#his death was definitely the catalyst for a lot of shit that happened after
hopefulatrocity · 1 year
From The Ashes- Chapter 5
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Notes: Daryl and Pheonyx finally see each other! They don’t talk yet, not until after Daryl’s POV which is next chapter. I really needed to go in depth with their first sights of each other before moving to their interactions. I’m super excited for Daryl’s POV. There’s lots of denial and internal homophobia but it also will give you an idea of Daryl as a person(At least how I view him as). Also, in regards to Pheonyx’s descriptions of himself and how parts of himself cause him to be misgendered, this is just how it has been for me in the past. Flaired hips and stuff like that are not an indicator for Gender!! But unfortunately things like that are how people “decide” what gender to label people as usually. It’s in now way right, but it’s how I as a trans person have to look at myself in order to try to be properly gendered with strangers. 
Taglist: @yoongibaybee​
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @omiyours 
Banner by: @liminal-creations​ 
Chapter CW/TW: PTSD, anxiety, self-doubt, internal transphobia, mentions of past abuse/trauma, internal homophobia/biphobia 
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The night was long and Pheonyx was tired. He barely slept most nights anyways, but the stress was what was draining him the most. That and the 2 units of blood he donated the day before.  He was worried about Carl. Although the boy was doing better since his surgery, the risk of infection and complications were still prevalent. Especially considering there was no access to modern medical amenities. He was worried about the Shadows reaching the farm. With the weakness from donating so much blood and the constant anxiety coursing through his veins, going out to clear the woods and traps would have been suicide. He was worried about all the new people coming to the farm. The four men already set him on edge. Lori wasn’t a problem. Women rarely made his fight-or-flight response trigger. Outwardly, the men seemed nice, especially Rick and Glenn, but that didn’t mean anything. The darkest demons always had the bright faces of angels. The one who really worried him was Shane. After informing him of Carl’s successful surgery, Rick had given him the condensed version of what happened at the FEMA center when he walked in the house at sunrise. He said Otis told Shane to run, that he would provide cover, but the shadows had gotten him. Pheonyx knew it was a crock of shit though.  Otis was definitely the type to sacrifice himself to save a boy’s life, but Shane came back with Otis’s gun, he had seen it laid on the counter in the house. How did the older man lay cover fire without his weapon? Shane was lying about something. Pheonyx kept his theories to himself, though. He knew if he told Hershel, his stepfather  would insist on kicking all the new people out. Despite his anxiety with the strangers, his conscience couldn’t handle being the catalyst to throw out a group of people into the world as it was. It would be a death sentence.
He was worried about the little girl that was missing. Those woods were his home and he knew them better than anyone else in the family. Which means he knew how dangerous they could be. A scared little girl running around with no known survival experience? With shadows wandering around waiting to eat any living thing that crosses their path? Her likelihood of survival was small.  If he hadn’t needed to stick around to provide blood for Carl, he would have spent the night searching for her. He wanted to leave at first light, but Rick insisted he wait until the rest of the group got to the farm. Apparently they had a proficient tracker in their group, and the sheriff wanted both of them–and Kismet– to lead the search for the girl. It made sense but that didn’t keep Pheonyx’s skin from itching with the need to leave before more bodies invaded the farm.
His issues with strangers stemmed from many different things. When he was younger, after his mother had removed him from his abusive father’s clutches, he avoided new people like the plague. How could he trust anyone when the person he was supposed to trust most in the world had torn his body and mind apart? It took years for him to open up to anyone outside his family. All the progress he made, in regards to his fear of strangers, was destroyed when he turned 22 and ended up in the hospital, clinging to life and broken inside. 6 years later, even after leaving Georgia and seeking counseling, he hadn’t shaken the fear that coursed through his veins when he had to interact with new people. It wasn’t social anxiety. It was fear of being hurt. Fear of being outed. Fear of someone finding out he was trans and hurting him again. Fear of the invisible dirt that still clung to his skin sometimes. Fear of being used and being helpless. Fear of being destroyed. The world falling apart didn’t help matters. He was even more fearful of other survivors. The will to survive was a powerful motivator and good people rarely made it out on top. People who were willing to destroy, pillage, and hurt were the ones who lived.
Despite his fear, Pheonyx was currently leaning on the railing of the front porch as he waited for the other members of the group to arrive. His eyes were focused on the dirt road that led to the house. Sweat was already forming on his brow, a sign that the day was going to be sweltering. Pheonyx opted to dress coolly, a simple pair of men’s jeans–that were frayed and dirty at the knees from his frequent hunting trips– and a gray tank top. The tank top was for comfort but also to make himself look more masculine to the newcomers. Being misgendered was a huge fear of his. This was rural Georgia, the reactions of people figuring out his gender could be violent. So, he wanted to appear as “manly” as he could. Pheonyx was lean and he couldn’t help the flair of his hips that was often deemed “feminine”. The softness to his jaw and the roundness of his backside were also causes of his being misgendered. But the tank top allowed his muscled arms–covered in intricate art– to be exposed. Farm work and bow-hunting had shaped his tanned biceps perfectly. They weren’t massive but watching the muscles flex and the tattoos on his arm move was very affirming. The flatness of his chest also helped his gender euphoria. He needed the edge of that euphoria to get through this meeting. Along with the masculine clothing, he adorned himself with his weapons. He had his bow and quiver slung across his shoulder. The heavy weight of the cutlass and Glock on his hips provided him a small amount of comfort in the moment. He also had a hunting knife sheathed next to the gun.
Pheonyx wasn’t the only one waiting for the others. While Rick, Lori, and Hershel were inside with Carl, everyone else was outside in the front yard. Glenn and T-Dog were conversing quietly but everyone from the Greene farm was quiet. Most were still in shock over the loss of Otis. He did catch Maggie sending careful glances over to the young Asian man and had to stop himself from smiling a bit. Unlike Shawn, Pheonyx wasn’t the overprotective big brother. He encouraged his sister to date and form connections. Which was slightly hypocritical considering he avoided dating and relationships like the plague. He lied to Maggie about going on dates. He didn’t want her to worry about him, but the pain from 6 years ago still had a deep grip on his heart. And he couldn’t bring himself to trust anyone. He had hookups, only with women, never cis men. But even those were few and far between. Love was something Pheonyx wanted, but the initial hurdle of letting someone behind his barriers was the problem.
Kismet–who had been snoring on the porch next to Pheonyx– was the first to hear the caravan of vehicles. Ears perked, he leapt to his feet and his tail began to wag. Despite the plethora of scars from abuse on his speckled body, the pup loved people. Training him to guard had been a bitch. Anytime Pheonyx had Jimmy attempt to attack him, Kismet had jumped into the fray, thinking it was a cuddle game. Eventually the training had set in, but the dog was still entirely too trusting. While he was happy his dog had recovered from the mental scars he’d endured as a puppy, Pheonyx still worried that his love for people might get him hurt one day. He realized he was projecting his own anxieties on the dog but he couldn’t help but worry.
The loud rumble of a motorcycle drowned out the noise of the other vehicles, a large RV and a silver sedan. T-Dog made his way inside to let Rick, Lori, and Hershel know that the rest of the group had arrived. Pheonyx straightened, body tensing, as he watched the vehicles approach. His eyes were drawn to the motorcycle leading the group through the gates near the house. Even at that distance, his green eyes connected with ones the color of the Georgia sky.
The vehicles all parked and the man on the motorcycle stopped closest to the house. Pheonyx nearly tripped coming down the porch steps as he got a good look at the rider dismounting the bike. The man looked like he hadn’t showered in awhile and his gaze had a hard edge to it, but he was still the hottest man Pheonyx had ever seen. He was definitely older than Pheonyx’s 28yrs, with a few crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Short brown hair, perfectly tousled, surrounded a sharp face. Light stubble lined his jaw and his goatee framed soft-looking, pink lips. There were a few gray hairs speckled through the facial hair.  A small mole at the corner of his upper lips stood out from the light hair surrounding it. Dragging his gaze from the man’s face, his eyes settled on the man’s arms. The sleeves of his plaid shirt had been ripped off, and Pheonyx wanted to thank whatever god there was for that. It should be a sin to cover up arms that look that good. Dirt and sweat helped highlight every ridge and bulge of the firm muscles. They weren’t the kind of muscles that one gained by lifting weights for hours in a gym, these had been formed by hard work and real life strain. The man’s clothes weren’t form-fitting but Pheonyx could still see he was toned all over. Before that moment, Pheonyx had questioned if he was really bisexual. He wondered if his attraction to men was more jealousy, wanting to be them, as opposed to wanting them romantically or sexually. This man answered that question. He was definitely attracted to men. This man in particular. The man grabbed a crossbow from the back of his motorcycle and held it in his rough-looking hands. Masculine energy absolutely poured off of him  and Pheonyx wanted to be on the receiving end of that energy. He wanted the man to press him up against–
Pheonyx nearly jumped out of his skin when Maggie touched his shoulder. She had moved to his side at some point. “I think I found your dark, mysterious archer.”, she whispered in her brother’s ear with a small smile. “Close your mouth, Nyx. You’re practically drooling.”
Pheonyx shut his mouth, his face turning a bright red, and used the back of his hand to check that he didn’t actually have any drool on his face. The man’s eyes had drifted from his when he was dismounting the bike, but they met his again. Pheonyx’s heart, that had been racing from anxiety about the new people, was now racing for a different reason. Heat flushed his whole body and a light throbbing began between his legs. Shame filled his heart and he averted his own eyes from the blue ones that captivated him.
What am I thinking? There’s a little girl missing, Otis is dead, and there are dead people walking around. Now is not the time to be lusting after a guy who is most likely straight, Pheonyx thought. A darker voice, one that he always dreaded hearing, pushed to the forefront of his mind. Even if he wasn’t, why would he want to be with someone like you? You’re just pretending to be a man, just like those demons said–
The dark memories tried to push their way into his head, but he pushed them to the back of his mind. He was drawn from his thoughts when Kismet whined at his side, the dog was practically crawling out of his skin with need to go meet the new people. Pheonyx snapped his fingers to make the dog sit. He wasn’t sure if the people would want a 70lb dog rubbing all over them first thing. Besides the incredibly hot man, there was an older man adorned in a Hawaiian shirt and a bucket fishing hat, a woman with short gray hair, and a younger woman with longer blonde hair. The older man radiated energy that reminded Pheonyx of his Grandpops. That man didn’t have a mean bone in his body and his soul was much too good for the world. The woman with the short gray hair held her arms around her body, as if holding herself together, and he guessed this was the missing girl’s mother. Her eyes glinted with sadness but she held her head high. The younger blonde woman was a bit harder to read but she held her back rigid, trying to appear taller than she was. Pheonyx knew that she was avoiding some kind of pain, putting up a facade of strength.
Lori and Rick came out of the house, Hershel and T-Dog following behind them. The parents were much more relaxed today, and the color had returned to both of their faces. Although, Rick was still a bit pale from donating blood. Approaching the couple first, the man in the fishing hat had a look of concern on his face.
“How is he?”, he addressed Rick.
“He’ll pull through.” Lori smiled lightly and her arm brushed her husband’s, “Thanks to Hershel and his people.”, she looked at each of the Greene family, her eyes stopping on Pheonyx’s form. Gratitude poured from her hazel orbs.
“And Shane”, Rick cut in. “We’d have lost Carl if not for him.”
Everyone looked at the man hanging in the back. His black curls were gone now, shaved to the scalp after he returned with the supplies for Carl. Clothes much too big for his frame hung from him like a blanket. Patricia had obviously loaned some of Otis’s clothes to him, and a roll of anger filled Pheonyx’s stomach. Everyone sent nods and looks of appreciation to the man. Everyone except Pheonyx, of course. He knew the truth. Or suspected it, at least.
“We owe a lot to Pheonyx too. He donated blood. Gave Carl time until Shane could get back with the supplies.”, Rick continued and looked at him. Just like his wife, the sheriff’s eyes leaked waves of thanks.
All eyes turned to Pheonyx, including a pair of icy blue ones, and he had to stop from physically recoiling. He kept his eyes downcast and busied himself with scratching Kismet’s head. The dog was still shaking with excitement and appreciated the touch. Maggie reached out and placed a comforting hand on his back, noticing her brother’s anxiety.
From there, hugs of relief were exchanged in the group. Pheonyx released Kismet from his sit command and warned him not to jump on people. The pup went up to each of the new people, butting their legs with his blocky head in greeting. Smiles lit up dirty faces and Pheonyx felt a sense of pride, knowing that his dog could bring a bit of happiness to people who were experiencing a plethora of hardship. Kismet’s wiggly body went from the young blonde woman, to the woman with short gray hair, to the man in the fishing hat. Each one of them gave him a head scratch and body pat. Lastly, the dog ended up in front of the man with the crossbow. Pheonyx tensed a bit. Yes, the man was incredibly hot. But he also was very gruff and had a hard edge to his energy. Pheonyx didn’t want him to be angered by a rambunctious dog. But his worry was for naught. The man wasn’t as open with his affection for the dog, but there was a whisper of a smile at the edges of his lips. He dropped one of his hands from his crossbow and let Kismet sniff the dirty digits. Taking it as an open invitation, the pup rubbed his head against the man’s large hand. Thick fingers deftly scratched behind his soft, floppy ears and a look of bliss filled Kismet’s chocolate brown eyes. Pheonyx couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous at the attention Kismet was getting from the man. He would kill to have those calloused fingers scratching behind his own ear.
“We’re about to have the service for Otis. If your people would like to attend, they’re welcome to.”, Hershel said to everyone before leading Beth, Jimmy, Patricia, and Maggie towards the copse of trees where they decided to place a marker for the deceased man. With the FEMA center being overrun, there was no chance of getting Otis's body back for a burial. So early that morning, Jimmy and Glenn had started a large rock pile as a memorial for the man who gave his life to save Carl’s.
Everyone gathered around the tribute. Choosing to stand a few feet away from the service, Pheonyx quietly told Kismet to sit and placed his hand on the dog’s head, more for his comfort than Kismet’s. The only sounds around them were the sniffling from Beth and Patricia, and the whistling of the trees as a light breeze blew through the farm.
Hershel pulled out his bible, the one his father had handed down to him, and began to recite some verses. Each person, even those from Rick’s group, took turns placing rocks onto Otis’s memorial. Pheonyx tuned it all out, choosing to stare out into the field, watching the tree line to make sure none of the dead snuck up on them. He was only brought back to reality when Hershel asked Shane to share Otis’s last moments. The man protested, panic filling his brown eyes. But Patricia pleaded with him, wanting him to reassure her that Otis’s death had meaning. Pheonyx had to hand it to the man, he did have a way with words. His voice was very reminiscent of a football coach, giving an inspirational speech before a homecoming game. Pheonyx knew he was lying though. He was too detailed. Focusing on small details too much. People who go through extreme trauma like that don’t remember the small details. He sounded like he was reading from a newspaper article. Feeling his anger rise, Pheonyx sneered and turned his head so no one could see his reaction.
Carl and Sophia, think of them. Pheonyx thought and took a deep breath. If Hershel finds out Shane is lying, he will throw the group off the farm.
The only thing he was grateful for was that Patricia was placated by Shane’s words. She was wiping her tears and smiling as Shane placed a rock on top of the pile. Hershel had everyone bow their head in a brief moment of silence for the deceased man. With everyone’s eyes averted, Pheonyx took that moment to step forward and grab a rock from the wheelbarrow. The dirt from it smeared on his hand. The weight of the rock symbolic of his grief, Pheonyx placed the stone on top of the memorial. Those few seconds were all he allowed himself to feel the pain from losing Otis. He didn’t have enough room in his heart for more and a sense of foreboding told him that this was only the first of a long line of deaths yet to come. 
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Chapter 21 review
Chile why you not giving us more details on readers pass😩🙄 got me all excited to finally hear what happened to her and just to get cliffhangered😭😭
I’m surprised joker ain’t stab Morgana when he seen her😂 reader really is changing joker for the better without her knowing
I feel like Florence is dead even though there’s another side of me saying she is. But it just doesn’t make sense to kill Florence and let Morgana live since they know about him🧐 I at first thought since joker told neo to handle Florence that Neo would just kidnap and hide her but then in the chapter joker said he had to handle the whole Florence situation so I’m guessing he killed her. (By the way I don’t really care if she’s dead or alive in my opinion🤷🏽‍♀️ after how she treated reader I give less fucks about her🙄🤣)
I know you said there was going to be a new person in the story which I didn’t think it was the nurse Sarai I thought it would be a a certain clown girl🤡 herself from jokers past🫣🤔
Look I’m really REALLY trying to like Bruce in this story but he makes it SO difficult 😤 but reader LITERALLY said she didn’t see him that way and she was with some other dude and he ain’t taking the hint🤦🏽‍♀️
MY THEORY: I think for the next chapter Florence is dead which will affect joker and readers relationship to downfall. She gets mad at him curse him out blah blah blah and she says she don’t want to deal with him anymore which makes him sad and turn himself into the GCPD police since he feels like he don’t want to cause anymore heartache and problems for her and can’t move on in life without his light✨😩
I ain’t gonna like I would like both their exes to come at some point to fuck some shit up. Whoever the guy was to fuck yo the readers mental so bad I hope joker give him a slow death where the reader participates in killing him😈 Harley Quinn is literally my favorite villain or all time and if she is going to be in the story if she goes against reader it is going to be heartbreaking 💔 🥲
That’s all just wanted to share my thoughts ✌🏽🫶🏽
Hey hi anon!!
I love love love love your thoughts!! You are close but not quite on the money 🤭
This story is far from being over beloved!
I like cliffhangers lol but there’s a reason why I’m dragging Y/n’s past out. It will be confirmed next chapter but resolved much later.
Joker is learning patience and how to better understand other people’s emotions from Y/n! Joker was ready to snatch Morgana up but he stopped himself. He listened to what she had to say and he definitely can’t kill her now since his Light warned him not to. She said, “You hurt my friends..” plural. Joker in trouble.
Now onto the Flo/Morgana situation. Morgana is smart. She’s keeping her mouth shut and proving her worth as a friend to stay in good with J. Florence on the other hand is threatening to expose Joker to the authorities on top of yelling at his Bunny AND she made you cry which is the catalyst for you having your PTSD episode. You were stressed from that interaction and couldn't handle when Bruce accidentally said your trigger. She has a lot more tally marks against her than Morgana does.
I will say this: Florence left your apartment building alive.
Sarai isn’t a new character, she’s a returning role from chapter 7 🤭 So the new character is still at large.
And yes, Harley Quinn will make an appearance in His Lighthouse. I love her too much not to include her.
I love Bruce and in any other story I'd root for him BUT! I needed a male anti character and......... *stares at Bruce* you're up babe.
Now this next chapter theory of yours 🤭 I love you but
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Joker does surrender to the GCPD but its not time for depressed J yet. Him and Y/n are still going strong. Two more hurdles gotta happen for Joker to feel like he’s backed into the corner and forced to surrender.
The theory on exes. Oh boy. Y/n's ex has a big role here.. and he's not done. 👀
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salamanderz13 · 2 years
TBB Episode 10
Spoilers for the day's episode will be discussed below, so proceed at your own risk!
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I was MIA last week, but thoroughly enjoyed the episode and I have lots of thoughts about this week's episode. Last spoiler warning!
The first thing that came to my mind after watching was how inconspicuous it felt. It just seemed like there was a horrible undercurrent of dread and evil veiled behind the "adventure of the week" format. I know others have mentioned this might have been the deep breath or pause before shit starts to go down, but I don't know that I even took a breath. I felt very on edge afterwards.
But first, a few thoughts:
Last week Tech had his moment to shine as a neurodivergent cloen and I love every second of it. It added so much freaking depth to his character!
It was probably a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, but Wrecker absolutely demontrated his neurodivergence at the very beginning while they worked on the speeder. His expression of boredom and utter exasperation over something that could literally save their lives was trademark ADHD. If it's not interesting, it's not interesting and it doesn't matter that Wrecker knows how important it is. He's bored out of his mind. Similarly, Hunter reiterating that Wrecker should have preserved his rations but Wrecker replying that he was hungry was also demonstrative of ADHD. Wrecker went for instant gratification rather than the "rational" option. I struggle with both of these things myself, even when medicated, and I just really enjoyed the nuance of something that was maybe dismissed as "comic relief" by neurotypicals but was readily identifiable to my personal experience.
Hunter, man. HUNTER. My god he was smooth as silk this episode. I just can't with him. He's really out here competing with Rex for number one clone in my heart!
The writer's 100% knew what they were doing with Mokko's metal arm...the bastards.
On to speculation!
Benni has to play a role down the road or at least make some kind of appearance. His whole "I owe you" line stood out too much not to be a sign of things to come. I also find it ironic that Hunter is so deadset on keeping Omega "out of the life" but willing takes her on missions like this and treats her as one of the squad. Like, my guy, she's going to choose this path for herself and you'll have to come to terms with why you're really choosing to work for Cid if not for Omega. A reckoning is definitely coming.
I also get the feeling that TBB might be setting up Omega for an appearance in The Skeleton Crew. The focus on children in the galaxy is just too apparent to not be significant and I would absolutely love to see Omega in future content outside of The Batch. She's really grown into a compelling character this season.
Earlier I mentioned a reckoning and I definitely left this episode feeling like things are going to come to a head within The Batch and I'm genuinely starting to wonder how long they'll remain together as a squad. Many people (myself included) suspected that Echo and Hunter would butt heads (and they did briefly) but I think it'll end up being Omega and Hunter who clash. It's been said elsewhere that The Batch aren't really heroes and that it's Omega who drives them to do any sort of good when they're on missions. After her conversation with Tech, I think Omega is going to start being Echo's voice in the group, pushing them to do more, to help people.
It's hard to say what the catalyst will be that drives them towards that. The obvious one is that one of them dies. I sincerely hope the writer's don't go this route because, again, it's just too dang obvious and not satisfying (imo). Particularly with Rex/Echo. Everyone knows Echo isn't with Rex in Rebels and that Rex initially refused to fight, so something has to happen to drive that narrative. But I would argue that the death Echo is the easy way out. It would be far more interesting to see something more sinister happen to push him over the edge.
But I have seen some compelling arguments regarding Crosshair, Hunter, and Tech dying. I still think that would be the easy way out. I'm not a huge fan of the "kill a character because X needs motivation to do Y." The Walking Dead did it and I absolutely hated that kind of lazy writing. There's absolutely a time a place for killing a character, but it's used too much for shock-value in a lot of scenarios.
Given what we know of the Imperial Era, though, it wouldn't be out of the question that the show is building up to another Order 66-level tragedy. That is Star Wars afterall.
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spaghettiandart · 1 year
Hello! I’m a recent follower, and I really love your Old Man Phil AU. I was wondering, does Phil ever realize that he was a racist, genocidal zealot who was going to be responsible for a *lot* of deaths on the Day of Unity? If so, how does he feel when he remembers? You don’t have to answer this if your ask box is super full, or if you just don’t want to.
Hey! Sorry for taking a while to get back to this post, it's been a while since I've watched TOH and my interest in the au has died down. But I have thought about how a possible reveal like this would go, though since the au was mostly for laughs (and so I could relentlessly bully Belos) I didn't put much in depth thought into it.
I do love to ramble, though, so let me ramble a bit about how I'd like to portray "the reveal" in the au
Since this is a early season 1 au, a LOT of things are obviously diverging from canon, too many to really write down right now. Thered be different events entirely from canon, things that occurred as a catalyst of either Belos's actions or the actions or people associated with him would either not occur at all or occur differently, so the timeline is definitely going to look a lot different.
That said, I think having Phil realize/remember who he was/is should happen around... maybe mid-to-late season 2? I mean like. I don't know how exactly itd go. Maybe he falls down another set of stairs, wakes up, and goes "HOLY SHIT" like right after
I feel like itd be a huge tonal whiplash. Also itd be like... okay, so memories do shape a person, and the new memories "Phil" forms shapes him. So I imagine if/when the old memories comes back, there's a definite conflict of priorities/moral values going on there. I mean I imagine inherently Belos/Philip is an incredibly selfish person with a list of crimes several miles long, BUT he also believes that everything he's doing is the right thing (for whom, whether it be himself or humanity or whatever season 3 revealed, is up in the air) even when he takes enjoyment from the suffering of others during the process (literally just count any of the times hes hurt someone else in the show) like hes so full of himself it physically hurts, so obviously he'd probably try to rationalize everything to himself. Because I imagine having the willpower to keep on doing shit like that for CENTURIES takes a BUNCH of rationalization and leaps of logic, especially since hes a zealot who grew up within heavily religious and I imagine almost cultish surroundings.
I imagine denial. HEAVY denial. Imagine one day you're just some old dude with a mildly shitty attitude and then the next day you wake up and remember your entire past life where you were a racist, genocidal, puritanical tyrant that had extended his own life by unnatural means and also killed his own brother and did WHAT with his body and also is planning to Literally Murder Everyone. What do you even do in that situation?
I dont think hed be able to look anyone in the eye at all after learning that. A) because these are people past-him wanted to MURDER, and B) because a very decent part of him, after having regained those memories, still feels the ingrained hate and vitriol it once had towards witches.
Its strange to think of where hed go from that point, because you'd have to take into account both his older personality and his newer personality and the morals, memories, relationships, etc both past him and current him had, since they'd all affect what hed do.
But basically: a whole mix of emotions including guilt (at the whole murder and being a terrible human being thing like seriously awful), rage (at losing his memories in the first place), even more rage (at having "played house" with witches and demons), denial, denial, and more denial.
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abandonedelves · 11 months
I've been thinking a lot about the criticisms made about Izzy's death over the last few days and I thought I would drop my own personal interpretation on 2 common statements I've been seeing r.e. Izzy being represented as a "suicidal character" as well as him telling Ed the crew loves him in his dying moments.
[Big TW for talking about suicide and death through the lens of a narrative and thematic analysis (i.e. Not going into real life experiences). Disclaimer that this lengthy post has ZERO Izzy hate, I love him as a character and this is just my thoughts on how the show writers might have intended the S2 story to be interpreted.]
"Izzy's death is a dismissal of people with suicidal experiences/behaviour"
While I think that having a character point a gun to their head and shooting is a very literal representation of a suicide, I'm not sure if what's happening in that scene is supposed to be the viewed as the culmination of a suicidal/depressed character's behaviour (well at least not on Izzy's part, Ed for sure). I will agree there is definitely trauma and illness in Izzy's mind, but I read Izzy's intentions in the gun scene as him wanting to die out of obligation to the pirate code.
In S1, Izzy can be seen as a man desperately forcing himself and those around him into the role of being a real hardcore manly pirate. Metaphorically, he's representing the voice of toxic masculinity in S1, the kind of beliefs that align with sentiments such as "I must fulfill the role that society expects of me" and "I'd rather die than be seen as weak". With that in mind I think it makes more sense in S2, Izzy is begging the crew to kill him. That's just pirate tradition, he's been discarded and replaced by his captain, so he obviously has to die, that's what happens to all the other great pirates, isn't it?
Ed- in his own selfish way albeit- gives Izzy the opportunity survive with honour: putting the gun in his hand and letting him shoot the captain, a mutiny, keeping in line with what he believes to be Izzy's ideals of the pirate code. In the moment when Izzy comes to terms with the fact he loves Ed too much to kill him he turns the gun to himself, realizing that his "weakness" (LOVE!) is his downfall and he needs to pay the price with his life to keep up the piratey status quo. "I loved you best I could" is Ed's direct response to Izzy's refusal to mutiny, in his mind he'd tried to fix his wrongs by meeting Izzy on pirate terms- death and betrayal- rather than doing something un-piratey like talking about their feelings.
That scene was such a beautiful catalyst for Izzy to start questioning his beliefs about being a pirate but I'm not sure it makes him a "suicidal" character in the grand spectrum of the narrative. More like a broken soul who managed to survive drinking the kool-aid, deciding then to start acting as himself, whittling, singing, wearing makeup, and just generally being a sassy little shit.
"Izzy tells Ed the crew is his family and that they love him but clearly they don't so that doesn't make sense"
I see the point being raised: because the crew were tortured by Blackbeard and tried to kill him in turn, that they would never consider him family or be able love him. That's understandable! But looking back to the first season, couldn't it also be said that Izzy was similarly terrible to the crew AND was almost killed by them? And even then, they came to respect Izzy as a member of the crew and even keep him alive after Blackbeard expects them to kill him. This at least in some way shows that the crew has the capability to forgive Blackbeard, but I agree at that specific point in the season finale they may not fully be there yet (I'm attributing this one to Max for only giving us 8 eps, with 2 more I'm confident that point of forgiveness could've been reached!!!).
Regardless of that, I think it's fair to examine the the literal vs intentional meaning behind what Izzy says to Ed. When I talked about the crew's mutiny in S2 I refer to Ed as "Blackbeard", I do this because at the time of the mutiny, that's who Ed is trying to be. Just like the book illustration in S1, Ed has strapped 9 guns to himself and covered his face in black makeup. He's living up to what people expect Blackbeard to be, the crew only refers to him as "Blackbeard" during that time too (not 100% on that fact but pretty confident).
The crew hates Blackbeard, we know that, Ed knows that, and most importantly, Izzy knows that. This is what ties into his final words to Ed so well. Izzy admits that he is the one who kept "Blackbeard" alive (whether that is true or not, that is clearly what he thinks). But then on the other hand, there's "Ed". Ed, who Izzy tried so hard to stomp out in S1, Ed, the one who loves soft, simple things and openly weeps over his dying friend. I will never stop thinking about Izzy asking Blackbeard to "just be Ed" and when he looks at Ed's sobbing face he confirms it's happening right before him with the weak "there he is".
In S2, Izzy has realized that he was wrong about "Blackbeard" but believes that "Ed" still has the capacity to be loved- or when it comes to Stede, already is loved. However, when one has such little time left, wouldn't you want to let a loved one know that there will still be comfort and belonging for them after you're gone? I think that's why Izzy is adamant on addressing two things in his final moments: one being that Ed has to let go of being Blackbeard in order to be free (believing that his own death will be that freedom), and the second, a reassurance once "Ed" is left, that man he will be IS DESERVING OF LOVE.
Of course this is really simplifying Ed into two distinct personalities when he's much more nuanced and complex in the show (which is even acknowledged in that scene between Stede and Izzy) but this is how I personally read Izzy's final words to Ed in E8.
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vox-monstera · 1 year
30,31,32,33,34 and 35 on the cp2077 ask game !!!
CP2077 OC ask game *:・゚✧⚔️🤖🔮
(thank you @theviridianbunny!)
30. is your friend a social butterfly or more of a loner?
Definitely a loner. She grew up starting conflict instead of searching for friendship, and it wasn't until she met Jackie for the second time after coming back to NC that she finally started to open up. He was definitely a catalyst for her social development, being the absolute beam of sunshine of a person that he was. Vox did revert slightly after his death and found it hard to connect to others without the fear of losing them.
31. who are their closest chooms in NC?
Before his passing, Jackie was her number one ride-or-die; she'd burn down the city for him. She now considers Vik, Misty, and River (ahem, more than a choom) to be her closest friends, though none of them could ever take Jackie's place.
32. do they have anyone they would consider family?
Growing up, it was just Padre and Vik. After meeting Jackie, it grew to include the Welles and Misty, and for a long time she thought that'd be it for her. She now has River, Joss, and the kids as well, so her family is a lot bigger than she ever dreamed it could be.
(In my canon, eventually, River and Vox also have a daughter, Tallulah Pax Ward)
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents?
Amp and Rom passed when Vox was only four years old, so she didn't have much of a relationship with them to begin with. The few memories she has of them are fond, filled with music and a lot of laughter, but she began resenting them as she got older for, in her eyes, abandoning her for what Vox considered a lost cause. It wasn't until her early twenties that she had an real conversation with Vik about who her parents were and what happened to them. She's forgiven them since then, and has come to terms with her past without them.
34. do they have siblings?
She's an only child, though she does consider Jackie a brother.
35. how would you describe their relationship with their family?
Sebastian (Padre)- Has the most reverence for him than any other family member, though they do tend to butt heads a lot. Right after Vik, he's the one person Vox considered a parent growing up.
Vik- The coolest dad/uncle a girl could ask for. She appreciates the fact that he cares for her without being overbearing, and that's why she feels comfortable sharing just about anything with him. He's also the one who helped shape her interests as a teen, so they have a lot in common.
Mamá Welles- Her mami. Lupe considers Vox a Welles and treats her like she would a daughter. They still meet for breakfast every week and share memories of their times with Jackie. It was Lupe's opinion that River cared most about when he started a relationship with Vox.
Misty- Being the wisest person Vox knows, Misty's her go-to when she needs perspective on life's most important questions. Vox finds that out of everyone, Misty's the one that she just cannot lie to; Misty sees right through her. She's the most calming presence in her life, and one of only three people Vox will go to when she's at her lowest.
Joss- Probably the most "adult" person Vox knows. She comes to Joss for advice on family and her relationship with River, but also tries to take on the role of her fun-time gal. They go out for drinks together from time to time, just to shoot the shit and to give Joss some time away from the kids. Vox is also desperately trying to be a wingman for Joss, which Joss is very much on the fence about.
Monique + Dorian- Spends way too much time playing BTiH and watching movies with them. She didn't interact with kids at all before meeting River, but has come to realize that kids are kinda rad? She considers them her little partners in crime and they tend to get into shenanigans around the park together.
Randy- Has a huge soft spot for Randy; she sees a lot of her younger self in him. She's taken on a big-sisterly role with him, offering him guidance and advice, but also giving him space to be a fuck-up and a misanthrope when he needs to be. He considers her to be the most understanding adult in his life and feels most comfortable coming to her when in distress.
River- The love of her life. Though they can sometimes find themselves on opposite sides of an argument, they're very good at finding a middle ground. He's her biggest support system and the one person who can make her smile no matter how bad of a day she's having. They're also extremely sexually compatible...
Thank you for the asks, Bunny! I appreciate you so much! 💕
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sleepy-moron · 2 years
The main party but I give them Genshin style visions and move sets bc I’m bored and I really like how visions work in that universe and I wanna ramble….is this set in the st universe? No idea yet we just vibing:
Mike (Anemo vision): I think a lot of people would be tempted to give Mike pyro or cryo but I actually think anemo suits him the best. There’s a paradox where anemo is the element of freedom but most of the playable wielders perform a duty out of a sense of obligation which suits Mike being a leader but also not liking authority at all. Anemo is focused around elemental reactions and aoe/crowd control skills. Personally I think he probably awakens to his vision after losing El/Will (another anemo trend) but he can’t use its full potential until he accepts himself as he is. Weapon wise I see him using a one handed sword or a polearm but despite that I think he has more of catalyst like way of fighting.
Mike’s skill (for lore purposes not actual in game skills I’m just calling it that for simplicity) is he makes wind drills/lances that can either yeet things or tear things apart depending on if he wants to kill the thing or not. His burst would be a big shield that swirls elements off of him/whoever he casts it on and also buffing their attacks. This is lore based so he can do way more things with his vision but these are unique skills to him.
Lucas (Dendro vision): Dendro is the element of wisdom, and it’s the element we have the least playable characters to go off of. Lucas has the most common sense and is the most grounded party member but that’s not what geo is about so I think Dendro is probably the best fit for him. Dendro skills have a lot of aoe damage and remote bombs that detonate after a certain point of time and I think that suits him quite well. He definitely uses a bow and I think there are a few points I can see him getting a vision, any point of learning and personal growth works really
Skill time! His skill gives him a projectile that stuns enemies in a small radius while also inflicting dot in a larger area. His burst lets him place a large barrage of projectiles that explode upon contact and also leave a dot zone with a higher damage multiplier than his skill. All of the characters can do stuff with their powers outside of this but these are more like signature moves
Dustin (Geo vision): Geo is about contracts and agreements, and Dustin is usually the one to bring up the party rules and try to bring people together to solve a problem. Geo also is the most construct heavy and defensive element in the game and Dustin builds things like cerebro and is a little bit of a proud little shit when it comes to his theories and that’s also pretty typical of the element. I don’t know when he would actually get his vision but I do know he would be a non traditional catalyst user for a weapon of choice.
Skills! Dustin fights using a skill that creates some geo arms that hit the monsters for him (sorta like oz or a razor burst) and his burst places down a geo construct that buffs allies in a certain radius and makes the next attack to hit a nearby enemy act like it hit the monsters weak point doing extra damage and stunning them.
Max (Cryo vision): We don’t know what ideal the cryo archon represents yet but it’s heavily theorized to be love and I really think this suits Max bc despite the fact that she tries to be cold and closed off sometimes she is someone who deeply cares about the people around her. Cryo can freeze enemies solid and also has some speed oriented skills so it suits her desire to zoom as well. It’s also one of the best dps elements and is very common for offensive teams to run. She gets her vision after coming to terms with how she feels about Billy’s death…however that happens in this au. She also uses a polearm bc it has the fastest attack speed!
Skill time…I want to say her skill gives her an ice skateboard so bad but realistically I think that’s more of a unique sprint. So her actual skill would probably be a short range teleport that sorta leaves a trail of ice spikes that damage enemies behind it for a second. Her burst would be a big damage aoe that triggers shatter damage and does more if one of her ice trails is in the blast radius.
Will (Electro vision/ heretical teachings from the abyss): Electro is the element of eternity and I think that suits Will struggling to put his trauma behind him while also not being ready to let go of being a kid and wanting things to stay the way they were before. Most electro users stand out from the crowd and they tend to be very dedicated and highly skilled people. He gets his vision during the week he goes missing and he would use a catalyst to fight. He also totally goes to the abyss for a week and learns to do fucked up abyss control shit in this au so do with that what you will.
His normal attacks would just be beams of lightning and his skill would be a giant electro hyper beam that can lock on to multiple targets at a time but only deals damage. His ult is a heal zone that converts physical damage into electro damage and boosts electro damage while in its radius.
El (heretical abyss powers/ Hydro vision): El is just born with her weird abyss powers and she doesn’t get her vision until she sacrifices herself to save Will against the demogorgon. Hydro is the element of justice but the main reason why I picked it for El is the bonus for having multiple hydro users in your party is a healing boost. Since El’s whole character arc is around healing what happened to her in the lab via genuine connections with other people I thought it would be cool. El would be a melee catalyst user who mixes in her abyss powers with her cool telekinetic water punches!
Her skill would be the fucking bubble thing since she does levitate things pretty often and the hydro mage bubble attack is one of the most annoying things to exist and she deserves to be a menace. Her burst also traps an enemy in a bubble but does a bunch of damage and then smashes the enemy into the floor so she can punch it again!
Note: as I was finishing writing this up @andiwriteordie started writing an atla au with the kids and so I offer you a very different elemental power system with the party if that sort of thing is appealing to you (also I’m sorry if half the things in this thread aren’t well defined this games lore is very complex and it would take way too long to explain everything)
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praketos-blog · 5 years
“the king dies, ned stark thought, and the Hand is buried.”
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nightferns · 3 years
The Third Variant to the SootCraft Fundy and Wilbur family drama that Maybe Accidentally Started it
So yesterday me and @bigbraveboop came to the conclusion that C!fundy had an arc in early early L'manburg that we were kinda unaware of. And it cracks the case of... how the family drama started. And also is why is this exists
C!Tommy was the catalyst of the c!Fundy | c!Wilbur family drama in S1 and i promise i have proof
all /rp
So what does Fundy repeatedly say is his biggest gripe with Wilbur currently and multiple times after his death? Well:
“You were there for me for a very very long time and then when i needed you the most, you skedaddled fuck the out of my life and died. Because of what? L’manberg’s causes, huh? You thought that was- You thought that was justice? You thought that was good for me? You left me, man.’
“The dad that- my dad that exploded himself for the sake of a country, just for that country to be demolished in future hands?-"
“He put me to priority number 2, man. He put me in the second place.”
So its about L’manburg being more important than him to Wilbur.
Now lets dig deep, where did that insecurity start? Why did Fundy arrive at this conclusion? Why did he feel like this in the first place about his position in L’manburg and his Father?
We kinda assume it was always there or was because of Wilbur actually prioritizing L’manburg over his son/being negectfull. But no! Fundy was very confident in his realtionship with Wilbur and his position in L’manburg at the Start and we see tha change so!
I want to argue that this insecurity... didn't come from Wilbur or any of his actions or lack thereof. Not directly.
“Wilbur? I dunno, Wilbur’s a man of chaos, alright- due to the lore of the server, Wilbur may or may not have been the father of our nation, but- that doesn’t mean he’s for everything I do. That doesn’t mean he stands behind me, alright? Not necessarily...not necessarily.”
This is the first instance of Fundy doubting his connection to Wilbur helping things, i'd argue it still was a part of a lighhearted bit that isn’t to be taken too seriously in the context of the larger story but i realized something that made me change my mind, i mean it is still a lighthearted bit but it connects to a certain quote from uncle Innit:
“What would father think?”
And then that got me thinking and:
Part 1 aka Early L'manburg Fundy had different feelings towards Wilbur than Civil War Fundy
So how did Fundy act towars Wilbur early on?
Fundy: "Don't speak to me ma- hey that's fucked up don't talk about that. That's-"
Tommy: "Listen Th- you gotta kn- you gotta know you don't speak to the boss's son like that. Nevermind about- about the boss's wife to the boss's son in front of the boss's right hand man! You really gotta- You really gotta read the room Thunder."
Fundy: "Yea you don't. You don't."
JM: "fine ok let him do what he wants to do, i just don't wanna hear about it [..]"
Tommy: "Listen to me Fundy- Listen to me Fundy- he didn't mean that- he's just a bold man- he had- he had a little-"
Fundy [turning to JM]: "I will tell on you."
Tommy: " NO no no no Fundy- Fundy He had a little flirt with Dream- he had a little flirt with dream, he's- he's a- he's really new, he's learing his boundaries, he's over stepped them, alright, listen, but you don't have to tell Will, you don't have to tell no-one. "
[To JM] "Thunder you need to to calm your fucking- holy shit."
"-Please, please give him a rest."
JM: "no i- im sorry, im sorry, i'm sorry Fundy"
Fundy: 'I don't want this behavior again, alright."
JM: "no i wont- i wont-"
Fundy: 'Don't talk to my Dad OR my salmon Mother like that ever again, i will tell on you, keep it in mind. I have privilege to speak up against-"
JM: "i understand."
I will come back to the i have a privilege line later but first, from this we see Fundy being confident that Wilbur would take his side because he is his son. He is the “i will tell my parents about this” kid, alongside that he doesn’t feel like he has no imput in decisions, he doesnt feel insecure here he is in the position of power. 
So again when did it appear?
Fundy: “I may or may not have scammed a bunch of people, including all of L’manburg people, um…”
Tommy: “You scammed L’manburg members?!”
Fundy: “But here’s the thing – I’m willing to pay you a part of the profit if you help me out here!”
Tommy: “Fundy…okay, can I tell you what’s happened from my point of view? The son of the President has gone around scamming the other presidential members, and as the Vice President whilst the President’s not on, this is my duty to make sure that this doesn’t pull apart L’manburg. And what you’re saying – what you’ve essentially just said is, ‘hey, can I bribe you?’“
Fundy: “…Can I?”
Tommy: “Jesus Christ…No, okay, we need to settle this now, ‘cause I mean if this happens on my turf, I’m gonna fucking take the blame from this from Wilbur, alright…so listen, Fundy, under no circumstances can you bribe anyone!”
Fundy: “I got two Netherite scraps?”
Tommy: “Okay, okay – explain to me what’s happened, please.”
[Fundy explains the conflict]
Tommy: “What would father think?”
Fundy: “Well, he always – he always sides…by me…obviously.”
Tommy: “Would he though? I mean, you’ve gone against the other members of the nation he fought to build.”
Fundy: “Well only because my loot has been stolen! Alright?”
Tommy: “This sounds petty, Fundy.”
Fundy: “Okay, okay, I can word this differently in my favor.”
Tommy: “No, okay, no – you’re not meant to say that out loud! Okay, I’m gonna ask Tubbo what’s happened, and then from there on we’ll – but please do not do any – we can’t have L’manburg falling out over this, alright?” 
So here we see Fundy the president’s son being put in comparison to L’manburg the nation the president built for what Wilbur would prioritize for the first time, and Tommy sows the seeds that maybe L’manburg matters more to Wilbur than him, that Wilbur would choose the nation. this is also first time Fundy has been sort of excluded from the Whole of L’manburg.
and we see Tommy’s words affect Fundy,
Fundy: “We gotta list everyone who’s against me:”
“I killed Tubbo twice, I stole his bow. Tubbo’s probably against me.”
“Tommy has always been against me from the start.”
“Sapnap is against me because I killed his animals and stole them.”
“Punz is against me ‘cause I stole his bees.”
“Eret is against me ‘cause I went after Karl.”
“Karl’s against me ‘cause -- I just realized I’ve made a lot of enemies...I just realized I don’t have many -- I don’t have many allies on the server. There’s not many allies.”
“Who’s neutral? Niki! Niki is with me! Niki is friendly.”
“Wilbur? I dunno, Wilbur’s a man of chaos, alright...due to the lore of the server, Wilbur may or may not have been the father of our nation, but...that doesn’t mean he’s for everything I do. That doesn’t mean he stands behind me, alright? Not necessarily...not necessarily.”
“Quackity? Quackity’s definitely not -- no, listen, Quackity’s definitely not for me, okay. I called him a whore. There’s definitely -- there’s definitely many things Quackity has against me.”
so here is my argument... Fundy’s insecurity started with Tommy.
Part 2 Development Of Those Feelings (Uncle Tommy you’re not Helping)
Fundy, growing disillusioned with Wilbur and L’manburg, lead to this one coversation between Fundy and Wilbur,
Wilbur: Well the uh- the ballot entries have closed now.
Fundy: Who's in it?
Wilbur: Well it originally was just gonna be me and Tommy, me and Tommy tired to do it so- tried to do it so we will be the only ones running, then suddenly out of nowhere Quackity joins and enters himself on the ballot-
Fundy: Ok.
Wilbur: -so it's me and Tommy against Quackity and someone else.
Fundy: Who's someone else?
Wilbur: We don't know yet, he hasn't announced,
Fundy: Wait then- oh, so it's just a random… sneaky person who put himself in the ballot not announced who he is.
Wilbur: yeah, yeah. I mean if you wanna try and convince Quackity that you wanna run against your father.
Fundy: Yeah ok.
Wilbur: Wait, you- you wouldn't though. 
Fundy: What if i win? What are- what are you gonna do?
Wilbur: Well then you'd be Vice President.
Fundy: but-What if i win?
Wilbur: Why do you want power in L'manburg so much?
Fundy: Why do you want power?
Wilbur: Because- i led the revolution, i'm your…  i'm your president.
Fundy: That's history.
Wilbur: Wh- d- Do you not think i-  i'm suitable to run for president?
Fundy: I think you are, but i think I am as well.
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
Fundy: Wait so you're a biased person going for presidency.
Wilbur: Biased to my son? Yes. But, if you're gonna run against me then i'm changing, i'll- i'll go guns blazing.
Fundy: I'll have a word with Quackity.
Wilbur: Fundy i…  i've got- i've got- i've got a bad feeling about this. I think you're just gonna… you're just gonna get hurt.
Fundy: That will happen-
Wilbur: Fundy yeah- Yeah someone in my chat just pointed out, Fundy you started the civil war.
Niki: I mean technically Sapnap started the civil war.
Fundy: I mean- i mean technically- Yeah y' know, technically- and i'm gonna win it! It's fine! I mean what does he have on me, really?
Wilbur: I thought it was you fighting Tubbo?
Fundy: what?
Wilbur: I thought civil war was you and Tubbo?
Fundy: No, Tubbo's just a prick.
Wilbur: Sapnap's not even- not even part of L’manburg how is it a civil war?
Fundy: I don't know you brought it up!
Wilbur: Tommy told me- Tommy told me it was Tubbo and Fundy.
Fundy: Yeah no Tommy is a little bit delusional.
Wilbur: I think i've spoiled you.
Fundy: How?
Wilbur: I think you need to learn some manners.
Fundy: I dunno- power seems nice.
Wilbur: Fine, you can run against me, it won't end well for you but you can give it a go.
Fundy: Like i said i'll- i'll have a word with Quackity i'll think of my actions, see what will happen, i'm not saying necessarily that i'll go against you, then again i'm not standing beside you because you may or may not be the father of L'manburg 
Wilbur: And you! The father of you!
Fundy: That's irrelevant. To-
Wilbur: No it's not irrelevant! It's very relevant to this!
Fundy: I don't-  i don't think that's relevant to presidency
I’ll talk over Wilburs pov here in a little bit but focusing on Fundy, 
He wants to run, other than everything we established before here Fundy wants to run to prove himself to himself, and we see the other part of this conflict more internally is,  
(“[..] may or may not be the father of L'manburg- “ , “ That's irrelevant.” )
 Well, here is the insecurity about Wilbur choosing L’manburg (here his position as president) over Fundy, the being second place to L’manburg part matters here becasue i think this is where Wilbur and Fundy fundamentally clash, so Fundy doesn’t want for it to matter to Wilbur, he doesn’t want for his position as son to have any influence over Wilbur here beacuse of this fear that that’s why he may be in the second place.
now let’s move on to,
Uncle Tommy ‘helps’
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
Tommy: “I just, I – yeah. You’re stinky, you’re shitty, the fur that’s sewn onto your skin, I look at it and I go (retching sounds) And whilst you’re a lovely guy, you’re actually not, you’re really…and all the viewers are like ‘oh no!’ But they can’t smell you. I can! Holy shit, you know? I mean you know, Sapnap…”
Fundy: “I showered two hours before the stream…”
Tommy: “I know, and that’s what makes it so remarkable, how you smell that terrible.”
Fundy: “I used coconut oil…it smells good…”
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “Being neutral is – is asshole?”
Tommy: “Yes. Come with me, Sapnap. Yeah, I’ve denounced you – well no no no, you were challenging him. You were challenging him.”
Fundy: “Denounced to what?”
Tommy: “I just – it’s just a formal way of saying you suck.”
(Tommy and Sapnap leave)
Fundy: “…They are mean…They are mean! Why are they so mean? That is so mean…”
Fundy: “Listen, it is one thing making fun of a person’s appearance…it is one thing making fun of a person’s blindness, but hey – don’t fucking make fun of my coconut oil! Listen dude…that shit smells tasty! That smells good! Man…that’s…god…coconut oil, man…dude.“
Fundy: “TNT their houses? That will just prove their point, chat. That will just prove their point. That will just prove their point…they’re just mean. They’re so mean. But it is okay, chat. It is okay. The reason why it’s okay…that’s actually true. Why is he talking to the enemy? Wait…wait a minute. Wait a minute! So let me get the story straight real quick.”
 “Chat…just hold up a second here! Hold on a second! So Tommy is demoting me, right? And he’s saying you’re only in L’manburg because of Wil. So Tommy says…in theory, he would kick me out if he had the chance. But considering that, while he’s together with Sapnap…it leads me to believe…Tommy wants to destroy L’manburg!”
“Why would he do that? Why would he team up with Sapnap? He had no correlation with this conversation at all. What was the reason for that?”
“…Do we have another traitor in our midst?”
Fundy: “Listen, Tommy, here’s a really interesting theory, alright…here’s an interesting theory, Tommy. I got a little theory on my mind! Listen, boy, we’re part of L’manburg, you and me. Wil as well, Tubbo, all of us, alright? And we’re supposed to be a union! Now here’s the thing! Here’s the thing. If you said, due to Wilbur I’m still basically part of L’manburg – in other terms saying that if it was on your hands you would get me out of there, right, why would you excessively bring Sapnap, out of all people, for that conversation alone?”
Tommy: “Shall I explain to you? It’s because, Fundy, we fucking need votes, Fundy. We need votes! This Quack City guy, son of BadBoyHalo? He’s just – he’s just, like, oh my god. We needed votes. And listen, Fundy–”
Fundy: “You basically just lost my vote, and I feel like that’s your purpose!”
Tommy: “You’re in L’manburg! You vote for us already – you vote for your own father, don’t be an idiot!”
Fundy: “I feel like you’re trying to bring us apart, Tommy. I feel like your goals are not supportive towards L’manburg at the moment…”
Tommy: “From my perspective, Sapnap hates you, Fundy. Sapnap hates you. And if I go listen, if I had to tier list all of the members of L’manburg, Fundy would be in D tier. He needs to hear that.”
Fundy: “…Tommy, are you Eret?”
Post the court debate Fundy was more decided on running on his own,
“Honestly, I feel like everything just needs to change. Honestly, I feel like neither of the parties have done enough right to deserve leadership, to deserve presidency in the first place. I feel like a lot of shit needs to change.”
Fundy didnt want to endorse any of the parties, SWAG2020 was endorsed by Dream, and he belived POG2020 to be corrupt because of the bribing Karl situation, so he was more keen on running on his own, and then came the public denouncing situaion.
Obviously Fundy was hurt by this, especially considering Sapnap was his enemy, and Tommy’s words didnt do Fundy’s and Wilburs already shaky relationship many favours, but his behaviour both pushed Fundy futher away from the POG party, and started Fundy’s ‘traitor Tommy’ theory that he shared with Niki after which the Coconut2020 party was formed.
Part 3 Wilbur is a oblivious dumbass but it makes sense now.
now lets look at Wilburs pov of things, which means we are coming back to the privilege line,
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
JM: "no i- im sorry, im sorry, i'm sorry Fundy"
Fundy: 'I don't want this behavior again, alright."
JM: "no i wont- i wont-"
Fundy: 'Don't talk to my Dad OR my salmon Mother like that ever again, i will tell on you, keep it in mind. I have privilege to speak up against-"
JM: "i understand."
So coming back to this quote, i belive Wilbur didnt realize Fundy had these doubts about thier relationship, because he was used to Fundy sharing his problems with him, and he was left kinda drifting in an ‘why is my son suddenly against me now??’
Wilbur didnt realize Fundy’s feelings about him had changed, as in Fundy no longer WOULD come to him if he had any probems, because Fundy used to come to him with problems, ("I will tell on you.") But Tommy’s first comment knocked him down and the debate and the Sapnap-Tommy situation had as well and the denouncement, (which Wilbur also knew shit about) because he was already insecure about his place in L’manburg and Wilbur. AND he wouldn't come to Wilbur like he used to because Wilbur was the point of his insecurity even if he wasnt the couse of it.
So we see Wilbur kinda be sad and confused and misstepping becasue of that,
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
Fundy: Wait so you're a biased person going for presidency.
Wilbur: Biased to my son? Yes. But, if you're gonna run against me then i'm changing, i'll- i'll go guns blazing.
Fundy: I'll have a word with Quackity.
Wilbur: Fundy i…  i've got- i've got- i've got a bad feeling about this. I think you're just gonna… you're just gonna get hurt.
Wilbur: Tommy told me- Tommy told me it was Tubbo and Fundy.
Fundy: Yeah no Tommy is a little bit delusional.
Wilbur: I think i've spoiled you.
Fundy: How?
Wilbur: I think you need to learn some manners.
Fundy: I dunno- power seems nice.
Wilbur: Fine, you can run against me, it won't end well for you but you can give it a go.
Wilbur: Wait, look who’s coming, look who’s coming.
Tommy: Uh oh!
Wilbur: My son. My boy.
Tommy: Your ex-son.
Wilbur: Yeah. Well, I mean, he’s still my son in blood, but, he’s just…
Tommy: You should put him up.
Wilbur: What d’you mean, put him up? What, for adoption?
Tubbo: For adoption.
Tommy: Yeah. You should see if Big Q will adopt him.
[They discuss Fundy’s Twitch Prime cape. He runs up on stage, to the microphone, and starts punching the air. He’s not in the same vc as them.]
Wilbur: What’s he doing, what’s he doing- what is this? What is this bit? What is he doing?
Tommy: What the fuck are you- no.
Wilbur: He’s just not- he’s not- he’s really upsetting me.
Tommy: Just- just- he’s not President is he? He’s got no manners, he has no manners. No etiquette.
Wilbur: Look, he’s supposed to be my son.
[Wilbur types in chat: “fundy talk to me” and Fundy immediately leaves the game.]
Tubbo: He is trying.
Tommy: Tubbo, you’re gonna get murdered, my friend.
Wilbutr: He said, he said, “I am here for the Presidencialcy-” He just left.
Tommy: And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.
W: I don’t- I- It’s really sad, like I… Honestly, I- when he turned around to me and he said he wasn’t gonna vote for me, and then he decided he was gonna vote for the opposition, and then he decided he was gonna run against me, that was- one of those was the straw that broke my back. I’m not sure which one- I’m still contemplating which one was the- are you listening?
[Tommy has jumped off the podium to join Tubbo in the audience.]
Tpmmy: Yeah, I’m going down to Tubbo, I just- I’m just letting you vent, Wilbur, I want you to have time to vent.
Wilbur: Yeah I just- I miss me son! I miss me son! I miss when he was my boy! Do you remember when he was my boy?
Tommy: Yeah, I’m not really good at handling… People who are emotional.
Wilbur also didn’t know anything about the denouncement situation,
Sapnap: “Will you continue to have your son banished from L’Manberg if I vote for you?” 
Wilbur: “My son. My- My son. Look, we’re talking about politics here, I don’t want to talk about my family, if that’s alright. … I would like to say, thank you, Sapnap, for the question, I very much appreciate it, but I’m not gonna be fielding responses about my family situation, thank you.” (Alivebur)
*Wilbur proceeds to step off the podium and cry*
Wilbur: “Fundy...!” 
Besides that  fundamenatally Fundys and Wilburs views about the presidency oppose eachother,
“Tommy, I’m- I’m- I’m- I don’t know what to do, Tommy, I’ve never not been President.”
Fundy sees Wilbur and L'manburg as two separate things that he has to unfiairly contest with and for 
1. for Wilbur because of his fears, for a place among L’manburg members
2. Because He wants to prove himself to himself. he needs to know what Tommy said, isn’t true/he can thrive regardless without his fathers support he can still be a  great member of L’manburg and even a president
Wilbur sees himself as inherently connected trough L’manburg with everyone to the point that he thinks that without his position he cant do anything for his loved ones/ he wont be usefull. he thinks of l’manburg as something he does FOR all of them including Fundy.
“My son… My son is tearing down the walls, in front of me! My son is tearing down the walls in front of me! The walls I built to keep him safe! I promised him this world, Tommy, I promised him this world.”
 “Fundy was the closest thing I had to something I cared about in L’Manberg, when it all began. You know, when it started, the closest thing to anything I cared about was Fundy. Fundy was my, he was my, he was my boy! My rock!”
Ranboo: "I don't know if they actually needed me, but I was there.(about his work in the NLM cabinet)" 
Wilbur:"I know that feel." 
This why Fundy and Wilbur clash fundamentally here,
Fundy: Like i said i'll- i'll have a word with Quackity i'll think of my actions, see what will happen, i'm not saying necessarily that i'll go against you, then again i'm not standing beside you because you may or may not be the father of L'manburg 
Wilbur: And you! The father of you!
Fundy: That's irrelevant. To-
Wilbur: No it's not irrelevant! It's very relevant to this!
Fundy: I don't-  i don't think that's relevant to presidency
Part 4 Tommy WHY? (he is propably protective and and a tiny bit jealous )
Tommy: “Hey, you know about Fundy’s little rebellious stage he’s going through?”
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Tommy: “Shall I explain to you? It’s because, Fundy, we fucking need votes, Fundy. We need votes! This Quack City guy, son of BadBoyHalo? He’s just – he’s just, like, oh my god. We needed votes. And listen, Fundy–”
Fundy: “You basically just lost my vote, and I feel like that’s your purpose!”
Tommy: “You’re in L’manburg! You vote for us already – you vote for your own father, don’t be an idiot!”
Fundy: “I feel like you’re trying to bring us apart, Tommy. I feel like your goals are not supportive towards L’manburg at the moment…”
Tommy: “From my perspective, Sapnap hates you, Fundy. Sapnap hates you. And if I go listen, if I had to tier list all of the members of L’manburg, Fundy would be in D tier. He needs to hear that.”
Wilbur: Wait, look who’s coming, look who’s coming.
Tommy: Uh oh!
Wilbur: My son. My boy.
Tommy: Your ex-son.
Wilbur: Yeah. Well, I mean, he’s still my son in blood, but, he’s just…
Tommy: You should put him up.
Wilbur: What d’you mean, put him up? What, for adoption?
Tubbo: For adoption
Wilbur: He said, he said, “I am here for the Presidencialcy-” He just left.
Tommy: And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.
W: I don’t- I- It’s really sad, like I… Honestly, I- when he turned around to me and he said he wasn’t gonna vote for me, and then he decided he was gonna vote for the opposition, and then he decided he was gonna run against me, that was- one of those was the straw that broke my back. I’m not sure which one- I’m still contemplating which one was the- are you listening?
[Tommy has jumped off the podium to join Tubbo in the audience.]
Tommy: Yeah, I’m going down to Tubbo, I just- I’m just letting you vent, Wilbur, I want you to have time to vent.
Wilbur: Yeah I just- I miss me son! I miss me son! I miss when he was my boy! Do you remember when he was my boy?
Tommy: Yeah, I’m not really good at handling… People who are emotional.
Besides Tommy genuinely wanting to get more votes during the dennoucemnt situation, his seconddary motive was well, he was protective over Wilbur, he noticed that what Fundy did during the debate hurt Wilbur, and kept acting bitter towards him from then on. ( “ I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night.” / And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.”  )
the he a was tiny bit jealous point IS more up in the air but we can compare this to how Tommy acted towards Ranboo just after leaving prison, when he learned of the c!beeduo marriage.
Quotes from @/kateis-cakeis, @/findingjoynweirdstuff, @/ace-enderchest and my own transcripts, thank you guys!
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serenheist · 3 years
What Taehyung is like in a relationship/ Taehyung as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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How long does it take him to get into a relationship? & Does he prefer long or short term relationships 8 of cups, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles 9 of pentacles reversed, 4 of cups
Ffs the queen of swords always pops up. Anyway yeah I don’t see him getting into anything quickly. He could’ve in the past but I think past relationships left him drained af and feeling alienated. I think he has a shit ton of walls up and is a lot more no nonsense now. It’s probably intimidating and more blunt to others because he wants to get to the heart of why someone is trying to get with him since so many people try to pull the same shit and fuck around with him like he’s dumb. He does not settle for anything other than what he wants. If he can’t find “the one” then he legit just rather be alone. It looks like he’s now more focused on building a Legacy though and something serious and long term so he has no desire to just jump into something with anyone. He basically would wait it out and get to know them long before deciding he trusts them enough and feels comfortable enough to show his emotions and not be so aloof.
I feel like he’d be the type to not show much interest at first because he really needs to scope the person out. So the person probably wouldn’t even know he actually likes them. Actually he could be a little too jaded and bored to the point of turning away everyone even though he does want a relationship. But in his mind there’s too many people being carbon copies and trying to swindle him for his money bruh for real all of bts are having this problem like damn it keeps reoccurring. Idk why it seems like there’s people also trying to use money to get with him like they’re rich and they think he’ll just want someone loaded. Like dude he’s already rich so that doesn’t work and to him them having a ton of money means Jack shit when they have the personality of a damn rock.
Past & present love life 10 of swords, 2 of pentacles present: the hermit, 5 of wands
Past love life: welp. Do I really need to explain the 10 of swords. I think actually that he had all this past trauma and shit from relationships and even other shit he still hasn’t dealt with but there was no time to even process that because he had to get back to work and act like he was fine. I think he’s the type of person that buries himself in his career when he experiences traumatic stuff that he doesn’t want to deal with. And of course it’s easier when you’re busy 24/7 anyway. This relationship betrayed him in every way tbh but maybe it was a catalyst for better things to come though he still might not see this right now. Present: I don’t see him in a relationship now currently cause the hermit but also being a major arcana it’s like he’s really in a life stage right now where he just wants to be alone because there’s so much conflict going on and he’s feeling anxious and having all these negative pessimistic thoughts that he just needs time to himself. I don’t think he very optimistic about his love life right now he’s lost a lot of hope. Things are too chaotic elsewhere to focus on romance.
What is he like in a relationship? the chariot, ace of cup, Unicorn, fae 61, solus 13, vanth, the sun reversed, anger and chains 29, justice, 2 of swords reversed, 3 of cups reversed, avenoir 1, princess of pentacles,ta’om the poet 29, ace of swords, Thanatos
What is he like in a relationship? When he’s in a relationship he really puts all his focus on that person and will go above and beyond for them. There’s a kind of masculine and feminine balance in him in the sense that he’s ready to be the go getter and take charge but there’s also a vulnerable energy and overflowing emotions. He works hard to take care of his person and make the relationship work . The only downside is he could possibly be too smothering to his partner or come on too strongly because of past shit and maybe too clingy for some people since in a relationship he really shows his softer side and he’s not as aloof as he is to others. He loves to have little house parties with his partner and have friends and family over with a ton of food and music.
For date ideas he’s down for anything but especially something “magical” maybe literally some place like Disneyland or pagan festival like beltane? That’s specific af but there’s a medieval type of energy and nature spirits and shit, he wants to do stuff he hasn’t done before and that might even be outside his comfort zone since G. Hobyah card is all about imaginary fears and getting past them. The best qualities he has in a relationship is the ability to help his partner stand on their own 2 feet but also recognizes that you can’t do everything on your own so he’s the type of person who would go above and beyond and connect you to the right people or situations. He’s always there when his partner really needs them and will make sure to put time aside.
His worst quality is that I don’t think he knows how to express his anger in a healthy way. I think with the sun reversed next to anger and chains it’s more like he doesn’t know how to fully show it it’s kinda repressed but his emotions under the exterior are a hot mess and there’s a big need for stability. It’s like being too stubborn to admit when you mess up and petty shit cause it hurts his ego. But I don’t think it’s super bad considering the justice card I used to represent his communication style. I feel that even if he gets mad af he gets over things really quickly and one minute he’s be angry and 10 minutes later he’ll be asking you what you want for dinner like wtf.
When he likes someone he’s not going to jump in and immediately go approach them. I see him instead watching them intently from afar lol he’s very cautious and like gathering everything he can on that person. Dude’s a 1st class stalker. Jk But the thing is the person wont even know he is interested in them because he keeps a serious face as a kind of mask but on the inside he’s like a giddy kid. Ta’om is known for looking serious and thoughtful but is actually very playful and slightly mischievous. I think Taehyung is definitely one to start off as friends and slowly get to know someone rather than just start dating because he really wants to know that person well to see how real they are and if they’re just putting up a front.
He’s not attracted to new shiny things that are perfect he’s able to see the beauty in all things even in difficulty. After he’s been friends with them for awhile and knows if that person like him back, that’s when he’d actually make a move. He finds a lot of satisfaction in doing services for others until they’re completed so it makes me think his love language (giving) is acts of service but with the ace of swords is pretty obvious his Receiving love language is words of affirmation but moreso he appreciates when someone is blunt and honest and not just saying stuff to make him feel better cause then it’s just insincere.
What is his ideal type? the ageless, the star, the singer of healing 10, el shaddai, protection 26, ram, the maestro, fae 41, the sage 19, king of cups reversed, himself 17, danu, death reversed, obsession
His type: this person seems to have had some messed up stuff happen to them in their past. Even when others were horrible to them they still kept their dignity and chose to still give to others instead of give in to bitterness and despair. It’s like the Phoenix where no matter how many times they metaphorically die, they can still rise up even better than before. I think they’re able to help heal others because they’ve been through the trauma themselves but they know how to be honest and blunt without being overly mean about it. They have a kid of tough exterior though I think from years of negativity from people that’s made them strong but also a little distant from people and they need a lot of time to themselves to recharge and get away from peoples bs. Honestly this seems a lot like Taehyung too lol I think he wants someone who’s been through similar traumas.
The ram keeps calling out to me that I think this persons way of showing love is a little aggressive but that’s what Taehyung likes in someone tbh. It’s not like actually showing love it’s hard to explain. It’s more so you know when someone tries to act like sarcastic and shit to hide the fact that they like someone? Idk why it reminds me of toph from avatar the last airbender where she just punches people to show affection it’s kinda like that. Cause they’re not good at being really vulnerable. They put on this brave face and are pretty good at it to the point where you won’t notice that they’re jealous seeing you hang out with someone else. But this person is really independent like I’m not joking lmao and a go getter they don’t rely on anyone really. And don’t give a fuck who you are.
There’s 2 healing cards and honestly why is this person so similar to Taehyung lol this person is great at helping or healing others but again has to realize it’s okay to also get help for yourself. They think maybe that they’re fine on their own and they don’t like relying on others for help because people disappoint you and it’s easier to just do it yourself. But they’re really good at giving advice and are lot nicer than their exterior let’s on. Bruh the star card makes my mind keep playing that I’m gonna be a star song by twice lmao stop. I think this person actually is a star or is working up to it cause they have huge plans. This isn’t someone just wanting a mundane job I think they’re gonna go big.
Especially paired with the ram talking about they go for big dreams and huge successes. This person won’t stop until they accomplish their dreams they really don’t care what others say and will go to the extremes to get there. I see they have a lot of talents anyway but some people were like saying negative shit that their dreams are impossible but they’re learning to set boundaries with other people and it’s more of a just move in silence energy. Also usually I don’t say zodiac signs but since it’s a major arcana it might play some significance but Aquarius might be prominent in their chart (nvm I just remembered Taehyung has venus in Aquarius so duh you dumbass it wouldn’t be that out there to think he’d be drawn to Aquarius qualities).
I wonder if this person is into astrology though given all the glyphs. I think this is someone Taehyung has been trying to manifest and call in too like wishing on a star for a looooong time and maybe thought it wouldn’t come but boy does the universe have a surprise for you. They really are future oriented thinkers and know a lot about spirituality I think that a big part of who they are I really don’t think they’d be completely atheist or not care about spiritual topics. They give a lot without much thought in return and can talk about anything with openness and honesty. With Taehyung they’d teach him everything under the sun. He likes when he can share all this knowledge especially about weirder topics with someone who isn’t going to dismiss him. I see them really encouraging him to try new things and show him things he never knew were possible. They treat him like he finally belongs somewhere in the world.
This shit is kinda spooky because both the maestro guy and illbe the retriever are holding orbs/a little white ball close to them and they speak of the same thing. This person really protects Taehyungs hopes and dreams. Also they themselves obviously represent a dream that Taehyung thought was long gone and impossible. I think it can be taken literally too lol to mean that when Taehyung is being forgetful af. This person is that type of person who has your keys already when you think you lost them. They’re really the more responsible one in the relationship lmao helping him to be more organized and get his life together. The next set of cards I used to represent what his biggest turn ons are. This isn’t in a sexual way though lmao I meant the qualities he likes the most in his ideal type. Already I noticed how all the cards are facing straight ahead and looking right at you so it makes me think this person has some intense ass eye contact and looks intimidating and they got a rbf.
With the king of cups reversed I don’t think they’re actually these heartless cold bitches and that Taehyung is turned on by that because the sage card is upright and talks about the same shit but this is a person definitely who looks colder but is actually kind on the inside. He kinda likes people who look cold like that but are actually sweethearts. This person is not one of those super lovey-dovey people or uses pet names and babytalk like “my sweet baby Taehyung” whatever I think they find it very cringe. They have some trauma from when they were kids where they felt as if they aren’t allowed to act very emotional because people will think they’re weak and take advantage of them (this is just their beliefs about themselves) they instead act very macho or tough again lol like Toph from ATLA idk why I keep thinking of her but there’s like a kinda tomboy energy but they’re really not heartless they just need the right person to feel comfortable around and need to work on opening up emotionally.
There’s so much masculine and yang energy but then at the end you see this motherhood figure so it again really makes me think it’s a front and this person is so nurturing and that’s what really draw Taehyung to them. He loves the most that this person knows so much about the most random things and esoteric topics. They value tradition and stability but they also understand the need for growth and change they’re the perfect balance. Communication is really a big thing for Taehyung it’s a reoccurring theme in this. Someone who is very good at communicating and are action oriented. They say what they mean and mean what they say. It’s very important that they are their own unique individual self and have their own goals and skills and hobbies.
This person is probably a powerful manifester too and sets their intentions and goes after them. They have so much power and confidence also with the himself card they could be a dancer or love dance since he’s a dancer faerie they’re very much into creative shit. They seem very natural and not the type who got work done or wears too much makeup idk there’s like a wild energy lol like this bitch is from the damn forest. If someone attacked Taehyung this person would literally drop kick someone even if the person was bigger than them. Danu card is always protective and nurturing but ferocious if you mess with their person. Like “idc what you do to me but if you touch my guy I’ll end you”.
Now onto what Taehyung’s biggest turn offs in general are: death reversed and obsessed card lol oh god bro I am fucking done. His biggest turn off is when someone makes him the center of their universe. I mean this in the extreme way like “omg you’re my one and only we’re meant to be I think about you 5000 times a day and have an entire closet with all your pictures and I document your entire life” 👀 and he’s like uhh can you get a damn hobby? (That doesn’t involve me) Cause imagine someone’s entire life revolves around you. It’s sweet at first I guess? Lmaoo then it’s just creepy and like they have no life or personality without you. Death reversed is like something is plaguing you and following you around, pestering and annoying you. He must’ve experienced this shit irl lmao if it’s this strong with a major arcana to come up as a turn off. Cause major arcana are big ass life lessons. Like they thought he wouldn’t know they were secretly obsessed with his ass and used other people like his friends to get closer to him but I’m telling you Taehyungs intuition is something else and he always knows when people are some obsessed crazies. This is exactly why he’s so cautious now because of bs like that he can’t trust anyone. Like please stop acting like Jodi Arias and have some self respect.
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hi! Could i request hcs for Diluc and Xiao with a reader who is shy? Thank you!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: a few swears in diluc’s! (it’s like one or two)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: this is actually my first tumblr post.... ive been super busy with school, sports, and other stuff. sorry! ill try to write more in the future! (constellations has been doing everything so far since i still dont know how tumblr works lol)
also, these are stupid long... and for what.
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adventuring was a lot for you to process
okay, so maybe having your own Benny’s Adventure Team was not great while traveling through Dragonspine and Liyue
too many of everything
you ended up getting really beat up.
after passing through Mingyun Village, you could see Wangshu Inn and decided to stay there until you were healed up
you always found comfort in the night sky, so you went out there every day
It was your fifth night staying at the inn before you saw a short male standing on the balcony where you would usually be. Strange. You’d never seen anyone like that before.
You seemed to have caught him off guard when you started to approach him since he jumped a little. 
Taking a closer look at his face, you studied it a bit. He had golden eyes and dark teal hair that seemed to frame his face perfectly, accompanied by lighter streaks of the same colour.
Pretty... you thought, completely entranced by this strange man (boy?). 
“Ah, sorry. I’m probably disturbing you... I’ll go now...” 
He blinked. 
god he’s in love
not even romantic love but he loved you like the past adepti
xiao would see so many couples over the years that he’s been at the inn and absolutely hated them, but this?? 
okay it’s a different type of love but damn it felt nice
You started to turn and walk back to your room before hearing his voice.
On the outside, you were cooler than a cucumber. The inside? Chaos. Millions of thoughts raced throughout that little head of yours. 
“Only if you’re fine with it...”
Turning back around, you took a few steps forward before noticing that he wore a lot of accessories on him. One of them being a mask that resembled one of the Vigilant Yaksha’s in that one book you read as a kid. Probably just a fan or something.
You reached the balcony, taking a spot next to him while also keeping some space between the two of you. Leaning on the balustrade (the railing of a balcony), you rested your head on top of your arms.
A comfortable silence was placed in the middle of the two. A silent breeze blew, adding to the mellow mood. 
“What brings you here?” the pretty stranger suddenly inquired, gaining a small jolt from your serene state. “Did I scare you? My apologies.”
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing...” You lifted your head to look out at the lands of Dihua Marsh. Seeing Dragonspine in the distance gave you a chill. Those were not the greatest memories. The small movement didn’t go unnoticed by the boy.
“You’re an adventurer?”
“Oh... yeah, I am... I’m not that experienced yet, though...” 
for SOME REASON... this man felt even more inclined to protect you
you still had a fair amount of bandages wrapped around your limbs, so it was clear that you were injured
but he did not.
he has restraint.
he is a good boy.
“I met a traveler that wasn’t very experienced either.” This fact shocked you. So he has been here for a while... but why hadn’t you seen him before? Does he just... disappear into thin air..?
the answer is yes
he does indeed do that
but that’s besides the point.
“Oh... that’s nice...” 
It was getting late. The moon was starting to lower back down and the lids of your eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the minute. You let out a yawn, but it was muffled by your head being buried in your arms once again.
“You should go get some rest.” You hummed. 
Then, a thought popped into your head.
“If you don’t mind me asking... what’s your name?” 
Even though you weren’t facing him, you could feel his piercing gaze on you. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, but gave you a feeling of protection.
“Xiao.” You mouthed his name to yourself silently. It was nice.
“Goodnight, Xiao. I hope that we can do this again soon.”
“Goodnight to you...”
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you were a cryo catalyst that tried to fight against some cryo slimes alone
hint: that was a bad idea
my favourite elemental reaction was immune!
literally... you couldn’t even do anything to them
and you were getting beat up. 
for plot convenience you were at the lake next to Dawn Winery
At this point, you’d been fending these slimes off for around a quarter of an hour now and you were getting tired now.
Your dumbass tried to drown them in the lake but forgot that they immediately froze any moisture underneath them. You tried attacking them but everything you could do was inflict the freeze effect (against CRYO slimes). 
You literally could not do anything. Time to get frozen to death!
Suddenly, a big fire bird swept up the slimes that had been occupying you for the last 20 minutes or so, effectively taking them out. 
At this point, the only thing that kept you standing was your adrenaline, which quickly ran out as you dropped to the ground in exhaustion. You let out a sigh, finally free from those damned slimes. You will have your revenge one day... just not today.
While you were resting on the ground, your saviour had been standing there, watching you calm down. And so you looked up to be greeted by probing crimson orbs, which definitely startled you.
Your saviour was.... Master Diluc. Master Diluc Ragnvindr, wealthiest man in Mondstadt. Him. In front of you. 
“OH! I, um, Master Diluc! What brings you here?” 
“I was taking a stroll around the winery and happened to see you in your own predicament.”
You attempted to stand up, though your legs failed you as you only flopped back onto the dirt. 
diluc doesn’t wanna admit it but that was unbelievably stupid, cute, and endearing
okay and what if this emo boy doesn’t like people
he still has feelings too >:(
“I’ll stay here with you so you won’t get attacked again. So relax.”
Mans was telling you to “relax” while you were in the presence of a literal typhoon here. He was so brooding and scary-looking all the time that you couldn’t even try to relax.
A few minutes pass and the sound of water rushing was the only thing keeping you two company. 
It was nice to enjoy nature, but the tension between the two of you was still higher than ever.
To break this silence, you had tried to stir up some small talk.
“The weather is nice today, huh...”
He grunted, which seemed to be a regular response of his. You started to notice this after a few questions like “how’s your day been” or “have any plans today?”
Not that you were genuinely interested. You bet that he could tell that you were trying to make it less awkward by responding at all, but it just didn’t help at all.
You were probably sitting for a good 10 minutes before deciding to stand up again, in which you were successful. But could you walk back to the city?
That was debatable.
You definitely felt and looked unstable, so being the gentleman he was raised to be, Diluc reluctantly bent down and slung your shoulder over his.
The height difference between the two of you was pretty big, so he ended up just carrying you to his place. As goofy as it looked, it got the job done.
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― riri ✨
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elfdyke · 3 years
Watched Saw 1-3 & thought of smth.. I genuinely believe that Amanda was better of dying in her trap. I don't think that she ever deserved to be there but what John did to her was far worse a fate than death. I genuinely believe that Amanda thinks this too and it's one of the reasons why she rigged her traps in 3 to always kill. I think she believes she shouldve died and that surviving from a saw trap doesn't fix you and is just worse than dying. Maybe thats like what the lore is am I'm just realizing that now but eh.. Just some food for thought ig
HSJDJFNG ok most times when ppl say my fave character should die i would disagree but no like youre right unfortunately. if the only 2 options were for amanda to be groomed by john or die, i think at least towards the end of saw 3 even amanda wishes she had just died back then...
i do think one thing thats very interesting is amandas extreme will to survive yk? she did what barely anyone could; i havent looked at the exact numbers but very few people actually do survive jigsaws games. the fact shes always been so desperate to cling to life is definitely something i think john admired + something he wanted to use for his advantage. also like... thinking about this, her will to live, it makes you think abt her decision to shoot lynn at the end of saw 3. i can think abt it from a few angles but my main ones are "she did believe john + knew they would all die, but couldnt bring herself to risk john knowing what happened. she was acting on a suicidal urge and had essentially given up" vs "she didnt believe john, and the reason she shoots lynn is because shes too terrified of john learning the truth. she'd rather betray him again than possibly face the full wrath of john". honestly i pingpong between these, going back n forth. it really is something im curious about and think about a lot! i do genuinely think she was terrified of john though, and believed if he found out amanda was complicit in gideons death, whatever he did to her would be so much worse than dying.
(side note , im PRETTY sure john knew of amandas involvement in gideons death? at first when i wrote this i was 100 percent sure and now i actually talked myself out of it a bit x_x i was thinking she was picked to play because john knew of her involvement but actually.. i feel like john would have mentioned it in the tape? but idk.. and maybe the trap ripping her mouth open could have had something to do with like.. irony about her asking her ex bf to get the drugs? IDK. these are thoughts fresh off the dome)
ALSO WHAT YOU SAY ABT HER RIGGING..!! is one of my top theories!! i genuinely do think she believed she had been reborn at first, and feverishly devoted herself to john, but i think it only became clearer and clearer to her how fucked up and unfair jigsaws games are. she clearly believed adams involvement was unfair, she was ridden with guilt over it and i think killing him to save him was a main catalyst in her losing herself + her will to live. then you have the gas house, she saw nothing but violence and suffering in there and clearly got a first person POV that no one was getting better, people were only suffering or hurting others. like she saw how close xavier got to winning!? if daniel hadnt killed him he might have actually won! at least in her eyes he didnt grow from this. he was cruel and violent and chose to hurt others when it was never needed. man didnt even do his own trap. 😭 + eric matthews whole shit?? he didnt change. or grow. he was violent and cruel as well. and of course her own personal hatred + fear messed with her in regards to him, hes the reason shes even here yk..?? as fair as amanda knows, jigsaw ONLY targetted her because she was am addict. and she can solely blame eric matthews for that happening. the was she collapses in pain after the fight. i just think amanda was really letting it sink in, just how badly her life was turning out 😓
but yeah basically i think her making her traps unwinnable because she didnt believe anyone actually changes from them (+knowing it can make you worse) is a super compelling theory and i honestly agree. i could honestly see it as an act of mercy on her part. ntm all her traps (iirc) killed their victims instantly, whereas john would leave people to just die of thirst in dark rooms 😐. honestly all amandas traps were pretty kind in that regard 😭
.....also also i DO think amamda had the potential to be rehabilitated even during saw 3 when she was at her most detatched and unhealthy, i know she could have been saved if there was any effort put into it on someones part, but i seriously do not believe that the police department + courts would show her any mercy for being a jigsaw accomplice. like. at all @_@. and i think serving more jail time instead of getting actual mental health aid, would only serve to make her that much more hateful and withdrawn and violent :( its extremely sad imo. amandas story is so compelling to me because at pretty much every turn, if she had just been shown more kindness, is someone had just stepped in sooner, maybe things wouldnt have ended up the way they did :( but no one really cared about her, save for the small kindness that adam showed her in the hallway.. and that was too late 😥
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x-ladyathena-x · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Multi-POV (mostly reader POV with some Dean POV mixed in for clarity and understanding of the situation)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Fluffy Smut, Smutty Smut, idiots in love
Word count: 4k - Buckle in, it’s a long one! (that’s what she said?)
Summary: An evening at the bunker planning your next hunt takes a romantic & steamy turn as you and Dean confess your feelings for each other.
You’d just finished a hunt and made it back to the bunker. Tired and exhausted, you see Dean at his computer, probably researching the next job.
“Welcome back, Sunshine!” he yells across the massive room, eyes never leaving his computer screen.
You roll your eyes at the pet name, but laugh at the same time. “Smartass.” You mumble under your breath at him.
“Aww, you’re the sweetest, y/n” Dean smirks at you with his goofy fake cheesy grin.
After a little playful banter back and forth, you unload your gear and slump down into a chair at the table that Dean is sitting at with his laptop.
“whew! I’m beat.” You say, rubbing your eyes.
Dean Drains the last bit of the beer he’d been sipping on and gets up for another. He holds up his empty bottle, “want one?”
“yeah, grab me one too.” You say, thinking about the ice-cold deliciousness awaiting you.
Dean walked back to where you were seated. You’d pulled out your laptop by this point and had started running a map spread.
He walked up, opened your beer for you and presented it to you like a waiter in a fancy restaurant would present a bottle of Champaign. “Your beverage, ma’am.” Dean says with a slight bow.
You laugh and take the beer. While you throw your head back, savoring that first sip, you don’t notice Dean watching you with a little smile on his face from having made you laugh.
You set your beer down. “Ok, come look at this.” You say. You’ve got the map pulled up on your screen.
Dean comes up behind you. He places one arm on the back of your chair, the other balancing his weight on the table. You’re acutely aware of how close he is to you. Your body stills. The world around you slows, moving in slow motion. You can feel him hovering right over your shoulder and it feels like an electric charge coursing through your skin.
You swallow. “Right here.” You say, pointing to the screen. “we’ve got intel on vamp nests; here, here, there, and way over here. I think we should begin with this one.” You say pointing to the blue dot. “But I’m not sure when we should hit the others.”
Dean leans forward. He moves his hand from the back of the chair to your shoulder. His fingers graze the skin of your exposed neck. He points to the screen with the other hand. “Well green would definitely make sense to hit after blue. But, as for red and yellow? Shouldn’t make much of a difference which of those we hit after that.” His hand was still on your shoulder and he gave it a quick squeeze. “See? Easy as pie!”
He stopped, hesitating, and looked down at where his hand was. His eyes suddenly became hungry.
Dean slowly began trailing his fingers along the exposed skin on your neck. You leaned into his touch, his hands – his hands! You could feel the strength and power in them at their touch. Oh, that rough touch. It set every molecule in your body humming. When you let out a small groan of pleasure, you could have sworn you felt deans body waver for a moment.
Gently, he moves a wisp of hair that had fallen down the nape of your neck. Taking his time, he allowed his fingers to brush through your hair, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
You shudder and bring in a short gasp of breath at the light, deliberate touch. Gah… this man could bring you to your knees with one touch. Just melt you into a puddle.
Umm, wake up, y/n! you think to yourself. You’re a badass hunter. Humans and creature alike literally fear your name! And here you are melting at the touch of (of all people) Dean effin Winchester… Ugh, get it together, y/n!
You’d never told anyone but you actually really liked Dean. A lot. He’d been on your mind more than usual lately. Maybe it was all the time you two had been spending together? He was fun and funny. And Charming… Oh yea, charming. So charming he just loved charming his way into the pants of every girl he met. You felt your teeth clench at the thought.
Am I jealous? Is this jealousy? You think to yourself. Jealous… jealous of what? Nothing. Something? You didn’t know why you felt that way. Dean wasn’t yours, after all. You knew he only saw you as a friend. Someone to joke around with, hang out with on your days off. He’s made moves on other girls. If he were interested in you, he’d have tried to make a move already. But he hadn’t. Just a little light hearted flirting, but you knew that was his personality. So that’s that. But- but, this?
What was this? What was happening right now?
Dean leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of your neck, resting his forehead against your hair. A deep sigh and the soft flutter of eyelashes tells you that he closed his eyes as he breathes in your scent.
Was this it? Was he making his move? The feel of his face nuzzled in your neck lit a fire burning in your belly. Him. You wanted him. Needed him. And his body language suggested that he wanted you just as bad.
“Dean...” you say breathlessly.
“y/n, I- “
The sound of your name brings you back to your senses somehow.
Making his move. You think to yourself. On you? Who does he think you are?! Some tramp from the bar? How can this man both infuriate and arouse you all at the same time?! This was starting to feel like an emotional roller coaster that you wanted to get off of.
You clear your throat and decide to lay down the law. You needed to let him know that playing around wasn’t your thing. And, of all people, he should know that about you, ugh.
“I’m not one of your conquests. Another one-nighter. So, if that’s what you’re after, you can pump the breaks before you start any of your trusty old sweet talk like honey dripping from your lips.” Mmm… his lips… Snap back to earth, y/n!
He’s smooth, you give him that. And as bad as you’d love to throw him down right here and fuck his brains out, you gather your senses and realize that your self-respect and dignity are more important. But, oh… those lips. The high road sucks.
You take a deep breath, gather yourself, and continue, “I, unlike your long list of hit-em-and-quit-em’s, am a lot of hard work. I require dedication and respect.” You spat the last word out a little more icily than you meant to, but you were seething at the thought of his hands being on anyone else.
Did he just screw some rando less that twelve hours ago? You don’t know. Probably. You clench your fist at the thought.
Dean moves suddenly. Swiftly. Like the predator you know him to be out in the field while hunting. Taking you by surprise, he kneels beside you, grabbing both your hands, turning you sideways in the chair to face him. He looks up at you with deep sadness in his eyes.
“Y/n, I- I haven’t. N-not once. Not since I- I realized…”
Dean couldn’t stand it anymore; he couldn’t bear to hear the heartbreak in y/n’s voice. And he did hear it. Even though she tried to cover it; lacing every word with venom. He could still hear it. And it broke him inside.
What makes him good enough to deserve someone like y/n? She was way better off without a messy relationship with him. A relationship that would inevitably end in heartbreak. Heartbreak for one of them. Because in this life, the life of a hunter, having your heart ripped to shreds by the loss of a loved one was part of the reality. He was so scared to allow himself something good.
Good? Why do I deserve good? He thought. Maybe death and loss are part of everyone’s reality. Maybe, just maybe he was making the pain worse by fighting this… Maybe she, like him, was also scared. Would she even feel the same if he told her? What would he say? That he’d been in love with her for, well, he wasn’t sure when it happened. They’d always playfully flirted with each other. Sometimes she stole his beer, took a few sips, and handed it back. He liked the idea of putting his lips where hers had been. Dean imagined about how she would taste. He- he needed to tell her. Tell her everything.
Why was he making himself so miserable? This had to end, he was being stupid. It was his own fault for not confessing sooner. Dean gathered his courage. In one fluid motion, taking y/n by surprise, he knelt beside her, took her hands in his, and turned her body to face him.
Dean looked up at y/n. There it was. A mixture of torment, sadness, and longing. All weakly camouflaged by an icy look in her eyes.
“Y/n, I-“ Dean froze. I, what? Come on, spit it out, man! You’ve got this. “I haven’t.” Haven’t what?! Words. What are words? “N- not once. Not since I- I realized…” shit. Dean froze again as y/n’s breath quickened. Her eyes wide, listening to him speak. Her nails unknowingly digging into his palms in nervous anticipation of what he was trying to say. Why couldn’t he just spit it out?!
You feel your pulse racing. You’re hanging on to every word pouring from those perfect lips. Every. Word. As your gaze dances across painfully beautiful green eyes, your expression softens.
“Not since I realized I love you.” Dean finishes in a low, rough voice.
Your breath catches in your throat. Is this real? Are you breathing? Did Dean just say what you think you heard him say?
“Y/n, I love you. And I have for a long time now.”
You release a big breath that you didn’t even know you were holding. Gently you lift his rough hands up to your mouth, brushing your lips across his calloused knuckles.
Unable to speak, you keep your hands on his as he reaches up to your cheek to wipe away a single tear. Am I crying?! You think to yourself. Apparently. Yes. The rush of emotion and relief that you’re feeling, knowing that he feels the same way that you feel keeps you tongue tied.
Your reaction to his words was the catalyst Dean needed to keep going. He continued, “I love you. I haven’t been with anyone for a while now. Not since I realized that you were right in front of me the whole time. Exactly what I’ve been searching for.” Dean was on both knees by this point.
As if Dean were searching for the next words he wanted to say, his head dropped down against his hands (which were still holding yours in your lap) and he drew a shuddering breath.
You could feel his soft hair against your leg. Why does he have to be so damn sexy?! As he composes himself, you reach out and run your fingers through his hair. His head jolts up at your touch. You smile at him, “I love you too, Dean. I just never knew you felt the same. Why are you only telling me now? Why hide it for so long?”
“I didn’t want to hurt you. Or lose you.” He whispered as he looked up at you through his lashes.
“Hurt me? Uh, didn’t ya think this whole ‘apparent unrequited love’ thing was killing me too?” you say sarcastically with a smirk. But in truth, that wasn’t fair to Dean. Because he didn’t know how you felt either. You’d never told him. Sure, you always flirted with each other and you found him insanely attractive and hot. Especially when he got protective over you during a hunt, or some creep at the bar. How many nights did the two of you stay up laughing at each other’s stupid jokes and throwing back a few beers? You’d always enjoyed each other’s company.
You repeat yourself, but softer this time, with longing in your voice. “Why now, Dean? Please. Tell me.”
“Because I was tired of denying myself the one good thing that ever came into my life.” He said heatedly. “Because I can’t think when I’m around you. You drive me absolutely fucking crazy, y/n. I can’t sleep without thinking of you. I can’t eat, hell, I can’t even put a beer to my lips without wishing it was you that I had at my lips. I want. No. I need you in my life. By my side. I need to - taste you. Breathe you. Y/n, I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. I see it in your eyes, I see the way you look at me. And I’m scared shitless of how deep these feelings go. This-“ Dean gestured between the two of you, “Is something that I never even knew it was possible to feel.
Without skipping a beat, Dean put his hand behind your head and pulled you into his lips. It was a tender kiss. Gentle, soft. You could feel the fire growing inside you. He felt so good. Your hands found the stubble on either cheek as you kissed him back. His tongue slipped inside your mouth and found yours.
The kiss became more forceful, and full of need. You didn’t want it to stop. It couldn’t stop. If it did stop, that may be the end of the world as you know it.
Dean stood, pulling you up with him as he wrapped both arms tight around your waist. He began running his hands over every surface of your body he could reach. He pulled you flush with his body, never breaking apart your lips. You could feel the heat radiating off him. You ran your hands down his powerfully muscular back. This. This man. Him. Dean. Dean is what you want.
Dean broke the kiss apart. “I love you, y/n. I love you so damn much it hurts.” He said, his voice breaking.
“I love you too, Dean.” You say, smiling up at his face, tangling your fingers in his hair.
With a small grunt, Dean lifts you up by your ass and you instinctually wrap your legs around his hips. You feel a growing bulge in his jeans. You pull his face back in to yours. You can’t think straight, you want him so bad, you can taste it. Your core is aching with need. The need for him growing more intense. Only he can quench this fire burning you up.
Dean carries you clumsily down the hall to your room. Your arms still entwined around each other, holding each other together, holding the universe together.
Once inside Dean puts you down and you both stand there, staring at each other, breathing heavily. You both suddenly fly towards each other. Grabbing and pulling clothes, pulling each other’s lips down hard on your own. You unbutton Deans blue jeans and he unclasps your bra. Your t shirt and shorts long forgotten somewhere on the floor.
The feeding frenzy of ripping each other’s clothes off slows to a savory pace as you tug and pull off Deans pants, leaving nothing to hold down the massive tent in Dean’s boxers.
He pulls the straps of your bra from your shoulders, slowly. When the cold air hits your nipples, they perk instantly Dean lets out a sharp hiss. “Oh, y/n.” He teases the soft flesh. First with his thumb, then with his mouth. As you feel his tongue against your skin, you let out a sigh of pleasure. His eyes dart up to your face. He lifts his head and softly kisses you on the mouth. “I would love nothing more than to throw you onto this bed and fuck you senseless right now.” Dean said with a growl, but then his expression softened. “But if this is too much, we can stop. You’re in charge… as per usual.” Dean laughs at his own joke and you playfully smack him on the arm, grinning.
“Hey now!” you say laughing, “I’m not always in charge when we do hunts.”
Dean rolls his eyes and says sarcastically, “Yea, ok. Sure…”
You lean in and plant a kiss on his neck, “Well, I guess – since – I’m the one – in charge,” you say playfully between kisses. Trailing them down his chest and belly, stopping at his boxers. His erection obvious. “Then, I’ll accept nothing less than-“, you pull his boxers down revealing his full length. You flash your eyes up to his. He’s hungrily watching you, “-being fucked senseless.” You say as you take him into your mouth.
She was so fucking beautiful. Perfect. The most perfect thing he’d ever seen. As y/n started bringing her kisses down his torso, Dean could feel his erection stiffen even harder. When she stopped to pull down his boxers, he could feel his shaft weeping with anticipation.
He was so worried that he had crossed a line earlier. It totally took him by surprise that y/n wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.
“Well, I guess, since I’m the one in charge, I’ll accept nothing less than being fucked senseless.” Y/n said as she looked up at him with a mischievous sparkle in her eye. Damn! She was so hot. Dean had never been this riled up by anyone before. Oh, if that’s what you want, Baby, then that’s what I’m gonna-
Dean wasn’t able to finish his thought stream. Y/n had taken his whole length into her mouth. “Oh FUCK!” Dean screamed out, grabbing y/n by the hair. He slowly began to guide her head at the pace he wanted. Her tongue, her mouth, her! She was about to make him come already. Dean pulled himself out of her mouth. “Bed. Now.” He commanded with a sly smile.
Y/n laughed, “whatever you say, Baby.” As she climbed onto the bed, she did a dramatically slow striptease style crawl that made Dean’s erection throb.
Dean crawled up her body, kissing every inch of her he could reach. Y/n made a little pleasurable whine as dean kissed her thighs while he pulled down her lacy black thong. Her center was absolutely dripping wet. Dean wanted to live between those perfect thighs. Spend years there, never come back to reality. Was time even moving at all? What day is it? What year is it? He didn’t care. None of those things mattered. None of it mattered because he had his y/n. His. Mine.
The only thing that existed was the two of them.
Dean dove his face between y/n’s thighs to her soft center. She tasted like Spring sunshine. Dean took his time, savoring every shudder that ran through her perfect body. Every gasp, scream, and moan that came out of her perfect mouth. She was getting close to coming.
Your whole body is on the brink. Every move dean makes brings you closer to the edge. You need this release and you need Dean to give it to you. You feel yourself climbing, building, then suddenly – the earth shatters around you. You scream “Dean! Oh, DEAN!”
Dean keeps going while you ride out the high, he slowly brings you back down. You sigh, “Dean that- that was- I-“ you have no words. He seems to understand what you’re trying to say because he smiles.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
Your heart and core flutter at his words.
He climbs between your thighs, positioning himself at your entrance. You place your hands on his hips and start to guide him in. With one smooth powerful thrust, he slides his whole length inside you, filling you up, stretching you in the most delicious way. You both gasp. He smiles and kisses your forehead.
His pumps start slow at first, then become more deliberate, more powerful. You love the protectively dominate power he radiates as he’s on top of you. Dean is a MAN. And he feels good. He feels so damn good. You start to feel yourself building again to what you knew would be another earth-shattering orgasm.
Dean found his rhythm and savored every movement, every stroke. He could stay here for ages.
As you feel yourself building, your need for him grows stronger. Dean... He was yours. And you were greedy for more of him. As his rhythm quickened, you dug your nails into his ass pulling his thrusting hips toward you with more force at each thrust. He catches the hint.
Without ever breaking the two of you apart, he flips you over onto all fours and doesn’t hold back. His urgency makes you cry out in pleasure. “Baby, yes! That’s it!”
“You want more? You want me to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before?”
“YES!” you scream, reaching around and slapping his thigh. That does it. He unleashes himself. You hear him roar with pleasure, holding onto you so tightly, pulling you against him so fast and hard. The sound of flesh slapping echoed around the room mixed with both your cries of pleasure.
“Baby, I’m about to come!” you pant.
“Come on. Come for me Baby.” Dean says breathlessly. “I want to know that I’m the one to make you come.”
Dean was talking out of his mind in the throes of ecstasy. The thought of y/n coming… of him coming inside her, was throwing him over the edge. Just as he felt himself going over, he felt y/n tighten around him.
Just as you feel Dean twitching inside you, you feel yourself tighten around him. The sheer power of your shared climax hit you both like a freight train.
When you felt him pull out, you felt empty with his warmth gone. Dean lays back on the pillows and pulls you into his arms. You settle yourself in the warmth and comfort of his body. Dean absent mindedly plays with your hair as you lay your head on his chest and you both breathe heavily while you float back down to reality.
“Dean?” you say softly.
“That was amazing. Absolutely amazing.”
Dean chuckles and kisses the top of your head. “Glad I could be of service.”
He’s such a smartass, you think to yourself laughing. “I’m sorry I wasn’t more honest with you either.” You say, picking up your conversation from earlier. “I know I’m partly to blame for this dance we’ve been doing around each other for - who knows how long.”
“No, you were right. I should have just nutted up and told you how I felt. It just crushes me to think that I was causing you pain because you thought I was seeing other people.”
You absent mindedly draw circles on his chest with your finger. “I don’t know, I suppose we’re both to blame. I mean, look at this mind-blowing sex we could have been having all this time.”
This coaxes a real laugh out of Dean, and you feel his chest moving up and down from the laughter. But then he stops and you see a seriousness wash over his face. The same pain you saw in his eyes earlier, but maybe – perhaps you are imaging it – less pain, more - hope?
“I meant everything I said earlier.” Dean says in a husky, deep voice. “I am scared shitless to lose you, or to know that I’d be the source of your pain if you ever lost me. I mean, hell we’re hunters, we know how this ends eventually.” Still holding you tight, Dean continues, “I guess, If I’ve got one life to live, even if it’s a short one, I want you by my side. Always. I want you. All of you. The sassy you. The smartass you. The bossy you. The…” he paused to run his thumb across your lips, “The incredibly sexy you that I can’t keep my hands off of.” Dean smiles “I didn’t know that happiness like this, or these – feelings - were even possible to feel. And that’s just it. You made me feel. You pulled me out of a darkness that I didn’t even know I was in. You made me – free.”
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cto10121 · 3 years
R&J Clown Takes Round ♾ + 6
In which Mercutio gets much (shipping) love as usual, more “R&J is a comedy/not a love story!!” nonsense, dumb headcanons, and more general R&J clown-foolery.
Cool Fanfic, Bro
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You were told wrong, OP. I covered how Tybalt’s death was actually the catalyst elsewhere. Also, the Nurse is, too, a comic character providing comic relief, as well as the servingmen and Peter, yet they don’t die.
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I guess this is my dead-inside self speaking, but…why? What is so special about Benvolio’s and Mercutio’s friendship that they are even shipped together? They have no romantic interaction or tension, all of their conversation is either about Romeo or the plot, and their dynamic overall is “Mercutio talks shit and Benvolio just tags along/humors him.” Romeo and Mercutio have more fun repartee in ONE scene than Benvolio and Mercutio do in the whole play. And then just before the duel Mercutio is ragging on Benvolio for secretly loving to fight and picking fights over dumb shit. #RelationshipGoals But I don’t know. People who ship Bencutio—what’s the draw to this ship for you?
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Definitely, right? Romeo is so aromantic/asexual he has sex with Juliet on their wedding night. #JustAsexualThings #YouKnowYou’reAsexualWhen
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Yeah, friends who have the same friend in common talk and hang out together a lot????? That’s unheard of, man.
“R&J Isn’t A Love Story Waaahhh”
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OP shows (1) insightful braincell…before they cheerfully yeet it in the trash. Yeah, R&J is definitely portrayed as ~silly but beautiful—just look at how Shakespeare sinks the Juliet/Paris and Romeo/Rosaline ships so hard and portrays R&J’s relationship. Definitely the work of someone who is purposely writing R&J as a dime-a-dozen couple.
As for Juliet “resenting” her controlled existence and “relishing” her one chance at agency, that is non-canon. Actually, she comes across as very obedient in her first scene, to the point of silent and, well…16th century basic. “Je veux vivre” is simply a Gounod addition.
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Shakespeare was so tired of instalove, he made fun of it by writing his own instalove love plots with Rosalind and Orlando, Phoebe and Rosalind (one-sided), Olivia and Viola/Cesario, all the four ladies and lords of Love’s Labour’s Lost, and Ferdinand and Miranda! Of course!!! What else would you do????
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“Main love story is true, but also not love story.” You were so close, OP, what happened? Love stories and tragedies are not mutually exclusive, you know. In fact, I daresay the standard love story apart from the chivalric romances is tragic. Don’t feed the clowns!
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You mean the myth where Eros kidnaps Psyche from her forced wedding/death pyre, takes her to his palace, has sex with her and impregnates her invisibly, and hides from her until she sneaks in trying to kill him because her sisters convinced her he was really a beast, only to flee from her while his mother does a Hera and makes her do seemingly impossible tasks?
Er. YMMV, de gustibus and all, but it has always been a very confused myth to me.
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To be fair, I also did wonder why the Friar jumped to that conclusion and the exact nature of Rosaline’s chastity vow. English major minds think alike, it seems. But of course there are other explanations: Romeo may not have told him (unlikely, but there it is); Rosaline may have taken the vow for personal reasons, not religious ones, which would explain why the Friar, if he knew about it, did not take it seriously and why he thought Romeo had a chance with her after all. The vow could have just been to get all the men and fuckbois off her back, not just Romeo. But Rosaline’s making up the vow entirely just to get Romeo from ~stalking her is pure headcanon clownery.
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freddiekluger · 4 years
Why Cap Being Internally Closeted Is Not Only Possible, But Valid Representation 
i wrote this to a lot of mitski and onsind, so you can’t blame me for any feelings that bleed through
now i don’t know if it actually exists, but i’ve heard of there being a lot of discourse surrounding the captains story arc regarding his sexuality- i believe the general gist is that having a queer character that remains closeted to themselves is either unrealistic or ‘bad’ representation, and as someone who really treasures the captain and relates to his story so far a lot, i thought i might break this down a bit. 
i’ve divded up every complaint i’ve heard about this into four main questions which i’ll be covering below the ‘keep reading’, because this is gonna be pretty comprehensive. full disclaimer i reference my experiences as an ex-evangelical non binary butch lesbian a couple times, and i spent a year studying repression and the psychological impacts of high demand sexual ethics for my graduating sociology paper, so this is coming with some background to it i swear
the big questions:
can you EVEN be gay and not know it????
but isn't this just ANOTHER coming out arc, and aren't we supposed to be moving beyond those?
but if cap can't have a relationship with a man because he's a ghost, what's the point?
since cap's dead, isn't this technically bury your gays, and isn't that bad? 
1. "but is it really possible to not know? Isn't that bad representation?"
short answer: no and no.
before i get into the validity of the captain's ignorance about his own orientation as 21st century rep, let's break down how the hell the captain can be so clearly attracted to men and still not even consider the possibility that he might be gay, as brought to you by someone who literally experienced this shit.
the captain's particular situation is both a direct result of the lack of information around human sexuality he would have had (aka clear messaging that it's actually possible for him to be attracted to men. i don't mean acceptable or allowed, i mean physically capable of happening- the idea that orientations other than heterosexual exist and are available to him, a man), and a subconscious survival mechanism. the environment in which he lives is outright hostile to gay people, while the military man identity he has constructed for himself doesn't allow for any form of deviation from societal norms, let alone one so base level and major. as a result of this killer combo of information and environment, instincts take over and the mind does it's best to repress the ‘deviant’ feelings until a. one of these two things changes, or b. the act of repression becomes so destructive and/or exhuasting that it becomes impossible to maintain. the key to maintaining a long-term state of repression of desire is diverting that energy elsewhere, and a high-demand group such as the military is the perfect place for the captain to do this (this technqiue is frequented by religions and extremist ideologies worldwide, but that’s not really what we’re here to focus on). 
while the brain is actively repressing ‘deviant’ feelings (aka gay shit), this doesn't mean you don't experience the feelings at all. when performed as a subconscious act of survival, the aim of repression is to minimise/transform the feelings into a state where they can no longer cause immediate danger, and something as big as sexual/romantic orientation is going to keep popping up, but as long as the individual in question never understands what they’re feeling, they’ll be able to continue relatively undisturbed. you know how in heist movies, the leader of the group will only tell each team member part of the plan so they can’t screw things up for everyone else if they get caught? it’s kind of like that.
this is how the captain appears to have operated in life AND in death, and it’s a relatively common experience for lgbtq people who’ve grown up in similar circumstances (aka with a lack of information and in an unfriendly-to-hostile environment), and accounts for how some people can even go on to get married and have children before realising that they’re gay and/or trans. 
personally, while i can now identify what were strong homo crushes all the way back to childhood, at the time i genuinely had no idea. there was the underlying sense that i probably shouldn't tell people how attached i was to these girls because i would seem weird, and that my feelings were stronger than the ones other people used to describe friendships, but like-like them in the way that other girls like-liked boys? no way! actually scratch that, it wasn't even a no way, because i had no idea that i even could. i even had my own havers, at least in terms of the emotional hold and devotion she got from me, except she treated me way less well than cap’s beau. snatches of the existence of lgbt people made it through the cone of silence, i definitely heard the words gay and lesbian, but my levels of informations mirrored those that the captain would have had: virtually none, beyond the idea that these words exist, some people are them, and that's not something that we support or think is okay, so let's just not speak about it. despite only attending religious schools for the first couple years of primary, until i got my own technology and social media accounts to explore lgbtq content on my own- option a out of the two catalysts for change- the possibility of me being gay was not at all on my radar. don’t even get me started on how long it took me to explore butchness and my overall gender, two things which now feel glaringly obvious. 
when shit starts to break down, you can also make the conscious choice to repress which can delay the eventual smashing down of the mental closet door for a time (essentially when the closet door starts to open, you just say ‘no thanks’ and shut it again by pointedly Not Thinking About It). in the abscence of identifying yourself by your attractions, it becomes quite common to identify with a lack- in my case, this meant becoming proud of how sensible and not boy crazy i was, and in the captain’s case, this means becoming proud of how sensible and not sensuous/wild (aka woman crazy) he was, identifying with his LACK of desire for women and partying (which, even in the 40s, involved the expectation of opposite sex romances and hook ups). i’m not saying that’s the only reason he’s a rule follower, but i think the contrast between About Last Night and Perfect Day pretty much support this. (the captain getting on his high horse about general party antics that he inherently felt excluded from because of underlying awareness of his difference & his tendency to project his regimented expectations of himself onto others, vs. joining in the reception party, awareness of how the environment supports difference in the form of clare and sam, and relaxing his own rules by dancing with men- the captain doesn’t mind a party when feels like he has a place there.)
so the captain was operating in a high demand, highly regulated environment (primarily the military, but also early 20th century England itself), with regimented roles, rules, and expectations. working on the assumption that he wouldn't have had out/disclosing lgbt friends, he would have had little to no exposure to lgbt identities, and what information he did receive would have been hushed and negatively geared. while my world started to open up when i started high school was allowed to have my own phone + instagram account, resulting in me realising something wasn't quite 'right' within a few years (making me a relatively early realiser compared to those who don't come out to themselves until adulthood), in life the captain never had that experience. he didn't receive the information he needed, his environment didn't grow less hostile. with the near-exception of havers related heartbreak, his well disciplined and lifelong method of repression never became destructive/exhaustive enough to permanently override the danger signals in his mind and allow him to put his feelings into words. neither of the most common catalysts for change happened for him, so he continued as usual, even after his death.
BUT, and here’s where we come to why this is actually great representation, arrival of mike and Alison represents the opening up of new world. for the first time, the captain is actively made aware of the fact that his environment is no longer hostile, and better than that, it’s affirming. he’s also getting access to positively geared information about lgbtq people and identities, so option a of the two catalysts for change is absolutely present, and resoundingly positive. 
the captain’s arc is also relatively unique as it acknowledges the oppressive nature of his environment, but actually focuses on the internal consequences, and the way that systems like those that the captain lived in succeed because they turn us into our own oppressors. for whatever reason, we repress ourseslves, and often can’t help it, and i find that the significance of the journey to overcome that is often overlooked in more mainstream queer media. perhaps it’s just not very cinematic, or it remains too confronting for cishet audiences, but ghosts manages to touch on it with a lovely amount of humour and hope. Jamie Babbit’s But I’m A Cheerleader is another favourite piece of queer media for the same reasons.
not only does it show this, but as the captain continues to get gayer and lean into some of his less conventional traits (like an interest in fashion and the wedding planning), it shows lgbt people who have been or are going through this that there CAN be a positive outcome. it takes a lot to unlearn all the things that have painted you as wrong, especially when a massive institution is desperate to continue doing so, but you can do it, you can be happy, and it's never too late. (i've been meaning to say that last point for ages for ages, but a mutual beat me to it here)
2. not just another coming out arc
i absolutely support the demand for queer stories that don’t center around coming out (it’s like shrodinger’s queer: if you’re not coming out on screen, do you really even exist?), but i don’t align with the criticisms that the captain should already be out. for the reasons mentioned above, the captain’s particular story is fairly different to the ‘young white teenager who mostly knows gay is fine, it’s just everyone else that’s got the problem, but have a unremarkably straight sounding soundtrack, a trauma porn romance, and a cishet saviour’ that we keep seeing. the captain’s ongoing journey with his sexuality emphasises the overaching theme of the show: recovering from trauma and humanity’s endless capacity for growth, and i think that’s worth showing over and over again until it stops being true.
additionally, while the captain’s journey regarding his gayness is a big part of his character and story, ghosts makes it clear that it’s not the ONLY part, and being gay is far from his ONLY characteristic or dramatic/comedic engine. the fact that i’m even having to congratulate ghosts for doing that really shows how much film and television is struggling huh.
while all queer media is, and should be, subject to criticism, i think if it helps even one person then it absolutely deserves to exist, and i can say i’ve found the captain’s journey to be the lgbt story i’ve found that’s closest to my own, which says a lot considering he’s a dead world war 2 soldier who hangs out with other ghosts including a slutty Tory, a georgian noblewoman, and a literal caveman. 
3. if captain gay, why he no have boyfriend???? 
another complaint that’s been circulating is that since the captain doesn’t, and likely won’t, have a boyfriend, that makes him Bad Representation because it follows the sad single gay trope. i kind of get the logic from this one, and a lot of it is up to personal interpretation, but part of me really enjoys the fact that the captain’s journey towards accepting himself is separated from having a relationship.
coming out is often paired with having romantic/sexual relationships (either as the reason or reward for doing so). my own struggle with repression didn't end the second that came out, and i still struggle with letting myself develop & acknowledge romantic feelings as a result of actively shutting them (and most other feelings in general) down for years, and statistics show that lgbtq youth in particular tend not to live out their 'teen years' until their twenties. by not giving cap a relationship straight away, ghosts separates the act of claiming identity and sexual orientation from finding a partner (two things which are, more often than not, separate), and also provides some very nice validation to folks who have yet to have the relationship they want, especially when lots of mainstream queer media is now jumping on the cishet media bandwagon of acting as if every person loses their virginity and has a life defining relationship at sixteen. it’s essentially a continuation of the earlier theme of “it’s never too late”, and who’s to say the captain won’t get a gay bear ghost boyfriend to go haunt nazis with??? people die all the time, it could happen.
(also, i think him and julian will have definitely shagged at least once. it was a low moment for both of them and they refuse to speak of it.)
lots of asexual/ace spectrum fans have come out to say how much they’ve loved being able to headcanon cap as ace, and while that’s not a headcanon i personally have, i think it’s brilliant that ace fans feel seen by his character- we’re all in this soup together babey (and sorry for cursing everyone still reading this with that cap/julian headcanon. i’m just a vessel)
4. “okay, but cap’s a GHOST- doesn’t that make this Bury Your Gays?”
this is a bit of a complex one, but i’m going to say no as a result of the following break down.
Bury Your Gays (BYG), aka the trope where lgbtq characters are consistently killed off (and often with a heavy dose of trauma, while cishet characters survive) is probably one of my least favourite lgbt media tropes. BYG has two main points:
1. the lgbt character is killed, thus removing them from story entirely- hence the use of the phrase ‘killed OFF’ (killed off of the show/film)
2. the character’s death reinforces the perception that lgbtq people’s lives must end in tragedy, instead of being long and fulfilling, or are inherently less valuable. bonus points if the character is killed in a hate crime or confesses same-gender love right before they die (that one implies that queer love genuinely has no future!)
not every death of an lgbtq character is bury your gays, and i personally feel that the captain is an example of an lgbt death that isn’t. 
first of all, while the captain is dead, so are the vast majority of characters in ghosts. the premise of the show means that death is not the end of the line for its characters- for most of them, it’s the only reason we get to see them on screen at all. as such, the captain being dead doesn’t remove him from the story, so point one is irrelevant.
at the time of posting, we don’t know how or why the captain died, but we've had nothing to suggest his death was in any way related to his latent sexuality, so his mysterious death doesn’t actively play into the supposedly inherent tragedy of queer lives, nor the supposedly lesser value. that’s as of right now- since we don’t know the circumstances of his death it’s a little tough to analyse properly. while the captain’s life absolutely features missed opportunities and it’s fair share of tragedy, hope and growth (which seems to be the theme of this post) abounds in equal measure. the captain may not be alive, but we DO get to see him growing and having a relatively happy existence, that for the most part seems to be getting even better as he learns to open up and be himself unapologetically- that doesn’t feel like BYG to me.
while writng this, it’s just occured to me that death really is a second chance for most of the ghosts, especially with the introduction of alison. from mary learning to read, to thomas finding modern music, they’ve all been given the chance explore things they never could have while they were alive, and hopefully grow enough to one day be sucked off move on.
in conclusion,
i love the captain very much and i hope his arc lives up to the standards it’s set so far. i don’t know where to put this in this post, but i’d alo like to say i LOVE how in Perfect Day, the captain wasn’t used as an educational experienced for fanny at all. i am very tired of people expecting me to be the walking talking homophobe educator and rehabilitator, so the fact that it’s alison and the other ghosts that call fanny out while the captain just gets to have fun with the wedding organisation made me very happy.
here’s a few other cap posts that i’ve done:
the captain’s arc if adam and the film crew stayed
a possible cap coming out 
the captain backstory headcanon
if you’ve read this far,
thank you!
also check out @alex-ghosts-corner , this post inspired me very much to write this
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fenristheorem · 3 years
How do you think Valkyon and Gardienne relationship would be in ANE? if Valky were alive🤧(Headcanon or just comment❤️)
Post-writing note: This answer got sort of long, so it’ll be under the cut lol.
Aww, this ask is really a heartbreaker! Valk was my original route - his death really hit me and still does sometimes... 😔
Well, considering how their relationship in origins was positive (regardless of if they were a couple), I think Valk would have an even more positive view of Guardienne in ANE after she sacrificed herself. Valk always seemed to have a strong sense of responsibility, and while he wouldn't force someone to sacrifice for Eldarya, I don’t think he’d stop them either; he'd be sure to honor their memory and keep them alive by spreading the story of their bravery.
Now going into detail about this is where things become hard. Technically, Fafnir's prophecy suggested that the only way Lance would give up his war path against Eldarya was by killing his brother - which would snap him out the blinding emotions he felt for years on end. However, let's assume that something different happened, like Valk managed to convince his brother to see the horrible truth of his actions. I don't want to include the scenario where Lance died instead because I want to talk about Valk's opinion on Guardienne's relationship with Lance, since her relationship with Lance would probably be a major part of Valk's relationship with her.
If Valk were still alive it would have changed a lot of things - Ezarel (and many others) may not have left in that case. I'm not sure, but we do know he left because he couldn't stand being in the guard and being reminded everyday of everyone lost in the war - and that would probably effect their relationship too, but I'll stick to a simple overview for now.
He'd probably trust her more on missions now in terms of knowing she can defend herself - while being aware of the fact that she'll likely still wind up in the Infirmary despite his best efforts. Of course, he'll also set a training routine with her to assure that her swordsmanship gets back to how it used to be.
I have a feeling that Valk being alive with Lance and Guardienne now prowling around the guard will have a bit of a triangle effect. Being brothers, Valk and Lance care deeply for each other (while not being afraid to kick the shit out of each other on occasion - let's face it; they're still brothers), but their opinions on Guardienne may differ a bit and cause a rift between the three of them. Since Valk would deeply respect Guardienne, he'd probably want Lance to try and be closer to her as well, or at very least he'd want their past issues to be smoothed over. Now going into the New Era that we know, Guardienne flipped out on Lance when she first saw him for multiple reasons, and is still pretty pissed about his presence for many similar reasons - Valk's death likely being one of those major reasons. If Valk were alive, not only would Guardienne probably have a bit of a less hateful view on Lance (after all, its one thing to start a war but another thing to kill your own brother. While they're both definitely terrible, doing both will always weight heavier than if only one was enacted), but Valk would likely try and convince both of them to see the good in each other as well. He'd advocate that Lance should be patient with her until she settles in and he'd try to be a catalyst so Guardienne can warm up to Lance sooner and see his better side.
I wouldn't be surprised if they still hung out as close friends and - knowing how Valk was typically very calm and easygoing - he'd probably like hanging out with Mathieu and the others too. Being Lance's brother, he'd push for Lance to be more integrated as well, which would again mean that Guardienne would need to be around him more and would likely adjust to him sooner. Basically, Valk bridges the gap between the guard and Lance, but I don't see anyone actually hating him for doing so; he'd be a mending force for the guard. Guardienne sacrificed to save Eldarya, and Valk was the damage control for afterwards so the members of the guard created less rifts among themselves.
In the rare case where Valk and Guardienne argued, I imagine he'd take her seriously - but he's still logical. He would weigh her worries or reasons for anger based on facts and opinions that he knows, so while he'd probably respect most of her opinions I imagine he'd try to reason with her to dismiss her concerns. This, again, could be a major difference if Lance is kept alive. If he died, I couldn't see Valk and Guardienne arguing too much as there wouldn’t be many prominent things to argue about that concern both of them, but in the scenario where both brothers are alive I can see Valk and Guardienne arguing regarding Lance, and those rough emotions could reflect in some other parts of their relationship. This will cause a rift for a while until Guardienne learns that Lance really has changed, and if she desires to know more I imagine she'd then probe Valk for information. I could then easily see her in the long run sneaking around asking one of the two dragons about information on the other brother, or if she has an argument with one then the other will approach her and try to be a mediator for them.
Valk would be of great importance to the guard, Lance, and Guardienne by being able to mend any bitter emotions, and once things have been mended I could see him and Guardienne working and spending time together - with others or without - simply due to the fact that they enjoy being around each other and respect each other.
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