praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
hi! i havenā€™t abandoned this blog, im just going through a rut in my writing right now and that extends to ned, unfortunately. i will pop up here and there, but if youā€™d like to keep contact, you can ask for my discord!
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
\ * / Ā  š™»š™°š™³š™“š™øššˆšš‚ Ā  Ā : Ā  Ā sansa.
LIPSĀ  QUIVERĀ  asĀ  silkĀ  -Ā  smoothĀ  tearsĀ  fallĀ  overĀ  perfectĀ  porcelainĀ  skinĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  thoughtsĀ  driftingĀ  toĀ  brotherĀ  otherĀ  thanĀ  robbĀ  .Ā  Ā  Ā  branā€™sĀ  justĀ  aĀ  babyĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  butĀ  sansaĀ  alreadyĀ  lovesĀ  himĀ  moreĀ Ā ā€“Ā  Ā  Ā heĀ  doesnā€™tĀ  teaseĀ  herĀ  forĀ  wantingĀ  storiesĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  goodĀ  storiesĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  withĀ  princessesĀ  &Ā  Ā  Ā  knightsĀ  &Ā  Ā  Ā Ā loveĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  theĀ  sortĀ  sheĀ  deservesĀ  .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā robbĀ  usedĀ  toĀ  playĀ  withĀ  herĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  toĀ  beĀ  herĀ  princeĀ  /Ā  Ā  Ā  knightĀ  whileĀ  jonĀ  &Ā  Ā  Ā  theonĀ  wereĀ  dragonsĀ  /Ā  Ā  Ā  krakensĀ  .Ā  Ā  Ā  butĀ  nowĀ  heā€™sĀ  discoveredĀ  swordsĀ  /Ā  Ā  Ā  bowsĀ  &Ā  Ā  Ā  arrowsĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  notĀ  payingĀ  sansaĀ  aĀ  secondĀ  thoughtĀ  .
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ā›Ā  Ā  Ā Ā NOĀ Ā .Ā Ā iĀ  donā€™tĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  cryĀ  inĀ  frontĀ  ofĀ  youĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  fatherĀ  .Ā  Ā  Ā  ladiesĀ  donā€™tĀ  cryĀ  &Ā  Ā  iĀ  amĀ  aĀ  ladyĀ  ,Ā  Ā  Ā  nowĀ  . Ā  Ā Ā āœ
āĀ  Ā  Ā SANSA----Ā Ā Ā  āž Ā Ā  his voice abruptly cuts off,Ā  Ā  the sudden urge to call his wife wells in his throat,Ā  Ā but heĀ Ā quicklyĀ  dismisses it.Ā  Ā  Ā he was the lord of winterfell;Ā  Ā  if he couldnā€™t help his children make peace between themselves,Ā  Ā  HOW WOULD HE DO THE SAME FOR THE NORTH ?Ā  Ā  a father should be a voice of reason,Ā  Ā  strongĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  UNMOVING IN HIS LOYALTY---Ā  Ā  that much he knew.Ā  Ā  āĀ  Ā  youĀ Ā AREĀ  a lady,Ā  Ā  dear,Ā  Ā  but even queens cry sometimes.Ā Ā  āž Ā Ā  none of his internal disorientation manifests in his tone;Ā  Ā  his words come gentle,Ā  Ā  patient.
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āĀ  Ā Ā  ššš™“š™¼š™“š™¼š™±š™“šš šš†š™·š™°ššƒ š™ø ššƒš™¾š™»š™³ ššˆš™¾šš„Ā ?Ā  Ā  wolves are STRONGER in packs because they have their kin to rely on.Ā  Ā the starks are no different.Ā Ā  Ā there is no shame in asking your father for help,Ā  Ā  evenĀ  for a lady.Ā  Ā Ā āžĀ  Ā 
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
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Vanilla Sky, 2001; Dir: Cameron Crowe.
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
i love your take on ned so so much and it inspired me to buy the books! do you have any other asoiaf characters you love beyond him? iā€™m looking forward to reading them since the show fell flat a long time ago for me.
omg, first of all, thank you! i canā€™t believe you actually bought all the books hdsjhdsjh theyā€™re so expensive (at least at the major bookstores), but if youā€™re using an e-reader i imagine itā€™s much cheaper.. also yeah, the show.. changes the little things that completely destroy a lot of insight that the books gives you. i rewatched the first episode and iā€™m telling you.. the whole thing between cat and ned was twisted.
as for your question, i really adore robb too. i have a thing for characters like him (and ned, obviously) and while i havenā€™t read much of the first book, i heard his character progression is amazing. him being called the young wolf not because heā€™s a stark and heā€™s.. young, but because heā€™s ferocious.. that really gets me omg. honestly, all of the characters are super interesting, i try not to have a bias (heh) when i read because then i disregard all the chapters that arenā€™t about, in this case, ned. so try to keep an open mind if thatā€™s something you struggle with, and youā€™ll surely enjoy your read!
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
ā€œthe king dies, ned stark thought, and the Hand is buried.ā€
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
being the lord of winterfell is not at all comparable to being the lord of any other major kingdom (im referring to the seven kingdoms before the unification). thatā€™s not something that should be boasted either; the ruler of the north has so much land to cover, itā€™s insane. just the starksā€™ territory is almost as big as the othersā€™ combined. not to mention, they have that Wall and its operations to worry about. i bring all of this up just to emphasize how much ned didnā€™t want to be the lord of winterfell after his older brother died. imagine losing two of your siblings, bringing home a child who everyone thinks is your son, but is actually rhaegarā€™s and lyannaā€™s son.. so the targaryen bloodline isnā€™t actually completely gone (im assuming they didnt know about viserys and dany).. keeping that secret alone could be treason, not to mention, ned would be betraying his best friend, robert. heā€™s marrying his brotherā€™s fiancĆ©, because thatā€™s just the custom, and he has no idea whatā€™s to come of that. no one ever taught him how to rule winterfell, and now heā€™s supposed to somehow keep almost half of the seven kingdoms in check. at the age of 20. okay.
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  the haunting of hill house Ā  Ā  sentence meme.
Ā  Ā  episode 1 - 3
itā€™s okay. go back to bed.
you okay? you scared? thatā€™s okay. i get scared too sometimes.
why are you awake?
your big brother must have scared her away. big brothers are good like that.
the big dreams can spill out sometimes.
how long do we have to live here?
do you remember that storm?
iā€™ve never seen a ghost.
i donā€™t need to say goodbye.
i need you to call me.
thereā€™s nothing easy about this house.
this doorā€™s been locked for years and years and years and years, so if thereā€™s a pony in there, itā€™s dead.
i know you donā€™t need me to tell you this, but literally everything is an emergency with [name].
look, i canā€™t deal with this right now.
thatā€™s why everybody dumps their shit on me, isnā€™t it?
whereā€™d you come from?
iā€™m just kind of a germophobe.Ā 
i know you normally prefer the company of cold stiffs.
i mean, sheā€™s sweet enough but - pile of issues.
whoā€™s saying itā€™s quick? iā€™m a giver.
youā€™re like a guy. youā€™re worse than a guy, youā€™re like a frat guy.
when i said you could live here, i wasnā€™t expecting the pussy parade.
iā€™m drawing boundaries, which is something you might want to look into.
sheā€™s got one foot in crazy and the other on a banana peel.
we gotta get out of here right now.
you keep your eyes closed no matter what you hear. you donā€™t open them. you promise?
you donā€™t just get to call me and tell me what to do.
a ghost can be a lot of things: a memory, a daydream, a secret. grief, anger, guilt.
iā€™ve seen a lot of ghosts. just not the way you think.
this is the worst of the bullshit- worse than the tabloids.
i need to start a real life for my own family.
no one will come any nearer than that.
something tells me they werenā€™t too scared of the dark.
science isnā€™t an exact science, you know.
how do you spell ā€˜no girls allowedā€™?
i used to have imaginary friends, too. they go away when you get bigger.
thanks. i needed a good scare.
you just stood there and watched him loot me?
iā€™m going to fix her.
every house needs a heart, and this is ours.
a house is like a personā€™s body.
when youā€™re little, you learn how to see things that arenā€™t there.
i told you, iā€™m too old for tea parties.
i donā€™t blame you for screaming.
thereā€™s no such thing as ghosts and you know it.
you can pay me back when youā€™re a famous writer.
imagine the worst thing possible, assume itā€™s true, and go from there.
why are you banging on the wall?
i told you she was in trouble.
you know how when you take one of your pictures, you capture something forever, just the way it is? stories do that, too.
when we die, we turn into stories.
weā€™re all stories in the end.
this is too much for anyone.
codeineā€™s finally kicking in.
sheā€™s gonna have a pretty messed up view of death coming out of this no matter what.
iā€™m sad, too. so sad, i canā€™t even tell you.
i handcuffed him to a radiator downstairs. heā€™s not going anywhere.
i just wanted to say break a leg - and if you make a run for it, iā€™ll keep the car running, okay?
you have another nightmare?
you can sleep with me for tonight.
youā€™re really freaked out, huh? ease up a little.
youā€™re squeezing too tight.
the stairs - the third step from the top, it makes a sound.
heā€™s always smiling, but he isnā€™t happy.
when i was little, i was afraid of a lot of things.
kids like us have been through more than other kids.
the foster care system isnā€™t the easiest place to grow up.
do you feel cold right there?
this whole house is cold.
youā€™re out of mustard and youā€™re almost out of turkey.
you always figure out how to help.
ugh, what is that smell?
i was trying to take ownership of something that doesnā€™t belong just to me.
iā€™m trying to do the right thing.
maybe itā€™s a middle child thing, but i just would rather focus on living my actual life right now.
want to let go of his arm?
you donā€™t have to be so mean about it.
thereā€™s a ladder down here on the wall. you can come get me.
thereā€™s something down here!
itā€™s okay, baby, weā€™re right here.
something grabbed me! monster! it was a monster!
we didnā€™t know you were intoā€¦?
sorry to bring this up again, but why the hell would she go to that house?!
donā€™t elaborate. donā€™t offer information thatā€™s not requested.
i donā€™t want to have to tell them that iā€™m fucking pissed at [name] who should have known better.
nobody ever believes me.
i believe you.
i was just out and about and thinking about your case.
you just have to trust me on this. i havenā€™t been wrong before, have i?
iā€™m sure the guy will confess if you just get them here.
i really, really donā€™t like that you went down there by yourself.
weā€™ll talk a lot more about it as you get older.
if youā€™re feeling overwhelmed and you think nobody will understand, you can talk to me. about anything.
iā€™m pretty good at secrets.
you got a couple things wrong in there, by the way.
that was really wild stuff considering that you were asleep for, what, like ninety-nine percent of it?
iā€™m gonna get my fucking phD.
i thought i heard somebody down here.
make up something thatā€™s gonna piss her off less than the truth.
we barely said two words to each other.
can we take a second and talk?
what do people usually talk about?
she just needed help and no one was listening.
so should we talk about your day or would you rather come to bed?
you get in, lock the doors, donā€™t unlock until you see me come outside.
donā€™t touch me!
touch me.
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
wait.. reblog my promo.
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
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YOU WEAR YOUR HONOR LIKE A SUIT OF ARMOR,Ā  Ā  stark.Ā  Ā  you think it keeps you safe,Ā  Ā  but all it does is weigh you down.Ā  (Ā  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  )Ā  Ā no one will ever meet a wolf more honest,Ā  Ā  more honorable than eddard.Ā  Ā /Ā  Ā strictly based on a song of iceĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  fireĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  on headcanons.Ā  Ā  written by rose.
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
āĀ  Ā  PLEASE,Ā  Ā  SANSA,Ā  Ā  OPEN THE DOOR.Ā Ā Ā  āž Ā Ā  he taps his knuckles on the wooden frame once more,Ā  Ā  his gazeĀ  firmlyĀ  watching the shadowsĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  lights that spill from the small opening underneath the entrance.Ā  Ā  he could only imagine his daughter POUTING,Ā  Ā  her arms crossed in a demanding fashion,Ā  Ā just next to the door.Ā  Ā  a hot temper to rival her motherā€™s,Ā  Ā  but a mind like her fatherā€™sĀ  Ā  ---Ā  Ā  OR SO HEā€™D LIKE TO THINK.Ā  Ā  when catelyn came to him,Ā  Ā  flushedĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā ever - so - slightly agitated,Ā  Ā  spilling to him his childrenā€™s latest quarrel,Ā  Ā  HE COULDNā€™T HELP BUT LAUGHĀ Ā Ā  &Ā  Ā  claim that theyā€™d solve it on their own;Ā  Ā  itā€™s what heĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  his siblings did after all.Ā  Ā  the starks stay together,Ā  Ā  no matter howĀ Ā heatedĀ  the disagreements may be.Ā  Ā  however,Ā  Ā  catelynā€™s insisting request brought him here now,Ā  Ā  pleadingĀ  with his first daughter.
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āĀ  Ā  robb wasĀ  onlyĀ  teasing,Ā  Ā dear.Ā  Ā  if you let me in,Ā  Ā  we can discuss what sort ofĀ Ā PUNISHMENT you feel he deserves.Ā  Ā āž Ā 
@ladeiys .
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
THE DAYS WERE LONGĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  THE NIGHTS LONGERĀ  Ā  ;Ā  Ā  eddard stark could never find a momentā€™s peace within walls he once found quiet comfort in.Ā  Ā  there were alwaysĀ Ā DULLĀ  duties to tend to,Ā  Ā  taxes to enforce,Ā  Ā  laws to uphold.Ā  Ā  he still feels the burden of his title,Ā  Ā  just more than a year old now,Ā  Ā  even though he had cast the ornate furs to the sideĀ  Ā  ---Ā  Ā his boots,Ā  Ā  caked with snowĀ  Ā  Ā &Ā  Ā  mud,Ā  Ā  lie not far either.Ā  Ā  Ā tonight,Ā  Ā  he takes his dinner late,Ā  Ā  AS HE DOES MOST DAYS.Ā  Ā  it isĀ Ā nothing against his sons or his wife,Ā  Ā  but everything against himself.Ā  Ā  he still feels like heā€™s nothing more than a paperweight in a mold he could not fill,Ā  Ā  ššƒš™·š™øšš‚ šš†š™°šš‚ š™·š™øšš‚ š™±ššš™¾ššƒš™·š™“ššā€™šš‚ ļæ½ļ潚™»š™°š™²š™“, Ā  Ā š™½š™¾ššƒ š™·š™øšš‚Ā  Ā  ---Ā  Ā  the hot plate placed before him looks asĀ Ā pitifulĀ Ā as he feels.Ā  Ā  but when he hears soft footsteps in the hall,Ā  Ā  he allows NONE of his concern to weigh on his brow or gaze.
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āĀ  Ā  catelyn ?Ā  Ā  āž Ā Ā  his voice softĀ  Ā  &Ā  Ā  gentle,Ā  Ā  matching his equally amiable smile.Ā  Ā all cautionary,Ā  Ā  EVEN AWKWARD,Ā  Ā  but never ingenuine.Ā Ā  āĀ  Ā Ā iā€™m sorry if i woke you,Ā  Ā  my lady,Ā  Ā  i will join you soon.Ā  Ā  today was more .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  Ā hecticĀ  than usual.Ā Ā Ā  āž
@tullyheirā€‹ .
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
like for a starter .
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
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praketos-blog Ā· 5 years
tag dump.
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