#hny meta
anotherfanaccount · 11 months
Realised why I don't like HNY as much as MHN and OSO.
It's simply because Charlie is not simping over Mohini. Actually he straight up is disrespectful to her.
I mean from Major Ram straight up falling for Miss Chandni and fumbling words and steps and just is such a sweetheart.
Then there's Om who worships Shanti, even when his love is not requited. I mean he gives his life for her.
Anywho, Farah meta referencing all srk hits was so funny. Deepika and Abhishek have so much goofball energy fr. I loved this ensemble, they really were having fun.
And I'm once again asking for a Farah Khan movie.
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qualityrain · 9 months
I love your passion for HnY and a lot of your thoughts mirror mine. I enjoy reading your thoughts and am glad to see someone else who sees that kind if depth in HnY that just makes you want to write meta about it. (And yeah, Satoko/Shinpei really invented love!!!)
aww thank you!! hny is the first romance manga ive ever read and considering the synopsis i did not expect the sincere attempts to make the relationship work. i think the relationship progression is so well done and natural. its so cool how the romance arc is going in opposite directs for them like how satoko will eventually return the i love you while shinpei who has already said that twice is eventually going to mean it
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luber53 · 9 months
A veces cuando empieza un nuevo año creemos que es posible hacer una especie de renacimiento, que uno se puede re inventar, jugamos a colocarnos nuevas metas que si uno no trabaja mentalmente , son la principal razon de la trsiteza y/o descepción que tendremos el próximo fin de año.
No hice un análisis anual porque este año considero haber sobre analizado cada una de las situaciones vividas y hoy en día tengo en claro que hice bien , que hice mal y en donde tengo que escapar, y salir de lugares que seguirán teniendo las mismas consecuencias si sigo ahi.
Busco para este año poder seguir mi constancia con el ejercicio, destancarme de mi área artística , independizarme económicamente y poder vivir bajo mis propias reglas. Es mucho, pero me alivia saber que en el mayor porcentaje de lo que quiero y estoy escribiendo depende solo de mi y como lleve a cabo ese proceso de conseguir mis objetivos.
Antes me hubiera enfocado en sanar emocionalmente lo que aún me duele tanto, pero ya tengo esa coraza cada vez mas puesta que no creo que la unica persona que la puede volver a romper este dispuesto a hacerla; y por mi, esta bien.
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cheesomaru · 3 years
The interesting thing about Rin's behavior towards her daughters is that it aligns very well with Japanese traditions but for a lot of Western fans, it seems very cold.
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I remember when the Ghost in the Shell remake came out, there was a roundtable talk among Japanese actresses that dicussed the cultural nuances that were lost in the movie due to it being an American adaption. One of them being the behavior of the main character's mom, who was separated from her due to the cyborg process.
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It also makes sense why Kagome hugs Moroha (also the situation was different), because she grew up in the modern era. But Rin restraints herself, because its not the right time and place for it.
However, she still asks to hug them when they come back, which does betray her stoic front. Let's hope she gets that hug sooner than later! 🙏🏼
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chit-a-to · 3 years
towa and sestuna didnt had dog ears or golden eyes
yeah I actually kinda disappointed with their design waaaaayyyyy back since 2020. I know that Rumiko Takahashi said herself that hanyo's appearance may differ between individuals, but initially I thought she was talking about the difference between species/hybrid, not within the same lineage....
The shape of ears, I can shrug it off rather easily, because maybe it does not always occur within a population of inu hanyo. But the color of eyes.....
Sesshomaru has golden eyes is understandable because both his parents have golden eyes, too. Inuyasha also inherited golden eyes from his father, even though his mother has brown eyes. Therefore we can safely assumed that golden is the dominant gene for eye color in dog demon.
Moroha with her brown eyes is actually quiet disappointing, for me at least 😅 Because if we follow Mendel's laws of inheritance, then there's 50% chance that Inuyasha and Kagome's children are born with golden eyes. Considering golden is more dominant than brown, there's a greater probability of her inheriting golden iris. But I can accept it rather easily, too, if her character is designed with brown eyes along with the explanation because of "she has more human blood (than demon blood) in her body".
However.... Towa and Setsuna born with red and purple eyes, respectively, is a much much bigger disappointment 😂😂😂 because.... well..... good bye genetics 🤣🤣🤣 we all know what their parents' eye colors are, so it's just confusing to see them kids being born with colors that are completely non-existent in their ancestors' (parents and grandparents) genes 😂😂😂😂 It's as if they are actually some other couple's children 😭😭 But, then again it's anime, so I shouldn't complain that much, am I right? because the animators have worked really hard and the creative team too what with all the characters designs as well as the director and storywriter 🤐🤐
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lumienn · 4 years
Theory : Rin raised the twins for 4 years
This was mostly based on the premise of Towa's memories being edited. There are quite a few gaps in her story and some clues in the animation itself- hinting that an adult (their mother?) was raising the twins.
Theory below the cut for length. TW: descriptions of violence.
Exhibit A:
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In the above photos, you can see (two cinnamon rolls!) that Towa and Setsuna appear to be clean and their clothes are in good condition.
This is suspicious for four-year-olds living by themselves, but then they show us how these two spend their day. They run and jump around the forest, drink water from a stream, climb and jump off of trees, lie in the grass and sit in the dirt. In spite of all this, their clothes are perfectly clean without a scratch and are relatively bright in colour (Look at Towa's sash especially, it's a bright shade of yellow). If they really spent that much time outdoors and with no adults around, their clothes would be faded, worn out and ripped in places. Yet that's not the case here.
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So you may be thinking, its just an anime, they don't put so much thought into outfits? Didn't Inuyasha and gang spend a lot of time outdoors too, and their clothes look spotless? That's true. I'm not looking for realism here, but I want you to know that this is likely a deliberate choice. Why? Because the same studio animated another girl, who was also living alone in the wilderness- and this is how she looked.
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Dirt streaks on her face (this was before she got beaten up, so they're not bruises). You can also see the wear and tear on her outfit.
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Further, when she turns around you can see more dirt near her ankles. Her kimono shows more dirt marks too.
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And finally, for context, this is how Rin looked the next day. In daylight the marks on her clothing look clearer, and the color seems faded. It may have been originally red. Her sash is also a dull, faded color. In this picture the lines on her face are more prominent, as they are supposed to show bruising from the villagers' beatings.
Rin's hair is visibly messy and in a ponytail a child her age can believably make. (my poor little angel)
Now cut back to Towa and Setsuna- Exhibit B:
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Not only are they clean and fairly well-dressed, they also seem to have no issues around food. Towa gives Setsuna a fruit which she happily accepts and eats, but there is no indication they were starving or struggling to find food- even though that's the only thing they were shown eating.
Again, neither HNY nor Inuyasha avoid showing the characters eating. Kagome often brought back bento boxes and snacks from her era. And in between, the gang was shown sometimes buying food or catching and eating fish. Rin foraged or went fishing for her own food. And now 14 year old Towa is also seen bringing snacks from modern era.
Somehow, I find it hard to believe that two four-year-olds could hunt down the animals in the forest by themselves with no weapons. They could get more fruit and fish, but that isn't enough and fruit is seasonal. So if all they survived on was fish, they'd likely be a lot more worried about their survival than what was shown. So who was feeding them?
(Plus someone must have breastfed them when they were babies)
And finally, Exhibit C:
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(look at my babies enjoying the sunset I'm soft)
Honestly, Towa's hair is so fascinating here- how is the bottom part tied up but the middle out? That's a pretty interesting haircut and deserves its own meta.
Here, you can see their hairstyles better. They both look like they started out neat, but after a day of running around and playing, are kind of messy. I can still see the handiwork of someone who tried her very best to keep their hair neat for as long as possible. Towa's ponytail is at the top of her head, perfectly centred but with some short pieces coming out at the back. Similarly for Setsuna, her hair is in a simple bun which seems to have slid down her head, leaving her long bangs loose.
It looks much neater than any hairstyle a four-year-old could do on themselves or on others their size. A hairbrush or comb was likely involved as well.
Finally, look at the cute little bows their sashes are tied into! This could be an animation choice, or it could be someone who tied it for them. Again, these bows are far neater than a four-year-old could do, so it's likely the twins didn't tie each others' sashes.
So basically, someone was keeping the twins clean, feeding them, and giving them clean new (or well-maintained) clothes to wear, as well as brushing their hair. We also know that Setsuna was able to sleep back when they were four, meaning Rin was awake.
So my theory is, they had a home in/near the woods. Rin and the twins lived there with Sesshomaru, who guarded the place so that there were no demons or predators around. This fits into canon as the only animals we see are herbivores and birds.
As for the twins sleeping outdoors, maybe that actually happened. What if Rin and the twins slept outdoors every now and then, and they were actually sleeping in her arms? But then the fire happened and they got separated, and Towa was holding onto Rin's hand just before she got sent into the future? It could be her memories altered to make it look like a plant or root. Rin's outfit in the tree also makes sense in this context because the inner garment was also worn to sleep.
I think Towa's memories of her childhood are altered because of all these gaps. Besides, the only other person who was with her through it all, lost all her memories. So there's really no one else who could challenge her idealized memory of the past (except maybe Sesshomaru, but he's barely interacted with her). This is another mystery I hope HNY will answer soon... but for now, enjoy this theory!
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Being cruel right now: If Rin really isn’t the mother, then I can appease a little bit of my anger, because I know HOW PISSED SessRinners will be. Really, I can feed myself with their sobbing for days. Sunrise and RT would still be wrong by using underaged Rin as a bait, however I will have a good time enjoying the crash of SessRinners, tbh.
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loupsgarou · 4 years
tbh if i didn’t have a fic that i busted my hump to complete, i would 1000% drop the IY fandom and cling to Pokemon
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kaydeefalls · 3 years
HNY! for the ask 1, 3, 5, and 15 ☺️
Happy New Year to you as well! <3
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
So! I currently have two different exchange fics in the works, one of which I'm gonna be posting either later tonight or tomorrow (out of beta, needs one last personal pass before I'm ready). And...that's all I'm gonna say about them because the recipients should get first dibs! Once I get through these (and Festivids), I'm honestly not sure if I'm gonna go back to any of my existing WIPs or just give myself a fresh start. I haven't written any Joe/Nicky since October, and I do miss writing them.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
"Always wanted to" is a strong phrase; I've had a lot of fragments kicking around my brain over the years. One that's more recent would theoretically be an AU of my own Old Guard 007 AU, imagining different ways CIA agent Nile could have met 007 Andy. I just want them to wake up in bed together in some ridiculously luxurious hotel, each thinking she's just successfully seduced the Bad Guy's mistress, and the hilarity that ensues when they realize they've mutually conned each other. The idea of it makes me happy. Haven't managed to actually write it down, though.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Ooh. Writing any character is at least a little bit about finding the elements of them I can connect to, but I don't strongly identify with any of the Old Guard, really. I guess if I'm being super cheesy, I could say I identify a bit with Joe and Nicky's relationship, more than I do with either of them as individuals -- just the steady sureness of it, and being each other's best friend as well as partner, without needing to shut the rest of the world out to prove it. Couple goals, is what I'm saying.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
SUMMARIES MY BELOATHED. Titles can be annoying, but I'm pretty good at just defaulting to a song lyric or fragment of prose/poetry and calling it a day. Summaries are AGONIZINGLY difficult and I don't fucking know why. Tags are easier because they can be a bit all over the place and that's fine, but man, writing a good summary is a skill and it does not come naturally to me.
(Writing meta askmeme!)
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
Hello HS~
Fanfic ask for new year thingy: 5, 11, 15, 16 xD
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet? Gotta finish the snippet of Law just ruminating under the light of the moon. Sounds kinda sappy, but the art it is based on is not. I’ve posted a few snippets of it before, so I’ll leave t blank now. There’s a few others, but they’re not springing to mind right now. Wait! I’m sure that Bepo’s Beptober needs a new chapter at some pont.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year? Not consciously. I just tend to write what appears? And that often takes the shape and form of different genres and tropes. I’m not a huge fan of a lot of ff tropes, so I probably won’t be undertaking them. Maybe if I can subvert them, as I see so many good writers do.
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks?  Yes. Just the need to actually do my job, and other interests also. I need to write for my job, and the analytical and creative sides of my brain do not always allow space for one another. Meta and so on takes time. I need to detach a little more 😊
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted? Again, not really, but maybe look at the answer to question 8 on a previous post, and maybe the answer to 5 above. I don’t really stress about this kind of thing. 
Thanks for the ask! 
Fanfic asks for New Year meme. Finished:, 6, 7, 8, 5, 11, 15, 16. HNY!
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russianuniverse · 6 years
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Near the Bolshoi Theatre
I do realize that your social media news feeds are overwhelmed with the year results and still I wrote this. The photos of pre-HNY St Petersburg and Moscow are included to ease the pain. (more…)
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wmrsneha · 3 years
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cheesomaru · 2 years
Not Gonna Lie, even though the conflict resolution wasn't my favorite, this episode was really sweet. I just loved how they went about things.
I know some people have been disappointed in how Towa and Setsuna question Sesshoumaru's intentions, but to me it was perfect. They SHOULD question him! Its their right, heck its literally their birthright to know! It would have been strange if they just accepted everything. We the audience know Sesshoumaru had his hands tied and was working for Kirinmaru and Zero while trying to keep his family alive, but the girls don't really get it. And that's fine. As long as they're together now, they can begin to work on that relationship.
And honestly, like a lot of people have said, Sesshoumaru is Sesshoumaru. He isn't human, he doesn't feel or care the way a lot of demons do. He really does live on another plane of existence, and its only been extremely recently that he's become more emotional and has bonded with people. Rin is literally the first person he really gave a shit about, and now its his daughters. Like, it makes sense to me. Even though I complained that they should have shown him hugging his family -- I get it. Sesshoumaru gets a huge has prize for putting up with ridiculous odds for the past 14 years, but now, he has to start doing Normal Dad Stuff, and its going to be tough. At the end of the day though, its all going to be Daijoubu.
I loved the twins conversation with Rin. It was so pure and adorable. I loved how Rin made the decision to give them the kimonos and you could hear the excitment in her voice that she couldn't wait to see them wear it! I like that the twins knew immediately that it was expensive. Also, I love how Rin told them she experienced death. In a way, Tenseiga helped form this family, since they all share a bond with it.
Re: shipping and stuff: I really like Riku and Towa's reunion! I do think I would have preferred if he stayed dead, I feel like it would have been more realistic, but I enjoyed how Towa scared Riku shitless. LOL.
With Hisui and Setsuna, I could take it or leave it, but I appreciate the open endedness of it. I'm glad in general they didn't try to shove in the romance and let Yashahime be more about family and sisterhood. Also I enjoy men being the ones fawning over their love interests!!
Overall, a very cute and adorable finale. I'm gonna miss this show!!
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osabuena · 5 years
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Que este cierre de año, también sea el cierre de aquellas cosas que perturban tu vida, y que el 2020 que llegará en algunas horas, traiga para tí sólo cosas bellas, que atraiga tus deseos más profundos, y que te permita convertir los sueños en metas, para que crezcas personal y profesionalmente. Mucho trabajo, dinero, amor, tranquilidad, y cosas bellas para este año que viene! 😃 #osabuena #hny #felizaño https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yG1foAEp_/?igshid=qsrev0hvp6qw
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boobsmoviesfan-blog · 6 years
Mia Khalifa Is Back HNY 2018
Mia Khalifa Is Back HNY 2018
Mia Khalifa Is Back HNY 2018 0
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xxxhdvideos1 · 6 years
Mia Khalifa Is Back HNY 2018
Mia Khalifa Is Back HNY 2018
Mia Khalifa Is Back HNY 2018 0
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