#hmm it's a working theory
Will: so the last challenge to make it out alive is not turn around? That's stupid easy. What idiot would we have to be to turn-
Nico, deadpan: oh no I've tripped
Will, instantly turning around ready with bandaids: tell me where it hurts and I'll kiss it better
Nico: so you'll be walking behind me then
Will: That's not fair! I didn't know it was a test. Besides, I could just as easily trick you.
Nico: okay then prove it. Say something that'll make me turn around. Try.
Will: oh, a rare collectible card!
Nico: oh please 🙄
Will: holy shit is that Mussolini's Ghost??
Nico: we both know he's being tortured somewhere else rn
Will: I've never had the courage to say but I actually prefer Olive Garden to that Italian place we went to last week
Nico: see now I'm not turning around but I am considering breaking up with you
Will: that would be a shame considering I was planning on marrying you
Nico: ...
Nico *hearing Will supposedly getting down on one knee*: ...You think you're funny, huh?
Will: I'm not joking, Nico. I would go through Tartarus every day for the rest of my life if it meant being with you.
Nico, definitely blushing: Will stop. This isn't-
Will: I know it's too soon. I know we're both still figuring stuff out. But I know I'm always going to love you. I know that as deeply as I know my own name. We might not have long with all these quests and near-death situations. But until then, I want to live with you, be by your side. *whispers* Please, Nico, I love you.
Nico, turning around, face tomato red: Tell me your not seriously proposing to me in Tartarus of all places-
Will: wow that took you less than a minute
Nico: ... If we don't die I'm going to kill you after this
Will: sure but until then you'll be walking behind me. Enjoy the view 😘
Nico: just don't turn around, idiota
Will: pft, how hard could it be?
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kanerallels · 5 months
There's absolutely nothing worse than when I get a thousand words into a story and decide that I low key hate it
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
and another viable clue type of deal: asa telling mordecai that b/c the savoys have been good at cutting down competition "it's become somewhat difficult to keep them busy some nights, in fact, but that allows us to focus some attention on other ventures" like What Other Ventures. what some things have changed. quarrying???
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hamable · 1 year
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justsquibby · 6 months
Got my ass handed to me in ranked zero builds so
I think it’s time to finally write my Madoka magica movie four theory thoughts
MxSquibby's Walpurgisnacht Rising theory thoughts
(Thoughts are based off my knowledge of the franchise so I could be missing vital info)
I think the big premise for this movie is showing off Walpurgisnacht’s lore or some info about her. and like usual she is going to disrupt Homura’s wish. Or In this case her world and probably force homura to make a choice.
by the logic of Homura’s wish.
Three peoples karmic destiny should have been cranked up to a billion since the timelines always converged the most around 3 people.
Madoka(who the wish was for) and her amount karmic destiny is why she was able to make the ultimate wish and become the law of cycles for magical girl kind.
Homura (who made the wish) increased her own amount of karmic destiny which is why she was able to split apart Madoka (and take her memories?) and rewrite the universe to her liking which essentially just what she did in her labyrinth, but with more production value and can change the entire universe and not limited within the confines of her labyrinth and witch magic.
I’m guessing Homura’s got Madoka in what I like to call “The Good Place Season 2”
Which light spoilers for that show ahead but
One of the main characters, Michael, traps Eleanor and the other humans within a time loop. Erasing their memories every time Eleanor figures out what Michael is doing to them. Repeating this over and over. Over 800(0?) times, with each time him slightly tweaking and changing things to try and get a different outcome of her not figuring it out.
I think this what Homura’s doing to an extent. We saw at the end of rebellion, how fragile Homura’s hold on Madoka’s memories was. However all homura really has to do is ground Madoka back down to homura’s rewritten reality and since a part of Madoka does want to stay on earth and live a normal life this helps her forget easily of her god hood. However this very fact is what will always make her remember in the end. If madoka truly starts to enjoy her life on earth, She knows deep in her SOUL that she sacrificed her normal human life for a cosmic duty of Saving magical girls so anytime she thinks to hard about it or just kind of realizes she should only being viewing the lives of normal people not interacting with them she will start to remember and become magical girl god again but homura will just grab her again and reset her memories and then rewrite the timeline. Starting once again… essentially... ANOTHER TIME LOOP. Homura’s favorite thing 😂😭
And I’m guessing Homura’s got to do this a lot. Like hundreds of times. And if sayakas around during one these moments she sure as hell is also going to remember homura being a “devil” so homura will have no choice but to rewrite the timeline again and again. With each time she’s most likely going to make slight changes to the world in attempt to make Madoka not remember. I think it’s why she remembers so easily at first. It was waaaay to similar to the thousands of timelines her and homura lived through (ultimate Madoka is aware of all the timeloops homura and her went through so following that similar time loop structure will probably make her remember faster so Homura is going to start changing things. Which is whyyy we see the girls in different costumes at one point in the trailer. (I think this is why in that old ass concept trailer we saw Madoka being a ballerina, one to resemble Madoka just being part of Homura’s elaborate play now but to show her trying normal human things. Homura's going to help her find her human dreams. Maybe madoka wanted to be a dancer. Then after that fails Homura probaby thinks if she can find a perfect scenario where Madoka find some sense of self on earth maybe she will stop remembering her godhood. Maybe Homura can finally live a full human life with her and watch her grow. Maybe Madoka being a dancer, a painter, a musician, a celebrity. Something right? Will stop Madoka from reaching her magical girl potential. Homura’s so obsessed with giving Madoka the life she shouldn’t have had to sacrifice. So she will try over and over to make her happy. To find the one scenario...timeline if you will, where Madoka will be truly happy within her rewritten world.
Which will be a fun way to show the girls in different scenarios that we usually wouldn’t see them in. So like cool new costumes!!! Like cool bandage sayaka is just one of Homura’s AU’s or a by product of one of the new timelines she has rewritten. And sayaka is probably going to have a bigger part. Idk why I just feeeel it. She has special secretary powers. I believe in her. We saw all that special treatment they gave her in S2E1 of the anime timeline of magia record. Bitches love Sayaka. And like Bebe also has secretary powers I guess lol. But she just wants to hangout with mami and eat cheeeeeeese (yoooo plagg and bebe would be besties)
but This movie is just explaining the 3rd girl who’s karmic destiny was increased by this wish and then background info cause we know like nothing about her…
Walpurgisnacht (the reason homura HAD to repeat timelines)
Walpy (for short) is going to put an end to this loop homura and Madoka are trapped in. Or at least change or add to it.
what is concerning is that Walpy’s karmic destiny was already extremely high to begin with for her to end up looking like that. So logically she should be stronger than devil homura, and the only reason she isn’t stronger than ultimate Madoka is because of the wish of Ultimate Madoka made to erase witches. But since madoka’s slightly nerfed at the moment trapped in Homura’s rewritten reality, no one’s actively checking on the law of cycles. Sure girls don’t turn into witches but without Madoka actively monitoring the cycle this might have given some version of Walpy enough time or power to form or to come back and interfere. So I’m guessing homura might have to choose between keeping her time loop safe (and live her fantasy life with madoka) or let Madoka out so she can defeat Walpurgisnacht from destroying the universe homura has tried gone so far to get control of…. Cause homura, at least historically can not beat Walpy lol. So i'm guessing Walpy will always come back to cause universal destruction unless madoka is back. So will Homura be able to let go of her love for sake of the universe? a choice between keeping her love down on earth with her or letting her go and accepting that she’s nothing more than a universal concept. But like Homura’s crafty. She could weasel her way out of this
I will say a crack in this theory is from my own understanding that Walpy is made up of many magical girls? So either we are dealing with many girls coming in or some fusion magical girl perhaps? Or I guess just one of the girls from Walpy would do right? Perhaps the first girl? Though we don’t know if this was an individual wish, and then she absorbed other magical girls/witches or like a group wish? Kind of like the hospital trio. Like you can do a group wishes I suppose.
ALSO another addition to my thoughts. Homura isn’t the Antagonist. Should state that. Kyubey is. And like i haven’t even talked about this fucker yet. (Well in terms of the franchise as a whole, guessing for movie 4 Walpy is our more traditinal antagonist (She also probably takes the form of homura at first to fuck with her, Why we see two homura's in the Movie Poster but thats just a theory lol) but He? little rat noy. Within Homura’s new world order. He’s Most likely just collecting all despair and probably just collecting and suffering with the weight of all negative human emotions and curses within a labyrinth. Like. She probably just making him and the hive mind know what it’s life to feel emotions, specifically all those negative ones you’ve been putting magical girls through for hundreds of years. But like he could be up to some fuck shit. He technically is like a robot made by an alien race, right? So like they could finally pull up on us or something and be like “what have you done to my robo rat sons, you fucks”
But anyway I’m rambling a bit now but homura isn't the antagonist because she pulls Madoka from the law of cycles for a multitude of reasons, she states it’s for her love for Madoka. Which yes that is true but homura also understands Madoka should have never had to make this wish. The flower field scene conversation in rebellion is what makes homura realize this. Madoka is a normal girl, she just never got the time to figure herself out or to figure out normal human dreams. She was a young naive girl, where in many timelines used her wish to save a cat or make a cake. Because at first glance being a magical girl is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you don’t pass up. So she never got a shot at a real life when she should have. Madoka never wanted to leave behind her friends and family. She loves them. Like the girl don’t got much That’s like one of her core traits, she loves her friends, is a great daughter, and a great big sister, love cute things, is pink like 😭😭 But Madoka was just another cog in the magical girl machine but because of Homura’s wish it gave a Madoka a chance to look at the whole machine and see what the fuck has been going on. So Madoka, with no real dreams or goals, but is given the opportunity and explicitly told by the evil rat himself that she could make literally ANY wish. So when she sees everything and realizes she has the unique opportunity to save all magical girl kind from their souls being tortured for all eternity until murdered by another magical girl well no shit she HAS to make this wish. She doesn’t have any other choice in her eyes. To badly paraphrase Kyoko. "Something something if you have a loving family and good food on the table why on earth would you sacrifice that to be a magical girl? but who knows maybe one day you’ll be backed into a corner and you’ll HAVE to make a wish. If that day comes something something I guess i can approve of you being a magical lass"
So like. Is it fair? Ya know. All this is Kyubey and some alien race’s fault. Why should these girls have to suffer because of him. Who cares about the heat death of the universe. Let it burn, because if torturing magical girls is the only way of keeping it alive then fuck the universe. Like Madoka shouldn’t have to sacrifice her human life to save all these girls from suffering because they shouldn’t be suffering. They shouldn’t be turning into witches. Like 😭 and homura doesn’t think it’s fair that Madoka should be the one to make this sacrifice to save magical girls because Madoka wouldn’t have even been able to make the ultimate wish if not for homura’s wish but like also homura shouldn’t have been turned into a magical girl herself like it’s all fucked and idk what the end would even look like?
So Like a happy ending would be getting revenge on the RAT kyubey… and like idk. I don’t think that’s happening. Like if you want a happy ending for these girls I believe it falls within our little anomaly timeline. Which I like to believe the magia record game timeline is held within a phone. (Cause get it, it’s like a gacha game we play on our phones lol.) and when Madoka touched the anomaly timeline at the end of arc 1? Now the record phone screen is cracked 🫨🫨
I don’t think we’ll get a horrific or completely tragic ending but it will probably be bittersweet or mixed emotions. (Would LOVE TO BE WRONG, GIMMIE HAPPY) But also we won’t see the end end to this franchise for a hot minute lol. Like I’m pretty sure this is technically be advertised as the 4th movie. Though more like the second movie but I guess the movie versions of the anime do count I guess. Idk. The first two movies are fine, best part is just some updated animation and new yuki Kajiura tracks… but yeah i don’t think it’s the final movie.
Now what like actually happens? Fuck if I know. I’m still half expecting mayabu to find infinite iroha and make her pop in to save everyone cause idk. Is homura realllllly gonna let Madoka go. Ya know? Like she’ll probably try to control Walpy or fight her for a hot minute before even considering of letting Madoka go again.
Okay I feel like I covered all my brain theories about the movie... for now… Idk if I explored or finished every thought. I know I be yapping. And I have adhd so And I can YAP about Madoka and then immediately forget where exactly I was at in my Madoka thoughts.
Imagine how more I could yap if I read the wraith arc. (It’s truly laughable how I’ve read all of arc 1 and the other story with it, most of arc 2 (I skimmed early bits so I could catch up faster, then end of arc 2 was happening and I wanted to be a cool kid and read it asap) quite a few events, and the early chapters of scene 0 (now behind lol) BUT NOT the wraith arc. And I know I could pull it up so easily lol. Hell I read the event where ui went back in time to see fart but not the wraith arc I- I read Christmas strings but i wont take my lazy butt to read manga of my fave series within like kind of main timeline. Like i know i dont need to read but I need to read it. cause having a better understanding of Ultimate Madoka's universe and how wraiths work would be cool. and maybe one of these days ill read another story but idk... Think id rather read tart or Oriko first lol
but yeah i've got to stop myself of this post will never end. I'll prpbably re-read it tomorrow and add edits lol
ALSO one last thought this is a theory I could be Super fucking wrong about everything. Like maybe sayaka looking like that cause of her secretary powers and not homura's universe rewriting at play? like there's so much i don't know haha
and again my theory could fall apart with like new info i didn't know about. there's a lot of content madoka content out there ya know
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pestilentbrood · 9 months
”mirrors originate from plague” “tundras originate from ice” “fae are from arcane” <- yep that all adds up that makes sense to me
“ridgebacks originate from lightning” “coatls are fire” “skydancers are wind” <- you’re lying you made this up. I can almost buy the last one but the others? Wrong.
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thinking about hamilton and burr together but not in a kissing way but in a you are so different on surface but are made of the same core way. they have the same sort of wants and hurt but they project it in such different ways.
#two people put together like that would either love each other with their entire hearts or would kill each other.#maybe both#alex and henry from rwrb are kind of examples from this.#look cmq made alex too similar to hamilton and henry too similar to burr for me to not connect the dots.#but while their character traits put them lethally against each other in the play in the book its.. different.#i can talk about alex more since both in the book and play we see alexander more (both such fucking main characters)#i think alex from rwrb had a comparatively better foundation in childhood than hamilton. he's less scrappy than hamilton#he still does things like be lonely and drown himself in his work etc etc you all saw the parallels#but but but he sort of has room for love in his heart in a way hamilton doesnt. maybe he did with laurens because its said that he#never really opened up the same after he died. makes me think that was pretty serious. but its not in the play so im not going too much#into it. alex isn't as suspicious and survivalistic as hamilton. if hamilton saw henry he would've never put him before his work#but alex does. from his side i think that's what makes the difference.#like how he says to henry in the fight scene that they're not really very different people?? remember that#there's waaay too many coincidences i am ready to believe cmq wrote rwrb as a very very sneaky adaptation of hamiltons life#the slightest hint from them and i would believe it. this is a conspiracy theory i can get behind#rwrb#red white and royal blue#hamilton#hmm i been having thoughts about this for the past 2 hours#maybe this stem thing was a mistake maybe i should've taken literature. i like what i do though
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cool! i will not be watching it <3
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starrycat123-blog · 9 months
oksies hi starting a new thread of get to know you
haii I'm moth and also thea you may call me any nickname as well <3
I love musicals so so much (niche and popular!! basic-shaming is lame)
I am superhero obsessed (augh pied piper)
doctor who is my autism (yay river sonf!!!!)
good omens heoughhhhhhhh
super excited to meet you <3333333
Hi moth!! You can call me tetra. Don't worry that's not my real name or anything tho. I took it from the concept of tetrachords in music.
If we're generous about what we call superheroes, then maybe most of the things I like are superhero based. I mean obviously there's marvel and dc, but then there's stuff like dpxdc, sonic the hedgehog (idk if I've ever heard him called a superhero but he kinda is), if we count magical girls then like. Sailor moon and madoka magica
I haven't seen any episodes of good omens, but I read a really good fanfic of Crowley going to therapy a while back, and a couple funny ones with like yelp reviews of Aziraphale's bookstore. Plus I love the good omens analysis posts on here. I feel like maybe I half know some of what's happened in the show but also probably haven't scratched the surface. I'm kinda bad at watching TV shows, so there's a lot of stuff that I know from fandom but haven't seen. For another example of that, I've only watched one or two episodes of Sonic Prime. I reblog posts for it and it sounds good but idk. Just bad at it.
I'm a much more casual fan of musicals, I think for the same thing as above where I just struggle to sit and watch something on purpose. But I listen to the music from them sometimes, I've read transcripts online of a couple, and i swoon whenever I see a post analyzing the meaning of a musical song, especially when they go beyond lyrics and start going into the music theory in the tune. I don't have the skills or knowledge to do that myself but I love it so much
(when the singer changes their technique to enhance the meaning,, when this or that chord is a step outside the key to symbolize change or isolation or anything,,, using instruments as symbols for this or that character,,, tbh it doesn't have to be a musical even shout out to that youtube video by Scruffy on how fnaf's audio and sound effects make it scarier)
Lately I've been bouncing back and forth between Sonic and DPxDC. With hints of Slay The Princess in there bc I saw part of a playthrough of that awhile ago and loved the concept. I reblog madoka magica stuff whenever I see it (except magia record bc I know next to nothing about it) because that stuff makes me lose my mind. The love the pain the hope the despair!! Homura is probably like my ultimate blorbo but I love all the five girls they're so cool. I actually read the manga instead of watching the show though so I'm not as familiar with all the music. Plus I think the show had some extra scenes. Although it's a little confusing bc I think some of the extra scenes I see are magia record so idk.
Also I'm a fan of arts and crafts and will reblog that kind of thing once in a while, along with cute cat stuff.
Super excited to meet you too!
#sorry about the late response. got nervous and then put it off for awhile#hopefully it's a good one though?#it's unedited bc if i think stop and think harder/worry more now i'll never escape the think stage and i will post nothing#and i don't wanna do that#if there's anything you wanna know just ask#actually maybe i should think of some questions for you#oh like who's pied piper? i haven't heard of a superhero with that name just the child-stealing legend#unless you consider that guy a hero which like. i guess you could interpret it like that? teaching the value of not exploiting your workers#and i've read at least one story based on the legend where he takes the children somewhere nice#i feel like stealing children is not the ideal solution to that issue but it is a bit iconic if you think about it right#maybe he couldve taken some crops instead tho like thats the village income. it'd be more similar to money than kids.#i mean i guess in those days kids were also workers. and somewhat exploited generally.#so i guess i could see it as the guy getting exploited and then grabbing all the other exploited workers in town#i'm not really a history buff am i off base with this theory completely#i know kids used to have to work to help their families and that there are child labor laws for a reason#but also. not like there was a ton of free entertainment in the olden times.#i mean the parents almost definitely didnt pay kids money but chores aren't exploitation#maybe i should leave this up to interpretation#or just say it depends on situation and some kids probably were exploited while others weren't#hmm. this whole thing is probably just bs. i don't know what i'm talking about#oh well i hope you didn't mind it
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insomniaticvoids · 10 months
As I am for one finally reading through the olmpyus lost belt I want to like a ton of other people call Holmes out on his absolutely suspiciousness to out it lightly. Now I have played through jp server already so I already know some gists and twists and the fights. But this just stood out ya know
Okay so a spoiler tldr of the Aphrodite section..
But you run into Tamano Vitch yeah and this is how the whole oh yeah she's a beast is revealed which yeah that alone wouldn't be sus if that whole fight was triggered cause Holmes just in lew of I am autism personified just dropped that there wasn't a reason to mind you and that's what gets me.
It just why would Holmes be familiar with the 7 beasts enough to understand that and care enough to put everyone in danger... it rubs me wrong. It's very suspicious. Very suspicious
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clockworkcheetah · 11 months
dirk having random shark knowledge my beloved
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prosebushpatch · 2 years
ah... been struggling with a story I’ve spent so long developing the world for and I’ve just asked myself if this world actually fits the story I want to tell and buddy...
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 2 years
So, in the Villain Au, what if Manu confronted Luciano with some weird rumors that he heard about his relationship with the Adamastor? Some people say they're father and son.
He would strongly deny. This is something he said to no one and plan to keep hidden (not even Martin knows that).
He would insist he's only after him because he was tired of him controlling the city. Manuel then would show him the files he had about Luciano when he was a kid and how the boy suddenly disappeared, and ask if he knew anything about it.
"I didn't killed him, if that's what you're implying"
"so you think he'd dead?" Manu asks.
"it's possible. Afonso has many enemies"
Manuel isn't convinced but let go. He sighs "Do you promise to not disclose any information that could help us take him down?"
"I would get nothing from it"
"do you promise?"
"... I do"
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peapod20001 · 2 years
Wait... wait...
I think I cracked the code lmao I just need the power of a muffin and a song from the 90s
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one thing I don’t like abt the way I’ve been influenced to think abt my art by my peers has been this weird insistence that I’m some kind of backwards asshole bc i like structure & intention in art….u do realize that b4 capitalism ate us alive, originally artists were craftsmen-for-hire right….like they apprenticed for other ppl & made up methods to construct proportionally perfect sculptures…they made art to honor their kings and had to follow set rules in order to properly communicate divinity….this used to be what we did folks
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maglors-anion-gap · 1 year
#coming back to it I don’t think I was actually clear enough#if people are looking at the sequence of the petty live in nargothrond -> finrod the relative of their ancient slayers shows up ->#they work together until mim tries to kill him -> the petty are exiled from nargothrond#and think to themselves. hey. it’s actually fucked up and unsatisfactory that the only textual information given#is a bunch of antisemitic canards abt dwarves and their untrustworthiness#so I’m going to write a thingy exploring what maybe happened in nargothrond to prompt essentially a random dude to attempt demigod murder#… it’s actually Bad !! to say. hmm no the canon explanation that mim was duplicitous and wicked is actually fine.#if you don’t vibe with the theory made you don’t vibe and that’s fine#but actually! being carefree and paternalistic around the little people that you’ve come there to rule and steward#is not an indicator that things … aren’t fucked up. or that there isn’t a sort of *civilizing* (deliberate word) colonialism going on.#and I’m gonna be honest there’s more to genocide than overt violence and forced expulsion is. actually connected to it.#no I’m not going to lean extremely hard on any one particular real world event of this nature#to draw up a *these are the good guys and these are the bad guys in this allegory*#because I think it’s distasteful and disrespectful to use real histories as a fandom fighting prop#but when you deliberately read the nicest sentiments into a pretty vague and concerning passage#and then use that as a canon justification#that’s crummy#there is a difference between using someone else’s trauma as your fandom weapon#and bringing up the fact that the author is utilizing the rhetorical tools of colonialism (maybe even unintentionally!)#that the readership is lapping up (because they also haven’t considered how deeply some of this is embedded in the modern paradigm)
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