#hmm should I tag the fox too I wonder
eulyin · 2 years
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Initially, I gave short sleeves to Ei, so I could show Makoto's hugging gesture. BUT In the end, it STILL obscured Makoto's hands. The most painful part is that I've done a fine sketch of Makoto's hands //CRY
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lurking-latinist · 6 months
re: these tags
THAT'S SO COOL AHHHH!! good for you aubreyad community stays winning
[introducing this with a disclaimer in case i'm wrong about everything: i am only halfway through the series rn (just about to finish 10) and also am but a mere undergrad classics major who has yet to even declare said major and I probably don't have the right to be yapping about propertius. nevertheless i shall.]
anyway i have been growing persistently more insane about diana's proximity to a Lot of classical imagery, like how her first appearance in post captain is literally during a fox hunt + all the gender stuff she has going, obviously linking her to mythological diana (and artemis if we're going to conflate the two) but your take has sent me in a whole new direction with that-- because she doesn't actually really embody the artemis archetype all too much overall (an emphasized character trait being that she's notably Not Chaste) EXCEPT in relation to stephen, w/ whom her relationship is much more brotherly than it is sensual i guess?
which would align very well with your idea of diana as elegiac puella-- sort of in a way being mythologized by stephen-- resulting in the reader actually being able to see two different manifestations of her character (one through the eyes of an omniscient prosaic narrator and one through the perspective of stephen as a "poet" figure). and i just think that's neat.
my latin class has also been looking at a few of propertius' love elegies and, at least to me, they read a lot like if stephen 1.) hated himself significantly less and 2.) were less indecisive in writing about his Feelings?? 1.8 (and all of the poems concerning cynthia moving/traveling away and propertius being all moody about it) is very reminiscent of the arc from post captain to the surgeon's mate imo. 1.12 is also Literally Him-- "cynthia prima fuit cynthia finis erit" can be compared to stephen's poetic catastrophizing about how his life is Literally Over and Love Is Dead when he believes to have fallen out of love with diana!?!? i'm going to lose my mind.
sorry for dumping all of this on you unprompted and also sorry for the fact that it probably does not make sense. peace and love
if undergrad classicists don't talk about propertius literally WHO WILL. (genuinely my currently-being-written phd dissertation chapter is based on an idea I had in the class I read propertius in freshman year. never feel like you're not a 'real scholar' or something yet, because you honestly never do become something different, you just keep reading and talking and this is what we do! there's nothing realer than this!)
oh wow that's really well put--we kind of get to see her from an omniscient-narrator perspective and through the eyes of her lover who is Not Being Normal About Her. very nice!
yeah I keep reading bits of propertius and being like "hmm is po'b going to quote this one I wonder." (he doesn't mostly but I keep thinking he should. because I want the aubreyad to be denser and less accessible I guess? :P) there's a lot of catullus woven in too of course - I associate Catullus 72 with the 'falling out of love' arc (my dude that is not what falling out of love looks like).
oh gosh yes 1.8 -- that was one of the things I was trying to describe to Distinguished Classicist, the way she's so -- what's the word I want? not volatile... she disappears. she's constantly Gone. you turn around and oops, she's eloped to Sweden. (honestly though if Cynthia and Propertius could manage to have *fake* revenge affairs that would actually be *great*, for them that would be an improvement.) Gareth Williams (in a chapter called, amazingly, "From Grave to Rave") describes Cynthia as "ever only elusively visible in the narratological mist" and I feel like that's a bit what's going on with Diana. For her there's a genre element as well--she's a woman in the Men Going to Sea books, and even though the Aubreyad gives way more time to women than the average Men Going to Sea book, the fact is the camera frequently simply isn't on her. We see far more of Stephen thinking about her, hearing rumors, etc. than we do of her actually being on the page. Now in elegy nobody seems to be quite fully on the page, we only get "fragments of story" as Genevieve Liveley and Patricia Salzmann-Mitchell say (excellent collection by that name btw, I recommend checking it out if you're at all interested in narrative and lyric/elegy). But Diana manages this while being in a novel, which is impressive to me.
yeah stephen as a character is a lot more... self-reflective? than propertius' speaker. for one thing he's in a novel, I think, so he can actually... have a series of contiguous experiences. he's also a compulsive diarist which is helpful for self-reflection I guess. and more mature, like, as a human being, than propertius' speaker, who apparently does nothing with his life except be in love and write poetry, he doesn't exist outside of as a poetic voice whereas, again, stephen benefits from a third-person narrator and has medicine and spying to do and so on. also he's Catholic.
I love the "Catullus-and-water" line, it's like O'Brian just put in a little wink to those of us who would notice this, like, "yes I am doing this on purpose." All in all I've pretty much defaulted to assuming that O'Brian is doing things on purpose. although he did forget Babbington's first name that one time and retconned it very awkwardly
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hoothalcyon · 9 months
Unfinished Ruthari mild spicy times ficlet
I've had this WIP for a few months, but I can't think of a single other place to take it, or if I even want to. however, I like what I have here, so I wanted to share it. feel free to leave comments in the replies if you'd like.
Tags: Husbands being husbands, flirting, writing about sex in an unmistakably asexual way, horn stimulation
Ethari slid off his shirt, his eyes roaming appreciatively as his husband did the same. Runaan laid against their bedsheets, flashing a smug expression upwards. Ethari took the bait and leaned down to press his lips against his, emboldened by the mirror reflection of a smile against his own. His hand slid downwards until his thumb pressed into the waistband of Runaan’s pants. Runaan made a needy sound against him, urging him to continue. He soon slid both his outer layer and underwear off all in one swift motion.
“You’re not wasting any time, are you?” Runaan laughed, bringing Ethari down for another kiss.
Ethari took the opportunity to sneak in a second peck. “And why should I?” He winked. 
Runaan trailed a hand down his bare chest, making a sound of contented approval. “True. And now it’s your turn to disrobe.”
“Would you like to do it for me?” 
Runaan propped his chin on his hand. “I want to watch.” 
Ethari brightened. “Ah,” his stomach did somersaults. “Good, then,” he smiled. He fumbled out of his pants, feeling a rush of both relaxation and thrill as his skin met the air. Runaan did not hide the wandering of his eyes as he took a moment to appreciate every inch of his husband; nor did Ethari hide. Instead, he rolled over for another kiss. 
“So, what did you want to do now?” Ethari asked. 
Today was a day for intimacy, in whatever form it took. Nothing was too small or too uneventful to embrace.
“I want to put a butt plug in. The fox one.”
The somersaults grew flames which flickered curiously. “Would you like help with that?”
Runaan shook his head. “That’s alright. You can watch, though.”
“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” he snarked. Runaan responded by pressing him further into the pillows, subtly telling him to get comfortable. 
He then retrieved the butt plug and some lube, applying enough to ensure comfortable insertion. Spreading his legs, he took a breath, relaxing his muscles so the toy could slide in easily. Ethari watched in rapt amazement as the plug was lowered inside, opening him up beautifully. Runaan sighed, thoroughly enjoying the subtle feeling of being filled; the quiet intimacy of penetration without action. 
“Good?” Ethari asked.
Runaan nodded, moving to rest his head on Ethari’s bare skin, sinking into the warmth he exuded. Wrapping his arm around him, he pressed a kiss to his throat. “Perfect.” 
Ethari looked down at the long fluffy tail resting across the back of Runaan’s thighs and smiled. “It’s so cute,” he remarked. “I love it. You’re my sweet night fox.” 
“Mmm? Sly and cunning, more like. Deadly,” he chided, directing his attention upwards as he nibbled Ethari wherever he could. Runaan shifted upwards until he was seated in Ethari’s lap, where he languidly slid his tail against his husband’s thighs. Ethari gasped, feeling the nerve endings in his skin awaken with eager desire. Runaan smirked.
“Truly a devil,” Ethari added. 
Runaan hummed in pleased agreement before studying him further. A smile crept to his face as he noticed how Ethari’s eyes had fallen shut so he could enjoy each sensation for what they were. He slid his hands down, touching him along his chest and the ridges of his pecs. Ethari made a soft sound as Runaan’s fingers splayed across his skin, gently massaging him there. 
“Mmm,” Ethari breathed, coils of arousal slowly winding themselves together in his belly. “That feels really nice.”
“Hmm?” Runaan hummed noncommittally. He channeled strength from his upper body, pressing into Ethari’s muscles more meaningfully. Ethari moaned beautifully in response. 
“Ahhh! There, darling, that’s wonderful,” he said.
Runaan continued as asked. “Is it reliving any pain, relaxing, or sexy?” 
Ethari laughed. “Second and last.”
“Ah. The best answers,” Runaan replied. With the knowledge of the seductive qualities his motions held, he grew more experimental with his caresses. He hummed a song under his breath as he drew circles around his husband’s chest, occasionally skimming over his taut nipples. Ethari reacted as Runaan had wished: a resounding gasp and an unmistakable shiver. Good. 
“Your body is a sight to behold,” Runaan murmured, “and a treasure to touch. I feel very lucky to have you in this way.” He cupped a pec and squeezed it indulgently, his own heartbeat stammering at the delicious moan Ethari let out. 
Ethari’s eyes opened with a start, amber glinting wildly. “Ru? I want to suck those horns off. C’mere.” 
Runaan dipped his chin to show off what was desired. “Where would you like me?”
“Right here. Lean back,” he instructed, placing his hand on Runaan’s waist as he turned around. Runaan shimmied into place, fitting into the warmth below. 
Leaning forward, Ethari ran his tongue along the underside of his horn. He traced every patterned whorl he could find, savouring the thick weight he was granted. Runaan shivered at the wet contact, carefully dipping his head back with a groan. 
Ethari moaned, low and hungry in his ear. “Take off those cuffs for me. I give you my permission,” he added with a playful lilt. 
A ricochet of easy laughter rang against his chest. “Well, if the very creator of them obliges, then I mustn’t disobey,” Runaan agreed. 
Ethari nibbled his ear cheekily. “Mmm. Indeed—never disobey me,” he mused. 
Runaan sat upwards, bowing his horns as he carefully took the precious cuffs off, placing them on the bedside table. He handled them with the utmost care, and nearly felt entirely naked without them. 
Thankfully, Ethari soon filled them with sensation once more, touching and sucking them indulgently. As he closed his lips over the dull point of his left horn, he groped the right, caressing and winding his hand around its thick shaft. Runaan writhed with pleasure, equal parts aroused by the pleasing sensations and his husband’s deep devotion and appreciation. His horns, usually wielded as an intimidation tactic, were seen as many things by Ethari: endearing, precious, and delicious. The intricately designed horn cuffs were removed only for certain practices, whether they involved grooming or rituals such as this. Pure worship.
Ethari cupped a hand around the wide base of Runaan’s horn and squeezed, then pinched the winding spiral found higher up. Although he couldn’t come solely from these ministrations, Runaan enjoyed them nevertheless—especially when he felt teeth fit against ivory, igniting his senses. A whine hitched in his throat, lodging itself there as desire climbed through him. He was about to make a move when the contact had suddenly ceased, ending with a final kiss to the point of his horn. 
He felt Ethari rubbing his shoulder dotingly. “My jaw is a little tired now. But I have another request, if you may.” 
Runaan smiled then, and turned to press a consolatory kiss to his thoroughly worked jaw. He reached out, his fingers curving around the structure of bones hidden underneath and gently rubbed him there, easing away the dull pain. Ethari’s expression relaxed as he leaned into the soothing motion. 
Runaan broke the silence. “Of course. What would you like?”
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inkyucu · 2 years
Welcome traveler to my lovely blog!
This blog is mostly dedicated to random fnaf stuff (mostly dca), with the occasional random exceptions!
Uh... Fair waring if you happened to see something I reblogged or saw a tamer-in-color picture I made, and that's what brought you here, just be warned that my art tends to be brightly colored. It's not very intentional, but it tends to happen a lot. So please keep that in mind if you're sensitive to bright colors.
Asks are always welcome (Just don't send anything weird or excessively long please. I'm sorry, but I'm not likely to read them...), and feel free to send an ask directed at a character from an AU I post about or directly to me!
This stuff isn't really related to any specific AU'S, but might be useful for whatever you're here for!:
Art tag!
Random Tag (Rambles, asks, etc.)
Opinions on others drawing my AU's/characters
Hmm... I wonder what this is? (You should click it)
But if you're here just looking for a specific AU, I have tags for those too! Please keep in mind most of these are not sams/tsams AU'S. If you aren't sure if it is or not, check the tags, read the info. post (if there is one), or ask me:
-Theatrical Tragedy AU
-Fanfiction (WIP)
-Info. post
-Pocket Buddy AU
-Swap AU
-'What if...?' AU
-Celestial Tides AU
-Protostar AU
-Father knows best AU
-Shared AU with @bipolar-sad-and-ready-to-cry
-Double Trouble Eclipse AU
-Sorta info. post
-The Cursed Tanzanite AU
-Sorta info. post
-Unhealthy and Irregular Tendancies
-Info. post
Roleplay Blog:
This doesn't really have to do with stuff on my blog, but have a little bit about me anyway:
-Any pronouns, I honestly don't care
-My birthday is August 26th
-I will not be sharing my age online.
-Sexual stuff makes me really uncomfortable
-I LOVE music!!!
-I like to ramble on occasion
-My favorite color is dark red
-I love foxes, but close runner ups have to be cats, sharks, and snakes!
-I'm mostly into fnaf, but occasionally I might pick up another fandom
Yeah that's probably the important stuff
For those people that most people keep off their blog, I don't care if you're here. Just don't talk or interact with me or anyone else here please. Respect other's boundaries.
I hope you enjoy your short (or long) visit here! Just try to have fun and a wonderful day!
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deepwithintheabyss · 1 year
woooh one month late but whatever tagged by @hardlycats
name: currently just going by Abyss, but taking suggestions
pronouns: Fine with whatever they/them my go to for it to be easier but i don't really care
where do you call home: hmm 🤔 place I grew up with/my family, I don't really have a hard time getting comfortable in a new place but I guess my childhood home will always carry pieces of my heart 😭
favorite animal: I have to choose one? :( hmm today feels like a fox day I guess
cereal of choice: cornflakes, I know very basic
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: ooh I think kinesthetic fits best, definitely not auditory xD, and just because I know how something works because I watched and understood it doesn't mean I can copy it (< cries over so many art things I know how to do but never do myself because it doesn't click)
first pet: first pet for myself was a cat, first pet in general was the cats my mom had before I was born (look I always had cats all my life up until I think 2 years ago? and I am suffering)
favorite scent: hmm I like the scent of wood? freshly fallen rain and cut grass idk these are hard questions I never think about this stuff
do you believe in astrology: hmm no, sometimes it's fun to hear what people think about it but it isn't something for me
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies, I only started using highlighters like 3 years ago or something
songs that make you cry: uuuuhhh it really depends on my moods?
songs that make you happy: oh fuck okay so this is old but back when the song happy was new that gave me instant happy thoughts and feelings, otherwise currently idk
do you write/draw/create: yess or well at least I try too, but I write and draw and sometimes wonder if I should animate and then I cry (just kidding I don't) because ugh idk how, also I wanna pick up knitting again and learn to crochet and-
tagging with no pressure uhm hmm @timmyjaybird @disniq @mintacle (just tell me if you don't wanna get tagged for stuff like this and I pull you off the list)
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Day 6: Hand Kink
Day 6 of Kinktober! Already almost a week in, huh… I figured I’d dip into the rich Japanese side of mythology this time. I hope this is an acceptable tribute… Find my Kinktober Masterlist here.
Warnings: Minors DNI, this is 18+ content ONLY. Trigger warnings for violence mentioned including physical assault, some family abuse dynamics, implied sexual assault (does not actually happen), and mild descriptions of death. Also sexual content including soft dom themes, PinV unprotected sex, entirely consensual.
Tags: Beast Youkai x reader, fox spirit x reader, exophilia, terato
Small Sun Showers
“It’s such a small thing, really.”
You slid the bag you’d brought into the hollow of the old tree. Avoiding the ropes strung around, you carefully sat on the rock next to the tree.
“I brought you some sweet buns, this time, with poppy seeds,” you said, ignoring the comment that had come from the dark hollow. “Since you said you missed some of the herbs.”
The sound of crinkling came from the hole, followed by the sounds of munching. “Attentive to me, as always, sweet one,” the disembodied voice cooed, though a moment later burning orange eyes stared at you from the darkness.
You studiously avoided the gaze, looking down at the grass under your feet. A sliver of shadow from the abandoned warehouse nearby fell over you, giving you some shade from the warm sun. As always, you didn’t respond to the epithets. You never did.
“How is the temple doing?” The voice asked.
“It’s fine,” you answered, almost automatically. “The festival is coming up soon, so everyone is excited.”
“And yet you do not, hmm?” The eyes tilted, as though the head had cocked at her curiously.
Your eyes slid away, more towards the forest beyond the tree. Unconsciously, your fingers tugged at the long sleeves you wore, despite the warm weather.
“I’m a little nervous,” you admitted. “As a Shrine Maiden, I’m supposed to be doing the Miko Kagura. I’ve been practicing, but…”
“You wear long sleeves again.” A hint of suspicion crept into the voice.
Despite yourself, you flinched. “I— I’m just-“
A low growl issued from the tree. “A spirit has been harassing you again, hasn’t it. Why haven’t you called an exorcist? Or told your Father, the Priest?”
You turned your head away. “It’s been contracted by someone else,” you admitted, voice thin. “I… can’t tell Papa.”
A pause. “Because it was bought at a high price.” A sneer laced the voice. “Then how do you plan to get rid of it? You can’t hold it off forever yourself. And it’s already injured you, hasn’t it.”
You shook your head. “I’ll find out a way. I can’t bother anyone else with it.” Your eyes slid closed, the bruises mottled up your arm throbbing.
“Or you could create a contract with something far more powerful,” came the slick purr. “If you’d only break the talisman, I would make a contract with you, sweet one.” The sealed beast offered, for not the first time.
“You are a beast youkai,” you answered, voice steady. “It is against your nature to bind yourself to anyone, much less become the guardian spirit of a small temple.” You reminded both him and yourself.
“Unless we have reason. Even the mightiest of beasts might be swayed by beauty such as yours.”
A bitter smile twisted your lips as you turned your face away. You? As if. The beast youkai only even spoke to you because you gave it food and paid attention to it out of your own loneliness, not because it somehow cared about you. You couldn’t bring yourself to really believe that.
With a soft sigh, you plucked at your sleeves. “What do you want me to bring you next time?”
But the voice stayed quiet for a moment. When it spoke again, something in its voice had changed. “Do you truly not believe me? I do not lie when I say that I would bind myself to you. I would never let you be injured. I would protect you, like your family cannot. I would hold you close,” the voice said, a dreamy tone in its voice, “and I would shower you with everything you deserve.”
You fought the tears that welled in your eyes as you abruptly stood, grabbing your bag. “If you don’t have any requests, I’ll just bring anything,” you interrupted, struggling to make sure your voice didn’t waver.
A sigh, so soft that you wondered if it were only the wind. “A meat bun.”
You nodded, then headed back down the hillside towards home. Reaching up, you angrily smeared your tears from your cheeks, breath hitching on your sobs.
You could never allow yourself to believe the words of a youkai, much less a powerful and dangerous one like him. No matter how sweet his words, how genuine they sounded… Everyone always lied to you. He would be no exception.
You tried to ignore the little part of you that wondered if maybe, just maybe, dying at the hands of the youkai would be better than continuing the misery of your life.
“Fouuuund youuuu.” A yawning mouth sprang from the darkness, black eyes fixed with crazed bloodlust on your body.
You dropped to the floor, scrambling across the hardwood to slide towards the doorway. Leaping back up, you ran for your life. Your breaths came fast and shallow as you blindly ran, tripping through the dark halls of the temple. Behind you, you could hear cackling laughter as its talons scrabbled after you.
You reached out your hand, then burst though the main doors, stumbling across the stones out front. Looking up, you froze.
An entire group of men stood in front of you, all staring at you with leering, jeering faces. The one in the front, the one your brain automatically assumed was the leader, stepped forwards.
“Well, well. Would you look at that.” He grinned, his eyes sliding over your shoulder.
Something grabbed your arm, wrenching you back. You stifled a cry, sinking your teeth into your lip as claws brutally dug into the bruises already all up your arm. The spirit held you, its tight grip almost unbearable.
“I guess the boy must really hate his family, huh?” the man sneered, hands in his pockets as he stared at you down his nose. Reaching out with his foot, he kicked at you like some sort of trash. “To think that he’d offer his own younger sister in exchange for his debts.”
Your heart sank. Of course. Your brother who had gotten into debt with the yakuza. Of course he’d offer you: the only girl, the precious little shrine maiden.
Sadly enough, it didn’t even surprise you. But at least now you figured out why the spirit had haunted you in particular so insistently, and how much trouble you were in. Which, you snorted bitterly to yourself, was a lot. Probably at risk of your life, at best.
A wild thought flashed through your head, desperate but somehow… insistent. Your eyes briefly scanned the crowd of men. You were smaller than most of them, and probably in better shape at this point. If you managed to get a brief head start, you weren’t too far away— enough to maybe be able to get there just fast enough. But you’d have to immobilize the spirit first, at least temporarily.
Thickly, you swallowed, closing your eyes and breathing in deeply. You had enough. Just enough for one— Your other hand landed on the spirit’s as your eyes flew open. The spirit let out a piercing shriek, letting go of you as the searing spiritual energy burst through your palm. You didn’t hesitate.
Breaking into a dead sprint, you headed straight for the hill behind the temple. Behind you, you could hear the angry shouts of the men as they started after you. You pushed yourself, ignoring it, taking as many shortcuts as you could, heart pounding in your ears as you gasped for air. Your legs were starting to ache, and you could hear them gaining on you; but the warehouse was in sight.
Skidding around the corner, you ran straight for the tree. Your hand reached for the talisman.
When the yakuza men caught up to you, they found you kneeling at the base of the tree, a shattered seal at your feet.
Tears streaked down your cheeks as you whispered into the hollow. “Please… if you help me, just this once… I’ll give you myself in exchange,” you promised weakly.
“It’s too late now, little girl,” the boss sneered, starting to step towards you. “You’re coming with us.”
But before he could say anything more or another move was made, a dark mist began to swirl around the area. Shouts of confusion arose as the mist covered everything, too dark to see through, almost too dark to even move in safely. A low, grating laugh spilled from the darkness, just as you felt yourself being lifted up.
Startled, you gasped softly and clung to the solidity you could feel under your fingers. Lips parted, you stared at the familiar orange eyes that slowly materialized in front of you. A wide, fanged grin split the darkness underneath the eyes; and slowly, a body started to emerge from the swirling dark mist.
“Well hello there, my sweet one,” the familiar voice cooed. Long, pitch black hair tied in a low ponytail framed a pale face. The beast youkai, one that you now recognized as a Fox, held you effortlessly in one arm, pulling you close to his chest. He towered above the ground, dwarfing you in every way possible. His entire hand curled around almost your entire thigh.
You swallowed. “H-hello,” you whispered tremulously, not even sure what to think at this point.
“You released me,” he murmured, his eyes fixed on you. He leaned forward, and his nose brushed against your cheek as a soft purr rumbled through his chest, reverberating down into you.
Your fingers clenched in his robe, surprise flittering through you that he wasn’t… leaving. Or killing you.
“My brave darling,” the youkai fairly gushed, nosing against you. “Now I can finally fulfill my promise to you.”
“Promise?” you repeated dumbly, mind whirling. What-?
He chuckled. “I told you, didn’t I? That I would contract with you, if you set me free. Protect you, cherish you as you should be.”
He’d actually meant it? What?
“I…” You stared up at his orange eyes, fixed on you intensely. Your breath stuck in your throat as the familiar ache of longing overcame you. Reminded you of your stupidity, falling in love with the beast youkai that you thought would never even glance at you if he were free.
“Of course I’ll do anything for you,” he purred, his tongue flicking out to briefly lick away the tear-streak on your cheek. “As if I would deny you when you offer me the one thing I truly desire more than anything else.” He grinned, eyes sparking. “You.”
And then his fingers tilted your chin up, and your eyes squeezed shut as his lips landed on yours. The kiss was warm and soft, surprisingly so. You could feel your spiritual energy gravitating towards him, could feel it wrapping around him, infusing him, as he made a contract binding him to you and your spiritual energy. He reluctantly let go of your lips, the dizzying kiss making your head spin as you gasped for breath.
“My name is Kaz, sweet one,” he murmured, orange eyes half-lidded in simmering contentment.
Unthinkingly, you repeated the name. “Kaz…”
His eyes glowed. “Now then. Why don’t we start with these filth?”
In the next moment, the mist cleared to reveal that everyone now stood in the empty warehouse. Kaz still held you in his arm, keeping you close against his chest as he stared at the yakuza men starting to reorient themselves.
The boss cursed, glaring at you and Kaz. “Hand her over,” he spat, bristling. “She’s ours.”
But Kaz only laughed, his teeth baring as feral glee glittered in his eyes. “Give you my precious shrine maiden?” he cackled. “Didn’t you ever consider the fact that she is in fact a shrine maiden at a temple, with her own powerful spiritual energy? Enough to make a contract with a powerful beast like me?” He licked his lips. “And your blood… smells wonderful.”
Some of the men started to look wary, clearly leery about the sheer size of Kaz, especially in comparison with you.
Kaz tilted his head toward you, just as he flicked his fingers. A soft sort of puffy cloud materialized beside him, and he gently set you on it. “Stay here while I get rid of these nuisances,” he said gently, his fingers brushing across your cheek. “I’ll be right back, I promise.” With one last sickeningly sweet smile, he turned towards the men. A sword materialized in his hand, practically the size of your entire body.
You looked away, bile rising in your throat. The blood drained from your face as you heard the men screaming, the sound of the carnage making you reach up to clap your hands over your ears. Though you were sure the men were far from innocent or deserving of mercy, the brutality of their deaths was undeniable. A high-pitched, inhuman shriek indicated that the spirit they’d contracted had also been shredded by Kaz.
It made you wonder. How powerful was Kaz, exactly-?
After another moment, you felt Kaz lift you up again in his arm. Eyes flying open, you grasped at his shoulders as he pulled you close against himself again. His other blood-spattered hand still held his sword, but his eyes were adoringly fixed on you.
Reaching up, you absently wiped away a tiny drop of blood off of his jaw. “Thank you,” you whispered. Despite yourself… you felt safe.
His eyes visibly lit up, and his grin widened as he gazed up at you. “Ah, my darling praises me!” You could swear his eyes had hearts in them. “Do I get a kiss?” His grin turned teasing.
You swallowed thickly. “I… I promised you myself if you helped me,” you said weakly. “It’s all I can really give you… besides my spiritual energy—“
Kaz leaned forwards, his face so close that you could almost feel his breath against your lips. “Be my bride,” he whispered, his voice a heady murmur.
You breath hitched. “K-Kaz?” Had you… heard him right-?
“You offered me yourself, darling,” he purred. “So, be my bride. I am contracted to you, aren’t I? So I will be an impertinent beast and ask the shrine maiden to be my bride without shame.”
You closed your eyes. “Okay,” you whispered.
He paused, as though he himself didn’t believe you’d agreed.
Because you both knew that as a youkai contracted to someone with spiritual energy, you had the power to entirely command him to do anything… and deny him anything. Yet here you were, agreeing to be his bride.
“Okay, Kaz,” you repeated, not meeting his eyes. You could feel the color splash across your face.
But in all honesty, it wasn’t as though you really had many other options. Kaz could promise you some sort of safety even against your own family, and his power was certainly enough to protect you against other youkai. It had taken one of the highest-complexity talismans to even seal him away in the first place, and you could already feel through the contract how powerful he was.
The idea of being his bride… wasn’t really disagreeable.
“Darling,” Kaz breathed. His lips gently slid against yours, the touch soothing and almost… grounding. “I’ll be a most devoted husband, I promise,” he murmured.
You closed your eyes and decided that you would try to believe.
The talisman had been such a small thing, really.
You smiled as you walked down the street, stretching your hand out to gather the raindrops that pattered down and pooled in your palm. The weather had been beautiful, but despite the warm sunshine and hardly a cloud being in the sky, it had still decided to rain.
Pausing in the middle of the empty sidewalk, you lifted your face and let the raindrops splash against your face in a cooling shower. You loved the rain, the way it seemed to wash away all your heavy worries and soothe the ragged edge in your soul.
A shadow fell over you, and you opened your eyes to see Kaz standing above you, smiling down at you. He leaned down and swept you up into his arm, one hand holding your thigh while the other wrapped around your waist. A startled laugh fell from your lips as you held onto his shoulders.
“Is my darling enjoying the fox wedding?” he cooed.
You flushed, just then realizing the common name for the burst of cloudless rain. You gave him a shy smile, then nodded.
He chuckled. “Should we celebrate, sweet one? I can give you a gift, if you like.” Between one breath and another, he’d shifted you both somewhere else.
You gasped, eyes widening as you saw that you were floating on a soft, wispy cloud, now deep in the forest on the outskirts of town. A place no other people were, where the rain pattered softly against the leaves of the trees and dripped to the undisturbed grasses below. Flowers bloomed beneath your cloudy carpet ride, and you leaned over to brush your fingers through the colorful blooms.
The cloud rose a little, coming to a stop and floating peacefully. Kaz pulled you into his lap, his hands wrapping around your entire waist. He smiled, watching your expressions as you looked around in delight.
“And what do you think of your wedding veil, my darling bride?” Kaz murmured, leaning down to brush his nose against your hair.
You looked down at the long, wispy cloud under you, and smiled. “It’s pretty. Thank you, Kaz.” You tilted your head back to smile at him.
His orange eyes flared, and he caught your lips in a burning kiss that seared through you like foxfire. Letting out a surprised squeak, you grasped his robe, fingers tangling in it for support as he pulled you closer, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. Your head spun as your eyes fluttered closed.
When he finally parted, you gasped a little for air, blinking dazedly. His hand gently slid up your waist and side, sliding to your back, pulling you flush against him. He pressed another kiss to your lips. You realized, with a burst of embarrassment, that the rain had entirely soaked your shirt, plastering it to your body and leaving rather little to the imagination.
“Darling, my darling,” Kaz murmured against your lips, “won’t you let me touch you?” His hands slid down your body, fingers caressing you sensually.
You bit your lip, heat staining your face. It wasn’t fair. He knew your weakness for his hands. His large, strong hands that held you close, admired your body with touch. His calloused, capable hands that protected you, defended you, worked for you.
You nodded shyly, peeking up at him. Your lips parted in a gasp as his hands slid under your shirt, starting to map out your skin. His tongue slid against yours in a soft kiss, almost distracting you from how his hands deftly explored your body.
It almost startled you when your back landed against the cloud, Kaz hovering above you with his hands wrapped around your waist. His robe slipped open, sliding down his shoulders as he observed you with burning eyes.
“So beautiful, darling,” he purred, his hands trailing down to your pants. “Can I touch? Please?”
Shyly, you nodded, one hand over your mouth as you let out a quiet whimper, chest heaving with breath. Kaz’s hands were so broad, so warm… handled you with such a reverent sort of gentility and softness that you couldn’t help but bask in it, melt into it.
A steady purr rumbled through his chest as he kissed his way down your jaw and neck, fingers sliding into your pants and underwear to pull them off. Sliding his hands under you, he pulled your body up against him, lips sliding across yours.
Your hands braced you against his chest as you gasped, feeling his cock land heavily against your stomach. It throbbed against you, but he quickly distracted you as one hand slid into your hair, pulling your head back. He pressed a kiss to your lips, his mouth hot against your skin.
“So tiny and sweet,” Kaz mumbled against your neck, his voice half-drunk. His fingers slid across your thigh wrapped around his waist, and he lowered his hips, pushing you into the plush softness of the cloud. Your mind started to fuzz, entirely focused on the way his hands grasped at you, somehow greedy and gentle all at once, and the way he handled you with that deft confidence yet tender infatuation.
“Kaz,” the moan left your lips before you could quite help it, your entire body humming at every brush of his fingers.
His answering hum was low and amused as he started to gently slide into you, making you gasp and arch. His cock slid into you without resistance. You’d gotten so wet just thanks to his soft touches and gentle attention. He murmured your name against your lips as he slid wholly into you, seating himself inside with a heavy breath.
You whimpered, biting your lip as you tried to somehow ground yourself. Everything had started to go fuzzy, especially as his hands wrapped entirely around your hips and pulled you down onto his cock, his grasp iron as he ground up into you.
His pace, once he started thrusting, stayed steady and almost agonizingly slow. But when you whined, he chuckled and slid his fingers between your lips instead. You let his lithe fingers gently play with your tongue, while his other hand kept you anchored to him.
You could feel the coil inside you steadily growing, getting tighter, closer to the edge. Everything felt so hazy and light, like the solidity of his body was the only real thing, the only think that mattered. Like his hands were the only things that kept you grounded, held you down, safe from drifting away.
“K-Kaz.” Your teary eyelids opened to gaze up at his face.
“Does this please you, my darling?” Kaz murmured, sliding his fingers out of your mouth and down to press against your clit.
“I— I love you.” Your fingers curled against his chest.
His orange eyes widened, then flooded with that pure, infatuated adoration. “I love you, my sweet darling,” he purred, kissing you. “And I am so entirely yours.”
The coil in your stomach snapped, your orgasm washing over you with a force that left you lightheaded and dizzy. The pleasure suffused your entire body until you were gasping, tears streaking down your cheeks as you whimpered.
You finally floated down from your high to the feeling of Kaz’s hands sweeping over you. He murmured soft endearments into your ear, pressing soft kisses to your skin. He pulsed inside you, but still kept his pace slow and steady as he fucked you through the aftershocks.
Wrapping your hands around his neck, you nestled your head into the crook of his neck. His hands clenched around your hips, and he let out a groan as he rested his head beside yours. You could tell that he was so close, his hips starting to stutter.
“You feel so lovely, so warm and tight and soft, darling,” Kaz groaned. “Please, can I—“
“It’s okay, Kaz,” you reassured sweetly, voice shy. “You can.”
He jerked one more time, sinking into you with a low groan. His entire body shuddered as he came, pouring into you as he gripped your thighs hard enough to leave fingerprints. For once, you didn’t mind the bruises.
Pulling back, he caught your lips in a deep kiss, mouth slanting over yours. He poured the love, the gratitude, the adoration between your lips until you felt as though you could drown in it.
“I will always protect you,” he promised against your lips.
And for once, you believed the promise.
It was such a small thing, really.
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misslilli · 3 years
Thank you to the lovelies who are still here ❤️
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 22 - B Is For Basketball
[ DS ]
October has faded into November, pumpkin-spiced latte has been replaced by peppermint mocha and plans for Thanksgiving break have been secured, my mom beside herself with joy that Bill Jr. will be returning from his assignment overseas just in time for the holidays.
At school, we’ve made paper turkeys for our window decorations in school, and slowly, I’m beginning to get into the holiday spirit myself. I stay late on this Friday afternoon to put the finishing touches on the turkeys, cutting out paper candy corn and taping everything to the insides of the windows that line our classroom. ‘Looks pretty good, the kids finally got the hang of cutting paper along the lines neatly.’
I exchange my heels for my gym sneakers after a long day, grab my book bag and head out, locking the door behind me. The eery calm of an empty school building soothes me and I turn out the lights of our hallway. When I look out into the school yard, I notice that someone has left on the lights in our gym and I roll my eyes. That someone might have been me forgetting after my lesson today, so I cross the yard quickly to turn them off before I head home.
When I enter the gym, though, I freeze at the top of the bleachers. The floor is empty safe for one Fox Mulder, dribbling a basketball and shooting hoops. I know I should just turn around and leave him to it, but I just can’t help watching, slack-jawed, as the muscles of his back ripple under that tight t-shirt. It’s not often that I get to watch him without getting caught, so I allow myself to stare for just a little bit longer, heart hammering in my chest.
I only realize that my hands have gone limp when my keys hit the floor with a deafening crash and I almost jump out of my skin. ‘Run! Move! Now!’ My legs are not cooperating, damn them, and I see to my horror that he whips around and spots me standing on top of the bleacher’s stairs.
“Jesus, Scully! You trying to kill me?” ‘Those damn forearms of yours are what’s killing me…’
His surprised expression morphs into a smile. “Skinner said it’s okay if I used the gym for practice in the winter. What are you still doing here?”
“Uh... I was hanging turkeys … and I noticed the light on … and I thought that I had left them on after my lesson … and yeah…” ‘Stop rambling, you idiot!’
Now he’s grinning even wider and I can tell he’s going to tease me mercilessly. In my head, I start a list of ‘10 things I hate about you.’
“Didn’t know you hang your own turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, Scully, that’s pretty badass of you!” ‘I want to smack that smirk off your pretty face right now, how’s that for badass?’
I roll my eyes at him and he has the audacity to look incredibly pleased with himself. “Have you ever shot a three-pointer, Scully?” ‘What now?’ I take a moment to contemplate what to say next.
“No. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m only a few inches taller than a yardstick, so I guess I have found more necessary things to do with my time than fail at basketball.”
He jerks his head holding up the basketball. “Get over here, Scully.” The tone in his voice makes my skin tingle.
I’m almost 100 percent sure he thinks I won’t do it, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of backing out now, so instead of shooting him down, I walk down the stairs slowly until I’m standing in front of him. I have to tip my head pretty far back to give him a blank look and the eyebrow and smack the basketball out of his hand, sending it bouncing on the floor a few times. Now it’s my turn to smirk at his surprised expression.
Laughing, he goes to pick up the ball and I think of other things I’d like to smack as I get a good look at his backside when he bends down. “Alright sassy lady, you stand here and I’ll try to get around you to the hoop. You need to block me and take the ball from me, okay?”
We move into position and he dribbles the ball a few times. “Okay. Just don’t body-check me!” ‘Oh yes please, body-check me. Tackle me. Wrestle me down to the ground.’
“Body-checking’s for hockey, Scully, so don’t worry!” He moves suddenly, to pass on my right side and I follow, trying to get the ball out from under his hand but he turns and twirls around me and in three long strides, he’s jumping up to the hoop, sinking the ball into it with a satisfying swoosh. Color me impressed.
“You want to try?”
“There was some talk about shooting three-pointers, I think I’ll stick to that for now. Where do I start, here?”
“No, that’s the free throw line. Back there’s the three-point line. Now don’t be nervous, I know for a fact that you can take a shot. Or three…” He looks so pleased with himself at the hint, but it only makes me flash back to Halloween night. Steve. Easy lay.
Shaking the thought from my head, I take the ball he offers to me and bounce it a few times.
‘Oy that’s pretty far away from the hoop, crap. Too late to back out now, Dana.’
I move to stand at the indicated line, holding the ball between my hands and concentrating hard on the hoop, I throw it. The ball sails forward in a pathetically low arc, missing the hoop for miles. If he laughs now, I swear to God, I’ll hang his ass from the backboard.
Thankfully for him, though, he bites back the teasing and instead, moves around me to stand against my back. The hairs at the back of my neck stand up at his proximity. “Come on, I’ll show you.” Reaching his arms around me, his front pressed against my back, he holds the ball in front of my face. ‘He’s too close, damn it! Houston, I have a problem!’
He nudges my foot outward and forward a little with his and I can feel his warm breath on my neck. “Legs shoulder width apart.” Next, he takes my wrist, raising my arm to 90 degrees and places my hand underneath the ball. “Spread your fingers and rest the ball on your palm. Only touch it with your fingertips.” I swallow hard around a lump in my throat, nodding. ‘Mayday, mayday!’
My left hand is placed on the side of the ball. “Don’t grip the ball with your left hand. Now you need to bend your knees and jump.” I start to hyperventilate when it dawns on me where exactly my ass will be pressed against when I bend my knees. But his hands leave mine as he steps back and the loss of warmth on my back makes me shiver.
I jump and make my shot and while it’s infinitesimally better than my first shot, I still miss. I groan in frustration, I hate being bad at something.
“I’m just too short, damn it!” ‘If I start to cry now, I’ll hang myself from that backboard.’ Now I’m not only agitated and nervous, now I’m frustrated on top of it all.
He gets the ball back and hands it to me, a thoughtful look on his face and I wonder what he’s up to now. “Hmm… okay, let’s try something else.”
I almost jump out of my skin when his hands grab my waist just below my ribs. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Relax, Scully, I’m giving you height.” I’m feel lightheaded. “Okay, on three you jump and make your shot. 1, 2, 3!” I follow his orders and he lifts me over his head as I shoot for the hoop, my heart going a mile a minute, a faint ringing in my ears.
This is all so perfect and romantic and sexy all at the same time.
No, wait.
It’s too perfect, too romantic, too sexy, too close, too much. too soon. too many unknowns. too scary.
When he lowers me down his front slowly, I stumble forward as I regain some footing under my feet, whipping around and breathing hard. I don’t even hear the swoosh of my money shot.
Only managing to choke out a strangled “I gotta go!” before ripping up the stairs, through the doorway, into the chilly November night.
Leaning my head back against the teacher’s bathroom door, my mind flashes back to the night on Halloween, bits of conversation reverberating in my head. “Not relationship material. Hot teacher. Catholic girl. Golden Retriever. Easy lay.”
I go back in history to all the times I’ve found myself curled into a ball on the floor of my bathroom, my living room, my kitchen, in my bed. Crying so hard that no sounds left my mouth, all the pain in my chest making it hard to breathe.
I knock my head backwards into the door once, frustrated.
I’m just too broken. Damaged goods.
I wait for what feels like hours but is probably just a few minutes before turning off the lights and heading home.
[ FM ]
‘Shit. You overstepped. You made her feel uncomfortable. Unsafe.’ I want to slap my stupid-ass self as I watch the doors close after her. ‘It seemed like she was having fun, what happened? Should I go after her? Does she want me to?’ After a long while I put the basketball where it belongs, turn off the lights and leave the gym in search for her. I have no idea where to look and if she even wants to be found, but the thought of me causing her pain sends me running through the dark school anyway. I stop to listen for sounds several times, but everything’s deadly quiet. I can’t find her.
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baronessblixen · 4 years
Can you write Melissa visiting Scully and when Mulder shows up she performs a little love test? Maybe tarot cards or a palm reading for them in the spirt if Halloween.
You really send out amazing prompts! I figured this would be perfect for Halloween today. Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober
Fictober Day 31
“Oh hi.” Mulder is surprised when the door to Scully’s apartment opens, and he’s face to face with another Scully woman. It’s not that he doesn’t like Melissa Scully, but he’s here to see his Scully.
“Fox, hello.” Her smile is sweet and genuine. It makes him wonder what Scully has told her sister about him.
“It’s Mulder,” he hears from inside the apartment. “Not Fox.”
“Sorry,” Melissa says to him, still smiling. “Come on in, Mulder. Why do you go by Mulder anyway? Dana never said.”
“Just a preference.”
“Don’t pester him, Missy,” Scully says, storming into her living room like a whirlwind. He catches a whiff of her perfume and it makes him dizzy. “I’m almost ready, Mulder. Five more minutes.” Just as quickly as she appeared in the living room, she disappears back into the bedroom.
“Why do you have to work on Halloween?” Melissa asks him, crossing her arms in front of her. Must be a Scully family trait.
“It’s the spookiest day of the year,” he explains lamely. Truth is, he had wanted to spend the day with Scully. The case is a flimsy excuse and now that he stands in front of Melissa, guilt gnaws at him. He didn’t know Scully had plans with her sister.
“I hope you know you’re getting in the way of a Scully tradition here.”
“Missy!” Scully yells from her bedroom.
“Dana and I watch bad movies, eat too much candy and get drunk on wine.” Melissa glares at him, one eyebrow raised. She walks closer to him and lowers her voice. “It’s the one day she allows me to read her palm. You know how she is.”
He nods. Of course he knows how she is. The thought of his Scully having her palm read makes him smile. He makes a decision; the case, if it’s a case at all, can wait. Scully deserves this night with her sister. God knows too much has been taken away from her already.
“You know what? I can do this on my own. If I need Dana’s help, I’ll call her. It’s probably nothing anyway.”
“What?” Scully has emerged from her bedroom, ready to go. She’s wearing one of her serious pantsuits, her hands on her hips. She’s all business.
“I, um, I think you should spend tonight with your sister.”
“What about work?”
He shrugs. “I’ll call you if I need you, promise.”
“Fox- I mean Mulder- you said it might be nothing. Why don’t you just stay? At least for the palm reading. I need the practice.” Melissa Scully is persuasive. He should have known after her visit to his apartment when Scully was in the hospital. He pretends to consider it but his decision to stay already made.
“Missy, don’t,” Scully warns but Mulder smiles at her and takes off his jacket.
“Well, show me what you’ve got then.”
Five minutes later, the three of them are sitting around Scully’s kitchen table. Melissa’s various bracelets and rings jingle as she stretches her hands. Mulder watches the older Scully sister, then his partner. She is obviously amused by her sister’s antics, but he also sees the love she has for her on her face.  
“Give me your hand, Mulder,” Melissa says and he does as told. She holds it in her hands and turns it around a few times. “Hmm, you’ve got air hands.” He’s watching the way she’s tugging at each of his fingers and he hears Scully giggle on the other side of the table.
“What does that mean?” he asks, immediately drawn in.
“You’re intellectually curious,” Melissa says, still turning his hand over, “and you have great analytical abilities. You’re good at communication.”
A snort from Scully. As he glances over at her, she takes a sip from her wine, not looking at him.
“As a lover, you thrive on mental rapport.” Mulder’s face feels warm. He doesn’t dare look at Scully and her reaction to her sister’s words. “Let’s look at your heart line. Hmmmm.”
“Hmm, what?” Mulder asks.
“It says here,” she says matter-of-factly as if his life, his emotions were scribbled into his palm, “your heart line is very high.”
“What does that mean?”
Melissa looks at him and he doesn’t know her well enough to judge her expression. “It means you’re passionate. Dana, give me your hand.”
“What? No. You said it’s Mulder’s turn. You did mine last year.”
“Dana, give me your hand,” Melissa repats, her own flat on the table. A moment later, Scully gives in.
“I knew it,” she says.
“Knew what?” Mulder asks.
“Your heart lines,” she says, putting their hands close together. “They’re parallel.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means nothing,” Scully says and draws her hand away. “Palm reading isn’t scientific. I’m going to change into something more comfortable if we’re not going out after all.” They both watch her leave the room.
“What do those lines mean?” Mulder asks again.
“It means that you,” but she stops. She looks at him, her face soft. “You mean a lot to each other and you always will. No matter what happens. There’s a strong connection between you two. The rest you’ll have to figure out yourself, Fox.” She winks at him.
“Do you mean we’re-“
“Figure it out. Dana might need some help and some convincing, but I think you’re on the right track.” She gets up.
He stares at his palm, follows his heart line with his finger. Two parallel lines, him and Scully. He thinks of love, thinks of forever.
“Mulder?” Scully asks him, joining him at the kitchen table in more casual clothes, her face devoid of make-up. “Don’t let Missy get into your head. It’s just a party game. Come on.” She reaches for his hand and as soon as their hands touch, he knows. It’s as clear as anything he’s ever believed.
Party game or not, it’s him and Scully. Forever.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 3
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1583
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: And so it begins! Thanks for all the likes/reblogs/comments everyone! I see them and I appreciate them! I’ll probably be updating every Tuesday and Thursday now so there’s that. Tags are open!
TTSWL Masterlist
You feel like you’re floating in the middle of a dark pool surrounded by cold and unknown waters. It is relentless in its attempts to drag you down into nothing. Some part of you desires to just let yourself sink and try to ground yourself to whatever you find below. It would be so easy and yet a part of you knew that if you allowed yourself to reach the bottom you would be unable to float up once again. 
So you fight against the rising tide to keep your head above the water. It doesn’t take long then to be pulled out of that darkness. 
“She’s waking up.” 
“She can’t,” someone mumbles next to you. “That tranq should have kept her under for the rest of the night.” 
“It’s the power within her. Must have adapted around the sedative to wake its host up from it. The power won’t be put so easily to rest.” 
“Then do something about it!” 
“I can’t until she’s fully conscious!” 
As if on cue, your eyes flutter open. Your eyelids feel heavy and the brightness in the room doesn’t help your sudden weak state. 
“What’s-” you voice cracks and your tongue feels so foreign in your mouth. “What’s going on?”
Your sight blurs in and out but you recognize that bright red hair from anywhere. 
“Hey, Y/N,” she whispers beside you. “It’s ok. You’re ok.” 
You can’t help but feel suddenly angry at the lie that she’s so blatantly telling you at the moment. 
“Liar, liar,” you mutter through gritted teeth. “Pants on...”
A hand is quick to cover your mouth and you move to shove it off only to find your hands handcuffed to the hospital bed. 
“That would have not bode well and you know that.”  
You glare at your assailant only to find Loki staring down at you with a grin. The anger doesn’t fade away at the sight of him. It seems to enhance and he takes notice of it too. 
���Everyone out!” 
Your eyes snap away as you take in the crowd that’s in the room. Everyone is apparently there and you find this sudden urge to yell at them for staring. 
“We’re not-” Tony starts to say before Loki cuts him off. 
“She’s still quite volatile and until she gains some ounce of control, she will not stop until you are all disposed of.” 
With that warning, they all have no other choice but to leave. They all shoot you a sympathetic look and you despise it. You don’t know why you’re feeling so darkly about your friends but you couldn’t stop it. 
“I know,” Loki whispers as he looks down at you. “I know you are quite confused, but I’m going to let go of you now and I hope you can rein in your emotions and be civil with me.” 
His honesty is oddly refreshing and you find yourself relaxing under his hold. True to his word, he releases you and you watch closely as he retreats into the seat next to you.  
“I’m sure you have questions.” 
“So, so many, don’t know where to begin,” you answer. “My head is spinning and I see no end.” 
You frown at the choice of words that flowed out of your mouth so casually. 
“Why am I rhyming? Why can’t I stop? Tell me now before my head drops.” 
“I will answer your questions but I need you to remain calm,” Loki responds. “Can’t have you losing your head... literally.” 
You take a deep breath trying your best to ease your mind, but it was hard. You didn’t know what was going on and why, out of everyone you knew, Loki was the one assisting you with it. 
“You seemed surprised to find everyone here,” Loki states. “Do you not remember how you got here?” 
You shake your head feeling uneasy of not having any recent memories since the museum. 
“You found a book, one of mine, known as the Book of Veritas,” Loki explains. “Essentially, you got too close to it and it unleashed a power to you. I’m not sure exactly the extent of your abilities but I do know that you will have a knack of always knowing the truth of whoever you meet.” 
He pauses as you try to make sense of everything you’ve been told. Oddly enough, some innate part of you told you he wasn’t lying which further proved that his explanation was indeed right.  
“Now, as for your rhyming tongue,” Loki takes a deep breath and shrugs. “I can only presume that this new psychic development is one your mortal mind isn’t capable of withstanding. You are overwhelmed and your mind has reverted to a default language to ease the strain.” 
“This is not ok,” you mumble. “Am I stuck this way?” 
“No, not if I can help it,” Loki answers. “The rhyming is getting on my nerves already.” 
He frowns, narrowing his eyes at you. 
“Don’t know why I told you that. Must be another side effect of yours.” 
You open your mouth to respond but close it when you realize that whatever apologies you had would end up rhyming and sounding insincere. 
Loki doesn’t question your silence and instead props his hand up for you to take. You find yourself hesitating even though something told you he meant no harm.
“I just need to assess the power you have,” Loki explains. “It’ll be quick and harmless.” 
With that answer, you raise your hand as far as the handcuff allowed you to. Loki met you halfway and you instantly feel a warmth spreading through your body. 
“Hmm,” he hums. “That’s surprising.” 
He lets go of your hand and looks up at you. 
“You’ve grown stronger since you first came in. Not strong enough to expel your power physically so we will have to do this the hard way.” 
“Hard way?” you repeat. 
“You need to dig deep and spread some truth.”
“How is that hard?” 
“Because certain truths, the heaviest ones, we like to keep real close,” Loki explains. “You don’t remember this, but you pinpointed some of your friends' insecurities when you first came in. You were quite cruel with them.“
You frown at hearing this hoping your friends knew you hadn’t meant any of it. As if sensing where your mind had drifted to, Loki speaks up. 
“They know it wasn’t you,” he assures you. “It’s all because of the power residing in you. There is no way to extract it without killing you so the solution here is to gain control of it. Seeing as I am the expert on the book and magic itself, I’m going to train you. So first, let’s get you back to speaking normally.” 
You nod in response and take a deep breath. 
“Speak the truth. Use me as a target if you wish. I like to think I’ve got thick skin when it comes to taunting.”
You hesitate at Loki’s offer, but you find it so easy to read him. 
“Little Loki went into the Great Hall. Little Loki had a big fall. Little Loki was the laughing stock of them all. Little Loki felt so utterly small.” 
Loki chuckles at the memory you brought forth. It was simple and childish. Yes it was embarrassing to fall in front of the royal court but it was just a drop in the ocean compared to everything else. He sits back in his chair and looks at you. 
“Now I know you can do better than that,” Loki states. “Come on, dig deeper.” 
You find yourself focusing a bit harder on him and the words just slipped out of your mouth with ease. 
“Silver tongue turned to lead. Thor won her heart in your stead. Princess Elvira loved the royal prince. Loki wasn’t even offered a second glimpse.” 
That one did make him wince but Loki wasn’t utterly devastated at the memory of the Alfheim princess favoring his brother over him. You were getting close to gaining some control but your rhyming tongue still stood strong. 
“Dig deeper,” Loki repeats. 
You take a deep breath and clear your mind of everything but Loki. Envisioning his image, his voice, his overall being. 
Eyes turning red. Ivory skin turning blue. Cold, everything is cold. 
“I…” you stammer out confused. “I’ll rather not say.”
Loki pauses wondering what it is that you saw but withheld from saying. 
“No, it’s a secret for a reason,” you shake your head. “I don’t really understand what I saw exactly but it felt so dark.” 
Loki knew better than to push you to state what you saw in him. He suspected already of the secret you might have uncovered. You had certainly dug deep if you managed to find it. 
He shrugs it off like he always does and looks at you with a small smile.
“You didn’t rhyme that time,” Loki states. “You managed to not only control what truth to find but whether or not to say it. That’s progress.” 
“Does that mean I can get these off?” you ask as you raise your cuffed wrists. 
With a snap of his fingers, the handcuffs are pried open. You stare down at your freed wrists and look up at him in surprise. Last you were told, Loki was incapable of doing magic.  
“How did you do that?” 
Loki doesn’t deem you a verbal response as he offers you a grin before getting up and leaving you on your own.
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @is-it-madness @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @moonlightprime @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi​ @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff​ 
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moononastring · 4 years
Tales of the Fox & the Fawn - XVII
Season II - A series of short snippets to fill my Elucien heart.
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Title: Paint Night
“Should I be worried?” Elain asked quietly, and Lucien chuckled, guiding her into the empty space for their date night. 
“Have I ever given you a reason to be worried, dove?” he replied, kissing her cheek and stepping away.
“Well, I can’t see anything so I’d say that’s a reason to worry!” she said, then pouted as her fingers skimmed the blindfolds he had insisted she wear. She tilted her head, her fae hearing picking up on all the sounds around her.
Though she couldn’t see him, Lucien grinned widely as he slowly slipped off his shirt. “This makes the surprise more exciting. Don’t you like surprises, love?”
“Hmm.” Elain hummed and crossed her arms. “Yes, but I’m also impatient.”
Lucien’s grin turned into a smirk as he slipped his one shoe off, then the other, deliberately noisier than necessary, and watched Elain freeze.
“I’m here, dove.”
“What are you doing?”
“Taking my clothes off.”
“But why am I blindfolded for that? I want to see!”
His laughter echoed in the room and Elain smiled as she felt his hands reach for the top button of her dress. 
“It’s okay, your clothes will come off too.” he whispered in her ear, kissing just below it. “May I?” 
His grin was feral as his fingers made quick work of her dress and he let it pool at her feet. “Ready?”
“Very!” she replied eagerly and blinked as Lucien slipped the blindfold off. “Oh!”
She looked around, surprised to find herself in Feyre’s private studio, two blank canvases set up with a variety of paints between them and blankets to use as seating in front of them. On each side of the canvas was a glass filled with champagne and resting between the blankets was a charcuterie board for them to enjoy. Elain turned to beam at him.
“Paint night?!”
“Paint night for date night.” Lucien confirmed with a nod and then laughed as Elain squealed and dashed over to promptly plop down on the blanket.
“The set up is wonderful, Lucien!” she gushed. “I love it! Look at all the colors we can use!”
He chuckled and made his way over to sit beside her. “I know you used to make Feyre her paints, but I figured you’d appreciate ready-made ones for tonight.” 
Elain smiled and leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I do! We can always make paint together another time.”
“Agreed.” Lucien replied and leaned in to return the kiss, only to her forehead instead. “If anything, I can test out the colors on you. Where else could I find such a perfect canvas?”
“Lucien.” she said in a warning tone.
“Elain.” he replied in a playful one.
She rolled her eyes and turned back to her blank canvas. “You’re already being a bad boy. I didn’t have to take off my dress for this.”
“I figured you didn’t want to ruin it.” he said with a shrug and a coy smile that Elain returned, grabbing a paintbrush.
“But I like letting you ruin my dresses.”
“Oh, I will definitely still do that.”
“Is that a threat?” she narrowed her eyes playfully and held up the paintbrush in defense. 
“It’s a promise.” he said with a wink and she laughed. 
“Does that mean I get to ruin your clothes too?”
“I give you my absolute consent to ruin every part of me.” Lucien stated firmly and Elain’s head fell back as she laughed again. She shook her head at him, meeting his smile for a smile then winking.
“You can count on it then.”
“I hope that’s a promise.”
“Oh, the things I’m going to do you, Lucien Vanserra.”
“Gods, I really hope that’s a threat.” 
“Feyre and Rhys aren’t the only ones who can show up covered in specks of paint, claiming they were in a meeting.” she said with a raised brow and cheeky grin. “We’ll show them how it’s really done.”
Tagging: @amandlas​ | @sweetlyvillainous​ | @zhian-tara​ | @gingerwritess​ | @ladyverena​ | @foxboylucien​ | @abbadinfluence​ | @seniararsenisorar​ | @wonderland--memories​ | @highladyylit​ | @karmaliciouslife​ | @sjmships​ | @dreamingthroughthenoise​ | @asilentfrenzy​ | @ourbooksuniverse​ | @highladyelain​ | @mayphenix​ | @oburiart​ | @nasias-stuff​ | @virdibirdie​ | @mariamuses​  | @nemoricultrixxx​   | @cassianandfenrysaremyboyos​ (I tagged you because I know you like elucien too but if you don’t want to be tagged please just tell me!)
Your feedback is always encouraging and welcome! If you would like to be tagged/untagged please let me know :) 
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Baby Universe (Steven Universe)
Peedee wasn't sure what made him go over to Steven's house. It wasn't like he normally went up there, when Steven wanted to hang out he came into town. Still with the restaurant closed while they were fixing the freezer he had nothing better to do. and as it would turn out, the walk would be MORE then worth it.
Steven was enjoying a rare bit of time alone for a change, and was taking advantage of it. It wasn't that he didn't like the gem,s they were like three mom's to him, but just sometimes he needed time alone. double so since his little fetish had kicked itself into overdrive as puberty was hitting him and while the Gem's didn't seem to care, Steven still had a hard time bringing himself to wear his shameful fetish gear while they were home. Said fetish gear wasn't as bad as it could of been, it wasn't like he was wearing 30 pounds of leather or dressing up like a fox to go and yiff, Nope, all Steven wanted to do was wear thick crinkly diapers, and usually up to half a pack at a time so he could barely waddle. This of course HAD led to him being busted by the gem's in the past, but once they were convinced he was ok and didn't NEED the diapers, they left it alone and passed it off as one of those 'human things.' Today with the place to himself Steven already had 4 tena's on and was wiggling his butt in the mirror and trying to decide if he should keep it safe and just add anther 2 or go for broke and add 6 more. it would be all of his remaining diapies and he wouldn't be able to get more for awhile which was the only reason he was hesitating. Still, Nothing ventured, nothing gained and he decided to go with as thick as possible and went to work. He was JUST getting the last diaper on, sitting on the floor and touage hanging out in effort when there was a knock on the front door and without thinking about it, Steven called out. "It's open!" and then slapped his hands on his mouth, having JUST got the last tape on.
Peedee smiled and walked in, he had assumed as much but had been taught manners so naturally had knocked. "Hey Steven, i was wondering if you wanted to..hang..out..Why's it smell like half a bottle of baby powder in here?" the slimmer boys asked, heading for the stairs and sniffing. "N-No reason! you should just go home! I'm sick!" Steven's panicked voice range out and then as Peedee got to the top of the stairs he was treated to the side of Steven's pamper clad butt sticking out, the top half of Steven was trying to hide under his bed. Without even pausing to think about it Peedee took out his cellphone and started to snap pictures. "Nice pampers Steven~ Did your mommies diapie you up nice and safe and sound before going out for more?" Peedee asked in a mocking tone. "J-Just get out of here or I-I'll-" Steven stammered, trying to think of a threat. "You'll what? make a stinky boom boom? doesn't look like baby Steven has any more diapies though so you'll hafa sit in your boom boom till they get back." Peedee laughed. the taunt had the desired result of Steven coming out from under the bed and glaring at Peedee, but all that did was let the slimmer boy get a snap shot of Steven's face to go with his butt and then clicked on his phone. "Andddd saved to my cloud. So if you get any ideas about trying to snatch my phone away tubby, it's doomed to fail." Peedee said, chuckling. Here he was, in shorts and a muscle shirt, slender and lanky but at least looking his age while Steven was a tubby little butter ball who was older then him but between his baby face and well.. BABY PANTS he looked so much younger. "ngggh..what do you want." Steven huffed, hands balled up into fists but staying his ground. "I wanna go and have LOTS of fun with the big baby, In town. if your a good boy, I won't tell anyone about your diapies. if your bad, I'll pants you in the middle of the amusement park. but if your a super good boy, I'll get you a new pack of diapies." Peedee said. Steven huffed and whined, but it wasn't really like he had a choice in the matter and after sulking, nodded.
the tricky part for heading out and keeping baby Steven in his bulky diapers was finding something to go over them, which between the boys chub and the massive thickness of the diapers was proving to be next to impossible. "well geez, if we can't cover them I'll just have to stay home. shucks, that sucks sooo much." Steven said, shrugging his shoulder and smirking while Peedee dug though a box of old clothes. "Don't count me out yet, I'll find so- AHA!" Peedee said, and held up a old hula skirt of Greg's (what it was doing there was anyone's guess) "This should cover your thick crinkly butt, at least as long as you don't bend over or there isn't too much of a breeze." Peedee said and smirked. "...ah poop." Steven whined.
the skirt actually did a fairly decent job of hiding the diapers for the most part, if anything was giving Steven away as they made their way into town the was the waddling and the crinkling Steven was doing plus his face being beat red. Thankfully most people just assumed it was from wearing the hula skirt and chuckled and told Steven and Peedee how cute they looked as they headed for fun land. "I swear to god, everyone know!" Steven mewed holding onto Peedee's arm for comfort even though the slimmer boy was the cause of all of his suffering. "now now, enough of that! Unless you want me to go and take you dress shopping thats the best your gonna get." Peedee said, though a evil look came over his face as he said it. "Uhh nope! I'm good! Let's go get some cotton candy!" Steven mewed. "Oh like you need MORE candy tubby~" Peedee teased and poked a finger into Steven's flab. "Come on, we'll go play a few games then go and get the baby a dress..and of course lots of new diapies." Peedee said, not bothering to keep his voice down but with the noise from the crowd no one heard him. that didn't stop Steven though from wetting himself a little as he looked around, almost crying. "Don't say stuff like that out loud!" he whined, sounding like a pouty toddler. "Sheesh your grumpy..Did I snag you before your afternoon nap or something? or does somebody need a diapie change?" Peedee asked and then even as Steven tried to say no, and with people around Peedee lifted up the back of the skirt and looked quick. it was quick enough anyone watching wouldn't be quite sure of what they saw and no one was close to being able to get a picture but it had Steven in mute silence, jaw hanging open. "Hmm, just a little soggy your good." Peedee said and then noticed Steven was frozen in humiliation. "Awww is the widdle baby scared somebody saw his diapies?" Ok, the plan HAD been to drag this out, but the look on Steven's face was waking something twisted up in side of Peedee and with a crowd around and some people looking worried about Steven frozen state, Peedee smiled. "I know a solution to get rid of all that doubt!" he said cheerfully. he grabbed either side of the hula skirt and far too late Steven realized what was about to happen and hand hands moved to grab Peedee's but were FAR too late. with a yank downwards the chubby babies thick massive diapers were on full display for the crowd to see and a silence went over the park, before a eruption of laughter broke out. "oh my god, Stevens a big baby!" cried Lar's holding his belly and laughing while Sadie covered her mouth and elbowed Lar's to be polite. "Man, I knew he had baby fat, didn't think he was a baby.." Snickered sour cream. "what are you talking about, that's not baby fat, he's just a little oinker!" Jenny giggled, taking out her phone for pictures. "Man, This explains so much about how naive he is." Buck commented. "S0Steven what are you.." Came Connie's voice, and shaking and tears welling up in his eyes he turned to see her with her parents, hands on her mouth and her father trying not to laugh, while her mother was shaking her head. "I think it goes without saying you won't be hanging out with him anymore, Unless it's a babysitting job." Connie's mom said and then with a bitchy sneer added. "And Steven, I can hook you up with a dietitian if you want." it was all too much for the little piggy and Steven plopped on his butt and started to bawl, kicking his legs and rubbing his eyes just like the big baby he was dressed like. any hope that this was the worse that could happen today was soon dashed however as Peedee intended to keep the rest of his promises to the big baby, which included a new outfit and LOTS of diapers.
Any and all fight was out of Steven as he held onto Peedee's hand, walking on the board walk toward the new little miss plus that had opened up in town. it had all the same styles of outfits most other girls wore but was meant for the chunky girls, or sissies in Stevens case. It was picked because well, where else was Peedee gonna get a dress that was going to fit his little butter ball and because it was the furthest away from the only shop in town that sold diapers in any size, so Steven would be showing off his new outfit when they went to get him his diapies. walking in the young girl minding the counter burst into the later and then excused herself, her name tag said her name was sally and she was tall, about 20-25ish and had her long blond hair in a pony tail. "H-Hi, I'm Sally, H-How can i help you?" she said, the back of her hand up to her mouth and trying not to laugh as Steven's blush traveled from his chubby cheeks down his neck, he was heading for full body blush territory. "Hi, I'm Peedee and this is sissy piggy Steven. Oink for the nice lady Steven." Peedee said and swatted Steven's padded behind, making him jump and let out a loud oink. "I was wondering if you had any cute short dresses that would help hide my little piggy princess fat rolls while also letting him feel all sweet and dainty. and before you answer, this is what your working with." at that Peedee grabbed Stevens shirt and yanked up up and over his head, leaving the poor half gem in just his Bulky diapers and shoes. "pffft..I dunno.. Maybe. I-I might have to set up a video conference with my fri- other consultants so we can figure out what'll look best on the piggy, is that ok?" Sally asked Peedee, since it was clear who was in charge. Steven mewed and looked at Peedee, willing him to say no, it was clear it was just gonna be a lot of women looking at him and laughing! "oh yeah, that makes sense. go for it." Peedee chuckled and then laughed as Steven started to whimper and suck his thumb.
Half a hour later and the full body blush was going on big time, all of the women on the call where on speaker and he could heard all of their cutting comment and mocking questions. for the most part he didn't answer them though, Peedee insisted he speak for Steven who was currently sucking on a large pink costume pacifier that Sally had found in the back that had been sent there by mistake instead of a costume shop. The nipple was too big really for his mouth and so Steven had a constant line of drool going down his chin but there had been a bib too to go with the paci and it'd been tied around his neck and adjusted to go over every outfit they had Steven try on, and the bib of COURSE had to read 'Daddies baby girl' "Have you thought about trying to put him on a diet?" One lady asked. "Yeah, but the little piggy will go though the trash looking for left overs. at least when I let him eat 2 whole pizza's to himself it's not trash pizza."  Peedee lied. "Does he use his diapers for like..everything?" anther asked. "Of course. he doesn't get a diaper change till he's totally filled the front and back of his diapers or he's leaking. I'm not made of money for him to just waste them." "aww, what a lucky little piggy! I bet you love your daddy VERY much huh Steven?" A third giggled, directing her question right to Steven who locked eyes with Peedee. there was no doubt what the right answer was and if all of this had happened with him trying to be a good boy and play along, he didn't wanna think about what would happen if he was a bad boy. Steven nodded his head slowly as Sally squealed and then held out what she claimed would be the PERFECT dress for widdle piggy Steven. The top part of it had no sleeve, just little puffy bubbles in a white cream color, little indents with hot pink, then the main part of the top half of the dress was also hot pink  and had a piggy face on the front, in a little shade of pink. the skirt part of the dress clearly wasn't going to be long enough to get close to covering up his massive diapers and was white with a little piggy head print going all around it. "I totally forgot we're getting in a line of fat shaming clothes for mothers and fathers who are sick of their girls being little piggy's! what do you think Peedee? prefect?" Peedee nodded and getting the dress on Steven it pinched at his flab rolls and much as Steven had predicted, did next to nothing to cover up his diapers, at least Half of them were still on display. with his bib on the top of it but not covering up the piggy on the front of the dress Peedee also got Steven a pair of pink flat heels and then of all things, promised that Steven would pay for the clothes by modeling them off in the store window for a few hours a week! "Well, as long as I don't have to change him I'm sure that can be worked out." Sally laughed. Steven just sniffled and sucked on his paci, knowing as bad as today had been so far, it was only going to get worse.
The end, for now.
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capricornsicle · 4 years
I have a feeling your ask box and I are going to be familiar. You might be hot-taked out after that killer Satomi discourse. But whenever you’ve got it in you, I’d sure love to hear what you think about Kira and her Jeff-deemed-absolutely-necessary departure.
Oh, definitely. And I do love content, so...
Kira Yukimura was done so dirty by the writers and Jeffrey “I’m not racist I’ll prove it by arguing to poc calling me out for it on twitter” Davis. Her treatment was racist, tokenizing, and it wasn’t even high-brow racism. It was sloppy and lazy. If you’re gonna write all your characters of color off the show, commit to it. She went to the desert like 5 times before she stayed. Cowards.
Kira was only meant to be on the show for the Nogitsune storyline in 3b. However, fans liked her so much that, as with Theo in season 6, she was brought back for more episodes. The difference is that Cody Christian is white-passing and male and Arden Cho is not. Female characters don’t exist on Teen Wolf without a relationship to a male character. Hayden existed for Liam. Tracy existed for Theo. Melissa existed for Scott and Argent. Allison existed for Scott. Lydia, the female character with the most screentime of all of them, spent a lot of her time existing in relationship to Jackson, Stiles, Parrish (shudder), and other male main characters. Women on the show were reduced to love interests and mothers more often than not, and Kira was the same.
I loved her character. I loved her arc. I loved Arden Cho, who in real life is as sweet and kind as her character. I enjoyed her parents, both Noshiko, who’s surprisingly funny and a total badass, and Ken, who’s the most wholesome man in the universe. The only straight man we stan. I love him.
Anyways, Kira was getting a fun arc outside of being Scott’s girlfriend, with her parents and her powers and all, and then wham, white-passing boy shows up and no more main character status for Kira. Guess there wasn’t enough room to keep the only interesting plot line of all the ones happening in s5. Personally, I would have chosen Kira over the Marrish garbage fire of underage relationships, but that’s just me.
Then. The Skinwalkers. I could write a whole essay about them, but this is a Kira post, so I’ll limit it to her. At least Luther got sent to the moon for a reason. Kira got sent to the desert for “rEaSoNs”. There was no indication that her power was out of control, but every indication it wasn’t. She was growing and learning. Then, suddenly, she was “too powerful” so she had to go to the desert and disappear for a few episodes and then go back and forth for a while before they wrapped up sending Theo to the upside down or wherever he went and she could finally go... hang out with the people who we were told could help her control her power but who only threw spears at her and gave her a season finale ex machina. Then back to the desert with you!
You can tell something was going on backstage in her treatment. Arden Cho wasn’t informed she was being cut, she had to be told by fans. Her departure was carried out as swiftly as possible, and not for any real reason. Kira would have been tremendously helpful against the hunters and in a lot of later scenes, against the Ghost Riders (and let me remind everyone that KIRA WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD LYDIA ABOUT THE WILD HUNT), against pretty much anything. Immune to electrocution? Don’t help with the hunters who love electrocuting people. Sloppy writing through and through.
And what’s more is that Kira was cut just in time for the Scalia thing, which was so fucking rushed oh my GOD nothing has ever been less natural- this is a Kira post, calm down capsicle. Anyways, Kira got replaced as Scott’s love interest and not much else by a white girl, no hate on Malia or Shelley but much on the writers. I loved Malia and Kira’s friendship, and if anyone should have gotten with Malia, it should have been Kira. (The first time I saw Malia I wondered if we were getting another ambiguously brown character, actually, but no, just Georgian and well-tanned. But I bet not all my followers knew Tracy was played by a Chinese and Cherokee actor. Or that Nolan was played by a Mexican and Caxcan actor. Or that Theo was played by a Penobscot Native actor. The list goes on of white-passing POC who got to stay marginally longer than Black or brown characters.) The “Scott ends up with a white girl he has no chemistry with” threw me for many loops, especially after I was surprised to find myself liking Scira, even though I’m usually bored by straight relationships because of their one-sided focus and nonexistent chemistry. Kira got to be a character outside of Scott, and I liked their romance better for it, and then desert for a thousand years!
TLDR on the canon end of things is that Kira and Arden were done dirty by a group of powerful white men who wanted to tell a cishet white story.
Now, on the fandom end of things, I’m stepping into the real hot water. It’s safe to say that Kira’s story was sloppy and Arden didn’t deserve that ending, but it’s less safe to say that this fandom doesn’t treat her that well either. Here’s the most popular x Scott ships on Ao3, under the Teen Wolf tag with no other filters.
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Scott and Allison. Scott and Stiles. Scott and Isaac. Then Scott and Kira, in dead last. Scott and Malia don’t even make the top ships list, probably because of how rushed and sloppy it was, but I digress.
People love Scott and Allison a lot, and I get that. I liked her too. I was also sad when she died. But, unlike a lot of sentiment I see in this fandom, I don’t think she should have been brought back to fight the beast in season 5 and get back with Scott. Not only do I think bringing characters back to life without very good reason and explanation (which they wouldn’t have, come on) cheapens their death, and that bringing characters back to life is weak storytelling in general, but let’s recall that Scira is still a thing in season 5. They’re still madly in love when Kira leaves. Allison should not have come back and love-triangled so Kira could be written off for a different white girl or so the massive amount of young white girls in the fandom who love Allison would be angry at Kira for breaking up their OTP. That would have been the one thing that could have made season 5 worse. (Well, they could have made Marrish a thing or killed Mason, but Jeff Davis thought about it and a shiver went down his spine because the ghost of Christmas future hears my name in its nightmares.)
Even if people aren’t “bring Allison back” campers, they largely ignore Kira’s entire existence. People who post gifsets and posts about Allison or Lydia don’t give anywhere near the same amount of attention to Kira. I see more Malia posts, actually. And while all of them had more runtime than Kira, none of them paired with Scott quite as perfectly, or had such strong independent storylines. Lydia almost did, but it kept petering out and she kept going back to main plot only. I see lots of appreciation posts for Allison and Lydia and Malia and the men, obviously, but NOTHING for Kira or Arden Cho. We all know what happened backstage because we read the same post in 2016 or whenever and then we all stopped talking about it.
Even the racism in this fandom skips Kira. Scott antis, I’m looking (controversially) at you. I’m glad Kira isn’t the subject of a bunch of obvious racism (as much as “bring Allison back!” makes it subtle), but not because she’s a forgotten side character. Kira made the main credit sequence! She has a sword! What else could you all POSSIBLY want?
And here’s where I burn at the stake: Kira was written off her own damn “look Fun Japanese mythology” storyline half the time so it could center around Stiles. A white boy. There were numerous issues with the mythology before that — “Oni” means demon, not “firefly samurai ninja”, and it refers to a similar mythology as the western “fae”, a large collection of creatures benevolent, malevolent, and in between, with different traits and origins. Kitsunes are meant to be red or white, not gold, and they’re foxes, not cats, animation team. “Nogitsune” refers to the malevolent class of “low” Kitsune, or “wild” Kitsune, who didn’t align themselves with the goddess Inari and do divine and pious work. There are many of them and the most they really do is harass people at shrines, not murder indiscriminately for funsies. They’re only malevolent in that they like doing bad deeds, not that they’re serial killers. And they’re not one of the usual 13 low Kitsune, two of which are bad of their own accord! (Spirit and Air. Google it!) They are meant to be dealt with by Inari-aligned high Kitsune, not your average tricky fox. Among other things.
So Stiles. Outside of the Kira storyline, he’s used in a lot of fandom discourse about racism and sexism. And queerbaiting. Y’all love a scrawny white boy. Anyways, Stiles gets possessed by the Nogitsune (that’s NOT how that works but okay Jeffrey) and suddenly s3 is about him. Kira’s not evil, now let’s look at Stiles being tired and messy and killing people. Dylan #1 did a great job playing that part, no hate on him, but the fact that a white boy became the main character in a Japanese (or Korean, if you’re Jeff, same thing) girl’s storyline is. Hmm. How do you call it? Blatant racism. And erasure. Which is racism. YIKES, Jeff. There is so much wrong with Stiles being the Nogitsune and controlling the Oni and his whole story (and oh my god the other guy who got possessed was also a white boy instead of a Japanese character played by the same actress Jesus fucking Christ). I’m not going into that, because that’s its own essay.
Anyways, because of how much this fandom loves Stiles, it’s easy to ignore how Kira and Japanese characters were treated. People project onto Stiles with glee. He’s white. He’s awkward. He’s (supposedly) not super attractive. (Yikes.) He’s ditzy and bouncy and all that fun stuff, but he also always saves the day. He got written off for most of 6b and he still saved the stupid day. And hey, dark!Stiles (let’s not get into calling him dark instead of Nogitsune that’s just too much wine we’d have to crack open to say it) is a fun trope and people like posting and creating about him. Except that he’s the white boy who took Kira’s storyline. Her independent story about Kitsune and the like was all given over to him, not just by the show, but by the fandom. So now every post about Kitsune is a Stiles post, even if it started with Kira. And because it’s Stiles, and this fandom loves him, and is easily offended by people leaning too hard on the glass house around them and him, Kira gets forgotten and swept aside. Everyone would rather talk about Stiles. Who is incapable of bad. Or cultural appropriation. But if you attack him you’re being ableist because he has ADHD. This is why I relate to Nolan for anxiety feels instead.
TLDR on the fandom end, y’all don’t treat Kira better than the show did. I see a few posts here and there from some dedicated users — typically the same people posting about Boyd, Deaton, Morrell, yeah that’s it I’m the only one posting about Kali. (Un-fun fact: Kali was not played by an Indian actor, but by a half-Black actor. Jeff Davis, when called out on twitter, said “wow ok idiots we tried to find an Indian actress but it was hard actually SUPER hard so shut up and stop telling me how to write MY show”, which is paraphrasing with intent to make fun, but exactly what he said.) Y’all who know about Arden and Kira should diversify your blogs to include more POC, especially ones where the actor AND character were rudely sidelined for vague white people reasons. Post gifs of Kira along with Allison, Lydia, and Malia. Post ship stuff of Scira too. Post about kitsunes, the origin story of the Nogitsune, when you post about the white boy who became the main character of that arc. Call the show out. Call the fandom out. Stop making every bit and piece of her story about Czechoslovakia White Boy. Demand Kira in any future runs of the show, if season 7 or whatever does happen. Include her in your fanfictions, in your headcanons, in your art. You don’t have to love her, but you have to remember that she’s as there as any of the white characters are.
This take is very hot. If I receive racist asks and/or messages about this, I’m going to make fun of each and every sender.
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The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife || Pt3
Part 1  || Part 2.
A/n: Also vote...please vote / help me because I need your help to decided on what to do since its gonna be coming up soon. {{ vote here }}
Ps. this got to long so the kiss and date and everything else is gonna be in part four. {{ like I am sure this is past 4,000 words }}
A: 2 B: 0 C: 1
Tag List: @ayamenimthiriel​ || @kitsamii. || @courageouslystupid​
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Rude was stuck in a rather tough spot, the man did not know what to make of this. He thought he might be able to find any records of the young woman, it seemed to be as if they were completely wiped. Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose, pulling of security footage of when he ran into you the man managed to get a picture of you.
He needed to know who you are, how did you know Aerith. Sighing he tilted his head to the side as he printed out a picture of you though tensed feeling crumbs hit his shoulder.
“She’s cute.” Even though it was muffled thanks to the food in the person's mouth Rude still knew who it was. “Who is she?”
“The girl I ran into.”
“The one who made these amazing muffin...haha really?....so did you get a name?” Reno asked peering at the picture of you from the candid photo, your hair was tied back in a loss ponytail and you were wearing a dress similar to Aerith’s. He thought you were rather pretty, he also thought that smile was cute but you must be someone important if Rude was looking into you.
“I did not.”
“So...you have nothing on her then?”
“You would be correct.”
“Well Shit.”
Rude sighed as he placed the picture down, maybe he should check into with Tseng to see if he could find something, or Rufus might know. 
“Shit indeed.”
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“So Cloud...”
“hmm??” Cloud glanced over at you, he watched as your fingers clutched the Mythril Rod in your fingers.
“I...what was it like being a SOLDIER?” You sighed glancing up at the sky, you never knew why seeing the stars gave you so much comfort. Perhaps it was something that you used to do with your father until he vanished.
“It’s a job...I did it to keep people safe, a lot of good that did.”
Turning to face him, you just smiled at him. “I think you’re doing a wonderful job of watching me and Aerith.”
“Huh?” Cloud frowned then shook his head, he should have expected you to say something like that.
“Aw, I thought for sure that would have given me a smile.” You teased rushing off to where Aerith was.
Stopping in his tracks Cloud frowned for a moment then shook his head. “Try harder.”
Your laughter was his only response but it took a few quick strides for him to catch up with you.
“You can see the sky” Glancing up, that was something he wasn’t used too being stuck in Sector 7 and seeing that plate.
Aerith frowned as she looked up at the dark sky with a frown on her face. “They’re still working on a new plate. I don’t like this part of Midgar.” As you three walked down the dirt path she kept speaking. “Back when they were still building Midgar, there was an accident, and the plate fell. People were still moving in, so there weren’t an of lot living there at the time, but....” She stopped as you three ventured deep down the path until you all spotted the Wall Market in the distance, the lights shining brightly in the night.
“And that’s?”
“The underside of Sector 6. “Wall Market.” A real special place.” Aerith then stepped in front of him tilting her head to the side. “But I’m sure you already knew that, right?”
Cloud frowned then turned his head away. “I didn’t tell you?”He then let out a sigh glancing away from you. “I enlisted pretty much right after I left home.” He then turned his attention to look at the stars. “Dunno much about this place, or any of the slums.”
Biting back a comment you then forced a smile on your face as your grasped his hand. “Don’t worry Cloud! that's what you have me and Aerith for!.”
Aerith smiled nodding her head not letting him get a chance to speak.”Y/n is right ya know.” Though that didn’t stop her from telling him about the Wall Market, things you didn’t even know. 
“Lucky for you I know a different way to Sector 7....One that tragically doesn’t go through Wall Market.” Giving you a wink you were positive that you only saw she gave you a small nod to his hand. Sighing she grasped one of Cloud’s hand as you grasped the other. “And it’s just through this tunnel here.” she pointed a long tunnel ahead of you.
“It’s best if you just listen to her Cloud, Aerith isn’t going to stop.” You state though the man let out a defeated sigh. Muttering under your breath you three continued to walk through the dark tunnel into you had to duck under a broken beam.
Emerging under you couldn’t help but let out a groan. “Wonderful.” Seeing the Collapsed expressway, you started to wonder if you would ever make it to Sector 7.
“It’s been like this...ever since the plate fell.” Aerith shrugged as she let go of the man's hands peering down below.
“And their’s no other way?”
“It will be an adventure.”
Sighing you rolled your eyes though then let go of his hand once you reached a ladder. You and Aerith slipped down waiting for the man, tugged out the blue flower he wanted to give to you the man was amazed it was still intact.
Biting bit tongue, he took a deep breath deciding now would be the best time to do it. Once he made it down the ladder he cleared out his throat then thrusts the flower in your face, not wanting to meet your gaze. “Here...for the cupcake...”
Hearing Aerith’s squeal you blinked, blushing as you took the flower. Smiling at him you could still feel the warmth on your cheeks. “Thank you Cloud, it’s beautiful.” Looking at the blue flower over you realized it must have been from the young woman's garden. You then tucked the stem in your hair so the blue petals were resting on your ear.
“So...what do you think.?” Doing a small pose you were taken back by what he said. 
Though the moment was ruined as Aerith then grasped your arm tugging you forward. “Ahhh! so cute!”
Cloud sighed as he then crossed his arms over his chest, now he wished he waited to give it to you so he wouldn’t have to deal with Aerith. Shoulders slumping he glanced around the small little area you were all stuck in trying to figure out a way to get the ladder up.
Wandering off from the two you did not know why you were being drawn to this particular area. Slowly making your way to a darkened corner, hearing a small cry you then knelt. “Hey it’s okay....you don’t have to be scared.”
Though you suddenly let out your cry falling back on your butt when a white creature jumped out at you. Sitting up you didn’t even notice that Cloud and Aerith rushed over to you. The man clutching his buster sword pointing it at the creature sitting on your chest. Aerith gave you a beaming grin kneeling forward pushing Cloud aside.
“Oh y/n! do you know what that is?” 
Still recovering you slowly bring your hands up then run your fingers through the soft fur. “A Carbuncle.....they were in the storybook my mom used to read to me when I was little.” Smiling you continued to pet the creature, it leaning into your touch. “Well, it was nice meeting you little um Carbuncle.”
The Fennec fox-like animal tilting its head to the side once you placed it on the ground. Standing up you walked a few feet before the animal followed you then jumped on your shoulder, its teeth sinking into your Mythril Rod.
“I think it likes you Y/n!” Aerith was smiling.
“Can you trust it?” Cloud, however, was not, the man rather not risk anything happening to you. Shaking his head from those thoughts he did not know why he was thinking that. He kept his gaze on the creature, the Carbuncle had pale blue fur, its large ears twitching as the thing turned its gaze to him while its puffy tail wrapped around your neck gently. He could have sworn the damn thing gave him a smug look.
“Don’t be stupid Cloud! Of course, we can....besides it likes Y/n and you want her to be safe right....?” She started to rock on her heels then smiled tapping the Carbuncle’s nose. “Did you know that the horn is made out of ruby? but don’t let this little one fool you...they have potent healing powers.”
Well if that was true then he guessed that it was one more thing that could keep you two safe. “I...fine....though if it...I’m getting rid of it if it’s a pain in the ass.”
Letting out a laugh you scratched behind the creature's large ears. “Thank you, Cloud and it looks like you need a name.”Hmm how about Celestine...because you have that pretty little stone on your forehead.”
Celestine let out a small chirp, grinning you, Aerith, Cloud, and your new companion was off. 
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“Thank god we are out of that mess.” Panting you were leaning forward doing your best to catch your breath, you never thought you could have that hard. Who knew that so man monsters were trapped in a collapsed tunnel, god it was going to be shit getting back to yours and Aerith’s home.
Celestine hopping off your shoulders as you looked around the Evergreen Park of Sector 6.
“Wow....that must be the gate to Sector 7...you must be happy Cloud” Turning to face the blond you smiled at him though it was hard to read the expression on his face.
“I...looks shut how do we open it?”
Now standing beside you Aerith shrugged giving him her smile. “More importantly how about we take a break? Sound good.”
“No, I don’t have time-”
“Aerith now’s not really.”
Ignoring both of you, she continued to smile giving you a small push towards the dome house. With a sigh you climbed up the wall sitting on top of it, not expecting Cloud to be by your side.
“Wait! Aerith what are you?~”
With a laugh, Aerith waved both of you off. “Now is a good time for you two to get to know each other better!”
Dropping your shoulders you brought your knees to the chest to see her chase after the Carbuncle.
Glancing over at Cloud you gave him a weak smile. “She’s something?”
“Yea” Frowning Cloud opened his mouth though he didn’t know what to say to you, what could he say?
“You know...me and my dad used to do this all the time...look at the stars I mean.” Glancing up at the night sky you started to get lost in a memory. “He’d sit me in his lap and point out all the different stars.” Frowning you rested your head on your knees. “I miss him.”
“What happened to your parents?” Cloud wanted to know though he’d understand if you didn’t answer him.
“My father? I don’t know what happened to him...one day...he was just gone a-and for my mother? she died... let's see...um I was eleven.” You tried to blink away tears though as you were crying you felt a hand rest on your cheek. 
“I’m sorry.”
Clearing out your throat you let out a laugh smiling at him. “It wasn’t all bad...Aerith’s mother took me in after my mother's death and when I grew older I moved back into my old home.” You didn’t want to worry about the man but you weren’t going to lie, it felt nice for him to touch your cheek.
Pulling his hand back, the man forced himself not to blush. Now he could see why you and Aerith were close. “I lost my mother too.”
“Oh! Cloud I’m.” Stopping yourself you sighed resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m sure she would be proud of you.” You didn’t mean to say it, the words just slipped out but they were true.
You both turned to face each other, it wasn’t until now that you got a good look at his eyes. “Wow...your eyes.”
“Oh. It’s ‘Cause of the Mako. All SOLDIER’s have em.” He shifted his body, turning away from you. If his cheeks weren’t red before he was positive they were now.
“They’re beautiful.” Biting your lip you forced out a laugh standing up, dusting your dress off you noticed that the Carbuncle was curled up in Aerith’s arm. “Sorry I’m bumming you out...w..we should go.” Climbing down took a little time though you rolled your eyes once Cloud jumped down.
“Show off.”
Before Cloud could respond Aerith smiled as she slipped under the dome playhouse. Giving you both a grin she must have moved something before she slipped back out.
“This is how you get to sector 7 in style..go ahead.” Aerith did seem a little disappointed that her plan on leaving you two alone didn’t work.
Walking towards the entrance he sighed turned his attention to look at both of you. “Will you two be okay getting home alone?”
Shifting her body that statement seemed to make Aerith a little pleased. “And If I said we wouldn’t be?”
Looking over at you Cloud frowned taking a step forward. “Then I’ll go with you two.” Shaking his head he started to walk off.
“Cloud...I thought you had to get back.” You reached out to grab the man's wrist though you were quickly shushed by Aerith.
Rolling your eyes you stepped away from the woman you tried to hold you back. “I’m sure your friends miss you...so you ready to head back?”
You weren’t expecting to hear that, though Aerith nearly squealed as she grasped your arm. “Oh see Y/n! he’s gonna miss us.”
Just as you were going to convince the man to leave all of your attention turned to the doors opening up to a Chocobo pulling a lavish cart.
You and Aerith watch Cloud rush off after the cart and it didn’t take long for you and Aerith to follow after him. The two were talking you tried your best not to listen in but that didn’t seem to both Aerith as she stopped the man in his tracks. 
“Oh no you don’t....you’re going after her.”
“She’s right Cloud...I heard awful things about that man.” You weren’t going to mention that you heard them from your mother.
Listing to both of what you and Aerith had to say he then dropped his shoulders making his way to Wall Market. “Let's go.”
“Perfect!” You and Aerith smiled walking ahead of Cloud, the Carbuncle letting out a chirp. 
“Couldn’t agree more.”
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Stepping into Wall Market your eyes went wide, you never have seen anything like it before. Wincing you ignored the pain that started to form in the back of your skull, wandering away from Cloud and Aerith that started to the drive you instead started to pet the Chocobo.
“Aren’t you a cutie.” Smiling your fingers scratched the creature's cheek though you were startled by a voice.
“I’m surprised she even let out touch her....you must be somethin special.” Turning to the voice you spotted a tall man, a beard, and a cowboy hat. He was flipping a coin in his hand.
“Oh!...I’m sorry? I just really love animals and Chocobo’s...they’ve always been my favorite.” Giving him a small bow he let out a chuckle, it wasn’t until you finally noticed that Cloud and Aerith were watching you too.
Before Sam could get close to you, Cloud placed his body in front of yours though that didn’t stop for the man holding his hand out to you.
“You’re the splitin image of your mother.”
Eyes going wide you quickly stepped out from behinds Cloud back. “You knew my mother?!” “Darlin...your mother was one of the best workers I had.” Sam wrinkled his nose as he grasped your chin.“I’d say you got everything from that woman...minus that smile...I’m assuming you got that from your dad.” He didn’t sound too pleased when he mentioned your father.
“Though I seemed to have gotten distracted for the matter at hand.” He narrowed his eyes at Cloud. “I told ya what you need to know now take a walk and leave me out of it.” he seemed to have waved the man and Aerith off though it looked like he was debating on saying something to you with a shake of his head he stepped inside the building.
Confused you didn’t even notice Aerith say something until she placed her hand on your shoulder. “Right y/n?”
“Oh...right ha ha!.” Putting a smile you did your best to agree to them though soon you three were off to the man's mansion though your thoughts were still swimming from what Sam had told you. Your mother worked for, which would explain why she knew about Corneo. Frowning you did your push those thoughts down but you wanted to know more, perhaps you could sneak off to talk to Sam again.
Not paying attention you slammed into Clouds back but you must have been nothing since the man didn’t even move this time.
“You okay y/n?” Their’s Aerith concern for you again. Blinking you let out a laugh pushing your troubling thoughts away.
“Oh? I’m fine.” 
Celestine, on the other hand, jumped back on your shoulders, letting out a growl once one of the men standing in front of the door stopped Cloud from entering. Though they must have said something since Aerith volunteered both of you.
“What! he said pretty boys couldn’t enter so we’re the only choice!” Narrowing your eyes you nearly punched the guy in his face when you heard him insulting your friend. “Aerith isn’t homely! have you looked in a mirror!” You snapped stepping out from Clouds back pointing at the man.
“Hey Leslie, this one is really cute....with a little make up she’d be a knockout.” “What?!” You could have sworn your voice went up an octave and you had to catch Celestine from leaping at the guy.
“How about I knock you out.” Cloud let out a small growl pushing you behind his back again.
Aerith narrowed his eyes as she stepped close to one of the lackeys. “Cloud? Permission to kill?”
Before Aerith had a chance to respond the man Leslie did. “If you’re really sure you want to join an audition, then you’re gonna need an official approval.”
“How do we do that.?”
“The trio--the only ones in town who’re considered authorities on Corneos particular tastes.” Leslie sighed then shifted his body. “First, there’s Chocobo Sam....and then there’s Madam M over at the massage parlor. Last but not least, there’s the Honeybee Inn’s Andrea Rhodea.”
You stopped paying attention once Leslie mentioned Sam, maybe this was your chance to talk to the man alone. Shaking your head to turn to the voice that called out to you, looking up you spotted the concerned look on his face. 
“Well, what are we waiting for.”
Smiling you then turned to Leslie giving him a thumbs up. “Don’t you worry..we’ll be back.”
With a nod, you then stepped out the door with Cloud and Aerith following you but Cloud was the one to stop you in your tracks once you were on the bridge.
 “Are you two sure about this?”
“Of course Cloud! if y/n is in then I am too! no fear!”
Doing your best to steady your nerves you didn’t even notice how much your hands were shaking. While part of you wanted to help Clouds friend you just wanted to know about your mother. Biting your lip it took for you to dig your nails into your palm to run to the man once you spotted him still flipping that damn coin.
“Not you three again.” Sam frowned but gave a glance towards your direction. “Told ya once, I’ll tell you a thousand times- Got nothin’ for you. Now scram.” He then waved you off.
Digging your nails into your palm, you were getting sick of all this. “Hey! Hear us out!” You stepped forward, getting close to the man. “You’re one of the Trio, right? I want you to get...” No not you, you couldn’t pull that off. “I need to you get Aerith in for the Audition.”
“Y/n.” Aerith frowned stepping closer to you, she wished you had more confidence, she thought you were beautiful and just as strong at using magic.
“Why not?”
Now that was a surprise, you didn’t think the man would agree so quickly. “Sure, next time an audition comes around I’ll put your name in the hat.” and their it was.
“You can’t...this has to be the one.” You protested. “Please can’t you do something?”
Eyeing Aerith, Sam then shook his head as he turned his attention back to you. “No can do sweetheart..I already recommended Tifa in the running and she’s got this in the bag.”
“How do you know he’ll pick Tifa? he could pick me?”
“Damn you really want in don't ya?”
Giving him a smile Aerith nodded her head. “Sure do.”
Giving her a smirk he played with the coin in his hand. “Then how about we play for it.” Flipping the coin he then caught it in the air. “Call it, Missy. Heads or Tails? Guess right, and I’ll grant you your wish. Guess wrong and you’ll leave me in peace.”
“Tails. You lose.”
‘You lost...that couldn’t be right...you came to far to lose.’That was the thought running through your mind.
“Hey, Don’t look so glum.You’re a pretty enough gal, just...not quite Corneo’s cup of tea.”Sam nodded towards Aerith. “But if only the Don will do, try convincing on of the other two...that’s why it’s a Trio and not just the me-oh. Now Skedaddle” He then started to walk off though it was Cloud that stopped him in his tracks.
“Wait...Mind if I see that coin of yours?”
Giving him a smirk Sam tossed him the coin as Cloud inspected it. “Trick coin...I had a hunch.”
Gasping, your eyes went wide as Aerith continued to flip it over. “You bastard!...you’re a cheat!. You must be mistaken! Because my mother would never work for a conman like you! My mother was kind! she helped anyone like you! You’re delusional and have to have me mistaken for somebody else!”  You screamed at him as Cloud grasped your arm, the man could sense something powerful emerging from you. 
Panting you were shocked when the man started to laugh, shaking his head Sam walked down the steps as he pointed to you. “I like you, I’m sure you got a great left hook like her too.” Grasping his chin he then titled his head to the side. “How about this...I’ll get you...only you into the audition...though you can’t go and speak to anyone else...and nobody can know about this...so...do we have a deal?” He held out his hand to you.
Biting your lip you then looked up at the man with determination in your eyes. “Deal..but you’re going to tell me about my mother.” Grabbing his hand, you glanced back at Cloud. His protest falling on deaf ears. “I’m sorry...I have to do this..I’ll see you two soon...We’ll meet at the bridge in two hours.”
Aerith sighed as she watched her friend retreat into the shop, turning to Cloud she placed her hand on his shoulder. The man’s gaze now watching the closed door.
“Come on Cloud...let’s go try the other two...I still gotta chance. Besides y/n can handle herself.”
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Once you stepped into Sam’s well you didn’t know what to call it, your eyes quickly fell to the photo on the wall. Feeling your eyes started to water you noticed your mother immediately.
She was smiling that the camera, a cowboy hat on her head. A pair of boots, skirt and a shirt tied off at her stomach. She looked so young, so happy, shaking your head you then turned to face the man who was now leaning up against a counter top.
“Now that I’m here...talk.”
The Carbuncle jumping off your shoulder as it watched Sam closely.
“Well darlin...this is along tail so you might wanna sit down.”
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dust2dust34 · 4 years
It’s Always Been You (3/6, Olicity AU, T)
Summary: Oliver and Felicity run into more old friends and get closer to being on the same page.
A/N: Read previous chapters here. Thank you for fabulous response, I'm so insanely glad you guys are enjoying this fic! Hope you’re staying safe!
(read on AO3)
Oliver watched her lips move as she said, “I promise.” Lips he had already been lucky enough to feel against his own, lips he had touched a second ago, because he had been too close to cutting her off with a kiss.
She promised.
He was going to hold her to that.
They both started, the boisterous call of his name shattering the bubble they’d been caught in. For a second, the music, the chatter, the unique smell of gym mats and chlorine that this part of the building always held, all of it had disappeared.
It was just so easy to fall into her.
“You son of a bitch.”
The words had Oliver smiling, especially when Felicity blinked rapidly as she turned to face the approaching couple. It did not escape his notice that she didn’t let go of his hand, keeping their fingers laced together. He had to bite the inside of his lip to keep from grinning like an idiot.
“Lyla?” Felicity asked just as the other woman’s jaw dropped on a surprised, “Felicity?”
Oliver didn’t get the chance to hear or see more because the hulking man next to their old classmate dominated his vision with a finger in his face. “What’s this I hear about you talking to my wife more than your commanding officer?”
“If I remember correctly, she was also my commanding officer,” Oliver replied. “And yours.”
John Diggle chuckled. “She still is,” he said before throwing an around Oliver’s shoulders and yanking him in for a back-thumping hug. “It’s good to see you, man.”
“You too,” Oliver said with a grin. When he felt Felicity’s arm moving away from him as she hugged Lyla, his fingers instinctively tightened around hers. Too late he realized what he was doing, and it occurred to him that he should probably let go. But then her fingers grasped onto his just as tight. He wondered if Digg felt his heart somersault, or if the slam of it was something only he felt.
“Felicity, this is my husband, John Diggle,” Lyla said with a radiant smile as she looked up at her husband. “Johnny, this is Felicity Smoak.”
“Felicity Smoak,” Diggle said slowly, holding his hand out.
She finally let him go.
Oliver followed her hand without even thinking, a move that didn’t go unnoticed by Lyla as Diggle and Felicity shook hands. His former - and far scarier - commander raised an eyebrow at him and he ducked his head before she could see his blush. He instantly felt stupid. They were professionals, damn it. She had just called him for a consultation three days ago. This was ridiculous. Biting the tip of his tongue, he looked up, hoping to keep his eyes on Diggle and Felicity. Except all he saw was the knowing smile on Lyla’s face that made his blushing worse. She barely stopped herself from laughing out loud.
He glared at her and she pinched her lips to keep from grinning.
It was like they were in high school or something.
Diggle smiled at Felicity. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“You have?” Felicity’s eyes darted to Lyla. “I hope only good things because judging by the size of your arms, you could not only throw me across the room, you could bench press three of me.”
Diggle chuckled and then looked at Oliver. “Only good things from this guy.”
His cheeks practically burst into flames.
“Is that so?” Felicity asked as she looked up at him.
Oliver glanced at her and he could only imagine how bright red his face was because the amused tick of her lips turned into a full-blown grin. He turned his glare on Diggle.
“Thanks for that,” Oliver said to him with a pinched smile.
Diggle shot him a needling grin. “What? It’s true.”
Oliver was ready to flip him off, but then he got distracted. By Felicity wrapping her arms around his and lacing their fingers back together. A trifecta of sensation walloped him - his breath caught, his stomach dropped, his heart spasmed. He looked down at their hands and then at her smiling face.
He couldn’t look away, and he didn’t want to.
“So this is new,” Lyla commented, forcing them to refocus on their surroundings.
Felicity’s eyebrows popped as she looked up at Oliver, just as his furrowed as he looked at her. The synchronicity was perfect, and he smiled while she said, “Well…”
“Newish,” Oliver offered, glancing back at the couple. “We’re definitely not engaged.”
The startled look on both their faces alone would have been worth it, but what really made it was the huff from the woman next to him. His grin exploded as he looked at Felicity in time to see her rolling her eyes.
“Uh, that’s…” Lyla started as Diggle’s eyes bounced between them.
“He’s making fun of me,” Felicity said, jabbing her nail into his side. He jerked with a noise at the ticklish pain and she did it again. He managed a near-silent, “Hey,” that only she heard. She stuck her tongue out at him. He chuckled as she explained, “I now suffer from a severe lack of brain filter.”
“She’s exaggerating.”
“I really am not.”
“It’s cute.”
“Until I’m telling people about our sex lives. No, not that. Never that. There’s nothing to tell. Not to say there isn’t anything to tell, because there is. Of course there is, have you seen this guy? Talk about dreams coming true- I’m… going to stop talking in three, two… one.”
Oliver leaned into her, his lips ghosting over her temple as he whispered, “Don’t you dare.”
A hint of coconut filled his senses as her hair tickled his mouth and chin. He lingered, probably too long. The thought disappeared when she practically fell into him, and he kissed her temple as she squeezed his hand really hard at her faux pas.
He didn’t mind in the least.
It suddenly hit him that this was the second - no, third? Fourth? - time he’d kissed her forehead.
“I think I hear a drink calling our names,” Diggle said as Oliver pulled back to gauge her reaction. But she had buried her forehead in his shoulder. Was it her words, or because he was pushing the line of pretending? Diggle clapped Oliver on the shoulder, jerking his attention back to the other man. “See you guys in there?”
“Yeah,” Oliver replied as Felicity finally pulled back and gave them a nod.
“Oh, and hey,” Diggle said with a nod to Oliver to step closer for a moment. He pulled away from Felicity enough for her grasp on his arm to slip, but not their hands. “Lyla told me you’re gonna be assisting on the Ghost Fox case. I’m taking the lead on it.”
“Sounds good.”
“I’ll hit you up in a bit.” Diggle waited for a confirming nod from Oliver before he glanced at Felicity. “It was very nice to finally meet the woman who makes this guy realize life is something to enjoy every once in a while.”
Oliver cursed under his breath. “Give it a rest, will you, John?”
With a wink, he and Lyla headed back to the gym entrance.
“Did he say Ghost Fox?”
“Hmm?” Oliver asked, looking back to her. “Yeah. It’s a, uh… consulting project I’m doing for them. I do some work for them on the side from time to time.”
“You know, I don’t actually know what it is that you do. Which I probably should.”
“Well, this semester I’m teaching Russian and French.”
“You’re a teacher?”
“Don’t sound so surprised.” Oliver grasped her hand tighter in his and tugged for her to follow him towards where a semi-steady stream of people were stopping at a long table to pick up name tags before entering the gym. “Last year it was Spanish and Mandarin. I have a knack for languages.” He basked in the awed look she gave him and he couldn’t help but ask, “Impressed?”
“Extremely,” Felicity replied. “And… confused.” Off his look, she added, “Not about you. It’s more that I don’t remember them offering such a colorful array of languages when we matriculated.”
“No, we definitely didn’t. But Tommy needed a foreign languages teacher and I needed a change.”
Understatement, he mused silently, although the weight of it didn’t hit as hard as it usually did.
“A change,” Felicity repeated slowly. “Does that have something to do with whatever you needed commanding officers for?”
“Uh…” There was the hit. Oliver tried to shake it off. “Yeah. It… it’s a long story-”
“You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to. I shouldn’t have asked. I have this thing about mysteries and you are proving to be quite the mystery.” Felicity stopped walking and he turned back to her. “I’m sorry.”
He frowned. “For what?”
“Oliver, these aren’t just old high school buddies we’re talking about,” she said. “They’re your friends. Like, real friends. You served together, if I’m guessing right, and you work together, if I’m - again - guessing right, and I’m asking you to lie to them-”
“Felicity. Stop. Please.” The look on her face told him she had every intention of doing the exact opposite. The table holding name tags was blissfully people-free, so he stole the moment to grab theirs before she could get a word in. Most of them were already picked over, so it was easy to spot theirs. Coming back, Oliver held her name tag out to her. “How about we put these on, go inside, get a drink, mingle, dance, do whatever people who attend these things do.”
She reluctantly took it. “Oliver…”
“C’mon. It’ll be fine. I promise.”
She stared at him for a beat before sighing. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you doing this for me.”
“You’re you,” was all he said as he put his name tag on.
Felicity harrumphed and held up her nametag where her senior picture sat next to her name. “Are you sure your brain didn’t get all jostled around in the last few years, because I remember this girl being particularly bitchy most of the time. Not exactly worthy of a favor like this.”
“You are literally the only reason I graduated, Felicity.”
“That’s not true,” she said as she situated her name tag on her left shoulder. “You were always way smarter than you gave yourself credit for.”
“See? That right there is why if it’s you asking, I’ll do it,” Oliver said. “Because you believed in me when nobody else did.” He held his hand out to her. “Shall we?”
It took a moment - really, it took an eternity, if his racing pulse had anything to say about it - but then she gifted him with a gorgeous smile.
It was like the clouds parting and the sun shining down on him for the first time in years.
She grasped his hand in hers.
It fit perfectly.
“We shall.”
Thank you for reading! More tomorrow! Reviews literally the soul and muse!
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softnow · 5 years
paracosm [ch. i]
msr | college au | this chapter: gen | words: 1851
university of maryland, 1982. fox mulder is in love with the library girl.
this fic wouldn't exist without @o6666666 who has been the biggest cheerleader/brainstorm partner. thank u ily. also: if you go to umd, went to college in the 80s, or specifically went to umd in the 80s...sorry. we’re doing our best but we’re taking liberties here, folks. tagging @today-in-fic. 
— — —
Fox Mulder is in love with the library girl.
Or, well, enamored with, at least. Smitten with. Big-time crushin’ on.
He sees her for the first time in the fiction section, kicking along a step stool and dragging a re-shelving cart, putting Dickens and Dostoevsky back where they belong. Her messy red bob is bright against the classic lit beige, and her little blue jeans make his palms itch. She’s about five-foot-nothing, has to tip-toe even with the step stool, and her thin white t-shirt tugs out of her waistband a little more each time she stretches. It’s entrancing.
So entrancing that he stands there for longer than he should, Vonnegut clutched in his fist, forgotten. Long enough for her to notice, balanced up on her stool, a book halfway to the shelf. She glances at him briefly over her shoulder, then slides the book home and looks back at him again. A slim eyebrow arches.
“Can I help you?”
Her voice is deeper than he expected, but soft. She blinks at him, eyes big behind gold wire-rims. Her face waits somewhere between expectant and impatient.
“No, uh—no,” he says, shaking his head, backing away.
She stares at him a moment longer before returning to her cart.
Boys, he says when he gets home, boys, you aren’t going to believe it. He says, I think I might be in love.
A week later, it’s the circulation desk.
It’s late, not quite ten. He has a history exam tomorrow, and the guys have their Dungeons & Dragons buddies over. Seven dudes shouting about wizards and dexterity checks in his living room means he can’t focus at all. So he goes to the library.
He’s not thinking about that girl—really, he’s not. Not about her fluffy bangs or her slim hips or her soft, rich voice. Not at all. He’s just looking for a place to study, that’s it. Just somewhere quiet to blow through the Renaissance and call it a night.
But she’s right there, perched on a chair behind the counter, when he walks through the door. Her sweater is dark blue and speckled, like she’s taken a bit of the night sky and wrapped it around her for warmth. She bows over a book, chin resting in her sleeve-covered palms, coppery hair falling in waves around her face.
For a moment, he considers heading straight to the third-floor reading nook, the one in the religion section that the freshmen haven’t discovered yet. If he gets started now, maybe he can be in bed by midnight.
But then he looks at the girl again. She nibbles on her bottom lip while she reads, and—well. Da Vinci’s been dead for four hundred years. He can wait a little longer.
Mulder hitches his backpack higher on his shoulder, crosses to the counter, and leans forward on his elbows. The girl looks up, chin still in her hands, that same expectant-impatient look on her face, and Jesus, this close, she has a whole sky map of freckles on her cheeks.
Whatever suave cool-guy thing he was going to say gasps and drowns in her Bora Bora-blue eyes. What comes out instead is: “Desk duty tonight. Easier to reach, huh?”
And, oh.
Real smooth. Real fuckin’ smooth. Foot, meet mouth. Earth? Feel free to open up anytime now.
The girl’s eyebrows shoot into her bangs. Then she sighs the sigh of someone who deals with dumbasses like him all the time.
“Are you ready to check out?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
She straightens in her chair, customer service-polite. “Your card, please.”
“No, I’m not—”
“Help you find something, then?”
“No, I don’t need—”
“Then what can I do for you?”
Rewind time? Let me start over?
“I just wanted—that is, I—uh. What are you reading?”
A beat. The girl stares at him. Her eyes really are breathtakingly beautiful, even when they’re sizing him up like he’s a bug that has just crawled into her soup.
“What am I reading?” she echoes, flat.
“Yeah, your, uh, your book there. Is it good?”
He can hear the clock on the wall behind her. Tick, tick, tick. Her silence stretches for so long that he starts to wonder if he wasn’t just speaking in his head.
Finally, she nods once. Curt. Up, down. “It’s fine.”
Cut your losses, kid. Walk away. But his mouth’s already off and running, the last to get the memo.
“Fine? Oh, well, fine—fine’s better than bad, right? What is it?”
She sighs again. Slides a thumb between the pages to mark her place and flips the cover shut. He reads the title upside down.
“The Principle of Relativity?” He whistles low. “Just a little light reading, huh? That’s cool. Physics is…cool.”
She blinks like a cat, slow and bored. Says, “Yeah.”
He shoves a hand through his hair and tries to smile. “I’m, uh, I’m Mulder. Fox. My first name’s…Fox. I’m just Mulder, though.”
Her strawberry mouth puckers and she nods again.
Okay, buddy. Move along.
“And you’re...?”
She tosses her book open. The cover makes a little thwap as it hits the counter. She taps the page.
The next day, after his exam (which, after staying up until two in the morning replaying easier to reach, huh?, he’s certain he did not pass), he goes to the library.
She’s reading at the desk again, hair up in a little fountain ponytail. He thinks—though he’s not sure—that she might be trying to kill him.
“Ready to ch—oh.” Her face actually falls when she realizes it’s him. He’d laugh if she wasn’t so pretty. “You’re back.”
She has two tiny gold hoops in each ear, and he is overcome with the urge to touch them, to see if the metal is warm from her skin. He shoves his fists deep into his pockets instead.
“I wanted to apologize,” he says, “for last night. We got off on the wrong foot.”
She nods. She says, “Fine. Okay. Are you checking out this time?”
He laughs now; he can’t help it. She’s so serious. This little librarian. He doubts if she’s even twenty yet, but the prim line of her mouth is Ph.D.-stern.
“No, uh, I wanted to make it up to you.”
She folds her arms and her lips twitch into the barest hint of a smirk. “Make it up to me?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “I was an ass last night, but I’d like to make it up to you. What do you say? Coffee tonight, my treat?”
She cocks her head to the side, and he almost has her smiling now, he’s sure of it.
“I have class tonight.”
“After that.”
“Tomorrow, then.”
She shakes her head. “Work.”
“Okay.” He rests his elbows on the counter, gives her his most winning smile. “When are you free?”
A real smirk. Just a little one, but there. “I’m not.”
“Not for coffee.”
“Dinner, then. A movie?”
She bends forward, mimicking his position from the other side of the counter, her nose only inches from his. She smells like cinnamon. He can’t breathe.
“Sorry, Fox-Just-Mulder. I’m not interested.”
“Because I was an ass?”
“I was an ass.” He nods, smiling. “I get it. Okay. A name, then. Just tell me your name.”
She taps a finger to her lips in thought and he really wishes she wouldn’t. He’s having a hard enough time keeping his eyes above sea level as it is.
“I thought you were supposed to be making it up to me. How’s me giving you something you making it up to me?”
Oh, but the library girl is fun.
“Well, I’m trying, but you won’t let me. Figure the least I can do is call you by your name.”
She sits back again, picks some fuzz off her cardigan (green today; she’s like a little Christmas elf). Her eyes cut up to his through her lashes and dart away. She straightens a stack of paper.
At last, she says, “Dana.”
“Dana.” He grins. Dana. It’s the prettiest name he’s ever heard.
He learns her schedule fast. He should; he’s there every day, leaning over the counter, cataloging her various sweaters and sighs.
He learns other things, too: she only wears glasses when she reads, she likes peanut M&Ms, she blasts through books faster than any person he’s ever seen. Carl Sagan on Monday, Susan Sontag on Tuesday, Toni Morrison on Wednesday, and he starts to suspect this girl might have been a child prodigy way back when. Maybe still is.
A week into this, he asks her—Dana, are you a genius?—and she doesn’t even look at him. Just flips the page, her mouth twisted into something trying not to be a smirk.
“You know,” he continues. It’s easier to talk when she’s not looking directly at him, her eyes like hypnotists’ perfect blue gems. “If you are a genius, you should tell me your last name. For when I hear it on the radio someday, I mean. ‘Dana So-and-So wins Nobel Prize.’ So I know it’s you.”
“Why would I want you to know it’s me?”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
Her jaw twitches, but she still doesn’t look up.
“I’m just saying,” he says. “It’d be nice one day, when you cure cancer or whatever, to be able to say ‘I knew her when.’” He leans down, crowding into her space, and lowers his voice. “And to satisfy everyone’s curiosity. Why, yes, she was always that beautiful.”
She looks up then, a sharp cut through her lashes, a stern glare belied by the soft flush on her cheeks.
“Mulder,” she warns, and he likes the way she says it. Mul-der.
She holds his gaze for a moment, and he can see himself reflected in her glasses. His ridiculous grin. The flop of hair he forgot to comb this morning, too concerned with making it to the library before class.
Then she looks away, eyes down, little pink tongue darting out to wet her bottom lip. When she meets his eyes again, she is Professional Dana, all calm and poise.
“I have work to do,” she says and reaches for a stack of bookmarks on the edge of the desk. She taps them straight like a deck of cards.
He grins. “So you’re telling me I should go, then?”
She doesn’t look at him. She’s arranging pens in a cup by color now. “Mm-hmm.”
“And you won’t tell me your last name?”
Black pen, black pen, blue pen, red pen.
“You don’t need it.”
His grin widens and he leans in just a little farther. She doesn’t retreat. He likes that about her.
“If you say so,” he whispers.
She nods, curt. “I do.”
He straightens and hitches his backpack up on one shoulder.
“You’re a cruel woman, Dana,” he says. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She rolls her eyes and he almost—almost—misses the way she smiles when he turns away: small, private, like she doesn’t even mean to be smiling at all
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
Figgy Pudding
Hello hello! I’m back ;3 Here’s a totally unedited attempt at @alexprompts 1st advent calendar prompt! I hope you enjoy spending the holidays with Xave and his family ^u^ Feedback is appreciated!
Prompt: This Picture Words: 1545 Characters: Xavier, Mary, Mama, Mumsie, and Will 
Once a year, when the days grow short, the nights long, and the world finishes its orbit, there is a wonderful celebration. Some places launch into joyous festival, some choose to sit quietly, reflecting on the year past. This Turn of Frost, like each before it, Xavier drank in the tradition with unmatched enthusiasm. He raced down the stairs to where Mama was shoulders deep in the bottom cupboard of the kitchen. Hopping from paw to paw, he couldn’t stop wiggling.
“Mama, Mama, is it time yet? Can we start? I wanna do the mixing! Can I be the mixing boss Mama?”
“You won’t be doing anything if you don’t put those hamsters back.” She didn’t even look up. How did she know?
“Aw! But Captain and Louie want to help too!” He held his cupped hands closer appeasingly. The fuzzy pair peered over his clawed fingers, as hamsters are wont to do. It wouldn’t be right to leave them out of the celebrations! They’re family too.
Mama sighed, pulling herself and the desired pot out of the cupboard, wiping her halo of tight black curls off her face. It was massive, shoved all the way in the back under the more frequently used utensils.
“That may be the case, but it’s too dangerous for them in the kitchen. Put them back in their tank please, if you want to help.”
Xavier had half a mind to argue, his hamsters were very smart after all, obviously they wouldn’t have accidents like normal hamsters, but Mumsie’s Look as she entered the kitchen kept his mouth shut. He really wanted to help. Louie and Captain wouldn’t mind too much would they? Okay! It was decided. He’ll just tell them about it afterwards. Dashing back to his room, he called over his shoulder, “Don’t start without me! I’m the mixing boss!”
It took less than a moment before he was in the kitchen once more. The Most Important step, as good mixing boss will tell you, is to wash your hands before you start. The secret Most Important step is that you must make sure you don’t touch anything that is not food while you’re cooking or you have to wash your hands again. Although Mary could reach the sink easily, Xavier wasn’t quite (at all) tall enough yet, hopping onto his little wooden step beside her. She paid special attention to her long claws. Xavier wondered if his little nails would get that long one day. Somehow, he doubted they would. He was a fox after all, not a bear.
Bells twinkled along with the radio’s merry hum, filling the house with festive music as the four family members worked together in the cosy kitchen finding and arranging the ingredients prescribed by the generations old cookbook. It was warm, not the room, exactly, but in Xavier’s chest. They sang along with the songs they knew, made up lyrics for the ones they didn’t. He loved when his mums sang together. Mary was very skilled, it was true, but his parents always looked so happy in harmony.
Almost immediately, Xavier spilled a cup of flour all over himself. He sneezed so many times he was certain he must have broken a record. Mary got to work carefully chopping the dates and figs while Mumsie measured the sugar and jam. It was the same jam they’d made when their plum tree had fruited, so Xavier knew it was going to be good. Mama prepared a soaked cheese cloth on the scrap of yet unoccupied bench, then warmed the milk. As requested, he was the mixing boss. When the mixture got too tough too stir, it would have to be mixed by hand and oh how ready he was. But! In the meantime, he’d pay attention to stir it very properly, like a good mixing boss.
“Can I eat some?” Warm spices made his mouth water. It smelled so good. Surely a little bite wouldn’t hurt.
Evidently Mama thought otherwise. “Not yet.” She laughed. “It’s just flour at the moment. It’ll taste pretty bad.”
“No way! It won’t!!” That wasn’t possible.
“You don’t believe your own Mama?” She held a hand over her heart, feigning hurt (so that’s where Will learned it!).
Xavier’s tail thrashed. That wasn’t true! He trusted Mama. “No! I believe you! But, um, I think that maybe you’re not telling the truth ‘cause you just don’t want me to eat it all yet…”
“That just means you don’t believe her!” Mary cut in.
“No!! That’s not true!” He hopped up and down. Not believing and thinking that someone might be fibbing are definitely Not the same! How was he supposed to explain though?
Mumsie took it upon herself to settle it. A fresh teaspoon in hand, she offered a taste to Xavier. “You’re not going to like it but you can try it.”
He was going to prove them wrong! No time for hesitation, he shoved the spoon in his mouth. The culmination of his life’s decisions was supposed to be sweeter than this. Immediate regret.
“Pleh! It’s bad! Why’s -pleh- it so -pleh- spicy bad??” Most ended up on the floor. The stubborn remnants gargled down the sink.  No fair! His family laughed as he scrambled around. It’s not that funny!
Taking pity on her foolish brother, Mary held out a date. “Here, this’ll help.”
“Thanks Mary.” He chomped it down, no questions asked. At least he learned quickly. She was right, it really did take the edge off the flour.
The milk reached the boil and the ingredients were married together in the large mixing bowl. A knock cut through the music, interrupting Xavier’s stirring concentration. His parents shared a knowing look. Why do Adults have secret brain talks anyway? Xavier was pretty sure that was rude.
“Let Mama take over for a second Xave, someone’s at the door.”
“Okay, but don’t forget I’m the mixing boss, okay! Mama can be the mixing first mate. Come on Mary!” He grabbed her hand before she could agree, dragging his sister with him. The knock sounded again.
Adult? Check!
Day time? Check! (Mostly, it wasn’t quite evening.)
Chain on to see who is at the door first? Check!
Xavier cracked the door open, taking a responsible peak at the identity of the newcomer.
“Will!!” He squealed with delight.
Will stood, one hand on his backpack strap, the other hanging casually to his side. Did he have presents in there? “Are you going to let me in or should I go back to my place?”
Mary answered first, “No sales people thanks, we’re good.” Pretending to shut the door.
“No!! Mary, it’s Will, he’s not a sales person!” Xavier wailed. “Let him in!!”
“I dunno, he looks shady to me. I think we should lock him out.”
“Nooooo! Maarryy please!!” All but hanging off her arm, Xavier gave his best puppy dog eyes, quivering his lower lip and drooping his ears low.
Mary sighed dramatically. “Fiiine, I guess we can let him in this one time.” She unlatched the chain, opening it wide for their brother. “Come on in.”
“Thanks Mary, that’s so kind of you.” Will rolled his eyes, poking his tongue at her. She returned the favour. “I was held up at work, did I miss anything?”
“No,” she smiled, “You’re right on time.”
“Come onnnn! Come on come on come on! Mama is going to do all the mixing while you’re talking and she can’t do that because she’s not the mixing boss!” Bouncing from paw to paw again, Xavier tried to pull his siblings into anything faster than a leisurely stroll.
Hugs and kisses exchanged, they crowded around the bowl.
“Time to make a wish! Give the pudding a stir and wish away.” Mama said, mixing her wish in as she spoke. She passed the spoon on.
Mumsie gave a stir, kissing Mama gently on her cheek, her whispered wish in the same breath. Gross! Plus, didn’t she know you’re not supposed to say your wishes or they don’t come true? Mama kissed back, holding Mumsie close to her side.
Will took the spoon next, stirring slowly, dramatically. “Hmm, my wish is that Xave will grow tall.”
“You’re not supposed to say it! Now it won’t come true!!”
“I know.” Mischief twinkled in his brown eyes. “Now you’re gonna be short forever.”
“Hey!! You can’t do that!! I don’t wanna be short, I mean, I’m not short now!” Xavier bounced in his tiny outrage. “Mama, Mumsie, make him undo that! Tell him he can’t make me short forever!”
Mary took the spoon. “I’ll unwish it. I wish that Xavier will Not grow tall. There, now you’ll grow just right, okay?”
Xavier hugged her leg. “Thanks Mary.”
“Besides,” Will pinched Xavier’s ear teasingly, “wishes don’t come true all by themselves. You’ve got to help them and work for it. I’m not going to put any effort into keeping you short so don’t worry so much.”
Sounds fake but okay. Xavier took the spoon, the last to stir. Careful to use his whisper voice, even in his brain, he made his wish. ‘I wish we can be happy together for ever.’ ‘p.s. a bike would also be good.’ ‘p.p.s. thank you wish pudding.’
Tag list
@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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