#his parents must have been true republican <3
morocorra · 26 days
Option 1: for this one I’m thinking he *dated* girls his parents or Helen wanted him to meet/be seen with at functions daughters of people his parents wanted to impress etc. they weren’t really relationships that lasted longer than they needed to for a particular campaign or venture. They might not even have *been* relationships but literally just being seen together at some event in DC. Makes sense in the context of Gansey saying when “he was dating somebody” they were different from Blue.
Option 2: pre canon Chengsey truthers can claim this one, but Gansey basically dating at Aglionby specifically rather than like, while he was constantly moving between boarding schools and other countries. Is also consistent with his remark about his dating experience not being relevant to help Adam with Blue.
Option 3: the anecdote about Gansey interviewing a boy who survived being struck by lightning on the ley line and the time they spent together… kinda sus.
Option 4: this is less an option in itself and more something I believe that could coexist with the other options but also could lead into something totally different be true, but Adam is being delusional/exaggerating Gansey’s experience levels in his head due to being horribly down bad and thinking everyone else also sees Gansey as the coolest hottest most effortlessly perfect person to evah. So I think he could have been told something along the lines of one of the first two options and heavily exaggerated them in his head or it’s possible Gansey hasn’t even dated anyone or just been with one person and Adam just thinks he’s dated so many people, because he’s Gansey.
Option 5: I don’t think anyone will vote for this because why would you? but keeping it as an option to be polite.
Other options: go crazy! tell me anything.
*also must be noted that we don’t actually know who Adam has dated pre series or if he dated anyone so that’s a context that’s missing, might do a poll on that in the future too.
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robespapier · 2 years
One of my problem with English is that it doesn’t have a word for “fusillés”. 
Sure, you can say they were shot. And for “fusillés à l’aube”, shot at dawn.  
But shot itself could be shot in battle, it doesn’t convey the full meaning of “fusillé”, which is executed, by firearms specifically yes, so shot, but the important notion being executed, sentenced to death
and it feels wrong, inexact, and even disrespectful, to say Robespierre PAOLI, born  the 6th July 1908 in Prunelli-di-Casacconi (Corsica), WW2 soldier in the  8e régiment de tirailleurs sénégalais, was shot by the Nazis; he was executed as a war prisonner in Walfach (Germany), the 17th April 1945, less than a month before the Third Reich surrendered. He was, like his namesake, 36y old. 
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jeanjauthor · 2 years
What makes a person good but seems bad to other people
Hoo boy, this is opening a can o' worms here...
I'm going to give you some really harsh real-world examples, then delve into why these things so disparate on the surface versus underneath. Why? Because a huge chunk of it is all about perspective and point-of-view.
1. People insisting on everyone wearing masks & keeping 6+feet (2+meters apart . . . is GOOD. Republicans insist this is bad. Despite the fact it would literally save their own lives as well as their loved ones, neighbors, strangers--saving lives is GOOD--they abso-fucking-lutely refuse to do it, citing "it's m'gawd given right!!" to not do so. (Sounds like their "god" is the goddamn Devil if you ask me, but I digress.)
The GOP leadership is desperate to keep driving a wedge between their voter base and their political opponents, and have literally done their best to brainwash entire generations to think that anything a Democrat / liberal person says is Evil Incarnate And Must Be Opposed. If their base ever wakes up, they'll stop voting for the people doing everything in their power to keep killing some of them off so they can keep the rest too scared of Voting Any Other Way to, well, vote any other way.
2. People insisting that universal medical care is GOOD (and literally cheaper than what we're currently doing) . . . and again, Republicans whining about how it just can't be done, how DARE we even try . . . because they're depending on the obscene levels of profit their leadership is raking in off of Big Medicine and Big Pharma. So the GOP leadership pushes hard to block every single measure, since it would restore insulin and epipen costs back down to affordability, and that would make them omfg so much less mega-rich than before!!!11!1!11111!1!!1!!!!!
3. People insisting that the money spent on sending rich people to space (and bringing them back safely) should instead be spent on helping society at large . . . and all of Musk's fanbois whining about HOW DARE YOU DOUBT THE VALIDITY OF THE NARCISSISTIC NEEDS OF OUR GLORIOUS TECH LEADER!!!!111!1!!!!!1!1!!
...Don't get me wrong. I genuinely like the Tesla Roof, the whole concept of it, and things like electric cars are a vital part of shifting from reliance on dwindling climate-wrecking & ecology-wrecking fossil fuels to renewable energy, etc, etc. One day, I'd like to be able to get an e-car myself! But remember, that same "techboi guru" Musk is scabbing his own workers' strike to try to force people to work in an increasingly dangerous pandemic because it's hurting his bottom line. Without any regard to his workers' safety & good health. etc. Insisting tht he be taxed so that he can no longer afford to play astronaut would literally mean saving millions of American lives which is a GOOD thing...but he insists it's a bad thing, and he's got his whole fanboi chorus brainwashed into screaming his message, rather than the truth.
4. I got shot, so I punched the guy for hurting me. No, seriously, this is a true example from my childhood. When I was just 7, I was at my grandparents' in the summer, and got very sick. So sick, they drove me to the hospital, thinking I had appendicitis. Turns out I just had a very bad stomach flu. (This was back in the days before those fancy drip regulation machines.)
I'd been vomiting a lot, was very dehydrated, and so the nurse explained she was going to be putting fluids into me via an i.v., that she was not going to take any blood out of me (which you'll admit is a scary thing for a little kid to see)...except she did it wrong and some of my blood got up into the clear plastic tubing. I. Freaked. Out. 4th of July, FAR from home, no parents, no grandparents at this point, in the hands of strangers, she was doing a technically good-for-me-thing, and I had just been LIED to.
Fast forward a few weeks, I go in to see the doctor, apparently I'm supposed to get my regular vaccination shot for going into the 2nd grade--this is a GOOD thing, getting shot. The doctor sticks a needle in lil 7yo me...and I punch him. Right in the cheek, rocked him almost off the stool he was sitting on. Surprised the heck outta him. Surprised the heck outta me, but my brain just immediately went into BAD THING HAPPENING WITH NEEDLES, MUST HURT HIM TO MAKE IT STOP!!!!11!!!!1!!1!! To this day, I have a severe needle phobia.
...And to bring this full circle, it took all my courage and strength to get the COVID shots and to get the flu shots these last two years. I know that getting shot is a good thing, but my hindbrain screams BAD THING HAPPENING every single time.
All of these things are a matter of perspective.
Each of these is an objectively good thing--not subjectively, not opinion-based, but fact based objectively good things going on here. Vaccines are a good thing, masking up and staying apart are good things, medical care that nobody has to pay for outside of taxes is a great thing, making rich people go back to paying taxes above a reasonable income level is a great thing, because that would pay for the medical care of everyone, me enduring getting shot with said vaccine is a good thing despite my extreme phobia, etc, etc...
But it's not viewed as such from the perspectives of those who are brainwashed, traumatized, and/or selfish asshats enough to want to win a stupid numbers game by destroying others' lives.
Here's another example, paraphrased from one of Mercedes Lackey's novels (Valdemar universe).
1. Newcomer is Secret Santa to a community, but they can only view him as a Would-Be Murderer.
The example is that say you've got a retired mercenary, he's very wealthy because he was very successful at doing what mercenaries do best in a sword & sorcery universe: fighting & killing for hire. He always tried to pick the righteous side, does his best, and eventually retires and moves into a village. But the non-fighter locals eye him with distrust because of his former career. He tries to make friendly overtures and is rebuffed, but he still wants to do good, so he sends his servants out to secretly and anonymously pay off debts, fix fences, bring in extra grain when a harvest is poor, going out personally to track down and bring to justice any would-be brigands in the area, so on and so forth, because he has all that money, he wants to do good, and this is the only way he can do it that the locals will accept, aka anonymously.
And then one day while he's walking through town, a stranger visiting the area confronts him, they get into a fight, and the mercenary is forced to cut down the stranger, just to defend his own life, because the stranger will not stop attacking him. Although he didn't start it, rumors spread that the stranger was an old enemy coming to avenge fallen comrades, etc. Whether or not this may be true, the perspective of the fearful townsfolk is that This Mercenary Is A Murderer!!!111!1!1!!!1!1!!11!, despite the fact the mercenary didn't want to kill and only ended up doing so to save his own life (a good thing both subjectively for the merc, and objectively for the town which is being supported & protected by his silent good deeds).
To the merc's loyal retainers, he is a good, just, and kind man who is making the world better. To the ignorant villagers, he is a cruel, mean, and vicious killer whom they had best keep their children away from.
To mask-wearers and vaccination-accepters, getting the vaccine is good. To Republican leaders, acknowledging that it's good would destroy their voter base because those voters would flee from their lies...so they do everything they can to make their Republican voters think that vaccines are bad, healthcare is just fine as it is, and there's no money anywhere whatsoever to pay for all of it.
. . . As writers, we need to be able to view things from multiple perspectives, to be able to understand others' viewpoints so that we can write believable and/or realistic protagonists, antagonists, heroes, villains, sidekicks, henchmen, secondary characters, so on and so forth.
It is not a very comfortable position to be in, straddling multiple points-of-view. Especially idiotic and/or villainous points of view. Yet it is a very powerful storytelling tool. Even if you stick to one POV in telling a story, you'll still need to be able to see what the villain is thinking & why they're acting the way that they act. You don't have to accept these alternate viewpoints, but they are important for making a story more believable.
Just...use this power wisely.
Don't brainwash people into killing themselves for your vainglory.
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cowperviolet · 3 years
Vittoria Accoramboni and a Renaissance Revenge Tragedy – Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This is one of the most riveting stories from the Italian Renaissance history – the kind that seems to be ready-made for the stage or silver screen. It has everything: an ambitious beauty, jealousy, papal intrigues; Medici plots, vengeance and desire, and assassins hiding under beds.
Happy stories tend to end with weddings. This story starts with one.
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Even given Rome’s great population of gawkers, few spectators turned out to watch when, in 1573, Vittoria Accoramboni married Francesco Peretti. The bride was one of the eleven children in a family of impoverished noblemen; the groom was a nephew of a remarkably poor parvenu cardinal whose own father had been a pig farmer in the Marches. There was only one reason that would have made people gaze as the wedding procession led Vittoria along on her traditional white horse, her hair virginally loose – namely, the luminous beauty of the bride.
     Vittoria herself knew the value of that beauty. So did her determined mother, Tarquinia, who burned with desire to see the Accorambonis restored to their once-prominent place in society – and the most beautiful of her daughters was to be instrumental in this.
Three centuries ago, back in the 1200s, Vittoria’s family owned a castle in the town of Tolentino, and enjoyed all the accolades due to prominent noblemen in those feudal days. All of this was lost in one unwise move – the Accorambonis went too far, and rebelled against the Pope. In retaliation, they were stripped of their honours and their castle, and exiled to an old house in the tiny Gubbio, where they dwelled quietly for centuries after. This generation, with eleven mouths to feed and nothing more than a too-grandiously-named palazzo in Gubbio to bank upon, should not have been any different. However, Tarquinia was determined to turn the tide. If two of her daughters, Massimilla and Settimia, had no other choice than to join a convent due to their parents not having enough money for their dowry, Vittoria possessed a rare blessing – namely, the kind of beauty that could offer the family a way out of poverty once and for all.
     Once on the Roman marriage market, Vittoria attracted a number of suitors. Francesco Peretti was the kind of luck they hadn’t expected at first – his family heard his intentions to court the most beautiful girl in Rome without enthusiasm. His uncle, Cardinal Montalto, might have had the appearance of a frail old man of quiet disposition, but he was not devoid of ambition, and would have much preferred to see his nephew marry a girl with a good dowry and connections who might have enhanced their political prospects. Francesco’s own mother, Camilla, was not amused, either – while not particularly ambitious herself, she always wished her brother success. However, she knew true love where she saw it, and, sighing privately, accepted Vittoria to her house and home with open arms.
Tarquinia, however, had less than romantic thoughts on their mind. She was counting days when the reigning Pope Gregory XIII is finally going to give his soul up to the Almighty, and clear the way for Cardinal Montalto.
     While other states in Italy were governed by republican senates or petty princes, and the countries north of the Alps had their great feudal monarchies, in Rome the throne of St. Peter was the shining centre of the universe from which all blessings, material as well as spiritual, doth flow. The Accorambonis have always known it, and not simply because it’s the displeasure of a long-dead Pope that cost them their old fortune. Vittoria’s grandfather, Girolomo, considered the crowning achievement of his medical career to be the fact that he became the personal physician of Pope Adrian VI. Now Tarquinia was aiming for them to find a place even closer to the Vicar of Christ – namely, a familial one.
Most people would have considered her hope for Cardinal Montalto to become the Pope one day to be absurd – however, not everybody, and certainly not Cardinal Montalto himself. Yes, his late father might have been eking out a miserable living growing vegetables and tending pigs; yes, his mother might have been a housekeeper; yes, his sister Camilla might have been a widowed laundress. Still, ever since Montalto, as a young boy, joined the monastery that gave him a good education and his start in life, he was sure of his divine destiny. His parents agreed – after all, how else to explain him surviving the plague that killed his brother, the swimming accident that almost left him floating face down in a pond, and the fire that ignited his bed thanks to a forgotten oil lamp, except by the fact that God had a special plan for him?
Cardinal Montalto thought so, and Tarquinia thought so. Vittoria herself was more sceptical. Nothing in her new household screamed greatness, even a prophesized one. The Venetian ambassador who happened to visit the Perettis’ house some years later, in 1585, wrote in shock that the place was almost devoid of furniture. Moreover, Camilla Peretti, despite being a sister to a cardinal, did her own laundry and that of her household herself, pushing soiled linen with a paddle in steaming cauldrons. The small courtyard of the house, which was not big enough for a horse to properly turn itself around it, was full of running chickens. Cardinal Montalto’s income was only 8,000 scudi a year, which, for his position, was truly miniscule. Besides, he had to not only maintain his own household and that of Camilla, but also to spend greatly on charity works – if he wanted to climb higher in the world, good publicity was a must. This is not to say his contributions weren’t genuine – for example, he built houses for poor families in his down-on-its-luck hometown, and, in 1578, he built a school there and hired a teacher out of his own pocket. However, I highly doubt that any of these things would have meant much for Vittoria.
Neither was she likely to be amused when he used the entirety of her dowry to buy himself a vineyard – and put the land in Camilla’s name. Gradually, Vittoria persuaded him to change this last fact, and legally transfer the land to her and Francesco instead, so that the proceeds from the sale of wine and oil could pay for their upkeep. However, having to wheedle and beg for the ownership of a piece of land bought with her own money must have felt rather degrading. Later, when she realized that the young trees are too young to bear fruit that would bring her any substantial income, she sold the vineyard back to the cardinal for 750 scudi more than it cost initially, and put the difference into annuities.
This particular vineyard might have been paid with her dowry, and thus given her a moral right to protest about its ownership – however, in many other questions, Vittoria went way over the line. One document she and her family presented to Cardinal Montalto bluntly said that
‘And there remain many scudi of old debts that he will be forced to satisfy if he stays in Rome and lives among men’.
In other words, she was not averse to some blackmail – after all, she asked, the cardinal doesn’t want to undo all his charitable efforts by appearing like a skinflint when it comes to his beloved daughter-in-law and her closest relatives, does he?
Perhaps, she would have been more careful if she had known with him if she had known certain facts of his past that he, now that he was a cardinal with quiet papal ambitions, took care to keep from the public…
More on them, however, next week.
Eleanor Herman, Murder in the Garden of God
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somerandomg33k · 4 years
I still don’t know who to vote for?
This election is going to be a weird and frustrating one. It is the first presidential general election where I am an Anarcho-Syndicalist. And this election in the darkest timeline has a Fascist as the incumbent. But the candidate that is opposing Donald Trump is Joe Biden. Almost everyone's last pick in the primary. The only worst candidate during this primary was Michael Bloomberg, who was trying to buy his way into the election. Possible to take votes away from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, but that is damning with faint praise that Joe Biden is better than Michael Bloomberg.
The most likely results of this election are either the continued reign of a dictatorial Fascist, causes and continuing chaos and mayhem, or just straight up Neo-Liberalism. We are going back to a normal under Obama, which was terrible as well. Just not as awful as under Fascism. And we won't fix the problems that allowed Trump to rise to power. Since those are core systematic problems that the current Democratic Establishment is not interested in correcting. And the Republican party is just worse as they are OK with Fascism. Some of them want Fascism.
And let's not forget, serval people have very good personal reasons not to vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden helped co-wrote the 1994 crime bill. In some issues, he was to the right of Regan on drug enforcement of the Drug war. He was always the most conservative Democrat in the Senate during his time there. He voted against busing 19 times. That is why many Leftists say that Joe Biden is Republican-lite. He is just the 'correct' color for Liberals and is the candidate the Democratic party chooses. So yea, there are two Republican tickets this election. The difference is one is not Fascist. Liberals know this. They are just in denial or flat out refuse to believe it. Because boy, don't say that Joe Biden and his running mate are anything but Progressive to them. Because they really hate that. "I think it is unfair to Joe Biden to judge him by International standards. I would prefer that he is judge by American Political standards," one Liberal said. Why can't Liberals admit that America's Political standards are shit?
Liberals have to believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are progressives because they can only think of voting for progressives and progressive causes. They can't accept they are voting for a Conservative on the Democrat ticket, because they would have to admit that the Democratic party has moved towards the right as has American's Overton Window. Joe Biden is against Medicare 4 All. On that issue, he is to the right of Boris Johnson and other conservatives of the UK and Canada. Liberals have to believe they are voting for progressives on the Democrat ticket. Because if they didn't, they would lose faith in the whole Ameican Electoral system as well as Reform. It is almost like Capitalist Realism. People can imagine the end of the World before they can imagine the End of Capitalism. Liberals probably have an easier time visualizing the end of the World before they could imagine a different system than the current governance of Liberal Capitalist Democracy.
Let's not forget, something we already know, that Joe Biden is a bit creepy. He is a Patriarch and treats women differently than men. Whenever he meets families at the White House who have sons and daughters, he would say to the sons, "You have a critical job. You got to protect your sister from all of the boys. That is something my Dad told me." The women must be protected, and it is the men who must do the protecting. Joe Biden has a habit of creepily smelling women and girls' hair and touching their bodies on the waist and shoulders. Serval women have said that Joe made them feel uncomfortable. And this was all before Tara Reade allocations.  #IBelieveTaraReade.
As for Kamala Harris, she did put trans women in men's prison, which resulted in one of them getting killed. "Kamala Harris couldn't do a thing." Is something Liberals need to stop saying. What they really mean is, "Kamala Harris choose to uphold an unjust system by blindly following rules instead of using her power and influence to change them." She attempted to block two Trans women's requests to get gender confirmation surgeries. Which, as far as I know, she hasn't really made amendments for. She wasn't good about slowing down The New Jim Crow. She was fierce to Sex Workers too. One of my comrades said, "As a trans woman and a Sex Worker, how should I feel about voting for Kamala Harris." She increased convictions for things like merely drug procession. She also wanted to jail parents for truancy. She has been called the Democrats Top Cop. Someone who is "Tough on Crime." Just like how Bill Clinton and Joe Biden were in the 90s. And that still has devastating effects on Black and Brown communities.
So many people have many good reasons not to want to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And Liberals want to think that they simply "have their flaws." Again, I think it is just all to make it easier for them to be excited to vote for them. All of those issues, including their voting record on increasing Military spending too, are "merely flaws." And they will also shame people into voting for Biden/Harris with, "It is the lesser of two evils." Which again, is more of an indictment of the system we have. "But we have an election, and we should all vote." So we can't talk about changing the system right now during an election. So when can we talk about change this entire system? And Just like with 2016, "A vote for a third party or a no vote is a vote for Trump."
Further shaming us into voting for Biden/Harris. "Do you want four more years of Trump?" FUCK YOU AND SHOVE THAT DISINGENUOUS QUESTION UP YOUR ASS!!
Merely bringing up all of these complaints are being associated with supporting Trump. Another by-product of the binary way of thinking with the Two-Party system and First Past the Post voting. Liberals have 'accepted' Biden/Harris is the ticket. And they honestly wish we do too. And since we are vocal with our complaints, they hate us for not 'accepting' Biden/Harris is the ticket. They hate us for not 'accepting' the way the system is as it is. "I have accepted all of this. Why haven't you?" This can explain how so many Liberals would go "URG" at the thought of Joe Biden as President back in January during the Primaries to skipping to the polls to vote for Biden for the General Election. "Well, he won the primary." "I get to vote Trump out of Office" is more what it is about and not how great Biden is. They tell themselves how great Biden and Harris will be as a recon.
And with all of the shaming us into voting for Biden/Harris, instead of voting for the Green Party or not voting, it completely ignores the fact we did vote for Hillary in 2016. She 2.8 million more votes. But it is the Electoral College that gave Donald Trump in the win. Plus, in Washington State, my state, four of the Electors didn't vote for Hillary Clinton when they were 'supposed to.' Washington State is likely to go blue again. So I don't know if it is essential for Me to vote for Biden/Harris. The fivethirtyeight poll from Sept. 22 shows Washington voting for Biden at 58% vs Trump at 36%. A 22 point difference. I think I can safely vote for Howard Hawkins and feel like I didn't help Trump win. But that won't be what Liberals think.
Now with all that said, Donald Trump is still a Fascist wannabe Dictator. He is almost the worst. His administration is just letting massive amounts of people died because of Covid-19. He is encouraging people to shoot BLM protestors. He told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by," at the first Presidential Debate.  He said there wouldn't be a peaceful transferal of power because there won't be a transferal, but a continuation. Donald Trump has sewn doubts about voting by mail. He will doubt any kind of election results where he doesn't win. So Liberals argue we most vote in such high numbers to show that it is the will of the people they want him out of office. To which he can easily say "Fake News." He did doubt the 2016 popular vote results claiming 3 million "illegals" cast fraudulent votes.
Another convincing argument is we most show that Trump's ideas can't win elections. Because if it continues to win elections, more people will adopt Trump's views and policies. It is sort of convincing. But since a Qanon supporter will win a seat in the House of Representatives, becoming a rising star in the GOP Party. The GOP Party has backed Trump throughout his time in office, Trump's views and policies will continue whether he wins or not. Even if Trump loses, we are not out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot. Trump base will still be here in this White Supremacist CisHetro Patriarchal Ableist country of the United Corporations of Imperialism. Who will always vote for the GOP and are not going away. Many Democrats will even speak highly of them. Nancy Pelosi prays for the Republicans. Liberals believe having an opposition is part of a functioning Democracy. Will the GOP no longer be Fascist? I doubt it.
"We have to get rid of Trump at all costs." I understand that urge. But the system gave us Trump and protected him. So how is voting and participating within the same system supposed to help? I know that Liberals think voting is very powerful because "So many people had to fight for their basic right to vote." And that is all true. The GOP only wins because of dirty tricks like gerrymandering and voter suppression. Hence, Trump is encouraging his base to watch the polling stations for "suspicious people wanting to commit voter fraud" and "rig" the election. It is straight voter intimidation and is happening already in Virginia. Part of the convincing reason to get Trump out of the White House. Biden will not encourage White Supremacist of all types to commit acts of violence against "The Radical Left terrorists" and "Antifa."  Antifa is not an organization; it is an idea. Even Biden got that right.
Knowing how terrible Trump is, brings me back to Biden and how bad he is. Not as bad. Trump and Biden aren't the same. Trump is a Fascist while Biden is a Neo-Liberal, and Neo-Liberalism isn't Fascism. Neo-Liberalism just leads to Fascism, as we have already seen with Trump. I simply see Neo-Liberalism worse than how Liberals see it. Not enough to make a false equivalent, but still. Remember, if Trump loses, he could pull a Grover Cleaveland and run again in 2024. Imagine that.
What bothers me the most about Liberals changing their opinion of Biden, by the mere fact he won the primary, is that Biden is granted votes from Democrats and Leftists. I am sure Democrats do love old Uncle Joe. There were a lot of memes from the Obama years. And many Liberals just love Obama. Even though they fully well know about his War Crimes. It is that acceptance that I don't have in me. "Well, he is the candidate. So I will support him to get rid of Trump." And what makes it worse, Biden isn't really offering anything as well. He is against the Green New Deal. He is against Medicare-4-all, even during a Pandemic. What is Biden/Harris offering? Even Biden, when asking these questions and about his record, says, "If you are questioning whether to vote for me or not, you ain't black."
So Leftists will get nothing and will receive all of the blame for of Trump winning if we don't vote for Biden. "If you are questioning whether to vote for Biden or not, you must want Trump for four more years."
Remember, I live in Washington State. A super blue State. If I live in any battleground state, even within a ten points difference, I would vote for Biden/Harris. But since Biden is ahead by 22 points in my state, and I don't see that changing anytime soon, I am considering voting for a third party. Howard Hawkins of the Green and Socialist party is closer to my position. I would prefer there is no State at all and no President at all. Especially no single person having that much power, especially being the 'leader of the "Free" world' by virtue of being the President of the United Corporations of Imperialism. If the President of the United Corporations of Imperialism is the 'leader' of the 'free world,' then how come the World doesn't get to vote in this election. The UCI, Imperialtopia bombs the hell out of the middle east so much, I think the middle east has a right to have a say in our elections.
I do have to acknowledge those platform holders, people with a Youtube channel, a Podcast, or have a large following on Social Media, feel the need to tell people to "to out and vote. Vote as if your life depends on it because for some, it actually does matter." Although for some people, much won't change materially for their lives, like the impoverished and the disabled. For some, it is life or death. For others, it is a shit show, regardless. But platform holders want Trump out of the White House. They don't know who lives in what state. They don't know if their audience's votes matter or not. Since they are speaking to a vast audience, and they must keep it simple, they have to say, "VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!"
But, I am thinking, if they acknowledge that some votes are more important in some states than others, they will have to admit the whole in the United Corporations of Imperialism is unjust. Votes are weight more heavily in some states than in others. The whole system has to change. But that can't happen in a year. However, folks can vote on Election Day. So, it is easy to encourage people to vote instead of organizing to abolish the Electoral College. It would take too long to do it. It would take a lot of effort. So even bother trying. Liberals would rather pretend that isn't the case and just badger and shame people into voting for a candidate they have 'accepted' won the primary, even though Biden was one of the worse candidates in that field. Everyone's tenth or so pick.
With all that said, vote for whoever you want to or whoever you feel comfortable voting for. I won't vote shame anyone. Except if you vote for Trump and the GOP. Then you are a Fascist because you are voting for a Fascist and the Fascist party. Pure and simple.
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dredshirtroberts · 4 years
Hooooo boy we are feelin some EMOTIONS today, folks.
this is not a happy post, if you’d like to skip I entirely understand, and in fact encourage doing so.
I’ve been needing to do a one of these for a lil bit because I’ve got Thoughts and Feelings and they are complicated and I can’t accurately parse them in my head so we’re gonna air it out on Tumblr like a sheet on the line during laundry day.
here’s the thing.
I got some complicated family feelings in my chest places and it fucking *sucks*.
I was kept from spending time with my family by various means over the past several years to the point where I wasn’t attending holidays - which, in my family, is just not done. You can skip a holiday but you have to make it up on another occasion and I...wasn’t doing that anymore. Two separate people had me convinced I was not loved by my family, that they did not care for or appreciate me like *they* could and that I was better off not being around my family.
And maybe they had some valid points. Which I hate admitting because they used a lot of “valid points” to get me to be completely isolated in life without anyone but them and any time I branched out I was, for lack of a better term, “punished” for having denied them my attention or time or whatever. (this is of course not as nuanced a take on it as I would prefer but this is already going to be long without me going through the whole...everything, again. You can search the captain rambles and life post tags on my blog for more on this topic).
Anyway...so I’m no longer with people who are actively trying to keep me from talking to other people/being around people who are supportive of my own efforts and goals, etc. And I was welcomed back into my family with open arms and that was...honestly unexpected. After everything I’d had told to me about how they were and how they should be and what I should feel about them...I wasn’t expecting them to love me.
I rode that rose-colored wave for a *while*. But as the world descends into chaos and I learn more things about myself that make me feel more like *me* than I have...possibly ever now that I try and think about it, I am seeing things that I had hoped had been exaggerated or made up by those in my life who had hurt me.
My parents raised me in a very right-wing conservative household. The evangelical style of christianity didn’t come until I was already an adult but the building blocks must have been there or it wouldn’t have happened so...extremely when it finally did. There were a lot of...really shitty attitudes towards other people that I didn’t recognize growing up in it - I didn’t recognize it until a lot later, in fact.
They’re...They don’t see anything wrong with the way they are. Which, you know, *sucks*. 
There’s going to be a lot of dismissive phrases littered throughout this because I’m trying to be...i don’t know. I do it as a thing to lighten the mental load on myself - dismissiveness and joking around, exaggerating for effect, etc. - which i know might come off weird but like...this is really fucking bothering me guys and I...I’m doing my best.
Cause here’s the thing. I was raised believing the world was one way and that we were *right* about things. We had the answers and anyone (liberals) who didn’t agree with us were wrong and would either see the light and come to our side or were too stupid to know how wrong they were so we wouldn’t have associated with them anyway. (reasons why i’m currently frustrated with the political opposition to Republicans/Conservatives/The Right #1 actually)
And then I grew up and I saw the world was not that way. And I expected that my family would be able to see the world with the insight I had gained, and..they just...don’t.
I’ve excused a lot of their shit beliefs recently. not like, trying to defend them to anyone or anything but I don’t confront them. Mostly because I know while they won’t say it to my face, I know how they think about people who think like me (because I was there for those conversations, I was there and I thought like them and now i don’t and that makes me one of those idiots they talked about, a stupid person who can’t see the truth they believe so fully that they think is backed up by facts and figures but their facts and figures are *flawed* - mine aren’t better but I can acknowledge that and extrapolating data from all the things and coming to a conclusion is what I was taught to do but now that I do it for the wrong side what must they think of me? What must they say behind my back?)
I have...a lot of kinda fucked up shit about my family. Nothing overt, nothing that immediately screams to me “Hey fuck-o, this shit isn’t a universal experience and something is wrong here!” but it’ll be small things that I’m like “Ah, okay. Not everyone had this experience and those that did are currently working through the *trauma* of it by going to *therapy*. Hm.”
I’ve done some work in that respect and that’s good. Doesn’t make my issues go away but makes it so I can handle them a little better. Most of the time anyway.
I’m trying to make several things that are true but contradictory work together in my brain and it’s not going well.
1) my family cares about me and wants me to do well.
2) my family has hurt me in the past and is currently hurting me (though not intentionally and not maliciously - please dear god let it be unintentional and non-malicious). 
3) My family does not “agree” with LGBTetc people.
4) My family do not believe that there are systemic issues inherent in the government we live in/under and the society we must participate in (Because it benefits them, and they have not had to challenge their thoughts on this before).
5) My family are kind of racist.
6) My family was my only support system when I was leaving an abusive situation.
7) ...My family might have abused me a little.
I go back and forth on point seven a *lot*. See point 2 about the intentionality/maliciousness factors. If they didn’t mean to do it, does it still count? 
Does it matter if it still hurts?
My sister outright told me that she doesn’t agree with trans people (meaning she doesn’t believe you can be trans, really). But I’m okay because it’s me, and now I can be her gay best friend when we’re drinking at family stuff.
She didn’t understand why I was hurt by that. I attempted to explain it and she got defensive and angry so I just...didn’t fight about it. Just played the part. I’m her brother when it benefits her but otherwise I’m still her sister. I’m still mom and dad’s daughter. Even though I told them I’m not a girl. I told them I’m a guy.
Dad’s response was the most favorable initially and I think...he might eventually come around to it (he’s always wanted a son. he has a boy dog and has also imprinted really hard on his lawn roomba about it). He also might...not.
I’d like to transition further. Eventually. If it’s feasible. But also, right now it’s not. Right now it’s me cutting my hair short and not wearing dresses or skirts (even though they’re super comfy) because I want to avoid being misgendered as often as possible. It’s binding for uncomfortable and unsafe lengths of time because I am a MAN dammit, and I will be a man at this family function in whatever way I can. And when I go to the length that I do to be seen the way I want to be seen and I am *ignored*....
fuckin’ hurts you guys. I just fuckin’ hurts. 
but i don’t.
because I’m scared of losing them again.
And it’s fucked up because they’re *already* lost. They’re Fox-watchers and Trump-supporters and they don’t want to listen to science or facts or *anything* outside of what’s presented to them by pundits and talk show hosts, and the fucking EIB network with their political propaganda for anything that isn’t what the liberals want.
And I don’t know that I can get them back because they’re *real* far down that particular rabbit hole. And I’m...I’m just trying to figure out what I want in life. What makes me happy. And part of what I want is what I always wanted and never had.
I want my mom and dad to look at me, see me, see what I do see how I try and what I love and care about and tell me that I’m enough. That they love me because this is who I am and I am enough for them. Even if I wasn’t accomplished and didn’t try they would still love me because I’m *me*. and I’m their *child* and they *love me*.
And GOD it is so FUCKING painful to know that’s not a realistic thing to hope for. Because I’ve been trying for 28 GODDAMN years doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I can to be enough for them. I played good, christian, conservative little girl for SO goddamn long, even when I wasn’t Christian or conservative anymore, even when I saw the cracks, I wanted to be what they wanted.
And even now that I *am* what my dad wanted (a son) I’m not enough because to him i’m still a girl, to my mom I’m the failed daughter the one she didn’t do enough for so now it’s about how she fucked up and not about NO. This is ME. Stop. Stop LOOKING at me like that WHEN YOU DON’T SEE ME. YOU SEE SOME IDEALIZED VERSION OF ME WHO WAS NEVER GOING TO EXIST BECAUSE SHE WASN’T ENOUGH EITHER.
This is a lot more than I thought it would be, pain wise tonight, guys. My bad. 
I’m still struggling with my eating habits, I’m still struggling with my self-worth, and finding what makes me feel fulfilled. I’m getting better at some of it though.
I’ve smiled and laughed more in the past week or so than I have since I came out to my family. I wouldn’t have done that without my very very good friends who are very very kind to me and god I wish I could do more than draw stupid pictures and write stupid stories for them but it makes them happy too? so i’ll just do what I can and maybe it’ll be alright. 
Gonna try not to fall too deep down the abandonment issues pit tonight folks. I’m already upset enough. 
Good talk.
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handeaux · 4 years
Frustrated Thespian Powhatan Beaty Was A ‘Landmark Of Cincinnati’
The reviews were exceptional in 1884 when Cincinnati’s Powhatan Beaty took his Shakespearian show on the road. In Philadelphia, he was described as “a gentleman of rare culture and great ability.” The reviewer for the Washington (DC) Bee [10 May 1884] opined that “Mr. Beaty made a hit in Macbeth.” The Colored Patriot, as quoted in the New York Globe [3 May 1884], effused:
“Mr. Powhatan Beaty’s rendering of Spartacus was a gracious surprise. It had been some time since we heard that gentleman, but we were not prepared for the evidence of study and cultivation he manifested. All the emotions of the piece were depicted in his countenance and when he actually changed color and his face blanched with pallor, we could scarce realize it. Powerfully built, rugged and strong in his general appearance, he looked every inch a Roman gladiator. The audience leaned forward and eagerly listened to catch every word of his impassioned delivery, and when he finished they fell back in their seats with a sigh of relief that plainly expressed how they had been affected. Mr. Beaty is indeed a grand artist and has wisely selected the tragic muse for the shrine of his artistic devotion.”
It was rare to find a black man on the stage at all in those days, and rarer still to find white people in the audience for a performance by African Americans. The Indianapolis Leader, in an article [15 January 1881] about Beaty took note of this:
“The advent of colored men upon the stage has opened a new field of opportunity to them, and we are glad to find them reaching out for the profitable distinction which assured success must give.”
Beaty’s performances in Philadelphia and Washington earned him a place of honor at a dinner given for abolitionist and orator Frederick Douglass. Also in attendance were some esteemed veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic. For them, Beaty’s Civil War exploits were just as exciting as his theatrical triumphs, because Powhatan Beaty had been voted a recipient of the Medal of Honor by act of the United States Congress.
At the Battle of New Market Heights, during the siege of Petersburg, Beaty’s regiment was all but wiped out while attacking Confederate position. Out of 85 men in his unit, only a dozen or so survived the attack and subsequent retreat. According to the Cincinnati Post [3 September 1898]:
“Beaty started on the charge carrying a knapsack and a canteen of water. Bullets cut the knapsack off, carried his hat away and tore the sole off one of his shoes. He went to give a dying comrade a drink, when he found that the water had drained out a bullet hole.”
Beaty, a sergeant, saw his unit’s flag lying in the mud, discarded in retreat. Under heavy enemy fire, he ran back 600 feet to recover the flag, then rallied what was left of his unit to successfully attack and overcome the rebel fortification. General Benjamin Butler witnessed Beaty’s bravery and recommended him for the Medal of Honor. Butler also awarded Beaty a silver medal of his own design. Despite brevet promotion to lieutenant, the U.S. Army was not ready for black officers, according to the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune [6 June 1886]:
“Only strong prejudice embodied into law prevented his promotion to the rank of a commissioned officer, though twice recommended for it by Colonel [Giles] Shurtleff.”
While national acclaim may have turned Powhatan Beaty’s head, he made this trip East while on a leave of absence. After a couple of weeks, he had to return to Cincinnati to take up his position as a janitor.
To be fair, a “janitor” in 1884 was a position of some responsibility, more like what we would call a building superintendent these days. The janitor or custodian oversaw the cleaning, maintenance, furnishing and equipping of a building. Beaty probably supervised a small staff. Additionally, Beaty’s appointment as janitor of the Lincoln Club was political. The Republican machine of Boss Cox supported several elite social facilities for the party faithful, and the Lincoln Club on Garfield Place was top notch, boasting more than 800 members. Equally ostentatious was the Young Men’s Blaine Club on Eighth Street, where Beaty was later employed.
Although Beaty was born free in 1835, he would have been considered a slave in the Southern states, because freedom was not considered hereditary. Although his parents had earned their freedom, their children were still considered enslaved. Beaty’s parents brought him from Virginia to Cincinnati around 1849 when he was a young teenager and apprenticed Powhatan to Henry Boyd, a successful African American furniture maker. Young Powhatan received a solid education under the guidance of abolitionist and educator Peter H. Clark. Although employed as a lathe operator, sawyer or cabinet maker for 20 years, Beaty’s name appears regularly in descriptions of amateur theater projects and in the political columns.
During the Civil War, Beaty, like most African Americans in Cincinnati was dragooned into digging trenches in Northern Kentucky while the city awaited a Confederate assault. He later helped organize the 127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, reorganized as the 5th United States Colored Troops. In addition to the Petersburg campaign, Beaty distinguished himself at several later battles.
Back in Cincinnati, few philanthropic gatherings in Cincinnati failed to include Lt. Powhatan Beaty on the program. His dramatic readings and recitations inspired his audiences to generosity. At a time when the Democratic Party was virulently segregationist, Beaty was a vital link from the Cox Machine to black voters.
Beaty’s passionate and loyal support of Cincinnati’s Republican Party led, eventually, to positions as superintendent at some of the most prestigious addresses in the city. Prejudice and segregation kept Beaty confined to amateur stages. He wrote a play about the end of slavery, but could not find a producer and he tried a second eastern tour without success. When he died, in 1916, the newspapers called him “one of the old landmarks of Cincinnati” and remembered his military service. The obituaries made almost no mention of Powhatan Beaty’s true love – the theater.
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Part 3
Since I last posted, we’ve gotten word that a certain rich asshole is going to enter the race.  Now, I could do 500 words on why this guy is awful, but it would sort of go against my belief that just because someone is really rich does not mean we need to pay extra attention to them and their thoughts.   This guy is not winning the nomination, won’t even poll about 3% in most states, and overall is not worth the amount ink that will surely be spilled on his campaign.  Next.
Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders
So we are down to the final 3.  One of those 3 objectively should have been culled much earlier.  If I was doing this purely based on the level of support for each candidate, this guy would have been cut about 8 candidates ago.  But Joe Biden is still the front runner, consistently leading national polls and absolutely killing it in several early primary states like South Carolina.  Biden remains popular among black voters, who serve as the lifeblood of the Democratic party. Even though his policies and personality suck, he is unique from all the other shitty centrist candidates.  So he gets his own takedown.
Joe Biden is a very old man hoping to blind the voters with his connection to President Obama.  And for the most part, it’s working like a charm. Forget the fact that he is a rambling, incoherent mess during campaign stops.  Forget his abysmal views on race, including his support for segregated busing and racist colleagues.  Forget the fact this guy railroaded Anita Hill and still can’t sufficiently apologize to her.  Forget all the bad parts of Joe Biden.  That’s what he is banking on.  Biden is trying to win not based on policy or his strategy for improving the lives of everyday Americans.  No, he is trying to win by painting a false image of who he is and how electable he would be.  Biden is basing his entire campaign on appealing to low-key racist white suburbanites who don’t want to pay more taxes.  That’s his base.  And it’s not an awful strategy.  But it highlights something terrible about the Democratic voter.
The average Democratic primary voter appears to support progressive causes.  They want to see Social Security expanded.  They support a $15 minimum wage and gun control.  They support paid family leave and some form of universal health care.  But the average Democratic voter of a certain age, race and class level doesn’t want to fight for those things.  Because while they agree with those policies in principle, they won’t be that affected by them, and more importantly, would have to pay more in taxes.  So they say they support these goals yet refuse to put any skin into the game to achieve them.   The other possibility is that they would support enacting these policies and paying a bit more, but they don’t think anyone else would and thus think we need to support the least-controversial candidate.  No one really likes Joe Biden, or if they do, no one can really identify what exactly he is running for.   Even though health care remains a joke in this country, Biden isn’t arguing to make it better.  He isn’t supporting a wealth tax.  What is this man running on except a vague idea about returning dignity to the American worker.  Yet voters still support him, either because they know he actually won’t change anything (except make it ok to be gay again) or because they think not changing anything is the only way for a Democrat to win.
The American voter (not just Democratic voters) collectively is a stupid person.  They personally want a politician to enact massive change to better their lives, yet believe the ideal candidate is a moderate who won’t do anything major, and still someone in doing nothing substantial, will improve their lives.  Then, just to double down on that stupidity, they will vote the opposition party into power in Congress to ensure nothing happens, all because they love compromise. Of course, the last thirty years of politics have shown that bipartisanship is a myth.
The American voter is both very ignorant and very naïve.  We accept that.  But it’s tougher to accept that from our politicians.  At a recent fundraiser for millionaires, Biden touted his sincere belief that when Trump goes, Republicans will have an epiphany and start working with him to make our country better.  Folks, this is disqualifying.  The sheer insanity of that belief needs to be a deal breaker.  Biden, in the very same speech to the very same contingent of rich assholes, said that he personally called dozens of Republicans to get Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court.  The Republicans said no and pulled a move so disgusting and unprecedented that we will never see something worse in our lifetimes.  And this was all before Trump was even nominated.
Joe Biden is an idiot. He also is in the bag of the rich. He regularly attends fundraisers hosted by lobbyists for some of the most nefarious industries.  His campaign is mostly funded by Wall Street and Health Insurance.  And how do you think he’ll govern once in office?  Will he go after these bad actors?  Or will he appoint them to his Cabinet?  Remember, this is the guy who worked in an administration that wanted Larry Summers as Fed Chief.  He appointed Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury.
Joe Biden would continue the worst aspects of Obama’s administration without all the good stuff. He’d be in his late 80’s by the time his second term ended, too.  For the love of all that we hold holy, we cannot nominate Biden.
It is now time for the top two candidates.  I would happily vote for either of these candidates, so my choice for one is not a slight on the other.  Each candidate has issues, but they are minor compared to what they bring to the table. So I urge you to vote early and often for either of them.
Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders
A presidential candidate should make you excited to vote for them.  It can’t just be “I can’t vote for the other guy so I guess you’ll do.”  It’s a recipe for disaster.  People need a reason to take a couple hours of their day, find parking, wait in a long line, deal with eighty-year old volunteers who yell at you to close the curtain more, and then go into work and deal with their daily amount of shit.  People need a reason to see the process of voting as exciting.  
I think Bernie and Elizabeth are the only two candidates one can reasonably get excited about.  I’m not saying everyone will be excited by them because a lot of people don’t support their policies.  I call these people assholes.  But can anyone honestly say they are excited to vote for Amy Klobuchar or Joe Biden? Even if you support their bland policy proposals which consist of “we need better jobs but fuck if I know how to do that.”
But which one to choose?
I’m going to start with Bernie.  The negatives against him are one of perception rather than reality, but in politics its not the truth that wins out but what you can convince people the truth is. And Bernie will definitely be portrayed as an out-of-touch Socialist.  While the youngins like the word “socialism” the majority of the electorate is still scared to death of the term because they equate social democratic government as the Soviet Union and bread lines.  In other words, most people are stupid.   Sanders best hope would be to hammer home how amazing European countries are, the benefits they enjoy without all the negatives that Republicans conjure up in places like Venezuela. Unfortunately, Republican messaging still rules the day.   Even if you could strap a person in a chair and explain point by point why Sweden and Denmark work as social democracies, they still wouldn’t get it.
Trump will absolutely attack Bernie for being a socialist, and the problem compared to the other candidates he would attack for being a socialist is that the suburban Democratic voters would actually believe him.  Bernie absolutely will upend the system, and a lot of people are still benefiting from that system.  People like my parents.  They have a good amount of money but are not rich.  Taxes going up on them will impact their daily lives, and most of the benefits Bernie is advocating for would not benefit them.  There is a lot of good research out there that suggests the key for Democrats to win across the board is to get the suburban moderate vote. And there is a legitimate argument that Bernie will not get that vote.  Now, one can say that those voters would never vote for Trump. But you must remember a very important thing about politics: white people can get pretty racist when they think you’ll take money away from them.
But here’s what I love about Bernie.  He is entirely genuine in his advocacy for the poor and working class. Most politicians say they care, of course.  They give a speech supporting raising the minimum wage or not cutting Medicaid. But they also tie themselves with rich donors and businesses whenever they can.  They support the poor until there is a good reason not to.  Not Bernie.  He’s been singing the same tune since the sixties.  He doesn’t care if it isn’t popular. He’ll make it become popular. Bernie almost single handedly shifted the conversation on universal health care.  We are talking about paid family leave and free college because of him. And the man deserves credit for that.
Bernie has been hit a lot from the Democratic establishment.  People are still sore that he had the audacity to challenge Hillary Clinton.  Even though he endorsed and campaigned heavily for her after dropping out in 2016, there is still a narrative that he sabotaged her campaign.  Let’s be clear, though.  The reason why the establishment Democratic contingency dislikes Bernie is because he thinks they are just as corrupt as the Republicans.  Which is true.  Democrats work out of the same bubble as Republicans.  They rub shoulders with the same Wall Street donors. Try calling up your Democratic Senator to get an in-person meeting.  Now look at who does get those meetings.  I support Bernie because he actually is trying to change our corrupt political system.  A politician can’t work within the given system without being corrupted by it. The system is a cancer that needs to be destroyed.  
Bernie has said some dumb things and has held some dumb positions.  This can’t be denied.  He’s been accused of being a racist, sexist and homophobe.  Some of this is absolute bullshit and some of it is based on dumb things he’s said.   But judging by the policies the man has supported, the votes he has taken, and what he has said during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, does anyone honestly believe him to be a racist, sexist or homophobe?
If you are having a tough time getting behind Bernie, I’d ask yourself the following questions:
Do you honestly believe he would pursue anti-women and anti-reproductive rights policies?
Do you think a more robust paid family leave policy, along with a policy promoting affordable childcare, would significantly benefit women?
Do you think Bernie would restrict LGBTQ rights or would he expand protections for this group?
Do you genuinely believe Bernie would support or champion policies that would discriminate against black people?  
Do you think health care is a crisis in this country and everyone should have access to it? If so, do you think Bernie makes the situation better or worse?
Do you think a president should fill his administration with people from the financial and insurance industries?  Do you think Bernie would do this?
Do you think millionaires and billionaires should be taxed more and more money should go into programs that help the poor and middle class?
Should college be free or at least much more affordable?
Ask yourself these questions.  Don’t worry about whether he can get them passed.  Truth is it will be tough for any Democrat to get anything passed.  I’d be looking at which candidates are most willing to use executive orders (hint: it’s Bernie).
We can’t keep hedging our votes on what’s practical because the truth is everything is doable with enough willpower.   Think about how insane Social Security is as a legislative success.  We taxed everyone, rich and poor, to provide money to senior citizens for the rest of their lives.  That’s insane, and we did it.  Same with Medicare.  If you think are country needs massive changes to secure our future, vote for the candidate who is advocating for massive changes.  That candidate is Bernie Sanders and…..
Elizabeth Warren.  Everything good about Bernie can also be said about Elizabeth Warren.  This is a person who literally created an agency designed to help consumers go against corporations.  Warren has correctly diagnosed the problem for wealth and income inequality and a lot of the bad shit that’s been happening to the American worker. Corporations suck. Rich people suck. They both need to be taxed way more and we need to use those funds to give benefits to the poor and working class. Warren has a plan for pretty much everything, and that is a great thing.  She doesn’t talk in platitudes about restoring dignity to the working class. She identifies the problem and comes up with an actual solution.  
And for her efforts she gets skewered by her opponents and the media.  When Pete Buttigieg says we should invest more in affordable housing, no one pushes back on exactly what that means.  But when Warren releases a comprehensive plan to pay for Medicare for All, she is eviscerated.  Her plans should be critiqued, but they should also come with the acknowledgement that she has put in the work and is way more open with the American people than the other candidates.  The media and voters need to start making candidates pay a price for not articulating actual plans for their policy goals.  
Warren is fucking smart and driven.  She has the brain and energy to do the job.  She’s not a crackpot; she’s an advocate for the little guy.  Honestly, there isn’t much to criticize Warren on outside of how she will pay for her policy proposals.  But the media will attack what little they have while giving Trump and the more moderate Democrats a pass.  When Trump or Biden talk about strengthening the military, no one will ask what that means and how much it will cost.  But when Warren comes up with a tax plan to pay for free childcare, every single pundit will pounce the second some study comes out that her funding is off by a few million.
Of course, the dumbest part is the idea Warren needs to fully fund any proposal.  Right now, the economy has been doing great for about five years.  And in that whole time, we’ve been running huge deficits.  Maybe government spending without offsets isn’t such a big deal. Warren can’t say that because the media won’t allow her to.  It would be great if Warren could just say “things are going great now despite a trillion-dollar deficit, so why not get free healthcare for a $2 trillion-dollar deficit?”
That’s what I love most about Warren.  The lines of attack against her are so shitty.  Bernie has legitimate concerns that the Republicans will easily exploit. The best they can do with Warren is attack her policies, which are broadly popular.  And with Warren, you get a bunch of different contingencies that will come out for her.  You have women and those who want to see our first female president.  You get progressives excited about finally having a candidate who advocates for them with a fighting chance.  And because she is being so careful not to raise middle class taxes, I think you get a lot of the suburban vote.
I think Warren can win this thing.  She articulates the message well, she lacks genuine baggage and when compared to Trump, she comes off even better.  
So who is my final pick? I’m going with Elizabeth Warren. Not only does she hold most of the same policy positions as Sanders, but she also is fundamentally opposed to the corporate interests that got us to this point.  And I think she can better cajole moderate Democrats to support her agenda.  Finally, I think she comes with less baggage.
What I would love to see, based on the polling, is for Warren to either win or come in second by a close margin to Biden or Buttigieg.  Sanders would drastically underperform, at which point if New Hampshire was also going poorly, he could drop out and swing all his support to Warren.  That would make her the clear front runner. Let’s see what happens.
  Elizabeth Warren
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Trivializing FFWPU mass weddings and underestimating the Christian Right
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an extract from Chapter 8 of Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy by Frederick Clarkson (1997) pages 181-185
… Similarly, the analysis by Stephen Carter, [who teaches at Yale Law School and wrote The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion] of how mainstream press reporting trivializes religion often misses the mark. He cites, for example, the “general cultural amusement” over the mass weddings presided over by Rev. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon.72 Carter is correct that some bemused reporting may trivialize the faith of those who subordinate themselves to clerical authority in this way. However, Carter ignores the serious issues raised by the theocratic goals and practices of the Unification Church and how the mass weddings figure into the church’s larger plans to eliminate democracy, pluralism, and religious freedom.
As was discussed in Chapter 3 [of Eternal Hostility], Sun Myung Moon has declared that he and his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, “are the True Parents of all humanity... we are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah.”73 And that “when it comes to our age, we must have an automatic theocracy to rule the world.” He has further explained that his aim is the “subjugation of the American government and population.”74 There is copious literature on Moon’s record of predatory recruiting and indoctrination practices, his 30-year record of antidemocratic pronouncements and activities,75 the billions of dollars of assets of mysterious origin, the central role this small church plays in American life through its media, and on its business and political empire. In this light, Carter’s focus on the trivialization of the Unification Church by the superficial reporting on Moon’s mass weddings is breathtakingly shallow and fundamentally misguided.
Carter also fails to distinguish between oppressive attacks on religion aimed at curtailing religious expression, on the one hand, and critical debate about religion generally, and specifically religion in politics, on the other. Debating the latter issues is healthy in a country where active theocratic movements are working to undermine the principles of the enlightenment vital to meaningful democracy.
The Christian Right: Weak and Divided? Carter extends his concern from the supposed excesses of secular society to how society should view the Christian Right. However, this discussion is hampered by his apparent lack of knowledge of the history, ideology and players of the Christian Right. Although Carter was shocked by the Christian Right’s performance at the 1992 Republican national convention in Houston, he was unable to explain either how this came about or what it really meant. In the first chapter of The Culture of Disbelief he derided the “expression of some loud fears about the influence of the weak and divided Christian Right.”76 Oddly, the final chapter’s discussion of the new-found political strength of the Christian Right is titled “Religious Fascism.” Unfortunately, Carter failed to define what he meant by religious fascism, let alone its relevance to his discussion.
Still, Carter’s concern for religious expression is rooted in the best of American contributions to advancing this principle. He calls not for “mere tolerance,” but for religious “equality,” because tolerance is extended at the whim of the majority and can be withdrawn. “[I]n a nation where 85 percent of adults identify themselves as Christians,” he explains, “it may seem easier to speak of toleration of Jews and other non-Christians than to speak of equality of any practical sort. But the language of tolerance is the language of power.”77 Non-Christians, he points out, “rightly object to language suggesting that Christians (or anyone else) should ‘tolerate’ them. The fundamental message of the First Amendment is one of religious equality—a message to which the idea of majority and minority religions should be bitter anathema.”78
One glaring example of Carter’s good intentions thwarted by his superficial approach is a too-brief discussion of the 1992 flap over Mississippi Republican governor Kirk Fordice’s public claim that the U.S. is a Christian Nation.79 Carter summarizes the episode as it appeared in the media, but makes no mention of the Christian Nationalist authors, leaders and constituencies that give the term its contemporary meaning. Senior politicians rarely make declarations about such things unless they are speaking to and for a significant constituency. There was much that could have been said in this context, for example, about the role of the Christian Coalition in Fordice’s election, or the significance of such Christian historical revisionists as David Barton and Gary DeMar.80
Nevertheless, “It is painful to me as a Christian,” Carter concluded, “to watch the perversion of [Christ’s message of love and inclusion]... by the far right wing of my own faith, into a call for holy war—a call which even if metaphorical, can only raise the terrifying imagery of the wholesale slaughter of the crusades.”81 While the specter of religious warfare is painful for everyone. Carter does not address the role of Christian Nationalism as an integral and animating doctrine of the Christian Right, and thus much more than a metaphor, that could lead to just such a ‘holy war.’ Indeed, it was precisely the grim history of religious nationalism, religious warfare and Christian persecution, of not only minority religions but fellow Christians, that led the framers of the Constitution to seek to create a constitutional structure for, and national ethos of, religious equality.
It is the cultivation (if not always successful implementation) of this ethos of religious equality over the past 200 years that has been one of the most extraordinary cultural projects in the history of the world. The Christian Nationalists of the 18th century didn’t like the Constitution when it was written, and their political and theological descendants don’t like it today.
The Defeat of the Christian Right? Carter correctly concludes that the “defeat of the Christian Right— if indeed defeat is to be” will be a matter of alerting “a sufficiency of one’s fellow citizens of the danger, creating a democratic counter insurgency. And then, harder still, one must get this majority to the polls on election day.”82 However, political victory over the formidable Christian Right requires knowledge and accurate assessments of its positions and prospects—something Carter does not much provide. For example, early in The Culture of Disbelief, he argues that “one must be wary of attributing too much influence to the emergent religious right. The Reverend Pat Robertson’s efforts to gain the 1988 Republican presidential nomination was of interest mainly to the mass media...”83
As argued in the chapter “Neither Juggernaught nor Joke,” he is correct that it is important not to unwarily “attribute too much influence” to the religious right. But it is just as important not to naively— and inaccurately—dismiss their actual strength and potential.
Indicative of a larger problem in Carter’s reporting is his use of the word “Reverend” in reference to Pat Robertson. Robertson resigned his Baptist ministry to run for president in 1988, and does not, nor is he entitled to, use the honorific, “Reverend.” More importantly, it is well known that Robertson has for many years been positioning himself to exert political power in the U.S. The run for president was integral to the building of a political movement, and thus was of far more than passing interest to those who follow religion and politics, especially in the GOP. Robertson actually beat George Bush in the Iowa Republican caucuses in 1988, and did well in the disputed Michigan precinct caucuses. Although the campaign unraveled after Robertson’s poor showing in the “Super Tuesday” primaries in the South, Iowa and Michigan provided clues about Robertson’s long-term political significance.
The Robertson campaign served as an experiment and a building block in much the same way that Barry Goldwater’s unsuccessful 1964 campaign for president served as the cornerstone of the modem conservative movement. In light of Carter’s claim that Robertson’s 1988 campaign was a creature of the media, it is important to note that the same media generally missed the story of the rise of the Christian Coalition until well into the 1992 campaign season. Carter’s lack of knowledge of the on-the-ground history of this and related political phenomena undermines his media criticism and misdirects his “attitude” about religion in public life—which he says is the main subject of the book.84
The problem with Hunter’s and Carter’s books is not that they don’t have useful thoughts and information in them. These influential books pose special challenges to those who are committed to democracy, pluralism and religious freedom. Hunter is a partisan scholar from the Christian Right who is generally committed to civility, but who uses a facade of neutrality to mask that he’s stacking the deck of his argument. Carter is a legal scholar who disagrees with the Christian Right on most things,85 but hasn’t really studied it, and thus fails to locate the original and current threats to religious freedom from theocratic movements.
As long as such books are major sources of intellectual guidance to which people turn for insight into the Christian Right, misdirection, misinformation, misreporting and political mistakes will be the norm for every segment of society that follows them.86 James Davison Hunter offers some sound advice in this regard in Culture Wars. “As with military campaigns, cultural warfare is always decided over the pragmatic problems of strategy, organization and resources... The factions with the best strategies, most efficient organization, and access to resources will plainly have the advantage and very possibly, the ultimate victory.”87
Thus great care must be taken when reading material that will inform the strategy of a movement. ___________________________________ Notes 
72. Frank S. Mead, Handbook of Denominations in the United States, Ninth Edition, 1990. Abingdon Press, pp. 25-26.
73. Sun Myung Moon, “Leaders Building World Peace,” Unification News, September 1992.
74. John Judis, “Rev. Moon’s Rising Political Influence: His Empire Is Spending Big Money To Try To Win Favor With Conservatives,” U.S. News and World Report, March 21, 1989.
75. See for example, Steve Hassan, Combating Cult Mind Control, Park Street Press, 1988; see also Flo Conway and Jim Seigelman, Snapping: America’s Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change, Second Edition, Stillpoint Press, 1995.
76. Stephen L. Carter, The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion, Basic Books, 1993, p. 11.
77. Carter, op. cit., p. 96.
78. Carter, op. cit., p. 93.
79. Carter, op. cit., pp. 86-89.
80. See for example, Barton’s book To Pray or Not to Pray, (1988) and The Myth of Separation, (1992), WallBuilder Press, Aledo, TX. Both books were in wide circulation in Christian Right circles prior to the publication of The Culture of Disbelief.
81. Carter, op. cit., p. 90.
82. Carter, op. cit., p. 267.
83. Carter, op. cit., p. 19.
84. Carter, p. 15. “And through all of this trivializing rhetoric runs the subtle but unmistakable message: pray if you like; worship if you must, but whatever you do, do not on any account take your religion seriously. That rhetoric, and that message, are the subjects of this book. This book is not about law, but about attitudes—the attitude that we as a political society hold toward religion.”
85. Carter, p. 15. He agrees, with the Christian Right on “broad parental rights to exempt children from educational programs on religious grounds and participation by parochial schools in private school voucher programs...”
86. I hope that this essay will encourage people to seek out better information and analysis about the Christian Right — and to demand better than they usually get from the media. Personally I recommend the books and articles of knowledgeable writers like Russ Bellant, Chip Berlet, Robert Boston, Joe Conn, Sara Diamond, Jean Hardisty, Skipp Porteous, and Lenny Zeskind, among others who have studied this and related movements for many years. Their work is cited throughout the text, notes and resources section of this book. The Christian Right would be far less powerful today, if writers like these had received half of the media and scholarly attention accorded Hunter and Carter.
87. James Davison Hunter, Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America, Basic Books, 1991, p. 64.
Sun Myung Moon: “church and the state must become one”
U.S. Presidents Endorse Sun Myung Moon From ‘Spirit World’
The CIG constitution is the paperwork for what Fraser and every Moon org critic has warned was the Moon org’s goal all along
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
“Moon’s Law: God Is Phasing Out Democracy” by Frederick Clarkson
Missing Pieces of the Story of Sun Myung Moon by Frederick Clarkson
Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy
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hillaryisaboss · 6 years
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Right now Trump is using the microphone and power of the American Presidency (which is exactly what Putin wanted) to endorse a xenophobic, right-wing, nationalist, racist, fascist, anti-Democratic global takeover. Donald is declaring the Europeans are “losing their culture” due to immigrants. Isn’t the scapegoating of immigrants red flag #1 in high school history classes? Fascism 101? I guess those who don’t know history truly are doomed to repeat it.
Sadly, NATO just got a taste of the Trump propaganda reality-show. It goes something like this:
Trump lies about a non-existent problem (ie: the United States is getting ripped off by Europe/immigrants are “infesting” our country), accuse the other side of which you are guilty (“Germany is owned by Russia”), claim he is finally putting “America First” (white nationalist rallying cry to motivate his racist base), pulls a publicity stunt by throwing decency and decorum out the window, gets his con-man approved photo-opt to give the illusion of success, dominates the news cycle, declares victory by saying he fixed a problem that never existed in the first place, and then Fox News finishes it up by brainwashing his cult followers into thinking Trump is the greatest President of all-time and is producing results for the American people (“Promises Made. Promises Kept.”)
This is the never-ending Trump propaganda reality-show that is the American Presidency.
A Presidency that --may I remind you-- did not receive the majority of votes from the American people. Trump lost by 3 million votes. Never forget this fundamental fact. Hillary voters are the 66-million-majority. And we should start acting like it.
We should stop being afraid to say what we know is true: 2016 was stolen by Donald J. Trump, Russia, and James Comey. This is the biggest scam Trump has pulled off yet... so why on Earth would he stop now? Maybe he can now start convincing the rest of the world that immigrants are the root of all our problems, just like he began his 2016 Presidential campaign by declaring Mexicans are “rapists.” Trump is taking his charlatan act on the road. Watch out, world! You won’t know what hit you if you aren’t careful. Meanwhile, Putin is laughing from Moscow. He has unleashed a buffoon on the world.
Trump is trying to see just how far Hitler’s anti-immigrant, anti-journalist, nationalistic propaganda takes him. So far… the sky's the limit! We have already violated the human rights of immigrant children and their parents. Because according to Trump they are just “animals.” Mind you, Trump later clarified he was talking about the immigrant gang MS-13. But his original statement was that immigrants are “animals.” Never forget Trump’s original statement. Don’t fall for his manipulation. Trump is dehumanizing immigrants. Who is next?
Unfortunately, Don-the-Con pulled off becoming President of the United States by using Russia to manipulate voters in swing states (“Stein is not a wasted vote!” Russian-bots said all over social media). Over 150 million Americans were subjected to this sort of anti-Hillary Russian propaganda on Facebook, with millions more subjected to it on Twitter and YouTube. Ever wonder why there was so many videos of Hillary being against gay marriage floating around? The answer: Russian agents trying to undermine Hillary with progressive, young voters. Nevermind the fact that Obama, Biden, and Bernie all had to evolve on gay marriage, too. But lets vilify the woman for doing the exact same thing her male counterparts did! See how easy it is to fall for Russian manipulation?
This is the first time in our nation's history that an adversary has successfully interfered in our Presidential election and gotten away with it. (And yes, Russia is an adversary contrary to the topsy-turvy world the Trump Administration would have you believe -- “Alternative Facts” such as Trump having the largest inauguration crowd size of all-time). One of the reasons Trump hates when people bring up the popular vote is because he is obsessed with numbers and crowd sizes (he’s a narcissist). Ironically, Donald lost the biggest numbers game of all-time: the actual vote of the American people. By a staggering 3 million votes. Ouch!
Trump wants to give the impression that he won some great big victory against the Clintons (two people that left us a surplus in the 1990s). But his victory wouldn’t have happened without unprecedented inference by Russia and the FBI. Putin and Trump stole the election from the 66-million-majority. Trump is an illegitimate President. He didn’t win it outright. He won it by committing treason with Russia to undermine our election. The first time a Presidential candidate has worked with an adversary to influence the outcome of our election.
Hillary receiving 3 million more votes despite all of these outside forces is actually pretty remarkable if you ask me. Without the last-minute interference by the FBI, Hillary would have defeated both Donald Trump and Russia (remember: Hillary destroyed Donald in all 3 debates and everyone thought she was going to win). This assumption that she would win resulted in lots of people staying home on Election Day.
The 2016 election was a perfect-storm and combination of factors that led to Hillary’s defeat in the Electoral College but victory in the popular vote (one of which it is that it’s historically hard for one party to stay in power for more than two-terms at a time -- every vote counted, Bernie fans!)
Currently, Republicans refuse to stand up to Don-the-Con. In the not so distant past, Republicans used to put country above party. But now they have been bullied into submission by the #1 bully of all-time -- Donald J. Trump. Anyone supporting Trump’s current agenda will be on the wrong side in the history books and complicit in the downfall of American greatness. Republicans are helping Russia become the new global superpower, which was Putin’s main goal for installing Trump as our President. Putin (who hated Hillary due to her time as Secretary of State) realized Trump would do far more damage to the United States than he could ever dream of doing himself. Destroying the NATO alliance is Putin’s wet-dream. Do Republicans have no patriotism left? Are they all traitors to Russia?
Trump is the trojan horse sent by Russia to destroy the United States.
I guess in America, the GOP believes that if you dominate the TV like Trump does (even negatively), you can “win” because of our obsession with minute-by-minute entertainment. Has Trump, through his own cable news obsession, figured out more about Americans than we realize? Who in 2020 will be capable of competing with the Trump show? At least the Clintons have name-power. And it was glorious to watch Trump sip his water nervously as Hillary eviscerated him on stage. She is, after-all, a trained lawyer from Yale Law.
The real question is: will the media continue to cover Trump’s hate rallies (giving him free airtime), and yet again start saying the Democratic candidate is “just as bad as Trump,” leading to the “false equivalence” narrative that helped sink Hillary’s popular-vote winning campaign.
We must never normalize Trump. Nor become numb to his outrageous behavior that is making a mockery of the American Presidency. We can’t allow ourselves to become overwhelmed and give up. That is exactly what Trump wants and is the ultimate goal of his behavior. Abusers are great at wearing down their victims. A constant barrage of mental gymnastics and manipulation. So take time to watch a Disney movie but keep getting back in the fight. Hillary hasn’t quit and we shouldn’t, either.
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anthonychiozza · 5 years
The Genocide Of The Innocent: Reprint From 12/19/15
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    Written by: Anthony Chiozza
Hearing about babies dissected alive could lead one to despair easily. Those that are still in touch with their own soul feel an anger, and deep pain that can not be adequately communicated with the pen. Children of God for Life’s facebook page states the following: “Dr. Ian Donald explained what he witnessed at Karolinska Institute to Fr Paul Marx at HLI several years ago: Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage.” Difficult words to read for those with a soul. (1) For the record, the Karolinska Institute is located in Sweden. (2) However, the United States, Planned Parenthood, and the citizens of this country have enough blood on their hands as well, as revealed by the recent Planned Parenthood “scandal.” The only scandal that I am aware of is that millions of babies have been exterminated for years.
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    There are not enough human tears to be wept that can make up for the atrocities committed against the weakest of the human species. Perhaps you have considered that I sound more like a humanist than a Catholic, but let me assure you that I fully expect God’s wrath to pour out upon this disgusting, “modern” society sooner rather than later. Some people hear, “God’s Wrath,” and they assume that this is some kind of evil God that enjoys punishing people. My theology might be off on this, but in any case, this is how my perception of this concept works itself out in my mind. God loves us so much that He weeps while having to destroy us, because we have rejected His love. If we think back to Scripture Jesus sheds tears on Jerusalem. His own people did not accept His Love, and Rome would decimate the city precisely as Jesus prophesized. Further, God’s Chastisements can also lead many to repent before death, and spare them an eternal death in hell.
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For the record, I used to vote for politicians that murder babies. I was once  a full functioning member of the “Culture of Death,” in almost every regard. I have, through God’s mercy, had the good fortune to be slapped awake by Him, and I confessed those sins. These are just some of my sins, but how many pretend there is some subtle discussion to have about voting for millions of babies being slaughtered, while weighing the economic pros and cons? This cannot be considered clear reasoning. Considering if one should vote liberal to stop war is a more valid line of reasoning to follow, but also a line of reasoning that ultimately fails. Surely, liberals would continue to vote democrat if we were murdering Jews at home, but wanted to avoid killing others in wars abroad? I can hear the discussion now. “Well it is true that ‘Feel the Burn’ Sanders and Hillary want to keep murdering Jews in our country, but at least people won’t die in war abroad.” There is no subtle discussion to be had here.
    War is upon us, and it has been upon us for a long time, and many lives will be lost in war. Even under supposedly liberal leadership the slaughter of war continues, and whose fault is that? Those that have held the reigns of power in the past are guilty. Specifically, the Bush administration, which was fully stocked with a gaggle of neoconservatives. We cannot leave out Hillary Clinton, as she voted for the unjust war as well. The neocons didn’t listen to Saint John Paul II when he said they could not go to war in the middle east! “John Paul has insisted that war is a "defeat for humanity" and that a preventive strike against Iraq is neither legally nor morally justified.” (3)
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     News flash for the Liberals out there laughing at the Neocons’ clouded reason, and disobedience to the Holy Father. Democrats have supported genocide much longer than any Republican Neocon, that didn’t listen to the Pope concerning the wars in the Middle East. This is not an excuse for the Bush administration’s disobedience to the Pope, but an important theological point! War is a punishment for the very crimes Liberals continue to support, by voting for leadership that is willing to sacrifice babies at Lucifer’s alter. When Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three shepherd children she confirmed Scripture, that war is indeed a punishment for sin. (4) (5)
    Again, why do Liberals continue to vote this way even though many of them are Catholic?  This vote is in trade for some false perception of economic advantage, or a misguided line of reasoning thinking we will spare lives by preventing war. I hear the emotional counter arguments now: “But if the economy is better, women will kill less babies.” Studying the statistics it does seem that the majority of abortions are happening for a lack of affordability. However, upon further investigation of the reasoning behind these decisions, and breaking down the data into subcategories, one must admit that affordability is highly subjective in the mind of the individual. The following statistics began being collected in 1986 and were published in 2005.
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“Nearly three-quarters said they could not afford to have a baby.
Of those women who gave two or more answers, the most common response -- inability to afford a baby -- was most frequently followed by one of three other reasons:
Pregnancy/birth/baby would interfere with school or employment.
Reluctant to be a single mother or experiencing relationship problems.                       Done with childbearing or already have other children/dependents.
Below is
a breakdown of women's responses that
specified reasons that led to their abortion
(percentage total will not add up to 100% as multiple answers were permissible):
74% felt "having a baby would dramatically change my life" (which includes interrupting education, interfering with job and career, and/or concern over other children or dependents)
73% felt they "can't afford a baby now" (due to various reasons such as being unmarried, being a student, inability to afford childcare or basic needs of life, etc.)
48% "don't want to be a single mother or [were] having relationship problem[s]" (6) (8)
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  Only one reason listed seems to actually correlate with, “inability to afford a baby.” That reason is, “inability to afford basic needs of life.” The rest seem to be highly westernized ideas about “affordability.” There are women in dire poverty all around the world having babies, including the United States. For the sake of argument I will admit it is possible that these other categories might include some legitimate economic reasons, but that, of course, does not excuse the sin. When the statistics are broken down further we begin to get a clearer picture that these reasons are westernized reasons. Only twenty-three percent of abortions are because of affordability. Sixty-six percent of these abortions are happening for reasons other than affordability and that is without the health of the mother, or rape included! (7) In fairness two categories, or more, could be chosen by the woman filling out the form. Sixty-six percent is the best estimate that can made.  The percentage could be less.
Why Women Have Abortions:
The reasons they gave in 2004
25% Not ready for a(nother) child/timing is wrong
23% Can't afford a baby now
19% Have completed my childbearing/have other people depending on me/children are grown
8% Don't want to be a single mother/am having relationship problems
7% Don't feel mature enough to raise a(nother) child/feel too young
4% Would interfere with education or career plans
4% Physical problem with my health
3% Possible problems affecting the health of the fetus
<0.5% Was a victim of rape
<0.5% Husband or partner wants me to have an abortion
<0.5% Parents want me to have an abortion
<0.5% Don't want people to know I had sex or got pregnant
6% Other (7)
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   Did voting Democrat ever stop 23% of these babies from being murdered? It would be interesting to break the statistics down further and see if the number of abortions in that category rose during the years of Democratic presidents. We obviously know that babies were murdered for that reason, in those years despite the numbers, so voting Democrat will never stop this from happening.  We always hear from Liberal Left about how much the government cares for everyone. Why don’t they care enough to use tax money to save babies instead of funding their genocide? Catholic Democrats hold up a magic economic key and argue they can stop allowing genocide, or at least most of it, if you will just vote for their party. I can hear the conversation with them continue, “We can save some of the Jews, even though we are the ones throwing them in the ovens, if you just vote for our party.”
    Turning back to the Republican side of the isle, can any Catholic clearly give me Donald Trump’s position on abortion? He seems to be all over the place.(9) Right now, apparently, it is not ok to kill babies in the Don’s mind, except for certain situations. This flies in the face of his previous position of being pro-abortion. He wouldn’t consider defunding Planned Parenthood, but maybe he will now? Who really knows? (Update: Thank God for President Trump. Could he still be critiqued? Yes, but he has done more than any other sitting POTUS that I can recall.) 
     Meanwhile we have candidates like Rand Paul, willing to stand on the Senate floor for hours filibustering, in order to defund Planned Parenthood! How can Conservative Catholics even seriously consider Trump when there are candidates that are more experienced, in regards to defending the country, and trying to save the unborn? Not only are they experienced, but they have proven they will fight the good fight! If Rubio shows up he might fight, I don’t know, probably not...I digress...The story recently broke that Planned Parenthood will be fully funded. Go back and read Dr. Donald’s witness testimony about babies screaming in pain as they are torn apart.
    What should Catholics be doing other than praying the rosary, to end this nightmare? I have personally heard at least two Priests, and read on EWTN that it is a mortal sin to vote for someone that supports abortion. The voters guide on EWTN by Father Taraco, Ph.D. states, “Except in the case in which a voter is faced with all pro-abortion candidates (in which case, as explained in question 8 above, he or she strives to determine which of them would cause the let damage in this regard), a candidate that is pro-abortion disqualifies himself from receiving a Catholic’s vote. This is because being pro-abortion cannot simply be placed alongside the candidate's other positions on Medicare and unemployment, for example; and this is because abortion is intrinsically evil and cannot be morally justified for any reason or set of circumstances. To vote for such a candidate even with the knowledge that the candidate is pro-abortion is to become an accomplice in the moral evil of abortion. If the voter also knows this, then the voter sins mortally.” (8)I would respectfully recommend that Trump supporters click the link in the source list below to the Catholic Answers article and consider if they are making the right moral decision weighing all the other candidates positions.
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    It would follow that a good Catholic would make a prudent decision, even if they were still unsure, and follow what these good sources of Catholic teaching are saying. Unfortunately, Catholics in the United States continue to march us backwards into darkness. It would be impossible for politicians that condone the genocide of babies to be elected in this country if Catholics would actually be Catholic. For some inexplicable reason they choose not to follow the Church, but their own wills, desires, and political leanings. If only they were obedient like the Queen Mother Mary, to her Son, they might not only find that abortions end, but that the economy would also improve. Perhaps we might get more worthy candidates to vote for on both sides of the narrow political spectrum in this country as well! How many Catholics will continue to do their will and not the Father’s Will?  For now, “we the Catholic people,” seem to want more bread and circus in exchange for the blood of the innocent. Update 1: Ladies and Gentleman, I have a serious question, and thought experiment. Apparently the five non negotiables are not Catholic teaching when it comes to voting. Pope Benedict said, in a letter, that one could vote for a pro-abortion candidate, but NOT because they are pro-abortion. I can find nothing that carries the weight of encyclical that says otherwise. However, I still feel in my heart, very strongly, that it is wrong to vote for a pro-abortion candidate. My thinking relies on a statement from Pope John Paul II: "That is the dignity of America, the reason she exists, the condition of her
survival, yes, the ultimate test of her greatness: to respect every human person,
especially the weak and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn."
-Pope John Paul II 
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I feel Saint Pope John Paul II's desire for America will never be accomplished here if Catholics are free to vote for pro-abortion candidates because they like other parts of that candidates platform. The analogy I think of to explain this to people follows as: Do you think everyone would be trying to make the best choice while people are being marched off to the ovens and just kind of toss their hands and their air, and say, "Well, I don't agree with them burning those Jews, but they have a great economic policy, so I'll vote for them." Anyway, these are just my thoughts on why I think it should not be allowed for Catholics to ever vote for a pro-abortion candidate, but I accept that I am probably wrong. My heart tells me never to vote that way personally. Thanks for the thoughtful consideration. I offer my sincere apologies to those Catholics that choose to vote for pro-abortion candidates. God bless.
Update II: A good friend of mine sent me another article today from a Priest on the issue of abortion. I feel it is important for everyone to form their conscience appropriately on this issue. I would respectfully ask that everyone read this, whether conservative, or liberal. When Pope Benedict said it would not be a grave evil to vote for a pro-abortion candidate, it was in the context of a letter. This is far from an encyclical, or words spoken from the Chair of Peter. This was his opinion. While I respect his opinion, and believe he was a great Pope, my heart tells me he is very wrong. A Pope is a man as well, and can be mistaken in matters of the Faith. Even a great Pope like Benedict. It is important that we all SERIOUSLY consider our position on this issue before casting a vote that could possibly send us to hell. I am so concerned about this, specifically because of the salvation of my soul, and other souls, I am considering writing a second piece on abortion and voting. Please pray for my soul. LINK: https://www.thecatholicthing.org/2016/03/03/can-catholics-support-a-pro-abortion-candidate/
Debi Vinnedge, President and Executive Director, “Children of God For Life,” Nov. 9, 2015, accessed Dec. 17, 2015, https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=905776096177162&id=223315007756611&fref=nf&pnref=story
(2) Dr Cecilia Götherström, Associate Professor, “Unique stem cell brittle-bone study starts,” Oct. 12, 2015 0 2:00 EST, accessed Dec. 17, 2015,
(3) Associated Press, “ Vatican Strongly Opposes Iraq War,” March 12, 2003, accessed Dec. 17, 2015, http://www.foxnews.com/story/2003/03/12/vatican-strongly-opposes-iraq-war.html
(4) Father Nicholas Gruner, “ Part I – The Urgency of the Fatima Message,” unkown, acessed, Dec. 19, 2015,
(5) Catholic Answers Staff, “ Does God Send War As Punishment For Sin,” unknown, accessed Dec. 19, 2015,
(6)  Lawrence B. Finer, Lori F. Frohwirth, Lindsay A. Dauphinee, Susheela Singh and Ann M. Moore “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions :  Quantiative and Qualitative  Perspectives,” September 2005, accessed Nov. 17, 2015,
(7) Gudrun Shultz, “The Real Reason Women Choose Abortion,” unkown, accessed, Dec. 19, 2015,
(8) Linda Lowen, “Why Women Choose Abortion - Statistical Breakdown of Reasons For Abortion,” Dec. 16, 2014, accessed Dec. 17, 2015, http://womensissues.about.com/od/reproductiverights/a/AbortionReasons_2.htm
(10) Fr. Stephen F. Torraco, PhD, “A Brief Catechism for Catholic Voters,” 2002, accessed Dec. 17, 2015,
Women’s Rights Photo: Kenneth John Gill
(9) Bethany Blankley, “Donald Trump’s Abortion Muddle,” Dec. 5, 2015, accessed Dec. 18, 2015,
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bowiemonroee · 5 years
The Interview
 William Monroe has been ordered court-mandated therapy following a DWI and drug possession conviction. Here is his intake interview.
What is your full name?
What? Your cheap paper doesn’t have that information already? Christ. My name’s William Monroe but I never introduce myself as such or any variation. I go by Bowie and that’s it.
Where and when were you born?
Again, more information you should have. August 11th, 1994 in Manhattan.
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
My father, if you can call him that, is the CEO of Monroe Pharmaceutical. Yes, the same Monroe Pharmaceutical that charges you an exorbitant amount of money for your medications. My mother, Viviane Monroe is a socialite. Her wealth is from steel. They look like they have a perfect marriage but it’s far from it. He sleeps with his secretary and hookers and she downs Valium to keep that perky little smile up. They make it work. To be fair a divorce would not only harm their social credit but their financial standings as well. As parents, she’s better than he is. She can genuinely fake interest in our lives. He can’t be bothered. She owns her awfulness. He thinks he’s father of the year.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Ugh, my fucking sisters. The middle one, she’s following in my mother’s footsteps. She’s a “classy philanthropist”, prim and proper. The good egg, if you will. A complete angel compared to me. So selfless and kind and blah blah blah. Give me a break. She only does that stuff because it makes her feel good about herself. Where’s the selflessness in that? You can’t complete acts of kindness for the gratitude and expect to still be a good person. She also drinks her daily three bottles of wine and complains about how father never came to her dance recitals. Give me a break. And then the youngest. Her life revolves around flowing trends and making them or whatever. She’s one of those girls on instagram posting about skinny fit tea and hairy gummy bears or whatever. Companies send her thousands of dollars in products in the hopes of getting attached to some stupid picture that’ll get thousand of mindless likes. probably all the attention she needs since father never gave it to her Their lives are both shallow and purposeless.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
I live with my two dogs in a Penthouse apartment near One World Trade.
What is your occupation?
I’m a filmmaker, an artist.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
What is this? A dating profile? I’m 6’0, 181 pounds, black hair, green, like a hipster Steve Jobs as my sisters would say, no tattoos, minor scars from falling as a child, no distinguishing marks. I’m boring. What can I say?
To which social class do you belong?
The polite answer is upper class. The real answer is “the richer than you” class.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
I’m allergic to pollen and red dye #40. Well, red dye is more of intolerance but whatever. I still eat it because I’m not a little bitch. Physical weaknesses? I had a torn rotator cuff when I was younger but I still have pain in that shoulder.
Are you right- or left-handed?
I’m always right.
What do you have in your pockets?
Money, Black Card.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I’m perfect.
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Eck, I mean, I had everything I wanted, right? I’d sound like a complete scumbag if I said “oh, my childhood was sad because my parents weren’t there and they didn’t pay attention to me and I was raised by nannies and sent to a $13,000 summer camp every year instead. Poor me.” I’m sure you’d love to hear some sob story about how all of that lead me to using drugs for fun. Yeah, fuck that whiny shit. My childhood was great.
What is your earliest memory?
I don’t know how old I was probably old enough to read at least. I was at my Nana’s house and she was watching this film Festen or The Celebration by Thomas Vinterberg. I can’t recall what it was about the film but I fell in love with filmmaking in that moment.
How much schooling have you had?
I went to the Dalton School from K through 12. Then NYU for college…which hasn’t ended yet, but whatever. Perfection takes time.
Did you enjoy school?
Elementary to 12, eh. High School got interesting when I could take more visual art classes. College was better because once those well rounding core classes were done I could get to the good film classes.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
I mean, good filmmaking isn’t taught. I can’t pinpoint where I learned things. It’s just stuff you see, like, then add to your repertoire. 
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
Role models? Please. Role models are pointless because people will always let you down.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
As kids, my sisters and I were alright I suppose. As good as siblings can be. My father and I never really got along. I guess what the feminists are calling “toxic masculinity” was an issue with him. He didn’t think the arts was a place for a male. I was meant to run a business. Wear a suit. Manage over sheep. Blah blah blah. My mother, I tried. She tried. We cohabitate. It works. The only person I’d consider myself close with is Nana.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh for fucks sake, I don’t know. I guess I wanted to be what all little kids want to be. A doctor. A police officer. A firefighter. Then I grew up.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
I liked art or rather, painting on the walls and floors, reading, making models and dioramas, causing trouble, having tantrums.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
I was an extrovert. Very loud and talkative. Charming from what I’ve been told. I could talk my way out of trouble and into extra cookies, etc.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
Of course I was popular. Throughout school, my best friend for a lack of a better word, was Edmond Hamilton. He was a good kid. Strong and a good listener. He was the bronze to my brains. His father was a senator and his mother a pediatric surgeon. His parents weren’t home much so we through a lot of parties at his house. He had this cousin too, Anthony. He wasn’t wealthy like the rest of us. The senator’s brother, Anthony’s father, had a gambling problem and his mother, a drinking problem. As a result, he just wanted to find people he felt he ‘belonged’ with. Well, of course we’d ues that to our advantage. We could usually convince Anthony to steal stuff for us, do our dirty work. Edmond’s a big wig hedge fund manager and Anthony’s in prison. In high school, I fucked around with Rei you know, just as something to do. I outright told her that but you know, I’m not responsible for her feelings. I also fucked around with Alana Kingsley too.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
I think I was 10, give or take, and it was with…what was her name? Victoria Calloway.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
Mmm, a little personal aren’t we doc? Well, if you must know, I followed in the tradition of all the male Monroe’s before. On my 16th birthday, my father got an escort and that was that. I know what you’re thinking, how problematic it is. How a child that young can’t make a choice like that, yadayadayada. Save it. I’m fine.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
Neither. Both are ridiculous concepts. You can’t generalize yourself in that way. Do I have a brighter outlook on some experiences, sure. Grimmer on others. I’d say I’m more cynical than anything.
What is your greatest fear?
Why bother with fear? Fear is what you have when you think you can’t do something or that you’ll fail. I don’t do either of those things.
What are your religious views?
Religion is awesome. Think about it. The very few have the power over the masses all because they claim to be a voice for some divinity. How genius is that? They can control these people under the guise of a better afterlife? Sign me up to be the leader of that. That and also look at the drama it incites. How would you not love it. 
What are your political views?
I don’t care either way but I was raised Republican.
What are your views on sex?
It’s a fun necessity.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
No, absolutely not. That’s just a ploy or something that society has made up in order to get people to marry and procreate in a specific set of parameters. It’s absolute bullshit.
What do you believe makes a successful life?
Realism. Being real will lead you to success. But then again, I’m also a chronic, pathological liar. But I’m real about the characters I develop.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
I’m always honest.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
I think comics are low art. I don’t know if that counts as a bias? And I think I’m smarter than everyone so that might be one too.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
I don’t put limits on myself.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Maybe my dogs but that’s about it. No one deserves my death.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
I’m polite to everyone however, our definitions tend to differ I suppose. My politeness is truth centered. I’m not going to sugar coat my words to spare your feelings. That wouldn’t help you grow as a person. All these people with thin skins need me.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Me, myself, and I. Should be self-explanatory.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
If I have to pick someone, I’d say Lars Von Trier. Excellent filmmaker.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
Eck, best friends. I try not to have friends like that because again, people let you down.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.’
That’s a joke, right?
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
I love myself.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
I don’t look for potential lovers.
How close are you to your family?
I talk to my sisters at least once a week. My parents maybe once a month. About as close as oil and vinegar. We exist in the same salad dressing bottle but like never really together.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
I mean, not that I know of but who’s really to say. I’d assume if I impregnated someone she’d probably try to sue me for child support or something. But as of right now, I don’t have any desire to have kids or a family for that matter. If we haven’t noticed by now, I’m selfish as fuck.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Rich probably. Or Mr. Franklin.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
Rich, because it’s his job.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Probably my dogs, Benedict and Constance.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Declan Wentworth. That son of a bitch tried to embarrass me in front of the entire school by pulling my pants down during the student body elections. Jokes on him. Not only did I win president, which I didn’t even want because I was only running as a joke, but it made a rather good impression among the girls in our grade if you catch my drift.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
I don’t argue. I state facts and people get butthurt. That’s not my issue.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
I’m naturally charismatic, what do you think?
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
I wouldn’t say I particularly like it. I could go either way. But I do enjoy being in charge of them and making them do stuff so.
Do you care what others think of you?
Fuck no.
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Ugh, I hate this question. People always ask this when they don’t know what else to ask. As if what I like to do says a lot about who I am. Please.
What is your most treasured possession?
My Varicam, my Minolta.
What is your favorite color?
Black and I don’t care if that’s a shade.
What is your favorite food?
The Tomahawk Ribeye from Bowery Meat Company.
What, if anything, do you like to read?
Mostly things about cults or charismatic leaders.
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
I enjoy a good film, watching people argue, lying, etc.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
All of the above and absolutely not. I’m no quitter.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Typically Saturday night? There’s no such thing for me. I’m either out gallivanting the city or throwing some sort of getting together at my place. 
What makes you laugh?
People falling.
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
The stupidity of others although I shouldn’t be surprised.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
I’d go find some shit bar to sit in. Maybe cause a fight or something. Not between me and someone. Between two other people. It’d be interesting to watch.
How do you deal with stress?
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
What are your pet peeves?
Ignorance. Goody two shoes.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
Routine? I don’t believe in routines.
What is your greatest strength as a person?
What is your greatest weakness?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Again, Nothing?
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
Messy is a sign of weakness. I have no weaknesses.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Just three? Fine. Filmmaking, pissing people off, talking. There’s nothing I’m bad at so that question isn’t valid.
Do you like yourself?
No. I love myself.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I’m pretty accomplished right now so I’m good. Thanks. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Still rich. Still causing trouble.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
In a blaze of glory probably. Something dramatic of course.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
Have a final meal at Bowery Meat, do a fuck ton of coke, set my apartment on fire.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
I don’t care if people remember me after I die. 
What three words best describe your personality?
Amazing. Perfect. Talented.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
Again, Amazing, perfect, Talented.
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oselatra · 6 years
Arkansas becomes casino country
The state rolls the dice with the passage of Issue 4.
On Nov. 6, for the second election cycle in a row, Arkansas voted for vice. Issue 4, a constitutional amendment authorizing four casinos in the state, was approved by 54 percent of voters on Election Day 2018 — an echo of the vote on the medical marijuana amendment that Arkansans approved by a similar margin in 2016.
Note that the state also overwhelmingly supported Republicans both years. Maybe it's the influence of Donald Trump or maybe it's some larger cultural slouch toward Gomorrah, but social conservatism just isn't what it used to be. Many GOP voters in Arkansas seem increasingly comfortable with sinful behavior, at least when it has the potential to be entertaining.
The passage of Issue 4 was no foregone conclusion. Arkansans rejected ballot initiatives that would have amended the state Constitution to allow casino gambling in 1984, 1996 and 2000. That didn't discourage gaming interests from continuing to try: In 2012 and 2016, proposed amendments were placed on the ballot, only to be disqualified by the Arkansas Supreme Court because of problems with the wording of the ballot title.
Issue 4 faced two legal challenges of its own, but in October the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of Driving Arkansas Forward, the committee behind the measure. Little Rock attorney Alex Gray, counsel for Driving Arkansas Forward, said the Supreme Court ruling was half the reason this amendment succeeded when so many other attempts had failed.
"First off, it was actually on the ballot. The ballot title was drafted properly, people could understand it and ... we got good signatures. It was not susceptible to the challenges that we saw with other initiatives," he said.
The campaign for Issue 4 won voters over by framing its arguments in terms of economics. "The second reason is that people are tired of losing our dollars to surrounding states and their casinos," Gray said. "This was not an effort to somehow make Arkansas a 'casino state.' It was not an effort to do this huge expansion of gambling in the state. It was just an attempt to boost our economy, create thousands of jobs and keep our tax dollars here."
Nonetheless, Issue 4 will significantly expand gambling in Arkansas. The measure directs the Arkansas State Racing Commission to issue four new licenses for casinos to be located in Garland, Crittenden, Jefferson and Pope counties. The Garland County license must be awarded to Oaklawn Jockey Club in Hot Springs and the Crittenden County license must be awarded to Southland Racing Corp., which operates the greyhound track in West Memphis. The racing commission will award the other two licenses following a merit-based application process that has yet to be established. No entity may hold more than one license.
Sanctioned gaming activities include anything found in casinos from Tunica to Vegas. The amendment authorizes "any game played with cards, dice, equipment, or any mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic device or machine for money, property, checks, credit, or any representative value, as well as accepting wagers on sporting events." A federal law prohibiting sports betting was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year, and Issue 4 overrides an Arkansas statute that otherwise still bans the practice in the state
Good legal verbiage and PR aside, there are other reasons why Issue 4 beat the odds and became law. One is the fact that Arkansas's existing gambling industry seems to have been cut in on the deal from the beginning.
Oaklawn and Southland have fiercely guarded their turf from outside competition by fighting previous attempts to establish casinos in Arkansas. Their opposition helped bring down the 2016 proposal, which was pushed by a group of Missouri investors and the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.
The racetracks in Hot Springs and West Memphis have long operated casinos in all but name. Technically, Arkansas law prohibited any casinos until last week, but Oaklawn and Southland convinced the legislature in 2005 to enact a statute allowing patrons to wager on so-called "electronic games of skill." Issue 4 ends the need for this farcical workaround and allows the two "racinos" to begin offering real slots and table games instead of video simulations of such. It also gives them a tax cut and a sizable head start on their two potential competitors, which still must secure licenses, build facilities and gain the blessing of local officials. (In Pope County, at least, that could prove to be a significant roadblock.)
With the racetracks and their attorneys co-opted, groups opposing Issue 4 were left underfunded and outgunned. In 2016, the Family Council, a conservative political advocacy group that opposes gambling in all forms, found itself effectively aligned with Oaklawn and Southland in fighting out-of-state gaming interests. But in 2018, Southland threw its support behind Issue 4 while Oaklawn stayed neutral. Two committees formed to fight Issue 4 together raised only about $30,000 through Oct. 27, the most recent campaign finance reporting date. A third opposition gropu called "Vote No on Issue 4" was only formed in late October. It raised $150,000 from Caesars Entertainment of Las Vegas, but it's not clear how much of that money was actually spent.
In contrast, records show Driving Arkansas Forward raised $7.05 million in contributions through Oct. 27; another committee created to back Issue 4 raised a separate $1.91 million during that period. Through the end of October, supporters of the amendment appear to have outraised opponents by a factor of more than 50 to 1.
Family Council President Jerry Cox said the amendment will adversely affect Arkansas. He said the casinos will have a harmful effect on the communities in which they're located, as those who live nearby will be more susceptible to gambling addiction. Cox also said the casinos will have a negative impact on local economies, as some will choose to spend money on gambling instead of more essential purchases, like groceries and house payments. (It's not just conservatives, of course; plenty of moderate and liberal voters also feel casinos will bring more harm than good to their communities and hurt the poor.)
The passage of Issue 4 is indicative of Arkansas voters becoming less socially conservative, according to Cox. But he said this was in part due to voters being susceptible to expensive, deceptive advertising for Issue 4. "Advertising is very powerful, and voters need to be more astute in discerning what's true and what's not true," Cox told the Arkansas Times.
Much of that money — over $3 million — came from Delaware North, the parent company of Southland. The biggest single contributor, though, was the Downstream Development Authority of the Quapaw Tribe, which contributed at least $3.65 million to promote Issue 4. Cherokee Nation Businesses added another $2.28 million. The Quapaw are the favorites to win the permit in Jefferson County. The Cherokee were eyeing Pope County, but local opposition may derail their plans.
Much is yet to be determined as Arkansas gears up for casinos. Here's what we know so far, and what we don't:
What will change at Oaklawn and Southland, and when?
At this point, the racetracks are holding their cards close to the vest. Both sent terse nonstatements to the Times when asked for comment.
Oaklawn said it's preparing for the 2019 horse racing season, which begins in January, and will "move forward as legislation and regulation permits." Southland didn't offer much more: "We plan to increase our investment, provide more jobs and continue to offer a great experience for our guests. We're still determining our expansion timeline and will have more to say about our specific plans in the coming months, but we will work with the state to add live table games at Southland as soon as is feasible," a spokesman wrote by email.
On Nov. 4, a Talk Business & Politics article quoted an executive at Delaware North as saying the Buffalo, N.Y., company planned to build a $200 million hotel and convention center in West Memphis should Issue 4 pass. Jack McNeill, a senior vice president of governmental affairs, said the investment would be "a priority." Note, however, that that statement came immediately before the election.
The amendment suggests the racetracks could go full casino as soon as mid-March. The Issue 4 ballot title says "Southland and Oaklawn do not have to apply for a license and will automatically receive a casino license upon the [racing] Commission adopting rules and regulations to govern casino gaming." It also says the commission must have rules and regs promulgated within 120 days of the amendment's passage, which is March 14.
If the Hot Springs and West Memphis casinos are as successful as everyone seems to assume they'll be, that raises the question of the future of their tracks themselves. Horse racing at Oaklawn isn't going anywhere anytime soon, presumably. But the world of dog racing is rapidly disappearing. On Election Day, Florida voters approved a measure ending greyhound racing in that state, which is home to 11 of the 17 remaining dog tracks in the U.S. In his interview with Talk Business, McNeill claimed Delaware North hasn't discussed the possibility of discontinuing greyhound racing, but it's hard to believe the multi-billion-dollar food service and hospitality company isn't taking a hard look at the profitability of the track as it prepares to expand.
How will the other two licenses be awarded?
The state Racing Commission is tasked with awarding the Jefferson and Pope county permits. There are seven commissioners, each appointed by the governor, and the positions are unpaid except for a per diem for meetings and travel. The state Department of Finance and Administration provides staff for the commission.
Gray said the application process will be merit-based: "They will pass rules and regs governing the application and licensing process, similar to what was done with medical marijuana. There will be an open application period, and qualified groups will submit applications, and the racing commission will score those applications and award permits."
If there should be more than one applicant for a site, it's not yet clear how they'll be graded. Those criteria will be part of the rules now being promulgated by the commission. The amendment does specify a few things: An applicant must have casino gaming experience and a letter of local support and cannot have a felony conviction.
Might the licenses get tied up in litigation if there are multiple applicants? After all, that's what's happened with medical cannabis. In February 2018, the medical marijuana commission scored dozens of applicants vying for just five cultivation licenses, a flawed process that led to multiple lawsuits, months of delays and accusations that the commissioners' merit-based grading system was riddled with inconsistencies and conflicts of interest.
That seems less likely to happen with the casino licenses. First, there probably won't be large numbers of competitors jostling for the Jefferson or Pope county sites. Second, the medical marijuana commission was created from scratch in 2016, and its five members had no professional knowledge of medical cannabis and very little experience with regulation.
"The racing commission has been around a long time. They are experienced, extremely qualified, and this is not their first rodeo in terms of acting responsibly," Gray said.
How soon can the Jefferson County casino get up and running?
Though the amendment allows any would-be casino operator to seek a permit from the state, the Oklahoma-based Quapaw Tribe has been working with Pine Bluff officials for five years to gain approval of their bid. Quapaw Chair John Berrey said he hopes the tribe's work with the city will help his group prevail in the permitting process.
Berrey told the Times he hopes to file the tribe's application by the end of April, to be "digging dirt" by June and to open a casino in Pine Bluff early in 2020. He said the group has an option on land on the southwest side of the city, but he wasn't ready to reveal the precise location yet. Some land lies outside the city and would be voluntarily annexed. He said the tribe wants an orderly planning process and envisions developing some 180 to 220 acres initially.
Berrey said it took 10 months to build a casino the tribe operates in Joplin, Mo., a development he said has been worth several billion dollars in associated economic activity to that city. If that construction timeline holds, his 2020 target for a Pine Bluff casino and restaurant could be close. It might take longer to complete the hotel portion of the project, Berrey said.
The Quapaw-run casino would offer all gambling options, including a sports book, but Berrey said sports wagering is not a major focus of casino operation because it has a low profit margin.
The Quapaw Tribe is a government, not a shareholder-owned corporation, Berrey emphasized. He said it would devote more to community development than a casino corporation driven strictly by the bottom line. "We're about building communities," he said. "Our goal is to make it a better place for people to live."
Pine Bluff was briefly home to the Quapaw during the 19th century. The tribe occupied eastern Arkansas during prehistoric and historic times.
Will Pope County hold the line?
The situation in Pope County is complicated by the fact that the voters there don't want a casino. Sixty percent of those casting ballots in the county voted against Issue 4 in the election. And, 70 percent of Pope County voters approved an initiative that would bar the county judge or the quorum court from issuing a letter of support absent a local election that gives them the authority to do so. Issue 4 requires any applicant to obtain such a letter.
But would a local option election be permissible, given that Issue 4 is now enshrined in the Arkansas Constitution?
"Obviously, civics 101 says state law trumps local," County Judge-elect Ben Cross told the Times. The issue is moot, however, because Cross said he will not issue a letter of support "until the people of Pope County decide otherwise." The quorum court has already expressed its opposition. As things stand now, then, it doesn't appear that a casino will be built near Russellville anytime in the near future.
Christopher Burks, the lawyer for Citizens for a Local Choice, a Pope County group that sought to throw Issue 4 off the ballot, noted that the amendment could be read as having contradictory language. It says licenses "shall be" issued for Jefferson and Pope counties, but that to be successful, an applicant must have a letter of support either from the county judge or the quorum court — and, if the casino is to be operated in a city, from the mayor of that city.
Representatives of the Cherokee Nation met last summer with Cross. According to people familiar with the casino campaign, that wasn't early enough to convince county leadership of the benefits of a casino. The Quapaw worked for five years gathering support in Jefferson County.
The Cherokee interest in Pope County could be intended to stymie competition from the Choctaw Tribe, which operates a casino 15 minutes southwest of Fort Smith. The Cherokees operate a casino in West Siloam Springs, on the Benton County border.
What does the passage of Issue 4 mean for Indian gaming in other parts of Arkansas?
Federal law says that lands held in trust for recognized tribes can be used for any type of gambling otherwise permitted elsewhere in the state. The Quapaw Tribe owns undeveloped land near the Little Rock Port. Should the tribe convince the federal government to designate that land as tribal trust land, it's possible the Quapaw could build a casino there. City and county officials took a number of steps to prevent the Quapaws from doing that after they acquired the land.
But Berrey said that putting land into trust "has become more and more difficult and political." It requires approval of members of Congress, a governor and other local officials. "I just don't see it happening," he said.
What will be the impact on state revenue and jobs?
Don't expect public coffers to see a big windfall in the near term, unless you live in Garland or Crittenden counties. The state Department of Finance and Administration has projected general revenue will take a $36 million hit in the upcoming fiscal year as a result of Issue 4. Driving Arkansas Forward believes that number will rebound and then some within several years.
Currently, Oaklawn and Southland are taxed at 20 percent on their net wagering revenues on "electronic games of skill." The state takes 18 percent and city and county government take 2 percent. On top of that, an additional 15 percent is set aside for purse money (meaning prizes distributed to live racing winners) and support for the racing commission.
After the racetracks obtain the new licenses under Issue 4, the 15 percent dedicated to purses and the racing commission will remain in place. But the total 20 percent rate paid to state and local government will decline to just 13 percent on the first $150 million of net wagering revenues. Of that 13 percent, a little over half will go to state general revenue and a little over a quarter will go to local governments. The rest will further fund racing purses. The tax rate rises to 20 percent again on any wagering revenues above $150 million.
In short, that means more money for city and county government, more money for purse support (which bolsters the status of Arkansas as a racing destination), more money staying in the pockets of Oaklawn and Southland and less money for state general revenue.
Right now, state general revenue receives about $64 million from the two racetracks. That will decrease to about $28 million in the next fiscal year, according to the DFA analysis. Garland and Crittenden counties, together with the cities of Hot Springs and West Memphis, will see a projected gain of about $7 million in that time.
Gray said his group didn't dispute that state general revenue will see a "temporary gap" before the new casinos come online. The big question is what happens after that. The first year all four casinos are operational, Driving Arkansas Forward said it anticipated a total of $120 million in total tax revenue, yielding $66 million for state general revenue, $33 million for local government and the rest for purse support.
The DFA analysis didn't take such a rosy view. Even once all the casinos are up and running, it projected state revenue would only stand at about $50 million, or $14 million less than the current take.
Gray said Driving Arkansas Forward projects general revenue to increase thereafter. Five years after all the casinos are online, he said, general revenue should reach $80 to $85 million. "But those projections were before Southland announced it was going to make a $200 million investment on its property, so I would assume that Southland will potentially exceed what was projected," he added. Gray also noted state and local governments will also receive more sales, property and income taxes as a result of the casinos.
As for jobs, Gray said a study commissioned by Driving Arkansas Forward estimated Issue 4 would generate about 8,000 construction jobs over the next 18 months. After construction is complete, he said, the casinos should sustain about 6,000 new positions statewide.
Will new laws need to be passed?
The passage of a new constitutional amendment often necessitates new legislation to flesh out the details. But Gray said he didn't foresee the need for enabling legislation in the 2019 session, which begins in January.
"I don't really anticipate any legislation that would affect the amendment. The amendment was very detailed and very thorough in terms of who does what, and the racing commission has the authority to regulate casino gaming," he said.
In 2017, after Arkansas voted yes on medical marijuana, legislators put forward a host of bills tinkering around the edges of the amendment. Some were meant to slow down or derail the rollout of cannabis, but others were much needed clarifications to law. Gray said the situation is different with Issue 4.
"I think the difference between medical marijuana and casinos is that marijuana was and still is a Schedule 1 drug, so there are some federal issues," he said. Also, while medical marijuana laws are still fairly new, casinos have been operating in many states for decades. "So, I really don't think you'll see the same sort of reaction," he said.
State Rep. Doug House (R-North Little Rock), who sponsored a number of 2017 bills aimed at fixing issues with the marijuana amendment, said he's heard "loose talk" among some members about passing oversight legislation related to Issue 4.
"It's just discussion at this point. There's no clear formulation of issues," House said. The main concern for the legislature and the governor, he added, is addressing the $36 million state budget shortfall expected to result from the tax break given to Oaklawn and Southland.
Max Brantley, Rebekah Hall and Leslie Newell Peacock contributed to this story.
Arkansas becomes casino country
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elinor-sutton · 6 years
Fuck MAGA: Then & Now
I started this blog right after the 2016 election.
I was angry, and it was an outlet that I needed, but after a few posts, I did not consider my rage a priority worth my time.
I was told that it might be unhealthy to indulge an anger so deep that it began to form, for me, an existential foundation of being—almost always in hair-trigger battle mode, rhetoric and righteous anger at the ever-fucking READY.
BUT I have a life that needs attention and only occasionally merits ferocity, so I gave up blogging.
And now? All this time later, I am still in a near-constant state of slow burn, and it’s been way too long without an eruption.
In the year-and-a-half since I let the blog slide, the Perpetrator-in-Chief has lived down to the worst of my expectations, and he shows no signs of improvement. It’s a narcissist thing. He CANNOT improve because he cannot recognize ANY of his infinite faults. Here’s one: GROWN-UPS don’t play Keep Away or Made You Look or the fucking Dozens with psychotic nuclear-arsenal-wielding tyrants. [It should go without saying that, if at all possible, nuclear arsenals should not be handed to psychotic tyrants in the first place, but MAGA, or whatever, right? If you live, maybe you learn. FINGERS CROSSED!]
But really, are we STILL living in a world where the safety of [at least] half the planet comes down to a man-child measuring contest?
Dear President Prick-for-Brains,
If you have to start a motherfucking WAR over it, it’s NEVER going to measure UP!
If you’re looking at the world—and the supposed leader of those parts of it which are purportedly “free”—and you’re not losing your damn mind, you must have some sort of pre-established lunacy. [I’m not speaking of mental health problems. Mental health and mental healthcare are legitimate issues ignored by the thoughts-and-prayers crowd unless they need a scapegoat/catchphrase for the walking, shooting consequences of MAGA-indoctrination.] I’m thinking of the WHITE-NATIONALIST-NAZI-RACIST-MISOGYNISTIC-PATRIOTISM-BEFORE-PEOPLE-BUT-REALLY-ME-FIRST-AND-FUCK-EVERYONE-ELSE psychosis that passes for conservative politics since 45 first got his ridiculous feelings hurt by a black man and a “nasty woman” who were—and ARE—undeniably his betters. Or maybe since Mitch McConnell crawled out of his deep, dark shell and STOLE A SUPREME COURT SEAT while we sat on our hands and muttered, “Can he do that?”
Evidently, he can! AND with ZERO consequences—not for him or any other limp-dick Sentry of the Status Quo tip-toeing his way across the Glass Ceiling, stroking his Keys to the Kingdom, or hiding under his Protector of the Patriarchy parasol because HE KNOWS—they ALL know—that “Zero Consequences” comes with a big, fat, fucking YET, and she is a BOSS BITCH—woke and coming ready with a to-do list several centuries in the making. Her list says, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” It says Black Lives Matter, Me Too, My Body/My Choice, LOVEisLOVE, NoH8, and NO MORE. She’s got Science-based, Evidence-based, Fact-based TRUTH with ZERO Alternatives because TIME is fucking UP!
And that means White Male Privilege [WMP—pronounced “wimp,” right?] is coming to an end. I can’t pinpoint the starting line, but scared-shitless white men with money and/or guns have been running THE REST OF US down since well before this “great” nation was founded, and there are far too many of “the rest of us” who buy into their bullshit—53% of white women [pronounced “silly twits”]?! If you don’t fall into any category that benefits from WMP, and you voted/plan to vote for more of this nonsense, your patriotic duty, as of this moment, is to wake up every morning and punch yourself in the fucking face until something like SENSE prevails. Side effects MAY include REASON and a newfound appreciation for ACTUAL FACTS as opposed to the alternative variety, but if that fails, it is my heartfelt hope that when you make your way to the voting booth—to do what is, of course, your civic duty—you may just do us all a favor, and GET LOST!
[On a friendlier note, if you benefit from WMP and DID NOT vote in favor of our present national tragedy, congratulations on your conscience! Please take your place in the crowd, and resist the urge to act like you know everything. Instead, memorize this mantra and repeat to yourself as often as necessary to convert words to action: I’VE HAD MY TURN TO TALK. NOW IS MY TIME TO LISTEN.]
I am still angry, and I will remain so as long as “Making America Great” looks like:
1. Children murdered at school with unregulated guns or ripped away from immigrant parents who thought they could find safety in this “great” country,
2. Law enforcement abusing and KILLING men and women of color without consequence,
3. Tax cuts designed to further line the pockets of the few at the expense of the many and promote the “trickle-down” bullshit we’ve been forced to swallow, off and on, since the fucking 80s—when it didn’t work the first time.
4. Ordinary Americans struggling, or going without, while working full time for LESS THAN A LIVING WAGE,
5. Ignoring veterans who are homeless, wait months for promised healthcare, and/or commit suicide at more than twice the rate of civilians,
6. Women facing unconstitutional restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare and a choice that is STILL A LEGAL RIGHT,
7. LGBTQ+ people living with discrimination from bathrooms to bakeries and everywhere in-between—including public schools and the workplace,
8. People with disabilities at risk of losing the protection of the ADA, and disabled children at risk of losing their right to a “free and appropriate public education” under IDEA,
9. Underserved children, or those who suffer illegal discrimination in schools, losing protection from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights,
10. Environmental protections rolled back to protect corporate profits,
11. The sex offender/demagogue/imbecilic slab of semi-sentient slime—AND the soulless mob of Republican/MAGA-minions fighting to stroke his [gross] ego—that we have given ourselves in place of legitimate leadership,
12. And the untold number of HUMAN BEINGS suffering from the tragic FOLLY of a deluded minority of voters.
For as long as this country is attacked by toxic overgrown toddlers who play at governing, and in their incompetence, damage its environment, menace its people, abuse the fundamentals of democracy and the republic, and terrorize those who protest, I will NURSE this rage and STOKE its fire.
This is MY COUNTRY. I love it, and I recognize that TRUE LOVE does not ignore fault. This country has NEVER achieved “greatness” for all of its people. It is fortunate for “the rest of us” that patriotism does not demand blind loyalty. It does not hinge love of country on absolutes, and it does not forever marry us to White Male Privilege and what has been done in its name. We pledge allegiance to an IDEAL, and then we work the phones, yell ourselves hoarse, march until our feet bleed, and fucking VOTE to mold OUR COUNTRY into what it should be.
We DO NOT forget the progress we have made. We remember every step forward even as we recognize that the ignorant, forgotten [whatever], and privileged—with their long-overdue last gasp—forced us to take two steps back. We didn’t NEED to go backward. Nobody needs this bullshit—EVER. But we can use this. We can take a look, MARK what we missed and LEARN where and HOW we can do better. We can do what needs to be done to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Step One: EMBRACE the anger. We can be appalled at all the FUCKING BULLSHIT the MAGA-goons have wrought and amazed that WE STILL HAVE FUCKS TO GIVE. We can revel in the madness that living in this time brings us—because progressives know how to USE rage. We know how to mine it. We have a long history of crafting change from righteous anger, and [always] moving on—an inch or a mile at a time—pushing a reluctant nation to keep its promise of “LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.”
Numbers, time, and momentum are on OUR SIDE. We need to get MAD, and we need to do it TOGETHER—FOR FUCK’S OBVIOUS SAKE—and then we need to run these backward motherfuckers down with an ever-loving TIDAL WAVE OF PROGRESS that will put two steps back so far beyond the last red mile marker that even Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell will regain consciousness in the gender-neutral bathroom of an inclusive, well-funded public school with no fear of shooters, fully aware that Black Lives Matter, wearing a pussyhat, shouting TIME’S UP, and feeling grateful for the motherfucking PRIVILEGE!
So yeah, I’ve been paying attention, and I’m still angry, and it’s long past time to start talking about it again.
Stay tuned.
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I post this not expecting many to read it all. Skim and decide if you think this information should spread.
On December 12 2017, voters in Alabama will pick their Senate representative. 
The Democratic candidate is Doug Jones, the prosecutor that brought to justice two KKK members responsible for a 1963 bombing that killed four black girls.   
His Republican opponent, Roy Moore, is expected to win. In the Senate he would make laws for the whole country.
Who is Roy Moore? This is going to be long, but skip to any portion and tell me it’s not important. Try it.
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1947- Born.
1969 - Graduated from the Military Academy at West Point. Deployed to Vietnam.  In his command position, Moore was seen as both reckless and excessively strict, even demanding troops salute him on the battlefield (he had been trained not to do that since it makes it easier for enemy to identify a command target).  In his autobiography Moore stated that he believed his own men hated him so much they intended to kill him if given the chance.
1977 - Moore graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law.  Former staff and students recall him as an unusually inept and argumentative student, who had difficulty formulating arguments based on existing law. One teacher said “If Moore's analysis of a case was tantamount to thinking 1 + 1 = 3, and his classmates reasoned otherwise, there was no backing down by Moore ... Moore never won one argument, and the debates got ugly and personal.” He became an Assistant District Attorney in Alabama.
1977 - Moore allegedly sexually harassed 18-year-old Gena Richardson.
1978-1979 - Moore allegedly sexually assaulted Beverly Young Nelson, a 15/16 year old girl.
1979 - Moore allegedly sexually assaulted Leigh Corfman, a 14 year old girl.  He was 32.
1970s-1980s - According to former mall-workers, Moore was ultimately banned from a shopping mall because he harassed teen girls there.  Phyllis Smith claimed that Moore had such a bad reputation that staff would draw straws to decide who would see him in his official capacity whenever a customer’s check bounced.  Wendy Miller, who worked as a “Santa’s helper” at the mall when she was 14-16, claims that Moore tried to get her to go out with him. 
1985 - Moore married.
1991 - Moore allegedly sexually harassed Tina Johnson.
[Nine women have made claims against Moore, including of sexual assault and sexual harassment.  The youngest was 14 at the time.]
1992 - When a County Circuit Judge died, Moore was given the vacant position by the governor.  Moore hung a wooden copy of the Ten Commandments behind his bench, and opened proceedings by asking everyone in court to pray with him. At least once he had a clergyman lead the Jury in prayer. He informed USA Today that no Muslim or Buddhist would pray in his court because “they do not acknowledge the God of the Holy Bible upon which this country is established.”
1995 - Moore was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which argued that the prayers and Moore’s Ten Commandments display amounted to a public official using his position to force his faith on others. The case was eventually thrown out on a  technicality.
1995 - Moore addressed the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” a White Supremacist group (the Nation’s largest) that Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof cited as an influence.
1996 - Alabama’s governor explicitly banned same sex marriage.
1996 - In a divorce case, Moore ruled that a woman should lose all custody of her children to their father and should be barred from ever seeing them again without court supervision, because she’d had a gay affair.
1997 - Moore claimed that teaching evolution results in increased crime like drive-by shootings. “They’re acting like animals because we’ve taught them they come from animals."
1999 - The American Family Association (a hate group that, among other things, claimed that the Nazis were actually homosexuals... yes really) encouraged Moore to run for the Alabama State Supreme Court. Moore's campaign emphasized religion, claiming that reduced influence of Christianity on society “corresponded directly with school violence, homosexuality, and crime.”
2001 - Moore became Alabama’s Chief Justice, and installed a monument within the state judicial building.  A granite block weighing over 5000 pounds, it was covered with quotes from the Declaration of Independence and the Founding Fathers, and on top - the clear centerpiece - were two large carved tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. Which he copyrighted.
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2001 - The ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and others sued to have the monument removed  since putting it in a government building indicated a clear government endorsement of a specific religion. Moore stated that yes, he really was endorsing Christianity, saying that it was the one true religion, and that the entire country was founded upon that religion. He was pretty up-front on this.
2002 - Chief Justice Moore’s duties included managing justice system funds. When he didn’t get the funding he wanted no cuts were made until the courts went broke. He suspended all civil & jury trials until given new funding. Alabama had the highest paid judges in the US. He’s bad at budgeting, basically.
2002 -  Moore ruled that a lesbian mother and her partner shouldn’t be given custody of her three children.  The children’s father had admitted to slapping them and bugging their phones to record conversations with their mother. Moore cited Biblical law, including the stories of Sodom and Gommorah. Moore called homosexuality “an act so heinous that it defies one's ability to describe it” “an inherent evil” and “abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature." 
He specifically stated that homosexuals should lose custody of their children, and argued for the most extreme punishments for homosexual parents.  “The state carries the power of the sword, that is, the power to prohibit conduct with physical penalties, such as confinement and even execution. It must use that power to prevent the subversion of children toward this lifestyle, to not encourage a criminal lifestyle.”
2002 - The monument case went to Federal Court. Moore lost.  The monument was declared unconstitutional.
2003 - He was ordered to remove the unconstitutional monument.  He refused. He was removed from office for failing to comply with a Federal Court order.
2004 - Moore created the “Constitution Restoration Act”.  If it became law, it would make it legal for government officials to use their position to explicitly endorse Christianity and say that God is the source of all American law, liberty, and government.  The Act would also make it illegal for the Supreme Court or any Federal Court to hear cases about government officials using their position to show favoritism to Christianity over other religions.
2003 - Moore and his wife founded the "Foundation for Moral Law," an organization devoted to Christian Right court cases. In 2005 it accepted a contribution from a Neo-Nazi Holocaust denying group. Multiple irregularities were found in its finances. Moore at one point lied by saying that he had no salary from the organization, when in fact he had collected more than a million dollars, far more than the organization had declared on its taxes. His 2011 salary of $453,000 for 20 hours a week meant 83 cents of every dollar given to the group went to him.
And it employs his wife and at least two of its kids. And there’s major overlap between the "charity" work and his political activities. And it hasn’t filed correct tax forms for 2015 or 2016. And it hosted an event with a speaker from the League of the South, a hate group that wants to bring back the Confederacy.
2004 - Alabama considered passing an Amendment to repeal the portions of the state constitution that mandated racial segregation in schools and imposed a poll tax for the right to vote. Moore opposed the Amendment and it was not passed - the state constitution still mandates segregation and a poll tax. 
2005 - Moore said that homosexuality should be illegal.
2006 - Moore said homosexuals should not be allowed have government jobs, specifically stating his disgust about openly-gay ambassadors.
2006 - Moore supported death sentences for minors.
2006 - In response to the election of Keith Ellison - the first Muslim elected to Congress - Moore wrote an article titled “Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit in Congress.”  In addition to arguing that Muslims should not be allowed to be elected officials in America, Moore compared swearing someone into office on the Koran to be like swearing someone in using  Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
2007 - Moore argued that only the “higher law” of God had allowed for prosecuting Nazi war criminals.
2007 - Moore said there is no right to a painless death penalty (regular exonerations indicate that many death row inmates are wrongly convicted). 
2007 - Moore objected to “hate crime” legislature, especially when extended for gay individuals.
2007 - Moore opposed preschool, saying preschool students were “much more likely to learn a liberal social and political philosophy,” and said sending kids to preschool was molding children’s minds like something done by Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.
2008 - Moore was a leading voice for the “birther” conspiracy, saying he didn’t believe Obama was a U.S. citizen and demanding investigation into Obama’s place of birth.
2009 and 2010 - Moore’s “Foundation for Moral Law” hosted “Secession Day Commemorations,” featuring individuals tied to hate groups, organized by Patricia Godwin, whose racist acts include regularly celebrating the KKK’s founder’s birthday.
2010 - Moore spoke in favor of “nullification,” which would allow State governments to ignore the Federal government (favored by those that want to ignore Federal Civil Rights Laws). Moore stated that unless more is done to increase states’ rights people will find themselves “totally disarmed, under UN Guard that's stationed at every house.”
2011 - Moore wrote a chapter of a “Law textbook" published by the evangelical Christian "Vision Forum," a group known for extreme sexism (especially a belief that society should be a “Patriarchy”).  The book was critical of giving women the right to vote, and in one chapter (not by Moore) claimed the Bible prohibits female leaders and says voters have a moral obligation to never vote for women. Moore worked for Vision Forum (including giving speeches to “men only” gatherings) and praised the organization (which collapsed in 2014 when its founder was accused of sexual harassment).  
2011 - Said he wanted to get rid of all Amendments after the 10th. Slavery was abolished with the 13th Amendment.
2012 - The people of Alabama elected Moore to be Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Again.
2012 - Moore stated that the government is “the enemy of the people” because it promotes “tolerance and diversity” which he feels is evil. He also said that the legalization of gay marriage is proof the government is against "the people".  “Should we praise diversity? We’re one nation under God, that’s not diverse.“
2012 - Moore said that President Obama favors “the Muslim faith, and there is a reason for this.“
2012 - Moore stated that health insurance minimum requirements to cover family planning violate the first amendment.
2012 - Moore stated that evolution is incompatible with the Constitution.
2012 - Moore said that secular laws in America are leading to Sharia and allowing other religions to practice their faiths, stating “our religious freedom comes from God, and if it doesn’t come from God people have to realize we will lose it and that is happening in our country today with Sharia law and the allowance of religious practices for other groups but not Christians.”  He later added “Christians are being persecuted while people of a religion foreign to our country are doing what they want.”
2014 - Moore and other Alabama Supreme Court justices argued that women who have abortions should be jailed, along with women whose behavior endangers their pregnancies.
2014 - Moore’s Chief of Staff made a major push to end reproductive rights in America, outlying a plan to define zygotes as persons as a way to indirectly defeat Roe vs. Wade (elements of this plan are found in the Republican tax legislature of 2017).
2014 - Moore sent letters to the governors of all 50 states, asking them to pass a federal ban on gay marriage.
2014 - James Ware was convicted of rape, leaving his victim bound and gagged. Moore argued that DNA evidence was not strong evidence and that Ware should have been allowed to question every lab tech involved in the DNA tests that linked him to the crime, not just the lead scientist.  During Moore's 2013-2016 tenure he ruled on 16 sex crime cases, siding with the offender in 13 cases (including 10 times when the court majority disagreed with him). 
2014 - Moore stated that he believes the only religion protected under the first amendment is Christianity. “Buddha didn't create us. Mohamed didn't create us. It's the God of the Holy Scriptures.”
2014 - When a school official was convicted of raping two 15 year old girls, Moore dissented from other judges by saying the rapist should have been allowed to defend himself by bringing the girls’ bisexuality into the case.  Moore felt that it would have helped the defense argue that the girls were biased and colluding to frame the accused. Under special guidelines the man was given less than the 10-year minimum sentence he would have normally received.
2014 - When a gay man died, Moore’s “Foundation For Moral Law” fought to keep the man’s husband from inheriting anything.
2014 - Moore expressed disgust that a city council allowed a gay pride parade, and once allowed a Wiccan to open a meeting with prayer.
2015 - Moore’s Foundation used out-of-context video clips to promote the conspiracy that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim.
2015 - Moore indicated he believes anti-gay hate crimes are just faked by gay individuals.
2015 - Moore supported the “Institute on the Constitution,” a group that teaches that the Constitution requires that public officeholders believe in God, that “the promotion of evolution is an act of disloyalty to America,” that “there is no such thing as a civil right”, and that legislative bodies lose all  “validity” if they pass marriage equality laws. Moore appeared in a video praising their work. The Institute donated to Moore.
2015 - Moore appeared at least 5 times on a show with a pastor that said homosexuality was a crime that the government should be punish by execution.  Moore was directly asked if he felt that homosexuality should be punished by death. He declined to state what punishment he thought was appropriate.
2015 - Moore argued that legalizing gay marriage would pave the way for letting the government take children from their parents.
2015 - Moore said Christians would be “persecuted” due to gay marriage.
2015 - Moore asked for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to be impeached for her support of gay marriage.
2015 - Moore supported calls for a Federal ban on all Muslim immigrants.
2016 - When a school police officer was convicted of having sex with a student, Moore argued that since the man was not technically a school employee, he may have been wrongly prosecuted.
2016 - The United States Supreme Court ruled that gay individuals have a fundamental right to marriage, and laws prohibiting gay marriage are unconstitutional.  Moore stated that the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage was “worse” than the Supreme Court’s 19th Century decision to allow racial segregation. In direct defiance of the United States Supreme Court, Moore ordered all Alabama Judges to continue enforcing the state’s ban on gay marriage and to refuse to give gay couples marriage licenses.  Moore stated that “divine law” outranked the U.S. Supreme Court.   Numerous charges were made against Moore, who was suspended.  When he lost his appeal he resigned from his Alabama Supreme Court office... and announced he was running for Senate.
2016 - Moore repeated his belief that Obama was secretly not a U.S. citizen.
2017 - Moore keeps statues of Confederate leaders by his desk.
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July 2017 - Moore supported the idea of a border wall and said that people that grew up in the United States after being brought when they were children (”Dreamers”) should be deported.
August 2017 - Moore said the Constitution was written to “foster Christianity.”
August 2017 - Moore said that September 11 happened because Americans had “moved away from God” by doing things like not criminalizing homosexuality.
August 2017 - Moore falsely claimed that there are places in Northern States where people are forced to live under Sharia law.
August 2017 - Moore stated that the U.S. has “asked for” shootings and killings (such as the Sandy Hook massacre of 28 people including 20 children) by “moving away from God” (not being Christian enough), particularly by legalizing gay marriage.
August 2017 - Moore admired Vladimir Putin’s treatment of homosexuals.
September 2017 - Moore promised to repeal The Affordable Care Act (”Obamacare”).
September 2017 - Moore's campaign page boasted of an endorsement from Matt Trewhella, a Neo-Confederate that claims it's morally justifiable to murder abortion providers, and an endorsement from Neo-Confederate Michael Peroutka, who claims all laws not supported by the Bible are illegal.
September 2017 - Moore said he would use military force to end illegal immigration. 
September 2017 - Moore said he was against transgender people being in the military and supported anti-transgender “Bathroom Bills”.
September 2017 - Moore stated that the last time America was “Great” was during slavery. “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”
September 2017 - Moore won the Republican Primary in Alabama.
October 2017 - Moore falsely claimed that “taking a knee” during the National Anthem is against the law.
November 2017 - Moore refused to debate his Democratic opponent Doug Jones. Though pressed that this seemed cowardly, he stated that he would not talk to Jones due to Jones’ "very liberal stance on transgenderism and transgenderism in the military and in bathrooms."  He added that transgender people “don’t have rights.”
November 2017 - Moore stated "they started [to] create new rights in 1965, and today we've got a problem" in reference to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibited racial discrimination in voting.
November 2017 - nine women made sexual misconduct and sexual assault allegations against Moore. The youngest was 14 at the time of the assault, another began interacting with Moore when she was 14.
December 2017 - A handwriting expert confirmed that a signature in a yearbook of one of his accusers belongs to Moore, contradicting his claim that he never knew her. The accuser said that she’d added a note listing the date and place, explaining why that part was in different handwriting, a clarification widely and falsely reported as an admission of forging Moore’s signature.
December 2017 - Donald Trump endorsed Moore and The Republican National Convention (RNC) funded his campaign, meaning that the RNC has essentially said they're okay with endorsing all of the above. Congressional Republicans have not called on the RNC to stop this support, so think of Moore as the running mate for every Republican seeking office in 2018.
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cksmart-world · 3 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
August 31, 2021
Thank goodness for ace Courtney Tanner whose recent piece in The Tribune dispelled myths that keep parents from trusting masks. According to doctors, masks don't make kids breath their own carbon dioxide; don't cause kids to get anxiety or depression; and don't weaken their immune system. Here at Smart Bomb, the staff scoured right-wing media to find more myths for freedom-loving parents who remain skeptical:
1 – Masks can give your kids antisocial behaviors — such as armed robbery.
2 – Masks could make you kids hate Halloween for the rest of their lives.
3 – They will make your kids even more paranoid than you.
4 – Wearing masks might turn your kids into bleeding-heart liberals.
5 – Masks will also lead your girls to support the Equal Rights Amendment.
6 – They could make your kids believe in Global Warming.
7 – Wearing masks could get kids to believe in science, generally.
8 – Masks would turn your kids against voting restrictions in minority districts.
9 – They could make your kids into gun-control freaks.
10 – And wearing masks will make kids think they still have freedom!
Utah Republicans love to gerrymander voting districts to ensure that Democracy is safe from Democrats. The fact that Salt Lake County, the Democratic stronghold, has been sliced up like a pie is really about saving Salt Lakers from themselves. Ah, but there is a fly in the ointment. For the first time, the new Utah Independent Redistricting Commission will make boundaries more fair in the wake of Proposition 4, which was passed by voters in 2018. There is, however, a safeguard that may save us from real representative government. Republicans in the Legislature will have the final say as to whether to adopt the commission's voting-map recommendations or to continue with the GOP's modus of saving their right to deny people theirs. The brethren on the hill are not only sanctimonious but are as wise as Herod Antipas. They gutted, er uh, modified three 2018 initiatives: Proposition 2, which legalized medical marijuana; Proposition 3, expansion of Medicare; and Proposition 4, which established the Redistricting Commission. Some hope the Republicans will accept the commission's voting maps. Well, maybe they will, right after congressional Republicans agree to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection — about the time hell freezes over.
If evolution were true, every other baby would be born a chimpanzee. We should have known by July 1925 that a lot of Americans think science is so much Voodoo. That's when John Scopes was charged with the crime of teaching human evolution, which was strictly taboo in Tennessee and much of Christian America. After reading about the horrors of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” that killed some 675,000 Americans, President George W. Bush in 2004 ordered that a pandemic response be organized — and eventually it was — only to be thrown out by Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton. Nonetheless, the authors of the pandemic plan did not foresee that once a life-saving vaccine was created, people would refuse to take it — meaning the virus would mutate (evolve) and continue to infect people, even if they were vaccinated. Many Christian groups have been dissing science for centuries — it undercuts belief in God, they say. You can believe God or science — not both. Hello Galileo. Of course, they don't think about that when they watch a spacecraft go to the moon on TV. Who was it who said, “There is no cure for dumb.” In this case — in a sort of reverse evolution — the ignorant may determine the future of the informed. Darwin, rollover.
Post script —What if Robert Kennedy had been elected president in 1968 instead of Richard Nixon. Last week Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan was granted release by the California Board of Parole. The Palestinian shot Kennedy after his victory in the California primary in June 1968. (Gov. Gavin Newsom must approve the parole.) Robert Kennedy may have pulled us out of Vietnam earlier, but one thing is certain — there would have been no “Watergate.” It would be a different world. And what if Al Gore had won Florida in 2000 to become president instead of George W. Bush. We wouldn't have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. A different world, indeed. The parallels between Vietnam and Afghanistan are striking.Why we didn't learn from Vietnam that nation building can't work in a hostile country without institutions should tell us that our doctrine of global military dominance needs reexamination, to say the least. So forget the old saw from George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Instead we should face this reality from Friedrich Hegel: "The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history." And Wilson adds this: Human beings tend to screw things up. Amen, brother, amen.
Alright Wilson, that about does it for another fun-filled week here at Smart Bomb. So  maybe you and the guys in the band can get us to kick back a bit with something that gives a nod to our forebears:
I look out my window, but I can't see the sky 'Cos the air pollution is fogging up my eyes I want to get out of this city alive And make like an ape man Come and love me, be my ape man girl And we will be so happy in my ape man world
I'm an ape man, I'm an ape ape man, I'm an ape man I'm a King Kong man, I'm a Voo-doo man I'm an ape man
I'll be your Tarzan, you'll be my Jane I'll keep you warm and you'll keep me sane And we'll sit in the trees and eat bananas all day Just like an ape man
I'm an ape man, I'm an ape ape man, I'm an ape man I'm a King Kong man, I'm a voo-doo man I'm an ape man...
(Apeman — The Kinks)
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