#holiday gift guide for teens
trywithmalia · 10 months
Holiday Gifting Guide Part 1
Do you need ideas?
Here are some ideas to gift to your loved ones <3
These are gifts I am giving this holiday season
Part 2,3 & 4 coming soon so stay tuned
Thanks for watching
Try With Malia
#giftingideas #giftguide
0 notes
fhrlclln · 2 years
con la brisa | k’uk’ulkan/namor
SUMMARY -> out of your own curiosity discovering the unique entrance of the underwater cave had you finding more than you expected while vacationing. the god is intrigued to say.
k’uk’ulkan/namor x fem! reader
masterlist (to be added)
GENRE -> nsfw/smut
WARNINGS -> bpwf spoilers, meet-cute scenario, a lil slowburn, namor is a lil’ bit cold at first & smut as usual (p in v, unprotected sex, oral sex; both!receiving & fingering)
WC -> 7,876
a/n: after watching wakanda forever had me bawling like so much. and so, okay, i know this isn’t my usual writing but i fell in love with the song con la brisa and namor cuz aquapapi. and i thought i’d write a long fic just for him. lIKE THE VISUALS OF THE SCENE IN TALOKAN AND THE SONG!?!?!?!? absolutely amazing and captivating and there’s namor. 😫 but anyways… enjoy my namor smut ig. and happy holidays everyone <3
TRANSLATIONS: YUCATEC MAYA -> máak lu'um - surface dweller/land person, ki'ichpanech - pretty girl, le paalo’ - child , je’el - yes, dejaremos ti' le destino decida - we will let fate decide, in na'atik - i understand, ba'ax úuch - what happened?, jach asab u jump'éel siibal - it is more than a gift, ka ma' in k'áat ka u detenga - and i don’t want it stop, in ts'íiboltikech - i want you, ma'alob - good, ko'ox - let us go, in yakunaj - my love, jats'uts - beautiful, t'aan - speak, táan jach mojado, wáaj tuláakal ti' teen? - it is so wet, all for me? mierda - shit, perfecto - perfect, jach jats'uts yáanal tin - so beautiful under me
likes, reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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it’s quiet.
only the sound of the waves and the sound of the cool breeze hitting your ears envelops your senses. your body is floating above the water, sun hitting your face, eyes closed and relaxed as you let yourself float amongst depths of the sea. the water is cool against your skin, the scent of salt hits your nostrils mixing in with the freshness of the air. heaven is all you can describe at such serene calmness the water offers you this day.
as beautiful the secluded beaches are here in yucatan. you knew better to be not trespassing here. and as stupid it was to swim near night falling, the rays of the sun had turned orange among the horizon of the beautiful ocean. you knew it was time to get back to your hotel you currently resided. but here you are, water still glistening your salty skin, shorts concealing your bottom and your top the bikini you wore still damp as ever. the sun was setting, the trees swayed as you headed back to the direction of where you came from. wary of a chill on your spine erupt as if you felt like you were not alone in the secluded beach.
but as always, fate seemed to spin you to get lost in the woods.
shit. you think to yourself, the unfamiliar path dawning over to you as you sighed to yourself, trees all over your view. you knew the area well enough for the past few days and now was the time you would get lost? unbelievable. you bit your lip, trusting your gut to go further, night already taking over the once pristine blue sky. better to walk and let faith guide you to a road than to stay amongst the wild animals and insects inside the forest. you could say you’ve done one of the stupidest tourist shit you vowed not to do.
the cicadas faintly started to get louder as the darkness took over the forest. you grabbed your phone, turning on the flashlight as the leaves scrunched underneath your feet. the bushes seemed to grow larger as you gently passed by them with your arm shoving them away. expecting the familiar highway to come in view.
but you stopped, the path had ended as you were face to face with a cave of some sort. your eyes sparkled in the dark, suddenly intrigued with this new location you found. a hidden gem in these parts. you cautiously stepped closer to it, feeling as if you’ve entered someone’s territory. you lick your lips, shutting the flashlight of your phone as moonlight filled the area perfectly.
“water?” you mumbled to yourself, bending down to see the small cave was filled with water. “of course it is, dumbass.” you rolled your eyes to yourself, letting your hand touch the cool water.
it rippled beneath your fingertips as you glided your hand to feel the temperature, the scent of sea salt again fill your senses, your curiosity getting the best of you. you noticed how the deep the pool of water was, noting it might be an entrance to a underwater cave of some sort, you guessed. but you needed to go back, remembering the hotel waiting for you.
you looked around once more, guessing that this has been around here for a long time. you smiled, proud to say you would dive in here if you got the chance and the gear to do it. you stood up, brushing yourself from the dirt that sticked to your knees. you turned back and headed to the bushes again, to find another path. for a moment, you adjusted the bag you were carrying, your phone in your hand suddenly slipped from your grasp, hitting the ground with a thud. you cursed yourself for your clumsiness, bending down to grab it. the water in the cave suddenly splashing catching your attention warily.
you froze, slowly standing up, clutching your phone tight as you watch a figure came from the dark depths of the cave. the water splashed around as your heart thump loudly. seeing as a manly figure came in your sight despite the darkness. warnings in your mind erupted, remembering what you had heard of recently.
the man from the sea. a ancient god.
you distinctly remembered the words of the locals and the village elders about a man walking along the shores, feet with wings they had said. their ‘god’ walking amongst them. you don’t know much, but you feared this legend and the god as so did the people here. anything was possible nowadays. but you remained silent, studying his figure as he emerged into the moonlight. stepping in to your view, golden jewelry adorned his neck, he wore only green shorts and other accessories from his wrist to his legs. his feet, however, caught your interest seeing wings adorn them. and ears flourished with a jade like square earrings. he brushes his wet hair back, chest rising as he breathes in the air, his dark eyes finally gazed to yours.
oh, fuck.
you clutched your bag tight against your body, a shiver ran down your spine as his gaze pierced through you. you’ve trespassed. your mind shouts, your heart thumping louder.
“i’m sorry for i-intruding.” you speak up, careful for your tone to be calm and respectful. gears in your mind clicking, his face yet did not react whatsoever other than he steps forward, making you step back cautiously. he seems to notice it, sensing your own fear as he minds himself, creating a presence you knew not to anger. as stoic his expression was, his eyes seem to tell otherwise.
“you’re not from here.” he speaks, breaking your daze when you stare at his face. cold yet curious his tone was. knowingly now you think he’s attractive the more you study him. thoughts then circling how he just came from an underwater cave and ankles with wings on them.
“i’m not…” you nodded, gulping. “i got lost and stumbled here. n-no other intention.” you added, sensing him that he expected another answer.
“no?” he questions, stepping forward again, closer to you, making you freeze on the spot. you breathed out shakily, gazing his eyes that hold a predatory look. he towered over you, intimidating you further.
“no…” you softly said, the atmosphere almost changing, not once did you leave his gaze. a fire in the man’s gaze fueling him elsewhere.
the god stared down at this surface dweller, he hummed, trusting your answer, yet still skeptical. you were not like the other surface dwellers that he encountered coming into the entrance of the cave. you looked innocent enough, a foreigner of the area, a tourist you are. he shifts his gaze to your eyes and to your lips that softly spoke those words of reassurance. he notices your hands tremble, the cold of the night he presumed was getting to you or the fear of him. he’ll let you go, he thinks, merciful enough. the disturbance of the water merely caught his attention, he swam to it, ensuring that his nation would not be discovered.
“who are you?” you asked, astonished now for a man who’s ears you noticed are pointed. the fear slowly washing away. namor was intrigued to say, a curious thing you are.
“i have many names.” he spoke quietly, accent sharpening his words, a wonderful one you deemed as you listened to him. “my people call me k’uk’ulkan.” he gauges your face, seeing it full of wonder.
“but my enemies call me namor.” he finishes darkly, a threat. a warning set in stone. many would have run from him by now but you intrigued him further.
“namor.” you tested the name on your lips. the god felt himself shift in his place, seeing as you turn from his gaze, something stirring inside him after you uttered his name so softly.
“and you are?” he now asks, formalities thrown as you met his gaze again.
“y/n.” you uttered your name as the chill of the night shivered you so. he also tests your name in his tongue, accent enveloping each syllable smoothly with a crisp ending.
“roaming around the outskirts of the village is dangerous, máak lu'um. what has brought you here?” he speaks further, a word so unfamiliar to you. not spanish or what, which fuels your desire to learn him now.
“just took a swim by the beach.” you answered with a shrug. “it’s beautiful out the atlantic ocean.” you added as he hums, nodding.
“you’re not from here as well, are you?” you suddenly ask. he doesn’t look like the locals in the area. his outfit is as different from modern clothing, which in his case is very minimal. he cocks his head to the side as you looked back to the underwater cave. he is taken aback at your forwardness but contemplates whether he should tell you but he only offers a simple answer to your curious mind.
“interesting.” you quipped, examining his peculiar jewelry then to his chest, which catches you off guard how well built he is. tan pecks glistening with water, a fluttery feeling in your stomach making you feel a little flustered for checking him out shamelessly. 
“you live there, i presume?” you ask, pointing to the cave. he seems to still, eyebrows tensing as you notice how defensive he is. “not that you need to answer…” you offered weakly, a little scared now.
“mhm.” he grunts, stepping pass you, not answering the question, leaving off a cold aura. he needed you away from here as soon as possible, remembering his intentions from the first place when you disturbed the waters of the entrance.
“come, it is getting late. let me escort you out, ki'ichpanech.“ pretty girl. he offers his arm out, muscle bulging out. you seem to be too trusting as you complied with the strange man with wings on his feet. not knowing how dangerous he can be, a man that has lived for more than a century, a god to his people and a king of a nation sealed from the whole world beneath the depths of the sea.
he is the feathered-serpent god.
“thank you.” you took his arm, walking beside him, arm resting with his making your heart thump. he was warm for a man who just swam in a deep underwater cavern. he smelled like the ocean itself, which was not that unpleasant, you stare at him for a time as you two walked along the woods. leaves scrunching both of your feet.
namor, on his behalf, didn’t expect he’d be talking with a surface dweller for this long nor offering to escort you out the forest. he despised all things that came from the surface world, a land that he swore to himself to hate to the bones. yet now, you who peaked his interest made his usual thinking sputter.
innocent, curious, soft, kind…all things he doesn’t expect. the feel of your skin to his fueled his desire further as he tried to suppress it. noting the way his cock twitch when your fingers brushed against his hot skin.
“are you not cold? it’s so cold out here.” you shivered, unintentionally pressing against him for warmth.
“it is…tolerable, ki'ichpanech.” he amusingly says, watching as your other arm hugged your waist for warmth. your bikini covered breasts pushing up by your arm making him swallow a lump as he looks ahead. intriguing.
“what does that mean?” you ask, glaring at him with a pout.
“ki'ichpanech?” the ancient language rolls on his tongue flawlessly.
“yes.” you looked back to him seeing as the familiar sounds of faint chatter filled your ears. the village must be close.
“a compliment, le paalo’.” he simply explains. “one for you to find out for yourself.” he smirks, making you sigh beside him.
only silence fills the void between you two, an unspoken comfort that had the man beside you wonders how calm you are. being escorted by a man who you just met. he wonders how your pretty little mind works
“you said you have many names.” you started. “what do you prefer to be called?”
“it is up to you what you wish to call me.”
“k’uk’ulkan then?” you uttered, wishing you didn’t butcher the pronunciation. “you said your people call you by that.”
“je’el.” he agrees, which you take it as a yes. a silence transpired again, but it doesn’t take long before your own curiosity gets the best of you. asking him questions now out of the blue, all subjects leading how he swam inside of a underwater cave without any gear and the most asked about his ankles with wings.
namor seemed to tolerate your mind, offering vague answers and none about questions where he resided or came from. he offers you to teach the mayan words he answers along the way, resulting you to ask him if he always knew how to speak english fluently. in return, he asks you as well. you gladly tell him about vacationing alone in mexico, saying that you needed some time away from the work you had back home. and that you just wanted a moment of peace to yourself here by the beaches. exploring, learning about the locals and their culture respectfully.
but in all fashion, it had to end.
which broke your heart slightly when the sound of the locals grew louder. lights from their village enveloping your view as you two arrive in a secluded area wherein the familiar dirt road is.
“you are a strange woman with curious questions.” he begins as you step out of the bushes, facing him with a slight frown.
“says the man who has wings on his feet.” you quip back playfully. he smirks at that, eyes alert as he looks back to see the locals. your heart thumps, wishing for him to come with you. but in his eyes you knew it wasn’t possible even if he didn’t necessarily say it out loud. you just knew.
“speak of this to no one, ki’ichpanech.” he utters, you nodded at this. the situation weird enough for you to obey.
“will i see you again?” you ask gently, hope in your tone. namor feels something stir inside him as he licks his lips, stepping forward as he brings your hand up to his lips, kissing it softly. soft delicate skin. he thinks, a fire set alight to the both of you as his piercing gaze never faltered as your chest rose at the sudden electric feeling.
the hand kiss was a gesture of his growing affection towards you which he fears may not stop. you should be cowering away from him, a man who’s hands are stained with blood for hundreds of years. he shouldn’t even be talking with a surface dweller at all and you shouldn’t see him again, but…
“dejaremos ti' le destino decida.” he only offers those unfamiliar words to you with sincerity. you drew your hand back, not asking anything further as he steps back into the forest, eyes still looking into yours. a series of laughter interrupts the two of you as you look away from for a moment seeing the villagers laughing amongst themselves. you look back to the bushes, only to find that he’s gone.
you only stood quiet, the scent of sea salt lingering, his warmth you realized you missed. the night grew colder as you think to yourself with a cheeky thought in mind.
you’ll meet him again.
and you did.
countless of times now after a couple of days had passed. the next morning of that faithful night lead you to go back to the same spot you met him, toying with the water, disturbing it when he was already behind you at that time. in which namor wouldn’t say he has been keeping an eye on you whenever you visited the beach again. you were thrilled, greeting him with your smile. he seemed a bit reluctant meeting you again, telling you that you should not be talking with him. you countered back, asking why then he appears before you when he could’ve ignored her. he smiles at that, offering you a chuckle for the first time. his smile catching you off-guard.
“you intrigue me so, ki'ichpanech.” he would say as you two walk along the shores, talking, asking more about him. he tells stories you never had heard of, legends and so.
“you like it.” you’d tease with a grin. he doesn’t affirm but he does agree in the inside.
your growing friendship with the god only grew larger when the days passed and each day he reminded you to never speak about this strange relation you had with him. you only had weeks left before going back home. a month vacation in yucatán was slowly nearing it’s end and you feared you may not get to see your mysterious friend ever again. you had to cherish the weeks left in counting.
and the subtle attraction you were feeling was growing larger.
he showed you the vast hidden wonders the beach hid as he took you for a swim. the corals, the tide pools, even in the deepest parts of the sea. it was so fascinating to you to see him swim so freely, like it was just a normal thing for him. you had already known that he is not human from the first time you met him. further, he only describes himself as a mutant, the story of his mother and how the first of his people came to be. the talokanil.
“my mother mourned to return to the land wherein she once lived.” he speaks, the waves crashing, you two sitting beside each other on the soft white sands of the shore. watching the sunset over the horizon, a beautiful sight to always see. intimate it felt.
“she was human you had said?”
“je’el. she made me a promise to bury her in the soil of her homeland.” you watch carefully how his eyes catch a glimpse of longing. “but nothing could prepare me for what i found.”
a chill ran down your spine seeing his expression drop into the most chilling hatred you could ever seen from a man. the slavery, those spanish men, the corruption of colonialism that had fallen amongst the surface world. wars broke out, diseases everywhere, more and more tragedies you guessed he would have witnessed for living for 500 years. you were somewhat touch to know how he’s opened up to this, to you.
“there’s nothing that would change how us humans would still be.” you began, sympathizing with him and knowing his hatred for the surface world. “humans are greedy. power is their desire, their lust. the world up here is fucked up.” you chuckled airily, staring off to the ocean.
“you seem to harbor the same resentment to your own world, ki'ichpanech.” he says as you shrugged at it.
“the world is too corrupted nowadays.” you rolled your eyes. “work is work, you work then you die. money is in my head always back home. so yeah, i do hate it up here.”
“you desire to be elsewhere? is it why you are here with me?” he grins as you scoffed at him even though it was true as the blush evident on your face was enough evidence. he has been shamelessly kinda flirting with you over the past days—
…you like him, a lot. it was no surprise you had catch feelings for the man. you learned he is kind and somewhat warm underneath the defensive and cold exterior he had put up when you two first met. he longed for his nation to be free from the terrors of waiting for anyone who’d try to discover them.
“you were a nice surprise to me.” you smiled gently. “but yes, it’s a nice escape here out from the city. even though i hate it here, it quite beautiful to live in.”
“in na'atik.” he hums, intrigued to say how one surface dweller could speak so ill about their own home. his resentment towards the surface world was still growing in him. humans are greedy like you had said, but you, out of all the surface dwellers that had tried to come near him or his nation, you merely just stood before him that night. astonished at him, wonders in your colored irises that held a compassionate understanding for him. he feels his chest swell and throat constrict. that same mushy and fluttery feeling that arose to heat his cheeks and the tip of his ears. overwhelming yet so addicting to feel.
what were you doing with him?
namor only watches you as you stare off to the ocean. he wants to picture this moment in his mind, a mural he now wants to paint for you. a story for you, your curious questions about him and your smile that was like the most beautiful pearls of talokan. he doesn’t want to admit it, nor shall he want to think about it now. dangerous it can be, he only hopes that this would last quicker for the sake of both of your hearts. and for his purposely knowing all would might end in tragedy if he is to act on this.
but he is wrong.
another set of days had passed and tomorrow, that you dreaded, you’ll be going back home. it seemed like time had passed by faster than you expected. you stand alone again by the beach, this time a mesh white scarf wrapped around your arms as you take in the sea breeze again, savoring the moment. namor had wanted to see you again as usual, you knew he was either walking along the shore or might emerge from the sea, waiting for you.
but now he was walking towards you, expecting your bright greeting yet he only found you staring at the horizon again.
“ki'ichpanech?” he starts, softly calling for you. the waves crashes again as your sundress swayed with wind. you met his gaze, snapping out of your thoughts as you composed yourself before the god.
“k’uk’ulkan.” you face him, a little surprised but you smiled at him still. namor watches your serene smile do not go up your eyes. he knows already, you could tell. he always could tell how you were feeling.
“ba'ax úuch?” he asks, enough for you to understand as he stands in-front of you, softening his gaze as you glanced back to the sea, sighing deeply.
“i’m leaving tomorrow.” you finally said, seeing as his expression still as those words he dreaded as well came from your mouth. it’s too soon, he had plans to—
“in the morning.” you confirmed, your heart breaking seeing his stoic expression falter. “to be honest, i don’t want to go.”
“then don’t.” he says, every patience in his body wearing just for him to spew out anything for you to not leave. all his walls he build up for the first time for you already was gone, he accepted it that he wanted you by his side even if you don’t know fully of his true feelings. he had to at least say something before this could all end.
“i can’t.” you shakily said, an overwhelming feeling overcoming you. you didn’t want to leave this place, you didn’t want to leave him yet. “besides, whether i like it or not, i’ll be forced back home.”
you gripped the chiffon scarf, knuckles baring white as namor didn’t know what else to say. every signal in his mind told him many ways he could make you stay but he knows either way you’d be gone. and that this whole relationship you have with him is going to end even if it just had started.
“come with me.” he finally lets it out as he grabs your hand to his. “i wanted to show you something.”
“you have a gift for me?” you teased as his fingers interlocked with yours. he merely chuckles making your heart thump, alongside the feel of his calloused warm hand fits perfectly to yours. you know there’s this silent crave, a want between you two. you never acted this strange tension with him. you always thought he only tolerates you at how adamant you are seeing him, but now… you’re not sure.
“jach asab u jump'éel siibal.” he says, guiding you back to the forest, the familiar path to the underwater cave. “i want you to see a glimpse of my home.”
“k’uk’ulkan.” you scolded, brows knitting as you followed him, letting him guide you. “you had said that your nation is something to be kept away from the surface world. i am apart of that.”
“it is not necessarily talokan yet, ki'ichpanech.” he counters as you two step to see the familiar structure. he ushers you to stand by him in the pool of water but you stop,.
“i don’t want to risk this.” you argued, seeing as he contemplated at that. he was holding back something he’s been harboring, you sighed as you step back, hand letting go of his as he stands in the water. a feeling of deja vu erupted inside you. he looked absolutely the same the night you met him. just that his defensive posture were now soft and relaxed as he gently smiles at you.
“one last night, ki’ichpanech.” namor held his hand out again. “and we will forget all of this in the morning and continue on with our separate lives.”
“but that’s not all, is it?”
namor tenses, he doesn’t really know if a tinge of fear had finally come to him. you can see pass through him, every knit of his brow or clench on his jaw. and he can see you hesitate— you want this, he can tell. every grip of your mesh scarf, the furrow of your brows, the sadness and eagerness in your eyes. you awaited for an answer as he nods.
“come with me.” he steps closer, water splashing, moonlight dawning over you two. “you had said you hated to go back to your home then stay. stay with me.”
he gently brought your hand to his chest as he stared into your eyes. like a trance he is how serene you are underneath the moonlight. your face softening with realization that he’s asking you to live with him. to stay by him forever. you could feel the thump of his heart underneath his skin, he intimately pressed his forehead against yours, never leaving your sight. you didn’t know what to say but just let him continue.
“this does not happen so often. and i fear it will never stop. ka ma' in k'áat ka u detenga.” he whispers, lips brushing against yours, he is holding himself back not to rapture you here and now. sparks flew when you felt it, his other hand situated on your hip. a raw sensation you had now felt for him.
“what about my own life here?”
“i am not so cruel to not give you a choice, ki’ichpanech. but yes, i cannot risk you going back home for my nation if you were to choose to come with me.” you nodded at his words, understanding him. and now you gambled with the possibilities as namor waited patiently for your answer. your mind gambled with the possibilities, you’d leave everything behind.
“and if i chose to leave now?”
“then we will part ways and forget all of this.” he offers a small smile, concealing the pang in his chest.
“why me?” you quietly asked, the words he offered sinking in your mind.
“is it not obvious?” his nose brushed against the tip of yours, heat in his tone. “in ts'íiboltikech.”
a shuddery breath exhales through your lips. his warmth and his closeness should have been the answers but you could not imagine for a god— someone who’s deemed as a god to be wanting you. namor’s patience was wearing thin, if you chose to leave, he’ll gladly accept that, but he somehow hopes for the other one. your eyes shined, his heart thumped as your lips opened—
“in ts'íiboltikech.” you repeated his words as his irises darken, a grin forming as he gladly pulled you closer to him, the cool water splashing around the two of you. the cicadas quieting down, two hearts beating as one.
“ma'alob.” he whispers darkly, sending a shiver down your spine. those words of confirmation had him surging to capture your lips to his. he waited long enough, every night, every morning he thought of you. you were a plague in his mind, corrupting him to think of the most sinful things and the ones he yearned in his own thoughts.
and your lips were sweet, sweeter than the fruits he ever tasted in his life, and he wonders in the back of his mind if your cunt would taste sweeter. making his cock twitch at the thought.
you let out a tiny gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck, the chiffon scarf dropping to the ground. the built up tension between the two of you finally at it’s peak, sizzling down as he moved his lips slowly on yours. slow and passionate, wanting to savor it. your cheeks bloomed with heat when you felt the outline of his prick press against your stomach, hard and hot. catching you by surprised at how particularly needy he felt. but you were as well, absently rubbing your thighs against each other.
he pulls away, breathless making let out a tiny whine. “ko'ox.” he smirks, guiding you deeper in the water, your sundress getting wet but you didn’t care about that. only focused on the man who gently puts something on your face. you look at him questionably, he was holding up a mask of something.
“the dive is deep.” he explains, as he locks the mask in, ushering you gently with adoration in his eyes as you inhaled deeply, following his command.
“breathe, in yakunaj.”
“amazing.” you uttered, staring up to the ceiling of the cave. glowworms were hanging by the stalactites. it emitted this soft blue hue while the sound of the waters of the cave joined in the beautiful scenery. your heart bloomed, you could almost forget about your own home by now. but a tinge of hesitance caused you to overthink this. was it right to leave everything behind? you questioned yourself, standing by the edge, close to the water.
how quick you are to throw everything away.
you bit your bottom lip, nervous you are, wondering if anyone back at the place you called home would question where you are in the following days— months even. you sighed to yourself, pushing it all away in the very back of your mind. you’d worry about that in a more appropriate time. but now here you are, feeling flushed remembering his lips, all thoughts away but just him.
“jats'uts.” his voice echoed, you jumped a bit in surprise as you turned to face him. the beads on your dress rattled, your cheeks glowed as namor went beside you. his eyes draped along your body, the traditional dress he provided for you after your sundress had been absolutely damped was an exquisite sight before him.
“beautiful.” he translated, dark eyes meeting yours. he steps closer, seeing your small shy smile. “the dress suits you so.” he grins.
“thank you for this.” you gestured to the beautiful dress, letting yourself be drawn in his beady orbs as you neared him, letting his hand slip to yours again.
“has this place always been your sanctuary?” you quietly asked as you two walked towards the hut he showed you a while ago that was filled with his murals. you were amazed to see how he had depicted his and his people lives on the wall by the stroke of his brush. the story of how the first talokanil came to be and so fort.
“yes. a place where i can be in solitude.” he nods and leads you inside, never leaving your side.
“and from here, talokan is just down below?” you looked around the room, stopping to admire the big mural on the wall.
“deep below, ki'ichpanech.” he responds, standing beside you, holding something in his hand. your eyes caught the glimpse of a beautiful ornament.
“this is beautiful.” you blurt out, looking to him for approval to touch it as he merely smiled.
“it was my mother’s.” he explains as you touched the beads gently, admiring how pretty it is.
“you said it was made for her before she turned talokanil?” namor nodded, liking the way you remembered his stories.
“as my first gift, i want you to have this.” he grasps your wrists making your heart burst. “a token for my affection.”
“you’ve given me enough. i feel like i should give you something in return.” you pouted as he ties the bracelet on your wrist, ignoring your furrowed look as he kisses you softly before you could protest more. you hummed between his lips, shutting up quickly as you eagerly reciprocated.
“it is not enough.” he says, squeezing the side of your waist. “you’ve already given something in return, in yakunaj. your presence here in my home is enough.” 
his lips descended down to kiss your jaw, peppering down to your neck. inhaling your scent as he nips at your neck. pressing you harder against him, bulge brushing again on your stomach as you craned your neck to feel him sigh blissfully before he sucked and nipped, intent to make you feel mushy in his arms.
“k’uk’ulkan.” you whined as he chuckles.
“your body reacts so eagerly.” he whispers. “have you been waiting for me to touch you like this, ki’ichpanech?” you couldn’t respond but nod lightly, the warmth of his overwhelming. your lips are sealed from embarrassment how right he is. the scruff of his beard tickles you so as he bites a bit harder making you grip his shawl. the only item of clothing you noticed he wore after countless times you had seen him in those green shorts.
“t'aan.” he commands, hands descending down to grasp your ass harshly. you squealed as he hoists you up, legs automatically wrapping around his waist. hands on his broad shoulders as he guides both of you to the bed in his hut. your back hitting the bed, him towering over you. you could see the feral look in his eyes as you can’t help but obey him.
“je’el.” you whimpered as he slants his mouth to yours again, eating you up. he can’t help but smile at how his language rolls off your lips, his mayan lessons paying off to you. your soft hands cupped his cheek, fueling the desire. his hand descends down to caress your thigh, rubbing gently before your dress pools to your stomach, lower half exposed to the cold air. namor could feel the heat he yearned as his fingertips gently brushed against your exposed cunt. you bare underneath the dress he provided, his aching cock wishing to come out.
“táan jach mojado, wáaj tuláakal ti' teen?” namor pressed his fingertip gently on your aching nub. you gasped, back arching, eyes slightly widening how the two of you are now doing this—
“please.” you begged as he only applied pressure, no rubbing or whatsoever, he seemed so smug as he had you this desperate. he shifts from his place, shrugging off his royal shawl, dropping it to the floor as he removes anything that might get into his way as he opens your legs, looking up for your consent as your eyes meet his.
“please.” you affirm again as he gingerly kisses the top of your knee.
he doesn’t know what fucking ambrosia fills his scent but the sight of your bare glistening cunt makes his whole body react accordingly. he descends down, kissing your knee before resting comfortably to kiss your inner thigh, the scent of your arousal tingling him.
“perfect.” he groans, can’t help but kiss your aching clit. licking his lips as your hands laced through his dark locks as he laps away like a starved man. you moan out, his tongue working wonders. you could not believe how eager he is to eat your cunt up like it’s his last meal. every flick, lick, kiss and suck, all over again and again making your thighs clamp hard around his head.
you fear you might suffocate him with your own cunt but you remembered the man literally breathes in water. namor could do this all day, he thinks, growling at how fucking tart your nectar is— how fucking dripping it is for him— only him.
namor melts between your thighs, in dazed and drunk. the sound of your muffled moans as the plush heat of your thighs at either sides of his face had him groaning. he sucks harsher, feeling your hips stutter as he puts his arm on top of your stomach to hold you in place. never stopping his feast, the more he licked and lapped, the more you begged with his name. his other hand could not help but slide down to his, gripping his clothed bulge, a shiver ran down his spine at the pressure that he could not take anymore.
“k’uk’ulkan…” you repeated, feeling your stomach coil in the pressure of his sinful mouth and tongue. he hums, pulling back, sitting up as his lips glistened with your arousal, fueling your desire as you whined. he palms himself, still staring down at you as you stared at the prize just under his hand. you carefully sat up, all thoughts seemingly trashed in your fucked-out mind. namor’s chest rose as he breathes in how angelic you are crawling towards him, your face dazed out and mouth glistening with your own saliva, hungry.
“what do you want, my love?” he asks as he grins making you momentarily look up to meet his eyes. you didn’t say anything as you pressed your lips to his bare stomach, making him shudder as his abs flexed the moment your soft lips touched his heated skin, the grip on his clothed cock tightened as you trailed down to meet his happy trail.
vixen. he surpasses the urge to call you that out loud, not when your hand is now shoving his hand away from his cock. he lets you do whatever you want with him, anticipation in his blood as your fingers curled in the hem of his shorts. ready for you to pull it down but you stopped for a moment as you stared up to him again, a plead in your gaze.
“can i?” you ask quietly.
something inside him breaks hearing your soft voice ask for his permission. he lets out a breath, hand coming up to caress your cheek as you nuzzled against his palm, waiting for his answer.
“je’el.” he nods, his words coming out in a slight tremble. he could feel himself succumb to the thought of you doing anything with him— everything in fact. you grin suddenly, breaking the eye contact as you pulled his shorts down completely, him helping you get it off as you tossed it to the ground.
namor groaned as his cock bounced up slightly, the cool air making him bite his lower lip as you gawked at it. you were speechless, taken aback, not expecting that it would be— that girthy in size. you gulped, remembering the countless times you would glance at his bulge whenever you two were either swimming in the sea or walking along the shore, it was something you couldn’t help but feel dirty for imagining what he truly looks like down their.
but now you’ve seen everything.
“you can take it, no?” he suddenly quips making you grumble in determination as you lulled yourself back from staring at his shaft. you wrapped your hand around his base making the said man shut up as he sighs out.
“i can.” you mumbled, totally not intimidated by his fucking length and girth overall. you pumped him slowly, right amount of pressure seeing the tip leak out a bit. wondering how you are making a said ‘god’ now weak on his knees, hearing little huffs come from his mouth but still looking so composed. you admired how reserved he looks as you dart your tongue out to lick the fat head.
“mierda—“ he grumbles, a hand gripping the back of your head as the other fumbled with your breast and whatever skin he can reach as he stays still watching you finally engulf him slowly. your mouth stretched accommodating his size as you hummed, liking the way he taste and maybe a tiny bit saltier— you were not complaining though.
“look at you.” he speaks with adoration, admiring the way you started to suck him off, letting him in deeper inside of your hot cavern inch by inch you can take. the way you are on your knees for him, glancing at him from time to time as you meet his hungry eyes. he resists the urge to fuck your mouth, savoring how determined you are to make him feel the same pleasure as he did on you. you were serious to making him feel good, bobbing your head up and down as your other hand gripped his base, pumping him where your mouth can’t reach. your eyes watered as the tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a bit as you pulled him out, panting.
the string of saliva appeared as you licked your lips, kissing the tip again as you gently put him in your mouth again. namor hissed feeling the coil in his stomach almost snap. you continued on with your pace, liking the way you could hear his labored breaths and little groans, making you smile a bit as the salty taste of him had you addicted.
this is torture. namor thinks as he lets you suck him off for a bit before abruptly pulling himself out of your mouth, making you whine. he chuckles seeing your expression before he captured your lips again, tasting himself as he pushed you to lay back on the bed. you reciprocated with eagerness as you opened your legs for him to slant himself there, cock grazing your cunt making you let out a low moan in his mouth. namor swallows those pretty sounds of yours before pulling away as he pressed his forehead against yours. a knowing look in his eyes as you waited for him to speak first.
“can i?” he finally asks, grinding himself on your cunt. you whimpered, looking down to see how desperate he is before looking back to his eyes.
“please.” you muttered, cupping his cheeks as shuffles in his place. his hand reaching down to grasp himself, positioning his head to rub against your entrance as you cursed at the wet feeling.
“k’uk’ulkan…” you mewled, anticipating he’d ram himself inside of you this instant but he’s patient as ever as he rubs the fat bulb of his head on your clit, gathering enough slick before finally pushing in slowly. making your back arch at the intrusion as your hands fly down to grasp his broad shoulders.
“is it too much?” he suddenly asks, concerned, watching you carefully. you smiled at his concerns as you kissed the tip of his nose.
“it’s perfect.” you whispered, clenching around him to signal him to get on with it. namor growls as he does what you want, bottoming out in you as deep as he can go. he stills for the moment, you two immersed at the feeling of each other. a sort of fuzzy feeling of something special how connected you two are. gentle caresses and kisses of encouragement exchanged between the two of you as he finally gives an experimental thrust.
“perfecto.” he sighs, kissing you again as you grinned. namor grinds into you slowly at first, feeling the way your walls clench around him as he hits a spot. he leaves kisses on your face, marks on your neck, whispers of undying loving words how you make him feel so good. you merely moan out his name as he starts to pick up a good pace that has you desperate on him.
“jach jats'uts yáanal tin.” he pants, hand caressing you everywhere as he stares at your blissed out face. each hard snap of his hips making your body bounce at the intensity. the lewd wet slapping adding in as heat and sweat enveloped you two. you whimpered at how his cock was hitting that spot making your hips wiggle and back arch. it felt so sticky yet so good at how he’s so passionate about this.
absolutely perfect. your mind screams as you wrap your arms around his torso, grasping his back as he fucks you with vigor. your whines like a sirens song to his ears, he rests his lips on your forehead as he pounds into you. feeling himself on the verge as you clenched around him tightly as ever, a signal to him that you were also cumming. namor kisses every inch of your face before swallowing up your moans you were about to cum. your heart pounded in synch with his as he desperately fucked into you. you gasped loudly, gripping his skin, nails digging, body convulsing with pleasure as his thrusts became sloppier, pounding in through your orgasm.
“ki’ichpanech…” namor practically breaths out your name next, eyes shutting for a moment as he feels him release. one, two, three powerful thrusts sends him home as he almost rips the beddings apart above your head. blood rushes to your ears as the intensity stops. he slumps a bit, laying his weight on your body but not too much, fearing you’d be crushed. both your breaths only to be heard as it fills the silence of the room.
everything slows down the moment when his eyes flutter open to meet yours. the exact same eyes he had first met in the moonlight. your heart soars to see him soften as you kissed him gently, soft and pillowy it felt, something slow after that. your hand instinctively brushes the stray hair from his forehead, sweat beading there. he plants more kisses again on your face as you giggled, only gasping as he removes himself abruptly. there are so many things you wanted to say to him in those moment but all are left unsaid when he laces your hands together. a glint in his eyes, all you adore.
“stay with me, ki’ichpanech.” he says, as if you would leave him. you can’t help but nod quickly as ever like you did when he asked you to go with him here. you knew what you were in for and you were sure for it, knowing your heart won’t stop beating so loudly when he smiles now as you mutter a verbal confirmation out, concealing it. the glimpse of his mother’s bracelet on your wrist a wonderful glimpse of a future.
“i will.”
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ahummingbirdwitch · 3 months
OH MY GREAT HEAVENS your Cypher are so good,, I would love to request a fluffy Cypher x Reader fic, possibly one where he tries to DIY a gift for you (it ends up looking not as he expected)
Thank you sm anon!! Here ya go :)
Makeshift (Cypher x F!Reader)
Summary: Cypher DIYs a gift for your birthday. So sweet it’ll give you cavities.
Pairing: Cypher x F!Reader
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 944
Warnings: none
Notes: I had the same Reader character in mind from my usual Cypher fics but y’all are free to imagine anyone you like!
Your birthday was coming up, and your gift had to be perfect.
Cypher wasn’t one to brag, but he liked to consider himself the best gift-giver in Valorant. There was no competition, really. He had every agent’s passwords, to all their devices and accounts; he knew what kinds of sites they perused, what things they added to their carts while shopping online, so when birthdays and holidays came around, he was practically Santa Claus. It wasn’t a secret how he knew what his friends wanted, but they were all grateful nonetheless.
The ones he cared about, anyway. Sova got a lump of coal every Christmas.
You were no different. He knew pretty much everything you liked, all your favorite sites and items and things you were saving up for. He could easily just buy you the first thing on your wishlist or have your favorite meal delivered to HQ, but you weren’t just any agent to him, and this wasn’t just any birthday. You were his girlfriend, and this had to be special. You deserved something straight from the heart.
So, after much deliberation, he’d decided to make something himself.
He’d made plenty of gadgets in his life, all for work, but he’d never made anything of that nature for someone. Nothing meant to be a gift, anyway. He’d thought about making you something practical, like a hair dryer or an electric massage stick, but nothing seemed personal enough. You needed something sentimental.
You loved bears, so at last, he decided he’d make his first real robot: a little bear-shaped friend.
In all honesty, Cypher struggled to put it together. He was good with tech, that much was true, but his devices weren’t nearly as advanced as Killjoy’s. He’d thought about asking her for help more than once, but ultimately, he’d stuck to his work and pressed on alone. This was his gift to you, and he could do it himself. No challenge was too big.
The night before your birthday, it was finally finished. He wiped his forehead and took a step back, admiring his handiwork. It wasn’t as flashy as something Killjoy would’ve made, but that was okay. He’d done it all himself.
He just hoped you liked it.
^ ^ ^
“Alright,” Cypher said, guiding you towards your desk chair. “Sit down, and close your eyes, dear.”
“Ooh, is it time for my surprise?” you asked, giggling as you took a seat.
“Yes. Come on now, close them.”
“Okay.” You did as you were told.
Cypher removed the bear from its box, taking a deep breath before holding it out to you. “Okay. Open them.”
You obeyed. The second you saw the bear—a miniature version of your teddy bear in white and blue colors—your eyes nearly popped from your skull. “Aww, Amir!” you exclaimed, accepting it from him. “It’s my Teddy! But he’s little!”
Cypher’s face flushed under his mask. “Do you like it?”
“Like it?” You were grinning from ear to ear. “I love it! He’s so cute!”
His heart warmed, fluttering with love and relief. “I was calling him Mini-Bear,” he said. “But you can call him whatever you like.” He took a step closer, taking the bear from you gently so he could feel around the back. “He… also speaks.”
He pressed a button, and his own voice came out of the bear: “I am always watching you, my dear.”
You stared in awe, looking absolutely delighted. “Oh my God. That’s so sweet!” You took the bear back from him. “You really made him all by yourself?”
Cypher chuckled. “Yes. It was… a bit tricky, I’ll admit. But I think he turned out okay.”
“He turned out great.” You hit the button again, beaming when another line came from the bear, also in Cypher’s voice: “Thinking of you, sokar.”
Cypher blushed. “Maybe don’t run through all of them right now…”
You gave him a cheeky grin, then hit the button again. “Sleep well, princess,” the bear said.
“Princess?” You smiled coyly. “I haven’t heard that one before.”
Cypher scratched the back of his neck. “It is… cheesy, I know. But the bear said it, not me!”
You laughed and hit the button again. “Goodnight, my dear,” the bear said. Suddenly, it began to stutter. “I—I love—love—love—”
Cypher froze, panicked. “Shit,” he muttered. He hurried to grab the bear from you. “I—oh no. Oh dear. I thought—I thought the voice box was stable.”
You looked up at him, eyes round, still smiling. “Hey, it’s okay! It just glitched for a sec.”
“No, no.” He looked over the bear, wanting to phase through the floor and disappear. “Shit. I can—fix that. It was—not supposed to do that.”
Especially not when he’d been in the middle of saying… that.
“Amir.” He felt your hands on his, and slowly, he allowed you to take the bear. “It’s okay, I promise. I love it.” You cradled Mini-Bear in your arms, blushing as you smiled down at it. “That line… were you saying what I… thought you were saying?”
Cypher looked at you, heart full. Embarrassed as he was, he could see as clear as day how happy you were, and relaxed. “Yes,” he murmured at last. “I have… been meaning to say it. For some time now.”
You got to your feet, leaving Mini-Bear in the chair before wrapping your arms around Cypher. “Thank you, Amir,” you whispered. “I love him. But I love you most.”
Hearing those sweet words from you made all of his work worthwhile, even if it hadn’t all turned out perfect. He held you closer, hugging you tightly as he closed his eyes, savoring the moment. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Clan of Three Christmas Special 2023
Father Figure! Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Teen! Reader
Mouse Note: Happy holidays! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and like this little moment for Mando and Ginger and Grogu
            “What are gifts traditional for apprentices?” asked Mando.
            The Armorer turned from the Forge to face him. “Why do you ask?”
            “It is the anniversary of when I found Grogu and (Y/N). I want to commemorate it,” said Mando simply.
            The Armorer nodded approvingly. “You have a strong bond with your Clan. That is good.” She placed her hammer down and fully focused on Mando. “So, you wish for gifts.”
            “Yes,” said Mando. “I’ve given Grogu chainmail to protect him, and (Y/N) has their remade Ushti dagger. I have not had a Clan of my own or apprentices before, so I don’t know what I should give them next.”
            The Armorer considered carefully. “Grogu is still quite young for more armor. Perhaps a game for him.”
            Mando nodded. “He would enjoy that.” He paused. “Grogu, uh, likes the silver topper of one of the levers from my old ship. It’s a simple sphere, but he’d like that.”
            The Armorer nodded. “Very well. And for (Y/N)?”
            “They have a blaster and dagger, and I don’t feel comfortable arming them more,” said Mando.
            “Their tendency to run into danger worries you,” said the Armorer in amusement.
            Mando sighed. “Yes.”
            “Then how about something to protect them?” suggested the Armorer. “A piece of armor would guard against some injuries.” She looked at the Mythosaur emblem on the wall. It reminded her that Mandalore the Great had chosen (Y/N) to guide. That was significant. “And it is time for them to start obtaining armor. They have more than earned their first piece.”
            Mando brightened but kept calm. “Yes. That would be good. I’d enjoy the honor of giving (Y/N) their first bit of Mandalorian armor.”
            The Armorer turned back to her tools. “What piece shall I craft?”
            “A gauntlet for their wrist or forearm,” said Mando. “To protect their dominant arm while they fight.”
            The Armorer nodded in approval. “This is the Way.”
            “This is the Way,” said Mando.
            “You’re supposed to throw it back to me, Grogu,” said (Y/N), hands on their hips as they looked at their brother.
            Grogu babbled happily, still levitating the stone in front of him. (Y/N) rolled their eyes, lifted a hand, and pulled the stone to them. Grogu squawked indignantly.
            “Relax, I’m going to toss it right back,” said (Y/N), flicking their ring and letting the rock float back to Grogu, who smiled widely upon getting to levitate it again. (Y/N) grinned but rolled their eyes. “I need practice, too.”
            “You’re supposed to be resting after our last mission,” said Mando, walking up behind them and crossing his arms.
            Grogu let the rock drop, and (Y/N) turned around without any embarrassment or guilt.
            They shrugged. “I feel fine.”
            “The last time you said that, you slept for an entire day when I finally got you to rest,” said Mando.
            “That was one time, Buir,” said (Y/N).
            “Ad’ika, we both know it was more than that,” said Mando.
            “Okay, fine, maybe it was,” said (Y/N). “Sorry.”
            “You’re not, but I’m going to accept your apology because I’m going to make you rest,” said Mando.
            “Whatever you say,” said (Y/N). They noticed the little parcels he was carrying. “What’re those?”
            Mando suddenly shifted, getting shyer. He still wasn’t used to being so soft, even if it was with his kids. And he wanted to do this right since it was an important moment.
            “They’re gifts. For you and Grogu,” said Mando. “It’s the day that I found you two first.”
            Grogu and (Y/N) were both silent.
            “Is this alright?” asked Mando.
            “You actually…You remember those things?” said (Y/N).
            “Of course. You’re the most important parts of my life,” said Mando.
            (Y/N) moved forward and hugged him tightly, and Grogu chirped and jumped up to hug him. Mando was surprised and balanced the presents before hugging them back.
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N), and Grogu babbled in agreement.
            “You haven’t even seen what I got you,” said Mando.
            “Yeah, but you care about that. What you got us doesn’t matter,” said (Y/N).
            Mando smiled beneath his helmet. “Thank you, Ad’ika.”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “Doesn’t mean I don’t still want the gift, though.”
            “I know,” said Mando with a light laugh. He held up the presents. “This one is yours, and this one is Grogu’s.”
            Before Mando could even hand them over, the parcels levitated and flew to their recipients as the force moved for them. Grogu eagerly opened his first and babbled with a grin as he held up the silver ball.
            (Y/N) smiled. “He’ll be levitating and throwing that around the whole ship.”
            Mando sighed. “I know, but it makes him happy.”
            (Y/N) opened theirs then, and their eyes widened as they lifted up the beskar gauntlet. “Is this Mandalorian armor?”
            “You’re a Mandalorian,” said Mando simply. “And you’ve risked your life for us so many times that you have earned it, Ad’ika.”
            (Y/N) grinned, closed the gauntlet around their forearm, and hugged Mando again. “Thank you so much, Buir.” They were a Mandalorian. More than that though, they were Mando’s child. And that’s what meant the most.
            “Of course, Ad’ika,” said Mando, holding them close. He had his kids. That was all he needed.
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indignantlemur · 11 months
The Directory!
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Emigre: link
Pairing(s): Original Andorian Character/Original Human Character (Dagmar/Shral), Andorian/Andorian, Andorian/Human/Andorian/Andorian
Rating: Explicit (as of chapter 44)
Status: In-Progress, available via AO3
A tear in the fabric of space and time has consequences that echo across ages; an unexpected arrival from the twenty-first century challenges a nation's perceptions and sets a most unlikely precedent. An exploration of Andorian culture from a Human's POV.
The Stars Keep Watch: link
Pairing(s): Va'Al Trask/Original Human Character (Va'Al/Mira)
Rating: Explicit
Status: In-Progress, available via AO3
Mira Vos signed up for Starfleet only to find herself posted to hell. Undersupplied and overstressed, the fighting on J'Gal threatens to wear her down. The arrival of a special forces unit led by a handsome Andorian promises a break in the routine... A classic wartime romance - but In Space.
🎄🎁❄️Deck the Halls (and Not the Vulcans): link
Pairings: Dagmar/Shral (background)
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete, available on AO3
It's winter time in San Francisco, and the Andorian embassy has just been challenged to participate in a friendly competition between the Federation's founding species' embassies. The objective? To see who can best decorate a Terran Christmas tree. The prize? Nothing less than deeply coveted bragging rights for the coming year.
Dagmar Gunnarssen has never been so ready for anything in her entire life.
Hoarfrost: 🚧🛠️
Pairing(s): Dagmar Gunnarssen & Ambassador Thoris th'Kor, Background relationships from Emigre
Rating: Teen
Status: In-Progress, not yet available via AO3. (Pssst! Sneak peak available: link)
An unusually powerful ion storm forces Ambassador Thoris and his retinue to abandon ship over a largely uninhabited planet. Some of the last to make it to the escape pods, Thoris and Dagmar wind up separated from the others. Together, they must navigate a frozen, eerily barren landscape - and survive.
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Emigre Art:
Shral: finished
Thelen: finished with detail shots
Miraal: in-progress, in-progress update
Ambassador Thoris: finished (tentative)
Vrath: finished
'An Eventful Meeting' : finished
IndignantLemur's Very Serious & Accurate Antennae Expression Guide: here!
Dagmar's courting ring: here
Kelenthor the Clanless: here
Fancy Drinks and Fancy Duds: in-progress
Andorian Chitin Map Reference: Thelen, Thoris, Shral: here
IndignantLemur's Very Serious & Accurate Quad Marriage Diagram: here
Dagmar sketches: here
Thoris sketches: here
Hallway Conversations: in-progress
Andorian Mermaids/Swimming with Dagmar: finished
Winter Holiday Series: Dagmar/Shral: finished
Cozy Scenes: Dagmar & Thelen: here
CANON Fan Art: Shran: here
Serrin of Romulus: finished (@bigblissandlove1 commission)
S'Talon of Romulus: finished (@bigblissandlove1 commission)
Gift commission: finished (@the-lady-general commission)
Emperor Georgiou: finished (@the-lady-general commission)
Lt Hemmer: finished (@nichestartrekkie0-0 gift)
Cmdr Ophelia Zubira: finished (@unknownfacelessfanfictions)
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Andorian Headcanons:
Andorians and Food
Andorians and the Sea
Andorian Governing Bodies & The Role of Nepotism
Andorian Marriage Dynamics & Divorce
Andorian Proposals
Andorian Religion & Spirituality (And horror stories)
The Andorian Imperial Clan
Andorian Hair
Andorian Holidays
Andorian Courtship Ring Metallurgy
Andorian Medical Professionals
Andorian Awards and Commendations
Andorians and Figure Skating
Andorians and Dancing
Andorians and Currency
The Andorian Facepalm?
Andorian-Vulcan relations pre-ST:ENT
Andorian Language and Conlang
Andorian Weddings and Funerals
Andorian Attitudes on Interspecies Relationships
Andorian-Human Hybridization
The Am Tal and The Andorian Incident
Andorian Clan Identification and Chitin Patterns
Andorian Names
Andorians and Adoption
Clanless Andorians
Andorians and Rites of Passage into Adulthood
The Code of the Ushaan and the Holmgang
Andorian Fairy Tales
Kelenthor the Clanless and Watercolours
Human-Andorian First Contact headcanons
Andorian Fashion and Fabrics
Are Andorians Extroverts or Introverts?
Andorian Family Dynamics
Andorian Cosmetics and Perfumes
Andorian Arts: Theatre/Opera/Poetry/Etc
Andorian Quad Marriages vs Bonds
Temperatures on Andoria
Andorian Humour and Philosophy
The Spirits of Andoria
Andorian Blood Chemistry RE: Toxins and Cyanide
Andorian Homes and Decor
Star Trek Species in the Star Wars Universe
Andorian Mate Selection (Pheromones, Personality Traits, & More)
Andorians on Punks and Goths
Andorians on Diss Tracks
Andorians and Crime & Punishment
Emigre General Discussions:
Healing and Grief in Emigre
The Bulreeng Taal Beatdown
Author's Commentary: Chapter 41 - Grace and Poise
Author's Commentary: Chapter 37 - Connection
What Do The Andorians (and Dagmar) of Emigre Smell Like?
Author's Commentary: Chapter 43: The Star Thief
What Language Is Dagmar Speaking?
Author's Commentary: Chapter 46 - Face the Facts
General Writing Asks:
Advice For New Writers
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Director's Cut - ask for a writer's commentary on a chapter, section, line, or scene in their work, or send a ⭐for free-range rambles!
Fic Ask! - Pick a fic and I'll tell you a fact about it - or ask a question and I'll answer!
WIP Name Game - Pick a WIP title and I'll tell you a bit about it or post a snippet!
Writer Ask Game - send an emoji, get an answer!
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Emigre Playlists:
Dagmar - I Don't Belong In This Club
Dagmar - All I Can Do Is Try
Dagmar/Shral - I Will Melt With You
Dagmar/Thelen - Shut Up & Dance
Anlenthoris th'Kor - The Old Warhawk
Emigre Atmospheric Mixes:
Dagmar At The Office
Hovercar Ride With Shral
Hoarfrost Atmospheric Mixes:
Walking Through A Blizzard
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(You can always request to be added to the list!)
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
DC Universe Holiday Special #1 (2008)
Another of my favourite Christmas Specials.
The Man In Red – Santa Claus. An origin story for Santa Claus, modelled on Clark’s histoy. (Hits all the beats of a Last Son of Krypton recounting)
Somewhere Beyond the Sea – Aquaman! You know who I haven’t seen in any of the compilations yet? Arthur! We’ve had Garth, but no Arthur. In any case this is uh quite a story. Arthur rescues a couple lost at sea in a boat, the woman extremely pregnant. He's guided to shore by his father's lighthouse...only to realise it was a star behind the lighthouse, not the lighthouse itself. When the couple gets ashore they're met by two men 'dressed like kings' (this is the point when I groaned). Yes, Arthur's the third Magi/Wise Man here.
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Instinctively, willingly, I join them and knee before her and her unborn child. I look at the other men, who came bearing gifts. I feel ashamed because... "I'm sorry. I have no gifts to give." "No, Sea King, you gave me the most important gift of all." They walk away. I know I will never see her again, never meet her child, I should feel empty, but this is the most special of nights. I fight every urge to join them. Instead I make my way to my one true home, the sea.
Good King Wenceslas – this is a Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen team, if you need selling on it. It's just the main verses of the Christmas Carol, but it's done as an Elseworlds where the King is the Bat and the Page is a Robin (The peasant is Alfred).
A Day Without Sirens – Commissioner Gordon, Batman, Oracle. The premise is the city bands together for a day without the need for emergency calls or police intervention. Jim gets a little bit of hope (Oracle actually diverted the phones for a day and had Supergirl doing all the work, as a Christmas present for her dad).
Reminiscent of and in conversation with The Silent Night of the Batman from Batman #219.
It’s a Wonderful Night – Nightwing and Robin. This one I know inside and out. Tim goes to a Christmas Eve showing of It’s a Wonderful Life because it was Jack’s favourite Christmas movie. He runs into Owen Mercer there for the same reason, which makes things awkward as their dads killed each other. Dick, who’s been looking for Tim, arrives and gives Tim his Christmas present: one of Dick’s original costumes, a gift that he manages to sneak in RIGHT under the deadline of oncoming events, as Battle for the Cowl starts only three months later.
Christmas With The Beetles – Blue Beetle. The story of four generations of a criminal family and breaking the cycle, through the lens of three generations of Blue Beetle. (It's sweet. It's exactly the sort of ethos I love to see in a Blue Beetle story).
An Angel Told Me – Huntress. 'Teacher!Helena and her students'. In this one Helena lends a hand to one of her students, Alejandro, who is about to be suspended for bullying and who has an abusive homelife. She gets the kid's father locked up for drug possession and illegal firearms, so he'll be placed in care with his grandmother, and gets his suspension transferred to helping her with the 'Reach' program, which is community assistance for disabled students. (The depiction of autism in this is very stereotyped, and it's clearly not the ONLY disability in play)
The Night Before Christmas – Teen Titans. They all go to a Christmas market.
Jaime and Traci are an adorable couple in this.
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But the meat of the story is Cassie and Tim, who are both more settled now, after One Year Later has finally fully spooled out, and able to talk about their losses.
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(Also I've always adored the art and colour in this story, which is by Michael Dimotta and of a style you really don't see in superhero comics much)
Party Animal – JLA. John Stewart and Roy Harper capture Shaggyman right during the start of the JLA holiday party. Vixen, who's organising it, orders them both up there asap so the two decide to bring Shaggy along.
It's very much an office party.
Let There Be Light – Doctor Light. This is basically a character history piece of Kimiyo Hoshi for people unfamiliar with her backstory and motivations. The villain fight she's in knocks out the Metropolis power grid, so Doctor Light turns it back on.
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one for the books
modern bookseller au • 4250 words • teen
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this is my second and final entry for the 2022 @fsadventanthology! look out for more amazing art and writing from the fandom throughout the month of december. a special thank you to @vagueandominousvibes for organizing this event and accommodating my panicked pms as i completely switched ideas at the last second.
"It began with strictly customer-employee interactions—Mystery Guy asked Vio if he knew any good books about dragons, and Vio asked if he was looking for something more Middle Earth or middle grade (the answer was both). The first actual purchase the guy made was a TJ Klune book—Vio forgets which one—accompanied by an experimental and exceedingly gory graphic novel. It was around the two-week mark that Vio noticed he never asked Green, or Blue, or even Red for recommendations or small talk. This idiot identified the most antisocial employee of the bunch and decided yeah, this is the one I’ll tell all about my middle school Warrior Cats phase."
read it on ao3 or under the cut:
Not even the independent bookstore is immune to shitty corporate Christmas radio. 
For eighty-five percent of the calendar year, Vio and his coworkers are allowed to play their own music at a reasonable volume. The store manager is surprisingly flexible in the music she allows in the store—while Green’s lo-fi video game soundtracks and Vio’s classical music fit the whole bookshop vibe well enough, Blue’s fixation with 2000’s pop-punk isn’t nearly as appropriate. But still, Zelda lets him play it, and when it’s really dead she’ll even give Red the aux, even though his preferred tracks rarely come without an explicit content warning. 
That exact kind of freedom is easily the best part of Vio’s job, really distinguishing the Bookseller Experience™ from other retail positions he’s held in the past. Here he’s encouraged to offer personal recommendations to customers, and write shelf talkers for his favorite books, and curate perfect playlists for long seven-hour shifts. He’s still working, and it’s still retail, but sharing his oldest and deepest passion with every stranger who happens to walk through the doorway never fails to feel special. 
Except, apparently, during the months of November and December. Can he put up a uniquely themed display of underappreciated novels? Nope, every surface is reserved for bestsellers and regional gift guide selections. Can he play his own music? Not when customers can be so easily lulled into purchasing special hardcover editions by the crooning voice of Bing Crosby. 
This entire holiday season, there have been two Grinches in the bookstore—one on the designated Seuss shelf, and the other behind the counter. Vio stands there now, absolutely miserable in a purple sweater and his well-worn scrunchie, counting down the seconds until he finally can close up shop. 
“Got any fun plans?” asks Red, his only other coworker at the moment. Zelda and Green are off visiting Green’s dad a few towns away, and Blue took the day off to do some last-minute shopping. Vio, meanwhile, hadn’t even considered taking off Christmas Eve. It’s not like he’s getting holiday pay or anything, but it’s better than sitting around alone in his apartment. This is the first time in his life that he won’t be able to make it home for the holidays—thanks, retail—and he’s putting on a brave face about it, but… 
“I’m fine,” Vio says, tearing apart a post-it note in his chapped hands. He watches the snow fall through the show window, equally charmed and inconvenienced in anticipation of his walk home. 
“I didn’t ask if you were fine,” Red said, completely genuine and even a bit concerned. “I’d ask if you’re okay based on that answer, but, well, y’know.” 
“Sorry,” Vio says, shoving the shreds of paper into his pocket. He regrets wasting it with his idle fidgeting, too ashamed to relinquish it to the recycling bin. 
 Red stares at him with a placating smile. “Actually, can you do me a favor?” 
Vio raises an eyebrow, the yes implied. 
“Wrap my gift for Blue, please,” Red says, grabbing a softcover book from the staff hold shelf. He’s been obscuring it for a week with a poster for the newest Louise Penny mystery, out of his fiancee’s sight and mind. 
Jesus Christ. Red is only a year older than Vio, and he already has a fiancee. 
“Special order?” Vio asks, admittedly pleased by Red’s request. Vio is, hands-down, the best gift-wrapper among the bookstore’s staff. He takes every opportunity to go to his little corner and do his little process and curl his pretty little bow and incidentally avoid actually interacting with the customers themselves. Very few things can fully get Vio in the holiday spirit, but give him a stack of six hardcovers and a fresh roll of non-denominational colored ribbon and he’s Mariah fucking Carey. 
“Yeah, and it got here just in time!” He hands the book to Vio, who takes a second to examine. It’s a manga—no surprise there, Blue’s the go-to guy for that section—with some vaguely gay shit on the cover that they’d probably display in June. 
“It was on backorder for so long,” Red explains as Vio begins his meticulous wrapping process. “He still thinks it is, with the supply chain, so I know this’ll totally blow his mind.” 
“Do you think he got you a book too?” Vio creases the white-and-gold wrapping paper and reaches for the tape dispenser labeled ‘FOR GIFT WRAPPING DO NOT MOVE.’
“Maybe! Probably! We do get a 30% discount, so it’d be silly not to do gift shopping here.” 
Vio knows all about that. He had shipped his parents’ gifts last week, hand-wrapped of course, with a little note that he tried not to make too melancholy. Otherwise, he wasn’t really on the hook for gift-giving or receiving. All of his college friends had left town after graduation, and most of them are working retail as well. 
“Thanks,” Vio says, his voice softer than he’s allowed it to be all day. He’s been stuck for hours in this mental place between ‘Christmas Eve means nothing to me because I’m alone,’ and ‘oh my god it’s Christmas Eve and I’m alone.’ 
“Thanks for what?” Red asks, passing Vio the blue spool. Vio measures it with expert concentration and begins the exhilarating process of ribbonification (not a technical term). 
“For asking me to do this,” Vio says as he uses a pair of scissors to curl a little bow. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bummer all day, I know you probably don’t want to be here either.” 
Red shrugs. “I really don’t mind, but I appreciate your saying so. I know it’s your first Christmas alone. I’d invite you to join me and Blue, but you don’t seem like the third wheel type.” 
“No, I am not. And besides, you guys deserve a cozy romantic night together.”
“And you act like you’re so above Christmas stuff,” Red teases as Vio hands him the wrapped gift. “I bet you’d love to be all cuddled up with some cute guy by a fire.” 
“Shut up,” Vio says, hiding his face behind his hand. Really? Is that all it takes to make his blush? Apparently so, and he hates it. 
“I mean,” Red says, suddenly serious, “there is that guy. You know, the one who’s been coming in specifically to antagonize you for over two months.” 
“He’s a customer,” Vio says, although of course he knows exactly what Red is suggesting. “He’s here for books, and I think he works down the street so it makes sense that he’d stop by often.” 
“He must have been working a lot these past few weeks, then, and only on the exact days that you happen to have shifts.” 
Vio didn’t know that part of it, and he’s sure his expression tells Red just as much. He still won’t take the bait, though, because the situation Red is suggesting simply isn’t something that would happen in real life. In a contemporary romance novel, sure, or a fanfic—but not in the real world, with an annoyingly handsome purple-haired enigma who can’t possibly be younger than twenty or older than twenty-five. 
Not that Vio’s speculated  about his age or anything, because that would be super weird. Even weirder would be for a service employee to hit on a customer, or vice-versa, so the age thing doesn’t even matter in the first place. There are just too many power imbalances at play between them, and so many unknowns, like the guy’s name and job and if he even likes men, or Vio specifically, because what a weird assumption to make based on vague flirtation— 
“Okay, so you’re freaking out,” Red says, shaking Vio out of his… whatever that was. “And you’re shredding the wrapping paper.” 
Vio looks down at his hands and groans. Dammit, again?
“Hey,” Red tries to calm Vio as he steps back from the counter. “Just try to relax. I’m sorry for teasing, I promise I don’t know anything more than you do. We’ve all just noticed, over the holiday season, that this guy seems particularly interested in your mystery book display, and, well, you. It’s sweet. We like when he comes in. We like seeing you happy.”
“That asshole doesn’t make me happy,” Vio argues, glancing over at the shop’s single current creative display. He’d adapted the idea from a popular Valentine’s Day tradition—blind date with a book—and the mystery titles, only described with a few selling points, have been selling surprisingly well. Customers seem to enjoy Vio’s bullet-point lists, giving them a clue right on the wrapping paper as to which books would be best suited for their loved ones. And Vio enjoys writing the short descriptions, especially for lesser-known books with particularly unfortunate cover designs. It’s a great little project, and in a lot of ways has gotten him through the sales season—except, there’s been one hitch.  
Back in November, right around the time Vio had launched his new display concept, this random guy just started showing up to the store a few times a week. This isn’t abnormal customer behavior—every store has its regulars, after all—but this person in particular had uniquely annoyed Vio from the start. He’d just wander around the shop for like twenty minutes at a time, browsing every section in his stupid jacket with the stupid pins and stomping his stupid Docs on the carpet Vio had just vacuumed the night before, and forget the fifty-something customers who walked on the carpet before him, it’s always this person specifically who Vio resents for the mess. 
And then the guy started talking to Vio. 
It began with strictly customer-employee interactions—Mystery Guy asked Vio if he knew any good books about dragons, and Vio asked if he was looking for something more Middle Earth or middle grade (the answer was both). The first actual purchase the guy made was a TJ Klune book—Vio forgets which one—accompanied by an experimental and exceedingly gory graphic novel. It was around the two-week mark that Vio noticed he never asked Green, or Blue, or even Red for recommendations or small talk. This idiot identified the most antisocial employee of the bunch and decided yeah, this is the one I’ll tell all about my middle school Warrior Cats phase.
Once the display went out for the real holiday season, Mystery Guy had immediately gravitated towards it. He began to spend his entire visit poring over Vio’s descriptions, using what Vio assumes is prior knowledge and only sometimes the internet to make an educated guess.  And every single time he’s visited since, he’s been able to clock at least three of Vio’s newly-added titles without fail. 
Of course this nerdy game of cat-and-mouse has escalated over the past month, with Vio writing increasingly vague descriptions of the most obscure titles he can find. But Mystery Guy is apparently a fucking psychic, because he still manages to pin Vio down more often than not. He seems to enjoy messing with Vio, sometimes pretending to be clueless before pulling the title out of nowhere at the last second. Vio wonders how many tabs he has open in Safari, exclusively to search up niche books based on Vio’s descriptions. He kind of hopes it’s enough to crash the phone. 
Vio has tried every genre on the shelf to stump this scourge of a customer—poetry, history, cookbooks, and most recently even romance, which is like his least favorite literary genre ever! He had to resort to fucking Goodreads to distinguish between these generic-ass books, each with a cover so uninspired it looks like it was designed using Canva in under eight minutes. It’s like every romance novel published after 2020 is a variation of one or more of exactly three premises—fake-dating, enemies to lovers but not really enemies, like they’re owners of rival bakeries or something, and/or Capital-H Horny. And because of the literal creature of darkness haunting his display, Vio has been forced to immerse himself in the world of trendy romantic fiction just to get ahead. The next time Mystery Guy visits the store, Vio will either finally outsmart him or literally tear him limb from limb.
He’ll have to wait for the new year for his victory, though. Undoubtedly Mystery Guy has better things to do on Christmas Eve than harass Vio. He probably has a partner, just like everyone else Vio knows, because cuffing season is real and people are desperate. Meanwhile, it’s like any potential suitor of Vio’s has to pass an entire emotional obstacle course to even be allowed to hold his hand, and there’s nothing Vio can tell his brain or body to make that less of a fucking problem. Him, cuddling someone in front of a fire like he’s in some lonely gay idiot’s cottagecore AU? Would admittedly be lovely, but not going to happen any time soon. 
The sound of the store bell startles Vio to attention, and for just a second his heart lifts. But it’s just Blue out there, all bundled up in a parka and badly hiding a bouquet of roses behind his back. 
“Oh, he didn’t,” Red says, already running to the door. He lets Blue in and envelopes him a hug, only groaning slightly when he makes contact with the thorns. 
“Hi,” Blue says, passing Red the flowers and giving him a quick kiss. He cranes his head towards Vio, who just stands behind the counter like a moron. “Hey, Vio. Merry Christmas Eve.” 
“You too.”
“What time is it?” Blue asks Red, although Vio’s the one in front of the computer. 
“6:55,” Vio says. “If you want to take off, I can handle closing on my own.” 
“Are you sure?” Red asks, his eyes sparkling as he already begins to pack up his things. 
Vio nods. “I’m sure. It’s my gift to you.” 
“Thanks, Vio,” Red says, clearly wanting to give him a hug but also aware of Vio’s prickly reactions in the past. 
“Don’t forget the book,” Vio reminds him, nodding to the wrapped manga. 
“What book?” Blue calls from the entryway as Red shoves it in his large reusable tote bag. 
“You’ll find out later!”
It takes Red no time l to vacate the store, arm-in-arm with Blue, leaving Vio behind to wait out the last four minutes he’s required to keep the door unlocked. There’s no way a customer would come in this close to 7, not on Christmas Eve, not—
“Hey, Vio,” says a gut-wrenchingly familiar voice, somehow reaching his ears before the bell above the door. Mystery Guy leans in the doorframe, arriving with a freezing gust of air as he shoots Vio a grin. “Looks like you’re about to close, my bad.” 
Vio rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re letting in the snow. You’ve got three minutes.” 
Mystery Guy raises his eyebrows in genuine surprise, as if he hadn’t expected to get this far. He wears the same heavy black jacket as usual, with the pins Vio has never been close enough to make out, and wouldn’t you know it, his Docs are caked with snow and dirty rock salt. He steps fully inside and shuts the door behind him, matching Vio’s semi-defensive pose. 
“Can I help you?” Vio asks, picking up a post-it note and immediately putting it back down. 
“Maybe,” says Mystery Guy, walking over to Vio’s mystery book display. “Looking for a last-minute gift for someone. Wasn’t sure if I was gonna have the guts to make a move until like ten minutes ago.” 
“Girlfriend?” Vio asks, putting a hand on his hip. Mystery Guy shakes his head. “Boyfriend?” 
“Not sure yet.” 
It has to be the stupid romance books giving Vio brainrot, making him think what he thinks must be happening. 
“Well, what does this… person… like to read about?” 
Mystery Guy considers. “It seems like a little bit of everything. He has pretty varied interests. They can get kinda niche, honestly.” 
“How niche.” 
Mystery Guy picks up one of Shadow’s newly-added books, weighs it in his hands, and scans the description Vio wrote. “Looks like… a combination gluten-free and keto cookbook themed around 90’s sitcoms.” 
“80’s. That’s not his thing, though, he probably just thought it was too obscure for annoying customers to guess.”
He examines a paperback from all angles, as if trying to see through the wrapping, and then reads the description again. “A graphic novel—no, manga—based on a popular Nintendo franchise that he describes as, and I quote, ‘significantly gayer than anyone would ever expect it to be.’”
“Well, whatever Bowser and Luigi get up to in their free time is their business.” 
This makes Mystery Guy smile, like really smile, and Vio feels like he’s winning and losing at the same time. 
“And let’s see,” Mystery Guy says, reaching for a mass-market paperback with a disproportionate-looking bow, “romance novels, apparently. He appears to be a big fan, based on the not-at-all snide or derisive commentary on the tin.” 
Vio wants to protest Mystery Guy’s accurate interpretation of his writings, but he’s too busy being impressed that the guy knows how to use ‘derisive’ in a sentence. 
“Would you, uh,” the guy begins to ask, stopping himself halfway through the sentence. Gone is the confidence, at least during this pause, and he proceeds with obvious caution. “Would he not be interested in… romance? As a genre?” 
Vio shakes his head. “No! I mean, yes! I mean, what?”
“Because I—fuck, it’s gotta be past 7:00 at this point, and I had this whole plan to be all charming and suave but then I ran late in the storm and it’s like I’m standing here now and regretting every decision I’ve ever made up until this point, because you’re basically a stranger and in a position where you can’t turn me away and sure, in a movie this would be perfect, but in real life I’m just acting like a total creep—”
“What’s your name?” Vio asks, crossing over the room to join Mystery Guy at the display. Closer to him, Vio can see that his gloved hand is shaking. “It’s not very fair that you’ve been able to see mine this whole time, while I’ve had no choice but to call you unkind things in my head.” 
“Shadow,” Mystery Guy says, and it’s not like it doesn’t make sense.
“Okay, Shadow, I’d be happy to help you find the perfect book for your desired recipient.” 
They avoid contact, both staring at the wrapped volumes on the display as if they’re the most interesting things in the world. Vio selects one and slides it into Shadow’s hand, hoping that a solid object to hold will help keep him steady.
“He might not be a fan of the contemporary romance genre,” Vio says, genuinely surprised by the levelness of his voice. Maybe talking to dozens of strangers a day about books has made him immune to social anxiety, just as long as the topic of discussion is literary. “But romance can be found in nearly any story, in one way or another. He… it sounds like he…” 
Shadow clears his throat. “It’s you, Vio, you can give up the bit.” 
Vio shakes his head. “Nope, I committed already, I’m seeing this through."
“Fair enough,” Shadow says with a grin. ”Now tell me more about this guy, he seems cool.” 
Vio wants so badly to continue the banter, but knows for the sake of his own comfort he has to press pause. He turns to Shadow with a serious expression. “Honestly, before I really start talking about him… he’d probably want you to know that he has a few minor concerns. He’d like to maybe learn what you do during the day, like for work, when you’re not busy antagonizing your local bookseller. What brought you to this town, what your ulterior motives were for becoming a regular at the shop, if you had any at all. He… he just wants to make sure you’re safe, and he apologizes if that’s an offensive thing to question.” 
Shadow nods, seeming to understand Vio’s hesitation. “I work at a gallery downtown, just a few minutes away from the shop. I moved  here after graduating art school because this happened to be where I got offered a job. It’s lonely being in your early twenties in a college town, so sometimes it’s nice to just sit in a cafe or browse my local independent bookstore and feel like I’m a part of something. It’s pure coincidence that, on my first visit to this bookstore, I read several shelf-talkers written by some nerd named Vio who seemed to have similar tastes to mine. So I took out a few of his recommendations from the library—sorry, I don’t have the space to own books right now—and thoroughly enjoyed them. I wanted to talk to him more about books, maybe even ask for his number, but I am not a master manipulator so I settled for being a pest instead. From there it just escalated, because it’s cute when he gets all pissed off, and I enjoyed the challenge he created for me with the wrapped books.” 
Vio exhales shortly. “So, uh… if you were to ask for his number now… would it be just as a friend?” 
“If that’s all he’s interested in, sure.” 
“It’s not,” Vio says firmly. “He, uh, told me so.” 
“Glad to hear it. Does he happen to have any favorite foods, or beverages, over which we could hypothetically discuss our tastes in literature on this snowy Christmas Eve?” 
“Pumpkin soup and evil root beer.” 
“What the hell is evil root beer?” 
“Normal root beer,” Vio explains, “served in a fancy glass so he can gesticulate during his pretentious literary diatribes.” 
“The fanciest glass I have is a Garfield mug.”  
“Works for me.” 
Both Vio and Shadow smile, and finally they come face-to-face. They’re not going to kiss or anything—not yet, anyway—but they both can feel the potential. They gaze into each other’s eyes like they’re romantic leads in a novel Vio would give one generous star, and it’d be tacky if it was anyone else, but not when it’s them. And while kissing doesn’t feel quite right in this particular moment, leaning forward to gently touch foreheads just does. 
“I live like five minutes away,” Shadow mutters, unable and unwilling to move. “I usually feed Pinecone—my cat—around 7, so maybe I’ll head out now, grab pumpkin soup ingredients at the market on my way, and you can come over once the store’s all closed up.”
Vio nods, slightly disrupting the forehead touch that feels so inexplicably cosmically correct. It’s like, in any conceivable universe where Vio and Shadow both exist, they will inevitably end up just like this. 
“What’s your address?” Vio asks, allowing himself to close his eyes. God, it’s been a long day. 
“I’ve got a shitty one-bedroom apartment above the Tower of Spirits liquor store. I stole half of my furniture off the street after the mass exodus of college students in June.”
“You’ve really been here since June?” Vio asks, disregarding the furniture part because for some reason it also feels cosmically correct. “You must have been so lonely.” 
Shadow nods. “Lonely, I’m good at,” he says, finally pulling away. “Believe me when I say, I’ve had lots of practice.” 
Vio nods. “Yeah. Me too.”
“It’s the not being lonely that really freaks me out,” Shadow admits, and it’s like wow, that’s some deep shit to say when Vio just learned his name ten minutes ago, but haven’t they technically known each other for months? Shadow has already read some of Vio’s favorite books, and for Vio that’s about as intimate as passing second base—hell, even third, depending on the book. 
And it could have been a truly beautiful moment between them—one for the books, pun intended—if only the goddamn Chipmunks hadn’t started singing about Christmastime. 
“Oh, fuck this store radio,” Vio says, retreating behind the counter and pulling the plug. “I’ll see you in like twenty minute, I can Venmo you for the soup ingredients later.” 
Shadow looks like he wants to argue with the Venmo thing, but just shakes his head instead. “Sounds good.”
“Oh, and wait,” Vio says, grabbing a pen and a post-it note, “what’s your number?” 
Shadow gives it, and Vio knows this is one piece of paper he will never absentmindedly shred. At least, not until he has a second to enter it into his phone, and then it’s totally fair game. 
Vio hears the ring of the bell and goes to lock the door behind Shadow. Through the glass he watches flurries of snow punctuate the pitch-black sky—and in it, he sees his own dark reflection. It’s just him, of course, a blonde guy in a purple sweater and scrunchie, still visibly tired but noticeably less miserable than he had been an hour ago. He sees a guy who isn’t alone on Christmas Eve, who probably won’t find himself anywhere near a fireplace but will most likely end up cuddling his months-long crush by the night’s end.
He gives himself a smile and decides he can skip the vacuuming tonight. Call it a gift to himself, although several closing tasks still stand between him and Shadow’s apartment.
Vio turns his back on the darkness and gets to work. 
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sarahbethdurst · 10 months
Gift Giving Guide 2023
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Happy holidays! If you'd like to give someone a book by me this holiday season (and if so, thank you and I love you!!!), but you don't know which one to give to which reader, I thought I'd share a gift guide:
For the kid who loves animals… THE SHELTERLINGS, a fantasy adventure about a squirrel named Holly and her friends at the Shelter for Rejected Familiars. Lots of talking animals!
For the quiet kid… SPARK, a fantasy adventure about a quiet girl and her lightning dragon who learn you don't need to change yourself to change the world.
For the kid who wants a loyal best friend with tentacles… THE GIRL WHO COULD NOT DREAM, a fantasy book for kids about a girl whose family owns a secret shop where they buy, bottle, and sell dreams.
For the teen who wants a creepy survival story… THE LAKE HOUSE, a YA survival thriller about three girls stranded in the wilderness of Maine.
For the teen who likes snark… DRINK SLAY LOVE, a YA contemporary fantasy about a 16-year-old vampire girl who is stabbed through the heart by a were-unicorn and develops a very inconvenient conscience.
For the teen who loves fairy-tale romance… ICE, a Beauty-and-the-Beast retelling set in the present-day Arctic.
For the reader who watched the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings or who wants middle-aged heroes… THE BONE MAKER, a standalone epic fantasy about five heroes 25 years past their prime. It's about second chances. And lots of bone magic.
For the reader who thinks the Indy-500 would be better if the cars had a lot more teeth and tentacles… RACE THE SANDS, a standalone epic fantasy about monster racing (and smashing the patriarchy).
For the reader who likes kickass women and very tall trees… THE QUEEN OF BLOOD, Book One of the Queens of Renthia, an epic fantasy trilogy about bloodthirsty nature spirits.
For more info on these and any of my other books, please visit http://www.sarahbethdurst.com
If you'd like a signed bookplate (a clear sticker that I'd personalize and you can stick inside any of my books to transform them into signed books) for yourself or for a gift, please drop me an email (sarah AT sarahbethdurst DOT com), and I'd be happy to mail you one (US only).
Happy holidays, and thanks for reading!
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renegade-angel · 2 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M, Multi
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Relationship: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex (established)
Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pong Krell
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known, @codexwanbingo, Planet Umbara (Star Wars), Umbara Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Sentinel CT-7567 | Rex, Guide Obi-Wan Kenobi, BAMF CC-2224 | Cody, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV CC-2224 | Cody, CC-2224 | Cody-centric, Implied Minor Character Death (it's Krell), New Romance
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Winter Holiday Gifts 2022
Stats: Published: 2022-12-25, Words: 2695, Chapters: 1/1
Cody saw the exact moment Rex’s sense of smell was restored because Rex’s eyes widened and he took one step back.
Obi-Wan turned to him, his scent pile mixing into fear-confusion-love. “Rex?”
“He smells like us,” he whispered. Then, he shook his head. “No, not like us, but close.” He finally met his Guide’s eyes, his own still wide and unblinking. “But he does smell like ours.”
Epiphany: 1. An appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity. 2. A sudden, intuitive perception of the reality of something.
For @littledumplingwrites
Happy holidays Leo! And thanks once again to @bluemaskedkarma for running these awesome bingos!
(bingo card under the cut)
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midgeo · 6 days
The Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Everyone 2024
The holiday season is right around the corner, and finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list can feel like a daunting task. Whether you’re shopping for your family, friends, or coworkers, you want to give something meaningful, practical, and fun.
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To help make your shopping easier, we’ve put together the ultimate 2024 Christmas gift guide. Whether it’s for him, her, kids, teens, or even your office pals, these gift ideas are sure to bring smiles all around. Let’s dive in and find the perfect presents to make this holiday season unforgettable!
70 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your List (Ultimate Gift Guide 2024)
28 Unique and Thoughtful Wedding Gift Ideas For Couples
Unique 50th Birthday Gift Ideas They’ll Love
27 Romantic Birthday Gifts for Boyfriend
10 Thoughtful Gifts the Woman Who Has Everything
10 Unique Gift Ideas for Her 2024
Christmas Gift For Him
1. Smart Watch
For the tech-savvy man, a sleek, modern smartwatch combines style with functionality. Brands like Apple, Samsung, and Garmin offer models that track fitness, manage notifications, and provide health insights.
2. Personalized Leather Wallet
A classic leather wallet with a personal touch can be a meaningful gift. Add his initials or a special message to make it extra special.
3. Electric Razor or Grooming Kit
Help him stay well-groomed with a high-quality electric razor or a full grooming kit, complete with beard trimmers and skincare essentials.
For Her
1. Luxury Skincare Set
A luxurious skincare set featuring serums, moisturizers, and masks will pamper her during the cold winter months. Look for popular brands like La Mer, Sunday Riley, or Drunk Elephant.
2. Custom Jewelry
A timeless piece of custom jewelry, such as a necklace with her initials or a birthstone, is a gift that shows thoughtfulness and personal connection.
3. Weighted Blanket
For cozy nights in, a weighted blanket offers both comfort and relaxation, making it the perfect gift to help her unwind after a long day.
For Teens
1. Wireless Earbuds
Teens love their music and podcasts, so a pair of high-quality wireless earbuds from brands like AirPods or Beats is sure to be a hit.
2. Gaming Chair
For the avid gamer, a comfortable and stylish gaming chair will elevate their gaming setup while providing ergonomic support during long sessions.
3. Customized Phone Case
Let them show off their personality with a custom phone case. You can design one with their favorite colors, patterns, or even their name.
Christmas Gift For Kids
1. STEM Learning Toys
For curious minds, STEM toys like building kits, coding robots, or science experiment sets will inspire creativity and learning through play.
2. Interactive Storybooks
Interactive storybooks that combine reading with digital elements or augmented reality (AR) make reading fun and engaging for little ones.
3. Ride-On Toys
For outdoor fun, a ride-on toy, whether it’s an electric car, scooter, or bike, will keep kids active and entertained.
For Coworkers
1. Desk Organizer
A stylish desk organizer can help coworkers declutter their workspace while adding a touch of personality to their office or home desk.
2. Coffee Subscription
For the coffee lover in your office, a monthly coffee subscription box with artisanal blends from around the world is a gift that keeps on giving.
3. Portable Charger
A portable charger is a practical gift that everyone can use, perfect for coworkers who are always on the go.
For Parents
1. Smart Home Devices
Upgrade their home with a smart speaker or assistant like an Amazon Echo or Google Nest, which can manage tasks, control smart appliances, and play music.
2. Personalized Family Photo Album
A custom photo album filled with cherished memories makes for a heartfelt gift that your parents will treasure for years to come.
3. Cozy Pajama Set
A cozy pajama set made from soft, breathable materials like cotton or bamboo will help them relax in comfort during the holiday season.
For Grandparents
1. Digital Photo Frame
A digital photo frame allows grandparents to display rotating photos of their family. Some models even let you upload photos remotely for a sweet surprise.
2. Puzzle Set
If your grandparents enjoy a challenge, consider gifting them a beautiful, high-quality puzzle featuring landscapes, art, or custom family photos.
3. Subscription Box
A subscription box tailored to their hobbies—whether it’s gardening, cooking, or reading—can be a delightful monthly gift that they’ll look forward to.
70 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your List (Ultimate Gift Guide 2024)
28 Unique and Thoughtful Wedding Gift Ideas For Couples
Unique 50th Birthday Gift Ideas They’ll Love
27 Romantic Birthday Gifts for Boyfriend
10 Thoughtful Gifts the Woman Who Has Everything
10 Unique Gift Ideas for Her 2024
For Significant Others
1. Experience Gift
Instead of a physical gift, consider an experience, such as a weekend getaway, spa day, or cooking class that you can enjoy together.
2. Custom Star Map
Capture a special date, such as your anniversary or first meeting, with a custom star map that shows how the stars were aligned on that night.
3. Personalized Love Book
Create a personalized book filled with reasons why you love them. You can customize each page to reflect your unique relationship and memories.
For Pet Lovers
1. Customized Pet Portrait
A custom pet portrait that artistically captures their furry friend is a sentimental and stylish gift that any pet lover would cherish.
2. Smart Pet Camera
For those who want to keep an eye on their pets while away, a smart pet camera with two-way audio allows them to check in and even talk to their pets remotely.
3. Pet Subscription Box
A subscription box filled with treats, toys, and accessories will keep their furry friend entertained all year long.
70 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your List (Ultimate Gift Guide 2024)
28 Unique and Thoughtful Wedding Gift Ideas For Couples
Unique 50th Birthday Gift Ideas They’ll Love
27 Romantic Birthday Gifts for Boyfriend
10 Thoughtful Gifts the Woman Who Has Everything
10 Unique Gift Ideas for Her 2024
Final Thoughts
This ultimate gift guide for 2024 ensures you’ll find the perfect present for everyone on your list, no matter their age, interests, or personality. From tech gadgets to personalized keepsakes, the options are endless. Remember, the best gifts are thoughtful, practical, and personal—so make this holiday season unforgettable for your loved ones with these incredible gift ideas!
Happy shopping!
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bestgiftguides · 2 months
Top 10 Gifts for a 14 year old girl | Best-Gift-Guides.com
Welcome to our latest video on the perfect gifts for 14-year-old girls! Finding the right gift can be challenging, but we’ve got you covered with a range of thoughtful and exciting ideas that will make her day special. From trendy fashion accessories to the latest tech gadgets, and creative DIY kits to fun experiences, our guide has something for every personality and interest. In this video, you'll discover: - Stylish and affordable fashion must-haves - Cool gadgets that every teen will love - Unique DIY kits for creative minds - Books and educational gifts that are both fun and enriching - Experience-based gifts for unforgettable memories Whether you're shopping for a birthday, holiday, or just because, these gift ideas are sure to bring a smile to her face. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more gift guides and inspiration! #GiftGuide #TeenGifts #GiftsForGirls #GiftIdeas #TeenageGifts #BirthdayGifts #HolidayGifts #FashionGifts #TechGifts #DIYGifts #CreativeGifts #EducationalGifts #ExperienceGifts #GiftsForHer #BestGifts #TeenFashion #TeenTech #GiftInspiration #GiftGiving #PerfectGifts 🔔 Subscribe to the channel for regular updates on the best gift recommendations and creative ideas: https://www.youtube.com/@bestgiftguides/ ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mybestgiftguides/ 👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bestgiftguides2023/ 👉Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bestgiftguides.yt 👉Website: https://best-gift-guides.com ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉Gift Guide for Games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj9DxZV8pMY&list=PL5r05GFPnPiGjzMUAbCUQSSSHWNy5O_qW 👉Gift Occasions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F4alGRiULA&list=PL5r05GFPnPiE1FkTziNQYC3c2PziNw84D ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Top 10 Gifts for Long Distance Friends.| Best-Gift-Guides.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRGJRa_RAFM 👉10 Amazing Gifts for Formula 1 Fans; For the Love of Racing | Best-Gift-Guides.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-gviG8w5Bc 👉Must-Have GIFTS for BOOK LOVERS: The Ultimate Surprising Ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSFi9WAUVhI 👉Badass Gifts for MOTORCYCLE RIDERS - Best Gift Guides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1he8FrXYg0 👉Unleash the Ultimate PET SIMULATOR X Gift Guide - Best Gift Guides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovT2S2mLjmU ============================= ✅ About Best Gift Guides. Welcome to Best Gift Guides Channel! When it comes to buying gifts for friends, family, or colleagues, it can be hard to find the perfect present. Our best gift guides will help you find the perfect present! Our team of experts has compiled the best gifts for your favorite people, and we've done the hard work of narrowing down the choices to save you time. Find gift ideas for women, men, kids, and everyone in between with our personalized recommendations! Remember to subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell icon to get updated best gift recommendations from us! Thank you. :) For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Subscribe to the channel for regular updates on the best gift recommendations and creative ideas. https://www.youtube.com/@bestgiftguides/ ================================= Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Best Gift Guides. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © Best Gift Guides https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/FnaVz79srJo/hqdefault.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnaVz79srJo
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louismonte21 · 2 months
Thoughtful Gifts for Your Grandson: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Present
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Selecting the perfect gifts for your grandson can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to show your love and create lasting memories. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, graduation, or just because, finding the right gift involves considering his interests, age, and the special moments you want to share. This guide will provide you with unique and thoughtful gift ideas to help you make every occasion memorable.
Age-Specific Gift Ideas
Understanding your grandson's age and developmental stage is crucial in choosing appropriate and enjoyable gifts. Here are some ideas tailored to different age groups:
Toddlers and Preschoolers (Ages 2-5) At this age, children are full of curiosity and energy. Consider toys that encourage imaginative play and development. Building blocks, interactive storybooks, and educational toys are great options. A personalized name puzzle or a custom-made stuffed animal can also become cherished keepsakes.
School-Age Kids (Ages 6-12) Children in this age group often have specific interests and hobbies. For the budding artist, consider high-quality art supplies or a craft kit. Sports equipment, such as a new soccer ball or basketball hoop, can delight the active child. Educational gifts like science kits, books, and puzzles can spark their curiosity and love for learning.
Teenagers (Ages 13-18) Teenagers have more defined tastes and preferences. Tech gadgets like smartphones, tablets, or gaming consoles are always popular choices. If he's into music, consider concert tickets or a high-quality pair of headphones. Personalized items, such as custom jewelry or a monogrammed backpack, can also make meaningful gifts.
Gifts Based on Interests
To choose the perfect unique gifts for grandsons, it's important to consider his interests and passions. Here are some ideas based on common interests:
For the Sports Enthusiast If your grandson loves sports, consider gifts that support his passion. A new piece of equipment, such as a tennis racket or a skateboard, can provide endless hours of fun. Personalized sports gear, like a custom water bottle or a jersey with his name, adds a special touch. You could also give him tickets to a local sports event or a subscription to a sports magazine.
For the Tech-Savvy Teen In today’s digital world, tech gifts are always a hit. Consider gadgets like a smartwatch, virtual reality headset, or wireless earbuds. For the aspiring programmer, a coding kit or a robotics set can provide both fun and education. Gaming accessories, such as a new controller or gaming chair, are also excellent choices.
For the Creative Mind If your grandson has a creative streak, encourage his artistic talents with the right gifts. Art supplies such as paints, sketchbooks, or a digital drawing tablet can inspire creativity. Musical instruments or lessons can nurture a love for music. For the writer, a beautiful journal or a set of personalized stationery can be deeply appreciated.
Creating Memorable Experiences
Sometimes the best gifts for your grandson aren't physical items but experiences that create lasting memories.
Outdoor Adventures Plan a special day out in nature, such as a camping trip, hiking adventure, or a visit to a theme park. Activities like fishing, kayaking, or rock climbing can create unforgettable memories. Capture these moments with a camera and create a photo album to look back on.
Cultural and Educational Experiences Encourage learning and discovery with trips to museums, planetariums, or historical sites. Enroll him in a workshop or class that aligns with his interests, such as a cooking class, coding bootcamp, or art workshop. These experiences not only provide fun but also enrich his knowledge and skills.
Quality Time Together Sometimes, the most valuable gift you can give is your time. Plan a day of activities you can enjoy together, such as cooking a meal, building a project, or going to a movie. These shared experiences strengthen your bond and create cherished memories.
Personalized and Handmade Gifts
Adding a personal touch to your gifts can make them even more special.
Customized Items Personalized gifts like engraved jewelry, custom-made clothing, or a photo book filled with cherished memories can be incredibly meaningful. Consider items that reflect his interests, such as a custom puzzle with a favorite photo or a personalized sports jersey.
Handmade Crafts If you enjoy crafting, create something unique for your grandson. Knit a cozy scarf, build a wooden toy, or paint a picture. Handmade gifts carry a piece of your heart and craftsmanship, making them truly one-of-a-kind treasures.
Choosing the perfect gifts for your grandson involves understanding his age, interests, and the types of experiences that will bring him joy. Whether you opt for toys, tech gadgets, art supplies, experiences, or personalized items, the key is to show your love and thoughtfulness. These gifts not only bring immediate happiness but also create lasting memories that your grandson will cherish for a lifetime. So take the time to find something special, and watch his face light up with joy and gratitude.
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learnersbridge · 2 months
Holiday Gift Guide: The Best Educational Toys for Every Age
The holiday season is the perfect time to gift children toys that are not only fun but also educational. Choosing the right toy can spark curiosity, foster learning, and provide hours of engaging play. This guide will help you select the best educational toys for children of various age groups, ensuring your gifts are both meaningful and enjoyable.
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For Infants (0–12 Months)
1. Soft Cloth Books
Soft cloth books are perfect for stimulating an infant’s senses. These books often come with bright colors, different textures, and simple pictures that are safe for babies to explore with their hands and mouths.
2. Rattles and Teething Toys
Rattles and teething toys help develop fine motor skills and provide sensory stimulation. Look for toys that are easy to grasp and made from safe, non-toxic materials.
3. Musical Mobiles
Musical mobiles can soothe and entertain babies while promoting auditory development. Choose mobiles with calming melodies and visually stimulating designs.
For Toddlers (1–2 Years)
1. Shape Sorters
Shape sorters are excellent for developing hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. They teach toddlers about shapes, colors, and spatial relationships.
2. Stacking and Nesting Toys
Stacking and nesting toys help toddlers understand size and order. These toys also enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
3. Push and Pull Toys
Push and pull toys encourage physical activity and coordination. They are great for developing gross motor skills and balance.
For Preschoolers (3–4 Years)
1. Building Blocks
Building blocks, such as LEGO Duplo, foster creativity, spatial awareness, and fine motor skills. They also provide opportunities for imaginative play and problem-solving.
2. Educational Puzzles
Puzzles enhance cognitive development and problem-solving skills. Look for puzzles that feature numbers, letters, animals, or scenes to make learning fun.
3. Interactive Learning Toys
Interactive learning toys, like the LeapFrog LeapStart, combine play with educational content. These toys cover various subjects, including reading, math, and science, through engaging activities.
For Early School Age (5–7 Years)
1. Science Kits
Science kits introduce children to basic scientific concepts through hands-on experiments. Kits like the Magic School Bus Science Kits cover topics such as chemistry, space, and biology.
2. Board Games
Educational board games, like Monopoly Junior or Scrabble Junior, teach strategic thinking, math, and language skills. They also promote social interaction and teamwork.
3. Art and Craft Sets
Art and craft sets inspire creativity and fine motor skills. Look for sets that include a variety of materials and project ideas to keep children engaged.
For Older Children (8–12 Years)
1. Advanced Building Sets
Advanced building sets, such as LEGO Technic or K’NEX, challenge children to create complex structures. These sets enhance engineering skills and spatial awareness.
2. Robotics Kits
Robotics kits, like those from LEGO Mindstorms or VEX Robotics, teach coding, engineering, and problem-solving. They provide a hands-on introduction to STEM concepts.
3. Educational Books
Educational books on topics like science, history, or art can spark a child’s interest in learning. Look for books that are well-illustrated and written in an engaging manner.
For Teens (13+ Years)
1. Coding Kits
Coding kits, such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino starter kits, teach programming and electronics. These kits are perfect for teens interested in technology and engineering.
2. Strategy Games
Strategy games, like chess or Settlers of Catan, enhance critical thinking, planning, and decision-making skills. They also provide an enjoyable challenge.
3. DIY Project Kits
DIY project kits, such as those for building model airplanes or creating art projects, foster creativity and technical skills. They offer a sense of accomplishment upon completion.
Choosing the right educational toy for the holiday season can provide children with both enjoyment and learning opportunities. At Learners Bridge, we offer a wide range of educational toys for all ages. Explore our collection of toys and games to find the perfect holiday gift that will inspire and educate. Happy holidays and happy gifting!
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catchydesignhillstuff · 3 months
From Small to Large Which Sherman Teddy Bear Size Is Right for You!#zazz...
🧸 Treat yourself or a loved one to a personalized21" Sherman Teddy Bear and save 15% with code JUNE24SAVING! 🐻💖 Spread joy this holiday season! SnugglePal Sherman Teddy Bear https://bit.ly/4ctsWcc CuddleMate Sherman Teddy Bear https://bit.ly/3VW01Zc CozyHug Sherman Teddy Bear https://bit.ly/4cR7Fd1 =============================================== #giantshermanteddybear, #comforttoys, #bestteddybears, #emotionalsupporttoys, #plushcomfort, #teddybearreview, #teddybearguide, #cuddlytoys, #therapeuticplush, #teddybears, #stressrelief, #giantteddy, #softtoys, #largeteddybears, #emotionalcomfort From Small to Large: Which Sherman Teddy Bear Size Is Right for You? 🧸✨ Ever wondered which size of Sherman Teddy Bear is perfect for you or your ones? Dive into this cuddly guide! 🐻💖 Choosing the right teddy bear is no small decision, especially when you’re looking at the adorable and beloved Sherman Teddy Bears. Available in various sizes, each Sherman bear has a unique charm and a plethora of cuddles to offer. In this video, we break down the pros and cons of different bear sizes, helping you pick the perfect one! Sherman Teddy Bear Sizes Explained: • Mini (15 cm) - Perfect as a cute desk buddy or a little token for a loved in your life!@Zazzle #zazzlemade #personalizedgifts • Small (30 cm) - Ideal for toddlers or those looking for a portable cuddle companion. • Medium (50 cm) - The go-to size for all ages. Perfect for hugs! • Large (75 cm) - Can’t get enough of teddies? This is perfect for people who love large cuddle buddies. • Extra Large (100 cm) - A true plush paradise which makes a wonderful decor statement in any room. 🏡💡 Why Size Matters: Each size serves a different purpose and fits into various day-to-day scenarios. Through detailed comparisons and adorable demonstrations with our lovely range of Sherman Teddy Bears, you'll find which size meets your needs. Whether you're shopping for a special occasion like a birthday, or just want to add a little sweetness to your everyday life, this guide has got you covered! Who Will Love Each Size? • Kids: The mini and small sizes are safe and snug, making them the perfect gift for your little ones. • Teens and Adults: Medium or large bears are great for those looking for more than just a bear but a plush companion to share the day with. • Decor Enthusiasts: An extra-large teddy bear adds a touch of whimsy and warmth to any room. Care and Maintenance Taking care of your Sherman Teddy Bear is important. We provide easy, practical tips for keeping your bear in tip-top shape, no matter its size! Join Our Teddy Bear Community! 🎥👍 Don’t forget to hit like if you find this guide helpful, and share your teddy bear stories in the comments below! Interested in more cuddly content? Subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay updated on all things plush and perfect! 🌟 #ShermanTeddyBear #TeddyBearSizeGuide #PlushToys #GiftIdeas #CuddleCompanion 👉 Your perfect Sherman Teddy Bear is just a video away! Let’s find your match! 🛒🧸 #teddybear, #plushies, #teddybearcollection, #stuffedanimals, #plushielove, #teddybearlove, #handmadeteddybear, #collectibletoys, #teddybearhistory, #teddybearmaking, #bestteddybears, #teddybeargifts, #kidstoys, #teddybears, #antiqueteddybears
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marcopollio · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hardcover Lined Journal beautiful blue tone notebook pink wirebound book teacher.
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bestandhow2s · 9 months
 “Unwrapping Joy: The Ultimate Guide to Festive Season Gifts for Teenagers”
The festive season is upon us, and the quest for the perfect gifts for teenagers is in full swing. If you’re looking to spread holiday cheer and make a teen’s eyes light up, we’ve curated a list of the hottest and most coveted gifts that will leave them smiling from ear to ear.
1. **Tech Marvels:**
ZIHNIC Bluetooth Headphones
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Buy Now:Amazon
BRHE Cute Travel Carrying Case for Nintendo Switch / Switch OLED Accessories Kit with Hard Protective Cover, Glass Screen Protector, Adjustable Stand and Thumb Grip Caps 10 in 1(Switch Pink)
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Buy Now:Amazon 
Teenagers and technology go hand in hand. Consider the latest gadgets, from sleek headphones to smartwatches or portable gaming consoles. These gifts seamlessly blend entertainment with functionality, making them a sure fire hit among the tech-savvy    
2. **Fashion Forward:**
Vivay Kids Girls Shoes Boy Tennis Sport Running Sneakers Casual Walking Fashion Sneakers
Buy Now:Amazon
FLYMEI Cute Backpack for Girls, Lightweight Canvas Backpack for Girls/Boys, 15.6 Inch Laptop Backpack for Men, Durable Women Cute Backpack, Waterproof Black Bookbags for Teens
Buy Now:Amazon 
Style is everything for teenagers. Surprise them with trendy clothing or accessories that reflect their unique personality. Think graphic tees, statement sneakers, or chic backpacks that will have them strutting into the new year with confidence.
3. **Gift Cards Galore:**
When in doubt, go for the ever-versatile gift card. Whether it’s for their favourite clothing store, tech emporium, or streaming service, a gift card gives them the freedom to choose exactly what they want.
4. **Hobbies Unleashed:**
Newlam Kalimba Thumb Piano 17 Keys, Portable Mbira Finger Piano Gifts for Kids and Adults Beginners
Buy Now:Amazon 
Punching Bag For Boxing and Martial Arts 
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Buy Now:Amazon 
Encourage their passions with gifts tailored to their hobbies. Whether it’s art supplies for the budding artist, musical instruments for the aspiring musician, or sports gear for the active teen, these gifts show that you pay attention to their interests.
5. **Unforgettable Experiences:**
Create lasting memories by gifting experiences rather than physical items. Concert tickets, amusement park passes, or a day at a trampoline park can offer a break from routine and a chance to make cherished memories with friends.
6. **Personalised Treasures:**
Make it uniquely theirs with personalised gifts. Customised phone cases, engraved jewellery, or monogrammed accessories add a personal touch that demonstrates thoughtful consideration.
7. **Literary Escapes:**
A Teenager's Guide to Investing in the Stock Market: Invest Hard Now | Play Hard Later (Invest Now Play Later Series) 
Buy Now:Amazon 
For the bookworms, delve into the world of literature. Bestselling novels, collector’s editions, or a subscription to a book club can ignite their imagination and provide a welcome escape.
8. **Fitness Fun:**
VPSTAY Smart Watch Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate Sleep Blood Oxygen Monitor
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Buy Now:Amazon
Encourage a healthy lifestyle with fitness-related gifts. Whether it’s stylish activewear, a fitness tracker, or equipment for their favourite sport, you’ll be supporting both their well-being and their interests.
9. **DIY Kits:**
Original from Hero Cosmetics - Hydrocolloid Acne Pimple Patch for Zits and Blemishes, Spot Treatment Stickers for Face and Skin, Vegan and Cruelty Free (36 Count)
Buy Now:Amazon 
Stimulate their creativity with do-it-yourself kits. From DIY beauty products to coding projects or even cooking kits, these gifts provide a hands-on and engaging experience.
 10. **Subscription Surprises:**
Give the gift that keeps on giving with subscription boxes. Whether it’s beauty products, snacks, or a monthly mystery box, teens love the anticipation of receiving something special in the mail.
In the spirit of the season, let these gift ideas inspire your festive shopping. Whether your teen is into tech, fashion, or the arts, these thoughtful presents are sure to make this holiday season unforgettable. Happy gifting!
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