#his voice though?? it’s just 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
fluffallamaful · 1 year
For the tickle alphabet can you do Dteam with M+N?
thank you elliot!! :D you’re very patient 🥺🥺
from this ask game
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
dream: super adorable and switchy. takes a bit to wake up so it’s the perfect time for a tickle attack,, so long as the ler is prepared to be promptly pulled into a warm, sleepy tickle hug the second dream wakes up more 😁
george: often sleeps in. often has to be woken up. is often grumpy when he gets told that he has to get up… therefore he’s the perfect candidate for wake up tickles. he’s significantly less squirming and hyper in the morning, so it’s the perfect time to fish for sweet sweet giggles. soft neck flutters, rib pinches, face kisses and armpit wiggles 👌🏼 groggy gogyyyyy 😭
sapnap: absolutely the type to wake up his friends by scratching lightly under their chin, and cooing adorably soft nicknames down to them. surprise tickle attacks in the morning are often combatting with sapnap diving under his duvet to escape— despite the technique never hindering the lers attack in the slightest
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
dream: refuses to admit that he’s tired when he in fact is. visibly melts at the suggestion of being tickled to sleep, even when the ler hasn’t even made an attempt to step towards him. absolutely adores tickling his friends to sleep though, and he’s just always so soft and sweet about it. he’ll even open up his arms so wide so that the lee can get a cuddle at the same time. tickle hugs from a big teddy bear 🥺
george: lovesssss being put to sleep with tickles, particularly neck, back and head scratches. secretively adores dream’s tickle hugs way way too much. he’s also happy to fish out sleepy tickles, but mainly just coz he gets to see the lee smile and fluster so easily. he’s so teasing about it, and it’d be such a soft cooing voice too. his patches voice
sapnap: protests sleepy tickles so much, but can’t deny that they do help him sleep. can see him both being put to sleep by rougher tickles that are just physically exhausting, but also the soft fluttery kinds of tickles that make him melt. i think he’d prefer rougher tickles ciz soft tickles can be kinda overwhelming
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azul-marie · 2 years
Hehe the relationship hcs were so good!! Can I get the same but with Anne, Ryu and Hokusai, please?
hello! thanks for requesting. i’m glad you liked those earlier headcanons! i hope you like these, too. please take care. ❤️
note: fem. reader
genre: romance/fluff.
characters: anne faulkner. ryu natsume. masaki hokusai.
they are not easily romanced. anne is used to empty words and giddy glances, done with the hopes of scoring a private session without considering their thoughts on the matter. which is why he might be so taken by the lack of your nerves, lacking excitement of being with the one and only anne faulkner, who you don’t seem too eager to please. it’s as if you know of their wonder of you, this fascination they have of your nonchalance. it was like a cat and mouse game, a chase between two, back and forth then back again.
expensive, exciting dates are a guarantee when it comes to anne, but even he likes simplicity now and then; they’ve a way of turning any little activity into a date. whether it’s a quick run to the market, cleaning up messy rooms, or simply watching overdramatized reality television shows, anne makes the occasion romantic as can be. any moment spent with you is worthy of celebrating.
you’re one of his favorite models for swank. they do an excellent job at comforting/encouraging you if you’re camera-shy, and if it comes to it, anne will personally take photos of you so you trust you’re in good hands.
makeup is important to their overall style, so you’re the first to see their newest look before they go off to work or post a quick selfie online. even if you’re not the most experienced with makeup either on others or yourself, anne trusts your evaluation and takes your advice fairly seriously. they’ll also want to practice on you/help you learn if you’d like.
in a way, your casual approach comforts him. you do not seem him as an idol, someone to worship, something to lust after or want. you see them the way they’ve always wanted to be seen, like anybody wants to be seen — a person with hopes, dreams, wants and needs. a person with fragile love to give, now to you, and you alone.
it is much too obvious, ryu’s fondness for you. to no one’s surprise, he is not subtle in the slightest. when you first met, all he could do was stare and blink and peek at you from behind counters and around corners. mysterious gifts find their way to you; pigeon feathers stuffed inside a birthday card despite it not being your birthday; plucked dandelions with roots still attached piled neatly by your doorstep; and once, a paper slip of messy doodles of hearts surrounding what you presumed was you found hidden in your purse. it was very cute. you’re not very sure how it got in there.
dates vary depending on his mood. sometimes he invites you over for lunch, which turns out to be shiki’s homework snuck onto a plate. (yohei was not amused.) or invitations for drinks, shaken and/or stirred by yours truly. (yohei won’t let him serve you any of his experiments, though.) usually, he likes exploring all over town, especially when he’s bored and doesn’t have a clue of where else to take you. prepare for a flurry of silly conversations and sore feet by the end of the day.
puzzles are a normal part of his day, mostly before bedtime so his brain’s frazzled enough to sleep. he has a variety of puzzles to choose from, and will let you choose whichever one you’d like whenever you spend the night. he might even do them with the pictures facing up, if you ask him sweetly enough.
based off his verse in “my sweetest love”, ryu thrives in excitement and chaos, his spirit a whirlwind merry-go-round you find yourself riding along on. his oddity is his charm, a magic he casts, enough to make you feel sky high up in the clouds. he’s not afraid of showing you crazy, new, exhilarating experiences, all while falling more and more for your beauty and self.
there is a sadness in his secrecy. for all his exuberance, wild laughs and bites of love, ryu is unlike anyone or anybody else. memories like puzzle pieces, unable to click together in harmony, keeps him detached from worldly places. but you are apart of this unkept world, a refuge for him to hide in. even if nothing else makes sense for him, you do. and you’re here, right at his fingertips, at the tip of his tongue.
his heart is fond of cute and soft things. it is no wonder he takes a liking to you, then. this began as a love between strangers, little meetings of chance. at school, where you took extra classes with him, at bus stops, riding into town together, in sunlit alleys, cuddling newborn kittens and their sleepy mama. hokusai relishes familiarity, and yours was the sweetest he’s known. he follows you anywhere you let him, a giant shadow of a puppydog, too content to chase after the outline of the one he likes the most.
dates can be as simple as sitting side-by-side on a quiet street bench, holding hands and whispering words. hokusai places time spent together higher than money or materials, both which can be lost and gained later. but time forms memories lasting, a kind to look back upon with joy. if it’s with you, it’s sure to make him happy.
wandering around town is his favorite pastime, one he introduces as a daily routine for you both. there are stops on nearly every corner on nearly every street, where stray cats bask in sunlight, bask in the gentle pats he lays on their bellies. they’ve warmed up to you a great deal, to a point they’ll let you feed them snacks from the palm of your hand. (hokusai is very proud.)
he doesn’t mind being teased by his family when they notice how enamored he is with you. they are used to his head pats and hugs and snuggles, but seeing him give shy kisses to your cheeks, seeing how softly he holds you when you spend the night, or how he insists on buying you any trinkets you like, it’s all too cute for them not to tease.
this is a simple, pure sort of love. hokusai is a man gentle of heart and mind, an undeserving outcast thrown into a cruel, sharp world. in everything he does, he hopes to soften out its edges, its points that poke, starting with him and the family he loves. now for you, too. the softest, cutest piece of this world — one he’ll cherish with his life.
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morelikedoccock · 3 years
Hello ! I propose "Yeah. You're in love with me" said by a cocky reader.
Ock deserves to be teased, just a little bit 😏
Thank you !
This was different than my usual reader vibe (at least for the first part) and it was super fun!! Love a good cocky character😆👌🏼
Doc Ock x Gender neutral reader
      You shift, squirm, but you can’t break free. In fact, you can hardly move.
      “This is getting old, you know,” you say, feeling the familiar twinge of misgiving. You know it’s not the best idea to antagonize your captor, but he hasn’t hurt you for it… yet.
      “I don’t know what you mean.”
      The man sitting at the desk nearby swivels on his stool and surveys you from behind dark goggles. There’s something in his face, in the twist of his mouth— you can figure out why but it makes you tingle.
      “This is the fifth time you’ve used me as leverage against the cops in the past two weeks,” you tell him. “You know you could just let me go once you’re out of sight of them, instead of hauling me all the way here, right?”
      You can't help it; a crooked grin finds its way onto your lips.
      “It’s almost like you enjoy my company, Doctor,” you say.
      Doctor Otto Octavius pushes himself slowly to his feet, then walks over to where one of his metal, tentacle-like arms is still holding you fast to a big metal pole. Your heart stutters slightly as he seems to look you over, inch by inch, then he pushes the goggles up onto his forehead. His eyes— lord, his eyes— are a beautiful golden brown, warm in color if not in expression.
      “You’re quite chatty for someone in such a dangerous situation,” he drawls. You find your tongue, having lost track of it for a few seconds while you stared at the movement of his lips, and chuckle. You don’t really have much to lose if he really does decide to do something to you, but something tells you he won’t.
      “If you wanted to kill me, you would’ve done it the first time you grabbed me. Remember, when I swore at you for five minutes straight before you decided to gag me? If anything, this is just becoming inconvenient at this point.”
      His mouth, his lovely, soft mouth, twitches.
      “I know how to recognize an antagonistic comment when I hear one, sweetheart,” he says. You watch the way his lips curl, entranced.
      “Say that again,” you hear your voice say. He frowns.
      “I said, I know how to recognize an antagonistic comment when I hear one.”
      “No, no, the other thing.”
      “You called me ‘sweetheart.’”
      You’re probably going to get yourself firmly on your way toward being maimed (at least) with this, but it’s worth a shot.
      “What of it?”
      Otto’s voice nearly smokes with irritation. Yep, you’re well and truly fucked. Might as well go for it.
      “You keep kidnapping me over and over,” you say, holding his irate gaze, “almost as if you enjoy spending time around me, and you just called me sweetheart. Is it possible you’re sweet on me, perhaps?”
      Otto stares at you, unmoving, his eyes wide. You plow on ahead.
      “You still haven’t killed me even though I’ve done my best to annoy you, which is incredible in itself.”
      Taking what will likely be your last look at his amazingly handsome face, you buckle down and hammer the final nail in your own coffin.
      “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you might be in love with me.”
      Otto splutters.
      “I’m— what?!”
      “Yeah, you’re in love with me.”
      There’s a painfully long moment of silence. You prepare yourself to feel the metal around you tighten, to be crushed against the pole behind you, but the pain never comes. Instead, you watch in genuine shock as Otto Octavius begins to blush.
      The color is slow at first, creeping up his neck, then it floods into his cheeks.
      “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he growls, turning away, but the metal around your waist rattles to life, releasing you from its hold. You gasp at the sudden absence of pressure, then rub some life back into your skin.
      “Doctor?” you ask, feeling almost timid. “I— can I go?”
      He drops onto the stool at his desk and grunts. On a different day, you would’ve jogged out immediately, but today you hesitate. You’d been bluffing, right? Just teasing him, trying to get a rise out of him. It’s not like you’ve been thinking about him as you lie awake in bed at night. Or daydreaming of his eyes as you commute to work. Or— oh, fuck. Okay.
      You take a few steps toward him, and his actuators swing around, clicking their claws menacingly. Nervous, you stop.
      “Doctor Octavius, I— I’m going to get coffee tomorrow evening around 8pm at an all-night cafe I like on 17th street, then go to the park nearby. It wouldn’t—” you swallow. “—It wouldn’t be terrible to see you there… and sitting on a park bench would definitely be more comfortable than being pinned to that pole. I’ll get you something from the cafe, my treat, but uh, no pressure.”
      You can feel your own face growing warm, so you spin and break into your customary jog out of the run-down hideout. It’s unlikely that he’ll take you up on your offer, since he’ll probably think it’s a trap, but you haven’t sold him out to the law yet, and you don’t plan to. You’ll be at the park tomorrow around 8:30pm with two cups of coffee, regardless of what he decides to do.
      Despite his rough exterior, he seems to have a soft heart. He strikes you as a milk-and-sugar kind of man. You smile, and head toward home.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
What is your favorite Snape quote from the books?
(Ayyy my first anonymous ask!! Noice)
Ahhh this is hard, anon (I missed saying that), I love literally every word that comes out of that man’s mouth (not just words 🌚).
I have… two different kinds? Not sure if that’s the right word but yeah. There are the iconic quotes that’re iconic because of the emotional it holds (i.e. “Always”), and the iconic quotes that are iconic due to its humour/sass (i.e. “Ghosts are transparent”).
The emotional/iconic quotes then:
“Do not use that word”
“Lately only those whom I could not save”
“Always” got nothing on these two quotes. 😌
The funny/crack ones:
“That is just as well, Potter,” said Snape coldly, “because you are neither special nor important, and it is not up to you to find out what the Dark Lord is saying to his Death Eaters.” “No — that’s your job, isn’t it?” Harry shot at him. He had not meant to say it; it had burst out of him in temper. For a long moment they stared at each other, Harry convinced he had gone too far. But there was a curious, almost satisfied expression on Snape’s face when he answered. “Yes, Potter,” he said, his eyes glinting. “That is my job.”
(my mans proud of himself 😌)
“Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.”
“Potter, when I want nonsense shouted at me I shall give you a Babbling Beverage. And Crabbe, loosen your hold a little. If Longbottom suffocates it will mean a lot of tedious paperwork and I am afraid I shall have to mention it on your reference if ever you apply for a job.”
(this quote might just be my all-time favourite tbh. He’s so funny I can’t-)
“Would you like me to do it now?” asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. “Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”
(homeboy’s really calling Albus Dumbledore out like it’s nothing 👌🏼)
“What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade, Potter? Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade.”
(WHY IS THIS LINE NOT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH? It’s literally one of his best quotes)
So yeah, I think that’s pretty much it. But like I said, all his quotes are amazing. He probably has all the best quotes out of every HP character (Harry comes close though).
Thank you for the (anonymous 🥰) ask! Have a great day, anon!
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heesulovebot · 2 years
k so i finished f4 and i just gotta say that the production and cinematography and editing was actually really good. the way the narrative flowed with interjections sometimes was so nice from a stylistic perspective and y'know added to the overarching messages and it was really well made in that respect. however, like every other adaptation, i will never root for the lead guy (in this case, thyme) because the overall romantic storyline perpetuates the toxic message that girls can "fix" their boyfriends and it's their responsibility to bare all that emotional burden and frustration. and like,,, it's 2022,,,, can we not? (don't even get me started on the literal trauma that was inflicted on gorya and how she- as the quintessential strong woman ((except she's literally a seventeen year old girl))- shouldered all of that and had to always be the bigger person). anyways besides the romance being terrible, some things i did like besides the technical parts:
gorya and kaning's friendship: truly a beautiful sisterhood 😭💕
MJ!!!! tbh even tho my eyes naturally went to kavin because win lmao, mj stole every scene he was in. nani was so natural at it and he's actually so opposite to his character irl. @g*m PLS give nani a lead role 🙏🏼 i would watch that drama in a heartbeat
on that note: mj and kavin's friendship 😩💕 they were literally platonic husbands like nani and win were so comfortable w eachother and it was so nice to see that translated through their characters. also mj was literally the glue of that group but i love how kavin listened to everything mj told him to do like a good husband djdnnfnf (also will never be over the tie scene 😭 i love nonchalant, affectionate gestures like that so much)
ren (and gorya): now listen, even though i joked about it, i don't actually want ren and gorya as endgame. would it have made sense? yes absolutely, and it would've been the healthiest relationship ever. but since we got gorya and thyme canon, i really liked that even though they had their past, above all, they remained friends. ik that ren had his emo bad boy moment because he was going thru it @mira but i would say he probably had the most character growth (besides evil mom) in the entire show (ppl would say that would be thyme but i don't count thyme because his growth depended only on gorya, so when she was gone, he went back to his old self. even though yes ren's growth stemmed from heartbreak, he never went back to being an emo ass and just continued to grow and move on. also, thyme is still toxic even at his 'best' self i.e., controlling). even though ren cared for gorya romantically, he only ever cared for her happiness in the end, even if it didn't include him. after his growth, he was nothing but soft with gorya and gave her the option to literally not suffer. but when she still took the hard road he still supported it because it also included thyme, and he loves thyme as much as gorya (can i just say: thyme is so lucky to have f3 by his side 😭). anyways i was SO happy in the final scene with gorya's voice over, where she acknowledged that ren was her first love. because it made it more realistic, and it added a bit of bittersweetness to their romance, the what could've been~, and it was just nice to see that gorya acknowledged that love and they stayed friends and were happy. also further proof that ren is best boy who is full of love and maturity: he was drawing mira a book of all her friends as a wedding gift 😭💕 like mira is literally his first love and she broke his heart BAD but he doesn't resent her and he's doing something so sweet to congratulate her for her wedding. because he loves her. gOD i love ren and all the love he has in his emo little heart 😭😭😭😭
thyme's mom. she was evil but it helped that cindy bishop was playing her because that woman can ACT. the emotional complexity she added to a character that could've easily become flat with micro-expressions alone was just 😚👌🏼 probs a fave villain. and even though it was rushed, it was nice that she didn't stay a villain and that scene with thyme's sister in the car was so sweet :((
thyme's wardrobe. it was atrocious but the best part about his character because it was consistent lmao
anyways idky i wrote so much about this dumb little show but here we are 😌 excited for win’s show and tu and ohm’s show and bright’s show coming up!! 
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
watching Eurovision with the Sinclairs or Michael
I feel like Michael would get super bored and confused/irritated at me complaining about stuff so he'd quickly go to... distract me 👀 should be paying attention to him anyway 😌
also day went fine, it was hot outside (at least not sunny though), lecture was fun 👌🏼 there'd be so much rambling about random stuff the Sinclairs would have to deal with from me 😂
Bo would be like "wtf", Vincent would probably listen just cause he likes your voice and presence, and Lester would be feeling with you (like probably mirroring whatever you're feeling) even if he doesn't get it, and make an active effort to understand you
though tbh I could see Bo either asking you later in private, or looking up stuff on his own (maybe asking Vincent for help) so next time you talk about it he can flex with his knowledge - or just the fact that he does know stuff
he'd also just love how happy his interest in something you care about makes you
imagine Lester trying to learn a language for you 🥺 though I do for some reason have the hc that he did learn a language in school (I think Spanish would be most common but I'm self-indulgent and know some places teach German), that he was better at it than expected, and actually retained quite a bit of it - not even his brothers know this so when he suddenly comes out with that ability to understand some things you say etc they'd be surprised and... amazed? proud?
it would be beautiful
- 🔪
*is a filthy American who knows next to nothing about Eurovision*
Michael would be interested at first because he’s so hungry to learn, but he would quickly tire of it, of course making a move on you because it’s been too long since he’s had you last (his drive is so high).
Glad your day turned out okay!
I agree with you on the Sinclair stuff 🖤 and Lester taking German actually kinda floats my hc boat. He’s not fluent but he understands a fair amount.
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
i have been so busy 😭 i just want to curl up in a room and write lee dream and i caaaaannn’t 😭
if anyone has any lee dream hcs (c! or cc!) that they would like to share, please do 🙏🏼 even if we’ve heard them already i just want to talk about hiiimm 😖
here are my current thoughts. basically a collection or my favourite lee!dream hcs
bee!dream getting feet tickles with a flower. trying to kick the flower away, but the action making it tickle even more
blob!dream/bee!dream getting tummy tickles and then transforming back into his human state mid way though ( @emmadoodle 😭)
blob!dream squeak laugh. dream squeak laugh. dream hiccup squeak laugh gasp wheeze thing
dream going “nOHohoho!!” when he’s flustered and giggly
dream pleading to george in his ‘george voice’ while getting soft tickles
XD holding c!dream upside down and skittering nails over tummy. dream being too weak to reach his hands up to stop him
dream getting flustered by soft tummy tickles 🤌🏼👌🏼🤌🏼👌🏼🤌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
dream being weak to anticipation. outing himself in hide and seek because waiting for the seeker is too much for him
dream being called “smiley” as a tease
squidgame!dream being tickled to give up the hat, but being too stubborn to let it go
c!dream being feather sensitive on his face because of his mask. dream with ticklish cheeks. dream being ticklish on his tummy in the same spots that his blob skin’s cheeks would be
fnaf lee!dream 🙌🏼
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natromanxoff · 3 years
I don’t know why I did this but under the cut: Outsider liveblog!!
- The first notes and harmony in the beginning have a bit of Journey’s End vibes, doesn’t it?
- Oh no, I am actually worried that I’ll end up crying at the end of this album 😭
- Right, now I think I’ve started to understood why he called this album ‘autumnal’
I Know, I Know, I Know
- Omg, I can’t believe how fast this one turned from ‘possibly a cheery one’ into ‘one that makes me very gloomy’.
- He said ‘is it autobiographical? I think you should make your own mind’ about this track. Yeah, that and his voice gets me so emotional, TOO MUCH.
- It’s only the second song and I’m not going to lie, it gets me a little teary.
- I love this, like very much, even though it gets me sad??
More Kicks
- Okay, saxophone and it gets even better?!! *turns volume up*
- Ahh, it’s faster now and I. LOVE. IT!
- Seriously, the drum sound on this one is veeeery nice👌🏼
- You add a nice rocker and you win me, Mr. Taylor, it’s easy. Surely, my favourite so far.
Absolutely Anything
- Gosh, what a soothing sound this track has. I am glad, we have longer version now.
- Oohh, beautiful guitar solo (kind of) in the end 👌🏼
Gangsters Are Running This World
- Awww I miss listening to this one, it’s been a while since the last time 🥺
We’re All Just Trying To Get By
- This is already good, we all know.
Gangsters Are Running This World - Purple Version
- Ahhh, what a nice song! I prefer the other version as a whole song with lyrics etc. but instrument sound wise, this comes first. SO GOOD.
- Brings back the old memories when I was sulking at home because of quarantine and listening to this for the first time excitedly 😆
Clapping Song
- Okay, I needed this one.
- I haven’t listened to this one with these earphones but it enhances bass sound and I think, I love it now more than the first time I have heard it haha
- Couple of lyrics at the beginning to really identify yourself, thanks Roger
- I forgot this was also about school!
Foreign Sand
- Omg, I already love this song very much and it sounds so good. I think, it’s one of the songs which shows what a beautiful voice he has.
Journey’s End
- I don’t know if it’s only me but it’s already hard for me to listen to this one because of these lyrics. I don’t want to think about that journey’s end at all, Roger 😔
Overall, it has a bit of melancholic side, yes but we knew it from all those interviews. I actually love when you can tell what kind of things he might be going through when he releases an album. First one was the album of a new rockstar who was hungry for trying to make his own stuff, independently. Second one came from the efforts a successful drummer who wanted to give more time and make a better one. Third one came when he lost a friend. The next two has given him a chance to use new opportunities of technology. And now it’s coming from a man who is in his 70s and who’s going through pandemic, isolation and knows that hoping for a ‘next time’ is getting harder each passing day. I love this album and I love how he didn’t lose passion for music after all these years 💕
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annabethy · 4 years
hey! could you do 38, please?👌🏼
#38 “They’re coming. Kiss me!”
Annabeth turned around, immediately regretting doing so when she saw who was approaching like the wind.
“Hey, Luke,” she said passively, trying to turn around and keep moving. When his arm shot out to grab her wrist, she grimaced, twisting out of his grip and rubbing the stretched skin gingerly, a slight glare on her face.
“Annabeth,” he breathed again, unphased and smiling widely. “Where are you going?”
She looked over her shoulder, desperate to get away from this situation because if she stays, she has a feeling he’s going to start spewing his very obvious feelings for her, and she has zero interest in him.
“I was just going to finish some homework in math,” she answered with a tight smile, hoping he’d get the hint.
He didn’t.
“I could use some help with integrals,” Luke suggested, the smile from his face never fading. “I know we learned that last year, but I already forgot how to do them, and you’re just so brilliant.”
Annabeth hesitated. She had really just wanted to sit down by herself and work. “Are you sure you want to spend your lunch doing math, though?”
“Of course I am!” he said, brightly. “I’d do anything for you.”
She might actually throw up.
“Right,” she said slowly. “Uh, well— I guess you can come then.” Her voice very clearly said the opposite, but according to everyone, he was too blinded by his one-sided love to see it. Piper had told Annabeth that Jason told her that Luke planned on asking her out, and if that doesn’t represent senior year, a long chain of rumors, then she doesn’t know what does.
Luke pointed over his shoulder. “I just need to grab my bag from down the hall, and then we can go.”
For a second after he left, she stood there glumly, dreading having to listen to him shower her in compliments, but then she realized with a start that he was nowhere in sight and it was the perfect opportunity to run. So she did.
She trekked down the hallway, a glance over her shoulder, and when she was sure he wasn’t going to walk out on her booking it away from him, she broke into a sprint. She turned a corner, heading in the general direction she knew Percy was. A few people looked at her like she was actually insane, the way she was looking back and forth for her best friend to appear.
Just as panic was starting to claw into her throat after a few minutes of running because she might not have an escape from Luke and his oxytocin-filled brain, she finally, finally saw a familiar head of black hair and green eyes.
He turned around in a doorway, looking her up and down, surprised.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she breathed, bending to rest her hands on her knees and catch her breath.
“Are you okay?”
She gave a strangled sound, standing up straight and looking over her shoulder again, paranoid that Luke was going to pop up, the very essence of that hola niñooo video Percy showed her during third period.
“Annabeth?” he prompted, glancing in the general direction she was glaring at. “What’s going on?”
“You know Luke?”
“How could I forget? All he ever talks about in biology is how he plans to ask you to prom.”
Annabeth scowled.
“What about him?” he asked, a subtle smirk on his face.
“He’s following me,” she seethed, squeaking and slamming into his chest when a blonde kid passed behind her. Percy’s hands went to her waist to steady her, snorting at her clear paranoia.
“What’s so bad about that? He seems like a nice guy who wants to father your babies.”
She flicked his nose. “I do not want his sperm anywhere near my eggs.”
“Thank you for that lovely image that I plan to erase with bleach when I get home. Why don’t you just tell him you don’t want to go out with him?”
“Because that’s mean,” she hissed. “You want me to tell him to keep his penis away from me?”
“Well, maybe not quite like that.”
“I don’t like him,” she whined, stomping her foot like a child. “I don’t want to go on a date with him — I want to go on a date with…”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “With who?”
She swallowed her tongue. “No one.”
It wasn’t really no one though. She wanted to go on a date with Percy, because anyone that looked at the two of them knew that she was practically head over heels in love with him. The only two people that didn’t know it were him and Luke, but also Annabeth suspected Percy knew and just didn’t feel the same way, so he acted ignorant.
If Percy didn’t know and he found out, she might actually spontaneously collapse, or combust, or both. If she could control her organs, she would simply shut ‘em down.
“Anyways,” she interrupted, shaking her head to clear her head of the thoughts and her face of the blood that rushed in during her bout of embarrassment. “Please get me out of this. I can’t be with him for an hour teaching him math.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do,” he admitted, laughing. “Just suck it up and go.”
“What if he tries to kiss me!?”
“You let me know and I’ll beat his ass.”
“I don’t want to have to tell you at all because you should—” As Annabeth took one last burning gaze over her shoulder, her heart dropped as she saw Luke treading in her direction, and oh god, he was looking at her like she was the moon and stars and everything in between.
Annabeth wasn’t thinking. The person standing in front of her was her best friend, and she was in love with him, and Luke was rapidly approaching, and she was not thinking.
“He’s coming. Kiss me!”
And suddenly, she was yanking him forwards by his t-shirt and bringing him down to her face to press her lips to his. She held him there for one, two, three seconds to be sure Luke would see, before she pulled away, a loud pop echoing throughout the corridor.
When she opened her eyes, she was greeted with Percy’s mortified expression, and it was then that the reality of the situation came crashing down on her.
She had just kissed her best friend.
She turned her head to look at Luke who had frozen in his spot, staring wide-eyed at the two of them, and she could feel the blood rushing back to her face. No one moved, caught in a three-way staring contest, until Luke cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he muttered, now looking anywhere but her. “I was just — Annabeth, uh…”
Annabeth realized her hands were still clenching the fabric of Percy’s shirt. She dropped it like it was burning her.
“I just realized I actually have to finish a test in English,” Luke finished, voice wobbly. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” she said lightly, brain still clouded by the situation and what the hell just happened.
Luke paused for another second before turning and stalking off. Neither Percy nor her moved until he was completely out of sight, and then Percy was shoving Annabeth, and all other sounds in the school reached her ears. People in the classroom behind the door Percy was standing in front of were cheering, and she could distinctly hear the teacher’s snickering.
“Annabeth!” he said, still very embarrassed.
Her mouth dropped. “I’m so sorry.”
“You—” Percy gestured broadly around them. “Annabeth!”
“I’m sorry!”
“You kissed me!”
“I know!”
And then suddenly, Percy was throwing his head back to laugh, leaving her stumped. “You saw Luke coming and your first instinct was to throw yourself at me! You really didn’t want to be alone with him,” he snickered.
“Stop,” she groaned, dropping her face to the palms of her hands. “I know you weren’t expecting it — I wasn’t expecting it — but was it really that bad?”
Percy’s hands were back on her sides, and he pulled her in for a hug, laughing into the crook of her neck. “Not bad at all, but — If you wanted to kiss me so badly, you could’ve just asked.”
“Shut up,” she said, the tips of her ears burning.
“All I’m saying is next time you feel like making out, at least give me a heads up, okay?”
Annabeth actually choked on air, the definition of eloquence. Percy didn’t look the least bit concerned. He simply watched her take a strangled breath, one eyebrow raised expectantly.
“Did you really think I didn’t know?”
Annabeth’s heart was racing so hard it might as well have run out the door. “Know what?”
He tilted his head like really?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You kissed me,” he said as though that explained everything.
“I needed to get him off my back,” she excused lamely.
“You’re not going to make things easy, are you?”
“I’m never going to—”
Annabeth was cut off as Percy’s hands were cupping her cheeks and bringing his face down to meet her lips, effectively shutting her up. Her brain went haywire for a moment as it tried to process what was happening, but when it did, she was grinning into the kiss.
Percy pulled his face away just enough to smile and look into her eyes, and she never felt prettier or more loved than in this moment.
And so, yeah, this was perfect.
“If you want to kiss me, I give you full permission,” he teased, his breath hitting her lips. “I encourage it, really.”
“Shut up,” she murmured, pulling him back to her with the biggest smile on her face, matching her best friend’s, and the love of her life’s.
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morelikedoccock · 2 years
Hi! This is for the ficlet request, I think your writing is amazing.
#31 “Give it up, She’s gone”
Maybe Norman and Otto are fighting post no way home? About Rosie?
This was an interesting request! Used my own concept of what happens post NWH for this character study👌🏼
Otto Octavius & Norman Osborn
Cw for talk of death, alcohol
Norman Osborn clenches his soda in his fist until his knuckles turn white. His drinking buddy for the evening is slumped in a nearby chair, nursing a beer and staring moodily at a picture on the wall of the apartment. Norman blinks, and over the curved spine, he can almost see segments of shiny metal marching up the other man’s back. But in this timeline, Otto Octavius’ spine is free of metal, and bent only with emotion and not in physical pain.
Norman had returned home in a flash of strange light after the strangest day in his life, finally free of the torment that had lurked in his mind for many months. Everything had been the way he remembered it. He was dazed, confused, and exhausted, but he was also determined. What a strange and fascinating chance he’d been given, to be able to try to avert the tragic future of one of his acquaintances.
It had taken months of convincing and wheedling and work, but Otto Octavius had finally decided to shelve his clean energy project, at least for the time being. And yet, the tragedy had still somehow struck despite his best efforts to prevent it. Otto’s wife, Rosie, had died in a terrible car accident on the exact same day that Otto had been planning to demonstrate his invention. Though his body was not fused to metal arms and his mind was clear of a crazed AI’s influence, Otto Octavius was a broken man.
Though Norman had once viewed Otto as nothing more than a vague acquaintance, they had become close friends in the time since Norman’s return from— from whatever that had been. Norman had kept most of the happenings of the strange event completely secret, choosing only to tell Otto just a few important details about what ‘might’ happen if he were to go through with his experiment. He hadn’t told Otto that his wife had died in another timeline as well. He definitely hadn’t told Otto that there was a chance that she might live this time.
And yet, seeing his friend so torn up unsettles him. It makes him unhappy, uncomfortable— and somehow angry. He thinks of his ex-wife, and the bitter divorce, and feels something twinge inside his chest. Otto has to learn. Has to—
Norman is on his feet before he realizes it.
“Why are you still wearing your wedding ring?” he asks abruptly. Otto glances at him, dead-eyed, then looks back at the photo on the wall.
“It’s stuck,” Otto grunts. “Won’t come off.”
Something inside Norman coils. He knows that the goblin is gone, defeated and dissipated by the serum that Peter Parker had stabbed into his neck, but some part of him still retains the goblin’s influence. It’s this part of him that rises, prepares to strike.
“Give it up, Otto. She’s gone,” he snaps. The words crack through the air like a whip, and Otto stiffens. Regret boils into Norman’s chest, but he bites back the apology that wants to escape. Otto needs a wake up call. He needs some sort of catharsis, something to pull him out of this depression that he’s in.
Get angry, Norman thinks, watching Otto turn toward him, eyes wide. That’s it, get angry with me. Shout, yell, swear at me—
Fat tears spill over Otto Octavius’ gaunt cheeks. He looks down into his hands, his shoulders beginning to shake.
“Otto, I—”
“You’re wrong, Norman.”
Norman grips his soda, his knuckles white, and stares at his friend.
“She’s not gone,” Otto continues, tears dripping into his open palms. “I hear her voice in every melody. I see her smile in every beam of sunlight. Her laughter rings out with every playful note of birdsong. She’s here, Norman,” he says, gripping a fistful of his sweater where it rests over his heart. “I love her, and as long as she’s in my memory, she’s never going to be gone.”
Otto pushes himself suddenly to his feet, and in Norman’s eyes, metal arms sway around him, snapping their claws menacingly. He strides into the kitchen, where Norman hears the sound of another beer bottle being opened.
“Go home, Norman,” Otto says, his voice carrying from the kitchen, sounding distant, empty. Norman rubs his nose in frustration, but he doesn’t need to upset Otto any more than he already has. He walks to the front door and puts on his coat, then pauses.
“Are we— are we still on for our normal Saturday breakfast with Connors?” he asks, hating the hesitation, the open worry that’s clearly audible in his words.
There is a long moment of silence.
“Don’t worry about me, Norman,” Otto says quietly. “I’ll be there.”
The door swings behind Norman with a soft click. He rubs his nose again, then heads down the stairs. If he was lucky, Otto would forgive him quickly. He sighs and tucks his hands into his pockets. Usually he would call a driver and be ferried quickly and efficiently to his house, but it’s snowing, and the evening half-light has a melancholy feeling that fits his mood. This time, Norman decides to walk.
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cantquitu · 7 years
Hi, I like your coworker stories too, and I dearly love your honesty on here. It's obvious how much you love/appreciate Harry (and Louis as well). I agree with your POVs ridiculously often. There's just one thing that I'm curious about, and since you brought up Niall I decided to ask. As I said, I seem to have a similar taste in music/POV of the guys like you. I've always thought Niall is likeable (as you, I guess), but I also really like his solo stuff. It's closest to H's sound-wise imo? 1)
2) I think I also like how his voice matured? All in all, I guess I’m gonna buy Flicker, haha. 🤗 So I was curious why Niall couldn’t “win you around” (yet)? Is it the music style/his voice? If you don’t want to answer, that’s totally fine. Have a lovely day either way, your blog is 👌🏼.(And hey, tastes are and should be different)
Oh I missed this last night/this morning - sorry!! Thank you for saying such nice things about my blog :)
This is a really timely question, because it’s something I’ve been thinking about quite a bit lately. 
Yes I agree Niall’s music (and music taste) is closest to Harry’s. Harry’s album overall is harder and rockier (Kiwi), a little bit ‘weirder’ and more off-kilter (Woman, Hallway), which I prefer in terms of styles of guitar music. But I do definitely gravitate to music like Niall’s - guitar-led and melodic. The reason I never expected to be into Niall’s solo music is solely because, in all honesty, I have never been a fan of his singing voice. It always struck me as very light, very pop, and it just never moved me at all. When he released This Town, which is of course very focused on his vocal performance, it confirmed my expectations of how I would respond to Niall’s music - there just wasn’t anything there to hook me in.
….however!!! Over this year, I’ve been super-impressed by how Niall’s voice has developed and changed. He has lost a lot of the pop inflections that he developed during his time in 1D. His voice sounds far more natural, less affected, much stronger. And although it doesn’t particularly hook me, it no longer makes me think, “I might like this if there was someone else singing”. 
Now I feel like Niall is totally owning these songs (because he IS owning them!). I watched Graham Norton late last night and I was so impressed with his performance of Too Much To Ask. That song is insanely catchy. It’s pretty and pleasant and I do like it. I’ve certainly listened to it a lot more than any of his other songs (even though I think Slow Hands is a great little bop, I never felt the urge to go out of my way to listen to it..)
So this is a long-winded way of saying that NIall is very confusingly impressing me with his music :) 
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cantquitu · 7 years
Oh wow, thank you so much for your interesting, disarmingly honest answer to my ask about your fav. It made me want to sit down with you in a cafe and chat about them all for hours, not gonna lie. 😂👌🏼I'm also an older fan and I got hooked on Harry from day one. It's just that I seem to be able to love everything he comes up with. His personality, voice, looks, behaviour (be nice, be kind). Sure he's not perfect, but I enjoy him just SO damn much. Fav forever, I just know it. (part 1)
(part 2) With Louis, I got fascinated when I started watching the older 1D videos. How funny and carefree, I will never not laugh at the video diaries etc.) He's also very honest, protective and blunt, what a difference to H's "uhm...I think..."-sidesteps. Tbh, he can also get quite rude though, and he won't hold back if he's annoyed. Very loyal and loving if he lets someone into his circle. His voice is unique, I look forward to hearing a soft scratchy ballad from him. They are all great. :))
Yes, yes, I feel the same about both of them!!! :)
I don’t know any 1D fans in real life, so a cafe chat would be lovely. After four years of living out my fandom entirely online, my mind would be blown. I probably would not be able to shut up, i’d be a menace!
(though now I’m an ‘out Harrie’ I’m getting increasingly brazen about inserting him into conversations ha ha!)
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