psybuprofen · 29 days
guy who has url knightofthewind on here should put it up for auction. that's not against tos right
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Study for Mona Lisa
From the Collection of Mr Crowley.
Paul Kidby in the Terry Pratchett exhibition of HisWorld.
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phantom-ellie · 2 years
The Art of (Smashing) Crockery Chapter 17: The Day that the World Breaks Down
Summary: The Badmintons strike back. Stede is pushed too far. Can he unfuck his life now?
Click here for CWs/Full Chapter List
Stede enters Richard Wellington’s office in Human Resources for the second time this week.
“I really hope that I’m here because you’ve changed your mind,” he says, removing his jacket and taking a seat.
“About…?” Wellington doesn’t greet Stede, or even meet his eye.
“The complaint I filed?”
Wellington sighs. He looks like he wants to be anywhere else.
“You’re here because a complaint has been filed against you by… certain employees.”
Stede narrows his eyes. “A complaint? Who?”
“I’m not at liberty to say who.” Wellington clears his throat.
Stede rolls his eyes. “What is the complaint?”
“It’s about you and your assistant, Lucius Spriggs. There’s been a complaint that you two are… performing sexually explicit acts on company property.”
Stede bolts upright in surprise. “I’m sorry, what? No, absolutely not. That is ridiculous. This is retaliation, isn’t it? From the Badmintons?”
Wellington finally looks Stede in the eye. “Retaliation for what, exactly?”
“For the complaint I filed against them on Tuesday, you nut!”
“What complaint?” Wellington shrugs.
“What do you mean, what complaint? I was in here reporting them for sexual harassment, and this meeting is further sexual harassment-”
“There is no documentation of any complaint from you. We take harassment seriously here at BG&E…”
“No, absolutely not!” Stede stands up, furious. “I am not a frog in a boiling pot. At some point, I have to jump out.” It isn’t worth it, it was never worth it, why have I put up with this? Is my self-esteem really that low?
Willington lifts up the paperwork and straightens it out on the table. “Of course, there will be a full investigation-”
“You know it’s bullshit. You have cameras. I’ll save you the time going through them, or making up whatever bullshit you need to make up to discredit me. I’m out.” Stede grabs his jacket and heads for the door.
“I don’t think your father would appreciate-”
Stede whirls around. “Just what is your job,Dicky? What the fuck sort of HR is this? Are you my babysitter? My overseer? Is he watching through some sort of creepy camera?” Stede waves his arm around in fury. “Well, if so, I hope he can see this.” Stede flips Wellington the bird and waves the finger around with a flourish.
He leaves the office and heads for his desk, seething. And it’s true, he’s furious with his father and fucking Dick Wellington and all of the other cowards that have surrounded him all these years… but most of all, himself. For sitting in the pot for so long. For just dealing with it. For teaching them how he could be treated. No one deserves this.
His temper subsides when he reaches his own office and sees his friend sitting at the desk outside.
Lucius. Shit.
“How did the meeting go, babes?” Lucius asks, not even taking his eyes off of his phone.
Stede sighs.
“Lucius…” Lucius needs this job. Lucius has to pay the rent. Stede is leaving him to be eaten alive.
Lucius looks up at him.
“What happened?”
“I’m… so sorry. I’m… I’m writing my letter of resignation. I quit. I’ll explain everything off of company property.”
Lucius frowns and squints his eyes at Stede. Then he sighs.
“Oh thank god, this place is such a hellhole. Think you can write mine as well? If I go now I can meet Pete for lunch and never see this place again.”
Stede starts. “Just… like that?”
“Yes, just like that! Why would I stay at a place like this?! I only get one life, babe! Thank god I never unpacked my box.” He starts throwing office supplies into a cardboard box of trinkets and pictures with one hand while texting with his other. “Can’t wait to tell Pete! He bet that I’d last twelve days, and today makes thirteen!”
Stede watches in shock for a minute or so before quietly entering his office. He packs up everything he wants to take with him, a few mugs and photos and drawings. He spots the broken ceramic pieces of hisWorld’s Okayest Dadmug in his desk drawer. He scoops up the pieces and covers his desk with them, tossing his security badge among the shards. Then he ends his career.
This is my resignation from Bonnet, General & Electric. I am giving no notice. I am giving no explanation. I will see myself out via security. I do not consent to any further contact from any employee or corporate officer of this company. -Stede Bonnet PS: My assistant, Lucius Spriggs, resigns as well. He’s already left.  
He hits send and practically bolts out of the building with his box before anyone (father) can say a word to him.
Stede sits in his car outside ofBlackbeard’s Breakery. He sighs and picks up the phone, making a phone call he’d imagined for years.
“Hi, Mary.”
“Stede? Why are you calling now? Is something wrong?”
“No? Maybe. I… I resigned from the company.”
Silence on the other end of the line.
“Mary? Is that… okay? I couldn’t… I’ll explain everything later, but I just couldn’t do it anymore.”
“Stede… I’ve been wanting you to quit that job for years. It’s a miserable place full of miserable people.”
“I know. I’m… sorry I took so long to do it.”
“Are you okay? Do you want to meet somewhere for coffee? I have art class but I can cancel-”
“No, it’s okay, really. I’m fine. I’ll be home later. I need to figure out what to do about my assistant, Lucius. He resigned too and… I don’t want to leave him in the lurch.”
“That’s nice of you, Stede. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Mary? Do you think… do you think we can fix things? With…” He hears a sigh on the other end of the phone.
“We’ll talk about it later Stede, okay?”
Another call comes through Stede’s phone.
“All right, Mary, someone is calling and I have to pick up.” Stede hangs up and checks who is calling him. It’s his father. He sends it straight to voicemail with a sigh.
Someone taps on his car window and he jumps, almost dropping his phone into his lap.
“Hey man, you’re here early!” Wande smiles through the window. Jim stands behind him and gives a wave.
To be honest, Stede had completely forgotten that he’d invited them to Ed’s rage room this afternoon. In the whirlwind of Stede’s life-changing decision he had found himself here, ready to tell Ed everything.
But Wande and Jim seem like nice people. Stede is trying to make an effort to make friends.
“Hey, guys! Dudes! You both!” Stede says, rolling down the window. “I’ll be right in! I just… I just quit my job and I’m dealing with the fallout.”
“You worked for BG&E, yeah? Fuck those guys.” Wande holds out a hand and Stede shakes it.
“Bunch of assholes.” Jim mutters.
“I hope I didn’t fuck everything up… let me…” Stede looks down at his phone as he receives a text.
Edward Bonnet: Get back here right now. You don’t get to leave on a whim. I will not leave this, or you, alone. You will reach the level of competency I expect or I will drag you there.
Stede frowns.
Stede: Get fucked, you miserable old bastard.
He blocks his father’s number, and then goes through his contacts and blocks everyone his father could send after him. It’s the majority of his contact list. Gutting it feels like an exorcism.
The twelfth time Stede enters the rage room (not that Ed’s been counting, why is he counting?) it’s with a blush, flanked by friends.
“Stede quit his job!” The man yells, clapping Stede on the back.
“Stede! You did it!” Ed cheers back at him, a slight pang of jealousy at the fact that he wasn’t the first to know. Why would he be jealous? Stede has other friends. He doesn’t have to tell Ed everything.
“Hi Ed,” says Stede, “It was sort of on a whim? I came here straight afterwards.” He puts his hands on the counter and looks at them like he doesn’t know what to do with them.
“Finally got fed up?”
“You have no idea. I… that thing we talked about last time? That I asked for?”
“Ireallyneed that.” Stede looks around nervously. “I’ll tell you about it later, but…”
“Hi, I’m Wande! You must be Ed. Stede won’t shut up about you.” Ed shakes Wande’s hand.
Ed holds out his hand to the other person, who just gives a short wave.
“That’s Jim. They aren’t the talkative type.”
“Nice to meet you, Jim.”
Stede pulls out his credit card. “Whatever I asked for in the room tonight… I might need you to double it. I need to break… everything.”
Ed smiles. “You look like it.”
“Would you join us, Ed? It’s weird having you out here while we’re in there having all the fun.”
“I dunno, what if there are more customers?”
Stede rolls his eyes. “I have never, ever seen another customer in here. I’m starting to think this business is a front.”
Ed gasps. “Are you accusing me of criminal behavior?”
He hears a cough as Wande and Jim clear their throats. You’re flirting on main, loser.
“All right, I’ll come break shit with you, but you have to help me move it all in there.”
The four of them spend a few minutes carting in various breakable items. Well, three of them. Jim has their eyes fixed on a flier pinned to the cork board outside of Ed’s office.
“What’s interestin’ ya, mate?” Ed asks, noticing their distraction.
Jim rips the flier off the board.
“My Nana works here,” they say, holding it up. It’s a fundraiser for Los Robles Youth Home.
“Yeah, my friend Izzy does too. I put those up in case someone wants to send some cash to help out.”
Wande stops in the middle of helping Stede cart in a chest cooler. “You know Izzy Hands?”
“Yeah, he’s my mate. How do you know him?”
“Oh, uh… we lived there, for a bit. When we were teens.”
Ed smiles. “Small world, isn’t it? So did I. A bit.”
Stede shuffles awkwardly, clearly not wanting to butt in on the conversation. Ed decides to move past it.
“Let’s all get in the room, yeah? I bet we all have stories we can rage about.”
As they put on their safety gear and get situated, it’s clear that Stede and Jim have plans for their session.
“Jim’s going to teach me how to throw knives!” He says with a little too much glee. Ed grimaces, wondering if that’s a good idea.
“Hold on, tipo, you promised you’d work on my swing first,” Jim retorts, grabbing a baseball bat.
So Ed and Wande find themselves leaning against a back wall while their more… energetic friends proceed to swing bats and throw knives with abandon.
“Would the world really be improved by Stede knowing how to throw knives?” Ed wonders out loud. Stede shoots a glare at Ed and shushes him.
“You think I’m gonna stop Jim from doing what they want to do? I’ve been trying to keep them out of trouble foryears. It’s hopeless.”
“Clearly, if you ended up at Los Robles.” Ed crosses his arms. “I’m guessing Jim’s nana is the Nana Jimenez?”
“Yeah, one and the same.”
“I can’t believe she’s still working there. She must have seen so much shit.”
“Definitely. Especially from us. Almost everyone in our group of friends went through there, you know?”
“No shit?”
Stede steps back from watching Jim swing the bat and joins the conversation.
“Everyone? Including… Buttons?”
“Oh, no, Buttons just drives the van. Hey Ed, you know Buttons?”
“I don’t remember a ‘Buttons’. Must have been after my time.”
“Believe me, you’d remember him.”
Stede thinks for a moment. “I wonder if Buttons would benefit from a nice rage.”
“You never know, with him.” Wande looks over at Ed. “Stede said you play music sometimes. Got anything that’s… like… vibes?”
Ed looks over at Stede, who shrugs.
“I don’t know what that means.”
“Take requests?”
And that’s how Wande, Jim, Stede, and Ed find themselves taking turns with the sledgehammer to Mistadobalina by Del the Funky Homosapien.
When it’s time to leave, Stede pauses at the counter where Ed has returned to his spot.
“Ed… are you… was it okay? Being there? At the group home?” Ed feels touched that Stede is trying to listen to him, to connect with him while there’s so much going on in his own life.
“It wasn’t a bed of roses, if that’s what you’re asking. But I made a lot of good friends. A support system, you know?”
Stede smiles. “I’m glad you have that. I’m glad that you give back. I feel so selfish, all my problems are so-”
“They’re just different problems, Stede. You’re allowed to be human and have problems, even if you didn’t have what we had.”
Stede blushes again. “I know it couldn’t have been easy… but I feel a bit… jealous? That you all had each other. I could have… used a group of people like that, when I was young. I think I would have ended up happier.”
“I don’t know about that. It’s a rough life. You could have ended up in prison, on drugs. Dead.”
Stede nods. “Yes, you’re right, that was ignorant of me. I just feel like… there’s so much world out there that I’ve missed while I’ve been stuck in my own life. I’m glad I met you, Ed.”
“Sounds like you’re saying goodbye, mate.”
Stede scoffs. “Of course not! I’ve quit my job, I told my father to go fuck himself, I have the whole world ahead of me. Right?” He looks a bit unsure.
“That’s right. What are your plans now?” Ed bites his lower lip to prevent himself from asking for more time with Stede, more time in the rage room, maybe more timeoutsidethe rage room.
“I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it at all.”
“I was beginning to think that without your job you won’t have anything left to rage about.” Ed sticks his lower lip out in a pout, hoping that Stede believes he’s joking more than he actually is.
“Edward Teach!” Stede slaps his hand down on the table. “I will never not have something to rage about! My life is still in complete shambles! And anyway,” he continues with a smile, “I have some free time in my future. We can get out of this strip mall and have some adventures of our own, you know.”
Fuck, he sounds so suggestive saying it like that.
“We’ll see, Bonnet. We’ll see.”
Except from blog Hear Something Weird: This is a song for when you have completely imploded your entire life. Not that I’ve done that, no sir. I’m just an anonymous man on this anonymous blog, no life to implode. But if I had made giant split-second life-changing decisions, I might listen to something like this. In theory. Maybe. The Day that the World Breaks Down - Ayreon Comments: BasicallyGayJesus: is this why my boyfriend doesn’t have rent money all of a sudden HearSomethingWeird: I gave ‘Lucy’ 6 months of rent money! What did he do with it? WandeRection: probably spent it all on condoms and cropped jackets LucyFlawless: um it’s called a group chat for a reason, keep your sass there please TheRealWande: Grats man! Also @WandeRection can you change your damn name already? He’ll think you’re me. HearSomethingWeird: Wait… which one of you is you? TheRealWande: I am me! That is Frenchie! WandeRection: Don’t listen to him, m8. I’m the real one, promise.
Chapter 18
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needlcssgone · 3 years
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✂   Quite the intrusion this was, really. But perhaps it was too much to expect compete privacy in public, even if it was the dead of night. The body of a woman who appeared dead laid at his feet, Jizabel turned on his heel to face the stranger.  He’d never seen this person before but he didn’t let this intimidate him at all. After all, death was his job. 
“Good evening.”  A polite greeting, as if there wasn’t a body just behind him on the ground. To him, at least, it was normal.  “Does it not seem odd to be wandering alone at this hour?” 
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miiscreants · 3 years
❝ i need to know that i can trust you. ❞ ( for illuso~ )
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✧  ———  How  could  they  ask  trust  out  of  him  if  they  haven’t  earned  his  first.  Illuso  (  within  his  own  right  )  was  an  untrusting  man,  a  lifelong  jump  from  street  to  street,  fearing  having  to  go  home  every  night.  
                  Heart  emotionally  aching  as  his  skin  blistered  into  shades  of  purple  and  blue,  eyes  red  with  cheeks  stained  from  the  tears  of  pain.  That  fear  forced  him  to  commit  petty  crimes  that  soon  after  turned  to  having  his  hands  and  face  painted  sanguine.  Living  a  life  in  the  shadows  with  only  his  reflection  to  console  him.  
                  Finding  himself  standing  in  front  of  someone  who  was  promising  him  something  he  wished  to  have  all  his  life.  It  was  too  good  to  be  true,  but  his  heart  and  soul  was  craving  for  that  promise  of  ending  this  melancholy.  A  sickness  that  went  beyond  sadness.  He  wanted  to  feel  again.  
                  ❝    How  can  I  earn  it?    ❞
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mortularchive · 3 years
@hisworld  ∕  ☠️
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“Yer, uh... Yer not gonna actually try ‘nd kill me, right?”
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zendarenn · 5 years
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I'm not crying. You're crying. Something I made is in an actual book about one of my heroes. #crochet #discworld #SirTerryPratchett #HisWorld https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFZNioDbQy/?igshid=1b8x8vc0ota31
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jx8bitchannel · 6 years
His World - Super Smash Bros. Brawl [8-Bit, VRC6]
Happy Valentin Day!
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triforcedelgeezy · 2 years
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Making a post about the @cosventureous Sonic shoot this coming Sunday. Starts 4pm-7pm at the Bethesda fountain. That's where I do most my group shoots last year on that location see you haven't seen the area the first time. Passing on to everyone even though I'm recovering from CPAC and @puchicon and my next con is @animeboston next week. Hope I'll see you there. #njcosplayer, #sonic2movie, #sonicheroes, #segacosplay, #sonicmovie, #dreggman, #shadowthehedgehog, #hisworld, (at Bethesda Terrace and Fountain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdyaUpirHLw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beatgod · 3 years
@hisworld​    ★
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        ❝ Don’t come  any  closer.  I mean it. ❞
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alvcrd · 3 years
@hisworld​ continued from X
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"Oh, you should know. Vampires are ALWAYS thirsty." What a strange thing, this vampire was. How interesting!! He moves faster than any human could ever hope to, and Alucard takes the hit with a grin on his face. He's no stranger to being ripped apart, and bloody maw opens with laugher.
"Good," he managed through his ripped but rapidly healing vocal chords. "Perhaps it will serve as a deterrent."
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yuriinne · 3 years
❛ It’s not so important who starts the game, but who finishes it. ❜
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☆    ———  Lily  had  set  down  the  vintage  tea  cup  on  top  of  the  equally  old  table,  grey  orbs  followed  the  shadow  that  stood  in  front  of  her,  only  being  illuminated  by  the  moonlight  that  broke  through  the  blinds  of  the  dark  abode  that  Dio  called  home.  
                          (  ‘So  this  is  a  game  to  them  then.  I’m  merely  their  latest  player  in  this  labyrinth...’  )
                    She  was  now  gambling  this  game  with  them,  a  game  that  she  didn’t  start,  that’s  for  sure,  and  she  was  'too  deep'  in  this  now  to  back  out,  so  all  she  had  to  do  was  place  her  next  pawn  pieces  carefully  if  she  intends  on  finishing  this  alive.  What  swam  around  in  her  mind,  was  Dio  was  only  doing  this  for  their  own  amusement.  
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                  ❝  So  do  you  plan  to  finish  it  all  the  way  to  become  the  victor  then?  Are  you  rooting  for  my  demise?  ❞
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carnagefacade · 3 years
“ What are you doing here? “
to say he went unnoticed was an understatement; espionage & infiltration were as simple to blacklight as breathing, & likewise, it took senses as superb as his own to even notice him. enveloped in the flesh of another from his approach, the virus stalked among the cattle, his barren chest void of their life-filled thrumming, eyes focused on where he needed to be as opposed to where he was : to the chambers of the one with eyes & ears everywhere. as he pressed past those unassuming walls, the soles of his shoes shifted, padded in order to muffle the sounds of his own heavy steps & neither the scent of the living nor dead betrayed the presence of the breathless construct.
vigilant were the cultists, yet ultimately fell along the ranks of livestock all the same ; had he felt so inclined, there would be less scouts so much as hollowed corpses, but blacklight disregarded them as irrelevant. the whereabouts of their so-called god during the hours of the day were common knowledge, & they only amassed to hear their ‘gospel’ after nightfall. so he stalked, quietly : faux skin keenly aware of the finest changes in the wind. 
mercer came across a door : grand, stylized, & reeking of vanity in an otherwise lavish monument to self-importance. it was nothing out of place, yet held an abundant presence nonetheless. the informant he consumed recognized this door well, home to her master, so blacklight let himself in.
❛ what are you doing here ? ❜ came the sound of honey : voice of the preacher spreading their own self importance like a plague, twisting the minds of the gullible or crushing the unfortunate underneath crooked heels. this dio was rank, causing blacklight’s nose to scrunch in distaste simply from hearing the self-proclaimed god speak, surprise poorly masked beneath pointedly decided apathy. to them, blacklight was a brief intruder to their perfect world, yet a moment later was merely a particularly interesting annoyance.
if his perceived worth was of any importance, he may have put more bite into his next words, yet blacklight merely crossed his arms & glared at the self-proclaimed god, silver gaze glowing in the low light. the virus was vastly different in presentation : whereas dio saw need to show others their godhood, it was the work of men blacklight had never met whom decided he should be coded zeus, king of the gods. blacklight, however, believed if gods were real, it would be his nature to devour them all as opposed to ruling. perhaps this dio would be the first ?
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❛ all this talk of being a god & you don’t know ? ❜ voice came gravely & flat, cold eyes projecting the same apathy towards the golden clown. perhaps this god would be delighted to know it was pure boredom which led this monster to their door, that they were nothing than a pitstop. ❛ i’m disappointed. ❜
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rabbitprose · 3 years
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𝟓 𝐖'𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.   /   “ Who cares? “   /   @hisworld​
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                            “––––you  sound  so  beaten down  –  there  are  many  things  within  life  worth  caring about,  you  know!” there  was  a  clap  together of  his  hands, before  he  gestures to  the  world  around  him,  “–––the  flowers that  bloom,  the  birds  that  sing,  the  sun  that  shines–––”  the  sun,  of  which  he  could  never  feel  the  warmth  of  again.
“–––not  to  mention  the  people,  with  beautiful  hearts and  beautiful  souls... perhaps  my  answer to  your  question is,”
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“–––i  care.”
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miiscreants · 3 years
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( @hisworld​ ) / ( continued )
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✧  ———      (  ‘But  I  am  a  giving  god,  a  loving  one.  Shall  you  pray  to  me,  serve  to  me…’    )  
                    They  have  heard  his  confession,  his  darkest  secret,  and  didn’t  judge  him  for  it.  Instead,  they  offered  him  solace.  Illuso’s  chest  pounded,  paced  in  such  a  manner  that  it  was  difficult  to  not  notice  how  it  put  a  halt  in  any  movement  he  had  in  his  body,  standing  solid,  cold,  and  tranquil.  The  carmine  that  shined  through  half  lidded  orbs,  utterly  fixated  on  Dio,  their  charm  had  completely  engulfed  him.  
                    The  space  between  them  so  infinitesimal,  delicate,  that  if  he  dared  to  respire  it  could  shatter  the  moment.  The  corner  of  his  lips  trembled  as  they  pulled  upwards  into  a  faint  smile.  
                        (    ‘I  can  grant  your  prayers,  I  shall  not  neglect  you.  I  will  be  here  to  be  your  heavenly  gate.’  )
                    ❝  My...  prayer  is  to  feel  utter  bliss  and  never  come  down  from  the  euphoria.  Rebirth  of  my  decayed  soul...❞  
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muddyramcowgirl · 6 years
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#realmen #realwomen #hisworld #herworld #onlywoman #onlyman #howtotreateachother https://www.instagram.com/p/BlABMaDHhC-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pwabh7o922q
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