#hits closer to home than getting called a slur to my face because the latter asshole doesn't pretend to be my friend and just.
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#so it's Infect Your Friends And Loved Ones with the bit about 'everyone around here knows about you'#even if it's positive- the world pays so much more fucking attention to my life for being trans and it makes me.. shiver?#coffee clerk fumbled every facet of taking my order and the apology landed super duper sideways#'oh sorry! it's just that it's my first time helping *you* is all- just seen you around a lot before. you know.' yeah? know what exactly?#how's that supposed to make me feel? every month they hire someone new and we get to do the same tiring song and dance#another young-20s clerk that will not stop trying to make small talk w/me beats ones that only glare yeah- this isn't pain just frustration#and like YES it's better than the cashier that beats the shit out of my beers on purpose or crumples receipts to hand them to me#or the audible 'see- told you he's a man' commentary when he can see stubble behind a mask on days that can't bother me to shave#like the pharmacists at this supermarket make me well aware that nobody else gets their E here. the store knows the local tranny. great.#genpop cannot reliably be fucking Normal Abt Transfems to the point that it makes me wanna thank the rare coworker that just like.#doesn't treat me like anyone different or special or a threat or a curiosity or an object or a shot to gain social capital for being nice?#getting told by young-20s cis girls that calling me dude didn't mean anything b/c they're 'y'know! *also* [limp wrist mime] *girlypop!*'#hits closer to home than getting called a slur to my face because the latter asshole doesn't pretend to be my friend and just.#skips straight to making me a paper doll in their head of what it means to be me and shaped like me and dressed like me and it's.. slimy.#'everyone around here knows about you.'
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rebelu & 11 + 14 👁👄👁 (also ilu)
11) things you said when you were drunk & 14) things you said after you kissed me // rebelu
Lu has no idea what the fuck she’s doing here. She just knows that she could have thrown a hell of a better party.
Don’t get her wrong, the other people here seem to be enjoying themselves enough. It’s just... off-brand potato chips, really? A keg? She isn’t sure if this is just a standard for college parties or American ones in general, but she has certainly put together something way more worthwhile than what’s going on in this cramped apartment at sixteen years old, and with less than a week’s notice, at that. Fuck, that Valentine’s Party she threw her last year at Las Encinas was classier than this shit, and that was truly a disaster. At least she’s in a penthouse and not one of the dorms on campus. She could shudder with just the thought.
Still. You’d figure someone who lives in a top-floor apartment in Manhattan could go for the brand-name chips—or actual food, honestly. She’s fucking starving.
This brings her back to the question of “what the fuck am I even doing here?” that she had asked herself two minutes ago. Because she could easily be sharing a veggie pizza with Nadia back in their own dorm, or maybe even splitting the leftovers from the meal Iman had made for them when she, Yusuf, and Omar came to visit last week. But no. She’s here. At this random party she’d heard about from a girl in her Economics class who heard about it from a frat boy she’s apparently screwing. And she doesn’t even have Nadia here with her, because Nadia has a quiz on Foreign Policy on Monday that she needs to study for, or else the world is going to end.
(It’s times like this where she misses Carla. Carla would’ve said fuck it, gone out with her tonight, and then probably would have gotten a passable grade, anyway. Not that she’s comparing them or anything. She loves Nadia, of course, she just—fuck. She misses Carla a lot, okay?)
Lu’s at least self-aware enough to not blame how she doesn’t know anybody here solely on Nadia, because even though Nadia was too busy, she decided to come anyway. She just needed a break from everything. From school, from the stupid fucking traumatic memories that still manage to creep in three years after the fact, from the occasional bout of missing her parents. So she decided to take an old page out of her brother’s book. What’s a better way to forget than to drink her problems away?
Of course, the old Valerio would also add in drugs and sex to that cocktail. The new Valerio would still throw in the latter, but substitute the weed and cocaine for self-help books and whatever other Eat-Pray-Love bullshit he’s been on lately. Possibly energy crystals. And incense.
Lu isn’t interested in any of that, though; not even the sex. That leaves her leaning against a wall with a Solo cup full of alcohol and sending intimidating glares to whatever men who have the audacity to approach her. The unimpressed, arched eyebrow and condescending curve to her lips is practiced, and it works.
For the most part.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
He’s bland. That’s what she immediately notes about him. Next, his after shave is way too overpowering, and the type that, in her experience, assholes prefer (Guzmán used to wear a similar scent before she passive aggressively bought him something far better, and the fact that this man instantly reminds her of those days is already a warning sign). After that, he is very, very drunk, which is why her glare hadn’t properly worked on him.
She tries for blatant disregard; gives him a little once over and scoffs. “I don’t think so.”
“That’s a long name,” he slurs with a grin. She rolls her eyes. He leans in closer, arm braced above her head on the wall. Even though she’s in heels, he’s still taller than her, and she hates the caged-in feeling crawling up her spine.
Lu scowls and pushes him away with two fingers against his chest, beginning to step past him. “Excuse me.”
“No, no, hey, wait,” he says, catching her by the wrist. His fingers are clammy. Tight. Hurting. “Where you going? Don’t leave.”
“Don’t fucking touch—”
As soon as she yanks her arm free from his grasp, a foreign one lands on her shoulders. Lu startles in indignation, but she’s also admittedly a little panicked—and then the new person speaks.
“I’ve been looking all over for you, baby.”
It takes Lu a second to register that that sentence is directed to her. And even though she knows exactly what’s going on, even though she’s more than a little thankful for the save, she still instinctively bristles, because she has never once liked the way this woman has called her baby.
Based on the way Rebe crookedly smirks back when Lu narrows her eyes at her, the taller girl remembers.
“Who’s this guy?” She goes on, and nods her head in indication at him. It’s definitely a rhetorical question, because she glances him over and scoffs a mocking laugh. “Get lost, dude. She’s not interested.”
He bristles. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Her girlfriend.” Lu doesn’t twitch, but she does feel the skin around her eyes go tight. “So, like I said, beat it.”
“There’s no way a girl this hot is—”
Lu knows from experience what Rebe looks like when she wants to hit someone.
But Lu is not a damsel in distress, thank you very much. And neither is she that brutish.
“If it hasn’t been obvious since the moment you walked up to me, I want nothing to do with your little shrimp dick,” she replies, tone even and unaffected where her smile is deep-cutting and mean. For added measure, she leans into Rebe’s side and grasps the hand that’s hanging over her shoulder, pulling her arm tighter around her. “Now walk away unless you want to lose it.”
He’s drunk, and therefore, unpredictable. He could drop it and leave just as easily as he could get violent—which, considering he’s an intoxicated man who just had his penis insulted, is probably the more viable option. But before he can act, another guy claps his hand on the guy’s shoulder tight enough to unmistakably be a warning, and then shoulders his way between the three of them with a wide smile directed at both of the girls.
“Hey, don’t mind him, he’s trashed.” The guy behind him opens his mouth. The newcomer fixes him with a glare that clearly means shut up, then smiles at Rebe and Lu again. “Sorry. We’re all good here, yeah?”
Rebe looks to Lu for confirmation. When she nods, the taller girl nods too, and offers him a controlled smile of her own. “Yeah. We’re good.”
Without another word, the guy manhandles his friend away.
“I’m not gonna lie, I was kind of looking forward to beating his face in,” Rebe says as they watch them disappear into the crowd.
The words are said almost directly into Lu’s ear, and it’s then that she belatedly realizes how the other girl is still holding her. Lu makes a face before she can help it and sucks her teeth, shoving Rebe’s arm off of her and immediately putting space between them even though she was the one who had leaned further in. For show. Obviously.
She fights the urge to fix her dress—there’s nothing to fix.
Rebe just looks her over in that amused way she does. Or did, because it’s been three years since Lu last saw her.
“Well, fuck, you’re welcome,” Rebe continues unaffectedly.
“What are you even doing here?”
The girl shrugs. “It’s a Friday night, this is a party...”
“You know what I mean,” Lu counters, annoyed. Rebe is supposed to be in Spain. Or, at least, not in New York.
“I’m taking a gap year.”
Lu half-squints at her. “You graduated two years ago.”
“So, two gap years, whatever,” Rebe says. “I’ve been traveling on-and-off. I’d never been to America before. Los Angeles was first; kind of frilly. Vegas; fun for one night, then boring. New York’s my last stop before I head back home.”
Lu regards her for a moment. “Did Nadia send you here?”
If she did and didn’t even have the decency to tag along, Lu might have to reevaluate just how much she loves the other girl.
“Nadia doesn’t even know I’m in town yet.” It’s sort of driving Lu crazy how Rebe won’t stop eyeing her, even though she’s well-aware that looking at someone is typically what you do when you’re talking to them. But with Rebe, it’s always gotten a little under her skin. “Anyway. It was nice seeing you and all, Barbie.”
Rebe starts to turn away from her.
Before she even realizes it, Lu’s reaching out and touching her elbow.
“Wait.” She hates how unsure she sounds, so she raises her chin a little with her next words, even if they really don’t warrant the movement. “You’re the only person I know here.”
“And?” Rebe prompts, raising an eyebrow.
“And,” Lu continues, tone begrudging, “from what I remember, you’re not the worst person to party with.”
Rebe stares. Then a slow smirk spreads across her purple-painted lips, and she resignedly shakes her head at herself.
“Fucking hell, I’m definitely going to regret this. But,” and she steps closer again, close enough to peer down into the cup still clutched in Lu’s hand, and Lu hopes to God that she doesn’t see how her fingers tighten around the plastic, just a little bit, “What are you drinking?”
Almost four rum and cokes later, Lu is nearly as wasted as the shrimp-dick had been. Under any other circumstances, this would mean that her plan to forget is going off without a hitch—except she’s with Rebe. And Rebe is a fixture from her past, and all that entails.
Meaning, it’s impossible to avoid talking about at least some of it.
“You keep in contact with anyone? You know, besides the obvious.”
They’re in some random person’s bedroom; the first vacant one they could find after drunkenly stumbling their way down the hall, legs shaky from a combination of laughter and dancing for the past hour. The door they had opened before this one led to another bedroom occupied by two girls making out on the bed.
At Rebe’s question, Lu purses her lips at the ceiling.
“Carla, mostly. But through text or FaceTime, we haven’t really actually seen each other.”
“Ah. And how’s the little marchioness doing, these days?”
“Don’t you talk to Samu?”
“Do you ask Nadia about Guzmán?”
It’s not like she and Guzmán are on bad terms, or that she’s bitter about how him and her current best friend-slash-roommate are tentatively together. Definitely not. She just likes to forget the fact that she actually had dated him, hurt over him, and hurt others over him, too. However—
“Fair point,” she concedes. “Carla’s fine. Busy. Do you actually care?”
“I don’t hold grudges, you know?” Rebe shrugs against the mattress. “That’s your thing, babe.”
The pet names. They haven’t stopped at all, even though there’s no drunken asshole here to keep up pretenses for. She blames the fact that they aren’t irritating her as much as they normally (used to) do on the rum.
“If you think I haven’t changed at all over the years, you’re severely underestimating me.”
“I have never underestimated you,” Rebe scoffs. “Besides, you haven’t changed that much. You’re still fun—you know, in that bitchy sort of way.”
Lu resists the urge to playfully slap her on the shoulder. “You thought I was fun?”
“When you weren’t trying so hard to be stuck up, sure,” Rebe says. “You can’t be related to Valerio and be boring at the same time.”
“He could have gotten that from his mom’s side,” Lu says neutrally, eyeing her.
“Nah. There’s something in you that’s a little wild. And no matter how much time you spend taming it, you like when it gets out.”
The thing about rum is that it has always made Lu extremely reckless, which is why she has, in turn, always stayed away from it.
The thing about Rebe is that she’s right.
Lu has no idea what’s going on in her head as she curls her fingers against Rebe’s jawline and pulls at the same time as she leans forward and eliminates the gap between them. Maybe she’s still thinking about those two girls just one room over, maybe she’s remembering all the times in school when she would find herself both pissed off and weirdly turned on by her and Rebe’s little cat fights. Maybe she’s scratching an itch that part of her has known has always been there from the moment they met, buried beneath jealousy and so much fucking repression towards her own sexuality, it’s no wonder she never acted on it sooner.
The kiss is reminiscent of almost all of their previous interactions with one another. Aggressive, sly, vaguely mean. But there’s something different—there’s the softness of Rebe’s skin, the lingering taste of mint in her mouth even though she’s had just as much to drink as Lu has, the way she drags her hand down Lu’s side and flexes her fingers against the sequins of her dress.
All of that sort of freaks her out for a little bit, and Lu has half a mind to put them back on normal ground by biting her lip, but then Rebe pulls back. She’s looking at her in that infuriating way again, that way that Lu doesn’t really hate as much as she pretends she does.
Lu realizes it’s a look full of equal parts calculation and consideration. In spite of her background, the friends—Samu—she likes to keep, and everything Lu has ever said about her, Rebe isn’t actually stupid.
Stupid has never been Lu’s type. She likes...
Well, she likes brutish. The push-and-pull. And she and Rebe have always been great at that.
“Shit, maybe you have changed, after all,” Rebe comments, smirking at her, and Lu has no idea why the fuck she sounds so smug.
She kisses her again instead of trying to figure it out.
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please I am in dire need of some slightly unknown/underrated daisuga fic recs master
forgive me anon it took me so long to reply :( but here are the following fanfics i recommend you to read. These fics deserve more kudos and hits! and I added some famous fics on the list because i forgot to add these fics on my previous fic recs list: daisuga fic recs 1 . And if you wanna discover more there are other fic recs posts; daisuga fic recs 2 | daisuga fic recs 3
here’s my fave daisuga being dorks to cheer you up!!!!daichi leaning on suga (suga’s legs)

amor et anima by theroyalsavage (cupid and psyche au)
The god of passion falls in love with a mortal man. The rest, as they say, is history.
me, i fall in love with you every single day by earlgrey_milktea (fluff)
They wrestle a bit, Daichi dropping the ladle into the pot as Koushi clings to his middle, refusing to let go. Their laughter fills the kitchen as the curry pot bubbles merrily, and Koushi thinks---not for the first time and definitely not for the last time---that there is nowhere else he’d rather be.the story of daichi and koushi, how they fall in love and never really stop.
Anywhere Else He'd Rather Be by hobbitfromtheshire (fluff)
Suga gets cold. Daichi helps him warm up.
Strike That Pose by fog_mind (Model au)
Daichi 'These shorts are too small for volleyball' Sawamura
In which Daichi is called by a modelling agency to help out and he meets a certain angelic model
First Snow by Feelsripper (First kiss/Fluff)
Walking Suga home had started out as a joke between the two of them, until Daichi realized he sort of liked it way more than he should have.
Speechless by tricerasaurus (Hotel au)
Daichi Sawamura had never in his life had trouble finding the right thing to say.
That is until an unexpected guest enters his life.
Koushi Sugawara and the Heir of Slytherin by Killthespare (Hogwarts au)
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir beware.
Meanwhile, Suga struggles with his family's reputation. A few trouble-making Gryffindors (and one Slytherin) meddle in Daichi's love life. And, through it all, Hinata finds a very strange diary.
i love you by sugacookie (Fluff)
Daichi and Suga were sleeping shirtless in the same bed. So what? It’s not like that hadn't happened before. They had sleepovers all the time, and often chatted as they changed after practice. It was nothing new, so Suga shouldn't be acting this way, but he couldn't help it.
I Don't Love You (I Always Will) by shingekinoboyfriends (Slowburn)
Things take time. Anything that’s good, anything that matters – things like love don’t happen in an instant, the way they do in movies. They grow. They bloom.
Root of the Root by SedentaryZebra (Canon compliant)
When an extremely famous pop star comes out as gay the day before Suga’s third year of high school begins, he thinks the only impact on his life will be the extra chocolates he will need to buy to console his mother.
He’s wrong.
And That's The Way It Should Be by ofperspicacity (soulmates au)
AU where you only see your colors when you meet your soulmate (and you lose them when they die)
Everything in Sawamura Daichi's life was completely average, thank you very much, until the day he saw his colors and Sugawara Koushi was to blame.
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond by themorninglark (confessions)
Suga has learned to solve his problems, save for one.
It's their graduation day, and he's staring at it.
if i tremble by crunchrapsupreme (smut)
Suga is trying to stay pieced together, but he's gradually being torn apart, broken up into a thousand little pieces, self doubt weighing his body down like a ton of bricks.
But luckily for him, Daichi isn't willing to let him break that easily.
a heavy leaf to turn by lavendrsblue (slowburn)
There’s a part of Daichi that burns steady and silver, a part that wouldn’t be there without Suga and everything he’s given to him in the years they’ve known each other.
Daichi never thought he would see them grow apart.
Iridescent by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead (dragonriders au)
Each year, flocks are formed by putting two senior dragon/rider pairs, two intermediate pairs, and five rookie pairs together. This year, Riders Sugawara and Yaku have been put in charge of Trainee Flock One. They'll have to convince the rider trainees to get along, get the dragons to cooperate - no one is sure how they ended up with every single "problem" dragon - and hopefully keep their intermediate riders, Oikawa and Nishinoya, from arguing too much over whose dragon is better.
winner in the whirlwind by tothemoon (fluff)
In which Suga beats Daichi at games and the latter finds someone to cherish.
(Or, snippets of encouragement and care under the guise of foot races, mischievous bets, and late night sessions of Mario Kart.)
You don't have to lie to me by flabmil (fluff)
Sugawara is strong, but Daichi is there to remind him that he doesn’t always have to be.
Answers Without Questions by SecretMaker (slight angst and smut)
Koushi had learned a long time ago to stop wanting things. He learned to stop wishing, letting his eyes linger too long, wondering what it would be like if only.
There were no if onlys in Koushi’s life.
Years by dawnstruck (fluff)
New Year's Eve. Koushi claps his hands and prays.
A Moment's Grace by shions_heart (smut)
After a botched mission, Daichi and Suga flee to a safe house. A black eye and bruised ribs do nothing to decrease Suga's libido, however.
The Difference Between Kisses by Navybluewings (fluff)
Sugawara isn't expecting much attention when being paired up with Daichi for the kissing booth. It's no secret that the captain is attractive inside and out, a feature that hasn't been lost on the female population or the third year setter. Still, Suga is in no rush to tell Daichi this, content with pining for his best friend in silence.
But the reveal of Suga's sexual orientation and Daichi's curiosity will change their relationship forever. And Sugawara isn't sure if that's a good thing or not.
Big Dai Energy by LessonsFromMoths (single parent au)
Two years ago, Daichi's world turned upside down when his sister and her husband died, orphaning their kids. Daichi made the decision to raise all 3, hoping to make his sister proud. When he decides to move across town to be closer to his friends, and a new person is thrust into their life: Sugawara Koushi, kindergarten teacher extraordinaire.
Chaos, love, and family ensues.
Sugar and Spice by RiChanasaurasRex (omegaverse au/smut)
After constantly seeing each other on campus but having no idea who the other is, Daichi and Suga are both dragged out by their friends to make them forget about each other. Of course, they end up at the same club and, of course, smut ensues.
i could show you incredible things (in the shower) by bishounen_curious (merman au/college au)
Being a siren at college is hard. But finding time to sing in the shower while also not accidentally putting your roommates under your thrall is even harder. Especially when one of your roommates is kinda cute.
bring it here, lover by melonstars (canon compliant)
"Y'know, my students think I have a wife."
Koushi doesn't keep it a secret that he's married. He just hasn't said who it is to his class of 8-year-olds.
I love you enough to give you my everything by Nishinoyass (fluff)
Sugawara is terrified of coming out and he's also in love with Daichi.
Make Out With Me? by GordandV (college au)
“Daichi, I know this is weird and I don’t know you, but my friends dragged me to this party and my ex just walked in so please make out with me,” begged Sugawara, Daichi immediately setting his drink down on the floor and cupping Sugawara’s face between his hands which were surprisingly cool before kissing him.
Captain of the Year by Uniblabblab (smut)
Daichi has won the Captain of the Year award, and the team decides that they will go out for BBQ. Suga can't wait to feel up his Captain till they get home, and for some reason he keeps reminding Daichi about a bunny that he needs to take care of when he gets home.
amor et anima by theroyalsavage (cupid and psyche au)
The god of passion falls in love with a mortal man. The rest, as they say, is history.
me, i fall in love with you every single day by earlgrey_milktea (fluff)
They wrestle a bit, Daichi dropping the ladle into the pot as Koushi clings to his middle, refusing to let go. Their laughter fills the kitchen as the curry pot bubbles merrily, and Koushi thinks---not for the first time and definitely not for the last time---that there is nowhere else he’d rather be.
the story of daichi and koushi, how they fall in love and never really stop.
Anywhere Else He'd Rather Be by hobbitfromtheshire (fluff)
Suga gets cold. Daichi helps him warm up.
As much as you want by twilightlynxx (fluff and smut)
In which Daichi had too much on his plate to worry about the stress of exams and Sugawara makes the perfect tutor.
“Suga you’re… kind of beautiful,” Daichi heard himself say the words, but he couldn’t remember saying them. His vision only seemed to consist of Sugawara.
Booty Call by stillnotovermylordsixth (canon compliant)
“You are not framing a teacher just to get in my pants,” Daichi warns.
“Aww!" Suga whines. "But why not? It’s so romantic!”
Suga crosses his arms over his chest with a pout.
dogs are great by aalphard (fluff)
prompt fill for "i met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when i asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that's why you're here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger's backyard in the middle of the night" | or the one in which daichi finds a drunk guy in his yard after going for a walk with his dog and lets him crash in his couch for the night.
we live in the now by laurenshappenstobemyhusband (future fic)
"Daichi, quick, you have to come with me to the bar."
I'd go anywhere with you. "What is it, Suga?"
"Oikawa's going to be there with Iwaizumi, and we're going out to drinks with them. Also, we're dating."
The only thing Daichi could bring himself to say was, "Oh, alright."
A Simple Man by daphnethewriter (smut)
Daichi isn't hard to please, but that doesn't mean Suga won't put in the extra work to make sure his boyfriend gets exactly what he deserves.
A study in love by phroobin for Telenovela (fluff)
'Really, Suga and Daichi just make sense.' (A study of the relationship between Suga and Daichi)
Destined to Love by 1redblackflannel (omegaverse au/smut)
It was all because Daichi’s father and Satoshi, the head butler of the Sawamura family, had decided to interview applicants for a vacant butler position.
Daichi is the alpha-heir of the Sawamura family, a very rich and influential group who owned many multi-million dollar companies.
Suga is an omega who has applied to be a butler.
They meet again after many years and decide that maybe, they were destined to love each other.
you are not immune to the boy of your dreams by bokkun (canon compliant)
Before starting his day, Sugawara Koushi remembers five things:
1. Always eat breakfast 2. Always check your stuff before leaving the house 3. Say goodbye to the demon sleeping under your bed 4. Pet the stray cat (or cats) outside your home 5. Don’t fall in love with your cop of a best friend
It’s really simple. Just five things Koushi needs to remember.
Forgotten Papers by letsdoaskit (fluff and slight angst)
Daichi asks Suga to bring him some papers he forgot at home, but why can't Suga enter his classroom?
when the letter says a soldier's coming home by karasunonolibero (angst with a happy ending)
Koushi grabs his arm, hand shaking as he scrawls his address on the inside of Daichi’s wrist. “That’s my college address. Write to me there. And when you come back, I’ll be waiting for you, so find me. Please.”
The smile Daichi gives him is tinged with melancholy. “You shouldn’t wait for me, Koushi. With your looks, you’ll have boys falling at your feet. Take one of them.”
Koushi shakes his head. “Please.”
“Okay.” Daichi brushes a lock of hair from Koushi’s face, squeezes his hand, and then he’s gone.
or, the year is 1968 and all Koushi can do is wait for Daichi to come home.
Weather the Storm by HamletsProzac (smut)
“You could download Tinder.”
Literally nothing good ever comes from following that advice, but Daichi had gone and done it anyway.
Nothing good ever came of following Kuroo’s advice either, and he’d done that too. But really, considering the circumstances, what else was he supposed to do in the middle of a hurricane?
A Tinder hook up turns into kinky sex turns into two nerds pining: a saga.
Ice Bath by stumblinginthestars (fluff)
Coach Ukai decides to test out a new cool-down technique after summer practice one day. Daichi tries not to worry when Sugawara doesn't seem to be handling it as well as the others. He fails.
stupid about you; or, the misadventures of one sawamura daichi by asphodehls (fluff)
Daichi thinks early mornings are shit.
Then the most beautiful man in the world starts frequenting his usual coffee shop, and maybe the early mornings aren't so shit anymore.
If only he could work up the courage to talk to him.
What it says on the box - Daichi has one brain cell and it's entirely dedicated to falling in love with Suga.
Devil's Trap by farethy (talonyth) (smut)
There is a devil hidden in everyone, even in the most angelic being called Koushi Sugawara.
Punishment by carriecmoney (fluff)
Suga must've been a bad man in a past life; not only is he cursed to be a distance runner, but he also has a crush on a discus thrower. Aesthetically, of course. Track and field!AU.
I Could Have Danced All Night by Rinoa11 (12 dancing princesses au)
Daichi has returned from the military, an injured useless soldier with a sick mother. He is taken in to become a palace gardener under Keishin and is sucked into the mystery of the six beautiful princes of the castle who disappear each night and return with ruined dancing shoes. When times get desperate Daichi can no longer ignore the mystery of the six princes before him. Who are they? What is going on? And will he discover their secret or face the punishment of death?
sugar and salt by foreverwonder (detective au)
When a dead body was fished out from the waters of Tokyo Bay, Detective Sawamura Daichi and his partner were assigned to the case. What was first thought to be a straightforward homicide turned out to be the prelude to something more dangerous and Daichi vowed to get to the bottom of it.
He just never expected to fall for the victim’s lover.
The Beast Dancer by Rinoa11 (fantasy au)
The Legend tells of a great Beast bringing destruction to the town, sent down by the gods to punish them for their mortal folly. For ten days and nights the Beast wrought tremors and chaos on the earth, causing panic and terror to spread throughout the land. Until one day a brave hero sealed away the beast after a grand fight.
The Legends also say that the Beast Dancers who seal the Beast away are destined for paradise. Suga wondered about what paradise was like. The priests in the temple told him that he would live a life of bliss as thanks for helping to seal the Beast away. All Suga hoped for was that it would be filled with fields of flowers as far as the eye could see.
It is an honour to be chosen.
a little lost by lavendrsblue (fluff)
Daichi slaps a hand over his face, muffling a groan. Having a kissing dream about Suga while they’re literally sharing a bed—what could be worse, honestly.
The night before Nationals, they're supposed to get eight hours of sleep. Daichi gets considerably less.
not the same night out by suhoya (fluff)
In which Kuroo thinks it would be a good idea to invite his friend Sugawara to their weekly night club visit. Daichi gets easily distracted (forgets how to dance), thinks a lot (and imagines), drinks (doesn't know what), and meets love.
That’s all i can recommend you to read! there’s a lot of amazing daisuga fics i didnt mention here and i wanted to add more but there’s a limit so keep searching for more. Kudos to all writers out there!!! I’ll try my best to make more fic recs so we can appreciate more writers and their stories! Have a nice day! Don’t forget to compliment the author’s work(s)!!!
#I WAS SURPRISED WHEN I OPENED MY ASKS ANONS ASKING ME FOR FIC RECS AND DAMN IM SO SORRRRYY#AND PEOPLE ASKING ME RANDOM THINGS#im so sorry :’(((#anon#personal#fic recs#fanfics#fic rec#smut#angst#fluff#daisuga#sugadai#sawamura daichi#sugawara koushi#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#hq#hq!!#karasuno#anime#fanfic#otp#daichi sawamura#koushi sugawara#kagehina#iwaoi#bokuaka#kuroken#asanoya
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i was just an only child of the universe (and then i found you)
@clumsyclifford you enabled my writing this and it is also your birthday so it is yours (unless you think it is Bad which is def a possibility bc i have read it all the way through like 1.5 times and in that case u saw nothing). i hope you have beautiful day. you put so much light out into the world, you deserve nothing but that and so much more in return. thank you for your kindness and community and endless fun. much luv x
and as always here’s the link to ao3 bc it is the Better way to consume writing let’s all be real here
When Ashton wakes up, it’s still dark. And he’s alone.
He lets his eyes flutter open, reaching out to his right for his phone to check the time. It’s just before 4am, he’s only been fully asleep for around two hours. He pushes himself up to sit, the fleecy blanket Luke had tossed across the sheets when the temperature dropped a few weeks earlier pooling around his waist. He lifts his neck some and pushes his hair from his eyes to peer over toward the bathroom to see if he can see the light on, worried the drinks Luke had had several hours earlier were making a reappearance. But the door to the bathroom is open and the light is off, so his lover isn’t sick.
Or at least not in the bathroom, he thinks to himself when he hears a quiet noise in what he suspects is the kitchen.
Ashton turns, letting his bare feet drop from the mattress to the floor. He squints against the darkness in search of something to pull on to cover his upper half before going to investigate. He sees what looks to be a shirt and half-blindly reaches for it, realizing it's one of Luke’s flannels once he gets it closer to his face, the identity of the garment being revealed by the softness only achieved from years of wear and wash and the faint smell of Luke’s cologne on the fabric.
He stands and pulls his arms through the sleeves, not bothering with buttons, his entire being just too tired for that. Ashton shuffles out from the bedroom and down the hall, the lack of carpet making him wish he had tugged on his slippers (a recent gift that had come in a care package from Calum’s mom) before wandering out to find his boy.
Luke is sitting in one of the barstools at the kitchen island, the only light on being the dull yellow one just above the sink. He faces away from Ashton, his shoulders covered by one of the quilts he must have pulled from the couch and hunched over some. His hair had grown long during the semester and he’s got it pulled back into a little bun he must have put up after getting out of bed (Ashton never letting him wear it up that way to bed so that way he could play with the blonde curls without a hair tie getting in the way). He sniffles quietly and Ashton can hear him stir a spoon around a bowl that must be blocked from the black haired boy’s view, the metal clinking against the sides of the ceramic.
Gently, so as to not scare Luke, Ashton places his hands atop his shoulders, sliding his hands down to clasp together against the blonde’s chest. He settles his head to rest against the side of his. “Why are you up?”
Luke sets his spoon back in the bowl and tugs Ashton’s hands apart so he can lace his left with Ashton’s right. He smiles as Luke turns to place a kiss against his temple. “I was having this dream that we were eating cereal. And then I woke up when I dropped the bowl on the floor in the dream. And then I was hungry for cereal. So now I’m here.”
Ashton chuckles to himself as he rubs his thumb over Luke’s where their hands are clasped together. He liked that Luke’s brain worked in the kind of way that got him up for cereal when he was still a little drunk after a night out at the bars. They had been out with Michael and Calum, celebrating the end to another semester. Ashton, the group’s forever faithful DD, had spent the night sitting at the bar, sipping on soda and lime, watching the three others dance on and with each other. He had smiled and nodded at the bar as Luke told him a story of some funny ringtone that had gone off during his literature final and about the therapy dog he had gotten to pet when they brought them by the library.
(He had also avoided the suggestive look from his favorite bartender when Luke draped his arms around Ashton’s waist toward the end of the night, his lips brushing over his neck as he begged to go back home in between kissing the blushed skin. An Uber was called the moment Luke’s hands started trying to creep their way up under Ashton’s t shirt.)
They had gotten home only a couple hours earlier, Ashton sitting Luke at the counter to drink a few glasses of water and take a couple preemptive ibuprofen while he waited for the confirmation text that Michael and Calum had made it back to their apartment a few streets over.
(cal: we are out of the uber.
cal: we are at the front door.
cal: michael dropped his keys and then someone walking a dog walked by so he is petting the dog.
cal: it’s pretty fluffy. his name is einstein.
cal: okay we’re in our unit now. door is locked. we are drinking water.
cal: [attached] seeeeee?
cal: luv u)
Getting him to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change out of his jeans hadn’t been all that difficult. Luke had two phases of sleepy drunk: giggly and hangry. Thankfully Ashton had made sure all of them had a full meal before hitting the bars so he knew he was likely to deal with the giggly version of his boyfriend rather than the latter. Luke had followed Ashton by hand to bed without complaint, slurring his words around a story about another dog he had met recently before his words slowly came to a stop as he fell asleep against Ashton’s chest.
Luke uses his free hand to take another bite of the colorful cereal, frowning when a drop of milk hits the counter. He swipes it away with his thumb and then smiles again. It’s quiet between them for a moment while he leans his head against Ashton’s as he continues to stand behind him, chewing slowly, as if stuck on a thought. Ashton finds himself smiling adoringly at him as he glances at his face out of the corner of his tired eyes. It’s obvious the blonde is still at least a little drunk.
“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?”
Luke’s expression shifts for a moment then, to something lighter and happier, in response to the compliment. It fades just slightly and then he’s dropping his spoon in his mostly empty bowl and turning in the barstool so he can face Ashton. He drops his hands around his waist and maneuvers the standing boy to move between his legs. “You ever think about how tiny we are?”
Ashton slides his hands up where they’re rested against Luke’s bare chest, fixing the blanket to stay wrapped around his shoulders before letting his arms hang loosely around his neck, his fingers absentmindedly playing with the curls at the back of his neck that have escaped the little bun.
“I hate to break it to you, Lu, but you’re a little bit of a giant compared to most people of average size.”
Luke opens his mouth to reply but then closes it again and pouts his bottom lip out. Ashton can feel him play with the hem of the flannel at the bottom of his back before sliding his hands underneath and resting against the skin there. “No, I mean, like. Do you ever think about how big oceans and planets and suns and stars are and how we’re just these tiny little things? Just little specks on what is a speck in the middle of other specks?”
The question itself, though alcohol induced, is pretty damn existential. And Ashton probably would have wanted to take a bit longer to formulate an answer but Luke is looking at him with those anxious blue eyes and his hands at Ashton’s back pull him in closer, as if he’s worried that that big wide universe will suck the hazel eyed boy away. He’s trying to think of a way to respond when Luke keeps going.
“Because I mean it's just so wild to me. How we can be so little and tiny and really not much of anything at all when compared to everything else in the universe. Yet for some reason the universe decided to give us just a little bit of attention to guide us to one another. I can’t stop thinking about what we did to deserve something so special.”
And despite knowing that everything coming out of Luke’s mouth in the poetic way that it is is liquor induced babbling, Ashton’s heart is bursting at his words. Luke is speaking from a place of adoration, of love, not existentialism (or at least not too much). He’s not even sure what to say really so he just slides his hands up to cup Luke’s cheeks, the blonde closing his eyes while smiling wide, his blushing cheeks pressed against Ashton’s palms.
He shakes his head as he runs his thumbs below Luke’s ocean blue eyes. “Guess some higher power had a free afternoon and decided it might be funny to kick both of us in the direction of the library that day. To make you spill your coffee in the elevator to the fourth floor.”
Luke lets out a giggle and drops his head to the side, Ashton’s left hand holding it up. “When our kids ask how we met, we’re gonna have to come up with something better than that. You’ll have to make up some story about wooing me, you’re much better at telling stories.”
Ashton lifts his brows and lets out a gentle laugh. “Our kids?”
Luke responds with a look as if Ashton’s just said something ridiculous. “Yes, our kids. Should at least have two. That way they’ve got like a built in friend. Ideally, a boy and a girl.”
Ashton can’t help himself as he leans forward to press his lips to Luke’s for a brief moment. Even dead tired and drunk, Luke sees him in his future, long term future too, not just next summer or something. He can taste the sweetness from the cereal and Luke’s toothpaste as he pulls away, dropping his hands from his cheeks so he can rinse the cereal bowl, the heaviness of the early hour really starting to weigh on him again.
“Have you picked out names yet?” Ashton asks Luke as he watches Ashton turn on the water and wash the leftover milk down the drain. Ashton looks up to see the blonde’s gentle smile as he pulls the blanket closer around his chest.
Luke answers immediately, causing Ashton to blush since that means Luke has certainly thought about the question before. “I like Matilda - like from the movie? - for a girl. And I think your middle name would be nice for a boy. Both sound nice with Irwin, too.”
“So they’ll have my last name then?” Ashton asks with a smirk, his eyes still soft with the love for his boy.
“Yeah, I always thought so. I mean, I want to have it one day too so the kids probably should as well.”
Ashton rounds the counter again, moving back to stand between Luke’s legs. He pulls the hair tie from his curls and cards his hands through them. “You’ve thought a lot about our future, huh?”
“Have you not?” Worry briefly crosses Luke’s eyes.
Ashton shakes his head. “No, of course I have,” he starts, one of his hands reaching down to hold Luke’s. He always liked how their hands looked like they were meant to hold the other’s. “I had just always thought on the end of making sure we could find jobs in the same place, that we find a city both of us like, introducing the parents to each other next spring like we planned. Thought about how I might propose but hadn’t gotten into the logistics of names and such. You really want to take mine?”
Luke’s lip pouts out some as he nods. “Yeah, I do. Is that okay?”
“It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
He watches then as a blush slowly creeps up to Luke’s cheeks, though they’re still pink from the liquor he’d had earlier. Ashton coaxes him to standing, their hands still clasped, and he uses his free one to pull the blanket from Luke’s shoulders to drop on the couch as they pass by. For a moment, he squeezes their palms together before letting go to shuffle to the opposite side of the bed, pulling off the flannel before sliding back beneath the covers.
Luke immediately slides his body to press against Ashton’s side, his face dropping to nuzzle it’s way into Ashton’s neck, letting his lips just barely brush against the black haired boy’s shoulder. Their legs slot together beneath the sheets. Ashton had always been thankful for the immediate calm that would wash over his body when pressed as close as he could be to Luke. He liked not having to worry about him letting go. (In what way he means that, he’s not really sure.) He’s just seconds away from sleep when he hears Luke whisper, his lips dancing delicately against Ashton’s skin as he speaks.
“Love you, Ash. Glad I got to find you.”
“I love you, Luke,” Ashton sighs back as the calm settles again.
And as he lets their fingers tangle together again against his bare chest, Ashton finds himself wondering if the action will feel different when they’ve got the wedding bands he’s hidden beneath a stack of t shirts in his chest of drawers resting on their fourth fingers.
#lashton#lashton fic#it was actually really funny like i was getting toward finishing up a bit of this when i got the notif that helen posted that Perfect fic#for you earlier and i messaged her like helen omg you're never going to believe what i am also doing rn asfdksajdl#bella you are just so sweet i have no idea what i did to deserve your kindness but it has made the long and dreary days much brighter#during these times#i spent like 8 years wandering around this site too afraid to talk to anyone and i'm glad i got the guts to get over that so we could start#chatting bc it's meant a lot#hope u have a good day bud
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tiny bus
this ones for the anon who wanted mean damian. im sorry to whoever didn’t. tw: d slur g/t mean girls
The tiny bus comes an hour after school ends.
It's a long wait and frankly, an annoying one.
I never had to take the tiny bus before.
In eighth grade, Ms. George picked me up.
At the beginning of high school, Ms. Hubbard picked me up.
Up until recently, Damian drove me home.
Damian couldn't drive me home anymore.
I slam my locker shut, swinging my bag onto my shoulder. Where the hell was I supposed to go for the next hour?
I didn't have anyone to talk too.
When did everything go downhill?
My art show.
The night Cady showed her true colors.
The night Cady officially went full plastic.
The night Damian chose her.
That last fact made my head spin. It still didn't feel real.
Damian was the one person I thought I could trust. The one person I thought would always be there.
No matter what.
How stupid was I for believing it?
I could handle losing Cady. Yeah, it hurt. I knew it would hurt for a while.
But I didn't know Cady for long.
I trusted Damian with my life.
I turn away from my locker with a scowl.
Where was I even supposed to go for an hour?
I make my way to the tiny pick up zone.
I'm not getting picked up. There's no one there to pick me up.
But it's the only accessible place in the school with ac and cameras.
And now that I'm alone to myself I need the latter more than ever.
I slump against the wall, pulling out my phone.
The background, which was once Damian and I, is now a simple black.
I don't have any new texts or missed calls. I didn't expect any. The only notifications I ever got in the past were from Damian.
It's safe to say we aren't friends anymore.
It hurt.
Out of everyone whos ever been in my life, I thought Damian would be the one to stick around. I believed that with my whole heart.
Because Damian said he would.
He had never given me a reason to doubt him.
Or maybe he did.
Maybe I was just blind to the signs.
I never saw the hints that Regina would kick me to the side.
I never caught the cues that Cady would leave.
A teardrop lands on my phone.
I hadn't even realized I was crying.
I rub away the tears that hadn't fallen, feeling the wet patches form on my jacket sleeves.
Poor space dyke. Crying alone like the loser she is.
Nobody likes you.
Damian's gonna leave you.
You really think somebody's gonna want to stay with space dyke?
These were all things I was told in the past. All signs I blatantly ignored. They were just bullying me. None of it was true, right?
Apparently so.
"Are you crying?"
My head snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice. I was so busy lost in thought I didn't hear anyone coming.
It was after school, nobody should be coming.
Yet there stood Damian.
My gut twisted.
It was a question Damian had asked me so many times before. But this was different. He was smirking and the taunting nature in his voice was not missed on me.
"No," I say flatly. I stick my phone back into my pocket and stand up. "I was just leaving."
"Oh c'mon, you don't wanna talk to your friend? I'm waiting for Regina but she's no here yet."
"Friend?" I whirl around to face the boy in front of me. "I would love to talk to my friend. But he left! I don't know what I did wrong or why I wasn't good enough but you've changed. We're not friends anymore."
Damian was wearing the same pink shirt he gave Cady at the beginning of this mess. It felt like a punch to my gut.
Damian stepped back slightly, a flash of hurt crossing his face.
For a second- I had hope. Like maybe Damian wasn't all lost.
But then his face hardened again. "It's human nature to change, Janis."
"Right." I scoff, turning on my heels. "Bye."
"The bullying was too much to handle, Jan" Damian calls after me.
Everything about that statement sits wrong with me. I whirl around, hot with anger.
"Don't Jan me. You think I don't know about the bullying?! You think I don't understand that pain?!" I move so I'm standing in front of Damian at the edge of the tiny platform. "I went thought the same thing you did for years. I have it worse!" The tears are back, but it's more of anger than anything.
"So you understand!" Damian throws his hands up in exasperation, ignoring the way I flinch back. "I saw an out and I took it. Do not make me the bad guy here." He said harshly.
Damian was tall. I knew this. But- it didn't matter before.
Because he was my friend. He wasn't intimidating or menacing. He wouldn't hurt me.
I didn't feel the same unwavering trust now as Damian glared down at me.
He was on Regina's side. He showed who he was with.
I hoped it was all an act. Maybe when none of the other plastics were around it would be different.
But there was no one else.
And he was plastic.
Cold, hard, shiny, plastic.
I swallow, taking a step back. "I don't want to talk to you."
"Aww," Damian leaned forward. "Why not?" He got closer. "Are we not friends anymore?"
I step backward but stumble. Damian laughs as I land on my back, the contents of my bag spilling onto the floor.
"Are you scared?"
"No," I sit up, haphazardly shoving things back into my backpack. "Not of you."
"You should be."
My blood runs cold as I look back at Damian. He's fully over me at this point. I think back to when we used to be friends. This position was comfort if anything. Now?
"Please back away. Leave me alone."
Damian raises his eyebrow but doesn't move. "You can't hold it against me for just wanting to be left alone."
"But I can hold it against you for leaving your best friend alone." I spat.
Damian froze for a moment before letting out a laugh. "Oh, Jan. You didn't really think we were best friends?"
Damian gives a breathy laugh, shaking his head.
He's so close that I can feel when he breathes and everything smells like the mint gum Gretchen's been carrying around religiously since seventh grade.
It triggered so many bad memories with Gretchen- but this wasn't Gretchen. It was Damian.
I can't think like that anymore.
Damian isn't my friend.
I don’t know what he’ll do. How far he’ll go. How bad I’ll get hurt.
I stand up, stepping backward as Damian straightens himself out. I can't tell if I'm crying from betrayal, fear, or a mix of every emotion I've been hit with since birth- but I'm crying. And it's humiliating.
There's the clicking of heels behind me and I tense up.
Regina's arrived. It's about to get so much worse.
"Well, who do we have here! Hey there, Space Dyke." Regina circles around me, stopping with her back to Damian as she glares at me.
"I was just leaving." I mumble, wiping the tears from under my eyes. I feel pathetic and stupid and small.
Regina looks me up and down with disgust. "Maybe it's for the best. We don't want to be seen with you. Right, Damian?"
There's no hesitation, there's no second-guessing.
I can physically feel my heart sink into my stomach. "Right." I mumbled, turning back into the tiny part of the school.
I'll find somewhere else to wait for the tiny bus.
"Bye-bye!" Regina calls tauntingly. There's a whisper, I don't pay attention to what she says. It's probably not nice.
"Bye Space Dyke."
I almost stop walking.
I almost turn around.
I almost want him to say it to my face.
To see if he has the guts to.
But I don't.
I turn down the hallway, out of sight from them.
There's the salty taste of tears in my mouth and I can't tell if they're fresh or if I'm still crying from earlier.
I slump down on the hallway floor, pulling my knees to my chest.
Yeah, I felt alone before, but that interaction- it solidified that Damian was gone.
He wasn't coming back.
He was plastic.
It was something I said a lot. It would be easier if you just stopped being my friend. You don't deserve the harassment.
But I never thought it would happen.
Damian would just smile and tell me he wasn't going anywhere.
But look where we were now.
Bye Space Dyke.
How long has Damian felt this way?
How long has he wanted to do that?
Was any part of our friendship genuine?
I stand up, making way to the tiny bus stop.
Guess I'll have to get used to riding on it.
lmao i go from the fluffiest shit to heart break bahaah @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce
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Daddy Joker pt 1
Joker x reader fanfic • smut • nsfw • fun with joker!!
You had been following closely behind him ever since the two of you got of the bus. You could tell he wasn’t in the right frame of mind after just suffering another laughing fit due to his condition, and you were afraid that he would end up doing something stupid, or dangerous. That, or he’d just keep on walking until he lost track of where he was, and then he’d be stuck not knowing how to get back.
“Arthur, wait!” You shouted to him as he walked even faster. You weren’t sure if he was intentionally trying to shake you off his tail, or if he was just so lost in his mind that he couldn’t hear your voice. You were going to assume it was the latter, mostly because you refused to let him be alone in a time like this, but also because you didn’t want to think that he was trying to get rid of you. That would be too hard to accept... so you kept on following him. Figuring he would eventually say something if he really didn’t want you with him.
The two of you walked through the streets of Gotham, weaving your way through the multitude of strangers who were probably either on their way home or heading out to dinner or some kind of entertainment. Anything to distract themselves of their own miserable lives.
It was difficult to keep up with him as you had to maneuver through so many people who where oblivious to the world around them. You kept having to change directions to avoid slamming right into the woman who was walking her five dogs, all of them jumping up on you and trying to lick your fingers. On any other day you’d have loved to stop and pet them, and ask their names, but today you couldn’t spare the time. Then there was the cute elderly couple that you had to apologize to for cutting in front of, but they of course were too sweet to have minded.
Next was a group of young men in business suits who appeared to be intoxicated already, and you had to practically pull yourself away from them as they begged you for your number, telling you they could take you around town and show you a good time, which you already knew would be anything but. Of course they didn’t take no for an answer, and even began circling around you, like hungry wolves closing in on their prey.
“Damnit, I said no. Please, I have somewhere I need to be! Now FUCK OFF!” You snapped, clutching your bag and getting ready to fight them off if you really had to. You weren’t too afraid. This has happened plenty of times before and you knew how to defend yourself, for the most part. You were just pissed off that you had to deal with these idiots AGAIN, and especially at a time like THIS, when you couldn’t afford to waste any time. You couldn’t afford to lose track of Arthur. Not now!
“Hey, relax! We were just messing around! You don’t have to be so angry, ya know? Maybe you should loosen up a little,” one of the idiots says as he walks straight up to you, so close you can smell the booze on his breath.
“Yeah, sure. Just messing around. Now excuse me -“ you said, trying to push passed him, but he grabs your arm and pulls you back.
“Come on! Where you goin?” He slurs. “Let’s have some fun, sweetie!”
Suddenly you’re violently throwing your arms around, trying to get out of his grip, but he’s too damn strong, even as drunk as he is. His friends all just laugh and cheer him on.
“Let me GO!” You shout, panicking. This is the LAST thing you needed right now. Damnit. Damn these fuckers. Why did they have to do this?
“No, I don’t think so. I think I should take you with me, yeah? Let’s go spend some quality time together!” The guy said as he pulled you back towards an alleyway. You started screaming and grunting as you tried to break his grip on your arm.
“No! NO! Let go of me, you JERK!” You shouted, and spit at him, trying to punch him, but it didn’t seem to do much good.
“You stupid bitch!” He yelled back, and hit you in the face, splitting your lower lip. His friends just laughed and circled around the two of you, blocking you from any chance of escape, even if you could get away from these assholes.
“Please...” you practically whimper.
“Relax, baby, I’ll make you feel real good,” he said and held you down against a broken down car as he unbuckled his pants. You closed your eyes, trying not to cry. You wouldn’t give them that satisfaction. His friends were all cheering and laughing, and you knew it was all over...
Until suddenly you heard a loud thud and felt the guy’s body getting thrown to the ground. His friends started to shout and curse and you opened your eyes. It was hard to see anything through the tears that blurred your vision, but you heard a familiar voice. His voice...
“Get your FILTHY hands off her!” Arthur practically shrieked as he kicked the crumpled body on the ground, and held his arm out, pointing a gun at the young man.
“Holy shit! What the fuck are you doing?” One of his friends shouted and walked towards Arthur, who quickly turned the gun on him and held it with both hands.
“Don’t you come any closer! Just leave! NOW!” He said in a booming voice that filled the area around you. The group of men didn’t say another word. They grabbed their buddy and all started running off into the city streets. But Arthur apparently wasn’t satisfied. He raised the gun into the air and pulled the trigger, a loud bang ringing in the air as the men shouted in fear and started running even faster.
“Next time I’ll shoot every one of you!” Arthur shouted, his voice shaking with anger before he finally lowered the gun and ran to you. He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him before resting his free hand on your head.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you!?” He asked, sounding panicked. It made your heart swell to know that he cared so much for you. Even though you weren’t too happy about the fact he had a gun. Why didn’t he ever tell you about that?
“Yeah... I’m fine,” you said quietly, your head tilted down and your bangs falling over your eyes. You didn’t want him to see that you’d been crying. Not that he would have thought any less of you, especially after what just happened.
“I’m sorry, I never should have made you follow me all the way out here...” he said. “Damnit. I’m so stupid!”
“No! Arthur that’s not true!” You said, looking up at him and resting your hand on the side of his face, trying to calm him down. “You’re not stupid, Arthur. You couldn’t have known that was going to happen. Let’s just go back home, okay?”
“But it did happen. Because of me,” he said, putting his hand that was still holding the gun over yours. “It’s my fault...”
“No. It’s their fault. THEY are the jerks that tried to hurt me. Not you,” you smiled, and lifted your chin up so that your lips were only inches away from his. You wrapped your fingers around his and slowly moved his hand down as you leaned in for a kiss. “You were the one that saved me. Yeah?”
You pressed your lips firmly against his and the two of you moaned in unison. You parted your lips and took a deep breath in as he entered your mouth with his tongue. It was warm and strong, and you moaned again with delight, wrapping your tongue around his as you playfully teased him. He finally started to relax, and put the gun back into his jacket before grabbing your cheeks with his hands and kissing you with such intensity and passion. Like he hadn’t been able to taste you in months, even though it had only been this morning since you last embraced like this.
“Why don’t we go back home, yeah? Then we can start the real fun!” You said in a seductive tone in between kisses. But Arthur only spun you around, and pressed you up against the car. His sudden roughness surprised you and excited you even more. You giggled as you leaned down on the hood, putting your hands out to your sides and lifting your ass up for him.
“Oh I see, you can’t wait til we get back, huh? Hehe!” You laugh, and he presses his crotch up against your rear, growling with anticipation. You gasp as you feel his thick, hardened member in between your cheeks. God damn, he must have been waiting all day for this. You wonder if the incident from earlier played a role in how excited he was right now. You wouldn’t be surprised.
“No, I can’t,” he groaned, before pulling you back up and spinning you around so that you faced him again. He wrapped his fingers around your neck and there was something about him that was different than the times you’d been together before. He seemed much more..... dominant. You smirked, and looked deep into his eyes as your messy hair fell over your face. Whatever was happening to him, you loved it, and you couldn’t wait to see what it would do to him. What it would make him do to you.
“Well, hurry up then,” you said with a giggle. You fluttered your eyelids and moaned with anticipation. “Show me how bad you want me!”
Arthur laughed and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them together and putting his face in between them before ripping off your shirt and throwing it to the ground. You gasp and squeal with delight as his excitement and lust for you makes you start to squirm.
“Oh, Arthur! I want you so bad!” You beg, knowing that he always loves it when you say his name. But suddenly he stands back and turns you over. Pushing you down hard on the car and grunting as he pulls your pants and underwear down around your knees, exposing your body to the world.
“I’m not Arthur anymore,” he said, his voice colder than normal. He ran his hand over your plump ass cheeks before smacking each of them, hard. This caused you to cry out, which only made him grab a handful of your thick hair and jerk your head back forcefully, just enough to cause a slight bit of pain. He put his face up next to yours and let out a deep breath before he finally spoke again. “Tonight, you will call me Joker.”
Something about the way he spoke, and the way he behaved was a bit frightening at first to you. Maybe because it was so sudden, and so unlike Arthur. But... at the same time, this newfound confidence of his was intoxicating. He was like a completely different person. And even though you weren’t quite sure what that meant, you were excited to find out. Also, you were extremely fucking horny and you couldn’t stand not having him inside you anymore.
“Y-yes, Joker,” you obeyed him. Oh, you would do almost anything for this man. He already had you wrapped around his finger. Now all you wanted was to be wrapped around his cock. “I’ll do anything you say, Joker! Please!”
“That’s a good girl,” he said, and loosened his grip on your hair as he inhaled sharply. He leaned back, letting his hand glide down your back before unbuckling your bra and throwing it next to your shirt on the ground. “Now, what should we do with you? Hmm?”
He took a few steps back and examined you as you stayed there, leaning on the car. You weren’t quite sure what to do, but you didn’t want to ruin his fun. You also weren’t quite sure what this new Joker would do if you upset him, so you decided it was best to wait for his instruction. Of course, that didn’t mean you couldn’t give him something to look at. You started moving your hips back and forth, shaking your ass ever so slightly while he stood there, watching you through his piercing green eyes. He had a small smirk on his face, so you knew he was enjoying your little show.
“Turn around for me, and sit up on the hood of the car,” he demanded. You wasted no time, and stepped up on the bumper as you slowly climbed up onto the car.
“Like this?” You asked him, throwing him a seductive glance as you bit your lower lip and bent your knees. Your jeans were still around your ankles. “Should I take these off?”
“No, you can leave them like that for now,” he said, and walked closer to you. You could tell by the look on his face that he was completely and utterly taken aback by you. He may have been playing a new role as this Joker guy, but he was still very much the same man who was head over heals in love with you.
“Okay, well... what do you want me to do now?” You asked, sitting up on your knees and leaning closer to him. “Do you want to fuck me, Joker? Or should we do something else, first?”
His eyelids fluttered as you said those words, and you could see him struggling to hold himself back. You loved that you could have that effect on him. Even now.
“No, I have something else in mind...” he said, and slowly unbuckled his pants. He looked down and pulled out his throbbing member, and you gasped. My god, just seeing it made your mouth start to water! And that wasn’t the only part of your body that you could feel getting wet!
“Oh my god... is that for me?” You asked him, licking your lips.
“If you think you can handle it,” he smirked, and began stroking it. “Is that what you want? Huh?”
“Yes please, Joker!” You said, practically begging. You didn’t care how he gave it to you, or in which hole. You just needed it inside you, NOW! He loved your enthusiasm, the fact that you couldn’t resist him. A smile slowly spread across his lips, before he let out a deep laugh.
“Alright. Come get it then,” he motioned you over to him, and you began crawling up to him. You sat there on your hands and knees on top of the car and leaned down so your mouth was level with his cock. You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.
“That’s it, baby girl,” he said, his jaw clenched, his eyes fixated on you as he held his long shaft out for you to have a taste. You inched you’re body closer to him, teasing him just a little while longer. “Come on, be good for Daddy.”
“Mmm~” you moan softly as you open your mouth and stick out your tongue, licking the bottom of it slowly, before wrapping your lips around his mushroom tip and sucking him into your warm mouth. You hear him groan and feel his cock throb a couple times as you start to bob your head up and down, slowly increasing the pace as you take in inch after inch.
“Ohhh, god damn!” He says and grabs the back of your head, entangling his fingers in your hair as he rests his hand there while you suck him even harder. Your mouth makes slurping sounds as your lips move up and down his thick, veiny cock, and your tongue massages the lower part, covering it with your saliva and making it easier to suck faster. You grab onto the base and begin to stroke with one hand, while the other one gently plays with his balls. As your head bobs up and down, he plays with your hair and takes sharp breaths while you pleasure him.
“Does that feel good?” You ask him in the most innocent voice you can imitate. You look up at him with your big, green eyes and smile.
“Nngh! Yes!” He groans again, this time even louder as he starts thrusting his cock in your mouth, holding on to the back of your head while he does so. It slowly reaches further into your mouth until finally it hits the back of your throat, and you start to gag. This doesn’t stop you though. At least, not at first. In fact, you find it surprising that you actually enjoy this feeling, and you want to impress him. So you hold on to the back of his legs and let him throat fuck you for a while, which drives him crazy, and he grabs your head with both of his hands and thrusts even harder.
You try to focus on breathing, and do your best not to choke, but it eventually becomes impossible not to. Still, you suck like a fucking champ. And you stare up at him and let him fuck your face while he holds your head down and stares back into your eyes. The look on his face makes you want to cum right then and there. It’s so... animalistic. So raw and full of emotion, and passion. Lust and greed and all of the worst kinds of sexual deviancies. Finally you can’t take it anymore, and you pull your head back. He lets you go, although you know he wants more. He doesn’t want to hurt you too much though.
“Holy shit...” he says as the two of you catch your breath. You lie down on the car and look up at the night sky, wondering what’s in store for you next.
“You’re fucking incredible!” He says, sitting down next to you and running a hand through his hair. He looks down at you and smiles. “Did you know that?”
“I’ve been told a few times,” you laugh softly. “So.. what’s next, Joker?”
He glared at you before grabbing you and spinning you around and pushing you down on the hood of the car.
“Stick your ass up for me, baby...” he growled as he smacked your bare skin and laughed. “Now, be a good girl and beg for Daddy’s cock!”
- to be continued... -
#joker fandom#arthur fleck#arthur fleck smut#joaquin phoenix joker#joker 2019#joker fanfiction#joker movie#joker x reader#joker x you#arthur fleck x reader
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Prompt: Baekhyun + “What? Does that feel good?” + “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”
Setting/AU: Bartender
Warnings: some swearing, alcohol.
Word Count: 2,077
“Do you plan on moping at my bar all evening?” He teased as he poured you another whiskey.
You cocked your eyebrow. “And if I am?”
He chuckled, sliding your glass towards you. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m always happy to see you but you’re mood is keeping the customers away. You can stay but… maybe for the future success of my business could you move down that end?”
You looked to where he’d inclined his head, your eyes widening. “To the dark end of the bar? Real nice Baek. I’m not drunk enough to not be offended that you’re sequestering me to the area you usually reserve for curmudgeons.”
Baekhyun shrugged. “Can I convince you with free whiskey for the rest of the night?”
“And you wonder why you aren’t making big enough profits, giving away free top shelf booze���” You slid off your stool in the center of the bar and moved closer towards the dark end of the bar but you refused to place yourself at the very end, lest you admit to yourself that tonight you were in a sour mood and that you could give two shits about the other patrons. You just wanted to come and unload your troubles on your friendly neighbourhood bartender.
“I might not be a business mastermind but I’m not half bad with math and from where I’m standing the group of eight women who have been staring at my cocktail menu for the last 20 minutes while side-eyeing you are probably going to spend more money than if I charge you for the next five or six whiskeys you’ve got left in you before you need to be carried to a taxi.”
You enjoyed watching Baekhyun work. No matter how bad your mood was, and today it was particularly bad, he calmed you. He had a light hearted nature and the ability to talk to anyone as well as really listen to them, which is what made him an excellent bartender. He knew the bar like the back of his hand so watching him fluidly move around to pour drinks and make cocktails with flair was enthralling.
He hadn’t been wrong. The group of girls were three things – loud, annoying and in need of an endless supply of cocktails. The latter was great for Baekhyun but it was really infringing on your night because their endless cocktail orders were keeping him so busy that he barely had time to chat to you. He’d come down your end of the bar to refill your drink and check up on you but he had to keep excusing himself from any attempt at conversation every time a loud screechy voice called out Baekkieeeee! or bartenderrrrrr! and you were getting pretty close to snapping at them. You’d had a shitty week and you’d come to this particular bar to see the one person capable of lifting your spirits only for this pack of drunk wretches to steal him from you.
To top things off somehow, even at the dark end of the bar, sleazy guys still somehow found you and insisted on hitting on you. You weren’t exactly sure which part of woman sitting alone at the dark end of the bar drinking whiskey and scowling read Hi, I’d really love to engage in small talk and fake compliments, maybe a drink or two, then definitely I’ll have sex with you but no matter how many you sent off muttering about how much of a bitch you were more kept appearing.
“Ok now I need to know what you’re saying to all of the men who keep trudging up to the bar to order a failure beer.” Baekhyun’s amused voice sounded in front of you.
You looked up from your glass confused. “Failure beer?”
He grinned as be stood up straight and put of his salesperson voice. “A failure beer is something a person orders after they have tried to pick up and haven’t been successful. They present at the bar with a defeated look on their face while muttering bitterly about whoever just told them ‘thanks but no thanks’ in varying degrees of politeness. Now normally this results in more drinking and then either more failure beers or, in some cases, a success beer.”
“Well apparently the dark end of the bar is no longer curmudgeon central, it’s evidently the new place to try and pick up chicks. Even when they show zero interest in you.” You waved a hand disinterestedly in the direction of the small dance floor. “I simply told them no.”
Baekhyun rested his elbows on the bar as he watched you, a knowing smile on his face. “It had to be more than just no with the way they’ve been muttering.”
You smirked. “Each one gets a new version of no and when they try to ignore the first no it doesn’t end well for them.”
“What? Does that feel good?” He chuckled. Right as you went to answer one of eight screeching harpies called out and he sighed. “Making money off them is nice but holy fuck are they annoying. I’ll be back as soon as I can be, you still have two free whiskeys before you’re at your usual limit.” He smiled and made his way back down the bar towards the increasingly drunk and flirty harpies.
You continued to watch as he brushed off their advances with ease, somehow not pissing them off and sure as hell not deterring them. Sure, you’d had a handful of guys try and hit on you over the course of the night but after you got rid of them they never came back whereas Baekhyun was entering into the third hour of resisting these women.
You couldn’t blame them for trying. He was incredibly attractive. He fell somewhere between boy next door handsome and bad boy you know you shouldn’t get involved with and that was alluring. The silver hair and eyeliner didn’t hurt either. There was no harm in ogling the bartender. You had no plans to make any advances on him and you were sure he had no interest in you like that.
“Since when do you have a second bartender?” you asked.
“He only started recently but he’s been doing really well on the slower nights so I figured I’d give him a Friday night to really test him out.” Baekhyun was leaning against the bar watching Jongin work. “He’ll be able to fend off the women and somehow still make a massive tip at the end of the night.”
You chuckled, words slurring slightly. “And how about you mister? Going home with one of those persistent women from earlier?”
“Fuck no. I was going to finally hear the end of your story but it seems, little miss drunky, that I’ll be putting you into a taxi instead.” He furrowed his brow. “I could have sworn I only gave you six drinks.”
“Oh you did. You’re forgetting the guys that hit on me. They arrive with drinks.” You grinned lopsidedly as you started to feel the alcohol really hit you. Mixing drinks was a stupid idea and you knew it but at the time you really hadn’t cared.
He ran his hands through his hair. “Of course. You idiot, mixing drinks. What was it? Vodka and whiskey?”
You nodded. “Yup!”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Alright you, let’s get you a taxi so I can send you home safely.”
You pouted. “But you haven’t heard the end of the story yet.”
A loud male voice projected over the noise of the bar. “There’s a massive storm about to hit, if you haven’t called a taxi yet you aren’t getting one until it passes.”
You looked up at Baekhyun as he cursed under his breath. He disappeared to talk to Jongin and a security guard before coming back to you. “What was that about?” You asked.
“I had to organise for Jongin to keep the bar open with not let anyone in. Security will have discretion for if they let anyone in once the storm hits. You aren’t going to get a taxi in time so you have two choices.” You cocked your head to the side as he spoke. “Option one, you stay here and drink water for the rest of the night until the storm passes and you can get a taxi or, option two, you come upstairs – I live above the bar by the way – and hang out with me. You can still drink water but you’ll also be able to finish your story and you won’t have to scare any more of my patrons.”
For your drunk brain it was an incredibly simple choice, you wanted to finish telling the cute bartender about your shitty week. It didn’t even register with you that he was inviting you up to his place until you were being led up to his door. You ungracefully turned and, would have fallen if not for Baekhyun catching you in his arms, looked up at him and slurred. “No funny business ok?”
He laughed and turned you back around so that he could keep walking you to his door so he could unlock it. “Don’t worry about it. You are too drunk for me to be interested.”
So while the insane thunderstorm and flash flooding hit the city you sat comfortably on Baekhyun’s sofa semi-coherently telling him about your week. Lucky for you he was pretty fluent in drunk person speak so he managed to follow most of the conversation. He’d made sure to keep refilling your glass of water and gave you pain killers when you started to sober up.
At some point his gracious hospitality dawned on you and you had to break the comfortable silence that had settled between the two of you. “Thank you by the way. You could have just left me down in the bar but for some reason you took the surly drunk upstairs to listen to her problems. Clearly there’s something wrong with you but nevertheless, thank you.”
He smiled gently as you spoke. “You’re more than welcome. I’d like to think my ability to read people is still intact, the only reason I invited you up here was because you’re a semi-regular and I’m pretty sure you aren’t a serial killer or anything terrifying like that. You’re interesting. Most people who sit at the bar to drink their problems away have either relationship issues or money issues but you’re a different breed. It’s refreshing.” He tried to stifle a yawn as he spoke but it managed to escape. “Shit, sorry. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stay up and it doesn’t sound like the storm is heading anywhere anytime soon.”
Taking the hint you stood up slowly and started to collect your things. “Don’t stay up on my behalf. I’ll just head back down to the bar and wait out the storm. Thanks again for talki-”
He grabbed your arm, silencing you, then let it go. “Don’t read into this but, you are welcome to stay if you want. I only have one bed but I promise to keep my hands to myself if you do.”
“I can sleep on the sofa, it’s no trouble really.” Truth be told you weren’t sure if you could trust your mostly sober self to keep your hands to yourself if you were sharing a bed with him. If you found him attractive when he was working you sure as hell hadn’t been prepared for how much more appealing he was up close sprawled on his sofa.
“It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.” He shrugged. “Plus, rainy nights are perfect for snuggling.” He grinned as he saw your resolve crumble. How could you resist when he kept making the idea of sharing a bed so enticing?
“Fine, but if I get frisky you only have yourself to blame, plying me with free alcohol.” You giggled.
He smirked at you. “You said no funny business, don’t go tempting a man if you aren’t prepared to follow through."
You started to walk towards the hallway that would inevitably lead to his bedroom and looked over your shoulder. “Who says I can’t do both?”
#exowritersnet#kwordsmiths#thekpopnetwork#kloversnet#kpopwonderlandtag#1000 followers#drabble game#exo drabble#exo fic#exo imagine#exo scenario#baekhyun scenario#baekhyun fic#baekhyun drabble#baekhyun imagine
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Summer Made Children
Picture credit to @unbeknownsst
Jade hurt his ankle, and is laid up with cast and crutches. Jesse is sitting next to him, doodling heart on their cast to cheer him up.
Summer-made children, to come back to,
"Did you fell off the tree?"
Mom indeed been working temp as a nurse (that's why she's not home every nigh; she's working in the emergency unit though the evening till early morning) not even once-- Jess ever saw someone with broken bone and casted leg in front of his eyes. He sat a little away from the bed: unnecessarily looking terrified. This is one of the weekly trip to dad's place as the adults call it, holidays. Yet if it's a holiday why Mom always looked rather sour everytime he's being picked up of the apartment? He noticed so; children always do, her tightened jaw and stifled frown and a little bid of adieu that sounded like, I want him back in Sunday before 7 pm, instead of a nice 'Have a nice weekend!'
"Did bad kids hit you?"
His eyes are all doe; the thing that would still be with him once he later grown up into a man, doe, big eyes. Although little legs just decided to took himself onto the chair right next to the older kid's study, keeping distance from the bed, afraid those little clumsy hands of his would leave the boy in pain accidentally. (he is clumsy, big one.)
"Is it broken?"
(Little gasp!)
"Do you need help!"
Jade Huang was twelve and he fell from the stairs.
The classroom is large and daunting, far too threatening for Jade's tiny brain to comprehend. He did not like it, not even the slightest. However, he dare not to refuse his mom’s will, forced him to get off to school no matter what. Typical Asian parents, he dare say. He wore plain silky white shirt, short sleeve, tapered western, baggy lightweight black pants, then also his most remarkable sceptical and somewhat supercilious, with its odd rectangular, thick dark brown glasses. It was quite unhinged actually, due to the constant damage he shoved. He likes to throw things around when too immersed with something; bad habit never cease, just like wonder does.
Jade never once revel in commingling coeval groups, simply enough, he prefers to be alone. Hence, he wouldn’t get surprised anymore if the peers around him despise his presence; uncanny, an oddball, yet shrewd to say the least. He could never mingle well, a perfect misfit. Then, when lunch time comes, he always sits beneath the tall primeval, verdant, gigantic and gnarled, shady trees, all alone but with his fine, readable, small leather-bound books. He would read anything, from classic literature, until full-colored comics.
Whether he will understand the contexts or not, possibly more coherent with the latter, it wouldn't be a problem. Reading was and only his solace, in amidst of boisterous cacophony.
“Oi, clotpole!”
A chubby, bald, slanted eyes, noteworthy flabby tummy, has appeared. He seems cute, yes, to others, indeed. But Jade, himself, saw the other child, named Jason, as his mortal enemy; Jason oftentimes beat Jade until he felt like his end was near, pulled childish pranks, such as stole Jade’s favorite toy and many others. As usual, he chose to be wise, at least he thought, to ignore the impudent boy.
“I said, oi, clotplole! Didn’t you hear or are you deaf?”
“What do you want this time?” He asked, nonchalantly.
“Buy this for me! You’re rich, aren’t you?”
Jason said with a glimmer in his eyes, playful just like a misbehaving child would, while proud, holding up a crumpled, frayed brittle, piece of paper. There was a picture of something, he was unable to limn it, because it wasn’t considered as one of his interests. One thing for certain, it was some kind of toy.
“Because I want to!”
“You’re rich?”
“Just buy it, motherfucker!”
“But I don’t want to, and my statement is final.” his tone surprisingly even, almost studious.
“You bloody wonker!”
The next thing Jade knows, he was at home, laid up with cast and crutches. He was unconcious for a while, and refused to talk. Even when the old fine looking aunty was talking to him, he kept his mouth shut. Albeit seen disheveled, his gaze fixated on looking at a child of eight or nine, all pale skin and thin bones and dark, tangled hair.
Ahn Jaesuk, the name of the child. But he prefers to call him Jesse, as prolly everyone did. This is their third meeting, Jade was slightly content, thrilled yet he did want to show it.
“Hi, Jesse.”
"Did it hurt?"
The kid talks so much. So-fucking much, he pulls the chair closer to the bed that his curious side grows. Frown curls in response; he's so expressive in the contrary to the older boy regarding to his either reaction or feelings, big, even. He gives big reactions to almost anything.
(His expressions changes often when he's trying to read Jade's collection of books; the expression where he barely understands letters, the expressions where he found a new verb he never heard before, the expression where he found BIG ACTIONS in the comic books! Later growing up he'll find fondness specially towards DC Comics.)
"I mean, when the bad kids hit you."
Did he come too straightforward? No means to offend, but,
"Or did you really fell off the tree!"
He's careful not to jump into the bed. Sick people needs bigger space, Mom once said. She's the nurse afterall; a pro in sick person, making them less sick, helping the doctors to help the sick. The easy way in comprehending the term in the brain of a nine year old.
"So, do you, need a help when you need to go to pee? Was it hurt when they put the cast on your feet? Mom said where the bone is broken it will be swollen and painful.
Jade is the only child and he didn't know how to deal with a little brother, the one who acted and played like so. He didn’t know how to deal with Jesse, even though he had done lots of research. By all means, reading many books that he could possibly find, few have been proven useful, but the rest look ridiculous though. A snippet from Jade’s reading material, ‘Raising A Kid’, ‘Teaching Boy About Things’, ‘Shit Brothers Said’, ‘I am A Brother’, and the list goes on. Well, what would you expect from someone mediocre, twelve years old, plain yet geeky boy?
“Hey, do you know what word to describe someone that asks too many questions, talk too much, like you?”
Jade asked, mimicking a wiseacre or smart aleck look alike’s expression, his brow wrinkled as he leaned in close to headboard, which was covered in white pillows, in his smaller and rather austere bedroom.
“I read it in a book, apparently those people are called loquacious.” Jade slurs. He was slightly worried if this is the right choice or not; he was concerned, he hardly believed anything at all. One of the human nature, future is always seemed scary, because they cannot control it; predictions, however, is in another hand. Now, Jade prayed with all his might, he's able to, at least, produce a good outcome through this.
Even so, Jade stilled in disbelief, a hefty sigh escaped successfully. It’s not like it should be a surprise, or anything, because even at the very first meeting, Jesse couldn’t shut up; a brazen young boy, inquisitive most of the time. But the child seemed fastidious about Jade’s current condition and all. Many would think Jesse was being annoying, making the whole plight vexatiously so, most certainly to a sick, helpless boy. However, Jade saw things differently, it was adorable, cute to be truth, and amusing to look at.
He felt the sudden urge to squish, pinch those plump cheeks, when he was watching vacuously open, soft vermeil, comparatively dainty lips of Jesse’s keep moving and talking. And so, he did, unconsciously and makes wonder spread in his chest.
“It’s hurt, the pain still lingers but I guess I’m okay.” He laughed, dryly. “Someone pushed me. From the stairs. It was scary. It was high. He was bigger than you. Strange.” He said, intermittently so.
He sounded as chirpy, until a really, foreign word hits his ear, over a pronounciation that the little boy barely could repeat. Mouth opens; involuntarily, a gape visible, and he doesn't even know that he's making that face for that brief moment,
<: O
(That's exactly the face he is making.)
Doe-eyed, mouth-gaped, briefly silent; do all 12 years old be this cool? Or only because Jade spent more times with books instead of communicating with actual person? But Jess surely never heard that word before.
"--Lo, locucious." Hey, he tried his best to repeat that out. Hopefully the older one still has that emphaty to correct the kid, or he will grow sticking to it until someone else is kind enough to point out. But Jess knows the word, retaliation!
Don't ask where did he learn that but Batman comics taught him so! Inclusing many scientific terms (he believed they are scientific, because, Detective Comics,) that came out of the same comic book series.
Jess also spent too much time reading colorful comics.
He gave out big reactions, remember? Again, big frown curling over his big displease of an expression in which shifted in no time upon the progression of the story; someone pushed me, fell from the stairs, it still hurt--- he cringed a big fear, he was bigger than you; and his frown curling up into a fright. As if the older boy was telling him a horror, bed story time. (Would Jade read him bed story times?).
And he looked up the other boy with that same fright. Is he worried? Well, look at his face right now? "....Joshua got his knee hurt too when we played football in school," Joshua, Joshua Carson, his classmate, but he didn't mention about the fact that the mentioned boy as his classmate. "He skipped school for two! Weeks! I envy!! But then I missed him so I visit him everyday after school."
Chirpy, chirpy little boy,
"Uh-oh do you want me to take your drink!!"
(The story is still in progress).
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Addiction [M]

Donghae poured himself another glassful of soju before just drinking the whole thing in one go. There wasn't a lot of people in the club today, probably because it was a Wednesday, so the silence around the room calmed him down. The bartender was on the other side cleaning glasses but was glancing over to him every now and then.
Donghae tried to pour himself another glass full of drink but the bottle was already empty. He grunted in annoyance and motioned for the bartender to give him another one. The bartender hesitated for a moment, but before he can move from his spot, he was saved by Donghae's pick-up. Hyukjae sighed to himself as he entered the club. He could already smell the stench of cigarettes and booze from the outside and he could only imagine the smell inside. He carefully walked inside the place and looked for Donghae. It didn't take him long to find the growling man on the other end of the pub motioning for another round of drinks. Hyukjae made eye contact with the bartender and shook his head side to side, a signal that Donghae's already done drinking. Hyukjae walked to where Donghae was at and frowned even more. He saw four bottles of soju already empty and about a dozen different soju glasses spread around the latter. He sighed and carefully walked up next to Donghae. He placed a hand on the latter's back to let him know if his presence right before he took the glass away from Donghae. Donghae looked at the person who had joined him fully intending to give that person a dirty look but upon seeing Hyukjae's face he broke into a drunken happy cheer. "Hyukkie!" Donghae opened his arms and brought one arm around Hyukjae's waist as he tried to motion for the bartender to come with his drinks. Hyukjae struggled to get free from Donghae's grip, but once he finally did, he simply sighed and tried to bring Donghae with him. "Donghae, let's go." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's arm but the latter just pulled it back from him. Hyukjae was used to this kind of thing from Donghae. Sighing to himself one more time. Hyukjae mentally cursed to himself again for giving in . He took the seat beside Donghae and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "What is it this time, Hae?" "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just another heartbreak, you know, the usual." Another heartbreak for Donghae and another heartbreak for Hyukjae. "Yah! Where's my drink?!" Hyukjae sadly looked down at the table. He took a deep breathe and, even though he already knew the answer, asked "What happened?" "What happened?" Donghae repeated with a dry laugh. "You want to know what happened? She...She's been cheating on me, Hyuk. You were right." Donghae put his head on the table then looked sideways at Hyukjae. " You're always right. It's been going on for months. She said I didn't even try to make our 'relationship' work. Whatever the hell that means." Donghae ended bitterly. Hyukjae's heart broke every time he sees Donghae in this state. Hyukjae had never told anyone but he's been in love with Donghae for as long as he can remember. He can't remember when or where; not even the why since Donghae's been a pain in the butt to him most of the the time. All he knows is that his heart has been broken twice as much as Donghae's has. "She said that I don't care for her. That I was just using her for show." Donghae leaned closer on Hyukjae and asked pitifully, "Am I that bad? Is that why they always leave me? What's wrong with me Hyukkie? Tell me." "Nothing's wrong with you, Donghae." Hyukjae pushed Donghae a few inches away from him to create some reasonable distance between them. He took his right arm and wrapped it around his neck. "Come on, let's go." Hyukjae grunted a little at Donghae's weight. He shifted the other so that they can both walk properly without Donghae's drunken state making them both fall on the ground. Guiding a drunk Donghae into one direction was no easy task. Hyukjae's car was parked at the closest corner from the club that shouldn't take no more than two minutes to walk. However, Donghae swaying side to side was really making things difficult for Hyukjae. The latter would try to keep him close so that he won't go too far out on the street and get hit by the cars passing through-probably driven by other drunk drivers as well. "Hyukkie~ let's go have some fun," Donghae slurred against Hyukjae's neck. "No, we're -ugh- going home." Hyukjae responded with a grunt as he held Donghae tighter and closer to him. Once Hyukjae finally reached his car, he searched through his pocket for his keys while managing to keep Donghae in place. Once he finally got the doors unlocked he shoved Donghae inside, fastened his seat belt, and made sure that the other was settled before shutting the door after him and going on the driver's seat. The drive to Donghae's house was the next task Hyukjae had to tackle. He kept slapping Donghae's hand away from his face as he tried to keep his eyes on the road so that they don't get into any kind of accident while also dealing with his screaming/singing along with the radio's top 100 hit singles. Normally, he would love to hear the latter sing, but a drunk Donghae is, well, not a normal Donghae. "Baby baby baby~ Let us never break up," Donghae's voice got louder after every sentence that it made Hyukjae cringe a little bit. "Oh my lady lady lady I reeally lo~ove you~!!" Donghae, by now, has completely lost control of his voice that Hyukjae couldn't take it anymore. "Donghae," Hyukjae called but was obviously ignored by the latter's singing. "Donghae--Donghae!" "What?" Hyukjae heaved a heavy sigh,and so, when he had to stop his car at the next red light, he grabbed Donghae by the shoulders, looked him straight in the eye, and yelled, "Snap out of it!" He pushed him against the door then frustratingly stepped on the gas as the light turned green. Donghae blinked for a few seconds; a little lost on what just happened. Silence reigned over them until they reached Donghae's house. Hyukjae stopped the car directly in front of Donghae's house, but neither one of them moved. Donghae tried to open his mouth to break the ice but no words came out. Finally, after what seemed to be hours but was actually just 5 minutes, Donghae got out of the car without a word. Hyukjae closed his eyes to prevent the tears from flowing but they did anyways. As soon as Donghae opened the gate to his house, Hyukjae drove away.
"You weren't there, hyung," Hyukjae complained. "He was acting like a complete idiot!" "And, this time it's different because..." Kangin waited for Hyukjae to explain but, of course, all he got was a frustrated grunt and a secret eye roll "Hyuk." Leeteuk started carefully,"Donghae was just going through another breakup. He's done this before." "That's not my point." Hyukjae plopped himself on the nearest chair and faced Leeteuk. "He was talking about getting married to her! Having kids! Picking a house! And, then what? All of a sudden, poof! He's back to this annoying idiot that makes me want to punch him so bad!" Kangin and Leeteuk blinked at what Hyukjae had just said. They looked at each other in confusion then back at Hyukjae. "Wait a second, I'm confused." Leeteuk said. "Are you mad at Donghae or at the girl?" Kangin continued. "At Donghae, of course!" Hyukjae declared. "Why?" They simultaneously asked. "What do you mean 'why?'" "It's just," Leeteuk paused thinking of the right words to say as to not set off another rage-ranting from the other. "It's not Donghae's fault that she broke up with him, so why are you mad at him?" "Because, he's an idiot." Hyukjae answered but after seeing the blank look from the other two, he decided to explain himself. "Look, it's his fault for thinking that far ahead. I mean, how long has he known this girl, 2 months?" "Actually, I think they met in high school," Kangin informed. "He just introduced her to us 2 months ago." Hyukjae glared at him which made him raise his arms in defense. "I could be wrong. Continue." "2 months after introducing her to us and he's already talking about getting married! What kind of stupid-moron would think that far in that short period of time.Then, when things go down, what does he do? He drinks! That freaking moron drinks! As if he wasn't stupid enough, he decides to kill more of his freaking brain cells, and act even stupider." Hyukjae's adrenaline died down towards the end of his rant and ended up realeasing a heavy sigh to himself before leaning aggresively against his chair.
Kangin and Leeteuk just watched him and, although they still don't understand why he was mad at Donghae, they understood why he was frustrated. Hyukjae was worried about him. Hyukjae's always been worried about Donghae no matter what the reason was. Plus, they were both aware of the amount of heartbreak Hyukjae had received because of the latter and was bound to reach his breaking point. Every time Donghae was in a relationship or has broken up with one, they knew Hyukjae's heart was breaking all over again. Leeteuk was beyond worried when it came to Donghae and Hyukjae. He looked at the drained state of Hyukja and realized how tired the other must be. He patted Kangin's back and told him that he would get Hyukjae some water to help cool himself down. Kangin nodded his head and once he was sure Leeteuk's out of earshot, he voiced out what he has been thinking all along. "You're still jealous." "Because I'm still in love with that idiot." Hyukjae stated with a groan. "Hyukjae-" Kangin started but was cut-off by Hyukjae complaining, "Why, hyung. Why does he have to always come to me? Why can't he call you? Or Leeteuk hyung? Anyone but me." Hyukjae complained while massaging his temples; already feeling that incoming headache. "Hyukjae-" "I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything different than what you guys would do. Doesn't he know what he's doing to me? Every freaking time he calls me, doesn't he know that he's killing me!" Hyukjae grabbed one of the couch pillows and tried to suffocate himself but, instead, he screamed all his frustrations in it until he can't anymore." "Hyukjae," Kangin slowly took the pillow away from his face and said,"how would he know if you won't tell him anything?" Hyukjae frowned and sat up straight. "Why do I have to tell him anything? You guys figured it out." "And you didn't realize it until we told you." Kangin retaliated. "Look, sometimes people on the outside can see more clearly than those on the inside, and that's normal. People tend to look a little too close than normal hoping to find something that's not there, and as a result, they miss the things that's actually there.Things that are right in front of their eyes. He's never going to know until you tell him." Hyukjae processed Kangin's words in his head and knew that he was right. Letting out another heavy sigh he leaned against his chair and massaged his aching forehead. "I hate it when you get all smart on me." "You're lucky that it doesn't happen too often." Leeteuk laughed as he handed Hyukjae his glass of water. Kangin just pouted and protested that his moments come more often than they think.
Donghae drank another bottle of beer as he flipped through another channel. His body felt heavy and he has no idea what was going on around him. He could hear the TV playing but wasn't able to comprehend a single word they were saying. He finally gave up trying to watch TV and just laid on the floor drinking more alcohol. Donghae's head started to feel heavy from all the alcohol he was consuming. Nothing registered in his mind. In the midst of his heavy drinking, he was able to hear the doorbell and repeated knocks on the door. He could somewhat make out the voice of someone screaming outside but couldn't register who it was. Donghae grudgingly stood up and swayed his way to the door. Hyukjae waited impatientently for Donghae to open the door as he kept pounding against it while shouting Donghae's name. He's been trying to call the other's cell since yesterday but received no answer. After hours of complaining over at Leeteuk's and Kangin's place, they finally convinced him to just check on Donghae personally. Hyukjae continued to abuse the doorbell already feeling anxious as his brain conjured up different possible worst case scenarios in his head. Once Donghae finally did answer the door, Hyukjae immediately scrunched his nose away in disgust from the reeking smell of alcohol coming from Donghae's place. "Ugh, Hae." Hyukjae grunted, "What have you been doing?" "Drinking." Donghae answered then walked back inside. He left the door open as a sign for Hyukjae to enter. Hyukjae slowly entered Donghae's house and carefully looked around. The house was trashed, not from broken glass or thrown out chairs, but from bottles of alcohol and, from what Hyukjae guessed to be Donghae's only meal, boxes of pizza. He looked at the broken boy opening another bottle and frowned. "Don't you think you've had enough?" "Nope." Donghae drank half-way through the bottle before lazily giving Hyukjae the look. "What are you doing here?" "I was just checking up on you." Hyukjae kicked some of the bottles on the ground and sat next to Donghae. "Your boss asked me how you were feeling. He said you're taking a sick leave from work." "Yeah, and?" "Donghae, making yourself sick doesn't make you sick!" Hyukjae reasoned. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" "It helps me forget." "Obviously," Hyukjae scoffed. "You forgot to clean. You forgot to shave; to take a shower. Heck, I think you've also forgotten how to pick out a clean shirt. When was the last time you changed?" "Ugh. I don't know." Donghae groaned in annoyance. "Three days ago?" Hyukjae shook his head at him and nudged him out the sofa. "You're hopeless." "Then why are you here?" Donghae asked seriously. "I'm here because...," Hyukjae paused as he tried to think of a reason he can give Donghae. "...because I'm your friend." "Psh. Sure." Donghae drank the remaining contents of his bottle before throwing it away with the others. He made a move to get another one but Hyukjae stopped him. "You need to stop." "No, I don't." "Yes, you do." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's bottle out of his hand and looked him straight in the eyes. "Hae, you don't need this." "Yes, I do." "None of these bottles will help you. They're just empty bottles!" "Just like I'm an empty shell." "Argh! Spare me of your cliché lines." Hyukjae frustratingly said. Donghae laughed at him which only angered the other more. He pushed Donghae hard against the couch and crossed his arms against his chest. "Yah! I'm being serious here!" Donghae didn't bother replying to Hyukjae and just kept on laughing. Hyukjae pursed his lips together in annoyance and roughly pushed Donghae against the couch. He stood up and walked away from the other into the kitchen. Donghae was still busy laughing but was curiously following him with his eyes. Once Donghae was able to get a hold of himself, he prompted himself to stand up and once everything stopped spinning, he staggered his way to the kitchen. He leaned against the wall and watched Hyukjae busily go through his cabinets. "What are you doing?" "Making hot water." Hyukjae answered without looking at Donghae. "Why?" "Because I need you sober if we're going to talk about this." "Tsk. Good luck," Donghae muttered under his breath and just kept on watching Hyukjae. As Donghae was watching Hyukjae move around his kitchen, he was able to notice things he wasn't able to see before. It may still be the alcohol fogging up his mind but he was seeing Hyukjae differently. For example, he was able to notice how Hyukjae's really not that tall trying to reach for the coffee pouch at the lower level of the top shelf or like how Hyukjae has really nice facial features or even how his waist was really slim that just made him want to wrap his arms around him. Before Donghae even knew what he was doing he was already making his way towards Hyukjae. The latter was too busy moving around the kitchen to notice the hungry predator about to pounce on him. Once he finally did,however, it was too late to run away. He was caught inside the trap. "Donghae, where's that coffee I bought you a week ago. Didn't I tell you not to--ohmygosh!" Hyukjae exclaimed as soon as he turned around and saw that Donghae was barely an inch away. "What are you doing?!" He made an attempt to move away but was trapped inside Donghae's arms. "You need to leave." "And you need a shower." Hyukjae retaliated. Donghae leaned closer to Hyukjae and whispered, "I'm serious." "So am I." Hyukjae didn't move nor looked away from Donghae. He could still smell the alcohol from his breath but was so entranced by his eyes that he wasn't able to find the strength to look away. Donghae got closer and closer and just when their lips were about to touch, the kettle started making its shrill noise. A signal that tells them the water's already hot and a wake up call to snap them from their trance. Hyukjae pushed Donghae away and quickly turned the stove off. Hyukjae stood by the sink trying to calm his heart and to cool himself off. He could literally feel himself burning up like fire. He gave Donghae a side-way glance and frowned when he saw that he still hasn't moved from his spot.
He probably regrets it already. "I'm...I'm gonna go." Hyukjae muttered under his breath. Right before he was out of earshot, he looked back at Donghae and said, "don't forget to drink your coffee. I told your boss that you'll be back tomorrow." Donghae mentally kicked himself as soon as he heard the front door close. He slid against the cabinet to the floor and lightly banged his head against it. After punishing himself, he buried his head against his arms propped on his knees. He took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. I'm an idiot.
Hyukjae sighed to himself for the millionth time before going inside yet another club. He was just about to go home when he got another call that a certain Lee Donghae was beyond drunk and asked if he could pick him up. Of course, instead of saying no he asked for their address and quickly went to Donghae's aid. As usual, he found Donghae sitting at the corner of the pub, by himself, surrounded by soju bottles. "Donghae," Hyukjae called once he was close enough. Donghae looked up mid-shot and smiled seeing Hyukjae.
"Hyukkie! Wh-hat are you doing he-ere?" "I'm here to take you home." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's arm and lightly pulled it. "Come on; let's go." "But I'm not doone yettt~" Donghae slurred. "Yes, you are." Hyukjae put his arms around his waist and dragged him to his car. He was lucky that the club allowed him to park right in front of their entrance or else he would have faced a lot of trouble. They did their usual routine heading to Donghae's house. Hyukjae drove and Donghae sang like a madman. Hyukjae had to park his car by Donghae's house since he knows that the other would probably get into some sort-of accident if he let him walk by himself. Hyukjae opened the door for Donghae, and just like any other drunk would do, Donghae latched himself onto Hyukjae. The latter grunted a little by the sudden weight but was able to quickly adjust to it. Donghae wrapped his arms around Hyukjae and snuggled close to him. Hyukjae had a hard time leading Donghae in but was somehow able to do it. "Alright, Hae," Hyukjae groaned as he tried to balance Donghae with one arm and opened the door with the other. "Come on. Let's go inside." "You smell like strawberries~" Donghae giggled. "I like strawberries." "I know you do." Hyukjae made his way to Donghae's room with much difficulty. The usual average sized apartment seemed like a mansion as he walked through the never ending hallway. Once he finally did manage to get inside Donghae's room, he was more than relieved to drop off the heavy weight off of his shoulders. "Do it again~!" Donghae giggled once he was plopped down on his bed. Hyukjae shook his head at him and scowled. He stretched his arms and twisted his back side-to-side to loosen up his muscles. He looked back at the giggling drunk on the bed and shook his head disapprovingly. "Hyukkie~," Donghae called childishly,"it's hot in here. I wanna go outside~." "No, Hae, you can't. You need to sleep." "But I'm not sleepy~." Donghae rolled around his bed like a child and Hyukjae just shook his head at him. "Hyukkie, I'm thirsty." Hyukjae heaved a heavy sigh before going out to the kitchen. "Stay here. I'm going to go get you some water." Hyukjae was able to hear a muffled "Thank You" from behind but he chose to ignore it. He was mentally cursing and yelling at Donghae for his childish behaviors and at himself for letting himself get dragged along with it all over again. Hyukjae walked back to Donghae's room with a glass of water in his hand and a wet towel on the other. He found the other sitting calmly on his bed with his top off. Hyukjae froze for a split second seeing a half-naked Donghae but shook his head side-to-side in order to snap himself back to earth. He was able to calmly hand the other his water but unfortunately for him, Donghae had other things in his mind. "Donghae!" Hyukjae exclaimed after being grabbed by the other. The glass fell from his hands and broke, but neither one of them cared about that. Hyukjae stared at Donghae in shock as he tried to free himself from his grip. "Donghae, what are you doing?!" "You have really pretty skin." Hyukjae paused for a second trying to process in his brain what Donghae was talking about. However, he didn't have much time to dwell on it when he saw Donghae lean closer to him. "And a really cute nose." "Donghae, what are you=" "And inviting lips." Hyukjae was starting to get nervous as Donghae became dangerously close to him. Donghae stopped an inch away from Hyukjae's lips. Hyukjae took a deep breath, an action he secretly regretted considering the amount of alcohol Donghae had consumed, and tried to look away but couldn't. Then, Donghae stopped. He got off Hyukjae, went to the other side of the bed, and lied on the floor. Hyukjae had to blink several times before he could even think about what just happened. As much as he loved the other, he could't help but feel that the other was toying with his feelings. And, even then, he still couldn't find it in him to hate or leave Donghae behind. "Hae," Hyukjae called slowly as he went to checkup on the other. "Are you okay?" "You have to leave." "I can't leave you like this." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's arms and tried to pull the other back on the bed but Donghae refused. "Come on, Hae, stop being childish." "Aren't you scared of me yet?" Hyukjae scoffed and laughed. "Why would I be scared of you?" At this, Donghae immediately sat up, an action he should've thought twice about to avoid the stinging pain of headache that surged through him, and gave Hyukjae a look of disbelief. "I almost raped you!" "No, you didn't." "Yes, I did." Hyukjae rolled his eyes at him and tried to pull him back on the bed again. "But you didn't." "No...but I could have." "But you didn't." Hyukjae tried to make Donghae lie down but the other refused him. Hyukjae shook his head and simply tried to reach for him again. Instead, the other retaliated by grabbing both of Hyukjae's arms and forced him to look into his eyes to show how serious he was. "Do you know what I think about all day? Do you know why I drink all the time?" "Because you-" Donghae didn't let Hyukjae finish because he knew that there was no way Hyukjae could possibly know the right answer.
"It's not because of the breakups, Hyuk." Donghae's hold on Hyukjae tightened as he said his next words, "it's because of you." After that Donghae let Hyukjae go and went to stand on the other side of the room. "Because of me?" Hyukjae asked; confused. "What do you mean because of me? What the hell did I do?" "It's not you, it's--agh!" Donghae punched the wall in frustration which frightened Hyukjae. He immediately walked towards him to check his hand but Donghae stopped him before he could get any closer. "Don't! Stop right there!" "Hae, I-" "Don't you understand? I can't control myself anymore." Donghae didn't care about his fist anymore and walked towards Hyukjae with an unreadable expression. Hyukjae wasn't sure how to deal with Donghae at the momen and was on alert. Every time Donghae took a step towards him, he took a step back. "Every single day all I can think about is you. Every time someone breaks up with me it's because of you. I drink because I know they're right. I know that I'm a lousy boyfriend because when I'm with them, I think of you." "Donghae-" Hyukjae called but stopped as he hit the wall. He looked around for an escape, but seeing the way Donghae was walking towards him made him stop dead cold. "I drink because if you asked me why? Then I would have to tell you the truth." Donghae caressed Hyukjae's cheeks and spoke in a much softer tone, but it only made Hyukjae nervous, "I can never lie to you, Hyuk, but I also can't tell you the truth. You're the one person I can't live without." Donghae stared at Hyukjae for a while, but after getting a hold of himself, he let Hyukjae go and walked away. Hyukjae remained frozen on his spot. He didn't know how to react to what Donghae had just said, or what to take it for. Was it a confession? Or was it just him drunk talking again? He looked at Donghae sitting on the bed and thought that if there's ever a right time to confess, this was as good as any. He tried walking closer to Donghae, but got cold feet three steps in. He was ready to leave but was somehow able to convince himself to stay where he was at and say the words that's been running on his mind. He took a deep breath before starting. "Donghae, I-I-" Hyukjae stuttered which gave Donghae the wrong impression. "Just go, Hyuk. Pretend I never said anything." "No!" Hyukjae said in frustration. Donghae was surprised by his answer and looked at him ready to say anything to make him leave, but the other beat him to it. "Do you have any idea what you put me through everyday? When you ask me to set you up with someone or call me because you two broke up? Do you think that's easy for me? I didn't do any of that because I'm a good friend. I did it because I care about you! Because I love you! Every time someone calls me to pick you up, do you have any idea how much I want to just hang up and leave you there?! But, guess what? I don't! You know why? Because no matter how hard I try, all I could ever think about is how miserable you must be and how pathetic I am for still even caring about you." Donghae kept on staring at a very frustrated Hyukjae with only one sentence going through his mind. Out of all the things Hyukjae said, the only thing Donghae was able to catch was "Because I love you!" It echoed though his mind as he tried to process if this was a dream or reality. I love you. I love you. I love you. Silence reigned over them as they continued to just stare at one another. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, Donghae broke it by saying the only thing that was on his mind. "I love you." "I knew you were going to say that!" Hyukjae flipped without fully processing what Donghae said. "That's exactly why I didn't want to--wait, what did you just say?" "I love you," Donghae repeated. Hyukjae remained still and silent for five seconds before shaking his head and making his move to leave. "Okay, fine, I get it. You're drunk. Let's talk about this some other time." He was about to open the door when Donghae kept it shut for him. He turned around to yell at him, but gasped in surprise instead seeing their close proximity, again. "Didn't you say you love me?" Donghae whispered by Hyukjae's lips. Hyukjae opened his mouth to answer but no words came out. He kept trying to back away against the door, hoping for some miracle that he would magically be able to go through it and escape. Donghae leaned closer at Hyukjae and asked his question again. This time, Hyukjae answered with a shaky "yes." Donghae smiled fully satisfied before, finally, closing the proximity between them. Hyukjae closed his eyes and slowly wrapped his arms, this time, his arms around Donghae's neck. The other wrapped his arms around Hyukjae's waist as their innocent kiss slowly turned passionate and sloppy. Once they pulled away from each other, only for the sole reason they bothr needed to breath, a string of saliva can be seen connecting from their lips. Hyukjae blushed and immediately wiped his lips. Donghae just laughed at the cute display but frowned when he saw the other about to leave. "Where are you going?" "Home." Hyukjae answered. "You need to rest. Let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?" "No." Donghae replied and pushed the door shut once again. "No?" Hyukjae repeated in confusion. "No, you're not going home." "I'm not?" "Nope. You're staying here." "I am?" "Yes," Donghae said with an obvious hidden agenda. "You are." Donghae grabbed Hyukjae wrist and pulled him towards his bed and pushing him on it. Hyukjae was confused for a second but after seeing Donghae on top of him once again, he knew there's no way the other was stopping. He started to become nervous but this time, for a very different reason. He tried pushing Donghae away but the other simply held his hands together over his head. "H-Hae, I-I don't think this is a g-good idea." "Why not?" Donghae whispered on his right ear. "B-Because-" "Don't you want to?" "W-Well, n-no-" Donghae didn't let Hyukjae finish his sentence and stopped him from saying anymore using his lips. "Great." Donghae kissed Hyukjae on the lips and didn't wait for the other to respond before he bit his lower lip. He slipped in his tongue inside Hyukjae's cavern. The other couldn't resist and immediately responded to Donghae's kiss. Hyukjae was already a moaning mess from the kiss, but Donghae wasn't satisfied. He lightly grind his knee against Hyukjae which earned him a gasp from the other. Donghae smirked against Hyukjae's lips as he dragged his lips down his neck. "Jerk." Hyukjae muttered under his breath. Donghae just laughed before sucking on Hyukjae's neck. He made sure to leave an evident mark to show that he has already claimed the other, or at least, was about to. Hyukjae just moaned from the feeling before he felt Donghae's hands slipping inside his shirt. He widened his eyes and made a move to stop it. "H-Hae! Wh-What are you-" "Hyukkie, don't you think it's unfair that you still have your shirt on?" Donghae asked with an obviously fake pout. Hyukjae glared at him and said, "I didn't ask you to remove yours." "Which is why I'm not asking you either." Donghae replied before grinding his knee against Hyukjae's crotch once again. Hyukjae gasped in surprised, and by some sort-of magic, Donghae was able to magically slip his shirt off him. "Much better." Hyukjae opened his mouth to say something but was sealed by Donghae's lips over him. Everything he wanted to say slowly slipped away from his mind as he got distracted by the other. Donghae's hand, however, wasn't distracted at all and kept busy. He roamed Hyukjae's upper torso from his waist, to his abs, all the way up to his nipples. He tweaked the left one with his fingers. Hyukjae was surprised by the sudden action that he had to pull away from the other just to catch his breath. "H-Hae, W-What are you-ngh!" Hyukjae closed his eyes as Donghae did it again. "Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?" Donghae asked as he lightly pinched one of Hyukjae's nipples. Hyukjae moaned and arched his back at the mixed feeling he felt from the other. Donghae smirked seeing the sexy sight before him. But none of that was enough for Donghae. Besides, he has his own little problem he needs to take care of. After he was satisfied enough, he stopped using his hand to play with Hyukjae's now sensitive nubs and replaced it with his tongue. Hyukjae moaned a little louder at the slick organ swirling around his hardened nubs. All thoughts of pushing Donghae away vanished and was replaced by how much he wanted the other to take him. Donghae was having fun playing with Hyukjae but was curious about something else. He let his hand wander down on Hyukjae's hard-on, and the second he stroked it, Hyukjae let out a gasp; the same time Donghae decided to lightly bite on Hyukjae's nipple. Hyukjae was overwhelmed by the overflowing pleasure. He started to feel shaky as his clothes began to bother him. Not to mention that Donghae was doing all the work. He began to feel a little selfish and decided to return the favor by surprising Donghae and flipping them over. Donghae was about to ask Hyukjae what he was doing when he saw the smug look on his face that answered all his question. "What happened to my innocent Hyukkie?" Donghae asked while trying to sit up, but was pushed down by the other. Hyukjae leaned closer to him and whispered, "You're about to find out." He gave Donghae's lips a short kiss before dragging it down his neck. At the same time, his hands were wondering around Donghae's torso. Completely tured on by how firm and hard he felt in his hands. His hands went from his chest, around his nipples, thenall the way down to his pelvis. Hyukjae teased Donghae by creating imaginary lines along the path that drove the other crazy. "D-Damn! Hyuk, s-stop teasing me already," Donghae complained through labored breath. "As you wish." Hyukjae smirked and unzipped Donghae's pants as he pulled away from the other. Donghae looked at him in confusion and was about to ask what he was doing when the other answered him by slipping his hand inside Donghae's undergarment and stroking his hard member. Donghae gasped and bit his lower lip letting out a very muffled groan as he tried not to moan too loud. Hyukjae was not pleased. He wanted to hear Donghae moan for him and that's just what he's going to get. He stroked Donghae's member a few more times before blowing hot air around it. Donghae shivered from the sudden blow before completely gasping for air once he felt Hyukjae's lips wrap around him. The other licked the base of Hyukjae's member before swirling it around up at the head. Hyukjae made sure to wet it before slowly putting it inside his mouth. Donghae could feel Hyukjae's hollowed cheeks as the other bobbed his head up and down; bringing Donghae to the edge. Donghae tried his best not to buck his hips against Hyukjae but he couldn't help himself. He could feel himself on the edge as he continued to abuse Hyukjae's mouth and, as if Hyukjae hadn't done enough, Donghae heard Hyukjae moan while swallowing him deep. The vibrations that came from his voice sent chills down Donghae's spine. He opened his eyes and took a peek at what Hyukjae was doing and felt himself harden even more at the sight. Hyukjae was stroking himself the same time he was giving Donghae his blowjob. Then, somehow, Donghae found the strength to push Hyukjae away and flip their positions, so that he was once again the one on top hovering over the other. His eyes was completely clouded by lust and desire. Hyukjae saw this and smirked. It's exactly what he wanted. "You've been a naughty boy, haven't you?" Donghae asked while sneaking his hands behind Hyukjae's ass. "So, are you going to punish me?" Hyukjae dared Donghae boldly. Donghae smirked and slipped a finger inside Hyukjae's hole as he said, "Oh, I plan to." Hyukjae closed his eyes from the sudden intrusion. His hands immediately grabbed Donghae's shoulders and dug his nails against his skin while he forced himself to not squirm too much from Donghae's surprised penetration. "What's this? My Hyukkie's not used to this kind of thing yet?" Donghae slipped another finger inside Hyukjae which illicited another whispered gasped and a groan from the latter. Donghae was starting to enjoy those noises and felt the need to hear more of it. "O-Of c-course, not...ugh!" Hyukjae informed shakily. "You seemed like an expert a second ago." "Doesn't m-mean...ahh...y-you're n-not my first," Hyukjae moaned out loud after Donghae slipped in a third. Donghae, on the other hand, was completely surprised by the new information. He felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at the person under him moaning his name. That was the final straw for him. He slowly pulled his fingers out of Hyukjae and secretly smiled upon hearing the disappointed groan that came from the other. He wrapped Hyukjae's arms around his neck as he positioned himself in front of the latter's entrance. "I'll make sure you'll remember this then," Donghae whispered before slowly entering Hyukjae. Donghae moaned at how and tight Hyukjae was around him. The other was no better. The pain was unbearable but having Donghae close to him more than made up for it. Hyukjae wrapped his arms around Donghae's neck while also wrapping his legs around his waist pulling Donghae further inside him. They were both having a hard time breathing from the contact. Hyukjae felt so full while Donghae tried his best to wait for Hyukjae to adjust to his size. Hyukjae was breathing hard from being filled. He felt Donghae tremble a little against him and peeked to see how hard Donghae was holding himself back from thrusting in him. Hyukjae smiled appreciatively and buckled a little to let Donghae know he could start moving. Quicky picking up on his signal, Donghae started at a slow pace. It took all of Donghae's self-control to maintain that slow pace keeping in mind Hyukjae's pleasure first in his head, but the latter felt so good around him that Donghae was finding it difficult to not go faster. His body was slowly starting to speed up by itself, and Hyukjae was able to sense his hesitation. "Hae...ugh--ahh--...f-faster," he whispered hotly against Donghae's ear. "M-Move..aahh...fa-faster."
"Are you sure?"
Hyukjae answered him by kissing him on the lips and tightening his legs around him. "I want to still feel you when we're done, Hae. Please- ugh! F-Fuck me! aah!"
Donghae didn't need to be told twice and immediately complied with his request. He held Hyukjae's waist and switched their position. He had his back against the headboard while Hyukjae was on his lap. He thrusted himself all the way inside Hyukjae, hard and fast while his hands held Hyukjae's hips in place. He kept thrusting into him repreatedly until he found that special spot that had the other screaming his name so loud that he wouldn't be surprised if his neighbors started knocking at his door.
"Donghae! F-Fuck! Yes! M-More...d-don't stop..aah!"
Donghae felt his cock twitch inside Hyukjae hearing the latter moan in pleasure like that. Cursing out all forms of self control, Donghae harshly flipped them once more started ramming into Hyukjae faster. He lifted Hyukjae's leg over his shoulder while thrusting in and out of him, loving every single sound the latter made because of him. The image of Hyukjae's closed eyes and arched back was such a perfect sight for Donghae that he wished he could take a picture to capture the moment.
He kept on thrusting inside the other until he felt that familiar pooling on his stomach once again.
"Fuck, Hyukjae, I'm about to cum," Donghae groaned as his thrusts became shallower and deeper. He started to stroke Hyukjae's member at the same pace as his thrusts causing Hyukjae's mind to completely blank out from the pleasure. The only thing that came out of him were a string of moans and Donghae's name. "I-I'm...ahh..H-Hae...c-cl-close! Ahh!" Hyukjae closed his eyes and completely gave himself to Donghae. He could feel himself cumming and Donghae's hot breath by his right ear only brought him to the edge. "Cum for me, Hyukkie." Hyukjae released himself on his stomach and on the sheets while shouting Donghae's name. The intense feeling of unloading himself caused him to clench tighter around Donghae. The other grunted from the sudden tightness around him and before Donghae knew it he was already releasing himself inside the other. Hyukjae moaned from the hot feeling of Donghae's seed inside him. They were both pretty much out of breath after that. Hyukjae lost all his energy and limped against Donghae. The other just chuckled as he laid next to Hyukjae on the bed. Donghae slowly pulled himself out of Hyukjae, causing the other to whimper from the loss, and wrapped his arms around Hyukjae. They were both exhausted but neither one of them were able to sleep. Thick silence reigned over them until Donghae decided to break the ice. "Where do we go from here?" "I don't know." Hyukjae responded. "I meant it, you know," Donghae said out of nowhere. "When I said that 'I love you' I really meant it." Hyukjae looked at Donghae and smiled. "And I meant it when I said I love you." Donghae smiled upon hearing Hyukjae's words and intertwined their hands together. "I guess that means you're mine now." Hyukjae squeezed Donghae's hands and smiled even wider. "If you're sure you're not gonna regret this tomorrow." "Of course not." Donghae kissed Hyukjae on the lips and brought him closer. "And just so you know, there's no way I'm letting you go. No matter what happens or what you say, you'll be stuck with me forever." "You promise?" Hyukjae taunted right before chuckling when Donghae kissed him on the lips as a sign that he was sealing that promise. He laid beside Donghae with the latter's arms wrapped tightly around him. They both slowly felt the exhaustion of their recent activity take over them and both fell asleep in each others arms, hearts finally content and satisfied.
#haehyuk#eunhae#super junior#eunhyuk#donghae#hyukjae#super junior oneshot#super junior imagine#kpop imagine#kpop#donghae imagi#hyukjae imagine#suju#suju donghae#suju eunhyuk#eunhaelove#haehyuklove#sujuotp
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Hookups (Light Yagami x Reader)
a/n) I have never written anything NS*F*W before so hopefully, this turns out decent??
Summary: You and Light used to work on the task force together - you went your own way after L’s death. But five years later, Light is pissed off and he calls you up and tells you he needs to let off steam.
Warnings: sex/mentions of sex, cheating, cursing, OOC!Light, UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, you and Light just generally being kinky
Word Count:

Today was the day Misa had gotten on his last nerve. Work had left him tired as hell and from the moment he stepped through the door that evening -for the first time in a week, might he had - he couldn’t care less about Misa’s feud with Takada or Halle or some other bitch he didn’ t bother to remember the name of.
“Misa, I’ve had a rough day and I’d really just like to get to sleep.” Calling today a “rough day” was a nice way to put what he’d been through. Near and his agents were closing in on him, and Mikami’ s recent lack of communication was becoming steadily more troubling, especially considering that Light’s recent research had confirmed that Near’s agents were far more competent than the Task Force ever was.
“Light, you know I trust you,” Her voice was so high pitched. “But Kiyomi is acting like-”
“Misa, I said I’m tired.” He repeated, just in case the stupid girl didn’t understand the first time. “Please let me get some sleep.” Honestly, he wasn’t even that sleepy; he’d managed to catch a few hours of shut-eye at the office. He’d just rather not talk to his girlfriend.
“Hey, it’s not that late, we can still do plenty~” She had the tone in her voice, and its implications were clear. Light tried to hold his tongue but snapped anyway.
“I am fucking exhausted, do you understand that? I don’ t want to do anything with you.” Misa’s lip started to wobble and Light knew he was in for a fight.
She argued with him that high pitched, squeaky voice. Going on and on about how he was never home, accusing him of actually liking Takada, and saying that he hadn’t been the same lately.
Light half-listened, shooting back arguments at her. She was sobbing, and at one point she collapsed onto her knees. Light looked down at her in disgust - that’s whatever he realized it was best if he just left her there to cry in peace. He made a point of slamming the door as hard as he could behind him before he started walking.
He put his phone to his ear without thinking.
“Light?” Your voice, even over the phone, was music to his ears compared to Misa’s.
“Yoshiyama Hotel. Right now.” He ordered under his breath as he walked towards the inn.
“Really? Now?” You may have sounded hesitant, but he knew you well enough to hear the smirk in your voice.
“Did I stutter?” He said into the phone.
“What should I wear?”
“I don’t give a damn - it’ll be on the floor by the time I’m done with you.” He hung up the phone right after you promised to be there in twenty minutes.
He walked up to the front desk and took a key, texting you the room number. Above that text was a string of half a dozen messages just like it.
You two had met working under L - you’d been an outstanding detective, taking the cases L didn’t. You’d come to his university to investigate L’s Kira suspect. And beyond the investigation, there had been nothing more than a secret kiss on the university campus while L and Misa weren’t there to see.
After that, you’d set your boundaries. You stayed a healthy distance away from each other up until L’s death. You didn’t attend the funeral with him, and when Light had gone back to the building to pick up his belongings, you weren’t there.
You never were one to say goodbye on your way out.
Until five years later, he received from a text from an unknown number.
###: hey it’s (y/n) - is this still Light’s number? Anyway, I’m in Japan and thought you might want to catch up.
He’d confirmed that yes, this was still his number, and he would absolutely like to “catch up”.
Honestly, his intentions had been innocent. He booked a table for two at one of his favorite nearby restaurants and if course hadn’t told Misa or anyone else on the Task Force where he was spending his evening. And there was nothing to tell; you two would meet for dinner, engage in small talk, and you would disappear from his life again.
That’s what it was supposed to be. But then you walked in, and everything changed.
You’d been pretty in Univesity, sure - but surely Light would have noticed if you’d always been this stunning. Had your legs always extended so elegantly from under your skirt? Had your lips always looked so wet and soft? Had your waist always made the hem of your shirt so tempting?
Light shook himself out of it and forced himself to look at your eyes (batting long lashes and all), as you two talked over dinner and wine; the latter must have gotten to his head.
“It’s only eight; want me to book a hotel?” He didn’t know why he’d said it, but he didn’t regret doing so.
“That’s bold.” You smiled cheekily, “Things not going well between you and Misa?”
“Who says Misa has to know?” He placed both hands on your ever-curving hips. You did as he expected - you grinned and left a tip for the waiter as you led him down the dimly-lit street to a nice hotel around the block. The rest was history.
Tonight, however, Light wasn’t in the mood for your games. It had always been his mind that had ensnared his interest, but he’d had enough mind games with Near for the day. Tonight, he needed your skirt and legs and hands.
“She said she’d be twenty minutes.” He snarled aloud to himself, ready to stand up and leave whenever he heard a knocking at her door. He opened it and remembered why you were worth the wait.
“You’re late.” He said disapprovingly. You only smirked.
“Am I?” You sat back on the bed, crossing your ankles. You were wearing a black mini skirt with matching tall boots. You shrugged off a crimson overcoat, and your nearly see-through top confirmed his suspions that you were wearing nothing underneath. “My mistake,”
(smut starts around here - oh man this is gonna be weird to write but ok let's do this)
“Well, you’ll just have to be punished for it.” Light didn’t bother asking how your day was or if he should order food for you too. You both knew the drill, and it didn’t involve anything except Light taking your wrists and putting them over your head with one hand while the other stroked down your curves with a fingernail.
He kissed you roughly - he was pissed off at just about everything in the world and had no intention to playing nicely tonight.
Without warning, his hand plunged into the front of your miniskirt, using his other hand to hook your thigh and pull you entirely onto the bed. Only using one hand quickly threw both of you off balance. You took the opportunity to roll on top of him while he was pushing himself back up. You kissed him to keep him in place while you fought with his belt.
Light wasn’t having that - he flipped back on top, and he did not look happy.
“You don’t get to be in control tonight, (y/n).” You never were, but that obviously didn’t bother Light as he tugged your sheer top over your head. He kissed and nibbled down your now bare collarbone, leaving behind faint yet still very visible pink marks.
While you were intoxicated by Light’s kiss, you didn’t even notice that his hand was reaching behind him until you felt his cold fingers touch the inside of your thigh. You felt him smirk against your lips triumphantly as you squirmed underneath him.
He finally pulled away, both of you out of breath. He didn’t say a word as he took off his belt - though instead of discarding it on the floor the way he’d done with your clothes, he bound your hands above your head to the bed frame. You tested them - you couldn’t move them if you’d wanted to.
He planted hickeys all the way down your stomach until he reached your thigh, his breath warmer and softer near your opening. He held your shins in place as he folded up your skirt, deciding not to take it off - it wasn’t like you were wearing panties underneath anyway. You dd your best to keep from being too noisy, though to no avail.
Light kept his eyes up to watch the way you arched your back, how you fought for the freedom of your hands with no success. He had to admit that Misa was good, but she couldn’t hold a torch to this. Misa could ride him a few times and look damn good while doing it, but whenever he watched the way your back curved and your hips bucked . . . Misa was never that flexible.
He realized he was in trouble as soon as your hands were free - you lunged forward and took clumps of his caramel hair in her fingers and pulled his face closer to her core. He pulled away just moments before you finished, smiling at the obvious disappointment in your face.
“I’m not finished with you yet, don’t worry.” He said, uncurling your legs from around him and unbuckling your boots deliberately.
“Are you mad at Misa?” You said as one boot hit the floor. He glared at you menacingly.
“You do know I’m fucking you to forget my problems for a night, right?” A second boot this the floor - he stood all the way up, towering over you, who was still sitting daintily on the edge of the bed. He grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. “That’s all you’re good for.”
(and here’s where I stop to consider whether or not Light has a daddy kink - I’ve decided he does).
“Then show me, daddy.” That set him off. With you now fully unclothed under him, he grabbed your hand and put them against the hem of his pants. You played with him for a few seconds before pushing them off the edges of his legs. You made just as quick of work with the rest of his clothing.
“Ride my cock, girl.” He commanded you as he stepped back, stepping out of his pants and boxers and watching you slowly do as you were told. He never used your name during your sessions; always woman or girl or some slur. Because when he heard your name, he thought of the elusive detective he’d once worked half a case with and know knew worked as an agent of the SPK. However, the woman underneath him wasn’t her; Light Yagami’mistress was a nameless woman he could use to blow off steam.
But hey, at least he would never make the mistake of calling Misa the wrong name, huh?
“You’re still on the pill, aren’t you?” He confirmed. You nodded fervently, eager to take him. Light noted your neediness and ran his long-fingered hands up your bare sides a few times before nodded, giving you permission to lock your legs around him and show off just what you could do.
When he finished, you laid down next to him. He stood up to wet a towel, wiping himself down and combing his hair back before checking his angles in the mirror to make sure he wouldn’t return home to his loving girlfriend looking too disheveled from his night with his mistress.
“I’ve arranged for you to check out in the morning. I figured you may want to sleep the night here.” He shrugged, steppign back into his clothes before walking back to the door.
“When should I expect you next?” You asked raspily,
“Not important - I call you and you come, understand?”
“Yes sir,”
“God, you’re all such easy sluts.” He scoffed, “You, Misa, Kiyomi - I whistle and you all come running.”
“I’m not the one who has to go home to a loving girlfriend.” You said monotonously, “Or have you proposed to her yet? Maybe you should invite her next time.” You smirked icily.
Light grit his teeth and slammed the door without saying goodnight - he never did.
#light yagami death note#light yagami#death note#light death note#light yagami headcanons#headcanons#imagines#light x reader#light yagami x reader
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got7 taking care of their drunk crush (maknae line)
You had gone on a night out with your friends and had a little too much to drink— meaning you were complimenting every person you passed by and your friends kept having to chase you around. Deciding you were done for the night and not trusting you to get back home on your own, they called up one of your other friends who lived in the same apartment as you for help.
He should have been over the moon. He would have called all the boys and talked their ear off about it by now.
But Youngjae couldn’t—for you were very drunk so your confession really meant nothing. You probably didn’t even know who he was right now, you would have followed home anyone who called out your name.
Youngjae had always dreamed of this day. Ever since you helped him fend off those bullies in high school, Youngjae had seen you as more than just his friend. Though other girls have asked him out left and right since then, he still waited patiently for you just in case a day came where you felt the same way.
But Youngjae didn’t count today as that day.
“Okay, you can put your arm around me—don’t worry, I got you...”
“YOUNG-jaaaae...” you slurred as he held you by the waist, steadying you on your feet.
“Y-yes?” It had almost come out as a squeak. He turned to look at you, only to realize your face was now dangerously close to his. You gazed at him dreamily, your eyes barely open and a lazy smile playing on your lips.
“It’s okay, I already knooow...”
He gulped. “Know wha—”
“Shhh, it’s okaaay...” you repeated, putting an index finger to his lips to silence him. “But don’t worry, I really do like you too. Like like like...”
“You don’t really mean i—” Youngjae froze in place, as your finger was instantly replaced by your lips.
Without meaning to, his eyes fluttered shut. You clung onto his jacket to bring him closer, desperate for his warmth. He tasted alcohol and citrus as your lips worked against his. Hearing a faint hum escape the back of your throat as you parted your lips, Youngjae instantly broke out of the trance you put on him.
“We-we can’t.”
“Stop.” Youngjae suddenly pulled away, eliciting a smacking noise from your lips. Your lips were swollen and his felt like they were on fire.
And the only way to put it out was to kiss you again.
“Oh my, I...” Seeing the flustered expression on his face, you were beginning to sober up. You instantly dropped your hands to your sides and took a step back from him. “I’m sorry, I just thought—all this time, I thought you liked me too, was I just reading into things? Sorry—”
“Aww, no wait, don’t apologize...” Youngjae chuckled, his face slowly relaxing and his eyebrows furrowing in fondness. He gently cupped your face in the palms of his hands and placed a kiss to your forehead. “Your right, I do like you, but I just don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“And that’s why I like you, because you would never,” you replied sleepily as you leaned your forehead against his. “Trust me, that’s not the alcohol talking.”
Youngjae smiled proudly to himself before putting his arms around you again for support. “I trust you, but let’s just get you to your room. We can talk about things in the morning.”
You woke up that morning pleasantly surprised to find you weren’t hungover, which meant you hadn’t drank as much as you usually did or your drunk self managed to take care of you last night. You went with the latter. You had little to no recollection of the night before so you must have had way passed your body’s limit.
Slowly coming to your senses, there was one thing you couldn’t place: why did your room smell like cologne?
You blinked your eyes open, scanning over your surroundings and realization hitting you like a bus.
Why wasn’t this your room?
“You’re finally awake,” a voice spoke. You sat up to see your neighbor Bambam dressed for the day and leaning against the doorway. His doorway. “You seemed to really enjoy yourself last night.”
Bambam watched with amusement as your face paled, thoughts seeming to come at you a mile a minute. “How did I—when did I—who...” You took off the blankets to see you weren’t wearing your dress from last night but an oversized hoodie. His hoodie. You stared at Bambam in bewilderment. “Oh my god, Bambam, did we—”
“Calm down Princess, no we did not,” Bambam confirmed with a smirk. He moved to sit at the corner of the bed and handed you a bottle of water, which you took gratefully albeit shyly. “Your friends called me up to take you home because you were about to go off with a stranger.” He shook his head and tutted mock-disappointedly. “Noona, I didn’t know you were like that. Luckily I was free and picked you up. You’re welcome.”
You groaned in embarrassment, re-wrapping yourself in his sheets. “But why am I here? You could have put me back in my own place.”
“You hid your key in your bra, I was not about to mess around with that.”
“Good call.” You nodded, pulling the sleeves of the hoodie over your palms. “And my dress?”
“Reeked of alcohol. I didn’t realize you were one to go off with strangers and be messy with your drinks.”
You frowned at him. “I’m really not. Last night was an outlier.”
“Whatever you say...” Bambam mused in a sing-song voice. “I put your dress in the wash. And don’t worry, you insisted on changing yourself. I wasn’t planning on it, but you kept telling me ‘no peeking!’ Also, I took the couch so you could have the bed, you’re welcome again.”
“Oh. Well, um, thank you for taking care of me last night. I appreciate it.” You moved to get out of bed, not knowing what else to say. It’s not that you didn’t like Bambam, quite the opposite actually. You had just never been alone with him, only ever hanging out with your neighbor when your mutual friend Jackson came over. You believed Bambam to be too cool for you. Whenever you saw him alone in the building you tried to keep your interactions to a minimum for fear of making your crush on him too obvious. “So...you look nice today. I mean, you look nice every time I see you, but just especially today. What’s the occasion?”
“Us. We’re going on our first date.”
Your eyes grew to the size of saucers. “We are?!”
He nodded with a smile, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Yeah, don’t you remember? You asked me before you went to sleep and I agreed. Now hurry up and go get ready. I’m already dressed, and as cute as you are in my hoodie, I don’t think it’s proper attire for brunch.”
Bambam smiled to himself after finally convincing you nothing bad happened the night before and getting you to go back to your place to change. If he knew that you’d believe you asked him out in your drunken stupor, he would have tried that trick a long time ago, for he had never had the guts to confess to you too.
“Come on, Noona. My car’s only a block away now.”
“But my feet hurt,” you mumbled into your knees. Yugyeom squatted next to you on the curb, trying to get you to keep walking. He didn’t understand what your friends meant by “good luck” when he finally picked you up, until now. You kept stopping every few steps, distracted by a shop window or your reflection. At this rate, it seemed like you two wouldn’t get to his car until dawn.
“That’s because you’re wearing those awful shoes,” Yugyeom chuckled. “Why do girls wear such high heels if it’s going to hurt?”
“It’s all about the calves, Yugyeom. You wouldn’t understand.”
Yugyeom sighed before turning his back towards you. “Come on, let’s go. I’ll carry you.”
“You’re the best,” you slurred contentedly as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
His breath hitched as you nuzzled yourself comfortably in the crook of his neck, your exhales tickling his skin. Yugyeom prayed that you couldn’t feel how fast his heart was beating, or if you did, he hoped you’d forget about it. He distracted himself from his thoughts by readjusting his grip on your legs.
He was just your roommate—nothing more, nothing less. It made sense for you to request for him of all people to get you.
“So, um...did anyone try to pick you up at the club? Did you give anyone your number?”
You sneered. “Why would I do that when I have you?”
His hold on you tensed up but he kept walking. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it makes sense doesn’t it? You’re always there for me, like listening to me rant when I’ve had a hard day at work or making me dinner because I haven’t had a proper meal all day.” You smiled into his neck. “And you can count on me anytime too. You already know I’m gonna be in the front row of every one of your dance performances and if you ever get too drunk at the club, I’ll be there to pick you up. I guess I just assumed we always had this unspoken thing going on.”
“Ah...” was all he could say. Yugyeom swore his his heart had just stopped working all together. You weren’t slurring your words anymore but you had said all of this so calmly. Were you perhaps—
“Actually, to really answer your question, somebody did pick me up at the club. You.” You gave his neck a gentle squeeze before resting your head on his shoulder, ready to let sleep take you. “Thanks for sparing my pained feet. Yugyeom, I’m going home with you.”
His face burned at the (unintentional?) double entendre but he allowed himself to relax under your touch. You were right—you had him.
And when you snuck an (intentional!) kiss on his cheek as he got you into his passenger seat, Yugyeom realized he had you too.
#got7#got7 imagines#got7 scenarios#im jaebum#mark tuan#jackson wang#park jinyoung#choi youngjae#bambam#kim yugyeom#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#got7 fics#kpop fics
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LLoG Chapter (?) Wake Me Up Before You–! Oh no (Snippet)
It’s been far too long since we’ve seen King Boo (if you’ve been following this series since I posted the first snippet, anyway), so please enjoy this unbeta’d sneak peak into an upcoming chapter.
This entry is a little earlier in King Boo and Luigi’s odd relationship (takes place before “Tennis the Menace” in the LLoG timeline). You may notice quite a few parallels between the two chapters.
It has been a long day.
Luigi has been up for just over twenty-four hours answering ghost related calls. A few were false alarms, a couple were misunderstandings with relatively peaceful resolutions, but the vast majority had been malevolent activity that only the Poltergust could solve. The plumber hasn’t dealt with this many consecutive incidents in a long time.
He is exhausted.
Luigi stumbles toward his bed, kicking off his shoes as he carelessly drops the Poltergust by his nightstand. The professor would probably be appalled by the delicate equipment’s treatment, but Luigi is far too tired to care. Not bothering to change, he flops onto the mattress and stares blearily at the ceiling.
“I can’t feel my legs, Pepper," Luigi mumbles.
The Polterpup, who is currently curled up at the foot of the bed, yaps once in acknowledgement.
“Thank you for your concern."
The room descends into a peaceful silence. A gentle breeze whispers through the trees outside the plumber's home. The ticking of a clock echoes quietly down the hall. Luigi’s breathing begins to slowly even out.
A harsh buzzing in his pocket startles Luigi awake. He groans, reluctantly retrieving his phone and unlocking it. A text message from a number Luigi doesn’t recognize appears in his notifications. With growing dread, he opens it.
For a moment, all Luigi can do is stare at the single photo included in the message, instantly recognizing both of its subjects. To offer insight into the plumber’s current mental state, his first thought upon seeing the image isn’t: ‘Oh no! King Boo has kidnapped my brother (again)!', it’s: ‘When did King Boo get a cell phone?'.
Luigi slowly rolls over and buries his face in his pillow. A muffled scream startles the dozing Polterpup awake. Pepper tilts his head inquisitively and pads over to the plumber’s side, gently nudging the latter with his snout. Luigi blindly reaches out and pats the concerned canine’s head.
“I’m okay, Pepper," he lies. “Just...really frustrated."
An understatement, to be sure.
The plumber stashes the phone back into his pocket and, with great difficulty, pushes himself up into a sit. With even more difficulty, he stands, recovers his shoes, and fumbles to slide them on. Luigi takes one last longing look at his bed and trudges out the door.
Right past the Poltergust.
To an outside observer, it would appear that a zombie is limping its way toward a haunted mansion in the middle of nowhere. In a way, they would be correct—Luigi feels dead on his feet. Had he been more cognizant, the plumber would probably be embarrassed by the number of times he trips on his way up the stairs, or the way he leans against the front doors for an unusually long time before attempting to open them. Indeed, Luigi makes no effort to be cautious or polite in his entrance; he merely pushes his way through and stumbles into the foyer.
“’m here," he announces tiredly.
No response.
Impatient, and borderline apathetic, the plumber drags himself over to the stairway leading up to the second story and plops down on the bottom step. Luigi may have answered King Boo’s taunt, but that doesn’t mean he has to play his game. If the spectral monarch wants a showdown, he’ll have to come to Luigi.
Time passes, and the plumber slowly finds himself leaning back until he is lying on the stairs. It’s far from comfortable, but at this point, anything vaguely horizontal feels inviting. When his eyelids start to droop, Luigi begins humming a tired, off-key tune to help stay awake.
“You know, just because I allow you to live doesn’t mean you can waltz in here whenever you please."
Luigi blinks, craning his neck back to see an unimpressed King Boo glaring down on him. Luigi returns the glare.
“You’re a jerk," he slurs.
“And you’re rude," the monarch retorts. “Not to mention entirely too comfortable in my presence. Now, am I going to have to put the fear of Jaydes in you or are you going to get up and show some respect?"
Luigi begrudgingly rises to his feet and turns to properly face the source of his torment. King Boo quirks a brow after he gives the plumber a once-over.
“You look horrible. Well, even more so than usual."
“Thank you."
“I would ask why, but I don’t really think I care."
“Uh-huh, where’s my brother, King Boo?"
The spectral monarch blinks innocently back at the plumber.
“Your brother? Why, I haven’t seen him in ages! How should I know of his whereabouts?"
"You sent me a selfie of you and Mario with the caption: 'Ha ha you weren't invited'."
"So you can read. Though your reading comprehension is clearly lacking seeing as you are here."
"Why am I here?"
"That's what I would like to know."
Luigi was way too tired for this. Any other time, he would be willing to tolerate the spirit’s antics, but the accumulated exhaustion from the last twenty-four hours has sapped his patience. The plumber knows attacking—and subsequently capturing—the ghostly monarch will come back to bite him, but in that moment, he decides it is future Luigi’s problem. Not even bothering to be subtle about it, he reaches back to grab the Poltergust’s nozzle—
And his hand meets air.
Luigi’s heart falters in his chest, and he is suddenly wide awake. In his haste to leave, he had completely forgotten to grab the one thing that could defeat King Boo—the only thing that stood between him and a place on the monarch’s wall. How could he have been so careless? How could he have been so stupid?!
The plumber looks up at King Boo, wide-eyed, and finds the spirit staring back with open shock. King Boo’s stupor doesn’t last, however. His expression quickly morphs into something triumphant—something sadistic.
“Oh my, what is this?” the king purrs, moving closer. “Did you leave something important at home, dear Luigi? Your keys? Wallet, perhaps?”
Luigi unwittingly takes a few steps back, feeling vulnerable in a way he hasn’t since his first encounter with a ghost all those years ago. King Boo’s grin widens exponentially.
“It’s not like you to be so forgetful. So…careless,” he continues. “I shudder to think what would happen if someone took advantage of you being so unprepared…”
The plumber keeps backpedaling as the spirit slowly, patiently, pursues him. Luigi clenches his fists, and lightning weakly sparks to life along his gloves.
“I-I can still defend myself,” the plumber retorts, hating the way his voice wavers.
King Boo cackles at his false bravado.
“Oh, I’m sure you can. But for how long? It would seem you have been…how does the saying go? 'Burning the candle at both ends'? I doubt you’d last five minutes, and that’s being generous.”
Luigi opens his mouth to refute the monarch’s words, but is startled into silence when his back hits something solid—the front doors. He doesn’t have to try the handles to know they’re locked.
“What kind of frame would you prefer, Luigi? Gold? Silver? Or are you more of a bronze man?”
Remember these lines from chapter 4?:
“The plumber takes a steadying breath. It wouldn’t do him any favors to lose composure now.”
“He had shown a sliver of weakness—of fear—and the Boo was attempting to intimidate him further. If Luigi didn’t want this encounter to go south, he’d have to keep face”
This is the incident that Luigi was alluding to—where he learns he cannot lose composure around King Boo. Yes, the absence of the Poltergust plays a part, but it’s mostly Luigi’s reaction to his vulnerability that spurs King Boo into action. Honestly, King Boo might not have even done much had Luigi stayed calm (he’d at the very least be offended by the plumber’s “audacity” to come unarmed).
#luigi#king boo#polterpup#luigi's mansion#luigi's mansion dark moon#luigi's mansion 3#fanfic#I'm a monster for leaving you on this cliffhanger#especially since the full version won't be available for...WEEKS#this is due to chapter 5 being a 3 maybe 4 part ghost fighting arc#some kids summon ghosts at a slumber party#really REALLY dangerous ghosts#and Luigi gets to clean up their mess#best frenemies#snippet#suit speaks
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Jared Leto x Reader
Prompt: Can we get a reader x Jared where maybe Jared cheats on the reader on tour but then they fix it? I know it’s so mean but I’m weird 😬
{A/N} Happy Valentine’s Day puddin’s, I hope ya had a great day! This is a short little one shot for the cheating request to give ya something in place of Home squared while I work on it. I know it’s the day of love, but this story is a bit of a roller coaster ride emotionally, so please read at your own risk!
Warnings: Self doubt, adultery, slight violence (meaning a glass was thrown in the opposite direction of a person), depression. But also fluff at the end, somehow.
ALSO- Regardless of any previous rumors in real life, I do not see Jared as a cheater, this is purely fiction for the request I received! He’s a good guy. Right, Jared? Okay, cool, good.
There we were, “Jared Leto and {Y/F/N}.” We were in headlines for days about a “new blossoming romance.” We graced every front cover of every tabloid, every episode of TMZ and Dish Nation, Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood. We were Hollywood’s latest power couple, despite our best efforts to keep it a secret. Eventually, it got to the point where we just said “fuck it,” and did what we wanted. He loved me, and I loved him. What did it matter who knew?
But it wasn’t so easy to keep up with each other. It wasn’t easy at all. Scheduling conflicts between appearances, filming and recording kept us apart more than together, and after a few months or so, my cynical nature always had me second guessing his true feelings for me.
On occasion, we’d fight, and we’d fight ugly. I always thought we fought hard because we loved harder, but as fame and the media broke me down, and hit him with false accusations and reprimands for things from our age difference to calling us a publicity relationship, I began to lose myself and what I was fighting for. After long, theraputic chats, he always brought me back down to earth, reminded me of who I was and who we were. But our previous arguement had been over the phone, and neither of us seemed to have the level head to call the other back to apologize or talk things through.
And while this day was the day he finally returned home from months worth of tour, I couldn’t be excited; I couldn’t be happy. In fact, I couldn’t really feel anything at all other than heartache.
I sat on the couch, my heart feeling as though it was shattering like glass inside of the confines of my chest. A shaky hand poured another glass-full of vodka into a crystal glass that sat on the coffee table in front of me, beside that, an email of an article open on my laptop that had been sent to me by my publicist just a couple hours earlier.
“Jared Leto cheats on girlfriend with mystery brunette on tour.”
There were no feelings in my entirety, yet every feeling all at once. My mascara had long been running, and my publicist had already heard an earful of screaming from me, though it wasn’t her fault. She was looking out for me, not wanting me to be caught off gaurd hearing it elsewhere. Hell, I hardly even knew if it was his fault. But I hadn’t the mental capacity to make decisions that weren’t brash anymore as I downed the glass I’d just poured.
The vodka burned in my throat like acid as I held the glass tightly in my hand. He was slated to be home any minute now, and while I’d run through speeches in my head, the notion of trying to find out what actually happened, and other things to say, I knew the moment I set eyes on him again I’d lose it all. In what way this time, I wasn’t sure.
I’d dealt with the mean headlines, I’d faced the intense lines of questioning at every interview. But I’d never seen this headline before, and it was eating me alive. We’d fought over petty things, and some important things, but neither of us had ever dealt with cheating accusations from one another, despite the way the press loved to talk.
Moments later, I heard the doorknob click and the familiar sounds of bags and rustling that came when he returned. I heard Shannon laughing with him as they carelessly entered the living room, not yet noticing my shell shocked state in the opposite end of the large room. I was already shitfaced, and I felt the tears silently pour down my cheeks once more as my eyes caught sight of him. It felt as though I were looking at him from within a hollow shell, the caving sensation of my heart breaking in my chest in the forefront of my senses.
“Babe!” Jared called out when he saw me, a grin on his features.
“Hey, {Y/N},” Shannon grinned.
I could only inhale and turn to face them, gripping the glass in my hand even harder as I tried with all my might to keep quiet; to keep from overreacting.
“{Y/N},” he said next, his tone turning into nothing but extreme concern as he saw the state I was in.
Jared rushed over to me, and as he grew closer, I pushed the laptop open further and turned it to face him without another word. His brow furrowed as he looked down at it, taking a bit to read the headline and study the photo of him beneath it. He remained quiet, his expression growing tense before he turned to Shannon, who was just as confused in the entryway.
“Can we have a minute?” Was all he said, and Shannon simply nodded and walked his things towards the back of the house.
“How could you, Jared?” I heard myself slur from what felt like a million miles away. “I trusted you..”
There was pain written all over his features, and while his silence spoke volumes, I wasn’t sure what I was willing to believe.
“Don’t you dare baby me. You.. I told you I’d be your ride or die no matter what. I know tour life. I know how it is. I didn’t expect this not to happen, I just.. I didn’t think I’d ever know, you know?”
My voice cracked again, trailing off of the end. It was true, I was willing to put up with anything for him. My heart beat solely for him and him alone. I knew he loved me, everyone knew he loved me- and everyone knew I’d die for him. Still, I couldn’t help but feel betrayed, and as though I just weren’t enough for him anymore.
To millions, I was a shining beacon of beauty and sex. Everyone wanted to be me, and those who didn’t wanted to have me. The same was said about Jared, of course. I did what I could when we were together. I gave him every ounce of affection and attention I possibly could. I cared for him like I’d never cared for anyone before.
I just couldn’t wrap my head around why.
I stood from the couch, glass in hand. Swaying a bit, I stepped closer to him. It was far too late to keep my tears hidden in my waterline.
“Is she prettier than me? Was she.. Was she sweeter than me?” I drunkenly inquired, hot tears running down my cheeks as I turned to face away from him. “Because I don’t know what else it could be..”
Jared stayed quiet, his expression tense as he watched the woman he loved fall to a million broken pieces before him. Trying to find the words to say, he opened his mouth to speak.
“It was that fucking fight we had,” he started, cool and collected, and I recognized the tone to be the one he took when he was trying to keep me level headed. “About the fact that you have to start your tour the same day I have to start filming, even though we planned for you to come with me.”
It was like something snapped in me instead. I chucked the glass in my hand toward the wall, turning to face him again as the shards of sparkling glass scattered across the floor. I was never a violent person, but my heart had no idea how to react, and my mind was no help, either. He kept his demeanor calm, and only pushed me further.
“Is that supposed to make it okay?” I spat, angry and deeply hurt.
I had never felt so strongly for anyone in my life, and this, coupled with the stress I’d been enduring in other ways, finally made me unravel.
“Please just tell me what I did,” I begged, feeling the the life slip away from my body as I weakly shut my eyes. “Please..”
Before I could open them again, he took my hands in his, squeezing them firmly. It caught me slightly off guard when he wrapped his arms around me. His embrace was possessive, as though he were keeping a cracking statue together; as though he were protecting me from someone else, even though the harm had come from him.
“I’m so sorry, {Y/N}.. You have no idea how awful I felt. I wanted to call you as soon as it happened, but I didn’t want to stress you out even more. We’d just had that huge ordeal and I felt.. Well.. Fuck, I felt vulnerable and pissed off. And she was just.. there. It’s no excuse, there’s none..”
“What, does she fuck better than me?” I mewled, sobbing against his chest.
“God, what? No,” he grimaced. “I didn’t sleep with her, I just kissed her.”
His toned arms squeezed my frame even harder. Inadequate was hardly the word to describe how I felt. The ache that sat in my chest seemed to radiate from deep within my ribs to the flesh that sat just under my necklace. I tried to collect my drunken thoughts; tried to make some kind of sense of what I was hearing. Then, it hit me. I looked up at him through my makeup stained face, sniveling quietly as our eyes rested on each others.
“Wait.. You didn’t sleep with her?”
“No, baby. We went out.. Got food.. And, you know. But I didn’t take her back to the room.”
I sat quiet for a moment, reeling from the details but mulling them over. It was much less to take than the image I had of them burning a hole in my mind. My eyes drifted away before I spoke again.
“It was just once?” I whispered, as though that was going to make it all go away.
“Once. And it wasn’t even good. It wasn’t really anything,” he scoffed.
No, it didn’t make it better. I was still going to have to come to terms with what happened, and either move on from it, move on from him or let it destroy me. I wasn’t having the latter two. He was my heart and soul, and despite this whole scene playing out before me, I knew I was his, too.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against my hair on the top of my head, and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve said I heard some kind of emotion catch in his throat.
Swallowing hard, I pulled away from his embrace, feeling defeated. What else could I do? I sniffled again, dragging the back of my hand under my eye. I suddenly felt over dramatic when it was just a kiss shared between them. Still, my heart hurt.
“You don’t have to forgive me,” he said, taking my hand and cupping it between his. “What are you thinking? Talk to me, please..”
“I..” I started, sitting back down on the couch. “I love you, Jared.”
My voice was shaky with emotion and exhaustion. I believed he was sorry. I believed it was a one time mistake. Everyone is human, we all make them. He at least hadn’t been caught doing it before, and anyone knew it was easy to do so when it came to either of us. I shook my head as he sat down beside me, his sight set on nothing else but me. Despite it all, I just wanted to get comfortable and cuddle with him while I fell asleep.
“I love you, too, {Y/N},” he responded. “So fucking much. Even if it doesn’t really seem that way right now.”
Stupid as it was, I cracked a small grin. Maybe it was just the exhaustion, or the booze, or both, but I found it amusing. So amusing, that my next response wasn’t though out at all.
“It’s okay. I fucked Shannon in the other room while you were sleeping before you left, anyway.”
His face, while what I said was a cruel, terrible joke, was priceless.
“I’m kidding, babe,” I sighed, watching his chest rise and fall again as he willed himself to believe me.
I supposed one slip up in the course of our relationship so far wasn’t too bad, considering I had already married myself to the idea that he’d be full blown cheating on me left and right. It didn’t make it any more okay, but, fame was a hell of a drug, and he could have anyone he wanted at the drop of a hat- mad at me or not.
I relaxed a bit, groggy and overwhelmed. I began to feel just a little better that it wasn’t something as far as a passionate night of intimacy in bed. Just lunch and a kiss, or maybe they made out, but, it wasn’t sex.
“Please just tell me you’re not trying to make this a habit. I can’t handle this every time you’re gone.. as it is, I’m going to have it in the back of my head forever,” I complained.
“Absolutely fucking not,” he assured me. “I told you, it was a mistake. A one time, stupid, rash decision.”
Shaking my head, I threw my arms around him and sighed, my breathing still rugged from crying.
“I really thought you two were banging, so I’m relieved.. but still hurt.”
His hand moved to stroke my hair slowly as he kissed the top of my head.
“I know, baby. But the only lips I want to kiss are yours. And the only person I’m trying to bang is you,” he grinned lightly.
Another faint smile crossed my features as I sat up straight before him. It was then that I leaned in, placing my hands on his cut jawline and locking my lips with his.
I kissed him like I never had before; like it was the first time we’d ever kissed after days of sexual tension. I kissed him as though I were taking him back from whatever spell he’d been under, and he kissed me like he’d never get the chance to again in return. When we pulled away, I sighed, brushing my lips against his delicately, feeling the smile that placed itself on his expression all over again.
“Let’s get cleaned up and go to bed,” I whispered, ready to end the madness that was my day.
He nodded, standing up and sweeping me off my feet in one movement, carrying me out of the living room. I gave a slight giggle, nuzzling my nose against his shoulder.
“I’ll show you exactly who belongs where,” he winked, squeezing me playfully with a smirk.
#jared leto x reader#jared leto#jared leto fanfiction#jared leto fanfic#fanfiction#Thirty Seconds to Mars#30 seconds to mars#fanfics#joker x reader#imagines#one shot#jared leto one shot#harley quinn
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[this has been sitting in my drafts since saturday. it’s super long lol but writing this all down helped me process the clip] i have to say that i liked the last clip (let’s say as a whole) of ‘This is why I don’t like you.’ and by that i mean the approach and most of its execution. maybe a few rewatches helped, and maybe a bit of distance helped, too.
the beginning sequence is badass. love the girls acting cool and goofy at the same time. great music choice once again. eva doesn’t mess around, does she. i do hope they will tone down her jealousy. i’m a bit concerned. the way she reacts is realistic and i get her, i do, i just hope she’ll grow soon, cause being jealous 24/7 is draining and i want her to be happy. the dancing sequence is fantastic. there are all adorable goofballs. (i hope luchì gets a line soon. know that i’m waiting). i hope we see more of this in the next weeks. those are only snippets, but they are great, because they show us friends having fun together. edoardo with his friends (the villa boys are slowly growing on me and we don’t see them often. thank you ludos). also for giving chico the screentime he deserves. the myth, the legend, the chaotic energy. i hope we get to see more of him together with edo. and if it’s a snippet of them dancing (?) together. edoardo is loyal to his friends, we all know that i think, but we actually see him having fun with them in a very soft way. you can feel they go way back. you only geek out with your best friends like that, don’t you? while he dances, he keeps glancing at eleonora who is enjoying herself with her friends. she has a lovely smile, i hope we see more of that as well. i feel like we’ve seen her more restrained this season. sure, we get a closer look on her since it is indeed her season. not everyone smiles 24/7 even if said persons is a literal sunshine. but i felt like she let go of the visible tension she’s been feeling on the dance floor for a while. i liked that part. when we see eva already drunk at the bar i already had a bad feeling. then come the two guys. i tensed. it was hard watching her talk to those absolute douche-bags. to those homophobes. they took advantage of her. and i was scared. then ele comes in and tries to get her away from the men, but it’s not working. eva is so caught up in her insecurities and her hurt over giovanni being with sofi that she seeks validation. ele is not giving it to her, and so she asks the men who had just spend a drink on her. she didn’t see nothing wrong in that in the moment. i can’t blame her, she was wasted. i hope she wouldn’t have the need to learn from this, but let’s be relastic, i hope she does. girls/women shouldn’t stop enjoying theirselves on a night out, and yet, they have to be attentive if they don’t want to be exploited. there’s always a possibility that people will do exactly that. and it sucks. it’s a sad and cruel world we [sometimes] live in. that being said, i appreciate how it was handled. even ele going to marti for help. a teenage girl asking her male classmate/friend whom she trusts to help her with dragging away their mutual female friend from men who are prying. it’s realistic, it’s real. it’s tough to watch. it’s not something that was shown in order to be realistic for the sake of realism. this is how it could go down. this is how it went down too many times for too many people. (one time is one time too much). this is how it will go down in the future. so what do the viewers take away from it? they relate. cause it happened to them. it happened to some of us. to a lot of us actually. they’ll talk about how real this scene was and how much it hurt. women, nor any gender, should get treated this way. will there be people who will be shocked with this scene because it felt too real? yes. it makes me sad, it truly does. if there are people who have watched this scene or similar scenes to this and weren’t aware that this is part of the realism we are living in, i hope this scene gave them something to think about. people who behave like the men in this particular scene probably didn’t watch this scene nor equal ones. but if people who think this scene was over the top or unrealistic, i hope they realise now that this scene wasn’t all of that and i hope they will change their view on what is okay to say/to do to a person who is clearly drunk. (look for the friends if they are not close, order a glass of water, make the person sit down). it’s a sensitive topic, but skam is about sensitive topics. this scene wasn’t a wake-up call for me. i know that this stuff happens every day. i, too, have been hit on. both during a night out and walking down a bloody street during broad daylight. i was even sexually assaulted during work when i was only a couple of years older than the characters we follow on screen. i’m glad they choose to tackle this topic. yk one second you’re dancing and having fun with your friends, the next you’re being hit on. it’s a puddle of emotions, yes, but we all know skam is like that. this was very intense, but i’m thinking it only raises awareness and it gets us (back to) talking about this sensitive topic, and hopfeully, to each other. that is what i took away from this scene. other than being scared for eva. moving on. eva shouldn’t have taken the drink, but it’s not her fault. it’s been a while since i’ve went out ending up completely wasted, but i’m not unpruned to react/behave like that even if i have a couple of more years on my sleeve. sometimes you do stuff you regret when you’re drunk. i don’t want to think about the times i was this level of drunk and nothing happened to me, because i was just lucky to be in a room full of normal decent humans. or it was because i just got lucky none of the assholes in this world tried something with me. it can happen to anyone, anytime. i’m happy ele had an eye on eva. this is also so very realistic. those friends who watch you when you’re going out together. you watch each other, sometimes one watches the others more closely and vice versa. those friends that walk you home/want you to text them when you’re home. when you’re safe. okay. ele goes to marti and marti’s face changes in a milisecond. bless his soul. bless his heart. bless martino rametta and everone who is like him. simple as that. he grabs eva and eva follows him instantly. their friendship, boy, i’m glad we get these snippets. but then the atmosphere intensifies. the story with eva beforehand was a good build-up, it really was. all my senses were heightened. marti drags eva away, he knows how serious this situation is. and yet he manages to stay calm. everyone who reacts like him shouldn’t be praised, because it’s decent human behaviour. and yet. alas. the men come on to him and the situations gets scary again or even more scary idk. he gets called a slur. he’s shoked, hurt, scared. all of it. but he won’t give in to these men’s provocations and starts to walk off. they don’t let him though. giovanni appears out of nowhere? no. he was standing beside him when ele came to martino. maybe he followed his action. he’s fierce in his protectiveness. giovanni is one of the kindest and warmest and softest characters in the skamit universe, but he won’t have you insulting his best friend. not on his watch. we’ve known that, yeah, but these seconds of him jumping between martino and the men are an amazing continuation of what we’ve seen in s1 and s2. as sad as it was watching him do that. he shouldn’t have to. but he did, and i am glad. i’m also glad elia came to the rescue. these boys. oh man. i am enjoying eleonora’s season. despite the change in releasing the clips, despite the dragging storyline concerning ele x edo x silvia. i am. and i’m excited to see where the rest of the season goes. i would give anything though to follow martino through his eyes for, well, idk, many many seasons. his season just captivated me. martino captivated me. marti x nico captivated me. fede captivated me. i’m sorry if this is annoying. this short scene with him though- for a second i was back in his head. i was back in season 2. damn. anyway, the way we react to things comes in different ways. this is where nico comes in. i think he didn’t hear what’s been said. i don’t think he acted ooc. maybe he was even asked to take sofi to the side. maybe the boys pushed him away, because they know how vulnerable he is. tends to be. he’s allowed to. and if it was his choice, i still wouldn’t call it ooc. we’ve seen him through marti’s eyes. we know he’s utterly vulnerable. it’s one of his biggest character traits. i think it would have been a bad call to make him jump into the fight, too. it’s not him. he’s like marti. he’d try to leave the situation. yes, the men were the ones who started it. all of it. with words, with aggression. they were ready to throw fists. i’d try to push them away, too, had they attacked my friends. where was nico? it’s all speculation, isn’t it? we see him and sofi for a split second in the background when gio rushes to marti’s side. we don’t know if he heard what it was all about. i’m thinking that the directors made a choice here. especially in the snippets of the aftermatch. why don’t we see his ‘concerned’ face? why is he “just” standing there (calmly even. maybe) with sofi and why doesn’t he rush to marti when the latter one is worrying over gio after edoardo and his friends throw the men out? (coglione. btw bless you, edoardo). it makes me think he didn’t know what was being said at all. i think he either didn’t know what the situation was about or maybe he thought it was about giovanni (and eva) after all. marti dragging away eva because ele wouldn’t ask gio for help in this particular situation, because he’s with sofi now. but then gio goes anyway, because someone tried to hurt eva and he still cares about her. maybe that’s what nico thought. it could be a possibility. another one could be that nico froze because of the fright. i really think there lies a reason behind him standing with sofi. and i think it will be resolved. they have been handling marti x nico with care (we’ve seen them in the bg and they are happily in love. we’ve seen it on the dance floor, too. happy boys happily in love). now, there wasn’t any concern in the snippet we see of him going to marti and the boys. there has to be a reason to it. it was all blurry anyhow and like 0.0001 seconds so what. there was concern at one point though, i’m absolutely certain. we didn’t see it though. and if it was because of him freezing at the situation, then so be it. who are we to judge other people’s reaction? those snippets of him in the bg don’t make me love his character any less. i know he loves marti and i know he’ll shower him with love more than ever and i know he’d never not care about marti. i’m not even mad at the decision to not show his reaction. he’s not the focus. marti has a bit more to it all. he’s a main and the whole harresment/homophobia scene happened with the three mains involved. i’m not mad (yet. lol), because i think there’s something following up to all of this and i’m positive we get the soft epilogues for marti x nico in the bg at one point. my shipper heart wants a lot of scenes with my faves. but this is also skam. a show that’s fast paced- you have to read between the lines sometimes. that being said, i thought this scene was difficult to handle, but i wouldn’t say it took away one thing from the other. eleonora x edoardo’s story is just beginning and like i said, i think we’ll get another look on the homophobia mention. i’m also thinking that this was maybe an intentional creative decision. one main/one ship gets a scare and one gets together. sometimes life is like that. very often so, i believe. people don’t have to like this of course. it didn’t upset me. eva being harrassed scared me. marti being cornered scared me. i could enjoy ele x edo, i just needed a few rewatches to let it really get to me. the conversation they have before she tells him she doesn’t like him was very well done. edoardo is so soft omg, giancarlo, calm down. i adore his approach on his character, i really do. i think he’s a great actor. i think, deep down, edoardo’s even one of the most vulnerable characters. there’s a sensitiveness to him. when his mother is mentioned, when he looks at eleonora and when you see how far he’s gone for her, but still wants her to be alright, even if he doesn’t play a part in her life. it’s acted out subtly but it’s also very visible, you know? he longs for eleonora to like him. he’s been trying really hard. i think for the most part he’s been respective towards her and i really like the growth we’ve seen so far in him. i’m excited to see where this will go. eleonora is scared of admitting her feelings. she doesn’t want to give in, but she also does. she’s seen another side of him by now and she struggles to keep up with idealistic views on men/human beings in general. she’s been soft for him in s1 and s2 already. when he calls her beautiful, she isn’t appalled, because it’s the way he says it. the way he conveys it. it has charmed her. when they talk on the balcony in illegale, she’s even more soft for him. little glances here and there. he challenges her. she likes it. and yh the whole silvia storyline doesn’t want her to go into to it and she tells herself that she can’t betray her friend like that and so on. but what do you do when someone you’re actually not keen on, gets to you in a good way? that’s eleonora struggle, her conflict. short intermission: i’m glad they didn’t make eva x silvia kiss each other’s faces off. if they don’t make one of them a lesbian/bisexual/, what’s the point? exactly. the kiss scene: i like that ele’s speech was cut short. it’s repetitive and edo doesn’t want to hear it. he’s hurt. obviously. it makes sm sense to me that he stops her. it’s been talked about how edoardo has been waiting for her for over a year. what about eleonora? i think she’s been falling for him for a while now, too. that’s why she runs and that’s why they don’t need any more words. it fits. i liked the thunder thingy touch. or whatever you call it heh. i thought it was done very well. maybe the rest is hella dramatic. not that the thunder thingy is not dramatic, you know, but some things are dramatic and some things are dramatic. anyway. i think the blurry take of the scene was a creative decision in the sense of that it was done in order to portray a metaphor which is that we aren’t able to see everything yet, because this is just the start of their relationship. we are looking at them through frosted glass. we don’t have all the details yet, and neither do they. the way it was shot certainly is growing on me. i like their happy faces. their smiles. they matched each other and it was wonderful to see. i like neck kisses so him kissing her jaw(-line) was *whistle noise* kisses in the rain are often cheesy. they are supposed to, i think. sometimes i like them, sometimes i don’t. i didn’t mind the rain in this one, it wasn’t as if it started raining on cue. scenes with rain involved also bear a metaphor and when it’s done right, it takes away the cheesiness of it all, or let’s say some of it, at least for me. rain usually means clearity, right? rain is essential to all living things. if it doesn’t rain, nothing will grow. and when it pours, it means it washes away your troubles, your negativity etc pp the rain in this scene probably wasn’t there just for the aesthetic (some say it took away the aesthetic. i think that’s something you can argue about), it was used, because it washes away eleonora and edoardo’s previous sins. if you want a dramatic appeal to it. it made them clean (again) and now they are standing naked in front of each other, because the rain got rid of their baggage, their dirt. ele had an epiphany on the dance floor that was long called for and she found clearity in the kiss under the rain. edoardo was defeated, he truly believed eleonora did not like him and after one long year of waiting, he gave up, because he can’t and he won’t pursue someone anymore who doesn’t want him. the rain washes away his sins, because eleonora accepts them now. she let down her guard and she sort of came down from her high horse. for edoardo it’s clearity because eleonora coming after him means that he didn’t imagine their connection and their banter. her clearity is his clearity. the rain implies that everything (for now) is settled between them. the coast is clear, so to speak. it means the start of their journey together. i admit that i didn’t care too much about their kiss that much at first, because i was still taken aback by eva and marti being harrassed and not seeing nico react to marti being hurt. and it’s not that we all have to like the same scenes or creative choices anyway. i don’t think the clip was bad because two massive things were happening. i don’t even think it was rushed. maybe that’s just me. with some clips you experience a rollercoaster of emotions. this one clearly was one of those. of course it’s absolutely okay not to like it or any other one. (or aspects of it). there’s still a lot to come this season and time for side storylines to develop. time for clarity and time for resolve. that being said, i know it would have been unrealistic for filippo to come to this party, but boy, did i miss him in that clip.
#skam italia#eleonora sava#eva brighi#martino rametta#eleonora x edoardo#martino x niccolò#who will even read this lol#and why am i posting this so late?#jsdfhaösdhf#alas that's not the point anyhow#skamit#cleaning out my drafts
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Nice try (but it won’t work twice)
It’s Whitetail Mountain time, and also time for Jess and Jacob to say hello.
Rating: T Word Count: 5.7K
Link to AO3!
As it turns out, earning Jacob’s attention doesn’t take much effort at all. A fact that the Deputy wishes weren’t the case.
The F.A.N.G. Center had been home to all sorts of creatures.
Not necessarily the fanged kind – cue Sharky’s audible disappointment – but it hadn’t been out of bounds to expect to see wolves, wolverines, and even bears resting and healing up within its walls. One bear in particular had been the singular draw, and Cheeseburger was as adorable as a full-sized grizzly bear with maximum mauling capacity could get.
With the cult in charge, its focus had been redirected. Repurposed for something much, much worse, if what she’d heard about the Judges was true. Wolves were dangerous enough on their own. Adding bliss to the mix was a possibility that she didn’t even want to entertain.
So, when Dutch had called in, saying that one of the caretakers of the place had been holding out, looking for help, Hana made a little detour. It hadn’t been hard to convince either Sharky or Hurk – the latter of which was just itching to dig into any kind of mayhem in general – and she pulled up on the outskirts of the center so the three could find a way in.
Just because said way involved rockets didn’t mean it was entirely a bad one, but it was far from quiet, and soon enough, the entire place was on fire, literally and figuratively.
When she wasn’t choking on smoke, or stomping out the flames threatening to climb up the leg of Sharky’s pants, she was trading fire with the handful of Peggies stationed there, none of which actually had Judges to back them up. That had been a small blessing in and of itself, and she gave the universe a mental high-five before digging for a spare stick of dynamite.
The rest fell into place after that, leaving the F.A.N.G. Center singed, but standing.
She asked Dutch to put out a call to see if they could get some people to the center to lock it down, and with that resolved, the three had settled in to wait for them.
There was one outstanding problem, however. Cheeseburger wasn’t on the grounds, and hadn’t been seen since he was released.
Cheeseburger’s caretaker, Wade, pointed them all in the direction of where Cheeseburger had run off to, not even fazed by the fact that an actual bear was on the loose. The cult had been interested in seeing what could be done with the animal, possibly by dosing it with bliss as well, and he’d let it go shortly before the center had been taken.
With that as the alternative, she found herself agreeing with him. She hadn’t seen any of the converted wolves yet, but a blissed out megabear did not need to be added to the mix.
Sharky and Hurk had opted to bear hunt, while she decided to hold down the fort. She made the two swear up and down that they would yell for her if things went south before leaving, and hoped like hell they would actually take her up on the offer instead of winging it.
The souvenir shop she hadn’t had a chance to visit while it was all intact and operating before, and looked better suited now to a spot from an apocalypse film. The work they had done to clear the place out hadn’t helped, but the wind was technically blowing the fires in the opposite direction of this building, so…at least it wasn’t going to add to the look.
Hana pushed the door open, listening to it creak as it swung inward. It was a small building, and most of the items on display had been scattered across the shelves and the floor.
There were the usual items, like t-shirts and postcards, but the stuffed cheeseburgers and teddy bears drew a smile from her as she walked past them. She came to a dead stop when she saw it, however.
The bobblehead stared back at her from its place on the shelf. The bear itself had a giant smile, one bordering well on goofy, and when she picked it up to get a closer look, nearly dropped it when it started to speak.
“You smell just like a cheeseburger! Yum!”
The voice laughed, and she shuddered. “Hello, nightmare fuel.”
That sound likely haunted many a small child’s dreams, and wasn’t just limited to the toys. The speakers outside kept on playing other recorded phrases on repeat, all of which followed a similar theme. For people aiming to bank on selling merch, they could not have done a more severe disservice to a beloved mascot.
She set the bobblehead down with the same care she’d use for fine china, and slowly backed away before moving on.
Nearby two wanted posters were hanging up on the wall. One for an Eli Palmer, and the other was torn, only leaving the bottom edge with the name remaining. That one was for Jess Black.
Figures Jess would be a total mystery. Dutch hadn’t described his niece’s appearance, and she hadn’t asked, so Hana was going to have to hope that if she did run into Jess without warning, she’d be able to introduce herself before the bullets started flying. Dutch had said she was up near the lumber mill which they had cut around to grab Hurk. Swinging back to check for her made sense while they were well within reach. The statue had been her driving goal for the last few days, but it could wait.
Eli, on the other hand, she could get a good look at. Or as good of a look as the image presented showed. The long hair and beard definitely gave off the great outdoorsman vibe, and she found it difficult to tell his age because of it.
So, this was him, eh? At least she had a face to the name, even if it wasn’t looking likely she was going to meet him any time soon, if at all.
Dutch had mentioned he was the head of the group giving Jacob the most push-back up here, the Whitetail Militia. Though, he hadn’t sugarcoated any of his words when it came to how well they were doing. Pressure from Jacob had come non-stop, and the long-standing endurance fight was one that had been wearing them down for a while now.
It was only a matter of time before the Resistance could kiss the Whitetails goodbye, so even if she couldn’t link up with them officially, she could at least take some of the attention off of them. That, she was getting to be quite good at.
“Still,” she mused, crossing her arms as she thought over the events of the day, “maybe you might wanna dial this back a little, eh? Guy’s not going to want to talk if you’re busy setting fires on his doorstep.”
“Deputy, do you copy?”
The radio at her side cracked as Dutch’s voice came through, and she picked it up. “Yeah, Dutch. I’m here. Everything okay?” If she had to ask, the answer was no, but she wanted him to confirm it first.
“Where are you right now?”
“In a room full of cheeseburgers, if that’s any clue.” She took a look around the souvenir shop again, her radio in hand, and crept over to one of the windows. “I’m at the F.A.N.G. Center right now. Why?”
“There’s been some talk on a few of the other channels about an explosion near there. Multiple.”
She winced. “You don’t say?”
“Bet I can shoot right between that gap in the bars, tagging both of those Peggies while threading the needle like a maestro.”
The gap in question she checked out with her binoculars, looking like a tight fit. “With a rocket?”
“With my one and only,” Hurk said proudly.
Sharky only served to back him up, standing right by his side as the three huddled close. “Cuz’ll get it. He’s a pro at this kind of shit.”
She thought it over for a grand total of ten seconds before saying, “Do it.”
“Uh, there might have been some noise. Maybe more than intended, but nothing was hit that didn’t deserve it. Should be quiet from now on.” She paused, considering both herself and the company she was currently keeping. “Quieter, at least.”
“Not quiet enough.”
That was not Dutch.
“Looks like someone is playing at being a soldier.”
This was not a friendly. Not when speaking with an edge like that, and that narrowed down the potential list of people calling her to one.
“So, that doesn’t get me a sparkling seal of approval from the man himself, huh?”
“No,” Jacob replied, the response flat. “You’re a problem. One that I’ve been told needs solving.”
When John had contacted her like this down at the Woodsons', he hadn’t dismissed her outright. Had even traded a few comments with her as she tried sniping at him right up until he mentioned sending people to get her.
Jacob was not John, however, and trying that same method with him was quickly looking to be a huge mistake.
“There’s work to be done, and what you are doing is counter to our progress. What threatens the Project, threatens us, and I don’t have time for games. There’s no use in running. You won’t get far.”
Only static filled the air after that. She stared at the radio for a few seconds, her finger hovering over the call button, and eventually cracked when no one else spoke up. “Dutch?”
“…ey! Kid, respond! Are you still there?”
“Yes.” The word sounded smaller than intended, and she cleared her throat before speaking again. “ETA on the guys headed here?”
“Last I heard, they’re about fifteen to twenty out. A group of Peggies tried to cut them off, but they’re still coming.”
Along with whatever Jacob was planning, and here she was, practically alone - short of having Wade nearby - swearing to herself next to a pile of teddy bears and burgers.
“Oh, this is bad. This is bad,” she muttered, giving the empty store a quick scan before holding the radio up again. She needed to call the guys back. Now. “I’ll figure it out. Just tell them that-“
A small, piercing sting to the back of her neck cut her off mid-word.
She slapped at the spot, hoping to swat the damn bug that had bit her. Instead her fingers closed around a small object. One that stung when she plucked it from her neck, and brought it in front of her face to examine.
A dart. A red dart.
“Are you fucking serious…?” she said, her words slurring.
She fell to the side, her sunglasses clattering on the tile below, and a set of hands grabbed her roughly before she could hit the floor. There were two figures in the shop with her, both with their faces covered, but their eyes exposed.
A disappointed sigh was the last thing that left her, as her eyes slid shut.
Hana’s eyelids fluttered, then closed.
She felt a flick to her shin, and she tensed, sucking in a breath through her teeth. “Ow!”
When she opened her eyes, the woman crouching down beside her backed up, one hand tucked close to the pockets of her green overshirt, and the other curled around a small knife.
Her hood was pulled up over her head, tangled dirty-blonde strands spilling out of it, and her eyes remained set on Hana as she watched her closely.
Hana slowly rubbed her hands over her aching leg, not wanting to drop eye contact just in case that would be the thing to set her off. Her legs were stiff, however. Unable to be moved apart.
When she glanced down to see what was locking them in place, she noticed the ropes, wound tightly around her ankles. The two were in an isolated spot, somewhere in the forest proper, surrounded by trees, and no other voices could be heard within range off them.
Slowly Hana raised her hands in surrender as the seconds ticked on, and tried not to let too much of her nervousness show.
“Don’t,” the woman said, rolling her eyes. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Says the woman with the knife.”
“I was in the process of cutting you loose. I saw you moving and thought it’d be better to let you know now instead of during, so you don’t fucking kick me.”
She noticed the large compound bow slung over her back, along with the words painted onto her clothes. All of them were a stark white against the green fabric, all of them roughly written, and as Hana took another look at her, she tried not to focus on how deep some of the scars on the woman’s face were.
“Thanks,” she said, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I think I owe you one, then. Sorry for being….well, me.”
“And who are you?”
“Oh, uh. Shit. I’m Hana. Or if you want to be formal, Deputy Vao, the asshole running around stirring up trouble.”
The woman gave her a curious look. “Deputy.”
“Yeah, Deputy.”
“Yeah, I did hear about some asshole of a deputy running around. Just not up here until now.” She leaned down and grabbed for the ropes, her knife glinting as they sawed through them. “Chatter’s scattered, but there.”
“Gotta love it when your reputation precedes you. And you are?”
“Jess. Jess Black.”
“Holy shit. Dutch was…he told me to keep an eye out for you here.”
“Did he?” She helped Hana unwind the cut ropes from her legs, and tossed them aside. “And here I was wondering if I’d ever get to meet you. He’d only been talking you up ever since this shit started. How the cult’s having a fucking crisis over just how much damage you’ve done, and that’s just the something we need more of around here.”
“Well, I aim to please, and anything that makes their lives that much worse, I’ll gladly do in spades. So, if you have any suggestions, name it. I meant it when I said I owed you.”
Jess thought it over for a few seconds, studying her face this time. Eventually she gave her a small nod. “I’ve been tracking patrols. Looking for any of Jacob’s pet Chosen that would report back to the Cook. I was following a new route, but saw the men dragging you back to the VA Center, and no one that goes in there comes back out. And if they do, not right. Not after hitting the Chair.”
“And here I was thinking I had shit luck.”
“Still was if they got you. He’ll try again.”
That was not something she was looking forward to, but for now she’d take it. “Of course he is. The Seeds really have a problem taking no for an answer, no matter who I’m talking to. …Who’s the Cook?”
Jess’s mouth twisted into a sneer. “He’s a twisted fuck. One that should’ve been put down a long time ago. Instead he’s here, playing into Jacob’s ‘cull the weak’ bullshit, and using it as an excuse to do things that-“ She took in a shaky breath, her hands shaking slightly, but on the exhale they stilled. “To do things to people that no fucking person would ever think they’re capable of.”
Hana shifted, watching as Jess’s gaze which had been locked on her not even five minutes ago, shifted to the bushes surrounding them instead. “All of those things are solid reasons,” she replied, crossing her legs under her. “What do you need me to do?”
“Just get me close enough to kill him. That’s all that matters.”
Jess looked over at her and snorted. “You don’t need much convincing, do you?”
“You saved my life, and the world could always use one fewer motherfucker in it, so…” That got her the briefest of smiles, and Hana couldn’t help her grin in return. “Yeah, I’m in.”
Hopping to her feet, she patted herself down, wondering what had been left on her, only to notice her bag resting nearby. The relief that hit upon seeing it was immense, and Jess sighed when Hana hugged the gear to her chest.
“They didn’t bother to remove it before dragging you along, so you got lucky.”
“Hell yeah, I did.” Kissing it would’ve been overboard, but as she went through it, she was tempted to. Especially when she found her radio, banged up as it was, but still intact. “So damn lucky.”
“Come on.” Jess tilted her head to gesture out towards the woods. “Daylight’s burning, and we need to head past the lumber mill before dark.”
“Hey, uh, Jess? You didn’t happen to see two guys wandering around close to the F.A.N.G. Center, by any chance? One in green, loves fire, but hopefully isn’t on fire, and the other leaning really hard into the whole ‘America, fuck yeah!’ theme?”
The next look Jess gave her stopped Hana in her tracks. “You were with them? No wonder Jacob was able to find and pick you up in record time. They’re like a herd of fucking elephants.”
“Hey, I’ll have you know they don’t set off every alarm.”
“Just most of them. You too, if I’ve heard right.”
Hana’s face flushed as she recalled just how big one of the explosions had been back at the F.A.N.G. Center, taking out the incoming trucks as she’d reached over to high-five Hurk. Jacob’s call had come not even five minutes before she’d been tranq-ed, and she’d been handling souvenirs for God’s sake.
They’d played right into Jacob’s hands, and lucky for all of them, she’d been the only one taken. If Jess hadn’t found her… God, where would she be right now? Would anyone have known?
Each thought that followed was worse than the last, and when Hana did finally reply to Jess, it was after letting out a long breath through her teeth. “Touche.”
“You want to radio them, go ahead, but if you want to do this, I need you quiet. I will not lose him again.”
“If I’m going to be honest with you, I’m kinda crap at the whole stealth thing too, but…I’ll try. I owe you that.”
“Good. Follow me.”
They had a lot of ground to cover. While the mill hadn’t been too far from the center by car, going by foot was a different story. Jess made it look effortless, cutting through any paths in the brush without interference, and didn’t let anything slow her down.
She, on the other hand, was a city kid. This was not her schtick, though Hana did genuinely think at times that she was adapting pretty well. Just not when she was forcing herself through bushes, and snagging herself on branches, while stepping on every brittle leaf known to man.
Jess told her to stay close, but distance did end up creeping between them. She would check back, throwing one hell of a dirty look at her when it seemed like she was going to get left behind, but there was no waving Jess on ahead.
The other woman refused outright, and Hana couldn’t argue with that either after the second time Jess doubled-back to find her. After being drugged and taken three times now – and counting - she couldn’t afford to be alone out here, no one could, and eventually Jacob was going to want to know where she went.
And she still hadn’t been able to get ahold of Sharky or Hurk. She’d tried radioing the two along the way, the signal unclear as she gave it a few solid smacks. It’d taken a beating, but hadn’t completely crapped out yet. At least, she hoped it hadn’t.
Shit, what if their radio was out? “Hello?” She let go of the button, then spoke again when no one answered. “Shurky? Hark? Whatever team name mash-up you two decided on, copy? It’s the Deputy. You guys still out here?”
Static came through, but she could hear voices as they faded in and out. This was bad. She’d try again later, but hopefully this wasn’t going to stick.
Jess stopped, holding up her hand.
She raised an eyebrow at her, but didn’t budge. A sound rose in the air, a howl, growing louder by the second until tailing off.
“Judges,” Jess drew her bow, and crouched down low in the grass.
Reaching for her rifle, Hana watched as Jess all but disappeared, blending into the woods surrounding them. A lump was growing in her throat, and she worked to swallow.
“-copy, roger-“
She slapped at the radio at her side, switching it off. Every hair stood on end as she turned in place, and when she heard the charge, heard the crashing through the brush it was almost too late.
Something quick flew past her, and she darted to the side, jumping clear of the spot where the large wolf would’ve pounced. With white fur, this wolf was larger than the others, its snarling jaws wide as it whirled to stare her down.
The handgun by her side was the quickest choice, and she fired, watching as the Judge shot forward, going for her. It was on her, it would reach her like this, and she tumbled back, screaming as she kept on firing.
Two arrows buried themselves in its side, and it cut away, leaving Hana scrambling back away from it. She didn’t wait this time. She saw the flash of white, saw the red streaked across its forehead and down its nose, and ran.
Distance. She needed something between her and it, other than air.
Her handgun tumbled to the ground, her fumbling making her miss her holster, and she grabbed for her rifle. Tucked it close, as she heard the animal bearing down on her with heavy breaths.
Turning now would be a mistake. Turning now with no clear shot would be a serious mistake.
A quick look over her shoulder told her what she knew. The Judge was there, white stained red, but it branched off from her, darting back into the bushes.
She skidded to a stop and fired, sending a full burst of shots into the woods. The howling stopped, cutting off sharply, but she heard movement still. Not just her own nervous pacing as she ducked behind a tree, her attention jumping to anything and everything.
She sucked in a breath, her heart hammering, and looked for Jess.
No answer came. In fact, the only sound she could hear now was her shaky inhale.
She broke into a run, getting up from her position only to scream in pain as something sharp drove into her left thigh. It sent her down to the ground, her mind yelling at her to move even as her body rebelled against her.
She twisted on the ground, trying to push herself up as she took in the arrow jutting out of her right thigh. An actual arrow, stuck deep.
The shock of it took a few seconds to sink in, but when it did, panic welled up fast.
Oh. Oh, fuck. So this is what happens when the tranqs fail.
Each stab of the metal lodged in her leg was agony as she moved, but after a few seconds, it was no longer as sharp. As present. She set her head down on the ground, her breaths slowing as she rested there, drifting.
She shouldn’t have. Knew she should keep moving, but just couldn’t bring herself to.
Her eyes were open. They were open, but there was nothing to see in front of her. Not at first. Only blurred shapes as she felt hands lift, and set her down.
Her head rolled as she leaned back in the seat she was placed in, her eyes trying to adjust to the dark. A light flashed, the image bright against the back of the room. It was almost too much to look at, but Hana let herself focus in on it, seeing the image for what it was.
Someone took her wrists in their hands, placing them one by one on the arms of the chair. The light behind them made it difficult to see who it was at first, and she held her eyes shut for a few seconds, before opening them again.
The realization of just who was standing in front of her hit hard enough to leave her gaping up at him, struggling to say something. Anything. “…Stace? Oh, God,” she whispered.
The bags under Pratt’s eyes were dark, his face drawn and thin. He was unable to focus on any one spot for more than a second at a time, and she winced when he strapped her wrists down tight.
This wasn’t the guy that had dropped a huge stack of papers on her desk in the middle of the day, telling her that the documentation was wrong and needed to be hand-corrected one by one. This wasn’t the guy that had called her Probie whenever she’d trip up on something basic and make a small mistake in front of Whitehorse. This wasn’t the guy that complained when she’d bought them all coffee one day only to remind her he’d asked for a damn latte instead.
This was another man. One that curled into himself to seem smaller, his hands trembling as he stared deep into her eyes, unblinking, as he withdrew. “You shouldn’t have come for me. You shouldn’t have.”
A voice was speaking, the words coming to her clearer now as she shook off the last of the drowsy feeling, but she didn’t turn her head towards it. Hana looked at Pratt instead, mouthing, I’m here for you, before trying her bonds. He’d locked them down securely.
The look he gave her in return he held for a few seconds before dropping his eyes to the ground. He backed away, clear out of view.
The whirring of the projector’s motor hit her ears then. As did two words. Weak. Soft. Neither of these things the voice spared his distaste for.
She took in the room they were in, the click of the projector drawing her attention as the image in front of her changed. She wasn’t alone. Others were seated as well, all of them restrained as they watched.
“…our heroes used to be gods. They did not give in to doubt. To let go of their ideals, when convenient. They did not lose what it meant to survive."
The owner of the voice took his place in front of them, still speaking, still facing away. He was wearing a camo jacket, marking him as either military or a guy set on copping the style as he paced forward, the bones of the animal on-screen now scattered across his back.
“These heroes, the ones we would follow now, are no gods. They are weak, feeble, diseased.”
But she did know this voice. Had heard it before, had seen a flash of this person before, and it wasn’t going to take her three guesses, let alone five to tell her just who this was.
When Jacob Seed turned towards them, he didn’t wait for them to answer, or to respond. Only continued as the images in front of them grew more violent.
“They use this power to guide us forward with no direction, the many, leading the few, but they forget what history has taught us. That sacrifices must be made.”
The wolf on screen was tearing at a fallen deer, its flesh coming away from the bone.
“That we must cull the herd so it stays strong.”
Hana counted the clicks, watched the slides change, and watched as Jacob turned towards her. He still spoke to the room as a whole, but it was different now. He knew where she was, and there was no hiding here.
“Over and over, the lives of the many have outweighed the lives of the few. This is how we’ve survived.”
The lights and images were distorted as he came closer. Every step, highlighting or hiding him until he was right in front of her, staring down. He was a tall man to start, but from her current position she felt so much smaller, her eyes wide as he zeroed in on her.
Her hands clenched into hard fists, her nails digging into the palms of her gloves.
“This, we’ve forgotten, but now the bill has come due.”
She’d hardly prepared herself when Jacob leaned down, and she felt the legs of the chair drag across the floor towards him. The burns were easier to see up close, the skin on parts of his face rougher and heavily scarred.
And as he intended, his eyes held her.
“With the Collapse, there can be no doubt. This time the lives of the few outweigh the lives of the many, and when they realize what they’ve lost, that this time there’ll be no one to save them from madness, hunger, or desperation, we’ll be ready.”
He let go, standing at his full height again. Her jaw unclenched as distance was re-established between them, but when he reached for a small box on a nearby table, she didn’t know what to do next.
“We will cull the herd.” He started winding a small lever on its side, attention still set on her. “We will do what needs to be done.”
It opened, and her whole body tensed.
Music played, the words to an old love song coming to mind.
She gasped at the sudden pounding in her head, at her response, and saw red.
Only red.
Only you.
She squeezed her eyes shut, only to feel the sensation recede as her senses went into overdrive. Opening her eyes, everything narrowed into focus. It was the same room, the same chair she had been strapped to, but they were alone now.
Her bonds were gone, removed from her wrists.
The wolf flickered on the screen in front of her, snarling around the viscera in its jaws. Seconds ticked by in her ears, the sound echoing in the small room as she stood up from her seat, rooted to the very spot.
What, what am I…?
A gun rested on the desk in front of her, and her heartbeat quickened, her attention on the two men still strapped to their chairs up front. They pulled at their bonds, and they came loose.
She stared down at her hands, watched as they trembled, and felt a pull. An urge.
Arm yourself.
They stood, whirling on her, guns raised, and the buzzing in her ears reached a fever pitch. Her fist shot out, punching one squarely in the throat. He went down as the other fired, and she tried to sidestep around him. The shot grazed her upper arm.
She gasped, pain shooting through her system, through her thigh as she placed her weight on it, and fought him for the gun, turning it on him. It went off, the flash blinding her briefly, but soon her vision came back, the edges of it tinged red. Only red.
Keep moving.
The room opened up, the doorway ahead leading to a hall.
She ran down the corridor, reaching for the weapon presented to her, her nerves on fire. She couldn’t stop. Couldn’t relax. Three men had the upper hand above her, perched high, all of them training their weapons on her. Only her.
Do it. Cull the herd.
Cull the- Pain lanced through her again, making her clutch her head. Bullets hit the barrier in front of her, and she pushed ahead once it cleared, climbing up towards those hiding there. They would get her. Find her. Hunt her down. Kill her.
She fired, again, and again, and again, listening for the voice. Waiting for it to let her continue.
The room changed, resetting her position in space. She took the offered knife, and continued through the maze.
She fell, clawing through the dirt as the person above fired.
Pushing up, she ran towards them and sank her knife into their chest. She repeated the motion over and over until they crumpled at her feet.
She stared down at her hands. At red, so red.
This was-what was she doing?
Her body quaked, sickness running through her.
It settled deep into her stomach, and she gagged.
Keep moving.
Sucking in a breath, she squashed the feeling down, spitting bile out onto the floor.
Up ahead she had to climb. To rise. A man slammed into her as she was standing up, forcing her to bring her knee up to kick him back. Her muscles screamed, but she couldn’t have them fail. Not now. Not while the clock was ticking.
She grabbed her holstered gun and dove in close, pistol-whipping him hard enough across the face for blood to fly. That didn’t stop when he hit the ground, and she let it go. Any measure, any degree of restraint.
It bled out through her limbs, through her body onto the floor. That wouldn’t help her. That wouldn’t save her.
Her hands were slick, a dark, deep red as she stood up and walked through the doorway, down the same hall she had traveled before.
This time she didn’t look down at them. She didn’t waver.
Ahead she needed to climb. She gripped the steps, pulled herself up as the clock kept on moving, kept on ticking.
Before her, was the end. Before her was the only path left, leading down a long chute.
She jumped, and didn’t feel a thing as she hit the bottom.
Hands grabbed at her chair. Righted her, pushing her up to sit.
Red flashed in her vision. The only thing that she could connect to before. To the room. To the chair. To the music.
She could hear people speaking. One, two, three. Maybe more.
A projector flashed in her mind, showing Staci, then Jacob. He held a box. A small brown box.
Why can’t she-
Her cough came out as a harsh rasp.
“Holy shit!”
She was dropped, the chair clattering to the ground, and her breaths came fast as her chest grew tight.
“-we’ve got a live one! Quick get her out-“
Why can’t she remember it? Any of it?
“She’s looking bad, hurry-“
She doesn’t know.
She doesn’t.
#far cry#far cry 5#deputy hana#jess black#jacob seed#fanfiction#fic series: you'll be okay I promise#Sharky and Hurk are here too just running off after Cheeseburger#and poor Pratt also has a moment#just not the best of ones#FC5 fanfiction
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Chapter 1
Another one of my works in progresses is realistic fiction (I think idk). I decided to post the first part of it Warnings: Swearing, child abuse, kidnapping, underage prostitution (doesn’t go into details), sexual comments
I tried my hardest to stay in this house. I really did. Everything was great. The dad cooked every day. He even packed me lunch. The mom didn't seem to like me a lot. She would really just ignore me which is fine. But there I was in the backseat of my social worker's car heading to god knows were.
“You were doing so well Val. They were even talking about adoption. You just had to go and ruin it.” Mr. Davidson looked at me from the front seat. They had mentioned adoption but I didn't think they were serious. No one wants to adopt a 16-year-old. Especially one that they called a “violent animal” after one fight. The mom even slapped me.
“I didn't even start the fight, that bitc-”
“Valentina,” Mr. Davidson warned. “The other girl almost had to go to the hospital. Just be lucky her parents didn't press charges.” No, they didn't instead, they got me expelled. She was faking half the injuries anyway. I only go to hit her twice.
I stayed quiet this time. I have to learn to stay quiet in front of Mr. Davidson. He could ruin my life in a second. My silence only lasted 10 minutes tho.
“Have you heard anything from Alex?” I tried to act casually. Like I didn’t really want to know, but really I would do anything to see my brother again.
“Not in over a year Valentina. Do you really believe he's coming back for you? He's 26. If he was going to get custody of you he would have done it by now.” I wanted to shout at him. To tell him he was wrong. But instead, my hands clenched harder around my trash bag. My nails made a small tear. There was no way Alex abandoned me. He was probably just in trouble again. That's what happened last time he disappeared for this long.
“Fine can you at least tell me where we are going?”
“A small town called Kibly. The family’s nice and the best I could do with the time I had.” I nodded. I'm not sure what I expected, this was a last minute emergency placement. They were never good. “If you get kicked out again I won't hesitate to put you in a group home. Do you understand?” I nodded once again.
An hour later Mr. Davidson parked the car. The house was small with only one story. One of the windows was boarded up with wood. The whole front yard was overgrown and had random chairs and broken shit was just thrown around. No, I couldn't do this again. Mr. Davidson was getting out of the car but I didn't move.
“Can I try my chances at a group home?” I asked only half joking. I'd rather go to a group home that another one of these houses. At least there I knew the rules and that they’ll have to feed me.
“Valentina, get out of the car,” he practically growled. I listened, clenching my bag to my chest. We walked to the front door and Mr. Davidson rang the doorbell. A few seconds later the door flung open revealing a lady probably in her mid-30s. She had blonde hair, but her brown roots were showing. Her skin looked orange from a fake tan. She was wearing a crop top, short shorts, and a choker. she also looked slightly high.
“Hello, Bella. This is Valentina. She’ll start school tomorrow and is already set up..” Mr. Davidson kept on talking but I blocked it out. At one point Mr. Davidson left and I was in the rundown house. The inside was just as bad as the outside. The entrance led to a living room, which had a beaten up couch, beer bottles all over the floor and trash on the coffee table. There was a nice enough looking TV but then I realized it was cracked and probably stolen. There might have been a computer on a desk in the corner but I couldn't see it with all the papers and trash.
“Listen, kid, your rooms the last door to the right.” Bella pointed to a short hallway that had four doors. “If I were you I would stay in there at all times. And don't disturb my husband, Henry. He should be in his way home from work with some of his poker buddies, and he doesn't like his games being interrupted.” I shrugged. I already knew the drill in homes like these, Listen to rules and don't show emotion. If you show any sign of resistance or wine in any way, well you might leave with a few bruises.
I went into the bedroom. If you can call it that. it might have once been a really small office space or a large closet. A twin size air mattress with a pillow and blanket threw onto it sat in a corner. That took up the majority of the room, only leaving a foot of space between the bed and the wall it wasn't touching. There was a window but it was one of the windows boarded up with wood. Great. I threw my trash bag onto the bed and sat down next to it. The air mattress sunk under me. My watch told me it was six. If I planned on going to school tomorrow I’ll need new school supplies. My old foster family didn't let me take any of the things they bought for me. I pulled on an old red hoodie from my bag and dug through to my emergency cash. I only had $30. I took ten even though that meant I wouldn't be able to get everything I need.
I shoved the money in my pocket and left the ‘room’. As I walked down the hall I heard laughter. Shit, the husband must be home. I poked my head to see if there was a way out. There where four men in the living room. I'd have to walk right past them to leave the house. I was about to slowly back up and see if the window in the bathroom opens, but I was already spotted.
”Hey Harry, whos the kid?” one of the men asked. I stepped out of the hall knowing that there was no point in turning back.
“That must be the foster kid. Bella’s friends a social worker. We get a lot of cash from her. Girl what's your name,” A guys, who I can assume is Bella's husband Harry, barked. He was swaying slightly in his seat and holding a half-empty beer bottle.
“Valentina,” I answered. I didn't make any eye contact but I tried to stand up tall and just walk past them. My back was turned to them when a voice stopped me.
“Where do you think you're going?” Henry asked when I started to move to the door.
“Look at that ass,” Another guy slurred after whistling. The others chuckled. I immediately turned to face them. I shoved my hands in my sweatshirt pocket and gripped the ten dollars. At least the sweater I was wearing was baggy and not revealing like the t-shirt under it. I tried to just turn around and leave again but someone grabbed my arm. It was Harry.
“I asked you a question bitch,” He growled right in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“I have to get school supplies,” I explained.
“We can give you some money,” one of the guys suggested.
“Oh yes all you have to do is entertain us a little,” another said. Harry seemed to like this idea since he smirked and pushed me into the center of the living room.
I left the house an hour later with five ones stuffed in my bra. I moved it to my pocket.
By some miracle, I found a Walmart after about a half an hour of wandering. The sun was already starting to set as I entered the store. I grabbed a basket and went straight to the school supplies. It was the end of the year so there wasn’t a lot of school stuff.
My basket had a small $7 backpack, 2 notebooks, and a folder. I had a pack of pencils in my sweater pocket. They were expensive okay. After tax, I should have a dollar left. It’s enough to maybe buy chips at school tomorrow. That might be all I eat if I don't have free or maybe reduced lunch.
The sun was probably setting outside and there was no way I could find a way back to the house.
Luckily I had a plan. My eyes searched the aisle until they caught a girl about My age a few feet away. She was gorgeous. I could only see half of her face but her skin was a beautiful dark brown and her hair was up in a bun. She could see that she is proudly wearing a rainbow bracelet. That means she’s either an “I love unicorns and rainbows” girl or gay. Judging by her flannel shirt and serious demeanor It's safe to assume the latter. Perfect. It's so much easier to flirt with a girl than with a guy.
I slipped off my sweater and wrapped it around my waste. I was wearing a tank top since it was hot earlier. It was wearing a crop top since it was hot earlier. That will come in handy now.
I walked over to where she was standing and picked up a pack of led pencils that were way above my price range. As I went to place them back I ‘Accidentally’ dropped my entire basket. The little stuff I had scattered across the aisle.
“Shoot,” I muttered, deciding not to swear so I can keep an ‘innocent damsel in distress’ look. Apparently, it worked because when I kneeled the girl did as well. She helped me gather everything and put it in the basket. “Thank you so much!” I tried to make the gratitude not sound forced. I’ve been told that I'm a scary good liar. I could feel her eyes on me, looking me up and down. I usually would feel grossed out, but I didn't with her.
“It’s no problem. I don’t think I've seen you around, and I usually know all the pretty girls in town,” she smirked and her eyes found their way back to mine. Wow, she really wasn’t holding back, and her voice was beautiful. My cheeks turned a slightly pink and broke eyes contact, instead looked at her lips while slightly biting on mine. All of this was, of course, part of the act. I never act this embarrassed when someone's actually flirting with me, well at least I never show it.
“Oh I just moved here,” I said quickly making eye contact and smiling.
“Are you going to Kibly High? If so I’d love to be the one to show you around.” she winked and moved closer to me. Wow, I know that I’m good looking but this girl is making things so easy. I didn't know what school I was going to but these towns small so there's no way it has more than one public high school.
“Yeah, I am. I’m a little nervous. I’ve never been the new kid before.” I've told this lie a million times. Always looking shy and sweet each time.
“Don't worry everyone is really nice,” she said inching closer. There was a small awkward silence. Shit, I had to think of something to say.
“If they are anything like you then that’s not hard to believe,” I said looking down at my feet with another fake blush.
“Well I can't promise that they are as nice as me.” she winked. I giggled. “I'm Mia by the way.”
“I’m Valentina, but you can call me Val,” I inched closer as well. I didn't tell her a fake name just in case we did end up going to the same school. There was less than a foot between us and Mia was looking down at me. I hadn’t realized how tall she was. I didn't look her in the eye instead, I stared at her lips while I nibbled on my own.
“Well, Val how about we get out of Walmart and go somewhere a little more... interesting.” Her voice was low. Our heads were so close and I thought she was about to kiss me, but instead of going to my lips her mouth was next to my ear. “I would love to be the first to show you around town.”
“Sur sure let's just um let's go and pay,” I didn't even have to fake the stutter. Why did I have to pick a hot one? It's going to be so much harder when she finds out half the stuff I said a lie. Mia backed away smiling at me.
“Of course,” Mia chirped as she grabbed my hand. “Do you have everything?”
Our lips were connected as soon as we were in the car. We didn't even bother with pretending we were planning to drive. Both of us were in the backseat where the windows were tinted. Mia’s knees were on either side of my leg’s while we kiss. It was one of the best make-out sessions I've ever had.
It didn't last long. After a moment the doors on either side of us swung open. I was ripped away from Mia. something cold was placed against my temple and a hand was over my mouth. I looked at Mia and saw a masked man holding her tight with a gun to her skull and a cloth to her mouth. Her eyes were getting droopy. The same thing was probably happening to me just without the cloth.
“We are going to take you to the van. Any resistance and I’ll shoot. Understand?” I nodded, my eyes getting watery. The man with Mia just picked her up since she was passed out but the man holding me practically dragged me to a van right behind the car. It was the stereotypical black windowless van. Great, I’m going to die. He shoved me in the back and got in himself. Once inside the car jerked forward. Mia was placed on the ground while my arms were forced behind my back. What felt like plastic was wrapped around them. I was then forced to sit next to Mia’s body. I could see her breathing so at least I knew she was alive.
#wlw#tw: alcohol#tw: abuse#tw: profanity#shoplifting#realistic fiction#But not really realistic#chapter 1#writing#making out#shitty writing#lesbian#i take constructive criticism#im trying#my writing#writeblr#excerpt#idk man#unorginal names#story#pls read#not very good#probably bad#like real bad#gay#foster care#novel#i'll edit this later#im scared to post this#oh well
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