#his apology of just be careful what you say cause people can record it
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kennyomegasweave · 2 years ago
Not people falling over themselves to defend Build because "he said that in private, he didn't mean for it to be public!" Okay and? If you're not a bigoted asshole, you won't have these problems. No, we don't all talk mad shit about our coworkers and friends because we're jealous. And the majority of people aren't dropping slurs over either of them either. If you are, well, that says a lot about you and it's all bad.
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months ago
I'm Not That Girl
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Fiyero Tigelaar x shy!fem!reader
summary: you think Fiyero is only flirting you to be nice because you're not the kind of girl he usually goes for, but he's more than eager to set the record straight when confusion arises
This is based on a comment made on this post by @cultish-corner!
Nothing but anxiety courses through you the second you step foot on campus. You don’t know anyone and are nothing but nervous to be in a new place with new people. That’s your worst nightmare, you think, as you walk throughout the campus to the suite you were assigned, you can’t help but feel like everyone is staring at you, but absolutely no one is paying you any mind as you make your way down the hallway, repeatedly looking down at the sheet you’ve received to make sure you have the right room.
This is the first time you’ve ever been away from home for an extended period of time and you hate that you already miss it. But you’re excited for a new adventure. Even though you’re nervous, you’re still looking forward to what your time at Shiz will bring you. You’re looking forward to a change.
You’re so focused on looking at the sheet that you’re not even looking when you bump into something, or rather, someone. The collision causes your things to fall out of your hands and onto the floor, causing the stranger to drop to their knees, picking it all up rather quickly before holding your suitcase and papers out to you, a flirty smile on his pretty face that you only see out of the corner of your eyes because you’re afraid of making eye contact with him. 
“Here,” he says, handing the paper to you, still holding onto your suitcase which confuses you.
“Oh,” you reply. “Thank you.” 
He’s easily the prettiest man you’ve ever seen and you can’t help but be distracted by his striking blue eyes that definitely have a very flirty glint in them. You immediately recognize him as the prince you had seen in the newspaper not too long ago, seeing that he’d transferred here. You know all about his reputation, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to speak to him. In fact, it makes you want to do it even more.
“It’s my pleasure. I am so sorry for my clumsiness,” he apologizes even though it was very obviously you who ran into him. “I guess I was just so distracted by your beauty.” You don’t care if it’s a line, it works, causing your cheeks to heat as you tuck your chin to your chest, not wanting him to see you. 
“My apologies,” he sticks his hand out and takes free one, causing you to finally look up at him and you’re captivated by his pretty, blue eyes. “Fiyero Tiglaar, Winkie Country,” he says as his lips press a soft kiss to the top of your hand. 
“I-I’m y/n,” you introduce yourself, your voice still too soft for your liking. 
“Y/n,” he repeats your name slowly, a flirty tone to it and you just know that he does this with everyone he comes across, but you hope, you pray that this is different. You want him to be flirting with you because he thinks you’re pretty, not because he can. “I think that might be my favorite name of all.” 
“Now, shall we?” He asks, moving to stand beside you, offering you his arm and you loop your own arm through it before he reaches over and grabs hold of your luggage. 
“Where are we going?” You ask, your voice so low that Fiyero is almost unable to hear you. 
“I’m going to walk you to your room,” he says with a bright smile, leading you down the hallway, everyone who’s around whispering as the two of you walk together. It’s no secret that he’s popular, how could he not be with his looks and charm? And seeing him with you, the shy, new girl will definitely stir up some rumors. 
Your room is just down the hall and even though he’s only just met you, Fiyero doesn’t want to leave you. He wants you to invite him inside where the two of you sit on your bed and get to know each other. He wants to know everything about you. He wants to know where you grew up, what your hobbies are, whatever you want to tell him because he likes the sound of your voice.
“We’ll, here we are,” he says, hesitantly removing his arms from yours as you step away before taking your suitcase back from him. “It was a pleasure.” He bows then stands there, almost like he’s waiting for something. 
“Here we are,” you repeat, wondering what it is that he’s wanting. He should at least be halfway down the hall by now.
“Tomorrow, you should sit with me in the dining hall. I’d really enjoy your company,” he smiles and you nod in response. 
“I’d really like that,” you tell him, still nodding, feeling a warmth creep on your cheeks as you do so. You don’t know why you take him so seriously. Guys like him don’t ever give you so much as a second glance let alone a lunch invitation. By tomorrow, Fiyero will forget all about you.
The hallway is quiet and empty when you sneak out of your room. You can’t sleep because of how nervous you are for your first day of classes. Especially since it’s a few months into the year and you’re the only new person. Everyone else has gotten the chance to know each other and you’re new. 
It’s taking everything in you not to pack up your stuff and leave so you don’t have to face anyone tomorrow. You don’t care if it’s dramatic or that you’re overreacting, it’s not like anyone will miss you anyway. You always seem to fade into the background no matter what’s going on and that’s the way you like it. You hate being the center of attention and know that it will distract you from your first day if everyone is staring at you. 
You close the door gently and turn around slowly, letting out a yelp as you see Fiyero leaning against the wall across from you. He’s in his pajamas so you’re led to believe that he can’t sleep either. And he can’t, but not for the same reason as you. He’s just not tired and that’s not uncommon for him. He often has trouble sleeping. But tonight, he’s hoping you’ll keep him company so he doesn’t have to go back to bed alone. 
He pushes off of the wall and steps over to you, moving slowly because he can see that he’s startled you. You take a step forward and he can’t help but stare at you, wondering what you’re also doing up so late. 
“What are you doing up?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowing in both confusion and worry. He wants to reach for you, but he decides against it. If there’s going to be any touching, he wants you to be the one to initiate it. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” you shake your head and he nods in understanding. His face softens and that infectious smile spreads across it. You can’t help but mimic him and that’s definitely something he could get used to seeing more often. 
“Me neither,” he replies then offers his hand out to you. “Would you like to go somewhere with me?” Go somewhere with him? You look this way and that to make sure there’s no one else he could possibly be talking to and he just laughs in response, a little too loudly for your liking. 
You step closer and press the palm of your hand to his lips to muffle his laughs and you both widen your eyes at your boldness. His eyes soften before yours do, more laughs spilling from his mouth as he pulls your hand away, holding it in his. 
“You’re going to get us in trouble,” you whisper to him and his laughs slowly turn into chuckles as he gives your hand a squeeze. 
“You need to relax,” he shakes his head. “And besides, trouble is my middle name.” You roll your eyes at his words and Fiyero really likes being able to more of your personality. “So,” he steps closer to you so that you’re toe to toe. “Are we going or what?” 
You’re not sure why, but you’ve found yourself to be at ease with him. He’s one of the only people who hasn’t had any problem with how shy and soft-spoken you are. He even seems to like it, not minding in the slightest having to get closer to hear what you have to say. In fact, he seems to prefer it.
“Yes,” you nod. “Let’s go.” 
“So you’re just going to blindly follow a man that you barely know to an unknown location where anything could happen to you?” He teases as he pulls you down the hallway and you never thought about it that way, and if it had been anyone else, maybe you would be worried, but not with Fiyero. “Well, y/n, I thought you knew better than that.” 
“And the same goes to you, Tigelaar,” you retort. “I could just as easily be as dangerous.”
“Somehow, I just don’t think that’s true. You’re far too sweet.” You hate that he’s right. It wouldn’t even cross your mind to hurt someone unless they made the first move. 
“You don’t even know me.” And he hates that he doesn’t. He hopes that in the coming weeks that you’ll be friends or maybe even more, but he knows the latter is probably just wishful thinking. 
“And that’s exactly why I invited you to join me tonight. I want to get to know you. It’s also the reason why I invited you to eat with me in the dining hall.” You’re confused now. You thought he was just trying to be nice. And now you feel terrible for even thinking that he wasn’t being genuine.
“You were serious about that?” Fiyero is quick to turn around to face you, hurt flashing across his face. And seeing the pain expression on yours is making him feel even worse. He thought that his intentions were pretty clear, but apparently he had been wrong. 
“O-of course I was serious. Why would I joke about that?” He’s leaning closer to you, taking your hands in his gently as he pulls you closer, wanting you to look him in the eyes when he speaks. “I invited you because I want to spend time with you, to get to know you. Don’t let anyone ever tell you any different,” he says as he pushes some hair away from your face. 
“I know it sounds silly since we’ve only just met, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since this morning.” The look in his eye is nothing but genuine and now you feel silly for thinking that he was anything but. 
“I thought it was just me,” you reply, your eyes lighting up. 
“No,” he shakes his head, leaning even closer to you as his hands move to rest in your hips, his eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort or hesitance. “Can I try something?” He asks in a whisper, his eyes shifting your lips and you think you know what he wants to try. 
“Yes,” you reply as your eyes flutter shut, feeling his breath fanning your face as he leans down and presses his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck as he pulls you closer to him, responding to his kiss as your lips slot between his, moving with them as best as you can. 
Fiyero pulls away before you’re ready and pulls you a few feet before spinning you into him, pressing another kiss to your lips. He then takes you to the gardens where you spend the rest of the night, talking about everything and nothing between sweet kisses until the sun comes up. You think it’s needless to say that you’re really going to like it at Shiz.
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evilbirdy · 1 month ago
Hii, could you do a fic of Se-mi with reader, who’s Thanos’ little sister and is the total opposite of her brother? Se-mi adores her, has a soft spot for her, trusts her and kind of feels bad for her, since she’s like calm and quiet with a chaotic brother 😭 also unlike her brother reader never takes drugs, smokes, etc. maybe headcanons or just a one-shot can be in or outside of Squid game au idrc
That you were right in front of me
now playing~ infrunami by steve lacy
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Se-mi x fem!reader
omg guys, my writing is becoming shirt, is this what writers block feels like 😭
Thanos is an…interesting person, he captivates the room, gets all the girls, loves the attention.
You are the other hand are nothing like that, you are reserved, you have barely held hands with someone, and you hate being put out on the spot.
You both are the two sides of the same coin, the same but so different.
When Se-mi met you, she didn’t believe you were Thanos’s younger sister until she came over to your house. She felt so into you, you were smart, kind, sweet. You were very shy until you both had gotten closer than you let down a wall only for her.
Likewise, she has a little spot in her heart for you, she felt bad, you kinda had to take care of your older brother since your parents weren’t around and Thanos was drowning himself in drugs and alcohol.
That’s why you never partake in said activities, you hated watching your brother destroy himself slowly, you always scolded him as you made him a meal to help his hangovers or highs.
“Really Su-bong you downed three bottles of soju, wh-what would our parents say, huh?” Min-su and Nam-gyu was carrying him into the living room onto the couch, Se-mi stood next to you the whole time, as much as she loved seeing Thanos in such an embarrassing state, she didn’t like you being in distress.
Thanos tried to explain himself but you held your hand making him cut himself off, you walked into the kitchen with Se-mi following you.
“ *sigh* I apologize for my brother’s antics…again,’ you laid your head on the counter before going to the fridge and grabbing a water.
“No worries, I would rather babysit Thanos for decades, if it means I get to be here with you,” you looked to her, smiling all giddy. You two had some silent attraction to each other. You knew she liked you and she knows you like her, it was all on who was gonna say what.
“Thanks for being here, Se-mi,” you walked up to her, kissing her cheek before going to give your brother his water. She touched the spot you just kissed, she looks down her face becoming red.
A couple of weeks later, your brother was out recording his little tracks, Se-mi came over to your house for the fifth time that week, she might as well sleep over at this point.
You were laying your legs across Se-mi’s lap, she traces her fingers on your legs, she smirks watching how you got all flustered.
“Hey umm (your nickname),” you looked up at her, titling your head. She leans her head back onto the headboard.
“I um I really really like you, like these past few months, I have never felt this way about someone, like come on, I have chosen to hang around Thanos of all people to be with you,” you giggled, you took her face into her hand, you kissed her cheek and looked to her.
“i like you too, Se-mi, I never though could love but…you made happen. Are you really sure you want to be with me though cause that also means committing to my brother in a way,” she sighs pulling you into her. “Like I said I would spend decades babysit that man-child if it means having you with me every day,” she kisses me all over your face as you laugh.
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snoopledrooplecheesedoodle · 8 months ago
Yandere! Slasher! Heartslabyul Headcanons
Just a quick ramble hopefully because I saw something by @lustlovehart about serial killer Floyd and Jade and I was like: Jade Leech would make a convincing Hannibal Lector. Then I was like Deuce but Jason Voorhes. Now is the product of my brain rot. Non-Twisted Wonderland setting. Reader is gender neutral unless explicitly stated. Minor characters aged up.
Tw: yandere behavior, medical professional abuse, gore, murder, cannibalism, mentions of murder being recorded, forced cannibalism, verbal abuse, ooc Dylla mentions of some other real nasty shit
Riddle Rosehearts:
Bros the perfect serial killer I mean he's got it all:
Perfectionist attitude, dedicated to his work, abusive mom. I mean the slasher film practically writes itself.
I'm going with Riddle becoming a doctor like his mother was and being known for being one of the most successful doctors in the city. People are waitlisted trying to visit this "miracle doctor".
By day Riddle is the strict perfectionist who cares deeply for his patients, by night Riddle is meticulously finding and sadistically torturing criminals and "rule breakers" before beheading them. At first, he is seen as a benevolent force for ridding the city of its criminals and scum. However, The Red Queen, as he is called, swings her axe indiscriminately and soon beloved public figures are on the chopping block.
You could meet Riddle a multitude of ways, for this I'll say you are a critically ill patient who is in and out of the hospital. Hearing about the "miracle doctor" lead to you pleading with the red head. Riddle was moved by the "innocence" in your eyes and your desperate tone of voice. You needed him. He agreed and started your treatment.
Riddle grows feelings because of your kind and forgiving nature. You don't hold his strict and commanding behavior against him, only seeing it as him doing his job. Finally, someone worthy of the help of the Red Queen.
The problem came when you came into the office battered and bruised one day. Riddle demanded to know who the perpetrator was, but you kept you lips sealed. Riddle grew angry at your defiance, how dare you defy your queen, your protector. He screams at you, causing you to cry and curl into a helpless ball. Riddle feels guilt at making you feel this way and apologizes before gently encouraging you to tell him who your abuser was.
Riddle felt his rage hit an insurmountable amount when you revealed your abuser was the personal nurse your family hired for you. How dare this insolent peasant lay a finger on your divine form? No matter, Riddle will look through your patient files to find information about this personal nurse. He finds out that this nurse lives with you as a live in nurse, Riddle takes this information in with a sadistic grin.
Time to pay them a visit
You heard a garbled croak as you exited your ensuite bathroom. What could be making such a terrible noise? Cautiously you peeped through the door and crept towards the source of the noise. It was coming from your living room. You pattered over to the living room in bare feet, when a strong odor hit you. Iron. TWACK something slides from the living room to your feet. It was a head, YOUR NURSE'S HEAD! You opened your mouth to scream when a gloved hand silenced you. You stiffened as you hear a familiar voice.
Quiet my patient, you don't want to be framed for murder, do you? They were breaking the rules so I must punish them. The rule being one must never harm the spouse of the Red Queen!
Trey Clover:
Yo can you imagine though?
Your sweet town baker feeding you treats he made with love and your ex-boyfriend's flesh and blood (don't worry you'll only taste it a little). All with loving golden eyes and a knowing smile.
After some time in the big city for college, Trey moved back to his hometown to take over his family bakery. He is immediately accepted by the community at large for his amiable and brotherly aura. In no time at all the bakery becomes popular to people outside of the town as well (particularly cannibals and other shady characters).
People come to the front for sweet treats and are led into the back to become the fresh ingredients. Trey mostly murders people that come from out of town and tourists, people the town folk won't miss. However sometimes he has to make do with the outsiders within the town. Anything to feed his clients and himself.
Let's say that you moved to this small town of Bakersfield (name of town) for a fresh start in life, leaving your toxic family and manipulative ex-boyfriend. You decided leaving the city would allow you to escape your problems (plus there were serial killers loose, you didn't want to be beheaded or killed on tape). You like the idea of being part of a small tight knit community that work as one big family. However, you were disappointed when the community greeted you with a cold shoulder. Already your thought new life was going to be a disaster until you met Trey.
Trey met you when you visited his bakery, he doesn't remember seeing your face around (he wonders what you would taste like). He turns on his customer service smile and greets you kindly. Your glum expression immediately turns into a cheery grin. That's strange he kind of likes making you smile. You order one of his special desserts, which he whips up fresh just for you and your beautiful smile (men have pretty smiles too male readers, if I have any).
You end up coming to the bakery pretty often, not only for the sweets but the charming baker who works the front counter. You're surprised that he's single because you think he's quite handsome and kind. You gotten a tiny crush for the man who serves you pastries with a smile, and gives you back your money claiming your presence is enough. Trey put you in such a good mood that you brought some of the extra sweets for your neighbors and actually started making connections with the town's folk.
Trey saw you becoming more welcome with the townspeople and that left a sour taste in his mouth. He had to bite his lip to the point of bleeding to prevent himself from scowling when you rambled about how nice everyone has been. He was the first person to be nice to you and this is how you treat him? Looks like he'll have to play dirty to get back into your good graces. He may or may not have found the number of your old abusive ex and revealed your location. He knows that its wrong, but he'll make it up to you by being your protector.
Soon enough you'll only depend on him
This man was sick. No person you met could look at you so lovingly while bashing your ex's head in with a crowbar. This psycho killed people and ate them and was forcing you to play a twisted form of house. The chain around your leg reminded you of this fact. Every. Single. Day. "Open up my love, you're losing weight far too much, I can't have you wasting away." You look the devil who called himself your husband in the eyes and glared weakly. "I won't eat anything you make!" Trey laughed callously at your scorn. "It's funny that you think you have a choice." A rough hand grasps your jaw while the other pushes its way inside. You knew better than to bite his fingers, pain was a cruel teacher. The spoon of stew lays in your mouth and the hand holding your jaws puts more pressure on it causing you to whimper.
"If you swallow, you won't have to stay in the cold and lonely basement. Won't that be nice, sweet pea, you'll get to sleep in our nice warm bed. Only if you're a good for me and swallow.
Cater Diamond (longest one by far)
Hoo boy, this dude also is prime slasher material.
We'll keep the backstory of overbearing sisters and constantly moving due to his dad's job. This wore on his psyche harshly and made him more shut off from the rest of his family. Of course, his family only started caring when his grades start to slip. He was diagnosed with depression and ADHD. The medication only helped him get better at faking being happy and carefree all the time. His life allowed for him to become a very good liar and mask emotions very well. When in high school and during his current adult life social media was his one safe place where he could feel happy. Everything was fake and that gave him comfort that others people's lives were probably as miserable as his. He perfected his camera work and putting on a cute face for his audience and became quite a successful instaounce model (haha I made it more American) and influencer. When Cater graduated (barely) he refused to go to college and instead focused on pursuing his dreams of becoming a full-time influencer.
While Cater may seem cute, sociable, and relatable online, he also is jealous, vindictive, and murderous offline. He sees other people who are pretty and popular as a threat to his online presence, and threats must be eradicated. Enter his other pastime on the internet, streaming himself torturing and killing popular people on social media for an eager and sadistic audience. He goes by the username Killer_Diamond 💎💎♦️ and has millions globally bid to see who's suggested method of torture will be expertly carried out by Cater's creepily cheerful persona.
For this we'll say you're the cute new barista at an aesthetically pleasing cafe Cater frequents for coffee pics. You greet Cater with the same positive energy he exudes. He orders a very complicated coffee, and you create the coffee right the first time. No one in all the time he's been here has gotten his order to his high standards. Why are you so special? It almost makes him frown how flawlessly you completed his order, but your genuine smile makes the sides of his fake grin wobble. How could you so openly and freely be happy?
Let's say that you were adventurous and decided to peruse the dark web for some spooky content to sate your curiosity. When you stumble into a red room by accident. What you saw horrified you a person who you recognize as some model your friend gushes about being hot was being tortured as the live chat was filled with other horrific suggestions as what else to do to her. You felt bile come into your mouth as you saw the person in a bunny mask rip the model's eye out, causing her to scream loudly. The bunny mask turns back to the camera and chirps "Ooh a new person tuned in, say hello to them." You slam your laptop shut and lay awake in bed all night.
Cater felt like he had a new pep in his step, humming to himself a popular song he made his way to the cafe. Murdering always cleared his head and helped him destress, much more affordable than therapy. He greets you with a genuine zeal to see you, poor thing with large eyebags and a shell-shocked expression. He didn't like seeing you so disturbed. He asked you what was wrong, only for you to fake a cheery expression and ask him for his order. Cater knew you didn't trust him, so he'd have to befriend you if he wanted you to speak. Perhaps even kill the person who made you so upset.
Wait kill? Why did he care what happened to the person who upset you?
Cater offers you to sit and have a coffee with him, you try to explain that you're still on shift but Cater doesn't hear it and sits down beside you. Cater knows how to keep a conversation going and knows just the right things to say to make you more trusting of his intentions. He's a bit irritated that you still won't tell him why you're upset, but no worries he'll get you to open up.
You were losing sleep over the murder you saw take place. It had been weeks ago, but you still could see that eye on the tip of that knife. Should you call the police? No, the murderer might be able to trace it back to you. What on Earth are you going to do? Your phone pings notifying you that Cater or Cay-Cay as he prefers you to call him was messaging you.
Hey babe<3
Found this cute little hole in the wall sushi place, thought it'd be good for you to come and eat some food with Cay-Cay😘💕
Well, you'd always have Cater.
On my way Cay!
Cater has never felt love before. His family meant nothing to him, and he would never reach out to a fan in distress. However, you were perfect, so sweet and friendly. He felt like he could hide his murder stream from you and just pretend to be your normal loving boyfriend. He felt a blush come to his face at the thought of you being officially his partner. You'd take so many cute couple photos! However, you were too cute for your own good, attracting boys, girls, and others by being your sweet little self. It's not fair that you're so charming that other people want you! THIS WILL NOT STAND! Cater ramps up the murders and even ignores his chat pleading for him to drag them out longer. He just needs you to see that he's your perfect match, even if he must kill the ones, you love and isolate you.
No matter what happens Cater will have a place in your heart. Even if he gets that place by killing.
You were terrified, one night of drinking away your sorrows and now you woke up to total darkness. You tried to feel you way out, but your hands were bound behind your back. Oh god you've been kidnapped! You were going to die! A blinding light turns on revealing a luxurious room with red walls. Oh, seven this was the red room you saw! The person with the rabbit mask walks to the camera which was pointed at you. "Hello again my lovely viewers today I have a very special guest, my lovely!" You shake as tears fill your eyes; you try to scream but the tape covering your mouth prevents you. "Ah, ah, dear, wait till we get home to let out those pretty screams. My audience is not allowed to hear them." Another spotlight lands on a terrified friend of yours who you remember vanished a few days ago. They looked to be in rough shape. The rabbit figure bounced on their heels and walks very close to you with his back to the camera. "Before we start, I'd like to give my co-star a quick kiss for good luck. The figure takes the mask off and you gasp at the familiar face of you friend Cater.
"I know it's not the real thing, but I'll kiss you right on the tape. Oh, don't cry darling you'll have all of Cay-Cay later tonight. For now, we have an audience to entertain!
Deuce Spade:
Bro's literally just Jason Vorhees and Bubba Sawyer I mean come on, a puppy dog like killer who listens to the dead voice of his mother and you only.
Let's say Deuce was raised alone with his mother in the woods, his mother only leaving him to go gather supplies in the town. His mother had to raise him on her own and instilled in him a fear and hatred towards outsiders. Due to his mother raising him by herself and him never attending school, he isn't very educated and had delayed speech. His mother died when he was ten making him officially go crazy and hallucinate his mom still being with him. He's a hermit who lives off the woods and kills anyone who steps foot on his property.
You were a case worker who found a case of a woman who "abandoned" her child in the woods. Weird it's been swept under the rug for twelve or so years. Well, you weren't one to heed the warning of other case workers who begged you not to go. You weren't going to let some child continue to be neglected.
Deuce was going through the motions of his routine. Waking up, dressing, putting on his mask, kill something for breakfast, cook it, and he was currently repairing the small cabin. His mother had gone silent for some time, and it was worrying Deuce. Did his mother abandon him? A loud noise shakes Deuce out of his thoughts, as a terrifying metal monster approaches the house. Mother what do I do?
You drive your car through the woods towards the address on the file. Weird there's no official road up to the house nor any signs signifying that you are going in the right direction. Suddenly an item came hurtling towards your wind shield causing you to scream in terror. Holy shit is that an axe?! You hear a figure thunder up towards you and you scream in terror. A lanky blue haired man with a hockey mask covered in blood grabs the axe from the windshield and raises it above your head. You are prepared to ram the car into his body until he freezes.
Deuce what are you doing? A familiar feminine voice reproaches in his ear. His mother didn't want him to kill the trespasser? Mother I'm getting rid of the trespasser, like you've taught me. A ghostlike pinch formed on his cheek. Why would you try and kill your spouse that I handpicked just for you? After I put all that effort in Deucy you're still so ungrateful! Deuce grunts as he puts a hand up to his masked cheek. No mother I am grateful...they're actually quite attractive. Then stop wasting time and grab them before they drive away!
You scream as a hand breaks through your window and tries to pull you out of your car. You frantically swat at the hand that pulls you out of the driver's seat and places you over his shoulder. You kick and scream as he walks back to the cabin with you in tow, it was insulting how easy he managed to pick you up (Deuce is super strong in this, so fat readers you weigh nothing to him). You didn't want to die before finding the kid. "Hey, let me go, I need to find this kid named Deuce Spade!" The hulking figure freezes.
You are now being held off the ground and, in his arms, (if you're tall your feet are dragging) looking you dead in the eye. You try to maintain calm but who the hell would maintain calm when this muscular hermit is mouth breathing directly on you. The figure takes his mask off to reveal a handsome yet scared face of a man with blue hair, that looked a little too familiar. "Mother was right, you really are made for me." You open your mouth to protest when a pair of rough lips make contact with yours. You pound his firm chest with your fist, to no avail. The man pulls back to look at you with lovesick eyes and a heavily flushed face. "I'm Deuce Spade and mother said you are mine. How wonderful it is to have someone else in the family now!" Oh, geez what have you gotten yourself into.
Ace Trappola:
I heavily dislike Ace, like he rubbed me off the wrong way when we first met him in the game. I know everyone is supposed to be a villain but for someone who's one of our best friends he likes to insult us a little too much (more than the actual ex-bully). I'll try to do my best besides the biased (there are others who I didn't like on first meeting but grew to like).
Ace Trappola and you are childhood friends to your families. To you he's been a monster hell bent on torturing you till the day you die. He'll play the sweet golden boy next door to your parents, asking politely if you're home. Your parents sacrifice you to the demon in front of you to "play". They always blame you for the scratches and bruises you have after the "play date". He always gives you the same sadistic grin when others aren't watching.
Ace is a messed-up boy who wants to make you scared of him. He thinks it's funny when you cry in pain as he tugs your hair or punches you in the face. You're so much weaker than him and that gives him a high like no other. When puberty hit however, you grew much taller and stronger than Ace and wouldn't be pushed around anymore. When he brought a knife to school to scare you, you beat him to a bloody pulp. Something changed in him when you stood over him, once docile eyes filled with rage. It was kinda hot not gonna lie.
Ace goes from the bully to a psycho who stalks you constantly. You must have hit him too hard because instead of wanting to hurt you, he's hurting others who try and be around you. You think he's disgusting every time he groans when you hit him to get him to stop following you. Ace gets taken away to a psyche ward after the Senior Prom massacre. Let's say he didn't take to kindly to you asking someone out to the prom who wasn't him and killed almost every senior in your class including your date. You were the one who knocked him out for the cops to take away. His and your parents were distraught as they never thought an angel like Ace could do something so terrible. You were just glad you'd never have to see him again.
You moved on with your life and worked your way through college getting a degree in your dream field and meeting someone nice. Unfortunately, nothing goes your way as news broke out that an escaped mental patient had fled after a transfer to the mental institution in the town you were in. Ace knew where you planned on going to college and meticulously planned a way to get there so you can be reunited.
You were having a quiet night in, house sitting for a relative who lived nearby. You had ordered some pizza and put on some horror movies. You were watching Hallow's Eve (spoof on Halloween) when the doorbell rang. Must be the pizza guy. To your horror a familiar red head was at the front door in a blue mechanic suit holding a kitchen knife and was drenched in blood. "Hiya (Y/N) hope ya didn't miss yer boyfriend too bad? Cause I missed you a lot. You promptly slamed the door in his face. You don't have time for this.
Mwah different horror tropes hope you liked it. Now that I think about it, Ruggie and Leona or Ace and Deuce would make a pretty good Billy and Stu. Love ya bye!
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coichii · 2 months ago
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—(🎧)—> the first flight went smooth, landing swiftly in Melbourne on a layover to Sydney to visit your wonderful long distance boyfriend. when the cold, wintery weather freezes up, turns out it’ll be a while before you see him again.
pairing - longdistance!bf!felix x fem!reader
genre - fluff & comfort (what a shocker)
word count - 1.8k (yk how I said it was gonna be rlly short..nvm! I was thinking like..barely 1k☠️)
warnings - cursing & that’s it!
series note : hello !! welcome to part six of my winter series, “winter records of love” where there will be 8 individual short stories for each member :) these stories are based off of songs I deem “winter” feeling ! this story is based off of “lights on” by Tyler, the creator. enjoy <3
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Seeing your long distance boyfriend after what felt like years despite it only being months was blissful.
You always missed him. Missed his warm smile, adorable freckles, kind & loving words, and everything more. Missing him was all you did at this point.
So when you got a text from your boyfriend last month saying he’ll pay for your ticket to come visit him and his family, you couldn’t have been more happy. Ecstatic even.
You’re not surprised when you find yourself smiling at nothing on the flight to Melbourne, looking out the window at the beautiful, vast ocean of waves.
The excitement bubbled in your stomach. It’s always so nice to visit him and his family. His mother is always so caring, his father is funny and kind, and his sisters are entertaining and hilarious.
You loved seeing him most of all though. His warm kisses that you missed resonated on your cheek as you thought about him, warmth rising on rosy red cheeks.
You always visited him around this time, when the rain froze into snow. You remembered how he would always wrap his warm scarf around your neck, pulling you into his warm side.
“Plane is now descending into Melbourne. Please at this time, fasten your seatbelts and put up your food trays.” A voice over the intercom sounded, filling your heart with even more excitement.
It would be only a matter of time before you see him again.
“What! What do you mean our flight is delayed!” A voice, angry bellowed from beside you. Delayed? What do you mean the flights delayed?
“Sir, calm down. As soon as the blizzard passes, we will board and take off for Sydney.” An attendee ushered, going back to talk with other worried staff.
Now that you think about it, you haven’t picked up your head from your phone much since you arrived, nor have you taken in your surroundings really.
You spare a glance to the side with a huge window and your eyes widen in shock.
The sky, runway, honestly everything, is completely white. All you see is snow absolutely overrunning the airport.
Yeah, there’s no flying in this.
Beep beep! Your phone sounds as you process everything. Looking down at it, you see an incoming call from felix and pick it up.
“Hey baby! How’s everything going!” You hear his voice on the other end of the phone. “You’re about to start boarding, right?”
“Ha.” You dryly chuckle. “It just got delayed. There’s a horrible blizzard...” You explain, voice trickling off at the end.
You play with your hands nervously as the people besides you get nervous, calling their families and telling them they won’t be able to make it intime for Christmas.
It’s hard to not let it get to you, causing you your own form of anxiety. If you can’t see him this holiday, you’re not sure what you’re going to do.
“Oh, that sucks, baby. I hope it clears up soon.” He pouts. You can’t see it of course, but you can hear it in his voice.
“Yeah I know. Sorry about it though.” You mumble, guilt sinking in. It’s been forever since you’ve seen him and he’s the one who payed for your ticket. This is the worst case scenario at this point.
“Hey, no no. Don’t apologize for something that isn’t your fault.” His voice was soft and reassuring, comforting you from your mind, which was slowly drowning you in guilt.
“Okay, ba-“ you were cut off by the sound of a speaker. You look around to find an atendee standing with a mic in her hand, an uneasy look on her face.
“Unfortunately, it is loooking like this plane won’t be taking off until tomorrow.” A collective groaning was heard. “Please come check in and we will offer our complimentary rooms to stay in.”
You were in complete shock, and so was everyone else. Until tomorrow? Could the weather actually be that bad?
“Hey, love? What’s going on?” He asked, weirded out by the sudden cut off of your voice. “Everything okay?”
“Uhm, no.” You replied, voice quivering slightly. “We have to stay overnight, I’m going to be so late.”
He notices the shiver in your voice, heart breaking at the sound of a slight sniffle. He knows you hate disappointing him, and he wants you to know that you’re not.
“Hey, angel. Don’t you worry about it, it can’t be helped. We’ll still be waiting for you, okay?” His warm voice felt like a comforting blanket being placed over your shoulders, comforting you in a secure and safe hold.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll call you tomorrow, baby. I’m sorry, I love you.” You respond as your cheeks turn red. You try to convince yourself it’s the bitter cold rushing in from the outside, but you know better.
“Don’t apologize, y/n. I love you too, good night, sweet girl.”
You hang up and make your way to your room, slamming your luggage that you had received onto the wall before plopping down on the bed.
Man, you can’t wait until this plane can take off.
Turns out, you’re going to have to suck up those wishes.
You woke up this morning to absolute pandemonium. Angry people shouting at any staff member they saw, spewing their anger for something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“How are we supposed to go home if the flight is cancelled?” A young woman’s voice screamed, and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Cancelled?? Wait wait wait… that can’t be?
“We apologize for the inconvenience.” A robotic voice started over the speakers. “All flights departing have been cancelled until further notice. Please prepare to leave within the next twelve hours.”
You can’t believe it. You need to leave within twelve hours. Not only are you not going to be able to visit, but your stranded in a foreign country for who knows long just because of some stupid snow.
You can feel the tears swelling up in your eyes, them beginning to slowly tip over your bottom eyelid.
You go to the only sense of comfort you have left; Felix.
“Hey, baby!” He chirps, the phone only having to ring twice. “On your way?”
“I wish I could say that.” You dryly chuckle, and he can immediately tell that it holds no humor behind it.
“Baby? What wrong, is everything okay?” He asked, voice soft and comforting.
“It’s cancelled. I don’t know what to do or where to go, Lix.” You voice cracked, tears rolling down harder as your breathing unevened.
“Hey, listen. Everything is going to be okay. You can get a hotel and get the closest flight out of there, but don’t cry please. It’s all going to be okay.” He tried to comfort, but it mostly ricocheted off of you and fell on deaf ears.
“I’ll try the hotel, but the first flight to Melbourne is sold out, I heard about it before I called you. I’m stuck here.” Your voice trembles, the feeling of hopelessness creeping its way up your spine.
It feels like being in a forest at dark, owning a compass but it not spinning around the way it does. It feels like nothing is going to save you.
“My love, I need you to listen to me.”
Your ears lock on to his voice, paying the upmost attention to the soft yet firm tone of his words.
“Everything is going to be okay. You’re going to get yourself a hotel, and I’m going to figure something out for you soon, okay? You’ll be fine, I promise you.”
You can feel his words warming up your stomach like a pot of hot soup; comforting and home like.
And that’s what he always felt like to you.
Knock knock knock! The loud sound echos off the hollow wooden door of the room.
You had booked a room at a nearby hotel, noticing multiple familiar faces from the airport staying there as well. It was a little tricky, but you eventually got settled at a room on the 3rd floor and hoisted all your luggage up there.
You must have fallen asleep there, because the time all of a sudden jumped from 11am to 5pm from when you had layed your head down.
Cautious, you make your way to the door, not forgetting to peer through the peephole first.
And then, you saw him.
“Felix!! Is that really fucking you?!” You shouted, heart blasting with joy and love after you opened the door. You practically shoved your body into him, laughing at a slight ‘oof’ sound he made when he hit the back wall.
“Yes it’s me, darling.” He coos at your incoming tears before quickly moving to wipe them away.
“H-how’d you come here so fast?” You whimpered, checking and touching his face as if to check if he was real and not a made up figment of imagination.
“I came just as soon as you hung up, i told you I’d figure something out, didn’t I?” He explained. You observed the love sick look in his eyes, wondering how somebody could be such an angel.
Wondering how you got so lucky with him.
“I’m so happy baby, I seriously love you so fucking much.” You said, finally letting go of him and ushering him into your cramped room.
“I love you too, princess. It was no problem.”
“No problem? The drive is eight hours!” You chucked, cuddling into him from where he had taken a seat on the small couch.
“Well, yeah. But it’s worth it for you.” He whispered, stating this as if was just some small thing he had did hold the door open for you.
But it was so much more. No one had ever shown you that they cared for you like this.
“Let’s take a rest here for the night then we can go back to Sydney, yeah.” He suggested, and you jumped.
“Wait wait, you’re still taking me to Sydney? You don’t think that’s too much for you, babe?” You asked, eyebrows furrowing in slight concern.
“No, silly. You came here to see me and my family and that’s what you will do.” He giggled, pressing kisses over your cheeks and smiling at your reddening face.
All you could do was look at him, the most fond, loving look in your eyes.
Wow, this is definitely the man you’re going to marry.
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nausicaamusiclover20 · 3 months ago
Hi Nausicaa)) I was rewatching Freddie’s memorial concert and had a crazy idea. It’s pretty weird but I hope you will consider making a story? Also it’s super long I’m so sorry 😢
Reader is an Amy Winehouse-style (I love her so much she’s definitely my favorite female singer) singer and her debut album was really liked by Freddie and they even had a collaboration, and after that her career skyrocketed and she’s gotten many Grammy’s etc despite being quite young. So she’s invited to be a part of the line up for the show and has to sing “who wants to live forever” and James is supposed to play rhythm guitar for that. And cause she’s much more mainstream, he initially doesn’t really like her but of course does his part, cause he doesn’t want to cause a scene. At rehearsal, everyone is in awe of her as she’s got a great sense of humor, self irony, etc. - except for James. And when Slash or Joe Elliot joke that they are jealous of him cause he’s gonna perform with her, he just brushes it off saying that she’s just another “overrated singer for sad chicks” and then tells Lars that she probably slept with a producer to get a record deal. Unfortunately, she accidentally overheard all of that but she doesn’t tell anyone cause she’s doesn’t want to ruin such an important day. And she even listened to Metallica’s stuff ( even developed a crush on James) and wanted to talk with him but not anymore.
Next day, at the concert the performance is a total success, everyone is super happy. And when hearing her sing in front of a huge crowd James realizes how great her voice is and what a great performer she is. So he tries to ask her out after the show is over, but since she overheard him saying rather unpleasant things about her a day before she thinks that he’s trying to humiliate or prank her and tells him that she actually liked him. But since he thinks she’s got no talent and slept with people to get where she is now, reader wants nothing to do with James.
And I was thinking - maybe Brian from Queen notices his distress and James doesn’t go into details but tells him he screwed up. So Brian actually goes and asks the reader to hear James out, and she agrees, out of respect for Brian. James, really bad with emotions, apologizes and next day they have breakfast together?
If you don’t like the idea, can you please just post the ask saying that you are not interested? I feel bad throwing such a huge request at you but I’ve read your stories and if anyone can turn my vague idea in a story - that can only be you. Thank you ❤️
First of all, I thank you so much for your trust, it means a lot to me what you’ve said. I hope you like it❤
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Behind the appearances
The rehearsal space buzzed with energy. I’d spent the last few days trying to calm my nerves about performing alongside rock legends at the Queen tribute concert. My career had skyrocketed in the past few years, and though I’d won Grammys and collaborated with icons, this felt like a different league entirely. It wasn’t just my admiration for Freddie and the band—this was my chance to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the greats.
But not everyone seemed thrilled about it.
James Hetfield, the rhythm guitarist for my performance of “Who Wants to Live Forever,” was distant. I’d caught him rolling his eyes a few times during rehearsals, his whole demeanor screaming that he wanted to be anywhere but here.
It stung more than I cared to admit. I’d grown up listening to Metallica, and James was one of the reasons I started writing music in the first place. To share a stage with him was supposed to be a dream come true, but he seemed intent on treating me like I didn’t belong.
Still, I pushed those thoughts aside and threw myself into the music. I wasn’t going to let one grumpy guitarist ruin this experience.
During a break, Slash sauntered over, grinning as he plucked at his guitar. "You know, James, some of us are jealous of you. Not everyone gets to play with her."
Joe Elliot chimed in, slapping James on the back. "Yeah, lucky bastard. She’s got the voice, the charm, and she’s easy on the eyes too."
I laughed awkwardly, feeling my cheeks heat. James, however, just shrugged them off, muttering, "She’s just another singer." His tone was dismissive, and the guys exchanged a look, clearly amused by his gruffness.
“Well, don’t let that stick up your ass ruin your day,” Slash teased, earning a chuckle from Joe.
James rolled his eyes and walked off, leaving me standing there with a mix of embarrassment and irritation. Was he always like this, or had I done something to annoy him without realizing it?
The sinking feeling in my stomach grew worse when I heard him talking to Lars. I’d only gone backstage to grab my water bottle, but their conversation was hard to miss.
Lars nudged him with a knowing smirk. "What do you think of Y/N?"
James scoffed. "She’s just another overrated singer for sad chicks," he said dismissively.
Lars chuckled, though it sounded uncomfortable. “Come on, man. She’s good.”
“Yeah? Bet she slept with some producer to get that record deal,” James replied, his tone dripping with scorn.
I froze. My hands clenched around the bottle as his words settled like lead in my chest. I’d worked so damn hard to get here, poured my heart and soul into my music, and that was what he thought of me?
Part of me wanted to confront him, to demand why he’d say something so cruel, but another part knew it wasn’t worth it. This was one of the biggest nights of my career. I wasn’t about to let James Hetfield ruin it.
The next evening, the concert hall was packed. The energy from the crowd was electric, and I could feel their anticipation as I walked onto the stage. When the opening notes of “Who Wants to Live Forever” echoed through the venue, I poured every ounce of emotion into the song. Freddie deserved nothing less, and neither did the audience.
The lights bathed the stage in a soft glow, and as I sang, I let my voice rise and fall with the haunting melody. The orchestra swelled behind me, their notes blending seamlessly with James’s steady rhythm guitar. For a moment, it felt like the entire world had stopped to listen. The audience’s silence was palpable, a testament to the power of the song.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw James watching me as he played. His expression was unreadable, but for once, it wasn’t cold or dismissive. Not that it mattered. I’d given up trying to impress him.
The performance ended with thunderous applause, and backstage, everyone was celebrating. Slash gave me a high five, Joe hugged me, and even Brian May told me I’d done Freddie proud. It should’ve been the perfect night.
But then James approached me.
“Hey,” he said, his voice quieter than I expected.
I turned, my smile faltering. “What do you want?”
He scratched the back of his neck, looking uncharacteristically unsure of himself. “I just… I wanted to say you were amazing out there. I didn’t realize how talented you are.”
I blinked, my heart twisting. Was he serious? After everything he’d said?
“You didn’t realize?” I asked, my voice sharper than I intended. “That’s funny, because yesterday you made it pretty clear what you think of me. Or did you forget saying I’m an overrated singer who slept with a producer to get here?”
His face paled. “You heard that?”
“Yeah, I did. And for the record, I never slept with any producer, everything I got it’s only because of my hard work.  I wanted to talk to you, because you’ve always been one of my favorite singers. I also wanted to talk to you,  to get to know you. But now?” I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I want nothing to do with you.”
I walked away before he could respond.
I thought that was the end of it, but later that night, Brian May found me sitting alone in one of the dressing rooms. He gave me a kind smile, pulling up a chair.
“You were phenomenal tonight,” he said.
“Thank you,” I replied softly.
He hesitated before continuing. “I spoke to James. He’s… well, he’s realized he made a mess of things. He wouldn’t tell me exactly what happened, but he’s clearly beating himself up over it.”
“Good,” I said flatly, though my heart wasn’t in it.
Brian chuckled. “I don’t blame you for being upset. But James isn’t the best with words, and he’s not used to admitting when he’s wrong. He asked me to see if you’d give him a chance to explain.”
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “I don’t know, Brian. He really hurt me.”
“I know,” he said gently. “But sometimes, people surprise you. At least hear him out. If you don’t like what he has to say, you never have to speak to him again.”
The next day, I met James in the hotel cafe. He looked nervous, which was oddly comforting. At least I wasn’t the only one feeling awkward.
“Thanks for coming,” he said as I sat down.
“Brian insisted,” I replied, crossing my arms. “So talk.”
He nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry for what I said. It was unfair and cruel, and you didn’t deserve that. The truth is, I was… jealous. You’ve accomplished so much so quickly, and I let my insecurities get the better of me. Instead of respecting you for your talent, I tried to tear you down. I’m really, really sorry.”
His honesty caught me off guard. I studied him, trying to gauge if he was being sincere. He looked genuinely remorseful, his eyes meeting mine without hesitation.
“Okay,” I said finally. “I’ll accept your apology. But if you ever talk about me like that again, we’re done. Got it?”
He nodded quickly. “Got it.”
We ended up staying for breakfast, and as the conversation shifted to music and life on the road, I saw a different side of James. He was funny, self-deprecating, and surprisingly kind. I couldn’t resist slipping in a bit of my usual humor.
“So, Mr. Hetfield,” I teased, “is that your version of a heartfelt apology? Because I’d give it a solid six out of ten. Room for improvement.”
He smirked, his confidence creeping back. “Six out of ten? I’ll have to work harder next time. But you’ve got to admit, I made you laugh.”
“A little,” I said, holding up my fingers to show a small gap. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
We talked about everything—music, touring, even the weirdest fan encounters we’d had. James opened up about the challenges of staying grounded in the music industry, and I shared my own stories of navigating sudden fame. It felt easy, natural, and for the first time since the rehearsals started, I genuinely enjoyed his company.
As we finished our coffee, I hesitated, then leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for breakfast,” I said softly.
He blinked, clearly startled, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the faint pink tint rising to his cheeks. “Can we meet again?” he asked, his voice more tentative than I expected. “I really enjoyed spending time with you. You’re… an interesting girl.”
It was my turn to blush. I ducked my head, feeling my cheeks heat. “Sure,” I said, smiling. “I’d love to. I had a great time too.”
As we stood to leave, he held the door open for me, and I couldn’t help but think that maybe—just maybe—this was the start of something new.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year ago
Last anon here -- I'm sorry for sending that message through. I don't know what is and isn't true anymore.
I deleted what I presume was your first ask (the one accusing me of not condemning the Gaza genocide and calling me a "DNC shill and a liar") because it was rude, uncalled for, and I couldn't see any good to come of engaging with it. However, because you've returned and apologized and sent this followup, I am willing to answer it, because I am aware that we can all do stupid things (especially on the internet) that we regret. So there is that.
Once again: I have strictly limited my posts/reblogs on this topic because it is so inflammatory, there are reams of people willing to attack you on every side, and none of it is actually constructive (this is the blue hellsite where we have two whole jokes about Ea-Nasir and color theory in children's hospitals. We are not doing important social justice work here and expecting this to be the main/only forum in which we post the Correct Opinions is not going to work out for anyone). But I would like, for the record, to point out that I have condemned the situation in Gaza and explicitly called it a genocide and Netanyahu and co. war criminals. Often and repeatedly:
Ask from October 28, 2023:
What’s happening to the Gazans right now is no qualification or equivocation, a genocide. It should rightfully be opposed and called what it is. But unfortunately, I have spent too much time around Western Online Leftists to believe they actually care a whit about stopping genocide as a fundamental principle, and only want to be seen to loudly care about what their Ideology has told them to care about. [...] To put it bluntly, those genocides are being committed by nation-states that Online Leftists like for being “anti-Western,” and therefore their activities are actually fine and should even need to be defended.
Another post from December 2023 explicitly calling out Netanyahu and his cabinet, while also pointing out that Tumblr's response now mostly consisted of antisemitic dogwhistles and rampant political misinformation:
[...] the way Netanyahu is personally a genocidal maniac with a far-right cabinet of war criminals and is bent on continuing the war in order to escape his own criminal prosecutions (and yes, he is HIGHLY affiliated with Trump and Putin) but this somehow still does not remotely justify or excuse the rampant frothingly mindless and generalized anti-Semitism seen everywhere on leftist spaces these days [....]
An ask from January 10th, 2024 (worth probably reading in full) where I once more say that nobody wants this to be happening, but that once again, the criticism in Western leftist forums (particularly Tumblr/Twitter) is not made equally or in good faith :
Nobody of basic good sense and decency wants to see Gaza leveled while the Israeli state continues to apply a number of violently cruel collective punishments even outside the actual daily bombing of civilians. But for the love of god, let’s get rid of the idea that the continued mindless violence doesn’t benefit Hamas (because it does; unsurprisingly, sympathy for their cause has soared in Gaza) as much as it does Israel, or that Hamas is some kind of benevolent peacemaker that is being thwarted by the cruel imperialist US/West.
This post, also from January 2024, explains why the kind of stunt-trick "pro Palestinian" activism that just relies on publicly hassling Jews is a) antisemitic and b) actively harming the people of Gaza, while once again pointing out whose fault this whole mess actually is:
If these people actually wanted to advocate constructively for Palestine in a good-faith way and not just punish random Jews or people who might have once met a Jew (which they don’t), they would take a look at that, go “hmm, this isn’t really getting the right result” and listen to the people who are telling them that by generating this bad publicity, they are doing far more harm to the cause than good. They are going to make the cause look foolish, they will drive away anyone who isn’t already radicalized, they will shut down any possibility of discussion and dialogue, and their efforts will be picked up in the Israeli nationalist right-wing media/Netanyahu and his war criminal advisors to insist to left-wing or anti-zionist Jews that (one of the, you know, big fucking reasons Israel was founded in the first place) they aren’t safe in any other country in the world, and they need to support the Israeli government’s actions, no matter how heinous.
A follow-up from January 31, 2024, discussing (again) the problems with insisting that Biden personally/the American power apparatus is just giving Israel a blank check and therefore Biden Iz Bad And This is All His Fault:
Once again: I strongly disagree with the idea of just giving Israel/Netanyahu a blank check to keep committing atrocities, but I also need to repeatedly point out that Biden isn’t doing that. His initial unconditional support of Israel after October 7 (which at the time was the correct response) has shifted to a much more measured and conditional approach where he has muted the overtly pro-Israel statements and started talking about a two-state solution and the need to protect the lives of civilians and trying to keep a lid on what could become a REALLY bad situation with all kinds of war-hungry powers eager to jump into the Middle East and blow it completely to hell.
I am a historian. This does not mean that I always know The Greatest Things Ever, but it does mean that I default toward long, cautious, and qualified responses where I try to consider multiple perspectives and nuances, rather than just posting pithy soundbites or black-and-white statements. (Yes, I know; I am doomed on social media.) Thus when I do discuss the situation, I tend toward trying to put it in broader context, to push back sharply against the idea that being "pro Palestine" is just being wildly antisemitic on social media and nothing else, and to call out those bad actors who are using this situation to continue to imperil American democracy and deliberately try to get Trump (who openly hankers to be a genocidal fascist dictator for everyone, not just Israel/Palestine) back into office.
I know that this is a situation which provokes (to say the least) strong emotions from everyone. I know that it's infuriating to feel totally helpless and just to have to watch it from afar. I know that we all wish we could stop it and that leads us to create meaning or assign importance to our own actions where there actually is none. But that does not mean that people have total liberty to spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, wild political misinformation, narratives designed whether unwittingly or deliberately to help Trump and other far-right fascists, and otherwise anonymously dogpile on people who haven't Posted The Correct Opinion on Tumblr (once again, Tumblr, where we get our news via Destiel meme). So I hope this has helped you, if this is what you wanted to get out of contacting me today, and hope also that you'll continue to think about what to do and how to act. It's hard, I know, and you have my sympathy. But so it is for us all.
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priceyprice · 1 year ago
I loved reading the Christmas fic! it was so cute but all I could think about after was reader giving him back the promise ring when he pushes reader away
I love your writing and hope you had a good start to the new year <3
Oh my, thank you so much, my dear! Happy New Year to you too! I hope you have a good start! I apologize for the late reply. I'm so happy people liked the Christmas ver. I dont know if you have read the version of how things would've "ended" for them. Here's the other version.
The part you're talking about would've been like this (derived from the other version):
Prof!Price as he's in his apartment, beside his liquor shelf, taking a glass of his favorite whiskey already losing track of how many glasses he had poured to himself.
His apartment was dark. The only thing that brought light to the place was the fireplace in his living room.
His mind was fogged with thoughts about her. How the light from her eyes disappeared the moment he spoke, feeling his lips burned as if the three obnoxious words had had some kind of acid in them.
"Let's end things here."
He will never tell her the reason he broke up with her was because the superiors found out about a student in a relationship with one of her professors, causing her to get expelled and getting her student record damaged.
He actually doesn't care if he gets fired or gets his professor's license revoked. He's already a grown man with many things accomplished in his life.
Unlike her.
She's still pursuing her career. How can he be so self-centered and damage all the sacrifice and work she has done so far?
He couldn't find the guts to do that. He isn't selfish enough to throw all her hard work to the cliff just because he wants to be with her.
So now he's here, rotting in only memories of her because he decided to terminate things.
He doesn't want to get used to the silence of his apartment. He doesn't want to get used to the absence of her presence. He doesn't want to get used to her perfume fading away from his sheets. To the phantom of her skin flushed against his, creating a perfect puzzle as if their bodies were made for each other. To the memory of her smile haunting his dreams every night. Fuck he doesn't want anything of this.
But again, he was the one who made the decision.
So he needs to get used to all of this.
His thoughts drifted away when he heard soft sounds on the floor of his living room.
Price knows those footsteps very well, and he memorized them like it was his own heartbeat.
His eyes went up, finding the one who hadn't left his mind, not even for a second. Who has his reason for living in the palm of her hand, between her pretty fingers.
"What are you doing here?"
It's not surprising to find her inside of the apartment since she knows the password of his door lock. And he doesn't have plans to change it either since the password is her birthday.
She just stared at him without saying anything. Even just two weeks have passed since they had talked, but it felt like a year. Everything was going slow for both of them. Everything was going downhill.
Price sighed, dropping his shoulders in a tired expression when she just stood there in silence. "Look, I don't have energy to talk about the reason I broke up-..."
"I'm not here to talk about that, John." He almost closed his eyes when his name rolled out of her tongue like honey. He missed it so much.
She started to walk closer to him until they were in front of each other. He could now see her face clearly. Her eyes were dull, red and puffy, with slightly bags under it. Product of the sleepless nights crying under her covers.
She was broken.
And it was his fault.
He will never forgive himself for that.
"I came to give you this." She opened her hand in front of him, revealing the beautiful morganite ring he gave her on Christmas day. If his heart couldn't be more broken, this time is shattered into pieces.
A symbol of his love, a part of his heart and soul is in that ring.
A ring he once gave her with the promise of a marriage and a beautiful life together.
But now, it was all gone.
He remembered he told her that if things went south, she could give him back the ring, ending things. He said that with the hopes of never getting it back, but here it is, in front of him shining like it holds the last bit of hope of their now nonexistent relationship.
He took it slowly from her hand. Fingers caressing lightly her skin, feeling that burning sensation reminding both of them those feelings are still fresh, difficult to get rid of them.
He looked at the ring for a few seconds, remembering the joy he felt when she accepted the ring.
"You can keep the ring-..."
"You told me to give it back if something happens and... It happened." Her eyes itched, ready to let tears stream down, but she tried to stay strong. She's tired of crying every night for the same thing.
"Just accept it, John. Please."
His eyes went up to her and saw the pleading look she was giving to him. Price can understand she wants to pass the page and move on for her own good, but a part of him doesn't want her to give up on him. To give up on the devotion he has for her. She will always be his one and only love for the rest of his days. His every breath, every heartbeat will be for her and only her.
So because he loves her so much, he will respect her decisions and let her move on.
He gave her a little smile, making her skip a beat. "I understand. Thank you for bringing it to me."
She nodded without reciprocating the smile. Taking a few steps back, she looked at that familiar spot on the floor in front of his fireplace. The same spot he gave her the ring before saying their I love you's to each other in between moans and kisses. Her gaze went back to him, memorizing those beautiful blue eyes she would always have in her mind, heart, and soul.
"Goodbye, Professor Price."
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
I apologize for any misspelling or mistakes. Any suggestions or requests are appreciated. 🫶
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baji-sideblog · 28 days ago
Davis Solís
Cw dacryphilia, noncon, this man is mean, grabs your throat
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He’s not amused (just a quick doodle while I figure out his color palette)
⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎
Davis was born to a beastkin mother and a werewolf father, a perfect mix of the two. Short like his chihuahua mother but the strength of his father even more so as a three headed one. Mix or not Davis was seen as royalty by many of his peers due to his three head status plus the fact his family was wealthily didn’t hurt. So he was treated as a prince by those around him. Thus he played the part of a noble sweet one to a tee.
Many fell for him due to his cute height, his strong build, charming smile, and his confidence. He got the college staff’s love especially when he saved an important game for his college football team in his first year. Now he was the star of the football team in his third year. And in general he was the prince of the whole school and people loved him. One day though Davis asked you if you wouldn’t mind tutoring him with his algebra class seeing as you two shared it. He said he’d even pay you and well you were in no position to turn him down even if you weren’t the best in said class.
“Thank you so much! It feels funny being a criminal justice major and struggling with algebra.”
He lets out a hearty chuckle as you two walk to his very nice apartment just outside the campus. Setting down and getting everything ready he placed his phone on the table, and took out some cash.
“Here’s the money for your services my dear. Will this be enough?”
“Oh thanks, and yep this is more than enough. You ready to start?”
The man nods his tail wagging, as he taps his phone.
“Oops I accidentally started recording when I placed down my phone. It got a bit of our conversation, my apologies.”
“Oh that’s fine it wasn’t like anything important was said.”
“Yeppers anyways! Let’s study away.”
After a little bit Davis scoot closer to you he honestly wasn’t listening to what you were trying to teach him. He snuggled his head right into your shoulder.
“You have such a lovely voice.”
“Oh uh thanks? Can you scoot over a bit?”
“Maybe, could I confess something first?”
“Sure I guess.”
“You see I only really asked you to come cause I wanted you alone. I wanted to confess that I really like you. We’ve been in the same math classes for years and well for lack of better words you’ve bewitched me. So would you be mine?”
You were honestly shocked that this was happening. This couldn’t be real, this had to be some sort of joke. He was a rich popular man and you’re just a normal person this wasn’t something that should happen.
“I uhh you serious?”
“Yes I’m serious. I know it’s weird thinking about it since we’re from two different backgrounds, but that doesn’t mean I can’t love someone like you.”
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Right now I’m trying to focus on classes and balancing out my life in general. I don’t have time to be in a relationship sadly when I’m still figuring myself out.”
“You figure yourself out while still being with me.”
“No, that wouldn’t be fair to either of us.”
“So you think it’s fair you say no to me. That it’s fair to deny your rightful place.”
Davis huffed and grabbed onto your arm tightly making you flinch.
“Davis please you’re hurting me.”
“Shut up. If you’re going to play hard to get then I’ll show you up. I don’t lose.”
“This isn’t a game, please you’re scaring me.”
“Like I care if it is or isn’t, I’ve decided you’re mine you got no say in the matter. I’ll make it feel good I promise.”
He shoves you roughly to the ground and forces your bottoms off. You try to shove him away, but his claws quickly found their way around your neck.
“Go on, fight me. Struggle in my hand. You’ll only excite me more.”
Licking your neck to your lips before making his way to your eyes licking all your tears. You could hear his tail thumping against the ground excitedly. He slowly transforms into his other form. His three werewolf heads appearing, using the two on the side he grabbed onto your arms holding them still. You just hoped it would be over soon.
“I’m doing this because I love you. This is for your own good you don’t know any better.”
He kisses your cheek lovingly with his middle head.
“So struggle, struggle for me baby. While I fuck all those bad thoughts away.”
゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎ ❀ ⏦゚♡︎
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kuroo-hitsuji · 10 months ago
Maybe Levi and Beel with purring, if you don't mind?
Absolutely :) apologies in advance if any of this is incoherent, i wrote most of it out half asleep and did my best to fix it but my brain skips over things when i reread so it could go either way 💀
Context, i headcanon purring (positively or negatively charged) in demon society to be the kind of emotional display most people avoid doing publicly for the most part, like crying and etc in a lot of human society, often being tied to vulnerability
Levi - absolute master of silent purring. A lot of his emotions are really strong and happiness/excitement is no exception, especially when it comes to his interests; he's gotten good at purring silently as a matter of necessity, his social anxiety would vaporize him on the spot if purring about his blorbos drew attention to him in public, but he can't just not go to limited addition merch events and etc, and he also feels like he'll explode if he doesn't channel his excitement somehow, so he does it Silently (and feels very sneaky and prides himself on this ability lol. Some people do actually notice occasionally but at that point he is usually so engrossed with whatever is causing it in the first place to actually notice. As far as he's aware he's got a spotless record agsjsdg). In the privacy of his home (more realistically just his room, but not exclusively) he doesn't bother as much with keeping quiet. If MC is present its about a 50/50 shot between loud or silent purring, mostly depending on if its from general contentment or from shock and nerves at something cute MC did lmao.
When his purr is audible its very consistent and kind of crunchy? That's the best word i can find rn but its not exactly what i mean djdhshhd like. You know the kind of purr that lowkey sounds similar to crushing a paper bag or something? (But like, more even and consistent and purr-sounding lmao i have no idea what I'm saying anymore-). If he's really flustered by whatever caused the purring it gets weird and choppy because it cuts out when he forgets to breath properly lol
Beel - Literally a chainsaw. He is so large (lots of space to make loud and deep sound) and simply does not care that much about social norms jfzjfz He does tend to catch himself quickly when it happens (usually about getting a snack he's particularly excited about, in which case his stomach growling also tends to mask the short sound to begin with lmao), cutting the purring short in a way that kind of sounds like a tiger chuffing, but it's mostly just because he's been taught to do so and generally does do his best to follow rules ("rules") when he's aware of them. He's mostly the same in public and at home, just a bit less careful about it at home, and will generally drop the effort the most around Belphie and ofc MC. He found it to be a surprisingly useful comfort tool when they first fell as well, for himself but especially for Belphie (who was insistent that it was not actually helpful, not wanting to accept such a bizarre change, as if he could actually lie to his twin about something like this. Even without the twin telepathy the positive effects of it were visible).
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elizakai · 10 months ago
i’ve been feeling the need to make some boundaries when it comes to private messaging…
i’m fairly chill about messaging but there’s a few repeated things i’m just not comfortable with…i don’t expect everyone to see this or anything but. just for anyone who does :))
ASIDE FROM MUTUALS-if you message me privately, please do so with a reason in mind!
what i mean by this is please do not slide into dms just to say hi every day and nothing else… (unless you’re a mutual that’s fine LOL)
it’s honestly uncomfortable and has happened somewhat often, that and an expectation to keep up the void ‘conversations’, it’s just awkward and sometimes frustrating when i ask ‘what’s up! can i help you?’ and i’m met with ‘ :3’
(this isn’t passive aggressive i promise <3 )
i do not mind dms, just please know why you are dming me first ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
(maybe you have a question this isn’t catered for asks, or you want to do something art related for example! :D )
additionally in regards to dm’s…i know this is a harsh sounding one to some, but tumblr has an age minimum of 13 years old, similar to discord.
please please please, all i ask is that you do not message me privately if you are below tumblrs/discords age limit, this has happened too many times and it’s highly uncomfortable. i’m not here to parent/police anyone at all, just don’t PRIVATE MESSAGE me, please :)
im not thinking of anyone in particular when i say this, specifically if you’re a younger person and feel called out for some reason, know i’m not targeting you at all /100% genuine <3
PLEASE dont apologize or anything like that, i beg :,)
if the above things don’t apply, my ask box is always open, it’s more public there🥲 i hope that’s understandable <3
(i may be additionally selective to what i answer as well :,) additionally, sometimes if i answer an ask with no sustenance to the blog i’ll eventually yeet and delete, it just makes me feel tidier LOLL)
A D D I T I O N A L L Y, MUTUALS you can contact me for any reason. if i follow you it means i likely would like to interact with you :0 i’m just shy 🥲
for the record i also like interacting with people i don’t follow in case that’s unclear!!!!!!
if you come into my dm’s or asks with blatant, and unfiltered disrespect, don’t be surprised if i block you.
threats, or pointless insults, don’t be surprised when i block you.
if i see you attacking people, or are causing problems/drama on this blog, don’t be surprised when i block you.
THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO CARED TO READ THIS💥 rare completely serious moment from me here on tumblr haha, back to our regularly scheduled bs and silliness!!😁😁🌸💫💞🪷⭐️
(i say scheduled as if i’m at all consistent sob-)
Love you all~🌸
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jamesontheoutside · 10 months ago
Story of a Boy
Singer AU
Song used- “Story of a Boy” by Jordy
- I altered some of the lyrics to fit the story better
- and I HATE tumblrs formatting, so I apologize for how whack it is
Remus hadn't seen Sirius in months, 5 to be exact. The love of his life he hadn't seen in months. He wishes he could say he hasn't seen his boyfriend on months but he never plucked up the courage to actually ask him out before they finished Highschool.
Highschool ended and Sirius had to go back to the home he hated in France for college and Remus' music career took off, and they lost contact. While he  technically lived in Wales he was constantly somewhere else for recording, shows, tour, meet and greets.
Remus heard his phone ringing and picked it up. "Hello?" "I GOT HIM TO COME!" Came James very excited and very loud voice, causing Remus to pull the phone away from his ear. "You got who to come to what?" "SIRIUS! I Got Sirius To Come To Your Concert In France Next Week!!" Remus froze for a second, "what." "You're not excited?" "I'm definitely excited but now I'm nervous."
"You can debut that song that you wrote about hime that you never released at the concert!" Remus immediately rejected that idea, "That song doesn't sound right." "Incorrect, you're gonna sing him the song by choice or I'm going to get my boyfriend to change the music so that you have to sing it."
"Regulus wouldn't do that to me."
"He would if I gave him some good dick."
"Oh my god. Fine I'll do it." Remus said knowing that James was right. "You'll thank me later!" James hung up.
Concerts never make Remus nervous, never. But today was different, the person he cared about the most was gonna be there. And he was gonna sing him a song. That he wrote. For him. Oh my god. He was internally freaking out but they were calling him on stage so let's go ahead and have fun.
Remus got the rowdy crowd to be quiet. "Okay so there is a special guest here tonight, I'm not going to point them out, but they know who they are. This last song, my new unreleased song," Remus let the crowd go crazy for a second. "This one is for you." Remus quickly looked over to where Sirius and James were standing and they were both smiling.
This is the story of a boy
I'd adore them if I had a choice
It's like they don't know I exist but I would absolutely love it
If they were mine
Remus walked and moved around the stage singing his song.
Bad date on the east side
Breaks down in the mean time
Drinks henny to sleep right
But it don't do the trick
Cause life is a bitch
Moved here from a small town
Fell in with the wrong crowd
Don't blame them cause most people suck
And then leave you crushed
They don't know me now
But I could give much more
I know it's such a shame
I'm sure you've heard it all before
Remus jumped into the chorus jumping and moving around the stage as lights faded and flashed behind and around him.
Burnt out on highschool
Didn't go how they though it would
And I watch them on the internet
Tryna be happy
Remus made direct eye contact with Sirius.
He wouldn't have to if he knew that he could have me
I know it all sounds typical
He's golden, I'm invisible
He'll never know and maybe that's just how it goes.
Remus closed out his song and concert. "Thank you all for coming!!!!! I love you all so much!!" He ran off stage.
Remus walked to his dressing room to see James waiting for him as he usually does, but sitting next to him was Sirius. "Hi Sir-" Sirius ran to hug Remus who eagerly returned the hug. Sirius pulled backs and smashed his lips onto Remus'. Neither boys notice James leave the room. "I missed you so much Remmy." "I missed you more"
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silent-raven13 · 2 years ago
Miles wants attention!
Like every couple, the one that get showered with love carves for attention. It's fine, it's normal to want undesirable love and cuddles to their significant other. It's how love languages are build, and a special bond is form.
However, there's a specific couple that often spoils their lover a bit too much. Hobie Brown, Spider-Punk from Earth 138b showers his Sunflower with love, cuddles, and snuggles wherever they are at and whenever. It's his only love language he ever shown to his darling Miles Morales, Spider-man from Earth 1610.
Anyone from Spider Society will tell you that Hobie will do whatever to give his Sunflower everything and anything, no matter what! If his Miles wants hot chocolate, he's there to give it to him. If his Sunflower needs blanket when he's cold, he is there with a jacket for his luv. If Miles ever so much carves for sweets or sodas, Hobie is there with a basket of candy.
Yes, the tall Spider-punk loves to give his all to show his dedication to their love, and he only ever does it with Miles. Gwen always say they are meant to be, since she never saw Hobie so caring. The punker loves to carry around his darling just because. It's one of those things when people do when their in love.
For Miles absolutely loves Hobie's affections, the way his boyfriend would appeared out of no where to be with him gets his heart fluttered. In the beginning of their relationship, he was too shy of all of Hobie's love languages, the gifts, the cuddles even the kisses! Miles felt due to his lack of experiences he didn't deserve it, but over time he comes to love it. He loves the way Hobie spoils him, not by material items! That's only a bit part of it.
He loves how Hobie is always there for him. To listen and have deep conversations about anything that pop in their minds. They rant together, share similar bonds, and yet be so different. They share their differences trying to understand each other point of views, never disregarding or hurting each other's feelings. It's like they were the perfect pair.
Now, they do have their ups and downs at times. All couples tends to, it's normal for relationships to talk about their problems and build on it. That's how it can better. The same goes for Miles and Hobie, they fought for small things like Hobie leaving a muddy mess in Miles room floor and through the window. Miles told him many times to always clean up afterwards or have his boots clean. Or the time Hobie didn't like Miles' organizing his vinyl records in order, because he prefers his chaotic style. He has it in a way where it's based on the feel or rhythm of the music. Small things that ends in calmly talks.
When it's large problems, that's where things get a little rocky. Hobie's jealousy use to be a small thing until recently his outburst about Miles and Miguel. It's a terrible issue that Miles always tried to calm him down for. The two had a very deep long discussion like always Hobie showers Miles with gifts and apologize.
Same with Miles being a people pleaser, Hobie hates to see his baby getting taken advantage off. He always had to remind him to say no. One time Miles ended up saying yes to a lot of missions because he didn't want to disappoint his friends, and colleagues, which causes him to overwork himself, almost injuring himself in the process. That really ticked off Hobie, they had a heated argument. Luckily, they were able to talk it out, and Miles promised to speak up.
In the end, they are the cutest couple around. They hold hands, snuggle and kiss whenever they can to show it. The two are what inspired other Spider-heroes to find love even through the worst of times. They show how they made it happen, and been going on strong. There's nothing wrong with them! We should try to be more like them! 💖
"Nothing wrong with them? We should try to be more like them?" Miles read the blog from his tablet that is from Spider Society's technology, "What the hell is Pav writing us on his Spydr So-city blog!"
Recently Miguel had a group of Spider-heroes create an app with the help of Lyla, of course, to share blogs, videos, or anything social media related. Its a way to keep Spider-heroes make new friends, or date. A lot of lonely spider-heroes started to get more active in talking through online chats or share similar bonds. It's an amazing app, for sure. Miles ended up finding out there's more variants of him, which got him super pumped.
"Heh, you know the lad, he's our number one fan." Hobie chuckles being next to his lover while playing his guitar.
The two were in Hobie's boat house tailored into his punk aesthetics spending some quality time together. By together, they ended up doing the nasty. Miles in on his boyfriend's bed being naked with parts of their sheets covering his lower part of his body. Hobie is laying on Miles' left side with his naked bared chest out showing off his two pierced nipples, being move covered from his mid-west to his feet. His hands diddling his guitar strings having to play a certain tune in his head for his next song.
"It's just weird... how did he know about me being a people pleaser! Pav is being very creepy, man!" Miles sat up to show Hobie the blog, "Literally, this dude started making a fan page... we're called Punkflower?"
"Mm, makes sense, luv. You're my Sunflower and I'm a punk, thought I don't agree with the label," Hobie nodded with agreement, "It's a perfect name for us. You don't like it?"
"I think it's kinda weird for him to write about us knowing he's our closest friends." Miles said, "Now, I gotta make sure he's not watching us so intensely with his fangirling."
"Oh darling, you'll get use to the spotlight. The attention is great." Hobie didn't mind it, he knew Pav means no harm. "Besides, Pav is just making that blog because a Spider-man said something about us not lasting."
"I'm not good being on the spotlight, but I'm fine with your attention, bae. Also, that's crazy! Are there Spider-people praying for our down fall." Miles snickers in amusement as he went to read the comments. "Look, 'cute couple need to know if Hobie is top or vice versa!' From an anon! Why they want to know that?"
Hobie saw how shy his boyfriend gets about their private sex life, they rarely talk about for it. It's only them that share this special moment together. No one else need to know. "Luv, it's fine. As long no one actually knows."
"But it obvious! Your a top!"
"but your a power bottom." He pointed out making his boyfriend flustered, "Sunflower, come here. Come me, it's fine." He pulls Miles close to kiss him on the lips.
"I just like your attention, which you should be giving me, now." He pouts, seeing how his Hobie is busy playing with his guitar. "You been on that guitar all day!"
"Not all day, luv. We did have some fun a couple moments ago." Hobie grins widely, "I just need to finish this bloody tune, it's not working when I do this." He plays a bit to see if it would work with the lyrics he's making up in his head.
Miles merely pouted, "Take a break, bae. This week I rarely got to see you and the only time I get the chance, your busy with your guitar."
"Just a second, Sunflower. I'm almost there. Read more of Pav's blog." Hobie said while having his focus on his guitar still trying to play his song.
Miles sighs feeling a bit upset about it, but he couldn't force him to pay attention. Or can he? "I'm not that sexy with flirting... at least I don't think. Fuck it, let's try it." He went back to snuggle against his boyfriend, letting his hand rub his chest.
"What is it, luv?" Hobie asked thinking this is weird. Miles was never confident with his flirting or being sexy- well not on purpose. Naturally he can be sexy without to overthink or flirt casually. Sometimes his Sunflower view himself not as attractive or handsome, which is bonkers, Miles is a cute guy!
"Nothing I just want to feel you, baby." His voice soft almost whisper like, his plump lips gently graze against Hobie's ear.
Is Hobie attracted to this method? Hmmm.
"Luv, as much as I would love to hold you right now! I really like to-" Miles hands on his right shoulder, then he blew in Hobie's ear giving him tingles. The shudder felt delightful it made him turned pink. "But baby," Miles's whispers then in Spanish, "Te deseo tanto ahora mismo, mi amor."
Ohhh, when Miles' speak Spanish like that, Hobie likey.
"Sunflower, you know what Spanish does to me," He turns his head to make out with his partner then pulled away, "I need to work on this song. My concert is coming up."
Miles kisses him again, then licks Hobie's ear lobe with another blow to the ear. "Okay, recordaré eso, mi vida." Before going back to his tablet.
The punker bites his bottom lip thinking about this. His band are waiting for him to finish this stupid song, but his Sunflower needs me, now. But the song! But his Sunflower! "Ah, fuck it! They can wait on this bloody crap." Hobie finally said, a small grin spread on Miles' face as he hear him.
The nineteen year old placed his guitar to his side of the bed, then quickly turned to Miles. He tackles his boyfriend to tongue kissed, causing him to squeal out loud.
"Hobie! That tickles." Miles giggles, loving the attention his punker is giving him.
"You wanted this, darling." Hobie purrs.
"I know! I love you, baby!"
"I love you, too Sunflower!"
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years ago
Oh would you so kindly expand on your Murray/that plotline™ thoughts? Btw I didn't remember it as a cheating situation but since it's been so long since watching that season i was taking other people's word for it. And yeah i don't think Murray did anything even if it was. like he didn't make them have sex.
I started to type out an answer to this ask, forgot to save it as a draft, and lost all of my thoughts, so apologies if this is a little disjointed but! I will do my best to give my thoughts coherently <3
I really do think the Murray thing is maybe a mischaracterization of his intentions, but also not the thing I care most about when it comes to narratives that deal with Steve/Nancy/Jonathan situation in season 2, because at the end of the day it's just another reframing of the same tired take tbh
I'll stick it under the cut though because I know I can be wordy
There's this, like, company line in this fandom that Steve and Nancy were just two teenagers who hurt each other, which I one hundred percent agree with, only that tends to be the company line everywhere except for the Steve-centric fics that get written about that plotline, which instead seem to frequently make an argument that "Nancy cheated on Steve, was cruel enough to cause long-term emotional damage, and then either is forced to grovel for forgiveness or be shut out of his and his friends' lives forever" which is. Not that. Right?
Fandom cultures at large, not just this one, are more willing to do empathetic, in-depth character analysis of male characters than they are female. This is something we know to be true and this is something that is noticable in how Nancy gets treated by fanon, especially when it comes to her relationship with Steve.
Because here's the thing, we could debate it all day (and I won't, for the record, if anyone's thinking about starting a fight) but for my part, what she did wasn't cheating. From the very first time I watched season 2 when it was released, I always read the Halloween fight and the morning after as a breakup.
HOWEVER, even if Nancy did cheat on Steve? It doesn't warrant the downright malicious Nancy characterizations that often feel ubiquitous to this fandom.
Even if Nancy did cheat, there is a refusal to look at the situation from her point of view, something which even Steve is canonically able to do by the end of season 2 (we'll get to that). Because there's more nuance here to take into account than just Nancy making a choice to specifically hurt or break Steve and there's more nuance here than Steve being incapable of moving on from this breakup.
In fact, if you really look at the choices both of them are making, it has very little to do with each other and everything to do with their own reactions to immense personal trauma and grief. Nancy has spent a year suppressing a mourning she's not allowed to experience out loud, and you expect her not to snap eventually?
Does personal hardship mean cheating is, like, a good thing (if that's the takeaway you're going with from canon)? No. Does it still wildly differ from the cruel and intentionally malicious version of Nancy that shows up in far too much fic? Yeah.
She's a teenage girl whose best friend died in a violent and preventable way at sixteen years old. Nancy tried to fit herself into Steve's coping strategies, tried to let it all go back to normal, and was visibly hurting in the process. She sought out comfort. Understanding. A chance to be heard.
It's a disservice to both of their characters to treat this like there's a "good" and "bad" guy, when the way they handle it in canon, the way Steve comes to terms with it (literally within days he is telling her to go with Jonathan, by the way), is all vitally important to their growth.
When Steve says "I may not be a very good boyfriend" that's not about him being down on himself or having low self worth, it's a moment of growth and self reflection/ awareness for him to acknowledge that in his efforts to make himself feel better, he also hurt Nancy. It's about him no longer being in the same bitter headspace of "what am I apologizing for?" that he was at the start of the season, and having the maturity to see that they don't work as they are at their current mental states, no matter how heartbreaking that may be for him.
And Nancy choosing to go with Jonathan is really just a continuation of everything she was doing in trying to get justice for Barb-- she's choosing to follow her heart after being trapped away from acknowledging it for so long.
In other words, not only does he not have reason to, but Steve doesn't hate Nancy, Steve doesn't hold a lifelong grudge against Nancy, Steve doesn't think Nancy is a cruel and unfeeling bitch, but fic authors sure seem to.
If it were just a handful of fics here or there, I wouldn't be so adamant about it, but it's such an ingrained narrative in this fandom that sometimes I think people have genuinely forgotten the canon context.
Don't strip them of their agency and everything they learn from getting together and falling apart by making Steve less emotionally competent and Nancy more borderline abusive than either of them are.
It's boring and it's sexist and it shouldn't be the norm.
but that's just my 2 and a half cents peace and love anon, hope this answered your question <3
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airam1quhs · 7 months ago
Chris Cornell a-z (sfw!)
(Mostly gn reader, but reader is referred to as “girl” once on letter ‘R’)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Chris is not big on PDA. The most he’ll probably do is a kiss around friends. However, that doesn’t mean that he’s not affectionate. Quite the opposite, actually. When you’re in private he’s the sweetest person, always pressing a kiss to your cheek, shoulder or lips when he passes you, and never passing up hugs. He always smells good, and you love burying your face into his shoulder with his arms wrapped securely around you, his curls fanning out around your neck and shoulders if he has long hair. Speaking of, he loves it when you play with his hair, whether that be with his head in your lap and you running your hands over the scratchiness of his shorter hair, or you braiding his long strands together in elaborate patterns you just learned.
And makeout sessions with him can get heated at home. It almost always starts with more innocent, fleeting kisses, but the other party’d pull them back in, and it would end up with one of your backs against the nearest surface, you tugging on his hair as his lips fold roughly over yours.
That is, if you’re willing. He doesn’t ever want to push you.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, he’d be pretty chill. I’d say he’d be the type of friend where if you don’t initiate something you may not see each other for a while, but any time you are together conversation always flows perfectly and it’s never awkward. He cares a lot, maybe more than he does about himself, so you guys are great at validating and paying attention to each other.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you?)
He knows from personal experience that often times people need space. He lets you have your own time especially to cool down, but if he sees you crying he can break and rush to your side. He’s not soul-baring or overly gentle a lot, but if that’s what you need he’ll try to give it to you. Especially if your unhappiness is caused by him. He’s a bit stubborn and will also need his own time to slow down and contemplate, cool down from the heated emotions, but eventually he’ll come to you if you don’t come to him.
His ultimate, most important goal is to respect your boundaries, so he clarifies first that you’re comfortable, and then wraps you up in the warmest hug, and apologies are wordlessly exchanged. Of course, you’ll work through it later, but for now it’s enough to know he’s there and will always be there for you.
D = Date (how was your first date? What are dates with him like?)
You guys don’t really go on formal dates that often. Your first date was just going around Seattle, browsing through record stores and looking at small shops full of strange nicknacks. Most of the time it’s enough to be in the others’ presence. Your “dates” usually consist of him coming over, the two of you settling on the couch, and putting on a movie you rented. Occasionally he’d recommend something outside of your comfort zone, and you’d share your interests with each other, engaging in idle conversation while eating takeout and half-watching.
Eventually you’d somehow get closer, your head on his shoulder and his hand resting comfortingly on your knee or thigh. You’d look up at his face, illuminated slightly from the screen, admiring his facial features and everything that made him him. He’d catch you staring, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow, planting a cheeky kiss on your nose before returning to the movie.
Alternatively, he’d rest his head in your lap, half watching and half looking up at you. You’d mindlessly card your hand through his hair, and to him that would be one of the most soothing feelings in the world, with his s/o up close to him and simply enjoying each others’ presence.
E = Emotion (Is it easy for them to express their emotions in front of you?)
He’s a pretty private person. It would take a while for him to get comfortable enough sharing all the inner workings of his brain with you, and feeling like you wouldn’t judge him. Even after crossing that threshold, he wouldn’t often share his own feelings without being prompted by you, so make sure you listen closely, judgement free, when he does!
F = Feelings (How do they feel about commitment? When did they know they were in love with you?)
Chris likes the idea of being in a smooth, committed relationship, be he’s also scared of it. He fears he’ll get it wrong, or that he’ll mess it up somehow when things were going so well. He knew he was in love at one of Soundgarden’s earlier shows. He was performing onstage, mic in hand and shirt long lost, when he spotted you in the small crowd. You had been looking up at him with utter wonder. He could see the reflection of the lights in your eyes. He hadn’t known you were coming. You didn’t always come to their shows because you had your own responsibilities, but this time you had, and were looking up at him in a way that caused his cheeks to redden uncharacteristically. He was glad for his long flowing hair, especially as he noticed the way you moved to the music. His music.
At first he was terrified, and his voice faltered slightly in the song. He finished the show mostly out of muscle memory, but as he went offstage in the sweat and grime of the small venue and saw you standing right there with water and a fresh towel, the realization was exhilarating. He was in love with you. He flashed you a huge smile, downing the water in one gulp.
You were confused, until you went home with him and he explained just before giving you the most mind-blowing sex you’d ever had.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Chris can be gentle sometimes. He knows when that side’s what you need from him and is usually gentle while cuddling, but otherwise, what with his unfiltered dark humor and the rough way he kisses you, he’s not always. +
Gym (do they go to the gym? How built are they?)
People. Do I even have to talk about this. If you haven’t just go watch the Jesus Christ Pose music video. I think it changed my life.
H = Hugs/Hands (Do they like hugs or holding hands? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Chris does like doing both, although he’ll hold hands more than hugging when in public.
His hugs are firm but safe and secure, holding you tight between his arms while his warmth just flows into you. At the same time he’ll kiss your temple and whisper something sweet just for you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It took him a while to face it and get over the subconscious fear, and even after being in an established relationship for a while he’s much better at showing it than he is at saying it. He’ll do small things for you like clean the dishes if you’ve had a bad day, even if it was your turn. He also won’t turn down cuddles, but when he feels like you need to hear it he’ll say it aloud.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Again, he likes to respect your boundaries like he would want you to respect his, so he really tries not to be overbearing or suspicious at all. Not to say that he doesn’t furrow his eyebrows when he feels like another man is getting a bit too close to you. Generally though he doesn’t like to confront you about it because he doesn’t want you to think he doubts you, but you can tell when he gets quiet and his gaze toward the guy becomes overly intense (we all know about his stare😭). You always manage to get the confession out of him though, and it almost always leads to at least a makeout session ;)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Typically he kisses rough, folding his lips over yours and moaning slightly when you tug on his hair. He’d push his tongue through your lips, and he’d love it if you were to also get bold with him, biting down slightly on his pouty bottom lip as he holds your face in his large hands. That said, he’ll do anything you want. Save for maybe drawing blood, because he doesn’t want to be the cause of your pain.
Other than on the lips, he likes to kiss you on the shoulder (if it’s exposed), and as a goodbye he’ll drop a kiss on your temple.
He also likes being kissed on the forehead, as much as it may be shocking. He won’t say it aloud, but he loves being treasured.
L = Little ones (How are they around children? Do they want any?)
Like being in love, the idea of having kids freaks him out at first. But give him some time to think on it, and he’ll be all for the idea. He makes a wonderful father, always checking in on his kids’ wellbeing, both physically and mentally.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Oddly enough, he doesn’t sleep in that often. Although, when he does, it’s a rare treat.
After spending a night together, mornings are his rare times of openness and not giving a fuck, that differing from the norm because he’ll be openly affectionate and the gentlest soul.
At first it catches you by surprise. After your first night staying over with him, waking up in the same bed the day after he admitted to being in love with you, he’s exhausted even with the sunlight pushing through the curtains and the sound of the phone ringing from downstairs. When you groan and try to step out of bed to answer it, he pulls you flush to his side in a rare display of possessiveness.
“C’mon, don’t get out yet.”
You’d never heard his morning voice before. It went deep and cracked in an endearing, intimate way, making you shiver slightly.
You feel him smile as his head is buried back into the crook of your neck, hair splaying across your chest as he quite literally breathes you in.
“I love you. I love you I love you.”
You’re kind of shocked. Normal Chris doesn’t say things like that. But half-groggy Chris is not afraid to voice his mind, and you love it.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Chris is a night owl and nothing you say will convince me otherwise. You’d stay up for as long as you could, sitting on the couch with a movie playing and talking about arbitrary topics. It’s only when you let out a massive yawn that he cracks a fond smile, looking at you teasingly.
“Tired, huh?”
You just nod, yawning again.
His thigh is a comfortable pillow.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take him a while to trust you enough to talk at length about himself or his childhood. It’s nothing personally against you, he’s just a private person by nature. Things come slowly at first but once you know enough he’ll feel much more comfortable and at peace in your presence,
On Cloud Nine (how do they act when falling in love?)
Especially for the first few months, he acts very uncharacteristically giddy and open. The realization that he’s less scared to love you anymore makes him ecstatic on the inside and, trust me, even the unusual enthusiasm you see from him has been majorly toned down from what he actually feels so as not to overwhelm you.
P = Pet names (what pet names do they use?)
Honestly, I can’t see him using that many pet names. He probably uses one based on your real name, or just a nickname in general.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything that you tell him to the best of his ability. He doesn’t have notes or anything, but he values the golden rule like it’s his bible, and tries to be as attentive to his partner’s wants, needs and preferences as much as possible, just as he wants you to do for him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment was one night when you got drunk.
You were out at a bar with some friends, Chris not being there with you guys because he’d had a recording session that day. He was home already, though, by around 7 pm.
Meanwhile you were at the bar getting absolutely shitfaced. You had one friend who was a designated driver that night, but everyone else, including you, had taken shot after shot of their strongest stuff.
It was time for everyone to go home. But you weren’t having it.
“No. I’m not going home with YOU, only Chris!” You slurred to your poor, abrasively sober friend. 
“Please I’m not trying to take you out, I just want you to get home safely!” Your friend groaned in exasperation. This had been going on for a while.
“Well then prove it. G-get Chris to do it and I’ll believe you.” You hiccuped.
Your friend let out a loud moan of annoyance, “Stay right here. I’ll be back.”
Your friend walked out to the phone booth outside, calling a rather confused Chris.
“Chris, get your ass over here and get your girl. Y/n refuses to leave without you and she’s gonna black out if I let her stay for longer.”
“Wow. Uhm- be right there.”
A long ten minutes later, Chris appeared in front of the bar, a familiar stance with his hands stuck in the pockets of his dark jacket.
“Chris!” Your friend brought you out, practically supporting your entire body weight.
Chris had to withhold a smile at your situation. Alcoholism was bad, he reminded himself, but you looked oddly cute calling out to him like that. It would be hard to get you all the way back home though, he thought with a small sigh.
Later when the two of you got into a cab, you had your hands all over him (pun intended). He was trying not to smile as you pulled at his fingers and placed kiss after kiss on his chin and his lips, declaring your adoration for him even as he reminded you that the driver could probably hear everything you were saying.
It’s a good thing you can’t remember it beyond his accounts because he’ll never admit how soft he got that night.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s pretty protective of you. He’s seen some shit due to a lack of a person to guide him, so he tries to help you evaluate shady figures but ultimately lets you decide what to do yourself; again, the golden rule. That’s what he would want you to do for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Again, your relationship has more effort put into the emotional and support aspects, less on the performative side. You don’t go on elaborate dates. What matters is the thought.
U = UwU (would they act cute for you?)
intentionally, no, only when they’re sleepy or feel especially in need of emotional support.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t try too hard, but he always looks good anyways. He does take very good care of his hair though. (Seriously, what did he do for his hair care routine because I need to learn from it 😭)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. As soon as he lets himself admit his feelings for you, he doesn’t want you to go. There would probably be some rough patches in your relationship, or parts where you break up temporarily, but ultimately he cares about you probably too much for his own good.
X = X-ray (how does the relationship look like from an outside perspective compared to how it really is)
From the outside, it looks like the two of you are very independent from each other, with you being more dependent on him if at all. In reality, though, it’s almost the complete opposite. You just save your affection and doting for behind closed doors, and, if anything, he’s more emotionally dependent on you than you are for him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Chris doesn’t like someone who pushes his boundaries. Most people would get uncomfortable, but him especially so. His s/o knowing his limits to him is the greatest sign of love and respect he could be given. This is also why he almost always wants your consent as well. He knows he would feel very violated when someone crosses his boundaries.
Respect his limits, and he’ll gradually grow closer and more affectionate on his own.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He barely gets enough sleep, sleeping incredibly late but still waking at around normal times. You find it odd how he can still function after weeks of this in a row, but then again he is tired a lot of the time.
A/N: thank you all for reading this! I actually had an amazing time writing this and please let me know if you want a-zs for anyone else :) Have a great day/night!
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guys, ain't no mountain high enough being in Muriel's play list like...dude...
maybe its the little kid who grew up with a sick mom in me but...
I'll be really disappointed if there isn't a scene in s3 where Maggie is bringing over Muriel a little welcome to earth care-package that has some records in it (obviously!)
(Maybe its also an excuse for Nina and her to go check up on Crowley who is holed up in the loft can't confirm or deny.)
Then they start playing the Tammi and Marvin record and they're all laughing and dancing and Crowley hears it from upstairs where he's been moping for hours, he comes down all grumpy like 'what the hell are you all doing😠'
Muriel turns off the record instantly and before Maggie and Muriel can start apologizing Nina jumps in,
'Marvin and I are getting our act together right Marvin?'
Muriel nervously but still giggly is like 'right Tammi.'
Maggie and Nina hand Muriel a hair brush and toss Crowley a candle stick or something and she says 'in fact, we were just looking for another beautiful backup dancer!' she says as she puts the needle back on, (she's started to grow fond of records, a little fonder of people too.)
and Crowley scoffs of course, the silly humans and the silly little angel trying to make him feel better so silly.
but its the lyrics, he never stood a chance.
"Aint no mountain high, aint no valley low, aint no river wide enough baby!' Muriel mouths all the Marvin bits trying to emulate a rock star, Nina and Maggie and cheering and fawning, Crowley rolls his eyes, (no sunglasses to be seen might I add)
"If you need me call me, no matter where you are! No matter how far!" Nina mouths as she dances towards Crowley, he can't help but give a smidge of a smile.
"Don't worry baby!"
"Just call my name,' Maggie mouths as she nudges Crowley towards the middle of the room where the sun is shining from the windows, out of the shadows, 'I'll be there in a hurry you don't have to worry!"
"Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough! Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough!" they start really singing, doing a goofy little choreograph dance, (ha! there's two god!) raising and waving their hand and singing into their play microphones.
Crowley is swaying half-assed at first and he can't help but get caught up in the fun, what does he have to lose by being silly in front of these silly creatures?
"To keep me from getting to you babe!" They all point at Crowley, he bowls over with tears he's laughing so hard.
"Oh no darling! No wind no rain!" Crowley takes Muriel and spins them around the shop, they laugh so loud its a squeal.
"Oh winters cold can't stop me baby!" Maggie and Nina sing to each other, spinning around themselves. "No no baby!"
"Cause you are my love!" they're all arm in arm dancing through the shop, "If you're ever in trouble I'll be there on the double, just send for me oh baby!"
Muriel holds their pretend mic up to Crowley, "My love is alive, right down in my heart, although we are miles apart!" Crowley can't help the few little tears that escape through the joy.
Crowley holds his up to Muriel's, "If you ever need a helping hand I'll be there on the double just as fast as I can!"
They hold out there hand to Crowley and they spin like a ring around.
The chorus starts again and they all continue to dance so badly they fall into each other in an embrace.
So free, so safe in this warm happy place Aziraphale made on earth, the sun shines brightly through the skylight and the place is filled with so much love and laughter and peace you can almost feel Aziraphale sitting in his arm chair, just watching them smiling on, like somehow everything is going to be okay.
Anyways yeah you guys remember that 1998 movie Stepmom by Chris Columbus? yeaaaah...
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