old Lace, The Black Cat, You'll Find Out, or any of the others.
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dumb-bitchass · 1 year ago
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Welcome to the Soup
---scroll to find reqs info, news, rules, masterlist
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☆ featured songs ☆
°•°•i just threw out the love of my dreams - weezer
°•°•wet - dazey and the scouts
°•°•pretty - coco & clair clair
°•°•celebrity skin - hole
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currently will write for ~ ☆ °•
•breaking bad
--saul goodman, jesse pinkman
•films of wes anderson
▪︎the darjeeling limited
--francis whitman, jack whitman
▪︎the royal tenenbaums
--eli cash, richie tenenbaum
--max fischer
--anton chigurh from no country for old men, hansel from zoolander, cliff booth & rick dalton from once upon a time in hollywood
•possibly - house of the dragon
--aegon II targaryen, aemond targaryen
°didn't watch every episode so can't write details on plot of the show, would focus just on the character
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requests info ~ ☆ ° •
open / closed
•will write light nsfw, nothing heavy pls just cause i can't bring myself to write it lol
•YES to angst, NO to including suicide/suicidal thoughts, rape, sh, or sa
•allow time for requests to get done! remember fic writers have lives off tumblr
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news ~ ☆ ° •
•BREAKING BAD FULL FIC IN THE WORKS, saul goodman x oc !!!! very excited for it, i have to rewatch some of the series first
•for shits and giggles, feel free to request a character that isn't on my writing list- i may have still seen whatever they're in and liked them lol
•and of course, my inbox is open for friends, mutuals, or any anon questions
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masterlist ~ ☆ ° •
---sorry guys no links cause i have to do this on my phone, rip
fight club°•◇
♤{how they'd act with sick! reader / narrator, tyler durden
♤{dating headcanons / narrator, tyler durden
♤{comfort headcanons / tyler durden
♤{teen platonic reader headcanons / tyler durden
♤{street fight reader headcanons / tyler durden
♤{little controversial freaky headcanons / tyler durden
♤{kissing headcanons / narrator
Good Omens°•◇
♤{how they'd be with sick! reader / aziriphale, crowley, jim
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dandylion-s · 11 months ago
It's kind of insane that better call saul never won any emmys when you consider that they literally gave awards to the big bang theory.
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kingoftieland · 2 years ago
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Who was the REAL-LIFE INSPIRATION for Saul Goodman? 👔
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afaimsblog · 10 months ago
90er Nostalgie? Nein, eher das Gegenteil - Warum die Vergangenheit nicht romantisiert wird, wenn man dort eine Geschichte ansiedelt
"Stranger Things" lebt ja bekanntlich unter anderem durch 80er-Nostalgie. Und ist nicht die einzige Erfolgsserie der letzten Dekade, die diesem Stilmittel einen großen Teil ihres Erfolgs zu verdanken hat. Angesichts der Veröffentlichung von "X-Men 97" in wenigen Wochen, kann man aber auch festhalten, dass es in letzter Zeit auch vermehrt zu 90er Nostalgie gekommen ist, und auch die bis zu einem gewissen Grad zu funktionieren scheint. Zwar scheinen die 80er jene Ära zu sein, die von den Menschen (ob sie sie nun erlebt haben oder nicht) verklärt werden und die 90er hingegen immer jenes Jahrzehnt, in dem alles begonnen hat schief zu gehen, doch dieser negative Beigeschmack hat sich in den letzten Jahren durchaus zunehmend verflüchtigt.
Es ist irgendwie interessant, dass es einerseits immer heißt, dass niemand Geld für irgendwas hat, das nicht heutztage spielt und deswegen billiger zu produzieren ist, andrerseits aber immer mehr Produktionen im großen Stil in vergangenen Jahrzehnten angesetzt sind, zu denen inzwischen ja auch die 2010er zählen. "Better Call Saul" hat, weil es sein musste, die Naughties als Erzählzeit, "Clarice" war absichtlich als direkte Fortsetzung vom "Schweigen der Lämmer" in den 90ern angesiedelt, und "Young Sheldon" hat in den 80ern begonnen, ist in die 90er übergegangen, und bekommt nach Serienende einen Spin-Off, der wohl ebenfalls in den 90ern spielen wird. Gar nicht erst zu reden von "That 90s Show".
Ja, man kann sich durchaus fragen warum sowieso historische Serien wie "Sandman" oder diese grausame "Interview with the Vampire"-Serie sich bemüßigt fühlen ihre Rahmenhandlung in die Gegenwart zu verlegen anstatt sich an die Zeitvorgabe ihrer Quelle zu halten, wenn doch so viele andere Erfolgsproduktionen gerade davon leben, dass sie eben nicht in der Gegenwart spielen, aber zugleich ist die Nostalgie für die vergangene Jahrzehnte oft weniger Nostalgie als Notwendigkeit.
Natürlich würde ein Spin-Off von der "Big Bang Theory", in der es um einen jungen Sheldon Cooper und seine Familie geht, in einer Zeit spielen, in der dieser Charakter auch wirklich jung war. Wenn es nicht so wäre, wäre es kein Spin-Off mehr, sondern einfach nur eine Serie um irgendeinen anderen Charakter mit ähnlichen Charakteristiken. Und natürlich muss "Better Call Saul" als Prequel zu "Breaking Bad" vor Beginn der Handlung von "Breaking Bad" spielen, und diese Serie begann 2008 und ihre Handlung spielte in der damaligen Gegenwart. Und natürlich wird eine Fortsetzung von "That 70s Show", in der es um Eric und Donnas Tochter im Teenager-Alter geht, entsprechend zwei Jahrzehnte nach der Handlung der Original-Serie spielen, und da die nun mal in 70ern gespielt hat, spielt der Spin-Off in den 90ern. (Außerdem gab es schon mal einen kurzlebigen Spin-Off namens "That 80s Show" um Erics zuvor und nachher nie erwähnten Cousin). "Clarice" wollte sozusagen an den "Schweigen der Lämmer"-Film anschließen und zumindest augenscheinlich in der selben Kontinuität spielen. Und "Stranger Things" war als Liebesbrief an den Horror der 80er gedacht, und viele inhaltliche Aspekte leben davon, dass die Handlung in den 1980ern und eben nicht in den 2010ern spielt (so sehr das viele Fans, die Fanfiction zu der Serie schreiben, auch nicht zu begreifen scheinen). Und als direkte Fortsetzung der ersten animierten X-Men-Serie heißt "X-Men 97" deswegen so, weil die Handlung im Jahr 1997 spielt, wo die nächste Staffel der Original-Serie gespielt hätte, wenn es eine mehr gegeben hätte.
Insofern ist es also weniger Nostalgie an sich, weniger Eskapismus als man meinen könnte - es ist viel mehr eine logische Folge von dem, was man mit dem Inhalt erreichen möchte. Dass Johnny Lawrence auf ewig in den 80ern verhaftet ist und nichts mit der Gegenwart anzufangen weiß heißt nicht, dass die Macher von "Cobra Kai" die 80er der Gegenwart vorziehen, es ist einfach eine Folge daraus, dass der erste "Karate Kid"-Film in den 80ern erschienen ist und Johnnys Leben genau damals begann schief zu gehen. Deswegen ist die goldene Periode seines Lebens die, in der er am glücklichsten war. Doch wenn man die Serie ansieht, dann merkt man schnell, dass die 80er eben nicht einfach nur gut und toll waren, im Gegenteil: toxische Maskulinität, fehlende Veteranen-Betreuung und gesellschaftsfähiger Drogenmissbrauch werden genauso angesprochen wie die "beste Musik" aller Zeiten. In der dritte Staffel von "Stranger Things" dreht sich Nancys ganzer Handlungsstrang darum, dass sie als Frau von ihrer Kollegen bei der Zeitung, bei der sie über den Sommer arbeitet, nicht ernst genommen wird. Und die Russen spielen mit der Anderen Seite und den Demogorgons herum wie sie in echt mit der Atombomen-Drohung herumgespielt haben. (Okay, an dieser Stelle muss man feststellen, dass sich manche Dinge offenbar nicht geändert haben seit damals).
Von einer wirklichen Verklärung der Vergangenheit kann man also nicht sprechen. Zumindest auf inhaltlicher Ebene der Produkte, doch auf der Seite der Konsumenten sieht es ein wenig anders aus, nicht wahr? Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass die letzte Staffel von "American Crime Story" schon wieder recht lange her ist, aber man könnte meinen, dass Gen Z einerseits und das Internet allgemein andererseits ernsthaft denkt, dass nicht nur Sozialkritik sondern auch soziale Ungerechtigkeiten tatsächlich eine Erfindung der Gegenwart sind, und es früher in der guten alten Zeit nur glückliche weiße heteronormative gottesfürchtige Republikaner gab, die immer und überall rauchen durften und niemals auf die Idee gekommen wären das herrschende Patriachat in irgendeiner Art und Weise auszunutzen. Wie sonst sollte sich die Reaktion der Leute auf die "X-Men 97"-Promotion erklären? Sie denken wirklich, dass in den 90ern (oder gar zuvor) Wokeness noch nicht existiert hat.
Was wie gesagt um so seltsamer ist, wenn man bedenkt wie das Leben damals war, und was so alles in der Welt und vor allem den Vereinigten Staaten abgegangen ist. Und ich rede jetzt nicht einmal von dem Diversitäts-Push in dern Marvel-Comics der 90er, ich rede eher von Aufständen in Los Angeles wegen Bürgerrechtsfragen, der Lewinksy-Affäre, und all den mörderischen Zwischenfällen in der LGBTQ-Community. Das wirklich traurig an "American Crime Story" ist ja, dass die Serie gekonnt aufgezeigt hat wie wenig sich seit den 90ern geändert hat und wie sehr die selben Probleme immer noch relevant sind und sich im Grunde nichts an der Teilung der Gesellschaft in Schwarz und Weiß, Männer und Frauen, Hetero und Queer, und Arm und Reich geändert hat. Das, was die Menschen damals beschäftigt hat, weil es unfair und schockierend war, beschäfigt sie auch heute noch.
Doch es ist erstaunlich an wie vielen Konsumenten diese Inhalte vorbei gegangen sind als sie aktuell waren und wie viele heute darüber jammern. Ich meine ja, mitunter hat sich die Art der Kommunikation geändert. Was in den 90ern nicht direkt gesagt wurde, sondern mehr oder weniger subtil impliziert wurde, weil davon ausgegangen wurde, dass das Publikum klug genug ist um zu verstehen, was vor sich geht, wird heute in Großbuchstaben buchstabiert, damit es ja jeder kapiert. Die Unterschiede zwischen dem DS9-Zweiteiler "Past Tense" und der zweiten Staffel von "Star Trek: Picard" könnten, obwohl sie die gleichen Themen behandeln, nicht auffälliger sein. Aber wenn man sieht wie dumm der Internet-Typ Nummer 10-55 offenbar ist, stellt sich schon die Frage ob das, was eigentlich offensichtich war, nicht doch zu subtil war, da es so viele Leute offenbar nicht mitbekommen haben.
Aber wie gesagt, die sehen sich auch heutzutage produziertes Entertainment an, was etwas subtiler vorgeht, und kriegen immer noch nicht mit, was man uns damit eigentlich sagen will, also sind die vielleicht einfach zu dumm für alles. Deswegen sollte man einfach nicht mehr versuchen sich auf ihren Intelligenzlevel einzustellen, sondern stattdessen wieder Unterhaltung für die die klügeren Teile seines Publikums produzieren. Egal ob diese in den 80ern, 90ern, 00ern, 2010ern oder heutzutage oder irgendwann ganz anders spielt - wer blind bleiben wird, bleibt blind, und wer mit offenen Augen durchs Leben geht, wird erkennen worum es eigentlich geht. Und die Botschaften werden weiterhin - wie leider immer schon - an gefühlten 98% Prozent des Publikums vorbei gehen, aber für die restlichen 2 Prozent wird es mehr sein. Und letztlich kommt es auf diese 2 Prozent an und auf niemanden sonst.
Und das wussten sie schon in den 80ern. Und in den 90ern erst recht.
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izzystradlindoesitforme · 5 months ago
I think any fan or any person who makes a comment that they are unhappy with another person for not marrying someone of a certain race is:
a bigot who has some sort of personal problem, who needs to worry about and reexamine themselves and their own relationships. I'm not sure why they feel or think that way. Slash is a biracial man who has the prerogative and right to marry anyone of any race or ethnicity he chooses, just like his parents before him (and each and every one of us).
However, as a GNR and Slash fan, I can't say I've ever heard another fan make this comment or share this opinion before. 🤔 But whoever this supposed fan is - I'm sure Slash would laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off - as would I.
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Some fans are not happy that Slash never married a black woman. What do you guys think?
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fans4wga · 2 years ago
Strike Support Declining - Here's how you can continue to support the writers
Since the WGA strike started on May 2, the public has shown immense support for the writers—sending food, snacks, drinks, and encouragement from across the world all the way to Los Angeles, New York, and other picketing locations.
But loud and vocal strike support—in the news and in public spaces—is notably declining the longer the strike goes on. So we're bringing you a few ways to show writers, studios, and fellow fans: we're still here, and we still stand with the WGA.
1. Post on Twitter (and other social media sites)
You might think social media noise won't be noticed by the studios, but it CAN encourage individual WGA members—and slowly but surely put pressure on the studios to make a fair deal.
If you follow WGA members such as Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything), John Rogers (Leverage, Librarians), Gennifer Hutchison (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul), Javier Grillo-Marxuach (Lost, The Witcher) [and many many more you can find through their following lists], tell them you support them! Hashtag #IStandWithTheWGA #DoTheWriteThing and tell them that you and your fandom are prepared to support them as long as the strike lasts; that they deserve to have their demands met and you're with them all the way. Boost morale however and whenever you can!
Likewise, actively push back against misinformation/disinformation. See a TikTok claiming that all Hollywood writers are filthy rich and we shouldn't vocally support them? Correct it with well-sourced citations from the WGA, published news articles, and stories from those affected (like the time a writer on FX's The Bear attended the an awards show with his bank account balance in the negative, only to then win an award for Best Comedy Series—proving that good writers on award-winning shows still cannot make a living!)
Remember you can always link to Adam Conover's excellent explanation of WGA demands versus studio refusals, tweeted here.
2. Donate or boost fundraisers
You might be surprised to learn that the picketing locations are not always parties! Sometimes themed pickets are fun, and fandoms and celebrities occasionally are able to fundraise for a food truck or ice cream truck at picketing locations. However, that is the EXCEPTION and not the norm. Writers are asking for food & drinks at many locations.
There are many funds to donate to, and it can be overwhelming to pick one! But one that could use your support RIGHT NOW is the CBS Radford picket line:
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-If you're in LA, you can bring food and snacks directly to that picket line (or get food deliveries sent there, with instructions to be given to the strike captain on duty.) Strike locations are available on the WGA West website and are updated there.
-Or there's a pizza fund for the strike locations (unfortunately Venmo is a US-only donation option)
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-If you're not in LA, donate to the Entertainment Community Fund to support TV and film workers affected by the strike.
-More tips on donating to the strike in this great article!
-Lots of fandoms are organizing donations on their own, for instance the Our Flag Means Death fundraiser on Paypal (updated 30 July 2023 with new link) (available internationally). Check to see if your fandom has started a fundraiser... or start one yourself to show your support! We're happy to give tips on organizing your fandom!
As always, please boost this post and any and all well-sourced information that comes from the WGA or its members. We're happy to fact-check anything you send our way too.
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daltony · 3 years ago
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Posted by Alyson Camus on Facebook. Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring) found his star with Michael Mando (Nacho Varga), Tony Dalton (Lalo Salamanca)… basically the entire Mexican drug cartel on Hollywood blvd! #breakingbad #BetterCallSaul #bobodenkirk #HollywoodWalkofFame
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jessaerys · 4 months ago
god black sails is legitimately the creme de la creme of television alongside the sopranos and breaking bad and the wire and better call saul and atlanta fx like it should've had 46 emmy nominations and like one single win because it kept losing to game of thrones and it should've been in the covers of 2010s Vogues and Hollywood Reports and Varieties with photoshoots of the ensamble cast doing either blasphemeously risque renaissance painting reproductions but its their characters or like they're all dressed in white and are lying tangled in a bed shot from above and there should've been clearance rack t-shirts with a really bad vector of flint's face and an out of context "macho" quote in shopping mall pop culture stores and they should've had a handful of unfunny SNL skits parodying it and tying it somehow to US politics and there should be online 2020s mashable thinkpieces titled something like "things we missed in 2014: is toby shmitz....kind of a sex symbol?" and toby stephens and luke arnold should own a brewery together and jessica parker kenedy should be parading around a 65 year old butch lesbian wife that she hard-launched in 2021. sorry i am really really really really stoned
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rockethorse · 1 year ago
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Stocking Stuffer 1/5: A Bajillion Random Painting Recolours
Happy Holidays to all! While I'm proud that last year I finally managed to achieve a longtime goal of sharing a full TS2 Advent Calendar, I'm simply not gonna be able to pull it off this year. Nonetheless, the holidlay spirit has encouraged me to finish up and share a couple of things before the end of the year! I'll be sharing five little gifts over the next few arbitrary days. First up: A BUNCH of Maxis painting recolours.
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One recolour each of A/B/C Stroke (yes, I still enjoy playing with these as three separate paintings) using vintage matchbook covers designed by Saul Bass for The Ohio Match Company.
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Two recolours +frames for Abstrutionism; "Poppy Cake" by Adolf Fényes (1910), and then this edit of Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth (1948) to include Bella Goth (the original Tumblr poster has deactivated).
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A recolour of Anonymous Masterpiece with these two digital paintings by user chestnutroan featuring their farmer Sim and his two alien daughters.
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One recolour of the Arghist Soldier with "Friday Nights" by Deborah DeWit (2006), perfect for your novel-enthusiast Sims' reading nook.
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One recolour of City Skyline with a fruit & veg painting by Twitter user snail_soup (you can buy a real print of this too if you like it!)
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One recolour of the Fourth Element wall scroll with "From Stardust to Stardust - Raccoon" by user ArtOfMienda.
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Four Vegetables recoloured with four deliciously juicy tomato paintings by artist Leah Gardner.
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Geometry 101 recoloured with a beautiful palette knife painting by Lynn Boggess.
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Two recolours of Grilled Cheese (you all know what Grilled Cheese looks like, c'mon); one vintage ad for Hollywood Diet bread which I cleaned/redrew to remove text/graphics, and then "Cloud Rows" by Ivan Eyre (2004).
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In The Beginning (+frame) recoloured with "Little Thief" by Courtney / Trash Kitty Art (also available as an affordable IRL print).
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Kitten vs. Yarn (+frame) recoloured with this goache painting by user ieafy.
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"Until Tonight" by Mark Grantham (2019) slapped on Lady On Red.
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Two recolours of Living Room; "Midwestern Summer Fun" by user ink-the-artist (you may wanna zoom in for a surprise), then "Girl On A Swing" (2000) by Andrew Macara.
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One recolour of Marketing Print with the Beatles as drawn by other Beatles. I don't remember who drew who because I'm actually not much of a Beatles fan but I thought these sketches were really darling.
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In Memory of Johnny Gnome (+frame) recoloured with a piece by Emma Roulette.
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A recolour of My First Holiday with art from Twitter user heikala_art.
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On Pointed Toes (+frame) recoloured with this digital painting by Twitter user catwheezie.
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I fell in love with this Guinness ad so I tweaked it from the photo to fit on the Route 66 poster, then made an accompanying Simlish option.
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A single Scruffles recolour (+frame) with this adorable cow illustration by Twitter user poodlewool.
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Four recolours of the Sim Noir pop art print; three pieces by Al Parker I found through this Tweet (with some English removed) and then an edit of the original painting to look passingly familiar...
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Two recolours (+frames) of Snoozing Enemies; "The Cat on the Pillow" by Adolf von Becker, and "Sleeping Sasha" by Lena Rivo.
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Stiller Life (+frame) recoloured with this oil painting of McDonalds by artist Noah Verrier.
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Two recolours (+frames) of Stumped Hound; "Shadow" by Tianyi Zhou and "cat falling off table" by user anasauruss.
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The Muse recoloured with this Juxtapoz magazine cover by artist Josh Courlas.
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And lastly, three recolours of Untitled (the Bella Goth pop art painting) with works by Hiroshi Nagai.
Download All Paintings @ SFS
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austinslounge · 1 month ago
The only thing that really bothers me about the GG situation is that the screenshot with Kaia was taken in the house where Austin was shooting for Cartier before SAG. This is obvious from the layout, interior, etc. (I've looked at parts of this house a lot in different photos). The photographer who took the pictures wrote that this was Austin's house. Let's be honest, it looks like the truth, the house is too modest for Kaia + the same photographer did a black-and-white photo shoot about Austin's trip to Anaheim and there was the same house. Q: Why was Austin watching GG not in this house, but Kaia?
Ahhh.... the great house debate comes up again lol 😆
Well, I'll provide you with evidence and receipts, and you can make up your own mind. How about that?
Golden Globe Awards & SAG Awards:
Callum and Austin already stated (twice in fact) that they watched the GG's together in Austin's house ("Butler's pad"), and the author of the article below even went as far as to say that Austin and Callum watched the Golden Globes TOGETHER ALONE.... in "Butler's pad", with **"no glam girlfriends"** lol 🤭
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There's also the fact that Callum wasn't sure if Austin had a dog or not lol. 😅 In an interview for MOTA, he questioned Austin on whether or not he had a dog. Now, if Callum were in the same home where Kaia was watching the GG's, why would he be confused on whether or not Austin had a dog? 🤔 Wouldn't he have seen the dog at the house?
Cartier & SAG Awards
I assume you're referring to this?
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I'm not sure how you can tell where Austin is from this photoshoot for Cartier above, but keep in mind that the SAG Awards took place in Feb of 2023...
And Kaia didn't move into her house until April of 2023.
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So, wherever Austin did that Cartier photoshoot, it wouldn't have been at Kaia's new house. Sorry!
Keep in mind also, that even the media outlets weren't sure whether Austin was actually moving into that house, or if he was just helping Kaia move, like the rest of her family.
This is from Page Six:
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Next, we have the fact that Austin was spotted (long after the Kaia move day) after going to the gym, getting mail at a mailbox at a gate 📬 at a home that looked nothing like Kaia's home. 👀
Austin's Mailbox and Gate:
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Kaia's House and Gate:
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Kaia's House BEFORE the Gate:
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*Hint: Check the shrubbery even
Last I checked, shrubbery and mailboxes don't typically move lol. 😄
It is very customary for celebrities to install gates in front of their houses for privacy reasons, so this is nothing new.
Another fun fact, the Daily Mail themselves referred to the house as "Kaia's home" in their article regarding the Casa Migos Halloween bash.
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There's also the fact that when you look at Kaia's House, especially her bedroom, there's nothing with Austin in it. Even the photos above the bedpost in one of the bedrooms are all Kaia-centric. Usually, when you live with someone, you have your stuff and their stuff as well.
Greg Williams did do a photoshoot with Austin for Hollywood Authentic. The photoshoot did take place in what we know to be Kaia's House. We do not deny that Austin spends time with his girlfriend in her house.
What we are not fully sold on is the "Austin and Kaia bought a house together" claim. Idk about other fans, but I actually think that Kaia's parents helped Kaia buy her own house in Malibu (close to them), and Austin (like a good boyfriend) helped her move into that house.
I think Austin has a smaller "pad" on his own. It would explain why sometimes we've seen them taking separate cars, even when they're out together with her family.
So, there's the evidence Anon! You can feel free to believe whatever you want, but those are the facts for now.
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