#historical war
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rrcraft-and-lore · 6 months ago
Something I don't think people realize about historical weapons and...should be considered in fantasy.
...a properly shot stone from a sling can generate 100ft lbs of force and rival a javelin or spear.
And they go farther...
Shepherds had only slings for ages.
They do require amazing skill, but when it's all ya got in the backwoods....you get damn good.
There are recorded quotes from conquistadors that Incan slings were chipping, even shattering, some swords. You take that to the upper 1/3 of your skull? Rip...
David beat Goliath because he brought a 9 mil. To a sword fight.
Now bows overtook the sling because it's an easier skill gap to close than mastering a sling.
Easy? No..still takes practice.
Easier? Yes.
You can also get off more shots quicker, and then when you're mounted??? The Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire, has entered the chat.
But, yeah, slings are gnarly. They're cheap. Effective.
And rocks...well, ammo is everywhere.
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motherofplatypus · 6 months ago
[Original video. Downloaded for easier access.]
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byjove · 2 years ago
American trans men prior to the mid 20th century were like. I’m going to get into shootouts with the sheriff. I’m going to date 5 women at once. I’m going to drive a stage coach at 60 mph. I will be a menace to society. And I will be so sexy and cool while doing it.
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l0uisebrooks · 5 months ago
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Reese Witherspoon in ‘Vanity Fair’, 2004.
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burningvelvet · 10 months ago
Gentlemen’s Regency Era Portraits
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lionofchaeronea · 28 days ago
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Men of the 369th Infantry Regiment, informally dubbed the "Harlem Hellfighters," pose for a picture. The Hellfighters were initially part of the American Expeditionary Force sent to fight on the Western Front in WWI. In April 1918, due to racist attitudes among the American high command, they were separated from the AEF and assigned to the French 4th Army. Fighting under French command both in the trenches and in the open field, the Hellfighters distinguished themselves at the Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. Their continuous six-month deployment was the longest of any American unit. Following the armistice, the French government awarded the Croix de Guerre to 170 members of the Hellfighters, including all nine men pictured here, for courage in combat.
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tilbageidanmark · 6 months ago
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Palestinian resistance fighter reading “Quotations from Chairman Mao”, 1969.
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vyunok-obyknovenniy · 1 year ago
Get ready with me to build a giant wooden horse
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Did I just spend 3 days drawing that eyeliner meme? Yes. Yes, I did.
I'm very late to this year's inktober but nevertheless I'm here))) I decided to combine the official prompt list with the classicstober here, specifically prompt 15 - dagger and prompt 20 - Odysseus. I don't know, if I will draw any other prompts, but this one was fun and I hope you like it :)
The dagger was based on Mycenaean daggers in the national archeological museum in Athens and some Mycenaean dagger reproductions I saw, the scene depicted is Odysseus hunting Athena' boar. I hc this dagger was either a gift from Athena herself or from Autolycus, I haven't decided yet.
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rrcraft-and-lore · 11 months ago
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Eclipses have long held celestial/mythical importance and awing power in mythos and cultures across the world.
They are an event that literally have their own mythology - reasons for why they happen throughout ancient civilizations and the stories are wondrous and awesome.
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seashoreships · 3 months ago
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couple goals amiright
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katerinaaqu · 4 days ago
Odysseus’s ship
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(Courtesy of the page people.hsc.edu)
Lo and behold the Penteconter a ship that has 50 oarsmen which most likely is a strong candidate on the ships used by the Greeks at the bronze age. (Known from other writings like Argonauts as well)
This type of boat has 50 oars (25 at every side) and a single mast and a sail. The sail was playing auxiliary purpose (the oars were still needed). So the ship was including 50 oarsmen, one navigator and a captain (roughly 53 people per shift) perhaps we can expect a few more people per ship if there is a change of a shift. We also do not count slaves and livestock.
So we expect that Odysseus started the trip from Ithaca to Troy with a crew somewhere between 625-725 people and counting the bare minimum losses at the trip more or less we get to have the people that oar back home. You can imagine also how tired his men were at the final parts of the journey when we expect the oarsmen were not sufficient even to row the boat (if they were less than 50) and they could not change the shifts
Honestly I understand why they wanted to stop at the island of Helios despite the fact Odysseus told them not to.
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galactic-rhea · 4 months ago
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First. || Second
Empire strikes back
Ah yes, finally I made the next part of this awful thing. I lost a lot of energy for it after i lost the work of several pannels and had to start from zero, but hey, here it is.... :]
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seeker-of-peace · 1 year ago
A death toll higher than the Nakba and people have nowhere to run to this time. That so called ceasefire is not a ceasefire, it's just a means to make Israel look merciful in the eyes of the hypocrites. Give the land back to palestinians and free them from this dictatorship and genocide
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katabay · 7 months ago
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some. kind of idea. I might try and tackle next year. tragically, I need to do research on the medieval economy lmao
the first knight is the youngest of the pair, eager for war glory. the priest is thinking of murdering him on his return. the eldest brother is thinking of deserting the army en route for a coastal fishing village where no one will know his name.
the statue with all the swords is our lady of sorrows, traditionally fashioned with seven swords. I've decided to do three on each side and the seventh held in front instead of the usual 3 on one side and 4 on the other split I see so that it matches that other panel's sword/hand position :)))
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / insta / tip jar!
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lostmementomemori · 4 months ago
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Allied soldiers mocking Hitler (Balcony of the Reich Chancellery, 1945)
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nicoleisttraurig · 2 months ago
Today I wanted to share one of my favorite historical figures with you.
This young man's name is Sergeant William Henry Johnson. Commonly known as Henry Johnson, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions on the night of May 15, 1918. While defending French lines, he saved one of his men from capture, and blocked a German raid from advancing to his French allies. Johnson became one of the first Americans to be awarded France's highest award for valor, the Croix de Guerre avec Palme.
Sgt. Johnson died in July of 1929, due to his 21 injuries sustained during the war. He's buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
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