#his name is mel like her dead ass brother
bunbox · 6 years
What are lum's hobbies
Lum enjoys long walks, and talking to Av Kodai. She also likes to read, write, and actually quite likes adventuring. She loves to tag along with Kodai on any errands. Oh, and she has a pet tiger thing that she loves to pamper and train.
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detroit-become-hurt · 4 years
Do As I Say
Summary: You meet the Swedes for the first time
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You had been working at the Commission for several years now, quickly climbing their ranks. As time progressed, you became one of their best field agents. So normally, when you got new recruits in, it was your job to train them along with some other well skilled agents. “y/n, please report to the lobby, y/n please report to the lobby.” someone announced over the comm. “Looks like you get some new trainees today,” your friend Mel says, catching the book you tossed to her. 
“Yup. And let's hope they’re not idiots this time. The last batch I had to train never listened, and now look where they are. Dead as flies. Seeya Mel.” throwing your suit jacket back on you made your way down towards the lobby where you saw Andrew, another co-worker of yours, and three blond men. “Ah, y/n, good to see you as always. Anyways, these are the new recruits we need you to train.” He says. “Why aren’t they in uniform?” You asked, noting that the three brothers wore very...dated looking clothes. “Ah, that is classified. All I can tell you is that you have to train them. Show em how to fight, but in regards to the protocol that we have to follow, they don’t. Why? Couldn’t tell ya.” 
Rolling your eyes you huffed, “I understand the meaning of the word training dummy I’ve trained countless agents here, you included so don’t be getting cocky with me. Anyways, you three, follow me. We’ll get started now.” You say beginning to walk away. “Bite me y/n, just make sure that these three don’t die this time or we’re all in trouble.” Hearing this you stopped dead in your tracks, almost causing the shortest man to bump into your backside. Before the three could react you had grabbed a knife that was in the inside pocket-how you knew that was there bewildered them-and threw it right at Andrew.
“Jesus! Fucking hell you crazy ass! That hurt!” he cries out as you pinned him to a wall, the knife going through his ear. “You’re lucky I wasn’t aiming for your eyes, or better yet your dick you insolent piece of shit! You know just as well as I do that it wasn’t my fault the last recruits died in the field. Now watch your tongue before I cut it out!” Pulling the knife out you wiped the blood on his jacket before returning it to the man you took it from. By now everyone was staring at you, watching to see what would happen next. “Return to your business, you three with me.” You say walking back in your originally intended direction. 
The three men followed silently, following you into a training room. “Right, my name’s y/n. You do exactly as I say, when I say. If you don’t you end up dying. What’s your name?” You asked. They were silent for a moment before speaking, “Oscar”, “Otto”, “Axel”. “Great okay, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, because there’s nothing I hate more than training people and them not asking questions when they have the chance! Now, before we begin, any questions to start off with?” You asked.
Oscar raised his hand, and with a laugh you called on him. “How did you know about the knife…” You shrug, “Where the knife sat, it created a stiff area of your coat. Besides, what kind of field agent would I be if I didn’t know my opponent had weapons on them? Any more?” Not receiving an answer you clapped your hands. “Right, so do any of you have experience with hand to hand?” both Otto and Axel nodded. “Alright, lets see what you boys got. Axel, you first.” He followed you to the middle of the room where there were mats laid down. “Give me all you got.” You say. Otto and Oscar had to admit, watching you fight Axel was very intriguing. It seems you were both evenly matched, which was a first. Not even Otto could best Axel in hand to hand.
“You’re actually really good,” You say when Axel managed to put you in a choke hold, “But you’re not good enough.” And with that you managed to escape his hold, flipping him over and pinning him to the ground. “At least, not yet,” you whispered in his ear before standing up. “Otto, you’re next.” You called after tapping Axel’s arm signaling he was done. Your height compared to Otto was drastic, and seeing this Otto thought he would have an advantage. However, he was proven wrong when you had him pinned down as well. Axel wouldn’t show or say it, but he was very impressed by you. He found you interesting, and when you whispered in his ear-no. Forget that.
The rest of the day was spent evaluating the current skills the brothers had. They weren’t bad, but they could be better. Wiping the sweat off your brow you sighed as you looked at your watch. “Well, that does it for today. Tomorrow, we’ll meet back here to work on some more skills. See you then.” You say dismissing them. You were packing up some of the training equipment before deciding to speak, “Whatever you have to say spit it out.” 
“What happened to the last recruits?” Axel asked, causing you to sigh. Turning to face the brothers you see that they’re clearly curious. “They were on a job, one of our own went rogue. I told them to not underestimate him, but they didn’t listen. The next day I was called into the morgue, had to identify each and every one of them. They were slaughtered like pigs.” Wiping your hands on your pants you sigh, “Which is why you guys have to do as I say. The last team didn’t. Look where that got them. You can’t screw up, not for yourselves, and definitely not for me or else I’ll kill you myself.” By now you were making your way towards the brothers until you were standing in front of them, so close your chests could touch, “So do as I say, and we’ll be good.” Brushing past them you made your way back to your room.
The triplets watched you disappear down the hall. While they didn’t appreciate you telling them not to screw up for your sake, they understood where you were coming from. They decided later that night, while they laid in bed limbs aching, that maybe you weren’t so bad, and that they actually quite liked you. They looked forward to working with you more in the future.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Five. Part 2
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Watching Rorrey make his way over to me “is this your hiding spot for when you have a blunt?” He spat, nodding my head blowing the smoke out from my lips “it is now, I enjoy the views here. The home is so nice. Like when Robyn showed me the pictures I was shocked, she really outdid herself with it. When she told me she is getting her mom a home, I was really proud of her. To see where you all originally lived and how Robyn, Rajad and your mom shared a bed in one room and to see in person how small the house was, to hear but then to see it, it’s two different things. She has done so many great things and I am so proud of her” Rorrey sat across from me “yeah, I didn’t want her to go to America originally, I was dead against it. It’s my little sister and she’s staying in a stranger’s home? Oh no way so I said it to my dad, he said I agree. Agree? I was so angry Chris, I didn’t want her to go, her English wasn’t good, in a new country what if something happened to her. I was scared but my dad didn’t see that part of it, like the girls in America are fine as hell. My sister barely had an ounce of style besides, she has a huge forehead but yet you liked her? You know how hard it was for us to let her go, and then she didn’t get the money my dad was supposed to send. It broke my heart, still kills me to this day” to see Rorrey this angered, I know what happened really hurt him “besides her forehead” I sniggered “such a brother thing to say” shaking my head still laughing “honestly, it was just instant. She was in my class; I saw her and from then on I protected her. People tease and in school they did that, but I shut that down quick. She didn’t at first tell me but then she did, I was then in the basketball team, I had a name for myself. But I always had Robyn there and it was sweet, she was sweet because she seemed so lost and I hated that so when she told, I mean she finally mentioned it to me, she said this guy in my lesson he keeps mimicking what I am saying and laughing, I got angry. I beat his ass for it, then the rumours I was dating her, which didn’t bother me. Robyn just seemed so lost in such a big crowd and I said come to my games, she did every week and my practice. I was single but also taken” I laughed “I was dating Robyn without even knowing it, but I didn’t play. And if I ended up being a basketball player and Robyn became the singer she is now, I would have dated her ages ago. Just things got stopped so quick and we lost contact. It hurt me you know” I grinned “that’s what worried me when she got there but to hear how you speak about her, you fell for her way more then you assumed” he pointed at me.
I laughed at that, just because I kind of did but I didn’t realise it “I was young, confused. I just knew she needed protecting and I was going to be the man to do that for her, I mean I was a boy at the time and I did want to protect her. Just was a little wack because at the time I was going to ask her to the dance and at that time I asked my mom if she would make her a dress, I wanted to know she was going to be able to have that. My mom agreed, I had everything set out and then it hit me, she left pretty much, and I was already feeling myself going downhill just Robyn made me busy in a way. But I adore your sister and I know we argued the way we did, and I know you heard it but didn’t say anything, but it was an argument that didn’t need to happen, but it did. I will be there for her and love her the way her dad couldn’t, I know she wants his love but can’t get it. I was thinking you ain’t said anything” offering Rorrey my blunt “thank you, we all heard it and I was going to but I didn’t because I know that you care. Couples argue and I can’t just jump to it, I had to let it slide but my mom got involved. You know what Chris; I was so happy when you punched Rakim. That nigga mad disrespectful, I heard it a few times where he openly made my sister feel she wasn’t worthy, she wasn’t happy, but I didn’t want to get involved unless it was bad. He was sly and was rude at the same time, I like you a lot and my sister is so happy. She is beaming” nodding my head smiling “yeah she has a lot to smile about, wait till later” I winked “oh it’s like that then” I chuckled.
Looking around the kitchen “where is Robyn?” She isn’t here “she’s in the dining room setting up” Monica said, I guess there is only Robyn’ family and mine, usually it would be bigger so I get she needed the help “thank you” let me check on what she is doing and if she is ok, I don’t want her to faint now “you should get my mon to help you” I said before leaving “guests!!!” She shouted at me; Monica is big on putting a show on for guests, but they are family. I will just leave it, Monica about to beat my ass if I keep on bringing it up. I don’t like Robyn out of my eyesight anymore, I need to know where she is at all times. Walking into the dining room “following me now?” Robyn said smiling at me while she continued to place the cutlery on the table “a little, I need to know my wife is ok. Are you?” I asked, Robyn shrugged “I need a nap but I’m ok” walking towards her “let me set the table” Robyn shook her head laughing “and my mom sees you doing it, no sir. You just step back and let me finish off” side eyeing Robyn “but I can do it quickly, then you can sit down. Shall I bring the boxes down?” Robyn shook her head “not yet, it’s ok. I’m ok, trust me. Don’t worry about me” looking down at Robyn’ stomach “mhmmm, I just don’t want you to go above and beyond; you said it yourself this baby is different clearly” Robyn keeps smiling at me, not sure if she’s laughing or smiling “I get it, don’t worry. I’m just finishing mommy” looking behind me “well hurry up, people are hungry. I’m sure Chris is” stepping back “I’m ok” just watching Robyn continue to get the table set “I want you to start bringing things in after, I can’t believe how late we are eating” I would help but I can’t, Monica is strict, and I didn’t even know that about her like that.
I bought the boxes down and I also bought Robyn’ gift down “ayo, hey. Before we go and eat. Open this” holding out the wrapped box “for me!?” Robyn said all shocked, she wasn’t expecting anything for me “yeah for you, I told you that I bought you a little something. I can’t just come here empty handed, I know you wouldn’t forgive me” Robyn knows damn well I am right that is why she is smirking the way she is taking the box “I can tell you wrapped this, god. You cannot wrap but I am happy you attempted this” she is so giddy now “I can’t believe you bought me something” following behind Robyn, I want to see her reaction “are you both coming?” Monica asked, nodding my head “yeah one moment” here I am trying to balance these boxes “hurry up” Robyn is giggling to herself, she loves gifts. I know my girl, she would say it’s ok but deep down would be sad about “I was thinking on what to get, and also you need to always spoil your woman, forever” Robyn screeched and then yelped out “Dior!” she spat, then opened the box “What!!!?” she screamed “you like it?” I grinned “like it!? Oh my god, it says Rihanna on the bag, no!” she looked at me “how fucking much was this!? Chris, oh my god. I am shocked. I can’t believe this, oh my god!” Robyn grabbed the bag out “a Dior Tote bag for me, you really got Rihanna imprinted on it, how?” I winked at Robyn “I have my ways for you” Robyn is happy, she likes this “I can’t believe you got me this!? I love it, oh my god” she skipped over to me “thank you, thank you, thank you so much” hugging Robyn “I know I have done good with this reaction, once again I did a good job.
Everyone is just giving such weird looks, Monica is not impressed because we are ruining the meal but this is something Robyn set out, she planned this. Even included Mel, TJ and Barry in this somehow “do not touch these boxes” Robyn said and made her way around the table to sit down, I have to walk all the way on the other side, I am sitting across from Robyn which is good so we can look at each other “are we opening this before or after” Rajad asked, shuffling my chair in “before but Robyn will tell you when” I said, she has a baby bodysuit in every box which she has named, in every one the bodysuit will say grandma, uncle or whatever which is a cute touch in a way to tell them, I find it cute but Mel already knows. Robyn told me “Mel doesn’t deserve a box” I had to say it “boo, you’re a hater” Mel said “says the one that won’t admit Barry and you are dating, why you not spending it with your family huh” I raised an eyebrow, Mel put a finger up at me “tell your bitch off Robyn” I looked at Robyn and she just shook her head, that meant I won’t tell you off but stop teasing her so I will stop.
Is Robyn nervous or something, she is not even saying a word about this at all “sorry, yeah so erm I got this present for you all actually, I mean I bought presents, but this present is for everyone, so when you all are ready. Open them” smiling at Robyn lightly, she looked at me. She seems so nervous as everyone started to open these boxes, me on the other hand I am just staring into Robyn’ eyes and she is just looking at me, I don’t know why she is nervous, I know everyone is going to be happy for us “you ok?” I mouthed frowning “tired” she said, nodding my head understand “oh my god, you’re pregnant” Rorrey said lightly, shock in his voice he wasn’t ready for that. Looking over at him holding up uncle “yes” Robyn breathed out, her lower lip quivering “why are you crying?” I said concerned, looking at Monica she is staring down at the bodysuit “oh shit! Pregnant!” TJ shouted, “oh my god!” I laughed at him running around the table “I am so sorry baby, oh my god” Monica got up from her seat, I got from the chair just in time as TJ hugged me “I am so fucking happy for you, yes! You going to be a dad, oh my god. Rihanna, congratulations. Oh my god” patting his back laughing “well Christmas present” I chuckled, moving back. Looking at Robyn to check on her, Monica is hugging “you kept this a secret son, come here” my dad hugged me “my son will be a husband and a father, I can’t believe it. I really can’t, so proud of you. The both of you” nodding my head “your mom crying as always” my dad said, my mom is crying “stop crying, come here” hugging her close “I am so happy for you Chris” she managed to say.
Pressing a kiss to Monica’ cheek “I feel so bad, I thought she was being lazy. Sorry” shaking my head “don’t be silly, you were just being a mother. This is why Robyn has been emotional and tired, but it’s ok. Don’t be upset about it. Robyn understood, but she is feeling so tired” Monica feels so bad “I am so happy for you Chris, but you” she pointed at me “you take care of her, good and proper. Don’t let her work herself too much Chris, she needs rest. It broke my heart her losing the first ne, it’s important Chris, she listens to you. You are taking care of her; I am trusting you” nodding my head “I promise you; I am always watching over Robyn. I promise you; I will take care of her and the grandchild” Monica hugged me again “I trust you Chris, I do. I am so happy for you both, a family” I smiled, watching Robyn walk over to us “I promise, you stopped crying now?” holding my hand out to Robyn, she took my hand “I love you so much” pressing a kiss to her cheek “so yes, there was our surprise from us to you all, this stays between us but keep the bodysuit. You may need it for when you babysit” Robyn chuckled “but I am over the moon, I can’t wait to go on this new journey of wife and motherhood, but this stays between us all please, until I feel I am ready to say it but thank you, this love from you all. Our baby is going to be so loved” Robyn gushed, I just watched Robyn’ face as she said all of that “Chris is already under the whip” Barry said, looking over at him “be quiet” I chuckled, he is dumb.
The conversation is now on the baby, everyone is so over the moon. I mean Robyn and I are over the moon but to see the family so excited about our baby, this just shows me how much my baby is going to be loved. I think everyone has forgotten about the food now “what are you wanting to have? What you feeling?” Mel asked, I have been quiet with that question “erm, I don’t mind. I honestly don’t mind, if it’s a girl, I don’t mind and if it’s a boy, I don’t mind. I just want to settle in a home, just prepare for this. Get Robyn settled, she got to rest” I grinned “no, don’t do that Chris. Be honest, what do you want?” rubbing the side of my face “erm, I said a girl to Robyn. I remember, but I think I want a boy. I want a son, but I don’t mind. They will be loved” Mel gasped “twins?” my eyes widened “huh?” looking at Robyn “we don’t know Chris; I don’t think so. Calm down” she is acting like having one child ain’t stressful “but on a real, I am so happy for you both. I think it’s a blessing that has been waiting for you both, this baby has been waiting for you both. God has blessed you, thank you god always” nodding my head “thank you god” I mumbled, it is a blessing “I just can’t believe my baby boy is going to be a father” my mom gushed “I am not a baby anymore mom” she needs to stop but she won’t “you will always be my baby, you are my youngest so you are my baby” I chuckled, she is embarrassing me “shall we say grace?” Monica said, I was about to say about I am getting so hungry.
Holding onto Monica’ hand and Rorrey’, putting my head down closing my eyes “dear heavenly father” Monica said “today we share this meal with loved ones, loved ones old and new. We give thanks for blessing us, blessing my daughter with a new bundle of joy. I am so overjoyed, I prayed every night that you blessed my daughter, and you did” Monica’ voice broke, and she went silent “our heavenly father we give thanks for our family and friends, amen” Rorrey filled in and wanted it to end, looking up at Monica “I am sorry, I am just overjoyed. I have worried about you so much” Monica sniffled “ma, don’t worry. I will look after Robyn so much, I promise. She won’t be stressed like last time” Monica does worry about Robyn a lot “I am sorry, please eat” Monica said smiling “mom please, everything will be ok. I just need a bed” Robyn laughed “it’s just scary, my baby having a baby” she sighed out “I love you so much Robyn, I do” Monica is so emotional “but please everyone start eating” she gestured.
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batfam-big-bang · 4 years
Mod Intros: Mel
Name: mel
Pronouns: she/her
Introduce yourself! 
hi there! i’m mel, the oldest of the mods and the resident disaster aunt. i’m 20 years old and an english major in college. i’m a slut for good dad!bruce and dick grayson.  i write fics sometimes, too!
What got you into dc comics?
my brother! he’s way older so he was reading comics and really into the batman movies when i was a kid, and i wanted to be “cool” too (ha) and i fell in love with the universe.
What got you into the batfam specifically?
it’s been so long, i don’t actually know. it could’ve been young justice, or tumblr, or just that it’s been agreed in my family that batman is better than everyone else so i hyperfixated on him and the robins by association.
Who is your favorite batfam member? Why?
dick grayson, easily. short answer: he’s a loveable dumb himbo, and he has a great ass. long answer: he’s so committed to his family and tries his best to be fair and helpful to everyone he possibly can. he’s a character i’ve always admired. in more ways than one obviously.
What’s your favorite romantic ship, if any?
i don’t know if i really have one? jay just turned me onto dickbabs and timsteph (which i’m going hardcore on), so now i’m like so soft for them, but i don’t think there’s a definite favorite.
What’s your favorite dynamic?
jason and tim, easy. i love their begrudging sibling relationship, it reminds me of me with my bro. tim can be a little shit, which i feel, and jason doesn’t know what to do with that. it’s fun.
What is your favorite storyline/run?
young justice. i love the comics, but damn that show knew how to handle the sidekicks for one whole season. but my favorite comic is identity crisis, which makes me cry every time. highly recommend! i read it at least once a year.
Which batfam member do you relate to the most?
steph. tired college student trying to make something of herself, a disaster trying her Best. like me. plus feeling that need to prove herself to everyone that said she couldn’t succeed in everything she does? like yeah, call me out like that dc.
Which batfam member do you think you’d get along/be good friends with?
jason. we could insult dead old white guys who wrote shitty books that received too much praise together. like john milton, that sexist, self-righteous prick. plus we’re both passionate about our values and loved ones, so the conversations we’d have would be lit.
Is there anything you’ve done for the batfam fandom that you’re especially proud of?
other than this bang? which i’m so fucking proud of? i wrote a fic recently revolving around steph that you can find here, i’m pretty proud of it! if you like steph and suffering please give it a read!
Anything you’d like to add?
i’m so so excited for the bang to kick off, we have such a great following already and the ideas for fics and art are endless for this fandom. we’re gonna have a blast! 
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blackevermore · 4 years
🌻Mafia Au background lore🌻 pt 2
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x Ivan is the true cinderella story with being born into a poor family in Saratov, Russia. There is 5 years between him and Yekaterina and 7 years between him and Natalya. Their parents loved them dearly and everyday their father told them that he would get them away from being poor and living a better life. their mother used to be a very active hard working woman but after the birth of Ivan she seemed to always be ill. When Nat was born it really made her sick but she refused to lay down and die. She promised to watch her children grow up and get away from poverty. 
x When Ivan was 15 his father died from a untreated brain tumor and it really took a toll on him. His father was his best friend and had taught him that being a man meant more than hard work and discipline but also love and compassion to keep moving forward. At this time Yeka had moved away for university and to work so send money back home. Ivan was now the man of the house between going to school, working, and taking care of his mother and sister. It was when he was 17 that he watched his mother be held at gun point and robbed for everything she had that made him bitter and cold. He met Wang Yao when he was 18 and it was Yao that took him under his wing into the life of the underground.
x Yeka had eventually found love with a man in Canada and a better paying job so she moved to support her family even more with no knowledge her brother was not working under the Chinese mafia. Nat was too young to understand what Ivan was doing. All she knew was that when he came home late their mother was really upset that her son had to work really long hours. Eventually Ivan got a good footing in the underground business and told Yeka she didn’t need to need as much money because he could cover majority of everything. This worried his older sister heavily and on the first flight she could kind she came home to visit and bring her husband, Matthew. 
x Ivan kept the fact he was not in the mafia away from his family for five years until he came home in a brand new car and told Nat and his mother it was time for them to pack up everything they have because they were moving. He still didn’t tell anyone what he was doing until he had his family in a new house and sent Nat off to university for ballet and modeling. He even paid for Yeka to go back to school so she could be a teacher. His mother finally stopped him one morning as asked him what he had done. And he simply told her “I sold what was left of my morality for the security of my family.” 
x As time went on Ivan only got more powerful and fucking wealthy (and making a very dangerous name for himself). Along the way he picked up a lot of strays and alliances (and moved out of his mother’s home and into a big ass mansion to house everyone). Tolys Laurinaitis ( along with Feliks Łukasiewicz )along with was a college student who got on the bad side of a german gang, he was really good at balancing Ivan’s budget and expenses. He also became Ivan’s personal hitman. Eduard von Bock was salesmen who had a hobby of hacking into stuff he hacked Ivan’s phone on accident and started listening in on the conversation. It was Yao that informed Ivan someone was listening and one day during a “normal” business call between Yao and Ivan. Ivan everted the conversation and started speaking directly to Eduard exposing him. Eventually Ivan made a deal with Eduard he would work as Ivan’s inside man in exchange for not killing him. Raivis Galante was a child runaway who got dragged into human trafficking and killed his captives before booking it from his home country to the streets of Moscow. Ivan took pity on the child and took him in. Raivis become Ivan’s other hitman. 
x A few alliances he has made (besides Yao of course) were with Elizabeta Héderváry, a Hungarian-Austrian socialite who was married to the famous composer  Roderich Edelstein who was shot and killed by his jealous and bitter lover Basch Zwingli. Iveta Rivas who is the daughter of a highly respected yet crooked Armenian political figure who Ivan had the honors of saving from a attempted kidnapping while on vacation in Russia. Francis Bonnefoy who is the hire of two French gangs and has a grudge against a former friend of his who is apart of a German gang. The Vargas family (of course!) and also the Jones-Williams family (which Ivan was in shock to find out Yeka married Alfred’s older brother)
x But his enemies “playmates” are stacked as well with rebuilding German gang that was once owned by Gilbert Beilschmidt. Then there is also the new head of the Yakuza Kiku Honda who killed Yao. The Golden Lion in England who is controlled by Author Kirkland who was betrayed by Frances when Frances cut off trade with him and started them with Ivan. 
x Ivan isn’t scared of dying from his new life style, he is only fear is he won’t be able to support his family once he is dead. So he has been stashing away loads of money just incase that day comes. Every day he visits his mother and  kisses her three times out of the day, he hugs his sisters and gives them gifts when they come around when they aren’t busy, and he takes care of those the has taken in by writing up a will for who gets what. 
x When Yao died Ivan was sure he wouldn’t fall in love ever again but years later he mets Mel and she steals his heart. Of course he pretends to be someone he wasn’t (though he really does run off to America every once and a while and pretend to be a humble ice skating teacher) until he was sure she was the one he could share his true self with. 
x Mel did try to call off her and Ivan’s relationships when she found out he was in the mafia but she really liked him and this was her first real relationship after a really bad break up. Ivan told her that if she wanted to walk away there would be no bad blood but he would miss her. Mel chose to stay because she met Ivan when he was a ice skating teacher and that Ivan is the same Ivan who is the head of a large Mafia family.
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authoressskr · 5 years
Howlite and Hearts
Characters: f!Reader, Melanie (OFC), Tania (OFC), James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, James Rhodes
Warnings: Language and no Beta   ::   Word Count: 8,465
This was written for @moonbeambucky’s 5k Writing Challenge!! I went with a dragon!soulmate!au, which I hadn’t seen before, but I did have a nifty dream about it that spawned this whole idea. He’s still an Avenger. Events are basically still the same, just with dragons. ‘Cause who wouldn’t love a dragon companion??
Prompt: “You said you would come back for me.” Bolded in text below.
Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION.
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Since men emerged from caves, began using tools and reshaping their environment, they have been intrigued by the draconian terrors of all shapes and sizes that roamed the world. The first records of man and dragon working together are from Mesopotamia, pieces of shattered pottery pieced back together showing a dragon standing beside a woman. Assyrian artifacts depict water dragons helping farmers in the field. Egyptian murals show dragons protecting the Pharaoh and his family, others showing different breeds of dragon fetching books from inside the Library of Alexandria.
History is dotted with famous dragons and their bonded humans; King Arthur and his steel-colored dragon, Excalibur. William Shakespeare and his dragon, Bard. Cleopatra and Bucephalus, named after Alexander the Great’s legendary steed. Abraham Lincoln and his dragon, Crusoe.
Over the centuries, dragons have become smaller from the giants painted in mythology, old texts and wall murals. The biggest dragon these days are about the size of a large crocodile, with the biggest recorded in the last decade almost as big as a hippo. Height varies on the type of dragon - with the tallest one balancing on its tail, hits almost eye level with a giraffe.
Classes have been taught for centuries about dragons and the bond between them with humans. Dragons will sometimes die right after their human counterpart and vice versa. Dragons who have lost their counterpart will sometimes live, seeking out their counterpart’s soulmate to stay with their draconian mates as well. It is not an uncommon thing - especially after times of war - for soulmates to have both dragons if one has died.
Dragon pairs will usually have the same colors and markings, even though they will often not be the same type of dragon. Dragons may look similar to the human eye, but a dragon will know it’s mate no matter what. It has not been determined how the dragons know their mate almost instantaneously, but after millennia humans have begun to follow the dragon counterpart’s knowledge in this area. Marriages of alliance and royalty have often been changed or dropped when one party finds its soulmate. In the same vein, marriages have also been arranged due to this circumstance as well. Cinderella is the most referenced fairy tale of this, with Cinderella having the same sapphire and gold colored dragon as the prince (*Dragon color varies by region and culture).
With the reemergence of Captain America and his dragon, it has helped scientists and theorists who now believe that the dragon and human bond is stronger than initially thought. Steve Rogers, known as Captain America, and his dragon Rak, were frozen for nearly 70 years and both proved to be in perfect health with an unbroken bond after thawing from the ice. Several theorists are pointing to a pieced together story found in Egypt about a man who was thought to be dead during a war, his dragon dying alongside - only for the pair to wander through the desert for nearly two years before arriving in Constantinople. The pair nearly died of dehydration several times but emerged with a stronger bond than before. The man claimed to the writer that it seemed as if after his trouble, he and his dragon experienced more than an emotional bond. It was as if they were linked in their minds and hearts. Whatever the case, it seems as if the bond between human and dragon is strong, it can always be strengthened. The only bond that is stronger - most noted and pointed out - is that of a matched pair with both dragon and human with their mates, protecting each other.
You slide into the restaurant’s plush booth, smiling across the table at your best friend of nearly 13 years as you toss your purse further onto the bench.
“How was work?” You ask as you settle in, your dragon climbing from the inside of your jacket where she’d been resting earlier to drape her long body over your shoulders while your soulmate’s dragon settles his bulk over your feet under the table, his tail curling around your leg.
“Awesome. Matt finally asked me out.”
“Ooh! Congrats! When are you two supposed to go out?”
“Nice.” Your conversation pauses as the waitress appears, cheerfully asking for your drink order as a little yellow head pops out of her apron pocket.
“Iced tea and water, please.” You request, fingers coming up to scratch under Cloud’s chin.
“Gin and tonic, please. And water, as well. Thank you.” The waitress bounces off, high ponytail bouncing. Mel leaning a bit forward with a grin. “We could double date.” A deep growl sounds from under the table, making you chuckle.
“Godzilla says no.” Mel frowns at the table before shifting her brown eyes back to you. “He’s a good boy,” You coo before continuing. “He’s just keeping an eye on me until we’re reunited with my soulmate.”
“You gotta stop letting him do that. And you can’t reunite with someone you’ve never met.” Mel mutters as the waitress arrives with your drinks. You both thank her as she withdraws her pen from her apron, causing her little dragon’s yellow head to pop from the black apron pocket again.
“What can I get you ladies?”
“May I get the alfredo with chicken and mushrooms, please?”
“Side salad or soup?”
“Salad. Italian dressing please.”
“Of course! And you?”
“Shrimp carbonara. And a side salad for me as well. Ranch. Thanks.”
“I’ll get that out in a jiff!”
“Semantics. He and I will finally meet. Godzilla will be reunited.” Stroking his lifted head under the table a few times before he settles back into place again.
“Did your time off get approved?” Mel switches the subject before taking a hearty sip of her gin and tonic, both of you thanking the waitress as she sets your salads down before bouncing off again with a big smile. Melanie’s long serpentine jade dragon slithers from her purse, using a little flap of its peacock-colored wings to get it to the tabletop and chirps until Melanie surrenders all her croutons to him. “Bread thief.” She mutters as it chomps happily away.
“Yep!” You mutter cheerfully around a mouthful of greens. “Two freakin’ weeks! Soooo happy and ready for this road trip.”
“Model employee, you are.”
“Thank you for that high praise, Yoda.”
“When I finish this salad, I’ll dig out my proposed itinerary outline for the trip. I’m already so excited! Five days and we’ll be on vacation!” She does a happy little wiggle, Linus mimicking her with his little jade body. You both giggle at his antics.
“Did Tania get off? I text her on Monday and she said it was ‘Pending’ in the system.”
“Yeah, she texted me yesterday morning to say she got it off. But her brother’s wedding is on Saturday. In Dallas. So she’ll fly out late Sunday afternoon so we can all start out from San Fran on Monday.”
“Keep her hydrated Sunday night. Got it.” Your bouncy waitress reappears to whisk the salad plates away, promising the food will be out in just a few minutes. Godzilla’s heavy tail thumps against your leg and the booth, making you grin at your chunky boy. “Is Chinatown on your itinerary?”
“I keep forgetting you’ve never been there before…” She digs her little notebook from her purse and hands it across the table to you. “I’ll add it to the couple of days when we come back.” Cloud nudges at your jaw as you read through the daily logs.
“I like it. Taking our time everywhere. Plenty of adventure and time out for the fluffernuggets.”
“You call them by the weirdest names...” Mel mutters with a big smile as the food arrives, thanking the waitress before you take a long drink of your tea.
“They love them.” You take a couple pieces of chicken and pass it under the table, Godzilla happily chomping as you pass a piece to Cloud. “And jealousy is an ugly thing, Mel.” She passes a piece of shrimp to Linus, his little fingers on his wingtips holding onto the shrimp to tear it two.
“Uh huh. Sure.”
“So, what are you gonna wear on -” An older couple walks by, the woman tutting as she sees Godzilla’s tail under the table. You can see her counting and mentally steel yourself.
“Three.” She mutters loudly to her husband, who gives a solemn nod and steers her away. You feel a hand on top of yours, a gentle squeeze making you turn your attention back to your food.
“She’s just an old hag who doesn’t know anything.” You nod.
“She just really brought down my happy mood.”
“Then we’ll a couple drinks and go to that bookstore you like.”
“You always know the right thing to say to me.” She snorts, making you grin at your oldest friend.
“I should fucking hope so by now, honey.”
Bucky and Sam sit on the patio closest to the hanger, playing poker when Steve comes around the corner, tapping on his phone.
“How’s it going today guys? Missed our morning run.” He leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk.
“We stayed up drinking loooong after you left last night.” Sam chuckles out, throwing a card down and picking up another.
“Alcohol doesn’t affect Bucky.”
“I slept in and didn’t drag my ass out of bed that early in solidarity.” Steve snorts but nods.
“Yeah. Okay, pal. Keep lyin’ to yourself.”
“I can and I will,” Bucky replies, using his vibranium hand to scratch the scruff on his jaw with a lazy grin plastered on his face.
“Hey, guys! Uh, I mean Mr. Rogers, sir. And Mr. Barnes. And, um, Mr. Wilson.”
“You don’t have to -” Steve starts, shaking his head at Peter’s formality.
“Nah, I think I like being addressed as Mr. Barnes.”
“Just stick to first names, kid.” Sam orders, tossing down another card and making a face at Bucky.
“Right. I can do that. Mr. Stark asked me to come and get you,” Steve pushes off the wall. “Mr. Barnes. Uh, Bucky, sir.”
“Okay.” Bucky grins before laying his cards on the table. “I win. You’re cookin’ me breakfast for the rest of the week.”
“Damnit.” Sam curses as he tosses his cards onto the table.
“See you all in a bit. Lead the way, kid.” Peter leads Bucky down to the lab he built for Bruce, the two farthest walls projecting documents and a few pictures of the West Coast of the United States. Bucky carefully scans the walls as Peter eagerly announces Bucky’s arrival.
“Ah, Barnes. Just the man I sent the kid for.” Tony comes around a table and points to the documents on the left wall. “What do you see?”
“Intel on a Hydra base by the Washington/Canada border. You think it’s active?”
“I wouldn’t have. Except for this morning, the power kicked on there.” Bruce comes into the room behind Bucky, pointing to the map as Tony zooms in on the border.
“We only know this because Fury cleared that particular base after he became director. He set up sensors to alert S.H.I.E.L.D. to any unwanted visitors.”
“And I hijacked all their sensors, systems and alerts,” Tony add smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So you want me to go scout it?”
“No, I’ve sent a suit to go do some recon. I want to know everything you know about this base… Anything they might’ve had there. Any reasons you can think of to why they’d attempt a reactivation there.” Bucky gives a little sigh before he walks up to the wall, flipping through each piece of intelligence information, racking his mind for any and all information he possessed on that base.
“Smuggling arms from Russia would be my best first guess...my second would be the terrible answer of human trafficking.” He then begins to explain the ins and out of the base, what he remembers being at the base and some of the areas they used for experimentation there.
“Jeez.” Bruce exhales loudly before rubbing a hand over his face, his dragon lifting its head from the chair in the corner, looking quizzically from Bruce to Bucky. Tony taps his fingers on the tabletop across from Bruce, thinking.
“Okay. We’ll wait for the suit to report back before alerting the rest of the team.” Bucky nods, casting an envious glance towards Bruce’s now sleeping dragon. The quick look makes Tony’s stance soften a little, something unnoticed by Bucky as he turns to leave. “Wait.” Bucky turns himself back around. “I’ve been scanning for a dragon that matches your descriptions and archival photos.” Tony has a ghost of a smile dancing in his eyes as he drops this bomb on him.
“That’s why you don’t have a dragon?” Peter pipes up from the other side of Bruce.
“Mine didn’t go into the ice with me like Steve’s. He probably ran away from the base when I fell from the train...I don’t think Howl has survived to now.”
“And you couldn’t have survived a fall from a train. Steve couldn’t have survived the ice-cold grip of the Arctic.” He leans his butt against the table he’d just been tapping on, arms crossed over his chest with a smile. “Yet here we are, Barnes.”
Bucky clenches and unclenches his jaw, fear curling in his gut at the question he’s about to ask.
“Did you find anything?”
“Got two hits so far.” Bucky’s heart stutters in his chest. “One in Scotland, the other in California.” Tony gives a sly smile as Bucky gives a firm nod, turning to leave with his human hand clenched tight.
“Hydra first.” He manages to grit out before opening the door, ready to escape to the woods just outside the base to get his thoughts straightened out.
“Portland here we come!” Tania yells as you start the rental car, making you laugh as you pull onto the road, heading to the freeway entrance.
“I can’t believe it’s been two months since all three of us have been together!” You say excitedly as you merge onto the freeway - officially starting your road trip to Portland.
“Two months too long!” Mel yells from the second row.
“So, Tania, you gotta fill us in on your brother’s wedding!”
“Ugh. Ultra small. They just had her immediate family and our immediate family plus, like, his two idiot best friends and her best friend.” She pauses, shoving a handful of thick black curls away from her lovely face. “Beautiful though.” She sighs out with a small smile on her face. “Almost exactly the colors I’d like to do for my wedding one day; light blue and black, with silver accents. Dinner was delicious! Whew! Glad I wasn’t interested in getting laid, cause all that food was too good to pass up.” Mel nearly snorts behind you as Tania continues. “A nice long dinner, some light dancing and a few rounds of shots between siblings and friends. Then I got to tuck myself into a plush hotel room, watch ‘The Wedding Date’ and nod off to sleep.”
“I think that’s the least stressful wedding you’ve ever told us about.” You remark with a quick look at Tania.
“That’s cause this is my oldest brother. Typical big bro. Looking out for everyone else. Dated Katherine for like 3 years before he popped the question. He thinks everything through. Unlike my younger brothers. Those two are idiots.”
“Hot idiots.” Mel pipes up from the back as you and Tania make faces.
“Nope. Nope. Nope.” Tania says seriously before half turning in her seat. “So, how did your date with Matt go?”
“All he wanted to talk about was work and who I thought was going to get the new promotion...How he was waiting for his soulmate after three bad relationships. Total bust.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie. Need me to find a coffee shop before we officially head out of town?”
“Nah, she ordered a dessert to go at her busted dinner and I’ve bought her like four cups of coffee since yesterday.” You interject, watching Mel’s face break out in a big smile in the rearview mirror. Tania’s dragon slips from the folded down third row up to the front, crawling into her lap and sticking its head out the window, the soft black hair on its head and back twisting and turning in the breeze.
“Our first stop?” Tania asks Mel, stroking a hand over Falkor’s black wispy hair.
“Wherever you want it to be.” Mel grins out, brown eyes meeting yours in the rearview.
It was about two hours down the line before Linus began chirping and growling, so you pulled over at a roadside area and let all the dragons out to go the bathroom and explore. You stake out a nice shaded bench to watch the four dragons play with a pair of Golden Retrievers. Dragons tended to love cats and dogs, and this was also a good chance for them to get out some of that pent up energy.
Tania demands a few selfies set against the coastline views and you suggest one with the dragons rolling around with the dogs, making you all laugh. After nearly fifteen minutes, you wander over to the middle-aged couple with the dogs, introducing yourself and thanking them for letting their dogs wear out your dragons. A few pleasantries and a loud goodbye, followed by some pets for Thelma and Louise, you herd the dragons up the hill to the bench for some water and a few snacks.
“That was a workout for everyone.” Mel chuckles, patting your back as you all head back to the SUV.
“Laugh it up. Next time wrangling is up to you, Melanie.” She just laughs as you climb back into the driver seat.
“Next stop, Fort Bragg.” Mel pipes up, holding her cell phone up for Tania to see.
Luckily, it only takes another two hours to get to Fort Bragg and the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, where Mel had mapped out your first official stop on the road trip.
After admission and grabbing some lunch at Rhody’s Garden Cafe, getting a bowl of clam chowder in a bread bowl and two lamb gyros for Godzilla and Cloud. You give Godzilla a whole one and carefully cut the other into thirds. You give a third to Cloud, putting a travel dish of water between the two before digging into your lunch. Tania joins you next, Falkor perched on her shoulder and eyeballing the two smoked tempeh gyros on her tray with glee. Mel is the last to join with a bowl of tomato basil bisque, a side salad and a lamb gyro for Linus. You discuss the flora and fauna already surrounding you, the faint scent of the ocean blowing through a few times while you all enjoyed lunch.
Forty-five minutes later you’re looking out over the Pacific Ocean, eyes closed at the serenity of it all; Godzilla pressed against your left leg while Cloud is curled around your neck. You knew your soulmate couldn’t feel the contentedness you felt, but you hoped he could.
That was the same thought you had as you laid curled up in the king-sized bed later that night with Mel hogging the covers on the other side.
I hope wherever you are, you’re safe and know that we miss you and want to meet you, soulmate.
“Suit came back negative.” Tony points to the screen running the video in the Debriefing Room. “No human traces. Followed the electrical lines back to the main breakers and … nada.”
“Nothing at all? Then who turned the power back on?”
“Still don’t know. There were no fingerprints on the breaker boxes or on the doors to and from that area. The only sign anyone had been there at all was in the semi-buried loading dock to the west of the actual facility’s blueprints.”
“So what’s the plan?” Wanda asks, looking from the footage to Tony.
“I think we should all go there. Clean out whatever S.H.I.E.L.D didn’t and then inspect that buried loading dock.”
“All of us?” Rhodey repeats, leaning back in his seat, trying to ignore Peter’s too excited looking eyes.
“Well, most of us. Leave the broken ribs twins here and Banner, of course. Vision and Rhodey will cover the outside, Steve and Wanda will go to the secret loading dock while Bucky and Sam locate wherever the loading dock’s exit should have been. I’ll recheck the systems, download all the information - if S.H.I.E.L.D left any on the servers - and I’ll call in Rhodey to do the heavy lifting, if need be, of machinery or files we locate.”
“When do we leave?”
“First thing in the morning. Better light for the Tin Man and Birdboy to search in.”
“So considerate,” Sam mutters loudly, rolling his eyes as he looks at Steve.
“Rest up team.” Steve dismisses everyone, Bucky still sitting in his chair, staring at the screen without really seeing it. Steve’s brow furrows, leaning forward in his own chair. “You okay, Buck?”
“Tony tell you he thinks he might’ve found my dragon?” Steve’s jaw drops open. “Guess not.” His entire face changes, his blue eyes lighting up and a smile growing.
“That’s great!” When Bucky doesn’t react except a nod, Steve’s dragon flits from his perch on the back of his chair to land before Bucky, letting a high pitched squeal out until Bucky offers him his hand. The ruby-colored wyvern scampers up his arm until it is able to nuzzle under his jaw.
“Thanks, Rak.”
“Don’t get too excited, Buck.” Steve snarks out, pursing his lips before leaning back in his chair.
“It’s just a lot to deal with. I thought he was dead...I thought I would just be alone, ya know?”
“You don’t gotta be alone now though. You’ll get Howl back.”
“Tony said a woman had him.”
“Your soulmate.” Steve’s breath out so reverently it sent shivers down Bucky’s back. Bucky rubs a hand tiredly over his face.
“I guess.”
“But you hope not.” He clenches his jaw before shaking his head at his best friend. “Jesus, Bucky.”
“I know, Steve. You act like I don’t fucking know.” Rak tugs sharply at a piece of Bucky’s hair at the tense air between the two men, hissing loudly when he drops his hair. Bucky turns to glare at the dragon. “Listen here, pipsqueak, I don’t need it from you too.” Rak blows a little puff of smoke at Bucky before launching off his shoulder to flit out of the room. “Stevie...it’s just a lot. All of a sudden. I mean, damn, there is no easing into it either. Tony just fucking laid it on me this afternoon and -”
“It’s all you can think of now. I get it - trust me Buck - but I wish I was in your shoes.”
“Still different shoes, Steve.”
“Shuri worked with you. You got a good therapist now. Don’t have as many nightmares or sleepless nights...I don’t see why you think you wouldn’t or don’t deserve a soulmate. You’re one of the best people I know, Bucky. Then and now.”
Bucky just sighs again, dropping his head into his hands and tugging on the long strands with frustration.
“It’s not that I’m not excited.” He begins softly. “It’s just that the cons right now outweigh the pros.”
“How exactly?”
“I am a formerly wanted Hydra assassin.”
“They cleared you of all charges against the Vienna bombing. They cleared you for helping me and the guys against Tony. But go on, drama queen.” Bucky raises his head and rolls his eyes at Steve.
“And it’s go off, Steve. I’m over a hundred fucking years old.”
“So am I. We look like we are in our thirties. Maybe she likes older men.” Bucky scoffs at his best friend’s smile.
“I haven’t seen Howl in seventy plus years.”
“Rak and I were in the ice for nearly that long. The bond doesn’t lessen by circumstances or distance. You two are a pair.”
“Alright, we both know someone else came up with that.”
“Coulson,” Steve admits with a rueful smile. “Words are still true.” Bucky rubs his hand over his face again with a sigh.
“Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess we’ll find out after this mission.”
“I guess we will, pal. And apologize to Rak. He didn’t do anything to you, you bully.” Bucky and Steve both push themselves up from their chairs, making their way from the room.
“I’ll give him some pepperjack. You know he loves his cheese.”
“No more cheese! You aren’t the one who has to sleep with the little gas ball.”
“RAK!! CHEESE!” Bucky yells as he takes off for the kitchen, the little ruby dragon running to catch up at top speed behind the supersoldier as Steve shakes his head.
You were all up just before sunrise, walking down the abandoned Glass Beach. Tania had been up the night before, googling things to do in Trinidad when she’d stumbled upon an article about the sea glass remains in Fort Bragg. And honestly? What’s better than an empty beach in the morning with your best friends and your dragons happily bringing you seashells, pieces of driftwood and harassing seagulls? Not much.
After an hour or so on the beach, you all make the quick trek back towards town for a large breakfast, where Godzilla swallowed a whole plate of eggs and sausage before looking up at you with big sapphire eyes. You’d given in - you nearly always do - and given him a piece of your toast and Mel had given him one of her pancakes.
“Chunker.” You mutter around a sausage link, giving the other half to Cloud as Godzilla amps up the begging eyes. You don’t give in this time. But Tania does - giving him the last bit of her omelet.
Forty-five minutes later, you’re all headed towards Trinidad. It’s an almost three-hour drive, beautiful and hugged quite close to the coastline. The windows are down and the music is up, with the sea air swirling around the cab.
You arrive, everyone tying on their tennis shoes to trek out to look at the enormous redwood trees that California is known for. You snap a few pictures as Godzilla attempts to follow Cloud and Linus up a Redwood, but his little glider wings aren’t as helpful as they should be. He turns those big blue eyes up at you, with Falkor perched on his back, both looking so sad.
“Oh, Lord.” You mutter as you bend over, “Okay, you gotta help.” His head bobs eagerly before you heft Zilla up, letting his claws lightly dig into the tree to help claw Falkor and himself up. Once he gets above your head, he manages another twenty feet or so before launching off the tree and gliding back down to the forest floor. His little teeth are barely seen in what you have come to learn is his smug smile. “Yes, you did amazing. Glad to be of help.”
You refuse to help him up a bigger tree, so he begins climbing every fallen one you all come across until Mel taps out about a half hour later. You all get back to the SUV, then find a place for lunch before continuing on into Oregon. A quick stop at the state line for a photo op and letting the dragons wander around for about fifteen minutes, Tania gives a sharp whistle to round them up so you can continue on your way.
You get just past Selma when a huge rainstorm blows in. It takes an hour and a half extra to get to the next town of Wilderville. Then have to go another 9 miles to get to the nearest hotel. Mel ran out to get some late lunch/early dinner since the rain wasn’t letting up at all.
An old Godzilla movie is on, Zilla swinging his tail excitedly when he hears Godzilla’s roar through the tv, imitating him happily in his deeper tones.
“That’s why you call him that?” You shrug at Tania’s question, chuckling at all the dragons watch Godzilla battle King Ghidorah enraptured.
“My mom just always called him that. She said cause they both got cankles.”
“They do!” She squeals, withdrawing her pajamas from her luggage. A drenched Mel struggles in a handful of minutes later. She stopped at the little grocery store, getting a small pack of tea bags, some honey, and a little tray of sausages and cold cuts for the scalies. Fried chicken and some salad for you three as you look up how long the storm should last and if there are any road delays ahead.
“So, after tonight do we go to Cannon Beach or Astoria? We all know which I prefer.”
“Yeah, Y/N we know you’d rather go to Astoria.”
“HEY, YOU GUYS!” You shout happily in reply.
“Well, I think Astoria would be good too. There are trails - providing it’s not too wet after this storm - plus museums, cute little shops downtown, antique stores, Lewis and Clark National Historic Park and a waterfall. That’s not including the Goonie house, which we’ll go see for Y/N.”
“Okay, so if it’s mostly clear by like, I don’t know, 5 am then I say we head out for Astoria then. My only thing is that we are kind of off the path Mel first planned. Do we head to Bandon then up to Astoria? Cause it says,” You withdraw your copy of her itinerary. “That it’s about 5 hours from Bandon to Astoria. And right now, it’s almost 3 hours to get back on Highway 1. We could do 8 hours, provided we stop enough to stretch our legs and let out the fluffernuggets.”
“I say we do the 3 hours to get us back to Bandon. Then the next day we’ll head to Astoria. When we are done in Astoria, we’ll head to Portland to grab a hotel for the night and explore it the next day. We aren’t in a rush.”
“That’s right,” As you nod in agreement with Tania, Mel continues. “This is only day two.”
“Found anything?” Sam’s voice comes in through his earpiece, giving a little grunt as he shoved a part of a fallen tree out of his way.
“Looks like the exit. Covered in moss, leaves and a few fallen tree trunks that must have rolled partially down here. I’m about a click away from where we started.”
“Finally! Two damn days of looking...all this green blurring together. I’ll be there in a few seconds to help.” Bucky tears at the moss and vines around another trunk as he grunts out an “Okay” over the comm before Steve’s voice replaces Sam’s.
“Rhodey, Tony, Wanda and Vision are inside now, so I’m coming out to help you and Sam.”
“Gotcha,” Bucky replies, straightening up with a groan. “I got two trunks out of the way, but the last one is massive...I think the wall is behind it, and we should be able to follow the wall to the collapsed exit.”
“Roger that, Tin Man,” Tony confirms. “The last of the debris is nearly clear on this side. Wanda waved most of it away after we did the heavy lifting.”
“Right. Yes, that was exactly what happened...” Wanda’s voice is heavy on the sarcasm, making Bucky grin.
It’s nearly an hour later that Bucky and Steve manage to dislodge the trunk enough to comfortably get behind it to search the moss-riddled wall. Sam has Redwing searching along what they think is the wall, while Rak and Blackbird - Sam’s onyx little dragon - scramble along the base of the wall.
“Anything yet, Stark?” Bucky settles himself on the large log, fingers sliding into his damp locks and tying them back while they wait for Tony’s reply.
“Well, I haven’t found a secret door yet…”
“What Tony means is: yes Steve - we’ve found a mangled wall panel. Looks like it was smashed.” Bucky snorts at Wanda’s continued sass.
“I am working to fix the panel. Tony has gone back to divert the power to this end of the base.” Vision’s voice fills the comms just before they all hear a loud crack.
A rumble from the stone looking metal door shakes the ground around them as it attempts to roll itself up. By the time Tony makes it back to the dock, the door has managed to heft itself halfway up. Bucky eyes the door warily. He’s seen Indiana Jones...
“I hope we didn’t just do all the hard work for the bad guys,” Sam mutters as Rhodey, Vision, Wanda and Tony all join them carefully on the forest side of the door.
“We should blow it up,” Bucky remarks, Rak crawling up his pants and tact vest to settle on his shoulder. “That way we’re sure. The base is empty - all that’s left in there is old medical equipment I wouldn’t let anyone use, some desks and some chairs. We blow it up and then we just set up surveillance around the base and around Portland.”
Rhodey huffs out a breath in tandem with his dark emerald dragon, looking from Tony to Steve.
“I agree with Bucky, man. We get rid of the base then we get rid of the lure of any fractured HYDRA factions. Then we head to Portland for some delicious food at Proud Mary Cafe.”
Tony gestures at Rhodey, “Is that the place with the crab omelet?”
“Yep.” Bucky’s mouth waters a little at the mention of an omelet, only have a couple power bars since they’d started this morning. Portland sounds delicious at this point.
“Damn, that was almost decadent. Okay, I’m sold on Portland.” Steve rolls his eyes, making Tony smirk as his crimson and amber dragon clamors up his armor.
“We have gotten all files that were left behind. As well as documenting the whole base. We have no need for it if we are not going to occupy it.” Vision redirects the conversation back to the base. “And surveillance along the way, from here to Portland, would be excellent to execute for further knowledge on any HYDRA or other evil entities in the area. As Bucky and Rhodey have stated.” Bucky nods as he pulls a little leftover piece of jerky from his vest to give to Rak, who lets out a happy trill before Wanda reaches over to scratch the top of his head.
“Alright - you heard the Tin Men! Let’s blow her up.” He gestures back towards the half-open door. “Rhodey?”
“Tones, man, I’m gonna buy you a whole tableful of those omelets.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that.”
“Jesus. Are we like that?” Bucky mutters to Steve, smiling as Rhodey selects his weapon.
“Worse,” Sam mutters from Bucky’s left, making Steve and himself chuckle before they all head back up the hill in an effort to avoid most of the dust and debris.
“Jealousy is an ugly thing, Sam!” Bucky calls out as Sam and Wanda rise into the air, both of them sporting big grins before Rhodey launches into his destruction of the base.
“I’ve never had such pretty looking pizza!” Tania exclaims as it’s laid on the table, Godzilla’s tail thumping excitedly against your leg under the booth.
“Edible flowers and mushrooms? Ick.” Mel makes a face before picking up a piece of her fennel sausage pizza before picking up her fork and spearing a piece of the pansotti pasta to give to Linus.
“Well, we can have breakfast wherever you want.” You placate before handing a slice under the table before picking up a piece for yourself. You only got two bites in before Cloud drags it from your hand to devour it by your wine glass. “Apparently I am too slow for you, scaly.” Taking a healthy sip of your wine, you look across the table at Tania. “I saw a flag when we were walking earlier for the Portland Japanese Garden. We should check that out. The dragons like it when they can roam. Looks serene too.”
“As long as I don’t gotta hike, I’m golden with whatever,” Melanie mutters around another piece before handing one under the table for Zilla.
“If we do the Lan Su Chinese Garden, it has a teahouse!”
“Ooh, that sounds nifty Tania!”
“There’s also Powell’s City of Books. An entire city block worth of books.” Mel smiles over the rim of her glass at you. “And a hell of a coffee shop inside too.” Tania laughs, jiggling Falkor who is balanced on her shoulder, nibbling at her slice of pizza.
“If Y/N went in there, she might not come back out!”
“You say that like that’s a bad thing!” You defend, taking the last slice of your shared pizza with a playful glare at Tania.
“Think of all the money you’d spend.” Mel joins in.
“But then I’d have books…” You mutter around your mouthful.
“Your tiny little apartment can’t handle any more books.”
“That’s true,” You concede with a little sigh. “But that doesn’t mean if we have spare time, we can’t go and look!”
“Knew that was coming! Knew it!” Mel cackles, Linus giving her a judgemental look from his perch on the pasta plate as her hand slapped a few times on the table beside him.
“Well, I should fucking hope so by now.” You add smugly, taking a sip of your wine as Tania pulls out her phone.
“Okay. So what place do you want to do for breakfast, Mel?”
“I set up a reservation for breakfast for tomorrow at Proud Mary Cafe. One of the guys at my work, Tomas, says it’s the most delicious place to eat. So I set it up the day we left San Francisco since he mentioned it usually has a waitlist.”
“Holy crap,” Tania says softly as she peers down at her phone. “This food sounds decadent!”
“Read us a bit.” You request as you settle a little more comfortably into your seat.
“Savory french toast: Buttery portabella mushroom, smoked ricotta, chipotle charred greens, paprika crumb, croissant brioche, poached egg.”
“Whew. That sounds amazing!”
“Crab omelet: Singapore chili crab omelet, spicy noodles, bean sprout, and Asian herb salad, crispy onions.” She continues, licking her lips. “God I love crab.” With a shake of your head she looks up, “This is one I know you’ll want. Dutch honey hotcake: Vanilla and ricotta hotcake, mandarin segments, caramel, baked cheesecake, dutch cookie, honeycomb.”
“That’s a fancy pancake right there,” You say, handing Cloud the last piece of pansotti before reaching across to Melanie’s last slice, tearing it into thirds for Linus, Falkor, and Godzilla.
“Maybe pavlova? It’s a classic Australian pavlova with matcha, baked rhubarb, rhubarb syrup, and, ooooh, a custard cream. Damn. We should just order one of everything. It all sounds wonderful.”
“I wouldn’t say no to that!” Mel giggles out as the waitress comes over to ask about any ice cream desserts. “No thanks, we probably need to walk off what we just ate!”
“So,” Tania begins as the waitress goes to get the check. “We gonna walk for a bit then grab an ice cream cone while we’re out?”
“I wouldn’t say no to that!” You chuckle at Mel’s words, sliding the waitress your debit card when she returns.
“Or coffee.” You add.
“Or coffee. Man, I love me some coffee.” Mel replies with a grin, all of you standing after you sign the receipt, leaving a hefty tip for the waitress who had added some sausage on the side of the pasta for the scalies. “Let’s go find a coffee and ice cream place...then a park for the dragons.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Tania agrees, tucking Falkor into her oversized handbag as they exit the eatery, all of them taking a deep breath and headed down the street.
When they checked into The Benson last night, Bucky was exhausted. Exhausted but hungry. The food nearby was outstanding, though both Rhodey and Tony both kept saying it wouldn’t be as amazing as breakfast. Sam had rolled his eyes, remarking that everything tastes “amazing” to Steve and Bucky who had grown up with boiled cabbage and then hadn’t eaten for nearly seventy something years.
“One thing they don’t need to be - food critics,” Sam had finished as they’d stepped out into the evening air.
“I had plenty of good food back in the day when I was in Italy and France, thank you very much Mr. Won’t Pass Up A Big Mac.” Bucky sasses back, shoving his metal hand into his pocket. He takes about four steps when he felt a tingle up his spine. His head moves subtly from left to right, scanning the people around.
“Buck?” Steve’s voice is soft, straightening up when he sees Bucky’s posture change. All of them are on alert now, but none sure what they’re looking for.
“Just had a feelin’...”
“Like a ‘we’re about to get sniped’ feeling or more like ‘deja vu’ feeling?” Rhodey queries as he watches a group of men cross the street.
“Like something important is gonna happen feelin’.”
“I think he means an innocent feeling or an about to be ambushed one, Sgt. Barnes.” Vision adds, his eyes moving from the building behind them to Bucky. Bucky sees a flash on white, low to the ground up the street a little, but it’s lost in the foot traffic soon after he spots it.
“Nothing malicious. Just an odd, but nice feelin’.”
“Next time, lead with that.” Tony claps him on the shoulder before moving in the opposite direction, talking about a steakhouse with the most flavorful clam chowder he’s ever had. Wanda pats his arm before trailing after Tony and Vision, a small smile gracing her face.
When they’re seated and drinks have been ordered, Bucky still can’t shake the feeling. The light conversation is interrupted by Tony’s phone.
“Uh huh. Yep. Oh really? Did you activate the satellite feed? Uh huh. Bout an hour or so, I would venture to guess. Okay. Yep. Let me know. Thanks, Bruce.”
Steve raises an eyebrow at Tony, who is eyeing Bucky with interest.
“Did you tell them?”
“I told Steve.”
“Well then, I’ll catch everyone else up.” Bucky manages a nod just before Tony begins. “After getting first-hand descriptions, photos, plus information from both HYDRA and SHIELD - I began looking for Bucky’s dragon. I started from the base where Howl disappeared then branched out from there. And then one day it hit me -”
“Here we go…” Sam chuckles out, bracing his elbows on the table as a waiter appears with their drinks.
“Where would a dragon who has seemingly lost its human partner go?” Tony pauses dramatically, taking a healthy sip of his whiskey. “To find it’s soulmate.”
“So you’re saying you found not only his dragon but his soulmate?” Rhodey takes a good swig of his beer. “Damn.”
“I’ve narrowed it down to two women, just from satellite footage, you understand. One in Scotland, one in California. I asked Bruce to keep an eye on them while we were gone. Apparently, our California candidate has disappeared. Nowhere in the state.”
“You think something happened to her?” Wanda questions, looking from Tony to Bucky, who has his jaw clenched harder than is probably healthy.
“Nothing bad.” He takes another drink. “I don’t think. Bruce is readjusting the feed to get her last location and that should take about an hour. So, by the time we finish our dinner, we’ll have an answer.”
“Excellent.” Vision smiles encouragingly at Bucky, who gives a tight-lipped smile back as a mouthwatering steak is set before him. Suddenly his hunger isn’t as all-consuming as it was before...
God, Doll, I hope you’re safe wherever you may be...I don’t know if I can take it if you aren’t…
There are quite a few people lingering outside the establishment and a few shopfronts down, settled on benches and scrolling through phones while they wait. It’s cooler than you had expected, the storm you’d encountered earlier in the week still lingering. In a few days it’ll be warmer, something the dragons will appreciate but you will not.
Proud Mary Cafe opens at 7am, but the dragons and Mel had other ideas, and you’d all gotten up right before 6. Mel and Tania had showered the night before, so you hopped in only to be interrupted by Godzilla howling for you through the door. You had to hop out to crack the door open so he could reach you, resulting in the hot water to peter out to lukewarm water in those two minutes. Tania had insisted on doing your hair, like she had many a time in college, letting you slap on some sunblock and then minimal makeup while she twisted and coerced your hair how she wanted. Herding the dragons downstairs and over to the park for some pre-breakfast walkies had woken you up better than the two cups of coffee Mel had already downed.
You’re about to enter the cafe when Godzilla shoots off down the street, you and Cloud both calling out after him. You shove your purse at Tania before tearing off after him, silently cursing his damn monitor-like body as his short but powerful legs carry him away. When you see him, he’s at the end of the block sitting on some poor man’s chest.
“I’m so, So, SO sorry!! He never does this!!” You wrap your hands around his thick black collar, attempting to tug the two hundred plus pound dragon off the man. “Bad Zilla!! Bad!! Off the nice man!!”
“Zilla? As in Godzilla?” You huff, still tugging, finally looking at the man standing beside you. Holy shit it’s Iron Man.
“Off.” The man grunts from under Godzilla, who happily obliges, his thick marble-looking tail wiggling so hard his entire body is moving along with it.
“Holy shit. You tackled an Avenger. Apologize!” You hiss at your wayward dragon, Captain Rogers helping the man up. And holy shit are you glad you said that while you could because of the specimen before you is drop dead gorgeous. Dark hair that’s hanging just past his shoulders with the most intense blue eyes you think you’ve ever encountered. He’s a good head taller than you with just enough scruff covering his cheeks to look almost sinful with his pink lips. Cloud’s sharp nails dig into your shoulder, kicking your mind back towards the fact that Godzilla just tackled the unsuspecting Avenger. “I’m very sorry, Sergeant Barnes. Godzilla has never done that before. He’s been acting off since last night. Must be all the time in the car for the last few days. I really am very sorry.”
“Told you it was a vacation - you owe me fifty bucks.”
“Shut up Tony.” Captain Rogers glares at the billionaire before smiling at you. You turn your attention back to Mr. Barnes.
“No need to apologize. I’m sure he just sensed me last night - like I sensed him.” The dots all suddenly align in your head, releasing your fingers from Godzilla’s collar.
“Oh.” You breathe out, tears coming to your eyes as you look down. “Why didn’t you say something?” He huffs, his tail wiggling dying down before snorting angrily at the super soldier’s boots.
“It’s gonna be that way, Howlite, pal?” Sgt Barnes kneels before the dragon, holding out his flesh hand.
“You said you would come back for me.” You say, causing those intense blue eyes to find yours, while you give him a small sad smile before letting your gaze drop to Zilla - Howlite. He swallows hard then nods, smiling at his dragon.
“I did promise you I’d be right back, didn’t I buddy?” Godzilla eased a little closer, Cloud switching shoulders so she can be closer to her mate, glaring at the former Winter Soldier. “And I meant to...I didn’t mean to...for things to happen like they did. But I’m glad you left. I don’t want you to see me that way, ever. And I don’t want to think about what they’d have done if they found you. You were the best, Howl. You did right and ran. I’m sorry you went seventy years without a home,” He swallows again, blue eyes shining with tears that are being fought back.
Godzilla - Howl, you mentally correct yourself again - moves closer to you, nudging your leg with his muzzle before stepping forward to rub his scaled face into James’s outstretched hand.
“Don’t worry, Sergeant Barnes. He wasn’t alone that long.” Howl is trying to shove his entire hefty body into his owner’s kneeling form, the super soldier’s smile is bright as he welcomes him, trying to wrap himself around the dragon in turn.
“Thank you.” He says gently, but with a light shining in his sapphire eyes. “Okay. Okay. I gotta introduce myself.” Howl happily disengages, his tail thumping happily against the pavement as James straightens up. His hand stretches out towards you, an unsure smile tugging on his plush lips. “James Barnes. Bucky...Bucky Barnes, actually.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You take his hand and both of you inhale sharply at the sensation of your skin touching for the first time. He hasn’t released your hand - not that you’re complaining - so you use your free hand to push a piece of hair out of your eyes. “We were about to have breakfast.”
“What a coincidence! So were we! Proud Mary Cafe?” Tony pipes up, sporting a huge grin.
“Um, yeah, actually.”
“Wonderful. We’ll all have breakfast together. Get to know each other.” Tony gestures towards where you’d run from, Bucky giving your hand a small squeeze before releasing it, his cheeks pink as you both realize you’ve just been staring at each other with dopey smiles painted on your faces.
Bucky walks closely beside you, although not as close as Howl who is pressed right up against his leg as he walks, your arms brushing against each other comfortably as you make your way to the cafe entrance...as if you’d walked like this a hundred times before. And it’s nice - this feeling of finding your soulmate, of finally being able to talk to them and to touch them. In fact, your fingers are nearly twitching with the need to touch him. Bucky holds the door open for you and then pulls your chair out for you when you’re all taken back to the now joined tables. This is all you could’ve asked for.
Plus you did have that week and a half left of vacation time...
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Tagging:  @moonbeambucky @thewhiterabbit42 @nobodys-baby-now @unleashthemidnight @stay-frosty-royal-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @marichromatic @blondecoffeecake @ourloveisforthelovely @whinywingedwinchester @feelmyroarrrr
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alistonjdrake · 5 years
Of Rust and Gold: Season Two
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Or more like...the beginning of my world building posts for Of Vipers and Saints (the sequel) 
My other world building posts:  1  2  3  4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Main Wip Intro here
Below you’ll find a rundown of the key figures/prominent characters of the sequel so let’s get to this, shall we?
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OVS, Of Rust and Gold’s first sequel takes us back to the Escana Empire where the Harver reign faces new struggles when they’re asked to join a war on foreign soil, rebellions against their rule are sparked, and an assassination attempt threatens to tear it all apart.  Prince Argus and his ex-pirate lover Leo are finally given the chance to be together, but as the political climate gets hot even they might turn against each other.
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Prince Argus: Older and (slightly) wiser, Argus has said goodbye to his party boy nature although not by choice and spends much of his time as a councilman and still pushing his nose into other people’s business and matters that go over his head. Now with fewer friends, a bigger rift between him and his cousin, and a boyfriend he spends all his money on. Lonely but still well dressed. Oh. And he proposed to Leo. 
King Cidro: King of Escan and Emperor of all her territories. Cidro’s reign is still young and he struggles to emerge from the shadow left by Frederick and to move Escan away from the history that stains them. Can be found either doting on his wife or cooing at one of three children he now has. Being a king can get busy but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get in his family time. A very nice guy but possibly not very keen of his youngest brother’s sugar baby?
Prince Leonides: With their father gone, Leonides has possibly occupied an even bigger space in court. Still striking fear and reluctant attraction into the hearts of others. Between him and the queen, sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s really pulling the strings behind the scenes but at least we can always trust Leonides to know everyone’s deepest darkest secrets. Or does he? 
Queen Liliana: Queen Consort of Escan and Empress of all her territories. After pushing out 3 kids (1 girl and twin boys) she’s moved onto other “duties”. Such as shadowing Cidro everywhere he goes and constantly whispering in his ear before he makes big decisions. What’s she saying? No one knows but no one is gonna ask either because of the resting bitch face. 
Princess Zurina: The only daughter of the late King Frederick and Argus’ oldest sister. The past couple of years have not been easy for her and she’s tired of not being included. She also thinks she’s cursed and that demons are gonna pry the empire from their hands and hates when their religious neighbors come to court.
Princess Damaris/Dame Havisa: Having pushed more of her focus onto knighthood and her work, Damaris is just one step away from leaving the Harver family entirely. After Argus, she’s been engaged several times. Luckily, nothing stuck.
Councillor Gilabert: A councilman who sits next to Argus during meetings. He’s in charge of a whole ass committee put together specifically to find Argus literally anyone else to marry as long as it’s not A. an ex-pirate and B. an ugly ex-pirate. He’s a nice guy. Ask him about his aunts.
Chancellor Harver: Or Prince Manolo. Although he took priestly vows and is technically no longer a prince. He lives and works in the holy capital of Mignola but is back to ask for a favor as war wrecks havoc throughout Codua and the most religious Santivians seem to think this is the Saints saying that something ain’t right with the world. He started growing a mustache. No one has the guts to tell him it’s not a good look. 
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Prince Aayden Ponsonby: Possibly Argus’ only friend at this point. Friend, being used liberally. He still has a short temper, but now with more angst considering his father has been locked in his room for 3 years and now he has a family and legacy of his own to consider. 
Lady Cordinia ana’Gustavo Carvallo: Ex-queen, still a stepmom. Cidro put her in charge of the royal nursery. Keep as far away from Argus has possible.
Lord Enyo an’Tomas Serafin: After being dumped he’s actually been away from court for quite some time but could be tempted to come back. Or forced. Depending. 
Reverend Mother Ulrike: Mother of all Santivian nuns and here to pull Escan and Oskya into a war in Codua. It’s a messy situation but hey, some of the Harvers have a bone to pick with the Justice (religious leader) too and she’s hoping to pull them in if only because this might have a negative effect on their empire. 
Ambassador Ulmer: Oskyan Ambassador who literally will never be able to get a break. 
Hartanti Telak: King Frederick might be dead but she remains in the palace as a kindness from King Cidro. Not for any other reason. She has no other job. We swear. 
Maltoq Zamen: So...is he a prisoner? Is he a guest? Are people really still mad at him over the whole “almost fed Argus to a living god” thing? Wow. Get over yourselves. Oh. Also the figurehead ruler of Theassau, one of many territories controlled by Escan. He’s been held in Graza Palace for some time now. 
Marcel: A man traveling with Mother Ulrike because he sought help after fleeing religious persecution caused by the wars in Codua. Certainly not a con artist and definitely not someone Leo recognizes.  
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Leo Dianglo: Still grumpy, still drinks a bit too much, and still would rather not talk about it. All he wants to do is put his life of crime behind him (or does he?) and spend some well-deserved time with the man he loves but it’s hard when literally no one in Graza wants him there and he’s constantly being pushed in different directions. Not to mention being the guardian of two teenage boys have put him in more troubling scenarios than he ever signed up for. At least now he’s the captain of his own ship and what he does is totally LEGAL.
Mel: Angst-riddled teenager, definitely cursed, and struggling to understand something no one can really explain to him. With his dad still on the run, people keep coming to him for answers he doesn’t have. But worse yet, they’re trying to teach him things. 
Mung: Pirate orphan #2. When he’s not threatening to murder Mel, he’s also spending way more time with him than he’d like to admit. Sure, Mung is definitely hiding something but he also slouches too much. Let’s pay attention to that instead.
Officer Gerwin: Commander of Escan’s Knights. He’s never having a good day.
Sir Erasmus: Knight elected to keep an eye on Leo and his wards to watch for any illegal activity.  
Tarley Vilardi: A Fate (solider of the Saints) who survived the night all hell broke loose in the holy city. An ex-lover of the now-dead Niels Dursten and blames a certain Harver for it. 
Lady Ludovica: A woman living in Mignola with her children and a distant relative to Mother Ulrike. Might speak up in a case against the Harvers because another one stopped writing her back after their affair. 
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Duchess Benedetta Onesta Cassiopeia de ave Astorino: Yes. You have to say her whole name. She’s young and the daughter of a warlord who had a dedicated following, as such she’s been raised as a soldier and her men would die for her. And that’s likely why she’s been waging war in Codua since she was 10. But recently she’s gotten more ambitious and that can’t have anything to do with the fact that her uncle is Justice and hoping to build an empire of his own? In the process of trying to work out an engagement with someone that would give her land on Escana soil and no one wants her to step foot out of Codua. 
Justice Zisa: Well polite in manners he’s known to be quite ambitious and selective when it comes to telling people his intentions. Is he putting any effort into stopping his bloodthirsty niece or is he party to the destruction she’s causing?
Wiara: A girl Leo found in a shipwreck. She claims to be a princess but she was also smelled like blood magic and no one is really sure how she ended up there or what she wants. 
Sister Rosalie Pélissier: Working in the Kallenbach household, a Kellish nun working out the terms of engagement between Lord Gaius Kallenbach, one of the last of the Kellish nobility, and Duchess Benedetta. She also has some radical ideas about the Saints and could possibly be tempted to guide someone else who isn’t a warlord if they’re willing to listen/bring the change she believes the world needs.
Lady Philomené Kallenbach: One of the last of the Kellish nobility. At one point she was engaged to Argus and at another was the symbol for the last Kellish rebellion against the Escana Empire. She and Sister Rosalie are very close.
Lord Gaius Kallenbach: Phil’s younger brother. Might marry Duchess Benedetta and invite her onto Escana soil.  
Lord Elas an’Rodro Barraza: The rivalry between the Barrazas and Harvers goes back to the beginning of Frederick’s reign. There’s a lot of bad blood but current events invite the Barraza family to Graza for a celebration and surely an old man with a grudge is no worse than all the other threats surrounding them. 
Tamune: The living god in the cells deep within Alda. 
 An Assassin: Someone tried to kill a Harver. The question is who?
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aegon · 5 years
now that I’ve had time to process what happened, I’m not as emotional about the ending as I am just fucking furious at the insult.
you spend years - I still had goddamn braces, put hearts over my i’s and was at my peak gothic phase when this bullshit first started so fucking years - building an inherently thoughtful narrative that was just so rich and complex and emotional with a fascinating range of strong characters, all leading towards an epic conclusion of the end of the world, of the ultimate fight for survival that explored such intricate concepts as life, death, justice blah dee fucking blah.
you spend so much time making me give a shit about these characters, of showing me how painfully human they are, their tragedies, their journeys, their redemptions, their rise and fall and every bullshit in-between.
for it all to the thrown away in single-handedly the most expensive piece of shit I’ve ever seen. the producers pretty much took a massive dump while jerking each other off, sprinkled it with benjamin franklins, threw in some gratuitous dragon cgi, and called it a day.
nothing matters. that’s the lesson. the ones that won are the ones that did fucking nothing to deserve it, and the ones who lost are the ones who sacrificed everything for the ungrateful gremlins we’re apparently supposed to be rooting for.
and everything else? yeah, fuck you and your redemption arc, jaime. oh hey rhaegar, guess what, you asshole? your kids mean diddly squat. no, really, the whole prophecy and prince who was promised garbage was all shits and giggles. the wood witch was high on crack and azor ahai is an anagram for “kiss my ass, you dumbfucks.”
arya didn’t need to learn how to change faces. she could have literally spent years learning how to knife flip and stabbing a block of ice, and nothing would need to change from this last season. nymeria? wolf pack? lmao who gives a fuck, certainly not the writers. then she peaces the fuck out after spending five hot minutes with her fucked up family, probably to find some good plot because fuck knows you can’t find it in this wankfest.
bran’s warging abilities and his grand mystical journey were all about him eyefucking whatever poor soul walked by or cosplaying as a bird and flapping about fucking uselessly until he could roll up dramatically in the end like “hey fam I’m here to be king lmao, look I brought starbucks.”
jon didn’t actually come back to serve some great purpose. the truth is, he fucking bored everyone in the afterlife with his impressions of a miserable puppy so the lord of light told mel to get him the fuck out because he was ruining game night.
and sansa? oh well our darling sansa did nothing for two seasons but sow discord in her own family and endanger a valuable alliance that was made to save her useless sack of shit of a home. if we’re supposed to see dany executing slavers as villainous, why in the fuckity fuck should I be rooting for a girl whose greatest asset USED to be courtesy and being kind and missing her family, but who’s now some knock-off cersei/littlefinger lovechild whose throne is built on the ashes of the bridges she burned to get there. she’s left all alone in some cold ass, broke ass, racist ass kingdom with no one she loves and no one who loves her because they’ve all peaced out, and that’s supposed to be a happy ending. power cravings are a hell of a drug. but hey, we got our yaaaasssss queeeeeeen moment and that’s enough for a certain portion of her fandom so good for her.
and dany? dany spends years fighting for the people and for freedom and justice and to break away from the toxicity of her family’s tarnished legacy to reestablish the vision of what house targaryen should always have been. but fuck that bullshit, bells are her kryptonite, and she’s the big bad evil for using harsh methods to rid the world of assholes. the audacity. dany should have done what tyrion and jon do to their enemies which is give them a hug and ask them pretty please with sugar on top not to be evil because westeros is a pacifist continent and no one has ever used violence ever. fuck me.
the dothraki just kinda forgot they’re supposed to follow a khal but it was really very sweet of them and the unsullied to care so much about westerosi customs as to wait for the punishment of the man who murdered their queen to be processed in an orderly and lawful fashion. how quaint.
and then they kindly fucked off before seeing the sentence through because they’re so stupidly trusting of a bunch of dickwad lords who wanted their queen dead. mmkay. also let’s just ignore the fact that either sansa or bran could issue jon a pardon the way robert issued jaime a pardon but clearly neither of them gave enough of a fuck for their brother to give him the choice for where he’d like to spend the rest of his life. also his name and blood makes him a threat to both their thrones so condemning him to the wall strips him of any right, whether he likes it or not....so bye forever jon try not to die again xxxx
the pack survives? nah, the pack used each other as a means of reaching their goals then cast each other side the moment they had what they wanted.
ned stark’s legacy, my fucking ass.
but all that aside, you know what the most insulting part of all this is?
in their pursuit to break clichés and give us some bullshit moral lesson about leadership, they contradict themselves to an idiotic degree where even the biggest dumbass could see through it.
the whole argument that was literally shoved into our face for episodes and used against dany was that the “one who doesn’t want to be king, would be a good king.” ignoring the fact that ambition is an incredibly important factor in any good leader, this lesson serves to insult d&d’s favourite character.
enter: sansa stark, character dreaming of the throne for an entire eight seasons. are d&d implying she won’t be a good queen because everything she’s done is because she wants to be queen? or were they too busy jerking themselves off to sansa to see the picture they were painting of her reign?
the next argument the show failed to realise they fucked up: the lannisters, the tyrells, petyr baelish - all were punished for adopting a ruthless machiavellian sociopathic mindset to win the game of thrones, betraying everyone around them and sacrificing family and allies along the way.
enter: house stark. sansa betrays jon’s trust (and is rightfully not given forgiveness for it because fuck that). bran apparently knew that king’s landing would burn and that his brother and sister would suffer for it but lmao he’s about to be king so who gives a fuck. arya does not see or feel the need to stand by her family to see them through this fragile transition of power because she wants to go exploring. no one in this godforsaken family apparently loved each other enough. and yeah, welcome to the new house lannister. wolves and lions aren’t so different. both prey on the weak, after all.
and finally, fuck you, bronn, you fan-serviced jumped up fuck. a mercenary with zero development and who offers nothing to the narrative is now the lord of the richest region in the realm. nice.
okay, i’m done now.
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daeneryses · 5 years
okay so I KNOW NO ONE ASKED but im stil gonna comment on the episode
ofc its filled w spoilers and under a read more
how the hell is the death count so freaking low. plot armor at its FINEST i could have sworn sam was ab to bite it at like 3 different times. also brienne jaime and podrick (at least one of them should have died and u KNOW IT). i know some characters have to be alive bc KL but???? what are the odds mate they were being fucking massacred. also conveniently all the dothraki died i gues to make it seem like they really lost smth while conveniently not killing off named characters
how is greyworm still alive
how did we only lose five (5) named characters in the battle WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS. they didnt burn edd’s body i’m ;___; that’s all he wanted
no one important died at the crypts not even VARYS can u believe
so i guess i’m mad at how we all built up so much anticipation over this chapter, the longest episode ever, longest battle in cinematographic history, and then nothing happened??? i mean yeah jorah died i was DEVASTATED bc my dude kept on fighting even with 63 stab wounds and theon who got to die protecting his little brother and little lyanna killed a giant!!! but ???? 
i also CANT believe how useless dany and jon were. Jon mostly. he really was about to die yelling at a wight dragon im sorry but i have to laugh. at least dany set some wights on fire what did jon do. YOU TWO HAD D R A G O N S that should have been a real game changer but they were playing tag with viserion.
that was it???? the big threat that was looming over westeros for 7 seasons is just gone??? how did the NK survive being ROASTED but with a stabby stab he was dead. i am so confused what even was that. im conflicted because arya did that!!!! she really saved the day but it shouldnt have been that easy, how did she even sneak up on him, weren’t all of his WW watching???? also so many wights? how did she fight that i just---????
so now the main threat is cersei which i ?????? WHAT 
she was right all along  how HILARIOUS is that. her plan might work that’s just so fckin ridiculous i dont even have WORDS
episode 4 better fucking deliver and answer many questions bc i am not satisfied at all
but it wasnt all bad!!!! the scene where the dothraki get obliterated sent chills down my spine i have to admit it. also, all those who died died really good and worthy deaths, except maybe edd. 
brienne and jaime saving each other several times was great.
the hound overcoming his fear of fire to go save arya was very sweet and emotional.
arya in general was very very fucking good this episode, her fights were amazing i can’t imagine how much maisie had to train. she owns the episode imo (not just bc of the final scene). Arya fighting with the weird ass weapon gendry made her? a  V I S U A L. the scene where she’s hiding in the library was very good imo, it made me very tense i was so nervous it’s ridiculous how invested i was. arya with the arrows? i loved it, she was just overall amazing.
also beric dying after he saved arya bc that was his great purpose made me emo. 
so im not mad ab arya doing it, it was a good twist bc everyone thought it’d be jon and it shows that azor ahai is bullshit. but the execution was so fucking anti climatic and LAZY. they should have dropped more clues throughout the series bc all we had was the whole speech mel gave her back in season 2 WHICH NO ONE COULD HAVE GUESSED BECAUSE SHE ACTUALLY BECOMES AN ASSASSIN OFC SHE WOULD SHUT BLUE EYES NOT ONLY WHITE WALKERS HAVE BLUE EYES. 
but well i guess next episode will have to answer some questions huh.
also i really hope they drop the whole tyrion x sansa thingy they tried to give us bc im huuuuuhh not feeling it. at all.
its a well directed episode, it gave us some amazing visuals, some very emotional moments, but if they wanted to pull off such a twist like the one i just witnessed they had to earn it throughout the entire SERIES. arya should have had more screen time throughout the series, they should have dropped more foreshadowing that would make us go :0 in hindsight. 
idk man
BUT SHE DID THAT!!! I CAN ONLY HOPE EVERYONE GIVES HER THE RECOGNITION SHE DESERVES AT WINTERFELL. HELL AT WESTEROS!!!!! the princess who was promised. i expect everyone bending BACKWARDS for her they owe her so much. she should just dip out now and go love a happy peaceful life no one deserves her.
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askbittyerror · 7 years
Character list
Current Shop Residents
Error- Error Bitty. Likes chocolate and is gay for Jay. May or may not let you pet him. Has essentially adopted Pax. Adoptable. Description More accurate appearance
Jay- Winged Underswap Sans Bitty, otherwise known as a Baby Bird bitty. Is Luke’s brother. Likes meat and is gay for Error. Will let you pet him. Taller than Error. Adoptable. Appearance and description. 
Luke- Bat winged Underswap Papyrus Bitty, otherwise known as a Little Devil. Is Jay’s brother. Like cherries and is dating Zack. Will let you pet him. Appearance
Zack- Underfell Sans Bitty, otherwise known as an Edgy. Likes peppers and is dating Luke. Will let you pet him, but may bite you a bit.
Ink- Ink bitty. Flamboyant Memelord. Loves pets and any kind of affection. Adoptable. Appearance and Description. Bonus. Important information.
Paladin- Dreamswap Dream Bitty. Is confused and angered by most things. Is totally gay for Bard. Adoptable. Appearance and Description and bonus
Magnus- Dreamswap Nightmare Bitty. Salty. Adoptable Appearance and Description
Rogue- Dreamswap Blueberry Bitty. Tiny evil gremlin. Currently crashed so hard his entire personality has been rewritten. Adoptable. Appearance and description
Fresh- Winged Fresh Bitty. Rogue’s buddy. Appearance Parasitic appearance
Nightshade- Corrupted Nightmare Bitty. Generally grumpy. Probably won’t bite unless provoked but will break your fingers if you get too grabby. Appearance
Thistle: Dream Sans Bitty. Less of a beacon of positivity and more of a puddle of indifference. 100% done with everything ever. Brother and partner of Nightshade. Appearance
Gryph: Winged Undertale Sans Bitty. Was once possessed by Fresh. Jay’s father. Has children with Ghost.
Drake: Bat winged Undertale Papyrus Bitty. Gryph’s brother. Appearance and injuries.
Jack: A Blueberror. Not actually a bitty, just a small swap sans that was blueberrored the canon way. Appearance
Bitties owned by Anya
Char: Fireroyal grillbitty. Catlike. Guards the store and Is mated to Anya. Will let you pet him.
Rammy: A Underswap Asgore bitty. Lives in and cares for the garden outside the center.
Ex: A Cross Lust bitty. Suffering from an eating disorder and likes to dress up. Appearance
Marble: Ghost’s daughter. An adult, but rather small for her age. Brought back from the dead by M!A. Feisty, curious and fascinated by new things. Appearance
Void: A unique bitty. Very childish, naive and impressionable. Likes strawberries. Appearance
Argo: A outertale Sans merbitty. Appearance
Bitties Owned by Zo
Pale: Pale bitty. Consumes creative works for emotions. Entirely dead inside. Appearance
Bard- Dreamswap Ink Bitty. Salty Memelord. Gay for Paladin. Appearance
Aria: Error and Jay’s Daughter. Appearance (child, now grown)
Bitties owned by Dame
Piccolo- Underfell Papyrus Merbitty. Likes gardening. Is mated to Viola. Appearance
Viola- Swapfell Sans Merbitty. Loves jewelry and being spoiled. Bites. Is mated to Piccolo. Non-binary, prefers male pronouns. Appearance
Hemlock- Horror Sans Bitty.  May full on bite, may just nibble. Don’t touch his head. Appearance
Zenith- A Crystal-souled Paladin bitty. Appearance
Bitties owned by Durva
Freya: Undertale Toriel Bitty. Oftentimes the only thing keeping Durva from ripping your throat out. A therapy bitty.
Bitties owned by Moose
Bear: Four foot tall Blaster Error from the times of the Aztecs. Skeleton form
Prey: Fresh Parasite with a preference for large Nightmare bitties. Appearance
Storm: About two and a half feet of Corrupted Nightmare. Appearance
Moon: Four inches of Uncorrupted Nightmare. Star’s brother.
Star: Four inches of Dream. Moon’s brother.
Jam: Fresh bitty with a preference for smaller bitties.
BItties “owned” by Huitzi
Dawn/Dusk: A unusual Dream bitty. Dawns Appearance
Finley: A blind Dream. From the Village.
Lucas: A deaf Dream. From the Village.
Oreo- A Magnus. Has a dead brother named Hershey. Appearance From the Village.
Arthur: A Dream bitty. Experiences frequent hallucinations. Appearance FRom the Village.
Temper: A Corrupted NIghtmare. Arthur’s brother.
Bitties owned by miscellaneous people
Group 1
Elisus (Eli)- Dreamswap Cross Bitty. Protective of Pax. Reference
Pax- Dreamswap Error Bitty. Easily spooked. Love pets and cuddles. Appearance
Template: Template Sans Bitty. Excitable boy. Let him know before touching him. Appearance
Group 2
Mercury: A slighty short corrupted Nightmare. Appearance Bonus and size reference (top left, Jabber 7 inches tall for scale)
Domino: A corrupted Nightmare with a blob of white on his cheek. From the Village.
Licorice: A corrupted Nightmare who is more purple than teal. From the Village.
Jabber: Nex’s brother. An uncorrupted Nightmare. Headshot. Full body sans circlet (on bottom left) From the Village.
Gold: Mercury’s brother. A very small Paladin. 
Beryl: A baby blue. Was Gold and Mercury’s caregiver for a long time and is considered a older sibling.
Group 3
(all grown, only child appearances drawn at this time)
Sunset and Starlight: Two headed Snake-Bird bitty. Daughters of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Mist: Snake-Bird bitty. Daughter of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Jubilee, Catalin and Camelot: Snake-bird triplets. Sons of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Tropic: Snake-Bird bitty. Likes to yell. Daughter of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Capri and Cameo: Snake-Bird twins. Paladin adores them. Cameo likes to climb. Son and Daughter of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Calico: Snake-Bird bitty. Easily startled. Daughter of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Opal: Snake-Bird bitty. Loves hugs and protects Calico. Son of Ghost and Gryph. Appearance
Harlequin: Snake-Bird bitty. Like throwing things/being thrown SAFELY. Daughter of Gryph and Ghost. Appearance
Joshua: Old host of Cheddar. A blank bitty tainted by Fresh magic. Ghost cares for him. Appearance
Group ?
Bubble: A bara baby blue. About the size of a teddy bear. Cuddly.
Moira: Undertale Undyne Bitty. Aggressively affectionate.
Bitties Adopted out of the shop by their Asker
Lavender: Gaster Blaster Underswap Sans Bitty. Mel’s original brother. Brought back from the dead. Skeleton Appearance Blaster Appearance
Mel- Underswap Papyrus Bitty. Formerly known as Honey. Has a very negative past with Rogue and is a reformed Asshole. Had a horrific head wound and symptoms of a TBI. Relearning many things.  Appearance and Injury
Dusty- Dusttale Sans Lamia Bitty. Likes bitter foods and eating small live animals. Loves being pet. Venomous. Appearance
Ghost- Dusttale Papyrus Lamia Bitty. Likes fruit gummies. Is terrified of touch. Non-venomous. His skull is cracked, he’s missing his left arm and two fingers on his right hand. Is mated to Gryph and has children. Appearance and Bonus
Blake (named Anon)
Nex: A dream bitty. Reanimated. From the Village. Appearance (on bottom right) 
Seven: A mated pair fused into one Blaster bitty. 
Stray Bitties
Sweet: Fresh’s daughter. A young parasite. Emotionless and currently possessing a blank. Appearance
Cheddar: Fresh’s son. A young parasite. Emotionless and currently possessing a blank. Brought back by M!A after being tortured to death by Rogue. Appearance
Mar: A Reaper Sans bitty. Has a passion for necromancy and is just a little bit demented. Don’t ask where he gets his supplies. Appearance
Atemba: Once human, was executed and resurrected into a bitty body. Mar’s previous owner and Momma.
Geno: Geno bitty. Salty, doesn’t trust biggies. Appearance
Periwinkle: Crystal-souled Corrupted Nightmare bitty. Zenith’s brother. Appearance
Bitties from Dame’s Rehabilitation Center
Aimi: A Frisk bitty. They/them. Appearance
Roo: A Horrortale Papyrus Bitty. Appearance
Darling: An Asriel bitty. Very sweet unless someone tries to leave his side. Appearance
Meatball: A Sansy. An alcoholic and generally apathetic. Appearance
Gil: A Dust Lust Sans. Kind of an ass. A naturally born lust, is on experimental treatments to cure or at least suppress his condition. But as a side effect, instead of getting horny, he just gets angry.
Missy: A very chipper Chara. Speaks dog. (from the Village) Appearance
Min: A very brave Chara. (from the Village)
Blink: A rather tall Chara. (from the Village)
Once bitties
Huitzilopochtli (Huitzi): A ten foot four Paladin who was convinced he was a god reborn. Has since been rehabilitated. From the time of the Aztecs and over five-hundred years old. Has accumulated enough power to be considered something beyond a bitty. Appearance. Proof the mun is thirsty. 
Alternate Multiverse Folk
Flare- Much older Huitzi from another multiverse. Very big (can go from 384ft to 32ft to 7ft) and very powerful. Heavily unstable, functionally immortal with an absurd amount of LOVE and determination. Appearance
Umbra- Human Nightmare, Flare’s adopted son. Very weak
Morris- A big old pile of what the fuck that basically amounts to several million errors shoved into a weird goop sack and shaken around by a batshit Ink for roughly five-hundred years. Bonded to Mo. Eldritch monstrosity. Consists of several groupings of souls working as one cohesive being.
Parts of Morris
Biggies (full sized monsters, humans, askers, etc.):
Moose: Dame’s Adopted son. Current owner of the shop. Entirely composed of anxiety.
Anya (Underswap Zoteara): Fluffy dog monster. Owned the adoption center. Appearance
Zo (Undertale Zoteara): Fluffy dog monster. Anya’s Undertale counterpart. Owns Ink, Paladin, Magnus and Template. Was in the royal guard before the barrier fell. Head-shot Appearance, Full body appearance
Dame (Swapfell Zoteara): Fluffy dog monster. Owns Nightshade and Hemlock. Runs a bitty rescue organization, loves children and controls most of the city. Some of her other business practices are… Questionable. Has a fondness for poisons. Appearance
Durva (Underfell Zoteara): Fluffy dog monster. More scruffy than anything. Knows people. Owns Freya.
Ochi: Currently bitty sized deer. Responsible for many, many bitty deaths and is a generally terrible person. Appearance
Gael: Ochi’s brother-in-law. Single father and generally dead inside.
Mēsti: Human, helps out Dame sometimes.
Bitey: Female Pirahna. Viola’s pet. 
Kai: Male ferret. Pax’s buddy.
Kevin: Male chick. Pax’s buddy.
Crayon: Female Leopard Gecko. Pax’s buddy.
K: Male squirrel. Error’s buddy.
If you want to find out more about a specific character, search for their name and ‘info’ on the blog. Example: ‘Rogue Info’ 
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iamknicole · 7 years
Line In The Sand - Chapter Eight
Tama Tonga/OC
Author’s Note: Honestly .... a lot of arguing. lol. Before we get to the romance and love. And sadness ....
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The ride to the house Colin had purchased was quiet. Tama nor Sevyn made a move to turn on the radio or strike up a conversation. Tama was afraid she would lash out at him; Sevyn just wanted nothing to do with him. She was angry and she wanted him to know it. She wanted to know when Colin had purchased the home instead of reservations at a hotel but that would mean she would have to talk to him.
 His car had barely come to a stop before Sevyn had bolted out of it. She stood at the front door of the rather large house waiting for her to let him in.
 “I’ll go back later and get our bags,” he whispered pushing the door open.
 Sevyn hummed, stomping into the house. Her focus was on finding a room she could away from Tama in. She couldn’t stand to be around him,
 “Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t think she would do that to you.”
 She knew he would follow her, that didn’t mean she had to talk to him though. If this is how things were going to go then she could have stayed locked up in her room back in Florida with Colin. At least she knew what to expect with, he let up eventually.
 “How long are you gonna ignore me, Sevyn? The silent treatment is pretty childish for people our age.”
 Just as she had closed the door to a bathroom she had found, she stopped in her tracks at his words. She rolled her eyes not bothering to turn and face him.
 “Fuck you, Tama,” she scoffed.
 Her words made him pause. She wasn’t just angry at him, he had hurt her. Hurting her was never his intentions.
 “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times you want me to say it.” He sighed rubbing his silky beard anxiously. “The bedroom is the last door on your right, Sevyn.”
 Humming out a ‘thank you’, Sevyn went to the room attempting to close the door behind her. He pushed the door back open, going to sit beside her on the king sized bed.
 “Please talk to me. I don’t like not hearin’ your voice, Sugar.” He pled quietly.
 “Yeah well I don’t like being ambushed like that.”
 “I know I should have said something but I thought she was gonna be nicer than what she was.”
 “Your sister is not changing her mind about me. To her, I mean nothing and I am nothing. Because your sister feels so strongly about me we could never e together if I got away from Colin, Tama,” she explained glaring at him. “And because I smacked the shit outta her ass.”
 With his head hung low, Tama grabbed for her hand lacing his fingers with hers. He didn’t like to argue with anyone, Sevyn was no different.
 “I can fix that, Sev.”
 She snatched her hand from his grasp as she stared at the side of his face. “You think you can fix everything and you can’t, Tama! You can’t fix your sister’s fucked up perception of me, you can’t fix how Colin treats me and you for damn sure can’t fix the position I’m in. You’re trying to be Captain Save-A-Hoe and it’s just not worth it. I’m not worth it.”
 “Sevyn, please. Listen, you’re stressed out and all over the place. Let’s just calm down,” he suggested lifting his head to look at her.
 “Stop!” She shouted. “Don’t tell me what I am and what to do. I’m tired, I am so fucking tired.”
 Tama moved closer to her, shoulder to shoulder. “Tired of what, Sev?”
 “This and you,” she sighed softly. “I don’t get why you’re going so hard about this. You don’t really want me, I’m just easy access for you.”
 “No, you’re not, you’re more to me than that. I care more for you than any other woman in my life besides my sister.”
 “I hear you, Tama. I just,” she paused looking at her hand cradled inside of his, “I wanna believe you but I can’t. No one just wants me for me. They want me for their own good, for what I can do for them.”
 “Let me show you that I mean what I say. Can I do that?” He asked kissing the back of her hand.
 “I don’t care, Tama. Just give me some space. I need to be alone right now. Please?”
 “You got it, beautiful. But before I go let me get some sugar, Sev.”
 Looking over to him, she smirked seeing the sneaky grin on his face. She leaned in quickly placing a quick kiss on his lips.
 “There now go,” she laughed pushing his chest away.
 “Kiss me like you mean it,” he whispered.
 Tama pulled her face to his by her chin, pushing his lips against hers. He deepened the kiss as he laid her back on the bed. Their bodies intertwined with him lying between her legs. One hand gripped her thigh and the other wrapped loosely around her throat, putting slight pressure on it. The room was quiet outside of the smacking of their lips and their groans. In the heat of their kiss, Tama hitched Sevyn’s leg up on his waist preparing for his next move but she had other plans, she pulled away from the kiss and pushed him off her.
 “The space I asked for, Tama. I meant it. Go,” she demanded softly.
  “Alright, alright,” he laughed raising up from the bed, “I’m gonna go grab our stuff from Mel’s house. I’ll lock up behind me, call me if you need anything, Sevyn.”
 “You know I will, Tama. Go before her hateful ass cuts my shit up.” He gave a warning glance making her laugh. “I was joking. Geez.”
  “You better not have that bitch with you, Tama.”
 Tama rolled his eyes as he entered the kitchen, approaching the island his sister and Roman stood. She held an ice pack to the cheek Sevyn had slapped, Tama could see a bruise forming.
 “Her name is Sevyn. I won’t say it again.” Tama spoke through gritted teeth, barring down on the island.
 “Why the fuck do you keep taking up for that bitch? Her pussy can’t possibly be that good.” Melanie spat tossing the ice pack down.
 Tama took slow deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He loved his sister dearly but he was over her attitude.
 “Chill, Mel. He clearly doesn’t like what you’re saying,” Roman said placing a hand on her shoulder. “Just stop it.”
 “I don’t give a fuck what he likes, Roman. He shouldn’t have brought her hoe ass to my house.”
 “Shut the fuck up,” he growled loudly. Melanie sat stunned at her brother’s words. He had never spoken to her that way. “I’m so tired of your fucking attitude every single time I bring someone to meet your spoiled ass. Even after I told you she was a good person and shit, you still stood here in her face and disrespected her.”
 “Well, you shouldn’t have brought that bitch he—,” Tama slamming his hands down on the counter startled her. She closed her mouth tight watching her brother closely. “Do not call her out of her name again, Melanie! Are we clear?” he asked staring dead into her eyes.
 “Either way, Tama. You brought her here and expected me to laugh and smile with her like we’re best friends.”
 “No, I expected to bring her here and you not act like you’re a spoiled ass brat. That shit was kind of cute, funny even at times when you were younger but now it’s old,” Tama ranted moving his hands around as he spoke. “Every female I bring to meet you, you act like a fucking brat towards them. Either you’re gonna act like you got sense or I’ll be gone. Because now you’re not only fucking with my love life but you’re fucking with my job and I’m not havin’ that shit, Melanie.”
 “So you’re really gonna choose her over your sister? The only flesh and blood you have in this world,” she scoffed.
 Roman stepped in before Tama could answer her question. He knew Tama would have cursed her out with no hesitation and left. “Mel, you’re missing the point. He’s not choosing her, he’s asking you to grow up and stop being so childish. You’re putting his work in jeopardy and he clearly has strong feelings for Sevyn.”
 “Oh, I’m putting his work in jeopardy? Me?” She chuckled looking between her husband and her brother. “That’s funny cause I think you did that when you stuck your dick inside her.”
 “You know what,” he humbled laughing lowly to himself, “I’m gonna go before I do or say something I regret later. I just came here to our bags anyway.”
 “Don’t leave, Uce. Let’s talk about this.”
 “Nah, Ro. Let’s not,” he said staring directly into his sister’s eyes. “We clearly aren’t gonna see eye to eye on this and I’m not fighting with my sister, my only flesh and blood.”
 Melanie watched him walk away, her anger fading with each step he took. She wanted to stop him but her pride wouldn’t let her. The things she said about Sevyn, she was not going to take back and she knew that would be the only way Tama would speak to her again.
 After taking a two-hour drive around Los Angeles, Tama finally headed back tot the house he and Sevyn were sharing. He knew she was probably worrying about him, figuring he wouldn’t be gone long. He pulled into the gated driveway, making sure it was closed before he pulled into the two-car garage.
 He found her lying on the sofa in a ball with a comforter wrapped tightly around her.
 “Hey, Suga,” he said kneeling to kiss her.
 “You got our stuff,” she asked after kissing him back.
“Mmhm. You tired, huh? Jetlag’s a bitch.”
 She shook her head then sat up a little so he could sit down. Tama pulled her back down, so she could lie her head in his lap. “No, it’s my stomach. I’ve been sick since you left.”
 “Like throwing up or the other thing,” he asked laughing.
 She popped his chest laughing a bit, “Throwing up, Tama. And now I’ve got heartburn.”
 “Might’ve been the plane ride, babe. Or that virus you had a couple of weeks ago is making it’s comeback.”
 “Whatever it is, I need it to go away,” she sighed looking up at him playing in his beard, “How did it go with her sister?”
 “She’s still being all bitchy and disrespectful so I left. I tried talking to her but it didn’t work. I wasn’t gonna stand there and allow her to attack you that way.”
 “Baby, you didn’t have to do that. Melanie is your sister and I don’t want to come in between that.”
 “Don’t worry about it, Sev. She’ll come around eventually,” he said as he scrolled thorugh his emails.
 “If she doesn’t?” Sevyn asked.
 He shrugged in response not really caring for the conversation anymore. In his mind, he knew he wasn’t wrong so there was no need to even dwell on the situation.
 Sevyn rose suddenly from her spot eith her hand cupped over her mouth, tossing her comforter aside and ran towards the bathroom off the side of the living room slamming the door behind her. 
@lavitabella87 @macfizzle @vivalavonvon @cool-snowball-22-blog @rollinsdar
@designrwriterchic @anerdysouthernbelle
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yakumtsaki · 7 years
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Welcome, dear readers, to the much anticipated Union Season 1 finale, featuring the diverse cast of well-developed characters we’ve all come to love, such as cheating whore #1, cheating whore #2, and my personal favorite, cheating whore #3. Also starring purple Hannibal Lecter, Melody Tinker’s sunglasses, and Leon Trotsky. Last update saw the erotic tension between resident porn-king Gunther and his brother’s intended, Regina George Brittany Upsnott finally boil over, leading to this harrowing image:
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GOOD TIMES. Let’s pick up right where we left off..
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.. namely precious Gunther immediately jumping into bed with Melody not two minutes after his close encounter of the Brit kind. Guns has been suspiciously loyal and un-gross ever since we moved out of the dorms, but apparently his goal for senior year is to out-worst everyone else in the house. What a comeback!
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Meanwhile Brit is depressingly bowling her frustrations away under the unforgiving desert sky. Whaddup Brit, you must be dealing with some pretty complicated emotions right now.
-What?? No way, I’m totally, totally fine!
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I mean sure, why wouldn’t you be, it’s not like you’ve fucked literally everything up. After spending half of college dealing with fucking HaremGate all I wanted was an uneventful senior year I could speed through, but that would be too easy now, WOULDN’T IT.
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-The pins are you well-laid out plans for the future!
UGH Brit seriously, this isn’t happening. As in we’re gonna pretend it literally never happened, you’re gonna marry Daniel, Gunther is gonna marry Mel, everyone will live happily ever after and that’s the last I’m gonna hear of this bullshit.
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-I’m just heartfarting, GAWD
Yea you’re also about to fucking serenade him in front of Mel, have you legit lost your mind??? Is this how the rest of this year will go, me chasing you around cancelling your dumbass actions?
-Probably! lolol!
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-Aww Brit, if there was an award for best couple, we would definitely win it <3
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-Oh please, Gunther and I have you totally beat!
-Yea right Mel, bet you §10 me and Brit are gonna move in together before you and Gunther do!
-…So how you liking that pizza, Gunther?
-…Oh it’s good, Brit, thanks for asking.
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Meanwhile it looks like my restless Jojo/Wyatt reconciliation efforts have finally borne fruit! Good job, Wyatt!
-It’s no job, I’m just following mon coeur!
Nice, follow it all the way to redemption!
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YASSSS. I can’t stress enough how many times Wyatt had to apologize to get us to this point, I’m talking half their awake time for 3 days. God. The whole thing has been an extremely repetitive nightmare but finally we can put it to rest. Much like we put Frances! BURN IN HELL
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Finally, the universe has responded to my desperate pleas. I will even forgive the creepy ass llama because for once the cheering is completely appropriate. Reunited and it feels so good! Especially for me because if I had to press the apologize button one more time istg.
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Well.. The universe giveth and the universe taketh away. Literally can’t leave these dicks unsupervised for more than a minute before they start slutting it up. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO
-Oh oh oh oh oh OH, caught in a bad romance <3
STOP SINGING INTO EACH OTHER’S MOUTHS. It’s time for drastic measures. Gunther is obviously unfamiliar with the concept of decency but maybe there’s still hope for Brittany..
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..especially after Daniel gives her a high-class romantic evening! Looking great, Dan. Please stop picking your teeth.
-I’m so uncomfortable, my hair hasn’t seen the light of day since I was a toddler! I’m putting my cap back on.
DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Also suppress your gag reflex + every instinct in your body because it’s time-
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-to hit Londoste! OOH LA LA
-Brit, I feel like we’re.. ridiculously overdressed.
-No such thing, darling!
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-I’ll be having the filet mignon and a glass of the Veronaville ‘64, thank you.
-And I’ll be having chicken nuggets and a detailed report of the working conditions in this bourgie hellhole.
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-Let’s raise a glass to us and our magical evening together-
-Yes, and this delicious food, stained with the tears of the working farmhand-
-Daniel, please.
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-My beloved ice queen, even though the diamond engagement ring “tradition” is another completely made up, SHAMELESS CAPITALIST SCAM, I just couldn’t bear the thought of wounding your gigantic, aggressively materialistic ego.. Marry me, my darling, be my Nadezhda!
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-OH baby of course I’ll marry you! Everything before this moment doesn’t count, right?
-I mean.. sure?
Yes, what a wonderful, subtle night.
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-Oh Brit, you make me the happiest worker alive, which of course is a completely paradoxical state under capitalism!
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AWW MEANT TO BE <3 Finally we can put that gross, freckled chapter behind us.
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-WOOO congrats for not cheating for an entire day, Gunther!
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Our greek house is currently at a pathetic level 3 and it’s not hard to see why. As if the graves of Jojo’s former flames weren’t enough to put people off, imagine walking by and seeing this.
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This shit is still going on and has reached the hate-boner point where these two have permanent wants to see each other’s ghost. So much for nice points!
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Also going on: this bizzare, inexplicable feud that appeared literally out of nowhere.
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Finals are upon us! Only one semester of this fuckery left. There are of course two kinds of people, the kind pictured above..
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..and my peeps.
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Gunther, who hasn’t done anything college related since we were back in the dorms and Blue Meatballs et al were writing his papers, somehow still has a 4.0 gpa. Wow Gunther, what’s your secret??
-It’s no secret, I banged the half-alien professor.
Oh right lmao. You’re looking pretty down boo, what’s wrong?
-Man idk, I’m struggling with what might be like.. legit feelings for Brit.
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…………………………poor Brittany obviously suffered a stroke at some unspecified point in time. As if she didn’t have enough problems.
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SO. CLOSE. We just have to get through this one semester without the entire charade imploding, is that too much to ask????
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-The heart wants what it wants.
What DOES it want tho, Selena, cause last time I checked you were in love with Mel you GIANT ASS
-Yea, hell if I know! Huhu!
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In equally distressing news Mickey Dosser was passing by and I invited him in just to see if he would go straight for the bubbles, which he of course did..
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..a move so irresistible that Wyatt had to stop and swoon over him literally in the middle of his millionth Jojo apology. I’ve honestly never had a sim court death as persistently as Wyatt, dude straight up WANTS TO DIE.
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-Wyatt.. I sensed it was you.
-Of course, Jojό <3 I got your message, why did you send a raven, I’m just upstairs-
-SILENCE. I invited you here, to my favorite place on this entire wretched planet, the center around which revolves my very existence..
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-..to ask you a very important question that I want you to CAREFULLY consider, taking into account that you’re standing next to the graves of the last people to betray me..
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-Wyatt Monif, you must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance, I have come to feel for you a passionate admiration and regard, which despite all my struggles and your whoring around, has overcome every rational objection, and I beg you most fervently to relieve my suffering and consent to be my husband. Also to please ignore my brother woohooing in the hot tub behind us and ruining the moment.
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-Oui? <3
-Please don’t make me murder you, ok? Promise?
-Never, Jojό!
AW, what a beautiful engagement you guys, I’m tearing up.
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AND FINALLY, IT’S OVER. Gunther seriously graduated summa cum laude, how in the fucking world I legit dk but whatever!
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The last supper.. The Union bros have all graduated and I’m gonna speed-play the rest through their last year. Also Daniel and Melody are bffs now, I didn’t even know they were talking but nice.
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Time to go back where we came from! Ah, all grown up. It seems like yesterday they were toddlers surviving on cat food.
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Brit is the youngest of the bunch and has the whole house to herself after Mel and Wyatt graduate, a situation she takes advantage of by ALMOST CHEATING WITH THE FUCKING LLAMA. BRIT ISTG
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Finally, it’s time for Brit to leave our gross, incestuous cocoon. We’re gonna need a placeholder for the next generation tho, so as much as it pains me to say..
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..it’s Frances time. Bitch literally scares Brit as she’s trying to resurrect him, way to make me doubt my merciful decision Fran!
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Ugh great. Welcome back, Frances. I really did prefer you dead.
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Yea, can’t make any promises there. I don’t know what kind of wave of kindness overcame me, but I felt bad for Fran being all alone so…
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Can’t believe we wasted 20k on these assholes but whatever. Time to grow up, Brit!
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Oh yea, looking good! Taking the ‘on Wednesdays we wear pink’ rule to extreme lengths.
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And we’re out of here, leaving the place in the capable hands of Fran and Ti-Ning, who immediately reconnect for a hot tub celebration of life.
So normally you’d think that would be the end of it and we’d get to the heir vote, right? RIGHT?
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WRONG. Please bear with me through this incredible bullshit. So I’m taking the heir vote portraits, specifically Jojo’s, and everyone else is hanging around on the edges of this empty photoshoot lot, when suddenly the fight cloud appears. At first I think it’s Wyatt/Daniel aka business as usual but then I make the horrifying discovery that it’s.. DANIEL/BRIT.
As expected, the MINUTE I looked away, Gunther/Brit went for it in plain sight, leading to the eruption of a massive shitshow. I’m like ok w/e we’re basically in pre-heir vote limbo so it doesn’t count, I’ll just quit without saving. But THEN I take a look at Daniel’s panel.. AND SEE THIS:
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I’ve literally no idea WTF HAPPENED, HOW IT HAPPENED, WHY, WHO MADE THE FIRST MOVE but the fact is that right after catching Gunther/Brit cheating, Melody and Daniel somehow got together even though they have never given any indication of being into each other and have one sole pathetic bolt. My best guess is 4-nice-points Melody went for it as a revenge but seriously WHAT THE FUCK
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GOOD TIMES. At this point I’m obviously even more like ‘I’M GONNA QUIT WITHOUT SAVING’ so I’m just taking these pics for shits and giggles, but THEN I look at Gunther’s panel… and see probably the most disturbing want I’ve ever come across:
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OK THEN. Reminder that Gunther’s secondary is PLEASURE so there’s literally no explanation for this shit except for legit. true love. As much planning as I did for these couples I’m like who am I to refuse A ROMANCE SIM’S engagement want???? I mean I also planned for Jojo to marry Frances and we all saw how that went. So I decide to save the game, even though it’s kinda unorthodox since it didn’t happen during actual gameplay but w/e, you just can’t ignore shit like that!!
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So I revisit the lot the next day and am faced with a shitshow of cosmic proportions. The whole thing is like a bizzaro parallel universe, I mean you have Brit and Dan legit looking like they crossed over from the set of NLL..
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..Gunther and Mel heartfarting over each other while also wanting to beat each other up..
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..this torrid affair out in the open..
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..AND WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IS. I changed their turn-ons and now they have 3 bolts cause it felt like they really got the short end of the stick but I still can’t get over this bullshit happening in the first place. At least Jojo and Wyatt are having a good time! I guess at this point there’s only one thing left to do..
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..simultaneous break ups! The couple that dumps their fiances together stays together.
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Moving on to simultaneous crying/sighs of relief. If it seems like I’m halfassing this by not writing any dialogue it’s because I am, but I legit can’t, the whole situation is just too absurd to dramatize.
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And now to complete the wife-swap..
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Incredible. Now, hold on to your seats, everyone.. because the red ring memory..
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And there you have it. The end of generation 1, which will live in the annals of history as the one where literally no one ended up with the person I had in mind for them and I might as well haven’t been there for all the control I had over these assholes.
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Head over to my lj for a handy guide to voting + the link to the poll. Thank you all for reading! <3
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loseitall-ff · 7 years
23. Part 2
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Robyn is stubborn but so am I, now she has to have my mother with her but Robyn won’t speak to me now. I am not having Robyn staying in that home and acting like she does, with my mom there she won’t do it, maybe just maybe. Robyn might break and tell her, she needs a little loving from a mother. Looking back down at my phone and pressing send to my tweet, I am trying to cancel out any rumours that I cancelled the tour “excited to be home?” locking my phone as I placed it in my lap “then you’re going right?” Robyn said at the side of me “yeah, tonight. Let’s try it again, I got your place cleaned for you. Mijo stayed with the people” Mijo wanted to help and he did “Mijo?” Robyn questioned “yep, you remember him right?” quickly looking over at Robyn “of course I do but you just haven’t really been hanging around with him” she still has a face on about my mom being there, feeling my phone vibrating on my lap. Looking down at my lap, seeing my PR calling “wonder what the hell they want” answering the call.
Luckily this traffic is flowing very slowly right now “yo” clearing my throat “Chris, everything good over there?” she said, she sounds happy which means no bad news “yeah everything good over here, you sound happy so does that mean I have done good?” I am intrigued to know “well I mean you have done nothing wrong, just need you to verify some things” I hate sitting in traffic, I hate LA sometimes “ok go ahead, I am listening” slowly driving “so are you and Rihanna officially together?” breathing out as I smiled “yeah we are” is that all it was “aww well I see a more happy you Chris, happy for you” smiling from ear to ear “thank you” I feel so happy, telling the world I am with the woman I love “I don’t want to upset you or anything like that but I am not sure Rihanna is aware, her family have said in a blog that you are keeping Rihanna away from her family” my face dropped “you being real?” I said in a state of shock “I am sorry to say yes” shaking my head lightly “just say no comment, fuck them. I promise you now I would never keep Rihanna away from her family, they are so fucked up for that! Dragging my name in bullshit like that” slapping the steering wheel “just say no comment please, I am so angry. Thank you for letting me know” they really about to do this with me, fucking assholes.
Placing my phone in my side panel shaking my head “I am so fucking angry Robyn, not at you though” turning off as I sped off “what happened? Don’t go speeding now just because you’re angry” Robyn placed her hand on my arm, slowing down my speed and parking up “your family dragging my name through shit, telling people I am keeping you away from them? They fucking know people hate me, they know your side fucking hate me and they are doing me like this! They are talking to the blogs, telling them I won’t let them see you” Mel poked her head from the backseat “you being real!? Her family have never done such a thing, we are very private” I snorted “sure! But when it comes to me they not, I swear if I get kidnapping charges because of you, I am concerned they about to get the police on me” Robyn stared at me in silence “I am sorry Chris, I will speak to them” Mel moved back “nah, fuck that Robz. I will do it, Chris don’t worry about it. That is total bullshit!” can never win with these people.
The thought of police coming to Robyn’ home and saying that I kidnapped her, it is kind of funny but then again it’s not. I already have a terrible record, I do not need it and I don’t need her people to hate me more “are you angry with me?” Robyn questioned, breaking the silence in the car “I am not angry with you, trust me. I am more upset, I just need to get out of this country. I wish you came with me but you’re being mad stubborn. You know I can’t be around for you, it will take me a whole ass day to get back to you” I am sick with worry “I know” she said in a whisper “just come with me Robyn! Why don’t you listen to me, I swear if you call me talking stupid. If I am with females don’t assume shit” I will flip a table if she comes at me wrong like I am cheating on her “oh Chris, I don’t mean to break it to you. Your ex chick is in Australia too” Mel said in the back, looking in the rear view mirror “don’t lie” I said, Mel shook her head “dead ass, I wasn’t snooping but. I have a certain friend on Instagram that are friends with her, she came up on my feed. She took a selfie with a Kangaroo” that helps a lot, rubbing my face. I really don’t want to see the look on Robyn’ face right now, I know she is going to be sad as hell.
Unbuckling a sleeping Liana out of her car seat, Robyn banged my car door shut “you know what, I am about sick of your family! First your brother fucked my car up and now you! Stop this shit, honestly” Robyn stormed off, she is so childish “what am I going to do with your mother” picking Liana out of her seat, placing her over my shoulder “when is your people going to pick you up?” Mel asked, closing my car door “erm, soon. They are desperate to get me out of here. Anyways, what else has Ava been posting, I know you been snooping” I want to know what she is doing and why she is even in Australia “she still has the pictures of you and her together you know, just she is there for a break away with some other girls” rolling my eyes, I bet it’s with the same bitches I done fucked with in an orgy “what was that face for Mr Brown?” Mel done caught me out “uhh nothing, just I know what Robyn is thinking right now” Mel skipped ahead of me and stepped in front of me, stopping me in my tracks “yes?” I said with a smirk on my face “tell me the truth” sighing out “just the chicks she is with, I know them. I fucked with them in an orgy and I just think she is a dumbass for hanging with them, that is it” Mel gave me a disapproving look “I don’t know why you men have these orgies, nasty asses” she waved me off.
Dapping Mijo “you still here nigga! Thought you left” I honestly thought he would have left “I thought I would see the family” leaning back against the kitchen counter “you’re not missing much, Robyn is not talking to me and Mel thinks I am a nasty nigga for having an orgy” I shrugged “having a what?” Robyn spat, I jumped up “having an organic fruit” flowed out of my mouth “sure it was” she scared me, came out of nowhere. Turning around, my eyes fell on Mijo, he was staring at Robyn in sadness. Hitting his arm “what?” he said, eyeballing him “it’s nice to see you Mijo, thank you for being here and waiting with the cleaners” he needs to not act different with Robyn “uh, no problem. Anything you need?” this nigga is awful “no, I am good thanks” watching on as Robyn looked at the potato chips and then placed them back “you not eating?” I asked “what are you? My father” she spat walking off “I feel like it” I retorted “go back to your orgy” she said back “damn” Mijo said at the side of me, I am in the dog house for Ava being in Australia.
Mijo and Mel always have awkward conversations, there is so much history between them both “did Mel tell you? She has turned lesbian” intervening into the conversation “she likes licking the P?” Mijo spat “do I really Chris?” Mel squinted her eyes at me “I mean who else is giving you the D little Miss Forde? Or are y’all both fucking each other?” pointing at both Mijo and Mel “it’s actually one of your OHB niggas, how would you feel huh Chris? One of those guys that be with you is with me” Mel said smirking, staring at Mel not knowing if she is playing around “look at his face, just thinking. Don’t worry about me though Chris, I always get serviced” my eyes widened, holding my hands “I didn’t say anything, I was just being nosey. Tell me who it is though?” Mel shook her head “he is a man, that is all” tilting my head a little “more of a man than Mijo?” Mijo kissed his teeth “man, fuck you” busting out laughing.
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Staring at my phone, wondering if I should call my mom or just air it out on Instagram. I won’t have them disrespect Chris, I mean they have done it for the whole world to read. Chris don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve Chris either. You know what I am just going to air it out in a post, I can’t have them doing this to him. Tapping on Instagram and the first thing I see is BallerAlert talking mad shit about Chris, this is what I didn’t want. Not like I haven’t been through shit already and they are now doing this, tapping on the comment tab. Taking in a deep breath before I started ‘I don’t really do this but all this negativity aimed at Chris is so wrong, he did not do what my family claim he has done. Yes we are together but this has nothing to do with anyone, we don’t care for public acceptance either. And trust me, I am here all up under Chris because I want too, no forced shit’ pressing send, I don’t want anyone saying anything mean to him.
I think I need to stop being so damn clingy, I need to let Chris go. Look at me, I never used to be like this, now I am some weak bitch hiding behind Chris but I can’t do this, I can’t go out there. The name alone gets to me, I need to talk to Cassandra again. Picking my phone up but then seeing my mom’ name on the screen just calling me, picking the phone up “oh Robz!” my mom said down the phone, I didn’t speak a word “baby I am so sorry” my mom cried out, a tear fell hearing my mom cry “oh my baby, my beautiful daughter. I am so sorry please don’t shut me out, I am sorry. I know you are hurting, I never meant for this to happen, I want to take the pain away from you. Men are evil” placing my hand over my mouth, trying not to cry out loud. Swallowing back the sob that wanted to leave my mouth, wiping the tears “stop talking about Chris, stop making him out to be a bad man. You don’t understand what I go through, I am here for him. Not even you could make me be here. Stop this” my voice broke “you don’t know the battle I go through mom, just leave me alone” disconnecting the call and dropping the phone to the side of me.
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Looking at my watch, Robyn has not yet come down. Liana has even had her nap and is ready for a party “I should check on her, leave you both to flirt” getting up from the couch “oh grow up!” Mel spat “nobody is flirting. We have grown up from that now” these two will always be flirting, walking out of the living room. I do feel like I need to force Robyn to just come with me, but I can’t force her, she made her decision. Jogging up the steps, I hope she is ok. I just worry about her, she doesn’t bother with Liana either. I do not know what to do anymore, my mind is everywhere. Placing my hand over the door handle, I was about to open the door until I heard Robyn speaking. Placing my ear against the door “I feel numb again Cassandra, my mind keeps replaying that moment. I just can’t deal with my own daughter, I don’t know why. I know I should be doing more but I can’t, I don’t want to be speaking to Chris about what happened all the time. He shouldn’t hear it” moving my hand back from the door handle, I should walk in but I want to hear “I don’t remember how I got back to how I was, you know that strong Rihanna, all I know that Chris was with me every day, yeah like you said nurtured me. I don’t know Cassandra, I just can’t sometimes digest how stupid I am, how I went there with him. How I laid there, I allowed him to use me, this what makes me feel sick every waking morning” moving my head back, clenching my jaw. This is what I hate hearing.
Opening the door, making my way inside “I will call you back later” Robyn has been crying, on her own too. She placed the phone down at the side of her, climbing off the bed. Noticing where she is going, I sprinted across the room and stood in her way “where you going?” she stepped to the left and so did I “you not running away from me, stop pushing me away. Stop hating me Robyn” I feel it from her, she hit my chest “leave me alone, just go” she said, I know she don’t mean it at all “go where when this is my home, with you. You’re acting mad different with me, what is wrong” Robyn turned around walking off “you know what, I will cancel this stupid fucking tour. I am sick of having that shit hanging over me, I want my family fine first” getting my phone out from my pocket “no! Don’t you dare do that, don’t please” Robyn snatched my phone from my hand “I don’t want you to do that! Please no” staring at Robyn wanting answers “then you going to talk to me? You either talk to me or I am just going to make you come with me. Guilt trip you so you have to come” I am not even joking because I will do that.
Robyn passed my phone back “if I hang on to you Chris then I will forever be doing that, I rather you just go. I will live, I will hopefully get better” is she being real “so what does your heart want? I know what it really wants, fuck everything else. Forget your record label, I know they are bugging you” Robyn shook her head, scrunching her face up “don’t do this” she knows I am right, she wants me, she wants to come with me “ok fine, you do what you think is right for you” she wants to stay then what can I say, I can’t really push her on it “just remember to be strong if you’re going to stay behind, you need to be here for our daughter. She needs you” I am slightly disappointed that Robyn is not even attempting to come “you believe me don’t you?” she said, rubbing the side of my face “I do, but I also want you to be open with me. I know you don’t like speaking about that night with me but I am here. I am your husband, your go to guy. Pains me that I can’t even be that, to know you’re like this. Just please take care of yourself” what more can I say.
“Your mom is here” Mijo announced, moving off the bar stool. She took her time, I missed her actually “gamma!!” Liana screamed, jogging towards the lobby “my grandbaby, look at you princess” smiling from ear to ear watching my mom hug Liana “I see you bought the whole house with you” I pointed, so many bags and a suitcase “will I was shocked, I will do anything to be with my grandbaby” hugging my mom, pressing a kiss to my cheek “good, I am glad you could come” a knock at the door “who is that, who dropped you off?” I asked my mom “I came in a cab baby” moving back from my mom, she stepped to the side “hello Melissa” hearing my mom say as I opened the door “let’s go nigga!” Lo spat, looking behind him and seeing the SUV “already?” I said, he chuckled “unless you cancelling on us again?” shaking my head “nah, I guess it’s time” it’s full steam ahead now, the tour is on.
I have to redo all my goodbyes now “take care of my babies ok” squeezing my mom close “babies?” she half shouted in my ear “yeah, Robyn and Liana” I chuckled moving back, pressing a kiss to her cheek “I got you, take care my handsome son” waving my mom off chuckling “oh stop it, making me blush now” Liana jumped up with her arms up “my little lady, I am going to miss you. Send me lots of pictures to me, call me. I will be thinking of you and counting down the days till I see your beautiful face, my mini me” squeezing Liana close, feeling her press a kiss to my head “stop it daddy!” she yelped “no, I can’t stop loving you” grinning as I moved my head back “silly” placing her little hands on my cheeks “you silly butt” moving my head to the side as I lightly bit her ear, Liana screamed slapping my face away.
Placing Liana down on the ground “take care of yourself, call me if you need anything” dapping Mijo “thank you bro” Robyn finally made her way down the steps with Mel behind her, she took her time to come down “take your time” I said as I opened the door, Robyn stopped walking, she stood staring at my face “don’t give me that face” shuffling closer to her, Robyn looked down as her lower lip quivered. Wrapping my arms around her “I told you, you’re so hard headed” holding Robyn close to me “I am going to miss you so much, I am going to miss you clinging to me. All I am going think about on that stage is you, you better keep in contact with me” she lazily held on to my waist “kills me you’re going to be so far away from me” she said, closing my eyes sighing out “remember to call me, whenever you want and you can come to me, if you need too” I wish she just came with me “I have no one to hold now” Robyn sobbed out, looking up at everyone just staring.
Moving back slowly with Robyn still attached to me “time to let go now, I will be back before you know it” rubbing her back lightly, my mom looks so confused on why she is being like this “I love you so much, be good now. Can’t wait to marry you” feeling Robyn move her arms away from me, she wiped the tears away “I can’t wait for you to come back already, I love you so much Chris. You been my rock, I just need to be strong on my own. I will be good Chris, I love you. Just text me every moment” leaning down kissing Robyn’ cheek, she moved her face to the side so I kissed her lips “I love you too, I love you to the moon and back. I got you ok” I said against her lips, Robyn pressed a kiss to my lips sobbing out crying. Moving back “I love y’all, thank you for staying behind mom. I know you was meant to come” Robyn held on to my hand “I love you baby” kissing the back of her hand “bye y’all” tugging my hand away, I need to go or I will be stood here for longer.
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brianjaeger · 8 years
2017 Academy Award Best Picture Nominees Guide For Those Who Haven’t Actually Watched Them
America has been riding high on a rainbow made of happiness so far in 2017 and what better way to continue this year of indisputable joy than with the 89th airing of Hollywood’s 3-4 hour humble brag, selfie, circle jerk performed while millions watch on and express sincere emotional feelings and judgments about the character of human beings they have never actually met or interacted with, but oftentimes know more about than members of their immediate family, that’s right..THE OSCARS!
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This year, the members of an industry that just one year ago did not let any men or women of color in, will compete to see who can give the most daring and passionate speech against a President who wants all men or women of color out. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a treat that comes but once a year!
But I haven’t had time to see all of the Best Picture nominees yet, Brian! You might be yelling in a panic. Me neither! With real life playing out on a daily basis with more plot twists, intrigue and drama than Streep’s entire film catalog, who has the time to actually go see these films.
I’ve got you covered. I went ahead and didn’t watch any of the films for you HOWEVER I’m here to give you a summary of what I THINK that they MIGHT be about based on the titles of the movies and their posters, as well as some pointers on things to slide into conversation at your Oscar parties so that fellow guests will look at you the same way that Goldie Hawn looks at a vodka on the pills.
Away we go!
La La Land
Ryan Gosling falls for a Raggedy Ann doll who’s in desperate need of a sandwich - but there’s a problem, he stutters. He’d la la like to tell Raggedy Ann that he la la loves her but he’s scared she’ll la la laugh at him. So he decides to try his la la luck by communicating through a different la la language - song and dance. John Legend shows up for a bit, says, “Hey, I acted!” then leaves, and at the end Raggedy Ann actually listens to Gosling “sing” so decides to la la leave him for the drummer from The Wonders. 
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Damien Chazelle actually intended Whiplash to be a feel good musical too, but J.K. Simmons REALLY hated that boy.
Ryan Gosling trained rigorously with a renowned dance instructor for La La Land, and for his vocal coach he turned a blender on at the lowest speed.
Alright, before this party starts - if anyone says “La La Land is going to win because Hollywood loves movies about itself,” your unoriginal ass will be immediately asked to leave the party and we will all hit you with our shoes on your way out.
A giant who lives in the sky loses a contact, which hurtles to earth causing everyone (including Amy Adams and Hawkeye) to absolutely lose their shit. President Trump immediately signs an executive order to get these goddamn illegal aliens out of our country. He then orders the building of a wall in the sky to keep any more from coming in and holds a press conference to confirm that Prime Minister Borgulon Phaltrop of Virgon 12 in the Qualmagon galaxy will 100% pay for that sky wall on the border of America and infinite space. Everyone shrugs and says, “Yeah, this seems about right.” 
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
They originally planned to call this movie Peaceful Departure, but didn’t want to give away the ending.
At the end, you find out that it’s just Amy Adam’s father...who is also Jody Foster’s father. They’re sisters.
In the climactic scene when the door to the spaceship finally opens and a purple animated alien voiced by Jim Parsons hops out and stumbles then laughs, “I thought the TRIP was over!” an entire movie theater committed suicide. 
Dev Patel is the voice of a lionfish who just lost his son Noil and now he’s off on an adventure as big as the ocean itself where the only thing he cares about is...finding Noil.    
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
A lion’s roar can be heard from as far as 5 miles away.
A lion’s heels don’t touch the ground when it walks.
Oh, Lion? No, I don’t know shit about it. But those are some sweet fucking facts about lions, right?
Hell or High Water
Well them Duke boys really are in a pickle this time! In this gritty and oftentimes haunting movie based on the classic TV show The Dukes of Hazzard, we find Bo and Luke on the run after the gruesome butchering of Boss Hogg with a stone mason’s hammer in a scene that lasts an uncomfortable 17 minutes that includes a bizarrely jarring amount of full frontal male nudity. Well ain’t that a hog’s hide of a tough hand them boys been dealt!
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
This movie has already taken home “Best Picture” at the Dustys.
In post production, they had to use CGI to make Chris Pine look LESS handsome because when looking upon his face audiences thought they were actually in Heaven...or High Water.
Hmmm. After careful consideration. I think I’ll have the high water.
Hidden Figures
It’s the 60′s and these three out of this world NASA secretaries aren’t wearing tight enough dresses to show of those vivacious curves. These dames have hidden figures! Time to get those scientists warm for your forms, gals. Be a little bit more sexy. We’re talking about your jobs here.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
John Glenn? Yup. Was actually an African American female. Maybe you shouldn’t be so narrow-minded.
NASA celebrated the success of this film by letting other companies come in and blast rockets off on its launch pad - like the cuckold space agency that it now is.
OH! “Figures” is a double entendre that nods to their role in solving mathematical equations as well as their hidden role as important members of NASA’s early success because they were black women! I get it. That’s WAY better than “Hey! Dipshits! Black Women Played A Pivotal Role in America Being Awesome At Space!”
In this next chapter in the Field of Dreams franchise, we learn more about  Archibald "Moonlight" Graham, the baseball player turned doctor turned dead guy turned plucky hitchhiking ghost kid turned ghost Burt Lancaster turned vanishing cornfield ghost Burt Lancaster.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
President Donald Trump spent the entirety of the movie screaming at the screen and asking it to set up a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus.
Well, you guys do know that the only reason that Moonlight...(look around and gauge facial expressions)...hey, what IS Nicole Kidman wearing?! I mean, (nervous giggle) come on...
Hey guys, look! (Lower pants to reveal bare naked ass while standing next to a lamp.) Moon, light! (Immediately be asked to leave party.)
Hacksaw Ridge
This film from the director who brought you Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ is about a warrior who refuses to use a gun, instead he uses a...2X4! Hoooo-oooooh! USA! USA! USA! Hacksaw Jim Duggan makes his debut in a film from the actor who starred in Lethal Weapon and What Women Want as a soldier who will save dozens of lives through courage under fire. Duggan slobbers through the role in a movie from definitely not the guy recorded spewing racist, sexist, anti-Semitic remarks. Oh. No. That wasn’t another Trump joke, I was making a Mel Gibson joke. But potato, potato I guess.
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
He was able to rescue 75 soldiers but he just couldn’t save Uncle Ben.
I’m not sure if you know this, but Hacksaw Ruffles have Hacksaw Ridges.
The real Desmond Doss was...you guessed it...an African American woman.
Manchester by the Sea
In this movie about a sad guy with a Boston accent, Casey Affleck gives a performance that climbs into your bed and absolutely refuses to leave.  
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
If you think he’s good, you should see Matt Damon’s brother, Casey. Casey Damon.
An argument between supporters of Manchester United and Manchester City over which of the clubs this movie was referring to resulted in the death of hundreds.
Phonetically, the name of this movie could also be what some guy named Chester’s friend tells him to do on Wheel of Fortune while obviously not understanding that you only have to purchase vowels.
After the backlash from the exclusion of African Americans from the 2016 Oscar nominations, Denzel Washington and Viola Davis gently rock in rocking chairs while chuckling to themselves for an hour and 49 minutes checking their smart phones periodically to see if they’ve gotten their nomination yet. 
3 Things To Casually Inject Into Conversation To Prove You Saw The Movie And Sound Like An Expert:
Denzel actually directed this movie too. He just kept saying, “Keep rocking. It’ll come.”
If you look close, you’ll notice a blooper when one of the fences is actually a railing.
Well, you guys do know that the only reason that Fences...(look around and gauge facial expressions)...hey, what IS Michelle Williams wearing?! I mean, (nervous giggle) come on...
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deadromance619 · 6 years
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"It was only a few bites and scratches, but I seem to be cured of this demon’s disease. The other two in my squad weren't so lucky." John said as he held the glass beaker of blue bubbling high elf anti-bodies in front of his eyes.
"Yes, you're not even a high elf yet you managed to use the sunwell to cure yourself and the other members of your squad. How did you know to come here?" Lucien asked.
John half smiled and shook his head, "It all seems too familiar, when I was working with Kel'Thazud he told me about the powers of the sunwell and..." John thought back.
"And what?" Lucien asked.
"It's just… Kel Thazud told me of a dreadlord named Mel Ganies."
Lucien looked at John questionably, "You think this is the work of the Burning Legion?"
John shook his head and put down the beaker, "No, we wiped those things out years ago, the only thing left are a few Burning Blade warlock tribes, and since I heard Thrall had taken over the Horde there have been a lot less. Have there been any reports of orc warlock clans near Silvermoon?"
Lucien shook his head.
"I haven't heard anything near Stratholme either." John said.
"Oh, so that's where you live?" Lucien asked.
John shook his head, "No, that's where I grew up, I moved back and forth from there and South Shore Beach studying the way of arcane magic until I moved up to the Arcane University."
"So why aren't you working with the Kirin Tor mages?" Lucien asked.
John shrugged, "Well me and my parents have always been religious people and the Silver Hands Mansion is so close to my family and the woman I love."
Lucien smiled, "Oh, well now it all makes since, what she like, blonde or brunette, is she a mage too, tall, short, have you guys been intimate."
John blushed "Wow that's a lot of questions, why the sudden interest in my love life?"
Lucien thought back with a cocky smile, "Well we high elves pride ourselves on being somewhat vain and very romantic. But maybe we could learn a few things from you humans. So, tell me John, what's she like?"
"Well she's a redhead, keeps it long like down to her butt."
"Ah, very nice." Lucien nodded and smiled.
"A few inches shorter them me, and no she's not a mage. At times I wish she was, so we could have gotten married earlier. And to the last question, yes, before I left for the Arcane University. She has three older brothers so she's a bit on the tough side."
Lucien looked at me questionably, "Does she have a name?"
John remembered himself, "Oh I'm sorry, Vorioia Pride and yes she can't wait to get married." I thought to myself for a second, "To get back on the subject, what do you think is the cause of this disease?"
Lucien thought back, "Trolls?"
We looked at each other for a few seconds and broke into laughter. "No, but seriously, have you heard from Kel'Thazud, you guys did decide to make him a counselor in his younger years as he told me."
Lucien shrugged, "I heard Kel Thazud the Demon Slayer was expelled from the Kirin Tor a year ago, nobody's heard from him since."
John swallowed hard from a cause of concern, turned his back on his work bench, and cross his arms, "Why, how?" John asked.
Lucien shrugged, “I don’t know.”
John thought back and looked up, "Well demons can corrupt people's minds," John stated, "empower their bodies, and can enhance their powers with the arcane, but there's always a price of blood to go with it. Why dead bodies, I don't know, but maybe the Legion is taking a more subtle approach."
Lucien rolled his eyes, "But zombie diseases, most demons once summoned are all about, 'LOOK UPON MY GREAT POWER AND TREMBLE!’ Even lesser demons I’ve seen summoned by warlocks have enough pride to make us High Elves look like nuns.” Lucien said with a laugh, "I'm sure this is all the work of some plague carried by rats." John looked at him and smiled "Yeah, well lucky for us I found an antidote, they seem few in numbers, and there somewhat mindless." "With the help of the sunwell that is..." A familiar voice said from outside. The prince of Silvermoon stepped into our medical room, Kael'Thas Sunstrider was wearing his red and yellow arcane elven robes. Everyone knew that he only wore those for battle, something must of been going on. "Prince Kael'Thas you honor us with your presence"
Lucien said with a bow. John just looked at him, "Why was he here, of all places, and dressed like that?" He thought. "What brings you here your highness?" John asked out loud.
"I'm sorry John, but you're the last. Your friends that came with you are dead." Kael’Thas said towering over John.
John looked up at him, "If there dead then the antidote is..."
Kael'Thas shook his finger in John's face, "No, no, no, it's not that, it works fine. I and my men cut them down."
John felt his heart go up to his throat, "So your here to kill me?"
Kael'Thas stepped back and laughed, "Maybe, I'm sorry for seeming so cold at first, I've seen some death today, but I must know how much of this antidote did you take?"
John thought back, "A little bit, I gave them more because their injuries were more severe."
Kael'Thas looked away, "Well your members of the Silver Hand attacked my men looking for more of the stuff."
"Why would they do that?" John asked. But it seemed true, the group asked them to hold them prisoner if they did change into the undead. John hadn't seen his team members since they were put in their care. Even Lucien was ordered to look over John and make sure he didn't change into a monster.
"The antidote is extremely addicting," Kel'thus said, "but you really don't know anything about high elves, do you?!"
"I know that the sunwell makes your powers stronger and can cure almost any disease or sickness. But as for us humans, gnomes, dwarves, and even night elves, there not affected by it at all. The sunwell is a concentrated area of..."
"I didn't ask you about the sunwell itself, I said High Elves, you seem to know that all too well if you ask me!" Kael'Thas interrupted.
"I'm sorry, but this is my first time here." John said.
Kael'Thas sighed and shook his head, "For better or for worst you seem to have found a way for anyone to use the place of our birthright! With the price of high elf blood!" "Your highness I was only trying..."
John tried to explain until he was interrupted again, "John, I need you to leave our city, right now."
John wanted to say something, but this conversation seemed to be only going one way. Kael'Thas poured the large beaker into three smaller ones and put them on the table. "Take three vials with you, one for Lordaeron, one for the Silver Hand, and one for the city of Stratholme. If people see that this Sunwell Elixir does work you may send them here. Don't say that the high elves are without mercy."
"Thank you, your highness." John said with a bow.
Kael'Thas started to walk out but turned his head, looked John in the face with angry eyes, and shook his head, "No, don't thank me, the cost for this cure will not be cheap, and more undead seem to be rising. If you dare tell anyone about the need for high elf blood, I will personally find you and burn your entire kingdom to the ground!" Kael'Thas looked away from me and started out the door. "My men will have a dragonflight to take you back to Lordaeron."
John took the three bottles and put them in his bag. Lucien gestured him to leave the room and escorted John outside the city gates, but while walking through the city John couldn't help but wonder what had really happen to his friends. Being a mage, he was able to keep the vials cold. "I'm sorry about this John, but a prince must look out for the greater good of his people. If people found the truth about the elixir we high elves could be hunted for this very reason."
John smiled, "I know, your secrets safe, but only because we have become friends these past few weeks."
John got on one of the dragonflight's and took off to Lorderon. The flight there would take three hours, he had only taken a few drinks of the Sunwell Elixir, and it was sweet and fizzy. Not only was it pleasing to the tongue and gave you energy once it went down, but his powers with arcane magic had grown a lot. The bottles felt cold in the humid weather, "Three hours with these in my bag with nothing to eat or drink but conjured bread and water." John thought.
But what he felt might feel ten times worst if he drank a whole bottle. "One for my kingdom, one for the Silver Hand, and one for my city." John thought.
 (The writing changes to first person.)
 Two hours into this flight and I've tried to steer this thing, I was able to see smoke coming from my city. I guess I could thank Kael'Thas again for giving me an over trained dragon flight that wouldn't go anywhere but where it was told regardless of how much you try to pull or yank on its leads, but I hope everything was alright. I mean Kael'Thas said there was more undead rising but it would take a lot more than two weeks for any army of the undead to take out and infect the people of Stratholme. Maybe they were burning the undead bodies. Yes, that's what it must have been, the people of Stratholme are smart. If they couldn't find a cure for this disease that would be the only option. Vorioia, my love, my sweet, beautiful Vorioia, I hope your safe. I hope for the best, but losing you would be the worst, not that you couldn't take care of yourself. I took out the vials and watched the arcane crystals spin from the bumps in the flight. I thought to myself, "My power has gone up quite a bit. If I had drank a whole bottle could I have given Kael'Thas and his lackeys a run for their money?"
I smiled and thought to myself about how good the high elves had it. I had studied and trained my ass off at South Shore Beach. The high elves that were at the Arcane University seemed to always keep to their own people, acting like they didn't speak Common, but a lot of them seemed downright sickly. Whenever I had to do an assignment with one of these elves they would always use that same excuse, "If we were anywhere near the sunwell this assignment would be a piece of cake."
I mean why couldn't they just use magic in a normal way. It really wasn't that hard, but now I had the power of the sunwell in my bare hands, everything they talked and bragged about... but what was I thinking, I put the vail into my bag and incased it in ice, but I still really wished I had something else to think about, I wished this thing could move faster.
When I got to Lordaeron the dragonflight I was riding screamed and shook me off to the point I fell about six feet from the ground on my back. Then took off into the night a lot faster than when I was riding it. I dusted myself off, "Thanks again Kael'Thas." I said sarcastically out loud.
 When I walked to the courtyard a group of paladins were waiting outside the royal chambers. It was Uther? Uther the Lightbringer, he was storming into the royal chambers with a large group of paladin knights. I would normally talk to someone in my chain of command at the Silver Hand but if I could tell the king personally that I had found the cure there would be no one to take my credit. I might be even able to tell him how I made it, I'm sure Kael'Thas, and his army of high elves could burn down the Silver Hands Mansion, but there's no way they could even get close to the forces of Lordaeron. I followed Uther in the chambers, "Your son has gone mad with bloodlust, even now he leads Lordaeron forces to their very deaths!" Uther yelled.
"Uther, lower your voice in the main hall." Ordered the king.
"Your highness, Arthas is being led into a trap, left by the dreadlord Mel'Ganis." He explained.
"Mel'Ganis?" I remembered that name and it made a chill go down my spine, I didn't know what was going on.
"What reason do you believe that my son would not do what's best for his people." Asked the king.
"Your son had the entire city of Stratholme purged; he cares little for his people, only for his own pride and vengeance." Uther answered.
I walked through the large crowd of paladins and pulled Uther by the shoulder, "What do you mean, purged?"
"You and I both know about the undead threat, if there was no other way to deal with these undead then that action would have to be taken." Said the king.
"But there is another way!" I finally stepped in.
"Uther who is this man?" Asked the king.
"There was hardly any undead two weeks ago, are you telling me a whole army of undead managed to kill and infect an entire city?" I demand toward Uther the Lightbringer.
"Sire, I've never seen him before. His attire suggests Quel'Thalas, he's wearing a Silver Hand necklace, what is your name." Uther asked.
"My name is John Ace and what would seem to be the last member of the city of Stratholme." I spoke in front of the King, "I am a soldier of the Silver Hand and I found a cure for the undead disease in Silvermoon, in the city of Quel'Thalas." I said with a bow.
"I knew it!" Yelled Uther
"Do you have any proof of this?" asked the king.
"Yes, your highness I cured myself and two members of my squad. Uther are any of your men sick?" I asked him.
Uther nodded and looked outside the royal chambers, "David?! Bring David Paule in here."
Two paladins left and brought one with a full-face plate of armor. "David take off your helmet." Uther ordered.
"Commander, I'm fine, there's no reason I need to." David said, his voice distorted by the echoes of his helmet.
"Do it, take it off." Uther ordered, David sighed and slowly took off his helmet, he was sweating profusely, his face was white and pale, his eyes were not just blood shot but purple veins in his neck to his face were showing signs of the change. Everyone in the royal chamber gasped. My guess is that he had been fighting this sickness with shear willpower.
"I saw you throwing up last night." Uther stated.
David's eyes were wrapped in tears, "Commander, please, I have a family. But I don't want to get anyone else sick." David said trying to keep his composure.
Uther patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be afraid. This man says he found a cure for your sickness."
David eye's glittered with some hope, but I was thinking that this man was too far gone.
The members of my squad didn't have it this bad until a week of carrying the sickness. "John, do you have it on you." Uther asked, and I nodded.
"Yes, here you go. How long has he been like this?" I asked as I opened the frost incased bag, the bottles were ice cold and steaming from the sudden change of temperature, but the antidote was still in liquid form. I noticed Uther looking at my bag with suspicion, but I handed it to Uther and Uther handed it to David. "Now make sure you don't..."
But it was too late, David had turned the bottle completely up finishing the whole thing.
"Wait David, there's only three vials." I ran toward David and tried to take the bottle out of his hands. "Uther" I said as I continued to try to take the bottle from him, to the point the bottle broke into a thousand pieces on the floor. I looked at the mess we had made on the ground, "Great, Uther, I hope there weren't any other paladins in your army that were sick."
Uther shook his head, "Two of my men were changed into the Scourge and were cut down. I thought David was next. David how do you feel?"
David looked at Uther with wide eyes and smiled. “I feel great, that was the best drink I ever tasted. What was in that?" David looked at his own open hands and made fist. "I feel stronger."
"Scourge, what is that?" I asked Uther as he padded David on the shoulder.
"It's what our undead enemies are calling themselves, and it seems a group of men calling themselves The Cult of the Damned is spreading this disease. Hasn't your commander briefed you about this?" Uther looked over at David's face, "Your color's starting to come back too. Sire it works."
It was indeed working almost too fast, he started to look like more of his human self, but I didn't know what was about to happen next. David smiled from ear to ear and put his head down, "No commander, it didn't."
I stepped backward toward Uthers group of paladins away from David, "Guards, he's going to attack our king! Uther get a hold of your man!" I yelled.
Uther stepped in between me and David and looked in his eyes, "Stand down! I give the orders around here." Uther ordered, he pointed at me trying to hide behind the paladins, and held David by two hands by both of his shoulders, "David what's wrong? John was there alcohol or herbs in that tonic?"
"I think I'm still sick, I can still hear the voices of the Scourge." David said as he looked at Uther holding on to both of his arms.
The King stood up, "Guards, seize him!"
"You have to tie him down Uther, get a hold of him, he’s lying, he's become addicted" I yelled.
Uther took a hold of David, "Your Highness, I'm sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for this," The other guard stopped, "David, your fine. Get a hold of yourself, this isn't you."
He shook him. David still smiling from ear to ear looking off into the distance. “I give the orders around here paladin!" The King ordered.
Uther looked behind him at the king and while he was distracted David pushed Uther into a nearby wall and ran toward me. Several guards came to restrain David and he pushed them away like cut grass in an open field. Now I knew why Kael'Thas Sunstrider was so mad when he came into my lab, he was dealing with two of these sunwell powered men. The other paladins didn't try to protect me, and they moved from his gaze like scared sheep, it was just me and smiling David here. He pulled the two-handed blade from his back "Don't come any closer!" I screamed.
"He still has two more, give them to me!" David demanded.
"I'm not going to—" but David reared his sword back, I took a deep breath and I incased myself in ice, there was no hiding it now, which I knew would only work for as long as I could hold my breath.
Even incased in ice I heard everyone gasp and whisper, "He's a mage?"
David's blade swing was so hard it dug about an inch away from my neck. But the rest of the ice incased around the blade making it impossible for him to take it out. David yanked and pulled but as long as I could hold this spell his sword wasn't going anywhere. David attempted to lift the whole block of ice, but it only went up a few inches. This gave Uther enough time to get back on his feet and he grabbed him by his suit of armor and took him to the ground, "No Uther, you know I wouldn't lie to you, please, I have a family! You wouldn't want their blood on your hands!"
"Guards take him away!" ordered the King.
"The David I know would never act like a madman or put himself over his own family." Uther said as he restrained him putting both of David’s arms behind his back. "I will say this, you caught me by surprise. Guards take him!" Eight of the kings' men took him by each of his limbs two for each limb and dragged him screaming to the dungeon. I gasped for breath as I broke myself out of my icy chamber, David's sword fell to the ground, and I felt the cold chill of the wind blowing through my wet elven robes, "You're a mage, what the hell are you doing in the Silver Hand?" Uther said as he walked toward me.
The cat was out of the bag now, I thought faking it would be easy, but my heart was broken at the thought of being sent to the Kirin Tor. Uther grabbed me by my shirt, "Speak mage, what was the meaning of that?! I know that's an extremely advanced spell, don't tell me you just shitted out arcane magic on impulse."
"You didn't give me time to explain." My robes were still soaked, and teeth still chattering from the Ice Block spell I cast on myself.
"Put him down Uther!" Ordered the king.
"Yes sire." He did as he was ordered.
"Uther you know well enough that we are at war with an enemy that is using the most cowardly means to obtain their goals, you storm into my chambers and accuse my son of high treason without any evidence. To make matters worse you bring one of the infected in here into my kingdom?! If you knew he was sick before why would you bring him here, why would you not send him to a healer, are you really that thickheaded or do you just assume my age has made me gone senile?! If it weren't for my son's high respect in you I would have trialed you for war crimes and you would be executed before the sun went down! " the King looked at me, "And you, John Ace, how do I know your tonic isn't some over drugged concoction you and the high elves mixed up, or that you even cured that man of his sickness?!"
"Sire?" I asked.
"I should have you beheaded as well, and if by chance you have cured that man of his sickness!" The king breathed in trying to control his temper, "If it does cure him I will let you go free, if he dies you will be given a last meal and then beheaded, and by the Light if he does become one of the Scourge I will make sure you will be tortured for as long as possible until you are dead!"
I kept my head down, "Yes sire, I understand."
The king looked at me questionably, "You understand? You are going to die, do you understand that, John Ace. I've seen greater men break down and cry like children when I announced their execution." He said, but I looked him in the eyes.
"I saw the smoke coming from Stratholme on the way here and if what Uther said is true my family and my friends." I held on to my chest, "My wife to be. I would welcome any death you would see fit so I my join them in the Light."
The king was somewhat surprised, and then looked down in sympathy. Uther stood up, "Your highness, if I may be so bold. There are indeed a few mages in the Silver Hand and judging by his skill I wouldn't want to lose a mage of his caliber."
The king stepped forward, "So your taking full responsibility for his actions?" he asked.
I stood up, "Uther no. Sire, Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider has all of the Sunwell Elixir I made. I was only able to make these vials with the high elves sunwell, he just wanted me to come here and show that it did indeed work."
The King sat back in his throne, "I see, you knew nothing of the effects. What was in the Elixir?"
My mind went blank, I remembered Kael'Thas's threats, but I also remembered how Lucien had been so nice to me and even given his own blood to cure us. I could just see the High Elves being hunted like dogs, so people could feed their addictions, "Powders made from powerful herbs and tree bark, and a small amount of dragon flight blood dipped into the sunwell. He told me it was addicting, and he cut down two of my friends who were with me. But I never saw the bodies. If I knew it would do this to a person I would have told you. But to be honest I didn't think the antidote would work because David seemed too far gone to be cured."
The King looked down and nodded, "Just what I thought."
"Then if the cure does work." Uther said out loud. "If we marched to Stratholme we could lead the survivors to Silvermoon and cure them."
The King looked at Uther questionably and shook his head. "No Uther, I've heard rumors that Highlord Alexandros Mograine has rejoined the Silver Hand and is looking into a way to stop these undead, but I will send an emissary to call Arthas and his men back."
Uther gasped, "Sire do you really think that Arthus will listen to one man? Let me go and tell him, if my orders come from you he won't be able to refuse."
The king nodded, "There isn't a doubt in my mind that you would, Uther. But if Arthus is anything but a king he will return regardless."
Uther looked at him questionably, "Anything but a king? You mean you would sacrifice your own son?"
The king pointed at Uther, "I would sacrifice a lot more if it meant saving these lands and its people from these mindless undead. My son and his army are doing everything they can to stop these undead forces at their source. If you really feel the need to look for survivors, return to the Chapel of Light and see if their priest could find some other way. But as for this elven cure, you can just forget it. Othmar Garithos will be taking over your paladins.” The King explained, “OTHMAR!” He yelled, “Bring Othmar here."
A few moments later a voice off into the distance started running into the chamber, a large man with a strong chin and a big moustache with fresh cuts and bruises walked into the chamber. "Yes, your Highness, you summoned me?"
The King looked at him questionably, "Warden, what happened to you?"
The Warden put his hand in the back of his neck, "The last prisoner you set me needed a little more work to clad in irons, but nothing I couldn't handle."
The king smiled, "Warden Othmar Garithos I would like to promote you to a Grand Marshal to take over Uther's paladins. They ran away from that last prisoner I sent you like scared children, but I think you can whip them into shape. Please know that if the king of Stormwind wants a "New Alliance" I'm eventually going to need a strong General to lead it. But there is one condition if you agree."
Othmar Garithos kneeled, "I would lead our people of Lordaeron with honor and discipline, if my king wishes it," Othmar lifted his head. "But what's the condition?"
The king stood up, "I want you to keep a close eye on prince Kael ‘thus Sunstrider, that prisoner I set you was over drugged because of something he and this mage made, but don't worry about him. If Kael’Thas so much as lifts a sword toward Lordaeron I want to know about it."
"I knew it! I knew the High Elves couldn't be trusted! Don't worry my king; I will make sure these lesser races do not corrupt our sacred Alliance." Othmar screamed as he punched the ground.
 The king pulled a sword from the side of his throne, walked toward Othmar, touched both of Othmar shoulders with his sword, "Then arise, Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos. Your men are outside."
 The Grand Marshal stormed outside and started screaming orders at his new soldiers. The sound of clan iron boots could be heard stomping on ground and shouting slowly begin to fade as soldiers begin to march away.
Uther lowered his head, "Very well." he said.
The king took a deep breath, sighed, and looked at me, "What a day, maybe I am getting to old for this. John, could I have some water please. My throat is dry."
I got to work quickly, "Of course, sire." I conjured the king the best water I could give. I tried to freeze it a little bit to make it cold so that maybe that would do the trick. I handed it to one of the guards and he handed it to the king. He was about to drink it. I waited for his reaction, if I wasn't going to be beheaded for what had just happened I was most likely going to be beheaded for this.
He drank all of it, "This is actually really good. May I have another?" He gestured with the ice cup and threw it on the ground, he liked it?
Maybe he was just trying to be nice, "Thank you, your highness." I said making another one. He stood up from his throne holding the second ice glass cup. "Uther, you and my men are to take John back to the mansion he is stationed at, and then my men will lead you to the Chapel of Light."
Uther looked at him questionably, "Sire?"
The king started down the stairs and looked up at Uther, "When you meet John Ace's commander, you will tell him, by the order of the king let him join whatever mages are stationed there, and John."
I nodded, "Yes you're Highness?"
The king touched my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, "I'm sorry for your lost, I know what it's like to lose someone that close. My kingdom has failed you, but your king will not. I WANT THESE CHAMBERS CLEANED THROUGHLY; I WILL NOT HAVE DISEASE SPREADING THROUGH MY HALLS!" The king started out the door with two of his guards, A dozen chamber maids with rags over their faces began scrubbing away at the chamber floors.
Uther keeping his head down, "Very well." He said.
Well that could have gone better, the King seemed more like a high ranking general then a King of ceremony and tradition. I really wondered what he must have been like in his prime; no wonder the orc's that invaded never stood a chance. I was not really use to being around all this royalty, in one night I had met the King of Lordaeron and the Prince of Silvermoon, but what had become of my city? "John do you have a horse?" Uther asked.
I shook my head, "No, I flew here." I answered.
Uther started walking down the road, "Good, it will give us time to talk."
"My people are waiting for me to help them; wouldn't it be better if we rode horses." I said.
Uther shook his head, "John, do you know why we're being escorted?"
I did think it was strange, also the fact that knights had taken away his hammer. I followed him with the rest of the king's men close behind, "Yes, the king thinks you'll go through with your plan. But you or the king never answered my question."
"And what was that?" Uther asked.
"How could, in two weeks, could in entire city be taken over by undead and if Mel'Ganis is behind this whole thing, there would have to of been reports of warlocks tribes, how could a few stupid orc warlock tribes manage to summon a dreadlord as powerful as him. They would need to be skilled for one and would also need large amounts of blood and shards. I know the patterns of rebel warlocks' clans. Kidnappings, missing persons, entire cities destroyed to make room for their portals. The Silver Hand would put these clues together and I'm sure the people of Stratholme would too. The problem would have been dealt with before it even started." I explained.
"You're right," Uther said not looking at me in the face, "And then everyone in Lordaeron would normally try to stop this as well. But these aren't normal circumstances, but what if people gave themselves to these demons willingly?" He explained.
"Who in the right mind would do that?" I asked. Uther looked over his shoulder at me, "Do you know of a warlock named Kel'Thuzad?"
I gasped, "I know a mage named Kel'Thuzad, as in Kel'Thuzad the Demon Slayer, and he taught me many things before I entered the Arcane University near South Shore Beach when I was a teenager. I heard yesterday he was expelled from the Kirin Tor a year ago, I imagine he must of went back to South Shore Beach to teach again. It must be someone else."
But I knew that it wasn't, not a lot of people have the word "Demon Slayer" in front of their name. It meant that you were a noble, and the high elves just don't hand out those titles out for free. He fought the Burning Legion when the portal opened up and yes he did know a lot about demons, but he always made it seem like it was better to know your enemies better than your friends. But no, not Kel'Thuzad, even though he never cradled me like a mother he was always pushing me to be better than any of those bastards at the university. He said that that part of my life would be easy and I should just have fun. And it was. I bested so many other mages because of him. I had planned on seeing him once I saved up enough money but now what had become of him? "John, are you listening?!" Uther demanded, and I woke up from my daydream.
"What?!" I said.
 “He poisoned the grain, that's how so many of your people became undead in these two weeks. That's why Arthus had the city of Stratholme purged. I had tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't hear it. He expelled my paladins from service and as you just saw, his father took my paladins away from me."
I looked at him questionably, "You're Uther the Lightbringer, General of the Soldiers of Lordaeron, true?"
Uther stopped and looked at me, "Yes."
"And Prince Arthas was a paladin as well, under your tutorage, true?" I continued.
"Yes, of course." Uther answered. All the soldiers stopped and were looking at us, but none of them spoke.
"Did he have orders from our king to purge the city? Were his orders to expel you and your paladins from service coming from our king? I mean, wouldn't quarantine have been a more suitable action until a cure was found?" I lifted up my bag.
"He is the prince of Lordaeron, I couldn't just..." Uther tried to explain, but I interrupted
"Oh, I see, he's the prince, so he must have threatened you. A prince's army must have been larger than all the men you brought back to Lordaeron, not only the men you said that turned into Scourge." I stated.
"Well no, the force I had was stronger than his. He wanted me to help him purge the city, but me and Lady Jaina Proudmore..."
I laughed, I knew who Jaina Proudmore was, a spoiled brat who was raised in the university and taught only by the most successful mages from the time she could walk. I was hardly ever bested at the university and when I was, it was because I was too drunk or hung-over to duel that well on that day, but Jaina had bested me even on times I was cold sober. I hated the fact that I was being bested by a woman, but most of the time I would tell myself that I wasn't giving it my all because she was beautiful. But hearing it come from someone who was actually there when it happen, someone who could of stopped it. It was just funny to me and I couldn't stop laughing. "You had Jaina Proudmore, a larger force... and you couldn't stop the spoiled brat Prince Arthas from slaughtering every person because they might, might have been infected by poison grain. I thought when the king said you were stupid he was just angry, but do you actually have plate armor inside your skull as well? How can someone so stupid work his way up to a General?! No wonder he took your paladins away, you should be reading fairy-tale stories to children, not leading armies to their deaths."
I took a deep breath and the laughing was over. This stupid overgrown man had the nerve to touch me on my shoulder. "Your right, John." He said.
I pushed away his hand, but he was so massive I couldn't move it, I blew fire from my mouth and blinded him with a bit of fire and ice. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled, he backed away, and covered his face.
None of the guards did anything, when Uther regained his composure he looked around, "He assaulted your General, arrest him." He pointed.
One of the men in full plate armor stepped forward and the man in front stopped him, looked at him, and shook his head. A stone from one of the guards nailed Uther in the face. "Don't!" The guard in front ordered, his voice distorted by his helmet.
"What's going on, I said arrest him." Uther ordered touching the area where the stone hit.
"All of us had friends in Stratholme," the guard spoke. "Jaina, we can understand, everyone knows those two were lovers. But you paladin, you could have stopped him, I would never follow your orders Uther, and I think all of my men would agree." He gestured to his men with his thumb.
Uther had no weapon, so he just put up his fist. "So, I take it you all plan on stoning me to death. I will have you all stripped of rank and whipped until you're scarred and bloody and begging for death!"
The lead guard laughed, "Do you even know any of our names Uther, or even what we look like under these helmets? We are not going to stone you Uther, we have our orders from the king, but I think that little mage over there deserves whatever justice he can get from your overgrown hide."
"You just walked away, old man?" I finally said with rage in my voice walking toward him. "Do you know how long it took for us after getting attacked by undead forces and some of us mortally wounded to be where we were looking like David back there... A WEEK! YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU COULDN'T WAIT ONE WEEK BEFORE YOU LET THE PRINCE OF LORDAERON KILL EVERYONE IN STRATHOLME!" Uther could feel my blood turn cold, he stepped backward away and tripped and held out his hand in defense; Kel'Thazud had told me I could use my negative emotions to empower my frost spells, "Use the pain of loss and your frost power should increase three-fold." He would say.
"Listen John, I'm so sorry, if I could go back," Uther pleaded.
"Mage, if you don't stop I'll..."
I caught his arm and incased it in ice. "You'll do what, paladin? You thought Jaina Proudmore was a good mage. Kel'Thuzad taught me everything there is to know about the arcane arts. I could freeze the very blood in your veins."
 Uther screamed out in pain holding his frozen arm, "Guards, please help me! John, please, this is the hand I hold a sword with, please don't break it."
 I let go and I incased both of his legs in ice. Then charged a Pyroblast hoping to take that head clear off.
"John!" One of the guards said. "Don't kill him."
I looked at him questionably, "Why not?" I asked.
"Just look at him John, he's broken." The guard said.
Uther looked like a scared rabbit cornered by a barking dog. Uther the Lightbringer, General of Lordaeron's army seemed too pathetic to kill. I looked away from Uther and looked toward the guards, "Where's Arthus?" I asked.
"Northrend, he's going after the dreadlord Mel'Ganis. You can take a boat there if you have the funds, but you might want to bring a coat." The guard said.
I broke the spell, Uther was free, but Uther just laid there crying, and apologizing like a five-year-old girl.
 "I know the way to the mansion, I won't need an escort." I said.
 The lead guard nodded, "We know, don't worry about Uther, we'll make sure he doesn't try to do anything stupid, he deserves to live with this guilt. We’ll call a carriage to bring him to Light’s Hope if we must. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your loss."
 I took a deep breath, "I think I got a little bit of justice today, thanks to you." I walked away.
 The other guards just circled and stared at him, Uther trying to hide his face from their eyes.
It was almost morning, so I knew that the soldiers of the Silver Hand army would be up for physical training. "Sargent Nelson?"
I yelled out at what was left of my platoon. "Ace, you're alive?"
Sargent Nelson stopped from his exercise and ran toward me and gave me a hug. "It's good to see you again." He said, "So where on Azeroth have you been? Oh my gosh, your soaked and wet, and your hands are freezing."
I faked laughed, "It kind of happens every now and then when you're a mage you know." I was finally out with it. I didn't have to hide anymore; I wasn't going to be sent to the Kirin Tor. I was staying where the action was, and I was going to fight.
 "A mage, I guess so, so is coming back from the dead happen when you're a mage as well? Because if it is I should start studying magic." Nelson said with a laugh. Nelson gestured toward one of my comrades, "Go get everyone, tell them Private Ace is back from the dead, and not as one of the Scourge."
 I whispered in Nelson's ear, "I've got good news; you need to tell Fairbanks or the Commander that I found the cure to this disease."
Sargent Nelson nodded, "Sure I'll get your report as soon as possible, but how about we get you a hot meal and get you cleaned up a bit. I'm sure you're tired of just eating conjured bread."
In fact, I was, and I wouldn't want to make the same mistake I had made with the king by rushing in.
 When I came to the barracks I took off the elven robes and put on my Silver Hand mail armor. Not that I didn't like the green and yellow ones, but they were wet and smelled like wet dog. I thought about what I was going to say to Fairbanks or to the commander, and if I couldn't find Vorioia in Stratholme, how I was going to get to Northrend and get my revenge on Arthas. I had nearly killed Uther the Lightbringer, that royal brat Arthas should be a piece of cake, he wouldn't get the mercy I showed Uther, he was directly responsible, even if he cried ten times worst then Uther I would still kill him, but I should still be careful, my over-confidence could be the death of me.
"So what happen to the rest of your squad?" I heard Sargent Nelsons voice from behind me as he opened the door.
"Sargent Nelson." I stood at attention.
"At ease, report Ace." I cleared my throat.
"We were attacked by undead forces while patrolling from the mansion to Stratholme. Our medic, Friar James was the first to get killed but the rest of us managed to dispatch the undead with some injuries."
Sargent nodded, wrote down what I said and looked me in the eyes. "So why didn't you guys report back?"
I thought back, "We had planned to, but by the time we bound our wounds if was night fall, we were tired, hungry, and we knew it would take longer carrying back Friar James's body."
Nelson nodded and looked away from me, "I guess that makes since." He continued to write. "Well, what happen in the morning? Corporal Ryan was in charge, he should of lead you guys back."
I recalled the horrible image in my head, "In the middle of the night we heard him screaming, Friar James turned into one of those things, and Corporal Ryan's dogs were trying to eat him alive."
Sargent Nelson swallowed hard, "Oh man, that's awful, so what did you guys do?"
I took a deep breath, "At first we didn't know what we were going to do, once we killed Friar James and the dogs we reopened the bandages we had closed, and they weren't healing, they were getting more infected. Since I had hardly any injuries they asked me to use Corporal Ryan's gun on them and asked me to burn their corpses, so they didn't become one of those things."
Nelson looked at me questionably, "Well did you do it?"
I shook my head, "No."
Nelson gave me a blank look, "Why, not?"
The memory made a tear fall from my eyes, "I couldn't," my voice was distorted by my incoming tears.
"Hey, it's okay. I know a lot as happen these past few weeks and you've seen more awful things then most of our vets. Come on sit down."
I sat down on my roommates' bed on the bottom bunk in our tiny room. Nelson sat on the floor across from me, "Whenever you're ready, I need to hear what happen after that."
I regained my composure, "My old teacher, Kel'Thuzad, you see, he knew a lot about the Burning Legion."
Nelson nodded, "I know of him, he was a huge help when The Legion invaded, but he was kicked out of the Kirin Tor a while back. He must have been a good teacher if you made it through all this."
I nodded, "He was, in more ways than just magic, he said that the darker dreadlords could reanimate corpses and use them in their ranks. He told me the signs of the change and Parson's and Parkingson's weren't showing any signs. He told me about the sunwell that the high elves used it to enhance their power and cure their illnesses."
Nelson nodded, took a deep breath, "Okay, but doesn't the sunwell only work on high elves?"
I looked away from him, "We traveled for a few days to Silvermoon and we asked the high elves to hold us in case we changed into undead. A week later I found a cure for our illness using the sunwells magic."
Nelson's eyes went wide, "Oh, so how did you do that?"
I shook my head, "I already told the King of Lordaeron,"
Nelson rolled his eyes, dropped the pen and paper on the floor, "Wow, I've always told you not to go over my chain of command, but this is a whole new low. How are you not dead right now? You're also a mage, do you want to end up like your older sister?"
I pulled the vial out of my bag. "Let me just tell you, don't write it down. This tonic will not only cure any human of any illness, but will enhance their strength, and power, but it's extremely addicting, and if anyone ever found out how it was made, the high elves would be hunted not only to cure their illnesses, but the simple need for more."
Nelson rolled his eyes, looked up at me, "So why aren't you addicted?"
I sighed, "I didn't take as much but my power has grown, the feeling it gave my body, the overall taste, it's taken a lot of willpower not to drink this myself, but I didn't take as much as Parkingson's or Parsons, but it was the reason why they didn't make it back."
Nelson half smiled, "Yeah, you never told me what happen to them."
I continued on, "I didn't see what happened to them myself personally but, Kael’Thas was in his royal battle mage-robes when he came to see me. I imagine they must have killed some of the elves looking for more of the stuff."
He looked away from me in disappointment, "So you know that they died?"
I looked away from him as well, "No, but I saw the effects personally when I came to the Castle of Lordaeron and I was almost killed by one of Uther's knights, it cured him, but I don't think he'll ever be the same. Then the King of Lordaeron almost had me beheaded because of what happen."
Sargent Nelson got up and took a deep breath, "Now that sounds like our king. Well I guess that's what brings you here... but, why did you try to kill Uther?"
I swallowed hard, "Is that what he told you?"
Nelson nodded, "The knights that escorted him said it was self-defense on your part, but he said you attacked him, but if it wasn't for the knights he would have nearly died from hypothermia, he'll be out of commission for a few days, but Commander Mograine is impressed with your power, but if I write about your tonic he might think a little bit less."
"Did Uther happen to say anything about what he was supposed to do with me, the orders he was given from the king?! This tonic had nothing to do with what I did, Kel'Thuzad..."
I had yelled at him, but he interrupted, "Uther the Lightbringer has been bed ridden since he got here, he says you attacked him and has been crying and talking in his sleep saying, 'I'm sorry'. He isn't just the leader of the Paladin order. He's the Supreme Commander of the Silver Hand knights. Do you think I want to see the last man in my section beheaded, a free mage for that matter? But you should know I'm risking a lot to keep you here, and the way you keep talking about Kel'Thuzad I'm having a hard time believing what I've heard."
I looked at him questionably, "Why, what have you heard?"
Nelson took a deep breath, "I'm sorry John, Kel'Thuzad is dead, Arthas said he was the leader of the Cult of the Damned, so I wouldn't' keep talking about him like the way you have been, people will think your one of them. But now I don't know what to think, people said Arthas killed more people that seemed healthy then he did undead, and why would he take so many of the king’s men to Northrend. And now you're telling me Kel'Thuzad being a good person."
I laughed at that last statement, "Well, I didn't say that. I mean he never really was a "good person", he was rude, cold, arrogant, had a sarcastic sense of humor, overall he hated people, and at best, he was a strict teacher, but he was also brilliant and never walked away from someone in trouble."
Nelson looked away from me, "So you think he did it?"
I remembered something Kel'thazud would always say to me. "John, nothing is worth dying for, if you don't look into every detail, your overconfidence will be the death of you, and everything you worked for will be for nothing." I thought.
I shook my head at him, "No, if I know Kel'Thuzad, he would never put himself in harm's way, he would try to find some way for someone else to do it. Knowing full well that the forces of Lordaeron would come after whoever was behind all the kidnapping. Kel'Thuzad... if you didn't know him, it would be a perfect alibi and killing a powerful mage like him, it would bring a lot of glory."
Nelson half smiled, "You think this was a set up?"
I nodded, "If Kel'Thazud was down on his luck he wouldn't be hard to find. I just wish I knew earlier, I would of..."
Nelson interrupted me. "Hey, don't think like that, you can't blame yourself for other people’s deaths. But if it makes you feel any better, you can pay your respects. Saidan Dathrohan and Commander Molgraine will see you when you're ready, but I'll tell them you need sometime alone."
Nelson got up, patted me on the shoulder, and left the room. Kel'Thuzad was the closest thing I could call a father, a teacher, a mentor, and a friend, I thought one day I would be as powerful as he was and even quoted him before every stupid would-be mage, warlock, or priest had tried to challenge or jump me. "Your overconfidence will be the death of you." I would say, even Uther the Lightbringer, he was lucky I didn't kill him. But what more could Arthas take away from me? "Kel'Thuzad." I said out loud, I will mourn for you tonight, even though you never gave me a shred of love or respect I wouldn't be the man I am today if it weren't for you.
Even though it was ten in the morning when I went to sleep, I woke up the next morning a little bit under 24 hours. I awoke from nightmares several times about how Arthas being behind this whole thing, but I also had disturbing waking thoughts well into the night. Arthas leading the Cult of the Damned to over throw his father, murdering Kel'Thuzad and placing the blame on him, poisoning the grain to feed the undead armies. A prince could lead people to their very deaths and could summon a demon as powerful as Mal'Ganis. He could hire the most skilled warlocks and open a portal underground. I didn't have any proof of this and it was 5:30 am almost time for the morning workout. I put on my lose clothes and headed out the door but there was a knock on it before I could leave. I opened it and Sargent Nelson was waiting outside in red full body plate armor carrying his helmet in his hand. "Get dressed your coming with me."
He threw me a bag filled with crimson robes, cloth boots, everything a mage could need, "Sargent Nelson I'm fine wearing the armor just like everyone else."
Sargent Nelson smiled at me, "Oh really?"
He threw his heavy helmet at me hard enough for it to knock me down. "Ouch! What was that for?!" I complained.
Nelson shook his head and laughed, "John I've seen the way you walk in mail armor and I've also seen the way you cast spells in mail armor as well. And from what I heard from the king’s royal chambers they said it was a stupid idea to make you wear that."
I shook my head, "But you always said I would get used to it."
Sargent Nelson took the helmet from me, "Yeah, but after that you were going to have to start wearing this."
He held up his plate helmet, "And by the Light knows how long that would take. Just try them on, Ach-mage Doan made these for you."
I nodded and started to put them on, they made chills go through my veins as I started to put on every piece of clothing. I was wearing a hood covering my whole face and I put it down, so I could speak. "You know I heard Doan was a feeble old man who couldn't even make it into the Kirin Tor, but he sure can make a good set of arcane robes."
Nelson shrugged, "Well how old are you like 25 now, here."
He tossed me a black metal staff with a green crystal on top, this was the first metal staff I've ever owned, and all the staffs I've used were made of wood. "Nice, this should last me a lot longer than the other staff's I used to use."
I followed Sargent Nelson outside the mansion. It was the coldest part of the day, right before the sun comes up, "So where we going? Shouldn't we bring horses?"
I asked Nelson, he shook his head, "You need to see what we've been fighting these past few weeks and I don't want running away to be an option, do you have any type of shield spells?"
I nodded, "Pure arcane plasma spells are my worst subject, but let me try something."
I thought about Stratholme for a few seconds and I was able to make a pure shield of ice.
Nelson looked at me in shock, "Woah, I've never seen anything like that before, did you just make that up? Your whole body is steaming." He reached over to touch me, "By the Light your freezing, aren't you cold?"
I was as surprised as he was, "No, I don't even feel anything even when you touched me, it's like numb."
He started to walk, "Well I guess that works for me, come on."
I followed behind him, "Where are we going?"
I asked. "We're going to try to find your teacher’s body, most likely Arthas left him to rot, and after that you need to speak with Saidan Dathrohan and Commander Mograine." Nelson explained.
I gasped, "Highlord Alexandros Mograine is here?"
Nelson shook his head, "No, he’s on his way to Ironforge as we speak, his son Renavlt is trying to step out of his shadow and was made a commander, but you should still hold him with the up-most respect."
I agreed with him, I've heard stories about Alexandros when I was a kid, Kel'Thazud told me that they were mostly true, but Kel'Thuzad told me not to give into to what everyone said about him. Besides there was plenty of time for heroes to rise in these dark times.
 We walked for about an hour before we started to run into undead, and for the most part Sargent Nelson seemed like he knew how to fight these things, during our fights he would yell out, "Don't let their blood get on you." Or "Freeze them all in place."
An the more I thought about Arthas, about my home, I was able to kill these Scourge with ease. I guess being so scared when a group of undead had jumped us was why so many of us got injured. I didn't know if it was the new robes I'd been given, the tonic I had drank, or my emotions for my loss of my home city, but me and Sargent Nelson were a two-man army.
"Let's stop for a second I think were clear." Nelson said.
"Did you bring anything to eat?" I asked.
He looked at me questionably, "I brought you."
He held out his hand. Oh, not this again, well it's his funeral. I don't know if I made bad bread on purpose because people would always ask me once they found out I was a mage, but you know I like eating normal food, and just because they bring me along that doesn't mean you shouldn't pack your own food. I mean what if I died, and then what will you do, starve? But I guess it might be one of the reasons why I'm still alive, Parkingsons knew that I was a mage and he did try pretty hard to make sure I didn't get hurt. "Sure, one second." I didn't try very hard to make him his bread, but I handed him a loath. "Are we there yet? We've been killing these undead for most of the day."
Nelson sat down and took a bite of conjured bread, "Wow John, this is really good."
"Okay, yeah thanks a lot, I'm going to eat my jerky that I paid for with my money." I thought.
I pulled the salted meat out of my bag, "You're not going to have any of your bread?" Nelson asked.
I shook my head, I guess he was trying to make me feel better, that was nice of him really. "No, I brought some salted meat do you want some?"
Nelson looked away from me, "Nope, I'm kind of tired of that stuff."
I nodded, "I guess I feel the same way, but you never miss something until it's gone."
Nelson sighed for a second and looked over at me, "Yeah I guess so. This forest use to be so beautiful and now look at it, the trees are dying, there's no way you could take your family out here anymore. Now a day's kids are learning to use swords and magic before they even learn to have a good time. Don't you remember?"
I nodded, "Of course I remember, I got bullied a lot by the older kids, but I remember crying a lot to the point my best friend, now my soon to be wife came to my rescue. She got kind of tired of protecting me after a while and told me, 'You're going to have to stand up for yourself or my brothers and all their friends are going to keep bullying you.' One day she was nowhere to be found. I remember talking back to one of them and right when she was about to hit me, I didn't cry or crawl into a ball and I just looked her in the eye's." "Did you kick his ass, or… her ass?" Nelson asked.
I laughed, "Kind of, somehow I managed to set her hair on fire. My parents were so mad at me, but it was that time I knew I could use the arcane arts to protect myself. But I hated it because I had to change schools, I couldn't see my friend anymore, but as we grew up I saw her on the weekends and I went to her school parties and she came to mine."
Nelson pointed at me, "See? Parties, when we were kids. Have you heard about any parties that haven't gone on without someone duking it out with someone? Everything is about this sword play tournament this and magic show that. It gets to the point that I want to send my son to a gnome school so maybe he'll learn to think outside the box."
I nodded, "Well I like the magic shows, even the ones that aren't real. You know about my sister Janice? She was such a talented magician I couldn't believe my parents just sold her."
Nelson agreed with me, "Well I miss those too, and yeah you told me. We should get going."
We both stood up and it wasn't long before we found Kel'Thuzad’s rotting body, it smelled awful, but I expected to see him as an undead. I guess it was a good thing that he didn't have to go through that. "So, what do you think?" Nelson asked. The body looked like it must have been at least four or five days dead. His bearded face looks slightly blacken from swelling from a broken neck, but the arm was bent in a way that suggested a heavy object must have hit him from the side. Flies were drawn to him on his lower body showing that they were feeding off his feces and not from the detriment from his wounds.
I opened his eye and they were rolled back behind is head. I expected his pupils to be dilated like when you kill a rabbit or buck, which meant he was most likely rendered blind or some kind of mind magic was used on him. The blood that had leaked on the ground was black suggesting maybe three or four days.
I took off the glove that he was wearing and put it on. "There's nothing."
"What do you mean there's nothing?" Nelson asked.
I looked at Nelson, "I mean his gloves, his robes, his hat, his boots, these aren't the robes he wore. I remember when I was young I put on his robes and it made my body tingle so much I couldn't move. He wasn't fit for battle if Arthas killed him."
He looked at me questionably, "What do you think. You think someone gave them to him or he was trying to get himself killed?"
I shook my head, "He died from a broken neck, but a lot of times when you’re trying to fit a body into clothes you brake cartilage in the shoulder or arm. His arm is broken. So, no, he would never go out in the forest, dying or not, not without his best robes, I mean what if a bear or wolf caught him by surprise, it would be like him walking outside naked, how likely is that. These robes were most likely put on him."
Nelson looked over the body, "Well we should try to bury him, there’s no reason to let him rot."
I could feel myself crying again, I couldn't believe this was happening, "Are you crying again?"
"How would you feel if your best teacher died." I yelled.
"I would mourn his loss just like you are." Nelson said as he picked him up.
"Then why did you say that?" I asked.
He looked at me and then looked side to side "What did I say?"
"John, stop crying, you're not a kid anymore." I looked around.
"Did you hear that?" Nelson shook his head looking at me questionably.
"I thank you for showing me some respect John, but don't say anything out loud, I can hear you when you think it."
"Kel'thazud," I thought, "What happen to you?"
"Arthas killed me, it was supposed to happen this way." Kel'Thazud said.
"I'll kill him, I'll kill him for everything he took away from me, I will avenge you master, and restore your honor!" I thought.
"What did he take from you John?"
"Didn't you know, he killed everyone in Stratholme, Vorioia she's, she's..."
"She isn't dead, John."
"What, how do you know?"
"She is not in the afterlife. I've been following Arthas in this form and I did not see her soul leave her body, but please understand Arthas was supposed to kill me."
"You would never let yourself die; everything you worked for would be for nothing if you let yourself get killed, why are you talking to me like that? The Kel'thazud I knew never talked to me like I was a child, who are you? GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I screamed out loud as I fell to my knees, Nelson came to my aid.
"Believe whatever you want John Ace, but I leave you with this advice, if you want to see your beautiful Vorioia again follow Arthas when he returns from Northrend."
"FOLLOW HIM, WHERE?!" I screamed out loud.
"You'll know when the time is right, this I promise you, you will see her again, whether you think I'm the real Kel'Thazud you knew or not."
"JOHN! JOHN! Wake up!" Sargent Nelson was trying to bring me back.
"I saw him." I said.
"Who?" Nelson asked.
"Kel'Thazud, but it wasn't him, or maybe it was someone else with his voice." I explained
"You said 'follow him where' follow who where?" Nelson asked.
"Arthas when he returns." I answered.
"John, Arthas is going to have a lot to explain if, or when, he makes it back from Northrend. We might have enough to restore your teacher's honor when he gets back. I for one hope he dies over there, but we'll wait for news to come back. Come on, lets bury your masters corpse and head back."
 We took off Kel'Thazud's robes and buried him six feet under at a nearby graveyard, we didn't have anything to use as a head stone, so I took my staff off my back.
"John, you might need that, you know." Nelson said.
I nodded, "I know, but he needs it more right now, I'll come back for it when we find a good headstone to set up." I said while placing the staff on the spot we buried him.
"Well aren't you worried about Scourge?" Nelson asked.
I shook my head, "No, thanks to you, I think the nightmares will stop. I see my power for what it truly is, something I need to feel in my heart of hearts, my pain of loss, and my inner rage. You understand, don't you?"
Nelson crossed his arms and looked away from me, "I guess so, fighting with you this day has really made me see how you could have taken out Uther the Lightbringer, but I remember you before, you seem to be a completely different person. You seem more powerful yes, but you also seem less animated and pale."
I sighed, "Of course I'm less animated everyone in my hometown is dead, but it was making me more powerful. If only I was this powerful then, that handful of Scourge that attacked us, we could have made it to Stratholme and I could of personally stopped Arthas from killing everyone in my city. I could have led the infected to Silvermoon and cured them, addicted or not."
I hadn't felt one ounce of pain since I cast that Ice Shield spell on myself, but there was also a complete loss of emotion. I felt what it truly was to be like ice, cold, unmoving, and unloving. There was no pain, no loss, no feeling, just the deep growing tingling feeling in my spine and fingers as arcane magic flowed through my hands like an avalanche from a mountain top. "There's something I didn't tell you, Sargent Nelson." I said.
 Nelson looked over at me.
 "He said Vorioia, my fiance, is still alive." I said.
Nelson gasped, "John, I don't know if you should get your hopes up, but I hope you or Kel'Thuzad is right, but what else did he say?"
I explained what this voice of Kel'Thuzad said.
 "That doesn't make any since!" Nelson yelled. "You've lost it kid!"
I still felt like there was still hope, "But what if there was a chance?"
Nelson grabbed me by my robes and put his finger in my face, "You want to follow Arthas?! Listen to me John, let it go. She's gone, and even if there is a slim chance she was still alive, and another slim chance if Arthas has the guts to lead you into Stratholme. Could you sit there and watch him kill her?! Because I'll tell you right now that's what he'll do!" I felt my blood turn cold again, "How could you know, people said he only killed people that had turned."
Nelson let go of me, "No John he didn't, I'm sorry but you weren't there, I want to see Arthas punished for everything he made us do."
He was there, but now I finally understood, "Us?! What do you mean us?!" I asked.
Nelson continued to step back, "John, I know how powerful you are now, but we need that to fight these things, to end the Scourge."
I took a deep breath, fell to my knees, and blew cold icy air out of my mouth that made the ground freeze. I was crying, and every tear drop was filled with arcane magic and made the puddle of ice grow dramatically. "Vorioia." I cried softly.
"John I'm so sorry, I should have told you earlier." Nelson stated.
"No, Sargent Nelson you are a dear friend to me, and I'm lucky to have a friend like you." I said but Nelson looked at me questionably.
"Thanks, I can't pretend I know what you're going through but..."
I put out my hand to ask him to help me up. He walked over to me to give me his hand, but I grabbed his wrist encasing it in ice. "Which is why losing you will be so hurtful; I will truly mourn your loss."
Nelson screamed out in pain but his whole arm was incased in ice. He shook it off to the point it broke clear off. He ran off, but I blasted him with a frostbolt slowing him down and teleported to where I was standing right in front of him. Nelson tried to run back but I put him in an ice coffin leaving all his lower body in ice. "You know Uther begged for his life and cried like a little girl when I did this to him. Are you going to beg Nelson?"
Nelson shook his head, his eye's filled with rage, "Vorioia Pride, that's her name, right?!"
I looked at him questionably, "How could you know that?"
"You have every right to kill me John, I won't beg for my life, but your lover is dead. She fought, and I have never seen a person fight like she did, but she couldn't kill Arthas in time before she was overrun by mercenaries wearing the strangest clothes I ever seen, they ran through that place like water down a pipe. Killing and looting with no fear or emotion of the foes we faced, it was like a child's game to them, but it was us soldiers who had to kill every woman and child. So just do whatever it is you’re going to do.” He managed to laugh.
There was another spell that Kel'Thazud made me learn before I left for the University, but he told me never to use it in front of anyone unless I was about to murder that person. "I will blackmail Arthas using what I found here and will make him lead me to Stratholme." I circled around Nelson's coffin placing ice pieces around him, "When we do find Vorioia alive, dead, or undead. His life will be the forfeit of his crimes." I placed my hand on the ground making the ground underneath him glow in blue elven writing. "And I don't need anyone to know that my intentions to kill that spoiled prince, so this is goodbye Sargent Nelson."
The Ice Ritual was complete, but it was nothing I really wanted to look at. I looked away as I heard the sounds of the ice lances go through the parts of Sargent Nelsons body and his throat fill up with blood. A few seconds later I heard him exhale his last breath, I was truly going to miss him, but this loss will empower me that much more.
We had cleared out most of the Scourge on the way to Kel'Thuzads body so there were hardly any on the way back. I told the people in the Silver Hand about the Ice Ritual and where to find Sargent Nelson's body, but we did travel to far north and the Scourge grew stronger as we kept going. My heart grows heavy as I realized I committed my first murder, but I need Arthas to lead me to Stratholme alone, and I need to kill him before he tries to kill my Vorioia. I don't need anyone to know my intentions, but I'm starting to believe that the voice that did speak to me was in fact Kel'Thazud, but why did he let Arthas kill him? That's the only thing that didn't make since. I had done enough crying since I found out the people in my home were dead, my master was dead, and now my Sargent that looked after me was dead. I was ordered to come to dinner with the Commander Mograine and Saidan Dathrohan a paladin that I heard rivaled Uther. "Welcome the man of the hour." A younger red-headed man in full Silver Hand armor greeted me with open arms.
"So, this is the mage that almost did Uther in? I've seen you before; you didn't seem all that much to me." Saidan said.
"Commander Mograine, Saidan, greetings to you." I said.
"Come sit down, eat." Commander Mograine requested, Saidan sat on the other side of the table. "I've read your report, very impressive."
I took the second vial of Sunwell Elixir and placed it on the table. "How do I get to Northrend?"
Commander Mograine rolled his eyes, "Northrend? Why on earth would you want to go to Northrend?" Mograine asked.
"I'm sorry sir, but have we met before?" I asked.
"This is Alexandros Mograine's first son Relvant. He doesn't make appearances very often." Saidan explained.
Relvant sat down next to Saidan, "Not by choice I assure you. Please sit down."
I sat down and put meat on my plate and conjured my own bread, "There's no need to do that, our chef has already made bread."
I gave him a cold look, "I'm not eating anything with grain in it, call me crazy but, I would think you wouldn't too."
Relvant fake laughed, "I guess you have a point." Relvalt held out his hand, "May I?"
"Sure" I said as I threw him a piece of bread and got ready for his reaction.
He took a bite, "Wow this is really good, it's like a sweet roll."
That was three times in a row, no one likes mage bread not even me, I conjured up another piece and ate it... It was good, but since when?
"May I have a few more?" Relvant asked.
The elixir, it must have done something to me. "No." I said with a blank look on my face.
"Uh, okay, you are a strange one." Relvant said a little confused.
At the time I thought that the elixir could have made people addicted to my bread and water. Sheesh, I might get people really fat if it was. "I'm just kidding, give me a few seconds." I conjured up 20 pieces and put them on the table.
"You are a character I will say that." Relvant said with a laugh.
"Why would you want to go to Northrend anyways, the king requested that his men be recalled, it wouldn't help his case if we sent more." Asked Saidan as we ate.
"To find the leader of these undead and kill him, Mel Ganis." I stated.
Relvalt laughed, "He's already rotting in the Twisting Nether."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Word came in today Arthus killed Mel Ganis. And my father is looking into a way to kill every last one of these undead that walks the earth and with your potion we can cure the people that are infected." Relvalt sighed, "It's a shame really."
"Commander?" I asked
"It's just, I had hoped for a battle like in the stories, a battle like when the Burning Legion invaded through the Dark Portal just like the one father fought in, but it seems like father is in for more glory once again." Relvalt explained.
"Enough people have died in these past few weeks let it be finished!" I stood up and screamed as I pounded the table.
Relvalt just gave me a blank scared look.
 "He's right Relvalt, but don't worry your time will come." Saidan cut in.
"I'll tell you what Lieutenant Ace." Relvalt said with a smile.
"Lieutenant?" I asked.
Relvalt nodded, "When Arthus comes back there's going to be a huge celebration. I'll announce your promotion there, and if you are itching for revenge we can kill these undead monsters together."
I smiled and sat down. “I wouldn't have it any other way." I said.
We shook hands, "After what I heard you did to Uther and those Scourge outside I can just imagine."
I felt the blood in my face leave, "How do you know about the Scourge I killed, did you have me followed?"
Relvalt laughed, "No of course not…" Relvalt looked away, back at me, paused, and smiled, "…I followed you."
A wave of shock fell through my spine, I wanted to say something. "Why would you do that Relvalt, you know the dangers of wondering out into the woods?" Saidan ordered with concern.
Relvalt shrugged, "After what I heard from Uther I could hardly believe what he told me. Now I believe it, change is coming to the Silver Hand Saidan and when the time is right I'm going to need soldiers, especially mages, that won't be afraid to take decisive actions." Relvalt looked over me and winked, "Right John Ace?"
I nodded, "Of course sir. I won't let you down."
 I went back to my room, laid on the top bunk of my bed, and thought, “Well that went a lot better than I hoped for, I had lost everything but maybe Arthas did what he felt was right.” I put down my bag and looked at Kel'Thuzad's Cult of the Damned robes fall out. But it was his fault, everything. If there was a chance I could have led him to Stratholme would I have had to kill him, the souls of my people demand it?
What if Kel'Thazud did lead the Cult of the Damned, but how? A mage just kicked out of Kirin Tor couldn't just lead people to their deaths, Kel'Thazud never was all that great with people, and it's so hard to see him as this great cult leader. Death threats, promises of power, he was willing to teach me because the price was right. The real question is why'd he get kicked out, what did he learn? Was it that forbidden ice ritual? No, there had to of been something more, he knew something more, that I'm sure of it. How many more forbidden spells did you learn Kel'Thuzad? It was him, "Power is everything."
I said out loud. This is my new quote. I wonder when Arthus will return from Northrend. I thought about the party in Lordaeron and funeral for the people that had died. They would be missed but as a Lieutenant in the Silver Hand I would help rebuild, but it was still going to feel good killing every one of those undead. "Undead?"
I said out loud. I stood up from my bed. I got dressed in my elven robes that were now clean; I looked up into the night sky from my room, the moon bigger from my window. I used a feather spell to slow fall to the nearby sables and summoned the mage horse Helios. "Hey buddy." I said once he was summoned.
I saw fire burning from his mane and tail, the flames subsided as he nuzzled my face with his nose. "Yeah, I missed you too." I kissed him on his head, padded him on the side and jumped on his back. "You’re going to have to turn that off for a few seconds, we're going to check for something."
When Helios wasn't covered in flames he looked like a common chestnut horse lacking a mane and hair on his tail. He refused to wear a saddle and I had to really beg him to take me somewhere. But he was okay with outside riding as long as he decided where we were going, and he always ran if there were signs of danger. We ran away from the mansion but once we were out of sight, Helios came to a walk and turned his flames back on lighting our way. "Tell me if you see any Scourge, but try to stay on the road, okay?"
 About 3 hours of riding in the night, Scourge have taken over towns, farms, houses, and I'm sure if I made the trip to Stratholme I would find more. They were few in number but the damage they had done was dealt. Mindless as they seemed to be it would have to be poisoning to make change to people this quickly. It would take a lot of time to change it back to the way it was, but I was willing to put in the work. There was a question that kept ringing in my head, if Mel'Ganis was dead how where these things still here. A demon’s curse or blessing would normally leave when that demon was gone. Maybe dreadlords are different, I'm not a warlock but there still seems to be something very wrong here.
 Two days have come to past and the vial I gave to Revalt I heard was gone. I haven't told anyone I have one more left. I don't know why I haven't told anyone about it, but I've lost my ability to make good bread and water. I haven't really lost my edge in the arcane but using those forbidden spells Kel'Thuzad taught me has left me more drained then they use to. I know I will need this elixir when I kill Arthus. Besides everyone with deep pockets that thinks there sick is already on their way to Silvermoon, as long as they stay on the road they should be fine. I guess there was one thing good about the Scourge, no bandits or highway robbers. Besides I wanted to see this Arthas for myself, if he was as promising as the king made him out to be, maybe he could answer my questions.
"Are you ready, sir?" My assistant asked. I put on my best Silver Hand robes, and the horse I was to ride had been dressed up too. I wanted to have fun for the first time I heard about Stratholme, "Okay I'm ready to meet this Arthas." I said as I got ready.
"Sir, I know what Arthas did to your people but you're not thinking of..." the gnome explained.
"No." I shook my head, "I've read the dates on the reports and I was very lucky. I knew I was infected because I found a cure. If I decided to visit home that day and ate something I wouldn't be standing here right now. Besides if Arthus hadn't chased off Mel'Gainis who could know what he would lead the Scourge to do. A cure would be worthless."
The gnome smiled. "Well that's good to hear. Well I hope you have a good time."
I smiled, "Me too. Can you hand me that bag please?"
The gnome nodded, "Yes sir." She grabbed the bag. "Oh my, it's cold."
"I keep it encased in ice." I explained.
"I wish I knew magic." The gnome complained.
I nodded, "Well it's very good at times, but the arcane arts and a mages power are more useful in times of peace. I guess it's why were not called warlocks." I said with a laugh, but I got nothing from the gnome. "It's a joke."
The gnome laughed. "I don't get it."
I left the mansion nice and normal, I wanted people to see me dressed up when I walked outside, but it was just my horse though. "Where's Relvant?" I asked an outside guard.
"He's sick, but don't worry sir, we all know about your promotion, they'll be more Silver Hand officers at the party."
I was a bit concerned, "He doesn't have?"
The guard shook his head. "No, it's something else."
I shrugged, "That's too bad."
The courtyard bells could be heard all the way from the mansion, I rode, and the outside gates were littered with flower peddles. As I stabled my horse and I saw a black figure go into the throne room, "Is that him?" I asked the stable keeper.
"Yes, that's our prince." He nodded.
"The hero of Lorderon wears all black, which seems fitting for a murderer." I said out loud.
"It takes one to know one, John."
I looked over at the sable keeper, "What did you say?"
He looked over at me, "I didn't say anything."
I walked toward the throne room, "Kel'Thuzad?" I said in my head and stopped.
"Yes, now you understand, this is your destiny." Kel'Thuzad whispered.
"Maybe, but why would you let yourself get killed?" My thoughts with Kel'Thuzad were interrupted, I heard people screaming from inside, and the doors flew open with people running for their lives.
I saw Arthas slashing away into the Lordaeron guards. He stopped and looked at his blade and said, "This kingdom shall fall and from the ashes raise a new order, which will shake the very foundation of the world!"
Arthas continued to kill after that, there were people that fell, and he kicked them into a large pile of corpses on the ground. He lifted up his blade and made them come back to life as undead. I continued to walk toward him like a single stone in a stream as people continued to bump me as they ran for their lives. His army of dead made hissing and grunting noises as they ran toward me or whatever they were chasing after. I froze them all in place and blasted them with a few arcane blasts continuing to walk toward him. "What the hell was that supposed to mean?!" I asked.
He sat in his father's throne, touched the tip of his sword to the ground, and spin the blade he was holding. "And who are you, mage?" He said as he leaned to one side of the throne.
 "My name is Lieutenant John Ace, you killed everyone in my city and you framed and killed my master Kel'Thuzad, but you know what? I'm so glad you’re showing your true colors now. Now I see that you are being true, seeing you here. I don’t have to wait to kill you."
Arthas shrugged, "That's not all true, and this blade Frostmorne has given me so much power. It has given me a vision and it hungers for souls. I think it would like to feed on yours, John."
He held up the blade admiring the runes. I used a frost shield that made my whole-body steam. "Power is everything Arthas.” I said, “I wonder what power that sword will give me, no Arthas, the next soul Frostmorne will take is yours." I thought if frost wouldn't work on this guy I'm sure fire would have, I conjured up the strongest fire spell I can muster. He put up is hand and stopped the flaming boulder by turning it into ice and smashing it on the floor. "Is that the best you could do? I thought Kel'Thuzad would have taught you a few more things than that." Arthas said laughing.
At the time I thought, normal spells won't work on this guy. I took the vial out of my bag and drank half of it; the rest is for you my love. I remembered Vorioia. If I had to break off both of this guy’s legs and drag him to her then I would have done it. I felt my power go up ten-fold, "Try this out for size!" I said.
I summoned the flaming horse Helios, but three horses were standing in front of me, one was red, white, and purple. I knew them all by name; Helios, Avalanche, and Violet. I was able to summon them one at a time but never all at once. Arthas placed his hand on his forehead and let out a loud laugh on his father’s throne, "Horses?" Arthas continued to laugh, "You're going to kill me with horses?!"
Helios stepped forward, charged a fireball, and the two-other followed with their respected elements, frost and arcane. Arthas cut the fireball in half, pushed the frostbolt away with his free hand, but the arcane missiles nailed him four times in the face. Arthas staggered as each hit him. I charge another Pyroblast, it was a long spell to cast, but I knew my horses would keep him busy. Helios charged him, knocking him down off the stairs onto the floor, but Arthas landed on his feet. "Come and get me beast!" Arthas taunted.
Helios screamed, his flames from his mane and tail grew bigger and he jumped off the stairs hoping to crush him underfoot. Avalanche and Violet dealt with the large abominations that rose from the pile of corpses freezing them in place and blasting them with arcane magic. Arthas moved to the right spinning 360 degrees and sliced through Helios’s back, but he was a fire horse. He blew up in an explosion of fire and ice knocking Arthas into the wall cracking it but staying on his feet, but my Pryoblast was ready to fly. The large fiery boulder nailing him in his whole upper body, this time he went down laying on the ground, and some of his hair and cape caught fire. The room was clear, I dismissed my mage horses, and walked toward Arthas, "Yes Arthas, horses, that spell was too good for you, but it's your ticket to the Twisting Nether." I stated.
Arthas was still alive, I could hear him breathing like he was out of breath, "You're not bad at this. You fight like you're not holding anything back, unlike Jaina." Arthas stood up holding his chest, the fire from his hair and cape went out as the rune of Frostmorne glowed. "I would even go as far to say that I underestimated your abilities."
"What are you? How could you survive that?" I asked.
 "I am, " Arthas looked at his blade and closed his eyes, "I am, YOUR KING!"
He tried to swing at me with his blade, but I teleported behind him, "To slow, prince."
I smashed the ground trapping him, putting him in an Icey Coffin, he tried to move but couldn’t, but he kept his eyes shut. "I see you have no abilities yourself, just brute force, and that sword. The blade will be mine, Arthas."
I started my Ice Ritual, forbidden magic was so much fun. No one ever thinks that you have these aces up your sleeves until it's too late. I circled around him the same way I did with Nelson; his lower body was covered in ice leaving him stuck in place. "Goodbye murderess prince.” I said with a laugh, “That blade should be in the hands of someone that can actually use it."
I placed my hand on the ground and saw the elven writing glow under his feet. I heard the ice lances coming from the ground but this time I would watch. I would watch as they tore into this traitorous prince’s body to pieces. Frostmorne would be mine and I would use it to find Vorioia in Stratholme. The spikes went up through the ground, but they didn't break through his armor. That sword of his was glowing with such bright blue light I had to look away. I heard my Icey Coffin smash into a thousand pieces and felt a strong force grab me by my neck. He picked me up by the throat, "Can you fight this close, John. You are much more powerful than Kel'Thazud when I killed him."
I held on to his hands trying to incase them in ice. He laughed and shook me a little and the frost I put on his armor fell like pieces of snow. "But Frostmorne hungers." Arthas said.
He was about to impale me with his blade, but I incased myself in ice making him drop me on the ground. He pulled his hand out of the ice away from my throat, he turned his back on me and turned around and put Frostmorne right through my Ice Block spell. That had never happened before, or maybe it has, just no one was able to live through it, I feel myself go light headed. Everything went numb and the Ice Block broke into a thousand pieces, but I couldn't feel anything. I guess the frost was helping out with that, at least my death would be painless.
I had fought bravely; I may have helped some people escape that bloodbath. The Light will embrace me. I looked up and there it was, the Light. I saw my family, friends, everyone in Stratholme and even Sargent Nelson, I hoped he wouldn't be to mad at me for killing him, but I didn't see her, and I didn't see Kel'Thazud. "Vorioia are you there?" I yelled.
I looked down on my own dead body and it hadn't become one of the undead. "You won't find her there."
I saw him, in the flesh... so to speak. "Kel'Thazud?" I asked.
I looked over at my own dead body, Arthas was trying to make me come back as a Scourge monster, but it didn't seem to be working though. "I said to follow him, not try to kill him.” Kel’Thazud complained, “I see your over-confidence... " I interrupted him, "Was the death of me. I know master, but what about you. Why did you let yourself get killed?"
Kel'Thuzad looked over at Arthas, "There isn't much time John, Arthas needs you to follow him, do everything that he says, and I promise you, you'll see her again."
I sighed, he wasn't a good man when he was alive, but I always trusted him to be honest. If there was some kind of forbidden spell I didn't know about to bring back the dead I would settle for that. I missed her so much, her hair, her eyes, her voice, her body, her smell. I missed being with her, being in love with her, her being in love with me; this whole world could burn as long as I can be in her embrace again. I saw everything turn blue. "Araise Jaundace."
I felt a pain in my chest, how could I feel pain when I'm dead, everything went blue again. "Araise Jaundace."
"I'm coming Arthas.” I thought, “Power is everything. Power to protect the one you love. I will let nothing stop me from gaining more power."
I followed the blue light and I woke in my body again. "Jaundace." Arthas said.
"I understand now. I will follow and serve you, Prince Arthas." I said with a bow.
"You can speak?" Arthus asked surprised.
"Of course, I can speak." I stated, "My place is by your side, I understand now."
Arthas seemed a bit surprised that a person who nearly killed him was speaking in such a way. "Use your fire to burn this kingdom to the ground." He ordered.
I nodded, "Yes your highness." I burnt down everything that could go up in flames and froze everything that breathed and walked the earth, to the roots of its foundation, and not just the men, but the women and children as well. With each painful scream of suffering I felt my power grow just a little bit more. It almost felt divine.
"Good, now come with me, mage." Arthas brought two large spirit men back to life and bones and muscle began to form from the ground binding together into a horse. Arthas jumped on the back of it and in that very second, he was gone in a flash of blue light.
"Arthas?" I yelled, "Your highness? Follow you, you said if I followed you, you would lead me to her, where are you?! ARTHAS!"
I walked out the city gates, other Scourge seemed to have followed. "Look he has the Silver Hands symbol he's, he's..." someone spoke, but I didn't want to look in their faces, I didn't want to hear there screams as they ran away from me.
"John? That voice, what did he do to you?" The towns person said.
"Kill them, kill them all. It is his will, and it must be done." I heard Kel'Thazud's voice.
 I didn't look at their faces, ice silenced their screams. Fire made it worst, but seeing these Scourge go into every house-hold and turn whole families into undead, I was doing them a mercy by killing them painlessly, but I could feel it was making my powers grow and that was the only thing that mattered. Vorioia, please understand that I'm doing this for you. I remember thinking; where are you Arthus, everyone in the city will soon be dead. I can't remember anything but you, Kel'Thazud and Vorioia. My name is Jaundace. I think back on my memories and that's all I can remember, she and I are in love, she and I are the only people in the world, and the only things that matter, but how can I follow you if I have no idea where you are, how do I find her. My powers have grown ten-fold, but I need more. My chest started to hurt again, not the cold chill Arthas had put on me, but it was hunger for something more, blood maybe. Kel'Thazud said to kill them all, it was his will, but he never said how. Maybe there was something in a nearby farm.
I had been walking on all fours with my chest burning, my stomach aching for hunger, my head pounding. The nearby houses and the cities were completely burnt down, but this farm was quite a long way from Lordaeron. The pain, this hunger is eating away at my whole body, what was it? There must be someone in this farm who could help me, but why would no one help me. I've killed so many people. I fell down flat holding on to my chest, I looked up, and was greeted by a blonde little girl, "Are you okay, you don't look so good."
I didn't know what to say, I was afraid I would hear Kel'Thuzad's voice again or Arthas's emotional pulls. "Mommy, it's one of the Silver Hand people, but he doesn't look very good."
The middle age woman came by to collect her daughter, "Molley get away from it, it's one of those Scourge!"
The woman pulled out a kitchen knife to defend herself, but I spoke out, "No, I'm not."
The woman picked up her daughter, "No he's not, see he talks."
She looked over at me, "Sir, have you been infected? If you have, please stay away from here, the priest at the Chapel of Light might be able to cure you."
I shook my head, "Please, the pain. I'm so hungry."
She put down her daughter, "Sweetie, go inside." The little girl ran inside. "I guess I could give you something to eat and show you the way."
She was strong enough to pick me up, tough, but still sweet enough to help me. "Thank you, you remind me of my fiancée." I said.
I told her I was one of the last people the survived the blood bath in Lordaeron. And that Arthas had betrayed his kingdom and did something to me. She told me that her husband was stationed in the mansion where I was, but only as a guard. The pains I was getting weren't being settled with food and hot tea. But it was nice of her to help me, I pretended that it helped. "Listen Jaundace, I think you said your name was? If anyone can cure you I'm sure Uther the Lightbringer could, I'll take you down there myself. I've seen people grow sick from this disease, but they just ended up turning into those mindless monsters. You seem different."
I took a sip of my tea, "Well I heard he was bedridden."
A faint memory came back and then went away, "How could I know that?" I thought.
 She looked away from me, "You know I heard that too. But I saw him just yesterday and he seemed okay to me. I guess he bounced back."
"Well I guess I'll head over there. I thank you for your help." I said as I tried to get up, the pain in my chest wasn't making it easy for me to stand. She caught me before I hit the ground, "No, Jaundace. I'll take you there; I know you tried your best to try to stop Arthas from killing everyone. Do you think you can ride a horse?"
I nodded, "What is your name by the way."
I asked as she put my arm over her head. "It's Laura. I don't want to leave Molley here by herself so can you hold her."
I got on the back of the horse and lifted Molley up in front of me. "Where are we going?" Molley asked.
"Were going to the Chapel of Light." I said.
"Are they going to have good food there?" she asked.
I smiled and conjured bread right in front of her. "Here eat, this."
She took the bread and ate it. "Wow this is really good."
We rode off and took to the Chapel, "Stay near the lake we won't run into any Scourge if we keep our backs to the water!"
She was right, I mean the terrain was a little hard on the horses, but Scourge was nowhere to be found. It wasn't long before I could see the Chapel. "Okay I think this is far enough. I can make it the rest of the way." Laura shook her head, "Jaundace, if they see you the way you look now they might think your one of the Scourge. I'll tell them that you come in peace and Uther will try to help you."
I guess she was right, but what was wrong with me? I haven't looked in a mirror or seen myself in the water since I left the mansion. She got off the horse ahead of me and got pretty far, "Hey wait up!" I said as she ran ahead.
I saw her get out of sight, I hurried over toward her, and heard her scream. I stopped, "Mommy?" I heard Molley’s voice and froze, "Molley." I said as I got off the horse, "I want you to ride this horse the same way we came; I want you to go where your daddy works okay?"
"Jaundace, what are you doing?" Molley asked. It's wasn't Kel Thazud, it was Arthas, I could tell he was nearby.
"Molley please," I tried to say as calmly as I could. "Your mommy will meet you there soon; I have to stop some really bad people from hurting your mommy, okay?"
Molley grabbed the horses leads and left.
I ran over to the rundown Chapel of Light was and teleported myself to where Laura was, "Please Arthas, just leave her alone." I yelled.
She was surrounded by Scourge and hutched over where Uther’s body was. "You bastard, how could you do this to your teacher, how could you do this to Uther!?" Laura shouted.
Arthas looked at me surprised. "Jaundace where have you been, I've been looking all over you, great job in Lordaeron by the way, you flamed it up really good. I don't think it will ever be the same."
She looked over at me, "You did what?"
I put up my hands in defense. "Please, I'm sorry. I knew it was wrong, but it was the only way I could see her again. I was hoping Uther could cure her."
Laura was breathing heavily, tears falling from her face, "For what? I helped you, for what?!"
Arthus just stood there laughing at me. "Laura please, just go, it was a mistake to have helped me but please... for your daughter, just walk away now!" I pleaded.
She looked around, looked at Arthas, and looked at me. She was about to walk through the crowd of Scourge but was yanked off by Arthas’s spell, "I'm sorry Jaundace, but Frostmorne hungers."
He grabbed her by her throat and lifted her up and was about to impale her on Frostmorne."Wait Arthus, she led me to you. She helped you by bringing me to you. I want to help you, but you can't take her life." I explained.
Arthus laughed at me. "What makes you think I need you now?"
He continued to look in her eyes as he was about to stab her.
 "You hear his voice too, don't you Arthas?" I claimed.
He stopped, "What?" he asked.
"Don't play dumb with me. My former master speaks to you as he speaks to me. I know where he's buried. You can waste time looking at the place you left him to rot, you can waste time torturing me until I speak, or you can spare her, and I can just show you where he is." I explained.
Arthus breathed out hard and put her down, I caught her before she could hit the ground, she coughed as she tried to catch her breath. "Fine, I will spare her. I care little for these people, let's go."
She pushed me away, "Don't touch me monster."
I heard the grunts and hisses of the Scourge, "Oh by the way Jaundace. I said 'I' would spare her, I didn't say anything about them."
I looked over at him. "Then you're about to lose a lot of your… troops?"
Arthus turned his horse around, "Oh, well this should be entertaining then."
The Scourge had us surrounded, "Laura this is going to hurt me a lot more then it's going to hurt you."
There chopping, and grunting got louder as they began to get closer. "What are you going to do?" she asked.
I felt my blood turn cold, I pounded the ground putting every one of these Scourge, and Laura in Ice Coffin's. I teleported to the outside and summoned a fire horse that burned every Scourge undead in its path and another one, and another one, and another one. Four burning horses burned through and melted the ice around her. I felt pains in my chest again, these forbidden spells were taking a toll on me. She was passed out, but the Scourge were burnt to a crisp. The four horses stood in front of me. "Dismissed." I said and broke the spell.
I heard Arthas clapping his hands in front of me, "Bravo, bravo, now that was an entertaining light show. You are much more useful to me the way you are now then, then like one of these undead I command."
I picked her up and put her inside one of the big ugly white Scourge, it was heated up pretty good. She wouldn't like where she woke up, but at least she would still be alive when she did wake up, and not dead from hypothermia. I got on the back of another undead horse and followed Arthas, "So where is your former master? Was he as powerful as you are Jaundace?" I nodded my head, "He was much more powerful than I am, what you just saw was forbidden arcane magic. He could use that Icey Coffin spell from several yards away. And he could ride those nightmares I just summoned the same way we ride these horses you see."
Arthas thought back, "Well he never used spells like that when I killed him."
I closed my eyes for a second, it was hard to believe I was talking to my master’s murderer and he was bragging about it. "Arthas, my powers with the arcane have grown quite a bit since you brought me back from the dead. My guess, is that he must have wanted you to use that sword to bring him back, so his power would grow as well, but why are you in the Chapel of Light?"
Arthas gestured behind us. "You see that meat wagon behind us, it held an urn that held my father’s ashes. We're going to put your master's remains in there."
I smiled at him, "How kind of you. This way sire."
I led them to the place where we buried him and saw the staff I had left for his head stone. "I guess I'll be taking this back from you." I said as I took the staff.
I took the staff and placed it on my back. "Come old friend, the powers you once commanded are in need of you once again." Arthas said.
"Prince Arthus, you can't raise Kel'Thuzad's remains from here." A Cult of the Damned associate said from behind us said.
"Can't you just raise the remains where they lay." Arthas complained.
The associate shook his head, "No, only a concentrated area of arcane magic can bring a mage of his power back to life."
I thought back, "The high elves sunwell?"
I felt Arthas smile under his black cloak, "That's right, it's a long trip so the only way Master Kel'Thuzad's remains will survive the trip is to place them in this urn." I smiled because it was leading me to the sunwell again. "Arthus I have one other request, if you'd be so kind."
 Arthus rolled his eyes, "Well that depends on the request, I don't like sparing my enemies."
 I laughed, "No, I need high elf blood, so I can make more of these."
I showed him the half drunken bottle. "This is my last one and it's the reason my powers have gone up so much when we were fighting in Lordaeron."
Arthas nodded, "I did wonder about that, I wondered what the hell you were drinking, why you were able to cast so many forbidden spells without getting tired."
I smiled, "That's not the best part."
I conjured water and gave it to him, Arthas pushed it away. "I don't like mage water Jaundace, but it's nice of you to offer."
I put it back in his way, "Just try it."
Arthus gave a deep sigh and snatched it away from me, "Fine, but you know poisons won't kill me." He drank it. "Wow this is good."
I laughed, "I told you."
Arthus smacked me on the back, "And you can do this by drinking high elf blood? I think we should get you a lot more then; you'll be up to your neck with it. Associates of the Cult of the Damned, eat hardy because the food and drinks are on him!"
Every mage hates it when this happens, I was afraid this might happen, I was put on the back of the meat wagon and forced to make water and bread for most of the trip. I guess I never really knew what it was like because everyone I ever gave bread and water to complained about the taste. I started to think if I was making Arthas's army addicted to the bread. But maybe it was something else. Most of the cult members were skinny, my guess as most of them have never even tasted something that was sweet. Some of them just came and drank one after the other, after the other. I was making Arthas army fatter, I just hoped that we could make it to the sunwell, and it wouldn't be my fault for over feeding all the warlocks.
0 notes
yakumtsaki · 7 years
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Well, well, well, look who’s back with the most morally repugnant update in Union history. Me. It’s been a very productive summer of Netflix, chill and giving wrong directions to tourists but all good things must come to an end. Also coming to an end is my ill-fated attempt to kill Max, who, after refusing to eat the cake FOR 2 FUCKING DAYS is finally released from the cage of death. Honestly, I’m impressed, Max, you’re definitely not as stupid as you look.
-Yea, I get that a lot.
I doubt that but whatever, now gtfo and I better not see your Komei-clone ass around Jojo ever again or it’s back in prison for you!
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-So, Jojo, not that we’re not all extremely invested in the excruciating selection process of your husband, but are you any closer to picking one?? I mean I love this whole commune thing we have going but the constant food delivery for 8 is killing us.
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-We’re afraid not, dear brother, it’s starting to look like no one in this world is worthy of our majesty.
Ugh are we really doing royal ‘we’ now? Is this what this has come to?
-Yes, college has really helped develop our sense of self-worth.
How can it be self-worth if you’re ‘we’?
-This is exactly the kind of idiotic questioning that would get you eliminated from the suitor process. 
Oh, perish the thought! And miss out on this classical-music-dick-measuring-contest you have them doing?
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-Ew seriously, Francis, Vivaldi? Why don’t you turn up to Justin Bieber while you’re at it.
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-I lost the dick measuring contest and my punishment is sleeping on the couch.
-Maybe later, Real Housewives of Pleasantview is on, Cassandra is getting dragged for the pigtails!!
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-Ha, look at this Vivaldi-listening losér! Point at him and laugh, everyone!
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-Who’s laughing now, bitch? Not you with that hoof right in your French-whore mouth!
-Ugh, aren’t you late for the beans-on-toast feast, you limey piece of merde?
Not since the 100 Years War have French-British tensions ran this high. Of course that one was for a throne, while this one..
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-Is for something far more important.. Our heart.
LMAO Jojo please be serious, you don’t have a heart.
-We absolutely do and it’s made out of pure gold.
Yea I guess, I mean gold is a metal after all! 
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-Do you really think you should be eating decaying Chinese food, mon cheri? You’re going to need a soda to digest it and you know it’s too cold for your teeth!
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-Wyatt, I don’t pay you to think, I pay you to sit across from me and look pretty, and occasionally to scooch down next to me so I look taller.
-You actually don’t pay me at all.
-Yes and obviously I’m getting my money’s worth.
Wow Jojo tone it down, your gold heart is shinning so brightly I’m gonna go blind!
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Precious Gunther has added three new addictions to his existing sex one! A) working out in this atrocious outfit.
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B) blowing bubbles from dawn to dusk.
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and c) and the most disturbing one, constantly being alone in enclosed spaces with his brother’s intended, Brit Brit. At first I wasn’t too worried about it, thinking Brit is a popularity sim so it’s only natural..but then..
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-Man idk, it’s almost supernatural. Blame it on God ;)
UGH I don’t even know who I hate more, your whore ass-
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-or this fucking llama that hasn’t gone home in 3 days and is eating all our pizza. 
-I just feel so accepted here, like I’m part of the family, you know? 
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Speaking of furries, not even the cow will approach the fucking cowplant, jfc. I mean you’d expect some kind of kinship there but nop. Great job Jojo, you killed a dozen secret society members for a defective cowplant.
-Mooo :(
I don’t know which one of you did that but stfu, I can’t anymore with this flop ass household!!!1
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ANYWAY back to Brit and Daniel, it seems like my Gunther concerns were baseless, since these two remain eternally into each other, always autonomously doing cute crap.
-Oh Daniel, let me serenade you with the song of your people!  
The kings made us drunk with fumes, peace among us, war to the tyrants! Let the armies go on strike, stocks in the air, and break ranks. If they insist, these cannibals on making heroes of us, they will know soon that our bullets are for our own generals  ♪
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In other news, allow me to present you all with Melody’s personality panel. I was under the false impression that being the child of Wanda and Stephen she was.. nice?? But nop, total Union freak material! We hit the jackpot once again. Now her best friendship with bitch Brit makes total sense.
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-Honestly girl, this janky ass house is such a step down from the sorority, I spend half the day thinking of ways to peace out.
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-Ugh I know, I was on the fence at first but can you really put a price on good d?
-Aw, what are my beautiful hens cackling about? May I join?
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-I was about to make a math joke but I doubt you gals would get it, amirite? As Barbie said, math is hard!
- I’m a literal math major.
-Oh I know, Mel, good for you! Affirmative action works wonders!
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It’s another day in paradise. Daniel has finally cracked and gone full Komei, autonomously cleaning shit even though we have a maid..
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Melody ate a ton of burnt grilled cheese and is non-stop throwing up..
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-What?? We’re just talking, GAWD
No you’re not “””just talking””” you’re gossiping and doing sexy whispers, I KNOW YOUR TRICKS GUNTHER-
-I don’t mean to interrupt but I think you’re focusing on the wrong issue here?
Nice try whores, nothing is happening outside-
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-That’s right, Ti-Ning and I are in love now!
-Nop! We got tired of waiting for Jojo and we decided the best way to handle it was to suddenly make out in front of him even tho we have never even flirted before!
-Well it is, so best accept it and we can all move on :)
Oh yea certainly, I mean if anything Jojo is known for his ability to forgive and forget!
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See the ghost of Ti-Ning indeed! Finally a wish Jojo and I share. 
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-Haha!!! Finally I’m free to be as gross as I want >:) 
Well.. enjoy it while it lasts.
-The hell does that mean??
Nothing, just you know, none of us know when our time will come.. only that it will. The curse of human existence, one might say. Only we among the animal world know that we will die. Memento mori, Ti-Ning. And we will memento you. 
-..Yea, maybe it’s time I move out?
I mean, you can try..
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..but like the curse from It Follows, it follows. It being Jojo. How you holding up boo?
-Oh, I’m great, can’t you tell?
You know what might help? Some of your beloved homework! Do something useful, get your mind off this stuff..
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“Sending The First Human to Mercury and Leaving Him There: A Very Specific Space Exploration Proposal” 
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-Jojό!! I’m writing about how I finally won your heart but please don’t look, I’m gonna read this at our wedding!
-Yea I literally couldn’t care less about you and your thoughts/feelings/etc, what was left of my heart is dead and gone and now there’s only a black hole there.. Oh we could also send Ti-Ning to a black hole if Mercury doesn’t work. Nice.
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-UGH how are you even still alive and breathing the same air as me and not dead from shame like you should be, you vile adulteress???
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-OH PLEASE you’re just mad cause Fran and I realized we can do better than your mega-jaw ass. If not for the endless supply of bubbles around here blurring our vision this would have happened weeks ago!
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-I’m going to strangle you in your sleep and my jaw will be the last thing you see.
-Your jaw would be the last thing I saw even if I died on the moon.
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.....................well I guess it’s official then. And if the above didn’t seal it..
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..this definitely did. God have mercy on me, what a shitshow.
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While Tin and Fran are woohooing, Jojo attempts to end his troubles once and for all by running out of the house and into a thunder fire. Thankfully the rain puts it out quickly and all we’re left with is critically low hygiene. 
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Man, serving Penguin teas! You have the entire look down, Jo. I’d tell you to audition for Gotham but that’s extremely bad career advice
-Oh god, I almost died!!!! 
Aw I know, but don’t worry you’re safe now <3
-No I mean I came so close but didn’t make it.. :(
Jojo please, if anything, live to kill Ti-Ning and Francis. You owe it to yourself.
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As soon as Fran and Tin are done, guess who rushes in to gossip next to the bed. ISTG YOU ASSHOLES, BREAK IT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT THAT WINDOW
-Whatever, we’d just land on Jojo trying to set himself on fire.
-LOL oh Brit you’re so funny!
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-Get him, Jojό!
Honestly Wyatt, I get being supportive but I’m really starting to worry about you, even demeaning yourself has its limits..
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..especially since Jojo continues to be a massive freakshow. Good lord.
-Oh Francis, don’t tell Wyatt cause you know how he gets, but your total disregard for my existence is making me see you in a whole new, hot, light..
Man, good thing Wyatt isn’t standing 3 steps away from you!
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Oh yes, loving this dinner. An ocean between us..
-I wouldn’t eat that third slice if I was you, Ti-Ning. Your funeral day is fast approaching, don’t you want to look nice for it? 
-Well you’ll be there so it doesn’t matter, everyone will be looking at your jaw.
Yes, what a wonderful night. Now let’s all go to bed and hopefully everyone will have calmed down a little by tomorrow!
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LMAO yea idk what I was thinking.
-Strangle me in my sleep? How about I strangle you in broad daylight???
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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but.. poor Jojo. Not only did he get his ass beat, but to literally add insult to the injury-
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-everyone is lusting after Gunther during his defeat. Jfc, I’d want to set myself on fire too.
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Oh here we go, Gunther to the rescue! 
-How dare you beat up my brother even though he attacked you first? Prepare to die!
-Whatever, I’ve been preparing for that for the last couple days!
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Aw, Gunther is such a good brother/giant loser depending on the outcome of this fight.
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VINDICATION. Bravo, Gunther, defending our non-existent family honor!
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Daniel, in true Daniel fashion, slept through this entire shitshow, which might be the smartest thing he’s ever done.
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Oop, spoke too soon. Say what you want about Gunther and Daniel but man do they both love Jojo! Truly god knows why.
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-So Brit, you’re studying poli-sci, can you think of a peaceful resolution to this? Haha!
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Well, you might not need to Brit! WHAT IS UP WITH THIS HYPER-FLAMMABLE CACTUS
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Brit returns from her finals with a free pizza! How’d you do, Brit?
-Saved by the nightie again!
NOICE. Got a freebie pizza from it too?
-No, I found it in the garbage. My gift to Francis and Ti-Ning for their 3 day anniversary! 
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Jojo’s official greek house portrait coming along nicely! Wow he looks very majestic..
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..Instagram vs Real Life.
-Bowling is so satisfying if you pretend the pins are your former lovers’ genitals!
Whatever coping method works for you boo!
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Gunther and Ti-Ning are officially enemies which is hilarious because not even Jojo is enemies with him?? Follow your bliss, Guns!
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In an impressive display of brotherly synchronicity we have double slapping across the room. Double the slapping for half the time, Jojo is as always a true capitalist.
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JOJO!! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WON! So proud of my baby <3 I’m ofc kidding, this shit has gotten old really fast and I extremely feel Brit watching uninterested. ENOUGH  
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HARD MOOD. Brit is honestly on another level than the rest of us basics. What an icon.
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For some reason I bothered to fulfill Ti-Ning’s want to learn that relationship maintenance or w/e lifetime skill (talk about money down the drain) and the irony of this pop up text almost sent me to an early grave. And we know who’s going to an early grave today..
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Ice Cube would like to say, that I'm a crazy muthafucka from around the way, since I was a youth, I smoked weed out, now I'm the muthafucka that ya read about, takin' a life or two, that's what the hell I do, you don't like how I'm livin well fuck you ♪
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Wyatt and Brit were on their way to react to Ti-Ning’s little accident but somehow got sidetracked and are now randomly arguing on the porch. Honestly I don’t even know what’s going on anymore, I’ve lost all control of this household.
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Jojo rushes over to celebrate Ti-Ning’s demise by immediately slapping the shit out of his grieving lover! Whenever you think we can’t possibly sink any lower, think again. Like right now, after the slapping, are you thinking we can’t sink any lower?????????????????????????????
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OK. In my 10 years of playing I have never wanted to quit without saving more than with this bullshit. Look at fucking Fran’s smug ass face and moron Wyatt putting on an Oscar worthy performance of shock and regret. YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID NO, YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE HOME WYATT. What the FUCK are we gonna do now???? I guess good thing Max Flexor survived the cage of death. GOD.DAMMIT
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