#his younger self would be appalled
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Know what's been haunting me? And my Yandere loving brain?
What if... an SI-OC? Fffffucked UP™?
Like? STRAIGHT up "....Oh No. I have? GRAVELY miscalculated."? Cause? And I'm probably wrong here, or forgetting nuisances, but? Dooku? Left the order and began his Fall? NOT because he disagreed with the vast majority of Jedi philosophy... but?
Because of what the Jedi had BECOME.
Senate attack dogs. Indentured servants. Following NOT the Force or their Orders Mandate, but a mere GOVERMANT. Politicians. Straight into ruin and slaughter no less! It was vile. Corrupt. A perversion and degradation of HIS beloved Jedi Order.
He was proud and filled with grief, isolated. Palpatine chose well.
But! He was ALSO a Master Jedi with DECADES of Mastery under his belt. You do not become that with out clear vision of what you want. Who you ARE. And Dooku? Very CLEARLY planned on winning. Killing Sidious and taking his place. An unfortunate necessity, really. In his Grand Plan™.
Start over, obviously.
Instead of just leaving and starting a NORMAL Religious Schism, building a temple on Serrano, and publicly calling his old Council members lil bitchs. Slap fighting in the town square, as is traditional. Maybe sending pass aggressive notes back and forth in the hands of increasingly spoiled Padawan, because OUR temple at least FEEDS these POOR WAIFS. Etc etc?
Dude went the SITH route. Of... you know... "kill everybody".
Bit extreme. Just saying.
However! Dooku? Not well! In fact, DEEPLY unhinged and masterfully hiding it! Because he is, in fact, a MASTER jedi! And know how to fucking DO THAT. So that slow creep of Deepyly Crazy? No one sees it. Gives ya time to miss the countdown to Boom, as it were.
Which leads to our dearly beloved SI. She? Is a well meaning IDIOT. She can't help it. It's the Force, man. All that feel good juice, clogging up her brain! Making her? Optimistic! Vaguely perky! Wanting to see the GOOD in people!!!
Disturbing, she knows. But it is what it is.
And MASTER Dooku? Feels? Stern but warm. Stalwart. Like one of those ancient trees or great temples in a quite moment. Old and powerful, not necessarily KIND, but certainly not UNKIND. Just... fussy, you know? Proper. Collected and self contained. Doesn't like messy and dirty and needless noise.
So... what's an itty bitty Crecheling to do? To stop this Respected Master from falling? Well... Yoda seems to think "babies" works? And SHE is Baby...
Better scrub down so I'm EXTRA not "why are all children so... sticky?" and make my self look as presentable as possible. Then? Plan: Stalk the Respected Master Dooku Like A Duckling is a GO~! Yoda finds this INSTANTLY hilarious. Starts feeding her insider information (One of his many, later Great Regrets).
Dooku likes THIS tea. Meditates in THIS garden. Ask him about THIS subject, no one listens to him rant about it, he'll enjoy lecturing you about it for HOURS. She actually learns quite a lot! Man's a good teacher. And SHE? Is a dutiful, polite, thoughtful, shining young paragon example of what he feels the Jedi SHOULD be.
She LISTENS. Unlike his foolish peers. She tries to better herself, day by day, instead of running around screaming and playing in mud. Asks after etiquette from the courts he's traveled too, so she does not offend in the future. Does not react with blind disgust to questions others would deem heretical!
Instead? SHE comes from a JEDI place of approach with compassion and consultation of the Force. What creates the most GOOD? How can we strive for the kindest, most ethical, most equal social possible? What brings the universe the most Light? Where do OUR duties end and the duties of OTHERS begin, and when is it time to call them on their failings, should there be any?
It is? Delightful~ if he were not already committed to his path, he would seriously consider taking her on as a Padawn. Like the Granddaughter he never had. In FACT? He is conflicted. While he does not wish to lose the bright little light he has become so accustomed too? He should probably do what is best for her.
He IS leaving after all. Eventually. Perhaps after Qui-Gon finally knights his own padawn. He can convince the man to come with him. A talk between them has been so very, very long overdue. And the man is like a son to him. Young Obi-Wan is a fine young Jedi. Upstanding and collected, could use a bit of tempering. Outrageous flirt. It would be hilarious.
It's a good plan.... right up until it isn't.
Until the Council's BLINDNESS lead his SON to dying alone. For Sidious little games. And the place in HIS chosen lineage is USURPED by some WHINY SAND COVERED BRAT who can not CONTROL himself! No. NO.
Absolutely Not.
As far as HE is concerned? HIS lineage? Goes him, Qui-gon, Obi-Wan, and then SI-OC. No Sand Brat. Is he spiraling? Oh yes. Has been for a while. But now? NOW someone just kicked out a major support beam. The building is a'shaking. SI-OC is worried. Knows this could make or break his Fall.
Doesn't realize that ship has sailed LONG before she arrived.
Jedi Master's do not Fall over night. It is the slow erosion that kills them. Death by ten thousand cuts. He was already thousands deep. Bleeding and bleeding, beyond her abilities to heal. Yoda could have changed things. He is a Master. But a mere Crecheling? An untrained child? No. She stood no chance.
Does not realize that, as she stands in the heart of the storm. The center of the bear trap. As composed Master Dooku grieves and rages, hair disheveled and robes a mess. No, he can not come to the comm right now. No, he is not taking visitors, thank you. Please, Master Dooku. Please! Drink some tea? Eat? Something. Anything. I beg you.
It is a focal point. An anchor to cling to, in that great Fall. As SI-OC fusses with blankets and music that might help, pressing her small and fragile light against his shields like a comforting weight. As though trying to protect him from the pain. As though ANYTHING could protect him.
Sits with him, in remembrance.
Comes with him, to the funeral.... where stands the sand brat. At HER Master's side. As though enough has not been stolen. How dare he? How dare THEY? To allow this!? Hatred festers. Rage. The mania that Darkness brings. He sees now. Ooooo ho ho, does he now see.
The Order has become Rotten. It cannot be saved. The Jedi have lost their way.
The old must be purged... and they must begin again.
It's all so CLEAR now. So simple. The path forward. Its so obvious now, HE is not leaving, oh no, THEY are leaving. It would be madness to leave a vulnerable Crecheling in such unfettered corruption. Exposed to the nonexistent mercies of Sidious and his ilk. Not to mention, Force knows what filth they'd attempt to stuff in her head behind his back!
Knight Kenobi is an adult. Can comport himself and defend his person. SI-OC can not. She is just a youngling. Should have BARELY been a padawn. But... things have changed.
SI-OC fall asleep, comfortable and certain she is perfectly safe, in MASTER Dooku's apartments. Just another Tea Time and obscure Force Philosophy lecture. Maybe some hands-on etiquette lessons. There are many, MANY different ways to take tea. And... man... the room is so cozy. Always so comfortable and tastefully inviting. Warm an... an snoozy... feelin... *thunk of a small child falling over, dead to the world*
Drugged? Sleep suggestion? Soothing bedtime tea? Yes. Yes, he did. She stood literally negative chances. He scoops up HIS granddaughter and leaves droids to pack the rest. Tucks her under his cloak. No one thinks to even check. Who would? He is trusted. Respected. It is well known how he dotes upon the child. Old age has softened him, some jest.
The dangers of attachment indeed. But it is not HIM who is in danger. It is HER who his attachment endangers. Because he can not let go. WILL NOT. Because it can crossed from caring to obsessive. Possessive. To mine, mine, mine.
Children are not property. Not toys or trophies. Teddy bears to squeeze until your hurt stops. They are living, breathing, entities in their own right. Which is something a JEDI would be able to accept. The SITH? No. No, see, his Great-grandpadawn is HIS. This is HIS family. HIS Jedi order. HIS plan to "fix" everything.
She done fucked up.
She wakes up on a ship to Serrano with COUNT Dooku.
His... his eyes turn Interesting Colors now. Ha ha... she is... staying Very Calm. It is REALLY important to stay VERY calm. No sudden movements. We Do Not startle the Darksider! Eeeeeeverones FRIENDS here! R-Right?
Oh of course. Nothing to be worried about, dear. You're just going to his Manor until the NEW temple is finished. (Neat. Terrifying. So, SO many horrifying parts of that sentence). And SI-OC? Pulls the good ol "never argue with the crazy person with a gun" technique. Smile and Nod! Mmmmhmmm! G-great! Can't wait!
(Oh god, help me)
War breaks out. She's on THE Separatist planet. But not? Before crazy grandpa? Has hired bounty hunters to find him force sensitive kids. You know, for the NEW Jedi order. Because we're all pretending here. Smile and nod, fellow hostages. For the love of the Force, smile and nod.
She's not entirely even certain half these children were from families that WANTED to give them up. It makes her sick to think about.
She still has to have Tea Time. Because she, a child, is the HEAD of the New Order. And he has decades of Jedi knowledge to impart. Also? Lonely and fixating. We're a happy family. Because I say so and have hostages. That's why you love you, don't you dear? *SI-OC with a wide, terrified hostage smile* mmmmhmm!
The Jedi? Have figured out what happened. Crecheling mysteriously disappeared at the same time a Count Dooku? They originally thought she tried to follow him. Got lost or grabbed by slavers. But now... NOW? Oh Force they know they horrifying truth. The Darksider stole a CHILD.
Everyone remembers SI-OC. She was the sweet little duckling. Well behaved and polite. A kind child. Worried for Count Dooku. And now look at what's happened?! The CIS is trotting out the "head" or their "new order" and it's their lost Crecheling. Now a teenager. Terror in her eyes and a fixed jedi smile.
The Creche Masters have to be physically dragged away from stealth ships. (They're just going to talk! They're jUST GOING TO TAL-!!!) Plo Koon is fucking HELPING and that's NOT helpful! No, your commander do NOT have "a point"! You can not do just a "little bit" of murder as "a treat"!
A certain Quinlan Vos? Never heard of him, of course, rocks up to this New Order with a smoothie. Has betrayed the OLD order and the Republic. Definitely for realisies and not because he's here to spy! Heeeeey, kiddo. How you holding up?
Answer? Oh THANK GOD, AN ADULT JEDI! Halp! Followed by gross sobbing. So... you know... not GREAT. Wouldn't recommend it.
But! The INTEL. Sweet holy shit, kid. Chips. Palpatine. Dooku behind the Clones. Everything ELSE she's quietly been noting down. Uuuuh, yeah. Yeah that WILL be... real useful.... Holy shit. No, seriously, give him a second. Just like that? Huh. Didn't even have to convince you. Wow. Okay.
Well then! Let's fuck over some Sith!
How the Shadows go about it? Probably very action movie and nail biting. High octane. Sweet big budget cgi effects. They get the De-chipped clones involved. Fox gets to finally, FINALLY shoot his boss. Never a happier man. He deserves it.
But that's not important. What IS? Is Quinlan Vos? Showing up to the Temple, with a burger and smelling strongly of smoke, and like.... over 450 force sensitive younglings, teenage and below. And probably a litter of tookas. Because what? Were they supposed to LEAVE them?
She takes One(1) step into the temple and gets hit with like? Three generations of Guilt Complexes. Man Pain. Yoda, Obi-Wan, AND Anikin? Mother FUCKER, you were 9! What were you supposed to DO? Bite him?! You literally JUST GOT HERE. *SI-OC has used Logic against Skywalker Guilt... it is not very effective!*
When? When will she be freeeeeeee? Cannon Yoda had the right idea.
She should go hide in a fucking SWAMP.
@babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @lolottes @hypewinter @mayfay @hdgnj
#minji's writing#star wars#star wars the clone wars#star wars oc#count dooku#long post#feel like i should specify#platonic yandere#yan dooku#had his brain chemistry COOKED by the Dark Side#and it twisted his perfectly normal desire for family and interpersonal connects?#into obsession and fixation with deeply unhealthy controlling tendencies#his younger self would be appalled#dont do Dark Side kids#not even once
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What The Sequel(s) to X-Men: Days of Future Past Should Have Looked Like
I haven’t even seen X-Men: Apocalypse or X-Men: Dark Phoenix start to finish but thanks to this app i know practically the entire plots of both films and i’m just so utterly appalled by them. Not just with the way they mess up the timeline (Jean & Scott as teenagers and Warren as a young adult in 1983?? Excuse me?? No way Logan’s time shenanigans altered people’s birth dates, what??) But also with the way they just butcher every character arc - Charles being selfish? Erik settling down with a human instead of continuing to fight for his cause and make up for his 10 years of inactivity? Giving Erik an OC daughter JUST to kill her 2 seconds later rather than focus on his fatherhood story with Peter? Erik and Ororo siding with Apocalypse to destroy the whole world? Hank turning on Charles when he alone stood by Charles post-beach divorce all those years? Raven being ungrateful to Charles for creating a better world for mutants? Trying to convince us that Charles was somehow in love with Moira and Erik was somehow in love with Raven? The X-Men throwing Charles out of his own house?? WHAT IS THIS?????
Frankly I don’t get why the writers tried (and failed) to give us more Jean and Scott and Ororo when we got plenty of them in the other movies and we know thanks to the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past that Charles will still eventually recruit them. Jean and Scott’s very presence at the end of that film shows that the sight of Logan’s memories of Jean’s original fate prompted Charles to NOT repeat his other self’s mistakes and instead use a better approach to help Jean that enabled her to keep the Phoenix under control and not hurt Scott. That’s all we need to know about them in the new timeline. We don’t need to see Charles messing up yet again when it comes to Jean when that ruins a huge layer of the meaning and impact of DOFP’s ending.
James McAvoy himself pointed out how unnecessary it felt to recycle characters from the original trilogy when the X-Men in the comics are full of plenty of other characters that could’ve been introduced in a DOFP sequel instead. He’s absolutely right.
But here’s what I really think: if any sequels to DOFP just HAD to be made, they shouldn’t have tried to stuff in even more characters. If they HAD to include another old character we’d seen before, it should’ve been Kurt Wagner and Kurt Wagner only. Why? Because he’s Raven & Azazel’s son. And this would only add to the parenthood theme already present through Erik & Peter, and Charles & his students; add a new dimension to Raven as a character as we explore how she feels about being a mother, and what happened that caused her to be separated from her child; and add a new dimension to Hank as we explore how he feels about potentially being a parental figure to Kurt as a result of following his heart toward Raven.
The sequel(s) should’ve focused on developing the relationships that actually had been established/hinted at, and those that would naturally branch as a result:
Erik & Peter as father and son
Raven & Kurt as mother and son
Charles’ parental relationship with his young students
Charles & Erik getting back together
Hank & Raven getting back together
Hank dealing with being Kurt’s possible stepfather
Charles & Raven reconciling as siblings once again
Charles & Peter as stepfather and stepson
Charles & Kurt as uncle and nephew
Alex seeing all of this and being reminded of his bad relationship with his own parents that led him to get locked up before Charles and Erik found him, emphasizing Charles’ place in his life as his true “father,” and foreshadowing Scott by revealing he’s not in touch with his family (meaning he doesn’t know he has a much-younger brother)
Erik bonding with Kurt and making Kurt comfortable through being the only other native German speaker in the group
Erik & Hank dealing with their rocky post-DOFP relationship; Hank giving Erik a proper calling out for sending Charles into such a depression for a decade and for trying to kill Raven
Erik bonding with Charles’ other students and slowly realizing there is a place for him at the school
(Logan may or may not work as a character in such a sequel. But whether he has a big or small role, it must be acknowledged that Raven, not Stryker, saved him from the Potomac at the end of DOFP. So now he is on a different path, and is NOT Weapon X. Either he’s still at the mansion or went his own way with the open possibility of returning; I think the latter makes more sense since he’s such a loner and considering he wouldn’t remember the events of DOFP, he’d be pretty overwhelmed. Plus his explained absence would allow space for the film(s) to focus more on the other characters.)
Regardless, any villain(s) of those hypothetical sequels should’ve been the kind of antagonist(s) whose threat inevitably brought those aforementioned characters together and, in the process, fleshed out those relationships.
Also, no stupid 10-year time jumps between every movie. Keep it to 5-7 years after DOFP, at the most.
Think of the emotional impact that would bring:
Charles & Raven dealing with the fact that she chose not to come to him for help when she became pregnant
Hank & Raven discussing Raven’s history with Azazel and both of them admitting they went to great lengths to try to get over each other but nothing worked
Raven exploring motherhood and her feelings about either having abandoned Kurt as a baby or accidentally losing him, and Hank supporting her in this
Erik exploring his newfound fatherhood, and Charles supporting him in this
Peter’s feelings toward his dad for being absent from his life for so long and also for being a terrorist
Kurt’s feelings toward his mom for being absent for so long, and possibly for intentionally leaving him
Peter & Kurt becoming besties and bonding over being super-fast travelers who have spent too many years not knowing one or both parents
Hank wishing things had been different with Raven and that Kurt could’ve been his son and thinking about stepping into a stepfather role for Kurt
Erik & Peter perhaps getting stranded/separated from the rest of the group and forced to bond while trying to find their way back
Erik saving Peter’s life in battle, cementing their new bond
Hank fully embracing his Beast form (mutant and proud) in battle while protecting Raven and Kurt
Raven, Hank & Kurt as a badass blue family
Erik finally deflecting a bullet successfully to save Charles
Charles & Erik fighting side by side once again and realizing they’re better together than apart
Erik & Hank managing to find some common ground as they both have been unexpectedly thrown into fatherhood (see, no need for female fridging!)
Erik coming up with Quicksilver as Peter’s superhero name, at least getting the chance to name his son in this way
Basically the whole group becoming a big family
Perhaps closing with a flash forward a few years: Erik & Raven are now teachers at the school; young Scott arrives at the school and meets Alex for the first time; Charles & Erik hear about young Jean and head out to meet her; Hank & Raven manage to discover Logan’s location and head out to bring him back to the mansion - tying into the finale of DOFP
Those are just a few things that could’ve, and should’ve, been prioritized in a sequel to DOFP.
#xmcu#xmdofp#xma#xmdp#x men#xmen meta#fox xmen#mutants#x men days of future past#x men apocalypse#x men dark phoenix#anti xmen apocalypse#anti xmen dark phoenix#x men films#x men movies#cherik#dadneto#raven darkholme#kurt wagner#peter maximoff#beastique#erik lehnsherr#charles xavier#hank mccoy#mystique#nightcrawler#quicksilver#magneto#professor x#beast xmen
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LOVE 119
PAIRING: park wonbin x fem!reader
GENRE: FLUFF (!!!) with a hint of angst
TROPES: established relationship with age gap, just silly boyfriend girlfriend things because i was in a silly mood, cooking slander, cute lovesick shit.
NOTE: my debut riize fic!!! i know i said i wasn't going to write anything before the vernon fic but guys you have to believe me when i say this fic basically wrote itself. enjoy my wonbin brainrot that was born because i'm scared of getting older but it is what is is, and the way i cope is to write it <3 let me know what you think, ily!
It was never not going to feel weird to you, to have a boyfriend who was younger than you. Forget that Wonbin was only born a year after you, you couldn't shake the weirdness off because you'd never done it before. All of your relationships had been with men older than you, sometimes by outrageous numbers but never so much that they would find a way to abuse their age with you. So why was it that when you'd lay eyes on your current boyfriend and feel a rush of excitement, it made you coil up… like you were doing something wrong?
"You wanna get Wendy's for dinner?" Wonbin asks you, lying upside down on your bed, your white sheets enveloping him and emphasizing his soft edges all over. You blink at him, not meaning to ignore him but ending up leaving his question unanswered when your thoughts pull you back into your head–
It wasn't even like he acted younger. If anything, he was adamant to keep up his tough exterior in front of you most days, only breaking down into the soft romantic he was when you'd show him your own vulnerable sides. In fact, people who knew you were often shocked to find that you were the older one in the equation, eyeing both Wonbin's height advantage and your knack for acting the tantrum-thrower. So, why did you feel this storm brewing in your gut anyway?
"Babe?" Wonbin sits up when you keep staring into space, brows rising in concern, "You good, darling?" The worried tone your boyfriend's questions carry do right to bring you back to earth and you cough in embarassment. Way to start acting your age, you scold yourself, standing up all too quickly.
But brave the iron-deficient darkness that spots your vision for a moment to declare, "No, no more Wendy's. It's too…" you pause, giving yourself a chance to think over your words, "unhealthy. We should look at what we eat."
Really? You were gonna go for the stubborn mom approach?
If there was ever a window for you to take back your words, it was definitely closed now because Wonbin's grinning mischeviously, not quite sure what you were acting out about but enjoying the consequences nonetheless. He rolls over, not a minute's thought to the way his hair was sticking every which way.
"So, what? You're gonna cook us dinner or something?" Wonbin's classic indifference lilts his words but his eyes are sparkling with the possibility of seeing a new side of you.
You cross your arms, a poorly-masked sigh leaving you, "I… will."
With that, you swerve out of your bedroom and pace toward the kitchen, appalled at the situation you were getting yourself into. It was no secret that while you were self-sufficient in most aspects of your life, cooking was far from one of your most-accomplished skills. But that didn't mean you were a complete disaster.
You take a deep breath as you survey the ingredients in your fridge, brain working over-time to come up with a recipe that could be your dinner for the day.
"I'd love some rice and vegetable stir-fry–" Wonbin's cheeky comment stops halfway when he sees your glare but the boy is having too much fun because he continues with a wink, "Please?"
"As funny as you are," you turn back around to the fridge, a plan forming in your mind, "I'm not taking orders today, sorry. And thanks to my limited inventory, tonight's dish is–" You set a carton of eggs on the counter with a sweet smile, "Omurice."
Wonbin's grin falls, right from his eyes when he looks at the counter as you start preparing rice and warm up the pan for the dish. "What? It's dinner time, Y/N!" he complains, "and plus, even if omurice was considered dinner in another world, it'd be for kids."
You gasp dramatically at this words but don't pay his words any attention. You hadn't planned to bring out the pouty boy leaning over the counter, frowning at your every unbothered move, but you can't say you're not enjoying it. And what's better is that you know for a fact that your omurice is your best chance at impressing your boyfriend with your cooking skills.
"Wonbin, trust me, you're not gonna regret sticking around for this omurice," you tell him over your shoulder, expertly sliding the eggs around on the pan, "I made this all the time back in my study abroad days in Japan. I learnt from the best."
This meets Wonbin by surprise, "You studied abroad in Japan? What the hell?"
You laugh, "It was a long time ago and only for a year. Not the most interesting thing about me either."
"That's crazy," Wonbin thinks out loud, "I wish I'd studied abroad."
"Why didn't you?"
"I hate travelling, especially for that short of a time. And I hate making new friends so I decided against wasting my energy."
You nod, "Fair enough. Plus," you spin around to grab two plates from the counter, "If you'd gone, I would've never met you when I did."
Wonbin watches you hard at word, chin on his palm, "I guess you're right. I would've been off-campus for junior year and by the time I'd get back, you would've graduated."
"Scary thought," you muse as you get started on the fried rice beside the omelette that you let cook for just a little.
"Not really, I'm sure we would've met either way," Wonbin says with a conviction that has you turning around with an inquistive look. He shrugs at your teasing look, "What? I think it's lame to think we met just by chance."
"Of course it was," you laugh, "I ran into you and spilled my coffee all over you. Babe, that's literally the definition of a chance encounter. I could've ran into anyone else, or maybe you could've never been there waiting for Sungchan."
You're staring on the ketchup decoration when Wonbin responds, "But you didn't. That's exactly it. There was a chance for all of those other things happening, all at random, but you ran into me. I think that has to mean something."
You can't conceal the goofy grin that spills across your lips when you meet Wonbin's expression of absolute gravity. He's so serious about insisting that you were meant to be and it has your heart melting. "You're cute," you sigh, presenting him with your finished products. He's distracted from the conversation when he catches the sight before him.
"Woah," he lets out, looking at you in shock, "Y/N, this looks amazing."
"Wait till you taste it," you pat his cheek, pulling him along to the makeshift dining table you'd set up recently, with a good view of both the huge window across the room and the television in your living room.
"That's so good," Wonbin groans, speaking with his mouth full, "I'm sorry I doubted your skills, this is the best thing I've tasted."
You laugh, ears redenning at his flattery but relishing the way he can't seem to stop eating the warm dish. "I'm glad you like it," you take a bite yourself, satisfied that you hadn't lost your touch along the years.
"Insane. I didn't know my girlfriend was hiding her inner cook all this time," he comments, smiling when he's done eating, "What else am I going to find out about you? You weren't in a gang or something before I met you, right?"
"Hold your horses, boy," you shush him, taking his plate to the sink, "You'll find out all my secrets with time."
You're running the plates under water to let them soak up some moisture when you feel your boyfriend's arms around your waist. "Wonbin?" you echo.
The boy's nose settles in the crook of your neck, stealing some of the warmth that rushes there at the contact. "Thank you," he mumbles into your back, "You're so cool. I want to be with you forever."
You choke over your own hitched breath, "You can't just say that!"
"Sorry," his tone tells you he's not a bit sorry, "I'm just so happy whenever I'm with you. That's why I can't imagine a world where I'm not with you. Right here, holding you while you take care of me."
"If you're trying to kill me, it's really working," you sigh out with hot cheeks, barely managing to finish washing the dishes with all the sickly sweet confessions that are basically oozing out of Wonbin. He laughs a low laugh, kissing your ear as he pulls away.
Your head feels light, heartbeat irregular because somehow, like always, Wonbin knows exactly what to say. Even if you hadn't voiced your worries out loud, his words were the perfect antidote to the baseless worries you were entertaining earlier. He was so gentle, the way he was reassuring that you weren't the only baby in this relationship, after all, you did your part in looking after him.
"Tell me," you walk up to him, wrapping yourself around his torso this time, face propped up against his chest to look up at him, "It's your turn to share a secret with me."
"Hmm," Wonbin hums thoughtfully, slowly steering both of your bodies toward the bedroom, closing the door behind him, "I don't know… How about the fact that I was in squash club?"
"You were?"
"Yeah, I loved it. I went to every single practice when I was a freshamn, even in the middle of the week, because it got my mind off everything," he says quietly, "It was the only place where I could forget trying to be likeable. I didn't have to make friends, just had to be good at the game."
"And were you?" you ask, knowing the answer to the question.
"Yeah, I think so. That's probably why they wanted to make me captain of the club in sophomore year."
"Oooh, that's amazing. Now it makes sense why your quads are so built," you grin into his skin when he plops both of you onto the bed, "But wait, I don't remember you being captain when I met you?"
"That's because I didn't take the offer. I knew I would have my hands full in junior year and I hate doing things half-heartedly," Wonbin's eyes take on a distant look, but you can tell he doesn't regret his choice a bit. It was his choice, after all.
"Ah, that's a good policy to have," you kiss his cheek, "Thank you for telling me."
Wonbin's lips lift up in a small smile at your comment, nodding in acknowledgment. "Now… are you gonna tell me what was on your mind earlier today?"
You freeze at his keen observation, averting your gaze in an attempt to skirt it, "I– It was nothing. Just stupid stuff. I'm over it though, so don't worry about it."
"I wouldn't worry about it if you looked in my eye while you said that," your boyfriend catches you again, firm arm bringing you closer to him, "Come on, sweet, let me in. What's wrong?"
You sigh in defeat. "You're too smart. And if you must know, I was just overthinking our age gap."
"Age gap? You mean that I was born 9 months after you?"
You glare at him, "Okay, I don't appreciate your fact-based attacks on my weaknesses. And an age gap is an age gap. It's my first time being with someone younger."
"So it's natural to feel weird," he completes your thought for you, "But you've always been so chill about it, what made this come up?"
"Not sure," you wonder yourself, "I've been feeling older recently. Even though my birthday was a month ago. I don't know, I feel like I'm not responsible enough sometimes, especially with you– I don't want to make you do everything."
"You don't," Wonbin brushes a thumb against your cheek. "You're always checking up on me, Y/N. And you're the one who made sure we were always communicating with each other, even about the small things. I think you'd pass the old soul check any day."
You chuckle softly at your boyfriend's reassurance, "You're not wrong. But you're sure I'm… enough?"
Wonbin frowns at your concern, "Hey, now that's a bigger issue than our age gap. Of course– You're more than enough, Y/N. Did you not hear me earlier? I can't imagine not being with you. That means, I can't imagine living without you. I'm like the luckiest guy to have managed to get you in bed with me. I'm serious, you turned my life around when you ruined my favorite shirt that day–"
"And I've apologized endlessly about it–"
"You're the reason I'm not a loner, following Sungchan around all the time because he's the only one who doesn't think of me as a stuck-up idiot. I love you so much."
"Okay, okay, I think I get it," you stop him, hand on your chest when he keeps snuggling closer, lips a breath away from your skin. "I'm not thinking those thoughts anymore, babe. I know you love me. I love you, too."
"Good," he pecks your nose, "But I have to say, you're hot when your older side comes out. Watching you cook me dinner was an experience I'm not forgetting anytime soon."
"I guess I better do it more then," you tease him, fingers running through his soft hair, "I'll go on a grocery run later this week. Cook you that stir-fry you wanted, huh?"
"If you're trying to get into my pants right now, congrats, you've made it," Wonbin laughs, cheeks warm at your bold promise. "But yes please, and can I come grocery shopping with you?"
"Sure you won't get bored? Grocery shopping is a boring adult chore, you know–"
"Okay, I don't think you're allowed to use your age to belittle me–"
"Or what? You're gonna get mad at me?"
"I hate you– I'm gonna go home if you're gonna–"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, babe, come back!"
#wonbin x y/n#wonbin x you#park wonbin x reader#wonbin riize#riize fics#riize x reader#wonbin x reader#park wonbin#wonbin fics#park wonbin x y/n#wonbin imagine#riize imagines#wonbin fluff#riize fluff#riize scenarios#riize angst#wonbin angst#kpop fic#kpop x reader#kpop imagines
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apollo, hades and hermes reacting to his fem s/o gets transformed into her younger self (around 12 lets say) and now grown so is just epitome of sweetheart and loving person but when she was younger, she was such a hater! like even maybe hate man because of unsaid stuff and just judging everyone around and them, with that “stink” face (i hope you know what face i am talking about lol), she gets back to normal after 2 weeks so how would they react to younger version of his s/o?
-(Love’s) eyelid could only twitch, staring down at his lover, you… well you from several years ago. You had somehow reverted to twelve years old, and you had no memory of him.
-He had called around, hearing that this had happened all over Valhalla, but the good news was that you would return to normal, like the others, after a few hours.
-(Love) smiled, coming back to where he had left you on the couch, scrolling through your phone, “You’ll be back to normal in just a few hours Y/N!”
-You rolled your eyes, your lip curling up for being interrupted as you scoffed, “Whatever.”
-Comical tears appeared in his eyes, he had no idea that you had been so…salty when you were younger. It didn’t fit as you were always just a sweet and gentle person; you would sometimes cry if someone would raise their voice at you, so to see you like this was… unusual.
-He just smiled, trying to be friendly and make the best of the situation, sitting beside you but giving you your space, as you made that very clear when he first found you like this, “Won’t you be happy to be back to your normal self?”
-You looked at him over the top of your phone, a slight glare on your face, “I’ll be happy to get away from you and your stupid haircut.”
-Apollo- The back of his hand lifted to his mouth, appalled by your words as he turned pure white in horror before he fell from the couch in slow motion, landing face down on the ground where he quickly was in tears. You weren’t bothered, putting your headphones on as you played your game. Apollo could only pray that you would change back soon- he wants his sweet Y/N back! When you returned to normal you weren’t allowed to leave his lap as he covered you in kisses, wanting you to be sweet like you always were.
-Hades- Ouch- okay that hurt, and he felt his eyelid twitching at your snark. He raised three brothers; this was going to be nothing!! Two hours later Hades was at the kitchen table, his head in his hands, two empty coffee cups before him. He didn’t know how your parents were able to deal with you as you broke him. He snuggled you extra hard when you returned to normal, taking out his aggression on you in the form of cuddles.
-Hermes- Had turned to stone, completely shocked that you were so salty and mean. He just thought you were scared, that’s why you were so distant from him, but to hear you insult him, being mean- his brain short circuited. Hermes was very pouty that evening, hugging you from behind while you cooked dinner, now back to normal and you smiled warmly, “You’re awfully affectionate tonight.” He didn’t respond, hugging you tighter, glad to have you back to normal.
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hal jordan x battinson | sfw
Cw! Older Hal, Younger Bruce Wayne, romantic leaning, DC Justice League War references, slight spoilers to The Batman (2022), headcannons, suggestive content
thank you to the person who requested this. the request got lost in the cosmos :( these two are hilarious to me (especially if it's battinson in particular)

It was simple. Catch the alien that was terrorizing Gotham. Capture him and things would be fine.
Of course things could never be simple for Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern.
He meets face-to-face with Batman. He expected some older man who was all dark and brooding, which he was, but this Batman was young.
He was anxious and honestly very emo.
The younger man was irritating and always telling Hal to get out of his city. Hal was appalled because how dare he.
Batman was inexperienced.
But this was the same Batman that restored faith in Hal's self. He and Batman, or rather Bruce Wayne said they were the most normal on this team of other gods.
Hal admired the young man's stance. Despite all his broody emo behavior the bat proved to be a symbol of hope and justice.
Hal continued his teasing and the name Spooky rang heavy on his tongue, and soon it felt much more adoring than demeaning. The Batman; Bruce Wayne was a shy man who kept to himself and was learning to accommodate Hal's eccentricity.
They didn't know when it happened.
Hal found himself enamored with the younger man who was a wet kitten. His hands were suddenly tracing every mortal scar on the young man's skin.
Batman suddenly felt a surge of love he never felt before. All there was was Alfred after the death of his parents, and that pain and need for vengeance.
Then the Riddler, and now this.
Opened to the city and hope, and now this man; Green Lantern, Hal Jordan proved to be someone who wanted him the most annoying person on earth. But even so, Bruce couldn't deny this feeling for the other.
The solemn darkness of Gotham haunted Bruce like a ghost. He was the darkness, for he was vengeance and Green Lantern was the light. He was the green light across the ocean and shined brightly for Bruce to see.
Rocky. It was was. Bruce and Hal proved to be people most unlikely to become an item and they argued. Silence from the bat and irritation on the guardian's end.
Still, they ended up in the bedroom where every scar was counted and every scar was kissed with such care and gentleness. After years of being touch-starved and used to the pain Bruce cried. The last night he did it was alone after Alfred got hurt due to his actions.
Every good thing wasn't desevering of him. He wasn't deserving of it.
The Green Lantern's guilt was astronomical. For he was chosen and that belief wavered. Did he even know what he was doing? Then Hal found himself being approached with comforting words. Hesitant kisses. A pale body of scars and fear against his.
Never again would neither of them feel inferior. They were normal in the most human way.
The Batman was costume, even if Brucie was mask just as Bruce Wayne was too.
Green Lantern was the ring. Without it; Hal Jordan was all that was left.
Darkness and light together. Warping beautifully the two joined in bed. Tanned body above another with the most humorous and comforting words ever. The caressing of skin and those damn butterfly kisses.
So sweet and intoxicatingly addictive. Bruce wouldn't stand it, and he let it happen. Hal wouldn't leave him alone, ever again.
#dc#green lantern#batman#bruce wayne#hal jordan#batlantern#sfw#battinson#bruce wayne x hal jordan#ship post
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Which of the Boyds would be best friends? Which ones would hate each other?
Steve Murphy
Who he likes best: Quinn! They’re both annoying in similar ways, and although they’re generally sticklers for the rules, they both get the importance of going off-script sometimes. Quinn also doesn’t require any small talk from his companions, or expect Steve to be anything other than what he is.
Who he can’t stand: He finds the Corinthian appalling both because of all the murders, but also for making him question his sexuality! Beyond that, the Corinthian also just tends to lay on the charm in a way Steve finds off-putting and fake.
Donald Pierce
Who he likes best: You know, I think it’s actually Steve? Pierce genuinely thinks Steve’s kind of cool, what with the chasing down drug lords and the working with black ops militia groups and stuff. He’d love to take Steve out for drinks and listen to his stories. Steve also presents fairly masc, but not in an especially threatening way. He’s a specific kind of dad-coded that doesn’t *quite* match up with Pierce’s darkest kinks, but it is enough to make Pierce hungry for his approval. Pierce also wants to make him hotter. He begs Steve to let him buy him a new wardrobe. And stop shaving his damn hairline! They can figure this out together!
Who he can’t stand: He finds Quinn an utter pain in the ass to work with. Quinn’s competent, but he doesn’t like taking orders he disagrees with, which definitely results in the two butting heads and getting into a few heated altercations. Quinn’s tendency to bluntly speak his mind is also absolutely gonna result in Pierce getting his feelings hurt sooner rather than later.
Cap Hatfield
Who he likes best: He likes Ty! He appreciates how family oriented Ty is, and he likes that he’s more capable of living off the land than a lot of the Boyd characters.
Who he can’t stand: Cap recognizes a predator when he sees one, and he instantly distrusts the Corinthian. None of the Corinthian’s methods of charming his prey are effective on Cap at all.
Clement Mansell
Who he likes best: Haha, Clement thinks the Corinthian is super cool! He loves his style, he thinks he’s a blast to hang out with, and he likes how agreeable the Corinthian is. Sure, the Corinthian is down for a concert! Yeah, he wants to try out that new steakhouse too! He’s so ready to hit up a dance club after!
Who he can’t stand: He genuinely cannot be around Danny. Clement delusionally thinks of himself as a struggling musician who’s only doing crime to pay the bills until he makes it; meanwhile, Danny’s a rich kid who grew up eating caviar and lobster, who’s got no logical reason for doing any of this crap. He doesn’t know the struggle at all! Plus, he’s got a daddy that loves him, and he’s still a brat! Clement would do anything for that kind of fatherly love!
The Corinthian
Who he likes best: Oh, he adores Pierce. He’s such a delicious mess of insecurities and trauma he’s staunchly avoided confronting for decades! And he was so damn pretty when he was younger. Exactly the Corinthian’s type!
Who he can’t stand: He thinks Quinn is deeply unfun. At least Steve has some tasty breakdowns and self-worth issues to exploit! Quinn is too sure of himself to be interesting, and he’s also not exciting in the ways the Corinthian likes.
Eli Klaber
Who he likes best: He likes Cap best, mostly because Cap’s fun to go to the shooting range with, and also because if Cap sees him in a pretty dress he’ll instantly think of him as a woman, without Klaber having to say anything at all.
Who he can’t stand: As far as he’s concerned, Steve is a tedious control freak with the blandest and most boring outfits known to mankind. Sure, Klaber dresses similarly when he’s out and about, but Steve seems to genuinely think those ugly suits look good! Horrifying.
Danny Maguire
Who he likes best: Haha, he likes Clement best! He kind of looks up to Clement in a weird way, and thinks his schemes are next-level impressive. He kind of digs his outfit choices too, and he really vibes with some of his music tastes. He’d love to do karaoke with Clement! He can bring the weed and the coke! Once Clement responds to his texts, they’ll make this happen!
Who he can’t stand: Yeah, definitely Steve. He’s DEA – that’s kind of Danny’s natural enemy. Beyond that, Danny also just thinks Steve is a giant buzzkill and an unpleasant workaholic/alcoholic.
Ty Shaw
Who he likes best: Haha he honestly likes Steve! He thinks his crime-fighting stories are super cool, and he’s an excellent guy to go duck hunting with!
Who he can’t stand: Danny’s probably the guy he most dislikes on the spot, but if he gets to know the Corinthian better, it’s definitely gonna be him. He thinks he’s stylish and erudite at first, but when he eventually clocks him as a threat to his friends and family, he’s gonna want him as far away as possible!
Quinn McKenna
Who he likes best: Cap. He’s just an easy guy to kick back with, and maybe go on some nice camping trips with. There’s not many people in Quinn’s life that are down for roughing it in the way he prefers, but Cap is totally fine sans electronics, making fires, and navigating by map and compass!
Who he can’t stand: Clement is an unpredictable criminal and liar, and his out-of-tune singing gives Quinn the worst headaches!
#boyd holbrook#donald pierce#the corinthian#steve murphy#ty shaw#quinn mckenna#cap hatfield#clement mansell#eli klaber#danny maguire
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i think another interesting anti-shadow concept would be playing with his fear factor? like we see in shadow generations, maria ir scared of black doom and clearly appalled that they are connected by blood.
in shadow 05, i believe its shown that a younger commander towers saw the moment where both gerald and black doom are looking over shadow while in his pod; maybe it could have been maria instead and as she connects the dots she cant help but develop a fear of shadow. she wouldn't have interacted or known him at that point to know he has a good heart, so i dont think its too unbelievable.
just imagine what affects it would have on shadow to still want that connection with maria but her being to scared to reciprocate. maybe he would internalize it and relish in being seen as scary; or maybe his whole view of humanity would be even worse, considering maria never would have shown him the good in it.
this is such an interesting concept so sorry if i rambled!
It's very much true that Maria was a positive influence on Shadow, allowing him to see himself more as a person rather than just another "heartless" alien or weapon. So if you made Anti-Shadow's Maria afraid of him, unable to connect on a personal level, his early years would've been full of drowning in self-loathing. That could then be turned into a coping mechanism where he pretends to not care about how others see him, leading him down a path where the worst actions are taken to protect his feelings, or he ends up relishing in fear because he knows nothing else. I imagine the Black Arms in Moebius' world would not be a race that thrived on devouring other species either since Archie liked to flip things on their head, so there could be something there as well. Like, perhaps the Anti-Shadow was made to only be a cure from a peaceful Black Doom and Gerald, but Maria feared Shadow anyway. And despite BD, Gerald, and G.U.N. being "better" on Moebius, no one provided Shadow with a stable environment to grow emotionally. Every child growing up in the world needs someone as a source of comfort. You could also parallel him to Scourge in this way as well, as emotional neglect was prominent in his backstory too.
Also, random, but I think that Anti-Shadow should probably smile a lot. Not in the Sonic way, confident and welcoming, but more in a way that puts people on edge by how unnatural it looks. Where our Shadow simply doesn't emote a ton, Anti-Shadow being expressive in an off-putting way would be cool!
#arti yaps#sonic the hedgehog#shadow the hedgehog#scourge the hedgehog#Anti-Shadow my excuse to draw shadow smiling more clearly
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An essay on the Tweaks, how I view their relationship with their son, and what it means for their futures
Although I’m not the biggest fan of people who portray the Tweaks as loving parents, all things considered, I also don’t believe they are as evil and malicious as some make them out to be.
I have SUCH a love/hate relationship with those guys, and it’s because as shitty as they are, they’re also both WONDERFULLY complex characters who are just shrouded in mystery. They’ve been on the show for SO long and yet we know so little about them. To be fair, they could be interpreted in any way, as we don’t quite know their intentions, HOWEVER they do seem to love their son in a sense, so crummy as they may be, I do think that there’s a bit more to all of it.
Mr. Tweak is willing to do anything for his business, even at the expense of his morals. We see this exact plot in “Gnomes”, where he is willing to use small children as a manipulation tactic to get people to care about his business.
Tweek is going to inherit the shop one day, and Richard knows this. They BOTH know this. So he’s gotta prepare him in the exact same way HE was taught, to become ONE with Tweek Bros coffee and to ALWAYS put the business first, even if it’s not right. He loves Tweek in his own way, but ultimately he sees him as a business accessory first and a son second.
I’ve also mentioned in a previous post that I think Mr. Tweak sees a lot of his younger self in Tweek. It’s no secret that Mr. Tweak doesn’t seem to view his son very highly, referring to him as “nothing but a sp*z” so to speak, and if Tweek is going to take over the business one of these days, he needs to be sure of himself, not some “twitchy, tweaked out kid”. Richard knows this because HE was once like this. This was how HIS father raised him, and look how he turned out :)
Of course, by Tweek’s age, he was already had TWICE the work ethic, but no matter, just means he needs to push harder, right?
When Tweek turns 15, his father decides that he is finally old enough to learn the secret family recipe, as he and all the Tweak men before him did.
But it doesn’t go as expected, and Tweek has quite the opposite reaction that Richard hoped he would.
He feels appalled and betrayed, and why wouldn’t he? I mean his parents had both been drugging him his whole life, (as well as the whole town), essentially fucking him up for the foreseeable future. Even as an adult he still deals with twitches and tweaks. And they just expect him to be okay with it?? Tweek is a LOT more resilient than his predecessors, and he refuses to let this ruin his life.
But it’s not as easy as it looks. He’s been drinking his parents’ coffee for as long as he can remember, he doesn’t know how to be without it. He’s forced to spend a lot of high school in rehab, missing out on a lot of his teen years. Of course, Tweek has Craig by his side to make the process a lot easier, but it’s still a lot.
This definitely breaks the relationship he has with them, and Tweek finds that he can’t trust them any longer. Or course, his father just sees him as ungrateful. After all, he’s spent so long trying to shape him up into this hard working, young man, and THIS is the thanks he gets? Richard has always striked me as being someone who is nice until he’s no longer getting his way, and Tweek ultimately trying to break the cycle of abuse is exactly what hammers in the nail of their already strained relationship.
Mrs. Tweak is a different story. This isnt the first time she felt her husband has gone too far, we see her stand up for the kids in “gnomes”. I get the feeling that she’s always known what they were doing was wrong, yet she still went with it anyways. Why? Even she doesn’t know, in all honesty. Perhaps she had been manipulated into all of this as well, under the guise that it what was best, being brainwashed into this docile wife who just does as she’s told. Or perhaps it was always to her own accord, and she’s been in on it all along. We really don’t know enough to know for sure.
Her son refuses to talk to her, and she understands why. She’s always has wanted what was best for him, but they’ve gone too far, WAY too far, and things were never gonna be the same now.
But she hopes that, perhaps, with time, there will be some healing.
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Even a many-tentacled alien who was blissfully ignorant of concepts like celebrity casting would surely – if beamed into the confines of Theatre Royal Drury Lane – get the impression that Tom Hiddleston is something of a big deal in these quarters. With a winning air of knowing smugness, he quips, vamps and wiggles his bum (quite a lot) through the role of Benedick in Jamie Lloyd's calculatedly naff, Noughties pop-ballad-filled reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing. His lover? Fellow Marvel star Hayley Atwell as Beatrice, who attempts to resist charms that large sections of the audience clearly can't.
The previous instalment of Lloyd's hubristic season of West End Shakespeares was a turgid, over-serious The Tempest. This follow-up is the opposite, taking an aggressively flip approach to one of Shakespeare's stranger, more challenging comedies. It's a bit wedding disco, a bit reality telly song contest, a bit Mum and Dad's big night out on the town now the kids are old enough to clean up their own Weetabix.
Lloyd's production bravely ditches the play's comic subplot and sidelines the younger nominal romantic leads Hero (Mara Huf) and Claudio (James Phoon) even more than is traditional, in favour of the more fun (and, here, far more famous) Beatrice and Benedick, who have a huge amount of fun with their banter-filled romance. Bendick declares himself "certain I am loved of all ladies", with Hiddleston teasingly holding an ear out to the audience so they can supply the whoops of approval Beatrice won't give him. He throws everything at the part, breakdancing, unbuttoning his shirt, and even delivering an appalling rendition of a Backstreet Boys song. It's an an oddly poignant expression of the desperation of unrequited love, touches of sadness under the self-depreciation.
Opposite him, Atwell's more brittle, playing up to her reputation as a dancing gadfly: so it's arresting when she finally loses control, her suppressed rage escaping in a visceral, half-hysterical "I'd eat his heart in a marketplace".
You get the sense that she refuses to admit she likes Benedick – let alone settle down with him – both because she fears vulnerability, and because love is just a bit cringe: here, Soutra Gilmour fantastically ballsy design fills the stage with a gigantic, floor-to-ceiling inflatable love heart while seemingly-neverending drifts of pink confetti speckle the air around them. Mason Alexander Park sings cheesy love songs between scenes, their rich voice bringing complex flavours to these sugar-sweet melodies.
This production is all about Beatrice and Benedict, so when the focus shifts to Hero and Claudio in the second act, this hedonistic love fest inevitably falls a little flat. It feels like there could be a little more boldness here. Why scrap this play's comic subplot and chuck out all set apart from a 15ft high inflatable heart and several truckloads of pink confetti – without doing more to make sense of this seemingly permissive crew's sudden life-or-death obsession with Hero's maidenhead? Still, Huf plays her part with a welcome sexual agency, flirting with the audience and giving her lover (a subtly conflicted Phoon) a furious push before she takes him back.

Here, as in life, no amount of self-awareness and knowingness can protect you from big, raw, vulnerable emotions. Fluffy though his staging might look, Lloyd strips the frills from this story to reveal the push and pull of rejection and reconciliation at its heart.
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By Jen Silverman (NY Times)
(Mx. Silverman is a playwright and the author, most recently, of the novel “There’s Going to Be Trouble.”)
When I was in college, I came across “The Sea and Poison,” a 1950s novel by Shusaku Endo. It tells the story of a doctor in postwar Japan who, as an intern years earlier, participated in a vivisection experiment on an American prisoner. Endo’s lens on the story is not the easiest one, ethically speaking; he doesn’t dwell on the suffering of the victim. Instead, he chooses to explore a more unsettling element: the humanity of the perpetrators.
When I say “humanity” I mean their confusion, self-justifications and willingness to lie to themselves. Atrocity doesn’t just come out of evil, Endo was saying, it emerges from self-interest, timidity, apathy and the desire for status. His novel showed me how, in the right crucible of social pressures, I, too, might delude myself into making a choice from which an atrocity results. Perhaps this is why the book has haunted me for nearly two decades, such that I’ve read it multiple times.
I was reminded of that novel at 2 o’clock in the morning recently as I scrolled through a social media account dedicated to collecting angry reader reviews. My attention was caught by someone named Nathan, whose take on “Paradise Lost” was: “Milton was a fascist turd.” But it was another reader, Ryan, who reeled me in with his response to John Updike’s “Rabbit, Run”: “This book made me oppose free speech.” From there, I hit the bank of “Lolita” reviews: Readers were appalled, frustrated, infuriated. What a disgusting man! How could Vladimir Nabokov have been permitted to write this book? Who let authors write such immoral, perverse characters anyway?
I was cackling as I scrolled but soon a realization struck me. Here on my screen was the distillation of a peculiar American illness: namely, that we have a profound and dangerous inclination to confuse art with moral instruction, and vice versa.
As someone who was born in the States but partially raised in a series of other countries, I’ve always found the sheer uncompromising force of American morality to be mesmerizing and terrifying. Despite our plurality of influences and beliefs, our national character seems inescapably informed by an Old Testament relationship to the notions of good and evil. This powerful construct infuses everything from our advertising campaigns to our political ones — and has now filtered into, and shifted, the function of our artistic works.
Maybe it’s because our political discourse swings between deranged and abhorrent on a daily basis and we would like to combat our feelings of powerlessness by insisting on moral simplicity in the stories we tell and receive. Or maybe it’s because many of the transgressions that flew under the radar in previous generations — acts of misogyny, racism and homophobia; abuses of power both macro and micro — are now being called out directly. We’re so intoxicated by openly naming these ills that we have begun operating under the misconception that to acknowledge each other’s complexity, in our communities as well as in our art, is to condone each other’s cruelties.
When I work with younger writers, I am frequently amazed by how quickly peer feedback sessions turn into a process of identifying which characters did or said insensitive things. Sometimes the writers rush to defend the character, but often they apologize shamefacedly for their own blind spot, and the discussion swerves into how to fix the morals of the piece. The suggestion that the values of a character can be neither the values of the writer nor the entire point of the piece seems more and more surprising — and apt to trigger discomfort.
While I typically share the progressive political views of my students, I’m troubled by their concern for righteousness over complexity. They do not want to be seen representing any values they do not personally hold. The result is that, in a moment in which our world has never felt so fast-changing and bewildering, our stories are getting simpler, less nuanced and less able to engage with the realities through which we’re living.
I can’t blame younger writers for believing that it is their job to convey a strenuously correct public morality. This same expectation filters into all the modes in which I work: novels, theater, TV and film. The demands of Internet Nathan and Internet Ryan — and the anxieties of my mentees — are not so different from those of the industry gatekeepers who work in the no-man’s land between art and money and whose job it is to strip stories of anything that could be ethically murky.
I have worked in TV writers’ rooms where “likability notes” came from on high as soon as a complex character was on the page — particularly when the character was female. Concern about her likability was most often a concern about her morals: Could she be perceived as promiscuous? Selfish? Aggressive? Was she a bad girlfriend or a bad wife? How quickly could she be rehabilitated into a model citizen for the viewers?
TV is not alone in this. A director I’m working with recently pitched our screenplay to a studio. When the executives passed, they told our team it was because the characters were too morally ambiguous and they’d been tasked with seeking material wherein the lesson was clear, so as not to unsettle their customer base. What they did not say, but did not need to, is that in the absence of adequate federal arts funding, American art is tied to the marketplace. Money is tight, and many corporations do not want to pay for stories that viewers might object to if they can buy something that plays blandly in the background of our lives.
But what art offers us is crucial precisely because it is not a bland backdrop or a platform for simple directives. Our books, plays, films and TV shows can do the most for us when they don’t serve as moral instruction manuals but allow us to glimpse our own hidden capacities, the slippery social contracts inside which we function, and the contradictions we all contain.
We need more narratives that tell us the truth about how complex our world is. We need stories that help us name and accept paradoxes, not ones that erase or ignore them. After all, our experience of living in communities with one another is often much more fluid and changeable than it is rigidly black and white. We have the audiences that we cultivate, and the more we cultivate audiences who believe that the job of art is to instruct instead of investigate, to judge instead of question, to seek easy clarity instead of holding multiple uncertainties, the more we will find ourselves inside a culture defined by rigidity, knee-jerk judgments and incuriosity. In our hair-trigger world of condemnation, division and isolation, art — not moralizing — has never been more crucial.
#antis#purity culture#purity wank#why I write fanfic#because I can't publish my morally ambiguous OCs
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[The future au kind of] How would a younger Becky and Tobey react if they ever had to find out they got married in the future?
Lmao, as chaotic as you think.
The funny thing is that one thing my brain can't help but do when I write anything that's set in future scenarios is just imagine the characters in the past reacting to it. And yeah, that includes all the different ways a younger Tobey and Becky might act if they somehow had an interaction with their future selves or them just getting told about it by someone they trust.
First of all, Becky obviously would be appalled. She's the one who would marginally think that's impossible and come up with multiple theories on "what went wrong." Lol. This is like ten-year-old Becky, so she's not very fond of Tobey and would rather Not even think about something like marriage (that in itself freaks her out). A possible interaction with her older self wouldn't make it better (older Becky would possibly mess with her a bit). Becky would insist that her marrying Tobey was never gonna happen. As long as she's wordgirl, how could she marry a supervillain? Sure, they say Tobey stopped being one, but this is Becky. When does she stop not stubbornly believing in her impressions of people. Plus, who could blame younger Becky? Tobey tried the whole not being a villain anymore shtick before, and that didn't last. Plus, it's Tobey. Tobey. That alone is understandable.
Young Tobey would also be very dismissive of it. He has his heart on Wordgirl and thinks in his childish mind that if he had to choose, he would marry her in the future. And of course, because of his conflict with Becky and his disinterest in seeing her as nothing more than an annoying schoolmate. He would be very exaggerated into thinking that no, no way Becky would ever replace Wordgirl for him. Tobey's not good with emotions, so he's also very confused about the "how"? What could normal goody-two shoes Becky have done to capture his heart in the future. Not that he would believe his future self if they ever interacted. He would very much just say it's all a lie. And future Tobey would just shrug. However, future him would try his best to convince his younger self on the possibility and knows that at that age, he wouldn't deny the idea of liking anyone other than Wordgirl. He was pretty easy to crush on people who paid attention to him for more than 10 minutes. (Stars, he was a sad kid!) And of course, future Tobey would need to be held back into not wrangling with his younger self whenever that brat opened his mouth.
Other than that, yeah, just expect these two kids to make faces and stick out their tounges in disgust. They're children who don't like each other, and that's a very normal reaction. Imagine getting told you were gonna marry your elementary nemesis (or just that annoying kid who thought they were better than you). Duh, I would also be like, noo.
Although, in a very funny and not character accurate reaction, just a hilarious hypothetical situation. I could imagine younger Tobey warming up to the idea because Future Tobey appears happy and because he already felt something for Becky deep down. Or that Tobey is a dumb romantic, and the idea of Becky Botsford, who he knows doesn't like him, falling for him, would both do something for his: "I secretly read pride and prejudice before bed" brain and his ego. Future Tobey would be face palming. And younger Tobey then would be "I guess it wouldn't be terrible," and younger Becky would hear that and just look at him like this:

Future Tobey wouldn't tell him that Becky's Wordgirl, of course. That would be too convenient to convince a younger Tobey, and the last thing he wants is for his younger self to think he won. Eugh never.
But of course, this is all hypothetical. In reality, if older versions of Becky and Tobey ever accidentally encountered their younger selves, they would keep their mouth shuts about everything. They don't want to freak them out after all, and because wouldn't it be funny to see their younger selves just act naturally at each other without them finding out a possible future?
Thank you for the ask!!
#wordgirl#tobecky#becky botsford#tobey mccallister#enjoy this one ig#i also wanted to draw a scenario meme abt this but ahh too much work
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What if ( monkey king 2023)red girl meets red son
How would she react to spicynoodles and their children and what would red girl and red son think about each other?
Red Son teleports to Flower Fruit Mountain, only to see Red Girl trying to fight the other SWKs for their staffs. Small fires are following the little imp's path, and Red Son quickly steps in to quell the flames - grabbing his alternate counterpart by the scruff of her clothes like she were a kitten.
Red Girl: "ARRGH! You will rue the day you crossed paths with Red Girl peasant! Eat fire!" *shoots flames onto Red Son* Red Son, not even fazed: "Cute." Red Girl: "Huh? Why aren't you burning to death and stuff?" Red Son: "Because I'm a fire demon too? Also your method is appalling, my daughters have more control than you and they can't even walk yet." Red Girl: "You take that back!" *tackles him*
After another quick scuffle (+the offended SWK getting his stick back), Red Son quickly realises that this is an alternate version of them. Red Girl is not amused in the slightest.
Red Girl: "No! I won't be friends with *any* version of the Monkey King!!" Red Son: "I understand that it's a bit of a shock-" Red Girl: "He defeated me, and my baba. And now my mama is all alone!" Red Son: "He did what?!" *hair fires up* Netflix!SWK: *chuckling nervously* "Well it's a funny story. See I was on my mission to defeat 100 demons-" *Netflix!SWK narrowly misses two different fire balls* Red Son: "How many other families did you destroy!?" Netflix!SWK: *astral projecting* "MK please get your mate, I'm scared."
Later it's cleared up that Red Girl's father is currently trapped in the Underworld like she had been - according to the 2D sequence in the netflix film; DBK likely wasn't killed like some of the other demons. And you know Red Son would violate many inter-dimensional laws to help his younger self, and drag Netflix!SWK straight to his world's Diyu for pickup.
Meanwhile as Red Son and Netflix!SWK are on their Underworld heist; Red Girl is left in the care of some familiar faces.
LMK! PIF & DBK: *silently sitting around the living room with Red Girl* Red Girl: "...you both look like my mama and baba. But it's not the same." PIF: "I understand, firelily." Red Girl: *silently scoots closer for a hug* PIF & DBK: *PIF silently wraps her arms around the little demoness, while DBK rests his chin on his wife's shoulders* Red Girl: "You got left alone too, didn't you?" DBK: *small sigh of sadness* PIF, tears pricking her eyes: "Yes... Not the exact way your mother was but... I was alone for a very long time." Red Girl: "Why didn't you kill you Monkey King though? If he hurt you so bad?" PIF, light chuckle: "Well our grandchildren certainly wouldn't approve." Red Girl: "Huh???" DBK: "The Monkey King is not only my sworn brother, but also my brother-in-law. His son is married to our Red." Red Girl, takes a moment to compute: "......EEEWWWW!!! Gross! A monkey!?" PIF & DBK: *both laughing fondly*
Later when Red Girl and her family are fully reunited, she demands answers from LMK!Red. Red Son decides that the easiest way to explain is to show Red Girl a certain someones.
Red Son: *holding Red Girl's hand as they approach the nursery* "Are you sure you still want to see them?" Red Girl: "Y-yes! I wanna know what vile monkey spawn has you under this spell!" Red Son: "M'kay. Don't say I didn't warn you." *Opens nursery door. MK is standing inside singing to their eldest twins* MK, joy written all over his face: "Sunflower! You're back!" *MK and Red Son meet half-way for smooches* MK, is aware of their little adventure: "And who's you little friend?" Red Girl: (,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,) Red Son: "My alternate dimension counterpart. I had to help the younger Sun Wukong make things right with them." MK: "Such a gentleman." *turns attention back to Red Girl* "I hear that you wanted to see the babies, Little Red?" Red Girl: *slowly nods head* MK: "Ok, they're asleep in their crib right now. Try and not make much sound. They're little firecrackers at the best of times." Red Girl: *approaches crib, peering over the side* Xuancao & Yingsu [#1 & 2]: *sound asleep and breathing softly. are curled into eachother like kittens* Red Girl: "......" Red Son: "Well little sister. What do you think of them?" Red Girl: *starts sniffling* MK & Red Son: *rush to comfort her* MK: "Hey, hey. It's ok firelily. Tell me what's wrong?" Red Girl, ugly sobbing: "Where's my MK!?" MK & Red Son: "Eh??" Red Girl: "I wanna beautiful and kind husband too!!" MK & Red Son: "Ah." "I told mother the same thing when I was that age."
Ultimately Red Son sees the Netflix counterpart as the little sister he never had. Red Girl in turn adores her honorary big sibling - but is every envious of Red Son's beautiful mate.
Netflix!SWK laughs when he hears the story from LMK!SWK - as if he'll have any kids to make his own MK! XD Netflix's LEM blushes, their six ears fluttering with the prophetic sounds of baby monkey chirping.
#wukongverse#monkey king netflix#red girl#lmk red son#spicynoodleshipping#spicynoodles#spicynoodles being parents#lmk ironbull#lmk princess iron fan#lmk pif#lmk demon bull king#lmk dbk#lmk demon bull family#lmk aus#the monkey king and the infant#the monkey king and the infant au
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E6 First Watch
Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
If you want to start at the beginning:
Episode 1
My character cheat sheet:
Yinghua - pink flowers LIW
Lady Lishu - child bride concubine
Lady Lihua - concubine Maomao saved from poisoned powder
Crystal Pavilion - Lady Lihua's Pavilion
Lihaku - officer giving out a lot of hairpins
It's the garden party and I'm so excited!
Cryptic openings are what this show does. And this one starts with palace gossip about someone who is apparently a picky eater. The gossips state:
It's not like it's going to kill her or anything.
What terrifying foreshadowing.
Now we are finally at the party. There is dancing and music. Everyone is freezing. That probably includes the infant princess who is also at this party.
Oh that's the dowager empress holding the baby! This is the first we are seeing her. And yeah... she's got to be Jinshi's mom. It's like the artists were told to design a female Jinshi.
Apparently the empress gave birth to the emperor at a nauseatingly young age because it freaks Maomao out even though we never hear the number.
Oh the empress actually has two children. You don't say. There is a younger brother, who is conspicuously missing from his place of honor on the stage. But according to gossip he has a weak constitution and has rarely been seen. Sure.
In my best guess, prince #2 has been away with the military which is why he hasn't been around. Upon his glorious return the emperor immediately assigned his handsome brother to the rear palace. It's only speculation at the moment, but I don't think I'm far off.
Someone mentioned earlier that this event seems designed to pit the concubines against one another. And yeah it is. I guess that sort of thing appeals to the emperor, because he has created drama between the ladies before when he went to Lady Gyokuyou to request that Maomao take care of Lady Lihua. Wow, it occurs to me that maybe he wanted to meet Maomao in person because he realized his younger brother was interested in her. That's probably not good.
Yinghua has managed to get involved in some kind of drama with Lady Lihua's ladies. Oh they're talking smack about Maomao! Lady Lihua has the absolute dumbest ladies in waiting. They literally cannot recognize Maomao because she changed her clothes and put on some eyeliner. That's lucky for them, because they wouldn't be saying any of this to Maomao's face since they are legit terrified of her.
Maomao must have inflicted some lasting psychological damage on those ladies because they run the moment they recognize her. I do love that Maomao's friends are defending her though. She's not in this alone.
Yinghua: Don't listen to those bullies. I mean, just look at how adorable you are!
Maomao: Oh. I don't care.
I believe her. Maomao's self-esteem isn't on the outside. Instead she prides herself in her skills, and particularly on how she can use them to help others. Insults to her looks can't touch her. After all, she was trying to worsen her appearance to protect herself. Now, if she ever failed to help someone or if she made a misjudgment or mistake that hurt someone, that would probably crush Maomao.
I love her delulu pavilion friends. They view Maomao in the most sympathetic way and want to protect her. And they're all in on JinMao (probably have the ship half built).
Yuck. This girl was made a concubine at age 9. Maomao's appalled. So am I. This show doesn't pull any punches. And I do think this show has a lot to say about the oppression of women. I'll try to refrain and let someone more qualified analyze that. Please share if you've seen someone talking about this issue.
Lady Lishu makes it a point to rudely ignore Maomao while she's holding Lady Gyokuyou's baby. Maomao notes that she is wearing a color that clashes with Lady Gyokuyou and wonders if it's intentional. I'm sure it is. And here is someone for you to keep an eye on. She should not be underestimated just because she's only 15. She's actually been in the palace for 6 years, which I think is longer than Lady Gyokuyou.
Maomao sees the idiot ladies of the Crystal Pavilion shivering and despite their treatment of Maomao in the past, and earlier that day, she can't bear to see someone suffer. She offers them something to warm their hands and they flee in terror.
Oh Maomao observes someone exchanging a hairpin, Yinghua explains that it's some kind of recruitment thing and that there is a secret meaning, however Maomao doesn't care... But this is relevant! Considering she just received a hairpin herself that very morning! Yinghua also calls bullshit and says, hilariously:
Excuse me, I'm trying to gossip with you over here!
She's dying to tell Maomao the hidden meaning behind the hairpins, but we never find out what she would have said.
In any case, Maomao promptly accepts another hairpin from the first stranger she meets, a bouncy officer named Lihaku. Directly after she gets another one from Lady Lihua. This one is given with a compliment and a great deal of warmth. Maomao's going to look like a pin cushion before the day is done.
Also, where is Jinshi? These folks are making moves on your girl!
The next part of the garden party has commenced, with everyone waiting motionlessly in lines. Maomao has taken off all of her hairpins and looks around while she waits. She thinks Gaoshun looks good, like a soldier, and realizes he has a higher position then she realizes. She gets a polite acknowledgement from him when he notices her attention. She also spots the cute bouncy officer, Lihaku. She breaks the 4th wall to wonders where Jinshi is:
I don't see our ✨sparkly✨ eunuch anywhere, but, who cares.
Maomao is such a weirdo about poisons. She loves the stinging sensation.
Maomao is noticing a lot of things going on around her during this meal. Lady Lishu has a severe issue with food. This isn't someone being a picky eater. Maomao is brushing it off for now, but I assume she'll help this girl at some point. Some other lady is witnessing Lady Lishu suffer and she's giving a creepy smile. Maomao isn't happy to have seen it. But it will force her to figure out whatever mystery is playing out here.
And Maomao just ate something that made her blush and lick her lips, so it's either an aphrodisiac, or poison. I mean it could be any tasty food, the girl loves to eat, but it's probably poison. Yup, it's poison. She's so into it though...
Jinshi finally arrives (where was he?), just in time to... not attend the party and follow Maomao instead. To be fair he deduced instantly that she may have been poisoned. And then he knows she has been because she's smiling at him.
Meanwhile Maomao is fantasizing about being incompacitated by poison. And I don't know ethically where to fall on this one. I'm not one to kink shame but I don't support self harm either. Jinshi doesn't have that problem, he is very much not happy about it. He's dragging her to medical care. And this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say I'm glad Maomao has people in her life who care about her well-being because, for as good as she is at caring for others, she doesn't take care of herself.
She wants more of the poisonous soup and Jinshi has just about had it with her. Turns out some dumbass ate the rest of her soup and collapsed at the party. Anyway, Maomao offers a solution to treat him that involves more poison. Jinshi does not approve.
Maomao notices Jinshi's new hairpin and jumps to the best conclusion which is that he got it as a gift from his secret male lover. I'm not even going to offer a guess of my own because I hope Maomao is right.
The stress of this day has made Jinshi upset. He's not bothering to try and keep up any pretenses. Maomao is seeing him unmasked, and she prefers it.
Maomao receives some impressive drugs that make her purge. The moment she's done Jinshi asks her to immediately solve this case.
She asks to speak with Lady Lishu. She knows she has an allergy to fish. Her nasty food taster did not. Maomao lets her know that trying to give fish to Lady Lishu is the equivalent of trying to poison her. The issue now is that Lady Gyokuyou's fish meal was swapped with Lady Lishu's non-fish meal. Most likely by her own food taster, as a way to torment Lady Lishu by forcing her to eat fish. However, the dish that was intended for Lady Lishu, the one she never received, was the one that poisoned Maomao. So, now the question is, who tried to poison Lady Lishu?
Maomao terrifies that food taster and is confident that she won't allow Lady Lishu to eat fish again.
Maomao is left alone with Jinshi and Gaoshun. Jinshi promptly lays a hand on her shoulder and gets told:
Please, I'm of lowly birth. It's not right for you to touch me.
Jinshi doesn't like that.
Jinshi: You're the only one who has ever used that excuse.
Maomao: That's just because everyone else is being nice to you.
And Jinshi hates that.
And it may seem like they're playing around, and bantering as they both like to do, but in fact they are drawing up new boundaries. Things have recently taken a turn for them into something more serious. And this is the first time they've been able to talk.
First Maomao shared her story about being nearly assaulted, and then being kidnapped, which made Jinshi react in a powerful way, he gave her his hairpin which carries unknown meaning, then Maomao was poisoned, and Jinshi got pretty scared for her, and she caught a glimpse of the real Jinshi. All of this happened today!
And neither one of them has any idea where things stand between them. Jinshi pushes forward. A hand on her shoulder. Maomao pulls back. She removes his hand - no.
And she tells him something true that he needs to hear. We are not of the same class. There are rules to these things and you are breaking them. I'm not going to break them for you.
And then she tells him, something that hurts worse. People don't treat you authentically.
From the only person who does see him as a real person and not just as some lofty official he hears I see you but I won't get close to you. No one else will either.
Jinshi is trapped by the elevation of his station. People are unwilling or unable to interact with him in any real way. And he has a role to play that requires him to mask himself, and do things like manipulate servants, and flirt with concubines.
Maomao is right that the people around him are just being nice. And Jinshi hates it.
He wears different masks to achieve his goals in the harem but he's desperate to take them off and have someone see him. It's why he loved when Maomao glared at him. It's why he delights in her sarcasm and biting comments. And now she's pulling away from him.
Jinshi is completely alone.
And here is where Maomao and Jinshi serve narrative foils to one another. Because Maomao is authentic with everyone. She speaks her mind, behaves how she wants and people see her and adore her. She has real relationships all around her.
Maomao is loved.
It is worth noting, that even though Maomao is putting up a boundary between herself and Jinshi, she did not return his hairpin. She is drawing a line, but she isn't completely walking away.
Maomao, exhausted after everything:
What a day.
If you want to read these from the beginning:
Episode 1
Next episode:
Episode 7
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from this

please I'm curious to know more
*promping you to talk about it*
OH!!! okok. ok, not to say the endings are necessarily bad- both of them were very emotional the first time. but I don't find myself replaying them a lot because there's nothing to latch onto- with Julian's route especially I find myself thinking about the implications of everything that happened a lot and really running with it- and I do think the endings are fine in that they answer questions about the worldbuilding (what happens if you kill an Arcana and don't replace them? storms and monsters apparently. how does the world function without magic? they start building weapons and everyone just generally feels more unsafe. stuff like that it's like yeah that's interesting) BUT I do have ideas on how to really *elevate* those routes and make them a "god I can't stop thinking about this" thing that really plays into their fatal flaw
>Muriel's was an obvious choice I feel like. at times, his self isolation borders on self harm (there are definitely implications he doesn't fully want to be alone *all* the time) and I feel like the worst thing you could do for his reversed end, is make him go back on his progress. it was so nice seeing him open up! it was nice seeing him want to be remembered! take it away from him. it would be SO easy to make him regress- he killed Lucio! he swore he wouldn't spill blood again and then he did, that would confirm his worst fears, in his mind, that he's a monster, that he's the reason the world has gone to shit, that he let everyone down. so, he gets his curse back. he finds a way. he takes away Asra's myrrh. he disappears, ignoring as you and Asra begged him not to (he explained what he was doing beforehand, it's not like you would remember it anyway and he needed the closure) and he disappears into the forest again, and this time, nobody ran after him. occasionally, Asra or the player may smell myrrh and briefly remember him, but it's always fleeting and they get this unexplainable sense of loss after the feeling is gone. Muriel is left in his hut, with Asra's knicknacks there, remembering how this used to be a home for his best friend, too. thinking about how he doesn't deserve a best friend, he'll just end up hurting them. he'll just hurt the mc. that's all he ever does- this mindset is in no way helped by Vesuvia confirming his fears and driving him away for killing Lucio initially, when the world started to break (though he never could have predicted the consequences of that)
BUT eventually after a few years of introspection, and many many failed attempts he does return to Vesuvia, if for no other reason than like... having zero news on his friends drives him crazy. and even if he thinks he doesn't deserve them, he wants to be around to protect them. if all he's good for is killing, at least it will be monsters worse than he is, and they won't have to fend for themselves anymore. SO he ends up giving Asra and the player myrrh and when their memories return they're half-scolding-half-crying-from-joy that he even came back, but overall they're eager to make up for lost time and hopefully, get him to open up again. but it won't be easy
>for Portia it's a little more difficult to pin down a fatal flaw imo... maybe that she's manipulative but that's not her personality that's literally just her trying to save her brother- and the reversed meaning of The Star wasn't giving me any sparks either, particularly, so I thought it would be cool if Tasya ended up living, and Portia got the life she always dreamed of. she doesn't have to work anymore! but she starts to become corrupt. she starts to become exactly the kind of person she despised working as a servant. she uses her money to say, buy endangered pets. something that would appall Mazelinka for obvious reasons but that would also appall younger Portia- I bring this example up specifically because I feel like Portia has the potential to become very impulsive and at times she lets her feelings get the best of her. a natural progression of this is her becoming more and more impulsive with her money- oh she thinks the seals are cute. now she owns them. oh now she needs a servant to care for them because they're too much work. so she ends up putting someone in exactly the position she was in at the palace, taking care of Lucio's menagerie. butttt this is the one I'm the least confident in. I don't love it if I'm honest- I think there's something more creative you could do with Portia and im not sure what that is? like yeah I think Portia has the potential to become corrupt but ultimately she's so kind at heart that it would be out of character for her to be terribly cruel- or, talking it out maybe her fatal flaw is that she runs herself ragged. maybe you could do something with that, have her snap, idfk- I do like the idea of Portia getting to live out the life she never got in some way, and I do think it would be bittersweet for Tasya to sort of replace Lishka with Portia
THE MURIEL ONE is the one I like here. anyway
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Just dropping to say that It's even more sad and horrifying when Alain was forced to delete that picture of his partner after the disgusting blow of hate comments from the internet freaks. No words.
Man wanted to share his happiness with his followers and this is what he gets? Backlash from some parasocial, chronically online idiots that he doesn't even know they exist, until he read what he read... I'm at a loss of what else to say, only that this sort of behaviour has sent a very uncomfortable feeling down my guts. That's it.
Unfortunately yes... I never want to see anyone get hurt or feel threatened. Especially when there are a lot of younger fans (older ones do this too, all ages that do this shit are to blame) but when they're so chronically online and don't see what their words do. Or they're genuinely so toxic and self absorbed that they don't care.. it's appalling.
I genuinely feel really bad for him. I mean, even just watching his lives a lot of people treat him as some sort of sex object. And sure, you can like him, think he's hot... But it should never spread to anything like this.
And this is happening more and more, and if I had the ability to shut them all up I would.
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As we proceed up into High Hall, there's a sharp sizzling sound and whole pack of githyanki appear in our path.
"Is'tark! Chraith!"
Uh oh.
Hector doesn't know a lot of githyanki words, but he has hung around enough with Lae'zel that he knows both of these. Coward. Enemy.
Immediately he rocks his weight forward, brings his fists up, ready to defend himself. The rage in Voss's eyes is obvious, and Hector can guess the reason for it.
"You held the future of a people in your hands!" the kith'rak bellows. "How dare you take our prince from us! How dare you parade around this abomination?!" He lashes out a hand in the direction of the mind flayer that stands at Hector's shoulder, listening placidly.
Hector opens his mouth to speak - but Lae'zel gets there first, and the sharpness with which she speaks to Voss would have appalled and astonished her younger self. "Silence your blasphemous tongue, Voss!" she cries.
Voss's head snaps back and he looks at her with pure fury. Hector thinks perhaps he would strike her, except that the illithid - Orpheus - interrupts.
"Voss!" he cries. His voice is that strange, resonant tone common to all mind flayers, but still recognizably his, and with a greater coloration of emotion than Hector ever heard even in the Emperor. "Gith'ka tavki krash'ht!"
Voss goes still, wild-eyed. "What?!"
"Stand down!" Orpheus insists. "The true heir has spoken!"
"No..." Voss whispers. "It can't be."
Hector feels a flash of sympathy for the man. To see the leader he has fought to rescue in the form of the enemy he hates above all other things - what must that be like? It is as if Hector himself had fought to release Aylin from the Shadowfell and found her wearing Sharran robes - except a thousand times worse, for this is no costume but a true change, never to be undone.
"And yet it is," he says softly. He has calmed a little from the panic of the confrontation with the brain and the Emperor, recovered a little of his usual gravitas - and it is sorely needed here, for he can tell Voss is on a hairtrigger, ready to lash out. "Orpheus took this form so we could defeat the Netherbrain."
"Orpheus..." Voss whispers, barely even seeming to register Hector's words. He is appalled at what he sees - and terrified, too. "My prince. What's become of you?"
"The Grand Design must be ended," Lae'zel points out fiercely. "A sacrifice had to be made!"
"The duty fell to me," Orpheus explains gravely. "I am not long for this world, or any other."
Later, Hector will remember this self-possession with tremendous admiration and file it away as worthy of emulation. Surely Orpheus is as frightened as he is - more so, to have been turned into an abomination of nightmares - and yet he is calm. He seems almost at peace. He does not even cast a resentful look in Hector's direction, and surely he would have a right to.
"What of Vlaakith?" Voss asks unsteadily. "What of our liberty?" And in the question Hector sees a new reason for the other man's fear. Their dream of rebellion seems in danger of shattering to ashes along with this city.
But Orpheus shakes his head. "You underestimate your own people," he says. "Their imaginations have kept the name Orpheus alive for millennia. Bring them my message. Tell them my fate. Some will doubt, some will mock. But some will listen, and the spark will be lit."
Hector nods slowly. His eyes flick to Lae'zel. Yes - he can well believe what Orpheus says. After all, Lae'zel herself was once devoted to Vlaakith, but the spark was lit in her, the seeds of change. It is not Orpheus they need, but his name - and the power of his sacrifice here on their behalf.
I think we can safely assume Vlaakith would not have done so much.
"Githyanki freedom means nothing if the Grand Design comes to pass," he says soberly, watching the kith'rak's eyes intently. "We need your help, Voss."
"Find your nerve, my friend," Orpheus agrees. "Today we strike at the brain!" He gestures towards Hector. "This champion holds the key to the Grand Design's end. Answer to him as you would to me."
Voss tips his head sideways and looks Hector up and down thoughtfully. Hector looks back steadily as the other man scrutinizes him. In truth - he is not sure exactly what key Orpheus means. The Netherstones, perhaps, but those are in the keeping of Orpheus himself.
But Hector and his friends have come so far in pursuit of victory here, and perhaps that is strength in itself. They have overcome fear, and held to kindness, and gathered allies, and that is its own sort of power.
Whatever Voss sees in him, he must approve of it, because he nods. "Your Majesty," he says in acknowledgment to Orpheus.
"I have spoken," intones the gith mind flayer.
"As you wish," Voss agrees. His eyes return to Hector's, and then he offers a salute. "I stand at the ready."
"Your friendship," Orpheus says softly. "Your constancy - when I fell to despair, they elated me. Thank you, my friend. Sha va zai."
A muscle works in Voss's cheek. "Sha va zai," he echoes, bowing his head.
Silence stretches, broken only by the rumble of distant explosions. Then Orpheus turns and proceeds up the stairs ahead of them. "Now - to the Netherbrain. Let it be the first victim in the War for the Skies!"
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