#lum nnamani
bunbox · 3 years
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Lum and Ashton comic.
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bunsiebox · 6 years
characters’ reactions to being broken up with  💔
>”Huh...? Oh...” 
>Had just prepared something for them for that day 
>She’s trying to keep her face straight but is obviously looking more upset >Can’t let them finish the breakup cause she needs to go 
>Goes home and cries 
>Just stays in her bed and feels silly for arranging the gift 
>Eventually calls Camille or Miles to talk about it and invites one of them over so she can have someone comfort her 
>Is shocked, even if she’s at fault 
>Instantly gets angry, rushes to break up first so that you can’t 
>After leaving she vague posts about the relationship 
>Tells all her friends they were an asshole 
 >Is secretly very much hurting at home 
>cries all the time 
>Harasses them with messages every day trying to get them back 
>What...? He doesn’t care? 
>Instantly cuts ties, acts like nothing happened 
>has no problem starting conversations with them in public 
>It’s really like nothing even happened 
>he hasn’t kept any pictures, any messages 
>They suspect he’s just hiding his pain 
>no, it’s truly, nothing. He feels nothing. 
>But that’s what hurts the most 
>Can’t say anything during the whole breakup 
>Just looking at her lap and biting her nails 
>Practically eating her nails by the end of it 
>she really wants to beg, and plead, but doesn’t wanna bother them 
>She nods and forces a smile to say she understands 
>But her eyes are already tearing up
>Doesn’t look them in the eyes
>Distracts themselves a lot
>Pulls out their phone during, taps their foot, suddenly in a rush
>Reacts angrily, asking loaded questions
>Doesn’t cry but goes home lonely and empty
>Looks through photos for the rest of the night
>Tries to be understanding
>Doesn’t make much of a fuss
>Tries to make it seem like she’s not too bothered by it
>Actually feels like she’s being ripped to pieces
>Frequent bursts of sadness and anger
>Distracts herself with work to not think about them
>Sort of expected it soon before it actually happened
>Ends it quickly, practically speaks for them
>Views it as her fault, only reinforces her insecurity
>Spends time sulking and feeling useless
>Won’t talk to anyone
>Keeps any mementos, they make her feel better
>lmao no you’re not
have to explain it to her multiple times for her to understand
becomes ore desperate with each explanation
willing to go further and further to keep them
gets obsessive and starts exhibiting stalker traits
dies out after a while, but her feelings don’t
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bunbox · 5 years
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Oc Doodle stuff.
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bunbox · 6 years
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Lum has joined the party.
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bunbox · 6 years
Lum for 9?
“How does your character feel about religion?”
Lum originally followed a different God, an evil God. She felt very conflicted when she realized that everything she knew wasn’t the best for her. She follows a different God now, and has grown a lot happier. But she is now aware that with her God it is not do or die.
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bunsiebox · 6 years
An origin story with Kodai and Lum. Not written by me, written by a friend ~
It was cold. That was the first thing he felt, that biting cold, as if Winter itself was gnawing at his fingertips and tearing over his bare flesh… Bare…? His armor, what happened to- The sting of his wounds soon ended his line of thought and overwhelmed the previous sensation. Still, he felt a small amount of joy at that. Feeling pain meant he still hard the parts that hurt. Currently, that meant the right side of his body and his arm. The cold hit it especially hard, so he could only guess it was wet with his own blood. That also meant he blacked out for only a short while, otherwise it would be frozen, and shortly after, so would the rest of him. Mng… His head was hazy… Where… was he…? “Kodai…!” Right… His name was Kodai… Alright, Kodai, retrace your steps… How did you get here?
“… You want to come with me?” He stared at the… Well, he assumed it was a girl by the voice, but he didn’t want to open that can of worms. The one who sat across the table was one of many applicants to join his ‘party’. He had denied seventeen, and coincidentally, seventeen had applied That left his party at a whopping… One. “Mhm…!” They nodded, eyes looking him over. The look was familiar, much like a child’s. She looked as if she was about to ask something but thought better of it and held her tongue. “… Right. Tell me, then,” He sighed. “… You realize that I need people who have a specific set of skills. An open mind and eager heart are nice, but if I wanted a useless squire I’d advertise for that instead.” “Mhm… Well, uhm… I can do magic.” They began to play with the small cross on their neck, trying to avoid eye contact. That peaked his interest. Magic was always useful, and something he thought highly of. He dabbled in it himself but lacked the skill to specialize in both magic and martial prowess… Not like he’d admit it.
“What kind? I’m going to assume divine magics, based on your… attire.”
“Ah…!” They seemed caught off guard. “… How did you know… What gave it away?”
… Did… did their parents dress them or something? It was obvious…
“… The cross, I guess.” That was what he first noticed, so it was technically true. Still, at its mention, they seemed to stare at it, almost shrinking in their seat.
“… Hehe. I see… Ah, but yes, I do divine magics. Healing, to be more accurate… I’ve actually been staying at-“ A finger held over his own lips was enough for them to stop.
“This isn’t a date, I don’t need to know where you live. Healing isn’t bad, but it’s useless to me if you can’t protect yourself. I assume you can do that much?”
He felt a bit relieved when they nodded, even if he had his doubts.
“And do you have any experience with adventuring?”
“… Well?”
“… Mn.”
“… Do you have any experience with doing any sort of work for hire of this type?”
“…” Really…?
“… Do you have any combat or survival experience at all?”
“…” The silence was like a weight around her neck… At least, it looked like it. Could their head hang any lower?
“… Uh…” Think… “… Have you ever helped a lady cross the road?”
“…?! Oh, yes!” She visibly perked up. Was she really that hopeless?
“… Well, it’s a start.” But still, this was the part where they all gave up. “You realize that by signing this contract, you will be in my service, not an equal. My orders will be that, orders, not suggestions, not requests, orders. They will be done without argument or hesitation. In addition, you will be bound by Geas once you sign to ensure you do not take the money and run when you get the chance. You will be paid thirty percent of what you will be rewarded up front, with the rest being paid annually or in a lump sum, along with a cut of any and all treasures found, within reason. Death is possible, likely, and a realistic consequence should you come. If you understand and agree, sign here with your name, sex, age, race, so on and so forth.” He slid them a quill and scroll. “Take all the time you need to read.”
Mng… Well, once they gave up, he would likely move to another town and try his luck th- “Done!” They handed it back. “Oh, good- Mn?!” He snatched it from their hand… Lum Nnamani, female, 23, human… It was all here. “…” He looked up at her smiling face. “… Looks like you have some grit after all. Alright, here you go, cleric.” He dropped a heavy bag of coins in front of her. “Oh, you’re paying me in silver? I thought it said gold…” “… It… did?” He arched an eyebrow. “… But it said one hundred gold for doing this, and this is so many coins… A third is just thirty something, right?” She took the bag, nearly wheezing when she looked inside. “Ah?! So much… Gold…” “… Of course…” One hundred, huh…? “… No, the job isn’t one hundred gold. It’s one thousand.” However, she didn’t seem to be listening, just staring. Most people would never see that much money in one place… But most also knew that the higher the price, the higher the danger. Still, with how wet behind the ears she was, she likely had no idea… Well, she already signed. Too late now.
“I suppose it will be just you and me then. I suggest using that to buy any supplies you need. We leave in the morning. Any questions?”
“Ah…” She let the coins gathered in her hand spill back into the bag. “Hm… Ah, sorry… What did you say?”
“… Nevermind. Be here by tomorrow morning.” He stood, heading towards the stairs.
“Ok… Ah, wait!��� She called out, causing him to stop.
“Yes, cleric?”
“I never got your name!”
“…” It was on the contract… But he had a feeling she just skimmed. “… Av-Kodai ‘Iron Yeti’ of Clan Korandar.”
“… Kodai… Ok, Kodai! Goodnight!”
… He had several complaints about the informality of her words but held his tongue. This was the only person who was willing to risk their life for this mission. He could ignore minor slights, that was the trial of the noble. He disappeared up the stairs.
“… Where’s your mount, cleric?”
Lum stood in front of him outside the tavern, bearing a backpack nearly the size of her on her back. He nearly praised her for being overprepared, until her eyes went wide.
“… Mount…? Ah…” She looked away, fidgeting with the cross again.
“… You… You didn’t purchase a mount…”
“… It didn’t happen to cross my mind…?”
“Don’t phrase it like a question!” He massaged the bridge of his nose as she cowered back. “… Alright, fine, we’ll just use the rest of your thirty percent to-“
“Thereisnomorethirtypercent.” She spoke so quick he hardly caught she was speaking at all, and not just sneezing or muttering a prayer.
“… Pardon?”
“… Thereis… nomorethirtypercent.” ... Did he hear that right?
“… Slower.” His eyes narrowed.
“… There… is no more… thirty… percent…” She barely squeaked it out.
“… How in the world did you spent that much gold?!”
“Mn- Don’t yell!” She turned away, as if the massive pack would protect her from him. “There was a man who was selling a magic item, and it was really cheap, and so I-“
“… What item?”
“-and I figured that it was worth the-“
“Lum!” he clapped his hands in front of her, electing a yelp.
“Mn- Huh?”
“… What… Item?”
“… Oh… Oh! Ah, I have it right here… Tah dah…~” She took out a massive tome.
“… Is it a spellbook?”
“… No.” She looked away, hugging it to her chest. She looked disappointed… Was she hoping for a better reaction?
“… What is it, then?” He leaned in for a closer look.
“… It’s a Tome of the Sage.” That sounded… promising.
“And what does it do?” She perked up at his question, clearing her throat before putting on what he assumed was a salesman impression.
“This book has several features necessary for any scholar! It has an endless amount of pages, and anything that you think is put into the book! Like… This!” She opened a page, revealing a crude drawing of what he assumed was himself.
“… And… How, will this help us on a quest? This looks more like something one would use to study.”
“…” She held the book under one arm, using the other to bring the cross up to her mouth to bite on as she looked away.
“It really is useless, isn’t it?!” He barked.
“Ah- I said don’t yell! They sounded really convincing…” She whined as he sighed again. “… Fine. We’ll just… improvise.” She was small… So…
He began to quietly mutter, but before she could ask why, a celestial horse appeared before them. Fur like snow and a mane like silk. It was hardly a second before she was shifting from one foot to the other. He’d seen plenty of children doing this…
“… Yes, you can pet him.”
“Really?!” She gasped, but went ahead regardless, already wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his mane. This would be… exhausting.
“Why is your hair so long and pretty? I thought goliaths couldn’t grow hair.”
Kodai fought off the urge to grown as the girl behind him spoke up with yet another question. Sharing his horse was bad enough, but this was practically babysitting… How long had it been now, six days…?
“I’m half elf, half goliath.”
“Oh… Which one is the elf?”
“My father.”
“… Can I-“
“You may not touch my hair.”
This line of questioning was nonstop…
“… if I let you, will you be silent?”
“…?! Mhm!” She sat upright.
“… Fine…” he sighed before reaching back, letting his ponytail loose. Already he could feel her hands running through it.
This was exactly like babysitting a child… Still, he would just have to end-
“Hm… Ah, damnit-“ He hardly had time to think as he felt the ground start to give out from under them, turning and grabbing Lum by the back of her robes before throwing her as far to the side as he could managed. He attempted to jump off after, but by then he found himself falling before he felt the impact of the fall.
So that’s how he got here… And by now, his eyes had finally adjusted… Oh. He was on his back in a massive ice cave, the ceiling above him having a hole from where he fell. His armor had been relatively battered, his arm being pinned by a frozen stalactite, keeping him stuck to the ground. Another was lodged into the right side of his body, and several other chunks of ice were around him, one risky stalactite uncomfortably close to his head. Normally, he would have been able to see such a deformity… But normally, he was alone… Still, to die alone…
… What was this feeling in his gut? He didn’t like it… It was like a knot, one that grew tighter the more you pulled. He wished it would just-
That voice again… Right, her… But… Before, he had heard it from above… Now, it sounded… closer?
No, it was closer for sure… Which meant-
“Kodai!” He heard the footsteps rushing over. “Oh… Ah… Are you okay? No- Ah, that was a dumb question… Listen, I’m gonna help you out, ok?”
“… Mng…” It hurt to talk… But she seemed to take is as agreement.
“Ok… This is gonna hurt, alright? So, I’m sorry in advance…” She put her hands onto the stalactite in his arm and, slowly but surely, it began to melt. He could see a faint light coming from her hands, but thanks to his vision going in and out, he couldn’t see exactly what she was doing-
“Mn… Nnnnng!” When it was small enough from the melting for her to lift, she pulled it out, leaving the wound open to the freezing air.
“We aren’t done, deep breaths…” She moved to the stalactite in his side, using the same magics before delivering the same ‘assistance’, earning another scream.
“There… The rest of the ice that hit you should just be bruises…” She began to take off his armor. “We’re going to have to leave this behind… You’re too heavy already… And this is all broken anyways… There…” Soon, he was in little more than a shirt and pants, the only pieces of his armor remaining on him being his greaves.
“Now…” She slid off her robes, revealing simple clothes underneath as she laid out the garment. “I’m sorry, but this will hurt too…” She then went to his side, and with a heave from her and a wince from him, rolled him onto her robes. She then took the sleeves, wrapping them together before putting it around her waist like a belt, holding each sleeve like a handle. “And a one, two, three…” She began to walk, gradually pulling him along the makeshift sled.
“… What… are you… doing…?” He felt the pang of regret speaking each word, his body screaming in agony, but he had to know.
“… What? I’m bringing you to shelter.”
“… W… Why…? Broken… Could have… taken money… left me to… die.”
“Hm? Why would I do that? My job was to help you, wasn’t it? I’m helping.” She said it was if it was a matter of fact.
“… Why? Why would-“
“Stop talking… Ah, please. You need to save your energy, ok? I can fix your bad injuries with my magic, but only once you’re out of harm’s way… If you die before then, I’d feel really bad.”
“… Mn.” He let it drop. She was so… annoying…
“And… there!” She sat back, a wide smile on her face as she finished bandaging his arm. “You won’t be able to use it for a while… But it’ll heal! Some rest and more magic when I restore what I’ve spent should be more than enough to keep you going… However,…” She sat back. “Do you have magic of your own? It took me a long time to find a way down… By all accounts, you should have been dead, you know?” She hugged her knees to her chest, tilting her head.
“…” He stared at his bandages. “… Thank you…” He muttered.
“… Hehe… Is it hard for you to say stuff like that?” She giggled.
“Mn… Don’t tease- “
“But you still didn’t answer my question.” She interrupted.
“… I know some. Nothing as good as yours, enough to know it when I see it…”
“Where did you learn that? I thought goliaths were just… Well…” She looked away.
“Say it.” He’d heard plenty of terrible things about his race.
“… Well… Proud warriors, you know? Big and strong. They wouldn’t need to use magic, you know? They’re like… Strong enough without it.” … That… was a new one…
“… Ah, wait… Don’t talk bad about magic like that.” He grunted. “I learned magic from my father, he was… well, is, a Transmuter.”
“Oh…? Really?” She seemed interested.
“Mhm… Those who can learn and use magic are incredible, don’t talk so poorly about it. Any idiot can learn to swing a sword, it takes a special person to learn something like magic.”
“Ah… Does it…” She looked away, biting the cross as she did.
… Ah… Did he… Compliment her?
… Well… She had earned it, she did save his life.
“… You said your name was Lum, correct?”
“Ah… Well… I wrote it down, but never said-“
“Thank you, Lum.”
“… You… said my name… Hehe… Could you… do it again?”
“… Hm?”
“Ah… no, nevermind-“
“… Thank you, Lum.”
“… Hehe… Now, could you say I did a good job?”
“Please?!” She gave him puppy dog eyes. “And say my name when you do it!”
“…” He sighed, but allowed a small smirk to cross his face. “… Thank you, Lum. You did a good job.”
“Hehe… Hehe…!”
… She was exhausting… But…
Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
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bunbox · 6 years
What are lum's hobbies
Lum enjoys long walks, and talking to Av Kodai. She also likes to read, write, and actually quite likes adventuring. She loves to tag along with Kodai on any errands. Oh, and she has a pet tiger thing that she loves to pamper and train.
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bunbox · 7 years
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bunbox · 7 years
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bunbox · 7 years
Lum would look so silly in B4 (The watermelon dress) but I really want to see it 😳
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hot day.
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bunbox · 7 years
Poor Lum, what happened to her back? And is Av Kodai that big person next to her? Who're they?
In the campaign, Lum got struck by lightning. (Do not let another party member use fly on you with heavy armor... during a thunderstorm.)Besides that, Av Kodai is one of the other party members. He’s a Goliath with a lot of anger and aggression issues. Lum and him got close since they always help him calm down. Him and Lum got very close over time.
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bunbox · 8 years
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♀ / ♂
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bunbox · 7 years
Lum is androgynous in gender, not by personal choice, but because they were raised as male for their own safety in the cult they grew up in. Due to that, they didn’t have a lot of time to explore gender or sexuality.
Lum doesn’t know what they wanna be, or what they like. And are generally aroace due to that confusion.
Generally though, things that make them nervous excite them.
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bunbox · 6 years
Profile for lum? They're one of my favorites
Lucky for you, they already have one. [Link]
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