#his smile 🥺❤️‍🩹
l8tof1 · 1 day
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babygirl 🫶
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mimosita · 10 months
“Look, guys, there’s no warplanes flying over us. We can’t hear them anymore. This is because of the truce… I was so happy when I found out about the truce. But it is only a temporary truce. Life is beautiful without the noise of warplanes”
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codtrashsammy · 5 months
Just Simon Riley thoughts <3
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Simon Riley who got a lil tattoo on his forearm- opposite of the existing tattoos on the other one. It’s something small, something that makes him think of of you. Something separate from the trauma fueled tattoos on his other arm, something he can look at on missions and be reminded he has a home to come back to, a person to come back to, you.
“I’ll get back to ya, sweet’art,”
Simon Riley who doesn’t want a big welcome home party, just wants to find wherever you are, flop down on top of you, and relish in the fact that his hands can caress your softness so sweetly. You make him feel human, whole.
“Hm. Missed ya, love.”
Simon Riley who is so unbelievably devoted. There is no other in his eyes, only you. You who still found your way into his heart even when he was doing nothing but pushing you away. You who always had a kind touch and a bright smile. You who had no reason to try with him- but you gave it your all anyway. No, he can’t look at anyone else, not when he is practically addicted to everything that is you.
“Only you, love. Can’t see no one else when I got perfection waitin’ f’me at home.”
Simon Riley who is trying so damn hard to love you. Simon who is trying to love you in the ways he knows you deserves yet believes it’ll never be enough. Sweet pet names, soft touches, constant reassurance. He’ll freeze hell over with his bare hands before he lets a day slip past that you believe you’re anything less than a deity in his eyes.
“I gotcha, love. I gotcha.”
Just Simon Riley 🥺🥰❤️‍🩹
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brokenmenswhore · 1 month
Hiiii!! I love your writing and I have a request for Best Friend x Reader where Reader has had a crush on James for years and thought he never noticed because he was way to focused on Lily. But in reality he had been in love with her from the second they met on the train but every time je was almost caught he’d look to the closest person by you, which was usually Lily. Maybe smut too if possible. Thank you!!!!
i love this request!! james is just so 🥺🫶🏻❤️‍🩹
the closest thing | james potter
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pairing: james potter x fem!reader
warnings: smut (MDNI 18+)
────── ☾ ──────
“Hey, can I sit here?”
You were eleven. The boys in the train compartment all turned their heads toward you. One boy in particular, with brown curly hair and glasses, stood and approached the door.
“Hi, I’m James,” he said, sticking his hand out for you to shake and giving you a warm smile.
You told him your name and sat down across from him.
That’s when the crush started.
Through your first few years at Hogwarts, you and James grew extremely close, and became borderline inseparable. He was your best friend in the world, and you were his. Your infatuation grew with time, watching as he grew up and came into his own, his features morphing and sharpening with age.
When you were thirteen, you met Lily. She had been sorted into Gryffindor the same year as you and James, but you never spoke until your third year. She was charming, pretty, and loved a good laugh. You and her became fast friends, and you introduced her to James.
Whenever you sat in a group for breakfast, you would steal glances at James, who would be looking at Lily next to you. During classes, when you sat between them, you could feel James’s head turn toward you, but if you looked back at him, he was staring straight across you, fixated on Lily as she tucked a piece of fiery red hair behind her ear.
For years, you watched him gawk at her, and it caused you to hold your tongue about your developing feelings for him. Your friendship was so pure, it wasn’t worth ruining with a confession, especially if it would lead nowhere. Why tell him you liked him, just for him to tell you he liked Lily?
By the time you were sixteen, James was on top of the world as captain and seeker of Gryffindor Quidditch. He, along with Sirius and Remus, knew everyone and everything happening at Hogwarts. James in particular was the top of the class, and often had to help you with assignments. He still maintained your friendship, working to make time for you, but his popularity meant one thing you hated: attention from girls.
Girls often threw themselves at him, as they did Sirius, but he mostly turned them away. Waiting on Lily, you thought.
You and James had fun, and you made a habit of jumping on his back and making him carry you around. You weren’t much different in size, but you he liked showing off how strong he was, and you liked wrapping your body around him.
Girls would often approach him, and when he entertained their attention, you would complain, “James, I’m getting loopy.”
James would bend over slightly, continuing to talk to the girl in front of him as you jumped on his back. He would hook his arms underneath your legs, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“Gotta go,” James would say, dismissing himself as he stood tall, walking completely unobstructed with your weight on his back.
“You’re a child,” he laughed.
“Can’t help when I’m tired,” you would say, resting your head on his shoulder.
One afternoon, you were taking a walk on the grounds to find a quiet place in nature to study, and you saw James and Lily alone together. It would seem innocent to anyone else; they were side by side and just talking and laughing, but to you, it was so much more. James looked enamored, like he was the happiest he’d ever been, as they strolled along the path together. You desperately wanted to know what they were talking about, but you didn’t want to expose yourself for liking James, so you simply turned around and retreated back to the castle.
You were upset, but you knew you had no right to be. James wasn’t yours, and you had never told Lily of your feelings. If they liked each other, there was nothing you could do. Nothing, except, of course, pushing it down and asking Remus out.
“You’re kidding,” Remus said, shocked by your request.
“It’s just a trip to Hogsmeade, Remus, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m saying yes.”
“Well that’s pretty rude,” you scoffed.
“No! Not like that, I just mean-“ Remus’s voice trailed off as you listened intently, “you’re James’s best friend.”
“Technically so are you,” you responded.
“But he, like— whatever. Not a date?”
“Not a date, sure,” you clarified, honestly just happy to accept the company, “just two friends hanging out. That’s a thing girls and boys can do, right?”
Remus looked at you strangely. “Yeah?”
You smiled at him, telling him you’d see him later that night before walking away. Sirius slapped his arm. “James is gonna kill you, you know,” he said.
Remus just shrugged. Of course he knew that James liked you, and always had, but this wasn’t a date, so what did it matter? He was also allowed to be friends with you.
You and Remus enjoyed the evening walking through the streets of Hogsmeade and sharing a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, and you fought with every cell in your being to avoid bringing up James. Every time Remus tried to, you shut him down and changed the subject. You wanted to vent about him, but admitting your feelings to someone else made them all the more real, and you weren’t ready to face true rejection quite yet.
When you returned, you entered the common room together, and saw James and Sirius draped over the couch.
“Hey,” James said, sitting up as you both approached the couch, “where were you guys?”
“Just hanging out,” you shrugged nonchalantly, dropping down onto the couch next to him.
“I didn’t know you guys hung out, like, alone,” he said, forcing a small laugh on the last words to make them seem lighthearted.
“I didn’t know you and Lily hung out alone either,” you responded, catching his gaze for a full thirty seconds before you joked, “you just upset I finally have a friend that isn’t you or her?”
James forced a chuckle in response, but there was a slight bit of tension in the air between you both.
Things stayed the same as always as time passed. You hoped your time with Remus would spark some jealousy within James, but he didn’t seem to care. Every time you looked at him, his eyes were next to you and on Lily.
The one thing that did change, however, is James started throwing around a pet name for you.
You were excused from Potions one day to grieve the loss of your grandfather, who was an extremely important part of your life. You adored him, and you had a close relationship.
James found you alone in the west tower, crying at the bottom of the curved staircase.
“I figured something was up when you didn’t show,” he spoke, sitting down next to you, “what’s wrong?”
“My grandfather passed away this morning,” you explained, “I received word from my mother just before Potions. I just couldn’t bring myself to go.”
You wiped your nose with the back of your robe sleeve, taking a deep breath to calm your crying.
“Oh, angel, I’m so sorry.”
Your heart skipped a beat. James had never called you angel before. It felt so intimate, so endearing, and so personal. He threw around terms like “doll” and “baby” to other girls, but never angel.
You rested your head against his chest and calmed your breathing.
The next day, James missed you in the common room in the morning, first seeing you for the day in Defense Against the Dark Arts. “You doing okay, angel?” he asked.
You blushed at his words, and he caught it, but assumed it was because you were upset and fighting back tears. “I’m okay,” you smiled.
A few weeks later, James was shitfaced drunk at a Ravenclaw party, sat in a large group with you and your friends. You stood to get another bottle, and James called out to you, “Hey, angel, can you get me one too?”
That was the first time he ever used the term in front of Lily, or in front of anyone, and it slightly confused you, but also thrilled you. You handed him the bottle, and he watched you sink back down to the floor, sitting cross-legged next to Lily. When you met his gaze again, he diverted his attention to Lily, and you sighed.
He then started casually calling you angel.
It was nearing the end of your term, and therefore your time at Hogwarts, and your patience was gone. You had nothing to lose. If James was weird about it, or rejected you, you could just ice him out, and without Hogwarts, you could avoid ever seeing him again. That’s not what you wanted, but it was a possible worst case scenario.
After finals were over, you asked to speak to James alone.
You pulled him into a now-empty classroom, shutting the door behind you for privacy and taking a deep breath.
“Everything ok?” he asked, leaning back against one of the desks.
“I need to talk to you,” you replied.
“Yeah, I get that,” James giggled, “what’s up?”
Both of your hearts were pounding, and both of you assumed the feeling was solitary.
“I need to tell you something,” you said, your voice small and shaky.
“Okay, you’re kinda starting to scare me, angel.”
You took a deep breath, slowly exhaling as you tried to steady yourself. “You genuinely have no idea what I’m gonna say?”
James was slightly taken aback by your question. “I don’t remember doing anything bad.”
“No, James-“ you rubbed your hands over your eyes, desperate for him to understand you without you having to be clear or coherent at all. You didn’t want to say it out loud, you just wanted him to know already.
“I have no idea what’s going on,” he said.
You sighed. You closed your eyes and bowed your head, hoping you would be able to speak the words while simultaneously pretending he wasn’t there. “I like you.”
“Aweh, thanks, I like you too,” he said.
“No, oh my god-“ you spun around and paced for a moment, sighing loudly before stopping in front of him again. “No, like, I like you.”
You looked up at him. That’s it? That’s all he had to say? Oh?
“I thought you liked Remus?” James spoke, confused by your confession.
“What would make you think I like Remus?”
“I don’t know, probably the dates you keep going on with him?” James threw his hands up, as if it was obvious.
“We’re just friends, I haven’t been-“ your voice trailed off for a moment. “James?”
He looked down at you expectantly. “Yeah?”
“I know we’ve been friends forever,” you started, “and I really don’t want you to hate me or this to be ruined, but term is ending, and you should probably know that I’ve had feelings for you since we first met.”
You exhaled, letting out a heavy breath that you weren’t aware you were holding in.
You cut him off before he could respond, “and I know you like Lily, so I’m sorry I’m telling you this, I’m just kinda tired of holding it in.”
James furrowed his brows in confusion. “What?”
“I don’t want to fuck up whatever it is you two have going on,” you said, and it was genuine, “I know you really like her.”
James tilted his head to the side. “Based on what?”
You returned his confused gaze. “What do you mean?”
“Why would you think I’m into Lily?”
“Be-because you are?”
“No I’m not,” he defended.
“James, it’s okay, you don’t have to lie to me, every single time we’re with her I can see you staring at her.”
James instantly knew what you were talking about.
“No, no, that’s not it,” he stopped you, “she’s just always the closest thing to shift my attention to when you catch me.”
You paused for a moment. “Catch you what?” you asked.
“Staring at you.”
You were so taken aback that you physically stepped backwards. “What?”
“Mhm,” he said, confident.
“But- but I’ve seen you alone with her, walking the grounds-“
“Lily is the only person on this planet I talk to about you.”
“About me?”
James reached a hand out and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, and sighed of relief. “Angel, I’ve been in love with you since you first asked to sit with me on the train.”
You opened your mouth to speak several times, but only small noises came out. You were speechless as James wrapped an arm your waist and pulled you flush against him.
“Get out of your own head and listen to me,” James said.
“But I-“
“Shut up,” James sighed, pressing his lips onto yours to keep you from refusing to believe him any longer. Your muscles relaxed as you melted into his touch, your hand caressing the side of his face as you kissed him back. Your lips moved in sync with his. Molded with him, you were home.
James’s hand moved down from your waist to grab the flesh of your ass, pushing your hips harder against his, causing you to whine into the kiss. James moved his hands lower and lower until they were behind your thighs, prompting you to jump. He caught your legs as they wrapped around his waist, and he spun you around, seating you on the desk, his lips never breaking from yours.
Once you were seated, his hands held the sides of your face, desperate to deepen the kiss even more. You had both waited forever for this moment, and you both wanted to savor it as much as you possibly could.
You whimpered when he pulled your hips against his again, grinding his clothed cock against your clothed core.
He pulled away and smiled at you.
“What?” you blushed.
James nearly growled, “you sound even prettier than I dreamed you would.”
You looked deep into his eyes, and could tell he was being genuine. “You’ve been dreaming about me?”
“Feels like every night,” he said, his voice low as he slowly pulled your shirt above your head, and then ran a hand up and down your side, sending shivers down your body, “I’ve dreamed about simple little things, like holding your hand, kissing you, holding you…”
A hand moved to your skirt, pushing it up to your waist and beginning to move your underwear to the side as he continued, “and I’ve dreamed about fucking you, and watching you come around my cock.”
His words sent chills down your spine, his lips connecting to your neck as you sighed in pleasure.
He ran a finger between your folds, sucking the side of your neck as you shuddered. He collected your wetness before slowly inserting a finger into you.
You threw your head back, holding onto James’s shoulders to keep yourself upright.
“This all for me?” James asked.
“Mhm,” you moaned, unable to speak.
He slowly pulled out and pushed in his finger, watching your mouth fall open.
Your fingers ran through the curls on the back of his head, holding him against you.
“J-James,” you moaned, his palm applying pressure to your clit and doubling the stimulation.
James dipped his head for a moment and released a low, guttural moan from his throat.
“You okay?” you breathed out.
James giggled, his hand never stopping. “Did you just ask me if I’m okay?”
You nodded your head yes.
“I’m literally fingering you right now,” James said.
The reality of the situation dawned on you, and you realized what you asked, and you couldn’t help but laugh. James laughed with you, continuing to with you with his fingers as he swallowed your noises with a kiss. You were so, so happy.
The joy and laughter of the situation brought you close to the edge, your walls squeezing around James’s finger. He felt it, and immediately pulled his finger out of you.
You gasped at the loss of contact, the cool air hitting your wet core. You looked up at James, your eyes confused and desperate.
James smirked at you. “I wanna fuck you, angel, it’s no fun if you come already.”
“Yeah, but, but I-“
“There’s more where that came from,” James said, placing a kiss onto your forehead, assuring you this was not a solitary event. “For right now, though, please just let me fuck you.”
You nodded your head up and down rapidly, as eager as ever to feel James inside of you.
James pushed his pants down and freed himself, giving his cock a few strokes as he looked down at your body. He lined himself up with your entrance, looking to you for permission.
“I’ve wanted you for so long, James, please,” you spoke.
James immediately pushed his tip inside of you, and you inhaled a sharp breath. James slowly pushed the rest of his length into you, stopping once he was fully inside of you, allowing you to adjust to his size.
“Shit, you’re big,” you moaned.
James moaned back in response, your words making him harder as he slowly pulled partially out of you.
“Can I?” he asked.
“Please, James, move,” you answered.
James pushed back into you, your wetness lubricating his cock as you laid your back down onto the desk, no longer having the strength to hold yourself up anymore.
James took the opportunity to grab your breast, watching as your body moved up and down in sync with his thrusts. Your head was almost entirely off the desk, your neck tilting slightly backward, causing each moan to come out strangled.
Laying down meant James could see your entire body as he fucked you, and he was losing control at the sight of your breasts bouncing with each hit of his hips.
He picked up his pace, harshly grabbing both of your hips in order to push you into him with each thrust.
“Fuck,” you cried out, the entire classroom echoing as the legs of the desk shifted slightly across the floor.
“You feel so fucking good,” James praised.
You whined and whimpered and moaned beneath him, unbearably turned on by the feeling of his cock finally inside of you.
James moved one of his hands to your core, rubbing circles against your clit as he fucked you.
Your body jolted upward and you grabbed at James’s shoulders, pulling yourself up and hanging off of his neck. You were eager to come around him, and you kissed him hard.
“Please, James, make me come,” you begged, hoping your pleas would help him reach his climax as well. Though the sex wasn’t too long, you were so aroused by finally having him, and you knew you couldn’t last much longer.
James began to piston his hips into you even harder, determined to bring you to your climax. He wanted to savor the sex, but it would be so fucking hot to see you come in a matter of minutes. It stroked his ego, knowing that you were so hot for him that you were going to come from just a few minutes of stimulation.
“James, I-“
“Come for me, angel.”
The use of the pet name in your current position was enough to push you over the edge. You squeezed James’s cock, your legs shaking around James’s waist as you came.
“Shit, where can I come?” James asked through shaky breaths, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he chased his own high after feeling you squeeze him.
“In me.”
“You sure?”
“I’m on b-birth control, I w-want your come in me, please, Jamie, please-“
The nickname and the pleading had James coming inside of you with a final few sharp thrusts of his hips. He groaned as he came, settling inside of you for a few moments while he caught his breath.
He slowly pulled out of you, watching his seed spill out of your hole when he was out. He couldn’t help but lean down and lick the juices up, savoring the taste. You shuddered when his tongue touched you, you were so overstimulated.
James helped you stand, your body aching from the uncomfortableness of the wood beneath you.
“You alright?” James checked in.
“I’m alright,” you confirmed, leaning upward to place a kiss on his lips.
“You able to walk back out there?”
Your legs were shaky. You tried to take a few steps, but you nearly collapsed, and James caught a hold of you.
He smiled at you, turning his back to you and bending down.
“You serious?” you asked.
“‘F course.”
“James, I’m still wet. Won’t it get-“
“You jumping up or not?” James asked.
You hopped onto his back, holding onto him for dear life as he stood tall and swung the classroom door open.
At that very moment, of course, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Lily walked past the room.
“Oh hey you two,” Sirius said, noticing how unkempt your hair was and how flushed James looked, “had some fun, did we?”
You reached a hand out to hit his arm as James stepped in front of him, joining the group with you wrapped around him.
“Child,” he whispered to you, referencing you being carried on his back.
“At least this time I have valid reasoning.”
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
omg some deaf!Larusso reader with Robby please??? I think they would be so cute because he's so dedicated to understand her. like he tries his best to learn sign language 🥺❤️‍🩹
Omg when Robby sees Sam for the first time and falls for her but instead of Sam it's Reader out sunbathing 🤭🤭 he runs into the windchime and she doesn't hear it. And he turns to apologize to her but she hasn't moved or even noticed him there. He's confused and a little worried, so he walks over to her and gently touches her shoulder to see if she's even alive.
She looks up, expecting her sister or one of her parents to be there, but it's a boy she's never met. A cute boy at that.
She sees he's trying to talk to her and she smiles at him politely. When she starts signing to explain she's deaf, he gets a little flustered because he doesn't know how to talk to her once he realizes what's going on. Theybsit there awkwardly for a moment before she gets an idea. She holds up a finger and disappears into the house only to come backcwith a notepad and pen.
They introduce themselves like that and then he asks her how to sign that sort of stuff. She smiles and happily shows him because while it's not her job to teach hearing people sign, she will take the chance to show them a little bit if they ask. Robby is very attentive when it comes to learning from her. She shows him how to introduce himself in ASL and then he repeats it back to her. He smiles so big when she tells him he's got that down.
When her dad comes out, she learns that Robby is training with her dad. Daniel invites her to join them and she happily agrees, going into the home dojo with them. Robby is a little apprehensive about doing karate with Reader but she shows him she can do anything deaf or not. He doesn't underestimate her and learns he doesn't have to worry about her.
That night, at dinner with her family, Sam and Anthony are translating Reader's sign for Robby. He spends a lot of the night talking to her and trying to learn ASL. He goes home and looks up some basic sign. He spends the rest of the night learning the alphabet because if he can use the ASL alphabet, then he can communicate with Reader and learn faster.
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slasherwife · 2 years
Slashers reaction when their s/o catches them without mask for the first time? Pls and thank you!
s/o catches their slashers without a mask
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awww yes!! i must give happy endings to all of these 😭🫶
warnings: extra short bc daddy bo doesn’t wear a mask 🥲💗
thomas hewitt:
He feels guilty
He wasn’t careful and now he’s scarred you from letting you see his scarred face. He’s ashamed he couldn’t keep you from himself 😭❤️‍🩹
And in a way it feels invasive. He feels like he’s been seen naked, and he quickly looks away with the feeling of embarrassment and shame fills him💔
He goes to leave, quickly entering the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.
after about a minute of refusing to look at himself in the mirror, he hears gentle breath coming from the other side of the oak wood door.
his better half, asking if he’s okay. that it looked like he saw a ghost, and then laughing. then telling him that you miss him. and that, “by the way, you’re beautiful.”
he starts to cry, smiling, and looks into the mirror at the face that they said was beautiful. 💗💗
jason vorhees:
jason isn’t really self aware like thomas is. he isn’t one to worry about what he looks like anymore 🤗
i mean, he does worry that you won’t find him attractive, but it’s not to the point where he will refuse to ever let you see him with his mask off!
the first time was when he was down by the lake, sitting down washing a trap that had flesh still inside, minding his own💞 he had taken off his mask to breathe freely the lake air.
he had thought you’d been asleep for a long time, inside the cabin. and he had been so threaded in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the door open.
“hi jason” your voice rang out sweetly, slightly caught off guard because his mask was off but nontheless wanting to greet him🫶
he says nothing (obv), but instead of giving you his long soft glance like he usually does, he looks away, and down, almost trying to hide his face as he grows stiff
you grow slightly deflated, but your love for him seems to intensify, and you can’t stop the words before they come out, “you have beautiful eyes.”
jason’s eyes flicker to you, then back to the ground, then pats the ground beside him for you to keep him company 💕💕🥺
michael myers:
this guy is the literally opposite of thomas he does not care at all😭 he is literally so not self aware at all
he likes his mask but sometimes the thing gets real smelly so he has to throw it in dishsoap water yk 🥲
then you come around the corner he’s like “oh hey y/n” literally nothing off about what’s being seen atm 😃😂💞
you TRY to play it cool but at the same time you’re like fangirling over seeing your hot smexy murderer husband without a mask for the first time 💕😇
but at the same time like he probably sleeps without the mask on so i’m assuming y’all sleep separate until now 🥲
if not then you see it so early into the relationship like it’ll be no big deal 😇💕
bo sinclair:
boy doesn’t wear a mask, his face is too hot and sexy to be contained 😍
vincent sinclair:
absolutely horrified. he doesn’t even like being alone without his mask on that much.
has literally considered waxing the actual mask to his face permanently😕❤️‍🩹
he just was repairing it— he got too close to a radiator on accident and needed to repair it. then his baby walked in🥺
hears the door open and IMMEDIATELY flinches away. he knows you caught a glimpse, and he’s terrified, and mortified.
he’s breathing deeply, frozen, stiff, like one of his sculptures. you on the other hand are concerned. 🥹
“darl? is everything okay my love?” you call out softly, so not to startle him💞 he doesn’t answer, and doesn’t move.
“i went looking for some petrol, i knew you wanted some for your art. it’s in the shed.” he noticed that you never called his statues “sculptures” or “wax dolls” like bo always did. you called them “art” 💝💞
“honey you don’t have to hide from me. i will always respect your privacy, i will never ask you to show me your face. but you will never have to hide from me because i love all of you.” 🥹💗
you say this to him and he softens like the wax on his mask. it was within the next few days that he’d rather throw it into the fire than melt it into his skin forever 💞💞
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darlingsfandom · 30 days
Hiii pookieeeee,I hope life is treating you well 🙂‍↕️🫶🏻
So if you're taking requests, could you write one about Cillian being OBSESSED with the reader's boobs, like he always wants to touch them or put them in his mouth, something about that😮‍💨🥵
I love what you write, and to be honest I reread some of it🤭
Also take this request only if you feel comfortable about it if not you can discard it 🙂‍↕️🫂
I send you all my love, I hope you have some nice and kind days ahead.!!🤞🏻🤞🏻❤️‍🩹
Hi! Stop it 🥺🥺 you’re so sweet ! Thank you so much 💕 I’m doing alright just getting back into the swing of things! I hope you’re doing alright. Also anything with boobs!! I’m in! I love boobs.
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TW: tit sucking, nudity ! Not proofread.
It’s not even noon yet and Cillian has asked more than ten times to see your boobs that day. It wasn’t anything new. He was more obsessed with your boobs than you.
“Baby please…” you sighed following a soft laugh as he stood behind you holding your boobs in his hands as you put the dishes on the drying rack.
“Can ya blame me darlin? They’re lovely.” He gave them a squeeze which made you push back against his hips with your own. If he was going to play that game, so can you! You finished up the dishes, dried your hands on the dish towel and took his hands off your boobs to which he gave you a playful pout.
“If you can go until seven o clock tonight without touching my boobs… I’ll let you suck them for the rest of the night.” You arched your eyebrow as he furrowed his.
“That’s not fair! That’s basically the whole day!” Cillian ran his hands over his face in agony and threw his head back before looking you in the eye. “Wut happens if I don’t make it eh?”
“No boob touching for a week!” You had the quickest response he’s ever heard. Cillian sighed before giving you a look that made you feel bad but only for a split second.
“Can I touch them one last time before ya start tis whole thing, please?” He gave you puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. One last time!” You reached down , pulled off your shirt and tossed it onto the table before you felt his big,warm hands on your boobs. His fingers massaged the warm skin with a smile on his lips. It was actually enjoyable to see him so enthused even if it was just your boobs, he praised them. Cillian can recall clearly the first time he seen your tits! How naturally they fell out of your bra, the way they felt in his hands, how you bit your lip when he played with them! Ever since that night he’s always finding a way to touch them! You know he’s always looking them no matter what you’re wearing. It could be your pajama shirt, a low cut tank top or that burgundy dress that’s low cut and ties behind your neck that instantly has him about to cum in his pants, he was always looking at your chest! Even when he shouldn’t be!
“Alright darling, times up.” You gently smacked his hands away to which he huffed when he let go. Cillian pursed his lips together as he watched you grab your shirt from the table and make your way to do the laundry. He was in for it because you weren’t making it easy. You walked around in just a pair of panties doing your little bits of housekeeping. He made his way to the living room to get away from you but that didn’t work since that’s where you liked to fold laundry.
“Yer not being fair ! Just walkin around in those skimpy little panties! That’s just rude.” Cillian threw his hands in the air before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh honey …” you fake pouted before stroking his cheek. “Never said I’d play fair.” Your lips brushed against his ear before giving it a little nip. A shiver went down his spine. This was torture! His eyes closed tightly so he couldn’t look at you and it was his way of trying to ignore you but it wasn’t working. He just kept picturing you, how you look so pretty riding him that way he could watch your tits bounce. Cillian grunted before quickly getting on his feet and running to the bedroom. He paced back and forth running his hands through his hair before a smile crept onto his face.
The sound of his footsteps echoed in your ears. He stood in front of you with his hands behind his back before leaning down to kiss your head. That was nothing new but the timing of this made you think. Cillian sat down next to you and watched as you finished folding laundry. Neither of you said a word , not a glance at each other either . You turned to put the clothes back into the basket but as you did suddenly Cillian lowered his head and wrapped his mouth around your nipple.
“Cillian!” You went to push him away but he bit down on your nipple making you yelp. “I said no touching!”
He smirked around your nipple before giving it a kiss. “Exactly! Ya said no touching baby, I’m simply sucking on them! There’s the difference! Should’ve been more clear on yer little rules.” He looked you in the eye and as mad as you wanted to be, you couldn’t be because he was correct. Cillian wrapped his mouth around your nipple and sucked gently while you scratched the back of his head with your nails giving him that pleasurable feeling. If there was one thing about Cillian that you admired was that if he wanted something he’d do anything he could to get it.
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lilirari · 11 months
𐙚 ⋆୨୧˚ KING OF MY HEART ⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。
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𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. summary : charles' girlfriend releases an album full of love songs to commemorate his special day.
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. pairing : charles leclerc x fem! singer! reader
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. faceclaim : cho miyeon of (g)i-dle
𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. author's note : ahhh this is my first f1 related work + smau !! happy birthday to charles my beloved ❤️‍🩹 he deserves all the love & happiness in this world T_T making this made me realise that i don't know much western celebs with suitable fcs for smaus like this 😭 please do comment some western fcs so that i can use them in my next smaus ! anyways it's a little rushed honestly but i hope you'll enjoy it <3
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lewishamilton and 20,127,345 others
tagged charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, leclerc_pascale, carla.brocker, joris_trouche, riccardoberetta, mlnmarta
yourinstagram summertime happiness 🤍🫧
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charles_leclerc my pretty girl ❤️‍🩹
yourinstagram i love you baby <3
charles_leclerc i love you more, mon amour
yourinstagram i love you most !!
landonorris ew get a room 🙄
charles_leclerc you're just jealous because you're still single and you got no rizz
landonorris I HAVE RIZZ
yourinstagram LMAOOOOO ok sure pinocchio 🤥
landonorris you guys are BULLIES
yncharles4ever omg my parents !!! they look so good 😭😭
pinkyn the hair, the fit, the smile.. everything about yn >>>>
luvleclerc CHARLES' DIMPLES 🥹🥹🥹
motheryn they're right though.. he doesn't have rizz 😭
landonorris HEY I DO HAVE RIZZ !!!!
danielricciardo sure mate.. you keep telling yourself that
danielricciardo i AM on your side.. it's just that charles, y/n and all the others are right
liked by yourinstagram and charles_leclerc
landonorris i hate it here you're all bullies
yourinstagram we love you too lando 🫶
landonorris 🚶🏻‍♂️
mlnmarta the most gorgeous girl ever !!!
carla.brocker my sister 🥺💗
leclerc_pascale je t'aime, ma belle-fille ❤️
yourinstagram je t'aime maman 🩷
lorenzotl ❤️
arthur_leclerc je me suis bien amusé, belle-sœur ☺️
yourinstagram aww, i had fun too, thur ! 🥹🤍
cl16supremacy he called her sister-in-law !!! this is not a drill !! i repeat this is not a drill !!!!
httpsyn i love how y/n is so close with all the members of the leclerc family and not just charles :( <3
arthlercluvr "belle-sœur ", " ma belle-fille ", " my sister ".. she's definitely a part of the family now
teamoyn y/n i love you and i'm happy that you're spending time with your loved ones but when are you going to come back ? 😭
iheartyn the lack of y/n content (music wise) is killing me
ynisqueen the y/n drought will end soon stay strong my brothers and sisters
ynsglasses i wish i had a positive mindset like you 😭
ynisqueen TRUST ME SHE'LL BE BACK SOON !!! i can sense it
ynsglasses i hope you're right 😞🤞
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yourinstagram 30 seconds ago
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yourinstagram my new album 'reputation' will be out on october 16th ! this is by far my best album yet and i'm honestly so proud of the songwriting i've done for this ! i can't wait to share it with you all <3 you can pre-order it now on my site ! special thanks to taylorswift for directing the music video and guiding me throughout the whole journey of making this album happen 🤍🖤
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charles_leclerc my stargirl !!! ☆
charles_leclerc wait oct 16... it's releasing on my birthday ???
yourinstagram yes 🤭
charles_leclerc judging by the aesthetics of these photos, your story update and seeing all the fan theories on x... i didn't do anything wrong, did i ? you're not going to break up with me through this album, are you ?
yourinstagram HELP CHARLES NO YOU DIDN'T AND NO I'M NOT 😭 you could never do anything wrong in my eyes.. i love you too much :( ♡ also you really shouldn't be on x reading those theories.. i can assure you that they're like only 10% accurate or so
charles_leclerc okay, love, i trust you 🤍 i can't wait to listen to it ! i'm sure it'll be amazing !
liked by yourinstagram
taylorswift i had lots of fun helping you, sweetheart ! i'm going to be streaming it on all platforms once it's out ☺️🤍
yourinstagram you're so sweet 😭😭 love you sm xx
oliviarodrigo the queen is back 🗣️🗣️🗣️
lanadelrey 🤍🖤
danielricciardo album of the year
yourinstagram danny it's not even out yet 😭
danielricciardo i don't care it's the album of the year i'm already calling it
yourinstagram pleaseee i love u thanks for the support 😭🤍
yncore daniel's so real for this
stargirlyn we stan a supportive bestie
francisca.cgomes my beloved ♡
landonorris i don't care if there's like only two months left before this year ends this album and all the songs are going to top my spotify wrap just you wait and see
landonorris NEVER GIVE UP RAHHH the grind is real !!!! 🗣️💪🔥
charlesxyn LMAOADHSHDH OSCAR ????
estiesbestie this is the funniest shit i've seen all day they're all so unhinged
goatifi wtf did fia feed the drivers today 💀
therock did someone call ?
scuderiaferrari we'll be tuning in as well 😉
iheartyn y/n's reputation era... oh, she's so going to get back at all her exes, isn't she ?
24hrsofyn i was thinking the same thing too but she told charles that only 10% of the theories are true so...
ynarchive i think the aesthetics of this album might actually be misleading us and the songs might turn out to be so lovey dovey or 🩷🥰🧚🏻‍♀️💐🌈🍭
rosesforyn you're probably right ynarchive
leclerc_pascale impatiently waiting for the album to drop 🥰
anythingforyn never doubting you again girl
yncity next time we're on a y/n drought again, i'm coming to you
ynisqueen i feel so powerful
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liked by yourinstagram, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 9,998,709 others
charles_leclerc feeling sorry for carlos for the issue on his car today. crossed the finish line p5, it was the maximum we could've done today. by far the hardest race of my career physically... gonna sleep well tonight 😅
also big congrats to max for winning his third championship !
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yourinstagram you did so good, my darling 🥺🫶 i'm so proud of you !!
charles_leclerc merci, ma chérie ❤️‍🩹 please come to bed now.. i can't sleep without you
yourinstagram omw, baby <3
maxverstappen1 thanks mate ! you drove well today 💪
scuderiaferrari incredible effort, charles 🔥
schumisworld the third picture... i just know he's looking at y/n
leclerc_pascale repose-toi bien, mon fils 🫶
carlossainz55 ❤️
charlos.lesainz we love you charles 🥰
ferrarilover the way he's looking at y/n in the last pic.. he's so down bad fr 😭
pumamotorsport proud !! sleep well ❤️🤝
f1withamy sleep well, my goat !!!
ynsbiggestfan i need someone to look at me like the way charles looks at y/n 😞
yourinstagram & charles_leclerc 1 minute ago
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tagged charles_leclerc
yourinstagram joyeux anniversaire, mon amour ❤️‍🩹 you've been by my side since day one and i can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. i'm so proud of how far you've come and everything you've accomplished till now. i know that you'll achieve your dreams someday because you're the most determined and hardworking person i know so don't give up and just keep on trying to reach your goals, love.
and yes, the entire reputation album is my birthday gift to you. i couldn't just write a single song for you and leave it there so i went ahead and composed a whole album only for you. i hope you'll like your gift :p
i'm so glad to have met you on that one fateful day and i'm super proud to call you mine. you are my starboy, my home, the king of my heart and i will love you forever & always.
view all 4,098,346 comments
charles_leclerc merci beaucoup, ma bien-aimée. je t'aime pour toujours 🤍
yourinstagram je t'aime, charles 🥹
landonorris you guys are so cute it's sickening 🤢
leclerc_pascale 🥰
scuderiaferrari the best couple on the paddock everyone !! we're so glad charles has such a wonderful partner like you, y/n 🫶
scuderiaferrari also reputation's been on repeat the entire day ! our queen slayed !!!
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redbullracing happy birthday charles !! and congratulations on the success of reputation, y/n ❤️🔥 our drivers have been bopping their heads to the songs all day long !
ynshousewife the king of her heart 🥹🥹🥹
ynisaqtpie imagine getting a whole album dedicated just to you on your birthday.. charles is the luckiest man ever
conangray goals !!! <3 loved your new album, bestie 🫂🫶
mlnmarta cutest lovebirds 🫶
joris_trouche ❤️❤️
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liked by yourinstagram, f1, sebastianvettel and 15,128,288 others
tagged yourinstagram, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, leclerc_pascale
charles_leclerc 26 👑 celebrated today with my family. thank you all for the wishes and gifts, really appreciate it 🫶
also, to my darling y/n : thank you for making my day extra special by giving me the best birthday gift ever. i will cherish you and this album forever. i adore you so much, ma chérie, my end game, the queen of my heart 😘
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yourinstagram you're too sweet, baby ☹️ ily ily ily mwah <3
leclerc_pascale je t'aime mon doux enfant 🥰
arthur_leclerc 🫶
lorenzotl ❤️🔥
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charles_leclerc & yourinstagram 1 hour ago
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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writingforstraykids · 8 months
Some soft thoughts for Channie?❤️‍🩹
Absolutely🥺💕 Thank you to @atinyniki and @zehina for sharing some thoughts🥺🤭💕
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Channie holds your hand no matter where you are to make sure you're always by his side and he won't lose you in big crowds. This way he can squeeze your hand whenever he likes to, doing it twice to tell you he loves you.
Channie tries coming home earlier for you. He tries taking breaks and listens to his friends telling him to eat now because they would rat him out the second he didn't.
He enjoys being with you, watching you sleep when he can't. There's not much making him happier than you hiding in his arms, letting him fondle your hair as you sleep. In return, he always seeks for your comfort when he gives in and finally takes a nap. He curls up in your lap and lets you lull him to sleep as you play with his soft curls.
Channie doesn't like crying in front of others, it happens so rarely he doesn't like explaining himself. But with you, he has learned to let go and let you hold him when he breaks down. He found a safe place for him to open up about what's bothering him without getting judged for it.
He loves taking you back home to Australia, enjoying how much his parents adore you. He has everything he needs right then and seeing you get along with his siblings is a bonus. Also, Berry loved you from the start and even though he'd never admit it this was the moment he knew you were the one for him.
Whenever you had a rough day, too tired to talk and prepare yourself for bed Chan steps in. He washes your hair, massages your tired body and gets you dressed in comfy clothes. Once your hair is all dried he'll braid it for you and remove your makeup before cuddling up with you in bed, whispering sweet nonsense to you until you're asleep.
Obviously, hugs. Chan loves giving hugs and he especially loves it when it's you. He wraps you into his strong arms, resting his head against yours and softly sways you from one side to another. What melts his heart even more is when it's you hugging him, without a warning. He feels so loved and can't stop smiling when you suddenly hold him close, hug him from behind or bury your face in his chest.
Chan is a worrier. It comes with the responsibility of being a leader and making sure his friends are okay at all times. He had to tell himself to slow down with you in the beginning and stop himself from texting you every ten minutes, missing you so much already and hoping you're alright. So whenever you're reunited he'll give you the biggest hug and sweetest kiss.
You love making him smile so hard his dimples appear and his eyes squeeze shut. You'd do anything to hear those sweet giggles and his beautiful laugh that became your favorite sound. It's even better when you're the reason he's laughing so hard he knocks his head on the backrest of the sofa.
Chan hates (secretly loves) getting showered with compliments by you. He swoons in his chair, ears burning up and cheeks flushing when you start praising him for his hard work, his looks, his smile, his voice, his performance...literally anything. He gets so adorable, trying to hide behind the sleeves of his sweater or pulling down the hood over his face.
Those curls after he takes a shower are too much to handle for you sometimes. Channie so often doesn't blowdry his hair to keep them as fluffy and curly as he can because he knows how much you love it. And oh, how he loves you playing with his hair and gushing about it. Again, the praising.
He gets so touchstarved sometimes in such a innocent way it melts your heart. Chan searches your near the whole day to the point where linking two of your fingers makes him smile happily. He loves burying his face in your neck, feeling so surrounded by you and all warm and cozy. Sometimes he's just a big baby needing someone to take care of him. When he hits you with this big brown puppy eyes, silently begging for attention you can't resist him. Never.
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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@mal-lunar-28 @lilmisssona @aaasia111 @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28
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goodlucktai · 25 days
7 for Leosagi?? 🥺
dialogue prompts
7. “No. No, stop. Stop talking like that. You’re gonna be fine.”
i'm so sorry in advance. here's a song rec ❤️‍🩹
It’s not like Usagi expected to get a happy ending out of the apocalypse. It’s not like a happy ending could exist anymore—that idea went up in smoke the day Raphael died and took a part of every single person who loved him right along with him. 
Leo hasn’t been Leo since then, not really. That magnetic person Usagi first met in Run of the Mill, with brilliant gold eyes and the loudest laugh in the room, is made up of smaller parts, and those parts run around in color-coded bandanas. 
Losing Donatello was devastating for all of them, and in some ways was the final nail in the coffin that no one wanted to admit they had already dug a grave for in their minds. 
Oh, Usagi realized that night, in between holding Leo and praying he’d scream or cry or do anything other than stare vacantly at the wall, I’m never getting him back again, am I?
That shining boy Usagi fell in love with was long gone by then. 
But the man left behind still woke up in the morning and went to work, and his unyielding heart still beat for them, and his brand-new way of smiling with half the life he used to have was becoming more familiar every day.  
Usagi knew that he and April were two of Leo’s touchstones, important and integral and necessary. He also knew that Michelangelo and Casey Jr. were the real miracle workers. 
Mission room, quick, Mikey had sent one day with ninpo rather than a communicator, more of a feeling that gave the impression of words than an actual message. But Usagi had been an unofficial adoptee of the Hamato clan long enough that the turtles’ ninpo had a well-worn little nook inside his soul to rest in, and he was moving before Mikey’s voice had faded. 
April was already in the doorway when he skidded into the hall, and he didn’t have a chance to ask what the matter was before he heard what had to have put that stunned look on her face.
Leo and his little brother and his little ward were sitting around the table, and what had probably begun as a lesson in strategy had devolved into what sounded like a homebrewed D&D campaign. Mikey was sitting cross-legged on the table, forming little figurines out of light as Casey requested them that became solid as they traded hands. 
It was a pocket of goodness Usagi never would have guessed he would find that day. Mikey looked over his shoulder and beckoned them in with a nod of his head, smile widening to include them. 
“Living up to your name every day, Angelo,” April murmured, hopping up to sit on the edge of the table and bumping her shoulder into his. 
“You guys make it easy,” Mikey said as if his little miracles were unremarkable. 
Usagi circled around the table to sit on Casey’s free side, rewarded with a samurai rabbit figurine and a backstory that sounded a lot like a fictionalized version of the horrifying disaster of a mission of four years ago, when he had led a pack of Krang hounds away from a cluster of survivors and somehow managed not to die for his troubles. Casey’s rendition edited out a lot of his panicked swearing, and made him sound more like a hero than anything. 
Usagi had only told his fiancé the finer details, so this heroic Yojimbo character had to have come from him. It made his heart warm, and he listened to Casey’s earnest, inherited storyteller voice and Leo’s indulgent, leading questions fill the room for long after he should have gone to find some work to do. 
And then the Krang arrived by the hundreds, with their hounds and their parasites, and crashed over the resistance like high tide. Everything fell apart, their forces scattering to survive only to be picked off one by one. Usagi lost sight of his family in the chaos, but then a beacon went up. It attracted attention for miles, and Usagi gritted his teeth and fought like hell to get there first. 
He felt it when Mikey’s ninpo went supernova—an echo inside his heart that felt like loss. That felt like grief. 
No, Usagi thought. Please no. 
He found Leo lying on his plastron in an obscene pool of red, too much red to make sense. There was a portal open behind him—not blue like the ones he used to make, or burnt orange like Mikey’s, this was the color of the sun on those summer afternoons before the sky turned a perpetual pink. Shining so bright it was impossible to look at head-on. 
Usagi barely looked at it for longer than a second before he was crashing to his knees at Leonardo’s side. The turtle’s carapace was a ruin and he was so still and Usagi didn’t realize his mouth was moving on autopilot, a steady stream of his inner no no no no, until Leo made some tiny noise that was sign of life enough to stall Usagi’s impending meltdown. 
“Hey! Hey, sweetheart,” Usagi said, too-fast, leaning over him. The blood was still warm, seeping into the knees of his trousers. That was good, wasn’t it? That it was warm? “Tried to party without me, huh? That’s not how married life works, you know.”
The ghost of a smile touched the corner of Leo’s mouth. Usagi curled a hand against his cheek and touched his thumb to the smile, committing it to memory next to all the others. 
“Sorry I never got to marry you,” Leo mumbled. 
“No. No, stop,” Usagi said. He almost couldn’t hear himself over the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears. “Stop talking like that. You’re gonna be fine, and you’re gonna marry me. We promised when it was over, we’d—”
“It’s over,” Leo told him, cracking one eye open. The gold of it was so dull. Somewhere in there was the love of Usagi’s life, and he crawled closer, trying to find that spark he followed all the way here. The light that had survived every moment of darkness until now. 
Then that eye crinkled, and Leo’s smile deepened beneath Usagi’s thumb, and he said, “It’s my turn to take a selfish.”
There he was. The laugh that came spilling out of Usagi was half-hysterical. The air smelled like smoke and metal and the pungent tang of the Technodromes and Leo was quoting a TV show they binged together as teenagers a lifetime ago.  
“Anything,” Usagi said. 
“Behind you,” Leo managed, blood on his teeth. “The door. Mikey made it.” 
“The time gateway?” Usagi asked. They had discussed it once, years ago, but when Draxum brought up how dangerous it would be for their resident mystic warrior Leo shot the idea out of the air so completely that no one present in the room that day had dared bring it up again. 
And now Mikey was gone. Usagi chanced another look at the brilliant starlike portal and knew instantly where he had gone. Accepting the loss of him was like accepting you would never see the sun again. Acknowledging how bleak your existence was about to become. 
“The kid already went through,” Leo went on, his voice barely more than a wheeze. “The mission—it’s his now. He’s our g-greatest weapon. Always has been.” 
Their little hope. Bright-eyed and optimistic, growing up in a burning world. If anyone could save everyone, it was Casey Jones. 
“I need you—you to go, too,” Leo said. 
“What? No,” Usagi said, reeling, light-headed with a sudden super-intense fear. Abruptly understanding the shape his own personal hell was about to take. “I’m not leaving you. Don’t ask me to do that.”
Leo laughed, a gusty exhale that seemed to take the last of his strength. “Not if I leave you first,” he mumbled, an apology and a farewell and all the wryness of a joke he knew no one would like. Tears wet Usagi’s fingertips, smearing into the blood and dirt on Leo’s cheek. “I love you. I’m sorry.”
Usagi was a Hamato the way April and Cassandra and Draxum and Casey all were. The way the turtles had been, once upon a time. Taken in and given a home. He couldn’t weaponize the ninpo but he had never had any trouble feeling it. 
And he could feel it when three different hands joined his on Leo’s shoulder. When Leo closed his eyes and didn’t drift from Usagi as much as he was lifted up into strong arms and carefully carried away. The body that Usagi was holding was empty. The man he loved—the shining boy he first met—was whole again somewhere else. 
Go catch up to Junior, Mikey’s voice whispered in the back of his mind. We’ll see you on the flip side. 
Usagi realized how Leo must have felt all these years, simultaneously carved from stone and insubstantial enough to float away if the wind blew hard enough. There was nothing left. There was literally, he thought, standing under a smoldering pink sky, the man he would have married dead at his feet, blood sticky and staining his fur, Mikey’s last act of love burning like the sun at his back, nothing left.
But there was still Casey. Alone, on a mission to stop this future from happening. 
He thought of that day in the missions room, listening in on a lesson-turned-game, and Casey’s bright young voice rewriting history. The bold, daring characters. The brighter end. 
Usagi kissed the dull red stripe on Leo’s cheek and pulled off his bloodied mask. Lifted the cracked blue katana from the ground and slid it into place next to Edgewing. Tied the tattered blue mask securely around his topknot.
One more run. One more stupid story to tell later. 
“I bet you’ll get a kick out of this one,” he said to whoever might have been listening, and stepped into the light.
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ddamm · 4 months
Sleep and cuddles – Daryl Dixon headcanons
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(ᵍⁱᶠ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳˢ ᵈᵉᶠ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ - ˢᵒ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗˢ ⁂)
Warnings: lots of fluff, some insecure/not worthy feelings, mentions of nightmares, (following my friend's @dixons-sunshine design cause I have no idea what I'm doing yet. SORRY KRYS 😅)
Word count: 819 (not counting symbols, emojis or ending A/N)
A/N: HEEEEY! So, huh. This is the first time I ever posted on Tumblr or done smt like this (I'm familiar with writing short fics, fics and one-shots, but not headcanons) so idk what the outcome may be... but I'll try to have fun since this is just a way to pass time and write down some kinda random stuff I had in my head! With that said, let's head on to it!
Song: ONLY - Leehi
(play b4 you begin reading)
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(cute cloud gif divider from @graphicstorage, in this post)
☽‧₊˚ Daryl wouldn't be the one asking for cuddles. It's more like you felt like it late at night. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Daryl would look at you questioning why you want cuddles out of nowhere, but he would comply with a small smile nonetheless. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Daryl would allow you to cuddle his arm if you guys are still with other people. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ The first time he laid down with you in a bed (way long ago), he was paralysed and didn't know what to do when your body moved closer to him seeking comfort and warmth. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Daryl at first is super shy to even hold you, not to talk about cuddling you. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Even when you occasionally hugged him out of fear/anxiety after a dangerous situation back then, his body would stiffen, and he would barely move (the poor man being too conflicted in his own mind to mind how you were doing yourself). ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Daryl frequently thought it was wrong for you to hug him or seek comfort from him because of how broken he felt he was. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ As you grow closer, he will begin to feel more comfortable with physical contact with you. ONLY you. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Don't get him wrong, just because he stands you better than the others, doesn't mean he is gonna behave all sunshine with everyone ‧₊˚ (He is like a little stray animal who has trust issues and doesn't know how to act towards kindness 🥺😭❤️‍🩹)
☽‧₊˚ Daryl is straightforward and will tell you when he is not in the mood for hugs, cuddles and such. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ That will make you feel a little disappointed, but he would gently kiss the pout out of your face. ‧₊˚ (🤭)
☽‧₊˚ "Maybe next time, peach. Dudn't  wanna spoil yer mood with ma shit." ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ He likes couch cuddles. You are more of bed cuddles. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ He "secretly" loves the cuddles with you sitting in his lap and resting your head on his chest. ‧₊˚ (don't tell him I told ya 🤫)
☽‧₊˚ He has memorised your cuddling patterns and discovered you have a cuddling setting time. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ It is a rule for Daryl now that he will wrap you with his arm and hold you closer on cold nights or when he feels you're distressed. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ "'S aight peach, 'm here with ya." ‧₊˚ (he would def whisper that in your ear with his raspy voice 🤭😆😆)
☽‧₊˚ Sometimes, cuddle times (anytime from 10 pm to midnight) end up in conversations that worry/tire you (mainly after an event has occurred), which is why Daryl prefers not to talk much and just hold you between his arms. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Other times, you guys plan things together like what to look for in the next run, things you'd like to do or want him to teach you or just joke and enjoy each other's presence. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ When you are too worried, Daryl passes his hand through your hair and massages your temple. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ He often kisses your head or forehead when you fall asleep first (which is sincerely always lmao). ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Daryl gets grumpy/worried when he wakes up in the morning and you're not by his side, but he masks it well. ‧₊˚ (to the others tho 👀)
☽‧₊˚ On the contrary, if he wakes first and still finds you sleeping, he will watch over you lovingly and maybe place a kiss or two to wake you up. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ You both like to intertwine your hands as you cuddle. Daryl often kisses your knuckles when you do. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ He will big-spoon you to eternity unless he is angry, or distressed. ‧₊˚ (so you might be the one big-spooning lol or maybe just giving him some space)
☽‧₊˚ During difficult times or when you're most agitated/anxious, Daryl reverts into thinking he isn't worth enough to be with you or hold you like he does. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ You never take it on him when he doesn't know how to console you, instead, sometimes you are the one consoling him, because you know he needs it as well. He appreciates it. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ Daryl has had nightmares previously revolving around his past, his family, his brother, and occasionally even you. You are always there to reassure him that you love him, and you are not going anywhere without him with kisses. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ If you ever fight/argue, cuddle time is not interrupted. Daryl would take the coach and you'd take the bed, though in the middle of the night, you (who couldn't fall asleep after the argument and without Daryl by your side) would feel some weight on the bed and next thing is, Daryl's apologising for acting like that, expressing his mind more openly and calmed, and asking you to not stay angry at him for longer. You (or more like me haha) can't stay angry with him for that long, so you'd have gone to meet him for the same thing. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ After a fight comes reconciliation, and with it comes reconciliation cuddles and quality time together. ‧₊˚
☽‧₊˚ He adores hugging you from behind (softly or firmly) whenever you're cooking or doing something. It will surely be accompanied by some cheek and neck kisses. ‧₊˚ (😆😆)
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Alright, that's all I could come up with in the past 2 hours or so (I think...).
I decided to do this basically because... I was feeling sleepy and just felt like having cuddles- 😶 And with my not-so-sudden Daryl Dixon rise concerning stuff about him on Tumblr, and discovering a new page of Daryl's content (fic, hdcs and series) I absolutely adored, I said to myself (in my sleepy state ofc) why don't I make one too? I mean, it could be nice and cute to do short (hopefully, cause this ain't short at all 😭) content about the fandoms and more that I like.
And so here we are! 🙂 Lmk in the comments what you think plsss, so I'll know if to make another similar one in the future!
Also, this is kinda an inspiration/mention to a few Daryl-based pages that make some awesome sauce content. Pls check them out cause they are all amazing! @dixons-sunshine @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @darylsdelts @littlegodzilla @daryl-fucking-dixon @daryl-dixon-daydreams @lazyneonrabbitt
Thanks to y'all cuties for reading, hope to see ya soon~
Take care and God bless!~
𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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sonarspace · 8 months
Hi, I loved your Sukuna works ❤️‍🩹 Maybe you will take my request, what about Sukuna fluff when he is trying to comfort and support you while you’re sick? 🥺 And not like having a flu, but some serious disease? The image of him all harsh and cruel but having a soft spot for reader is doing something to me 😩
wc: 1.9k warnings: slight nsfw (f!receiving). blood (reader gets injured). nicknames? not proofread. idk what else to put here 😭 a/n: i think i've read something like this before on a different blog but i can't remember which so i changed it up a bit so as not to cause any problems. i hope you like it and i hope you don’t mind anon :3 a/n pt. 2: italics is for past events.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
sukuna's known to be vicious. the ruthless king. he had no family, one or two friends. he didn't like the idea of forming attachments to anyone. but you. you were different.
he first saw you at a ball the neighboring kingdom held. you were sat by the piano in a light mint green dress that accentuated your curves. in your own world. you played gracefully. he couldn't take his eyes off of you. nobody could. when you stood up to bow, the crowd erupted in claps and cheers. you walked past him leaving him mesmerized. and when he first heard you speak his heart skipped a beat.
it still does. when you're laying beside him calling out his name softly trying to get his attention. "suki. helloooo. sukuna are you listening??" you sigh annoyedly. "yes woman. go on." he smiles at you.
"what are you smiling about?" you look at him confused. "it's not funny 'kuna. it was a really big lizard." he laughs. "you're cute. like a deer. wanna eat you" he grabs your face and starts kissing you all over. bites playfully at your cheek. you chuckle out his name. he pulls back from you slightly and holding eye contact with you he says "you're really pretty." he makes you blush and you try to turn away but he grabs your chin before you can. "and to think you hate being around people," you say to him laughing. "now now, i still do. you're the only one i don't mind." he says stroking your cheek. you hum contentedly.
there's a knock on the door. "master sukuna" a muffled voice calls him out. "be right back," he tells you as he puts on his robe and steps outside of the room.
he comes back after a few minutes with a scowl on his face “i have to leave”. you sit up in bed and look at him with a pout “how long are you going to be gone for?” you ask. he walks over to where you are and sits down “i’m not sure,” he murmurs. it was normal for sukuna to leave for a day or two to handle matters. the longest he’s stayed away from you was five days. but that was only because he had a bet with uruame.
“you’re whipped. guess you can’t stay away from her for longer than two days, huh.” uruame challenges him. “of course i can” sukuna replies with a scoff. “yeah? i bet you 5k, you can’t stay away from her for more than a week.” uruame laughs. “ahh that’s easy money,” he says and they shake hands on it. uruame was right. by the fifth day sukuna felt like he was going insane. he was standing outside of your room contemplating whether or not he should break the bet. he thinks fuck the bet, he needs to see his girl more than he wants to win a bet.
he comes into your room and the way you smile at him and run over to him has his heart melting. why did he even agree to that stupid bet he thinks. he picks you up and leaves kisses all over your face. you sigh as he kisses down your jaw. you stay like that a while. just kissing. looking at each other and smiling stupidly. "can i eat you out?" he blurts out and catches you off guard "damn 'kuna. straight to the point?" you laugh. "please sweetie. it's been a week." he whines almost. "five days, actually" you correct him and he raises an eyebrow at you.
"uruame told me. they bet me that you won't be able to stay away from me for longer than a week. honestly thought you'd be able to do it, but i guess i was wrong. didn't know my boy's crazy about me like this". you say your hand stroking his cheek. "that fucker probably thinks they're so funny going around making bets, huh. going to have to start getting serious again. you've made me soft, woman" he says jokingly. he doesn't mind it at all though.
he kisses you once more. groaning into your mouth. he gets down on his knees. pulling your panties along. leaves kisses up your ankle moving along your inner thigh until he reaches where you need him the most. your pussy glistening. calls his name. he gives it a soft kiss and your hips buck into his mouth. "guess she missed me just as much," he says from under you. he sucks on your clit and you whimper. your hands pulling at his hair. he hums in satisfaction when your hole clenches around his tongue slightly. as uruame suggested, he's whipped and he's completely okay with it.
he sighs as he holds your hand into his. his thumb stroking the back off your hand. “i thought if i stayed put and minded my business, they won’t do anything. but they’ve killed about 20 of my men. it won’t be long before they come here and try to wipe out the entire kingdom. so, i have to leave. i’ll be back as soon i can.”
“let me come with you,” you try. “oh baby, you know i can’t let you do that.” he smiles at you. your eyes move down to look at his hands clasping yours and you bring them up to place a kiss on the back of both his hands. “promise me, you’ll come back to me.” you look at him with tears lining your eyes. “baby i-” he tries to talk but you cut him off. “no sukuna. just promise me please,” you beg him. “okay. okay. i promise.” he gives you a forehead kiss and parts.
it's been two weeks since he sent a letter promising he will be back soon. over three weeks since he’s been gone. you missed him so much. you felt like you were going crazy waiting for him. a knock on your door has your heart beating faster. 'is he back?' you think to yourself. you unlock the door to see uruame. "uruame" you say cheerfully pulling them into a hug as you let out a breath of relief. sukuna must be close you think. “hi honey sukuna sent me. he wanted to let you know he'll be home in two weeks." you don't notice you're crying until uruame wipes your tears. "hey hey now. he'll kill me if he knows i made you cry," uruame holds you close. "he said soon. it’s going to be two months since he left. that isn't soon uruame," you mumble into their chest. "I know babe, he's just helping out the people who live near the border. most of their houses are destroyed, so he decided to stay behind to help them." your heart warms at that. you’ve been asking him to get more involved with his people so they could respect him more than they fear him.
two days till sukuna gets back.
you're laying in bed wearing his undershirt. his four week old letter in your hand. thinking of him. his touch. his lips on yours. his sweet words. his voice. as you go to blow out the candle by your bed, you hear a loud crash from outside. you go over to your window to see where the sound came from. as you open the window, the bells of the palace start ringing. to alarm everyone that there's a threat. uruame comes into your room to take you to the bunker. but it's too late. a cannon ball is coming your way in full speed.
your vision goes black. your ears are ringing as your eyes flutter open. you try standing up and through your bleary vision you can see uruame trying to make their way over to you. the ringing clears and you can hear uruame yelling your name. you try to take step forward until you notice the blood on the floor around you. your hand moves to your stomach. a piece of wood from the broken furniture poking into your abdomen. you look up to uruame who grabs you as you fall down to your knees in pure agony. "stay with me honey," they panic. they rip out a piece of cloth and wrap it tightly around your wound. "uruame, 'kuna," you try to speak but end up coughing instead. "shh honey. you're okay. i've got you. just keep your eyes open for me okay?" they ask you softly. and you nod. "tell sukuna i-" you're about to say but they cut you off "nuh uh. we're not doing all that honey. you're going tell him yourself. you're going to be okay, i promise."
sukuna's pacing beside your unconscious body as the doctor cleans the area around the wound. there was so much blood covering you. sukuna was on his way back tonight to surprise you. he reached the gates of the palace and saw a cannon ball launched towards his wing. your window specifically. his heart dropped to his stomach and he dropped off of his horse and ran like a mad man to get to you. he comes into see uruame carrying your body to the infirmary. "uruame!" he yells running over and taking your unconscious body from their hands. "fuck sukuna. i don't fucking know what happened. one minute everything was fine and then the next minute the room’s blown up and she’s on the ground,” uruame speaks hysterically.
sukuna hisses as the doctor finally pulls out the sharp wood from your abdomen. she doesn't know i love her, he thinks. she can't leave me. fuck. the doctor stitches you up quickly. and pulls down your (his) undershirt. "is she going to be okay doctor," his voice is gruff. "yes master sukuna. she's lost a lot of blood though. so it may take a while for her to wake up."
one day. two days. six days. it's almost been a week and you haven't woken up. he sits by your side the entire time. holding your hand. uruame comes into the room. "master sukuna. we found them." heavy bags under his eyes. "stay here. and call me as soon as she wakes up," he commands uruame and gets up to deal with the people who hurt you.
your eyes open. trying to adjust to the light you blink a few times. looking around. you see uruame's mouth dropped in a slight smile. "honey?" they call out to you. and you hum. their hands wraps around your frame hugging you tightly. “uruame,” you chuckle. “how do you feel?” they ask you leaving a kiss on your forehead. “thirsty,” you rasp. you quickly chug the glass of water they give you and ask “how long have i been asleep for?”
before uruame can answer the door bursts open and sukuna comes rushing in. blood splattered across his top. you didn’t need to ask him who’s blood was splattered across his top you already knew as he makes his way over to you. “sukuna,” you gasp happily. he sits down next you and grabs your hands into his. “my sweet girl. i’m sorry. i’m so sorry you got hurt because of me,” he apologizes profusely, looking into your eyes. “it’s not your fault ‘kuna. you didn’t know this was going to happen.” you try to reassure him. holding his face in your hands. you kiss his nose. and then his lips. “i’m glad you’re back and in one piece,” you smile against his lips. “never leaving you alone again for that long,” he promises quietly.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
a/n pt. 3: hands still fucked up but i wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so im sorry if it’s not up to your expectations 💔. you can always leave some suggestions or any questions you have in my ask box titled “talk to me” on my blog page :).
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creedslove · 9 months
have you seen the nye pictures of pedro? the one where he has his arm in one of those slings?
could you write something regarding that about any of the pedro boys? like they break a born or get an injury and they neglect it, not letting you take care of them although they yearn for your care.
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I know anon, poor thing fell down and now he's got surgery coming 🥺 I hope he recovers soon ❤️‍🩹
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"Fine! If you don't want me helping you then you can do it yourself!"
• you said angrily as you couldn't believe how stubborn Joel really was. After he injured his shoulder at work, he became unbearable, as all you wanted to do was to help him, but he said no
• you understood that Joel was an independent man, he was strong and was used to doing things on his own, but since he had to wear a sling on his arm, he was having a hard time doing some things but whenever you wanted to help, he simply declined
• he hated that he had to be driven around by everyone and if he had to hear another Driving Miss Daisy joke coming from Tommy he wasn't sure what he was capable of doing
• and the fact you did everything to help him caused him a mix of feelings: on one hand, he was thankful even if it didn't seem, but on the other hand, he felt deeply ashamed of depending on people to do regular things, so even if he wasn't proud of it, he still snapped sometimes
• he ignored when you asked him if he needed help changing clothes or maybe washing his own back during the shower, but he never seemed willing to do so
• it just pained you to see Joel struggling with regular things such as cutting up his own meat during lunch, you didn't like seeing him so helpless and not only that, he also had to keep taking painkillers
• but at the same time, you were running out of patience because you were only trying to help and Joel was being even kinda rude to you, you were feeling so angry so you snapped at him, also you weren't proud of it, but you felt like you reached your limit
"Darlin' I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just embarrassed about being so useless all the time"
"I'm tired Joel, I don't like seeing in pain and struggling, if I try helping you it's because I love you!"
"I know babe, I really do, I'm sorry, I will try to be a better patient for you, I suck"
"yeah, you suck Joel, but just don't be so rude okay? All I want is to see you alright"
• you placed your arms around his neck and felt how his hand slid down your back and rested on your waist, he smiled shyly at you and nodded, he couldn't resist you and he was acting like a dick, when in reality he should be worshipping you
"you're right, baby girl. I'll be better for you"
• he leaned in and kissed your lips, he wanted to feel you closer, you were the best thing that had ever happened to him and he wasn't going to give you up for a small thing like that
• for once, Joel had to learn it was alright for him to be taken care of instead of having to take everyone under his wing
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spidybaby · 1 year
Ur fics r so good! If u can,can you do a part 2 to be quiet please with kylian sobering up and not remembering what he said so his mom teasing him or smth like that
Now you be quiet, please
Summary: After the events of last night, Fayza chooses to make Kylian pay for his words.
Warnings: Slightly cursing.
Thank you for reading ❤️‍🩹🥺 hope you like this ✨️ part one
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"Turn that off" he says as he heard the alarm go off. "y/n, turn it off" he shake you a little to wake you up.
You sit up in bed and look at him confused, a few seconds later you turn your attention to the loud alarm turning it off. Taking the covers out you made your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After a nice cold shower to wake you up, you did your skincare routine, indecisive about wearing makeup or just a tinted sunscreen. Deciding on a little bit of concealer to cover your sleepless "Kylian, amour wake up." you call him as you make you way to your vanity. "Amour, wake up" you repeat as you sit and prepare you products.
Melissa reminded you of the brunch before leaving, causing Kylian to invite himself. When his mother and you said no, he made a fuss, leading to him actually getting invited so you decide to actually wake him up.
"Five more minutes" he says as he place his pillow on top of his face "Five more nothing, please wake up" you say as you throw the covers off of him. "Go shower, please" he whines but wakes up and walks to the bathroom, slamming the door on the way.
Once your makeup and hair is ready, you walk to the closet and pick a simple outfit. Deciding for the two of you, you picked Kylians outfit, matching with yours. "Bébé, your clothes are ready on the bed" you say before leaving the room, looking for your purse.
You sit on the big couch you have at the living room, texting Melissa for her to know you and Kylian will be on your way soon.
After a few minutes you hear kylian walking into the room "let's go" he says putting his hand out for you, you take his hand in yours and walk out to your car. "J'ai faim" (I'm hungry) he says while putting on his seat belt "vous avez toujours faim" (you're always hungry) You laugh at him.
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"Bonjour, vous êtes enfin arrivés" (Hi, you finally arrived) Melissa says as she saw you walk to the table. "Bonjour à toi aussi" (hello to you too) Kylian says smiling at the two women at the table "Lana, Comment ça va, mon bébé?" (How are you, baby?) He kissed his niece cheek.
You two sit and order breakfast, making small talk as you wait for your food. You notice the look his mother is sending you. Remembering his words last night you feel your face blush and try to hide it by talking to Lana.
"Kylian, how was your night?" Fayza ask "You had a good time?" She drinks her coffee waiting for him to answer "Oui, I needed that so bad" You want to laugh. He was referring to the party but his mom wasn't. "Oh I'm sure you did, I mean you were so desperate for everyone to knew" the way his mother is playing with him makes you and Melissa laugh.
He has this neutral expression. "I mean, I couldn't help it" he shrug eating his croissant "So it was like the one at the morning or was better?" Melissa asks, making you hide your face in your hands. "What?" Is all he can ask, confused at what they mean.
You groan and turn your body to him "You don't remember?" You wanted to laugh because his face is a whole poem. "Je suis si confus en ce moment" (I'm so confused right now) he stops eating to pay full attention to you. "Lana, Vous savez ce qui passe?" (Do you know what's going on?) He asks his niece. She shrug her shoulder not caring as she enjoys a macaron.
"y/n, what's going on?"
You can't help but laugh. "Ask your mom, I have to go to the bathroom" you get up and make you way to the bathroom. Not wanting to be there when his mom explain the situation.
His eyes follow you until you dissappear from his sight. "Maman?" He asks her now. "Dites-moi juste ce qui se passe ici." (Just tell me what's going on). Fayza just smile and look at Melissa.
"Omg, Kylian. Last night you announced to your mom and I how good y/n made you feel that morning and how good you were going to make her feel as soon as you hit home." Melissa finally explains the situation to him. "Oh" is all he can say, not sure how to answer.
"The weather is good today, don't you think?" He's trying to change the subject, embarrassed about it. "Oui, very good weather. Kind of cold, good for the type of activities you like in the morning. Don't you think?" His mom can't help but tease him. "Yeah, a good warm up, good for before training stretching" Melissa join the teasing. "Arrêtez, s'il vous plaît" (stop, please) he can feel the heat on his face, hiding it with his hands.
You return happily, noticing the way the two women are laughing and the way his face is hiding behind his hands, you can't help but feel sorry for him.
"I'm back" you grab one of his hands and intertwine your fingers with his. "So, you understand now?" You tease. "Last night you were so comfortable expressing this, why so embarrassed now, bébé?" You want him to feel a little bit of the shame you felt yesterday. Enjoying it.
"Don't" he begged. "Remember how I asked you to be quiet, you told me your mom knew about it. Why are you so shy now, Kylian?" You smiled continuing with the mocking.
"Now you be quiet, please." He hides his face in the crook of your neck.
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tinypandacakes · 3 months
Panda, I have to ask: When did König realise/decide that our Häschen is The One? Would he have settled for just any cute little thing that fell into his (literal) trap, or was there a specific moment that made him got "It’s Her"?
(Ofc only if you want to/can answer!!)
I love this series so much and some specific moments will rot my brain for months to come! ❤️
Also good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery! ❤️‍🩹
(Sorry this is late, I was working on it before surgery and forgot it in my drafts)) Thank you for the kind words and the ask!!
a lot of his motives/background are still unclear to Häschen, but a few moments stood out to him early on after meeting her that made his chest swell with happiness and feed the possessive thoughts
Mild spoilers below for those who haven’t read, but —
1. When Häschen was lost in the storm and König touched her cheek and she just melted into his hand (after being terrified but still). Her big scared eyes looking up at him 🥺 how could he NOT take her back and pamper her and care for her.
2. when he undresses and warms her up. Yeah she fights it at first and bites him (which angers him but you know he’s secretly half-hard at her feistiness T.T) but when she gives into him, she just fits so perfectly against his body. Small and sweet and shivering tucked against his chest…abandoned like a stray…clearly needs him to take care of her…yeah…he could get used to that…
3. The first time she smiles at him after he tucks her in by the fire. (Early on, after she asks his name) Like a pretty girl willingly smiled???? at him??? A nice real smile??? Basically a marriage proposal in König’s book…
4. And of course later when she ruts against his thigh in the throes of her sickness — I feel like it just sort of sealed it all for him there, too. If he wasn’t sure before…just look at her. cute little thing so sick but still so desperate and needy — and wants him bad enough to cum all over his leg??? Good luck getting rid of him after that…
There are more moments over the development of their relationship, but in my mind those are the main early things. But winter will end eventually…and he did say he’d help her leave the cabin in spring… we will see ☺️
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lestappen-stan · 10 months
another angle of the ✨sticker saga✨
max seems so proud of himself, look at his smile 🥺❤️‍🩹
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