#his bitterness over her controlling him is truly Not Helping Things my goodness
fox-guardian · 2 months
i am going to pet sam on his silly little head i love him so much. ough.
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Love? Match. (Aemond Targaryen X Stark! Reader)
This is for a request I got! If people like it, i'll do a part two <3
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“Delusional. She is absolutely delusional!” Aemond grumbled, mostly to himself as Vhagar landed on a mount of snow with a low grumble. His breath was turning to fog everytime it left his body, his nose and cheeks flushed from the icy cold. This was the worst type of cold in the world. No sun, no fluff to the snow, just bitter. His nose ached, and his body shivered as he slid down Vhagar’s wing. The great beast would not meet his eye, and he could tell that she was certainly not pleased with him right now.
“I know, I know,” He mumbled, reaching to rub the scales that covered her face. “I will be quick,” he said, but he didn’t think that to be true. The North was stubborn, it was cold, and it was the closest thing to The Seven Hells. With every step, he cursed beneath his breath. Perhaps he should’ve landed closer to Winterfell, but landing that close with a dragon would not be a good look. And while he did love to intimidate, it would do nothing but create enemies. Of course, there was always the option of burning the land, but that was not truly his style.
 When he finally caught a glimpse of the building, his eyes narrowed into slits, his lashes coated with snowflakes and his vision frosted 0ver. IF one were to cry, their tears would turn to ice on their face. He was surprised that the very saliva in his mouth had not hardened. Taking in a deep breath, he rubbed his hands together to create a heat, hoping with every bone in his body that it would spread. He was told to aim for Cregan Stark. His mother believed it would be the best of ideas, since men could bond easier, and perhaps he could fish out some sympathy. He would have to get to them before the Blacks, or else they could plant whatever ideas they wanted, and it would grow out of his control. When he finally saw the first flashes of black hair, it was a miracle. 
“My Lady,” He called out quietly, taking a few steps closer. She was covered in a heavy cloak of animal skin, and her dark hair was twisted into small buns around her ears, like makeshirt earmuffs. Her face was red from the cold, and her eyes were big and endearing, almost like that of a cow about to be slaughtered. His eye lingered for a moment before he took the rest of her in, noting the metal jewelry around her neck and fingers. She wore several rings, each with a different stone, and he wondered what it would feel like to press a kiss to the back of her hand. “Are you a Stark?” He asked, despite knowing the answer. This would be difficult to play out. He wasn’t a man to stay away from violence, to use words over a sword. And it was hard to convince himself that this would work out, but he swallowed his doubts as he spoke. 
“Yes. You are a long way from home, are you not?” She asked. Her voice was quiet, but it had a certain power to it, her head tilting upward, almost as if challenging him. Her dark eyes looked him over, and a smile pulled at her mouth. He was glad for the cold now, because the redness of his face would hide his blush.
 “I am, My Lady. The West is in great need of help,” He spoke. She nodded, and she began to walk, not saying anything. It baffled him slightly, and he quickly started to follow her. Perhaps leather in the cold was not the best of ideas, because he grimaced every time it touched his skin. Fur would have been a much better choice.
 “And so I have heard,” She sighed, leading him further into the snow, until he could see smudges of people in the distance. “But what I fail to understand is how that is our problem,” She spoke, a brow raised. Ugh. Her voice was just so enticing, and he could feel his body warming up from how flustered she was making him. It was disgusting, and he shook his head to clear his thoughts. 
“You understand that Targaryen’s do not back down from a fight. We will destroy each other, and we will destroy you, too. You must pick a side, there is simply right, and wrong,” He spoke, pausing in his steps as she walked along the ice. He was not nearly as graceful as her, and he moved with caution, trying not to go sliding into the mountains of snow. 
“And who is decide what is right from wrong? Because forgive me for my honesty, but I do not believe your brother has ever done a right thing in his life. The wind speaks, and we hear of his sins. We would never bend the knee to such a man,” She spoke, and he felt himself groan internally. Her words were.. Well, true. He had no interest in submitting to Aegon either. His ultimate goal was to get himself on the throne and hope that his elder brother would drink himself to his death. It was a terrible thing to think, but Aegon was a terrible man. Such a fate would only make sense. His life’s worst regret was helping Ser Criston into searching for the boy. He clearly didn’t want the weight of the crown on his head, and he knew nothing about anything. He could not tell his right from left, and he knew nothing of history or politics. 
“And I deserve to be punished for that?” He asked, looking down at her. She was a fair bit shorter than him, but just as muscular, if not more. She had broad shoulders for a lady. His Uncle Daemon had once said that a Northern woman was about as feminine as a beast, but… she was, well, she was pleasant on the eyes. 
“Do not twist my words,” She spoke. “Besides. The North has nothing to give to you. We are dying left and right. The winter is harsh, and the cold is taking limbs and lives. We cannot fight in your silly war,” She responded. He didnt’ say anything for a long moment, following her gaze out to the wall. It was haunting. The sky was dark, and it was impossible to tell night from day. He didn’t like it one bit, he could not imagine living here, or how they could survive at all. He wondered where the food came from, before he realized, it wasn’t coming from anywhere. They couldn’t grow food, and there was no warmth.
 “What if, in exchange for your loyalty, we provided food and safety to your land?” He asked. He could practically see the gears turning in her head, and he fought the urge to smirk. She definitely didn’t see that coming. “Ah, you would like that, wouldn’t you?” He asked softly, his voice tickling her ears. Her eyes were clouded with thoughts, and it took her a moment to respond.
 “I would like you to speak with my brother,” She spoke, leading him toward the building. The change from the cold to the heat was shocking and welcomed all at once. Itches grew across his body, and he could feel the snow in his hair melting down into water, making his white hair cling to his head. 
“How are we to know that you are not speaking just to speak? I could agree, and you could give nothing.” She spoke, leading him through the building. Her boots left wet footprints across the stone, and he took in a deep breath as he scratched at his neck. His clothes were sticking to his skin. This really was hell.
 “I am not one to back down on my word, My Lady.” He said quietly, drawing in a deep breath as she started climbing up the stairs. He had no idea how much time had passed, chewing the inside of his cheek. “That does not mean much to me, My Prince. I do not even know which one you are,” She said, making him chuckle.
 “Ah, so I see my fame does not spread this far,” He spoke, and his ego was a bit bruised. “I should have introduced myself. I am Prince Aemond Targaryen, My Lady.” He said, gently taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it, his mouth lingering for a moment. Her skin was warm on his cold lips, and he looked at her hands curiously, reaching for her left. No wedding ring. Fascinating. 
“Ah, the infamous Kinslayer. I know you now,” She said. Her eyes showed nothing, and he squinted slightly. 
“As could be said for most of my family members. We are not known to be… agreeable,” He said softly. He wanted to know more about her, but she was hard to read. His hand was still wrapped around hers, tracing patterns along the veins beneath her skin. 
“Hm.” She hummed, saying nothing more as she held his hand, practically dragging him up the stairs like a dog. When she reached the top, she pushed open a door, a group of men sitting awkwardly, their heads whipping toward the sudden intrusion. “Brother,” She spoke, making a boy sigh. “We have an offer from the West,” She spoke, making the room go quiet. Aemond could tell that she was a mighty little thing, no one spoke a word against her. It was a bit of a culture shock, seeing the way that women were treated here compared to back home. At the small court, his mother hardly got a word in, and she’d have to use him and his brother as puppets.
 “An offer?” He asked, standing up. He was a big thing, as all Northern men seemed to be. He had a face that looked like it was carved in stone, permanently unimpressed. He was not nearly as beautiful as his sister, in Aemond’s opinion, at least. “This… boy claims that in exchange for our support and men in his stupid, meaningless-” She paused, drawing in a deep breath. “In exchange for our support in the Western war, he will provide us with food and materials to last us the winter,” She spoke, brows raised. The two seemed to be communicating with their eyes, and Aemond could tell by the way that she stood that she was challenging him.
 “Sister, what of-” The man didn’t seem to know what to say. “We pledged our loyalty to the Targaryens long ago. But with them going against each other, either side is a fair pick. We may as well choose the side that will benefit us both,” She said, staring at an older man that was sitting in one of the chairs, a brow raised. After a moment, he got up, moving a few paces back so she could take the seat, crossing her legs. Cregan looked at Aemond, head tilting. He was intimidating in a way that was different from the Prince. While Aemond had a carved face and relied on his dark clothes and gaze, Cregan had a natural superiority to him. He was broad and calm, which was the worst. He didn’t show any displays of anger or distaste, he just nodded slowly. “
And is the Prince unwed?” He asked. Aemond’s heart thumped, and he straightened his back even more. This was not part of the plan. He just had to hope his mother would not be angry with him. Marriage was one of the greatest weapons at all. It could be used to bond and manipulate, and it was something that would be in the history books. It would combine their names and their value, and hopefully, give him more access to the other side of the Kingdoms. 
“He is not,” Aemond said in response. No one had really spoken directly to him, he felt like such an outsider. Cregan’s face broke into a smirk. 
“Well, sister. If we are taking all that we can..” He trailed off. It was weird. Aemond had never been spoken to in this way. It was both humbling and exhilarating. He wanted to argue and say that he never agreed to it.. But at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt.
 “And it would give us access to more weapons and money,” The Stark girl nodded in return. When Aemond came to the North, he did not expect to be leaving with a betrothed. But when two hours had passed, she was following him back to Vhagar, a quarter of her things packed into a bag on her back, her eyes narrowed as they walked. He was so awkward, not saying anything as they approached the giant beast that was Vhagar. He just hoped that the Lady Stark would not react negatively, or Vhagar might eat her. “Gīda, Vhagar. Sȳz va se riña.” He spoke, slowly stroking Vhagar’s snout. 
“I did not realize how big she was,” Lady Stark admitted after a moment. She did not look horrified, in fact, she seemed almost awestruck. Aemond smiled a little at her words. 
“The largest in the world. She is the greatest protector of Kings Landing at the moment, protecting us against our treasonous kin. My uncle has been our greatest threat, you would not like him very much,” He said quietly, taking her hand and leading her to Vhagar’s giant saddle. “Are you ready to fly?” He asked softly. He wanted to reach out and touch her face, and he was thrilled to feel her arms around him as they climbed onto the large dragon. 
“Is now a terrible time to mention that I am afraid of heights?” She asked softly as her arms went around his torso. Her arms were strong, maybe just as strong as his. 
“That it is,” He smiled, placing one of his hands over hers before they took off. To his delight, she did not scream, she just clenched her eyes shut nice and tight, and held him as they shared warmth. He knew that Vhagar could feel it, this odd feeling growing in his belly like a disease. It wasn’t love, it was.. Infatuation, perhaps. He held his lady as Vhagar’s wings steadied, rubbing her hand in slow, circular motions as she eventually fell asleep. He just hoped that she would not fall. The flight was long and covered the both in snowflakes, and he let out a breath of relief as the air grew heavy and humid once more. The air of the West tasted warm and almost oily on his tongue, the smell of mud and trees tickling his nose with familiarity. 
“Wake up, my beauty.” He mumbled softly, nudging the Stark as they made their descend back to the land, Vhagar’s mighty claws slicing into the dirt, sending a spray of dust across the field. She groaned softly, and she seemed to already be reacting to the change in weather, sneezing as she got off of the dragons back. There was not a moment for them to speak before his mother was rushing toward him, her face falling a bit when she saw the girl. Her mind was going to all the wrong places, praying that her son had not kidnapped the girl as ransom or something. 
“Mother,” He spoke, taking her arms as she approached. She was stressed constantly nowadays, and the death of his father had aged her ten years. Her brown eyes were tired, and her hair was disheveled, despite the constant conditioning treatments. 
“Aemond,” She said, her voice coming out sleepy and cautious as she eyed the dark haired lady. 
“Relax, mother. This is my betrothed,” He said softly, reaching over for her arm, slowly bringing the Stark closer as though trying to introduce two dogs, hoping they would make friends. 
“Your betrothed?” She asked softly. It was hard to tell if she was angry or simply shocked. But after a moment, a tight smile spread on her face. “And you did not think to ask? Or…” She trailed off, swallowing her words. 
“We do not have the luxury of taking things slow in war, mother. And with our marriage will come a bond between us and the North. They will fight with us if we give them the resources they need,” He said softly, and her brows scrunched. 
“And what resources would those be?” She asked, seeming rather irritated. 
“Food, clothes, safety. We need the soldiers to stay alive if we want them to fight for us. And Lady Stark has much knowledge, politically and socially,” The more he spoke, the more she seemed convinced, and after a moment of thinking, her gaze softened.
 “Very well, then.” She said, gazing back at Lady Stark. “We will get you a nice warm bath and some tea immediately. You can sleep in the guest chambers,” She spoke, slowly nodding. Some servants came to take Lady Stark’s bag, but she quickly waved them off. She did not like being separated from her belongings, and when the brunette was finally out of earshot, Alicent turned to her youngest son. “You cannot simply make decisions like that without warning,” She spoke. She didn’t know why she was angry.
It didn’t have much to do with the war at all, but rather, it was the feeling of losing her youngest child. He had remained unwed this long, and he was her best child. She would forever regret what she did to Aegon and Helaena, and she had prayed every night to The Maiden and The Mother for Aemond to get a love match. To find someone that could give him the care and understanding that she could never provide. And now he would be marrying a stranger. But at the very least, they were the same age. And Lady Stark seemed kind enough. 
“It is not a good idea to get married when the world is like this. If Daemon finds out..” She trailed off. She was very aware that Rhaenyra’s family was seeking revenge due to Aemond’s disgusting actions. And she would hate to see the Lady Stark be caught in the crossfire. “You will have no grand wedding. There will be no celebration. It will be private, and you will say nothing to anyone at the court. There are spies everywhere,” She warned, and anxiety burned in Aemond’s chest. He hadn’t thought about that, and he did not care to think about it anymore.
When he finally found himself in bed, he watched the ceiling as he desperately hunted for sleep. When it did not come, his mind wandered and his eyes shut as he thought about Lady Stark. Her arms around his torso, the feel of her head on his back, the way her breath hitched the higher they got, all those rings on her fingers- and how she would wear one from him soon, too. The more he thought, the more he wondered, and slowly, his feet touched the stone floor, and he crept to his door, slowly opening it. His guard stood outside, brows raised. 
“Going somewhere?” He asked. 
“Yes.” Aemond responded, slowly making his way down to the guest chambers. It was a walk of shame of sorts, having to walk past all the guards as they stood by his siblings and mothers chambers. They all gave him small nods, and he sighed, considering turning around. The servants would talk. The Knights would talk. It was a bad idea, but he was so close, and slowly, he knocked on the door of the guest chambers. When there was no answer, he was about to knock again, when the door suddenly whipped open. Lady Stark was staring at him, her skin still rosy and warm from her bath, her hair wet and combed out, slowly curling up again as it dried. Her ears had been covered previously, and he smiled as he saw her in full. She had such little ears, like a cute little mouse. He could almost laugh at the thought. 
“Can I help you?” She asked, arms crossed. He smiled at her feistiness, looking at her nightclothes. Her robe was comically large, and he made a small promise to himself that when the war was over, he would have some fine clothes made for her.
 “I cannot find sleep. I was hoping you would speak with me about our arrangement,” He said slowly. She looked suspicious, but nodded after some time, stepping aside to allow him into the room. The guest chambers were nothing special. A big bed with generic blankets, a washroom, a bathtub, a chamber pot, some towels, and a fire place. A dresser and a wardrobe, a bookshelf with only two volumes on it. It was dull, but she seemed to light it up.
 “My mother says that our marriage will be a quiet one. This is a dangerous family, you understand,” He said softly, following her mindlessly and heating up when she sat on her bed. She just looked so lovely like this, and he cleared his throat, averting his gaze. 
“I am well aware. When are the supplies going to the North?” She asked. She had her mind set, and her desires were clear. 
“Soon, my lady. We will marry tomorrow once the sun falls, and the day after that, I will bring the delivery myself,” He spoke. They were big promises, but he knew he could do it. When he was very young, he had an obsession with agriculture for some months. For his 14th name day, he had requested only books and seeds, and of course, a greenhouse. A greenhouse that was run by servants and farmers, and was full of plants and vegetables that were ready to go. Perhaps they could build a greenhouse in the North, and they could use mirrors and glass to direct the sun toward it. 
“Very good.” She says softly, shifting a little on the bed. “Are you going to stand there forever, or will you sit?” She asked, staring up at him. His eye widened, and he looked at the mattress. It was far softer than his own, and he could only imagine the back ache if he fell asleep on it. But he could not deny her, sitting a good foot or so away. 
“...I cannot imagine this is what you envisioned when you were a girl, dreaming of marriage,” He said quietly, making her let out a laugh. Not a soft giggle, but a full belly laugh, a soft wheeze escaping her. “You think young girls dream of marriage?” She asked, as though the idea was ridiculous. “Tell me, My Prince, have you ever spoken to a woman?” She asked him. The answer was of course, no, not really. He had interacted with his mother and sister, but outside of that.. Well, did the Septa count? Probably not. 
“Not often.” He admitted. She nodded, smiling a little as she reached out to touch his cheek.
 “Oh, I imagine you scare off the western ladies like the plague, with this little thing of yours,” She said, reaching for his eyepatch as he turned his head away. Yes, of course. That. 
“It is not my best feature,” He said, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice. 
“Says who?” She asked, head tilted. He couldn’t tell if she was teasing or not. He grew hot at that, looking awkwardly at his hands.
 “Says most,” He spoke. He sounded pathetic. He hated what she was doing to him, but he couldn’t get enough. 
“Most people are not worth your time or mine. Now, I am tired, and I am looking forward to sleeping on this giant thing,” She sighs, flopping back on the bed, arms above her head and her legs parted like a starfish. 
“You enjoy it, my Lady. When the war ends.. I will get you the biggest bed the world has to offer,” He said softly, and after a moment of thinking about it, he finally reached out and touched her hair. It was slightly rough in his hands. It was not silky like his own, and it was much thicker, as though she had adapted to the cold air of the north. 
“You make a lot of promises. We will start with the marriage, then the supplies, and we will see where we end up,” She spoke, taking his hand and pressing a kiss to his palm. Gods. He felt like he was full of Milk of Poppy. Utterly euphoric. Now he understood why men loved brothels so much. He would pay an embarrassing amount to feel this way every day. 
“Sounds.. Sounds good,” He says, voice cracking a little. She smiled teasingly, gently pushing on his chest. 
“I will see you tomorrow, my Prince.” She spoke as he headed for the door, and he mumbled under his breath. 
“I will see you tomorrow, My Love.” He mumbled so softly that not even the strongest of ears could hear it. That night, he slept like an infant, dreaming of the days to come.
thank you to everyone who reads!! <3
-BK ♡
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artists-ally · 10 months
{Show Me Where It Hurts} Azriel x Reader x Xaden Riorson
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Sooooooo I had a thought. And then this happened. That's all I'm gonna say. Just two shadow daddies doing unspeakable things. Title inspired by this song. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7,238
Warnings: ACOTAR x Fourth Wing, alcohol, smut, MMF, Oral (m and f receiving), DP, dom/sub vibes, use of the nickname "pet", bondage, shadow play, degrading, spanking, choking, spitting, unprotected sex.
Tagging: @needylilgal022 @librafairy @cyrygher @agent-anna @thelov3lybookworm @blessthepizzaman @bubybubsters
Summary: After a miserably failed night out, you decide to head to a local bar to drink away your sorrows. Two males, one of them being your Court Spy Master, the other a stranger, approached you.
“Are you kidding me?” “I understand your frustration but-”
“My frustration?” I shouted, eyes wide. “What do you mean he did book a reservation?”
“There has been no reservation made under that name. I am truly sorry, Yn. But it looks like he may have… done it on purpose?”
“No,” I shook my head. I could not fathom being stood up let alone whatever this was. “No this cannot be right. I-I spoke with him this morning, he said that our table was reserved for tonight.” The hostess offered me a kind look as the realization slowly settled in my bones. “Oh my gods… he set me up.”
“If I were you,” the pretty Fae came around her stand and took my hands in hers. “I’d find a way to forget about that damned male. He clearly is undeserving of you or your kindness. I wouldn’t sweat it, a pretty one like you won’t go unnoticed for very long.”
I tried to smile, but a grimace was the best I could do. “I feel like such an idiot. Thank you for all your help…” I paused to look at the little tag on her black tunic. “Jasmina.”
“My deepest apologies, Yn,” Jasmina waved as I exited the restaurant and the bitter Velaris air nipped at my bare shoulders. 
What a fucking lame excuse for a male. How dare he stand me up on a date? He was the one practically begging on his knees to ask me. I should’ve known better. Males like him do not like females like me. 
In an attempt to not let the night–or the fierce outfit I put together-go to waste, I went a couple streets over to a tavern. It had a nice ambiance and a surplus of good liquor. The dark, rustic interior greeted me with a ploom of warm air and the scent of cheap ale and wine. 
After hanging my coat on the rack at the front, I weaved through the rather crowded space to hopefully snag a stool at the bar. I was lucky enough to get one at the end, only one person to my left and the wall to my right. 
I just sighed. What a shitty day. I had spent a few hours getting read, and for what? To be made a fool? To be embarrassed? I shouldn’t have to pay the consequences for something I didn’t have control over. I swear to the gods that if I ever see what’s-his-face again I’ll put my fist through it. 
“Evening, milady,” the polished man behind the counter said. He had a thick beard and a mustache that curled up on the ends. He had a thick accent too, probably from somewhere in the hills. “Celebrating tonight?” “More like mourning,” I huffed, bracing my chin on my palm. 
“Terribly sorry for your loss,” his eyes softened. “Oh,” I gave a chuckle. “No, not a death. I just came in from what was supposed to be a date. Turns out I was set up and he wasn’t going to be coming.”
The male scoffed. “The boldness from some of the males in this city.”
“Tell me about it.”
“What can I get for you?” He asked, wiping a few glasses down and setting them atop a stack.
I looked at the board behind him, the list of crafted beverages going on and on. “Maybe something sweet?”
“Do you like cherries? Passion fruit, pineapple maybe?”
“Cherries are wonderful,” I sat up a little straighter. “I honestly couldn’t care less about what alcohol is in it. You had me at cherries.”
The male smiled, “I shall put in an extra just for you, darling.”
“Thank you,” I smiled and watched him get to work. 
The tavern was far more crowded than I expected for a weekday. There were more people than tables and chairs to accommodate them. Some even sitting on the tables. But the hum of voices and clinking glasses was the type of ambient sound that could put me right to sleep if I laid my head down. 
I felt incredibly comfortable and safe here. Not that I didn’t other places in the city, but something about being here was… calming. People were enjoying themselves, and it was like I was the only person in here with a scowl on their face. 
The crack of billiards had my head turning the other way as I saw a group huddled around a green velvet table with colored balls scattered around. I recognized one immediately as our High Lady. And right beside her was the High Lord. 
“This is called a cherry sour. It is made of distilled vodka and lemon. I added some cherry syrup to give it a little extra sweetness for you,” he said, placing the drink in front of me. 
“It looks lovely.” I smelled it and it was strong. When I took a sip, it was like my brain blew up. The most strange combinations of flavors, yet somehow it all worked. The brutal burn of the alcohol mixed with the bitter lemon and sweet cherry made my stomach burn. “I see the High Lord is in tonight.”
“Yes,” he nodded, “he is here with the High Lady and a few of their courtiers. The commanding general as well as the Morrigan. And the shadowsinger is here… somewhere. He was with another male when he walked in.”
“I have visited other Courts before. I have never seen any of their High Lords step foot outside of their palaces to so much as wave at their people let alone live amongst them like Rhysand does.”
The craftsman nodded in agreement. “He is not the traditional Lord our continent has come to know, and that is what makes him a vital part of our city. He’s our founder. He built our sanctuary not for us but for himself, too. It is only fair that he dines and plays games where he chooses.”
“Have you ever met them?” I asked curiously. 
“Of course, they are here a few times a month. Morrigan and Cursebreaker’s sister are in here more.”
I glanced again, finding a few more heads now joining them. The general, Cassian, was in conversation with a shorter male, his brown hair glistening in the overhead light. He had a tattoo on the side of his neck and it disappeared underneath the collar of his black shirt. 
At first I thought it to be the shadowsinger but it wasn’t him. His hair was too light. The more I looked, the more I realized that he looked a little out of place. He had darker skin than either of our Illyrians, and he didn’t have wings. For just a second he turned his head and I caught a glimpse of a scar on his face. Above his left brow and below his eye.
He was very pleasant to look at. 
“I will be back, I need to break up some ice in the back,” the bartender spoke generally to the crowd. In a second he was out of sight and out of mind. I could not stop looking at this male. 
The curls in his hair looked soft and fluffy and I really wanted to run my fingers through them. Though he was shorter than the general, he was at least a head taller than me, if not a half more than that. Whoever he was…
That couldn’t be the shadowsinger, could it? From all that I’ve heard of the illusive male this did not match any of the descriptions. He was just as tall– if not taller– as Azriel, but the hair… It was too light. And now wings. No shadows. Our High Lord can summon his wings, maybe the others can as well? Plus, I’ve heard that the scars the shadowsinger has on his hands are rather brutal. This male didn’t have any scars on his hands that I could see.
The air around me cooled and I shivered, wishing I had brought my jacket with me. It was like a door just opened and a draft seeped in around me. Up my legs and around my ankles. 
To not appear creepy I looked elsewhere, not finding any of the other males in the room as interesting as the one with the brown fluffy hair. There was a couple sitting in a booth across the room, very clearly struggling to keep their affection tame. Another was dancing together and I became painfully aware of just how awful my dating life had been. 
I threw back the rest of my drink, just as the bartender returned and ordered a few shots of something stronger. Much stronger by the smell of it. The warmth of it spread through my arms and fingers and the room seemed to get a little rowdier. 
“Before I pour another, milady, I would just like to ask if you have a safe way to get home,” he asked kindly. 
I smiled at the tenderness in his voice. “Yes, I live right down the way in the set of townhouses by the Sidra. Two minute walk.”
“Excellent.” Another shot was placed in front of me. 
I kept sneaking glances at our High Lord and Lady. They looked so magnificent. Like a true emperor and empress. And they looked so happy to be together. Not with just themselves but with the general and whoever this other male was. Perhaps someone from Illyria?
Again, the whole no wings thing was throwing me off. 
Wait, where did he-
“Excuse me,” a deep, rough voice said from beside me. My eyes met the most beautiful set of eyes I’ve ever seen. A dark, almost black color with flecks of amber and gold. It was the male I had been gawking at for the past half hour. He had an accent like I’ve never heard before. “I am Xaden.”
I stared at his extended hand for a moment before shaking it. “Yn.”
“Yn,” he practically purred. “A very beautiful name.”
It was hard not to blush. “I don’t mean to sound rude but are you-”
“Hey, there you are. We were just about to start another game did you…” The Spy Master of the Night Court stopped right beside him. His hazel eyes locked with mine and my stare darted between the two. The two very attractive, tall, muscular males in front of me. “Hello there.”
“This is Yn,” Xaden introduced me. “I was just about to ask if I could buy her a drink but I think you had a question for me?”
All thoughts leave my brain. Just above the shadowsingers shoulders lay his wings, and curling around them were those infamous shadows. The most lethal male on the continent stood two feet from me. And he was looking at me like… I didn’t let myself finish that thought. 
I cleared my throat, “I was going to ask where you’re visiting from. You have a very… foreign accent.”
Xaden smiled a little and I thought I’d collapse on the ground. “I come from Navarre. A place far from here.”
“I’ve never heard of Navarre,” I said truthfully. But if males like him came from there then maybe I need to visit. 
“It’s not entirely accessible,” he folded his arms across his chest. His very muscular and sculpted chest. “I am just visiting a friend.”
I looked at Azriel, who, much to my surprise, hadn’t taken his eyes off me. I shifted in my seat. “You two are friends?”
“Only recently,” Azriel spoke and I felt his voice crawl down my spine. “Xaden here is the closest thing to me that his puny world has to offer.”
“Puny?” Xaden’s eyes went wild. “Take away your wings and siphons and see how well you do as Basgiath. I doubt you’d last five minutes on Sgaeyl in a basic flight maneuver.”
“Basgiath? S-Sgaeyl?” The names were so weird in my mouth. 
“Basgiath is the name of our War College. And Sgaeyl is my dragon.”
His what?
“Riroson here thinks that I couldn’t mount and ride a dragon. I’d like to see you take on the Bogge or a Naga with those tiny daggers of yours,” Azriel broke his gaze away from mine to take a sip of whatever was in his glass. “Pathetic.”
“You have a dragon?” I most certainly didn’t hear him correctly. “But they’re-”
“Not where I’m from, they’re not. See, we don’t have magic like you do here in Prythian. Back home, we have to study, bond with a dragon, and then we get the ability to channel their power. Mine just so happens to be shadow-wielding. Apparently this one could feel it across our world and tracked me down. He’s been teaching me for a few years now.”
“And somehow you still can’t manage to winnow,” Azriel rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Some of us haven’t had centuries of practice, asshole,” Xaden retorted. If I had known anything about Azriel, I fully expected him to flatten out this Xaden guy. 
“You’re not Fae?”
“No offense, but who would want to live forever?” He shrugged. A valid response. It was only then that I saw the roundness of his mortal ears.
Azriel grumbled a curse. “I apologize for him. He is cranky after his long flight here. I’m Azriel, I’m not sure I introduced myself.”
“I know,” I forced myself to look anywhere but his gorgeous face. Easily the most attractive Fae I’ve ever seen. 
“Are you here with anyone? I saw you walk in about an hour ago and haven’t seen you talk with anyone,” he asked. He saw me walk in? “If my night had gone any better than yes, I would be here with someone. But, instead, he had other plans and never showed up for our reservation.”
Both of the males stood completely silent. I watched Azriel’s eyes narrow, his jaw clench. “Who was it?”
“It doesn’t matter.” I could feel that bubble of emotion rise up in my throat, pricking my nose and eyes. “He’s just some nobody I was seeing. His loss.”
“Biggest fucking mistake he’ll ever make,” Xaden scooted in closer, leaning his forearms on the counter. “What were you drinking? Next one's on me.”
“Oh, that’s kind of you but I would like to wake up in the morning without any regrets. A water will do,” I smiled sweetly at him and he returned it without a second thought. 
I felt Azriel move closer to me and I could just barely see him in my peripheral vision. I tried not to look. It was so hard. All I wanted to do was look at him. Then he was closer. A lot closer. His arm across the back of the stool I was sitting in. 
Oh gods his scent.
“For you,” Xaden slipped a cool glass of water in my hands. “To you, Yn.”
I blushed as I knocked my glass with theirs. 
“Not to impose, but I would like to know more about this asshole who stood you up tonight. Because clearly he’s not right in the head for leaving you. Especially when you look so good.”
I couldn’t help the flush that spread down my neck and up my ears. “I don’t know, we met over the weekend and he asked if we could go on a date. I said yes. And I think what makes it even worse is that I was looking forward to it. I was excited to get all dressed up and go out for the first time in months. Now I just feel like a fucking idiot for getting my hopes up and wanting to-”
“Hey.” Xaden’s finger pulled my chin to look up at him. “You are not the problem. That mother fucker has another thing coming if he thinks he could’ve ever given you what you need.”
I’d like to focus on the latter part of that statement, but all I could think of was his face– inches from mine– and his other hand at my knee. My heart thrashed and I was so still I wasn’t sure if I was breathing or not. 
“I think you’re scaring her, Riorson,” Azriel said from behind me. Then I became aware of just how close he was to me. He practically spoke right against my neck. A hand brushed at my right shoulder and I shuddered. 
“If you’re willing, we’re offering.” Xaden has this gleam in his eye and a smirk on his lips. 
I had to sit up a little so I could start seeing clearly. “I-I’m sorry ‘we’re’?”
“You don’t have to say yes,” Xaden grinned. “But, if you’d like to erase this guy from your thoughts, all you have to do is show me where it hurts. I promise I can make it all better.”
Is he asking what I think he is? I looked at Azriel who had the same look Xaden did. Full of mischief. 
“You… You can’t be serious.” They were playing games with me. They have to be. There’s no way that our Court Spy Master and whoever this guy was from Navarre were willing to share.
“Az?” Is all Xaden said. 
Fingers brushed my hair over my shoulder and tucked it out of the way. I gasped when Azriel kissed down my neck. I think I’m shaking, though it could just be my pulse beating so wildly through my veins that it feels like I’m shaking. But I definitely can't feel my fingers anymore. 
Xaden stepped in a little closer and blocked most of my view of the rest of the bar. “May I?” He held out a hand. I swallowed and nodded as best as I could with Azriel gently nipping at my throat. Xaden quickly placed his mouth on mine.
I got lost in him. In both of them. All the bells and whistles in my body were going off at once. I’ve never done anything like this before. I had two of the most attractive looking individuals in the world right here. Both kissing me. 
In a few seconds Xaden pulled from my mouth and Azriel went with him. I was suddenly so cold and needed them back exactly where they were. My thighs clenched together. 
“What do you say, want to take out all your anger, your frustration and disappointment, on us?” Xaden asked softly, right into my ear. The way he pulled it between his lips made it very difficult to say no. Not that I wanted to in the first place. I’d be a fool to say no. 
I nodded eagerly. 
Azriel clicked his tongue and made me look at him. “Need you to say it, Yn.”
“Yes,” I said without a second thought. “Yes.”
Both of them chuckled. “Let’s get out of here.”
As we made our way down the street, both of the males on either side of me, I was burning with desire; every so often– about every three or four steps– one of them would have to pause, spin me around, and kiss me until I saw stars. They ‘just couldn’t help it’.
Not that I minded. 
“Apologies if the place is a mess,” Azriel said, unlocking a door. It looked vaguely familiar, and when I looked up and across the street, I realized why. 
“Hey, that’s my place right there,” I smiled, looking at the small rose bushes lining my little walkway. 
“Would you rather go there instead? No pressure if you do,” Xaden’s hands went down my sides and hips as he spoke. 
I nearly collapsed onto the floor. “No, no this is fine I don’t think I can wait.” “Impatient, are we?” Xaden murmured into my hair. 
“Well,” I blew out a breath as he nipped at my ear. “I’m not exactly dreading being taken to be by two males.”
“Hopefully we won’t ruin you for any other lovers.”
Was it bad that I hoped they would? 
The door gave away and it was flooded with Azriel’s scent. A mixture of Xaden’s too, but it was hard to differentiate them. His was far more subtle than the shadowsingers. They guided me inside, lights coming on along the halls and overhead. 
“Have you ever…” Xaden trailed off and I flushed a deep red. 
“No, I’ve never done this before.” My laugh was a pathetic attempt to hide my nerves. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you,” Xaden grinned and gave my mouth what it wanted most. His tongue was hot against mine and I pressed as close to him as I could get. For a moment I couldn’t see or hear anything, and then we were in a bedroom that seemed far too massive for this little townhouse. 
I looked around; a massive bed was standing right before me, dark curtains over a door that led to a balcony. 
“Did we just-”
“Winnowing,” Azriel explained, pulling me out of Xadens arms and into his own. “This is far easier when we have room. Like Xaden said, we’re gonna take care of you. Any time you feel uncomfortable just tell us to stop and we will. We do this at your pace, you control it.”
Weirdly enough, my heart ached at the tenderness in his voice. But my body did not want to be in control. It wanted everything but. “And what if I said that I didn’t want to make any decisions. That I just wanted to feel and nothing else.”
I saw Azriel look up first, then felt Xaden press against my backside. I was squished between them and I thanked the Mother that I never went on that date tonight. But they looked at each other. 
Azriel grinned. “You’re sure?”
“Absolutely. I need it.”
“Aww, you’re that desperate already?” Xaden pulled me into his body, one hand gripping my face to make me look at him, the other wrapped around my stomach. “We haven’t even touched you yet, pretty thing. Haven’t even tasted you.”
“What are you waiting for?” I have no idea where this boldness is coming from. 
Xaden stepped away from me and laid at the top of the bed. “Come here, then.”
No turning back now. 
I crawled to him on my hands and knees. The dress I was wearing did nothing to hide my ass any longer. Xadens hand reached out, and when I was close enough, he grabbed me by my throat and pulled me into his lap. Pulled my mouth on his. I let out a very pathetic noise. 
His other hand made me sit right on his cock and I could feel everything that was waiting for me. I moved my hips in a circle and he let out a breath, his dark, almost gold flecked eyes looking at me with hunger.
The bed dipped and Azriel pulled my hair back so I looked up at him. “You don’t have to be ashamed if you want to scream our names while we fuck away the pain, Yn.”
I nodded, wanting to twist so I could kiss him but Xaden firmly planted my hips to his. “I didn’t tell you to stop moving, pretty thing.”
I obeyed him. It was such an odd angle; to have my head thrown all the way back but my hips moving. It made it hard to breathe. 
“I think she’s getting impatient, Riorson,” Azriel said as if I wasn't even there. 
“Yeah I can feel how wet she is.” Xaden curiously slipped a hand between my legs, a few fingers trailing the crease of my thigh. “You really are impatient, aren’t you?”
“Please what?” Azriel pulled my hair harder. “Come on, use your words, Yn. Don’t be shy.”
I whimpered. “Please touch me, Xaden.”
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely.”
Azriel released his grip and Xaden lifted up my hips, pulling down my thong. His fingers were cold against my pussy. I shivered. His fingers were so long. It took everything in me to not fuck myself on them. The shadowsinger remained behind me and slipped the thin straps of my dress off my shoulders. 
“Arms up.” Azriel commanded. The dress was lifted off my body and I felt very exposed. But soon enough he was against me, his hard chest against my back. “Kiss him.”
I burned red at the tone of his voice. But I kissed Xaden with enough force to make him bite my lip, catching my tongue between his teeth next. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my chest to his. I jolted as he brushed my clit and he let out a dark chuckle, doing it again and again. 
“So easy,” Xaden muttered, pushing me on my back effortlessly. I watched as he stuck his two fingers in his mouth. “Fuck do you taste good, pretty thing.”
His massive hands spread my thighs apart after he threw my underwear somewhere in the room. Those brown curls felt just as soft as I imagined. I didn’t care if I was being desperate, I needed his mouth between my legs. The first pass of his tongue made me go limp. I let my head fall back, my knees parting even further. 
My body welcomed him as he explored, tongue flicking, hands bruising my skin. Fingers brushed my chest, so faintly I thought I might’ve imagined it. Azriel had gone somewhere, but I was too focused on Xaden to care at this moment. When I looked down, those were not fingers playing with me, but rather tendrils of shadow circling around.
“What the-”
“Shhh, it’s okay, you’re okay Yn,” Azriel said from my right, standing further in the room. He was undressing, the fighting leathers he had been wearing folded neatly on a desk. His wings were... dear gods his wings were massive. “It’s just me. Nothing to be afraid of.”
Pleasure and fear coursed through me at the same time. My brain and body were on fire with emotions as I watched them drift and encase my body. They were cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the boiling temperature of my skin. As I watched, I settled. It was quite fascinating. 
A sharp smack to the inside of my thigh had me looking at Xaden. “Focus on me.”
I nodded and I became aware of just how close I was to my release. I panted and writhed, itching for something to grab onto. Something to touch and yank-
My hands were above my head two seconds later and I was dragged to the edge of the bed.
“Hey,” Xaden shouted and another wave of fear crashed through me. “I was in the middle of something.”
“Well, it’s my turn, Riorson,” Azriel gritted his teeth, taking himself in his hand. “You can still have her legs for now. But I need to feel her mouth.”
Were they fighting for me? For my body? I smiled. So wide it hurt. I obediently opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, enticing him further. In tandem, I spread my legs as wide as they could go for Xaden. 
“You’re so well trained, pet.” Azriel wasted no time forcing his cock down my throat. I couldn’t breathe, but that’s how I wanted it. He thrusted in slowly, stopping when he was all the way, then pulled back out. “You take my cock so well, Yn. I’m so proud of you.”
“If you think her mouth feels good, wait till you get inside her pussy. She’s so warm and tight.”
I moaned around Azriel, knees fluttering off the bed as Xaden sucked my clit. The shadows continued to writhe around my nipples and I felt so exposed. I couldn’t keep still. My legs trembled and I felt that coil in my stomach clenching and clenching. I wanted Xaden’s cock between my legs more than his tongue, but I couldn’t tell him that with Azriel down my throat. 
“Do you think she can take both of us?” Azriel asked, brushing a hand across my cheek, then it gently wrapped around my neck. I choked hard enough for tears to streak down my face. 
“Hmm,” Xaden hummed around me and I thrashed. “Well, that was adorable. As for fitting both of us? It’s possible. Probably gonna hurt. Don’t worry, he’ll work you open on his cock so good you won’t have a choice but to take both of us.”
“We don’t want to hurt her, Riorson,” Azriel cupped my cheeks. “Unless you want us to, pet?”
I nodded immediately. He pulled out and I heaved for fresh air, eyes glossy as I looked up at him. “Don’t be gentle.”
The way Azriels’ eyes darkened should have made me afraid. Instead it filled me with a primal desire. The force of his hips was brutal. The slight salty taste of his skin was intoxicating. I gagged around him with every press of his tip at the back of my throat, tears burning down my face. 
Without any resemblance of a warning, my release barreled through me and I shook, legs kicking out as Xaden continued to tongue fuck me until I saw stars. He kept going. He didn’t stop. 
I tried to get him to ease, to let up but my hands were bound at my sides. That same cool feeling sliding around my wrists as it did my chest. It was so much. Already too much. 
“Alright, she’s had enough,” Xaden finally pulled away from my throbbing cunt, caressing my thigh and the bruises there. His chin glistened with my cum, and he didn’t let any of it go to waste as his tongue dragged over his lips. 
“I’ll tell you when she’s had enough. Get back up on the bed. Strip.” With a more than heavy shove, Azriel sheathed himself inside me one last time, held just long enough to make me panic for a breath. “Good girl, Yn.”
I hiccuped a small sob, already teetering on my breaking point. Azriel sat me up and pushed me down on my hands and knees. In front of me was Xaden. His very hard cock straining up. The shadowsinger’s hand fisted in my hair and I was forced to take his cock down.
“Stay right there, pet. Don’t move. You came without permission. Since you decided to be so greedy, you’re gonna get Xaden off while I punish you.” A merciless hand smacked my ass hard enough to make an outline of his hand. “Got it?”
I nodded around Xaden’s cock and yelped when another smack came down. Xaden groaned, his sculpted abdominal and chest flexing. One arm was behind his head, the other on my head. He was far more gentle than Azriel was, but I could see his control slipping as he thrusted up in time with Azriel’s hand on my ass. 
“Fuck she feels good, Az,” Xaden praised, cupping my cheek. “And you look so pretty full of my cock. Gods I can’t wait to be in that pussy.”
I squeaked out an embarrassing noise when Azriel dragged his cock through my cunt, coating himself in my release. Just the tip of him had me stretching and I had to squeeze my eyes shut to block out the sting. With a snap of his hips, he slid in deeper and deeper and deeper-
“That’s it, pet. Take all of my cock. Good girl, Yn. Good girl.” His cooing made it impossible not to cry out around Xaden. As Azriel pulled back, slowly, he grabbed my hips and took me with him. I scrambled to try and keep Xaden’s cock in my mouth, but I was too far away now. 
“Look at how desperate she is for you, Riorson. She wants your cock soooo badly she’s fighting me for it.” Azriel ran his nails down my spine. “How about we play a little game, pet. When I pull out of you, you have to keep your mouth on him or else you get a smack. How does that sound?”
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Xaden. He had a flush to his cheeks. The same primal hunger I had in my eyes. There wasn’t anything I wanted more than to have him come down my throat. A sharp crack rang through the room and I screamed. 
“I want an answer. Now.” Azriel demanded, yanking me up and forcing me down on his thick cock. 
“Yes yes yes,” I babbled. “Please let me make Xaden feel good.”
“You’re so pretty when you beg like that,” Xaden mumbled, dragging me back down to him by my wrist. I wrapped my lips around him and worked up and down. He was just as big as Azriel. But the shadowsinger was bigger. 
Azriel’s hands on my hips hurt almost as much as the hand that smacked me. I’m sure it was bright red and swollen. Every time he thrusts into me, he forces my body back into him. A few times I was pulled off of Xaden and I got punished. New tears running down my face after every one. 
“F-Fuck Az stop doing that,” Xaden growled out. “I barely have her for two seconds before you’re ripping her away again.” His two hands gripped the sides of my head, forcing me all the way to his pelvic bone. “Now stop holding back and fuck her like you mean it.”
“Think she can handle that?”
“Of course she can, look at her. Split open wide on our cocks, taking them like she’s been doing it for years. She’ll be fine, won’t you, pretty thing?” I nodded, blinking up at him. “See, she wants it. Such a good fuck toy. Such a good pet.”
“If you can’t, say so now, Yn,” Azriel gripped at my hips to pull Xaden's dick out of my throat. “Well?”
“D-Don’t… don’t hold back.” Gods my voice was raw. “Please don’t hold back. I need it.”
“See? Now go, I’ve been on the edge for the past ten minutes,” Xaden said rather impatiently. 
I could not have prepared myself for the force of Azriel’s thrusts. Or the grip Xaden had on my head. I thought my neck was going to rip from my shoulders with how hard I was being pulled in opposite directions. I only got a breath every two or three drives of Azriel’s cock. 
Both of them were a whimpering mess. Xaden especially. I prayed to the Mother that these walls were thick enough so no one would hear us. 
Minutes ticked by and I became a limp mess. A mere boneless thing for Azriel and Xaden to play with. My arms were trembling beyond use and my legs and toes were numb with euphoria. I couldn’t keep myself up any more. 
“Fuck, Yn,” Xaden panted, hips bumping into my nose every time he snapped his hips. “Gonna come.” I just let all my weight fall onto him, letting him go deeper and deeper down my throat. “You’re such a good girl, Yn. Such a good fucking girl.”
Azriel shoved his cock as far as it would go, forcing me to take all of Xaden’s cum down my throat in one go. I didn’t even get to taste it. Xaden fucked into my mouth, hands firm on my head as he continued to spill. I dared a glance up and I saw shadows, slightly different than Azriel’s, caressing his shoulders. 
How the hell did I get so lucky?
I was pulled off of Xaden and I was completely limp. “What do you say to Xaden, pet?”
“Thank you,” I stuttered out as Az continued to fuck me. 
“Good girl. Now clean him up so he can take my place.” On my own accord, I picked my heavy head up and lapped at his cock, gently cleaning him with tiny flicks of my tongue. Up and down and up and down. He tasted so good. Salty and tangy. “Still got more, Riorson? I forget you humans can’t reset as quickly as we can.”
“I have stamina that’ll put you to shame, Illyrian.” Xaden had a devilish grin on his lips. “My turn.”
Xaden’s hands wrapped under my arms, guiding me off of Azriel. I tried to get my legs to move, but it was a useless effort. I could barely think let alone tell my body what to do. 
“Easy, Riorson. I know you’re eager. And trust me, you should be. Fuck is she tight.”
Xaden let out a teasing noise, pumping a few times to get himself hard again. “Aww I bet she is. Gonna take my cock next, pretty thing? Yeah you are, and you’re gonna take Azriel's, too. Come on, sink down and- yes just like that, yes Yn. Good girl.”
Riding him made this so much easier. He was far stronger than I was and helped me rock back and forth. It was wonderful stimulation for my clit, too. For a few minutes he bounced me up and down, filthy praises spilling out of him like it was his job.
“I told you,” Azriel’s voice was right up against the back of my neck. “Worth the wait.”
“What if I told you I didn’t want to share her anymore?” Xaden sucked on my nipple and rubbed my clit at the same time. 
“Too late for that, Riorson. She’s all ours, aren’t you?” I felt the press of Azriel’s cock against my hole and jumped. “Relax. It’ll hurt if you don’t.”
I nodded, getting lost between the two sets of hands–the two sets of lips and tongues and teeth. I was one with the stars, completely suspended in a place I didn’t know but I sure as hell didn’t want to leave any time soon. I tried to remain still as Az slowly–very slowly– pushed in bit by bit. I was reduced to nothing but mumbling noises and begging whines. 
“Should’ve asked Cass if he wanted to join us so she could have something to do with that mouth of hers,” Xaden blew out a breath. “Need something to suck on, pretty thing?”
I just nodded, too overstimulated to speak. I just needed. I don’t know what I needed but I needed it. 
“Gods you really are such a good pet,” Az pulled my head back. With a firm grip on my jaw, it fell open and he spat in my mouth. The shock of it damn near pushed me over the edge. My eyes crossed and my vision blurred as he stuck his fingers in my mouth for me to suck. 
It took several minutes but then I was balancing between both their cocks, vibrating with energy and a need so deep I knew the second they would move I’d come. And I’d keep spasming around them as they did as they pleased. 
Hands expanded every inch of my body. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” was the best response I could get out. Xaden pulled me towards him, then slowly pushed me back onto Azriel. Then Az slowly pushed me onto Xaden. I was weightless in their hands, practically being held up by them alone.
“You are doing such a good job, my pet,” Azriel pulled out his fingers, gripping my throat. “So tight and wet. That’s it, just relax. Let us take you, Yn.”
“She’s being so good, don’t you think she deserves a reward, Az?” Xaden plucked both of my breasts.
“Of course she does.”
My ears were ringing. Sweat soaked my hairline. I could feel Xadne and Azriel’s pulse against my own, and I swore I could’ve felt them all sync up for a beat or two or five. Endless shadows swirled across my skin, hands fighting for leverage on my hips. I knew I’d be marked and bruised in the morning.
“I got her here, you take care of her down there,” Azriel instructed. Both of his hands cupped my chest, pinching brutally. Xaden snaked his hand between our fronts and just barely grazed my clit before I was coming so hard my vision blacked out. 
I screamed, throat burning with pain as I writhed and begged for nothing and everything. I cried out over and over as they continued to push me. Lips and tongue slid over my throat, Xaden’s forcing its way into my mouth to swallow my screams. 
Azriel bit down on my shoulder and snapped his hips a few times, trying and failing to suppress his moans. It came from deep in his chest and it rumbled through me. “Gonna take my cum, pet?”
I couldn’t respond. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get words to form. 
“Give it to her, Az. She needs it,” Xaden said for me. “Don’t worry, pretty thing, Az is gonna give it to you. Just be patient.”
His hips worked into me, fucking me onto Xaden. With one hand wrapped around my throat, the other on my side, Azriel came inside me, the thick, bitter scent sending my mind spiraling. His thrusts didn’t stop, even as Xaden warned him he was close. 
Azriel stilled then, panting hot against the back of my neck. “You’re clenching so hard, pet. Such a good job at keeping it all inside you. Now do the same for Xaden. Let him fill you up, Yn.”
Xaden was far less controlled, those shadows over his shoulders whipping wildly as he fucked up into me hard enough to touch places he hadn’t yet. With a handful of movements, Xaden brought our hips flush together and he strained his neck, baring his teeth into the air. 
His noises would’ve been enough to set me off again had I not been so previously spent. 
It could’ve been hours that I laid between them, their cocks still buried inside me as they stroked my skin, stroked my hair and kissed me lazily. 
“Yn.” A gentle press of lips to mine. My eyes fluttered open and Xaden’s face became clearer. “There she is.”
“She awake?”
“Mhmm,” Xaden kissed my forehead. “Feeling better?”
I wiggled my toes to see if the feeling had come back. I just nodded, snuggling in deeper to his chest. “Yeah.”
“Good good,” he wrapped his arms tighter around me. “You were so good for us, Yn.”
“The best,” Azriel seconded, and a warm body pressed up behind me. “You were pretty out of it for about an hour. We cleaned you up as best we could with you mumbling about how much you loved to please us.”
I flushed in embarrassment, putting my hands over my face. “Cauldron damn me.”
“It was quite adorable,” Xaden murmured, prying my hands from my face. “And you were incredible.”
“So fucking incredibly,” Azriel agreed, tucking in close behind me. I carefully flipped over, looking at the shadowsinger. “You did such a good job.”
“It was easy when I had you two doing all the work for me,” I smiled, leaning up to kiss him. “Still cannot believe I just did that.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Absolutely not.” I squashed down that possibility the second their hands had been on me. “It was perfect.”
“Don’t feel pressured to answer, but Xaden visits every so often to Prythian. When he comes back, how do you feel about doing this again?” Azriel asked cautiously. “If you would like some time to think about it then-”
“Yes.” Why would I ever say no to being worshiped? “Absolutely yes.”
Both of them chuckled, Xaden molding his body to fit mine, arm laying across my stomach. “Told you we might ruin you for anyone else.”
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fierrochase-falafel · 19 days
Making a case for Xie Lian's complex morality in TGCF
Finally getting over myself and getting this one out of the drafts...
Disclaimer: Any MXTX book has a very divided fandom on whether practically all the characters are "good" or not- Hua Cheng, Xie Lian, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Pei Ming, Luo Binghe. I feel the way MXTX writes is such that our own interpretation of the book can grow to be the very thing we love about it. So naturally I am going to start off by saying this is my interpretation of her work- you can disagree with me, sure, and I'd love to hear other people's thoughts, but I don't think it is something worth calling me wrong over. I'm not claiming to preach the 1 true reading or even claiming to be 'correct'- this is just my interpretation. This doesn't mean I don't find value in alternate interpretations, contradictory or otherwise. Please be nice to me!! :,)
Part I: Smart, but not smart
So anyways...there's this quote in book 3, when Xie Lian reveals Ling Wen as the creator of the Brocade Immortal, where this happens:
Ling Wen crossed her arms and shook her head. “Your Highness, someone like you…sometimes you’re smart, but sometimes you’re also not very smart; sometimes you’re soft-hearted, but sometimes you’re cold-hearted, too.”
And I've always loved this quote, it's arguably one of my favourites, because it emphasises what I think is the core of the story- to ascend is human, to fall is also human. What matters is appreciating that humanity, and nobody embodies this like Xie Lian. MXTX always pits together contradictions like this throughout the story: ascension with falling, soft-hearted with cold-hearted, laughing with crying. Humanity is a series of contradictions, and Xie Lian is the epitome of that. We see him saving a child with regal presence/grace and also drunkenly yelling swear words in a ditch; we see him calmly ascend to godhood at 17 and also almost violently kill a guy for insulting his street performance. Xie Lian is a man who can be kind, calm, endearing and spirited but also vengeful, bitter, jaded and broken. He has been naive and impulsive as well as strategic and controlled.
These differences often seem to happen at the same time in him, even. Xie Lian as a prince was still relatively calm and controlled, but it didn't stop him from being naive and desperate at various points too- sometimes at the same time. His decision in the Land of the Tender (T/W- to stab himself) was arguably a sign of him losing control of his senses yet remaining just on the cusp of controlling his actions. He is holding on to his no-sex cultivation by saying the Ethics Sutra and making the impulsive decision to turn his sword on himself voluntarily but also reacting sexually to the flower demons involuntarily. He is placed in situations where he is distinctly both in and out of control at the same time! Later when he's lying in a ditch (T/W- having stabbed himself AGAIN), there's a lens to it that he's waiting for someone to be kind to him, just once. He's optimistic in giving people a chance- hopeful and altruistic on some level while also being angry and bitter at nobody having helping him yet. In present day he's still impulsive at times but also level-headed, jaded and also optimistic. Hua Cheng fully recognises this in him, and his recognition of Xie Lian's utter humanity is what makes him the one person who truly understands Xie Lian.
"Your Highness, I understand your everything. Your courage, your despair; your kindness, your pain; your resentment, your hate; your intelligence, your foolishness."- Hua Cheng
Part II: Mass murder is...a big deal
Xie Lian is nowhere near perfect, like Feng Xin tends to see him, but neither is he just pretending to be altruistic to make people like him, as Mu Qing tends to believe. Both of them have these ideas in their heads of Xie Lian being amazing or awful, when really Xie Lian has the potential to be both, and that's what makes him, ultimately, just a human above all else. And Hua Cheng gets that about him, more than anyone else, which is important. Hua Cheng loves him and believes in him not because he is inherently, fundamentally good but because of who he is entirely. Part of that 'being' for Xie Lian is trying not to indulge his worst emotions, trying to be good as much as he can, but part of that 'being' includes parts of him that can't be perceived as 'good'. See, no matter how traumatised you are, and even though I'm not judging Xie Lian for his mental state, choking some man on the street almost to death is a no-go, okay.
Xie Lian's will to keep to his principles of what is right and wrong is one thing, but TGCF stretches these boundaries over and over as we watch Xie Lian's view evolve from being a child. I don't think Xie Lian is a 'good person' because he never strays from his values, because he does. Save the common people? The people of Yong'an he intended to mass massacre were the 'common people'. And yes he tried to save them before, and yes it took very little to make him not massacre the people of Yong'an, but the fact that this was something he started at all? He himself used Fangxin to collect the souls from the battlefield- no matter how much he subconsciously wanted to believe in the worth of humanity with his self-stabbing social experiment, he created the conditions necessary to commit mass murder and that in itself is a sign that a part of him meant to go through with it. This isn't just a byproduct of his rage, a response befitting of an uncaring society, no, this is a big deal, and I don't think we can still argue Xie Lian is / has always been a beacon of virtue. Xie Lian isn't just flawed in ways that are easy to forgive, it's not just that he's inherently 'good' with flaws such as impulsivity or naivety that do not really reflect on his moral character. He is also morally flawed, in a way all humans can be but may find it hard to recognise within themselves.
To be fair to the guy, most humans don't have their kingdoms destroyed, their bodily autonomy violated and all their loved ones gone from their lives. Particularly not the first one. For trauma of such epic proportions and disasters of such epic proportions, this intense of a response to commit mass murder isn't shocking. Given his exposure to all this power through his godhood and descent, the power to commit mass murder is less massive-seeming than needing the power to save his own people from it. Given the deaths of so many Xianle inhabitants, this is almost an eye-for-an-eye response: something which some people or cultures may see as morally righteous (the Locrians in Ancient Greece were huge on this, for instance) and some see as morally wrong. However, the way I see it that does not make potential mass murder easily ethically justifiable. MXTX doesn't shy away from giving us insight into Xie Lian's vulnerable and broken mental state and reasons for attempting this, but his actions are still consequential in a huge way. Had he committed the murder; had he not been pulled up by the farmer or had he not found it in him to stop, would we view him as morally good? Could we? What if he did murder the Yong'an citizens but then realised how awful that was then, and spent the rest of his life trying to be good? It feels a bit like a cop-out to say, "well, he didn't do it so that's that", because even the idea, the intention of him doing it and the fact it almost happened raises so many questions about how much blame would be attribute to him if the people of Yong'an really were killed. Even if Xie Lian hadn't done it himself: if he failed to stop Bai Wuxiang from killing them all, for instance. If he were stabbed over and over again but his body couldn't take it, if the rest of the people of Yong'an weren't willing to stab him, and Wu Ming didn't take the bullet then what? It's not like Bai Wuxiang had any reason to go out of his way to call the spirits of Yong'an to Fangxin, for to him the biggest matter was getting Xie Lian to do it and solidify the latter's allegiance to resentment and apathy (just like himself). That would have been done by Xie Lian's hand, and how much the consequences would lay on Xie Lian's head is really difficult to think about. Even if he'd have done his utmost to stop it, but it would've happened atleast partially because of him.
Part III: Morality measured
It's interesting to consider how we measure morality as individuals- somewhere in-between intentions and consequences we diverge, and this tension is what fuels MXTX's conflicts. This is why it's so hard to assign blame in TGCF. Shi Wudu's intentions with the fate-swap were not malicious at all but the consequences for He Xuan were utterly disastrous, and that's on Shi Wudu. Quan Yizhen's intentions were never to make Yin Yu feel bad, but his obliviousness and shining talent hurt Yin Yu anyways. Of course, Yin Yu was the one who kept silent until he couldn't take it anymore, and said the worst possible thing at the worst possible time even if all he wanted was to be nice to Quan Yizhen and not project his feelings onto him. Book 3 contains an increase in these dynamics where the intentions and consequences are SO vastly incongruent that it plays with what morality means, encouraging you to ask: "Who do you believe was in the right?" "Do you think anyone here is or isn't entitled to what they want?" "Is there any way to objectively assign blame here, or are some scenarios too complicated for there to be a direct conflict of right and wrong?" So when it comes to Xie Lian, all that he could have been and all that he is, book 4 naturally stretches the limits of his heart being in paradise.
In conversations I have had or opinions I've seen on this platform and others, people's opinions on how much Xie Lian caused aspects of his own downfall range from "he did absolutely nothing wrong ever" to "he was the epitome of hubris and ignorance", the latter usually accompanied by a favourable analysis towards another character such as Mu Qing. When getting into MDZS, I was reminded of this when seeing Wei Wuxian-Jiang Cheng discourse actually, people talking about Wei Wuxian as a model of goodness who never hurt anyone unless his hand was forced (as if the Wen Chao toruture scene didn't happen) or as an irresponsible and disloyal rascal (as if he wasn't protecting defenseless people including JC's rescuers in the Burial Mounds). This sort of range can be seen with many characters in TGCF: particularly with Xie Lian, Hua Cheng and Mu Qing but you also get many for Jun Wu, He Xuan, Shi Wudu and the like. Xie Lian, as the main character, is possibly the most complicated of them all. The series is in his perspective, he recognises and regrets both his glory days and his fall from grace- the former due to his naivety and the latter due to his resentment. Since then all of the plots he has involved himself in have involved him taking on as much of the pain as physically possible for himself because his desire to help other people flourished again alongside and mingled with his shame and lasting trauma. He is ashamed of both his highest and lowest moments for not being able to offset the consequences, but while you're reading the story it feels very often like there's nothing else he could have done. Partially because (although this is debatable imo) this is somewhat from his perspective despite the 3rd person narrative, so we know what he's like before anyone else. Plus, with how book 2 plays out like a classic tragedy where his greatest strength (will to help his people despite tradition) becomes his greatest weakness, it's the age-old question of how much he can be held accountable for his kingdom's downfall or how much was completely out of his control or in the hands of fate.
One take I remember very strongly that was quite popular was about MXTX's characters being ultimately morally good characters, in which Xie Lian's character was said to not change or develop. Rather, Xie Lian has always been inherently morally good and TGCF is about the world around him not rewarding that goodness yet Xie Lian remaining good and pure-hearted all the way through no matter what, even in his darkest times. While this may be an interpretation some people have, I think it's more complicated than that. Xie Lian's morality was seemingly very clear-cut in book 2 because he had no huge reason not to be 'good'. Yeah sure, he was chastised for saving a child during the lantern festival parade, but nothing was genuinely going to happen to him. He was the crown prince! The stakes for him were never as high, and he had no reason to believe he could fail at all. When put to the test, given the fact he did set up the conditions for the immediate slaughter of Yong'an, I don't think any goodness automatically present in his character was being channelled in his decision. Morality can be as easy as "I want to always do what's right" when you have money and security, but becomes more difficult when you're consumed by grief and rage, or when you've lost everything you once had. Morality is more than an inherent aspect to one's character, and how we perceive someone's moral nature depends on their intentions, their choices, the consequences of those choices and whether they accept responsibility and accountability for the other 3 things.
Part IV: Complexity is the key
Having said all this, I hope it's clear I am NOT saying Xie Lian is an immoral character. In fact, I WOULD argue that he is a 'good' person, that is, a person who embodies what goodness would look like despite all the complications involved. What I'm saying here is that he is a good person not because he always sticks to his standards/beliefs, or even that he always believes in his own standards, but because he chooses to try to believe. In humanity, in the power of his own actions, in the kindness of strangers after he was shown kindness once himself. And this is something earned and learned, not something he had in the beginning. In the beginning it came natural to him because he had the privilege of that as Crown prince. "If something goes wrong, I'll fix it, and everyone around me will always be looking out for my best interests even if I disagree with them. Murder is wrong, following the path to ascension is the ultimate good." etc. etc. When he has to face the world as someone with nothing, those are the experiences that mould his current day understanding of why people do the things they do even if they seem completely morally wrong. Why people would stab someone knowing they would feel the pain, why people would murder someone, why they might steal or rage or drink. And in most cases, it can be hard to judge someone as completely morally wrong for doing actions deemed morally wrong if you believe intention has any bearing on morality.
Xie Lian to me is not inherently good, but someone who chooses to try to be a good person, thus arguably being a good person. And I would defend him as such on that premise, not because his righteous morals have remained static and intact throughout the novels. It isn't that he didn't choose to be good as a child, but he didn't really have to TRY because he hadn't faced the sort of crisis that shook his foundations and forced him to grow, understanding and adapting to the complexity of living in the real world. Where you fail, where falling upon hard times can force you to resort to things you once thought beneath you. Where your actions have power over your circumstances, but your circumstances also hold power over you whether you like it or not. The root of Xie Lian's compelling character, for me, is in his growth from a man with a static morality to a man with moral complexity. A belief in one's principles that accounts for its limits and recognises its flaws in the face of circumstance, and adapts accordingly. It's not like Xie Lian wanted to betray and murder the Yong'an king who was so kind to him, and to actively do that seems pretty horrible until you remember he did it to save a whole group of people, Xianle descendants. Xie Lian still blames himself for this in book 1 even though in this act he saved numerous civilians, but Hua Cheng reminds him that he made that choice for a good reason, and has faith in Xie Lian's choices.
Speaking of the devil...Hua Cheng, even though he loves all of Xie Lian, does not love him blindly or without consideration of the worst parts of himself. He would follow Xie Lian into the abyss of his mental state but still try to help Xie Lian out of the sort of guilt, back from the point of no return. One interpretation of his refusal to let Xie Lian kill Lang Ying is that he wanted Xie Lian to not have Lang Ying's blood on his hands as well. If this would affect any future cultivation or make him feel any more guilty in the future. He also tried to gently tell Xie Lian that he still has believers to calm him down when he sees the white flower. However, to Hua Cheng, whatever Xie Lian would've chosen in the end would still be a decision taken by the same Xie Lian, and Hua Cheng would follow Xie Lian no matter whether he's engaged in the worst parts of himself or not. I think it's very easy for us to assign a specified amount of goodness to a character based on just 1 thing- be it just their intentions or just their choices or just the consequences of their actions. A few sample assumptions I've seen (that do not reflect wider society or anything, these are just opinions I've seen around online): To want to save people is good, therefore Xie Lian is good. Hua Cheng has no qualms about killing 33 gods for Xie Lian, so he must be amoral. But the nature of what is good is variable- under the light of different interpretations, Xie Lian is more morally grey and Hua Cheng is more morally inclined than those assumptions would give them credit for. My point essentially is that many characters, but Xie Lian in particular, are more complicated than we sometimes give them credit for. It's also why he's so easily put up against Jun Wu- someone who is the antagonist and committed several heinous crime, but also parallels what Xie Lian at his worst could have been. If Jun Wu really did repent on everyone he damaged at the end of the novels, you can't call him a good person just based on newfound intent and he can't be so easily forgiven, but to imply alternatively that after all he's done he will always be a bad man and that's that...doesn't sit right with me either. Of course, the question of Jun Wu seems even more complicated somehow, funnily enough.
I think when I first read TGCF years back, Xie Lian is the character who showed me not to judge multidimensional characters or people on a consistent metric of goodness but rather on numerous aspects of how they live that can change over time and leaves room for circumstantial flexibility. I also think that acknowledging complexity in how we view morality in each other can allow us to gain a better understanding of what it is to be a human. And in my view, what makes Xie Lian such a well-written character is that he's nothing if not a human.
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vermont-writes-fanfic · 6 months
How about some headcanons of Rip, Alucard, Schrodinger and Captain with S/O, who don't have very good opinion on humanity (not to the point of wanting humans' complete extermination, but still...)?
Hey anon! I know you asked for this a looong time ago, but I have some time so I thought why not do it! I wasn't sure exactly what you meant but I took it as the reader not having a good opinion of humanity and not the other's you had requested hope you don't mind! Also, doing this in parts!
Alucard(You are here) Rip Schrodinger Captain
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Request: Yes
Warnings: Pessimism, kind self-disgust if you squint, mentions of wine
Sidenote: Reader is a human for Alucard and Rip, thought it would be interesting 
The conversation started when you were talking about the ghouls Alucard had torn through that day, you are well aware he doesnt have a very good perception of the ghouls and vampires that he has to chase around and neither did you.. He had brought up the targets of the particular hooligans he chased down which brought you to a bitter scoff. He watched with amusement as you rolled your eyes and took a sip of the wine you had on the bedside table. With a chuckle that seemed to almost come out as a purr he questions your behavior.
“Where did that come from?”
“Where did what come from?”
“That , I’ve never seen you so bothered.”
“Well it’s easy to be bothered with the human race, humans in general.” You say, taking another long sip of your drink.
“You’re a human,” he mentions, to which you nod your head and continue..
“I am, and I can’t stand my existence any more than I can any other humans… In a way, these vampires and ghouls serve as a reminder of just how awful humanity is. Given the chance of immortality and life you decide to go on a spree of mindless indulgence rather than refine your abilities and stay in hiding. Never satisfied with what we are given, it’s annoying really, our mindless gluttony.” You elaborate, swirling the dark ruby liquid in your crystalline glass.
He observes you, eyes narrowing behind his glasses as he watches your movements. He couldn’t help the small feeling of  amused shock at the disdain in your voice ans you spoke your rather pessimistic piece to him.
“More, more, more, we are never satiated by anything. We get out of our parents homes to get away from the control but lose free food and shelter and so driven by necessity we get a job under someone elses control. And we pursue this even more than we need to, we want raises, side hustles,, so many not because they need it, but rather because they want the extra cash for some materialistic desire that will only sasiate our petty greed to show off what we have for a temporary time frame before we are woking for more things we don’t truly need. We ca[italise on others poor emotions and the unfortunate events around us for monetary gain or popularity and then drop it the moment it serves us no use. Greedy things we are, it is so embedded into our nature that when we lose all autonomy and become a ghoul all we want is more to feed off of and consume.” The tone of your voice could only be described as disgusted.
As you pause in your degrading tirade Alucard looks at you and laughs loudly, much to your irritation and for a long bit before settling down and tilting his head down to look at you from over the bride of his glasses.
“You humans are interesting, I never knew one to have such a view,”
“Us humans are disgusting, we only benefit others for our own gain. We are selfish and self-cented creatures at our filthy cores and I truly can’t stand being one myself. Everyone in this place that has humanity is still corrupted by it. It’s awful really…”
“Seras doesn’t seem to mind, she clings to that humanity you detest pathetically.”
“Only because it was taken from her, she was too determined to let her life be taken in any way than the one she had planned and so desperately she clings to every part of her human life she can retain, simply because it wasn’t her choice. Sir Integra, is saving the people of london not by the queens orders but as a way to get revenge and prove to her father and her uncle who you killed that she can do this job just as well as the other Hellsings who had the spot before her and her father. Walter is following the Hellsing organisation simply because he was once recruited for his own selfish reasons and is bound to Sir Integra and every soldier their is greedy for the title of glory and a false sense of pride and duty that comes with supposedly saving the rest of the world from those true coloured ghouls.. Everything us humans do, is driven by our own selfishness and greed. I’m only here to begin with because Sir Interga gave me a choice to prove myself and get revenge on the filthy monsters that nearly took my life. Simply for my own satisfaction, I mean even my being here with you now., in a way is my selfish need to have you as my own, and mine alone.”
He listens as you speak and slides a large hand up your back, the other taking away the now empty glass from your hand. A smirk plays on his lips, clearly amused by his darlings perspective on humanity and their own kind. Normally you kept your rants to a minimum, but the bottle of wine that had made it down your lips  seems to have really opened you up. As you huff and roll your eyes, he chuckles, not only at that but at the way you thought. So pessimistic and borderline cynical, something about it had made him a little excited but before he can say anything you are dosing off the wine having caught up with you as you slumber away. Above your sleeping form, he adds his own thoughts, seeing as you had barely allowed him the chance at all to speak.
“You humans are greedy, yes, but in the end only you humans and your humanity can even hope to kill monsters like me.”
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suitetarts · 11 months
reasons to be honest
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Astarion x Original Female Character, Dark Urge Tav (Good) Angst, Comfort, Kissing, Fluff (Link to AO3) After Astarion’s confession, Delilah is conflicted but still very in love–which she hasn’t quite admitted to yet. Unfortunately for sober her, she is a sad drunk on a mission after the celebrations in Moonrise Tower. Angst-fueled barbs and comforting words ensue.
Another one shot with my Tav, Delilah. This one happens to make no reference to her features or gender, just that she's a drow with mommy issues. You can go to the AO3 series for the other fic I have for her, or click here.
“Another… please.”
The red tiefling boy hesitates as Delilah’s head rolls awkwardly to the side, the previous shots of liquor clearly hitting her hard. Her piercing red eyes dart to his unmoving hands and then meet his own in a cold glare. With a squeal, he grabs a new liquor bottle from Ketheric’s stores and begins to pour once more.
Another child, a bluish tiefling with tight curls, collecting bottles from the small goblin hovels hidden throughout the first floor of Moonrise, comes marching over to chastise. “Drow Lady, oi! That’s enough!”
“Mmm? I saved your sorry little hides ‘nd you’re cutting me off?” Delilah exhales out of her nose indignantly, easily swiping the nearly full bottle from the boy’s hands.
“Oi oi oi! But that’s s’posed to be mine to sell on the road,” the blue tiefling cries.
The darkness within her, the other parasite on her psyche that pulls her to violence, begs her to reverse her grip on the bottle and crack it open, spilling red across the floor in a viscous new style of carpet. Delilah lets out a puff of air and pushes the thought away with a spot of effort. As she walks away with a stagger, she raises her free hand to wave the children good night.
The various hallways and great meeting spaces that were host to a battle between her companions and the Absolute cultists only a few hours ago is now just a bloody path of stones, one that she hopes will lead her to her bedroll. These cursed lands had truly been a nightmare in every sense of the word. Delilah is hopeful that being one step closer to their goals will allow her some peace and rest. However, she knows that defeating Myrkul’s Chosen can’t possibly help the matters of the heart that tear her from a good night’s sleep.
As the liquid inside the bottle hits her lips, she winces. Blood red and horrendously strong like it was distilled from pure malice. Whoever had decided to keep this in their stores either had something powerfully flavorful to mix it with or hated themselves. Delilah ponders if there is anything in this tower that would be sweet enough to cover the taste, blushes, and takes a decidedly large and bitter sip.
She curses under her breath as she finds herself walking the ramparts of Moonrise, her mind wandering back to Astarion despite the severity of all their other issues surrounding the tadpoles. Delilah continued to mull over their talk the other night and had been unintentionally distant, even though she knew that there was still so much more to say. The discussion replays in her mind once more. Astarion had, at least initially, lied about it all. He had manipulated her so comprehensively, body and soul. He told her such sweet things, some that she recognized as flirtatious tricks, but others that she had come to actually believe. He laid with her nearly every night not because he wanted to, but to control her. The bastard had admitted to her face that the only part of his plan that failed is, essentially, he harbored guilt about doing it after catching feelings.
And even after hurting her so profoundly, Delilah had reassured him. The typical shrill tone with which he joked or complained or flirted during their adventures was absent, replaced with a lower, more melancholy genuineness that she couldn’t help but comfort. She said that she deeply cared for him, that she would stay by his side as he created boundaries for himself. The two had a productive yet brief discussion and she never lied, not a single sweet word or supportive touch. 
All despite her heart cracking down the middle, threatening to shatter. 
Delilah staggers, reaching to the cold stony walls of the tower for support. Her fingers grip the edge of one of the stones and she could imagine it was Astarion’s collarbones. Her nails dig into the sandy mortar for a moment as her temper flares, before guilt and sympathy eases the tension in her joints. She feels justified in her frustration, but he doesn’t deserve her anger. His situation is beyond complicated and she truly is trying to understand it from his perspective. She goes through the situation again, as accurately as she can manage:
After being kidnapped and implanted with ticking time bomb mind flayer parasites, a hot and powerful drow sorceress (with a tendency to murder without warning or reason!) prances around in the wilds of the Storm Coast with a group of equally powerful strangers, including a famous monster hunter and a fierce alien warrior. The sorceress comes across a vampire spawn that has done little else besides use his body to ensnare meals for his master and suffer indescribable abuse for multiple mortal lifetimes. It makes perfect sense that he would use the tools at his disposal to secure his safety with a band of questionable characters. It makes sense to deceive one of these powerful fools into a relationship. It makes sense to target her as the leader of the group. It makes sense to manipulate her until she is no longer useful. It makes sense to try his damnedest to not actually feel anything for her, because gods forbid she’s worthy of real love. It makes sense. It makes sense.
Delilah sighs into the darkness. Perhaps this was not the most favorable interpretation to Astarion’s reasons for pursuing her the way he did. He had admitted that he’d fallen for her, that he wanted them to be real. It was her who felt an implication in his words that he wanted them to be real moving forward and that everything before was never real.
A chill runs through her as she takes another sip of liquor and she decides to focus on finding her way to camp. She rounds the same door twice before going the correct path and finding a host of friendly faces. Lae’zel, Aylin, and Isobel are near the door, with the former two animatedly discussing fighting techniques while the cleric takes the opportunity to rest and enjoy the peaceful evening with her lover. Delilah stops for a moment to listen in before moving further into camp, where Wyll and Karlach speak in a more somber tone around the fire. She almost goes to join them, but Karlach’s heat and ire at the Chosen of Bane the group had seen right before the battle with Ketheric is palpable in the air. Perhaps it's selfish, but she doesn’t want to be angry for Karlach's sake. Not when she’s already feeling so anxious and irritated about her own stupid problems.
Owlbert barrels past Delilah with Scratch hot on his feathered tail, passing close enough to her that she dodges clumsily and begins to trip. Her hands are sent to break her fall but instead catch on the bleached white linen of Astarion’s shirt.
He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth before speaking with a coy grin. “Darling, I knew you’d fallen for me but I didn’t realize you were going to take it literally.”
A fierce blush overtakes her, bringing a pink tint to her gray complexion. Her tongue rolls awkwardly in her mouth as she tries to cover herself, “I– I didn’t mean to fall. But thank you.”
“You’re completely trashed,” Astarion observes with amused surprise as he attempts to help restore Delilah’s balance. He steadies her forearms before tentatively letting go. Her red eyes, so similar to his own, beam up at him as she only slightly wobbles. His lips pull into one of those sweet half smiles that he only gives to her. “Adorable.”
“Y’think I’m adorable?”
“We’ve been over this. You’re very attractive.”
Delilah narrows her eyes and snickers, doing her best to rub her hands together like a villain in a street play while still holding onto the bottle of liquor. “Again.” He rolls his eyes and begins to lead her towards her tent.
“This–” Astarion emphasizes as he easily snatches the liquor from her loose grip. “–is for not returning the compliment.”
While Astarion has it hoisted in the air, he inches his nose closer before reeling at the strong vapors of the alcohol. She does not opt to carry herself with the typical pride of a female drow, instead choosing to whine and reach for the bottle. The two are evenly matched on height, but he's a master at using his tricks to keep any item just barely too far away.
“Tut tut tut. You know how this works dear.”
She stamps her foot down playfully. “I’ve told you a million times, ‘Starion. You’re–” 
He cuts her off with a press of his index finger to her lips. “Ah-starion. If you please,” he asks with a shiteating grin. “Do continue.”
Delilah pulls her mouth to a straight line as she groans in her throat, but her eyes betray the annoyed facade she’s trying to convince him of. They’re smiling. She starts again, “I’ve told you a million times, Ahhh-starion. You’re perfectly gorgeous.”
He preens with satisfaction, tossing his hand through his hair for dramatic flair. “Thank you love, you’re quite perfect yourself.”
Delilah hums and turns away, in part to watch her feet as they approach her tent and also to avoid him seeing her as she repeats his words in her head. Her? Perfect? After all the nasty and selfish thoughts she’s had tonight, and every other night since he finally opened up to her? Hardly. Not to mention that falling for some charlatan with a pretty face and a sad life who tells her what she wants to hear is all far too unbecoming for a drow of her nobility and breeding. Her mother would literally kill her three times over for even an ounce of this behavior. It's frankly a miracle that a mistake like her made it to adulthood. And then there’s the whole thing with nearly uncontrollable murderous urges that, only a few weeks prior, had almost cost him his life?! Perfect.
Astarion notices Delilah’s withdrawal and leans forward to see her chin quivering and her eyes brimming with tears.
“Hey, hey, wait.” His voice drops its usual mirthful cadence. She stops, still facing away from him. “What’s wrong? Did I say something to upset you?”
“I’m not perfect,” she whispers just loud enough for him to hear. Delilah kneels at the rugs outside her tent, clumsily reaching behind her ass to take off her shoes. “Also, I think I’m mad… but I dunno.” 
“Mad at what?”
“At you.”
Astarion freezes for a split second before nodding his head in begrudged acceptance. He sets the bottle down and kneels next to her, leaning forward to make eye contact. “Better to be mad than leaving me, which frankly, is what I expected when I confessed what I had done to you. I deserve your anger.”
“No, you don’t,” she says, doing her best to maintain eye contact as the liquor and tears threaten to make her crumble. “Everything you did makes sense.”
He clears his throat, giving himself a moment to gather his response. “I had my reasons, but that doesn’t mean the things I did were right .”
Delilah’s throat contorts as she tries to suppress a sob. All at once, the proximity of the others makes her panic and she quickly retreats into the darkness of her tent. When Astarion doesn’t immediately follow her, she kicks the flap. He peeks in to find her sitting cross legged at the far end, her eyes darting between him and a pillow just out of arm's reach of her.
Nervously drumming against the stiff canvas tent flap as he holds it open, Astarion sighs. “Darling, I’m not sure you’ll be pleased that we’ve had this conversation when you’re so drunk. Maybe this should wait.”
She wipes her eyes with the collar of her shirt. “I don’ care, sit.”
As he crawls in on his hands and knees, his fingers splaying out as his palm leans into the plush of her bedding, she closes her eyes to steel herself. Of their many encounters prior to Astarion’s confession, most of those had been spent here. She was no stranger to the ways of pleasure, but he had brought her to rapture in ways she had never imagined were possible. She had thought of those nightly trysts as an escape from reality, an easy and fun passion to help them both get away from the looming despair of the tadpoles. Just the thought of how Astarion must recollect those evenings makes her own memories turn sour and rotten.
He mirrors her cross legged sit from across the tent, laying the pillow in his lap so that he can fidget with the tassels and flange. He is uncharacteristically quiet.
Was he expecting a scolding, for her to hit him, or some other form of anger, even cruelty? Delilah looks down at her feet. “D’you think I’m gonna yell at you?”
“No,” Astarion says quickly. He plucks at the silver threads of her pillow. “Maybe.”
“I’d never–” she starts, before seeing a fang poke out of his smile and one of his eyebrows shoot up questioningly. “Well, not never, but not about this. ‘Nd I’m not really mad at you. I dunno. You just hurt me–a lot–when y’said you lied to me.” The words seem innocent and childish as she speaks them to her toes. After a pause, she adds, “For months.”
Astarion draws his shoulders forward until his nose almost touches his knees, almost as if he’s trying to make his body as uncomfortable as he feels. “I know, I’m sorry my love.” He looks up at her through his white lashes, a move that could fit right into his flirtatious fop routine if not for the sincerity dripping from his words. “You have every right to be mad.”
“Stop that,” Delilah begs, a smile breaking across her face as she lets out a short sad whimper.
He pulls his back straight once more, looking down before looking back up at her. “Stop what?”
“Stop apologizing and being so nice to me,” she sighs around a smile. But the smile quickly fades. She continues, “And complicated. I dunno.”
“I’m supposed to cut back on the complaints about the niceties you give to me, but you tell me to stop? I thought you wanted me to be all empathetic and sweet to every body,” he says with an air of their usual banter. The pair sit in silence for a moment as the tension once again rises, like a taut bow string waiting for the call to loose. 
“What do you mean… ‘complicated’?” Astarion asks, without hardly using any air to carry his words, staring at the pillow flange’s thread between his fingertips as he unweaves it. She knows that he knows what she’s talking about, in general terms. Delilah huffs as she lays down on her side facing away from him, unable to explain this with even the possibility of eye contact.
“I had a lot of fun when we did, y’know, horizontal stuff. I thought you did too,” she starts nervously, holding onto her shoulders as she curls in on herself. “But now… Gods, I’m so gross. I took advantage of you. And you–”
“Stop. You didn’t take advantage of me.” His voice sounds strangled behind her. She can hear him padding closer to her, slowly. “Please, look at me.”
She curls further into herself. “But you didn’t want to fuck me.”
“Stop it, Del. Stop,” Astarion says sternly, pulling her back flush to the ground. He reaches over to hold both of her shoulders in place as he steadies himself on his knees to her side. His eyes unintentionally drift towards her neck, and she recalls this position, with him leaning his chest over hers, is much like that first night when he fed from her neck. His throat bobs, swallowing his sanguine hunger, and returns his eyes to watch hers. “I tried to explain the other night, but– Please understand me when I tell you that everything I did was what I wanted. My intentions weren’t, uh, always the most proper. But! I did want to fuck you. I want to fuck you now. It's just… not that simple.”
Delilah’s skin is hot underneath Astarion’s intense gaze and salacious words, especially the way his hands grip tighter at the idea of taking her at this very moment. She could almost be satisfied with this explanation if sex was truly all that mattered to her. Luckily for them both, it was not.
“Did you ever want to kiss me?” She breathes the question, her eyes softening under the heat of his presence. 
He scoffs, releasing her shoulders to kneel beside her. He snakes a hand along both sides of her jaw and tenderly pulls her head up as he leans down to kiss her. Her hands fly up to his ears, her fingertips dragging through his curls. He brings her in closer, their teeth just barely feeling the pressure of the kiss, before he pulls away to hover over her face. He lets out a breath as he answers simply, “Yes. Any time you ask.”
“Even at first?”
“Even the most cold-hearted bastard wouldn’t look at a pretty thing like you and not want to kiss her,” Astarion says honestly, although a hint of his flirtatious tone seeps through. 
Delilah tucks her chin into her shoulder, the blush creeping down from her cheeks to her neck and threatening to envelop her whole. She deflects to save herself from burning up. “That better not be a canned line.”
“Well…” His voice cracks and the smile on his lips falters, before he searches her face for some evidence of forgiveness. She still looks like putty in his hands, flushed and pliable. His eyebrows pull together, from pity or guilt or a combination of, as he answers her. “It doesn’t matter, da– Del. It’s true.” He leans back down for a chaste kiss before pulling his hands away from her and returning to a comfortable sitting position.
As he pulled away from the kisses, she did her best to give him a sweet smile but it didn’t quite make it to her eyes. He sighs, laying within reach of her onto his side with his head propped up by his arm. “I’m sure you’re not having an easy time trusting me lately, but… Honestly, it's true.”
She sympathized with his mild frustration. He was saying and doing all of the right things, and they were true, so why was she still upset?
Rhetorical question: she knew.
“Astarion?” She turned to face him with her elbows together and hands gripped at her chest.
“I… I think I love you,” she whispers. By the tension between them and the blank look on his face, she feels that the air has been sucked out of the tent. She feels light and breathless, floaty even, at finally putting words to her inner turmoil, and so she continues. “Even though you’re a liar. And I think I’ve loved you for a while now.”
Astarion lets out a large breath, rolling onto his back. As he fearfully studies the roof of the tent, Delilah wonders if he’s reliving some terribly sad memories of others who told him the same thing, others that were doomed to fall prey to Cazador. She wonders if it's the opposite, that he’s never been allowed to keep anyone long enough for them to love him. Or simply that he doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t want to hurt her even more. No matter what his reason is, she reaches a hand out to lay in the empty space between their bodies. An offering that she allows him to take or refuse, regardless of how much she wants to pull him closer.
“Del, I– I’m not sure what to say, but I–”
“If you don’t love me back, or you don’t know how, or whatever…” As she continues, the words trip and catch on the emotion pouring through and threatens to burst from her very soul. “Don’t tell me the truth. I can’t, I’ll… But please, don’t lie either. No more lies.”
Astarion rolls back onto his side to look at her, to look at what he’s done to her. One of his hands finds hers in the no-man’s land between them, as the other snakes through to hold the other against her sternum. “No more lies,” he repeats, earning a nod from his crying lover. “I’m so sorry. I’m going to work on, well, me, and as I do, I will become better. Stronger. For the both of us.”
Delilah curls inwards around their conjoined hands, breathing warm but fading sobs onto the cool skin of his arm. “Are we… Are we going to be okay?”
“Unless you or the tadpoles have other plans.”
“Is that a ‘yes’?”
He pauses, uncomfortable still with the concept of optimism. Promises of good tidings she made to him were generally met with a bitter snap from a man who over centuries had the ability to feel hope beaten out of him. But, in this moment, he softens at her, as he always has, and says, “Yes.”
They lay in silence for a few too many moments, just holding each other's hands and sharing a peaceful moment of mutual understanding. Delilah begins to lose the fight against her heavy eyelids. The anger, embarrassment, and heartache all seemed so trivial as she laid there with him on the brink of consciousness. He was right; they would be okay. 
The last thing Delilah remembers is her grip loosening on his hand at her chest, but the lingering sensation of his cool skin on hers. When her trance breaks, she finds herself parched under a haphazard pile of blankets with a certain elf still resting at her side. She gently lays some of the warmest ones on top of Astarion before she leaves to nurse her hangover, just barely missing the way his eyes peek open mischievously. She misses the way he hesitates to follow her, instead choosing to snuggle into her warmth like a reptile to a sunny rock, trying to keep her heat to himself as the stones beneath the bedding already begin to sap it cold and dry.
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gcthvile · 7 months
My Goodbye
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Characters: Finlay Holmes (OC) & Sherlock Holmes
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Warnings: none
Summary: After a case goes wrong due to Fin's sentiment, brothers Sherlock and Fin argue about the place of emotion in detective work, with Fin dismissed from Sherlock's tutelage as too weak, leading to a bitter rift between the two.
The moonlight shone through the window of 221B Baker Street. Finlay Holmes sat awake in the dark, unable to sleep as memories of Rose haunted his mind. He had tried everything to save her from the curse of lycanthropy but failed. All he had succeeded in doing was make her into a monster.
Fin heard footsteps descending the stairs and knew his brother Sherlock was awake too, no doubt thinking through their latest case. He wasn't surprised when Sherlock entered the living room and flipped the switch, light flooding the area.
"Still dwelling on past failures, Finlay?" Sherlock said coldly.
Fin didn't meet his gaze. "I only wanted to help her."
Sherlock scoffed. "Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side. You let your emotions cloud your judgement and that is why the case was never solved."
"At least I cared about helping people!" Fin shot back, stung. "All you care about is proving how smart you are."
Sherlock's eyes flashed. "Caring is not an advantage, Finlay. I thought I had taught you that. Emotions will only drag you down and cause you to make mistakes."
"So I'm just supposed to shut off all my human feelings then?" Fin cried angrily.
"Feelings have no place in the logical pursuit of the truth," Sherlock said coldly. "Which is why you will never be as great a detective as I am. You're too weak."
Fin jumped up, fists clenched. "Just because you've cut yourself off from the world doesn't make you superior. There is strength in compassion."
Sherlock gazed at his brother dispassionately. "Is that what you tell yourself to justify your failure? Pity will not solve cases, Finlay. If you do not learn to control your emotions, you will only continue to fail."
Fin trembled with anger and pain, tears welling in his eyes. Without a word, he turned and fled up the stairs, unable to bear another word from his harsh brother. Sherlock watched him go impassively, but deep inside, he too felt a tiny flicker of regret at driving his younger sibling to such despair.
Fin reached the top of the stairs, breathing heavily. Sherlock's accusations had hit their mark - was he becoming too soft? Too prone to letting his heart rule his head?
He heard Sherlock ascending behind him. "You know I speak the truth, Finlay. Ever since that girl, you've been sloppy in your work."
Fin spun around angrily. "Don't bring Rose into this. I was trying to help her."
"And look where your efforts led - to failure and disaster. Your sentiment compromised the case from the beginning." Sherlock's eyes bored into his brother's. "You've let caring cloud your judgment. That will be your downfall if you do not learn control."
Fin knew deep down Sherlock was right, as much as he hated to admit it. Had he approached the case with more detachment from the start, things might have turned out differently. But could he truly shut off his capacity for empathy, as his brother seemed to have done?
Fin looked away, pained by the truth in Sherlock's words. Sherlock continued, his voice almost gentle in its reproach.
"Caring will not serve you well in our line of work, Finlay. I had hoped to teach you to shut away distractions and let logic be your guide. Like myself, and Mycroft. Where did I go wrong in your training that left you still susceptible to emotion over reason?"
Fin had no answer. Sherlock sighed. "I warned you attachment would only lead to heartache. The Rose case was a test, and you failed by becoming too personally invested. For your own good, I suggest honing your detachment. It is the path to becoming as great a thinker as I."
Sherlock regarded Fin coldly as he was met with silence. "It is clear my teachings have not stuck as they should. No more will I waste my time trying to mold you into the logical detective I had hoped for. You are dismissed from your apprenticeship."
Fin met his gaze defiantly. "You may claim emotion is a weakness, brother, but I believe true strength lies in maintaining one's humanity even in the darkest of times."
"Spare me your sentimental platitudes," Sherlock sneered. "I will solve my cases through reason alone. You are welcome to wallow in feelings and no doubt fail time and again as a result. Consider this my final lesson - caring will not make you a great man."
Fin glared at Sherlock, unwilling to back down from his principles even now. He scoffed as Sherlock dismissed him coldly.
"Of course this is how you react. Emotions are inconvenient to the great Sherlock Holmes, so you discard anyone touched by them. But we do not all have the luxury of shutting ourselves off from human connections and compassion."
Fin met Sherlock's icy gaze with mingled anger and sorrow. Despite their differences, part of him had always seen Sherlock as an older brother and mentor.
"While you retreat into your mind palace, I am left dealing with the real consequences of our cases. The lives impacted, the grief that remains. Tell me Sherlock - what good is brilliant deduction if it does not also serve to relieve suffering in this world?"
Sherlock did not deign to respond, but Fin saw a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. Perhaps not all hope was lost that one day, Sherlock might learn there was merit to balancing logic with humanity.
Fin spoke to Sherlock with thinly veiled anger and pain, "So that is how you wish this to end - with your cold dismissal. Very well, brother. Consider me out of your precious mind palace from here on. I shall not darken your door with my inferior sentiments ever again."
He took a step closer to stare directly into Sherlock's impassive eyes. "You claim to do this for my sake, but we both know your pride cannot stand the existence of another viewpoint. No matter - from this day forth, I am excised from your life as neatly as one of your experiments. I wish you joy in your solitude, Sherlock Holmes."
With that bitter parting shot, Fin spun on his heel and strode toward the stairs, refusing to shed another tear where his brother could see. Though it pained him deeply, he vowed then and there to forge his own path without the elder Holmes' domineering shadow.
As Fin reached the stairs, Sherlock's icy voice stopped him in his tracks. "Do not flatter yourself that you were ever more than a subject in one of my experiments, Finlay. I aimed to sculpt an unfeeling machine for logic, not foster any lasting bond."
Fin turned to face Sherlock once more, eyes blazing with hurt pride. "And what a waste of potential your experiment proved to be, since sentiment yet remains in me as in any human being. I see now your true purpose was merely to prove your own brilliance, not impart any true wisdom."
Fin continued down the stairs, but then was overwhelmed by a surge of emotion as he heard no response from his brother. He turned back to face Sherlock, hands clenched tightly as he struggled to maintain composure.
"You claim such wisdom and intellect, brother, yet you remain alone with only your work for company. While I fight every day to ease suffering and make meaningful connections with others. Should friendship and love not be part of a full life, no matter the sacrifices? I pity you your isolation, even as you scorn mine as weakness."
Sherlock met his gaze coolly, giving no indication these words had landed. But Fin saw a tiny flicker of something - regret, loneliness, he could not be sure - flash behind the icy facade before Sherlock turned away once more.
Fin stood at the bottom of the stairs, tears still threatening to fall despite his best efforts. He wondered sadly if this rift could ever be healed.
Sherlock looked down at him coldly. "Your hope that I will one day see the value in sentiment is misplaced, little brother. Logic alone has served me well thus far in life. But by all means, waste your energy clinging to childish notions of compassion if you must. Time will show which of us has taken the wise path."
With that parting shot, Sherlock turned away once more. Fin sighed, heart heavy. He knew only time would tell if his brother could be swayed, or if this was truly goodbye to the mentor he had so respected. For now, all he could do was pursue his own vision of justice - one guided by both head and heart.
it's a bit shorter than my other fics but i hope you enjoy!
tags: @missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-missparker @askstevella @therealdaydreamstark @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @gaminggirlsstuff
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sometimesraven · 9 months
The fact that I went through most of my life experiencing, processing and healing from my trauma alongside The Doctor only for RTD to go “lol the last 15 years of character growth didn’t happen actually” is a slap in the face actually
Thirteen’s era was bad in a lot of ways but one of the first things I noticed was that her brightness and her optimism were such a natural progression of the healing Twelve did throughout his regeneration. And as someone who had also gone through the same growth and was learning to accept and love and Just Be despite everything that was huge to me, it was such a hopeful message just as Doctor Who has always been for me.
I’ve been thinking about it and I realised we’ve already seen what happened in The Giggle. In Moffat’s era, but it was over time and it was earned.
Twelve was carrying So Much trauma. He was tired and bitter and angry, carrying the expectations he’d learned in the previous incarnation (that people see him as far higher than he sees himself, that he’s a god and a warrior and a healer and he doesn’t want that, he just wants his friends and his box). He’s fighting between who he is and who he’s expected to be and he can’t run away from it any more.
This all comes to a head with Heaven Sent/Hell Bent where he loses his best friend. The woman who had guided him and supported him through this trauma, the one who was there to help him learn that the preconceived pressures of “good” and “bad” he put upon himself were bullshit and he’s just Some Guy Doing His Best and that’s okay, he doesn’t have to be more than he is even if the universe tells him so. He thinks he’s responsible for her actions (which arguably goes all the way back to Davros accusing him of turning his companions into weapons) and he relapses into trying to control everything, brings her back, does all of this shit for her that she never asked for.
And that’s when he learns his inability to let go and actually face the pain rather than running from it is hurting people and himself. He’s faced with what he did to Donna at long last and given the chance to not repeat that mistake. Clara teaches him one last lesson.
Then he settles. He takes care of Missy and spends some time as a professor, meets a new companion and by the end of his regeneration he learns to let go.
This is the point where I realised RTD had somehow rehashed something that had already been done.
He lets go. He passes the torch into a brighter, more optimistic Doctor less burdened by the previous incarnations’ trauma and ripe for a whole heap of NEW trauma, still remembering all she’s lost but able to put it behind her and focus on the happy memories and the love. She has a family.
The Doctor had healed in a meaningful way, and more importantly a way those watching could see and realise that yes, it’s possible. Yes, it’ll still hurt sometimes, but it’s possible to heal from the terrible things that have been done to you. It’s possible to live a full, happy, bright existence even if the past doesn’t truly go away.
Obviously it all goes downhill again and yeah, the unfortunate writing means that Thirteen had some really unhealthy coping mechanisms that were never addressed. Yeah, the Flux happens. Yeah, Gallifrey dies again.
Imagine this for a second: Rose and Donna’s “let go” statement, ignoring the gender essentialism. It turns out they’re actually harkening back to “Doctor, I let you go.”. Thirteen bigenerates and Fourteen (Ncuti) gives the “therapy in the wrong order” speech, but this time it’s because they’ve already been through the same trauma.
They’ve already seen their planet die, they’ve already lost so much and felt responsible for so much death, but because they’ve already been through that trauma from 9-12 and been through that healing combined with the Toymaker’s wibbly wobbly laws of physics, the bigeneration came from a subconscious recognition that they’re relapsing into those bad habits (compartmentalise, put it away, keep running) and that they need to slow down and stop to process this again.
It would be an excellent way of doing what Rusty wanted and soft rebooting while also showing the audience “hey, sometimes when you think everything is okay it’ll fall apart again, you’ll relapse, things will seem shitty, but because you’ve done all this healing and have all these tools and learned to trust people it’ll be easier to bounce back from, just have patience with yourself” rather than coming across as just completely retconning 15 years of character growth in favour of cheap fanservice
Idk I just have so many issues with The Giggle and I thought they’d get smaller over time as I get over the initial what the fuck but I’m only getting angrier lmao. Like acknowledge the previous writers or don’t, you can’t acknowledge them and then try to gaslight an entire audience into thinking it didn’t happen
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aeksion-aekse · 4 months
Chapter 2: Unwanted Rumors & Trepidations
tag list 🏷️ @eiralune @noeverse @mini-kunoichi @rozendiors @flippydippydoo
word count: 1605 words
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Brinaera’s POV
Many hours had passed since the meeting in the throne room within the confinements of the Red Keep, the whole thing replaying in my head like a shocking symphony as I lay strewn across my bed, my hand slightly clutching at the necklace adorned on my neck. I always knew that some sort of rumors would swirl across the Seven Kingdoms, but to hear Viserys address them head on in such a manner? He defended my very existence as if I were his own blood, which is more than I could ever say for the man whose very seed I spilled from…Borros Baratheon, the very thought of him a plague on my mind. I let out a sigh before sitting up on my bed, my many conflicting thoughts wandering and pondering, my brain a cacophony. My ears perk up as I hear a knock at the door of my private bedchambers, prompting me to get up from my bed to open it. As I open it, I’m greeted by the most unexpected company of Alicent, leaving me a bit bewildered but intrigued.
Third Person POV
“My- my Queen, I wasn’t expecting you at all, I apologize.” The young Baratheon bastard girl of course was rather surprised by Alicent approaching her private bedchambers, the expression on her face clear as a summer day in King’s Landing. The Queen closed the door behind the both of them and made her way to a little table in a corner of the room close to a balcony, pouring herself some wine in the goblet. She had rather…strong opinions on the Baratheon bastard girl, but whether she wanted to admit it or not, she did have a small soft spot for the girl. She let out an exhale before looking up at Brinaera, motioning to the other seat at the table. “Sit, darling. I wish to talk with you.”
The young girl smiled small, albeit a nervous smile, obliging Alicent’s request and sitting down in the seat, across the little table from the Queen. “This has to do with the rumors swirling around the Seven Kingdoms, doesn’t it, my Queen?” Alicent could only let out a small sigh before taking a sip of her wine, speaking in a rather slightly bitter tone. “That it does, sweet fawn, that it does. The world is an often cruel place to young girls and women, yet it is our duty to do what is asked of us, regardless of what fate has written for us. Does that make sense, darling?” 
Brinaera could feel her brain swirling with many conflicting thoughts and emotions, one contradicting the other. On one hand, she would do anything to remain in the good graces of the very family who had taken her off the filthy streets of Flea Bottom, but on the other hand she didn’t want to sacrifice her own beliefs and morals to appease the Seven Kingdoms, throwing away any shred of self respect she had. Brinaera let out a slow exhale before turning her attention to Alicent, her eyes scanning over the Queen before nodding her head hesitantly yet curtly, swallowing her self worth for a mere moment. “It does, my Queen. In a world controlled and written by men, women do what they must to get by and survive. Even when they aren’t wanted.” As Brinaera spoke, Alicent could feel a pang of familiarity in her words, as much as it pained her to admit, she could resonate deeply with them. Alicent slightly grimaced, her grip on the goblet in her hand tightening as she swirled the wine around, taking another sip as the taste of the sweet wine turned bitter when hitting her tongue. “You have faced…quite the hardship, my darling. You are quite strong, and I do not give praise out often. Do with my words what you will.” Brinaera couldn’t help but feel her lips purse into a thin lipped expression, knowing that Alicent seldom gave any type of praise, and when she did, it was hard to tell if it was genuine or not. But something told Brinaera that deep down….deep down, Alicent truly meant those words of praise. 
Brinaera ran a hand through her hair, a silent exhale escaping her as she turned to look out at the sun shining brightly through the late afternoon sky in King’s Landing. Alicent and Brinaera have always had a bit of a tumultuous relationship, since Brinaera was a bastard of Borros Baratheon and Alicent had a not-so-secret disdain for impure blooded people. Nonetheless, Brinaera was a welcomed part of the royal family, and that fact would never ever change. “I know you dislike me for being a bastard, my Queen…I know that part of you will never change, and I have grown to accept that. Just as you have accepted the fact that my existence will never leave.”
Alicent just stared at the young girl sitting across the small table from her, her eyes slightly narrowed in curiosity at her words. 'What in the Seven Hells could this little fawn have meant? Were her words a threat? Was she planning something? No, of course not, she was too benevolent, she was incapable of doing something.' “I suppose that we all have to come to terms with things that are less than desirable for us to initially accept.” Brinaera could only let out an indifferent hum in agreement, shifting her gaze as the sunlight reflected onto them both, the golden rays illuminating the hazel eyes of the young Baratheon girl as she stared at the matriarch of the royal family. Alicent never minced her words nor never made her feelings not known, but neither did Brinaera. “You are always so knowledgeable, my Queen. How true your words are…all of us must make sacrifices, no matter how minute or major, they are still sacrifices all the same.” 
A thick and tense yet solemn tone of silence befell the both of them as they looked at the view outside of Brinaera’s private bedchambers, staring at the sun’s golden rays of light shine down onto the waves of Blackwater Bay, thinking of how just exactly unfair and unjust life was for the both of them alike. Both of them to suffer the trials and tribulations that life dealt them from conception, both of doomed by the narrative and both of them to make unnecessary sacrifices….Before Brinaera’s brain could catch up and halt her, her mouth already started to move as she spoke. “Alicent…you are the only semblance of a mother figure I have ever had. Even if you dislike me for what I am, I still owe you for what you have given and taught me. If you had it your way, you would’ve put me back on the streets of Flea Bottom. You may despise my existence, but I more than tolerate yours.” 
For once, Alicent couldn’t think of what to say, she just remained silent as she continued to sip the wine from her goblet, mulling over the young Baratheon’s words in her mind. Her words were correct in the fact at first, she would've tossed the bastard girl back onto the filthy streets, no second thoughts. But now, she was such an integral part of the Targaryen family’s lives, it almost seemed….wrong to imagine a life without her in it, as if she actually belonged with them. No, never would Alicent admit to this sentiment, not out loud nor to herself in her own heart and mind, no matter how true it may be. “You have a bit of all my children in you, sweet fawn. The gentle and innocent nature of Helaena, the emotional vulnerability of Aegon and the intelligence of Aemond. Never had I imagined my life to turn out this way, I only did what was asked of me…my proof in the children I bore. I did what I had to.”
Brinaera could almost see the raw vulnerability pouring out of Alicent, and she knew the majority of it was due to the wine, but Brinaera continued to stare at the Queen, her gaze rather empathetic in a sense. “As horrible as it may sound, you birthed your grief, but with each child it just became easier to grow numb while doing so. An unfortunate effect of the situation you were put into. I wish I could be of more comfort, my Queen.”
Alicent could feel the familiar lump of sorrow start to form and rise in her throat as she thought of her life as every significant memory popped up into her inebriated mind. Alicent then quickly stood up from her seat and averted Brinaera’s gaze, swiftly and silently leaving the young girl’s private bedchambers whilst slamming the door behind her. Brinaera could only stand there as she watched the Queen leave in such a rush, her big doe like hazel eyes slightly wide in surprise as they remained fixated on the door, a hand still slightly outstretched when she went to grab ahold of Alicent, her body reacting far too late. She was just a whirlwind of different emotions and thoughts: Was it something I said? I hope I didn’t upset her in any way.. 'I thought we were having a bonding moment. What do I do now? Do I just leave her be?'
All Brinaera could do was just remain in the confinements of her bedchambers, wondering about all things that had been said and done, a slight breeze blowing through the room as she was left to ponder.
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dioles-writes · 18 days
Masterlist | Characters: Winola (she/her), Hiraya (she/her), Rory (they/she), Alzena (she/her), Kuali’i (he/him), Manon (she/her), January (he/him)
Characters in purple belong to @jiphenn and Winola belongs to @sleepsloooop
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Winola found herself back in the arena. Back in Paradise.
“Good job today Rory!” Hiraya exclaimed, stepping through the door and giving her a high five. “Where are you gonna go now?”
“I think I might visit January!”
“Okay, just be careful with Winola.”
“I will!” Rory smiled. “Let’s go guys!” She made her way towards the exit, Kuali’i, Winola, and Alzena instantly falling in pace beside her.
For the first time in months, Winola could sense Alzena’s presence next to her. Alzena, inches away from her, right in arms reach. And she couldn’t move her body to even so much as glance at her.
Her heart ached. Since they had lost her, she had wished nothing more that she could switch places with her, that she could’ve been the one taken, stuck in Paradise with Rory. All as long as Alzena was safe. Now, part of her wish had come true - here she was, forced to walk alongside Rory, with no control over her movements or actions. It was a cruel joke. Now, she had no way to help Alzena, no way to get her out of here. She was completely and utterly helpless.
“What kind of ice cream do you guys want?” Rory asked, skipping along. “I know Kuali’i likes cherry and January likes chocolate! But what about you two?” She turned to them. “Mint chip and strawberry? I like those too!” Rory decided herself, considering Winola and Alzena could not move on their own, much less open their mouths to protest. “My favourite is tiger swirl though.”
They continued to walk as Rory chatted with the three of them happily, leading them out of the arena. She seemed to be having quite the lovely, amazing time, despite the fact that neither Kuali’i, Alzena, or Winola were able to engage in the conversation with her.
The four exited the dark, gloomy halls of the Combat Unit, heading out into the bright and sunny streets of Paradise.
Everything looked just like Winola remembered it. Vibrant and beautiful, with vast green parks overflowing with colourful flowers and plants, the streets lined by quaint little shops bustling with happy customers. What once would’ve spurred up emotions of contentment and pleasure now just left a bitter taste in her mouth. She had, for a time, almost considered this place something akin to a home. She had never belonged to somewhere that she could consider home - not with Freida and Fergus Higgins to call family; but her time at Einar’s cozy cottage, working at the orchestra with her friends, going to Board Game Club meetings every Friday, it was the one time she had felt…. truly happy.
Except now the memory was tainted and ugly, a reminder, like everything else in her life, of what could’ve been. What could’ve been, if she hadn’t left, what could’ve been, if Vincent hadn’t made his announcement that fateful night. A life with something close to what she was sure a real family was like, a job doing her favourite thing in the entire world, all her closest friends to surround her….
She wished she’d never come back.
“We haven’t visited January in forever!” Rory was saying, still talking away. “I wonder if he’s home!”
They kept leisurely cruising along, twisting and turning through the different streets, passing by the same sights that were all too familiar to Winola, sights she wished she could turn her gaze away from. But finally, the four pulled up to the large ebony-black gates of the Lim Estate.
The last place Winola had seen before she left.
She had never expected to be setting foot in this place ever again. Where the Board Game Club had spent so many meetings in January’s room, laughing and joking happily as they played board games and snacked. Where she had first met the mighty leader of Paradise, where she had found out the truth about Gunther’s betrayal. All the memories came rushing back, flooding her brain. Where she had watched as Vincent stood before all of Paradise, laughing as he announced his plan. Where she had turned her back on January’s angry figure, and fled.
And here she was. Right back at the start.
The gates swung open and Rory skipped up the steps, greeted at the front door by a very familiar face. “Hi Rory!” Manon waved at them excitedly before turning her attention on the rest of the group. Her gaze landed on Winola, and her eyes went wide, jaw dropping to the ground.
“WOOOOOOAHHH WINOLA’S HERE???” She gasped loudly, her face lighting up at the sight of the girl standing in front of her.
“Yup! Winola decided she missed Paradise and came back!”
“Really??!” Manon grinned up at Winola.
Winola felt her head nod against her will, her lips curving up into a smile. “Thanks for having me.” The words left her mouth before she could even think to fight it.
“No problem! Come in! Come in!!” Manon swung the door open with a wide smile, ushering all of them inside.
She skipped through the halls, leading them away. “You’re here to see January, right?”
“Yup, but we also came to see you!” Rory smiled. “Where’s Atiah and your dad?”
“Dad’s working and Atiah’s helping him.”
“That’s nice, I’m glad they’re working so hard!”
“Yeah they work very hard!” Manon sounded so proud of her happy little family. “How did your mission go?”
“Oh, very well! We saw Felix, Akali, Wilder, Maddox, and Akali’s sister.”
“Oh really?!”
“Yup! It was pretty fun!”
The five of them continued down the halls. Winola could feel her eyes drifting as they walked along, her gaze flickering to all the family portraits that hung along the walls. She could see a couple new ones along the bunch, especially of January, but not compared to the numerous photos of Gunther. It was jarring, seeing him grinning happily, looking pretty and fresh, when all she had been seeing of him lately was his ghost form, his skin marred by scars.
“I think January’s in his room! That or he might be in the training room.” Manon said, pulling Winola’s attention away from the pictures.
“Let’s go check his room first!” Rory said.
Manon continued to pull them through the seemingly never-ending halls of the mansion, but finally she came to a stop in front of a door. It was marked by a large sign that read out ‘JANUARY’, one that Winola easily recognized from all her days spent here with the rest of the Board Game Club. Days that, right now, she kind of found herself missing.
Manon knocked. No answer.
“Hellooooo, I’m coming in!” She knocked again before opening the door.
The four were greeted by the view of January’s expansive bedroom, complete with a crystal-clear waterfall that spilled into its own pond with koi fish drifting near the surface - but no January. It was completely empty.
“Not in here!” Manon said, glancing around the room before stepping out and shutting the door behind her.
“Let’s go to the gym then!” Rory and Manon really seemed to match each other’s energy. They spun around, skipping through the halls alongside each other as Rory’s three mindless drones followed along silently, the two friends talking about anything and everything.
After more long, weaving hallways, confusing turns, and a lot of walking, they reached a door. Inside Winola could hear a lot of commotion and banging, whoever that was inside evidently hard at work.
The commotion came to a sudden halt as soon as they approached the door. “I think he heard us!” Manon skipped over, swinging open the door and flashing the person inside a bright smile. “There you are!”
“Hey! Watcha doing?”
That was voice Winola hadn’t heard in a long, long while - and one she was no more pleased to hear than she was to be back in Paradise.
“I was coming to find you! Some people came to visi-“
January popped his head out of the door, his gaze instantly falling onto Winola. They locked eyes, January’s stare piercing, burning into hers with such an intensity that the boy was almost unrecognizable. The whole atmosphere of the hall shifted, the air going thick and uncomfortable, and Winola could feel her body shake, almost as if it was in the presence of danger.
“Surprise! Winola’s with us now!” Rory cheered.
“Really?” The aura completely disappeared, January’s eyes returning to normal as he glanced at her curiously. Winola could feel herself nod.
“Why’d you come back?” January asked, his eyes still not leaving hers.
Winola could feel her body shrug slightly before her mouth began moving again. “The more I thought about it the more I thought you were right.” The words tasted bitter in her mouth, so utterly wrong, yet Winola was unable to do anything to stop it.
January watched her carefully for a second, before seeming to be satisfied with her answer. He gave her a smile. “I’m glad you’re back.”
Winola couldn’t disagree more. Talking to January, standing in the Lim mansion, alongside Rory… it all made her skin crawl.
“Do you wanna get some ice cream with us?” Rory asked.
“Yeah sure!” January fully emerged from behind the door. “From the fridge or from the shop?”
“The ones from your house are yummier!”
The six made their way towards the kitchen. “What kind of ice cream do you like Winola?” January asked, glancing back to look at her.
She had absolutely no control over her words. “Mint chip.”
January frowned for a split second, before his expression instantly fixed back into that easy-going smile of his. “That’s a good flavour!”
After a bit of walking and chatting they arrived at the kitchen. Everyone plopped down at the island and January made his way over to the freezer, pulling out several different ice cream containers of different flavours. He then grabbed a scooper and several bowls, setting them on the counter before beginning to ask everyone what flavour they wanted. He scooped a nice filling of mint chip ice cream for Winola, handing it over to her.
As she took the bowl their fingers brushed, just slightly. January’s fingertips were rough and callous, not soft and smooth like they once used to be. All the training and missions had evidently changed a lot.
Winola patiently waited until everyone else had their scoops before she digged in. The ice cream melted on her tongue, bursting with flavour that made her mouth water for more, almost bringing her body to tears. Instinctively, her body acted like she had been starving for months (because she had), and began to quickly gobble up the ice cream, ravenously shovelling bite after bite into her mouth. She practically inhaled her serving, the ice cream disappearing in what seemed like just seconds.
Winola had never been more ashamed of herself.
“Woah, you sure are hungry Winola.” January said, watching her eat. “Do you want some more?”
Winola could feel her body want to shake its head, but her eyes locked upon the container of ice cream again, shining hungrily, and she slowly nodded. January scooped her up some more from the goodness of his heart, sliding the bowl back to her with a slight smile.
They sat like that for a while, chatting together while finishing off their very yummy ice cream, before Manon hopped out of her chair. “Can we watch a movie January?” She asked, looking up at her favourite cousin.
“Sure! I’m just gonna wash the dishes though. Wanna help Winola?”
“Sure.” Winola said, sliding out of her seat and piling up the dishes to carry over.
“You guys go to the theatre, we’ll be there soon!”
“Okay!” Everyone skipped off, leaving just January and Winola.
They stood at the sink, side by side, the only sounds being the gentle running of tap water and the clinking of dishes as the two scrubbed off the leftover ice cream.
Slowly, Winola could feel January’s creepy aura start to spread. It was almost invisible at first, easy to ignore; then, the air grew thicker, the atmosphere around them going cold and stiff, until Winola was surrounded, her body trembling in fear.
“I’m not dumb.” He stated flatly, his eyes focused on the sponge in his hand. “I don’t know whether you came here as a spy or if Rory brought you here under their control, but I know you didn’t come here willingly.”
Winola could feel her sense of control begin to come back as she washed the dishes, her hands beginning to slow to a stop instead of robotically move like before. January’s aura only grew evermore, until Winola could almost feel herself almost choking on it, pure terror shooting through her veins from the boy next to her.
“I’ll treat you like a friend for as long as you’re here. But if you try to get in the way of Paradise or hurt anyone here…” He paused for a second, letting his words hang in the air between them. Winola felt her body stop completely, slowly turning to face him. He loomed over her, casting a dark shadow across her face, and when she finally made eye contact again, his gaze held the same look of terrifying bloodlust that she remembered so clearly seeing back on the mission in December, just before he had tried to crush her.
“I will kill you.”
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tiny-chubby-bird · 2 years
scrambled thoughts that are probably 90% inaccurate because i’m bad at remembering warframe plot/facts:
ballas saying he has always been alone because his vision was incomprehensible to "people", becoming incredibly jealous when margulis spends all her time helping the zariman children and showing motherly love towards them, him devoting several of his warframes to memories of her and then his big tantrum where all his bottled up anger and bitterness gets directed towards natah who was “supposed” to be the new margulis,,,
honestly the man just makes me sad at this point. he's always been alone, so even though he's lived several lifetimes it sounds like he's never been loved by anyone (or at least he never felt loved because he didn't feel understood by anyone), and probably never truly loved anyone himself. and but then he met margulis and he loved her, but he became super clingy because she's the first person he's felt this way about and the first person to love him/understand him i guess.
and while he wasn’t happy with her work with the tenno and didn’t like these void devils he still supported her, in his own,,, ballas way. also apparently giving the children nightmares so that he’d still be needed by margulis somehow. but they took margulis’ sight away (by accident of course), which was forgiven by her but not by him, and i guess it was another factor for his bitterness because she never forgave him for what he did (understandably of course). from the voice lines between her and ballas in the apostasy prologue, it kinda gave me the sense that they probably had a big disagreement the day before she got executed, her asking him to help her and “get her out of here”, and him saying he can’t, “can’t or won’t?” and then later her saying he’s no different than the rest of them, him asking her for forgiveness but never getting it, with margulis’ last words dedicated towards her “sons and daughters”, and then she got executed, and while he regretted abandoning and sacrificing her for his “faith”, he mostly blamed the tenno, because if it hadn’t been for them, she would still be alive.
so then he contacted hunhow later on and tried to get him to kill the tenno by revealing their location on lua, telling him that they’re the ones controlling the warframes that are currently winning the war against sentients for the orokin. I guess that didn’t work out too well and i still don’t rlly understand all the details because,,, well, DE isn’t very good at making the plot and timeline clear and comprehensible. i don’t know how the whole natah becoming lotus thing happened but pretty sure ballas was the main reason for that, trying to make himself a new margulis to feel better, a margulis he could control so she wouldn’t leave him again and would love him, but,,, i guess that didn’t work out so well either, because she chose the tenno over him once again (at least i think she chose them, i don’t think ballas would want her to do that).
and i still don’t know how much of ballas dying and then becoming a sentient-hybrid was part of his big plan, or if that wasn’t planned at all, but i do feel like either way, it did take part of his humanity away. i feel like it did fuck up his psyche even more, either the dying part or the “not being human anymore” part (though orokin have died several times, they kinda see death as a joke because they’ve found a way to come back. i mean their halloween is all about celebrating their immortality by dressing up as the dead to mock death).
idk where i was going with this, my brain is rotting and i have a lot of feelings.
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2 & 3 from section 1 for peri and 7 from whichever section has a more interesting #7 for diodore -moss
oooh these are fun ones!
2. Describe their tent set-up (outside and inside) (Peri)
I think Peri's tent is constructed similarly to Gale and Astarion's (boxy, fabric walls, little covered area outside). Deep blue fabric w/ golden astronomical embroidery, mostly the sort of thing you see on star maps. Little golden tassles around the edges of the tarp (?) and the doorframe. He'd have a small, circular, dark wood side table short enough that you can use it sitting on the ground, and a dark blue pillow next to it; there would be some parchment and a bronze miniature astrolabe on the table. The inside would be just. full to the brim with the gaudiest night-sky-themed pillows you've ever seen. No bedroll, no palette, just a nest that would put those cube pits in trampoline parks to shame. There would be two bird perches for his familiar Medani: one taller one next to his tent and one shorter one under the overhang. The shorter one would have a crow-sized bow-tie hanging from it. Rugs on rugs on the outside area ofc. 3. What would their character quest be titled? Why? (Peri)
This is a hard one! His tav ending involves taking over the Waterdeep arm of the Harpers, so I think his arc would have something to do with that. He'd be pretty bitter about being dropped into another near-apocalyptic mess when dealing with the last one a few years prior was supposed to be a one-time thing. Something-something ptsd in a world that doesn't have the words for that yet, something-something 'once a hero always a hero', something-something the weight of responsibility...he's a planeswalker so I think part of it would be whether he decides to stay on Toril long-term and directly help rebuild the Waterdeep Harpers or if he continues to run travel around afterwards, so maybe The Far Traveller/The Far Walker?
Harpson/Fae-son are also potential options. "Fae-son" nods to him being a changeling without it being super obvious (like Astarion's "The Pale Elf"). It would also mimic his backstory reveals from RoT ("oh he's not 'from here' so, like, the Feywild" -> "OH he's not from here"). 7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one? (Diodore)
Buckle up because we're in for a long one here. I've thought about Dora's story arc a lot because she's the first of my tavs that I truly made for the game while having full control over her backstory, etc. (versus Corentin, who had their arc baked into the story as a durge). Dora's a paladin of Corellon (oath of ancients) and her story arc as a companion would have to do with whether or not she should accept capital-r-Redemption, the process by which a drow can be truly "freed" from Lolth and rejoin the ranks of the rest of elven society. It involves all of the Redeemed drow's memories being erased and them being reincarnated as a surface elf. The implication seems to be that without that, regardless of a drow's actions, they'd be thrown back to Lolth when they die? Or at least that their eternal fate is unknown (which is the way I prefer to think of it for. personal reasons). Under normal circumstances, Dora would be a long way from Redemption being presented to her at all (she's not even 200 yet and has only been on the surface for a couple decades), but like with the other gods' Chosen among the companions, near-apocalyptic circumstances tend to speed up those sorts of things.
Of course, you'd have the themes of faith & relationship with deity when they're all unequivocally real and are also mostly all assholes; maintaining or breaking generational cycles; facing the unknown; morality when none of your choices are "good" (and how that interacts with morality vs self preservation); power vs freedom; identity outside of the people who made you; etc. The choice would first be presented to her sometime in late Act I/early Act II, likely the first long rest after the group resurfaces from the Underdark and you've probably gotten some of her backstory already. I have no idea how Larian would have characterized Corellon, but he's considered one of the more benevolent/open-minded deities iirc, which could be interesting to see contrasted with Mystra, Vlaa'kith, and Shar. How much that open-mindedness would extend to a drow, even one who has been a faithful follower even before she escaped to the Surface (and who inherited that faith from her father), is unclear. At the beginning of the game she would be leaning towards accepting Redemption, despite her own misgivings about whether or not she would still be her in that case.
Her final decision (at the ending pier scene) would depend on the relationship she has with the PC and the other companions. Her best ending, imo, would be her not accepting Redemption but continuing to be a force for good. If she has a good relationship with the PC, she would have something to lose. I think seeing the House of Mourning would affect her too. After all, the thing Corellon is offering to her as a way to find peace is the same thing the Sharrans are using as a way to manipulate and control others.
She's viscerally aware of how she was socialized and very actively chooses "good", so pushing her towards a darker path would be incredibly difficult but not impossible. If you side with the goblins she'll leave immediately, and turn on you if she's in your party when you attack the grove. But if you decide to try and control the cult in Act II, depending on your over-all actions before then and how you've interacted with her, you could disillusion her to the point of convincing her to break her oath. That path would entail convincing her that controlling the cult is actually the best idea. I'm sure there would be other times that her oath could break that wouldn't necessarily lock her into an "evil" path, especially with how Oathbreakers are handled in the game. Knocking out Minthara instead of killing her outright and letting Auntie Ethel go in Act I instead of killing her are two things that come to mind.
If she doesn't choose Redemption she would be at the epilogue party, of course. I'm a bit undecided on what would happen if she does choose Redemption. She may not be there at all, w/ Jaheira, Halsin, Minthara, and/or Astarion mentioning running into her in her new, reincarnated state. Or she would be there, confused, and mention how the PC seems familiar in a way she can't quite place. In that case, she would ask them how they know each other and mention something about feeling a twinge of grief looking at everyone, but that she doesn't know why she feels that way. It would be up to the PC how much they tell her (if they tell her anything at all).
#ty for the ask mossy!!#and sorry for the wait lol a couple of these stumped me for a minute#thinking about peri & jaheira as narrative parallels...#b/c i want to be clear here. peri was and is *not* looking for more responsibility re: harpers#he was perfectly happy doing security systems. him not seeking power was an active character choice i made for him b/c he's a wizard#but in the Faerun In My Head (tm) the Waterdeep Harpers also get decimated by the Absolute b/c why would they not? theyd be a major threat#especially b/c their high harper was the catalyst for forming the lord's alliance and. like. you think they're *not* reconvening?#for Weird Cult Two: 2 Cult 2 Furious??#gortash would take remallia OUT if at all possible#and also I like torturing my characters#and i think the whole 'weight of duty'/hero's curse (once you get drawn into one situation you can't ignore the others/they come to you)#thing is interesting for peri in particular. the man just wants to live a quiet life and he will! for the most part.#just now with thousands of lives in his hands b/c he's helped stop 2 apocalypses and is irrevocably tied to the fate of the Coast now#his conscious wouldn't let him just leave the Harpers or Waterdeep to rot. and that seems to be similar to the situation jaheira's in#generational cycles the cruel march of time history repeats itself etc etc#that's also why i think he would get Weave'd and have an unusually long lifespan. he wanted to rest and the universe said “no <3”#i think about dora's story a lot also because the whole 'you can be redeemed (from something you were born with)#but only by removing integral parts of yourself' thing hits *right* in the religious trauma#you cant tell me there wouldn't be *some* part of a Redeemed Drow's soul that remembers the people from before they were changed#unless they just. get a new soul in which case it literally isn't them anymore.#doras first real & healthy relationships happen in-game#thats part of why she's drawn to astarion. his bullshit is predictable to her and therefore feels safer.#definitely safer than whatever is going on with the others#(also why she trusts karlach so quickly: she's straightforward and blunt & doesn't really hide things?#and was also the only one to warn her against astarion. dora'd literally never had someone like that in her life before so it stuck)#and she'd feel a bit uncomfortable w/ the concept of Redemption at first but who is she to argue with a god?#esp one who seems kinder than many of the others#but as the story progresses she realizes that she *can* trust these people and that they trust her#and she sees how Gale and Shadowheart and Lae'zel are struggling w/ their deities#and not only does she have something to lose now but she's seeing more of how the gods work generally
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filmtv2022 · 2 years
To the Bitter End: Chapter Five
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Pairing: Doc Holliday x Earp!Reader
Chapter Notes: The reader and her loved ones are faced with the progress of her illness. Doc & Y/N begin to truly comprehend how much they need each other. 
Story Summary: The youngest Earp sibling joins her older brothers in Tombstone with the hope that the new climate will ease her consumption/tuberculosis symptoms and reconnect her family.  But as she settles into this new life, will she find something worth living for? Someone who can tame the loneliness?
Warnings: Illness + Addiction + drinking + kissing + cuddling  (You can call this one PG-13 & the content may move beyond this rating over the next few chapters) + Cursing (This list will be updated with each chapter)
**Author's Note: Happy Saturday! Truthfully, my anxiety has been through the roof for the past couple of days, and sitting down to write has helped take the edge off. Thanks again to all of you who are reading this story, it means the world to me! Chapter six is in the works, but I have some decisions to make with it regarding the rating level I desire & feel fits the story best. Honestly, I wrote a version of it last night that is very much 18+, and I think it turned out pretty darn good... but I am terrified to post it. I know part of the reason it scares me is that I've never written anything like that before & it could be downright terrible, but the other side is that I want to make sure that the content feels right for the story. So... I am going to sit on that for a little bit longer before posting.
The soft sound of hushed voices greeted you as your eyes fluttered open. Even the dim light of the room was too much to process all at once. After a few tight squeezes of your eyelids, you were able to focus on the voices at the end of your bed. Your brothers, John, and a person you thought must be a doctor stood there whispering to each other, their voices were painted with deep concern. As you worked to regain control of your body you caught pieces of their conversation.
"...severely reduced lung function"
"How long ....."
"It all depends really"
At last you were able to croak out a weak, '"John...". Your voice barely audible, but it was enough to catch his attention.
"Y/N" John spoke your name on an exhale, as if hearing your voice had knocked the wind out of him. Doc quickly turned your way, his face softening a little with the relief of seeing you conscious. He moved with speed and grace to the side of your bed. Grabbing your left hand in his, he pulled your knuckles to his lips, placing a soft kiss there. His mustache tickled the back of your hand sweetly. With his other hand he was delicately sweeping errant strands of hair back into place, tucking them behind your ear.
Your brothers moved around to the opposite side of the bed. Wyatt sat and reached for your other hand as tears began to well in his eyes. This show of emotion was almost too much for you to handle.
The room was quiet for a moment until the doctor came up beside Doc and placed a hand on his shoulder. The physician began to speak in a somber tone, "Y/N, there is truly no way of softening the news about the state of your condition. I'm afraid at this point it appears you've lost approximately 40 to 50 percent of your lung function."
Doc's hand tightened around yours as the other man continued. He had been on the receiving end of similar words in the past, and yet hearing this information about you hit so much deeper. The sinking feeling in his stomach grabbed a tight hold over his entire body as the man continued to speak.
"I'm afraid there isn't much I can do at this point to alleviate your symptoms. The best thing I can tell you to do is rest" The doctor turned now to address your family.
"Be sure to call when her condition changes"
Not if...when. His choice of words in that moment hit you differently than you expected. You thought you had come to terms with the fact that you were dying, but that old familiar feeling of anxiety swept through your body, settling in like an knife. Tears were threatening to spill down your cheeks as the physician turned to leave.
You could feel yourself pulling away from the people around you, both physically and emotionally. You knew the pain you were causing in their lives and it drove that knife ever deeper. Guilt, anxiety, fear... pulsed through your body with every heartbeat.
Your eyes were closed in an attempt to keep the tears from falling. Wyatt was the first to make a move. He leaned down and place a kiss to your forehead before standing. Morgan was next, kissing the side of your head before whispering, "We love you Y/N girl".  There was a small, empty moment before Virgil approached your bed. Virgil had always been the truest emotional rock, unwavering in his stability.  But in that room, staring at your weak frame huddled beneath the covers, Virgil finally broke. His solid weight settled where  Wyatt has been previously. You could feel his eyes on your face urging you to look at him. Finally, you willed yourself to open your eyes and meet your oldest brother’s gaze. 
A singular quiet sob left his body as Virgil promised, "Whatever you need, whenever you needed it. Rest well Y/N." He opened his mouth as if to speak again, but pressed his lips back together before giving your hand a squeeze and rising from the bed.
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil all began to move towards your door, understanding that you and John needed a moment alone. 
There were so many things you both wanted...needed to say, but every word seemed to catch like glue in your throats. Instead, you and John sat in heavy silence for what felt like an eternity.  Doc wrapped both of his large hands around yours as his mind endlessly spun, flipping through all of the memories you shared. Every smile...every dance... every caress of your skin. With his whole heart he wanted to stay with you, never leaving until you asked him to go or his Maker called him home.
A wheezing breath shook Doc back into the room. Your voice was quiet, but remarkably clear as it cut through the air.
"Stay with me John. Please, don't leave"
Leaning forward Doc lightly pressed his lips to yours before pulling back just far enough to say, "I'll stay as long as you'd like. To the bitter end, if you'll have me"
Hot tears began to flow from your eyes. Feeling him begin to lean back you pulled your hand from his only to thread your fingers through his soft hair and guide his lips back to yours. You could have stayed like this forever, your lips moving together in a gentle, yet passionate kiss. So many unspoken feelings were shared in this embrace, and soon John's face was also damp with tears, some of them yours, while others were his own.
Eventually, you parted. John stood and without speaking removed his holster and shoes, his jacket was already flung over the bedpost. You tracked him as he made his way to the other side of the bed. Slowly, Doc eased back the covers and laid down in the bed. As he settled, you rolled on your side to face him and without a second thought, he pulled you close. His arm was wrapped around your back and began to trace the length of your spine as your legs tangled beneath the sheets. You took your other hand and placed it on top of his heart, Doc covered your hand with his.
And there you stayed, as sleep finally overtook you both. Your lives were no less perilous than before, but here in each other's arms, it didn't matter. Here you'd never be alone.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
So happy your requests are open and I don't mind the wait at all!
I just really want to see a sweet quirkless omega going into heat and sending her alpha Overhaul (Kai Chisaki) into a hard rut and he just pins her to a wall and fucks the life out of her before taking her to the bedroom to knot her.
but you do know that it would 100% be like "hate sex" on Chisaki's part (even though he kinda do like it lol)
(Kinda overhaul x reader x chrono btw but only for a little bit)
Just. Overhaul being able to tolerate you being kept at his compound because one, you're his mate, whether he likes it or not.
Two, you're quirkless.
And three? You don't bother him, you stay out of the way and you have passable hygiene when compared to Chisaki's standards.
But that has to be thrown out the window the second Chrono hauls you into Chisaki's office, the man in charge of watching you when Chisaki isn't around flustered and pink around his ears.
"B-boss, your omega, she's-"
"What the fuck is that smell." Chisaki growls, eyes immediately snapping to your trembling form. Taking in the way you're gasping, sweaty, barely able to stand even with Chrono's hand tight around your bicep and holding you up.
For some reason, the sight of Chrono touching you makes Chisaki itch. Odd, that usually wouldn't bother him.
The smell is cloying; too intense and too sweet, it makes his throat burn and his skin crawl.
"I think she's in-"
"Please, it hurts." You choke out, cutting off Chrono. "Need... I need-"
Chisaki recoiled as the scent got stronger, clouding his senses, making him feel... Chisaki didn't even know. Excited? Tingly?
Uncomfortable - he decided.
"Get her out. Give her a bath too, she smells disgusting." He commanded, but Chrono stepped forward instead of back out the door.
"Boss, she's in heat."
Overhaul cringed.
Logically, he knew it was going to happen eventually. But on the other hand, he had hoped his omega would be different. you was already quirkless, already pure... surely it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to assume that you wouldn't be affected by the mindless heat-addling that Omega's all seemed to undergo?
His irritation was rising.
Chrono looked at his boss with questioning eyes, unsure what to do with the omega becoming increasingly more distressed at his side.
"You'll get her over it." Chisaki decides, ignoring the bitter taste that floods his mouth as he utters those words. His eyes slide over you again, lip curling into a disgusted sneer.
"Messy thing."
Chrono is frozen in disbelief. But this isn't a test of his loyalty, Chisaki truly doesn't want to deal with the germs and the mess and the cleanup associated with omega's during their heats. Slick everywhere, pheromones staining the room, needy hands touching everywhere-
"Sit her down on the couch." He instructs his second-in-command, rising from his office chair and stepping around his desk so he can close the door. "I want to make sure you don't damage her."
That's the only reason. Only reason he wants to be present and watching while Chrono fucks you through your heat.
"You're serious then?" The white-haired man asks, removing the plague mask he wears while inside the compound, thus beginning the process of disrobing.
Chisaki waved his hand idly, resuming his position in his office chair with a tired sigh. "It'd be such a chore for me to do it myself. Aren't you an alpha yourself Chrono? You should be jumping at the chance to bed a nice quirkless omega."
Chrono shrugs off his white coat, looking up from where you're panting on the couch while he stands in front of you, eyes finding his boss. "I wouldn't want to overstep my boundaries with your property."
The brunette smiles, not that anyone can see, but it's clear he's pleased by the crinkle near his eyes, the relaxed way he slumps in his chair. "And that's why you're my favorite Chrono."
You're wearing what you usually wear - long pants, a cozy sweater. Overhaul hasn't heard you complain about the chill in the compound, but it's clear to see it affects you by the way you dress and the way your nose darkens from the cold.
You don't fight the half-naked Chrono as he helps you out of your sweater, unbothered by the temperature of the room and looking entirely too hot and sweaty.
Chisaki supposes it's good that you aren't fighting. You had at first, when he first brought you here, crying and pleading for him to let you go and leave you alone. That pathetic show was quickly shut down with a simple demonstration of Overhaul's quirk, and what he'd do to you if you didn't comply.
Now you're seemingly accepting of the situation, casting nervous glances towards Chisaki, your attention constantly getting stolen by the pale man stripping in front of you.
It takes an embarrassingly short amount of time before Chrono has his cock in you.
And you look completely blissed out, mouth open and letting out choked little gasps on each thrust, one hand desperately trying to hold onto Chrono's shoulder, his arm, his chest - anything you can reach.
The other hand is on your stomach, and Chisaki doesn't understand why until he focuses on it, sees the distention whenever Chrono swings his hips into you.
Chisaki feels himself throb.
The sounds you're making sound like music. Awful music, all discordant and rushed and pornographic, stuttered breaths and pitiful cries, high-pitched and girlish moans in between Chrono's quiet huffs.
The sweet pheromones in the air become sweeter, thicker, and Chisaki can see the direct correlation between the smell and how much slick is dripping out of you, drenching Chrono's pretty cock, his stomach, even splattering his thighs on each thrust as his cock squelches deeper.
It's disgusting.
Digusting but curiously enamoring. Chrono's got you sitting on the couch, pushed up against the back while he fucks you. It's a tall piece of furniture, and Chrono merely hikes his leg up onto the cushions to gain a better angle to fuck you with. Your slick is everywhere; Chisaki knows that couch won't be salvageable after this. Somehow, he doesn't mind.
What he does mind, however, is the way Chrono is speeding up, rhythm stuttering and practically falling apart. He's going to knot you. Chisaki had given him full permission to - that's what taking care of an omega during their heat means, after all. But jealousy is boiling inside him, blood painfully engorging his cock, he feels tingly all over, very unlike himself.
He wants to touch you.
But you're a disgusting mess, smelling sweet and fertile and sweating and dripping everywhere. Chisaki can't believe he's feeling... attracted to you right now.
"O-ohh feels good, r-right there! Yes, thank you,t-than-" You mumble out, drunk on cock as you shudder through an orgasm, cream gushing out of your cunt and further dirtying Chisaki's office.
Chisaki sees red.
He's furious - not only at you, but at Chrono for touching you, and for himself for explicitly allowing it to happen. Chrono's about to knot you, claim you, and Chisaki is out of his chair before he knows what's happening.
"That's enough." And his gloved hands are ripping Chrono away from you, sending the other man reeling as his subordinate struggles to control his alpha instincts and stop himself from fighting his boss, tearing Chisaki to shreds for interrupting his mating.
Chisaki doesn't care, he's too focused on you.
"You're so pathetic." The man hisses at you, crowding into your space. When had he taken off his mask? He wanted to smell more of you.
His gloves are gone too, ripped away in a moment so he can feel your wet skin against his hands, feel the sweat beading your brow before those same fingers snap to undo his pants.
"I hate you, I hate you." He seethes, golden eyes staring at you so intently that you start to cry, overwhelmed with the situation, still craving a knot, craving intimacy and tenderness.
You've reduced him down to barely better than an animal, tearing at his clothes so he can sink into you, closing his eyes at the way you're wet and warm inside, perfect and velvety.
Chisaki doesn't know what's come over him. Normally he'd be disgusted, absolutely incensed at having such filth be in direct contact with his skin. But right now... all he feels is pleasure ripping through his veins, clouding his head, his mind, flushing rational thought down the toilet.
"Stupid, hate you-" his words rattle out on each rapid thrust, breath uneven and labored as his muscles stretch and work to fuck you harder and faster. He's building up to his peak.
One of his hands is fisted in your hair, close to your scalp and keeping you still, the other hand clamped firmly against your hip and making sure you don't wiggle away. Alpha instincts taking over as his brain convinces him to mate, breed, cum.
"You're so fucking dirty." He gasps, voice heated and gravelly as he struggles to fight through the heat taking over his body.
He's going into a rut.
Chisaki isn't supposed to do that. He takes supplements and suppressants to ensure he doesn't have too. Ruts are messy, nasty things to endure, and Chisaki would rather lick the floor of a dirty subway than experience one.
Yet here he is.
"You disgusting, wretched thing-" And you're crying, fat tears mixing with sweat and rolling down your chin. Chisaki feels disgusting himself, wanting to lick the liquid away.
He hasn't felt this good in his entire life, this burning fever pitch rising and rising and cresting, blazing along his nerves.
He can barely thrust his hips anymore, and only then does Chisaki realizes that he's popped his knot, jammed it in deep while you cried and moaned and struggled to hold onto him.
Theres a sick sense of satisfaction filling him up, his mind clears for half a second and Chisaki thinks to look over his shoulder, seeing Chrono still standing there with a soured look on his face, cock still swollen and drippy and bobbing purple against the man's stomach.
"Get out." Chisaki orders, and Chrono knows enough to merely pick up his coat and wrap it around himself before exiting the room. He's never seen his boss like this - so feral and unhinged and debauched like some regular dirty plebeian.
But Chisaki doesn't care. Odd.
He cares about grinding against you, feeling you milk every last drop of cum from his balls, shimmying his hips to hear you gasp and moan and clutch at his body, trembling like a little lamb.
Chisaki doesn't want to stop.
"As soon as my knot goes down-" He growls, lowering his face until it's mere inches from your own, breathing into your space. "I'm going to take you to my room and knot you until you break."
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erwinsvow · 3 years
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summary: uncle eren comes to visit.
warnings: step-cest, jealousy, manipulation, hints of verbal/emotional abuse + touch of dubcon to con, reader feels guilty, grinding/dry-humping, overstimulation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex
author's note: part two of sole salvation. i really hope everyone enjoys this! the warnings are just to be on the safe side as i do not want to accidentally trigger anyone, please feel free to message me if you want to ask about something before reading.
tagging @sangwoos-mom & @divine-delight :)
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If Zeke didn’t want my interest to get piqued, Eren thinks to himself as he watches you stroll away, off to get him to a fresh cup of lemonade, he should have kept his mouth shut.
When his brother had mentioned his new fiancee had a daughter, Eren had supposed it would be some spoiled, bratty kid. After all, he had met your mother once before, and he didn’t think that kind of a woman could raise someone even remotely well-behaved.
So given that, he was more than pleasantly surprised the first time he met you. It was all a shock, from the almost angelic way you float down the stairs to greet him, your soft skin and sweet smile, to the genuine look in your eyes when you tell him that you’re glad to finally meet him.
He still doesn’t know what Zeke did to deserve you in his life, the taste in his mouth a touch too bitter when he watches the way you look at his brother, even when your mom is in the same room. It’s dreamy, as though there’s no better way to spend your time and nothing better to think about than your step-father.
It’s a little unfair, Eren thinks, that Zeke has a sweet, doting little thing head over heels for him. It’s a little unfair that Zeke waited so long to invite him over, to introduce him to you. Maybe it was brotherly instinct, maybe he knew that once Eren met you, he wouldn’t be able to think about anything else, just like it had been for Zeke.
Regardless of what it was, Eren knew one thing for certain. Sibling should always share.
It finally takes an unbearable conversation on the phone with your mother for an excuse, an opportunity to arise. The lie is taking hold in his head and spilling out of his mouth before he can even control it—“Yeah, the pipes burst and it’s just a mess, I called Zeke but his phone’s off- no, really? Just for the weekend, I promise- thank you, I’ll be over soon.”
His bag is packed and cock is twitching at the idea of getting you alone in that house, maybe when Zeke’s locked away in his office and your mother’s out shopping. It’s going to be a hot week, with almost intolerable heat, and he’s positive it’ll have you in revealing clothes (no doubt ones that his brother bought for you) and teensy swimsuits when you go for an afternoon swim.
That’s what he’s thinking of—the image of you soaked to the bone, wet hair and the thin, dripping material of your suit sticking to your skin—when he pulls into your driveway later that day.
It’s almost easy enough to miss the slight wobble in your steps, the way your clothes are just a little too wrinkled for someone that’s been sitting around the house all day.
But Eren notices it, of course, and doesn’t miss the way Zeke practically keeps one eye on you the entire day, no matter who he’s talking to, either.
Maybe if Eren was just a drop stupider, a bit less cunning, you and Zeke could get away with all of it, but he’s not. He thinks it’s his turn to have his fun with you.
Your mother’s even more intolerable than he remembers. He wonders how bad a family dinner could be, but this is much worse than he could have fathomed. It’s a whole host of things, like how she’s oblivious to the affair happening right under her nose and her small comments that have your lips trembling and eyes blinking away tears before they can fall.
Jeez. Eren had initially felt bad for himself, but he’s starting to wonder how you put up with it. Maybe fucking around with Zeke is your own way of getting revenge, payback for every ‘Why do you look so tired, it’s not like you’re the one working all day’ and ‘Don’t you have plans with friends, or are you just gonna bother your parents all day?’
By the time dinner ends, you’ve made your way to the kitchen almost automatically, putting away dishes and wiping counters without even being told, as Zeke gives your mother a cold, hard stare.
“Was all that really necessary?” his brother questions quietly, eyes fuming with anger yet still disguising his true reason for being upset.
“What?” your mother responds innocently, pretending as though she hadn’t said anything wrong. Eren watches the interaction carefully. He thinks it’d be better if he didn’t interject on a married couple’s little spat, but here he goes again, words out before he can control them. They’re spoken a bit louder than they needed to be, but he wants to make sure you hear them over the running water.
“I don’t know, she seems like a good girl to me, no? Maybe you should be easier on her.”
And a few feet away, in the kitchen, your heart skips a beat. Uncle Eren—who you’d only met once and heard about a handful of times, someone who doesn’t owe you anything, someone not even really related to you—defending you?
It was enough to make tears rush to your eyes again, a smile on your face as you rinse off the dishes.
Good girl. The words run through your head again, seemingly on repeat. They’re your two favorite words, enough to pick you up from the dark, sullen headspace you’re in as a result of your mother’s cruel phrases and Zeke’s stinging silence.
Zeke claims it’ll become too obvious, even to your clueless mother, if he always takes your side and speaks up for you, despite how much he wants to, he says. You’re so hopelessly gone, so devoted to him that you don’t think you have it in you to fight for it. The words he says when the two of you are alone, how he makes you feel and spoils you rotten makes up for it, right?
That’s what you’d been telling yourself all this time, but you’re not sure how much longer you can keep the act going. Does he think it’s easy to watch him walk into the bedroom he shares with your mother every night? To watch her kiss him goodbye, hold onto his arm in public, while you trail behind like a lost puppy?
It’s not actually revenge you’re aiming for, when you start greeting Eren in the morning brightly, walking straight on over to him in the living room rather than the kitchen where your step-father is. It’s closer to a plea for attention, like you’re waiting for Zeke to realize you can play at this game too.
Eren’s more than happy to indulge you, spending hours of the day beside you on the couch watching movies, or watering the lawn while you work on your garden, claiming that he just wants to help out around the house as much as he can. His weekend-long visit turns into a week, as the ‘good for nothing contractors are taking their sweet time.’
It’s terribly easy to make you believe every word he’s saying, with you even defending him when Zeke asks how much longer he’s planning on sticking around.
“He’s family,” you had argued valiantly, leaving your step-father with narrowed eyes and a tense jaw as he noticed Eren smiling behind you. For once, your mother had agreed with you, and Zeke was left with no choice.
It’s sunny and warm when Eren’s opportunity, the one he’s been waiting for patiently, appears. Your mother’s gone out again, this time to the salon, there’s that hour of time right after she’s left that you usually treasure, because you know there’s no chance she’ll be on her way back or call home.
It’s usually your favorite time of the day, when you know you can have Zeke all to yourself, and that’s what you’re thinking, when you hesitantly make your way to the door of his office.
Truly, you hadn’t meant to make Zeke angry, you just wanted to be there for Uncle Eren how he was there for you. You were ready to make up and forget about it now, dolled up in a new sundress that you hadn’t gotten a chance to wear yet. Zeke had bought it only weeks ago, before Uncle Eren’s sudden visit, and you thought he might like it if you wore it now.
Your hand has just reached the cool metal of the doorknob, just about to twist when you hear a ringing from inside the room, of Zeke’s phone going off.
You step back, knowing better than to interrupt one of his calls. You’re disheartened a little, mind wondering why he would schedule something when you and he both know this is your hour, your chance to be alone.
You make your way back downstairs, lingering on the last step and thinking about going back up in a few minutes, when Uncle Eren’s voice calls to you from the living room, making you jump a little.
“Oh, sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, voice calm and quiet, a contrast to your thudding heart.
“That’s okay, Uncle Eren,” you say, and your head turns back to look in the direction of Zeke’s office inadvertently. “I was just-”
“Waiting for Daddy, huh?” Your lips part a little in surprise, confused by his implication. Though surely, Zeke wouldn’t have told Uncle Eren anything. No, he wouldn’t do that.
“I-I just needed to ask him something, but I think he’s on the phone with someone,” you say quietly, confused at Eren’s tone, the confidence with which he spoke those words, almost mockingly.
“Oh, yeah. He told me he’s busy all afternoon, something or other about work and a report-” Eren stops himself right when he notices your expression change, looking thoroughly upset that Zeke was busy when you were ripe for the taking. “He didn’t tell you about that?”
Fuel to the fire, maybe a bit too much, but Eren doesn’t care. Not as long as you keep it up, looking like a maimed little prey upon realizing that Daddy was too busy for you.
Yes, Eren was getting much better with the lying. It doesn’t even register to you to question his words, to go back up and double check, that Zeke might, in fact, be waiting for you to knock on his door at this very second.
Your feet find their way to the sofa, slumping down dejectedly, as Eren sits right next to you. It’s the way you two have been sitting for the past week, except he’s ready to take the risk. His hand finds your knee, thumb rubbing the soft skin as you let out a shaky breath, wiping away a stray tear.
“All afternoon?” comes your quiet voice, trembling at the mere notion that Zeke was upset with you. You hadn’t meant to take it this far, hadn’t thought he would be ignoring you just because you disagreed with something he said for the first time.
But your sadness is turning into something different when you look at the hungry, almost predatory way Uncle Eren is looking at you now.
“That’s what he said, sweetheart. Did you two have plans, or something?” It’s coming off nonchalant, or so he hopes, because every bone in his body is excited at the prospect before him, blood rushing to his hardening cock as he catches a glimpse of your exposed skin as you fiddle with the hem of your dress.
“N-no, I just… He always spends time with me when mom leaves. I just thought he would be free.”
It’s the sweet, lonely way you’re looking into his eyes, your own doe-like and watery, that tips him over the edge.
“Well, I can keep you company.”
“Yeah, baby. A sweet thing like you shouldn’t be left all alone… it’s not right, well, at least to me.”
“Yeah?” Eren nods his head, line between his lies and the truth blurring suddenly as you inch closer and closer to him.
“I wouldn’t treat you like that, if you were mine, you know-” and he can’t finish his sentence, because your hands are on the collar of his shirt and you’re shifting onto his lap, and your lips are on each other.
It’s stupid, you know, to be so easily guided by a few choice words, putty in virtually anyone’s hands if they say the right things and make you feel seen and heard, but you can’t stop now.
Eren’s tongue is in your mouth, your lips practically glued together as you feel his hands go under the soft cotton of your dress, exploring the supple skin of your thighs. It’s not long before his hands find your ass, squeezing and groping as moan into his mouth.
A sharp slap to your ass makes you yelp, pulling away for just a second before Eren’s hand is on the back of your neck, guiding you into a kiss again. You moan again, louder, when his teeth bite down on your lip just a little bit, when Eren finally pulls away.
“Can’t be too loud, remember, sweetheart? Daddy’s busy upstairs,” he says, somehow knowing exactly what would rile you up. The words act like a little shock running through your system, making you even more eager for Eren’s touch.
“Don’t care-!” you mewl, head going fuzzy when you feel Eren’s hard cock grind against your core, waves of pleasure rushing through your body. You’re still, Eren’s hand coming up to cover your mouth as he continues his rocking movement, making you moan against his hand.
Your eyes roll back when Eren increases his speed, and it’s silly, how the barely-there contact is making you shake, the coil in your stomach tense and unwinding, when Eren stops completely.
You whine loudly, muffled some by his hand, but not entirely, causing Eren to spank you again.
“I thought you were a good girl, hm? Don’t get bratty on me now,” he says, though he thinks it went in one ear and out the other as you come down from your incomplete high.
“I want-I want you, Uncle Eren, now-!” Another whine, another spank. You cry out again, until the fourth slap—which leaves your ass sore already from Eren’s heavy-handedness—silences you.
“Sweetheart, stop misbehaving or you’re not gonna get anything, okay?” he coos, fingers finding your chin and directing your face to look him in the eyes. They’re lust-blown too, and his hardness is still evident underneath your body, but your body’s inclined to follow his rules, despite how badly you want to cum.
“Yes, Uncle Eren,” you say softly, your squirming body finally stopping. Eren’s fingers find their way to the thin straps of your sundress, pulling them until they rest on your shoulder and expose your neck and collar to him.
“Tell me something, baby, did you wear this for me? Or for him?” The very mention of Zeke makes your body stiffen, but you’re still desperate for more and eager to please Uncle Eren.
“For you,” you mumble, wanting to just bury your head in the crook of Eren’s neck and feel him inside you, though you know you won’t get what you want that easily.
“Me? I’m so honored,” he says, letting out a laugh at how your body shakes in anticipation but you stay completely still. He wonders if Zeke had to teach you to be this obedient, or if it just comes to you naturally.
He thinks it’s the latter when he rolls his hips quickly, watching you squirm and bite your lip hard to keep quiet, another rush of pleasure coursing through you, though it’s not nearly enough.
“It’s okay, baby, you’ve been good enough to me, haven’t you?” he asks, and you nod your head quickly. “You deserve to feel good, don’t you?” You nod again and let out a shaky breath when Eren moves your hips with his hands, finally giving you the much-needed pressure on your clit.
“Why don’t you cum for me, baby, just like this? Mmh?” You’re letting out little squeals at each contact, hips moving faster and faster as Eren lays back and lets you use his cock as a toy to grind against. His head falls back at how good it feels, though he won’t let himself cum until he’s inside you.
You’re close again, stomach tensing again and that familiar feeling gathering inside your chest, making you feel warm all over as you speed up.
The breaking point is when Eren’s hands come to your chest, pulling down your dress and exposing your tits to the cool air. His fingers pinch one while his mouth finds the other, and suddenly you can’t keep quiet no matter how hard you try, moans spilling out your mouth as well as repeated cries of Uncle Eren, that sound sweet as sugar to Eren.
It’s when Eren starts bucking his hips up too, that you finally cum, a bolt of pleasure running through your entire body as he keeps going. You’re not entirely sure what kind of noises you’re making—everything seems to be muted and fuzzy as repeated shocks make you shake, Eren’s firm grip on your tits being the only thing that’s grounding you.
When you finally come down, forcing yourself away from Eren’s lap and legs pressed tightly together to calm your oversensitive cunt, there’s a lecherous look in Eren’s eyes. It’s screaming to you, silently, how he’s not done with you yet.
“Aw, baby, look how fast you came just from a little bit of humping. Are you that desperate, bunny? Is Daddy not taking care of you?”
Your face feels like it might be on fire, blood and heat rushing at the same time and burning quickly with shame at the realization that Eren knew all along, that he’s been playing this little game with you since his arrival and you never, not once, had the upper hand.
He feels more predatory than ever before, spreading your legs despite how your legs ache and your core is burning—even if you wanted more, you don’t think you could take it—but it doesn’t seem like Eren cares.
“U-uncle Eren, we shouldn’t- h-he might-” you start, but are cut off as Eren presses a finger to your lips.
“Sweetheart, isn’t that a little unfair? If you get to cum, and I don’t? Be a good girl and spread for me,” he says, and you feel your body comply automatically.
Your back’s on the couch now, Eren hovering over you. All it would take is a few steps in this direction after coming down the stairs for someone to find you, but you can hardly care when Eren’s shoving your dress up, exposing your panties and shoving them to the side, your wetness on display for him.
“One day, baby, when Daddy’s not here, I’m gonna fuck you stupid with my tongue—just not today,” and the words go straight to your head. Your heart thuds uncomfortably in your chest every time he mentions Zeke, a sense of guilt washing over you and replacing the pleasure you feel, but you forget all about it when you see Eren undos his pants and take out his hardened cock.
It’s plainly wrong to compare it to Zeke’s, and though it might not be longer, it’s definitely thicker, not as pretty but covered in throbbing veins that you can’t even imagine feeling inside you.
Eren’s about to grant your wish, running his cockhead over your sensitive clit once, twice, and just as you're expecting a third, he pushes inside of you.
A strangled, loud moan escapes your lips before he can cover your mouth again. It’s agonizing, not being able to make a sound as your step-uncle fucks you into the couch, movements picking up and a steady pace filling the room with obscene noises. You can’t see where the two of you are connected, since your eyes are locked with Eren’s pretty green ones, but you know you’re making a mess.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, every thrust stretching you out, you think he’s ruined your cunt for anyone else—but that’s exactly what he wants.
It’s silent, save for the heavy patter of Eren’s balls against your ass with each thrust, the sound of his hips knocking with yours. He’s trying to keep his grunts silent, but it’s getting harder and harder with the way you’re clenching around him, so tight and wet and soft, he wonders what his brother did to deserve someone like you—he wonders why he doesn’t spend every minute inside you.
Your sensitive cunt tightens around him, knowing only another few strokes and grazes on your clit will be enough to tip you into your second orgasm. Your shaky hand finds Eren’s, pulling his wrist away from your face and meeting his lips again, releasing muffled moans into his mouth.
You know he’s close too, from the way his pace picks up, and you pull away just for a second, just to say three words.
“Please, Uncle Eren.”
And it’s enough to make his hips stutter, enough to uncoil the knot in your tense stomach and have your orgasm washing over you, as you feel Eren fill your cunt with his hot cum. Your lips are on each other, the lewd squelching of his slowing thrusts matching the small squeaks you release, until he finally pulls out and your panties snap back over your leaking cunt.
It’s hard to catch your breath, from your position laying down, feeling your tight hole throb and Eren’s cum spill out, probably onto the sofa seat. You adjust the top of your dress, covering your tits and pulling one strap up. When you’re fixing the skirt, you feel Eren’s hands pull the other strap onto your shoulder, hands lingering on your exposed skin.
You shy away from looking at him, despite how his cum is still inside you. It feels too intimate, almost, because a part of you thinks you were taken advantage of, and another part of you doesn’t ever want Eren to leave you.
Eren’s fingers find your chin, forcing you to look up and meet his gaze. You blink quickly, licking your swollen lips and biting the inside of your cheek nervously.
Neither of you speak, though you know what’s lingering in the air. You can tell he’s gotten what he wanted, and he’s going to leave, and yet you can’t stop yourself from speaking first, throat scratchy and dry and your words nothing more than a whisper.
“C-can I… did you- did you mean all those things you said? Before?”
And suddenly Eren understands everything, why you’re this way, why you need to be validated so badly, why his brother’s such a good match for you. He thinks he’d sacrifice anything too, like his marriage and a new life, just to make you happy.
“Of course I did, sweetheart. I meant every word of it.”
“Really?” There’s a soft smile on your lips, your eyes watery and he thinks it doesn’t have anything to do with how hard he fucked you.
“Yeah, I-”
“Well, what do we have here?” Zeke’s voice comes from behind you.
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silversatoru · 4 years
Hi love! ❤️
Mkay so like.... Suguru walks in and finds out his gf has a cam acc- and just like straight up ruins her online
This has been on my mind all day but idfk how to write it
a/n: AHAH hey babe!!! this concept is 😌👌 so i hope i did you proud w this. also if ur really into the whole getting-ruined-online concept and you fuck w dabi may i recommended @katslutski ‘s smile for the camera series; it is one of my favs
getou suguru x f!reader
tags/warnings: masturbation, degradation, humiliation, dumbification, filming, facial, mild bondage, mild overstimulation
w/c: 1.4k
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you rubbed your clit in rushed circles, projecting a cluster of fake high-pitched moans and arching your back for the camera. it really didn’t feel that great, but you were damn good at pretending it did — and the cash was flowing in as a result. 
you could see the notifications of donations and new patrons popping up on the side of your screen and you let a soft sigh of satisfaction leave your lips. these fuckers were so horny that they’d send you stacks of their income just to see you fondle your cunt — pigs.
between the blood rushing to your ears from your approaching orgasm and the soft music playing through you room you didn’t even notice the sound of your front door opening. you were completely unaware of your boyfriend’s presence in your home until he was standing in your bedroom doorway — a confused but amused expression across his face. 
“am i interrupting something?” he cocked an eyebrow at you. 
“suguru! i thought you were busy today, i-” you scrambled to explain yourself and grab a sheet from your bed to pull over your exposed body. 
“plans changed,” he shrugged and cut you off, entering your bedroom, “maybe you should start locking your front door when you’re doing shit like this”. 
you stared at him with horrified eyes, worried that he might break up with you for this kind of thing — he didn’t seem mad but he definitely wasn’t happy either. you quickly lunged for your laptop/camera set-up, attempting to end your livestream, but suguru moved quicker. he grasped your wrist in his strong fingers and looked at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 
“leave it on, doll,” he purred at you, releasing your wrist and pushing you back towards the bed, “go ahead and finish the show for them”. 
completely stunned, you fell back onto your elbows and gave him a hesitant look. it’s not like you were embarrassed or anything— shit, you did this like every day, but you were severely confused by his reaction.
he nodded at the computer screen with hazy eyes, “they’re waiting. why are you so shy all of the sudden? you should be used to having an audience”. 
after a final moment of hesitation you leaned back, fingers returning down to your clit to resume where you’d left off. it was a little more awkward with suguru watching, but the way he was ordering you around was kind of hot, so your stiffness quickly faded.
and you knew your body well, what worked and what didn’t, so it was only a matter of minutes before you were rocking your hips into your hand and letting exaggerated whimpers slide between your teeth. the orgasm was mediocre at best, but you had to dress it up and wrap it in a bow for your precious patrons.
at some point during your little show suguru had rid himself of his clothing and was now climbing into the messy sheets with you. 
“let me see your hands,” he stated blankly, his fingers gripped around the belt that had been looped through his pants just a few minutes ago. 
“this is live you know,” you gave him a concerned look — you were confused but not opposed, holding your hands out behind your back.
“oh, i know,” he took care in gently wrapping your wrists together as tight as the belt would go and then helped you onto you knees.
the duskiness of his eyes filled you with a splendid mix of fear and excitement, but before you could even get a good look you were being shoved into the bed.
“put your face in the pillows, doll,” he ordered lazily as you faceplanted into one of the several pillows at the head of your bed.
his strong hands were quickly gripped around your hips, the tip of his rock-hard member brushing teasingly against your entrance. you were already practically dripping, the sticky liquids from your earlier orgasm still glistening around your edges. it made his access easy, his aching cock sliding with little effort.
“let’s show all of your fans how much of a dumb cock-whore you become when i’m inside you,” he thrusted using hard, firm strokes right from the start.
and of course he was absolutely right — you lost any inkling of a coherent thought once you were stuffed full with his length. you moaned, whimpered, and squirmed underneath him like the pathetic little cam girl you were. but with suguru, none of your performance was a façade — he truly knew how to make you melt under his touch. and melted and useless was exactly how he liked you, so he had every intention of fucking you dumb in front of your audience today.
and that’s exactly what he did. it was his own foul way of punishing you; turning you into a drooling cum-slut who had completely forgotten she was being broadcasted live. if you wanted to be a whore for a living, he’d show everyone just how much of a whore you were — but only for him. 
you’re not even sure how long it’s been — all you know is that you’re orgasming for the fourth time; or was it the fifth? sixth? you’d lost count somewhere along the way.
dull waves of pleasure racked through your body and sent quivers under your skin. you whined and wriggled, murmuring incoherent babbles as you rocked your hips back and forth on his cock to milk the most out of your climax.
“that’s five times, baby,” suguru’s voice sounded miles away, “my dick feels good inside you, doesn’t it?”
you thrashed your head up and down against the pillow, mumbling the word yes over and over as your body twitched from overstimulation. glistening mixtures of fluids were squelching out as he continued thrusting into your cunt, some dripping all the way down your legs.
and he didn’t let you take any breaks — nonstop fucking you even while your pussy was throbbing with sensitivity. the overstimulation was excruciating, and you were a complete mess of trembles and whimpers.
“so pitiful,” you heard a dark laugh rumble from his throat, “there’s thousands and thousands of people watching you be my disgusting little fuck-toy right now, and you’re just gonna keep taking it, aren’t you?”
you weren’t even sure what he was saying, honestly. your brain had short circuited a while ago, and you were just absent mindedly nodding your head and mumbling agreements to everything he said. the pillowcase beneath your head was nearly soaked in saliva now too, your feeble mouth hanging open while drool continued to seep from the corners of your lips. 
“i think i want you to finish me with your mouth, doll, how does that sound?” he slowed his pace, pushing lazy thrusts into your hips while you mindlessly nodded your head again. 
“pathetic little baby; you have no idea what i’m even saying to you right now, do you?” you heard suguru laughing from behind you; but all you could manage in response was a few scattered whimpers. 
he abruptly unsheathed himself from inside you, and strangled whines escaped your throat at his sudden absence. no! more, please, please, suguru please, you murmured with an embarrassing lack of control and your boyfriend couldn’t do anything but laugh at you in your shameful state.
“turn around and open those pretty lips,” he reached down and helped you to flip over before straddling your chest and pressing his hot, sticky member against your lips. 
you opened them graciously, too braindead to even notice the bitter taste of his precum mixed with your own fluids. he mouth-fucked you with obscene force, the walls of your throat painfully expanding every time he thrusted in. you choked and sputtered, drool leaking down your lips and all over your chin. 
when suguru’s own orgasm was right on the cusp he removed himself from your mouth and sprayed his seed all over your face. from your forehead to your chest you were coated in sticky globs of semen, and you sucked down the drips that made it into your mouth like they were liquid gold. 
“lets see how many of your precious viewers come back after this — now that they saw you disintegrate into the helpless little cum slut that you are, now that they know you’re mine”. 
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