#his relationship with his family paternal and maternal is so interesting to me
florsial · 2 months
Thinking about Rabastan. He's a dog to Rodolphus' god. He loves his brother but from how they were raised he mistakes it for blind devotion. He has his mother's face but none of her personality. He should've looked exactly like Rodolphus but he doesn't. He's shunned by his paternal family but accepts it quietly and erases his identity to be the spare/guard dog. He's like a messed-up completed puzzle piece that looks fine from far away but when you take a closer look certain pieces don't quite fit right. He's bitter and self-pitying but it's all compacted in a poorly concealed stoic expression. Unlike his brother, he was born to feel and it does him no good. Also, he likes fish and his favorite is the cowfish.
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frankingsteinery · 7 months
for my 100th post (!) i thought i would, at long last, make a catch-all analysis on victor and elizabeth’s relationship, their marriage, and why specifically it was incestuous. throughout i may mention my interpretations of caroline’s past and her pseudo-incestuous relationship with alphonse, which you can read here. it’s not necessary to understand this post, but you’ll miss some of the nuance of the relationships between the frankensteins without it
in the 1818 version of the novel, elizabeth is the paternal first cousin of victor. she is, like caroline, similarly upper-class but falls into misfortune when her mother dies and she is left under the care of her father. these parallels become important later. after elizabeth’s mother dies, her father writes to alphonse “….requesting [Alphonse] to take charge of the infant Elizabeth” and that it was his wish “…that [Alphonse] should consider her as [his] own daughter, and educate her thus” (1818). that is, it was explicitly intended for elizabeth to be reared as a daughter to the frankensteins (and thus victor’s sister). 
in the 1831 edition, caroline specifically has an interest in elizabeth because she sees herself and her own situation in her, a background that mirrors her own. i’ll directly quote a post of mine instead of reiterating the same point. essentially: from the beginning caroline deliberately sets up parallels between herself and elizabeth. she wants a daughter, and adopts elizabeth specifically because elizabeth reminds her of herself, but grander: like she was, elizabeth is also a beggar and an orphan and homeless, but her story is more tragic, she is more beautiful, her debt to her caretakers more extreme, and her romantic relationship will go on to be more explicitly incestuous. through elizabeth and victor, caroline will perpetuate her own abuse. the difference is, unlike her own, this is a situation caroline can control.
from the beginning, at six years old, victor and elizabeth are raised with the expectation that they are going to be wed when they are older. as an adult, elizabeth reflects “that our union had been the favourite plan of [their] parents ever since our infancy” and that “we were told this when young, and taught to look forward to it as an event that would certainly take place” (1831). this is because of caroline’s “desire to bind as closely as possible the ties of domestic love” (1818), and so she is raised as victor’s “more than sister” (1831). they are encouraged to play at the role of mother and father/husband and wife together via raising and educating their younger siblings, particularly ernest. ernest is described as being victor’s “principal pupil” and, during his illness in infancy, elizabeth and victor were “his constant nurses” despite caroline, alphonse and maids/servants/caretakers being available
simultaneously, caroline grooms elizabeth into being a mini-me, calling her her “favorite” and encouraging her to embody the same values as her. caroline does all she can to have elizabeth be what is, essentially, a second version of her, while all the while dictating a marriage to her son
this becomes even more significant, when, on her deathbed, caroline reinforces her wish for victor and elizabeth to marry: “My children... my firmest hopes of future happiness were placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will now be the consolation of your father. Elizabeth, my love you must supply my place” (1831). by attempting to replace herself with elizabeth via telling her to “supply her place” (of mother/wife) to the rest of the family, caroline is not only dictating a marriage between brother and sister but now mother and son, as elizabeth shifts from a sister-figure to victor into a maternal substitute, and simultaneously is his bride-to-be. as a result the roles of mother, sister and wife become conflated in victor’s mind—to some degree, there is no one without the other.
there’s deeper things at play here too, namely that it creates victor’s later emotional obligation in honoring his mother’s dying wish to go through with the marriage (furthered because it is the “consolation” of his father… alphonse also says something to this effect after victor gets out of prison), but i have enough to say on how victor is relied on as a pillar of emotional support by all of his family that it warrants its own post
this subconscious shift between the role of sister figure to mother figure is further emphasized when, during his dream at ingolstadt after the creation of the creature, elizabeth morphs into caroline in victors arms: “I slept, indeed, but I was disturbed by the wildest dreams. I thought I saw Elizabeth…Delighted and surprised, I embraced her; but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change, and I thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms” (1831). that is, she literally changes from sister into mother. this is also the only kiss in the entire book, and the only instance victor and elizabeth display any affection for each other that is explicitly non-platonic (and elizabeth’s affections towards victor generally feel more motherly then amorous, particularly in contrast to the romance of felix and safie), and during it, she turns into victor’s mother and decays in his arms.
but why make the creature in the first place? well, as the common misconception goes, it wasn’t about reanimation (which was only mentioned once in a throwaway line) it was about creating new life. what victor wound up doing what was not reversing death, but what was, essentially, an alternate method of childbirth. this is a significant detail when considered in the context of victor and elizabeth’s relationship: victor’s goal was to create life, and he, at great lengths, intentionally circumvented women (elizabeth) in this process. why? so that he could dodge an act of incest—marrying elizabeth and providing the frankenstein heirs and carrying on the family legacy, which is what his family expected him to do.
there’s evidence to suggest elizabeth views victor as a brother. elizabeth indirectly acknowledges this relationship during justine’s trial, when she stands up for her defense: "I am," said she, "the cousin of the unhappy child who was murdered, or rather his sister, for I was educated by, and have lived with his parents ever since and even long before, his birth…” (1831). here, elizabeth calls herself the cousin of william (which is notably what she refers to victor as, both when they are literally cousins and when they have no blood relation—either way, a familial term) and then corrects herself, that she is actually william’s sister. her reasoning for this? she was raised and educated by the frankensteins alongside him ever since she was young. if you follow this logic, by extension she also considers herself ernest’s—and more relevantly—victor’s sister.
there is an egregious amount of subtext that suggests victor also views elizabeth as a sibling as well. before victor leaves for his vacation with henry, alphonse tells him that he has “always looked forward to [victor’s] marriage with [his] cousin as the tie of our domestic comfort” because they were “attached to each other from earliest infancy” and “entirely suited to one another in dispositions and tastes.” however, he acknowledges that because of this, victor may, perhaps, “regard [elizabeth] as his sister, without any wish that she might become your wife. Nay, you may have met with another whom you may love; and, considering yourself bound in honour to your cousin, this struggle may occasion the poignant misery which you appear to feel” to which victor replies: “My dear father, re-assure yourself. I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely. I never saw any woman who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection. My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union” (1831). that is, he answers, no, he has not met any other woman he would rather marry, yet skirts around the former half of alphonse’s question and doesn’t acknowledge whether or not he views her as a sister or not.
this occurs again after victor is released from prison in ireland when, elizabeth, in a letter, does eventually ask him if he wants to back down from the marriage (this same letter features elizabeth literally hitting the nail on the head when asking if victor was going through with the marriage because he felt honor-bound to their parents). however, she poses this by asking: “But as brother and sister often entertain a lively affection towards each other, without desiring a more intimate union, may not such also be our case?...Do you not love another?” to which victor honestly answers no, he has not met any other woman. however, it’s not addressed whether he’s in love with elizabeth herself, nor does he address whether or not their affection towards each other is akin to that of siblings–again he entirely ignores it.
when victor and alphonse return to geneva after his release from prison, alphonse proposes victor’s immediate marriage to elizabeth, to which victor remains silent. alphonse then confronts victor once more: “Have you, then, some other attachment?” victor responds: “None on earth. I love Elizabeth, and look forward to our union with delight. Let the day therefore be fixed; and on it I will consecrate myself, in life or death, to the happiness of my cousin" (1831). yet the “hopes and prospects” that victor saw bound in their marriage earlier was, in fact, his own death–which was “no evil to [him]...and I therefore, with a contented and even cheerful countenance, agreed with my father, that if my cousin would consent, the ceremony should take place in ten days, and thus put, as I imagined, the seal to my fate” (1831). victor sees going through with a marriage to elizabeth as suicide, and embraces this.
they are both mutually hesitant and describe feelings of dread and melancholy on their wedding day itself. at the very least this indicates a lack of romantic interest in each other. after the ceremony, when they row out on the boat together, victor has a thought that is perhaps the most blatant example of his romantic disinterest in elizabeth: “Then gazing on the beloved face of Elizabeth, on her graceful form and languid eyes, instead of feeling the exultation of a—lover—a husband—a sudden gush of tears blinded my sight, & as I turned away to hide the involuntary emotion fast drops fell in the wave below. Reason again awoke, and shaking off all unmanly—or more properly all natural thoughts of mischance, I smiled” (Frankenstein 1823). victor also makes it clear to the narrator (walton) that they did not consummate their marriage before elizabeth’s death, which suggests there was hesitance or disgust around the concept. 
this is a neat little aside and more circumstantial evidence then anything else, but it is pretty well known that mary shelley's works tend to be somewhat autobiographical, and that her characters are influenced by people in her own life. this is most obvious in the last man, but its also present to a lesser extent in frankenstein, wherein victor's character is inspired by (among others) percy shelley. percy wrote under the pseudonym victor, which is believed to be where victor's name may have come from—and elizabeth was the name of percy shelley's sister.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Why do people give Harry more Black family storylines than Draco?!
It's hard being a Draco fan...well a canon Draco fan. If you want great fics that explore his character, you have to deal with a bunch of Drarry and sometimes Dramione. That's not even factoring in how OOC Draco is in so many of these fics. That's why I partly gave up on Drarry fics. It's almost impossible to find a good Draco fic that does not involve him shagging someone in the golden trio.
But this post was inspired by posts by Snaters and/or Dumbles antis who claim Harry should have named his son after Regulus. Here are my grievances:
There needs to be more exploration of DRACO as the Black heir
I don't know how Siri was able to keep his fortune when he was supposedly disowned but it's very frustrating seeing fics where Harry is the Black heir and becomes Lord Black. Just stop and think for a moment. Draco is literally the only pureblood Black offspring left! The Black line is basically extinct! And if you factor in Drastoria, Draco was willing to let his maternal AND paternal lines fade away! The only time Draco's Black heritage seems to be brought up is in fics where abusive Lucius disowns him. It's just sad. Harry is NOT a Black! As much as I love Godfather!Sirius, part of me is disgusted that Harry inherited Grimmauld's place. That house should belong to Narcissa and Draco and I don't care if I am the only one on this hill.
More Regulus & Draco, please!
People seem to prefer to write a relationship with Reggie and Harry. Which makes a bit of sense...but wouldn't it be more interesting to explore Draco & Reggie?? Draco and Regulus are family and they share quite a few similarities. I have seen some fics where Narcissa is so protective of DE!Draco because she sees him as a second chance after she failed Reggie. Or I have seen some fics where Regulus lives but so many of those center on Harry and Draco is lucky to be an afterthought. Why is Draco so divorced from his Black family? There's hardly any exploration with Draco & Sirius either. I don't even recall Draco expressing any feelings about Sirius as a family member in book 3 when the dude is his cousin! Draco, Harry's rival, is related to his beloved godfather and NOTHING is done with this! Like WTH!!!
The positive side!
At least there are incredible fics out there that explore Draco's relationship with Andy and the Tonks family. I love Dora being Draco's surrogate big sister 🤩. So cute!!! I also like the Tonks family being involved in Draco's redemption and Ted being so fatherly towards Draco. Chef's kiss. Please, let Draco interact with his family 😞! Why is JKR so against Draco having a family?! Even his damn wife dies in CC!!! He only has one kid! Please, give this man an extended family!
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gemsbian · 3 months
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When I first watched this I thought Crave's eyes were violet, though it seems they're closer to blue.
It's an interesting choice to introduce Crave in the same episode that confirms Amethio and Gibeon as related. What intrigues me most is that they decided to make a comment about Amethio being nothing like his father. I assumed they would just avoid mentioning either of his parents the way they do with Roy's family situation, and not have them be a part of the show.
But this comment means we will explore Amethio's family situation more, which is very fun! I was one of many that theorized Gibeon was Amethio's grandfather, because it parallels Liko's relationship with her grandmother, Diana.
With that said, Liko looks almost identical to Diana where Lucca has less similarities, even though it's still clear they're related. For this reason I think it's entirely plausible that Amethio and Gibeon's looks also "skip a generation" with Amethio's father looking less like either of them. Because they're doing the maternal vs paternal relationships with Liko and Amethio, I do believe that Amethio's father is the one related to Gibeon. On that note, I also think it's plausible Amethio is actually a great grandson of Gibeon, though I do not think that's the case in the show since we know Lucca is Diana's daughter, and not granddaughter.
Anyway, all of this is to say that I think Amethio and Crave could be father and son. They don't look overly alike, but it's passable by anime standards and based on the fact that Crave seems to have morals with how he runs Exceed, I believe his personality is enough reason to have Gibeon dislike him, causing Amethio to think poorly about his father as well.
So it's entirely possible that Crave is a red herring and we'll get a much cooler Amethio father reveal, but until then, I think it's possible that Crave is Amethio's dad and the idea of Amethio having such disdain for his business man father is pretty funny. He's such a little punk.
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mariemarieohcontrary · 8 months
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Choices MCs (Filipino Edition lol)
Finally drew four of my Choices MCs inspired by @cassiopeiacorvus and her wonderfully done OC compilations (how do you have the patience to draw all of em omg)
I'm thinking of doing the same for my Romance Club MCs too (background would be the purple of the homescreen there)
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source! 💗
Evangeline Marie G. (Guzman) Lakandula - Ah yes, my soft, anxious babie with self-worth issues. She comes from a messy background with a horrible father. She was close to her late (paternal) grandparents and had a very complicated relationship with her late mother. One of her relatives shes v close to is her older cousin, Ethan.
She's a college dropout thanks to her father's bad choices and worked the moment she had a chance to.
After her mother passed, that was it for Evangeline. She kinda needed to go away from her dad and his loud voice and other issues. So she left home and Ethan helped her out before he left for a business trip abroad.
He had her go to a house he owned in Laguna where she could live in provided she just do the cleaning in there. She found simple work that she was qualified for and that was her life for the next few years until a certain bachelor party came into her life.
Diwa Kalangitan M. (Masangga) del Rosario - My chaotic good and very protective MC who definitely rabbleroused in the school she works in.
She was raised in a household that follows some precolonial beliefs and traditions. She has a stepfather who's an albularyo and two half-siblings. One is studying in college, the other is still in high school. She has a close relationship to both her parents.
And she is rather happy with her job as a teacher in a private school. Sure she sometimes goes against curriculum to make sure the kids enjoy her lessons. She's a class advisor also so when she found out their math teacher humiliated one of her students, she confronted said teacher.
Her trip to America is really just a birthday trip until the events of the book started. In the end she ends up in a poly relationship with Nik and Cal. (She does end up pointing out to the boys that she'll have to go back to her work and family at least just to properly resign and find work near them and also to assure her family she's safe.)
Maya Chelidonia C. (Caacbay) dela Rosa - The local tired detective who had to move abroad for their own safety. Love them SM.
Maya is the child of Jaime dela Rosa, a cop in the Philippines who does not follow in corrupt practices and tries to do right by the community. He was killed after coincidentally seeing signs of corruption in the force and wanting to expose it.
After their father's death, Maya also followed in his footsteps. On their end, they wanted to try and do some good in their job but ended up experiencing some discrimination in the work force. Enter them finding the same evidence of corruption that their father found as well. This time they managed to expose the corruption but in the end, one of their few friends in the force warned them that they'll have to flee the country due to some v angry officials.
So they fled with their mother and younger sister.
Their sister became a fashion designer. Maya found work as a private detective and the two teamed up to be able to live a decent life. Their sister travels with their mom on fashion shows. They're fine living nearby their maternal uncle with their dog, Spudge. (He's a scaredy cat and a lil crybaby who doesn't like strangers and by that I mean he starts crying when the strangers notice him. It's not out of trauma, he just likes Maya and their fam more than anyone else and is v shy with others. He's also scared of the dark and loud noises.)
Inocencia Honorata G. (Galang) Valenciano - and finally, my love's embarrassing bby. My Rafael Aveiro romancer. Love her sm.
She and her mom, older brother and little sister ran away from their father when they were a kid. Her parents annulled their marriage after a few years.
Her older brother became the youngest lawyer in the country and had a firm in New York seek him out. This led to him helping Inocencia and her sister (who had skipped grades and managed to enter college the same year as Inocencia).
Inocencia is v non-competitive that she chose De La Salle University while her sister went to their grandfather’s alma mater, University of the Philippines. At college, Inocencia got dubbed as SiaSia because of the repeated -cia in her first name and surname.
The two got accepted into Edenbrook when they were gonna start. Inocencia being 27 and her sister being 25. By then, Inocencia still isn't competitive and didn't sign up for the competition for the diagnostics team but her little sister shoved her to try it out.
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pomefioredove · 26 days
Dove dove I wanna hear what do you think of epel's and Vil's relationship specifically from the ceremonial robes vignette I had this discussion with one of my moots but I have "brainnothinkitis" and can't put how I feel about it in words but it seems rather interesting maybe because I was more mom oriented raised??? Teaching posture is something so common to me but I wanna hear what you think about! It feels nice to see more pomi stand have a good day :3
sorry this took so long to answer, I wanted to really think about it and it's still not even coherent
BUT. yeah. I so get where you're coming from. I have this funny family dynamic thing where my paternal side are american farmers I basically never see and my maternal side are very traditional old money europeans. so, um. yeah. I was being taught how to set tables properly and host guests when I was like. three? I remember getting scolded a lot for things like posture and "sitting weirdly" (autism) and "acting weirdly" (autism) and not wanting to touch people (autism). at least vil wouldn't make anyone do la bise. or would he?? I shiver at the very thought
I think what stands out to me most about that vignette (besides rook being autistic I love him so much. I would switch places with epel in a heartbeat. outta my way gayboy I'm about to get it!!!! /ref) is that vil apparently has no reservations about straight up manhandling his students when he sees fit. why??? I don't know, I just find it really interesting. something that fic writers should think about more often
but anyway. I do think that the vignette is a good summary of the dynamic. of course, epel comes to understand and respect vil as a mentor and a friend later on, but there's still some amount of distance between them. now. rook is like the glue that holds that fucking dorm together. I think that this vignette represents that perfectly
those're my basic thoughts concerning the vignette. I got really distracted by imagining rook saying "naughty naughty!" in a french accent because that's extremely funny to me. for some reason
then I started thinking about what dorm I would be placed in and, as much as I could get by in pomefiore, it would probably end up being something terrible for me. like diasomnia with king codependent and his social anxiety nightmare crew
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bats2102 · 7 months
Exploring Rejected Mating Bonds and Non-Mated Relationships in the ACOTAR:
Delving into the prospect of rejected mating bonds and non-mated relationships in future ACOTAR books has sparked my interest. While this exploration might not be everyone's favoured avenue... humour me for a moment. I wanted to consider how three particular pairings—Helion+LOA, Jurian+Vassa, and Eris+Mor—stand out as potential candidates for this unconventional narrative.
LOA+Helion: Maternal Love Prevails that of a Mating Bond
There are numerous theories circulating that the Lady of Autumn (LOA) and Helion are potential mates (I don't think they will get a book). While the concept of either character enduring a rejected or incomplete bond is not what I would wish upon them, exploring such a dynamic could offer a compelling narrative angle. It could serve as an illustration of the idea that a mother's love surpasses even the powerful connection of a mating bond, highlighting the notion that the bond between a mother and her children transcends all other. This incomplete bond wouldn't necessarily disrupt the overarching storylines but could be seamlessly integrated into the existing dynamics of the narrative, including Lucien's lineage as Helion's child, the escalating conflict with the Autumn Court, and the unexplored mating bond between Elain and Lucien. For instance, LOA might have chosen to sever her mating bond to shield her children from the wrath of Beron and the Autumn Court. Her willingness to endure further abuse to protect her children could provide an exploration of maternal sacrifice and the lengths a mother would go to protect her family. Considering SJM own experience as a mother, the exploration of the power of a mother's love might be a theme she's interested in delving into. As the series progresses and, if Eris were to succeed his father as High Lord, an intriguing aspect would be to witness LOA maintaining her title as the Lady of Autumn. This choice would signify her unwavering commitment to her children, even as they reach adulthood. Supporting Eris during his transition as High Lord would be a testament to her enduring love for her family and her dedication to the Autumn Court, which she considers her eternal home. Now, you might wonder why not have Eris appoint her as High Lady? Considering Eris has three additional brothers (excluding Lucien) who may vie for the throne, he will require the support of every member of his court. Part of his reasoning for aligning with Rhysand is to secure this support. Given that Beron has held dominion over the Autumn Court as the oldest and most tyrannical High Lord, reigning with terror, the influential higher fae pivotal for Eris's rule may not yet be receptive to having an High Lady. Therefore, it wouldn't be politically savvy for Eris to bestow her with that title (Rhysand's been High Lord for 500 years, and the women of the Night Court are still getting brutalized. So, Eris not making his mum High Lady? Not exactly the be-all and end-all, is it?) Head-canon: I also have this gut feeling helion is going to die in the series. Now, I don't have any evidence to back up this claim; call it intuition. However, if such an event were to unfold, it might entail Helion sacrificing himself for Lucien and the LOA. This sacrifice could occur after Lucien and Helion have already discovered their paternal bond and forged a meaningful relationship. As Helion and LOA share a heartfelt moment before his passing, he expresses understanding and admiration for her choice to prioritize her children. Having witnessed her centuries of sacrifice, Helion feels compelled to reciprocate in kind, ultimately sacrificing himself for both Lucien and her. (I'm not wishing for it, but my gut says it's happening.)
Jurien+Vassa: Fate-Woven Bonds Beyond Mates
A non-mated relationship between Vassa and Jurien presents a compelling avenue for exploration within future books, delving into the dynamics of a human connection forged by destiny rather than through a conventional fated mate bond. This narrative choice allows SJM to portray the nuances of a relationship where there isn't a direct link binding the soul of the couple together. Despite the absence of such a bond, fate has undeniably woven their paths together, leading to a relationship laden with complexity and depth. Both Vassa and Jurien have endured sufferings at the hands of immortal beings, which creates intriguing parallels in their experiences. Jurien, a being over 500 years old, underwent merciless torment, including physical mutilation and the manipulation of his soul, culminating in his essence being imprisoned within a ring crafted from his own eyeball. This fate mirrors Vassa's own ordeal, where she was transformed into a firebird, cursed to spend her days trapped in avian form and her nights as a woman, bound to a lake. These shared encounters with immortals/fae beings not only serve as a foundation for their connection but also highlight a significant parallel in their suffering and transformation. In SJM stories couples often exhibit consistent parallels in their characteristics, trauma, and destinies, thus the mirrored experiences of Vassa and Jurien underscore the depth of their bond, emphasizing the intertwining threads of fate that have brought them together. Regardless of their mortality and a “mating bond.”   In ACOWAR's conclusion, Vassa invites Jurien to live with her and Lucien remarks that they are "two sides of the same coin" with a shared vision for the human territories. However, tensions reported by Lucien in ACOFAS suggest a charged dynamic between the two offering narrative space to explore fate's influence on human dynamics. Through Vassa and Jurien's connection, SJM can explore themes of resilience, redemption, and destiny's enduring impact on human lives. Headcanon: Jurien pours out his heart to Vassa, declaring that every painful moment endured over his 400+ years was worth it, knowing that it led him to the possibility of spending the rest of his mortal life with her by his side, not just as a partner, but as his queen. Furthermore, should their story follow an Elain + Lucien novel, it would provide an opportunity to solidify the foundation for their potential relationship. Lucien's pre-established relationship with the pair sets the stage, and I also see the potential for a close friendship with Elain. Their shared experiences of enduring transformations by immortal beings and a common human background could form the basis for a strong friendship, allowing Elain to maintain a connection to her past human life and mortality. (Plus more Elucien content!!)
Eris+Mor: Souls Bonded together but Hearts lie Elsewhere
The theory of a potential rejected mating bond between Eris and Mor is not one I particularly favor, as I would like for SJM to introduce mating bonds between 2SLGBTQIA+ characters. In response to a question about whether same-sex couples can be mates, SJM offered the following response in a 2017 interview:
“Sarah: Yes, and you can see some of that in both series. Don’t want to give anything away, but you may see this in ACOWAR when you read it. It’s also present in the Throne of Glass world. I’m super excited to write more about this, and already have a novel in mind about it." (https://emiesnook.wordpress.com/2017/05/12/meeting-sarah-j-maas-again/)
Therefore, I would like for her to follow through with this with a mating bond between Mor+Emerie (Eris+Balthazar, I said what I said... make Beron burn in his grave). However, if there were to be a rejected mating bond between Eris and Mor, I believe it would be an interesting concept. It would allow two 2SLGBTQIA+ characters to empathize with each other's inner turmoil and come to the realization that while their souls may belong to each other, they could never fully give each other their hearts. This storyline could illuminate the oppression and profound challenges endured by same-sex couples in a world where rigid societal norms and expectations frequently dictate the boundaries of love and relationships.
The relationships I've outlined above provide a compelling rationale for exploring rejected mates and non-mated relationships within the ACOTAR universe. These avenues offer non-stereotypical narrative exploration without directly causing further anguish/trauma to current main characters or disrupting the established plot dynamics and relationships. Allowing for the series to continue. This is where I might lose some of you, but allow me to elaborate. SJM essentially wrote ACOWAR to establish Elucien and Nessian, and in ACOSF introduced two characters, Gwyn and Emerie, who serve as perfect parallels for the two unmated/single members of the inner circle (Azriel and Mor). Both characters introduced have strong parallels regarding their internal turmoil, history of abuse, self-image, interests/habits, and personalities. It is NOT in the Night Court's best interest for a severed bond with Elucien to occur. This would end Lucien's role as the Night Court's emissary (Rhysand's "bitch"), as Elain could no longer be a persuading pawn. While Lucien himself may not object to Elain loving another (as he was willing to step back for Greysen), he cannot control the reactions and sentiments of other courts towards this development. Once Lucien's paternity is revealed, Night Court allegiance and relationships with other courts would be essentially terminated, as I believe Helion would do so to protect his son. Beron would have his reason to invade Spring, the Human Realm, or even the Night Court itself, or call for a blood duel, considering that although Lucien is not his biological son, Beron raised him and would have grounds to create a conflict. The Night Court is not well-liked, which Rhysand is aware of, and he relies on Lucien to maintain connections with other courts. Severing contact with the Human Realm due to Lucien being the connection to Vassa and Jurien would further isolate the Night Court. Furthermore, given that Tamlin and Lucien were coworkers/friends for centuries, it can be interpreted that Tamlin would defend Lucien and not provide support from Spring. As we know, the Night Court is still reliant on Spring.  Severing the bond between Elucien would not only disrupt the intricate web of relationships and alliances within the series but also limit the exploration of numerous storylines introduced by SJM. It is crucial to analyze the plotlines beyond the narrow lens of mere smut and romance, as this limited focus undermines the depth of storytelling Sarah J. Maas has woven into the narrative. By broadening our perspective, we can fully appreciate the intricacies of the plot and explore how relationships would realistically integrate into the multifaceted dynamics that extend beyond the central romantic relationship between the main characters.
(Thoughts and theories???)
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cowboycharmac · 1 year
(okay reposting bc tumblr autosave deleted a lot of my post </3 rip) on a slightly more depressing note do you ever think about how terrible mac is at taking care of things specifically in a parental context and get so sad because i do. mac as a person isnt inherently bad at taking care of things, he's fairly good at taking care of dennis (although his own insecurities and paranoias do negatively impact the relationship) and from what we see in the show he does the majority of homemaking work in the macden household and is generally pretty good at taking care of their apartment (unless it's on fire). but as soon as he reframes a relationship as a parental one he cant seem to figure it out.
the most obvious example of this is when he and dee take care of D.B/dumpster baby. now, character conflict is pretty par for the course for shows doing the "two characters adopt a baby" trope. however, in most shows ive seen it done, the progression is typically slower and/or more natural, from either a disparity in labour between maternal and paternal figures (often with the paternal figure slowly checking out and doing less and less work), or from one character being shoved into a role they didnt want. "the gang finds a dumpster baby" uses both of these, but what makes it interesting to me is how quickly and deliberately mac incites that conflict.
he seems eager and excited to take care of the baby and volunteers immediately, but as soon as he and dee get home from baby shopping he shoves everything off on her and becomes emotionally distant and angry when she tries to ask for help. this change in attitude is sudden and seemingly brought about by nothing in particular, he hasnt yet experienced anything that might make him realize that taking care of a baby is actually a pretty demanding job that he might not be interested in, and to me, at least, it doesnt read like he's genuinely annoyed at her or rejecting his self imposed paternal role. instead, he's still just play acting at what he thinks fatherhood should look like. he's still trying to give D.B his version of a "biblical" nuclear family, like he says he wants to when he pressures dee into taking on the maternal role, but he's using his own parents as a model for this and deliberately recreating the toxic environment he grew up in because he thinks that's how you're meant to raise a child.
it's also really interesting to me that he chose dee for this. mac and dee don't team up a lot, and when they do, it's typically because everyone else is off doing something else. sure, he's adamant that D.B needs to be raised by a man and a woman, and dee is the only woman in the gang, but he doesn't even consider trying to find D.B a mom outside of the gang.
given how he seems repulsed by dee in both a romantic and sexual context and in a nuclear family the dynamic between the mother and father is typically both, and given their platonic dynamic is strained as it is, this is odd. there are plenty of single women in philadelphia, and there are other women in mac's own life he gets along with a lot better (and who do/would make better mothers), like carmen (who hes on good enough terms with that they engage in a relationship just a bit later in the season).
to me it seems like he chose someone like dee, who he doesn't get along with very well, who has both anger and emotional intimacy issues, and who emphatically rejects motherhood when he thrusts it upon her, not because he thinks she's his only option, but because shes the person he thinks is most likely to behave like his own mother in that position. (little bit of gay mac meta here, it also feels like maybe he chose a woman he had a distinctly platonic dynamic with and who wouldnt expect anything else from him so as to avoid needing to have a sexual or romantic relationship with his female partner in this constructed family)
theres also of course the dynamic between dennis jr, mac, and dennis in mac and dennis move to the suburbs. admittedly this one is a lot less interesting to me because the parallels to his own parents are less intentional on mac's part, however i do have some thoughts about it. here, he takes on the maternal role. dennis, from his own and the audiences perspective, isnt helping "raise" dennis jr at all and isnt really involved here. however, from macs perspective, dennis is taking on a paternal role, not necessarily because of, but also not in spite of the fact that he's away for most of the day, emotionally distant, and doesnt seem to be helping take care of or even interacting with dennis jr on a regular basis.
granted, mac isn't taking care of dennis jr either. despite seeming excited to "raise [the dog] like [his and dennis'] own son", he's despondent and neglectful, much like his own mother, and dennis jr. starves to death. from what we see of his mother on the tape from mac's childhood in "a very sunny christmas", she, like mac, wasn't always dull. although we dont really see her interact with mac and i have no doubt that she was a subpar mother and person for all of mac childhood (she is more than complicit in the robbing of peoples homes in this same episode), she has more normal emotional responses to things like receiving a gift, and she appears to genuinely like luther. i dont think its too much of a stretch to assume that she, like mac, let her emotional issues with an absent or distant partner interfere with her role as a parent. the only difference is that mac, unlike dennis jr, is a human child who is presumably old enough to do the bare minimum to keep himself alive by the time she checks out.
anyways sorry this post kind of got away from me. it just makes me so sad. mac wants to be a parent but he has no real frame of reference for that, he wants so badly to take care of something but he cant help neglecting it because to him it seems normal that parents shouldnt need to take care of their child, that children should have to care of themselves. hes so adamant that his relationship with his parents is normal, healthy, and loving that he'll ruin even a pale mimicry of a family trying to recreate it.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
what relationship do winx/specialists etc have with their grandparents?
congratulations anon you made me want to draw them. you have untold powers to make me do such a thing. UNFORTUNATELY I ACTUALLY DIDN'T DRAW SHIT LMAO, just because that's a LOT of people and I'm. not about that. but I did do at LEAST some thinking of them! only covering the Winx here, maybe thoughts on the guys later.
Bloom has 2 sets of grandparents given, y'know, her DealTM. Both her grandpas passed away when she was a baby so she doesn't have memories of them, but she grew up lovingly with her grandmas. Silvana is her maternal grandma, a sweet old lady who taught her a bit of Spanish (as a reminder Vanessa is Mexican-American in the AU and so Bloom grew up with a bit of their traditions) and filled her with meals every time she visited. Her paternal grandma, Elizabeth doesn't visit as often as she lives in a different state, but Bloom loves her all the same. She's a retired office lady and always pushed Bloom to try everything she wanted - she was the one to buy Bloom a bow and archery gloves when she wanted to start archery.
As for Oritel and Marion's parents, she only knows her paternal grandpa (Eustace) and her maternal grandma (Lillia), and doesn't really have an opinion on them, having spent so little time. Both Eustace and Lillia also don't really try to get close to her that much as they can see that Bloom is just awkward about the whole deal and so don't want to push her.
Flora has both her maternal grandparents alive (Rosalía and Maurice(, while her paternal grandma passed away when she was a kid, before Miele was born, leaving her only with her grandpa Hugo. Rosalía is a witch (the Witch of Roses, Flora Source), and she comes from a VERY long line of witches. Alyssa broke the tradition by not pursuing morpher magic at all while Flora became a fairy, but she doesn't resent either for it - even being one of Flora's earliest magic tutors. Maurice is a doctor, and isn't as close with Flora as Rosalía but still loves her. As for Hugo, he's a retired lumberjack and was partially responsible for Flora's interest in physical activity.
STELLA HAS TECHNICALLY 8 GRANDPARENTS BUT I'M JUST GONNA FOCUS ON RADIUS AND LUNA'S PARENTS FOR MY SANITY LMAO. She only ever personally met her paternal grandmother, the former Queen Celeste, Sorceress of Sunny Days. Stella loves her grandma, finding her the funniest person alive, and confirms the Oriol royal family has charisma inserted in the bloodline. She knows only Luna's father, Fabrizio, is alive, but Luna doesn't have the best relationship with him and as such she never saw him.
Musa has never met anyone from her dad's side of the family and has no desire to, meaning she's way closer to her mom's side. She loves her grandma Wei Yang, who used to let her use her painting supplies and always loved whatever she drew, and her grandpa Jun, who was a big sports fan and was 100% behind his granddaughter getting into boxing and is a bit sad she dropped it once she went to Alfea.
If Aisha had a tense relationship with her parents, it was even worse with her grandparents, at least her paternal ones. Niobe's father, Ermias, was nice and doting enough, but she never interacted much with him compared with Teredor's parents, former Emperor Oceanus and former Empress Lulit. They were just as overbearing as Teredor and Niobe were if not more so, and she dreaded their visits almost as much as any of her other forced activites.
As for Tecna, she has all of her grandparents alive and well. Her maternal ones, Amara and William are actually farmers, who proudly boast of making the best cheese in all of Zenith, and Tecna loves them even if she dreads visiting them because she usually ends up helping at the farm and she does not like physical work lmao. Her paternal set are Ulric and Theodore (Anthonius is adopted), who are a retired electrician (Theodore) and a still-active Conjuror (Conjuror of Blizzards, Ice Source). The two men used to babysit Tecna when her parents had to work off-home and helped her with her magic development. Theodore, who Tecna was named after (her real name is Theodora in the AU as a reminder) was also the one that gave her that nickname, seeing her so interested in the machinery around the house.
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statisticalcats2 · 11 months
StatisticalCats' gorilla family
Notes: There are other gorillas I talk about but these are the main ones. These are the gorillas from the troops in my two "local" zoos that I visit frequently.
To have even a little bit of simplification, I am only listing parents and offspring if they're one of "my" gorillas and only listing siblings if they have lived/are living together and are one of "my" gorillas.
Parents, siblings, and offspring are the only relationships I'll list, but some named gorillas have other types of relation or are even related in multiple ways with others. I'm just going for as simplified as this very unsimple thing can be fiuhwd
I will be including some gorillas who are now deceased.
Brookfield Zoo
Ramar (M) Born: 1968 Died: April 2018 Offspring: Kamba Info: Born in the wild and raised in the entertainment industry. Ramar was one of the lucky few animals in the industry whose handlers weren't violent with them. When Ramar reached adulthood, his handler realized he should be with other gorillas in a more suitable environment and Ramar was moved into zoo life. He went through several zoos without much success in fully meshing with a troop (likely a negative consequence of his upbringing away from other gorillas) before reaching Brookfield Zoo where he finally settled well enough with a troop to even father children. Ramar led the troop from 1998 to 2012, spending the remaining years "in retirement."
Jojo (M) Born: April 1980 Died: July 2022 Offspring: Azizi, Nora, Zachary, Ali Info: Jojo was born and spent many years of his life at my other frequented zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo, though the last time he lived there was before I started visiting. Jojo was quite famous inside the US zoo community, known for his excellent leadership skills. He had a unique stern look that would catch people's eye and pictures of him have featured on branded vodka bottles, book covers for the Tarzan novel, and even on a background poster in the popular tv show New Girl!
Jontu (M) Born: January 1997 (adult) Info: I first met Jontu when he was living in a bachelor troop at Saint Louis Zoo. After Jojo's passing, Jontu was chosen to move to Brookfield and become the troop's new silverback, arriving in Febrary 2023. While this is his first time leading a family troop, he was the dominant male in his bachelor troop so he has some leadership experience, though I don't know how prepared anyone could be for the strong-willed Brookfield girls! The girls love him (other than Binti who just vaguely co-exists with him but that's how she was with Jojo too) and he's settled well into the troop.
Binti Jua (F) Born: March 1988 (adult) Offspring: Koola Info: Gained fame outside of the zoo community in 1996 when she rescued a little boy who fell into the gorilla habitat. Binti's been the lowest ranking of the troop since Jojo's years, at least partially through her own choice. I've been told how many children Brookfield was hoping Jojo would father and the number makes me think they expected him to father children with Binti. That never happened which is likely by her own decision. Binti seems to have had enough with the social politics of troops and is content to stay out of the ranking and just live her life.
Koola (F) Born: February 1995 (adult) Parent: Binti Jua Offspring: Kamba, Nora, Zachary Info: Koola is the highest ranking female and actively maintains her position. If I understand things right she's held her rank since Ramar's years of leadership, she is dedicated. She's strong-willed and assertive. She actually helped Jontu to learn the schedules and procedures of his new home!
Kamba (F) Born: September 2004 (adult) Parents: Ramar and Koola Maternal siblings: Nora, Ali Offspring: Zachary Info: Kamba's lower ranking but seems to be actively trying to gain rank.
Nora (F) Born: November 2013 (adult) Parents: Jojo and Koola Maternal sibling: Kamba Paternal sibling: Zachary Full sibling: Ali Info: Nora's a very interesting personality because she's dealt with anxiety since even before the pandemic shaking things up, but she's also inherited her mother's strong will and assertiveness. She's actually actively taken rank over her older sister Kamba since Jontu's arrival. Possibly even before, as I can remember visiting after Jojo's passing but before Jontu's arrival and noticing Nora "taking charge" in interactions quite a bit! I'm very curious if in the future she'll reach even higher and try to take the highest rank from her mom who has held it for around 20 years! She loves wood wool and often hogs as much of it as she can to nest with.
Ali (F) Born: June 2018 (juvenile) Parents: Jojo and Koola Maternal sibling: Kamba Paternal sibling: Zachary Full sibling: Nora Info: Ali's the only juvenile of the troop and still has her white spot on her bottom to prove it! She's a bit of a troublemaker and loves to play with both gorillas and enrichment items including food! Also a little fun fact: I quite possibly witnessed Ali being conceived lmao
Lincoln Park Zoo
Family troop
Kwan (M) Born: March 1989 (adult) Offspring: Amare, Patty, Nayembi, Bella, Mondika, Djeke Info: Kwan grew up as the only juvenile in his troop, something that was possibly reflected in his first step into fatherhood with Amare. Amare was known to basically be allowed to do whatever he wanted. Kwan did get better at being a parent as he had more kids. He's very child-oriented and seems to see all of his kids as being equal instead of varying in rank. While there is a highest ranking female in the troop, Kwan seems to consider all the kids to be the next rank after himself. Kwan used to have a noticeable problem with the outdoors, not liking to be outside and being nervous when any of his troop was outside. He would often start displaying and trying to herd everyone back inside within 10 minutes of anyone being outdoors. He's gotten over this nervousness about the outdoors and now no one would ever guess he used to have such a problem with it!
Bahati (F) Born: September 1990 (adult) Paternal sibling: Rollie Offspring: Bella Info: Not very interested in social politics but has ended up with a higher rank more often than not anyway because life is weird.
Bana (F) Born: March 1995 Died: March 2024 Offspring: Patty, Djeke Info: Tends to be the lowest ranking but active in trying to gain a higher rank. She's a very good and protective mother. She successfully gained rank and was the highest-ranking female until her death in March 2024.
Rollie (F) Born: October 1996 (adult) Paternal sibling: Bahati Maternal sibling: Amare Offspring: Nayembi, Mondika Info: Highest ranking female and active in maintaining her position. She loves food even more than the average gorilla, her biography on display in the zoo even describes her as "very food-oriented"! More of a hands-off mother than troopmate Bana, it's been very interesting seeing such different styles of parenting happening right next to each other. My perception of her is that she's very attractive by gorilla standards, I've heard that Kwan fell in love with her at first sight and she has other family members that seem to show a trend of such things, a whole family of gorgeous gorillas!
Nyah (F) Born: September 2013 (adult) Info: Originally from Buffalo Zoo. Moved to Lincoln Park Zoo in September 2024.
Bella (F) Born: February 2015 (juvenile/teen) Parents: Kwan and Bahati Paternal siblings: Patty, Nayembi, Mondika, Djeke Info: Bella liked her independence from an early age but had an interesting phase when her younger brothers were born where she seemed to get jealous about no longer being the baby of the troop. She started napping and resting cuddled up to mom again after years of sleeping on her own and even tried to nurse again. She's since adapted to the change though and has become a good big sister!
Mondika (M) Born: May 2019 (juvenile) Parents: Kwan and Rollie Paternal siblings: Patty, Bella, Djeke Full sibling: Nayembi Info: He was born on Mother's Day which was really exciting!
Djeke (M) Born: June 2019 (juvenile) Parents: Kwan and Bana Full sibling: Patty Paternal siblings: Nayembi, Bella, Mondika Info: He and Mondika were born exactly a month apart and are very close. In some ways they're like twins because of how close they were born.
Bachelor troop
Amare (M) Born: July 2005 (adult) Parent: Kwan Maternal sibling: Rollie Paternal siblings: Patty, Nayembi Info: Amare was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted by his parents growing up which had interesting effects when the bachelor troop was formed and he was among them. In some ways Azizi had to do some fast-track parenting despite being only less than 2 years older than Amare. Amare's had some nervous characteristics but also actively tries to gain rank. He's been the lowest ranking for a time, I'm unsure where exactly he's at now. In an interesting turn of events he's seemed to switch tactics from directly challenging the highest ranking bachelor to instead playing nice and (re)befriending him!
Umande (M) Born: February 2006 (adult) Info: My special guy! The first time I visited Lincoln Park Zoo I was expecting to get most attached to Azizi because of his relation to the Brookfield troop who had been the only ones I knew at that point. But Umande really stole the attention my first visit, he actually came right up to my sister and I and knocked at the window like "Hey! Don't pay attention to Azizi, pay attention to me!" He tends to be the most visible of the bachelors and spends a lot of time by the windows. He's been a huge show-off but he's settled down some over the years. He challenges the other boys quite a bit but it's hard to tell if he genuinely wants to gain rank or just likes causing trouble! He's the gorilla that I suspect actually remembers and recognizes me from my frequent visits, which is why I call him my special guy!
Mosi (M) Born: October 2006 (adult) Info: Mosi is currently the highest ranking and actively maintains his position. It was really surprising when I learned he had overtaken Azizi! I do think it means something that it was Mosi that Azizi stepped down to, I think he would have fought harder the whole time if it had been either of the other two. Mosi has a friendly and gentle nature and has kind of been the peacemaker of the troop since it's formation. I remember when he was the smallest of the troop but he's now actually the biggest! And boy is he big! He has very long limbs too, he can leave you stunned when he's standing and that's just down on all fours. He's so big that the zoo actually called his former zoo to ask if they had expected him to grow so big, it was a shock to Lincoln Park!
Saint Louis Zoo
Zachary (M) Originally from: Brookfield Zoo Born: September 2015 (juvenile/teen) Parents: Jojo and Kamba Paternal siblings: Nora, Ali Info: Zachary was moved to Saint Louis Zoo in an exchange where Jontu was moved to Brookfield. Zachary's at an age where it could have caused problems with a new silverback for him to still be in the troop. I had been pretty concerned for him when it happened because even though he was an older juvenile he was still quite a mama's boy and he would be moving to a troop with two grown adult males. If Jojo hadn't passed away Zachary would have probably been living in his natal troop for at least a couple more years. Thankfully he's doing well in his new home, especially after being joined by another young male of a similar age! The two aren't yet living with the two older males, but they're getting along great with each other. Brookfield Zoo is one of the very few remaining AZA accredited zoos that has no outdoor habitat for their gorillas (which will thankfully change come 2025!) so this move introduced Zachary to the outdoors for the first time! I've been so happy to see pictures and videos of him outside!
Detroit Zoo
Nayembi (F) Originally from: Lincoln Park Zoo Born: November 2012 (adult) Parents: Kwan and Rollie Paternal siblings: Amare, Patty, Bella, Djeke Full sibling: Mondika Info: When Nayembi was an infant she suffered a major facial injury that required her to be removed from her troop and receive surgery. She was hand-reared by keepers for a time as she healed and was thankfully able to be successfully reintegrated with her troop, including her mother. Her past injury is noticeable but doesn't impede her in any way! She's quite rambunctious and has inherited her mom's love for food. It was really common to see her gather up an insane amount of food. I've witnessed Kwan have to get involved sometimes because she would even steal from her siblings. (She was theoretically higher-ranking than her siblings but this was an example of how Kwan seems to consider his children an equal rank.) I was surprised she was moved out before Patty, she's always been the less mature of the two. From what I've seen she's doing very well in her new home though! She gets along with the silverback Mshindi and is socially savvy enough to defer to the other females for now.
Milwaukee County Zoo
Azizi (M) Born: December 2003 (adult) Parent: Jojo Info: Azizi was the highest ranking of the Lincoln Park bachelor troop from the very start. He has a naturally dominant personality that he inherited from his dad and I've heard that he started practicing silverback responsibilities like looking out for the troop's safety from an early age. The years shook things up though and he was no longer the highest ranking by the time he moved out, though he would still try to gain his rank back. He inherited Jojo's severe facial features (my sister often jokes that Azizi looks more like Jojo than Jojo did!) The shortest and smallest of the bachelors but still over 400 pounds. He has uniquely short legs that barely reach past his belly when he's sitting with them extended! He moved to Milwaukee County Zoo in January 2024 to lead a troop of two females!
Louisville Zoo
Patty (F) Born: October 2012 (adult) Parents: Kwan and Bana Paternal siblings: Amare, Nayembi, Bella, Mondika Full sibling: Djeke Info: "Little Miss Mom". She's a very good babysitter to her younger siblings. She's very smart and mastered the voluntary memory and pattern-recognition tests faster than any of the other gorillas. I had actually assumed she would be the first of the older daughters to leave the troop but ended up being wrong. She was moved to Philadephia Zoo in April 2024, however things didn't work out there and she was moved again in July 2024 to Louisville Zoo.
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crazy-loca-blog · 2 years
Meet My MC (2023 edition)
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Late as usual, but otherwise it wouldn't be me 😂 (and I really didn't want to miss @openheartappreciationweek!). Thinking about doing a new version of Meet my MC just because it's been a really long time since the first one I did. I used the same original base template that @jamespotterthefirst shared forever ago, and I added some extra information.
Full Name: Casey Marie Valentine
Nickname: Besides Ethan calling her "Rookie"? None! 
Date of Birth: December 4th
Place of Birth/Hometown: Abingdon, Virginia
Currently lives in: Boston, Massachusetts
Hair: Proud brunette!
Eyes: Green
Parents: Margaret (Maggie) and Thomas (Tom) Valentine
Siblings: Oliver Valentine (her older twin)
Other Relatives: Marie Smith (maternal grandmother); Sean Snith (maternal grandfather)
Love Interest: Ethan Ramsey (husband)
Kids: Three! Gabriella, Simone and Julian
Pets: She inherited her grandma's cat Lola; however, as she couldn't take the cat to Boston with her, her brother takes care of it.
Education: Biology major; Internal medicine / Duke University
Roles over the years: Member of the Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook; head of the Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook; researcher and member of the Diagnostics Team at Edenbrook.
Books: "Paging Dr. Internet", a book inspired on a case she and Tobias solved in her last year of residency. Its main goal was to raise awareness among the medical community and the general population on the dangers of self-diagnosis through Internet searches. She's also been working on a project with Ethan, but it hasn't been released yet.
Personality Traits: Even if she doesn't have trust issues and she doesn't consider herself an introvert, Casey tends to be a very, very private person (she gives Ethan a run for his money) who needs to have her daily alone time to disconnect from the hospital madness. At work, she's a real team player who loves supporting and recognizing her colleagues every time she can. However, when a case gets more complicated than she originally thought, it takes a toll on her mental health. In general, she's someone who forgives, but doesn't forget.
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, listening to music (she hates the fact she's an awful singer and she can't play any instruments because she just adores music).
Curiosity: Despite being twins, she doesn't share her birth date with her brother. Oliver is 10 minutes older than Casey, but he was born before midnight and she was born after midnight.
Casey takes her first name from a variation of her mom’s middle name (Margaret Kacey). She shares her middle name (Marie) with her maternal grandmother.
She doesn’t have any nicknames because grandma Marie HATED them. She always said she had a name for a reason, and that her parents had spent a good amount of time deciding the right name for her.
Her past is as troubled as Ethan's. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 7. After that, the Valentine’s siblings were raised by their grandma Marie, who passed away about a month before Casey began her residency at Edenbrook (her grandpa Sean had passed away when Casey was a baby, he was much, much older than grandma Marie!). So, by the time Casey moved to Boston, it was just she and her brother against the world.
She doesn't keep in touch with her paternal family. After Maggie and Tom's accident, they left town and disappeared of her life. When Casey was in med school, grandma Marie confessed she had tried to reach them several times, but they were no interested in meeting them. So, the twins didn't make any efforts to keep trying to have a relationship with them in their adulthood.
As a teenager, Casey started to realize she had had to grow up too fast after her parents’ accident, so even though she was always surrounded by love, she's always thought she never lived her childhood to the fullest.
She had one of her ovaries removed when she was 16. That's why she actually didn't know if she was going to be able to get pregnant when she and Ethan decided to actually have kids.
Even though Casey had always wanted to become a doctor, she wasn't sure if she was cut for it. Then, she discovered Ethan's book by chance at her local library. She was obsessed with it and started to use it for her own research in the advanced biology class. She got her own copy when grandma Marie gave it to her as a Christmas present. That was the final push to convince her to attend med school.
Casey was really close to give up on her dream of doing her residency at Edenbrook next to Ethan. Her boyfriend at the time was going to move to Los Angeles to try to become a script writer, so she was willing to follow him to do her residency at UCLA.
She claims she didn’t google Ethan during her university years because she didn’t care about him, but only about his book. Then, when she was admitted to Edenbroook, she kept refusing to google him, claiming that “she wanted the knowledge to do all the talking”.
She never thought she was going to stay in Boston after finishing her residency. Her original plan was to move back to her quiet life in Abingdon to work at the local hospital.
She decided not to change her last name after marrying Ethan. It was important for her to keep it because it’s one of the few things she had left from her parents, so it has some great sentimental value. However, she’s not opposed to the idea of taking Ethan’s surname in the future. She knows if she feels ready to take that step, she’ll do it.
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orphancookie69 · 2 months
07/2024-Loss of a Loved One...
Growing up, I have been extremely lucky to have a bounty of family around me. While it is something that is very important to me, and one of the more complicated aspects about me, family has defined who I am in more ways than 1. This is post is about the loss of a family member.
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I have actually lost 2 family members so far this year. This is the natural progression of things as a family can only be large and together for so long before life finds a way to send them away from home. In every sense of that phrase. I will start with my first family member I lost.
Great Grandma (Paternal-Biological)
On my biological father side, we lost my great grandmother. She died at the age of 98. Just last Christmas she was eating dinner with us and rolling with all of life's punches well. She was doing really good there for a while, but if you ask me-she did not like the life she was living anymore and nature took it from there. She went from living on her own to being in a nursing home. She did so much in her lifetime, sadly I was adopted out of the family so for the first two decades of my life I did not get to know her. I always personally struggled to "play catch up". But the moments where I saw her for who she was, and her I-are small but pivotal moments for me. I recently celebrated her celebration of life at Buca Di Beppo, and it was perfect. It was the kind of meal she would of loved to have been a body in the room for.
Grandpa (Paternal-Adopted)
While I am dealing with that going on in the first half of the year, I have my adopted side having issues with my grandpa. I get alerted to them after they have progressed quite a bit. But once I am alerted to them, I take my sister (I grew up with and share the adopted side of the family with) and assist her in visiting my grandpa at the hospital. It is funny how things work out, grandparents on my maternal side had just been there so I was a Kaiser genius at this point.
It starts to get around father's day, and my birthday, and I know by now that he is in and out of the hospital. He was diagnosed with Cancer about a year or so ago, but he was in the hospital for just not eating and shutting down. I refused to hand deliver a father's day card, feeling foolish at the time, that he would have to be home to get his card. In my heart and head, all I wanted for my birthday was for him to be home. Well, be careful what you wish for-I got my wish, they eventually released him on Hospice.
We had a family meeting, it really is a beautiful thing how parts of the family have a very easy time coming together when needed. Once he was home, we discussed the short term future. We were told that he had 3-6 months and decided to have all hands on deck until we could figure out more and needed help. We ended up getting help from the nuns for free, the only fee they charge is the uber to get there. And we were doing alright for a while-a while here is like 2 weeks. My dad was on vacation and in my head, I was going to do what I could on any other front then take his place at the family house when he was off of vacation.
One day, I get a text from my Grandma saying that particular day was going to be Grandpa's last. I called my dad freaking out, and he confirmed it. The day before he had his last rites read. They are both non practicing Catholics. So I headed over. A nun was there, we essentially had a mass at home, brought to you by YouTube. Interesting experience for someone who hasn't gone to a Christian church in a while. We all said our goodbyes, called in our cousin living in Wisconsin. And at 3 PM, after seeing the light, he went home.
He was cremated and the church offered to host us a private mass. Which is truly an incredible honor. My dad drives his truck, isn't that right out of a damn country song, and my uncle wants to have some pizza in his honor. We all have our own relationships with people and grieve them in different ways. I miss him still. I checked in with him spiritually, and he's got a lot to come to terms within Life Review right now.
I am tearing up a bit as I write this. I know looking at it, you can tell one was closer than the other-but damn if they don't both hurt. My mother lost her "mother in law" and my partner had his grandmother come home from the hospital so hopefully all will be good for the rest of the year. Enjoy time with your loved ones and live a life that when you have to review it from a 3rd person point of view-you can have as much pride in it as you did when you lived it.
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nanalikessurveys · 9 months
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?)
My maternal grandparents but I'm not sure how long they've been married. At least 50 years.
Do you have any Eastern European ancestry?
Not that I know of. But I wouldn't be surprised if I have some Russian ancestry since I'm Finnish and a lot of my family is from the eastern parts close to the border.
Where is your car parked right now?
I don't have a car.
When did you last travel alone? Where were you going?
I went to Helsinki by train to meet my friend since she lives there.
Do you take your shoes off when you come inside?
What’s your favorite movie series?
I like the Back To The Future-trilogy and the Indiana Jones-movies.
How are you feeling today?
I feel fine. I had a boring day but I'm in a good mood. I had a nice christmas and spent time with my family.
Look to the right - what’s the first thing you see?
My water bottle on the nightstand.
^^ What does that thing remind you of?
It reminds me of drinking water. I started tracking my water consumption few months ago and in the beginning I realized how little water I drink daily, even though I thought I was drinking enough. At first it was hard adding more water into my daily consumption because it felt like I was drinking all the time and I had to use the bathroom a lot more but I've gotten used to it now. My skin has gotten better and my hair is so much healthier anddd I love it.
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?
I died my hair light brown/dark blonde when I was 13.
What is something that’s considered a luxury, but you wouldn’t want to live without?
A phone.
Do you want to move anytime soon?
Not really. I've thought about moving but I not super seriously. The rents here have increased so much and I've been really lucky to have this exact apartment. Like there's apartments that are half the size of mine, in shitty condition and in not-so-good parts of the town and the rents are like 200euros more than mine.
Did you have coffee this morning?
Not in the morning but I had two cups during the day.
How good/bad was the quality of education you received in high school?
It was good. I mean I don't have anything to compare it to but I know that my country has one of the best education systems in the world so I don't want to take it for granted.
What was the most interesting year of your life, and why?
I feel like the last 8-ish years of my life haven't been interesting at all. I'd say the year 2014 was "interesting" but not in a good way since that's the year my health went to shit and a bunch of things happened.
What was the first social media site you ever used?
Maybe Facebook. I was 13 and my friends told me to create a profile there so I did. I deleted it like a year later since I never used it and I honestly felt embarrassed because I didn't have many friends there.
Do you have any exes you really regret dating?
I have one ex and I don't regret dating him.
What brand of laundry detergent do you use?
I think the brand is called Neutral.
Are you prone to mood swings?
Have you ever lied on a resume? Or even in a job interview?
Not really but I've overexaggerated in a job interview a bit. But I feel like that's kind of what you want to do lol.
Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home?
My paternal grandpa but I haven't been to his house actually in a looong time. But he has some designer stuff in his home that look fancy.
What was the last thing you bought, other than food?
I bought presents for my family and my friend.
Do you smoke? Or vape?
I don't.
What are you dreading right now?
What brought about the end of the worst relationship you’ve been in?
I haven't had a bad relationship.
Where was the last place you spent the night other than your own home?
The hotel in Cyprus last summer.
Do you have any step- or half-siblings?
Have you ever been catcalled?
Few times yes.
How old were you when you started scheduling your own doctors appointments?
When I moved to live on my own, so I was 20.
Have you ever driven across an international border?
I don't drive myself but I've been on some road trips to northern Sweden and Norway with my family.
When was the last time you spoke to a neighbor?
I don't speak to my neighbors lol.
Is your best friend male or female?
When was the last time you washed your bed sheets?
Last week.
What do people always seem to think is weird about you?
I'm quiet and reserved.
Ever notice how high schools in movies/tv shows are portrayed way differently than in real life?
Yeah, but it's pretty reasonable. They want the shows and movies to be interesting. Real life high school life isn't that fun. < yeah exactly.
Do you ever braid your hair?
No I'm not good at braiding my own hair.
What food sounds the most appetizing right now?
Nothing, I'm tired and want to go to sleep :)
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thesadboy · 10 months
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Buncha Little Macs! Honestly I initially wasn’t a big fan of SugarMac, having been more on the MarbleMac side, but that couple grew on me because of how wholesome they are TvT That and how the episodes about their relationship have some fairly solid advice on romantic relationships (ie, the whole “small gestures of love are good too” in Hard to Say Anything)
I actually kinda like the design for their canon kid, but the rumored name of “Big Sugar”??? Ehhh not so much haha. So in my next gen, his name is Sweet Apple while his brother there on the upper right (who’s the middle child) is Piney Apple and his sister there on the upper left (who’s the youngest) is Red "Angie" Anjou.
Also for MarbleMac, I’m wondering which direction I’ll take that ship in (polyamory? divorce? Marble moves on? who knows)
Some more info below👇
Sweet Apple was always fascinated with his dad's yoke and would always beg to wear it since he felt it would "make him a big boy." Big Mac told him that once he was strong enough to carry it around for a day, then he could wear it. As you can see here, he did manage to do just that :^)
Each of them have their own nicknames for their paternal aunts. Sweet Apple calls Applejack “Auntie Jacki” and Apple Boom “Auntie Bloomy”. Piney calls Applejack “Aunt AJ” and Apple Bloom “Auntie AB”. Angie calls Applejack “Auntie Jack-jack” and Apple Bloom “Aunt Blooms”.
Angie was named after a type of pear as Big Mac's attempt to connect better with his maternal family. After he and his sisters got to properly know Grand Pear, they met the rest of their Pear relatives, including their maternal grandmother Cinnamon Pear (this is an actual character who appeared in Perfect Pear btw, I'm one of those who headcanon her as being Pear Butter's mother). Cinnamon Pear was even the one who suggested her name, while discussing potental baby names with Big Mac and Sugar Belle (Sugar Belle was pregnant with Sweet Apple at this time).
Of the siblings, Sweet Apple’s the only one who got to meet Granny Smith and Grand Pear :,)
When they were little and told that they would have another sibling, Sweet Apple was excited to be a big brother again while Piney wasn't since he still wanted to be the baby. Though Piney's dislike of the idea was forgotten for awhile when he and Sweet Apple had a bet on whether their sibling would be an earth pony like them or a unicorn like their mom.
Sweet Apple is best friends with Lil Cheese and the two of them often spend time together in Sugarcube corner, which is convenient since Sugar Belle delivers her sweets there whenever she can.
The kids adore their maternal aunt, Fizzlepop Berrytwist aka Tempest Shadow (I like the headcanon that Tempest is Sugar Belle’s older sister who ran away before she was born since it makes for great angst material). “Auntie Fizzy” (only the kids can call her that) loves the kids but she’s awkward around them, lol.
Angie’s enrolled in the School of Friendship, which is where she wanted to study ever since she’s heard about it. Her Auntie Jack-jack even helped convince her parents to enroll her there. She’s noted to be really active in various clubs and extracurriculars but struggles a bit with her grades.
Like his mother, Sweet Apple is interested in baking and alongside his best friend, they apprenticed under the Cakes to learn all the best recipes. Currently, Sweet Apple’s planning on going to college and taking a culinary course.
Piney’s the only one of them who doesn’t have a cutie mark yet, something that he’s insecure about.
Angie often listened to stories from Sugar Belle about Starlight Glimmer and while her brothers don’t think too positively of her (Sweet Apple is scared of her while Piney is wary and always onguard when she’s near), she can’t help but be intrigued with her. She wants to know what the road to villainy then reformation is like and whether powerful magic might have a correlation to emotional instability. It’s this fascination with the Headmare that was part of her reason for wanting to go to the School of Friendship.
Piney struggles a bit with middle child syndrome, mainly feeling that he doesn't have anything great going for him like his siblings.
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area-zero-rogue · 2 years
WHAT IS YOUR NAME? “Rosario, though many find it easier to refer to me as Rose or shorten my name to Rosa.”
WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? “Rosario? I have yet to determine if I wish to still be associated with my familial last name or not. For now, I will refrain from sharing that.”
DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU WERE CALLED THAT? “I was named after my great-grandmother. Apparently, we share the same birthmark on the left shoulder?”
ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “Single. I am not particularly seeking a relationship at the moment.”
WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? “It is some muted shade of lavender. Languid lavender is what my art professor described it as.”
HOW ABOUT YOUR HAIR COLOR? “Pale pink, nearly white.”
HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “I have two younger siblings, my mother and father. I also have several others within my immediate and extended family with many aunts, uncles, and a plethora of cousins. Oh, and my maternal as well as paternal grandparents are still alive.”
OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? “I recall my family having a Houndoom and Mabostiff, though I wouldn’t consider them pets. I also would not consider my current Pokémon as pets either.”
THAT’S COOL I GUESS, NOW TELL ME SOMETHING THAT YOU’RE BAD AT. “…Do you have an hour or maybe two? Because there are many-“
DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? “I suppose outside of my research, I genuinely enjoy painting and spending time with my Pokémon. I do also sing but that tends to be a more private activity.”
EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Yes. Both in instances that were intentional or an accident.”
NAME YOUR WORST HABITS? “Well, to name a few, I have a tendency to misplace things, nibble at the insides of my cheeks, can be rather reckless, and have a tendency to ramble. I’m sure with enough time, I can recall others.”
DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? “I would say I look up to Professor Aguado. I truly admire his dedication and commitment to his work. I aspire to become a Professor like him one day once I complete my education.”
DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “Yes and no. I am technically still enrolled at the Academy. Soon after my Treasure Hunt ended, however, I made the decision to take a break at the advice of the Professor and academy staff. We were under a mutual agreement that the expedition was far too important to let studies divert my attention.”
WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “I… Don’t know? Many would agree I do not fear death, which is mostly true, but other than that… I’m unsure. I would need to think about that a bit more.”
WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “My expedition survey gear. I can’t recall the last time I wore anything else since starting my travels.“
DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “I think I do? I have yet to distinguish if it is a platonic or romantic love, but I think that still qualifies my answer as a yes. So, yes.”
HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “If we are counting my Pokémon, my estimate would be around twenty? If we are not counting Pokémon, then it would be eight individuals.”
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “It is such a wonderful and filling dish. There are even portable ones when they are shaped into hand pies! I adore both sweet and savory varieties.”
FAVORITE DRINK? “On occasion I treat myself to an espresso drink of some kind but I more often enjoy having a light floral tea.”
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? “For sentimental reasons, there is this one rooftop I would frequent with a cherished friend where the view overlooking Mesagoza is absolutely sublime. My second choice would be Brooklet Hill on Akala Island in the Alola region. The series of cascading waterfalls coupled with moonlight bouncing off rippling water and being surrounded by the sounds of Pokémon was something truly magical.”
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? “I would be lying if I answered no, but I’m unsure if our paths would ever cross again. Part of me hopes so.”
WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “A lake. At the very least they’re enclosed bodies of water unlike being set adrift in something as vast as the ocean. Both are incredibly dangerous as water is not an element to disrespect or take lightly, but a lake you’re much more likely to reach land sooner... Dead or alive.”
CAMPING OR INDOORS? “I generally prefer being indoors, but nothing can replicate the wonders and thrill of camping amidst nature.”
tagged by: @unchcsen
tagging: you, the one reading this right now! (if you hadn’t done this already) ✨
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
God a fun one for ya! What’s an interesting Next Gen, Main Timeline, and Dark Future AU that’s you’ve wanted to write but haven’t? Either because it’s crazy into crack territory or you don’t think anyone will care? I’ll start: What if instead of being transported to alt!2009 in Morality Bites the girls are transported to the Dark Future that Chris and Bianca are from! 😂 Love that new fic you wrote about Paige/Simon/Henry it’s the kinda content that I makes me glad I follow you ✨
i mean. see. that's difficult bc any normal person's answer would probably be haha u know pruejack like together for like what 8 episodes pruejack like he was really lame and pathetic pruejack well what if they had like kids you know like what if. what if they had identical twin sons haha ik it's crazy that's prolly just a me thing shan't write it but like. i did that already. so like. something being super outlandish has never really stopped me but i couple things that i do want to write but just haven't really gotten around to bc they're kind of you know. small potatoes. benchwarmers. D3. you know. is um
domesticatedcat!evil!wyatt in which evil!wyatt comes back to finish off chris but changes his mind he & chris both stay behind in the past (bianca too!) but the main focus on like. evil!wyatt you know getting a family and helping to raise mini him so on so forth still being like. real violent like when they're all like okay anyone got any ideas and wyatt's like ooh why don't we take the type of innocent the demon usually eats and like. snap their shins and leave em in an alleyway to lure the demons out then boom! attack<3 and everyone's like okay. anyone else got any ideas.
phoebe/leslie college fic set around s2 where like. idk you know how they are in a rivals to lovers type sense something like that. maybe he's going for his masters in psych or something she's just to get her bachelors something something blah blah blah
paige/jinny fic. canon divergent breaking off at like the final ten minutes of i dream of phoebe. i have a paige/jinny tag. in case ur wondering what that'd be like.
speaking of niche wlw ships..... melindaxoracle.
kinda wanna write a christy narrative of like. what life was actually like for her in the underworld i want it to be quite nice you know she is one of the most powerful beings i'd imagine they'd treat her as such i'd like for her to have lots of different relationships w demons like paternal/maternal, romantic, platonic, petty beefs. i also love the idea that she was p normal but just like. like you know how piper's like. demons attacking at the party, i can handle, but christy eating with her hands, i cannot handle. love the idea that christy was just doing that like. in the name of the bit. just to make the charmed one's lives a little worse
and then ones that i wanna write but haven't bc the ideas are simply. too big. too long.
dark future. omg don't even get me started. but like. i want focus on chris & bianca in the revolution i want exactly what wyatt's up to what makes him evil bc noah fence but he was a little boring in those ten minutes we got of him i want phoebe's kids as a power of three and i want the magical morrises up in this bitch henry jr's still there But Different kat and tam are still there But Enemies and while i don't think piper and leo would have a third kid in the dark future melinda will still be there (how? heheehehhehehe.....) (no i'll just tell you she's something of a golem.) (somewhere inbetween finn from size matters and vincent from a wrong day's journey into right and like also like. diana from wonder woman.)
prue & andy's kids. i think i'm getting slightly closer to a plot but like. it's still so far away nothing's concrete.
piperkyle. don't ask.
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