Greek to Roman to Egyptian to Norse gods. My favorite right now is Nico but subject to change.
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so he was gonna say a slur here
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Imagine you've been trying to talk to your dead sister for over a year, you're homeless, and hungry, and an orphan and when she finally appears before you her first words are directed to the boy who you feel guilty for being attracted to because you feel he's responsible in some way for her death. That has to feel like when she abandoned him for the hunt all over again but worse because it's mixed with the grief of her death....
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Me, a lesbian: why tf am I so obsessed to random white boys in fiction??? Like, yeah, maybe they're queer or queer coded, but at the end of the day, they're just some white guy I project my issues onto.
White Jesus from my childhood: hey 🤓
Me: wait.. wait no. No. NO. NoOOOOO-
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This is such a wildly important line, in fact the whole paragraph is important, not just for Trials of Apollo, but for a wickedly important concept in the RRverse.
Promises are such a strong concept, especially in the first five books, the og PJO series. Luke’s shattered promise of keeping him, Thalia and Annabeth together as a family drove so much pain and conflict. Until the ghost of that broken promise came back and provided as the last, final hope, but still left a bitter mark on everybody’s lives-The pain and losses from it couldn’t be undone. Annabeth will forever remember the first friend she made, her brother, who died in a horrible and tragic way. Silena cannot undo her mistake of trusting Luke. Beckendorf, Zoe, so many more people can’t be revived from the dead.
And just before Luke died, he made Percy promise to him that all the suffering coming from the gods’ neglectful parenting wouldn’t happen anymore. A promise that sealed Percy’s decision upon facing the gods offer at immortality, a decision to break the cycle and create a better future.
Promises have so much value. So much power and strength. You don’t need to swear on the River Styx for them to be important, because it all depends on who you’re promising. After some point, Luke cared more about being angry at the gods than keeping his family safe. Thalia said that he kept going after every single monster after his visit to his home, showing that even before camp, before his failed quest, Luke prioritized being angry and vengeful over being true to his promise. Because of this, so many people were hurt and devastated.
The words you use in a promise don’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you swear it on the River Styx, because the value behind these promises can cause just as devastating a response if you break them.
The most important thing about promises is: Do you truly mean it? Are you going to fulfill that promise, be true to its word?
Because if you aren’t, then was that promise even worth making in the first place?
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I HATE this insistence that we have a moral obligation to worsen our health for the "greater good!!"
"Don't ignore politics-"
STOP. STOP IT. If that's what it takes for you to survive, do it.
There's a reason in the mental hospital they block the news channels! It fucks people up! People find the world so damaged, future so hopeless, and situations so overwhelming they literally kill themselves!
Yes, yes, the activism guilt-tripping is supposed to be for those who simply don't care, but the disabled people who do care are the ones who wind up feeling guilty!
"It's a privilege to be able to ignore politics-"
No, it's a privilege to be able to pay attention to politics without having to be literally hospitalized.
Do. What. It. Takes. To. Survive.
"I need ALL of you to start paying attention-"
Wrong. You need all of us who are ABLE to start paying attention.
Do what it takes to survive.
They are asking you to join in a 70-mile hike up a mountain, where in order to win, as many people as possible must reach the top as quickly as possible! But you are in excruciating pain and have no legs! There is no accessible way up the mountain! In trying to climb the mountain, you will cause yourself irreparable harm and likely death! You feel bad, you're letting everyone down, you can't keep up, you're about to fall, but your friend is saying "hey, I get it, sometimes my legs get super sore, but you have to keep climbing! It's our duty! Keep going! The only way to save everyone is if we do this together!"
They DON'T get it. Even if they say "well I know so-and-so who also has no legs and he just uses his arm-strength and he's at the top already, what if I carry you for a few steps until you have your strength back?" You're not him! He's clearly aquired tools and strengthened muscles you have not, and might never be able to! Only YOU know what you can handle. Do not fall to your death because you feel guilty!
Sometimes, the biggest act of resistance is surviving.
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aw percy did you get attached to bessie? bessie who shouldn't be alive and who's only purpose to the gods is to die? bessie the sacrifical lamb? yeah I bet you did
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i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
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og trio
sometimes when im feeling sad i draw them (ignoring the seventeen sbg actor au requests sitting in my inbox bc im a procrastinator)
WOAH I just hit 1k on my post for the first time i'm very honoured thanks guys
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theeee messiest heroes of olympus doodles ever but i wanted them out there
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Annabeth: I want to be an architect so that I can build something permanent. Percy, who was eight in 2001 and living in New York: Are you ... sure buildings are permanent?
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If I were Sadie Kane and people from Norse and Greek mythology were giving me shit about dating a god I would simply threaten to fuck their parents, anyway-
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I know Percy's desperately trying to escape the godly world but not only do I think the gods aren't going to leave percy alone once he's in New Rome, I also think Percy's in the situation now where he can't refuse at all because like, if he was in the mortal world at a mortal college he at least would be able to try and be like "sorry I can't do a quest right now I've already used up my three excused absences this semester try again in the spring :/" but in New Rome? They will be like "Percy! It is an honor to be hand-selected for a quest. And by the gods no less! Stars above, you should be grateful! I don't know what your little greek camp has taught you but here in Rome, we respect the gods' requests. Your absence will be excused. Now go."
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I can't really draw background
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Nico di Angelo with the biggest doe eyes. Big, wide, adoring brown eyes. People can't help but fall in love when they see those eyes.
Will Solace with the most feline eyes. Pretty, upturned, cynically curious, blue eyes. People can't help but be uncomfortable when they see those eyes.
Nico di Angelo who had been stereotyped as unsettling and strange (he can be BUT) he has been looking out for and helping people nearly all his life.
Will Solace who has been stereotyped as unthinkingly optimistic and trusting (he can be BUT) he is curious, chooses his battles, and helps people through tough love and unconventional guidence.
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If Will and Nico weren't so traumatized actually. The introvert and extrovert thing would be switched.
Nico? You have SEEN that boy in TTC he genuinely would be one of those extroverts. That can't stop talking.
Will on the other hand you can tell he's more anxious, and more how do I say this.. More.. Quiet, more closed-in. Won't tell their feelings as much — as is described to be a lanky cat.
If they weren't so traumatized we would actually get the extroverted version of Nico. The "I don't actually care what comes out of my mouth, I just run it." Version of him. And the "I have no idea what people think of me whenever I say something so I just keep shut." Version of Will.
Their dynamics would be switched. Nico would be so genuinely annoying towards Will. But Will has learned how to tolerate him through his relationship with him.
At some point their confession would be like:
Nico: "Hey, I like you. You're pretty cool. Wanna go on a date with me?"
Will: "What."
Nico: "I asked if you wanna go on a date with me?"
Will: "I'm.." *Mumbles.*
Nico: "Is.. That a yes?"
Will: *Nods while extremely red.*
Nico: "Perfect! I'll pick you up at seven?"
Will: *thumbs up awkwardly.*
It would actually be interesting to see what their dynamic COULD HAVE BEEN if they weren't so fucking traumatized, RICK.
Ugh the socially awkward Will Solace and awkwardly social Nico Di Angelo. They would have been the end of me.
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